Spotlight on Sarcoidosis REACH for the STARS President`s Message
Spotlight on Sarcoidosis REACH for the STARS President`s Message
4 11 Welcome New Board Members Hike for Lung Health 2014 12 14 State of Illinois Health Fair Sarcoidosis Awareness Event Letter to the Foundation BMF The Bernie Mac Foundation 2015 Newsletter President’s Message Rhonda R. McCullough Spotlight on Sarcoidosis Princess Currence story R.E.A.C.H. for the STARS 3rd annual Town Hall Meeting at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System 2 | 2 0 15 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R Bernie Mac Foundation 150 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 2800 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Our Mission The Bernie Mac Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to preserving and continuing the vision and legacy of its founder, Chairman Emeritus, Bernard J. McCullough, who desired to use his celebrity status to promote awareness and research of the disease known as Sarcoidosis, as well as to raise funds in an effort to bridge the gap between the medical professionals who treat and the patients who suffer from Sarcoidosis, thereby providing support to Sarcoidosis patients everywhere. Our Vision Our vision is to become a beacon of hope to Sarcoidosis patients everywhereparticularly to those who do not have access to care. It is our hope that through raising funds toward extensive medical research, we will be a part of the puzzle that gets one step closer to solving the mystery that is Sarcoidosis, so that Sarcoidosis patients can be treated with the same urgency and care as Cancer or HIV patients, and so that a cure is found so that no one else has to suffer or lose their life to Sarcoidosis as Bernie did. Our Values Guided by the McCullough family’s charitable spirit and with the help of our friendships and partnerships throughout the community, The Bernie Mac Foundation is dedicated to continuing Bernie’s legacy of humility, charity, and sympathy by promoting scientific research and awareness. We are aggressively working toward the prevention and treatment of Sarcoidois, focusing on the disadvantaged, who would otherwise not have access to resources. TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R 2 0 15 | 3 A Message from the President Greetings, I am pleased to share all of our new experiences that have taken place since our last news letter. Before I start, I would be remiss by not thanking an extending a warm heartfelt appreciation to all of the Bernie Mac Foundation many continued supporters, officers, board of directors and staff. With that being said I’d like to welcome our New Board of Director Members, Hon. Anthony L. Young (retired), Dennis Irvin, Douglas T. Gaines, Manotti L. Jenkins, and Milton Moses. We look forward to a wonderful working experience with our new directors. On September 24, 2014 we hosted the Bernie Mac Foundation presents Sarcoidosis Awareness Day at the State of Illinois Building. We raised awareness for Sarcoidosis to the community. Dr. Nadera Sweiss was on the panel to provide information on Sarcoidosis and to answer questions about the disease. We were honored to have our friend Secretary of State Jesse White, who is a longtime supporter of the Bernie Mac Foundation. On September 25, 2014, The Bernie Mac Foundation and University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System presented, Shining a Light on Sarcoidosis, our 3rd annual Town Hall Reach For The Stars Event. Dr. George Kondos, Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, provided welcoming remarks to the town hall attendees. We were honored to have Pat Tomasulo, sports anchor and co-host for WGN morning news host our event. Also we were inspired by three fantastic women who are living with Sarcoidosis. They provided their personal testimonies. We thank Princess Currence, Arlette Grubbe, and Melissa Johnson. Dr. Nadera Sweiss and her team of doctors provided information on the treatment of Sarcoidosis as well as research updates. Dr. Shiva Shahrara provided pertinent information concerning cardiac Sarcoidosis. Dr. Yang Lu spoke on advances and imaging the heart and lungs in Sarcoidosis. Dr. Mehdi Mirsaeidi received the Bernie Mac Star Center Outstanding Research Fellow Award. His research focuses on metabolomics in Sarcoidosis. September 28, 2014 we participated in the Respiratory Health Association Hike for Lung Health event held in Lincoln Park. This event is always so rewarding. It allows us firsthand to partner with other organizations for a common goal, which is to bring attention to lung related diseases. There is always great camaraderie among the participants. To end, we look forward to the many planned activities and event which will further continue our mission for 2015. We thank you, our supporters, for your lasting support. I wish each and everyone a blessed Thanksgiving, a joyful, healthy holiday season, and a prosperous New Year!!!! Rhonda R. McCullough 4 | 2 0 15 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R Welcome New Bernie Mac Foundation Board Members I am an attorney and new member of the Board of Directors of the Bernie Mac Foundation. As a Board member, I am among a very dynamic group of professionals who set policy and direction for the Bernie Mac Foundation. I am also a member of the Executive Committee for the Board, charged, along with three other committee members, with streamlining and recommending important executive functions for the Board. Further, I am the chair of the Communications and Media Relations Committee, charged primarily with protecting and enhancing the Foundation’s brand. My experiences with the Foundation have been very enlightening and moving. Enlightening in the sense that I, like many people in the general public, had been largely ignorant on what sarcoidosis was. As a member of the Board, I have participated in programs, such as our Town Hall Meeting in September 2014, that provided very thorough clinical and practical patient information about sarcoidosis. Moreover, I have been given direct personal access to Ms. Rhonda McCullough, our President, CEO, and Board Chair, as well as Bernie Mac’s widow, and she has spoken directly with me about the symptoms and the human effects of living with, and being married to, a sarcoidosis patient. The experience has likewise been moving for me, in that my spirit is filled daily with the reality of knowing that I am among a group that is involved in productive activities to educate the public on, and find a cure for, the devastating disease. I am further moved by the fact that, since publicizing my membership on the Board, I have learned that there are several family members and friends of mine who are suffering from the disease, and I feel good to be a part of the solution to relieve such persons of their suffering. Law Offices of Manotti L. Jenkins, LTD. 5111 South University Avenue Suite 305 Chicago, Illinois 60615 (312) 208-9537 (office/cell) (872) 228-8153 (fax) [email protected] My great experiences on the Board have truly encouraged me about the future of the Foundation. This present Board and the incredible staff of committed professionals are inspired to strengthen the Foundation to continue to do extraordinary things to educate the public and provide strong support for research to find a cure for sarcoidosis. “ALWAYS Fighting For Right!” TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R 2 0 15 | 5 Honorable Anthony L. Young Currently Honorable Anthony L. Young (Ret.) is Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Chicago State University. Judge Young practiced law with an emphasis in domestic relations and tax appeals. He has served as a consultant to President Bobbie L. Steele, Cook County Board of Commissioners, providing legal analysis and advice as requested. As a Circuit Court of Cook County Judge, Anthony L. Young has presided over cases from filing through trial, hearing motions to dismiss for temporary injunction for summary judgments and motions regarding discovery. He has also heard actions for accounting, declaratory judgment, interpleadings, partitions to quiet title, demands for specific performance, and administrative review. The Honorable Anthony L. Young is a proud alum from Golden State University, San Francisco, California and DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, Illinois. Douglas T. Gaines Douglas is a sales professional from Chicago, working as a broker with large conglomerate companies such as Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, The Lincoln FinancialGroup and The Prudential Insurance Company of America,subsidiary of Prudential Financial, Inc. Douglas Gaines is the Founder and CEO of Gaines & Gaines Financial Services, Ltd. He has partnered with his mentor and business partner Sol Hicks, CEO of Solomon Hicks Financial Services of Acworth, Georgia who mentored him to the Top of the Table of the Million Dollar Round Table. Mr. Gaines is appointed with approximately 30 insurance companies in 25 states. Milton Moses Milton Moses, president and chief executive officer of Community Insurance Center, Inc. in Chicago, Ill., has been re-elected to the board of directors of the Professional Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois (PIIAI) as Region 18 Director, effective October 1, 2002- September 30, 2003. As Regional Director, Moses is the principal link between the membership in his region and the PIIAI.As a member of the PIIAI board of directors, Moses works with other board members to approve all policy positions regarding insurance legislation and, through the board, assists with management decisions impacting the association’s longterm financial viability. Moses currently serves on the Government Affairs Committee for the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America. Dennis Irvin President Highland Community Bank 6 | 2 0 15 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R Spotlight on Sarcoidosis Princess Currence I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis 12 years ago. This is my story. It was the summer of 2002, June. I was going into my second year of graduate school. I was a professional Congolese dancer as well. I had been having intermittent bouts of pain over the past few years and I thought it had resolved, however, I woke up one morning with achiness in my right ankle. I dismissed it thinking that it must be because I worked it too hard in dance practice the previous week. By the next week, the pain progressed from my right ankle to the left and then moved from my right wrist to my left. By the end of two weeks, I could not push myself up from a seated position with my hands. The pain migrated from head to toe. I went through a revolving door of doctors that did not know what was wrong. The only remedy, in their view, was to keep giving me pain killers. I did not want more drugs, I wanted answers. Fast forward, one of my students whose mother had a similar mysterious condition, was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Hearing this, I spoke to my Rheumatologist about this possibility, did the test, and low and behold, I was diagnosed with it as well. I thought “finally! I have a solution”. But, this elation was short-lived. The pain persisted; by this time, I was walking with a cane. The turning point came for me when one morning I woke up and thought my house was on fire because the room seemed to be in a haze. My eyes were inflamed and I had Uveitis and Irisitis. It was the eye doctor that first introduced the word Sarcoidosis to me and thought I had something systemic. It wasn’t until December, when I started to have itchiness inside of my chest, accompanied by a persistent cough, that my Rheumatologist was alarmed, and fit me in to her schedule. She immediately sent me to the hospital where after a one week of battery of tests, I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis of the lungs primarily as well as my joints. I had spent about 6 months dealing with the unknown. They put me on high doses of Prednisone; I was bed bound for a month and needed to start back to school in January. Although plagued with constant fatigue and pain, I was able to return to school with a lot of faith and support. It had taken me two years to taper down on the 20 mg prednisone a day along with trying other drugs available at that time and ultimately settling for Prednisone. My husband started researching different things for the pain. There was some research which suggested that people with automimmune diseases have difficulty absorbing vitamins, so I started taking liquid vitamins and various supplements, so that by April, my pain was greatly reduced. During my taper off of Prednisone, I went in to remission, which is now called the Dormant stage of the disease, in 2004 (August). We got pregnant in December of 2004. I had my daughter Gabrielle in September of 2005. Three years later, in 2008, the disease became active in my sinus and nasal passages. In 2009, I had surgery to remove the tissue that was blocking my Living with Sarcoidosis means that TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R 2 0 15 | 7 I had to establish new normals for me and for my loved ones. tear ducts. This tissue had made me tear excessively in one eye and eliminated my sense of taste. I have been in the Active disease state since then and am now back on Prednisone and Plaquenil. About Feb 2011, my husband began researching the connection between food and the ways in which we could establish a better relationship with food, for our new daughter’s sake. He ran across the Paleodiet. The Paleo or Primal diet is where you eat like the cavemen did, “fruit, vegetables, nuts, meat, no gluten, no or low sugar”. Around this time, I was in significant pain, taking Vicodin and Ultram but with little or no effect. By September of that year, following the diet, I had lost almost 70 pounds and had very little pain. This changed my life. Living with Sarcoidosis means that I had to establish new normals for me and for my loved ones. It means that I can’t always go out with family and friends. Sometimes I walk with a cane or can’t walk. I’ve had to manage my own expectations as well as that of my loved ones. I had to decide how I was going to respond to the disease. My husband and I often say to my daughter when she says that she is bored or that she is mad when something doesn’t go her way: Happiness is a choice. It doesn’t mean that this life is not difficult, frustrating and sometimes makes you cry. It means that it is what it is. We can choose to give up and get upset that we sometimes can’t do the things that we want or we can decide to be happy and find happiness in different ways. There still aren’t a lot of treatment options and research needs to be done about the disease. It is not as sexy or mainstream as some other diseases. When Bernie Mac passed away, he was able to elevate the profile of Sarcoidois and create discussions about it. Because the cause of the disease is unknown, it was imperative, in my view, that I take control of my health and help my doctors manage the disease. For me, coordination and communication of specialists has been key. Every person’s journey through to diagnosis is different. Unfortunately, we have the difficulty to get diagnosed and the journey of treatment in common. That is it is why we need places like the Bernie Mac Star Clinic where we have leaders in the field that are trying and pairing established as well as new and innovative ways to treat and hopefully one day find a cure for this disease. 8 | 2 0 15 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R R.E.A.C.H. for the STARS Greetings from Nadera J Sweiss, MD On behalf of the Bernie Mac UIC STAR team, I would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the Bernie Mac Foundation for their continued support to the UIC, Bernie Mac STAR Center. On September 25, 2014 we held our 3rd annual Town Hall Meeting at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System to work together for a common goal. The Bernie Mac Foundation team members continued dedication, hard work and commitment made our partnership a success. We are honored to work closely with you toward a common goal “finding a cure for sarcoidosis and lessen the suffering of those affected by this disease”. The Bernie Mac STAR Center continues to grow to serve patients from all over the United States. We strive to deliver personalized care to all sarcoidosis patients with a special focus on those with refractory disease and health disparities. We look forward to great work being done in this effort. Our collaborative efforts lead to a great 2014. We proudly celebrated together the two year anniversary of the Bernie Mac STAR Center, On September 25, 2014 as we held our 3rd annual Town Hall Meeting at the University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System . We are proud of the preliminary research finding supported through the Bernie Mac Funds. Dr. Shiva Shahrara received the Bernie Mac STAR Center outstanding scientist award to study the mechanistic TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R 2 0 15 | 9 It is a great honor to receive the research support through your foundation. We truly appreciate your trust and commitment to support the STAR team at the University of IL Hospital and Health Sciences System. We appreciate your commitment to raise $250,000 over the next few years. Dr. Nadera Sweiss Dr. Shiva Shahrara Your support and trust made it possible for us to succeed and serve many patients with sarcoidosis. It will allow us to emphasize our philosophy in sarcoidosis care “REACH for the STARS” into action. Dr. Yang Lu R: Research E: Education A: Academic excellence C: Clinical Care H: Humanism Maximillienne Elliott, Esq. aspects of cardiac sarcoidosis. sarcoidosis in African American Ten patients were included in the patients. His preliminary data was study, the cells are isolated from the presented as an abstract at the peripheral blood and sophisticated AASOG meeting in Ohio, Sep 2014. testing is done in Dr. Shahrara lab He will continue his work mentored to identify immunopathogenic by Dr. Roberto Machado. mechanisms in sarcoidosis. Our results are preliminary and are not Dr. Yang Lu joined our STAR team published yet, we to focus on studying hope to complete a novel imaging this study in protocol combining We appreciate your 2015 with the conventional nuclear commitment to leadership of Dr cardiac stress test William Swedler, and chest FDG PET/ raise $250,000 over Steven Dudek CT in patients with and Dr George the next few years. cardiac sarcoidosis. Kondos. Dr. Patricia Finn Dr. Mehdi Mirsaeidi received and Dr. David Perkins will lead the Bernie Mac STAR Center the STAR team discovery lab and outstanding research fellow will focus on studying the role of award. His research focused on microbiome in sarcoidosis. Our team metabolomics in sarcoidosis, his remains active at the national and preliminary research identified international level through research novel biomarkers in fibrotic lung and education. We extend our thanks to all of your team members individually. We extend our thanks and appreciation to all sarcoidosis patients. We are dedicated to serve every patient with sarcoidosis. We are excited about our partnership and collaborative work, together we will make a difference. Host Pat Tomasulu WGN TV Anchor Town Hall Metting photography courtesy of Donald Barge Special thanks to: Tanya Garrett, Sarita Garrett, Danielle Haseman, Emily Welter, and Saumil Patel, Dionne Thompson and Brenda Joyce Thompson. TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R 2 0 1 5 | 11 Hike for Lung Health 2014 The Hike for Lung Health is a multi-charity walk hosted by Respiratory Health Association (RHA) to promote healthy lungs and fight lung disease. The Bernie Mac Foundation proudly participated for the fourth year. Leading the way in donations was our President and CEO, Rhonda R, McCullough, who ranked third in overall donations for this event with $3,510.00. The Hike for Lung Health Charity Walk brought out the youth and the young at heart. Persons either walked a mile, three miles, virtually walked and/or enjoyed the festivities provided in part by the Jesse White Tumblers, face painters, DJ and bouncing booth for the youth. The Bernie Bernie Mac Foundation Mac Foundation’s booth consisted of donations from raised in overall another one of our partners, donations $5,100.00 University of Illinois Hospital Health and Sciences System. We gave away snacks, T-shirts and information on sarcoidosis. A photo-op standee of Bernie Mac was a crowd pleaser as well as our custom made game called “Knock Out Sarcoidosis”; where persons punched a whole (“knocked out sarcoidosis”) in a circle and retrieved either a gift and or information about sarcoidosis and the Bernie Mac Foundation. It was a great turn out and a successful event. Our administrative assistant, Yvonne Moore served as our liaison for the second year in. “We are delighted to have Bernie Mac Foundation participating (Hike for Lung Heath) and raising awareness about sarcoidosis.” ~ Gina M. Schwieger Sr. Director Special Events, Respiratory Health Association 1 2 | 2 0 15 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R Board of Directors, Assistant Legal Counsel, Executive Director, and Secretary of State Jessie White State of Illinois Health Fair Sarcoidosis Awareness Event The Bernie Mac Foundation sponsored a State of Illinois Health Fair Sarcoidosis Awareness Event on September 24, 2014. The event was held at the James R. Thompson Center, Concourse Level 100 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois 60601. The event featured health related topics promoting Sarcoidosis awareness and research. Rhonda R. McCullough, President and CEO of the Bernie Mac Foundation welcomed special guests and attendees. Executive Director, Mary Ann Grossett delivered information regarding the foundation’s vision and mission. Assistant General Counsel, Maximillienne Elliot provided biographical information on the Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Bernard J. McCullough, Bernie Mac Foundation. Additionally, the foundation was honored to have the support of our longtime friend and supporter, the Honorable Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State. The Bernie Mac Foundation featured Dr. Nadera J. Sweiss, Program Director S.T.A.R. Clinic. The Bernie Mac Sarcoidosis Translational Advanced Research (S.T.A.R.) Clinic Program Director, Dr. Sweiss and medical team, provided health related issues regarding Sarcoidosis awareness, reducing health disparities among Sarcoidosis patients and patient advocacy and care. Denise Jordan Walker, Bernie Mac Foundation Director of Media and Public Relations facilitated this event. The Bernie Mac Foundation would like to thank Ms. Wilma J. Wilbon, Special Events Coordinator and staff for their support and assistance. Rhonda R. McCullough President/Ceo Secretary of State Jesse White w/ Attorney Edward A. Williams (Board of Director/Treasurer) Rhonda, Dr Nadera Sweiss (Director of the Bernie Mac S.T.A.R. Clinic) and supporters Secretary of State Jesse White TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R 2 0 15 | 1 3 5th Annual Holiday Toy Drive The Bernie Mac Foundation held our 5th Annual Holiday Toy Drive Event was sponsored by the Illinois Department of Public Health Special Events at the James R. Thompson Center. Our toy drive was a complete success. We are grateful to our supporters that took time out of their busy schedules to drop off toys, shake our hands, share memories of Bernie Mac, browse our website, learned about sarcoidosis and research that is being facilitated in part by the generous donations to the Bernie Mac Foundation. We are grateful for the generosity of our supporters. A special thank you to Ms. Wilma J. Wilbon; Special Event Administrator and staff, Marshall Grant, Thaddeus Brooks Sr. and Robin Riley. The toys were donated to ReVive Center for Housing and Healing. It is a trusted not-for-profit organization that is committed to solving homelessness in Chicago. We look forward to your support and participation for our 6th Annual Holiday Toy Drive Event in December 2015. 1 4 | 2 0 15 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R Letter to the Foundation Melissa Johnson I would like to thank the Bernie Mac Foundation for your fine contribution to the S.T.A.R. clinic. Your financial contribution will assist with research so that a cure for sarcoidosis can be found. I appreciate and commend Ms. Rhonda and her entire staff and Board of Directors for being instrumental with informing the public about sarcoidosis. Awareness is fundamental and a cure is very much needed. Sarcoidosis has affected and changed my life greatly. The left side of my brain swelled and nearly blinded me. Presently, I am experiencing debilitating joint pains that prohibits me from working. Although these physical conditions exist, it certainly does not hamper my drive to be an advocate to other sarcoidosis patients. At the Town Hall meeting, I was able to share my remedies for reducing inflammation. Thanks to the research that is being done at the Bernie Mac S.T. A. R. clinic, one day soon, a cure for sarcoidosis can be found. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bernard J. McCullough, Founder and Chairman Emeritus Rhonda R. McCullough, President and Chief Executive Officer Edward A. Williams, Treasurer, Principal and Owner, Edward A. Williams and Associate Honorable Anthony L. Young, (Ret.), Chairman, Chicago State University Board of Trustees Manotti L. Jenkins, Principal and Owner, Law Offices of Manotti L. Jenkins, LTD Dennis Irvin, President, Highland Community Bank Milton E. Moses, Founder and Owner, Community Insurance Center, INC Douglas T. Gaines, Founder and CEO, Gaines & Gaines Financial Services Ltd. COUNSEL ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Charles K. Snowden, General Counsel Mary Ann Grossett, Executive Director, Newsletter Editor Maximillienne Elliott, Assistant General Counsel Denise Jordan-Walker, Director of Media Relations Yvonne Moore, Administrative Assistant, Newsletter Co Editor Cheryl Heissler, Newsletter Graphic Designer Charoni H. Smith, Director of Budget The Bernie Mac Foundation, Inc. is an authorized charitable organization under the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)3 TH E B E R N I E M A C F O U N D ATI O N N E W S L ET TE R linic gh C u a L e h T a se kids e h t e v i a like to g re’s one e h t , I would t c a me. In f here... m good ho o r f y s awa few mile 2 0 15 | 15
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