P-FF-SS-1, PDF, 27.26MB - Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
P-FF-SS-1, PDF, 27.26MB - Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
Tucson Fire Department P— Firefighters & Support Staff (1) General Information The following firefighters and support staff are present and former members of the Tucson Fire Department from about 1915 (start of fully paid department) to present which is 2014. Chief and Chief Officers are not included, they will be in a separate sections. A few guidelines we used 1) Any appointee that didn't make it through training class. 2) Early members who were discharged or quit in a short period. effectively the same as not making it through training/probation. They aren't really considered members by anyone today just because they made it through the initial job interview. It kind of takes away from those that really belong. 3) Civilians that didn't make it through probation - 1 year. 4) Development Services employees (also civilians) - Although they moved these employees to Fire in the mid-to-late 1980's, they were never considered part of the fire department. both sides didn't want to have anything to do with the other. Consider it a failed experiment. Special Request Should the reader have additional information on any of these members we would be interested in obtaining it. Just contact one of the people listed on the first Archives page. Mortimer L. Packer July 31, 1970 & November 15, 1974, Tucson Daily Citizen: William P. Packer Richard I. Paddock October 21, 1958, Tucson Daily Citizen: May 12, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: August 5, 1959, Tucson Daily Citizen: May 13, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: Edward J. Padilla January 26, 1995, Tucson Citizen: Edward J. Padilla 1989, TFD—Class Photo: Edward J. Padilla April 14, 1993, Tucson Citizen: Edward J. Padilla Station 15-A—2002 S. Mission Road, 2010 TFD, Year Book: Edward J. Padilla June 3, 2015, TFD— Edward J. Padilla June 11, 2015, TFD— Joshua Daniel Padilla Joshua Daniel Padilla 2006-2, TFD—Class Photo: Joshua Daniel Padilla 3/29/12 Manuel Padilla Gail R. Page August 22, 1959, Tucson Daily Citizen: Edited October 11, 1960, Tucson Daily Citizen: Gail R. Page December 14, 1961, Tucson Daily Citizen: August 12, 1966, Tucson Daily Citizen: Gail R. Page September 27, 1966, Tucson Daily Citizen: September 10. 1976, Tucson Daily Citizen: Robert K. Pageau Barbara A. Pahl Frank J. Palermo Sean R. Palese 12/28/2010 Sean R. Palese 2007-1, TFD—Class Photo: Sean R. Palese Sean R. Palese Station 10-B—801 E. Ajo Way, 2010 TFD Year Book: B Shift (l. to r.) Back row: Bryan Larkin, Sean McKenney, Joe Roberson, James Dean, Troy Larkin, and Randy Scouten. Front row: Pete Santos, Sean Palese, Molly DeCastro, Kenny Hansen, Joe Munoz, and Tommy Phillips. Sean R. Palese July 19, 2011, Arizona Daily Star: John J. Palko October 17, 1959, Tucson Daily Citizen: John J. Palko John J. Palko 1967—-From Doug Morris— Fred, I am in the pic at Sta # 10. Carlos "Wimpy" Mungua, Doug Morris, Hector Corrales, John Palko, Tony Cordova and Mark Cox. John J. Palko October 1967, TFD— Back row, L to R--Martha, Floyd Rogers, Robert Manternach, James Rowzee, Homer Edds, Unknown, Alf Berle, Russell Glover, Reynold Strand, David Spaulding, Norman Clark, John Palko Center Row, L to R—Mrs. C. Harris, Clarence Harris, Ronald Henry, Edward Piek, Mrs. Leslie Moran, Mrs. Edward Montano, Marilyn Bradian, Harry Putney, Mrs. William Foster, Henry Centeno, Mrs. Paul Martin, Frank Huber, Howard Danielson, Richard Moreno, Jame Hagerty, Bernard Lanan Front Row L to R—Harold Rankin, Sherman Heverly, Les Moran, Unknown, Bill Foster, two children, Paul Martin, Paul Martin, Chet Adams, Eugene Velasco, Fernando Fimbres Louis R. Palma Raul B. Palma James Scott Palmer James Scott Palmer October 24, 1986, TFD, Class Photo: James Scott Palmer Santo M. Pancost Santo M. Pancost 2007-1, TFD—Class Photo: Jason M. Paris Jason M. Paris 2006-1, TFD—Class Photo: Jason M. Paris June 24, 2006, Tucson Daily Citizen: Jason M. Paris Station 7-B—4902 E. Pima Street, 2010 TFD Year Book: Jason M. Paris 6/12/2015 6/23/2015 July 6, 2015, TFD— Mark Kendis Paris Mark Kendis Paris January 1978, The Firefighter: May 3, 1983, Arizona Daily Star May 4, 1983, Tucson Daily Citizen Mark Kendis Paris August, 1977, TFD Class Photo: Mark Kendis Paris April 25, 1981, Tucson Daily Citizen: May 3, 1983, Arizona Daily Star: Mark Kendis Paris July 1988, TFD—Class Photo: Mark Kendis Paris November 2, 1990, Arizona Daily Star: Mark Kendis Paris November 25, 1992, Arizona Daily Star: Mark Kendis Paris Cactus Connection, Vol. 2, No. 3 June 1994: Mark Kendis Paris Mark Kendis Paris February 21, 1997: Mark Kendis Paris Mark Kendis Paris September 25, 2008: 9/25/08 Mark Kendis Paris Mark Kendis Paris Mark Kendis Paris 9/18/09 Mark Kendis Paris September 2, 2009, TFD— Mark Kendis Paris 8/31/2010 Mark Kendis Paris July 25, 2012: 7/25/12 Mark Kendis Paris Courtesy http://www.sadff.com/about.html Mark Kendis Paris Courtesy http://www.sadff.com/about.html Mark Kendis Paris Mark Kendis Paris June 23, 2015, Captain Fred Bair: July 17, 2015, http://www.kvoa.com/story/29576463/golfers-tee-off-july-25-for-10th-annual-mark-parisdisabled-firefighters-golf-tournament Mark Kendis Paris July 17, 2015, http://www.kvoa.com/story/29576463/golfers-tee-off-july-25-for-10th-annual-mark-parisdisabled-firefighters-golf-tournament Charles S. Park 1986 TFD Annual Report Charles S. Park September 1974, TFD—Class Photo: Charles S. Park July 21, 1985, Office Party with Chief Moreno & Chief Russell, C. Parks promotes to captain and L. Eaglen promotes to Engineer, TFD— May 30, 1986, Awards Ceremony, Firefighter of the Year, Service award, Merit award, TFD— Charlie Park with Chief Moreno, Merit Award Captain Chuck Park, Todd Pearson, 1990 Unknown recruit, Captain Chuck Park, 1990 Charles S. Park 1990-1, TFD—Class Photo: Charles S. Park 1990-2, TFD—Class Photo: Charles S. Park 1991, TFD—Class Photo: Charles S. Park June 24, 1990, Arizona Daily Star: July 23, 1996, Arizona Daily Star: Charles S. Park June 24, 1990, Arizona Daily Star: Charles S. Park Captain Chuck Park, Frank Mulvaney, 1985 Captain Chuck Park, Todd Pearson 1984—Class Reunion with Chief Moreno, from 1974— TFD— Class of 1974 with Chief Moreno top row - Chuck Park, Mike Lopez, Tim Clayton, Jim Saunders, , Chief. bottom row - Lou Mindes, unk, unk, unk, Steve Bourassa (blue shirt and cap), unk, Kevin Keeley, Bob Gordon, Gerry Bates, Mike Hart. Charles S. Park May 17, 1996, Tucson Citizen: Charles S. Park July 23, 1996, Arizona Daily Star: Charles S. Park Harry J. Parker Please see separate section on Chief Harry J. Parker under Chief’s. Timothy A. Parker March 1, 1980, Tucson Daily Citizen: Timothy A. Parker December 1970, TFD Class Photo. Timothy A. Parker Timothy A. Parker April 5, 1971, Tucson Daily Citizen: Timothy A. Parker Timothy A. Parker Max B. Parks Max B. Parks 1983 was 6/28/1982, TFD Class Photo: Max B. Parks Left to right in the front are Keith Foster, John Pierce, Mike Hart, Bobby Walsh, Joe Pierce, David Bowerman, Al Renfrow, Jim Napier(holding Child) and Max Parks. Back row, standing, L to R are Mike Rager, Scott Krause, Bob Gordon, Leonard Hobbs, Mike Brandt, Al Hensley, Marty Brandt and Randy Hnyda. Max B. Parks October 8, 1982 graduation 1985 TFD annual report Max B. Parks November 20, 1998, TFD—Class Photo: Max B. Parks Max B. Parks Station 16-C—7575 E. Speedway. 2010 TFD Year Book: C Shift (l. to r.) Back row: Frank Profita, Mike Coyle, Max Parks, James Ross, Scott Billings, and Brian Wakefield. Front row: Matt Redford, Benjamin Witt, Andrew Thredkeld, Christopher Donahue, John Makovic, and James Rae. Max B. Parks June 27, 2013, TFD— Jesus E. Parra February 25, 1964, Tucson Daily Citizen: Jesus E. Parra Garland James Parris Garland James Parris November 20, 1998, TFD—Class Photo: Garland J. Parris Garland J. Parris Station 5-A—2835 E. Grant Road, 2010 TFD Year Book: Garland J. Parris November 29, 2012, http://www.copperarea.com/pages/fatal-accident-in-oracle/ Agnes M. Pashen Agnes M. Pashen Andrew T. Pashos Andrew T. Pashos November 20, 1998, TFD—Class Photo: Andrew T. Pashos 10/2007 11/3/2014 Andrew T. Pashos 2005 Chili Cook off— Ed Hackett, Andy Paschos, Jenny LaCoss, Rich Maller December 14, 2005, Apartment fire, PM-01 saved Cat— Andy Pashos & Rich Maller Andrew T. Pashos Station 20-B—4798 N. First Avenue, 2010, TFD—Year Book: Andrew T. Pashos November 12, 2014, TFD— James A. Passarelli James A. Passarelli February 2, 1995, TFD—Class Photo: James A. Passarelli Station 3-c—24 N. Morris Avenue, 2010 TFD Year Book: Mable L. Patchett May 11, 1963, Tucson Daily Citizen: June 23, 1964, Tucson Daily Citizen: Jason R. Patrick 5/16/2011 Jason R. Patrick 2008, TFD—Class Photo: Jason R. Patrick David S. Patterson Jason W. Pawelczyk William S. Pawelczyk Bill Pawelczyk, Mike Bartley William S. Pawelczyk December, 1971, TFD Class Photo: William S. Pawelczyk 2000 William S. Pawelczyk October 1974, TFD— William S. Pawelczyk August 10, 1986, W. Pawelczk promoted to Captain with Fire Chief Moreno and Russell, TFD— AC John Nunes presenting awards to Bill Pawalcyzk 1984—Media Awards— TFD— Jason D. Payne Jason D. Payne 2004, TFD—Class Photo: Jason D. Payne August 2, 2005, Santa Cruz Valley Direct: November 18, 2014, TFD— Jason D. Payne Station 20-B—4798 N. First Avenue, 2010, TFD—Year Book: Jason D. Payne 11/12/09 3/1/2010 Phil S. Pearce, Jr. Phil S. Pearce, Jr. December, 1975, TFD —Class Photo: Phil S. Pearce, Jr. Phil S. Pearce, Jr. January 30, 1994, Frank Quiroz retired: Frank Quiroz retires from Firehouse 15. This pic was taken at BN04 Headquarters, Firehouse 10. Most of those pictured include: John Pierce, Mike Jones, Carl Schultz, Ed Monje, George Chavez, Keith Pierpont, Reuben Grace, Ron Figueroa, Ron Garry, Al Hensley, Bobby Walsh, Norman Baggett, Phil Pearce, David Bowerman, Chris Pena. Phil S. Pearce, Jr. Phil S. Pearce, Jr. FF Phil Pearce, FF Jeff Jordan, EN Charlie Fickel, Captain Paul Harrison Phil S. Pearce, Jr. Hollingsworth Pearce Thomas N. Peck N. First Avenue, Engineer George May and FF Tom Peck facing camera 1/12/2010 Thomas N. Peck February, 1974, TFD—Class Photo: Thomas N. Peck 1975—Oscar Baca, George May, Ray Sayre, Tom Peck, Willie Walker 1975—Oscar Baca, George May, Ray Sayre, Tom Peck, Willie Walker Thomas N. Peck Thomas N. Peck 2011: Elbert H. Peckham Frank L. Pedraza Frank L. Pedraza 1991, TFD—Class Photo: Frank L. Pedraza August 5, 1990—Derailment-Spills Sulfuric Acid Storekeeper, Frank Pedraza and group PM Frank Pedraza, Captain Pat Quinn in blue shirts, with recruits, 10/1996 8/2/2000 Frank L. Pedraza Station 19-C—9700 E. Esmond Loop, 2010, TFD, Year Book: Frank L. Pedraza August 8, 1998, Arizona Daily Star: Leonard S. Pember Christopher T. Pena Christopher T. Pena October 24, 1986, TFD, Class Photo: Christopher T. Pena 8/21/2000 8/29/2000 12/5/2000 Christopher T. Pena 9/29/09 10/16/09 10/1/09 Christopher T. Pena St. Mary’s Hospital PMT Training PM student Chris Pena Chris Pena PM student Chris Pena PM student Chris Pena Chris Pena Chris Pena Christopher T. Pena July 1989, St. Mary’s Paramedic Training Program: Christopher T. Pena Chris Pena on left others unknown Christopher T. Pena Station 20-B—4798 N. First Avenue, 2010, TFD—Year Book: Kenneth A. Pender Kenneth A. Pender 1932 city directory Kenneth A. Pender January 23, 1934—-Courtesy Tommy Stefanski: William Benedict right believed to be Kenneth Pender on the left. Kenneth A. Pender January 8, 2006—-http://archive.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/travel/ articles/0108azhighways0108dillinger.html Kenneth A. Pender January 8, 2006—-http://archive.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/travel/ articles/0108azhighways0108dillinger.html William. A. Pender William. A. Pender William. A. Pender William. A. Pender Courtesy http://www.caldwellfuneralchapel.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=154363 William. A. Pender Courtesy http://www.caldwellfuneralchapel.com/memsol.cgi?user_id=671511 Ronald L. Pendergrass 7/10/2002 Ronald L. Pendergrass October 24, 1986, TFD, Class Photo: Ronald L. Pendergrass 1992 Pamela R. Pennington 2007 Awards Ceremony, held March 28, 2008 Pamela Pennington Pamela R. Pennington Pamela R. Pennington Shannon Levi Penrod 2009 Shannon Levi Penrod 2007-1, TFD—Class Photo: Shannon Levi Penrod Station 20-C—4798 N. First Avenue, 2010, TFD—Year Book: Shannon Levi Penrod October 16, 2011, Arizona Daily Star: David Sanders/Arizona Daily Star Tucson Fire Department paramedic Levi Penrod, left, firefighter Billy Eyrich , and engineer Jason Collins watch an episode of "COPS" that was filmed in Tucson and featured Station #8 paramedic Joe Nilson before he was a firefighter, he was a victim of Shannon Levi Penrod William R. Pepper December, 1975, TFD —Class Photo: Frank G. Perez September 10, 1958, Tucson Daily Citizen: March 3, 1961, Tucson Daily Citizen: Frank G. Perez 1975—Don Uthe, Arnold Durazo, Frank Perez, Dick Reimer Frank G. Perez February 24, 1982, TFD—Frank Perez retires: Frank G. Perez 8/10/1998 Jesus Domingo Perez Mayor Walkup, Newburn, JD Perez—2007 Awards Ceremony, held March 28, 2008 Jesus Domingo Perez 2007 Awards Ceremony, held March 28, 2008 Jesus Domingo Perez Jesus Domingo Perez December 5, 2013, TFD— Miguel Perez Miguel Perez Miguel Perez Technical Services personnel after the Learn Not to Burn Run race finish line at Reid Park. (lr) Mike Perez, Liana Perez holding Nicholas, Matt Mastriano, Lisa Rubi with daughter, Janet ?, Brenda and Scott ?. All finished, and had a good time for a worthy cause. Nicholas T. Perez Nicholas T. Perez 2008, TFD—Class Photo: Nicholas T. Perez Station 10-C—801 E. Ajo Way, 2010 TFD Year Book: C Shift (l. to r.) Back row: Shannon Potter, Darin Elam, Chris LaFave, Seth McKinney, Brad Lomax, and Tom Matthew. Front row: Rueben Rojas, Rick Gerardo, Chris Ruiz, Jeremiah Tabaj, Nick Perez, and Josh Walker. Thomas D. Perrow, Jr. September 1974, TFD—Class Photo: Cheryl Lynn Perry Cheryl Lynn Perry July 6, 1999, TFD—Class Photo: Eric Scott Perry Eric Scott Perry November 20, 1998, TFD—Class Photo: Eric Scott Perry 2006-2, TFD—Class Photo: Eric Scott Perry 2007-1, TFD—Class Photo: Eric Scott Perry 2007-2, TFD—Class Photo: Eric Scott Perry 2008, TFD—Class Photo: Eric Scott Perry 2008 Awards Ceremony, held April 6, 2009, Leo Rich Theater 2009 Awards Ceremony, held February 19, 2010 Eric Scott Perry Station 11-B—4075 Timrod, 2010 TFD, Year Book: Eric Scott Perry September 11, 2011, Arizona Daily Star: Eric Scott Perry For 2012, awarded March 2013 Robert J. Perry Robert J. Perry September 23, 1967, Tucson Daily Citizen: Todd M. Perry Jesus J. Pesqueira Jesus J. Pesqueira August 4, 1977: Jesus J. Pesqueira 4/27/2005 January 14, 2006, Arizona Daily Star: Jesus J. Pesqueira Liliana Pesqueira Liliana Pesqueira 2000, TFD—Class Photo: Liliana Pesqueira 2006-3, TFD—Class Photo: Liliana Pesqueira Station 1-B—300 S. Fire Central Place, 2010 TFD—Year Book: Liliana Pesqueira 2010 TFFA Calendar: Liliana Pesqueira 9/16/2013 Martin R. Pesqueira Stuart R. Peterman Stuart R. Peterman 1983 was 6/28/1982, TFD Class Photo: Stuart R. Peterman July, 1986, TFD— St. Mary’s TFD Paramedic Class Stuart R. Peterman Stuart R. Peterman Stuart R. Peterman James O. Peterson Peterson, Harold McCarty, Leahy, Moreno James O. Peterson October 12, 1973, TFD—Class Photo: James O. Peterson James O. Peterson Peterson, Ruhl, McCarty, Class 1973 Ted Johnson Jim Peterson doing compressions Slosson, C. Ruhl, J. Peterson, B. Elam, W. Walker, R. Figugroa, Leahy Lopez, Peterson, Ruhl Evening fire with Ladder Pipes, — slides dated Aug 1979, courtesy Fred Bair, Sr. Bill Trujillo, unk, Jim Peterson, Budd Busche James O. Peterson Mike Arnold, Jim Peterson, Harold “Pappy” Rankin, Joe Queiruga Mike Arnold, Jim Peterson, Harold “Pappy” Rankin, Joe Queiruga 9/22/1981, House fire 5662 E. Whittier Street, with Jim Petersen, Hart and Bates Ruhl, Paterson, Lopez, Leahy, R. Smith, Ron Figueroa, Bob August Norman R. Petterson Norman R. Petterson 1993, TFD—Class Photo: Jerry F. Peyton August 6, 1974, Tucson Daily Citizen: Jerry F. Peyton May, 1973, TFD—Class Photo: Jerry F. Peyton Courtesy, http://soldnomore.org/leadership/ June 5, 1974, Tucson Daily Citizen: Jerry F. Peyton February 14, 1975, Tucson Daily Citizen: Jerry F. Peyton February 25, 1975, Tucson Daily Citizen: May 14, 1977, Tucson Daily Citizen: Greater Tucson Fire Foundation Thanks you for taking an interest in Tucson Fire Department history — This is one of many sections that contain information, documents, letters, newspaper articles, pictures, etc. They have been collected and arranged in chronological order or by a subject. These items were collected, organized and entered into a computerized database by Dave Ridings Assistant Chief Tucson Fire Department, Al Ring friend of the department, Greater Tucson Fire Foundation and with the help of many friends and fellow firefighters. All graphics have been improved to make the resolution as good as possible, but the reader should remember that many came from copies of old newspaper articles. This also applies to other items such as documents, letters, etc. Credit to the source of the documents, photos, etc. is provided whenever it was available. We realize that many items are not identified and regret that we weren’t able to provide this information. As far as the newspaper articles that are not identified, 99% of them would have to be from one of three possible sources. The Arizona Daily Star, The Tucson Citizen and the Tucson Daily Citizen, for which we want to give a special thanks. Please use this information as a reference tool only. If the reader uses any of the information for any purpose other than a reference tool, they should get permission from the source. Should the reader have additional information on the above subject we would appreciate you sharing it with us. Please see the names and contact information on the 1st. TFD Archives page right below this paragraph.
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