R-FF-SS-1, PDF, 21.51MB - Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
R-FF-SS-1, PDF, 21.51MB - Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
Tucson Fire Department R—Firefighters & Staff Support (1) General Information The following firefighters and support staff are present and former members of the Tucson Fire Department from about 1915 (start of fully paid department) to present which is 2014. Chief and Chief Officers are not included, they will be in a separate sections. A few guidelines we used 1) Any appointee that didn't make it through training class. 2) Early members who were discharged or quit in a short period. effectively the same as not making it through training/probation. They aren't really considered members by anyone today just because they made it through the initial job interview. It kind of takes away from those that really belong. 3) Civilians that didn't make it through probation - 1 year. 4) Development Services employees (also civilians) - Although they moved these employees to Fire in the mid-to-late 1980's, they were never considered part of the fire department. both sides didn't want to have anything to do with the other. Consider it a failed experiment. Special Request Should the reader have additional information on any of these members we would be interested in obtaining it. Just contact one of the people listed on the first Archives page. Michelle L. Race James R. L. Rae James R. L. Rae 2001, TFD—Class Photo: James R. L. Rae Station 16-C—7575 E. Speedway. 2010 TFD Year Book: C Shift (l. to r.) Back row: Frank Profita, Mike Coyle, Max Parks, James Ross, Scott Billings, and Brian Wakefield. Front row: Matt Redford, Benjamin Witt, Andrew Thredkeld, Christopher Donahue, John Makovic, and James Rae. Michael S. Rager September 23, 1974, Tucson Daily Citizen: Michael S. Rager February, 1974, TFD—Class Photo: Michael S. Rager Michael S. Rager Engine 14 crew—Captain Raul Romero, Engineer Joe Bavaro, FF Mike Rager, FF Frank “Dino” Ramirez Michael S. Rager 1989 Left to right in the front are Keith Foster, John Pierce, Mike Hart, Bobby Walsh, Joe Pierce, David Bowerman, Al Renfrow, Jim Napier(holding Child) and Max Parks. Back row, standing, L to R are Mike Rager, Scott Krause, Bob Gordon, Leonard Hobbs, Mike Brandt, Al Hensley, Marty Brandt and Randy Hnyda. 1998 Richard A. Raimondi Richard A. Raimondi October 24, 1986, TFD, Class Photo: Richard A. Raimondi 2000, TFD—Class Photo: Richard A. Raimondi St. Mary’s Hospital PMT Training Rick Raimondi, unknown, unknown, Alex Martinez, Brad Olson Rick Raimondi, Alex Martinez Foreground Chris Pena, Rich Raimondi, Jim Grimes PM students Pat Bunker, Rick Raimondi, Mike Moran, unknown doctor PM students Rick Raimondi, Jim Grimes, Mike Jim Grimes and Rick Raimondi Richard A. Raimondi July 1989, St. Mary’s Paramedic Training Program: Richard A. Raimondi St. Mary’s Hospital PMT Training Rick Raimondi Rick Raimondi Mike Moran, Rick Raimondi Rick Raimondi Richard A. Raimondi 1993, TFD Calendar: Richard A. Raimondi July 6, 1999, TFD—Class Photo: Richard A. Raimondi August 11, 2005, Arizona Daily Star: Richard A. Raimondi 2007: Richard A. Raimondi 2008/2009, Annual Report & Calendar: Alex Martinez, Rick Raimondi, Mike Rodriguez Alex Martinez, Rick Raimondi, Mike Rodriguez Richard A. Raimondi 5/6/2011 Richard A. Raimondi Erik W. Rakestraw Raymond E. Rakow August 29, 1972, Tucson Daily Citizen: January 22, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: September 20, 1965, Tucson Daily Citizen: Raymond E. Rakow Ray Rakow facing camera Raymond E. Rakow Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez PM student Frank “Dino” Ramirez Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez March 28, 1980, TFD—Class Photo: Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez Left to right, Dave Bowerman, Dino (Frank Ramirez), Darren Cummings, Robert (Bobby) Walsh, AG (Armando) Lopez, and Ron (Rhino) Figueroa. We are on a Mountain Bike ride in Tucson Mountain Park Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez Engine 14 crew—Captain Raul Romero, Engineer Joe Bavaro, FF Mike Rager, FF Frank “Dino” Ramirez Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez October 8, 1985, Arizona Daily Star: Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez Frank Vega “Dino” Ramirez Hector S. Ramirez Mona L. Ramos Mona L. Ramos Mona L. Ramos Craig W. Ramsay Craig W. Ramsay 10/27/2000 Craig W. Ramsay 2007 Awards Ceremony, held March 28, 2008 Kenneth W. Ramsden 1998 Kenneth W. Ramsden October 24, 1985, TFD—Class Photo: Kenneth W. Ramsden May 16, 2002 TFD Awards Ceremony —Leo Rich Theater 2008 Awards Ceremony, held April 6, 2009, Leo Rich Theater Kenneth W. Ramsden 2009 Awards Ceremony, held February 19, 2010 Kenneth W. Ramsden Paramedics, Pete Jorgensen, Ken Ramsden, Mike Smith Cactus Connection, Vol. 2, No. 3 June 1994: Kenneth W. Ramsden 8/21/2002 3/29/2011 Kenneth W. Ramsden Cactus Connection, Vol. 3, No. 1: Roger Wright, Newburn, Brian Delfs, Ken Kenneth W. Ramsden Class of July 22, 1985—Tony Silva, John Harrison, Mike Moran, unk, unk, Tim Nofs, unk, Pat Quinn, Danny Sotelo, Ken Ramsden, Roland Spangle, Larry Thomas Kenneth W. Ramsden Station 1-A—300 S. Fire Central Place, 2010 TFD—Year Book: Harold G. “Pappy” Rankin Harold G. “Pappy” Rankin Capt. Ed Gemmill, Eng. Hector Felix, Chester Adams, Harold “Pappy” Rankin Harold G. “Pappy” Rankin Mike Arnold, Jim Peterson, Harold “Pappy” Rankin, Joe Queiruga Mike Arnold, Jim Peterson, Harold “Pappy” Rankin, Joe Queiruga Harold G. “Pappy” Rankin October 1967, TFD— Back row, L to R--Martha, Floyd Rogers, Robert Manternach, James Rowzee, Homer Edds, Unknown, Alf Berle, Russell Glover, Reynold Strand, David Spaulding, Norman Clark, John Palko Center Row, L to R—Mrs. C. Harris, Clarence Harris, Ronald Henry, Edward Piek, Mrs. Leslie Moran, Mrs. Edward Montano, Marilyn Bradian, Harry Putney, Mrs. William Foster, Henry Centeno, Mrs. Paul Martin, Frank Huber, Howard Danielson, Richard Moreno, Jame Hagerty, Bernard Lanan Front Row L to R—Harold Rankin, Sherman Heverly, Les Moran, Unknown, Bill Foster, two children, Paul Martin, Paul Martin, Chet Adams, Eugene Velasco, Fernando Fimbres Harold G. “Pappy” Rankin Old Station 7 crew, Harold “Pappy” Rankin behind counter South Tucson Fire with Dennis Rankin—slides dated December 1988, courtesy Fred Bair, Sr. Nicholas J. Ranney Nicholas J. Ranney 2009, TFD—Class Photo: Nicholas J. Ranney Station 7-B—4902 E. Pima Street, 2010 TFD Year Book: Nicholas J. Ranney Station 19-B—9700 E. Esmond Loop, 2010, TFD, Year Book: Gina Ranninger Roger R. Rascon Jason K. Raymond Jason K. Raymond 2008, TFD—Class Photo: Jason K. Raymond Station 7-A—4902 E. Pima Street, 2010 TFD Year Book: Jason K. Raymond November 18, 2014, TFD— Matthew J. Redding 1999 2001 Matthew J. Redding November 20, 1998, TFD—Class Photo: Matthew J. Redding Matt Redding’s Engineer badge pinning Matthew J. Redding Matt Redding’s Engineer badge pinning Matthew J. Redding February 24, 2002, Train derailment, 22 cars: Jenny LaCoss Roland Spangle, Dennis Howell, Jenny LaCoss & Matt Redding Matthew J. Redding 2005 Chili Cook off— Jenny LaCoss & Matt Redding Matthew A. “Matt” Redford Matthew A. “Matt” Redford 2006-1, TFD—Class Photo: Matthew A. “Matt” Redford June 24, 2006, Tucson Daily Citizen: Matthew A. “Matt” Redford Matthew A. “Matt” Redford Station 16-C—7575 E. Speedway. 2010 TFD Year Book: C Shift (l. to r.) Back row: Frank Profita, Mike Coyle, Max Parks, James Ross, Scott Billings, and Brian Wakefield. Front row: Matt Redford, Benjamin Witt, Andrew Thredkeld, Christopher Donahue, John Makovic, and James Rae. James A. Redman James A. Redman 1932 City Directory James A. Redman October 2, 1942, Tucson Daily Citizen: October 4, 1951, Tucson Daily Citizen: Melanie A. Redzinak Steven G. Regeser 5/2/1/2002 Steven G. Regeser 1991, TFD—Class Photo: Steven G. Regeser 1993 TFD Calendar: Steven G. Regeser 6/24/2013 Station 20-C—4798 N. First Avenue, 2010, TFD—Year Book: Kenneth N. Regilio Kenneth N. Regilio Kenneth N. Regilio March 1, 1963, Tucson Daily Citizen: April 15, 1964, Tucson Daily Citizen: Kenneth N. Regilio May 1, 1965, Tucson Daily Citizen: Captain Ken Regilio Captain Ken Regilio Kenneth N. Regilio July 23, 1965, Tucson Daily Citizen: Kenneth N. Regilio March 1, 1967, Tucson Daily Citizen: See next page— Kenneth N. Regilio March 1, 1967, Tucson Daily Citizen: Kenneth N. Regilio Engine 1 crew l-r Captain Chili Francis, Kenneth Regilio, Bob Saltsgaver, Harry Putney, John Putney Conrad Reiche June 14, 1969, Tucson Daily Citizen: Daniel J. “Dan” Reidy March 30, 1919, Tucson Daily Citizen: Daniel J. “Dan” Reidy Hugh J. Reilly Hugh Reilly, Phil Estrella Hugh J. Reilly December, 1971, TFD Class Photo: Hugh J. Reilly 1975, Station 14 Angel Carranza, Ron "Woody" Kessler, Hugh Reilly, John Conahay Hugh J. Reilly March 1, 1980, Tucson Daily Citizen: January 13, 1986, Daily Territorial: Hugh J. Reilly July 2, 1970 Hugh J. Reilly Hugh Reilly Alez Zuniga, Charlie McMullen, Herbie Russell, Hugh Reilly, Charlie Diaz, John Nunez Hugh Reilly, Hector Corrales Hugh Reilly, Bill Platze, BC Oliver Hugh J. Reilly July 16, 1983, Arizona Daily Star: Richard F. Reimer March 12, 1968, Tucson Daily Citizen: February 6, 1971, Tucson Daily Citizen: July 15, 1969, Tucson Daily Citizen: Richard F. Reimer January, 1973, TFD—Class Photo: Richard F. Reimer October 28, 1975, Tucson Daily Citizen: 1975—Don Uthe, Arnold Durazo, Frank Perez, Dick Reimer Richard F. Reimer Gus Mazon II, unk, Ray Griesmer, unk, Bob Clodfelter, Rich Wilson, Dick Reimer Engine & Ladder crews—L-R, Unk, Ray Gresmer, unk, unk, unk, Dick Reimer, Bruce Wilder, Jim Russell, unk. unk, Gus Mazon, Jr., unk. Ronald C. Reimer House Fire 4800 E. 24th Ruben Grace—Slides dated April 1971—courtesy Fred Bair, Sr.. October 28, 1975, Tucson Daily Citizen: Captain Dick Reimer on nozzle Ronald C. Reimer June 6, 1963, Tucson Daily Citizen: Alton G. Renfrow L to r—Al Renfrow, Arnold Durazo, Audi Amos, Keith Foster, Chili Cook off Alton G. Renfrow December, 1975, TFD —Class Photo: Alton G. Renfrow Alton G. Renfrow May 24, 2005, Al Renfrow’s last shift with Jenny LaCoss Went on a hike up Picacho Peak after we got off duty. Kneeling, left to right, Al Renfrow, David Bowerman, John Black (holding his son Ben). Standing, left to right, Bobby Walsh, Ron Figueroa, Tom Zsitvay, Smokin' Joe Barzarr, Mike Hart, Al Hensley, Bridgett Black (Johns wife). Alton G. Renfrow 1989 Left to right in the front are Keith Foster, John Pierce, Mike Hart, Bobby Walsh, Joe Pierce, David Bowerman, Al Renfrow, Jim Napier (holding Child) and Max Parks. Back row, standing, L to R are Mike Rager, Scott Krause, Bob Gordon, Leonard Hobbs, Mike Brandt, Al Hensley, Marty Brandt and Randy Hnyda. William M. Rennels May 12, 1953, Tucson Daily Citizen: William M. Rennels Mechanic Bill Rennels, Storekeeper Robert Mechanic Bill Rennels Guy W. Rentfro Captain Guy Rentfro, FF Dale Konigsfeld Phil Gibson, Robert Danielson, Captain Rentfro, Dale Konigsfeld Dale Konigsfeld, Robert Danielson, Captain Guy Rentfro, Phil Gibson Guy W. Rentfro Guy W. Rentfro June 25, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: November 21, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: December 20, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: July 11, 1969, Tucson Daily Citizen: Guy W. Rentfro 1975-Dominic Cammarano, Rentfro, John Konigsfeld, Corey Shumaker 1975-Dominic Cammarano, Rentfro, John Konigsfeld, Corey Shumaker Guy W. Rentfro Engine 15 crew—Captain Guy Renfro, Engineer John Conahay, FF Dave Dorame Sr., FF Garland PHillips Guy W. Rentfro Brother: John Reuter Gary G. Reynolds Gary G. Reynolds May 11, 1984, TFD, Class Photo: Gary G. Reynolds July, 1986, TFD— St. Mary’s TFD Paramedic Class Karen R. Rhodes Mark Lauren Rhude Mark Lauren Rhude March 28, 1980, TFD—Class Photo: Jason M. Rhyner 11/23/2011 Jason M. Rhyner 2003, TFD—Class Photo: Jason M. Rhyner Station 13-C—7975 E. Stella Road, 2010 TFD Year Book: Jason M. Rhyner September, 2015, The UA Issue, Tucson Lifestyle Michael L. Rhyner Michael L. Rhyner May, 1973, TFD—Class Photo: Michael L. Rhyner Michael L. Rhyner July 8, 1975, Tucson Daily Citizen: June 1990, Vistas Fire Tracy Stair, David Mockbee, Captain Mike Rhyner Tracy Stair, Rodney Wright, Mike Rhyner Michael L. Rhyner July, 1981, Fire Fighter: Michael L. Rhyner April 9, 1982, TFD—-Promotions, M. Rhyner, Monje, Zeilbauer, Ballenoff & Nicholson: April 5, 1982, TFD— Michael L. Rhyner April 9, 1985, Arizona Daily Star: Michael L. Rhyner Cactus Connection, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1993: Captain Mike Rhyner, FF Rodney Wright, Eng Todd Bidegain, FF Jerry Horstman Michael L. Rhyner 3/13/2003 11/23/2011 Michael L. Rhyner Michael L. Rhyner September, 2015, The UA Issue, Tucson Lifestyle Mike Rhyner Eric Kimbell Richards David Richter Appointed 6/29/2015” Andrew S. “Andy” Rico August 29, 2007, Tucson Citizen: Andrew S. “Andy” Rico 2006-2, TFD—Class Photo: Andrew S. “Andy” Rico December 1, 1013, http://tucson.com/news/local/firefighters-paramedics-strip-down-for-benefitcalendar/article_0ab12961-b3fd-5135-993e-9b0fa1aaf403.html Andrew S. “Andy” Rico Station 4-C—2102 N. Dragoon Avenue, 2010 TFD Year Book: Andrew S. “Andy” Rico Andrew S. “Andy” Rico May 23, 2014, TFD— Frank S. Rico Ronald E. Riera James S. Rigas Michael D. Riley Mario A. Rivas Mario A. Rivas February 2, 1995, TFD—Class Photo: Mario A. Rivas Station 18-B—1855 W. Drexel, 2010, TFD, Year Book: Mario A. Rivas February 6, 2015, TFD— Rodolfo R. Rivera Rodolfo R. Rivera 1991-1, TFD—Class Photo: Rodolfo R. Rivera Rodolfo R. Rivera November, 2004, Arizona Daily Star: Rodolfo R. Rivera Station 10-A—801 E. Ajo Way, 2010 TFD Year Book: A Shift (l. to r.) Back row: Brock Marum, Mike Ward, Doug Poage, Travis Sutterley, and Mike Gordon. Front row: Mark Lewis, Rodolfo Rivera, K. P. Maxwell, Aaron Pursley, and Mike Canfield. Sharon D. Rivero This may be our person— Susan L. Rizzi Susan L. Rizzi July 21, 1997, TFD—Class Photo: Susan L. Rizzi July 23, 1997, Arizona Daily Star: Susan L. Rizzi 12/1997, TFD Women Bottom Row - FF Sue Rizzi, FF Shannon Adams, FF Gianna Duncan-Garry, Nancy Avery w/ kids Top Row - FF Linda Wekenborg, Insp. Nikki Sprenger, FF Laura Baker, FF Diane Wygal-Springer, FF Mary Kehl, FF Jenny LaCoss, FF Debra Kraemer, PM Diane Benson, FF Sharon Hollingsworth, FF Helen Moreno, Bottom Row - Wygal-Springer, Sprenger, Avery, Rizzi, LaCoss, Kraemer, Duncan-Garry, Benson, Adams Top Row- Roddis, Tracy, Holllingsworth, Kehl, Maliniak, Brescia, Baker, Moreno Susan L. Rizzi 12/1997, TFD Women Truck Doorway - Moreno, Roddis. Bottom Row - Wygal-Springer, Sprenger, Avery, Rizzi, LaCoss, Kraemer, Duncan, Benson, Adams Susan L. Rizzi Station 21-C—8620 E. Tanque Verde Road, 2010, TFD—Year Book: Greater Tucson Fire Foundation Thanks you for taking an interest in Tucson Fire Department history — This is one of many sections that contain information, documents, letters, newspaper articles, pictures, etc. They have been collected and arranged in chronological order or by a subject. These items were collected, organized and entered into a computerized database by Dave Ridings Assistant Chief Tucson Fire Department, Al Ring friend of the department, Greater Tucson Fire Foundation and with the help of many friends and fellow firefighters. All graphics have been improved to make the resolution as good as possible, but the reader should remember that many came from copies of old newspaper articles. This also applies to other items such as documents, letters, etc. Credit to the source of the documents, photos, etc. is provided whenever it was available. We realize that many items are not identified and regret that we weren’t able to provide this information. As far as the newspaper articles that are not identified, 99% of them would have to be from one of three possible sources. The Arizona Daily Star, The Tucson Citizen and the Tucson Daily Citizen, for which we want to give a special thanks. Please use this information as a reference tool only. If the reader uses any of the information for any purpose other than a reference tool, they should get permission from the source. Should the reader have additional information on the above subject we would appreciate you sharing it with us. Please see the names and contact information on the 1st. TFD Archives page right below this paragraph.
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P-FF-SS-1, PDF, 27.26MB - Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
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