Miniseminar 18.10.2011: Benchmarking of digital cross
Miniseminar 18.10.2011: Benchmarking of digital cross
WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 D + D Miniseminar 18.10.2011: Benchmarking of digital cross-media service concepts + Technologies and approaches on eReading ecosystems – summary + slides Editor(s): Helene Juhola Author(s): Pasi Kivioja (summary) & al. Confidentiality: Public (Twitter: #ereading2011) Date and status: Date: 21.11.2011- Status: Final 1.0 This work was supported by TEKES as part of the next Media programme of TIVIT (Finnish Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in the field of ICT) Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Version history: Version Date State (draft/ /update/ final) 0.1 0.2 1.0 15.11.11 18.11.11 21.11.11 First draft Second draft Final version Author(s) OR Editor/Contributors Pasi Kivioja Helene Juhola Helene Juhola Remarks {Participants = all research organisations and companies involved in the making of the deliverable} Participants Name Organisation Pasi Kivioja SL Helene Juhola VKL Lotta Holm KSF Media Liisa Riste WSOY Olli Nurmi VTT Olli Alm Metropolia Mikko Suihko Arena Partners Petteri Putkiranta Sanoma News Sari Enckell-Jylhä Akateeminen Otto Peltola ePaper Finland Antti Sihvonen Aalto SE Juho-Petteri Huhtala Aaalto SE Anu Nousiainen Laurea Mervi Rajahonka Laurea Hannu Järvinen SMF Jan Kallenbach Aalto SCI WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 1 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) Next Media WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 2 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) Executive Summary 1. Short overview on eReading Services project Helene Juhola kävi aluksi läpi eReading Services -projektin nykytilanteen ja tavoitteet ensi vuodelle. Ohjelmalla uusi rakenne ensi vuonna: jakautuu kolmeen osaan eReading, Personal Media Day ja Hyperlocal Partnereina 2012 mm. Sanoma News, Sanoma Magazines, KSF Media, Lehtiyhtymä, Kaleva, Arena Partners, Ilkka, WSOY, Otava, Kauppalehti, Alma 360, STTLehtikuva, Kärkimedia, Conmio, VKL (SL, SKY) 2. HBL trial, how do we continue? Lotta Holm esitteli HBL:n lukulaitekokeilun tuloksia. HBL havaitsi kokeissaan, että ihmisiä kiinnostaa kovasti sanomalehden lukeminen tabletilta. Lukijoilla kaksijakoinen suhtautuminen lukulaitelehden formaattiin: printin kannattajat haluavat sähköisen näköislehden ja printin hylänneet jotakin muuta. Teknisesti kaikkein haastavinta on saada tuotantoprosessi kuntoon ja varmistaa metadatan laatu. HBL näkeekin viisaimpana jakaa projekti kahtia: 1) julkaistaan näköislehden kaltaisia sovelluksia iPadille ja Androidille (on jo julkaistu) 2) jatketaan uudenlaisen tablettiversion kehittelyä, tavoitteena houkutella uusia yleisöjä ja varhaisia omaksujia Uuden tablettiversion kehittämisestä tehtiin strategisia päätöksiä kesällä 2011, parhaillaan on tutkimustyö käynnissä. Kehitysryhmän ydinjoukko työskentelee koko marraskuun täysiaikaisesti hankkeen parissa. Merja Helle kommentoi, että testeissä oli mielenkiintoinen asia se, että lukijat halusivat jonkun arvottavan heille sähköisessäkin lehdessä ne asiat, jotka ovat tärkeitä ja jotka eivät ole. 3. Case Taro and WSOY Liisa Riste esitteli WSOY:n ensimmäistä iPad-kirjaa Taro maan ytimessä (Taro at the Centre of the Earth). WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 3 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) WSOY halusi brändätä kirjailija Timo Parvelaa ja Taroa. Kirjassa on Jussi Kaakisen upea kuvitus. Sisällöllä nähtiin olevan myös kansainvälistä potentiaalia. Uuden median haasteet kirjakustantajalle: o kustantajien osaaminen on enemmän painettujen kirjojen puolella o useita uusia elementtejä käytössä tablettikirjassa o missä on pelin ja kirjan välinen raja? o kansainvälinen jakelukanava (Applen App Store) edellyttää useita kieliversioita o tuotannon kustannukset vs. tuotteen hinta o tuotelupaus o tuoteperhe WSOY pystyi hyödyntämään talossa jo olevaa osaamista suunnittelun ja konseptien puolella sekä käsikirjoituksissa, tuotteistamisessa, markkinoinnissa ja myynnissä. Alihankkijoita tarvittiin mm. ohjelmointiin, kirjan kirjoittamiseen, ääniefekteihin ja puheeseen. Kirjatuotteen käytettävyyttä testattiin Helsingin päiväkodeissa ja se sai paljon hyvää palautetta. Valmis kirja tuotiin App Storeen elokuussa 2011. Tuotteistamisessa käytettiin hyväksi mm. sosiaalista mediaa: YouTubessa traileri, omat Facebook- ja nettisivut, ilmaiset Taro-aiheiset mobiilipelit, kevytversio Tarosta Taloudellinen voitto ei ollut ensimmäinen tavoite vaan kokemuksen saaminen. Kampanjahinnaksi tiputettiin 9,90 euroa, mutta sekin tuntuu korkealta. Halvasta kirjasta on kuitenkin vaikea tehdä kannattaa tuotetta. Applen rooli jakelijana aiheuttaa sen, ettei julkaisija voi varmaksi tietää, kuinka pääsee vaikuttamaan jakeluun ja markkinointiin. App Storen kautta julkaiseminen osoittautui hitaaksi ja monimutkaiseksi prosessiksi. Taro iTunesissa: 4. Technology Research Task - results Olli Nurmi VTT:ltä selosti teknologiapuolelta saatuja tutkimustuloksia. WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 4 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) Tavoitteena mm. sellaisen teknologian ja sovellusten kehittäminen, jotka edesauttavat lukulaitteiden ansaintamallien käyttöönottoa ja jotka tähtäävät parempaan käyttäjäkokemukseen. On seurattu mm. HTML5:n ja natiivisovellusten (native apps) kehitystä. Metadataasioista julkaistaan raportti myöhemmin. Lisäksi keskitytty DRM-suojausasioihin, kontekstualisoituun lukemiseen (esim. sosiaalisen lukemisen konseptit) ja mainonnan sisällön esitystapoihin. Lisätietoja liitteestä 4. 5. Technology Research Task – company view Mikko Suihko, Arena Partners, kertoi HTML5-projektista vuonna 2011 opittuja asioita. Olemassa olevaa aineistoa kannattaa pyrkiä hyödyntämään mahdollisimman paljon. Aineistorajapinnan rakentaminen vie aikaa ja vaatii joissain tapauksissa hyvinkin syvällistä ymmärrystä taustajärjestelmistä ja aineiston rakenteesta. Se tapa, jolla toimitusjärjestelmää käytetään, vaikuttaa merkittävästi siihen, miten helposti aineistoa voidaan hyödyntää (metatieto). Aineiston laatuun vaikuttaa toimitusjärjestelmän printtiin liittyvät käytännöt ja toimintatavat, joita on vaikea lähteä muuttamaan. Kaikkia ongelma- ja poikkeustilanteita varten ei voi varautua automaattisessa aineistokäsittelyssä. Saavutettu automaation taso voi olla erittäin hyvä, mutta ei vastaa silti ihmisen tekemää työtä Aineistossa havaittuja puutteita voi olla hyvinkin vaikea yrittää paikata jälkikäteen (prioriteetit, linkitykset, jne.). Aineiston automaattisen rikastamisen avulla voidaan tarjota merkittävää lisäarvoa lukijalle ja rakentaa kokonaan uusia tuotteita Oikeata päätelaiteriippumattomuutta on erittäin vaikea saavuttaa. Asiakkaan näkökulmaan asettautuminen on erittäin tärkeää käyttöliittymää suunniteltaessa. Käyttökokemus on ratkaisevassa asemassa, etenkin kun käyttäjiä opetetaan pois tutusta fyysisestä tuotteesta. WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 5 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) Asiat kannatta pitää yksinkertaisena. 6. Status of tablet developments in Sanoma News Petteri Putkiranta selvitti Helsingin Sanomien toimintaa tableteissa. HS halusi julkaista iPadilla ja valittavana oli kolme vaihtoehtoa: 1. PDF-tyylinen näköislehti printtilehdestä: halpa kehittää ja tuottaa, huono käyttäjäkokemus 2. Käsin tehty ulkoasu iPadille: halpa kehittää, kallis tuottaa, hyvä käyttäjäkokemus 3. Automaattinen ulkoasu iPadille: kallis kehittää, halpa tuottaa, riittävän hyvä käyttäjäkokemus Näistä valittiin kolmas vaihtoehto. HS:n iPad-sovelluksen on ladannut lähes 35000 eri laitetta ja sillä on yli 10000 lukijaa. Kaikki ovat maksavia asiakkaita. o Miehiä 82 %, 25–54-vuotiaita 83 %, suur-Helsingin alueelta 63 %, päällikköasemassa 63 %, akateemisia 63 %, kotitalouden tulot yli 75000 eur 58 % o Lukijoista 62 % sanoo mainonnan sopivan hyvin tai oikein hyvin HS-iPadiin. 41 % ilmoittaa klikanneensa iPad-mainosta. Lähes jokainen haluaa nähdä mainontaa iPadissa. Seuraavaksi tulossa iPadiin lisää sisältöä, työvälineitä toimittajille, uusia mediasovelluksia, lisää julkaisuja. Päätelmät: padit tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia sanomalehdille, niissä on potentiaalia. Lukijoiden sitoutuminen on syvää, mikä johtaa liiketuottoihin kuluttaja- ja mainostajapuolella. 7. eBooks and bookstores – where are we Sari Enckell-Jylhä (yhteistyössä Ville Aholan kanssa): Missä mennään sähkökirjojen latauskauppojen kanssa? Otava iBooks – kustantajat ovat myös kirjakauppiaita: Otava iBooks ei ollut ennalta arvaamaton juttu Tilannekatsausta Akateeminen/Suomalainen/Elisan e-kirjakauppa: Valikoimaan saadaan uutuuksia syksyn mittaan. Hintojen kehitys/kehittymättömyys on jatkuva WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 6 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) keskustelunaihe asiakkaiden kanssa. Asiakkaan on vaikea ymmärtää pokkarina olevan kirjan sähköversion olevan monin verroin kalliimpi (esim. Riikka Pulkkisen Totta maksaa sähkökirjana 19,90 euroa ja pokkarina 8,90 euroa). o Kehitykselle tuo oman haasteensa tuo DRM-suojaus o Yrityksille myydään edelleen ei:tä e-kirjojen osalta o Eink-tekniikka on paljon lukevalle kiinnostava vaihtoehto lukulaitteissa. Erityisesti pitkä akunkesto on saanut myönteistä palautetta. o Lukulaitteista kiinnostuneet sanovat suoraan odottavansa kirjojen hinnan laskemista. Toisaalta odotetaan edelleen kehitystä lukulaitteissa. ´ 8. Electronic marketplace for newspapers and magazines experiences Otto Peltola esitteli ePaper Finland Oy:n, joka on sanoma- ja aikakauslehtien sähköinen markkinapaikka. 3 vuotta sitten perustettu näköislehtien kauppa, jossa nyt tarjolla 250 lehteä. ePaperlehdenlukuja vuosittain jo n. 3,6 miljoonaa. Näistä maksullisia lukemisia 10 %. Lehdet ostetaan verkossa Lehtiluukusta. Luukkuu voi kirjautua iPad-sovelluksella. Se ei oikein houkuttele Apple-maailman asiakkaita mutta palvelee Lehtiluukun asiakkaita. Dramaattinen muutos: maksullisesta sisällöstä oli irtonumeroita vuosi sitten 99 %, nyt tilauksia on euromääräisesti noin 10 %. Apple-laitteiden latauksista (yht. n. 20000) 56 % tulee iPhonesta, 33 % iPadista ja 9 % iPod Touchista. Yllättävää ollut se, että jos päivän lehti ei ole tullut, siitä valittaa useimmiten iPhonen käyttäjä. ”Emme osanneet odottaa, että joku lukisi lehtiä iPhonesta”. 9. Business Models Research Task – results Antti Sihvonen, Juho-Petteri Huhtala ja Anu Nousiainen kävivät läpi ansaintamallien tutkimuksen tuloksia (Aalto-yliopisto – Kauppakorkeakoulu & Laurea). Alustavia tuloksia on saatu seuraavilla alueilla: 1. Uudet tuotekonseptit ja arvoa tuottavat (value adding) palvelut. On tutkittu mm., millaisia oppimisen lähteitä yritykset käyttävät luodessaan innovaatioita uusilla markkinoilla. Käyty läpi 12 casea sanoma- ja WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 7 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) aikakauslehtipuolelta sekä kirjakustannusalalta. Suomalaisessa ereadingympäristössä uusia palveluja kehitetään kokeilemalla käytännössä. Läheinen yhteistyö perinteisten kumppaneiden kanssa johtaa aina näköistuotteen lanseeraukseen. Tämän vuoksi suositellaan kokeilemista ja perinteisten kumppaneiden välttämistä, jos halutaan luoda jotain täysin uutta. Lisätietoa muista tutkimuskohteista esiintyjien PowerPoint-esityksestä. 2. eReading-mainonta: tutkimuskysymyksinä Mitkä ovat mainonnan muodot ja konseptit tabletti/ereading-kontekstissa ja Kuinka mainonnan muodot eroavat amerikkalaisissa aikakaus- ja sanomalehdissä? Sanomalehtien tablettimainokset ovat hyvin samanlaisia kuin internetissä. Poikkeuksen muodostaa The Daily (vain iPadissa ilmestyvä sanomalehti), joka hyödyntää useita vaihtelevia mainontatapoja. Aikakauslehtipuolella ei ole yhtä yleistä mainonnan muotojen hyödyntämisperiaatetta. Wired-lehti on selkeä edelläkävijä. 10 New concepts and efficient processes, Hannu Järvinen Hannu Järvinen kertoi ereading-konsepteista Sanoma Magazines Finlandissa. Sanoma Median kansainvälisessä kyselyssä heinä-elokuussa 2011 selvitettiin, miten ihmiset käyttävät iPadejaan. Kyselyyn vastasi 3673 iPadin käyttäjää Belgiassa, Saksassa, Suomessa, Venäjällä, Hollannissa ja Unkarissa. o Miehiä 80 %, keski-ikä 39, korkea koulutustaso, 60 % ansaitsee yli keskitason. o Kaikki käyttävät iPadia kotona. IPad on korvaamassa pc:n. SMF:llä on Suomessa kaksi natiiviaikakauslehtisovellusta: Gloria ja Tietokone. Molempia on julkaistu vuoden 2010 loppupuolelta lähtien. Lehdet voi ostaa ainoastaan irtonumerona, ei tilauksia. App vai web? o SMF:ssakin on pohdittu appin ja webin plussia ja miinuksia. Samoin on mietitty, pitäisikö olla näköislehti vai oma layout. Miten tällä tehdään rahaa? o aikakauslehtisisältöä ei saa tarjota ilmaiseksi o pelkkä irtonumeroiden myynti ei riitä o uusia sovelluksia on kyllä helppo latailla mutta maksaminen on eri juttu o printtitilaajien pitäisi olla avainasemassa asiakasuskollisuuden lujittamiseksi WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 8 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) o vielä ei ole pelkästään digimuodossa ilmestyviä mainoksia pdf-lehdissä o mahdollinen palvelumalli: online-kirjaston käyttö tilaajille 11. Status of the business ecosystem initiatives Kristiina Markkula selosti liiketoimintaekosysteemeihin liittyvien aloitteiden tilannetta. Yhteisen sisältökaupan liiketoimintasuunnitelma on tehty mutta hanke on ollut alkukesän jälkeen jäissä eikä ole tietoa, jatketaanko sitä. Kustantajien pitäisi miettiä, mitä halutaan, onko aika kypsä vai onko se mennyt ohi. Jos kauppaa lähdetään tekemään, miten se toteutetaan ja kuka sitä vetää? VKL:n rooli oli herätellä, ja nyt ollaan odottavalla kannalla. Eräs niche-alueen sisältökauppa on toteutumassa. 12. Media Experience Research Task – results Jan Kallenbach & co: käytiin läpi eReadingin mediankäyttökokemuksia koskevaa tutkimusta. Motivaationa MX-tutkimukselle on kehitys, jota psykofysiologisen mittaamisen ja biometriikan alueella tapahtuu. Erityisesti terveyden ja kuntoilun puolella ihmisestä voidaan jo nyt mitata monenlaisia suureita, joita kerätään yhteen kännykän avulla ja joiden avulla voi analysoida ihmisen fyysistä ja henkistä tilaa. Mittausmenetelmät kehittyvät koko ajan ja on kehitetty jopa tekoihoa, jolla voidaan seurata ihmisen tilaa. Mediakokemus on yhdistelmä järkeä, tunnetta ja opittua käyttäytymistä. Tunteilla on suuri merkitys ja niihin käsiksi pääseminen olisi tärkeää, jotta palveluita voidaan kehittää haluttuun suuntaan. Media Experience -osuudessa tutkitaan, onko mahdollista kehittää media-alan tarpeisiin mittausmenetelmiä, joilla pystytään ennustamaan median käyttöä pidemmällä aikavälillä Tutkimuksissa on selvitetty mm. mainossisällön ja toimituksellisen sisällön vaikutusta toisiinsa vastaanottajassa sekä mainoksen graafisen ulkoasun vaikutusta toimituksellisen sisällön yhteydessä. Lisäksi testataan mainosten vuorovaikutteisuutta ja muiden ihmisten ”äänestystulosten” vaikutusta käyttäjään. Lisätietoja esiintyjien PowerPoint-esityksistä. WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 9 (10) Next Media - a Tivit Programme Phase 1 (1.2-31.12.2010) Appendixes Liite 1. Liite 2. Liite 3. Liite 4. Liite 5. Liite 6. Liite 7. Liite 8. Short overview on eReading Services case, Helene Juhola, VKL HBL trial, how do we continue?, Lotta Holm; KSF Media Case Taro and WSOY, Liisa Riste, WSOY Technology Research task – results, Olli Nurmi, VTT ja Mikko Suihko, Arena Partners Status of tablet development in Sanoma News, Petteri Putkiranta, Sanoma News eBooks and bookstores – where are we, Sari Enckell-Jylhä, Aakateeminen ja Ville Ahola Suomalainen Business Models Research task – results, Antti Sihvonen & al., Aalto SE Media experience research task – results, Jan Kallenbach, Aalto, SCI WP 1 AND EREADING SERVICES AND D1.1.2.4 + D1.1.4.2:2 MINISEMINAR 18.10.2011 10 (10) eReading Tasks 2011 & Plans 2012 Helene Juhola 18.10.2011 eReading miniseminar 18.10.2011 9:00 9:15 – 9:30 9:30 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:30 10:30 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:15 11:15 – 11:45 11:45 – 12:30 12:30 – 12:50 12:50 – 13:10 13:10 – 13:50 13:50 – 14:05 14:05 – 14:30 14:30 – 15:00 15:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Short overview on eReading Services project HBL trial, how do we continue?, Lotta Holm Case Taro and WSOY, Liisa Riste Break Technology Research Task – results, Olli Nurmi Status of tablet developments in Sanoma News, Petteri Putkiranta Lunch in the room specially reserved for the seminar eBooks and bookstores – where are we, Ville Ahola, Suomalainen or Sari Enckell-Jylhä, Akateeminen Electronic marketplace for newspapers and magazines – experiences, Otto Peltola or Jouni Ikonen, ePaper Finland Business Models Research Task – Seppo Leminen Status of the business ecosystem initiatives, Kristiina Markkula Coffee New concepts and efficient processes, Hannu Järvinen, SMF Media Experience Research Task – Jan Kallenbach Demonstrations at Aalto / TUAS Media Technology 9/2011 Case eReading Services Business goal of the case: to develop a content and publisher driven model for delivering paid content to different kind of eReading devices to create basis for new market and business ecosystems Main research questions: Which are the future business models/earning logics? How to create the best possible media and purchase experience? What kind of technological enablers, standards and interfaces will be needed? NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 3 Tasks and cooperation 2011 1. Business models (ASE) 2. Advertising in eReading context –undertanding current and future advertising solutions Media experience (ATE) 3. New product concepts and value adding services –understanding current and future value added services Media and purchasing Experience of Magazines & Newspapers & Books – peoples experience with electronic magazines Media adoption – tablet newspapers – motivations and use of HBL tablet paper Automated Evaluation and Statistics for the gathered media experience data Technology and solution development (VTT) Technology follow-up - especially standards HTML5 and Onix Managing the book delivery chain - Onix standard and metadata to enable fluent processes in eBook business Social reading – conceptualization of the social book club Content presentation and advertising (HTML5) – news services in multiscreen and multiplatform environment New programme structure of Next Media 2012 eReading Professional/editorial content and advertising Visuality Personal media day Concepts, media multitasking Transmedia storytelling User identity, profiling, context Smart advertising MB MX MT Media Business Media eXperience Media Technology Advertising models User and Service and efficiency Experience Enabling Technologies Work package 1 ... Work package 2 Hyperlocal User generated content, Public sector/open data, Commercial sector data Automation, processes Work package 3 NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 5 Media and service experience of eReading services (companies: 51 pm) A1. Service concepts of the future A2. Experience based content adaptation A3. Integration of active user feedback to editorial processes A4. Social reading services Advertising models in tablets and eReaders (companies: 37 pm) A1. New tablet advertising concepts Visual Power (companies: 15 pm) A1. Identification of visual brand A2. Management of visuality in cross-platfom publishing eReading Chargeable editorial content and advertising in new platforms Content workflows (companies: 42 pm) Enabling technologies in eReading Services (companies: 68 pm) A1.Advertising processes A2. Enablers for new services A3. Managing the book value chain A1. Planning data in editorial systems A2. Product database in editorial workflows Partners 2012 MEDIA Sanoma News Sanoma Magazines KSF Media Lehtiyhtymä Kaleva Arena Partners Ilkka WSOY Otava Kauppalehti Alma 360 STT-Lehtikuva Kärkimedia Viestinnän Keskusliitto (Sanomalehtien Liitto, Suomen Kustannusyhdistys) TRADE, LIBRARIES Suomalainen kirjakauppa Akateeminen kirjakauppa Kirjavälitys Helsingin kaupunginkirjasto Kansalliskirjasto TECHNOLOGY Conmio Silencio Anygraaf Tieto Ellibs/Lingsoft ePaper Finland RESEARCH Aalto SCI, Aalto TAIK, Aalto ECON, VTT, Metropolia, UTA Alatunniste 18.11.2011 7 Vi förbereder dig för morgondagen. HBL on tablets ‐ how do we continue? • Lotta Holm • 18.10.2011, eReading Services miniseminar The first two years • Platform independent autopublished app • 100% newspaper content, different layout • Tested on Åland, March‐May 2011 Learnings and results Media Experience: Big interest in reading newspaper content on tablets! Printlovers want a replica newspaper – printabandoners want something else Technology and solution development: The production of a platform independent solution is a non‐issue Technically the largest effort is to trim the production process and to assure the quality of meta data => Split the project in two 1. Release epaper‐like apps to iPad and Android for the printlovers who live in logistically challenging areas or live on the go: 2. Continue the development of a more niched tablet version that will attract new audiences and early adopters ? DONE! HBL is available on iPad with the eHBL‐ app powered by Visiolink and on Android via Pressreader => Developing a niched tablet version Strategic decisions made during summer 2011, research well under way ‐ What? Why? For whom? How? Project team appointed : Senior Reporter Carl‐Gustav Lindén* Head of Layout Marita Granroth* Researcher Lotta Holm* Web Developer Anton Hemnell Web Developer Joakim Ekroos Product Manager Kaj Ritala Head of Digital Media Johanna Törn‐Mangs Editor in chief Jens Berg Associate editor Marit af Björkesten The core team (*) will work full time in November to produce mockups of the niched tablet version ? Testing the mockups 3 2 1 The mockups will be tested on the target group together with Aalto/Taik. Finetune the concept based on the feedback Develop a functional version and (test it again and) release it Thank you! Lotta Holm [email protected] Taro maan ytimessä Taro at the Centre of the Earth Production of the first iPad application in WSOY Taro maan ytimessä Nuolen tekstit 2 Nuolen tekstit Why Taro by Timo Parvela and Jussi Kaakinen? • • • • Branding Timo Parvela (Tammi & WSOY) Branding Taro: third book coming 2012 Magnificient illustrations by Jussi Kaakinen Finnish content, but international potential 2011 Invitational contest for graphic designers with Tammi winner Satu Ketola 3 First steps • • • • Nuolen tekstit Challenge of new media Publishers master narrative and technique of printed books Several new elements to be implemented Where you can draw the line between game and book? 4 First steps • • • • Nuolen tekstit international distribution channel language versions cost of production / price of product product promise product family 5 First steps Inhouse knowhow • Planning the concept • Manuscript • Productizing, marketing and sales Nuolen tekstit Sub‐suppliers needed • Programming • Authoring • Sound effects, speach Looking for sub‐suppliers 6 Timeline December 2010: creating the concept Nuolen tekstit February 2011: demo from sub‐supplier co‐operation decided, ordering of English translation February – March: working on manuscript and concept, planning sound effects + recording narration April: authoring May: testing June: finishing the product + marketing (games, video, website) August: inserting to AppStore • 15.9. publishing in AppStore 7 Roles and responsibilities • • • • • • Nuolen tekstit WSOY & mobilive: team work in creating the concept & manuscript Illustrator Jussi Kaakinen drew the phases of animation Writer Timo Parvela as narrator of Finnish text WSOY: English translation, recording and directing of speach mobilive: programming, animating and sound effects mobilive & WSOY: testing (technical and usability) WSOY controlled and approved all phases of production 8 Features of Taro • • • • • • • Nuolen tekstit Evident spots for playing (dumpster) Phase of narration Animated arrows for navigation Languages easily switched Sounds on / off Navigating with quick menu Changing of font size 9 Features of Taro Nuolen tekstit 10 Features of Taro Nuolen tekstit 11 Productization and marketing Nuolen Apple as distributor: uncertain how the publisher cantekstit affect the distribution and marketing Productization Trailer in Youtube Facebook‐ and websites Free games for mobile phones Taro labyrint and Taro Memory Lite version of Taro Campaigns • Memory stick campaign for media: consists of trailer and illustrated press release • Press releases, advertisements in magazines etc. • 12 Outcome • • • • Apple account is slow and complicated process Price image of mobile products: scope /price Process: co‐operation with marketing in early stages of process Testing requires time – possibility to edit the product • • • Language versions Features of printed book vs. enriched book better utilising of NextMedia Thank you! Liisa Riste producer [email protected] eReading Services , Technology Research Task, Results eReading Miniseminar 18.10.2011 Olli Nurmi NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 1 General task focus Technology and solution development that is necessary to enable the eReading business models or to allow seamless and high user experience • • • News services Managing book value chain by metadata tools Social reading services Demonstrating several themes on multichannel content delivery platform. Content delivery, retrieval and presentation are demonstrated on different platforms NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 2 Activity 1: Technology follow-up Capability of HTM5 vs native App • report on metadata issues will be published later NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 3 Activity 2: Modeling and demonstration of DRM Refocused on content metadata extraction and metadata management Results in Q3 : content metadata extraction and metadata management tools NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 4 Activity 3: Contextualized reading technologies and approaches for search and aggregation, social reading and new services based on user statistics Results in Q3: • Framework and demonstration for content aggregation and search services • Framework and demonstration for personalised news service based on user data collection NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 5 Activity 3: Social reading service concepts Discussion groups concerning certain topics or book collections Book rating and commenting Results in Q3: social reading concept demonstration video and web questionnaire Sharing of book-related content and data Personal reading history NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 6 Activities 4: Content presentation and advertising Content presentation in multiplatform and screen environment Processing and generating content metadata in automatic content flow processes Advertising concepts and technology approaches NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 7 Activities 4: Content presentation and advertising Results in Q3 • Framework and demonstration for content retrieval and normalisation • Framework and demonstration for content presentation and advertising in news services in multiscreen and – platform environment using HTML5/CCS3-technology • Cases: Helsingin Sanomat, Savon Sanomat, Kaleva NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 8 Open platform for news service Editorial system XML description Devices with html5compatible browser Case Running since Sept. 2010, 100 % automation Full text & faceted search NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 10 Case Reader data model Normalised xml Editorial system ~160 xml files/issue Running since September 2011, 100 % automation Xml + image dump clustering and categorizing, clutter removal, metadata generation, priorisation NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 11 Vuonna 2011 opittuja asioita HTML5 projekti eReading seminaari, VTT 18.10.2011 eReading seminaari, VTT, 18.10.2011 - Mikko Suihko/AP • Lehtien tekemisen fokus on journalistisen sisällön tuottaminen ja sen hyödyntäminen • Olemassaolevaa aineistoa kannattaa pyrkiä hyödyntämään mahdollisimman paljon • Aineisto-rajapinnan rakentaminen vie aikaa ja vaatii joissain tapauksessa hyvinkin syvällistä ymmärrystä taustajärjestelmistä ja aineiston rakenteesta • Se tapa jolla toimitusjärjestelmää käytetään vaikuttaa merkittävästi siihen miten helposti aineistoa voidaan hyödyntää (metatieto) • Aineiston laatuun vaikuttaa toimitusjärjestelmän printtiin liittyvät käytännöt ja toimintatavat, joita on vaikea lähteä muuttamaan eReading seminaari, VTT, 18.10.2011 - Mikko Suihko/AP • • Kaikkia ongelma- ja poikkeustilanteita varten ei voi varautua automaattisessa aineistokäsittelyssä Saavutettu automaation taso voi olla erittäin hyvä, mutta ei vastaa silti ihmisen tekemää työtä • Aineistossa havaittuja puutteita voi olla hyvin vaikea yrittää paikata jälkikäteen (prioriteetit, linkitykset, jne) • Aineiston automaattisen rikastamisen avulla voidaan tarjota merkittävää lisäarvoa lukijalle ja rakentaa kokonaan uusia tuotteita • Oikeata päätelaiteriippumattomuutta on erittäin vaikea saavuttaa eReading seminaari, VTT, 18.10.2011 - Mikko Suihko/AP • • Asiakkaan näkökulmaan asettautuminen on erittäin tärkeää käyttöliittymää suunniteltaessa Käyttökokemus on ratkaisevassa asemassa, etenkin kun käyttäjiä opetetaan pois tutusta fyysisestä tuotteesta • Asiat kannattaa pitää yksinkertaisena eReading seminaari, VTT, 18.10.2011 - Mikko Suihko/AP Helsingin Sanomat in tablets Oct 18. 2011 Petteri Putkiranta We wanted to publish HS on iPad and we had three options • PDF-like recreation of the print edition – Low development cost, low production cost, bad user experience • Hand-made-layout for iPad – Low development cost, high production cost, good user experience • Automated layout for iPad – High development cost, low production cost, good enough user experience Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 2 These three options had also different technology options • PDF-like recreation of the print edition – Low development cost, low production cost, bad user experience • Hand-made-layout for iPad – Low development cost, high production cost, good user experience • Automated layout for iPad – High development cost, low production cost, good enough user experience • PDF: several vendors – both product and taylor made, large file size • Handmade: Several vendors – mostly products, large file size • Automated: Several vendors – taylor made SW solution, scalable file size Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 3 HS Automated publishing Editorial system Web CMS Mobile Apps Server HS Digilehti – paid digital content Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 4 Who are our readers (Helsingin Sanomat) HS iPad readers • Men – 82% • 25-54 yrs – 83% • Metropolitan Helsinki area – 63% Managerial position / white collar – 63% Academic degree – 63% Household income over 75.000€ – 58% HS iPad is a decision makers media Ads do not disturb at all, I would like to get higher quality ads and video ads What do they say about advertizing in HS iPad • Advertizing fits well / very well – 62% • 41% agree having ”clicked” an ad • Nearly everyone wants advertizing Also the print ads would be nice to have May 2011, N=1400 Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 5 Our first media products • 2week package 3500,- – 1day front page + one full page for 2 weeks • 1month package 6000,- – 2days front page + one full page for one month • 1month + first time use sponsorship – In addition to 1 month package the first time users subscription page coverage 7500,- • Front page 1300,- – For one day • Print to Pad for one week 1300,- – 4x260mm print ad to iPad (both directions) • Ad supplement (piloting) ? – Customer supplement laid out to main page view • Text page banner – 250x250 static image with link for 2 weeks 6 21.10.2011 1300,- Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 6 Case: HS iPad – Sonera Huawei 1 CTR 5,5% ! 2 7 21.10.2011 Esityksen nimi / Tekijä 3 Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 7 Case: HS iPad + iPhone supplement • First rich media implementation across platforms • iPad and Smartphones 5,0% started the video 95% Finished it 9,2% started the video 74% finished it 8 21.10.2011 Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 8 Lessions learned (1) • Early prototyping: We had the first version running on iPad simulator before US iPad launch. • Fail early: By prototyping, we were able to steer development into right direction from the get-go. • Avoid unproven product solutions: None of the ad platforms were able to support the off line advertizing – allways coming soon • Be open: We gave out test builds close to 200 devices and got loads of real-world feedback pre-launch (and also hype from distributing the app to key media buyers & media agencies) • Complex product system: It's not just the application (you also need customer support, integration to subscriber system, marketing etc.) • Need some serendipity as well: We built newspaper integrations for in early 2000s, now using the same feeds for iPad App (major advantage in time-tomarket) • Find a trusted partner: We developed App in close co-operation with a longestablished 10-man Mac software operation. • In-house expertise is invaluable: – Our lead developer kept us in the loop on iOS developments. – Apple seem to change their policies all the time as well as evolves their offerings => technical issues often have commercial implications and vice versa (UID, news stand…) Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 9 What next ? • • • • More content Tools for editors New media solutions More publications Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 10 Current conclusions • Pads have potential for newspapers – Deep reader engagement => consumer and ad revenues Copyright © Sanoma Corporation | Presentation name / Author 21.10.2011 11 eReading 18.10 Sari Enckell-Jylhä Yhteistyössä Ville Aholan kanssa Missä mennään? Akateemisen Latauskappa 18.11.2011 2 Missä mennään? Suomalaisen e-kauppa 18.11.2011 3 Missä mennään? Elisan e-kirjakauppa 18.11.2011 4 Missä mennään? Otava iBooksissa 18.11.2011 5 Tilannekatsausta: • Valikoimaan saadaan mukavasti uutuuksia tässä syksyn mittaan • Hintojen kehitys/kehittymättömyys on jatkuva keskustelunaihe asiakkaiden kanssa. Asiakkaan on vaikea ymmärtää pokkarina olevan kirjan ekirjaversion olevan monin verroin kalliimpi, asiakkaan kannaltahan on vain kyse kirjan elinkaaresta: ‒ Riikka Pulkkinen Totta ‒ E-kirja 19,90 ‒ Pokkari 8,90 • Kehitykselle oman haasteen luo DRM ja sen tekniset haasteet • Yrityksille myymme edelleen ei:tä e-kirjojen osalta • Lukulaitteista eInk on paljon lukevalle kiinnostava vaihtoehto, erityisesti pitkä akunkesto on saanut positiivista palautetta 18.11.2011 ‒ Lukulaitteista kiinnostuneet sanovat suoraan odottavansa kirjojen hinnan laskemista - Toisaalta odotetaan kehitystä lukulaitteissa edelleen 6 eReading Services Business Model Team – Preliminary Results 18.10.2011 Seppo Leminen Antti Sihvonen Juho-Petteri Huhtala Mervi Rajahonka Riikka Siurulainen J Li dh l Business Model Team – Activities and research in 2011 Activity New product concepts and value adding services eReading advertising Objective Benchmarking process of servitization Benchmark research on advertising opportunities (in the United States) Studies • Role of learning in eReading service development • BM transformation process from traditional to digital (Sanoma News, HBL, Sanoma Magazines) •Interactivity in eReading • BM modularity (Otavamedia) • “Digital space” from content producer POV •Advertising concept taxonomy in eReading context • eReading advertising as a part of integrated marketing communications: Advertisers perspective Agenda • Preliminary results 1. New product concepts and value adding services: • • • • Role of learning in eReading service development BM servitization process – Case Sanoma News “Digital space” from content producer POV BM Modularity 2. eReading advertising: • Taxonomies of advertising concepts in eReading context • Bubbling under Short description of work-in-progress studies in BM task 2011 New product concepts and value adding services Role of learning in eReading service development 4 Background • • Based on the interviews conducted in the NextMedia project in 2010 & 2011 Note: last datapoint from late spring 2011 • RQ: What kind of sources of learning firms use to create incremental and radical innovations in emerging markets? • Total of 12 cases from newspaper, magazine and book publishing industries A set theoretical approach Focus on internal information generation & collaboration with external partners Intentionality not covered • • • Results Table 1. Truth table for combinations of learning sources underlying product release outcomes from NPD process Outcome Condition Set 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E = I = X = T = E I X T 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 External market intelligence D = Internal market intelligence Z = Experiential learning R = Learning with traditional industry D 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z R n Cases B1, N2, N6 B2 B3 N1 N3,N4,M1 N5 N7 M2 1 0 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 Learning with new digital partners Innovative product release Replica release of traditional publishing product Managerial implications • • • • No single factor defines the innovation outcome Experiential learning drives new to market service innovations in the Finnish eReading context Close collaboration with traditional partners led always to a replica product launch Different configurations can be used for different outcomes – If the goal is to create something radically new, experimenting and avoiding cooperation with traditional partners is a key to success – Replica product launch can be achieved by multiple avenues, radical changes are not necessary New product concepts and value adding services BM servitization process – Case Sanoma News Antti Hirvonen 8 BM servitization process 1. Product development process & 2. Business development management – – – In‐depth case study done in Sanoma News Preliminary results: • Value proposition drives infrastructure development and reconfiguration • The customer interface is built upon the infrastructure • Customer interface further drives the reconfiguration of value proposition Analysis of the business model development of HS 1.1. and HS 2.0. underway • Will give additional information on how the business model reconfiguration is done after initial launch 9 Idea recognition phase Initial idea of value proposition III: Infrastructure I: Offering Outcome: decision to start development II: Customer interface Main partners Value creation mechanisms Value proposition Customer relationships Customer segments 4 2 1 6 8 Core capabilities Channels / distribution 3 5 IV: Financial aspects Cost structure Revenue structure 7 Value chain role definition Key partner definition (platform, advertising) Value configuration operationalizes value proposition III: Infrastructure Infrastructure development phase Outcome: go-tomarket decision I: Offering II: Customer interface Main partners Value creation mechanisms Value proposition Customer relationships Customer segments 4 2 1 6 8 Core capabilities Channels / distribution 3 5 IV: Financial aspects Cost structure Revenue structure 7 Customer interface development phase Outcome: value proposition redefinition III: Infrastructure I: Offering Decision to use iPad as the platform Decision of the desired Decision to use customer segments paid content II: Customer interface Main partners Value creation mechanisms Value proposition Customer relationships Customer segments 4 2 1 6 8 Core capabilities Channels / distribution 3 5 IV: Financial aspects Cost structure Revenue structure 7 Servitization in HS 1.0. Transition from Goods-dominant logic to Service-dominant logic New product concepts and value adding services “Digital space” from content producer POV Anu Nousiainen 14 Objective Vision and new service offering ideas in the context of Next Media/eReading will be created and presented during 2011 by 1. studying and evaluating the future potential of so called ”Digital Space” esp. from the point of view of storytellers 2. describing the new value and meaning between key actors and related interactions in the ”Digital Space” 3. illustrating selected services & interaction models between key actors of ”Digital Space” Scope (in the context of Next Media / eReading) • • ”Digital Space” aims at capturing what is going to happen next in the context of eReading (books) and in the field of services digitalization Ongoing Next Media / eReading research and projects related to ”Digital Space” are to do with eReading experience development (device UX/purchase experience) and web service concept development (new social web site concepts) What next? ”DIGITAL SPACE” Developing eReading experience e.g. through device optimization for accessing and reading contents Enhancing existing web offering e.g. through adding social and crowdsourcin g elements into web sites Context (digital space), Profiles (storytellers, consumers, content), Storyline (service design) RESEARCH Practices and dialog with ”things” such as story itself? Most potential segments/profiles for active usage? Readers Dialog and sharing needs e.g. through community? SERVICE DESIGN <DIGITAL SPACE> The nature of stories and contents evoking interest and Contents dialog? Other related service network actors and community enablers e.g. aggregators? Interaction opportunities Selected service descriptions (business) Value propositions Actors The practices and role of interaction in content creation process? Authors Most potential segments/profiles for active content production e.g. bloggers? Success criteria and enablers e.g. resources? STATUS 11+4 books 11 readers 6+4 authors 7 experts Ideation workshop Nov. 3rd DIGITAL SPACE PROFILES AUTHORS PRODUCERS DIRECTORS ROLE / VALUE / MOTIVATOR ROLE / VALUE / MOTIVATOR ROLE / VALUE / MOTIVATOR Inviting, encouraging, touching. Maintaining. Building. Initiating, posting, educating. Testing. Growing. Curating, blending, cultivating. Innovating. Evolving. PACKAGE TOPICS EXPERIENCE NATURE / FORMAT NATURE / FORMAT NATURE / FORMAT Novels, classics, short stories, poems. Text. Reading. Columns, esseys, online stories, blogs, guides. Interactive. Browsing. Fantasy, history, education, youth. Hypermedia. Playing. GOURMANDS SEEKERS BROWSERS ROLE / VALUE / MOTIVATOR ROLE / VALUE / MOTIVATOR ROLE / VALUE / MOTIVATOR Readers. Escape, personal, nurturing. Practionists. Knowledge, learning, selfdevelopment. Converged. Entertainment, gaming, influencing. Dialog / Value co-creation / Evolution DIGITAL SPACE DESIGN GUIDELINES There will be.. books. The status of the book.. increases. From value chain to value network / ecology of partners • Leap frogging needed already from transparency and dialog to co-creation (network) • Multidisciplinary teams needed where readers / consumers have a role From book production to story optimization • The characteristics, nature and estimated lifecycle of the text / story direct production and delivery format • The originator of the story and the target audience direct production and delivery format From ”Digital space” ownership to nurturing local storytelling • ”The meeting place” for encounters and experiences through stories and people, through features of express service and enchanting serendipity, and through enabling different paths to evolve. New product concepts and value adding services BM Modularity 21 Articles and conference papers on modularity 1. Huhtala, J.-P., Tölö, M., Rajahonka, M., Leminen, S. Modularity of digital service offering for traditional publishing industries: An empirical analysis. The Second International Service Modularity Seminar Aalto University School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, January 20-21, 2011 2. Rajahonka, M., Huhtala, J.-P., Leminen, S., Tölö, M. Sihvonen, A. Digital service offering modularity: An empirical analysis of traditional publishing industry. The 1st Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference, 7-8 September 2011 3. Huhtala, J.-P., Leminen, S., Rajahonka, M., Siuruainen, R., Tölö, M. Modular Business Models for eReading Services. Presentation at the 4th EurOMA's International Forum on Service Operations Management, Florence, Italy, 1920 September 2011 4. Leminen, S., Rajahonka, M., Huhtala, J.-P., Sihvonen, A., Siuruainen, R. & Tölö, M. (2012) Towards disruptive innovations in digital service offering: An empirical analysis of traditional publishing industry. Robert DeFillippi, and Patrik Wikstrom (Eds) (2012). Business Innovation and Disruption in Publishing Vol. 1 in the Business Innovation and Disruption Book Series (Abstract submitted) 5. Wiklund-Engblom, A., Leminen,S., Westerlund, M., Staffans, S.& Rajala R. (2012) Towards Transmedia Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Transmedia Formats. Peter Lang Book. (Book chapter abstract accepted) 22 Benefits of modularity • Faster new service development (NSD) by using existing and new service elements (modules) • Mass-customized or even personalized offerings by combining service modules according to customer needs • More efficient and adaptive processes by standardization of core process modules and combining them with specific process modules for example for digital channels • Exploiting division of labor and specialization: Joint offerings produced by specialized actors in production networks • Flexible business models – adapting to market changes by re-combining business model modules in innovative ways 23 Digital service design modularity for publishing companies • • • • Framework adapted by Henderson and Clark, 1990 and Yoo, Henfridsson and Lyytinen, 2010 No service design modularity: only digital replica versions of traditional products, e.g. PDFversion of traditional media. Service component design modularity: multiple digital replica variations, such as PDF, webpage and mobile application. Architectural service design modularity: sub-modules as outcomes of service design process, including stand-alone articles. Complete service design modularity: e.g. personalized bundle of stand-alone articles from multiple services. Rajahonka, M., Huhtala, J.-P., Leminen, S., Tölö, M. Sihvonen, A. Digital service offering modularity: An empirical analysis of traditional publishing industry. The 1st Cambridge Academic Design Management Conference, 7-8 September 2011 eReading advertising Advertising concept taxonomy in eReading context 25 Research Background • Research Questions: 1. 2. • • • What are the forms and concepts of advertising in tablet/eReading context? How do advertising forms differ in U.S. based magazines and newspapers? Is there some distinct common principle in tablet/eReading advertising? Methodology: Tablet/eReading medium observation, the data is collected using Apple’s iPad (vers. 1) Data Collection Period: Weeks 13 – 41 (late March – late October), altogether 29 weeks Data is collected from the following newspapers, magazines, and other relevant media: – – – Newspapers: USA Today, The Daily, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times (UK), Washington Post, Los Angeles Times Magazines: Time Magazine, Wired, The Economist, National Geographic, People Magazine, Fortune, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Reader’s Digest, Golf Digest, Vogue, Elle, Better Homes and Garden, Wallpaper, Martha Stewart Everyday Food Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, The New Yorker, LA Times Magazine, Oprah Magazine, Esquire, Outside Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Popular Photography, Digital Photographer, Backpacker Magazine, Transworld Surf, Startup Magazine Other relevant tablet media: CNN, MTV News, ABC News, CBS News, NPR, Flipboard, Pulse News Taxonomy of advertising concepts in eReading context 1. Text Ads 2. Static Print Ads 10. Game‐like Ads 9. Functional Content 3. Extended Print Ads Advertising concepts in eReading 4. Videos 8. Sponsored content 7. Embedded campaigns 5. Audio Ads 6. Banners 1. Text Advertisements • • Text advertisements are one of the most basic forms of advertising in eReading medium Text advertisements are not embedded into applications but rather to functions in an external space, such as on a tablet’s desktop screen or as a pop-up on top of other applications 2. Static Print Advertisements • • Print-like advertisements (i.e. print replica advertisements) are static photo-based advertisements that do not contain any interactivity, such as animated movements or clickable links to external landing pages These ads are popular in U.S. magazines even though they lack interactivity and engagement aspects that make eReading medium a competent advertising medium 3. Extended Print Advertisements • • Extended print advertisements resemble static print advertisements in their visual layout but, unlike static print advertisements, they contain some interactivity, such as clickable links to external, online web pages These advertisements contain a crucial “call to action” element meaning that advertisers are able to utilize several online advertising mechanisms in ‘print-like’ context 4.1 Videos – Video Only • • In ‘video only’, the whole advertisement is designed based on a particular video, such as TV commercial or movie trailer These ads do not offer much functionality, content or links to other web pages but, rather, the main purpose of the ad is the video itself 4.2 Videos – Video as a Part of Entire Ad • • • In ´video as a part of entire ad´, the video is just a secondary element of an advertisement Herein, the video is not the sole idea of the ad but, rather, the video supports the other elements of the ad. The purpose of the ad may be to, for instance, direct consumers to an online shop and/or the company’s social media website 4.3 Videos – Editorial Videos • • In ’editorial videos’, commercial goods are presented as a part of editorial content. Even if this kind of videos are fundamentally non-commercial, they are executed in a very commercial-like manner From the perspective of magazine publishers, these kinds of editorial videos are central since they are seen as producing valueadded for readers; instead of relying solely on sheer text- and image-based product assessments, products may be displayed and judged with the help of moving images 5. Audio Advertisements • • • Since eReading devices and tablets can also be used as audio devices, some media houses utilize ‘radio’ ads in their applications One of the most remarkable media organizations in the U.S., that is distinctly utilizing audio advertising in tablet context, is National Public Radio (NPR). In the case of NPR, audio-based content – that is, news, articles and music – is provided to tablet users via distinct iPad application which is sponsored by a commercial party 6. Banners • • • • Banners usually exist in contexts that resemble structurally traditional web pages Some major newspapers in the U.S., such as USA Today, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, have built their eReading applications so that they resemble the newspaper’s online page rather than the physical newspaper Therefore, the advertising in eReading applications is also congruent with other online advertising which takes place in the website However, since traditional banners are rather simple to execute, they do not fully utilize the visual and technical possibilities of tablet advertising 7. Embedded Campaign Sites • • Embedded campaign sites are HTML5-based advertising pages that entail various functionalities, such as two-way interaction capabilities, videos, e-commerce solutions (’call-to-action’) and social media tools These advertisements often take up an entire page in magazines and newspapers and resemble product or service campaign web pages functionality-wise 8. Sponsored Content • • Sponsored content is nearly always associated with different applications and their content. For example: – NPR offers new audio content each week as the advertising sponsors change – Wallpaper+ Case Studies functions in a similar manner – An electronic version of Entrepreneur Magazine can be read for free via its sponsored iPad application even though the physical version costs and is nationally for sale in news‐stands Magazines and newspapers do not yet offer sponsored content sections (e.g. sport pages sponsored by a sporting company) inside the magazine/newspaper 9. Functional & Commercially-Oriented Content • • • The product review pages of newspapers and magazines are a clear sign of how direct and seamless e-commerce may be embedded into independent editorial content. Commercial content in eReading and tablet media resembles to a great extent the concept of affiliate marketing where publishing parties direct consumers to merchants’ environment (that is, e-commerce platforms) and receive commissions on every actualized act, such as site visits or realized sales. Wired magazine announces in its product review page that “WIRED receives a commission on sales.” In this sense, we are clearly dealing with an online affiliate site where editorial content does not only serve the reader but also the magazine itself; it is part of the e-magazine’s revenue model 10. Game-like Advertisements • • Some tablet advertisements utilize "gamification" thinking which means that the ad contains certain game-like elements that aim at engaging readers profoundly Most game-like ads take advantage of the device's physical characteristics, such as tilt and/or move recognition Main findings • Newspapers – Newspaper ads highly similar to ads in the webpages • Traditional major newspapers ‐ such as USA Today, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington post, Los Angeles Times – utilize mainly embedded banner advertising; the ad has been embedded both on the front pages of different news sections and among editorial content (i.e. within text paragraphs). • Yet, The Daily magazine (a newspaper that is published only for tablet/eReading context) appears to be an exception to this as it utilizes greatly various advertising forms. • Magazines – There is not single common principle with regard to utilizing advertising forms. • Wired is a clear frontrunner – Usually in magazines, where different product reviews have a dominant role, e‐commercialism is directly embedded into the magazine. Examples of such magazines include, for instance: Elle, Wired, People, and Oprah Magazine. – All in all, ‘static print advertisements’ and ‘extended print advertisements’ seem to still be the most common advertising forms. The latter one utilizes online functionalities, such as linkages to commercial websites and/or call‐to‐ action elements. Bubbling under Short description of work-in-progress studies in 2011 41 Work-in-progress studies in 2011 • • • eReading advertising as a part of integrated marketing communications: Advertisers perspective BM Modularity in Otavamedia New business opportunities and BM transformation process from traditional to digital – Case HBL & Sanoma Magazines Thank you! – Questions? Comments? eReading Media Experiences Jan Kallenbach & Sami Meri (AST) Kari Kallinen & Niklas Ravaja (ECON) Agenda Media & Service Experience – The BIG picture Magazine Experiences Experiment Automated MX-Data Evaluation NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 2 Media Experience The BIG Picture NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 3 Media & Service Experience The BIG Picture Available Products for Mobile Health Monitoring NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 4 Media & Service Experience The BIG Picture Available Products for Mobile Health Monitoring: Wearable Electronics NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 5 Media & Service Experience The BIG Picture The Future: Electronic Epidermal System NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 6 Media & Service Experience The BIG Picture The Mobile as the Information Hub NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 7 Media & Service Experience The BIG Picture The Mobile as the Information Hub NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 8 Media & Service Experience Emotional Experience visualized NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 9 Media & Service Experience Media Experience of an Article NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 10 Media & Service Experience Media Experience of Content Media Experience • across time (e.g. media day) • across content (e.g. several issues) • across users (e.g. audiences) NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 11 Media & Service Experience User Groups 3 G Identification of • Audiences • Segments • User groups • User preferences • ... G2 G1 NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 12 Media & Service Experience Experience-based Content Adaptation Adaptation in Media Production and Consumption • • • Real-time Experience Analytics - Capturing MX data from multiple people simultaneously Automated Evaluation & Inference of the Individual & Social MX Adaptation of Contents for users - Presentation: Content Type, Layout, Interactivity, … Platform: End device Adaptation of the media production processes - Agility in meeting the needs for changing content types, delivery platforms, … Flexible allocation of human & technological resources NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 13 Semantic Media Services Adaptive Media Production Media Studio • Adaptive Presentation Media Experience Spaces • Adaptive Production of Mobile & Delivery of Content Content • Automated Evaluation of Media Experience Data Other Contexts MX Data NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 14 Magazine Experiences Experiment NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 15 Magazine Experiences Advertisements We want to test the influence of the following factors • Ad Content Congruency (content of ad is congruent to article content or not) • Ad Design Congruency (Graphical design of ad congruent to article or not) NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 16 Magazine Experience Ad is Content & Design Congruent NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 17 Magazine Experience Ad is Content & Design Discongruent Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 18 Magazine Experiences Interactivity & Social Media We want to test the influence of the following factors • Ad Interactivity (Interactivity of ad absent or present, i.e. a button to access additional ad content) • Other people’s voting results (Voting of article by “other people” positive or negative) NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 19 Magazine Experience Ad with Interactivity Experience the Saratoga Chair NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 20 Magazine Experience Ad with Interactivity Experience the Saratoga Chair NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 21 Magazine Experience Sharing & Interactivity Other people liked this article Share with Your Friends • Email (link) • Twitter (short message) • facebook (article excerpt) • DropBox (article pdf) Tag Before Sharing Living room Bathroom Furniture Accessories Lifestyle Wellness Share NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 22 Media Experience Magazines & Ads What we will measure • • Emotional reactions during article and ad consumption • Tagging (keyword annotation) (decisions to add value to content before sharing) • Willingness to buy • • Willingness to Share in various ways (decision to share) - The article The advertised product Recall of article and ad content Evaluation of trustworthiness, interestingness, etc. NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 23 Media Experience Magazines & Ads Progress Achievements so far • • • • Experimental design modified Tablets prepared (Android 3) Magazine content implemented on Android 3) Setting up experiment To do • • Conducting experiment Data Analysis NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 24 Automated MX-Data Evaluation NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 25 Automated MX-Data Evaluation Overview Media Experience Data is voluminous MX data analysis takes a lot of time Automated Evaluation helps • Uses today’s computational power to analyze data in real-time • • • Saves time Allows faster insight into consumer behavior Enables adaptive media presentation & production NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 26 Automated MX-Data Evaluation Measurement & Analysis Software NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 27 Automated MX-Data Evaluation Progress Achievements so far • • • • Redesign of measurement software completed Selection of analysis methods completed Web service for real-time evaluation created Integration of tablet & mobile software To do: • • Analysis of HBL trial data using the methods Analysis of Magazine experiment data NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 28 Thank You! Questions? Comments! NEXT MEDIA - A TIVIT PROGRAMME 18.11.2011 29