February 2007 Magazine PDF
February 2007 Magazine PDF
www.theConnect.com ■ New. . . The GREEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY – pgs. 4 & 5 ■ New . . .Wellness Community Transformation Center (WCTC) - pg. 10 ■ New . . . Be Your Own Oracle (James Wanless) – pg. 12 ■ The Heart of Tuscany – pg. 8 ■ Turtle Mystery School – pg. 9 ■ Tantra w/the Muirs – pgs. 12 & 13 ■ Mystic Theatre – pgs. 14 & 17 ■ Global Warming – pg. 18 ■ Solar Power – pg. 19 ■ World Sound Healing Day: Feb. 14th – pg. 11 ■ Holistic Living Expo: March 4th – pgs. 24 & 25 ■ STARRY NIGHT, so named because it reminded astronomers of the Van Gogh painting, is a halo of light around a star in the Milky Way. More Hubble Images – pg. 17 The Billboard TELL THE WORLD!! • Listings: are $5 a line with a 4-line minimum, prepaid • Headlines: 20 char. & Regular lines 30 char. Photo/ Graphic: $10 • Next deadline date is Thurs., Mar. 1st for the MAR. ‘07 Issue • Go to our Website: www.theconnect.com/billboardform. php • Mail to: The Connection Magazine, 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355, Aptos, CA 95003 • Phone: 831/459-0522 or Fax: 831/480-5902 •Visa / MC / Discover / American Express/Diner Card SPECIAL: Prepay 4 months =10% off.Serving: Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.10% off for non-profit. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lejon’s Emporium is giving FREE-GIFT-CARDS to our new customers! CALL:(831)394-8400 or (408) 648-6756. E-mail: lejonsemporium@peoplepl. com. Website: www.lejonsemporium.com and your meal is free! ID is required. We also have a space for your next Workshops/Seminars.It’s free if you don’t charge an admission fee. Percentage of fees will be collected if there is an admission fee. Café La Vie is located at 429 Front St. in downtown. (831) 429-6746.For menu, please see www.lavie.us FREE ORGANIC MEAL ON YOUR B’DAY @ CAFE LA VIE A COURSE IN MIRACLES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE FREE-FREE-GIFTCARD We’d love to celebrate your birthday on earth along with your friends and families. Bring at least three parties in San Francisco, California February 23-25, 2007 “An Opportunity to Gladden Yourself” Call (888) 621-2556 for info. Tell them you read this in Connection Magazine. Thanks! ORION FOXWOOD PRESENTS: ANCESTRAL VOICES, WORKING WITH SPIRITS OF THE DEAD ON FEB 19TH 7:30-10:30pm, $45 Serpent’s Kiss 703 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz (831) 423-KISS. www.serpentskiss.org ARTS & PERFORMANCE LOVE MAGICK WORKSHOP W/CHRISTOPHER PENCZAK Feb. 14, 7-9pm, at Serpent’s Kiss. 703 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. (831) 423-KISS. www. serpentskiss.org $30. Booksigning after workshop, COSTA RICA APARTMENT GUANACASTE PROVINCE NEAR PLAYAS DEL COCO AND PLAYAS HERMOSA. PAVED ROAD, GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD One Bedroom sleeps 4 with king and 2 twins, kit, bath, air conditioning, hot water, pool, and security.No T.V. or phone. Upstairs.Private, separate entry. 5 minute drive to Coco and 8 to Hermosa. Next to bus line and paved road to everywhere. Near resort with restaurant, disco. Come relax and enjoy! $250 per week, $450 per mo. alanashaffer@yahoo. DR. DAVID L. BILES, DDS, MA HOSTS THE PERSPECTIVE RADIO SHOW 2 SATURDAYS A MONTH. KSCO 1080 AM & streaming live on www.ksco.com Perspectives Radio airs every Saturday at 12 noon until 1pm (PST). Guests: February 24: Professor Garth L. Nicolson – President of the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, CA & has published over 580 medical & scientific papers. March 10: Jess Clifford – Inventor of the “Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing”. A process which determines biocompatible materials used to repair teeth, bone structures, joints and other body parts. THE BEEZONGED EXPERIENCE AWAKENS THE MONTEREY BAY !!! Experience the incredible healing effects of Sound Activation as multiple Gong Masters deliver tones to awaken you to new levels of Clarity and Empowerment. Stir Your Senses and Expand Your Consciousness - Sat, Feb 17 at 2pm - Unitarian Universalist Sanctuary, 490 Aguajito Rd, Carmel (off Pebble Beach Exit of Hwy 1). $9 Gen Admission. (831) 484-1923 TOM MILLER’S INTERNATIONAL MUSIC HALL moved from Henflings to Don Quixote’s in Felton call (831) 335-2800 for info Please Recycle * Unleash the natural killer in you. THE MAGIC AND MYSTERY OF MIDDLE EASTERN DANCE Bring alive your next event or party with the mesmerizing artistry of Shazara. Welcome your guests into an atmosphere of warmth and elegance. Locally acclaimed professional of Oriental Dance, Shazara’s spirited performance will keep the energy moving for your next ceremony, festivity, ritual, party or celebration. Duets & exotic live music also available. Call Unique Entertainment @ (831) 338-4138. AUTOMOBILES STREET ROD ALLEY - CUSTOM HOT RODS AND ANTIQUE CARS Design, construction, repair and maintenance of your hot rods, custom cars and vintage automobile. Call Jean Mauregard at Street Rod Alley: (831) 477-0426. CLASSES /WORKSHOPS INTENTIONAL TOUCH™ BODYWORK THERAPY with SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE A professional training for certified bodyworkers (CEU’s - NCBTMB provider) Sat. & Sun. Mar. 10 & 11 ImmPower – AHCC ™ ® Japan's best selling immune enhancing supplement now available in the U.S. In 1984, Japanese scientists discovered that by hybridizing several mushrooms used in traditional healing they could develop a natural compound that would give the body what it needs to maintain "super immunity." Named Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC®), it has a unique alpha-1, 4 glucan structure and low molecular weight that research shows provides unsurpassed support for the immune system's front-line defenses:* ■ Maintaining peak Natural Killer cell function* ■ Supporting enhanced cytokine production* ■ Promoting optimal T-cell and macrophage activity* Natural Killer (NK) cells are your immune system's front-line defense. They inject invaders with cytotoxic granules, granule lysis dissolve cell membrane causing invaders to "explode" in seconds. Based on over 20 published studies and the clinical experience of hundreds of hospitals and tens of thousands of consumers, AHCC has become Japan's best selling immune enhancing supplement. Now it’s available in America as ImmPower™ AHCC® where its gaining the endorsement of leading experts in nutritional medicine. HEALTH / WELLNESS SHARED HEART FOUNDATION PRESENTS 2007 LIVING FROM THE HEART WORKSHOPS W/BARRY & JOYCE VISSELL FEB 4-11, HAWAII COUPLES IN PARADISE, KALANI RETREAT CENTER, See website for prices. M A R 9 - 1 1 , R E DWO O D VALLEY,CA. LIVING FROM THE HEART COUPLES WKND, $440/couple www.sharedheart.org Contact: Charlotte: (831) 684-2299 TANTRA: THE ART OF CONSCIOUS LOVING Charles & Caroline Muir’s Mar. 9-11 Santa Cruz Tantra Seminar. Preview will be held Thur. Feb. 22nd, 7pm and Thur. Mar. 8th, 7pm at Best Western Inn, 6020 Scotts Valley Dr., Scotts Valley. (831)438-6666 (Hwy 17 @ Granite Creek Exit). The Muir’s video “Secrets of Female Sexual Ecstasy” will be shown & your questions answered. Call (831) 4253232 for brochure. www.sourcetantra.com YIN YOGA *WOMEN 40+ FEEL THE DIFFERENCE EMOTIONAL HEALING FREE YOUR TRUE SELF NOW In his play, ‘After the Fall’, Arthur Miller wrote, “There comes a time when one must take one’s life, in one’s arms.” It is time, now, to let go of limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs that have sabotaged you and your relationships over and over again. It is time to know yourself as the loving, powerful being that you are and have always been. Call Len Satov at (604) 974-0074 for a free 20-minute consultation. Toll free after the first call. 30 years experience as a spiritual counselor and life coach. 3rd Friday of the Month 78:30pm $12. Body & Soul, 738 Chestnut. Adora @ (831)462-9960 www.sanctuary-illumination.com Certification Program begins April 25,2007 FITNESS / MARTIAL ARTS Donna C. Cerio (831) 475-5472 www.theCerioinstitute.com AIKIDO: THE ART OF PEACE Compare and switch from the popular immune enhancing supplements with little or no independent research to ImmPower –– AHCC. ■ Better research* ■ Better results* ■ Less expensive than other immune enhancing supplements. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. AHCC is a registered trademark of Amino-Up Chemical Company, Ltd, Sapporo, Japan.ImmPower is a trademark of American BioSciences Inc. © 2002 American BioSciences Inc. All rights reserved. THERAPY LIKE YOU’VE NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE! Forget hours of therapy! One intensive workshop or private session with life coach and A Course In Miracles teacher Sandy Levey-Lunden will leave you ready for life, mo- Adult/Teen Intro Class Starts Mar. 6th. Tue/Thur/Sat. Ongoing classes open to enroll.Ages 6 & up.Family Discounts.AIKIDO OF SANTA CRUZ a non-profit, educational organization, 306 Mission St.,Santa Cruz (831)423-TEAM (8326). www.aikidosantacruz.org 560 Bradley Parkway, Blauvelt, NY 10913 Callfor forstore Research and Sample Call aids, research and freePacket, samples 888-884-7770. (888) 884-7770. Available at Staff of Life, Whole Foods Markets and New Leaf Markets Your excellent immune system product “Immpower” has been remarkable for my health and recovery. I don’t suffer :LWKDSDUWLFXODUKHDOWKLVVXHWKDW,FXUUHQWO\KDYH,QHHGDQRSWLPDO7FHOOFRXQWDQGPDFURSKDJHDFWLYLW\ from fatigue, depression and the other side effects associated with my treatment. My out-look is always positive and :HOODIWHUWDNLQJ,PP3RZHUQRZIRUPRQWKV,IHHOEHWWHUSK\VLFDOO\ZLWKPXFKPRUHHQHUJ\WKDQ,KDYH people are amazed at how well I’m dealing with this. I believe sincerely "Immpower” has made a very significant KDGIRUVRPHWLPH$IWHUJRLQJWRP\SK\VLFLDQDQGKDYLQJDEORRGWHVWP\³7FHOO´FRXQWKDVULVHQUHPDUN difference in the quality of my life. Thank you so much. Bless You! — Jill E., Fairfax, CA DEO\7KDQN\RX,PP3RZHU²0DWKHZ%6DUDWRJD 7KDQNVWRWKH6WDIIRI/LIHIRUDOZD\VKDYLQJWKHPRVWFXUUHQWWRSRIWKHOLQHQXWULWLRQDOVXSSOHPHQWVOLNH,PP3RZHU$+&& ,EHOLHYHWKDWLWKDVERRVWHGP\LPPXQHV\VWHPEHFDXVH,KDYHQRWEHHQLOOWKLV)DOODQG:LQWHUDWDOOOLNH,XVXDOO\DP ²6\OYLD%D[WRQ/D6HOYD%HDFK Page 2 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 RENTAL / HOUSING QUIET OFFICE SUIT/BATH RENTALS/OFFICE MIND, BODY, SPIRIT Get the best employees for your business. Put an Employment Ad in Connection Magazine. Excellent care for your dogs/ cats. References avail. Serving Santa Cruz County. Sandra O’Leary (831) 685-8889. MASSAGE “BEST MASSAGE” EMPLOYMENT PET CARE LOVING CARE WHEN YOU’RE NOT THERE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Therapist I’ve worked with yet! Excellent stress relief! Makes my body feel good! Swedish or Shiatzu. 600+ hrs. CMT Call (831) 2390878. NON-SEXUAL. FOR THE BEST EMPLOYEES TONE, RELAX, REJUVENATE Open Meridian/Prana Channels, Fridays 10:30am-12noon. Tea &Talk 1x month after class, also Fri.PM Open-All, Class, info [email protected] Nada (831) 295-2427 In private RDM home steps to beach. Rent Mo/wk/daily. Call (831) 688-6985. Swedish, Deep Tissue & Aroma. Qualified. Ph (831) 429-4020 for appt. $75 for 1.5hr (non sexual) COMMUNITY ECSTATIC DANCE tivated toward your future, and free of fear, guilt, burden and pain. Special expertise in saving relationships at a dead end. www.SandyLevey.com Free 20-minute consultation toll free: (866) 285-0654. BEAUTIFUL COUNSELING OFFICE P/T HALIMAH ASHLEY (831) 462-6057 Many days & times avail. Private view; quite; will negotiate rent . COUNSELING OFFICE FOR RENT, LOS GATOS P/T, MUST SEE VM (831) 479-3424 DR. JASSY Available Monday evenings after 5pm & Saturdays. Ideal location, elegantly furnished large room, new carpet/paint, valet parking, view of oaks. LEARN HOW TO HYPNOTIZE Look for Our March Issue — Mar. 8th The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you. Feature Index Arts & Entertainment ................................24-25 Astrology .........................................................31 Awareness....................................................9-14 The Billboard.....................................................2 Business............................................................4 Call to Awaken ................................................16 Dining Delights ................................Will Return Directories .................................................26-30 Fitness & Sports ..............................Will Return Health Notes...............................................20-22 Check Out Our New Website at www.theConnect.com Free Magazine Download from Anywhere in the World WE CARE Healthy Appearance .........................................6 Healthy Planet ............................................18-19 Lively Letters ....................................................3 Martial Arts......................................................23 Movies .............................................................24 Music ..............................................................24 Parenting, Kids & Education ...........................7 Pet Health ........................................................31 Rave Reviews ...................................Will Return Theme .........................................................15-17 Travel & Fun ......................................................8 Words from the Wise .......................Will Return Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine How to Reach Us: (831) 459-0522 • Fax: (831) 480-5902 (Please Call to Confirm that Fax Received Connection Magazine 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355 • Aptos, CA 95003 [email protected] www.theConnect.com PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER WITH SOY INK Lively Letters THE TIGER MOTHER & THE PIGLETS: PROSPECTIVE DONORS, Follow Your Heart Action Network needs your help. At present we are seeking to purchase a truck to tow a trailer used in our relief efforts back to Santa Cruz. Funds are needed immediately, as this operation is crucial to our continuing work in Louisiana on behalf of the victims of the hurricane. Any donations that you could offer would be highly appreciated and very helpful to our overall mission. If interested in donating call Curtis Reliford at (831) 246-4240. Also, be sure to forward this e-mail to any of your friends and family who are interested in contributing to our cause. Sincerely, Curtis Reliford In the Dec. ’06 Issue, we published photos of a mother Tiger nursing piglets. The article said that the tiger was depressed after losing her litter (at a zoo in Calif.). That was in error. These were real photos taken in Thailand at a Tiger Zoo. The mixture of Tiger and Piglets were more for entertainment for the visitors rather than for functional purposes. These Tiger/Pig nursing relationships have also been reciprocated to the extent that the mother Tiger shown suckling Piglets was herself nursed by a Sow. Apologies for any misinformation. You can learn about other hoaxes, like Bill Gates wanting to give you money for every email you forward, at www.snopes.com. Connection Magazine (& Make a 6-Figure Income Helping Others!) Become Board Certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy At my 3-Day Accelerated Training SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE • Beginners will receive a solid foundation for using hypnosis. “I had no previous experience in hypnosis so when Dr. Kaloski said I would be hypnotizing my classmates by the second day of the seminar and actually doing hypnotherapy by the third day, I was, naturally, a bit skeptical. But his unique teaching style, coupled with plenty of hands-on practice, had me feeling like an old pro by the end of class.” Nina Mareau, Scottsdale, AZ • Veterans will learn some surprising new approaches that will boost their success rates to record levels. “I learned more from you in three days than I did in a 6 week, $1,500 course from someone else. Your MMP method enhances the therapeutic process more than any other method I’ve come across. I highly recommend your course for both the beginning hypnotherapist and the veteran alike”. Peter G. Campione, Ph.D., Costa Mesa, CA • Current Alternative Therapy Practitioners will discover how to add an exciting new dimension to their existing practice to create an additional and lucrative stream of income. CEU’s Awarded for RN’s, MFT’s & LCSW’s “The very next day after taking your outstanding course, I was using the techniques you taught; and with great success. Since then, it’s made an incredible difference in my practice. While my colleagues struggle to make ends meet, I’ve got more clients than I can handle. Your class was the best investment I ever made. I only wish I had done it sooner.” Tami Bianco, CMT, CHT, N.Y., N.Y. • Everyone will learn powerful insider marketing secrets directly from the man who built the nation’s largest and most successful network of private hypnotherapy clinics. “I used to be content with $1,500 a month from my part time practice, But now, thanks to what I learned from you at the seminar, I’m full time, closing in on $13,000 per month and having a ball. The sky’s the limit.” Anthony Roselli, Plainfield, NJ • Just interested in hypnosis? Learn how to make rapid, positive and permanent changes in your own life. You can: lose weight, stop smoking, enhance physical & emotional healing, boost motivation & productivity, conquer procrastination, improve memory, focus & concentration, gain self-confidence, end fears & phobias, and more! “Within two days of completing the course, I was using hypnotherapy in my Chiropractic practice with remarkable success. And, the session I received for my fear of public speaking at the class worked like a charm. The next day, I was able to make a presentation at my Women’s Networking group without the usual butterflies. I was cool, calm, collected and totally at ease. I can definitely say, “Hypnosis works!” Huntington Beach: Feb. 2 - 4 Escondido: Feb. 23 - 25 • San Diego: Mar. 9 - 11 Santa Cruz: Mar. 30 - Apr. 1 YOUR PERSONAL TRAINER - DR. BRUCE E. KALOSKI AMERICA’S “HYPNOTHERAPIST TO THE STARS” Because you’ll be studying directly under the man the Journal of Behavioral Therapy calls, “The best hypnotherapy instructor out there today – bar none”, you’ll be privy to the secrets that have made him one of the nation’s most sought after and successful hypnotherapists. There are no trainees, substitutes or stand-ins. Known for years as America’s “Hypnotherapist to the Stars”, Dr. Kaloski counts internationally known Stage, Screen and Sports celebrities among his clientele. The author and creator of over 80 professional and personal development programs for counseling professionals and the general public alike, he has trained more than 10,000 therapists, counselors, practitioners, coaches and facilitators worldwide in his breakthrough Multiphasic Motivational Programming (MMP) method of therapy. He is past president of the American Medical Hypnotherapy Association, Executive Director of the International Alternative Therapists Association, past-president of the American Board of Hypnotherapy and a Fellow of the National Board for Hypnotic Anesthesiology. As seen on NBC News at Eleven, ABC Nighttime News CBS Morning Show and heard on VoiceAmerica Call 1-888-4DRKALOSKI (437-5256) NOW! For more information visit us on the web at www.SuccessTrak.org/HypnosisTraining.htm California CNE provider #14780 BBS#1852, Peachtree Professional Education, Inc. Page 3 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 TC0207 The Green Directory What is The Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program? It Certifies Environmental Performance T HE MONTEREY BAY Area Green Business Program is a successful partnership of environmen- tal agencies, utilities and nonprofit organizations that assist, recognize and promote businesses and government agencies that volunteer to operate in a more environmentally responsible way. To be certified “green,” participants must be in compliance with all regulations and meet program standards for conserving resources, preventing pollution and minimizing waste. We offer motivated businesses and agencies an easy-to-use framework for improving environmental performance. 1126 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, near the Crepe Place and Rio Theatre www.gatewaysbooks.com Free Public Parking at Cayuga & Soquel ❖ (831)429-9600 Thu, Feb 1 at 7 p.m. Mon, Feb 12 at 7 p.m. Stanislov Groff Astro Night ‘Ultimate Journey’ James Jarvis & Leigh Wunce Consciousness and the Mystery of Death. Special Event! Saturday Feb 10 7 p.m. Freedom through Authenticity. Enlightening event covering this month's planetary changes. Tue, Feb 13 at 7 p.m. Denise DianiFriedman Let's Talk About Love! Byron Katie & Stephen Mitchell ‘A Thousand Names for Joy’ First Congregational Church 900 High St., Santa Cruz Buy two tickets for $25, get the newest hardcover book for free! (a $27 value) Learn and Understand the Palmistry Pathways of the Heart Mon, Feb 19 at 7 p.m. Mystic Jamms Kirtan Evening Music is the universal language that speaks directly to the heart Wed, Feb 21 at 7 p.m. ‘Psych - K’ with Stan Hall Easily change subconscious beliefs and experience life as you intend it. Thu, Feb 22 at 7 p.m. ‘Einstein's Business’ A new anthology featuring Bari Tessler Engaging Soul, Imagination and Excellence in the Workplace. Intuitive Readers On-Site 7 Days a Week Walk-in or by Appointment Our Partnership The Task Force championed the Program as a way to reduce hazardous waste generation and promote pollution prevention and resource conservation. The Task Force began planning efforts to establish the Green Business Program in August 2002. The Green Business Program was officially launched in early 2004 targeting Vehicle Service and Repair Facilities. In the same year, the program expanded into the Restaurant sector in Santa Cruz County and is currently considering expansion into the Landscaping, Hotel/Hospitality, and Winery sectors. Green Business Program History The Bay Area Green Business Program was initially developed by local governments in the San Francisco Bay Area in collaboration with US EPA, Cal EPA Department of Toxic Substances Control and the business community. This original San Francisco Bay Area program has grown to include 7 participating counties who have certified over 300 businesses and public agencies since 1996. The program has expanded beyond state lines, with new Green Business Programs starting up in San Diego, Sacramento, Arizona and Hawaii as well as right here in the Monterey Bay area. The Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program in Both Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties are each multimedia (soil, water, and air) pollution prevention efforts that create positive relationships between government, the public, and the business community. It is an incentives-based program designed to encourage businesses to meet or exceed environmental standards. County and Regional Coordinators For more information on the Green Business Program, contact the coordinator in your county or the regional program manager. Santa Cruz County Josephine Fleming • (831) 477-3907 • [email protected] Monterey County Health Dept., Environmental Health Division Solid Waste & Recycling Section • (831) 755-4579 • [email protected] Regional Program Kirsten Liske, Ecology Action (831) 426-5925 ext. 123 [email protected] www.montereybaygreenbusiness.org Page 4 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 The Green Directory Support the Businesses that are Green and tell them you saw them in Connection Magazine! Page 5 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 NATURALLY NURTURED LIPS by Donna Williams-Smith oney was known to the ancient Greeks as the food of the gods because of its unique healing properties, and has long been used for its rejuvenating purposes. Roses also, abound with healing attributes, their scent alone generating many uplifting endorphins. Both are ideal ingredients in many natural skin care preparations and are especially H pleasing, paired, for the lips. Honey contains many vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of many B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene, and organic acids. It works well as a natural skin softener and is also antiseptic. The golden nectar cleanses and heals, easily removing dead skin cells as it moisturizes. It is very effective for dry, chapped skin and wind parched or damaged lips. When used for the skin, it is preferable to use natural, unprocessed, honey, not brands that have been boiled during processing. Good health food stores usually carry brands that have not been excessively boiled. Honey purchased from a beekeeper would be even better. Without the bees acting as “Cupid” within blossoms, gathering ingredients for honey, a garden would be less resplendent. One of the finest creations found in their domain is the Rose. There is an old saying that ”roses are good for the skin and the soul”. Like honey, roses have a long tradition of medicinal use. Their oil is highly prized and one of the most important oils used in Aromatherapy. In Ayurvedic Medicine, roses are considered cooling and tonic for the mind. Anyone drinking Rosehip or Rose Petal tea should find this to be so. Their character is sweet and astringent and they are high in Vitamins C, B, E, and K. Among many properties, they are found to be cleansing, antibacterial, and antiinflammatory. Roses truly offer an abundance of gifts in one package. This union of Honey and Rosewater will aid dry lips anytime, by Linda Chaé ave it all... natural clarifying ingredients and effective delivery systems deliver astounding results once advertised for synthetic chemical ingredients. Chaé professional products correct the results of stress, environmental factors and busy life-styles. Skin is incredible – quietly working on our behalf. It even nourishes the entire body with its reserves. Skin can speak – it communicates its needs with redness, break outs, fine lines, wrinkles, and the extremes of dry and oily complexions. When provided with proper nutritional support, your skin is capable of self restoration. The Consumer Reports in January, 2007, concurred with Chaé on the need for clean, effective products made without toxic ingredients. “We take issue with the idea that a little bit of poison doesn’t matter, because safer alternatives are available,” says Stacy Malkan, communications director of Health Care Without Harm. “Companies should be making the safest products possible, instead of trying to convince us that a little bit of toxic chemicals are OK.” Chaé believes the fastest and most satisfying way to achieve radiant skin is to use an integrated set of TOXICFREE® products formulated to support your individual skin type. The wonderful Chaé Regenerating Collections for normal to dry skin types, or for normal to oily skin types, were developed to provide you with basic products that work well together to cleanse, soothe and moisturize your skin. H especially those exposed to the extremes of winter cold and winds. Lips may first be exfoliated with a small amount of partially crystallized honey or brown sugar before applying the following: Honey and Rosewater Lip Soother 4 Tablespoons Honey 4 Teaspoons Rosewater Gently melt the honey in a small bowl, sitting in another bowl of hot water. Stir in Rosewater. Cool and seal in container/s. Use as required. Donna Williams-Smith is a wholistically oriented Aesthetician, licensed in CA and NV. Her skin care services are available at Angles in Scotts Valley – (831) 429-9733. Each collection contains a cleanser, a toning mist, a rejuvenating moisturizer and an exfoliator. We top off the collection with a special offer to get you started ‘Loving Your Face’... the extraordinary VitalEyes™ tightener/moisturizer that is absolutely FREE with the purchase of the Regenerating Collection. All of Hollywood is talking about this marvelous moisturizer for your eyes and lips – soothes and smooths as it attracts over 1000 times its weight in moisture to keep your eyes and lips hydrated. The clinical strength products in the Regenerating Collection are all Certified TOXICFREE® Products. Chaé is very proud to carry this certification – a guarantee to our customers that the natural, raw, organic ingredients are safe for you, safe for your family, and safe for your pets. Visit us on-line at www.chaecorp.com or call our Customer Service at 719-742-5288 to order your Regenerating Collection. Linda Chaé is President and Chief Formulator for Chaé® Organics. A 35 year veteran of the cosmetic industry, Linda’s crusade to protect clients from the dangers of the products they use – many of which contain toxic and/or carcinogenic ingredients – became personal when she not only treated many cancer patients, but became a cancer survivor herself. To learn more, visit www.chaecorp.com or www.lindachae.com. Page 6 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 (6) www.ada.org/public/topics/fluoride/ facts/fluoridation_facts.pdf. (7) www.nurserywater.com/home.html. (7a) “Dentistry, Dental Practice, and the Community,” 5th edition 1999 Burt/ Eklund. (7b) http://tinyurl.com/yq8y66. Up-to-Date Info on Fluoride and Your Baby... and for You too! W and use of dietary supplements that include fluoride (tablets or drops).” T h e CDC reports that, “formula itself has low amounts of fluoride,” [and] “when infant formula concentrate is mixed with fluoridated water and used as the primary source of nutrition, it may introduce fluoride at levels above the amount recommended to minimize the risk for fluorosis.” What is recommended? According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (3), to avoid moderate fluorosis (yellow or brown teeth), the adequate daily intake of fluoride, from all sources, should not exceed: — 0.01 mg/day for 0 – 6-montholds — 0.5 mg/day for 7 through 12 months — 0.7 mg/day for 1 – 3-year-olds Babies, under one year, consume over their adequate intake from the water supply alone at the so-called optimal concentrations (0.7 - 1.2 mg/ L), according to the March 2006 NAS’ National Research Council (NRC) fluoride report (4). The CDC reports, “one-third (33%) of children aged 12 to 15 years in the United States have very mild to mild forms of this condition.” However, the CDC omits that about 4% have moderate or severe fluorosis, according to the same reference. And, up to 1/2 of all school children have fluorosis when the “questionable” category is included. (5) The American Dental Association’s Fluoridation Facts describes questionable fluorosis as “A few white specks or white spots.” (6) The CDC admits that “More cosmetically objectionable forms of this condition can occur when young children consume excess fluoride from all sources during critical periods of tooth development [up to age 8].” Also alarming is that bottled water with added fluoride is now sold with the now-contraindicated instructions to mix into infant formula. (7) Also little publicized is that the Photo: N. Bashkaran January 19, 2007: ithout fanfare or public announcement, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) posted a new fluoride caution on their website—avoid mixing fluoridated water into concentrated infant formula to prevent discoloring babies’ new teeth. (1) There is no dispute that too much fluoride causes dental fluorosis— white spotted, yellow or brown and sometimes pitted enamel. The CDC now admits that babies can ingest too much fluoride when fluoridated water is mixed into their concentrated infant formula and foods. Fluoride is added to 2/3 of public water supplies based on a disproved theory that fluoride ingestion prevents cavities. “Where’s the media alert so that the parents, care givers, health care workers and legislators know about this,” asks lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF). A New Hampshire newspaper reports the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program still encourages mothers to mix formula with fluoridated water. (2) “The CDC leaves it up to groups like ours to share the bad fluoride news,” says Beeber, “And then they will probably criticize us for doing so as they have in the past.” (2a) This is what the CDC’s website says (1): “It now appears that the amount of the fluoride contained in the water used for mixing infant formula may influence a child’s risk for developing enamel fluorosis, particularly if the child’s sole source of nutrition is from reconstituted infant formula.” “If tap water is fluoridated or has substantial natural fluoride (0.7 mg/L or higher), a parent may consider using a low-fluoride alternative water source. Bottled water known to be low in fluoride is labeled as purified, deionized, demineralized, distilled, or prepared by reverse osmosis.” “Using only water with low fluoride levels to mix formula will not eliminate the risk of enamel fluorosis. Other factors that contribute to developing fluorosis include swallowing of toothpaste NRC report reveals that some people risk thyroid dysfunction and bone damage from drinking even low levels of fluoride; and studies linking fluoride to cancer and lowered IQ are plausible. Few know that too much fluoride can actually decay teeth. (7a) And, that the most widely used fluoridation chemicals, silicofluorides, are linked to higher rates of tooth decay. (7b) “Parents also need to be taught the fluoride content of foods in easyto-understand language, so it’s possible to tally daily fluoride intake and to be taught fluoride’s adverse health and dental effects,” says Beeber. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has compiled fluoride content of foods. (8) NYSCOF warned the public about a research review published in 2000 showing infant formula mixed with fluoridated water leads to fluorosis. (2a) Many published studies link infant formula to fluorosis. (9) A Tennessee legislator, who is also a medical doctor, asked all water departments in Tennessee to shut off the fluoride because of health concerns. (10) In Oregon, a fluoridation bill is stalled by a doctor and nurse in the legislature citing health concerns. (11) Contact: Paul Beeber, Esq, (516) 433-8882, [email protected], New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc., www.orgsites.com/ny/nyscof. Fluoride Action Network, www.FluorideAction.Net. Fluoride Journal, www.FluorideResearch.Org. SOURCE: New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. References: (1) www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/safety/infant formula.htm, Accessed 1/18/07. (2) “Formula, fluoride mix may discolor infants’ teeth,” By Mark Hayward, Union Leader, Jan 11, 2007, http://tinyurl.com/ 35ot7c. (2a) www.orgsites.com/ny/nyscof/ _pgg10.php3. (3) The National Academies of Science, “Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride, 1997. (4) The National Academies of Science, Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water, National Research Council, “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards,” March 2006. (5) US Centers for Disease Control, w w w. c d c . g o v / m m w r / p r e v i e w / mmwrhtml/figures/s403a1t23.gif. K-12 ART CONTEST AND EDUCATOR WORKSHOP OPPORTUNITIES PRESENTED BY THE SEYMOUR CENTER AT LONG MARINE LAB Marine Masterpieces Student Art Contest: Encourage your students or children to enter their original artwork in the Seymour Center’s fourth annual Marine Masterpieces student art contest. Winning artwork will be on display in the Seymour Center’s public exhibit gallery from March 24-May 13, 2007. An awards reception for the artists and their families will be held at the Seymour Center on Saturday, March 24. Prizes for students and teachers include Seymour Center Tshirts, books, memberships, and even free future field trips! All artwork and entry forms must be received at the Seymour Center between February 110, 2007. Before beginning artwork, carefully read all contest details and submission rules on the entry form available on-line. For more information and entry forms visit http://seymourcenter.ucsc.edu. Call (831) 459-3800 if you have any questions. Watershed Cruzin’ Educator Workshops • Monday, January 29, 9 AM - 2 PM • Wednesday, February 21, 4-6 PM Grade 4-8 teachers and educators are invited to the Seymour Center for a free teacher workshop on how to use Santa Cruz County watersheds in your standards-based curriculum. Watershed Cruzin’ activity guide, $50 materials stipend, and free maps and classroom interpretive materials are included. Special guest artist Lynn Guenther presents how to combine art and science, demonstrating techniques for map making, poster design, murals, and using various mediums and techniques. For more information, or to register, call (831) 464-2950, or e-mail [email protected]. Cosponsored by the Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District and NOAA’s Bay Watershed Education and Training (BWET) program. Page 7 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 (8) www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/Data/ Fluoride/Fluoride.html. (9) http://tinyurl.com/y58bfc. (10) w w w . f l u o r idealert.org/press/ hensley.htm. (11) www.portlandtribune.com/news/ story.php?story_id=116915487295110600. by Don Swaile W HILE MANY TRAVEL companies offer a myriad of tours into Italy, Creative Excursions provides an intimate experience in the heart of Tuscany that aims to inspire, excite and transform! These unforgettable excursions are the creation of a dynamic partnership between Canadian artist/teacher Nancy Crawford and internationally recognized Italian photographer Oliviero Olivieri. Having led a number of “traditional tours” in Italy, the duo decided to create their own ideal Italian travel experience drawing on Nancy’s passion for Italian life and culture, and Oliviero’s heritage and connection with the region. They spent months researching and traveling Tuscany selecting what they considered to be some of the most beautiful, remote, and inspiring locations to visit, and developing a program of workshops and talks that will encourage, educate and inspire each participant to enhance their lives through the creative process. The result is a host of sensory experiences that are guaranteed to delight! The setting for your magical week is the sanctuary of Sant’Anna in Camprena, a former 15th century Benedictine monastery nestled in an ancient oak forest in the gently rolling countryside of the picturesque Orcia Valley. As part of the excursion, you will be removed from the frenetic pace of today’s world to experience a more tranquil environment. Sleeping in a simple, rustic former monk’s cell, and wan- dering the many paths and roads of the valley— will help to create a sense of harmony with the natural surroundings. All of your meals are traditional Italian recipes featuring fresh local products including olive oil from trees on the property, wine from neighbouring Montepulciano, pecorino cheeses from the local sheep, and regional vegetables and fruit. The location of these small group excursions (10-15 participants) fosters inner contentment, reflection and focus. During your stay at Sant’Anna, each participant will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of workshops and lectures focusing on the creative process and related topics, attend a series of exciting and memorable daily excursions, and join in nightly discussions. Each individual can decide on how involved they want to be. Your daily itineraries include visits to the thermal baths at Bagni San Filippo, the mystical site of San Galgano, a picturesque family run winery, the 10th century Abbey of Sant’Antimo, and the ancient city of Volterra—among others. Nancy and Oliviero will definitely inspire you with their energy, enthusiasm and willingness to share. These extraordinary excursions can be booked through Great Expeditions Travel 1 (800) 663-3364 who can arrange all of your travel needs along with pre and post supplements for this transformative week in Tuscany. For excursion dates or more information visit www.creativeexcursions.com or email Nancy at [email protected]. Please tell them that you read this and saw their Ad in The Connection Magazine. Thank you! In the Heart of the City, Where the Ocean Meets the Mountains . . . Grouse Mountain H EALTHY LIVING IS a way CREATIVE of life at Grouse Mountain. Enjoy the fresh mountain air any time of year with hiking and trail running, eco-walks, skiing and snow- EXCURSIONS Creative Excursions in the Heart of Tuscany Join us in September 2007 for an intimate and memorable journey in Italy with artist/teacher Nancy Crawford and internationally renowned photographer Oliviero Olivieri. Enhance your life through learning about, exploring and practicing the creative process. Reconnect with your senses savouring the rich flavors of Italy, let yourself be transformed strolling the undulating landscape and experience silence sleeping in a former monk’s cell. This is not a Tour, and you are not a Tourist! Make us a part of your 2007 European Travel Experience! Call Great Expeditions at 1-800-663-3364 or visit www.creativeexcursions.com boarding, snowshoeing and Vancouver’s only outdoor mountaintop ice skating. The opportunities for outdoor fun are endless. Experience the thrill of winter at Grouse Mountain, Vancouver’s favorite mountain resort. With 25 great runs to choose from and excellent conditions, you’ll discover a mountaintop winter paradise—perfect for every member of your family. Whether you’re snowboarding or skiing for the first time, or already a master of the mountains, we have an endless variety of terrain for you to explore. Visit their Mountain Report for each day’s lift & run status. If it’s an adrenaline rush you’re looking for, ride the Olympic Express and confront the double black descents of Purgatory and Devil’s Advocate. The Olympic Express high-speed quad chair lift transports 2,000 people over 9 towers every hour! Or, if gentle slopes and easy-going turns are more your style, head for The Cut and the Screaming Eagle, Vancouver’s first high-speed quad. Your lift ticket always includes your journey on the Skyride Gondola. Night Skiing & Snowboarding Ski or snowboard at Grouse Mountain beneath a canopy of stars and gaze out over the brilliant lights of Vancouver. There’s no view like it anywhere in the world. Discover this very special winter world nightly from 4 pm to 10 pm during the winter. (604) 984.0661 Fax: (604) 984.7234 Email: [email protected] www.grousemountain.com Page 8 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 by Marianne Spider Star Weaver Ober & Stephanie Rainbow Lightning Elk Wadell remember when the words ‘Mystery School’ first came into my consciousness. “How bizarre,” I thought. “What would I get out of this?” Yet, I genuinely pictured myself journeying through the 13 Healing Moons of the Great Turtle Mystery School. I wasn’t sure how I would tell my family and friends. But I did tell them. I felt the corners of my mouth turn upward with the delight of stepping into the unknown. I made the commitment. Initially, a Mystery School seemed really out there to me, a conventionally college educated gal. However, it was the most grounding and true experience I have had. Some Teachings by Rainbow Lightning Elk: I Guides are everywhere. Mystery School: In ancient times, people who wanted to know the Mysteries of Life and Death apprenticed to a course of study with a wisdom teacher. They came to understand their individual contributions to the collective, gathering to learn interdependence. share. Usually concealed in today’s modern world, this relationship is important to our future balance. We assist the evolution of Mother Earth and all of her Children — Plants, Animals, Minerals, Humans. Rite of Passage: a ceremony marking a transition from one phase of life to another. With the exception of a few religious traditions, rites of passage are not part of our current culture. The GTMS reframes our 0-13 years of Life, providing an authentic Rite of Passage — acknowledging our talents, gifts, and abilities. Today, ‘Mystery School’ is a fixture in my vocabulary. Through my own awakening, I deepened my clairvoyant healing abilities and awareness of the world around me. Within a circle of Truth seekers age 23-60, my Rite of Passage gave me ownership of my strengths as Spider Star Weaver, my Spirit Name. How would my life be if I had this ceremony at puberty? I thank my Ancestors and teachers who paved the way for all of us to actualize our Highest Potential. “In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next 7 generations.” — The Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy Omatakyasin — to All My Relations 13 Healing Moons: There are 13 Lunar cycles in Earth’s rotation around the Sun. Re-attuning to the 13 Moon cycle creates healing within our physical bodies. We synchronize to Harmonic Time through Sweat Lodge Purification Ceremony attuned to the New Moon. Great Turtle: North, South, and Central America were called Turtle Island by indigenous People. Planet Earth was known as ‘Great Turtle’ within the Milky Way galaxy. Nature is our most profound teacher. Spirit The 13 Healing Moons of the Great Turtle Mystery School weaves together teachings and healing ways from numerous traditions. Pleiadian Lightwork and Shamanic Ceremony provide tools for self-growth. The language of Medicine Wheels unlocks our subconscious. Kundalini Yoga strengthens our Life Force Energy. Sacred sexuality spins the Wheel of Life with honor to the feminine and masculine. The Journey: During 13 months, we discover the interconnectedness we Marianne Spider Star Weaver Ober, LMT, Métis Medicine Way Lightworker and Bodyworker, Artist, All Around Good Person, and Great Cook. Stephanie Rainbow Lightning Elk Wadell, M.A. (Counseling Psychology, USF), Sacred Sexuality Teacher and Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Author, and Elder, Guide, Leadership of the 13 Healing Moons of the Great Turtle Mystery School, Loving Heart, and Shadowbuster Extraordinaire. We gather in North California, beginning March 2007 through March 2008, www.GreatTurtleMysterySchool.net, (866) 910-4325 or (650) 599-5000. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GENDRON STUDIOS Fine & Commercial Art Products & Services PO Box 1438 Felton, CA 95018 831•335•9064 www.MelanieGendron.com ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ...........ART IS LOVE IN ACTION........... Page 9 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 “Free Hugs” by Joyce and Barry Vissell E arly in December, some friends emailed Joyce and me a link to a video clip called “Free Hugs.” It begins with a young man standing on a busy sidewalk in Sydney, Australia, holding a sign reading, “free hugs.” People are awkwardly walking past him, some averting their eyes, some looking obviously embarrassed, some declining with forced smiles. Finally an elderly women walks up to him for a hug. He towers above her so he drops to his knees for the embrace. He says something to her and she tenderly places a hand on his face. A momentum of love seems to be building. More and more people stop for hugs, some staying with the man to help give out hugs. Sitting there at my computer with tears in my eyes, I felt a powerful desire to do the same thing as this young man. I admired his courage to stand there with his sign, continually pushing past his fears of rejection. Sunday evening, December 17, Joyce and I hosted our annual holiday gathering/ceremony. Sitting in our crowded living room with friends and family, we lit Chanukah and Advent candles. Joyce and I have a tradition of deciding two themes each as we lit a total of four candles. My first candle was for peace, and we sat in silence sending peace to the world. Joyce then lit a candle dedicated to giving our love to others. As she spoke, I remembered the “Free Hugs” film clip and embers of my desire fanned into a flame once more. For my next candle, I continued with Joyce’s theme of giving love, but added the element of taking a risk to give love. Often, giving love requires a very real risk to move past our fear of rejection, like being the first to reach out to an estranged friend or family member, or letting someone know we want to spend more time with them, or speaking our sincere appre- ciations at the dinner table. I remember the fear we felt after pouring our hearts out in our first book, The Shared Heart. Our hearts were trembling as we sent the first copies out to reviewers, family and friends. It felt right to take the risk, face our fear of rejection, and send our love out in the world in the form of books. I announced to the group in our living room my intention to make a “free hug” sign and bring it to the busiest place in the county, the Pacific Garden Mall in downtown Santa Cruz. Later that evening, a number of people offered to go with me, but I realized bringing a group would eliminate (for me) the risk of rejection. I wanted to face my fears head on. At the store, I stood in front of the blank sign boards. I picked up a small board that would allow me to be more discreet — ie less afraid — and almost walked away with it. I put it back and decided upon the large sign. Back at home I used the largest marker I could find to make large block letters that could be seen from a block away – FREE HUGS. I chose my date: Saturday, December 23, when the streets would be the most crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers. Friday evening, Joyce suggested I dress up as Santa, saying I’d get more hugs, especially from children. At first I vetoed her idea, thinking it was less of a risk. After all, then people walking by would be rejecting Santa — not me. Then I thought about the children, who would almost certainly walk past me without hugging. That did it –– Santa it would be. I parked the next day in downtown Santa Cruz. Yes, I was nervous and excited. Putting the final touches on the Santa outfit, I reached into the back of the Astrology Brought to Life! Discover where in your Life your Soul’s growth & Purpose is to be developed & expressed, not only as an individual, but in Partnership. Determine the timing of Life cycles that occur designed to Teach, and to Test us, on our Life Path. Learn about the areas of your Life that you are to Heal. THIS IS WHOLENESS. THERE IS NO SEPARATION, IN FACT, A PRECIOUS CONNECTION BETWEEN THE HEAVENS & OUR LIVES. Please Call or email: Jan Rekoutis / 831 684-2406 [email protected] for a Consultation car and removed the sign, which now seemed enormous and may as well have read, “COME SEE THIS CRAZY MAN,” rather than “FREE HUGS.” Steeling myself, I marched downtown. Stopping on a busy street corner, I raised the sign over my Santa hat for all to see. Predictably, people awkwardly walked right on past me. I wondered how long I would need to wait for the first hug — minutes — hours? It turned out to be less than a minute. A woman rushed up to me saying, “Can I hug Santa?” We hugged. I wished her the happiest of holidays. And just like in the video clip, the momentum built. People of every age wanted hugs. Sometimes there was a lineup. I was surprised by how many people mentioned the “Free Hugs” clip on the internet. I learned to recognize the people who would hug me. Their eyes would actually light up 30-50 feet away, and I knew a hug was on the way. One sad-looking man said, “I really need a hug.” While I held him, he cried and thanked me. A woman said, “This is the first free thing I’ve gotten this whole holiday season.” Another woman said, “This is the best I’ve felt all month.” I wasn’t content to simply give and receive a hug. I let my heart guide me to speak something loving to each person, to wish them a great holiday season, to let them know what a great hugger they were, to urge them to pass the hugs along to those they knew or loved. But by far the best part was the children. Many of them had never gotten a hug from Santa. Oh the looks of wonder in those innocent little eyes! Some of the children didn’t want to leave. And surprise, many teens were open and willing to hug. People have asked me how many hugs I gave and received. I didn’t count, but my guess was around 200-300 in one and a half hours on duty. By the time I got back to my car, I was exhilarated. No, you don’t have to carry a sign and give free hugs to strangers. There are many ways to push past your fear of rejection and give your love — or give your unique gifts to the world. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do, but have been afraid of rejection, or failure? Is there someone you’ve wanted to love more fully, but keep putting it off because of fear? Fear is nothing but False Evidence Appearing Real. It is a smoke-screen you can walk right through, and on the other side there is more love for you to experience. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Feb 4-11, 2007—Hawaii “Couples in Paradise” Retreat; Jul 15-20—White Water Adventure in Northern CA; Jul 22-27—Breitenbush Hot Springs Summer Renewal in Oregon. Joyce and Barry Vissell, a nurse and medical doctor couple since 1964, are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk To Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom and Meant To Be. Call TOLL-FREE 1 (800) 7660629, locally (831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further information on counseling sessions by phone or in person, their books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at www.sharedheart.org/ for their free monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart. S anta Cruz has an opportunity of historical significance. A group of community members are giving the people of Santa Cruz a chance to make a new downtown community center on Pacific Avenue an established reality, and you can help out. The new Community Center, which overlooks lower Pacific Avenue and the METRO BUS Station is called: the Wellness Community Transformation Center. The community space is available for any group, organization or business, to reserve for wellness classes, workshops, activities as well as meetings and office work. Everyone is invited to come organize with other WCTC members to support our community, including serving hot-healthy-healing tea downtown. Jacob Cabrera who conceived the idea of the WCTC said, “I want a place where our community of students, families, businesses, non-profits, and visitors can come together to learn more about ourselves and our community, and be able to transform and create something greater than what we each could do alone.” The center will focus on transformative networking and have no specific focus as to what types of organizations can be involved, or should be involved. Grass roots organizations including Free School Santa Cruz can use the space by donation, or no cost at all, unlike at the Louden Nelson Center. The Center is open to members and is ready to support the public, community organizations, startup businesses, and more. The space is available for reservation by the hour and there is no cost/ by donation for community organizations. The only way we can keep the center open is if everyone supports it. There are many ways to support the center: • Become a Member! • Give a monetary donation or in-kind donation. • Volunteer, organize, help serve hot-healthy-healing tea to the public. • Use the space for your class, appointment sessions, instruction, or start up/ home business. • Come to a by-donation Yoga Class or Meditation session. • Warrior Yoga will also be available for only $3-$5 per class. • Get an energy healing or a massage. • Become a Pranic Healer (Energy Healing Practitioner) through trainings at the center (you can understand your own energy system & learn to heal yourself and others). Fun ‘facial masks’ being enjoyed by patrons of the new Wellness Community Transformation Center. • Buy a “new time” Calendar /Daily Planner/ Synchronometer with 13 interdependent cycles synchronized together to align you with the earth, moon & stars. The most important way to support the center is to become a Member though a daily pledge. Membership is open to people, organizations, and businesses. Membership starts at one cent per day, or less. The suggested donation is 10 cents per day, yet the center will gladly allow you to put in a quarter per day, or more. The center encourages you to become a member now to benefit everyone, or there may not be this new community center next month. You can see on the website under “Thank You’s” who has signed up as a member. To bring wellness to the community, the center is calling on healers and instructors who would like to use this space for their practice or classes. If you aren’t a healer, or want to learn about energy healing, the center will be the Santa Cruz hub for the new energy healing modality of Pranic Healing. Trainings will be available in February, and anyone can learn to heal with energy. For those who would like to get a healing, schedule an appointment or come to ‘bi-weekly’ Pranic Healing Santa Cruz Clinics for healings by donation (no funds required). What better resolution for the new-year than to see our citizens of Santa Cruz support our very own Wellness Community Transformation Center (WCTC). The WCTC is 100% run by volunteers. Anyone can become a member and help organize by contacting the Center: Website: http://wc.tc Phone: (831) HAY-WCTC (429-9282), [email protected], 903 Pacific Avenue, SC. (3rd Floor, Suites 300 and 302, across the street from the METRO Center). Jacob Cabrera is available for scheduled appointments and interviews, (831) 345-9443. Page 10 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 If I Am So Successful, Why Am I Not Happy? Part One by Karin Leonard he American Dream — that wealth transmutes success into happiness — always ends in bitter disappointment. You’re the same you, just in posher surroundings... says Terence Real, author of I Don’t Want to Talk About It: the Secret Legacy of Male Depression. A good 25 % of top level executives go through a severe depression at some point in their career, according to Philip J. Burguieres, once the youngest CEO of a Fortune 500 company. In other words, if you are a highlevel executive, entrepreneur or any other kind of successful professional, and fulfillment eludes you despite a hefty bank account and great accomplishment, you are not alone. Why would top achievers, so successful in business, plummet to the depths of depression? The Thrill of the Ride For many go-getters, being on the fast track and pursuing business success provides the greatest natural high there is. “Feel-good” bio-chemicals and high levels of adrenaline account for the exhilarated state. Once success T has occurred, and the chase is over, then what? Anxiety and depression may set in, since “the car is now idling.” Plus, the dazzle that success promises rarely translates into lasting fulfillment, and the thrill of pursuit may then be replaced by the fear of losing the hard-earned success. Happiness is Between Your Ears Ever been to a glorious vacation destination, wondering why you aren’t having a grand time? Wherever you go, there you are — your internal state follows. It is possible to be miserable in paradise... Along the same lines, even triumphant success, massive wealth, glorious fame and great power do not guarantee happiness. Sure, there may be a temporary high as good fortune arrives, yet eventually the realization sets in: we have not changed. As a matter of fact, the responsibility and pressure that often goes with fantastic achievement can breed misery. Think Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe or many heads of state who sought escape in drugs, sex or death. Many can simply not live up to the unrealistic expectations of what “success” is supposed to do. If we have not learned “The Sound Heard Around the World” Sounding an “AH” for Planetary Peace! W HAT? World Sound Healing Day. For 5 minutes, sound healers, meditators, peace activists and lovers of all humanity and sentient consciousness will send a Sonic Valentine to the Earth with the heart sound “AH” filled with the intention of Peace and Love! WHEN? February 14, 2007, join Jonathan Goldman, the Sound Healers Association and thousands of people throughout the planet as they tone an “AH” together for 5 minutes during that day. Creating a Global Sacred Sound any time within a 24 hour period on the planet will create a coherent waveform that will affect the entire Earth. You will actually experience generating a field of transformational energy as this occurs. Local toning groups will be occurring throughout the Earth at various times during that day with the intention of assisting planetary consciousness through sound. There will also be several global toning events occurring via the Internet during that day, includi n g a t n o o n E a s t e r n Ti m e o n www.healthylife.net and at 9pm ET on www.allonenow.org. WHY? To project peace throughout the planet. What better way to celebrate this joyous Valentine’s Day than to project Peace to Mother Earth and generate peaceful energy throughout the planet with sound! Sound coupled with intention has the ability to heal and transform. We will sound an “AH” sending a “Wave” of Sound that will resonate throughout the planet. Now is the time for you to be part of the Celestial Choir and reso- how to manage emotional states, integrate shadow qualities and accept ourselves as human beings, great accomplishment may make inner disharmony even more apparent. The Myth of Self-esteem In my coaching of executives and other professionals, I am often surprised that even the most successful folks struggle with self-esteem. They may seem decidedly self-confident, yet high achievers tend to base most if not all of their self-worth on accomplishments. In other words, how they feel about themselves is based on how the business is doing any given day – the fast track to an emotional roller coaster ride. Connecting with other, more reliable sources of self-worth is crucial. Self-esteem consists of two major components: The Doing and the Being. Doing refers to the countless actions you take every day, the successes, skills and deliverables. Being is about who you are — as human being, spouse, parent, friend, community member, spiritual person, etc. Healthy self-esteem is based on a balance of both aspects. Appreciating who you are is at least as important as counting your accomplishments. To be continued... Karin H. Leonard, certified life and executive coach, seasoned hypnotherapist and visual artist, is an expert in helping you succeed in career and life, while creating greater life-balance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 17 years, integrating coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a good dose of intuition. Office located in Santa Cruz. Visit Karin’s website at’www.innerevolution.com. E-mail [email protected] to sign up for Karin’s free e-zine. nate together for World Sound Healing Day. We can create major positive shifts on our beloved planet. Through sounding together, we will make a difference. HOW? Sound the heart sound “AH” for 5 minutes We will simply sound an “AH” filled with the intention of Peace and Love for 5 minutes at a time that is convenient for you. The “AH” is a universal, nondenominational heart sound that when projected with focused energy is extremely powerful and effective. For more info: www.healingsounds.com. You’ll find a “Planetary Healing Sounds” section with articles on suggested sounds, visualizations and toning techniques as well as an “AH” sound you can download and tone along with. Please join us again in the co-creation of this event, projecting Light and Love through Sound and help make a difference! Page 11 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 Tools for Energy Retrieval & Healing ❖ State of the Art EMF Protection Devices and Therapy ❖ Multi-wave Frequency Oscillation Therapy ❖ Oxygen Therapies ❖ Massage ❖ Yoga www.pranicflow.com Sharre Young (831) 465-8268 “BEYOND FORTUNE TELLING: NEW TAROT FOR NEW TIMES” by James Wanless, Ph.D. bove the portal to Delphi in Greece, the greatest oracle of the ancient world, it was inscribed, “Know Thyself.” That is, in fact, what oracles, like tarot, are meant to do — to give us insight into ourselves and our lives. Unfortunately, oracles over time have become debased into “fortune telling.” Perhaps in the medieval world, it was somewhat possible to make predictions, for change was not so prevalent. This is not true in today’s world where we change domiciles, partners, jobs, and life styles with fre- A Is your love life as conscious as the rest of your life? Discover the secrets of sexual intimacy and ecstasy in one fun weekend! Santa Cruz Weekend Seminar March 9th - 11th, 2007 Attend a Free Preview Evening: Thursday, Feb. 22nd, 7:00pm Thursday, Mar. 8th, 7:00pm Best Western Inn 6020 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley (Off Hwy. 17 at Granite Creek Exit) Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving®‚ This seminar teaches skills that will enable you to transform sex into a 21st Century art form - a way to more intimacy, passion and emotional connection than you can now imagine! It is time to study sex as an art form. Sexual loving is a skill to be mastered by every conscious individual. Sexual energy is a vital sacrament that, rightly used, will bring great harmony and joy into one’s relationship. Love will continue to grow over the course of a lifetime, deeply bonding partners in joyous spiritual union. Open to Couples and Singles “The best place to meet conscious, successful people.” Instructors Charles & Caroline Muir America’s most popular teachers share Tantric wisdom with profound insight, gentleness, humor and Love. quent regularity. How can we predict anything in this changing 21st century world? We can’t, nor should we. No longer a medieval fortune telling game, contemporary tarot is a spiritual and psychological tool that gives us a holistic map for how to achieve the fortunes we desire. Rather than a passive, deterministic old world process, tarot is an empowering, proactive compass for navigating our lives in this changing, complex world. An oracle, like tarot, is a practical tool for revealing options and possibilities. This approach evolves tarot into its rightful position as a “fortune creation” process. By so doing, we are empowered, and not enslaved by the cards. We are freed and not fated. Indeed, the modern world is full of choices. In fact, a newly emergent human dilemma is the ever increasing variety and complexity of life options we face. How do we make our decisions? Often we guide our lives according to how others do. Almost unconsciously, we follow these mod- els of behavior. Tarot takes us beyond the “herd mentality.” The very organizational structure of a tarot deck gives us a viable road map of timeless and universal truths for how to choose and live the “whole life.” Very few such personal maps exist, and tarot may be the most exquisite and appropriate for the 21st century. Tarot is a rich and holistic map of the psyche that says through its 78 cards that we have at least 78 different aspects of ourselves that we need to consciously, with intention, live out in order to be whole — to be happy, healthy, holy, and wealthy. The purpose of tarot is to become all of ourselves through its symbolic and archetypal picture story of the human journey. James Wanless, author of the bestselling Voyager Tarot Deck and Intuition@Work is a world recognized Master Tarot Reader and Teacher, 1 (800) 676-1256, PO Box 1227, Carmel, CA 93921, w w w. voy a g e r t a r o t . c o m , w w w. i n t u i t i o n - b l o g . c o m . www.journeyofwholeness.com. Just some of what you will learn: yoga teacher • Quadruple The Length of Your Orgasm • Secrets of Erotic Kissing and Touch training • Female Sacred Spot (G-Spot) to Awaken & Release Unlimited Orgasmic Energy • Male Ejaculatory Choice: Key to Maximum Health, Creativity and Power • Advanced Lovemaking Techniques You will banish boredom from your bedroom and significantly increase your lovemaking skills. $12 Introductory Cassette or CD Free to First 50 People to Call We are so sure you will benefit from knowing more about the Muir’s revolutionary work that we will send you our $12 introductory cassette or CD for free. FOR YOUR VALUABLE CASSETTE OR CD AND FREE BROCHURE ON THE MUIR’S SEMINARS AND HOME STUDY COURSE, CALL NOW. SUPPLIES ARE LIMTED! Contact Judith & Leah at (831) 425-3232 [email protected] Visit our award winning website for educational articles, video and audio clips and beautiful artwork: www.sourcetantra.com 200 and 500 hour certificate programs Judith Cornell and Eileen Rose Mandala: Circles for Healing - The Facilitation Training - Feb. 9-15 200 Chamberlin-Taylor hour certificate Debra and George Taylor Passionate - A Valentines Retreat for Couples - Feb. 9-11 June Journey 24-July 20 Angeles Arrien The Second Half of Life - Feb. 23-25 Spring Intensive Anna Halprin Dance For Life - Mar. 23-25 Bhagavad Gita – Support for Daily Life Amy Weintraub May 19-26 LifeForce Yoga to Live Your Bliss - Apr. 6-8, Apr. 6-10 Tenshin Reb Anderson Upasana Yoga Retreat The May Light of 26-30 Buddha’s Wisdom - Precepts of Compassion - May 4-6 Second International Yoga Conference may be taken as part of theGreen 500 hour certificate program or Green Taking growth Root - May 18-20 forYoga personal Upasana A Devotional Meditation Retreat - May 24-28 445 Summit Rd. Watsonville CA, 95076 408-847-0406 www.mountmadonna.org Page 12 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theconnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 As printed in Nexus he word, “Tantra,” says Caroline Muir, translates from the Hindu as “expansive weaving.” She explains, “One of tantra’s weavings is that weaving of our spiritual selves and our physical, or sexual selves.” Charles and Caroline Muir lead weekend workshops throughout the United States. Their path to tantra began with hatha yoga. A former teacher of Oriental massage, Charles had been studying yoga since 1965 and became a teacher. During his work as a teacher of meditation and yoga, he nevertheless realized that, as he says, “Sometimes in sexual situations I would lose my center. I would be coming from a much lower level of evolution than I was in the rest of my life.” Through his own experiences and studies in tantra, he learned the lesson: “If you bring consciousness and love to the bedroom along with your body, which most people hardly even bring, and shine who you are there, something big can happen. And what happens is the energy and consciousness of sexuality which aligns with the rest of your consciousness.” This integration brings tremendous benefits to the practitioners on both the spiritual and to the secular levels of their lives. For sexual energy is both the “fuel” of enlightenment and a creative force which when joined to affirmation and visualization provide the “seeds” of more abundance. The physical practices of tantra also create a tremendous energetic bonding between partners. Adds Caroline, “What happens is love actually starts to take place in the bedroom. The term ‘making love’ so seldom really happens. People have sex, but they seldom really make more love happen.” For many people, the sexual act is goal-oriented. And then it’s over. The Muirs are teaching people, in Charles’ words, “to practice love. If we can get them into the bedroom practicing the techniques of conscious love and playing with this energy in a way that elevates them, then we’ve done our job, for it is an art form that everyone gets better and better at, through practice. It is a national crime that the average couple has sex only once or twice a week but rarely drinks from the renewing well of sexual love...” The Muirs’ workshops are designed to transform sex into something both more pleasurable and more spiritual, as Caroline explains, “joining that high, sexual energy to someone else in a healing and awakening way,” using the breath, focus and orgasm with “another feeling friend,” she describes the sexual partner. Sounds great, but many people, including monogamous couples, are initially afraid, notes Caroline. “The average monogamous couple is not going to study tantra if they have to T take off their clothes in class,” she points out. “So we make it very safe for them.” Tantra for men is different from tantra for women. “The teaching for men is to build up and circulate their sexual energy,” says Caroline. “For the women the teachings are to learn to more easily release — and surrender to their sexual energy. This is what gives them higher and higher states of creativity and access to her highest spiritual power.” And how does it happen? The Muirs introduce their students to both the exoteric and esoteric sides of tantra. The esoteric studies center around balancing the male and female energies within us, awakening the consciousness inherent in the chakra system and awakening the Kundalini (the spirit which is holy that resides at the base of the spine). When Kundalini awakens and ascends the spine, it brings about enlightenment, which is our birthright. TECHNIQUES TO INCREASE FOCUS: The third area of study covers the techniques to increase our mind’s ability to be fully present during our sexual loving. Have you ever noticed how the mind almost seems to take a perverse delight in filling us with thoughts and fears during our sexual loving? Even highly conscious meditators are often filled with thoughts that don’t serve them during sexual sharing. The nature of the mind to wander, daydream, fantasize, and worry often short-circuit sexual energy, causing a variety of problems to surface. In Tantra, we learn techniques to quiet the thinking mind and activate the feeling mind so that the beauty and power of this meditation may be fully experienced. Once the mind is quiet, a variety of esoteric techniques to awaken new consciousness and deepen the experience are utilized. It is the gradual mastery of all three of these areas which allows the practitioner to experience deeper and deeper states of ecstatic bliss and universal oneness. Tantric practice takes one beyond sexuality, however. Charles says it’s another step on the path toward wholeness. “We’re moving energy, and we’re releasing hormones, and we’re releasing blocked energy patterns,” he says. The result can be healing and therapeutic. Explains Caroline, along with information, “students learn to think d i ff e r e n t l y about the potential of their sexuality and how it affects them in their path.” She adds, “I always say to our students that one great truth about tantra is that it will guide you more deeply into the truth, whatever that is for you.” The bottom line, says Charles, is that “people need to love each other. The initial chemistry between lovers goes in six months to two years. When the chemistry goes, if you haven’t learned to be an alchemist, you need tantra. Remember, our parents were our models and teachers about ‘the great mysteries of relationship and sexual love’ — who taught them?” Charles and Caroline Muir teach weekend seminars in Boulder, Colorado — Houston, Texas — Santa Cruz, California — Ashland, Oregon — New York City, NY —Boston, MA — along with week long vacation seminars in Maui, Hawaii. Contact their o f f i c e f o r a f re e brochure about seminars and their home study course, book, audio and video programs: Source School of Tantra®, P.O. Box 368, Kahului, HI 96733,phone (808) 572-8364, Fax (808) 5736864, E-mail: school@source tantra.com, W e b s i t e : w w w. s o u r c e tantra.com. Reprinted with permission from Nexus Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal. —Martin Luther King, Jr. A C U P U N C T U R E • H E R B O L O G Y • M A S S AG E BRING IN THIS COUPON visit with $15 Introductory senior intern patients with $20 Current senior intern Call (831) 476-8211 for an appointment today LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PATIENT Five BraNches Institute College & Clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine 200 Seventh Avenue, Santa Cruz ■ www.fivebranches.edu Page 13 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theconnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 Enter the Realm of the Healing Archetypes by Sheri Crockett ow do we create healthy and empowering relationships? Many wisdom traditions suggest we look first within ourselves, before seeking to form a relationship with another. By learning to express and then balance, the masculine and feminine components of our own nature, an inner harmony is produced. The achievement of this goal is known as the “sacred marriage”, the inner union of opposites, so vital for human beings at this time in our collective evolution! Where do we find the models for empowering our relationships? Current cultural icons and personal experiences are not the answer. For that, we must look to a higher stratum of reality. There we encounter the Sacred Archetypes, which in one familiar manifestation are known as Jesus and the Magdalene. The Magdalene, one of the few feminine archetypes including both sacredness and sexuality, embodies the Western culture’s most powerful model of the feminine in a sacred relationship with Jesus, her masculine partner. While there are many valid paths and practices to awaken relationship with the Sacred Archetypes, Mystic Theatre is a novel approach with an illustrious lineage. Based upon ancient traditions incorporating story telling, costuming, movement and music, H Treat Your Love to a Spirit Portrait by Melanie Gendron creator of The Gendron Tarot 831•335•9064 Gendron Studios Fine & Commercial Art Products & Services PO Box 1438 Felton, CA 95018 Two of Cups (The Gendron Tarot), ©1997, US Games Systems, Inc. View more at www.MelanieGendron.com Mystic Theatre utilizes fictional monologues featuring characters from the time of Jesus and the Magdalene. Setting aside all questions of historical accuracy, or any particular belief system, the characters are explored as aspects of one’s inner self, revealing “personal issues” we can all relate to! In this time of questioning old paradigms or versions of what we were told, participants are invited to bring their own wisdom forward to edit even these nontraditional monologues, so that they express the themes most relevant to their group. More than “theatre” in the conventional sense, the weekend culminates as participants garb themselves in the wonderful costumes provided, and become the characters, reading the monologues into the “sacred circle.” The result is not a carefully crafted performance, but an experience that invites the archetypes to make themselves known, through spontaneous additions and improvisations. Work with clay, mask-making, movement, guided visualization and group meditation, will enrich the process, facilitated by a team of talented women collaborators gathered from Northern California. This weekend event will bring together women from different spiritual and religious traditions, gathered to share an experience of sacred archetypes. It is intended to be a fun, healing, creative, spiritual adventure that extends a vibration of peace and healing into the larger world. Mystic Theatre is the creation of Sheri Crockett, G.G., F.G.A. and Leeya Thompson M.A. It will take place on the weekend of March 23-25, 2007, at Mount Madonna Center. Registration is limited, and must be made by March 8. See http:// www.mystictheatre.net or call Sheri Crockett at (831) 458-4194. Please let us know that you read this and saw our Ad here, in The Connection Magazine. Thank you! Ancestral Thread Healing Two Day Workshop Offered once a month... Jan12th -13th Feb 24th -25th Sat. & Sun.,and Feb. 24th-25th $300.00 SignSign up by $50.00 $300.00 upJan10th/Feb20th by Feb 20th SaveSave $50.00 Ancestral Threads are our connection to understanding ourselves more fully. Learn about healing ATs and Seven Generations through this Sacred Medicine Hoop. In this workshop you will be given simple tools to assist you in healing your family. Reach new levels of peace and harmony with others through re-patterning. Facilitator: Rev. Kelley Springer,Whole-Self Healer Sharing 14 years of experiance healing ancestral threads. Available at Gateways Books Wed. & Fri. 6:00-9:00 Call to register 831-336-9415 lovewisdompower.com Page 14 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 D appropriate money in a supplemental to keep them in Iraq fighting a war that cannot be won militarily. This is why the Administration should be notified now that Congress will not approve of the appropriations request of up to $160 billion in the spring for the purposes of continuing the occupation and the war. Continuing to fund the war is not a plan. It would represent the continuation of disaster. The US sent our troops into Iraq without a clear mission. We created a financial, military and moral dilemma for our nation and now we are talking about the Iraq war as our problem. The These are the elements of the Kucinich Plan: Madrid conference. The greatest mystery involves the activities of private security companies who function as mercenaries. Reports of false flag operations must be investigated by an international tribunal. The US announces it will end the occupation, close military bases and withdraw. The insurgency has been fueled by the occupation and the prospect of a long-term presence as indicated by the building of permanent bases. A US declaration of an intention to withdraw troops and close bases will help dampen the insurgency which has Convene a regional conference for the purpose of developing a security and stabilization force for Iraq. The focus should be on a process which solves the problems of Iraq. The US has told the int’l community, “This is our policy and we want you to come and help us implement it.” The int’l community may have an interest in Congress must know that it cannot and must not stand by and watch our troops and innocent Iraqi civilians die. 1). 4). The Kucinich Plan for Iraq Congress must know that it cannot and must not stand by and watch our troops and innocent Iraqi civilians die been inspired to resist colonization and fight invaders and those who have supported US policy. Furthermore this will provide an opening where parties within Iraq and in the region can set the stage for negotiations towards peaceful settlement. US announces that it will use existing funds to bring the troops and necessary equipment home. Congress appropriated $70 billion in bridge funds on October 1st for the war. Money from this and other DOD accounts can be used to fund the troops in the field over the next few months, and to pay for the cost of the return of the troops, (which has been estimated at between $5 and $7 billion dollars) while a political settlement is being negotiated and preparations are made for a transition to an international security and peacekeeping force. 2). Iraqis are forgotten. Their country has been destroyed: 650,000 casualties, [based on the Lancet Report which surveyed casualties from March of 2003 to July of 2006] the shredding of the social fabric of the nation, civil war, lack of access to food, shelter, electricity, clean drinking water and health care because this Administration, with the active participation of the Congress, authorized a war without reason, without conscience, without international law. The US thinks in terms of solving our own military, strategic, logistical, and political problems. The US can determine how to solve our problems, but the Iraqi people will have problems far into the future. This requires an intensive focus on the processes needed to stabilize Iraq. If you solve the Iraqi problem, you solve the US problem. Any comprehensive plan for Iraq must take into account as a primary matter, the conditions and the needs of the Iraqi people—while providing our nation with a means of righting grievous wrongs and taking steps to regain US credibility and felicity within the world community. I am offering such a plan today. This plan responds to the concerns of a majority of Americans. On Tuesday, when Congress resumes its work, I will present this plan to leadership and members as the only viable alternative to the Bush Administration’s policy of continued occupation and escalation. 3). Order a simultaneous return of all US contractors to the United States and turn over all contracting work to the Iraqi government. The contracting process has been rife with world-class corruption, with contractors stealing from the US Government and cheating the Iraqi people, taking large contracts and giving 5% or so to Iraqi subcontractors. Reconstruction activities must be reorganized and closely monitored in Iraq by the Iraqi government, with the assistance of the int’l community. The massive corruption as it relates to US contractors, should be investigated by congressional committees and federal grand juries. The lack of tangible benefits, the lack of accountability for billions of dollars, while millions of Iraqis do not have a means of financial support, nor substantive employment— cries out for justice! It is noteworthy that after the first Gulf War, Iraqis reestablished electricity within three months, despite sanctions. Four years into the US occupation there is no water, nor reliable electricity in Baghdad, despite massive funding from the US and from the helping Iraq, but has no interest in participating in the implementation of failed US policy. A shift in US policy away from unilateralism and toward cooperation will provide new opportunities for exploring common concerns about the plight of Iraq. The UN is the appropriate place to convene, through the office of the Secretary General, all countries that have interests, concerns and influence, including the five permanent members of the Security Council and the European community, and all Arab nations. The end of the US occupation and the closing of military bases are necessary preconditions for such a conference. When the US creates a shift of policy and announces it will focus on the concerns of the people of Iraq, it will provide a powerful incentive for nations to participate. It is well known that while some nations may see the instability in Iraq as an opportunity, there is also an even-present danger that the civil war in Iraq threatens the stability of nations throughout the region. The impending end of the occupation will provide a breakthrough for the cooperation between the US and the UN and the UN and countries of the region. The regional conference must include Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. 5). Prepare an int’l security and peacekeeping force to move in, replacing US troops who then return home. The UN has an indispensable role to play here, but cannot do it as long as the US is committed to an occupation. The UN is the only int’l organization with the ability to mobilize and the legitimacy to authorize troops. The UN is the place to develop the process, to build the political consensus, to craft a political agreement, to prepare the ground for the peacekeeping mission, to implement the basis of an agreement that will end the occupation and begin the transition to int’l peacekeepers. This process will take at least three months from the time the US announces the intention to end the occupation. The US will necessarily have to fund a peacekeeping mission, which, by definition will not require as many The Cosmic Community E VERY FEBRUARY FOR 15 years now, we have presented a Theme about ‘Relationships’. It’s a good Theme and, of course, goes perfectly with the month of ‘love’ and Valentine’s Day. This year, our ‘Relationship Theme’ is a bit different. It includes a very personal perspective—an opportunity to embody the archetypes; deepening one’s own sacred encounter (see the article on page 14 and its event on page 17). We go to a larger, more global view of relationship—that of the USA and Iraq. We have presented Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s Plan for Peace. As always, we are heartened by his understanding & expertise. Next, Paddy Easton Graves tells us how to make ‘Bold Declarations’ which are individual exercises, for those who are willing to let go of the suffocating, death grip of mediocrity, in order to make changes in their lives for the best relationships (with self & others). We complete our ‘Relationship Theme’ with some photos taken from the Hubble Telescope—‘a universal perspective’. And, we present it to remind ourselves that ‘we’, ‘all life’ and ‘all quantum energy fields’ are so utterly precious, beauty-full and part of ‘a grand scheme of things’. We are part of a relationship that, we believe, if we trust, let go and surrender into — we will persevere. We will more than survive; we will each and all bring and be the light. So be it! In Connection, Connected, connected . . . to everything else! Pattie & Thom troops. Fifty percent of the peacekeeping troops must come from nations with large Muslim populations. The international security force, under UN direction, will remain in place until the Iraqi government is capable of handling its own security. The UN can field an int’l security and peacekeeping mission, but such an initiative will not take shape unless there is a peace to keep, and that will be dependent upon a political process which reaches agreement between all the Iraqi parties. Such an agreement means fewer troops will be needed. According to UN sources, the UN peacekeeping mission in the Congo, which is four times larger in area than Iraq, required about twenty thousand troops. Finally, the UN does not mobilize quickly because they depend upon governments to supply the troops, and governments are slow. The ambition of the UN is to deploy in less than ninety Page 15 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 Page 16 ▲ EAR FRIENDS, In November of 2006, after an October upsurge in violence in Iraq, the American people moved decisively to reject Republican rule, principally because of the conduct of the war. Democratic leaders well-understand we regained control of the Congress because of the situation in Iraq. However, two months later, the Congress is still searching for a plan around which it can unite to hasten the end of US involvement in Iraq and the return home of 140,000 US troops. There is a compelling need for a new direction in Iraq—one that recognizes the plight of the people of Iraq, the false and illegal basis of the USA’s war against Iraq, the realities on the ground which make a military resolution of the conflict unrealistic and the urgent responsibility of the US, which caused the chaos, to use the process of diplomacy and int’l law to achieve stability in Iraq. A process which will establish peace and stability in Iraq will allow our troops to return home with dignity. The Administration is preparing to escalate the conflict. They intend to increase troop numbers to unprecedented levels, without establishing an ending date for the so-called troop surge. By definition, this escalation means a continuation of the occupation, more troop and civilian casualties, more anger toward the US, more support for the insurgency, more instability in Iraq and in the region, and prolonged civil war at a time when there is a general agreement in the world community that the solution in Iraq must be political not military. Iraq is now a training ground for insurgents who practice against our troops. What is needed is a comprehensive political process. And, the decision is not President Bush’s alone to make. Congress, as a coequal branch of government has a responsibility to assist in the initiation of this process. Congress, under Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution has the war-making power. Congress appropriates funds for the war. Congress does not dispense with its obligation to the American people simply by opposing a troop surge in Iraq. There are 140,000 troops remaining in Iraq right now. What about them? When will they come home? Why would we leave those troops in Iraq when we have the money to bring them home? Soon the President will ask for more money for the war. Why would Congress appropriate more money to keep the troops in Iraq through the end of President Bush’s term, at a total cost of upwards of two trillion dollars and thousands of more troop casualties, when military experts say there is no military solution? Our soldiers stand for us in the field, we must stand up for them in our legislature by bringing them home. It is simply not credible to maintain that one opposes the war and, yet, continues to fund it. This contradiction runs as a deep fault line through our politics, undermining public trust in the political process and in those elected to represent the people. If you oppose the war, then do not vote to fund it. If you have money which can be used to bring the troops home or to prosecute the war, do not say you want to bring the troops home while you by Paddy Easton Graves O UR WORD REFLECTS who we are and who we are being in each moment. When we make bold declarations we move into direct alignment with Source where the action that follows comes from love and our authentic self. We then watch, with gratitude and awe, as that which appeared only an instant ago as an image in our mind, now appears before us vibrating with life and form. The following declarations are bold, and resistance is certain to arise in accordance with Newton’s Third Law of Motion which tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Yet, spirit is transcendent of 12 Bold Declarations Awakened from the dream, the secret is revealed physical law, and because action becomes greater than re-action we can never go back to exactly where we left. This is not an exercise for the weak of mind or faint of heart, or for those looking to play it safe in life. It is for those who are willing to let go of the suffocating, death grip of mediocrity that will repeat itself eternally until consciously acted upon, and enter into a state of free fall where nothing is as it was in any given moment. In this state of being, miracles occur as everyday events and we live the magnificent and extraordinary lives that we are meant to live, choosing our reality as we declare it in each moment. One day we will deeply appreciate the cosmic humor of this movie we are making and acting out and we may choose to become more discriminating regarding the script, plot, and outcome of our existence. Why not now? I. I live in the present, aware of everything and attached to nothing. II. My mind serves a function in the material world and does not exist in the real world. I honor this. III. I obey the fundamental and most powerful law of the universe: The Law of Attraction, which tells me that I am my thoughts and the world I see and live in is occurring as I think it. IV. I let love in no matter how much my mind makes war against it. V. I am living my dream, boldly, without fear, shame, guilt, apology, or the need to sabotage myself. VI. I am filled with energy and joy – I am young and enjoy perfect health. ▲ Kucinich Page 15 days. However, without an agreement of parties the UN is not likely to approve a mission to Iraq, because countries will not give them troops. 6). to overcome their fears and reconcile their differences. It is essential to create a minimum of understanding and mutual confidence between the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. But how can a reconciliation process be constructed in Iraq when there is such mistrust: Ethnic cleansing is rampant. The police get their money from the US and their ideas from Tehran. They function as religious militia, fighting for supremacy, while the Interior Ministry collaborates. Two or three million people have been displaced. When someone loses a family member, a loved one, a friend, the first response is likely to be that there is no reconciliation. It is also difficult to move toward reconciliation when one or several parties engaged in the conflict think they can win outright. The Shia, some of whom are out for revenge, we interfered. This process of embracing resistance takes only five seconds of our time; yet, is the most challenging thing we will do as human beings. Once the space is cleared, it can be filled with the declaration that was just negated. Abundance and harmony are natural conditions, and the infinite universe is in a constant and non-discriminating state of offering its gifts to us as our divine right. It does not care how long we have chosen darkness and poverty and it has no interest in the brilliant stories we have written and invested in as to why we are an exception to universal law. The universe is standing by now to let us know our wish is its command. Copyright, Bold Declarations, Paddy Easton Graves 2007 Paddy Easton Graves is an author, spiritual activist, and Green Builder. Contact her at [email protected] think they can win because they have the defacto support of the US. The end of the US occupation will enhance the opportunity for the Shia to come to an accommodation with the Sunnis. They have the oil, the weapons, and support from Iran. They have little interest in reconciling with those who are seen as Baathists. The Sunnis think they have experience, as the former army of Saddam, boasting half a million people insurgents. The Sunnis have so much more experience and motivation that as soon as the Americans leave, they believe they can defeat the Shia government. Any Sunni revenge impulses can be held in check by international peacekeepers. The only sure path toward reconciliation is through the political process. All Page 16 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2006 Page 17 ▲ Develop and fund a process of national reconciliation. The process of reconciliation must begin with a national conference, organized with the assistance of the UN and with the participation of parties who can create, participate in and affect the process of reconciliation, defined as an airing of all grievances and the creation of pathways toward open, transparent talks producing truth and resolution of grievances. The Iraqi government has indicated a desire for the process of reconcilia- tion to take place around it, and that those who were opposed to the government should give up and join the government. Reconciliation must not be confused with capitulation, nor with realignments for the purposes of protecting power relationships. For example, Kurds need to be assured that their own autonomy will be regarded and therefore obviate the need for the Kurds to align with religious Shia for the purposes of selfprotection. The problem in Iraq is that every community is living in fear. The Shia, who are the majority, fear they will not be allowed to govern even though they are a majority. The Kurds are afraid they will lose the autonomy they have gained. The Sunnis think they will continue to be made to pay for the sins of Saddam. A reconciliation process which brings people together is the only way VII. I am infinitely wealthy as I understand money is a constant flow of receiving and giving. VIII. My traveling companions are ancient friends committed to peace, and loving the ride. IX. I am a constant and direct channel for the light that gently leads me along the beautiful and perfect path of my own ascension. X. I am never afraid of appearing foolish or being rejected for being extraordinary. XI. I forfeit my need to be right. XII. I am my word. When resistance appears and we slip back into the old familiar habits and patterns of doubt, mental chaos, victimization, or physical contraction, we recognize this, then immediately extend out from the heart and welcome it into ourselves, giving thanks that we have created the exact condition that we needed to stay awake, than offer this to Mother Earth to be transformed back into the pure energy it was before Across the Universe Images of our World from the Hubble Space Telescope 2 3 1 1) CAT’S EYE— Like the eye of disembodied sorcerer Sauron from Lord of the Rings;. 2) THE SOMBRERO GALAXY — 28 million light years from Earth has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across . 4 3) NGC 2207 — The glowering eyes from 114 million light years away are the swirling cores of two merging galaxies called NGC 2207 and IC 2163 in the distant Canis Major constellation . 4) THE ANT NEBULA — a cloud of dust and gas whose technical name is Mz3, resembles an ant when observed using ground-based telescopes. The nebula lies within our galaxy between 3,000 and 6,000 light years from Earth. ▲ Kucinich assets will be used to create a fully functioning infrastructure with financial mechanisms established protect the oil wealth for the use of the people of Iraq. Page 16 factions and all insurgents not with al Queda must be brought together in a relentless process which involves Saudis, Turks and Iranians. 7). Reconstruction and Jobs. Restart the failed reconstruction program in Iraq. Rebuild roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and other public facilities, houses, and factories with jobs and job training going to local Iraqis. 8). Reparations. The US and Great Britain have a high moral obligation to enable a peace process by beginning a program of significant reparations to the people of Iraq for the loss of lives, physical and emotional injuries, and damage to property. There should be special programs to rescue the tens of thousands of Iraqi orphans from lives of destitution. This is essential to enable reconciliation. 9). Political Sovereignty. Put an end to suspicions that the US invasion and occupation was influenced by a desire to gain control of Iraq’s oil assets by A) setting aside initiatives to privatize Iraqi oil interests or other national assets, and B) by abandoning efforts to change Iraqi national law to facilitate privatization. Any attempt to sell Iraqi oil assets during the US occupation will be a significant stumbling block to peaceful resolution. The current Iraqi constitution gives oil proceeds to the regions and the central government gets nothing. There must be fairness in the distribution of oil resources in Iraq. An Iraqi National Oil Trust should be established to guarantee the oil 10). Iraq Economy. Set forth a plan to stabilize Iraq’s cost for food and energy, on par to what the prices were before the US invasion and occupation. This would block efforts underway to raise the price of food and energy at a time when most Iraqis do not have the means to meet their own needs. 11). Economic Sovereignty. Work with the world community to restore Iraq’s fiscal integrity without structural readjustment measures of the IMF or the World Bank. 12). International Truth and Reconciliation. Establish a policy of truth and reconciliation between the people of the United States and the people of Iraq. In 2002, I led the effort in the House of Representatives challenging the Bush Administration’s plans to go to war in Iraq. I organized 125 Democrats to vote against the Iraq war resolution. The analysis I offered at that time stands out in bold relief for its foresight when compared to the assessments of many who today aspire to national leadership. Just as the caution I urged four years ago was well-placed, so the plan I am presenting today is workable, and it responds to the will of the American people, expressed this past November. This is a moment for clarity and foresight. This is a moment to take a new direction in Iraq. One with honor and dignity. One which protects our troops and rescues Iraqi civilians. One which repairs our relationship with Iraqis and with the world. Thank you, Dennis J Kucinich Page 17 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 that were considered indisputable ‘likely’ to occur this century. Its latLOBAL WARMING IS survived this process. This is a very est report, based on sophisticated destined to have a far more conservative document—that’s what computer models and more detailed destructive and earlier makes it so scary,’ said one senior observations of snow cover loss, sea level rises and the spread of deserts, impact than previously estimated, UK climate expert. Climate concerns are likely to is far more robust and confident. the most authoritative report yet produced on climate change will warn dominate international politics next Now the panel writes of changes as month. President Bush was sup- ‘extremely likely’ and ‘almost cernext week. A draft copy of the Fourth posed to make the issue a part of his tain’. And in a specific rebuff to Assessment Report of the state of the union address while the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, obtained by The Observer, shows the frequency of devastating storms—like the ones that battered Britain last week—will increase dramatically. Sea levels will rise over the A study by the world’s leading experts says global warmcentury by around half a ing will happen faster and be more devastating than premeter; snow will disappear viously thought. from all but the highest mountains; deserts will spread; oceans become acidic, leading to the destruction of coral reefs IPCC report’s final version was set sceptics who still argue natural and atolls; and deadly heatwaves for release on 2 February in a set of variation in the Sun’s output is the real cause of climate change, the global news conferences. will become more prevalent. panel says mankind’s industrial Although the final wording of The impact can be catastrophic, emissions have had five times more the report is still being worked on, forcing hundreds of millions of peoeffect on the climate than any flucthe draft indicates that scientists now ple to flee their devastated hometuations in solar radiation. We are have their clearest idea so far about lands, particularly in tropical, lowlying areas, while creating waves of future climate changes, as well as the masters of our own destruction, immigrants whose movements will about recent events. It points out in short. There is some comfort, howstrain the economies of even the that: ever. The panel believes the Gulf most affluent countries. ■ 12 of the past 13 years were the Stream will go on bathing Britain ‘The really chilling thing about warmest since records began; with its warm waters for the next the IPCC report is that it is the work of several thousand climate experts ■ Ocean temperatures have risen at 100 years. Some researchers have who have widely differing views least three kilometres beneath the said it could be disrupted by cold waters pouring off Greenland’s meltabout how greenhouse gases will surface; have their effect. Some think they ■ Glaciers, snow cover and per- ing ice sheets, plunging western will have a major impact, others a mafrost have decreased in both Europe into a mini Ice Age, as depicted in the disaster film The Day lesser role. Each paragraph of this hemispheres; After Tomorrow. report was therefore argued over and The report reflects climate scrutinized intensely. Only points ■ Sea levels are rising at the rate of scientists’ growing fears that Earth almost 2 mm a year; is nearing the stage when carbon ■ Cold days, nights and frost have dioxide rises will bring irreversible become rarer while hot days, hot change to the planet. ‘We are seenights and heatwaves have become ing vast sections of Antarctic ice more frequent. disappearing at an alarming rate,’ And the cause is clear, say the said climate expert Chris Rapley, authors: ‘It is very likely that [peo- in a phone call to The Observer ple-made] greenhouse gas increases from the Antarctic Peninsula. caused most of the average tempera- ‘That means we can expect to see ture increases since the mid-20th sea levels rise at about a metre a century from now on—and that century,’ says the report. To date, these changes have will have devastating consecaused global temperatures to rise by quences.’ However, there is still hope, 0.6C. The most likely outcome of continuing rises in greenhouses said Peter Cox of Exeter University. gases will be to make the planet a ‘We are like alcoholics who have got further 3C hotter by 2100, although as far as admitting there is a probthe report acknowledges that rises of lem. It is a start. Now. we have got to 4.5C to 5C could be experienced. start drying out—which means Ice-cap melting, rises in sea levels, reducing our carbon output.’ flooding, cyclones and storms will The Observer UK from 21 be an inevitable consequence. Past assessments by the IPCC January 2007. Printed with permishave suggested such scenarios are sion. by Robin McKie G Global Warming The Final Verdict “Nature is an infinite sphere of which the center is everywhere and the circumference nowhere.” — Blaise Pasca Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 by Rob Styler Citizenre Corporation I N 1931, THOMAS Edison had a conversation with Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. He said, “I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.” We have waited 76 years, but an innovative company may have finally found a solution. The sun supplies enough energy to earth in one hour to supply all of our energy needs for an entire year. But currently, solar power produces less than one half of 1% of our residential energy needs. Why? In the past, solar power has been too expensive and too complicated. To switch to solar, people had to invest their children’s college fund or sell their second car. The average consumer pays $40,000 to convert their home to Scott Galindez & Geoffrey Millard: Watada Court-Martial Ends in Mistrial www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020707Z .shtml The court-martial of First Lt. Ehren Watada, a commissioned US Army officer who refused deployment to Iraq on the basis that he believed the war was illegal, has ended in a mistrial, a military court judge ruled Wednesday. Briggs & Briggs: Bush’s Inner “Reality” Poisons Troop Plan www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020707R .shtml “The president has included an extraordinary fatal flaw in his plan for additional US troops in Iraq, a fact that may not make much sense to his advisers and allies, but is psychologically understandable in terms of a mechanism that governs his inner reality. As with many other aspects of the president’s sometimes odd behavior, the root of this new self-subverting plan lies not in political expediency, in the advice he’s received, or in his intellectual abilities as such, but in a psychological twist that begins with his long and well-documented history of failure (and his sense of his own failure) within his family of origin,” according to John P. Briggs, M.D., and J.P. Briggs II, Ph.D. Is the Sun finally rising on Solar Power? solar—plus you are responsible for the installation, maintaining the equipment, getting permits—who has the time (or the money)? A company called Citizenre has a bold plan to remove all of the traditional barriers to solar power. They offer: No system purchase. No installation cost. No maintenance. No permit hassles. No performance worries. No rate increases. No way!? Like most innovations, their model is so simple it makes you wonder why no one thought of it before. You simply pay Citizenre the same rate per kilowatt for power that you used to pay your utility company— and, it gets even better. Citizenre will guarantee that your rate per kilowatt will not go up for 25 years. With ever increasing electricity rates, this gives consumers peace of mind and can add up to significant savings. They even have a solar calculator on their website that shows exactly how much you will save over 1, 5, and 25 years. I saved over $13,000 and by using clean energy, it was the equivalent of taking 24 cars off the road or planting 400 trees. Nice!! In the past, “going green” usually implied sacrifice. You get to feel good about saving the planet but most “green” products are more expensive than their “dirty” counterparts. With Citizenre, going green can actually save you money. This is all made possible by net metering laws that require the utility companies to allow renewable energy to flow into the grid and then allow the consumer to pull that same amount of TRUTHOUT money it disbursed across the region. Boxer Rips EPA Chief as Bowing to Industry www.truthout.org/issues_06/020707E A.shtml California Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer ripped the Environmental Protection Agency’s top official Tuesday for rules changes that could limit the input of scientific advisers into agency decisions and reduce public access to information about toxic substances in communities. Boxer accused EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson of bending to the wishes of industry, rather than protecting public health. Dutch May Build Offshore Breaker Islands in Response to Global Warming www.truthout.org/issues_06/020707E B.shtml Dutch engineers are considering creating “breaker islands” off the country’s North Sea coast as a possible defense against rising sea levels caused by glob- al warming. More than two-thirds of the 16 million population of the Netherlands lives below sea level, and Dutch policymakers expect a rise in sea level of around 30 inches in the next 100 years. John Nichols: Holding Bush to Account for Climate Lies, Neglect www.truthout.org/issues_06/020707E C.shtml John Nichols writes: “Climate change is real. And, the cynical ploy by conservative politicians and commentators of suggesting otherwise has slowed the American response to a crisis scientists say has grown so severe that no matter what is now done to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases–the gases that have already been produced or are in production will continue to contribute to global warming and the rise of oceans for more than 1,000 years.” Battle Looms Over Right to Unionize www.truthout.org/issues_06/020707L B.shtml energy off of the grid at no cost to the consumer. Basically, the grid becomes a huge battery. The meter spins backwards during the day when the sun is shining and forwards at night when the consumer pulls that power back off the grid. Nine states do not have net metering yet. You check your area on their website www.jointhsolution.com/pagesincolor. Or, call (408) 924-0846. They have a little map on the bottom next to the solar calculator. Now, you can upgrade to solar with no investment. Check this out. The concept is right on and the right time is now! Please let us know that you read this in The Connection Magazine and saw our Ad in the Green Business Directory. Thank you! With Democrats in control of Congress, labor will try to make unionizing as simple as signing a card. Business is already challenging this move as an assault on the secret-ballot process. The battle will begin on Tuesday when lawmakers introduce the Employee Free Choice Act. The act would not only streamline unionizing, but also assure newly organized workers a contract and sanction lawbreakers. Historic Sex Bias Case Against WalMart Advances www.truthout.org/issues_06/020707W A.shtml A federal appeals court gave the green light for the largest sex-discrimination case in US history to proceed against giant retailer Wal-Mart Stores. The case is estimated to cover more than 1.5 million women, including current and former employees at Wal-Mart. TM Go directly to our home page: www.truthout.org Click to SUBSCRIBE http://truthout.org/subscribe.htm Our Privacy Policy http://truthout.org/privacypolicy.shtml Five Americans Indicted in Iraq BidRig Probe www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020707S .shtml Three Army Reserve officers and a US contractor were indicted Wednesday as part of a bid-rigging scam that steered millions of dollars of Iraq reconstruction projects to a contractor for cash, luxury cars, jewelry and other pricey goods. The husband of one of the military officials also was charged with helping to smuggle at least $10,000 into the USA that the couple used to pay for improvements to their New Jersey house. FEMA Wants Back Over $300 Million in Katrina Aid www.truthout.org/docs_2006/020707T .shtml In the neighborhood President Bush visited right after Hurricane Katrina, the US government gave $84.5 million to more than 10,000 households.But, Census figures show fewer than 8,000 homes existed there at the time. Now, the government wants back a lot of the Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 TM TM Stress-Bucket Theory by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. ho does not experience stress on a near daily basis anymore? Even the stress of getting to our appointments on time, to meeting deadlines, to managing the traffic, to paying our bills, and completing all that we have intended to get done can get overwhelming. The body helps us out as best it can. It will adapt quietly in bad postures while we work, it will manage the chemicals of stress and inflammation that we bring upon it, and will spring tight, getting ready for action, even just with mental activity. The body is a great compensator, working silently behind the scenes to support our activities. The last thing the body wants to do is cry out for help. How far would we have come along as a species if the body was always acting out in pain and discomfort, saying, “Me! Me! Me!” whenever there was a strain? It is as though our body is a bucket, capable of holding a certain amount of stress before it over- W flows into pain. The stress-bucket is our buffer zone. Fill it up, and get pain. The body will adapt to a less than optimal situation by compensating. Stress will fill your “stress-bucket,” but so will bodily compensations to the stress. If there is inflammation, then a fibrous buildup will follow to strengthen the area. So for instance, repetitive stress injuries (like from keyboarding or mousing), or a bad posture creating a strain to a region (as in the midscapular region from slumping), creates chronic low grade inflammation. Inflammation is a chemical call for microscopic fibers to come and build up matting throughout the area in order to strengthen it. This strong matting is compensation. The compensation gets added to the stress-bucket, filling it closer to the top. And it doesn’t stop there. When a matted, fibrotic area (we all have them) is present, then the area no longer moves as it was intended to. This creates other areas to be strained due to a ripple effect of aberrant motion patterns that stem from the original site. Like, if you have your ankle casted (an analogy for a thickened fibrous compensation), then you would walk funny, and then your hip may begin to hurt as it compensates for the ankle. Put the compensating hip in the stress-bucket. In my practice, I’d say 50% of by Dr. Tonya L. Fleck & Dr. Ruth Bar-Shalom S o often I hear my patients say, “I have such a hard time getting started in the morning. I don’t feel rested when I wake and then I have this afternoon crash” Adrenal fatigue is one of the most pervasive, yet under-diagnosed, health conditions affecting people today. Approximately two-thirds of folks with chronic fatigue appear to have underactive adrenal glands. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue can include: fatigue, recurrent infections, poor immune system, decreased libido, a lack of drive, infertility, salt cravings, achiness, hypoglycemia and low blood pressure or dizziness upon first standing (known as orthostatic hypotension). The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit on top of the kidneys and are responsible for secreting over 50 hormones, such as epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol, aldosterone, progesterone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), estrogen and testosterone. Cortisol release is increased as a result of stress and functions to raise blood sugar and blood pressure and modulates the immune system. If cortisol levels are low due to burnout, a person experiences fatigue, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, low immune system and an increased tendency to allergies and environmental sensitivities. DHEA is important because it is the precursor to our sex hormones. You’re probably not surprised to hear that STRESS is the #1 cause of adrenal fatigue. When we feel stressed, it’s our adrenal glands that are the first responders. Our body doesn’t necessarily recognize the difference between being extremely angry or stressed out versus having to run from a hungry tiger. Physiologically, we respond the same way: we kick our adrenals the time, the person experiences the pain at the site of a tight original site. The other 50% of the time, the spot that hurts is simply an area that is compensating for, or counterbalancing an original tight spot. It is a “working” and strained area that is hurting in this case. And so the stress-bucket gets filled with yet more compensation. A good body worker is capable of identifying the compensations from the original sites, is able to normalize the function of both types of problem areas (to the best of your body’s ability to heal) and should be able to offer a decisive plan (including number of visits, exercises, or other therapies if needed) to get you out of pain within a reasonable time. (This is equivalent to getting your stress bucket ladled out a good few scoops.) In my practice, I like to offer a treatment plan #1.) to get out of pain, and #2.) to get into the neutral zone where there is no risk of original stressors or compensations building back up to pain anytime too quickly. It is always up to the client to determine what they wish to achieve. Basically, I believe we can be different, lighter people when our stress-bucket is low. Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic, certified in Orthopedic Massage and an instructor of Cranio Sacral Technique. 920 41st Ave. Ste. G., near Portola, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, (831) 475-1995, www.vital-you.com. Page 20 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 ▲ to release cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline), increase our heart rate, and shunt blood to areas necessary in the instance of an attack: our heart (to pump more blood), our brain (to think clearly) and our muscles (to run fast!). What this means is that blood is then shunted away from other areas, particularly our digestion, our immune system and our reproductive organs. If we’re running for our lives, it’s probably not a good time to procreate! Remember, our bodies are designed for survival. Adrenal fatigue can be diagnosed in a few different ways. Diagnosis begins with a detailed intake of the patient’s symptoms. If adrenal fatigue is suspected, low blood pressure and slow pupillary response to light support a diagnosis. Lab tests include measuring DHEA and cortisol through a 4-spot salivary sample. How do you treat adrenal fatigue? Adrenal fatigue can be effectively treated through a variety of modalities and should be done so on an individualized basis. Lowering stress (removing the obstacle to cure) is the key component to every treatment plan. Other ways to support the adrenals include a good Bcomplex, Vitamin C, botanicals such as Glycyrrhiza, Eleutherococcus, Centella, Page 21 S ometimes, we don’t realize how valuable our health is until we’ve lost it. This was brought home to me a few years ago when I met a neighbor of my parents’, a man named Marvin Davis. As my dad and I were walking over to Marvin’s house where we had been invited for dinner, my dad mentioned that Marvin was one of the richest men in the world. I later found out that Forbes magazine estimated his worth to be $5.8 billion. The oil tycoon was known for buying and selling things like the Twentieth Century–Fox studio, the Pebble Beach golf course, and the Beverly Hills Hotel. His home, as you might expect, was palatial. One of the first things I noticed was that all the doors, even the doors to the bathrooms, seemed to be double-width. I wondered why... until I met our host. The poor man — poor, obviously, not in wealth, but in health — must have weighed four hundred pounds. He was so large that he apparently could not get through a normal door, even an oversized one. I couldn’t help but be moved by the pathos of his situation. Here was a man who was so rich he could buy almost anything in the world, yet he was so hugely overweight that he could not go to the bathroom without several attendants to help him. I don’t think I can adequately describe the feelings I had that evening as I watched Marvin eat multiple servings of steak, lobster, and caviar. As I spoke with him and watched him interact with others, he seemed distracted, burdened, and unhappy. Some might have envied his immense financial fortune, but I found myself feeling sorry for him. I kept remembering something Maurice Sendak said: “There must be more to life than having everything.” It was hard not to notice the dramatic contrast with the peoples of the world whose lives are exemplars of healthy aging — the peoples of Abkhasia, Vilcabamba, Hunza, and Okinawa. Lean, light, and happy, they walk with a spring in their step and speak with a lilt in their voice. They eat slowly, give thanks for what they have, never overeat, and are remarkably content. They laugh and joke a lot, and their eyes The Road to a New Direction by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. have been a health educator most of my life. Teaching and learning has become a lifelong passion, passed on to me by the many wonderful teachers, coaches, and band directors I happened to meet along my journey in the 12 schools I attended as an Army brat from the late 50s to early 70s. In addition, I have had a lifetime interest and study of the human body in one capacity or another since early childhood. I grew up around many U.S. Army hospitals and medical clinics, and became interested in health and the human body while visiting my father at his workplace, often observing many young men disabled by war injuries — amputees primarily. Writing this column is a natural extension of my desire to return the gifts I was so generously given by so many. My journey to where I am today also took me through many years of study and employment in the fields of exercise physiology and cardiopulmonary physiology at the Human Performance Laboratory at UC Davis and Northridge Hospital in southern California. Dentistry has become another place to study the human body and its ▲ I Page 20 Atragalus, Ginkgo and Avena, and adrenal glandulars. Join me on February 13th from 67:30 at the Holistic Medical Center for a lecture on Adrenal Fatigue. Call (831) 688-6666 for more info., and to sign up. Dr. Tonya Fleck received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic intricate relationships and, as I continue practicing, now in my 25th year, I find myself more open to new discovery. As I delved deeper and deeper into the chiropractic, homeopathic, osteopathic, and naturopathic fields, I have discovered many other interrelationships between dentistry and its effects on the human body at various differing levels. With an awareness of how the human body is acutely and chronically affected by dental procedures and materials in positive and negative ways, I have come to many philosophical and practical conclusions that impact how I practice dentistry. Lately I have taken several classes in oral biology and blood biochemistry, traveling to Denver and Albuquerque twice in the last 6 months. As a result, I have decided to add blood biochemistry profiling in my practice as a new service for my patients. I will be working in conjunction with Sam Queen, C.C.N., C.N.S., a health educator and former medical technologist who was granted an honorary doctorate for his work in biochemistry by the World Health Organization, (www.HealthRealities.com). Medicine and Health Sciences, her Bachelor of Science degree from SUNY Buffalo and completed graduate work in Marriage and Family Therapy at the Univ. of MD. Dr. Fleck specializes in depression and anxiety, homeopathy, botanical medicine, Women’s Health and Holistic Pediatrics. Dr. Ruth Bar-Shalom graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1987. Dr. Bar-Shalom has been an Associate Professor of Rheumatology and Geriatrics for The sparkle with joy and peace. Though most have little in the way of material possessions, they rarely hoard resources beyond their needs. Instead, they are eager to share what they have with others. In their cultures, it is not the person who accumulates wealth who is esteemed. It is the love in people’s hearts and the wisdom in their lives that counts. It is not how much you have that matters, but how much you give of yourself to others. No, I did not envy Marvin Davis. Perhaps I was being unfair to him, but to me he seemed to embody something that has gone terribly amiss in modern society. If we can afford it, we buy it; if it tastes good, we eat it. We are very big on consumption. There is a deep problem with this. If we continue to pursue short-term gratification without regard for the long-term consequences, the results can only be disastrous. Insatiable is not sustainable. An excerpt from John Robbins’new book, Healthy At 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World’s Healthiest and Longest Lived Peoples. For more information, see www.healthyat100.org. I have known Sam for many years, observing him lecture over a dozen times. This working relationship will enable me to help bring my patients’ mouths to the highest level of health, building upon a logically applied therapeutic regimen known as Free Radical Therapy. Based on the blood biochemistry interpretation and knowledge and understanding of the Six Subclinical Defects that all disease processes have in common, a logically applied Free Radical Therapy program can be developed for each individual patient. Combined with the purposeful removal of stressful dentistry, improvement in oral hygiene, and restoration of the mouth with biocompatible dentistry the mouth heals remarkably. “And” as Sam Queen says, “if your patients suddenly become overall healthier, and other conditions resolve — well, you can’t be blamed for that. You were only treating their mouths, well within the purview of your license.” Dr. Biles questions conventional wisdom while performing ideal dentistry with a holistic philosophical approach grounded on scientific principles. He has lectured nationally on Biocompatible Bioesthetic Dentistry, (831) 423-0121 and, www.DrBiles.com. Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and presented workshops at Bastyr University and her alma mater. She served as president of the Alaska Association of Naturopathic Physicians from 1992-1994. Holistic Medical Center, 9053 Soquel Drive #202, Aptos, CA 95003, (831)688-6666, www.naturalmedicineUS.com. To locate a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in California, go to www. calnd.org. Make A Difference... DcZ7^iZ6i6I^bZ LOVE YOUR WORK, LOVE YOUR LIFE www.BaumanCollege.org (800) 987-7530 ONatural Chef ONutrition Educator ONutrition Consultant FIND OUT MORE! IN PERSON: MARCH 13, 7-8:30 PM, Santa Cruz Intro Evening 3912 Portola Dr., #10 TELE-CONFERENCE CALL: MARCH 19 w/ Edward Bauman, PhD Call for information. LZaa;djcYZY###LZaa<gdjcYZY H^cXZ&.-. BAUMAN COLLEGE HOLISTIC NUTRITION AND CULINARY ARTS Santa Cruz, Berkeley, & Penngrove ENROLL NOW FOR MARCH COURSES Page 21 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 by Jeff West: Founder of SkyIsland Naturals “Healthy aging is a matter of choice. Genetic predispositions do play a part in the aging process but are overstated by medical professionals and drug cartels. If one third of your fate is genetic, two thirds is determined by your life-style choices. Positive thinking, caring for your physical, emotional and spiritual needs, a balanced diet, proper rest, lots of clean air and clean water, plenty of exercise, regular visits to alternative health care professionals and a supplement program that consists of whole food and herbal nutrition to support the body and offset toxic overload from the polluted, stressed out world we live in, are the keys to healthy aging,” —Jeff West. kyIsland Naturals was created to lead the way in the growing shift in consciousness surrounding the desire for organic, whole food nutrition as a basis for sustaining optimum physical health and a sense of well-being. The vital need for natural whole food nutrition and the power of nutritional whole food supplement products have merged into a singular expression with the creation of Supremix tm and Fruiterratm. Now you can receive maximum support of whole food nutrition and whole food supplements in simple to use, highly concentrated powders or capsule form. “Supremixtm and Fruiterratm by SkyIsland Naturals represent the absolute finest whole food nutritional supplements the industry has to offer in terms of the quality of raw materials, nutritional integrity, product formulation and taste. I S T he ‘Hands for Life Community Bodywork Center’ is now in its fifth year of serving the Community of Santa Cruz. Ryan Duluz founded the ‘Community Bodywork Center’ with the vision of offering a “low cost” massage to the Santa with Cranio-Sacral Technique Cruz community. A year later, Heather and Hendrickson's Orthopedic Massage Frey took over at the helm continuing Ryan’s vision, still offering Santa Cruz a more ‘affordable’ with Hendrickson's Orthopedic Massage, massage. Over the Swedish Massage, Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy, and Rolfing years the faces and the name have changed a little, and services have expanded, while our intention in the services we provide remain true to it’s original name and founding vision. Still Housed at ‘THE 418 PROJECT’ (418 Front St., in downtown Santa Cruz), we have blossomed to having 8 Practitioners regularly scheduled at the ‘Center ’ offering their diverse skills in a variety of modaliTop center: Sylvia Skefich, D.C.; ties ranging from Dana Gorath, C.M.T; Kelly Stoll, Certified Rolfer. the ever popular Bottom center: Natalie Cohen, Office Manager ‘Swedish’, ‘Deep Tissue’ and ‘Shiatsu’ (on table), and 920 41st Av., Ste G ‘Thai Massage’ (on Santa Cruz, CA 95062 table), to ‘CranioSacral’ Therapy, traditional Chinese medicine ‘Acupuncture‘, ‘MyoFascial Release’, ‘Quantum Touch’ years of chiropractic experience/12 years of cranio-sacral experience energy healing, & We offer ... Chiropractic Therapeutic Massage Picture yourself in the best hands to uncover and release the root of your musculo-skeletal problems. See us in 8 ou ew locat n r ion! (831) 475-1995 the office of: Sylvia Skefich, D.C. highly recommend them to anyone who takes health and wellness seriously.” — Maureen Millen, Executive Producer, PBS TV series, “Healthy Living with Jane Seymour” Supremixtm is a superior blend of over 100 whole food concentrates, herbal extracts and select natural ingredients that are either certified organic or pesticide/herbicide free. To obtain its maximum nutritional support, we use the finest raw materials and offer the best nutrition in the industry. Our proprietary processing techniques ensure maximum potency of all heat sensitive active enzymes and nutrients by turning fresh produce to powder in seconds under 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Supremixtm allows your body to cleanse, detoxify and regenerate while fortifying and ultimately strengthening all systems. Rich in fruits, vegetables, cereal grass juices, select herb extracts, prebiotics and probiotics, enzymes and organic trace minerals, these 8 powerful blends support the digestive, immune and cardiovascular systems while increasing mental acuity and helping combat stress. Supremixtm is a good choice for dieters, diabetics, hypoglycemics, athletes, students and anyone who wants to enjoy feeling better and having more energy. Fruiterratm consists of powerful whole food concentrates of the most nutritionally dense fruits and berries from around the globe. Fortifying at the cellular level, Fruiterratm is rich in antioxidants giving it a high ORAC value and the ability to fight off the scourge of free radical toxicity, which has been linked to degen- ‘Shamanic’ Hands On Energy Healing, and ‘Thai Yoga Massage’ (on Mat), ‘Shiatsu’.(on Mat). One may also receive treatments of ‘Hot Stone’ therapy, and ‘Lomi Lomi’, as well as ‘Medical Qi Gong’, ‘Yin TuiNa’ Massage, and also ‘Chiropractic’ care (available with advance notice). There is even ‘4 Hands’ Massage offered! (2 Practitioners = 4 Hands). Not all modalities are offered every day the ’Center’ is open, but a grand variety abounds! When the ‘Community Bodywork Center’ began, its purpose, aside from offering affordable massage to the community, was to give fledgling practitioners the arena to hone their skills and get some experience under their belt. As fortune would have it, the purpose has shifted slightly. Quite organically, it has come about that a collective of very skilled and experienced practitioners have made the ‘Hands for Life Community Bodywork Center’ their home. In asking regular clients why they come to the ‘Hands for Life’, the general consensus is that the “price is right” and, as Akira, one of the ‘Center’s’ continuing Clients simply put, “I’ve never had a better massage any place else.” Andrew Light, a Practitioner who has been with the Center for 2+ years and a massage therapist 18+ years, says “When persons seeking a ‘Massage’, ‘Acupuncture’ or ‘Energy work’ discover our ‘Center’, a commonly asked question is “Are you all students?” Quite to the contrary, we have individually, and combined, ‘Many Years’ of experience. Some of our most loyal returning Clients are other Body workers and peers in our field”. When asking the practitioners why they work at ‘Hands For Life’, when it seems, that any of them could get a higher paying job at some of the spas in town, the general feedback is that “Service Nurtures the Heart and Spirit!”. Dawn Duffy, another Practitioner who has been with the Center for 2+ years and a massage therapist for 13+ years, has said, “We offer a full one hour session for $40.*, compared to the price of erative disease processes. Oxidative stress is created through normal metabolic processes. But when we consider the potential for increased damage caused by the enormous amounts of toxins present in our food, water, household chemicals, the environment, prescription and nonprescription drugs as well as a variety of other sources, it becomes clear that we need to support our body’s efforts to maintain a healthy balance. With ingredients that include Noni, Mangosteen, Wolfberry (Goji), Acai Berry, Blueberry along with 13 other fruit and berry concentrates, Fruiterratm gives you extra added protection against free radical activity caused by toxic overload. The genesis of SkyIsland Naturals can be traced to the 25 year career in the Natural Food and Nutritional Supplement industries of its founder, Jeff West. West understands the concept of Healthy Aging and Alternative Healing Modalities because of his experience with Alternative Holistic Practitioners and his education in all aspects of nutritional supplements and whole foods, along with a firm grasp on herbology and homeopathy. Jeffrey has played a large part in the evolution of this industry over the past two and a half decades. Through his involvement as a buyer for the largest corporate retail entities, West has gained his knowledge by interfacing with natural foods manufacturers, scientists who formulate nutritional supplements, herbal product suppliers, nationally renowned holistic MD’s, as well as Master herbalists, homeopaths and product representatives. For more information call SkyIsland Naturals: (831) 454-8665 or email [email protected]. See us on the web at www.skyislandnaturals.com . some of the spas in town who offer a 50 minute session for $70; and we pay ourselves only a little less than what their Practitioners make.” (* $40. is our regular price, ‘Chiropractic’ and ‘4 Hands’ massage are priced differently). Another Practitioner, Moon, has been with the ‘Center for 1+ years, is a massage Therapist who also has 30 years of practice in Native American Healing and spiritual practices. She adds, “We all receive Bodywork and Energy work from each other here, so we know how good we are; and with that knowledge, it is quite humbling to realize we are offering such high quality skill to people in need who may not otherwise be able to afford help.” Jason Mandell, a senior Practitioner with the ‘Center’ for 3.5 years, and a massage therapist for 11+ years, has noticed “you know it’s a real community experience the moment you walk in the door. You see folks having a bite to eat at the ‘Jumping Monkey Café’ (also housed in the 418 Project on Front St.). Practitioners are talking with their clients before going into session, and there are people hanging out just because they like the vibe of the place.” Part of our Mission at the ‘Hands for Life Community Bodywork Center’ is to greet each person warmly and treat each person kindly. We feel that is where healing begins... In our world today, we can no longer take ‘being treated kindly’ for granted. Being Healers, it is important to consider each person and treat them with care, just as we ourselves like to be treated. If we can truly have this state of being kind first with ourselves and then extending to others, then we are taking the first step to alleviate ‘Disease’, ‘Stress’, the ‘Harshness of Our World’, and perhaps on some small level fostering ‘World Peace’! If we can receive each person with warmth and openness, then we can listen with our Hearts and hear what each Person really needs and desires from their session. The ‘Hands for Life Community Bodywork Center’ is located at THE ‘418 PROJECT’ at 418 Front Street in Santa Cruz. ‘Bodywork’ and ‘Energy work’ can be received Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 1st appointment starts 11:00am, last appointment ends 3:30 pm. Appointments can be made by calling (831)332-5607, as well as by walking in. Come Check Us Out! Page 22 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2006 The Art Of Letting Go by Sensei Rod Sanford, Hanchi M Y SENSEI USED to say that as martial artists we should strive to become “Artists of life.” When I was young the physical lessons of punching, kicking, striking, throwing and grappling dominated my interest. I wanted to know every possible technique and every possible way to generate more speed and power. Now, after 47 years of training I find myself emphasizing to my students the importance of developing one’s character, of becoming an artist of life. Throughout the years O’Sensei would interweave within our incessant physical training lessons that would help us develop living skills. One that I would like to share with you today is the lesson of “Letting Go.” When teaching this lesson O’Sensei would often tell us this story: Two monks were sent on a long journey. On the second night it rained heavily so they took refuge in a temple. Early the next morning they set out and shortly came upon an attractive young woman standing in the middle of the road. The woman carried a parasol and was dressed in a beautiful kimono with fine sandals. She stood looking at a large mud puddle that blocked her path. There was no way around. When the two monks walked up one greeted her politely and said, “It’s obvious that we all must cross this puddle and since I am sure to get muddy anyway there is no need for you to soil your fine clothes. I would be glad to carry you across if you would like.” The young woman was very grateful and agreed to accept the monk’s kind offer. The monk scooped her up in his arms, carried her across the puddle and set her down. The two bowed politely and all went on their way. The second monk was strangely quiet all day. Late that evening he suddenly broke the silence, “I’m very disappointed in you!” he said to the other monk. “We are monks and we have taken certain vows. You should not have carried that young woman across the water this morning. The only reason you did is so you could touch her body! You have broken your vows and should be ashamed of yourself!” “No,” the other monk said quietly, “I carried the woman across the water and set her down on the other side. You are the one who has been carrying her all day.” As humans we are certain to experience anger and other negative emotions in our lifetime. There will be times when we become angry, we become sad, our feelings will be hurt and so on. If allowed to, these negative emotions can become very harmful to our health. When negative emotions come we must practice “Letting go.” It is our choice. We can experience them and then let them go and move on through life or cling to them as the second monk did. If we hold on or cling to them they will only cause us grief. The poisons, as O’Sensei taught were; anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, resentment, desire, envy and deceit. Sensei Rod Sanford was one of Professor Richard Kim’s senior students. O’Sensei Kim was referred to as, “Karate’s Guiding Light.” He was a 10th dan and in Japan known as a busei, martial arts saint. Sensei Sanford now carries on for O’Sensei Kim as president of the Zen Bei Butoku-Kai and one of the technical directors for Kokusai Butokukai. Contact Sensei Sanford at Rod Sanford’s Traditional Martial Arts in Soquel, (831) 475-9676 or www.mydojo.com The Martial Arts Directory Green Forest Temple Instructors: Robert Ripke and Linda Darrigo Ages 12 and older Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, Weapons (831) 688-6934 • www.greenforesttemple.org 5901 Freedom Blvd., Aptos Family Martial Arts Center Scott Symons • David Weeks • Ron Williams • Tom Andersen • Pete McHenry • Mike Garrard Tae kwon do • Kickboxing • Shorinjiryu Karate • JuJitsu • Aeorbic Kickboxing 1025 Water St, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (831) 818-5425 [email protected] www.completefamilymartialarts.com Ages: 4 and up Santa Cruz Budokan Instructor: Mark Roemke All ages Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Aikido, Iaido, Yoga. Two weeks free instruction tryout. Private instruction available. (831) 465-8236 or www.santacruzbudokan.com for training times & info. Valley Tae Kwon Do Instructors: Cathy & Paul Rotes Ages 5 - 16 & Adult Kickboxing Tae Kwon Do, Fitness Kickboxing & After School Program (831) 336-2043 10090 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond, CA 95005 MINORSAN Self Defense Training Services Instructors: Dio P. Santiago & Clara E. Minor All Ages MANOSAMIN self defense-based martial art, KickAeroBix, Bully Breakers, Weekend Self Defense Workshop for all ages. (831) 458-0900 • [email protected] • 1515 Mission St., Santa Cruz www.minorsan.com Santa Cruz Academy of WingChun Instructor: Jericho Broek Ages:14 to adult WingChun Kung Fu and Escrima (831) 588-8432 • [email protected] • www.santacruzwingchun.com Louden Nelson Center • 301 Center St. • Santa Cruz • CA 95060 Aikido of Santa Cruz a.k.a. North Bay Aikido Chief Instructor: Linda Holiday Ages: 6-Adult Aikido (non-competitiveJapanese martial art - “The Way of Harmony”) (831) 423-8326 • [email protected] • 306 Mission St., Santa Cruz 95060 Tai Chi Natural Health Club Instructors: Wendy Ballen L.Ac. & Sid Fontana Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Nutrition, private lessons in Chi Kung and Ba Gua (831) 423-2037 • [email protected] Classes held at Oceanview Park in Santa Cruz Confluence Aikido Systems Instructors: Sensei Jennifer Smith and guests All Ages Aikido / Budo (831) 426-6977 • [email protected] 509 Swift St. / 1025 Water St. / UCSC Campus - Santa Cruz www.confluenceaikido.com Rod Sanford’s Traditional Martial Arts Instructors (by order of seniority): Rod Sanford, Lou Jemison, Dan Wakefield, Sean Sanford, Jennifer Farley, Diego Simkin. Shorinji-Ryu Karate-Do, Okinawan Weaponry, T’ai Chi Chuan & Aikijujutsu (831) 475-9676 • [email protected] 4626 Soquel Drive, Soquel CA 95073 Daniel Feldman Tai Ji Ch’uan (Yang, Chen, Wu, Hao, Wu Dang Styles), Six Harmony Xin Yi Ch’uan, Qi Gong Private instruction by appointment only. (831) 325-3233 [email protected] Contact Daniel Feldman at (831) 325-3233 or dfeldman@cruzio to get your school listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $20 a month. Page 23 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February — March 7, 2007 Hello Folks, W e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very impor- tant that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts & Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom • Fri., Feb. 23: Reckless Kelly County Alt 9:30 PM, $12/15 • Fri., March 2: Karl Denson & Benny 'D' Band, Saxman extraordinaire w/ New Orleans band! 9:30 PM, $15/18 THUMBNAIL REVIEWS RESTAURANT NIGHTCLUB 1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ 831-423-1336 www.catalystclub.com Thursday, February 1 In the Atrium • AGES 16+ CATALYST SHOWCASE 3 Up Front plus RIFF RAFF $3 Adv./$5 Dr. • Drs 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. y EverayBooty Call! Frid 21+ DJ Dance Party! with DJ Tornado (Superbooty Lead Singer) In the Atrium Doors 9 p.m. • 21+ NO COVER • Sat., Feb. 10: Ras Midas w/ Root Awakening 9:30 PM, $12/15 • Sun., Feb. 11: Norrisman Jamaica's Rising Star 9:00 PM, $15 • Fri., Feb. 16: The Blasters w/ The Choptops 9:30 PM, $18/20 • Sat., Feb. 17: Robben Ford & The Ford Blues Band COME EARLY NO OPENER! 8:00 PM, $22/25 Funk, Hip Hop, Retro, R&B Saturday, Feb. 3 • AGES 16+ • In the Atrium VIBEZ GET HOT VOL. 1 REGGAE HIP HOP SHOWCASE MR. FLEX & DA RIDDEM RIDDA POSSE NO BODY'S OWN, JA LIL, LC 1 TRICE HAZE, CORN DAWG, DJ TRINI plus Special Gues BRIMSTONE T he Holistic Living Expo, coming to Santa Cruz on Sunday, March 4, features 60 exhibitors showcasing products and services for healthy living, wellness and rejuvenation, fashion and beauty, plus psychics and spiritual counselors, visionary art and music, and a metaphysical marketplace. The theme for the 2007 Expo is “Six Steps to Feeling Great”: 1. Intuitive Insight 2. Attraction and Manifestation 3. Love and Beauty 4. Rejuvenation and Nutrition 5. Exercise and Bodywork 6. Inspiration and Creativity. “The Expo is a stimulating, fun, and educational experience — a great way to quickly learn about a variety of wellness strategies for body, mind and spirit,” states organizer Dean Price. “This event gives people the tools and support to transform their daily experience in a positive direction. It’s always a great feeling when people make the connection that helps them get going, doing work that’s fulfilling or improving health or relationships. “ Some highlights of the 30 Free Presentation topics include: Wynn Free, author of “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?” will shed light on the meaning of the coming Shift of Ages in 2012, and teach a workshop on “How to by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin E ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and story telling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at [email protected]. Enjoy! $10 Adv./$12 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9 • AGES 21+ THE ENGLISH BEAT Blood Diamond $15 Advance/$18 Dr. Drs. 8:30 p.m., Show 9:30 p.m. Sat., Feb. 10 • AGES 18+ • In the Atrium INEFFABLE RECORDS presents KILLAH PRIEST of the Wu-Tang Clan ALMIGHTY AZIZ, GHAMBIT AND SINCERE, SMOOV G $15 Adv./$20 Dr. • Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. A Saturday & Sunday, February 10 & 11 PENNYWISE Jazz Presenters since 1975 CIRCLE JERKS IGNITE $19 Adv./$19 Dr. THURS. FEBRUARY 8 • 7 PM Grammy nominee - Best Latin Jazz! Feb. 10: Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. • AGES 21+ Feb. 11: Drs. 6 p.m., Show 7 p.m. • AGES 16+ Wed., Feb. 14 AGES 16+ $20 Adv/$23 Door Sponsored by ZNA Communications VALENTINE’S DAY $22 Adv/$25 Door Sponsored by Gordon & Teresa Pusser ArtLiveWork Space $22 Adv./$25 Dr. Drs. 7:30 p.m., Show 9 p.m. Sound Tribe Sector Nine IGNACIO BERROA MON. FEBRUARY 12 • 7 PM KENNY BARRON – SOLO MON. FEBRUARY 19 • 7 & 9 PM DAVID LINDLEY $20 Adv/$23 Door Sponsored by Karen Cogswell & Ted Kirkiles Fri., Feb. 16 AGES 21+ $46 Adv./$49 Dr. Drs. 8 p.m., Show 9 p.m. MON. FEBRUARY 26 • 7 PM KURT ELLING $22 Adv/$25 Door, No Jazztix/Comps Sponsored by Duncan McCollum, Chiropractor Feb. 3 tickets will be honored for this show ROCKER’S PIZZA KITCHEN 831-426-PIZZA $1 Pizza Slice ALL DAY TUESDAYS Sunday thru Tuesday FREE POOL for Bar Patrons Noon to Closing Feb 17 Keller Williams (ALL AGES) Feb 18 Teen Dance Nite (AGES 13-18) Feb 22 Jaguares (AGES 21+) Feb 24 Lamb of God (AGES 16+) Mar 1 Lonely Kings (AGES 16+) Mar 11 Andre Nickatina (AGES 16+) Mar 15 Patty Griffin (AGES 21+) Mar 24 Pepper (AGES 16+) May12 Shooter Jennings (AGES 21+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating. Tickets to all Catalyst shows, subject to city tax and service charge, are available by phone at 1-866-384-3060, and online at our web site. Advance tickets are also available at the Catalyst every day with a minimal service charge. With Leonardo DiCaprio, Djimon Hounsou, Jennifer Connelly Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4.5 Graphic violence and abuse superbly executed thriller, powerfully delivered with an important social message. The decades-old unconscionable practice of smuggling illegal gems during times of conflict has historically had a disastrous impact on certain African countries. This film is to the conflict diamond trade what The Constant Gardner was to pharmaceutical drugs. Extremely violent and intense, this disturbing portrayal packs a wallop courtesy of the “controlled chaos” and fine performances, especially from DiCaprio as South African mercenary Danny Archer (2 hrs 18 min). THURS. MARCH 1 • 7 PM WAYNE HORVITZ AND SWEETER THAN THE DAY $15 Adv/$18 Door MON. MARCH 5 • 7 & 9 PM BOOKERT T. JONES BAND $22 Adv/$25 Door, No Jazztix/Comp ADVANCE TICKETS: Logos Books & Records, Santa Cruz & Ticketweb.com Dinner served Mondays & Thursdays beginning at 6pm. Tickets subject to service charge & 5% SC City Tax. All ages. KUUMBWA JAZZ CENTER 320-2 CEDAR ST • SANTA CRUZ KUUMBWAJAZZ.ORG www.catalystclub.com Page 24 4 27 - 2 2 27 Children of Men With Clive Owen, Michael Caine, Julianne Moore Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4.5 Graphic violence and gore oulfully beautiful while abysmally dark, this is an evocative cautionary tale of what the world could be like in the not-sodistant future (2027) if we utterly failed to act as stewards of the environment and our global society. What would become of us if women could no longer bear children? This S Make Direct Connection with Interdimensional Sources”. Tyrone Curley, a Gourmet Chef from San Francisco, will demonstrate a new AntiAging cell-renewal breakthrough that can help you look and feel younger, increase your vital energy, manage your stress, and increase mental clarity and focus. All attendees will have the opportunity to experience a sample of full-spectrum nutrition at no cost. Robert Perala, author of “Divine Blueprint: Road map for the New Millennium” and “Divine Architect: The Art Of Living & Beyond”, will offer a glimpse of his contacts with Extra-Terrestrial Emissaries in his “Conversations with Spirit” lecture and slide show. Monique Chapman, a popular bay area clairvoyant, and host of the “Walking with Spirit” radio show, will teach Manifestation Techniques. near apocalyptic, violent and disturbing vision is painted through intense struggle for autonomy contrasted with the miracle of new life when a woman finds that she is pregnant with what would be the first child born in decades. Deeply metaphoric with the archetype of the savior child in the midst of death, destruction and loss of meaning, this visionary artpiece affects profoundly with masterful cinematography and profound story telling (1 hr 54 min). Dreamgirls With Beyonce Knowles, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Danny Glover, Jennifer Hudson Entertainment: 4 Message: 3 mazing performances throughout (who knew Eddie Murphy could sing?!) with plenty of dazzle and Hollywood glitter along the way. This adaptation to screen of the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical from 1982, tracks singing trio The Dreamettes from R & B into mainstream (and more lucrative) pop genre, but there’s a price to be paid. Is it worth the climb? Though at times uneven and over-the-top, the riveting stagecraft and star power make this musical hit the mark. Jennifer Hudson is purely amazing and Eddie Murphy delivers a stunning performance, while Beyonce’s striking beauty radiates throughout. If you love musicals, don’t miss this one! (2 hrs 5 min). A Night at the Museum With Ben Stiller, Carla Gugino, Mickey Rooney, Dick Van Dyke Entertainment: 2.5 Message: 3 hile hokey for adult audiences, this may be perfect entertainment for some youngsters, creating a fantasy world of museum characters and prehistoric animals waking up at night. What would happen if W Terry Yoder, the director of Shift Happens Healing Center in San Francisco, will describe how he came in contact with his Angelic Guide through a Near Death Experience. Joseph Ernest Martin, creator of the Quest Tarot deck, will offer “2007 Predictions and Two Things You can Do to Save your Life”. Nadejda Rozanova will reveal the secrets of “Russian Healing Energy”. Cynthia Sue Larson, aura portrait artist and author of The Aura Advantage, will teach how to “Practice Good Energy Hygiene”. Professional mediums Lucy Brandt, Vicky Gay, and Josiane Antonette will facilitate a series of seances, readings, and free presentations on “Communication with the Other Side”. Most of the speakers, and many other practitioners, will be available for private sessions at the expo. Expo participants will have the chance to consult clairvoyants, mediums, astrologers, tarot and palm readers, or work with animal communicators, spiritual healers, psychic surgeons, reflexologists, iridologists, and Reiki masters. Sunday, March 4, 2007 University Inn and Conference Center, 611 Ocean St. at Dakota, next to the Courthouse, Santa Cruz CA 95060, 10 am - 6 pm. Admission: $5, or 2 for $8. Seniors & teens, $3. Or download a pass for free admission at www.HolisticLivingExpo.com. Volunteers are needed before, during and after the expo, in exchange for free readings and healings, or booth discounts. For Info., call (831) 239-6835, E-mail: [email protected]. characters throughout history suddenly came to life? Possibly giving museum visits new life (for kids, anyway), it also provides free history lessons along the way. Dumb and Dumberer for history buffs? (1 hr 48 min). Pan’s Labyrinth ((El Laberinto Del Fauno) With Maribel Verdu, Ivana Baquero, Sergi Lopez Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 Extended scenes of violence and brutality his hauntingly beautiful and dark fairy tale casts a powerful spell, with metaphoric, sociological and psychological depth, as well as masterfully artistic film making. At the heart of the story lies the stark contrast between a cold, heartless military uprising (against the postwar repression of Fascist Spain) and a child’s imaginative, fairy tale world, full of wonder and possibility. With Fascism at its height, the quintessential little girl must come to terms with her stark environment through a fable of her own creation, a world filled with fantastical creatures and secret destinies. The result is a heartbreaking story, better suited to adults than kids, with dark depth similar to the more sinister Grimm’s fairy tales. Affecting multiple layers of the psyche, this stunning work of art immerses in symbolism and shadowy mystery, and leaves a lasting impression (1 hr 50 min). Spanish with English subtitles. T The Pursuit of Happyness With Will Smith, Thandie Newton, Jaden Smith Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4.5 ill Smith shows some acting muscle in this high-impact tale based on a true story about dreaming of a better life and dealing with being economically marginalized and nearly destitute. Smith plays Chris Gardner, an everyman having a tough time getting on his financial feet; Gardner’s five-year-old son is played by Jaden Smith, real life child of Will Smith; both performances come straight from the heart. It’s about believing in yourself even in the most dire of circumstances, seemingly against the odds. Sad, but inspiring (1 hr 53 min). W Stomp the Yard With Columbus Short, Brian J. White, Ne-Yo Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 Initial brief violence ven though the themes and plot are familiar and predictable at times, message and performances are strong. A troubled youth from LA starts over at Truth University in Atlanta to find himself. Dance becomes a powerful means of belonging and tribal identity, as well as for learning the true meaning of brotherhood and fraternity. And what amazing moves and choreography we are treated to! The style of dance shifts from the initial “Battle” of LA – ritualized combat – to “Step,” which is a remarkable dance tradition all its own – an unlikely blending of Irish Riverdance with elements of Flamenco and Break dancing. If you have never seen Step, the moves alone are worth your time in the movie seat (1 hr 54 min). E ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 Page 25 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 Micro-Cell Tech The science of nutritional health A microscopic examination of blood that is personal, informative and fun. • Are your cells flowing with life force or sluggishly calling out for help? • See for yourself— get to know your cells better and feel the difference! “KEFFI IS A SKILLED LIVE CELL PRACTIONER whom I highly recommend to all interested in optimizing their health.” — Randy Baker, M.D. “THIS IS THE COOLEST, EASIEST TEST to see, literally see, how your blood cells are doing. I found out why I have not had energy and much more. It’s fun too!” — Rave Reviews, Connection Magazine First visit FREE with this ad Discount packages available Contact: Keffi[email protected]/831-331-5031 The Directory - New This Isssue (OL]DEHWK'DLOH\/$F The Body Center Santa Cruz /LFHQVHG$FXSXQFWXULVW DQG'LSORPDWHRI2ULHQWDO0HGLFLQH1&&$20 WK$YHQXH6WH6DQWD&UX]&$ FDA approved most effective treatment for Cellulite! 6LGHHIIHFWVPD\LQFOXGH 5HVWIXOQLJKWVVOHHSDPRUHFRPIRUWDEOHERG\ GLPLQLVKHGDQ[LHW\DQGLUULWDELOLW\EHWWHUFLUFXODWLRQ LPSURYHGOHYHORIHQHUJ\KHDOWKLHUGLJHVWLRQ UHOD[HGDSSHDUDQFHDQGDEULJKWHU DWWLWXGHDIWHUDQXUWXULQJWUHDWPHQW IURP(OL]DEHWK'DLOH\ )RUDSSRLQWPHQWV RU KHUEO]#DROFRP Healing therapeutic benefits too! Call now for special pricing. Acupuncture & massage. Health and nutritional consultation. Herbs and highest quality supplements and medical foods! 180 7th Ave. ~ Ste 103, Santa Cruz Most Insurance Accepted For questions and appointments 831-479-9319 Put your focus on what you’re Grateful about! Page 26 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ NEW THIS ISSUE ★ ★ ★ ★ Available for Readings at Gateways: Mondays 2pm to 6pm nd healing a l Promote ve n ever y le growth o being. of your Work Magic in your life by finding clarity and answers that may have eluded you. (831) 338-2257 ❖ www.valeriewhitelight.com ALTERNATIVE/COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH & MEDICINE ASTROLOGY • PSYCHICS • INTUITIVE COUNSELING Page 27 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 ANIMALS • PETS BUSINESS COACHING COUNSELING • PSYCHOLOGY • THERAPY Loïc Jassy, Ph.D. Transpersonal Psychology Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Doreen Maxwell, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (MFC 22014) Psychotherapy for Individuals, Couples & Groups 25 Years Experience Dr. Jassy has taught at the µ,RIIHU\RX DVDIHDQG VXSSRUWLYH HQYLURQPHQW IRUJURZWK KHDOLQJ¶ ◆Anxiety & Depression ◆Conscious Communication ◆Process & Gestalt Therapy ◆Life Purpose & Work Transitions ◆Conscious Parenting ◆EMDR (Trauma Healing) ◆Overcoming Addictions ◆Somatic Psychotherapy Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, Esalen Institute, and Cabrillo College and was a director of the Hendricks Institute (with Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks). Adults, Couples, Families & Children Somatic Psychotherapy (Hakomi Trained) Huma Transpersonal Bodywork ❖ Sandplay ❖Mindfulness/changing emotional and mental habits ❖ Relationships/attachments ❖ Grief/Loss ❖Trauma/Phobias ❖ Anxiety/ Depression “Let’s get to the heart of the matter” Free consultation Weekly Support & Therapy Group for Men & Women, Wed. 7-9 p.m., Los Gatos syy Looïïcc JJaPashss.D. L Soquel (831) 479-3424 | Los Gatos (408) 395-4662 MFT Santa Cruz (831) 429-2234, Los Gatos (408) 395-5607 Lic. #MFC41105 Who Are You Really? Holistic Psychotherapy For Individuals & Couples Helen A. Harris, MA, LMFT (#MFC25548) MA-Transpersonal Counseling Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, 13 years (831) 464-0456 ● Soquel HYPNOSIS • NEURO-LINGUISTICS • ETC. Page 28 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 ● Self Esteem Stress Management ● Inner Child Healing ● Spiritual Issues ● EMDR (Trauma Resolution) ● Flower Essences ● Soul Exploration ● Recovery Sensitive ● Scent Free Environment INSTRUCTION • EDUCATION • CAREER TRAINING • TECHNICAL SCHOOLS New Class: Apr. 4 - June 27 Open Houses: Mar. 5 & 19 www.cypresshealthinstitute.com MASSAGE • ACUPRESSURE • SHIATSU ALL SERVICES LISTED HERE STRICTLY NON-SEXUAL Call for New Classes Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 MIND • BODY • SPIRIT P Cons hone u Availltations able MOVEMENT, POSTURAL & STRUCTURAL BODYWORK and EDUCATION Certification A Biodynamic approach to Craniosacral Therapy Training/Level 1 d healing potency of th ral an u t ’s inherent potential e tid na nite the body for es e th s, ig h ; Feb 27- Mar 3, 07 Advanced Craniosacral Seminar ge nes ga still n E in eal th. For more information: www.biodynamicschool.com Feb 22-24, 07 Carol Agneessens, MS. RCST. 831-662-3057 Do You Desire Lasting Relief from Chronic Pain, Stiffness, and Poor Posture? TRY ROLFING..... Kelly Stoll Certified Rolfer 831 345-7987 A body in balance is a body at ease. Be happy. Get Rolfed. Call for a free 30 m inute consultation TRAVEL & LODGING YOGA Celebrating 20th Anniversary of ® Kali Ray TriYoga ® in Santa Cruz First class free with this ad Spacious, serene, beautiful center Open 7 days • $12 drop-in 20 certified teachers All levels • 150 classes/month $70/month unlimited classes Teacher Training Enjoy 7 TriYoga DVDs for home practice! Contact TriYoga for information: 831-464-8100 708 Washington Street, Santa Cruz • [email protected] • www.triyoga.com Juliann Baker Gates E-RYT 500 Yoga Instructor/Reiki Master 25 years experience in Krishnamacharya tradition 831-600-5818 ❖ Private Yoga sessions ❖ Individual and group Teacher Training in yoga ❖ Reiki Sessions (energy balancing) ❖ Raindrop Therapy (essential oils) ❖ Body Alignment Technique (emotional release) Page 30 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ Febuary - March 7, 2007 TRANSFORMATIVE VISIONS Astrology for February 2007 W ith the Sun in Aquarius, the full moon on February 1st graces the sky in the sign of Leo. We experience the challenge to balance individuality with group consciousness. Saturn, also in Leo, brings confrontation to leadership along with the resistance of authority. Neptune in Aquarius, heightens the ideals and compassion of the people. This Saturn constricts Bush’s popularity. He struggles with his relationships and public role as he is forced to feel the limitations and difficulties that he has created. The new moon, in Aquarius, on the 17th, aligns with the Moon of the USA chart, emphasizing the power of the people. Mercury goes retrograde on the 13th, until March 7th, in emotional Pisces, supporting review of our beliefs and responses to the world situation. On a personal level, be aware of boundary issues as communications may be complex with unspoken emotional needs. The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, Venus, the planet of relationship, enters fiery Aries on the 19th and Mars enters the idealistic sign of Aquarius on the 25th. Twelve opportunities for 2007: Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): This year is a continuation and completion of focus on developing an individual expertise and expression. The interaction you have with friends and groups of people helps refine the form of your expression. There is an interplay between friends and yourself that is dynamic and essential for your growth. Enjoyment, growth in consciousness, sharing of your beliefs, teaching, are all highlighted. You are preparing for a time of change or enlargement in career. Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): This is the year you work with inner foundations, having been challenged in home or family matters to find one’s essential truth. That truth, then, becomes the soil and the seed nurturing new growth. This process continues until September. Listen to your inner voice and replace the old with new, both physically and spiritually. Change is supported and thorough. Through spring and summer creative and abundant energy is available to create the vision you seek. Late 2007 and the beginning of 2008 is a very solid year in terms of creation and expression. Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): This year is your opportunity not to spread yourself so thin. Take up your focus and simplify your activities and interests. Relationship, love and partnership is highlighted. In fact as you limit your commitments, you may find a friend or partner who supports you in achieving your goals and desires. Changes in your job will allow more freedom and creative input. You will meet new people. Relationships will be stimulating and broaden your horizons. Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 21): This year is an opportunity to rearrange your life, change routines, move your office and establish a new relationship to your health. Also this year, work becomes more enjoyable, interesting and inspiring. A positive outlook supports better health. You have been moving through issues of self worth, money issues, and reconsidering what you deeply value. This theme comes to resolution in 2007. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 22): Since 2005, Leos have been going through a time of great learning, getting to the truth, and a time of added responsibility. Now you emerge from a more serious time to feel lighter and once again playful. This is the year to begin what you really love to do, what you truly want to do. The energy and openness of your heart is being strengthened. Enjoy your lover or find one, spending time enjoying your children, all is highlighted this year. Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Situations are coming to completion this year and a new cycle is beginning in September. Take care of all unfinished business. Let go of what’s not working or no longer necessary. Let yourself move into your inner world. Find your truth and what is important to you to build upon. As September unfolds, focus on yourself and what you want to build for the coming year as you move into a very productive time. Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): In the last year a review of friendships, a withdrawal from usual social life, or even a challenge with a friend can be a powerful transformative situation to clarify your own goals, inspirations, and individuality. This is a year of deciding what is significant to you in the larger context of the community and the world. You experience a broadening of your thinking processes, and it is an excellent time to learn, to write and publish. Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Since 2005 you have experienced a call to a new job, career or life purpose and how best to bring out your talent. This is the year where you feel more capable and confident to bring forth your talents, your wisdom, your teaching ability, and financial situations improve. It is important that you don’t take risks with investments this year. Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20): This is a year for abundance, fullness and hopefully not taking on too much, even though you feel like you can do everything. You will speak your truth with directness, your abilities to teach, inspire confidence, and support others to shift into seeing and experiencing wholeness, and the positive is enhanced. Enjoyment, learning traveling, and letting yourself receive, all are highlighted. People will be attracted to you and see you as bringing opportunities. Capricorn (Dec 21- Jan 19): You have been through rather a serious time, facing an unknown situation. Now you are in a nine month period of preparing for change and more enjoyment. Take time this year to tap your deep wisdom for direction is there. This year, you have an urge to do things differently and break out of the routines and the usual definition of your life. At the end of the year begins a very creative and inspirational time. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): This year offers the opportunity to refine yourself and relationships. The last couple of years, you have been challenged to define who you are and what your responsibility is to others. This year begins a fresh 12-year cycle for you. New people arrive in your life, new goals are set that allow more room for you to enjoy and achieve that which is important to you. Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): This year is a very important year for you. It is the time for you to share your wisdom, to step into the community, to take hold of opportunities to expand your career. For some it will be the year to publish, for some a major year of travel. It’s a year to do for yourself something you’ve always wanted to do. As the year progresses, take initiative to redefine your role with all those relationships in which you serve. Susan Heinz, a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 24 years, brings together traditional and esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info. on her Friday monthly astrology groups, and for personal consultations, call (831) 4765787. The Importance of Grooming Your Dogs by Anne Singer A dog’s coat is a testament to the nutritional health of your dog, and we all know that diet plays a key role in maintaining your dog’s healthy coat. However, good grooming is second to good nutrition. Some initial benefits of good grooming, whether done professionally or by pet owners, are: • stimulates oil production; • removes dead hair; • allows skin to breathe; • helps prevent sores; • helps find lumps that may be tumors; • helps determine skin problems. It is important to use shampoos that will not strip your pet’s coat of oils. Pet owners who bathe their dogs often should add a cream rinse or moisturizer. Long-haired breeds such as German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers need more maintenance and bathing. Short-haired breeds such as Terriers and Poodles need less maintenance and bathing. Dogs that roll in the sand on the beach often get tar on their coats. Min- eral oil will remove tar and also paint. Soak the area with the mineral oil until the tar or paint loosens, then give your dog a bath. One of the smelliest problems is skunk scent. There are several commercial products that work. Proper professional grooming has many advantages. A good groomer will notice conditions like ear infections, bad breath which indicates teeth need cleaning or that gums are infected, nails grown into the pads, hair loss, excessive skin growths, or lumps, or tapeworms. Groomers will always let the pet owner know when these conditions are present. Groomers have checklists that list potential problems noticed during the grooming session. “How often should my pet be groomed?”, is a question often asked by dog owners. Here are some guidelines given by authorities on grooming. If you do not brush and comb your dog regularly between groomings, choose the earlier time frame. Afghan 4-8 weeks Airedale 6 weeks Bichon Frise 4 weeks Cocker Spaniel 4-8 weeks Collie 6 weeks Golden Retriever 8-12 weeks Irish Setter 8-10 weeks Lhasa Apso 3-4 weeks Old English Sheepdog 46 weeks Poodle 4-6 weeks Schnauzer Miniature 68 weeks Scottish Terrier 6-10 weeks Shih Tzu 3-4 weeks Wire Fox Terrier 6 weeks Yorkshire Terrier 4 weeks Anne Singer, owner of Shampoo-chez at 1380 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz and editor of the "Shampoo-chez Newz," has been an advocate of quality, natural, nontoxic pet products for the 23 years that Shampoo-chez has been in business. For questions call (831) 427-2284. Visit Shampoo-chez on the Web at www.shampoochez.com for location and store hours, information on their Self-Service Dog Wash, professional grooming for dogs and cats, vaccination clinic, useful facts and recipes, testimonials, and natural pet products which can be ordered and shipped to you or delivered locally. Page 31 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ www.theConnect.com ▲ February - March 7, 2007 $25 OFF ON FIRST VISIT