Oilfield Services Bankruptcy Tracker | Haynes and Boone, LLP
Oilfield Services Bankruptcy Tracker | Haynes and Boone, LLP
HAYNES AND BOONE, LLP OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER August 31, 2016 © 2016 Haynes and Boone, LLP © 2016 Haynes and Boone, LLP As a service to the energy industry, the lawyers of the Oilfield Services and Bankruptcy Practices at Haynes and Boone, LLP are tracking and reporting industry developments in oilfield service restructurings. Our research includes details on 93 bankruptcies filed since the beginning of 2015, including secured and unsecured debt totals for each case. The firm has played a key role in a number of oilfield services matters, including asset sales, refinancings, debt restructurings and Chapter 11 cases, representing debtors, creditors, energy lenders, and private equity investors. Our research shows that the total amount of aggregate debt administered in oilfield services cases in 2015-2016 is more than $14 billion and the average debt of these cases is more than $151 million. The largest reported bankruptcy cases involve total debt of approximately $2.7 billion (Vantage), $2.5 billion (Paragon Offshore), $1.7 billion (Seventy Energy), $1.3 billion (Hercules Offshore) and $1.3 billion (C&J). The slides that follow include Haynes and Boone’s most recent summary of oilfield services bankruptcy filings for 2015 and 2016, which will be updated periodically. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please contact any of the lawyers listed in these materials. To view our other energy industry bankruptcy reports and surveys, including our Oil Patch Bankruptcy Monitor, please click here. To view our Oil Patch Bankruptcy Blog, click here. HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 2 2015-2016 CUMULATIVE NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY FILINGS HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 100 90 NUMBER OF FILINGS 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMEBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST See pages 6-7 for the list of bankruptcies. (As of August 31, 2016) HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 3 2015-2016 CUMULATIVE NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES UNSECURED DEBT, SECURED DEBT, AND AGGREGATE DEBT HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER $16,000,000,000 $14,000,000,000 $12,000,000,000 $10,000,000,000 $8,000,000,000 $6,000,000,000 $4,000,000,000 $2,000,000,000 $0 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMEBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST See pages 6-7 for the list of bankruptcies. (As of August 31, 2016) HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 4 2015-2016 CUMULATIVE NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY FILINGS BY LOCATION ARIZONA – 1 COLORADO – 4 KANSAS – 1 NEW MEXICO – 3 OKLAHOMA – 2 PENNSYLVANIA – 5 UTAH – 1 WYOMING – 1 2015-2016 CUMULATIVE NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES AGGREGATE DEBT BY FILING LOCATION ARIZONA $40,705,221 CANADA $94,890,870 COLORADO $66,508,164 KANSAS $4,943,794 LOUISIANA $110,270,895 LOUISIANA 8 DELAWARE TEXAS 53 8 CANADA 6 NEW MEXICO $14,172,879 TEXAS 4,367,529,749 OKLAHOMA $80,727,506 PENNSYLVANIA $53,696,600 DELAWARE $9,236,081,691 UTAH $657,872 WYOMING $23,079,366 See pages 6-7 for the list of bankruptcies. (As of August 31, 2016) HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 5 LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCIES IN 2015-2016 2015 BANKRUPTCIES FILING DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1/15/2015 2/5/2015 2/6/2015 2/19/2015 3/3/2015 3/4/2015 4/30/2015 5/17/2015 5/18/2015 6/8/2015 6/10/2015 6/11/2015 6/12/2015 6/19/2015 6/21/2015 7/17/2015 8/13/2015 8/18/2015 8/27/2015 9/1/2015 9/7/2015 9/18/2015 9/18/2015 9/18/2015 9/21/2015 9/25/2015 10/2/2015 10/12/2015 10/16/2015 10/20/2015 10/23/2015 11/9/2015 11/24/2015 11/24/2015 12/3/2015 36 12/14/2015 37 12/16/2015 38 12/16/2015 39 12/17/2015 TOTAL 2015 COURT WD TEXAS SD TEXAS WD PENN CANADA DELAWARE SD TEXAS NEW MEXICO ND TEXAS WD OKLA CANADA WD TEXAS CANADA ND TEXAS DELAWARE SD TEXAS CANADA DELAWARE CANADA WD TEXAS WD TEXAS SD TEXAS SD TEXAS WD TEXAS WD TEXAS WD LOUISIANA SD TEXAS CANADA WD TEXAS WD LOUISIANA SD TEXAS COLORADO WD PENN WD TEXAS ED TEXAS DELAWARE WYOMING SD TEXAS COLORADO ARIZONA CASE NUMBER DEBTOR 15-50161 15-30786 15-20390 15-10458 15-70116 15-11137 15-41974 15-11872 15-70082 15-42370 15-11326 15-20241 15-11685 15-52071 15-52159 15-34736 15-60070 15-52267 15-52270 15-11758 15-35003 15-70136 15-51336 15-35530 15-21821 15-70766 15-70162 15-60796 15-12422 15-20821 / 15-20822 15-36563 15-23704 15-15859 SECURED UNSECURED TOTAL GASFRAC ENERGY SERVICES, INC.** CALMENA ENERGY SERVICES, INC.** NORTH SHORE ENERGY SERVICES, LLC LEADER ENERGY SERVICES** CAL DIVE INTERNATIONAL, INC. SUMMIT WELL SERVICES, LLC HORIZON WELL SERVICES, LLC FRAC SPECIALISTS, LLC LONESTAR GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS, LLC BIG EAGLE HYDRO-VAC, INC. 2 D'S OILFIELD SERVICES, INC. HC PIPER MANUFACTURING, INC.** ALL OUT ENERGY SERVICES, LLC CITADEL ENERGY SERVICES, LLC TANK 1 SERVICES, LLC TORRAC OILFIELD SERVICES, LTD.** HERCULES OFFSHORE, INC.** AQUA-PURE VENTURES, INC.** FOURWINDS LOGISTICS A/K/A FWLL, LLC*** JM OILFIELD SERVICES, INC.*** DIVERSE ENERGY SYSTEMS, LLC HII TECHNOLOGIES, INC. BMC OILFIELD SUPPLY, LLC*** NEW VOYAGE ENTERPRISES, LLC*** ELITE COIL TUBING SOLUTIONS, LLC*** ENERGY OILFIELD SERVICES, LLC*** GROUNDFORCE GEODRILLING SOLUTIONS, INC.** TRINITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC A&B VALVE AND PIPING SYSTEMS, LLC BLUEWATER INDUSTRIES LP*** ENSECO ENERGY SERVICES CORP.** SOMERSET REGIONAL WATER RESOURCES, LLC ANIMAS WELL SERVICES, LLC TORQUED-UP ENERGY SERVICES, INC. VANTAGE DRILLING CO.* $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 24,872,458 16,508,671 45,000 9,379,928 199,800,000 1,286,368 2,912,058 39,110,987 7,186,640 39,048,721 2,291,571 2,218,286 1,556,713 149,719 3,969,381 0 0 10,739,686 0 14,260,490 18,848,379 14,654,006 0 0 12,000,000 3,260,142 10,110,076 186,468,226 13,396,850 0 11,855,649 24,132,148 5,056,648 12,307,762 2,629,230,429 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,340,908 0 1,429,550 8,384,929 111,539,932 425,916 1,266,464 7,597,925 5,125,128 2,380,970 819,280 805,015 141,019 3,251,848 2,255,207 4,610,478 1,306,971,541 198,722 5,516,047 6,558,349 29,915,797 4,332,871 2,201,359 511,780 11,402,567 1,586,327 7,014,059 726,624 17,072,484 133,281,714 2,134,466 11,690,899 1,562,558 37,058,707 143,924,728 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 72,213,366 16,508,671 1,474,550 17,764,857 311,339,932 1,712,285 4,178,524 46,708,912 12,311,768 41,429,691 3,110,851 3,023,301 1,697,732 3,401,567 6,224,588 4,610,478 1,306,971,541 10,938,408 5,516,047 20,818,839 48,764,176 18,986,877 2,201,359 511,780 23,402,567 4,846,469 17,124,135 187,194,850 30,469,334 133,281,714 13,990,115 35,823,047 6,619,206 49,366,470 2,773,155,157 STRATA ENERGY SERVICES INC.* $ 19,875,810 $ 3,203,555 $ 23,079,366 NOVA DIRECTIONAL, INC. CASCADE INTEGRATED SERVICES, LLC RDX TECHNOLOGIES COPORATION $ $ $ $ 4,065,119 5,017,133 2,280,000 3,347,895,055 $ $ $ $ 530,825 1,257,827 38,425,221 1,964,453,600 $ $ $ $ 4,595,945 6,274,960 40,705,221 5,312,348,655 Continued on next page. HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER *Debt estimated per First Day Declarations; schedules not yet available. **Unable to locate schedule of assets and liabilities; debts estimated from other filings. ***Involuntary chapter 7 filing. (As of August 31, 2016) 6 LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCIES IN 2015-2016 2016 BANKRUPTCIES FILING DATE 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 1/19/2016 1/31/2016 2/14/2016 2/19/2016 2/26/2016 3/1/2016 3/2/2016 3/4/2016 3/4/2016 3/10/2016 3/13/2016 3/14/2016 3/25/2016 3/28/2016 4/1/2016 4/1/2016 4/4/2016 4/15/2016 4/15/2016 4/21/2016 4/26/2016 4/29/2016 5/3/2016 5/11/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/17/2016 5/18/2016 68 5/23/2016 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 5/24/2016 5/31/2016 6/5/2016 6/6/2016 6/7/2016 6/9/2016 6/17/2016 6/20/2016 6/24/2016 6/27/2016 6/30/2016 COURT CASE NUMBER DEBTOR NEW MEXICO DELAWARE DELAWARE COLORADO WD TEXAS ND TEXAS ND TEXAS SD TEXAS WD LOUISIANA SD TEXAS ND TEXAS ND TEXAS SD TEXAS ND TEXAS WD TEXAS WD LOUISIANA WD TEXAS ND TEXAS ND OKLA ED TEXAS WD TEXAS UTAH WD TEXAS WD TEXAS SD TEXAS WD TEXAS NEW MEXICO MD PENN 16-10078 16-10221 16-10386 16-11308 16-70028 16-40956 16-40979 16-31201 16-10383 16-60020 16-41049 16-50062 16-31447 16-50070 16-70042 16-10545 16-50778 16-41547 16-10678 16-40742 16-70059 16-23671 16-70066 16-51110 16-50108 16-70079 16-11222 16-02115 SD TEXAS 16-60056 SD TEXAS COLORADO DELAWARE SD TEXAS DELAWARE MD PENN WD TEXAS SD TEXAS WD TEXAS WD LOUISIANA KANSAS 16-80149 16-15466 16-11385 16-60070 16-11409 16-02449 16-70101 16-33091 16-51402 16-50876 16-11224 SECURED ALLIANCE WELL SERVICE, LLC EXTREME PLASTICS PLUS INC. PARAGON OFFSHORE PLC* CRAIG ENERGY, LLC DRM SALES & SUPPLY, LLC GREENHUNTER RESOURCES, INC. UNIVERSAL WELL SERVICE HOLDINGS, INC. WELLHEAD DISTRIBUTORS INTERNATIONAL S-3 PUMP SERVICE, INC. ESP PETROCHEMICALS, INC WELLFLEX ENERGY SOLUTIONS, LLC DJ OILFIELD SERVICES, LLC EAST AFRICAN DRILLING LTD. CROSSFIRE MANUFACTURING, LLC ATK OILFIELD TRANSPORTATION, INC.* KEITHVILLE WELL DRILLING & SERVICES, LLC. SANJEL INC.* DIAMOND TANK RENTAL, INC. SHEEHAN PIPE LINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FPUSA, LLC WEST TEXAS POLY AND PUMP, LLC ENERGY DRILLING, LLC CANDESCENT WELL SERVICE, LLC J P S COMPLETION FLUIDS, INC. HAWK OILFIELD SERVICE, INC. TALL CITY WELL SERVICE, LP HUNGRY HORSE, LLC NUWELD, INC. ARMADA WATER ASSETS, INC. / WES-TEX VACUUM SERVICE, INC. MARK A. MARTINEZ, LLC FORT DRILLING, LLC HERCULES OFFSHORE, INC.* ^ ROYWELL SERVICES, INC. SEVENTY SEVEN ENERGY, INC.* PERRY PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT LTD, INC. RAIDER OILFIELD SERVICES, LLC HARKAND GULF CONTRACTING LIMITED* ENGINEERED WELL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL, LLC LOUISIANA CRANE & CONSTRUCTION, LLC**** PRATT WELL SERVICE, INC. HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER UNSECURED TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,536,467 53,369,124 1,440,650,651 38,471,000 11,465,408 21,470,000 12,440,231 7,116,106 4,056,686 2,843,613 1,639,599 609,744 40,000,000 0 29,983,250 5,461,052 890,638,000 6,700,731 13,069,790 0 1,620,000 0 149,174 720,480 604,765 12,428,779 3,032,630 8,292,050 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 986,010 16,611,719 983,582,000 6,958,952 7,715,498 2,292,008 12,716,336 24,615,688 9,470,720 4,587,835 2,317,930 2,405,046 5,358,389 653,578 5,000,000 3,863,666 213,964,000 2,227,896 55,345,948 2,365,457 2,116,023 657,872 1,358,051 3,771,113 673,420 2,055,854 2,439,247 3,153,971 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,522,478 69,980,843 2,424,232,651 45,429,952 19,180,906 23,762,008 25,156,566 31,731,795 13,527,407 7,431,449 3,957,529 3,014,790 45,358,389 653,578 34,983,250 9,324,718 1,104,602,000 8,928,627 68,415,738 2,365,457 3,736,023 657,872 1,507,225 4,491,593 1,278,185 $14,484,633 5,471,877 11,446,021 $ 5,295,888 $ 14,256,499 $ 19,552,388 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 389,335 669,000 579,000,000 15,017,333 625,000,000 569,377 406,000 269,600,000 7,881,360 0 4,072,074 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 350,921 144,138 43,000,000 6,092,939 1,100,000,000 4,383,604 2,235,633 65,900,000 1,147,885 0 871,720 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 740,256 813,138 622,000,000 21,110,272 1,725,000,000 4,952,982 2,641,633 335,500,000 9,029,245 0 4,943,794 *Debt estimated per First Day Declarations; schedules not yet available. **Unable to locate schedule of assets and liabilities; debts estimated from other filings. ***Involuntary chapter 7 filing. ****Schedules not yet available and debt unascertainable. ^Second filing within TTM. (As of August 31, 2016) 7 LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCIES IN 2015-2016 2016 BANKRUPTCIES (CONTINUED) FILING DATE 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 COURT 7/6/2016 SD TEXAS 7/18/2016 WD LOUISIANA 7/20/2016 SD TEXAS 7/20/2016 ND TEXAS 7/22/2016 SD TEXAS 7/252016 MD LOUSIANA 8/2/2016 ND TEXAS 8/3/2016 SD TEXAS 8/8/2016 WD LOUISIANA 8/18/2016 SD TEXAS 8/26/2016 WD PENN 8/26/2016 ND TEXAS 8/30/2016 ND TEXAS 8/31/2016 SD TEXAS TOTAL 2016 TOTAL 2015-2016 CASE NUMBER DEBTOR SECURED 16-33433 16-80783 16-33590 16-42751 16-33646 16-10867 ROTARY DRILLING TOOLS USA, LLC* J&C OILFIELD RENTALS, LLC C&J ENERGY SERVICES, LTD.* RIVER BEND GEO SERVICES, LLC PRECISION MACHINED PRODUCTS TESLA OFFSHORE, LLC* 16-33121 16-20306 16-51082 16-34107 16-23160 16-50183 16-43247 16-34284 STW RESOURCES HOLDING CORP. GLOBAL GEOPHYSICAL SERVICES, INC. TUSK ENERGY SERVICES, LLC**** DOMINION STEEL SPECIALTIES INC. PATRIOT ONE, INC.**** GRIMMETT BROTHERS, INC.**** CNC FABRICATION AND MAINTENANCE INC.**** LIGHT TOWER RENTALS, INC.* HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER UNSECURED TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 35,762,204 790,000 1,382,000,000 909,707 2,615,734 30,640,644 2,440,252 125,550,643 0 891,000 0 0 0 345,800,000 6,045,669,881 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,257,263 2,116,225 0 1,645,389 629,230 0 29,862,996 73,878,446 0 2,208,958 0 0 0 0 2,735,246,072 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 43.019,466 2,906,225 1,382,000,000 2,555,096 3,244,964 30,640,644 32,303,248 199,429,089 0 3,099,958 0 0 0 345,800,000 8,780,915,954 $ 9,393,564,936 $ 4,699,699,672 $ 14,093,264,609 *Debt estimated per First Day Declarations; schedules not yet available. **Unable to locate schedule of assets and liabilities; debts estimated from other filings. ***Involuntary chapter 7 filing. ****Schedules not yet available and debt unascertainable. ^Second filing within TTM. (As of August 31, 2016) 8 PRIMARY CONTACTS BANKRUPTCY IAN PECK Partner, Dallas 214.651.5155 [email protected] CHARLES BECKHAM, JR. Partner, Houston 713.547.2243 ELI COLUMBUS Partner, Dallas 214.651.5045 [email protected] [email protected] MATT FERRIS Partner, Dallas 214.651.5955 [email protected] HENRY FLORES Partner, Houston 713.547.2259 AUTUMN HIGHSMITH Partner, Dallas 214.651.5135 [email protected] [email protected] TREVOR HOFFMANN Partner, New York 212.659.4993 PATRICK HUGHES Partner, Houston 713.547.2550 KENRIC KATTNER Partner, Houston 713.547.2518 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] FRASHER MURPHY Partner, Dallas 214.651.5246 STEPHEN PEZANOSKY Partner, Fort Worth 817.347.6601 GEOFFREY RAICHT Partner, New York 212.659.4966 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ROBERT ALBERGOTTI Senior Counsel, Dallas 214.651.5613 KELLI NORFLEET Associate, Houston 713.547.2630 DAVID STAAB Associate, Fort Worth 817.347.6645 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Haynes and Boone has more than 575 lawyers, including more than 30 bankruptcy practitioners and 100 energy lawyers, landmen and consultants, serving clients across the globe. HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 9 PRIMARY CONTACTS OILFIELD SERVICES CHRIS WOLFE Partner, Houston 713.547.2024 DARREL RICE Senior Counsel, Dallas 214.651.5969 [email protected] [email protected] KAREN DENNEY Partner, Fort Worth 817.347.6616 LAURA MARTONE Counsel, Orange County 949.202.3065 [email protected] [email protected] TODD RANSOM Partner, New York 212.659.4967 ROBERT THIBAULT Counsel, Denver 303.382.6226 [email protected] [email protected] HUNT BUCKLEY Senior Counsel, Mexico City 52.55.5249.1812 RICKY TORLINCASI Associate, Fort Worth 817.347.6628 [email protected] [email protected] Haynes and Boone has more than 575 lawyers, including more than 30 bankruptcy practitioners and 100 energy lawyers, landmen and consultants serving clients across the globe. HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER 10 LOCATIONS AUSTIN CHICAGO DALLAS DENVER FORT WORTH 600 Congress Avenue Suite 1300 Austin, TX 78701 United States of America 180 N. LaSalle Street Suite 2215 Chicago, IL 60601 United States of America 2323 Victory Avenue Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75219 United States of America 1801 Broadway Street Suite 800 Denver, CO 80202 United States of America 301 Commerce Street Suite 2600 Fort Worth, TX 76102 United States of America T F T F T F T F T F +1 512.867.8400 +1 512.867.8470 +1 312.216.1620 +1 312.216.1621 +1 214.651.5000 +1 214.651.5940 +1 303.382.6200 +1 303.382.6210 +1 817.347.6600 +1 817.347.6650 HOUSTON LONDON MEXICO CITY NEW YORK ORANGE COUNTY 1221 McKinney Street Suite 2100 Houston, TX 77010 United States of America 29 Ludgate Hill London, EC4M 7JR United Kingdom Torre Esmeralda I, Blvd. Manuel Ávila Camacho #40 Despacho 1601 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, DF 11000 Mexico City, Mexico 30 Rockefeller Plaza 26th Floor New York, NY 10112 United States of America 600 Anton Boulevard Suite 700 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 United States of America T +1 212.659.7300 F +1 212.918.8989 T +1 949.202.3000 F +1 949.202.3001 T F +1 713.547.2000 +1 713.547.2600 T +44 (020) 8734 2800 F +44 (020) 8734 2820 T +52.55.5249.1800 F +52.55.5249.1801 PALO ALTO RICHARDSON SAN ANTONIO SHANGHAI WASHINGTON, D.C. 525 University Avenue Suite 400 Palo Alto, CA 94301 United States of America 2505 North Plano Road Suite 4000 Richardson, TX 75082 United States of America 112 East Pecan Street Suite 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 United States of America 800 17th Street NW Suite 500 Washington, D.C. 20006 United States of America T F T +1 972.739.6900 F +1 972.680.7551 T F Shanghai International Finance Center, Tower 2 Unit 3620, Level 36 8 Century Avenue, Pudong Shanghai 200120, P.R. China +1 650.687.8800 +1 650.687.8801 HAYNES AND BOONE OILFIELD SERVICES BANKRUPTCY TRACKER +1 210.978.7000 +1 210.978.7450 T F +86.21.6062.6179 +86.21.6062.6347 T F +1 202.654.4500 +1 202.654.4501 11 This publication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Legal advice of any nature should be sought from legal counsel . © 2016 Haynes and Boone, LLP
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