Mechanical versus X
Mechanical versus X
Mechanical versus X-ray luminosity Manfred W. Pakull, Observatoire de Strasbourg coll. Roberto Soria, Christian Motch, Fabien Grisé and others Chandra/ESO press release S26 P13 ULXs & their environments Strasbourg June 13-16, 2016 NGC 7793: Home of ULX P13 (talk of C. Motch) and of ultra - powerful jet source S26 Chandra/ESO press release S26 P13 Outline ULX nebulae and bubbles (ULXB) ULXs interact with / act on the IS medium: q Photoionization of ISM; formation of X-ray ionized nebulae (XIN) ; measure of Lx q Wind and jet driven bubbles -> rad. shocks; measure of mechanical power P_wind or P_jet q Real life: effects of both photo- and shockionisation; not easy to disentangle q What else can we learn from ULXB ? The beginning: IC 342 X-1 CFHT, Hα Laurent Mirioni & Pakull 2002 W. H.T., Integral Field spectrograph, Hα T. Roberts et al. 2003 Tooth nebula; diameter 220 pc ! SNR-like spectrum More Strasbourg ULXB Holmberg IX X-1 NGC 1313X-2 26’’=400pc 30 ’’=500pc NGC300 S10 NGC 5585 S1 some more of Strasbourg ULXB NGC2403 X- 3 = MF14/15 Examples for close ’SNR’ doublets really 1 extended ULX bubble M81 N2403 MF22+MF23 = X-6 MF14+MF15 = X-3 MF: Matonick & Fesen SNR catalogs some more of Strasbourg ULXB NGC2403 X- 3 = MF14/15 Examples for close ’SNR doublets’ à really 1 extended ULX bubble M81 X-6 MF22+MF23 N2403 X-3 MF14+MF15 Many ULXB appear in SNR catalogue entries ! Photoionisation of nebulae by ULX Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula Broad (5 ’’) spectroscopic slit Laurent Mirioni’s thesis Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula; HeIIλ4686 emiss.) Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula; HeIIλ4686 emiss.) Holmberg II ULX an X-ray ionized nebula; HeIIλ4686 emiss.) Holmberg II X-1 Ha HeII [OI] IP = 54 eV to excite 4686 recombination radiation: must be due to photoionisation by X-ray source (like LMC X-1) L4686= 2.5 1036 erg/s; dia ~ 50 pc Using Cloudy , one derives an integrated X-ray luminosity Lx ~ 6 10 39 erg/s No strong beaming here !! L(4686)/L(0.3-10) ~ 0.0002 HST ACS; Kaaret et al 2004 c.f. studies by Berghea et al. and Abolmasov et al. NGC 5408 X-1 Corbel & Kaaret 2009 detection of X-ray ionized nebula (XIN); dia ~ 30 pc incl. HeII 4686 and [NeV] 3426 IP = 54eV 98eV X-ray photoionization No sharp Strömgren spheres because gas becomes optically thin for high hν photons; à outer region of warm (10^4 K) nearly neutral atoms . * With respect to stellar photoionisation : + strong low-ionization lines: [OI]λ6300, [NI] λ5200 [SII] * “ “ “ : + strong high-ionization lines HeII, [OIV] (IP = 54 eV = 4Ryd) , [NeV] (IP = 97 eV) * emission lines are narrow (FWHM < 30 km/s). * Te ~ 10,000 K; <~ 20,000 K for Z/Zsol < 0.2 (i.e. SMC) * Hα, {ΗeΙΙλ4686} lines ‘count ’ ionizing photons hν > 1Ryd , {>4Ryd} * use Ferland’s Photoionization code Cloudy to derive ionizing luminosity A XRB in an IS cloud (n >10 cm-3) creates 1 HeII λ4686 photon per 1 X-ray photon L4686/hν4868 ~ Lx(0.5-10keV) /2 keV (à poor man’s X-ray telescope) Ionization by shocks ULXBubbles Pakull & Mirioni 2002 NGC1313-X2 Ramsey et al 2006 a rapidly expanding nebula Size ~ 570 x 400 pc Vex ~ 100 km/s highly supersonic expansion: shocks ! [ c(104K) = 10 km/s ] E W λ A few elements of shock physics (A) Adiabatic, non-radiative shock ( no B field) n1 = 4 n0 ; v1= 3/4 vs ; T1 ~ 105 K v1002 (I) Isothermal, fully radiative shock (no B ) n2 = M2 n0; v2 = vs; T2=T0 precursor Cooling & recombination [0I] 6300 Dopita & Sutherland 95 vs = 400 km/s - high- and low-ionization lines formed @ different Te e.g., Te[OIII] ~ 30-40 kK Te[OI] ~ 8 kK - broad emission lines Δv ~ vs ->main difference to XIN Some shock diagnostics 10 1 5007/β 3 1 .3 0 [OIII]λ5007/Hβratio as function of shock vel. vs (Dopita et al 1984) radiative shocks For fully radiative shocks dissipated energy (shock luminosity per surface element [erg/cm2/s]) is Is = ½ ρ vs3, spherical shock: Lrad = 4π R2 Is = 2π ρ R2 vs3 Shock modeling (such as Dopita et al 96, Allen et al. 08) will and tell you what the spectrum of this emission is. For example what fraction comes out as X-rays, IR, recombination radiation, such as L(Hbeta), or forbidden lines such as [OIII], etc. Radiative shock Rs Structure and Energetics of ULX Bubbles Wind/jet driven bubble with power Lw and fully radiative outer shock (Weaver+ 1977) results in self-similar solution for hydrodynamics with [p = (γ-1) e] l Rs = (125/154π)1/5 (Lw/ρ)1/5 t3/5 ; vs = 3/5 Rs /t; γ = 5/3 Combining with shock luminosity: Ls = 2π ρ R2 vs3 *** Lrad = 27/77 Lw = 0.35 Lw *** for γ = 5/3 example : Lβ = 0.005 Lrad = 0.002 Lw for vs ~ 50-150 km/s Energetics of ULX Bubbles • Bubble radii R ~200 pc (i.e. >> SNR) • Expansion velocity vs ~ 80 – 150 km/s • IS densities n ~ 0.1 - 1 cm-3 Age : τ ~ τ6 106 yrs; *** Power Lw ~ 1039 erg/s ~ Lx (ULX) *** Total energy: Eo~ 1053 erg/s (several 100 SNe !!) With Mdot x τ = (few) *Msol; ( Lw = 1/2 x Mdot x vw2 ) vw = 0.19 c {L39 τ 6 (few–1)}0.5 (mildly) relativistic -> agrees with recent XMM RGS results by Pinto et al. (Nature 2016); of N1313 X-1 & N5408 X-2: vw = 0.2c Some remarks on jets FRII galaxy Cyg A The first jet from ULX (proper) Lx ~ 5E36 erg/s kT ~ 0.3-0.8 keV Lx ~ 7E36 erg/s Γ ~ 1.5 Lx ~ 1.1E37 erg/s kT ~ 0.3-0.8 keV Mx ~ few 100 Mo Pakull, Soria & Motch, 2010 Nature Using formalism for ULX bubbles: S26 long slit along minor axis along major axis Hα [NII]λ6584 HS North (blueshifted) *cont + Ha HS South (redshifted) 22 x 250 km/s 2 x 360 km/s S26 energetics Application of Weaver et al. wind-bubble formalism and assuming the presence of full radiative shocks, we estimate a jet power of Lj ~ 3 x 1040 erg/s >> Lx ~ 7 x 1036 erg/s GR MHD simulations (Tchekhovskoy + 14) suggest that Lj can reach (at most) ~ 5 x L_disc (a=0.99) ; and Ghisellini + 14 provide statistical proof for such high jet power in a sample of BL Lacs. à low Lx/Lj in S26 must due to X-ray absorption (Compton-thick), or current X-ray low state of former ULX/HLX. Some results so far ULX interact with IS medium – via photoionization and through winds/jets Photoionisation allows to measure total luminosity (irresp. of beaming) Optical identification of many new bubbles ULX bubbles indicate mechanical power ~ 1039 erg/s i.e., Lx ~ Lj t ~ 106 yrs ; Etot ~ 1053 erg S26 in NGC 7793: super-SS433/W50 system with hot spots (->jets); Lj ~ 3 1040 erg/s >> Lx; a ULX after all ! (presence of 23mag counterpart with broad em. lines ) Where there is one specimen, there are probably others … NGC1313 X-2 bis: another huge ULX bubble ? NGC1313 Ha VLT X-2 bis 125x225 pc Lx <1036 erg/s Hα broad! X-2 ~1040 erg/s Vexp = vs = 180 km/s -> expanding very energetic bubble Lw / Eo ~ 1039/1053 cgs presently inactive ULX ? [SII] Where there is one specimen, there are probably others … The case of NGC 5408 X-2 NGC 5408 X-1 NGC 5408 « X-2 » X-1 (also noted by Sutton+16) VLA 4.9 GHz; Lang et al 07 0.4 mJy X-1 3.0 mJy X-2 NGC 5408 X-2 NGC 5408 X-1 Slit used for VLT spectroscopy by Kaaret & Corbel (09), Cseh et al (11, 13) NGC 5408 X-1 & X-2 [NeV] 3426 HeII 4686 X-1 X-2 [OI] 6300 X-1 SNR X-2 Hα 6563 NGC 5408 X-1 & X-2 [NeV] 3426 HeII 4686 X-1 X-2 Two X-ray ionized nebulae (XIN), around X-1 and X2, respectively, are only 14’’ = 340 pc apart Note that there are only a handful known XIN (around ULXs) in the sky. NGC 5408 X-2 ESO-VLT 2010 log Fλ HWZI =5000 km/s EW = 2100 A Hα V=19.0 B-V=1.8 Extreme LBV-type object ? NGC 5408 X-2 Hγ log Fλ P Cyg HeIIλ4686 Hβ P Cyg Extreme LBV-type object ? X-2: a Compton-thick (?) HLX with a ‘LBV’ counterpart • NGC 5408 X-2 (Lx ~1037 erg/s) has a luminous (Mv = -10) counterpart with presently (i.e. since several years) EW (Ha) = 2000A (!) and HWZI ~ 5000 km/s. Ha line was more narrow and weaker (EW= 400A) in 1993. • • It excites a XIN suggesting HLX (~1041 erg/s); heavily absorbed ?, now only weakly active ? Radio luminosity ~ 8 x Cas A • • Suggestion of common-envelope spiral-in phase of a MXB; BB: RBB = 5,000 Rsol; take M = 100 -> Porb =30 yrs X-2: evolutionary scenario Question of timescale for spiral-in. here: > 20 yrs Orbital decay timescale depends strongly on stage of core He burning (c.f. Taam & Sandquist ARAA 00). -> Key object for study of massive binary evolution. Belczynski+ 16 The end Merci & Danke schön