October - December 2011 Brown Coal H O U S E J O U R N A L O F N E Y V E L I L I G N I T E C O R P O RAT I O N LT D . NEYVELI A Confluence of all Religions & Regions and An Apt Place that Celebrates National Integration Shri A.R. Ansari, CMD, NLC with the Children and Teachers of Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Neyveli during the Concluding Day celebrations of the National Integration Week on 25.11.2011 Focus NLC's Occupational Health Services lauded by Safety Experts CMD at an International Conference 2 At the ‘34th International Conference of Safety in Mines CMD emphasized the need to Research Institutes’, held at New Delhi on 07.12.2011, monitor the occupational Shri A.R.Ansari, CMD, NLC delivered the keynote address on health of Miners and to the topic 'Occupational Health Safety Issues of Lignite Miners improve the quality of their life. in India'. In his address he listed out the salient features of Eminent personalities of the Occupational Health Services (OHS) rendered by NLC, medical and safety fields meeting the statutory requirement of Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS). He mentioned the measures taken by NLC in regular noise mapping and dust surveys jointly conducted by CARD, (our in-house R&D unit) and the National Institute of Miners Health, Nagpur, to ensure a safe a n d h e a l t h y environment. He also informed how our OHS has been integrated into the overall Hospital Management System. CMD with our Senior Executives who participated in the Conference While delivering the Keynote Address…. appreciated our efforts on the comprehensive medical care. Dr. P.T. Shanmugasundaram, CGS/NLC GH, Dr.P. Shanmugavel, GS and H O D o f N L C Occupational Health Department and senior executives from NLC M i n e s S a f e t y D e p a r t m e n t s participated in the Conference. 44th Engineers' Day Celebrated Statue of the Engineering legend unveiled An internationally known Civil Engineer and Bharath Ratna a w a r d e e , D r. M . Visveswaraya's 151st birth anniversary was celebrated as 44th Engineers’ Day at the Institution of Engineers (IE) Building, Block-17, Neyveli. The Neyveli Local Centre of IE and the Engineers and S c i e n t i s t s Association(E&SA), While presenting the memento… chief guest and delivered a special address on the theme ' E n g i n e e r i n g Preparedness for Disaster Mitigation'. In his address, he i n s i s t e d o n technological upgradation and adoption of latest developments like modern information and communication system, remotely operated robotic system, preCMD, Directors, Executive Directors and Senior officials after unveiling the statue of Dr.Visveswaraya disaster warning system etc. in this field. Neyveli, jointly Shri R. Kandasamy, Director(P&P) and Chairman of IE, organized this grand Neyveli Local Centre presided over the function. Directors, celebration on Exe. Directors, Office bearers of IE and E&SA spoke on the 22.10.2011. Shri A.R. occasion. Prizes were distributed to the winners of the quiz A n s a r i , C M D competitions. Earlier, CMD unveiled the statue of participated as the Sir. Visveswaraya in the IE Building premises. CMD Message From the Desk of CMD Dear Colleagues, “SILENCE AFTER A TYPHOON”. Aftermath the devastating Cyclone 'THANE', which had lashed Tamilnadu coast in the early hours on 30.12.2011, now we feel a sigh of relief and slowly limping back to normalcy. Needless to say, usual fervor and spirit of New Year has been virtually taken away by 'THANE' and it has become the spoil spot. Cyclone 'THANE has caused unprecedented damages to the entire Cuddalore District and Puducherry. Neyveli Township and surrounding area has suffered extensive damages, especially, the most admired green lush of Neyveli Township have been almost vanished. About 10 lakh trees were uprooted and about 70 lakh trees were branched off, causing road blockages and damages to the building & structures. Electrical towers feeding power supply to Mine-I were collapsed and several electrical poles were damaged. Water supply and power supply were totally cut off. As we had taken proper Disaster Management strategies and precautionary measures to safeguard the equipments & plants both in Mines and Thermal stations, no major damages were caused to the vital installations. On the other side, in Township area, loss to the tune of `10.50 Crore has been assessed for the various damages caused. SMD & Electrical Divisions of Mine - I and Electrical Services Dept. have done a commendable job in the post cyclone period. They have risen up to the occasion at once, arranged all sort of enabling works and extended all possible helps so that TNEB could complete the re-erection of towers within a record time of 72 hours and restored power supply to Mine - I. Our Township Administration has also swung into action without any loss of time by pooling in the resources from the production and service units. Blockades in main thoroughfares and water supply were restored within one day. Power supply was restored in a phased manner within a week. Surely, the good work done by Township Administration deserves special appreciation. In the hour of crisis, role of Neyvelians was also admirable. I am personally indebted to our employees who stood like rock to tide over this crisis. Now, it must be our new endeavour to bring back environmental ambience to our Township to regain its charm. I appeal to all our employees and their family members to come forward to plant at least one tree by each member of the family to make this “GREEN INITIATIVE” a grand success. NLC shall arrange to supply necessary saplings for this good venture. Barring the ill effects of cyclone and its consequential losses, the year 2011 was generally good for NLC. Let us take a glance of our physical performance for the first three quarter of the Financial year 2011-12, All the Mines have achieved higher production than the target of over burden removal, showing an increase of 7.90% in Mine-I, 9.65 % in Mine-IA, 9.64 % in Mine-II and 12.05 % in Barsingsar, with an over all growth of 3.25% as compared with 2010-2011. In the case of lignite production, Mine-IA & Mine-II have shown excellent results by achieving 12.18% & 14.31 % more than the target. Production in Mine-I is lesser than the target by 9.58% due to “Lignite Washout & Less Seam thickness” etc. and continued to besiege the lignite production. Barsingsar Mine has also not performed well on account of less in take of the linked Power Station. Nevertheless we could achieve a growth of 6.6% over the previous year. Production of lignite by Mines is a life line for NLC. Therefore, Mine should not leave even an ounce of lignite in 2nd & 3rd seems and appropriate actions are also been initiated. In Power Generation front, as in previous years TPS-II has shown remarkable achievement by generating 14.77 % more than the target. I am very much delighted to note that in the calendar year 2011, TPS-II has generated 11056 MU and set a new record. TPS-I & TPS-I Expn. also have shown encouraging results. In total we have achieved a growth of 4% in power generation when compared to the previous year. I expect that we shall take vigorous strive to catch-up the shortfall in production targets of each units, so as to achieve the target fixed for the year 2011-12. I am very happy to announce that commercial operation of Unit-I & II of Barsingsar Power station have been declared on 20.01.2012 and 29.12.2011 respectively. It is expected that for the remaining period of the current fiscal 2011-12, this station may add 300 MU to our Power generation. I take this opportunity to congratulate all the employees who worked tirelessly against all odds to bring out our maiden endeavour, ‘Establishing a plant out side Tamilnadu’, a grand success and crossed a remarkable milestone in the growth path of NLC. I am very proud to note that we shall always be in forefront to fulfill our social obligations. Mine-II Industrial canteen had arranged food & water to nearly 10000 people, who were marooned by the recent flood in the peripheral villages. NLC had also arranged for relief camps and provided blankets & medical facilities etc. Every New Year comes up with new opportunities, new ideas and also new challenges. It is imperative that we need to set our priorities on our objectives, strategies and work towards the achievement of goal, in order to keep pace with the changing nature of the highly competitive business environment. I convey my heartiest greetings to you and your family members for a HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2012. With regards A.R. ANSARI 3 Events Maintenance Manual Released Trouble Shooting made easy Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual plays a major role in the Thermal Power Stations. NLC being the pioneer in running lignite based Thermal Power Stations and the only power producer in the country using lignite, NLC takes the responsibility to prepare the O&M manuals. 4 that they can immediately act in case of any forced outages. TPS-II has generated 852.435 Million Units of power during the month of October 2011 against the target of 762 MU, inspite of 225 mm rain. While appreciating, CMD said, one can enjoy real happiness through his hard work & performance rather than his rich wages, job security and other comforts. TPS-II has already published the operation manual of the Thermal Power Station. Now it has prepared the maintenance manual, which Director(Power) in his CMD releasing the Mtce. Manual in digital format contains 3 volumes viz. presidential address, said and Director(Power) receiving the first copy Boiler & Auxiliaries, Turbine & Auxiliaries and Electrical Systems. that these manuals will play a major role in helping young The manuals were released by our CMD Shri A.R. Ansari in hard engineers as many senior power engineers are at the verge of and soft copy formats on 03.11.2011 at a function held at TPS-II. retirement and some seniors are being The first copy of the electronic format of the manuals were transferred to other power received by Shri J. Mahilselvan, Director(Power). The first copies stations. He also asked to of the printed format of the three volumes were received by update the manual, by the Shri M. Kamalanayanan, CGM, Shri P. Pannirselvam, GM/Mtce. day to day experience and Shri T.J. Muralidharan, GM/Oprn. respectively. gained. Directors, Senior While addressing, CMD asked the Thermal Engineers to refer the officials, employees, manuals frequently instead of waiting for the situation to arise, so witnessed the event. A cross-section of senior executives Neyveli Township gets new Amenities Serving and Shopping made easy Block-21 and 30, the western part of the Neyveli Township is On the same day, CMD and now getting uninterrupted water supply, as our CMD Shri A.R. Directors Shri B. Surender Ansari inaugurated two over head reservoirs on 15.10.2011. Mohan, Shri R. Kandasamy, The Over Head Tank(OHT) for supplying Block-21 area has Shri K. Sekar, Shri J. Mahilselvan been constructed near the National Power Training Institute and Shri S.K. Acharya and the other one for supplying Block -30 area is situated near St. Antony's Matriculation School. These OHTs having capacity of 3 lakh litres each, are constructed at a cost of Over Head Reservoir `50 lakhs. To top up inaugurated six shops in the OHTs from the the Super Bazaar at nearby borewells, Block-21. Each shop has 172.5 HP pumps are an area of 220 sq.ft. and used. Since the OHTs this mini shopping centre were built at a height of is constructed at a cost of 16.50 mts, it will ensure `20 lakh. Executives, supply till the tail end of employees and public the distribution system. CMD amidst our Directors, ED/Mines and CGM/TA unveiling the plaque participated in the function. Events Silver Jubilee Mines Safety Celebrations NLC Ltd. and the Mines Safety bagged second prize in (i) Heavy Association, Ajmer Region, Earth Moving Machineries & Rajasthan, jointly celebrated the Maintenance and (ii) Welfare Silver Jubilee Mines Safety amenities, Protective Week 2011 in December 2011. E q u i p m e n t & Vo c a t i o n a l During that period, 281 mines in Tr a i n i n g c a t e g o r i e s . F o r the region were inspected by a Transport Roads and Mine team of experts and they ranked Plans & Records it stood third. the mines according to its safety At the final day function, hosted practices. NLC's Barsingsar by Barsingsar Project (BP), at Lignite Mine was the topper by Hotel Lallgarh Palace, Bikaner, maintaining the safety standards Shri B. Surender Mohan, in the mine. Our mine stood first Director (Mines) presided over. in the tally of prizes by winning a S h r i P. K . S a r k a r , D y . Shri Senthilkumar, DGM/Mines, Barsingsar receiving the award from prize in all the nine categories. DGMS(North Zone) was the Shri P.K.Sarkar & Shri B.Surender Mohan, as Shri M.S.Ravindranath, Project Head (BP) claps 5 first prizes in the categories viz. Chief Guest. During the function, Overall Performance of the a souvenir, a calendar, a book titled 'Know Your Safety' and a handbook on 'Safe Operating Mine, Opencast Workings, Fire Protection Systems, Publicity Procedures & Code of Practices' were released by the dignitaries. propaganda & House keeping and Mine Lighting. Our Mine NLC in Bharat Mela – 2011 NLC participated in the 8th Jatiya Sanhati Utsav-OBharat Mela – 2011 held at West Bengal between 10.12.2011 and 17.12.2011. The East Bhaleya NLC’s Pavilion Smrity Sangha, one of the leading NGO organized this exhibition cum fair. In our pavilion, NLC displayed the photographs of various units, our physical and financial performances, our achievements in different fields, our contribution to the Nation, as well as to the society, etc. A mine model was also placed in our stall. Our pavilion attracted thousands of visitors, including VIPs and dignitaries due to the excellent presentation and significantly won the first prize in the exhibition. CMD, Directors and DGM/PR with the Award Renovated Sneha Amruth Inaugurated One of the cafeterias, 'Sneha Amruth' run by the Sneha Opportunity Services (SOS) was inaugurated by Smt. K.S. Ansari, President, SOS, on 1 5 . 1 0 . 2 0 11 . ' A m r u t h ' , a Sanskrit word denotes 'Elixir' and this word is rightly named for the cafeteria for serving delicious food. 5 While unveiling the plaque…. The centre was renovated at a cost of ` 22 lakh and a multipurpose hall (Navratna Hall) was also built. This 1350 sq.ft. hall can accommodate 150 people to dine at a time. The modern galvanium roofing and beautiful flooring are the additional advantages of this fast food centre. This cafeteria was renovated to mark the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Sneha Opportunity Services. Shri A.R. Ansari, CMD, Directors, Executive Directors, office bearers of SOS, Senior Officials and employees participated in the function. It may be recalled that the 'Sneha Poushtika', another fast food centre run by Sneha Opportunity Services at Main Bazaar was also renovated in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee celebrations of SOS and was inaugurated by Smt. K.S. Ansari during July 2011. These fast food centres are run for the benefit of the special children studying in Sneha School, Neyveli. Smt. K.S. Ansari inaugurating the Navratna Hall EDC Activities Valuable works of EDC - Value of Human Resource being appreciated Congratulations TEAM EDC! In-house Training Programmes Our Employee Development Centre (EDC) has created an all time record by imparting training to more than 10,000 employees under different packages in a span of nine months. EDC crossed this magic figure between 01.04.2011 and 31.12.2011. Our previous record was 8287 personnel in 2006-07, (in 12 months). During the period of October-December 2011, our EDC has organized 90 in-company training programmes under various heads. As many as 1900 executives and 2600 non-executives benefited. Brown Coal Congratulates the TEAM EDC. Keep it up colleagues! Deputation Training Programmes During the third quarter, 187 executives and 39 non-executives were deputed to different parts of the country and were trained in different fields through 59 training programmes. Out Bound Training (OBT) Bouncing Beyond the Borders OBT - a new concept was introduced by our EDC this year. This activity-based concept, which takes the participants beyond the borders of classroom, shaped our representatives of recognized unions and associations in a creative way. Shri Binay Kumar with our CMD and Director(HR) l Shri Binay Kumar, Former Director, NHPC Ltd., & PGC Ltd. and presently associated with MANUSHUO-UTHAN, a society for sustainable Human Development handled a 3 day session on CMD presenting the inaugural address at the topic 'Organizational Turnaround and the OBT held at Puducherry Productivity Orientation' at our EDC. l An exclusive OBT programme was organized at Yelagiri Hills for the Principle Office Bearers of recognized Unions and our Senior Officials. Shri V.Harish Kumar, an eminent Corporate Trainer and his team handled this OBT on the topic 'Working in Harmony'. 6 Director(HR) with Trade Union Representatives & Senior Officials l In another OBT programme held at Puducherry, Prof. Ravindrakumar Rustogi & Prof. A.K.Nayak from Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida and his team imparted training to the Representatives of Associations and Management on the topic 'Partners in Progress'. Training on Health Management Eminent Speakers Meet Dr. Gomathy Narasimhan, Chennai has delivered a special lecture on 'Your Health is in Your Hand' amidst 500 employees, followed by a healthy interactive session. Prof. K.K. Sinha, Vice President / HR, BIMTECH and former Director (HR), NTPC has presented a thought provoking speech on the topic 'Transformation for Excellence; Building Performance Culture'. Prof. K.K. Sinha Updating the Managerial skills l Shri Lancy D'Souza, Advocate, High Court, Mumbai handled a two day programme on 'Legal Aspects of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and 'Labour Laws'. EDC on empowering the Teachers l In a programme on 'Skill Development for Teachers', Shri T. Jagatjivanram and Shri Lakshmi Narayanan, Chennai, trained 18 teachers. l Prof. Ratna Natarajan, from Thirupathur has trained 52 school teachers on how to improve their counseling skills. l Shri R.N. Mishra, GM/HR & Legal, TISCO, Jamshedpur has conducted a training programme on 'Labour Laws and Allied Matters'. l A special training programme on ESI Act 1948 was arranged wherein, Officials of Employees State Insurance Corporation presented the salient features of the Act. EDC on empowering the employees 9 training programmes were organized at the site itself, in different units, wherein 985 employees and 57 non-employees were benefitted. l Faculty from Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) trained our QC teams in 'Enhancing the QC performance'. l Faculty from Chennai Chapter of QCFI imparted training on '5 S at site' at various industrial units and offices. l Energy Conservation Training programme was also organized at various units. Faculty from PCRA trained as many as 421 participants. Lifestyle modification programme EDC on empowering the students l An awareness programme on 'Energy Conservation', was organized for 1838 students from various schools. Shri Alwyn Manohar, Joint Director, PCRA handled the sessions. l Another awareness programme on 'Global Warming' held in two sessions, a total of 115 students benefitted. Academic Graduation Ceremony at Jawahar Science College Jawahar Science College (JSC), started in the year 1987 is now entering into Silver Jubilee year. Alongwith this celebration, the Graduation Day of the college was held on 16.10.2011 at Lignite Hall, Neyveli. Shri A.R. Ansari, our CMD and the Chief patron of Jawahar Education Society (JES) participated as the chief guest of the function and presented the degrees. As many as 311 under graduate students and 16 post graduate students who passed out during the years 2009 and 2010 received the degrees. memory of his daughter to the best out going male and female students of the college. Shri S. Ramalingam, Executive Director(Mines), Shri M. Kamalanayanan, CGM/TPS-II, Shri R. Kuppuraj, GM/Computers, Principal Office Bearers of Jawahar Education Society, Dr. V.T. Chandrasekar, Principal, JSC spoke on the occasion. The centre of attraction of the graduation ceremony was Selvi A. Justina, a 70% physically challenged student CMD presenting the degree to a physically challenged student who got the BBA degree and a medal for standing first in Tamil In his address, CMD asked the graduates to learn the unlearnt and subject in college level. She has now completed her MBA at to relearn the learnt which is the mantra for facing the challenges Sairam College, Chennai. Director(HR) announced to provide of the present scenario. Shri R. Kandasamy, Director(P&P) financial assistance for her higher education. Eight students who presided over the function. While addressing, Shri S.K. Acharya, bagged ranks in Thiruvalluvar University were presented with Director(HR) informed that, our CMD has proposed to present two medals and certificates. gold medals through ‘Shahnila Ansari Memorial Trust’ formed in 7 Jawahar HSS now becomes a Hi-tech School Jawahar Higher Secondary School, rightly use the benefits of the digital revolution in its class r o o m s , b y introducing smart class. Shri A.R. Ansari, our CMD inaugurated the smart class at the school premises on 08.11.2011. This new system installed at a cost of ` 52 lakh have a and helps them to improve their a c a d e m i c performance. While addressing, CMD asked the students not to compromise with discipline for petty advantages. He appealed to the students to form a society without the social evils of caste, region, religion and creed. CMD also knowledge centre participated in an with server and interactive session class rooms with CMD, Director (P&P), ED(Mines), CGM/I.E. Wing and with the students Smt. N.Yasodha at the inaugural function interactive board, and nicely answered projector and their questions. Shri R. Kandasamy, Director (P&P), computer terminal. This facility will empower the teachers with Shri S. Ramalingam, ED(Mines) & President/ Jawahar technology, inside their class rooms by using digital resources Education Society, Shri J. George Jacob, CGM/IE Wing & such as graphics, animations, 3 D images and video clippings. Secretary/ Jawahar Schools and Smt. N. Yasoda, Principal, Chalk and talk method of teaching is an additional advantage. JHSS spoke on the occasion. This results in a multi sensory learning experience for students Celebrations NATIONAL INTEGRATION WEEK CELEBRATED Unity among Diversity Neyveli, a mini Bharath representing all kinds of religions, communities and languages celebrated National Integration Week in a grand manner. The week long celebrations commenced on 19.11.2011, the birth anniversary of Smt. Indira Gandhi, our former Prime Minister. In the morning, employees of all the units administered National Integration pledge. At Corporate Office, Shri B. Surender Mohan, Director (Mines) administered the pledge alongwith Directors, Senior Officials and employees. While administering the pledge…. In the evening, Shri S.K. Acharya, Director(HR) garlanded the statues of Mahatma Gandhi and Indira Gandhi. Then he flagged off the Quami-Ekta Propaganda vehicles for spreading the message of National Integration. While flagging off… 8 CMD addressing on the Conservation Day as Director(Mines) and Director(P&P) observe While lighting the traditional lamp..... During the weeklong celebrations, the days were observed as National Integration Day, Welfare of Minorities Day, Linguistic Harmony Day, Weaker Section Day, Cultural Unity Day, Women’s Day and Conservation Day. The functions were held at Lignite Hall where the Directors, Executive Directors, Senior Officials participated as chief guests. Women's Day was observed on 24.11.2011 in which Dr. A. Muthamma, I.A.S., Sub-Collector, Puducherry participated as the Chief Guest. She advised that every woman should feel herself as the best woman in the world and said that they should behave like a role model for the society by virtue of their skill. Shri R. Kandasamy, Director (P&P) Shri J. Mahilselvan, Director (Power) extended their felicitations. While spreading the spirit of integration..... On the concluding day (25.11.2011) Shri A.R. Ansari participated as the chief guest and he appealed that the ethical, moral and cultural values of our society should also be conserved as natural resources. Directors, Shri B. Surender Mohan and Shri R. Kandasamy delivered messages on Conservation Day. Each day's function was hosted by different industrial units and the students of Neyveli schools, members of various cultural associations and the employees of respective units staged cultural programmes on the theme of National Integration. To mark the celebrations, various competitions were organised and prizes were distributed to the winners during the functions. While staging a period drama..... Celebrations VIGILANCE AWARENESS WEEK OBSERVED Combating Corruption through Leveraging Technology Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at NLC between 31.10.2011 and 05.11.2011. The week long function was inaugurated by Shri B. Surender Mohan, Director (Mines) on 31.10.2011 at the Employee Development Centre. In his Chief Guest address, he mentioned that the money earned against one's conscience will make him rich, but it will not give him peace or happiness. Director(Mines) lighting the traditional lamp Shri K.S. Balasubramanian, DGP & CVO in his presidential address praised NLC for achieving transparency in administration through Leveraging Technology, i.e. Utilising Information & Communication Technologies in Administration. Director(P&P) giving away the prize 9 Director(Finance) giving away the prize Shri B. Surender Mohan, Director (Mines), releasing the ‘Compendium of CVC Circulars’ and Shri K. S. Balasubramanian, DGP&CVO receiving the first copy Felicitations were rendered by Directors, Shri R. Kandasamy, Shri K. Sekar and Shri J. Mahilselvan. Earlier, messages from the Hon'ble President of India, Hon’ble Vice President of India, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon'ble Leader of the Opposition Party and Shri Pradeep Kumar, Central Vigilance Commissioner, Shri R. Srikumar and Shri J.M.Garg, Vigilance Commissioners were read in the function. A short film titled 'Combating Corruption' was screened during the function. Two hand books viz., 'Compendium of CVC Circulars' and ‘Annual Report of NLC Vigilance Department’ were released during the function. In the morning, all the employees administered pledge on eradicating corruption. Director(Power) giving away the prize Group discussion at Barsingsar Project Participative Vigilance was the theme announced by the Central Vigilance Commission for this year and to make the theme a reality, number of executives, employees and school children enthusiastically participated in the competitions. Prizes were distributed to the winners during the function. During the week, joint inspections were organized at different units including Barsingsar Project, Thoothukudi Project and Chennai Regional Office by NLC Vigilance officials and nominated executives of the units concerned. Group discussions were also arranged in different units, in the presence of Unit Heads, wherein the officials of respective units interacted with Vigilance officials. During the meeting, the prizes for the competitions conducted at unit levels were distributed to the winners. CSR A friend in need is a friend indeed – NLC’s definition for CSR CMD VISITS FLOOD- HIT AREA Shri A.R. Ansari, CMD, NLC along with Shri B. Surender Mohan, Director/Mines, Shri S. Kumarasamy, CGM/Mine-II & Expansion, Shri V.S. Sankaran, GM/Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation & Resettlement and senior officials visited Manalthittu, Vazhakollai, Karivetti, Muthukrishnapuram and Kolakudi villages on 26.11.2011 which were worst affected by the recent flood. CMD patiently heard the grievances of the villagers who were affected by floods. He also assessed the flood situation in the periphery of Mine-II and interacted with the representatives of local bodies. Shri A.R. Ansari distributing blankets to the villagers Food, water, medical facilities and blankets were provided to the marooned villagers. Food was distributed to nearly 10000 people per day from the Mine-II Industrial Canteens. First Aid Facility was also extended to the needy people. Training to Project Affected Persons (PAPs) Under the Entrepreneurship Development Training to PAPs, our EDC & Land Acquisition Department trained 14 men in operating conventional mining equipments and 25 women in tailoring. Till date NLC has trained 950 PAPs, under 43 groups. Shri B. Surender Mohan, Director (Mines) presented the certificates, in a function held at Mine-I Administrative Office on 23.12.2011. 10 Director (Mines) presenting the certificate to a PAP NLC GH organizes free Dental Camps During the third quarter of 2011-12, our General Hospital organized two free medical camps in the peripheral villages. Our LA, R&R Department and the volunteers of Neyveli Blood Donors Association have played an active role. l At the Dental screening camp organized at Vadalur Government Girls' Higher Secondary School, on 09.11.2011, a team headed by Dr. M.V. Sudharshan, GS/Medical screened 326 students. A multimedia presentation on Dental health was made and brushing techniques were demonstrated to the students. l A Dental screening camp was organized at Kattukoodalur Panchayat Union Elementary School near Neyveli on 20.12.2011. A team of dental surgeons examined around 640 people including students and provided medicine to the needy. Dr. S. Ramprabha, DMO co-ordinated the arrangements. Dental Camps in progress.... CSR Deepavali at Sneha The festival of lights lighted smiles on the faces of the innocent Children Shri A.R. Ansari, CMD and Smt. K.S. Ansari, (President Sneha Opportunity Services (SOS) and Neyveli Ladies Club) joined with the special children of Sneha Opportunity School to celebrate Deepavali festival in a purposeful manner. This joyful celebration was held in the evening of 24.10.2011 at Sneha Amruth, a Cafeteria run by SOS at Main Bazaar, Neyveli. The VIPs fired the crackers with the differently abled children and this gesture has brightened the faces of those divine children and brought twinkle in their eyes. On this occasion Smt. Ansari distributed sweets and crackers to the children. Dr. K. Janardhan, Dr. K. Usha, office bearers of SOS, Smt. Salma Philip, Principal of the school, teachers and staff of SOS participated in the celebrations. Shri A.R. Ansari firing crackers with Sneha students Smt. K.S. Ansari firing crackers with Sneha students Deepavali at A. Kuravankuppam village 'Cultural Association Contributing towards Culture in Villages' A Delightful Deepavali & A Cheerful Children's Day In a function held in the Panchayat Union Elementary School at A. Kuravankuppam village near Neyveli on 24.10.2011, the members of Neyveli Ladies Club distributed sweets and snacks to the students and celebrated Deepavali. The entire expenditure for this noble cause was donated by Office bearers of Bharathiya Kala Samithi with school children l The members of NLC Chapter of Forum of Women in Public Sector (WIPS) had a worthful Deepavali festival as they celebrated the festival at an Orphanage at Mettukuppam and an Old Age Home at Thamaraikulam in Puducherry. On 21.10.2011, the members Bharatiya Kala Samiti, a Cultural Association functioning at Neyveli under the patronage of Shri A.R. Ansari, CMD, NLC and Smt. K.S. Ansari, strives towards the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society amidst its much appreciated cultural activities. While distributing the sweet packets… Smt. K.S. Ansari, President of Neyveli Ladies Club. On behalf of Smt. Ansari, the office bearers visited the village and delighted the students. The students had a pleasant surprise while receiving the Deepavali gifts. The school teachers and public appreciated the kind and timely help of Smt. Ansari towards the needy children. Turning its focus on the underprivileged children on the Children's Day, the Members of the Association, on behalf of the patrons, visited the Government Elementary School, Seplanatham (South) on 15.11.2011 and distributed school bags, note books, fruits and sweets to nearly 50 girls and boys of I Std. to V Std. The beneficiaries were mostly the poor students of the locality. While distributing the Deepavali gifts visited both the places and distributed new dresses, sweets, umbrellas, etc. l The Children of Panchayat Union Elementary School, Venkadamkuppam had a cheerful Children's Day, as the members of (WIPS) celebrated this event at the school premises on 09.11.2011. They distributed sweets, stationeries to the children. 11 Farewell Farewell Best Wishes to Senior Citizens During the period of October - December 2011, 59 employees laid down their offices after attaining Superannuation. Brown Coal wishes the retired executives, employees and workers a long, prosperous, peaceful and happy retired life. u DOJ : Date of Joining in NLC q DOR : Date of Retirement 12 20 Shri B Sivagnanam, CPF No.23623, Executive Director, Contracts/Corp.Office u DOJ: 30.04.1979; q DOR: 30.11.2011 Shri J. George Jacob, CPF No.21436, Executive Director /I.E Wing/Corp.Office DOJ: 06.03.1976 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri P. Kuppuraj, CPF No.21482, CGM/Computer Services/Corp.Office DOJ: 10.01.1977 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri M. Sukumar, CPF No.25870, DGM/HR/Education DOJ: 16.02.1982 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri G.K. Manoharan, CPF No.21420, DGM(Shift Office) /Mine – II DOJ: 01.10.1976 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri T. K. Sathyananth, CPF No.24133, CM(Plng. & Tech.)/TPS-I DOJ: 01.03.1980 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri B. Subramani, CPF No.25259, CM(Plng. & Tech.)/TPS-I DOJ: 01.03.1981 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri N. Parasunath, CPF No.21304, CM(Power Station Engg.)/Corp.Office DOJ: 01.09.1975 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri D. Thirunavukkarasu, CPF No.27637, CM(Proj. & Business Devlpmt.)/CTO DOJ: 29.03.1984 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri M.S. Sivaprakash, CPF No.21890, CM(Plng. & Tech.)/TPS-II DOJ: 01.02.1979 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri Chandrasekhar Samuel, CPF No.25132, ACM(BHD)/Mine – I DOJ: 01.11.1980 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri G. Murugesan, CPF No.20210, Manager(HR)/CSU DOJ: 30.10.1969 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri T. Gnanaprakasam, CPF No.23042, EE/Bus Section/CSU DOJ: 01.08.1979; DOR:31.12.2011 Smt. Sowhind Bala Nirmala, CPF No.21421, Nursing Supdt./Medical Services DOJ: 13.10.1976 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Smt. Chandra Koilammal Paul, CPF No.30968, Addl. Nursing Supdt./Medical Services DOJ: 06.10.1986 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Smt. M. Revathy, CPF No.31087, Addl. Nursing Supdt./Medical Services DOJ: 16.10.1986 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri V. Balasubramanian, CPF No.21523, Sr. Foreman/F.M.Yard/CSU DOJ: 02.12.1977 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri N. Purushothaman, CPF No.21563, Sr. Foreman /Machine Shop/CSU DOJ: 01.06.1978 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri P. Kaliamoorthy, CPF No.23548, APO(HR)/Mine – II DOJ: 01.09.1979 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri S. Dakshinamurthy, CPF No.23406, SME Opr. SG/Lignite Bench/Mine – II DOJ: 01.09.1979 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri A. Poorasamy, CPF No.21567, Sr. Foreman/Boiler Auxls. Mtce. /TPS-I DOJ: 01.06.1978 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri K. Murugesan, CPF No.23917, Sr. Foreman/Oprn. Services (Electrical)/TPS-I DOJ: 01.05.1980 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri S. Kaliyamurthy, CPF No.23824, Sr. Foreman/Mini Auto-Township/CSU DOJ: 26.04.1979 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri K. Palanimuthu, CPF No.24015, Sr. Foreman/Crawler Yard/CSU DOJ: 01.12.1979 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri V. Viswalingam, CPF No.24974, Sr. Foreman/Crawler Yard/CSU DOJ: 01.05.1981 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri P. Kulandaivel, CPF No.28855, Master Operator SG/Civil Township Mtce.-South/TA DOJ: 05.03.1985 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri M. Venkatasamy, CPF No.24141, APO/HR/TPS-II DOJ: 05.04.1980 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri S. Ragothaman, CPF No.22318, Master Operator SG/Elec. Mines/MM/Mine – II DOJ: 05.11.1969 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri N. Ganesamurthy, CPF No.23590, Foreman/Winding/CERS/CSU DOJ: 02.05.1979 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri M. Babu, CPF No.29262, Master Operator Spl Gr/I.E Wing/Corp.Office DOJ: 27.07.1985 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri P. Kumarasamy, CPF No.24921, Ch. Tech./S.M.E./Elec.OH/Mine – I DOJ: 03.10.1980 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri G. Ramamurthy, CPF No.37921, Supdt.Gr I/Security/TA DOJ: 01.08.1991 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri A. Kaliyan, CPF No.38084, Supdt. Gr I,/Security/TA DOJ:01.05.1992 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri A. Samidurai, CPF No.26213, Sr. Tech Gr. I/Lignite Bench/Mine – I DOJ: 01.05.1983 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri V. Krishnamurthy, CPF No.23838, Sr. Tech Gr. I/EC Bench/Mine – I DOJ: 01.10.1979 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri A. Anthonisamy, CPF No.25768, Sr. Tech Gr. I/Middle Bench/Mine – I DOJ: 01.12.1981 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri S. Anthonysamy, CPF No.26879, Server Spl Gr A/Industrial Canteen/TPS-I DOJ: 01.05.1978 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri S. Rajavel, CPF No.33917, Sr. Tech. Gr. II/WCTP Oprn. & Adjmt./TPS-II DOJ: 01.01.1990 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri R. Anthonisamy, CPF No.33703, Sr. Tech. Gr. II/New Surface Bench/Mine – II DOJ: 01.12.1989 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Smt. K. Perumayee, CPF No.25835, Health Worker Spl.Gr.A /Health/TA DOJ: 01.01.1982 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Shri D. Ramakrishnan, CPF No.41154, Operator Gr.I (A)/Bottom Bench/Mine – II, DOJ: 01.10.1998 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Smt. K. Dhanalakshmi, CPF No.31736, Attendant Spl. Gr.A/HR/TPS-I, DOJ: 01.03.1989 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Smt. P. Safiyabi, CPF No.30718, Attendant Spl. Gr.A/ Estate Section/TA, DOJ: 01.07.1988 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Smt. R. Lakshmi, CPF No.31088, Attendant Spl.Gr.A/HR/Corp.Office, DOJ: 01.10.1988 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri K. P. Kuppusamy, CPF No.41338, Cleaner / Spl. Gr.A/Industrial Canteen/TPS-II, DOJ: 01.06.1997 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri S. Balasundaram, CPF No.41458, Tech Gr.II (B)/New Surface Bench/Mine – I DOJ: 01.12.1997 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Smt. K . Rajathi, CPF No.34639, Attendant Spl. Gr.B /Medical Services DOJ: 01.11.1999 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri C. Gunasekaran, CPF No.43259, Tech. Gr.III (C)/Elec. Mines/MM/Mine – II DOJ: 01.12.2000 ; DOR:30.11.2011 Smt. M. Anjali, CPF No.44347, Cleaner/Civil Services/TPS-II DOJ: 01.02.2004 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Smt. M. Dhanalakshmi, CPF No.44367, Cleaner/Civil Services/TPS-II DOJ: 01.02.2004 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri A. Sundaramoorthy, CPF No.45702, Cleaner/Track Shifting/Mine – I DOJ: 29.06.2007 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri G. Ramalingam, CPF No.45735, Cleaner/Industrial Canteen/TPS-I DOJ: 01.01.2008 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri A. Thambiapillai, CPF No.45712, Cleaner/Bus Section/CSU DOJ: 29.06.2007 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri R. Rajamoorthy, CPF No.45187, Cleaner/Accounts Branch/Corp.Office DOJ: 01.12.2006 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri V. Uthandi, CPF No.45644, Cleaner/Operation/TPS-II DOJ: 29.06.2007 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri R. Nallambalam, CPF No.43268, I.W. GR.II/Blast Hole Drills/Mine – II DOJ: 01.12.2000 ; DOR:31.10.2011 Shri P. Alagan, CPF No.45689, Cleaner/Bottom Bench/Mine – II DOJ: 29.06.2007 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri S. Dhanasekaran, CPF No.45694, Cleaner/F.M Yard/Mine – II DOJ: 29.06.2007 ; DOR:31.12.2011 Shri S. Sivarajan, GPF No. 800392, Jr. Asst./NLC HSS/Neyveli-2 DOJ: 11.12.1979; DOR: 30.11.2011 Events HINDI WORKSHOP A one-day Hindi Workshop was organized on 26.11.2011 at Employee Development Centre exclusively for the benefit of Unit Heads and Unit Heads of Human Resource Depts. on the topics “Official Languages Act, 1963 & Official Languages Rules, 1976 and Usage of Hindi in Computers. Dr.C.Jaya Sankar Babu, Assistant Professor, Pondicherry University, conducted this Workshop. 49 senior executives from various units participated in this Workshop and evinced much interest to learn Official Language Rules as well as working in Unicode on computers in Hindi. Dr. Jaya Sankar Babu in Hindi Workshop 39th Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting 39th Official Language Implementation Committee Meeting was held on 14.12.2011 under the Chairmanship of our CMD, Shri A.R.Ansari at Conference Hall, Corporate Office. Shri C.N.V.Annamalai, General Secretary, Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Chennai and the Non-official nominated member of Hindi Advisory Committee, Ministry of Coal, Govt. of India graced the occasion as observer and addressed. Functional Directors, Unit Heads and Unit HR Heads attended this meeting. CMD, Directors and Shri Annamalai at the OLIC meeting OBITUARY During the period between October and December 2011, 22 employees passed away while in service. Brown Coal pays homage to the departed souls and conveys its condolences to their family members. DOB : Date of Birth DOJ : Date of Joining in NLC DOD : Date of Death G. Rajamohan, CPF No.33203, ACM/(Oprn. Services)Turbine/ TPS-II DOB: 27.04.1964; DOJ: 23.11.1987; DOD:16.11.2011 N. Balasubramanian, CPF No. 24914,Sr.Foreman, HR Dept./ Mine-II DOB: 15.05.1952; DOJ: 04.10.1980; DOD:01.10.2011 K. Chokkalingam, CPF No. 26621,Foreman/ SME/RC/Mine-II DOB: 07.07.1956; DOJ: 14.06.1983; DOD:13.10.2011 K. Durai Babu, CPF No. 27617,Ch.Tech/Bus Section/CSU DOB: 12.07.1957; DOJ: 12.09.1983; DOD:21.12.2011 T. Sundaramoorthy, CPF No. 37082,Sr.Conductor Gr.I/F&AB/CO DOB: 12.06.1963; DOJ: 23.10.1986; DOD:25.10.2011 S. Sridharan, CPF No. 38434,Sr.Tech.Gr.I/LHS(Oprn.)/TPS-II DOB: 10.03.1969; DOJ: 01.11.1991; DOD:15.12.2011 D.M. Mohankumar, CPF No. 38439,Sr.Tech Gr.I/LHS(Oprn.)/TPS-II DOB: 15.05.1967; DOJ: 01.11.1991; DOD:15.12.2011 M. Gopinathan, CPF No.37866,Sr.Tech.Gr.I/Top Bench/Mine-II DOB: 30.03.1966; DOJ: 10.01.1991; DOD:21.10.2011 C. Elangovan, CPF No. 27167,Sr.Tech.Gr.II/I.C.E. Shop/CSU DOB: 08.04.1963; DOJ: 08.08.1983; DOD:15.12.2011 A. Arockiasamy, CPF No.26795,Server Spl.Gr.A/Industrial Canteen/ Mine-I DOB: 02.02.1954; DOJ: 01.11.1980; DOD:22.12.2011 S. Jayasankar, CPF No. 38195,Tech. Gr. I (A)/SMD/Mine-II DOB: 10.01.1965; DOJ: 11.07.1991; DOD:06.12.2011 Y. Abdul Majeed, CPF No. 24859,Storekeeper Gr.A/Mini Auto/Mine-II DOB: 21.04.1957; DOJ: 13.10.1980; DOD:24.12.2011 K. Shanmugasundaram, CPF No. 38727,Clerical Asst.Gr.I/HR Dept./Mine-II DOB: 04.02.1962; DOJ: 06.08.1992; DOD:23.10.2011 P. Rajalingam, CPF No. 36648,Tech Gr.II (B)/Conveyor Mtce./Mine-II DOB: 20.05.1957; DOJ: 17.09.1990; DOD: 01.12.2011 K. Velmurugan, CPF No. 42115, Tech Gr.III'C'/Vulcanising/Mine-I DOB: 15.04.1969; DOJ: 01.09.1998; DOD:23.10.2011 P. Suresh, CPF No.42835,Tech Gr.III'C'/SWC/Mine-I DOB: 13.05.1968; DOJ: 01.12.2000; DOD:23.10.2011 M. Rajagopal, CPF.No.41317,Tech.Gr.III'C'/Middle Bench/Mine-I DOB: 01.07.1952; DOJ: 01.06.1997; DOD:24.12.2011 P.Xaviersundarraj, CPF No. 43009,Tech. Gr.III'C'/Telecommunication DOB: 27.06.1966; DOJ: 05.05.2000; DOD:19.10.2011 R. Velmurugan, CPF No. 34263,Tech.Gr.III'C'/Elec. Oprn./TPS-II DOB: 11.06.1969; DOJ: 03.08.1989;DOD:10.11.2011 M. Guruviah, CPF No. 42517,Tech Gr. III'C'/Lignite Bench/Mine-II DOB: 26.11.1968; DOJ: 25.02.1998; DOD:20.11.2011 A. Balamurugan, CPF No. 41473,I.W.Gr.I/ Elec.Mines/Machine Mtce./Mine-I DOB: 23.11.1963; DOJ: 01.12.1997; DOD:07.11.2011 M. Samuelraj, CPF No. 43902,I.W.Gr.I/Lignite Bench/Mine-II DOB: 03.03.1952; DOJ: 23.01.2002; DOD:09.12.2011 May the Souls rest in peace 13 Achievements AWARDS Pay Roll Saving Scheme Award Best Co-Operative Society Award Saving is our Style – Be it Energy or Money Cooperation Brings Cooperative Award Shri O. Panneerselvam presenting the Award CMD, Director (HR) and SO/Indcoserve with the Award The Directorate of Small Savings, Government of Tamil Nadu awarded the 'Payroll Saving Scheme Group Leader Award' (First Prize) for the year 2010-2011 to NLC. This award is presented to the organization, which mobilizes maximum amount through payroll saving scheme. The Tamil Nadu Co operative Union, an unit of the Co operative Ministry, Government of Tamil Nadu has honoured 'NLC Industrial Cooperative Services Society' as the 'Best Society in the State'. This society is functioning for the past 20 years for arranging personnel to various works of NLC. Efficient administration, less accident, single day payment for the members, are some of the significant factors for which the society has bagged this prestigious Award. In the State Level Cooperative Week Celebrations held at Tiruchirapalli on 20.11.2011 Shri Cellur. K.Raju, the Hon'ble Co-operative Minister of Government of Tamil Nadu presented the trophy to NLC Indcoserve and Shri J. Tamilarasan, GM and Special Officer of NLC Indcoserve received the same on behalf of the society. For the year 2010-11, NLC mobilized an amount of ` 1,65,65,812. At the World Thrift Day celebrations held at Chennai, on 11.11.2011, Shri O.Panneerselvam, Hon'ble Minister of Finance, Government of Tamil Nadu presented the Award to NLC and Shri P. Jayakumar, Chief General Manager and Regional Manager of Chennai Office received the award on behalf of NLC. Children – the valuable asset of the Nation 14 Brainobrain is an ISO certified Kids Academy, which is improving the thinking power of children through abacus method. This academy organizes National level competitions every year and for this year the competition was held at Chennai on 06.11.2011. This year, Neyveli Centre came first in the National level, by bagging 132 prizes including 67 individual championships, 43 gold medals and 22 silver medals. It is to be noted that, Neyveli centre was started during the year 2009. Their success story began with one championship during 2009 and progressed with 8 championships during the year 2010. Within 3 years this centre reached the top place in the Nation. To honour the kids, a function was organized at the Lignite Hall on 28.12.2011 and Shri A.R.Ansari, our CMD participated as the chief guest. He declared that children are the valuable asset of the Nation and appealed the parents to help to improve the thinking power Shri A.R. Ansari presenting the Shield of the children, so that we can create an intellectual society for the future India. Shri K. Sekar, Director(Finance), Shri Arul Subramanian, Director/Technical, Brainobrain. Shri G. Sivakumaran, Incharge of Neyveli Centre of Brainobrain addressed. Earlier, the kids presented a colourful cultural programme and a demonstration session on rapid calculation which attracted everyone. University Topper Selvi J. Kirthikayeni, (D/o Shri G. John Bosco/Sr.Tech Gr.I/TA), student of Bharathiar U n i v e r s i t y, C o i m b a t o r e emerged as topper in MA English Literature course in the University during April 2011. At the convocation function held in the University premises on 24.11.2011, His Excellency Dr. Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu His Excellency Dr. Rosaiah, presenting the Certificate presented the gold medal and citation to her. Kirthikayeni is an alumni of St. Joseph of Cluny Matriculation Hr. Sec. School, Neyveli. Congratulations! State level Safety Week Competition At the State level Safety Week Celebrations 2011 held at Alathiyur, two of our employees bagged prizes in different events. Shri M.Rajakumaran, S r. A d m i n i s t r a t i v e A s s t . Gr.II/Computer Services/Mine-II won first prize in Safety Slogan competition and Shri M. Kesavan, AO/Crawler Yard/ Mine-I came second in the Safety Song Category. Both the employees won the zonal level competitions in the respective category and were qualified to participate in the state level. Congratulations! M.Rajakumaran M.Kesavan Sports SPORTS NLC hosted State Ranking Badminton Tournament The Lignite City Club (LCC), Neyveli organized the Tamil Nadu Senior State Badminton Ranking Tournament 2011 for the first time in Neyveli at the new wooden courts of LCC between 04.11.2011 and 06.11.2011. NLC Sports Control Board, Tamil Nadu Badminton Association (TNBA) and Cuddalore District Badminton Association (CDBA) joined hands with LCC in this great event. Shri S.K. Acharya, Director(HR) inaugurated the tournament in the presence of Shri B. Sivagnanam, ED(Contracts & Planning) and the President of LCC. men and women singles respectively. While M. Naveen from Neyveli & Vembarasan from Cuddalore won the men's doubles, Shri. B. Pavalavannan (ACM/TPS-I Expansion) & Shri. G.R. Anand, (APO/TPS-II) won the veterans doubles event. Smt. Lally Joseph (APO/Education Dept.) & Smt.Tessy Joseph, (APO/Mine-IA) won the veteran women doubles. Shri A.R. Ansari, our CMD participated as the chief guest of the valedictory function and distributed the cash awards and shields to the winners. Shri R. Kandasamy, Director (P&P), Shri S.K. Acharya, Director(HR), senior officials, representatives of TNBA & CDBA attended the meeting. During the occasion, Director (P&P) inaugurated the renovated Amaravathy Home Theatre at LCC premises. Directors and ED presenting a memento to CMD As many as 120 participants including star players of the state played in nine categories. Shri Arunkumar from Chennai and Ms. R.Janaki from Coimbatore were the winners of Basket Ball Director(HR) presenting the Trophies Golf Selvi Aishwarya Nataraj, (D/o Shri S. Natarajan, APO/CLC) student of MOB Vaishnava College, Chennai has represented India in the Under-18 Girls' Aishwarya Nataraj Basket ball team in the 1st Invitational 3x3 Youth World Championship held in Rimini, Italy from 9th to 11th September 2011. Aishwarya is the 1st girl from Tamil Nadu, who has represented India in the World Basket Ball Championship. 15 NLC Golf team with Office Bearers of LCC NLC Golf Team led by Shri. S. Balachandar won the BEML Trophy at the Inter Club Golf Tournament held at Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka on 24.09.2011 and 25.09.2011. Our team defeated BEML, though the host had the advantage of playing in their own course. This is the first time in 7 years that NLC team defeated the home team in their soil and retained the trophy. Athletics At the 27th National Junior Athletics l Championships held at Ranchi between 01.11.2011 and 04.11.2011, G. Priyanga, (D/o Shri S. Gunasekaran, AO/TA), student of Jawahar Higher Secondary School G.Priyanga won gold in 100 metres and emerged as the fastest runner of India in the Under-14 Girls category. M. Sowmiya, (D/o Shri S. Murugan, Spl.Gr. WCC Opr./Mine-I) won a gold in Pentathlon and bronze in 100 metres hurdles. C. Tina, (D/o Smt. V.J. Cicily, APO/TA) of M.Sowmiya NLC Girls' Higher Secondary School won a bronze medal in Medley relay. l R. Deivasigamani of Jawahar Science College won the Individual Championship at the Thiruvalluvar University Athletic Meet 2011 held at Vellore by winning gold medals in Shot-put, Discuss C.Tina throw & Javelin throw and silver in Hammer throw. By this achievements he has been selected to participate in the All India Inter University Athletic Meet to be held at Andhra Pradesh. In addition, he has won gold medals in various State Level Athletic Meets held at Thiruvannamalai, Nagercoil, Virudhunagar and Chennai. Congratulations! R.Deivasigamani Records Q3 Brings Hope To Achieve Annual Targets Net Profit hikes by 93% in Q3 During the first nine months of the current financial year (2011-12), all products reached the target except power generation which had a slight dip. Since the two units of Barsingsar Power Station were permitted to generate electricity commercially, it brings hope that NLC will achieve its targets in all fronts for the Financial Year 2011-12. In the financial front, NLC registered a Net Profit of `184.94 Crore during the third quarter (Q3) of 2011-12, which is 92.51% higher than the Net Profit registered during the third quarter of 2010-11 (`96.07 crore). Brown Coal proudly presents the physical & financial performance of the first nine months of 2011-12. (i.e.from 01.04.2011 to 31.12.2011). From 01.04.2011 to 31.12.2011 Products Overburden Unit Lakh Cubic Metre % of Achievement From 01.04.2010 to 31.12.2010 % of Growth Target Actual 1,128.05 1,231.68 109.19 1,192.94 3.25 Lignite Lakh Tonne 172.85 174.86 101.16 164.15 6.53 Power Generation Million Unit 13,358.00 13,245.98 99.16 12,730.51 4.05 Power Export Million Unit 10,977.00 11,081.60 100.95 10,608.27 4.46 Profit Before Tax ` in crore - 1123.48 - 980.17 14.62 Net Profit ` in crore - 806.12 - 711.88 13.24 Turnover ` in crore - 3360.87 - 3,077.84 9.20 Congratulations TEAM Barsingsar! Generating Records too… Barsingsar Thermal Power Project, (2x125 MW), Rajasthan, NLC’s maiden endeavour on establishing a Power Plant outside Tamil Nadu has successfully come into commercial operation. The boilers of this power plant is based on CFBC (Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion) technology. Combating the troubles that sprouted was a challenge during the previous years as this technology is new for NLC. By the untiring efforts of our employees, they themselves derived the solutions and successfully achieved the stage of Commercial Operation Declaration (COD). The Commercial Operation for Unit-I was declared on 20.01.2012 and Unit-II was on 29.12.2011. Brown Coal congratulates the executives and employees who worked in unison to achieve the mission of NLC. While other Power Stations are generating power, Neyveli Thermal Power Station-II is generating records along with power. Every time it breaks its own records. During the calendar year 2011, (01.01.2011 to 31.12.2011), this power station has generated 11,056.063 Million Units (MU). The station has surpassed the previous best performance of 10,783.324 MU registered during the year 2009. Brown Coal Congratulates those who made it possible! Highlights of first nine months Lignite: Mine-IA and Mine-II have registered a tremendous achievement in lignite production. While Mine-IA has produced 12.18% more than the target, Mine-II achieved 14.31% above the target and registered a growth of 17.73% and 12.59% respectively. Power Generation: The small shortfall in power generation was due to the non-commissioning of TPS-II Expn. and the bottleneck in the declaration of Commercial Operation of Barsingsar Power Station. As far as Neyveli TPSs are concerned TPS-I, TPS-I Expn. and TPS-II have generated 3.01%, 1.08% and 14.77% respectively, more than the target. BROWN COAL House Journal of Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (For Private Circulation only) Edited & Published by PR Dept., on behalf of Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited, Navratna, A Govt. of India Enterprise, Neyveli - 607 801, Tamil Nadu. Website: www.nlcindia.com
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