Exhibit Preview Catalogue (Volume One) CHINA INTERNATIONAL TIRE EXPO 2011 Date: Sep 7-9, 2011 Venue: Shanghai Everbright Convention & Exhibition Center Total exhibition area: 22000 sqm. Total number of exhibitors: 320 Special Sponsor 特约赞助商 Email: [email protected] Tel: 86 (10) 85898181 ▲ ▲ Exhibitor Name Booth No. ANHUi HUiLiAN MAcHiNERY iNDUSTRY co.,LTD. AUFiNE GRoUP co., LiMiTED AUSTYRE AUSTRALiA BEST cHoicE iNTERNATioNAL TRADE co., LTD. BLUE ocEAN ENTERPRiSES DEVELoPMENT LTD BRiGHT TEcHNoLoGY co.,LTD. BoB JANE GLoBAL TYRE coRPoRATioN PTY LTD BRiWAY TiRE co.,LTD. cANGZHoU FLYiNG DRAGoN AUTo PARTS co.,LTD. cARLiSLE TiRE & WHEEL cHANGZHoU YANGS MoULD co.,LTD. cHiNA TYRES DiSTRiBUTioN LTD. cHiPiNG xiNFA ALUMiNoUS PRoDUcTioN co., LTD. cooPER cHENGSHAN (SHANDoNG) TiRE co.,LTD. cRoWNTYRE iNDUSTRiAL co., LTD. DAcHENG AUTo PARTS DoNGHAi coUNTY LANTiAN AUTo WHEEL FAcToRY DoNGYiNG FANG xiNG RUBBER co., LTD. EASTUP TYRES ENERGREEN TiRE ENJoY TYRE co.,LTD. EVERBEST TiRE co., LTD. ExTRA TYRE coMPANY LiMiTED FLAME RUBBER & TiRE co.,LTD . FoRLoNG (GRoUP) iNTERNATioNAL TRADiNG coMPANY LiMiTED FREEMAN RAciNG WHEELS iNc FUJiAN SHENLiKA ALUMiNUM iNDUSTRY DEVELoPMENT co.,LTD. FUJiAN ZHENGSHUN AUToMoBiLE WHEEL co.,LTD. FULLRUN TYRE coRP.,LTD. FUTEx ALLoY (cHANGSHU) co., LTD. FUYANG FUcHUN TYRE co.,LTD. GENco iNDUSTRiAL GRoUP co., LTD. GooD FRiEND TYRE.co., LTD. GooDTiRE (ZHANGJiAGANG) RUBBER iNDUSTRiAL co.,LTD. GRANDSToNE TYRE coRPoRATioN LiMiTED GREAT iNT`L HoLDiNGS LiMiTED GUANGDoNG GREAToo MoLDS iNc. GUANGZHoU BoLEx TYRE LiD. HANGZHoU APPLE BRAND MAcHiNERY co. LTD. HANGZHoU HAMAToN TYRE VALVES co.,LTD. HANGZHoU SHUNYUAN TiRE MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD. HiFENG JUxiNG TiRE co., LTD. HiMiLE MEcHANicAL SciENcE AND TEcHNoLoGY co., LTD SHANDoNG cHiNA HoNGRUN TYRE co,. LTD HoNGYU GRoUP co.,LTD. HUAYANG iNTERNATioNAL GRoUP co.,LTD. HUBEi ANGYUN ALLoY WHEEL co.,LTD. HUNG TA iNSTRUMENT co.,LTD. HYDLi iNTERNATioNAL TRADiNG co.,LiMiTED iNNoVA RUBBER (PiNGHU) co., LTD. JAPAN ToYoMoTo TiRE coRP. LTD. JiANGLoNG RUBBER PRoDUcTS co., LTD. JiANGSU GENERAL SciENcE TEcHNoLoGY co., LTD. JiANGSU KAiTE AUToMoBiLE PARTS co.,LTD. JiANGYiN cHUANGxiN TYRE VALVE co.,LTD. JiANGYiN PREMiER AUToPARTS iNDUSTRY co.,LTD. JiNYU TiRE GRoUP JJWHEEL MANUFAcTURiNG co., LTD. KAKA TYRE co., LiMiTED KARo TYRES co.,LiMiTED KiNFoREST TYRE co., LTD. KiNGHWA ToPTRUE WHEEL co., LTD. KoRYo TYRES iNDUSTRiAL (cHiNA) LTD. KYoTo JAPAN TiRE(SUiSSE)S.A LANDMAx iNTERNATioNAL co., LTD. LiANYUNGANG ALLEN iRoN STEEL co., LTD. LUHAi RUBBER METAL (KUN SHAN) co.,LTD. M & T SoURciNG LiMiTED MAi (SHANDoNG) RADiAL TYRE co., LTD. MAMMoN (HK) iNT`L TRADiNG co., LTD. MASTER PAciFic/TWG MAxiMPLE iNT.LTD. MEiPiN (xiAMEN) RUBBER iNDUSTRiAL co.,LTD. MNL iNTERNATioNAL LTD. NANHAi ANcHi ALUMiNiUM WHEEL co.,LTD. NiNGBo ABLE RUBBER & AUTo PARTS co.,LTD. NiNGBo cHEN HAo ELEcTRoNicS co.,LTD. NiNGBo F.T.Z.AUDREE iNDUSTRiES&TRADiNG co.LTD. NiNGBo FoRTUNE AUTo PARTS co.,LTD NiNGBo oUYA DAocHENG AUToPARTS iNDUSTRY co., LTD. NiNGBo YiNZHoU JiNGANG AUTo AccESSoRiES FAcToRY NiNGBo YiNZHoU JiNUo AUTo AccESSoRiES co.,LTD. NiNGBo YoNGQi ALUMiNiUM-WHEEL MANUFAcTURE co., LTD. NiNGBo ZHoNGDA VALVE WicK co., LTD. NoBLE MANUFAcTURE co., LTD. oRNATE RUBBER coRPoRATioN LiMiTED PDW iNTERNATioNAL. PENTAGoN ENTERPRiSE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo AoNUo TYRE co.,LTD. 2020 0300 3412 0314 2131 1110 0718 1510 5206 0526 2229 3010 2823 0800 0510 3202 3200 3325 3112 0518 1512 3105 3129 3402 2908 2406 3100 3128 0306 2328 2928 2030 0114 1323 1326 3428 1320 5050 3029 2428 2300 1108 0118 3426 2425 3405 3431 5205 3333 5312 2630 3014 0514 2628 5204 3008 0810 3108 2427 0008 2430 3027 0523 2334 1314 3210 3422 3329 2730 2413 2814 2515 3006 3235 2800 1508 5118 3227 0924 1518 2902 2900 2500 2906 0921 3410 2123 3233 1210 please visit www.citexpo.com.cn to obtain the latest exhibitor list Part of Exhibitor List (Updated by Mar 11, 2011) Exhibitor Name Booth No. QiNGDAo ARESToNE TYRE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo EVERGREAT iNDUSTRiES co.,LTD. QiNGDAo FREE TRADE ZoNE HoNG TYRE iNDUSTRY & coMMERcE co., LTD. QiNGDAo GUANGMiNG TYRE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo GUoxUAN iMPoRTS&ExPoRTS co.,LTD. QiNGDAo HENGDA TYRE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo HUATiAN HAND TRUcK co.,LTD QiNGDAo KETER TYRE co.,LiMiTED QiNGDAo LAKE-SEA iNTERNATioNAL TRADE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo NAMA iNDUSTRiAL co., LTD. QiNGDAo oDYKiNG TYRE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo PEGASUS RUBBER co.,LTD. QiNGDAo PoPLAR TiRE co.,LTD. QiNGDAo QiZHoU RUBBER co. LTD. QiNGDAo RHiNo iNT`L co., LTD. QiNGDAo SAGiRUN iNTERNATioNAL TRADiNG coRP. LTD. QiNGDAo VicToR TiRE iMP.& ExP.co.,LTD. QiNGDAo WANGYU RUBBER co., LTD. QiNGDAo WHEELiNG RUBBER co.,LTD. QiNGDAo YoNGTAi RUBBER MANUFAcToRY RoAD ScENERY HoLDiNG (U.K.) LTD RUiAN ZHENGTAi RUBBER co., LTD. SD iNTERNATioNAL SEYEN HEAVY iNDUSTRiES (SHANGHAi) co., LTD. SHAN DoNG HEADWAY RUBBER co.,LTD. SHANDoNG BAYi TYRE MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD. SHANDoNG BETTER WHEEL co., LTD. SHANDoNG DERUiBAo TiRE co.,LTD. SHANDoNG DoNGYiNG ZHENGYU WHEEL co., LTD. SHANDoNG FENGLUN TYRE co.,LTD. SHANDoNG HoMERUN TiRES co., LTD. SHANDoNG HoNGSHENG RUBBER co.,LTD. SHANDoNG LUHE GRoUP co., LTD. SHANDoNG o’GREEN GRoUP co.,LTD SHANDoNG SHENGTAi WHEEL co., LTD. SHANDoNG WANLiToNG TYRE co., LTD. SHANDoNG WANToNG MoULD co.,LTD. SHANDoNG YoNGSHENG RUBBER GRoUP co., LTD. SHANDoNG YoNGTAi cHEMicAL GRoUP co.,LTD SHANDoNG ZHENTAi TYRE co., LTD. SHANGDoNG TRANSToNE TYRE co.,LTD. SHANGHAi DoUBLE DYNASTY MFG co., LTD. SHANGHAi JiHoo iMPoRT&ExPoRT co.,LTD. SHENGTAi GRoUP co.,LTD SHiJiAZHUANG HUAxiNG WHEEL WEiGHTS FAcToRY SiNoTYRE iNTERNATioNAL GRoUP co., LTD. SKYWiN AUTo MAcHiNERY MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD. STAMFoRD TYRES iNTERNATioNAL PTE. LTD. STAR TYRE GRoUP SHANGHAi co.,LTD. SUMEc GRoUP SUNToP TiRE (WUxi) co.,LTD. TANDA TRADiNG(SHENZHEN) co.,LTD. TEcHKiNG TiRES LiMiTED TiREMART (QiNGDAo) iNc. ToUcHDoWN iNTERNATioNAL (H.K.) co., LTD. WEiFANG ciTY JiHANG RUBBER co., LTD. WEiFANG GoLDSHiELD TiRE co.,LTD WEiFANG LUToNG RUBBER co., LTD. WEiFANG PioNEER iNDUSTRY co.,LTD. WEiFANG SHUNFUcHANG RUBBER co.,LTD. WEiFANG YUELoNG RUBBER co.LTD. WEiHAi PiNG`AN TYRE co.,LTD. WEiHAi RUNToNG RUBBER co.,LTD. WEiHAi TiUMSUN RUBBER TiRE co., LTD. WUHU HUANGYAN WHEELS co., LTD. xiAMEN SUNRiSE WHEEL GRoUP co., LTD. xiNGYUAN GRoUP xUZHoU xUGoNG TYRES co., LTD. YANcHENG SENGUANG RUBBER PRoDUcT co., LTD. YiNGKoU ToNGGUANG AUToMoTiVE MAiNTENANcE EQUiPMENT co., LTD. YSM WHEELS ZHAoQiNG JUNHoNG TiRE co LTD. ZHEJiANG BAoKANG WHEEL MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD ZHEJiANG BUYANG AUTo WHEEL co., LTD. ZHEJiANG FEiHU ALUMiNiUM WHEEL co., LTD. ZHEJiANG FENGcHi MEcHANicAL co., LTD. ZHEJiANG HoNGxiN TEcHNoLoGY co., LTD. ZHEJiANG HoNGYUAN WHEEL co.,LTD. ZHEJiANG JiNGU coMPANY LiMiTED ZHEJiANG JiNQUAN MAcHiNERY co., LTD ZHEJiANG JUNNiNG WHEEL co.,LTD. ZHEJiANG SHENGZHENG AUToPRT LTD. ZHEJiANG xTRASEAL TiRE SUPPLY co.LTD. ZHEJiANG YoNGLE ALUMiNiUM WHEEL MANUFAcTURE co., LTD. ZHEJiANG ZENT AUTo WHEEL co., LTD. ZHENGxiNG VEHicLE WHEEL co., LTD. oF SHAoGUAN ZHENGZHoU oDDo RUBBER iNDUSTRY co.,LTD. ZHUcHENG HAoYUAN RUBBER co; LTD. ZUMBo WHEELS 5510 3106 2125 0003 2932 1300 3204 5310 3304 1318 0110 2400 2834 1100 0310 3012 3331 0918 2830 2832 3226 3114 0012 2625 0126 2806 2111 2115 3420 2506 0725 1423 2502 0001 3231 3123 2105 1316 0814 3208 2613 1522 2808 0906 3416 2129 0926 2101 1115 2128 3310 5702 0500 0123 2133 2633 0318 3023 3327 2113 1118 1420 3302 3025 3314 3408 0806 2423 3005 1506 1106 0100 1500 2623 2825 0120 2827 2211 1114 2802 3323 2930 2231 2816 2415 2828 3000 3415 3306 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube a Booth No.: 0300 奥丰集团有限公司 AUFiNE GRoUP co.,LiMiTED Aufine Group co., Limited is located in Qingdao china, which is developing superior quality and latest pattern radial truck tires"AUFiNE brand" to satisfy the driver's expectation. Aufine is contributing to bring safety, comfort and enjoyment to every driver in the world. a Booth No.: 3010 中国轮胎销售有限公司 cHiNA TYRES DiSTRiBUTioN LTD. cHiNA TYRES DiSTRiBUTioN LTD. is. professional company dedicated in supplying various tyres. Professionalism, Efficiency and creditability are our features. We offer not only premium tyres, but also extraordinary service to our customers. a Booth No.: 3412 AUSTYRE AUSTRALiA AUSTYRE Australia has successfully combined the engineering excellence of the manufacturer, the wants and needs of our customers into our private Brand, AUSTYRE. AUSTYRE has currently produced. range of 49 sizes which all successfully passed America DoT, iSo9001:2000, ccc standard certification and other related standards. a Booth No.: 0800 固铂成山(山东)轮胎有限公司 cooPER cHENGSHAN (SHANDoNG) TiRE co.LTD. cooper chengshan (Shandong) Tire company Ltd. is. joint venture company between the world's 8th largest tire company, cooper Tire and Rubber company (U.S.), and the 3rd largest chinese tire company, Shandong chengshan Group. Mainly produce high-performance car tires, passenger car and truck tires, the annual output of 1, 000 million. a Booth No.: 0314 北京百事强贸易有限公司 BEST cHoicE iNTERNATioNAL TRADE co., LTD. Best choice international Trade co., Ltd. is one of professional tire manufacturers and exporters in china. Main productions include UHP, PcR, SUV, TBR, TBB, oTR, Agricultural and industrial tires. our tires are certificated by EcE, DoT, ccc, NoM and iNMETRo. We supply Triangle, GoodRide, West Lake, Linglong, Armour, Advance, Wanli, Sunny, Sunew, Yellow Sea, Double Star, Double Happiness and so on. a Booth No.: 0718 BoB JANE GLoBAL TYRE coRPoRATioN PTY LTD Bob Jane Global Tyre corporation markets a wide range of Tyres, Wheels, Batteries and Automotive products under exclusive arrangements or company brands on a worldwide basis. Bob Jane Global Tyre expansion includes the establishment of Bob Jane Global Tyre outlets throughout china and Asian markets. a Booth No.: 2131 蓝洋企业发展有限公司 BLUE ocEAN ENTERPRiSES DEVELoPMENT LTD Blue ocean Enterprises Development LTD is an exporter of chinese famous brand of tires such as WiNDPoWER, BcT, TAcoMA, Turnpike, Tredtech, Treadura and so on. BoE Group has been established in Huston, USA and opened its branch office in Beijing, china since 2003. our products have shaped. complete series, including AG. iND Tires, oTR Tires, PcR. LTR Tires, TBR Tires, TRR Tires, ST Tires, irrigation Tires, Wheels. Rims and Tubes. a Booth No.: 1510 青岛佳福轮胎有限公司 BRiWAY TiRE co.,LTD. • BRiWAY TiRE co., Ltd. handles and manufactures tires over 10 years with the producing capacity of 5, 000, 000.For BRiWAY, as our top-class brand, it includes TBR, PcR, 4x4 tire, ST-series, Radial oTR tire. all kinds of Bias tire. • We are looking for oversea agent, with best service including stable supply, reliable wrranty, competitive price! a Booth No.: 0526 卡莱轮胎与轮辋 cARLiSLE TiRE & WHEEL carlisle makes special tires for special purposes. From allterrain vehicles to farm equipment, highway trailers to golf cars, riding mowers to forklifts, our tires and wheels are backed by American technology and quality control and offer superior performance. a Booth No.: 0510 青岛科昂国际贸易有限公司 cRoWNTYRE iNDUSTRiAL co.,LTD. crowntyre industrial co., Ltd. is. dynamic and fast-growing c o m p a n y l o c a t e d i n Q i n g d a o c i t y, w h o i s t h e l e a d i n g professional supplier of PcR/UHP/Winter/LT tire, TBR tire and oTR tire of china. Besides above-mentioned products, we supply also other category including Nylon, industrial, Agriculture and Steel Wheel a Booth No.: 3325 东营市方兴橡胶有限责任公司 DoNGYiNG FANGxiNG RUBBER co.,LTD. Dongying Fangxing Rubber co., LTD is. professional factory which produces TBR and oTR tire. our products are sold in over 60 countries in the world, which are welcomed by internal and oversea clients. a Booth No.: 3112 青岛晔舜进出口有限公司 EASTUP iNDUSTRiAL co., LTD o U R c o M PA N Y i S. L E A D i N G c o M PA N Y i N T Y R E S B U S i N E S S, iNcLUDE PASSENGER cAR TYRES, TRUcK TYRES, oTR TYRES AND AGRicULTURAL TYRES, WE GiVEN NoT oNLY GooD QUALiTY TYRES, BUT ALSo BEST SERVicE AND BEST cREDiT. a Booth No.: 1512 英乔轮胎有限公司 ENJoY TYRE co., LTD. "challenge to perfection, quality, service. value" is our company goal. You can only find the leading chinese brands in ENJoY TYRE, such as Goodride, Westlake, Linglong, Austone, Sunny. Rotalla, Annaite, etc. Welcome to join "Enjoy Family". "Enjoy tyre, enjoy our business" is our final satisfaction. a Booth No.: 3105 青岛德正元国际贸易有限公司 EVERBEST TiRE co.,LTD EVERBEST TiRE co., LTD is. leading tire manufacturer, mainly export PcR, LTR, TBR, TBB, oTR, agricultural tyre .We have established long time relationship with customers in Southeast Asia, Middle East, Latin America, Europe, Africa....... Tyre have past iSo9001, DoT, Gcc, ccc, EcE, iNMETRo certificates.Please visit our booth 3105. a Booth No.: 0518 长荣轮胎 EVERGREEN TiRE ciTexpo 2011 1 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube Founded in 1995, our company is comprised of two plants producing all-steel radial truck. bus tire with an annual capacity of 2.5 million unit. semi-steel radial PcR and LTR tire with an annual capacity of 10.5 million unit respectively. With advanced manufacturing equipments, best materials. newest technology adopted, the company produces. completed range of tires. a Booth No.: 3129 意创国际贸易有限公司 ExTRA TYRE coMPANY LiMiTED Extra tyre company is. professional tyre export, agent and service company in china.With. term of professionals with tyre backgrounds, we are able to provide the clients with top quality products and service and to gain strategic long-term partnerships. a Booth No.: 3402 青岛富锐橡胶轮胎有限公司 FLAME RUBBER & TiRE co.,LTD . We specialize in manufacturing and exporting various tyres, including TBR, PcR, TBB, Agricultural, oTR, industrial, Motorcycle, Bicycle tyres and tubes. Also Rims and other spare parts. certificate covers iSo16949, DoT, EcE, Soncap, ccc, etc… We warmly welcome customer from domestic and abroad markets to contact with us. a Booth No.: 2908 富轮(集团)国际贸易有限公司 F o R L o N G (G R o U P) i N T E R N AT i o N A L TRADiNG coMPANY LiMiTED Forlong (Group) international Trading company Limited belongs to Zhejiang Forlong Group that was established in 1997. We are specialized in manufacturing and supplying our "Bull" nylon light/heavy truck tyres, pneumatic forklift tyres, "Richstar" brand agricultural tires, high-speed/agricultural steel wheels/rims and series of agriculture/forklift/truck butyl inner tubes. a Booth No.: 0306 福临轮胎有限公司 FULLRUN TYRE coRP.,LTD. SPEciALiZED iN ExPoRTiNG TYRES, FULLRUN TYRE coRP., LTD. RESEARcHES AND DEVELoPS HiGH-TEcH, GooD QUALiTY, AND LATEST PATTERN TYRES. oUR coMPANY PoSSESSES ENTiRETY ADVANTAGE iN cHiNESE TYRE LiNE WiTH ANNUAL ExPoRTiNG. MiLLioN SETS TYRES VALUED US DoLLARS 240 MiLLioN. a Booth No.: 2928 富阳市富春轮胎有限公司 FUYANG FUcHUN TYRE co.,LTD Through several years' development, Fuchun Tyre has become one big and medium size automobile inner tube production base in china .mainly Produce hundreds of inner tube tyres. a Booth No.: 2030 劲科国际股份有限公司 GENco iNDUSTRiAL GRoUP co., LTD GENco iNDUSTRiAL GRoUP, is one of the biggest and professional tyre manufacturers in china, who produce mainly. items of tyres and tubes under the main and leading brand GENco, including Radial Truck Tyre -the leading item, car Tyre, Bias (Nylon) Truck Tyre, oTR Tyre, Agricultural Tyre, Forklift Tyre. 2 ciTexpo 2011 a Booth No.: 0114 好友轮胎有限公司 GooD FRiEND TYRE co.,LTD. o u r c o m p a n y h a s b e e n c e r t i f i e d b y c h i n e s e c c c、 iSo9001:2000 quality control system authentication, American DoT, and European EcE. "GooD FRiEND", "TA FU", and "SAFE FoREVER" brand tires have been exported to U.S.A., Europe, South-East Asia and Africa.. clients. a Booth No.: 1323 安固(张家港)橡胶工业有限公司 G o o D T i R E(Z H A N G J i A G A N G) RUBBER iNDUSTRiAL co.,LTD. Professional manufacturer of BUTYL iNNER TUBE covers full size of Passenger car Tubes, Light Truck Tubes, Truck and Bus Tubes, industrial. Agriculture Tubes, oTR Tubes, ATV tubes. Motorcycle Tubes, Bicycle tubes, Scooter Tubes, Rim Flaps, Retread Tires, Retread Parts, Motorcycle Tire and Bicycle Tire. a Booth No.: 1326 青岛鸿世通轮胎有限公司 GRANDSToNE TYRE coRPoRATioN LiMiTED our company specializes in manufacturing and exporting various radial and bias tyres, including heavy-duty truck, light truck, agricultural, oTR, industrial, motorcycle, bicycle tyres, inner tubes, wheels and batteries etc. a Booth No.: 5050 广州市宝力轮胎有限公司 GUANGZHoU BoLEx TYRE LTD Guangzhou bolex tyre ltd is. joint venture company producing radial tyres professionally.we have the sizes from 12 inch to 20 inch. Good quanlity. Best service are the principle of our company. a Booth No.: 2300 杭州顺源轮胎制造有限公司 HANGZHoU SHUNYUAN TiRE MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD. our company mainly produce all size of good-quality butyl inner tube, flap and tire, the total output is 50million, We have already exported to Middle-east, south-america, Brazil, Dubai, east-asia.and so on.The quality is good, the price is better.the service is best.Sincerely hope establish. good relationship with you. a Booth No.: 1108 时风巨兴轮胎有限责任公司 HiFENG JUxiNG TiRE co., LTD. Shifeng Juxing Tire co., Ltd is one of the largest tire manufacturers in china, located in Gaotang county, Shandong Province. We can supply following tyres: Light truck bias tire Truck bias tire Agricultural bias tire industrial bias tire Bias and Radial oTR tire. We'd like to do good business with friends all over the world and will become your reliable partner. a Booth No.: 3426 鸿润轮胎有限公司 HoNGRUN TYRE co,. LTD Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube We do the tyre business many years, have got DoT EcE iSo certificates, and the sales network has cover America, Euro and Africa, high quality, good price, we hope we can set up the WiN WiN business with you. a Booth No.: 2425 宏宇集团有限公司 HoNGYU GRoUP co., LTD Hongyu Group is located in economic development zone of Tengzhou city, with total investment of 100 million USD dollars. our main products are Giant Radial. Bias oTR tyres, Medium Radial. Bias oTR tyres and All Steel Radial Truck tyres. our famous brands of "Sage camel". "UF" enjoy. great reputation in domestic and overseas markets. a Booth No.: 3405 华阳国际集团有限公司 HUAYANG iNTERNATioNAL GRoUP co., LiMiTED Huayang Group can supply different series of tires, such as PcR, TBR, TBB, LTR, oTR, UHP, 4x4, Agricultural tire, industrial tire and so on. we are always trying our best to meet impotrers with better price, soonest delivery and flexible payment term. a Booth No.: 3333 大连海都易通贸易有限公司 HYDU iNTERNATioNAL TRADiNG co.,LiMiTED HYDU specializes in high-quality tires, and mainly exports into North America, Australia, Southeast Asia and Middle East. our products cover light truck tires, duty truck tires, passenger car tires, off road tires and so on. a Booth No.: 5312 伊诺华橡胶(平湖)有限公司 iNNoVA RUBBER(PiNGHU) co.,LTD innova has been offering various tires in different fields with its inventions. innova offers a full range of tires ranging from bicycles, baby strollers, scooters, motorcycles, wheelchairs, industrial and agricultural utilities, lawn. garden equipment, golf carts, trailers, fork lifts, and light trucks. a Booth No.: 2630 JAPAN ToYoMoTo TiRE coRP. LTD. Japan Toyomoto Tire corp. Ltd. offers its Tyotomoto brand, duly registered in Japan and china, of tires to china and international markets with high quality and service. The tires are made To Your Motion. a Booth No.: 3014 江隆橡胶有限公司 JiANGLoNG RUBBER PRoDUcTS co.,LTD. our factory was firstly established in 1985, which include branches such as tube factory, flap factory, reclaimed rubber factory etc. our products mainly applied form. complete set to domestic tyre factory and export. And we have found. good sales in Europe and the Middle East market.Most important, our products have passed iSo9001:2000 international Quality System Attestation a Booth No.: 0514 江苏通用科技股份有限公司 JiANGSU GENERAL SciENcE TEcHNoLoGY co.,LTD. Jiangsu General Science Technology co., Ltd located at Wuxi city, jiangsu province, belongs to Hongdou Group, is specialized in producing tires. All steel radial and bias tyres with high performance and good quality requirements, have passed the iSo9001-2000, iSo/TS16949 quality system certification, china compulsory certification, DoT and EcE-Mark.our brand name is "QiMA", "cTM", "TBB" "AUPA" "Swift horse". a Booth No.: 0810 金宇轮胎集团 JiNYU TiRE GRoUP Adopting high quality raw materials, scientific design, precise manufacturing, modern management and considerate services, we make excellent tires that comply with various quality standards of the world. Brands "JiNYU"、 "GoLDENRAoD" are enjoying. world-fame reputation. a Booth No.: 2427 卡卡轮胎有限公司 KAKA TYRE co., LiMiTED KAKA TYRE located in Dongying, Shandong, pursuits the win-win cooperation with the high quality and service. Products range: oTR, TBR, PcR oWN brand: ToURicH Agent brands: BoTo, HiLo, HEADWAY and RAPiD a Booth No.: 0008 凯诺轮胎有限公司 KARo TYRES co., LiMiTED Karo Tyres co., Limited specializes in TBR, PcR, oTR, and Agricultural tyres. We also provide other auto parts like tubes, flaps and wheels. We would like to develop with your esteemed company hand in hand! a Booth No.: 2430 广州橡森轮胎有限公司 KiNFoREST TYRE co., LTD. Benefiting from silica compound technology and fashionable tread pattern design, Kinforest's passenger car tyre and UHP tyre successfully got EcE, DoT, Gcc, EcE S-Mark certificate as well as Product Liability insurance. The factory owns 2, 500 experienced workers and the annual production capacity reaches 3, 000, 000 tyres. "LET'S Go FURTHER" is Kinforest's slogan and now we are looking for oversea agents. a Booth No.: 0523 青岛景祥橡胶有限公司 KoRYo TYRES iNDUSTRiAL (cHiNA) LTD. TYRES iNcLUDiNG RADiAL TYRES, BiAS TYRES, T R U c K T Y R E S, A.G.R.T Y R E S o T R T Y R E S, MoToRcYcLE TYRES AND BUTYL TUBES a Booth No.: 2334 日本京都轮胎(瑞士)有限公司 KYoTo JAPAN TiRE (SWiTZERLAND) S.A a Booth No.: 1314 上海陆迈国际有限公司 LANDMAx iNTERNATioNAL co., LTD. in these years, LANDMAx is focusing on new products for tire and wheel formulations in the field of industrial, agricultural. We are sure that this will not only provide. solution to ever increasing freight costs, but also offer customers ciTexpo 2011 3 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube opportunities for further sales development. completed series in TBR, PcR and oTR, etc. a Booth No.: 3329 茂世通国际贸易有限公司 M & T SoURciNG LiMiTED M. T Sourcing Limited, chinese tire and wheel supplier. a Booth No.: 3233 青岛派达格进出口有限公司 PENTAGoN ENTERPRiSE co.,LTD. Pentagon is. total foreign (European) capital investment company registered in Free Trade Zone of Qingdao, china. Shareholders have more than 30 years experience in tire a Booth No.: 2730 迈驰(山东)轮胎有限公司 MAi ( SHANDoNG ) RADiAL TYRE co., LTD Produced by MAi (Shandong) Radial Tyre co., Ltd, subsidiary of the italian MAi Group. MAi (Shandong) Radial Tyre company is headquartered in Shandong Province china. is. technically advanced radial tyre manufacturing plant with. highly skilled workforce. a Booth No.: 2413 香港美盟国际贸易有限公司 MAMMoN(HK)iNT'L TRADiNG co.,LTD Having entered the tyre business. for. years, MAMMoN(HK)iNT'L TRADiNG co., Ltd has become one of the international leading trading companies that provides various famous domestic brands of tyres, tubes, wheels, valves and other auto spare parts in good quality to most of the counties in the world. a Booth No.: 2515 青岛德致胜贸易有限公司 MAxiMPLE iNTERNATioNAL LiMiTED Maximple international Ltd., incorporated and headquartered in Qingdao china, is. professional solution provider in tyres industry, produces TBR. oTR tyres that are marketed and distributed globally under the Maximple, Hilo and Qiangwei brand. Maximple has vast experience and expertise in tyre research. development, production, marketing and tyre management. a Booth No.: 3227 宁波保税区欧瑞工贸有限公司 NiNGBo F.T.Z. AUDREE iNDUSTRiES & TRADiNG co., LTD. company name: Dowsen international co., Ltd. -Business Range: Autoparts and Auto Accessories; Machinery; casting. -Manufacture plant: Ningbo F.T.Z. Audree industries. Trading co., Ltd. -Products Variety: Radial tires(oTR, TBR, PcR, AG, forklift, Solid, farm&forest hign Floatation. Etc..), oTR and Mining rim, wheel, oTR tire and rim assembly. a Booth No.: 0921 青岛高尚国际贸易有限公司 NoBLE MANUFAcTURE co., LTD As. professional tire manufacturer, we can supply all kinds of tyres with full warrantied. Tyres include oTR tyres, TBR tires, car tires, Agricultural tires and industrial tires etc. a Booth No.: 3410 青岛奥耐特国际贸易有限公司 o R N AT E R U B B E R c o R P o R AT i o N LiMiTED ornate Rubber corporation Limited is. professional enterprise which specialized in tyre manufacture and export. our main brand is LANDKiNG, which have developed 4 ciTexpo 2011 business. The company was established with the aim to supply high quality service in tires and wheels of any kind for any use. a Booth No.: 1210 青岛奥诺轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo AoNUo TYRE co.,LTD We produce oTR, TRUcK, and AGRicULTURAL TiRES, with the DoT, EcE, iSo9000, ccc and TS16949 certificate, our main markets are Europe, America, Australia, canada, Africa, Mid-east and so on. a Booth No.: 5510 青岛普瑞恩轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo ARESToNE TYRE co., LiMiTED. QiNGDAo ARESToNE TYRE co., LiMiTED is. professional tyre manufacturer located in Qingdao china. We design, manufacture, and export. wide range of tyres including PcR, UHP, TBR, oTR, AGR., iNDUSTRiAL, TBB tyres etc. a Booth No.: 3106 青岛沃润实业有限公司 QiNGDAo EVERGREAT iNDUSTRiES co.,LTD is one of the biggest tyre producer and exporter in Qingdao china. The main products butyl tube, natural rubber inner tube, flps, giant oTR, oTR, heavy duty, light tryck and agricultural tyres. The prodouction of our company is praised by the customer from home and oversea. "Honesty and Mutual Benefit"is our basis of doing business. We are grateful for buliding the business relationship with anyone who is intrested in our products. a Booth No.: 2125 青岛保税区宏轮工贸有限公司 QiNGDAo FREE TRADE ZoNE HoNGTYRE iNDUSTRiAL & coMMERciAL co., LTD Qingdao Hongtyre Group is one of the largest tyre trading house in china. our RoADSHiNE brand tyre has won great reputation with its top quality, competitive price, fast shipment and good after service. We want to establish long term cooperation with all customers home and abroad. a Booth No.: 0003 青岛光明轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo GUANGMiNG TYRE co., LTD Qingdao Guangming Tyre was founded in 1998 with main products "Riverland" &"Supersonic" tyre. Having passed iSo 9001:2000, DoT, Gcc, ccc, EcE and iNMETRo, our products are prevailing in almost 30 countries and areas. The annual turn out is 1.2 million set of radial tyre and 0.8 million set of bias tyre. a Booth No.: 2932 青岛国轩进出口有限公司 QiNGDAo GUoxUAN iMPoRTS&ExPoRTS co.,LTD. Qingdao Guoxuan imports&Exports was established in 1995, as Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube one of the largest tire manufacturers in china. We mainly produce "BoSTAR" brand products, including radial truck tires, oTR tires, passenger car tires, bias tires, industrial tires, and special tires, in. types with more than 700 sizes in all. a Booth No.: 1300 青岛恒达轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo HENGDA TYRE co.,LTD. Qingdao Hengda Tyres co., Ltd is build up in 1994, with FirstRate production equipment and advanced production process flow, which produce. series of tyres, including oTR, Heavy truck tyres, light truck tyres, agricultural tyres and Forklift, in total over 60sizes. a Booth No.: 3204 青岛华天车辆有限公司 QiNGDAo HUATiAN HAND TRUcK co.,LTD company has developed into one of the largest wheel barrow and tool cart manufacturing bases in the world and. complex producing and exporting wheel barrows, tool carts, metal, plastic and rubber products, logistic instruments and garden tools over years of efforts since its establishment. a Booth No.: 5310 青岛凯特轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo KETER TYRE co.,LiMiTED our primary tyre products includes Autoguard(BcT) Brand PcR, UHP, LTR, Double Happiness Brand TBR, Hilo Brand oTR.Besides, we can also supply AGR and Bias tyres at competitive prices.Professionalism, efficiency and creditability make us more and more stronger. a Booth No.: 3304 青岛湖海国际贸易有限公司 QiNGDAo LAKE-SEA iNTERNATioNAL TRADE co., LTD. We are one of the biggest tyre exporters in china. Lake-Sea have own brand: ciRcLiNG which invest. design new pattern on UHP, Summer/Winter PcR tyre. We also got the agent of many famous chinese brand tyre. a Booth No.: 1318 QiNGDAo NAMA iNDUSTRiAL co., LTD. QiNGDAo NAMA iNDUSTRiAL co., LTD. is one of the biggest marketing and distribution tires. wheels company in china. We are committed to quality tires only. Production range cover: • off -the- road tires • Truck/light truck tires • car/passenger tires • Agricultural/industrial tires • Tube • Wheels a Booth No.: 0110 青岛奥得金轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo oDYKiNG TYRE co.,LTD Qingdao odyking Tyre co.,Ltd offers:All Steel Radial Truck Tyres,Passenger car Tyres and oTR Tyres. "Reliance,Practice and innovation" "Wherever your work,we work" is our odyking's Spirit. \Welcome to Qingdao odyking and trust that we can become one of your best reliable suppliers and Partners in china. a Booth No.: 2400 青岛飞马橡胶有限公司 QiNGDAo PEGASUS RUBBER co.,LTD. Qingdao Pegasus Rubber co., Ltd. is mainly specializing in producing various types of tires. currently, we can produce more than 300 different sizes of tires in. series, such as the truck tires, oTR tires, passenger car tires, and ag ricultural tires. our annual production capacity reaches 2, 600, 000 sets. a Booth No.: 2834 青岛奥普勒国际贸易有限公司 QiNGDAo PoPLAR TiRE co.,LTD 1.EcE, DoT, S-MARK, REAcH available 2.PcR equipments are all from world top class makers like German, Japan 3.Rubber material is imported form Thailand, Malaysia 4.The steel cord is from Japan 5.R&D team used to do technology support in Japan Michelin. a Booth No.: 1100 青岛七洲橡胶有限公司 QiNGDAo QiZHoU RUBBER co.,LTD As the professional tire producer, We make oTR tires (Radial. Bias), Agriculture tire, industrial tire, Truck and bus tires, and are also reputable for our sand tires. We supply you the most cost effective tires. a Booth No.: 0310 青岛瑞诺轮胎有限公司 QiNGDAo RHiNo iNT'L co., LTD. Qingdao Rhino int'l co., Ltd is. professional tyre manufacturer and exporter. Mianly deal in truck tyre, oTR tyre, Agricultural TYre, industrial Tyre, car Tyre and relative wheels under. RHiNo KiNG" and. RHiNo" Brand. Products have got DoT, EcE, ccc, iSo, Gcc, SoNcAP, SMARK, iNMETRo certificate. Welcome to contacting us with any inquiry. a Booth No.: 3331 青岛唯美特轮胎进出口有限公司 QiNGDAo VicToR TiRE iMP. & ExP. co.,LTD. o u r c o m p a n y i s. f a s t g r o w i n g enterprise located in Qingdao, china. our products include . full line of high-quality tires manufactured in the best factories in china. We provide quality products, and it is our sincere hope that we can enter into. long-lasting business relationship with you. a Booth No.: 0918 青岛旺裕橡胶制品有限公司 Q i N G D A o WA N G Y U R U B B E R co.,LTD We set up at 1996 and main produce ToP TRUST, ALL WiN, SUNNiNESS brand high quality oTR tyre, Truck tyre, AGR tyre and industrial tyre. a Booth No.: 2830 青岛汇铭橡胶有限公司 QiNGDAo WHEELiNG RUBBER co.,LTD. With more than 20 years in the global tire market, ciTexpo 2011 5 Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Partial Exhibits Tire / Tube Qingdao Wheeling Rubber co., Ltd. always provides various tires to meet different customers' requirements. our main products: Truck. bus radial tires Passenger car radial tires Radial off-the-road tires Bias off-the-road tires Agricultural tires Truck. bus bias tires industrial tires Trailer tires ATV tires a Booth No.: 2832 青岛永泰橡胶厂 QiNGDAo YoNGTAi RUBBER MANUFAcToRY Qingdao Yongtai Rubber Manufactory established in 1992, mainly specialises in producing and selling all kinds of tyres, inner tubes, flaps and wheel rims, which is. modern enterprise integrated with producing and trading. a Booth No.: 3226 陆森控股(英国)有限公司 RoAD ScENERY HoLDiNG (U.K.) LTD Road Scenery Holding U.K. Ltd, as the specialist of pneumatic tyre producer and distributor, is mainly trading in: oTR Radial Tyre; All-Steeling and Semi-Steeling Radial Tyre; Giant Tyre (Radial and Nylon); industrial and Agricultural Tyre; High Quality Butyl Tube; TBB and LTB Tyre. a Booth No.: 3114 瑞安市正泰橡胶有限公司 RUiAN ZHENGTAi RUBBER co.,LTD our main products are automobile inner tube, butyl inner tube, We have passed iS09001:2000 quality management certification.products export for more than 10 countrys, and all good use. a Booth No.: 3012 青岛士吉轮国际贸易有限公司 SAGiRUN iNTERNATioNAL Sagirun specializes in supplying. exporting all kinds of radial. bias tires. The product ranges including: PcR LTR TBR ATV GoLFcAR iD oRR AG Lawnmower Motorcycle GoKART Grass-cutter wheelbarrow inner-tube. a Booth No.: 0012 上海耐石轮胎国际贸易有限公司 SD iNTERNATioNAL SD international has become. major player in tyre market. a Booth No.: 2806 山东八一轮胎制造有限公司 SHANDoNG BAYi TYRE MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD Shandong Bayi Tyre Manufacture co., Ltd is. state-owned enterprise, which is one of the biggest tyre factory in china. We have passed several certification such as iSo, ccc, TS16949, DoT, SoNcAP etc. our brand SAFE-HoLDER, S P o RT R A K h a v e b e e n e x p o r t e d t o m a n y countries such as Middle East, Africa, Russian, etc. And have received high reputation from our customers because of high quality and faith. 6 ciTexpo 2011 a Booth No.: 2115 山东德瑞宝轮胎有限公司 SHANDoNG DERiBAo TiRE co.,LTD, Shandong Deribao Tire co., ltd, At present we can realize an annual production of. million sets and supply more than 100 kinds of tires to the clients. a Booth No.: 2506 山东风轮轮胎有限公司 SHANDoNG FENGLUN TYRE co., LTD Shandong Fenglun Tyre co., Ltd is specialized in manufacturing radial oTR tyres, TBR tyres, PcR tyres and agricultural tyres. FENGLUN brand tyres are exported to 30 countries and districts with good reputation. The company was certificated by iSo9001, ccc and Gcc, etc. JoiN FENGLUN, YoU WiLL HAVE BoTH BEST TYRES AND FULL SERVicE.LET'S To BE WiNNER ToGHETHER. a Booth No.: 0126 山东恒宇橡胶有限公司 SHANDoNG HENGYU RUBBER co.,LTD our factory mainly in the line of TBR, TBB, oTR and agricultural tyre. our products have been got the certificate of EcE, DoT, Gcc, soncap and export to many countries of the world. a Booth No.: 0725 山东佳轮轮胎有限公司 SHANDoNG HoMERUN TiRES co., LTD. Specializing in the production of various all-steel radial truck tyres and semi-steel radial car tyres. can cater to today's world tire radial change, flat, tubeless melt, the trend of environmental friendly products are exported to Europe, America, Middle East, Latin America and so on, more than 80 countries and regions. a Booth No.: 1423 山东宏盛橡胶有限公司 SHANDoNG HoNGSHENG RUBBER co.,LTD our factory is an emerging engaged in tyre production, have ccc, SASoB, Gcc, DoT AND EcE cERTiFicATioN. a Booth No.: 2502 山东泸河集团有限公司 SHANDoNG LUHE GRoUP co.,LTD. Shandong Luhe Group co., Ltd is. state company which could produce tyres and inner tubes of motorcycles, electric bicycles, light trucks and heavy duty trucks, agricultural-used vehicles and industry vehicles. it is nearly the biggest bias tyre manufacture in china. a Booth No.: 2613 山东全世通轮胎有限公司 SHANDoNG TRANSToNE TYRE co.,LTD Established in 2000, Shandong Transtone Tyre co., Ltd is. professional tyre company in china. There are an administration office located in Hebei province and. business office for exporting tyres in Qingdao. a Booth No.: 3123 山东万力通轮胎有限公司 SHANDoNG WANLiToNG TYRE co., LTD company engages in the production and sale of tires which mainly used in big and middle agriculture and oTR trucks, Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube with the registered brand "Tai li wan tong" "Tian li wan tong" "Yun de" and "Yun li" a Booth No.: 1316 山东永盛橡胶集团有限公司 SHANDoNG YoNGSHENG RUBBER GRoUP co., LTD. We established in 1986, mainly in producing tyres, our customers in all over the world. a Booth No.: 0814 山东永泰化工集团有限公司 SHANDoNG YoNGTAi cHEMicAL GRoUP co.,LTD Shandong Yongtai chemical Group co., Ltd is. well known tire manufacturer based on advanced technologies in the production of Durun brand radial tires. The Durun brand includes PcR, TBR, UHP, Snow tire, more than 300 sizes, and all the products have get the E-Mark, E-Sound, DoT, iSoTS16949, ccc certifications. a Booth No.: 3208 山东振泰轮胎股份有限公司 SHANDoNG ZHENTAi TYRE co.,LTD. it produced more than 300 sizes tyres for Agricultural tyre, Forklift tyre, Skid steer tyre, and Paddy field tyre. a Booth No.: 0906 盛泰集团有限公司 SHENGTAi GRoUP co.,LTD Shengtai Group corporation (hereinafter referred to as Shengtai Group), located in xishui industrial Park of Guangrao county, Shandong, i s. p r i v a t e e n t e r p r i s e g r o u p i n t e g r a t i n g manufacture of vehicle tyres, wheels, inner tubes and bead wires, plastic processing, international trading business, and research and development. a Booth No.: 2129 赛诺特集团有限公司 SiNoTYRE iNTERNATioNAL GRoUP co., LTD. Sinotyre-Group is the professional tyres exporter whose tyres have being sold well in more than 50 countries and regions. Tyres category: PcR, TBR, LTR, LTB, oTR, Agricultural tyres, industrial tyres, solid tyres and ATV tyres, etc. certificates: Gcc, DoT, EcE and ccc, etc. a Booth No.: 2101 添福胶胎有限公司 STAMFoRD TYRES iNTERNATioNAL PTE. LTD. Established in the 1930s, Stamford Tyres today is. global distributor of tyres, wheels and tyre related products through its extensive overseas network. over the years, Stamford Tyres has strengthened its development capabilities and introduced innovative products to grow its proprietary brands in international markets. Sumo Firenza, Sumo Tire and SSW. a Booth No.: 1115 上海星轮国际贸易有限公司 STAR TYRE GRoUP SHANGHAi co., LTD. if you need. regular supplier of tyre, optimum price/ quality ratio, please give us. call or email, which means. better choice of tyre product for your customer and. better choice of business partner for you! Make your right step today, drop us. note for our prompt action!! Together we'll go. longer way! a Booth No.: 3310 三浦橡胶(无锡)有限公司 SUNToP TiRE (WUxi) co., LTD Suntop tire (Wuxi) co., Ltd. and Wuxi Star globe tire co., Ltd. are the specialized production company which studying, production, selling, the tube and the mat. The yearly output of tire is five million and one million for mat. a Booth No.: 0500 青岛泰凯英轮胎有限公司 TEcHKiNG TiRES LiMiTED Techking is. professional tire solution provider. Utilizing its engineering resources, Techking develops different tire categories such as radial oTR, bias oTR, truck tires and passenger car tires for the worldwide market. Techking also invests many resources on tire management and tire services, aiming to provide long term and sustainable solutions for its customers. a Booth No.: 0123 青岛塔尔玛国际贸易有限公司 TiREMART(QiNGDAo)iNc. our company is specialized in exporting all kind of chinese tyres. our tyres have got certificates of EcE, Gcc, ccc, iNMETRo and DoT. We have set up iSo9001 international quality system since beginning. "Quality first, Two win cooperations" is our constantly persuing goal. We wish we would be your next best cooperator. a Booth No.: 2633 潍坊市吉航橡胶有限公司 WEiFANG ciTY JiHANG RUBBER co., LTD. Specialized in manufacturing various of agriculture tyre、 industrial tyre, presently "JiHANG" Brand contains more than 200 specifications and more than 1, 000 varieties. a Booth No.: 0318 潍坊市金盾轮胎有限公司 WEiFANG GoLDSHiELD TiRE co.,LTD The goldshield tyre group the main products includes:all steel radial tyres, our productions are exported middleeast area, south-east area, africa and south-america and so on.our productions have passed cccT, DoT, EcE and Gcc certificate. a Booth No.: 3023 潍坊市路通橡胶有限公司 WEiFANG LUToNG RUBBER co.,LTD We export truck tyres, agriculture tyres and other tyres..We are glad to do business with customers all over the world. a Booth No.: 3327 潍坊先锋工业有限公司 WEiFANG PioNEER iNDUSTRY co.,LTD our company is. professional manufacturer of tyres. We can supply otr tyres, agricultural tyres, implement tyres, forklift tyres, light truck tyres and heavy duty tyres etc. "Excellent in quality and reasonable in price" is our tenet. We hope to establish long-term business relationships with all customers. ciTexpo 2011 7 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire / Tube a Booth No.: 2113 潍坊顺福昌橡塑有限公司 WEiFANG SHUNFUcHANG RUBBER & PLASTic co.,LTD. Producing and exporting all radial tyres, agricultural tyres, stee tube wheel, tubeless wheel, larged-sized tractorand harvester machines wheel rims. a Booth No.: 1118 潍坊市跃龙橡胶有限公司 WEiFANG YUELoNG RUBBER co.LTD. The main products of weifang yuelong rubber co., ltd is TBR.it is. modern enterprise with tyre production and international trade a Booth No.: 1420 威海平安轮胎有限公司 WEiHAi PiNGAN TYRE co., LTD The leading products of Ping An includes tyres of trucks and construction machinery, which includes tyres of huge engineering machines, industrial vehicles, agricultural and forestry vehicles. a Booth No.: 3302 威海市润通橡胶有限公司 WEiHAi RUNToNG RUBBER co.,LTD Weihai runtong Rubber co., Ltd is. professional automobile inner tube and flap producer.annual output is more than 10 million inner tube and. million flap. The product have the character of durability, anti-agingand proof.class. and class. inner tube have passed the product ertification of beijing Zhonghua combination Quality certification co., LTD. a Booth No.: 3025 威海腾森橡胶轮胎有限公司 WEiHAi TiUMSUN RUBBER TiRE co.,LTD. The corporation was established in 2006.it is. top tire manufacture with an annual production of 12 million pieces top inner tubes and. million for motorcycle tires. a Booth No.: 0806 兴源集团 xiNGYUAN GRoUP xingyuan Tire Group co., Ltd and Shandong xingda Tyre co., Ltd. are core corporation of xingyuan Group. There are "HiLo" "HUALU", "ANNAiTE" annual production is 5, 800, 000sets. a Booth No.: 2423 徐州徐工轮胎有限公司 xUZHoU xUGoNG TYRES co.,LTD. xuzhou xugong Tyres co. Ltd (formerly Jiangsu Tyres Plant) was established in 1951, which has been designated by the former Ministry of chemical industry as the major tyres manufacturer in china. The products has become one of the leading poroducts in domestic market as well as in the United States, Western Europe, Australia, and South Africa etc. a Booth No.: 3005 盐城森光橡胶制品有限公司 YA N c H E N G S E N G U A N G R U B B E R PRoDUcTS co.,LTD. Yancheng Senguang Rubber co., Ltd is one manufacturer specializing in forklift tires, the products is well-known for high 8 ciTexpo 2011 quality, and hope to cooperate with domestic and abroad friends in future. a Booth No.: 0100 肇庆骏鸿实业有限公司 ZHAoQiNG JUNHoNG iNDUSTRY co.,LTD With its continual and consistent development and its manufacturing capability, SoNNY tyres are in an excellent position to market its tyre products to the world. currently the company manufacture PcR, SUV, 4x4 and LTR tyres. a Booth No.: 3000 郑州澳德橡胶工业有限公司 ZHENGZHoU oDDo RUBBER iNDUSTRY co.,LTD. o d d o r u b b e r –f o u n d e d i n A u g u s t o f 2008, t h e professtional butyl tube manufacturing enterprise was. joint venture company with. total planning investment of 400 million RMB, it's. key investment project in the national Hi-Tech industrial development zone of Zhengzhou city. a Booth No.: 3415 诸城市浩远橡胶有限公司 ZHUcHENG HAoYUAN RUBBER co.,LTD. Established in 1973 and located in Zhucheng city of Shandong Province in china, it is. professional enterprise specialized in producing motorcycle tires, light truck tires, "RAJAL"and"HAoYUAN" brand tire with satisfied quality and make the company enjoy the high reputation all over the world. We sincerely appreciate your concern and support on our company. Wheel / Rim a Booth No.: 2800 佛山市南海安驰铝合金车轮有限公司 ANcHi ALUMiNiUM WHEEL co. LTD. As a oEM and after- wheel manufacturer, we devote ourselves in producing the right wheels at competitive cost and ship to you on time. We have the capacity to serve your needs from 8 inch carting wheels to 26 inch luxury chrome styles, from oE grade to diversified after-market models. a Booth No.: 2020 安徽汇联机械工业有限公司 ANHUi HUiLiAN MAcHiNERY iNDUSTRY co.,LTD Anhui HUiLiAN Machinery industry co., Ltd. is a modernization hi-tech enterprise specialized in producing high-quality aluminum alloy wheels for automobile. a Booth No.: 2823 茌平信发铝制品有限公司 cHiPiNG xiNFA ALUMiNUM PRoDUcTioN co.,LTD chiping xiNFA aluminum production co.,Ltd. is a specialized corporation that dedicated to design 、 manufacture and sell the aluminum alloy wheel. capacity reaches 2 million . a Booth No.: 3202 达成汽配 DAcHENG AUTo PARTS Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Wheel / Rim Dacheng Auto co., Ltd locates in Guangzhou, Guangdong provice, which is a professional auto trade enterprise. We manage all kinds of 14-26 inch aluminium alloys recreate to vehicle hubs, available to Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Porsche, BMW,Benz and Audi even other recreational vehicles. The development strategy of the company is :focus on talents; step on auto domains construction and development. a Booth No.: 3200 东海县兰天汽车车轮厂 DoNGHAi coUNTY LANTiAN AUTo WHEEL FAcToRY our company specializes in manufacturing steel wheel, truck wheel and engineering wheel. our products have excellent quality and have passed the iSo/TS16949-2002 certificates. We have been exporting to more than 40 countries and areas. Looking forward to your kind enquiry. a Booth No.: 2406 FREEMAN RAciNG WHEELS iNc FREEMAN RAciNG WHEELS iNc. has more than 7 years of experience in importing and exporting alloy wheels. We are considered as one of the leading company of wheel designer and manufacturer in china. our products have passed the certificate as iSo9001-2000,QS9000 iSo/TS16949, ViA and TUV,and enjoyed great popularity among our customers. a Booth No.: 3100 福建申利卡铝业发展有限公司 FUJiAN SHENLiKA ALUMiNUM iNDUSTRY DEVELoPMENT co.,LTD Shenlika specializes in researching, developing and producing aluminium wheels. We have the most advanced manufacturing equipments and specialist persons, producing high quality alloy wheels. a Booth No.: 3128 福建省正舜汽车车轮有限公司 FUJiAN ZHENGSHUN AUToMoBiLE WHEEL co.,LTD F u j i a n Z h e n g s h u n A u t o m o b i l e W h e e l c o.,L t d i s a interprises producing automobile wheels, and products range has included the series of tube and tubeless wheels with the width from 5.5 to 11.75 inch and the diameter from 16 to 22.5 inch which could meet the needs of the global clients. a Booth No.: 2328 富达铝业(常熟)有限公司 FUTEx ALLoY(cHANGSHU)co.,LTD There are about 200 styles we could provide, with rim diameter from 12 inch to 24inch and the rim width from 4inch to 11 inch, which are for passenger car, SUV and 4WD. a Booth No.: 3428 青岛杰克锐特贸易有限公司 GREAT iNT'L HoLDiNGS LiMiTED Main products :wheels for truck、construction、agriculture and trailer; brake disc and brake drum. a Booth No.: 3431 湖北省阳新昂运铝轮有限公司 HUBEi ANGYUN ALLoY WHEEL co.,LTD our factory specializes in making alloy wheels with the history of a decade years , we will devote our superior service to our clients . a Booth No.: 2628 江苏凯特汽车部件有限公司 JiANGSU KAiTE AUToMoBiLE PARTS co., LTD. Kaite is a manufacturer, which produce all kinds of Alloy Wheels, the size from 13" to 30". a Booth No.: 3108 嘉善久久车轮制造有限公司 JJWHEEL MANUFAcTURiNG co.,LTD We are JJwheel Factory which specialize in making various kinds of steel wheels for trucks , forklifts, engineering cars and trailers. a Booth No.: 3027 黄石鑫华轮毂有限公司 KiNGHWA ToPTRUE WHEEL co.,LTD We are committed to manufacture aluminum alloy wheels with full range of size and novel designs. The monthly production volume reaches 50,000 PcS. We have been authorized the certification of TS16949. our prominent advantages are excellent quality and prompt delivery. a Booth No.: 3210 连云港市艾伦钢铁有限公司 LiANYUNGANG ALLEN iRoN STEEL co.,LTD. We are manufacturer which specilized in producing all kinds of steel wheel which equipped with heavy truck .light truck .forklift and so on .Size from 8inch to 24 inch. a Booth No.: 2814 玛斯特太平洋有限公司 MASTER PAciFic/TWG Established in 1968, TWG is a manufacturer and distributor with over 40 years experience specializing in aftermarket automotive wheels and accessories.We are headquartered in LA, with a network of 20 distribution facilities located in major cities throughout the US and canada. And our shanghai office-Master Pacific handles our production facilities in china, and provides service to all the international customers (Excluding North America). a Booth No.: 3235 MNL iNTERNATioNAL LTD MNL iNTERNATioNAL LTD is proud to bring you, LioNHART, the latest brand in high fashion wheel design and auto styling. LioNHART focus its attention in customizing premium Japanese and other luxury passenger cars, sports cars, and SUVs. a Booth No.: 0725 宁波卓越圣龙工业技术有限公司 NiNGBo SUPERiM SHENGLoNG TEcHNoLoGiES co.,LTD our company is one of the subsidiaries of shenglong group as a profeesional aluminum wheel manufacturer. a Booth No.: 2900 宁波鄞州吉诺五金汽车配件厂 NiNGBo YiNZHoU JiNUo AUTo AccESSoRiES co.,LTD. Professional manufacturer to make wheel bolt, wheel nut, ciTexpo 2011 9 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Wheel / Rim wheel lock, wheel spacer. a Booth No.: 2500 宁波甬祺铝轮制造有限公司 NiNGBo YoNGQi ALUMNiUM-WHEEL MANUFAcTURE co., LTD our company is specialized in automotive aluminium alloy wheels & related accessories with a range from 12"-28". a Booth No.: 2123 浙江曙光实业有限公司 PDW iNTERNATioNAL As a leading manufacturer and global distributor of alloy wheels with offices expanding into each country. PDW has a bold vision to be a leading alloy wheels brand as exemplified in his success in every market it is in. a Booth No.: 2625 上海精元重工机械有限公司 SEYEN HEAVY iNDUSTRiES (SHANGHAi) co., LTD. W i t h c e r t i f i c a t e s o f T S16949, i S o14001, i S o9001, QS9000, VDA 6.1 and ViA approval as well, Seyen has been the oEM supplier to General Motors Worldwide, Nissan, Honda, and Suzuki Japan and built the sales network covering the USA, Europe, the Middle East and most Asian countries since 1998. We are working continuously for technological innovation and superior quality in design, development and manufacturing processes. a Booth No.: 2111 山东贝特尔车轮有限公司 SHANDoNG BETTER WHEEL co., LTD. a pice of work must be done through many easy jobs, and the big work must be done through doing little things." With increasingly accumulation and improvement, serving with good faith, casting brand with details, the Better Wheel Enterprise is the first to set the model, and will provide users with the world's finest wheels. a Booth No.: 3420 山东东营正宇车轮有限公司 SHANDoNG DoNGYiNG ZHENGYU WHEEL co.,LTD Established in 2001,Main products are tubeless wheels and tube wheels of heavy truck &light truck.Yearly output is more than 2000,000 PcS.SHANDoNG TYREWHEEL iMPoRT&ExPoRT TRADiNG co.,LTD is a subbranch of DoNGYiNG ZHENGYU WHEEL co.,LTD.A project of 5,000,000 sets aluminum alloy wheels has set up. a Booth No.: 0001 山东奥戈瑞集团有限公司 SHANDoNG o'GREEN GRoUP co.,LTD No.of holes:10 Hole diameter:26 P.c.D:335 cENTER BoRE DiAM:281 oFFSET:169 DiSc THicK:14 REc.TYPE:11R22.5 a Booth No.: 3231 山东盛泰车轮有限公司 SHANDoNG SHENTAi WHEEL co.,LTD 10 ciTexpo 2011 Shandong Shengtai Wheel is located in Dongying city Shandong Province. We are one of the largest manufacturer specializing in buses, trailers, agriculture, engineering machinery and other wheels. a Booth No.: 2808 上海劲和进出口有限公司 SHANGHAi JiHoo iiMPoRT & ExPoRT co.,LTD shanghai jihoo co.,Ltd established in 2002 with our headquarters based in shanghai.We specialize in the development of custom rims for various types of cars for use over different terrains. a Booth No.: 2128 苏美达集团 SUMEc GRoUP SUMEc Group, specializing in the production and sale of first class car alloy wheels. Factory has been approved by iSo/TS16949:2002. We have a strong technical force and experienced technical team to design and manufacture of various sizes 13-28 inch alloy wheel, the annual production capacity is 1,000,000 wheels. a Booth No.: 2133 ToUcHDoWN iNTERNATioNAL (H.K.) co., LTD. Touchdown team group come from Taiwan, Korea, Australia and china, because the different backgrounds that lead Touchdown to the further step of more diversity and inclusiveness. Please contact with us and feel the charm of Touchdown, we guarantee to bring you the different experience from the past. a Booth No.: 3314 芜湖黄燕实业有限公司 WUHU HUANGYAN iNDUSTRiAL coRP. Wuhu Huangyan Wheels co., Ltd. is located in Wuhu city,We are a manufacturer specialized in producing luxury alloy wheels which are available for all kinds of cars. a Booth No.: 3408 厦门日上车轮集团股份有限公司 xiAMEN SUNRiSE WHEEL GRoUP co., LTD S U N R i S E W H E E L G R o U P W i T H A D VA N c E D iMPoRTED EQUiPMENTS, ExQUiSiTE MoULDS AND PRoFESSioNAL TEcHNoLoDY. PASS THE i S o T S16949:2002 S Y S T E M. W H E E L S G E T T H E cERTiFicATE oF DoT, TUV, SMiTHERS, AiRi APPRoVAL.. a Booth No.: 1106 上海俊慕铝业有限公司 YSM WHEELS YSM Wheels Manufacture co., Ltd, a member of the YSM Group. We have number of members in alloy wheels and tires business with total turnover over 25 million USD per annual. We own 4 brands, and work with major wheels brands in Europe and North America. We have 5 distribution centers all over the world. We own a factory in Zhejiang, china. At the mean time, we have in house design team, which designing original aftermarket alloy wheels. a Booth No.: 2623 浙江步阳汽轮股份有限公司 ZEHJiANG BUYANG AUTo WHEEL co.,LTD Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Wheel / Rim Zhe jiang Byang Auto wheel co.,ltd covers an area of 10.000 square meters with USD12 million in fixed assets and more than 1200 employees And currently, it is equipped with 2 wheel production lines. The annual capacity is around one million aluminum wheels . a Booth No.: 1500 浙江保康轮毂制造有限公司 ZHEJiANG BAoKANG WHEEL MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD Zhejiang Baokang wheel Manufactureco.,professionally manufactures all kinds of a Aluminum alloy wheel,All products of our company have pass the iSc9000and iSo/TS16949Qualitymanagement system certificate ,their performanacesareconforming to Germany TUV and American SFi international standards,Also we have our own right to import and export. a Booth No.: 2825 浙江飞虎铝轮有限公司 ZHEJiANG FEiHU ALUMiNiUM WHEEL co.,LTD Z H E J i A N G F E i H U A L U M i N i U M c o.LT D, i S A MANUFAcTURER SPEciALiZED iN PRoDUciNG ALLoY WHEEL,cAN PRoDUcT WHEEL SiZE FoRM 12iNcH To 26iNcH. a Booth No.: 0120 浙江风驰机械有限公司 ZHEJiANG FENGcHi MEcHANicAL co., LTD our company is specialized in manufacturing small diameter steel wheel for tubeless tire in china. Main of the wheels specification are 12", 10", 8", 6" and 4". The wheels are apply to Golf car, ATV, Garden tractor and trailer, Motorcycle and scooter . a Booth No.: 2827 浙江宏鑫科技有限公司 ZHEJiANG HoNGxiN TEcHNoLoGY co., LTD. Z h e j i a n g H o n g x i n Te c h n o l o g y c o., L t d. i s a p r o f e s s i o n a—l f o r g e d--a l u m i n u m w h e e l manufacturer. in present china, we are the producing forged aluminum wheels for all kinds of motel vehicles, such as bus, truck, car and motorcycle, ranging from 15 to 26 inches. on April 19th, 2007, our 22.5*8.25 truck wheel passed the test by SMiTHERS--SciENTiFic SERVicES in USA. are exceed SAE recommended practices for durability testing under heavy load. a Booth No.: 2802 浙江金圈机械有限公司 ZHEJiANG JiNQUAN MAcHiNERY co., LTD Zhejiang jinquan is a modern enterprise specialized in production of aluminum alloy wheels for automobiles and motors.. The annual productivity of the compangy is 1 million pieces of aluminum alloy wheels The production specififcation range from 10-24 inches. a Booth No.: 3323 浙江骏宁轮毂有限公司_ ZHEJiANG JUNNiNG WHEEL HUB co.,LTD a professional auto wheel manufacturer, capable of integrating all the processes. a Booth No.: 2930 浙江盛正部件有限公司 ZHEJiANG SHENGZHENG AUToPART.LTD SZ autopart is the chinese one of the largest manufacturer specialized in producing steel wheel , especially passenger car wheel and trailer wheel . our products mainly exported to the north american market , european countries ,middle east , south africa etc. a Booth No.: 2816 浙江永乐铝轮制造有限公司 ZHEJiANG YoNGLE ALUMiNiUM WHEEL MANUFAcTURE co., LTD Yongle has over 5 years experience of alloy wheel designing, manufacturing and exporting. We have got JWL, ViA, TUV certification approval. a Booth No.: 2415 浙江郑泰汽轮股份有限公司 ZHEJiANG ZENT AUTo WHEEL co.,LTD our company is special dedicated in production and development of alloy wheels. The wheel export all over the world with the high quality. a Booth No.: 2211 浙江宏源车轮有限公司 ZHEJiANG HoNGYUAN WHEEL co.,LTD. Zhejiang hongyuan wheel specialized in producing 3pc and 5pc tubeless type off-the-road wheel. a Booth No.: 2828 韶关市正星车轮有限公司 ZHENGxiNG VEHicLE WHEEL co.,LTD oF SHAoGUAN it is specialising in manufacturing vehicle wheel, bogie axle mechnical suspension and other trailer accessories,export to Europe,U.S.A,south Asia for more than 30 countries and regions a Booth No.: 1114 浙江金固股份有限公司 ZHEJiANG JiNGU coMPANY LiMiTED Tubeless steel wheel 22.5x8.25 hub piloted, center hole 220mm, bolt patten 10x285.75, offset 168mm, JiNGU wheels are manufactured in the world class factories with precise engineering and coating applications. They a Booth No.: 3306 尊博轮毂 ZUMBo WHEELS Zumbo wheel is a famous manufacturer who is specialized in mold development,product design,production to marketing and also customize different kinds of quality wheels according to clients' requirement. ciTexpo 2011 11 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire Repair Product and Machinery a Booth No.: 1110 your S-1000 stand by in your car again. 营口光明科技有限公司 BRiGHT TEcHNoLoGY co.,LTD. a Booth No.: 1506 Bright of china specialized in the production of 营口通广汽车保修设备有限公司 t i r e c h a n g e r a n d w h e e l b a l a n c e r f o r 24y e a r s YiNGKoU ToNGGUANG AUToMoTiVE MAiNTENANcE w i t h t h e c h i n e s e t o p b r a n d o f F i r e E a g l e. choose Bright, win the future. EQUiPMENT co.,LTD. Yingkou Tongguang Automotive Maintenance Equipment co.,Ltd is a high-tech enterprise which specializes in a Booth No.: 3029 seveloping and producing automotive maintenance and 杭州苹果机械有限公司 diagnostic equipment, We lay stresson market as our HANGZHoU APPLE BRAND MAcHiNERY development orientation new products development as co., LTD. our responsility and try our best to offer high quality. Specializing in the production automotive sheet metal repair equipment,tyre expander, tyre spreader, vulcanizing machine(tyre repair machine), tyre Tire Manufacturing Machinery & Raw Materials instant-inflation sealer, pry bar, balance pliers, tire inflation gun, tyre tools, etc. a Booth No.: 2229 a Booth No.: 5205 常州市羊氏模具有限公司 弘台达检测仪器(上海)有限公司 cHANGZHoU YANGS MoULD co., LTD. HUNG TA iNSTRUMENT co., LTD Hung Ta, a pioneer in manufacturing quality control Professional tyre mould manufacturer, Major Products: instruments, devotes his every effort heading for the Segmented Mould ,Two-piece Mold, Bladder Mold, best target. The range of testing equipments which Building Drum etc. are suitable for quality control of products includes rubber,plastic,automobile parts and so on. a Booth No.: 1320 广东巨轮模具股份有限公司 a Booth No.: 3006 美品(厦门)橡胶制品有限公司 GUANGDoNG GREAToo MoLDS iNc. Greatoo Molds professionally specialized in MEiPiN(xiAMEN)RUBBER iNDUSTRiAL r e s e a r c h i n g、d e v e l o p i n g、d e s i g n i n g a n d co.,LTD manufacturing tire molds, the biggest in china. Main MEiPiN is invested by YiNG PAio ENTERPRiSE products including TBR and PcR segmented mold, two-piece mold, oTR co., LTD.(Taiwan),we have specialized in producing mold, building drum, bladder mold and hydraulic curing press. Praised by cold Patch,Rubber Solution/cement ,Tire Seal Strip &Tools,Tire Sealant & Tire/Tube Repair Kits and we have iSo 9001:2008 certificate of registration ,oEM & oDM are welcomed. domestic and overseas customers for its high quality product and excellent services. a Booth No.: 0118 a Booth No.: 1522 上海双府机电有限公司 SHANGHAi DoUBLE DYNASTY MFG co., LTD Shanghai Double Dynasty MFG co., LTD is a professional supplier of air tools which has more than ten year's experience of produce and devise. "Taiwanese technology, management and quality, but mainland chinese price" is our feature and 山东豪迈机械科技股份有限公司 HiMiLE MEcHANicAL SciENcE AND TEcHNoLoGY co., LTD SHANDoNG cHiNA Himile is a hi-tech enterprise of state level, professionally serving tire industry. it is the manufacturer and supplier of high-quality tire molds, giant tire curing presses, inflation valves, building drums, etc. The capacity of tire molds is 5,000 sets per year. market strategy. a Booth No.: 2105 a Booth No.: 5702 天达贸易(深圳)有限公司 12 山东万通模具有限公司 SHANDoNG WANToNG MoULD co., LTD TAN DA TR AD iN G(SHEN ZHEN) Wantong Mould co., ltd is specialized in research、 co.,LTD. design、and manufacture of mould of radial – ply tire EASY Go S-1000 professional tire repair kit set is of motor vehicle. one of the fastest & easier system in the market. The company has the annual production capacity of You can buy a new replacement kit RA-100 to keep 1000 steel moulds and 800 casting and forging aluminum alloy moulds. ciTexpo 2011 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire Accessories Retread & Retreading Machinery Jiangyin Premier Autoparts industry co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of tire valves and valve cores. At present, the company produces 600 million a Booth No.: 0926 valve cores and 200 million tire valves annually. it 营口天为汽保设备制造有限公司 has been iSo9001 certified since 1997 and iSo/TS SKYWiN AUTo MAcHiNERY MANUFAcTURE co.,LTD 16949:2002 certified since 2006. Skywin Automobile Repair and Maintenance Manufacturing co., Ltd. is a Booth No.: 3422 a manufacturinglimited company with its 六晖橡胶金属工业(昆山)有限公司 dominating products of tire minor equipment LUHAi RUBBER METAL iND. (KUNSHAN) and the combination of design, exploitation, co.,LTD. production and sales. The company mainly produces Vulcanizer , tire LuHai rubber metal ind. (Kunshan) co., Ltd. is a leading Expander and lifter. manufacturer of tire valves in the world. We specialize in developing and manufacturing all kinds of valves,and provide high quality products and services to our Tire Accessories customers. a Booth No.: 1508 宁波市北仑区爱搏橡胶汽配有限公司 a Booth No.: 5206 沧州飞龙汽车配件有限责任公司 NiNGBo ABLE RUBBER & AUTo PARTS co.,LTD We a r e o n e o f p r o f e s s i o n a l m a n u f a c t u r e r a n d cANGZHoU FLYiNG DRAGoN AUTo specialized in producing various wheel weights, PARTS co.,LTD. tire valves, and tire repair tools to oversea. Under the one of the leading professional manufacturer in wheel iSo9001:2000 system, our production lines is to meet weights line, have more than 100 sets stamping with the worldwide orders. machine, specialized zinc plating working shop, and electrostatic coating machine, this year brought in the a Booth No.: 5118 most advanced automatic assembly production line. 宁波辰昊电子有限公司 NiNGBo cHEN HAo ELEcTRoNicS Welcome to contact us! co.,LTD a Booth No.: 2428 Ningbo chenhao Electronics co., LTD which is 杭州万通气门嘴有限公司 located in Ningbo city. The main product s are the HANGZHoU HAMAToN TYRE VALVES air compressors , the tire repair tools , the pencil co.,LTD. gauges.we have got the iSo9001 and iSo/TS16949 Hangzhou Hamaton Tyre Valves co.,Ltd. Mainly certificate. manufacture air control,measuring products and service tool and accessories. it has been more than a Booth No.: 0924 forty years to produce the above items, our products 宁波市福易春汽车附件有限公司 are distributed over the world. NiNGBo FoRTUNE AUTo PARTS co.,LTD We specialize in the research and production of tire a Booth No.: 5204 accessories for more than 10 years. our products include 江阴市创新气门嘴有限公司 wheel weight, tire valves, valve caps, valve cores, tire JiANGYiN cHUANGxiN TYRE VALVE co., LTD repair tool, patches, tire gauges and other accessories. JiangYin chuangxin Tyre Valve co.,Ltd.is located in Jiangyin where is only 1.5 hour driving a Booth No.: 1518 to Shanghai.After 30 years developing, 宁波欧雅道成汽配实业有限公司 comp a n y h a s b e e n on e o f the first cla ss N i N G B o o U YA-D A o c H E N G enterprises specialized in tyre valve,valve AUToPARTS iNDUSTRY co., LTD. We are leading manufacturer of tire and wheel core. accessories, our products are including wheel balance a Booth No.: 3008 weights, wheel nuts and bolts, tire valves, tire repair 江阴博尔汽配工业有限公司 tools and other accessories. We are iSo9001:2000 JiANGYiN PREMiER AUToPARTS iNDUSTRY co., LTD. and TS16949:2002 certified enterprise. We have covered the product liability ciTexpo 2011 13 Partial Exhibits Please pre-register at: www.citexpo.com.cn Tire Accessories insurance for our products in the global area. China International Tire Expo 2011 Visitor Online pre-registration Please pre-register before August 10, 2011 at: www.citexpo.com.cn a Booth No.: 2902 Venue 宁波市鄞州金钢汽配厂 Date NiNGBo YiNZHoU JiNGANG AUTo AccESSoRiES FAcToRY Time our factory mainly produce series of tire valves,tire valve caps and sleeves, tire valve tools,tire repair tools,air chuck clips etc. Shanghai Everbright convention & Exhibition center Sep. 7-9, 2011 Sep. 7-8, 9:30 - 17:00 Sep. 9, 9:30 - 15:00 (No entry half hour prior to closing time) Visitor Permission Exclusive for professionals and buyers in the industry a Booth No.: 2906 宁波中大气门芯有限公司 N i N G B o Z H o N G D A VA LV E W i c K co.,LTD. Speciallised in producing valve core, tire valve, wheel weights, valve accessories, tire repair tools, seals, patches, etc autoparts.exporting to USA, EU. Sounth American, middle east etc countries with top quality. a Booth No.: 3416 石家庄市华兴平衡块厂 SHiJiAZHUANG HUAxiNG WHEEL WEiGHTS FAcToRY Shijiazhuang Huaxing Wheel Weights Factory is a professional manufacturer of wheel weights,it has 16-yearhistory,the products have been provided to many car factories and exported to many European and American countries,and enjoy a good reputation all the time. a Booth No.: 2231 浙江埃克斯轮胎配件有限公司 ZHEJiANG xTRASEAL TiRE SUPPLY co., LTD Under the technology instruction of 31 incorporation, which has an experience of 30 years in tire repair materials, we produce the brand of "xtraseal" products which includes patch, string, cement, etc. We provide you with the high quality products, competitive price and good service. Shanghai Everbright convention & Exhibition center Add: 66 cao Bao Road, xuhui District, Shanghai 200233, china. Taxi: The Hong Qiao international Airport - 19 km, 22 minutes by taxi The Pu Dong international Airport - 51 km, 65 minutes by taxi Metro: Take line 1 & off at cao Bao Rd station, exit at entrance 1 & walk 300m westward Bus: Take line 43, 89, 92, 120, 122, 131, 531, 732, 764, 809, 942, 946 Other services Letter of Invitation: If you would like to apply for business visa in the embassies or consulates of China with the invitation letter from the CITEXPO show management. Please apply before August 15, 2011. The rate for each letter is US$ 40 per person. Interpreter: Chinese-English: US$ 120 per person per day (NonEnglish foreign language interpreters are subject to availability and change in price quotation. Please contact us in advance). ▲ ▲ Contact us Transportation to the venue CITEXPO Organizer Reliable International Exhibition Services Co. Ltd. Add: Rm 1702, Bldg 6, SoHo New Town, 88 Jianguo Road, chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. china 100022 Tel: +86 10-8589-8181 (General) Fax: +86 10-8589-8180 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] URL: www.citexpo.com.cn contact person: Ms. catherine Yang / Mr. Wilko Fong