July 2016 - Demopolis Presbyterian
July 2016 - Demopolis Presbyterian
F I R S T P R E SB Y T E R I A N C H U RC H N EWS—D EMOPOLIS, A L Our Vision Statement: The First Presbyterian Church of Demopolis, Alabama, is a body of believers in Jesus Christ, That wants God’s love to grow in us and radiate to all people through us. To that end, Our Mission Statement: First Presbyterian Church of Demopolis, Alabama is: a fellowship of believers in Jesus Christ, striving to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, by making disciples for Christ, in Demopolis and beyond by: • Exalting God in authentic biblical worship and prayer; • Building up believers in knowledge and faith through biblical preaching, teaching, discipleship and fellowship; • Evangelizing the lost by sharing Christ and living according to His example; • Extending God’s mercy through sacrificial service to those in need. Rev. Tommy R. Carr Pastor Established 1839 Monday we celebrate the 240th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which, as we know now, effectively established the United States of America as a sovereign nation. The people who signed the Declaration and many others who supported them didn't know at the time that they were indeed establishing a sovereign nation. The outcome of the Revolutionary War was very much in doubt on July 4, 1776. But in the providence of Almighty God here we are. As we celebrate independence there will be a dark cloud hanging over our celebrations. Almost every day we hear about a new terrorist attack somewhere in the world and far too often they are perpetrated on American soil. And, sadly, we have a government that seems unable or unwilling to face reality and actually do something about it because they do not want to offend certain groups of people, even people who want to kill Americans and destroy western civilization. I believe that our current dangerous situation will get worse before it gets better; political correctness gone amok. Is there an answer for people like us who are not wealthy and have no political power? Yes. On another front; The Presbyterian Church in America General Assembly concluded its annual conclave last week in Mobile, Alabama. Representatives from many PCA churches met to consider and take action on matters before the Assembly. Apparently, two issues seemed most important; one was a statement confessing the past and present sins of the denomination regarding racism which passed overwhelmingly. This is seen as a first step in assuring minorities (especially African Americans) that the PCA is no longer racist and as a means of increasing ethnic diversity in the denomination. While I applaud the ideas behind it, I wonder if I can genuinely confess and repent for your sins, let alone those of people long since dead. I understand your confusion if you walk by the bulletin boards in the hallways where pictures of our recently completed VBS are posted and notice that the overwhelming majority of those looking back at you are African Americans. The other issue that occupied much attention at the General Assembly was the question of women in ministry. The Assembly erected a study committee to look into the question and report back to the next Assembly. This question has been studied before by a committee established by the Assembly. I think the purpose of those pushing for the study committee is to find ways to get women more involved in the work of the church. In our case at FPC Demopolis, if women were not involved in the work of the church, we wouldn't have a church. The concern of those who were not in favor of yet another committee studying this issue is that this is the beginning of a push within our denomination to ordain women to church office (deacons and elders). And the fear (which I share) is that this is being driven, not by a concern for women being more 300 N. Strawberry Ave. ,Demopolis, AL 36732 334-289-3895 [email protected] www.demopolispresbyterian.com involved in ministry, but by a desire to accommodate the culture to make the denomination more appealing to our "enlightened" society. The PCA has held, since the beginning of the denomination, that the offices of elder and deacon are open to men only which has been the historical position of the Christian churches. It is not arbitrary but is based on the teaching of Scripture (I Timothy 3, Titus 1, et. al.). Many denominations that once held to this view, have now turned from it to ordain women to these offices. It has nothing to do with the value or ability of women or men, but is a distinction of role ordained by God in his word for the ordering of the church. In any case, this issue, it seems, is destined to occupy the PCA for years to come and could prove to be very divisive. I have talked about issues involving our nation and our church (denomination) that are cause for concern, because I think they are related. Much of what drives our culture and government is the idea of political correctness; the idea that we are all the same and to disagree with you is to hate you, so we can't say anything because we must not offend. For example, I believe that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin but to say that out loud is offensive to homosexuals (and many who think it's ok), so the culture tells me I can't have an opinion that is contrary to what is culturally approved. And if you do have such an opinion and you speak about it out loud, the culture plays its version of whack-a-mole to silence you. I know this is true in the culture at large; it is also true in much of the church; and I worry that it is becoming true in our denomination. It is very popular with the culture to confess and repent of sins committed long ago by people who are long dead. I question the value of that if we don't confess and repent of our own sins. But perhaps it has value. It is also very popular in the culture to remove any and all distinctions between the genders (distinctions of value or potential ability should be removed); distinctions of role, that is another question. Well, these are the issues. What can people like us who are not wealthy and have no political power do about them? Pray; but not necessarily for the issues specifically but for ourselves, that God would make us over in the image of Christ. "It is strange that, while praying, we seldom ask for change of character, but always a change in circumstances." We need a change in character; then perhaps, we will get the change in circumstance that we desire. Happy Fourth! 2016 July 2016 Received through July 24th Public Sale Dates: August 31st—September 3rd Consignors need to register by August 24th. Applications link found on website or by contacting the church office: 289-3895 [email protected] Warrior Presbytery Workers needed August 29th-September 3rd Ridge Haven Camp Monday: 3:30-6:00 Tuesday: 3:30-6:00 Wednesday: 3:30-6:00 Thursday: 2:30-6:00 Friday: 2:30-6:00 Saturday: 7:30-2:00 (2 shifts) Scholarships Women’s Ministry Offering used by the Warrior Presbytery Women’s Ministry to offer scholarships to campers within the Presbytery 4th of July Cookout/Games/Fireworks Cook 5:30 Eat: 6:30ish What to Bring: • meat “grill-ready” • Side Dish to Share • Drinks for your family There will be Games and Fellowship, then for those who wish — we will walk or stroll over to the river for the festivities and fireworks at dark. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway just so we can have an idea of who all is coming. Annual Ladies Church Picnic Thursday, July 7th - Noon Home of Joy Mackin (1611 Marengo Dr.) There will be sandwich fixings available for $3 or bring your own. Beverages and desserts provided. Please sign up on the sheet in hallway and Bring a friend! July 2016 June 20-24 was a fabulous week for First Presbyterian Demopolis! God sent us a much prayed for group of children that averaged 47 in attendance for the week. We had a dedicated, awesome volunteer staff of more than 23 adults and teens. The theme for the week was the “Disciples Distinctives.” Students worked to solve the mystery of what defines disciples of Christ. We discovered that Jesus’ disciples are called, confronted, committed, changed and commissioned. We also received an offering of $766.03 to help pay tuition for students at Isaiah 55 ministries in Reynosa, Mexico. Anyone who would like to, may contribute to this offering through the end of July. I want to thank everyone who volunteered, prayed, donated, or contributed in any to make VBS 2016 such a great success. Please pray with us that the gospel seeds that were planted in young hearts will take root and grow! To God be the Glory! Thank you in Jesus’ name, Paula Bond Warrior Women’s Ministry Spiritual Connection Meeting Saturday, August 6, 2016 First Presbyterian—Demopolis 9:00—noon Lunch to follow **local ladies: we will need volunteers for registration foods, help with lunch, preparing the church, decorating, etc… Please see Nadine if you can help. Watch for sign up sheet for attendance. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 1 Huizinga/Burkhalter Wedding 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ladies Picnic Noon Mackin’s Cookout/Games 5:30 See info on page 2 10 11 17 18 14 15 16 Bingo Bible Study 9:30 P. Bond’s Diaconate/Session Meeting 8:30 Communion 13 12 WIC Council 4:00 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Church Luncheon Bible Study 9:30 P. Bond’s Ridge Haven Presbytery Offering 25 24 HOP 2:00 Harris’ Bible Study 9:30 P. Bond’s 31 Deacon’s Fund Offering 2016 Special dates and committees for July July 2 8 10 Jacob Reeves Kristy Johnson Katy Reeves Parten Claire Coddington Ansley Basinger Clay Mackin Kami Basinger Scott Kirkpatrick Makenna McNutt Riddell Abrams Merry Coburn Joey Morgan Vivi McNutt 11 20 21 23 25 27 28 30 July 3 Patty Kirkpatrick 10 Joy Mackin 17 Andrea Ward 24 Bess Weltin 31 Elaine Carr Deacons of the Month July David Coddington Keith Yeager Flowers for July 3 10 17 24 31 Eloise Harris Open Open Open Open Nursery Schedule August 7 Nadine Coddington 14 Joy Mackin 21 Andrea Ward 28 Bess Weltin July17th **TJ & Cindy Keasler Ozzy & Ann Resto David & Nadine Coddington August 21st **Billy & Ruth Symon Glenn & Katy Basinger Andrea Ward July 3 8 12 26 27 28 Joe & Jody McIntier Josh & Heather Rimes Mike & Bernice Cork Parker & Kristy Johnson Jimmy & Joy Mackin Daniel & Kristy Atkins ( 9) (13) ( 8) (48) ( 9) Food Ministry for July HEAD: ** Elaine Carr FPC News July 2016 Church Luncheon Committees and Food Ministry Chairman List located on the bulletin board in the hallway outside office areas. Please check to see when you are on the committee and swap if needed. Please notify the office of any changes you make. Tablecloth Policy • • • Tablecloths MUST be washed and cleaned of stains after each use. If a stain cannot be removed - Report it to the church office. All tablecloths must be rehung after cleaning. Instant Church Directory Mobile App Your can view the directory from your iPhone, iPad, Android or Kindle Fire by downloading the free Members App. Search for "Instant Church Directory" in the Apple App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Appstore, or at this link:http://www.instantchurchdirectory.com/ app If your email is listed in the directory, you should automatically be able to open. But if it asks for password, please call the church office. Treasurer’s Report Total Contributions for May: Less Total Expenses $11,840.22 $ 8,810.80 $ 3,029.42 YTD: $49,959.03 $50,270.86 ($ 311.83 ) FPC News July 2016 Prayer List Shut-Ins: Luiza Coburn, Billy Fleming, Betty Krusmark, Frances Lackey Cancer: Betty Jenkins, Nathan Hamilton, Linda Browder, Tom Boggs, Stephen Gentry, Jody Daughtery, Emily Sawyer, Rita Poole Horton, Varanda Golden, Ava Hunter, Rose Breitling, Luke (Jonah’s son), Kate Carr, Aaron Zapata, Angela Green, Hope Grace, Angela Green Illness: Joey Morgan, Billie-Marie Davis, Laura Morgan, Jennie Husbands, Jennifer, William Burke, Joe Bunn, Cohen Sullivan, Sarah (Jonah’s daughter), Marlene Chapman, Glenn Shealy, Horacio, Brian Schrieber, Dennis Smith, Cathy Hand, Stanley Bond, Elizabeth Forehand, Special Needs/Surgery: Joel, Billy, Doris Kirkpatrick, CJ Golston, RJ Blount, Joe Lashley, Cam Cameron, Hugo, Charlie, Michael Jacks, Melanie Hulsey, Susan, Sue Entrekin, Carrie Ramey, Michael Woodham, Liz Bond, Louise Strable, Loretta Strickland Expectant Moms: Katie Gill, Heather Rimes, Cassie Coddington, Shannon Carr, Kami Basinger, Abigail Rehbeck Engaged Couples: Josh Huizinga and Kelsey Burkhalter; All Military Personnel: Ch William Broderick, Kyle Westbrook, Dan Parsons, Sam Brasfield, Ricky Lee, Kyle Newton, Jason Freeman, Steven Mackin, Gregory Harrington, Jason Johnson, Jimmy Hart, Aaron Thornton, Jonathan Stephens, William R. Horton, Victor Resto Supported Missionaries/ Ministries: Aaron & Leticia Zapata, Guillermo & Jennie Salinas, Robert & Lisa Stewart, Andy & Bev Warren, Clete & Karen Hux, Beth Acton, Sav-A-Life, Doug & Kelly McNutt, Nathaniel & Alicia Gutierrez, Jimmy & Nadia Dukes, Chris & Katie Gill Hooked on Prayer List Allen Joe, Allgood, Louise Aoyagi, Towa Aycock, Chelsea Barkley, Mack Beeler, Peggy Boggs, Ben Boggs, Tom Boswell, Davis Brooker, Chrissy Brooker, Jan Brown, Pearl Joy Burge, Raymond Busby, Rhae Calloway, Terry Cistrunk, Narsis Coburn, Luiza Coker, Jean Coleman, Willie Collins, Bette Collins, Brandon Cook, Darren Cook, Susan Copeland, Roy & Judy Craig, Kaleigh Crane, Bob Cross, Margaret Daughtery, Jody Davidson, Karen Davis, Barbara Denson, Leita Douglas, Jerry Duncan, Conner Dykes, Cory Eatmon, Megan Espy, Emily Etheridge, Brooks Etheridge, Mary Ellen Farst, Maria Finley, Betty Fleming, Billy Forte, Tony Fuqua, Blake Gentry, Steve Grace, Hope Griffin, Gay Gross, Jane Hamilton, Nathan Hart. Sarah Elizabeth Harvey, John Heath, Cindy Hedrick, Gail Hilbish, Bette Hogg, Ian Hollinger, Walter Holman, Joann Hudson, Shanna Huizinga, Carol Jarvis, Val Jenkins, Betty Jennifer Kelley, Bobbie Krusmark, Betty Kyser, Helen Lackey, Frances Landerfelt, John LaRocca, Dominic Latham, Jeffie Latham, Whit Leascher, Chad Logan, Stevie Hollingsworth, Lynn Mahaffey, Larry Marquis. Alana & Jim McCraw, Beverly McDonald, Nelda McIntier, Jodie McGee, Emily McGiver, Logan McKinley, Pam Merriweather, Archie Miller, Tommie Milsap, Goldie Morgan, Laura Mutisya, Cecilia Ndunge Newberry, Madi Osburn, Beverly Parker, Mary Parten, Ramona Peacock, Faye Phillips, Max Pickerill, Paula Pickerill, Sharon Plummer, Kaegan Radcliff, Cecil Randall, Rexx Randall, Ruth Ray, Brenda Reynolds, Christy Sakon, Ethan Scott, Kay Sharp, Chris Sims, Sarah Snyder, MaryEllen Stephens, Carol Stephens, Maxine Strable, Louise Stringer, Wilson & Ginny Taff, Cathy Tarrence, Polly Tartt, Tommy Taylor, David & Marie TenHaaf, WM Terry, Pope Thornton, Alaina Tierce, Terry Trayler, Drew Treadaway, Jean Trotter, Dottie Tucker, Sadie Turnipseed, Stone Van Austin, Inabell Walker, Olivia Walls, Christian Wellman, Glenna West, Ruth Whittington, Judy & Ricky Williams, Ed Williams, Ethel Williams, Jimmy & Joyce Williams, Keith Williams, Mary Lynne Williamson, Trevor Wilson, Christy Wise, Winton & Naomi Womble, Caleb 161 Wrensted, Leah Price Wright, Hettie HOP meets 4th Sunday’s only 2:00 Home of Eloise Harris 1607 Mauvilla Dr. Lending Library The Women’s Ministry would like to invite you to participate in the new Lending Library at the church. It is located in the Sunday School classroom across from the Choir practice room. The idea is to have a place at church where we can bring fiction and non-fiction books that we own and have read and would like to share with others at church. There are two forms to be used to participate. One form is for those who would like to lend books. It provides a place for each of us to record which books we’ve brought to lend, whether they’re fiction or non-fiction, and whether you’d like to have them back at some point or if they should be donated at some point to a suitable place. The other form is for those who’d like to borrow books. It provides a place to record which books have been borrowed, with a place at the top for your name, as well as a column to record the date borrowed and the date returned. We ask that good judgment be used in the books that are brought to be donated. Also, we ask that books be returned within 2-4 weeks from the date borrowed. The library is for all in the church to use, men and women, young and “not so young”. You may write your name in the books you lend, but it’s not a requirement. First Presbyterian Church 300 N. Strawberry Ave Demopolis, AL 36732
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