Summer School Guide - Kansas City Public Schools
Summer School Guide - Kansas City Public Schools
K CPS 2016 P ARENT HANDBOOK 201 6 SUM MER SC H O OL PARENT GU I DE & HA N DB OOK W W W. KC P UB LIC S C HOOL S .O R G / S U MMER When schools out for the summer, it’s important for families to select fun, safe, healthy and educational activities for their children. We offer extensive summer learning opportunities for students throughout KCPS. Here you’ll find resources to help keep your child engaged, active and learning all summer long. Contents WHY SUMMER SCHOOL? Senate Bill 319/Retention................................... 5 1. Improve reading and math skills Site Directory....................................................... 3 KCPS Programs Extended School Year......................................... 4 Various Locations Gladstone, Satchel Paige, & Wheatley Elementary Middle School Credit Recovery.......................... 6 Central Middle and Northeast Middle High School Credit Recovery............................. 7 Central Academy & Northeast High School 2. Get a jump start on classes New American Academy.................................... 8 3. Ease the transition from one grade to the next Summer Bridge Academy.................................. 9 HOW TO REGISTER? Visit your neighborhood school to obtain an application or get a referral from one of our partners. QUESTIONS? Email: [email protected] Phone: (816) 418-7266 Web: Gladstone Elementary and Northeast Middle Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts Pylons Honors STEAM Academy..................... 10 Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts Partner Programs 7 Strategic.......................................................... 11 Northeast Middle & High, Central Middle & Academy AileyCamp.......................................................... 12 Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts Boys & Girls Clubs............................................. 13 Thornberry and Wagner LINC.................................................................... 14 Multiple Locations Upper Room...................................................... 15 Multiple Locations YMCA.................................................................. 16 Satchel Paige Elementary Site Directory Summer School Site Times Grades ManagementAddress ELEMENTARY Banneker Elementary. . ............................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 7050 Askew Ave Border Star Montessori. . .........................8:45 - 4:35 .................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 6321 Wornall Rd Carver Dual Language.............................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 4600 Elmwood Ave Faxon Elementary...................................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 1320 E 32nd Terrace Garcia Elementary..................................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 1000 W 17th St Gladstone Elementary . . ...........................8:45 - 4:35 .................... Rising K-6 ................. KCPS, New Americans..... 335 N Elmwood Ave Hale Cook Elementary.............................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 7302 Pennsylvania Ave Holliday Montessori. . ..............................8:45 - 4:35 .................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 7227 Jackson Ave J & D Wagner Unit. . .................................8:00 - 6:00..................... Rising K-8.................. Boys & Girls Club............ 2405 Elmwood Ave King Elementary.. ....................................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 4848 Woodland Longfellow Elementary...........................8:45 - 4:35 .................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 2830 Holmes Melcher Elementary.. ..............................8:45 - 4:35 .................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 3958 Chelsea Dr Pitcher Elementary.................................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 9915 E 38th Terr Rogers Elementary. . ................................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 6400 E 23rd St Satchel Paige Elementary........................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. KCPS & YMCA.. ................ 3301 E 75th St Thornberry Unit. . ....................................8:00 - 6:00..................... Rising K-8.................. Boys & Girls Club............ 3831 E 43rd St Trailwoods Elementary.. ..........................8:45 - 4:35 .................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 6201 E 17 St Troost Elementary..................................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 1215 E 59th St Wheatley Elementary. . ............................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. KCPS. . ............................. 2415 Agnes Ave Whittier Elementary...............................8:45 - 4:35..................... Rising K-6.................. LINC............................... 1012 Bales Ave MIDDLE/HIGH Central Middle. . .................................... 7:30 - 1:30. . .................... Rising 7-8.................. KCPS Enrichment/........... 3611 E. Linwood Blvd ............................................................ ....................................................................... Credit Recovery ............................................................ ....................................................................... 7 Strategic Northeast Middle.. ................................ 7:30 - 1:30. . .................... Rising 7-8.................. KCPS Enrichment/........... 4904 Independence Ave ............................................................ ....................................................................... Credit Recovery/ ............................................................ ....................................................................... 7 Strategic ............................................................ ....................................................................... New Americans Central Academy . . ................................. 7:30 - 1:30 ..................... Grades 9-12............... KCPS Enrichment/........... 3221 Indiana Ave ............................................................ ....................................................................... Credit Recovery/ ............................................................ ....................................................................... 7 Strategic Northeast High School.......................... 7:30 - 1:30. . .................... Rising 9-12 . . ............... KCPS Enrichment/........... 415 Van Brunt Blvd ............................................................ ....................................................................... Credit Recovery/ ............................................................ ....................................................................... 7 Strategic Paseo Academy..................................... 7:30 - 1:30. . .................... Rising 9-12 . . ............... Alvin Ailey...................... 4747 Flora Ave Paseo Academy..................................... V aries.. ........................... Rising 9-12 . . ............... Pylons Honors &............. 4747 Flora Ave ............................................................ ....................................................................... Summer Bridge Success Academy.................................. V aries.. ........................... Rising 9-12 . . ............... Virtual Schools *Upper Room Sites will be added, please check back daily for updated file KCPS Programs Extended School Year Various Locations Extended School Year (ESY) is an extension of special education services beyond the normal school year. It is not Summer School. The purpose of ESY is not to initiate new goals. ESY services are intended to prevent serious regression on existing goals. ELIGIBILIT Y DATES 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 Students are determined eligible by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team. ELEMENTARY HOURS COURSE OFFERINGS AT TENDANCE All students will be enrolled in English Language Arts and Math. Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. 7:30 a.m. - 12:25 a.m. TR ANSPORTATION PHONE Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. MEAL S 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL HOURS 816.418.8941 Fax: 816.418.5239 Breakfast and Lunch provided DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. PARENT INVOLVEMENT We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. Teachers will contact parents via weekly notes to keep parents informed regarding progress. A final progress note will be sent home at the end of program. Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 4 Senate Bill 319/Retention Gladstone, Satchel Paige, & Wheatley Elementary KCPS will service students who meet the criteria defined by Senate Bill 319. SB 319 requires students to attend summer school who are reading 2 grade levels below. Students who do not achieve the standards set forth by the Kansas City Public School promotion, retention and attendance policy may be retained at the same grade for the following year. The district will invite students to participate in summer after careful review of the students’ reading assessments. DATES AT TENDANCE 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 PARENT INVOLVEMENT Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. HOURS 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. CONTAC T Current School Principal TR ANSPORTATION LOC ATIONS Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. Satchel Paige Elementary School 3301 E. 75th St. Kansas City, MO 64132 (816) 418-5050 We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. Teachers will contact parents via weekly notes to keep parents informed regarding progress. A final progress note will be sent home at the end of ESY. DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. Gladstone Elementary 335 N. Elmwood Kansas City, MO 64123 (816) 418-3950 Wheatley Elementary 2415 Agnes Ave. Kansas City, MO 64127 (816) 418-4825 BEFORE & AF TER C ARE LINC MEAL S Breakfast and Lunch provided Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 5 Middle School Credit Recovery Central Middle and Northeast Middle Available for KCPS middle school students who will be taking online middle school credit recovery. This in addition to the required classroom time, will be an opportunity for students to address their individual needs. Limited space is available. Enrollment will be conducted on a first come first serve basis. DATES 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 CREDIT PARENT INVOLVEMENT High School students can earn a 1/2 credit for each semester (3 weeks) HOURS COURSE OFFERINGS Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. AT TENDANCE STUDY 7:30 a.m. - 12:25 p.m. PHONE 816-418-2000 Fax: 816-418-2027 Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. Any student who misses more than 6 hours of summer school will not receive credit for the course, or courses. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. CITIZENSHIP Students are in summer school voluntarily. They are expected to maintain a wholesome attitude toward learning. Students who do not maintain good school citizenship may be dismissed from school and without credit. LEAVING THE BUILDING LOC ATION Students are not to leave the building unless they are leaving the school grounds for the day. Students must notify the summer school office before leaving the building. Northeast Middle 4904 Independence Ave. Kansas City, Missouri 64124 Central Middle 3611 E. Linwood Blvd. Kansas City, Missouri 64128 Summer school courses cover a great deal of material in a short time; consequently, students must study both during the school day and outside of school time. Books are to be taken home each day. DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. TR ANSPORTATION Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. MEAL S Breakfast and lunch will be provided Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 6 High School Credit Recovery Central Academy & Northeast High School Available for KCPS high school students who will be taking online high school credit recovery. This in addition to the required classroom time, will be an opportunity for students to address their individual needs. Limited space is available. Enrollment will be conducted on a first come first serve basis. DATES 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 CREDIT PARENT INVOLVEMENT High School students can earn a 1/2 credit for each semester (3 weeks) HOURS COURSE OFFERINGS Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. AT TENDANCE STUDY 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. PHONE 816-418-2000 Fax: 816-418-2027 Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. Any student who misses more than 6 hours of summer school will not receive credit for the course, or courses. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. CITIZENSHIP Students are in summer school voluntarily. They are expected to maintain a wholesome attitude toward learning. Students who do not maintain good school citizenship may be dismissed from school and without credit. LEAVING THE BUILDING LOC ATION Students are not to leave the building unless they are leaving the school grounds for the day. Students must notify the summer school office before leaving the building. Northeast High School 415 Van Brunt Blvd. Kansas City, Missouri 64124 Central High School 3221 Indiana Ave. Kansas City, Missouri 64128 Summer school courses cover a great deal of material in a short time; consequently, students must study both during the school day and outside of school time. Books are to be taken home each day. DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. TR ANSPORTATION Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. MEAL S Breakfast and lunch will be provided Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 7 New American Academy Gladstone Elementary and Northeast Middle The New American Academy serves 170 of the most recent newly arriving English language learners. The English-intensive academic curriculum is themebased and includes a culminating project based on expressing identity in a new culture. The secondary program will also include an Math-intensive component. DATES DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. ELIGIBILIT Y 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 Enrollment by invitation HOURS Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. TR ANSPORTATION 8:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. - Gladstone 7:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - NEMS BEFORE & AF TER C ARE PROGR AM DIREC TOR Allyson Hile LINC will be available at Gladstone Elementary. CONTAC T MEAL S Stacey Karabegovic [email protected] Breakfast and lunch provided Joyce Troop [email protected] We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. PARENT INVOLVEMENT (816) 418-8916 LOC ATION K-6 AT TENDANCE Gladstone Elementary Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. 335 N. Elmwood (816) 418-3950 7-10 Northeast Middle 4904 Independence Ave. (816) 418-3400 Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 8 Summer Bridge Academy Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts Sixth Grade Summer Bridge Academy is a 3-week enriching summer school experience that will challenge students’ creativity and prepare them for middle school. Students will be engaged in a “flipped classroom” experience. Pylons Honors Teachers will utilize online learning tools, such as MOODLE and webinars to enhance their instruction. This methodology will also better prepare our students to be college and career ready. ELIGIBILIT Y DATES MEAL S Rising 7th grade students Enrollment by invitation only 3-week Program June 6 - June 24, 2016 Breakfast and Lunch Provided CITIZENSHIP OFFERINGS HOURS Courses offered will encourage students to explore and use their creative skills in critical thinking, debate, and solving real-world problems. Students will be introduced to careers in the fine and performing arts fields. Career exploration may include music and movie production, drama, animation, and more. Instruction 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Buses 12:00 p.m. PROGR AM DIREC TOR Anna Blancarte PHONE AT TENDANCE (816) 418-2665 Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. LOC ATION Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts 4747 Paseo Ave. Kansas City, MO 64110 TR ANSPORTATION Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Students are in summer school voluntarily. They are expected to maintain a wholesome attitude toward learning. PARENT INVOLVEMENT We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. Email: [email protected] 9 Pylons Honors STEAM Academy Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts Summer Academies that will be available: Young Engineers, June 6 - June 10, 2016 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Makers & Tinkerers, June 13- 17, 2016 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Rockets & Robots, June 20 - June 24, 2016 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. DATES ELIGIBILIT Y 3-week Program June 6 - June 24, 2016 Summer academies are available to Pylons students who have completed 4th, 5th or 6th grade. NO EXCEPTIONS! HOURS OFFERINGS Instruction 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Young Engineers: Discovering the world of engineering using the Engineering Design Process and 3D CAD Creo design software to create prototypes. Buses 12:00 p.m. PROGR AM DIREC TOR Makers & Tinkerers: Using sense of discovery and investigation skills to solve problems using the Engineering Design Process. Anna Blancarte PHONE (816) 418-2665 Rockets & Robots: Mixing the thrill of rocketry with the newly released Lego® Mindstorm EV3 robots. LOC ATION Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts 4747 Paseo Ave. Kansas City, MO 64110 AT TENDANCE Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. CITIZENSHIP Students are in summer school voluntarily. They are expected to maintain a wholesome attitude toward learning. PARENT INVOLVEMENT We encourage parent involvement in our school. Please contact Pam Harris, (816) 418-7538, for volunteer opportunities. Parents must make an appointment to speak with the teacher about academic or behavior concerns. DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. Students do not have to wear uniforms. Please refrain from wearing: flip flops, shirts without straps, low level shorts (short-shorts), sagging pants, and inappropriate words on clothing. TR ANSPORTATION Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. MEAL S Breakfast and Lunch Provided Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 10 Partner Programs 7 Strategic Northeast Middle & High, Central Middle & Academy The Kansas City Public School District is pleased to announce the 2016 Summer Academic Enrichment Program. This program targets middle, and high school students, inclusive of rising 7th graders in partnership with 7 Strategic Consulting Firm. DATES ELIGIBILIT Y APPLY 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 Rising 7-12th graders HOURS The Summer Academic Enrichment Program (SAEP) is designed to enhance the academic experience of high school students seeking academic credit for elective courses. Participants may earn ½ or 1 academic credit towards graduation. Students may register with their respective school counselor. CREDIT (HIGH SCHOOL ONLY) 7:30 a.m. -2:45 p.m. PROGR AM DIREC TOR Antonette Collins CONTAC T Phone: 913-207-9908 SELEC TION Space is limited as registration is based on a first-come, first serve basis. MEAL S Breakfast and lunch will be provided. DRESS CODE Students should dress in the same manner that is approved by KCPS during the regular school year. COURSE OFFERINGS GR ADES 7-8 The course offerings for 7-8 include: computer application and physical education. The course offerings for 9-12 include: visual arts, graphic arts, physical education, multicultural history, health, and college summit (college prep). Students will be exposed to leadership development, career knowledge, and post-secondary opportunities, such as college and career tours and service learning. Northeast Middle 4904 Independence Ave. Central Middle 3611 E. Linwood Blvd. GR ADES 9-12 Northeast High School 415 Van Brunt Blvd. Kansas City, Missouri 64124 Central High School 3221 Indiana Ave. Kansas City, Missouri 64128 AT TENDANCE Recommendation: 2 service hours TR ANSPORTATION Transportation will be provided for eligible students only. CITIZENSHIP Attendance will be taken the same as during the regular school year. Any student who misses more than 6 hours of summer school will not receive credit for the course, or courses. All students are to be in their classrooms when the period begins. Any student who is tardy will be marked absent for the hour the tardy occurs. WEBSITE Kansas City Public Schools PARENT INVOLVEMENT | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Students are in summer school voluntarily. They are expected to maintain a wholesome attitude toward learning. Email: [email protected] 11 AileyCamp Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts Ailey Camp is a 5-week; national model summer dance camp that uses disciplined dance-training, creative writing instruction, personal development and communication workshops to help students develop a respect for themselves and others. KC Friends of Alvin Ailey manages the camp including recruitment, staffing, enrollment and parent communication. DATES ELIGIBILIT Y 5-week Program June 6 – June 14, 2016 Rising 7th - 9th graders. No prior dance training is necessary. HOURS AT TENDANCE 7:30 am - 3:45 pm Monday - Friday • Male: Shorts/T-Shirt Campers must attend each day, unless they are ill. Please do not apply if you cannot commit to sending your child each day for the entire six weeks. PROGR AM DIREC TOR Michael Joy, KCFAA Director of Artistic and Educational Programs/ AileyCamp Director TR ANSPORTATION Campers that reside within the KCPS summer program boundaries will be transported by school bus to and from designated pickup points. CONTAC T All camp attire provided free of charge. Must wear uniform and own tennis shoes each day. • Female: Shorts/T-Shirt/ Leotard/Tights PARENT INVOLVEMENT Parents must attend the scheduled parent/camper orientation and commit to sending their child each day for the entire camp session. SPONSORS AileyCamp is sponsored by Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, a non-profit APPLY organization, incorporated in 1984 Interested students may apply by means to establish an on-going presence of in-school recruitment, online, or by of Alvin Ailey in Kansas City. KCFAA calling KCFAA. Application does not receives contributions from corporate, guarantee acceptance. foundation, government and individual donors in addition to school district SELEC TION support. Need, gender, and ethnicity relative to district wide representation are factors in the selection process. Phone: (816) 471-6003 Fax: (816)471-6001 ADDRESS Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey 1714 East 18th Street, Kansas City, MO 64108 LOC ATION Paseo Academy of Fine and Performing Arts 4747 Flora Ave. Kansas City, MO 64110 (816) 418-2275 DRESS CODE WEBSITE MEAL S Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 12 Boys & Girls Clubs Thornberry and Wagner Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City Atomic Blast Summer Enrichment Program offers exciting, educational enrichment programs focused on keeping young minds engaged over the summer. During Atomic Blast, Club kids learn math and science skills through fun activities and nurture a love of learning through reading comprehension and writing exercises. DATES 9-week Program June 6 – August 5, 2016 HOURS Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. PROGR AM DIREC TOR Candy Brooks Director of Education ELIGIBILIT Y PHONE Outer clothing and boots should be labeled with child’s name. Children and youth ages 5 – 18 (816) 361-3600 ext. 242 Fax: (816) 361-3675 • Children must have tennis shoes, without black soles, shorts or sweat pants for gym activities. COURSE OFFERINGS Each day, children and youth participate in educational activities facilitated by certified teachers (grades K-8) that involve a high level of youth engagement and motivation. The program includes field trips, computer lab, swimming, friendship, fun, exploration and more. ADDRESS 4001 Blue Pkwy, suite 102 Kansas City, MO 64130 LOC ATIONS J&D Wagner Unit 2405 Elmwood Ave. Kansas City, MO 64127 (816) 241-5252 • Children must wear shoes that will stay on their feet, thongs are not acceptable. • When members are swimming, appropriate swimming attire is required to utilize the swimming pool. (SHORTS AND A SHIRT FOR ALL CLUB MEMBERS) PARENT INVOLVEMENT Required introductory parent meeting. Thornberry Unit 3831 E. 43rd St. Kansas City, MO 64130 MEAL S Breakfast, lunch and snack provided (816) 861-6300 DRESS CODE WEBSITE Members should be adequately dressed for indoor and outdoor activities. Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 13 LINC Multiple Locations The Local Investment Commission (LINC) will offer a 5-week, all-day summer school and enrichment experience hosted at 15 school sites. Mornings will feature academic instruction in reading and math provided by a certified teacher. Afternoons will feature academic enrichment and youth development activities including field trips, arts, sports and chess, character education, swimming and robotics. You must enroll at the LINC school you want to attend this summer. DATES LOC ATIONS 5-week Program June 6-July 8, 2016 Banneker Elementary Whittier HOURS Border Star Montessori AC ADEMIC ENRICHMENT 7050 Askew Ave, Kansas City, MO 64132 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6321 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64113 COST Free Carver Dual Language WEBSITE Faxon Elementary 4600 Elmwood Ave, Kansas City, MO 64130 1320 E 32nd Terr, Kansas City, MO 64109 BEFORE & AF TER C ARE Garcia Elementary LINC will also offer Before & After Care for students in the KCPS Summer School programs. Hale Cook Elementary 1000 W 17th St, Kansas City, MO 64108 1012 Bales Ave, Kansas City, MO 64127 The LINC Summer Camp program will incorporate three hours of academic enrichment each morning. LINC will provide learning experiences for students, both inside and outside of the classroom, in the following academic areas: reading and writing, mathematics, and science. DRESS CODE Clean, neat and appropriate clothing for 7302 Pennsylvania Ave, Kansas City, MO 64114 summer weather and activities. Holliday Montessori MEAL S Breakfast, lunch and snack provided. 7227 Jackson, Kansas City, MO 64132 King Elementary 4848 Woodland, Kansas City, MO 64110 PARENT INVOLVEMENT LINC encourages the active participation of parents and provides supportive resources and referrals. LINC will organize a special event to be held at the end of the summer program. The end of summer blast will include food and entertainment for the whole family. Longfellow Elementary 2830 Holmes, Kansas City, MO 64109 Melcher Elementary 3958 Chelsea Dr, Kansas City, MO 64130 Pitcher Elementary 9915 E 38th Terr, Kansas City, MO 64133 Rogers Elementary 6400 E 23rd St, Kansas City, MO 64129 TR ANSPORTATION Transportation is not provided. Trailwoods Elementary 6201 E 17th St, Kansas City, MO 64126 Troost Elementary 1215 E 59th St, Kansas City, MO 64110 Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 14 Upper Room Multiple Locations DATES PROGR AM 5-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 PARENT INVOLVEMENT The Upper Room will offer an 8-week Summer Academic Camp to rising Kindergarten – 8th grade students at various locations. Morning reading sessions utilize STAR Reading and Accelerated Reader. Certified teachers serve as coaches that direct the one-toone volunteer reading tutors. Student’s complete computer quizzes after each book is read. Afternoon programming includes enrichment activities such as field trips, dance, swimming, art, music and more! All of this is offered at no cost to the family! HOURS Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. PHONE (816) 363-3819 (phone) (816) 926-9724 (fax) OFFICE LOC ATION 5930 Swope Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64130 Parents are required to drop off and pick up students each day. A parent orientation will be required at the beginning of the summer. WEBSITE COST FREE MEAL S Lunch and Afternoon snack provided DRESS CODE Casual & Appropriate Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 15 YMCA Satchel Paige Elementary YMCA Summer Learning Loss Prevention 2016 is a 6-week, opportunity to provide an enriched literacy experience for a small group of KCPS students. The 2.5 hour daily literacy component directed by certified teachers and assistants includes guided reading, writing, self-selected reading and working with words. The YMCA received a grant to implement this project. DATES ELIGIBILIT Y 6-week Program June 6 - July 8, 2016 HOURS 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. PROGR AM DIREC TOR Nickolas Fleeman [email protected] MEAL S Youth must be identified as “strategic readers” by their school. This program is specifically for rising first and second graders that have been identified by their teachers and principal at Satchel Paige and is not open to the general public. Morning and afternoon snack offered. Youth may bring their own lunch, or Satchel Paige will offer free lunch for AC TIVITIES PARENT INVOLVEMENT neighborhood residents. DRESS CODE Comfortable clothes, closed toe shoes The enrichment activities will include art, music, character development fitness education, field trips, and nutrition education. SITE COORDINATOR Franshuun Taylor [email protected] CONTAC T BEFORE & AF TER C ARE Phone: 913-387-2410 Fax: 913-345-0524 From 7:30-9:00 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., youth will be involved in clubs and activities related to the weekly theme and will be offered a snack. LOC ATION Satchel Paige Elementary 3301 E. 75th St. Parents are required to attend orientation and workshops, read to their children for at least 30 minutes each night during the program, ensure that their child is there every day, and to complete an evaluation at the end of the ESY. TR ANSPORTATION Transportation is provided for children within the boundaries of Satchel Paige. Kansas City, MO 64132 WEBSITE Kansas City Public Schools | Summer School Parent Guide Phone: (816) 418-7266 | | Email: [email protected] 16