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P repare for R etirement, page 6 ; T our th e N ew W h itney, 38 ; ‘ T h e G oldilock s Z one, ’ 4 8 ; T rac I ntermodal’ s N ew HQ , 5 4 . Ch amb er S peak er: T renton M ayor E ric J ack s on s peak s M ay 2 1 on economic dev elopment. P age 5 3. Y © M A Business M eetings 6 Preview 3 4 opportunities 45 S ingles 49 Job s 57 Ph: 6 0 9 - 4 5 2 - 7 0 0 0 FaX: 6 0 9 - 8 4 4 - 0 18 0 W W W .PRinceTOninFO.cOM 15 20, 20 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE MiLLiOn dOLLaR B aB ieS EAST BRUNSWICK • $ 1, 6 9 9 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 13 WEST WINDSOR • $ 1, 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 53 HILLSBOROUGH • $ 2 , 9 7 5 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 26 LAWRENCEVILLE • $ 1, 2 7 5 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 32 PRINCETON • $ 1, 4 9 9 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 52 HOPEWELL • $ 1, 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 26 CRANBURY • $ 2 , 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 12 MONTGOMERY • $ 1, 4 9 5 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 51 PRINCETON • $ 1, 0 9 8 , 0 0 0 • PAGE 52 GETTING THE MOST BANG FOR YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT BUCK, 10 HOUSES FOR SALE, 11 • HOUSES FOR RENT, 17 A BANK SHOULD... help us get m the mostmfreo. our ho 3.25% 3.75% FIXED RATE HOME EQUITY LOANS 5-Year Fixed Rate 10-Year Fixed Rate APR* APR* CRANBURY BRANCH 609.642.1064 EWING BRANCH 609.643.0470 HAMILTON BRANCH 609.528.4400 LAWRENCE BRANCH 609.587.3111 firstbanknj.com *APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is effective as of 5/15/15, subject to change at anytime, and applies only to first lien home equity loans. Please contact us for information regarding other rates and terms. Minimum monthly payment is $18.08 (5 year) and $10.01 (10 year) per every $1,000.00 borrowed. Subject to underwriting eligibility. Limited to 80% of the combined loan to value based on the estimated or appraised value at the time of the loan. Applies to owner occupied (primary residence and vacation home) 1-2 family homes, townhouses, and condominiums in First Bank’s lending area. Borrower is required to pay a mortgage recording fee. Minimum loan amount is $5,000. Home equity loans over $250,000 require Title Insurance and an Appraisal paid by borrower. Other costs may apply. Homeowners insurance from the insurer of your choice is required. Federal flood insurance is required for any property located in a designated flood zone. Interest may be tax deductible; consult your tax advisor for details. US1_HEL_A ED? 2 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 To the Editor: Bring State Regs Into 21st Century Richard K . Rein Editor D iccon Hy att Business Editor munications market that exists today while maintaining important consumer protections and oversight. Critics can’t deny that the communications market has changed. Consumers and businesses alike ecause New Jersey’s regu- have more affordable options for latory policy has not kept pace with service than ever before. It simply all of the competitive and techno- does not make sense to prevent Velogical changes that have taken rizon from having some of the same freedoms as their place in the communicado — espetions market over the Between competitors cially if the state wants last decade, New Jersey The Verizon to continue inregulators are taking the vesting here. steps to reclassify cerLines The board should tain Verizon services as move forward without competitive. As a business advocacy organi- any hesitation. The business comzation representing over 1,100 munity in the greater Princeton recompanies in central New Jersey, gion is certainly backing them. P eter C rowley we are pleased the state is finally taking the necessary steps to bring President & CEO, Princeton New Jersey’s regulatory policy in- Regional Chamber of Commerce to the 21st century. We believe consumers and businesses throughout the Princeton region will benefit from a regulatory environment that promotes competition, investment and technological innovation fairly e would be remiss if I did among all providers. not take a moment to acknowledge However, misinformation is be- everyone who joined us at the Nasing spread by certain special inter- sau Inn on April 24th for our annual ests that seek to dissuade the Board Stand Against Racism, especially of Public Utilities (BPU) from ap- Mercer County Executive Brian proving the resolution of a reclas- Hughes, Princeton Mayor Liz sification proceeding that has been Lempert, and Trenton Mayor Eric pending for almost four years. De- Jackson. spite how some are spinning this Our goal was to allow YWCApending reclassification, the BPU USA to make our Stand a signature is not deregulating the phone in- program to affect systemic change dustry. The board is simply reclas- on the national level. We reached sifying certain services to reflect our goal when more than 300,000 the robust and competitive com- people answered our call to action to end racial profiling. Concurrently, we worked to stay true to our local efforts. As the signage throughU.S. 1 WELCOMES letout Princeton so well states: We ters to the editor, corrections, Must Stand Against Racism Today and criticisms. E-mail our edand Everyday. Kudos to “Not In itor: rein@ princetoninfo. com. B D an Aub rey Preview Editor Ly nn M iller Events Editor S ara Hastings Special Projects Craig Terry Photography Barb ara F igge F ox Senior Correspondent V aughan Burton Production Jennif er S chwesinger M ichael Z ilemb o Account Executives Stand Up To Racism I N S I DE S urvival G uide 4 T h in ki n g R etir emen t? T ake T ime to P r ep ar e 4 In L aw r en ce , R o u te 1 M ean s B u si n ess – An d D evelo p men t 5 T h e Fu tu r e is C allin g ( O ver th e In ter n et) 6 B u si n ess M eetin g s 6 Chamb er News Residential Real Estate 8 -9 10- 3 3 T h e B est B an g f o r Y o u r R en o vatio n B u ck H o u si n g f o r Sale H o u si n g f o r R en t 1 0 1 1 1 7 Preview 3 4- 51 D ay by D ay, M ay 20 to 27 A R e-imag in ed W h itn ey O f f er s N ew P er sp ect ives T r en to n Fest O f f er s C h an ce to P ig O u t W r iter R emember s Amer ica ’ s Fir st M ilitar y O p p o r tu n ities R eview : ‘ T h e G o ldilo cks Z o n e’ U . S. 1 Sin g les E xch an g e A C o p W h o se T icke ts Ar e So meth in g to L au g h Abo u t rmer Partner at Stark & unces the opening of his njury practice: M ichele Alperin, Elaine S trauss, Pat Tanner, K aren Hodges M iller, E.E. Whiting, S imon S altzm an, Euna K won Brossman, Bart Jackson, S usan V an D ongen, Richard J. S kelly , D oug D ix on, Ly nn Rob b ins, Helen S chwartz, Jonathan Elliott, Linda Arntze nius, Alana S hilling, Ron S hapella D avid M cD onough, S cott M organ, I lene D ub e, Barb ara Westergaard Contributors Lawrence L. D uPraz 19 19 - 2006 Founding Production Adviser S tan K ephart – Des ign 198 6-2007 U . S. 1 is h an d deliver ed to all bu si n esse s an d o f f ice s in th e g r eater P r in ce to n ar ea. Fo r adver tisi n g o r edito r ial in q u ir ies ca ll 6 0 9-452-70 0 0 . Fax: 6 0 9-844-0 1 80 . O r visi t w w w . p r in ce to n in f o . co m. C o p yr ig h t 20 1 5 by C o mmu n ity N ew s Ser vice L L C , 1 5 P r in ce s R o ad, L aw r en ce ville 0 86 48. W Continued on page 4 y Law THE ULTIMATE NO-IRON SHIRTS FOR WOMEN SIZES 4-18 Huge New Delivery ated at 99 $ porate Center SPECIAL 29 orig $75 MACHINE WASH, MACHINE DRY NO IRONING REQUIRED! o r edito r ial in q u ir ies, ca ll 6 0 9-452-70 0 0 . F ax : 6 0 9-844-0 1 80 . R o ad, Su ite K , L aw r en ce ville 0 86 48. r in c eto n in f o . co m. w w . p r in ce to n in f o . co m © 20 1 5 C o mmu n ity N ew s Ser vice L L C . s C o mmu n ity N ew s Ser vic e L L C Co- PU BLI S HER J amie G r is w o ld Co- PU BLI S HER T o m V aler i M ANAG I NG ED I ToR J o e E man s k i BU S I NES S ED I ToR D ic c o n H yatt ARTS & ENTERTAI NM ENT ED I ToR D an Au br ey EV ENTS ED I ToR L yn n M iller S PECI AL PRoJECTS ED I ToR Sar a H as tin g s S ENI oR CoM M U NI TY ED I ToRS R o b An th es , L ex ie Y ear ly, B ill San s er vin o ED I ToRI AL D I RECToR R ic h ar d K . R ein ED I ToRI AL AS S I S TANT M eag an D o u c h es AD M I NI S TRATI V E CooRD I NAToR B r ittan y B ayo PRoD U CTI oN M ANAG ER Stac ey M ic allef AD TRAF F I C CooRD I NAToR N o r in e L o n g o G RAPHI C ARTI S TS K ar en B r u to n , V au g h an B u r to n S ALES D I RECToR T h o mas Fr itts ( E x t. 1 1 0 ) S ENI oR ACCoU NT EX ECU TI V ES J en n if er Sc h w es in g er , J en n if er Stef f en , M ic h ael Z ilembo ACCoU NT EX ECU TI V ES Aman da Ar en a, J ac q u elin e B ar r ett, M ic h ael L o vett INJU R ED? INJURED? P aul N. Daly, Esq ., former artner at Stark & Stark , Paul N. PDaly, Esq., former Partner at St proudly announces the opening of his Stark, proudly announces personal injury practice:the opening Daly Law Law Daly located at located at Ew ing Corporate Center 20 Scotch R oad, Suite A Center Ewing Corporate Ew ing , NJ 08628 20 Scotch Road Suite A Joining Mr. Daly’s practice is former StarkEwing, & StarkNJ Senior 08628 P ersonal Inj ury P araleg al, Deb ra A. Toth. P aul and Deb ra have w ork ed ex clusively to help clients w ho sustained serious Joining Mr. Daly’s practice is former Stark & Stark Senior Personal Injury Par or catastrophic personal inj ury as a result of auto, truck ing , Debra A. Toth. Paul and slip Debra have worked exclusively to help clients who s motorcycle, & fall, and other accidents. Our leg al team has max imized clients’ recoveries for 22 years. We have fall, and other accidents. achieved multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements for our clients. M ond ay- Satu rd ay: 9 : 3 0 a. m. to 5 : 3 0 p. m. O PE N SU N DA Y S: 9 : 3 0 a. m. to 4 : 3 0 p. m. www.landauprinceton.com Fo r adver tisi n g M ail: 1 5 P r in ce E- M ail: in f o @ p Home page: w 53 57 58 serious or catastrophic personal injury as a result of auto, trucking, motorcyc SHIRT SALE HOURS 1 0 2 N A S S A U S T R E E T (across from the university) PR NC TON, NJ Lif e in the F ast Lane Classif ieds 56 Job s Richard K . Rein personal injury practice: Cool, Comfortable 100% Pure Cotton BLOUSES and SHIRTS otch Road uite A NJ 08628 3 4 3 8 43 44 45 48 49 50 Our legal team has maximized clients’ recoveries for 22 years. We have achiev million verdicts and settlements our clients. For all of yourdollar personal inj ury needs,forcall 609 924-3494 609-594-4000 For all of your personal injury needs, call 609-594-4000 info@ dalylaw llc.com [email protected] M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 3 THE BECKER NOSE AND SINUS CENTER REFRESH & STIMULATE YOUR SUMMER SKIN Now in Central New Jersey! Now with offices in Princeton and Hamilton/Robbinsville! The Becker Nose & Sinus Center – headed byby renowned The Becker Nose & Sinus Center – headed sinus expertssinus Dr Samuel Becker and Dr.Becker Danieland Becker – has renowned experts Dr. Samuel successfully treated thousands of New Jersey residents. Dr. Daniel Becker – has successfully treated thousandsThe Becker Nose & Sinus Center is Becker currently accepting of New Jersey residents.The Nose & Sinus patients Center atisitsnow Princeton and Hamilton/Robbinsville locations! accepting patients at its new Princeton location! with our MicroCurrent Facial with Grapefruit Oil Infusion • Formulated to protect your skin from the summer heat • Heal your sensitive, sun exposed skin • Brighten you complexion and restore your skin Call if you suffer from • Sinus infections • Nasal obstruction and congestion • Facial pain and headaches • Snoring • Septal deviation • Polyps • Allergy-related concerns Veni Chernev, B.C.E.S.C. Medical Aesthetician & Skin Care Specialist Serving the Princeton Area for over 18 years We offer medical care, allergy treatments, and – when necessary – surgical options, along with expert follow-up. REVITALIZING LASER TREATMENTS FOR ALL SKIN TYPES YOUR YOUNGER SKIN AWAITS YOU!! THE BECKER NOSE & SINUS CENTER 800 Bunn 800 Bunn Drive Drive Princeton, Princeton, NJ NJ 08540 08540 EUGENIE BRUNNER, MD, FACS 609.921.9497 1 Union Street, Suite 206 Robbinsville, NJ 08691 I 256 Bunn Drive, Suite 4, Princeton Serving the Princeton Area since 1997 Board Certified in Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Board Certified in Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Fellowship Trained in Facial Plastic Surgery Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 609/430-9200 609/430-9200 609/436-5740 www.NoseAndSinus.com www.NoseAndSinus.com Top Doctor NYC/NJ 2009- 2014 Patients’ Choice Award 2011 & 2012 www.brunnermd.com INE HEADACHES MIGRAINE HEADACHES GRAINE HEADACHES AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN YOUYOU DOWN ? ? GOT DOWN GOT YOU DOWN? inceton Medical Institute on Medical Institute is is Princeton Medical Institute eking men women 18-55 is seeking men and 18-55 women men and and women ars old to years participate in a re18-55 old to participate d to participate in a rearchinstudy of anstudy investigaa research of tudy of an investigaonal medicine for those with an investigational medicine medicine forwith those with graine Headaches. for those Migraine e Headaches. Headaches. more information or to see if For more information qualify please call: information orqualify to see if or to see if you y please call: please call: PRINCETON PRINCETON MEDICAL INSTITUTE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 609-921-6050 609-921-6050 www.princetonmedicalinstitute.com 609-921-6050 www.princetonmedicalinstitute.com WHERE TODAY’S RESEARCH BRINGS TOMORROWS SOLUTIONS www.princetonmedicalinstitute.com WHERE TODAY’S RESEARCH BRINGS TOMORROWS SOLUTIONS WHERE TODAY’S RESEARCH BRINGS TOMORROWS SOLUTIONS 4 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 CASA’s Superheroes say that 60 is the new 40, but I don’t buy it. The goal is really contentment. If you can wake up every day Continued from page 2 and feel content, I think that’s sucn April 25 CASA for ChilOur Town” for their awesome cess.” dren of Mercer and Burlington work in this regard. We also acI n transition. The life of Counties held its third CASA Kids knowledge the Princeton Public 70-year-old John George offers an Superhero 5K, and eighth overall Library and the Princeton Departideal example of what he’s trying to at the Princeton Pike Corporate ment of Human Services for playhelp retirees do. Born and raised in Center. The event raised over ing key roles. Special thanks to the New York City to “a whole family $44,000 for the organization. Nassau Inn for its hospitality. of artists,” George began life after Nearly 250 participated in the Here in Princeton, our impact is high school as a graphic designer. USATF-certified 5k or the 1-mile as relevant as ever. Did you know ediTOR: And he succeeded in the field, but Fun Run, including nearly 20 we were recently named by the diccOn hYaTT after five or six years, he got “the teams. Top individual runners were New Jersey Department of Educaitch,” he says, to help people in a dhy at [email protected] Ethan Seltzer of Manalapan (fasttion as the first non-profit to be cersubstantial way. est male) and Courtney Burke of tified as a High School EquivalenGeorge then went to college to Dallas, Texas (fastest female). cy Testing Center? The DepartThursday , M ay 28 study clinical psychology. He Winning this year’s Lawyers’ ment’s clearly identified need earned his bachelor’s from ColumChallenge was Fox Rothschild, caused us to work diligently to bia and his Ph.D. from Adelphi, doending Stark & Stark’s two-year make this happen. Beginning July ing his post-doctoral work at NYU. hold on the lawyers’ trophy. 10, we will administer the HiSET He opened his practice in New Our recurring race motto has Test (developed by ETS) in both York City and, later, Poughkeepsie, been and is “all children need heEnglish and Spanish. where he spent 30 years counseling roes and all abused and neglected Education is the most effective bout 135 years ago, retire- patients. children need Superheroes,” which way to respond to racism, inequal“Family reasons” brought him ment age was set at 65, which may also describes the amazing volunity, poverty, and the social divide to Princeton, where he now lives, teer advocates so dedicated to the have been a bit ambitious, consid- and where he spent a year and a half that is escalating police-related viering that by 1900, life expectancy children that they serve. olence. Our message is bold and in retirement before “the itch” The mission of CASA for Chil- for American men was 43 (48 for struck him again. George started consistent: society’s challenges are dren of Mercer and Burlington women.). For those who did make challenges to all of humanity. Our n behalf of the Mercer Counties is to train and supervise it to retirement age, the concept volunteering at PSRC (which he leadership represents a confident, does not shy away from raving iconic constituency of women and Street Friends Food Bank, I extend community volunteers, appointed was simple — ride out the clock for about), helping those who just let families who are committed to in- our heartfelt appreciation to letter by the Family Court, to advocate the year or two you have left and go of their careers figure out what clusivity, while modeling justice, carriers in our area for participat- for the best interests of children don’t let the Pearly Gates hit you on to do next. Before long, he reing in the Stamp Out Hunger Food who have been removed from their the way through. dignity and peace. People hitting retirement age to- opened his practice, part-time, speWe know what real change Drive on May 9 and picking up the homes due to abuse and/ or neglect. day (which is 67 for anyone born cializing in helping those in transidonations left at mailboxes along The volunteers strive to ensure the looks like. We are fearless in our eftion get through the dangerous emotional, physical and education- since 1960), however, have 20, 30 middle-ground temptations to eiforts to see real change, here in their routes. years in them, says o J h n G eorge, Food collected by members of al well-being of these children Princeton and beyond. the National Association of Letter while they reside in foster homes or an expert on (and practitioner of) ther backslide into the familiar-butJu dith H utton Carriers Branch 268 (Princeton unappealing or fast-forward into residential facilities. The ultimate encore careers through the Princeexciting-but-not-clearlyCEO, YWCA Princeton postal area) and Branch 380 (Tren- goal of these volunteers is to help ton Senior Resource Center and his the thought-out. ton postal area) has all been brought establish a safe, stable and perma- own psychology practice. This lonThe example for others comes gevity demands that people find a to the Mercer Street Friends Food nent home for each child served. through how George handled his way to make the golden years Bank. We are busy sorting, boxing Huge thanks are due to our maand getting the food into the com- ny loyal sponsors: Mathematica count, because if one day is a long own transition. At first, he bought munity and to people who face and 1WorldSync at the Ironman time when you have nothing to do, into the idea that he was retired, so he should just kinda bop around doecent events have brought food hardships and hunger. level; Fox Rothschild, PSE&G, imagine how hard nine or ten thou- ing whatever. But that wasn’t for to light the unfortunate, prevalent, Stamp Out Hunger is the Food and Wells Fargo Advisors at the sand days of nothing is going to be. and detrimental racism which ex- Bank’s largest food drive and takes Batman level; Bracco Diagnostics, George will present “Encore Ca- him. George needed purpose. He ists in our country. It is often easy place at a time when we are tradi- Diversified Rack & Shelving, reers: Combining Passion, Purpose needed to feel connected. And he to feel detached from the incidents tionally low on food. Summertime HDR, Innovit, Investors Bank, M and Paycheck,” a free workshop needed to help others he was sure in Ferguson, New York, and Balti- is also when we see the greatest de- Financial, Nass-Tech Mechanical, through the PSRC, on Thursday, were wrestling with the same debate of whether to listen to what more, but the Urban Congo perfor- mand for food assistance. Novo Nordisk, Prism Properties, May 28, at 7 p.m. at Princeton Pubmance (when Princeton University When school is out, children Santander Bank, Stark & Stark, lic Library. Visit princetonlibrary. people tell you that you should want or do what athletes mocked African culture) who rely on free and reduced-price Szaferman Lakind, and TD Bank at org. makes you hapdemonstrated there is so much school meals no longer have access the Spiderman level; and Princeton The idea of py and content. work to be done within our own to school breakfast and lunch and Sports and Family Medicine, finding your Act Too much ab out what town as well. II career is not R etirement family food budgets are often which served as the EMS sponsor. to do in the retirement Groups such as Not in Our Town stretched to the breaking point, by the numFunded by H&H Appliances, George’s baby, y ears, counselor (niotprinceton.org), on which I putting the children at risk for fur- WPST broadcast from the race site and he is quick to bers. Even if serve as the first youth board mem- To: John G eorge say s, you hate your ther___________________________ food insecurity. Even a short on race day. In addition to dozens give credit where ber, are actively fighting against period of undernourishment can of dedicated volunteers who helped credit is due. job and can’t f ocuses on b eing proracism in Princeton. Not in Our From: _________________________ DateGeorge & Time: takes his______________________ wait to retire, have harmful effects on children’s out in a variety of ways on race day, ductive, on work. Town’s goal is “that Princeton will health and learning. approach toconsider that Inspirato Visual filmed the event a that proof your scheduled to run ___________________. grow as a town where everyone is Here What he espouses is work provides Theis food cameof from Stampad,pro bono, and produced a a 3-min- wards counselsafe and respected.” I have been in- Out Hunger will help close these ute video. Mariesa Black-Thomas ing those in tranyou with seven the idea of b eing concheck it thoroughly pay special attention to the following: spired by the activism of my fellow Please major funcmeal gaps for children and their ofand Changing Faces provided artis- sition from the tent, no matter what board members as they advocate families. likes of Richard tions: Money, tic face (Your check mark will tell us it’spainting okay)for children and for justice, equality, and peace. that means f or y ou. utility, social inP hyllis C . Stoolmacher adults. Foodwerx kept the runners Leider and WilRedefy (www.redefy.org), the Bridges, teraction, time and walkers hydrated by donating liam Mercer Street Friends teen organization that I have two authors who management, 20 cases of water. T Phone number TFax number TAddress TExpiration Date have written extensively on the status, growth, and challenges, With another successful race under our belts we look forward to stages of life’s big transitions, as George says. The first five are genhosting a week-long summer train- well as Marc Freedman, who de- erally accepted functions of work, ing session for prospective volun- veloped Encore Careers as a way to the last two, George adds to the teer advocates, June 22-26. For in- help retirees find that purpose and, mix. Five or seven, the deal is the formation on one-hour information ideally, make some money with it. And while George is all for mak- same — you leave work and you’re sessions in May and June, please contact Jill Duffy at jduffy@ casa- ing some dough, he doesn’t like to suddenly bereft of all those things. mercer.org in Mercer County, or concentrate on the money. Too “The question becomes, how do Sales and Service Since 1927 Harry Cassidy at hcassidy@ casa- much about what to do in the retire- you replace those functions?’” he ofburlingtoncounty.org. You may ment years, he says, focuses on be- says. One day you’re the boss, the ing productive, on work. What he next you’re watching TV. One day WE OFFER: also visit www.casamercer.org. Hours for Service: espouses is the idea of being con- you’re at work, gabbing with peoR andall Kirkpatrick tent, no matter what that means for ple you see every day, the next you • Full vehicle service facility Monday to Friday Director of Community Developyou. have no one to talk to and nothing for regular vehicle maintenance/ ment, CASA for Children of Mer8am to 6pm “There’s no one right way to do to get back to. brakes/tune up/wheel alignment/ cer and Burlington Counties Sat 8am to Noon it,” he says of life past 65. “People You could, of course, relish the oil change/wipers/lights solitude and lack of responsibility. Or you could reconnect with your Hours for Sales/Rentals: • Competitive Tire Pricing The former career in a new way, like • Car/Van/SUV/Truck Rentals George did. Or you could start a Mon Tues Thurs Fri • Detailing Shop new business or venture. Or you 8am to 730pm A Hometown could volunteer your time for a Wed and Sat • Auto Sales - 60+ vehicles in Paper Serving cause you believe in or feel could inventory 8am to 6pm help people, also like George did. Letters to the Editor founded to defy stereotypes and promote acceptance, was fortunate to work with Not in Our Town at its booth at Communiversity and in a social media campaign. Along with Princeton CHOOSE (the Princeton High School group formed to fight racism) and Not in Our Town, Redefy campaigned with the hashtag #P rincetonAgainstRacism to assert that our town will not tolerate intolerance. Redefy took more than 100 portraits as a part of our #P rincetonAgainstRacism initiative, which demonstrate Princeton citizens’ commitment to equality. At the Not in Our Town booth, countless positive conversations could be heard about social justice. The atmosphere was truly one of activism. People of all ages were engaging in meaningful discussions. Z iad Ahmed Student, Princeton Day School o SURVIVAL GUIDE Thinking Retirement? Take Time to Prepare A Stamp Out Hunger o Teens for NIOT R Montgomery News Montgomery Township and Rocky Hill WWW.BELLEMEADGARAGE.COM 2454 Highway 206 Belle Mead, NJ 08502 908-359-8131 Get your message into every home in Montgomery and Rocky Hill on our new website, www.montynews.com Call Us to find out how! Circulation: 20,900 email: [email protected] 908-874-0020 2106 Rte. 206 Belle Mead, NJ 08502 The point is, listen to the little voice that tells you what you want to do with yourself, George says. We usually know what’s good for us, we just need to pay attention. T his may hurt. A big thing to keep in mind, George says, is that transitions can be painful. They can be confusing. They can make you feel lost and disconnected. M AY 20, 2015 more information, visit midjerseychamber.org or call 609-6899960. $40, $55 for nonmembers. Lewis, a 2001 graduate of Douglass College, has a direct connection to one recent development along the corridor. AAA Mid-Atlantic opened a new center at the former Party City store where Route 1 meets Bakers Basin Road. The center provides car repair, roadside assistance, and travel planning services. Lewis is a spokesperson for a separate AAA Club. Route 1 F ocus: Lawrence Mayor Cathleen Lewis will speak on the state of the township, including developments in the Route 1 corridor, May 27 at the MidJersey Chamber. That’s OK. More importantly, that’s normal. In today’s “you can do it” culture, we’re taught to downplay the rough spots. But what that often does, George says, is make people feel isolated, as if no one else is going through the same doubts. We all do, whether that transition is retirement, a new career, a divorce, a death, or leaving college, he says. We all face the same doubts and emotions. “Acknowledge the detours, the false starts, and the roadblocks,” George says. “Part of the process is serious soul searching about how to make your mark.” Just be sure to avoid isolation. Cutting yourself off from everyone is a dangerous move, George says. Social interaction is important to helping your mental state, especially in retirement, where the transition is the first time people really start feeling that they’re on a countdown. “Friends and relationships are very important,” he says. The final measure, of course is if you feel you’re living the life you want. It’s key to be all right with whatever that is, for you. “Some people go back to familiar work, some go elsewhere,” he says. “That’s one of the great things about retirement. It gives you the freedom to follow a passion.” And maybe get a paycheck with it. — S cott M organ In Lawrence, Route 1 Means Business – And Development L awrence Township is a big part of the Route 1 corridor, and the Route 1 corridor is a big part of Lawrence Township. The highway cuts through the town from just outside Trenton and up to the Quakerbridge Mall. The new Mrs. G’s retail development is on Route 1 in Lawrence Township. So it’s no surprise that Lawrence mayor C athleen Lewis has made a priority of economic development along the road. At a Princeton Chamber of Commerce business roundtable last fall Lewis noted that development of the Route 1 Corridor would be a township focus going forward. Those interested in hearing details of her plans can visit the MidJersey Chamber of Commercehosted State of the Township Address on Wednesday, May 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Greenacres Country Club. For Don’t worry, we’ll help. Helping organizations make better decisions on strategic and marketing issues for over twenty-five years. Katherin President M e Kish, arket En NJ Biz Top try, Inc. 50 Call today and sleep well. Market Entry, Inc. 609-799-8898 • WBE/SBE certified • [email protected] 48 Month, No Interest Financing* OR Lennox Rebates up to $1,700** Plus Utility Rebates up to $1,000 Free 10 Year Parts and Labor Warranty on Selected Equipment TOTAL VALUE UP TO $3,245 Purchase a Lennox high efficiency Home Comfort System and that’s what you can save. Oh, and don’t forget to add the money you save every month on lower utility bills. There’s never been a better time to buy. Call us today at 609-799-3434 SAVE NOW! ON A NEW HOME COMFORT SYSTEM FROM 609-799-3434 visit us at www.princetonair.com CLICK-n-RIDE CLICK-n-RIDE CLICK-n-RIDE Pick-Up Service CLICK-n-RIDE Pick-UpandandDrop-off Drop-off Service CLICK-n-RIDE CLICK-n-RIDE CLICK-n-RIDE CLICK-n-RIDE Pick-Up Pick-Upand andDrop-off Drop-offService Service Pick-Up and Drop-off Pick-Up and and Drop-off Service Pick-Up Pick-Up and Drop-off Drop-offService Service www.princetonair.com NJ LIC#13VH00255200 PA LIC#PA001066 Offer expires June 12, 2015 *Subject to Credit Approval. **Or Special Financing. NEW JERSEY Home Performance with ENERGY STAR can lower your energy bills and make your home more comfortable. WEAR A HAT FOR SUN PROTECTION ! Trust our our Exceptional Exceptional Curb side Trust Trust our Exceptional Curb side Trust Exceptional sideside Trustour our Exceptional Curb Trust our and Exceptional Curb side PICKUP DROPOFF SERVICE PICKUP Trust our Exceptional Curb side PICKUP and DROPOFF SERVICE Forand kids schools or PICKUP DROPOFF SERVICE For kids activities, or Elders Elders PICKUP and DROPOFF SERVICE TrustFor our Exceptional Curb side PICKUP and DROPOFF SERVICE kids activities, schools or Elders PICKUP and DROPOFF SERVICE YOUWILL WILL BE YOU BY OUR SERVICE! SERVICE! For activities, schools or Elders ForBEkids kids activities, schools or Elders For kids activities, schools or Elders PICKUP SERVICE Forand kids DROPOFF activities, schools or Elders YOUWILL WILL BY OUR SERVICE! YOU BEBE BY OUR SERVICE! YOU WILL BE && great BY OURrates SERVICE! Flexible Scheduling great Weekly/Monthly Weekly/Monthly Flexible Scheduling rates Clean&&safe safeVehicles Vehicles with with all all Women Women drivers drivers Clean Certified Flexible & clean great Weekly/Monthly CertifiedScheduling driverswith with clean background background check and drivers checkrates and clean clean driving drivingrecord. record. 7am-8pm, 7 days a week 7am-8pm, Clean & safe Vehicles with all Women drivers 7 days a week Serving ServingPrinceton, Princeton, Plainsboro, South-North-East Brunswick, West &&East Certified drivers with clean background checkrates and clean South-North-East Brunswick, Westrecord. 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Clean & safe Vehicles with all Women drivers Certified Certified drivers with clean background and clean driving Certified drivers with clean background and clean driving record. drivers with clean background check and clean driving record.record. Windsor, Edison, Piscataway, Metuchen, Iselin,check Wood Bridge, Perth Certified drivers with clean background check and clean driving record. Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at 1(800) 488-1219 Click-n-Ride.com Amboy, Amboy, Sayreville, Old Bridge, Marlboro,488-1219 South Plainfield 7am-8pm, 7am-8pm, 7 days a week Visit 7am-8pm, 7South days aaweek 7 days week 7am-8pm, 7 days a&week Flexible Scheduling great Weekly/Monthly rates Serving Princeton, Plainsboro, South-North-East Brunswick, West &West East Serving Serving Princeton, Plainsboro, South-North-East Brunswick, Princeton, Plainsboro, South-North-East Brunswick, West East Serving Princeton, Plainsboro, South-North-East Brunswick, West&& East & East Clean & safe Vehicles with all Women drivers Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at 1(800) 488-1219 Windsor, Edison, Piscataway, Metuchen, Iselin, Wood Bridge, Perth Windsor, Edison, Piscataway, Metuchen, Iselin, Wood Bridge, Windsor, Edison, Piscataway, Metuchen, Iselin, Wood Bridge, Perth Windsor, Edison, Piscataway, Metuchen, Iselin, Wood Bridge, Perth Perth Amboy, Certified drivers with clean background check and clean driving record. South Amboy, Sayreville, Old Bridge, Marlboro, South Plainfield Amboy, South Amboy, Sayreville, Old Bridge, Marlboro, South Plainfield Amboy, South Amboy, Sayreville, Old Marlboro, South Amboy, South Amboy, Sayreville, OldBridge, Bridge, Marlboro, SouthPlainfield Plainfield 7am-8pm, 7 days a week Serving Princeton, Plainsboro, South-North-East Brunswick, West & East Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at 488-1219 Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at1(800) 1(800) 488-1219 Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at 1(800) 488-1219 Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at 1(800) 488-1219 Windsor, Edison, Piscataway, Metuchen, Iselin, Wood Bridge, Perth Amboy, South Amboy, Sayreville, Old Bridge, Marlboro, South Plainfield Visit Click-n-Ride.com or Call at 1(800) 488-1219 5 Our job is to ask the right questions. Your job is to come up with the best answers. Continued on following page Wednesday , M ay 27 U .S . 1 TERRIFIC SELECTION ON SALE NOW ! SUN PROTECTION HAT SALE HOURS M ond ay- Satu rd ay: 9 : 3 0 a. m. to 5 : 3 0 p. m. O pen Su nd ays: 9 : 3 0 a. m. to 4 : 3 0 p. m. 1 0 2 N A S S A U S T R E E T (across from the university) PR NC TON, NJ www.landauprinceton.com 609 924-3494 6 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Continued from preceding page Thursday , M ay 28 The Future is Calling (Over the Internet) P aul Boyer can’t tell you how many executives care about the technical workings of a virtual PBX, but he can tell you this much: They all want to grow their business, save money, and make technology work for them. In an upcoming presentation on the benefits of modernizing your business phone system, Boyer will talk about improving productivity with the technologies of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and hosted private board exchange. As a managing partner at the Mount Laurel-based company Ancero, Boyer and Dana Keane, utility VoIP product manager, will share case studies from companies representing different business types and sizes. Sponsored by MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce and MIDJersey Center for Economic Devel- Call f rom the Cloud: Paul Boyer speaks on the benefit of Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone service at the MidJersey Chamber meeting on May 28 . opment (MIDCED), the talk will highlight a breakfast forum on Thursday, May 28, from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Trenton Country Club, 201 Sullivan Way, West Trenton. $25; $40, future members. Register online at midjerseychamber.org/ event/ the-benefits or call 609- 689- from a wide range of industries including healthcare, nonprofits, in9960. “The simplest way to describe surance, tree care, and leasing, to what Ancero offers is a business name a few. As a managing partner at Anceclass phone service in the cloud,” ro, Boyer oversees all sales and Boyer says. For the customer, it remarketing activities, providing quires only an Internet connection and a VoIP phone. “Customers con- strategic direction and spearheadnect to our service rather than rely ing new product and market develon equipment at their office,” he opment for the company. Boyer is a board member of the MIDJersey says. Users get the benefits of tradi- Chamber and has been involved tional phone service — like voice- with the New Jersey Technology mail, caller ID, remote office mo- Council for several years where he bility, hold music or messages — chaired the communication track. with advantages of the cloud: Low- “NJTC is one of the largest tech er costs, saving up to 20 to 30 per- councils in the country,” Boyer cent on hardware, software, and says. Boyer attributes his work ethic energy consumption; stronger fault to his father who was a pipefitter tolerance, meaning less or no down time caused by weather or emer- and his mother, an accountant and gencies; more flexibility in adding graduate of Rider College. As a features and making changes to boy, Boyer carried groceries for your system; and scalability, serv- tips at a supermarket where he ing small, mid-sized, and large en- lived in Haddon Heights and also worked with his brothers and sisterprises. While individual cell phones of- ters fishing for crabs at the shore fer mobility to users, using these and selling them door-to-door. Afphones alone doesn’t provide the ter high school, he studied at Saint Francis College, advantages of a Pennsylvania, corporate PBX. earning a bacheV oI P can easily han“When my lor’s degree in dle some things tradiphone on my marketing and desk rings, my tional phone netmanagement. cell phone rings Boyer reworks cannot. I ncomtoo so I can use members his ing calls are automateither,” says first job after Boyer. “The ically routed to y our college at Bell power goes to Atlantic where V oI P phone wherever the end user. he was “bitten y ou plug it into the Flexibility is the by the technolothing. What surnetwork. gy bug. I just fell prises people the in love with the most is the low space,” he says. cost of using VoIP and cloud-hostDuring his 30 year career, Boyer ed PBX service,” says Boyer. worked at United Telephone/ VoIP can easily handle some things traditional phone networks Sprint, as the director of sales, and cannot. Incoming calls are auto- founded International Distribution matically routed to your VoIP & Consulting Inc. (IDCI), the first phone wherever you plug it into the Internet company in the Delaware network. This is especially useful Valley. Later, he helped build ATX when traveling or working away Communications, a Philadelphia from the office. Call center agents carrier. “Today 14 to 17 percent of the can work from anywhere with a small to mid size business use VoIP good Internet connection. Using a hosted private corporate and hosted PBX. Analysts predict cloud eliminates the security risks very rapid growth during the next associated with hosting in a public five to seven years. Apps and soluenvironment. It is flexible and scal- tions are being designed so you can able for businesses with one or sev- work from anywhere with any device and with any browser,” says eral locations or mobile workers. What makes Ancero different Boyer. “It’s only a matter of time before than other service providers, says everyone will have mobile devices Boyer is that is it handles all facets on their desks. Business owners of VoIP and hosted PBX so customwant to harness technology to the ers don’t need to deal with multiple benefit of their company,” he says. vendors. The offerings include design, installation, VoIP, managed “I think our best days are ahead of IT, support, the private cloud, and us.” — L ynn R ob b ins the network. “We own all the technology and meet with customers on a quarterly basis,” Boyer says. Ancero was founded in 2008 when the owners of two technology companies, Eastern IT Group Wednesday, May 20 and Media Systems, joined forces. 11: 3 0 a.m.: Af r ica n Amer ica n Today Ancero is headed by managC h amber , T o p co n tr ibu to r s o f th e ing partners Robert Hogg from year aw ar ds. $ 45, $ 6 0 n o n -member s. C r o w n e P laza , 23 49 W est Eastern IT, Fred Barilotti from MeM ar lto n P ike , C h er r y H ill. w w w . dia Systems, and Boyer, who had aaccn j . co m, 609 - 571- 1620. worked with Hogg at Eastern. “Today we manage between 6 2 p.m.: C o mp u ter L ear n in g C en ter at E w in g , W in do w s 8 o ver view and 7,000 devices. In the Delaware w ith C lar ke W alke r . $ 5. 999 L o w er Valley, we have served 1,100 cliFer r y R o ad. cl ce w in g . o r g , 609 ents and have 400 to 500 compa8 8 2- 508 6. nies we service regularly,” says Boyer. Ancero’s customers come Continued on page 9 Business Meetings M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 stop sacrificing START LIVING MEET OUR DOCTORS Received his B.A. from Cornell University in 1979. Graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1984. He did his residency in Neurosurgery at the University of Southern California-Los Angeles County Medical Center and became a certified Neurological Surgeon in 1993. Skilled in minimally invasive spinal fusions. He has spent decades mastering and perfecting his techniques to allow a patient to undergo outpatient spinal fusions for both the cervical and lumbar spine. Has been published in several medical publications and is a member in good standing with Congress of Neurological Surgeons, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, AMA and North American Spine Society. Our Other Doctors: Dr. Oppenheimer Dr. Katzman • Dr. Scheibert WE CAN HELP GET YOU THE RIGHT TREATMENT Below are just some of the common spine conditions we treat: Bulging Disc Disc Degeneration Disc Tear Failed Surgery Spinal Stenosis 95% SUCCESS RATE HEAR FROM OUR PATIENTS 855.586.2615 NJSPINEANDORTHO.COM “ ~ Pamlea S. “ I am pleased and honored to report to you that I am 100% pain free. The artificial disc replacement laser surgery that you performed...was a lifesaver. I was able to return to work [the following Monday] with no restrictions whatsoever. I feel so fortunate that I found your practice and that you performed my surgery. ~ Jeff A. ...thank you for how much you helped us in correcting Ron’s back problem. Over the past five years there have been several physicians…some good, some bad, and a very special few, extraordinary. Many answer the calling and go on to be excellent but only that special few are extraordinary. The experts at NJSO are among the extraordinary! ~ Ron & Yo “ “ I am pleased to report to you that I am doing well. After about 8 weeks I was able to start some hiking. Now when I get on the trail, the first thing I think of is that I cannot believe I am able to do this. I have suffered for 8 years with back pain and the only thing that was done was cortisone injections to decrease the pain. “ “ Herniated Disc Mid, Lower and Upper Back Pain Neck Pain Pinched Nerve Spinal Bone Spurs CALL FOR A FREE MRI CONSULTATION 601 Ewing St., Ct 3 • Princeton Manalapan l Saddle Brook l Oradell l Minehill l Paterson l NYC l Millburn 7 8 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Ch ampions for B us ines s June Events at the Chamber Letter from the Chairman Dear FrienDs, Last fall Scientific American published an article titled “How Diversity Makes Us Smarter.” The piece described research that demonstrates how socially diverse groups (meaning those with diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation) tend to be more innovative and effective than homogeneous groups. This diversity advantage isn’t just because the diverse members bring new information and different perspectives. It’s also because interacting with individuals who are different from us encourages us to prepare better, anticipate alternative viewpoints, and expect a more challenging and creative process. As the author noted, “we need diversity — in teams, organizations, and society as a whole — if we are to change, grow and innovate.” From a practical standpoint, greater diversity has also been shown to improve the bottom line for businesses. Research by McKinsey and others has shown that diversity in corporate boardrooms and in senior management teams is correlated with significantly improved financial performance. Workforce diversity is clearly a competitive advantage for business. That’s why the recent Central Jersey Diversity Summit was so vital for our region. The Summit was presented by the Capital Region Minority Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Princeton Regional Chamber and the American Conference on Diversity. Participants came away with a renewed vision for a diverse and inclusive workplace environment. Kudos to acting president and chairman Herb Ames of the Capital Region Minority Chamber and to event chair Jeanette Iglesias who organized the Summit. The Summit was a good example of how collaboration among Chambers can result in programs that otherwise might not occur. The monthly luncheon this month featured a memorable presentation by Seward Johnson, the noted sculptor and philanthropist. Johnson is much appreciated in our region for having created the Grounds For Sculpture and for making contemporary sculpture more accessible. In telling his own story of becoming an artist, Johnson described his goal of filling people everywhere with the emotional sustenance derived from the powerful and restorative connections between art and nature. As Picasso said, “art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” This is Johnson’s focus, and he encourages us to focus on the visceral moments that occur when we encounter his sculpture and the other works of art at the Grounds. The month ahead brings more compelling programs. On Thursday, May 21, Mayor Eric Jackson of Trenton will provide highlights of his economic development strategy and the findings of the city’s market study of local businesses. He will also reveal the most recent results of his new public safety strategy. This breakfast program continues the commitment of the Chamber to support economic development initiatives in Trenton. The Chamber is proud to present the 2015 Disney Institute on Tuesday, June 2. In partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, this event will provide access to the culture and strategies developed by Disney to perfect customer service. The Disney approach to quality service has set the global standard of excellence, and this Institute will allow us to learn the practical steps necessary to transfer this standard to our businesses. While technically not a Chamber event, we need to include mention of the business tribute and farewell to Dr. Patricia Donohue on the morning of Wednesday, June 10. Dr. Donohue will retire as president of Mercer County Community College on June 30, and this breakfast event at the College provides an opportunity for many of us to express our appreciation for her leadership. During her eight years at MCCC, Dr. Donohue strengthened the College’s culture of student success. The College also developed a facilities master plan the resulted in a major expansion of the Trenton campus. We wish her the best in her retirement. As always, further information about the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce can be found by checking our website at www.princetonchamber.org or calling the Chamber at 609-9241776. Joh n P . T hurber Chairman of the Board Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce Sustaining Sponsors 2015 With great appreciation, the Chamber thanks the following companies and organizations who have shown their support and loyalty to the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce by becoming Sustaining Sponsors. Our Sustaining Sponsors enable the Chamber to advance to a level which allows the resources for greater benefits and enhanced programs events to our Members and the business community. Platinum Bristol Myers Squibb, Fox Rothschild, PSE&G, Bank of America, New Jersey Manufacturers, Thomas Edison State College, Novo Nordisk, Capital Health, RWJ University Hospital Hamilton, Wells Fargo Bank, Investors Bank, Heartland Payment Systems GolD Verizon, Studio Hillier, Paychex, Princeton University, Hopewell Valley Community Bank, Blackrock, Morgan Stanley, PNC Bank, Caliper, First Choice Bank, Szaferman Lakind, NRG, TD Bank, Borden Perlman Salisbury & Kelly silver Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC, Leigh Visual Imaging, Princeton Sports Performance, Eden Autism Services, Princeton Air Conditioning, The Mercadien Group, Provident Bank, The Bank of Princeton, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Sun National Bank Center, Mercer County Community College, NAI Fennelly, Peapack Gladstone, Sam’s Club, Princeton Global Asset Management, V.J. Scozzari & Sons, Inc., Grand Bank, RBC Wealth Management Bronze Allegra, Aptolean, ETS, Hill, Barth & King, JDA, The JM Group, Madolyn Greve — Callaway Henderson, Marriott at Forrestal, Mrs G TV & Appliances, Munich ReAmerica, PinG, Rue Insurance, St. Lawrence Rehabilitation Center, Sandler Training, SES Engineering, Sound Choice, StimulusBrand, United Way of Greater Mercer County, WithumSmith+ Brown, U.S. 1 2015 Disney I nstitute: Disney’s Approach to Q uality Service. Tuesday, June 2, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Conference Center @ RWJ Fitness & Wellness Hamilton, 3100 Quakerbridge Road, Mercerville. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce are proud to welcome Disney Institute to the region. Ju ne M onthly M embership Luncheon. Thursday, June 4, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Princeton Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 100 College Road East, Princeton. Speaker: Hal English, author, “Behind The Ivy Walls.” G lobal Opportunities Breakfast. Tuesday, June 9, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., Nassau Club of Princeton, 6 Mercer Street, Princeton. Topic: “ How to Succeed in the Global Marketplace.” Attend this informative breakfast to learn: •Why exports are critical to U.S. economic growth •Why U.S. mid-market companies operate far below their potential •What mid-market companies can do to increase their share of the global market I ndependent Business Alliance: Engage. Learn. C onnect. 2015 . Thursday, June 11, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m., The College of New Jersey, Education Building, 2000 Pennington Road, Ewing. Join us at the Independent Business Alliance’s Annual Event. Enjoy networking with a Continental Breakfast while learning from our special guest speaker: David Deutsch, Founder & Chief Strategist, SynergiSocial. Women of Achievement Breakfast. Tuesday, June 16, 8 to 10:30 a.m., TPC Jasna Polana, 8 Lawrenceville Road, Princeton. Come and celebrate our 2015 honorees! Business Before Business Breakfast. Wednesday, June 17, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., Nassau Club of Princeton, 6 Mercer Street, Princeton. Speaker: Jim Waltman, Executive Director, Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed. N etworking Event with Welcome, New Members WP ST . Thursday, June 18, 6 to 8 p.m., WPST, 619 Alexander Road, Third Floor, Princeton. Join the Princeton Region Young Professionals for a networking event with one of the top radio stations in the region, WPST! 2015 P lainsboro Business Showcase. Monday, June 23, 6 to 8 p.m. Rain Date: June Tuesday, June 24. Municipal Grounds, Downtown Plainsboro, Join us for the Fourth Annual Plainsboro Business Showcase at the Municipal Grounds in Downtown Plainsboro! This year’s theme is “The Boss and Business,” featuring Bruce Springsteen Cover Band, The B-Street Band! Business After Business — H yatt R egency P rinceton. Thursday, June 25, 5 to 7 p.m., Hyatt Regency Princeton, 102 Carnegie Center, Princeton. Come mingle over wine and light appetizers with Chamber Members! Save the Dates: July Events T hursday, Ju ly 9 : Monthly Luncheon Wednesday, Ju ly 15 : Business Before Business Breakfast T uesday, Ju ly 21 : 2015 MidSummer Marketing Showcase T uesday, Ju ly 28 : Business After Business F riday, Ju ly 31 : Membership Orientation Save the Dates: Special Events 2015 M id-Summer M arketing Showcase, Tuesday, July 21, 4 to 7 p.m., The Green at Palmer Square Join us for the Princeton Regional Chamber’s Annual MidSummer Marketing Showcase! This year’s event is a “Declaration of Independents: a celebration of independent businesses.” Fun, food, music and prizes abound for this annual marketing showcase that turns into a wildly fun block party! Because of the heat, we suggest everyone dress casual. Questions? Contact Kara Grimes at 609-924-1776 or kara@ princetonchamber.org CoStar Group Digital Doc Ellevate Central NJ Law Office of Heidi Glickstein Shegoski Zenergy Wellness Center Oxford Communications Ocean First Bank Princeton Neurological Surgery Daly Law Metro North Customers Bank Greater Lambertville New Hope Chamber of Commerce ExportJERSEY, LLC RWK Consulting, LLC Atlantic Tomorrow’s Office Boy Scouts of America, Washington Crossing Council Operation Reinvent M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 9 Events f rom the Chamb er: Above left, the tennis participants in the Chamber’s 2015 Golf & Tennis outing. Above right, John Thurber, left, Chairman of the Board; Seward Johnson, Sculptor; and Peter Crowley, President & CEO, Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce at the May Monthly Luncheon. Exciting News in the Princeton Region! I sles’ 8t h Annual G olf Outing. Join Isles on Monday, June 1, for the Eighth Annual Golf Outing at the Cherry Valley Country Club. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m., lunch at 11 a.m., shotgun start at 12:15 p.m., cocktails, dinner & awards presentation at 5:30 p.m. Address: 125 Country Club Drive, Skillman, NJ 08558. Contact Valerie Buickerood at vbuickerood@ isles.org for more details. C arrier C linic: G olf & T ennis C lassic 2015 . Please join us on Monday, June 8, for the Carrier Clinic Golf & Tennis Classic! The event will take place at Cherry Valley Country Club in Skillman. Carrier Clinic is a non-profit behavioral health facility serving more than 6,000 adolescents, adults, and senior adults each year. All proceeds from the event will benefit Carrier Clinic. Please visit www. CarrierClinicGolfandTennisClassic2015. eventbrite.com for more details and online registration. R H Y T H M 2015 — 10t h Anniversary! On Saturday, June 13, from 5 to 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 per person, children under 5 are free. Group rates for four or Survival Guide Continued from page 6 5: 3 0 p.m.: M idJe r se y C h amber , C elebr atio n o f C ap ital H ealth R eg io n al M edica l C en ter ’ s co mmu n ity se r vice aw ar d. $ 25. In ter s tate M o to r sp o r t, 1 0 9 T itu s M ill R o ad, H o p ew ell. w w w . midj er se ych amber . o r g , 609 - 68 9 - 9 9 60. Thursday, May 21 7 a.m.: B N I Fu si o n , Fr ee n etw o r ki n g . P almer C lar io n In n , 3 499 R o u te 1 , P r in ce to n . w w w . bn in j p a. o r g , 609 - 3 56- 1400 ex t. 263 . 7 a.m.: B N I G r o w th by R ef er r al ( M o n tg o mer y) , Fr ee N etw o r k in g . P r in ce to n E lks C lu b, 3 54 R o u te 51 8, Ski llman . w w w . bn in j p a. o r g , 73 2- 49 4- 8 200. 7 a.m.: B N I T ig er s C h ap ter , W eekl y n etw o r ki n g . W est W in dso r Ar ts C en ter , 952 Alexa n der R o ad, P r in ce to n Ju n ct io n . w w w . bn i-tig er s. co m. . 7 a.m.: B N I T o p Flig h t, Fr ee. Amer ica n a D in er , R o u te 1 3 0 N o r th , E ast W in dso r , 73 2742- 29 3 0. 7: 3 0 a.m.: P r in ce to n C h amber , G r o w in g in T r en to n , N ew Str ateg ies f o r E co n o mic D evelo p men t, w ith M ayo r E r ic Ja ckso n . $ 25. W yn dh am G ar den T r en to n . w w w . p r in ce to n ch amber . o r g , 609 - 9 24- 1776. Friday, May 22 7 a.m.: B N I D r iven , N etw o r ki n g . D o lce an d C lemen te’ s, R o bbin svi lle. Noon.: N etw o r k o f C en tr al N ew Je r se y, B u si n ess ca r d exch an g e an d p r ese n tatio n s. L u n ch available. P r in ce to n ian D in er , 3 50 9 R o u te 1 So u th , W est W in dso r , 609 49 8 - 169 4. Tuesday, May 26 7 a.m.: B N I Ivy L eag u e, Fr ee n etw o r ki n g even t. E ater y at O ver lo o k, 1 0 0 O ver lo o k C en ter . 609 - 529 - 3 3 71. 7 a.m.: B N I W est W in ds o r ch ap ter , w eek ly n etw o r ki n g , f r ee. C o mmu n ity R o o m, P ellettier i R abs tein & Altman , 1 0 0 N ass au P ar k B o u levar d. 609 - 529 - 549 1. 7 a.m.: C ap ital N etw o r ki n g G r o u p , Fr ee. P r in ce to n U n ited M eth o dist C h u r ch , 7 V an deven ter Aven u e, P r in ce to n . E n tr an ce at back o f ch u r ch . , 609 - 63 5- 1411. Interested in Joining the Chamber? more — $12 per person. Cross Roads Middle School, 195 Major Roads, Monmouth Junction. The CRMS will be filled with the sound of music from India as SOFKIN holds its annual fundraising event. Dance groups from across NJ will be performing Bollywood, Bhangada, and fusion dances. Great food after — included in the ticket price! Sponsored by PamTen. 25t h Annual V olley F or SER V T ennis T ournament. On Monday, June 15, 8 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. June 15, 2015 at Cherry Valley Country Club, Skillman. $195 per player (A&B doubles) includes tournament, tennis shirt, team photo, lunch, dinner, open bar, silent auction, player awards. Honorees: Ted Golfinopoulos, Natale Players Award; Alice Hecht Giedekier, SERVice Award. Reception only, $90. Benefits SERV Behavioral Health System for special-needs individuals in New Jersey. Contact 609-662-3059 or tfresco@ servbhs.org. Visit www.servbhs.org for more information! 7: 45 a.m.: E dg e N etw o r ki n f er r al G r o u p , W eekl y n etw Fr ee. D o lce C lemen te, 2 N Sq u ar e, R o bbin svi lle. edg o rg .. g B u si o r ki n g o r th C en etw Did you know that more than 60 percent of our member businesses have 25 or fewer employees? What does that mean? This means that these small businesses need resources — resources many of our Members are ready, willing, and able to provide. If you haven’t taken the time to attend one of our events, now’s the time to step forward and join the Chamber! We provide our nearly 900 members with quality services, which include networking and marketing opportunities that will enhance their ability to run a successful business. C hamber Events: Receive invitations to attend nearly 100 events each year, including networking receptions, luncheons, forums and special events. Awareness Building: Increase your visibility by participating in Annual Chamber trade show events, awards galas, and golf outings. Destination M arketing: Automatically become a Member of the Princeton Regional Convention & Visitors Bureau with Chamber Membership. C ontinued G rowth through Diversity: Embrace regional diversity through growing n ess R emeetin g . o mmer ce o r ki n g . Wednesday, May 27 8 : 3 0 a.m.: N ew Je r se y C h amber o f C o mmer ce , R o u n dtable B r eakf ast w ith Asse mbly B u dg et C o mmittee M ember s Jo h n B u r zi ch elli an d An th o n y B u co . N atio n al C o n f er en ce C en ter , E ast W in dso r . w w w . n j ch amber . co m, 6 0 9-989-7888 xt . 1 50 . W edn esd ay, M ay 27 11: 3 0 a.m.: M idJe r se y C h amber , State o f L aw r en ce T o w n sh ip addr ess w ith M ayo r C ath leen L ew is. $ 40 member s, $ 55 n o n member s. G r een acr es C o u n tr y C lu b. w w w . midj er se yc h amber . o r g , 609 - 68 9 - 9 9 60. 2 p.m.: C o mp u ter L ear n in g C en ter at E w in g , W o r d p r o ce si n g in st r u ct io n . $ 5. 999 L o w er Fer r y R o ad. cl ce w in g . o r g , 609 - 8 8 2508 6. 5 p.m.: P r in ce to n C h amber , B u si n ess af ter bu si n ess n etw o r ki n g . $ 25 member s, $ 40 n o n member s. C o n f er en ce C en ter at R W J Fitn ess & W elln ess H amilto n , 3 1 0 0 Q u ak er br idg e R o ad, M er ce r ville. . w w w . p r in ce to n ch amber . o r g , 609 - 9 24- 1776. Thursday, May 28 7 a.m.: B N I Fu si o n , Fr ee n etw o r ki n g . P almer C lar io n In n , 3 499 R o u te 1 , P r in ce to n . w w w . bn in j p a. o r g , 609 - 3 56- 1400 ex t. 263 . 7 a.m.: B N I G r o w th by R ef er r al ( M o n tg o mer y) , Fr ee N etw o r ki n g . P r in ce to n E lks C lu b, 3 54 R o u te 51 8, Ski llman . 73 2- 49 4- 8 200. 7 a.m.: B N I T ig er s C h ap ter . W est W in dso r Ar ts C en ter , 952 Alexa n der R o ad, P r in ce to n Ju n ct io n . w w w . bn i-tig er s. co m. 7 a.m.: B N I T o p Flig h t, Fr ee. Amer ica n a D in er , R o u te 1 3 0 N o r th , E ast W in dso r , 73 2742- 29 3 0. 8 a.m.: M idJe r se y C h amber , P r ese n tatio n o n mo der n izi n g yo u r bu si n ess p h o n e sys tem, w ith P au l B o yer o f An ce r o . $ 25 member s, $ 40 n o n member s. T r en to n C o u n tr y C lu b. w w w . midj er s eych amber . o r g , 609 68 9 - 9 9 60. 7 p.m.: P r in ce to n P u blic L ibr ar y, E n co r e ca r eer s: co mbin in g p assi o n , p u r p o s e an d p aych eck. 2n d Flo o r C o n f er en ce R o o m, 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n . w w w . p r in ce to n libr ar y. o r g , 609 - 9 24- 9 529 . partnerships such as the Capital Region Minority Chamber of Commerce and the Women in Business Alliance. C ustomer R eferrals: Be recommended. Each week the Chamber receives inquiries asking to be referred to a business which will meet their needs. Brochure/ Business C ard Display: Display your brochure and/ or business card at the Chamber office, at no additional charge. C hamber Website: Build your online presence through the Chamber website, a leading resource to find out about Princeton region. The site profiles all Chamber members. Business Directory: Get published in comprehensive listing of more than 800 member businesses published annually. Additional advertising opportunities are available. N ewsletter: Gain exposure by being featured in the Chamber’s monthly U.S. 1 newsletter. Direct M ail Options: Purchase a mailing list of the full Chamber Membership or have your flyer inserted into the Chamber’s monthly events calendar mailing. 10 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 PRePPinG FOR a SaLe: W T he market is heating up, interest rates are still relatively low, and even the weather is improving. For some this may be the perfect time to put the house in central New Jersey on the market and either downsize or relocate — perhaps to a place where the winter weather is not an issue. For whatever reason, if you decide to put your house on the market, you want it to command the highest price. So what can you do to maximize your home’s value, without breaking the bank to do it? Princeton area real estate brokers have some advice on what to do — and what not to do — to maximize the resale value of your property. The most common theme is not to overdo it. As Marty Stockton of Stockton Realty (www.stockton-realtor.com) says, “new kitchens and baths are great but simply decluttering, cleaning, refinishing hard wood floors, and making sure a lot of natural light comes into each room is an amazing way to grab interested buyers. Buyers are wanting a light, bright, clean house reflecting very little to do.” A fresh coat of paint, Stockton says, “can do wonders. Be careful to stay neutral with the colors, wash the windows, caulk the bathrooms, don’t leave dirty dishes, in fact, try to remove as much as possible from the kitchen counters. If you can remove carpeting to show wood floors, do it. If not, make sure the carpet is clean or replaced. Don’t be present when there is a showing.” Stockton adds that hiring a Realtor can make a difference. By “being deliberate in pricing” your house will present itself as a good value, she says. One of Stockton’s colleagues at the Chambers Street-based agency, Libby Hicks, notes that, “as hard as it may seem, sellers should remove all family photographs and memorabilia. Buyers need to be able to see their own photos and envision their own memorabilia in the house.” That theme was echoed by Robin Wallack haT of Berkshire Hathaway/ Fox & Roach (www. robinwallack.com). “First of all, the house should be as free of clutter as possible. Even if the objects are beautiful, you will have to pack them away at some point, and that point is now.” In addition, Wallack says, “the house should be clean and smell fresh. Paint any peeling areas and fix loose things, like closet doors that might be off their track, or knobs on kitchen drawers. Wash the windows and manicure the lawn and shrubs. Replace any light bulbs of low wattage with brighter bulbs. If you need to re-grout tub areas, do so.” Experts nationally agree that most major remodelling projects rarely increase the value of a house more than the amount they cost. “It can be tricky to determine which home improvement projects are worth the sweat and which aren’t. To gain the most from your improvements, select projects that do more with what you already have,” says the Do-ItYourself network (www.diynetwork.com). “Projects that add value: kitchen and bath updates; replacement of exterior siding; fresh interior paint; and rejuvenation of landscaping.” “Less-profitable projects share one of three flaws: they cost too much, they involve W ORKS, W haT a space that isn’t used every day, or they reflect too much of your personal taste.” For all those reasons, Wallack says she rarely suggests entire remodeling. “A bathroom or kitchen makeover is costly and time consuming, and if a person is selling, they are not usually inclined to spend the money and effort needed to accomplish the task in a quality manner. It might be better to reflect these conditions in the asking price. However, Wallack continues, “if the seller wants to do this, obviously, kitchen and bathroom renovations can be the difference not only in price, but in the rapidity with which the property sells. This can be translated into dollars.” Wallack says that some home improvements are better just done but not bragged about. “When the homeowner replaces something that broke and announces proudly ‘I just replaced the hot water heater,’ that most likely was because the old one broke and they had the Atlantic Ocean in their basement. This is simply part of the joy of home ownership,” Wallack says. Anne-Marie Tustin of Keller Williams Realty has a top 10 list of home improvement projects posted on her website — www. Anne-MarieTustin.com. In home improvements, as in many other dOeSn’ T Renovations That Pay : Most remodelling will not increase the sale value as much as the cost of the work. A kitchen can be an exception. things, moderation can be a virtue. For example, writes Tustin, “another bathroom is particularly valuable if you have only one bathroom in your house. However, once you have more than 2.5 baths for a 4-bedroom house (for example), an additional bath can be overkill.” You might also consider concentrating your efforts on improving your home’s first impression. “The front of your house is what people see when they first pull up in the driveway,” says Tustin. “You want your house to look nice. Replacing your old front door or garage doors with new, energy efficient, low maintenance doors add value. Plus, they’re not that expensive relative to the other projects. Options include steel, fiberglass (long lasting), and wood (looks nice, but expensive and high maintenance).” Continued on page 5 1 • Fitness center, community room & cafe • Contemporary quality design • Princeton’s premier luxury rental community in princeton • Enclosed garage parking • Interior and exterior landscaped piazzas • Large closets & bathrooms, high ceilings • Large windows and light-filled spaces • Wood floors, marble baths, GE appliances • Proximity to town, doctors and shopping Brand new and unique in one of America’s best towns. • Direct elevator access: garage to apt. floor • Concierge services • Front-door public transit • Preserved woodland site • Parkland views • Diverse arts & cultural events NOW LEASING! CALL 609•924•0333 300 Bunn Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 copperwoodprinceton.com A project by J. Robert Hillier, FAIA M AY 20, 2015 hOUSeS FOR SaLe T he l is tings be l ow ar e bas ed on informat ion s ub mitted by central N ew J ers ey real es tat e br ok ers . P rices ar e s ubj ect to chang e. L is tings of hous ing for rent appear on page 17. Bordentown 3 50 Crescent D rive. L o t si ze : . 51 acr es; tax es: $ 1 4, 1 94. L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vac h . 5 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; f u ll w alko u t base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 983 SF C o lo n ial w ith f ir st -f lo o r mast er su ite. $ 500,000. 18 G reenwood D rive. L o t si ze : . 2 acr es; tax es: $ 5, 91 9. L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-8950 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T r aditio n al s p lit level w ith in g r o u n d p o o l, Fr en ch do o r s to yar d, deck, p atio . $ 275,000. 3 45 Willow S treet. L o t si ze : 1 0 0 x 1 20 ; taxe s: $ 9, 1 6 6 . L ist ed, Ji ll Sako w ski , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith p r ivate p atio , k o i p o n d w ith w o r ki n g f o u n tain . $ 23 5,000. 9 53 Route 206. L o t si ze : 90 x 20 1 ; taxe s: $ 5, 3 41 . L ist ed, L in da C ar n ival, W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ca r n ival. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 6 6 6 SF sp lit-level w ith o n e-year h o me w ar r an ty. P r o p er ty zo n ed r esi den tial bu t o f f ice u se p o si ble. $ 210,000. 9 Lancaster Court. T axe s: $ 4, 747. L is ted, Su n der C h h ibbar , W eidel, 6 0 9-297-3 0 0 0 . 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 228 SF to w n h o u se o n cu l-desa c. $ 18 5,000. Buckingham, PA 4658 Y ork Road. L o t si acr es; tax es: $ 1 2, 1 6 3 . L ist lyn n Z o ln ay, L isa Ja mes O 3 97-56 6 7. w w w . lisa j ameso ze : ed, tto , tto 9. 5 K ait6 0 9. co m. U .S . 1 11 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE 6 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ed base men t; g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith f ive f ir ep lace s , exp o se d beams, se co n d h o u se o ver lo o ki n g p o o l, an tiq u e bar n . $ 8 8 0,000. ish Burlington 414 Hulme S treet. L o t si ze : . 0 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 3 , 1 20 . L ist ed, C h er ie D avis, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s. 1 , 0 6 4 SF w ith f ir st -f lo o r mas ter bedr o o m. $ 119 ,500. Chesterfield 18 G inger Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 95 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 2, 540 . L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vach . 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -c ar g ar ag e. 3 , 71 1 SF C o lo n ial w ith f ir st -f lo o r mast er su ite. $ 540,000. 16 S addle Way . L o t si ze : . 1 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 0 , 0 55. L ist ed, An n e M ar ie M o n teir o , E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 86 9 SF C o lo n ial w ith f ir st f lo o r o f f ice . $ 424,8 8 8 . 3 3 Church S treet. L o t si ze : 20 8 x 1 0 5; taxe s: $ 8, 3 90 . L ist ed, C ar o l R o g alski , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 bath ; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 920 SF C o lo n ial. $ 28 9 ,9 00. 4 Church S treet. L o t si ze : 44 x 1 58; taxe s: $ 7, 250 . L is ted, C h r ist in e M . H ain es, W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith Fr en ch do o r s leadin g to f o r mal din in g r o o m. H ar dw o o d f lo o r s, w o o d-bu r n in g f ir ep lace in th e f amily r o o m, si de scr een ed p o r ch . $ 28 2,500. Continued on following page G On the International Market: Stately Center Hall Colonial in Princeton lo r ia N ilso n & C o . R eal E st ate an n o u n c es it h as list ed 7 L eo n ar d C o u r t in P r in ce to n , a st ately ce n ter h all C o lo n ial f o r $ 3 , 250 , 0 0 0 — mar ke ted g lo bally th r o u g h th e f ir m’ s excl u si ve af f iliatio n w ith C h r istie’ s In ter n atio n al R eal E st ate. T h e f o yer en tr y f eatu r es a g r an d st air ca se f r amed by an ar ch w ay w ith n in e-f o o t ce ilin g s an d h ar dw o o d f lo o r s th r o u g h o u t th e f ir st f lo o r . T h e livin g r o o m in cl u des a mar ble f ir ep lace an d se ver al w in do w s, w h ile th e din in g r o o m h as Fr en ch do o r s leadin g in to th e o p en , g o u r met ki tch en w ith g r an ite co u n ter s, cu st o m ca bin etr y, an d p r o -g r ade ap p lian ce s. Flo o r -to -ce ilin g w in do w s su r r o u n d th e ki tch en an d o ver lo o k th e g ar den s an d blu est o n e w alkw ays. Fr en ch do o r s lead to th e f amily r o o m w ith a st o n e f ir e- p lace an d bu ilt-in s. A st u dy f eatu r es an an tiq u e f ir ep lace man tel. U p st air s, th e mast er su ite h as tw o cu st o m w alk- in cl o se ts, si ttin g r o o m, an d se p ar ate, sp aci o u s mar ble bath r o o ms j o in ed by a mar ble st eam sh o w er . T h r ee lar g e en su ite bedr o o ms ar e si tu ated o n th e se co n d level as w ell. T h e h o me h as f ive f u ll bath r o o ms an d th r ee p ar tial bath r o o ms. T h e f u lly f in ish ed base men t in cl u des a 1 , 50 0 -bo ttle w in e ce llar , f itn ess r o o m, an d r ecr eatio n ar ea. T h e f o u r -acr e p r o p er ty f eatu r es a p er g o la th at o ver lo o ks th e in -g r o u n d p o o l an d sp a. T h e p o o l ar ea h as a p o o l h o u se eq u ip p ed w ith f u ll bath se r vice s. Fo r g u est s lo o ki n g to co o l o f f , th e backya r d o f f er s a co ver ed o u tsi de si ttin g ar ea. “ T h is h o me is an en ter tain er ’ s dr eam, ” sa id M ar ci a G r aves, s les asos a ci ate f o r G lo r ia N ilso n & C o . “ Its r eso r t-st yle backya r d is th e p er f ect sp o t to u n w in d th is su mmer an d en ter tain g u est s. ” Ab out G loria Nilson & Co. G lo r ia N ilso n & C o . R eal E st ate, o w n ed by D ick Sch lo tt, h as se r vice d th e mo st disce r n in g bu yer s an d se ller s o f r esi den tial r eal estate in N ew Je r se y f o r mo r e th an 3 5 year s w ith 20 o f f ice s an d mo r e th an 70 0 sa les asso ci ates th r o u g h o u t N ew Je r se y an d B u cks C o u n ty, P A. O u r exp er ien ce d sa les p r o f essi o n als ar e sp ec ialist s in th eir mar ke ts, an d ar e co mmitted to u n co mp r o misi n g cu st o mer se r vice . Fo r mo r e in f o r matio n o r to co n tact an o f f ice n ear yo u , p lease visi t w w w . g lo r ian ilso n . co m. S ee ad, page 22. 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Hablamos Español Your protection. Our priority. • Auto • Home • Life • Business Visit our NEW PRINCETON LOCATION and find multiple quotes for the specific coverage you need • Check us out on Facebook & Youtube WWW.ESTIRINSURANCE.COM 12 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Painting - Interior & Exterior Powerwashing heard Roben the enerof the beson (and il his ColRobetions ng to most ESTIR Inc. Insurance Agency Where Green Meets Quality Homeowners I ns urance T ips Owner Operated. Licensed & Insured. Working in Your Town for Over 40 Years. ‘H “Professional Painting Pays!...in many Ways.” A Princeton business for over 40 years. JULIUS GROSS PAINTING & HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. le nder treet rinceton e ersey li s gross inting co li s gross co c st net 609-924-1474 APRIL 13, 2011 n reniversons. were ought p exde of esbyrneravanh the misidenensicome s and dea of ssenebratggles ewed A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE U.S. 1 47 ✦ Experience ✦ Honesty ✦ Integrity Sales & Rentals STOCKTON REAL ESTATE ...A Princeton Tradition 32 Chambers Street • Princeton, NJ 08542 1-800-763-1416 • 609-924-1416 o meo w n er s sh o u ld be co n ce r n ed w ith a f ew f act o r s to p r o tect th em sh o u ld a lif e in ter r u p tio n o cu r,” sa id E st h er T an ez, o w n er o f E ST IR In c. In su r an ce ag en cy . “ Af ter 3 0 year s in th e in su r an ce bu si n ess I h ave se en man y dif f er en t co mmo n mist ake s th at ar e made in th e h o meo w n er s in su r an ce , ” sh e added. “ M y ag en cy is h er e to h elp yo u u n der st an d th e dif f er en t p o lici es an d to make th e best ch o ice . ” H er e ar e a f ew w ays to avo id mist ake s: 1. D o I p u r ch ase h o meo w n er s in su r an ce base d o n th e p u r ch ase p r ice ? T h e r u le o f th u mb is to bu y in su r an ce to be able to r ebu ild th e h o me; th is is r ep lace men t valu e. M o st in su r an ce ag en ci es h ave a p r o g r am th at ca lcu lates tr u e valu e to r ebu ild in ca se o f a lo s. In to day’ s mar ke t th er e ar e man y deals to be f o u n d w h en p u r ch as - Miller Landscaping Painting - Repairs, Complete Landscaping and Lawn Service power washing, deck refinishing • a C • • Clea - for over 40 years. • A Princeton business 20%unt • GROSS e JULIUS Disco • PAINTING & HOME IMPROVEMENTS • l • 220 Alexander Street • Princeton, New Jersey 08540 • ee www.juliushgrosspainting.com • [email protected] • • e al 609-924-1474 g Sprin e la e e Owner Operated. Licensed & Insured. Working in Your Town for Over 40 Years. “Professional Painting Pays!...in many Ways.” a l e Clea “Celebrating 30 Years!” 609-585-9778 609-888-4436 www.mtmscapes.com e e 3 0300 600 bnft!Puu p e Country Properties • • • SAVE $500 on Your Next Complete Siding or Roofing Installation. * M ercer County R esidents Only. With this coupon. E x p. 6-30-15 . " O th ers i mi tate bu t nev er d u pli c ate th e q u ali ty of ou r w ork " 609-49 -3444 www.AccurateRoofing.com in g a h o me. Fo r exa mp le, yo u may p ay u p to 3 5 p er ce n t less, bu t lo o k in g f o r a “ deal” o n in su r an ce may co st do w n th e r o ad. T h e in su r an ce sh o u ld be base d o n th e r ep lace men t valu e an d n o t th e p u r ch ase p r ice . 2. D o es my h o meo w n er s in su r an ce co ver f lo o din g ? H o meo w n er s in su r an ce do es n o t co ver f lo o d in su r an ce as- is. T h is is an additio n al r ider to in su r an ce . As th e cl imate ke ep s ch an g in g an d beco mes mo r e an d mo r e u n p r edict able, it is imp o r tan t to p u r ch ase f lo o d in su r an ce even if yo u r h o me is n o t in a f lo o d zo n e. 3 . Ar e r o o mmates co ver ed by in su r an c e? M o s t h o meo w n er s in s u r an c e p o lic ies c o ver u p to tw o r o o mmates . An y mo r e th en th at is c o n s ider ed a “ r o o min g h o u s e, ” w h ic h n eeds a dif f er en t typ e o f p o lic y. 4. I mo ved an d r en ted my h o me, am I co ver ed? It is imp o r tan t to sw itch yo u r h o meo w n er s o n th e r en tal h o me to a dw ellin g p o licy . It is u r g en t th at yo u make th is ch an g e; o th er w ise yo u ar e n o t co ver ed at a time o f lo s. An d r emember to in su r e yo u r n ew h o me, as w ell. 5. I p u r ch ase d my h o me bu t I w o n ’ t mo ve in f o r si x mo n th s. D o es my h o meo w n er s co ver me? H o meo w n er s in su r an ce p o lici es exp ect yo u to mo ve in r ig h t aw ay. A vaca n t p r o p er ty mu st h ave a vaca n t in su r an ce p o licy an d n o t a h o meo w n er s in su r an ce p o licy . If yo u f ail to do th is, Houses for Sale Continued from preceding page Cranbury 3 Nicola Court. L o t si ze : 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 3 4, 90 0 . L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. r o bin f r o eh lich . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 6 bedr o o ms; 7. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed w alk- o u t base men t; 4-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith st o cke d f ish in g p o n d, ten n is co u r t, sw immin g p o o l, en cl o se d u p p er p o r ch an d lo w er sl ate p atio . B ase men t h as se co n d ki tch en , th eater , an d 2, 0 0 0 -bo ttle w in e ce llar . $ 2,750,000. 2 Bergen D rive. L o t si ze : . 44 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 5, 1 71 . L ist ed, An ita O ’ M ear a, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith tw o -st o r y f o yer , map le f lo o r s, cr o w n mo ldin g , st ep -do w n livin g r o o m, vau lted ce ilin g . $ 9 49 ,000. 3 1- 3 3 Ancil D avison Road. L o t si ze : 7. 0 8 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 7, 1 3 0 . L ist ed, D avid Sch u r e & R o ber ta M ar lo w e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 950 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; p ar tial u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial “ Jo h n B ar cl ay H o u se . ” B ar n co n ver ted to livin g sp ace . So lar p an els, p r ese r ved w o o dlan ds. $ 9 3 5,000. 46 North M ain S treet. L o t si ze : . 49 acr es ; taxe s: $ 1 7, 993 . L ist ed, R o ber ta M ar lo w e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; p ar tial u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. V ict o r ian w ith co ver ed p o r ch , den , g ame r o o m, su n r o o m. P r ivate r esi den ce , o f f ice , o r bed an d br eakf ast u se . U n f in ish ed attic. $ 9 25,000. 76 old Trenton Road. L o t si ze : . 97 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 1 , 226 . L ist ed, R o ber ta M ar lo w e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll p ar tially f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith sl ate f o yer , h ar dw o o d th r o u g h o u t, w o o d-bu r n in g f ir ep lace . $ 770,000. 12 Brick Y ard Road. L o t si ze : 6 4. 3 8 acr es. L ist ed, G ail E ldr idg e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. Esther T anez of Estir I nc. yo u w ill n o t be co ver ed at a time o f lo s. “ O u r ag en cy w o r ks w ith mu ltip le in su r an ce co mp an ies, ” T an ez exp lain ed. “ W e w ill g et yo u mu ltip le q u o tes f o r th e best co ver ag e f o r yo u r do llar . ” E ST IR In c. In su r an ce h as been in bu si n es s f o r 1 6 year s se r vin g th e co mmu n ity by o f f er in g advice an d g u idan ce o n in su r an ce n eeds, p r o tect in g au to , ap ar tmen t, h o mes, bu si n esse s , an d mu ch mo r e. A st af f th at is lice n se d an d p r ep ar ed to se r ve in bo th E n g lish an d Sp an ish is w illin g to list en to co n ce r n s an d f in d th e best p o licy to p r o tect its cu sto mer s. ES TI R I nc. I nsurance Agency , Y our Protection. our Priority . 1 95 N assa u Str eet, Su ite 25, P r in ce to n . w w w . est ir in su r an ce . co m. 6 0 9-6 88-1 80 0 . S ee ad, page 11. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial/ f ar m. T w o se p ar ate lo ts so ld to g eth er . W o o dlan ds h ar bo r p ar t o f M illst o n e C r eek/ In dian R u n B r o o k. R esi den tial h o me w ith tw o -f amily dw ellin g . $ 750,000. 3 7 North M ain S treet. T axe s: $ 9, 80 9. L ist ed, G ail E ldr idg e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; p ar tial u n f in ish ed base men t. C o lo n ial cu r r en tly u se d as an o f f ice . C o n ver si o n to si n g le-f amily h o me p o si ble. $ 69 9 ,000. 18 3 North M ain S treet. L o t si ze : . 74 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 2, 73 2. L ist ed, R o ber ta M ar lo w e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. In -g r o u n d p o o l, libr ar y, w o o d st o ve, p r ese r ved w o o dlan d view s o n tw o si des . $ 550,000. 13 6 Plainsb oro Road. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 51 9. L ist ed, M ar y D o w dell-Je f f r ies, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith deck an d w o o dbu r n in g f ir ep lace se t in f lo o r -to -ce ilin g br ick w all. $ 529 ,000. 57 S tation Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 6 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 8, 96 5. L ist ed, G ail E ldr idg e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial in lig h t in du st r ial zo n e. B ack- to back st o n e f ir ep lac e. O u t-bu ildin g beh in d h o me w ith eig h t g ar ag e/ st o r ag e sp ace s. $ 49 9 ,000. Delaware Township 47 Browne S tation Road. L o t si ze : 3 1 . 43 acr es. L ist ed, D o n n a & M ich ael L ace y, L isa Ja mes O tto C o u n tr y P r o p er ties, 21 5-86 2-26 26 . w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 3 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; p ar tial f in ish ed bas emen t. C o lo n ial w ith st o n e f ir ep lac es, an tiq u e st o n e bar n r u in s, ice h o u se , br ick ter r ace . $ 1,3 9 5,000. 60 Biser Road. L o t si ze : 1 7. 6 7 acr es; tax es: $ 1 4, 1 6 0 . L ist ed, C yn th ia Sh o emake r -Z er r er , L isa Ja mes O tto , 6 0 9-3 97-56 6 7. w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE T Dragonfly Farms W h ere B eauty B egins en year s ag o P atr ic k an d Ju dy L ap ide mo ved to H amilto n in se ar ch o f a q u ieter lif est yle. T h ey disco ver ed M akr an cy’ s, an aban do n ed g ar den ce n ter o n K u se r R o ad. P atr ic k, w h o g r ew u p w o r ki n g in th e f amily g ar den in g bu si n ess, deci ded to take h is f o u r deca des o f ex p er ien ce an d o p en D r ag o n f ly Far ms, a r etail g ar den ce n ter n amed af ter th e man y dr ag o n f lies th ey disco ver ed o n th e p r o p er ty. Fo r year s D r ag o n f ly Far ms w as ca lled “ H amilto n ’ s B est K ep t Secr et, ” bu t w o r d sp r ead as p eo p le disco ver ed th eir h idden tr easu r es. W h at th ey f o u n d w as “ D r ag o n f ly Far ms is w h er e beau ty beg in s. M an y cu st o mer s h ave f o u n d it to be a sa f e h aven o r an es ca p e f r o m a bad day. T h ey ch o o se to co me h er e to f in d p eace o n th eir w o r st day. T h is r eally matter s to u s. " D r ag o n f ly Far ms is a g ar den in g ce n ter , f lo r ist , an d h o me deco r sh o p all in o n e. Sto r e M an ag er An to n ia Ja mes descr ibes th e st o r e as “ a cr o s betw een P o tter y B ar n , H o me G o o ds, an d a h o me g ar den in g ce n ter . W e h ave j ew elr y, f u r n itu r e, sca r ves, an d a u n iq u e g if t st o r e. W e ca r r y a f u ll lin e o f sh r u bs, an n u als, p er en n ials, air p lan ts, f air y g ar den s, an d ter r ar iu ms, as w ell as man y o n eo f -a-ki n d g if ts f o u n d in o u r n ew W in g z g if t sh o p . ” T h r o u g h o u t th e year D r ag o n f ly Far ms h o st s man y even ts. L adies N ig h t O u t ce lebr ated its f ir st an n iver sa r y. In Febr u ar y th ey h o st ed th e f ir st D addy/ D au g h ter dan ce . In M ar ch w as th e n in th an n u al f r ee E ast er eg g h u n t. Fo r ty g ir ls an d th eir do lls ca me to th e se co n d an n u al D o lly an d M e tea p ar ty last mo n th . In O ct o ber th e mo n th -lo n g p u mp ki n f est ival attr act ed th o u sa n ds o f f amilies to th e h ayr ide, p ettin g zo o , an d p u mp ki n s. T h e en d o f th e year br in g s th e mo st in cr edible C h r ist mas deco r atio n s as th e g r een h o u se is tr an sf o r med in to a w in ter w o n der lan d. A “ take an d make ” p o tter y st u dio is co min g th is Ju n e. “ W e believe in th e co mmu n ity, so it is ver y imp o r tan t th at w e g ive bac k , ” exp lain s An to n ia. O ver th e year s D r ag o n f ly Far ms h as su p p o r ted lo ca l sch o o ls, bo o st er cl u bs, ch ar ities, an d var io u s H amilto n T o w n sh ip even ts. T h ey o f f er sp eci al p r ice s to ch u r ch es an d f u n dr aise r s an d ar e exci ted to p ar tn er w ith L o ve, An n aleig h , a 50 1 ( c) 3 o r g an iza tio n dedica ted to su p p o r tin g th e n eeds o f th e in f an ts, ch ildr en , an d f amilies in ar ea N IC U s an d P IC U s. “ W e make ki ds a p r io r ity, ” adds An to n ia. In 20 1 3 D r ag o n f ly Far ms cr eated L eave N o C h ild In do o r s. “ K ids c an co me in an d lear n th e imp o r tan ce o f g ar den in g , an d th e imp o r tan ce o f veg etables at a yo u n g ag e. ” C h ildr en u p to teen ag er s ar e in vited to w eed, w ater , an d p ick th eir o w n veg etables. “ W e w an t to th an k o u r cu st o mer s. T en year s is an in cr edible milest o n e. M o st o f o u r n ew cu sto mer s ar e r eco mmen ded to u s. ” “ A sp eci al th an ks to o u r emp lo yees. L au r a T iedeman n an d Imo g en e G illar d ar e th e f ace o f D r ag o n f ly Far ms. Ju lie C o r der o , o u r h ead f lo r ist , cr eates mag ic. L au r a Fin e, o u r beh in d th e sce n es emp lo yee, is alw ays w illin g to p itch in w h er e n eed. O ver all w e ar e blesse d w ith an aw eso me cr ew , ” adds An to n ia. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll p ar tially f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith st u dy, en cl o se d br eeze w ay, p atio . $ 8 25,000. 9 7 S andb rook Headq uarters Road. L o t s ize : 3 . 24 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 576 . L is ted, K aitlyn n Z o ln ay, L isa Ja mes O tto , 6 0 9-3 97-56 6 7. w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll p ar tially f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 80 0 SF C u st o m w ith ca th edr al ce ilin g s, w o o d st o ve, su n ke n livin g r o o m. $ 465,000. D ragonf ly F arms: G arden Center, F lorist, and Home D ecor, 96 6 K u se r R o ad, H amilto n . 6 0 9-588-0 0 1 3 . w w w . dr ag o n f ly- f ar msn j . co m, in f o @ dr ag o n f lyf ar msn j . co m H o u r s: 9 a. m. to 6 p . m. daily. S ee ad, page 21. Angela Anthony 210 Route 539, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 East Brunswick 5 Bel Air Court. L o t si ze : 2. 0 1 acr es; tax es: $ 6 0 , 53 9. L ist ed, M ar y D o w dell-Je f f r ies, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 7 bedr o o ms; 8. 5 bath s; f u lly f in ish ed bas emen t. C o lo n ial w ith f ir st f lo o r su ite, in do o r p o o l an d s au n a, tw o -st o r y libr ar y, elevato r , an d meditatio n r o o m lin ed w ith G r eek mar ble. $ 2,700,000. 10 G olden Pond D rive. L o t si ze : 2. 0 9 acr es; taxe s: $ 3 1 , 776 . L ist ed, G ail E ldr idg e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 6 bedr o o ms; 4 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o n temp o r ar y w ith elevato r , in do o r p o o l, st o n e w ater f all, bu ilt-in bar , ko i p o n d, 2, 0 0 0 SF deck. $ 1,69 9 ,000. 20 M orton Court. L o t si ze : . 0 6 acr es; tax es: $ 7, 3 71 . L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 6 0 9 SF to w n h o u se . $ 29 9 ,000. East Windsor 19 9 oak Creek Circle. L o t si ze : . 2 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 3 , 0 92. L is ted, Smita Sh ah , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 -880 0 . w w w . sm itash ah . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 556 SF C o lo n ial w ith h ar dw o o d o n main level, w alk- in cl o s et in mast er su ite. $ 475,000. 56 Brooktree Road. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; tax es: $ 9, 70 8. L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vach . 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; p ar tial f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. Sp lit C o lo n ial backi n g to n atu r al w o o dlan ds. $ 3 69 ,9 00. 24 S andstone Road. T axe s: $ 9, 1 59. L is ted, Jo an E ise n ber g , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 86 0 0 . w w w . j o an se lls. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial o n co r n er lo t. G r een h o u se br eakf ast r o o m additio n w ith skyl ig h t. $ 3 3 9 ,9 00. Continued on page 17 6 Becca Way. Allentown. Lovely Colonial style home in New Canton Estates is waiting for its next owner. Upper Freehold Township Home offers a Fantastic maintenance free porch, professional landscaping, Hardwood flooring, Central Vacuum, Security System and so much more! First floor offers two story foyer, Elegant living Room, large dining Room, Family room with Gas FP and Eat in kitchen with stainless steel appliances, center island and granite counters. You will also find an office/study, laundry room, half bath and access to the two car garage with ample storage. Access your backyard oasis via the kitchen onto a beautiful paver patio and free form fenced in in-ground pool. Outside entertaining in your outdoor cabana is a must! Second floor of the home features 4 Bedrooms, 2 Full baths and a bonus room as a possible 5th bedroom with ample storage. Did I mentioned the basement is finished with approx 1000 more sq ft of living space. 2 Zone Heat and AC. Close to major highways. Upper Freehold Schools District/Allentown HS. $629,900 62 Church St. Allentown. Charming 4 Bedroom 2.5 Bath Colonial home situated on a double lot in the much desired Historic Allentown Borough. This 1850 circa home was fully updated in 2006 with new electric, plumbing, gas furnace and central AC. A 600 sq. foot addition was added in 2008 to include the new family room, fourth master bedroom and master bath. .34 acre double lot backs to the spacious Heritage Park which boasts a 2.2 mile paved running path with exercise stations and wooded walking trails. 10x10 shed with lean-to. Public water and sewer. Upper Freehold Regional School District. Close to major Highways to include, 295, NJ Turnpike, 195, 30 Minutes to Jersey shore. Central Jersey living at its best! Owners are Motivated! $359,500 39 Imlaystown Rd. Cream Ridge. This charming 3 Bedroom 1.5 Bath Colonial offers a naturally bright sun room with skylights, a large living room with fireplace, and a spacious backyard park-like setting. This property is a short sale and is conveniently located near shopping and commuting. Upper Freehold Regional School District/Allentown HS. $239,000 6 Lee Ct. North Hanover Township. Completely Updated Spacious brick front colonial style home, located on a cul-de-sac, wooded and private lot in desirable Hanover Hills in North Hanover Township. HW floors throughout. Custom Gourmet EIK with Granite & Corian countertops, SS Appl. including paneled Sub Zero fridge and Miele dishwasher, Farmhouse sink, two pantry closets, oversized center island w/breakfast area, extra seating, additional sink & ceramic tile flooring. FR w/WB FP. Sun/Florida room, Game Room, Master suite with private spa-like bath and extra bonus rm. Finished basement with Wine Cellar, Theatre Rm with wet bar. Professionally landscaped yard w/Pavers, Fire pit, outdoor shed, Playground area & Sprinkler System. Whole house generator hook up & generator included, Alarm System throughout house and detached 3 car garage with Finished room above with heat/AC. 3 Zone Heat/AC, Outside storage under Florida Room. * Paver Endless possibilities (mother/daughter set up possible). Walk to golf course! Nothing to do but unpack & unwind! Can accommodate a quick closing! $559,000 111 South Main St. Allentown. Quaint and Classic Colonial Craftsman style home built in 1925 is awaiting its new owner! From the welcoming foyer to the 9 year young In-Law Suite this delightful house is one of the most unique and inviting Historic homes Allentown has to offer. Property offers 5 BD, 2.5 baths, a pristine landscaped yard on a park like setting, gas grill hook up, detached garage, plenty of off street parking with easy access to lovely covered front porch and a separate side covered patio entrance leading to in-law suite. Owners have taken much pride with keeping their Charming Home in exceptional condition with remarkably preserved architectural detailing and have incorporated the original style within the in-law suite addition. Dry Basement with transferable water proofing warranty is partially finished under original home with separate heating and air. Basement also has a workshop area and additional 24x31 unfinished section under in-law suite that has can be easily accessed from exterior basement door. Home has 3 Zone heat, 3 Zone Air and upgraded electric. Walk to town, schools and parks. Close to major highways and thoroughfares. Train station 15 minutes away. Prime location in Central Jersey. Upper Freehold Regional School District/Allentown HS. Must see to appreciate. $525,000 87 Richardson Rd. Robbinsville. Custom Built Ranch Style home in Robbinsville is awaiting its new owner. Home offers Brick front and Vinyl siding, Large Living Room, Dining area, Family Room with Wood burning Brick Fireplace with beautiful enclosed windows overlooking large 3/4 acre fenced in yard. Eat in Kitchen to include all appliances, 3 (possible 4) bedrooms and 2 Full bath. Access full basement via 2 car garage or family room. Hardwood flooring underneath front Living room, all Bedrooms and Hallway. Easy access to train stations, NJ Tnpk, Rt 195, 295, 130. Robbinsville Township School District. $339,000 25 Tattletown Rd. Hamilton. Spacious Country French Manor home. This luxurious Ranch style home offers kitchen 5/6 bdrms, 5 bths, radiant and electric heat, 3 car garage, guest suite/ au-pair above garage, circular driveway, library, music room, garden room, sun room, fabulous French Kitchen with granite countertops and Brazilian cherry wood floors. The music room, which is accessible from the kitchen has bookshelves, wet bar, built in cabinets and an in-ground safe. Music room also has full bath attached. The garden room has vaulted pickle wood ceiling, gothic glass doors which lead to the in-ground Roman style pool.. The outside cabana has a bathroom, sink and shower. This house has 3 fireplaces, 1 wood-burning fireplace in the living room, a gas log fireplace in the library, and a vent-free gas fireplace in the master bedroom. The master bathroom has a marble Roman Soaking tub surrounded by mosaic tiles. The house has an extensive security system. Steinert School District. Close to major highways, train station, restaurants and shops. One year Home Warranty included. $649,000 6 Yorkville Terrace. Upper Freehold. ONE OF KIND Mother/Daughter Estate in Desirable Grande at Old York. Live in this Custom 15 Rm home with approx. 5100 sq. ft of living space located in desirable Upper Freehold Township. Enter the Main house through Hardwood Foyer which opens up to Formal Living Room, Elegant Dining Room w/Butler Pantry and 2 story Vaulted ceiling FR with gas FP. Enjoy meals in Eat-in kit. overlooking beautiful maint. free deck with Enclosed storage underneath. Fenced In-ground L-Shaped pool is a must for those hot summers!! Main level of Main house you will also find a Lib./Office, 22x14 Conservatory and a 5th Bedroom with full Bath. Main home offers total 5 BD and 3.5 BA. In-Law suite with it’s own exterior entrance has a 3 stop type elevator (950lb cap. hydraulic model) leading to grade level (sidewalk to driveway) and lower finished level. Large Bedroom leads to full handicap. access bathroom w/ Dbl. sink and lg. tiled shower stall. Eat-in 15x16 kitchen has 42” Maple Cab. and Silestone counters. Furniture grade solid oak staircase from main living level to lower daylight 18 x 35 Fin. level. Too much to list! Easy Access to major Roads. Walk to town, schools and parks. ONE YEAR Home Warranty included! $720,000 Angela Anthony Cell: 609-649-3446 • Fax: 609-259-7027 [email protected] www.MoveWithAngela.com 13 14 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Palmer Square is now at 75% occupancy and we are excited to present these three extraordinary residences for sale at new, reduced prices: 26 Paul Robeson Place Now at $ 1,575,000 32 Paul Robeson Place * Now at $ 1,675,000 36 Paul Robeson Place Now at $ 2,000,000 * Open this Sunday, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. or by appointment anytime: Linda Vitale Sales Associate 609.924.3884 [email protected] CallawayHenderson.com CRANBURY 609.395.0444 LAMBERTVILLE 609.397.1974 MONTGOMERY 908.874.0000 PENNINGTON 609.737.7765 Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Subject To Errors, Omissions, Prior Sale Or Withdrawal Without Notice. PRINCETON 609.921.1050 M AY 20, 2015 NEWLY PRICED U .S . 1 NEWLY PRICED EWING TOWNSHIP Pamela Gillmett $159,999 MLS# 6550357 PRINCETON (condo) Laura A Huntsman $425,000 MLS# 6555949 PRINCETON Denise Shaughnessy $789,000 MLS# 6546366 MONTGOMERY Valerie Smith $1,575,000 MLS# 6519554 NEWLY PRICED PHILLIPSBURG Stephanie Schenck $159,900 MLS# 3180075 PRINCETON (condo) Christina Phillips $475,000 MLS# 6564750 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP Barbara Blackwell $835,000 MLS# 6556507 PRINCETON Laurel Cecila $1,595,000 MLS# 6543478 HIGHTSTOWN Gail Eldridge $199,000 MLS# 6515013 HAMILTON TOWNSHIP Janet Stefandl $489,000 MLS# 6412107 MONTGOMERY Michelle Blane $898,000 MLS# 3195356 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP Christina Callaway $1,685,000 MLS# 6243529 HIGHTSTOWN Gail Eldridge $199,000 MLS# 6441450 PENNINGTON BOROUGH Nancy R Willever $529,000 MLS# 6432737 MONTGOMERY Valerie Smith $1,025,000 MLS# 6521707 MONTGOMERY Marianne Greer $1,795,000 MLS# 6450208 NEWLY PRICED LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP Carolynn Kirch $205,000 ML S # 6 4 7 7 5 3 5 PRINCEON Brinton H West $569,000 MLS# 6540813 PRINCETON Laura A Huntsman $1,150,000 MLS# 6542547 PRINCETON Susan A Cook $1,985,000 MLS# 6540118 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP Deborah W Lane $248,000 MLS# 6546468 MONTGOMERY Valerie Smith $689,000 MLS# 6559898 HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP Jane Henderson Kenyon $1,250,000 MLS# 6547332 PRINCETON Owen Toland $2,995,000 MLS# 6547259 NEWLY PRICED CallawayHenderson.com LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP Yakenya Moise $310,000 MLS# 6536205 MONTGOMERY Carolyn Spohn $699,000 MLS# 6506191 PRINCETON Jane Henderson Kenyon $1,500,000 MLS# 6562404 PRINCETON North Road $3,950,000 MLS# 6553050 CRANBURY 609.395.0444 LAMBERTVILLE 609.397.1700 MONTGOMERY 908.874.0000 PENNINGTON EWING TOWNSHIP Pamela Gillmett $315,000 MLS# 6499993 MONTGOMERY Jane Henderson Kenyon $699,500 MLS# 6552428 PRINCETON Colleen Hall $1,550,000 MLS# 6552938 PRINCETON Hodge Road $4,950,000 MLS# 6562735 Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Subject To Errors, Omissions, Prior Sale Or Withdrawal Without Notice. 609.737.7765 PRINCETON 609.921.1050 15 16 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE MLS# 6544143 35 ROLFE AVENUE, LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ A Pristine home with a possible building lot- variance needed. Home and lot are on separate deeds. The home includes 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Heart Pine wood floors, Andersen windows, including a custom stained glass window, and a family room with a wood burning stove. The location is convenient for walking to local restaurants, parks and biking paths. Florence Broadway, Sales Associate Weidel Realtors - Hopewell Office: 609-737-1500 Cell: 609-306-4023 Fax: 609-737-3403 [email protected] www.weidel.com/florence.broadway Two Route 31 South Pennington, NJ 08534 Perennial Home Perennial Home Lo c a l l y a n d U S M a d e Gif t s a n d Acce sso r ie s JOIN US IN CELEBRATING OUR 13TH BIRTHDAY Home Furnishings, Gifts and Accessories STOP IN JUNE 23-27 For 25% allBirthday yourDiscount, Spring Giveaways and Refreshments with the Artists gifts and décor! 609-448-8830 119 West Ward Street, Hightstown, NJ 08520 Mention this [email protected] ad to receive 10% discount perennialhome.com Tuesday through Saturday 10am-5pm STORE HOURS: Tuesday through Saturday 10am to 5 pm Like us on Facebook LIKE US ON Karen KarenWest, WestProprietor 119 West Ward Street •Hightstown, NJ 08520 • 609-448-8830 Proprietor [email protected] • perennialhome.com 32 Chambers Street Princeton, NJ 800 -763-1416 609-924-1416 NEW CONSTRUCTION PRINCETON Prominent Builder • .75 acre • Call for Details $1,950,000 T hree generations of Jam mer Doors. W Jammer Doors F our G enerations of Q uality ith th e beau tif u l, w ar m w eath er u p o n u s, w h at better time to liven u p yo u r h o me’ s ap p ear an ce by r ep laci n g yo u r o ld do o r s an d w in do w s w ith br an d n ew o n es? An d w h at better p lace to p u r ch ase th em th an f r o m Ja mmer D o o r s, a f amily o w n ed an d o p er ated bu si n ess, se r vin g th e tr ist ate ar eas si n ce 1 920 . It all st ar ted in 1 920 . T h e late L o u is A. Ja mmer Sr . an d h is w if e, st ar ted a w eath er st r ip p in g bu si n ess in M o r r isvi lle, P A. O ver time, th e bu si n ess evo lved f r o m in st allin g w in do w an d p o r ch scr een s to se llin g a var iety o f do o r s. T o day Ja mmer D o o r s is en ter in g its f o u r th g en er atio n o f f amily o w n er sh ip f o r 95 year s. Alth o u g h th e late L o u is A. Ja mmer Sr . an d h is w if e ar e n o lo n g er w ith u s, th eir dr eams, visi o n s, an d eth ics live o n th r o u g h th e leader sh ip o f L o u is A. Ja mmer Jr . an d L o u is A. Ja mmer III. In lo o ki n g to w ar ds th e f u tu r e g r o w th o f th e co mp an y, Ja mmer D o o r s h as br o u g h t in th e n ew est g en er atio n , L o u is A. Ja mmer IV , to add in n o vatio n to a co n tin u in g leader sh ip . Ja mmer D o o r s sp eci alize s in th e sa les, se r vice , an d in st allatio n o f to p q u ality do o r s, w in do w s, an d do o r -r elated p r o du ct s. Ja mmer h as been co n si st en tly r an ke d as o n e o f th e p r emier g ar ag e do o r co mp an ies in th e tr ist ate ar ea. Y o u ca n even se e Ja mmer D o o r tr u cks g o in g u p an d do w n th e Je r se y Sh o r e. G ar ag e an d f r o n t en tr an ce do o r s to day ar e desi g n ed to be p ar t o f yo u r h o me’ s ap p ear an ce an d ar ch itect u r e. Y o u r g ar ag e o r f r o n t en tr an ce do o r ca n make a st atemen t to r ef lect th e u n iq u e st yle o f h o me, as w ell as yo u r o w n u n iq u e p er so n ality. Ja mmer o f f er s do o r s o f all typ es: E n tr an ce syst ems, p atio do o r s, Fr en ch do o r s, sl idin g g lass do o r s to g ar ag e do o r s in a var iety o f desi g n s. Ja mmer D o o r s h as been a dealer f o r R ayn o r G ar ag e D o o r s f o r o ver 6 1 year s. Ja mmer o f f er s a lar g e var iety o f p r o du ct s th at h ave been p r o ven time af ter time to main tain th eir exce p tio n al an d du r able q u ality. Ja mmer also o f f er s man y dif f er en t ca r r iag e- st yle do o r s f r o m leadin g man u f act u r er s su ch as, Ar tisa n , C . H . I. , an d Fimbel. Fo r th o se in ter est ed in maki n g a st atemen t w ith yo u r cu r b ap p eal, Ja mmer D o o r s also ca r r ies to p q u ality en tr y an d st o r m do o r s. All o f Ja mmer D o o r ' s tech n ici an s ar e tr ain ed, ce r tif ied, an d exp er ien ce d; n o su bco n tr act o r s ar e ever u se d. T h eir sa les st af f ar e tr ain ed, in f o r mative, an d h ave a n o -p r essu r e sa les ap p r o ach . T h is level o f p r o f essi o n alism h as r esu lted in an ext en si ve list o f h ig h ly sa tisf ied cl ien tele. Ja mmer D o o r s th an ks its cu sto mer s f o r th eir co n tin u ed p atr o n ag e as th ey cr o s th e th r esh o ld o f th eir 95th year . Allo w Ja mmer D o o r s to p u t its f o u r g en er atio n s o f q u ality to w o r k f o r yo u ! Its P en n syl van ia sh o w r o o m is lo ca ted at 1 0 N o r th M ain Str eet ( at th e G r ist mill) in Y ar dley an d yo u ca n ca ll th em at 21 5-29571 55 o p en 6 days a w eek. If yo u h ap p en to be in N ew Je r se y, ch eck o u t Ja mmer D o o r s’ p r emier sh o w r o o m lo ca ted at 2850 B r u n sw ick P ike o n B u si n ess R o u te 1 in L aw r en ce ville. C all th em to day at 6 0 9-883 0 90 0 f o r a f r ee-in -h o me est imate. An d f o r mo r e in f o r matio n visi t w w w . j ammer do o r s. co m. S ee ad, page 23 . CONVENIENT TO PRINCETON, this elegantly upgraded 6,200 SF custom brick Georgian manor home is privately sited on 15.87 spectacular acres! Features include a cobblestone entry court, spacious gourmet center isle kit w/top-of-the line appl’s, cherry cabinetry & granite counters, sumptuous new bathrooms, oak floors w/walnut inlays, 4 fireplaces, 1st flr library/study w/ built-ins, and custom millwork throughout. OFFERED FOR $1,020,000 #1 Agent DELAWARE TOWNSHIP Company-wide Licensed Office: in NJ & Pa. 908-782-0100 ext. 211 w w w .s t o c k t o n - r e a lt o r .c o m Mark Jacobson Cell: 908-963-5901 Sales Associate [email protected] M AY 20, 2015 hOUSeS FOR RenT Ewing 4 Camb ridge D rive. L ist ed, Ja n ice W ilso n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T u do r to w n h o u se w ith f ir ep lac e. R en ts f o r $ 2,000. Montgomery 25C Chestnut S treet. L is ted, M ar th a M o se ley, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T o w n h o u se . R en ts f o r $ 2,200. Plainsboro 19 M eadowlark D rive. L ist ed, W h ei-C h u ( P ear l) P an , L o n g & Fo ster , 6 0 9-93 6 -256 5. w w w . lo n g an df o ster . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith o p en f lo o r p lan , tw o -st o r y f o yer w ith cu r ved f lo atin g o ak st air ca se . R en ts f o r $ 5,500. Princeton 3 00 Bunn D rive, Apartment C203 . L ist ed, L isa R amo s, C o p p er - w o o d in P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-0 3 3 3 . w w w . co p p er w o o dp r in c eto n . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. 1 , 286 SF co n temp o r ar y ap ar tmen t in ag e-r est r ict ed co mmu n ity w ith balco n y, in u n it w ash er / dr yer , w o o ded an d co u r tyar d view s, u n der g r o u n d p ar ki n g w ith elevato r , an d acce s to ca f e, lo u n g e, libr ar y, an d f u lly eq u ip p ed f itn ess ce n ter . R en ts f o r $ 3 ,660. 3 00 Bunn D rive, Apartment C204. L ist ed, L isa R amo s, C o p p er w o o d in P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-0 3 3 3 . w w w . co p p er w o o dp r in c eto n . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. 1 , 273 SF co n temp o r ar y ap ar tmen t in ag e-r est r ict ed co mmu n ity. R en ts f o r $ 3 ,53 0. 3 00 Bunn D rive, Apartment C202. L ist ed, L isa R amo s, C o p p er w o o d in P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-0 3 3 3 . w w w . co p p er w o o dp r in c eto n . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. 1 , 21 1 SF co n temp o r ar y ap ar tmen t in ag e-r est r ict ed co mmu n ity. R en ts f o r $ 3 ,470. Springfield 222 S pringf ield M eeting House Road. L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vach . 3 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. R an ch w ith w o o d st o ve, w o r ksh o p , in -law su ite. R en ts f o r $ 2,9 00. A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE J Home Hardware Design ‘ J ewelry for Y our Home’ ay Jo n es se lls h ig h -en d h ar dw ar e an d p lu mbin g f o r h o mes o r w ell-ap p o in ted bu si n esse s. H is st o r e, H o me H ar dw ar e D esi g n s at th e G len R o c P laza in E w in g , se lls f au ce ts, si n ks, bath tu bs, to ilets, medici n e ch est s, match in g se ts o f f r o n t-do o r kn o bs , h in g es, an d lo ckse ts, bu t n o t th e o r din ar y o n es yo u ’ d f in d in big bo x st o r es o r in a tr act h o me. So me dr aw er h an dles ar e h an d-p r esse d br ass f r o m E n g lan d, as th ey h ave been f o r ce n tu r ies, h e sa id. “ Y o u r h ar dw ar e is th e j ew elr y f o r yo u r h o me. It ties th e w h o le th in g to g eth er . It’ s like w h en yo u h an g a p ict u r e o n th e w all. It’ s r eally th e f r ame th at f in ish es it, ” Jo n es s aid. T h ese items do n ’ t j u st do th eir j o bs, su ch as o p en in g a do o r o r sh u ttin g o f f w ater . T h eir mater ials, f in ish es, lin es, text u r es, an d cr af tsm an sh ip est ablish th e ambien ce o f a h o me o r bu si n ess, Jo n es s aid. Jo n es s aid th e bu si n ess is n atu r al to h im, as h is f amily o w n ed a h ar dw ar e st o r e in u p st ate N ew Y o r k an d h is f ath er bu ilt cu st o m h o mes. “ It’ s in my blo o d, ” h e sa id. T h e mo st imp o r tan t in g r edien t o f h is bu si n ess is g o o d cu st o mer se r vice , th er ef o r e h e do es n o t se ll o u t o f a ca talo g o r o ver th e In ter n et. H e disp lays 40 , 0 0 0 ca bin et kn o bs, 50 0 do o r kn o bs, an d h u n dr eds cu st o m f au ce ts so h is cu st o mer s ca n se e th em, to u ch th em, an d view th em w ith p ain t ch ip s an d f abr ic sw atch es. So metimes n ew ca bin et h an dles an d h in g es ca n imp r o ve an o u t-o f -st yle r o o m. C lien ts sh o u ld br in g do o r s an d dr aw er s to th e st o r e to make su r e th e n ew h ar dw ar e is co mp atible. E ven th e h u mble f au ce t ca n make a deco r ative st atemen t, Jo n es s aid. “ I ca n do si lver . I ca n do g o ld. T h is is Sw ar o vski cr ystal, ” h e sa id, p o in tin g o u t th e h ig h lig h ts o f a w all o f f au ce ts. “ T h en w e ca n take a n ew f au ce t an d make it lo o k 20 0 year s o ld th r o u g h a p r o ce s ca lled tu mblin g . It u se d to be th at if yo u dr o p p ed a br an d-n ew f au ce t it w as r u in ed, n o w it se lls f o r mo r e mo n ey, ” h e sa id. Satin n ickl e an d br o n ze ar e a p o p u lar mater ial, n o w , w h ich U .S . 1 Jo n es attr ibu ted to its an timicr o bial p r o p er ties. A 20 0 4 st u dy by th e U n iver si ty o f So u th amp to n f o u n d M R SA bact er ia died mu ch so o n er o n a co p p er su r f ace th an st ain less st eel. An o th er ar t-in sp ir ed o p tio n is a ce r amic bo w l-st yle lavato r y mo u n ted ato p a w r o u g h t ir o n st an d w ith w all f au ce ts. O n e f lo r al-p atter n ed mo del h ad a si n k st o p p er in th e sh ap e o f a tu r tle. O th er ch o ice s in cl u de si n ks o f o n yx, mar ble, o r tr aver tin e. An o th er mo del is h o llo w ed o u t f r o m mesq u ite w o o d r ecl aimed f r o m a p r evio u s u se . B ath tu bs in cl u de o n es w ith o p tio n s f o r co lo r ed w ater o r tin y h o les in th e bo tto m f o r ef f er vesce n ce . Jo n es sa id yo u mig h t n o t th in k th at p o r ce lain co n ven ien ce , th e to ilet, co u ld be imp r o ved u p o n . H o w ever , th e N eo r est by T o to h as a h eated se at, a r emo te co n tr o l, an d a se n so r th at “ kn o w s” w h en th e u se r ap p r o ach es. “ It p er f o r ms all h yg ien e f u n ctio n s. L et’ s leave it at th at, ” Jo n es sa id, p o in tin g to discr eet, yet descr ip tive, diag r ams. Home Hardware D esign, 1 92-1 94 Sco tch R o ad, G len R o c Sh o p p in g C en ter , E w in g . h o meh ar dw ar edesi g n s. n et. 6 0 9-883 53 53 . S ee ad, page 18 . Houses for Sale Continued from page 13 3 8 Brooklawn D rive. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; tax es: $ 9, 874. L ist ed, An n e Setze r , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. B i-level tr aditio n al w ith deck, si ttin g ar ea in mas ter bedr o o m. $ 3 25,000. 148 Prospect D rive. L o t si ze : . 25 acr es; tax es: $ 8, 748. L ist ed, D ave K asch ak, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 6 22 SF C o lo n ial w ith f en ce d yar d, deck. $ 29 9 ,000. 3 8 6 Jef f erson D rive. T axe s: $ 5, 973 . L is ted, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed bas emen t. E n d u n it to w n h o u se w ith f en ce d r ear yar d. $ 219 ,8 8 8 . 23 2 M ill Run Court. T axe s: $ 5, 921 . L is ted, G eo r g e T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. 1 , 1 20 SF co n do . P r ivate dec k. C o mmu n ity h as cl u bh o u se , p o o l, ten n is. $ 164,9 00. THE SPRING REAL ESTATE MARKET IS IN FULL SWING! Y ou r S e a rc h I s O v e r! Ewing 22 Westwood D rive. L o t si ze : . 48 acr es; tax es: $ 9, 828. L ist ed, K ate Stin so n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 943 9-93 43 . ka test in so n . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith su n r o o m. $ 3 29 ,9 00. 3 1 S tate Park D rive. L o t si ze : . 48 acr es; tax es: $ 9, 6 75. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. Sp lit C o lo n ial w ith n ew ki tch en , bath s, se p tic, co n cr ete p atio , an d deck. $ 3 27,8 8 8 . 14 Randi Way . L o t si ze : . 45 acr es; tax es: $ 1 0 , 6 6 2. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 6 3 4 SF C o lo n ial. $ 3 15,8 8 8 . 1015 Bear Tavern Road. L o t si ze : . 3 7 ac r es; taxe s: $ 9, 81 2. L ist ed, K ath r yn B axt er , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed bas emen t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. R an ch w ith in -g r o u n d p o o l, tw o dr ivew ays, su n r o o m w ith bar . $ 3 00,000. 28 15 M adison Avenue. L o t si ze : . 3 3 acr es ; taxe s: $ 5, 51 5. L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vach . 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. 1 , 90 2 SF cu sto m-bu ilt C ap e. $ 279 ,9 00. Continued on page 2 0 On a quiet Princeton street in the Western section, this five bedroom colonial has the perfect blend of new amenities and old world charm. Custom built for its current owners, the care taken with the design, and the attention to details, is obvious. Beautiful mouldings, gorgeous wood floors, and oversize windows speak to these points, while the location is clearly a “10”. The welcoming entry provides an immediate sense of arrival, and you quickly realize that this house offers both warmth and style. Formal dining room has coffered ceiling, and provides the perfect place for holiday entertaining. The kitchen is 25 feet by nearly 16 feet, and has an inviting center eating island, as well as a breakfast area. Top-of-the line appliances, granite countertops, and custom cabinets are only some of the special features, as the kitchen also has wood floor, double ovens, and opens to the family room, with gas fireplace, ceiling fan, and multiple windows. The wall of built-ins holds the entertainment center, as well as books, games and objects d’art. A study is also on this level. Two sets of stairs provide access to the second level, with an elegant master suite, having a sitting room, dressing room, and two generous walk-in closets. The sitting room has a fireplace (gas, of course), and the bath is lovely, with a jetted tub. Four additional bedrooms, one ensuite, complete this level. On the lower level, the professionally finished basement offers so many possibilities---game room, exercise room, or playroom. At approximately 33 feet by 28 feet, you have all the space you need for all three of these options, or figure out for yourself what you want!!!!! Three car garage, a large deck, and a nicely planted lot complete the picture--and what a pretty picture indeed!! $1,650,000 Robin L. Wallack Princeton Home Marketing Center 253 Nassau Street • Princeton, NJ 08540 Broker Associate Direct Dial 609-683-8505 Fax 609-924-4291 www.robinwallack.com 17 18 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE When we build, let us think that we build forever. Let it not be for present delight nor for present use alone. Let it be such work as our descendants will thank us for; and let us think, as we lay stone on stone, that a time is to come when those stones will be held sacred because our hands have touched them, and that men will say, as they look upon the labor and wrought substance of them, “See! This our father did for us.” -John Ruskin MASONRY - CONRETE CHIMNEY BUILDING & REPAIR (6 0 9 ) 5 8 5 -1 1 0 2 w w w . c w c m as o n . c o m • CUSTOM STEPS • MASONRY RESTORATION • HARDSCAPNG -SIDEWALKS - PATIOS - CURBS -CHIMNEY & REPAIRS - FIREPLACES - DRIVEWAYS - STEPS - ADDITIONS - CATCH BASONS • STUCCO SPECIALIST • BASEMENT WATERPROOFING i n f o @ c w c m as o n . c o m (email) Small Jobs Done Promptly HOME HARDWARE DESIGNS Cranbury Design Center P lan Y our R enov ation P roj ect N ow S p r in g is n o w in f u ll blo o m, an d man y h o meo w n er s ar e p lan n in g r en o vatio n p r o j ect s in th eir ki tch en o r bath s o ver th e n ext f ew mo n th s. W h at is th e p r o ce s a h o meo w n er sh o u ld exp ect to g o th r o u g h as th ey p lan o u t a ki tch en o r bath p r o j ect — w h er e to beg in ? Fir st , take a ca r ef u l in ven to r y o f yo u r exi st in g sp ace . W h at ar e yo u th in ki n g abo u t ch an g in g in yo u r ki tch en o r bath ar ea? Ap p lian ce s, f ixt u r es, f lo o r in g , ca bin etr y, co u n ter to p s n eed to be co n si der ed. D o yo u w an t better task lig h tin g u n der th e ca bin ets o r isl an d p en dan t lig h tin g ? A r en o vatio n is a g r eat time to u p g r ade th e lig h tin g in yo u r sp ace . D o n ’ t f o r g et to co n si der r e-p ain tin g , a n ew backsp lash tile, an d even th e typ e o f h ar dw ar e f o r yo u r ca bin etr y. T ake “ bef o r e” p h o to s o f yo u r exi st in g sp ace an d tr y to g ath er a dig ital scr ap bo o k o f yo u r p r ef er en ce s f o r th e n ew sp ace f r o m si tes like H o u z o r P in ter est . O n ce yo u h ave a g en er al o u tlin e o f th e sco p e o f yo u r p r o j ect , co n tact yo u r desi g n p r o f essi o n al w h o w ill co me o u t to yo u r h o me to discu s yo u r p r o j ect an d p r o vide a g en er al est imate o f w h at yo u r p r o j ect w ill co st . T h is es timate, alo n g w ith est imates f o r yo u r ap p lian ce s, f ixt u r es, an d tile make u p yo u r p r o p o se d bu dg et. T h e f in al bu dg et is co n f ir med o n ce act u al ca bin et ch o ice s, co u n ter to p mater ials, an d o th er p r o j ect items ar e se lect ed. T ime co n si der atio n s ar e also imp o r tan t. In additio n to desi g n time, man y p r o j - C harlie R ini & F rank O’Leary ect s r eq u ir e to w n sh ip bu ildin g p er mits — w h ich , dep en din g o n th e to w n sh ip , ca n take se ver al w eeks bef o r e a p r o j ect ca n st ar t. Ju st make su r e yo u g ive yo u r se lf p len ty o f time bef o r e th e desi r ed co mp letio n time o f th e p r o j ect to allo w f o r th ese items. It’ s better to st ar t ear ly to make time f o r ap p lian c e, ca bin etr y, co u n ter to p , tile, an d acce so r y deci si o n s. O n ce yo u r p r o j ect st ar ts, at C r an bu r y D esi g n C en ter w e u se a P r o j ect M an ag emen t ap p r o ach to g et yo u r j o b do n e o n time. E ver y p r o j ect w e take o n is man ag ed by a P r o j ect M an ag er . W e cr eate an in itial p r o j ect sch edu le an d p lan , assi st cl ien ts w ith sh o p p in g tr ip s to make p r o j ect se lect io n s, mo n ito r deliver ies, an d h an dle all tr ade p r o f essi o n als in vo lved w ith th e p r o j ect . C o n st an t u p dates to cl ien ts en su r e th e p r o j ect st ays o n sch edu le an d w ith in bu dg et. T h is an in teg r al co mp o n en t o f th e p r o ce s. Fo r mo r e in f o r matio n abo u t h o w C r an bu r y D esi g n ca n h elp yo u w ith yo u r ki tch en o r bath r o o m p r o j ect , ca ll u s at 6 0 9448-56 0 0 o r vis it u s o n lin e at cr an bu r ydesi g n ce n ter . co m. S ee ad, page 3 2. WHY GO TO NEW YORK? HOME HARDWARE DESIGNS HAS IT ALL! On Display: H undreds of Styles of B athroom H ardware | 4 0 ,0 0 0 + C abinets K nobs H undreds of D ecorative F aucets | H undreds of choices of door knobs and Levers | A nd much more! Elkay & Lenova Kitchen Sinks • Toto Showroom G len Roc Shopping C enter 1 9 2 -1 9 6 Scotch Road West Trenton, N J 0 8 6 2 8 ( 1 mile from 9 5 , E x it 3 Scotch Rd. South) Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 8-5 • Thursday 8-4 • Saturday 9-2 Call 609.883.5353 Fax: 609.883.4664 www.homehardwaredesigns.net CB NJ US-1 FP 5.20.15_CB NJ 5/15/15 1:34 PM Page 1 M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-4 BARNEGAT LIGHT $999,000 CRANBURY Bright, clean & spacious OCEANSIDE furnished home - 5th from the beach! Offers 5 bedrooms, 2+ baths, ideal for large gatherings! MLS 3220120 732-297-7171 NEW LISTING HAMILTON TWP $799,000 Splendid circa 1870 Colonial with front & side porches, beautiful updates to a large gourmet kitchen, gas & woodburning fireplaces, newer baths, Trex deck overlooks paver patio & lovely backyard. MLS 6547154 Host: Margaret Brennan 609-799-8181 NEW LISTING $669,900 LAWRENCE TWP $419,900 No detail has been overlooked! This exquisite custom Colonial is nestled on a 2.5 acre private lot in Hidden Hollow Estates, perfect for entertaining inside & out with an inground pool and pool house. MLS 6564067 609-799-8181 Lovely home in desirable Yorkshire Village will not disappoint. Backing to woods and full of tasteful upgrades. WOW! NEW LISTING NEW LISTING MONROE TWP MLS 6566222 $579,900 MONTGOMERY TWP $1,265,000 Expanded Oxford model, 4BR, 2.5BA Colonial on oversized lot in Monroe Manor. Pristine /bow window & HW flrs in LR, DR, upgraded cherry kitchen, FR w/gas fpl., finished basement. EJ Henry paver patio. MLS 6566752 609-799-8181 NEW LISTING MONTGOMERY TWP $995,000 Simply Stunning ~ Custom Bennington model in Cherry Valley offering 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 3 car garage & finished basement. Flexible floorplan with choice of 2 master suites! MLS 6562577 609-921-1411 NEW LISTING ROBBINSVILLE $379,800 Washington Town Center elegant Townhome with tasteful upgrades throughout. MLS 6560234 609-921-1411 609-921-1411 Simply Stunning ~ offering 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, first floor guest suite, finished walkout basement with a gorgeous natural woodlands border! Illuminated with natural light! MLS 6565792 609-921-1411 NEW LISTING MONTGOMERY TWP $789,900 NEW LISTING NORTH BRUNSWICK TWP $443,000 NEW LISTING NORTH BRUNSWICK TWP. $430,000 Exciting Eastleigh Model in Cherry Valley overlooking the 17th Fairway of the Cherry Valley Golf Course with customized cherry kitchen with granite & so much more! Amazing! MLS 6571535 609-921-1411 Entertain by the pool this summer! This spacious 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath Colonial is a commuter’s delight all year round. Spectacular Ranch in Farrington Lake area w/3 bedrooms/2+ baths, gourmet kithen, Master bedroom en suite, full bsmt -commuter’s delight! MLS 6565318 MLS 1535651 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING SOUTH BRUNSWICK $499,000 SOUTH BRUNSWICK $469,000 SOUTH BRUNSWICK $329,900 Beautifully updated 3BR end unit TH in Princeton Walk. Gorgeous HW floors, upgraded kitchen w/breakfast bar to brightly lit 2 story FR, gas fpl, recessed lighting & palladian windows. MLS 6564578 609-799-8181 609-921-1411 Fabulous home with cathedral ceiling in LR & DR. HW floors thru-out the main level. Remodeled kitchen with gorgeous center island. Upgraded BAs.Huge FR w/fpl & sliders to deck to yard w/heated pool. MLS 6565035 609-799-8181 732-297-7171 Solid custom built Raised Ranch on 1.72 wooded acres for lots of privacy. Huge living room, HW floors throughout, updated baths & a renovated Kitchen and more. MLS 6569591 609-799-8181 PLAINSBORO TWP $475,000 Beautiful 3 bedroom Landing model in Princeton Landing. Sunlit open and airy floor plan with hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances. West WindsorPlainsboro schools. MLS 6568172 609-921-1411 NEW LISTING SOUTH RIVER OUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE CENTERS SERVING THE AREAS OF: Princeton: 10 Nassau Street 609.921.1411 • Mortgage: No Obligation Pre-Approval 888.531.9130 Princeton Junction: 50 Princeton Hightstown Road 609.799.8181 • Mortgage: No Obligation Pre-Approval 888.531.9129 South Brunswick: 3228 Route 27 North 732.297.7171 • Mortgage: No Obligation Pre-Approval 888.531.9136 Ask about our Coldwell Banker Home Protection Plan Visit ColdwellBankerMoves.com to view all our open houses this weekend © 2015 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker® and the Coldwell Banker logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. $500,000 Magnificent custom Colonial. Upgraded entry door, formal LR w/bay window. HW floors. Newly renovated EIK, rec room, gas fpl & sliding glass door to enclosed porch. Heated pool. Professionally painted. MLS 6564333 609-799-8181 19 20 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE Coming August 1: New Changes in the Home Loan Mortgage Process I f yo u ar e su bmittin g a h o me mo r tg ag e lo an ap p lica tio n o n Au g u st 1 , 20 1 5, o r th er eaf ter , yo u w ill be en titled to n ew p r o tect io n s man dated by th e C o n su mer Fin an ci al P r o tect io n B u r eau ( C FP B ) , an en tity cr eated by th e D o dd Fr an k Act to p r o tect c o n su mer s in r esi den tial mo r tg ag e lo an tr an s act io n s. T h ese p r o tec tio n s, w h ich co me in th e f o r m o f discl o s u r es, ar e r eq u ir ed in co n n ect io n w ith “ a c lo se d-en d co n su mer cr edit tr an sa ct io n s ecu r ed by r eal p r o p er ty o th er th an a r ever se mo r tg ag e. . . ” 1 2 C FR Sect . 1 0 26 . 1 9( e) ( 1 ) ( I) an d ( f ) ( 1 ) ( I) ar e se t f o r th in th e T IL A-R E SP A In teg r ated D iscl o s u r e Fin al R u le. “ C o n su mer cr edit” r ef er s to cr edit o f f er ed o r ext en ded to a c o n su mer p r imar ily f o r p er so n al, f amily o r h o u se h o ld p u r p o se s. T h e n ew p r o ce s s in vo lves tw o n ew f o r ms o f discl o s u r es: a lo an est imate, w h ich su mmar iz es th e lo an ter ms an d tr an sa ct io n co st s so th at co n su mer s ca n s h o p ar o u n d f o r th eir h o me f in an ci n g , an d a cl o s in g discl o su r e, w h ich w ill r ep lace th e H U D -1 se ttlemen t st atemen t an d th e f in al tr u th -in -len din g discl o su r e. T h ese n ew p r o ce du r es may af f ect p o ten tial bo r r o w er s, as delays in th e cl o s in g p r o ce s may o cu r as len der s, mo r tg ag e br o k er s an d title co mp an ies ( w h ich f r eq u en tly act as se ttlemen t ag en ts) imp lemen t th e n ece sa r y p r o ce du r es to c o mp ly w ith th e n ew r eq u ir emen ts — an d “ g et u p to sp eed” w ith th e n ew r eg u latio n s. Additio n ally, cl o si n g s may take lo n g er to o cu r du e to n ew w aitin g p er io ds asso ci ated w ith lo an est imate an d c lo si n g discl o su r e r eq u ir emen ts imp o se d o n th e len der s, mo r tg ag e br o k er s an d se ttlemen t ag en ts. U n der th e n ew lo an p r o ce du r es , a lo an est imate mu st be p r o vided by a len der o r mo r tg ag e br o k er to a bo r r o w er w ith in th r ee bu s in ess days af ter th e c o mp lete lo an ap p lica tio n is su bmitted. A cl o si n g discl o s u r e mu st be deliver ed by Barbara Strapp N elson, Esq . to th e co n s u mer by th e len der o r se ttlemen t ag en t at least th r ee days p r io r to th e lo an bein g co n su mmated, u su ally at cl o si n g . If c h an g ed in ce r tain r esp ect s p r io r to cl o si n g , a r evise d cl o si n g discl o su r e may be r eq u ir ed to be deliver ed w ith an additio n al th r ee-bu si n ess- day w aitin g p er io d bef o r e cl o si n g ca n o cu r. T h e C FP B do es n o t exp ect th e th r eeday r eq u ir emen t to in ter f er e w ith a su c ce sf u l cl o si n g . T h er e ar e o n ly th r ee ci r cu mst an ce s th at w o u ld imp o se a n ew th r ee-day w aitin g p er io d: ce r tain in cr ease s to th e AP R ; th e additio n o f a p r ep aymen t p en alty; o r a ch an g e in th e basi c lo an ter ms ( e. g . , mo vin g f r o m a f ixe d-r ate lo an to a var iable r ate o n e) . Is su es r aise d o n a f in al w alk- th r o u g h th at may af f ect th e sa le ter ms o r r eq u ir e a se ller cr edit may r eq u ir e a n ew cl o si n g discl o su r e, bu t w ill n o t r eq u ir e a th r eeday w aitin g p er io d. T h e f ig u r es o n th e c lo s in g dis c lo s u r e f all in to th r ee c ateg o r ies : n o limit c h ar g es ; 1 0 p er c en t ag g r eg ate var ian c e c h ar g es ; an d z er o var ian c e c h ar g es . D elays may o c c u r if c er tain o f th es e f ig u r es var y f r o m th o s e in th e lo an es timate. N o limit c h ar g es in c lu de p r ep aid in ter es t, p r o p er ty in s u r an c e p r emiu ms , amo u n ts p lac ed in to an es c r o w imp o u n d an d s er vic es r eq u ir ed by th e len der ; an d f ees p aid by th ir d-p ar ty p r o vider s f o r s er vic es n o t r eq u ir ed by th e len der . T h es e c an var y w ith o u t th e n eed f o r an y n ew dis c lo s u r es . T en p er c en t ag g r eg ate ch ar g es co n si st g en er ally o f r eco r din g f ees an d ch ar g es f o r th ir d-p ar ty se r vice s w h er e th e ch ar g es ar e p aid to th e len der o f len der ’ s af f iliate; o r th e co n su mer is p er mitted by th e len der to sh o p f o r th e th ir dp ar ty se r vice , bu t se lect s a p r o vider f r o m th e len der ’ s w r itten list o f ap p r o ved se r vice p r o vider s. T h ese ca n n o t var y by mo r e th an ten p er ce n t. Fin ally, ch ar g es th at ar e n o t p er mitted to hc an g e in cl u de tr an sf er taxe s, f ees p aid to th e len der , mo r tg ag e br o ke r o r af f iliate o f th e len der , exce p t th at ch ar g es p aid f o r a th ir d-p ar ty se r vice n o t r eq u ir ed by th e len der , may be p aid to an af f iliate o f th e len der , f ees p aid to an u n af f iliated th ir d p ar ty if th e len der did n o t p er mit th e co n su mer to sh o p f o r a th ir d-p ar ty se r vice p r o vider . T h ese r eg u latio n s do n o t ap p ly to h o me eq u ity lin es o f cr edit, r ever se mo r tg ag es, o r ca sh tr an sa ct io n s. D u e to th ese n ew r eq u ir emen ts o n len der s an d se ttlemen t ag en ts, be aw ar e th at th er e may be delays in th e cl o si n g p r o ce s p ar ticu lar ly du r in g th e f ir st f ew mo n th s f o llo w in g Au g u st 1 , 20 1 5. B ar bar a Str ap p N elso n is a Sh ar eh o lder an d member o f Star k & Star k' s R eal E st ate G r o u p , w h er e sh e co n ce n tr ates h er p r act ice in r esi den tial r eal es tate tr an sa ct io n s. Sh e h as o ver 3 0 year s o f exp er ien ce in r esi den tial as w ell as co mmer ci al r eal est ate tr an sa ct io n s an d r elated zo n in g an d p lan n in g issu es. Sh e h as r ep r ese n ted in dividu als an d develo p er s in th eir r eal est ate tr an sa ct io n s. S ee ad, page 26. Houses for Sale Continued from page 17 53 5 G rand Avenue. L o t si ze : . 26 acr es; taxe s: $ 7, 53 5. L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 520 SF C o lo n ial w ith tw o -tier deck an d g aze bo . $ 250,000. 8 Camb ridge D rive. L o t si ze : . 0 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 5, 777. L ist ed, Ja n ice W ilso n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T u do r to w n h o u se w ith f ir ep lace , p r ivate deck, st o r ag e cl o se t. $ 23 0,000. 13 0 Bull Run Road. L o t si ze : 1 1 5 x 1 50 ; taxe s: $ 8, 820 . L ist ed, L o r r ain e M cC o r mick, R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 71 8 SF r an ch w ith f ir ep lace , h ar dw o o d, all n ew w in do w s. $ 229 ,000. 1 Jacob s Creek. L o t si ze : . 3 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 1 55. L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 83 899. w w w . su edeh aven . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; p ar tial base men t. 1 , 20 4 SF ban k h o u se w ith f ir ep lace . $ 227,500. 2 K y le Way . T axe s: $ 5, 723 . L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 0 6 86 . w w w . h o u se sb ydaw n . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. 1 , 3 1 0 SF co n do . $ 173 ,500. Florence 9 Web b er Court. L o t si ze : . 2 acr es; taxe s: $ 7, 21 9. L ist ed, Ji ll Sako w ski , W eidel, 6 0 9-2983 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ j ill. sa ko w ski . 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial in adu lt co mmu n ity. $ 3 12,000. 48 West S econd S treet. L o t si ze : . 23 acr es; taxe s: $ 4, 6 74. L ist ed, B elin da C o st o n & Stacy H u r ley, W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base men t ; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 93 5 SF C ap e o n f en ce d-in lo t. $ 209 ,000. 128 F if th Avenue. L o t si ze : 3 0 x 1 0 5; taxe s: $ 3 , 924. L ist ed, C ar o l R o g alski , W eidel, 6 0 9-2983 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. Semi w ith en cl o se d f r o n t p o r ch . $ 140,000. 3 5 F lorence Tollgate. T axe s: $ 1 , 472. L ist ed, C h r ist in e M . H ain es, W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m. 1 bedr o o m; 1 . 5 bath s. 96 0 SF co n do w ith n ew w in do w s, u p g r aded w ash er / dr yer . $ 68 ,000. Continued on page 2 2 M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 Your one stop shop for Every Occasion! Grand Opening NOW N E P O June 1st Paint A treasure ain dio o erin ain n a e o ery ar ie ndrai er ri a e e en and more. Need a girls night? just ask!. This unique and one of a kind garden center is a must visit! Fairy gardening • Air plants • Sea side • Wingz gift shop • Floral bar • Terrarium ni e a er day i . e reen o e and n r ery i in ll loom wi a wide arie y o ann al r er and o e lan . e co y a mo ere and decora in yle o er a ic er er on any loomy day. o o in oday e newly de i ned oral ar i a ll er ice ori or neral weddin rom ir day or j an e eryday o e o ri en yo r day. $5 OFF $30 or More $10 OFF $50 or More ire ra on y arm a ic ed o e 3RD ANNUAL LEAVE NO CHILD INSIDE PROGRAM wi a and on and in erac i e day o lan in and ed ca in . This program is ongoing throughout the summer. 966 er oad • amil on ne 25 2015 Health and Wellness Day ind ody iri . a rday ne 13 11am 4 m 0 619 • 609.5 .0013 • ra on y arm en ay a ee 9am 6 m .com 21 22 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Houses for Sale A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE D Mrs. G Continued from page 2 0 Hamilton W ork ing to M ak e L ife B etter ebbie Sch aef f er ’ s br an d p r o mise to h er cu st o mer s an d co mmu n ity is si mp le: L if e. B etter . T h e g r an ddau g h ter o f th e o r ig in al M r s . G — B eatr ic e G r een ber g — Sc h aef f er is c ar r yin g o n th e f amily’ s 80 -year r etail tr aditio n at th e s to r e’ s n ew lo c atio n at 2720 R o u te 1 n ex t to W o r ldw ide W h o les ale Flo o r C o ver in g s in L aw r en c e, abo u t o n e-h alf mile s o u th f r o m its p r evio u s lo c atio n . O f f er in g ap p lian c es , T V s , an d Ser ta mattr es s es , th e s to r e h as r emain ed o p en du r in g c o n s tr u c tio n . W h en c o mp leted th is J u n e, th e n ew M r s . G ex p er ien c e c en ter w ill in c lu de 25, 0 0 0 s q u ar e f eet o f c o mbin ed s tate-o f -th e-ar t s h o w r o o m, live k itc h en s f o r demo n s tr atio n s an d c las s es w ith h er ex ec u tive c h ef , N ir it Y adin , an d w ar eh o u s e s p ac e f o r better ac c es s to in ven to r y an d o n -s ite s ales . O n a co mmu n ity level, M r s. G su p p o r ts se ver al o r g an iza tio n s, in c lu din g th e Su sa n G . K o men Fo u n datio n C en tr al N ew Je r se y, Slackw o o d Fir e D ep ar tmen t, T r en to n Ar tw o r ks, lo c al sch o o ls, an d mo r e. As a cr u sa der f o r lo ca l an d in dep en den t bu si n ess o w n er sh ip , Sch aef f er r ece n tly p r ese n ted at th e T edxC ar n eg ieL ake o n th e ben ef its o f su p p o r tin g lo ca lly o w n ed bu si n ess. Sh e also co -ch air s th e In dep en den t B u si n ess Allian c e w ith th e P r in ce to n C h amber o f C o mmer ce . W h en yo u bu y lo ca lly, yo u ’ r e ke ep in g mo n ey in th e co mmu n ity an d h elp in g to make better sch o o ls, better r o ads, g ive mo r e su p p o r t f o r th e p o lic e, f ir e, an d r es cu e dep ar tmen ts, an d h elp cr eate a st r o n g er lo ca l eco n o my, Sch aef f er sa ys. Fo r exa mp le, w h en yo u sp en d $ 1 0 0 at a lo ca l bu si n ess, $ 6 8 st ays in yo u r co mmu n ity. Sp en d th at sa me $ 1 0 0 at a n o n -lo ca l bu si n ess, an d o n ly $ 43 st ays in th e co mmu n ity. W h en yo u sp en d $ 1 0 0 o n lin e f r o m an in ter n et-o n ly bu s in ess n o t lo ca ted in N ew J er se y, $ 0 st ays in th e co mmu n ity. Fo r cu st o mer s, M r s. G o f f er s p r o du ct s at af f o r dable p r ice s th at make lif e better , w h eth er it’ s co o ki n g , cl ean in g , g r illin g , o r ls eep in g better , sa ys Sch aef f er . “ O u r n u mber o n e p r io r ity is to p r o vide a g r eat cu s to mer exp er ien c e bef o r e, du r in g , an d af ter th e sa le, ” sh e sa ys. It’ s a co mmo n misco n ce p tio n th at bu yin g lo ca lly mean s yo u h ave to s p en d mo r e. T h at’ s n o t th e ca se at M r s. G . T h ey ca n o f f er co mp etitive p r ice s to cu st o mer s beca u se th ey belo n g to o n e o f th e lar g est bu yin g g r o u p s in th e co u n tr y. As an act ive member o f Ap p lian ce D ealer C o o p er ative lo ca ted in N ew Je r se y, to g eth er w ith N atio n w ide M ar ke tin g G r o u p w ith mo r e th an 3 , 0 0 0 in dep en den t ap p lian ce dealer s acr o s th e co u n tr y, Sch aef f er an d h er co lleag u es h ave mo r e th an $ 1 5 billio n in bu yin g p o w er . B eca u se o f th is r elatio n sh ip , M r s. G ca n co mp ete su ce sf u lly w ith th e n atio n al an d r eg io n al ch ain s. T h is lo n g evity an d bu si n ess su ce s h as made Sch aef f er a leader in h er in du st r y an d at th e lo ca l level. Af ter mo r e th an 1 0 year s as th e C E O an d p r esi den t o f M r s. G , Sch aef f er kn ew it w as time to r evamp an d u p date th e s to r e’ s imag e to r ef lect its p r o mise to th e co mmu n ity an d h ave a lo o k th at w as r eco g n iza ble to cu r r en t an d n ew cu st o mer s. W ith th e h elp o f a br an d co n su ltan t, Sch aef f er r ece n tly u n veiled a n ew M r s. G p er so n ality lo g o w ith h er o w n imag e w h ile ke ep in g a p ar t o f th e tr aditio n al desi g n . Sh e ch o se th e co lo r s yello w an d black beca u se th ey co mmu n ica te th e en er g y an d w ar mth o f th e M r s. G p r o mise : L if e. B etter . In additio n to ap p lian ce s an d televisi o n s, th e n ew M r s. G st o r e se lls Ser ta mattr ess es in th e “ M r s. G z” Sleep C en ter . D u r in g th e f in al co n st r u ct io n p h ase o f th e sh o w r o o m, th e st o r e is o f f er in g a mo vin g sa le o n se ver al ap p lian c es. M r s. G w ill ce lebr ate its o f f ici al g r an d r eo p en in g in Sep tember w ith sp eci al even ts o p en to th e p u blic, an d j u st like h er g r an dmo th er did w h en sh e f ir st o p en ed M r s. G in 1 93 5, Sch aef f er w ill be at th e f r o n t o f th e st o r e g r eetin g cu st o mer s. “ As th e C E O an d p r esi den t, I like bein g p r ese n t in th e st o r e, ” sa ys Sch aef f er . “ I u se th e sa me p h ilo s o p h y o f my g r an dp ar en ts. M y desk is in th e f r o n t o f th e st o r e w h er e I ca n g r eet cu st o mer s, an d I w ill co n tin u e M r s. G ’ s lo n g tr aditio n o f s u p p o r tin g o u r lo ca l co mmu n ity an d o r g an iza tio n s. ” M rs. G TV & Appliances, 2720 R o u te 1 , L aw r en ce . 6 0 9-882-1 444. w w w . mr sg s. co m. S ee ad, page 20. 11 Weathersf ield D rive. L o t si ze : 6 . 1 acr es; tax es: $ 21 , 6 0 4. L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 7, 247 SF C o lo n ial w ith tw o -st o r y en tr an ce , ci r cu lar st air ca se , bu tler p an tr y w ith bu ilt-in r ef r ig er ato r in ce n ter is lan d ki tch en , in -g r o u n d h eated p o o l. $ 1,3 00,000. 217 S awmill Road. L o t si ze : 6 . 1 7 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 3 , 778. L ist ed, C ar o l R o g alski & M ar th a Sp u r lo ck, W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . 4 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. D o u ble br ick ci r ca 1 940 C o lo n ial w ith sl ate r o o f . H ar dw o o d th r o u g h o u t, p er io d mo ldin g , an d 42’ x 75’ p o le bar n . N ew se p tic. $ 425,000. 178 Applegate D rive. L o t si ze : . 3 7 acr es; tax es: $ 1 1 , 724. L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. w w w . su edeh aven . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 6 0 0 SF C o lo n ial w ith deck an d ce n tr al air . $ 424,9 00. 9 0 D eacon D rive. L o t si ze : . 45 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 0 , 81 7. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 6 58 SF o n o ver si ze d co r n er lo t. B ase men t h as bar an d bath . $ 3 59 ,8 8 8 . 3 40 G eorge D y e Road. L o t si ze : . 3 4 acr es; tax es: $ 8, 1 0 2. L ist ed, G r ah am B en n ett, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 258 SF C o lo n ial. $ 3 59 ,000. 5047 Crosswicks Hamilton S q uare Road. L o t si ze : 1 45 x 1 76 ; taxe s: $ 7, 26 1 . L ist ed, C h r ist in e M . H ain es, W eidel, 6 0 9298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 2, 1 90 SF C o lo n ial w ith in -g r o u n d p o o l, w o o d-bu r n in g f ir ep lace in din in g r o o m, an d w o o d st o ve in f amily r o o m. $ 3 3 5,000. 109 Acres D rive. L o t si ze : . 1 7 acr es; tax es: $ 6 , 258. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith f ir ep lace , h ar dw o o d, f amily r o o m additio n , Fr en ch do o r s to deck. $ 3 15,000. Continued on page 2 4 Love Love the the lifestyle? lifestyle? Why day! Why not not live live itit every every day! SE M U P O 2-3 H 1 N Y PE A O URD T SA Princeton Junction $689,000 25 Quaker Road. Welcome home to this wonderful blend of traditional style and contemporary flair. 5 BR's, 3 baths. DIR: Route 571 To Windsor Drive To Right On Quaker Road. Princeton Junction Office 609-452-2188 Columbus $429,900 Renovated Victorian farmhouse blends 19th Century charm with 21st Century construction. Every inch of this 3 bedroom home has been lovingly rebuilt. Princeton Junction Office 609-452-2188 Hopewell Twp $1,799,000 Make your dream home a reality, still time to make your own custom changes to this new 5 Bedroom, 5.1 Bath home on over 7 acres. Walk to Schools. Hopewell Crossing Office 609-737-9100 Lawrence Twp $450,000 This 4 BR, 2.5 Bath colonial on 1.35 acres features a modern eat-in kitchen, family room with fireplace, master BR with adjoining room, and sunny LR. Hopewell Crossing Office 609-737-9100 Hopewell Twp $564,000 Spectacular 360o views from this 4BD, 2.5BA colonial home in a rural setting, complete with screened-in rear porch for dining & entertaining. Pennington Boro $485,000 Quiet Boro living in this spacious multi-level. Open layout, MBR w/full bath just 2 steps up. Lrg EIK, FR, LR w/FP, DR, 3 BR, X Lrg Gar, scrnd porch. Robbinsville $539,000 Pristine 4 BR, 2.5 bath colonial on .5 acre lot. Fabulous location, numerous desirable features and updates, in ground pool, patio & more! Hopewell Crossing Office 609-737-9100 Hopewell Crossing Office 609-737-9100 Princeton Junction Office 609-452-2188 South Brunswick $419,000 Expect to be WOWED when you see this home! It comes with a "dream kitchen", great room addition, updated baths, custom wood gas fplc., AND a basement! Princeton Junction Office 609-452-2188 glorianilson.com glorianilson.com HopewellCrossing Crossing Hopewell 609-737-9100 609-737-9100 MonroeTownship Township Monroe 609-395-6600 609-395-6600 Princeton Princeton 609-921-2600 609-921-2600 Princeton Princeton Junction Junction 609-452-2188 609-452-2188 Robbinsville Robbinsville 609-259-2711 609-259-2711 South Brunswick South Brunswick 732-398-2600 732-398-2600 Washington Crossing, PA PA Washington Crossing, 215-862-2074 215-862-2074 M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 23 1 Vandeer Ver Drive 1 Vandeer Ver Drive, Lawrenceville 124 H unt 3 East Shore Drive, Hopewell Township D riv e , P rin c e to n Tucked away in a sought-after Princeton location close to parks and preserve, yet just moments from all that downtown has to offer, this lovely expanded cape is a true classic in every sense of the word! Offering plenty of space, it’s perfect for entertaining and flexible living. The family room provides built-in bookcases and cabinetry, gas fireplace and cleverly hidden bar. A large eat-in kitchen is light and bright, with two skylights and big bay window & window seat, generous cabinetry, paneled Sub-zero fridge and walk-in pantry. The formal dining room and living room with fireplace have custom millwork and French doors leading out to a large deck, running the length of both rooms, with views overlooking Mountain Brook and an inground pool. Downstairs is the spacious master with walk-in closet and elegant en suite bath, deep soaking tub and vanity area. Two more bedrooms finish this floor and are served by a large full bath. Upstairs, two more bedrooms, full bath, TV area and well-lit game/bonus room. Possibilities for expansion: lots of walk-in attic space upstairs, and a full windowed basement that walks out to a flagstone patio. Ideal location for a commute to NYC and Philadelphia. Enjoy access to the top-rated Princeton school system, including the wonderful Johnson Park Elementary School. Owner is NJ Licensed Real Estate Agent. $1,5 0, When you step into this Robert Hillier designed home, spectacular water views are all-embracing. Enjoying a premium waterside location on Honey Lake with direct access from the peaceful yard, lots of glass allows every room to take in a particular slice of the calming vista. Most bedrooms open directly to the outdoors, including a fabulous master with its own lap pool. Hillier’s signature use of clerestory windows brings in natural light to places where there would normally be none. There is a feeling of space and serenity throughout the house with multiple living and entertaining areas. Timber beams and wood paneling adds texture to the ceilings in the living room, dining room and family room. Two fireplaces warm up these spaces in the cool months. Get your sailboat ready! The lifestyle offered here is undeniably one of the most relaxing you’ll find in the area. Hopewell schools and a Princeton address add to the all-around attractiveness of this offering. $935,0 Extraordinary Extraordinary opportunity to work from home! opportunity t This from 5 bedroom house tois Rider directly acro This 5 bedroom house is directly across the entrance University and is beautifully updated University and is beautifully updated with an adjoining professional Susan Hughes space. The office space. The ideal combinationoffice of atmosphere andideal efficiency, the of 609.213.5556 cell combination 609.921.1050 office W eincludes Apphalf recaiarec office space professional office space includes a professional reception area, waiting room, te [email protected] bathroom, plus two other flex bathroom, office plus two other flexible rooms office that could serve Y o u r V o t e F 1 Vandeer Ver Drive, Lawrenceville o r equally well as treatment rooms or o equally well as treatment rooms or offices. Plenty of parking in a 188 Cherry Valley Road, Princeton 2easy 015 entry largeexit parking court large parking court with easy entry and assures yourwith home We P rRWeIN cCEiabusiness business is well-supported. 4 N ASSAU ST R E E AT p, p T tON , N J 085 42 is well-s e e A ppreciate Extraordinary opportunity to work from Your Vhome! oYteouFrorVo tOffered etoForRiderAt $4 This 5 bedroom house is directly from the 2entrance Offered Atacross $450,000 015 20 1 5 University and is beautifully updated with an adjoining professional We Appreciate Your Vote For and efficiency, the office space. The ideal combination of atmosphere Susan Hug Susan Hughes 2015 professional office space includes a reception area, waiting room, half 609.213.555 609.213.5556 cell bathroom, office plus two other flexible rooms that could609.921.1050 serve 609.921.1050 office equally well as treatment rooms orFinancing offices. DeFerreD Plenty ofinterest parking inpayMent* a 12 Months with Jammer mmer large parking court with easy entry and exit assuresQJauayour home Jammer lity & Quality & Commitment QualitJammer y & 12 MONTHS FINANCING DEFERRED WITH PAYMENT* &Co to erro $95 Service fo r 95 YearAnd Each Office Is Independently Owned Operated. Each Office Is Independently Owned AndMONTHS Operated. Subject to errors, omissions, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. mitQuality mmitmeO ment Subject s Com business is well-supported. n 12 FINANCING DEFERRED WITH PAYMENT* $100 OFF $200 Commitment *For Qualified Customers for 95 Years I ns ip r e d b y t he gr a nd m a nor hom e s of E ngl a nd, t hi s P r i nc e t on r e s i de nc e c onc e a l s f r om pa s s e r s by a s t or ybok ba c kya r d: p l a c i d pond r i pl e d b y pa dl i ng duc k f e e t , f ot br i dge l e a di ng ove r a ba bl i ng br ok, vi s t a of m a t ur e t r e e s a nd ne a t l y pl a nt e d flower beds, and all manner of wildlife calling the woodland home. Inside, reclaimed barn wood from upstate New York finds new life as ceiling beams. Quartz countertops provide ample work space in a sunny kitchen with high ceilings and breakfast nook overlooking the yard’s man-made splendors, among them a built-in pool, outdoor cooking area with bar, and sturdy arbors draped with wisteria. Four bedrooms in the main house, including guest and master suites, plus a one-bedroom apartment over the garage cover an array of needs. The master, with vaulted ceiling, private balcony, fireplace (one of three in the home) and spa bath, looks to the back. With windows open, fall asleep to the sound of water rushing over stones. A classic country estate for modern times. $1,8250 E ach Offce Is Independently Owned And Operated. Subj ect to errors, omissions, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. *For Qualified Customers 3195199 jammer doors Full Back FLASHWHITE - WHITE - STOCK RED imprint APPROX. 12“ wide x 4.4” tall background color does not print/represents shirt color Jammer Quality & Commitment for 95 Years for 95 Year or Repair *For Qualified Customers ANY PURCHASE OF ANY PURCHAS 12 MONTHS FINANCING DEFERRED WITH PAYMENT* *For Qualified Customers 12 Months Financing DeFerreD interest with $95 Service $1000 payMent* ORinterest MORE OR MO 12 Months Financing DeFerreD with$2500 payMent* Offered At $450,000 *For Qualified Customers $95 Service W e $100 $200 OFF A rppOFF etaice$100 or Repair OFF $200 OFF Y o u r V or Repair o t e plus parts ANY PURCHASE OF ANY PURCHASE OF F ro $95 Service plus parts ANY ANY PURCHASE OF $1000 OR MORE MORE $95 Service $95 Service 2PURCHASE OF$2500 OR 0 1 5 $1000 OROFF MORE $100 $2500 OFF OR MORE $100 $200 OFF $200 O or Repair Susan Hughes or Repair or Repair ANY PURCHASE OF PURCHASE plus parts PURCHASE OFOF OF ANY PURCHA ANY PURCHASE OFANY ANY ANY PURCHASE for 95 Years plus parts ON ANY GARAGE DOOR *For Qualified Customers M ust present coupon at time of ON YOUR HOME M ust present coupon a purchase. 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One coupon per customer/household. hour will be billedpurchase. ourcustomer/household. school rates.5-31-15 One coupon per customer/household. Expires 5-31-15 Expires Expires 5-31-15 customer/household. purchase. N Expires ot at accepted N 5-31-15 otat accepted at time coupon time of at time 1purchase. Expires 5-31-15 5-31-15 Expires of Expires 6-30-15. M ust present coupon at timeExpires Expires 6-30-15. Expires 6-30-15. of installation. N ot valid w ith any of 5-31-15 purchase. * AdditionalN parts & Expires of installation. ot valid w Expires ith any of installation. N otExpires valid5-31-15 w ith any installation. N ot valid 5-31-15 5-31-15 Expires 5-31-15 purchase. * Additional parts & Expires 5-31-15 other discounts, repairs or prior other discounts, repair laborDoors inother ex • cess ofDoors 1 hour•repairs w Storm ill be Doors discounts, or prior other discounts, repairs or prior Garagelabor Doorsin• exOperators Patio • Windows • Retractable Awnings cess of•1 Gate hourOpeners w ill be • Entry purchases. O ne coupon per billed at our scheduledO rates. O ne per purchases. ne coupon purchases. O ne coupon per purchases. O ne cou Doors • Operators Gate Openers • Entry Doors • Patio Doors • Storm Doors • Windows • Retractable Awnings billed at our scheduled rates. O •ne customer/ household. Coupon has customer/ household. C Garage Doors • Operators •Garage Gate Openers • Entry Doors • Patio Doors • Storm Doors • Windows • Retractable Awnings couponcustomer/ per customer/ household. household. Coupon has customer/ household. Coupon has coupon per customer/ household. remmaJ no cash value. 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OR MORE $2500 OR(At•MORE Garage Doors Operators Openers •Brunswick Entry to Doors Patio Doors • Retractable Awnings Offering the very best Is Independently 10 Main Street The Gristmill) 2850 Pike•(Business Rt. 1) • Storm www.jammerdoors.com ent coupon atattime entcoupon couponatatintime time ustpresent present coupon timeofof Sales,ofof Service and M M ust Yardley, PA 19067 ot accepted at time purchase. N ot accepted at N ot accepted at time purchase. N ot accepted attime time Installation! 215-493-7709 on. N ot valid w ith any of N N ototvalid on. N ot valid w ith any ofinstallation. installation. validw w ith ithany any unts, repairs other ounts, repairsororprior prior otherdiscounts, discounts,repairs repairsororprior prior s. O O ne purchases. es. necoupon couponper per purchases.O O ne necoupon couponper per usehold. Coupon has customer/ household. ousehold. Coupon has customer/ household.Coupon Couponhas has our toDay showrooMsNJ#13VH02000800 toDay Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 our showrooMs PA#022787 609-883-0900 24 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE Tobias Design H Home Des ign with a P ers onality er e’ s so meth in g yo u ca n s y abo u t h o me desi g n a th at yo u p r etty mu ch ca n ’ t sa y an yw h er e else : L if e is g ettin g si mp ler . As th e millen n ial g en er atio n beco mes th e n ew g en er atio n o f h o mebu yer s, th e lo o k an d f eel o f th e h o mes th ey w an t esch ew s th e o r n ate an d o ver do n e in f avo r o f a mo r e W est C o ast cl ean vibe, s ays L isa T o bias o f T o bias D es ig n . Simp le co lo r s , cl ean lin es, th in an d eleg an t co u n ter to p s, an d a sp lash o f th e r u st ic ar e all maki n g f o r ca su al h o me en vir o n men ts th at in vite ever yo n e to actu ally f eel at h o me n o matter w h at r o o m th ey’ r e in . T ake ki tch en s, f o r exa mp le. K itch en s h ave alw ays been th e g ath er in g sp o t f o r f amilies an d g u est s, an d yet ki tch en s w er e alw ays desi g n ed to be p r etty f u n ctio n al. T r aditio n ally, yo u h ad yo u r s to ve, yo u r f r idg e, maybe a table, an d so me co u n ter sp ace . T h e c abin ets h ad mo ldin g s th at u su ally lo o ke d like p o lish ed w o o d, an d th e w h o le f eel o f th e r o o m w as o n e w h er e f o o d is p r ep ar ed, o n ly to be br o u g h t to an o th er r o o m to eat. B u t ki tch en s h ave take n a dr amatic tu r n to w ar d beco min g p ar t o f th e h o me’ s livin g sp ac e. Flo atin g co u n ter s w ith tall st o o ls ar e r ep laci n g th e table; si ttin g ar eas p r o vide w elco me r esp ites to r ead o r h an g o u t; f u sy , o ld ca bin etr y is beco min g cl ean an d s imp le; an d o n ce -p an eled an d p ain ted w alls ar e embr aci n g th eir in n er n atu r al exp o se d br ick to add th at Houses for Sale Continued from page 2 2 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s. 1 , 240 SF to w n h o u se . Fr esh ly p ain ted, n ew f lo o r in g . $ 223 ,500. 47 Regina D rive. L o t si ze : . 1 7 acr es; taxe s: $ 5, 6 83 . L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t. 1 , 6 87 SF C o lo n ial w ith exp o se d beams, h ar dw o o d f lo o r s, o p en f lo o r p lan , w o o d-bu r n in g f ir ep lace . Sto r ag e sh ed in yar d. $ 219 ,8 8 8 . 163 0 Cornell Avenue. L o t si ze : . 1 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 1 1 2. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9921 -220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 26 8 SF C o lo n ial w ith f en ce d yar d. $ 209 ,8 8 8 . 249 Bentley Avenue. L o t si ze : . 29 acr es; taxe s: $ 7, 71 2. L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9895-0 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 81 4 bi-level w ith su n r o o m, f ir ep lace , skyl ig h ts, abo ve-g r o u n d p o o l, st o r ag e sh ed. $ 3 10,000. 106 K ingston Boulevard. L o t si ze : . 0 8 acr es; taxe s: $ 7, 0 83 . L ist ed, An n e Setze r , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der s o n . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. E n d u n it w ith lar g e lo f t an d st o r ag e cl o se t th at ca n se r ve as a sm all o f f ice o r co mp u ter ar ea. $ 28 9 ,9 00. 564 S outh M ain S treet. L o t si ze : 54 Endicott Road. L o t si ze : 85 x 2. 1 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 , 1 52. L ist ed, SieM atic’s Beaux Arts cabinets offer a bridge between 85; taxe s : $ 5, 93 2. L ist ed, Jo h n Z ar a Smita Sh ah , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce & D aw n R o mer o , W eidel, 6 0 9-977traditional and modern. C ombined with the rustic to n , 6 0 9-951 -880 0 . w w w . sm itash ah . . q ualities of the flooring and the brick wall the overall feel 51 1 3 0 bedr co m. o o ms; 1 bath ; f in ish ed 7 bedr o o ms; 4 bath s; base men t. is one of timeless elegance. base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 1 6 6 SF M u lti-f amily C o lo n ial. L ive in main r an ch o n co r n er lo t. $ 267,000. h o u se an d r en t si x u n its. $ 79 9 ,000. r u st ic, h o mey f eel. men tal desi g n s th at make an y 10 Lenwood Court. L o t si ze : . 0 4 205 M ax well Avenue. L o t si ze : R ecl aimed mater ials in h o mes r o o m as livable as yo u ca n g et. acr es; taxe s: $ 5, 3 81 . L ist ed, Ji m . 1 7 acr es; taxe s: $ 8, 581 . L ist ed, G ail C ar lu ci , W eidel, 6 0 9-586 -1 40 0 . is also th e h o ttest th in g g o in g . Af ter all, th e h o me is mean t to be E ldr idg e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 bedr o o ms ; 2. 5 bath ; s f u ll bas e L ivin g r o o ms f u ll o f si mp le, lived in an d en j o yed; to w elco me 3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . men t. 1 , 46 4 SF to w n h o me w ith n ew co m. ch eer f u l co lo r an d cl ean lin es g u est s an d make f amily f eel, er ki tch en an d bath s, deck, an d a 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; p ar tial u n an d si mp le, E u r o p ean f u r n itu r e w ell, at h o me. ca r p eted base men t. $ 254,9 00. f in ish ed base men t. V ict o r ian w ith co me alive w ith to u ch es o f r eW e like to g et a se n se o f yo u r 3 20 Route 156. L o t si ze : . 21 o ak f lo o r s, livin g r o o m w ith bay w in acr es; taxe s: $ 4, 6 96 . L ist ed, D aw n cl aimed w o o d p iece s, tr an slif est yle an d w an t to make su r e do w , f au x f ir ep lac e w ith man tle. P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce f o r med p allet f u r n is h in g s, an d yo u r h o me h as th e in vitin g $ 19 9 ,000. to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . w w w . h o u se sb yexp o se d, o r ig in al br ick w alls o r w ar mth w e all w an t w h en w e ki ck 122 M ill Run East. T axe s: daw n . co m. $ 6 , 1 6 2. L ist ed, G ail E ldr idg e, C allah ar dw o o d f lo o r s. p o r feet and relax and that 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll u n f in w ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. In sh o r t, h o meo w n er s an d f in ally in cl u des th e ki tch en , to o . ish ed base men t. 90 0 SF C ap e. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. $ 229 ,9 00. n ew bu yer s ar e embr aci n g th eir R emember , th ey do n ’ t ca ll th e 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. C o n temp o 116 F airlawn Avenue. L o t si ze : p er so n alities an d th o se o f th e ki tch en th e h ear tbeat o f th e r ar y to p -f lo o r u n it w ith ca th edr al ce il. 24 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 6 0 0 . L ist ed, h o mes th ey w an t to sp en d time in g s an d p alladiu m w in do w s in livin g h o me f o r n o th in g . D an ielle Sp ilato r e, C allaw ay H en an d din in g r o o ms. $ 19 9 ,000. in . An d th ey ar e embr aci n g w h at C all T o bias D esi g n at 6 0 9der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca lla11 Powell Court. T axe s: $ 6 , 1 6 2. th e h o u se itse lf h as to o f f er u n 46 6 -1 445 to se e h o w L isa T o bias w ayh en der so n . co m. L ist ed, D o n n a L evin e, C allaw ay der n eath its tile f lo o r s an d p aan d h er st af f ca n make yo u r 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; p ar tial f in H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ish ed base men t. T r aditio n al w ith p er ed w alls. dr eam h o me a r eality. ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. skyl ig h ts in mast er bedr o o m, w o o dAt T o bias desi g n , w e lo ve th is 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. T o p -f lo o r Tob ias D esign, 48 W est bu r n in g f ir ep lace , deck. $ 225,000. C o lo n ial w ith ca th edr al ce ilin g s, f ir en ew ap p r o ach to f in din g th e p er B r o ad Str eet, H o p ew ell. 6 0 943 Lehavre Court. T axe s: p lace , co ver ed deck. $ 168 ,000. so n ality o f ever y h o me an d f ittin g 46 6 -445. h ttp : / / to biasd esi g n llc. $ 4, 6 0 2. L ist ed, M ado lyn G r eve, C allfamily together for picnics and it in to th e p er so n ality o f ever yWe bring aw ay H enpool der so parties, n , 6 0 9-46barbeques 2-250 5. and bonfires. But most of all, co friends m. S ee and ad, page 28 . to citronella torches or worst of all, w w repellent, w . mado lyn hovered g r eve. co next m. h o meo w n er . An d w e lo ve th e we realize a summer spent slathered in insect Continued on page 2 6 indoors, is not your idea of a good time. And we’re here to help by eliminating dangerous and bothersome timeless eleg an ce o f cl ean , elemosquitoes from the spaces you love to spend your time in… grilling, playing, swimming, and LIVING! Hightstown We b we r indoo mo WE MAKE backyards WORTH MOWING & front porches WORTH SWINGING. Our proprietary REPEL+PLUS mosquito treatment breaks the mosquito lifecycle to keep the disease-carrying pests out of your yard - and your life - all summer long. And, as always, our service is 100% GUARANTEED. If you are ever bothered by mosquitoes between treatments, all you have to do is call. We'll come back free of charge. rds WORTH MOWING WE MAKE backyards WORTH MOWING AKE backyards WORTH MOWING WORTH SWINGING. front porchesSWINGING. WORTH SWINGING. & ont porches WORTH Our proprietary REPEL+PLUS mosquito treatment breaks “The Mosquito Authority SAVED the mosquito UI TO OUR SUMMER! Thank you!” Q S lifecycle to keep MOmost of s and pool parties, barbeques and bonfires. But all, Y and bonfires. - Happy Customer T I R We bring friends and family together for picnics and pool parties, barbeques But most of all, the diseaseepellent, hoveredpicnics next to pool citronella torches or worst all, THOofnext U and family together parties, and bonfires. But most of all, torches or worst of all, we realizefor a summer and spent slathered in barbeques insect repellent, hovered to citronella A e’re here to help by eliminating dangerous and bothersome carrying pests mer spent slathered in insect repellent, hovered to citronella worst of all, indoors, is not your idea of a good time. next And we’re here totorches help byoreliminating dangerous and bothersome 609-477-3249 d your time in… grilling, playing, swimming, and LIVING! r idea of a good time. And we’re here to help by eliminating dangerous and bothersome mosquitoes from the spaces you love to spend your time in… grilling, playing, swimming, and LIVING! out of your yard m the spaces you love to spend your time in… grilling, playing, swimming, and LIVING! BugsBITE.com and your life all summer long. And, as always, “The Mosquito Authority SAVED our service TO I U OUR SUMMER! Thank you!” Q is 100% MOS R IT Y - Happy Customer GUARANTEED. O H T U A If you are ever bothered by treatment breaks the mosquito lifecycle to keep the mosquitoes Our proprietary REPEL+PLUS mosquito treatment breaks the mosquito lifecycle to keep the d your life - all summer long. And, as always, our service disease-carrying pests out of your yard - and your life - all summer long. And, as always, our service between hered by mosquitoes between treatments, all you have etary REPEL+PLUS mosquito treatment breaks to keep the is 100% GUARANTEED. If you are the evermosquito bothered lifecycle by mosquitoes between treatments, all you have treatments, ll come free charge. ng pests outback of your yardof - and your life to - alldosummer long.come And,back as always, service is call. We'll free ofour charge. all you have RANTEED. If you are ever bothered by mosquitoes between treatments, all you have to do is call. We'll come back free of charge. to do is call. We’ll come back free of charge. 609-477-3249 BugsBITE.com quito Authority SAVED“The Mosquito Authority SAVED MMER! Thank TO Iyou!” U OUR SUMMER! Thank you!” Q S “The Mosquito Authority SAVED O appy Customer M Y - Happy Customer TO R IT TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PM Page 1 M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 Beatrice Barbara Kathryn Deborah Harveen Michelle Wen Blackwell Blane Bloom Bhatla Baxter Benedetti Bash Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate SalesWen Associate Beatrice Sales Associate Sales Associate Deborah Kathryn Barbara Michelle Harveen Magdalena Callaway Callaway Weichert, Callaway Williams® Blackwell Blane Keller Williams® Keller Williams® Bloom Henderson Henderson Coldwell Banker KellerBash Bhatla Benedetti Baxter Amira Henderson Broker Associate Sales Associate ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Princeton Sales Associate Princeton Princeton Realty Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Residential Sales Associate Sales Associate Sotheby's Callaway Callaway International International Beatrice Princeton Realty Harveen Kathryn Barbara Michelle Magdalena Wen Weichert, ® Callaway Williams® KellerDeborah Williams® Keller Williams International Brokerage Henderson Henderson Coldwell Banker KellerRealty Realty Realty Blackwell Blane Henderson Bloom® Realty Bhatla Baxter Benedetti Amira Bash Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Princeton Princeton Princeton Realty Residential Broker Associate Sales Associate Sotheby's Sales Associate International International Beatrice Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Deborah Harveen Kathryn Barbara Michelle Magdalena Wen Sales Associate Sales Associate Princeton Realty Realty Callaway Callaway International Brokerage Realty Realty Weichert, Blackwell Blane Callaway Williams® Bloom Keller Williams® Keller Williams® Henderson Henderson Bhatla Benedetti Baxter Amira Coldwell Banker KellerBash Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate Henderson ® Beatrice Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Sales Associate Deborah Harveen Kathryn Barbara Michelle Magdalena Wen Princeton Sales Associate Princeton Princeton Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Residential Callaway Callaway Sotheby's International International Blackwell Blane Bloom ® Weichert, ® Princeton Bhatla Callaway Realty Benedetti Baxter Amira Bash Keller Williams Williams Henderson Henderson International Keller Williams® Coldwell Banker KellerRealty Brokerage Realty Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate Henderson Sales Associate ® Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Realty Realtors Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate Princeton Princeton Realty Callaway Callaway Residential Sotheby's International International Weichert, ® Callaway KellerRealty Williams® Keller Williams® Keller Williams Princeton Henderson Henderson Coldwell Banker Realty Beatrice International Brokerage Deborah Harveen Kathryn Barbara Magdalena Michelle Wen Realty Realty Henderson Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors® Princeton Princeton Princeton Realty Realty Residential Blackwell Blane Bloom Sotheby's Bhatla Benedetti Baxter Amira Bash International International Princeton Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate Realty International Brokerage Sales Associate Sales Associate Realty Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Realty Maria Radha Ellen LisaWilliams CandellaMarion ® Richard "Rick" Keller Williams® Jennifer ® Weichert, Callaway Helen Keller Williams Henderson Henderson Beatrice Coldwell Banker KellerWen Deborah Harveen Kathryn Barbara Michelle Magdalena Certo Burke Hulbert Henderson “Sandy” Brown Cheerath Curtis ® Calman Brown Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Princeton Princeton Princeton Realty Blackwell Blane Bloom Residential Bhatla Benedetti Baxter Amira Bash Sales Associate Broker Sales Sotheby's Broker Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker International International Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Maria Radha Ellen Lisa CandellaMarion Richard "Rick" Jennifer Associate Sales Associate Princeton Realty Helen Realty Sales Associate International Gloria Nilson Sales Associate Coldwell Associate Brokerage Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Realty RealtyBanker Berkshire Callaway Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson & Coldwell Certo Burke Hulbert Gloria Nilson “Sandy” Cheerath Curtis Brown Realty & Co. Brown Real Weichert, ® Banker Berkshire KellerCalman Callaway Williams Henderson Williams® Keller Williams Fox® & Henderson Henderson Coldwell Banker Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Sales Associate Keller Broker Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Estate Residential Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate & Co. Real Henderson ® Sotheby's Residential Hathaway Fox & ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Princeton Roach Realtors Princeton Princeton Realty Gloria Nilson Coldwell Associate Residential Berkshire Radha Maria Jennifer Richard "Rick"® GloriaEllen Marion Callaway Sotheby's Brokerage International Nilson & Lisa Candella- International Helen Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson International Brokerage Roach Realtors Estate & Co. Real Princeton Realty Banker Berkshire Realty Henderson International Fox & Certo Brokerage Burke Hulbert Realty “Sandy” Brown Cheerath Curtis Brown Calman Realty Realty Real Estate Hathaway Estate Residential & Co. Real Sotheby's Residential Hathaway Fox & Co. Realty Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Sales Associate Realtors Broker Associate® Sales Associate Broker Associate Roach Broker Associate Sales Associate Radha Maria Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Jennifer Ellen Helen Brokerage International Brokerage Roach Realtors® Gloria Nilson Coldwell Estate Associate Berkshire Callaway Certo Burke Gloria Nilson & Hulbert “Sandy” Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson Cheerath Curtis Realty Brown Calman & Co. Brown Real Banker Berkshire Henderson Fox & SalesMaria Associate Broker Sales Broker Helen Sales Associate Radha Jennifer Broker Associate Lisa CandellaRichard "Rick" Ellen Real Estate Hathaway Sales Associate Broker Associate Estate Residential Broker Associate Sales Associate &Marion Co. Real Sotheby's Residential Hathaway Fox & Co. Gloria Nilson Roach Realtors® Coldwell Associate Certo Burke Berkshire Hulbert Callaway “Sandy” Brown Cheerath Curtis Brown Calman Nilson & Brokerage International Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson ® Gloria Brokerage Roach Realtors & Co. Real Estate Banker Berkshire Sales Associate Broker Sales Henderson Broker Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Broker Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate SalesRealty Associate Estate Residential & Co. Real Sotheby's Gloria Nilson Residential Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Roach Coldwell Associate Realtors® Berkshire Callaway Gloria Nilson & Coldwell Banker International Gloria Nilson Roach Brokerage & Helen Co. Real Radha Maria Jennifer Richard "Rick"® Marion Lisa CandellaEllen Brokerage Realtors Banker Berkshire Estate Henderson Hathaway Fox & Real Estate Realty Estate Residential & Brown Co. Real Certo BurkeFox & Co. Calman Sotheby's Hulbert Residential Hathaway “Sandy” Brown Cheerath Curtis Roach Realtors® Brokerage International Sales Associate Broker Sales ® Broker Sales Associate Broker Associate Brokerage Roach Realtors Estate Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Joan Karma Susan “Sue” Michele Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Thomas Robin Joan C. Madolyn Realty Vanessa Gloria Nilson Coldwell Associate Berkshire Callaway GloriaEllen Nilson & Lisa Coldwell Banker Gloria Nilson DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Eisenberg Radha Maria Jennifer CandellaRichard "Rick" Marion Estaphanous Gronczewski & Co. Real DeLiberto Friedman DeHaven* Banker Berkshire Helen Facompre’ Folmer George Henderson Fox & Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Real Estate Hathaway Estate Residential Certo Burke Hulbert & Co. Real Sales Associate Brown Cheerath Curtis Owner Sales Brown Calman Broker Associate Sotheby's Sales Associate Sales Associate JoanAssociate“Sandy” Residential Hathaway Fox & Co. Karma Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Susan “Sue” Michele Barbara Lisa Thomas Robin Joan C. Madolyn Susan"Suzy" Roach Realtors® Callaway Callaway Callaway Vanessa Callaway Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Sales Associate Brokerage International Broker Associate ® Coldwell Banker SalesEstate Associate Broker Associate Brokerage Roach Realtors Broker Associate Sales Associate RE/MAX Froehlich Greve DiMeglio Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Eisenberg Gloria Nilson & Estaphanous Gronczewski Henderson DeLiberto Friedman Weidel RE/MAX DeHaven* Facompre’ Folmer George Gloria Nilson Coldwell Associate Realty Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Berkshire Callaway Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Gloria Nilson Hathaway Fox&& Sales Residential Coldwell Banker Sales ® Gloria Nilson Sales Associate Greater Princeton Co. Estate Princeton Owner Sales Associate Broker Co. Real Estate Associate Sales Associate SalesReal Associate Realtors &ofCo. Real Sales Associate TriBanker County Broker Associate Associate Berkshire Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Henderson International International International Fox & Sales International ® Hathaway Joan Karma Roach Realtors Co. Real Estate Brokerage Estate Residential Susan “Sue” Coldwell Banker ® Michele Susan"Suzy" Barbara Lisa Thomas Robin Joan C. Madolyn Vanessa & Co. Real& Hathaway RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson Henderson Sotheby's Residential Realtors Realty Realty Realty WeidelFox & RE/MAX Realty Roach Realtors® DiMeglio Froehlich Greve Eisenberg Estaphanous Gronczewski Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's DeLiberto Friedman Brokerage Sotheby's International ® Hathaway Fox & Residential Folmer George ® Co.DeHaven* Real Estate Brokerage Realtors of Princeton Co.Facompre’ Real Estate Roach Estate Realtors Tri County Sales Associate Greater Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate SalesRealty Associate International International International International Sales Associate ® Joan Karma Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Sales Associate Susan “Sue” Michele Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. ® Madolyn Thomas Susan"Suzy" Brokerage Broker Associate Roach Sales Associate Vanessa Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Realtors Realty Realty Realty Realty Banker Froehlich Greve DiMeglio Eisenberg Estaphanous Gronczewski RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Coldwell RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Henderson DeLiberto Friedman DeHaven* Facompre’ Folmer George Weidel RE/MAX Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Joan Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaway Fox & Sales Residential Sales Associate ® Susan “Sue” Michele Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Thomas Susan"Suzy" Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Greater Princeton Co. Estate Sales Associate ofKarma Princeton Vanessa SalesReal Associate Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Realtors Broker Associate Sales Associate Tri County Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway International International International International ® Froehlich Greve DiMeglio Eisenberg Roach Realtors Estaphanous Gronczewski DeLiberto Banker Friedman Brokerage DeHaven* ® Facompre’ Folmer George RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Coldwell RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Henderson Weidel RE/MAX Realtors Realty SalesRealty Associate SalesRealty Associate SalesRealty Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sotheby's Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Residential ® Broker Associate Sales Associate Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate of Princeton Callaway Callaway Callaway Co. Real Estate Callaway Realtors Tri County International International International International ® Banker Roach Realtors RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Coldwell RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Henderson Brokerage Weidel RE/MAX Joan Karma Realtors Realty Realty Realty Susan “Sue” Michele Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. ® Madolyn Thomas Susan"Suzy" Realty Vanessa Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaway Fox & Residential ® Greater Princeton Estaphanous Co. Real Estate of Princeton Co. Real Estate Realtors TriGeorge County Froehlich Greve DiMeglio Eisenberg Gronczewski DeLiberto Friedman DeHaven* International International International Facompre’ Folmer International ® Roach Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Brokerage Sales Associate ® Sales Associate Realtors Realty Realty Realty Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Realty Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Callaway Callaway Harriet Susan Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Maura Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela Ellen Rachna Lisa Coldwell Banker RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Henderson Joan Karma Hughes Weidel RE/MAX Lang * Mills** Susan “Sue” Michele Barbara Lisa Robin Joan C. Madolyn Thomas Susan"Suzy" Vanessa Hudson Lafferty Lefkowitz Luthra LeRay Janick Janis Kerr Kostenbader Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaway Fox & Residential Broker Associate ® Sales Associate Greater Princeton Estaphanous Co. Real Estate of Princeton Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Froehlich Greve DiMeglio Realtors Eisenberg Gronczewski TriGeorge County DeLiberto Friedman Broker Associate Sales Associate DeHaven* Facompre’ Folmer Sales Associate Sales Associate Harriet Susan International International International Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate International Broker of Record Sales Associate Saundra Debbie "Sandy" Roach ® Callaway Maura Callaway SalesLori Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela Ellen Rachna Lisa Realtors Berkshire Sales Associate Brokerage ® Sales Associate Owner Sales Associate Broker Associate Berkshire Sales Associate Sales Associate Hughes Realtors Realty Realty Realty Sales Associate Weichert, Realty Broker Associate Hathaway Sales Associate Lang *Fox & Gloria Henderson Mills** Henderson Callaway Callaway Callaway Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Hudson Callaway Lafferty Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Realty Mark Weichert, Lefkowitz Luthra LeRay Janick Janis Kerr Kostenbader Broker Associate Banker Sales Associate Sales Associate ® & Coldwell Sotheby's RE/MAX Sotheby's Gloria Nilson RE/MAX Henderson Henderson Henderson Berkshire Gloria Nilson Henderson Realtors® Co. Realtors Fox & Roach ® ® ® RE/MAX BrokerWeidel Associate Sales Associate ® & Hathaway Estate Co. Real Estate SalesReal Associate Sales Associate Realtors Realtors Realtors Advantage Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Berkshire International International Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Sotheby's Hathaway Fox & Residential ® Greater Princeton Elisabeth Co.Weichert, Real Estate Harriet Susan of Princeton Co. Real Estate Berkshire Realtors Princeton Debbie Saundra "Sandy" ® Maura Tri County Lori Jenifer "Beth" Ingela Ellen Henderson Rachna Lisa Roach Realtors Henderson Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox &® Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Realty Princeton Realty Realty Mark International International International Weichert, International Hughes Roach Realtors Brokerage Lang * ® Mills** ® Hudson ® Lafferty Sotheby's Sotheby's Realtors Realtors Hathaway Fox & Roach Luthra LeRay Realty® Realty Realty Janick Janis® Kerr® Kostenbader Realty Co.Lefkowitz Real Estate Co.Realtors Real Estate Realtors Realtors Realtors Advantage Broker Associate Realtors® Sales Associate Sales Associate International International Broker Associate Sales Associate Harriet Susan Sales Associate Sales Associate Saundra "Sandy" Debbie SalesLori Associate Sales Associate Elisabeth Sales Associate Broker of Record Maura Sales Associate Princeton ® Callaway Jenifer "Beth" Ingela Callaway Ellen Lisa Rachna Roach Realtors Berkshire Realty Princeton Realty Hughes Berkshire Weichert, Lang * Mills** Henderson Hudson Henderson Lafferty Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox & Gloria Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Realty Mark Weichert, Lefkowitz LeRay Luthra Janis Janick Kerr Kostenbader Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Harriet Susan Realtors® Co. Realtors Broker Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Roach Debbie Saundra "Sandy" ® ® ® Maura Jenifer Lori Elisabeth "Beth" ® Estate Co. Estate Broker Ingela SalesReal Associate SalesReal Associate Ellen Rachna Lisa Realtors Realtors Realtors Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate of Record Advantage Sales Associate Realtors Callaway Callaway Berkshire International International Hughes Lang * Mills** Berkshire Hudson Lafferty Weichert, Princeton ® Henderson Lefkowitz Luthra LeRay Henderson Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Janis Janick Kerr Kostenbader Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Realty Mark Weichert, Realty Princeton Broker Associate SalesRealty Associate Sales Associate ® Broker Associate Sales Associate ® Sotheby's Sotheby's Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtors Realtors Hathaway Fox & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record ® ® ® Sales Associate Callaway ® Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Callaway Realtors Realtors Realtors Berkshire Advantage Realtors International International Berkshire Weichert, Henderson Henderson Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Princeton Weichert, Weichert, Weidel ® Hathaway Fox & Realty Mark Weichert, Roach Realtors Harriet Susan Realty Princeton Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Realty Maura Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela Ellen Rachna Lisa Sotheby's ® Sotheby's Realtors Realtors® Hathaway Fox & Roach Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Hughes Realtors® Realtors® Realtors® Advantage Lang * Realtors® Mills** Hudson Lafferty International International Lefkowitz Luthra LeRay Janick Janis Kerr Kostenbader Broker Associate Sales Associate Princeton Sales Associate Roach Realty Broker Realtors Associate® Princeton Sales Associate Realty Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Berkshire Jan LindaFox & GloriaDawn Linda Blanche Mary Roberta Berkshire Ann Weichert, Donna Donna Dawn Henderson Henderson Nilson & GloriaEva Nilson & Weichert, Weichert, Weidel Harriet Susan Realty Mark Weichert, Debbie Saundra "Sandy" Hathaway Maura Lori Jenifer Elisabeth "Beth" Ingela Ellen Rachna Lisa Parker November Petruzziello Nosnitsky Paul Reiling ® Sotheby's ® Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Sotheby's Murray* Roach Realtors Realtors Moskowitz Hughes Hathaway Fox & ® ® ® Monsport ® Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Lang * Mills** Broker Sales Realtors Realtors Realtors ® Associate Hudson Lafferty Advantage Realtors Lefkowitz Luthra LeRay Janick Janis Kerr Kostenbader International Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtor International Broker Sales Broker Associate Broker Owner Broker Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Jan Linda Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Roberta Associate Sales Associate Princeton Ann Donna Donna Dawn Roach Realtors Broker Associate® Broker Sales Associate Owner Realty Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate Realty Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker of Record Berkshire Sales Associate Callaway Callaway Gloria Nilson & Associate Berkshire Parker Berkshire RE/MAX Berkshire November Petruzziello Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Nosnitsky Paul Berkshire Reiling Berkshire Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Keller Williams Murray* Berkshire Moskowitz RE/MAX Monsport Weichert, Henderson Broker Sales Henderson Gloria Nilson & Gloria Nilson & Hathaway Fox & ® Hathaway Fox & Greater Princeton Weichert, Hathaway Realty Mark Weichert,Fox Broker Associate Hathaway Fox Hathaway Co.Weichert, Real Estate RealtorWeidel Coldwell Banker Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Associate Broker Sales Associate Broker Owner Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Fox & Sales Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Greater ® Sotheby's Associate ® Sotheby's Sales Associate ® Roach Realtors & Roach Realtors Hathaway Fox & Roach Realtors & Roach ® ® ® Owner Co. Real Estate Co. Real Realtors Realtors Realtors Advantage Residential Realtors Berkshire Jan Linda Linda Blanche® Dawn EvaEstate Mary Roberta®® Nilson & Associate International Berkshire International RE/MAX Donna Donna Berkshire Dawn Gloria Nilson & Roach Realtors® Realtors Realtors® Gloria Ann Nilson & Roach Princeton Berkshire Berkshire Realtors Keller Williams Gloria RE/MAX Princeton Realtors ParkerFox Roach Hathaway Fox & Coldwell Brokerage November Realty Hathaway Petruzziello Princeton Realty Nosnitsky Paul Hathaway Fox ® Hathaway Reiling Banker Co.Rutkowski PecsiFox & Greater Petrozzini Murray* Moskowitz Princeton Real Estate Monsport Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Real Estate Broker Sales Greater ® Associate ® Realtor & Roach Roach Realtors & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Sales Broker Associate BrokerLinda Broker Owner Residential Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Roberta Sales Jan Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Associate® Ann Sales Associate Donna Donna ® Dawn RoachSales Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors Princeton Owner Realtors® Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Associate Parker Berkshire November Petruzziello RE/MAX Brokerage Berkshire Nosnitsky Paul Reiling Gloria Nilson & Nilson & Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Berkshire Berkshire Keller Williams Gloria Murray* Moskowitz Monsport RE/MAX Broker Sales ® Hathaway Fox & Associate Hathaway Fox Broker Hathaway Fox Broker Co. Real Estate Realtor Coldwell Banker Sales Sales Eva Associate Associate Jan Estate Linda Linda Roberta Blanche Dawn Mary Broker Sales Ann Associate Princeton Co. Real Broker Owner Donna Donna Dawn Co. Real Estate Hathaway Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox & Greater Fox & Sales Associate Greater Sales Associate ® & Roach Roach Realtors Owner & Roach Parker November Berkshire Residential Petruzziello Nilson & Nosnitsky Associate Paul Reiling Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Berkshire RE/MAX Murray* Berkshire Moskowitz Gloria Nilson & Nilson & Roach Monsport Berkshire Berkshire Roach Realtors® Realtors Realtors® Gloria Princeton Keller Williams Gloria Realtors® Broker Sales® ® Associate RE/MAX Hathaway Fox & Coldwell Sales Associate Sales Associate Realtor Hathaway Fox Broker Broker Sales Brokerage Hathaway Fox Broker Associate Banker Sales BrokerPrinceton Owner Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Associate Greater Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Hathaway Fox & Fox & Co. Real Estate Greater Owner ® & Roach Roach Realtors & Roach Berkshire Gloria Nilson & Associate Berkshire Residential RE/MAX Berkshire GloriaJan Nilson & Berkshire Berkshire Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Roach RE/MAX Realtors® Realtors Realtors® Co. Real Princeton Linda Linda Roberta®Fox Hathaway Blanche®Fox Roach Dawn Eva Fox & Coldwell Mary Realtors AnnEstate Hathaway Donna Donna Dawn Hathaway Banker Brokerage Greater Princeton Co. Real Estate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Hathaway Greater November Petruzziello Nosnitsky Reiling &Parker Roach Rutkowski PecsiFox & Petrozzini Roach Realtors® & Paul Roach Murray* Moskowitz Monsport Residential Broker Sales ® Associate Realtor ® ® ® ® Roach Realtors Realtors Roach Realtors SalesCarole Associate Princeton Sales Associate Broker Sales Realtors Broker Associate Broker Owner Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Broker Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate William Gough "Winn " James Diane Associate Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Sales Associate Brokerage Owner Berkshire Shaughnessy Gloria Nilson & Associate Sherman Berkshire RE/MAX Berkshire Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr & Gloria Nilson Smith Shah Schulz Smolowitz Nilson & Urbanek Berkshire Berkshire Silverman Steffens Keller Williams Gloria Jan Linda Linda Blanche Dawn Eva Mary Roberta RE/MAX Ann Donna Donna Dawn Sales Associate Fox & Coldwell Banker Co. Hathaway Fox Hathaway Broker Associate Fox Sales Co. Real Estate Sales Associate Sales Princeton Associate Hathaway Sales Associate Broker Associate Broker Associate Greater Sales Associate Real Estate Parker Sales Associate Broker Associate November Associate NJ & PA Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Petruzziello Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Nosnitsky Paul Greater William Reiling Gough "Winn " Carole James Diane Rutkowski Pecsi Petrozzini Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Callaway ® Murray* &Callaway Roach Moskowitz Realtors & Roach Monsport ® Broker Sales ® Associate Berkshire Residential Williams Gloria Nilson & Roach Berkshire Shaughnessy Coldwell Banker Sales Keller ® Sales Associate Associate Realtor Henderson Gloria Nilson Broker Sales & Keller Gloria Nilson Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr RE/MAX ® Roach Realtors Broker Associate Smith® Shah Realtors Schulz Roach Realtors® SalesSherman Smolowitz Broker Owner Princeton Coldwell Banker Urbanek Realtors Silverman Sales Associate Broker Sales Associate Steffens Henderson Associate Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Owner Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Brokerage Hathaway Fox Broker Associate Princeton Realty Sotheby's ® Berkshire Residential Sales Associate Williams Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Gloria Nilson & Associate Residential Sotheby's Broker Associate Real Estate Sales Associate & Co. Berkshire Greater Sales Associate BrokerNilson Associate Berkshire Sales Associate NJ & PA RE/MAX Gloria Nilson & Sales Associate & Berkshire Berkshire Keller Williams Gloria Callaway RE/MAX International Roach Realtors Callaway ® &Helen Roach Fox &® Coldwell International Hathaway Fox Hathaway Smita Denise 'Dee' Co. Berkshire Williams Gloria Nilson Berkshire Brokerage Brokerage Princeton Gough "Winn&" Hathaway Carole Real Estate James Banker Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Coldwell Banker Co.RE/MAX Keller Fox Hathaway Real Nilson Estate Henderson GloriaDiane Nilson & Keller Princeton Princeton Gloria Co. William Real Estate Coldwell Banker Realty Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Greater Fox & Henderson Greater ® Realty & Roach Shaughnessy ® Roach Realtors Sherman & Roach Realtors Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Thompson Tosches Hathaway Fox Usab,Realty Jr Smith Shah Princeton Realty Schulz Smolowitz Sotheby's ® ® Urbanek Residential Silverman Steffens Residential Williams Residential Sotheby's Co. Real Estate & Co. ® ® Greater ® Roach Realtors Realtors Roach SalesRealtors Associate Princeton Realtors Broker Associate International Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate ® Realtors Broker Associate Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate &Helen Roach Sales Associate Smita Denise 'Dee' Brokerage International Broker Associate Associate NJ & PAGough William "Winn " Roach Carole Brokerage James Brokerage Diane Sales Associate Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Princeton Callaway Real Estate Princeton Callaway Realty ® Berkshire Keller Williams Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Shaughnessy Realty Sherman® Coldwell Banker Keller Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Realtors Henderson Gloria Nilson & Smith Shah Gloria Nilson Schulz Smolowitz RE/MAX Urbanek Realty Coldwell Banker Silverman Steffens Henderson Sales Associate Co. Real Estate" Hathaway Fox & Co. Broker Associate Hathaway Fox Princeton Realty Sotheby's ® Sales Associate Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Residential William Gough "Winn Carole Williams James Diane Broker Associate Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Sales Associate Residential Sotheby's Sales Associate Real Estate Broker Associate & Co. Sales Associate NJ & PA Greater Sales Associate Callaway International Callaway Realtors® Shaughnessy Sherman Berkshire & Roach Williams Gloria Nilson & Roach Berkshire International Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr ® Smith Shah Brokerage Schulz Smolowitz Brokerage Urbanek Princeton Coldwell Banker Silverman Keller Steffens Henderson Gloria Nilson & Keller Gloria Nilson RE/MAX Real Estate Princeton Coldwell Banker Realty Henderson Sales Associate Broker Associate Realty ® Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Hathaway Fox Realtors Broker Associate Princeton Realty Sales Associate Sotheby's ® Sales Associate Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Residential Williams Sales Associate Residential Sotheby's Real Estate Callaway & Co. Greater Callaway Berkshire International Williams® Gloria Nilson & Roach Berkshire Realtors® & Roach Coldwell Banker Keller International Henderson Nilson & Keller Brokerage Gloria Nilson Brokerage RE/MAX Princeton Banker Henderson Real Estate Princeton Helen Fox Coldwell Smita Denise 'Dee' William Gough CaroleFox & Gloria James Realty Diane Betsy Valerie Bernard® Alison "Ally" Co. Real"Winn Estate" Hathaway Hathaway Realty Princeton Realty Sotheby's ® Residential Williams Realtors Residential Sotheby's Co. Real Estate Realty & Co. Greater Shaughnessy Sherman Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Smith Shah Schulz Smolowitz Urbanek Silverman Steffens International Roach Realtors® & Roach International Brokerage Sales Associate Brokerage Princeton Broker Associate Real Estate Princeton Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Realty Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Sales Associate Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate Realty Callaway Realtors® Realty Callaway Berkshire Williams® Gloria Nancy Nilson & Berkshire Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" Yael L. & Keller Amy G. Saman Coldwell Banker Keller Ivy Henderson Gloria Nilson Gloria Nilson RE/MAX Coldwell Banker Helen Smita Denise 'Dee' Henderson William Gough "Winn " Carole James Diane Betsy Valerie Bernard Alison "Ally" Wallack Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Zakut Hathaway Fox Worthington Princeton Realty Sotheby's Verbeyst ® Wen Residential Zeeshan Williams Willever Shaughnessy Residential Sotheby's Sherman Co. RealAssociate Estate & Co. Greater Thompson Tosches Usab, Jr Smith Shah Schulz Smolowitz Urbanek Silverman Steffens Sales International Broker Associate SalesRealtors Associate® Roach & Roach Sales Associate Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate International Broker Associate Brokerage Brokerage Robin L. Princeton Kenneth "Ken" Broker Associate Sales Sales Associate Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Sales Associate Associate Broker Associate Ivy Real Estate Princeton Broker Associate Sales Associate Berkshire Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate NJ & PA Realty Sales Associate Callaway Berkshire Callaway Realty Berkshire Callaway Callaway Realtors® Berkshire Wallack Zakut Fox KellerWeichert, Worthington Realty Berkshire Verbeyst Williams® Gloria Nilson & Berkshire Wen Zeeshan Willever Hathaway Coldwell Banker Keller Henderson Henderson Gloria & Gloria Nilson RE/MAX Hathaway Fox Hathaway Henderson Henderson Fox & Hathaway Fox Coldwell Banker SalesNilson Associate ® Broker Associate Sales Associate Realtors Hathaway Fox Sales Associate Co. Real Estate Hathaway Fox & Co. Broker Associate Sales Associate & Roach Princeton Realty Sotheby's ® Sotheby's Broker Associate Residential Williams Residential Sotheby's Sotheby's Real Estate ® Berkshire & Co. Greater Roach Realtors & Roach Callaway Berkshire Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" ® ® International Berkshire Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Roach Realtors Ivy Callaway Realtors International Berkshire Weichert, & Roach & Roach International Brokerage Brokerage Princeton ** Current President Mercer County Top ProducerInternational Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Hathaway Henderson Real Estate Princeton ® Realty WallackFox Realtors ZakutFox Hathaway Henderson Worthington Hathaway VerbeystFox Realty WenFox & 4 Hathaway Realty Realty Zeeshan® Willever ® Realtors Realtors® Realtors & Roach Realty Sotheby's Sales Associate Sotheby's Broker Associate Sales Associate Roach Realtors SalesIvy Associate ® & Roach Broker Associate Sales Associate Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" Yael L. ® Amy G. Nancy Saman Broker Associate Realtors International & Roach Berkshire International Callaway Berkshire ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Berkshire ® Wallack Zakut Fox Callaway Berkshire Weichert, Worthington Realtors Verbeyst Wen Zeeshan Realty 4 Willever Realty Hathaway ® Henderson Realtors Sales Associate Hathaway Henderson Fox & Associate Sales Associate Robin L.Fox Hathaway ® Kenneth "Ken" Yael L. Amy G. Nancy Saman Sales Ivy Associate Realtors Broker Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox Broker & Roach Broker Associate Sotheby's Berkshire Sotheby's Roach Realtors® Callaway Berkshire & Roach Wallack Zakut ® Worthington Verbeyst Berkshire Wen Zeeshan Callaway Willever Berkshire Weichert, Realtors International & Roach International Hathaway Fox ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Henderson Sales Associate ® Broker Associate Sales Associate Hathaway Fox Henderson Realtors Hathaway Fox & Sales Associate Associate Sales Associate ® Realty 4 Broker Realty Broker Associate Realtors ® Hathaway Fox & Roach Realtors Berkshire Sotheby's Callaway Sotheby's Berkshire Roach Realtors® Berkshire & Roach Callaway Berkshire Weichert, ® Realtors International Hathaway Fox & Roach Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" International Henderson Yael L. Nancy Amy G. Saman Ivy Fox & ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Hathaway Fox Hathaway Henderson ® Realtors Realtors® Realty 4 Hathaway Realty &Zakut Roach Wallack Sotheby's Worthington Verbeyst®Fox Realtors Sotheby's Zeeshan Willever RoachWen Realtors® & Roach ® Sales Associate Realtors International Broker Associate & Roach Sales Associate International Sales Associate Broker Associate Sales Associate ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Broker Associate Realtors® Berkshire Realty 4 Realty Callaway Berkshire ® Realtors Berkshire Callaway Berkshire Weichert, Robin L. Kenneth "Ken" Hathaway Nancy Amy G. Yael L. Fox Saman Ivy Fox & Henderson Hathaway Fox Hathaway Henderson ® Realtors Hathaway Wallack Worthington &Zakut Roach VerbeystFox Sotheby's Wen Zeeshan Willever Sotheby's ® Roach Realtors & Roach Sales Associate ® Broker Associate Sales Associate Realtors International & Roach Sales Associate International Broker Associate Sales Associate ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Broker Associate Berkshire Realtors® Callaway Berkshire Realty 4 Realty Berkshire Callaway Berkshire Weichert, Realtors® Hathaway Fox Henderson Hathaway Fox Henderson Hathaway Fox & Realtors® Hathaway Fox & Roach Sotheby's Sotheby's Roach Realtors® & Roach ® Realtors International & Roach International ** Current President Mercer County Top Producer Association * Past Presidents of the Mercer County Top Producer Association Realtors® Realty 4 Realty Realtors® TopProducer3:top producer 2 4/8/15 12:58 PMMagdalena Page 1 Amira Proud Sponsors of the Mercer County Top Producers Association Proud Sponsors of the Mercer County Top Producers Association Proud Sponsors of the Mercer County Producers Association ProudTop Sponsors of the Mercer County Producers Association ProudTop Sponsors of the Mercer County Top Producers Association Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com Proud Sponsors of the Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com Mercer County Top Producers Association Proud Sponsors of the Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com Mercer County Top Producers Association Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com Visit: TopProducersMercerCountyNJ.com 25 26 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Houses for Sale A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE C Copperwood Princeton Continued from page 2 4 I n a Clas s and W orld of I ts O wn o p p er w o o d, at 3 0 0 B u n n D r ive w ith 1 53 r en tal u n its f o r p eo p le se eki n g a lif est yle n ever bef o r e available in P r in ce to n , mar ke d its o f f ici al bir th date o n O ct o ber 21 , 20 1 4. D eliver in g th is p r o j ect to o k a deca de f illed w ith ch allen g es th at J. R o ber t H illier FAIA tu r n ed in to a sp ect acu lar en vir o n men t. B u t th e ap p eal g o es beyo n d th e o bvio u s asp ect s o f “ lu xu r io u s, p leasi n g , eleg an t, an d n u mer o u s amen ities. ” T h ese w o r ds f ail to c o n vey w h y th e law yer , do ct o r , p r o f esso r, W all Str eet tr ader , p ar en t o f a co lleg e st u den t, n ew g r an dp ar en t, o r n ew lyw ed, all w ith th e so p h ist ica tio n an d r eso u r ce s to live an yw h er e, w ill ch o o se C o p p er w o o d in P r in ce to n . A w o r d o f exp lan atio n — n o t o f ten asso ci ated w ith r esi den tial h o u si n g — is “ co mp ellin g . ” T h o se w h o visi t th is co mmu n ity ar e immediately dr aw n in to an en vir o n men t th at o f f er s a co mp ellin g an d mo st ap p ealin g j u xt ap o si tio n o f a lo ca tio n th at st imu lates th e min d an d aest h etic se n si bility, w h ile s o o th in g th e s o u l. D esi g n ed an d develo p ed by w o r ld-r en o w n ed ar ch itec t J. R o ber t H illier , C o p p er w o o d, w ith st ate-o f -th e-ar t en er g y sa vin g an d s u st ain able elemen ts, h as th e ar ch itect u r al f eel o f a so p h ist ica ted, mo der n So H o h o tel w ith su n lit p assa g ew ays , p iazza s, g ar den s, an d a f o u n tain . Its f ive bu ildin g s n est led in a 21 -acr e den se ly w o o ded p r ese r ve ar e w ith in w alki n g dist an ce o f P r in ce to n Sh o p p in g C en ter an d a mile an d a h alf f r o m do w n to w n P r in ce to n , w h ich co mbin es th e cu ltu r al exc itemen t o f a maj o r u r ban ce n ter w ith th e in timacy o f a sm all to w n . “ W o r ld cl ass” best descr ibes P r in ce to n U n iver si ty an d its cu ltu r al ven u es, su ch as th e f r ee P r in ce to n Ar t M u se u m, R ich ar dso n Au dito r iu m C o n ce r t H all, an d M cC ar ter T h eater p er f o r min g ar ts ce n ter . E ver yday lectu r es f eatu r e in ter n atio n al su p er st ar s in ever y aca demic disci p lin e o p en to ever yo n e at n o c o st . Builders & Developers: Hillsborough P r in ce to n , th e to w n , f eatu r es th e aw ar dw in n in g P r in ce to n P u blic L ibr ar y, th e P r in ce to n Ar ts C o u n ci l, B ain br idg e H o u se ’ s H ist o r ic l M u se u m an d th e an imated en er g y o f a N assa u Str eet, w ith its do ze n s o f lo ca lly o w n ed sh o p s an d n atio n al r etailer s. T o p o f f th is tr easu r e o f lif est yle asse ts w ith a mass tr an si t syst em th at p r o vides easy p assa g e to th e r est o f th e w o r ld th r o u g h N ew Y o r k, P h iladelp h ia, o r N ew ar k Air p o r t. B u t, w h ile at C o p p er w o o d, r esi den ts ca n o p en th e do o r an d be g r eeted by an ar bo r eal en vir o n men t f eatu r in g cl ean air an d a st ar lit n ig h t sky , h u n dr eds o f 1 0 0 -year -o ld tr ees, so n g bir ds, deer , an d h iki n g an d j o g g in g p ath s, th r o u g h o u t th e p r ese r ved o p en sp ace . It is th e p er f ect r etr eat f r o m h ig h -p r es su r e j o bs an d meets th e n eed to ch ill o u t o n w eeken ds w ith its f itn ess ce n ter , ca f e, meetin g r o o m, an d co n ci er g e se r vice s to r esp o n d to o n e’ s ever y n eed. P ar ki n g is u n der g r o u n d w ith dir ect elevato r co n n ect io n to ever y f lo o r in th e c o mp lex. Fo r th o se w h o ar e r etir ed an d se ek in tellect u al an d cu ltu r al st imu latio n in th eir lives, th er e ar e ext en si ve r ecr eatio n al, cu ltu r al, an d edu ca tio n al r eso u r ce s th r o u g h o u t th e r eg io n , as w ell as th e p leth o r a o f vo lu n teer o p p o r tu n ities in th r ivin g n o n p r o f it o r g an iza tio n s. Ar ch itect J. R o ber t H illier FAIA, is kn o w n th r o u g h o u t th e w o r ld f o r h is desi g n ski lls bu t, in P r in ce to n , kn o w n f o r h is ability to list en to th e ci tize n s an d elect ed o f f ici als an d cr eate o u tco mes th at en h an ce th e q u ality o f lif e in th e co mmu n ity. As a P r in ce to n U n iver si ty alu mn u s, an adj u n ct p r o f esso r in th e P r in ce to n U n iver si ty Sch o o l o f Ar ch itect u r e, an d a develo p er in th e P r in ce to n ar ea f o r deca des, H illier h as an in timate kn o w ledg e o f th e se n si tivities an d st r en g th s o f th e P r in ce to n co mmu n ity an d th e to w n -g o w n dyn amic. Fr o m th at kn o w ledg e h e desi g n ed a tig h tly kn it p r o j ect w ith th e f eel o f a E u r o p ean villag e w ith its in ter n al syst em o f p iazza s an d g ar den s. T h e p r o j ect dist u r bed o n ly f o u r acr es o f th e si te an d th e r emain in g 1 7 acr es h ave been p lace d in to co n se r vatio n f o r p er p etu ity. B esi des its sm all f o o tp r in t, C o p p er w o o d is o n e o f th e g r een est p r o j ect s ever co n st r u ct ed in P r in ce to n . It f eatu r es g r een r o o f s — ir r ig ated by w ater h ar vest ed f r o m r ain f all th at elimin ated th e n eed f o r ext en si ve st o r m w ater detain ag e basi n s. T h e bu ildin g s’ f aca des, co lo r ed to blen d in to th e w o o ded si te, ar e o f r ef lect ive mater ials to r ep el th e h eat o f th e su n , an d all ap p lian c es an d p lu mbin g f ixt u r es ar e o f maxi mu m su st ain able ef f ect . C o p p er w o o d th u s is se n si ble an d se n su al — a w in n in g f o r mu la f o r r esi den tial livin g r ig h t in th e to w n o f P r in ce to n . Copperwood Princeton, 3 0 0 B u n n D r ive, P r in ce to n . w w w . co p p er w o o dp r in ce to n . co m o r 6 0 9-924-0 3 3 3 , ext . 1 . S ee ad, page 10. 19 Wertsville Road. L o t si ze : 1 3 3 . 29; taxe s: $ 22, 1 99. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 5 bedr o o ms; 6 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith ten n is co u r t, in -g r o u n d p o o l, ca r etake r ’ s co ttag e, st o n e p atio , beamed c eilin g s. $ 2,9 75,000. 3 9 0 Three Bridges Road. L o t si ze : 20 . 74 acr es. L ist ed, K aitlyn n Z o ln ay, L isa Ja mes O tto , 6 0 9-3 9756 6 7. w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. L o g h o me w ith w o r ki n g tr ee n u r se r y. $ 1,025,000. Hopewell 9 8 7 Cherry V alley Road. L o t si ze : 5. 89 acr es; taxe s: $ 3 1 , 1 1 7. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der s o n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; p ar tial base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C ap e w ith in -g r o u n d p o o l. $ 1,250,000. 559 Province Line Road. L o t si ze : 1 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 3 1 , 3 6 4. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der s o n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o n temp o r ar y w ith h eated p o o l, sp a, ten n is co u r t, p o n d, g aze bo , ap p le o r ch ar d, an d st u dio . $ 1,19 5,000. 1258 Bear Tavern Road. L o t si ze : 78. 41 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 7, 241 . L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. H ist o r ic C o lo n ial datin g to 1 70 0 s. Five f ir ep lace s, st o n e w alls, f ive-zo n e h eatin g . $ 1,175,000. 17 Caroline D rive. L o t si ze : 3 . 0 3 acr es; tax es: $ 23 , 852. L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 5, 259 SF C o lo n ial. $ 1,100,000. Are You Ready? The March 10, 2015 ruling from the New Jersey Supreme Court stripping the Council On Affordable Housing (COAH) of their oversight of the constitutional obligation of every municipality in New Jersey to plan for and accommodate affordable housing has effectively changed the rules for all of us. Stark & Stark’s attorneys are prepared to leverage their municipal relationships and understanding of the zoning and land use process to help get your sites included in municipal affordable housing plans. Our litigators stand ready to help you if/when your property/site is excluded from an affordable housing plan. Know Your Rights. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Gary S. Forshner, Esq., Real Estate, Zoning & Land Use [email protected] • 609.895.7250 Paul W. Norris, Esq., Litigation [email protected] • 609.895.7325 Scott I. Unger, Esq., Litigation [email protected] • 609.219.7417 New Jersey • Pennsylvania • New York 993 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 • 609.896.9060 www.Stark-Stark.com • www.NJLawBlog.com Follow Us: M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 27 L A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE John Weeks Joins Lisa James Otto Country Properties isa Ja mes O tto is p lease d to an n o u n ce th at Jo h n “ Ja ck” W eeks h as j o in ed h er f ir m, L isa Ja mes O tto C o u n tr y P r o p er ties, as a R ealto r Asso ci ate. W eeks is a g r adu ate o f K ean U n iver s ity w ith a deg r ee in f in e ar ts maj o r in g in in ter io r desi g n . Af ter w o r ki n g as a desi g n er in M an h attan f o r s ever al year s w ith a desi g n an d ar ch itect u r al f ir m, h e j o in ed a w ellkn o w n des ig n f ir m in P r in c eto n an d th en mo ved in to a lar g e co mmer ci al f ir m as dir ect o r o f desi g n . M o vin g to Fr en c h to w n at th at time, h e ven tu r ed f o r w ar d w ith h is p ar tn er an d o p en ed a g if t bo u tiq u e o n B r idg e Str eet, w h er e th ey co n tin u ed th eir desi g n w o r k. E n j o yin g lif e an d a su ce s sf u l bu si n ess, th ey o p en ed a se co n d st o r e last year , all th e w h ile Ja ck w as also bu ildin g an eq u ally su ce sf u l r eal est ate ca r eer . M r . W eeks sa ys q u ic kl y, “ B u sy , yes. An d it all se ems to w o r k se amlessl y to g eth er . E ver y day br in g s s o meth in g n ew , an d I like th at. ” “ Ja ck’ s backg r o u n d in c o mmer ci al an d r es iden tial in ter io r desi g n h as been ver y h elp f u l in st ag in g h is list in g s f o r o p timal p r ese n tatio n , ” sa ys M s. O tto . “ As a r esu lt th ey se ll ver y q u ickl y. ” M an ag er V ict o r ia R u tko w ski adds: “ W e ar e ver y ex ci ted to h ave h im o n o u r team. H e h as a g r eat f amiliar ity w ith th e su r r o u n din g ar eas o f H u n ter do n , M er ce r , an d B u cks co u n ties, w h ich , co u p led w ith h is desi g n ac u men an d exp er tise , h elp s bu yer s an d se ller s exc eed th eir exp ect atio n s. ” R u tko w ski co n tin u es: “ Ja ck is n atu r ally attu n ed to r eally list en in g to w h at a cl ien t w an ts an d th en deliver in g it exp er tly. T h at is a ke y elemen t in r eal est ate su ce s. ” Ab out Lisa James otto Country Properties: L isa Ja mes O tto C o u n tr y P r o p er ties is a bo u tiq u e r eal est ate f ir m by th e r iver ’ s edg e. Sin ce 1 986 th e co mp an y’ s dedica ted ag en ts h ave been h elp in g cl ien ts f in d a p lace th ey ca n ca ll h o me. W ith o f f ice s in beau tif u l N ew H o p e, B u cks C o u n ty, P A, an d Sto ckt o n , N J, L isa Ja mes O tto C o u n tr y P r o p er ties sp eci alize s in an tiq u e h ist o r ic h o u se s, ch ar min g co u n tr y h o u se s, f ar ms, est ates an d r iver f r o n t co ttag es. T h e co mp an y also h as man y co mmer ci al, lan d, an d in ter n atio n al list in g s. Lisa James otto Country Properties, 1 So u th Su g an R o ad, N ew H o p e, P A. 21 586 2-26 26 . S ee ad, page 29 . 13 1 Reservoir Road. L o t si ze : 1 1 . 47 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 4, 43 8. L is ted, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ac h , 6 0 9-924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. 6 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; u n f in ish ed p ar tial base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 582 SF V ict o r ian an d g en tlemen ’ s f ar m. $ 1,100,000. 9 3 Elm Ridge Road. L o t si ze : 2. 6 7 acr es; taxe s: $ 23 , 1 56 . L is ted, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 4-ca r g ar ag e. Far mh o u se w ith r ecl aimed beams, r es to r ed f lo o r in g , an d blu es to n e p atio . $ 1,09 5,000. 13 Hunters Ridge D rive. L o t si ze : 3 . 3 4 acr es; tax es: $ 23 , 86 8. L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in c eto n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f in ish ed base men t ; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 5, 21 2 SF C o lo n ial. $ 1,049 ,000. 22 Hunters Ridge D rive. L o t si ze : 2. 1 6 acr es; taxe s : $ 20 , 1 43 . L ist ed, M ado lyn G r eve, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-46 2-250 5. w w w . mado lyn g r eve. co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 4, 3 6 5 SF br ick- f r o n t C o lo n ial w ith in g r o u n d p o o l, f ir st f lo o r bedr o o m an d p layr o o m, th r ee f ir ep lace s, cu l-de-sa c lo ca tio n . W h o le h o u se g en er ato r . $ 9 68 ,000. 42 M orris D rive. L o t si ze : . 82 acr es; taxe s: $ 22, 828. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial. $ 9 3 5,000. 24 I ndependence Way . L o t si ze : 2. 0 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 22, 6 93 . L is ted, B eth J. M iller , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-86 5-883 3 . beth miller . f o xr o ach . co m. Arbor Barber T R E E E X P E R T S 609.730.8199 | arborbarbertree.com Professional Arborists RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • Certified Arborists • Corrective Pruning • Tree Removal • Cabling & Bracing • Stump Grinding • Cat Rescue Ap of ou ortion r are d proceed s onat e anim al re d to scue For more information, visit arborbarbertree.com Continued on following page Your home... ...so much more than an investment. P reser ve your most cherished asset. • 24/7 Emergency Ser vices • Preventative Maintenance P lans • Handyman and Carpentry • P l u m b i n g / H VAC / E l e c t r i c a l • Pa i n t i n g • Roofing/G utter • Aging in P lace Modifications • Va c a t i o n a n d E x t e n d e d A b s e n c e c o v e r a g e and much more! MEMBERSHIP & A-LA-CARTE DETAILS AVAILABLE ON TOTALHOMEMANAGER.COM COMPLETE HOME REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND MANAGEMENT OR CALL (609) 466-3355 31 WEST BROAD ST REET HOPEWELL, NJ E S T. 2 0 0 9 28 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE Y Mosquito Authority Y our T ick et to a B ug B ite- F ree S ummer o u lo ve yo u r bac k yar d. M aybe as mu ch as yo u lo ve si ttin g o n th e f r o n t p o r ch o n a beau tif u l even in g . B u t yo u h ate sl ap p in g th o se blo o d-su cki n g mo sq u ito es th at ke ep lan din g o n yo u r ar ms an d leg s. M aybe as mu ch as yo u h ate so aki n g yo u r s elf an d yo u r ki ds in n ast y bu g s p r ay o r h o ver in g n ext to ci tr o n ella ca n dles th at do n ’ t r eally w o r k an yw ay. Y o u h ave a beau tif u l h o me an d a beau tif u l yar d th at yo u ’ ve sp en t a lo t o f time an d mo n ey to make yo u r s, an d yo u ’ d like to en j o y it. T h e last th in g yo u w an t to do o n a p er f ect day is to sp en d it in si de beca u se yo u ’ ll g et eaten alive by mo sq u ito es if yo u st ep o u tdo o r s . T h e M o s q u ito Au th o r ity is h er e to h elp . W ith a deca de o f exp er ien ce , w e o f f er r esi den tial mo s q u ito co n tr o l th at ke ep s yo u r p r o p er ty p r o tect ed f r o m an n o yin g , dise ase -ca r r yin g mo sq u ito es du r in g th e mo st o u tdo o r f r ien dly ( an d mo sq u ito -h eavy) mo n th s o f th e year . W e do n ’ t j u st ki ll mo sq u ito es, w e mak e back yar ds w o r th mo w in g an d f r o n t p o r ch es w o r th sw in g in g ! P u t si mp ly, w e ar e in th e bu si n ess o f maki n g lif e better . T h e M o sq u ito Au th o r ity w ill co me to yo u r p r o p er ty an d r emo ve all mo sq u ito -br eedin g h abitats. W e also u n der st an d th at yo u ca n ’ t co n tr o l yo u r n eig h bo r s ’ p r o p er ties o r th e mo sq u ito br eedin g h abitat do w n th e st r eet. O u r p aten t-p en din g R ep el+ P lu s mo sq u ito tr eatmen t ke ep s n eig h - bo r h o o d mo sq u ito es o f f yo u r p r o p er ty an d aw ay f r o m yo u an d yo u r f amily, all su mmer lo n g . R ep el+ P lu s is bas ed o n s c ien c e an d r es ear c h , an d w e u s e a p r o p r ietar y s o lu tio n o f s o me o f th e mildes t p es tic ides ever in ven ted. M o s t imp o r tan tly, w e do n ’ t j u s t “ s p r ay. ” W e var y th e s tr en g th an d q u an tity o f o u r s o lu tio n bas ed o n a var iety o f f ac to r s in o r der to min imiz e en vir o n men tal imp ac t an d s till ef f ec tively c o n tr o l th e mo s t dan g er o u s mo s q u ito es . So me c o mp o n en ts o f R ep el+ P lu s u s e n o p es tic ides at all, ac tu ally. M o s t o f o u r c u s to mer s do h ave c h ildr en an d p ets r u n n in g ar o u n d. W e als o s er vic e lo ts o f do c to r s ’ an d veter in ar ian s ’ h o mes … even day c ar es ! T h e s o lu tio n w e u s e is milder th an th e D E E T in bu g s p r ay, an d it g ets r id o f th e mo s q u ito es w ith o u t h avin g to be ap p lied to yo u r s k in . T h e M o sq u ito Au th o r ity o f f er s si x- tr eatmen t p lan s to p r o tect yo u r h o me, as w ell as p r o g r ams f o r sp eci al even ts like f amily g ath er in g s, bar becu es, p ar ties, o r backya r d w eddin g s. O u r R ep el+ P lu s tr eatmen t is 1 0 0 p er ce n t g u ar an teed to ke ep mo sq u ito es o f f yo u r p r o p er ty an d o u t o f yo u r lif e, o r w e’ ll co me back o u t an d r etr eat f r ee o f ch ar g e. W e h ave u se d R ep el+ P lu s in mo r e th an 250 , 0 0 0 ap p lica tio n s n atio n w ide w ith a 95 p er ce n t cu s to mer sa tisf act io n r ate. D o n ’ t let mo sq u ito es ke ep yo u f r o m en j o yin g yo u r o w n p r o p er ty. C all yo u r M o sq u ito Au th o r ity to day at 6 0 9-477-3 249, o r visi t B u g sB ite. co m to se e h o w T h e M o sq u ito Au th o r ity ca n g et yo u r yar d bac k f o r yo u an d make su mmer f u n ag ain ! S ee ad, page 24. Continued from preceding page 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 4, 40 8 SF C o lo n ial w ith cu st o m details. T w o f ir ep lac es, r en o vated ch ef ’ s ki tch en , sky lig h ts an d vau lted ce ilin g s, au p air su ite, in -g r o u n d p o o l. $ 8 10,000. 179 Pennington- Hopewell Road. L o t si ze : 2. 43 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 9, 844. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial. B ase men t h as h o me th eater , exe r ci se ar ea, f ir ep lace , f u ll bar . T w o -st o r y f o yer , vau lted f amily r o o m w ith st o n e f ir ep lac e. B ack- u p g en er ato r . $ 79 9 ,8 8 8 . 13 4 M arshall Corner Woodsville. L o t si ze : 1 0 . 23 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 6 . L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. V aca n t lo t. $ 679 ,000. 19 Crusher Road. L o t si ze : 1 acr e; taxe s: $ 1 1 , 70 0 . L ist ed, E liza beth H icks, Sto ckt o n R eal E st ate, 6 0 9-924-1 41 6 . 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith p r ivate r ear deck. $ 659 ,000. 100 West S hore D rive. L o t si ze : 1 . 43 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 , 73 1 . L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. r o bin f r o eh lich . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial o n co r n er lo t w ith g o u r met ki tch en , tw o f ir ep lace s, w et bar . $ 645,000. 101 Elm Ridge Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 3 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 4, 1 6 8. L ist ed, B eth J. M iller , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-86 5-883 3 . beth miller . f o xr o ach . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. M idce n tu r y mo der n C ap e. L ivin g r o o m w ith beamed ce ilin g s an d do u ble f ir ep lace , all h ar dw o o d f lo o r s, f ir st f lo o r mast er su ite, p o o l. $ 63 7,500. 3 0 Honey b rook Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 3 8 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 4, 545. L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 83 899. w w w . su edeh aven . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 876 SF C o lo n ial w ith f ir ep lace . $ 600,000. 9 2 Tay lor Terrace. L o t si ze : . 29 4 Avalon Road. L o t si ze : . 22 acr es; tax es: $ 1 0 , 543 . L ist ed, R o ber - acr es; tax es: $ 1 0 , 0 50 . L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 93 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base 924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce men t. 1 , 591 SF r an ch w ith in -law to n . co m. ap ar tmen t. $ 23 9 ,9 00. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 1 1 6 SF C o lo n ial. $ 53 2,000. 461 F ederal City Road. L o t si ze : 1 acr e; taxe s: $ 1 4, 0 43 . L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. 2 Woodens Lane. L o t si ze : 2 w w w . su edeh aven . co m. acr es; tax es: $ 1 1 , 6 22. L ist ed, R o ber 4 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; 2-ca r g ata P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9r ag e. 3 , 20 8 SF w ith in -law su ite. 924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce $ 475,000. to n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f in ish ed 68 F eatherb ed Lane. L o t si ze : 3 DISTI w alko u t base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. acr es; tax es: $ 1 2, 83 1 . L ist ed, Su e 3 , 0 55 SF C o lo n ial. $ 63 9 ,9 00. D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. WOO DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS O 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base 3 6 D elevan S treet. L o t si ze : . 1 3 WOODS, FINISHES AND STY INSP men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 53 0 SF C ap e. ac r es ; tax es : $ 8, 1 0 6 . L is t ed, C yn th ia DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS OF $ 459 ,9 00. Sh o emake r -Z er r er , L isa Ja mes O tto , WOODS,OF FINISHESINSPIRING AND STYLES CUSTOM DESIGN PROJ DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS 6 0 9-3 97-56 6 7. 111 Hopewell- Wertsville Road. FROM 3 bedr o o ms ; 1 . 5 bath ; s p ar tial u n L o t si WOODS, ze : 5. 92 acr FINISHES es; taxe s: $ INSPIRING 1AND 6 , 6 55.STYLES CUSTOM DESIGNSMANAGEMENT PROJECT f in ish ed base men t. C o lo n ial w ith L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax TO COMPL p o r ch an dFROM p atio . $ CONCEPT 59 0,000. INSPIRING G r eater P r in ce to n , CUSTOM 73 2-50 1 -0PROJECT 6 DESIGNS 86 . MANAGEMENT w w w . h o u se sb ydaw n . co m. FROM CONCEPT 55 Elm S treet. L o t i s e z : . 0 9 ac TO COMPLETION r es; PROJECT 4 bedr o o ms; 2 MANAGEMENT bath s; f u ll u n f in taxe s: $ 6 , 71 6 . L ist ed, C yn th ia Sh o eish edFROM base menCONCEPT t; 1 -ca r g ar TO ag e. COMPLETION 3 , 0 54 make r -Z er r er , L isa Ja mes O tto , 6 0 9SF C o lo n ial. $ 449 ,000. 3 97-56 6 7. w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; p ar tial u n 7 M aple Lane. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; f in ish ed base men t. V ict o r ian w ith taxe s: $ 9, 555. L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , o r ig in al p in e f lo o r s, exp o se d p ain ted W eidel, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. w w w . su edebr ick w all, p atio . $ 43 9 ,000. h aven . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base 9 1 North M ain S treet. L o t si ze : men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 798 SF r an ch . 0 8 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 258. L ist ed, w ith scr een ed p o r ch . $ 3 8 9 ,9 00. C yn th ia Sh o emak er -Z er r er , L isa Ja mes O tto , 6 0 9-3 97-56 6 7. 509 Amb erleigh D rive. L o t si ze : 2 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; p ar tial u n . 1 7 acr es ; taxe s: $ 7, 96 9. L ist ed, K ate f in ish ed base men t. C o lo n ial w ith Stin so n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9co ver ed f r o n t an d back p o r ch , f lo o r 43 9-93 43 . ka test in so n . ca llaw ayto -ce ilin g w in do w s, o r ig in al h ar dh en der s o n . co m. w o o d f lo o r s. $ 3 8 5,000. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial to w n h o me w ith g ated p atio , vau lted ce ilin g s, w all o f w in do w s, se co n d-f lo o r lau n dr y r o o m. $ 3 24,9 00. 42 Carter Road. L o t si ze : 6 acr es; 168 S hrewsb ury Court. T axe s: taxe s: $ 1 4, 56 9. L ist ed, K ate Stin so n , $ 7, 0 25. L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eiC allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-43 9-93 43 . del, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. w w w . su edeh avka test in so n . ca llaw ayh en der so n . en . co m. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g a6 bedr o o ms; 6 bath s; f u ll base r ag e. 1 , 826 SF w ith ce n tr al air , n ew men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. So u th amp to n -in ki tch en an d bath s. T w o st o r ies. sp ir ed. T w o r esi den ce s o n p r ivate $ 29 9 ,9 00. lan e w ith f r u it o r ch ar ds. $ 1,8 9 5,000. 229 Pleasant V alley Road. L o t 7 Benedek Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 88 si ze : . 96 acr es; taxe s: $ 8, 294. L ist ed, acr es; tax es: $ 25, 579. L ist ed, M ado H eidi R ar ich , L o n g & Fo st er , 6 0 9lyn G r eve, C allaw ay H en der so n , 3 56 -8520 . w w w . lo n g an df o st er . co m. 6 0 9-46 2-250 5. w w w . mado lyn g r eve. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 bath ; f u ll u n f in co m. ish ed base men t. 1 , 20 0 SF r an ch bein g so ld as- is. $ 250,000. Continued on page 32 Lambertville Redefining Redefining Des Redefining Design Redefining Design Redefining Design Design RedefiningRedefining Lawrence Redefining De 48 West BroadSELECTIONS Street • Hopewell, DISTINCTIVE OF NJ 08525 • p DISTINCTIVE SELECTIONS OF STYLES WOODS, FINISHES AND STYLES 48 West Broad Street •WOODS, Hopewell,FINISHES NJ 08525 AND • p: 609.466.1445 • f: 609 Design Design 48INSPIRING West Broad Street • DESIGNS Hopewell, NJ 08525 CUSTOM 48 West Broad StreetPROJECT • Hopewell, NJ 08525 • p: 609.466.1445 MANAGEMENT 48 West Broad Street • Hopewell, NJ 08525 p: 609.466.1445 • f: 609.466.1499 FROM•CONCEPT TO COMPLETION •INSPIRING p: 609.466.1445 • f: 609.466.1499 • tobiasdesig CUSTOM DESIGNS •PROJECT f: 609.466.1499 • tobiasdesignllc.com MANAGEMENT •FROM tobiasdesignllc.com CONCEPT TO COMPLETION 48 West Broad Street •• Hopewell, NJ 08525 • p: 609.466.1445 • f: 609.466.1499 • tobiasdesignllc.com 48 West Broad Street • Hopewell, NJ 08525 • p: 609.466.1445 f: 609.466.1499 • tobiasdesignllc.com 48 West Broad Street • Hopewell, NJ 08525 M AY 20, 2015 G NE W G IN IN T LIS NE W T LIS U .S . 1 G IN NE W T LIS Yardley, PA $1,400,000 Flemington, NJ $825,000 New Hope, PA $2,250,000 Lambertville, NJ $675,000 Exquisite 1800 fieldstone home with expansive river views. Living room with fireplace, library with built-ins and fireplace, sunroom, elegant dining room and restored kitchen. 2-car barn with workshop and apartment. A long driveway leads to this private 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home. Foyer with dramatic staircase, formal living room with fireplace, family room with fireplace, chef’s kitchen and formal dining room. 4 tiered patio. Stunning home with dramatic views of Cuttalossa Creek. Exquisite family room with fireplace opens to a terrace. Library with fireplace, formal living room with fireplace, elegant dining room and gourmet kitchen. Pool. Charming 1854 home filled with elegance and grace. Beautiful living room, parlor and dining room, perfect for entertaining. Recently restored kitchen opens to a porch and lawn. 4 bedrooms with tall ceilings and wood floors. G G IN NE W T LIS NE W IN IST L Lambertville, NJ $625,000 New Hope, PA $1,199,000 New Hope, PA $1,445,000 Washington Crossing, PA $989,000 Lovely 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with open floor plan bursting with natural light in the Hills at Hunterdon. Updated kitchen with large island, 2-story great room with fireplace, formal dining room and living room. Beautiful views. Gorgeous river front country estate on 3.66 acres. Farmhouse with gourmet kitchen, spacious master suite and hardwood floors. Carriage house, 4 car garage, caretaker’s suite and second guest house. Magnificent gardens. Elegant, French 5 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath custom home on 2 acres with luxurious pool with waterfalls, spa. Grand foyer, great room, library, sunroom, media theater, master suite with fireplace, tennis, access to waterfront. Custom home nestled among tranquil grounds with pond and gazebo. 2-story foyer flanked by a formal dining room and living room with fireplace. 2-story family room with fireplace. Gourmet kitchen. 2 bluestone patios. 3-car garage. G IN NE W T LIS G IN NE W T LIS Yardley, PA $599,900 Lambertville, NJ $739,000 New Hope, PA $2,800,000 Ringoes, NJ $647,500 European style center hall colonial nestled on a country lot. Foyer, living room with brick fireplace, conservatory, elegant dining room and new kitchen. Gathering room with stone fireplace. Finished basement. 3 car garage. Private home with panoramic views. 2-story foyer. Eat-in chef’s kitchen opens to a 2-story family room with fireplace. Formal dining room and living room. Conservatory. Finished, walkout basement. Deck, tiered patios and in-ground pool. Stately fieldstone manor house on 28.5 acres. Formal living room with fireplace, elegant dining room, great room with fireplace and chef's kitchen. Carriage house, tennis court and pool. 9 stall barn. Fenced pastures. 3 car garage. Custom built colonial with country views. Cathedral great room with huge stone fireplace. Chef’s kitchen. Oversized 2 car garage. Separate building with 2 bays, workshop and office space. Back porch, patio and gazebo. G IN NE W T LIS Doylestown, PA $417,000 Lambertville, NJ $385,000 Stockton, NJ $465,000 Lambertville, NJ $439,000 Updated Cape Cod on 3.21 wooded acres. Original random width pine floors. Great room with fireplace. Upgraded kitchen with stainless appliances opens to the great room. First floor master suite. Patio. 2-car garage. 1840’s Federal home with spacious front porch. Living room with floor to ceiling windows and fireplace. Dining room with coffered ceiling and built-ins. Large, eat-in kitchen. Covered back porch and fenced yard. Impeccable custom built home set on 3+ acres. Cathedral ceilings in the foyer and dining room. Sizable living room, great for entertaining. Family room with wood stove and exposed stone work. Sunroom. Beautiful historic home. Original random width floors throughout. Covered front porch. Living room with deep set windows and builtins opens to a formal dining room. Remodeled kitchen. Large deck. 3rd floor main bedroom. G IN NE W T LIS Stockton, NJ $335,000 New Hope, PA $729,000 Doylestown, PA $859,000 Frenchtown, NJ $447,000 Renovated 1850 Colonial home with private entry 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with balcony. Main house has 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Parking for 5+ cars. Hardwood floors throughout. Rare opportunity. Handsome, circa 1800's stone house. Living room with opposing fireplaces and beamed ceiling. State-of-the-art custom kitchen. Dining room with radiant heat brick floors. Veranda, in-ground heated pool, patios and Koi pond. French country home built by Richard Zaveta. 2 story entry leads to a formal living room and dining room. Family room with fireplace. Gourmet kitchen and breakfast room. Spacious master suite. Finished lower level. 3-car garage. 2 commercial and 2 residential properties located in the middle of the central business district. 1st floor 1-bedroom apartment and large, 2nd floor 2-bedroom apartment. Backyard and 2 parking spots. Great rental history. Bucks County Office 1 S. Sugan Road, New Hope, PA 215.862.2626 Mjtb!Kbnft!Puu p Country Properties Hunterdon County Office 16 Bridge Street, Stockton, NJ 609.397.5667 A boutique real estate firm by the river’s edge W W W . L I S A J A M E S O T T O . C O M 29 3 0 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 Unparalleled Service in Princeton and Beyond AVAILABLE MERSHON CHASE CENTER HALL COLONIAL WITH IN-LAW SUITE PRINCETON MAILING ADDRESS GENTLEMAN’S FARM WITH 13+ ACRES OF LAND 4 AVALON RD, PENNINGTON 4BDs, 2.5BAs, 2-Car Garage Listed $532,000 2 WOODENS LN, LAMBERTVILLE 4BDS, 3.5BAS, 4+ Car Garages Listed $639,900 202 CARTER RD, LAWRENCEVILLE 4BDs, 2BAs, 2-Car Garage with Inground Pool Listed $679,000 68 HARBOURTON WOODSVILLE RD, PENNINGTON 3BDs, 3BAs, Inground Pool, Gentleman’s Farm Pastures and Barns Listed $999,000 BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM ESTATE HOME IN PRINCETON STUNNING BRICK FRONT COLONIAL IN THE FIELDS UNDER CONTRACT JUST SOLD 754 GREAT RD, PRINCETON 5 BDs, 5.5 BAs, Au Pair Suite and much more Listed $2,680,000 13 HUNTERS RIDGE DR, HOPEWELL 4 BDs, 3.5 BAs, 5,212 sq. ft Finished Basement and Pool Listed $1,049,000 2 TODD RIDGE RD, HOPEWELL 5 BDs, 4.5 BAs, 14 Rooms in All Listed $1,225,000 12 ABEY DR, PENNINGTON 3 BDs, 2.5 BAs, Full Basement Sold $525,000 INCREDIBLE PENNINGTON RANCH BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPORARY TRADITIONAL HOME 158 E DELAWARE AVE, PENNINGTON 3 BDs, 2.1 BAs, 2-Car Garage Listed $519,000 34 WOODLANE RD, LAWRENCE 4 BDs, 2.5 BAs, 2-Car Garage Listed $518,888 RIGHT OUT OF A MAGAZINE SINGLE FAMILY HOME 35 GOVERNORS LN, PRINCETON 4 BDs, 3.5 BAs, 2-Car Attached Garage and more Listed $1,098,000 SPECIAL VICTORIAN HOME AND GENTLEMEN’S FARM 131 RESERVOIR RD, HOPEWELL 6 BDs, 3.5 BAs plus 11+ acres Updated Gorgeous Victorian Farm; Adjacent to Riding Trails Listed $1,100,000 All properties listed by Roberta Parker Sales Associate Cell: 609-915-0206 Office: 609-924-1600 UNDER CONTRACT 17 CAROLINA RD, HOPEWELL – HOPEWELL HUNT 5BDs, 3.5BAs, Beautiful Toll Brothers Grand Estate Listed $1,100,000 Call Roberta or visit her website for complete information www.RobertaSellsPrinceton.com UNDER CONTRACT 4 MARGARET DR, FRANKLIN (Princeton Mailing Address) 4 BDs, 3.5 BAs, Hampton Chase House Listed $649,000 3 1 3 2 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 ERA Central I nnov ation R uns in th e F amily A n n D avis an d Step h an ie B ellan o va ar e a tr ailblazi n g , mo th er -dau g h ter team w ith a h ist o r y o f r esh ap in g th e lo ca l r eal est ate in du st r y. In 1 986 An n D avis ch allen g ed tw o in du st r y st an dar ds w h en s h e o p en ed th e do o r s o f h er r eal est ate br o ke r ag e. In a f ield lo n g do min ated by men , An n D avis & Asso ci ates w as a br o ke r ag e o w n ed an d man ag ed en tir ely by w o men . Fu r th er mo r e, th e co mp an y w as f o u n ded o n An n ’ s u n iq u e visi o n — th at by f o st er in g a c u ltu r e o f teamw o r k, edu ca tio n an d sh ar ed exp er tise , sh e co u ld g u ar an tee su ce s f o r h er g r o w in g o r g an iza tio n o f r eal est ate p r o f essi o n als. T h is co o p er ative co n ce p t w as a dr amatic dep ar tu r e f r o m th e idea th at co mp etitio n w as th e ke y to su c ce s in r eal est ate — an d o n e th at An n D avis h as st ayed tr u e to f o r h er mo r e th an 3 0 year s as a bu si n ess o w n er at th e h elm n o w tr adin g as E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p . W h ile th e n ame o f th e co mp an y h as c h an g ed, E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p co n tin u es to mo ve f o r w ar d. An n ’ s dau g h ter , Step h an ie B ellan o va, h as br o u g h t h er o w n visi o n o f c h an g e to th e w o r ld o f c en tr al N ew Je r se y r eal est ate. As co -o w n er o f E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p , Step h an ie ke ep s th e co mp an y at th e c u ttin g edg e o f tech n o lo g y an d tr ain in g . A ch ar ter member o f th e E R A Y o u n g L eader s N etw o r k, Step h an ie is p ar t o f a n atio n al dialo g u e sh ap in g th e n ext g en er atio n o f r eal est ate en tr ep r en eu r s. Sh e co n tin u es to in n o vate o n a lo ca l level w ith h er w o r k in mar ke tin g , tr ain in g , an d su ce sf u l imp lemen tatio n o f tech n o lo g y, ke ep in g p ace w ith th e mo der n ag en t as w ell as to day’ s r eal es tate co n su mer s. B alan ce is ke y, an d An n an d Step h an ie p ar tn er to main tain th e co o p er ative cu ltu r e at E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p by f o cu si n g o n th e in dividu al st r en g th s o f ag en ts as w ell as st af f . In additio n to th e su p p o r t o f an in -h o u se r eal est ate in st r u ct o r w h o o f f er s co n tin u in g edu c atio n , E R A C en tr al also h as a mar ke tin g de- Before p ar tmen t an d tech n o lo g y team. E ach an d ever y day se aso n ed p r o f es si o n als s h ar e 3 0 -p lu s year s o f exp er ien ce w ith member s o f th e n ext g en er atio n , w h o o f f er th eir o w n exp er tise in so ci al media an d tech n o lo g y. T h eir p h ilo so p h y is th at w ith a co llabo r ative team, bo th ag en ts an d co n su mer s ben ef it. In An n ’ s w o r ds, “ W e ar e a f amily. As a r eal est ate ag en t, yo u ar e an in dep en den t co n tr act o r so yo u th in k, ‘ I’ m su p p o se d to be in dep en den t, ’ bu t in r eality, r eal est ate is in ter dep en den t. ” As E R A C en tr al lo o ks to th e f u tu r e, th e in ter dep en den t n atu r e o f r eal est ate se ems ever mo r e ap p ar en t. T h e p ast f ive year s in th e in du st r y h ave r ein f o r ce d th e imp act a h ealth y r eal est ate mar ke t h as o n its co mmu n ity. An eth ica l, so ci ally r esp o n si ble co mp an y ben ef its n o t o n ly its ag en ts, bu t th e co mmu n ity as a w h o le. W ith th is in min d, E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p main tain s a f o cu s o n th e lo ca l co mmu n ities, th r o u g h vo lu n teer ism an d f u n dr aisi n g . E ach year th e co mp an y su ce sf u lly r ais es mo r e th an $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 f o r th e M u scu lar D ys tr o p h y Asso ci atio n h elp in g to se n d ch ildr en w ith n eu r o mu sc u lar dise ase to M D A Su mmer C amp . T h r o u g h th e 50 0 -P o u n d Fo o d Fig h t in itiative by M o ve f o r H u n g er , th e ag en ts co llect ed mo r e th an 2, 50 0 p o u n ds o f f o o d an d r aise d n ear ly $ 1 , 0 0 0 in 20 1 5 f o r lo ca l f o o d p an tr ies. T h e E D G E Sch o lar sh ip , f u n ded by E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p ag en ts, g ives sch o lar sh ip s each year to th e n ext g en er atio n o f en tr ep r en eu r s by su p p o r tin g lo ca l h ig h sch o o l se n io r s p u r su in g a co lleg e deg r ee. M o r e th an $ 3 5, 0 0 0 in sch o lar sh ip s h ave been aw ar ded to co lleg e-bo u n d st u den ts in ce n tr al N ew Je r se y in th e last deca de. In Ja n u ar y E R A C en tr al R ealty mer g ed w ith E R A C en tr al L evin so n o f M o n r o e T o w n sh ip to st r en g th en th e E R A R eal E st ate br an d in th e ce n tr al N ew Je r se y r eal est ate mar ke t. O p er atin g as E R A C en tr al L evin so n an d E R A C en tr al R ealty G r o u p , Sco tt L au r i, br o ke r an d o w n er o f E R A L evin so n , an d B ellan o va ar e exci ted to take th eir team to th e n ext level, n o w r an ke d th e N o . 1 E R A R eal E st ate Continued from page 2 8 co Ann H . Davis and Stephanie Bellanova, broker associates and co-owners of ER A C entral R ealty G roup. mp an y in N ew Je r se y an d in th e “ T o p 25 o f E R A R eal E st ate C o mp an ies” n atio n w ide. Alth o u g h th e co mp an y co n tin u es to g r o w , it st ays tr u e to An n ’ s visi o n f r o m th at f ir st day in bu si n ess. In each deci si o n Step h an ie ke ep s th at visi o n f r o n t o f min d: “ Fo r u s it’ s abo u t su p p o r tin g o u r ag en ts an d emp o w er in g th em to ach ieve th eir p er so n al g o als. ” It is a se n timen t f elt by th eir team, an d ech o ed by an ag en t in th eir B o r den to w n br an ch : “ Step h an ie an d An n h ave g iven me th e g r eatest o p p o r tu n ity o f my p r o f essi o n al lif e. T h eir su p p o r t an d leader sh ip h ave h elp ed me ach ieve a tr u e ca r eer . T h eir r ep u tatio n make s me p r o u d each day to sa y I w o r k w ith th em. ” A f ittin g test amen t to th eir visi o n , an d o n e su r e to be ech o ed by o f h u n dr eds o f p r o f es si o n als an d co n su mer s w h o h ave been imp act ed by th e leader sh ip o f th ese tw o in n o vative w o men . ERA Central Realty G roup. 21 0 R o u te 53 9, C r eam R idg e; 6 0 9-259-0 20 0 . 3 3 79 R o u te 20 6 , B o r den to w n ; 6 0 9-298-480 0 . 3 3 3 8 R o u te 9 So u th , Fr eeh o ld; 73 2-46 286 0 0 . ERA Central Levinson. 3 49 Ap p leg ar th R o ad, M o n r o e; 6 0 9-6 55-553 5. w w w . er ace n tr al. co m. S ee ad, page 13 . 5 bedr o o ms; 5 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; cr aw lsp ace ; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 5, 278 SF C o lo n ial w ith f ir st -f lo o r in -law su ite, f o u r f ir ep lace s, in -g r o u n d p o o l, lig h ted ten n is co u r t. $ 1,29 5,000. 19 Benedek Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 88 acr es; tax es: $ 25, 521 . L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. r o bin f r o eh lich . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 5. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed w alk- o u t base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. T h r ee-level h o me in cl u din g st u dy, media r o o m, an d g ame r o o m. P o o l. $ 1,275,000. 647 Rosedale Road. L o t si ze : 2. 0 8 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 , 6 6 1 . L ist ed, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T u do r w ith f lag st o n e p atio . $ 775,000. 9 Hedge Row Court. L o t si ze : . 58 acr es; tax es: $ 1 5, 40 6 . L ist ed, K ate Stin so n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 943 9-93 43 . ka test in so n . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial o n cu l-de-sa c w ith p r ivate back yar d, bedr o o m an d f u ll bath o n f ir st f lo o r . $ 615,000. 29 23 M ain S treet. L o t si ze : . 42 acr es; tax es: $ 1 0 , 90 4. L ist ed, D avid Sch u r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. W illiam R o u se H o mest ead. C o lo n ial st o n e r esi den ce w ith blu e st o n e p atio . $ 559 ,000. 1 Teak Lane. L o t si ze : 1 . 3 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 , 271 . L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 4-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 0 6 5 SF T u do r w ith ko i p o n d, co n cr ete p atio , deck w ith aw n in g , br ick f ir ep lac e, o f f ice , den . $ 545,000. 20 Winthrop Road. L o t si ze : . 47 acr es; tax es: $ 1 3 , 6 53 . L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 445 SF C o lo n ial w ith cu st o m sh ed an d n ew dr ivew ay. $ 53 5,000. After This newly renovated kitchen starts with white shaker style cabinetry. The granite countertops complement the subtle metallic finish of the large glass subway tile backsplash. New oak wood flooring was added to the existing, then all was refinished in a dark walnut stain. Stainless appliances, hardware and pendant lighting help create this client’s transitional look. Scan the code below to take a closer look at the finished space. (609) 448-5600 145 W. Ward Street, Hightstown NJ www.cranburydesigncenter.com CDC_US1_Half_Page_042015FINAL.indd 1 5/1/15 2:00 PM M AY 20, 2015 Continued on page 5 1 3 3 A U.S. 1 ADVERTISING FEATURE P eace of M ind for A ll Y our Home M aintenance N eeds o me is th e g r eatest p lace o n ear th , bu t k eep in g it all r u n n in g sm o o th ly ca n be to u g h . T h er e ar e r ep air s to make , u p dates to do , yar ds to main tain ... Fin din g th e r ig h t p r o f essi o n al to h elp yo u ca n be to u g h , to o , es p eci ally if yo u ’ ve n ever u se d o n e bef o r e. Y o u w o n der : W ill th is p lu mber c h ar g e to o mu ch ? Is th is h an dyman r eally q u alif ied? T ake th e w o r r y o u t o f main tain in g yo u r h o me w ith T o tal H o me M an ag er , a co mp lete h o me r ep air , main ten an ce , an d man ag emen t co mp an y an d si n g leso u r ce so lu tio n f o r all yo u r h o me n eeds. W h eth er th e j o b is lar g e o r sm all, T H M w ill g et it do n e, an d do n e r ig h t th e f ir st time, p r o f essi o n ally an d easi ly. T o tal H o me M an ag er man ag es a n etw o r k o f to p -n o tch , tr u st ed p r o f essi o n als in all f ields o f h o me r ep air , main ten an ce , an d se r vice . N eed p ain tin g ? W e g o t yo u co ver ed. H an dyman an d c r p en tr y? C o ver ed. C ar p et a lc ean in g o r f lo o r r ef in ish in g ? Y o u bet. W e ca n also h elp yo u w ith lan dsca p in g an d sn o w r emo val, p lu mbin g , H V AC , an d elect r ica l, roofing, g tters, and chimney yo u n ame it, w e kn o w j u st th e r ig h t p r o f essi o n als f o r th e j o b. An d w e ca n g ive yo u r h o me a th o r o u g h lo o k- o ver to h elp yo u deter min e w h at ki n ds o f r ep air s yo u ’ ll n eed to p lan f o r , like th e n ew r o o f yo u may n eed in f ive year s o r th e ext er io r p ain t j o b yo u ’ ll n eed in th r ee. T o tal H o me M an ag er w as f o u n ded by Ji m B axt er , a 3 0 -year co n st r u ct io n in du st r y p r o f essi o n al an d p r esi den t o f B axt er C o n st r u ct io n in H o p ew ell, an d R ay D isch , a br o ke r w ith C allaw ay H en der so n So th eby’ s in P r in ce to n . T o g eth er th ey h ave bu ilt a tr sted network of top and f lly licensed and ins red professi o n als j u st r ig h t f o r an y j o b. T h eir missi o n is to p r o vide th e best se r vice at a f air p r ice , w ith o u t yo u h avin g to si f t th r o u g h list in g s o f co n tr act o r s, dealin g w ith bids, o r h o p in g th e p r o f essi o n al r eally kn o w s w h at to do . C o-owners Ji m Baxter, left, and R ay Disch An d T H M make s su r e th e p r o f essi o n al co min g to yo u r h o me s ts a sp eci f ic time f o r th e ca ll. e N o mo r e h avin g to take a w h o le day o f f w o r k to w ait f o r so meo n e w h o mig h t be th er e an y time betw een 8 a. m. an d 6 p . m. , an d n o mo r e w o r r yin g abo u t co n tr act o r s who st won t show p at all T H M w ill make su r e so meo n e is th er e, o n time, ever y time. T o tal H o me M an ag er also st r ives to bu ild r elatio n sh ip s w ith h o meo w n er s, n o t j u st man ag e o n e-time r ep air s , th o u g h it do es o f f er o n e-time h an dyman se r vice ca lls an d p r o j ec ts. T H M member s may ch o o se G o ld- o r Silver level se r vice s, w h ich p u ts h o meo w n er s in to u ch 24/ 7. M ember s ca n sch edu le visi ts an d ch eck- u p s, ca ll f o r r ep air s, o r ca ll f o r emer g en cy se r vice s in th e middle o f th e n ig h t, w h en th e h eater g o es o u t o r a p ip e br eaks in th e base men t, all by dialin g o n e n u mber an d kn o w in g th e r ig h t p r o f essi o n al is o n th e w ay. T o tal H o me M an ag er ’ s se r vic es ar e ideal f o r bu sy p r o f essi o n als, si n g les, o lder r esi den ts, an d an yo n e w h o w an ts th e p eace o f min d o f kn o w in g th ey’ r e co ver ed ar o u n d th e h o u se , an y time o f th e day, an y day o f th e year . C all T o tal H o me M an ag er to day at 6 0 9-46 6 -3 3 55, o r visi t w w w . T o talH o meM an ag er . co m to se e h o w w e ca n h elp ke ep yo u r h o me th e g r eatest p lace o n ear th . S ee ad, page 27. Hopewell. $159,900. New Listing! A Rare Find!! Great opportunity for new construction in Hopewell Borough! This approximate quarter acre lot in the Borough is located on a cul-de-sac and is ready to go. (ID#6569610). 609-586-1400 1564 Lawrence Rd. New Listing! Lawrenceville $325,000. This charming 3 bedroom, 3 bath Colonial CapeSetting: has a large welcoming New Listing! Tranquil $870,000 – Princeton Plainsboro. front with$870,000 beautiful apTranquil Setting: – curb Princeton List porch of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in this $400,000. Tranquil Setting: $870,000 – Princeton peal. The open foyer shows beauListList of of amenities and upgrades be listed inbe this section. Listsection. of upgrades in upgrades thisin this space. List of amenities and will upgrades will listed in this List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades tiful wooden floors and trim upgrades this space. List of amenities upgrades will beList listed in this section. . space. ListList ofinamenities andand upgrades will beand listed in this section. of upgrades space. amenities leading to ofthe sunny litupgrades living will be listed in this section. List of upgrades Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 (ID#6222704) upgrades in this space. List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. . upgrades in this space. List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. . room & dining rm. (ID#6571849). Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 3 BR end unit w/heat pump for energy effi(ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 (ID#6222704) 609-921-2700 PROPERTY SHOWCASE cient heating & cooling, new eco-aware re- cessed, surface LED lighting downstairs, fire PROPERTY SHOWCASE place, garage, loft & deck. (ID#6574098). PROPERTY SHOWCASE PROPERTY SHOWCASE 609-586-1400 T T H Total Home Manager CO UCN UC U NT ODNENODN ND RA TRR ETR ER CTAC AC 3 4 Woodlane Road. L o t si ze : . 43 acr es; tax es: $ 1 1 , 240 . L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase lls p r in ce to n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 795 SF C o lo n ial. $ 518 ,8 8 8 . 3 1 Carla Way . L o t si ze : . 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 1 , 3 50 . L is ted, M ado lyn G r eve, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 946 2-250 5. w w w . mado lyn g r eve. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 51 4 SF br ick f r o n t C o lo n ial w ith f ir ep lace , cu l-desa c lo ca tio n , n ew h ar dw o o d f lo o r s, n ew st ain less st eel ki tch en ap p lian c es. $ 49 8 ,500. 16 Nassau D rive. L o t si ze : . 44 acr es; tax es: $ 1 2, 0 81 . L ist ed, B eth J. M iller , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-86 5883 3 . beth miller . f o xr o ach . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 881 SF C o lo n ial w ith u p dated g r an ite/ st ain less in ki tch en , h ar dw o o d f lo o r s, g r eat r o o m additio n w ith vau lted ce ilin g s, f amily r o o m f ir ep lace , an d w r ap -ar o u n d deck. $ 479 ,000. 109 Nassau D rive. L o t si ze : . 8 acr es; tax es: $ 1 1 , 70 6 . L ist ed, B eth J. M iller , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-86 5883 3 . beth miller . f o xr o ach . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 56 5 SF C o lo n ial w ith o p en ki tch en , h ar dw o o d f lo o r s, br ick f ir ep lace , w o o d deck w ith g aze bo . $ 472,000. 3 4 F ackler Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 3 7 acr es; tax es: $ 1 3 , 0 90 . L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . w w w . h o u se sb ydaw n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 4 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 0 85 SF C o lo n ial. $ 43 9 ,000. 19 M anning Lane. L o t si ze : . 21 acr es; tax es: $ 8, 0 3 0 . L ist ed, M ar th a M o se ley, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9921 -1 0 50 . 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t. C ap e. $ 3 69 ,000. 172 Copperf ield D rive. L o t si ze : . 1 1 acr es ; taxe s: $ 7, 884. L ist ed, K ate Stin so n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 943 9-93 43 . ka test in so n . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. V au lted ce ilin g s, g as f ir ep lace , g r an ite an d st ain less in ki tch en . $ 3 63 ,9 00. 1613 Lawrence Road. L o t si ze : . 48 acr es; taxe s: $ 8, 287. L is ted, Sco tt W ils o n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; p ar tial base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith f r o n t-to -back livin g r o o m w ith f ir ep lace . $ 3 3 5,000. 112 D arrah Lane. L o t si ze : . 1 7 acr es; tax es: $ 5, 979. L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-8950 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 728 SF sp lit level w ith deck. Sh o r t sa le. $ 275,000. 18 D evon Avenue. L o t si ze : . 1 4 acr es; tax es: $ 5, 541 . L ist ed, Su e D eH aven , W eidel, 6 0 9-46 8-3 899. w w w . su edeh aven . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 1 -c ar g ar ag e. 1 , 221 SF C o lo n ial. C en tr al air . $ 269 ,9 00. 19 1 F ederal Point Boulevard. T axe s: $ 5, 40 0 . L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. T w o -s to r y co n temp o r ar y in 55+ co mmu n ity. $ 245,000. 8 3 Hughes Avenue. L o t si ze : . 1 7 acr es; tax es: $ 6 , 581 . L ist ed, K ate Stin so n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 943 9-93 43 . ka test in so n . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; base men t. C ap e. $ 23 5,000. 17 Haveson Avenue. L o t si ze : . 47 acr es; taxe s: $ 4, 40 9. L ist ed, L o r r ain e M cC o r mick, R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 23 5 SF r an ch o n cu lde-sa c. $ 225,000. 9 Breckenridge Place. T axe s: $ 4, 1 29. L ist ed, Jo e D eL o r en zo , R e/ M ax In T o w n , 6 0 9-895-0 50 0 . w w w . j o edh o mes. c o m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s. 1 , 26 0 SF to w n h o u se . C o mmu n ity in cl u des p o o l. $ 179 ,000. 13 20 Colts Circle. T axe s : $ 4, 0 0 3 . L ist ed, Jo an E ise n ber g , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 -86 0 0 . w w w . j o an se lls. co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. L ar g est si ze co n do in 55+ co mmu n ity. W alk- in cl o se t in mast er bedr o o m an d base men t st o r ag e. $ 174,9 00. U .S . 1 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed this section. of upgrades List of in amenities and List upgrades will bein listed in in this this section. section. List List of of upgrades upgrades in in listed New Listing! Hamilton $369,500. 5 BR, 3 this space. will appear. (ID#6222704) BA colonial, formal LRList & – DR, 2 car garage. listed in thisList section. ofPennington upgrades in Just Listed: $300,000 Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 (ID#6566441). this List609-586-1400 willand appear. (ID#6222704) Listspace. of amenities upgrades will be Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 New Price! Mercerville. $214,900. Recently renovated cape-cod style situated on a large Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington fenced-in lot has brand new kitchen, 4 BR List amenities and upgrades will be and of finished basement. Detached garage Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed in this section. List of (ID#6558700). upgrades in and of one-year home warranty. List amenities and upgrades will be 609-586-1400 listed in this this section. section. List List of of upgrades upgrades in in listed in this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Lawrenceville. $396,000. Come see this huge 3 br 2/2 ba Craftsman Style Colonial on one of the quietest streets in Lawrence. You will not be disappointed! Just Listed: $300,000(ID#6546994). – Pennington 609-921-2700 New Listing! Burlington Twp. $98,000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington 2nd Flr,of2BR Condo with viewwill in be the List amenities andwooded upgrades Rosewood Condo Complex. Updated & ready Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed in this section. List of upgrades toList move in. Lg kitchen w/newer countertops of amenities and upgrades will bein & listed marblein flooring along with breakfast pen-in this section. section. Listaof of upgrades listed in this List upgrades insula thewill dining room.(ID#6222704) Great viewsin this adjoining space. appear. listed in thisList section. List of(ID#6549814). upgrades in off theListed: comfortable balcony. Just $300,000 – Pennington Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 609-586-1400 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) List of amenities and upgrades will be Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Montgomery Twp. $359,000. This adorable four bedroom two bath Cape–isPennington bright & spaJust Listed: $300,000 cious with ample closet space, storage & a List of amenities and upgrades be two-car detached garage. The greatwill room/ Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed in this section. List of upgrades in dining room overlooks a brick patio & lovely List of amenities and upgrades will be yard. (ID#6563848). 609-921-2700 listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Lawrenceville. $284,000. Spa- and Spotless! Just Listed: $300,000cious – Pennington Rarely offered 3 List of amenities and upgrades be bedroom will model Society Hill TH in listed in this section. List of upgrades boasting upgraded listed in this section. List of upgrades EIK,all new win- in dows(ID#6222704) throughout, this space. List will appear. new triple sliding Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 door to rear brick patio, overly generous room dimensions, newer HVAC, serene location backing to trees, trees, trees! (ID#6549358). 609-921-2700 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be List of amenities and upgrades will be Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed this section. of upgrades listed this section. of upgrades List of in amenities and List upgrades will bein List of in amenities and List upgrades will bein listed in in this this section. section. List List of upgrades upgrades in listed in this this section. section. List List of of upgrades upgrades in in OUR TRUSTED PARTNERS: listed of in listed in this space. will appear. this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in MLS# 113856 Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 MLS# 113856 Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington ListListing! of amenities and upgrades will be New Hamilton. $329,900. 3 BR Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington Ranch, move-in w/updates through- in listed thiscondition section. of upgrades of in amenities and List upgrades willDR be out.List Orig hrdwd floors throughout, listed in in this section. section. List List of of upgrades upgrades in listed features bay this window overlooking fenced yard. in this BR space. List will Master half appear. bath. Finished base- in listed inw/private this section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 ment. (ID#6564367). 609-586-1400 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) List of amenities and upgrades will be Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. ListLawrenceville. of upgrades in $188,000. Nestled this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) up against trees and fields this true Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 end-unit main floor 2 bed,2 bath Manors condo boasts a sunny EIK, expansive 22 ft LR, formal DR, Master BR w/ en-suite bath & huge walk in closet! Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington Full sized laundry List of amenities and will be &upgrades bsmnt storage. Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington (ID#6560908). listed in this section. List of upgrades List of amenities and609-921-2700 upgrades will bein listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in Ewing. $268,000. Meticulous! Shabakunk this 4space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Hills bedroom, 3 full bath walk-out Ranch home, on a .34 acre serene lot! FeaMary nestled Smith: 609-555-0000 turing New Cherry kitchen w/ granite countertops, 42”cabinetry, new slider to deck! All baths are newer! 3 zone heat! Finished walk out Just lowerListed: level to$300,000 pave stone patio! 1-car – Pennington garage! (ID# 6534912). 609-921-2700 List of amenities and upgrades will be Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed this section. of upgrades List of in amenities and List upgrades will bein listed in in this this section. section. List List of of upgrades upgrades in in listed this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington New List Price! Princeton. $445,000. Charming of amenities and upgrades will be cottage style home,$300,000 surrounded– by mature Just Listed: Pennington listed in this section. List of upgrades trees List and of landscaping. Old home living and bein amenities and upgrades will modern updates blendedList together per- in listed in this thisare section. of upgrades upgrades in section. List of fectlylisted in this delightful home. Simply wonder- in this space. List will appear. in this section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in ful! must see. (ID#6533588). JustAlisted Listed: $300,000 – Pennington Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 609-586-1400 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) List of amenities and upgrades will be Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Lawrence Twp. $274,900. Beautiful 3 BR, 2 newly updated BTHS with open concept kit. & FR Just w/wood burning FP, adjacent sunroom Listed: $300,000 – Pennington & dining room. Enjoy your spacious back yard Listhas of amenities and upgrades will& be that also plenty $300,000 of storage. Min. to 195 Just Listed: – Pennington listed in List of upgrades TrainsList to NYC &this Phil.section. (ID#6521084). of amenities and upgrades will bein 609-921-2700 listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. will appear. (ID#6222704) Rocky Hill. List $575,000. Tucked away on a horseshoe you609-555-0000 will find this extraordinary Mary Smith: home with two great rooms/offices & backing to preserved land. Special moldings, beams, cedar vaulted ceilings, skylights & in-ground pool are a few of the $300,000 amenities. (ID#6536122). Just Listed: – Pennington 609-921-2700 List of amenities and upgrades will be Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington listed this section. of upgrades List of in amenities and List upgrades will bein listed in in this this section. section. List List of of upgrades upgrades in in listed this space. will appear. listed in thisList section. List of (ID#6222704) upgrades in Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 OUR TRUSTED PARTNERS: OUR TRUSTED PARTNERS: MLS# 113856 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 Just Listed: $300,000 – Pennington MORTGAGE INSURANCE TITLE List of amenities and upgrades will be listed in this section. List of upgrades in WWW.WEIDEL.COM listed in this section. List of upgrades in this space. List will appear. (ID#6222704) PROPERTY PROPERTY MORTGAGE INSURANCE Mary Smith: 609-555-0000 PROPERTY OUR TRUSTED PARTNERS: MLS# 113856 MORTGAGE INSURANCE TITLE TITLE WWW.WEIDEL.COM TOLL FREE: (800) 288-SOLD WWW.WEIDEL.COM TOLL FREE: (800) 288-SOLD 3 4 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 ART FILM LITERATURE DANCE DRAMA MUSIC PREV I E W DAY-BY-DAY EVENTS, MAY 20 TO 27 F or more ev ent l is tings v is it w w w .princetoninfo.com. B efore ta tendi ng an ev ent, cal l or che ck the w ebs ite. W ant t ol is t ane v ent? Subm it de tai l s an d phot os to ev ents @princetoninfo.com. F or l is tings of meetings , netw ork ing g roups , trade as s ocia tions , and trai ning organi z at ions , s ee B us ines s M eetings in the Su rv iv al G u ide s ection. Wednesday M ay 20 Classical Music Princeton S ound K itchen, Princeton U niversity D epartment of M usic, T ap lin Au dito r iu m, 6 0 9258-280 0 . p r in ce to n . edu / mu si c. So P er cu si o n , th e E dw ar d T . C o n e p er f o r mer s- in -r esi den ce , p er f o r ms w o r ks by st u den ts co mp o se r s. Fr ee. 8 p.m. Live Music Barb ara Trent, M af alda’ s I talian Restaurant, 3 6 81 N o ttin g h am W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-587-580 0 . w w w . maf aldaso f h amilto n . co m. 6 p.m. open M ic, Alchemist & Barrister, 28 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , J aZ Z MeeTS cLaSSicaL The Valinor Quartet gives two performances on Thursday, May 21, at Raritan Valley Community College. A one-hour afternoon show is followed by a cabaret-style evening show including refreshments. The quartet, which presents a unique mix of jazz and classical music, includes Ben Powell on violin, left, Slava Tolstoy on guitar, Greg Feingold on bass, and Sergei Teleshev on accordion. 6 0 9-924-5555. w w w . th eaan db. co m. H o st ed by K evin R o vn er . R eg ist r atio n beg in s at 9 p . m. 21 p lu s. 10 p.m. Dance Paul Tay lor, M cCarter Theater, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9-2582787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 7: 3 0 p.m. On Stage An Enemy of the People, Bristol Riverside Theater, 1 20 R adcl if f e Str eet, B r ist o l, 21 5-785-0 1 0 0 . w w w . br tst ag e. o r g . H en r ik Ibse n ’ s dr ama debates th e th in lin e betw een w h ist leblo w er an d tr aito r . $ 3 1 to $ 46 . 2 and 7: 3 0 p.m. F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9-258-2787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 7: 3 0 p.m. Film Evening M ovie, Hamilton Lib rary , 1 Ju st ice Samu el A. Alito Jr . W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-581 -40 6 0 . Scr een in g o f “ T h e H o bbit: th e B attle o f th e Five Ar mies. ” 7 p.m. National Theater Event, G arden Theater, N assa u Str eet, P r in ce to n . th eg ar den th eatr e. co m. Scr een in g o f “ M an an d Su p er man , ” a cl assi c by G eo r g e B er n ar d Sh aw st ar r in g R alp h Fien n es an d In dir a V ar ma. $ 1 8. 7: 3 0 p.m. Dancing Newcomer D ance, American Ballroom, 1 523 P ar kw ay Aven u e, E w in g , 6 0 9-93 1 -0 1 49. G r o u p cl ass f o llo w ed by p r act ice . $ 1 0 . 7 to 10 p.m. West Coast S wing, Jersey D ance, W est W in dso r Ar ts C en ter , 952 Alexa n der R o ad, W est W in dso r , 6 0 9-3 75-846 8. B eg in n er an d in ter mediate lesso n .s $ 8. 7: 3 0 p.m. Literati Writing G roup, Chauncey S horts, C h au n ce y C o n f er en ce C en ter , E T S, P r in ce to n . M o n th ly se r ies p r ese n tin g w o r ks o f f ict io n an d n o n -f ict io n by lo ca l w r iter s. E mail to dd@ to ddw g r een w o o d. co m f o r in f o r matio n . 7 p.m. Good Causes Legislative Correspondents Club , New Jersey Press Association, H amilto n M an o r , 3 0 R o u te 1 56 , H amilto n , 6 0 9-40 6 -0 6 0 0 . C o c k tail r ec ep tio n , o p en bar , c ar vin g an d p as ta s tatio n s , an d des s er t. T h e s h o w p o k es f u n at th e year ’ s h eadlin es an d th e f o lk s w h o mak e th em. R eg is ter . $ 1 43 ben ef its th e s c h o lar s h ip f u n d. 6 p.m. eV enTS ediTOR: LYnn MiLLeR ev ents @princetoninfo.com Faith Holiday Hoopla, Beth El S y nagogue, 50 M ap le Str eam R o ad, E ast W in dso r , 6 0 9-443 -4454. w w w . beth el. n et. “ Sh avu o t. ” Fo r f amilies w ith ch ildr en ag es 3 to 2n d g r ade. R eg is ter . Fr ee. 5: 45 to 7 p.m. Food & Dining Cornerstone Community K itchen, Princeton U nited M ethodist Church, N assa u at V an deven ter Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-26 1 3 . w w w . p r in ce to n u mc. o r g . H o t meals se r ved, p r ep ar ed by T ASK . Fr ee. 5 to 6: 3 0 p.m. Gardens G ardening f or D if f icult S ites, M ercer County Connection, 957 R o u te 3 3 , H amilto n , 6 0 9-890 980 0 . B ar bar a B r o mley p r ese n ts h o w to ch o o se th e r ig h t p lan t f o r each ar ea in yo u r g ar den . R eg is ter . Fr ee. 10: 3 0 a.m. M eeting, Nottingham G arden Club , Sw itlik H all, Jo e M ag g io D r ive, Y ar dville, 6 0 9-587-91 49. An n u al p lan t exch an g e. 7 p.m. M AY 20, 2015 Health Ey ewear Trunk S how, Campus Ey e G roup, 1 70 0 W h iteh o r se H amilto n , H amilto n Sq u ar e, 6 0 9587-20 20 . V isi o n an d h ear in g p r o du ct s o n disp lay, in f o r matio n , r ef r esh men ts, an d h ear in g exams. 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Community Education Program, Alzh eimer’ s Association, R W J C en ter , 3 1 0 0 Q u ak er br idg e R o ad, M er ce r ville, 973 -586 -43 0 0 . “ E f f ect ive C o mmu n ica tio n Str ateg ies. ” R eg ist er . Fr ee. 6 p.m. Weight Loss S urgery , Princeton HealthCare S y stem, H amilto n Y M C A, 1 3 1 5 W h iteh o r se -M er ce r ville R o ad, H amilto n , 888-8978979. D is cu si o n by L isa D o br u ski n , M . D . , a bar iatr ic su r g eo n . R eg ist er . Fr ee. 6: 3 0 p.m. Mental Health M editation U nder the S tars, Raritan V alley Community College Planetarium, 1 1 8 L amin g to n R o ad, B r an ch bu r g , 90 8-23 1 880 5. L ed by r elaxa tio n sp eci alis t B ar bar a C an n ell. Admissi o n $ 7. Fo r teen s an d adu lts. 1: 15 p.m. Peer S upport G roup, S outh Asian M ental Health Awareness in Jersey , N AM I N J, 1 56 2 R o u te 1 3 0 , N o r th B r u n sw ick, 73 2-940 0 991 . w w w . n amin j . o r g . Stig ma f r ee atmo sp h er e. R eg ist er . Fr ee. 7 to 8 : 3 0 p.m. Wellness D izzi ness: the Causes and Treatment, Hickory Corner Lib rary , 1 3 8 H icko r y C o r n er R o ad, E ast W in dso r , 6 0 9-448-1 3 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g / br an ch es/ h icb r . h tml. L ear n abo u t th e ca u se s an d tr eatmen t o f dizzi n ess. P r ese n ted by E r in M ee, P T , D P T , w h o sp eci alize s in th e tr eatmen t o f p atien ts w ith dizzi n ess, ver tig o , an d balan ce dysf u n ct io n . R eg ist er . Fr ee. 3 p.m. Hatha Y oga Class, S t. D avid’ s Episcopal Church, 90 So u th M ain Str eet, C r an bu r y, 6 0 9-6 55473 1 . w w w . st davids cr an bu r y. co m. Fo r all levels. $ 5. 3 to 4 p.m. 3 5 Shopping News Weekly Y oga Class, S ourland Cy cles, 53 E ast B r o ad Str eet, H o p ew ell, 6 0 9-3 3 3 -8553 . All levels. $ 1 5. 6 p.m. Y oga, West Windsor Lib rary , 3 3 3 N o r th P o s t R o ad, 6 0 9-799-0 46 2. w w w . mcl . o r g . R eg ist er . 6 p.m. Lectures U .S . 1 Wednesday s on Warren, Trenton D owntown Association, So u th W ar r en Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 93 -8998. w w w . tr en to n do w n to w n . co m. M u si c, ar ts, sh o p p in g , an d f o o d. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Let Us Cater Your Next Party Or Event Let Us Cater Your Next Party Or Eve Woodrow Wilson S chool, Princeton U niversity , D o dds, R o ber tso n H all, 6 0 9-258-2943 . “ P o lici es to P r o mo te C h ild H ealth : W ays in W h ich Sc h o o ls an d C o mmu n ities C an P r o mo te C h ild W elln ess. ” R eg ist er . Fr ee. 9 : 3 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. S af e Boating Course, Coast Boating S chool, W W -P H ig h Sch o o l So u th , 3 46 C lar ksvi lle R o ad, W est W in dso r , 73 2-2790 56 2. w w w . co as tbo atin g sch o o l. co m. R eg ist er . $ 6 5. 6: 3 0 to 10 p.m. History Talk, M ary Jacob s Lib rary , 6 4 W ash in g to n Str eet, R o cky H ill, 6 0 9-924-70 73 . H ist o r ian L in da B ar th p r ese n ts D isco ver th e M illst o n e V alley N atio n al Sce n ic B yw ay. Fr ee. 7 p.m. Socials Y arnworks, Ewing Lib rary , 6 1 Sco tch R o ad, E w in g , 6 0 9-8823 1 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g / br an ch es/ ew in g br . h tml. Jo in L ee P elleg r in o an d f ello w kn itter s an d cr o ch eter s to tackl e a n ew p r o j ect o r w o r k o n o n e yo u ’ ve alr eady st ar ted. R eg ist er . 7 p.m. K nitting Circle, Lawrence Lib rary , D ar r ah L an e an d R o u te 1 , L aw r en ce , 6 0 9-989-6 920 . w w w . mcl . o r g . R eg ist er . 7 p.m. We are pleased to host your business luncheons, company andbusiness meetings luncheon too! We are pleased to functions host your Outdoor Action Annual M eeting, K ingston G reenway s Association, K in g st o n Fir e H o u se , H eath co te R o ad, K in g st o n , 6 0 9-750 -1 821 . w w w . ki n g st o n g r een w ays. o r g . “ L if e w ith th e H ives: N o t Alw ays th e B ees’ K n ees” p r ese n ted by D en n is R itten h o u se o f th e Small B ee Stew ar d. R ef r esh men ts. Fr ee. 7: 3 0 to 9 p.m. Schools K nit I t, Princeton Pub lic Lib rary , T een C en ter , 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-8822. w w w . p r in ce to n libr ar y. o r g . Fo r kn itter s an d cr o ch eter s o f all levels. 7 p.m. Citize nship Preparation Class, Princeton Pub lic Lib rary , C o n f er en ce R o o m, 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-8822. w w w . p r in ce to n libr ar y. o r g . L atin Amer ica n T ask Fo r ce o f f er s a se r ies o f cl asse s. 7 p.m. ““ company functions and meetings too! For Seniors Welcome to M edicare, M ercer County Connection, 957 R o u te 3 3 , H amilto n , 6 0 9-890 -980 0 . w w w . mer ce r co u n ty. o r g . R eg ist er . 6 to 7: 3 0 p.m. Thursday M ay 21 Classical Music Westminster Conservatory at Nassau, Westminster Choir College, N iles C h ap el, N assa u P r esb yter ian C h u r ch , P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-921 -26 6 3 . w w w . r ider . edu . Jo h n L an e o n f lu te an d M eg an H o f r eiter o n p ian o . Fr ee. 12: 15 p.m. F uma S acra, Princeton Theological S eminary , M iller C h ap el. w w w . p tse m. edu . “ B ach o n T h u r sday” f eatu r es th e bar o q u e o r ch estr a o n p er io d in st r u men ts. C o n du ct ed by An dr ew M eg ill. Fr ee. 12: 3 0 p.m. Ricky’s is my co-favorite I rish Repertoire: Ivan Goff andThai Cleek Schrey per- area res form Saturday, May 23, at Reformed theStanton other being it’s sister restaurant, T Church as part of the Raritan River Music Festival. Kitchen III in Hillsborough. Jazz & Blues Ricky’s Thai is my co-favorite are the other being it’s sister restaura Blue Pomegranate Jam and Live Kitchen IIIhealthy, in Hillsborough. I like eat and Art to S oiree, Blawenb urg I feel the food Church, 424 R o u te 51 8, 6 0 9Club 28 , Raritan V alley Commu91 5-5420 . M u si ci an s an d visu al nity College, R o u te 28, N o r th ar tistto s j eat o in f o healthy, r an even in g and o f p ain It-feel the B r an ch , 90 8-725-3 420 . C abar et- I like in g , video ar t, an d imp r o visa tio n al st yle sh o w f eatu r es V alin o r Q u ar mu lets si c. R me ef r esh do menthat. ts. Fr ee. 7 Where one tet. $ 1 0 f o r th e ear ly sh o w is a o n eThai p.m. h o u r p er f o r man ce . $ 25 f o r th e compromises to taste in even in g s h o w se t in ca bar et se at-to make Paul Plumeri Band, Alchemist & in g in cl u des r ef r esh men ts. Noon health, Barrister, 28 W ith er p s o o n Str eet, nothing could be further f and 8 p.m. P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-5555. w w w . th eaan db. where co m. 10 p.m. at Ricky’s the food is amon Thursday Evening Jazz , Hopewell V alley V iney ards, 46 Art ever. Y ar d R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-tasted 446 5. P ian o bass an d j azz. 6 to 9 Art Ex hib it, Lakef ront G allery , p.m. R W J U n iver si ty H o sp ital, 1 H amilappetizer Jim Nuz z o, I talian Bistro Lounge,My tofavorite n H ealth P lac e , H amilto n is , 73 the 2- Jurd 441 R ar itan Aven u e, H ig h lan d 422-3 6 76 . O p en in g r ec e p tio n f o r with g robust, chicken based soup P ar k , 73 2-6 40 -1 959. 7 p.m. “ Simp ly B lack an d W h ite, ” an exh ibit o f w o r ks and f eatu r baby in g 6 0 imag es reple mushrooms corn, Live Music f r o m member s o f th e P r in ce to n P h o to g r apchunks h y C lu b; anofd chicken. in ter n agenerous M aster, S olstice, Hate S torm Antio n al p h o to g r ap h ic exh ibit by Imnihilation, Championship ag e C o lleag u e So ci ety. O n view S ports Bar, 93 1 C h amber s to Ju ly 9. 5: 3 0 to 7: 3 0 p.m. Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 94-743 7. For an entree I usually go with C $ 1 5. 5 p.m. Continued on following page Thai lets me do that. Where one migh to make compromises to taste in the n health, nothing could be further from at Ricky’s where the food is among the tasted ever. My favorite appetizer is the Jurd Wood robust, chicken based soup with glass n mushrooms and baby corn, replete wit generous chunks of chicken. Restaurant review by Faith Bahadurian Restaurant review Bahadurian frombytheFaith Princeton Packet says from the Princeton Packet says “I enjoy the chef’sLet specialUs entreeCater Tamarind Duck” Your “I enjoy the chef’s special entree Tamarind Duck” Restaurant review by Pat Tanner Restaurantfrom review by Pat Tanner Montgomery News says from Montgomery News says “I enjoy the chef’s special entree Spicy Duck” “I enjoy the chef ’s special entree Spicy Duck” For an entree I usually go with Choo C Salmon, which comes in a curry sauc Salmon, which of comes a curry the right amount zing. Iinprefer brow the amount prefer soakright up every last bitofofzing. sauce.I The dis soak up every last bit of sauce. with a small diced vegetable medlay,Ta Party or Event! with a small vegetable med asparagus anddiced tomatoes. asparagus and tomatoes. Every now and then the Green Curry Every now and then the Green C a nice change of pace. The rich chunk a nice change of pace. The rich c duck, and avocado laden curry sauce duck, and avocado laden curry s satisfying comfort food. satisfying comfort food. — David B — Da Village Shoppes Village Shoppes at Montgomery at Montgomery 137 Route 137 206Route 206 Skillman, NJ 08558NJ 08558 Skillman, palmer square Dine Al Fresco in princeton's Voted Asian, VotedBest Best Southeast Southeast Asian, ThaiThai *Critics Choice *Critics Choice Thai Th Ki 649 H6 HillsbH NJ 0 7 Days • Sun: 4-9:30pm • Break Ti Open 7 Days: Mon - Thurs: 11-9:30pm • Fri - Sat:Open 11-10:30pm Open 7 Days: Mon - Thurs: 11-9:30pm • Fri11- Sat: 11-10:30pm 4-9:30pm • Break Time: 3 on Thurs 30pm • ri Sat •11Sun: 10 30pm Sun pm 30pm • reak Time 3 pm • www.rickysthai.com Tel: (609) 285-2955 Reservations recommended • for Friday and Saturday Tel: (609) 285-2955 www.rickysthai.com Village Shops at ontgomery 13 Route 206 • Skillman 0 (60 ) 2 2 www.terramomo.com Group Dining Available usLike on Facebook 609.497.7500 Ricky s Thai Hillsborough 6 H y 206 • Hillsborough 0 Same anagement • Same O nership • Same ame ( 0 ) 0 03 www.rickysthai.com 3 6 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 M ay 21 Continued from preceding page Authentic Indian cuisine in a quiet, elegant setting Customized Catering Available LUNCH Mon - Fri: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Sat - Sun: 11:30 am to 3:30 pm DINNER Sun - Thurs: 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm Fri - Sat: 4:30 pm to 11:00 pm Italian Restaurant & Lounge 4 Rooms for Corporate or Private Parties Wine u Chevy u Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner (AV Equipment Available) Iialian Restaurant & Lounge Italian Restaurant & Lounge Tommy Zucchetti Anthony Zucchetti 25 Route 31 S • Pennington, NJ 08534 • Download Diamond's Mobile App to Order Online Text RUBY to 33733 (in the Pennington Shopping Center) • Diamond's Catering at your home or office 609-730-1244 diamondsofpennington.com [email protected] 25 Route 31 S • Pennington, NJ 08534 (in the Pennington Shopping Center) 609-730-1244 • diamondsofpennington.com • Mobile App: DiamondsNJ Mid-Jersey Advert.pmd Tommy Zucchetti Anthony Zucchetti 25 Route 31 S • Pennington, NJ 08534 (in the Pennington Shopping Center) 609-730-1244 diamondsofpennington.com [email protected] 1 1/30/2014, 12:01 PM S alsa Class, Jersey D ance, 952 Alexa n der R o ad, P r in ce to n Ju n c tio n , 6 0 9-3 75-846 8. w w w . j er se ydan ce . co m. $ 1 2. 7: 45 and 8 : 3 0 p.m. 1 on The Lighter S ide, The Jewish center, 43 5 N assa u Str eet, P r in c eto n , 6 0 9-921 -0 1 0 0 . w w w . th ej ew ish ce n ter . o r g . P r o g r am o f mu si ca l p ar o dies by M ar tin R o me, su n g by D o n Sh easl ey, Ju di Fleitman an d B ar bar a G an tw er k w ith San r a D avidso n o n p ian o . Fr ee admissi o n , $ 3 su g g est ed do n atio n . 10 a.m. Ever Af ter, Paper M ill Play house, 22 B r o o ksi de D r ive, M illbu r n , 973 3 76 -43 43 . w w w . p ap er mill. o r g . W o r ld p r emier e o f n ew mu si ca l base d o n th e 1 998 f ilm. D ir ect ed an d ch o r eo g r ap h ed by K ath leen M ar sh all, act o r s in cl u de C h r ist in e E ber so le, T o n y Sh eldo n , C h ar les Sh au g h n essy , Ja mes Syn der , an d M ar g o Seiber t. T h r o u g h Ju n e 21 . $ 28 to $ 99. C o n ver sa tio n cl u b w ith member s o f th e ar tist ic dep ar tmen ts at 6 p . m. in th e mezza n in e. 7 p.m. Beastly Encounters, Bimah Play ers, M o n r o e T o w n sh ip Je w ish C en ter , 1 1 C o r n ell Aven u e, 6 0 9-40 9-93 6 7. w w w . bimah p layer s. o r g . O r ig in al co medy w ith mu si c. R eg ist er . $ 1 0 ben ef its An imal Fr ien ds f o r E du ca tio n an d W elf ar e. 7: 3 0 p.m. 1/30/2014, 12:01 PM alian Restaurant & Lounge Phone: 609-275-5707 • Fax: 609-275-9503 E-mail: [email protected] 660 Plainsboro Rd. • Plainsboro, NJ 08536 Ruby u Sapphire Dance On Stage Reserve Your Office Meetings, Birthdays, Graduations, Weddings, or Any Special Event in One of Our Elegant Private Rooms u M eeting, S outh Brunswick Arts Commission, So u th B r u n sw ick M u n ici p al B u ildin g , 540 R o u te 522, M o n mo u th Ju n ct io n , 73 23 29-40 0 0 . 6: 3 0 p.m. Author Event, Arts Council of Princeton, 1 0 2 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-8777. Far az K h an , ar tist in r esi den ce , discu se s “ T h e C an ticl e o f th e B ir ds, ” an illu st r ated man u scr ip t o f a Su f i text . 7 p.m. An Enemy of the People, Bristol Riverside Theater, 1 20 R adcl if f e Str eet, B r ist o l, 21 5-7850 1 0 0 . w w w . br tst ag e. o r g . H en r ik Ibse n ’ s dr ama debates th e th in lin e betw een w h ist leblo w er an d tr aito r . $ 3 1 to $ 46 . 7: 3 0 p.m. F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9258-2787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 7: 3 0 p.m. The Realiza tion of Emily Linder, New Jersey Repertory Company , 1 79 B r o adw ay, L o n g B r an ch , 73 2-229-3 1 6 6 . w w w . n j r ep . o r g . W o r ld p r emier e o f a co medydr ama by R ich ar d Str an d. $ 45. 8 p.m. The G oldilocks Z one, Passage Theater, M ill H ill P layh o u se , 20 5 E ast Fr o n t Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 92-0 76 6 . w w w . p assa g eth eatr e. o r g . A lo o k at mo der n f amilies dir ect ed by D amo n B o n etti. $ 1 2 to $ 3 5 8 p.m. The Pillowman, V illagers Theater, 475 D eM o tt L an e, So mer se t, 73 2-873 -271 0 . w w w . villag er s th eatr e. co m. D r ama f o cu se s o n an au th o r o f sh o r t st o r ies an d si milar ities to a se r ies o f ch ild mu r der s. $ 20 . 8 p.m. Film Based on the Book F ilm S eries, Princeton Pub lic Lib rary , 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-9529. w w w . p r in ce to n libr ar y. o r g . Scr een in g o f “ U n br o ke n . ” 6: 3 0 p.m. Cinema Thursday , Trenton S ocial Bar and Restaurant, 449 So u th B r o ad Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9989-7777. w w w . f ace bo o k. co m/ ci memaT h u r sd ay. 8 p.m. Dancing Country Western D ance, Bordentown Elks, 1 1 Ambo y R o ad, B o r den to w n , 6 0 9-46 2-3 758. Lif e with the Hives: Dennis Rittenhouse of the Small Bee Steward speaks at the Kingston Greenways Association’s annual meeting on Wednesday, May 20. w w w . bo r den to w n elks. o r g . $ 7 in lc u des a din n er bu f f et. 7: 3 0 p.m. Argentine Tango, V iva Tango, Su za n n e P atter so n C en ter , 45 Sto ckt o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9948-4448. vivatan g o . o r g . N o p ar tn er n ece sa r y. $ 1 5. 8 p.m. Literati Author Event, Lab y rinth Books, 1 22 N assa u Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-497-1 6 0 0 . labyr in th bo o ks. co m. Sar ah B lak e au th o r o f “ M r . W est : P o ems, ” an exp lo r atio n o f th e main even ts in K an ye W est ’ s lif e. 6 p.m. You’ve taken her from 1st grade to 12th Let us handle the graduation party Celebrate that special Graduation Day with friends and family and let Olives’ full-service, off premise catering team serve you delicious food. Olives Catering will also provide warming dishes, tables, silverware, and many other items upon request. Our professional servers on staff are also available to help with serving, bartending and clean-up duties. Put Olives Catering to work and then sit back, relax and enjoy the day. 609.921.1569 22 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542 www.olivesprinceton.com private parties • office functions • barbeques • graduations • special occasions M AY 20, 2015 Faith YAO’S An Af ternoon of Creativity , Beth El S y nagogue, 50 M ap le Str eam R o ad, E ast W in dso r , 6 0 9-443 4454. w w w . beth el. n et. Featu r in g H ar r iet G r een blatt an d E s th er Sch lesi n g er . 1 p.m. Torah on Tap, Adath I srael Congregation, G r een acr es C o u n tr y C lu b, 21 70 L aw r en ce R o ad, L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-896 -4977. w w w . adath isr aeln j . o r g . “ E xp lo r e Je w is h law p r o h ibitin g th e eatin g o f bir ds w ith milk p r o du ct s” p r ese n ted by R abbi Adler . R eg ist er . C as h bar . Fr ee. 7: 3 0 p.m. FINE CANTONESE & THAI FOOD “Little gem offers healthy choices & some unusual Chinese dishes.” - Bill of Fare Good Times Food & Dining Healthy S ummer Eating, M cCaf f rey ’ s, 6 3 5 H eaco ck R o ad, Y ar dley, 21 5-750 -771 3 . In f o r mative tip s, to o ls , an d tech n iq u es f r o m r eg ist er ed dietitian . 10 a.m. Healthy S ummer Eating, M cCaf f rey ’ s, P r in ce to n -H ig h tst o w n R o ad an d So u th f ield R o ad, W est W in dso r , 21 5-750 -771 3 . In f o r mative tip s, to o ls, an d tech n iq u es f r o m r eg is ter ed dietitian . 1: 3 0 p.m. Healthy Cooking D emonstration S eries, New Covenant U nited M ethodist Church, 1 96 5 So u th B r o ad Str eet, H amilto n , 6 0 9-3 93 4725. w w w . n ew c o vu mc. n et. In st r u ct io n al cl ass f o llo w ed by din n er . R eg is ter . 6 to 7 p.m. Wild M ushroom and Burgundy D inner, Rat’ s Restaurant, 1 26 Scu lp to r ’ s W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9584-780 0 . w w w . r ats r est au r an t. o r g . Five co u r se din n er p air ed w ith w in e. R eg is ter . $ 1 0 5. 6 p.m. Farm Markets Princeton F armers’ M arket, H in ds P laza , W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-6 55-80 95. w w w . p r in ce to n f ar mer s mar ke t. co m. P r o du ce , ch eese , br eads, bake d g o o ds, f lo w er s, beef , p o u ltr y, eg g s, co f f ee, ch o co lates, j ams, g r ain s, p ickl es, an d mo r e. M u si c f r o m n o o n to 2: 3 0 p . m. R ain o r s h in e. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. U .S . 1 Hear thee, hear thee: The New Jersey Renaissance Faire takes place weekends, May 23 through June 7, at Liberty Lake in Bordentown. “Chinese dishes that offer ingredients treated with respect.” - Faith Bahadurian 4½-STAR RATING Health Kids Stuff K now the 10 S igns of Alzh eimer’ s D isease, West Windsor Lib rary , 3 3 3 N o r th P o st R o ad, 6 0 9799-0 46 2. In ter act ive w o r ksh o p to r eco g n ize th e si g n s an d w h at st ep s to take p r ese n ted by R o se B er g er . R eg ist er . Fr ee. 7 p.m. M usic F un Club , F arringtons M usic, M o n tg o mer y Sh o p p in g C en ter , 1 3 25 R o u te 20 6 , Ski llman , 6 0 9-924-8282. w w w . f ar r in g to n sm u si c. co m. E xp lo r e mu si ca l in st r u men ts an d th eo r y. M u si c r elated g ames an d act ivities. L ear n to p lay basi c g u itar an d p ian o . 4: 3 0 to 5: 3 0 p.m. dine in • take out • byob D ale Carnegie I mmersion S eminar, D ale Carnegie Training of Central and S outhern NJ, 1 AAA D r ive, Su ite 1 0 2, H amilto n , 6 0 96 3 1 -0 50 0 . T h e cl assi c D ale C ar n eg ie co u r se p acke d in to a p r eview se si o n . R eg ist er o n lin e. Fr ee. 9 a.m. M eeting, 55- Plus, Je w ish C en ter o f P r in ce to n , 43 5 N assa u Str eet, 6 0 9-896 -2923 . “ O n th e L ig h ter Side” f eatu r in g mu si ca l p ar o dies by M ar tin R o me. P er f o r mer s in cl u de si n g er s D o n Sh easl ey, Ju di Fleitman , an d B ar bar a G an tw er k, w ith San dr a D avidso n at th e p ian o . 10 a.m. NOW - 10% OFF Wellness D eb tors Anony mous, Slackw o o d P r esb yter ian C h u r ch , 20 20 B r u n sw ick Aven u e, L aw r en ce ville, 80 0 -421 -23 83 . w w w . debto r san o n ymo u s. o r g . W elco me to th o se w ith mo n ey p r o blems, o ver sp en din g , u n der ear n in g o r debt. 7: 45 p.m. History S amuel Burris: Tales of U nderground Railroad Conductor, old Lib rary b y Lake Af ton, 46 W est Af to n Aven u e, Y ar dley, 21 53 6 9-1 479. Act o r an d co -f o u n der o f th e 3 r d R eg imen t U n ited States C o lo r ed T r o o p s C ivil W ar r e-en ac to r s Jo e B ect o n ap p ear s as Samu el D . B u r r is, a f r ee Af r ica n Amer ica n w h o h elp ed man y esca p e sl aver y. Fr ee. 7: 3 0 p.m. on Yelp Lectures (609) 924-3100 VILLAGE SHOPPER • 1330 ROUTE 206 SKILLMAN, NEW JERSEY 08558 (across from shop rite in montgomer y) yaosrestaurant.com www.SEND.COM “Your Gift-Giving Experts!” Promo Code : US110 Continued on page 4 0 expand your palate. taste the difference. b.u. ....with highly acclaimed Cross Culture restaurant, princeton newest location in plainsboro Ethnic Indian Cuisine Restaurant & Catering be you where food happens www.jhopri.menu Simplicity live simply. dream big. be grateful. give love. laugh lots. sterling silver semi-precious stone Great gift for graduation!!! Daily Special Luncheon Buffet 11:30am Till 3pm eat-In & take-out catering service available tel. (609) 799-3100 order online at: www.jhopri.menu email us: contact @jhopri.menu Open 7 Days a week 11:30 am Till 10 pm 6 market street, suite 904 (plainsboro village center), plainsboro, nj 08536 www.jhopri.menu 47 Pal m er S qu are West, Pri n ceton , NJ 0 85 42 dandel i on j ewel r y.com • 60 9.92 1 .03 45 3 7 3 8 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 A Re- imagined Whitney of f ers New Perspectives T b y I lene D ub e he guards are back! Oh, yes, the living breathing ones, sure, building, with its iconic reversebut also Fred Wilson’s “Guarded stepped facade. Today we have View,” four headless mannequins gallery-sized installations such as made of wood, paint, steel, and fab- Karen Kilimnik’s “The Hellfire ric, dressed as museum security Club episode of the Avengers,” guards, reflecting on the nameless 1989, that includes speakers blastidentifies of those empowered to ing music from the 1980s. Draped protect our cultural assets. On the black velvet, mirrors and frames, day of the press preview for the broken-glass, posters of John Steed new Whitney Museum of Ameri- and Emma Peel, silver tea pots and can Art in New York’s Meatpack- candelabra — scatter art like this ing District, a security guard lean- takes up a lot of space. Built with ing near the label for this work 4,000 tons of steel to support the moved quietly out of the way when structure, the new Whitney boasts she saw, from my squinting eyes, column-free viewing. All eight floors of the new buildthat I was trying to read it. ing are conConspicusumed by the ously absent inaugural exfrom the new All eight f loors of the hibit, “America space was the new Whitney b uilding is Hard to See,” little village a re-examinaare consumed b y the nestled off the tion of the hisstairway in the inaugural ex hib it, tory of Ameriformer build‘ America is Hard to can art from ing. “Dwell1900 to today. S ee,’ a reex aminaings,” clay With more than mountains with tion of the history of 600 works by miniature American art f rom 400 artists, it buildings and offers new per19 00 to today . ritual spaces for spectives on the fictional noWhitney’s colmads by lection of Charles Simonds, is a site-specific American art and is the most extenwork and stayed behind in the Marsive display of the collection ever. cel Breuer building. The new Whitney, designed by America IS hard to see — here in Pritzker Prize-winning architect this new cultural district, we see Renzo Piano as a laboratory for art- only the stratosphere, the upper ists, doubles the exhibition space crust. Yet through the lens of artists we the Whitney had in its Madison Avare transported. Walker Evans and enue home. As I walk around I unDorothea Lange show us a side of derstand the need for the larger space. Art is so much bigger now depression-era America; through than the comparatively diminutive the eyes of Alice Neel we see a canvases of Edward Hopper and Communist activist and union orArthur Dove that filled the 1966 ganizer and a bandaged Andy War- hol; John Steuart Curry shows us a “Baptism in Kansas”; and Carroll Dunham (father of “Girls” creator Lena Dunham) flashes us with the genitalia of a bather. Even the elevators have been turned into art installations. “Six in Four” was the last major work created by Richard Artschwager (1923-2013). Each is an immersive installation, so that visitors experience standing under a table; being on a rug in front of a mirror; find themselves opposite an unexpected door and next to a window; or contained in a giant floating woven basket. At night, all four are lit and visible from the outside — which may be the best way to see them, because on the day of my visit we Clear Skin! Student Special! Dove, who were the gods of my religion, as well as Marsden Hartley, Georgia O’Keeffe, Charles Scheeler, Charles Demuth, and Oscar Bluemner. Calder’s Circus was my temple (and which happily made the move and is on view). One of my more recent ecstatic experiences at the Whitney was the Yayoi Kusama retrospective, with her dot paintings that extended to various off-site locations, including stores on Madison Avenue. After visits to the Whitney I’d buy chestnuts from the street vendors to eat on my walk back to the subway. From New Jersey, it was always an ordeal getting to the Madison Avenue location, either taking a bus uptown from Penn Station or, Excellence in Dentistry with David P. Young, DMD, DICOI 4432 Route 27 | Kingston, NJ 08528 www.DavidYoungDMD.com Excellence inemail: Dentistry with David P. Young, DMD, DICOI [email protected] 4432 Route 27 Kingston, NJ 08528 609 497 0808 www.DavidYoungDMD.com email: • • [email protected] for more information or to schedule 609 • 497 • 0808 your preferred appointment today. 3 Treatments for $240 were squeezed in like sardines. For those who suffer claustrophobia, or elevator-phobia, or sardine-ophobia, there is a cement staircase from which hangs a light installation by Felix Gonsalez-Torres. It’s especially exciting to view it from the top, looking down, or from the bottom, looking up. With installations in functional spaces, I found myself having a deja vu to the 2008 Whitney Biennial, when Mungo Thomson’s installation in the coat check area created clanging chimes from the hangers. I came of age at the Whitney. As soon as I was old enough to take the subway from Brooklyn, I began making sojourns to see Hopper and for more information or to schedule your preferred appointment today. (plus tax) (40% Savings) Offer good through 5/31/15. (Valid for one time only.) A COMPLETE APPROACH TO SKIN CARE Let our medically trained staff help to not only treat current skin conditions, but educate you on how to prevent future breakouts. The Aesthetics Center at Princeton Dermatology Associates Monroe Center Forsgate 5 Center Drive • Suite A Monroe Township, NJ 609-655-4544 2 Tree Farm Rd. Suite A-110 Pennington, NJ 609-737-4491 Diplomate OralImplantologists Implantologists Diplomate,International InternationalCongress Congress of Oral • Restorative Care - Comprehensive Implant Dentistry Dentures Crowns and Bridges • Restorative Care Comprehensive Implant Dentistry • Cosmetic Care - Bonding Veneers Whitening Dentures Crowns and Bridges • Invisalign® clear removable braces • CEREC - One Visit CrownsWhitening • Cosmetic Care - Bonding Veneers • 3D CT Scans • Invisalign® clear removable braces • CEREC - One Visit Crowns • 3D CT Scans M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 3 9 chance toto soar! A Achance soar! GiveGive that SOMEONE thatSPECIAL SPECIAL SOMEONE INTRODUCTORY INTRODUCTORY FLYING LESSONSFLYING for $99 LESSONS for $99 Princeton Flying School at Princeton Airport 41 Airpark Road • Princeton, NJ 08540 www.princetonairport.com Princeton Flying School at Princeton Airport Princeton Flying School at Princeton Airport Perfect Gift for Dad or Grad 609-921-3100 41 Airpark Road • Princeton, NJ 08540 41 Airpark Road • Princeton, NJ 08540 www.princetonairport.com www.princetonairport.com 609-921-3100 609-921-3100 06.27.13_US1_Ad.indd 1 6/27/13 5:56 PM 06.27.13_US1_Ad.indd 1 06.27.13_US1_Ad.indd 1 6/27/13 5:56 PM 6/27/13 5:56 PM on a nice day, walking through All Art: Opposite, an exhibition space at the new Central Park — which robbed time Whitney. Above, those who take the stairs will find spent at the museum itself. Now, a cement staircase from which hangs a light inone need only walk a few blocks stallation by Felix Gonsalez-Torres. The elevators from Penn Station to the High Line and then enjoy a walk along one of in the new building are also an art installation, the the city’s most popular tourist deslast major work by Richard Artschwager. tinations, with views of the Hudson River framed by Piet Oudolf’s landscaping in homage to the plant new building is a sort of homecomof it as the Whitney.” life that once grew along the rail He said he wanted his design to ing to the neighborhood where artbed. There’s even art to enjoy along be an open, accessible space for ist and philanthropist Gertrude the High Line, including a mural by artists to imagine what they can do. Vanderbilt Whitney (1875-1942) Ed Ruscha. “I call this space a piazza — in Ital- founded the museum in 1930. She At the Whitney, I remember ian there are 10 different ways to was an early and ardent supporter when David Hammons’ 1992 giant call a piazza. It connects to the out- of modern American art, nurturing spiky thing made from African side — the building talks to the city groundbreaking artists at a time American hair harvested from the when audiences were preoccupied and to the rest of the world.” floors of Harlem barbershops and The Whitney had been seeking with Old Masters. There is a porSOLID FOUNDATION. threaded onto bendable wires anto expand since the 1980s; Michael trait of Gertrude on a divan, lookchored in rock was first exhibited STRONG CHARACTER. Graves was among those to design ing elegant in a blue and yellow — it’s nice to see it again in its new expansion plans. The Breuer build- chemise and green silk lounge paLIMITLESS FUTURES. home. ing was vacated in October, 2014, jamas, and a small exhibit of the And Mike Kelley — I recently with the closing of the Jeff Koons early Whitney artists — William saw an exhibition of his work at the retrospective, and the Metropolitan Glackens, John Sloan, Everett Pompidou Center in Paris (also deMuseum of Art has an agreement to Shinn, Charles Sheeler, Guy Pene signed by Piano), and now here is use it as exhibition space through Du Bois and Berenice Abbott, his assemblage of stuffed toys and 2023 — visitors will once again among them — on the ground floor. hand crocheted blankies on home In the Meatpacking District, have a chance to view Simonds’ turf. “More Love Hours Than Can with its luxury hotels, restaurants, little people in the stairwell. Ever Be Re“Some day we bars, clubs and boutiques, frepaid,” drawn may take the quented by the finely dressed, they from his teen The new space is a building back,” still pack meat. Looking down years in 1960s home f or risk and insaid director Ad- from one of the terraces I saw the Detroit, the am D. Weinberg. bright red products being loaded novation, f or creativipolitics of hip“We may become into carts at Weichsel Beef. Or was pies, rock ‘n’ ty today and into the a two site muse- that another installation? roll, underf uture, with places f or um.” In the Whitney M useum of American ground commeantime, the Art, 99 Gansevoort Street, New hands- on learning. ics, the poetry new space is a York. Mondays, 10:30 a.m. to 6 of Jon Sinclair Pre-K - Grade 8 home for risk and p.m.; Tuesdays, closed; Wednesand Iggy Pop, innovation, for days, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Thursis a poignant commentary on the creativity today and into the future, days, 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Fridays, www.ChapinSchool.org children who once cuddled these he added, with places for hands-on 10:30 to 10 p.m.; Saturdays, 10:30 SOLID FOUNDATIONS 4101 Princeton Pike garish objects, presented in a Pollearning. p.m.; Sundays, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Princeton, NJ 08540 lock-like composition. BEGIN HERE! From the fifth floor, there is a Adults, $22, seniors/ students $18, (609) 986-1702 I found myself thinking about large atrium with views eastward under 18 free; pay-what-you-wish when my children were small and and gray leather sofas from which tickets are available at the admisscience museums underwent a revto enjoy the view. The multiple out- sions desk on Fridays, 7 to 9:30 p.m. olution from the stuffed animal-didoor terraces serve as outdoor gal- 2 1 2 -5 7 0 -3 6 0 0 or whitney.org. orama type to the please-touch valeries with state-of-the-art facilities riety, and everything was suddenly for performance, film and video. interactive, like a big toy. Now kids On subsequent visits, once the were playing with these toys, but building’s impact has been abdid they get the science? Art tourHOURS OF OPERATION sorbed, one can embark on a treaists are flocking to fancy new musure hunt for old friends, such as Sunday - Thursday seums designed by starchitects all Bill Traylor, Horace Pippin, Joseph 11:30am to 10:00pm over the globe — but are they here Cornell, Jacob Lawrence, Ben for the art, or for the building with Shahn, Louise Bourgeoise, David Friday & Saturday its breathtaking views of lower Smith, Lee Bontecou, Louise NevHOURS OF OPERATION HOURS OF Manhattan and its amenities, not 11:30am to 10:30pm OPERATION elson, Alex Katz, and Robert Sunday - Thursday least of which are dining facilities Sunday Thursday 11:30am to 10:00pm Rauschenberg, and a chance to operated by Danny Meyer’s Union 11:30am to 10:00pm marvel at the new, such as Carol Friday & Saturday Square Hospitality Group. 11:30am to 10:30pm 540 Lawrence Square Boulevard South, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Bove’s “Adventures in Poetry” Friday & Saturday A museum marries art and archiTel: 609-689-1500 • Catering Office: 609-631-0800 • Fax: 609-689-9990 11:30am to 10:30pm (2002), a series of wood shelves 540 Lawrence Square Boulevard South, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 540 Lawrence Square Boulevard South, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Email: [email protected] Website: www.palace-of-asia.com tecture, but on a first visit, there’s Served Our mounted on the wall with metal Tel: 609-689-1500 • Catering 609-631-0800 • Buffet Fax: 609-689-9990 Tel:Office: 609-689-1500 ~ Fax: 609-689-9990 no denying it’s all about the buildDarbar brackets containing well-worn paYasmeenaEmail: Email: [email protected] Website: www.palace-of-asia.com 7 Days a Week [email protected] Website: www.palace-of-asia.com is a romantic, elegant restaurant offering r fo ing and its views. Buffet Served is perfect perbacks by Ralph Ellison, Henry te ra o expectional service and exotic Indian cuisine in an intimate setting. rp “I’m like a singer who doesn’t from your co Miller, Jean Genet and others; some s is a romantic, elegant restaurant offering meeting explain the song,” architect Renzo isservice a romantic, elegant offering 11:30in anam to 3:00 pm7 Days a Week titled “The New Avant-Garde,” exceptional and exotic Indianrestaurant cuisine intimate setting. Call One of Our Catering Professionals Today! Piano said in his thick Italian ac“The Radical Therapist,” “LSD,” expectional service and exotic Indian cuisine in an intimate setting. from cent — and then proceeded to exand Psychedelic Review. It seems Party Trays to Go and Catering Service available plain the song. “It wasn’t easy — I 11:30 am to 3:00 pm like the home of someone familiar. Call One Ourgroups Catering Today! for of larger andProfessionals corporate offices. loved the Breuer building and think Speaking of returning home, the Chapin School P P Palace of Asia Palace Palace P of alace Asia of Asia Extensive Luncheon Buffet Served 7 Days a Week from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm 40 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 M ay 21 MAY 29 THROUGH JUNE 28 Photographic Art 14 Mercer Street, Hopewell, NJ 609-333-8511 Saturday & Sunday, 12 - 5 and by appointment beauty is the hook jim amon Jim Amon images from ireland charles miller* Charles Miller Opening Reception: Friday, May 29, 6-8 pm Meet the Photographers: Sunday, May 31, 1-3 pm *Jay Goodkind Gallery W W W. P H O T O G A L L E R Y 1 4 . C O M Continued from page 37 Computer Classes, Hickory Corner Lib rary , 1 3 8 H icko r y C o r n er R o ad, E ast W in dso r , 6 0 9-4481 3 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g / br an ch es/ h icbr . h tml. P u blish er . R eg ist er . Fr ee. 2 p.m. open Lab Time, Ewing Lib rary , 6 1 Sco tch R o ad, E w in g , 6 0 9-8823 1 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g / br an ch es/ ew in g br . h tml. W o r k o n do cu men ts in M icr o so f t W o r d, P o w er P o in t, o r E xce l, o r u se th e in ter n et, e-mail o r o th er p r o g r ams w ith a st af f member available f o r q u est io n s. R eg ist er . 3 p.m. S af e Boating Course, Coast Boating S chool, W W -P H ig h Sch o o l So u th , 3 46 C lar ksvi lle R o ad, W est W in dso r , 73 2-2790 56 2. w w w . co ast bo atin g sch o o l. co m. R eg ist er . $ 6 5. 6: 3 0 to 10 p.m. Retirement Presentation, Lawrence Lib rary , 2751 B r u n sw ick P ike , L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-9896 920 . w w w . mcl . o r g / br an ch es/ law br . h tml. E dw ar d Jo n es f in an ci al adviso r M ich al P in e discu se s ideas to h elp bu ild a r easo n able an d su st ain able st r ateg y f o r man ag in g in co me an d exp en se s du r in g r etir emen t. R eg ist er . 7 p.m. S af ety S eminar, Princeton Airport, 41 Air p ar k R o ad, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-921 -3 1 0 0 . C FII K r is H en dr ickso n discu se s Su r vival af ter th e Acci den t. Fr ee. 7 p.m. Schools SERVING NY, NJ and PA TRI-STATE AREAS Low Back Pain? Neck Pain? Extremity Pain? Shopping News S ip and S hop, AS M Communications, D iamo n d’ s, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-752-43 22. Sh o p p in g even t w ith j ew elr y, h an dbag s, beau ty p r o du ct s, f o o d items, an d mo r e. B u f f et an d w in e p acka g e available. 5 to 8 p.m. JOHN D. LIPANI, MD, PHD, FAANS, FACS Dr. Lipani is the founding Director of Princeton Neurological Surgery and the JD Lipani Radiosurgery Institute. A board certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon and specialist in spinal surgery, using state of the art minimally invasive and non-invasive techniques. Socials “ “ • Herniated Discs • Spinal Stenosis • Spinal Tumors open House, S aint Raphael S chool, 1 51 G r o p p Aven u e, H amilto n , 6 0 9-585-773 3 . w w w . sr sn j . o r g . P r e-sch o o l to eig h th g r ade. M eet teach er s, p ar en ts, an d st u den ts. R ef r esh men ts. 5 to 7 p.m. We take pride in treating every patient like family. 3836 Quakerbridge Road, Suite 203 • Hamilton, NJ 08619 Phone: 609-890-3400 • Fax: 609-890-3410 S ocial Cof f ee, Newcomers Club , P r in ce to n Y W C A, 59 P au l R o beso n P lace , P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-49721 0 0 . w w w . yw ca p r in ce to n . o r g / n ew co mer s cl u b. cf m. Fo r w o men to exp lo r e in ter est s, th e co mmu n ity, an d n ew p eo p le. 9 : 3 0 a.m. to 11 a.m. Crochet Corner, Lawrence Lib rary , D ar r ah L an e an d R o u te 1 , L aw r en ce , 6 0 9-989-6 920 . w w w . mcl . o r g . R eg ist er . 3 p.m. www.princetonneurologicalsurgery.com Princeton Center for Clinical Research has several ongoing and upcoming COPD research studies. If you suffer from emphysema or chronic bronchitis and are interested in participating, please contact us for more information at 1.800.325.2202 or visit www.pccr-us.com Princeton Clinical Research Research Princeton Center Center for for Clinical Montgomery Center Montgomery Professional Professional Center 24 Vreeland Drive 24 Drive Skillman, NJ 08558 Skillman, 08558 1-800-325-2202 S mall Town D rama: Mahira Kakkar, left, and Nathan Darrow appear in ‘Five Mile Lake’ at McCarter Theater through May 31. Cruise Night, F riendly ’ s, 1 0 3 1 W ash in g to n B o u levar d, R o bbin sville, 6 0 9-426 -920 3 . Featu r in g D J C r u zi n T u n es, tr o p h ies, f o o d disco u n ts, an d do o r p r ize s. 5 p.m. World Tavern Trivia, F irkin Tavern, 1 40 0 P ar kw ay, E w in g , 6 0 9771 -0 1 0 0 . w w w . f ir ki n . o r g . H o st ed by E r ic P o tts. 7 p.m. For Seniors Wellness Walk, G rounds F or S culpture, 1 26 Scu lp to r s W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-6 89-1 0 89. w w w . g r o u n ds f o r scu lp tu r e. o r g . W alk f o llo w ed by a discu si o n p r ese n ted by Sto n eki n g W elln ess C en ter an d Sp r in g p o in t Fo u n datio n . Fo r matu r e adu lts. In cl u des br eakf ast an d demo n st r atio n . R eg ist er . $ 1 0 . 9 : 3 0 a.m. Sports Trenton Thunder, Ar m & H ammer P ar k, R o u te 29, T r en to n , 6 0 93 94-3 3 0 0 . w w w . tr en to n th u n der . co m. B o w ie. $ 1 1 to $ 27. Fir ew o r ks af ter . 7 p.m. F riday M ay 22 Classical Music Whitworth U niversity S y mphony orchestra, Princeton Theological S eminary , 25 L ibr ar y P lace , P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-497-796 3 . w w w . p tse m. edu . C o n ce r t f eatu r es w o r ks by O tto N ico lai, D vo r ak, an d Sibeliu s. R ece p tio n f o llo w s th e co n ce r t. Fr ee. 7 p.m. Live Music I ncite, Championship S ports Bar, 93 1 C h amber s Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 94-743 7. O n to u r w ith An aal N ath r akh an d Secr ets o f th e Sky . $ 1 5. 5 p.m. M usic and Wine, Hopewell V alley V iney ards, 46 Y ar d R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-446 5. W in e by th e g lass o r bo ttle, br ick o ven p izza , an d ch eese p latter s ar e available. Jo h n an d M ag g s p lay p o p an d r o ck. 6 to 9 p.m. Ed G oldb erg, M af alda’ s I talian Restaurant, 3 6 81 N o ttin g h am W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-587-580 0 . So lo acco r dio n . 6 p.m. Wine and M usic U nder the S tars, old Y ork Cellars Winery , 80 O ld Y o r k R o ad, R in g o es, 90 8-284946 3 . P h ido B an d p er f o r ms. R eg ist er . $ 1 0 . 6 to 9 p.m. Bex M arshall Band, The Record Collector, 3 58 Far n sw o r th Aven u e, B o r den to w n , 6 0 9-3 24-0 880 . $ 1 5. 7: 3 0 p.m. Bob Egan, Bowman’ s Tavern, 1 6 0 0 R iver R o ad, N ew H o p e, P A, 21 5-86 2-2972. O p en mic an d si n g -a-lo n g n ig h t. 8 p.m. Art G allery Talk, Princeton U niversity Art M useum, P r in ce to n ca mp u s, 6 0 9-258-3 788. “ H en r y M o o r e an d Isa mu N o g u ch i: In f in ite N atu r e” p r ese n ted by T ar a M . K u dr a, mu se u m do ce n t. 12: 3 0 p.m. On Stage Ever Af ter, Paper M ill Play house, 22 B r o o ksi de D r ive, M illbu r n , 973 3 76 -43 43 . M u si ca l. $ 28 to $ 99. T h r o u g h Ju n e 21 . 7 p.m. An Enemy of the People, Bristol Riverside Theater, 1 20 R adcl if f e Str eet, B r ist o l, 21 5-785-0 1 0 0 . H en r ik Ibse n ’ s dr ama debates th e th in lin e betw een w h ist leblo w er an d tr aito r . $ 3 1 to $ 46 . 8 p.m. M AY 20, 2015 F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9-258-2787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 8 p.m. The Realiza tion of Emily Linder, New Jersey Repertory Company , 1 79 B r o adw ay, L o n g B r an ch , 73 2-229-3 1 6 6 . w w w . n j r ep . o r g . W o r ld p r emier e o f a co medy-dr ama by R ic h ar d Str an d. $ 45. 8 p.m. The G oldilocks Z one, Passage Theater, M ill H ill P layh o u se , 20 5 E ast Fr o n t Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 93 92-0 76 6 . w w w . p assa g eth eatr e. o r g . A lo o k at mo der n f amilies dir ect ed by D amo n B o n etti. $ 1 2 to $ 3 5 8 p.m. The Pillowman, V illagers Theater, 475 D eM o tt L an e, So mer se t, 73 2-873 -271 0 . w w w . villag er s th eatr e. c o m. D r ama f o cu se s o n an au th o r o f sh o r t st o r ies an d s imilar ities to a se r ies o f ch ild mu r der s. $ 20 . 8 p.m. Film Af ternoon M ovie, Hickory Corner Lib rary , 1 3 8 H icko r y C o r n er R o ad, E ast W in dso r , 6 0 9-4481 3 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g . “ T h e V o ice s. ” Fr ee. 2 p.m. M isery Loves Comedy , ACM E S creening Room, 25 So u th U n io n Str eet, L amber tville, 6 0 93 97-0 275. w w w . acm escr een in g r o o m. o r g . T w ist o n mise r y lo ves co mp an y f eatu r in g Ji mmy Fallo n , T o m H an k s, Amy Sch u mer , Ji m G af f ig an , Ju dd Ap ato w , an d mo r e. $ 8. 7 and 8 : 45 p.m. M ovie Night, K user F arm M ansion, 3 90 N ew ki r k Aven u e, H amilto n , 6 0 9-890 -3 6 3 0 . w w w . h amilto n n j . co m. Scr een in g o f “ H ar r y & T o n to . ” B r in g a ch air c u sh io n o r a law n ch air . R eg ist er . Fr ee. 7 p.m. Dancing F riday Night D ance Party , American Ballroom, 1 523 P ar k w ay Aven u e, E w in g , 6 0 9-93 1 -0 1 49. w w w . amer ica n ballr o o mco . co m. $ 1 5. 7: 3 0 to 10: 3 0 p.m. F olk D ance, Princeton F olk D ance, Su za n n e P atter so n C en ter , 45 Sto ckt o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-91 2-1 272. w w w . p r in ce to n f o lk dan ce . o r g . B eg in n er s w elco me. L esso n f o llo w ed by dan ce . N o p ar tn er n eeded. $ 5. 8 to 11 p.m. Comedy Carole M ontgomery , Catch a Rising S tar, H yatt R eg en cy , 1 0 2 C ar n eg ie C en ter , W est W in dso r , 6 0 9-987-80 1 8. w w w . ca tch ar isi n g st ar . co m. R eg ist er . $ 1 9. 8 p.m. Comedy Night, S tation Bar and G rill, 26 25 R o u te 1 3 0 So u th , C r an bu r y, 6 0 9-6 55-5550 . w w w . st atio n bar an dg r ill. co m. R eg ist er . T w o dr in k min imu m. 8 to 9 : 3 0 p.m. Wellness M editation Circle, Lawrence Lib rary , 2751 B r u n sw ick P ike , L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-989-6 920 . L ear n to r edu ce st r ess u si n g meditatio n w ith r ef er en ce libr ar ian An n K er r . R eg ist er . 2: 3 0 p.m. Posture Perf ect, Lawrence Lib rary , 2751 B r u n sw ick P ike , L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-989-6 920 . w w w . mcl . o r g . L ear n si mp le exe r ci se s to imp r o ve p o st u r e an d in cr ease f lexi bility w ith r ef er en ce libr ar ian An n K er r . R eg ist er . 3 : 3 0 p.m. Nicotine Anony mous, Lawrence Community Center, 295 E g g er ts C r o si n g R o ad, L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-21 8-421 3 . w w w . n ico tin ean o n ymo u s. o r g . Fr ee. 7 p.m. For Families Toddler Tunes, Rob b insville Lib rary , 42 R o bbin svi lle-Allen to w n R o ad, R o bbin svi lle, 6 0 9-25921 50 . w w w . mcl . o r g . Fo r all ag es w ith an adu lt. R eg ist er . 10: 3 0 a.m. Lectures Computer Classes, Hickory Corner Lib rary , 1 3 8 H icko r y C o r n er R o ad, E ast W in dso r , 6 0 9-4481 3 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g . Fin d yo u r n ext bo o k. R eg is ter . Fr ee. 10 a.m. U .S . 1 41 Outdoor Action D edication Ceremony , Plainsb oro Environmental Center, P lain sb o r o P r ese r ve, 80 Sco tts C o r n er R o ad, P lain sb o r o . P u blic ce r emo n y to n ame bu ildin g af ter C o n g r essm an R u sh H o lt. 10 a.m. Singles D ivorce Recovery Program, Princeton Church of Christ, 3 3 R iver R o ad, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-581 3 889. w w w . p r in ce to n ch u r ch o f ch r ist . co m. N o n -den o min atio n al su p p o r t g r o u p . Fr ee. 7: 3 0 p.m. Socials F irkin F riday , F irkin Tavern, 1 40 0 P ar kw ay Aven u e, E w in g , 6 0 9771 -0 1 0 0 . w w w . f ir ki n taver n . co m. Featu r in g B lu e P o in t H o p tica l Illu si o n , made w ith g r ap ef r u it j u ice an d amar illo h o p s. 5 p.m. For Seniors K osher Caf e S outh, Jewish F amily and Children’ s S ervice, Adath Isr ael C o n g r eg atio n , 1 958 L aw r en ce ville R o ad, 6 0 9-98781 0 0 . w w w . j f cso n lin e. o r g . Sh abbat p r o g r am an d K o sh er lu n ch . R eg ist er by E -mail to atdebih @ j f cso n lin e. o r g . 11 a.m. S aturday M ay 23 S pirit of Princeton, w w w . sp ir ito f p r in ce to n . o r g . P ar ade do w n N assa u Str eet beg in s at P r in ce to n Aven u e an d en ds w ith a dedica tio n ce r emo n y at M o n u men t H all. 10 a.m. Classical Music I van G of f and Cleek S chrey , Raritan River M usic F estival, Stan to n R ef o r med C h u r ch , Stan to n , 90 8-21 3 -1 1 0 0 . w w w . R ar itan - Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine R iver M u s ic. o r g . Ir ish T r aditio n al an d Amer ica n O ld-T ime M u si c. $ 25. 7: 3 0 p.m. Jazz & Blues Memorial Day Parade Vidya Vakil, M.D., F.A.A.P K ai Y ue Benef it: Zhang Aoyue performs at the State Theater on Saturday, May 23. Ladies in Jazz S pecial, Candlelight Lounge, 24 P assa ic Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-6 95-96 1 2. N o co ver , $ 1 0 min imu m. 3 : 3 0 to 7: 00 p.m. Les Paul’ s Trio, The Rrazz Room, 6 426 L o w er Y o r k R o ad, N ew H o p e, P A, 888-596 -1 0 27. A j azz tr ibu te. $ 3 0 to $ 45. 8 p.m. Live Music Ex tractus, Johan Weimer, M y S ilent Winter, Championship S ports Bar, 93 1 C h amber s Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 94-743 7. $ 1 0 . 5 p.m. M usic and Wine, Hopewell V alley V iney ards, 46 Y ar d R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-446 5. W in e by th e g lass o r bo ttle, br ick o ven p izza , an d ch eese p latter s ar e available. T h e L if ter s p lay R & B an d r o ck. 6 to 9 p.m. S al I colino, M af alda’ s I talian Restaurant, 3 6 81 N o ttin g h am W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-587-580 0 . So lo acco r dio n . 6 p.m. Time Traveller, Richard P. M arasco Center f or the Perf orming Arts, 1 6 29 P er r in eville R o ad, M o n r o e, 73 2-521 -440 0 ext . 1 3 4. w w w . mo n r o eto w n s h ip c u ltu r alar ts . co m/ even ts. A tr ibu te to th e M o o dy B lu es f eatu r es th r ee deca des o f mater ial f r o m th e r o ck g r o u p . L ig h tin g , video , an d a f u ll o r ch est r a. $ 25. 7 p.m. Continued on following page Are those thoughts too much for you? Let me help you get back on track. synapse psychiatry Weekends and evenings available Most insurances accepted Call now for your summer camp and sports physicals Additional Services: Travel Vaccines • Ear Piercing Quamrul Hasan, M.D. Board Certified – American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology The Office Center 666 Plainsboro Road • Bldg 100, Suite 1-H Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536 Office number – (609) 275-0729 • Fax Number- (609) 275-3875 email- [email protected] Princeton Professional Park 601 Ewing Street, Suite B-5 • Princeton, NJ 08540 By appointment only • Phone: 917-704-3835 • Fax: 609-921-9430 Email: [email protected] 42 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 M ay 23 Continued from preceding page D J S poltore, The G rind Cof f ee House and Caf e, 7 Sch alks C r o si n g R o ad, P lain sb o r o , 6 0 9275-291 9. Aco u s tic p o p / r o ck. 7: 3 0 to 9 : 3 0 p.m. Reach Around Rodeo Clowns, The Record Collector, 3 58 Far n sw o r th Aven u e, B o r den to w n , 6 0 93 24-0 880 . $ 1 5. 7: 3 0 p.m. Pop Music Atlantic Wind Ensemb le, ocean G rove Camp M eeting Association, 54 P itman Aven u e, O ce an G r o ve, 80 0 -590 -40 6 4. A co n ce r t o f p atr io tic mu si c. Fr ee w ill do n atio n . 8 p.m. World Music The Journey of Love, K ai Y ue F oundation, State T h eater , N ew B r u n sw ick. kyf o u n datio n . o r g . M u si ca l p er f o r man ce s by K C P o r ter an d C h en g L in , w h o w o r ke d to g eth er o n th e albu m “ G r eater T h an G o ld. ” C h in ese dan ce ar tist Z h an g Ao yu e, w in n er o f th e 20 1 3 “ So Y o u T h in k Y o u C an D an ce , ” p er f o r ms. T h e even in g o f en ter tain men t ce lebr atin g th e ar t o f dan ce , mu si c, an d si n g in g ben ef its th e N ew Je r se y U n ited M o ms C h ar ity Asso ci atio n . E -mail co n ce r t@ ky f o u n datio n . o r g f o r in f o r matio n . $ 25 to $ 1 0 0 . 7: 3 0 p.m. Art G raf f iti Art Class, Terracy cle, 1 21 N ew Y o r k Aven u e, T r en to n . C an co n tr o l. $ 20 . R eg ist er . 9 : 3 0 a.m. Dance M D E: M odern Classics, K elsey Theater, M ercer Community College, 1 20 0 O ld T r en to n R o ad, W es t W in dso r , 6 0 9-570 -3 3 3 3 . L yr ica l mo der n dan ce f eatu r in g th e w o r k s o f lo ca l ch o r eo g r ap h er s, dan ce r s, an d st u den ts. $ 1 8. 8 p.m. On Stage Ever Af ter, Paper M ill Play house, 22 B r o o ksi de D r ive, M illbu r n , 973 3 76 -43 43 . M u si ca l. $ 28 to $ 99. 1: 3 0 and 7 p.m. An Enemy of the People, Bristol Riverside Theater, 1 20 R adcl if f e Str eet, B r ist o l, 21 5-785-0 1 0 0 . H en r ik Ibs en ’ s dr ama debates th e lin e betw een w h ist leblo w er an d tr aito r . $ 3 1 to $ 46 . 2 and 8 p.m. F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9-258-2787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 3 and 8 p.m. The Realiza tion of Emily Linder, New Jersey Repertory Company , 1 79 B r o adw ay, L o n g B r an ch , 73 2-229-3 1 6 6 . W o r ld p r emier e o f a co medy-dr ama by R ich ar d Str an d. $ 45. 3 and 8 p.m. The G oldilocks Z one, Passage Theater, M ill H ill P layh o u se , 20 5 E ast Fr o n t Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 93 92-0 76 6 . A lo o k at mo der n f amilies dir ect ed by D amo n B o n etti. $ 1 2 to $ 3 5 8 p.m. The Pillowman, V illagers Theater, 475 D eM o tt L an e, So mer se t, 73 2-873 -271 0 . D r ama f o cu s es o n an au th o r o f sh o r t st o r ies an d si milar ities to a se r ies o f ch ild mu r der s. $ 20 . 8 p.m. Film M atinee, Hamilton Lib rary , 1 Ju s tice Samu el A. Alito Jr . W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-581 -40 6 0 . Scr een in g o f “ D ial M f o r M u r der . ” 11 a.m. M isery Loves Comedy , ACM E S creening Room, 25 So u th U n io n Str eet, L amber tville, 6 0 93 97-0 275. T w ist o n mise r y lo ves co mp an y f eatu r in g Ji mmy Fallo n , T o m H an ks, Amy Sch u mer , Ji m G af f ig an , Ju dd Ap ato w , an d o th er s. $ 8. 7 and 8 : 45 p.m. Dancing Latin S ensation, Central Jersey D ance S ociety , U n itar ian U n iver sa list C o n g r eg atio n , 40 C h er r y H ill R o ad, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-9451 883 . L es so n s f o llo w ed by so ci al dan ce . N o p ar tn er n eeded. R ef r esh men ts. $ 1 2. 6: 3 0 p.m. They ’ re Play ing our S ong: The cast of the upcoming production at Kelsey Theater — running weekends, May 29 to June, includes, clockwise from lower left: Kailee Graham, Haley Ackermann, Rachel Gitel (sitting on piano), Devon Wheeler, Mike Wemer, Jaclyn Biancaniello, and Tom Coppolecchia (on bench). Good Causes Fairs & Festivals Pet Adoption D ay , Animal F riends f or Education and Welf are (AF EW), C o r n er C o p ia, 299 P r in ce to n -H ig h tst o w n R o ad, E ast W in dso r . w w w . af ew p ets. co m. E mail af ew _ p ets@ co mca st . n et f o r in f o r matio n . 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. New Jersey Renaissance F aire, L iber ty L ake , 1 1 95 Flo r en ce -C o lu mbu s R o ad, B o r den to w n , 88886 4-8222. Jo u st in g , sw o r d f ig h tin g , g lass blo w in g , f alco n r y, bo at r ides, an d ven do r s. R ain o r sh in e. $ 20 . 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Carole M ontgomery and Eric Potts, Catch a Rising S tar, H yatt R eg en cy , 1 0 2 C ar n eg ie C en ter , W est W in dso r , 6 0 9-987-80 1 8. w w w . ca tch ar isi n g st ar . co m. R eg is ter . $ 22. 7: 3 0 and 9 : 3 0 p.m. M eeting, Bhakti V edanta I nstitute, 20 N as s au Str eet, P r in c eto n , 73 26 0 4-41 3 5. D is c u s s io n , meditatio n , an d veg etar ian lu n c h eo n . R eg is ter to p r in c eto n @ bvis c s . o r g . 2 p.m. S havuot, Adath I srael Congregation, 1 958 L aw r en ce ville R o ad, Comedy Faith L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-896 -4977. L ig h t meal, st u dy se si o n , an d se r vice s. R eg ist er . 7 p.m. Food & Dining Pork Roll F estival, T r en to n So ci al, 449 So u th B r o ad Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-6 89-996 0 . Seco n d an n u al even t to h ig h lig h t th e cu lin ar y h ist o r y o f T r en to n . $ 5. M u si c by D ick G r atto n o n j azz g u itar an d B o b Smith o n j azz g u itar an d vo ca ls f r o m 6 to 1 0 p . m. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. S angria K ick of f , old Y ork Cellars Winery , 80 O ld Y o r k R o ad, R in g o es, 90 8-284-946 3 . B r in g a p icn ic. M u si c by JT R o o n ey. Noon to 5 p.m. A Renowned School Unrivaled Multisensory Education A Proven Model for Success A GREAT SUMMER EXPERIENCE Morning Academic Sessions offer the advantages of exceptional multisensory instruction to improve each student’s education and opportunity for success. Reading Fluency Phonemic Awareness Comprehension and Written Language Graphomotor Skills, Handwriting Fluency Decoding and Encoding Ability Vocabulary for Contextual Meaning Grammar and English Composition Visual Targeting and Tracking Organizational and Study Skills Note-Taking Strategies Lewis leads with Exceptional Afternoon Experiences Designed to Actualize Creative and Scholastic Potential. Discover and Develop more in your child. SAT P.R.E.P. - Preparing to Realize Exceptional Potential® College Bound Coursework Athletics Performing and Visual Arts Science and Mathematics Language and Literature Speech and Language Courses Individual/Small Group Tutorials ● 53 Bayard Lane Princeton, NJ 609 609--924 924--8120 Speech-Language Therapy Sessions offer direct multisensory instruction to build strong functional communication in diverse social settings and contexts. Interpersonal Communication Receptive and Expressive Language Auditory and Visual Processing Recall and Word Retrieval Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Sustained and Selective Attention Task Attention and Tolerance Skills Vocabulary Development Sequencing and Organization Interactive Social Skills, Social Intelligence — www.lewisschool.org M AY 20, 2015 Trenton Fest Offers Chance to Pig Out Two Eyes. One Choice. P ork Roll — a Trenton contribution to New Jersey breakfast tables — is getting the celebrity treatment with a recent cookbook and a day-long capital city festival set for Saturday, May 23. “The Pork Roll Cookbook” by former The Times of Trenton reporter Jenna Pizzi — with recipes by longtime regional food writer Susan Sprague Yeske — covers the lively history of “delicacy” and includes over 50 recipes, including Pork Roll Hawaiian Pizza! Look for it at local stores or find it online. The city pork roll celebration has turned into a food fight that echoes the rivalry of the two famed Trenton pork roll makers: Case’s Pork Roll and Taylor Provisions (and its roll known as Taylor Ham). Pork Roll Festival One is at Trenton Social Restaurant, 449 South Broad Street, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., $5 admission, $25 for VIP (includes exclusive pork roll dishes made by Trenton Social, Pork Roll Bloody Mary with commemorative glass, and access to private hospitality area). For more information, go to www.trentonporkrollfestival.com. Pork Roll Festival Two is at Mill Hill Park, 100 S Broad Street, Trenton, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., $5 suggested donation. For more info, visit porkrollfestival. com or www.facebook.com/ porkrollfestival. And then there is the Vegetarian Pork Roll Festival: Gandhi Garden, 223 East Hanover, Trenton, noon to 5 Farm Markets West Windsor Community F armers’ M arket, V au g h n D r ive P ar k in g L o t, P r in ce to n Ju n ct io n T r ain Statio n , 6 0 9-93 3 -4452. R ain o r s h in e. M u si c by B r u ce An der so n . 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. U .S . 1 Ask about 0% Financing for 18 Months Free LASIK Consultation Barry Wasserman, M .D . LASIK 1-877-598-EYES (3937) p.m., free, donation, participatory, www.facebook. com/ events/ 340968819440705/ Competition or not, the pork roll festival shows that Trenton is more than pork barrel politics. — Dan A ub rey BarryWasserman.com Princeton, NJ ANNUAL MERCER COUNTY TO SUPPORT MERCER COUNTY DRUG PREVENTION Gardens G ardening Workshops, M iddlesex County Agricultural Ex tension, E ar th C en ter in D avidso n ’ s M ill P o n d P ar k, 42 R iva Aven u e, So u th B r u n sw ick, 73 2-3 98-526 2. “ B eyo n d O r g an ics: L aw n an d L an dsca p es W ith o u t P est ici des” f r o m 1 0 a. m. to n o o n . “ C o n tain er G ar den in g f o r All Seaso n s ” f r o m 1 to 3 p . m. R eg ist er . Fr ee. 10 a.m. Wellness Weekly Y oga Class, S ourland Cy cles, 53 E ast B r o ad Str eet, H o p ew ell, 6 0 9-3 3 3 -8553 . All levels. $ 1 5. 8 a.m. I nsight M editation open House, Princeton Center f or Y oga & Health, 88 O r ch ar d R o ad, Ski llman , 6 0 9-924-7294. W ith Ja mes P r itch ett an d M ar th a E llio t. R eg is ter . Fr ee. 1: 3 0 to 3 : 3 0 p.m. Relax ation/ M editation, P lain s bo r o L ibr ar y, 9 V an D o r en Str eet, 6 0 9-275-2879. R o ma T an do n . 2: 3 0- 3 .3 0 p.m. History G uided Tour, K user F arm M ansion, 3 90 N ew ki r k Aven u e, H amilto n , 6 0 9-890 -3 6 3 0 . Fr ee. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. M emorial D ay Celeb ration, Princeton Battlef ield S ociety , B attlef ield P ar k, 50 0 M er c er R o ad, 90 8-295-3 73 2. R e-en act men t an d p r ese n tatio n s by P au l L o an e, C o mman der o f th e Sec o n d P en n syl van ia R eg imen t L ar r y K idder , au th o r o f , “ T h e Amer ica n R evo lu tio n in N ew Je r se y: W h er e th e B attlef ield M eets th e H o me Fr o n t. ” 11: 3 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lectures Let M e S chool Y ou, College of New Jersey , E w in g , 6 0 9-771 20 6 5. w w w . tcn j . edu . P r es en ted by C u r lk it. P r o g r ams by to p beau ty in f lu en c er s. 1: 3 0 to 7: 3 0 p.m. Outdoor Action S olar ob servation, Washington Crossing S tate Park, N atu r e C en ter , R o u te 546 , T itu sv ille, 6 0 973 7-0 6 0 9. V iew mag n etic su n st o r ms, su n sp o ts, so lar f lar es, p r o min en ce s an d o th er so lar p h en o men a. L ed by G en e R amse y. C lear sk ies r eq u ir ed. R ain date M ay 24. $ 5/ ca r . 1: 3 0- 3 : 3 0 p.m. Continued on page 4 6 May 27th - May 31st Wednesday - Sunday MERCER COUNTY PARK FESTIVAL GROUNDS • OLD TRENTON ROAD • WEST WINDSOR, NJ Largest Mercer County Ride Carnival of the Year FREE ADMISSION & PARKING WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 5-10PM SATURDAY - SUNDAY 12-11PM FER F O H T REI S S HONW H G WIT NI ER RETUR & BIGG E R O M RIDES FIREWORKS SATURDAY RAIN DATE SUNDAY For more information and DISCOUNT RIDE TICKETS visit us online at leadrugs.org or on facebook.com/lawenforcementagainstdrugs FREEDOM FEST STATE FAIR JULY 8TH - 12TH Rock of Ages featuring Constatine Morales on Sat. • Southern Rockfest with the Outlaws on Sun. Wed - Thurs 5pm - 11pm • Fri & Sat 12pm - 11pm • Sun 12pm - 10pm Horse Park of New Jersey 626 Rt. 524 Allentown, NJ 08501 • www.freedomfeststatefair.com FREE RIDES WITH PRICE OF ADMISSION ALL WEEK LONG! 43 44 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Writer Rememb ers America’ s F irst M ilitary b y Aleen Crispino T hree hundred years ago at the time of the American Revolution, when the city of Trenton was a mere village half its current size on the north bank of the Assunpink Creek, the tendency to dismiss New Jersey as the place you passed through on the way to New York and Philadelphia was already wellestablished. Yet precisely because of New Jersey’s strategic location between the capital at Philadelphia and the British troops stationed in New York City, there were more battles fought on New Jersey soil during the Revolution than in any other colony, says historian and Ewing resident Larry Kidder, one of nine authors of a new book titled “The American Revolution in New Jersey: Where the Battlefront Meets the Home Front.” Kidder will be the author-in-attendance at Princeton Battlefield State Park on Saturday, May 23, for a Memorial Day celebration billed as “Washington Returns! Battlefield Encampment and Mini-ReEnactments.” He will be stationed under a tent amid uniformed re-enactors from the Second Pennsylvania Regiment, who will demonstrate the firing of muskets and cannons, the logistics of dueling, and the domestic activities of a Revolutionary War encampment. He also will be available to answer questions and to sign copies of his previous book, which focuses more on one local militia group, the First Hunterdon County Militia Regiment, whose members hailed from what is now Hopewell, Lawrence, Ewing, and the city of Trenton. While local residents may be somewhat familiar with the battles of Princeton and Trenton and the deeds of George Washington’s Continental Army, much less has been written about the contributions of New Jersey militiamen during the eight years of the War for Independence, Kidder says. The Continental Army was a voluntary, full-time, professional army called up by the Continental Congress at the start of the Revolution and led by General George Washington. In contrast, the colonial militia system dates back before the Revolution and comprised groups of part-time citizen soldiers who had other full-time jobs — 90 percent of local militiamen were farmers, Kidder says, and some were blacksmiths or other craftsmen. By 1775 all New Jersey men between the ages of 16 and 50 were required to serve. The usual term was one month, but during the war militiamen often ended up being away from their families and farms for longer periods. It is the service of these militiamen and how it affected their homes and families that forms the subject of the first chapter, written by Kidder, of the new book edited by James J. Gigantino and published in April by Rutgers University Press. The title of Kidder’s essay, “A Disproportionate Burden on the Willing,” comes from a quote by William Livingston, governor of New Jersey during the Revolution. “It was his criticism of the militia system because the militia laws were not well-enforced, and the militia system had so many loopholes for people to dodge having to do militia duty,” Kidder says. A New Jersey man called into the militia could be exempted because of religious beliefs if he were a Quaker, for example. He could also have one of his servants repre- History Buf f : Larry Kidder, a Ewing resident, is one of nine contributors to ‘The American Revolution in New Jersey: Where the Battlefront Meets the Home Front.’ He will sign copies of the book at the Princeton Battlefield on Saturday, May 23, as part of Memorial Day festivities there. sent him or hire another man to serve that month in his place. He could simply not show up if he were willing to pay a fine. New Jersey’s strategic location as the “Crossroads of the American Revolution” meant that a onemonth term could stretch and multiply. “The whole idea of the militia was they weren’t supposed to have to fight unless the enemy came close to home,” Kidder says. “New Jersey’s situation, with so much happening here, that’s really what caused the militia system to change from a very part-time system to darn close to full-time in many cases.” A t the same time that militia service kept a man away from his farm or business, it imposed other economic challenges, as well. “All of his equipment he had to supply himself, including his clothing, his weapon, anything that he carried pretty much he was supposed to supply himself,” Kidder says. “That means there was an economic problem for the family. Guns were expensive. It meant that the wife had to make, mend, and wash his military clothing, the same as his civilian clothing. When he went off on militia duty he had to take food with him, which came from home. Once he got out to a post where he was assigned for a month, he’d get food there from the government.” If a farmer was out on militia duty, his wife and children would need to take over his farm duties, and even his neighbors might pitch in, Kidder says. If a man had sons ages 16 or over, plans had to be made for who would perform the chores each month, he says, and those plans had to include hired hands and slaves. His research did not find slaves as militiamen in the First Hunterdon Regiment, Kidder says, and slaves were not required to serve in the militia. He is convinced, however, that some New Jersey men must have sent slaves as substitutes. One man of mixed African and European ancestry did serve in the First Hunterdon Militia Regiment, Kid- der says. He was originally an indentured servant who later volunteered with the Continental Army. The militias tried not to take all the men from one family together, Kidder says. They would divide a company into two or three groups called classes, and the father might be in one class, his 18-year-old son in a different class, and maybe another 20-year-old son in the third class. This could mean that the father called out for militia duty one K idder say s he likes ‘ looking at history through the ex periences and the ey es of ordinary people. These are real people who had real ex periences, suf f ered, and many times, contrib uted in many way s that never get recognize d.’ month might send his son as a substitute, and then at the end of the month, when it was his son’s turn, the son might stay out for a second month. And then if the father was supposed to be out again, the son might stay for a third month, he says. This had the potential to create conflict between husband and wife, as well as between father and son. And sending your son to fight in your place must have caused a lot of inner turmoil. “Remember that when the father is sending his son out as a substitute, he might be sending his son to his death,” Kidder says. “So there might be guilt feelings on the part of the father who has to send his son out. In general, men who got substitutes often felt that kind of guilt. I have seen accounts by soldiers who got substitutes who said they simply gave their captain money to hire the substitute, and they didn’t want to know who he hired.” With husbands who were frequently off serving in the militia, women in New Jersey assumed new responsibilities for the family farm and finances, and then had to give them up upon their return. “I have seen studies that, particularly because of the way the militia system was in New Jersey, women had to take over for their husbands so much that it was kind of a spark to recognizing women being able to do these things that only men were supposed to be able to do,” Kidder says. Kidder was born in Berkeley, California, where his father was a graduate student and his mother was a homemaker, and at age six he moved with his parents to Bloomington, Indiana, where his father attended graduate school and taught film production at Indiana University. He has been interested in history for as long as he can remember. As a boy in Indiana, he lived next door to a 19th-century farm house that had been a stop on the Underground Railroad, and the woman who lived there proudly showed the neighborhood children where the slaves were hidden. “That got me thinking, I live on a site where some stuff was happening that was really interesting in the past, and that kind of thing really got me started on history,” Kidder says. He graduated from Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, in 1967 with a bachelor’s degree in history and earned his master’s degree in history and education there in 1969. He served in the Navy for four years and taught junior high and high school history for 40 years, including seven years at the junior high school level in Ewing. The last 32 years of his teaching career were spent at the Hun School in Princeton until he retired in 2011. K idder has been volunteering since 1987 at Howell Living History Farm in Hopewell Township. He began by creating educational programs, and is now the farm’s historian. Several years ago, he says, he was asked by Pete Wilson, the director of Howell Farm, to research the history of the Phillips family, who owned the farm from 1737 to 1860. Members of the family served in the First Hunterdon County Militia Regiment, and Kidder soon realized that to understand the Phillips family he would have to expand his research to include the entire militia regiment. His 2013 book “A People Harassed and Exhausted: The Story of a New Jersey Militia Regiment in the American Revolution” and his chapter in “The American Revolution in New Jersey” both came out of this research. Kidder and his wife, Jane, have two daughters — Susan, who is a second grade teacher at Far Hills Country Day School in Hunterdon County, and Debi, who teaches history at Butler County Community College in Pennsylvania. Kidder says he was told when doing his research that not many people would be interested in the New Jersey militia. He is happy to report having sold 400 copies of his self-published book, which is available online from Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and he has been asked to speak at local historical societies and libraries, at the Old Barracks Museum, and at Patriots Week in Trenton. He believes that it is important to remember on Memorial Day the militiamen and their neighbors and families. “One of the things that as an historian I like is looking at history through the experiences and the eyes of ordinary people,” he says. “Your average militiaman, your company commander, even your colonel of the First Hunterdon Regiment that nobody’s ever heard of. These are real people who had real experiences, suffered, and many times, contributed in many ways that never get recognized. I like the stories of those kinds of people.” Washington R eturns! Battlefield Encampment and M ini-R eEnactments, P rinceton Battlefield Society and the Second P ennsylvania R egiment, Princeton Battlefield State Park, Mercer Road, Princeton. Saturday, May 23, 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free. www. theprincetonbattlefieldsociety. com. M AY 20, 2015 For the Young American R ed C ross will be holding Youth Leadership conference Monday to Thursday, August 3 to 6, at 707 Alexander Road in West Windsor. The four-day conference runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is open to students entering grades 9 to 12. Student attendees will receive a certificate for 24 hours of community service. “In addition to learning the lifesaving skills of CPR, the conferences offer students the opportunity to develop skills in effective leadership, communication, project planning, and diversity awareness through a variety of activities during the week,” said Michelle Esposito, director of volunteer services with the American Red Cross North Jersey Region. Participants will receive Red Cross First Aid, CPR, and AED training and certification. Exploring Humanitarian Law engages students with hands-on activities and thought-provoking discussions as they explore the powerful and fundamental concept of human dignity in wartime. The Be Red Cross Ready course teaches students how to help their communities prepare for and respond to emergencies, Exploring Cultural Diversity, lessons in Government Relations and Civic Responsibility and information about how to start a Red Cross Club, are also included. The cost of $150 includes lunch and snacks. Visit redcross.org/ NorthJerseyRegion to register. Auditions Somerset V alley P layhouse at 689 Amwell Road, Hillsborough, has auditions for “Breaking Legs” on Thursday, May 21, at 7:30 p.m. Donate Please G ood G rief opened in Princeton to support the grieving kids and families of Central New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania. The programs have grown to support more than 100 children and teens each month, as well as a three-month wait list for programs. The organization, seeking to have a permanent home at 5 Mapleton Road, Plainsboro, is requesting monetary donations to purchase the home and continue expanding. Donations of skills, talent, or furniture are also invited. E-mail mapleton@ good-grief.org for information. Call for Art H istoric H opewell T rain Station seeks art for “Yart Sale” during the town wide yard sales on Saturday, June 13, 8 a.m. to late afternoon. Vendor spaces are available indoors for artworks in any medium as well as art materials. $25. Rain or shine. E-mail debbiereichard@ yahoo.com to register. TV Classes P rinceton T V offers upcoming classes to be held at 1 Monument Drive, Princeton. Contact Sharyn Murray at 609-252-1963 for information and registration. Editing Basics, Thursdays, May 28 to July 16, 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. Taught by film maker and editor Andrea Odezynska, this class covers navigating Final Cut Pro X. You will learn basic editing skills, and have the opportunity to put together your own short clips, as well as polish your editing technique. Video Camera Basics, Tuesday, June 2, 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. Taught by Sharyn Alice Murray, this class covers the basics of operating PCTV’s video equipment. How to set up, create shots, and position the camera. Completion of this course is mandatory for anyone looking to borrow PCTV cameras. Lighting Basics, Tuesday, June 9, 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. Taught by David Kelly Crow, the class will cover the basics of lighting for field and in studio production. Including what light size, type, and positioning to use for all your projects. For beginners, or those needing to brush up on their lighting knowledge. This class is mandatory before taking out any PCTV lighting equipment. For the Young M iddlesex C ounty 4- H offers a day camp for boys and girls who have completed grades 3 through 6. Monday to Friday, July 20 to 24, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 645 Cranbury Road in East Brunswick. Daily activities include rocketry, theater, archery, scrapbooking, dance, cheerleading, wilderness survival, and biking. Friday night includes an optional sleepover with campfire and dinner. $170 includes program materials, lunch, T-shirt, and field trip. Extended days are available. Call 732-398-5261 for information and registration. For High Schoolers R aritan V alley C ommunity C ollege offers a summer health care career program for high school students interested in learning more about nursing or other healthcare careers. Summer H.E.A.T (Healthcare Exploration and Training), will be held Monday to Friday, July 6 to 10, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The first day at the Branchburg campus includes orientation and a lab day. The next four days are based at Hunterdon Medical Center where students will shadow staff members in nursing, laboratory, pharmacy, physical therapy, radiology, dietary, and respirator therapy. $200 includes lunches and hospital uniforms. E-mail Alison Campoli at acampoli@ raritanval. edu for information. Scholarships N J F ederation of R epublican Women, through its affiliation with the N ational F ederation of R epublican Women, seek nominees for scholarships benefiting young Republican women. The deadline is Monday, June 1. College sophomores, juniors, and seniors, as well as students enrolled in masters programs, are eligible to apply. Three scholarships will also be awarded to undergraduate students majoring in political science, government, or economics. Applications must include the completed form, three letters of recommendation, an official copy of the applicant’s college transcript, two one-page typed essays, and an optional photograph. Send Clothing Drive H air P lus in West Windsor seeks donations of women’s business and business-casual clothes to benefit the Mercer County chapter of Dress for Success. Bring clean clothing on hangers or folded in shopping bags to 195 PrincetonHightstown Road (Southfield Shopping Center) during business hours through Tuesday, June 9. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation. Clothing is needed for all sizes for spring, summer, and all-weather including suits, blazers, dress pants and slacks, skirts, business appropriate shoes, blouses, sweater sets and tops, handbags, jewelry, scarves, and accessories. Clothing will not be accepted in garbage bags. Donations of heavy wool suits or coats will be accepted at this time by the charity. “We chose Dress for Success for our spring charitable drive this year for a few reasons,” said Debbie Meredith, co-owner of Hair Plus. “First, the organization is helping women to improve their lives by providing clothing and career counseling to those in need. Many women being helped are single, working mothers or women in their 50s who were down-sized in their careers. Second, we have clients who volunteer with the Dress for Success organization, so we chose the organization to show our support and admiration for their efforts. Third, we all need a little push to clean out our closets, so why not support a good cause and receive a charitable donation in exchange for a little work?” Call 609240-3498 for information. Let Us Give You Something to Smile About Periodontal Maintenance Bruxism Treatments Scaling and Root Planing Bite Adjustment Osseous Surgery Gum Grafting Frenectomy Crown Lengthening Bone Grafting Guided Bone and Tissue Sinus Augmentation Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery Regeneration Oral Cancer Exam Dental Implants Center for Laurence G. Chacker DMD M. Ilhan Uzel DMD 45 to NJ Federation of Republican Women, Box 901, Pennington 08534. E-mail info@ njfrw.org for information. OPPORTUniTieS The director is seeking five men in the 40s or 50s, and one woman in her late 20s for the madcap comedy. Visit www.svptheatre.org or call 908-369-7469 for information. U .S . 1 Contemporary periodontiCs and dental implants 34 Franklin Corner Road • Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 • (609) 883-6900 Fax: (609) 883-2785 • Email: [email protected] www.dentalimplantspa-nj.com 46 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 ROCK BROOK SCHOOL CELEBRATING 40 YEARS of providing education services to children with special needs and support for families and professionals Please join us for two very special events Friday, May 29th– Free and open to the public Family Night/Community Open House Sponsored by 1st Constitution Bank The fun takes place from 6:30 pm -9:00 pm at Rock Brook School, 109 Orchard Rd. Skillman. Festivities include bounce house, refreshments, arts & crafts, Zumba demo, DJ and clothing drive. Sunday, June 7th S till Running: Susan Wilson speaks on her new memoir at Princeton Public Library on Tuesday, May 26. Continued from page 4 3 A Celebration of 40 Years S unday M ay 24 Hopewell Valley Vineyards from 6:00 – 9:00 pm includes wine tasting, music, buffet dinner and auction. $65 per person. Sponsorship Opportunities available. For more information about these events call (908) 431-9500 or visit www.rock-brook.org Jazz & Blues Bob S mith and the Amb iance D uo, D iamond’ s Restaurant, 25 R o u te 3 1 So u th , P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 0 -1 244. T h r ee co u r se j azz br u n ch . $ 3 0 . Noon to 3 p.m. Jazzy S unday S eries, Hopewell V alley V iney ards, 46 Y ar d R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-446 5. B ill H en r y p er f o r ms. 2 to 5 p.m. Live Music S tarkill, M alphas, D ark Af ter D awn, D amien the Cat, Championship S ports Bar, 93 1 C h amber s Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 94743 7. $ 1 2. 5 p.m. Art This summer love the beach and love your curves! Transform yourself with F rom Traditional to Avant G arde Ex hib ition, Phillips M ill, 26 1 9 R iver R o ad, N ew H o p e, 21 5-86 20 582. P h o to exh ibitio n o n disp lay th r o u g h Ju n e 21 . 1 to 5 p.m. Dance M D E: M odern Classics, K elsey Theater, M ercer Community College, 1 20 0 O ld T r en to n R o ad, W est W in dso r , 6 0 9-570 -3 3 3 3 . L yr ica l mo der n dan ce f eatu r in g th e w o r ks o f lo ca l ch o r eo g r ap h er s, dan ce r s, an d st u den ts. $ 1 8. 2 p.m. On Stage You’re Invited! Join Us for a Cool Event! Hosted by: Princeton Center for Plastic Surgery & Medispa/ Thomas A. Leach, M.D. Where: 932 State Road, Princeton, NJ When: Tuesday, June 2nd - 10am to 5pm POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS 10AM & 12:30PM REFRESHMENTS ~ LIVE DEMONSTRATIONS ~ TREATMENT DISCOUNTS Call 609-921-7161 to Reserve your spot! For more information visit www.princetonsurgery.com CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared, safe and proven effective. It’s the only non-surgical body contouring treatment that freezes and eliminates stubborn fat from your body. Ever Af ter, Paper M ill Play house, 22 B r o o ksi de D r ive, M illbu r n , 973 -3 76 -43 43 . M u si ca l. $ 28 to $ 99. 1: 3 0 and 7 p.m. F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9-258-2787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 2 and 7: 3 0 p.m. The Pillowman, V illagers Theater, 475 D eM o tt L an e, So mer se t, 73 2-873 -271 0 . D r ama f o cu ses o n an au th o r o f sh o r t st o r ies an d si milar ities to a se r ies o f ch ild mu r der s. $ 20 . 2 p.m. An Enemy of the People, Bristol Riverside Theater, 1 20 R adcl if f e Str eet, B r ist o l, 21 5-785-0 1 0 0 . H en r ik Ibse n ’ s dr ama debates th e th in lin e betw een w h ist leblo w er an d tr aito r . $ 3 1 to $ 46 . 3 p.m. The G oldilocks Z one, Passage Theater, M ill H ill P layh o u se , 20 5 E ast Fr o n t Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 93 92-0 76 6 . A lo o k at mo der n f amilies dir ect ed by D amo n B o n etti. $ 1 2 to $ 3 5 3 p.m. G roucho: A Lif e in Revue, Actors’ NET, 6 3 5 N o r th D elmo r r Aven u e, M o r r isvi lle, P A, 21 5-2953 6 94. $ 20 . 8 p.m. Film S unday Af ternoon at the M ovies, Ewing Lib rary , 6 1 Sco tch R o ad, E w in g , 6 0 9-882-3 1 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g . “ R o se w ater ” tells th e st o r y o f j o u r n alist M azi ar B ah ar i, detain ed by Ir an ian f o r ce s w h o r elen tlessl y in ter r o g ate h im u n der su sp ici o n th at h e is a sp y. R eg ist er . 2 p.m. D ocumentary F ilm S creening, U nitarian U niversalist Congregation, 50 C h er r y H ill R o ad, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-1 6 0 4. “ P ay- M AY 20, 2015 U .S . 1 47 Tick et star s at $ t 25! Princeton’s Tony® Award-Winning Theater by RACHEL BONDS | directed by EMILY MANN Audiences are saying: “FLAWLESS” “MY FAVORITE PLAY THIS SEASON” “ANOTHER TRIUMPH AT McCARTER” 2P lay: D emo cr acy’ s H ig h Stake s, ” f ilm by Jo h n W ellin g to n . 3 to 5: 3 0 p.m. M isery Loves Comedy , ACM E S creening Room, 25 So u th U n io n Str eet, L amber tville, 6 0 93 97-0 275. w w w . acm escr een in g r o o m. o r g . T w ist o n mis er y lo ves co mp an y f eatu r in g J immy Fallo n , T o m H an ks, Amy Sch u mer , Ji m G af f ig an , Ju dd Ap ato w , an d mo r e. $ 8. 5 and 6: 45 p.m. Fairs & Festivals New Jersey Renaissance F aire, L iber ty L ake , 1 1 95 Flo r en c e-C o lu mbu s R o ad, B o r den to w n , 88886 4-8222. w w w . n j r en f air e. co m. J o u st in g , sw o r d f ig h tin g , g lass blo w in g , f alco n r y, bo at r ides, an d ven do r s. R ain o r sh in e. $ 20 . 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Faith original M ind Z en S angha, F ellowship in Pray er, 291 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n . w w w . o r ig in almin dze n . co m. Z en meditatio n an d se r vice s. Fr ee. 6: 45 to 9 p.m. Food & Dining S angria K ick of f , old Y ork Cellars Winery , 80 O ld Y o r k R o ad, R in g o es, 90 8-284-946 3 . w w w . o ldyo r kce llar s. co m. B r in g a p icn ic. M u s ic by JT R o o n ey. Noon to 5 p.m. Farm Markets F armers’ M arket, Hunterdon Land Trust, D vo o r Far m, 1 1 1 M in e Str eet, R ar itan , 90 8-23 74582. L o c ally g r o w n o r g an ic veg etables, g r ass- f ed beef , ar tisa n br eads, c h eese s, h o n ey, p ies, p lan ts, live mu si c, an d f amilyf r ien dly even ts. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wellness Weekly Y oga Class, S ourland Cy cles, 53 E ast B r o ad Str eet, H o p ew ell, 6 0 9-3 3 3 -8553 . w w w . s o u r lan dcycl es. c o m. All levels. $ 1 5. 6 p.m. History G uided Tour, K user F arm M ansion, 3 90 N ew ki r k Aven u e, H amilto n , 6 0 9-890 -3 6 3 0 . Fr ee. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. F arm Ex hib it, Cranb ury M useum, 4 P ar k P lace E ast , C r an bu r y, 6 0 9-40 9-1 289. w w w . cr an bu r y. o r g . “ Stu lts Far m, E st ablis h ed 1 91 5: 1 0 0 Y ear s o f Family Far min g ” f eatu r es a co llect io n o f an tiq u e f ar m to o ls an d h ig h lig h ts f r o m th e f ar m’ s 1 0 0 year h ist o r y. In f o r matio n abo u t th e Stu lts’ an ce st o r s, w h o se ttled in th e C r an bu r y ar ea in th e 1 8th ce n tu r y. T h e f ar m is lo c ated in P lain sb o r o an d C r an bu r y. O n view Su n days th r o u g h J u n e 1 4. 1 to 4 p.m. Walking Tour, Cranb ury Historical and Preservation S ociety , C r an bu r y M u se u m, 4 P ar k P lace E ast , C r an bu r y, 6 0 9-6 51 -0 6 93 . w w w . cr an bu r y. o r g . T w o -h o u r to u r led by R ich ar d M o o dy f o cu se s o n th e h ist o r y an d ar c h itect u r e o f th e villag e f o u n ded in 1 6 97. R eg ist er . $ 5. 2 p.m. Partners: The Canal Frame-Crafts Gallery exhibit featuring the works of six artist couples continues through Saturday, June 13. Pictured: ‘The Boat Shed’ by David Schleinkofer. Walking Tour, Historical S ociety of Princeton, B ain br idg e H o u se , 1 58 N assa u Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-921 -6 748. w w w . p r in ce to n h ist o r y. o r g . T w o -h o u r , tw o -mile w alki n g to u r ar o u n d do w n to w n P r in ce to n an d P r in ce to n U n iver si ty ca mp u s. $ 7. 2 p.m. British G ardens, English S peaking U nion, K ir by Ar ts C en ter , L aw r en ce ville Sch o o l, 6 0 9-443 3 1 3 8. N o r m an d N an cy K lath o f P r in ce to n talk abo u t g ar den s. T h ey h ave to u r ed st ately h o mes an d g ar den s in th e U n ited K in g do m. R ef r esh men ts . $ 1 0 . 3 p.m. Kids Stuff LEG o S ession, Princeton Pub lic Lib rary , 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-9529. w w w . p r in ce to n libr ar y. o r g . B u ildin g time an d r o u n d-table discu si o n f o r ch ildr en . 3 p.m. Lectures Community D iscussion: The G oldilocks Z one, Higher Power Y oga S tudio, 1 0 1 So u th W ar r en Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-789-81 88. w w w . h ig h er p o w er yo g a. n et. Acto r s an d w r iter s f r o m P assa g e T h eatr e discu s th e n ew p lay. 1: 3 0 to 2: 3 0 p.m. Birding Birding Workshop, Washington Crossing S tate Park, 3 55 W ash in g to n C r o si n g -P en n in g to n R o ad, T itu svi lle. A sh o r t bir din g h ike f o llo w s a br ief in do o r p r ese n tatio n . E -mail edu c atio n . w ca s@ g mail. co m to r eg ist er . N o exp er ien ce n ec essa r y. B in o cu lar s an d f ield g u ides w ill be p r o vided. $ 20 in cl u des a o n e-year W ash in g to n C r o si n g Au du bo n So ci ety ch ap ter member sh ip . 8 a.m. Birding Trip, Baldpate M ountain, Fiddler ’ s C r eek R o ad, H o p ew ell, 6 0 9-73 7-1 1 89. w w w . w ash in g to n cr o si n g au do bo n . o r g . P at Szi ber an d Fr an ta B r o u lik lead th e tr ip th r o u g h th e T ed Stiles P r ese r ve. 8 : 3 0 a.m. M onday M ay 25 M emorial D ay . P o st al an d ban k h o liday. Memorial Day Events American Legion Post 401, 1 48 M aj o r R o ad, M o n mo u th Ju n ct io n , 73 2-3 29-986 1 . C er emo n ial w r eath , r emembr an ce se r vice s, mu si c by th e So u th B r u n sw ick H ig h Sch o o l B an d, an d r ef r esh men ts. 11 a.m. Hightstown, D o w n to w n , 6 0 9-490 970 0 . w w w . h ig h tst o w n f air . o r g . P ar ade beg in s o n Sto ckt o n Str eet an d f in ish es at th e V FW o n D u tch N eck R o ad. R ef r esh men ts. Five w r eath s w ill be p lace s th r o u g h o u t th e p ar ade r o u te. 9 : 3 0 a.m. West Windsor, H ig h Sch o o l So u th , C lar ksvi lle R o ad, 6 0 9-799240 0 . T h e an n u al p ar ade alo n g C lar ksvi lle R o ad co n tin u es to th e to w n sh ip bu ildin g . P ar tici p an ts in cl u de dig n itar ies, elect ed o f f ici als, B o y Sco u ts, G ir l Sco u ts, an d co mmu n ity g r o u p s. M emo r ial se r vice at th e All W ar s M emo r ial. R ef r esh men ts. Fr ee. L in e u p beg in s at 1 0 : 3 0 a. m. E -mail g h u ber @ w est w in dso r tw p . co m f o r mo r e in f o r matio n . 11 a.m. NOW – MAY 31, 2015 Mahira Kakkar and Nathan Darrow in Five Mile Lake, photo by T. Charles Erickson A stunning new play by an astonishingly talented writer. With exquisite care, Bonds paints a moving portrait of a group of young people, yearning to make the right choices as they journey into their thirties. Don’t miss this funny, tender, and heart-wrenching play about those who stay, and those who go away. Opening Night sponsored by 609-258-2787 | www.mccarter.org This program is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts and by funds from the National Endowment for the Arts. Continued on following page Our Glasses Capture the Current Trends “Dedicated to Quality and Service” Dr. Mary E. Boname O p t o m e t r ic P h y s ic ia n OM Certification #27OMO0032100 LIC #0A 5298 Singles S ingles D ance Party , Prof essional and Business S ingles Network, H o liday In n , 1 0 0 In dep en den ce W ay, M o n mo u th Ju n ctio n , 6 1 0 -3 48-5544. w w w . P B SN in f o . co m. W altz dan ce in st r u ct io n f o llo w ed by dan ce p ar ty. M eet an d g r eet at 7: 3 0 p . m. C ash bar . N o p ar tn er n eeded. Fo r ag es 40 s an d u p . $ 1 8. 6: 45 p.m. Sports F amily D ay , Princeton S how Jumping, H u n ter Far ms, 246 B u r n t H ill R o ad, Sk illman , 6 0 9924-293 2. P o n y r ides, en ter tain men t, sh o p p in g , an d eq u est r ian co mp etitio n . Noon to 2 p.m. Benedict A. Fazio Dispensing Optician #D 1640 Appointments Not Always Necessary Family Eye Care Quality Eye Wear Monday: Closed Tuesday through Thursday 10-7 Friday10-6•Saturday9-3 1325 Route 206 Suite 24, Skillman, NJ 08558 609-279-0005 WWW.MECNJ.COM 48 S U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 R ev iew: ‘ T h e G oldilock s Z one’ b y Neal Z oren omething is not “just right” in the established relationships of two separate couples living a New York City subway ride apart from each other. Ray (Trent Blanton) is agonized because a condition affecting his vans deferens prevents him and his wife, Franny (Jessica DalCanton), from having a child together. They pour over profiles of potential sperm donors but brand each one “garbage” whose generative course they don’t want to continue. Franny, meanwhile, has dubbed her biological clock a time bomb. Sullen, uncommunicative Andy (Andy Phelan) cannot tell his partner, Matt (Dan Domingues), what is making him more unfathomable than usual. The Passage Theater audience for Ian August’s world premiere play, “The Goldilocks Zone” learns Andy longs to be a father, not so much because he is paternal or that he thought through how having a child would affect his life, but because he wants his recently late father to contribute to another generation via transmitted DNA. Matt, a divorce lawyer who supports his and Andy’s domicile, finds Andy child enough. August deftly creates an impasse and an issue. Ray and Franny can’t find the right conditions to conceive a baby. Andy and Matt have not discussed children. Matt doesn’t know about Andy’s craving. Andy knows better than to broach the subject. Neither marriage can locate the connubial Goldilocks Zone where all conditions conspire to support and sustain life. Even in science, the Goldilocks Zone only allows for life to be possible. It doesn’t guarantee perfection. August’s play gives the impression Ray and Franny, and Andy and Matt, would be reasonably happy if each couple could solve its child-bearing dilemma. It comical- ly, and thoroughly, delves into all the snags involved, including the thorniest, who acts as the father if Ray and Franny are acquainted with their donor and that person expects to be involved with his progeny. Franny and Andy, you see, have negotiated an agreement of sorts after finding each other on Craig’s List, an agreement that Ray and Matt don’t know about and erupt emotionally from when they’re told. August has calculated every complication, misunderstanding, and reaction. Even when you can predict a situation, particularly a snafu, the author surprises impres- The conversational nature of ‘ The G oldilocks Z one’ makes the play comf ortab le. Y ou b ecome immediately f amiliar with all of August’ s characters. sively by giving it an unexpected twist. He clearly understands when to introduce the dramatically necessary and how to give it particular impact. Confrontations between Ray and Franny, and Andy and Matt, teeter between the comic and the serious as August gives his characters arch or naively amusing lines juxtaposed with the sentimental, personal, or just plain angry or confused. The general tone is comic, and Passage director Damon Bonetti keeps all sophisticated and buoyant as he deals with three articulate, dynamic characters and one, Andy, who is not as confident or as glib as the others. Phelan plays him with a dim, but candid, sweetness that has more to do with his youth and lack M ay 25 Tuesday M ay 26 Continued from preceding page On Stage G roucho: A Lif e in Revue, Actors’ NET, 6 3 5 N o r th D elmo r r Aven u e, M o r r isvi lle, P A, 21 5-2953 6 94. $ 20 . 8 p.m. Literati Plainsb oro Writers’ G roup, Plainsb oro Pub lic Lib rary , 9 V an D o r en Str eet, 6 0 9-275-2897. Sh ar e w o r ks in p r o g r ess w ith bo th p u blish ed an d u n p u blish ed au th o r s. 6: 3 0 p.m. Comedy open M ic and Workshop, Eric Potts, T r en to n E lks C lu b, 42 D eco u Aven u e, E w in g . 7: 3 0 p.m. Kids Stuff M usic F un Club , F arringtons M usic, M o n tg o mer y Sh o p p in g C en ter , 1 3 25 R o u te 20 6 , Ski llman , 6 0 9-924-8282. E xp lo r e mu si ca l in st r u men ts an d th eo r y. M u si c r elated g ames an d act ivities. L ear n to p lay bas ic g u itar an d p ian o . 7 to 8 p.m. Sports for Causes Walkathon F or Nepal, American Red Cross, M er ce r C o u n ty P ar k, 1 3 46 E din bu r g R o ad, P r in ce to n Ju n ct io n . g o o g le. co m/ si te/ w alk ath o n 4n ep al/ . 1 K , 3 K , o r 5K . W alk beg in s at 1 0 a. m. , en ter tain men t an d act ivities at 1 1 a. m. $ 20 , ch ildr en 1 2 an d u n der f r ee. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Live Music K eith F ranklin Jazz Q uartet, Witherspoon G rill, 57 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-9246 0 1 1 . 6: 3 0 to 10 p.m. open M ic, Trenton S ocial Bar and Restaurant, 449 So u th B r o ad Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-9897777. 8 p.m. Pop Music Rehearsal, M onroe Township Chorus, M o n r o e Sen io r C en ter , 1 2 H alse y R o ad, M o n r o e, 6 0 96 1 9-3 229. E -mail sh eila1 1 20 @ g mail. co m. 9 : 3 0 a.m. Art Art Ex hib it, Princeton D ay S chool, T h e G r eat R o ad, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-6 70 0 . w w w . p ds. o r g . Fir st day f o r se n io r p r o j ect s in th e visu al ar ts. O n view to Ju n e 5. 5 p.m. On Stage F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lace , 6 0 9-258-2787. w w w . mcca r ter . o r g . 7: 3 0 p.m. Dancing Argentine Tango, Jersey D ance, W est W in dso r Ar ts C en ter , 952 Alexa n der R o ad, W est W in dso r , 6 0 9-3 75-846 8. w w w . j er se ydan ce . co m. All level lesso n s. $ 1 2. 7: 3 0 p.m. of professional training than lack of native intelligence. Andy has the most difficult time, but all the characters can express their inner feelings and responses. Each has a monologue that gives salient background, reveals how his or her spouse was met, and talks about dreams and ambitions. The conversational nature of “The Goldilocks Zone” makes the play comfortable. You become immediately familiar with all of August’s characters, and the actors each display traits and personalities that make their character individual and distinct. Each copes with something deeply internal, which gives August’s play texture. Ray is filled with guilt about not being able to provide Franny with the child she’s envisioned since she was a girl and determined that having a family was part of the meaning of life. Ray is also angry that his child will be someone else’s. He is sensitive about being the father in all ways aside from the biological. He particularly bristles at the prospect of sharing the paternal role, a predicament that arises because Franny is intent on meeting and approving of the sperm donor. Franny is impulsive and impatient. When she meets Andy, she thinks her problems are solved while a new set is developing. Andy is one-track about being a father. A guy who cannot achieve anything is dogged about doing research and following through about having a child. Matt is the most unaffected. Andy’s paternal desires are news to him, and he greets them with a whimsical stare, a questioning expression, and a lawyer’s penchant for getting to the facts and coming to a compromise. Matt is more bemused than miffed, but he is also intent on establishing Andy’s interest and future access to any child he sires. I nternational F olk D ance, Princeton F olk D ance, K r ist in a Jo h n so n P o p -U p Stu dio , P r in ce to n Sh o p p in g C en ter , 6 0 9-921 -93 40 . w w w . p r in ce to n f o lk dan ce . o r g . E th n ic dan ce s o f man y co u n tr ies u s in g o r ig in al mu si c. B eg in n er s w elco me. L esso n f o llo w ed by dan ce . N o p ar tn er n eeded. $ 5. 7: 3 0 to 9 : 3 0 p.m. Literati Book D iscussion G roup, Ewing Lib rary , 6 1 Sco tch R o ad, E w in g , 6 0 9-882-3 1 3 0 . w w w . mcl . o r g . “ B ein g M o r tal: M edici n e an d W h at M atter s in th e E n d” by Atu l G aw an de. R eg ist er . 7 p.m. Faith American Jewish Ex perience Lecture S eries, Jewish Historical S ociety of Central Jersey , Je w ish Family Ser vice s, 52 C o n co r dia Sh o p p in g C en ter , M o n r o e, 73 2-249-4894. “ B u ildin g N ew L ives Af ter th e Sh o ah : N ew Je r se y’ s R o le” p r ese n ted by R o n ald B ecke r , h ead o f sp eci al co llec tio n s an d u n iver s ity ar ch ives at R u tg er s U n iver si ty an d ch air o f th e M iddlese x C o u n ty C u ltu r al an d H er itag e C o mmissi o n . $ 2. 10 a.m. Kids Stuff D andy D andelions Class, S tony Brook- M illstone Watershed Association, 3 1 T itu s M ill R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-7592. w w w . th ew ater sh ed. o r g . K ids 3 to 5 lear n abo u t th e f lo w er . R eg ist er . $ 1 5. 10 a.m. Nurturing Nature, Tulpehaking Nature Center, 1 57 W est co tt Aven u e, H amilto n , 6 0 9-3 0 3 -0 70 4. C h ildr en 3 to 5 ca n se ar ch f o r mu lti-leg cr eatu r es, disse ct a The G oldilocks Z one: Jessica DalCanton, back left, and Trent Blanton, and Dan Domingues, front left, and Andy Phelan. August is fair about giving each of the quartet his or her due. From the fine acting of the cast and August’s revealing script, we know who these people are and come to care about them, even the distant Matt and argumentative Ray. August, Bonetti, and company have done an excellent job at letting us understand what condition might constitute a Goldilocks Zone for each, and we like everyone so much, we root for them to find that ideal combination of elements. The complications we see are human and are informed by love. The discussions, and even the confusions, derive from life and have an authentic feel reinforced by the familiarity with which the actors endow their characters. Matt is the most basic. He wants the least and has the smallest stake in biological clocks ticking. Dan Domingues is superbly natural in the role, giving Matt a sense of irony and a core of reality that gives him an equal role in a drama that more nearly concerns the others. Jessica DalCanton provides snap and energy as Franny, who is p lan t o r f lo w er s, an d exp lo r e th e p ar k f o r bir ds an d f r o g s w ith g u idan ce f r o m th e n atu r alist st af f . E ach th emed p r o g r am in cl u des a st o r y o r exp er imen t, an o u tdo o r h ike , an d a cr af t. $ 45. R eg ist er . 10 a.m. I nsect S af ari Class, S tony Brook- M illstone Watershed Association, 3 1 T itu s M ill R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-7592. K ids 6 to 1 0 exp lo r e th e r ese r ve w ith a teach er -n atu r alist . R eg ist er . $ 1 0 member s, $ 1 5 n o n -member s. 4: 15 p.m. Lectures M onthly M eeting, Princeton PC U sers G roup, L aw r en ce L ibr ar y, 2751 R o u te 1 So u th , 6 0 9-883 526 2. w w w . p p cu g -n j . o r g . T ech n ica l p r eview o f W in do w s 1 0 , w ith D avid F. So ll, p r esi den t an d C T O o f O micr o n D evelo p men t. 7 p.m. Phy llis M archand Lecture, Princeton Pub lic Lib rary , C o n f er en ce R o o m, 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-9529. Su sa n W ilso n , au th o r o f “ Still R u n n in g : A M emo ir , ” a P r in ce to n r esi den t, an d an advo ca te f o r se xu ality edu ca tio n p r o g r ams in p u blic sch o o ls. 7 p.m. Singles Pizza Night, Y ardley S ingles, V in ce ’ s, 25 So u th M ain Str eet, Y ar dley, P A, 21 5-73 6 -1 288. w w w . yar dleysi n g les. o r g . R eg ist er . 6 p.m. Trivia World Tavern Trivia, Wildf lowers Too, 255 R o u te 1 56 , Y ar dville, 6 0 9-585-5483 . w w w . w ildf lo w er s to o . co m. H o st ed by E r ic P o tts. 7 p.m. so devoted to motherhood, you want to present her with a baby. Trent Blanton gives Ray a lot of range. You see the contained, composed seventh grade teacher going through a convincing gamut as he considers surrogate fatherhood and all it means — whether he and Franny know the donor’s identity or not. Phelan is downright lovable and downright frustrating as Andy, someone who works on childlike impulses that contrast with Franny’s adult compulsion. He shows Andy’s angst while struggling to put his desires into words. Matthew R. Campbell’s set captures two New York apartments perfectly. Robin I. Shane chooses excellent clothing for Matt and Ray while making Andy a tad retro and giving Franny an odd ensemble or two. T he G oldilocks Z one, P assage T heater, Mill Hill Playhouse, 205 East Front Street, Trenton. Through Sunday, May 31,Thursday through Saturday, 8 p.m., and Sunday, 3 p.m. $12 to $35. 609392076 or www.passagetheatre.org. Wednesday M ay 27 Live Music S ing Along with S culpture, G rounds F or S culpture, 1 26 Scu lp to r s W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9584-780 0 . G ath er r o u n d th e p ian o at R at’ s r est au r an t w ith Sew ar d Jo h n so n , scu lp to r an d f o u n der o f G FS. 5 to 7 p.m. Barb ara Trent, M af alda’ s I talian Restaurant, 3 6 81 N o ttin g h am W ay, H amilto n , 6 0 9-587-580 0 . 6 p.m. open M ic, Alchemist & Barrister, 28 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-5555. H o st ed by K evin R o vn er . R eg ist r atio n beg in s at 9 p . m. 21 p lu s. 10 p.m. On Stage An Enemy of the People, Bristol Riverside Theater, 1 20 R adcl if f e Str eet, B r ist o l, 21 5-785-0 1 0 0 . w w w . br tst ag e. o r g . H en r ik Ibse n ’ s dr ama debates th e th in lin e betw een w h ist leblo w er an d tr aito r . $ 3 1 to $ 46 . 2 and 7: 3 0 p.m. F ive M ile Lake, M cCarter Theater at Berlind, 91 U n iver si ty P lac e, 6 0 9-258-2787. 7: 3 0 p.m. Film Evening M b rary , 1 Ju Jr . W ay, H Scr een in g G ames: M p.m. ovie, Hamilton List ice Samu el A. Alito amilto n , 6 0 9-581 -40 6 0 . o f “ T h e H u n g er o cki n g j ay P ar t 1 . ” 7 M AY 20, 2015 Dancing Kids Stuff Newcomer D ance, American Ballroom, 1 523 P ar kw ay Aven u e, E w in g , 6 0 9-93 1 -0 1 49. G r o u p cl ass f o llo w ed by p r act ice . $ 1 0 . 7 to 10 p.m. West Coast S wing, Jersey D ance, W est W in dso r Ar ts C en ter , 952 Alexa n der R o ad, W est W in dso r , 6 0 9-3 75-846 8. B eg in n er an d in ter mediate lesso n s. $ 8. 7: 3 0 p.m. D andy D andelions Class, S tony Brook- M illstone Watershed Association, 3 1 T itu s M ill R o ad, P en n in g to n , 6 0 9-73 7-7592. K ids 3 to 5 lear n abo u t th e f lo w er . R eg ist er . $ 1 0 member s, $ 1 5 n o n member s. 1 p.m. Fairs & Festivals Carnival, Law Enf Against D rugs, M P ar k, O ld T r en to n W in dso r . leadr u g s. mo r e. Fr ee admissi in g . 5 to 10 p.m. orcement er ce r C o u n ty R o ad, W est o r g . R ides an d o n an d p ar k- Food & Dining Cornerstone Community K itchen, Princeton U nited M ethodist Church, N assa u at V an deven ter Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-26 1 3 . H o t meals se r ved, p r ep ar ed by T ASK . Fr ee. 5 to 6: 3 0 p.m. Wellness National S enior Health And F itness D ay , PEAC F itness, 1 440 L o w er Fer r y R o ad, E w in g , 6 0 9883 -20 0 0 . “ If Y o u K eep M o vin g , Y o u ’ ll K eep Imp r o vin g , ” in cl u des c o mp limen tar y h ealth scr een in g s, h ealth y s n acks, an d co mp etitio n . 9 a.m. to noon. Hatha Y oga Class, S t. D avid’ s Episcopal Church, 90 So u th M ain Str eet, C r an bu r y, 6 0 9-6 55473 1 . Fo r all levels . $ 5. 3 to 4 p.m. Weekly Y oga Class, S ourland Cy cles, 53 E ast B r o ad Str eet, H o p ew ell, 6 0 9-3 3 3 -8553 . All levels. $ 1 5. 6 p.m. Tai Chi F or Beginners, S outh Brunswick Lib rary , 1 1 0 K in g st o n L an e, M o n mo u th Ju n ct io n , 73 23 29-40 0 0 . w w w . sb p l. in f o . Six cl ass se s si o n th r o u g h Ju ly 1 . $ 6 0 , ch ecks an d mo n ey o r der s o n ly. 7 p.m. Lectures Trolley Talk, Lawrence Lib rary , 2751 B r u n sw ick P ike , L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-989-6 920 . H ist o r ian an d libr ar y co mmissi o n er D en n is W ater s talks abo u t tr o lley lin es in L aw r en ce T o w n sh ip . R eg ist er . 7 p.m. Schools Citize nship Preparation Class, Princeton Pub lic Lib rary , C o n f er en ce R o o m, 6 5 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-924-8822. L atin Amer ica n T ask Fo r ce o f f er s a se r ies o f cl asse s. 7 p.m. Colleges open House, Raritan V alley Community College, 1 1 8 L amin g to n R o ad, B r an ch bu r g , 90 8253 -6 6 88. w w w . r ar itan val. edu . Fo r p r o sp ect ive s tu den ts an d th eir f amilies. R eg ist er . 4: 3 0 to 6 p.m. Shopping News Wednesday s on Warren, Trenton D owntown Association, So u th W ar r en Str eet, T r en to n , 6 0 9-3 93 8998. M u si c, ar ts, sh o p p in g , an d f o o d. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Socials Y arnworks, Ewing Lib rary , 6 1 Sco tch R o ad, E w in g , 6 0 9-8823 1 3 0 . T ackl e a n ew p r o j ect o r w o r k o n o n e yo u ’ ve alr eady st ar ted. R eg ist er . 7 p.m. Toastmasters Club , S tray er U niversity , T h o mas G . W ech sn er D r ive at O f f ice R o ad, L aw r en ce ville, 6 0 9-40 6 -76 29. M ember s meet to deliver an d evalu ate p r ep ar ed an d imp r o mp tu sp eech es to beco me better sp eake r s an d leader s. R SV P . 7 p.m. M EN S EEK I NG WoM EN I n search of a woman w ith a se n se o f h u mo r . I am D W M , edu ca ted, se mi-r etir ed, f in an ci ally se cu r e, n o t bad lo o ki n g , w ar m h ear ted an d a g r eat dan ce r ( year s ag o ) . I en j o y mo vies, p lays, tr avel, an d mu se u ms. I do n ’ t do dr u g s o r sm o ke bu t I h ave been kn o w n to h ave a dr in k. I am a n ice g u y, easy g o in g , w ar m an d af f ectio n ate. P lease in cl u de a p h o n e n u mber an d yo u r r esp o n se . Box 23 8 43 4. Looking f or an outgoing person. SB M 48, 1 80 lbs, 5’ 1 1 ” . L ig h t-co mp lexio n ed, mediu m bu ild, sh aved h ead, bear d, lig h t br o w n eyes. I am a n o n sm o ke r , h o n est , ki n d-h ear ted, tr u st w o r th y, o ca si o n al dr in ke r , do w n -to -ear th , matu r e, an d easy to talk to an d be w ith . I lo ve to co o k, bu t also like to din e o u t w ith a lo vely lady. I like g o o d co n ver sa tio n , w alks in th e p ar k, ar t, tr avelin g , dan ci n g , baske tball, mo vies, mu si c, r eadin g , lo n g dr ives, h u mo r , q u iet n ig h ts, o u tdo o r act ivities, r o man tic st u f f , an d w in do w -sh o p p in g . I’ m a h an dyman . I en j o y lau g h in g an d maki n g p eo p le lau g h . I do n o t p lay h ead g ames. Seekin g a w o man th at like s do o r s o p en f o r h er , lo ves r o se s, an d ag r ees lif e is to o sh o r t. M y lady mu st be do w n to ear th an d w an t a lo n g -ter m r elatio n sh ip . I p r ef er a w o man w h o do es n o t h ave a lo t o f h an g -u p s. M y lady mu st deman d r esp ect an d sh e w ill g et it w ith me. I am h ealth y an d f it. I’ m lo o ki n g f o r a w o man w ith a p o si tive attitu de w h o lo ves lif e an d w an ts to f u lf ill w h at sh e h as been missi n g . P eo p le sa y I’ m a h an dso me man , bu t I w ill leave th at u p to yo u . W r ite me an d sa y h ello . I w ill r etu r n all r esp o n se s. Box 222424 TH E P RO G RAM ACTUAL L Y W O RK S, SO TH E CL ASSE S FIL L UP FAST MAK E Y O UR RE SO L UTIO N ACTUAL L Y H AP P E N IN 201 5! M EN S EEK I NG WoM EN S incerely . It’ s a so n g an d sa lu tatio n to th is r eader . W an t to meet an exce p tio n al g u y — br ig h t, f it, co mp assi o n ate w ith a se n se o f h u mo r . Y o u to o mu st be exce p tio n al — h o n est , in tellig en t, en er g etic, an d s o mew h er e betw een 50 an d 6 0 year s yo u n g . Box 23 9 122 S pring M agic: SW M - I am a f in an ci ally se c u r e h ap p y p er so n w ith a g o o d se n se o f h u mo r an d n ice eyes. I am also a cu r r en t st u den t. I en j o y th e sm all th in g s in lif e like su n se ts an d r ain bo w s. I en j o y mo vies, p lays, an d mu se u ms. I also en j o y sp o r ts in cl u din g h iki n g , r u n n in g , ski in g , an d ten n is. Seeki n g a p o si tive SW F 43 -58, sl im o r mediu m bu ild, n o n -sm o ke r , ki ds o ka y, w ith a co lleg e deg r ee f o r a p o si ble lo n g -ter m r elatio n sh ip . L if e ca n be g o o d alo n e bu t w ith a g o o d p ar tn er ca n be even better . br u cie57@ g mail. co m Box 23 9 552. WoM EN S EEK I NG M EN D WF 60 plus, f o r mer p r o f essi o n al N Y r eal est ate sa les, ar tist , mu si ci an , dan cer , f u n lo vin g , etc. w ish es to meet u p beat, ca r in g , ki n d g en tleman -typ e f o r co mp an io n sh ip , f u n , an d L T R . N o emails, r ece n t p h o to ap p r eci ated. W ill r esp o n d to all. Box 23 9 53 1 I live in M ercer County , NJ. I’ m a SW F, blo n de, 6 2 year s yo u n g , n o n s o ke r , lo o ki n g to g et to kn o w a si n g le, m divo r ce d, o r w ido w 55 year s o r o lder . B lo n de h air , 5’ 9’ tall, w eig h t 1 70 . So meo n e w h o h as a g o o d se n se o f h u mo r an d n o h an g -u p s. I h ave n o bag g ag e an d a w ido w . I do n ’ t p lay min d g ames an d lo o ki n g to meet a ki n d, h o n est , do w n -to ear th C au ca si an g en tleman . If th at’ s yo u g et in to u ch w ith me. I lo ve th e o u tdo o r s, sh o r e, an d th e si mp le th in g s in lif e. A g en tleman in ter est ed in do in g si mp le th in g s. If yo u ’ r e r etir ed th at’ s a p lu s an d a n o n -sm o ke r . I’ m a w ido w . Box 23 9 274 . WoM EN S EEK I NG S ummer Nights (and D ay s): D W F, to ld p r etty, matu r e lo o ks/ act s yo u n g er . I am a member o f th e 2 D cl u b ( do yo u g et w h at I mean ? ) I am in se ar ch o f a ver y attr act ive, cl ean -sh aven w h ite male, 40 6 0 year s o ld, abo u t 5’ 1 0 ’ to 6 ’ f o r a datin g r elatio n sh ip . P r ef er n o n -sm o ke r , n o h eavy dr in ke r s o r p layer s. P lease be n o n -h ir u su te an d emp lo yed ( p r o f essi o n al) p r ef er r ed. L et’ s make th is su mmer a se aso n to r emember an d g o o n w ith a w o n der f u l f u tu r e to g eth er . P lease se n d a p h o to w ith yo u r r ep ly. Box 23 9 478 HoW To RES PoND How to Respond: P lace yo u r n o te in an en velo p e, w r ite th e bo x n u mber o n th e en velo p e, an d mail it w ith $ 1 cash to U . S. 1 at th e addr ess belo w . HoW To oRD ER S ingles By M ail: T o p lace yo u r f r ee ad in th is se ct io n mail it to U . S. 1 , 1 5 P r in ce s R o ad, Su ite K , L aw r en ce ville 0 86 48, f ax it to 6 0 9-844-0 1 80 , o r E -mail it to cl ass @ p r in ce to n in f o . co m. B e su r e to in cl u de a p h ysi ca l addr ess to w h ich w e ca n se n d r esp o n se s. REU N IONS CHAPEL M U S I C REU N IONS FRIDAY, MAY 29 ORGAN CONCERT ERIC PLUTZ T H E M AX Challeng e is not a g ym and it' s not some fad diet. It' s a 10-week life- lteringfitness ndn trition rogr it t e o ertotr nsfor li es l ssesfill ic ly eser eyo rs otno V iew More Success Stories at TH E MAX Challenge. com facebook. com/ TH E MAX Challenge ( 609) 24 8 -4 1 1 4 • NEXT CHALLENGE STARTS NOW! M EN Nice, attractive, prof essional lady , late 6 0 s, w o u ld like to meet a n o n -sm o kin g g en tleman . P r ef er a p r o f essi o n al o r bu si n essm an w h o is br ig h t, cl ean , f u n n y, an d r elaxe d w ith si milar in ter est s as min e. I en j o y dan ci n g , din in g , o p er a, co n ce r ts, g o o d mo vies, tr avel, g r eat co n ver sa tio n s. P r ef er a M E N SC H if yo u kn o w w h at th at mean s. SM IL E . B e sp o n tan eo u s, g en er o u s, an d f u n to be w ith f o r co mp an y an d p er h ap s a lo n g ter m r elatio n sh ip . H eig h t an d w eig h t abo u t 5’ 9” - 5’ 1 1 ” ; w eig h t n o t FAT . N ice lo o ki n g , do n ’ t h ave to be h an dso me, bu t it w o u ldn ’ t h u r t - SM IL E . Box 23 9 43 3 . 3:30 – 4:30 PM ffer lies to 10-week c llenge riced t 49 SINGLES I am a 54- y ear- old widower w h o like s mo vies, ch u r ch , mu si c, f lea mar ke ts, an d an tiq u es. I am easy- g o in g , su ce sf u l, edu ca ted, w ar m-h ear ted, an d do n o t u se dr u g s o r sm o ke . I am 6 ’ tall an d w eig h t 240 p o u n ds. I am lo o ki n g f o r an edu ca ted, su ce sf u l, f u n -lo vin g w o man w h o h as si milar in ter est s. , B U T IT W A S L L A T I D E I R T "I ' V E O R K E D !" W T A H T X A M E T H U .S . 1 UNIVERSIT Y ORGANIST 5– 6 PM CHAPEL CHOIR ALUMNI SING PENNA ROSE CONDUCTOR ADMISSION IS FREE 50 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 ART FILM LITERATURE DANCE DRAMA MUSIC PREVIEW A Cop Whose Tickets Are S omething to Laugh Ab out M b y Ron S hapella aybe the line “a retired cop walks into a nightclub” isn’t the best opening for a bit of comedy, but real life has its own zingers. And as retired cop turned nightclub comedian Eric Potts, 50, puts it, it was mostly by accident or inertia or attention seeking that got him into the funny business. The youngest of three kids in Jackson Township, New Jersey, Potts served as an Army military police officer in Germany and Virginia during the 1980s, and then as a police officer and detective in Plainsboro for 25 years, before retiring four years ago. Then he got himself a new act and started working with a radio station at the Jersey shore, doing commercial voice-overs. “I’d be hired by smaller radio stations — commercials, corporate training videos,” Potts says. “It’s fun. There’s a lot of acting involved in it because you sort of have to become the character in the ad. I’ve always been a ham. I enjoyed being on the radio. But I also love comedy,” he says. Now Potts has a steady gig at Catch a Rising Star at the Hyatt Regency in Princeton’s Carnegie Center off Route 1, warming up the crowd with a brand of humor that — as his Youtube videos show — is both R-rated and self-deprecating. There is a temptation to think that the police in the course of their work are supplied with enough material for unending novels about the human condition. They’re seen it all, right? And Potts starts with the many creative attempts to get out of moving violations by certain drivers who are not bashful at all about their willingness to do absolutely anything to avoid getting a ticket. But for Potts, his experience as a policeman is a minor part of his comic routines. “In the beginning of my set I may talk about it. But I don’t dwell on it. I write about my life in general. There’s a lot of inside stuff that cops would understand, but not the general public,” he says. “I talk about mainly my wife, my kids, life in general. I’m a hypochondriac so I talk about that. My kids get on my nerves sometimes, so I talk about that. Plenty of comics talk about their kids and marriage, but it’s how you spin it and talk about it that makes it funny.” Growing up the youngest, he says he felt compelled to be heard. His late father was a police chief in Manalpan, and his mother is a supervisor at a company in Egg Harbor that makes flower arrangements. His brother works as a medical equipment salesman in Florida and his sister lives in Delanco and works for a medical billing company. Potts’ wife is a receptionist for an association management company in Hamilton. “I guess I was an attention seeker,” he says. “My parents got separated early on when I was eight, and between my brother, sister, and me, I always tried to get attention. I remember I always told my mother I wanted to be a stunt man. I’d ride my bike over things, tried to impress everybody.” He remembers listening to Richard Pryor records with his brother when they were boys. “My father didn’t appreciate the language,” he says. Potts also counts Steve Martin as an early influence. Today Potts commands attention on stage. His voice will definitely reach the back row of a theater, and his style can be easily described as voluble as it is blue. “My whole life I was told I was funny. I was a jokester in high school. I went in the Army and people told me I was funny. You can be funny in front of your friends all you want, but when you step on the stage it’s completely different. It’s about getting your stories out there to the audience in a way they can relate to,” he says. Indeed, Potts does not spare his next of kin when searching for a laugh. One of his YouTube clips is a bit where he depicts his kids (a son, 20, attending Mercer County Community College, a daughter graduating from Ewing High School and bound for Montclair State University in the fall, and another son who is finishing his junior year at Ewing High School) telling him his father’s day gift was in the garage. Next, he says, he went into the garage and found a huge box with a bow on it. “Go ahead, open it,” they told him, and he did, only to find it empty. “That’s your retirement home,” they said. The bit goes on, with him coming home the next day driving a new Corvette. “What’s that?” his kids ask. He replies, “Your college fund.” L ately, he has been giving a boost to new comics who are trying to get a start. He hosts trivia nights at area bars, which lends itself to its own brand of comic charm. But Monday nights, he says, he emcees a “Comedy Gym” at the Ewing Elks Lodge 105 in West Trenton. “We have good attendance,” he says. “We get comics from Philadelphia, North Jersey. It’s not just an open mic. We have comics there who will critique. I’ve had national touring comics come there. It’s a group of comics who help each other get better. Signups are at 7:30 we start taking the stage at 8. It’s a good place for anyone interested in getting into comedy.” Potts says he appears regularly at Catch a Rising Star, but that he also gets booked in other clubs in the New York-Philadelphia metro area. He also writes regularly and posts his work on his blog. The Comedy Cop: Eric Potts retired from the Plainsboro Police Department and started a second career as a comedian. His next performance: May 30 at Catch a Rising Star at the Hyatt. Things haven’t always been a barrel of laughs for Potts. On the force his own demons left him depressed and suicidal and eventually led him to become a police suicide counselor and trainer, where he worked to recognize signs in people who might be suicidal. He says he did that for 12 years. “That’s just part of the job,” he says. “Police officers are trained to help everyone else, but if you’re a cop and ask for help you’re perceived as weak, so cops don’t do it. I don’t want to get dark here, but most comics have a dark side. Being onstage is a form of psychotherapy. You ask if I write about my police officer work. That’s why I don’t. “There are a lot of things people see as a police officer that affect you,” he says. PTSD — post-traumatic stress disorder — affects police and military personnel alike, Potts says. “I would tell any police officer that you can get out of it,” he says. Leoncavallo wrote an entire opera about the leader of a comedy troupe who has his heart broken and then is driven to madness. The subject was plumbed through a much more superficial allusion in the timeless song by Smoky Robinson and the Miracles, “The Tears of a Clown.” Can we call this one, “Tears of a Comic?” “I think so,” Potts says. “When you do this job for a long time you realize there are issues that make people a better comic. It’s there. The demons are there. I’m an old man, ‘ T h e b es t th ing ab out comedy is wh en you get offs tage and are talk ing to oth er comics — th ere’ s th e s tories , and you’ re laugh ing with oth er comics . ’ but I’m a young comic. I’ve definitely learned from some great people. I’m like a sponge. I listen to whatever someone wants to tell me about comedy. The best thing about comedy is when you get offstage and are talking to other comics — there’s the stories, and you’re laughing with other comics.” Potts notes that his entry into standup was gradual. “I was in a uniform for 32 years. I was managing a club where I was able to do material 10 minutes here and there while still a police officer. I did all the stuff you have to do when you’re starting out. You have to learn to perform, how to tell a story so it doesn’t sound like it’s rehearsed. Open mics. “I just happen to be lucky. I’ve been put in touch with the right people. I do a lot of private shows, a lot of fund-raisers. There has to be some talent, but I’ve been lucky. And definitely thankful.” Eric P otts, C atch a R ising Star, Hyatt Regency, West Windsor. Saturday, May 30, with Orlando Baxter, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., and Saturday, June 6, with James Goff, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. C omedy Works, 1320 Newport Road, Bristol, Pennsylvania. Saturday and Sunday, June 12 and 13. U ncle V innies C omedy C lub, 518 Arnold Avenue Point Pleasant Beach. Wednesday and Thursday, June 17 and 18. T avern T rivia, Wildflowers T oo, 255 Route 156, Yardville, Tuesdays, 7 p.m. T avern T rivia, F irkin T avern, 1400 Parkway Avenue, Ewing, Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit www.ericpotts.com. M AY 20, 2015 Prepping for a Sale Continued from page 10 And, continues Tustin of Keller Williams, don’t forget your roof. “An old-looking roof says ‘I don’t really care about my house.’ Roofing materials come in a variety too from typical asphalt shingles, to wood shingles, to slate. To save money, you could consider roofing over existing materials, particularly if there is no rotten plywood to be replaced.” Susan Hughes of Callaway Henderson (suehughes.callawayhenderson.com) has another piece of advice, related to the timing of your decision. “During the summer months the real estate market, like many people, usually takes a ‘slow and easy approach.’ However if the summer time is the time you are choosing to put your house on the market, you may have the advantage of a lower inventory of available homes,” she says. “With that in mind you need to do a few simple staging tips to make your house stand out from the crowd. “Make sure the mailbox is fresh from the winter weather. If it is tarnished or dented, replace it. If it is dull, paint it. Refresh, or replace, the numbers so that the home can be easily recognized.” Given that the days are longer and people are likely to use the evening hours to drive by houses they are considering buying, Hughes advises sellers to “make sure all outside lighting is working” and “think about turning the lights on earlier than usual and leaving them on later. Well-lit homes are very attractive on a quiet evening for anyone choosing to make the first visit a drive-by. Do the same check on the back of the house.” Gardens, she says, should be weed-free with colorful seasonal flowers. “Make sure all patio furniture is cleaned and all cushions on all chairs,” she says. Adds Hughes: “As potential buyers will enter the home from the front door, make sure the walkway is cleaned and weeded if necessary. If any bricks came loose with the freezing and the thawing of the ground, have them reset. Any beds next to the walkway should be planted with colorful, seasonal flowers. Keep these beds free from weeds and freshly mulched.” The front door, she says, is “the final invitation to enter. Make sure it is fresh and presentable, paint if necessary. Also polish the doorknob and clean any windows.” Other tips: “Do a quick walk around the entire home. Look to see if all the siding is clean, a quick power washing will clean up the overall look. Are the gutters full? Dead leaves spilling over? A quick cleaning will remove any negative first impressions a buyer may have.” Says Hughes: “Buyers want to see their family in your home. These simple summer staging tips will help them to visualize how they will fit into your surroundings. They will also set you apart from the competition and perhaps even sell your home more quickly.” M eanwhile, there are some home “improvements” that will not come close to paying for themselves when it comes time to sell the house. Bob Vila, the home improvement specialist who rose to fame on “This Old House” and other television shows, lists several on his website, www.bobvila.com. Among them: Eliminating a third or fourth bedroom. Sure, a walk-in closet and expanded master bath would be a selling point — but only if that space isn’t hijacked from a third or fourth bedroom. If the neighborhood norm is three bedrooms, a two-bedroom house is at a severe disadvantage. Over-improving the basement. Below-grade improvements never pay back as much as space renovated or added above grade. Carefully compare the cost of renovating the attic, adding a dormer or even raising the roof, to a high-end basement remodel. This is especially true for mid-priced houses. High-end houses may well be able to retain the value of a finished basement, but only if all the abovegrade space is livable. Expansive outdoor living space out of synch with the climate. Outdoor kitchens with manly grills and wood counters can be used 10 months a year in the south, so those projects retain value. Not so much in the north, where a fireplace is a cozier investment. Especially if you are relocating, settle in to the local lifestyle before creating a sunroom, screened porch, elaborate deck, or outdoor kitchen. Built-in electronics. Bragging rights last only a few months when it comes to the latest televisions and sound systems. Once the next gizmo lands on the market, today’s shiny toy quickly tarnishes. Builtins often dominate the entire room and they can erode the usability of adjoining rooms, too. “Each of these horrors,” Vila continues, “is grounded in the grand misconception of home improvement: if you build it, they will pay. As you scope out the budget for your project, keep the total tab to no more than 10 percent of the current value of your house. Spend more only if you count the payback in terms of personal enjoyment.” U .S . 1 Houses for Sale Monroe Continued from page 33 16 Harvestview D rive. L o t si ze : . 53 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 8, 6 1 7. L ist ed, An n e Setze r , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith f ir st -f lo o r bedr o o m an d f u ll bath , mast er bedr o o m w ith si ttin g ar ea. $ 9 8 9 ,000. 15 Harvestview D rive. L o t si ze : . 6 2 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 5, 480 . L ist ed, An n e Setze r , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith tw o -zo n e h eatin g , p aver p atio , f ivebu r n er g as st o ve, do u ble w alled o ven . $ 79 5,000. 24C Rossmoor D rive. L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . 2 bedr o o ms; 1 bath . R an ch w ith ca r p o r t in 55+ co mmu n ity. $ 68 ,9 00. Lower Makefield, PA 2010 M akef ield Road. L o t si ze : . 77 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 949. L ist ed, Je n n a B u si k, L isa Ja mes O tto , 21 5-86 226 26 . w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f in ish ed base men t; g ar ag e. 3 , 282 SF Fr en ch C o lo n ial. M an ca ve w ith bar o ver h eated g ar ag e, f ir ep lace s, r o o f deck o f f mast er bedr o o m. $ 59 9 ,9 00. 158 1 Clark D rive. L o t si ze : . 41 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 20 5. L ist ed, D o n n a & M ich ael L ace y, L isa Ja mes O tto C o u n tr y P r o p er ties, 21 5-86 2-26 26 . w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. Stacke d st o n e f ir ep lace , w et bar , mu lti-level deck. M ast er su ite in cl u des si ttin g ar ea. $ 49 9 ,9 00. Mansfield Montgomery 52 S hef f ield D rive. L o t si ze : 3 . 82 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 3 , 93 8. L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vach . 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll p ar tially f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 51 8 SF C o lo n ial w ith in -g r o u n d p o o l, f ir st -f lo o r in law su ite. L o t lar g e en o u g h f o r tw o h o r se s. $ 575,000. 27274 M ount Pleasant Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 0 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 1 3 1 . L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-2983 0 0 0 . w w w . w eidel. co m/ lin da. ko vac h . 5 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; p ar tial base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 546 SF C o lo n ial w ith bo n u s r o o m o ver g ar ag e. O ver lo o ks p r ese r ved f ar mlan d. $ 3 69 ,9 00. Monmouth Junction 203 Cob b lestone Court. T axe s: $ 7, 0 71 . L ist ed, W h ei-C h u ( P ear l) P an , L o n g & Fo st er , 6 0 9-93 6 -2552. w w w . lo n g an df o st er . co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 6 0 8 SF C o lo n ial w ith mar ble f ir ep lace . $ 3 3 5,8 00. 68 S outhern Hills D rive. L o t si ze : 1 acr e; taxe s: $ 25, 221 . L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. r o bin f r o eh lich . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C u st o m-bu ilt L asl ey B r ah an ey C o lo n ial o ver lo o k in g 1 5th h o le f air w ay o f B eden s B r o o k C lu b an d th e So u r lan d M o u n tain s. $ 1,49 5,000. 6 S andpiper Court. L o t si ze : . 51 acr es; taxe s: $ 20 , 6 6 0 . L ist ed, R o bin W allack, B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o bin w allack. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 26 8 SF C o lo n ial w ith f ir st -f lo o r mast er bedr o o m. $ 9 00,000. 3 4 Wilshire D rive. L o t si ze : 1 . 0 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 5, 6 0 9. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith w ater p r o o f ed base men t, r ef in ish ed f lo o r s. $ 69 9 ,500. Continued on following page For Sale-Princeton Office Professional 2000-12,500/SF BUILDING 29 SUITE(S) 1-4, 7,925 (+/-) SQ. FT. 73-’8” 37’-4” 33’-5” 25’-2” 8’-8” rincetonoff rrison f llyfito t edic l s leor le se i lityconstr ction 3200/SF 25’-3” 26’-3” 20’ 6’-10” 11’-5” 16’-7” 13’-3” 12’ 9’ 9’ 10’-10” 45’ 11’ 12’ 11’ 10’-4” 10’-2” 11’-4” 9’-11” 17’-9” 51 10’-10” 5’-10” e tto rnegie enter gro nd oorcorner indo gr des inco e otenti l Please Contact: O w n e r, B ro k e r illiam arish le 609-921-8844 C: 609- 31-60 6 b b ar i s h @ c p n r e al e s tate . c o m Commercial Property Network, Inc. We Have a Place For Your Company 52 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 Continued from preceding page 47 V an D oren Way . L o t si ze : 1 acr e; tax es: $ 1 5, 1 84. L ist ed, C ar o lyn n K ir ch , C allaw ay H en der so n , 90 8-420 -1 20 8. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll p ar tially f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith deck , p atio , tw o f ir ep lace s. $ 629 ,000. 43 Willow Run Lane. L o t si ze : 1 . 0 1 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 1 , 86 9. L ist ed, C ar o lyn n K ir ch , C allaw ay H en der s o n , 90 8-420 -1 20 8. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; p ar tial base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 50 0 SF sp lit C o lo n ial w ith ten n is co u r t, p atio , f r o n t p o r c h . $ 549 ,000. 64 Truman Avenue. L o t si ze : . 0 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 93 5. L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath ;s f u ll f in ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T o w n h o u se w ith h ar dw o o d f lo o r s. $ 48 9 ,8 8 8 . ish Pennington 27 Ab ey D rive. L o t si ze : . 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 9, 70 0 . L ist ed, E liza beth H icks, Sto ckt o n R eal E st ate, 6 0 9924-1 41 6 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. M o der n C o lo n ial. 42’ deck w ith r etr act able aw n in g s. $ 69 9 ,000. 19 F anning Way . L o t si ze : . 1 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 2, 776 . L ist ed, K ath r yn B axt er , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith w h ir lp o o l tu b. $ 575,000. PENNINGTON - RETAIL & OFFICE SPACE R t. 31 South @ T ree Farm R oad. R etail Available 1280 to 2600 SF. ffice to 7000 SF. C o n tac t: A l T o to , 6 0 9 - 9 2 1 - 8 8 4 4 [email protected] xclusive roker Commercial Property Network, Inc. We Have a Place For Your Company 158 East D elaware Avenue. L o t si ze : . 47 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 2, 76 8. L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f in ish ed w alko u t base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 2, 3 24 SF r an ch . $ 519 ,000. 214 Hale S treet. L o t si ze : . 57 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 0 , 6 73 . L ist ed, K ath r yn B axt er , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. R an ch w ith deck, r o o m to exp an d. $ 3 9 9 ,9 00. 103 Newman Court. T axe s: $ 7, 91 1 . L ist ed, An n e Setze r , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. E n d u n it w ith j accu zi tu b in mast er bath , p r ivate p atio . $ 3 40,000. Plainsboro 3 Brookside Court. L o t si ze : 1 . 0 1 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 5, 80 4. L ist ed, Jo an E ise n ber g , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 -86 0 0 . w w w . j o an se lls. co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 20 6 SF C o lo n ial o n cu l-desa c w ith f ir st -f lo o r au p air su ite an d libr ar y. R emo deled ki tch en an d r en o vated bath r o o ms. L ar g e deck. $ 779 ,9 00. 8 Adams Court. L o t si ze : . 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 2, 73 0 . L ist ed, P eter H ekl , E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith vau lted ce ilin g s an d g as f ir ep lace . C o mmu n ity in cl u des cl u bh o u se , p o o l, ten n is. $ 63 9 ,8 8 8 . 220 S ay re D rive. L o t si ze : . 1 5 acr es; tax es: $ 1 5, 43 6 . L ist ed, M ado lyn G r eve, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-46 2-250 5. w w w . mado lyn g r eve. co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. 2, 6 50 SF tr aditio n al w ith view o f L ake C ar n eg ie f r o m deck. G o u r met ki tch en w ith br eakf ast bar an d st ain less ap p lian c es. $ 63 0,000. 6 U nion S treet. L o t si ze : . 1 7 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 827. L ist ed, P eter H ekl , E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. In act ive adu lt co mmu n ity. M ast er bath h as j acu zi . Family r o o m h as g as f ir ep lace . $ 3 44,8 8 8 . Princeton 1 Battle Road. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; taxe s: $ 41 , 884. L ist ed, N o r man T . C allaw ay, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-558-590 0 . 4 bedr o o ms; 3 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. E u r o p ean st yle villa bu ilt in th e 1 920 s an d mo der n ize d by ar ch itect B o b B en n ett. B ar r el-vau lted livin g r o o m ce ilin g w ith mo n u men tal f ir ep lace . $ 3 ,600,000. 754 G reat Road. L o t si ze : 2. 0 5 acr es; taxe s: $ 44, 421 . L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 5. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 3 -c ar g ar ag e. 7, 276 SF C o lo n ial. $ 2,68 0,000. New 30,000 Sq. Ft. Building Under Construction Windsor Industrial Park Directly off Route 130 & 33. Close proximity to exit #8 New Jersey Turnpike and Route 195. 68 6 Prospect Avenue. L o t si ze : . 43 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 5, 50 3 . L ist ed, J n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay a H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 5. 5 bath s; p ar tial base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. N ew co n st r u ct io n C o lo n ial. $ 1,9 9 9 ,000. 2 Pardoe Road. L o t si ze : . 56 acr es. L ist ed, R o bin W allack, B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9-924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o bin w allack. co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. 4, 1 0 8 SF C o lo n ial. $ 1,650,000. 43 71 Province Line Road. L o t si ze : 2 acr es; taxe s: $ 23 , 0 1 9. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 5 bedr o o ms; 4. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith h eated in -g r o u n d p o o l, deck, f u ll h o u se g en er ato r , f u lly f en ce d yar d. $ 1,500,000. 508 Christopher D rive. L o t si ze : . 57 acr es; taxe s: $ 26 , 0 82. L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. r o bin f r o eh lich . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith st u dy, g o u r met ki tch en , br eakf ast r o o m, g ame r o o m w ith w et bar , an d exe r ci se r o o m. E n tr y h as desi g n er f in ish es, ar ch ed w in do w s , an d sw eep in g st air ca se . $ 1,49 9 ,000. 3 5 G overnors Lane. L o t si ze : . 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 20 , 83 2. L ist ed, R o ber ta P ar ke r , B H H S Fo x & R o ach , 6 0 9924-1 6 0 0 . w w w . r o ber tase llsp r in ce to n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 845 SF C o lo n ial. $ 1,09 8 ,000. 8 1 Pretty Brook Road. L o t si ze : . 92 acr es; taxe s: $ 20 , 70 5. L ist ed, Ja n e H en der so n K en yo n , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-921 -1 0 50 . 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C ap e w ith st o n e p atio an d p o r ch . $ 1,09 5,000. 23 Heather Lane. L o t si ze : 1 . 3 8 acr es; tax es: $ 1 5, 544. L ist ed, An ita O ’ M ear a, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. 4 bedr o o ms; 4 bath s; f u ll p ar tially f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o n temp o r ar y w ith deck, f lo o r -to ce ilin g w o o d-bu r n in g f ir ep lace , h ar dw o o d f lo o r s. $ 8 8 9 ,000. 2 Leif Erikson Avenue. L o t si ze : . 86 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 754. L ist ed, D avid Sch u r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 bath ; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. Sto n e-f r o n t C ap e w ith br ick w o o dbu r n in g f ir ep lace , h ar dw o o d f lo o r s in bedr o o ms. $ 3 67,500. Robbinsville 92 North Main Street, Windsor / Robbinsville Mercer County, NJ 9 Woods Edge. L o t si ze : . 1 8 acr es; tax es: $ 1 5, 53 5. L ist ed, D an ielle Sp ilato r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith deck an d p atio . T r ip le bay w in do w in livin g r o o m. $ 58 9 ,9 00. 58 U nion S treet. L o t si ze : . 0 5 acr es; tax es: $ 1 1 , 1 1 4. L ist ed, D an ielle Sp ilato r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll w alko u t base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial to w n h o u se w ith f r o n t p atio . $ 425,000. 6 K ettering Court. L o t si ze : . 0 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 0 41 . L ist ed, K ath r yn B axt er , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. 2 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s. C o lo n ial. $ 23 8 ,500. GREAT RENTS & LOW CAM / TAXES 5% Commissions Paid 30,000 Sq. Ft. Free-Standing Flex Building • Build to Suit Spaces • 24’ Ceiling Heights • Drive-In Doors and Loading Docks • Ample Parking • Reasonable Divisions Considered Roosevelt WIP Also: Available Space / Building #15 • 8,000 Sq. Ft. • 2 Loading Docks & 1 Drive-In Call 732.625.1055 Today! www.everestrealtynj.com Licensed New Jersey Real Estate Broker No warranty or representation, express or implied, is made to the accuracy of the information contained herein and same is submitted subject to errors, comissions, change of price, rental or other conditions, This listing may be withdrawn without notice. 3 0 Homestead Lane. L o t si ze : 2. 3 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 3 21 . L ist ed, D o n n a L evin e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 4 bedr o o ms; 1 bath ; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. Far mh o u se w ith st ep -do w n din in g r o o m, f ir ep lace s, w in der st air s, do u ble ca st ir o n si n k. $ 275,000. Solebury, PA 663 1 Laurel Road. L o t si ze : 4. 42 acr es; tax es: $ 1 1 , 928. L ist ed, K aitlyn n Z o ln ay, L isa Ja mes O tto , 6 0 93 97-56 6 7. w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 4 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C u st o m w ith br ick f ir ep lac e, h eated p o o l, ca ban a, sa u n a, so lar iu m, libr ar y, g ame r o o m, o f f ice . $ 9 9 5,000. M AY 20, 2015 South Brunswick 142 old Beekman Road. L o t si e z : 1 . 98 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 8, 3 6 5. L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . w w w . h o u se sb ydaw n . co m. 7 bedr o o ms; 6 f u ll, 3 h alf bath s; w alko u t base men t; 4-ca r g ar ag e. 5, 1 1 3 SF co n temp o r ar y w ith f o u r levels o f livin g sp ace , elevato r , ca n o p y f r o n t p o r c h , an d f en ce d ke n n el ar ea f o r eig h t do g s o n c u l-de-sa c lo t. $ 1,19 9 ,9 00. 127 old Beekman Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 0 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 0 , 70 9. L ist ed, K ath r yn B axt er , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. Feder al C ap e w ith exp o se d w o o d beams, f ir ep lace s , scr een ed-in p o r ch , su n r o o m, o f f ice , tw o st air ca ses. $ 500,000. 6 old Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 0 9 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 0 , 580 . L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. 1 , 6 44 SF r an ch . $ 454,9 00. 3 9 8 Ridge Road. L o t si ze : 1 acr e; taxe s: $ 7, 3 52. L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 982 SF C o lo n ial. $ 425,000. 73 D eans Lane. L o t si ze : 1 . 75 acr es; tax es: $ 7, 80 4. L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . 4 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; p ar tial base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial. $ 3 8 0,000. 3 3 S tillwell Road. L o t si ze : . 3 1 acr es; tax es: $ 6 , 782. L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . 4 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 41 2 SF r an ch . $ 3 49 ,9 00. 9 4 Henderson Road. L o t si ze : . 25 acr es; taxe s: $ 8, 292. L is ted, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9921 -220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; p ar tial u n f in ish ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. 1 , 720 SF r an ch . $ 3 3 4,8 8 8 . 6161 Cedar Court. T axe s: $ 4, 3 0 2. L ist ed, Jo an E ise n ber g , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 86 0 0 . w w w . j o an se lls. co m. 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. C o n do backi n g to tr ees. W o o d-bu r n in g f ir ep lace , p r ivate dec k . $ 19 9 ,9 00. 10- 2 New Road. T axe s: $ 2, 794. L ist ed, D aw n P etr o zi n i, R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 73 2-50 1 -0 6 86 . 1 bath . 571 SF st u dio to w n h o u se . $ 119 ,9 00. Springfield 222 S pringf ield M eeting House Road. L o t si ze : 3 acr es; taxe s: $ 2, 6 82. L ist ed, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . 3 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. R an ch w ith w o o d st o ve, w o r ksh o p , in -law su ite. $ 429 ,9 00. 213 5 Jacksonville- Job stown Road. L o t si ze : 1 . 1 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 5, 496 . L is ted, L in da K o vach , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . 3 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. R aise d r an ch . $ 29 9 ,9 00. 1762 Burlington- Jacksonville Road. L o t si ze : 1 24 x 521 ; taxe s: $ 5, 297. L ist ed, C h r ist in e M . H ain es , W eidel, 6 0 9-298-3 0 0 0 . 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; p ar tial f in ish ed base men t. R an ch w ith o u tsi de do g ke n n el f o r f o u r do g s. Scr een ed f r o n t p o r c h , so lid ch er r y w et bar , an d cu st o m-bu ild w all g u n ca bin et in base men t. $ 240,000. Trenton 159 - 61 M ercer S treet. L o t si ze : . 1 1 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 6 3 2. L ist ed, D avid Sch u r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. w w w . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 3 bath s; p ar tial u n f in ish ed base men t. L o f t-st yle p en th o u se w ith 1 3 ’ tall s u n ke n livin g r o o m. T w o p ar ki n g sp ace s. $ 28 3 ,500. 3 4 Livingston S treet. L o t si ze : . 0 2 acr es; taxe s: $ 7, 0 75. L is ted, D avid Sch u r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 3 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll p ar tial f in ish ed base men t; 1 -ca r g ar ag e. T r aditio n al w ith o f f -st r eet p ar ki n g f o r tw o ca r s, g as f ir ep lace . O ver lo o ks M ill H ill P ar k. $ 19 9 ,500. 251 Jackson S treet. L o t si ze : . 0 2 acr es; taxe s: $ 5, 6 6 0 . L ist ed, D avid Sch u r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. 5 bedr o o ms; 1 . 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. V ict o r ian w ith p r ivate co u r tyar d g ar den an d mu r als o n livin g r o o m ce ilin g an d din in g r o o m w alls. $ 19 5,000. 221 S outh Clinton Avenue. L o t si ze : . 0 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 7, 446 . L ist ed, B r ian Sto ke s, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-3 95-0 444. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t. T h r ee-st o r y en d u n it w ith o r ig in al p u mp ki n p in e f lo o r in g an d exp o se d br ick w alls. O f f st r eet an d p er mit p ar ki n g . $ 18 2,9 00. 255 Clay S treet. L o t si ze : . 0 4 acr es; taxe s: $ 8, 46 8. L ist ed, D avid Sch u r e, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. 3 bedr o o ms; 1 bath ; f u ll u n f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. T r aditio n al w ith th ir d-f lo o r lo f t. $ 129 ,000. West Amwell 15 Williamson Lane. L o t si ze : 1 . 3 7 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 80 8. L ist ed, D o n n a & M ich ael L ace y, L isa Ja mes O tto C o u n tr y P r o p er ties, 21 5-86 226 26 . w w w . lisa j ameso tto . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; p ar tial f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 571 SF C o lo n ial w ith ca th edr al ce ilin g , f ir ep lace , o p en f lo o r p lan . $ 625,000. West Windsor 1758 old Trenton Road. L o t si ze : 4. 6 6 acr es; taxe s: $ 3 1 , 491 . L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. r o bin f r o eh lich . ca llaw ayh en der so n . co m. 5 bedr o o ms; 4 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; f u ll w alk- o u t base men t; 3 -ca r g ar ag e. P alatial C o lo n ial es tate in sp ir ed by th e man si o n s o f In dia. Sto n e st air ca se leadin g to cu st o m-made teak an d g lass do o r . Fir st f lo o r g u est su ite. $ 1,650,000. 50 Lockwood D rive. T axe s: $ 1 7, 70 6 . L ist ed, Sh an i D ixo n , L o n g & Fo st er , 6 0 9-93 6 -2552. w w w . lo n g an df o st er . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 3 . 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. 3 , 1 0 4 SF C o lo n ial w ith deck, o f f ice , den . $ 8 79 ,000. 10 Haverf ord Road. L o t si ze : . 8 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 , 0 40 . L ist ed, Je an G r ecse k, C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 93 95-0 444. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith p aver p atio , w alk- in cl o se t in mast er bedr o o m. $ 745,000. 25 Ellsworth D rive. L o t si ze : . 83 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 6 , 83 8. L ist ed, R o bin Fr o eh lich , C allaw ay H en der so n , 6 0 9-73 1 -4498. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith g r an ite an d st ain less in ki tch en , r en o vated p o w der r o o m an d h all bath . Fr esh p ain t th r o u g h o u t. $ 729 ,9 00. 7 Tindall Trail. L o t si ze : . 97 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 7, 0 3 3 . L is ted, Jo an E ise n ber g , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 -86 0 0 . w w w . j o an se lls. co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2 f u ll, 2 h alf bath s; f u ll f in ish ed base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. C o lo n ial o n cu l-de-sa c w ith f ir st -f lo o r o f f ice , tw o f ir ep lac es, lar g e deck. $ 69 9 ,000. 3 Berkshire D rive. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 3 , 1 0 1 . L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-ca r g ar ag e. T r aditio n al ce n ter h all C o lo n ial. $ 609 ,8 8 8 . 1 G alston D rive. L o t si ze : . 55 acr es; taxe s: $ 9, 3 6 0 . L ist ed, Jo h n T er ebey, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 4 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; f u ll base men t; 2-c ar g ar ag e. C o lo n ial w ith man y r en o vatio n s . $ 49 9 ,8 8 8 . 3 47 Clarksville Road. L o t si ze : . 46 acr es; taxe s: $ 1 0 , 83 1 . L ist ed, Y an g L i, E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 220 0 . w w w . se llin g n j . co m. 3 bedr o o ms; 2. 5 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. B i-level w ith r emo te co n tr o lled g as f ir ep lace , skyl ig h ts , vau lted ce ilin g s. $ 475,000. 6 Cardinal F lower Lane. L o t si ze : . 1 1 acr es; taxe s: $ 6 , 942. L ist ed, Jo an E ise n ber g , R e/ M ax G r eater P r in ce to n , 6 0 9-951 -86 0 0 . 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s; 2-ca r g ar ag e. R an ch in 55+ co mmu n ity. P ictu r e f r ame mo ldin g , r ece se d lig h tin g , u p g r aded ki tch en . $ 3 19 ,9 00. 104 oly mpic Court # 4. T axe s: $ 5, 845. L ist ed, An n e M ar ie M o n teir o , E R A P r o p er ties, 6 0 9-921 -220 0 . 2 bedr o o ms; 2 bath s. Fir st -f lo o r co n do . $ 264,9 00. U .S . 1 53 LiFe in The FaST Lane E ric Jackson, right, has only had 10 months in the mayor’s office in Trenton in which to vanquish the troubled legacy of his predecessor, build his administrative team, and find a way to reverse the fortunes of the capital city. “One of the things that I was anticipating focusing on immediately was public safety,” he says. And right afterwards came the economy. “We have to put our focus and attention to good economic development,” he says. But there was just one problem: The mayor, who was once director of public works, had absolutely no experience with economic development. Jackson says he set about looking for an administrative staff who could provide the skills that he lacked. One of his biggest victories came in October, when the city council voted to waive the residency requirement for his cabinet, allowing him to bring on board Monique King-Viehland, who was formerly head of a major redevelopment project at NJIT, and other staffers who live outside the city. Now that Jackson has the cabinet he wants, he is working on such pressing matters as education, policing, redevelopment, and — somewhat less pressing — the city’s two feuding pork roll festivals. Jackson will discuss economic development and public safety in Trenton in a speech to the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, May 21, from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the Wyndham Edited b y D iccon Hy att Garden Hotel in Trenton. $25. For more information, visit www. princetonchamber.org. Jackson grew up in a blue collar family in Trenton, where his father, Otto, worked as a cylinder operator at Mercer Oxygen and Supply. His mother, Gladys, worked in retail stores. Both parents worked hard to send Jackson to the Hun School. He graduated in 1976 and got a business degree at Fairleigh Dickinson. Jackson worked at Citibank in Maryland for a few years before returning to his home city, where he has worked for the municipal government for the past 17 years. Before being elected mayor, he was director of public works. Jackson’s immediate predecessor, Tony Mack, moved from the mayor’s office to a cell in federal Now that Trenton may or Eric Jackson has the cab inet he wants, he is working on such issues as education, policing, and redevelopment. And, of course, the pork roll f eud. prison after he was busted in an anti-corruption sting operation. Jackson says he has spent much of the last year “cleaning up” the mess left behind by the Mack administration. His chief frustration is not being able to move as fast as he would like on the changes he hopes to make, including getting businesses and potential residents to take a second look at the city. “There is so much work to do, and we are just getting started,” Jackson says. “We are still cleaning up, and we are doing it with half the staff that was here when I was public works director.” Then there is the matter of the competing pork roll festivals. Last year’s well-attended festival set the stage for a repeat performance on Saturday, May 23. But a beef between the pork organizers, TC Nelson, owner of Trenton Social restaurant and bar, and Scott Miller, owner of Exit 7A Creative Services in Trenton, has caused a split that threatens to chop the audience in half. Nelson’s “Trenton Pork Roll Festival 2015” will be held at Trenton Social, and Miller’s “Official Continued on following page Medical & Office Space for Lease FiOS Available On-Site 54 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 LEASE Continued from preceding page 250 Phillips Blvd, Ewing, NJ conveniently located - competitively priced • • • • • • PRINCETON CROSSROADS CORPORATE CENTER Suites - many sizes from 2,200 - 10,300 are available Corporate & Professional Offices Great Price - $19.50/SF gross plus te Near Fitness Center, New Hotel & Trenton-Mercer Airport Easy Access to Interstate 95 and 295 - Easy PA Commute Trillium Realty Advisors, L.L.C. www.trilliumrealty.com 609-466-0400 COMMERCIAL DIVISION P R E M IE R P R O P E R T Y 2nd Pork Roll Festival” will be held at the same time at Mill Hill Park. Jackson says neither event will hog his attention, and he will be attending both. Anyone wishing to burn off calories from two pork roll festivals could do worse than attending another up-and-coming event, the Trenton Half Marathon, which will send runners on a riverfront course on November 7. Jackson says the city supports both events, and hopes happenings like these, along with cultural attractions like Art All Night, scheduled for overnight on Saturday, June 20, at the old Roebling Wire Works on South Clinton Avenue can draw more visitors to the city. Jackson is also aiming to make the city attractive as a home and a place of doing business as well as a destination. To that end, he says, physically cleaning up the city is a key. Visitors who see a street free of trash will be more likely to invest. The Jackson administration has already had some success in reviving projects that had seemed to stall in the past few years. Jackson plans to attend a ribbon cutting for the Roebling Wire Factory project, a mixed-use development containing residential and retail units. Jackson notes that 80 percent of the residential units will be market rate. The long-vacant factory along Route 129 near the light rail station will be turned into 190 apartments and 27,000 square feet of shops and restaurants in a $42 million project that includes a $16 million state tax credit, which the city of Trenton helped secure. Viehland says the city also helped broker a deal with a local bank to get the developers, HHG, a loan against the tax credit so they would have money up front to purchase the property and begin construction. J ackson says this was one instance where his good relationship with the Christie administration has paid off, since he was able to get support for the project from the Economic Development Authority. Another potential source of residential development is the Homesteading program, organized last year, which would allow families to buy vacant properties in Trenton and refurbish them with the help of government-backed loans. Jackson says the city is working with state agencies to pre-qualify about 300 people who have expressed interest in buying one of the city’s 2,700 vacant housing unit that were identified in a study by Isles, the nonprofit community development group. Jackson has also turned his attention downtown, where he hopes to bring in more shops and apartments. He plans to introduce a resolution to the city council to officially select a developer for the Bell Telephone building on East State Street catty-corner to the Broad Street Bank building. The new plan calls for 85 residential units and street-level retail, including a gym operated by a nonprofit group. The Bell Telephone building is another example of a project that has stalled in recent years. In the early 2000s, the historic tower was set for redevelopment, but the deal imploded in 2008 and it has been vacant ever since. Jackson says the developer, Ajax Management, is already buying other properties around that area, fueling hopes that a thriving downtown business district could take shape. He also is working with the state government to turn state-owned buildings on Stockton Street into retail, further increasing the number of storefronts downtown. But any residential development will face the difficulty of attracting families to live in a place where the school district ranks poorly on graduation rates, standardized test scores, and many other ways in which academic success can be measured. Jackson says his new superintendent, Francisco Duran, has succeeded in improving the graduation rate at Trenton Central High School from 51 percent to 72 percent despite a $16 million budget shortfall last year that forced cuts in many areas. Jackson says like many things lately, the improved graduation rate is a step forward, but not yet where it needs to be. “We are on the right road,” he says. — Diccon Hyatt Expansions Trac I ntermodal (f ormerly S eacastle Chassis) (I PX ), 750 C o lleg e R o ad E ast , P r in ce to n 0 8540 ; 6 0 9-452890 0 ; f ax, 6 0 9-452-821 1 . Steve R u bin , C O O . www.tracintermodal.com. TRAC Intermodal, a transportation company, has, as expected, signed a lease to consolidate its headquarters in one building at the Forrestal Center at 750 College Road East, vacating its space at 2 Independence Way and 211 College Road East. It is scheduled to move in two months. The company announced last Office & Medical Space for Lease Colum us - Auto/T ruck repair facility located on R t 206, a four lane hig hway. 2 truck bays and 3 car bays. H ig h visibility in the hig hway commercial z one. T urnkey. Available for sale. Call for details. O F F IC E R E T A IL S P A C E H i g h ts to w n B o r o - 1,040 + /- SF in the only retail strip shopping center in Boro of H ig htstown. plenty of parking and pedestrian traffic as well. Available for Lease. C O M M E R C IA L B U IL D IN G S E w i n g - Corner property, former service station operating as auto repair. G ood visibility, available for sale. F l o r e n c e T w p - 5 ,000 + /- sf building with liq uor license. Available For Lease. L aw r e n c e T w p - 5 ,25 0 + /_ sf. One and partial two story masonry building on 1.61 + /- acres. H ig h visibility on Busy road available For Sale. L A N D - 2.28 + /- acres. Ideal for office, day care, church or self D R E D U CE D ! w p - 5 .43 + /- acres zo ned H C, conceptual plan with some 92 + /- SF retail shopping center. P R O P E R T Y H am i l to n T w p - R edevelopment opportunity, 11,700 sf. multiple units. Conveniently located close to I-295 . Call for details, Available for Sale. F lo r e n c e Available H am i l to n M an s f i e l d Available O P P O R T U N IT Y T w p - 5 ,000 + /- sf building with liq uor license. For Lease. T w p - P otential Adult/Child D ay Care location. Sale or Lease. / C o l u m b u s - T urnkey 5 bay auto/truck repair facility. For Sale. W e i d e l R e al to r s C o m m e r c i al D i v i s i o n 2 Route 31 South Pennington, N.J. 08534 609- 3 -20 CCIM 1055 & 2973 (+/-) sq. ft. • One-story, innovative two building complex totaling 47,000 (+/-) sq. ft. • Located in Mercer County squarely between the bustling cities of New York & Philadelphia • 9 Acres of professionally landscaped & managed medical / office space • Verizon FiOS internet access available L aw r e n c e T w p - 1.61 -/+ acres in H ig hway Commercial zo ne with direct access to bus. R t 1. Available For Sale. B U S IN E S S Suite Sizes Available: BUILDING 200, SUITE 201, 1,055 (+/-) SQ. FT. 19’ 6.5” T.R. 12’ 9’ • Built-to-suit tenant spaces B o r d e n to w n - 1.09 + /- acres on R oute 130. F l o r e n c e T w p - 2 + /- acres near P a T urnpike connection. IN V E S T M E N T 4 Princess Road | Lawrenceville | Mercer County | NJ S P A C E E w i n g - -s f irst ooroffices cein rofession l r Affordably priced for Sale or Lease. E w i n g - P rofessional/M edical office suites available. 620 SF, 690 SF and 1,310 SF. Close to Capital H ealth Facility, I-95 & U S1. E w i n g - o egr definis ing nd oint entst ro g o tt is - rofession loffices ite il le e seor le F l e m i n g to n - -sf it n ddition l sffinis eds cein the lower level. R t 202/31 j ust south of the Fleming ton circle near H ome e ot ell ointedoffices ce e tre ely fford le il le or Sale or Lease. H am i l to n - fford leoffices ce si esfro to Convenient to Interstate 295 . Available for lease. H am i l to n - edic l rofession loffices ce -sf -sf nd 1630 + /- sf available for lease. L aw r e n c e T w p storag e. P R ICE W e s tA m w e ll T permits for 15 ,5 PRINCESS ROAD OFFICE PARK I n d i v i d u al M e m b e r C e r ti f i e d C o m m e r c i al I n v e s tm e n t M e m b e r 11’ 4’ 9’ • On-site day care 8’ 3’ • Private bathroom, kitchenette & separate utilities for each suite • 228 Parking spaces available on-site with handicap accessibility • Close proximity to hotels & restaurants in the Princeton & Route 1 Corridor 11’ 10.5” 21’ 7.5” Suite 201: 1055 (+/-) sq. ft. For Info Call (908) 874-8686 or visit LarkenAssociates.com Immediate Occupancy | Brokers Protected No warranty or representation, express or implied, is made to the accuracy of the information contained herein & same is submitted subject to errors, omissions, change of price, rental or other conditions, withdrawal without notice & to any special listing conditions, imposed by our principals & clients. M AY 20, 2015 summer that it had taken a $9.8 million economic incentive package from the state’s Grow New Jersey Assistance Program to remain in state instead of moving to Pennsylvania. The benefits will arrive in the form of tax credits over the next 10 years as long as the company continues to hire more employees. TRAC has more than 500 employees overall, many of them at its headquarters. The new space is 82,000 square feet, which is 13,000 square feet more than its other two locations combined. A company spokesman told U.S. 1 last summer that it had been growing at a rate of 20 percent a year since 2013 (U.S. 1, August 20, 2014.) Management Moves The I ndependent Traveler, 20 0 P r in ce to n So u th C o r p o r ate C en ter , Su ite 3 3 0 , E w in g 0 86 28; 6 0 9-583 -0 0 0 0 ; www. independenttraveler.com. Kathleen Tucker has retired as president and founder of the Independent Traveler, Inc., publisher of online travel resources, including the popular cruise site, Cruise Critic. The company is searching for a successor. A spokesperson for The Independent Traveler said Tucker declined to be interviewed. The Independent Traveler publishes three travel sites, the best known being Cruise Critic, the leading cruise review site and largest online cruise community, which attracts more than 5 million unique visitors per month. The company, which also publishes the IndependentTraveler.com and Family Vacation Critic, was acquired as a subsidiary of TripAdvisor Inc. in 2007. “Kathleen is a true pioneer with 25 successful years in online publishing,” said Steve Kaufer, president and CEO of TripAdvisor, in a prepared statement. “Beyond her achievements in building strong travel brands and a great company, her work has helped to improve travel and vacations for millions of people. We’re very grateful to Kathleen for her contributions over the years.” Tucker founded the company in 1990 and launched the Independent Traveler, the first travel forum on AOL, as a place for travelers from all over the world to share travel experiences and advice. Cruise travelers embraced the online travel forum, leading to the creation of Cruise Critic in 1995 — the world’s first consumer cruise site. Cruise Critic has expanded beyond North America to launch sites in the United Kingdom and Australia. In 2009, the launch of Family Vacation Critic, which offers travel advice and inspiration for parents, added a third site to the company’s portfolio. “After 25 years at the helm, the company is well positioned for its next phase of growth and it’s a good time to transition to new leadership,” Tucker said in a press release. “I’m very grateful to all of our members, clients, partners and especially employees who helped to make our sites and our company a success.” V ax I nnate, 3 C edar B r o o k D r ive, C edar B r o o k C o r p o r ate C en ter , Su ite 1 , C r an bu r y 0 851 2; 6 0 9-86 0 -226 0 ; W ayn e P isa n o , p r esi den t an d C E O . www.vax innate.com. VaxInnate Corporation, a vaccine technology research company, has boosted two of its executives to higher management positions and hired two more. Lynda Tussey has been promoted to chief scientific officer from vice president of research and development, while Bruce Weaver has been promoted to vice president of manufacturing. Peter Fusco was hired as vice president of research and development, and Stephen Haworth assumes the role of vice president of clinical. VaxInnate also said in a press release that it has reprioritized resources in research and clinical development to help advance the company’s preclinical initiatives outside of its lead influenza programs, including vaccines against dengue and Clostridium difficile, known as C-diff. The company also said it will increase attention to the identification of new infectious disease targets to further enrich its pipeline. In 2015 VaxInnate also expects to advance VAX2012Q, its lead experimental seasonal influenza vaccine, through Phase 1b into a Phase 2 trial in healthy adults, and commence a Phase 1 study for a pandemic vaccine. Fusco joined VaxInnate with more than 30 years of experience in vaccinology. During his career, he has played a major role in the development and testing of a wide range of human vaccines. Fusco received his undergraduate training in bacteriology at Rutgers College and his PhD in biophysics and microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh. Haworth has more than 25 years of global drug development experience, most recently as chief medical officer of Elusys Therapeutics Inc. He previously worked for AstraZeneca. Haworth’s undergraduate degree from the University of London was followed by a bachelor of medicine, bachelor of surgery (the equivalent of an MD) from the same university. Prior to his tenure at VaxInnate, Weaver held positions at Laureate Pharma and Unigene Laboratories. Weaver received his undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from Bucknell and holds master’s degrees from Tufts and Rutgers. Merger S enior Care M anagement, 26 1 U p p er Fer r y R o ad, E w in g 0 86 28; 6 0 9-882-0 3 22; f ax, 6 0 9-882-940 0 . B ar bar a B r isto w L C SW . www.seniorcaremgt.com. Senior Care Management, a company that provides in-home services to elderly people, has been purchased by Springpoint at Home, a division of Springpoint Senior Living, a Wall Township-based company. “Being part of Springpoint will provide the training and resources to assure that our service and care are consistent with the most up-todate standards,” Senior Care Management said in a statement published on its website. Senior Care Management was founded by Barbara Bristow and Jan McCurdy in 1990. Spingpoint, founded in 1916, owns six retirement communities as well as housing units for seniors around the state, making it the state’s largest nonprofit provider of senior housing and care services. Its facilities are located in Red Bank, Whiting, East Windsor, Monroe Township, Skillman, and Maplewood. Re-opening Chartwell Navigation I nc., 1 95 N assa u Str eet, Su ite 1 6 , P r in ce to n 0 8542; 6 0 9-921 1 948; K en C ar r , p r esi den t. Chartwell Navigation, a shipping company, has re-opened its office. The Linkedin profile of company founder and president Ken Carr said Chartwell existed from 1996 through 2006, and has recently re-opened. It was formerly located on Wall Street in Princeton and is now on Nassau Street. Chartwell is an NVOCC, a non-vessel operating common carrier. Down-Sizing The Princeton Packet I nc., 3 0 0 W ith er sp o o n Str eet, B o x 3 50 , P r in ce to n 0 8542; 6 0 9924-3 244; f ax, 6 0 9-921 -271 4. Ja mes B . K ilg o r e, p r esi den t an d p u blish er . www.centralj ersey .com. The town of Princeton’s oldest community newspaper, the Princeton Packet, is dropping its “early week” edition on Tuesday. The publication will continue its weekly Friday edition. The change was announced in the final Tuesday edition on May 19, in a front page letter from owner and publisher James B. Kilgore. The publication will continue to provide daily updates at its website, www.centraljersey.com FOR LEASE U .S . 1 55 Office Opportunities West Windsor - Sale or Lease ffice- le - ecre tion - i edi teocc ncy William Barish [email protected] Office For Lease - Pennington enterof o nto n ennington - s ites available. Ample parking . Walking distance to shops, restaurants ndloc lser ices stoff o te ndcloseto - Warehouse, Flex, Lab and Office Space Silvia Street Complex in Ewing, NJ 370 Sullivan Way, Ewing Al T oto - [email protected] Up to 69,764 SF of warehouse, office and flex space Princeton Office for Lease, 1181 SF - 2362 SF Nassau Street Location P arking on site, available immediately. •32,202SF(8,000SFoffice) withfinishedhigh-bay air-conditionedspace and2loadingdocks. •18,641SFwarehouse withdrive-in. •9,358SFwarehousewithdock. •9,663SFoffice. •Possibleuses:office, assembly,lab. Enterprise Park 800 Silvia St., Ewing Al T oto [email protected] Pennington Office For Sale or Lease 15 00 SF - 9000 SF office available for lease or sale. Free rent available and very ag g ressive rental rates. $ 1 1 / S F f i r s t y e ar r e n t! ! •Bldg.A:10,000SFflex with3,821SFoffice. •Bldg.B:5,022SFwarehouse with919SFOffice. •3,268SFwarehouse. Enterprise Park 800 Silvia St., Bldg. D, Ewing Al T oto [email protected] Land for Sale - Pennington •24,000SFwarehousedivisible to10,976,8,728,&4,325SF. •18'clear,2docks &3drive-indoors •800amp.208/120v,3phase 7.71 acres with home on site. D evelopment potential. Also 19 Acres in P enning ton with 4 building s totaling 15 ,000 sf. Ideal location with access to maj or roadways and close to maj or retail centers. H ug e development potential or perfect for owner user siness cres lso il leon o te About Silvia Street Complex: • 7 buildings and 390,000 SF • Walk to the West Trenton train station • 1.5 miles from Exit 2 of I-95 • R3 SEPTA line to Philadelphia and Bucks County Al T oto [email protected] www. cpnrealestate. com Call 609 921-6060 www.hiltonrealtyco.com For more information and other opportunities, please call Commercial P roperty N etwork, 609-921-8844 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 U.S. 1 cLaSSiFiedS HoW To oRD ER COMMERCIAL SPACES FOR LEASE F ax or E- M ail: T h at’ s all it take s to o r der a U . S. 1 C lassi f ied. Fax yo u r ad to 609 - 8 44- 018 0 o r E -M ail class@ princetoninf o.com. W e w ill co n f ir m yo u r in se r tio n an d th e p r ice . It w o n ’ t be mu ch : O u r cl assi f ieds ar e j u st 50 ce n ts a w o r d, w ith a $ 7 min imu m. R ep eats in su cce edin g issu es ar e j u st 40 ce n ts p er w o r d, an d if yo u r ad r u n s f o r 1 6 co n se cu tive issu es, it’ s o n ly 3 0 ce n ts p er w o r d. ( T h er e is a $ 3 se r vice ch ar g e if w e se n d o u t a bill. ) Q u est io n s? C all u s at 609 452- 7000. EWING - 350-2,500 sq. ft. suite in professional park, near Rt. 31, hospital & TCNJ. - 1,000 sq. ft. office space near Lawrence border. First month free. HAMILTON - 1,250 to 5,000 sq. ft. offices ideally suited for many uses near Quakerbridge Road. - 630 & 1,160 sq. ft. office space. in high profile building near Applebee's. OXFORD VALLEY MALL AREA - 725 - 4,100 sq. ft. suites, ideal for medical or office. FLORENCE - 2,600 - 12,000 sq. ft on Rt. 130 at NJ Turnpike entrance, ideal for office or retail. PENNINGTON - 550 - 1,200 sq. ft office suites at Pennington Circle. Ewing Township-1 50 0 SF C o n do in br ick bu ildin g , amp le p ar ki n g , attr act ive lan dsca p in g , f ive o f f ice s, th r ee w ith si n ks an d co u n ter s, co n f . r o o m, 2 bath ( AD A co mp lian t) , r ece p tio n / w ait ar ea. P er f ect f o r p r o f essi o n al/ medica l o f f ice . C lo se to N ew C ap ital H ealth an d all h ig h w ays C all V in o d Sh ar ma 6 0 9-53 23 929 DOYLESTOWN, (CHALFONT) PA - 1,500 - 2,000 sq. ft. suites. Ideal for office or medical. Near PA Turnpike BUILDINGS FOR SALE EWING - 6,300 Sq. ft. multi-tenant office building. Great upside potential. Reduced to $379,000. Renovated of f ice condo in West Windsor n ear tr ain an d R o u te 1 . 6 3 6 SF. $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 . 90 8-51 0 -0 6 98. www.HowcoManagement.com oF F I CE RENTALS 1 day / month/ y ear o r lo n g er . P r in ce R o u te 1 . Flexi ble o f f ice sp ace to su p p o r t yo u r bu si n ess. P r ivate o r vir tu al o f f ice s, co n f er en ce r o o ms, h ig h sp eed in ter n et, f r ien dly st af f ed r ece p tio n . E asy acce s 24/ 7. Amp le p ar ki n g . C all D an ielle 6 0 9-51 4-51 0 0 . w w w . p r in ce to n -o f f ice . co m to n Thompson Management www.thompsonmanagementllc.com 609-921-7655 19 0 & 19 4 Nassau S t. T w o sm all su ites available in p r o f essi o n al bu ildin g s. 3 90 SF an d 1 , 486 SF. P ar ki n g available. P lease ca ll 6 0 9-921 -6 0 6 0 f o r details. 8 3 Princeton Avenue, Hopewell, in dividu al o r mu ltip le o f f ice r o o ms w ith sh ar ed u se o f w aitin g r o o m an d ki tch en ette. R en ts in cl u de all u tilities an d C AM . Fr o m $ 50 0 to $ 70 0 , Available immediately. 6 0 9-529-6 891 . Cranb ury Retail/ of f ice, M ain Str eet, en tir e f ir st f lo o r o f c o r n er V ict o r ian bu ildin g , th r ee r o o ms an d 1 / 2 bath available Ju ly 1 . $ 985. 6 0 9-529-6 891 . Whitehorse Commercial Park, 127 Route 206, Hamilton Township, NJ NT ! 397-2,915 SF • For Lease • Office/Flex • Ample Parking • Conv. Access to I-195/295 RE su W sh cl P n 1450 Parkside Avenue, Ewing, NJ 1,075 - 2,900 SF Office/Medical/Professional Condos Available for Sale/Lease Close Proximity to new Capital Health Hospital Convenient to Rts. 31, 1 and 206 2500 Brunswick Pike (Rte. 1), Lawrence Twp. 524-789 SF Office/Medical • For Lease Immediately Available Conv. Access to Rt 1 & I-295 Medical/Office Space oF F I CE RENTALS East Windsor, Route 13 0 ite f o r lease , 80 0 SF, 2n d f lo o r o p p in g ce n ter . $ 20 0 0 p er mo u des u tilities an d p ar ki n g . C asca l 51 6 -86 9-1 240 x1 3 7 o r a@ milbr o o kp r o p er ties. co m. O f f ice in bu sy n th in o n tact p sp ag - East Windsor, Route 13 0 3 -r o o m br ig h t an d air y p r o f essi o n al su ite, 1 st f lo o r , 470 SF. H ig h visi bility, n ear sh o p p in g , r est au r an ts, an d T u r n p ike . $ 850 mo n th ly in cl u des u tilities an d p ar ki n g . Also 1 -r o o m o f f ice $ 6 50 all-in cl u si ve. C all Felix at W eich er t: 6 0 9-448-1 40 0 . Princeton, Trenton, Hamilton, Hopewell, Montgomery, For All Your Commercial Real Estate Needs Ewing,in Hightstown, Lawrenceville and other Mercer, Mercer and Surrounding Area. Somerset & Middlesex Communities. Class A, B and Sale orAvailable. Lease • Office • Warehouse C Space Retail and Business Opportunities For For details ondetails space on space and rates, and rates, contact contact: Weidel Commercial 609-737-2077 www.WeidelCommercial.com Ewing - P r o f essi o n al o f f ice w ith lar g e w in do w p lu s a f u r n ish ed w aitin g r o o m f o r su blease . C o n ven ien tly lo ca ted. Ideal f o r men tal h ealth p r o f essi o n als. C ar ef u lly main tain ed bu ildin g w ith amp le p ar ki n g . C all 21 5-584-5777. Ewing Township-1 50 0 SF C o n do in br ick bu ildin g , amp le p ar ki n g , attr act ive lan dsca p in g , f ive o f f ice s, th r ee w ith si n ks an d co u n ter s, co n f . r o o m, 2 bath ( AD A co mp lian t) , r ece p tio n / w ait ar ea. P er f ect f o r p r o f essi o n al/ medica l o f f ice . C lo se to N ew C ap ital H ealth an d all h ig h w ays C all V in o d Sh ar ma 6 0 9-53 23 929 F urnished of f ices, N o ttin g h am W ay, H amilto n ( 1 blo ck o f f I-295) st ar tin g @ $ 3 50 mo n th . C all 6 0 9-273 -6 96 0 . of f ice share - wellness center. N assa u Str eet 2n d f lo o r . P ar t-time o n ly, available mo st days. P ar ki n g , g r eat lo ca tio n . 90 8-3 99-3 499. Princeton address, S outh Brunswick. 6 0 0 SF, th r ee br ig h t r o o ms, h ig h ly p r o f essi o n al p ar tially f u r n ish ed o f f ice n ear U . S. 1 , R o u te 27, I-295, N J T u r n p ike , an d malls. P r ivate en tr an ce , p r ivate lavato r ies. N eig h bo r in g o f f ice s o ccu p ied by en g in eer s, do ct o r s, law yer s, an d o th er p r o f essi o n al co n su ltan ts. T h is o f f ice is also ce r tif ied f o r edu ca tio n al o r ch ildca r e ce n ter . R en t $ 1 , 0 0 0 / mo n th . C all 6 0 9-6 6 5-26 25. Princeton - N assa u Str eet - o f f ice ace $ 575* mo . p lu s p ar ki n g available - 6 0 9-921 -76 55. sp RoU TE 1 an d W yn w o o d D r ive, M o n mo u th Ju n ct io n . O f f ice su ite f o r r en t o n f ir st f lo o r in 1 6 -u n it p r o f essi o n al bu ildin g acr o s f r o m H o me D ep o t ce n ter . Attr active 980 sf f t. G o o d p ar ki n g , 24/ 7 acce s. 6 0 9-529-6 891 . RETAI L S PACE of f ice S uite f or Lease: 220 Alexa n der Str eet, P r in ce to n . ~ 1 , 26 0 u sa ble SF o n tw o levels. $ 3 , 20 0 p er mo n th . W ein ber g M an ag emen t. W M C @ co lleg eto w n . co m. 6 0 9-924-853 5. Princeton restaurant space f or lease 1 6 1 1 SF available immediately. P lease ca ll 6 0 9-921 -6 0 6 0 f o r details. Pennington - Hopewell Route 3 1. P r ivate p r o f essi o n al o f f ice su ite available f o r s h o r t o r lo n g ter m lease . T h r ee br ig h t an d su n n y p r ivate o f f ice s, r ece p tio n ar ea, ki tch en ette, p r ivate bath r o o m. 850 sf . B o th FiO S an d C o mca st available. C all 6 0 9-895-1 1 0 0 f o r in f o r matio n . U niq ue Rental S pace zo n in g ( I3 ) w ith r etail, lu mber yar d, r ecycl in g , r ec r eatio n al, p h ysi ca l th er ap y, ch u r ch , man u f act u r in g , ca r detailin g , p ar ki n g . 1 3 sp ace s available. 3 0 0 SF to 1 0 , 0 0 0 SF. C all H ar o ld 73 2-3 29-23 1 1 . Pennington - Hopewell: Str au be C en ter O f f ice f r o m vir tu al o f f ice , 1 2 to 3 0 0 sq u ar e f eet an d o f f ice su ites, 50 0 to 2, 40 0 sq u ar e f eet. Fr o m $ 1 0 0 p er mo n th , sh o r t an d lo n g ter m. Sto r ag e sp ace , in dividu al si g n ag e, co n f er en ce r o o ms, co p ier , V er izo n FIO S available, ca ll 6 0 9-73 7-3 3 22 o r e-mail mg mt@ st r au be. co m w w w . st r au bece n ter . co m Pennington Route 3 1. O n e o f f ice su ite available. U se o f f u r n ish ed r ece p tio n ar ea, p ar ki n g , u tilities in cl u ded. C o mp etitive p r ici n g an d g r eat lo ca tio n in P en n in g to n P o in t W est . C all 6 0 9-73 76 3 3 4. OFFICE SPACE - FOR LEASE Woodside Office Complex 666 Plainsboro Road, Plainsboro, NJ The Atrium at Lawrence oF F I CE RENTALS AREA OFFICE RENTALS oF F I CES F oR S ALE Lo 56 I ND U S TRI AL S PACE S ToRAG E 9 02 Carnegie Center, Princeton: C lean , dr y, h u midity co n tr o lled st o r ag e o n R o u te 1 in W est W in dso r . Sp ace s st ar t at 878 SF. P lease co n tact H ilto n R ealty 6 0 9-921 -6 0 6 0 o r j br u sh @ h ilto n r ealtyco . co m w w w . h ilto n r ealtyco . co m. K user Plaza , Hamilton: 1 0 77 & 6 3 3 3 SF ( divisi ble) st o r ag e/ w ar eh o u se sp ace available immediately. P lease ca ll 6 0 9921 -6 0 6 0 f o r details. HoU S I NG F oR S ALE Apartment b uilding f or sale b y owner - in to w n ap ar tmen t bu ildin g w ith 3 u n its. Q u iet an d n ice r esi den tial n eig h bo r h o o d. O n ly a f ew blo cks to P r in ce to n U n iver si ty, P almer Sq u ar e, an d P u blic L ibr ar y. L ar g e p ar ki n g lo t. Aski n g $ 850 , 0 0 0 . P lease w r ite to f o r sa lebyo w n er p r in ce to n @ g mail. co m. HoU S I NG F oR RENT Apartments f or Rent: 1 , 2, an ap ar tmen ts lo ca ted in P r in ce to n in g / W ash er / D r yer / Sto r ag e. N Str eet P r o p er ties: 90 8-874-540 0 Adjacent to highways US. 1, l-95, l-295, Princeton Pike and U.S. 206 – Great access! Features Include: • Abundant covered parking spaces • Individual climate controls • All areas with a view of the ATRIUM • Custom-tailored suites • Covered central atrium • 6,500 SF - will divide to 2,900 SF Call: 609-219-6000 133 Franklin Corner Rd., Lawrenceville, N.J. 08648 Fax: 609-219-1330 [email protected] 700 - 1,440 SF Available Immediate Availability Suite 1000 - 970 sf (corner unit, furnished) Suite 1015 - 1,012 sf Suite 1030 - 881 sf (medical/office) Suite 1175 - 800 sf Suite 1185 - 706 sf (corner unit, available 6/1) Suite 1335 - 1,440 sf (corner unit) Suite 1365 - 959 sf (medical/office space) Located in a “park-like” setting, minutes from the University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro. One story for easy access, excellent parking, retail and restaurants nearby. View plans on our website: www.m-drealty.com For more information, or to schedule a tour, contact: Peter M. Dodds 163 Nassau Street, Princeton, NJ 08542 609 452-8880 X101 d3 B R . P ar kassa u x8 0 2. Princeton Junction 4 b edroom Colonial, 2. 5 bath s, 2 ca r g ar ag e, n ew w in do w s, n ice n eig h bo r h o o d, w alk to H S So u th , available Ju ly 1 , $ 2, 950 . 6 0 9529-6 891 . Princeton- H o u se f o r r en t. 2 B R bath r an ch n ear sch o o ls an d sh o p p ce n ter , w alki n g dist an ce to ever yth in to w n . $ 1 , 90 0 / mo n th p lu s u tilities. 6 924-0 0 1 3 . S outh Brunswick, bedr o o m p r ivate h o u se Available immediately. P et f r ee, sm o ke f r ee. 73 , 1 in g g in 0 9- D ay ton: T w o . W ash er / dr yer . $ 1 , 1 0 0 / mo n th . 2-3 29-26 83 . CoNTRACTI NG “Q uality work f or Af f ordab le prices” Fr o m sm all h o me r ep air s - ( tiles, h ar d w o o d f lo o r s, do o r in st allatio n s) - to lar g e r emo delin g an d r en o vatio n s ( bath r o o m, ki tch en an d base men t) . C all V ikt o r : 73 2-742-3 80 1 , o r e-mail: w alter vikt o r @ g mail. co m. Fr ee E st imate! M AY 20, 2015 eMPLOYMenT eXchanGe HELP WANTED Customer S ervice Rep./ I nsurance S ales: An exci tin g o p p o r tu n ity exi st s to j o in an in su r an ce ag en cy in L aw r en ce ville. E xce llen t co mmu n ica tio n ski lls, mu st be se lf -mo tivated, p r o sp ect in g & g en er atin g n ew bu si n ess th r o u g h n etw o r ki n g , leads & r ef er r als. W e w ill tr ain th e r ig h t in dividu al to f it in to o u r ag en cy if yo u ar e u n lice n se d. Fax r esu me to 6 0 9-799-4447 o r e-mail lambo su r f s@ g mail. co m. JoBS WANTED F ull- time positions availab le at Community Blood Council of New Jersey f o r R eg ist er ed N u r se s & B lo o dmo bile dr iver s. Fo r mo r e in f o r matio n , visi t u s at w w w . g iveblo o dn j . o r g an d cl ick ca r eer s. Job Hunters: If yo u ar e lo o ki n g f o r a f ull- time p o si tio n , w e w ill r u n a r easo n ably w o r ded cl assi f ied ad f o r yo u at n o ch ar g e. T h e U . S. 1 Jo bs W an ted se ct io n h as h elp ed p eo p le like yo u f in d ch allen g in g o p p o r tu n ities f o r year s n o w . W e kn o w th is beca u se w e o f ten h ear f r o m th e p eo p le w e h ave h elp ed. W e r ese r ve th e r ig h t to edit th e ads an d to limit th e n u mber o f times th ey r u n . If yo u r eq u ir e co n f iden tiality, se n d a ch eck f o r $ 4 w ith yo u r ad an d r eq u est a U . S. 1 R esp o n se B o x. R ep lies w ill be f o r w ar ded to yo u at n o ext r a ch ar g e. M ail or F ax yo u r ad to U . S. 1 Jo bs W an ted, 1 5 P r in ce s R o ad, Su ite K , L aw r en ce ville, N J 0 86 48. Fax to 6 0 9-844-0 1 80 . E -mail to cl ass@ p r in ce to n in f o . co m. Y o u mu st in cl u de yo u r n ame, addr es s, an d p h o n e n u mber ( f o r o u r r eco r ds o n ly) . G uardian/ Park Avenue S ecurities, LLC - Princeton. W h en yo u beg in yo u r ca r eer w ith G u ar dian , yo u ’ ll r ece ive tr ain in g in yo u r lo ca l o f f ice to h elp yo u sh ar p en yo u r f in an ci al kn o w ledg e. As yo u bu ild yo u r bu si n ess, yo u ’ ll f o r m r elatio n sh ip s w ith n ew cl ien ts an d n u r tu r e th ese r elatio n sh ip s f o r man y year s. As a cl ien t advo ca te, yo u ’ ll en su r e th at th ey h ave th e p r o tect io n an d in vest men t st r ateg ies th ey n eed to h elp ach ieve f in an ci al se cu r ity. 6 0 9-452-9292. I am a Certif ied lo o ik n g to ca r e f o r yo co mf o r table h o me an d tr eat th em as I w 6 0 9-488-873 1 . CoNTRACTI NG Whatsamothertodo.com f or sale. $ 49, 0 0 0 . L eave vo ice mail f o r Jo h n : 6 0 9240 -573 6 . A Personal D river s eeki n g to tr p o r t co mmu ter s, sh o p p in g tr ip s, M o der n , attr act ive ca r . R ef er en ce s vided. L ess th an co mmer ci al taxi vice s. E -mail to g vp r in ter @ g mail. co ca ll 6 0 9-3 3 1 -3 3 70 . HoM E M AI NTENANCE M ac’ s Repair: Sp eci alizi n g in bu t n o t limited to R ef r ig er atio n , Air -C o n ditio n , P lu mbin g , Ap p lian ce an d os mu ch mo r e. 6 0 9-851 -6 552. Ricky in g an d Small h o cl ean in g M an With a V an, M o vin g , h au ldeliver y f r o m 1 item an d u p . me an d o f f ice mo vin g , g ar ag e o u t an d mo r e 6 0 9-498-90 0 3 . rob thehandy man- lice n s ed, in r ed, all w o r k g u ar an teed. Fr ee E st imates. W e do it all - elect r ic, p lu mbin g , p ain t, w allp ap er , p o w er w ash in g , tile, se e w ebsi te f o r mo r e: r o bth eh an dyman . vp w eb. co m r o bth eh an dyman @ att. n et, 6 0 9-26 9-591 9. su PRI NCEToN ACAD EM I CS Tutor Counsel - Coach: All g r ades & su bj ect s. R eg u lar an d sp eci al edu ca tio n . AD H D an d Au tism co ach in g . B eg in n in g advan ce d r eadin g in st r u ct io n . T est p r ep - P AR C C , SSAT , P SAT , SAT , AC T . B u ild se lf -est eem w h ile lear n in g ! Ju dy D in n er man , M A, R eadin g an d E du ca tio n Sp eci alist , 3 5 year s exp er ien ce , U . o f P a. ce r tif ied. w w w . p r in ce to n aca demics. co m. 6 0 9-86 5-1 1 1 1 . TRANS PoRTATI oN Window Washing and Power Washing: Fr ee est imates. N ext day se r vice . Fu lly in su r ed. G u tter cl ean in g available. 6 0 9-271 -886 0 . R ef er en c es available u p o n r eq u est . 3 0 year s exp er ien ce . Amazi ng House Painting. In ter io r & ext er io r . P o w er w ash in g , w allp ap er r emo val, deck an d f en ce st ain in g , alu min u m si din g / st u co p ain tin g . L ice n se d an d in su r ed. O w n er o p er ated. Fr ee est imates. 21 5-73 6 -23 98. M usic Lessons: P ian o , g u itar , dr u m, sa x, cl ar in et, F. h o r n , o bo e, t-bo n e, vo ice , f lu te, tr u mp et, vio lin , ce llo , ban j o , man do lin , h ar mo n ica , u ke , an d mo r e. Fu n mu si c cl u b. S ummer Camp. C all to day! M o n tg o mer y 6 0 9-924-8282. W est W in dso r 6 0 9-897-0 0 3 2. H ig h tst o w n 6 0 9-448-71 70 . w w w . f ar r in g to n smu si c. co m. I NTERNET S I TES M onica’ s Cleaning S ervice. H ig h est q u ality, r easo n able p r ice s, f r ee est imates. 6 0 9-577-21 26 . an setc. p ro se r mo r HEALTH M assage and Ref lex ology : Immear able ben ef its in cl u de deep r elaxatio n , en h an ce d h ealth , p ain r elief . H o list ic p r act itio n er o f f er s Sw edish , sh iatsu , r ef lexo lo g y, o n -si te ch air massa g e. G if t c er tif ica tes, acco mmo datin g h o u r s. C all M ar ilyn : 6 0 9-40 3 -840 3 . Tutoring Availab le: In alg ebr a, g eo metr y, p r e-ca lcu lu s, ca lcu lu s, mu ltivar iable ca lcu lu s, dif f er en tial eq u atio n s, p h ysi cs, SAT , AC T , an d AP . Fo r mo r e in f o r matio n co n tact T o m at 6 0 9-21 6 6 921 . su M U S I C S ERV I CES I NS TRU CTI oN Chemistry , Phy sics Tutoring: AP , H o n o r s, R eg u lar . Ivy L eag u e deg r ee. C o r n ell, P r in ce to n . N J C er tif ied T each er . C all An n a 6 0 9-3 88-1 823 . an n a_ r xn @ j u n o . co m. Chess Lessons f or K ids: C er tif ied C h ess C o ach An dy o f f er s g r o u p lesso n s f o r ki ds, w w w . p r in ce to n ch essa a c demy. co m. M ath and Chemistry Tutoring: AP , H o n o r s, R eg u lar . 22 year s f u ll-time h ig h -sch o o l teach in g exp er ien ce . C all M att 6 0 9-91 9-1 280 . ROBBINSVILLE, NJ 08691 BUILDING SIZE: 6,000 SF LAND AREA: 0.53 Acres PARKING: 22 Spaces FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Carolyn Sica Senior Vice President +1 201 509 8932 [email protected] Suzanne Macnow First Vice President +1 732 509 8927 [email protected] I NS TRU CTI oN Computer prob lem? or need a used computer in good condition $ 8 0? C all 6 0 9-275-6 6 3 1 . S ERV I CES A f riendly handy man seeks small j ob s. L et me h elp yo u w ith a var iety main ten an ce an d r ep air s ar o u n d yo u r h o me. P lease ca ll me at 6 0 9-275-6 6 3 1 . Home Health Aide u r lo ved o n e in th eir to make lif e easi er o u ld myse lf . P h o n e: CoM PU TER S ERV I CES Handy man/ Y ardwork: P ain tin g / C ar p en tr y/ M aso n r y/ H au lin g / All Y ar d W o r k f r o m to p to bo tto m. D o n e by p r o s. C all 6 0 9-73 7-9259 o r 6 0 9-273 -51 3 5. MAIN STREET S upply Chain Logistics/ Trucking Ex pert: O ver 3 0 year s exp er ien ce in all p h ase s o f tr u cki n g an d su p p ly ch ain man ag emen t, w h ich in cl u des r ate n eg o tiatio n s w ith th e L T L , tr u ckl o ad & temp er atu r e co n tr o l mar ke ts. E xt r emely h ig h r esu lts in sa vin g co mp an ies ver y h ig h do llar amo u n ts th at g o dir ect ly to th e bo tto m lin e p r o f its. E xce llen t r ese ar ch , w r itin g & co mmu n ica tio n ski lls alo n g w ith p r o f ici en cy in M icr o so f t O f f ice . Available f u ll-time o r o n a co n tr act basi s. C o n tact in f o r matio n : 6 0 9-97253 26 ( an ytime) o r tg f lag g @ h o tmail. co m Ex - manager I T company . L o o ki n g f o r f u ll-time o r p ar t-time o f f ice admin w o r k w ith co mp u ter s. W o r ke d in se ver al do main s in vo lvin g bu si n ess an alysi s, billin g , p u r ch ase , in su r an ce , f r au d, co mp tr o ller , immig r atio n . Asi n g n o min al sa lar y to g et by. R esp o n d w ith detailed messa g e, n ame, an d n u mber at p csi 20 0 0 @ h o tmail. co m o r 6 0 9-93 3 -91 1 5. Property I nspectors: P ar t-time $ 3 0 k, f u ll-time $ 80 k. N o exp er ien ce , w ill tr ain . C all K en , 90 8-420 -6 1 93 . PRICE REDUCED TO $810,000 14 S mall to M edium- S ize F irm Wanted. In n o vative se n io r sa les an d mar ke tin g man ag emen t p r o f essi o n al w ith mo r e th an 20 year s o f co n si st en t su cce s p r o vidin g st r ateg ic dir ect io n an d develo p in g g r o w th an d bu si n ess p lan s r esu ltin g in u n p r ec eden ted r even u e an d p r o f it g r o w th . P r o ven ski lls in r evitalizi n g sa les o r g an iza tio n s an d tu r n in g p er f o r man ce ar o u n d. In -dep th exp er ien ce n eg o tiatin g millio n -do llar co n tr act s th at co n tr ibu te dir ect ly to ag g r essi ve co mp an y exp an si o n . So lid team leader sh ip ski lls — exp er ien c e h ir in g , develo p in g , an d mo tivatin g co h esi ve sa les teams. L o o ki n g f o r a mean in g f u l bu si n ess r elatio n sh ip w h er e I ca n p u t my exp er ien ce , ski lls, an d r elatio n sh ip -bu ildin g to in cr ease sa les an d p r o f its. C all G ar y, 73 26 73 -0 6 3 9. Companion/ Caregiver/ Housekeeper. C er tif ied/ 1 0 year s exp er ien ce . R ef er en ce s available u p o n r eq u est . P lease ca ll 6 0 9-91 5-4788. Lif eguards Wanted! Secu r e yo u r su mmer j o b! O u tdo o r p o o ls in P lain sbo r o , So u th B r u n sw ick, H ills bo r o u g h , So u th amp to n , an d C h ath am. M emo r ial D ay w eeke n d th r o u g h L abo r D ay. $ 1 0 + an h o u r w ith exp er ien ce . M u st be ce r tif ied — lif eg u ar din g an d C P R ! C er tif ica tio n co u r se bein g o f f er ed so o n ! C all N ick 90 8-46 4-3 3 23 n o w . CLEANI NG S killed and D iverse Legal S ecretary / Assistant. ( M er ce r , M iddlese x, M o r r is, U n io n co u n ties) Ar e yo u r eady to h ir e a p r o ven p r o f essi o n al leg al se cr etar y/ assi st an t w h o w ill add immediate valu e to yo u r bu si n ess p r act ice ? E xp er ien ce d an d diver si f ied 1 7+ year admin istr ative su p p o r t assi st an t se eki n g immediate f u ll-time emp lo ymen t, p r ef er ably at a law f ir m o r in su r an ce co mp an y. E f f ect ive co mmu n ica to r an d p r o blem so lver w ith a detail-o r ien ted w o r k eth ic. R esu me an d r ef er en ce s f u r n ish ed u p o n r eq u est . I ca n be co n tact ed at s. ca th y55@ yah o o . co m. CHHA: E xp er ien ce d w ith dimen tia/ alzh eimer s, an d blin d. P er so n al ca r e, medica tio n man ag emen t, meal p r ep , lig h t h o u se ke ep in g , lau n dr y, do ct o r s ap p o in tmen ts/ sh o p p in g , as w ell as co mp an io n sh ip . H o n est , f r ien dly, r esp o n si ble, p atien t, easy g o in g , an d f lu en t in E n g lish . C all 6 0 9-90 2-1 1 3 6 . Hourly CHHAs: A+ Sen io r C ar e, a ce sf u l h o me ca r e co mp an y, cu r r en tly h as an o p en h o u r ly ca s e in M o n r o e T o w n sh ip in M iddlese x C o u n ty f o r a C er tif ied H o me H ealth Aide. Ap p lica n ts mu st be N J lice n se d C er tif ied H o me H ealth Aide, valid dr iver lice n s e, an d r eliable tr an sp o r tatio n . U p to date P P D / p h ysi ca l an d mu st be au th o r ize d to w o r k in th e U . S. T o ap p ly ca ll T er r y G en tile at 6 0 9-450 -1 71 9 o r ap p ly o n lin e at w w w . ap lu se n io r ca r e. co m/ ap p lica tio n . p h p f o r in ter view . * O n ly C er tif ied H o me H ealth Aides n eed ap p ly* JoBS WANTED 57 Prof essional with 10+ y ears of ex perience in T N , M A, C A, N V , an d N J in tr an sp o r tatio n , lo g ist ics, tr u cki n g , w ar eh o u si n g , dist r ibu tio n , an d adver tisi n g is lo o ki n g f o r a j o b in N J ar ea ( I am f lexi ble; lo ca lly, n atio n ally, o r in ter n atio n ally) . B . A. in eco n o mics . B i-lin g u al ( E n g lis h , R u si an ) . o dessa 1 2@ msn . co m. Certif ied Home Health Aide Availab le w ith 1 0 + year s exp er ien ce an d exc llen t r ef er en ce s. Ser vice p r o vided: e co o ki n g meals, blo o d su g ar r eadin g s an d in su lin in j ect io n s, ch an g ed ban dag es f o r diabetic w o u n ds; admin ist er in g medica tio n ; bath in g ; an d all sa n itar y du ties w ith lig h t h o u se ke ep in g an d lau n dr y. P lease co n tact In g a @ 91 7-7955485. su AVAILABLE FOR SALE U .S . 1 g r n T Piano Tuning oJ h n C aves P ian o u n in g Ser vice . Asso ic ate member , P iao T ech n ici an s G u ild. R easo n able ates. 281 -70 4-0 3 6 7. tu n er j o h n 1 91 @ mail. co m M ERCHAND I S E M ART Canoe f or sale. T h is su mmer , en j o y C ar n eg ie L ake & th e D & R C an al. G r een O ld T o w n tr aditio n al w o o d ca n o e, o n e se at, lig h t. Fir st $ 50 take s it. I w an t it o u t o f th e yar d. 6 0 9-921 -2774. F or sale: C- PAP M achine. U se d bu t in g o o d co n ditio n . C all 6 0 9-20 4-6 459. Offices, Conference, Meeting & Training Rooms ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ FEATURED LISTINGS 34 CHAMBERS STREET, PRINCETON 5,246 SF office space for lease 138 NASSAU STREET, PRINCETON 2,800 SF office space for lease 301 CARNEGIE CENTER, PRINCETON 2,830 SF office space for sublease ELLSWORTH CENTER, PRINCETON JUNCTION 2,282 SF retail/office space for lease 13 ROSZEL ROAD, PRINCETON 16,000 SF (divisible) office space for lease 666 PLAINSBORO ROAD, PLAINSBORO 700 to 1,440 SF office/medical space for lease RESEARCH PARK, WALL STREET, PRINCETON 700 to 7,000 SF office space for lease 4451 ROUTE 27, PRINCETON 5,200 SF office space for sale/lease Floor plans are available for view at our website: www.m-drealty.com FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR TO SCHEDULE A TOUR: Continued on following page 609 452-8880 58 U .S . 1 M AY 20, 2015 N 4 RESEARCH WAY , PRINCETON, NJ 3RD FLOOR - 50,000 SQ. FT. National Business Parks, Inc. Thomas Stange Leasing Manager 2 Research Way Princeton, NJ 08540 www.nationalbusinessparks.com Phone:609-452-1300 Mobile: 609-865-9020 Fax: 609-452-8364 E-mail: [email protected] Entire 3rd floor 50,000 sq. ft. available, will divide to 5,000 sq. ft. RichaRd K. Rein [email protected] othing’s ever easy. That’s been my mantra for the last decade or so. It’s a statement that I make in recognition of the harsh reality that I can’t do it all, that some things will never get done, and that life’s path will continue to be littered with obstacles. Accept it. But like a lot of statements we make all the time in our lives, this one deserves some scrutiny. First of all I should ask whether I really mean it, any more than I mean “no problem” when I say that to the writer who announces at the last minute that a story did not get done as planned. Or any more than my “same to you” said in response to the clerk who tells me to “have a nice day.” As a friend of mine has said, you should keep in mind that people often mean the exact opposite of what they say. The manager of the struggling baseball team who hears the team owner tell him he is “behind him 100 percent” should be worried. The public should be skeptical of the politician who says he had no knowledge whatsoever of the shenanigans carried out by his staff. And maybe I should question my own belief. Not even “nothing’s ever easy” can be that easy. Beyond that there is the nagging suspicion that language has consequences. If you keep assuming that M ay b e not every thing can b e easy , b ut may b e we can at least approach our challenges in a way to minimize the dif f iculties. nothing is ever easy, then you wonder if you will miss the easy solutions that possibly lie ahead of you. Years ago I was at a Chamber of Commerce showcase at the Westin Hotel on Route 1, and left early to run an errand back at my house. As I was leaving, a man in the lobby — a casual acquaintance — asked me if I happened to be going back FORRESTAL PROFESSIONAL CENTER PRINCETON, NJ EXISTING - 40,000 SF Forrestal Professional Center I: 10 Forrestal Road South, Princeton 95% LEASED -2,208 SF AVAILABLE FULLY FIT-OUT MEDICAL UNIT APPROVED - 40,000 SF Forrestal Professional Center II: 20 Forrestal Road South, Princeton AVAILABLE FOR LEASE NOW into town. He did not own a car, and he had a meeting he had to attend in 15 minutes. I was happy to give him a ride. On the drive in, I asked him: Did he ever worry (in this preUber era) that he would not have enough time to catch a ride in such a circumstance? He told me that he used to worry, but not so much anymore. Most people go through life saying they don’t have enough time to do everything they would like to do. He had decided to change his thinking — his mantra was that he had more time than it appeared, that he would have enough time, and he found himself accomplishing more than he did before. As I dropped him off at his meeting (he was early), I thought he had a point. So can everything be easy? Maybe not, but maybe we can at least approach our problems and challenges in a way to minimize the difficulties. I put my mind to work, hunting for some easy answers to the question: How can we make things — particularly big and challenging projects — less difficult? Don’t try to be perfect. This is a tall order given that most reasonable people want to do their best in any situation, and no one wants to make a mistake. The other morning I listened to the operatic tenor Bryan Hymel, interviewed by David Osenberg on WWFM radio. Osenberg asked how the singer overcame performance anxieties, and Hymel replied that he consciously used his rehearsal time as produc- Continued from preceding page M U S I CAL I NS TRU M ENTS I Buy G uitars an d All M u si a c l In st r u men ts in An y C o n ditio n : C all R o b at 6 0 9457-550 1 . WANTED ics T o L T T w o p p o JOIN AN ESTABLISHED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY Approved 40,000 SF, 2 Story Medical Arts Building FOR LEASE NOW 40,000 SF OUTSTANDING LOCATION 1/4 mile from the new University Medical Center of Princeton 40,000 SF Forrestal Professional Center II: Approved Forrestal Professional Center I: Existing Forrestal Corporate Center: Proposed 93,000 SF COMPETITIVE RATES Call for rates & information $55 per net sf fit out allowance FOR MORE INFORMATION Paul Goldman, Mercer Oak Realty [email protected] 609.452.0200 MERCER OAK REALTY LLC | 200 PRINCETONSOUTH CORPORATE CENTER | SUITE 100 | EWING NJ MERCEROAK.COM To BU Y Antiq ue M ilitary I tems: An d w ar r elw an ted f r o m all w ar s an d co u n tr ies. p p r ice s p aid. “ Ar mies o f th e P ast D ” . 20 3 8 G r een w o o d Ave. , H amilto n p . , 6 0 9-890 -0 1 42. O u r r etail o u tlet is en Satu r days 1 0 to 4: 0 0 , o r by ap in tmen t. Buy ing S elmer sax ophones and other models. 6 0 9-581 -8290 o r e-mail len n y3 6 1 9@ o p to n lin e. n et. Cash paid f or World War I I military items. 6 0 9-581 -8290 o r e-mail len n y3 6 1 9@ o p to n lin e. n et. ANI M ALS D og Walking and Pet S itting: E xp er ien ce d an d f u lly in su r ed. R easo n able r ates. See w ebsi te f o r mo r e: w w w . mybtsse r vice s. co m. C all 6 0 9-4546 0 3 9. oPPoRTU NI TI ES S elf starters, great income, will train. M u st like h elp in g o th er s. N o sa les. C all 6 0 9-284-3 258. PERS oNALS F ree Classif ieds f or S ingles: An d r esp o n se bo x ch ar g es th at w o n ’ t br eak th e ban k. T o su bmit yo u r ad si mp ly f ax it to 6 0 9-844-0 1 80 o r E -mail to in f o @ p r in ce to n in f o . co m. If yo u p r ef er to mail u s yo u r ad, addr ess it to U . S. 1 Sin g les E xch an g e, 1 5 P r in ce s R o ad, Su ite K , L aw r en ce ville, N J 0 86 48. In cl u de yo u r n ame an d th e addr ess to w h ich w e sh o u ld se n d r esp o n se s. W e w ill assi g n a bo x n u mber an d f o r w ar d all r ep lies to yo u ASAP . P eo p le r esp o n din g to yo u r ad w ill be ch ar g ed j u st $ 1 . See th e Sin g les E xch an g e at th e en d o f th e P r eview Sect io n . tively as he could and went onstage as prepared as he could be. With that in place, he said, “I give myself permission to not be perfect.” In the field of journalism we all want to get the facts correct every time. Some reporters want every word in every direct quotation to be the exact replica of what was said in a spoken interview. They tape record the interview, painstakingly transcribe the tape (a process that can take hours for every hour recorded), and then present the direct quotations amid a tangled web of ellipses and brackets. Not easy. The most important thing is the crux of what the source is saying — we can only hope that the most painstaking reporter gets that right. It’s easy to miss it. Set a goal, but revisit it often. Particularly when you are starting a new project, or moving into uncharted territory, the ultimate destination may not be visible. But you can still take the first step, and it can be generally in the right direction. As you move along, you can change course. Don’t try to build unanimous support for your goal. This wisdom comes from Walmart, of all businesses, delivered via a recent newsletter from the Stanford School of Business. After studying Walmart’s management style, Stanford people concluded that “top executives need to gather the collective wisdom of their teams, but waiting for consensus ‘can kill you, because speed matters, too.’ The challenge for Walmart, CEO Doug McMillon says, ‘is to get the right few people in the room to make the best decision and get on with it.’” Don’t have lots of meetings, but meet with a lot of people. Meetings serve their purpose, but they also waste a lot of time. Chances are that during any meeting some portion of the attendees have no interest in the particular item being discussed. Instead of holding everyone captive to every idea under consideration, buttonhole the people you need when you need them. Remember: You don’t need everybody on board with every item on your agenda. Be open to new information. Be ready to change your mind. You can do that — you are not a politician. FEATURES: Ask the experts. You may be tackling a job or facing a problem for the first time, but you can be pretty sure you are not the first person to be in that position. Imitation is a successful form of mastery, or something like that. Work first with what you have at hand. A few weeks ago I stopped by the Morpeth Gallery in Hopewell and saw an exquisite, life-sized sculpture of a tiger, created by Eric Schultz. Upon close inspection I realized it was made of hundreds of pieces of, well, junk. The guy in the cubicle next to you might not be a piece of junk, but he may have something of value to you — don’t overlook him as you cast around for a consultant on a particular project. Let substance dictate style. Week in and week out at U.S. 1 we fill a space on our front cover that is roughly 10 inches wide by 9 inches high. One of these days we are going to receive an image that we believe belongs on our cover but which will be so disproportionately vertical that it can’t possibly fit in that space. When the day comes the solution will be to modify our cover design, lose the photo in the upper left corner, skip the black band with the reverse type across the top, and then find a way to embed the U.S. 1 logo into that image without losing our identity or diminishing the impact of the image. How will we do that? I have no idea, but show me that image and I am sure an easy solution will present itself. Bottom line: Don’t be bound by your own rules. Break big deadlines into smaller ones. This permits you to establish benchmarks along the way. In the case of U.S. 1, we hope that certain sections of the paper are ready to go on certain days of the week. If we have missed our marks on Friday, then we know we could be in trouble on Monday. Adjust your expectations and standards as deadlines approach. The old country & western song notes that the “girls all get prettier at closing time.” Maybe that’s why I have come to another conclusion: Deadlines are your friends. Keep it simple. How hard can that be? M AY 20, 2015 FOR SALE Princeton Redevelopment Opportunity 105,000 SF – 11.7 Acres • Twobuilding,95,000squarefootofficecomplex • Unitsfrom1,439squarefeetto7,394squarefeet • Availableimmediately • New c orporat e o wnershi p OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 600&619AlexanderRoad,Princeton • Extensivecapitalimprovementprogram • Directaccesstodining,retailandhotels • PrincetonJunctiontrainstationlessthan1mileaway Route One Princeton Office Park - Just south of Lowes and across from Whole Foods - Spaces ready for occupancy - Ideal for renovation/condo conversion - All public utilities - Efficientsinglestorydesign - Well below replacement cost - Space also for lease @ $17/SF William Barish, Owner Broker, [email protected] 609-921-8844 or (C) 609-731-6076 Commercial Property Network, Inc. We Have a Place For Your Company BUILDING SIGNAGE AVAILABLE! For Lease: 600 & 619 Alexander Road, Princeton You r Com pan y's Na me Her e E SPACE LEASE OFFICEFOR SPACE FOR LEASE 19AlexanderRoad,Princeton FEATURES: 600&619AlexanderRoad,Princeton OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 600&619AlexanderRoad,Princeton UNDERWAY EXTENSIVE BUILDING RENOVATIONS FEATURES:OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE URES: 600&619AlexanderRoad,Princeton • Twobuilding,95,000squarefootofficecomplex • Twobuilding,95,000squarefootofficecomplex FEATURES: obuilding,95,000squarefootofficecomplex • Unitsfrom1,439squarefeetto7,394squarefeet • Two Twobuilding,95,000squarefootofficecomplex • building, 95,000 square foot office complex nitsfrom1,439squarefeetto7,394squarefeet • Up Availableimmediately • to 38,000 square feet available FEATURES: • Unitsfrom1,439squarefeetto7,394squarefeet • Newcorporateownership • Space available immediately ailableimmediately • Twobuilding,95,000squarefootofficecomplex • Availableimmediately • New Extensivecapitalimprovementprogram • corporate ownership • Unitsfrom1,439squarefeetto7,394squarefeet ewcorporateownership • Newcorporateownership • Availableimmediately • Extensive capital improvement program • Directaccesstodining,retailandhotels • Extensivecapitalimprovementprogram tensivecapitalimprovementprogram • Newcorporateownership • Direct access to dining, retail and hotels, • Unitsfrom1,439squarefeetto7,394squarefeet • Availableimmediately • Newcorporateownership • PrincetonJunctiontrainstationlessthan1mileaway • downtown Directaccesstodining,retailandhotels Princeton & Route 1 rectaccesstodining,retailandhotels • Directaccesstodining,retailandhotels • Princeton PrincetonJunctiontrainstationlessthan1mileaway • Junction train station less than 1 mile away • PrincetonJunctiontrainstationlessthan1mileaway ncetonJunctiontrainstationlessthan1mileaway Ownedby: • Extensivecapitalimprovementprogram Ownedby: Ownedby: ForInformationCall: ForInformationCall: ForInformationCall: Doug Petrozzini Jeremy Neuer Doug Petrozzini Ownedby: Jeremy Neuer T:+17325092888 T:+17325092840 ormationCall: T:+17325092888 Jeremy Neuer T:+17325092840 Doug Petrozzini C:+17325093047 C:+16095753684 C:+17325093047 C:+16095753684 T:+17325092888 T:+17325092840 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jeremy C:+17325093047 Neuer Petrozzini C:+16095753684 [email protected] [email protected] ForInformationCall: 7325092840 6095753684 [email protected] T:+17325092888 C:+17325093047 [email protected] U .S . 1 Ownedby: 59 M AY 20, 2015 Addison Wolfe Real Estate "Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear." - George Addair A BOUTIQUE REAL ESTATE FIRM WITH GLOBAL CONNECTIONS PLUMSTEAD CHASE: This beautiful Toll Brothers Estate community is just minutes from Doylestown and close to many major commuting routes to New Jersey, NewYork or Philadelphia.This Colombia II Savannah model is showroom ready and adorned with upgrades.Enter into the foyer and follow the hardwood floors to the spacious and well-appointed kitchen with granite countertops and cherry cabinetry. $799,000 Contact EvanWalton at 215.327.4709 or Kim Condo WOODLAND CONTEMPORARY: Nestled into a park like setting and situated down a long winding driveway, rests this stunning custom contemporary in Stockton NJ. Innovative space abounds in combination with warm sun filled rooms and inviting spaces.From the moment you step into the foyer you will be dazzled with the open beamed ceilings, clerestory window, skylights and woodland views out of every window and access to the deck! $574,000 Contact Ali McMenamin at 215.622.7126 DARK HOLLOW: Enjoy peaceful living on 2 distinguished acres in Tinicum Twp, Bucks County. This completely renovated Custom Home is awaiting your arrival! With 5,300 sq ft, attached 4 Car Garage, 4 Bedrooms and 5 Full Baths, you will also enjoy a spacious, fully finished Walkout Lower Level.This home is ready for immediate entertaining and comfort throughout the warm with so much to offer. $719,900 Contact Jane Colletti at 215.669.7720 ES R 15 HISTORIC ELEGANCE: Grand, Majestic and Truly Unrivaled! One of the most elegant homes in Bucks County.This gated historic 5 bedroom Manor home on over 7 acres is complete with massive barn,lovely pool and gardens,well appointed guest cottage,ice house and grand entertaining and living spaces.Access to the River,Towpath and Canal. Completely updated and renovated. $2,950,000 Contact Caryn Black at 267.614.6484 or Jackie Orr HORSE FARM ON 15 ACRES: At the end of a long drive you will find a lovely 3 bedroom,2 bath farmhouse,8 stall barn,outdoor riding ring and 5 pastures and a stream. The house has generous sized public rooms,two fireplaces and is filled with beautiful natural light. Minutes to CarversvilleVillage, Doylestown and the Delaware River. $675, 000 Contact Sharon Pratt at 215.820.6301 COLORADO CLIFFTOPVIEW: Spectacular Clifftop lot overlooking the Lockatong Creek with it's huge boulders and cascading wateralls, much like you would see in a Colorado river. This incredibly beautiful setting on 7 acres of mature trees is the perfect backdrop for a stunning unique home. Approved perc and site plans Long lane and very secluded.Close to Frenchtown and Lambertville,NJ. :- 368 Byram Kingwood Road,Frenchtown,NJ $495,000 Contact Eleanor Miller at 215.262.1222 EWING HEIGHTS: Perched at the top of the hill in the prestigious Mountainview section of Ewing Heights,NJ, sits this lovely, well maintained home on 0.43 acre. First floor has living room, step down to the generous dining room, the kitchen with breakfast bar and loads of counter space and from the warm family room open the sliders and step into the lovely,manicured yard.Upstairs are three large bedrooms and a full bath. $314,000 Contact Donneta Crane at 215.589.3681 TURTLE ROCK: Set on 5.4 acres in the pastoral community ofTinicumTownship,"Turtle Rock" commands views of theTinicum Creek as well as one of the remaining covered bridges in the county.The exquisite workmanship is evident throughout.A new addition was added to the original that houses a state of the art kitchen with radiant heat floors, family room, central foyer, powder room and master suite. $1,100,000 Contact Paul DiCicco at 215.651.1435 or Art Mazzei ATKINSON ACRES: Simply magical 20 plus acre building lot(s) in one of the loveliest areas in Bucks County. The wood fence and stone gateway lead down the paved, tree-lined drive to this mostly open and level land with views in every direction. Sprinkled with mature,deciduous trees and bordered by a year round stream.Comprised of 2 separate tax parcels of 10 acres each. Septic approval to be provided by Seller. $2,450,000 Contact Jonathan Rapp at 215.300.6960 SOLEBURY SEASONS: A seldom found 5 bedroom colonial, on 2.5 acres in Solebury's Seasons community. Center hall colonial with formal living and dining areas, private study and a spacious kitchen adjacent to family room.A large owner's suite with coffered ceilings and en suite bath are accompanied by three additional bedrooms and a hall bath. Walk out finished lower level and inground pool. $829,900 Call Kathy Sberna at 215.262.9765 or Lorraine Gross COUNTRY LANE:Welcome to this captivating former model home in North Penn School District! The quality craftsmanship is evident with many original upgrades and attention to details. This 4 bedroom house shows like new construction. Hardwood flooring, 42 cherry cabinets and granite counters are just a few of the amenities you will find in this 4 bedroom center hall colonial. $549,900 Contact Paul DiCicco at 215.651.1435 or Kathy Sberna RANDOLPH HOUSE:Located in beautiful downtown New Hope sits this single detached gem originally built in 1895. This 3 bedroom, 1½ bath home has gone through a total transformation no detail was overlooked. Features include wrap around porch,open floor plan and brand new kitchen.With all new plumbing,electrical,heating and central air.Almost complete. Come witness its final stage. $840,000 Contact Robert Reynolds at 609.635.2003 DOE TRAIL: This beautiful corner property commands the high ground with manicured lawns, mature trees and circular drive. This home has been transformed with a sophisticated elegance that marries a traditional floor plan with modern amenities and decor.A stunning owners suite and three additional bedrooms, finished lower level, in ground pool and additional garage. $695,000 Call Alison Kingsley at 215.595.8907 or Kathy Sberna TRUNNELL HYLL: is “green” with envy. Its architectural beauty lies in the fusion of period perfect barn structures with the highest level of interior amenities. The home features a state of the art Geothermal heating and cooling system. Trunnel Hyll was well thought out and planned by the builder and his team to create a home that has the beauty of yesteryear and the sensibility of today’s engineering. Property being sold at this price in “As Is” condition. $2,495,000 STUNNING STUDDIFORD: Perched high and close to the center of Lambertville,NJ,this totally updated,lovely two story cape has so much to offer. Enjoy private setting, mature landscaping and a large lot with possible subdivision, subject to approval. Hardwood floors throughout. Remodeled eat in kitchen leading to the covered patio.Four seasons room. Main bedroom and bath on first floor. Detached two car garage. $419,000 Call Daniela DeLuca at 267.614.4345 or Bert Reczenske WRIGHTSTOWN ESCAPE: From a tree-lined driveway on 6.52 acres of land rests this 4 bedroom 2½ bath 2-story home and guest house. Generous amounts of natural sunlight,a beautifully updated kitchen,a stone woodburning fireplace,an enclosed porch,and a sweeping curved foyer stair are features in the home. Also includes a lighted basketball court, an in-ground pool a 2-bedroom guest house $839,000 Contact Carole Baroca at 215.378.8397 YORK HOUSE: This 10 year old restaurant is the classic breakfast and lunch business. Here's your chance to own a local gem in the heart of Buckingham in the upscale prestigious Buckingham Green Shopping Center.Frequented by loyal locals and tourists the cafe offers historic and casual ambiance, seasonally inspired foods and personal service. No restrictions for hours of operation. Owner will stay on for transition period. Motivated seller. $40,000 Contact Scott Solazzo at 610.730.8159 ED PR U IC C E TI O N PLAYWICKY: A stunning example of William Bottomleys designer of NewYork’s River House,innovative architecture. The genesis of the home is the 1920s and it beautifully captures the sensibility of the time period. Expertly and sensitively renovated,the home offers unique and one of a kind features. From plaster and silk covered walls, beamed ceilings and custom iron work, Playwicky amazes you from the moment you enter. $2,495,000 AC DEVON HOUSE: Set on 2 plus acres, is a prime example of a Bucks County farmhouse. It has a sprawling floorplan with concentrated detail throughout. The dentil moldings,wide baseboards,delicate spindles and wide plank flooring run throughout. The kitchen offers granite counters, Subzero,Wolf and Asko appliances.There are a total of 5 bedrooms,2 of which,have fireplaces. The finished basement has a bar for entertaining and a brick fireplace. There is also an in-ground pool with waterfall. $1,249,000 SU OP N EN D AY HO 24 US th 1- E 4P M U .S . 1 R ED PR U IC C E TI O N R 60 RIVERWOODS TOWNHOME: This end unit has open space on 3 sides,walk to town or enjoy the trail along the river.The great room flows into the large kitchen.The back of the house features a sunroom with walls of windows and a entertaining size deck looking out to the woods. 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths plus finished walkout lower level.Come see this easy to live in,low maintenance home in New Hope. $370,000 Contact Joe McCabe at 267.980.8346 For additional information or a private tour contact us Addison Wolfe Real Estate, 550 Union Square, New Hope, PA 18938 (215) 862-5500 • www.AddisonWolfe.com