“Please Excuse Our Mess” - David`s Star Lutheran Church


“Please Excuse Our Mess” - David`s Star Lutheran Church
“Love and Lent”
by Pastor Michael Woldt
As Valentine's Day approaches,
retailers eagerly share suggestions on how to
express love to someone special to you. Send
a card.
Give chocolates.
Buy flowers.
Purchase jewelry. Go out to eat. Plan a
getaway. People approach Valentine's Day
differently. Some embrace the day. Others
ignore it.
At its best, Valentine's Day
observation is an opportunity to express love.
However, the cards and gifts exchanged on
February 14th are only symbolic of genuine
love. True love expresses itself on every day
of the calendar year in genuine care and
concern. True love often looks like a child
doing chores at home without complaint ...
like a friend offering help during stressful
times ... like a spouse keeping vigil in a
hospital room.
Lent is also a season of love. During
Lent we witness the unconditional love that
compelled Jesus to complete the saving
mission he came to accomplish. The divine
Jesus humbled himself because he loved us.
The compassionate Jesus kept speaking the
truth about our sinful condition because he
loved us The perfect Jesus faced scorn and
ridicule because he loved us.
The allpowerful Jesus allowed himself to be nailed to
a wooden cross because he loved us. Lent
proclaims what love demanded of Jesus. Lent
shows us the full extent of his love ... a love
expressing itself in true actions, not content
with mere signs or tokens of love.
A passage from 2 Corinthians ties
Lent and love together as we think about our
lives and relationships with the Lord and with
others. " For Christ’s love compels us, because
we are convinced that one died for all, and
therefore all died. And he died for all, that
those who live should no longer live for
themselves but for him who died for
them and was raised again"
(2 Corinthians 5:14,15).
Love means we no longer live for
ourselves. Love for the Lord means that
we listen to his Word and put his will for
our lives before our own selfish desires.
Love for others means that we genuinely
care about helping them with the gifts
and abilities the Lord has given to us.
It's nice to receive tokens of love
from people who care about us on
Valentine's Day. How much better it is to
be an instrument of God's love
throughout the year. God bless your
Lenten journey this year, a journey that
begins with confession and absolution on
February 18th with Ash Wednesday
worship. May the message of Lent
inspire you to live a life of greater love, in
response to Jesus' love for you.
February 2015
Volume XVII,
Number 5
John Geldon…2/3/1931….84 yrs. old
Betty Anne Wolfgram…2/12/1933…82 yrs. old
Wilmer Kannenberg…2/15/1934…81 yrs. old
Hertha Schramm…2/16/1927…88 yrs. old
Clifford Butzke …2/18/1930…85 yrs. old
Jewel Butzke…2/19/1925…90 yrs. old
Harvey Hollmann…2/29/1929…86 yrs. old
Betty Gumm…2/21/1934…81 yrs. old
February 2015
February 1, 2015; 7:45 Joel & Linda Pless
10:15 Paul & Sharon Weis
February 8, 2015; 7:45 Dave & Von Martin
10:15 Dan & Elaine Schubert
February 15, 2015;
7:45 Christine Dahl & LaVern Oehler
10:15 Joel & Carrie Hinz
February 22, 2015; 7:45 David & Jeanie Martin
10:15 Bob & Rachel Fuller
Thank you very much for honoring Pastor Janke with a special
service, Celebration of Ministry and Retirement. Once again
you have showed how you honor those who preach and teach
here at David’s Star. The service was inspiring, the meal was
delicious, the flowers were beautiful. We are still enjoying
them at home. A special thanks to the church council, the Bd.
of Elders, Pastor Woldt, Pastor Loescher, the organist Kris
Eggers, the choir and the accompanist, the ladies who served
the meal, those who brought food, those who set up and
cleaned up afterward. We also thank all who remembered us
with beautiful cards and gifts. Thank you for making the day
one to be remembered. Pastor and Mrs. Martin Janke.
We will meet in the multi-purpose room located behind
the concession area.
We meet the 1st and 3rd
Thursday mornings of each month at 9:30. It is always
uplifting and encouraging to be in God's Word together.
We hope you can come. God's Word gives us great joy,
strength and comfort, for every day. With questions
call Beth Steinbrenner at 262.685.7420 or e-mail me at
[email protected]. Our focus will be on Psalm 23,
John 10 and a book titled "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm
23." Bring your bibles and hymnals for our opening
study. Hope to see you there!
at Jimmy’s in Jackson meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday
at 6:00 am. This group meets year-round.
is the name of our small group bible studies. We took
that name from an early disciple who was given that
nickname because he was such an encourager. Our
small group home bible studies are also intended for the
encouragement of one another. The groups are ongoing, but anytime is a good time to get involved in a
group. Call or email Pastor Loescher if you’d like to get
involved 677.0919 or [email protected].
multi-purpose room of school at 10:00am.
When you come to David’s Star to drop off your children
on Friday Mornings, stay a few minutes longer and
discuss the truths of the Holy Scriptures and pray with
other parents. Come in your work clothes, work-out
clothes, even your pj’s if you have to. No make-up?
Unshaven? Uncombed hair? It’s all good. You’re
dropping off your children, there are no high
expectations. There will be the Holy Word of God and
good encouragement to start off your day. If you have a
toddler at your side, no problem—bring him or her
along. We are all parents, we can cope with children in
the room. This informal, start off your day Bible study is
from 8:30 to 8:50. Bring a bible, your own coffee, tea or
whatever you drink to start your day.
David’s Star Church
Council Meeting Capsule
January 13, 2015
Members in attendance: Pastor Loescher, Dennis Bell, Tim
Gustafson, Keith Rusch, Andy Loeffler, Jim Korthals,
Brandon Lehman, Dan Bolha, Pastor Woldt, Randy Matter
Absent: Kurt Henning, Brian Lee
The meeting was called to order by Dan Bolha. The meeting
was opened with a prayer by Pastor Woldt. A motion was
made and carried to approve the minutes from the regularly
scheduled meeting on December 16, 2014.
Committee Reports
Membership Report (Pastor Woldt)
Pastors’ Report
Pastor Loescher, Telephone # 262.677.0919
[email protected] &
Pastor Woldt, Telephone # 262.377.1019
[email protected]
Some of the specifics of the Every Member Visit by the
pastors have been worked out, and some of the visits and
scheduling of the visits has already begun. The program will
be announced formally to the congregation at and after the
Annual Voters' meeting. We will be working with the theme:
"Let's Keep In Touch!" The focus will be to keep in touch
with God through Word and Sacrament, and also to keep in
touch with each other for mutual encouragement in faith and
Christian living. The pastors have also begun to take up the
visitation work carried out by Pastor Janke.
President’s Report
Brian Lee, Telephone # 262.377.9419
[email protected]
The president’s report as it will appear in the 2014 Annual
Report was presented.
Board for
Buildings and Grounds
Kurt Henning 262.677.2797
[email protected]
There was nothing new to report.
Board for Elementary Education
Mike Willis, [email protected]
Principal Tim Gustafson
Telephone #262. 707.2382
[email protected]
The board for elementary education has approved a motion not
to renew the one year call for the extended learning center
coordinator at the end of the current school, but will seek
alternative options for providing assistance to students needing
help. After a lot of discussion, it was decided to email a letter
to the members explaining this in more detail. The board and
faculty will look at various ways in which it can continue
extended learning during the 2015-1016 school year.
Board of Elders
Dennis Bell, 262.677.2248
[email protected]
Pastor Woldt and Pastor Loescher will share the visitation
duties that Pastor Janke had. A celebration for Pastor Janke
will be held on Sunday January 25 after the second service.
To make live streaming of our church services easier to
accomplish, we would need to spend about $10,000 for
equipment. The Advent meals on Wednesday evenings served
approximately 400 members and the free-will offerings
generated $485.
Evangelism Committee
Brandon Lehman, Telephone #262.894.6110
[email protected]
Nothing new to report.
Stewardship Committee
Jim Korthals, Telephone # 262.242.8143
[email protected]
The 2015 budget was distributed and was discussed under old
Spiritual Growth Committee
Andy Loeffler, Telephone #262.677.2319
[email protected]
Nothing new to report.
Treasurer’s Report
Randy Matter, Telephone # 262.376.1585
[email protected]
The printed report for December was presented. The end of
the year operating fund balance was a deficit in the amount of
$6,951.10. The total 2014 offerings to our WELS missions
was $88,161.87 which was 93.79% of budget. The total 2014
offerings to the KMLHS operating fund was $48,873.41
which was 99.74% of budget and KML Joyful Noise was
$8,115.36 which was 90.17% of budget.
Vice President’s Report
(Dan Bolha, Telephone # 677-3485
[email protected] )
Nothing to report.
A motion was made and carried to accept the reports.
Old Business
Proposed Budget for 2015 –The projected 2015 offerings to
our operating fund will be set to the amount of offerings
received in 2014 plus an increase of 3%. The resulting budget
document will show a projected year end deficit.
Nominations – The nominating committee is still looking for
additional nominees, and is awaiting replies from some of the
contacts that have been made.
New Business
Policy for handling allegations of abuse against staff – Tim
Gustafson presented a written policy for handling allegations
of abuse against school staff. A motion was made and carried
to approve the policy as written with the deletion of the 3
paragraphs after item #16. (A copy of the policy will be
attached to the minutes.)
Security Cameras – A site and equipment recommendation
from Milwaukee Alarm Company was presented and
discussed. This would allow the school secretaries to see the
entrances, and it would also be able to record video footage.
A motion was made and carried to approve this
recommendation using non-budgetary funds as they become
available. A $2,000 donation has already been designated for
Congregational leader to speak at luncheon for Pastor
Janke – Dennis will discuss this with Brian.
Church Council Planning Retreat – This was tentatively set
for March 7 at 8 am.
Next month’s meeting is Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 7:00
A motion was made and carried to adjourn. The meeting was
closed with a blessing.
Respectively submitted,
Keith Rusch, Recording Secretary
[email protected].
The Ladies' Aid is inviting you to come along and see the
play, "Momma Won't Fly" at the Falls Patio Players
on Sunday, February 15th at 2pm. Wheelchair tickets
are not available. We will meet at David's Star by the
south (gym) entrance at 1pm to carpool to the play. The
play is about a daughter who has to get her mom from
Alabama to California, but her mom won't fly. Deadline
for ordering tickets is February 2, 2015.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Lynne
Tews, 262-377-2051, email [email protected].
American Heart Month is a month
long celebration in the United States
that happens every February. The
"holiday" was established to urge Americans to
recognize the nationwide problem of heart and blood
vessel diseases, helping people recognize the risk
factors that lead to heart disease and encouraging
health habits that help prevent heart disease.
Risk factors that lead to heart disease:
 High blood pressure
 High cholesterol
 Diabetes
 Obesity
 Physical inactivity
 Tobacco use
 Family history
Good health habits to help prevent heart disease:
 Daily exercise
 Eating a balanced diet
 Maintaining a healthy weight
 Limiting sodium
 Avoiding tobacco
 Moderating alcohol consumption
This year, during the school “Hoops for Heart
Health Week our students will learn about “smoking
and heart health” from the senior Wisconsin Lutheran
College nursing students who are here at David’s Star
this semester for their community health clinical
experience! There is a great handout on cholesterol on
the window ledge outside the health office that explains
good/bad cholesterol and what can be done to lower
the bad cholesterol!
On another subject, I want to take a moment to
thank those who remember that the continuing purpose
of the congregation, as a group of Christians, and its
ultimate objective, is to serve all people in God’s world
with his Gospel, striving to proclaim the joys of
Christian life and to witness for Christ to the best of our
individual abilities! You may wonder why I’m quoting a
portion of our mission statement here at David’s Star…I
have been privileged to see people being sensitive to
those with special needs. Thank-you! If there are areas,
Lord, in which we might do more to welcome or
encourage those around us, please Lord, open our eyes
and give us wisdom.
“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever
you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
Together in Christ,
Sue Bolha RN, Parish Nurse 262-677-3485
[email protected]
February: the month devoted to love. Stores are filled
with heat-shaped boxes of candy and heart-shaped
cards and vases of flowers with heart-shaped gift tags.
All this is available for the consumer so that he can find
the appropriate expression of his devotion to his loved
one. If that expression of love has been preceded by a
year of thoughtful and loving words and deeds, it is
welcomed and cherished by the recipient. If not, it is
just an empty ritual, done out of duty rather than true
Our relationship to the Lord is similar. God, too, desires
our sincere devotion, not empty lip service. “The Lord
says: ‘These people come near to me with their mouth
and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far
from me.’ ” (Isaiah 29:13)
Stewardship is serving, helping, giving, but love is the
basis for stewardship. Without love, our good deeds are
empty and without merit. The first act of true
stewardship is to “love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”
6:5) Jesus called this the most important commandment
(Mark 12:29, 30).
With that love for the Lord in us, we are enabled to be
good stewards. Then we can do acts of good
stewardship, acts of true devotion. We are enabled to . . .
• “Give generously to him and do so without a
grudging heart.” (Deuteronomy 15:10)
• “Carefully observe [his decrees and laws] with
all your heart and with all your soul.”
(Deuteronomy 26:16)
• “Share with God’s people who are in need.
Practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:13)
• “Whatever you do, work at it with all your
heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”
(Colossians 3:23)
God, through Ezekiel, promised, “I will give you a new
heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from
you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow
my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” (Ezekiel
36:26-27) This promise he has fulfilled in his Son, Jesus,
who has followed his Father’s decrees and kept his laws
for us. As we strive to live fruitful lives of stewardship,
at the same time, we rest in Christ who has been the
perfect steward for us.
Stewardship Committee
Signing up to bring a snack to share on Sundays for our
fellowship time has just gotten easier:
We're using VolunteerSpot (the leading online signup
and reminder tool) to organize our Sunday fellowship
between services. Please sign up for Sunday
Fellowship Snacks - here's how it works in 3 easy
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on
VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/CZiNpg
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to
register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will
send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address
with anyone.
If you prefer not to sign up on-line or do not have
computer access, a sign up sheet will still be available by
the coffee area in the new gathering space.
Thank you for considering to serve in this capacity.
SCRIP PROGRAM due to declining sales the decision
has been made to liquidate the Scrip Gift Card program
sponsored by the Parent’s Group. We would like to sell
our current inventory of cards. We have quantities of
Pick –N Save, Piggly Wiggly and Sendik’s cards. We also
have Walgreens, WalMart , ShopKo, Subway, Red
Lobster, Starbucks, Panera, Noodles, Old Navy, Michaels,
Claires, Boston Store, American Eagle and Applebees.
Please contact Phyllis Dencker 262.677.1886 to
purchase these cards.
We have an on-line Greeter signup program. If you are
interested in helping us out by greeting on Sunday
mornings in either the 7:45 or 10:15 am services, please
follow these 3 easy steps.
To sign up for Greeters:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on
VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/wJK3Zd
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will
send you an automated confirmation and reminders.
If you have any questions or don't feel comfortable
entering this information, please call:
For 7:45 Service: Kathy Smith, 262-677-2173
Email: [email protected]
For 10:15 Service: Delores Philipps, 262-377-2368
Email: [email protected]
Please prayerfully consider greeting on Sunday
mornings. It is a wonderful way to meet new members
of our congregation. VolunteerSpot does not share your
email address with anyone.
Dear fellow believers,
I want to thank all of you for the donation that you have
given to me and others who have chosen to take part in
public ministry. In a time when education is very costly,
every bit counts. To me, there is no better opportunity
than to serve the Lord, who continues to show mercy to
me and others as we work for the salvation of others.
God's blessings on you and all his people,
Nathan Guhl
Hello, I would like to thank David's Star for the financial
assistance it has so graciously granted me. I am blessed
to be in a congregation with people who believe it is a
good thing to assist kids going into public ministry.
Thanks again for the generous donation, it is very much
appreciated, and will be put to good use.
Michael Loescher
Thank you to the members of David's Star for their
offerings which provided money for the check that I
received to help with my tuition at MLC. It was a huge
help! Martin Loescher
Fellow Members of David's Star,
It has been a great encouragement to both me and my
wife that you have given a gift of money to assist in my
education at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. We would
like to thank you for this gracious gift. It warms the
heart to know that we have a whole congregation
supporting us, not only with the gift of money, but also
with prayers and personal encouragement.
In Christ,
Luther and Allie Zuberbier
Annual Voters Meeting
January 22, 2015
David’s Star Ev. Lutheran Church,
Jackson, WI
7:00 pm
The meeting was opened with a devotion by Pastor
The meeting was called to order by congregational
meeting chairman Patrick Steele.
A motion was made and carried to approve the minutes
from the 2014 annual voter meeting.
A motion was made and carried to approve the agenda
as printed.
The 2014 Annual Report was handed out prior to the
meeting. Copies of all the reports that will be presented
during tonight’s meeting are included in the Annual
Report. A copy of the Annual Report is attached to the
Membership Report (membership changes since the
previous annual voters meeting)
Bacigalupo nata Schuster, Sheri;
Profession of faith
Bublitz, Victoria
Transfer from Faith, Sussex
Dahl, Christine
Adult confirmation
Gooden, Veronica
Transfer from St. Paul, Muskego, WI
Hall, Jean
Transfer from St. Matthew’s, Port
Washington, WI
Kwiatkowski, David, Shandra,
Alexandra & Audriana
Transfer from Mt. Olive, Appleton, WI
Markgraf, Jason & Kaili; Leo
Transfer from Calvary, Thiensville, WI
Klug, James & Loretto; Kevin, Brian,
Jamie, Shelbie
Profession of faith
Oehler, LaVerne
Profession of faith
Williamson, Andrea
Adult Confirmation
Willitz, Noah
Transfer from King of Kings,
Frankenmuth, MI
Transfers of Membership
Eernisse, Noah & Rebecca; Ethan, Owen, Evan
Transfer to Morning Star, Jackson, WI
French, Eric
Transfer to St. Jacobi, Milwaukee
Fuller, Renee
Transfer to Shepherd of the Hills, Duluth, MN
Lamm, Natalie
Transfer to Grace, Milwaukee
Loescher, Andrew & Amy; Lydia
Transfer to Shepherd of the Hills, Knoxville, TN
Mathiak, Erin
Transfer to Lamb of God, Lafayette, IN
Matter, Aaron
Transfer to St. John, Wauwatosa, WI
Potter, Anna; Leonard IV
Transfer to Our Savior, Perry, MI
Moths, Jesse & Jennifer; Mason, Marek
Transfer to Morning Star, Jackson, WI
Schowalter, Cindy
Transfer to Shepherd of the Hills, West Bend, WI
Smith, Holly
Transfer to St. Luke’s, Watertown, WI
Tackmier, Bill & Dorcas; Sam, Madelin
Transfer to Calvary, Thiensville, WI
Wentland (nee Moldenhauer),
Jessica; Alexander
Transfer to St. Peter, Chaseburg, WI
Released from membership (requested)
DuFore, Joseph
Hammond, David & Jaime; Michael,
Matthew, Wyatt,
Nelson, Sandy
Polzin, Dennis & Victoria; Daniel, Dale,
Dennis II, Rebecca, Cody
Schowalter, Ray
Stuebs, Ranier; Cynthia, Daniel, and Andrew
Vasserella, Jennifer; Grace
Vogel, Abigail
Released from membership
(no recent worship/contact/out of area)
Cable, Carrie (Marc)
Carter, Kathleen
Coldewe, Curtis
Debroux, Kathryn (Cassandra Giebel)
French, Brian
French, Cynthia
Hafemeister, Dean
Marzinske, Andrew
(nee Marzinske) Lauren
Marzinske, Robert
Monosso, Lori (Jacob Fletcher)
Rusher, William
Thompson, Robert & Janet
Thompson, Alyssa
Tischer, David (Savannah)
Signing of Constitution by new voters
The constitution was signed by Jim Cisco, Todd Schrap,
Jonathan M Kruse, Joshua Bintz, and Ryan Shelvik. A
motion was made and carried to accept them as voting
members of David’s Star Church.
Reports of Officers
Boards and Committees
Pastors’ report (Pastor Loescher, 677-0919,
[email protected] and
Pastor Woldt,
377-1019, [email protected] )
Pastor Woldt gave the report. There will be an every
member visit this year. The visit can take place either at
the family’s home or at church. This year there will be
19 confirmands. 6 of those confirmands are not
students of David’s Start Lutheran school. Pastor
Woldt’s service outside of the congregation includes
being chairman of the MLC governing board.
Principal’s report
(Tim Gustafson,
262.707.2382, [email protected] )
The Principal’s report is included in the annual report.
Sheila Krause accepted a call to KML to work in their
learning center. To fill that vacancy, Colleen Loeffler
accepted a one year call to teach in the extending
learning center. Every classroom now has a smart
board. Thank you to the technology committee. Thank
you for the budgetary funds used for the continuing
education of our teachers. Reaccreditation is in
Treasurer’s report
(Randy Matter, 262.412.6643
[email protected])
The Treasurer’s report is included in the Annual Report
and was presented by Randy Matter. The December 31,
2014 ending balance in our operating fund was a
negative $6,951. This compares to a surplus of $49,299
on the same date last year. The 2014 operating fund
receipts were $1,008,906 compared to $1,065,157 per
budget. Thank you to Lisa Marie Kison for her service
as the church bookkeeper. She is transitioning her
bookkeeping responsibilities to Bob Heider who has
agreed to take this position.
Church Council report
(Brian Lee, 377-9419, [email protected] )
The President’s report is included in the annual report.
Brian thanked the outgoing members of the boards and
committees. The nominating committee has struggled
finding members who are willing to serve on
committees. Members are encouraged to consider
serving on a board or committee when asked. He also
thanked all those who helped with the demolition and
removal of the teacherage/parish center.
Board for Elementary Education
(Mike Willis, [email protected])
The Board’s report is included in the Annual Report.
Mike talked about the 2015 budget challenges. Mike
read the letter that was written and sent explaining to
our church members the decision to not extend the one
year call for an extended learning teacher for the 20152016 school due to the current budgetary constraints.
The board and faculty are looking into alternative
options for continuing the extended learning center.
Board of Elders
(Dennis Bell,677-2248, [email protected] )
The Board’s report is included in the Annual Report.
Dennis highlighted a few items from the report. The
called workers care committee has finished its work.
Paul Steinbrenner chaired that committee. KML tuition
assistance of $500 was given to 6 students. Dave Martin
started an OWL group in our congregation. Terry
Hansen has been working on getting our worship
services streamed live on the internet. About $10,000
of equipment would make the streaming of our worship
services a lot easier to accomplish. Dennis thanked Sue
Bolha who chairs the Parish Nurse Program, Kris Eggers
who continues as our Worship Coordinator, and Joe
Stickney who has assisted with periodic mailings to
some of our members.
Board for Buildings and Grounds
(Kurt Henning, 677-2797, [email protected])
Kurt was unable to attend the meeting. The Board’s
report is included in the Annual Report.
Evangelism Committee (Brandon Lehman)
The Committee’s report is included in the Annual
Report. Pastor Loescher mentioned that the committee
hosted the Easter Egg Hunt last year. He also pointed
out that the committee continues to be a part of the
Cedarburg Outreach Group which assists Redeemer
Lutheran Church with their outreach efforts.
Spiritual Growth Committee
(Andy Loeffler , 677-2319, [email protected])
The Committee’s report is included in the Annual
Report. Andy thanked committee members Doris
Koeller and Mark Hendrix for their help. He also
thanked the teachers of the children’s Sunday Bible
Stewardship Committee
(Jim Korthals, 242-8143, [email protected] )
The Committee’s report is included in the Annual
Report. Jim highlighted the work of the committee
including the fall Stewardship Bible classes and the
development of our annual ministry budget.
Cemetery Committee (Wally Miller)
The committee’s report is included in the Annual
Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School
(Joel Pless)
No report.
Auditing Committee (Todd Backus)
The committee’s report is included in the Annual
Report. A brief report was made by Todd Backus.
A motion was made and carried to accept all reports.
Dennis Bell presented the ballot. Nominations were
presented and opened up for nominations from the
floor. There were no nominations from the floor and a
motion was made and carried to approve the ballot as
presented. The results of the elections were:
President: Brian Lee
Vice President: Glen Miller
Evangelism Committee Chairman: Ryan Shelvik
Board of Education Member: Jeff McCoy
Board of Education Member: Robert Campbell
Board of Elders Member: Roger Tews
Board of Elders Member: Clif Koeller
Board of Building & Grounds Member: Todd Schrap
There were three vacancies in the Board of Elders, but
only two nominees that were elected. Hence there still
is one open position in the Board of Elders. After the
completion of the elections, a motion was made and
carried to destroy the ballots.
Old Business
New Business
Tuition – The Church Council recommended that we set
our school tuition rates for the 2015-2016 school year
at the following rates: 3K- $900 (member and nonmember), 4K - $1,250 (member and nonmember), 5KGrade 8 member -$1,250, and 5K- Grade 8 non-member
-$4000. A discount of $50 for each additional child from
the same family will also be included in the plan.
Following some discussion, a motion was made,
seconded and passed to approve the tuition rates as
Adoption of the 2015 Budget - The 2015 Budget was
presented by Jim Korthals. Following discussion, a
motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the
budget as presented.
Undesignated Gifts Policy – The Church Council
recommended that we adopt the following policy with
respect to undesignated gifts.
Undesignated Gifts $5000 and under:
100% to the Church Operating Fund
Undesignated Gifts over $5000 up to $25,000:
35% to the Church Operating Fund
35% to the Restricted Building Fund
10% to the Future Called Workers Tuition
Assistance Endowment Fund.
10% to the Building and Improvement Fund
10% to KMLHS
Undesignated Gifts over $25,000: The council will
make a recommendation to the voters at the annual
or a special voters meeting. The input of the voters
will be used to formulate a motion that needs to
receive approval from the majority of those present.
Following discussion, a motion was made, seconded,
and passed to approve this recommendation.
David’s Star School Ministry Plan – The Church Council
recommended that we adopt the David’s Star School
Ministry Plan. (A copy is attached to the minutes) Tim
Gustafson presented the ministry plan. After some
discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and passed to
adopt the ministry plan as presented.
Vote of thanks for outgoing board members - A motion
was made and carried to offer a vote of thanks to
outgoing board members.
Installation of new/reelected officers, board and
committee members will be held Saturday January 24th
or Sunday January 25th in the service of your choice.
Janke Retirement Ministry Celebration Service is this
Sunday at 10:15 with lunch to follow.
The date of the 2016 Annual Meeting will be announced
by the church council later in the year.
The meeting was adjourned.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer and
Benediction by Pastor Woldt.
Respectfully submitted,
Keith Rusch, Recording Secretary
([email protected])