historical research report - Institute of Occupational Medicine
historical research report - Institute of Occupational Medicine
HISTORICAL RESEARCH REPORT Research Report TM/74/05 1974 Pneumoconiosis Field Research: Environmental conditions at Linby Colliery, 1972/73 Sinha MM, Annis R HISTORICAL RESEARCH REPORT Research Report TM/74/05 1974 Pneumoconiosis Field Research: Environmental conditions at Linby Colliery, 1972/73 Sinha MM, Annis R This document is a facsimile of an original copy of the report, which has been scanned as an image, with searchable text. Because the quality of this scanned image is determined by the clarity of the original text pages, there may be variations in the overall appearance of pages within the report. The scanning of this and the other historical reports in the Research Reports series was funded by a grant from the Wellcome Trust. The IOM’s research reports are freely available for download as PDF files from our web site: http://www.iom-world.org/research/libraryentry.php Copyright © 2006 Institute of Occupational Medicine. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the IOM INSTITUTE OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Research Avenue North, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP Tel: +44 (0)870 850 5131 Fax: +44 (0)870 850 5132 e-mail [email protected] ii Research Report TM/74/05 NOT FOR PUBLICATION I N S T I T U T E REPORT NO. TM/74/5 O P O C C U P A T I O N A L M S D I C I N PNSUMOCOKIOSIS PI3LD RESEARCH ' • ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AT LINBY COLLIERY, 1 9?2/73 ty M.M. Sinha and R. Annis Environmental Branch Institute of Occupational i-Iedicine Koxburgh Place Bdinearth. 2H8 93U (Tel. No. 031-667-5131) • April, 1974 REPORT NO. TH/74/5 I N S T I T U T E O P O C C U P A T I O N A L M E D I C I N E PNEUKOCQN103IS FIELD RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AT LlilBY COLLIERY, 1972/73 M.M. Siriha and R. Annis CONTESTS SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 2. LIIJBY COLLIERY 2.1 Colliery details 2.2 Ventilation and dust suppression 2.3 Manpower and occupational groups 3. SAMPLING AND EVALUATION 3.1 Sampling programme 3.2 Sampling method and evaluation 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Faceworkers 4.2 Non-faceworkers 4.3 Environmental summary 4.4 Relationship between control point and face concentrations 4.5 Total dust measurements 4.6 Estimated concentrations 4.7 Special investigations REFERENCES TABLES 12_14 REPORT HO. TK/74/5 I N S T I T U T E O F O C C U P A T I O N A L M E D I C I N E PHEUKOCONIOSIS FIELD RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AT LINBY COLLIERY, 1972/73 by M.M. Sinha and R. Annis SUMMARY This report tabulates respirable dust concentrations and compositions at Linby Colliery for the period April 19?2 to March 1973. Information regarding seams worked, outputs, methods of working, dust suppression and manpower together w i t h the associated dust concentrations is .presented in a series of face charts. At Linby Colliery the coalface mean respirable dust concentration was 5.7 mS/m . The mean ash content of the respirable dust sampled was 63,6 per cent and the mean quartz content was 9.5 P^r cent (concentration 0.54 ing/nr ). Total dust concentrations are also given, and on the average were 5.4 times as high as respirable dust concentrations. PNETJI.'OCONIOSIS FIELD RESEARCH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AT LINBY COLLIERY, 1972/73. M.M. Sinha and R. Annis 1. INTRODUCTION This report lists and examines environmental measurements made at Linby Colliery during the period April 1972 to March 1973. Routine dust measurements were made with the K.R.E. Gravimetric Sampler Type 113A. The stratification of manpower and method of sampling, almost exclusively by volunteer carriers, were as described previously (Sinha, 19?2). Dust concentrations, which formed the bulk of the measurements, are presented mainly in a series of charts with the relevant comment in •footnotes. Of particular interest is the presentation of mean concentrations for different sites and occupations in each face area. The composition of the dust is also given. The report gives general information about the colliery, notes groups for which volunteer carriers were not obtained and supplies estimates of concentrations. The relationship between dust concentrations at control point sampling points in return roadways and on faces is examined and 'total dust 1 concentrations are n o t e d , f o r fifty-four occupational groups and control sampling points of seven faces. 2. 2.1 Colliery details (i) Location; (ii) Seams worked; ' LINBY COLLIERY Linby colliery is situated about seven miles from Nottingham in the northern part of the Nottinghamshire coalfield. During the period, coal mined came from the High Main Seam (05:050)* and the Vfaterlco Seam (O5:3c0)* (iii)'Quarterly output: Period High Main Sea:: April- June 19? 2 166 875 July-Sept. 1972 136 147 '.later loo Seam M 10 066 Development all seams 3 475 2 465 Total 170 350 148 673 (Ann. Hoi) 40 419 33 256 2 465 Jan. -March 1Q73 137 048 153 052 2 031 179 932 188 339 Total 593 122 83 741 10 436 687 299 Oct. -Dec. 1972 * Seam Correlation Code 2. (iv) Paces: 2.2 Nine faces were worked in the Eigh Main Seam. Two of these faces were retreating and the rest advancing. Average thickness of in-seam dirt band was 16cm. One face (advancing) was worked in the Waterloo Seam . This is the first production face in Waterloo Seam. The seam has a dirt band which thins out in a southerly direction, tfhen the face was first started the thickness of the dirt band was ^\ cm. Ventilation and dust suppression Average air quantities, temperatures and relative humidities are shown in Tables1_lO. These measurements were obtained from the colliery records, 2.2.1 Dust suppression Dust suppression measures were applied on faces, development headings and mineral transport systems, . Special features noted were impingement curtains across faces and Hicrodyne dust collector in tailgate of V l ' s face,. 2.2.2 Dust respirators llartindale Type «U' Respirators were in use. It is estimated that 22 per cent.of the men employed underground took respirators with them and 14 per cent of the men employed underground actually used respirators. Respirators were used by men during periods of high dustiness, 2.3 Manpower and occupational groups . . The total colliery population at the end of .the dust year was 1231 of whom 420 were classed as faceworkers, 533 as non-faceworkers underground and .223 as surface workers. The number of occupational groups at the end of the dust year was as follows;-. 31 Pace groups Elsewhere underground groups 13 Surface groups 2 SAI-PLING AND EVALUATION 3, 3.1 Sampling programme Sampling was carried out mainly by volunteer instrument carriers (Sinha & Thomas, 19?2). The 'random collier' technique was used for occupational groups for which it was not practicable to have volunteers. The allocation of sampling effort is summarised in Table 11. TABLE 11 Allocation of Sampling Effort ^"""--^^^ Environment Samp 1 ing'"-— ^.^^ v.ethod — \. pace Volunteer Carrier 356 Random Collier Total Elsewhere Underground 2 478 18 358 496 Surface M 29 29 ; To find out if there was any bias between 'Random Collier1 and 'Volunteer' sampling an exercise was carried out with one elsewhere underground occupational group. Twenty shifts were sampled by volunteers of the group. These shifts were also sampled by investigators using the 'random collier1 technique. Results showed that the bias was negligable. Samples could not be taken for seven groups listed in section^.6, as the faces concerned either closed very early or opened very late in the dust year and volunteer instrument carriers were not available. Volunteer carriers carried sampling instruments at approximately fortnightly intervals. All sampling shifts were supervised. 3.2 Sampling method and evaluation The sampling method and evaluation of samples, including determination of composition, were as described previously (Harrison, 1971; Sinha, .1972). Compositional analysis of the respirable dust was carried out at the Institute of Occupational Medicine: and consisted of the determination for each occupational group of the ash, quartz, kaolin, mica, calcium and magnesium carbonate and iron carbonate contents of samples. Similar compositional analysis was made of the non-respirable (elutriator) dust for four occupational groups. Difficulties were experienced in centrifuging down the very fine particulate matter present in respirable dusts. Ottery ar..! Whittaker, (1973) have reported a further examination of this material which indicated that it consists mainly of carbon black with some oily content. It probably arises as contamination from diesel exhausts and, possibly, from atmospheric pollution, from the surface. The contamination v.-as spread fairly generally throughout the colliery. 4. 4.1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Faceworkers Tables 1-10 show the mean concentrations of respirable dust for the face occupational groups in each quarter of the-year. Mean ash and quartz concentrations are also given. Detailed comment on the face results are shown as footnotes to these tables. Variation of results and high quartz concentrations may be noted. 4.2 Non-faceworkers 4.2.1. Development Workers Thirty-five samples v/ere obtained in coal and twenty-eight in stone headings. See Table 14. The stone headings samples include eight samples taken in face advanced headings which v/ere more than nine metres in-advance of the faces (Tables 7 and 8). 4.2.2. Slsev.-here underground workers Mean concentrations are given in Table 12 for all 12 groups in this category ('E' codes): they range from 0.8 to 2.9 mg/np. TABLE 1 FACE SUMMARY Seam Corr. Code Scam i High Main N.C.O. Ccwl ftar.k % Codu Carbon . . 05:050 802 - Face Starting Data ._ 81.3 April 1968 • ' • Site , Fsce Finishing Dato ~ .,, i ' *— •• • ' Loadergate Height 243 a 1.17 D • - — -— . Intake Stable Fired, handfilled Kethod of Working Rip and half heading fired and power loaded ha chine Details Electric drill uust suppression 49k» stage loader, 90k» panzer (Hausher levelling i dinting machine) Gel anpoules sprays at transfer points Supports 4.25 x 3.05 Q arches HyJrauhc props and Groetchel bars Occupation . Gel ampoules 1 3 Front Rippers Stableaen F341 F344 6 8 Site (Filling Shifts) O.G.S.N. • Number of Men, in Occupational Group i Mean RcspinLle 1st Quarter 3.5 (12) 4.9 (9) j Duvt 2nd Quarter 4.9 (5) 6.4 (10) I Concentration 3rd 5.3 (6) 'far Option i , 1 °-u3rter mg/tn* U(23) 5.7 (27) 4.3 (23) 5.7(27) 1.42* 1.75- 2.46 0.31 3.47 0.48 Year for Site • Aoh Concentration mfc/m* mg/m* • Quartz Concentration 5.8 (8) ' - ««« Quarter Mean Sample Concentration 1 lenrth , ,, . longmll advancing Half heading systea. i c. J binglo !lni+ Dec 1972 •— Type of Face mg/m* 1 i Site 1 Occupation Face Tradesmen Front Rippers (Preparation Shifts) O.G.S.N. ; Number of Mtn In Occupitional Group I Mean Rcspirable Dust Concentration • for Occupation F330 F341 2 3 1.8 (2) 3.8 (2) mg/m* ': l-ixinn Sarnplo Concentration 2.80 (4) for Site ! Ash Concentration Q0?.rtz Concentration rog/m* 1.31* mg/m' 1.71 0.27 mj/m* Notes: 1. .. 2. • 3. 4. ( ) Number of Samples ... CHART Shift Cycle . —. Filling Filling Preparation Average Output per Shift 246 ton Roof Seam • Grey shale and. shaley oudstons 1.12 m coal ' 0.05 n dirt band Face Pov.er Loaded Sprays on trepanner GuLlick five-leg chocks Machine Operators & Froppers F343 QuinVit/ 7.80 m3/s - Rip fired, handfilled £ packed 48 KB Chain conveyor 90 kvr Panzer Gel ampoule Gel atipoules i 3.65 n-x 2.74 o Arches 5 7 Stablemen F345 REMARKS Tai Igate Electric drill Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars Dry 20.0 Wet 18.3 R.M. .86$ Front Rippers . :• F342. 8 i Control • Point 19 8 4.2(7} 6.9 (5) 4.5(9) 5.1 (4) 5.6 (10) -4.7 (6) 3.9(4) 5.9 (2) 5.7 (12) -6.3 (6) 3.6 (2) 5.0 (5) - Face Mo.in 6 " - - 5.3 '(29) 5.9 (17) 5.3 (29) 3.43 - 5.9 (17) 2.00 2.57 0.30 2.80 0.33 4.2 (15) • . 5 5.2+ 4.2 (15) 1.19 5.2 (11) 1.41 2.14 0.27 2.16 0.27 i 7 General Workers Notes: Average Ventilation Return Stable 4 •. Floor • • Siltyaudstone and seat earth •Fired, handfilled Double ended conveyor mounted Trepanner (2 x 45 kw cotors) • 3's FACE —. — — -i Temperature C Front Rippers E53 F342 1 .3 0.46 (1) 2.0 (5) 0.46 (1) 2.05 - 0.48 0.28 0.04 1.01 -0.13 Face Ke-zn 2.3+ i i 5. 6. 7. e. • Standard Deviation Mof.-v/elghtcd Mean TABLE 1 TA13LC 2 FACE SUMMARY Seam Corr. Code Seam N.C.B. Conl Rank Codu Face Starting Date % Carbon v High Main 05:050 602 81.3 Site July 1970 Loadergate Fere Finishing Dato — ... _ July 1^72 TypcofFaco ' sir.glp Unit Longrall advancing Intake Advance Heading Lenpth r He!'-ht 281 nt 1.18s Intake Stable Method of .Working Withdrawing and re-setting arches, packing Full height -advanced heading Fired and power loaded. Fired, handfilled Machine Details 90 ki» panzer 12 BU Loader Electric drill Dust suppression Forcing Fan, Gel ampoules sprays on loader Gel ampoules Supports A. 25m x 3.05fli arches 2 1 Site Stablemen Occupation Advance Headers Hydraulic props and bars . . 3 Stablemen (Filling Shifts) O.G.S.N. F368 F367 F368 1 7 7 Number of Men In Occupation;! Group Me?.n Rcspirable 1 st Quarter 3.2 (6) Dust 2nd Quieter 3.2(1) Concentration 3rd Quarter for Occupation mg/m° 3.0 (4) _ 2.6(1) » - 4th Quarter Year t-iean Sample Coni/jrstnjtlon for Site Ash Concentration mr./m° mg/m' Quartz Concentration nv,/m8 3.2 (7) 3.Q (A) 2.8 (1) 3.2 (7) 1.97' 3.0 (A) 2.8 (1) 1.78 0.22 1.51 0.20 0.80 1.53 0.19 • 2 Siu- Front Rippers Occupation (Preparation Shifts) F367 O.G.S.N. 3 Number of Mtn .'n Occupational Group Mean Rcspirable Oust Concentration 3.0 (2) 8 for Occupation mp,/m 3.0 (2) 1.33* Mean Sample Concentration iVSita . rrivjm* Ash Concentration mg/m8 Quartt Concentration mC,m> • 1.51 0.20 Notes: 1. Loader gate advance heading touched fault in May '72 2. Maximum concentration for occupational group F369 was 16.9 mg/ra 3. High quartz concentrations 3 4. . on face and at return end. The face mean ash at 71.1 per cent and the mean quartz at 21.7 per cent are the highest values recorded in ( ) Number of Samples 16's CHART ~ Shift Cycle : Average Output Filling Filling Preparation per Shift 111 ton Roof Seam Floor ;— ; Grey shale and shaley ciudstone 0.92n coal 0.2Cni • di riband Face Si Uy nudstone and seatearth Return Stable Averages Ventilction Tcmpcrnturc Quantity > 4.77 m /s Dry 19.9 Wet 18.2 R.H.. 86$ Tai Igate Power loaded Fired, handfilled Rip fired, handfilled and packed Double Ended Conveyor Mounted Trepanner (2 x 45 kv/ motors) Electric drill 48kw Panzer, 90k» panzer Sprays on trepanner Gel ampoules Gel ampoules Gullick Oobson powered supports Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars 3.65n x 2.740 arches. 4 15 6.4(15) r 7 Stablecien . Front Rippers 8 i Control • F369 F370 8 7 8.7 (10) 7.8 (4) 8.6(3) 10.8(1) . 11.3(1) 3.5 (2) - ... c REMARKS •. 5 Machine Operator's and Proppers ' F366 FACE Point Fata Mean • 6.0(17) • • 8.9(11) 8.4 (5) 6.0 U7) 4.08 8.9 (11) 5.15 8.4 (5) 2.03 8.6(3) 4.89 4.66 1.45 7.29 2.83 6.49 2.33 6.91 2.65 4 5.9+ 7 Machine Operators and Proppers F366 Front Rippers F370 U 0.8i Faca Ms;n 3 (1) 2.0 (1) o.« (i) 2.0(1) 0.59 0.18 1.56 0.56 Notes: 2.3+ i this seam and higher than those reported in 1971. (i.e. 70.8 and 18.6 cer cent rescectivelv). 0 Standard Deviation Man-weighted MC.VI TAOLE 2 TABLE 3 FACE SUMMARY Seam Corr. Code Seam High Kain N.C.D. Co-il Rar,k Codu 05:050 % Carbon 602 81.3 Faco Starting Dato Face Finishing Oato Type of Face Single Unit Long-wU advancing Oct 1971 Len.-th Height 185 a 1.1 7a Site Loadergate Kethod of Horking Intake Stable Half heading system. Half heading and half rip fired and power loaded. Fired and handfilled 40kv? stage loader 90k» Panzer. Eicico 621 loader Electric drill Dust suppression Forcing fan Gel sterling Supports 4.25ra x 3.05a arches hydraulic props and groetchslbars. Machine Details . Site 1 Occupation (Filling Shifts) O.G.S.N. Number of Hsn In Occupational Group 1 st Quarter Mean Respirabia ( Dust, 2nd Quarter Concentration 3rd Quarter for Occupation mg/m* 3 Front Rippers Stablemen F376 F379 6 6 3.3(1) ' 6.3 (?) I 4.3 (3) 5.5 (7) 5.U11) A 1th Quarter 2.6 (2) 6.2 (6) Year 3.M6) 5.8 (29) 3.6 (6) 5.8 (29) 2.40 Mean Somplo Concentration for Sito Ash Concentration mfjm» mg/m* Quartt Concentration mg/m» 2.07* 1.91 0.23 ' ' - . 3.47 0.46 Site Stablemen Occupation (Prepai-atlon Shifts) F379 O.G.S.N.- 3 I Number of Mc-n In Occupational Group 7.0 (1) Mean Rcspirable Dust Concentration for Occupa'tion ''• mg/m* i ' I'iean Sample Concentration • I f fcrSita ' Ash Concentration t Quartz Concentration : 7.0(1) mg/m" - mg/ms mg/m* Notes: 1. 2. 3. I i.1 * ( ) Number of Samples ~ — 4.15 0.55 CHART 18's. Shift Cyclo Averajjo Output Roof ' '' Filling Filling Preparation • 193 ton Scam Floor • — Grey shale and shaley nudstons Face 0.97 n coal 0.30 ui dirt band Silty mudstone and seatearth Power Loaded >ouble Endsd Conveyor Mounted Trepanner (2 x 45 kiv motors) Dr ;' '• r 20.9 19.0 84?> X Wet R.H.. ; i i Fired, handfilled . Rip, fired and power loaded f Electric drill 48kw stage loader 90kw panser 12 [JU Loader j Gullick 5-leg chocks Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars 4.25a x 3.05m arches. 7 5 Machine Operators & Prcopers F378 8 Stableoen Front Rippers F380 F377 i i Control Point Face 6 6 14 ! i i i | 4 I i | 4.9 (17) 5.4 (?) 7.2(1) 3.9 (3) 5.3 (12) 8.0 (6) 5.5 (5) 4.8 (i,) 7.0 (15) 8.0 (10) 5.6 (8) 6.5 (3) i 1 7.7(6) 3.8 (3) i 3.6(1) 6.3(11) 3.6 (1) 5.8 (55) 2.22* 10.7 (8) 8.6 (26) 6.3 (20) 5.8(56) t-. 22 8.6 (26) 3.82 6.3 (20) 2.18 5.9 (13) 2.41 3.56 0.42 5.56 0.71 4.05 0.46 4.20 0.51 - C REMARKS Sprays on loaders 4 Qtjantlty Tailgate Gel stenming 'F330 Temperature • Sprays on trcpanner Face Tradesmen Average Ventilation 4.12 r7s Return Stable FACE • • 6C0+ ' i ; j 7 i Face Tradesmen Front Rippers t F330 r F377 3 2 . 2.4(2)- 2.7(12) , Fcco l-'ean ' ; • i 4.3+ \ 2.7 (14) 0.85* i i i i i 1.73 0.22 Notes: i S. 6. • 7. e. 1 Standard Deviation Man-weighted Mean TABLE 3 TAOLE '• FACE SUMMARY Seam Seam Corr. Code . HichHair, •• N.C.O. Coal Rank Code 05:050. 802 % Carbon - Face Stirling Date Face Finishing Data 81.3 July 1969 May 1972 . Site Type of Face Single Unit •longirall retreating Method of Working Road c'ra»n off as face retreats. Arch legs drawn and reset. Fired and handfilled Ma chine details 43k',T stage loader 90 ks panzer Electric drill 4.25s x 3.05.T1 arches Hydraulic props and bars i Site Occupation (Filling Shifts) O.G.S.N. Number of Men in Occupalionr.1 Group ! Mec.n Rcspinbla 1 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Dy!>t Concentration 3rd Quirter , _ . for Occupation 1th Quarter mg/m* Year j Mean Sample Concentration for Site mpjm* Ash Concentration (ng/m" Quartz Concentration mg/m* . . Site i Occupation (Preparation Shifts) j O.G.S.N. Number of Men In Occupations! Group . Mean Rcspirable Dust Concentration for Occupation • mg/m* I'iean Sample Concentration | for Sito . tfifjm* I Ash Conccntr.-.tion mg/me j Quartz Concentration mg/m* Notes: 1. 2. > 3. ( ) Number of Samples Height 1.27a Gel ampoules Sprays at transfer points Supports 278m Intake Stable Loader gate • Dust supression Length CKAfXT 21 is Shift Cyclo AIi-crago Roof Filling (one shift . a day) P0 r * lft " 1 38 ton r v i and A Grev shale " Seam Floor Average Ventilation Quantity si Ity tiiudstone and seat earth 1.06a coal 3.97 n3/s dirt band nudstone FACE Temperature — Dry 18.2 Wet '16.3 R.H.. 83^ C i REMARKS Return Stable Face Stoppings erected as face retreats Fired and handfi lied Power loaded Double ended conveyor Counted Trepanner (2 x 45k« motors) Electric drill 90k« panzer Sprays on Trepanner Gel stemming Gel ampoules Gullick Meg chocks Hydraulic props and bars 4.25m x 3.05ra arches Snickets fired and nandfi-lleo • 8 4 Machine Operators and Froppers F349 > F ace Officials f Control Point E50 Faco !i,ean 2 7 i Tailgate | 3.8 (A) 2.1 (2) .. • • 3.8 (4) 2.1 (2) 3.2 0.48« 3.2 (6) 1.13* - 1.75 0.19 4 General Workers • E53 Face 2.2 (1) i '• u- 2.2 (1) i Notes: S. 6. 7. 0. 0 Standard Deviation -(- Man-weighted Mean TAOLE TABLE 5 FACE SUMMARY ! Snam Seem Core. Cede ' Hi &h Main . N.C.O. Co.^1 Ry.k Coclj 05:050 Face Startin;? Date % Carbon 802 81.3 Fcco finishing Data April 1972 Type of Face Lenglh Height j Single Unit longwall advancing 222 to 1.19 n Site Loadergate Method of Working Rip fired and power loaded. Half heading system adopted since August 1972. Intake Stable Fired arid handfi lied Machine Details 40kw stage Loader 90kw panzer 1C 3 loader Electric drill Dust suppression sprays on loader and transfer points Gel ampoules Gel steraaing Supports 3.65a x 2.74:a arches Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars. •• 1 Site Front Rippers Occupation Face Officials ' 3 -Stableraen (Filling Shifts) F381 O.G.S.N. 12 Number of Men in Occupational Group Mean Rcspirable\ 2nd Quirtcr 9 U(8) '3.1 (6) 3.6 (1) 3.7 (3) 5.2 (9) - 5.2 (6) Concentration 3rd , ~ , f o r Occupation 4th Quarter ....... 2.8 (2) 2.8(1) 4.4 (14) Year 3.5 (16) 1.U* 3.2 (2) 0.55 5.2 (17) ir>g/T>V °-vnrter F384 ' 3 U (5) >«* Quarter Duit E50 Mean S'.implo Concentration. for Site Ach Concentration ropjm* mg/m* Quartz Conccntntion mpjm* \Sitc \ :^ - - - '- 3.4 (18) 1.08* 5. 2 -(37) . 1.96 2.03 0.20 3.09 0.32 . . Occupation (Preparation Shifts) O.G.S.N. Num'jor of Mtn 'n Occupational Group 1'lcan Rcspircble Oust Concentration for Occupation mg/m* . t-'nian Sample Concentration •' for Si to rrtg/m* Ash Concentration rng/m° Quartz Concentration mj/m* Notes: I. 2. 3. 4. ( ) Number of Samples , CHART 25 's Shift Cyclo _~_.______— . Filling filling filling Avcraro Output per Shift ?11 ' -- •- Roof Scam — . .. ... . 1.1': rc coal 0.05m dirtband ... ,, • . trey shale and shaley Eiiidstone ton Return Stable Poser loaded Fired and handfi.lled Double ended conveyor mounted (2 x 45 kw motors) trtpanner . Electric drill Ircpingeirent curtain tried out v Sprays on trepanner • Dobson Chocks Gel ampoules Quantl£y .. . Face Tradesmen F330 . -" " ~ ' G e l ainpoules sprays on loader 4.8(1) ! -. j | 3.65n x 2.74ra arches. 7 Front Rippers 10 11 1 6.4 (6) 5.0(9) 3.8(1) 3 4.5(1) 6.9 (2) 8.6 (5) 5.0(8) 7.3(2) 6.9 (3) 6.6 (8) ' 4.7(9) 4.1 (4) 7.1 (6) 4.1 (5) 5.1 (7) 2.10 6.8 (17) 5.9(27) 2.46' 4.9 (38) •1.48 2.73 0.31 . Central Workers E53 4.6(5) 4.9 (29) 1.39: . 8 F382 F3S5 5.1 (7) j 90kw panzer 4fikr,' stage loadsr EII-'CO side dmp loader ' E50 - I i . Face Officials StabUinen 21 6 REMARKS Fired power loaded 5 ' Machine Operators and i'^oppers F383 1 { DO' 20.6 Wet 18.7 R.H.. 84£ , 5.73 nrYs Tailgste Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars 4 4.7 (2) 0.10' siUyr-udstone and seat earth Temperature - c ' . 4.7(1) Averap.o Ventilation ' Face ' Floor . FACE Control Point Face [•** n 8.3 (2) 4.2 (2) • 5.8 5.9 (28) 2.44 « 3.58 0.36 3.32 0.30 (3) 3.5 (3) ' 3.8(1) 6.8 (17) 2.39 4 " • i 5.0+ 5.3 (10) 2.54 2.90 0.32 i t j 1 Generz . Workers E53 i 1 Face Kean 1 i 1.3 (1) 5.3(1} 1.3+ 0.78 0.10 ' Notes: 5 6. 7. e. 0 Standard Deviation Man-weighted Mean TABLE 5 TABLE 6 FACE SUMMARY "" • " Scam Corr. Code Scam High Main N.C.O. Cor.! Rank Codo 05:050 802 i i * Face Stating Date % Caroon 81.3 . torch Typo of Fac/j Fico • Finishing Date 1S73 j I Single Unit lonp-Aall retreating Length 265s Height 1.23s . Site Losdercate Method of Working Road drswn off as face retreats. At face end arch legs withdraw and reset. fe chine Details ' 50l:» panzer 48 kn st;ge loader Dust suppression Supports Intake Stable Fired, . hindfilled Electric drill Sprays at transfer points Gel steirjriing 4.25n x 3.05n arches . Ears and hydraulic props. Site Occupation (Filling Shifts) O.G.S.N. : Number of Men In Occupation;! Group i 1st Quarter Mean Rcspirabie Du>t ind Quarter Concentration 3rd Quarter 1th Quarter for Occupation • . mg/m* . . Year i Moon S:irnple Concentration for Site 1 A;h Concentration ms/m* • Quirti Concentration mg/m* • mc/m* Site Occupation * (Preparation Shifts) O.G.S.N. Number of Men In Occupations! Group Mean Rcspirable Dust Concentration for Occupation mg/m* Mean Sample Concentration for Site i A-,}| Concentration mg/m* i Quartz Concentration mg m* Notes: ' 'mg/m' J. 1 Face started towards the end of the dust year and all occupational groups could not be sampled. 2. 3. 4. ( ) Number of Samples CHART 29's Shift Cyclo r-nFT 1 lino (one shift a day) . Aycrap.o Output per Shift 263 Roof Seam . ., ... Grey shale and shaley cudstone ton Face Floor ^ 1.08 coal O.Zin Dirtband Si Ity DUC stone and seatearth Fired, handfilled Double ended conveyor mounted trepanner (2 x 45kw motor) Electric drill 90kw panzer Sprays on trcpanner Gel ampoules Dobson five leg chocks 7 ! Electric drill Arches - 4.25n x 3.05ra .• 8 Stablemen . PsEMARKS Stopoing erected as face retreats snickets fired and hand shovelled. 5 Machine Operators • and Proppers • F403 , Dry 18.7 Wet 16.7 R.H.. 832 Gel ampoules Bars and hydraulic props 4 ' Tai Igate : FACE Temperature . C 5.46 m /s Return Stable Power loaded Avcra?o . Ventilation Quantity ' F404 Control Point Face 3 !.. 4.4 (1) 15.9 (I) 4.4 (1) 15.9 (1) 4.4(1) 15.9 (1) 2.62 0.27 10.06 1.24 .7.9+ Faco f'.;an I Notes: S. 6. • 7. 0. 0 Standsrd Deviation -{- Han-weighted Mean TADLG 6 . TABLE 7 FACE SUMMARY Scam Scam Corr. Code • • High Main N.C.D. Co:i! K-snk Code 05:050 Face Stnrtin:' D?.t2 % • Carbon 802 £13 Site fcrch FSCQ Finishing Date , .,,-,-,- Type of Fate — _. , .... Sir,cle U m t Lcn-^tli "" Hc'c-ht Oct 1972 Icncwall advancing 288 is 1 31 m 1570 LoadErcate Intake Advance Heading Method of working Kithdra»ing and resetting arches Full height advance heading. and power loaded Machine detsi Is 48kv? stage loader 90ka panzer 12BU loader 1 1 Dust suppression Forcing fan, sprays on loader Supports 4.25m x 3.05n arches. i 1 Site 2 i Occupation Stablemen (Filling Shifts) F361 O.G.S.N. i .,, \ Number of Msn in Occupational Group Mean Rcspirsbte 1st Quarter Duvt' IndQurj-tcr Concentration 3rd Quarter for Occupation •• - , v mg/rn". — 10 3.4 (7) [ (see Note 2) 3.3 (4) 4.9(1) 1th Quarter 4.6 (8) 3.5 (12) 1.05* Year Mean Somplo Concentration for Sito Ash Concentration m.r/m' rng/m* Qusrtz Concentration mg/m» 3.5 (u) 1 05* 1.89 0.18 Site Occupation (Preperation Sh!fU) O.G.S.N. j N'jtnter of Men in Occupational Group t Mean ftcspirable Dust Concentration mB/rnf for Occupation Moan Scrnplo Concentration for Site mFj/m« Ash Concentration meym* j Qyaru Concentration mg/m' j- ' Nota-;: \. 2. •' Wet dust collector was used in Tailgate for a short period. Intake advanced hoadir.fi sampled as a seperate working place, a stone drivage, as it was ifiore than 9 oic-tros in advance of the ficc-line and had more than 5Q£ of rock in its cross-section. Quartz concentration 0,13 sci/V • { ) Number of Samples Fired CHART 31 's Shift Cyclo . ' filling filling < filling ' . . . Av GmjQ .Roof . • jtput -. ... —r—- — — — —— : .. pci* Sh'ft ' ""~r^0y' chain ' ••»(• . and shaley . tf n ab °" rcudstone .Scam • fired and handfilled Pov,er Loaded Double endad conveyor. Hountcd (2x45kw motors) trcpanner Floor i .1 1 .Ota coa 1 .' °/^ , d 'rtband • Return Stable'-"- • •'•-•• face . -.- Average VcntiSetlon Quantity . si Ity mudstone seatear{h : .Temperature C < 21.4 19.6 j i Dry Wet and '5.09n.3/s FACE •R.H.. 64£ |. REMARKS Tailgate i i Rip fired, handfilled and packed 48kvr stage loader |: ii ij !' 90kn panzer Electric drill T Sprays on trepanner Gel ampoules Gel ampoules Dobson five-leg chocks Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars 4.25 x 3.05a arches t • I • I- ' ! • 4 fsce Tradesmen ' F330 . . 5 Machine Operators and Propoers f360 20 5.0 (6) 7 5 13.0(1) •• • 8 i • Rippers " i Point Face l-;ean 10 12.3 (3) . 11.7 (2) U (5).. 6.4 (3) 5.8 (2) 11.4(2) • • r J Control F364 10 . 5.4 (11) .8.9(3) Stableir.en (oachine got ) f362 ! • | J ! i .....I. i i t •» i f 6.1 (12) 4.34 . 6.3 (9) 2.79* 6.2 (21) 3.67 3.93 0.61 12.1 (5) 8.4(7) 12.1(5) 0.93 4.06 8.4(5) 4.76 5.71 0.84 5.72 0.83 8.4(7) 8.45 0.90 1 i i 1 ! face Tradetnen t Rippers F330 F364 2 2 2.2 (1) i 1 Hean i t 1.8(2) t 2.0+ ; 1.8 (2) 0.45 2.2 (1) j ' | i i 1.55 0.33 1.25. 0.18 i ] Notes: 3. High quartz concentrations at the return end. ' ; • ' j ! • i ,• Standard Deviation 4- Man-weighted Mean TABLE 7 TABLE C FACE SUMMARY i Seam Corr. Cede Seem - ' N.C.O. Co.il Rank Code Face Starring Date % Carbon ' Faco finishing Cato "~ ' High Main 05:050 602 81.3 liov. 1972 Typcofraca . . ' ., • c. Simle unit Icngvrall advancing . Lensth Heltjiit "~ 1,83 a I.Ooe • 3it" Loadergate Intake Stable Method of Working Half heading system. Fired and powerloaded. Machine details ASkw stage leader HC3 .(38k«) Loader i Oust suppression Fired, handfilled 90k» panzer Electric drill Gel ampoules. Sprays on loader and transfer points j Supports 4.25m x 3.05a arches. Gel aopoules * Hydraulic props and bars. 1 Sito Occupation Face Tradesmen 3 Front Rippers Stablemen (Filling Shifts) O.G.S.N. F350 F396 F397 2 6 9 " Number of Ken In. Occupational Group , - - - - ljt Me?.n Kcspirable Dmt Quarter 2nd Quarter jrd Quirtcr Concentration , ~. , for Occupy' Ion , mg/m* J . 3.6(1) ' 1th Quarter , , . 3.6 (1) Year Mean Sample Concentration for Site mrJtn* Ash Concentration mg/m' Quartz Concentration mjj/m* Site 4.5 (2) 6.2 (8) 4.5 (2) 6.2. (8) 4.2 (3) 0.91* «.?. (8) 2.82 2.59 0.43 3.59 0.51 . 1 Front Rippers Occupation (Preparation Shifts) F396 O.G.S.N, 2 Number of Men In Occupational Group Mean Kcspirable Dust Concentration for Occupation • Mean Sample Concentration for Sito . "3.6(4) , mg/m* • mg/m* Ash Ccncentr.-.tion ' mg/m* 3.6 (4) 1.33* • 2.15 .30 mg/m8 Quart?. Concentration Notes: From February 1973 full height advance heading ivas made In Tailgate which was ventilated by an auxilidry fan. Stablemen sere ecployed on face end preparation work (Site 7). ( ) Number of Samples •- . CHART FACE Shift Cyclo Aycr?£o • . Output .' • per Shift Filling filling preparation 118 ton Roof . Seam • •' —- ' Grey shale and shaley audstone Face ' Floor i - 1.21 ca coal ho dirtband ' Power loaded Sprays on Trepanner. Impingement curtain used occasionally Gullick 5-leg chocks Face Tradescen F330 REMARKS j Gel ampoules 4.25m :• 3.03ci arches 5- 1 Stableflen . Face Tradesar.n 8 7 Stablenen F399 F330 F399 5 1 1 . 14 Front Rippers F400 4.3 (1) ' 5.0 (9) 6.7. (2) 4.3 (1) - 5.0(9)' 2.66 . 6.7 (2) 4. > (10) 2.52 . 3.19 0.46 .. 4 5.8 (1) 1.MD E53 • 4.47 0.49 F399 fj.TiCO 8.3 (3) 5.8(1) . 6.7 (2) 1.99 Stablenen Point 2.3(1) . 5 General Workers Control 6 • 1.8(1) c Dry 19.6 Wet 18.4 R.H. 91$ KC3 (38kvy) loader 38kv; panzer 90 kw panzer Hydraulic props and bars Machine Operators and'Proppers F398 c. Rip fired and power loaded Gel ampoules I\ 7 2.81 n /s. Temperature Tailgate Fired, handfilled until February. 1973 see Note 1. Electric Drill ' • Double ended conveyor mounted Trepanner (2 x 45kn Eolors). tian . .Silty cwdstone and seatearth Return Stable Average, Ventilation i 2-3(1) 5.0+ 3.3 (3) 2.19 8.3 (3) 5.65 2.21 0.29 5.85 0.69 7 . Stablemen Front Rippers F399 F400 Faco M'-JD .. 1 2 2.6 (1) 2.2 (1) 2 4 2.7 (1) 1.1 (2) 2.2+ 2.6 (1) - 2.2 (1) - 1.7 (3) 0.9.'. i 1.54 0.20 1.42 0.16 . 1.09 0.13 Notes: .2. 3. The return advanced heading (Site 6) had a nean rospirable dust concentration of 5.8 cg/o . Ash and quartz concentration high along this face. ! e Standard Deviation H- Man-v/eightcd Mean TAOLE 8 TADL5 9 FACE SUMMARY Scam Corr. Code Scarn High Main N.C.O. Coil Rank Codij 05:050 Face Stirling Date % Carbon 802 81.3 j Type cf FOO> Lcnsrth II Single Unit long-Mil advancing June 1972 III 225 B Heipht — -^~*~T T Lcadergate Intake Stable Method of Working Half heading system. loaded Kachine details 4l!kw stage loader 90kw panzer I-1C3 (3ckw) loader Electric drill • Dust suppression Gel ampoules Gel st easing Supports 4.25m x 3.05a arches Hydraulic props and Qroetchel bars. Fired, handfi lied Fired and power- 1 Site 3 Stablemen Front Rippers . Occupation (FillinC Shifts) F386 O.G.S.N. Mean Rcspirable DlAt Concentration for Occupation mg/m* lrt F389 5 I Number of Msn in Occupational Group - 6 Quarter 2nd Quarter 5./, (4) 3rd < 3.2(11) . 3.2(7) 3.6 (22) ' 5U3rter .„ „ Year 9.9(1) 5.3 (6) ' - 4.7 (10) 5.2 (17) .. 3/5 (22) Mean Sample Concentration for Site m?Jm* 1.8.':* Ash Concentration mg/m* Quartz Concentration mg/m* 2.11 0.26 5.2(17) 2.35 3.01 o.38 ; 1 Silr: Front Rippers Occupation (Preparation Shifts) F3fi6 O.G.S.N. 3 Number of Mt:n in Occupational Group Mean Rcspirable Dust Concentration 2.7(5) . s for Occupation mg/m . Mean Sornplo Concentration for Sito mp/rn» Ash Concentration mg/m* Quartz Concentration mg/m* . 2.7 (5) • 0.75* 1.60 . 0.20 • Notes: 1. Fault touched in Tailgate in November 1972. Face length gradually decreased as Tailgate followed faultline. 2. Sean contains local pockets of dirt in this panel. 3. ( ) Number of Samples J_-T_ 1.060 , Site ! Face Finishing Data - CHART 41 'S Shift Cycla Averago ' " Roof -Output- ••per Shift .„_, Grey shale and T_ .Filling filling preparation -107 . Seam : shaley r,iudstono ton Face . 1.Z2ra coal. Silty ir,ndstone 0.05 m dirtband and seatearth • . Return Stable Fired, handfilled Double -ended conveyor mounted Trepanner ( 2 x '<5kw iriotors) . Electric drill Sprays on trepanner Gel ampoules Gullick 5-lcg chocks Hydraulic props and Groetchel bars ' ' 90kw panzer . DO" 19.0 Wet 17.4 R.H.. 86^ REMARKS 38kw panzer KC3 loader Gel anpcules . 3.65 x 2.74 arches. 5 : Stablemen 13 5 C • Machine Operr-tors and Proppers F388 F330 3.79 n3/s. Temperature Fired, power loaded by MC3 loader. In Nov.1V72 changed to EIMCO loader. - Face Tradesmen Avenge, Vontilf/cion Quantity Tailgate Power loaded 4 Floor — _— FACE 7 Front Rippers F390 F387 6 6 ! 6 • Control Point : ,,Fa« hean 5.9 (2) . 9.6(1} 5.4(9) • . 9 . 7( 9 ) 9.6(1) ' .9.0 (4) 6.0 (5) 8.9 (8). 6.5 (9) 7.0 (3) 0.2 (3) 4.0(11) 11.4(9) 8.2 (8) 6.2(31) 1.64 10.0 (21) 7.0 (22) 10.0 (21) 3.32 7.0 l#) 3.39 8.6 (6) 4.73 5.20 0.92 6.30 1.21 0 (32) 3.78 • . 7.02 1.25 4.48 0.63 6.5+ 7 Front Rippers F387 3 .. 3.3 (6) . = Faco Mrsn 3.0+ 3.3 (6) 2.55 2.49 0.44 • ' . - : . • : • Notes: S. 6. 7. e. e Standard Deviation Man-weighted Mcsn TADLE 9 ; 10 FACE SUMMARY i i— [ Seam Scam Corr. Code - Waterloo . N.C.O. Coil Rar.k Code 05:360 . °/p Carbon 802 81.8 i Site f ; i i ! Face Starting Daiu Type of Face Fsco Finishing Data August 1972 Loaderg?.te I Single Unit Longwall Advancing l.»njrth 219 a Rip fired and power loaded Machine Details 3Ekw stage loader EIMCO 625 loader SOktf panzer Electric drill Oust suppression Debris sprayed. Gel arcpoules. lEipingecent curtain tried out Gel arapoulcs Support s 4.26n x 3.65m arches Hydraulic props and bars 1 Occupation (rilling Shifts) O.G.S.N. ! Number of Men In Occupational Group ! Mean Rcspirsble ' Fired and handfilled 3 Rippers Stablemen F391 F394 12 11 l$t Quarter 2nd Dust Qu^cr 5.UO 6.0(2) Concentration 3rd Qulrter 6.2 (3) 5.9 (3) torOcruj^ton "th Quarter 3.9 (0 U (7) Year 5.0 (8) 2.77* 5.1 (12) 1.92 5.0(8) • 2.77* 5.1 (12) 1.92 3.65 0.79 3.41 0.56 mg/m° 1.32m Intake Siable Method of Working Site Hc!--ht ] Mean Sample Concentration for Sito Ash Concentration rnpjm* mg/m* Quartz Concentration rn?Jm* ' Site Occupation (Preparation Shifts) O.G.S.N. Number of Men In Occupations! Group Moan Rcspirable Dust Concentration for Occupation wg/m* Mean Sample Concentration for Sito mg/m* Ash Concentration mg/m* Quartz Concentration mg/m» Notes; 1. Hicrodyne replaced by Dry Extractor in October 1972 but hardly used. 2. High quartzconcentrations occur even at the intake ripping 0.79 ag/n 3. 4. ( ) Number of Samples | CHART VI 's Shift Cycle , Fillina filing preparation ; Average . Output per^hift . . . . . . 203 Roof Seam Floor . .. ton ^ . 1.12m coal O.Sln dirt band nudstone Face Average Ventilation Quantity — 3m silt stone then sandstone 7.56 Return Stable Tailgate Power loaded Powerloaded Double ended conveyor mounted Trepanner (2 x 48kn motors) Planner and shearer - BJO 76kw Dosco (38ki?) ripper. Bcceroit Plough Packer 48kw panzer 90k?/ panzer Sprays on trepanner and planner Sprays on loader Sprays on ripper. Hi crodyne Dobson 5- leg chocks Dobson 5- leg chocks Ripping done by machine. power packed. Debris FACE Temperature C i 21.6 19.0 7$ Dry Wet R.K, • •j -I j REMARKS i Planner and ~! shearer withdrawn ' arch !7i? Handi Hied after this. : * f Plough packer replaced by s lusher n Sept. 72. Hand : \ : 4.26 x 3.65ra arches i 4 Face Tradesmen ' ' : 5 . F330 Machine Operators and Proppers F393 3 21 Stablemen 7 Fa:e Tradesmen F395 F330 8 1 i 8 Rippers F392 Control • i Whoto j Point Faco 12 | i • . 3.0(1) ' . 11.2(9) 6.7(2) 9.8 (5) 7.1 (9) 8.9 (4) 7.3 (13) 8.7(10) 4.12* 3.4(31) «• 4.28* 8.5(41) 4.19 . 7.9 (2) 5.1 (3) 11.6(2) 10.9 (3) 9.8 (19) 11.3(3) 14.5 (5) 14.2 (16) . 12.7 (4) 11.9 (10) 6.37 11.9(10) 6.37 6.38 1.37 11.3 (38) 5.62' 7.9 (2) , 9.94 2.31 11.1 (40) 5.58 9.33 2.14 j i 8.2+ 9.79 2.28 F392 i i i 12.0 (9) 2.26 Control Position i —i | I 7 Rippers j i i Mole Faca Mean i ' : 2.9+ j 1 . 2.9 (1) - 2.9 (1) 3.8 (1) 2.46 0.57 3.08 0.72 Notes: 3. 0 High concentration? recorded, in Sites 5, 7 and 8 are associated with very high ash and quartz concentrations Standard Deviation Man-svelghted Mean TADLE 10 4.2,3 jurfac_g workere Surface workers were divided into tvro occupational groups, £4 'screens' and SO for 'surface others' (Table 2). The concentrations are similar to the values of 1971« 4.3 liMvironr'ien te.1 summary Taole 14 (at the end of report) gives the mean respirable dust concentrations for faces, elsewhere underground and surface. The mean respirable dust concentration for coal-getting operations was 6.0 mg/nP, compared with 5.8 nifi/nP during 1971 (Sinha & Annis, 1973). • Respirable dust concentrations for preparation work (2,7 m.<r/m3) f outbye (2.2 mg/.TiJ) and surface (0.4 mg/rr.3) worked were similar to previous results. -• The. percentage of ash and quarts in ash ir. the samples recorded in Table 14 show that the mean per cent ash (TS.O/'-) and per cent quartz in sample (16.9X0 for the "aterloo Seam vrere higher than those of the High Main Seam (6~0.c<;', and 8.7/' respectively). The mean quarts concentrations for the faces were high, 0.2o ing/m3 _ 1.23 roc/ni3. The high values tend to be • at the return end and seem not to depend particularly on the amount of dirt present in the seam, as shown below:- Face "Thickness of Dirt • .( m m ) 44's . Quartz Cone. at Site 5 rng/ni3 Quartz Cone. at Site 8 mg/m3 Pace, I.!aan Quartz Cone. E,aAa3 0 0.49 0.69 0.45 50 0.33 0.27 0.34 25's 50 0.36 0.32 0.29 • 41 's 50 1.25 1.21 0.66 16's 200 2.S3 2.65 1.25 18's 300 0.71 0.51 0.45 31's 500 0.90 O.S3 0.6o 3's 4,4 • • Relationship between control point arid face concentrations The trean respirable dust concentrations obtained at the control point (70 m from the face in the return road) for the various faces are given in Tacles 1-10 and from Table 14 it can be seen that the ratio of return road, concentration to face concentration for coal—getting operations ranged from 0,94 to 1.61. The mean value for the ratio for the colliery coal-getting operations, i.e, tho ratio of the riiaan concentration of all camples taker, .at the control point on the coal-getting shifts to the mean of all face samples excluding preparation and development work, was 1.24. The values for 1969, 1970 and 1971 were 1.2Q, 1.08 and 1.32 respectively. The value used by Jacobsen, Rae & tfalton (1969) in the Interim Standards' Study was 1 .4. . 4. 5 Total d u s t measurements The measurements of "total dust concentration 1 continued as before (Sinha. 1 9 / 2 ) . Total lust concentrations were derived, from total (elutriator and respirabie) weights of dust and. sample volumes5 153 samples were evaluated. The results obtained are shown in Table 13. On average, total dust concentrations are about 5.4 tinies as high as respirabie concentrations. The ratio drops gradually along the face from intake stable to the -control sampling point (70 ra from face in the tailgate). The analysis of the elutriator fractions showed that the quartz contents were lo>rer, w i t h the exception of one occupational group, than for the corresponding respirabie dust. 4.6 Ss timated^ concentrations Estimated respirabie dust concentrations for the unsair.pled groups where it was not possible to obtain volunteer carriers have been made by comparison w i t h results from the previous surveys. These estimated mean concentrations are as follows:F350 F35' F352 F353 p'401 P402 F405 4.7 Loadergate Stablemen, 2 1 ' s Face - 3.2 mg/m-. Tailgate Stablemen, 2 1 ' s Face 9.0 'ing/ni3. Loader-gate Prep.& Salvagemen, 2 i ' s Pace - 2.0 mg/m-'. Tailgate Prep. & Salvagers en, 2 1 ' s Face _ 9,0 mg/m-^ Loadergate Prep. & Salvagem^n, 29's Face - 2.8 mg/m- 5 . Loadergate Stablemen, 29's Face - 3.1- mg/m\ Tailgate Prep. &. 3alvagemen, 29's Face - 5 . 5 mg/ni . Special invest.igatior-3 (1) Trials to ascertain suitability of P . V . C . filters for routine sar/.pling of respirabie dust were carried out. It appeared that these filters were d i f f i c u l t to '.uind.le. Further trials to explore this problem were recommended. (2) Trials to compare the whole shift exposure to nitrous fumes of shotfircrs w i t h the corresponding exposure of facemen and development workers were carried out. Results have been reported by Dodgson & Jones, (1972). (3) Trials to assess the effectiveness of dust respirators in reducing personal dust exposure if worn only during periods considered to be dusty, were carried out. Further work using Tyndalloscope is planned. (4) A study of the use of dust respirators at the colliery was carried out and the results will be included in a larger study (Bradley, Sdlin i Jones, 1974). H E F E H E U C E S Bradley, A., Sdlin D.'/f, &. Jones, C .0. (1 974) Dust Respirator Usage at P.P.R. Collieries. Ins ti tute _qf_ Occupational !• •'. ed'ici no . Report Mo. TM/74/11 Dodgson, J. & Jones, C . O . (1972). Nitrous fume concentrations during shotfiring in coalmines. Institute of Occupational Medicine Report No. TM/72/2 Harrison, G.B. 0971). Analysis of gravimetric filters taken at Linby Colliery 0970 - Parts I and II). Institute of Occupational. Medicine. File No. H? 31121. Jacobsen, M. , Rae, 3. & '/falton, W . H , 0 9^9) • ^ e relationship between dust and pneuincconiosis as a, basis of a gravimetric standard for airborne dust underground. N . C . B , Report TTo. I SM/P ( 6 9 ) 1 1 . Ottery, J. & ',/hittaker, ;•/. (1973). Further investigations on respirable dust collected, at Linby Colliery - 1972. Institute of Occupa ti or;al Med ic ine , Pile No. PP 31 003. Sinha, I-i.M. ( ' 9 7 2 ) . Pneuir.oconiosis Field Research; environmental conditions at Linby Colliery 19^9. Institute of Cccupational Medicine. Report ?-.ro. 'j';//72/14. Sinha, M . M . & Ann is , H. (1973). Pneumoconiosis Field Research} environmental conditions at Linby Colliery, 1 97'1 . Ins tit- ate of Occupational !.'od icine . Report ''Jo. T/:/73/3 . Sinha, M . M . & Thomas, P. (1Q72). Pncumoconiosis Field Research; onvironmentiil conditions at Linby Colliery, 1970. Institute of Occupa tip nal \ !ed ic in c . Report No. T'-'/ 7 2/24. TABL3 12 Elsewhere Underground, and Surface Concentrations Occupational Group &, Occupational Group Serial Number Sample Mean Concentrations mg/rn3 Respirable Dust Ash Quartz Bricklayers 319 1.8 (H) 0.91 0.09 Loco Drivers 332 1.4 (17) 0.65 . 0.06 Linesmen 334 2.9 (H) 1.76 0.18 Ma t« r i a 1 Hand 1 e rs 33 3 2.4 (42) 1.79 Repairers 340 2.9 (86) 1.75 0.2o Salvage arid 'Jithdrawers 341 2.1 (33) 1.28 0.11 Belt Attendants E44 1.9 (76) 1.06 0.11 Pit Bottom Men 349 0.8 (25) 0.43 0.05 Face Officials 350 2.4 ( 5) 1.34 0.14 Other Officials 351 1.4 (25) 0.82 0.08 General -iorkers 353 2.5 (78) 1.52 0.19 ' 1 . 9 (55) 1.19 0.16 Surface Others SO 0.4 (21) 0.22 0.03 Screens 34 0.4 ( 8) 0.22 0.03 Craftsmen (outbye) 355 . 0.34 ( ) Number of observations. TABLE 12. TABLE 13 Total Dust Concentrations * Ho . of Samples Mean Resp. Dust Cone. nig/ni3 Intake Rip or Pace End. 15 3.74 21.3 5.70 Intake Advance Heading 1 2.03 10.7 5J5 Intake Stable 13 3.85 29:3 7.62 Faceline 22 5.72 23.6 4.12 Return Stable 15 ' 8.83 • 31.5 3.56 Return Rip 13 6.17 21.2 3.43 Control Point 16 7.09 16.6 2.34 6 3.19 23.8 7.45 45 2.41 14.2 5.88 7 0.33 2.8 8.39 Mean 5.36 Site Preparation shift All Sites All Faces Elsewhere Underground . Surf ac e - Mean Total Dust Cone, mg/ in 3 P.atio Total Cone. Resp, Cone. * derived from those samples only for which total dust evaluation could be made. TABLE 13 TABLE 14 « Summary of dust concentrations and composition by face and general .environment for 1972 Ratio Compositional Data for 1972Ash Llean Cone, Composition of Ash in Ash Quartz Sample Quart: sIQicli; aJ.ig Iron ~2 aro. Oar o . / ^ rnpynr rag/nr So /£> % 5.2 1.01 2.72 0.34 52.4 12.5 7.0 5.9 L39 4.27 1.25 72.4 29.2 - 5.9 6.0 0.94 3.71 0.45 61.9 12.2 21 < 3 4.2 5.5 3.2 - 1.72 0.19 53.6 11.0 25's - - 5.0 1.0? 2.85 0.29 56.9 10.3 29-3 - - 7.9 -- 4.86 0.54 61.5 11.2 31's 4.3 5.8 7.2 1.30 4.55 0.6o 63.2 13.1 14.1 Mean Resp. Dust Concentrations mg/iii Class of Environment Mechanised filling preparation Seam Face High Main -1970 197 i 4.7 4.5 16'3 4.3 18's 3's 1 1972 _ Control ac~ y^ 44's - - - 5.0 1.61 3J9 0.45 63.7 41'o «. ^ 5.8 _ 6.5 1.34 4.5 _ 0.66 0.48 ii.2 Hi. 2 5.8 6.0 1.32 4.33 3.53 6.43 67.4 15.1 to. 9 13.7 78.4 21.7 78.4 21.7 63.5 • 14.9 64.0 14.9 67.4 16.6 Seam Mean Waterloo VI 's 'S<jam Mean All Seams All Seams 4.5 3.0 2.5 5.8 L_6-43 1.40 •i .40 2.7 3.81 1.73 0.26 0.57 1 evelopnent All Seams 8.5 3.1 5.3 3.57 0.59 I SAN COALESCE All Seams 4.4 5.1 5.7 3.63 .2.55-, 0.54 0.29+ 63.6 litone drifting All Seams 5.2 4.0 4.4 2.84 3^1 sev/here underground All Seams 2.3 2.2' 2.2 Surface 1 .1 0.3 0.4 (} mber of sr 40.8 12.0 31.5 22.0 39.4 13. .5 39.2 12.7 7.2 9.7 3,1 6.1 6..6 .9.2 6.5 10.4 28.5 22.0 7.6 8.6 59.4+ 14.9 39.3 13.6 42.1, 9.4, 6.6 7.4, 9.2 6.2, 0.47 64.6 16.6 35.6 19.9 '4.5 1.34 oJ7 60.7 12.5 30.0 15.0 11.4 12.0 0.22 0.03 57.3 13.0 28.1 17.6 10,4 Valves for 197 1 6.6 8.1 (A20115) IOM (R) ReportCov art 3/15/06 12:32 PM Page 2 HEAD OFFICE: Research Avenue North, Riccarton, Edinburgh, EH14 4AP, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)870 850 5131 Facsimile: +44 (0)870 850 5132 Email: [email protected] Tapton Park Innovation Centre, Brimington Road, Tapton, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 0TZ, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)1246 557866 Facsimile: +44 (0)1246 551212 Research House Business Centre, Fraser Road, Perivale, Middlesex, UB6 7AQ, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)208 537 3491/2 Facsimile: +44 (0)208 537 3493 Brookside Business Park, Cold Meece, Stone, Staffs, ST15 0RZ, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)1785 764810 Facsimile: +44 (0)1785 764811
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