HF - Fans - Hürner
HF - Fans - Hürner
THE SPECIALIST FOR FANS AND COMPONENTS FOR Druck & Layout: Druck & Copy Studio - Tel. (06631) 91 91 80 PLASTIC VENTILATION SYSTEMS Competence in plastics Hurner Funken Your great partner if it comes to competence in plastic Ihr starker Partner, wenn es um Hurner Funken Kompetenz in Kunststoff geht 0. Allgemeine technische Generally technical Informationen informations 1. Klein-Radialventilatoren Small radial fans 1.1 HF R 75 - 16 D 1.2 HF R 110 - 14 D 2. Radialventilatoren (Gehäuse wirbelgesintert) Radial fans 2.1 HF R 125 bis 800 - 15 D/R oder - 17 D/R (Casing rotational sintered) 2. Radialventilatoren (Gehäuse geschweißt) Radial fans 2.2 HF R 560 bis 1000 - 13 D/R (Casing welded) 3. Hochdruck-Radialventilatoren 3.1 HF R 50 bis 200 - 48 R High-pressure radial fans 4. Dach-Radialventilatoren (Gehäuse wirbelgesintert) Roof-radial fans 4.1 HF D 110 bis 315 - 15 D/-17 D (Casing rotational sintered) 4. Dach-Radialventilatoren Roof-radial fans (Gehäuse tiefgezogen bzw. geschweißt) (Casing thermoformed 4.2 HF D 315 bis 400 - 16 D respectively welded) 4.3 HF D 500 bis 1000 - 13 D 5. Axialventilatoren 5.1 HF A 200 bis 1000 - ...° D 6. Zubehör / Komponenten Accessories / Components 7. Technische Dokumentationen Technical documentations 8. Sonstiges Others Axial fans Edition: 01/03/05 KunststoffVentilatoren Ihr starker Partner, wenn es um Kompetenz in Kunststoff geht ! Hurner Funken Hurner Funken Chronicle of the company The roots of the present Hürner-Funken GmbH date back to the foundation of a mechanical workshop by a certain Mr. Ernst Hürner who has been self-employed in the year 1928. In the beginning, the firm was involved in precision mechanics. But as early as in the thirties, Ernst Hürner was one of the first who started focusing on plastic, which was a completely novel organic, macromolecular material at this time. Shortly after the second World War, Hürner produced the first radial fans of plastic material. For the first plastic axial fan, a special patent was issued. Gradually, the fan product range was extended by tanks, vessels and ventilation ducts of PVC. Well ahead of competitors due to the use of advanced technologies, the small enterprise gained a stable reputation within an amazingly short time and became a leader in the plastic fan market. In 1959, Hürner joined the Cremer group which was leading in the market of technical stoneware for aggressive substances used in the chemical industry since more than 50 years. With the clear trend towards plastic for substitution purposes, at this time, Hürner became a subsidiary of Deutsche Steinzeugund Kunststoffwarenfabrik, Mannheim Friedrichsfeld. The name of the company was changed into Hürner Funken GmbH. By the early or midnineties, it had grown to a size of about 850 employees. In 1970, the new manufacturing site in Mücke Atzenhain was founded and permitted large scale production of apparatus, vessels, ducts and other thermoplastic and duroplastic parts. The location was extended with some new halls quickly. The production of plastic fans could be moved from Frankfurt to Atzenhain in 1976 as well. In the same year, Hürner GmbH in Atzenhain launched a division for measurement and control technology, named MSR, which also concentrated on building control cabinets in the beginning. This branch developed the first resistance welding unit for plastic. Our present “HST” series is a result of further continuous, market-orientated development which are top in the world market in the field of universal welding today. In 1991, the extension was finished with hall no. 5. At this time, the production was called “Hürner Umwelttechnik GmbH”. Between the years 1991 and 1996, the company KT Kunststofftechnik Troisdorf which was bought by Schott has been integrated when extensive reorganisations existed. 1993 was the year of foundation of Hürner Kunststofftechnik GmbH comprising management, sales and technical activities, with its headquarters in Frankfurt and production sites in Troisdorf and Atzenhain. However, the production site in Troisdorf was relinquished very soon and the production of high-grade fans in thermoplastic was concentrated on. In the mid 1996, the Frankfurt organizational units were displaced to Atzenhain because of an inconvenient geographical constellation which was a disadvantage for the company. By integrating the Hürner GmbH measurement and control department MSR into HST business unit and the final stoppage of the production of duroplastic, a powerful, modern company was created on January 1, 1997. In 1999, the company Funken & Co. KG GmbH, Hennef/Sieg, was taken over by Hürner Kunststofftechnik th GmbH on 30. August 1999 and the name of the company was changed into Hürner-Funken GmbH. The location Hennef which was the distribution for fans and components for plastic ventilation systems supports the activities during the stage of joining the two companies until the beginning of the year 2002. After separation and re-organization of the former HST division into an independent company, HürnerFunken GmbH presently employs about 45 persons. Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Hurner Funken Competence in plastic Since more than 50 years Hürner is at the top of development, construction and production of industry and laboratory fans as well as the components which belong to ventilation systems. The early use of thermoplastic and duroplastic materials was a very decisive leap which has urged the business. Compared with the usual materials wich were used in ventilation systems, plastic offers considerable advantages in nearly all the areas of usage. Without any additional treatment on the surface, they are constant against acid and alkaline fumes as well as corrosive, oxidative and aggressive gases and admixtures of air. Many years of practice in construction and usage of these materials and the knowledge of specific requests of different applications put us in a position to offer the right material combination and the optimal constructive solution for every insert. Demands according to increased UV constancy, fire protection by using hardly inflammable materials or an explosion protection according to VDMA- guiding rules are as well fulfilled as low noises or a reliable cleaning of the exhaust air respectively exhaust fumes of hard or liquid harmful substances. Because of this extensive practice of fabrication in ventilation systems and components, it was consequent to deal intensively with welding engineering for plastic. Today we offer a phased programme of security appliances for resistance welding for construction site service from the compact single hand appliance to the “intelligent” welding machine with data acquisition, logging and traceability to the terotechnology. The alliance of Hürner-Funken KT refers to the know how of three companies which are at the top on using plastic materials in ventilation systems and components and which have developed their own special knowledge and procedure. This synergy means for our customers: a better product, a better logistic, a better service and a better cooperation with the manufacturer. Our ventilation systems are used in many cases in the whole world: from laboratories and places of production in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry about laboratories of universities and academies to enterprises who deal with metal and galvanic materials. Our selection: Ventilation systems and components · Radial fans · Roof radial fans · Axial fans · Air flow controller · Control and shut off valves · silencer · heat exchanger · mist collector · washer · components If you have a question which refers to the construction of ventilation systems or the technology of plastic please ask Hürner Funken! The biggest radial fan with a nominal suction diameter of 1800 mm which we built so far. Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (64 01) 91 80 - 00 Fax: +49 (64 01) 91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Hurner Funken Ventilation system components - worldwide Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Hurner Funken Your competent contact persons: HÜRNER - FUNKEN GmbH Nieder - Ohmener Straße D - 35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-0 Fax: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-42 e-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.huerner-funken.de Hill, Peter (Engineering Sales Manager) Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-33 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Groh, Hartmut Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-37 e-mail: [email protected] Maus, Hubert Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-17 e-mail: [email protected] Rühl-Jankovic, Nicole Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-30 e-mail: [email protected] Schmitt, Thomas Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-16 e-mail: [email protected] Vishi, Zeqir Fon: + 49 (0) 64 01/91 80-31 e-mail: [email protected] Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Hurner Funken Agencies / partners in Germany: West Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Burchot Schlägelstraße 59 D - 44628 Herne Fon: (0 23 23) 9 51 75 21 Fax: (0 23 23) 9 51 75 22 Süd-West Rolf Haus Postfach 6241 D - 53595 Bad Honnef Fon: (0 22 24) 8 00 25 Fax: (0 22 24) 8 00 27 Süd (Baden-Württemberg) Günter Ullrich Schluchseestraße 20 D - 78054 Villingen-Schwenningen Fon: (0 77 20) 81 37 86 Fax: (0 77 20) 81 37 87 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Nord Detlef Baller Weichselweg 5 D - 49356 Diepholz Fon: (0 54 41) 34 35 Fax: (0 54 41) 92 70 86 Ost UWT GmbH Mohorner Straße 15 D - 01159 Dresden Fon: (03 51) 42 197 00 Fax: (03 51) 42 197 01 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Süd (Bayern) Lehmann u. Wiesner GmbH & Co. Kunststoffverarbeitungs KG Purfinger Straße 13 D - 85646 Neufarn Fon: (0 89) 90 04 72 0 Fax: (0 89) 90 04 72 27 e-mail: [email protected] Foreign angencies Dänemark Ejnar A. Wilson A/S DK - 8250 Ega Fon: + 45 (0) 86 22 25 00 Fax: + 45 (0) 86 22 25 50 Frankreich LPA Les Plastiques Appliques F - 68200 Mulhouse Fon: + 33 (0) 3 89 60 09 38 Fax: + 33 (0) 3 89 43 96 75 Großbritannien Parsons Plastics (R&D) Limited GB - Bloxwich Fon: + 44 (0) 19 22 40 43 18 Fax: + 44 (0) 19 22 49 59 91 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Israel Ecopal Ltd. Israel - 27000 Kiryat Bialik Fon: + 972 (0) 4 87 58 117 Fax: + 972 (0) 4 87 54 582 Italien Hürner Italia S.R.L. I - 20060 Mombretto di Mediglia (MI) Fon: + 39 (0) 29 06 26 21 Fax: + 39 (0) 29 06 26 220 Niederlande WTA Trading BV NL - 7554 NP Hengelo (O) Fon: + 31 (0) 74 250 96 91 Fax: + 31 (0) 74 250 97 73 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Österreich Heson Metall- und Kunststofftechnik GmbH A - 4655 Vorchdorf Fon: + 43 (0) 7614 83 01-0 Fax: + 43 (0) 7614 83 01-20 Portugal Ambilogos, Lda P - 2735-512 Sao Marcos-Cacém Fon: + 351 (0) 21 426 7504 Fax: + 351 (0) 21 426 9265 Schweiz Hürner AG CH - 8317 Tagelswangen Fon: + 41 (0) 52 343 43 33 Fax: + 41 (0) 52 343 51 54 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Singapur Genmech Singapore 669569 Fon: + 65 763 02 00 Fax: + 65 763 09 00 Slowenien Labormed d.o.o. Slo - 1215 Medvode Fon: + 386 (0) 13 62 14 14 Fax: + 386 (0) 13 62 14 15 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Slowenien Plama-G.E.O., d.o.o., Podgrad Slo - 6244 Podgrad Fon: + 386 (0) 57 14 94 01 Fax: + 386 (0) 57 14 94 29 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Kunststoff-Ventilatoren und Komponenten Hurner Funken QUALITÄTSMANAGEMENTSYSTEM DQS-zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO 9001 Reg.-Nr. 08 09 43 General Terms of Delivery st Valid from 01 January 2002 1. 1.1 1.2 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. 3.1 3.2 Validity/Conclusion Our quotations are to be understood non-binding, if not stipulated otherwise. Any agreement, particularly agreements, which are changing the present terms, will only be valid upon our confirmation in writing. Deviating terms of business of the purchaser are not obligatory for us, if we fail to contradict. Any objection to our order confirmation is to be made immediately, or within 8 days, at the latest. Our terms of delivery are also valid for all future orders of the purchaser, regardless if reference has been made to them in every single case. Prices, Payments, Security, Set-off The prices are valid ex works of the supplier at the time of delivery, excluding freight cost, customs duties, extra charges for import and packing, excluding the V.A.T. rate being prescribed by law, if not stipulated otherwise. Payments are to be effected within 30 days after receipt of the invoice without any deduction. If payments are effected within 10 days, a 2 % cash discount can be deducted from the invoice total. We are not obliged to accept payments by cheque and bill of exchange. Those payments will only be considered as valid, when being booked irrevocably to our bank account. Any agreement beyond to this concerning other payment deadlines is only valid on agreement in writing. If these agreements are not met, the purchaser agrees to reimburse the bank interest and cost arising from it to the seller. Set-off, retaining and performance refusal are not allowed, unless they are considered to be counterclaims or objections being approved by us or being legally established. If the price basis has been changed before the day of delivery, e. g. by price increase or basic material or wage increase, we reserve the right to adapt the prices correspondingly. We are entitled to demand sufficient security for our claims at any time. Any of our claims will immediately become due, regardless of the term of bills of exchange being eventually accepted or payment terms being granted, if the purchaser fails to comply with the contractual obligations or if circumstances will be discovered, which are appropriate to depreciate the purchaser's creditworthiness. This is particularly valid in case of bills of exchange/cheque protest, moratorium, petition in composition proceedings or bankruptcy. Delivery Deadlines, Delivery Dates and Delays in Delivery The delivery deadline starts with the date of the order confirmation, however not before presentation of the documents, approvals and releases to be delivered by the purchaser, as well as prior to reception of the agreed down payment. The delivery deadline is related to the time of dispatch ex works of the supplier and it is considered to be met with the advice of readiness for dispatch, if the goods cannot be dispatched timely for reasons we are not responsible for. If we are hindered from the fulfilment of our obligations, due to occurrence of unforeseeable incidents concerning ourselves or our suppliers, which can not be avoided despite the care being reasonable for the circumstances of the case, such as e. g. war, force majeure, agitation, natural disaster, accidents, other lasting stoppage or delay in delivery of essential material or prefabricated material, the delivery deadline will be prolongated by the duration of the 3.3 3.4 3.5 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 6. 6.1 impediment, plus an adequate starting time. If the impediment will make the delivery impossible or unreasonable for us, or if our supplier withdraws from the contract because of the impediment, we can withdraw from the contract. The purchaser has the same right, if the acceptance will become unreasonable because of the delay. An impediment we are not answering for, for the purpose of this paragraph, are strikes or lockouts in any case. The purchaser's or our right to rescind according to clause 3. always concerns only the part of the contract being not fulfilled, yet. Any partial performance being already yielded is to be paid. Further rights, particularly damage claims, are excluded. If the purchaser comes in default with the supply of the documents, approvals or releases to be provided by him, or with the agreed down payments, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages amounting to 10 % of the order total due to non-fulfilment, notwithstanding the assertion of the actual damage. Shipment and Transfer of Risks We are entitled to partial delivery. Goods, which have been advised to be ready for dispatch, are to be called immediately. Otherwise, we are entitled to store them at the expense and risk of the purchaser at our own discretion, to consider them as being delivered and consequently to invoice them. In any case, the risk will be transferred to the purchaser, when being handed over to the forwarder, carrier, or if the goods have not been called despite they have been advised to be ready for dispatch, however when leaving the factory or the stock, at the latest. The mean and way of transportation is at our choice, to the exclusion of any liability, unless the purchaser will make a definite written instruction. A transport insurance will only be taken out on explicit request and at the expense of the purchaser. Weights, Dimensions and Documents Weights and dimensions being stated in our quotations, order confirmations, lists, drawings and other documents have been determined best possible. However, the purchaser is not exempted from verification. Technical data are only approximative values; deviations of dimensions and weights are admissible, unless they exceed the customary extent or the DIN tolerances. In case of invoicing according to metres, the indicated number of pieces or weights are non-binding. Any document about the products being delivered or offered by us, particularly drawings, remain our property. They are exclusively to be used for the application being stipulated in the contract, if not explicitely being approved by us. They are to be returned at request, and they are not to be made available to third. Liability / Statutory Period of Limitation Faults regarding completeness and exterior condition of the delivery are to be noted down on the delivery note or consignment note in writing. If this is not possible by way of exception, the fault complaint is to be made in writing within three workdays, at the latest. Otherwise, any claims are excluded. Edition: 01/03/05 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.3 6.3.1 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Our liability for other faults, also faults due to absence of promised characterististics, to the exclusion of further claims, is as follows: According to our choice, all those parts are to be repaired or new parts are to be delivered, free of charge, which became unserviceable or the usability of which has been affected considerably and verifiably as a result of circumstances lying before the transfer of risks, particularly due to faulty design, bad material or faulty execution, whereas the statutory period of limitation is only hampered for the respective part, not for the complete works, due to the guarantee for parts being supplied subsequently, within six months, following the day of delivery. Discovery of those faults is to be advised to us without any delay. A period of at least two weeks is to be granted to us to for implementation of all modifications appearing to us to be required or for delivery of replacement or replacement parts. If not, we are released from any liability for defects. If the extension of two weeks being granted to us has been expired, without having started to repair the fault, the purchaser is entitled to assert the right of depreciation. (The purchaser's right for redhibition will only be accepted, if his interest in the delivery is affected considerably or if it is destroyed.) In any case, the purchaser's right for assertion of claims due to faults comes under the statute of limitations within 24 months, following the delivery for material and functioning, as well as within 12 months for rotating and electrical parts. Our liability will be void, if repair work is executed by the purchaser or if the purchaser gets third to perform such work without our explicit consent. Any other claim of the purchaser (particularly damage claim or claims for withdrawal due to delay, impossibility and any other contract breech, if applicable, also from precontractual fault) is excluded, except for a compensation claim amounting to 100 % of the delivery value of the product being directly concerned. In any case, our liability for compensation claims come under the statue of limitations, within six months from delivery. Property Proviso The delivered goods remain our property (proviso goods) until fulfilment of all claims, particularly of the respective balance claims against the purchaser, of which we are legally entitled for whatever legal argument. This is also valid if payments will be made for particularly described claims. For us, as manufacturer, transformation and processing of the proviso goods is effected according to § 950 BGB (Civil Code) without any obligation. The processed goods are considered as proviso goods as defined by § 7.1. If processing, connection and mixing of the proviso goods with other goods is executed by the purchaser, we have the right of joint ownership of the new product in a ratio of the invoice total of the proviso goods to the invoice total of the other goods being used. If our ownership will be void due to connection or mixing, the purchaser transfers already now his right of ownership of the new inventory or the object to us, to the extent of our invoice total of the proviso goods. The purchaser stores the proviso goods free of charge. The rights of joint ownership arising from it are considered as proviso goods as defined by § 7. The purchaser must ensure a safe and appropriate storage of the goods being owned or partially owned by us. He is further obliged to effect an insurance against theft, fire and other damage at his expense. The purchaser ins only allowed to sell proviso goods by means of normal business transaction, on standard business terms and as long as he is did not fall into arrears, provided that the claims resulting from the resale will be transferred to us according to the stipulations of § 7.4. The purchaser does not have any other right of disposition of the proviso goods. We are entitled to convince ourselves of the observance of that obligation at any time and to demand the required evidence of the purchaser. The claims of the purchaser resulting from the resale of the proviso goods are ceded to us already now. They serve as security to the same extent as the proviso goods. If the purchaser sells the proviso goods together with other goods being not delivered by us, cession of the claims from resale is only valid to the amount of our invoice value for the sold proviso goods. If goods of joint ownership are sold, cession of the claims is valid to the amount of the share of that ownership. In this case, the payment of the third-party debtor to the purchaser covers first the share of the claims being not ceded by us. If the purchaser uses the proviso goods for fulfilment of a contract for work or work supply contract, this paragraph is correspondingly valid for the claims from that contract. 7.5 The purchaser is entitled to collect claims from the sale. We are entitled to countermand at any time. We will only make use of our right to countermand, if our claim seems to be jeopardised, or if the purchaser does not fulfil the obligations to us. Under these circumstances, we are also entitled to request the surrender of the proviso goods. A right to withhold against this claim for surrender is not admissible. With this, the purchaser declares his approval, that the persons being entrusted by us with collection are allowed to set foot or drive on the premises, where the goods are located, for this purpose. Assertion of the right to surrender and the cession of goods belonging to our ownership or joint ownership by us are not considered as withdrawal from the contract. 7.6 The purchaser is not authorized to cede the claim in any case. Upon our request, the purchaser is obliged to inform his purchasers immediately of the cession to us - as long as this is not effected by ourselves. He is also obliged to give us the information and documents being required for collection. 7.7 If the value of the existing security exceeds the guaranteed claims by more than 20 % in total, we are obliged, as far as it is concerned, to release securities at our choice, if requested by the purchaser. The purchaser is obliged to inform us of any cession or other adverse effects by third without delay. If the property proviso without cession is not effective according to the law of the area, where the goods are located, the security corresponding to the property proviso or cession in this area is considered to be agreed. If, according to this, the assistance of the purchaser is required, the purchaser is obliged to take all measures being required for establishment and preservation of such rights. As far as delivered goods will become essential 7.8 components of the premises, the purchaser allows dismounting of the goods, which can be removed without essential impairment of the solidium, in case of nonobservance of the agreed payment deadlines. Cost for dismounting and other cost are to be borne by the purchaser. Already now, the purchaser irrevocably grants the right to us to enter the building and the premises for this purpose. Should they be locked, the purchaser concedes the right to us, that they can be opened by a locksmith for the aforementioned purposes. 8. 8.1 Copyright in Designs If we have to deliver according to drawings, models, samples or other indications of the purchaser, the latter takes over the liability for any of our infringement of rights of third being protected by law. The purchaser is liable for any damage arising from such infringement of any rights being eventually protected by law. 9. 9.1 Liability Exclusion Our liability is exclusively based on the agreements being met in the aforementioned clauses. Any claims, which are not explicitly conceded in these clauses, also damage claims - no matter on which legal argument they might be based - are excluded. § 276 BGB (Civil Code) is not affected. The liability exclusion also applies particularly to any written or verbal consultation before or after the conclusion of the contract. 9.2 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 11. 11.1 Place of Fulfilment/Legal Domicile / Applicable Law The place of fulfilment for our deliveries is the works of the supplier, for the performance of payment of the purchaser it is Mücke-Atzenhain. The exclusive legal domicile, also for trials concerning cheques and bills of exchange, is Alsfeld. Only the law of the Federal Republic of Germany is applicable for any legal relationship between us and the purchaser. Partial Ineffectiveness If individual terms of that contract or of other contracts shall be ineffective, the validity of the remaining terms is not affected. Edition: 01/03/05 KunststoffVentilatoren 0. Allgemeine technische Informationen 0. Generally technical informations Hurner Funken HF - Fans Hurner Funken Explanation of fan type designations HF Hürner Funken R D A ..... Fan type Size Radial Roof Axial Nominal suctiondiameter in mm, e.g. 75 bis 1000 - D R .. Type of drive Series - For series 48, the inside pipe diameter is specified 10-fold the ratio of outside impeller diameter diameter to suction, e.g. 13 bis 17 und 48 Direct drive Belt drive For axial fans blade alignment in °, e.g. 10° bis 60° Type designations New type designation HF R 75 –16D HF R 110 –14D HF R 125 bis 500 –15D/–17D HF R 125 bis 500 –15R/–17R HF R 560 bis 1000–13D HF R 560 bis 1000–13R Old type designation 18-RU 75 M TR 100 FRL 125 bis 500 D FRL 125 bis 500 R 13-RU, 130-RU ... M 13-RU, 130-RU ... R HF R 50 bis 200 –48R HF D 110 bis 200 –17D HF D 250 –15D HF D 315 bis 400 –16D HF D 500 bis 1000 –13D 48-RU 50 bis 200 R FRD 110 bis 200 FRD 250 D-16 RU 315 bis 400 D-13 RU 500 bis 1000 HF A 200 bis 1000 – ...° D AU 20 bis 100 Run - out models * TR 75 18-RU 110 M 16-RU, 160-RU ... M 16-RU, 160-RU ... R/RS NF- ... D NF- ... R HR 63/88 S/N ... –... M/R OV 63/88 ... - ... M MG 23 ... -RS D16-RU ..., RDV ... / ... D16-RU 250, RDV ... / ... RDV ... / ... RDV ... / ... HDK 88 ... - ... M HDO 88 ... - ... M RA... 63/88 ... - ... M NAX- ... / ... * Note: If necessary, adaptor components for on-site adaptation in case of replacement are available on request. 0.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Fans Outlet positions 0.2.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Fans Hurner Funken Material Data HF-fans are suitable for delivering aggressive, aerosol-poor and clean air. Explosive atmosphere can only be delivered with HF-fans specially designed for this purpose. The permissible gas temperatures for plastics most frequently used in our fans are generally: for PVC : for PE,PE FR (PEs) 0 °C up to 50 °C; - 20 °C up to 60 °C; 0 °C up to 70 °C; for PP, PP FR (PPs): and for PVDF, GRP, CRP: - 10 °C up to 100 °C; These temperature ranges must be reviewed and if necessary limited depending on the gas composition and impeller's rotational speed. In case of exceptionally aggressive media, the reduction must be reviewed and determined from case to case. In a concrete case of use our data sheets contain information about mechanical and thermal limits! Other applications or design changes must be implemented in consultation with the manufacturer. Rough assessment of chemical resistance can be made according to the following instructions: Material Resistant to Not resistant to: PVC, PVDF acids, alkaline solution, alcohol, aliphatic hydrocarbons, mineral and plaint oil extracts PP, PP FR (PPs) and PE, PE FR ( PEs) acids, alkaline solution, salt solutions, Oxidizing acids and halogens oil and diluted solvents GRP, CRP diluted acids, diluted alkaline solution, alcohol, benzene, petrol, oil and solvents aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, ester and ketone Concentrated acids, concentrated alkaline solution, ammonia, acetone, ester and ketone Accurate information about the resistance of the materials used can be derived from the lists of chemical resistance given by material manufacturers. In case of critical media, your inquiry is certainly needed in written form with a description of the operating conditions. 0.3.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Fans Hurner Funken Legend of abbreviations: PP = polypropylene PP-FR PPs = polypropylene flame-retardant to DIN 4102 B1 PE = polyethylene PE-FR (PEs) = polyethylene flame-retardant to DIN 4102 B1 and electrically conducting PVC = polyvinyl chloride PVDF = polyvinylidenefluoride GfK = glass fibre reinforced plastic CfK = carbon fibre reinforced plastic …-el = electrically conducting thermoplastics with 9 a surface resitance <10 Ohm to DIN EN 13463-1 General notes : The specified sound levels of all HF fans are valid for the defined standard conditions and can vary from the catalogue specifications in case of difficult mounting situations. The weight specifications of all HF fans are average values (inclusive of standard motors). 0.3.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 1. Klein-Radialventilatoren 1.1 HF R 75 - 16 D Gespritztes Gehäuse aus PPs 1.2 HF R 110 - 14 D Gesintertes Gehäuse aus PEs plastic fans 1. Small radial fans 1.1 HF R 75 - 16 D casing injection-moulded made of PP-FR 1.2 HF R 110 - 14 D casing rotational-sintered made of PE-FR Hurner Funken 3 V = 20-500 m /h pt max. = 450 Pa HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 75 - 16 D Hurner Funken HF- radial fans of type HF R 75 16 D HF-radial fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of aggressive exhaust air and gases. Fans of type HF R 75 16 D are used mainly in fume cupboards and hoods. They have proved to be suitable also for portable extraction units on apparatus or for experimenting outside the fume cupboard. As standard, fans of this series are made of hardly inflammable polypropylene according to DIN 4102 B1 (PPs/PP-FR). The housing is made by means of the injection moulding process. Due to the low kinetic energy ratio, splinter protection is not necessary because the housing offers sufficient protection. The impeller is also made by means of the injection moulding process. It rotates counter-clockwise and is equipped with vanes on the back of the impeller. The housing-shaft passage is sealed with a felt-ring. It can be mounted outside or inside. For outside mounting, motor covering hoods are optionally available. Radial fans of type HF R 75 16 D have an inlet diameter of 75 mm. Therefore delivery rates of 20 up to 200m³/h are achieved at a maximum differential pressure of 250 Pa. The required power is between 0,012 kW and 0,18 kW. Fans can be mounted both vertically and horizontally with a fastening flange at any angle of inclination. Owing to their light weight and small size, easy and effortless installation is ensured. The connection to the piping system can take place both on the inlet or pressure side, by means of soft PVC-conection colllars. In application, the fan is mainly loaded on the inlet side depending on the differential pressure. Only branded motors ( according to IEC-Standard) are directly attached to the fan. Alternating current motors (without Ex-protection) are executed in the IP54 system of protection. For installation in the explosion-hazarded area, the fans are equipped with rotary current motors of protection type IP55 “increased safety” (EEx eII) and classified in temperature class T4 (with PTB certificate) for use according to the zone classification of guidelines VDMA 24169 part 1 or 94/9/EC ATEX 95. 1.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 75 - 16 D Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs. plastic radial fans with housing in PPs/PP FR, injection moulded version, with felt ring seal on the shaft passage and grease stop for drive side motor bearing. Impeller in PP with vanes mounted on the back of the impeller on the shaft passage. Fan housing for fastening with asymmetric fastening plate (PPs/PP FR) around the inlet pipe piece. With attached alternating current motor 230 V, with operation capacitor, 50 Hz, IP54, design shape B14, terminal box with a connected, 3 wire, cable leading outwards. Accessories: 1 set of connection collars in soft PVC with stainless steel tightening strap 1 piece of corner bracket in PPs with cellular rubber strips for mounting on a horizontal base (optional) Manufacturer: Hürner Funken Type : HF R 75 - 16 D Tendering Specification … pcs. plastic radial fans with housing in PPs/PP-FR, injection-moulded version, with sealing on the shaft passage and grease stop to the drive-side motor bearing. Impeller in PP with vanes mounted on the back of the impeller for relief on shaft passage. Fan frame made of powder-coated steel sheet. With attached rotary current motor 230/400 V, 50Hz, IP55, increased safety, EEx ell T4 (according to the new EURO-standard), design shape B3/B14. In compliance with VDMA 24169 part 1 (explosion-protection of fans) or guideline 94/9/EC ATEX 95, the fan is largely suitable for zone combinations Zone 1 internal / no Zone external (the fan inlet and outlet must be provided with a protective guard at the site). Accessories: 1 set of connection collars in soft PVC with stainless steel tightening strap 1 set of rubber vibration dampers Manufacturer Type : Hürner Funken : HF R 75 - 16 D/Ex 1.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 75 - 16 D 1.1.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 75 - 16 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 u [m/s] 2800 max. 0,18 2 18,3 1355 max. 0,12 4 8,9 120 100 80 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 25 30 0.007 1,5 40 50 0.01 60 70 80 0.015 2 3 100 0.02 4 130 0.03 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 6 7 160 200 240 280 V [cbm/h] 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.075 V [cbm/s] 8 9 10 12 14 16 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1355 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 62 56 125 66 58 250 75 67 500 67 59 1000 63 55 2000 51 43 4000 43 35 8000 35 27 dB(A) 54 45 dB(A) 47 39 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 1.1.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 110 - 14 D Hurner Funken HF-radial fans of type HF - R 110 14 D HF-radial fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of aggressive exhaust air and gases. Fans of type HF R 110 14 D are used mainly in small fume cupboards and hoods. They have proved to be suitable also for portable extraction units, table suction hoppers and for the extraction of chemical fume cupboards. As standard, fans of this series are made of hardly inflammable polyethylene (PEs/PEFR), with a flange in propylene (PPs/PP-FR) according to DIN 4102 B1. Due to the low kinetic energy ratio, splinter protection is not necessary because the housing offers sufficient protection. The impeller is also made of PP by means of the injection moulding process and rotates counter clockwise. The housing-shaft passage is sealed with a feltring. It can be mounted outside and inside. For outside mounting, motor covering hoods are optionally available. Radial fans of type HF R 110 14 D have a suction diameter of 110 mm. Therefore delivery rates of 50 up to 500 m³/h are achieved at a maximum differential pressure of 440 Pa. The required power is below 100 W. Fans can be mounted both vertically and horizontally. Owing to their light weight and small size, an easy and effortless installation is ensured. The connection to the piping system can be either on the inlet or outlet side, by means of soft PVC-connection collars. In application, the fan is mainly loaded on the inlet side, depending upon the differential pressure. Only branded motors (according to IEC-Standard) directly attached to the fan find application as standard motors. Alternating current motors (without Ex-protection) are executed in the IP54 system of protection. For installation in the explosion-hazarded area, the fans are equipped with rotary current motors of protection type IP55 “increased safety” (EEx eII) and classified in temperature class T4 (with PTB certificate) for use according to the zone classification of guidelines VDMA 24169 part 1 or 94/9/EC ATEX 95. 1.2.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 110 - 14 D Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs. plastic radial fan with housing in PEs/PE-FR, sintered version, with suction pipe piece in PPs/PP-FR, with felt ring seal on the shaft passage and grease stop for drive-side-motor bearing. Fan housing for fastening with flange (PPs/PP-FR) around the inlet pipe piece. Impeller in injection-moulded PP. With attached alternating-current motor 230 V, with operation capacitor, 50 Hz, IP54, design shape B14. Accessories: 1 set of connection collars in soft PVC with stainless steel tightening strap 1 piece of angular console in PPs with cellular rubber strips for mounting on a horizontal base at two different heights, available for floor, ceiling or wall mounting as standard (optional). Manufacturer Type : Hürner-Funken : HF R 110 - 14 D Tendering Specification … pcs. plastic radial fan with housing in PEs/PE-FR, sintered version, with suction pipe piece in PPs/PP-FR, with sealing on the shaft passage and grease stop on the drive-side motor bearing. Impeller in PP injection-moulded, fan frame made of powder-coated steel sheet. With attached rotary current motor 230/400 V, 50 Hz, IP55, increased safety, EEx ell T4 (according to the new EURO-standard), design shape B3/B14 . In compliance with VDMA 24169 part 1 (explosion-protection of fans) or guideline 94/9/EC ATEX 95, the fan is largely suitable for zone combinations Zone 1 internal / no Zone external (the fan inlet and outlet must be provided with a protective guard at the site). Accessories: 1 set of connection collars in soft stainless steel tightening strap 1 set of rubber vibration dampers Manufacturer Type : Hürner-Funken : HF R 110 14 D / Ex 1.2.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 110 - 14 D 1.2.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 110 - 14 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 600 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 130 2800 max. 0,18 2 21,7 1400 max. 0,12 4 10,8 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 20 30 0,005 0,6 40 50 60 70 80 100 140 0,01 0,015 0,02 0,03 0,04 1 1,5 3 2 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4 200 240 300 400 500 V [cbm/h] 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,15 V [cbm/s] 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1400 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 53 45 125 57 47 250 67 58 500 72 63 1000 68 60 2000 66 59 4000 63 56 8000 57 49 dB(A) 75 67 dB(A) 67 59 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 1.2.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 2. Radialventilatoren 2.1 HF R 125 bis 500 - 15 D/R oder - 17 D/R Gesintertes Gehäuse aus PEs (PE-FR) oder PEs-el (PE-FR-el) plastic fans 2. Radial fans 2.1 HF R 125 up to 500 - 15 D/R or - 17 D/R Casing rotational sintered made of PE-FR or PE-FR-el Hurner Funken 3 V = 100-15.000 m /h pt max. = 5.000 Pa HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D/R Type HF R ..... - 17 D/R Hurner Funken HF - radial fans type HF R … - 15/17 D/R HF - radial fans are ideally suitable for extraction of exhaust air and gases. HF R … - 15/17 fans are used mainly for extraction in digestors and in chemical fume cupboards in laboratories and to exhaust baths in the galvanizing industry. They are available with direct drive (design shape D) or belt drive ( design shape R). This series of fan housings is generally made from sintered polyethylene (PEs/PE-FR, RAL 7036). The housing is fitted with a splinter guard and condensate drain at its deepest point and it can, in addition, be provided with an optional inspection aperture. The impeller has been balanced statically and dynamically according to Q 6.3 and in accordance with VDI 2056. Thermoplastic materials are used for the construction of the impeller. In the case of direct drive, the impeller is directly mounted on the motor shaft by a Taperlock bush. With belt drive, the impeller is mounted in the same way on a steel shaft, supported in flanged double bearings and ball bearings. The impeller can be removed without dismantle the housing. The fan housing can be manufactured from the basic position “outlet position vertically to the top”, in steps of 45° and rotated around 360°. The normal outlet position is GR360° or GL360°. Different construction heights apply to other outlet positions. The pipe must be connected via elastic collars. Radial fans HF R …- 15 are produced in 12 different nominal sizes, from 125 up to 500 and radial fans HF R … - 17 fans in 7 different nominal sizes, from 125 up to 280 (suction diameter in mm). Volume flows from 100 up to 15.000 m³/h at maximum and total pressure difference of 5.000 Pa can be realized. The attainable efficiency is max. 81% at the optimum operating point. The required drive power is between 0,12 kW and 45 kW, and has been designed in such a way that overloading of the motor over the entire range of the pressure volume flow characteristics is not possible. Only branded motors (in according to IEC-Standard) are used as drive motors, generally 230/240 V resp. 400/690 V, 50 Hz three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors, design B5, type of protection IP55. The specified number of poles may be less at construction “R”. Special motors on request. HF fans with three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors are optionally suitable for use with frequency converters. Two speed and/or ex-protected motors are available optional. Pleace ask our service. 2.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D/R Type HF R ..... - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Tender Specification ....pcs. plastic radial fan with PEs/PE-FR housing, RAL 7036, sintered, single-sided induction, induction nozzle with seal as inspection aperture, easy removal, condensate pipe at lowest point of the housing, splinter guard around the housing spiral. PPs impeller, statically and dynamically balanced, quality of balancing at least to Q 6,3 (VDI 2056 Masch Gr.M), for direct drive (D) with taper lock-bush on motor shaft, for belt drive (R), mounted on shaft or flanged double bearing. Fan frame of strong, welded steel construction, galvanized, with motor support plate and, for belt drives ( R ), with belt guard. Fan frame suitable for mounting the housing with impeller, belt drive and three-phase current motor provided with overload protection over the entire power range. Accessories: 1 set of connection collars in soft PVC with stainless steel tightening strap 1 set of rubber vibration dampers Frequency converter (FU) or motor with integrated FU, repair switch, special shaft seal, protection screen, inspection aperture and optional motor protection roof for open-air installation. Manufacturer Type Type : Hürner-Funken : HF R ...... - 15 D/R : HF R ...... - 17 D/R Housing material : Impeller material : Housing position : Suction diameter : Volume flow : Total pressure : Nominal speed : Circumferential speed : Power rating / shaft : Motor power : Voltage : Frequency : Protection system : Motor protection : Speed - motor : Power pressure level Lp2A : mm pressure stage .... m³/h Pa 1/min m/s kW kW V Hz IP..... EEx...II T..... PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch 1/min dB(A) 2.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D Pressure Rating DS 1 2.1.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D Pressure Rating DS 2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D Pressure Rating DS 3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D, DS 1 Outlet position 270° 2.1.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D, DS 2 Outlet position 270° Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D, DS 3 Outlet position 270° Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 D / - 17 D, DS 1 Outlet position 180° 2.1.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R Pressure Rating DS 1 2.1.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R Pressure Rating DS 2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R Pressure Rating DS 3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R, DS 1 Outlet position 270° 2.1.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R, DS 2 Outlet position 270° Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R, DS 3 Outlet position 270° Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 15 R / - 17 R, DS 1 Outlet position 180° 2.1.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Hurner Funken Caracteristic Curve / Sound Pressure Data to - Radial Fans (Pressure Rating DS 1, DS 2, DS 3) Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 125 - 15 D Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 500 81% 400 350 300 250 60% 200 150 2850 0,18 2 28,5 1450 0,12 4 14,5 60% 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,05 0,075 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 1,5 2 0,3 0,05 3 4 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,1 5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 10 15 0,3 1,4 1,8 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,4 0,5 V [cbm/s] 20 25 30 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2850 1450 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 49 31 125 57 48 250 71 43 500 63 43 1000 62 41 2000 58 36 4000 51 28 8000 42 18 dB(A) 64 43 dB(A) 54 33 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.9 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 125 - 17 D Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 76% 500 400 350 300 60% 250 200 2800 0,18 2 32,0 1450 0,12 4 16,6 60% 150 76% 100 75 60% 50 0,05 0,075 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 1,5 2 0,3 0,05 3 4 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,1 5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 10 15 0,3 1,4 1,8 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,4 0,5 V [cbm/s] 20 25 30 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1450 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 56 39 125 64 60 250 83 49 500 70 50 1000 68 47 2000 64 42 4000 57 34 8000 47 23 dB(A) 75 53 dB(A) 62 41 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.10 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 140 - 15 D Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 81% 500 400 350 300 60% 250 2850 0,18 2 32,5 1450 0,12 4 16,6 200 60% 150 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,05 0,075 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 1 1,5 0,3 0,05 2 3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,1 4 5 0,15 0,2 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 0,8 1,0 10 0,3 15 1,4 1,8 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,4 0,5 V [cbm/s] 20 25 30 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2850 1450 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 53 36 125 61 52 250 75 47 500 67 48 1000 66 45 2000 62 40 4000 55 33 8000 46 22 dB(A) 69 47 dB(A) 58 37 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.11 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 140 - 17 D Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 60% 800 700 600 76% 500 400 350 300 60% 250 2850 0,25 2 36,3 1450 0,12 4 18,4 60% 200 76% 150 100 60% 75 50 0,05 0,075 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 1 1,5 0,3 0,05 2 3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,1 4 5 0,15 0,2 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 0,8 1,0 10 0,3 15 1,4 1,8 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,4 0,5 V [cbm/s] 20 25 30 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2850 1450 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 60 42 125 68 63 250 86 53 500 74 53 1000 72 51 2000 67 45 4000 60 37 8000 50 27 dB(A) 79 56 dB(A) 65 44 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.12 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 160 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 2000 u [m/s] 60% 1600 81% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 500 60% 400 350 300 81% 4200 0,75 2 53,4 3600 0,55 2 45,8 3200 0,37 2 40,7 2850 0,37 2 36,3 2400 0,37 2 30,5 2100 0,25 4 26,7 1800 0,25 4 22,9 1450 0,25 4 18,4 1200 0,25 4 15,3 250 200 60% 60% 150 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,05 0,075 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 1 1,5 0,3 0,05 2 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,1 3 4 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 5 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 6 7 8 10 1,4 1,8 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,3 0,4 0,5 V [cbm/s] 15 20 25 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 4200 3600 3200 2850 2400 2100 1800 1450 1200 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 66 62 59 56 52 49 45 39 34 125 75 71 68 65 60 56 61 55 50 250 80 85 81 78 73 70 56 50 45 500 91 78 74 71 66 62 57 51 45 1000 81 76 73 69 64 60 55 49 43 2000 77 72 69 65 60 55 51 43 37 4000 71 66 62 59 53 48 43 36 30 8000 62 57 53 49 43 39 33 26 19 dB(A) 84 79 75 72 67 63 56 50 45 dB(A) 75 69 65 62 56 52 47 41 35 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.13 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 160 - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 2000 u [m/s] 60% 1600 76% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 76% 500 400 350 300 60% 250 60% 200 3600 1,1 2 52,2 3200 0,75 2 46,4 2850 0,55 2 41,3 2500 0,37 2 36,3 2200 0,25 2 31,9 1800 0,25 4 26,1 1450 0,25 4 21,0 1200 0,25 4 17,4 76% 150 100 60% 75 50 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 0,3 0,05 1,5 2 0,4 0,1 3 4 5 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 10 1,4 2,0 0,3 0,4 0,5 15 20 25 30 2,8 3,6 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,7 1 40 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 3600 3200 2850 2500 2200 1800 1450 1200 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 70 67 64 61 57 52 46 41 125 78 75 72 68 65 73 67 62 250 97 94 90 87 83 63 57 51 500 85 81 78 74 70 64 57 52 1000 83 79 76 72 68 62 55 49 2000 79 75 71 67 63 56 49 43 4000 72 68 64 60 56 49 41 35 8000 63 59 55 50 46 38 31 24 dB(A) 90 86 83 79 75 66 60 55 dB(A) 76 73 69 65 61 55 48 42 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.14 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 160 - 17 R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 6000 5000 4000 60% 3000 2600 76% 2200 1800 60% 1400 1200 76% 1000 900 800 700 600 60% 500 60% 400 5600 3,0 2 81,2 5000 2,2 2 72,5 4600 1,5 2 66,7 4200 1,5 2 60,9 3800 1,1 2 55,1 300 200 0,4 0,5 0,1 5 0,7 0,15 1 1,5 2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 3 0,7 25 30 35 40 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4 1,0 5 6 8 10 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,4 1,7 2,0 2,5 3,0 50 60 70 80 100 120 150 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 5600 5000 4600 4200 3800 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 81 78 76 74 71 125 90 87 85 82 80 250 95 92 90 87 84 500 111 108 106 103 100 1000 96 93 90 88 85 2000 93 89 86 84 80 4000 86 83 80 77 74 8000 78 74 71 68 64 dB(A) 103 100 98 95 92 dB(A) 95 91 89 86 83 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 180 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 60% 1600 81% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 81% 500 400 350 300 60% 250 200 3600 1,1 2 52,2 3200 0,75 2 46,4 2850 0,55 2 41,3 2500 0,37 2 36,3 2200 0,37 2 31,9 1800 0,25 4 26,1 1450 0,25 4 21,0 1200 0,25 4 17,4 950 0,18 4(6) 13,8 60% 81% 150 100 60% 75 50 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 0,3 0,05 1 1,5 0,4 0,6 0,1 2 3 4 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 0,3 10 2,0 0,4 0,5 15 2,8 3,6 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,7 20 25 30 1 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 3600 3200 2850 2500 2200 1800 1450 1200 950 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 66 63 60 57 54 49 43 38 32 125 75 72 69 65 62 65 59 54 48 250 89 86 82 79 75 60 54 49 42 500 82 78 75 71 68 62 55 49 42 1000 81 77 74 70 66 60 53 47 39 2000 77 73 69 65 61 55 48 41 34 4000 70 66 63 58 54 47 40 34 26 8000 61 57 53 49 44 37 30 23 15 dB(A) 83 79 76 72 69 61 55 49 42 dB(A) 73 69 66 62 58 51 45 39 31 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.15 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 180 - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 2000 u [m/s] 60% 1600 76% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 76% 3400 1,5 2 54,8 2850 0,75 2 46,0 2400 0,55 2 38,7 2100 0,37 4 33,9 1800 0,25 4 29,0 1450 0,25 4 23,4 1200 0,25 4 19,4 500 400 350 300 60% 250 200 60% 150 76% 100 75 60% 950 0,18 4(6) 15,3 2,8 3,6 V [cbm/h x1000] 50 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 0,3 0,05 1 1,5 0,4 0,6 0,1 2 3 4 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 0,3 10 2,0 0,4 0,5 15 0,7 20 25 30 1 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 3400 2850 2400 2100 1800 1450 1200 950 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 72 67 63 60 55 50 45 38 125 80 75 71 67 77 71 65 59 250 99 94 89 85 67 60 55 48 500 86 81 76 72 67 61 55 48 1000 85 79 74 70 65 58 52 44 2000 80 75 69 65 60 53 46 38 4000 74 68 62 57 52 45 38 30 8000 64 58 52 47 42 34 27 19 dB(A) 91 86 81 77 70 64 58 52 dB(A) 78 72 67 63 58 52 46 38 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.16 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 200 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 2000 u [m/s] 60% 1600 81% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 3400 1,5 2 54,8 2850 0,75 2 46,0 2400 0,55 2 38,7 2100 0,37 4 33,9 1800 0,25 4 29,0 1450 0,25 4 23,4 1200 0,25 4 19,4 950 0,18 4(6) 15,3 60% 500 81% 400 350 300 250 60% 200 60% 150 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 0,3 0,05 1 1,5 0,4 0,6 0,1 2 3 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 0,3 6 7 8 10 2,0 0,4 0,5 15 2,8 3,6 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,7 1 20 25 30 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 3400 2850 2400 2100 1800 1450 1200 950 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 68 64 59 56 52 46 41 35 125 77 72 67 64 69 63 58 51 250 91 86 81 77 64 58 52 45 500 83 78 73 69 65 58 53 46 1000 82 77 72 68 63 56 50 43 2000 78 73 67 63 58 51 45 37 4000 72 66 60 56 51 43 37 29 8000 63 57 51 46 41 33 26 18 dB(A) 84 79 74 71 64 58 53 46 dB(A) 74 69 64 60 55 48 42 35 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.17 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 200 - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 60% 1600 76% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 500 3200 2,2 2 57,6 2850 1,5 2 51,3 2400 0,75 2 43,2 2100 0,55 4 37,8 1800 0,37 4 32,4 1450 0,25 4 26,1 1200 0,25 4 21,6 950 0,18 4(6) 17,1 60% 400 350 300 76% 250 200 60% 60% 76% 150 100 75 60% 50 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,025 0,3 0,05 1 1,5 0,4 0,6 0,1 2 3 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 0,3 6 7 8 10 2,0 0,4 0,5 15 2,8 3,6 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,7 1 20 25 30 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 3200 2850 2400 2100 1800 1450 1200 950 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 74 71 66 63 59 53 48 42 125 82 79 74 71 80 74 69 62 250 100 97 92 88 70 64 58 51 500 88 85 79 75 71 64 58 51 1000 86 83 77 73 68 62 55 48 2000 82 78 73 68 63 56 50 42 4000 75 71 65 61 56 48 42 33 8000 65 61 55 51 45 38 31 22 dB(A) 93 90 85 81 73 67 62 55 dB(A) 80 76 71 66 62 55 49 42 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.18 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 200 - 17 R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 6000 5000 60% 4000 76% 60% 3000 2600 76% 60% 2200 76% 1800 1400 1200 60% 1000 900 800 700 600 60% 60% 500 5000 5,5 2 90,1 4500 4,0 2 81,1 4000 3,0 2 72,0 3500 2,2 2 63,0 400 300 200 0,4 0,5 0,1 0,7 0,15 4 0,2 5 1 0,3 1,5 2 3 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 9 10 15 0,7 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4 1,0 5 6 8 10 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,4 1,7 2,0 2,5 3,0 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 100 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 5000 4500 4000 3500 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 85 82 79 76 125 94 91 88 84 250 99 96 93 103 500 115 112 108 91 1000 100 97 93 89 2000 96 93 89 85 4000 90 86 82 78 8000 81 77 73 69 dB(A) 107 104 100 95 dB(A) 98 95 92 82 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 250 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 60% u [m/s] 2000 81% 1600 1200 1000 60% 800 700 600 60% 500 81% 400 350 300 250 2850 2,2 2 57,8 2500 1,5 2 50,7 2200 1,1 2 44,6 1800 0,55 4 36,5 1450 0,37 4 29,4 1200 0,25 4 24,3 950 0,18 4(6) 19,3 700 0,12 4(8) 14,2 60% 200 150 60% 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,1 1 1,5 2 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 3 4 0,3 5 1,4 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2,0 3,0 0,7 10 15 4,0 1 5,5 7,0 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,5 2 20 25 30 40 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2850 2500 2200 1800 1450 1200 950 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 71 68 64 59 54 49 42 45 125 79 76 72 76 70 65 58 42 250 93 89 86 71 65 59 52 45 500 86 82 78 72 66 60 53 45 1000 84 80 76 70 63 57 50 42 2000 80 76 72 65 58 52 44 36 4000 73 69 65 58 51 44 36 28 8000 64 59 55 48 40 34 25 17 dB(A) 86 82 78 70 64 59 52 42 dB(A) 76 72 68 62 55 49 42 34 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.19 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 250 - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 2000 u [m/s] 60% 1600 76% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 76% 2400 3,0 2 54,4 2100 1,5 4 47,6 1800 1,1 4 40,8 1450 0,55 4 32,9 1200 0,37 4 27,2 950 0,18 4(6) 21,5 500 400 350 300 60% 250 200 60% 150 76% 100 75 60% 50 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,1 1,5 2 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 3 4 0,3 5 1,4 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2,0 3,0 0,7 10 15 4,0 1 700 0,12 4(8) 15,9 5,5 7,0 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,5 20 25 30 2 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2400 2100 1800 1450 1200 950 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 74 70 66 61 55 49 56 125 81 78 88 82 76 69 49 250 100 96 77 71 65 58 51 500 87 83 78 71 66 58 51 1000 85 81 76 69 63 55 47 2000 80 76 71 63 57 49 41 4000 73 68 63 55 49 41 32 8000 63 58 53 45 38 29 21 dB(A) 91 87 80 74 68 62 50 dB(A) 78 74 69 62 56 49 39 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.20 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 250 - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 6000 5000 60% 4000 76% 60% 3000 2600 76% 2200 60% 1800 60% 76% 1400 1200 60% 1000 900 800 700 600 60% 500 4000 11,0 2 90,7 3600 7,5 2 81,6 3200 5,5 2 72,5 2850 4,0 2 64,6 2500 3,0 2 56,7 400 300 200 0,4 0,5 0,7 0,1 0,15 0,2 2 3 4 1 1,5 0,3 5 2 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 9 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 3 0,7 15 4 5 1,0 6 8 10 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,4 1,7 2,0 2,5 3,0 20 25 30 35 40 V [cbm/s] 50 60 70 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 4000 3600 3200 2850 2500 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 87 84 81 78 75 125 95 92 89 86 83 250 100 111 108 104 101 500 116 99 95 92 88 1000 100 97 94 90 86 2000 96 93 89 85 81 4000 90 86 82 78 74 8000 80 77 73 69 64 dB(A) 107 102 99 95 92 dB(A) 99 90 87 83 79 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 280 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 2000 u [m/s] 60% 1600 81% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 2400 3,0 2 54,4 500 2100 1,5 4 47,6 400 350 300 1800 1,1 4 40,8 1450 0,55 4 32,9 1200 0,37 4 27,2 950 0,18 4(6) 21,5 700 0,12 4(8) 15,9 81% 60% 250 200 60% 150 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,6 0,1 1 1,5 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 2 3 0,3 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 2,0 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 3,0 0,7 10 4,0 1 15 5,5 7,0 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,5 2 20 25 30 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2400 2100 1800 1450 1200 950 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 70 67 63 57 52 46 49 125 78 75 79 74 68 62 46 250 92 88 75 68 63 56 49 500 84 80 76 69 63 56 49 1000 83 78 74 67 61 53 46 2000 78 74 69 62 55 48 40 4000 71 67 62 54 48 40 31 8000 61 57 51 44 37 29 20 dB(A) 84 80 74 68 62 55 46 dB(A) 75 70 65 59 53 46 37 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.21 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 280 - 17 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 60% 1200 76% 1000 800 700 600 60% 2200 4,0 2 56,0 1800 2,2 4 45,8 1450 1,1 4 36,9 1200 0,55 4 30,5 950 0,25 4(6) 24,2 700 0,18 4(8) 17,8 60% 500 76% 400 350 300 250 60% 60% 200 76% 150 100 60% 75 50 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,6 0,1 1 1,5 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 2 3 0,3 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 2,0 0,4 0,5 6 7 8 3,0 0,7 10 4,0 1 15 5,5 7,0 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,5 2 20 25 30 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2200 1800 1450 1200 950 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 75 70 64 59 53 60 125 83 91 85 80 73 52 250 101 81 75 69 62 55 500 88 82 75 69 62 54 1000 86 79 73 66 59 51 2000 81 74 67 61 53 45 4000 73 67 59 53 44 36 8000 63 56 49 42 33 24 dB(A) 92 83 77 72 65 54 dB(A) 79 73 66 60 53 43 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.22 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 315 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 60% 2000 81% 1600 1200 1000 60% 60% 800 700 600 81% 500 400 350 300 2200 4,0 2 56,0 1800 2,2 4 45,8 1450 1,1 4 36,9 1200 0,55 4 30,5 950 0,25 4(6) 24,2 700 0,18 4(8) 17,8 500 0,12 4 60% 250 60% 200 81% 150 100 60% 75 50 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,6 0,1 1 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 1,5 2 1,4 0,3 3 4 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2,0 0,4 0,5 5 3,0 0,7 6 7 8 4,0 1 10 5,5 7,0 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,5 15 2 20 25 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2200 1800 1450 1200 950 700 500 12,7 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 72 66 61 56 50 52 41 125 80 83 77 72 65 50 38 250 93 78 72 67 60 53 40 500 85 79 73 67 60 53 40 1000 83 77 71 65 57 49 36 2000 79 72 65 59 51 43 29 4000 72 65 58 51 43 35 21 8000 62 55 48 41 32 24 9 dB(A) 85 77 71 66 59 50 37 dB(A) 75 69 62 57 49 41 28 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.23 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 315 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 7000 6000 60% 5000 76% 4000 60% 3000 2600 76% 2200 60% 60% 1800 76% 1400 60% 1200 1000 900 800 700 60% 3500 3300 3100 15,0 11,0 11,0 2 2 2 89,1 84,0 78,9 2850 7,5 2 72,5 2600 7,5 2 66,2 2400 2250 5,5 4,0 2 2 61,1 57,3 600 500 400 300 1,4 2 3 0,4 0,5 5 6 4 5 0,7 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 12 1,5 10 15 20 16 20 24 30 34 2,5 25 30 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 40 50 70 100 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 3500 3300 3100 2850 2600 2400 2250 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 83 82 80 78 76 74 72 125 92 90 89 86 84 82 80 250 106 104 102 100 98 95 94 500 99 97 95 93 90 88 86 1000 99 96 94 91 89 86 84 2000 94 92 90 87 84 82 80 4000 87 85 83 80 77 75 73 8000 78 76 74 71 68 65 63 dB(A) 98 96 94 92 89 87 85 dB(A) 90 88 86 83 81 78 76 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 355 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 60% 1600 81% 1200 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 81% 500 400 350 300 2000 5,5 4 57,3 1800 4,0 4 51,6 1600 3,0 4 45,8 1450 2,2 4 41,5 1200 1,1 4 34,4 950 0,55 4(6) 27,2 700 0,25 4(8) 20,0 500 0,18 4 60% 60% 250 81% 200 150 60% 100 75 50 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,4 2,0 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 1 1,5 3 4 2 5 3,0 4,0 0,7 1 6 7 8 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 6,0 1,4 15 8,0 12,0 2 3 20 30 V [cbm/h x1000] 4 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2000 1800 1600 1450 1200 950 700 500 14,3 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 73 70 67 65 60 53 56 45 125 81 87 84 81 76 69 53 42 250 94 82 79 76 70 63 56 44 500 86 83 80 77 71 64 56 43 1000 84 81 77 74 68 61 53 40 2000 80 76 72 69 63 55 47 33 4000 72 69 65 62 55 47 39 24 8000 63 59 55 51 45 36 28 13 dB(A) 86 81 78 75 70 63 53 41 dB(A) 76 73 69 66 60 53 45 32 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.24 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 355 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 7000 6000 5000 60% 4000 76% 60% 3000 2600 76% 60% 2200 76% 60% 1800 1400 60% 1200 60% 1000 900 800 700 3000 2850 2700 2550 2400 15,0 15,0 11,0 11,0 7,5 2 2 2 2 2 85,9 81,6 77,3 73,0 68,7 2200 5,5 2 63,0 600 500 400 300 1,4 2 3 0,4 0,5 5 4 5 0,7 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 12 1,5 10 16 20 24 2,5 15 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 34 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 25 30 40 50 70 100 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 3000 2850 2700 2550 2400 2200 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 83 82 81 79 78 75 125 91 90 89 87 86 83 250 105 104 102 101 99 97 500 98 96 95 93 92 89 1000 97 95 93 92 90 87 2000 92 91 89 87 85 83 4000 86 84 82 81 78 76 8000 77 75 73 71 69 66 dB(A) 97 95 93 92 90 88 dB(A) 89 87 85 84 82 79 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 400 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 60% 1200 81% 1000 800 700 600 60% 60% 500 81% 400 350 300 250 1450 3,0 4 46,1 1200 2,2 4 38,1 950 1,1 4(6) 30,2 700 0,55 4(8) 22,2 600 0,25 4 19,1 500 0,18 4 15,9 60% 200 60% 150 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,4 0,6 0,1 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 1 1,5 0,3 2 1,4 2,0 3,0 0,4 0,5 3 4 0,7 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4,0 1 6 7 8 6,0 1,4 10 8,0 2 15 12,0 3 20 V [cbm/h x1000] 4 30 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1450 1200 950 700 600 500 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 68 63 57 59 52 48 125 84 79 72 57 49 45 250 79 74 67 60 51 47 500 80 74 67 60 51 47 1000 78 72 64 56 47 43 2000 72 66 58 50 40 36 4000 65 58 50 42 32 28 8000 55 48 39 31 20 16 dB(A) 78 73 66 57 48 44 dB(A) 69 64 56 48 39 35 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.25 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 400 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 7000 6000 60% 5000 76% 4000 3000 2600 60% 76% 2200 60% 1800 60% 1400 1200 76% 60% 1000 900 800 700 600 60% 500 2850 2700 25,0 22,0 2 2 90,6 85,8 2500 18,5 2 79,5 2300 15,0 2 73,1 2100 11,0 2 66,7 1900 7,5 4 60,4 1700 5,5 4 54,0 1500 4,0 4 47,7 400 300 1,4 2 3 0,4 0,5 3 4 4 5 0,7 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1,5 6 7 8 10 16 20 24 30 34 2,5 15 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 25 30 40 50 70 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 2850 2700 2500 2300 2100 1900 1700 1500 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 85 84 82 80 77 75 72 69 125 93 92 90 88 85 83 89 85 250 107 106 104 101 99 96 84 80 500 100 98 96 94 91 88 85 81 1000 98 97 94 92 89 86 83 79 2000 94 92 90 87 84 81 78 74 4000 87 86 83 80 77 74 70 66 8000 78 76 74 71 68 64 60 56 dB(A) 98 97 95 92 90 87 82 78 dB(A) 90 89 86 84 81 78 74 71 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 450 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 60% 1200 1000 81% 800 700 600 500 60% 60% 400 350 300 1200 3,0 4 42,9 950 1,5 4(6) 33,9 700 0,75 4(8) 25,0 600 0,55 4 21,4 500 0,25 4 17,9 400 0,18 6 14,3 81% 250 200 60% 150 60% 81% 100 75 60% 50 0,4 0,6 0,1 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 1 1,4 0,3 1,5 2,0 0,4 0,5 2 3 3,0 0,7 4 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4,0 1 5 6,0 1,4 6 7 8 8,0 2 10 12,0 3 15 20 V [cbm/h x1000] 4 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1200 950 700 600 500 400 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 67 60 63 56 52 45 125 83 76 60 53 49 42 250 77 70 63 55 51 44 500 78 71 63 55 50 43 1000 75 68 60 51 47 39 2000 70 62 54 44 40 32 4000 62 54 46 36 31 23 8000 51 43 34 24 20 11 dB(A) 76 69 59 51 47 40 dB(A) 67 60 52 43 39 31 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.26 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 450 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 7000 6000 5000 60% 4000 76% 3000 2600 60% 2200 76% 60% 1800 1400 60% 1200 60% 76% 1000 900 800 700 600 60% 500 400 2400 22,0 2 85,7 2200 18,5 2 78,6 2000 15,0 4 71,4 1800 11,0 4 64,3 1600 7,5 4 57,1 1450 5,5 4 51,8 1250 4,0 4 44,6 300 1,4 2 3 0,4 0,5 4 5 0,7 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 1,5 5 6 7 8 16 20 24 30 34 2,5 10 15 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 20 25 30 40 50 60 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1450 1250 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 85 82 80 77 74 72 68 125 93 90 88 94 91 88 84 250 106 104 101 89 86 83 78 500 99 96 93 90 87 84 79 1000 97 94 91 88 84 81 77 2000 92 90 87 83 79 76 71 4000 85 83 79 76 72 69 64 8000 76 73 70 66 62 58 53 dB(A) 97 95 92 86 83 80 76 dB(A) 89 86 83 80 76 73 69 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 500 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 60% 1200 81% 1000 800 700 600 60% 500 60% 81% 400 350 300 1100 4,0 4 44,2 950 3,0 4(6) 38,2 700 1,5 4(8) 28,1 600 0,75 4 24,1 500 0,25 4 20,1 400 0,25 6 16,1 60% 250 81% 200 60% 150 60% 100 75 50 0,4 0,6 0,1 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 1 1,4 2,0 0,3 0,4 0,5 1,5 2 3,0 0,7 3 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4 4,0 6,0 8,0 12,0 1 1,4 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 15 V [cbm/h x1000] 4 V [cbm/s] 20 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1100 950 700 600 500 400 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 68 64 67 59 55 49 125 84 80 64 56 52 46 250 78 74 67 59 55 48 500 79 74 67 58 54 47 1000 76 71 64 55 50 43 2000 71 66 58 48 44 36 4000 63 58 49 39 35 27 8000 52 47 38 27 23 15 dB(A) 76 71 62 54 50 43 dB(A) 68 64 55 47 42 35 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.1.27 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 500 - 15 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 7000 6000 5000 60% 4000 76% 3000 2600 60% 2200 76% 60% 1800 1400 60% 1200 76% 60% 1000 900 800 700 600 60% 2100 25,0 2 84,3 1900 22,0 4 76,3 1750 18,5 4 70,3 1600 15,0 4 64,3 1450 11,0 4 58,2 1300 7,5 4 52,2 1150 5,5 4 46,2 500 400 300 1,4 2 3 0,4 0,5 2 4 5 0,7 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 1,5 4 5 6 16 20 24 30 34 2,5 7 8 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 15 20 25 30 40 50 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 2100 1900 1750 1600 1450 1300 1150 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 85 82 80 78 75 72 69 125 93 90 97 94 92 89 85 250 106 103 92 89 86 83 80 500 98 95 93 90 87 84 80 1000 96 93 91 88 85 82 78 2000 92 89 86 83 80 76 72 4000 85 81 79 76 72 69 64 8000 75 71 69 65 62 58 54 dB(A) 96 93 89 86 84 81 77 dB(A) 88 85 83 80 77 73 70 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 2. Radialventilatoren 2.2 HF R 560 bis 1000 - 13 D/R Gehäuse in geschweißter Ausführung PPs (PP-FR); PP; PE; PVC; PVDF plastic fans 2. Radial fans 2.2 HF R 560 up to 1000 - 13 D/R Casing in a welded design made of PP-FR; PP; PE; PVC; PVDF Hurner Funken 3 V = 10.000-150.000 m /h pt max. = 3.000 Pa HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D/R Hurner Funken HF-radial fans of type …-13 D/R HF-radial fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of exhaust air and gases. Fans of type HF R … - 13 are used both in galvanising and in process extraction. They are available with direct drive (design shape D) or belt drive (design shape R). On request, fan housing of this series are made in polypropylene (PPs, PP-FR), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and in other thermoplastic materials, in strong welded design. The housing is provided with splinter protection and a revision opening, and has a condensate drainage pipe piece at its lowest position. The impeller is balanced statically and dynamically, according to Q 6,3, based on VDI 2056. The following materials are used for the impeller, depending on the application: thermoplastics, glass or carbon-fiber reinforced polyester, plastic coated, or rubber impregnated steel or stainless steel. The shaft passage on the housing is brought to a minimum gap by means of a felt ring. Upon removal of the installation cover on the suction side, the impeller can be pulled out of the bearing shaft. Fan, motor, bearing support are mounted on a strong foundation frame that can be placed on the foundation via intermediate vibration dampers. The bearing consists of a standard maintenance-free roller bearing for the design shape ( RF ) and for high performance fans they consist of regreased roller bearings mounted in a compact flange. Moreover, a heavy-duty industrial version with block bearing housing for pressure ratings DS2 and DS 3 (RB) is available. The fan housing can be manufactured in steps of 45°, rotated through 360° from the basic “blow-out pipe piece upright” position. The normal pipe piece position is GR 360° or GL 360°. For other pipe piece positions, one must account for the deviations in heights. The piping is connected via elastic sleeves. Radial fans of type HF R …- 13 are fabricated in 3 pressure stages, ranging from the nominal size 560 (inlet diameter in mm) (nominal sizes 450, 500 and above 1000 mm on request). Delivery rates from 3.000 up to 150.000 m³/h at a maximum total pressure difference of 3.000 Pa. The pressure stage is differentiated through the respective circumferential velocity of the impeller recommended values: (DS1 < 40m/s,DS2 < 60m/s, DS3 > 60m/s). The attainable efficiency is max. 80% at the optimum operating point. The required drive power is between 0,55 kW and 150 kW. It is dimensioned such that motor overloading is not possible in the entire range of the characteristic curve. Only branded motors (according to IEC-Standard) are used, in general rotary current squirrel-cage induction motors 230/400 V or 400/690 V, 50 Hz, design shape B3, protection system IP55. The specified number of poles can vary towards smaller pole numbers for the design shape ( R ). Special motors available upon request. HF-fans with rotary current squirrel-cage induction motors are optionally suitable for infinitely variable speed control via frequency converters. 2.2.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs. plastic radial fan with housing in PP, PPs/PP-FR, PE or PVC in welded version, one inlet side, shaft passage brought to minimum clearance using felt ring seal, condensate drainage at the lowest point of the housing, splinter protection around the housing spiral, revision opening on the inlet side. With impeller in thermoplastic, glass-fiber, stainless steel, statically and dynamically balanced, quality of balancing at least Q 6,3 (VDI 2056 Masch. Gr. M). for direct drive (D) floating mounted on the motor shaft, for belt drives ( R ) via flange double bearing (RF) or block bearings (RB). Fan frame in strong, in welded steel construction, galvanised version, with adjustable motor support plate and for V-belt drives ( R ) with belt guard, suitable for accommodating fan housing with impeller. For the belt drive as well as for the rotary current motor, provided with overload protection in the entire power range. Accessories: 1 set of connection sleeves in soft PVC, outlet side provided with flange, inlet side with flange (DS2/DS3) or tightening strap in stainless steel (DS 1), 1 set of vibration dampers (spring or rubber). Frequency converter, repair switch, special shaft seals, protection grille on inlet and outlet sides and motor protecting roof for open air installation, optional. Manufacturer Type : Hürner-Funken : HF R ...... - 13 D/RF/RB Housing material : : Impeller material : Housing position : Suction diameter : Volume flow : Total pressure : Nominal speed : Circumferential speed : Power rating / shaft : Motor power : Voltage : Frequency Protection system : Motor protection : : Speed - motor Power pressure level Lp2A : mm pressure stage .... m³/h Pa 1/min m/s kW kW V Hz IP..... EEx...II T..... PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch 1/min dB(A) 2.2.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Hurner Funken Dimension Drawings for HF - Radial Fans Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D Pressure Rating DS 1 2.2.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D Pressure Rating DS 1 2.2.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RF Pressure Rating DS 1 2.2.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RF Pressure Rating DS 1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D Pressure Rating DS 2 2.2.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D Pressure Rating DS 2 2.2.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RF Pressure Rating DS 2 2.2.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RF Pressure Rating DS 2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D Pressure Rating DS 3 2.2.9 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D Pressure Rating DS 3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RF Pressure Rating DS 3 2.2.10 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RF Pressure Rating DS 3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RB Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 2.2.11 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 RB Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D/R DS 1 - 45°,90°,135°,270°,315° Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 13 D/R DS 2/3 - 45°,90°,135°,270°,315° Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fans Hurner Funken Caracteristic Curve / Sound Pressure Data to HF - Radial Fans (Pressure Rating DS 1, DS 2, DS 3) Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 560 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 73% 1000 800 700 600 78% 500 73% 400 350 300 48% 78% 250 200 1060 5,5 4 940 4,0 4(6) 35,8 800 2,2 4 705 1,5 4(8) 26,9 620 1,1 4 23,6 515 0,75 6 19,6 455 0,55 8 17,3 73% 48% 150 78% 100 75 48% 50 1 1,5 0,3 2 0,4 1,5 3 0,6 2 0,8 3 4 5 1 4 7,5 1,5 5 10 2 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 15 3 10 4 15 20 25 30 35 5 6 7 8 20 25 30 10 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse 30,5 V [cbm/h x1000] Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A [1/min] 1060 940 800 705 620 515 455 40,4 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 69 66 61 58 54 48 45 125 77 73 69 65 61 56 52 250 80 77 72 68 64 59 55 500 82 79 74 70 66 60 56 1000 80 77 72 68 64 58 54 2000 76 72 67 63 59 53 50 4000 70 65 61 56 53 47 43 8000 61 57 52 48 44 10 10 dB(A) 80 77 72 68 64 58 54 dB(A) 69 66 61 57 53 48 43 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.12 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 560 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 5000 4000 80% 3000 2600 81% 79% 2200 80% 1800 58% 1400 1200 57% 78% 1000 900 800 700 79% 600 56% 500 400 2310 55,0 2 88,1 2100 1990 45,0 37,0 2 4 80,0 75,9 1830 1730 1630 1545 1460 1385 1305 1220 22,0 22,0 18,5 15,0 15,0 11,0 11,0 7,5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 69,8 65,9 62,1 58,9 55,7 52,8 49,7 46,5 1125 5,5 4 42,9 300 250 4 5 1,1 6 7 1,5 4,5 8 9 10 2 2,5 5,5 6,5 7,5 12 3 10 15 20 3,5 4 5 15 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 25 6 30 35 40 8 25 10 30 40 50 12 14 50 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 2310 2100 1990 1830 1730 1630 1545 1460 1385 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 84 82 81 79 78 78 77 77 75 125 96 94 93 91 89 87 84 83 81 250 100 98 97 95 94 92 90 89 87 500 100 98 97 95 94 91 89 88 86 1000 98 96 95 93 92 90 89 88 86 2000 95 93 92 90 88 86 84 83 81 4000 88 86 85 83 81 79 77 75 74 8000 79 77 76 74 72 70 68 67 65 dB(A) 99 97 96 94 92 90 88 87 85 dB(A) 85 83 82 80 78 76 74 75 73 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.13 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 630 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 74% 1000 800 700 600 78% 500 74% 400 350 300 47% 78% 950 7,5 4(6) 40,7 795 4,0 4 710 3,0 4(8) 30,4 605 2,2 4 25,9 520 1,1 6 22,3 460 1,1 8 19,7 405 0,55 8 17,4 250 200 74% 47% 150 78% 34,1 100 75 47% 50 1 1,5 0,3 0,4 1 2 3 0,6 4 0,8 2 5 1 3 7,5 1,5 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2 10 15 3 6 7 8 10 4 20 25 30 35 5 15 6 7 8 10 20 25 30 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 950 795 710 605 520 460 405 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 69 64 61 57 52 48 45 125 77 72 69 64 59 56 52 250 80 75 72 67 62 59 55 500 83 77 74 69 64 60 56 1000 80 75 72 67 62 58 54 2000 76 70 67 62 57 53 50 4000 70 64 61 55 50 47 43 8000 61 56 52 47 42 10 10 dB(A) 80 74 72 67 61 58 54 dB(A) 69 63 61 56 50 48 43 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.14 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 630 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 79% 5000 80% 4000 3000 2600 57% 79% 2200 80% 1800 1400 1200 78% 57% 1000 900 800 700 79% 600 2205 2065 75,0 75,0 2 2 94,6 88,6 1785 45,0 4 76,5 1645 1565 1465 30,0 30,0 22,0 4 4 4 70,5 67,1 62,8 1300 15,0 4 55,7 1175 11,0 4 50,4 1030 7,5 4 44,2 56% 500 400 300 250 7 8 9 10 2 6 2,5 7 12 3 16 3,5 4 8 9 10 20 5 15 24 6 7 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 40 8 25 50 12 60 70 80 16 30 35 40 50 20 60 70 V [cbm/h x1000] 24 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 2205 2065 1785 1645 1565 1465 1300 1175 1030 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 88 87 84 82 81 81 78 76 72 125 97 96 93 91 89 87 82 80 77 250 103 102 99 97 95 93 89 85 80 500 102 101 98 96 94 92 88 84 80 1000 101 100 97 95 93 92 88 85 79 2000 97 96 93 91 89 87 82 79 74 4000 90 89 86 84 81 80 75 72 66 8000 81 80 77 75 73 71 66 63 58 dB(A) 102 101 98 95 93 90 87 84 79 dB(A) 88 87 84 81 79 76 75 72 67 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.15 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 710 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 73% 800 700 600 78% 500 73% 400 350 300 78% 46% 250 200 73% 810 7,5 4 39,1 725 5,5 4(8) 35,0 630 4,0 4 30,4 570 3,0 6 27,5 490 2,2 6 23,7 415 1,1 6 20,1 370 1,1 6 17,9 46% 78% 150 100 75 46% 50 3 4 0,8 5 1 2 7,5 10 15 1,5 2 2,5 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 10 3 20 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 6 15 8 40 50 60 10 12 20 25 30 80 100 V [cbm/h x1000] 16 20 26 40 50 60 70 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 810 725 630 570 490 415 370 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 68 66 61 58 54 50 47 125 76 73 69 66 61 57 53 250 79 76 72 69 64 60 56 500 81 78 74 70 66 61 58 1000 79 76 72 69 64 59 56 2000 75 71 67 64 59 54 51 4000 68 65 61 58 53 48 44 8000 60 57 52 49 44 10 10 dB(A) 79 76 72 68 64 59 56 dB(A) 68 65 61 57 53 49 45 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.16 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 710 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 5000 4000 80% 80% 3000 2600 80% 80% 79% 2200 80% 57% 1800 57% 1400 1200 57% 78% 1000 900 800 700 79% 600 500 56% 400 1700 1600 75,0 55,0 4 4 82,2 77,3 1475 1390 1320 1250 1170 45,0 37,0 30,0 30,0 22,0 4 4 4 4 4 71,3 67,2 63,8 60,4 56,5 1050 15,0 4 50,7 935 11,0 4 (6) 45,2 865 11,0 4 41,8 300 250 8 10 12 2,3 2,8 3,3 5,5 6,5 7,5 16 4 10 20 5 24 6 30 7 15 40 8 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 50 12 25 60 70 80 100 V [cbm/h x1000] 16 20 24 28 V [cbm/s] 30 35 40 50 60 70 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 1700 1600 1475 1390 1320 1250 1170 1050 935 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 87 86 84 83 82 81 80 76 73 125 93 92 90 89 87 85 84 82 80 250 100 99 97 95 93 91 89 85 81 500 99 98 96 94 92 90 88 84 81 1000 99 98 96 94 93 91 89 84 81 2000 94 93 91 89 87 85 83 78 75 4000 87 86 84 82 80 78 76 71 67 8000 78 77 75 73 71 69 67 63 59 dB(A) 99 98 95 94 92 90 88 84 80 dB(A) 85 84 80 80 77 77 76 72 69 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.17 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 800 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 74% 800 700 600 78% 500 74% 400 350 300 45% 78% 250 200 74% 45% 78% 150 730 11,0 4(8) 39,8 640 7,5 4 34,9 580 5,5 6 31,6 475 3,0 6 25,9 415 2,2 6 22,6 370 1,5 6 20,1 330 1,1 8 18,0 100 75 45% 50 3 4 0,8 1,5 5 7,5 1 1,5 2 2 3 4 10 2,5 3 5 15 4 6 7 8 20 5 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 6 8 40 50 60 10 12 15 80 100 V [cbm/h x1000] 16 20 20 25 30 26 40 50 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 730 640 580 475 415 370 330 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 69 65 62 57 53 50 46 125 76 73 69 64 60 57 53 250 80 76 73 67 63 60 56 500 81 78 74 69 64 61 57 1000 80 75 72 67 62 59 55 2000 75 71 68 62 57 54 50 4000 69 65 61 55 51 48 44 8000 61 56 53 47 42 10 10 dB(A) 79 75 72 67 62 59 56 dB(A) 68 64 61 56 52 49 46 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.18 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 800 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 5000 4000 80% 81% 3000 2600 79% 2200 80% 57% 1800 1400 1200 57% 78% 1000 900 800 700 1485 1400 1310 75,0 75,0 55,0 4 4 4 80,9 76,2 71,3 1180 1110 1055 45,0 37,0 30,0 4 4 4 64,3 60,4 57,4 945 22,0 4 (6) 51,5 830 775 15,0 15,0 4 4 79% 600 500 56% 400 45,2 42,2 300 250 8 10 12 16 2,3 2,8 3,3 4,5 5,5 6,5 7,5 4 20 5 24 6 10 7 30 40 8 15 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 50 12 20 60 70 80 16 25 20 100 24 28 30 35 40 50 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 60 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 1485 1400 1310 1180 1110 1055 945 830 775 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 89 87 86 84 82 80 78 73 71 125 94 92 91 88 87 86 84 82 80 250 100 98 97 93 91 89 85 82 80 500 99 97 96 93 90 88 86 84 83 1000 100 98 97 93 90 88 85 82 80 2000 94 92 91 87 84 82 79 76 74 4000 87 85 84 80 77 75 72 69 67 8000 88 86 85 71 68 66 63 60 58 dB(A) 100 98 96 92 90 88 85 82 81 dB(A) 85 84 81 77 78 76 73 71 69 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.19 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 900 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 74% 800 700 600 78% 500 74% 400 350 300 45% 78% 655 15,0 6 40,1 585 11,0 6 35,8 505 7,5 6 30,9 425 4,0 6 26,0 375 3,0 6 23,0 325 2,2 8 19,9 285 1,5 8 80 100 V [cbm/h x1000] 17,5 250 200 74% 150 45% 78% 100 75 45% 50 3 4 0,8 5 1 1,5 1,5 2 7,5 2 3 10 15 2,5 3 4 5 4 20 5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 6 8 40 50 60 10 12 10 15 16 20 20 25 30 26 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 655 585 505 425 375 325 285 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 69 66 62 57 53 49 45 125 77 74 69 64 60 56 52 250 85 77 72 67 63 59 55 500 80 79 74 69 65 61 56 1000 75 77 72 67 63 58 54 2000 76 73 67 62 58 54 50 4000 70 66 61 55 51 47 43 8000 61 58 52 47 43 10 10 dB(A) 80 77 72 67 63 58 55 dB(A) 68 66 61 56 52 47 44 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.20 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 900 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 5000 4000 79% 81% 3000 2600 79% 81% 2200 79% 1800 57% 80% 57% 1400 1200 78% 1000 900 800 700 57% 1350 110,0 4 82,7 1250 1165 90,0 75,0 4 4 76,6 71,4 1035 980 55,0 45,0 4 63,4 4 (6) 60,0 875 37,0 4 53,6 780 22,0 4 47,8 690 15,0 4 42,3 80% 600 500 56% 400 300 250 12 16 3,5 4 5 6 20 5 7 8 24 6 30 8 10 40 10 50 60 80 12 14 16 15 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20 25 100 120 140 24 28 32 36 40 30 35 40 50 60 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 1350 1250 1165 1035 980 875 780 690 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 90 89 87 84 82 79 75 72 125 95 94 92 89 89 86 84 81 250 100 99 97 92 90 87 85 81 500 99 98 96 92 91 88 87 84 1000 99 98 96 91 90 86 84 81 2000 93 92 90 86 84 80 78 75 4000 86 85 83 78 77 73 71 68 8000 77 76 74 70 68 64 62 59 dB(A) 100 98 96 92 90 87 85 82 dB(A) 86 85 82 78 78 76 74 70 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.21 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 1000 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 1 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 74% 800 700 600 79% 500 74% 400 350 300 47% 79% 250 74% 200 79% 47% 585 18,5 6 39,8 485 11,0 6 33,0 405 7,5 6 27,6 370 5,5 6 25,2 335 4,0 8 22,8 295 3,0 8 20,1 150 100 47% 75 50 3 4 0,8 5 1 1 7,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 10 15 2,5 3 4 3 5 4 20 5 30 6 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 40 50 60 8 10 12 10 15 80 100 V [cbm/h x1000] 16 20 26 20 25 30 35 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 585 485 405 370 335 295 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 69 63 58 56 53 50 125 76 71 66 63 60 57 250 80 74 69 66 63 60 500 81 76 70 68 65 61 1000 80 74 69 66 62 59 2000 75 69 64 61 58 54 4000 69 63 58 55 51 48 8000 61 54 49 46 42 10 dB(A) 79 74 68 66 63 59 dB(A) 68 63 57 55 52 49 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.22 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 1000 - 13 D/R Hurner Funken Pressure Rating DS 2 and DS 3 Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 5000 79% 4000 81% 3000 2600 79% 81% 79% 2200 57% 80% 1800 1400 57% 78% 1200 80% 57% 1000 900 800 700 56% 600 1300 160,0 4 88,5 1200 132,0 4 81,7 1100 1040 990 925 110,0 4 74,9 90,0 4 70,8 90,0 4(6) 67,4 75,0 4 63,0 830 795 55,0 45,0 4 4 56,5 54,1 695 30,0 4 47,3 500 400 300 250 12 16 20 3,5 4 4 5 5 6 24 6 7 30 8 8 40 10 10 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 V [cbm/h x1000] 12 14 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 V [cbm/s] 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 c [m/s] Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20 Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 1300 1200 1100 1040 990 925 830 795 695 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 93 91 89 88 87 84 81 79 76 125 98 96 94 93 93 91 89 89 86 250 101 99 97 96 95 92 90 89 86 500 101 99 97 96 95 93 91 91 88 1000 100 98 96 95 95 92 89 88 85 2000 95 93 91 90 89 86 83 82 79 4000 88 86 84 83 82 79 76 75 72 8000 79 77 75 74 72 69 67 65 62 dB(A) 101 100 98 96 95 92 90 89 88 dB(A) 88 87 85 82 81 80 79 78 75 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 2.2.23 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 3. Hochdruck-Radialventilatoren 3.1 HF R 50 bis 200 - 48 R Gehäuse in geschweißter Ausführung PPs (PP-FR); PP; PE; PVC; PVDF plastic fans 3. High-pressure radial fans 3.1 HF R 50 up to 200 - 48 R Casing in a welded design made of PP-FR; PP; PE; PVC; PVDF Hurner Funken 3 V = 100-6.000 m /h pt max. = 7.000 Pa HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 48 R Hurner Funken HF-radial fan of type HF R…-48 R HF-radial fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of exhaust air and gases. Ventilators of type HF R … -48 R are suitable especially for pressure differences. They are available with belt drive (design shape R) as standard and optional with direct drive (design shape D). On request, fan housing of this series are made in polypropylene (PP, PPs/PP-FR), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and other thermoplastic materials in strong welded design. The housing is provided with splinter protection and can optionally be equipped with a condensate drainage pipe piece. The impeller is provided with vanes mounted on the back of the shaft and balanced statically and dynamically, according to Q 6,3, based on VDI 2056. The following materials are used for the impeller, depending on the application: thermoplastics, plastic coated or rubber-impregnated steel or stainless steel. The shaft passage in the housing is brought to minimum clearance by means of a felt ring. For high pressures, special shaft seals are recommended. Upon removal of the installation cover on the inlet side, the impeller can be pulled out from the bearing shaft. Ventilator, motor and bearing support are mounted on a strong foundation frame, which can be placed on the foundation via intermediate vibration dampers. The bearing consists of lubricated roller bearings protected by a labyrinth inside compact flange doublebearing housing. Belts are fastened by means of taper lock bushing on the fan or motor shaft. Fans can be delivered with the following nozzle positions, in the right (GR) or left (GL) version: 45°, 90°, 135°, 270°, 315° and 360° (180° and 225° upon request). Up to DN 80, the position of the nozzles can be changed even later without changes to the housing (exclusive condensate drainage pipe piece). The inlet and outlet pipe pieces are provided with strong flanges. The piping is connected via elastic sleeves. Radial fans of type HF R … -48 R are fabricated in nominal sizes (suction clearance diameter in mm) 50,63,80,100,125,160 and 200. Delivery rates from 100 up to 6.000 m³/h at a maximum total pressure difference of 7.000 Pa. The attainable efficiency is max. 74% at the optimum operating point. The required drive power is between 0,37 kW and 22,0 kW. It is dimensioned such that motor overloading is not possible in the entire range of the characteristic curve. Only branded motors (according to IEC-Standard) are used, in general rotary current squirrel cage induction motors 230/400 V or 400/690 V, 50 Hz, design shape B3, protection system IP55. The specified number of poles can vary towards smaller pole numbers as for design shape ( R ). Special motors are available upon request. HF-fans with rotary current squirrel-cage induction motors are optionally suitable for infinitely variable speed control via frequency converters. Query is necessary however. 3.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 48 R Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs.plastic radial fan with housing in PP, PPs/PP-FR, PE or PVC in welded version, one suction side, shaft passage brought to minimum clearance using felt ring seal, splinter protection around the housing spiral, inlet and outlet sides with connection flanges. Impeller in thermoplastic, steel/plastic coated, steel/rubber impregnated or stainless steel, statically and dynamically balanced, q u a l i t y o f balancing at least Q 6,3 (VDI 2056 Masch.Gr.M). For belt drives ( R ), impeller mounted on flanged double bearings. Fan frame and base frame in strong welded steel construction, galvanised version, with adjustable motor support plate and for V-belt drives ( R ), with belt guard, protected against corrosion, suitable for accommodating fan housing with impeller, for the belt drive as well as the rotary current motor provided with overload protection in the entire power range. Accessories: 2 pieces of connection sleeves in soft PVC, with flanges for pressure and suction sides. 1 set of vibration dampers. Frequency converter, repair switch, special shaft seals, protection grille on inlet and outlet sides, condensate drainage pipes, sleeves in special material, spring vibration dampers and motor protecting roof for open air installation, optional. Manufacturer Type : Hürner-Funken : HF R ...... - 48 R Housing material Impeller material Housing position Suction diameter Volume flow Total pressure Nominal speed Circumferential speed Power rating / shaft Motor power Voltage Frequency Protection system Motor protection Speed - motor Power pressure level Lp2A : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : mm m³/h Pa 1/min m/s kW kW V Hz IP..... EEx...II T..... PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch 1/min dB(A) 3.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 48 R 3.1.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R ..... - 48 R 3.1.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 50 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 41% 6000 47% 5000 4000 37% 3000 41% 7200 2,2 2 90,5 6400 1,5 2 80,4 5760 1,1 2 72,4 5130 1,1 2 64,5 4700 0,75 2 59,1 4100 0,55 2 51,5 3660 0,37 2 46,0 3300 0,37 2 41,5 2800 0,37 2 35,2 2600 46% 2200 1800 36% 1400 1200 1000 900 800 700 39% 44% 600 35% 500 400 0,08 0,1 0,15 0,02 0,03 0,04 10 15 20 0,2 25 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,06 0,08 0,1 30 40 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 50 0,5 0,6 0,15 60 70 80 0,8 1,0 0,2 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,25 0,3 V [cbm/s] 100 120 150 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 7200 6400 5760 5130 4700 4100 3660 3300 2800 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 66 65 63 62 61 59 58 56 54 125 84 82 81 79 77 75 73 70 66 250 96 93 90 87 84 78 74 71 67 500 96 93 90 87 85 82 79 76 72 1000 98 95 93 89 87 83 79 74 68 2000 95 91 87 82 79 75 72 69 64 4000 88 85 82 78 75 71 67 63 57 8000 81 77 73 69 65 61 57 53 47 dB(A) 87 84 80 77 74 70 66 63 57 dB(A) 72 69 65 62 59 55 51 49 43 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 63 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 43% 6000 47% 5000 4000 35% 3000 2600 42% 2200 5780 4,0 2 91,4 5070 3,0 2 80,2 4450 2,2 2 70,4 3960 1,5 2 62,6 3500 1,1 2 55,3 3170 0,75 2 50,1 2850 0,55 2 45,1 2560 0,37 2 40,5 2260 0,37 2 35,7 46% 1800 34% 1400 1200 41% 1000 900 800 700 44% 600 33% 500 400 0,08 0,1 0,02 6 0,03 0,15 0,2 0,04 7 8 9 10 0,25 0,3 0,06 15 20 0,4 0,08 0,1 25 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 0,5 0,6 0,15 40 50 0,8 1,0 0,2 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,25 0,3 V [cbm/s] 60 70 80 90 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 5780 5070 4450 3960 3500 3170 2850 2560 2260 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 73 71 70 68 66 64 63 61 59 125 90 88 86 84 81 78 66 72 67 250 100 95 91 86 82 79 77 74 71 500 100 96 94 90 87 84 82 79 75 1000 102 98 95 91 86 82 78 74 70 2000 96 91 87 84 80 77 74 71 66 4000 91 87 83 79 74 71 67 63 59 8000 82 77 73 69 64 60 57 53 49 dB(A) 92 87 84 80 75 72 69 65 61 dB(A) 77 72 69 65 61 58 54 51 47 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 80 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 46% 6000 48% 5000 4000 33% 45% 3000 4520 5,5 2 90,9 4000 4,0 2 80,4 3530 3,0 2 71,0 3130 2,2 2 62,9 2850 1,5 2 57,3 2560 1,1 2 51,5 2260 0,75 2 45,4 2000 0,55 4 40,2 47% 2600 2200 33% 1800 1400 43% 1200 45% 1000 900 800 700 31% 600 500 400 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,1 10 15 20 25 0,5 0,6 0,8 1,0 0,15 0,2 30 40 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,2 0,3 50 1,6 2,0 2,4 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,4 0,5 0,6 V [cbm/s] 60 70 80 100 120 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 4520 4000 3530 3130 2850 2560 2260 2000 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 80 77 75 73 72 70 68 66 125 95 93 90 86 84 80 76 71 250 100 95 91 87 85 82 79 76 500 103 99 96 92 91 87 84 80 1000 104 100 95 89 86 82 78 75 2000 96 93 89 85 83 79 75 71 4000 92 88 83 78 76 72 67 63 8000 82 78 73 68 66 62 57 53 dB(A) 94 90 86 81 79 75 71 67 dB(A) 79 75 72 67 65 61 57 53 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 100 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 48% 6000 49% 5000 34% 4000 3000 2600 47% 2200 3700 11,0 2 93,0 3250 7,5 2 81,7 2900 4,0 2 72,9 2560 3,0 2 64,3 2220 2,2 2 55,8 1980 1,5 4 49,8 1780 1,1 4 44,7 1580 0,75 4 39,7 1425 0,55 4 35,8 48% 1800 33% 1400 1200 44% 1000 900 800 700 45% 600 31% 500 400 0,2 0,3 0,05 0,4 0,1 7,5 10 0,5 0,6 0,15 15 20 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 0,8 1,0 0,2 25 1,2 0,3 30 40 1,6 2,0 2,4 0,4 0,5 0,6 50 60 70 80 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 3700 3250 2900 2560 2220 1980 1780 1580 1425 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 84 82 81 78 76 74 71 68 65 125 99 96 93 89 84 79 75 72 69 250 101 96 94 91 88 84 81 78 76 500 105 102 100 96 92 89 84 79 74 1000 105 100 96 91 86 83 80 76 73 2000 99 95 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 4000 93 88 85 80 75 71 67 62 59 8000 83 78 75 70 66 61 57 53 50 dB(A) 97 92 89 85 81 77 73 68 65 dB(A) 82 78 75 71 67 63 59 55 52 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 125 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 52% 6000 53% 5000 4000 40% 51% 52% 3000 2600 2200 39% 50% 1800 51% 1400 1200 2900 11,0 2 91,1 2710 11,0 2 85,1 2400 7,5 2 75,4 2140 5,5 2 67,2 1900 4,0 4 59,7 1700 3,0 4 53,4 1585 2,2 4 49,8 1420 1,5 4 44,6 1270 1,1 4 39,9 1150 0,75 4 36,1 38% 47% 1000 900 800 700 48% 36% 600 500 400 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,15 10 0,8 1,0 0,2 15 0,3 20 25 1,2 1,6 0,4 30 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,54,0 0,5 0,6 40 50 0,8 1,0 60 70 80 5,0 6,0 1,5 100 120 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2900 2710 2400 2140 1900 1700 1585 1420 1270 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 88 87 85 83 80 78 76 73 70 125 100 98 94 90 85 82 79 77 75 250 102 100 97 94 91 88 86 83 81 500 107 105 102 99 94 90 86 82 79 1000 103 100 96 93 89 86 83 80 77 2000 99 97 93 89 85 81 78 74 71 4000 93 90 85 81 77 73 70 66 63 8000 82 80 75 72 67 63 60 57 54 dB(A) 98 95 91 88 84 80 77 74 71 dB(A) 84 81 77 74 70 66 64 61 59 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.9 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 160 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 58% 62% 6000 5000 49% 4000 56% 60% 3000 2600 2200 48% 2160 15,0 2 86,9 1930 11,0 4 77,6 1740 11,0 4 70,0 1550 7,5 4 62,3 1355 4,0 4 54,5 1130 3,0 4 45,4 1000 2,2 4 40,2 900 1,5 4(6) 36,2 1800 1400 1200 51% 55% 1000 900 800 700 44% 600 500 400 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,54,0 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 1,0 7,5 10 15 20 25 40 50 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30 5,0 6,0 1,5 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 60 70 80 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2160 1930 1740 1550 1355 1130 1000 900 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 90 88 86 83 79 73 70 67 125 97 93 90 87 84 80 78 76 250 102 98 96 93 90 86 83 80 500 106 102 98 93 88 81 80 78 1000 101 97 94 91 87 82 79 76 2000 98 93 89 85 81 75 71 68 4000 89 85 81 77 73 67 64 61 8000 79 75 71 68 63 58 55 52 dB(A) 98 93 90 87 82 77 74 71 dB(A) 84 79 76 74 69 65 62 59 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.10 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fan Type HF R 200 - 48 R Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 7000 u [m/s] 62% 74% 6000 5000 60% 4000 60% 1640 1550 22,0 22,0 4 4 82,4 77,9 1375 15,0 4 69,1 1180 11,0 4 59,3 1040 7,5 4 52,3 890 4,0 4(6) 44,7 790 3,0 4 710 2,2 4(8) 35,7 72% 3000 2600 58% 2200 1800 1400 54% 1200 64% 1000 900 800 700 39,7 52% 600 500 400 0,8 1,0 1,2 0,3 1,6 2,0 0,4 10 2,5 3,0 0,5 0,6 15 0,8 20 4,0 1,0 30 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 1,5 40 10,0 2,0 50 60 70 80 3,0 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1640 1550 1375 1180 1040 890 790 710 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 90 89 85 81 77 72 69 66 125 93 93 89 86 84 81 79 76 250 100 99 96 92 90 85 80 75 500 101 99 94 89 87 84 80 77 1000 98 97 93 88 86 81 77 73 2000 93 91 86 81 79 74 70 66 4000 85 83 78 74 71 66 63 59 8000 75 74 70 65 62 58 54 50 dB(A) 95 93 89 84 82 77 73 69 dB(A) 81 80 76 72 70 65 61 57 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 3.1.11 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 4. Dach-Radialventilatoren 4.1 HF D 110 bis 315 - 15 D/-17 D Gesintertes Gehäuse aus PEs plastic fans 4. Roof-radial fans 4.1 HF D 110 up to 315 - 15 D/-17 D Casing rotational sintered made of PE-FR Hurner Funken 3 V = 50-3.500 m /h pt max. = 1.400 Pa HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 17 D Type HF D ..... - 15 D Hurner Funken HF-radial roof fans of type HF D …-17/15 D HF-radial roof fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of aggressive exhaust air and gases. Radial impellers are driven directly by an installed motor ( impeller flush on the motor shaft). The delivered medium flows through the fan in axial direction. The motor is fully encapsulated by the exhaust airflow. The fan housing of this series are made in hardly inflammable polyethylene (PEs/PE-FR) rotationally sintered, the impeller is made via injection moulding process in hardly inflammable polypropylene (PPs/PP-FR). A statically and dynamically balanced impeller (quality class Q 6.3 to VDI 2056), in conjunction with a flow-optimized fan housing, ensures very quiet run. Radial roof fans of type HF D…-17 D are fabricated in nominal sizes (suction diameter in mm) 110,160,200,250, roof fans of type HF D…-15 D in the nominal sizes 250 and 315. Delivery rates of 50 up to 3.500 m³/h are thus attained at a maximum total pressure difference of 1.400 Pa. The attainable efficiency is at max. 80% in the optimum operating point. The required driving power is between 0,12 kW and 1,5 kW. It is dimensioned such that it is not possible to overload the motor in the entire range of the pressure-volume characteristic curve. Fans can be connected in any arbitrary position on the inlet and outlet sides to existing ductwork. Installation position must be quoted when placing an order. When installed as a roof fan, the exhaust air is blown out vertically. Thus, when extracting aggressive gases and vapours, expulsion through the roofing is prevented. The ventilation necessary for cooling the motor is facilitated via a separate air ductwork that is completely separated from the corrosive exhaust air. Only the rotary current motors with IP55 protection system, design shape B5, 230/400 V and 50 Hz come into play as series drive motors. For application in an explosionhazardous enclosure, the fans are provided with IP55 protection system with “increased safety” (EEx ell) and temperature classes T1 up to T4. On request, other motors, e.g. pole-changing motors, flame proof enclosed motors or integral motors can also be installed. Customer-supplied motors can also be considered. We urgently recommend the use of motor-protection switches. A repair switch (without Ex-protection) is fitted outside on the housing as a standard feature to allow the fan to be switched off to perform the necessary maintenance work on site. HF-fans with rotary current asynchronous motors are suitable for optional, separate or integrated frequency converters for infinitely variable speed control. Query is necessary however. Optional accessories for HF radial roof fans are described in catalogue chapter 6.4. 4.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 17 D Type HF D ..... - 15 D Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs. plastic roof fan with housing in stable, rotationally sintered version in PEs/Pe-FR, one suction side, for mounting in the horizontal or vertical position. With impeller in PPs/PP-FR, injection moulded version, floating-mounted on the motor shaft, statically and dynamically balanced, quality of balancing at least Q 6,3 (VDI 2056Masch.Gr.M). Including internally mounted rotary current motor, completely encapsulated against the delivery medium and outside mounted repair switch (without Exprotection). The necessary external ventilation for the motor occurs outwardly located pipehose connections. Optional accessories: Lantern-tower pieces with rain shrouds for a flat or inclined roof, with or without roof plinth, adapter pieces for diverse flange connections, sleeve in soft PVC with tightening strap in stainless steel, connection pipe (only for installation inside a ductwork), self-actuated louver valve separate (or integrated in the roof-mounting socket). Manufacturer Type Type : Hürner-Funken : HF D ..... - 17 D : HF D ..... - 15 D Housing material Impeller material Suction diameter Volume flow Total pressure Nominal speed Circumferential speed Power rating / shaft Motor power Voltage Frequency Protection system Motor protection Speed - motor Power pressure level Lp2A Mounting position : PEs/PE-FR : PPs/PP-FR : mm : m³/h : Pa : 1/min : m/s : kW : kW : V : Hz : IP..... EEx...II T..... : PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch : 1/min : dB(A) : vertical/horizontal 4.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 17 D Type HF D ..... - 15 D 4.1.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Hurner Funken Caracteristic Curve / Sound Pressure Data to HF - Radial Roof Fans Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 110 - 17 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 1200 1000 800 600 500 65% 400 81% 300 250 65% 200 150 120 2800 0,18 2 28,0 1400 0,12 4 14,0 65% 100 81% 80 70 60 65% 50 40 30 0,040,05 0,07 0,01 0,1 0,02 1,5 2 0,2 0,04 3 4 0,3 0,07 5 6 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 8 0,5 0,1 10 0,7 0,15 0,2 15 20 1,0 0,3 30 1,4 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,4 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1400 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 48 33 125 66 51 250 63 48 500 69 54 1000 72 54 2000 64 49 4000 57 42 8000 54 39 dB(A) 67 51 dB(A) 59 43 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.1.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 160 - 17 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 65% 800 600 500 81% 400 65% 300 250 65% 200 150 2800 0,55 2 40,6 1400 0,25 4 20,3 900 0,18 6 13,1 81% 120 100 65% 80 70 60 50 65% 81% 40 65% 30 25 0,07 0,1 0,2 0,02 0,04 1 2 0,3 0,5 0,07 0,1 3 4 5 0,7 1,0 1,4 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,5 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 7 15 30 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20 40 1,4 1,8 60 80 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1400 900 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 52 38 29 125 57 48 39 250 67 53 44 500 70 54 45 1000 75 61 52 2000 73 52 43 4000 67 50 41 8000 64 47 38 dB(A) 71 55 46 dB(A) 63 47 38 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.1.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 200 - 17 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 65% 1200 1000 81% 800 600 500 65% 400 65% 300 250 2800 1,5 2 50,4 1400 0,25 4 25,2 900 0,18 6 16,2 81% 200 150 65% 120 100 65% 81% 80 70 60 50 65% 40 30 25 0,07 0,1 0,02 0,2 0,04 0,7 1 0,3 0,5 0,07 0,1 2 3 0,7 1,0 0,15 0,2 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 7 1,4 2,0 0,3 0,4 10 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,5 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,6 0,8 1,0 15 20 30 1,4 1,8 40 V [cbm/s] 60 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1400 900 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 56 41 32 125 64 55 46 250 73 59 50 500 77 61 52 1000 78 62 53 2000 74 58 49 4000 72 54 45 8000 69 50 41 dB(A) 75 59 50 dB(A) 67 51 42 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.1.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 250 - 15 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 65% 1200 1000 81% 800 600 500 65% 400 65% 300 250 2800 1,5 2 56,7 1400 0,25 4 28,4 900 0,18 6 18,2 81% 200 150 65% 65% 120 100 81% 80 70 60 50 65% 40 30 25 0,07 0,1 0,02 0,2 0,04 0,5 0,7 0,3 0,5 0,07 0,1 1 2 0,7 1,0 0,15 0,2 3 4 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1,4 2,0 0,3 0,4 5 7 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,5 V [cbm/h x1000] 0,6 0,8 1,0 10 15 20 1,4 1,8 30 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 2800 1400 900 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 60 48 40 125 70 59 48 250 75 62 51 500 80 64 55 1000 81 65 58 2000 81 64 53 4000 85 58 45 8000 74 54 46 dB(A) 81 63 54 dB(A) 73 55 46 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.1.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 250 - 17 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 800 600 500 65% 400 81% 300 250 65% 65% 200 81% 150 1400 0,55 4 31,7 900 0,18 6 20,4 700 0,18 8 15,9 65% 120 100 81% 80 70 60 50 65% 65% 40 30 25 0,07 0,1 0,2 0,02 0,04 ,5 ,7 0,3 0,5 0,07 0,1 1 2 0,7 1 0,15 0,2 3 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4 1,4 2 0,3 0,4 5 7 3 4 0,6 0,8 1,0 10 15 20 5 6,5 V [cbm/h x1000] 1,4 1,8 30 V [cbm/s] 40 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Drehzahl Speed Vitesse [1/min] 1400 900 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 46 36 31 125 64 54 49 250 67 57 52 500 70 60 55 1000 65 55 50 2000 66 56 51 4000 59 49 44 8000 55 45 40 dB(A) 65 55 50 dB(A) 57 47 42 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 315 - 15 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 2000 1600 1200 1000 800 65% 81% 600 500 65% 400 1400 1,5 4 35,6 65% 300 250 81% 200 65% 65% 81% 150 120 100 900 0,37 6 22,9 700 0,18 8 17,8 65% 80 70 60 50 40 30 25 0,14 0,2 0,03 0,3 0,05 ,4 ,6 0,5 0,7 0,1 ,8 1 1 1,5 0,2 2 3 0,5 2 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4 1,0 10 5 6 1,4 15 20 8 10 V [cbm/h x1000] 2,0 2,6 30 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1400 900 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 55 55 52 125 70 60 55 250 75 63 56 500 79 68 64 1000 80 74 69 2000 87 75 66 4000 82 65 58 8000 73 60 57 dB(A) 80 69 63 dB(A) 70 60 54 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.1.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 4. Dach-Radialventilatoren 4.2 HF D 315 bis 400 - 16 D Tiefgezogenes Gehäuse aus PPs; 4.3 HF D 500 bis 1000 - 13 D Gehäuse in geschweißter Ausführung PPs (PP-FR); PP; PE; PVC; PVDF plastic fans 4. Roof-radial fans 4.2 HF D 315 up to 400 - 16 D Casing in a thermoformed design made of PP-FR 4.3 HF D 500 up to 1000 - 13 D Casing in a welded design made of PP-FR; PP; PE; PVC; PVDF Hurner Funken 3 V = 1.000-50.000 m /h pt max. = 3.000 Pa HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 16 D Hurner Funken HF-radial roof fans of type HF D …-16 D HF-radial roof fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of aggressive exhaust air and gases. Radial impellers are driven directly by an installed motor (impeller flush on the motor shaft). The delivered medium flows through the ventilator in axial direction. The motor is fully encapsulated by the exhaust airflow. The fan housing of this series are made on request in polypropylene (PP,PPs/pp-FR), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and in other thermoplastics. The housing is deep-drawn and the impeller made in PPs/PP-FR as standard. Depending upon the circumferential speed, other impeller materials become necessary (e.g. for nominal size 400, at 1430 1/min with a glass-fiber reinforced plastic impeller). A statically and dynamically balanced impeller (quality class Q 6.3 to VDI 2056), in conjunction with a flow-optimized fan housing, ensures very quiet run. Radial roof fans of type HF D …- 16 D are fabricated in nominal size (suction diameter in mm) 315, 355 and 400. Delivery rates of 500 up to 10.000 m³/h are attained at a maximum total pressure difference of 1.150 Pa. The attainable efficiency is at a max. 60% in the optimum operating point. The required driving power is between 0,18 kW and 5,5 kW. It is dimensioned such overloading the motor that is not possible in the entire range of the pressure-volume characteristic curve. Fans can be connected in any arbitrary position on the inlet and outlet sides to an existing ductwork. Installation position must be quoted when placing an order. When installed as a roof ventilator, the exhaust air is expelled vertically upwards. Thus, when extracting aggressive gases and vapours, expulsion through the roofing is prevented. Ventilation necessary for cooling the motor is facilitated via a separate air ductwork that is completely separated from the corrosive exhaust air. Only rotary current motors with IP55 protection system, design shape V 18 or B14 (depending upon the mounting position, vertically or horizontally), 230/400 V, or 400/690 V, 50 Hz come into play as series driving motors. For application in an explosionhazardous enclosure, the fans are provided withIP55 protection system with “increased safety”, e.g. pole-changing motors or integral motors can also be installed. Application of comprehension-proof encapsulated motors is possible in individual cases. Customersupplied motors can also be considered. We urgently recommend the use of motorprotection switches. HF-fans with rotary current asynchronous motors are suitable for optional, separate or integrated frequency converters for infinitely variable speed control. Query is necessary however. Optional accessories for HF radial roof fans are described in catalogue chapter 6.4. 4.2.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 16 D Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs. plastic radial roof fan with housing in thermoplastic, in stable, deep-drawn version, one inlet side, splinter protection according to accident prevention rules, for mounting in the horizontal or vertical position. Impeller in standard PPs/PP-FR, float-mount on the motor shaft, statically and dynamically balanced, quality of balancing at least Q 6,3 (VDI 2056 Masch. Gr.M). Including internally mounted rotary current motor, completely encapsulated against the delivery medium and externally mounted terminal box/repair switch (wired/unwired). The necessary external ventilation for the motor occurs outwardly through located hose connections. Optional accessories: Lantern-tower pieces with rain shrouds for a flat or inclined roof, with or without roof plinth, adapter pieces for diverse flange connections, sleeve in soft PVC with tightening strap in stainless steel, connection pipe (only for installation inside a ductwork), self-actuated louver valve separate (or integrated in the roof-mounting socket), bird-protection grille, repair switch (with or without Ex-protection). Manufacturer Type : Hürner-Funken : HF D ..... - 16 D Housing material Impeller material Suction diameter Volume flow Total pressure Nominal speed Circumferential speed Power rating / shaft Motor power Voltage Frequency Protection system Motor protection Speed - motor Power pressure level Lp2A Mounting position : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : mm m³/h Pa 1/min m/s kW kW V Hz IP..... EEx...II T..... PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch 1/min dB(A) vertical/horizontal 4.2.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 16 D 4.2.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 315 - 16 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 1500 1200 1000 47% 800 700 600 57% 500 400 51% 49% 300 57% 44% 200 53% 1400 1,5 4 36,9 900 0,37 6 23,8 700 0,18 8 18,5 46% 100 44% 50 0,6 1,0 0,15 0,2 2 2,0 0,3 3 4 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 5 10 12 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1 1,5 16 8,0 10,0 2 2,5 3 20 24 28 14,0 4 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 36 44 54 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1400 900 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 65 58 52 125 72 62 61 250 73 62 56 500 69 61 50 1000 68 56 51 2000 65 53 46 4000 62 50 42 8000 55 43 34 dB(A) 69 58 51 dB(A) 64 52 47 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.2.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 355 - 16 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 1500 1200 1000 48% 800 700 600 56% 500 43% 400 48% 56% 300 1400 2,2 4 41,6 900 0,75 6 26,8 700 0,37 8 20,8 48% 200 56% 47% 48% 100 50 0,6 1,0 2,0 3,0 0,15 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 1,5 2 3 4 5 0,8 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4,0 5,0 6,0 1 1,5 10 12 16 8,0 10,0 2 2,5 3 20 24 28 14,0 4 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 36 44 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1400 900 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 70 62 54 125 75 65 56 250 74 66 58 500 72 66 55 1000 74 64 54 2000 69 57 50 4000 65 54 44 8000 57 45 38 dB(A) 73 63 56 dB(A) 67 57 50 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.2.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 400 - 16 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 1500 52% 1200 59% 1000 800 700 600 52% 45% 500 58% ** 400 1430 5,5 4 47,9 940 1,5 6 31,5 710 0,55 8 23,8 42% 300 54% 55% 200 49% 100 50 0,6 0,15 1,0 0,2 0,3 1,5 2 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,8 1 1,5 3 6 7 8 10 12 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 8,0 10,0 14,0 2 2,5 3 16 20 24 28 4 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] 36 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 1430 940 710 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 75 66 59 125 81 70 64 250 81 69 61 500 77 68 58 1000 79 66 58 2000 74 62 53 4000 71 58 47 8000 63 51 41 dB(A) 77 66 57 dB(A) 71 60 52 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement ** Impeller of GfK / GRP (glass fibre reinforced plastic) 4.2.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 13 D Hurner Funken HF-radial roof fans of type HF D …-13 D HF-radial roof fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of aggressive exhaust air and gases. Radial impellers are driven directly by an installed motor (impeller flush on the motor shaft). The delivered medium flows through the ventilator in axial direction. The motor is fully encapsulated by the exhaust airflow. The fan housing of this series are made on request in polypropylene (PP,PPs/pp-FR), polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and in other thermoplastics. The housing is deep-drawn and the impeller made in PPs/PP-FR as standard. Depending upon the circumferential speed, other impeller materials become necessary (e.g. for nominal size 400, at 1430 1/min with a glass-fiber reinforced plastic impeller). A statically and dynamically balanced impeller (quality class Q 6.3 to VDI 2056), in conjunction with a flow-optimized fan housing, ensures very quiet run. Radial roof fans of type HF D …- 13 D are fabricated in nominal size (suction diameter in mm) 500, 560, 630,800 and 1000. Delivery rates of 2000 up to 50.000 m³/h are attained at a maximum total pressure difference of 700 Pa. The attainable efficiency is at a max. 60% in the optimum operating point. The required driving power is between 0,75 kW and 11,0 kW. It is dimensioned such overloading the motor that is not possible in the entire range of the pressure-volume characteristic curve. Fans can be connected in any arbitrary position on the inlet and outlet sides to an existing ductwork. Installation position must be quoted when placing an order. When installed as a roof ventilator, the exhaust air is expelled vertically upwards. Thus, when extracting aggressive gases and vapours, expulsion through the roofing is prevented. Ventilation necessary for cooling the motor is facilitated via a separate air ductwork that is completely separated from the corrosive exhaust air. Only rotary current motors with IP55 protection system, design shape V 18 or B14 (depending upon the mounting position, vertically or horizontally), 230/400 V, or 400/690 V, 50 Hz come into play as series driving motors. For application in an explosionhazardous enclosure, the fans are provided withIP55 protection system with “increased safety”, e.g. pole-changing motors or integral motors can also be installed. Application of comprehension-proof encapsulated motors is possible in individual cases. Customersupplied motors can also be considered. We urgently recommend the use of motorprotection switches. HF-fans with rotary current asynchronous motors are suitable for optional, separate or integrated frequency converters for infinitely variable speed control. Query is necessary however. Optional accessories for HF radial roof fans are described in catalogue chapter 6.4. 4.3.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 13 D Hurner Funken Tendering Specification …Pcs. Plastic radial roof fan with housing in thermoplastics, in stable, welded version, one inlet side, splinter protection according to accident prevention rules, for mounting in the horizontal or vertical position. Impeller in welded version, float-mount on the motor shaft, statically and dynamically balanced, quality of balancing at least Q 6.3 (VDI 2056 Masch. Gr. M) Including internally mounted rotary current motor, completely encapsulated against the delivery medium and externally mounted terminal box/repair switch (wired/unwired). The necessary external ventilation for the motor is via outwardly located hose connections. Optional accessories: Lantern tower pieces with rain shrouds for a flat or inclined roof, with or without roof plinth, adapter pieces for diverse flange connections, sleeve in soft PVC with tightening strap in stainless steel, connection pipe (only for installation inside a ductwork), self-actuated louver valve separate (or integrated in the roof-mounting socket), bird-protection grille, repair switch (with/without Ex-protection). Manufacturer Type : Hürner-Funken : HF D ..... - 13 D Housing material Impeller material Suction diameter Volume flow Total pressure Nominal speed Circumferential speed Power rating / shaft Motor power Voltage Frequency Protection system Motor protection Speed - motor Power pressure level Lp2A Mounting position : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : mm m³/h Pa 1/min m/s kW kW V Hz IP..... EEx...II T..... PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch 1/min dB(A) vertical/horizontal 4.3.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ..... - 13 D 4.3.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 500 - 13 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 1000 900 800 700 600 500 450 400 350 49% 55% 300 50% 250 46% 57% 200 150 925 1,5 6 31,5 680 0,75 8 23,1 49% 100 75 50 1,5 0,4 2 2,5 0,5 0,6 2 3 3 4 0,8 1 4 5 5 6 1,5 6 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 2 2,5 3 10 12 14 4 18 20 24 5 6 22 26 30 34 V [cbm/h x1000] V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 925 680 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 64 55 125 71 63 250 70 63 500 68 59 1000 69 60 2000 64 54 4000 57 49 8000 49 42 dB(A) 70 62 dB(A) 64 57 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.3.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 560 - 13 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl u [m/s] 1000 900 800 700 51% 600 57% 500 450 400 350 48% 300 59% 250 45% 200 150 950 3,0 6 36,2 705 1,5 8 26,9 47% 100 75 50 1,5 0,4 2 2,5 0,5 0,6 2 3 0,8 3 4 5 1 4 6 1,5 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 2 7 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2,5 3 10 12 14 4 20 24 5 18 V [cbm/h x1000] 6 V [cbm/s] 22 26 30 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 950 705 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 66 61 125 73 68 250 73 67 500 73 64 1000 74 66 2000 69 60 4000 62 54 8000 54 46 dB(A) 70 67 dB(A) 64 62 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.3.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 630 - 13 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 1000 900 800 700 u [m/s] 50% 58% 600 500 450 400 350 50% 55% 44% 300 250 200 950 5,5 6 40,7 700 3,0 8 30,0 42% 150 100 75 50 2,5 3 4 0,8 2 5 1 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 2 4 1,5 4 5 6 3 7 8 20 5 10 12 14 16 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 25 30 35 40 6 V [cbm/h x1000] 7 8 9 10 12 20 24 28 32 38 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 950 700 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 68 62 125 76 65 250 77 67 500 75 69 1000 76 67 2000 72 61 4000 67 57 8000 59 50 dB(A) 77 68 dB(A) 71 62 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.3.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 800 - 13 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 1000 900 800 700 u [m/s] 53% 61% 600 500 450 400 350 55% 62% 51% 300 42% 60% 250 200 43% 725 7,5 8 39,5 580 4,0 10 31,6 475 2,2 12 25,9 150 41% 100 75 50 3,5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 3 4 6 7 8 1 1,5 2 2 3 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20 5 25 30 35 40 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 50 60 10 12 V [cbm/h x1000] 15 18 V [cbm/s] 20 24 28 32 38 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 725 580 475 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 66 66 61 125 73 70 66 250 70 70 67 500 75 71 69 1000 75 73 69 2000 67 69 65 4000 62 63 60 8000 56 56 52 dB(A) 75 72 69 dB(A) 69 65 62 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.3.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D 1000 - 13 D Hurner Funken Pt [Pa] n P M Pol[1/min] [kW] zahl 1000 900 800 700 u [m/s] 55% 61% 600 57% 500 450 400 350 62% 55% 60% 300 40% 250 41% 200 150 585 11,0 10 39,8 485 6,5 12 33,0 410 5,5 14 27,9 39% 100 75 50 3,5 4 5 1 6 1,5 1,5 2 7 8 9 10 12 15 2 4 3 3 4 5 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20 5 6 25 30 35 40 6 7 8 7 8 50 60 10 12 10 12 14 V [cbm/h x1000] 15 18 18 22 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Drehzahl Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Speed Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Vitesse [1/min] 585 485 410 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 67 60 58 125 72 66 63 250 70 68 62 500 75 71 66 1000 74 70 66 2000 71 66 62 4000 65 60 55 8000 60 54 50 dB(A) 76 72 65 dB(A) 69 65 58 *(1) Free entry- / free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 4.3.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 5. Axialventilatoren 5.1 HF A 200 bis 1000 - ...° D plastic fans 5. Axial fans 5.1 HF A 200 up to 1000 - ...° D Hurner Funken 3 V = 200-50.000 m /h pt max. = 500 Pa HF - Axial Fan Type HF A ..... - .. D Hurner Funken HF-axial fans of type HF A …..-.. D HF-axial fans are excellently suitable for the extraction of aggressive exhaust air and gases. Axial impellers are driven directly by an installed motor (impeller flush on motor shaft). The motor is completely encapsulated in exhaust air. Variable speeds are possible with the help of a frequency converter (optional). The fan housings of this series are made on request in polypropylene (PP, PPs/PP-FR), polyethylene (PE), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and in other thermoplastics, as strong welded construction. They are provided with profiled rear guide vanes ( hollow vanes), used for motor cooling. Impellers are made in polypropylene (PP, PPs/PP-FR) via injection moulding process. They are equipped with adjustable rotor blades and are statically and dynamically balancedfor quality class Q 6.3 to VDI 2056. The blades are adjustable within 20° and 60° in steps of 5° at the factory. Precaution must be taken, however, so that the maximum blade position as shown in the characteristic curve is not exceeded. The fan, viewed from the drive side, is only available in clock-wise rotational version. Axial fans of type HF A .....-.. D are fabricated in nominal sizes (inlet diameter in mm) 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800 and 1.000. Delivery rates of 200 up to 50.000 m³/h are thus attained at maximum total pressure difference of 500 Pa. The attainable efficiency is at max. 85 % in the optimum operating point. The required drive power is between 0,12 kW and 11,0 kW. It Is dimensioned such that overloading the motor in the entire range of the pressure-volume characteristic curve is not possible. Fans can be connected with flanges in any arbitrary on the inlet and outlet sides to existing ductwork. To prevent transmission of solid-born noise, flexible connection sleeves should also be provided. Only rotary current motors with IP55 protection system, design shape B14, 230/400 V, or 400/690 V, 50 Hz come into play as series drive motors. Fans of sizes 200 and 250 can temporarily also be driven with a motor capacitor connected to single-phase alternating current mains 230 V. Capacitor-operation with fans of other sizes is not recommended. Furthermore, we urgently recommend the use of a motor protection switch. For application in an explosion hazardous enclosure, the fans are provided with IP55 protection system with “increased safety,” (EEx ell) and temperature classes T1 up to T4 (depending on design type, starting with the nominal size 250). For an identical design size, the power varies a little. Using flame proof enclosed motors is possible in individual cases. 5.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A ..... - .. D Hurner Funken Tendering Specification ....pcs. plastic axial fan with housing in thermoplastic, in stable, welded version, flanged on both sides, splinter protection according to accident prevention rules, for mounting in horizontal or vertical position. Impeller in PP, PPs /PP-FR, in injection moulded version, float mount on the motor shaft, statically and dynamically balanced, quality of balancing at least Q 6,3 (VDI 2056 Masch. Gr.M.). The vane angle adjustable in standstill. Including internally mounted rotary current motor, completely encapsulated against delivery medium and externally mounted terminal box/repair switch (wired/unwired). The necessary external ventilation for the motor is outwards through hollow profiles. Optional accessories: 1 set of connection sleeves in soft PVC, with flange, frequency converter and repair switch (with or without Ex-protection). Manufacturer Typ : Hürner-Funken : HF A ..... - .. D Housing material : Impeller material : Suction diameter : Volume flow : Total pressure : Nominal speed : Circumferential speed : Power rating / shaft : Motor power : Voltage : Frequency : Protection system : Motor protection : Speed - motor : Power pressure level Lp2A : Mounting position : mm m³/h Pa 1/min m/s kW kW V Hz IP..... EEx...II T..... PTC-resistor/thermal contact/protection switch 1/min dB(A) vertical/horizontal 5.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A ..... - .. D 5.1.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fans Hurner Funken Caracteristic Curve / Sound Pressure Data to HF - Axial Fans Edition: 01/03/05 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 200 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 3000 1/min PM = 0,18 kW pt [Pa] 170 160 150 140 35 130 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 120 110 30 100 90 80 25 70 60 20 50 55° 40 15 50° 30 45° 40° 20 35° 30° 10 0 60° 0 100 200 0 20° 300 0,05 0 1 25° 400 500 0,1 2 3 600 700 0,15 4 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 800 900 0,2 5 6 0,25 7 8 V [cbm/s] 9 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/h] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° 1000 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 57 56 54 53 53 52 52 52 52 125 59 58 56 55 54 54 54 53 52 250 65 64 63 62 61 61 62 60 59 500 71 69 67 66 64 63 63 62 61 1000 66 65 63 62 60 59 58 57 55 2000 61 61 61 61 61 61 60 59 57 4000 55 56 57 57 58 56 56 55 57 8000 45 46 46 46 47 46 47 46 44 dB(A) 67 66 65 64 63 63 63 62 61 dB(A) 60 59 58 57 56 56 56 55 54 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 250 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1500 1/min PM = 0,12 kW ppt [Pa] [Pa] 80 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 70 60 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 45 50 40 40 35 30 60° 30 55° 25 50° 20 20 10 15 45° 40° 10 35° 30° 25° 20° 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0,1 0 1 800 900 1000 0,2 2 3 1200 0,3 4 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 1100 5 6 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/h] V [cbm/s] 7 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° 1300 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 50 49 47 47 43 46 43 43 44 125 56 57 54 53 50 53 53 54 55 250 57 56 54 54 50 53 54 57 50 500 58 55 53 53 51 50 51 56 54 1000 56 56 55 55 54 52 53 56 53 2000 54 54 55 54 53 51 49 49 50 4000 50 50 49 48 21 20 21 22 25 8000 32 32 31 30 17 16 19 20 21 dB(A) 59 58 57 57 55 55 54 55 55 dB(A) 53 52 51 50 48 49 48 49 50 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 250 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 3000 1/min PM = 0,25 kW p tt [Pa] 300 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 250 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 200 65 60 150 60° 55 55° 50 100 50° 45 40 35 45° 30 40° 50 35° 30° 25° 20° 0 0 1000 500 0 0,1 0 2 0,2 1500 0,3 4 0,4 6 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 2000 8 0,5 10 0,6 12 14 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/h] 0,7 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° 2500 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 57 57 58 59 59 59 60 61 62 125 65 62 63 61 60 60 59 58 57 250 74 72 71 69 67 67 65 64 62 500 73 71 69 70 67 67 64 65 62 1000 73 70 69 70 69 69 67 68 65 2000 67 66 66 65 66 64 65 64 65 4000 65 66 65 63 64 61 63 60 61 8000 56 55 54 54 53 52 52 50 48 dB(A) 74 73 72 71 70 70 69 68 67 dB(A) 67 66 65 64 62 63 61 60 58 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 315 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1500 1/min PM = 0,25 kW p t [Pa] 150 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 73 100 70 65 60° 60 55° 55 50 50° 45 50 40 35 45° 40° 35° 30° 25° 20° 0 0 500 0 1000 0,4 0,2 0 2 2000 1500 2500 0,6 4 6 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 3000 0,8 8 10 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 52 52 52 51 50 50 49 47 49 125 60 61 64 58 55 53 52 53 55 250 63 62 60 56 54 53 52 58 59 500 65 62 60 58 55 55 54 64 65 1000 63 61 60 59 58 58 57 62 64 2000 63 61 60 59 59 59 56 58 58 4000 59 58 57 57 56 55 52 51 50 8000 48 48 45 45 24 22 23 25 28 dB(A) 67 65 64 63 62 61 60 61 66 dB(A) 60 59 59 56 54 53 52 54 59 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 315 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 3000 1/min PM = 0,55 kW p tt [Pa] 700 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 600 500 400 78 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 75 300 70 65 60 55 200 50 40 45° 45 40° 35° 100 30° 25° 20° 0 0 1000 0,2 0 0 2000 0,4 2 4 3000 0,6 6 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 4000 0,8 10 1,0 12 14 16 1,4 V [cbm/s] 18 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/h] 1,2 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° 5000 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 65 67 69 69 72 63 125 67 66 65 63 59 61 250 74 71 70 67 68 72 500 75 74 73 70 69 76 1000 75 74 73 71 72 82 2000 72 73 71 70 71 78 4000 71 72 70 70 70 73 8000 67 66 60 60 59 61 dB(A) 78 78 77 75 75 83 dB(A) 71 70 69 66 65 74 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 400 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1500 1/min PM = 0,25 kW pptt [Pa] [Pa] 200 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 150 78 55° 75 100 50° 70 65 40 50 45 50 45° 60 55 40° 35° 30° 20° 25° 0 1000 0 2000 0,5 0 0 3000 5000 6000 1,5 1,0 4 2 4000 6 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 8 10 12 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/s] 14 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 53 55 54 53 51 49 47 49 125 61 67 62 67 57 55 55 59 250 61 63 63 60 58 56 57 66 500 68 66 63 60 57 58 60 72 1000 71 66 64 61 60 60 63 72 2000 67 66 64 62 61 62 62 66 4000 65 64 62 58 57 57 56 57 8000 56 56 53 50 49 48 47 47 dB(A) 73 70 68 66 64 64 66 74 dB(A) 65 63 61 61 57 56 58 67 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.9 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 400 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 3000 1/min PM = 1,1 kW p tt [Pa] 700 * Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. PM= 1,5 kW (Motor mit progressiver Leistung) 600 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 80 500 75 70 400 65 60 300 55 50 45 40 200 30° 100 25° * 20° 0 0 1000 2000 0,5 0 0 3000 2 4000 5000 6 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 7000 1,5 1,0 4 6000 10 12 2,0 14 16 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 30 25 20 V [cbm/h] V [cbm/s] 18 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° 8000 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 65 63 62 125 71 68 67 250 75 74 73 500 78 76 77 1000 78 79 84 2000 77 80 82 4000 75 76 78 8000 68 68 70 dB(A) 82 83 81 dB(A) 74 74 72 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.10 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 500 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1000 1/min PM = 0,25 kW ptt [Pa] [Pa] 110 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 100 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 90 60° 77,5 80 55° 75 70 50° 60 50 45° 70 60 40 65 40° 40 30 50 35° 20 30° 25° 10 0 20° 0 2000 1000 0 3000 0,5 0 4000 1,0 2 6000 5000 1,5 4 6 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 7000 2,0 8 V [cbm/s] 10 12 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] 8000 Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 53 51 51 50 48 46 45 43 39 125 61 61 58 56 55 54 53 53 51 250 63 59 59 58 58 55 55 62 62 500 63 63 62 61 59 55 54 59 65 1000 63 63 62 61 61 58 57 60 64 2000 63 64 63 62 62 60 59 59 60 4000 58 59 59 59 58 56 53 53 52 8000 49 51 51 48 46 44 44 44 11 dB(A) 67 67 67 66 65 63 62 65 67 dB(A) 60 60 59 58 57 55 54 58 60 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.11 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 500 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1500 1/min PM = 0,75 kW p tt [Pa] 250 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 200 77,5 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 75 70 50° 150 65 60 40 45 50 45° 55 100 40° 35° 50 30° 25° 20° 0 0 2000 0 4000 0,5 0 2 6000 1 4 8000 1,5 6 2 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 10 10000 2,5 12 12000 3 14 16 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] winkel° Lp5A = Lp6A 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/s] 18 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 61 60 58 56 54 53 50 125 75 72 68 68 69 65 64 250 71 68 66 65 65 65 68 500 73 72 71 66 65 66 76 1000 73 72 71 66 66 69 77 2000 72 72 71 68 68 69 74 4000 71 70 69 67 66 65 67 8000 63 61 59 55 54 54 55 dB(A) 77 77 75 72 72 72 80 dB(A) 71 70 68 66 66 64 72 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.12 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 630 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1000 1/min PM = 0,75 kW pptt [Pa] [Pa] 200 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 150 60 50° 75 100 45° 70 65 60 40° 50 35° 50 30° 25° 20° 0 0 5000 0,5 0 0 10000 1,5 1 4 2 2,5 2 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 3,5 3 8 6 15000 4 10 12 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 62 61 62 60 58 55 54 125 66 65 64 65 66 62 67 250 70 68 68 70 72 72 69 500 72 70 69 69 71 71 73 1000 71 71 70 70 70 72 71 2000 70 70 70 69 69 67 64 4000 65 66 65 64 62 60 55 8000 54 57 55 54 51 48 45 dB(A) 75 75 74 74 75 76 76 dB(A) 68 67 66 67 68 69 70 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.13 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 630 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1500 1/min PM = 2,2 kW p t [Pa] [Pa] 400 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 300 75 200 40° 70 35° 65 60 100 30° 55 25° 20° 0 0 100005000 0 2 1 0 15000 3 5 4 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 20000 5 15 Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 40 35 30 25 20 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 69 68 66 62 61 125 75 73 74 73 75 250 75 75 75 73 80 500 80 78 78 77 86 1000 78 76 77 78 87 2000 76 76 76 76 83 4000 73 73 72 71 73 8000 66 64 62 60 60 dB(A) 83 83 82 82 90 dB(A) 76 76 75 75 82 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.14 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 800 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 750 1/min PM = 1,5 kW p tt [Pa] 200 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 150 50 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 78 50° 100 75 45° 70 40° 65 35° 60 50 30° 50 25° 20° 0 5000 0 10000 1 0 2 15000 5 4 3 5 0 25000 20000 6 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] winkel° Lp5A = Lp6A Angle° 7 V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 63 60 61 61 60 59 54 51 125 67 64 63 65 65 60 59 250 70 69 70 71 72 69 69 500 71 72 71 72 73 72 74 1000 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 2000 70 71 72 72 71 68 68 4000 64 68 67 67 63 60 59 8000 54 58 57 57 53 49 48 dB(A) 77 77 76 77 77 76 77 dB(A) 70 69 68 70 70 69 70 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.15 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 800 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1000 1/min PM = 4,0 kW pptt [Pa] [Pa] 300 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. 250 Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 200 78 50° 150 45° 75 70 40° 100 35° 65 30° 60 50 25° 20° 0 5000 0 0 10000 2 1 15000 3 5 4 5 0 6 7 8 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 30000 25000 20000 15 V [cbm/s] c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 63 66 62 67 66 64 62 53 125 70 68 70 70 70 69 63 250 75 73 75 75 77 73 69 500 80 78 79 79 81 79 77 1000 79 79 78 79 81 81 79 2000 79 78 76 78 80 79 75 4000 75 75 73 75 76 74 65 8000 67 66 66 66 66 64 52 dB(A) 84 83 83 84 86 85 82 dB(A) 76 75 75 76 78 77 74 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.16 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 1000 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 750 1/min PM = 5,5 kW pptt [Pa] [Pa] 300 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 200 80 50° 75 45° 70 40° 100 65 35° 60 30° 25° 20° 0 0 20000 10000 0 30000 40000 5 0 2 4 50000 10 6 8 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 10 12 V [cbm/s] 14 16 Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 18 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Angle° V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 63 65 64 65 65 64 61 55 125 69 69 68 71 71 69 64 250 75 73 74 76 78 76 73 500 81 78 77 78 80 80 79 1000 80 79 78 79 80 80 79 2000 79 78 78 78 78 77 74 4000 76 74 73 73 71 69 64 8000 66 64 63 63 60 57 53 dB(A) 83 83 82 84 84 85 82 dB(A) 75 75 74 76 77 77 74 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.17 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Axial Fan Type HF A 1000 - .. D Hurner Funken n = 1000 1/min PM = 11,0 kW ppt [Pa] [Pa] 500 Dieses Kennfeld ist gültig für die Standardausführung. Für die Ausführung mit Ex-geschütztem Motor muß aufgrund der dickeren Nachleitschaufel ein um 10 º höherer Schaufelwinkel gewählt werden. Wirkungsgrad [%] Efficiency [%] Rendement [%] 400 300 80 50° 75 45° 200 40° 70 35° 65 60 100 30° 25° 20° 0 0 10000 30000 20000 40000 5 0 0 2 4 50000 60000 15 10 6 8 10 Schallpegelangaben nach DIN 45635 12 14 16 22 c [m/s] Accoustic level according to DIN 45635 Les mesures de niveau sonore sont faites conforme à DIN 45635 Freiansaug- /Freiausblas- Schalleistungspegel A- bewertet; Lw5A = Lw6A Freiansaug-/ *(1) Freiausblasfree entry-/free exit-accoustic power level according to d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A Schalldruckpegel Schaufel- Entrée libre-/refoulm. libre- niveau puissance sonore au d. 'A'; Lw5A=Lw6A 1 m Entfernung winkel° Oktavmittenfrequenzen [Hz] Lp5A = Lp6A Angle° V [cbm/s] 20 18 V [cbm/h] Meßflächen- *(2) Schalldruckpegel 1 m Entfernung Lp2A mit angeschl. Rohrleitungen Averaged octave bands [Hz] / bandes d´octave moyennes [Hz] 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 63 68 66 69 69 70 65 57 125 74 74 73 75 78 75 69 250 80 78 79 80 83 77 75 500 87 85 84 85 86 82 82 1000 87 86 83 84 86 84 85 2000 86 85 81 83 84 82 80 4000 83 81 78 80 80 78 70 8000 75 74 71 71 71 66 57 dB(A) 91 89 87 90 90 87 87 dB(A) 83 81 79 82 82 79 79 *(1) Free entry-, free exit-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A Entrée libre / refoulement libre - niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp5A=Lp6A *(2) Measurement area-accoustic pressure level at 1 m distance Lp2A with connected pipes Surface du mesure du niveau sonore à 1 m distance Lp2A avec raccordement 5.1.18 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 6. Zubehör / Komponenten 6.1 Zubehör für HF - Radialventilatoren 6.2 Zubehör - Verbindungsmanschetten 6.3 Zubehör - Elektrotechnische Komponenten 6.4 Zubehör für HF - Dachradialventilatoren - Dachaufsätze / Sockelschalldämpfer 6.5 Komponenten 6. Accessories / Components 6.1 Accessories for HF - Radial fans 6.2 Accessories - Connection sleeves 6.3 Accessories - Electrical Components 6.4 Accessories for HF - Roof-radial fans - Lantern towers / Pedestal silencers 6.5 Components Hurner Funken HF - Radial Fans Allocation of rubber vibration absorber 6.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Fans Wall Bracket Hurner Funken Mount with dowel S12 and screw Ø10 mm Mounting situations: Direct drive (D) Belt drive (R) VHF 5242-4 Ty p e HF R HF R HF R HF R Dimensions 125 & 140 160 & 180 200 & 250 280 & 315 Prod.no. 017-829-102000 017-829-104000 017-829-106000 017-829-108000 A S M 460 200 50 650 250 50 770 300 50 870 350 50 Steel bracket Steel bracket Steel bracket Steel bracket DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 45 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 50 x 40 x 5 Profiles G a l v. s t e e l Subject to change of dimensions and construction without notice 6.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Dimensions in mm Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Wall Bracket Hurner Funken Mount with dowel S12 and screw Ø10 mm Mounting situations: mounting plate s. page 6.1.4 Siehe VHF 5242-4 Ty p e Dimensions HF D 110-17 HF D HF D HF D HF D HF D 160-17 200-17 250-15 250-17 315-15 Prod. No. 017-829-102000 A S M 460 200 50 650 250 50 650 250 50 Steel bracket Steel bracket Steel bracket DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 Profiles G a l v. s t e e l . 017-829-104000 017-829-104000 017-829-104000 017-829-108000 017-829-108000 Subject to change of dimensions 650 250 50 650 250 50 770 300 50 Steel bracket Steel bracket Steel bracket DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 30 x 30 x 4 DIN 1028 45 x 30 x 4 and construction without notice 6.1.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Dimensions in mm Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Mounting Plate for Wall Bracket 6.1.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Wellflex sleeves with tightening straps for HF R 75-500, HF D 110-400 6.2.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve for inlet side HF R 560-1000 -13, DS 1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Wellflex sleeve with one flange and one tightening strap HF R 75-500, DS 1 and HF A 200-400 6.2.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Wellflex sleeve with one flange and one tightening strap HF R 160-500 -15/-17, DS 2/3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Wellflex sleeve with two flanges HF R 75-500, DS 1 and HF A 200-400 6.2.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Wellflex sleeve with two flanges HF R 160-500 -15/-17, DS 2/3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF Sleeve electrical conductive for HF R 125-500 -15/-17, DS 1 Inlet and Outlet side 6.2.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Flange Inlet and Outlet side HF R ... -15/-17 6.2.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for inlet side HF R 450-1000 -13, DS 1 6.2.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for inlet side HF R 450-1000 -13, DS 2/3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for outlet side HF R 450-1000 -13, DS 1 6.2.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for outlet side HF R 450-1000 -13, DS 2/3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for inlet side HF R 50-200 -48 R 6.2.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for outlet side HF R 50-200 -48 R Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with two flanges for inlet and outlet side HF A 500-1000 6.2.9 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Sleeve with one flange for inlet and outlet side HF A 500-1000 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Fan Accessories Protective Motor Switch Hurner Funken Protective motor switch Switch with electro magnetical and thermal excess current release. Protective motor switches protect the motor from unacceptable overcurrent. The motor is protected by the protective motor switch from overload and it can be switched on and switched off during the operation. The nominal current of the protected motor can be regulated on the adjusting dial. The circuit breaker for short circuit is factory-aligned, so that an unproblematic run up and a secure protection of the motor is given. In case of failure of a phase and the overcurrent which have been caused in the other phases, the switch triggers in time to prevent a damage of the motor winding. Capability: Suitable for a motor power from 16 kW to 25 kW With a supply voltage of 400 V Higher power on request Executions and accessories: Suitable for snapping on a top hat rail in a switch cabinet Installation in an insulating case for the surface installation (IP 55) With a red yellow turning handle as emergency shutdown according to VDE 0113 With a black grey turning handle as repair switch Auxiliary switch ( closer/break contact) Indicator lamps Undervoltage release Lockable rotary pawl Lead seal device 6.3.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Fan Accessories Smooth Starter Hurner Funken Smooth starter If a rotary current motor is started, motor and network will be charged non sequentially with the full motor starting current. According to the construction of the motor it can amount to the octuple of the rated motor current. The existing electric network will be charged strongly. But not only the current rises, the turning moment which is transmitted by the motor to the burden rises multiply at the moment of turning on. Fans which are driven by a V-belt can race, the bearings will be charged strongly. More shortly maintenance rates for the fans are the result, the costs of the maintenance rises consequently. Star delta starter promise remedy. The disadvantage of this circuit is a bigger space requirement in the switch cabinet and a second motor supply line. An alternative are electronic smooth starters. The run up time is adjustable, the smooth starter can be started exactly on request. It is not adjusted like a star delta starter on a solid ratio. Another advantage against the star delta starter is that an expansion ramp can be regulated, in which a motor will be braked slowly. Fan and plant are treated with care by the smooth starter. The costs of maintenance turn out much lower. Technical Data: Rated capacity Run up time adjustable Slowing down time to full stop adjustable Permissible starts per hour :1,1 kW - 630 kW :0,5 s - 60 s :0,5 s - 60 s :20 Adjustment via three potentiometer Simple mounting and commissioning Supply voltage 200 V to 575 V 50/60 Hz Control voltage DC 24 V AC 230 V 50 Hz Construction: Installation in a switch cabinet, for snapping on a top hat rail. All elements of the main circuit are for direct start and to design according to the local short circuit conditions. 6.3.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Fan Accessories Frequency Converter Hurner Funken Adjustment for air flow with frequency converter With a frequency converter it is possible to variegate the rotational speed by modifying the frequency. Herewith an optional air flow can be adapted exactly for the plant. On normal requests the fan is running e.g. with a frequency of 35 Hz. If a higher air flow is required, the frequency can be raised to the maximum rotational speed. Or on lower requests (nightly operation), the frequency can be reduced to the minimum rotational speed. The advantage at this operation is the remarkable reduction of the power costs. The fan doesn't run under full load all the time, which has a positive effect on the durability. A Vbelt is not necessary and therefore there are not so many wearing parts. The maintenance rate can be reduced. An automatic adjustment for air flow is optionally possible. A certain required air flow can be regulated by a setpoint adjuster. In case of changes of pressure ratio in the plant the fan regulates the air flow by itself. Planned uses are digestors, rooms with a required low pressure or pressure burden, poison cabinets and filtering installations. Technical Data: Rated capacity: 0,25 kW - 110 kW Further data as well as measurements on request IP 20 suitable for mounting in a switch cabinet IP 55 suitable for surface installation 6.3.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.5 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.6 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.7 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.8 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Accessories Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.9 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Adaptor for Installation of HF D ... -15/-17 D in Roof Mounting Socket for HF D ... -16 D 6.4.10 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Adaptor for installation of HF D ... -15/-17 D in Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.11 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Inlet pipe coupling for installation of HF D in the piping by means of Wellflex sleeves Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Adaptor for installation of HF D ... -13/-16 D in Roof Mounting Socket 6.4.12 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans HF D ... -15/-17 and -16 D 6.4.13 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans Absorption 6.4.14 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans HF D ... -15/-17 and -16 D Hurner Funken Pressure loss [ Pa ] Pressure loss characteristic for HF - socket silencer, effective lenght G = 500 mm Air speed in m / s (recommendation: max. 13 m/s) Pressure loss [ Pa ] Pressure loss characteristic for HF - socket silencer, effective lenght G = 750 mm Air speed in m / s (recommendation: max. 13 m/s) 6.4.15 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans HF D ... -15/-17 and -16 D Hurner Funken Pressure loss [ Pa ] Pressure loss characteristic for HF - socket silencer, effective lenght G = 1000 mm Air speed in m / s (recommendation: max. 13 m/s) Pressure loss [ Pa ] Pressure loss characteristic for HF - socket silencer, effective lenght G = 1200 mm Air speed in m / s (recommendation: max. 13 m/s) 6.4.16 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans Hurner Funken Tendering Specification Socket silencer without cable gland HF socket-type absorption silencer of plastic, material . . . , round construction, with welded collar for rain protection. Sturdy housing with pipe coupling and integrated roof mounting socket for flat roof for installation of an HF radial roof fan, Type : HF D . . . - 15 / - 17 D. Type : HF D . . . - 16 D. Make : Hürner-Funken Absorption material of non-flammable mineral wool to DIN 4102, sheathed with acoustically transparent plastic foil. The absorption material is covered with a perforated plastic board, material as for housing. Technical data : Coupling diameter Outside diameter Effective length Overall height Absorption Connection type Type : : : : : : : Ø Ø D E G H = = = = mm mm mm mm . . . . dB / 250 Hz pipe coupling, 300 mm long SSD . . . / . . . G = . . . socket silencer coupling diameter [mm] outside diameter [mm] effective length [mm] (The standard socket silencer is not fitted with a cable gland to the building. If required, a cable gland must be requested as a special accessory!) 6.4.17 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans Tendering Specification Hurner Funken Socket silencer with cable gland HF socket-type absorption silencer of plastic, material . . . , round construction, with welded collar for rain protection. Sturdy housing with pipe coupling and built-in cable gland, sealing area fitted with strain relief for cable diameter 9-17 mm. Housing inclusive of integrated roof mounting socket for flat roof for installation of an HF radial roof fan, Type : HF D . . . - 15 / - 17 D. Type : HF D . . . - 16 D. Make : Hürner-Funken Absorption material of non-flammable mineral wool to DIN 4102, sheathed with acoustically transparent plastic foil. The absorption material is covered with a perforated plastic board, material as for housing. Technical data : Coupling diameter Outside diameter Effective length Overall height Absorption Connection type Type : : : : : : : Ø Ø D E G H = = = = mm mm mm mm . . . . dB / 250 Hz pipe coupling, 300 mm long SSD . . . / . . . G = . . . socket silencer coupling diameter [mm] outside diameter [mm] effective length [mm] 6.4.18 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans Survey of Product Numbers 6.4.19 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Socket Silencer for HF - Radial Roof Fans Survey of Product Numbers 6.4.20 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Louver Valve Type HF - JKS 1 / 2 / 3 Hurner Funken HF louver valve series HF - JKS Made of chemically resistant plastics, the self-actuated HF louver valves of series HF - JKS are ideal for use in aggressive exhaust air. They are used mainly in conjunction with exhaust fans at the laboratory. Self-actuated louver valves avoid air flow during fan standstill, thus preventing penetration of air from outside and related heat losses as well as contamination of laboratory equipment at reasonable cost. Three versions of HF - JKS series louver valves are available: JKS 1:with sleeve coupling on both sides for vertical mounting in the pipe JKS 2:with sleeve coupling on one side for free aspiration and vertical mounting in the pipe JKS 3:with sleeve coupling on both sides for horizontal mounting in the pipe The housings are of PPs and PVC as standard. Housings of PE are available on request. The valve housings are provided with round sleeve couplings for direct welding / cementing in the pipe. The shape of the louver area is square. The louvers are made of distortion-free, stable PVC hollow profiles. They are swinging freely in the housing. All components in contact with the exhaust medium are of chemically resistant plastics. The maximum air speed must not exceed 10 m/s. The temperature range is -10 to +40 °C. To prevent bad flow conditions and related pressure losses, we recommend providing a pipe joint between fan and louver valve. The recommended joint length corresponds roughly to the double pipe diameter. Tendering specification Self-actuated HF louver valve of chemically resistant plastics, valve housings with square louver area and round sleeve couplings for direct welding / cementing in the piping, distortion-free, stable louvers of PVC hollow profiles swinging freely in the housing. All parts in contact with the exhaust medium are made of chemically resistant plastics. Make Type : Hürner - Funken : HF - JKS 1 / HF - JKS 2 / HF - JKS 3 Coupling diameter Materials Coupling type Mounting position : ..... mm : housing of PPs or PVC, louvers of PVC : sleeve : vertical (JKS 1 / JKS 2) / horizontal (JKS 3) Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Louver Valve Dimension Drawing Pressure Loss Diagram Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Louver Valve Survey of Dimensions and Product Numbers Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Shut-Off Valve Type HF - AK Hurner Funken HF shut-off valve series HF - AK HF shut-off valves of series HF - AK are manufactured as rugged, round construction types of nominal sizes, 250, 315, 355, 400, 450, 500, 560, 630 and 710 mm. Nominal widths to specification, or special versions, for example reinforced industrial versions, are also available on request. In closed position, the valves for air flow shut-off are air-tight to DIN 1946 part 4. They are excellent for use in aggressive exhaust air. All parts in contact with the exhaust medium are of plastics, or sheathed with plastics. Chemically resistant plastics are used for housing and valve flap, PVC, PP, PPs or PE as standard, optional material to specification, for example, electrically conducting versions for use in the explosion-hazarded area. Due to pipe, sleeve or flange couplings on both sides, the shut-off valves can be inserted at any point of the piping. The valve can be operated electrically, pneumatically or manually. The wear-resistant shaft bearing is air-tight. If necessary, seal replacement from outside is possible. As inner stops are omitted, and due to flow-optimized shape of the flaps, the units are very quiet. This means that the noise due to valve operation does not increase the piping noise level under normal operating conditions. Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Shut-Off Valve Type HF - AK Hurner Funken Tendering Specification HF shut-off valves of robust, round shape for air flow shut-off in the corrosive area. Housing with valve for air-tight shut-off to DIN 1946 - part 4. The wear-resistant shaft bearing is air-tight. If necessary, seals can be replaced from outside. All parts in contact with the exhaust medium are of plastics, or sheathed with plastics. Due to the omission of inner stops and flow-optimized valve flaps, the operation is very quiet. The valve can be operated electrically, pneumatically or manually. Make Type : Hürner - Funken : HF - AK ..... Coupling diameter Material Coupling type : ..... mm : ..... : pipe, sleeve, or flange coupling on both sides : ..... : ..... : ..... mm Actuator type Actuator make / type Mounting length Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Shut-Off Valve Type HF - AK Pipe Coupling Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Shut-Off Valve Type HF - AK Sleeve Coupling Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Shut-Off Valve Type HF - AK Flange Coupling Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Shut-Off Valve Type HF - AK Pressure / Leakage Volume Flow Diagram Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Control Valve Type HF - RK Hurner Funken HF control valve type HF - RK HF control valves of the HF - RK series are made as rectangular or square versions in individual sizes within 100 x 100 mm and 2000 x 2000mm. Special sizes or special versions, for example, reinforced industrial versions, are also available on request. The valves for regulation of air flow are excellent for use in aggressive exhaust air. All parts in contact with the exhaust medium are of plastics, or protected against corrosion, for instance, by plastic sheathing. Chemically resistant plastics are used for housing and louvers, PVC, PP, PPs or PE as standard, or optional materials to specification, for example, electrically conducting versions for use in explosion-hazarded areas. Most important features: a sturdy frame with the positioning mechanism for the distortionfree louvers with integrated steel tube reinforcement mounted outside the air flow, with optional parallel or mutually opposed rotating direction. Due to the standard unbored flanges integrated on both sides of the frame, the control valves can be inserted anywhere in the piping. The valve can be operated electrically, pneumatically or manually. With electrical or pneumatic operation, control via suitable signal transducers is possible. A wear-resistant shaft bearing in the form of plastic bushes ensures easy adjustability of the louvers. Due to the flow-optimized louver shape and adjustment, the units are very quiet and permit flow in both directions. Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Control Valve Type HF - RK Hurner Funken Tendering specificatin HF control valve of sturdy, rectangular or square design for regulation of air flow in the corrosive area. Housing with distortion-free internal louvers, with optional parallel or mutually opposed rotating direction. The wear-resistant shaft bearing in the form of plastic bushes ensures easy adjustability of the integrated steel tube reinforcement. All parts in contact with the exhaust medium are of plastics, or protected against corrosion, e.g. by plastic sheathing. Due to the flow-optimized louver design and adjustment, the units are very quiet and permit flow in both directions. The valve can be actuated electrically, pneumatically or manually. With electrical or pneumatic operation, control via suitable signal transducers is possible. Make Type : Hürner - Funken : HF - RK ..(H).. x ..(B).. / ..(n).. Inside height (H) of valve Inside width (B) of valve Number (n) of louvers Rotating direction of louvers Material Coupling type Actuator type Make / type of actuator Mounting length : ..... mm : ..... mm : ..... : parallel or mutually opposed : ..... : flange on both sides (standard: non-bored) : ..... : ..... : 200 mm Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Control Valve Type HF - RK Dimension Drawing Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Control Valve Type HF - RK Versions Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Control Valve Type HF - RK Pressure Loss Calculation Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer with Pipe Coupling Hurner Funken Tendering Specification Silencer with pipe coupling HF pipe-mounted absorption silencer of plastic, material . . . . Construction : Sturdy housing with pipe coupling on both sides. Absorption material of non-flammable mineral wool to DIN 4102. Sheathed with acoustically transparent plastic foil to make it resistant against abrasion and moisture-proof. Perforated inner pipe (material as for housing), free cross-section 69 %. Make : Hürner-Funken Type : RSD - RO . . . / . . . G = . . . mm Technical data : Coupling diameter Outside diameter Effective length Mounting length Absorption Connection type Type : : : : : : : Ø Ø D E G L = = = = G+100 ..... mm mm mm mm dB / 250 Hz pipe coupling RSD - RO . . . / . . . G = . . . mm silencer connection type ( tube ) coupling diameter [mm] outside diameter [mm] effective length [mm] Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer with Sleeve Coupling Tendering Specification Hurner Funken Silencer with sleeve coupling HF pipe-mounted absorption silencer of plastic, material . . . . Construction : Sturdy housing with sleeve coupling on both sides. Absorption material of non-flammable mineral wool to DIN 4102. Sheathed with acoustically transparent plastic foil to make it resistant against abrasion and moisture-proof. Perforated inner pipe (material as for housing), free cross-section 69 %. Make : Hürner-Funken Type : RSD - MU . . . / . . . G = . . . mm Technical data : Coupling diameter Outside diameter Effective length Mounting length Absorption Connection type Type : : : : : : : Ø Ø D E G L = mm = mm = mm = G+100 mm ..... dB / 250 Hz sleeve coupling RSD - MU . . . / . . . G = . . . mm silencer coupling type ( sleeve ) coupling diameter [mm] outside diameter [mm] effective length [mm] Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer with Flange Coupling Tendering Specification Hurner Funken Silencer with flange coupling HF pipe-mounted absorption silencer of plastic, material . . . . Construction : Sturdy housing with flange coupling on both sides. Absorption material of non-flammable mineral wool to DIN 4102. Sheathed with acoustically transparent plastic foil to make it resistant against abrasion and moisture-proof. Perforated in pipe (material as for housing), free cross section 69 %. Make : Hürner-Funken Type : RSD - FL . . . / . . . G = . . . mm Technical data : Coupling diameter Outside diameter Effective length Mounting length Absorption Connection type Type : : : : : : : Ø Ø D E G L = mm = mm = mm = G+100 mm ..... dB / 250 Hz flange coupling RSD - FL . . . / . . . G = . . . mm silencer coupling type ( flange ) coupling diameter [mm] outside diameter [mm] effective length [mm] Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Dimension Drawing Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Absorption Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Absorption Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Absorption Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Pressure Loss Characteristics Hurner Funken Pressure loss characteristic for HF silencer, effective length G = 500 mm 20 18 RSD 75 / 280 RSD 90 / 280 16 RSD 110 / 315 Pressure loss [ Pa ] 14 RSD 125 / 315 RSD 140 / 355 RSD 160 / 355 RSD 180 / 400 RSD 200 / 400 RSD 225 / 450 RSD 250 / 450 RSD 280 / 500 RSD 315 / 500 RSD 355 / 560 RSD 400 / 600 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Air speed in m / s ( recommendation: max. 13 m / s ) Pressure loss characteristic for HF silencer, effective length G = 750 mm 26 RSD 75 / 280 24 RSD 90 / 280 22 20 RSD 110 / 315 Pressure loss [ Pa ] 18 RSD 125 / 315 RSD 140 / 355 RSD 160 / 355 RSD 180 / 400 RSD 200 / 400 RSD 225 / 450 RSD 250 / 450 RSD 280 / 500 RSD 315 / 500 RSD 355 / 560 RSD 400 / 600 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Air speed in m / s ( recommendation: max. 13 m / s ) Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Pressure Loss Characteristics Hurner Funken Pressure loss characteristic for HF silencer, effective length G = 1000 mm 32 30 RSD 75 / 280 28 RSD 90 / 280 26 RSD 110 / 315 24 RSD 125 / 315 Pressure loss [ Pa ] 22 RSD 140 / 355 20 RSD 160 / 355 RSD 180 / 400 RSD 200 / 400 RSD 225 / 450 RSD 250 / 450 RSD 280 / 500 RSD 315 / 500 RSD 355 / 560 RSD 400 / 600 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Air speed in m / s ( recommendation: max. 13 m / s ) Pressure loss characteristic for HF silencer, effective length G = 1250 mm 40 38 RSD 75 / 280 36 34 RSD 90 / 280 32 Pressure loss [ Pa ] 30 28 RSD 110 / 315 26 RSD 125 / 315 RSD 140 / 355 RSD 160 / 355 RSD 180 / 400 RSD 200 / 400 RSD 225 / 450 RSD 250 / 450 RSD 280 / 500 RSD 315 / 500 RSD 355 / 560 RSD 400 / 600 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Air speed in m / s ( recommendation: max. 13 m / s ) Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Pressure Loss Characteristics Hurner Funken Pressure loss characteristic for HF silencer, effective length G = 1500 mm 50 45 RSD 75 / 280 40 RSD 90 / 280 35 Pressure loss [ Pa ] RSD 110 / 315 30 RSD 125 / 315 RSD 140 / 355 RSD 160 / 355 RSD 180 / 400 RSD 200 / 400 RSD 225 / 450 RSD 250 / 450 RSD 280 / 500 RSD 315 / 500 RSD 355 / 560 RSD 400 / 600 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Air speed in m / s ( recommendation: max. 13 m / s ) Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Material: PVC Survey of Product Numbers Hurner Funken HF silencer with pipe coupling Material: PVC Ty p e RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD D / E 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm 408-000-000000 408-000-000700 408-000-001400 408-000-002100 408-000-002800 408-000-000050 408-000-000750 408-000-001450 408-000-002150 408-000-002850 408-000-000100 408-000-000800 408-000-001500 408-000-002200 408-000-002900 408-000-000150 408-000-000850 408-000-001550 408-000-002250 408-000-002950 408-000-000200 408-000-000900 408-000-001600 408-000-002300 408-000-003000 408-000-000250 408-000-000950 408-000-001650 408-000-002350 408-000-003050 408-000-000300 408-000-001000 408-000-001700 408-000-002400 408-000-003100 408-000-000350 408-000-001050 408-000-001750 408-000-002450 408-000-003150 408-000-000400 4 0 8 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 11 0 0 408-000-001800 408-000-002500 408-000-003200 408-000-000450 4 0 8 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 11 5 0 408-000-001850 408-000-002550 408-000-003250 408-000-000500 408-000-001200 408-000-001900 408-000-002600 408-000-003300 408-000-000550 408-000-001250 408-000-001950 408-000-002650 408-000-003350 408-000-000600 408-000-001300 408-000-002000 408-000-002700 408-000-003400 408-000-000650 408-000-001350 408-000-002050 408-000-002750 408-000-003450 HF silencer with sleeve coupling Material: PVC Ty p e RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD D / E 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm 408-000-003500 408-000-004200 408-000-004900 408-000-005600 408-000-006300 408-000-003550 408-000-004250 408-000-004950 408-000-005650 408-000-006350 408-000-003600 408-000-004300 408-000-005000 408-000-005700 408-000-006400 408-000-003650 408-000-004350 408-000-005050 408-000-005750 408-000-006450 408-000-003700 408-000-004400 408-000-005100 408-000-005800 408-000-006500 408-000-003750 408-000-004450 408-000-005150 408-000-005850 408-000-006550 408-000-003800 408-000-004500 408-000-005200 408-000-005900 408-000-006600 408-000-003850 408-000-004550 408-000-005250 408-000-005950 408-000-006650 408-000-003900 408-000-004600 408-000-005300 408-000-006000 408-000-006700 408-000-003950 408-000-004650 408-000-005350 408-000-006050 408-000-006750 408-000-004000 408-000-004700 408-000-005400 408-000-006100 408-000-006800 408-000-004050 408-000-004750 408-000-005450 408-000-006150 408-000-006850 408-000-004100 408-000-004800 408-000-005500 408-000-006200 408-000-006900 408-000-004150 408-000-004850 408-000-005550 408-000-006250 408-000-006950 HF silencer with flange coupling Material: PVC Ty p e RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD D / E 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm 408-000-007000 408-000-007700 408-000-008400 408-000-009100 408-000-009800 408-000-007050 408-000-007750 408-000-008450 408-000-009150 408-000-009850 408-000-007100 408-000-007800 408-000-008500 408-000-009200 408-000-009900 408-000-007150 408-000-007850 408-000-008550 408-000-009250 408-000-009950 408-000-007200 408-000-007900 408-000-008600 408-000-009300 408-000-010000 408-000-007250 408-000-007950 408-000-008650 408-000-009350 408-000-010050 408-000-007300 408-000-008000 408-000-008700 408-000-009400 408-000-010100 408-000-007350 408-000-008050 408-000-008750 408-000-009450 408-000-010150 408-000-007400 408-000-008100 408-000-008800 408-000-009500 408-000-010200 408-000-007450 408-000-008150 408-000-008850 408-000-009550 408-000-010250 408-000-007500 408-000-008200 408-000-008900 408-000-009600 408-000-010300 408-000-007550 408-000-008250 408-000-008950 408-000-009650 408-000-010350 408-000-007600 408-000-008300 408-000-009000 408-000-009700 408-000-010400 408-000-007650 408-000-008350 408-000-009050 408-000-009750 408-000-010450 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Material: PPs Survey of Product Numbers Hurner Funken HF silencer with pipe coupling Material: PPs Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-010-000000 408-010-000700 408-010-001400 408-010-002100 408-010-002800 408-010-000050 408-010-000750 408-010-001450 408-010-002150 408-010-002850 408-010-000100 408-010-000800 408-010-001500 408-010-002200 408-010-002900 408-010-000150 408-010-000850 408-010-001550 408-010-002250 408-010-002950 408-010-000200 408-010-000900 408-010-001600 408-010-002300 408-010-003000 408-010-000250 408-010-000950 408-010-001650 408-010-002350 408-010-003050 408-010-000300 408-010-001000 408-010-001700 408-010-002400 408-010-003100 408-010-000350 408-010-001050 408-010-001750 408-010-002450 408-010-003150 408-010-000400 4 0 8 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 11 0 0 408-010-001800 408-010-002500 408-010-003200 408-010-000450 4 0 8 - 0 1 0 - 0 0 11 5 0 408-010-001850 408-010-002550 408-010-003250 408-010-000500 408-010-001200 408-010-001900 408-010-002600 408-010-003300 408-010-000550 408-010-001250 408-010-001950 408-010-002650 408-010-003350 408-010-000600 408-010-001300 408-010-002000 408-010-002700 408-010-003400 408-010-000650 408-010-001350 408-010-002050 408-010-002750 408-010-003450 HF silencer with sleeve coupling Material: PPs Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-010-003500 408-010-004200 408-010-004900 408-010-005600 408-010-006300 408-010-003550 408-010-004250 408-010-004950 408-010-005650 408-010-006350 408-010-003600 408-010-004300 408-010-005000 408-010-005700 408-010-006400 408-010-003650 408-010-004350 408-010-005050 408-010-005750 408-010-006450 408-010-003700 408-010-004400 408-010-005100 408-010-005800 408-010-006500 408-010-003750 408-010-004450 408-010-005150 408-010-005850 408-010-006550 408-010-003800 408-010-004500 408-010-005200 408-010-005900 408-010-006600 408-010-003850 408-010-004550 408-010-005250 408-010-005950 408-010-006650 408-010-003900 408-010-004600 408-010-005300 408-010-006000 408-010-006700 408-010-003950 408-010-004650 408-010-005350 408-010-006050 408-010-006750 408-010-004000 408-010-004700 408-010-005400 408-010-006100 408-010-006800 408-010-004050 408-010-004750 408-010-005450 408-010-006150 408-010-006850 408-010-004100 408-010-004800 408-010-005500 408-010-006200 408-010-006900 408-010-004150 408-010-004850 408-010-005550 408-010-006250 408-010-006950 HF silencer with flange coupling Material: PPs Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-010-007000 408-010-007700 408-010-008400 408-010-009100 408-010-009800 408-010-007050 408-010-007750 408-010-008450 408-010-009150 408-010-009850 408-010-007100 408-010-007800 408-010-008500 408-010-009200 408-010-009900 408-010-007150 408-010-007850 408-010-008550 408-010-009250 408-010-009950 408-010-007200 408-010-007900 408-010-008600 408-010-009300 408-010-010000 408-010-007250 408-010-007950 408-010-008650 408-010-009350 408-010-010050 408-010-007300 408-010-008000 408-010-008700 408-010-009400 408-010-010100 408-010-007350 408-010-008050 408-010-008750 408-010-009450 408-010-010150 408-010-007400 408-010-008100 408-010-008800 408-010-009500 408-010-010200 408-010-007450 408-010-008150 408-010-008850 408-010-009550 408-010-010250 408-010-007500 408-010-008200 408-010-008900 408-010-009600 408-010-010300 408-010-007550 408-010-008250 408-010-008950 408-010-009650 408-010-010350 408-010-007600 408-010-008300 408-010-009000 408-010-009700 408-010-010400 408-010-007650 408-010-008350 408-010-009050 408-010-009750 408-010-010450 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Material: PP Survey of Product Numbers Hurner Funken HF silencer with pipe coupling Material: PP Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-020-000000 408-020-000700 408-020-001400 408-020-002100 408-020-002800 408-020-000050 408-020-000750 408-020-001450 408-020-002150 408-020-002850 408-020-000100 408-020-000800 408-020-001500 408-020-002200 408-020-002900 408-020-000150 408-020-000850 408-020-001550 408-020-002250 408-020-002950 408-020-000200 408-020-000900 408-020-001600 408-020-002300 408-020-003000 408-020-000250 408-020-000950 408-020-001650 408-020-002350 408-020-003050 408-020-000300 408-020-001000 408-020-001700 408-020-002400 408-020-003100 408-020-000350 408-020-001050 408-020-001750 408-020-002450 408-020-003150 408-020-000400 4 0 8 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 11 0 0 408-020-001800 408-020-002500 408-020-003200 408-020-000450 4 0 8 - 0 2 0 - 0 0 11 5 0 408-020-001850 408-020-002550 408-020-003250 408-020-000500 408-020-001200 408-020-001900 408-020-002600 408-020-003300 408-020-000550 408-020-001250 408-020-001950 408-020-002650 408-020-003350 408-020-000600 408-020-001300 408-020-002000 408-020-002700 408-020-003400 408-020-000650 408-020-001350 408-020-002050 408-020-002750 408-020-003450 HF silencer with sleeve coupling Material: PP Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-020-003500 408-020-004200 408-020-004900 408-020-005600 408-020-006300 408-020-003550 408-020-004250 408-020-004950 408-020-005650 408-020-006350 408-020-003600 408-020-004300 408-020-005000 408-020-005700 408-020-006400 408-020-003650 408-020-004350 408-020-005050 408-020-005750 408-020-006450 408-020-003700 408-020-004400 408-020-005100 408-020-005800 408-020-006500 408-020-003750 408-020-004450 408-020-005150 408-020-005850 408-020-006550 408-020-003800 408-020-004500 408-020-005200 408-020-005900 408-020-006600 408-020-003850 408-020-004550 408-020-005250 408-020-005950 408-020-006650 408-020-003900 408-020-004600 408-020-005300 408-020-006000 408-020-006700 408-020-003950 408-020-004650 408-020-005350 408-020-006050 408-020-006750 408-020-004000 408-020-004700 408-020-005400 408-020-006100 408-020-006800 408-020-004050 408-020-004750 408-020-005450 408-020-006150 408-020-006850 408-020-004100 408-020-004800 408-020-005500 408-020-006200 408-020-006900 408-020-004150 408-020-004850 408-020-005550 408-020-006250 408-020-006950 HF silencer with flange coupling Material: PP Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-020-007000 408-020-007700 408-020-008400 408-020-009100 408-020-009800 408-020-007050 408-020-007750 408-020-008450 408-020-009150 408-020-009850 408-020-007100 408-020-007800 408-020-008500 408-020-009200 408-020-009900 408-020-007150 408-020-007850 408-020-008550 408-020-009250 408-020-009950 408-020-007200 408-020-007900 408-020-008600 408-020-009300 408-020-010000 408-020-007250 408-020-007950 408-020-008650 408-020-009350 408-020-010050 408-020-007300 408-020-008000 408-020-008700 408-020-009400 408-020-010100 408-020-007350 408-020-008050 408-020-008750 408-020-009450 408-020-010150 408-020-007400 408-020-008100 408-020-008800 408-020-009500 408-020-010200 408-020-007450 408-020-008150 408-020-008850 408-020-009550 408-020-010250 408-020-007500 408-020-008200 408-020-008900 408-020-009600 408-020-010300 408-020-007550 408-020-008250 408-020-008950 408-020-009650 408-020-010350 408-020-007600 408-020-008300 408-020-009000 408-020-009700 408-020-010400 408-020-007650 408-020-008350 408-020-009050 408-020-009750 408-020-010450 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Silencer Material: PE Survey of Product Numbers Hurner Funken HF silencer with pipe coupling Material: PE Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-040-000000 408-040-000700 408-040-001400 408-040-002100 408-040-002800 408-040-000050 408-040-000750 408-040-001450 408-040-002150 408-040-002850 408-040-000100 408-040-000800 408-040-001500 408-040-002200 408-040-002900 408-040-000150 408-040-000850 408-040-001550 408-040-002250 408-040-002950 408-040-000200 408-040-000900 408-040-001600 408-040-002300 408-040-003000 408-040-000250 408-040-000950 408-040-001650 408-040-002350 408-040-003050 408-040-000300 408-040-001000 408-040-001700 408-040-002400 408-040-003100 408-040-000350 408-040-001050 408-040-001750 408-040-002450 408-040-003150 408-040-000400 4 0 8 - 0 4 0 - 0 0 11 0 0 408-040-001800 408-040-002500 408-040-003200 408-040-000450 4 0 8 - 0 4 0 - 0 0 11 5 0 408-040-001850 408-040-002550 408-040-003250 408-040-000500 408-040-001200 408-040-001900 408-040-002600 408-040-003300 408-040-000550 408-040-001250 408-040-001950 408-040-002650 408-040-003350 408-040-000600 408-040-001300 408-040-002000 408-040-002700 408-040-003400 408-040-000650 408-040-001350 408-040-002050 408-040-002750 408-040-003450 HF silencer with sleeve coupling Material: PE Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-040-003500 408-040-004200 408-040-004900 408-040-005600 408-040-006300 408-040-003550 408-040-004250 408-040-004950 408-040-005650 408-040-006350 408-040-003600 408-040-004300 408-040-005000 408-040-005700 408-040-006400 408-040-003650 408-040-004350 408-040-005050 408-040-005750 408-040-006450 408-040-003700 408-040-004400 408-040-005100 408-040-005800 408-040-006500 408-040-003750 408-040-004450 408-040-005150 408-040-005850 408-040-006550 408-040-003800 408-040-004500 408-040-005200 408-040-005900 408-040-006600 408-040-003850 408-040-004550 408-040-005250 408-040-005950 408-040-006650 408-040-003900 408-040-004600 408-040-005300 408-040-006000 408-040-006700 408-040-003950 408-040-004650 408-040-005350 408-040-006050 408-040-006750 408-040-004000 408-040-004700 408-040-005400 408-040-006100 408-040-006800 408-040-004050 408-040-004750 408-040-005450 408-040-006150 408-040-006850 408-040-004100 408-040-004800 408-040-005500 408-040-006200 408-040-006900 408-040-004150 408-040-004850 408-040-005550 408-040-006250 408-040-006950 HF silencer with flange coupling Material: PE Ty p D / E G = 500 mm G = 750 mm G = 1000 mm G = 1250 mm G = 1500 mm RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD RSD 75 / 280 90 / 280 11 0 / 3 1 5 125 / 315 140 / 355 160 / 355 180 / 400 200 / 400 225 / 450 250 / 450 280 / 500 315 / 500 355 / 560 400 / 600 408-040-007000 408-040-007700 408-040-008400 408-040-009100 408-040-009800 408-040-007050 408-040-007750 408-040-008450 408-040-009150 408-040-009850 408-040-007100 408-040-007800 408-040-008500 408-040-009200 408-040-009900 408-040-007150 408-040-007850 408-040-008550 408-040-009250 408-040-009950 408-040-007200 408-040-007900 408-040-008600 408-040-009300 408-040-010000 408-040-007250 408-040-007950 408-040-008650 408-040-009350 408-040-010050 408-040-007300 408-040-008000 408-040-008700 408-040-009400 408-040-010100 408-040-007350 408-040-008050 408-040-008750 408-040-009450 408-040-010150 408-040-007400 408-040-008100 408-040-008800 408-040-009500 408-040-010200 408-040-007450 408-040-008150 408-040-008850 408-040-009550 408-040-010250 408-040-007500 408-040-008200 408-040-008900 408-040-009600 408-040-010300 408-040-007550 408-040-008250 408-040-008950 408-040-009650 408-040-010350 408-040-007600 408-040-008300 408-040-009000 408-040-009700 408-040-010400 408-040-007650 408-040-008350 408-040-009050 408-040-009750 408-040-010450 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF Volume Flow Controller Hurner Funken HF Volume Flow Controller Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF Volume Flow Controller Hurner Funken HF plastic volume flow controller R o u n d c o n s t r u c t i o n t y p e for air flow control and shut-off in the corrosive area Principle of operation: Regardless of varying pressure conditions, the HF volume flow controller keeps the pre-set / programmed air flow at a constant value. The pipeline can be shut off completely by means of an integrated tightly closing shut-off valve. A differential pressure dependent on air throughput is built up in the venturi nozzle. This differential pressure is applied to the controller by a pressure transducer. The controller calculates the difference between pressure setpoint and actual value and uses this difference for control of the motor actuator, which changes the valve position until reaching the pre-set volume flow setpoint. Construction: The HF volume flow controller consists of a pipe body with a pipe coupling on both sides (connecting flange or sleeve). A tightly closing shut-off valve and a venturi nozzle for determination of the differential pressure are integrated in the pipe body. The venturi nozzle is fitted with a ring chamber at the plus and minus pressure take-offs. The control unit (pressure transducer, controller, actuator) is built up on the pipe body. Design features: • Corrosion protection • Materials • Pipe coupling • Control function : : : : • Ring chambers : • • • Full shut-off Pressure loss Compatible makes : : : all components in contact with the air flow are made of plastics PPs, PVC, PP, PE connecting flange or sleeve quick and precise line-out to the setpoint with an accuracy of +/- 5% of the pre-set volume flow ring chambers for plus and minus pressure take-off optimize measurement accuracy and results with difficult mounting position (e.g. moulded parts at the air inlet of the volume flow controller) tightly closing to DIN 1946 - part 4 minimum pressure difference 100 Pa at rated volume flow The HF volume flow controller can be equipped with electrical or pneumatic control combinations of various manufacturers according to the customer's choice. Construction size: Type HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF HF - VRR 110 - VRR 125 - VRR 140 - VRR 160 - VRR 180 - VRR 200 - VRR 225 - VRR 250 - VRR 280 - VRR 315 - VRR 355 - VRR 400 NW FL ØK Ød Number Ø d L Lm Volume flow (m³/h) 110 125 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 170 185 200 230 250 270 295 320 360 395 435 480 150 165 175 200 220 240 265 290 325 350 400 445 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 16 450 450 450 450 510 510 700 700 760 760 1050 1100 530 530 530 530 610 610 800 800 860 860 1150 1200 50 – 300 60 – 400 80 – 550 150- 1000 150- 900 250- 1400 300- 1400 350- 2100 350- 2200 700- 3200 600- 3500 800- 4500 Flange version Subject to change of dimensions and construction Hurner Funken GmbH Sleeve version Flow direction Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Maße in mm Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 7. Technische Dokumentationen 7. Technical documentations Hurner Funken EGKonformitätserklärung Hurner Funken PTB 03 ATEX D089 01.03.2005 7.0.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de EGDeclaration of Conformity Hurner Funken PTB 03 ATEX D089 01.03.2005 7.0.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Assembly Drawing 1 Type HF R 125 - 315 Construction D 7.1.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Spare Parts List 1 Type HF R 125 - 315 Construction D 7.1.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Assembly Drawing 2 Type HF R 355 - 500 Construction D 7.2.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Spare Parts List 2 Type HF R 355 - 500 Construction D 7.2.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Assembly Drawing 3 Type HF R 160 - 315 Construction R 7.3.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Spare Parts List 3 Type HF R 160 - 315 Construction R 7.3.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Assembly Drawing 4 Type HF R 355 - 500 Construction R 7.4.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Spare Parts List 4 Type HF R 355 - 500 Construction R 7.4.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Condensate Drain Dimension Drawing Type HF R 125 - 500 D/R 7.5.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Mounting Situation HF R ... Sealing Concepts 7.5.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ... - 15/ - 17 D Semi-sectional Drawing 7.5.3 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF - Radial Roof Fan Type HF D ... - 15/ - 17 D Spare Parts 7.5.4 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Hurner Funken Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de Motor Connecting Diagrams Hurner Funken a) -circuit Y-circuit one speed 400/230 V (Y/ ) 690/400 V (Y/ ) b) low speed high speed pole changing g separate e t r e n n t e winding Wicklung 400 V c) low speed high speed Fan version with Dahlander circuit star/double star (Y/YY) Stern-Doppelstern (Y/YY) d) three-phase–asynchronous motoram Drehstrom Asynchronmotor Einphasennetz at monophase mains 400/230 V (Y/ ) 7.6.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de KunststoffVentilatoren 8. Sonstiges 8. Others Hurner Funken HF Service Plan for Plastic Fans Hurner Funken The HF service A powerful and well-trained expert team is available for fan servicing. Service instructions which ensure that adequate measures to keep your fan in safe condition are taken at the right time are indispensable for correct servicing. Moreover, we offer a multitude of other services, e.g.: volume flow measurement, sound level measurement or frequency inverter retro-fitting for r.p.m. control. HF service in compliance with VDMA 24 186 Check for contamination, damage, leakage, corrosion and correct mounting. Check impeller for unbalance. Check bearings for noise and vibration. Re-lubricate bearings (if possible). Check flexible couplings for tightness. Check vibration absorbers for function. If necessary, check inlet guide vane for function. Check condensate drain for function. Check frame and stability. Check condition and tension of V-belts. Check protective devices for function. Cleanse to maintain correct functioning. Electric motors Check rotating direction. Check the motor for visible damage. Check bearings for noise and vibration. Check protective devices for correct functioning. Re-grease bearings (if possible). Check electrical connections at motor and repair switch. Check motor winding for damage. Measure motor current and temperature. Check, if cable glands are tight. Cleanse to maintain correct functioning. HF on-site repair service To find out which measures are required, repair is always preceded by diagnostics You will be informed on the scope, price and expected duration of required work. If on-site repair is not possible, the fan can be repaired at our factory without delay. 8.0.1 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de HF Service Plan for Plastic Fans Hurner Funken Additional HF services Repair switch retro-fitting on fans Design as: thermally and electromagnetically tripped repair switch, emergency off switch or motor protective switch Frequency inverter retro-fitting for r.p.m. control With built-in potentiometer or external potentiometer up to a cable length of 10 m. Measurement of volume flow (with report) in existing systems Demonstration of methods for increasing or reducing the air flow. Noise level measurement Checking and adjustment of volume flow controllers in existing systems Individual service measures by agreement with the customer 8.0.2 Hurner Funken GmbH Nieder-Ohmener Straße D-35325 Mücke-Atzenhain Fon: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 64 01/91 80 - 42 Edition: 01/03/05 [email protected] www.huerner-funken.de
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