analysis of streambank erosion along the lower tombigbee river
analysis of streambank erosion along the lower tombigbee river
Watershed Physical Processes Research Unit National Sedimentation Laboratory Oxford, Mississippi ANALYSIS OF STREAMBANK EROSION ALONG THE LOWER TOMBIGBEE RIVER, ALABAMA By Natasha Bankhead, Andrew Simon and Danny Klimetz USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory Research Report Number 62 May 2008 ANALYSIS OF STREAMBANK EROSION ALONG THE LOWER TOMBIGBEE RIVER, ALABAMA Prepared by U.S. Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service National Sedimentation Laboratory Watershed Physical Processes Research Unit For Alabama Clean Water Partnership May 2008 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River i ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANALYSIS OF STREAMBANK EROSION ALONG THE LOWER TOMBIGBEE RIVER, ALABAMA ARS Designated Representative and Project Manager: Carlos V. Alonso Technical Direction, Data Analysis: Andrew Simon and Natasha Bankhead Report Preparation: Natasha Bankhead and Andrew Simon Mapping, GIS and Interactive CD: Danny Klimetz Field Data Collection and Data Processing: Brian Bell, Edward Jennings, Ibrahim Tabanca, Danny Klimetz, Lauren Klimetz, and Lee Patterson Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River ii ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This study presents a preliminary evaluation of bank-stability conditions along the Lower Tombigbee River. Landowners and local agencies have been aware of significant erosion of streambanks in several Alabama counties along the Lower Tombigbee River, since the early 1980’s. Bank erosion has led to loss of land and property, and so in September 2005, the Alabama Clean Water Partnership began a project to focus on these issues of land loss along the Lower Tombigbee River, to improve understanding of potential causes and mitigation strategies. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the extent and severity of streambank erosion along the Lower Tombigbee River between river miles 72 and 259. More specifically, the study aimed to identify locations of bank instability and determine rates and magnitudes of channel changes. A sub-objective was to determine under what conditions streambanks become unstable (critical conditions), and to investigate the timing and frequency of such conditions. The Tombigbee and Black Warrior Rivers have undergone significant changes since 1895, involving three separate phases of modifications and periods of dam construction (original 17 locks and dams on the Tombigbee-Black Warrior system, modernization of these locks and dams between 1937 and 1965, and finally the construction of the TennTom Waterway in the 1970’s and early 1980’s). Morphological changes of a river tend to occur most rapidly after a disturbance, with the effects diminishing with space and time. As such, any changes that are currently occurring within the study reach could be a result of channel responses to a combination of all the previous channel modifications that have occurred. Effects caused by the older dams may now be more muted than the effects of more recent disturbance. However, distinguishing potential effects of the TenneesseeTombigbee Waterway on the study reach of the Lower Tombigbee River may be difficult as the flow of water and sediment, and resulting channel morphology have already been affected and continue to be affected by the impoundments in the system that pre-date the Tenn-Tom Waterway. To learn more about the Lower Tombigbee River in its current state, it was important to examine the present geomorphology of the river bed and banks, and where necessary, to collect geotechnical data regarding the resistance of the bank material for stability analysis. In addition, available USGS gage data were analyzed along with historic sets of aerial photographs, to establish past conditions, and rates and patterns of change in the river system. Magnitudes and extents of bank erosion in this study were determined over a 29-year period (1974-2003) based on interpretation of a series of aerial photographs with resolutions ranging form 0.5 meters to 1.5 meters. Banks that have recently failed were determined by aerial reconnaissance of the reach and represent more than 50% of all banks. Some reaches had widened as much as 60 m over the period but rates show a clear spatial distribution upstream and downstream of the dams. Rates generally are low in reaches just upstream of the structures because water is held, thus providing a confining force that acts to support the bank. Maximum rates occur some distance downstream from each structure where post-dam channel incision has increased bank heights. An increased rate of average and peak flows over the period, similarly contribute to greater Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River iii ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ instability. The increase in flows, however, seems to be the result of a trend of increasing precipitation over the last century. Operation of the dams has shifted the timing of flows by storing water during the spring so it is available for navigation in the summer months. The highest flows generally occur in the winter months now. Still, the average rate of channel widening was determined to be about 1.2 m/y over the entire study reach (river miles 72-259). This rate is in excess of the rate that would be expected in stable, alluvial streams, where bank erosion would be negligible. This rate of widening also represents a loss of 2580 acres of land adjacent to the channel over the 29-year period from 1974 – 2003. Five reaches (at RM 75.3, 114.7, 161.9, 190.9 and 239.7) were also investigated in detail to determine critical conditions for bank instability and the frequency that these conditions occur. Geotechnical and erodibility tests of the bank materials were conducted to provide data for simulations of bank stability using the Bank-Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM) developed by the National Sedimentation Laboratory. Critical conditions occurred when water table heights were high. The flow percentiles associated with the simulated critical water-table heights all represent relatively high flows. In general though, the critical conditions occur with discharges that are exceeded about 20% of the time, representing a fairly frequent occurrence. The reinforcing effect of top bank grasses resulted in slightly less frequent, higher critical discharges compared to simulations without any vegetative cover. The effect of mature, woody vegetation on bank-stability was shown to be much more pronounced, and for two sites led to a situation where no critical conditions existed (RM 75.3 and RM 239.7). Results of a more detailed set of modeling runs for the site at RM 114.7 were carried out using a discretized annual hydrograph for a particularly wet year (1991). The annual hydrograph was used to model iteratively toe erosion and bank stability over a year, to estimate the volume of material eroded and the number of failure events under i) current conditions, and ii) under a series of mitigated conditions, representing a broad range of options and costs. These results indicated that bank failure frequency and failure volumes cannot be eradicated entirely, but can be significantly reduced, from 11 failures to 3, and from almost 55,000 m3 to about 3,200 m3 for the year modeled, depending on the mitigation strategy selected. Recognizing that these findings represent only one site, we feel confident that similar results would be obtained at other sites within the study reach. The fact that banks are particularly high, and that high flows are maintained in some reaches by structures exacerbates the bank-stability problems. Areas of dredging would also be less prone to stabilization because of renewed deepening of the channel in these reaches. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River iv ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ ii CONTENTS....................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS............................................................................................. vi LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................... viii UNIT CONVERSION TABLE ......................................................................................... ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND UNITS ...................................................................... x 1. INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE AND SCOPE................................................................ 1 1.1 A summary of effects of dams on channel forms and processes ............................. 2 1.2 Study objectives ........................................................................................................ 4 2. STUDY AREA ............................................................................................................... 5 2.1 A History of Channel Modifications on the Tombigbee River................................. 6 2.1.1 Development of the Black Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway............................... 6 2.1.2 Development of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway ..................................... 6 2.1.3 Summary ............................................................................................................ 7 2.1.3 Geology............................................................................................................ 10 3. FUNDAMENTALS of BANK STABILITY................................................................ 11 4. METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Air Reconnaissance Survey .................................................................................... 13 4.1.1 Rapid Geomorphic Assessments: RGA’s ................................................. 13 4.2 Analysis of Geographic Trends of Channel Conditions using Aerial Photography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Layers.................................................. 16 4.3 Gauging-Station Analysis ....................................................................................... 16 4.3.1 Specific Gage Analysis using Water-Surface Elevation.................................. 16 4.3.2 Analysis of Discharge Records................................................................. 17 4.3.3 Analysis of Precipitation Data ......................................................................... 19 4.4 Testing of Bank Materials....................................................................................... 20 4.4.1 Geotechnical Data Collection – Borehole Shear Tests ............................. 21 4.4.2 Hydraulic Forces and Resistance ..................................................................... 22 4.5 Quantifying streambank stability: The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM)....................................................................................................................... 23 4.6 Determining the timing and frequency of critical conditions, and modeling rates of bank retreat.................................................................................................................... 24 5. RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 26 5.1 Trends in Flow and Precipitation............................................................................ 26 5.1.1 Total Annual Discharge ................................................................................... 26 5.1.2 Mean-Annual Precipitation and Water Yield ................................................. 28 5.1.3 Timing and Distribution of Flows.................................................................... 29 5.1.4 Variations in Annual-Peak Discharge.............................................................. 33 5.2 Channel Changes at Gauging Stations.................................................................... 34 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River v ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Changes and Trends in Channel Width .................................................................. 35 5.3.1 Locations and amounts of dredging in the study reach.................................... 40 5.3.2 Explanations for trends and locations of high bank erosion. ........................... 41 5.4 Bank-Stability Analysis .......................................................................................... 42 5.4.1 Determining Critical Bank-Stability Conditions ............................................. 43 5.4.2 Frequency and duration of high-flow events and consequences for bank instability................................................................................................................... 47 5.5 Simulations of Potential Mitigation Techniques to Reduce Streambank Erosion and Widening....................................................................................................................... 51 6. SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................. 59 6.1 Suggestions for future work.................................................................................... 60 7. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 62 APPENDIX A................................................................................................................... 65 Bank stratigraphy, geotechnical data and channel cross-sections for each site studied in detail Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River vi ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Location map showing the study reach on the Tombigbee River between River miles 72 and 259. ........................................................................................................ 4 Figure 2. Present day locations of locks and dams on Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and Black Warrior - Tombigbee Waterway. The study reach for this project is highlighted in red. ....................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3. Channel stability ranking scheme used to conduct rapid geomorphic assessments (RGA’s). The channel stability index is the sum of the values obtained for the nine criteria.................................................................................................... 15 Figure 4. Location of rain gages in the watershed of the Tennessee-Tombigbee River that were used for precipitation analysis.......................................................................... 19 Figure 6. Schematic representation of borehole shear tester (BST) used to determine cohesive and frictional strengths of in situ streambank materials. Modified from Thorne et al., 1981. ................................................................................................... 21 Figure 7. Discretized hydrograph for 90th percentile flow year at Coffeeville Dam, showing the six steady-state, rectangular shaped flow events modeled in BSTEM. 25 Figure 8. Annual trends in total discharge along the Tombigbee River for specific periods of record (Top) and since 1961 (Bottom). Note the difference in trends. ................ 27 Figure 9. Precipitation trends for the Tennessee-Tombigbee River Watershed from 1885 to present................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 10. Trends in water yield (discharge per unit of precipitation) for specific periods of record (Top) and since 1961 (Bottom) along the Tombigbee River. ................... 29 Figure 11. Difference in mean-daily flows pre- and post-waterway for a given calendar day. Note the increased flows during the winter and the decreased flows during the spring......................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 12. Distribution of mean-daily flows pre-and post-waterway at Gainesville Dam (Top), Demopolis Dam (Middle) and Coffeeville Dam (Bottom)............................ 32 Figure 13. Changes in annual-peak flows at Gainesville (upper left), Demopolis (upper right), and Coffeeville (lower right). Trend lines are displayed for pre- and postwaterway periods, as well as for the entire period of record. ................................... 33 Figure 14. Changes in water surface elevation over time for gage 02449000 Tombigbee River near Gainesville. This gage represents the upper boundary of the study reach even though it is upstream of the last site in the study reach.................................... 34 Figure 15. Variations in channel width along study reach................................................ 37 Figure 16. Changes in channel width (five-point moving average) between 1974 and 2003, and percent of reach failing estimated from aerial reconnaissance. ............... 37 Figure 17. Five-point moving average of widening rates along the study reach with the percent of each reach with recent bank failures........................................................ 38 Figure 18. Raw data on widening rates at 2 mile intervals............................................... 38 Figure 19. Percent of reach failing from River Mile 72 to 259 of the Lower Tombigbee River.......................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 20. Volume and locations of dredging along the study reach, including locations of tributary mouths marked in green......................................................................... 40 Figure 21. Generalized trends in widening rates and prospective rationale for why widening rates vary this upstream and downstream of the structures. The range of widening rates is also given: Low rates 0.2-0.3 m/y; Hogh rates 2.0 – 3.0 m/y....... 42 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River vii ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 22. Bank geometry and photographs for sites at river miles 160.8 (Left), 114.7 (Middle) and 190.8 (Right). ...................................................................................... 43 Figure 23. Example of model output from BSTEM for critical bank-stability conditions (Fs = 1.00) at river mile 114.7. Note that the blue triangle represents the elevation of the water table. .......................................................................................................... 44 Figure 24. Figure XX. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 1: Existing conditions with no mitigation. .................................................................... 54 Figure 25. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 2: Rock placement at the bank toe.......................................................................................... 55 Figure 26. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 3: Rock placement at the bank toe and 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top. ......... 56 Figure 27. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 4: Rock placement at the bank toe, 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top, grading the bank to a slope of 45o (1:1), and 5-year old vegetation on the bank face. ............... 57 Figure 28. Summary of iterative modeling results for alternative mitigation strategies showing the number and volumes of failures for each bank condition. ................... 58 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River viii ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Locks and dams built to replace the original system of 17 locks and dams on the Tombigbee and Black-Warrior Rivers between 1895 and 1915................................. 6 Table 2. Dams located within or directly affecting the study reach between river miles 259 and 72................................................................................................................... 8 Table 3. Geology of the Tombigbee River Basin (Alabama Clean Water Partnership Website, accessed, 2008) .......................................................................................... 10 Table 4. List of USGS gages and available data within the study reach on the Lower Tombigbee River. The gages highlighted in blue were used for the analysis of discharge. .................................................................................................................. 18 Table 5. Vegetation descriptions and additional cohesion due to roots added to the top meter of the streambank at each site. ........................................................................ 45 Table 6. Critical bank-stability conditions without vegetation (the general case)............ 46 Table 7. Critical bank-stability conditions with existing vegetation. “-“ denotes there are no critical conditions (bank is stable). ...................................................................... 46 Table 8. Percentiles of mean-daily flow at gage 02469761, Coffeeville, AL, 1960 – 2007, compared to the critical discharge for bank failure at sites 75.3 and 114.7 (A); Percentiles at gage 02467000, Demopolis, AL, 1928 – 2007, compared to the critical discharge for bank failure at sites 161.9 and 190.9 (B); and Percentiles at gage 02447025, Heflin (Gainesville), 1978 – 2007, compared to the critical discharge for bank failure at site 239.7(C). Numbers in green represent critical discharge values with vegetation and numbers in black represent critical discharge values without vegetation. Note that critical conditions with mature, woody vegetation are not apparent for sites at river miles 75.3 and 239.7. ....................................................... 49 Table 9. Frequency (in average number of occurrences per year) of critical discharges maintained for 5- and 10-day periods for simulation cases without vegetation. Data are separated into pre- and post-waterway and combined for both periods. ............ 50 Table 10. Frequency (in average number of occurrences per year) of critical discharges maintained for 5- and 10-day periods for simulation cases with vegetation. Data are separated into pre- and post-waterway and combined for both periods. .................. 50 ix Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UNIT CONVERSION TABLE METRIC 1 meter 1 kilometer 1 cms USDA sites located at River Mile (RM) 75.3 114.7 161.9 190.9 239.7 ENGLISH 3.2803 feet 0.6214 miles 35.31 cfs USDA sites located at River Kilometer (RKm) 121.2 184.6 260.6 307.2 385.8 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River x ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND UNITS a BMP BST c’ ca F Fs g k RGA RM Sb Sr TTW USGS W β ε φ’ φb γw µa µw ρs ρw σ τ* τc τe τo ψ Exponent assumed to equal 1.0 Best-Management Practice Borehole Shear Test device Effective cohesion, in kilopascals; kPa Apparent cohesion, in kilopascals; kPa Driving force acting on bank material, in Newtons; N Factor of Safety, a ratio Acceleration due to gravity, in meters per square second; 9.81 m/s2 Erodibility coefficient in cubic meters per Newton second: m3/N-s Rapid Geomorphic Assessment River mile Bed slope, in meters per meter; m/m Shear strength, in kilopascals; kPa Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway United States Geologic Survey Weight of failure block, in Newtons; N Angle of the failure plane, in degrees Rate of scour, in meters per second; ms-1 The angle of internal friction, in degrees The angle that describes the increase in shear strength due to an increase in matric suction, in degrees Unit weight of water, in Newtons per cubic meter; 9810 N/m3 Soil pore air pressure, in kilopascals; kPa Soil pore water pressure, in kilopascals; kPa Sediment density, in kilograms per cubic meter; 2.65 kg/m3 Water density, in kilograms per cubic meter; 1 kg/m3 Normal Stress, in kilopascals; kPa Dimensionless critical shear stress Critical shear stress, in Pascals; Pa Excess shear stress, in Pascals; Pa Average boundary shear stress, in Pascals; Pa Matric suction, the difference between air pressure and water pressure (µa - µw), in kilopascals, kPa Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE AND SCOPE Landowners and local agencies have been aware of significant erosion of streambanks in several Alabama counties along the Lower Tombigbee River, since the early 1980’s. Bank erosion has led to loss of land and property. In September 2005, the Alabama Clean Water Partnership began a project to focus on these issues of land loss along the Lower Tombigbee River, to improve understanding of potential causes and mitigation strategies. Channel instability results from a disruption to the dynamic equilibrium (or balance) between available stream energy and erosional resistance of the bed and bank materials present. (Lane, 1955; Bull, 1979; Simon, 1995). Disturbances can be classified as direct (e.g. dam construction, channelization) or indirect (e.g. urbanization, land-use change) and can be due to natural events or human interference. Alluvial channels respond to disturbances by altering aspects of their morphology, hydraulic characteristics and sediment load to attain a new dynamic equilibrium, termed a quasi-equilibrium. Responses to disturbances may be short (days) or long (centuries) and may be local or system wide. Channels can respond to a situation where excess energy is available in the system, by widening and/or incising. The adjustment of width (streambank erosion) through masswasting processes is an important mechanism of energy dissipation in alluvial streams. Streambank retreat occurs by a combination of hydraulic scour at the toe of the bank, and geotechnical failure of the streambank. Streambanks fail when the driving forces acting on them exceed their resisting forces. Driving forces are controlled by bank height and slope, the saturation of the bank, and the surcharge imposed by any objects on top of the bank. Resisting forces are determined by the geotechnical properties of the bank materials, and the presence of root networks of riparian vegetation. Banks become more unstable as they become higher, steeper, and more saturated, or as cohesion of the bank material decreases. Identifying locations of channel instability is relatively easy in the field, but identifying the cause of instability can be difficult, and requires multiple lines of investigation and analysis (Simon, 1995). Analysis of trends in mean daily discharge, peak annual discharge, precipitation, and bed elevation can be carried out using USGS gage data and can identify morphologic changes or potential changes to the balance of force and resistance in the system over a period of time. In addition, it is important to determine the timing and location of potential disturbances to the fluvial system being studied. In this case, the Tombigbee River, and one of its main tributaries, the Black Warrior River, have undergone significant modifications over the past century through the construction of various locks and dams. In particular, it is important to keep in mind that although parts of this study aimed to investigate how completion of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in December 1984 affected subsequent channel changes along the Lower Tombigbee River, in fact, the current lock and dam at Demopolis (in the middle of the study reach) has been in place since 1954; at Coffeeville since 1960. Because these structures can represent a barrier to water and sediment, downstream channel adjustments have probably been underway for a long period of time and identifying the cause of changes since 1984 may not be practical. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.1 A summary of effects of dams on channel forms and processes The regulation of a river through dam construction can significantly affect downstream discharge and channel morphology in a number of ways. Dams act as sediment traps with sediment being deposited upstream of the dam in the reservoir, and cleaner, sediment starved water being released downstream of the dam. Alluvial rivers tend to erode and lower their beds downstream of a dam (Richards, 1982; Williams and Wolman, 1984), with the amount of degradation decreasing non-linearly downstream of the dam. The effect of a dam is also expected to diminish with time. In most cases therefore, maximum bed degradation is seen directly downstream of the dam, where the energy available for sediment transport is most out of balance with the pre-dammed system, with the generalized trend of degradation decreasing progressively downstream of the dam. Local variations in bed degradation are however likely and variations about this decreasing trend are often seen (Williams and Wolman, 1984). A regulated river may travel many kilometers before its suspended sediment load reaches the value upstream of the dam, or other factors listed above return to an equilibrium. The downstream effects of a dam can extend until there is 1. local control of bed elevation (e.g. bedrock), 2. downstream control of base level (ocean, lake, larger river or another dam), 3. decrease in flow competence (flattening of slope by degradation, expansion of channel width resulting in decreased depth and redistributed flow velocities), 4. infusion of sufficient sediment to restore the balance of incoming and outgoing sediment in a reach, and/or 5. growth of vegetation (Williams and Wolman, 1984). Williams and Wolman (1984) also note that the downstream location of zero bed degradation ranged from several to about 2 000 channel widths (4 to 125 km) for the data they examined, depending on factors 1-5 listed above. Changes in channel width tend to extend further downstream than bed degradation and are also harder to predict. Channel width can increase, decrease or stay the same downstream of a dam (Williams and Wolman, 1984), depending upon a number of factors including but not limited to, the bed and bank materials, flow regime, and type and density of riparian vegetation. In the case of some rivers, reduction in channel migration rates have been seen after dam construction (Shields et al., 2002). Friedman et al. (1998) suggested that the effects of dams on large rivers vary with the pre-existing planform of the river. As such, regulation of floods by dams tends to cause braided rivers to narrow, while meandering rivers experience little change in width, but do tend to see a reduction in migration rates. Deposition is also a common problem in regulated rivers because regulation of high magnitude floods artificially slows sediment transport, but sediment emanating from tributaries may be unaffected. The steeper tributaries commonly therefore introduce coarse sediments to the main stem of the channel, which are deposited as the tributaries lose competence on entering the main stem, leading to aggradation. In the absence of dams, floods on the main stem would periodically rework this aggraded material. Tributary confluences in regulated rivers are thus often found to be locations of significant sediment accumulation (Petts, 1984). Tributary sediment yields can also be Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 3 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ increased following dam closure, due to the lowering of base level in some cases which can induce tributary rejuvenation (Petts, 1984). Dams are built for different purposes (e.g. flood regulation, hydropower, water conservation, navigation), and their effects on the magnitude and duration of flow releases can therefore vary greatly. In this case, the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway locks and dams and the original dams built on the Black Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway were designed to allow for easy navigation of the river rather than for flood control. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 4 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Study objectives The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the extent and severity of streambank erosion along the Lower Tombigbee River between river miles 72 and 259. More specifically, the study aimed to identify locations of bank instability and determine rates and magnitudes of channel changes. A sub-objective was to determine under what conditions streambanks become unstable (critical conditions), and to investigate the timing and frequency of such conditions. In part, this will be examined using historical flow records obtained from USGS gauging stations in the reach. Figure 1. Location map showing the study reach on the Tombigbee River between River miles 72 and 259. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. STUDY AREA The Tombigbee River occupies the western edge of the Mobile River Basin, occupying an area of approximately 35656 square kilometers (13 767 square miles) within the states of Alabama and Mississippi (19925 square kilometers (7 693 square miles) in Alabama and 15 734 square kilometers (6 075 square miles) in Mississippi). Its headwaters emerge out of the Fall Line Hills and Black Prairie Belt Districts of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province adjacent to the Tennessee River Valley in northeastern Mississippi and northern Alabama, gathering flow from four major rivers: Buttahatchee, Noxubee, and Sucarnoochee from the west, and the Sipsey from the northeast. The main stem of the river joins with the Black Warrior at Demopolis, Alabama and then continues due south to join the Alabama River, south of Jackson, Alabama and drains into the Mobile River, which flows into the Gulf of Mexico. The Tombigbee River Basin includes two sub-basin components: Upper and Lower Tombigbee River subbasins. The Upper Tombigbee River and its sub-basin run mostly in a north-south direction in western central Alabama. It reaches north from its confluence with the Black Warrior River near Demopolis, AL well into Mississippi. The Lower Tombigbee River and its subbasin run from the confluence of the Upper Tombigbee and Black Warrior Rivers in a southerly direction to the confluence with the Alabama River in southeastern Alabama. The river provides one of the principal routes of commercial navigation in the southern United States, navigable along much of its length through locks and connected at its upper end to the Tennessee River by the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. There are a total of 12 locks and dams on the Tombigbee River with four of these located in Alabama. Ten of these 12 dams are a part of the 377 kilomater (234-mile) TennesseeTombigbee Waterway system that connects Pickwick Lake on the Tennessee River with the Tombigbee River. The two locks in the Tennessee-Tombigbee system located in Alabama (Belville and Heflin, built in the late 1970s), open the waterway to Demopolis Lake and the Demopolis Lock and Dam where it meets up with the Black Warrior – Tombigbee navigational project, which connects the Black Warrior River as far north as the City of Birmingham. South of Demopolis on the main stem of the lower Tombigbee River the Coffeeville Lock and Dam constitutes the first impoundment on the Tombigbee and the Black Warrior Tombigbee project. They all fall under the jurisdiction of the Army Corps of Engineers and serve navigational and recreational purposes. Heflin lock and dam is the structure located upstream of the study reach for this project, with Demopolis Dam and Coffeeville Dam being located within the study reach. The Tombigbee River basin is located within the physiographic province referred to as the Coastal Plain. This part of Alabama formed in the shallow waters that have covered most of the central continent throughout geologic history. Generally, the geology of the Tombigbee River basin consists of Cretaceous chalk and sediments and clastic sediments with porous limestone from the Oligocene, Eocene, Paleocene periods (Robinson, 2003). The official soil of the state of Alabama is the Bama soil series. A typical Bama soil profile consists of a topsoil of about 0.13 m (five inches) of dark brown fine sandy loam; a 0.15 m (six inch) subsurface of fine sandy loam; and a red clay loam and sandy clay loam subsoil to 1.5 m (60 inches) or more. They generally parallel major river systems, forming in thick deposits of loamy fluvial or marine sediments. 6 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.1 A History of Channel Modifications on the Tombigbee River 2.1.1 Development of the Black Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway The first major modifications to affect the Tombigbee River were carried out on the Lower Tombigbee subbasin. The Black Warrior River merges with the Tombigbee River just above Demopolis Dam, and the Tombigbee merges with the Alabama near Coffeeville to form the Mobile River. It in turn flows into Mobile Bay on the Gulf of Mexico. These rivers have historically played a vital role in the economic development of their basins, with explorers, then traders and settlers using the rivers as water highways. In the nineteenth century, cultivation of cotton and the invention of the paddlewheel steamboat stimulated trade on the rivers. However, navigation was difficult in places due to hazards such as sandbars, fallen trees and debris jams. As a result the first plans to improve the rivers for navigation were approved in 1875. The authorized project provided for a navigable channel extending from the mouth of the Tombigbee River, 45 miles above Mobile, to the vicinity of Birmingham, via the Tombigbee and Black Warrior Rivers. Between 1895 and 1915, a system of 17 locks and dams was constructed between Mobile and Birmingham, allowing adequate passage for the steam-powered tow boats of the era. A modernization program of the locks and dams on the Black WarriorTombigbee Waterway began in 1937 to expand the navigable channel to a depth of 2.74 m (nine feet) by a width of 60.96 m (200 feet), allowing tows of up to eight standard barges to be accommodated at all locks. To enable this modernization of the original system, the following dams were constructed (Table 1). Each new dam replaced a set of three of the original locks and dams, except Holt Lock and Dam which replaced four original locks and dams. Dates and information were obtained from USACE (2008). Locations of present day locks and dams are shown in Figure 2. Table 1. Locks and dams built to replace the original system of 17 locks and dams on the Tombigbee and Black-Warrior Rivers between 1895 and 1915. Lock and Dam William Bacon Oliver Demopolis Armistead L. Selden Coffeeville Holt Date opened August 1939 August 1954 October 1957 August 1960 June 1966 Additional Comments Near Tuscaloosa Work continued until 1965 2.1.2 Development of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway The Upper Tombigbee River sub-basin, north of Demopolis has also undergone dramatic engineering work in the past forty years. The first suggestion of a waterway to join the Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers to allow easier navigation to the Gulf of Mexico came as far back as the 18th century, by French explorers who believed that such a link was necessary to develop that part of the south (Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority, 2008). However, serious attention was not really paid to the idea Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 7 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ until after the Civil War, by which time projects designed to improve navigation of the nation’s rivers were gaining more political support (Stine, 1993). The first engineering investigation of the waterway was conducted during the Grant Administration in 187475, but the study concluded that although the U.S. Corps of Engineers could build such a project using a total of 43 locks and a channel 1.22 m (four feet) deep, its commercial limitations made it impractical. Other studies were conducted by the Corps in 1913, 1923, 1935, 1938 and 1945 that eventually led to congressional approval of the waterway in 1946 (Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority, 2007). However, strong opposition from key members of the Congress from other regions of the nation and from the railroad industry, prevented funds for the project from being appropriated until 1971 (Stine, 1993). After 12 years of construction the Tennessee- Tombigbee Waterway was completed on December 12, 1984. The Waterway begins at its northern end at Pickwick Lake on the Tennessee River, flows through northeast Mississippi and west Alabama, and connects with the established Black Warrior-Tombigbee Waterway at Demopolis, Alabama. The main features of the 377 km (234-mile) long Tenn-Tom are 10 locks and dams and a 46.7 km (29-mile) man-made canal (Figure 2). The 10 locks raise or lower barges and boats a total of 103.9 m (341 feet), the difference in elevation between the two ends of the waterway. Spillways operated on the Tennesse-Tombigbee Waterway are used primarily for navigation purposes, rather than for flood control. They do however have the capability of allowing small pool fluctuations for mosquito control, fish propagation and recreational activities (Underwood and Imsand, 1985). During periods of high flow, headwater elevations at the dams are maintained by opening the gates until the tailwater rises to within 0.6 meters (1.97 feet) of normal pool headwater elevation. At this flow condition, all the dam gates are opened, and if the headwater continues to rise, uncontrolled overflow takes place (Underwood and Imsand, 1985). 2.1.3 Summary The Tombigbee and Black Warrior Rivers have undergone significant changes since 1895, involving three separate phases of modifications and periods of dam construction (original 17 locks and dams on the Tombigbee-Black Warrior system, modernization of these locks and dams between 1937 and 1965, and finally the construction of the TennTom Waterway in the 1970’s and early 1980’s). Morphological changes of a river tend to occur most rapidly after a disturbance, with the effects diminishing with space and time. As such, any changes that are currently occurring within the study reach could be a result of channel responses to a combination of all the previous channel modifications that have occurred. Effects caused by the older dams may now be more muted than the effects of more recent disturbance. However, distinguishing potential effects of the TenneesseeTombigbee Waterway on the study reach of the Lower Tombigbee River may be difficult as the flow of water and sediment, and resulting channel morphology have already been affected and continue to be affected by the impoundments in the system that pre-dated the Tenn-Tom Waterway. In terms of this study, the dams that are of particular interest are shown in the following table (Table 2), along with their date of construction. These dates should be kept in mind when analyzing the flow and bank widening trends in later sections. 8 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 2. Dams located within or directly affecting the study reach between river miles 259 and 72. Dam Heflin (Gainesville) Lock and Dam Date Opened River Mile Late 1970’s 266 Demopolis Lock and Dam 1954 213 Coffeeville Lock and Dam 1960 117 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 2. Present day locations of locks and dams on Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and Black Warrior - Tombigbee Waterway. The study reach for this project is highlighted in red. 10 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.1.3 Geology This part of Alabama formed in the shallow waters that have covered most of the central continent throughout geologic history. Generally, the geology of the Tombigbee River basin consists of Cretaceous chalk and sediments and clastic sediments with porous limestone from the Oligocene, Eocene, and Paleocene periods (Robinson, 2003). In places, the chalk is exposed as white, steep banks along the river. A listing of the types of rocks and their formation of origin can be found in Table 3 (Alabama Clean Water Partnership Website, accessed, 2008). Table 3. Geology of the Tombigbee River Basin (Alabama Clean Water Partnership Website, accessed, 2008) Rock Type Formation Sand, Clay, Silt, Mud Alluvial, coastal, low terrace deposits Sand, Clay Providence sand Sand, Clay Coker Formation Sand, Gravel, Clay Gordo Formation Sand, Clay Eutaw Formation Chalk, Marl, Clay Demopolis chalk Limestone, Silt, Sand Clayton Formation Clay, Claystone, Sand Nanafalia Formation Silt, Clay, Sand Tuscahoma Formation Clay, Limestone, Sand Jackson Group undifferentiated Sand, Limestone, Marl, Clay Oligocene Series undifferentiated Gravelly, Sand, Clay Miocene Series undifferentiated Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. FUNDAMENTALS of BANK STABILITY Conceptual models of bank retreat and the delivery of bank sediments to the flow emphasize the importance of interactions between hydraulic forces acting at the bed and bank toe, and gravitational forces acting on in situ bank materials (Carson and Kirkby, 1972; Thorne, 1982; Simon et al., 1991). Failure occurs when erosion of the bank toe and possibly the channel bed adjacent to the bank increase the height and angle of the bank to the point that gravitational forces exceed the shear strength of the bank material. After failure, failed bank materials may be delivered directly to the flow and deposited as bed material, dispersed as wash load, or deposited along the toe of the bank as intact blocks, or as smaller, dispersed aggregates (Simon et al., 1991). Bank materials do not maintain a constant shear strength (resistance to failure) throughout the year. Strength varies with the moisture content of the bank and the elevation of the saturated zone in the bank mass. The wetter the bank and the higher the water table, the weaker the bank mass becomes and the more prone it is to failure. Bank failures, however, do not occur frequently during high flows because the water in the channel is providing a buttressing, or confining force to the bank mass. This is true even though it is during high-flow events that the bank may be undercut by hydraulic forces. It is upon recession of the flow when the bank loses the confining force but still maintains a high degree of saturation when it is most likely to fail. This is why changes in flow regime can be very important in determining trends of bank stability over time. Analyzing streambank stability is a matter of characterizing the gravitational forces acting on the bank and the geotechnical strength of the in situ bank material. Field data are required to quantify those parameters controlling this balance between force and resistance. If we initially envision a channel deepened by bed degradation in which the streambanks have not yet begun to fail, the gravitational force acting on the bank cannot overcome the resistance (shear strength) of the in situ bank material. Shear strength is a combination of frictional forces represented by the angle of internal friction (φ’), and effective cohesion (c’). Pore-water pressures in the bank serve to reduce the frictional component of shear strength. A factor of safety (Fs) is expressed then as the ratio between the resisting and driving forces. A value of unity (or the critical case) indicates the driving forces are equal to the resisting forces and that failure is imminent. The forces resisting failure on the saturated part of the failure surface are defined by the Mohr-Coulomb equation: Sr = c’ + (σ - µ) tan φ’ (1) where µ is the pore pressure and φ’ is the angle of internal friction. The geotechnical driving force is given by the term: F = W sinβ (2) Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 12 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ where, F = driving force acting on bank material (N), W = weight of failure block (N), and β = angle of the failure plane (degrees). In the part of the streambank above the “normal” level of the groundwater table, bank materials are unsaturated, pores are filled with water and with air, and pore-water pressure is negative. The difference (µa - µw) between the air pressure (µa) and the water pressure in the pores (µw) represents matric-suction (ψ). This force acts to increase the shear strength of the material and with effective cohesion produces apparent cohesion (ca). The increase in shear strength due to an increase in matric suction is described by the angle φ b. This effect has been incorporated into the standard Mohr-Coulomb equation normally used for saturated soils by Fredlund et al. (1978), with a maximum value of φ’ under saturated conditions (Fredlund and Rahardjo, 1993). The effect of matric suction on shear strength is reflected in the apparent or total cohesion (ca) term: ca = c’ + (µa - µw) tan φ b = c’ + ψ tan φ b (3) As can be seen from equation 1, negative pore-water pressures (positive matric suction; ψ) in the unsaturated zone provide for cohesion greater than the effective cohesion, and thus, greater shearing resistance. This is often manifest in steeper bank slopes than would be indicated by φ’. Thus, for the unsaturated part of the failure surface the resisting forces as modified by Fredlund et al. (1978) are used: Sr = c’ + (σ- µa) tan φ’ + (µa-µw) tan φb (4) where Sr is shear strength (kPa), c’ is effective cohesion (kPa), σ is normal stress (kPa), µa is pore air pressure (kPa), µw is pore-water pressure (kPa), (µa-µw) is matric suction, or negative pore-water pressure (kPa), and tan φb is the rate of increase in shear strength with increasing matric suction. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 13 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. METHODOLOGY To learn more about the Lower Tombigbee River in its current state, it was important to examine the present geomorphology of the river bed and banks, and where necessary, to collect geotechnical data regarding the resistance of the bank material for stability analysis. In addition, available USGS gage data were analyzed along with historic sets of aerial photographs, to establish past conditions, and rates and patterns of change in the river system. Rivers are continually changing, dynamic systems. However, it is the rates and magnitudes of these changes that help determine whether a river is stable or unstable. For the purpose of this study, stability is defined in geomorphic terms; that is, a dynamic equilibrium that can transport all of the sediment delivered to it from upstream without altering its dimensions over a period of years. That is not to say that the stream is static but that the short-term, local processes of scour and fill, erosion and deposition, are balanced through a reach such that the stream does not widen, narrow, degrade of aggrade. 4.1 Air Reconnaissance Survey The length of the study reach (from river mile 72 to 259) was photographed from a lowflying helicopter using a high-speed video camera. From the air it was possible to characterize active geomorphic processes and relative stability along different sections of the study reach, for example, by observing bank failures, and areas of significant aggradation. Locations were identified from mile markers posted along the river. Rapid geomorphic assessments (RGAs) were conducted approximately every 2 river miles. Information from the RGAs was used to estimate channel stability by looking at the percentage of banks failing in a particular reach. Results provided information on the magnitude, distribution and extent of bank instabilities along the reach to map critical locations and discern any system-wide trends. 4.1.1 Rapid Geomorphic Assessments: RGA’s A modified version of the Rapid Geomorphic Assessment tool (Simon, 1995; Simon and Klimetz, 2008) was used to assess channel stability throughout the study reach. This approach was used as the method allows for a very rapid analysis of many sites, and highlights the important processes occurring at each site, enabling assignment of stages of channel evolution. RGAs utilize diagnostic criteria of channel form to infer dominant channel processes and the magnitude of channel instabilities through a series of nine questions. Granted, evaluations of this sort do not include an evaluation of watershed or upland conditions; however, stream channels act as conduits for energy, flow and materials as they move through the watershed and will reflect a balance or imbalance in the delivery of sediment. RGAs provide an efficient method of assessing in-stream geomorphic conditions, enabling the rapid characterization and stability of any given channel. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 14 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Generally, the RGA procedure consists of five steps to be completed on site: 1. Determine the ‘reach’. The ‘reach’ is described as the length of channel covering 6-20 channel widths, thus is scale dependent and covers at least two pool-riffle sequences. 2. Take photographs looking upstream, downstream and across the reach; for quality assurance and quality control purposes. Photographs are used with RGA forms to review the field evaluation 3. Make observations of channel conditions and diagnostic criteria listed on the channel-stability ranking scheme. 4. Sample bed material. 5. Perform a survey of thalweg, or water surface if the water is too deep to wade. Bed or water surface slope is then calculated over at least two pool-riffle sequences. In this case, however, the RGA methodology was used simply to establish the longitudinal extent of recent streambank failures in each 2 mile reach. (see highlighted part of field data sheet in Figure 3). This was quantified as the percent of the reach failing as estimated from the video taken during the air reconnaissance flight. These percentages are broken into classes (0-10, 11-25, 25-50, 51-75 and 76-100; Figure 3) and used as a measure of the severity of bank instability and when mapped, the extent of that instability. Bed sampling and stages of channel evolution were not evaluated for this particular study reach. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 15 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHANNEL-STABILITY RANKING SCHEME River_________________________ Site Identifier____________________________________ Date _____________ Time_______ Crew _______________ Samples Taken_________________________ Pictures (circle) U/S D/S X-section 1. Primary bed material Bedrock Boulder/Cobble 0 1 2. Bed/bank protection Yes No (with) Slope__________ Gravel 2 1 bank Sand 3 Pattern: Meandering Straight Braided Silt Clay 4 2 banks protected 0 1 2 3 3. Degree of incision (Relative elevation of "normal" low water; floodplain/terrace @ 100%) 0-10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 4 3 2 1 0 4. Degree of constriction (Relative decrease in top-bank width from up to downstream) 0-10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 0 1 2 3 4 5. Stream bank erosion (Each bank) None Fluvial Mass wasting (failures) Left 0 1 2 Right 0 1 2 6. Stream bank instability (Percent of each bank failing) 0-10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Left 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Right 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 7. Established riparian woody-vegetative cover (Each bank) 0-10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Left 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Right 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 8. Occurrence of bank accretion (Percent of each bank with fluvial deposition) 0-10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% Left 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Right 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 9. Stage of channel evolution I II III IV V VI 0 1 2 4 3 1.5 Figure 3. Channel stability ranking scheme used to conduct rapid geomorphic assessments (RGA’s). The channel stability index is the sum of the values obtained for the nine criteria. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 16 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Analysis of Geographic Trends of Channel Conditions using Aerial Photography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Layers Aerial photographs of the study reach for four different periods were used to quantify changes in channel width over a 33-year period (1974-2005) spanning a timeframe from pre-Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway to 20 years after the opening of the Waterway. Photograph resolution ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 meters per pixel. Banklines were digitized in a GIS format from each set of aerial photographs: 1974, 1985, 1999 (bank line only available) and 2005. The resulting sets of digitized maps were overlain to calculate amounts of bank retreat along the study reach. For each set of images, bank lines were drawn at the top-bank edge. For most of the images this bank-top edge was obvious, but in the few cases where bank vegetation was too dense, or where shadows obscured the views, channel width values were omitted from the analysis for this particular set of photographs. The images were rectified and viewed in ArcView 3.3 to measure changes in channel widths at each 2 mile interval. Rates of bank retreat were obtained by dividing the differences in width between successive photographs by the time period represented by the two sets of photos. Geographical Information Systems Layers were also used in order to represent graphically the percent of reach failing data collected from aerial reconnaissance. Results of bank-width change in the aerial photo analysis and the analysis of current percent of reach failing were compared, and areas identified by Tasks 3.1 and 3.2 as being particularly active then provided guidance for the selection of sites where geotechnical testing and bank-stability modeling was conducted as part of Tasks 3.4 and 3.5. One limitation of the method used was that undercut banks could not be seen from the air photographs. However, given enough erosion over time, undercut banks will become unstable and fail, the result of which is visible from aerial photographs. Given the lengths of time between the sets of photographs used, the average bank widening for a given reach should still be sufficient to show widening trends over time. 4.3 Gauging-Station Analysis Historical data from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauging stations along the reach were used to identify changes in channel morphology over the period of record. This technique, known as “specific gauge analysis” involves an examination of the watersurface width and elevation at various discharges over time. Results of such analyses provide information on any temporal trends in channel dimensions. 4.3.1 Specific Gage Analysis using Water-Surface Elevation One way to examine the vertical stability of a channel over a period of time is to determine whether the elevation of the water surface at a specific discharge is changing with time. A low-flow discharge is used for this analysis. A decrease in elevation over a period of years indicates channel-bed erosion over the period. A lack of discernable Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 17 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ change indicates relative bed stability. Using gage height (m) and discharge data (m3/s) from USGS discharge-measurement data (USGS form 9-207) for a given site, a relation is established for each year of available data. The resulting equation for each year was solved for a low-flow discharge (10th percentile flow) to calculate the gage height at that specific discharge for each given year. This gage height was then added to the elevation of the gage from the USGS Site Inventory website: ( and a plot of water surface elevation over time was created. The plot of water-surface elevation over time helps to identify trends in aggradation (filling) or degradation (incising) of the channel bed. 4.3.2 Analysis of Discharge Records To examine if and how the frequency of flows along the Lower Tombigbee River has varied over the period of study, mean-daily discharge data from the USGS were downloaded from for gages at Gainesville, Demopolis and Coffeeville dams. Mean-daily data were used to calculate mean-annual discharge values at each gage over the period of record of the gage. Where possible, the data were split out into pre- and post Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway time periods, and general trends over the periods of record analyzed. Mean-daily data were also used to investigate changes to the timing of flows during a given calendar year and to identify changes due to Waterway operation. In addition, mean-daily data were used to calculate and plot percent exceedance graphs, showing the percentage of time a certain discharge is equaled or exceeded. This information is potentially important to understand the behavior of the channel banks. Again, these data were split into pre- and postwaterway dates so that potential differences in flow magnitudes and timing could be ascertained. Peak discharge measurements for each year were also analyzed to see if any trends existed. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 18 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4. List of USGS gages and available data within the study reach on the Lower Tombigbee River. The gages highlighted in blue were used for the analysis of discharge. GAGE NUMBER 02449500 02467000 02467001 02469525 02469761 02469762 02470000 02470050 02449000 GAGE NAME TOMBIGBEE RIVER AT EPES, AL TOMBIGBEE R AT DEMOPOLIS L&D NEAR COATOPA, AL TOMBIGBEE RIVER BL DEMOPOLIS L&D NEAR COATOPA AL TOMBIGBEE RIVER NEAR NANAFALIA, AL. TOMBIGBEE R AT COFFEEVILLE L&D NR COFFEEVILLE, AL TOMBIGBEE R BL COFFEEVILLE L&D NEAR COFFEEVILLE, AL TOMBIGBEE RIVER NEAR LEROY, AL TOMBIGBEE RIVER AT STEAMPLANT NR LEROY, AL TOMBIGBEE RIVER AT GAINESVILLE, AL PERIOD OF RECORD (daily data) PERIOD OF RECORD (stream measurement) DRAINAGE AREA (sq km) AVAILABLE DATA LOCATION 1901-1945 1983-1983 14,371 No gauge height, discharge At a bridge 1973-2007 1983-1990 24,759 Gauge height and discharge On dam 1971-2003 NO DATA 24,759 Gauge height, no discharge On dam 1990-2007 NO DATA 28,142 Gauge height, no discharge At a bridge 1960-2007 1966-2007 29,639 Gauge height and discharge On dam 1971-2007 NO DATA 29,639 Gauge height, no discharge On dam 1928-1960 NO DATA 30,521 No gauge height, discharge A little north of Jackson 2000-2007 NO DATA 30,770 Gauge height, no discharge At Jackson AL 1938-1978 1959-1989 13,891 No gauge height, discharge - Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.3 Analysis of Precipitation Data Any potential changes in discharge values in the Tennesse-Tombigbee Waterway and Tombigbee River could be caused simply by changing amounts of precipitation over the study period. Daily precipitation data were obtained for the rain gages shown in Figure 4, to determine trends in precipitation since 1885. Annual values for each year of record were averaged for all sites. A water yield for each year of record was then calculated by dividing average, annual discharge (m3/s) by annual rainfall (mm). This represents the amount of flow per unit of precipitation. A flat relation would indicate that the Waterway has not had a discernable effect on discharge on an annual basis. In contrast, a sloping relation would indicate that the Waterway has resulted in changes in the annual flow regime. Figure 4. Location of rain gages in the watershed of the Tennessee-Tombigbee River that were used for precipitation analysis. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.4 Testing of Bank Materials As bank stability is a function of the strength of the bank material to resist collapse under gravity, measurements of the components of shearing resistance (or shear strength) were required. In addition, tests of the resistance of the bank-toe materials to erosion by flowing water were carried out using a submerged jet-test device (Hanson, 1990). In situ tests of the shear strength of bank materials at five unstable sites were conducted using a borehole shear-test device (BST; Lohnes and Handy, 1968)). Site selection was based on information obtained during the reconnaissance phase and from information provided by the Alabama Clean Water Partnership (Sections 3.1 and 3.2). Data obtained in the field were used as inputs to the Bank-Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM; Simon et al., 1999) to determine critical conditions for bank stability. This is described further in the next section (3.5). Testing was carried out at sites at river miles 75.3, 114.7, 161.9, 190.9, and 239.7 (Figure 5). Sections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 describe the theory behind BST and submerged jet tests, and how they are conducted in the field. At each site, a description of the soil layers in the bank was obtained using samples taken from a borehole dug to the point of saturation within the bank. Soil samples were taken at each change in material type, and were brought back to the laboratory to be analyzed for particle size, soil moisture, and bulk density. BST tests were conducted in situ in each soil layer. Jet tests were carried out in situ on the exposed toe material at the base of the bank at each site to obtain estimates of hydraulic resistance. Each jet test was also accompanied by a soil sample collected to establish particle size for this material. The soil layers identified at each site can be seen in Appendix A. Figure 5. Map showing location of unstable sites selected for geotechnical testing. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 21 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.4.1 Geotechnical Data Collection – Borehole Shear Tests To model bank stability at selected reaches of the Lower Tombigbee River using BSTEM, the banks within each reach were characterized. Representative sites were chosen along the study reach. Bank surveys at each site were also conducted. To gather data on the internal shear strength properties of the banks, in-situ Borehole Shear Test (BSTs) devices were used. To properly determine the resistance of cohesive materials to erosion by mass movement, data must be acquired on those characteristics that control shear strength; that is cohesion, angle of internal friction, pore-water pressure, and bulk unit weight. Cohesion and friction angle data can be obtained from standard laboratory testing (triaxial shear or unconfined compression tests), or by in-situ testing with a borehole shear-test (BST) device (Lohnes and Handy 1968; Thorne et al. 1981; Little et al. 1982; Lutenegger and Hallberg 1981). The BST provides direct, drained shear-strength tests on the walls of a borehole (Figure 6). Advantages of the instrument include: 1. The test is performed in situ and testing is, therefore, performed on undisturbed material. 2. Cohesion and friction angle are evaluated separately with the cohesion value representing apparent cohesion (ca). Effective cohesion (c’) is then obtained by adjusting ca according to measured pore-water pressure and φ b. 3. A number of separate trials are run at the same sample depth to produce single values of cohesion and friction angle based on a standard Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope. 4. Data and results obtained from the instrument are plotted and calculated on site, allowing for repetition if results are unreasonable; and 5. Tests can be carried out at various depths in the bank to locate weak strata (Thorne et al. 1981). Figure 6. Schematic representation of borehole shear tester (BST) used to determine cohesive and frictional strengths of in situ streambank materials. Modified from Thorne et al., 1981. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 22 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At each testing depth, a small core of known volume was removed and sealed to be returned to the laboratory. The samples were weighed, dried and weighed again to obtain values of moisture content and bulk unit weight, both required for analysis of streambank stability. 4.4.2 Hydraulic Forces and Resistance A submerged jet-test device was used in situ to estimate the resistance of materials to hydraulic forces in fine-grained materials (Hanson 1990; 1991; Hanson and Simon, 2001). The device shoots a jet of water at a known head onto the streambed causing it to erode at a given rate. As the toe material erodes, the distance between the jet and the bed increases, resulting in a decrease in applied shear stress. Theoretically, the rate of erosion beneath the jet decreases asymptotically with time to zero. A critical shear stress for the material can then be calculated from the field data as that shear stress where there is no erosion. The rate of scour ε (ms-1) is assumed to be proportional to the shear stress in excess of a critical shear stress and is expressed as: ε = k (τo - τc) a (5) where k = erodibility coefficient (m3/N-s), τo = average boundary shear stress (Pa), τc = critical shear stress, and a = exponent assumed to equal 1.0. The quantity (τo − τc) = excess shear stress (Pa). Average boundary shear stress, representing the stress applied by flowing water along the edge of the bank is calculated from channel geometry and stage data collected at the sites as: τo = γ R S (6) where γ = unit weight of water (N/m3), R = hydraulic radius (m), and S is channel gradient (m/m). An inverse relation between τc and k occurs when soils exhibiting a low τc have a high k or when soils having a high τc have a low k. The measure of material resistance to hydraulic stresses is a function of both τc and k. Based on observations from across the United States, k can be estimated as a function of τc (Hanson and Simon, 2001). This is generalized to: k = 0.1 τc – 0.5 (7) Erosion of cohesive bank-toe materials, such as those along the Tenn-Tom reach being studied, can then be calculated using equations 5 and 6. It should be noted however, that the relation from Hanson and Simon (2001) given in Eq. 7 has an r2 value of 0.6, indicating a considerable amount of scatter about the regression line. Using the regression in Eq. 7 to obtain values for τc and k in the absence of field data may therefore lead to a Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 23 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ degree of error in these variables. Critical shear stress of these types of materials can then be calculated using conventional (Shields-type) techniques as a function of particle size and weight. The magnitude of bank-toe erosion and bank steepening by hydraulic forces is calculated using a bank-toe erosion algorithm incorporated into the Bank Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM, Simon et al., 2000). The algorithm calculates the hydraulic forces acting on the bank face for a particular flow event. Flows are discretized as simple, rectangular hydrographs with the user specifying flow depth, channel gradient and the duration of the flow. The boundary shear stress exerted by the flow on each node, is determined by dividing the flow area at a cross section into segments that are affected only by the roughness on the bank or on the bed and then further subdividing to determine the flow area affected by the roughness on each node. The line dividing the bed- and bank-affected segments is assumed to bisect the average bank angle and the average bank toe angle. The hydraulic radius of the flow on this segment is the area of the segment (A) divided by the wetted perimeter of the segment (Pn), and S is the channel slope. An average erosion distance is computed by comparing the boundary shear stress with critical shear stress and erodibilty for each node for the specified duration of the flow. 4.5 Quantifying streambank stability: The Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) A bank-stability and toe-erosion model (BSTEM) developed by the USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory was used to model current bank-stability conditions and to determine stable-bank configurations (Simon et al., 2000). BSTEM was developed for use with multi-layered banks with complex geometries. Data collected at field sites, in addition to flow data from USGS gages were used to model a range of typical flow conditions ranging from low summer flows (<100 cms), to large springtime events (up to 6000 cms). Bank stability was analyzed using the limit-equilibrium method, based on static equilibrium of forces and/or moments (Bishop, 1955). Streambank failure occurs when gravitational forces that tend to move soil downslope exceed those forces that resist movement (driving forces exceed resisting forces). The potential for failure is usually expressed by a factor of safety (FS), defined as the ratio of resisting to driving forces. BSTEM performs stability analysis of planar-slip and cantilever ailures and accounts for the important driving and resisting forces that control bank stability. Bank geometry, soil shear-strength (effective cohesion, c', and angle of internal friction, φ'), pore-water pressure, confining pressure, and mechanical and hydrologic effects of riparian vegetation are model inputs, used to numerically determine the critical conditions for bank stability, for example. in terms of bank height, angle, and degree of bank saturation. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 24 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.6 Determining the timing and frequency of critical conditions, and modeling rates of bank retreat. BSTEM was used to determine the critical conditions for bank failure at each of the five sites examined in detail. In each case the bank profile was entered, along with the geotechnical data collected in the field. A first set of model runs was conducted in which water table height, flow depth, and the size and geometry of the failure block were varied to find the most critical bank condition for that site. In all cases investigated, the most critical bank condition occurred when the water table was higher than the level of the flow in the channel (ie. bank pore-water pressures were high, but confining force from the flow in the channel had been removed). Such conditions are likely during drawdown after a high flow event. The bank is only likely to become saturated to the level of highest flow, however, if the flow remains high for several consecutive days, and/or the bank’s antecedent moisture conditions were already high from a series of rainfall events. To account for this, the discharge relating to the critical water table height was established at each site, and the mean daily data from USGS gages were analyzed to see how many times discharge events of that magnitude, and lasting 5-days or greater and 10-days or greater occurred during the period of record before the Tenn-Tom Waterway opened and after its opening. Critical conditions were found assuming first that no riparian vegetation was present and second using estimates of root-reinforcement obtained using descriptions of the vegetation present at each field site. Root reinforcement was estimated using the root-reinforcement model, RipRoot (Pollen and Simon, 2005; Pollen, 2007). A second set of model runs was also carried out for one of the sites (RM 114.7) to examine rates of bank retreat during a high flow year, and to see how different mitigation strategies might affect this rate. Mean-daily flow records for the gage closest to the site (Coffeeville dam) were plotted for the entire available data record. The hydrograph for the 90th percentile flow year (1991) was selected from the period of record (1961 – 2006) to model a high flow year and estimate worst-case flow conditions for that particular site. The 1991 hydrograph was discretized into a series of steady-state rectangular-shaped discharge events (Figure 7) which were iterated through using the following approach to run the toe erosion and bank stability algorithms in BSTEM: 1. The effects of the first flow event was simulated using the toe-erosion sub model to determine the amount (if any) of hydraulic erosion and the change in geometry in the bank-toe-region. 2. The new geometry was exported into the bank-stability sub-model to test for the relative stability of the bank. a. If the factor of safety (Fs) was greater than 1.0, geometry was not updated and the next flow event was simulated. b. If Fs was less than 1.0, failure was simulated and the resulting failure plane became the geometry of the bank for simulation of toe erosion for the next flow event in the series. c. If the next flow event had an elevation lower than the previous one, the bank-stability sub-model was run again using the new flow elevation to Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 25 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test for stability under drawdown conditions. If Fs was less than 1.0, failure was simulated and the new bank geometry was exported into the toe-erosion sub-model for the next flow event. 3. The next flow event in the series was simulated. 8000 MEAN DAILY DISCHARGE (cms) 1991 Mean Daily Discharge 7000 Discretized Hydrograph for Modeling in BSTEM 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1/1 2/20 4/11 5/31 7/20 9/8 10/28 12/17 DATE Figure 7. Discretized hydrograph for 90th percentile flow year at Coffeeville Dam, showing the six steady-state, rectangular shaped flow events modeled in BSTEM. Four different sets of runs were carried out for site 114.7 using this approach. First, the model was run with no bank protection. Second, rock was added along the entire length of the bank toe. Third, rock was added to the entire length of bank toe, and 5-year-old River birch and Eastern Sycamore trees were added to the top of the bank. Fourth, the bank angle was decreased to see what effect that might have on bank retreat rates. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 26 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. RESULTS To determine the current stability conditions of the Lower Tombigbee River and the way the river’s morphology has changed before, during construction of, and after construction of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, a combination of approaches were used. Current conditions were obtained from RGA’s and aerial reconnaisance, while historical conditions and changes in channel morphology were analyzed using time-series aerial photography and USGS gauging-station data. To compliment the RGA analysis of current conditions, bank-stability modeling was used to identify critical conditions for stability at five representative sections along the study reach. 5.1 Trends in Flow and Precipitation Mean daily discharge, and peak annual discharge data were analyzed for the time periods between the air photographs to see if flow trends have varied over the extent of the gage records, and pre- and post- Tenn-Tom Waterway construction. USGS gage data were available for a number of gages on the Lower Tombigbee River (Table 4 in methodology), but only gages 02449000 (Tombigbee River at Gainesville, AL), 02467000 (Tombigbee River at Demopolis, AL) and 02469761 (Tombigbee River at Coffeeville, AL) had the correct data to analyze mean-daily discharge data and peakdischarge data. Analysis of discharge records was carried out because it was important to establish if and when, the magnitudes and timing of flows have changed along the Lower Tombigbee River, so that processes acting on the bed and banks could be identified correctly. As with all the analyses in this report involving gauging-station data, the dataset was analyzed as a whole period of record to look at the long term trends, and also separated into pre-and post- waterway construction (start of data set – 1974 and 1985 – end of data set, respectively). 5.1.1 Total Annual Discharge Mean-daily discharge data were used to calculate the total discharge during each calendar year. The results of this analysis showed increases in total discharge as indicated by the positive gradients of the trend lines in Figure 8 (Top), although the lines for Gainesville and Coffeeville are only slightly positive. Annual rates of increase above the upstream end of the study reach (Gainesville) were small about 130 m3/s/y. A similar value was obtained downstream at Coffeeville Dam (about 120 m3/s/y). The gage at Demopolis in the middle of the study reach, however, showed an order of magnitude greater rate of increase (about 1200 m3/s/y). Given that the Tombigbee River at Demopolis is receiving flow from Gainesville, which showed no trend over time, this indicates that the increasing total discharge at Demopolis may be due to greater flow volumes emanating from the Black Warrior River system. These calculated rates, however, are problematic Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 27 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ in that the increase at Demopolis does not seem to transfer downstream to Coffeeville. It is more likely that the absolute values of theses trends are, at least in part due to differences in the length of record for each gage. If these same data are re-plotted from 1961 to present (where data are available for each gage) a different picture emerges. In this case (Figure 8 (Bottom)), there is a slight trend of decreasing total discharge at the upstream end of the reach at Gainesville (-355 m3/s/y) countered by a larger increase at Demopolis (530 m3/s/y), resulting in a very mild increase at Coffeeville (133 m3/s/y). This is more likely the correct interpretation in that the difference between the increase at Demopolis and the decrease at Gainesville is similar to the resulting downstream increase in total discharge at Coffeeville, with the additional water being provided through the Black Warrior River System. a) TOTAL DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND 700000 GAINSVILLE 600000 DEMOPOLIS 500000 COFFEEVILLE 400000 y = 133x + 47034 300000 200000 y = 1190x - 2E+06 100000 y = 121x - 113753 0 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999 YEAR b) TOTAL DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND 700000 GAINSVILLE 600000 DEMOPOLIS 500000 COFFEEVILLE 400000 y = 133x + 47034 300000 200000 y = 530x - 785252 100000 y = -355x + 834146 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 YEAR Figure 8. Annual trends in total discharge along the Tombigbee River for specific periods of record (a) and since 1961 (b). Note the difference in trends. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 28 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.1.2 Mean-Annual Precipitation and Water Yield The next step in the analysis was to evaluate the precipitation data to see if the observed changes in total discharge could in part be related to changes precipitation over the same period. Precipitation records for the Tennessee-Tombigbee River Watershed date back as far as 1885. The data show that there has been a trend of increasing precipitation since 1885 with precipitation increasing approximately 240 mm (approximately 9 inches) (Figure 9). This value equates to an average increase in precipitation of about 60 mm/y (2.4 inches) in the past 30 years alone. To establish if the slight increase in total discharge of water each year over the periods of record could be explained by increases in precipitation, an analysis of water yields (flow discharge per unit of precipitation) was conducted. A water yield was calculated by dividing the total volume of water at each gage for each year (the sum of the mean daily discharge data) by the average annual precipitation for the corresponding year (using data from all available rain gages in the drainage basin). The results (Figure 10) show that the trends of water yield are either decreasing slightly with time or, in the case of Demopolis, are flatter than the trends for total discharge shown in Figure 8. This flattening of the trend line for Demopolis suggests that the amount of discharge, per unit of precipitation has either slightly decreased or remained fairly steady over the period of record investigated. This indicates that the increase in total discharge over the period can be explained in large part by the increasing trend in precipitation (that is most obvious at Demopolis as it receives water from the Black Warrior River), representing the bulk of the drainage area in the entire Tombigbee River System. 2000 MEAN ANNUAL PRECIPITATION, IN MILLIMETERS Tennessee-Tombigbee River Watershed y = 2.27x + 1173 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 1885 1895 1905 1915 1925 1935 1945 1955 1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 YEAR Figure 9. Precipitation trends for the Tennessee-Tombigbee River Watershed from 1885 to present. Red line shows the five-year moving average. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a) WATER YIELD, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND PER MILLIMETER OF PRCIPITATION 350.000 GAINSVILLE DEMOPOLIS 300.000 COFFEEVILLE 250.000 y = -0.182x + 576 200.000 y = 0.337x - 485 150.000 y = -0.0959x + 278 100.000 50.000 0.000 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999 YEAR b) WATER YIELD, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND PER MILLIMETER OF PRCIPITATION 350.000 GAINSVILLE DEMOPOLIS 300.000 COFFEEVILLE 250.000 y = -0.182x + 576 200.000 y = 0.119x - 52.0 150.000 y = -0.383x + 848 100.000 50.000 0.000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 YEAR Figure 10. Trends in water yield (discharge per unit of precipitation) for specific periods of record (a) and since 1961 (b) along the Tombigbee River. 5.1.3 Timing and Distribution of Flows The timing and distribution of flows were also examined. To find any differences in timing of flow events pre- and post- waterway construction, mean-daily discharge data were used to establish the mean-daily discharge on a given calendar day (ie. an average discharge was calculated for January 1st, January 2nd etc). This was carried out for the pre Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 30 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ waterway period (beginning of available data to 1974) and the post waterway period (after waterway opened in 1985 to the end of the data set). The difference between the means for each calendar day was then calculated and plotted in Figure 12. Values less than zero indicate periods when there was, on average, lower discharge after waterway construction than before. Values greater than zero indicate periods when discharge values were higher following waterway construction than before. The results clearly show that for all three of the gages (Gainesville, Demopolis and Coffeeville), a redistribution of flows has occurred since waterway construction as follows: • winters flows are higher, although less so at Gainesville; • springs flows are lower; and • summers flows fluctuate between slightly more and slightly less discharge than pre-waterway conditions. The data seem to suggest that during the spring, water is held back behind the dams to store water for the summer when flows naturally become lower and navigation thus becomes more difficult. By storing water in the spring, it can be released when necessary in summer months to maintain a flow deep enough for navigation. During the winter any excess water not used during the summer is then released and the cycle begins again. The magnitudes of the differences pre- and post- waterway can also be seen to get larger with progression to each downstream dam. DIFFERENCE IN MEAN-DAILY DISCHARGE FROM PRE WATERWAY CONDITIONS, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 Gainesville dam Demopolis dam Coffeeville dam -600 -800 -1000 -1200 1/1 1/26 2/20 3/16 4/10 5/5 5/30 6/24 7/19 8/13 9/7 10/2 10/27 11/21 12/16 DATE Figure 11. Difference in mean-daily flows pre- and post-waterway for a given calendar day. Note the increased flows during the winter and the decreased flows during the spring. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 31 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Having evaluated total discharge and the timing of flows, mean-daily discharge data were used to investigate the distribution of low, moderate and high flows before and after waterway construction. These data are expressed in terms of the percentage of time a given discharge is equaled or exceeded (Figure 12). Results show that for a given lowflow exceedance value (say 99%), that flows were lower at Gainesville and Coffeeville, and higher at Demopolis than pre-waterway. This is in agreement with the water yield results discussed previously. In the medium-flow range (represented by the 50% exceedance value), discharges are higher for all stations, and a given medium discharge occurs more frequently post-waterway. A similar trend exists for the high flows at Gainesville and Demopolis, with more frequent and higher discharges post-waterway. This trend, however, is largely masked at Coffeeville. The increased occurrence of greater high-flow discharges can have an impact on streambank stability insomuch as high flows tend to scour the bank-toe more readily. In addition, if high flows are more frequent and maintained for longer periods of time, this could lead to a greater frequency of bank saturation and reductions in the strength of the bank materials to resist failure. This idea will be investigated further in the section on critical streambank conditions. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 32 PERCENTAGE OF TIME DISCHARGE IS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED PERCENTAGE OF TIME DISCHARGE IS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED PERCENTAGE OF TIME DISCHARGE IS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 99.99 99.9 99 90 70 50 30 Pre waterway Post waterway 10 1 0.1 0.01 1 10 100 1000 10000 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND 99.99 99.9 99 90 70 50 30 Pre waterway (corrected) Post waterway Calculated exceedance 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND 99.99 99.9 99 90 Pre waterway Post waterway 70 50 30 10 1 0.1 0.01 1 10 100 1000 10000 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC METERS PER SECOND Figure 12. Distribution of mean-daily flows pre-and post-waterway at Gainesville Dam (Top), Demopolis Dam (Middle) and Coffeeville Dam (Bottom). The ‘corrected’ line for Demopolis shows as adjusted line as gage data at the lower end was erroneous. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 33 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.1.4 Variations in Annual-Peak Discharge 10000 10000 8000 8000 6000 6000 4000 2000 0 1940 1960 1980 2000 DATE 10000 8000 PEAK ANNUAL DISCHARGE IN CMS PEAK ANNUAL DISCHARGE IN CMS In keeping with the results of the precipitation and flow-duration analyses, annual-peak discharges have increased over the periods of gage record (Figure 13). At Gainesville, there has been a 75% increase in peak discharges since 1940, from about 2000 to 3500 m3/s, while at Demopolis there has been a 67% increase, from about 3000 to 5000 m3/s since 1930. The increase in peak discharges at Coffeeville appears significantly less (about 10%) than at the upstream gages but this is due, in part, to the shorter gage record which starts in 1961. Bearing in mind the increase in precipitation over the past century, one would expect greater percentage increases at the stations with longer record. Still, the increase in peak discharges at Gainesville and Demopolis are greater than at Coffeeville, even over the last 45 years. (a) (b) 4000 2000 0 1930 8000 4000 4000 2000 2000 1960 1980 1990 10000 6000 1940 1970 DATE 6000 0 1950 0 2000 1930 1950 DATE 1970 1990 DATE (c) 10000 8000 Figure 13. Changes in annual-peak flows at Gainesville (upper left, (a)), Demopolis (upper right, (b)), and Coffeeville (lower right, (c)). Trend lines are displayed for pre- and post-waterway periods, as well as for the entire period of record. PEAK ANNUAL DISCHARGE IN CMS 6000 4000 2000 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1990 2000 DATE 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1960 1970 1980 DATE Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 34 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.2 Channel Changes at Gauging Stations Only one gage in the study reach had sufficient data to analyze changes in bed elevation over time (02449000 Tombigbee River at Gainesville) because this analysis is based on comparisons of hydraulic data collected during field measurements of discharge. A lowflow discharge representing the flow that is exceeded 90% of the time was selected for use to evaluate changes in bed level with time. Changes in water surface elevation over time at gage 02449000 (Figure 14) show that until 1972, bed elevation at the gage location was stable. From 1972 to 1978, a period that coincides with construction work in the reach, the channel experienced a period of scour (approximately 1 m) followed by a period of fill that returned the bed elevation to its 1972 elevation. Between 1978 and 1984 the channel incised just over 2.0 m before being partially filled again by 1989. Still, the streambed incision that lasted about six years was probably due to sediment being trapped at the dam site. This is a typical channel response downstream from dams (Williams and Wolman, 1984). The incision process probably progressed some distance downstream, deepening the channel albeit to a lesser extent. A lack of sufficient data prevented this analysis from being extended beyond 1989 at Gainesville, and at all for the other gage sites. Similar responses downstream from Demopolis and Coffeeville probably occurred immediately following closure of those dams in 1954 and 1960, respectively. In general terms, incision leads to increased bank heights and a consequent reduction in streambank stability downstream from each dam. 24.00 23.50 ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL, IN METERS 90th Percentile Discharge 23.00 22.50 22.00 21.50 21.00 20.50 20.00 19.50 19.00 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 YEARS Figure 14. Changes in water surface elevation over time for gage 02449000 Tombigbee River near Gainesville. This gage represents the upper boundary of the study reach even though it is upstream of the last site in the study reach. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 35 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Changes and Trends in Channel Width Amounts and rates of channel widening over the study reach were determined by comparing channel widths obtained from aerial photographs that were available for the years 1974, 1985, and 2003. A GIS layer showing bank lines was also available for 1999, thereby providing three periods; 1974-1985, 1985-1999, and 1999-2003. For each date, channel width increases with distance downstream along the study reach from 125-175 m above Demopolis Dam to between 175 and 275 meters at the lower end of the study reach (Figure 15). This trend is common and occurs because a river’s drainage area and thus discharge increase downstream. It can also be seen that channel widths have generally increased over the 29-year period (1974-2003) (Figure 15). A considerable amount of widening has occurred along the length of the study reach. The Tombigbee River has widened up to 85 meters in the period from 1974 to 2003 (Figures 15 and 16). Interpretations as to the severity of widening from the different time periods in Figure 16 is somewhat misleading because the plotted lines represent different lengths of time. Dividing by the number of years in each period provides a widening rate for the period. Results show that in most reaches, widening rates were substantially higher between 1974-1985 than between 1985-2003 (Figure 17). This is not the case, however, just downstream from Demopolis Dam where the reverse is true. The average rate of widening (calculated at two-mile increments) over the entire 29-year period is approximately 1.2 m/y but was as high as 2 – 3 m/y in some reaches just downstream from the dams (Figure 17). When the data is split into pre-and post-waterway periods it was found that between 1974 and 1985, the average rate of channel widening was 1.4 m/y and from 1985 to 2003, the average rate of widening decreased to approximately 1.0 m/y. Still, these values represent widening rates in excess of what would occur in “stable” alluvial streams where bank erosion and channel widening would be largely imperceptible. Areas of high bank erosion were seen in certain locations with a spatial trend being seen between the dams in the study reach (Figure 16 and 17). Directly downstream of Demopolis Dam bank erosion rates were low, but increased up to approximately RM 190. Downstream of RM 190 trends of bank erosion decreased towards Coffeeville Dam, with bank erosion increasing again a few miles upstream of the dam. Below Coffeeville Dam, bank erosion rates were high, and then decreased downstream to RM 80. The percent of reach failing obtained from aerial reconnaissance shows similar patterns, although a stretch of the river between RM 140 and RM 170 was highlighted as being an area of high percent of reach failing, although bank erosion rates obtained from aerial photographs showed bank erosion to be decreasing in this reach. Figure 18 shows the raw data on widening rates for every 2 mile increment of the study reach. A map generated from the aerial reconnaissance data and showing the percent of each reach that has recently experienced recent bank failures can be seen in Figure 19. This map and the data shown in Figure 17 show the areas of greatest bank erosion to be located approximately: Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 36 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • • • • 33 miles upstream of Demopolis Dam at RM 245, Downstream from Demopolis Dam between RM 185 and 200, Between Demopolis and Coffeeville Dams from RM 141 to 167, and Immediately downstream of Coffeeville Dam from RM 97 to 113. Over the entire study reach results of the aerial reconnaissance indicate that about 52 % of all banks had failed recently. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 37 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 325 CHANNEL WIDTH , IN METERS Downstream Upstream 1974 1985 1999 2003 275 225 175 125 Coffeeville Dam Demopolis Dam 75 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 RIVER MILE Figure 15. Variations in channel width along study reach. A break in the data occurred in the reach downstream of Coffeeville Dam because the top bank edge could not be defined from the air photographs at one site. 100.00 Coffeeville Dam 90.00 CHANGE IN CHANNEL WIDTH, IN METERS 80.00 1985-2003 1974-1985 1974-2003 Percent of reach failing Demopolis Dam 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 RIVER MILE Figure 16. Changes in channel width (five-point moving average) between 1974 and 2003, and percent of reach failing estimated from aerial reconnaissance. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 38 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Downstream 4 Upstream Widening 1974-1985 Widening 1985-2003 Widening 1974-2003 Percent of Reach Failing 70 60 50 2 40 30 1 20 10 Coffeeville Dam 0 Demopolis Dam 0 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 RIVER MILE Figure 17. Five-point moving average of widening rates along the study reach with the percent of each reach with recent bank failures. 6 Downstream Upstream Widening rate1974-1985 Widening rate 1985-2003 Widening rate 1974-2003 WIDENING RATE, IN M/Y 5 4 3 2 1 0 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 RIVER MILE Figure 18. Raw data on widening rates at 2 mile intervals. 210 220 230 240 250 260 PERCENT OF REACH FAILING 3 WIDENING RATE, IN METERS PER YEAR 80 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 39 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 19. Percent of reach failing from River Mile 72 to 259 of the Lower Tombigbee River. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 40 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3.1 Locations and amounts of dredging in the study reach Dredging is carried out regularly along the study reach for navigational purposes. Locations and amounts of dredged material (in gallons per cubic yard). are shown in Figure 20. Also marked on the figure are the locations of Coffeeville and Demopolis dams (in black) and the river miles at which tributaries have their confluences with the Tombigbee River (in green). In some cases the locations that have frequently been dredged are at or just below a tributary confluence, for example at RM 110.13 (Santa Bogue Creek) and RM 123.12 (Okatuppa Creek) the first two tributaries downstream of Coffeeville dam. In addition, dredging has also been necessary near the confluences of Double Creek and Cotohaga Creek, the second and third confluences downstream of Demopolis Dam. Downstream Demopolis Dam Coffeeville Dam Upstream 8000000 DREDGED MATERIAL (gcy) 7000000 6000000 5000000 4000000 3000000 2000000 1000000 0 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 RIVER MILE Figure 20. Volume and locations of dredging along the study reach, including locations of tributary mouths marked in green. It is not surprising that dredging is required in the vicinity of tributaries that enter just downstream of the structures. Assuming that the Tombigbee River incised downstream of the structures following closure of the dams, tributaries entering these reaches would have much steeper slopes and would undergo upstream-migrating incision. These tributaries would then deliver much larger quantities of sediment to the Tombigbee River than previously. In these cases, deltas often form at tributary mouths that would subsequently require dredging to maintain depths for navigation. In terms of bank stability, however, the regular dredging would help to maintain higher bank heights and potentially, bank instability. In fact, the two reaches mentioned above, have some of the greatest amounts of widening in the study reach over the 29-year period. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 41 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3.2 Explanations for trends and locations of high bank erosion. The apparent spatial trends of changes in channel width (in m) and widening rates (in m/y) are related to the dams at Gainesville, Demopolis and Coffeeville because these structures alter the transfer of water and sediment downstream. The classic work by Williams and Wolman (1984) on the downstream effects of dams on alluvial rivers describes how the trapping of sediment on the upstream side of dams leads to bed erosion downstream of the structure as the river attempts to balance the energy available for sediment transport with the amount of sediment that is being delivered to it from upstream. The greatest amount of incision, therefore, is expected just downstream the structure. As the river entrains sediment from the bed there is less of an imbalance between the available energy and the sediment contained in the flow. As a result, bed incision decreases with distance downstream and, at a point, with time. Because incision leads to increases in bank heights, bank instability is likely to be greatest in the reaches just downstream from the structures. If the streambed in the reach immediately downstream from the dam is either protected with rock or much wider than the “normal” channel, this trend of incision and consequent widening may be shifted somewhat downstream. This seems to be the case on the Lower Tombigbee River. In addition, the streambanks just downstream from the dams tend to be graded to a stable slope and protected with rip rap. The trends of raw widening data shown in Figures 15-18 are characterized below in a schematic drawing that relates how the dams have affected widening rates in the study reach (Figure 21). Not only are the hydraulic and sediment-transport affects of the dams important in terms of potential bed incision, but so are the affects on pore-water pressure distributions and the confining forces operating on the banks. Specific processes that control bank stability are summarized for areas of low and high widening. It is clear from the systematic longitudinal trends in widening rates around each dam (Figure 21) that these structures control spatial trends of channel widening and have impacted streambank stability in the study reach. Without the structures and given the increase in precipitation and flows throughout the last century one would expect that widening rates would be generally increasing with time. This is not the case, however, as the greatest period of widening was between 1974 and 1985, with less widening between 1985 and 2003. In part, this could be related to the large flows during the spring of 1979. It seems, however, that the greatest impact of the structures on widening occurred in the 1974 – 1985 period with regular dredging activities exacerbating these affects locally. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 42 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ High Widening Rates • Higher shear stress • Low confining force • Moderate pore pressure • Drawdown pore pressure • Bed scour Low Widening Rates • Low shear stress • High confining force • High pore pressure • No drawdown • No bed scour m/y 1974-85 1985-2003 3.0 0.2-0.3 2.0 0.3 Coffeeville Dam Demopolis Dam Figure 21. Generalized trends in widening rates and prospective rationale for why widening rates vary this upstream and downstream of the structures. The range of widening rates is also given: Low rates 0.2-0.3 m/y; High rates 2.0 – 3.0 m/y. 5.4 Bank-Stability Analysis Bank-stability analyses were carried out for five representative sites along the study reach, to quantify bank stability conditions for a range of steady state flow and water table heights. Results of these analyses can be used to determine critical conditions for stability and under what conditions the banks could be made unstable. Bank-stability modeling was conducted using the Bank-Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM) (Simon et al., 2000) and accounts for all of the important processes acting on the banks of the Lower Tombigbee River with the exception of how wave action enhances bank-toe erosion. Geotechnical properties of the banks were obtained from BST results and soil coring during testing. Average values attributed to each bank layer are shown in Appendix A. Each cross section was surveyed to provide bank geometry coordinates as input to BSTEM. The bank stability algorithms in BSTEM have been successfully tested previously under a broad range on geotechnical and hydrologic conditions with and without vegetation (Simon et al., 2000; Simon and Collison, 2002; Simon et al. 2006; Pollen-Bankhead et al., 2007; Langendoen and Simon, 2008). Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 43 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4.1 Determining Critical Bank-Stability Conditions Model runs were carried out at varying flow depths and water table heights to simulate the full range of bank-stability conditions between worst- and best-case scenarios. Photographs and bank geometries for three of the sites are shown for example in Figure 22. Best case conditions generally occur when flow depth and water-table heights are both low, or when the water table is low and flow depth is high (confining force from the flow provides stability). Conversely, worst-case conditions for bank stability generally occur when the water-table height is high and flow depth is low. Such conditions tend to occur during the falling limb of a hydrograph, when the banks have become saturated, and the flow recedes, removing the confining force from the flow, and decreasing bank stability. Instability is indicated by the factor of safety (Fs) representing the resisting forces divided by the driving forces) of 1.0 or less. A value greater than 1.0 indicates stability where the resisting forces are greater than the gravitational driving forces. Model runs were carried out with and without the vegetation assemblages recorded at each site to obtain a range of conditions for sites of similar geometry and bank materials with varying levels of riparian growth. Values for cohesion due to riparian root networks was estimated using the root-reinforcement model, RipRoot (Pollen and Simon, 2005; Pollen 2007), based on the species assemblage recorded at each site. Values ranged from 1.18 kPa for site 161.9 which just had a grass layer, to 31.6 kPa at RM 239.7, which was covered in mature deciduous trees (Table 5). 101 100 99 98 99 97 96 95 97 94 93 95 92 91 93 90 89 88 91 87 89 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 85 4988 86 4990.5 4990 4992 4994 4996 4998 4995.5 5000.5 5005.5 5010.5 5015.5 5000 Figure 22. Bank geometry and photographs for sites at river miles 160.8 (Left), 114.7 (Middle) and 190.8 (Right). For each of the five sites, critical conditions were found, in some cases for multiple failure block geometries (Figure 23). In each critical case flow stage was low and water table height was higher than flow stage (ie. a worst case drawdown condition). For sites at river miles 75.3, 114.7, 161.9, and 190.9, two critical water-table heights were found, Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 44 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ corresponding to two different failure block geometries. At RM 239.7, just one critical failure block geometry was found. Results in Tables 6 and 7 show the critical water-table heights at each site, and the estimated discharge that corresponds to a water-surface elevation equal to those water table heights. This was done because of the assumption that a given water-table height can be associated with a flow elevation if that flow is maintained for at least several days. A raised water table in the bank materials results in a loss of matric suction and an increase in positive pore-water pressures, both conducive to bank instability. An estimate of the discharge associated with that flow elevation and assumed water-table height is then used in a later analysis to determine the frequency that this flow occurs. Discharge was estimated using USGS gage data from the dam upstream of each site, and using known discharges and water surface elevations taken on two visits to each site. The critical conditions, however, still assumed that flow elevations in the channel were low, as on the receding limb of the hydrograph that produced the high water table at its peak. 100.00 114.7 98.00 Water table depth (m) below bank top 6.67 Use water table Input own pore pressures (kPa) bank profile 96.00 ELEVATION (M) base of layer 1 94.00 base of layer 2 92.00 base of layer 3 90.00 base of layer 4 88.00 Own Pore Pressures -4.00 kPa Layer 1 Pore Pressure From Water Table -63.47 -34.04 -8.00 Layer 2 10.00 Layer 3 5.69 10.00 Layer 4 22.86 10.00 Layer 5 37.57 failure plane 86.00 water surface 84.00 82.00 4970.00 water table 4980.00 4990.00 5000.00 STATION (M) 5010.00 5020.00 5030.00 Factor of Safety 1.00 Unstable Figure 23. Example of model output from BSTEM for critical bank-stability conditions (Fs = 1.00) at river mile 114.7. Note that the blue triangle represents the elevation of the water table. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 45 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 5. Vegetation descriptions and additional cohesion due to roots added to the top meter of the streambank at each site. Site (River Miles) Vegetation Description 75.3 Approximately 20-yearold mixed deciduous trees, with no vegetation on the bank face 114.7 Layer of short grass on bank top, with sparse young trees (3-10 yearsold) on shallower angled parts of the bank face and toe 161.9 Layer of short grass on bank top, with no vegetation on the bank face 190.9 Layer of short turf grass on bank top, with sparse young riparian trees and a couple of large mature deciduous trees 239.7 Mature deciduous trees with sparse shrub understorey Species Assemblage Composition Cohesion due to roots added to top meter of bank 20 yr-old Eastern Sycamore (50%) 25.1 kPa ± 5.3 20 yr-old River Birch (50%) Turf grass (90%) 1.24 kPa ± 0.26 8 yr-old Black Willow (10%) Turf grass (100%) 1.18 kPa ± 0.25 Turf grass (85%) 3 yr-old River Birch (10%) 2.89 kPa ± 0.63 50 yr-old Eastern Sycamore (5%) 50 yr-old Eastern Sycamore (50%) 31.6 kPa ± 6.63 50 yr-old River Birch (50%) Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 46 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 6. Critical bank-stability conditions without vegetation (the general case). USGS GAGE DATA USED DISCHARGE AT DAM SITE CRITIAL WATER TABLE DEPTH BELOW BANK TOP (m) SHEAR SURFACE EMERGENCE POINT BELOW BANK TOP (m) FAILURE PLANE ANGLE (degrees) PREDICTED DISCHARGE AT CRITICAL WATER TABLE HEIGHT (cms) 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 75.3 75.3 1.24 3.30 1.60 5.00 40 40 1204 746 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 114.7 114.7 4.90 6.70 3.29 9.50 60 50 1186 958 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 161.9 161.9 2.75 6.75 2.26 6.25 50 45 2765 1026 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 190.9 190.9 3.40 3.80 5.95 8.25 35 30 1877 1802 2447025 HEFLIN 239.7 3.90 3.60 55 2244 Table 7. Critical bank-stability conditions with existing vegetation. “-“ denotes there are no critical conditions (bank is stable). USGS GAGE DATA USED DISCHARGE AT DAM SITE CRITIAL WATER TABLE DEPTH BELOW BANK TOP (m) SHEAR SURFACE EMERGENCE POINT BELOW BANK TOP (m) FAILURE PLANE ANGLE (degrees) PREDICTED DISCHARGE AT CRITICAL WATER TABLE HEIGHT (cms) 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 75.30 75.30 - - - - 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 114.70 114.70 4.80 6.67 3.29 9.50 60 50 1186 958 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 161.90 161.90 2.45 6.7 2.26 6.25 50 45 2765 1026 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 190.90 190.90 3.18 3.67 5.95 8.25 35 30 1877 1802 2447025 HEFLIN 239.70 - - - - The tables above (Tables 6 and 7), showing the discharges required to raise water table to critical heights show distinct differences with and without the addition of riparian vegetation. For sites 75.3 and 239.7 where mature deciduous trees were present on the bank top, the addition of cohesion due to roots increased bank factor of safety sufficiently to maintain stable conditions even when the bank was fully saturated. Estimated discharges required for critical conditions ranged from 750 to 2250 cms for scenarios with no vegetation and from 950 cms for scenarios with vegetation. The root networks of riparian species have a reinforcing effect on the bank, allowing vegetated banks to withstand higher, less frequent discharges and associated water-table heights before reaching critical conditions for bank failure. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 47 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4.2 Frequency and duration of high-flow events and consequences for bank instability. Once estimates for discharges relating to critical water-table heights for each site had been established, USGS gage records were used to determine how often discharges of this magnitude occur. First the discharges were compared against mean daily data to see what percentile of the full range of flows that the critical discharge represents (Table 8). In this case, a high percentile (ie. 99%) is associated with a high flow, exceeded only 1% of the time. In contrast, a flow percentile of 1% represents a relatively low flow (exceeded 99% of the time). The flow percentiles associated with the simulated critical water-table heights all represent relatively high flows, with the lowest flow percentile being 65% for the site at RM 75.3. In general though, the critical discharges occur even less frequently with percentile values of about 80% or more. This translates to flows that are exceeded about 20% of the time. The lower the percentile value, the more frequent that critical bankstability conditions are likely to occur at a particular site. The reinforcing effect of top bank grasses is apparent from the data in Table 8 with slightly less frequent (0.5%), higher discharges associated with creating pore-water pressure conditions that are critical for bank stability. The effect of mature, woody vegetation on bank-stability can be much more pronounced as is indicated by the lack of critical conditions at sites 75.3 and 239.7 when the effects of vegetation are included (Table 8). The assumption that a given water-surface elevation can be associated with an equal water-table elevation is because if the flow is held at that elevation for an extended period (days to weeks), lateral infiltration of water into the bank can occur, raising the watertable to that elevation. The result is a reduction in the shear strength (resistance) of the bank material to failure. To quantify this effect and to provide support for this assumption, it was necessary to estimate the amount of time it would take for river water to laterally infiltrate into the bank mass. We used a conservative infiltration rate for silty materials (sands would be faster) of 10-6 m/s. If this were the case, infiltration and saturation of a zone 1.0 m into the bank can take place in about 10 days; 5 days for 0.5 m while river stage remains high over that period. Thus, shallow failures would be associated with 5-day durations and deeper failures with the 10-day durations. Infiltration from precipitation was not taken into account in these model runs. To quantify this effect and to investigate any differences between pre- and post-waterway conditions, an analysis of the flow record at the stream gages associated with each research site was conducted. The frequency that the critical discharges were maintained for 5 and 10 consecutive days were calculated with results expressed as the average number of occurrences per year (Tables 9 and 10). Critical conditions are shown to occur as often as 3.6 times per year for the shallow, non-vegetated case at RM 75.3 but drops to 0 occurrences with the mature, riparian cover. It is interesting to note that in the nonvegetated (general) cases (5- and 10-day), the frequency of critical conditions increases with distance downstream, in support of the general trend of increasing channel width Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 48 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and widening rates downstream that were discussed in previous sections. There is little difference, between the occurrence of critical conditions pre- and post-waterway. In all but the case at RM 161.9, the frequency of the 5- and 10-day duration critical events is less than before 1985. It is doubtful, however, whether these differences are statistically significant given the level of uncertainty in estimating the water-surface and water-table elevations. It is also questionable as to whether differences are likely to appear between the time periods used (pre 1985 and 1985-2003) because both periods represent periods of channel disturbance where flows were being controlled by structures. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 49 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 8. Percentiles of mean-daily flow at gage 02469761, Coffeeville, AL, 1960 – 2007, compared to the critical discharge for bank failure at sites 75.3 and 114.7 (A); Percentiles at gage 02467000, Demopolis, AL, 1928 – 2007, compared to the critical discharge for bank failure at sites 161.9 and 190.9 (B); and Percentiles at gage 02447025, Heflin (Gainesville), 1978 – 2007, compared to the critical discharge for bank failure at site 239.7(C). Numbers in green represent critical discharge values with vegetation and numbers in black represent critical discharge values without vegetation. Note that critical conditions with mature, woody vegetation are not apparent for sites at river miles 75.3 and 239.7. A) Percentiles 0.100 0.250 0.500 0.600 0.650 0.700 0.725 0.750 0.775 0.780 0.800 0.900 0.950 0.990 B) Q (cms) 91 165 411 592 708 861 951 1059 1189 1226 1345 2283 3228 4587 Critical Q for 75.3 Critical Q for 114.7 746 958 962 1204 1186 1198 Percentiles 0.100 0.250 0.500 0.750 0.785 0.790 0.800 0.850 0.890 0.895 0.900 0.910 0.950 0.960 0.965 0.990 C) Q (cms) 65 116 294 875 1025 1051 1104 1407 1764 1824 1877 1985 2554 2778 2888 4106 Critical Q for 161.9 Critical Q for 190.9 1026 1048 1802 1826 1877 1919 2765 2895 Percentiles 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 Q (cms) 21 52 139 360 850 1385 1560 1808 2147 2917 Critical Q for 239.7 2244 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 50 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 9. Frequency (in average number of occurrences per year) of critical discharges maintained for 5- and 10-day periods for simulation cases without vegetation. Data are separated into pre- and post-waterway and combined for both periods. USGS GAGE DATA USED DISCHARGE AT DAM SITE NUMBER OF TIMES Q > CRITICAL Q 5 days or more PER YEAR PRE TT POST TT NUMBER OF TIMES Q > CRITICAL Q 10 days or more PER YEAR PRE TT POST TT BOTH BOTH 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 75.3 75.3 2.92 3.71 2.91 3.50 2.91 3.61 1.88 2.92 1.68 2.32 1.78 2.63 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 114.7 114.7 3.08 3.50 2.91 3.23 3.00 3.37 1.92 2.75 1.77 2.14 1.85 2.46 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 161.9 161.9 0.62 2.64 0.59 3.00 0.61 2.76 0.29 1.91 0.18 1.77 0.25 1.87 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 190.9 190.9 1.64 1.64 1.27 1.23 1.52 1.51 1.16 1.18 0.36 0.41 0.90 0.93 2447025 HEFLIN 239.7 0.43 0.00 0.10 0.14 0.00 0.03 Table 10. Frequency (in average number of occurrences per year) of critical discharges maintained for 5- and 10-day periods for simulation cases with vegetation. Data are separated into pre- and post-waterway and combined for both periods. USGS GAGE DATA USED DISCHARGE AT DAM SITE NUMBER OF TIMES Q > CRITICAL Q 5 days or more PER YEAR PRE TT POST TT BOTH NUMBER OF TIMES Q > CRITICAL Q 10 days or more PER YEAR PRE TT POST TT BOTH 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 75.3 75.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2469761 2469761 COFFEEVILLE COFFEEVILLE 114.7 114.7 3.08 3.50 2.91 3.23 3.00 3.37 1.88 2.71 1.68 2.09 1.78 2.41 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 161.9 161.9 0.49 2.62 0.41 3.00 0.46 2.75 0.22 1.87 0.14 1.77 0.19 1.84 2467000 2467000 DEMOPOLIS DEMOPOLIS 190.9 190.9 1.56 1.64 1.23 1.23 1.45 1.51 1.13 1.18 0.36 0.36 0.88 0.91 2447025 HEFLIN 239.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 51 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.5 Simulations of Potential Mitigation Techniques to Reduce Streambank Erosion and Widening Previous sections have shown that streambank erosion is prevalent throughout the studied reach of the Lower Tombigbee River with more than 50% of all banks experiencing recent bank failures. Associated with this erosion is the loss of land and property. Taking the average widening rate of 1.2m/y over the 29-year period of air-photo analysis and multiplying by the length of the study reach (187 miles; 301 km) provides us with an estimate of the total land loss over the period. This is equivalent to 1044 hectares, or about 2580 acres. Given this considerable amount of land loss from bank instabilities, it is reasonable to investigate potential strategies that could be used to reduce the magnitude and frequency of bank failures along the study reach. To reduce bank instability it is convenient to think again in terms of the driving and resisting forces that lead to bank failures. Mitigation measures, therefore, should aim to reduce bank-toe erosion by increasing the resistance of the bank toe and/or by reducing the shear stress acting in this region. These measures might include the placement of rock or the planting of woody vegetation. Practitioners have had considerable success using rock structures known as “bendway wiers” that deflect flow away from the edge of the bank back into the center of the channel. This technique may have added benefits on the Lower Tombigbee River by creating greater shear stresses and, therefore, sediment transport in the center of the channel. With regard to increasing stability of the upper part of the bank alternative strategies might include the planting of woody vegetation to increase shear strength by root reinforcement and/or grading the bank to a flatter slope. These measures represent but a few of the types of strategies that could be employed and are not meant as an exhaustive listing. As an example, a series of alternative strategies to reduce the magnitude and frequency of bank failures was simulated for the site at RM 114.7. Given that the BSTEM model simulates failures in two dimensions (height and width), a reach length of 100 m was assumed to provide results in m3. The simulations were conducted in such a way as to be able to quantify the reduction in the frequency of failures and the volume of material delivered to the channel by bank failures. Using mean-daily discharges from a high-flow year (1991) to represent a worst-case flow conditions (Figure 7) and a bed slope of 0.000088 m/m, the toe-erosion and bank-stability sub-models were run iteratively for the six major flow events of that year. The iterative modeling was carried out for each of the following four bank conditions: 1. Existing conditions, no mitigation; 2. Rock placement along the bank toe; 3. Rock placement at the bank toe and 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top; and 4. Rock placement at the bank toe, 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top, grading the bank to a 45o (1:1) slope, and 5-year old woody vegetation on the regraded slope. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 52 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For rock-toe protection, 25.6 cm-sized rock was used (default value for boulders). Fiveyear old woody vegetation was selected as a reasonable age for planted specimens where root reinforcement effects become significant. As the vegetation ages, the additional cohesion provided by the roots would increase. For each set of conditions the total number of bank failures and the volume associated with each failure was summed and then compared to the other alternatives to quantify the effectiveness of each treatment. It is important to recognize that both the absolute frequency and volume of failures likely represents an overestimate of what actually took place during 1991. This is because once failure is simulated, the model does not account for the fate of this material, which may often be deposited at the bank toe, providing a buttressing (stabilizing) effect and serving to build-up the bank toe region. What is relevant is the relative differences between the exiting case (no mitigation) and the various alternatives. Overall, this approach proved very successful in evaluating the effectiveness of each treatment. For the initial case with existing bank conditions, 11 failures were simulated, resulting in about 55,000 m3 of eroded bank sediment (Figure 24). Although the number of bank failures is only reduced by one (to 10) for the case with toe protection, the amount of lateral retreat and volume of failed material is drastically reduced (by about 500%) to about 9500 m3 (Figure 25). This is because the toe protection does not allow the bank to be undercut at its base, thereby reducing the size of subsequent failures. The addition of bank-top vegetation provides additional cohesive strength to the top 1.0 m of the bank and resulted in a further reduction of failure frequency (to 8) and failure volume (8500 m3) (Figure 26). This affect would probably be more pronounced if older specimens were simulated because of greater root density and diameters. Alternative 4 which includes rock at the bank toe, grading the bank slope to 1:1 and placing woody vegetation on the bank top and face, greatly reduces failure frequency (to 3) and shows the smallest failure volume of all the cases (about 3200 m3) (Figure 27). Here, the combined effects of the bank protection measures are: • • • • Increased resistance to hydraulic erosion at the bank toe from the rock placement, providing a critical shear stress of about 249 Pa; Increased resistance to hydraulic erosion on the bank face due to the below ground effects of the planted trees which provide an estimated increase in critical shear stress of 17 Pa; Decreased driving force for geotechnical failure associated with flattening the bank slope to 1:1; Increase resistance to bank failure by increasing the shear strength of the top 1.0 m through root reinforcement. Results of this series of modeling runs for the site at RM 114.7 indicates that bank failure frequency and failure volumes cannot be eradicated entirely, but can be significantly reduced, from 11 failures to 3, and from almost 55,000m3 to about 3,200m3. Results from each of the alternative strategies are summarized in tabular and graphic form in Figure 28). Obviously these treatments represent a broad range of options and costs. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 53 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recognizing that these findings represent only one site, we feel confident that similar results would be obtained at other sites within the study reach. The fact that banks are particularly high, and that high flows are maintained in some reaches by structures exacerbates the bank-stability problems. Areas of dredging would also be less prone to stabilization because of renewed deepening of the channel in these reaches. Finally, it should be recognized that the alternatives that were simulated and presented in this section, although representing a range of strategies is not meant to be an inclusive list of all possible avenues of mitigation. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 54 METERS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 4900.0 BEFORE AFT ER 4920.0 4940.0 4960.0 4980.0 5000.0 5020.0 5040.0 METERS 1991 MODELING WITH NO BANK PROTECTION DEPTH BELOW TOP BANK EVENT HOURS DISCHARGE NUMBER DEPTH OF FLOW FLOW ELEVATION AVERAGE SHEAR STRESS Fs kPa TOE EROSION AMOUNT 2 (m ) m VOLUME OF FAILURE 3 m 95.9 30.5 0.0 1.1 0.92 3.06 0.61 0.45 - 10.01 11.18 3.56 - 4227 9844 1498 - 1.34 >1 0.71 - 7.66 - 6864 - 23.9 5.4 3.87 1.31 1.92 - - - 7.5 45.0 12.1 0.93 1.11 0.84 - 6.38 - 2143 4101 - 6.6 5.3 40.5 1.66 0.4 0.83 0.15 - 3.33 8.39 8.61 7244 5590 6531 9.6 5.6 31.4 3.34 0.61 1.26 0.86 - 4.89 2.78 - 5553 1318 - TOTALS: 294.68 66.79 54913 cms m m m 120 120 6000 4000 0.00 1.65 14.49 12.84 98.5 96.8 48 800 7.95 6.54 90.5 7.2 2.2 2 120 48 3300 1030 2.28 6.13 12.21 8.36 96.2 92.4 4.7 4.2 7.2 1.1 3 288 48 3350 1700 2.24 3.72 12.26 10.77 96.3 94.8 5.7 6.1 4 456 4800 0.93 13.56 97.6 6.9 48 2600 2.91 11.58 95.6 192 3600 2.01 12.48 96.5 48 500 10.32 4.17 88.2 168 2200 3.27 11.22 95.2 48 1200 4.79 9.70 93.7 1 5 6 Fs AT DRAWDOWN WIDTH OF FAILURE Figure 24. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 1: Existing conditions with no mitigation. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 55 METERS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 4900.0 BEFORE AFT ER 4920.0 4940.0 4960.0 4980.0 5000.0 5020.0 5040.0 METERS 1991 MODELING WITH ROCK AT BANK TOE DEPTH BELOW TOP EVENT HOURS DISCHARGE BANK cms m m m kPa TOE EROSION (m2) 120 6000 0 14.49 98.5 120 48 4000 800 1.65 7.95 12.84 6.54 96.8 90.5 7.6 5.9 2.1 24.94 5.09 - 0.45 1.4 1.28 2 120 48 3300 1030 2.28 6.133 12.21 8.357 96.2 92.4 5.3 3.5 4.35 - 3 288 3350 2.235 12.255 96.3 48 1700 3.72 10.77 94.8 6.8 4.6 456 4800 0.93 13.56 97.6 48 2600 2.91 11.58 5 192 48 3600 500 2.01 10.32 6 168 48 2200 1200 3.27 4.79 NUMBER 1 4 DEPTH OF FLOW FLOW AVERAGE SHEAR ELEVATION STRESS m VOLUME OF FAILURE m3 0.73 0.23 - 6.6 3.68 2 - 1694 932 886 - 1.2 0.96 0.48 - 1.38 off face 711 741 15.64 0.03 0.87 1.69 0.57 - 1..16 2.13 - 875 639 - 95.6 6.3 6.5 8.29 - 0.69 2.08 0.61 - off face 5.07 - 7.4 2551 - 12.48 4.17 96.5 88.2 7.1 2.46 - 2.78 3.74 0.58 - 1.49 - 446 - 11.22 9.7 95.2 93.7 6.3 5.4 - 2.35 2.25 1.63 - - - TOTALS: 58.34 22.35 9482.4 Fs Fs AT DRAWDOWN WIDTH OF FAILURE Figure 25. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 2: Rock placement at the bank toe. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 56 METERS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 4900.0 BEFORE AFT ER 4920.0 4940.0 4960.0 4980.0 5000.0 5020.0 5040.0 METERS 1991 MODELING WITH ROCK AT TOE AND 5 YR-OLD VEGETATION ON BANK TOP DEPTH BELOW DEPTH OF FLOW AVERAGE SHEAR EVENT HOURS DISCHARGE TOP BANK FLOW ELEVATION STRESS cms m m m kPa TOE EROSION AMOUNT (m2) 120 6000 0 14.49 98.5 120 4000 1.65 12.84 96.8 48 800 7.95 6.54 90.5 7.9 6.1 2.0 24.76 7.28 - 0.52 0.72 2.11 2 120 48 3300 1030 2.28 6.133 12.21 8.357 96.2 92.4 5.8 3.5 10.29 - 3 288 3350 2.235 12.255 96.3 48 1700 3.72 10.77 94.8 6.3 4.7 4 456 48 4800 2600 0.93 2.91 13.56 11.58 97.6 95.6 5 192 48 3600 500 2.01 10.32 12.48 4.17 6 168 48 2200 1200 3.27 4.79 11.22 9.7 NUMBER 1 m VOLUME OF FAILURE m3 0.9 2.48 - 6.46 3.78 failure on face - 3190 1832 42 - 1.68 1.82 1.25 - - - 6.55 0.62 0.82 1.47 0.8 - 1.12 1.8 - 1029 540 - 5.8 - 12.65 - 0.97 - 0.27 failure on face 2.4 223 1223 96.5 88.2 5.5 1.34 3.81 - 1.61 3.2 0.45 - 1.4 - 421 - 95.2 93.7 3.8 1.7 4.33 - 1.67 1.6 1.23 - - - TOTALS: 70.29 16.96 8500 Fs Fs AT DRAWDOWN Figure 26. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 3: Rock placement at the bank toe and 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top. WIDTH OF FAILURE Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 57 METERS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 100.0 98.0 96.0 94.0 92.0 90.0 88.0 86.0 84.0 82.0 4920.0 BEFORE GRADED AFT ER 4940.0 4960.0 4980.0 5000.0 5020.0 5040.0 METERS 1991 MODELING WITH ROCK AT TOE AND 5 YR-OLD VEGETATION ON BANK TOP, plant cuttings (17Pa) on 45 degree graded bank DEPTH BELOW DEPTH OF FLOW AVERAGE SHEAR TOE EROSION TOP BANK FLOW ELEVATION STRESS AMOUNT EVENT HOURS DISCHARGE Fs NUMBER cms m m m kPa (m2) Fs AT DRAWDOWN WIDTH OF FAILURE VOLUME OF FAILURE m m3 1 120 120 48 6000 4000 800 0 1.65 7.95 14.49 12.84 6.54 98.5 96.8 90.5 7.6 6.9 2.8 - 3.15 1.15 2.31 1.19 0.44 - 3.17 - 951 - 2 120 48 3300 1030 2.28 6.133 12.21 8.357 96.2 92.4 6.7 4.2 - 4.85 1.46 0.71 - 2.51 - 1162 - 3 288 48 3350 1700 2.235 3.72 12.255 10.77 96.3 94.8 6.4 5.5 - 3.6 3.08 2.06 - - - 4 456 48 4800 2600 0.93 2.91 13.56 11.58 97.6 95.6 7.3 6.0 - 6.15 3.11 2.74 - - - 5 192 48 3600 500 2.01 10.32 12.48 4.17 96.5 88.2 6.6 1.74 - 3.9 5.82 0.94 - 2.85 - 1063 - 6 168 48 2200 1200 3.27 4.79 11.22 9.7 95.2 93.7 5.5 5.0 - 3.46 3.31 2.47 - - - TOTALS: 0 8.53 3176 Figure 27. Results of iterative modeling at RM 114.7 for bank condition 4: Rock placement at the bank toe, 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top, grading the bank to a slope of 45 degrees (1:1), and 5-year old vegetation on the bank face. Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 58 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NUMBER OF FAILURES VOLUME OF FAILED MATERIAL ALONG 100m REACH m3 NO MITIGATION 11 54913 WITH ROCK AT TOE 10 9482 WITH ROCK AT TOE, 5 YR-OLD SAPLINGS ON BANK TOP 8 8500 3 3176 MITIGATION STRATEGY WITH ROCK AT TOE, 5 YR-OLD SAPLINGS ON BANK TOP, BANK FACE GRADED TO 45 DEGREES AND PLANT CUTTINGS ON BANK FACE 100.0 98.0 96.0 METERS 94.0 92.0 90.0 BEFORE AFT ER WIT H VEGET AT ION AND ROCK T OE 88.0 AFT ER WIT H ROCK T OE 86.0 AFT ER WIT H NO T REAT MENT 84.0 82.0 4860.0 AFT ER WIT H ROCK T OE, VEGET AT ION ON T OP AND PLANT CUT T INGS ON GRADED FACE 4880.0 4900.0 4920.0 4940.0 4960.0 4980.0 5000.0 5020.0 METERS Figure 28. Summary of iterative modeling results for alternative mitigation strategies showing the number and volumes of failures for each bank condition. 5040.0 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 59 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. SUMMARY and CONCLUSIONS This study presents a preliminary evaluation of bank-stability conditions along the Lower Tombigbee River. For this reason, we focused on providing a general overview of the magnitude and distribution of bank-stability problems along the river and how this instability might be related to the activities in the operation of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. Two primary issues made this determination particularly complex. The first was that any effects on the study reach by the waterway per se are muted due to the presence of Demopolis and Coffeeville Dams which alter the transfer of flow and sediment, and pre-date the waterway. The second issue was that the Tombigbee River has been controlled by a series of dams for more than a century and channel adjustments to these kinds of disturbances generally occur rapidly at first, and then attenuate with time. The construction of Gainesville (Heflin) Lock and Dam in the late 1970s upstream of the study reach, and associated, intermittent dredging activities represent the only direct modifications that impact the Lower Tombigbee and are related to the waterway itself. Still it should be emphasized that dams have profound effects on alluvial channels such as the Lower Tombigbee River, generally by trapping sediment on their upstream side, resulting in incision downstream. Bank erosion by mass failure is often the result of hydraulic erosion of the bank toe that steepens the bank, leading to subsequent failure by gravity. These processes are exacerbated in a channel that has been deepened, either by bed erosion or by dredging. Magnitudes and extents of bank erosion in this study were determined over a 29-year period (1974-2003) based on interpretation of a series of aerial photographs. Banks that have recently failed were determined by aerial reconnaissance of the reach and represent more than 50% of all banks. Some reaches had widened as much as 60 m over the period but rates show a clear spatial distribution upstream and downstream of the dams. Rates generally are low in reaches just upstream of the structures because water is held, thus supporting the bank. Maximum rates occur some distance downstream from each structure where post-dam channel incision has increased bank heights. An increased rate of average and peak flows over the period, similarly contribute to greater instability. The increase in flows, however, seems to be the result of a trend of increasing precipitation over the last century. Operation of the dams has shifted the timing of flows by storing water during the spring so it is available for navigation in the summer months. The highest flows generally occur in the winter months. Still, the average rate of channel widening was determined to be about 1.2 m/y over the entire study reach (river miles 72259). This rate is in excess of the rate that would be expected in stable, alluvial streams of the region and represents a loss of 2580 acres of land adjacent to the channel. Five reaches (at RM 75.3, 114.7, 161.9, 190.9 and 239.7) were investigated in detail to determine critical conditions for bank instability and the frequency that these conditions occur. Geotechnical and erodibility tests of the bank materials were conducted to provide data for simulations of bank stability using the Bank-Stability and Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM) developed by the National Sedimentation Laboratory. Critical conditions occurred when water table heights were high. The flow percentiles associated with the simulated critical water-table heights all represent relatively high flows. In general Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 60 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ though, the critical conditions occur with discharges that are exceeded about 20% of the time, representing a fairly frequent occurrence. Given the considerable amount of land loss from bank instabilities, we investigated potential strategies that could be used to reduce the magnitude and frequency of bank failures along a study reach (RM 114.7). To reduce bank instability mitigation measures should aim to reduce bank-toe erosion by increasing the resistance of the bank toe and/or by reducing the shear stress acting in this region. Iterative modeling was carried out for each of the following four bank conditions for a high-flow year (1991) to determine differences in the frequency and total volume of failed material: 1. Existing conditions, no mitigation; 2. Rock placement along the bank toe; 3. Rock placement at the bank toe and 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top; and 4. Rock placement at the bank toe, 5-year old woody vegetation on the bank top, grading the bank to a 45o (1:1) slope, and 5-year old woody vegetation on the regraded slope. Results of this series of modeling runs for the site at RM 114.7 indicates that bank failure frequency and failure volumes cannot be eradicated entirely, but can be significantly reduced, from 11 failures to 3, and from almost 55,000 m3 to about 3,200 m3. Obviously these treatments represent a broad range of options and costs. Recognizing that these findings represent only one site, we feel confident that similar results would be obtained at other sites within the study reach. The fact that banks are particularly high, and that high flows are maintained in some reaches by structures exacerbates the bank-stability problems. Areas of dredging would also be less prone to stabilization because of renewed deepening of the channel in these reaches. Finally, it should be recognized that the alternatives that were simulated are not meant to be an inclusive list of all possible avenues of mitigation. 6.1 Suggestions for future work As this work represented a preliminary investigation, there were only limited resources available to conduct detailed data-collection activities at specific areas of severe bank instability. Because of this, the rigorous bank-stability modeling could only be conducted at five sites. To provide greater confidence in the determination of critical bank-stability conditions and the effects of potential mitigation measure, additional unstable sites should be investigated. The study reach should also be extended upstream to Gainesville (Heflin) Dam where we suspect that particularly unstable conditions are prevalent. In addition, an enhanced version of BSTEM that includes a groundwater model is nearing completion and should be available in the near future. This enhanced version would allow for a more accurate assessment of the role of changes in bank strength, and, therefore, bank stability, due to fluctuating flow elevations, and may help provide a flowmanagement strategy to reduce the frequency of critical conditions. 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Surv., Prof. Pap., Vol/Issue: 1286 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 65 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A Bank stratigraphy, geotechnical data and channel cross-sections for each site studied in detail Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 66 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RM 75.3 0 Brown sandy loam 0.95 m 0.8 m 1.10 m Bulk Sample at 0.8 m: Sand 74.6 % Silt/Clay 25.4 % Apparent Cohesion = 3.48 kPa Effective Cohesion = 1.98 kPa Friction Angle = 31.9 o Matric Suction = 8.6 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 17.3 kN/m3 Representative BST data Bulk Sample at 1.1 m: Gravel 0.1 % Sand 80.4 % Silt/Clay 19.5% 70 y = 0.6222x + 3.4836 2 R = 0.9778 60 Brown gray mottled clay 2.14 m Apparent Cohesion =6.24 kPa Effective Cohesion =3.19 kPa Friction Angle = 31.7 o Matric Suction = 17.3 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 16.7 kN/m3 Shear Stress in kPa 50 2.00 m 40 30 Depth = 0.95m Left Bank 20 10 Bulk Sample at 3.19 m: Sand 83.5 % Silt/Clay 16.5 % 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 120 Normal Stress in kPa 4.00 m 50 y = 0.37x + 7.3 45 Depth = 0.35m into toe Left Toe Shear Stress in kPa 40 6.00 m 35 2 R = 0.9956 30 25 20 15 Brown/gray mottled clay at toe 6.85 m Apparent Cohesion = 7.3 kPa Effective Cohesion = 6.33 kPa Friction Angle = 20.3 o Matric Suction = 5.5 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 17.7 kN/m3 Avg. Critical Shear Stress = 5.99 Pa Avg. Erodibility Coefficient =3.10 m3/N-s 10 5 0 0 20 40 60 Normal Stress in kPa 80 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 67 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RM 114.7 1.1 m 2.00 m Gravel/red sand Brown Loam 1.5 m Representative BST data 60 Apparent Cohesion =4.90 kPa Effective Cohesion =2.18 kPa Friction Angle = 30.54 o Matric Suction = 15.4 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 18.8 kN/m3 Bulk Sample at 1.14 m: Gravel 1.95 % Sand 80.9 % Silt/Clay 17.1% y = 0.59x + 4.9 2 R = 0.9847 50 Shear Stress in kPa 0 0.4 m 40 30 Depth = 1.5m Right Bank 20 4.00 m 10 5.5 m 0 Bulk Sample at 5.5 m: Sand 83.7 % Silt/Clay 11.3 % 0 10 20 30 6.00 m Brown Loam with clay 7.3 m 10.00 m Apparent Cohesion =3.90 kPa Effective Cohesion =3.49 kPa Friction Angle = 28.4 o Matric Suction = 2.30 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 17.29 Bulk Sample at 7.3 m: Sand 86.3 % Silt/Clay 13.7 % Bulk Sample at 10.2 m: Gravel 1.95% Sand 86.3 % Silt/Clay 13.7 % 11.5 m 12.00 m 14.00 m 50 60 70 80 90 70 y = 0.54x + 3.9 60 Depth = 7.3m Right Bank 50 Shear Stress in kPa 8.00 m 40 Normal Stress in kPa 2 R = 0.972 40 30 20 10 Blue/gray sandy clay Avg. Critical Shear Stress = 0.02 Pa Avg. Erodibility Coeffecient = 15.7 m3/N-s Bulk Sample at 11.8 m: Sand 79.1 % Silt/Clay 20.9 % 0 0 20 40 60 Normal Stress in kPa 80 100 120 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 68 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RM 161.9 0 Representative BST data Brown Loam 0.70 m 35 y = 0.2544x + 5.3397 2 R = 0.9792 30 25 Shear Stress in kPa Apparent Cohesion =5.34 kPa Effective Cohesion =4.56 kPa Friction Angle = 14.25 o Matric Suction = 4.40 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 17.8 kN/m3 Bulk Sample at 0.76 m: Sand 69.1 % Silt/Clay 31.0% 20 15 Depth = 0.7m Right Bank 10 2.6 m 5 Brown Sand 0 0 20 40 Bulk Sample at 3.2 m: Sand 87.5 % Silt/Clay 12.5 % 60 80 100 120 Normal Stress in kPa 4.26 m Brown Loam with clay 4.60 m Bulk Sample at 4.35 m: Sand 56.6 % Silt/Clay 46.4 % Apparent Cohesion =11.3 kPa Effective Cohesion =2.44 kPa Friction Angle = 25.17 o Matric Suction = 50.2 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 17.9kN/m3 60 y = 0.47x + 11.3 2 Shear Stress in kPa Brown Sand Bulk Sample at 5.8 m: Sand 85.6 % Silt/Clay 14.4 % R = 0.9915 50 40 30 20 Depth = 4.6m Right Bank 10 0 0 20 40 60 Normal Stress in kPa 80 100 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 69 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RM 190.9 0 Brown sand w/gravel 2.00 m Bulk Sample at 0.50 m: Gravel 24.8% Sand 68.8 % Silt/Clay 6.39% Bulk Sample at 1.4 m: Gravel 0.8% Sand 89.9 % Silt/Clay 9.29 % Brown silty sand 1.5 m 4.00 m Apparent Cohesion =9.67 kPa Effective Cohesion =7.31 kPa Friction Angle = 26.6 o Matric Suction = 13.4 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 19.1kN/m3 60 y = 0.5x + 9.6667 50 Shear Stress in kPa 1.3 m Representative BST data 2 R = 0.9868 40 30 20 Depth = 1.5m Right Bank 10 0 0 10 20 30 6.00 m 40 50 60 70 80 90 Normal Stress in kPa 8.00 m 60 8.7 m y = 0.3591x + 7.9654 Apparent Cohesion =5.44 kPa Effective Cohesion =5.04 kPa Friction Angle = 23.3 o Matric Suction = 2.3 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 17.19kN/m3 40 12.00 m 14.00 m Bulk Sample at 8.9 m: Sand 72.3 % Silt/Clay 27.72 % Avg. Critical Shear Stress = 2.94 Pa Avg. Erodibility Coefficient = 1.89 m3/N-s Shear Stress in kPa 10.00 m Brown gray mottled clay 8.9 m 50 2 R = 0.9981 30 20 Depth = 8.9m Right Bank 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 Normal Stress in kPa 100 120 140 Stability Analysis: The Lower Tombigbee River 70 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RM 239.7 0 BST at 1.3 m Orange silty sand 1.7 m 2.00 m Apparent Cohesion =6.44 kPa Effective Cohesion =4.27 kPa Friction Angle = 31.89 o Matric Suction = 12.3 kPa Saturated Unit Weight = 18.6kN/m3 Bulk Sample at 0.95 m: Gravel 0.01% Sand 84.1 % Silt/Clay 15.9% Bulk Sample at 1.95 m: Gravel 0.02% Sand 94.5 % Silt/Clay 5.44 % Orange sand, moves to tan with depth Representative BST data 70 y = 0.6221x + 6.4351 4.00 m 2 R = 0.9946 60 Shear Stress in kPa 50 6.00 m 6.4 m White clay/shale 40 30 20 Depth = 1.3m Right Bank 10 8.00 m 10.00 m 12.00 m Bulk Sample from toe: Sand 72.3 % Silt/Clay 27.72 % Avg. Critical Shear Stress = 67.0 Pa Avg. Erodibility Coefficient = 0.10 m3/N-s 0 0 20 40 60 Normal Stress in kPa 80 100