Volume 1, Issue 1 S V M IT n e w s le t t e r : i s s u e 0 1 15th August 2012 S PECTRUM @ SVMIT F OR LIM IT ED CIRCU LA T ION ON LY S U C C E S S S T O RY O F S V M I T INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Principal’s message 2 Results this year 2 Our Toppers 2 Report of events 3 Directors message 3 Placement this year 4 Chairman’s blessings 4 R&D details 5 Editorial Team • Pritesh Mankad • Dr. Shailesh Patel • Payal Mahida To meet the ever increasing needs of technical personnel in Industry, as also to enhance the frontiers of knowledge in the field of technology, Shri S'ad Vidya Mandal Institute of Technology was established in August 1996 as a self finance Institute. The Institute has been approved by the All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi and by the Government of Gujarat. In academic year 2011-12 our first batch under Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has graduated with almost 100% results in all the disciplines. Many of our students are in university toppers’ list. Under the able leadership of Principal Dr. R. G. Kapdia, an IITian of IIT-Delhi and innovative and constructive vision of Director Shri. J. M. Patel, the Institute has shown phenomenal growth in all the spheres. About the Trust: S’ad Vidya Mandal SVMIT is managed by Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal trust popularly known as SVM established in 1954 as a result of inspiration and blessings of Swami Shri Atulanandji. Trust comprises of leading advocates, technocrats and academician also managing art and science, commerce, law, BCA colleges in lush green campus of 40 acres. Shri Mukulbhai Thakore, is the Chairman of the trust. He is advocate by profession. Shri Shashikantbhai Patel is Vise Chairman and Shri Jivrajbhai Patel is Secretary of SVM. S EAT MAT RIX O F SVMIT Address: SVM Institute of Technology, College campus, Old N.H. 08, Bharuch– Gujarat PIN: 392001 Contact Details: Phone:+91 2642 245864 Fax +91 2642 249601 Mob: +91 9099063045 Website: www.svmit.ac.in No. of Seats Branch of UG Electronics and Telecommunication 60 Mechanical Engineering 180 Electrical Engineering 60 Computer science and Engineering 60 Information Technology 45 Chemical Engineering 60 Civil Engineering 60 1 Branch of PG (Mechanical Engg.) No. of Seats Thermal Engineering 18 CAD-CAM 18 Advance Manufacturing Systems 18 IC Engines and Automobiles 18 Pa g e 2 Volume 1, Issue 1 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE R E S U LT S O F 20 1 2 BAT C H It is matter of great pleasure that SVMIT is starting its news letter and first issue is released on 15th August 2012. The Institute is having vision to impart quality education to students . Ours is one of the oldest and well established academic institute catering technical education of Under graduate and Post graduate course. The success story of this year is just a mile stone of a long journey. We have established ourselves but still we have long way to go. With the support of dedicated staff and management of SVM , I am sure we shall excel in all the spheres of Engineering teaching – learning and research. My heartiest congratulations to the editorial team for the first issue of “SPECTRUM”. The word spectrum was first used to describe the colors of rainbow. Similarly, It is our endeavor to showcase spectrum of colorful events, activities and happenings in the vibrant campus of SVMIT. I hope this new beginning and novel way of communication will be appreciated. The first batch under Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has graduated in this year (June-2012). Competing with fifty (50) Engineering Colleges of Gujarat state, SVMIT has once again proved that it is one of the leading Institute in the field of Technical Education. Following are the glimpses of our results this year. • 315 students declared successful out of 325 ( 97% result ) Dr. R G Kapadia (MTech, PhD, IIT,Dehi) Principal, SVMIT, Bharuch “We have done it in past , we have done it this year and we shall continue to march ahead” Institute is at 13th rank as per SPI wise result of eighth semester The Departments of Electrical Engineering (09) and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (12) have got first rank in the zone and Gujarat with 100% result. • • Branch code Branch Name Total Pass Fail Percentage (%) 05 Chemical 34 33 1 97.06 09 Electrical 59 59 0 100 12 ETC 56 56 0 100 16 IT 43 42 1 97.67 19 Mechanical 66 64 2 96.97 31 Computer 67 61 6 91.04 OUR TOPPERS Sr.No Name of Topper Branch SPI CPI CGPA 1 Doctor Roohinaz M. ETC 9.47 8.33 8.62 2 Parmar Bhavini P. ETC 9.47 7.97 8.54 3 Patel Dipenti M. ETC 9.71 8.2 8.52 4 Shaji P. K. Mechanical 8.82 8.28 8.8 5 Lukhi Hardik B. Mechanical 9.21 8.22 8.73 6 Patel Archi K. Electrical 9.26 7.91 8.78 7 Patel Tejas A. Electrical 9.53 7.84 8.57 8 Shah Ruchi P. Electrical 9.21 8.01 8.57 9 Desai Vivek J. Computer 9.47 8.17 8.74 10 Shah Dhvani D. Computer 9.29 8.07 8.48 11 Kaneria Juhi J. Computer 9.47 8.19 8.47 12 Anupama Shukla IT 9.29 7.59 8.35 13 Khemani Urvashi N. IT 9.29 7.88 8.26 14 Singh Anita R. Chemical 9.18 8.14 8.6 15 Bhatt Rushil A. Chemical 9.47 7.73 8.4 2 Spectrum@svmit REPORT Volume 1, Issue 1 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE OF EVENTS 27TH FEB ‘12 IDP/UDP COMPETITION Ankleshwar-Bharuch Innovation Sankul consists of 14 Colleges including Engineering, MBA, MCA, Diploma and Pharmacy. Dr. R. G. Kapadia, the Principal of SVMIT, is Director of all the Engineering colleges of sankul. The IDP/UDP competition was held on 27th Feb 2012 where in nearly 300 students of various Colleges had participated. In the evening, awards were declared for winners of competition. Hon. Vice Chancellor Dr. Akshay Aggar wal vis ited Ankleshar-Bharuch Innovation sankul on 21st September 2011. WORKSHOP ON ANDROID 24TH - 25TH FEB ‘12 Computer/IT department conducted a Workshop on “Android Application Development Workshop and Championship” with TRYST-2012 jointly coordinated by Indian IIT – Delhi and iSec Systems. SVMIT, Bharuch is one of the 50 zonal centers across all over India. Students from various Engineering and MCA colleges of Ankleshwar-Bharuch zone had participated in the workshop. There was a competition held post workshop session, which had three stages. SVMITians had cleared their Prelim round and appeared in the Final Round IIT-Delhi. ROBOSAPIENS WORKSHOP Congratulations to SVMIT family on its first news letter being released on 15th August 2012. Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal is one of the oldest Charitable trust of Bharuh formed to establish centers for higher learning in various fields . SVMIT is one of the most important and promising Institute of SVM. It is continuously growing and presently offering seven UG and four PG courses. We would like to expand horizontally and vertically. Management has tried to give best facilities of physical and human resources to our students. Many of our aluminizes are placed at positions of repute and holding the flag of SVMIT high. The success story of this year is just a mile stone of a long journey. We have long way to go. Under the able leadership of Dr. R. G. Kapadia, the Principal of the Institute and other dedicated staff of SVMIT , I am sure we shall excel in all the spheres of Engineering teaching – learning and research. My heartiest congratulations to the editorial team for the first issue. Shri J.M.Patel, Director (SVMIT) 24TH - 25TH FEB ‘12 Electrical/Mechanical Department collectively organized, Robo-Opus'12 which was an initiative by Robosapiens, India in association with Tryst-2012 IIT-Delhi, towards Robotics. The Workshop prelims Rounds was organized at SVMIT, Bharuch which is amongst 50 Zonal centers all over India & Final Rounds were organized at IITDelhi on 3rd-4th-March-2012. 3 “Its is not the strongest species that survives or the one with most features but the one which can change”Charles Darwin Spectrum@svmit Volume 1, Issue 1 TWO WEEKS STTP ON “EMERGING TRENDS IN C PROGRAMMING” CHAIRMAN’S BLESSINGS ‘12 Computer/IT department had organized ISTE approved Two Weeks short term training program on “Emerging Trends in CProgramming” from 16th April to 26th April 2012 . On behalf of shri s’ad vidya mandal trust, I congratulate SVMIT, for its first news letter. This is indeed a state of the art technique to keep the society informed about ‘SPECTRUM’ of activities and achievements of the Institute. That’s why the name ‘SPECTRUM’ is rightly describing the purpose of new letter. I wish all the success for this issue and all the future issues. The said training program was organized with the aim of imparting latest information about present trends in ‘C’ language like parallel computing, graphics application, hardware interfacing. Expert from Premier colleges, R & D organizations and IT industries had provided in-depth knowledge of ‘C’. 40 faculties in Gujarat had participated in the Training programme. 19TH NITAT 2012 Shri Mukul Thakore, Chariman, Shri S’ad Vidya Mandal Trust 16TH - 26TH APRIL Feb ‘12 NIIT, leading global talent Development Corporation and Asia’s largest IT trainer, had conducted an 8th National IT Aptitude Test of students and graduates to ascertain their aptitude for the IT industry called ‘NITAT 2012’, in over 200 cities nationwide, on February 19, 2012. Almost 200 students of CSE/IT/EC branch had appeared in the test and more than 75 students scored 70% and above. Sharda Singh, 4th Year CSE, scored 1480th rank with 86% out of 67114 students appeared nationwide SPOKEN TUTORIAL WORKSHOP Dec ‘12 Computer/IT department had conducted a ‘Spoken Tutorial Workshop’ which was held by IIT in the month of Dec ‘12, Bombay. It was a Joint Venture of IIT Delhi and ISEC Systems. Spoken Tutorial is a part of the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, and Govt. of India. More than 80 students had actively participated and The Workshop helped to get a knowhow of various open source software families like LaTex, Scilab, Linux, Python, PHP. P LAC EMENT THI S YEAR P la cem en t co n t a ct d et a i ls Email: [email protected] [email protected] Blog: www.svmittnp.blogspot.com The objective of Training and Placement Department is to Organize: • Industrial visit for students of all the disciplines to various industries. • Carrier guidance programs • • • Moke interviews Training for written tests and Group discussions Introduce Institute to various Industries and invite them for campus interview 4 Companies visited for Campus Interviews 1. L & T EWAC Alloy, Ankleshwar 2. Kilburn Chemicals, Dahej 3. BRAKES INDIA LTD. (TVS GROUP) , Jhagadia 4. JCT Electronics, Karjan 5. Torrent Power 6. UB Group (United Spirit) 7. CMC LTD. 8. Thomson LTD. 9. Amdocs 10.Anchor 11.SANMAR GROUP Spectrum@svmit FROM EDITOR’S DESK We are relay thrilled on the occasion of release of first issue of SPECTRUMenews letter of SVMIT. It was our strong des i re to pu b lis h achievements and activities of the Institute. This summer, Principal Dr. R.G. Kapadia proposed the idea of E-newsletter and we immediately agreed to the idea. Objective of this enews letter is to communicate the developments at the Institute to parents, students, citizens of Bharuch and nearby Industries. This in turn will give chance to students and faculty members to portray their writing skills. We shall also be in touch with latest trends in technical education through this news letter. We seek suggestions and blessings from one and all whoever is part of it. We thank SVMIT management , SVM trust and Principal DR. R. G. Kapadia for having faith in us. We shall try our best to come up to their expectations. For any suggestions, comments please mail us to: [email protected] Volume 1, Issue 1 R & D A C T I V I T I E S B Y S V M I T FA C U L T I E S As we move from the role of graduate students or post graduate students or doctorate to the role of faculty member at a learning - teaching institute , our research responsibilities change and it is expected to engage in scholarly activities that benefit our students, the institute, and the community. Meeting the challenge of this transition requires some active planning and strategic thinking. The faculties of SVMIT are well enough to adjust with this transition. They are actively involved with the innovation and research work in their specialized fields. The success of their outstanding Sr. No. Name of Faculty Department No. of research articles/papers Presented in conference Proceedings for the conference National Journal 3 1 1 Dr. R.G. Kapadia Mechanical 1 2 Prof. H.G. Shah Mechanical 2 3 Prof. S J Thanki Mechanical 8 4 Shri B.C. patel Mechanical 1 5 Shri Chetan S Jadav Mechanical 3 Mechanical 2 6 7 Mrs. Khushbu C Panchal Mrs. Vandana Y Gurjar 2 Prof. V.K. Matawala Mechanical 1 9 Prof. D.C. Gosai Mechanical 1 10 Prof. J.H. Shah EC 11 Prof. Jay M Joshi EC 12 Prof. P. R. Mankad Electrical 13 Shri Rutvij Jhaveri Computer Science 14 Mrs. Kruti Dangarwala Computer Science 15 Shri Ghanshyam Prajapati Computer Science 2 16 Mrs. Vaishali Patel Computer Science 7 17 Shri Jigar Gurjar Chemical 1 Chemical 1 Physics 5 EC 1 Electrical 3 19 Shri Manoj C Panchal Mrs. Nirali Gondaliya 20 Ms. Nikita Dalwadi 21 Ms. Payal Patel 5 Books 2 Mechanical 8 18 International Journal 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 2 Spectrum@svmit EDITORIAL TEAM Volume 1, Issue 1 OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS 1. 2. Pritesh Mankad, Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering Department and Training and Placement Officer of the Institute. He is having more than fourteen year of experience in the field of academics and the Industry. 3. 4. 5. 6. Shri Bhavesh C Patel, Department of Mechanical Engineering got the degree of M. Tech. (General Mechanical) with 9.36 CGPI . with GOLD MEDAL from S.V.N.I.T., Surat for achieving first position in July 2011. Shri Ghanshyam Prajapati and Mrs. Payal T. Mahida, Department of Computer Science, organized ISTE approved Two weeks STTP on "Emerging Trends in C programming" from 16 April 2012- 26 April 2012. Shri Ghanshyam Prajapati , Department of Computer Science, coordinated two days national level workshop on ANDROID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT by IIT-Delhi and iSec Sysems-Delhi during 24th and 25th February 2012 Mrs. Khushbu C. panchal, Department of Mechanical Engineering got M.Tech (Cad-Cam) from Nirma university, Ahmedabad. Kum. Payal Patel, Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering Department completed M.Tech. (Power Electronics and Electrical Drives) from SVNIT, Surat with CPI 9.05 Ms. Nikita B. Dalwadi, Assistant Professor in EC Department completed ME (Wireless communication systems) from GEC-Surat with CPI 8.76 in 2012. ASPIRANTS FOR HIGHER DEGREE Dr. S.S. Patel, Associate Professor in the Departments of Mathematics and Head of Humanities Department of the Institute. He is has more than fifteen years of teaching experience. He has guided many M.Phil students and also guiding Ph.D. students. 1. Prof. S.J. Thanki, Department of Mechanical Engineering is registered as a Ph.D. student at IIT, Kharagpur. 2. Prof. P. R. Mankad, Department of Electrical Engineering is registered as a Ph. D. Student in R.K. University, Rajkot. Photo Gallery Mrs. Payal Mahida Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer science and Engineering. She is one of the most young and dynamic faculties of the Institute. She had played key role in organizing many state level and national level activities of her Department and Institute. 6
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