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“Water Revelation”
The Story of Primordial Water…
Life’s First Amniotic Fluid
with Robert Slovak
Missing the forest for the trees…
The story of Rene Quinton is so monumentally relevant to modern physiology, medicine, health and healing
that it is difficult to grasp at first – a classic example of missing the forest for the trees. The health profession
especially has become far too engaged in medical minutia to have access to this vantage point.
Formation of Earth 5 Billion Years Ago
It started here - about five billion years ago our planet was formed from dust and rock 93
million miles from the Sun.
The Earth is Made Up of the Natural Elements
This is how scientists display the elements – the Periodic Table. The Earth, the entire known universe
and all living things consist of just these 92 building blocks is made up of 92 of these elements.
Nutritionists also refer to these and their combinations as the minerals and trace elements.
Comets and Asteroids of Ice 4.5 Billion Years Ago
For hundreds of millions of years following the formation of Earth it was bombarded with of
comets and asteroids of ice. They quickly melted and began to form an ocean of fresh water.
Water Covered Earth 4.2 Billion Years Ago
At some time over the first billion years, Earth was completely covered with water.
Water Dissolved the Elements 4 Billion Years Ago
Over the first billion years the elements of Earth’s upper crust slowly dissolved (to their specific solubilities)
in the fresh water leaving a slightly salty ocean covering the Earth. There was something very special
about the composition this new slightly salty solution…
Underwater Vents Release Organic Molecules
Around 4-billion years ago hot underwater vents flowed into this ocean, releasing non-living
organic molecules that interacted with the dissolved elements of the surrounding sea.
First Cellular Life & Biological Terrain
3.8 Billion Years Ago
Just a short time later the FIRST cellular life appeared in this slightly salty ocean. That’s
why we call it the Primordial Ocean. The Primordial Ocean was the first external Biological
Terrain and It provided everything the first cellular life required.
3 Billion Years of Evolution in the Primordial Ocean
Life Emerges From The Sea
Begin Landmass Formation
Cellular Life Begins
Water Covers Earth
Cellular life was born in a slightly salty solution nearly identical to Quinton Isotonic Marine Plasma. Then for
the next 3 billion years all of the progenitors of the Five Kingdoms of Life evolved in this marine environment.
“The Only Way Cellular Life
Could Leave the Ocean Was
to Take the Ocean With It”
René Quinton
About 750 million years ago the first animal life emerged from the sea to attempt a terrestrial existence. But how
did it accomplish such a radical leap after 3 billion years in a stable marine environment that met all its needs?
Rene Quinton gave us the answer…and he proved it in 1904.
The Primordial Ocean Became Our Internal Terrain
60-70% of us!
are functional!
Fluids evolved!
From seawater!
Over millions of years of extreme evolutionary metamorphosis the EXTERNAL marine Biological Terrain was
transformed into the INTERNAL Biological Terrain of the animal species.
•  Internal Ocean!
•  Milieu Interieur
•  Internal Environment
Throughout history the Internal Terrain or Biological Terrain has been referred to with a variety of terminology.
“The Terrain is Everything”
This statement from Claude
Bernard in1850, the father of
modern physiology, was far
ahead of its time. Today, this
mainstream medical textbook
has as the title of the first
“The Internal Environment”
The Internal Terrain is the most important subject in the study of Physiology. Modern pharmaceutical-based
medicine has resisted acknowledging its all-encompassing significance, but it can no longer look the other way.
A “Piece” of Internal Terrain
The Internal Terrain IS a difficult concept to grasp. The problem is that the Internal Terrain is everywhere in the
body – you can’t point to it like the heart or the kidney or the brain. Imagine, the Internal Biological Terrain is
60-70% of our body weight. This picture is a microscopic piece of our Internal Terrain. It is like many little
protein sponges that are filled with body fluids that are constantly moving through it.
Quinton Isotonic Marine Plasma is the only natural
product on Earth which has a composition nearly
identical the fluids of the human Biological Terrain
Blood is the most important fluid of our Internal Biological Terrain. Blood evolved with all of the elements of the
Periodic Table. So, when blood becomes deficient in these elements through poor diet, bad habits and
exposure to toxins then our health suffers sooner or later.
The Early Terrestrial Food Chain was Rich in
All the Elements of the Sea – the Periodic Table
It was easy for the early land animals to maintain the composition of their Internal Biological Terrain. They fed
on vegetation that grew abundantly in soil that was soaked in the Primordial Ocean for billions of years – soil
that was rich in all the elements of the Periodic Table.
Over hundreds of millions of years to the present time, land gradually became deficient in the elements. Now
we depend on chemical fertilizers with only a few minerals. So the food we eat no longer supplies the
necessary variety and quantity of the elements to maintain a Biological Terrain containing the complete
Periodic Table.
Who Stole the Nutrition?
Modern farming methods and genetic modification is producing food with little nutritional value. The only
hope may be to re-fertilize the land with seawater and allow the soil microorganisms and plants to organically
complex them. Progress is being made in this area.
Modern Element-Deficient Food
Fresh? Organic?
We’re not only eating “fresh and organic food” that is deficient in the elements of the Periodic Table but we
further process it which removes even more minerals and nutrients.
Our Modern Deficient Periodic Table
Modern man lives with a Biological Terrain that is critically deficient in both the primary and trace elements.
Health experts proclaim this as the primary reasons we become sick, have unhealthy children and suffer from
degenerative disease. Rene Quinton would argue that we cannot even achieve the objective of health –
homeostasis – unless the ocean elements, in the correct balance, are restored to our Biological Terrain.
Healthy Terrain - The Choice is Yours!
Before QuintEssential
After QuintEssential
QuintEssential (Original Quinton Marine Plasma since 1897) offers an answer to mankind’s greatest deficiency.
Deep in the ocean, vortex plankton blooms produce a living plasma of organo-complexed elements of the
Periodic Table. QuintEssential is the only raw, unheated and bioavailable supplement of naturally proportioned
elements proven to provide profound restoration of the human and animal Biological Terrain.
Physiological Functions
Require All Elements
Neurological Messages
Cell Reproduction
Protein, Carbohydrates,
And Fat Metabolism
Vitamins – Enzymes - Antioxidants - Hormones
QuintEssential Marine Plasma
Bioavailable Primary and Trace Minerals - a Living Plasma
Minerals and trace elements are required in all physiological processes. This is why they are the single most
important category of nutrients and why they must be available in the Internal Biological Terrain at all times.
For those seeking optimum health, wellness and healing, QuintEssential is a necessity.
QuintEssential - Consumer
COMING SOON! Special Offer exclusively
for NaturalNews Inner Circle subscribers
Question? Email: [email protected]
An Historical Overview of the Use of
René Quinton’s Marine Plasma
1897 - 2012
We have just explained the basis of the discovery of René Quinton – that life on Earth was designed, born
and evolved in the Primordial Ocean, a solution of the elements of the Periodic Table. Ideally, we carry that
solution around within us today as it bathes and sustains our own cellular community. But there is much more
to appreciate about René Quinton’s Marine Plasma as it came to the rescue of humanity during the worst
multiple disease epidemic of history during the early 1900’s in Europe and the Middle East. This remarkable
accomplishment and its past 100 years of serving the health and healing of mankind establish it as one of the
great foods, nutraceuticals and medicines of all time.
René Quinton’s Scientific Treatise and Empirical Proof
In 1904 René Quinton demonstrated
before the medical elite of Europe that
his Plasma de Quinton was functionally
identical to the blood plasma of animals.
In 1904, at 37 years old, revolutionary biologist René Quinton wrote this legendary masterpiece which was
the culmination of his astounding achievements of the previous fifteen years. It defined every aspect of
Plasma de Quinton as the unique water which gave birth to life and continues to sustain animal life today.
The Recognition of Marine Plasma as a Medicine
Dr. Jean Jarricot
René Quinton
No one might have realized the remarkable healing and restorative potential of Plasma de Quinton if the
European disease epidemics of the early 1900’s did not occur. There was no known medicine at the time that
could treat cholera, tuberculosis, typhoid, syphilis, gastroenteritis and many other conditions. But Dr. Jean
Jarricot, out of desperation, decided to explore the therapeutic effects of René Quinton’s Marine Plasma.
Jarricot and Quinton considered…What if a major
reason we become susceptible to disease and poor
health is due to a deficiency in the scope and
quantity of elements available to our cells – a violation
of their marine design and inheritance?
They soon discovered: Nothing impairs the ability to
achieve homeostasis than a deficient and imbalanced
Biological Terrain. “The Terrain IS Everything.”
For more than 20 years René Quinton and Dr.
Jean Jarricot proved the power of restoring all the
balanced elements of the Periodic Table to the
Biological Terrain of sick and diseased patients.
These two medical heroes summoned the affected countries of Europe and the Middle East to establish
sixty-nine “Marine Clinics” throughout the region. They proved that the elements of Plasma de Quinton, a
specially harvested and processed seawater, were the missing link to recovering from some of the most
threatening diseases known to man.
Throughout History Original Quinton Marine Plasma
Was Used as a Human Blood Serum Substitute
During both World Wars I & II Original Quinton Marine Plasma was used by to make up for the
shortage in blood plasma. It continues to be used as plasma in certain applications but the laws
regulating the production of pharmaceutical products prevent it from being widely available.
Far More Than Minerals and Trace Elements…
•  QuintEssential and Original Quinton Marine Plasma provides additional
health benefits beyond the complete Periodic Table of the elements…
Bicarbonate Buffers
Fatty Acids
Organic Acids
Hyaluronic Acid…Natural Antibiotics & Anti Fungals
“We are truly a living marine aquarium.”
René Quinton
Thank you