Coexistence in the Northern Part of Town - Solingen
Coexistence in the Northern Part of Town - Solingen
Theatre and Concert Hall City Information / Citizens Advice Bureau Cinema Playground Daily Needs Skating Hall „Rollhaus“ Groceries Flower Shop Bakery / Confectionery Community Meeting Point Kiosk Mosque Café Snack Shop Education Kindergarten Barber Shop Library SoKa (social department-store) Community College Hotel Internet Café EC Cash Machine Vocational School Restaurant / Open Lunch Special School Senior Citizens Everyday Care / Assisting Services Moving About Rathausplatz Sheltered Housing Bus Stop including Name Geriatric Care Taxi Stop Ambulant Geriatric Parking Area Ambulance Meals on Wheels Health Car Park / Underground Car Park T Filling Station Public Toilet Doctor Driveway / Access Non-Medical Healing Professions One-Way Street Pharmacy Sports, Wellness Pedestrian Way Defibrillator Borders of the Northern Part of Town What does the Logo express? The logo as a distinctive mark shows a number of colourful square areas. They vary in size, length, and thickness. Why is that? They are there to point out one thing: The people who are at home here are just as diverse as the distinctive areas. Yet, despite all diversity, these areas all thrive into the same direction, towards the word “coexistence”. The logo “coexistence in Solingen” was developed by the city of Solingen and can from now on be found wherever people campaign for an equal togetherness. Questions and Suggestions These bits and pieces of information were compiled by the co-workers of the administration of the city of Solingen. Please let us know which parts you like and if there’s anything missing. We are happy to receive your suggestions! N O R it D freize ur t l S u s k p T ort A D T w oh ne n sh op pi ng Advice Offer The northern part of Solingen is situated between Weyersberger Straße, Kronprinzenstraße, the “Corkscrew Embankment” Kasinostraße, and Augustastraße. It is a motley quarter hosting people of diverse origins. This map shows how easily one can accommodate oneself in the residential quarter. Everything is within reach: kindergartens and schools, institutions for senior citizens, doctors and pharmacies, shops, coffee shops and restaurants, inside and outside venues. In addition, it emphasizes barrier-free areas. Der bunte Stadtteil mit Zukunft IN THE NORTHERN PART OF TOWN Leisure Time COEXISTENCE Information / Advice ga st ro no m ie Coexistence in the Northern Part of Town LEGEND ON THE MOVE IN YOUR URBAN QUARTER Klingenstadt Solingen Lenkungsgruppe Inklusion und Demografie matter close to their hearts. Others do it, because they are professionally linked to this project, for instance, if they work for a social community and institutions or as a city administration developer. And every single man living here can do his share to get ahead. Togetherness is most important. Always remember: Join, get to know each other, live in “your” northern part of town in a friendly neighbourhood! Find out more about the project “The Social Northern Part of Town” here: www. there’s a vast list of offers. For many years several social welfare organisations have been working under one roof. It’s always about getting in touch, getting into a conversation with one another; with other generations, with other cultures. The common goal is to live in harmony, to coexist, to feel happy in the northern part of town. The Skating Hall A lot of children and teenagers live in the northern part of town. At the Skating Hall / Youth Centre “Rollhaus” Things keep improving The Motley Part of Town with a Future The northern part of the city of Solingen is a motley residential quarter: Round about 4500 people of diverse origins live here –74 different nationalities are represented! This diversity is a big challenge, but mostly, it offers incredible possibilities. Get in touch with your neighbours, in the Multi-Generations-House or in one of the cafés in the quarter or the construction trailer kiosk “Tukan” at the “Corkscrew Embankment”. Sit down and enjoy your time on one of the playground benches or meet your friends for sportive activities. And let your neighbour tell you about his former home. This way, you’ll find out more in one afternoon than in the course of an entire holiday trip. Reach out, get to know each other, and learn to understand! Active people make quarters become worth living and buzzing. The outer appearance of the northern part of town is just as motley: There are a lot of old mansions, typical multi-family houses, companies and shops, busy arterial roads and quiet residential districts, bustling city life and green spots inviting you to relax, play and have fun. That’s a place worth living The northern part of town is a place worth living. You’ll find (almost) everything you need in the closer vicinity: the bakery and the barber shop just around the corner, shops to meet your daily needs, playgrounds and day cares for children, schools, central meeting points such as the MultiGenerations-House, a beautiful quarter square (MercimekPlatz), cultural events at the theatre and concert hall, a citizens advice bureau, the city library, a community college in the immediate proximity and much, much more. The Social Aspects A lot has improved in the northern part of town. This is also due to a promotional programme called “The Social Northern Part of Town” developed by the state of North RhineWestphalia which helps putting a lot of social and architectural improvements into practice. It is vital that a lot of people put themselves out for the northern part of town and shape it. Some of them do it, because they live in this part of town and because it’s a Over the past few years many things have changed in the quarter: It was given a long-missing centre of its own when the new Town Hall and the Town Hall Square were introduced. And many an event has shown: it’s a good venue for celebration. The “Nordstadtfest” for instance has become a tradition: It is designed by clubs, institutions, schools, kindergartens and many other committed people from the quarter. The Borough Bureau A borough bureau was established on Kuller Straße in 2008. Today it is an important contact point for our citizens. The quarter’s manager and thus, its reference person, can be found here. She is always happy to receive ideas and suggestions concerning changes in the quarter, she helps finding rooms for meetings and establishes contact between groups intending to meet in the borough. The Multi-Generations-House The Multi-Generations-House is a very important meeting point in the quarter. Education courses for adults and senior citizens, leisure time specials for children and teenagers, work orientation classes, international group meetings – (“House of Wheels”) they have great possibilities of spending their pastime. Not only in a sportive sense or when it comes to skating: Since the expansion in 2012, there is a youth café, a recreation room, group rooms, a kitchen where cooking classes are offered regularly and an advice office. The “SoKa” (social department-store) The SoKa offers used goods in mint condition at reasonable prices: furniture, clothes, toys and more. A tailor is also present, there is a playing and changing corner for children and the café has long since been a popular meeting point. Pavements and Foot-Walks Accessible (broader than 5 feet, solid and even surface) Restricted Accessibility Handicapped Parking (Car) (including number of seats) 2 (Breadth between 4 and 5 feet / Not even or not solid surface) 2 No Accessibility 2 (Breadth less than 4 feet cm / Not even or not solid surface) No Pavement available Tunnel Incline of between 6 and 10% / Powerful self-propelling chairs Incline of between 10 and 20% Or punctual steep inclines / Powerful assistant Or electro-propelled chairs requested Stairs Cycle Barrier accessible Cycle Barrier not recommended for wheelchairs Cycle Barrier not accessible Bottleneck less than 90 cm* Bottleneck less 90 and 150 cm * Breadth at least 350 cm and length 500 cm Breadth between 230 cm and 350 cm Breadth less than 230 cm Entrance (for public buildings, cemeteries) Broader than 150 cm Pedestrian Lights / Pedestrian Lights planned Pedestrian Lights (including audio signal, vibration plate arrow) Less than 90 cm Additional Institutions Elevator Toilet Ramp Crossing accessible / with Traffic Lights (dropped kerb < 3 cm) Crossing with restricted Accessibility / With Traffic Lights (dropped kerb > 3 cm) Any other crossing is not accessible. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dentist / Orthodontist General Practitioner Otolaryngologist Gynaecologist Internal Orthopaedics Child and Teenager Psychologist Non-Medicinal Healing Professions 2 =Logopaedics 1 2 3 4 5 Physiotherapy Logopaedics Ergotherapy Natural Health Professional Therapy Centre Pharmacy Sitting Accommodation Borders of the Northern Part of Town Health / Access to the Institutions The reachability of the doctors’ offices is only depicted up until the entrance area. Traffic Island / Traffic Island planned (Only depicted if there’re no traffic lights) 2 = General Practitioner Less than 150 cm *Only the narrowest bottleneck has been depicted, there may be others in public. Crossing Streets in Traffic Doctors ... PREFERABLY BARRIER-FREE LEGEND COEXISTENCE IN SOLINGEN – THE NORTHERN PART OF TOWN 1. Edition 2014 Editor: Concept and Cartography: No barriers to Front Door (Door broader than 150 cm) Restricted Accessibility of Frontdoor (Door between 90 and 150 cm) No Accessibility (Frontdoor narrower than 90 cm or steps) Words: Effective: Map Basics: Copies: Printed by: © The City of Solingen • Lord Mayor • Inclusion and Demography City Service Mapping and Land Registry In Collaboration with Inclusion and Demography Press Office January 2014, additions May 2014 Official City Map Solingen 5000 printed by Offset Company, Wuppertal OFFSET COMPANY SCC-13 Climate-Neutral Klingenstadt Solingen Lenkungsgruppe Inklusion und Demografie Find the best way On this side of the map can you see the northern part of town, too. It is there to help you determine the conditions the ways are in at first glance: Are they accessible? Is there an incline? Do steps, stairs or bottlenecks have to be reckoned with? Might it be even better to choose a different connection? Those are relevant bits of information for people who have to look closer as obstacles are harder to circumvent for them: People pushing a pram or sitting in a wheelchair, those who aren’t light on their feet or those whose vision is inferior to others’. Coexistence This map is there to help you move about safely in the quarter, to make everything on offer reachable and usable. But it’s about much more than just overcoming architectural barriers: everybody shall be able to take part, nobody shall be excluded. The common goal is: “coexistence”. We intend to shape our town in such a way as to allow everyone to live here equally and to take part in everything – no matter what their sex, their age, the language they speak, their grade of education, their profession or their religion, whether they are disabled or not. One thing is certain: Every individual is the way he or she is and that’s the good thing about it! “Coexistence” implies building bridges, talking to one another, getting to know each other. And it also implies taking an active interest, caring for your neighbour und supporting each other. Many an obstacle is much easier to overcome with a helping hand. It is also important to tear down to the barriers inside. Keeping on good terms with your neighbours is the best precondition. And this is the best precondition for feeling comfortable and at ease. Living in the Northern Part of Town The possibilities of getting to know each other and starting a conversation are multiple in the motley and diverse northern part of town. You can meet while doing the groceries, at the social department-store, at the Multi-GenerationsHouse, at the skating hall or under a clear blue sky. For instance, in Mercimek-Square in front of the Multi-Generations-House. Or at the playgrounds on Haumannstraße, Cäcilienstraße, and Burgstraße. They’ve been expanded and a lot of interesting pastimes for the young as well as seats for parents and grandparents are offered. The green space at Vorspel has been completely re-designed. Today, large meadows invite your offspring to play and to have a picnic. There is also a super-slope-slide. Also, the playground at the former northern train station has something to offer for every generation. Apart from monkey bars for the toddlers, there is an artificial grass pitch and a basketball basket for teenagers as well as a number of fitness devices for adults and senior citizens. The construction trailer “Tukan” is a Korkenziehertrasse Kinderspielplatz Ballspiele Seniorentreffpunkt Fitnesspunkte ehe ma lige r Ba hnh of meting point as well as it is a kiosk. Here you can also lend toys. Those who want to get to know the northern part of town even better should join borough strolls that are offered regularly. Information: Karen Odenius, „Nordstadtbüro“, Phone: 0212 2313440 Addresses and Contact Persons: • Multi-Generations-House Address: Mercimek-Platz 1, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 202763 or 0212 287225 Contact Person: Konstantin Eleftheriadis • Quarter Management at the Burough Bureau “Nordstadt” Address: Kullerstraße 4 – 6, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 231344 - 0 Contact Person: Quarter Manager Annika Bellmann E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm • Administration / Town Hall Solingen Address: Rathausplatz 1, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 290 - 0 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8am – 1pm Additionally Thursday 2pm – 6pm Right Next Door: • Community College – Venue: Solingen Address: Mummstraße 10, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0202 563 - 2607 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: • Skating Hall Address: Konrad-Adenauer Str. 8 –10, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 2216149 Contact Person: Tanja Kasten E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: • Citizen Advice Bureau Clemensgalerien Address: Mummstraße 10, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 290 - 0 E-Mail: [email protected] Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm Saturday 9am – 12am • Social Department-store “SoKa” – Second Hand Items in Mint Condition Address: Schlagbaumer Straße 12, 42653 Solingen Phone: 0212 319408 Owner: Gabe gGmbH, Ober der Mühle 30, 42699 Solingen E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: www. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.30am – 6pm Saturday 9.30am – 4pm • Customer Centre Stadtwerke Solingen – Public Transport Address: Kölner Straße 131, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 295 - 2222 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: • Theatre and Concert Hall Box Office Address: Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 71, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 204820 Contact: Marion Kretzschmar, Marijana Spelter E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: Opening Hours (might reduced during holidays): Monday to Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm Monday and Thursday 3.30pm – 6.30pm Plus one Hour before Curtain Up • City Library Solingen (including Internet-Café) Address: Mummstraße 10, 42651 Solingen Phone: 0212 290 - 3210 E-Mail: [email protected] Homepage: Opening Hours: Closed on Monday Tuesday to Friday 10am – 8pm Saturday 10am – 4pm Questions and Suggestions We are happy to receive your ideas and suggestions: Heike Auer, Demographic Coordinator, phone: 0212 290 - 4277 Andrea Noe-Kückelhaus, Coordination for the Disabled, Phone: 0212 290 -5281 E-Mail: [email protected]
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