Universités Universities
Universités Universities
Disclosure for 2012 under the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 Universities This category includes Ontario Universities as well as colleges affiliated with universities. Divulgation pour 2012 en vertu de la Loi de 1996 sur la divulgation des traitements dans le secteur public Universités Cette catégorie contient les universités de l’Ontario ainsi que leurs collèges affiliés. Employer/Employeur Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Algoma University Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brescia University College Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BRODBECK BURNETT DWYER GALOTTA HERNDEN JACKSON KADIYALA MATTHEWS MYERS NEWBIGGING OSEI PERLINI REED-ELDER REID ROSS SCHANTZ SHAW WOODMAN XU BARKER BELL CUMMINS DESCARTES DIEMERT GARCIA HANYCZ HEKMAT HUDECKI JAKUBOWSKI MACDONALD MEI MITCHELL PICHE SIMM WALBY WARECKI ABBEY ADAMS ADAMSON ADKIN AHMED ALEXANDER ALLARD AMPRIMOZ ANCO ARKELL ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG Given Name/ Prénom DAVID LINDDA SEAN DAVID KEN DONALD KRISHNA PELHAM RICHARD WILLIAM WILLIAM ARTHUR CHERYL DANIEL CELIA DAVID NICOLA DEBORAH SHAOCHUN PAUL EDWARD HELENE LARA BRIAN ALICIA COLLEEN SHARAREH DENNIS LISA MARIE JIM JAMES JOHN LEONARD MARIANNE AMY GEORGE SHARON LORNE IAN L. ALLAN SYED EJAZ ROBERT JAMES ALEXANDRE STEPHEN THOMAS DENISE MICHAEL J. Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Vice President Finance and Administration Associate Professor University Librarian Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor President Full Professor Full Professor Academic Dean Associate Professor Director of Information Technology Services Associate Professor Vice President Academic and Research Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor - Political Science Professor - Sociology Associate Professor - Sociology Associate Professor - Family Studies Professor - English Chair and Director of Graduate Studies Principal Associate Professor - Food and Nutritional Sciences Associate Professor - Philosophy Associate Professor - Sociology Director of Human Resources Director of Library Services Academic Dean Professor - Food and Nutritional Sciences Director of Student Affairs, Registrar Director of Financial Services Associate Professor - History Professor/Director, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Accounting Associate Professor, Kinesiology Dean, Mathematics & Science Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Professor/Chair, Mathematics Executive Director, Community & Ancillary Services Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Salary Paid/ Traitement $112,035.00 $103,118.92 $181,840.08 $106,418.08 $105,379.32 $122,152.08 $137,251.92 $143,272.08 $199,000.08 $127,269.16 $140,893.00 $142,838.16 $125,992.00 $105,578.72 $148,001.88 $163,000.08 $131,694.56 $120,009.96 $122,468.12 $117,628.94 $113,518.34 $123,220.21 $101,707.12 $107,728.31 $139,840.40 $222,600.04 $127,152.94 $115,829.06 $109,294.34 $100,051.79 $100,443.57 $121,265.95 $128,970.34 $110,088.26 $100,550.50 $101,957.44 $135,521.64 $162,624.96 $187,487.02 $112,248.00 $182,000.04 $103,683.31 $109,149.02 $153,416.22 $136,570.98 $128,393.01 $124,491.00 $154,045.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $13,279.93 $0.00 $8,430.36 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,919.92 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,367.92 $0.00 $14,422.98 $10,457.15 $6,935.04 $0.00 $576.89 $576.74 $577.04 $552.39 $577.27 $576.80 $3,723.03 $579.11 $576.77 $576.56 $739.40 $1,439.13 $576.80 $576.95 $601.02 $594.57 $576.97 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $456.60 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 Page 1 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ARNELL ARNER ASHTON ATKINSON AYADI AYANSO BARKER BARNES BARROW BAXTER-MOORE BAY BEARD BEARD BEATTY BECKETT BELICKI BEN OMRANE BEN-EL-MECHAIEKH BENNETT BERMAN BETTS BEZANSON BIDOCHKA BIKTIMIROV BLAIKIE BLASINSKI BLAYER BOAK BOGAERT BOGGS BOLDT BONNETT BOOK BORDONARO BOSACKI BOSE BOTTERILL BOUCKENOOGHE BRADISH BRADLEY BRADLEY BRADSHAW BRAND BREDIN BRIDGE BRINDLE BRODERICK BROWN Given Name/ Prénom KAREN LYNN MICHAEL JEFFREY MOHAMED ANTENEH W. A. TANSU MARTHA L. LISA NICOLAS DARLENE COLLEEN PATRICK D. RODGER SANDRA KATHRYN WALID HICHEM SHEILA M. MICHAEL GREGORY KATHRYN MICHAEL ERNEST FIONA EDWARD IRENE R. TERRANCE ANTHONY JEFFREY LESLIE ANNE JOHN ANGELA KAREN SANDRA SHYAMAL K. JACQUELINE DAVE CHERI L. DALE H. WILLARD LEAH UWE MARIAN JEAN IAN SHARON DAVID TIMOTHY Position/Poste Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Centre for Women's & Gender Studies Professor, Psychology Professor/Director, Chemistry Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Accounting Librarian III/Head, Map Library Coordinator, Academic Reviews & Planning Associate Professor, Teacher Education Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Dean, Mathematics and Science Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Philosophy Associate Professor/Director, English Language & Literature Associate Professor/Chair, Sociology Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Dean, Education Director, Telecommunications & Networking Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Geography Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, History Associate Professor, Psychology Librarian IV, Liaison Services Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Physics Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Sport Management Assistant Professor/Chair, Communications, Popular Culture and Film Sessional Lecturer, Psychology Professor, Political Science Professor, Earth Sciences Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Visual Arts Special Advisor Lecturer, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Tourism & Environment Salary Paid/ Traitement $123,741.54 $101,508.96 $126,910.50 $153,871.52 $184,122.98 $167,986.96 $212,208.50 $103,918.50 $105,236.00 $138,132.00 $192,629.54 $126,187.98 $108,598.36 $146,132.04 $152,397.40 $152,413.02 $161,985.98 $156,219.00 $147,659.98 $122,867.00 $114,571.05 $119,791.98 $143,812.50 $191,380.00 $177,999.96 $108,024.36 $139,690.31 $264,170.50 $143,740.50 $107,695.26 $153,141.56 $114,138.30 $106,018.50 $112,908.06 $125,827.00 $154,506.96 $107,193.00 $141,703.04 $102,847.82 $114,609.00 $103,926.96 $152,505.00 $166,628.04 $126,336.48 $123,133.02 $210,000.00 $154,712.50 $150,979.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $449.24 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $482.55 $550.80 $550.80 $542.78 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $1,139.00 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $1,032.80 $550.80 $550.80 Page 2 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BROWN BROWN BROWN BRUCE BRUDZYNSKI BURTON BUTEAU BUTOVSKY BUTZ CARLONE CARTER CASTLE CAVANAGH CHALMERS CHAN CHARD CHASSE CHATTERJEE CHEEL CHERUBINI CHEUNG CHO CIUFFETELLI PARKER CLOSS COLELLA CONDILLAC CONLEY CONNOLLY CONTEH CONWAY COOK CORMAN COSBY COTE COUSENS CRANDLES CRONIN CULLEN CULUMOVIC CYR DAGESSE DAIGLE DALVI DANAHAY DANE DASHWOOD DAVIS DE CLERCQ Given Name/ Prénom H. DONALD HILARY RICHARD DOUGLAS HAIG STEFAN M. CHARLES CHANTAL JONAH DAVID A. O. ROBERT L. MICHAEL ALAN J. KEVIN HEATHER E. WING-CHEUK CHRISTOPHER NORMAN DIPANJAN RICHARD J. LORENZO STEPHEN DANNY DARLENE CATHERINE CARMELLA ROSEMARY A. TIM MAUREEN CHARLES JANET GAIL LYNN JUNE JAROLD KIMBERLY LAURA DAVID J. KERI CARMAN W. LOUIS DONALD A. DARYL CHRISTINE ROHIT MARTIN ANDREW HEVINA BARBARA DIRK Position/Poste Assistant Professor, Accounting Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Philosophy Professor/Chair, Biological Sciences Professor/Director, Psychology Associate Professor, Political Science Associate Professor, Mathematics Associate Professor, Sociology Professor, Geography Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Classics Professor, Biological Sciences Director, Communications & Public Affairs Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Professor, Philosophy Assistant Professor, Sport Management Lecturer, Accounting Assistant Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor, Earth Sciences Associate Professor/Director, Teacher Education Canada Research Chair/Professor, Kinesiology Associate Dean, Business Associate Professor, Teacher Education Director, Student Development Centre Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Associate Professor, Centre for Applied Disability Studies Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Political Science Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, Sociology Associate Professor, Accounting Associate Dean, Social Sciences Associate Professor, Kinesiology Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Sport Management Associate Professor, Physics Associate Professor/Chair, Visual Arts Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Accounting Interim Dean, Business Associate Professor, Geography Professor, Philosophy Associate Professor/Chair, Philosophy Professor, English Language & Literature Associate Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Political Science Registrar Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Salary Paid/ Traitement $194,367.52 $109,486.98 $175,057.54 $165,136.00 $149,823.00 $145,431.96 $108,310.50 $122,761.04 $127,704.00 $158,742.54 $120,156.48 $149,658.54 $100,193.68 $121,015.48 $136,771.26 $102,738.00 $103,737.48 $158,660.00 $169,981.50 $125,648.96 $142,629.36 $185,392.94 $112,183.68 $112,798.96 $110,337.98 $114,812.52 $111,071.98 $183,451.00 $107,709.04 $124,692.00 $176,813.98 $165,768.03 $111,584.04 $124,614.00 $120,573.96 $129,739.98 $101,045.04 $186,169.46 $150,084.96 $208,594.21 $103,898.46 $114,505.48 $118,198.74 $132,070.50 $116,889.96 $123,992.52 $132,013.32 $192,807.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $501.56 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $2,492.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $469.40 $550.80 $481.95 $550.80 $550.80 $482.55 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $546.36 $550.80 $550.80 $474.70 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $547.22 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 Page 3 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DE GROSBOIS DEBLY DECOURVILLE DELUCA DENG DESPRES DI BELLA DIBATTISTA DIBIASE DIMAND DIPETTA DITOR DOLANSKY DONNELLY DORE DOUCET DRAGE HALE DRAKE DREIFELDS DRIEDGER DUDDING DUFFY DUN DUNK DUNN DUNNE DUPONT DWIVEDI ELAYAN EL-HOSS ENGEL ENGEMANN FALK FANCY FARRELL FARRELL FARZAD FAUGHT FAZIO FEDERICI FEHLOW FELDMAN FELTON FENNELL FIGG FINDLAY FINLAY FINN Given Name/ Prénom DANUTA PATRICIA A. NANCY H. VINCENZO SHENG CHARLES KARIN DAVID ANN MARIE ROBERT TONY DAVID ERIC MAUREEN E. MOHAMMED H. I. ANDREA ROSEMARY SUSAN M. JURIS MICHAEL TRAVIS C. ANN TIM THOMAS PAUL CYNTHIA DIANE P. VEENA DHAR FAYEZ TAMARA JOYCE JOSEPH F. BAREKET DAVID MICHAEL THOMAS BABAK BRENT E. XAVIER CORRADO J. AUDREY MAURICE SANDRA M. DAVID CANDACE HILARY J. CRAIG GREGORY Position/Poste Associate Professor, Tourism & Environment Associate Professor, Music Professor, Psychology Canada Research Chair/Professor, Biological Sciences Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Music Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Economics Associate Professor/Director, Centre for Continuing Teacher Education Associate Professor, Kinesiology Assistant Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Accounting Professor, Economics Canada Research Chair/Professor, Sociology Professor/Director, Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Political Science Associate Professor/Director, History Associate Professor, Chemistry Professor, Sociology Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture and Film Dean, Social Sciences Associate Professor, Accounting Director, Co-Operative Programs Professor, Economics Associate Professor, Philosophy Professor, Accounting Associate Professor/Chair, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Associate Professor, Nursing Assistant Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Dramatic Arts Secretary to the University Professor/Chair, Applied Linguistics Associate Professor, Mathematics Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Teacher Education Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Director, Application Development Professor/Director, Centre for Applied Disability Studies Associate Professor/Chair, Accounting Professor, Tourism & Environment Associate Professor/Director, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Sport Management Lecturer, Teacher Education Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President, Academic Salary Paid/ Traitement $104,094.00 $134,349.96 $164,124.96 $189,346.98 $197,519.54 $133,900.02 $103,302.16 $158,316.13 $114,508.02 $165,067.02 $131,433.54 $103,898.46 $135,079.00 $201,073.00 $199,530.02 $147,804.96 $189,225.96 $166,311.96 $158,901.00 $110,604.48 $105,364.98 $150,109.98 $113,026.02 $173,000.04 $183,047.50 $116,385.68 $148,118.04 $101,614.98 $184,368.52 $101,688.50 $114,355.50 $150,305.00 $132,824.46 $125,946.54 $119,849.75 $132,616.50 $111,448.00 $129,578.52 $106,534.26 $178,289.98 $107,334.91 $175,440.48 $194,040.98 $156,840.00 $116,308.98 $144,858.84 $102,138.06 $159,047.91 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $549.02 $550.80 $548.14 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $549.02 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $549.92 $1,009.25 Page 4 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille FLEMING FORRESTER FOSTER FRANCIS FRANCIS FRIJTERS FROST FUETEN FUKS FULLERTON GABRIEL GALLAGHER GAMMAGE GHARAKHANIAN GILES GILLESPIE GLAZEBROOK GLENDAY GLENNEY GOOD GOOD GORDON GORDON GORDON GOSINE GRAHAM GRANT GREENE GRIFFIN GRIFFITHS GROSE GROVE HAFER HAJ-AHMAD HAMILTON HARPER HARROUN HASHIMOTO HAY HAYES HE HEAD HEINMILLER HELLEINER HELMS HENDERSON HENNIGAR HERATH Given Name/ Prénom JAMES R. SCOTT DEREK MARGOT NANCY R. JAN GAIL FRANK HENRYK CHRISTOPHER DAVID TIFFANY L. KIMBERLEY VARUJAN CORRIE GREG E. ALLISON DANIEL G. JACQUELINE DAWN E. JENNIFER HEATHER IAN D. NETA KEVIN JOANNE BARRY K. ELIZABETH SHELLEY DOROTHY JILL D. MARGARET CAROLYN H. YOUSEF PAUL DARREN THAD ATSUKO JOHN A. CALVIN ZHONGZHI LAWRENCE MARTIN TIM JANE L WESLEY S. SCOTT MATTHEW A. HEMANTHA Position/Poste Director, Residence Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Centre for Women's & Gender Studies Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Kinesiology Professor, Earth Sciences Professor, Mathematics Associate Professor, Geography Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Kinesiology Director, Faculty and Employee Relations Assistant Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor/Chair, Classics Professor, Sociology Lecturer, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Chemistry Librarian III/Head, Circulation Services Associate Professor/Chair, English Language & Literature Associate Professor, Sociology Assistant Professor, Teacher Education Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Classics Associate Professor, Teacher Education Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Director, Centre for Pedagogical Innovation University Librarian Professor, Psychology Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Political Science Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Associate Professor, Physics Associate Professor, Tourism & Environment Professor, Community Health Sciences Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor, Earth Sciences Associate Professor, Political Science Professor, Sociology Assistant Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Political Science Professor, Accounting Salary Paid/ Traitement $116,028.68 $111,273.00 $108,462.00 $107,320.98 $140,693.04 $111,616.98 $122,464.98 $148,523.52 $120,911.70 $112,715.32 $126,818.04 $106,420.20 $125,249.02 $112,933.32 $101,714.04 $107,292.30 $107,017.02 $151,843.92 $123,751.50 $148,082.52 $114,809.52 $135,731.52 $128,848.98 $109,731.48 $107,320.98 $106,448.04 $166,110.54 $100,489.50 $106,288.63 $145,428.96 $100,507.04 $167,687.68 $138,779.52 $153,356.46 $119,257.50 $142,051.80 $104,878.02 $128,737.04 $165,727.98 $103,975.48 $175,619.96 $143,326.02 $107,456.02 $142,216.98 $117,534.96 $113,965.02 $110,542.50 $190,997.02 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $549.02 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $546.36 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $539.20 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 Page 5 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HERATH HEYER HILL HILSON HODSON HOOD HOOVER HOUGHTEN HUANG HUDLICKY HUGHES HUNTER HUTCHISON HYATT IMAM INGLIS INGRAM IRONS ISLA JACKLIN JAIPAL-JAMANI JEYNES JIANG JOE JOHNSTON JOLLINEAU JONES JULIEN KACIAK KALVEE KANAR KARROW KEE KELLY KENNY KERMAN KIHEL KIKULIS KILTY KIM KISS KITCHEN KITCHEN KITOSSA KLASSEN KLENTROU KNEALE KNIGHT Given Name/ Prénom TEJASWINI ASTRID RANDY ROBERT GORDON COLLEEN GEOFFREY SHERIDAN MEI LING TOMAS DAVID J. FIONA F. DAVID CRAIG M. HASAN DEBBIE SHARILYN GLENWOOD ANA MARCIA KAMINI BRIAN MARSHALL SHIBING BARRY W. K. RUSSELL MARILYNE C. CHRISTINE MARK EUGENE DEBBIE ADAM DOUG KEVIN CASSIE JOSEPH P. RONALD A. OMAR LISA HEATHER SOHYUNG KEVIN J. JULIAN PHILIP TAMARI KENNETH PANAGIOTA J. DOUGLAS DEREK Position/Poste Assistant Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Assistant Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Lecturer, Teacher Education Director, Athletics Professor, Psychology Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Lecturer, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor/Chair, Computer Science Professor, Mathematics Canada Research Chair/Professor, Chemistry Associate Professor, Computer Science Professor, Biological Sciences Professor/Chair, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Sport Management Assistant Professor, Economics Associate Professor/Director, Biological Sciences Assistant Professor, Centre for the Studies in Arts & Culture Director, International Market Development Associate Professor, Centre for Women's & Gender Studies Librarian III, Liaison Services Associate Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Director, Centre for Pedagogical Innovation Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Geography Director, Alumni Relations Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate University Librarian Assistant Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Teacher Education Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, History Director, Maintenance and Operations Services Manager, Athletic Therapy Clinic Professor, Mathematics Associate Professor, Mathematics Associate Professor, Sport Management Assistant Professor, Nursing Assistant Professor, Accounting Deputy Registrar Associate Professor, Teacher Education Dean, Business Associate Professor, Sociology Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Dean, Applied Health Sciences Dean, Humanities Associate Professor, Visual Arts/Director, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine & Performing Arts Salary Paid/ Traitement $123,620.54 $104,839.98 $142,055.48 $106,400.00 $120,827.52 $138,201.54 $101,360.48 $145,550.12 $144,429.54 $183,124.54 $170,119.98 $151,686.04 $140,390.50 $104,524.98 $125,935.00 $169,906.30 $101,295.00 $155,277.00 $120,441.00 $120,053.46 $112,605.00 $137,537.46 $146,121.00 $168,416.32 $122,574.96 $111,179.52 $106,093.04 $159,362.50 $185,061.54 $128,729.68 $122,196.48 $104,040.30 $128,074.98 $121,432.64 $105,850.00 $179,929.50 $117,798.48 $143,719.50 $122,122.56 $160,438.00 $100,051.68 $111,776.52 $172,166.68 $107,420.98 $168,720.50 $155,792.02 $185,000.04 $144,523.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $503.44 $550.80 $523.58 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $419.86 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $548.14 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $905.18 $550.80 $550.80 $474.70 $459.00 $550.80 Page 6 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KNUTTILA KOEHN KOMPF KOUSTAS KOUSTAS KROPF KUBIK KUCHAPSKI KUSHNER KUSY KWONG LAMARCHE LANDEY LANE LAPOINTE-ANTUNES LATHROP LAWRANCE LAZRAK LEACH LI LI LI LIANG LIBBEN LIGHTBODY LIGHTSTONE LIM LIU LIU LIZEE LOCKWOOD LOCKYER LODEWYK LOEWEN LONGO LOVE LOWRY LU LUO LYE MACDONALD MACK MACKENZIE MACKINTOSH MAKUS MALLEN MANDIGO MANICCIA Given Name/ Prénom K. MURRAY ROBERT MICHAEL JANE M. ZISIMOS MURRAY WENDEE RENÉE JOSEPH MARTIN LESTER M. K. JEAN-FRANCOIS PETER SUZIE PASCALE ANNA KELLI-AN SKANDER JAMES JINGYU XIAOBIN YUANLIN PING GARY BRIAN JACK SUN KYU DOMINIC JIAN (JASON) ZHEFENG FRANK PIERRE KELLY TRANDI KEN HARRIS J. PATRICIA DAVID R. F. LINDA CHUNLEI CHENG JOHN A. DUNCAN DIANE HERBERT PHILLIP INGRID CHERYL A. JAMES LLOYD DOMENIC Position/Poste Provost & Vice-President, Academic Lecturer, Economics Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Professor, Economics Associate Professor, Visual Arts Associate Professor, Centre for Women's & Gender Studies Associate Professor/Chair, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Economics Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor, Economics Associate Professor, Economics Associate Professor, Music Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Associate Professor, Accounting Vice-Provost, Teaching & Learning Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Accounting Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Mathematics Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Vice-President, Research Associate Professor, Philosophy President Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Assistant Professor, Accounting Associate Professor/Chair, Political Science Associate Professor, Kinesiology Director, Campus Store Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Music Librarian III/Head, Collection Services Associate Professor, Economics Librarian III, Liaison Services Associate Professor/Director, Teacher Education Associate Professor/Director, Applied Linguistics Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Associate Professor/Director, Visual Arts Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor/Chair, Geography Associate Dean, Social Sciences Associate Professor, Sport Management Associate Professor, Kinesiology Director, Custodial Services Salary Paid/ Traitement $225,000.00 $105,063.96 $153,815.52 $120,842.62 $145,047.18 $161,205.48 $117,534.96 $127,816.50 $191,044.50 $260,623.02 $123,868.50 $144,592.96 $139,345.04 $135,298.46 $147,204.78 $169,634.69 $115,120.02 $171,282.50 $177,436.50 $177,879.52 $118,990.50 $138,902.52 $137,906.46 $222,000.00 $118,836.32 $333,576.00 $154,882.52 $115,629.60 $146,438.00 $131,422.02 $123,920.04 $101,524.00 $122,115.50 $137,860.48 $107,358.02 $134,102.96 $120,363.00 $116,340.54 $136,784.96 $177,333.03 $102,755.38 $126,615.96 $199,308.48 $110,428.50 $150,933.76 $108,724.96 $133,666.46 $105,703.32 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $10,941.00 $550.80 $550.80 $597.90 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $941.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $11,009.25 $514.44 $12,786.75 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $528.32 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $474.70 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 Page 7 of/de 311 Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Surname/Nom de famille MANTONAKIS MARINI MARINOS MARTIN MARTINELLO MARTINI MASON MATHESON MATHIE MCALLISTER-KENNY MCCARTHY MCCARTHY MCCARTHY MCCARTNEY MCCLEARY MCCORMICK MCDONALD MCDONALD MCGARRELL MCGINN MCKEE MCKIM MCKINLEY MCLAUCHLAN MCLEOD MCNAMARA MCPHEE MCQUEEN-FUENTES MCQUIRTER MEADE MENGUC MENZIES MENZIES MERCIER MERRIAM METALLINOS METCALFE MGOMBELO MIDDLETON MIFSUD MILES MILLER Given Name/ Prénom ANTONIA ZOPITO VOULA MATHEW FELICE TANYA E. SHARON SARAH WILLIAM R. KAREN A. DANIEL DAVID FRANCINE M. NEIL LYNN CHERYL BARBARA RUSSELL ANDREW HEDY MARTHA MICHELLE B. JOANNE CHRISTOPHER PETER DEBRA JANE A. JOHN DEBORAH M. GLENYS RUTH KIMBERLEY BULENT JOHN TERESA JOFFRE CAROL U. COSTA H. BRIAN W. JOYCE JOHN SUSAN MURRAY L. DIANE Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University MILLIKEN MIRZAI MITCHELL MITCHELL MITROVIC CHRISTIE BEHNAZ CORAL E. RICHARD BOZIDAR Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Professor, English Language & Literature Professor, Economics Associate Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, Political Science Director, Recreation Services Associate Professor, Earth Sciences Associate Professor, Computer Science Professor/Chair, Earth Sciences Dean, Applied Health Sciences Associate Professor, Nursing Canada Research Chair/Professor, Psychology Associate Librarian Professor, History Professor, Applied Linguistics Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Interim Vice-President, Finance Director, Client Services Director, Development & Donor Relations Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, History Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Dean, Business Associate Professor, Dramatic Arts Professor, Teacher Education Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President, Student Services Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Professor, Earth Sciences Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Dean, Mathematics and Science Associate Dean, Humanities Associate Professor/Chair, Chemistry Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Tourism & Environment Manager, Human Resources Professor, Philosophy Associate Professor/Chair, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, History Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Professor, Physics Salary Paid/ Traitement $174,230.34 $161,624.04 $117,388.50 $106,472.46 $164,459.46 $118,623.48 $149,389.27 $104,904.54 $100,570.00 $102,713.00 $131,446.02 $164,251.50 $155,146.11 $180,000.00 $122,707.02 $143,335.02 $122,209.71 $124,930.28 $156,775.50 $122,010.98 $140,089.63 $117,267.07 $114,050.32 $139,422.96 $137,673.48 $132,063.78 $167,291.99 $145,868.50 $152,455.44 $172,409.68 $135,504.00 $170,661.00 $174,003.46 $157,463.76 $128,979.72 $113,675.46 $196,811.02 $113,622.00 $135,483.18 $109,014.64 $165,948.96 $159,568.50 $112,455.48 $100,474.02 $156,395.48 $120,879.98 $170,856.98 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $4,181.63 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $941.00 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $341.25 $459.00 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $482.55 $550.80 $550.80 $941.00 $362.40 $550.80 $550.80 $474.70 $474.70 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $546.36 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 Page 8 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MITTERER MOGADIME MONDLOCH MOODY MOORE MOORE MUIR MULLIGAN MURPHY NARUSHIMA NASH NEBESIO NESWALD NEUFELD NEWMEYER NICKEL NIKITKOV NIKONOV NORRIS NOVAK NTAKIRUTIMANA O'CONNELL ODESSKI OGWANG O'LEARY MYERS OMBUKI-BERMAN O'NEILL OWEN OZOCAK PACHARN PARKER PATRIAS PATTERSON PAUL PEPPER PETERS PETIS PHILLIPS PICKERING PILKINGTON PLUMMER PLYLEY POMERANTZ POWER PRENTICE PYO QIU RABY Given Name/ Prénom JOHN O. DOLANA CATHERINE DONNA JAMES SHANNON CAMERON THOMAS M. TIMOTHY MIYA CATHERINE JEAN BOHDAN ELIZABETH JONATHAN TRENT ROBERTO ALEX GEORGII JOHN JOSEPH JOHN JEAN TIM ALEXANDRE TOMSON DEBORAH BEATRICE THOMAS FRANCES A. ONEM PARUNCHANA RICHARD CARMELA JAE LISSA GAIL C. SANDRA J. DAVID M. GAIL GARY MELANIE RYAN MICHAEL J. SHAUNA BRIAN E. DAWN UNYONG (HOWARD) KE GYLLIAN Position/Poste Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Psychology Director, Campus Security Services Assistant Professor, Accounting Associate Professor/Director, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor/Chair, Psychology Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Geography Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Associate Professor, History Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Assistant Professor, Classics Associate Professor, Accounting Professor, Chemistry Professor, Dramatic Arts Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Associate Professor/Chair, Recreation & Leisure Studies Professor, Mathematics Professor/Chair, Economics Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor, Accounting Associate Professor, Classics Professor, History Associate Professor, Kinesiology Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Director, Graduate Studies Professor, Kinesiology Vice-President, Advancement Associate Professor, Teacher Education Professor, Biological Sciences Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, Chemistry Professor/Director, Tourism & Environment Dean, Graduate Studies Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Dean, Humanities Associate Professor/Chair, Nursing Associate Professor/Chair, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Dramatic Arts Salary Paid/ Traitement $167,532.00 $129,933.98 $131,215.02 $108,150.32 $146,940.54 $112,019.52 $117,842.52 $161,049.00 $120,620.00 $103,146.42 $102,552.96 $114,388.02 $100,936.02 $135,025.96 $102,679.20 $116,085.00 $177,274.00 $121,988.10 $139,074.20 $180,998.50 $103,693.50 $129,225.52 $126,494.52 $169,926.50 $119,364.00 $135,218.46 $122,724.48 $140,582.46 $168,601.52 $185,086.98 $144,732.48 $135,386.04 $103,998.46 $149,239.02 $100,045.68 $123,013.50 $225,750.00 $121,027.02 $167,666.04 $128,205.00 $121,372.98 $190,274.88 $105,414.27 $114,340.56 $122,707.02 $175,619.96 $143,959.50 $108,816.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $529.38 $550.80 $547.22 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $10,941.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $527.25 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 Page 9 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille RABY RADDON RADUE RAJA RALPH RAZAVI REEDYK REMPEL RENZETTI REYNOLDS RICHARDS RIPMEESTER RITCHIE ROSE ROSE-KRASNOR ROSENBERG ROSS ROTHSTEIN ROUBI ROWSELL ROY ROYAL RUAN RUTHERFORD SAFFU SAINSBURY SAINT-IVANY SAINTY SAMOKHIN SAMSON SANCHEZ SANTOS SAUER SAVAGE SCARBROUGH SCHIMMELPENNINCK SEEBER SEGALOWITZ SEKEL SHARPE SHARRON SHAW SHOME SIEGEL SIMANDAN SINGH SINGH SIVELL Given Name/ Prénom REBECCA C. MARY-BETH JONATHAN USMAN WILLIAM J. FEREIDOON MAUREEN LYNN STEVEN J. ANDREW G. MIRIAM MICHAEL R. IAN MARILYN LINDA DANNY BRIAN J. STUART M. RAAFAT R. JENNIFER BRIAN MATTHEW FELIPE E. CAMILLE KWADWO JOHN A. TOM BARBARA KIRILL DANIEL J. ANA L CRISTINA ELIZABETH LARRY PAUL DAVID BARBARA K. SIDNEY SHARI ERIN DAVID ANTHONY B. ANAMITRA DAVID T. DRAGOS MATEL RAVINDRA R. SHALINI JOHN N. Position/Poste Associate Professor/Chair, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Sociology Associate Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, Mathematics Professor, Physics Professor, Physics Associate Professor, Nursing Professor, Economics Professor, Biological Sciences Professor, Biological Sciences Professor, Geography Associate Professor, Kinesiology Professor, English Language & Literature Professor, Psychology Associate Professor, Kinesiology Professor, Computer Science Professor, Chemistry Professor, Accounting Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor/Chair, Music Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Associate Professor, Teacher Education Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Professor, History Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management Interim Associate Vice-President, Finance Professor, Physics Associate Professor, History Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor/Director, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Professor, English Language & Literature Associate Professor/Director, Centre for Labour Studies Associate Professor, Accounting Professor, History Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Professor, Psychology Director, Graduate Programs Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Special Collections Librarian and University Archivist Professor, Geography Associate Professor, Accounting Professor, Political Science Professor, Geography Professor, Philosophy Associate Professor, Recreation & Leisure Studies Professor, Applied Linguistics Salary Paid/ Traitement $115,587.48 $119,425.02 $187,771.48 $145,102.02 $151,903.50 $169,475.48 $129,240.48 $127,263.96 $145,518.48 $139,700.04 $143,949.04 $133,308.74 $109,408.76 $165,789.96 $159,325.02 $125,802.54 $159,222.96 $184,975.98 $181,799.04 $120,614.02 $121,242.96 $103,133.00 $104,318.50 $123,930.52 $182,447.98 $114,008.02 $171,263.90 $201,526.12 $133,150.48 $109,704.28 $126,727.98 $110,842.96 $146,893.68 $111,518.70 $169,432.02 $126,776.46 $121,995.00 $181,421.04 $103,803.00 $116,828.48 $100,380.96 $148,094.52 $182,854.96 $189,028.50 $117,675.00 $137,208.12 $119,325.00 $169,587.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $545.44 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 Page 10 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SKANDALIS SKOTT-MYHRE SLONIOWSKI SMART SMITH SMITH SODTKA SOKOLYK SOMERVILLE SORENSON SORON SPEAREY SPENCE SPENCER SPENCER STERNIN STEVENS STILLABOWER STUART SUAREZ SULLIVAN SYDOR TAMMEMAGI TAPLAY TARDIF-WILLIAMS TARULLI TATTERSALL TEKOK-KILIC TELFER THIBAULT THOMPSON THONGPAPANL TILLEY TOSSUTTI TRABELSI TSIANI VACHON VAN DER EST VAN INGEN VANDENBOOM VANDERLEE VASSEUR VIETGEN VIRGULTI VIVIAN VLOSSAK VOLANTE VOLK Given Name/ Prénom ADONIS HANS A. JEANNETTE KATHRYN L. MURRAY E. G. R. ANGUS KELLY TATYANA ANGUS JOHN DENNIS SUSAN KIRSTY GAYNOR E. MARK EDWARD JULIE A. LINDA M. JEFF DOUG G. PHILIP SUSAN A. C. MARTIN KARYN CHRISTINE DONATO GLENN AYDA DAVID LUCIE KIMBERLY NARONGSAK SUSAN A. LIVIANNA SAMIR EVANGELIA L. FRANCINE ARTHUR J. CATHY RENE MARY LOUISE LIETTE PETER ERNESTO DAVID ELIZABETH LOUIS ANTHONY Position/Poste Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Communications, Popular Culture & Film Senior Project Manager Professor, Sociology Associate Professor, Classics Director, Capital Campaigns & Principal Gift Assistant Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Professor, Sociology Associate Professor, Sociology Associate Professor, English Language & Literature Associate Professor/Chair, Sport Management Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor/Chair, History Associate Professor/Chair, Physics Associate Professor, Sport Management Associate Professor, Accounting Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Librarian III, Liaison Services Professor/Chair, Kinesiology Associate Dean, Education Professor, Community Health Sciences Lecturer, Nursing Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Assistant Professor, Child & Youth Studies Associate Professor, Tourism & Environment Professor, Sport Management Director, Human Resource Services Associate Professor/Chair, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Political Science Associate Professor, Accounting Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Professor, Chemistry Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Professor, Biological Sciences Associate Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures Associate Professor/Chair, Dramatic Arts Associate Professor, History Associate Professor, Teacher Education Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $130,265.52 $122,371.02 $139,257.00 $103,007.14 $145,436.04 $117,678.02 $129,884.60 $140,615.96 $174,423.52 $131,343.96 $109,646.42 $130,928.50 $105,155.52 $127,670.52 $115,840.88 $146,471.50 $126,076.98 $192,076.04 $113,651.46 $126,028.02 $120,108.48 $155,292.48 $129,442.86 $114,003.54 $115,514.00 $124,112.16 $114,288.00 $119,510.00 $133,686.91 $152,195.04 $102,116.30 $165,234.50 $141,054.00 $117,363.54 $185,282.50 $126,563.52 $148,059.54 $149,050.98 $105,664.02 $115,261.50 $119,282.50 $156,198.96 $103,635.54 $153,204.02 $109,335.96 $112,209.52 $118,599.48 $102,303.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $482.55 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $474.70 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $542.78 $550.80 $550.80 Page 11 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Brock University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille VORONOV VRBIK WADE WALKER WALKER WANG WANG WANG WARD WARD WARD WEBBER WELCH WELLAND WHITEHEAD WICKETT WILLOUGHBY WILSON WILSON WINTER WOJCIK WOLF WOLFE WOLOSHYN WRIGHT WRIGHT YANNOPOULOS YEAGER-WOODHOUSE YOOGALINGAM YOUNG YOUNKER YUEN ZHOU ZINGA ABD EL HALIM ABELE ABIZAID BUCIO ACHAR ADESANMI ADLER AFAGH AHMADI AITKEN AITKEN AJILA ALACA ALACA ALBERT Given Name/ Prénom MAXIM JAN TERRANCE JOHN SCOTT D. HUI DI KAI-YU YAN ANTHONY REBECCA WENDY MICHELLE ROBERT L. RICHARD J. DAVID MURRAY R. TEENA JOHN PHILIP MICHAEL WLODZIMIERZ THOMAS VALERIE VERA BARRY PHILIP PETER DEBORAH REENA ROSEMARY JONATHAN WAI KONG (JOHN) LIANXI DAWN ABD EL HALIM FRANCES ALFONSO RAMACHANDRA ADEBOLA ANDREW FRED MOJTABA SUSAN-MARIE VICTOR SAMUEL AYSE SABAN JACQUES Position/Poste Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Professor, Mathematics Canada Research Chair/Professor/Chair, Community Health Sciences Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Director, Campus Planning, Design & Construction Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences Associate Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Assistant Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor/Chair, Economics Assistant Professor, Centre for Applied Disabilities Studies Canada Research Chair/Associate Professor, Kinesiology Associate Professor, Sociology Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Professor, History Professor, Psychology Director, Innovation and Commercialization Associate Professor, Kinesiology Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Computer Science Professor, Mathematics Manager, Environment, Health and Safety Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resources, Entrepreneurship & Ethics Associate Vice-President, IT and Chief Information Officer Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Assistant Professor/Director, Applied Linguistics Associate Professor, Finance, Operations & Information Systems Associate Professor, Graduate & Undergraduate Studies Librarian III/Head, Library Systems and Technology Associate Professor, Mathematics Professor, Marketing, International Business & Strategy Associate Professor, Child & Youth Studies Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Research) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $154,990.28 $174,145.02 $163,296.00 $176,651.52 $112,649.32 $140,302.98 $154,882.52 $131,534.96 $147,749.52 $120,279.48 $152,920.50 $118,347.00 $184,951.82 $119,651.94 $183,840.50 $124,729.54 $133,124.16 $102,353.32 $112,683.50 $144,126.58 $169,861.50 $157,341.00 $103,889.68 $150,391.98 $168,667.74 $145,917.43 $182,118.02 $135,129.54 $163,935.98 $155,700.54 $123,680.02 $114,715.02 $153,968.52 $110,779.90 $152,585.25 $145,686.82 $106,040.31 $135,808.00 $115,849.39 $128,926.10 $164,711.28 $126,308.86 $110,130.94 $143,285.15 $133,740.20 $100,589.18 $101,219.81 $149,229.53 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $459.00 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $550.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 12 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille AMUNDSEN ANDERSON ANDONIAN ANISMAN ARMITAGE ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARTEMEV ARTEMEVA ARYA ATKINS AVRAMSSON AZUMA-PRIKRYL AZZI BAEZ BAILETTI BAILEY BALLAMINGIE BANIHASHEMI BARBEAU BARRY BARTHOLOMEW BASU BAWAGAN BEAUSOLEIL-MORRISON BECKER BEECHER BELL BELLERIVE BENNELL BENNETT BENNETT BERTOSSI BERTRAM BHATIA BIDDLE BIENEFELD BILLIG BLANCHARD BOHM BOONE BOSE BOSE BOUCHER BOWKER BOYCE BOYLE BRAEDLEY Given Name/ Prénom DAVID TROY KRIKOR HYMIE JOHN HUGH KEIR ANDREI NATALIA ALI DEREK KRISTOF YOKO STEPHEN MANUEL ANTONIO DONALD PATRICIA AMIR MICHEL SEAN AMY ONITA ALEXIS IAN HILARY DONALD ROBERT ALAIN CRAIG SCOTT YVONNE LEOPOLDO SUSAN VANDNA ROBERT MANFRED YULY SUZANNE ARND EDGAR GILLIAN PROSENJIT COLLEEN ANNE DARRYL SHERYL SUSAN Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Manager, Energy Services Professional Librarian Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Vice-President (Students and Enrolment) and University Registrar Faculty Member Instructor Instructor Associate Dean (Research) Assistant Director, Human Resources Faculty Member Assistant Vice-President (Facilities Management and Planning) Director Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $116,338.40 $117,726.83 $156,703.92 $160,011.21 $153,643.24 $152,749.80 $134,910.25 $136,848.00 $108,152.85 $115,849.39 $100,308.21 $104,068.90 $115,546.54 $123,635.90 $124,158.39 $160,011.01 $115,609.49 $106,857.95 $115,329.19 $134,190.52 $112,096.26 $137,819.82 $107,033.18 $114,749.20 $159,941.29 $145,315.54 $159,727.31 $143,981.27 $117,713.87 $120,385.17 $143,925.90 $135,255.08 $156,104.62 $111,051.02 $105,730.64 $154,319.60 $104,534.51 $104,417.10 $161,156.63 $124,450.17 $110,262.87 $108,225.26 $146,005.55 $104,134.83 $125,949.78 $168,351.86 $110,198.53 $104,897.75 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 13 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BRAIMAH BRAY BRECHER BRENNING BRITT BRKLACICH BROOK BROUARD BROWN BROWN BROWN BUIST BUMAGIN BURK BURN BURNS BURRITT BUSS BUTLER CAI CALKIN CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAPPUCCINO CAPUTO CAREY CARMENT CARMICHAEL CARR CARR CARRICK CARR-VELLINO CAZABON CHALY CHAN CHANDLER CHEETHAM CHEN CHEN CHEN CHERRY CHESSER CHEUNG CHIASSON CHINNECK CHU CLEMENT Given Name/ Prénom ABASS JOHANNE RICHARD JENNIFER HEATHER MICHAEL ANDREW FRANCOIS CHRIS DANIEL SHELLEY PETER INNA ROBERT CHRISTOPHER ALLAN LYNN DORIS MALCOLM SHAOHAN SIOBHAIN BRUCE LUCY LYNN NAOMI TULLIO JULIA DAVID CALUM ANGELA SHARON JILL BRENDA YVAN NATHALIE ADRIAN ANDREA JAMES QIU XIAOBEI ZHIQI FRANCES PAUL KEVIN SONIA JOHN BA WALLACE Position/Poste Faculty Member University Secretary Faculty Member Director, Athletics Professional Librarian Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Student Affairs, Curriculum and Planning) Manager, Web Services Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Canada Research Fellow Director, University Safety Assistant Director (Residence Life and Services) Faculty Member Dean Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Chief Development Officer Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Dean Salary Paid/ Traitement $132,791.11 $169,127.85 $160,011.21 $130,063.42 $114,378.59 $137,036.37 $115,348.61 $161,932.25 $141,976.87 $102,575.94 $113,385.12 $142,481.55 $107,648.01 $136,996.56 $152,317.70 $108,082.59 $108,127.43 $120,675.30 $181,449.04 $120,065.49 $103,112.91 $139,366.91 $103,185.60 $141,896.37 $123,162.28 $260,939.95 $112,049.84 $131,996.86 $141,349.92 $131,803.00 $129,855.68 $109,550.27 $118,561.19 $106,753.82 $146,583.14 $126,592.92 $124,268.91 $116,461.73 $123,635.90 $110,708.59 $143,326.22 $138,889.40 $156,207.89 $101,107.86 $103,979.89 $156,524.89 $110,975.63 $178,604.93 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 14 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille COE COFFMAN COHEN CONNAH COOKE COPLAN CORAZZA CORRIVEAU COUSENS CRAY CRAY CRITCHLEY CROCKER CROOK CROSS CRUTCHLEY CURTIS D'ANGIULLI DANIELS DANSEREAU DARBY DAUDELIN DAVIES DAVIES DAVIS DAVIS DAWSON DAWSON DE LA GORGENDIERE DE MONTIGNY DE POURBAIX DEAN DEAN DEAVILLE DEBANNE DEBARDELEBEN DEHEJIA DEHNE DELLA ZAZZERA DEMERS DEMERS DEUGO DEVDARIANI DICKSON-GILMORE DION DIX DOHA DORNAN Given Name/ Prénom PATRICK PETER ANDREW ROGER STEVEN ROBERT EROS JEAN-PIERRE BRIAN DAVID ELLEN VALERIE SANDRA ZEBA WILLIAM ROBERT BRUCE AMEDEO TINA RICHARD TOM JEAN DARRYL JIM CHRISTOPHER GORDON JEFFERY T. BRETTEL LOUISE GERALD RENATA DAVID JOANNA JAMES MARIE JOAN VIVEK FRANK BIANA FANNY MICHEL DWIGHT ELENA E. JANE CHANTAL GEORGE AHMED CHRISTOPHER Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate University Librarian (Building Management and Operational Planning) Associate Vice-President (Research Planning and Operations) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Lecturer Associate Dean/Director Salary Paid/ Traitement $130,456.25 $100,795.15 $144,778.19 $149,545.52 $102,506.32 $126,018.94 $118,397.06 $156,207.94 $111,528.56 $167,285.50 $135,618.41 $123,034.54 $179,261.20 $115,666.26 $131,308.80 $138,413.64 $152,752.41 $108,201.00 $141,487.48 $132,065.87 $152,311.56 $127,288.89 $115,091.29 $102,750.33 $116,338.40 $100,370.08 $102,308.02 $142,317.12 $115,652.27 $137,191.59 $113,622.42 $145,482.50 $106,901.93 $133,945.25 $112,855.35 $158,069.05 $129,755.91 $148,171.00 $102,217.31 $145,432.85 $143,805.11 $150,793.86 $100,439.09 $142,764.04 $113,989.14 $117,013.54 $124,327.53 $145,237.93 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 15 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DOUTRELEPONT DOWNIE DOYLE DRAAYER DRYDYK DUMONTIER DUTKIEWICZ DUXBURY DYKE EAMAN ELLERY ELLIOTT EL-TANANY EMBERLEY ESFANDIARI ETELE FAHRIG FAI FARRELL FERRIS FESZTY FINDLAY FINN FORBES FORTH FOSS FOURNIER FOX FRANK FRANKEL FRANKS FRASCARI FRASER FREEMAN FREI GABRIEL GAGNON GALDO GALLINGER GAO GARVEY GAUTHIER GAYDOS GENTILE GERLACH GERMAIN GESS GIANNI Given Name/ Prénom CHARLES SUSAN AARON INGRID JAY MICHEL PIOTR LINDA LORRAINE ROSS ANTHONY BRUCE MOHAMED PETER BABAK JASON LENORE STEPHEN PATRICK J. STEPHEN DANIEL TREVOR GERALDINE MARK ADELLE BRIAN ROBERT JANNA MITCHELL LOIS ROY MARCO WENDY LINDA HANSPETER CHRISTINA MARC ANDRE JOSE KEVIN ZHICHENG THOMAS ROBERT JOHN PATRIZIA NEIL RANDALL RANDALL BENJAMIN Position/Poste Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Professional Librarian Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Vice-President (Research) Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Manager, Canadian Academic English Language Testing Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Assistant Director, Maintenance Services Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,529.90 $111,400.66 $122,708.31 $141,700.00 $103,374.39 $126,308.86 $146,402.45 $167,134.12 $153,894.59 $152,573.57 $124,787.00 $116,160.70 $155,236.82 $151,841.17 $135,863.91 $113,864.37 $120,416.33 $117,928.44 $140,841.52 $156,050.64 $119,737.99 $134,232.12 $145,633.60 $143,833.24 $112,125.02 $141,667.88 $121,275.48 $119,154.52 $118,309.06 $140,914.56 $135,517.29 $129,194.22 $107,728.89 $153,613.25 $113,307.69 $119,520.07 $100,795.15 $114,923.66 $115,103.80 $116,996.63 $124,612.35 $134,346.51 $138,069.92 $100,332.99 $117,842.29 $133,606.11 $129,207.59 $140,536.26 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 16 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille GICK GIVEN GODFREY GODIN GOFFI GOLSHANI GORELICK GOSE GOUBRAN GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM GRANT GREEN GREENBERG GRIFFITHS GU GUNUPUDI HADJISOPHOCLEOUS HAFEZ HAINES HAKAMI HALLGRIMSSON HAMILTON HAMPSON HANES HARADA HARPER HART HASSAN HAUSSMAN HAYES HAYIBOR HAYLEY HENDERSON HEPWORTH HERAUF HERDMAN HESLOP HILLMER HINE HOLMES HOLTON HOLTZ HOWE HUANG HUANG HUANG Given Name/ Prénom MARY BRIAN STEPHEN JEAN-GUY FEDERICA ASHKAN ROOT PETER RAFIK KATHERINE KEVIN MICHAEL GERALD JAMES JOSHUA ROWENA M. JUNJIE PAVAN GEORGE HAFEZ MARGARET AMIR BJARKI SHERYL FEN ROY SUSAN PATTI-LYNN MICHAEL YASSER MELISSA M. JOHN SEFA SHAWN JENNIFER SHELLEY DARRELL CHRIS LOUISE NORMAN MICHAEL KANINA ROBERT NEAL DOUGLAS CHANGCHENG MINYI XIAO Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Dean Senior Advisor to the President and the Provost Faculty Member Assistant Director, Facilities Engineering and Construction Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director, Personal and Planned Giving Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member University Librarian Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Faculty Member Professional Librarian Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Undergraduate Students) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $144,297.03 $121,418.07 $144,510.44 $160,011.21 $108,200.60 $100,638.66 $119,309.58 $146,558.94 $171,310.79 $172,211.24 $107,771.36 $115,103.80 $128,821.24 $116,708.98 $107,487.89 $102,678.66 $132,174.16 $129,500.85 $167,447.82 $159,585.96 $166,889.19 $118,185.95 $115,096.23 $118,788.13 $175,719.46 $135,038.91 $130,659.07 $104,273.22 $160,011.21 $119,078.72 $125,108.68 $130,697.16 $129,878.97 $115,429.33 $103,976.66 $102,306.01 $108,266.08 $136,423.80 $144,077.76 $144,077.76 $186,246.26 $100,084.37 $136,983.23 $157,363.49 $160,568.30 $134,400.54 $102,653.56 $132,440.23 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 17 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HUMPHREYS HUNT IANOUL JACKSON JACKSON JAWORSKI JENNISSEN JHAPPAN JI JOG JOHANSEN JOHNS JOHNSON JOHNSTON JONES JORDAN JOSLIN JUNKER KALYNIAK KAMAWAR KAMRA KANE KARIM KARMAN KAYA KAZMIERSKI KEEN KELLY KENNEDY KERSTEN KHALAF KHAN KHAN KHOO KHORDOC KIDD KIGGUNDU KING KLAUSEN KLEBANOFF KLODAWSKY KOFFAS KOVALIO KOZOLANKA KRANAKIS KRISTIANSEN KROPP KUMAR Given Name/ Prénom ELYN ALAN ANATOLI DAVID EDWARD WOJCIECH THERESE C. RADHA SHAOBO VIJAY PETER PAUL MATTHEW ANDREW WAYNE ISLA CHRISTOPHER MARIE-ODILE PATRICIA DEEPTHI SUKESHI EDWARD KARIM DENIZ TARIK VINCENT PAUL KATHARINE IAN MARGARET LYNDA ATA HASHMAT HENG-AIK CATHERINE JOHN MOSES DOUGLAS SUSANNE MARI RANDI FRAN THOMAS JACOB KIRSTEN EVANGELOS CONNIE CARL UMA Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate University Librarian (Collections and Library Development) Professional Librarian Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) Assistant Vice-President (University Services) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Clerk of Senate Senior Project Manager Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Student Affairs) Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $103,897.11 $160,011.01 $106,448.57 $139,268.27 $116,081.69 $128,423.57 $133,923.51 $116,733.43 $155,640.17 $115,233.98 $134,615.59 $142,726.54 $146,701.53 $118,960.61 $132,434.41 $112,784.08 $114,308.60 $131,771.95 $141,103.77 $114,172.64 $128,762.13 $157,153.70 $118,661.48 $154,466.94 $133,975.24 $113,924.03 $141,564.85 $136,725.42 $113,128.38 $114,751.82 $125,606.75 $160,011.21 $126,681.45 $126,779.24 $106,813.73 $104,503.90 $166,011.21 $121,538.80 $106,448.57 $108,298.86 $149,577.13 $105,491.88 $143,613.78 $114,974.74 $160,011.21 $138,409.58 $121,691.18 $156,149.13 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 18 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KUMAR KUNDHI KUNZ KWAN KWASNIEWSKI LABICHE LABINE LACROIX LAI LAIRD LALANDE LALIBERTE LAMBADARIS LAMBERT LANGLOIS LANTHIER LARIVEE LAU LEBLANC LECKIE LEE LEFEVRE LETH-STEENSEN LEVESQUE LIN LIPSETT-RIVERA LITT LITTLEWOOD LIU LIU LIU LIU LOGAN LOISELLE LONG LU LUNDBERG LUNDY LUNG MACDONALD MACEACHERN MACNEIL MACNEIL MAGGI MAHESHWARI MAIBOM MAJUMDAR MAJURY Given Name/ Prénom VINOD GUBHINDER THOMAS ERNEST TADEUSZ YVAN LISE GUY EDWARD WALTER ESTELLE JEREMY IOANNIS IAIN ROBERT MARK ANNIE DAVID CARMEN BARBARA IAN JO-ANNE CRAIG DENIS ZHIQIU SONYA PAUL JEREMY JIE MENGCHI RONG XIAOPING JOHN ANDRE DAVID IRENE JOYCE COLLEEN CHUNG-HORNG LAURA LEONARD M. L. CATHERINE MICHAEL STEFANIA ANIL HEIDI SHIKHARESH DIANA Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Assistant Vice-President (Human Resources) Faculty Member Associate Dean (Undergraduate Affairs) Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Chief Information Officer Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Student Affairs) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Affairs) Salary Paid/ Traitement $172,372.44 $120,375.30 $143,783.07 $110,294.32 $134,554.80 $133,986.26 $130,741.07 $110,882.53 $142,125.34 $114,248.34 $102,098.50 $104,984.56 $130,475.70 $138,182.51 $138,278.12 $116,787.66 $101,544.38 $143,010.29 $103,763.30 $116,718.07 $107,890.46 $142,900.46 $108,722.49 $121,411.01 $126,085.62 $131,901.56 $124,008.09 $114,778.31 $102,841.77 $146,514.51 $131,510.84 $134,055.84 $112,160.05 $121,388.84 $111,690.39 $125,518.57 $101,146.29 $145,645.80 $139,530.18 $124,788.00 $132,440.23 $110,233.86 $145,430.91 $103,761.31 $120,821.22 $111,508.55 $156,384.20 $149,213.61 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 19 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MALLETT MALLOY MANN MANTHORPE MANTLER MARBLE MARCH MARCOTTE MARSHALL MARSLAND MARTIN MASON MATHESON MATIDA MATRAWY MAURICE MCGARRY MCGOWAN MCGUIRE MCINTYRE MCKAY MCMAHON MCRAE MEADOWCROFT MEDD MELKONIAN MENDELOFF MEYER MEZO MICHEL MILLER MILLER MILLS MILLS MINGARELLI MITCHELL MOHSNI MONTGOMERY MOORE MOORE MORIN MORTIMER MOSCOVITCH MOTAZEDIAN MOULD MUEGGE MURPHY MURRAY Given Name/ Prénom ALEXANDRA JONATHAN RICHARD JEFFREY JANET ANDREW KAREN ANGELA DOMINIQUE IAN MICHELE RALPH KIMBERLY EDGAR ASHRAF JACQUES STEVEN JAMES MARY MICHAEL RUTH MAEVE GLENN JAMES JODIE SAM DAVID JANET PAUL FREDERICK J. DAVID RONALD LISA SHIRLEY ANGELO SCOTT SANA FRANCES MICHAEL PATRICIA PATRICK BRIAN ALLAN DARIUSH DAVID STEVEN STEVEN STUART Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Programs and Awards) Faculty Member Faculty Member Controller Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Vice-President (Research and International) Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Professional Librarian Faculty Member Associate University Librarian (Research, Scholarship, and Technology) Faculty Member Associate Vice-President (Academic) and Clerk of Senate Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Dean (Research and External) Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $100,283.10 $113,122.43 $107,072.26 $104,884.97 $100,460.05 $103,923.66 $137,700.62 $103,315.20 $132,805.64 $116,186.79 $151,874.16 $150,271.48 $227,607.23 $120,043.59 $113,864.37 $110,273.31 $137,211.18 $100,795.15 $113,221.73 $155,497.31 $161,228.97 $137,284.22 $142,292.17 $157,167.60 $104,631.96 $123,467.15 $114,283.56 $106,875.09 $110,823.37 $130,358.58 $160,011.21 $131,887.62 $118,269.00 $126,249.62 $134,807.17 $105,079.17 $129,750.96 $144,617.35 $159,751.94 $129,713.49 $124,479.39 $150,622.24 $160,011.21 $107,978.55 $103,923.66 $124,644.00 $181,712.49 $114,043.91 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 20 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille NAKHLA NARDON NEELY NEILSON NEL NELLES NEMIROFF NEUFANG NEWELL NIELSEN NITZSCHE NOVAS NSAKANDA NUDELMAN NUSSBAUM OAKHAM O'BRIEN O'BRIEN O'FARRELL OGILVIE O'HARA ONO OOMMEN OPP OPPACHER ORMECI OSABU-KLE OSBORNE OTCHERE OULD MOHAMED ABDEL H. PAL PAL PALTIEL PAMMETT PANARIO PAPADOPOULOS PAQUET PARK PARLOW PARUSH PATRICK PATTERSON PATTERSON PEARCE PENNY PETRIU PHILLIPS PHILLIPS Given Name/ Prénom MICHEL LUCIARA COLLEEN LEIGHANN LOUIS PAUL HOWARD MATTHIAS WALLER JASON FRED CARLOS AARON FRANCES DORON F. GERALD CHARLES WALTRAUD JANICE MARGARET H. KATHRYN YU JOHN JAMES FRANZ BANU DANIEL JOHN ISAAC MOHAMEDOU LESLIE SHIBU JEREMY JON DANIEL NICOLAS LISE CHUL SHELLEY AVI DONNA DANNY R. TIMOTHY TREVOR CHRISTOPHER DORINA MARK RODERICK Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Professional Librarian Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director of Admissions Services Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Dean Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $160,011.21 $134,512.43 $130,357.00 $115,079.70 $145,667.84 $114,951.93 $156,300.66 $107,487.62 $144,552.12 $100,433.59 $145,722.48 $100,433.59 $133,052.81 $106,562.23 $139,375.01 $130,323.40 $127,545.99 $128,929.18 $103,315.20 $160,011.21 $137,244.09 $128,540.94 $160,012.08 $100,268.73 $160,011.21 $125,714.29 $132,592.50 $204,859.07 $177,777.94 $103,185.60 $143,949.13 $143,139.84 $140,827.94 $135,166.94 $118,670.86 $160,011.21 $140,994.12 $132,440.23 $139,267.20 $138,931.42 $129,039.57 $114,193.24 $134,547.76 $121,577.96 $108,918.97 $156,916.15 $160,010.54 $146,573.71 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 21 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PICARD PICK PLETT PLOURDE POHLE POLLANEN POLLARD POWER POZZULO PRASHKER PRUS PURVIS PYCHYL PYLYPA RAJAEE RAMIREZ RANKIN RAY RAZO-GARCIA REICHSTEIN RENON REYNOLDS RICKETTS RIGAKOS RIORDAN RITCHIE ROBINSON ROD ROGERS ROGERS ROJAS ROJAS-MENDEZ ROSENBLATT ROURKE ROWE ROWLAND ROWLANDS ROY RUFFO RUNTE RUSSELL RUTHERFORD RYAN RYAN SAARI SABANADZE Given Name/ Prénom RUTH SUSAN CHERYL ZUZANA CALVIN ANDRE KLAUS RAILI GEORGE SIMON JOANNA STEVEN STEVEN TREVOR TIMOTHY JENNIFER FARHANG ALEJANDRO L. PAULINE TOM RAUL IRWIN FLAVIA PATRICIA PETER GEORGE ROBERT ROBIN FIONA MICHEL DAVID JOHN CRISTINA JOSE DANIEL PHILIP NICHOLAS OWEN DANE LANGIS ARMAND ROSEANN DONALD BLAIR ALLAN PHILIP HENRY MARINA Position/Poste Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Dean Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Associate Dean (Graduate Programs and Research) Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Professional Librarian Instructor Provost & Vice-President (Academic) Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Executive Director, Centre for Trade Policy and Law Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Associate Dean (Planning) Faculty Member President Associate Dean (Planning and Policy) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Salary Paid/ Traitement $163,955.18 $157,172.06 $118,822.61 $128,541.28 $157,807.79 $199,554.55 $142,936.43 $135,879.64 $130,556.92 $145,881.81 $117,297.72 $120,156.58 $131,189.87 $106,613.02 $108,331.34 $101,504.35 $137,081.43 $118,960.34 $133,009.36 $102,624.87 $114,494.70 $159,670.18 $116,429.79 $109,429.10 $249,727.46 $130,597.34 $144,678.51 $143,170.31 $109,405.95 $151,030.75 $160,011.21 $130,835.63 $135,817.85 $132,713.15 $105,980.66 $129,628.25 $146,604.22 $102,308.02 $169,768.68 $146,598.92 $130,102.55 $358,474.46 $144,920.20 $119,065.97 $136,521.98 $133,262.88 $117,191.01 $105,742.99 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $449.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $46,095.47 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 22 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SACK SAHADEO SALMOND SAMSON SAMY SANTANA QUINTERO SARGENT SARKAR SARMA SASIADEK SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SCAMMELL SCHALLER SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SCHNITZER SCHRAMM SCHRODER-ADAMS SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWEITZER SEARS SENECHAL SERIN SHAMS SHEPHERD SHEPHERD SHERIFF SHERRATT SHERWOOD SHEWELL SILTANEN SIMMS SIMONS SINCLAIR SINHA SIVATHAYALAN SJOLANDER SKIDMORE SLANEY SLOAN SMART SMART SMID SMITH SMITH Given Name/ Prénom JORG-RUDIGER JEFFERY NOEL CLAIRE YIAGADEESEN MARIO C. NEIL ABHIJIT NANDINI JERZY EILEEN RONALD JANICE HUNTLEY BENEDICT BRIAN EVE CHERYL CLAUDIA HOWARD KAREN SAUL LINDA GREGORY MONIQUE RALPH MAITHAM JOHN ROBERT GARTH THOMAS EDWARD HUGH JANET PAUL ANDREW DAVID SANJOY SIVA STEEN BILL FRANCES ELINOR DAVID GRAHAM MICHIEL DEREK MYRON Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Professional Librarian Faculty Member Manager, Academic Computing Faculty Member Instructor Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Assistant Dean (Master of Business Administration Program) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Manager/Coach Men's Basketball Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $160,011.21 $114,922.01 $122,066.71 $140,117.36 $126,433.63 $111,019.86 $153,790.48 $120,767.92 $107,227.87 $143,949.13 $144,969.64 $154,065.00 $144,262.63 $160,011.21 $101,323.19 $111,855.26 $105,658.29 $123,900.92 $112,339.51 $154,815.94 $102,050.30 $107,061.13 $140,541.21 $120,109.58 $116,622.16 $126,385.74 $134,420.62 $168,986.59 $121,761.80 $122,496.69 $129,500.85 $118,320.97 $146,002.17 $150,267.83 $121,541.94 $118,202.98 $154,219.81 $114,308.60 $126,971.34 $162,793.42 $118,813.88 $108,436.21 $115,507.54 $151,425.29 $124,617.72 $130,422.94 $103,812.41 $127,669.70 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 23 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SMY SOLANKI SOMAYAJI SOWKA SPRINGER STASIULIS STEAD STEELE STEPANOVA STERRITT STEVENS STEWART ST-HILAIRE STONEY STOREY SUCHAROV SULLIVAN SUMEGI SUNDARARAJAN SWAN SYRETT SZYSZKOWICZ TAIANA TAIT TALIM TAN TANSLEY TARR TAYLOR TAYLOR TETRAULT SIRSLY THEBERGE THOMPSON TOFIGH RAYHANI TOIVONEN TOMBERLIN TONER TONG TURCOTTE UNGER VAN DE SANDE VAN GEEL VAN OORSCHOT VIERULA VINCTER VOIA WADDELL WAGMAN Given Name/ Prénom TOM GOPIKA ANIL ELIZABETH ELIZABETH DAIVA JOHN ALAN NATALIA DAVID BRETT JENNIFER MARC CHRISTOPHER KENNETH MIRA J. TIM ANGELA PUDUPADI R. PETER BARRY BARBARA CECILIA R. NIALL JEROME CHOON-LAI BRIAN GARRY RICHARD VIRGINIA CAROL-ANN PAUL MURDOCK MOHAMMAD IDA THOMAS GLEN CALVIN ANDRE LORNA ADRIANUS PAUL PAUL P. JOHN MANUELLA MARCEL-CRIST CHRISTOPHER IRA Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Director, Pension Fund Management Faculty Member Faculty Member Special Assistant to the Provost (Student Academic Enrichment) Faculty Member Director of Housing and Conference Services Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Assistant Dean (Student Success) Assistant Vice-President (Finance) Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Quality and Accreditation Officer Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Dean Faculty Member Director, Professional Development Program Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $145,659.93 $101,544.38 $126,101.67 $102,445.71 $108,082.59 $145,789.16 $112,455.93 $145,331.28 $105,730.64 $114,494.24 $116,338.40 $122,280.87 $111,231.54 $131,375.60 $164,109.57 $103,248.48 $162,147.59 $113,286.30 $160,011.21 $145,221.73 $159,548.27 $109,283.62 $133,106.54 $136,905.51 $124,265.82 $152,578.59 $147,910.93 $133,445.23 $121,417.10 $109,182.03 $126,435.33 $128,003.26 $153,275.66 $101,512.27 $103,730.18 $214,270.84 $143,398.00 $131,702.32 $114,170.82 $110,277.78 $143,573.95 $137,127.01 $169,594.83 $131,583.44 $123,753.01 $119,974.06 $163,702.90 $110,134.93 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 24 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WAINER WAKIL WALKER WALLACE WALTERS WANG WANG WANG WARREN WATKINS WATT WEIBUST WEISS WELLS WEST WHITE WHITE WHITEHEAD WHITING WHITNEY WIGHT WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLMORE WILSON WINER WINER WINN WINSECK WOHL WOLFART WOOD WOODS WOOLLEY WORSWICK WRIGHT WRIGHT XING XU YACK YANIKOMEROGLU YARAS YE YOSHIMOTO YOUNG YOUNG YU YU Given Name/ Prénom GABRIEL GULRAZE PAMELA ANDREW WILLIAM XIN YANLING ZHI JOHN WENDY DUNCAN INGER MICHAEL JONATHAN ROBERT ANTHONY MICHELINE ANTHONY PATRICIA SUSAN JAMES GLEN R. GRANT WILLIAM ROBERT BRUCE STANLEY CONRAD DWAYNE MICHAEL JOHANNES DAVID GURLI FRANCES CHRISTOPHER J. BARRY JAMES TIM TONG JAYNE HALIM METIN WINNIE MIKA DIANA LYNNE FEI ZHIHAO Position/Poste Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Professional Librarian Professional Librarian Vice-President (Finance and Administration) Faculty Member Faculty Member Manager, Research Programs Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Director Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Associate Director, Institutional Research and Planning Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Instructor Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Salary Paid/ Traitement $133,677.56 $129,876.56 $111,553.76 $102,308.02 $116,981.29 $134,263.06 $127,221.90 $160,744.97 $109,652.87 $129,093.90 $270,391.10 $108,509.19 $140,377.81 $111,812.58 $103,341.88 $144,094.21 $125,107.53 $115,125.27 $100,445.57 $100,930.99 $160,011.21 $127,748.86 $112,758.16 $110,765.78 $130,482.51 $119,813.94 $144,077.76 $160,011.21 $120,258.04 $162,811.53 $109,311.38 $113,349.21 $120,826.71 $149,842.13 $135,756.10 $124,456.41 $107,026.93 $121,007.10 $102,000.32 $123,346.86 $122,637.44 $146,739.96 $106,704.68 $112,858.10 $108,293.26 $126,859.01 $111,997.64 $132,440.23 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Page 25 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Carleton University Collège de Hearst Huntington University Huntington University Huntington University Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College Huron University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ZABOLOTNYUK ZADRA ZALOK ZELENSKI ZHANG ZHANG ZHAO OUELLETTE HOOD MCCORMICK PIANOSI ACRES BADCOCK BLAGRAVE BLAIR BRADFORD BROOKS CARRUTHERS CHAN COLE CONTER CRIMMINS DANAHER DAVIES ERDLE HEAPY HUBEL HYLAND IONESCU KAWAI LEIGHTON MCCARTHY MCCLATCHIE MURPHY NESBITT-LARKING VAINIO-MATTILA WU XU ALDIS BAHCHELI BARUSS BERES BIRNBAUM BOWLBY BROWN CALCAGNO CALLAGHAN CAMILETTI Given Name/ Prénom YURIY RANDY EHAB JOHN JIANKANG QI-JUN YIQIANG PIERRE ALISON KEVIN BRIGIT WILLIAM GARY MARK DAVID NEIL NEIL NEIL ALFRED MARK DAVID JAMES WILLIAM CORRINE STEPHEN NELSON TERESA PETER MARIANA MICHIYA DOUGLAS J. DERMOT STEPHEN BRENDAN PAUL ARJA HUA DANIEL JOAN TOZUN IMANTS LAURA G. RACHEL KENNETH HUNTER ANTONIO J. CLAIRE SAURO Position/Poste Faculty Member Director of Carleton International Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Faculty Member Recteur Assistant Professor President and Vice Chancellor Associate Professor Professor Professor Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Professor Professor Professor Chief Administrative Officer Professor Professor Professor Professor Dean, Faculty of Theology Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Principal Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Coordinator/Councillor - Students With Disabilities Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Chief Librarian Academic Dean Salary Paid/ Traitement $143,694.22 $130,353.92 $137,735.82 $107,487.62 $109,315.78 $136,920.11 $131,934.18 $104,910.17 $109,861.18 $245,259.89 $112,288.41 $105,676.36 $105,192.72 $143,442.04 $117,229.32 $113,650.32 $114,780.32 $112,707.73 $124,408.00 $150,286.68 $141,803.04 $120,956.96 $121,015.35 $120,407.04 $118,881.40 $124,973.64 $110,051.32 $137,155.64 $107,310.32 $122,209.32 $127,237.96 $139,548.68 $233,833.33 $125,192.32 $136,566.00 $102,232.80 $113,051.32 $124,408.00 $102,920.28 $174,789.26 $133,730.05 $101,874.91 $108,904.97 $137,581.80 $162,454.83 $102,519.67 $120,212.96 $205,618.70 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $436.86 $676.56 $508.56 $791.66 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $1,240.07 $1,319.52 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $1,628.78 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $1,383.81 $936.72 $926.47 $926.47 $536.76 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $936.72 $10,559.15 $1,327.13 $1,980.41 $1,931.21 $1,259.76 $1,980.41 $1,727.67 $1,082.28 $7,991.04 $1,980.41 Page 26 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CLAUSIUS COPPLESTONE CSIERNIK DICICCO DUNLOP DUTRIZAC ELSIE GEEN GORASSINI GORLICK GORMAN GRIBBLE HAMMOND HAN HARMAN HUMPHREY HUNTER HURLEY IBBOTT JACKSON JANCZAK JARVIS JIANG JORY KATO KERR KOPINAK KOSKI KOW LAWSON LOFTS MACGREGOR MAJOR MASON MCKELLAR MCNAMEE MEEK MELLON MEREDITH MICHALSKI NEWMAN OLIVIER OSBORNE PATTON PIERCE POMFRET RONEY RYAN Given Name/ Prénom CLAUDIA GLEN RICHARD P. LORRAINE JUDITH C. DESMOND VERONIKA M. JONATHAN DONALD CAROLYNE EUNICE LAURA BERNARD JAE-DONG LESLEY DIANE TREVOR DERMOT J. PETER LYNNE M. SERGIO ERIC XING THOMAS KEI DON KATHRYN RAIJA JAMES ERIN STEPHEN DAVID JEFFREY MARILYN KENNETH SARA (SALLY) ALISON HUGH DAVID JOSEPH JACQUETTA CLAUDE A. THEODORE BRIAN BARBARA DECKER ALAN CHRISTOPHER J. R. PATRICK Position/Poste Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Academic Dean Director Of Human Resources Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Director Of Information Technology Services Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Executive Director Of Development Professor Professor Chief Financial Officer Registrar Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Director Of Social Work Professor Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $119,204.91 $160,973.60 $134,699.69 $127,651.78 $108,442.61 $105,931.91 $117,280.34 $101,772.09 $133,638.82 $125,967.29 $117,552.72 $109,344.82 $158,398.67 $113,842.11 $110,305.84 $130,449.51 $118,840.66 $143,584.25 $130,228.54 $112,345.73 $126,894.25 $151,085.29 $106,197.25 $117,280.34 $108,014.64 $120,601.73 $104,171.85 $148,114.19 $122,965.07 $106,312.25 $117,218.37 $155,139.13 $155,324.56 $142,491.94 $144,055.23 $109,183.29 $109,833.76 $115,096.46 $118,523.13 $127,760.26 $104,218.28 $112,852.49 $124,692.52 $118,278.38 $139,463.54 $161,692.04 $123,782.67 $115,928.94 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,274.93 $7,164.58 $7,844.46 $1,880.25 $1,259.76 $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,906.98 $1,237.72 $1,980.41 $1,397.33 $1,727.67 $1,954.81 $1,259.76 $1,980.41 $1,978.41 $1,706.66 $1,980.41 $1,533.51 $7,844.46 $1,828.22 $1,980.41 $1,318.35 $1,980.41 $1,259.76 $7,296.03 $1,257.76 $1,327.13 $9,601.33 $8,832.56 $1,980.41 $1,880.25 $1,954.81 $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,954.81 $1,980.41 $1,980.29 $1,980.41 $1,980.41 $1,840.49 $1,259.76 $1,954.81 Page 27 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College King's University College Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SIAMBANOPOULOS SKINNER SMALL SOULODRE-LAFRANCE SYLVESTER TATTERSALL VENTRESCA WATTERS WEBB WERSTINE YEAGER YOUSEFI AGBO ALBERT ALEXANDROV ALLAIRE ALLINGHAM BAI BARTLEY BAUER BEAULIEU BEDARD BENLAMRI BENSON BERG BERGER BERNARD BLAHUTA BLAIS BLAKE BOYD BRADY BRIGGS BROWNLEE CAPPADOCIA CARASTATHIS CARR CATALAN CHAMBERS CHEN CHEN CHEN CHRISTOFFERSEN CLARKE COLTON CONLY COURTLAND CROSSMAN Given Name/ Prénom JOHN NICHOLAS SUSAN RENEE DAVID MICHAEL ROBERT MARY CAROL PAUL PAUL MATTHEW AYOUB SETH MITCHELL DIMITER FRANCIS PHILIP HAO ANTHONY ANTHONY MICHEL MICHEL RACHID MAURICE RICHARD PAUL JEAN-YVES JASON RITA BERNARD MATTHEW PATRICK WILLIAM EDWARD FRANK ARISTOCLES PAUL LIONEL ANNE AICHENG HAN YIN CARLOS KERRIE-LEE GLENN ANDREW MARY CLARE JANE Position/Poste Professor Professor Professor Professor Principal Professor Professor Dean Of Students Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor-Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Financial Services Chief Information Officer Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Physical Plant Professor Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor-Canada Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Institutional Analysis/Government Relations Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $100,381.75 $170,363.19 $114,866.63 $124,282.26 $230,906.97 $139,655.43 $116,085.75 $137,042.85 $169,832.10 $146,201.48 $105,599.98 $138,625.12 $113,644.42 $113,186.46 $137,834.46 $100,423.10 $134,002.18 $111,645.42 $126,689.74 $144,139.82 $103,213.78 $146,941.81 $123,374.26 $163,839.82 $148,033.10 $101,546.14 $108,284.76 $120,028.22 $128,421.30 $111,701.40 $110,704.63 $113,990.94 $100,116.36 $151,851.34 $104,638.14 $143,257.33 $101,186.46 $138,885.74 $143,014.05 $129,649.81 $127,748.90 $117,840.46 $115,661.02 $113,038.50 $124,620.10 $100,592.74 $160,173.18 $160,173.18 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $1,916.91 $1,327.13 $1,980.41 $1,978.41 $10,719.36 $8,832.56 $1,954.81 $8,832.56 $1,327.13 $1,259.76 $1,965.05 $1,980.41 $890.75 $852.55 $1,004.66 $762.24 $962.74 $842.44 $952.37 $1,004.66 $709.16 $989.89 $999.17 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $756.72 $835.51 $830.68 $975.00 $848.16 $822.01 $859.92 $764.34 $1,004.66 $737.76 $1,004.66 $764.84 $1,004.66 $991.98 $925.65 $948.08 $852.11 $905.37 $842.64 $925.66 $758.48 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 Page 28 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CURTHOYS DADGOSTAR DANG DAVIS DAWOOD DE GUISE DEAN DEAN DEIGHTON DEKKER DELANEY DEN OTTER DI MATTEO DUFRESNE EPP EPP FAN FARRELL FARRELL FEDDERSON FENNELL FIAIDHI FIDDICK FILICE FRALICK GALLAGHER GAO GENG GIBBONS GILBERT GILLIES GONG GOTTARDO GRADOJEVIC GRAY GREENWOOD GROVER HAMILTON HANLEY HARDIE HARPELLE HARTVIKSEN HAYES HAYMAN HECNAR HICKS HILL HODSON Given Name/ Prénom LESLEY BAHRAM QING RON ISAAM HUBERT ANDREW ANDREW ANNE ROBERT ROGER ALICE LIVIO TODD JUANITA WALTER LIDA JOCELYN RUBY KIM HOPE-ARLENE JINAN LAURENCE SYLVANE PHILIP MARK WA LIFENG VALERIE ALLAN ANTONY YANGLIN CHRISTINE NIKOLA ERIN DAVID SONJA SCOTT RODNEY TIMOTHY RONALD KENNETH LAURIE GORDON STEPHEN PHILIP MARY LOUISE JOHN Position/Poste Associate Professor Dean of Business Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean of Science and Environmental Studies Professor University Librarian Director - Biorefining Research Initiative Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Dean and Vice-Provost - Lakehead University Orillia Campus Professor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Librarian III Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor-Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Vice President - Academic and Provost Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Vice-President - Academic and Provost Associate Professor Professor Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $117,973.74 $171,934.26 $151,756.58 $144,005.90 $129,930.82 $116,238.54 $169,020.42 $121,955.17 $129,381.18 $141,580.44 $160,173.18 $124,464.54 $136,306.06 $118,317.10 $147,438.70 $117,077.02 $107,028.24 $131,728.30 $123,131.34 $161,493.82 $145,461.18 $149,250.06 $103,686.46 $101,487.42 $154,165.22 $131,593.90 $133,029.41 $128,255.58 $102,709.02 $160,173.18 $144,023.18 $117,845.34 $129,184.26 $121,843.98 $105,786.14 $127,686.30 $136,132.14 $139,574.70 $195,913.10 $120,487.18 $128,326.86 $159,131.51 $121,219.58 $140,568.22 $128,944.06 $169,553.10 $161,173.18 $104,353.06 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $888.61 $1,139.52 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $975.56 $874.43 $1,004.66 $906.08 $965.76 $1,073.64 $1,004.66 $935.33 $1,024.58 $925.01 $1,004.66 $956.65 $809.20 $962.04 $925.66 $1,141.92 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $784.36 $767.36 $1,004.66 $961.60 $960.17 $964.13 $779.38 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $886.63 $945.11 $915.87 $762.32 $923.13 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $1,141.92 $871.57 $964.57 $1,004.66 $0.00 $1,004.66 $968.97 $1,141.92 $1,004.66 $758.48 Page 29 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HOECHSMANN HOLLINGS HOLMES HUANG HUGHES HUTCHISON ISEKE ISLAM ISMAIL ISOTALO IVISON JAMIESON JARMAN JASEN JIANG JIAO JOHNSTON KAISER KAJANDER KELLEY KERR KING KINRADE KIRK-GARDNER KISSIN KJARTANSON KLEIN KNUTSON KORTEWEG KOSTER LARIVIERE LAW LAWSON LEE LEE LEGGATT LEITCH LEMELIN LEUNG LI LIAO LINHANANTA LIU LIU LIU LIU LIU LIVINGSTON Given Name/ Prénom MICHAEL PETER FREDERICK WANZHEN JANICE LEONARD JUDY SYED BASEL ROBERT DOUGLAS JOHN JENNIFER PATRICIA ZI-HUA CHANGQUAN MARGARET TIM ELIZABETH MARY DONALD MARY STEPHEN RHONDA STEPHEN BRUCE RUPERT GLENNA ELISABETH RHONDA DARRELL ROBERT ALEXANDRA GREGORY PETER JUDITH MATHEW RAYNALD KAM DELI BAOQIANG APICHART JIANYE KEFU LIPING MEILAN XIAOPING LORI Position/Poste Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor-Canada Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Dean of Health and Behavioural Sciences Salary Paid/ Traitement $109,253.02 $125,303.57 $155,467.74 $138,085.66 $126,623.78 $115,237.74 $129,901.78 $185,143.02 $113,620.06 $147,539.82 $113,134.06 $160,393.18 $126,586.38 $139,650.30 $101,744.22 $110,967.12 $154,909.98 $104,466.70 $116,929.34 $148,081.66 $111,172.22 $129,417.90 $148,600.21 $132,812.94 $156,073.14 $138,554.22 $110,811.62 $135,284.82 $109,063.26 $106,491.18 $118,239.82 $106,206.70 $118,575.82 $110,912.94 $144,023.18 $110,715.66 $108,858.30 $102,416.14 $126,331.66 $136,120.69 $123,428.66 $107,663.74 $113,093.34 $149,809.86 $130,131.62 $122,961.66 $146,142.74 $167,803.14 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $796.60 $916.42 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $940.27 $867.17 $1,014.18 $1,004.66 $820.89 $1,007.98 $825.73 $1,004.66 $949.95 $1,004.66 $769.85 $826.79 $1,004.66 $750.88 $872.01 $1,004.66 $778.46 $971.83 $1,004.66 $991.53 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $719.24 $994.94 $823.31 $751.68 $889.05 $789.23 $891.58 $835.51 $1,004.66 $868.65 $820.89 $774.61 $949.95 $1,000.15 $916.42 $813.64 $852.55 $1,004.66 $965.12 $925.22 $1,004.66 $1,137.00 Page 30 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LUCKAI MACKINNON MALEK MALLIK MANSOUR MANZAK MARTIN MARTIN MATHESON MAUNDRELL MAWHINNEY MAZMANIAN MCDOUGALL MCKAY MCKEE MCLAREN MCPHERSON MCPHERSON MCQUEEN MELVILLE MEYER MIAO MINORE MITCHELL MOAZZAMI MOHAMEDELHASSAN MOHAMMED MORRIS MORTON MUNRO MUNT NABARRA NASER NATARAJAN NELSON NEWHOUSE NISENHOLT OINONEN O'MEARA OMELJANIUK PALLEN PANU PAQUETTE PARKER PARKES PASSMORE PAWLOWSKI PAYNE Given Name/ Prénom NANCY CRAIG LADISLAV AZIM SABAH ALI GEORGE ROLAND CARNEY RICHARD ROBERT DWIGHT LORNE LINDA MARGARET BRIAN DENNIS MOIRA KAREN WAYNE WIETSE TIANXUAN JAMES LINDA BAKHTIAR ELTAYEB SABAH DOUGLAS ANNA GARY GERALD ALAIN HASSAN KRISHNAMOORT CONNIE IAN MARK KIRSTEN JOHN ROBERT DIANA UMED LAURE WILLIAM CHRIS GRAHAM MICHAEL ROBERT Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Deputy Provost Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Librarian III Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Advisor for Planning/Implementation Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Dean of Education Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Vice-President, (Research) Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Vice President - Administration and Finance Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $124,256.85 $111,416.86 $152,281.98 $161,811.86 $147,689.82 $104,215.42 $100,423.10 $104,089.74 $120,232.01 $122,884.62 $100,410.37 $133,007.34 $144,023.18 $132,169.02 $128,496.46 $110,875.46 $152,881.38 $179,553.10 $114,866.46 $112,393.66 $125,638.14 $146,647.02 $160,173.18 $105,707.98 $146,287.18 $100,998.54 $151,856.62 $162,173.14 $143,519.34 $100,423.10 $130,053.02 $132,730.90 $129,577.50 $153,653.98 $156,824.46 $135,157.98 $136,777.30 $101,710.14 $146,344.26 $131,648.70 $105,323.10 $167,731.55 $125,020.30 $160,173.18 $104,479.90 $108,949.26 $115,428.46 $145,724.02 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $906.09 $845.30 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $786.89 $762.24 $762.24 $860.94 $923.13 $747.28 $994.73 $1,004.66 $988.68 $964.57 $909.27 $952.37 $1,141.92 $811.22 $842.44 $944.56 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $801.25 $1,004.66 $796.28 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $762.24 $959.40 $970.82 $886.63 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $1,008.90 $1,038.42 $769.85 $986.28 $986.78 $762.24 $1,004.66 $940.28 $1,004.66 $789.23 $822.87 $751.44 $1,032.34 Page 31 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PERNIA PETRUNIA PHILLIPS POOLE POTTER POULIN POUND PREPAS PUK PULKKI PYLE QIN RAHIM RAKSHIT RANDALL RASLACK RAWANA REYNOLDS RICHARDS RICHARDSON ROBSON ROCHE ROTH ROY RUJIMETHABHAS RUNESSON RUSSELL RYAN SALIBA SAYED SCALESE SCHONBERGER SCHRAFT SCOTT SEARS SERENKO SEVEAN SHAHI SHANNON SHAW SIDDALL SIDDIQUI SINGH SMITH SMITH SOCHA SOUTHCOTT SPADONI Given Name/ Prénom JUAN ROBERT GERALD KAREN THOMAS BRYAN SCOTT ELLIE THOMAS REINO GREG WENSHENG MEDHAT SUDIP TODD RAY EDWARD JUDITH DAVID JOHN ROBERT KAREN JENNIFER MURARI MANIT ULF CONSTANCE JO-ANNE HENRI NAQI GISELLA VINCENT HEIDI SUSAN WILLIAM ALEXANDER PATRICIA CHANDER MICHAEL MILLO GILLIAN SULTAN BIRBAL MARGARET VICTOR TERESA CHRIS MICHELLE-MARIE Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor-Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor-Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor University Secretary Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Dean, Natural Resource Management Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dean of Engineering Associate Professor Librarian III Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Risk Management and Access to Information Dean of Social Sciences and Humanities Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $101,961.98 $106,997.34 $163,839.82 $128,370.46 $128,480.50 $138,481.90 $108,275.34 $170,173.26 $140,591.02 $153,741.90 $108,087.90 $110,515.38 $135,766.62 $112,783.35 $106,767.82 $128,113.80 $142,462.14 $122,411.82 $120,758.03 $145,162.06 $130,375.50 $101,463.12 $101,627.30 $105,576.58 $160,080.22 $143,256.66 $115,785.50 $124,450.10 $174,739.02 $131,717.10 $102,214.86 $140,968.06 $121,374.54 $105,204.62 $147,740.86 $115,200.50 $131,113.66 $107,996.76 $134,933.02 $110,947.26 $138,350.58 $121,441.90 $160,173.18 $104,007.66 $144,023.18 $111,312.82 $141,548.38 $103,664.22 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $843.46 $808.69 $1,004.66 $937.75 $1,026.30 $1,004.66 $818.03 $1,004.66 $1,004.66 $1,137.60 $779.56 $790.37 $1,000.55 $767.76 $791.65 $972.48 $1,004.66 $920.71 $837.01 $1,034.54 $978.64 $774.48 $756.96 $796.60 $1,004.66 $951.34 $837.93 $898.72 $1,141.92 $971.83 $774.87 $1,004.66 $913.34 $721.72 $1,004.66 $892.28 $947.42 $784.39 $994.73 $841.80 $915.98 $883.77 $1,004.66 $786.89 $1,004.66 $902.62 $1,004.66 $784.36 Page 32 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University Lakehead University 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ABDELHAMID DAVID MOHAMMAD CHRISTINA HERMAN ADAM BEATRICE JO-ANN PAMELA GRANT GERALD JIAN RUI WILSON XUEQUN RACHEL THOMAS DOLORES RUIZHONG MICHAEL DOUGLAS ANTHONY BRADLEY BRENDA GWENELLEN SANDRA LINGYUN LOUISE KAM NAM MICHAEL KAMIL HUI OSMAN YVES JAOUAD LAXMAN LINDA BELAID VASU GUSTAVO TOV Position/Poste Professor Professor President Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Executive Director, University Services Associate Professor Professor Vice-President (Research, Economic Develop and Innovation) Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Athletics Director Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Special Advisor on International Affairs and Recruitment Associate Professor Registrar Director Associate Professor Professor Librarian IV Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Research, Development and Creativity Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Dean Full Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $108,404.90 $146,844.30 $360,000.00 $131,122.06 $160,173.18 $126,631.66 $140,461.94 $127,626.30 $131,878.10 $107,747.34 $105,402.82 $122,430.18 $105,354.22 $118,841.26 $137,229.27 $131,566.74 $102,752.70 $120,568.90 $204,244.46 $118,527.06 $110,475.78 $109,017.82 $102,543.24 $110,223.10 $137,538.26 $135,715.18 $141,685.98 $128,006.58 $120,070.86 $104,123.78 $112,987.26 $109,373.46 $141,579.92 $118,526.46 $116,760.70 $100,357.26 $135,335.74 $100,082.62 $113,142.38 $159,271.92 $169,855.04 $111,900.40 $161,335.98 $149,124.04 $190,871.87 $170,859.00 $155,346.00 $151,455.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $890.25 $1,004.66 $1,141.92 $971.39 $1,004.66 $951.93 $1,004.66 $864.32 $975.89 $813.64 $786.89 $882.23 $1,326.73 $859.48 $1,003.56 $997.56 $777.03 $904.95 $1,141.92 $885.16 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BENNETT BENOIT BERNIER BISSONNETTE BLAIS-KERR BOISSONNEAULT BOMBIN BOUCHARD BOUDJELLABA BOUDREAU BOUDREAU-LARIVIERE BOUGRINE BRACE BRAWN BROWN BROWNING BULEY BULEY BURKE BYERS CACHON CAI CAMERON CAMPBELL CARON CAVALIERE CHAHMA CHEADLE CHEBBI CHEN CHEU CHITOV CHOUKRALLAH RICARD CHURCH COHOLIC COLILLI COLIN Given Name/ Prénom MADELEINE MOHAMED RACHID PATRICIA MYRIAM HUGUETTE ALAIN BERNARD PETER CHARLES NELSON CAROLE MONIQUE MARIE THIERRY CHRISTINE JULIE MIGUEL CHRISTIAN HAFIDA FRANCOIS CÉLINE HASSAN PATRICIA DALE MARTHE KATHY DAVID JAN SARA DANIEL JEAN-CHARLES MING PIERRE DANIEL FRANCOIS PATRICK M'HAMED NORMAN BRAHIM JIAN HOI GENNADY IMANE ANTHONY DIANA PAUL FABRICE Position/Poste Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Permanent Sessional Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Centre for Academic Excellence Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Archivist Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lead Scientist Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager, Records and Systems Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $126,852.00 $137,631.04 $135,536.51 $160,051.02 $131,693.04 $147,583.02 $106,332.71 $156,125.00 $167,309.30 $186,218.98 $162,139.98 $109,231.96 $124,578.96 $108,281.04 $101,379.99 $150,000.00 $121,275.84 $134,762.71 $118,854.00 $149,746.98 $131,840.04 $120,206.04 $125,881.96 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THOMAS GARRY PIERRE CAROLLE EDUARDO TERRANCE OZHAND MARIE-LUCE ERIC YVON THOMAS LAURA HAROLD DOMINIC MICHEL SUSAN YOUSSOU Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Vice President, Academic and Indigenous Programs Director, Campus Services Dean Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Dean Assistant Vice President, Students Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Technologist Division Head, Medical Sciences, Northern Ontario School of Medicine Senior Manager, Operations and Maintenance Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Director, Information Technology Full Professor President and Vice Chancellor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $140,858.13 $137,919.01 $158,223.11 $104,838.26 $170,859.00 $100,856.79 $114,587.83 $142,522.98 $101,097.96 $151,865.02 $160,125.00 $158,057.55 $122,025.14 $125,737.00 $105,794.96 $129,630.00 $147,216.00 $115,688.04 $116,213.04 $118,619.50 $106,685.04 $114,271.19 $168,856.02 $123,163.38 $131,242.65 $130,656.66 $150,685.71 $149,494.98 $179,542.98 $122,247.96 $141,420.42 $103,712.92 $217,151.90 $105,971.40 $153,495.00 $113,157.57 $139,699.80 $174,570.02 $145,247.83 $138,263.04 $169,700.00 $154,972.02 $126,600.04 $160,384.02 $301,155.00 $148,829.50 $115,811.00 $125,299.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $732.69 $735.81 $748.63 $602.53 $748.63 $494.50 $697.01 $748.63 $748.63 $416.23 $736.63 $711.87 $671.48 $635.53 $546.51 $635.13 $748.63 $661.21 $663.77 $662.03 $616.33 $701.15 $748.63 $719.91 $736.63 $687.03 $748.63 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LOUIS DOMINIQUE Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Associate Librarian $122,804.22 Full Professor $122,241.90 Assistant Professor $118,203.96 Director, Physical Plant and Planning $134,843.48 Associate Librarian $107,772.12 Director, Francophone Partnerships and Collaborations $105,627.00 Associate Professor $120,516.00 Associate Professor $116,833.74 Associate Professor $137,151.59 Executive Director, Financial Services $146,207.96 Full Professor $152,246.03 Sessional $108,481.84 Associate Professor $115,599.34 Full Professor $150,616.98 Associate Professor $118,212.00 Full Professor $163,763.98 Associate Professor $137,091.48 Full Professor $154,771.02 Director, Graduate Studies $112,966.02 Full Professor $190,904.00 Associate Professor $148,685.02 Full Professor $173,887.02 Associate Professor $144,946.02 Associate Professor $150,996.00 Associate Professor $106,402.02 Full Professor $166,191.00 Dean $183,411.96 Assistant Professor $122,811.96 Full Professor $154,004.16 Associate Librarian $135,573.96 Full Professor $155,392.79 Vice-President, Operations, Mining Innovation Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation $143,070.00 Assistant Professor $109,409.04 Associate Professor $111,929.74 Permanent Sessional $104,093.04 Assistant Professor $100,590.00 Associate Professor $151,365.00 Special Advisor to the President $174,854.04 Associate Vice President, Student Affairs $153,301.00 Assistant Professor $106,556.00 Vice President, Administration $202,561.00 Full Professor $119,907.72 Assistant Professor $100,692.00 Assistant Professor $138,079.96 Associate Professor $122,102.97 Chief of Staff $130,509.98 Associate Professor $140,846.00 Assistant Professor $105,471.01 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $712.71 $740.21 $661.73 $748.63 $613.79 $539.46 $685.41 $713.61 $743.59 $748.63 $736.63 $0.00 $748.63 $748.63 $673.73 $748.63 $736.63 $748.63 $647.69 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $615.55 $748.63 $748.63 $685.01 $748.63 $748.63 $416.23 $510.60 $630.53 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PARISSENTI PARKER PARTRIDGE PASSI PASTORET PEARSON PEGORARO PERSINGER PICKARD PILON PORTER POWELL RADEY RADFORD RAMCHARAN RATIARSON REGUIGUI RIOUX ROBICHAUD ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBITAILLE ROCHON ROTH ROUSSEAU Given Name/ Prénom THOMAS RALF STEPHEN GINETTE PATRICE DEAN MICHELE TAIMA KATHRYN SABINE PHYLLIS BRIAN DOUGLAS SHAROLYN RON KALUM CHARLOTTE DENISE KABWE BRUCE ABDELWAHAB MARILYN HENRI AMADEO GLENN CHERYLE KALPDRUM CORINNE DAVID ANN MICHAEL PATRICIA ROGER ELAINE MARY SUZANNE LUIS CHARLES ANNYCK ALI JOHANNE YVES ADELE DAVID JEAN-FRANCOIS LOUIS-PHILIPPE REUBEN LUC Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Operator 4, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory President and Chief Executive Office, Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Accounting and Budgets Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Instructional Media Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $120,659.79 $100,926.96 $128,214.96 $125,354.96 $128,559.96 $176,152.26 $103,372.02 $126,692.04 $164,971.02 $109,321.02 $149,736.79 $133,372.89 $231,473.00 $117,754.68 $153,843.02 $122,604.96 $162,622.58 $102,715.12 $147,229.45 $100,999.82 $133,939.96 $142,522.98 $144,894.00 $158,934.80 $142,189.50 $112,631.46 $138,093.88 $113,865.63 $169,596.00 $125,882.00 $176,792.42 $164,910.00 $120,294.00 $124,660.82 $138,187.38 $121,600.00 $160,730.33 $137,091.96 $142,563.93 $153,405.30 $102,578.00 $186,009.54 $106,914.04 $146,836.98 $145,643.48 $138,688.02 $106,565.00 $128,439.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $636.31 $587.31 $711.57 $666.21 $713.25 $748.63 $600.28 $697.85 $404.23 $617.57 $748.63 $422.30 $510.60 $710.27 $748.63 $696.11 $748.63 $638.77 $748.63 $624.63 $704.41 $736.63 $748.63 $748.63 $416.23 $645.39 $746.91 $650.41 $748.63 $688.25 $416.23 $416.23 $684.55 $748.63 $739.63 $707.28 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $591.43 $748.63 $530.81 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $659.61 $710.27 Page 38 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian University of Sudbury Laurentian 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GERARDO BENOIT PAUL EVA Position/Poste Chief Information Officer Associate Professor Associate Professor Vice-President, Francophone Affairs, Research and Graduate Studies Vice Provost, Barrie Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Web Integration Specialist Director, Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Full Professor Registrar and Secretary of Senate Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Librarian Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Engineering Geologist, Geomechanics Research Centre Full Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $161,332.96 $129,631.08 $110,496.00 $203,368.96 $170,859.00 $116,003.04 $138,361.02 $121,875.96 $108,702.04 $118,758.00 $160,009.02 $124,359.87 $130,044.04 $120,166.04 $140,725.98 $123,224.04 $140,066.52 $125,016.96 $175,313.28 $110,051.04 $121,878.96 $146,034.98 $165,195.00 $128,299.28 $164,461.04 $159,372.00 $144,020.00 $100,004.90 $104,442.74 $150,565.02 $128,096.28 $105,342.10 $145,657.02 $159,376.02 $134,892.48 $132,938.04 $136,019.04 $136,689.45 $113,131.72 $166,815.00 $127,946.04 $101,144.76 $101,832.96 $115,920.96 $125,576.96 $101,617.97 $161,547.02 $154,870.98 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $748.63 $709.49 $635.53 $748.63 $748.63 $662.87 $724.33 $642.17 $596.93 $677.03 $748.63 $416.23 $748.63 $601.89 $748.63 $744.93 $748.63 $707.75 $748.63 $632.97 $657.09 $736.63 $748.63 $783.67 $510.60 $748.63 $748.63 $624.63 $603.07 $748.63 $748.63 $670.03 $748.63 $748.63 $745.29 $741.93 $736.63 $524.25 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JOSEPH ALEX NARESH CHAND MARIE MADELEINE NOORI OLABODE VIRGINIA HARRIS STANLEY FAIEZ BARRY JEANNIE CHRISTOPHER SONIA DAVID GAVIN REBECCA KONSTANTINOS MUHAMMAD ALTAF GORDON SUZANNE MEGAN DONALD JANE HELEN HEATHER Position/Poste Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor University Librarian Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Executive Director, University Advancement Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor/Associate Chair Professor Emeritus/Associate Dean Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Director Professor Associate Professor/Program Chair Professor Librarian IV Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Program Chair Professor/Associate Director Director, Public & Community Relations Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Director Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,915.91 $131,851.96 $137,244.00 $146,880.96 $135,742.02 $125,486.00 $108,609.00 $106,691.00 $118,172.00 $118,685.04 $184,225.62 $122,934.96 $112,923.96 $155,313.89 $123,677.02 $145,222.98 $104,792.00 $158,168.94 $105,846.96 $151,392.50 $159,972.00 $150,875.00 $160,103.92 $137,122.43 $144,453.20 $133,092.53 $162,547.63 $171,767.16 $149,779.30 $151,925.58 $153,128.30 $146,262.15 $120,959.84 $148,568.60 $101,994.40 $144,053.30 $183,049.00 $182,059.55 $148,996.75 $101,770.20 $134,457.17 $139,135.08 $115,650.50 $110,994.18 $101,779.19 $195,921.20 $166,578.31 $161,163.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $676.80 $730.25 $748.63 $748.63 $745.86 $687.03 $626.37 $553.11 $650.41 $676.25 $748.63 $681.21 $647.13 $748.63 $651.31 $748.63 $580.65 $748.63 $612.15 $748.63 $748.63 $748.63 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $128.49 $163.20 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 40 of/de 311 McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Surname/Nom de famille ARTHUR ASHKAR ASKEY ATKINSON ATTALLA AUSTIN AYERS AZZAM BAADE BABA BADONE McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University BAETZ BAINES BAKER BAKER BAKER COLLINS BAKI BAKR BALAKRISHNAN BALAN BALASUBRAMANIAM BALCOM BALFOORT BALL BALL BALSHINE BALVERS BAPTISTE BART BATES BAUMANN BAXTER BAYLEY BECKER BEDARD BEIER BELBECK BELKHIR BENN BENNETT BENNETT BENSON BENTLEY-POOLE BERNIER BERTI BESTON BEYENE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Given Name/ Prénom RICHARD ALIAHMAD DALE STEPHANIE MOHAMED RICHARD C. PAUL KHALID CHRISTINA VISHWANATH ELLEN ELIZABETH FAYE BRIAN DONNA JANICE LYNNE STEVEN STEPHANIE FOUZIA MOHAMED NARAYANASWAMY LUCIAN RAMESH KAREN NANCY LEE ALEXANDER KEITH KATHRYN SIGAL RONALD SUSAN ELIZABETH CHRISTOPHER K. PAUL MARGARET ANDREA PAMELA ELIZABETH SUE ANDRE MARSHALL LARRY WILLIAM LOTFI JAMES ALEXANDER KATHRYN JANE PATRICK FRANCES GERTRUDE LYNDA MARIE LUC PAUL BRETT JOSEPH Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Associate University Librarian Professor Assistant Vice-President Endowed Chair Associate Professor/Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $156,395.24 $133,769.70 $103,008.85 $193,309.06 $174,402.80 $169,961.05 $134,018.15 $151,839.60 $105,685.30 $225,930.82 $143,143.50 Professor/Director/Department Chair Professor Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Administration Professor Librarian IV Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor Professor/Director Special Advisor Professor/Associate Vice-President Associate Professor Librarian V Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor/Department Chair Professor Professor/Department Chair Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor $189,947.73 $133,889.50 $170,839.40 $121,760.60 $121,982.85 $115,388.45 $184,650.53 $164,019.20 $101,597.30 $127,242.10 $108,408.40 $107,788.40 $161,914.45 $110,180.41 $148,263.55 $119,782.00 $147,942.50 $166,362.95 $225,921.80 $230,950.40 $135,754.45 $130,937.40 $138,383.60 $145,346.35 $120,548.35 $164,976.75 $167,016.95 $115,148.71 $153,958.70 $194,590.51 $146,283.10 $129,496.45 $105,349.05 $134,243.30 $115,170.10 $147,666.85 Position/Poste Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $17,844.08 $454.05 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $163.20 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $87.36 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $160.16 $167.44 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $157.20 $174.72 $169.44 $174.72 Page 41 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BHANDARI BHATIA BIRCH BIRD BIRNIE BISHOP BLACKWOOD BLIMKIE BOBLIN BODEN BOLKER BONE BONTIS BOREHAM BOSCH BOTTON BOUCHIER BOURGEOIS BOWDISH BOYCE BOYLAN BOYLE BRAMSON BRASCH BRAY BRENNAN BRICKLEY BRIDGEWATER BRITTEN BRITZ MCKIBBIN BRODIE BRONSARD BROOK BROPHY BROUWERS BROWN BROWN BROWNE BROWN-HACKETT BRUCE BRUCE BRUHA BRYANT-LUKOSIUS BUCKLEY BUDROS BUIJS BURROWS BUSCH-VISHNIAC Given Name/ Prénom MOHIT MICK STEPHEN KAREN LYNN SUSAN RUSSELL KATHLEEN CAMERON JOSEPH R. SHERYL LOUISE HANS ULYSSES BENJAMIN GARY MITCHELL NICK DOUGLAS ROBERT JACKIE GIANLUIGI NANCY B. JAMES DAWN JOSEPH IAN KHRISTA MICHAEL JONATHAN JENNIFER SUSAN STEVEN JOHN D. MEGAN B. DARREN JAMES PHILIP ANN LIA MICHAEL ADRIAN SARAH MELISSA CHRISTINE ERIC STEVEN REGINA PAULA IAN IRIS M. IVAN DENISE NORMAN ART ADRIAAN LORI ILENE Position/Poste Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Director Associate Professor Enterprise Resource Planning Functional Lead/Assistant Director Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor/Endowed Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Manager, Maximum Diffraction Facility Associate Professor Principle Giving Officer Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Department Chair Assistant Professor Professor/Director Senior Manager, Information Technology Associate Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor Provost & Vice-President(Academic) / Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $338,729.43 $303,282.85 $156,645.25 $121,191.06 $145,359.30 $135,826.75 $102,332.00 $153,723.45 $141,591.40 $170,161.18 $138,626.85 $140,717.70 $155,843.27 $114,464.59 $154,552.65 $148,845.20 $132,714.10 $108,262.99 $113,972.80 $124,276.10 $104,954.64 $180,308.95 $143,160.35 $123,647.36 $131,612.10 $169,617.45 $147,497.20 $104,196.10 $110,185.00 $117,757.70 $114,831.60 $145,139.55 $170,890.40 $116,291.45 $172,282.60 $209,392.66 $113,113.65 $165,459.45 $101,994.20 $147,251.00 $106,492.75 $128,767.29 $138,958.50 $170,502.11 $118,800.55 $141,062.95 $153,150.52 $169,774.90 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $487.97 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $170.51 $354.24 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $145.60 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $131.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $647.04 $229.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $621.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $7,969.93 Page 42 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BUTLER BYUN CAIN CAIRNEY CAMERON CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPOS CANNON CANTY CAPONE CAPRETTA CARETTE CAREY CARR CARRANZA CARTER CARTER CASSIDY CENTEA CHAIMOWITZ CHAMBERLAIN CHAN CHAN CHARTERS CHARUPAT CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHETTLE CHEUNG CHIDIAC CHILDS CHING CHOUINARD CHOW-FRASER CHRISTENSEN CHROLAVICIUS CHURCHILL CILISKA CIPRIANO CIVIDINO CLARK CLARK CODJOE COLARUSSO COLEMAN Given Name/ Prénom MICHAEL SOOHYUN ROY JOHN ROBIN BARBARA LEE LORI ANA REGINA AUBREY DEY ANGELO JOHN ALFREDO JACQUES SEAN K. TRACEY DAWN MIRNA NANCY MARIE TRISTAN DANIEL THOMAS DAN GARY ANDREW TREVOR WILLIAM MAN-WAH LUKE YEE-CHING LILIAN KATHY NARAT ALAN CHIH-HUNG (JAMES) JUN RUTH DAVID CHUN-SANG-SHERMAN SAMIR AARON CHAN Y. VERA ANN PATRICIA BRUCE SUSAN CAMERON DONNA KAY NICK ALFRED DAVID LEONARD WILLIAM ESI JOHN DANIEL Position/Poste Reactor Manager/Sessional Lecturer Associate Professor Professor/Director/Department Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor/Associate Chair Executive Director Associate Professor/Associate Dean Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Administration Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Chair Assistant Professor Professor/Area Chair Professor Professor Special Advisor & Executive Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Endowed Chair Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Director Professor/Endowed Chair/Director Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor/Program Director Associate Professor Research Associate Assistant Professor/Program Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Service Manager Counsel, Legal Services, Employee/Labour Relations Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $111,679.54 $119,497.90 $157,897.05 $178,183.30 $128,702.05 $125,469.10 $134,053.13 $140,711.45 $162,680.40 $135,486.45 $197,087.10 $145,157.15 $138,956.75 $140,067.25 $118,251.20 $102,721.56 $106,670.50 $110,435.55 $168,843.40 $178,922.82 $339,139.65 $223,197.07 $187,071.85 $184,280.76 $128,999.00 $153,422.10 $126,924.16 $130,401.65 $114,557.70 $120,824.50 $184,139.18 $166,040.77 $214,159.34 $127,377.50 $147,788.74 $137,949.30 $152,597.35 $169,344.55 $110,803.00 $138,188.90 $158,142.25 $155,305.20 $105,336.39 $151,056.90 $100,023.21 $116,408.95 $146,997.45 $146,502.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $513.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $131.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $656.28 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $135.98 $174.72 $171.42 $5,267.72 $354.24 $174.72 Page 43 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille COLEY COLLINS COMAN CONNELLY CONNOLLY CONNOLLY CONTOYANNIS COOK COOMBES COOPER COSLOVI COSSA COTE COTTON COUCHMAN COULDREY COULIBALY COUTURIER CRAIG CROSTA CROWTHER CRUIKSHANK CUFF CULVER CUNNINGTON CUPIDO DAL BELLO-HAAS DALNOKI-VERESS DANIEL DANIELOVA DAVIDSON DAVIES DAVIS DAY DE KOCK DEAL DEANE DEAVES DEBARROS DEBRUIN DECATANZARO DECICCA DEEN DEJ DEL MAESTRO DELANEY DELUCA DEMATTEO Given Name/ Prénom KENNETH STEPHEN MICHAEL LILIANA CATHERINE JOHN STUART JAMES PAUL DEBORAH BRIAN ROBERT LINDA RITA JOEL JAMES HUGH M. ROGER PAULIN JENNIFER WALTER SUZANNE MARK ANDREW KEN KATHERINE KIRSTEN JOHN COLLEEN VANINA KARI JULIET ANNA TIMOTHY SCOTT BRENT RICHARD BARLOW KEVIN KENNETH PATRICK RICHARD JUANITA HUIBREGT DENYS ANTHONY PHILIP JAMAL KIMBERLEY ENRICO KATHLEEN PATRICK CAROL A. Position/Poste Professor/Associate Dean Professor/Vice-President, Research Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair/Department Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor/Professor Associate Professor Chief Risk Officer Director, Finance & Administration Assistant Professor Project Manager Associate Professor/Chair/Associate Director Professor Vice-President Administration Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Professor/Dean Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Clinic Manager Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor/Endowed Chair Manager, Research Contracts & Legal Affairs Associate Professor Director Of Enterprise Solutions & Applications Associate Professor/Area Chair President & Vice-Chancellor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Assistant Professor/Associate Director Treasurer Executive Director, Animal Facilities & University Veterinarian Systems Administrator/Instructional Assistant/Sessional Lecturer Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $186,860.78 $321,487.33 $108,771.20 $146,945.70 $175,911.86 $210,379.75 $141,943.85 $298,370.95 $148,212.00 $184,368.60 $136,011.33 $157,686.40 $111,808.80 $138,546.86 $166,391.50 $264,498.40 $133,270.60 $144,490.97 $218,401.50 $185,102.38 $243,860.42 $153,632.30 $154,197.80 $123,304.10 $204,692.35 $100,403.80 $127,712.76 $142,618.80 $137,185.20 $149,816.20 $164,464.77 $164,548.30 $117,767.14 $169,954.34 $142,901.60 $165,928.67 $387,287.20 $194,932.85 $104,987.50 $147,938.55 $154,899.70 $169,859.25 $194,191.75 $126,286.20 $148,863.50 $160,503.16 $104,333.17 $112,674.20 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $9,890.26 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $21,454.38 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $6,570.78 $609.60 $23,199.76 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $2,244.54 $174.72 $122.32 $174.72 Page 44 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DEMIDOVA DENBURG DENBURG DENT DENTON DEROSA-KOETTING DETLOR DEVEREAUX DEZA DICENSO DICKIN DICKSON DION DOBBINS DOBLE DOERING DOLOVICH DONALDSON DOOLEY DORE DOUBLEDAY DOUGLAS DOUKETIS DOWLING DOWN DOYLE DRAPER DRUMMOND-YOUNG DUDLEY DUKAS DUMBRILL DUMITRESCU DUMONT DUNN DUNN DUSHOFF DYKEMAN EARN EDWARDS EIKELBOOM EILERS ELBESTAWI EL-DAKHAKHNI ELLIOT ELLIOTT EMADI EMBERSON EMIGH Given Name/ Prénom SVETLANA JUDAH ARYEH SUSAN PETER BORIS MARGARET ANNE PHYLLIS BRIAN PHILIP ANTOINE ALBINA ALAN PETER SARAH MICHELLE LYNN MAUREEN BRADLEY LAURIE CALEY LISA JEFFERY WILLIAM MARTIN KELLY NANCY ZACH JAMES DEMETROIS JAMES DOUGLAS G. THOMAS JONATHAN MICHELE ANNE SUSAN REUVEN GARY SORINA RANDALL JAMES ROBERT JONATHAN K. LYNN DAVID ROBIN LEIGH JOHN CLAUDE MOHAMED ABDELAZIZ WAEL MARIE LINDA ALI JOSEPH SUSAN Position/Poste Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Associate Vice-President Associate Vice-President Professor Executive Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Associate Chair/Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/Chair President Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Construction, Technical Services Associate Professor Social Worker Professor Advisor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Department Chair Vice-President Research/Professor Associate Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor Program Director For Systems Renewal Professor Director, Energy Management & Utilities Director Salary Paid/ Traitement $126,016.45 $282,685.15 $301,537.23 $127,447.74 $150,160.80 $117,154.10 $149,591.35 $182,154.79 $151,800.90 $154,236.24 $143,531.53 $136,417.45 $110,429.40 $150,388.95 $119,139.20 $147,367.55 $134,912.04 $135,528.25 $166,896.20 $111,186.55 $136,831.90 $210,650.20 $145,484.35 $117,561.90 $155,019.30 $128,313.10 $120,745.30 $140,196.75 $122,056.05 $134,386.85 $122,690.40 $118,809.00 $123,332.50 $165,940.35 $132,032.00 $129,502.35 $102,185.25 $171,556.45 $101,498.82 $160,460.80 $140,934.46 $506,246.80 $131,321.76 $127,249.05 $142,901.60 $222,551.25 $102,954.60 $124,261.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $409.24 $936.18 $0.00 $566.64 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $558.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $163.20 $174.72 $18,834.40 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $156.96 $174.72 $3,373.61 $174.72 $174.72 $9,921.46 $174.72 $174.72 $6,570.78 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 45 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille EMSLIE EMSLIE ENNS ESKANDARIAN EVANOVITCH EVANS EYLES EYLES FAHNESTOCK FANG FARMER FARQUHAR FARQUHARSON FARROKHYAR FAST FAURE FEDORKOW FEINBERG FENG FETNER FIELD FIGUEIRA FILIPE FINAN FINSTEN FISHER FLEISIG FLYNN FOLEY FORBES FORERO FORSYTHE FOSTER FOSTER FOWLER FOX FRADIN FRAGER FRANEK FRANK FRASER FROST FUSCH GABARDO GAFNI GALEA GALLEGUILLOS GARDNER Given Name/ Prénom DAVID J. H. DOROTHY DIANE SASHA DENISE BEN CAROLYN HOPE JOHN DAVID MARGARET QIYIN WILLIAM MICHAEL ANDREA MICHAEL FOROUGH SUSAN PAUL DONNA DAVID SHUI TINA TIMOTHY CARLOS CARLOS TURLOUGH MARY LAURA ANITA ROBERT TERENCE FINOLA JUDY CARLOS PAUL JANE ALLYSON WARREN NANCY JOHN CECILE RUTH ADELE FRANTISEK WILLIAM BRUCE NOEL CATHERINE CHRISTOPH JEAN-PIERRE AMIRAM JACOB VICKI NIBALDO ROSS Position/Poste Associate Professor Director, Mac-Care Program Associate Professor Research Program Manager Research Assistant (I) Associate Professor Professor/Program Director Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair Assistant Vice President, Public & Government Relations Professor/Associate Dean/Department Chair Research Associate (II) Professor/Director Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Custodial Services Associate Professor/Associate Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Physician Director Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor University Secretary Director, Administration Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Sessional Lecturer/Director Director Salary Paid/ Traitement $118,223.00 $126,873.08 $103,119.00 $104,784.87 $101,626.94 $125,473.35 $162,141.00 $195,690.05 $166,475.85 $121,067.49 $168,013.91 $162,501.60 $154,961.39 $101,337.37 $145,318.75 $126,629.95 $134,377.41 $109,413.00 $147,458.00 $118,913.15 $142,889.85 $110,899.60 $136,822.10 $171,166.05 $146,829.85 $140,623.57 $129,100.80 $150,222.50 $145,404.72 $146,727.32 $111,131.60 $101,860.45 $124,193.39 $142,762.16 $141,660.02 $181,008.25 $133,474.65 $128,833.84 $157,136.55 $120,835.80 $112,132.60 $119,867.95 $103,920.00 $133,396.25 $162,061.30 $140,904.67 $149,991.39 $126,968.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $0.00 $169.44 $170.51 $99.88 $174.72 $174.72 $677.88 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $622.92 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $104.88 $174.72 $169.44 $174.72 $639.76 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $459.56 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $598.80 $174.72 $174.72 $145.60 Page 46 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille GARSIDE GAULIN GAUVREAU GAUVREAU GEDGE GEORGE GEORGIADES GERSTEIN GHOSH GIACOMINI GIBALA GILBERGER GILES GILLESPIE GILLETT GINSBERG GIORDANO GIROUX GIROUX GLADSTONE GOELLNICHT GOEREE GOLDBERG GOLDING GOLDREICH GOOD GOUGH GOUTOR GOWAN GOWARD GRAEFE GRAHAM GRANGER GRASSELLI GRAY GREEN GRENIER GRIFFIN GRIGNON GRISE GROSSMAN GROVER GUARNE GUISE GUO GUO GUPTA GUPTA Given Name/ Prénom SARAH BRUCE D. GAIL J. MICHAEL ELISABETH AIRINI MICHELE KATHOUKI HERTZEL CHAIM RAJA MITA MARTIN TIM WOLF JEFFREY DEDA JAMES JEFFREY LYNN HENRY ARMAND SUSAN JAMES WILLIAM DONALD RON JEREMY BRIAN DANIEL CATHERINE MELINDA DAVID WAYNE GILLIAN RUTH PETER CATHERINE B. GEORGE MATHEUS DA ROCHA NANCY KIRK AMANDA M. NICHOLAS JOHN MICHEL CATHERINE PAUL ASHOK KUMAR ALBA MARY PEIJUN YIPING BHAGWATI RADHEY SHYAM Position/Poste Associate Professor Professor/Endowed Chair/Director Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Director Of Athletics & Recreation Associate Professor Associate Professor/Assistant Professor/Department Chair Professor Assistant Dean (Studies) Professor Associate Professor/Associate Dean Professor Professor/Special Advisor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Nurse Practitioner Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Manager, Information Technology Associate Professor/Associate Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Ontario Universities' Application Centre Associate Professor Director Manager, Mass Spectrometry Centre Associate Professor/Chair/Director Professor/Director Associate Professor/Director/Assistant Professor Associate Professor Director Of Development Professor Associate Professor Coordinator Of Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Associate Chair Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $192,499.28 $193,932.25 $114,215.85 $139,750.21 $150,037.76 $143,711.25 $109,567.40 $141,365.95 $132,985.75 $154,550.05 $153,795.41 $115,320.65 $137,738.40 $124,035.45 $121,829.41 $131,948.05 $101,999.80 $266,743.70 $117,811.38 $140,693.05 $174,647.05 $166,811.85 $158,723.43 $169,232.60 $127,196.65 $102,044.80 $113,815.14 $101,496.15 $105,652.00 $127,358.35 $114,683.60 $112,417.57 $200,310.35 $161,755.96 $148,317.20 $102,500.80 $120,820.50 $172,542.50 $147,149.90 $109,074.05 $133,757.70 $161,749.40 $123,440.55 $103,644.32 $130,213.80 $140,637.15 $129,173.90 $162,852.85 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $401.34 $354.24 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $160.16 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $166.80 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 47 of/de 311 McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Surname/Nom de famille GUYATT HABIBI HACKETT HADDARA HAIDER HALEY HALEY HAMBLETON HAMED HAMID HAMILTON HAN HANLEY HANNA HANNON HAO HARADA HARNISH McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University HARRINGTON HARRIS HARRIS HARRISON HART HART HASEY HASKELL HASSANEIN HASSELL HASSINI HAUGEN HAWKE HAYNES HEAD HEATHORN HEDDLE HEIDEBRECHT HENNE HERRING HEYSEL HICKS HIGGS HITCHCOCK HITCHCOCK HLADKI HOARE HOLBROOK HOLLANDER Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Given Name/ Prénom GORDON SAEID RICK YASER SHARIQ EVAN WOODRUFF MARK IAN MOHAMED JEMILA ROBERT SEUNGJIN WILLIAM STEVEN EDWARD RUTH HORNG-TZU MEGUMI DELSWORTH GODFREY MARG RICHARD S. WILLIAM EDGAR PAUL BRADD ROBERT GARY MARCEL DEIRDRE KHALED S. JOHN ALGERNON ELKAFI HAROLD THOMAS ROBERT BRIAN MILENA STEPHEN NANCY ARTHUR CORNELIUS DEIDRE ANN CHRISTOPHER AUDREY LYN PAUL ADAM PERCIVAL DAVID L. JANICE TODD RYAN ANNE MARIE DANA Professor Professor/Endowed Chair/Department Chair Professor/Canada Research Chair Tier I Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Chief Human Resources Officer Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor/Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $256,906.45 $157,189.46 $221,670.00 $144,782.45 $162,200.40 $121,648.85 $186,162.60 $198,677.75 $174,204.20 $102,504.05 $132,530.61 $128,513.10 $155,427.90 $145,924.94 $122,724.20 $146,181.35 $119,066.01 $219,381.50 Director, Administration Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Director/Area Chair Professor Associate Professor/Area Chair Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor/Director Professor Associate Professor Dean/Professor Emeritus Assistant Vice President Administration Professor Director Nuclear Operations & Facilities Professor Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor $115,420.40 $152,797.98 $166,342.70 $131,019.00 $168,924.40 $109,658.00 $145,828.76 $149,883.25 $169,837.35 $171,479.30 $149,209.72 $176,631.86 $124,307.50 $342,925.30 $179,016.28 $122,986.01 $146,630.00 $107,467.86 $179,384.40 $147,264.84 $151,459.68 $149,147.22 $159,502.85 $182,897.65 $168,221.40 $114,005.87 $114,800.30 $143,238.93 $104,084.45 Position/Poste Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $161.04 $10,468.87 $257.04 $174.72 $171.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $5,096.92 $593.40 $609.36 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $622.92 $174.72 $636.36 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $18,101.78 $174.72 $1,474.72 $270.77 $174.72 $354.24 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 48 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HOLLOWAY HOLMES HONG HONIG HOPE HOPPE HORN HOYT HRANILOVIC HUANG HUANG HUANG HUIZINGA HUMPHREYS HUPFER HUQUE HURD HURLEY HUTTON HYMAN IBHAWOH IGDOURA IGNESKI IMAI INMAN IORIO IRONS IVANOV JACEK JACK JACOBS JAIN JANICKI JANSSEN JANUS JEREMIC JIANG JIN JOHNSON JOHRI JONES JORDANA JOSHI JUERGENS JUNG JUNOP KAASALAINEN KACKER Given Name/ Prénom ALISON HANNAH YING BENSON KRISTIN FRED MARTIN JEFFREY STEVE KAI LENNOX WEI-PING JAN DIRK KARIN MAUREEN AHMED SHAFIQUL THOMAS R. JEREMIAH EDWARD EILEEN KATHERINE ROGER BONNY SULEIMAN VIOLETTA TAKASHI MARK DAVID ALFONSO GORDON ALEXANDER MAXIM HENRY JOHN SUSAN J. ROGER MUKESH RYSZARD LUKE JEFFREY MAGDALENA ALEKSANDAR SHUCUI YIQIANG TAMARA ALOK STEPHEN MANEL ANJU ROSALYN BONNY MURRAY SHARON JUNE MANISH Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/Department Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Associate Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Counsel, Legal Services, Employee/Labour Relations Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,949.15 $113,047.55 $136,019.35 $195,216.41 $103,691.10 $158,426.65 $115,393.60 $154,275.72 $147,010.55 $122,110.95 $131,248.25 $165,642.85 $165,041.65 $116,256.60 $144,770.60 $134,642.35 $162,118.77 $192,894.36 $139,990.10 $130,478.10 $127,342.30 $132,508.70 $105,439.95 $151,062.10 $151,093.11 $142,226.60 $172,023.95 $116,957.00 $161,768.30 $131,298.60 $140,760.32 $158,917.80 $161,475.85 $145,881.21 $125,432.90 $120,772.20 $115,665.10 $145,836.40 $125,500.80 $141,306.95 $157,984.05 $172,816.75 $130,710.95 $268,217.40 $146,395.15 $131,787.55 $129,233.35 $148,201.83 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $151.80 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $588.12 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $606.96 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $622.92 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $596.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $5,743.97 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 49 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KACZYNSKI KAHL KAJIURA KALLIN KALNINS KAMATH KANAGARETNAM KANAROGLOU KAPIRIRI KAPOOR KARAKOSTAS KATES KAUSHIC KEARNEY KEARON KEHLER KEIR KELLER KELTON KEVLAHAN KHAN KHEDRI KIM KINDER KING KIRUBARAJAN KISH KITAI KLASSEN KLEIMAN KLIFFER KNIGHTS KOFF KOLASA KOLB KOLESNIKOFF KOLSTER KOMLEN KOSHY KRANTZBERG KROEKER KRUSE KUMAR KUNZE KWAN KWIECIEN LABIRIS LADOUCEUR Given Name/ Prénom BERNICE WOLFRAM LOVAYE CATHERINE PATRICIA ANNE MARKAD VENKATRAYA KIRIDARAN PAVLOS SAVAS LYDIA ANIL GEORGE NICHOLAS CHARU JOHN MICHAEL CLIVE GRACE LYNN PETER DOUGLAS JOHN NICHOLAS RASHID RIDHA JOSEPH KEITH WILLIAM JAMES THIA JOSEPH ADRIAN HOWARD ANNE RAFAEL MICHAEL ANDREW DAVID ALAIN JUREK MARTIN RAINER NINA MANFRED MILE PHILIP GAIL PETER TRAVIS PETER SHIVA WOLFGANG CLARENCE C. Y. JACKEK MICHAEL NANCY RENEE MICHAEL Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Dean Professor Professor/Associate Dean Professor/Director Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Chief Information Officer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Laboratory Manager Dean & Vice-President (Health Sciences) Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor/Associate Chair Associate Professor/Associate Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair/Director Associate Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Associate Chair Director Associate Professor Professor/Director Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Research Pathologist Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $142,524.93 $156,138.35 $110,683.00 $190,996.40 $104,895.80 $126,866.55 $188,794.55 $197,905.31 $104,127.80 $123,587.79 $138,926.70 $325,818.59 $132,748.10 $173,827.00 $222,915.51 $111,619.10 $137,330.80 $107,031.20 $455,504.40 $129,464.63 $131,369.05 $149,016.30 $115,912.55 $150,469.56 $158,001.29 $155,928.73 $129,763.93 $149,067.75 $142,995.10 $175,225.20 $158,691.90 $144,854.20 $119,589.60 $147,905.80 $162,085.80 $149,319.10 $171,295.96 $127,093.40 $143,404.80 $172,195.45 $152,449.50 $114,976.35 $142,449.40 $108,443.90 $183,574.10 $112,605.04 $107,799.00 $148,204.40 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $170.28 $274.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $9,870.28 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $10,066.18 $174.72 $171.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $534.70 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $163.52 $324.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 50 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LANDEEN LAPIERRE LARCHE LAVIS LAW LAWFORD LAWLOR LAWSON LEACH LEBER LEDUC LEE LEE LEGRIS LEIGH LEROUX LETENDRE LETTS LEVINE LEVINE LEVINSON LEVITT LEVITT LEWCHUK LEWIS LEYLAND LI LI LIAW LICHTY LIEBERSBACH LIGHTSTONE LIM LIPMAN LLOYD LOBB LOCK LONGO L'ORTYE LOUTFY LOVRIC LOVRICS LUKE LUNYK-CHILD LUO LUXAT LYONS MACDERMID Given Name/ Prénom JANET RAY ROBERT MARK JOHN MARY CATHERINE MARK YVONNE ALEXANDRA JOHN BRIAN RYAN SUNG-SIK TIMOTHY JEANNETTE WILLIAM MICHELE MARC-ANDRE LORI JEAN MARK NORMAN MITCHELL ARNOLD ANTHONY CHERYL CYRIL HUBERT WAYNE VIVIAN MARIE NICHOLAS XUN YINGFU PATRICIA CHIA-YING BRIAN RUTH MARILYN WENDY ELLEN LOUISE STEPHEN DEREK PHILIPPA CHRISTOPHER BARBARA LOUISE RAFIK MIROSLAV PETER GRAEME OLA IRENE GUOYING (ROSEMARY) JOHN JIM JOY Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor/Associate Chair Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Executive Advisor, Government Relations Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Department Chair Senior Manager, Human Resources Service Centre Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate University Librarian Professor/Department Chair Professor Professor/Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Chief Financial Officer Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Associate Chair Associate Professor/Assistant Director Director, Administration & Finance Professor/Endowed Chair/Director Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Associate Chair Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $158,675.21 $154,901.28 $175,133.50 $190,216.20 $183,473.25 $147,825.30 $132,689.05 $133,016.20 $149,626.51 $168,870.20 $141,818.85 $109,009.05 $153,748.10 $130,329.05 $170,616.60 $105,430.60 $143,420.35 $146,579.90 $153,042.70 $136,683.44 $233,745.44 $111,766.06 $150,062.34 $167,219.90 $131,988.44 $189,737.10 $141,511.81 $155,056.80 $119,471.90 $125,670.75 $136,201.20 $139,374.90 $134,706.32 $241,056.39 $204,621.83 $140,327.60 $119,868.04 $144,887.15 $130,982.20 $171,701.55 $146,638.75 $101,606.70 $148,517.60 $146,494.50 $146,699.58 $185,417.10 $114,686.75 $141,776.06 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $6,076.60 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $161.04 $621.48 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $565.44 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $5,803.72 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $160.16 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 51 of/de 311 McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Surname/Nom de famille MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACINTYRE MACMILLAN MACTAVISH MAGARVEY MAGEE MAHALEC MAHEU MAHMOOD MAIBAUM MAJOR-GIRARDIN MAJUMDAR MALAKHOV McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University MALIK MALY MARKETTOS MARKLE-REID MARR MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN GINIS MARTIN-HILL MASCHER MAURER MAZUREK MCAINEY MCATEER MCBRIDE MCCABE MCCARRY MCCLEARY MCCLELLAND MCCRACKEN MCDERMID MCDERMOTT MCDONALD MCDONALD MCENTEGART MCGLYNN MCINNIS Given Name/ Prénom CRAIG ANDREW MAUREEN J. MICHELLE LYNN NORMA JEAN HARRIET LOUISE ANDREW NATHAN LONNIE JOHN VLADIMIR JOHN ADEEL THOMAS JUDY BASANTI DMITRI VLADIMIROVICH MANDEEP S. MONICA NICK MAUREEN FRANCES SHARON DEBORAH LAWRENCE LYNN KATHLEEN A. DAWN PETER DAPHNE MICHAEL FRANCIS CARRIE TEAL STEPHEN PETER J. BRIAN JENNIFER GRANT SUSAN JOSEPH MARK RUNDLE HELEN CHRISTINE SARAH BRIAN GEORGE KAREN ANNE M. McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University MCIVOR MCKAY MCKAY ANDREW ROBERT JOHN BERNARD NEIL L. Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director, Maintenance Services Professor/Associate Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Sessional Lecturer Professor/Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Director Assistant Professor Assistant Vice President - Research Partnerships/Industry Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer Health Sciences Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor/Endowed Chair Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Assistant Professor Professor Director Associate Professor Associate Professor/Director Professor/Associate Chair Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Director Manager, Accounting & Financial Reporting Enterprise Resource Planning Functional Lead/Manager Research Information Systems & Analysis Professor Director Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $101,427.00 $129,278.35 $136,355.57 $122,283.95 $240,158.95 $122,448.01 $118,946.80 $162,407.80 $181,045.50 $114,990.75 $119,540.00 $182,616.45 $144,857.79 $164,931.75 $133,079.35 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $229.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $87.36 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $148,457.67 $112,007.45 $157,487.00 $140,303.33 $113,574.12 $172,453.48 $127,252.09 $127,096.80 $143,775.67 $130,455.30 $209,728.58 $170,062.45 $117,572.15 $128,618.87 $164,518.10 $168,218.10 $119,511.85 $186,168.21 $113,324.20 $127,618.15 $160,468.62 $156,890.53 $162,767.85 $113,129.80 $109,623.80 $116,448.00 $105,087.80 $103,652.60 $174.72 $174.72 $8,633.30 $174.72 $174.72 $14,557.88 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $125,158.00 $118,576.50 $117,136.40 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 52 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MCKELVIE MCKENNA MCKEY MCKIBBON MCKNIGHT MCLAUGHLIN MCNAIR MCNEILL MCNIVEN MCNULTY MCNUTT MCQUEEN MCQUIGGE MEDCOF MELACINI MESSERSMITH MEYRE MHASKAR MIALL MILLER MILLIKEN MILTENBURG MINNITI MIN-OO MISHRA MISSIUNA MITCHELL MIU MOAYYEDI MOFFAT MOHAMMAD MOHIALDIN MOHIDE MOHIDE MONTAZEMI MONTINI MOORCROFT MOORE MORILLO MORINE MORO MORRIS MORRIS MOSCU MOSSMAN MOTHERSILL MOUNTAIN Given Name/ Prénom RONALD WANDA COLLEEN K. ANN WEBB NEIL SHEILA FIONA PATRICIA JAMES ROBERT HAROLD ALISON KAREN JOHN WREN GIUSEPPE HANS DAVID PRASHANT CHARLENE CATHERINE ROBERT BRUCE JOHN SAM MAUNG RAM CHERYL CLARE ELIZABETH PETER PAUL CHRISTINA SALLY EMAD VIAN ELIZABETH ANN PATRICK THOMAS ALI-REZA DENNIS SUZANNE CAROL GREGORY CARLOS ARTURO LISA ANNA CATHERINE WILLIAM A. DIANA KAREN CARMEL EMELIA DEAN CLARENCE Position/Poste Director Of Information Technology Director, Human Resources Employee Services & Support Associate Professor Associate Professor/Director Research Associate (II) Associate Professor Assistant Director Professor/Associate Vice President Research & International Affairs Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean Professor Director Professor/Associate Dean Associate Professor Assistant Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director Professor/Associate Chair Professor Emeritus Executive Director Professor Professor Professor Director Of Administration Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Area Chair Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Director Of Administration Senior Manager Professor Professor Senior Manager, Health, Safety & Risk Associate Professor Regional Assistant Dean Professor Health Physicist/Sessional Lecturer Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $142,901.60 $138,295.40 $155,152.33 $131,259.62 $114,025.60 $136,568.00 $101,249.00 $187,096.03 $111,789.80 $140,321.55 $199,316.00 $122,692.45 $119,834.40 $191,130.97 $140,657.30 $101,019.80 $143,362.95 $123,137.50 $158,509.89 $118,387.00 $138,942.26 $107,469.88 $124,429.20 $162,732.70 $195,608.25 $140,663.60 $111,053.87 $159,524.75 $196,701.12 $126,423.50 $188,463.95 $129,855.95 $156,056.50 $160,522.16 $151,626.90 $117,982.40 $102,244.00 $140,995.70 $126,451.40 $106,175.00 $127,691.25 $160,820.72 $147,365.39 $129,180.69 $139,243.15 $176,653.65 $191,322.24 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $6,570.78 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $1,577.73 $174.72 $174.72 $661.37 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $8,079.61 $598.80 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $964.32 $174.72 $174.72 $167.76 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $3,656.12 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 53 of/de 311 McMaster University Surname/Nom de famille MOYAL McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University MOZHARIVSKYJ MUELLER MURGATROYD MURPHY MURRAY MUSSON MUTI NAGASAKI NAINAR NAIR McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University NEDIALKOV NEJAT NELLES NESATHURAI NEWBOLD NG NG NICAS NICOLICI NIEWCZAS NIFAKIS NIKOLOVA NILES NODWELL NOESGAARD NOREK NORMAN NORONHA NORRIE NOSEWORTHY NOVOG NURSE NYERS O'BRIEN O'BRIEN O'BYRNE O'CONNOR O'DELL O'DONNELL OLIVIERI O'MARA O'REILLY OREMUS OROVAN ORTEGA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Given Name/ Prénom GABRIEL LOUIS ROBERT YURIJ VALERIE PAUL KATHRYN MARY ALAN DAVID PAOLA SHINYA KHALID PARAMESWARAN KRISHNA NEDIALKO REZA HENRY VIVAN SHANKER K. BRUCE ALBERT EU-GENE ANDREW JOHN NICOLA MAREK DESPINA JOANNE NATALIA KOLEVA LENNARD POLYCARP JUSTIN CHARLOTTE LINDA GEOFFREY AUSTIN KENNETH MICHAEL DAVID COLIN ARLINGTON PETER ROBERT SUSANNA PAUL MARY ELIZABETH DUNCAN MICHAEL J. LORI LINDA MARY DARIA MARK WILLIAM JOAQUIN RAMON Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $153,107.09 Associate Professor/Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor/Director Lecturer/Executive Director Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor $123,539.35 $229,191.83 $158,448.00 $145,084.07 $130,744.10 $160,259.10 $142,394.95 $102,120.50 $179,062.45 $156,351.59 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $131.04 $174.72 $174.72 Associate Professor/Associate Chair Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor/Director/Director Director Associate Professor/Program Chair Professor Professor Professor Clinic Director Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Financial Advisor Professor Director Professor Associate Professor/Director Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Clinical Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor $145,666.70 $117,678.85 $215,789.15 $196,894.64 $144,972.41 $137,324.80 $147,167.39 $147,169.35 $150,132.60 $121,856.62 $136,912.46 $149,408.10 $156,616.80 $157,178.70 $150,211.95 $104,357.55 $167,388.80 $173,154.65 $221,093.10 $130,343.36 $142,321.55 $165,676.50 $117,758.80 $156,331.31 $127,820.75 $304,085.61 $158,018.95 $105,560.80 $155,921.15 $119,004.30 $137,102.03 $115,848.20 $107,735.35 $138,832.57 $131,470.40 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $184.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $534.92 $174.72 $174.72 $145.60 $174.72 $859.51 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $608.16 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $586.68 $174.72 $581.40 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Position/Poste $174.72 Page 54 of/de 311 McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Surname/Nom de famille OSTOVICH OSTOVICH PADDEN PAEZ PAI PANJU PAPAIOANNOU PARISE PARKER PARLAR PATEL PATELIS-SIOTIS PATRICIU PATTERSON PAUL PAWLUCH McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University PAYNE PEACE PEACHEY PELINOVSKY PELTON PETRIC PETRIK PHILLIPS PIDRUCZNY PIERAZZO PIERRYNOWSKI PIETRUSZCZAK PIRO PIRVU PLANINC PLATT PLOEG PODEDWORNY POGUE POINAR POND POOL PORTER PORTER POTTER POTTIER POTVIN PRESTON PRESTON PRICE PROTAS Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Given Name/ Prénom HELEN JENNIFER MAUREEN HECTOR ANTONIO MENAKA AKBAR ALEXANDRA GIANNI LAURA MAHMUT AMEEN IRENE ALEXANDRU CHRISTINE JAMES DOROTHY ANNA CARLA ABIGAIL WALTER GEORGE GLADYS DMITRY E. ROBERT ANTHONY SHAWN MARIT STUART ALICE ELSIE JOANNA MICHAEL STANISLAW ROCCO TRAIAN ZDRAVKO ALLISON JENNY CAROL JANICE MARGARET HENDRIK GREGORY MELISSA C. STANLEY TONY DAVID ANNE JAMES JOHN STEWART SANDRA LOUISE DAVID BARTOSZ Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor/Associate Dean Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Clinical Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $129,226.95 $102,410.85 $113,996.05 $129,971.75 $134,761.10 $368,819.95 $112,829.65 $126,948.98 $104,345.55 $191,258.53 $146,378.76 $127,170.29 $115,545.65 $136,826.50 $310,661.97 $155,974.51 Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Director Professor/Associate Chair Director Professor Manager, Quality Assurance & Laboratory Services Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Director/Adjunct Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director & Curator Manager Of The Statistical Group Associate Professor Assistant Professor University Registrar Principal Professor/Associate Dean Associate Professor/Director Associate University Librarian Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor/Director $170,912.66 $145,777.00 $136,288.65 $139,872.98 $175,760.55 $153,996.98 $105,528.80 $148,680.16 $105,315.20 $120,054.57 $141,854.85 $149,322.74 $133,720.00 $100,664.65 $134,259.25 $128,741.15 $150,249.60 $115,193.80 $110,779.60 $156,187.05 $111,579.95 $125,592.25 $152,706.60 $145,573.49 $155,019.18 $121,712.55 $136,684.85 $167,106.20 $121,526.10 $254,022.73 $129,817.45 Position/Poste Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $168.60 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $247.17 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $172.92 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $5,705.38 $174.72 $574.80 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $172.92 $174.72 $174.72 Page 55 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PROWSE PTASZEK PUDRITZ PUJARI PULLENAYEGUM QIAO QIU QUINN RACINE RAHA RAINA RANDALL RANGACHARI RANKIN RAY RAZAQPUR REID REILLY REINHARDT REISINGER RENWICK RETHMANN RHEINSTADTER RICHARDS RICHARDSON RINK RISDON ROBINSON ROGERS ROLLO ROSATI ROSE ROSEBUSH ROSENBAUM ROSENTHAL ROTHENBERG ROWE RUNESSON RUSH RUTHERFORD RYDER SALFI SAMMON SAPERSON SARAVANAMUTTU SARKAR SASSEN SATZEWICH Given Name/ Prénom TRACY STEFAN RALPH EGON DEVASHISH ELEANOR SANZHENG JIAPING JAMES SCOTT JEFFERY SANDEEP PARMINDER GLEN PATANGI SUSAN SOURAV A. GHANI SUSAN JAMES PARK EDUARD GORDON RANDALL WILLIAM JONATHAN PETRA MAIKEL CARL JULIE WILLIAM JACK CATHY GINA KRISTINE C. DAVID ANTONIETTA JOSEPH PATRICIA P. PETER LEON KENNETH CELIA ELAINE MARK ANDERS JANE ANN CLAIRE MEL MARVIN GEORGE JENNINE SHEILA ANN KAREN KALAICHELVI SUDIPTO BRIGITTE VICTOR Position/Poste Associate Professor Coach/Sessional Lecturer Professor/Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Endowed Chair Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor/Area Chair Professor Emeritus Director Associate Professor/Area Chair Professor Professor Professor/Associate Chair Professor Research Program Development Manager Professor Professor/Department Chair Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Director Student Services & Comptroller Assistant Professor Professor Director, Administration Professor Professor Professor/Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $104,778.00 $121,268.57 $172,752.96 $148,847.82 $110,414.10 $160,047.40 $218,285.95 $141,576.00 $220,016.50 $125,597.95 $195,457.55 $172,464.19 $112,534.80 $109,895.30 $157,847.75 $198,341.14 $157,087.23 $174,949.18 $125,835.80 $110,897.63 $136,139.15 $140,847.68 $100,964.90 $154,330.40 $139,383.35 $129,378.82 $115,781.99 $131,848.24 $124,254.33 $148,559.50 $120,274.00 $166,368.85 $145,363.40 $230,510.50 $167,602.15 $103,940.53 $100,575.95 $111,171.85 $125,859.00 $131,523.50 $176,599.45 $117,344.40 $150,573.40 $289,504.14 $112,673.10 $163,910.15 $120,288.05 $136,259.55 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $170.28 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $465.69 $174.72 $0.00 $167.59 $174.72 $174.72 $756.63 $354.24 $174.72 $0.00 $529.32 $174.72 $173.76 $577.32 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $561.48 $465.69 $354.24 $570.06 $324.72 $257.04 $174.72 $172.08 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 56 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SAVAGE SAWYER SCARTH SCHAT SCHELLHORN SCHMIDT SCHOFIELD SCHROBILGEN SCHUENEMANN SCHULLER SCHULMAN SCHWARTZ SCOTT SEARS SEHMI SEKERINSKI SEKULER SELVAGANAPATHY SEMOGAS SEOW SEVIGNY SEYMOUR SEYMOUR SHAFFIR SHALI SHANKAR SHANNON SHANTHANNA SHAPIRO SHAW SHEARDOWN SHEDDEN SHENG SHI SHIRANI SHORE SIAM SILCOX SILLS SINDING SINGH SINGH SIROUSPOUR SIVAKUMARAN SKELLY SKLAD SLATER SLOBODA Given Name/ Prénom ANNE ELAINE ERIC WILLIAM AARON HERBERT LOUIS RUTH GARY HOLGER EILEEN MARIE SAM LISA DARREN MALCOLM ROMA EMIL ALLISON PONNAMBALAM DYANNE HSIEN-YEANG ALEXANDRE COLIN ELIZABETH MURTON WILLIAM ARI SUMANTH HARRY SAMUEL HARSHA DONNA MAY ELIZABETH HEATHER JUDITH ANGELA AN-CHANG SHAHRAM DAVID I. JOHN MARY VERA ALISON CHRISTINA BALRAJ RAMA SHANKAR SHAHIN KEN SIVA JENNIFER MATEUSZ PIOTR GREG DEBORAH Position/Poste Associate Professor Professor Professor/Sessional Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Associate Director Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Associate Vice-President Associate Professor/Associate Chair Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Director Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor/Endowed Chair Professor Assistant Professor Director Professor Professor/Associate Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor/Director Professor/Associate Chair Professor/Endowed Chair Professor/Associate Chair Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professional Scientist Professor/Associate Chair Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $139,797.50 $192,114.75 $194,693.70 $139,657.60 $138,891.42 $145,726.55 $121,704.50 $168,194.85 $219,584.20 $159,435.65 $120,920.00 $145,237.15 $137,918.10 $188,712.35 $123,863.00 $137,815.34 $245,542.68 $130,423.05 $123,662.60 $107,879.60 $145,106.40 $152,577.05 $100,793.20 $161,996.62 $127,928.40 $127,824.40 $154,123.18 $188,772.60 $105,331.40 $118,145.30 $159,737.48 $124,383.75 $102,337.70 $143,116.97 $145,465.95 $132,505.86 $171,699.00 $140,638.45 $143,303.55 $122,679.35 $101,987.20 $160,923.86 $137,317.80 $144,537.67 $154,001.68 $132,202.65 $130,559.50 $129,930.20 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $354.24 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $598.80 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $173.76 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $566.64 $174.72 $517.20 $174.72 $174.72 Page 57 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SNIDER SOARES SOKALSKI SOLOMON SOLTYS SOMERS SORENSEN SPEISSEGGER SPENCE SPENCER STACEY STAMPFLI STAPLES STEFANOVIC STEFFLER STEINBERG STEINER STEWART STEWART STOCKTON STOLLE STONE STOREY STOUT STOVER STRACHAN STRATFORD STREETER STROINSKA STUBBS SULEWSKI SULLIVAN SUN SURETTE SUTHERLAND SWARTZ SWEETMAN SWETT SWORD SZATMARI SZECHTMAN SZYMANSKI TAIT TAKIM Given Name/ Prénom JAMES JOANNE PETER MORLEY SPENCER DENIS CLAUDIO JOSEPH PATRICIA MICHAEL LORNA EMBURY ERIK PATRICK ALLAN BYRON GRANT SIDNEY R. MARTIN R. ERIC NEMANJA CLAUDIA GREGORY GEORGE DEBRA ANNE MARK LINDA DIETER JONATHON ROBERT JOHN CAMERON HARALD PATRICIA H. PAUL STEPHEN M. MARIA RICHARD WALLACE KEVIN TERENCE HONGJIN MICHAEL PETER GORDON CHRISTOPHER L. E. LENNOX ARTHUR PAMELA E. WENDY ANN PETER HENRY TED MICHAEL LIYAKAT Position/Poste Professor Assistant Dean (Studies) Professor/Associate Vice-President Associate Professor/Director Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Associate Dean Associate Professor Director Of Development Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor/Director Manager Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Unit Director Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Marketing & Leasing Manager Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor/Associate Director Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Chief Operating Officer Director, Security & Parking Associate Professor Professor Professor/Dean Professor Professor Associate Professor/Department Chair Professor Professor Professor Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor/Chair Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,315.08 $103,854.40 $223,279.93 $133,899.15 $147,004.90 $206,712.67 $111,994.60 $178,503.60 $132,959.02 $179,239.80 $141,309.35 $146,982.80 $103,276.09 $170,476.45 $115,691.60 $138,947.90 $130,621.30 $117,644.85 $122,166.88 $160,115.05 $185,974.85 $111,709.90 $106,215.60 $149,631.20 $164,430.20 $147,841.90 $147,994.90 $137,086.40 $139,849.42 $127,861.00 $152,009.65 $120,303.75 $142,540.20 $168,082.35 $157,412.76 $125,251.80 $103,472.80 $208,030.20 $192,911.14 $153,205.21 $176,095.30 $128,414.51 $150,728.95 $300,538.69 $168,121.35 $154,936.82 $125,312.65 $164,391.80 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $160.16 $123.76 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $5,210.31 $174.72 $174.72 $146.76 $174.72 $174.72 $636.36 $174.72 $4,388.02 $174.72 $604.20 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $257.04 $354.24 $174.72 $3,634.08 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 58 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille TAN TANG TAYLOR TAYLOR-O'REILLY THABANE THOMPSON THOMSON TIERNEY TIMMONS TODD TODD TOMPKINS TORRANCE TRAINOR TRIGATTI TROY-HEMPEY TRUANT TRYSSENAAR TSANIS TUCKER TULLIS TURNBULL ULLAL VALAITIS VALERIOTE VALLIANT VARGAS-BACA VEALL VELDHUIS VENUS VERDU-BERCIK VILKS VISHNIAC VIVEROS-AGUILERA VON MOHRENSCHILDT VOROBEJ VRKLJAN VUKELICH WADDINGTON WADSLEY WAHOUSH WAINMAN WAKEFIELD WALKER WALLACE WALMSLEY WALSH WALSH Given Name/ Prénom JOSEPH DAMU DAVID WAYNE TRACEY LEHANA MICHAEL JOHN GEOFF BRIAN GRAHAM TERRY DOUGLAS CATHERINE SHONA LAUREL BERNARDO TAMARA RAY JOYCE IOANNIS DAVID STEPHEN JOHN GAUTAM RUTA K. MATTHEW ANTHONY JOHN F. IGNACIO MICHAEL ROBERT STEPHEN CLARENCE DAVID EDGAR ELENA PETER ETHAN TECUMSEH ROMAN MARTIN GEORGE MARK IGNAT BRENDA KATHERINE NANCY J. MICHAEL JAMES OLIVE BRUCE CHARLES PATRICIA IRWIN RONALD JOHN PETER ALLYN E. MICHAEL Position/Poste Professor/Endowed Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Director Professor Associate Professor Operations Manager University Counsel & Director, Employee/Labour Relations Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Associate Dean Assistant Professor Professor/Director Associate Professor Director, Administration Professor Associate Professor Professor Senior Health Physicist/Instructor/Sessional Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Director Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Senior Manager, Total Compensation Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Director Professor Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $179,650.26 $125,399.30 $159,070.00 $123,109.82 $140,635.00 $142,098.50 $109,378.80 $160,603.40 $120,017.46 $139,479.05 $156,880.57 $210,438.63 $103,572.37 $178,913.55 $153,085.00 $110,609.70 $141,521.45 $123,021.93 $146,704.32 $166,760.40 $128,427.50 $141,063.45 $103,476.50 $153,488.05 $159,691.15 $165,768.05 $121,838.76 $177,163.15 $159,225.81 $159,958.56 $103,817.55 $180,308.85 $107,773.20 $147,194.15 $160,117.45 $143,882.90 $114,061.20 $113,016.70 $152,819.60 $130,164.40 $140,886.00 $170,826.10 $154,970.62 $113,002.75 $216,276.26 $154,389.76 $152,352.08 $100,011.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $537.24 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $257.04 $161.64 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $337.36 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $174.72 $465.45 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $0.00 $0.00 $174.72 $577.32 $174.72 $174.72 Page 59 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WALTON WALUCHOW WAN WANG WANG WARD WARREN WARRY WASI WASSYNG WATT WATTER WAUBEN WEAVER WEBERT WEERASEKERA WEILER WEITZ WELCH WELLS WERETILNYK WERSTUCK WESTERHOLM WEST-MAYS WHITE WHITE WHYTE WHYTE WIDDICOMBE WIESNER WILCZYNSKI WILKINSON WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILTON WISHART WOHL WOLKOWICZ WONG WONG WOOD Given Name/ Prénom JONATHAN MARK WILFRID JOSEPH YONGHONG LU MCKENZIE CINDY LESLEY A. WAYNE PARVEEN ALAN MARY SUSAN SCOTT INE JOHN CHARLES KATHRYN PRIYANTHY GREGORY J. JEFFREY DOUGLAS L. DONALD MACLEAN ELIZABETH A. GEOFF STEPHEN ROY JUDITH MARIA PHILIP GRAHAM PETER F. ROBERT PETER JOHN WILLI NANCY LOU DAVID S. ALLISON DALE MARY CHRISTINE D. DAVID COLIN JEAN JOANNA JOHN CHARLES ROBERT LAURIE GREGORY ROBERT GAIL ANNE K. MAX CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL Position/Poste Associate Professor Professor/Senator William McMaster Chair Professor Research Associate (II) Professor Director, Finance & Administration Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Director Professor Associate Professor National Program Manager Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director Professor Professor/Associate Dean Professor/Director Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Director Academic Assistant To Dean Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Area Chair Manager Provost & Vice-President (Academic)/Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Vice-President University Advancement Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Director Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Canada Research Chair Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $171,638.64 $173,649.77 $134,718.30 $105,770.10 $164,641.90 $133,329.40 $131,708.11 $103,332.33 $109,184.85 $158,755.90 $171,834.70 $111,498.10 $104,306.40 $179,916.60 $141,377.82 $116,177.13 $132,042.00 $186,508.75 $170,391.68 $152,067.03 $137,357.88 $120,328.45 $147,244.25 $145,335.61 $101,699.20 $140,429.40 $146,403.30 $205,817.13 $131,682.10 $161,996.15 $101,091.80 $265,392.48 $140,965.10 $172,895.52 $259,339.20 $151,936.70 $126,567.55 $152,513.56 $113,863.45 $101,018.25 $128,918.15 $145,923.45 $118,968.90 $157,106.70 $314,411.44 $188,110.20 $189,977.28 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $116.48 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $43.68 $174.72 $6,071.00 $354.24 $424.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $579.96 $174.72 $174.72 $540.00 $161.04 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $5,460.39 $174.72 $174.72 $9,986.26 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $123.76 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 Page 60 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University McMaster University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WOOD WOOD WRIGHT WU WU WU WYCKOFF WYLIE XIE XING XU XU XU YAKUBOVICH YAMAGUCHI YANG YATES YIANNAKOULIAS YORK YOU YOUNG YOUSOFPOURFARD YUAN YUEN YUSUF ZEYTINOGLU ZHANG ZHAO ZHITOMIRSKY ZHOU ZHU ZHU ZHU ZIADA ZIPURSKY ZUCKER ZUROB ZYLLA ALLISON BARKER BERGQUIST BLACK BORODY BRACKENREED BROPHEY BROWN BROZOWSKI CANTALINI-WILLIAMS Given Name/ Prénom JOHN PHILIP GERARD PEIDONG RUHAI XIAOLIN WADE LANA FENG ZHOU CHANG QING GU JIANPING NATALIA SHINTARO DANIEL SHUN CHUNG CHARLOTTE ALYCE NIKOLAOS LORRAINE MARY JOHN JOON-YOUNG DAVID ANDREW HANIYEH YUFEI KA MING (TIMBER) SALIM ISIK F. JIANKANG DONGMEI IGOR YANQIU RACHEL HONGJIN SHIPING XU-DONG SAMIR ROBERT JEFFERY HATEM PHIL JOHN JANE ROBERT GLENDA LEE WAYNE DARLENE GLENN GREG ROMAN MARIA Position/Poste Project Manager Professor/Associate Vice-President Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate University Librarian Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Dean Assistant Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor/Department Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor/Department Chair Professor Associate Professor Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean Salary Paid/ Traitement $100,891.40 $215,446.86 $217,472.91 $152,969.40 $150,615.25 $168,390.78 $103,415.20 $102,853.15 $118,403.50 $147,330.65 $146,446.45 $147,430.50 $141,225.84 $106,158.00 $125,993.00 $141,649.45 $185,399.43 $104,622.40 $177,903.25 $123,816.45 $106,661.35 $102,380.50 $174,440.75 $130,752.22 $387,351.10 $158,187.93 $117,661.50 $134,687.10 $142,972.10 $104,948.50 $135,394.20 $168,250.39 $129,495.90 $186,542.00 $123,383.67 $144,594.15 $128,179.65 $102,887.55 $100,512.86 $100,684.20 $122,763.12 $101,089.82 $113,626.00 $103,994.54 $107,590.04 $134,737.92 $122,942.64 $122,312.84 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $164.93 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $542.64 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $172.08 $174.72 $324.72 $158.88 $1,467.60 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $174.72 $354.24 $174.72 $174.72 $164.12 $0.00 $174.72 $174.72 $375.20 $375.20 $461.60 $332.72 $460.72 $369.44 $399.68 $441.52 $403.97 $412.96 Page 61 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CARTER CHOW CLANDFIELD CLAUSEN COOPER CORKETT D'ENTREMONT EARL ELLIOTT-JOHNS ERFANI EYRE FIX FLYNN FROST GEDEN GENDRON GOSSE GRAFF GRAHAM GRAHAM GRIERSON HACKETT HATT HEMSWORTH IRWIN JARVIS JHA JOWETT JULIEN-SCHULTZ KARASSEV KARIUKI KEECH KELLY KNOX KOVACS KRUK LONG LOVETT-DOUST MADY MANG MATTSON MAYNES MCAULIFFE MCCABE MCFARLANE MCINTOSH MCLAREN MCPARLAND Given Name/ Prénom LORRAINE PETER PETER KURT CRAIG JULIE KATHERINE HARLEY HILARY SUSAN AMIR KIM ROBERT DEBORAH LORRAINE DENNIS ROBIN DOUGLAS ANN-BARBARA JAMIE ROBERT ARLENE DAVID BLAINE E. DAVID CORINA DANIEL HUGH MUKUND DONNA LYNNE ANNE ALEXANDRE MUMBI ROBERT PAUL JOHN JOHN LAURIE JOHN LESLEY CALLIE COLIN FRANZ ERIC NANCY JIM MIKE CAMERON JANET E. LAURIE MICHAEL Position/Poste Director, Centre Flexible Learning Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Dean, Arts & Science Assistant Professor Vice-President, Academic & Research Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Dean, Arts & Science Registrar & Institutional Analyst Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Lab Instructor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Vice-President, Operations Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor President Associate Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor Director, School of Physical and Health Education Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Aboriginal Initiatives Men's Hockey Coach Salary Paid/ Traitement $127,925.96 $133,802.93 $102,993.85 $107,590.04 $149,349.96 $103,124.20 $140,000.00 $104,803.70 $101,012.86 $107,849.82 $106,503.52 $104,313.54 $127,141.64 $125,442.64 $111,209.36 $107,067.38 $106,531.28 $125,664.34 $131,017.12 $102,013.08 $104,550.68 $125,816.44 $108,823.34 $127,247.00 $123,596.84 $123,350.72 $103,982.66 $103,058.54 $123,322.96 $118,582.38 $124,035.36 $187,636.17 $117,043.00 $103,774.82 $120,444.30 $109,716.42 $117,043.00 $461,622.96 $103,678.36 $124,587.80 $102,633.68 $106,767.86 $145,924.74 $127,367.36 $103,413.54 $112,590.04 $133,017.04 $102,237.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $478.17 $523.36 $368.52 $399.68 $739.48 $350.28 $537.60 $389.92 $375.20 $335.28 $350.28 $369.44 $462.28 $462.28 $207.62 $378.92 $407.04 $448.76 $496.19 $359.72 $378.92 $369.44 $482.86 $472.08 $472.81 $389.92 $366.44 $369.44 $351.88 $378.92 $441.52 $677.47 $378.51 $369.44 $447.20 $441.52 $434.32 $1,194.24 $378.92 $276.92 $369.44 $375.20 $526.80 $399.68 $369.44 $399.68 $503.81 $379.78 Page 62 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Nipissing University Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MIRZA MORRELL MUELLER MUHLBERGER MURPHY NICOL NOEL NOSKO O'HAGAN OLMSTED PAINE-MANTHA PARKES PARR PATRIQUIN PHILLIPS PLETZER RENSHAW RICCI RICH RICHARDON RICHARDSON RINTOUL ROBINSON RYAN SAARI SARLO SAUCIER SCHREYER SCOTT SHIELDS SMITH SRIGLEY STEELE SUTTON TABACHNICK TUNCALI VALOV VANDER WALL VANDERLEE VOKES-LEDUC WACHOWIAK WALDOCK WEEKS WIDEMAN WINTERS ZHU ADAMS ALIDRISSI Given Name/ Prénom REEHAN GORDON ILSE STEVE DANA JEFFREY FRANCOISE PETER SEAN BARBARA VICKY TONY MICHELANN LARRY GYLLIAN DAN SAL CARLO SHARON CAROLE WARNIE HEATHER ANDREA THOMAS MATTI CHRIS SHANNON BOGUSLAW JEFFREY CARMEN TREVOR HUGH SUSAN ASTRID CHERYL DAVID MURAT VESKO CONNIE RICHARD LYNNE ANNE MARK TOM ANDREW RON SARAH HAIBIN KEN TRACEY Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor President & Vice-Chancellor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Institutional Planning & Research Associate Professor Professor Dean, Education Associate Dean, Education Professor Associate Professor Director, Residence & Conference Services Professor Professor Professor Director, Finance Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Director, Human Resources & Employee Relations Associate Professor Assistant Vice-President, Research & Graduate Studies Professor Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Dean, Applied & Professional Studies Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Chief Administrative Officer Director, Learner Affairs & Undergraduate Medical Education Salary Paid/ Traitement $109,327.36 $113,162.70 $102,054.96 $150,778.64 $118,160.70 $106,006.04 $139,427.16 $107,050.16 $103,683.36 $103,060.52 $305,176.50 $106,985.70 $121,202.56 $104,808.66 $113,415.68 $100,490.18 $107,403.58 $119,540.30 $182,283.96 $135,460.96 $128,478.30 $106,192.36 $116,656.02 $118,739.04 $156,241.26 $134,049.70 $108,823.73 $122,942.64 $100,512.86 $104,944.02 $111,262.04 $104,803.70 $101,126.20 $118,734.54 $115,686.70 $166,566.62 $133,147.30 $122,982.78 $169,320.00 $101,698.54 $104,324.20 $106,183.38 $115,888.10 $137,451.00 $100,897.04 $117,876.00 $139,050.00 $108,411.04 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $375.20 $420.44 $359.72 $561.08 $420.44 $313.84 $561.08 $462.28 $378.92 $388.00 $2,231.86 $411.00 $399.68 $411.00 $420.44 $376.23 $389.92 $409.44 $665.60 $493.56 $434.32 $192.34 $441.54 $423.32 $479.06 $498.48 $383.85 $201.46 $375.20 $441.52 $399.68 $389.92 $350.28 $440.47 $389.92 $598.88 $485.28 $431.70 $583.76 $369.44 $350.28 $378.92 $389.92 $254.20 $369.16 $434.32 $723.12 $531.36 Page 63 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Northern Ontario School of Medicine Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ARELLA BEATTY CERVIN DAYNARD ELLAWAY FINK GRAVES HOGARD HUDSON KHAPER KOVALA LANNER LIPINSKI MACKIE MACLEAN MARSH MCCREADY RITZ ROSS ROSS SMITH STRASSER SUNTRES TAI ULANOVA VITA WILLETT ALBER ALTWERGER ASTMAN BACK BALABANOFF BARKER BEAULIEU BERGER BILLINGER BIRCH BROWN BRUNET CARR-HARRIS CASSADY CHAVEL CLARK CONTRERAS DALLAS DAVIS DEMPSEY DEVINE Given Name/ Prénom ANITA KATHLEEN CATHERINE KIM RACHEL PATTY LISA ELAINE GEOFFREY NEELAM TOM CARITA JOE DON DAVID DAVID WILLIAM STACEY BRIAN GREG PATRICIA M. ROGER P. ZACHARIA TZE-CHUN MARINA GRACE JANICE BETH SANDRA BARBARA DOUG DOREEN TOM CAROLE ROBERT STEVEN JILL VERONICA CLAIRE IAN JOHN DAVID COLIN MONICA PAUL NICOLA PAUL BONNIE Position/Poste Director, Faculty Affairs Director, Equity and Quality Associate Dean, Postgrad Director, Communications Associate Dean, Curriculum and Planning Director, Health Sciences Library Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education Director, Assessment and Evaluation Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Finance Manager, Facilities Services Associate Professor Associate Dean, Community Engagement Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Dean, Research Associate Professor Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Planning and Risk Division Head, Clinical Sciences Associate Dean, Faculty of Design; Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Chair, Interdisciplinary; Chair of Digital Futures Initiative and Graduate Program Director Associate Vice President, University Relations Associate Professor Executive Director, Business Development and Innovation-Imagination Catalyst Vice President, Development and Alumni Relations; President, OCAD University Foundation Director, Campus Services and Security Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager/Lead Architect, Inclusive Design Research Centre Director, Digital Futures Initiative Implementation Chair, Illustration; Professor Director, Human Resources Associate Professor Chair, Aboriginal Visual Culture Program Salary Paid/ Traitement $103,437.63 $100,447.09 $208,007.04 $111,359.77 $146,533.87 $123,908.43 $191,268.96 $138,526.41 $126,757.55 $114,208.67 $134,650.98 $128,748.16 $113,228.02 $102,552.09 $141,296.21 $238,007.04 $198,006.96 $106,592.50 $165,208.62 $262,947.05 $139,624.95 $358,585.92 $156,695.88 $121,641.83 $137,382.49 $111,982.52 $160,000.08 $122,871.93 $109,321.03 $119,516.04 $107,637.71 $118,824.59 $151,255.49 $133,533.17 $107,637.71 $130,953.86 $134,615.43 $100,198.51 $100,450.44 $120,534.98 $101,024.72 $108,963.07 $100,724.55 $114,179.36 $119,383.82 $140,278.45 $107,637.71 $110,354.37 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $517.63 $489.89 $769.82 $563.76 $711.50 $563.11 $681.84 $668.76 $871.39 $593.57 $695.95 $666.14 $573.48 $493.74 $715.39 $769.92 $0.00 $648.10 $896.67 $790.99 $721.87 $24,183.11 $811.30 $628.56 $725.76 $567.00 $0.00 $53.85 $118.47 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $215.50 $603.12 $129.24 $395.08 $5,335.41 $518.39 $258.60 $0.00 $258.60 $64.62 $520.87 $0.00 $258.60 $603.12 $258.60 $258.60 Page 64 of/de 311 Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Surname/Nom de famille DIAMOND DONEGAN DOYLE DROBNICK DUNKELMAN EPP FISHER FRASER GARDNER GAY GIRAUDY GRAHAM HICKOX HINDS HOUSEHOLDER KERR KRZYZANOWSKI KUBIS LADLY LANGILL LASHKO LEE LEEMING LEGARE MACLEOD MAH MAHLER MANU MCALLISTER MCCANTS MCINTOSH MCKINNON MILGRAM MILLARD MILOVICK NAY NGOBIA NICHOLSON NICOLL NIND PANTON PARADIS PATRICK PELLETIER PHILLIPS PROKOPOW Given Name/ Prénom SARA ROSEMARY JUDITH JAMES AVI PAUL DEANNE PETER PAULA GREG CHERYL ARCHIE APRIL BRUCE JOHANNA ANTHONY STAN ANDA MARTHA CAROLINE PETER DARIN BILL GINETTE ALASTAIR PETER HARRY ALEX ANDREW ROSE ANNE DAIVD SARAH LYNNE LAURA MATTHEW ERIC JANE LEWIS GAYLE SARAH DOUG ELISABETH JILL DAVID PAULETTE MICHAEL Ontario College of Art & Design University QUINLAN STEVE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste President Associate Professor Associate Professor and Chair of Integrated Media Associate Professor Associate Professor Chair, Industrial Design; Professor Associate Vice-President, Students Director, Finance Associate Professor Project Manager, Inclusive Design Research Centre Associate Dean, Faculty of Design and Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor and Chair of Environmental Design Chair, Criticism & Curatorial Practice; Professor Associate Professor and Chair of Advertising Associate Professor Associate Professor and Chair of Drawing and Painting Associate Dean, Graduate Studies Associate Dean, Faculty of Art, Associate Professor Director, Facilities Planning & Management Director, Enterprise Resource Planning Associate Professor Associate Professor Chief Information Officer Professor Professor Professor Manager, Academic Computing Management Director, Development Associate Professor Vice President, Academic Professor Associate Professor Vice President, Finance and Administration Associate Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor Director, Diversity & Equity Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Design Associate Professor Associate Professor and Chair of First Year, Design Registrar Director of Library Services Associate Professor Professor Graduate Program Director, Criticism and Curatorial Practice and Contemporary Art and Design, New Media Art Histories Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $257,500.10 $117,235.15 $101,610.81 $101,040.01 $109,219.44 $116,156.55 $126,451.96 $140,278.45 $102,782.07 $100,724.55 $104,117.78 $109,742.44 $101,869.69 $102,808.75 $125,076.96 $105,887.94 $110,480.24 $101,976.48 $100,868.17 $111,961.56 $115,229.06 $108,490.62 $102,410.64 $108,161.94 $129,897.50 $111,467.76 $105,654.42 $107,178.64 $100,198.51 $115,229.06 $111,657.05 $203,116.94 $118,287.57 $109,065.76 $200,000.06 $112,721.27 $114,907.15 $100,127.47 $146,449.98 $112,338.58 $106,449.37 $100,198.51 $134,726.43 $112,380.26 $114,903.43 $115,368.31 $113,593.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $25,032.78 $258.60 $220.94 $252.10 $0.00 $258.60 $603.12 $603.12 $258.60 $520.87 $258.60 $204.70 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $257.40 $258.60 $596.07 $562.19 $258.60 $258.60 $596.85 $129.24 $204.70 $258.60 $518.39 $596.07 $258.60 $603.12 $258.60 $258.60 $603.12 $258.60 $594.49 $258.60 $129.30 $258.60 $204.70 $518.39 $603.12 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 Page 65 of/de 311 Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Surname/Nom de famille REICHENBACHER REID REID RICHARDS RICHARDS RUSHTON RUTGERS SAGE SCOPICK SHAILER SHARMA SHOFFNER SLOGGETT SOLOMON SPICANOVIC SRAMEK STEIN TEAHEN TOEWS TREVIRANUS Given Name/ Prénom HELMUT COLLEEN STUART JAN LENORE KEITH JOB JAN DAVID KATHRYN GEETA TERRY PAUL DANIEL VLADIMIR PETER SUZANNE KELLEY LORNE JUTTA Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Ontario College of Art & Design University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University TUER VAN ALSTYNE VICKERSON WHITE WHITTON WILSON AARSSEN ABLESON ADAMS ADAMS ADAMSON ADELMAN AFSAHI AIKEN DOT GREG KEN MICHELLE SYLVIA MARY LONNIE WILLIAM ALAN MARY LOUISE MICHAEL ANTHONY CONSTANCE HOWARD AHMAD ALICE B. Queen's University AIKEN SHARRY J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University AKENSON AKL ALAJAJI ALLAN ALLIK ALLINGHAM DONALD H. SELIM G. FADY I. BLAINE KRISTI ANNE JOHN S. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University ALM ALMEIDA ALMOST ALVARADO LLANO TERESA TIM JOAN BEATRIZ EUGENIA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Vice-President Research & Dean, Graduate Studies Associate Professor Professor Project Manager, Inclusive Design Research Centre Director Masters in Design in Strategic Foresight & Innovation; Professor Co-Chair, Graphic Design; Professor Professor Director, Admissions and Recruitment Professor Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Director, Safety & Risk Management Associate Professor Professor Professor Dean, Faculty of Art Chair, Photography; Professor Associate Professor Director, Marketing and Communications Associate Professor Director, Inclusive Design Research Centre and Graduate Program Director, Masters in Inclusive Design Professor Associate Professor Chair, Material Art & Design; Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor and Chair of First Year, Art Director, Centre for Innovation in Art & Design Education Professor - Biology Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Head - Biomedical and Molecular Science Research and Instruction Librarian - Stauffer Library Associate Professor - Jewish Studies Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Director (Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research) - Vice-Principal (Research) Associate Professor - Faculty of Law, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies and Research) Faculty of Law Professor - History Head - School of Computing, Professor - School of Computing Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - Film and Media Professor - School of Music Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Assistant Professor Biomedical and Molecular Science University Registrar - Student Records and Services Associate Director (Gift Services and Finance) - Advancement Assistant Professor - School of Nursing Assistant Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Salary Paid/ Traitement $136,350.00 $107,773.78 $113,846.27 $100,724.55 $135,356.17 $122,675.43 $109,552.33 $100,198.51 $112,523.43 $154,530.00 $115,229.06 $105,811.54 $107,637.54 $114,250.16 $149,249.98 $116,793.49 $100,464.59 $111,123.57 $108,963.07 $163,118.75 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $520.87 $258.60 $96.93 $258.60 $518.39 $258.60 $258.60 $596.07 $204.70 $258.60 $129.24 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $529.57 $258.60 $258.60 $113,116.01 $109,813.53 $114,564.38 $115,742.85 $104,233.04 $108,841.53 $148,141.68 $105,829.16 $135,644.79 $173,658.38 $116,138.36 $133,248.32 $148,296.68 $140,219.96 $258.60 $258.04 $258.60 $258.60 $258.60 $562.98 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $145,967.55 $280.80 $175,143.33 $191,348.32 $153,425.00 $131,293.36 $134,006.48 $115,952.42 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $13.70 $0.00 $128,269.97 $114,002.12 $108,026.64 $111,350.02 $0.00 $0.00 $150.96 $142.64 Page 66 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille AMANI AMSDEN AMYOT ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDREVSKI ANDREW ANGER ARCHIBALD ARNOTT ARONSON ASHWORTH ATKINSON AYLESWORTH-SPINK AZIZ BABBITT BAER BAILEY BAILEY BAINES BAKAN BAKHSHAI BAKHURST BALA BANFIELD BANFIELD BANKS BANTING Given Name/ Prénom BITA BRIAN G. G. GRANT BRUCE C. RONALD JAMES GOCE DAVID R. THOMAS JAMES F. SHELLEY KRISTAN J. LAURENCE T. A. JILL L. SHELLEY SYLVAT SUSAN ALLAN R. GAUVIN MARTHA JANE BEVERLEY ABIGAIL B. ALIREZA DAVID NICHOLAS C. BRUCE W. PAUL ANTHONY KEVIN KEITH GORDON Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BARLING BARON BARTHOLOMEW BARZ JULIAN STEPHEN W. SUSAN DOMINIK Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BASSER BASTA BATCHELOR BAXTER BEAMISH HERBERT SAMEH DIANE PETER J. ROBIN B. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BEAUCHEMIN BELLEROSE BENARD BENDENA BENINGER BENNETT DIANE CLAUDE JOHANNE WILLIAM GEORGE RICHARD J. BRIAN MICHAEL Queen's University BERG MAGGIE ANNE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor - Faculty of Law Department Head - Chemical Engineering, Professor - Chemical Engineering Professor - Political Studies, Department Head - Political Studies Professor - Civil Engineering Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - School of Business, Executive Director - School of Business Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Associate Professor - Biology Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Psychology Executive Assistant - Vice-Principal (Advancement) Associate Professor - Art Associate Professor - Philosophy Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Art, Bader Chair - Art Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Political Studies, Department Head - Gender Studies Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor - Philosophy Professor - Faculty of Law Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science University Archivist - Archives Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - School of Policy Studies, Professor - Political Studies, Queen's Research Chair School of Policy Studies Professor - School of Business Professor - Sociology Associate Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - Chemical Engineering, Associate Director (Queen's/Royal Military College Fuel Cell Research Centre) - Fuel Cell Research Centre Professor - School of Religion Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Nurse Practitioner - Family Medicine, Lecturer - School of Nursing Associate Professor - Film and Media Associate Professor - Sociology, Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Department Head - Sociology Professor - Chemistry Director (Planning and Construction) - New Capital Alterations Associate Professor - French Studies Professor - Biology Department Head - Psychology, Professor - Psychiatry, Professor - Psychology Associate Dean (Graduate and Postdoctoral Education) - Faculty of Health Science, Director (Doctor of Medicine/Doctor of Philosophy-Doctor of Medicine/Master's Program) - Faculty of Health Science, Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - English Salary Paid/ Traitement $140,320.54 $148,276.62 $160,644.70 $135,434.34 $155,428.32 $156,546.68 $150,218.32 $177,096.64 $150,155.04 $118,786.64 $143,296.68 $185,078.32 $117,275.04 $105,904.52 $127,869.96 $121,151.54 $167,979.78 $130,146.60 $145,058.22 $154,065.04 $158,494.98 $146,921.68 $152,575.58 $180,350.04 $126,916.68 $128,891.64 $134,968.32 $197,241.62 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $188.14 $280.80 $280.80 $282.54 $280.80 $280.80 $204.30 $280.80 $289.52 $0.00 $200.78 $253.40 $280.80 $158.67 $280.80 $183.20 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $294.98 $209.18 $280.80 $280.80 $316.31 $280.80 $280.80 $247,345.00 $127,553.32 $107,467.50 $124,735.04 $280.80 $178.32 $280.80 $280.80 $147,927.68 $111,822.70 $108,745.58 $144,728.36 $218,565.96 $280.80 $280.80 $286.31 $280.80 $280.80 $156,680.32 $123,930.00 $141,988.36 $137,243.36 $165,261.62 $154,030.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $290.14 $137,265.68 $208.44 Page 67 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille BERGIN BILLING BIRK Given Name/ Prénom JAMES SUZANNE ALBRECHT MICHAEL Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BISSONETTE BLAKE BLOHM GARY J. WILLIAM GUNNAR Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BLOSTEIN BLOSTEIN BOADWAY BOAG BOEGMAN BOGOYAVLENSKIJ BOISSE LOMAX BOLAND BONGIE BOULAY DOROTHEA STEVEN D. ROBIN W. PETER T. LEON OLEG I. LYSA GEORGE CHRIS LAURENCE MARK GUY Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BOWIE BRACHMAN BRADBURY CHRISTOPHER R. RICHARD PENELOPE A. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BRADSHAW BRADSHAW BRADY BRIEN BROCK DAN TOM JO-ANNE MARGARET JAMES F. KATHY L. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BRODT BROHMAN BROOKE BROUWER SUSAN E. KATHRYN JANET M. BRENDA Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BROWER BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWNE BROWSE JACOB ROYCE ANN C. GLENN D. JUDITH ROBERT STANLEY STEPHEN ANN ROGER A. Queen's University Queen's University BRUNO-JOFRE BRYANT ROSA TIMOTHY J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University BU BUCHANAN BUJARA BURFOOT BURGE NAILIN DIANE M. IRENE ANNETTE JANE JOHN DAVID BRYSON Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - Economics Director (Health Counselling and Disability Services) - Student Health Services Head - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - Faculty of Arts and Science, Assistant Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - School of Computing Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor - Economics, David Chadwick Smith Chair in Economics - Economics Professor - Biology Associate Professor - Civil Engineering Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Postdoctoral Fellow - Medicine Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - English Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Psychology Professor - Civil Engineering Physician Coordinator (National Cancer Institute - Clinical Trials Group) - Oncology, Assistant Professor - Oncology Associate Vice-Principal (Faculty Relations) - Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) School Technology Manager - School of Computing Vice-Provost (Planning and Budget) - Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - School of Policy Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $194,091.30 $178,499.96 $161,578.35 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $124,882.08 $186,133.64 $116,864.60 $198.00 $280.80 $280.80 $126,259.16 $165,021.66 $205,948.60 $157,609.84 $116,901.68 $138,093.34 $103,809.52 $123,017.53 $139,370.29 $124,916.82 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $163.62 $280.80 $0.00 $2.01 $186.52 $280.80 $110,090.00 $135,641.64 $195,346.68 $280.80 $190.20 $0.00 $170,000.04 $103,143.16 $188,000.00 $166,583.32 $143,793.32 $238.68 $288.40 $261.36 $280.80 $280.80 Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Business Director - Agnes Etherington Art Centre Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Vice-Provost and Dean of School of Graduate Studies - School of Graduate Studies Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Nursing Associate Professor - Family Medicine, Department Head - Family Medicine Associate Vice-Principal - Advancement Professor - Chemistry Associate Professor - Chemistry Associate Vice-Principal - Campus Services Associate Professor - School of Computing $169,513.36 $192,551.68 $111,210.57 $181,840.06 $280.80 $214.80 $0.00 $280.80 $162,479.96 $143,226.64 $129,999.98 $155,000.04 $195,923.32 $128,375.00 $218,148.00 $145,356.22 $553.73 $280.80 $236.95 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Donald and Joan Mcgeachy Chair Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Head - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Nursing Director - Human Rights Office Professor - Sociology Professor - School of Music $193,888.36 $159,955.00 $270.36 $224.42 $148,955.27 $145,738.30 $127,844.29 $142,613.18 $157,139.74 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $296.47 $280.80 Page 68 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille BURKE BURNEY CAMERON CANN CANNON CARMICHAEL Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University CARON CARRAN CARRINGTON CARSE CARSON CARSON CARSTENS CARTLEDGE CAVANAGH CHAMBERLAIN CHAMPAGNE CHAN CHAN CHAPMAN CHARLESWORTH CHAYKOWSKI CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHENG CHIN CHIN-SANG CHIPPINDALE CHITTENDEN Given Name/ Prénom FRANCIS MARTIN SHEHLA LAURA J. NATALIE WILLIAM T. HUGH ALEXANDER LORNE CAROLINE-ISABELLE JOHN TUCKER JAMES W. JAMES T. SCOTT A. ERIC B. JOHN CHARLES GLEN DANIEL FRANK PASCALE WAI YIP GEOFFREY YOLANDE E. JUDY-ANNE W. SUSAN E. RICHARD PAUL BINGSHU CHIALIN DONGMEI MARK CHIAPING LIYING PETER M. K. IAN ADAM MICHELE Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University CHIVERS CHRISTIE CICCARELLI CLAPHAM MEREDITH CATHERINE E. GABRIEL LYNANN Queen's University CLAUS DANIELLE Queen's University CLEARY SEAN W. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University CLINE COCKFIELD COLE CHERYL ARTHUR J. SUSAN P. C. Queen's University Queen's University COLGAN COLIVICCHI LYNDA E. FABIO Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - Film and Media Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Geography, Associate Professor - Geography Queen's National Scholar - Chemistry, Department Head - Chemistry Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - Economics Associate Professor - History Assistant Professor - Chemistry Professor - Chemistry, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Chemistry Director (Project Portfolio Office) - Information Technology Services Professor - History, Department Head - History, Director - Jewish Studies Professor - School of Business, Director (The Monieson Centre) - School of Business Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Executive Director School of Business Marketing and Communications - School of Business Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Civil Engineering, Associate Professor - Civil Engineering Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Senior Review Counsel - Faculty of Law Professor - School of Policy Studies Assistant Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Geography Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Faculty of Education, Associate Dean - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Biology Associate Professor - Biology Associate Librarian - Disability Services, Coordinator (Special Readers' Services) - Disability Services Assistant Professor - Psychology, Queen's National Scholar - Psychology Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Dean (Academic) - Engineering and Applied Science, Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Executive Director (Planning and Institutional Relations Southeastern Ontario Academic Medical Organization) - Southeastern Ontario Academic Medical Organization Professor - School of Business, Director (Masters of Management In Finance) - School of Business Assistant Professor - Medicine Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Bracken Chair in Genetics and Molecular Medicine - Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Deputy Provost - Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Classics Salary Paid/ Traitement $137,253.32 $111,904.70 $119,219.96 $130,495.02 $152,863.36 $160,403.36 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $297.12 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $117,967.44 $100,292.90 $152,315.00 $139,421.80 $152,506.62 $266,267.80 $145,808.32 $182,921.66 $201,902.84 $148,644.85 $134,978.32 $140,679.22 $177,946.92 $132,994.96 $134,696.18 $191,331.29 $112,210.00 $149,783.74 $117,309.20 $127,796.90 $139,611.64 $138,908.30 $133,511.68 $131,076.68 $101,845.18 $280.80 $0.00 $209.16 $280.80 $257.40 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $277.94 $293.94 $280.80 $213.42 $280.80 $186.74 $0.00 $201.52 $157.26 $280.80 $280.80 $193.74 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $281.06 $284.05 $104,703.34 $113,164.36 $143,030.00 $152,088.36 $280.80 $93.60 $192.42 $280.80 $147,899.96 $280.80 $371,647.33 $280.80 $114,418.36 $176,491.64 $220,411.72 $280.80 $233.82 $280.80 $123,912.50 $106,245.04 $0.00 $280.80 Page 69 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille COLLINS CONACHER CONAGHAN CONDRA Given Name/ Prénom JEFFREY AGNES M. CATHERINE M. MICHAEL ST. JOHN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University CONWAY COOPER CORBETT CORDY COSTIGAN COTE COTE CHRIS WILLIAM H. STANLEY M. JAMES R. PATRICK A. GRAHAM P. JEAN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University COULTER COURCHENE COURTEAU COWIN COX COZZI CRABB CRAIG CRAIG CRAIG CRAWFORD CREE CROSS CROY CHRISTINE THOMAS JOSEPH STEPHANE DONALD E. WAYNE S. MARCO DAVID T. ANDREW WILLIAM GORDON R. WENDY M. ROBERT G. DUNCAN BARRY ANNE Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University CRUDDEN CRUSH CSERGO CULHAM CUMMING CUNNINGHAM CURRARINO DA SILVA DACIN DACIN CATHLEEN JONATHAN SCOTT ZSUZSA ELSIE G. BRIAN FRASER MICHAEL ROSANNE ANA MARIA A. F. PETER TINA Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DAL CIN DALRYMPLE DANBY DANCEY DANESHMEND LESLIE M. ROBERT W. RYAN JANET LAEEQUE K. Queen's University DARLING MICHAEL Queen's University Queen's University DAUGULIS DAVEY ANDREW J. SCOTT Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor - History Associate Professor - French Studies Professor - Political Studies Director (Health Counselling and Disability Services) - Disability Services, Assistant Professor Psychology Director - Planning and Budgeting Professor - School of Business Associate Dean (Academic) - Faculty of Law, Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - School of Computing Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Director - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Assistant Professor - School of Business Jarislowsky-Deutsch Professor - Economics Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Director (Human Resources Information Systems and Payroll Services) - Human Resources Associate Professor - Political Studies Assistant Professor - Economics Project Controller - Campus Services Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - School of Music Professor - Psychology Professor - School of Computing Assistant Professor - Civil Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Business, Lecturer - School of Business Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Chemistry Professor - Global Development Studies Associate Professor - Political Studies Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Professor - Biology, Director - Environmental Studies Professor - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - History Professor - Civil Engineering Professor - School of Business Professor - School of Business, Director (Centre for Responsible Leadership) - School of Business Director (Athletics and Recreation) - Athletics and Recreation Centre Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Assistant Professor - Geography, Assistant Professor - Environmental Studies Professor - Oncology Noranda Falconbridge Chair - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Department Head Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Director (Queen's Accelerated Masters of Business Administration) - School of Business, Lecturer - School of Business Professor - Chemical Engineering, Queen's Research Chair - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Salary Paid/ Traitement $110,076.84 $108,841.68 $150,559.53 $151,196.32 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $280.80 $199.62 $202.02 $160,747.88 $165,309.96 $134,850.71 $173,475.04 $130,550.61 $145,758.36 $167,988.32 $280.80 $280.80 $27.58 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $103,257.52 $100,248.34 $127,886.68 $130,126.50 $106,870.18 $130,818.32 $122,217.41 $125,606.68 $166,712.48 $141,874.30 $200,925.04 $104,996.64 $138,211.52 $176,538.30 $114.86 $93.60 $179.04 $280.80 $134.76 $0.00 $169.20 $0.00 $131.91 $214.97 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $133,454.96 $103,647.13 $115,503.32 $150,062.68 $149,105.96 $153,091.64 $108,374.96 $131,937.78 $195,418.38 $393,640.32 $183.92 $280.80 $280.80 $213.16 $280.80 $289.71 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $135,820.32 $144,687.70 $102,518.64 $298,749.96 $160,626.68 $257.40 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $159,688.35 $280.80 $164,001.68 $131,480.00 $280.80 $280.80 Page 70 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille DAVIDSON DAVIDSON DAVIDSON DAVIES Given Name/ Prénom JEFFREY JOYCE THOMAS MAXWELL PETER L. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DAVIS DAVIS DAWES DAY DAY ALFRED H. R. CAROLINE ROBIN W. RICHARD J. F. TROY Queen's University DAYMOND MARK R. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DE BETTIGNIES DE SOUZA DEAN DEBNAM DEELEY JEAN-ETIENNE EULER MAGNO THOMAS R. HELENA ROGER GRAHAM Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DEIR D'ELIA D'ELIA DELUZIO DEN OTTER DENNISTON-STEWART DESHPANDE DETOMASI DHAVERNAS DI STEFANO DIAK DICKEY DICKSON DIEDERICHS DIGNAM DIMITROV DING DING DINGEL DIXON DOCOSLIS ELSPETH ANTHONY FRANCIS UNA KEVIN SANDRA ROXY NANDINI DAVID CATHERINE D. MARIE PHILIPPE BRADLEY J. STEPHANIE BARBARA MARK STEPHEN MARC IVAN K. KEYUE WEILI JUERGEN U. JOHN M. ARISTIDES Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DOHERTY DONALD DORRIS MARIE BETSY J. MICHAEL C. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DOVE DRINGENBERG DRURY DAVID A. HANS C. DIANA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Associate Professor - Geography Assistant Professor - School of Music Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - School of Business Vice-Principal - Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) Associate Professor - School of Computing Associate Professor - Sociology Professor - Mathematics and Statistics, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Executive Director (Marketing and Communications) - Advancement Professor, Pathology & Molecular Medicine/Director (Cancer Research Institute), Faculty of Health Science/Vice-Dean (Research & Research Development), Faculty of Health Science, Joseph Stauffer Chair/Director Cancer Research - Faculty of Health Science Assistant Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - History Associate Professor - Art Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Dean - School of Graduate Studies, Associate Professor - History Associate Dean - Student Affairs Assistant Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - French Studies, Head - French Studies Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - Art, Bader Chair in Northern Baroque Art - Art Director (Custom Programs Queen's Executive Decisions Center) - School of Business Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics, Associate Head - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Associate Professor - School of Policy Studies Associate Professor - School of Computing Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Associate Professor - Chemical Engineering Associate Director (Faculty Relations) - Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Associate Professor - Geography Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Associate Professor Biomedical and Molecular Science Digital Systems Manager - School of Computing, Lecturer - School of Computing Professor - Psychology Director Team and Personal Coaching Program - School of Business Salary Paid/ Traitement $152,530.00 $118,758.32 $133,350.63 $187,629.94 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $166.32 $288.03 $280.80 $144,290.04 $250,765.11 $142,198.36 $129,259.14 $145,138.36 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $202.90 $144,676.76 $199.38 $181,860.04 $141,741.64 $146,986.66 $148,344.82 $158,530.04 $404.09 $280.80 $280.80 $311.55 $280.80 $133,398.36 $123,630.06 $122,063.23 $130,230.26 $135,968.34 $152,492.88 $106,618.36 $156,171.60 $124,901.60 $123,610.64 $130,723.36 $125,730.17 $172,414.90 $137,983.32 $140,862.15 $120,220.00 $123,589.96 $134,705.04 $143,124.96 $214,574.91 $126,542.70 $4.32 $162.12 $0.00 $403.40 $284.70 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $183.20 $188.86 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $117,755.77 $113,368.58 $122,335.04 $280.80 $172.02 $0.00 $115,795.24 $122,538.36 $135,075.34 $139.70 $280.80 $161.52 Page 71 of/de 311 Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille DUBEY Given Name/ Prénom SHAILESH Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University DUBINSKY DUFFIN DUFRAIMONT DUFRESNE DUMAS DUMONT DUNCAN EASTEAL ECKERT EDGAR EDGE EDGECOMBE EGNATOFF EISENHAUER ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIS EPPRECHT EVANS FABRIGAR FACHINGER FALKNER FAM FANNING FARRELLY FEILOTTER FEKKEN FERGUS FERGUSON FERRALL FICHTINGER FILION FISHER FISHER FISK FITNEVA FLANAGAN FLANAGAN FLYNN FOLEY FORT FRANK KAREN JACALYN MARY LISA MONIQUE GENEVIEVE A. ERIC C. MARTIN JAMES RONALD ALBERT CHRISTOPHER G. DAVID ROSS DANA S. KENNETH ERIC WILLIAM ELIZABETH ANN BRUCE E. STEPHEN R. RANDY EVAN MARC P. ANDREW LEANDRE R. PETRA CAROLINE AMIR Z. CHRISTOPHER J. COLIN HARRIET ESTHER G. CYNTHIA STEVENSON ALASTAIR V. CHRISTOPHER GABOR YVES JOHN THOMAS JUDITH GLENDA STANKA RANDALL J. WILLIAM F. LAUREN ANNE MARTHE TIM W. BRIAN MATTHEW Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University FRASER FREDERICKSON FREEDMAN JAMES KAREN DAVID Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Lecturer - School of Business, Director (Queen's - Cornell Executive Masters of Business Administration) - School of Business, Academic Director (Masters of Global Management) School of Business Professor - History Hannah Chair - Medicine, Professor - Faculty of Health Science Associate Professor - Faculty of Law Associate Professor - French Studies Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Biology Associate Dean (Finance and Administration) - Faculty of Health Science Associate Professor - School of Nursing Executive Director - High Performance Computing Virtual Laboratory Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - Oncology, Department Head - Oncology Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Dean - Faculty of Education, Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - School of Computing, Queen's Research Chair - School of Computing Professor - Global Development Studies, Department Head - Global Development Studies Professor - Chemistry, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Chemistry Associate Professor - Psychology Professor - English Associate Professor - Classics Professor - Civil Engineering, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Civil Engineering Associate Professor - English Professor - Political Studies Associate Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Professor - Psychology, Associate Vice-Principal - Vice-Principal (Research) Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Economics Professor - School of Computing Assistant Professor - Civil Engineering Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Director (Research) - Faculty of Health Science Associate Professor - Drama Associate Professor - School of Policy Studies Associate Professor - Psychology Professor - Psychology Dean - Faculty of Law, Professor - Faculty of Law, Networking Support - Faculty of Law Assistant Professor - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - Classics, Department Head - Classics Professor - Drama Director (Program Development) - Engineering and Applied Science, Associate Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dupont Canada Chair - Engineering and Applied Science Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - School of Music Associate Professor - Faculty of Law Salary Paid/ Traitement $229,714.61 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $109,271.17 $165,203.48 $133,062.04 $136,268.32 $144,139.18 $119,101.76 $163,753.36 $141,413.32 $132,690.04 $204,850.88 $140,375.00 $139,934.62 $137,973.32 $267,641.68 $153,584.96 $167,099.96 $142,047.72 $136,560.02 $109,999.98 $131,016.68 $133,218.53 $122,183.82 $143,073.32 $119,021.00 $141,681.67 $165,793.78 $163,811.54 $108,219.96 $184,354.96 $157,673.32 $147,580.00 $122,196.68 $170,115.00 $111,153.04 $132,003.36 $112,798.32 $140,889.96 $231,621.42 $108,811.68 $138,739.96 $154,555.06 $155,186.90 $295.96 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $1.42 $186.02 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $117.00 $183.20 $293.04 $280.80 $0.00 $160.06 $280.80 $209.16 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $221.16 $280.80 $167.82 $280.80 $280.80 $185.34 $280.80 $280.80 $1,280.80 $152.28 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $120,491.68 $136,025.40 $146,501.64 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 Page 72 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille FREEMAN FREUNDORFER FRIESEN FUNK Given Name/ Prénom JOHN ALOIS PETER VICTORIA L. COLIN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University GAGNON GALLUPE GAO GARNIER LOUIS R. BRENT JUN LORI Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University GARTSHORE GARVIE GAUDET GAZOR GEE GEE GIBSON GIRGRAH GLASGOW GODDARD GODIN GODLEWSKA GOEBEL GOERZEN GOLDBERG GOODING DONELDA KATHERINE DEVON ANNE KATHLEEN LYNNE SAEED KATRINA LAURIE D. MARY ELIZABETH ARIG JANICE I. ROBERT F. LAURENT ANNE MARIE CLAIRE ALLISON ANTHONY ELLEN ROBERT JAMES Queen's University Queen's University GOODSPEED GORDON SHANNON C. DAVID L. A. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University GRAHAM GRAHAM GREAVES GREEN GREEN GREENFIELD GREENSPAN GREER GREGORY GRIFFITH GRIFFITHS GROGAN GROLL GROOME CHARLES H. T. C. NICHOLAS SUSAN LYNDSAY MARK F. RICHARD P. H. MICHAEL PETER ALLAN WALTER DREW R. BRUCE PAUL DIANNE L. PATRICIA A. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University GRUER GUAY HAGLUND HAKLAI RUTH MARTIN DAVID G. ODED Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor - Biology Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - School of Business Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Director of Operations (Commerce Program) - School of Business, Lecturer - School of Business Assistant Professor - School of Music Associate Professor - Economics Coordinator (Payroll Services) - Human Resources Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Director (Total Compensation) - Human Resources Research and Instruction Librarian - Stauffer Library Assistant Dean (Diversity, Community Development and Residence Life) - Residences Professor - School of Computing Staff Lawyer - Faculty of Law Associate Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Professor - Geography Queen's National Scholar in Ethics and Human Values - Environmental Studies Professor - School of Business, Sobey Professorship - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Religion National Sciences and Engineering Research Council University Research Fellow - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Executive Director (Commerce Program) - School of Business Professor - School of Urban and Regional Planning, Director - School of Urban and Regional Planning Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - School of Computing Geographic Information System/Map Librarian - Stauffer Library Director of Audit Services - Audit Services Professor - Civil Engineering, Associate Head - Civil Engineering Professor - History Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering, Head - Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Professor - Economics Professor - Classics Executive Director - Residences Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Biology, Associate Professor - Biology Assistant Professor - Psychiatry Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Community Health and Epidemiology Manager (Career Services Graduate and Alumni Programs) - School of Business Professor - Chemical Engineering Professor - Political Studies Associate Professor - Political Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $134,486.64 $161,076.64 $135,835.00 $185,218.32 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $280.80 $187.40 $280.80 $180,666.64 $227,350.82 $129,416.88 $101,482.89 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $236.78 $134,621.35 $140,833.14 $112,747.80 $142,139.64 $113,193.32 $131,262.07 $114,143.32 $116,824.83 $165,380.04 $104,443.04 $130,284.96 $144,661.63 $128,902.04 $266,984.98 $118,733.32 $139,940.00 $273.78 $197.32 $190.40 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $160.06 $178.42 $280.80 $0.00 $283.52 $280.80 $170.86 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $134,257.50 $149,496.66 $186.99 $280.80 $154,058.10 $150,431.64 $106,986.64 $135,600.82 $155,933.32 $139,895.00 $194,876.66 $147,819.64 $159,521.98 $143,123.36 $129,012.66 $137,086.64 $114,174.98 $130,918.36 $225.44 $207.78 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $110,073.87 $136,615.94 $165,738.36 $116,778.32 $275.50 $280.80 $280.80 $292.30 Page 73 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille HAND HANDELMAN HANES Given Name/ Prénom MARTIN J. JAY DAVID ALAN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University HANES HANSON HANSON HARKNESS HARLAND HARRIS HARRISON HARRISON JOHN A. ELIZABETH LYNNE P. KATHRYN LESLIE CATHERINE R. THOMAS JAMES ALAN J. ALLYSON G. Queen's University Queen's University HARRISON HARRISON MARGARET B. PETER Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University HARRISON HARTWICK HASHTRUDI-ZAAD HASSAN HASSANEIN HEAD HEALEY HEELER HELLAND HEPBURN HESP HEWITT HICKEY HIEBERT HILL HILL HILL HIRD HODSON HOENIGER HOLDEN HOLMES HOOPER HOPKINS-ROSSEEL HORNSBY HORTON HOSEK HOULT HRYCUK MEKARSKI HUGHES HUNT HUNTER HUSAIN STEPHEN J. JOHN M. KEYVAN AHMED E. HOSSAM S. ALLEN C. ROGER F. MARK JANICE JEANETTE SIMON THOMAS ROBERT SEAN JANET ANN MARIE BRUCE CHARLES EMILY M. MYRA J. PETER V. CATHLEEN SARA RONALD R. JOHN ANDY S. DIANA STEPHEN J. HUGH JENNIFER NEIL JULIANNA STEPHEN STEPHEN DUNCAN JAMES W. ADNAN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor - Sociology Associate Professor - School of Business, Associate Dean (Research) - School of Business Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Department Head - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Professor - English Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Psychology Associate Professor - English Professor - Chemical Engineering, Vice-Principal - Vice-Principal (Advancement) Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic), Professor - Economics Clinical Supervisor - Psychology, Clinical Director (Regional Assessment and Resource Centre) - Regional Assessment and Resource Centre Professor - School of Nursing Professor - School of Policy Studies, Director and Stauffer-Dunning Chair - School of Policy Studies Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Economics Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor - School of Computing Professor - School of Computing Professor - Economics Data Exchange Coordinator - Planning and Budgeting Executive Director - Principal's Office Professor - Gender Studies, Professor - Art, Department Head - Art Executive Director - School of Business Professor - Chemistry Chief Development Officer - Advancement Assistant Professor - School of Policy Studies Professor - Political Studies Professor - Faculty of Education Queen's National Scholar and Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - History Professor - Environmental Studies Professor - Biology Professor - Art Professor - Psychology Professor - Geography Manager (Data Networks/Technical Services) - Information Technology Services Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Executive Director (Advancement Services) - Advancement Professor - Chemistry, Associate Dean - Faculty of Arts and Science Associate Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures Assistant Professor - Civil Engineering Director (Client Services) - Human Resources Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Director (Information Technology) - Engineering and Applied Science Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Associate Professor - History Salary Paid/ Traitement $118,136.32 $270,106.31 $173,996.66 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $152.51 $273.78 $291.05 $141,930.04 $136,304.15 $100,779.68 $131,326.68 $115,207.14 $256,508.36 $300,000.00 $117,490.40 $199.38 $280.80 $0.00 $180.36 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $148,036.68 $175,813.96 $207.78 $280.80 $144,888.32 $155,826.68 $144,046.64 $138,248.36 $158,838.32 $161,568.32 $104,429.32 $126,733.87 $152,754.94 $143,333.34 $133,646.68 $206,999.96 $179,601.68 $151,985.02 $146,515.00 $141,975.04 $115,783.36 $124,999.62 $172,500.02 $134,949.96 $151,331.41 $117,789.36 $127,696.86 $132,636.64 $134,013.68 $130,406.64 $110,051.32 $111,876.64 $130,746.70 $135,228.32 $101,699.95 $129,505.00 $116,966.64 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $226.74 $309.01 $280.80 $281.20 $277.06 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $168.76 $280.80 $280.80 $189.54 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $186.02 $185.38 $0.00 $2,971.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $285.22 $178.38 $280.80 Page 74 of/de 311 Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille HUTCHINSON Given Name/ Prénom JEAN D. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON IBNKAHLA IMAI INKEL ISCOE IVUS JACOBSON JAIN NANCY LYNN ROBIN A. MOHAMED SUSUMU STEPHANE STEVEN D. OLENA JILL A. PRAVEEN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University JAINCHILL JAMES JAMIESON JAMIESON JANIEC JANSSEN ANDREW NOEL PATTISON HEATHER E. MARGARET A. DONNA IAN MICHAEL Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University JARRELL JEFREMOVAS JENKIN JERKIEWICZ JESSOP JESSUP JESWIET JI KENNETH F. J. VILLIA TRACY GREGORY PHILIP LYNDA LEE JACOB LI-JUN Queen's University JIA ZONGCHAO Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University JIANG JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSRUDE JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOLLY JONES JONES JONES JUNIPER WENYU ANA P. LEWIS D. INGRID AYNNE JAMES SCOTT ROSEMARY J. GLENVILLE JESSICA MARK CONRAD PAUL Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University KAHANA KAN KANI KARTON KATSABANIS TSVI FREDERICK W. K. ERNST JADRAN JOSHUA PANAGIOTIS D. Queen's University KATZ LARISSA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Department Head - Geological Science and Geological Engineering, Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - Chemical Engineering, Associate Head - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor - Economics Associate Professor - French Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Psychology Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Electrical and Computer Engineering, Director (Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research) Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor - History Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Associate Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Associate Vice-Principal - Financial Services Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - Global Development Studies Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Chemistry Professor - Chemistry, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Chemistry Professor - Art Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - Psychology Salary Paid/ Traitement $147,249.95 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $141,003.20 $151,437.82 $142,988.32 $144,404.96 $104,817.65 $147,356.68 $142,003.32 $120,600.04 $178,861.34 $197.96 $0.00 $200.78 $280.80 $273.78 $280.80 $685.34 $165.66 $280.80 $102,488.32 $173,903.32 $130,604.08 $147,372.17 $188,000.04 $121,571.68 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $167.10 $151,605.00 $101,548.96 $100,351.18 $131,855.04 $146,596.66 $136,329.91 $149,788.36 $113,011.64 $280.80 $280.80 $140.40 $185.34 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Psychology, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Psychology Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - English Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - Psychiatry Professor - English Director - Industrial Relations Centre $192,649.96 $270.30 $109,313.29 $121,921.64 $157,685.04 $141,458.34 $100,191.16 $109,728.32 $125,463.48 $172,246.62 $123,411.66 $131,523.98 $189,257.83 $150.30 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $120.48 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $168.92 $280.80 $280.80 Associate Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Associate Head - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Associate Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Associate Professor - Faculty of Law $132,148.32 $148,231.68 $142,778.32 $125,290.64 $151,726.62 $0.00 $280.80 $200.06 $0.00 $280.80 $137,591.64 $280.80 Page 75 of/de 311 Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille KAUFMAN Given Name/ Prénom AMY J. Queen's University Queen's University KAVANAGH KAWAJA BERNARD J. MICHAEL D. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University KAY KEAY KELEBEK KELLEY KELLY KIBBINS KIM KIM KING FIONA M. IAN SADAN ELIZABETH ANNE DIANE GARY IL YONG IL-MIN SAMANTHA J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University KING KING KING-VAN VLACK KIRBY KISILEVSKY KISSICK KLEMPAN KLINGER KNIGHT KNOBEL KNUTSEN KO SHELLEY M. WILL D. CHERYL ELIZABETH JOHN ROBERT BARBARA S. PETER W. BARBARA S. DON ALBERT DEBORAH ROBERT G. ERIK S. KENTON Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University KOBAYASHI KOEPPL KOLSARICI KONTOPOULOU KORENBERG KORINCE KOZIN KRSTIC KRULL KRUPA KUEPER KUHLMEIER KUMAR KYMLICKA KYSER LABARGE LAFOREST LAFRENIERE LAHEY LAI LAKE AUDREY THORSTEN VOLKER CEREN MARIANNA MICHAEL JOHN IGOR VLADIMIR CATHERINE TERRY BERNARD H. VALERIE ANN RAHUL WILL KURTIS T. MONICA RACHEL MELISSA J. KATHLEEN ANN YONGJUN KAYLL W. Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Assistant Librarian - William R. Lederman Library, Head (Law Library) - William R. Lederman Library Associate Professor - Classics Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Co-Director Accelerated Route to Medical School - Faculty of Health Sciences, Associate Dean (Life Sciences & Biochemistry) - Life Sciences Program Professor - Sociology Associate Professor - Economics Associate Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Associate Professor - Psychology Legal Counsel - Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) Associate Professor - Film and Media Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Associate Director - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $102,849.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $143.94 $120,166.68 $153,610.08 $280.80 $4.30 $146,231.90 $149,755.04 $140,799.96 $107,746.68 $178,500.00 $134,392.98 $130,818.36 $142,831.68 $131,183.36 $186.74 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 Professor - English Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Associate Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Professor - Faculty of Education Professor - School of Nursing Instructor - School of Business Associate Professor - Art Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Philosophy Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Biology $132,888.32 $131,336.64 $141,028.32 $144,537.10 $138,883.98 $157,941.32 $121,457.40 $138,663.48 $119,854.80 $125,261.64 $103,693.49 $146,293.00 $186.50 $183.94 $197.24 $0.00 $175.98 $157.94 $183.94 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 Professor - Geography Associate Professor - Economics Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Chemical Engineering Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Utilities Manager - Utilities Associate Professor - Chemistry Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Sociology, Associate Dean - Faculty of Arts and Science Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Professor - Civil Engineering Associate Professor - Psychology, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Psychology Queen's National Scholar - Philosophy Professor - Philosophy, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Philosophy Queen's National Scholar and Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Policy Studies Associate Professor - Geography Professor - Faculty of Law Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy $144,846.48 $159,955.00 $150,101.64 $135,436.66 $149,700.04 $102,444.39 $126,365.04 $150,753.32 $152,187.56 $149,878.36 $154,419.91 $119,369.96 $121,498.38 $160,330.80 $176,076.68 $164,918.98 $112,751.68 $112,394.96 $159,593.32 $120,161.64 $155,048.32 $219.78 $280.80 $780.80 $183.20 $0.00 $286.07 $280.80 $212.02 $285.92 $285.03 $280.80 $167.04 $183.04 $280.80 $247.08 $732.85 $280.80 $280.80 $294.02 $280.80 $280.80 Page 76 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille LAM LAMB LAMB LAMOUREUX LANGHAM LAPHAM LATIMER Given Name/ Prénom LINDA F. MARIANNE W. ROBERTA KAY SCOTT DAN BEVERLY JEAN AMY E. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University LAVERTY LAWRENCE LAYCOCK LAYTON-MATTHEWS LAZARUS LEBLANC CORINNE YVONNE DIANE M. HENRY DANIEL JOHN S. ERIC J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University LEE LEE LEE ELIZABETH A. GORDON JAMES K. W. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University LEFEBVRE LEGER LEGRESLEY LEHOUX LEHRER LEIGHTON LEMIEUX LESSARD LESSLIE LEVESQUE LEVESQUE LEVIN DANIEL DENIS ANDREW B. PATRICK J. DARYN R. STEVEN F. STEPHEN ROBERT ROBERT P. GREGORY J. JAMES I. LINDA LUCIE Y. YURI G. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University LEVINA LEVINE-RASKY LEVIT LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LI LI LILIUS LIN LINDER LINDSAY LISS LISTER LITRICO LITTLE LIU TATSIANA CYNTHIA B. BORIS ANDREW D. FRANK D. MAGDA QINGGUO XIANG JACOBA M. CHUNFANG DEVON TAMAS RODERICK C. L. STEVEN N. ANDREW D. JEAN-BAPTISTE MARGARET J. H. GUOJUN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director (Finance and Administration) - School of Graduate Studies Professor - School of Nursing Associate Professor - School of Music Associate Professor - Geography Director - Environmental Health and Safety Professor - Economics Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Librarian - Education Library, Head (Education Library) - Education Library Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Philosophy Associate Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Associate Professor - Drama Director (Accreditations and Special Projects) - School of Business, Lecturer - School of Business Associate Professor - Faculty of Education Treasurer - Financial Services Queen's National Scholar - Geological Science and Geological Engineering, Vice-Provost (International) - Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Associate Professor - Biology Associate Professor - Centre For Teaching and Learning Associate Director (Finance) - School of Business Professor - Classics, Queen's National Scholar - Classics Associate Professor - School of Policy Studies Professor - Philosophy Professor - Chemistry Professor - French Studies Manager (Departmental Development) - Information Technology Services Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - School of Business, Director (Masters of Management Analytics) - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Sociology Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Economics Professor - Faculty of Education Assistant Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Assistant Professor - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - School of Policy Studies Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Psychology, Queen's Research Chair - Psychology Vice-Principal - Vice-Principal (Research), Professor - Environmental Studies Associate Professor - Political Studies Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Gender Studies, Professor - Political Studies Professor - Chemistry, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Chemistry Salary Paid/ Traitement $104,923.36 $112,875.00 $128,656.46 $131,129.96 $106,565.31 $161,080.04 $111,856.68 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $113.70 $189.54 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $156.58 $123,863.32 $109,486.32 $136,231.80 $117,731.64 $131,475.90 $148,878.43 $287.93 $0.00 $0.00 $289.33 $0.00 $279.46 $126,236.78 $135,150.04 $174,781.62 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $134,795.04 $117,753.36 $104,728.49 $119,234.84 $137,163.32 $122,743.50 $153,599.16 $176,636.77 $127,708.12 $121,166.68 $121,623.98 $236,220.18 $280.80 $284.22 $121.27 $0.00 $0.00 $186.72 $286.95 $257.40 $290.11 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $178,681.08 $114,345.00 $151,361.64 $136,013.32 $148,645.44 $139,696.64 $121,026.64 $100,656.68 $129,740.78 $103,608.32 $150,251.68 $151,774.85 $272,508.24 $112,598.32 $149,613.32 $138,703.67 $143,673.32 $280.80 $0.00 $207.78 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $780.80 $0.00 $280.80 Page 77 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille LIU LLOYD-ELLIS LOCK LOCKWOOD LOMAX LOOCK LORD LOUGHEED LOVELL LUCE-KAPLER Given Name/ Prénom YAN-FEI HUW FREDERICK PETER GEOFFREY R. ALAN E. G. HANS-PETER SUSAN R. STEPHEN C. W. GEORGE REBECCA J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University LYON LYSAGHT MABEE DAVID ROSEMARY M. WARREN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MACARTNEY MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDOUGALL MACEACHREN MACKENZIE MACKEY MACKINNON DONAL H. ELEANOR M. EOIN HEATHER L. TARA K. COLIN C. ELIZABETH LESLIE W. CLARKE W. JAMES G. Queen's University Queen's University MACLEAN MACLEOD ALISTAIR W. JOHN R. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MADY MAGOSKI MAH MAJUMDAR MAK MALLON MALYSHKO MANJIKIAN MANLEY MANLEY MANSON MANSOURI MARANDA MARCHANT MARLIN MARSHALL MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARVIN JANICE E. NEIL STEPHEN HAROLD EVERETT SUMON ALAN JENNIFER LYNNE OLGA E. NARAIG PAUL N. REBECCA L. ALLAN S. ABDOL-REZA SUZANNE BRIAN M. SUSAN M. JOSHUA A. NANCY L. PATRICK T. PAUL R. CLARA K. Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering $160,140.04 Professor - Economics $166,443.32 Professor - English $160,591.05 Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy $152,688.32 Associate Professor - Medicine, Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science $125,953.34 Professor - Chemistry $106,204.68 Associate Professor - Film and Media, Department Head - Film and Media $119,866.30 Professor - Biology, Director (Queen's Biology Station) - Biology $137,860.00 Professor - Geography $150,023.32 Professor - Faculty of Education, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies and Research) - Faculty of $140,336.60 Education Professor - Sociology $161,839.59 Associate Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy $120,916.68 Assistant Professor - School of Policy Studies, Assistant Professor - Geography, Assistant $113,826.64 Professor - Environmental Studies Professor - Chemistry $145,787.14 Associate Professor - Political Studies $126,793.30 Director (Strategic Procurement Services) - Strategic Procurement Services $114,739.29 Director (Campaign) - Advancement $102,222.34 Associate Professor - Psychology $129,356.68 Associate Professor - Civil Engineering $121,901.68 Associate Professor - Faculty of Education $121,215.04 Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science $132,619.96 Associate Professor - Film and Media, Department Head - Film and Media $131,532.24 Department Head - Economics, Professor - Economics, Sir Edward Peacock Professor $227,406.60 Economics Dean - Faculty of Arts and Science, Professor - Psychology $210,646.72 Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Associate Professor $126,156.66 Biomedical and Molecular Science Director (Innovation Park and Industry Partnerships) - Industry Partnerships $108,239.27 Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science $127,206.64 Professor - History $142,907.21 Associate Professor - Economics $146,675.00 Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science $153,524.96 Assistant Director (Research Accounting) - Financial Services $102,222.34 Associate Professor - School of Music $121,067.26 Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering $144,841.68 Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine $140,442.96 Associate Professor - History $108,850.04 Professor - Faculty of Law $149,832.46 Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics $137,852.32 Librarian - Bracken Library, Head (Health Sciences Library) - Bracken Library $128,644.94 Director Business Career Centre - School of Business $142,800.04 Associate Vice-Principal - Vice-Principal (Research) $130,053.99 Assistant Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining $118,398.32 Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science $130,585.00 Professor - School of Computing $165,866.68 Assistant Professor - Biology $115,163.36 Associate Professor - School of Music $114,046.68 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $212.74 $287.07 $280.80 $208.90 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $169.20 $280.80 $0.00 $206.32 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $169.90 $280.80 $207.31 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $202.18 $280.80 $143.95 $280.80 $202.86 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $287.72 $290.32 $280.80 $2.62 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $159.32 Page 78 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille MASSEY MATOVIC MATRIX MAURICE Given Name/ Prénom THOMAS E. MIODRAG DARKO SIDNEY EVE DONALD H. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MCAULEY MCCARTHY MCCAUGHERTY KIMBERLEY B. BETH LOUISE DARREN J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MCCOLL MCCONOMY MCCORMACK MCDERMID MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDUFF MCFARLANE MCGARRY MARY ANN H. DAVID NANCY C. LESLIE L. ARTHUR B. DAVID A. JOAN E. KEN M. JOHN F. Queen's University Queen's University MCGILL MCGRATH JEFFREY I. MICHAEL M. J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MCHENRY MCINNIS MCKAY MCKEEN MCKEEN MCKEGNEY PATTY KARINA F. IAN G. CAROL A. JAMES D. SAM WALTER Queen's University MCKINNON STEPHEN D. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MCLEAN MCLELLAN MCMILLAN MCNAIRN MCTAVISH MECHEFSKE MEDVES MELIGRANA MENARD MENNELL MERCIER ALASTAIR B. P. JAMES JANE E. JEFFREY L. DAVID J. CHRISTOPHER K. JENNIFER MARY JOHN F. JANET L. JAN D. ADELE Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University METCALF MEWHORT MEYER CHERIE M. DOUGLAS RALPH M. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MIGHTY MILEV MILLAN MILLER JOY E. ROUMEN V. STEVEN N. JAMES E. Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - Film and Media Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Director (Cardiac, Circulatory and Respiratory Research Program) - Faculty of Health Science Professor - Chemical Engineering Director of Development (Faculty of Arts and Science) - Advancement Director of Operations (Executive Masters of Business Administration Programs) - School of Business, Lecturer - School of Business Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Faculty of Law, Law Librarian - William R. Lederman Library Director (Advancement Technology Services) - Advancement Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Professor - Global Development Studies Instructor - Faculty of Education Chief Design Engineer - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Professor - Political Studies, Canada Research Chair (Nationalism and Democracy) - Political Studies Professor - School of Business Department Head - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Principal Gifts Officer - Advancement Director - Office of Research Services Professor - History Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - English Salary Paid/ Traitement $166,265.02 $139,248.00 $133,765.32 $150,781.72 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $0.00 $156.27 $280.80 $138,878.64 $104,222.34 $130,201.43 $0.00 $280.80 $141.68 $157,024.96 $188,094.98 $140,388.32 $109,531.72 $121,101.84 $143,968.30 $133,210.68 $118,398.24 $160,968.82 $0.00 $280.80 $200.45 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $240,073.11 $129,999.96 $280.80 $280.80 $120,218.13 $103,689.83 $148,380.00 $158,069.96 $102,978.36 $106,523.32 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $140.40 $280.80 Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, Chair in Mine Design - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Professor - Chemical Engineering, Department Head - Chemical Engineering Director of Development (Faculty of Engineering) - Advancement Associate Professor - History Professor - Art Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - School of Nursing, Vice-Dean - School of Nursing Associate Professor - School of Urban and Regional Planning Associate Professor - Psychology Associate Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures Queen's National Scholar and Associate Professor - Philosophy $161,706.23 $280.80 $146,606.64 $171,806.66 $102,222.34 $104,877.12 $157,299.24 $155,033.32 $147,063.40 $127,322.49 $116,155.04 $135,547.68 $132,401.68 $280.80 $283.01 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $168.74 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Psychology Eisenhauer Chair (Clinical Cancer Research) - Oncology, Director - National Cancer Institute, Professor - Oncology Professor - Centre For Teaching and Learning, Director - Centre For Teaching and Learning Department Head - Psychiatry, Professor - Psychiatry Executive Director (Finance, Administration and Operations) - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Religion $132,408.71 $138,990.56 $300,968.38 $286.19 $175.98 $280.80 $133,359.17 $114,499.98 $174,578.88 $107,433.32 $234.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 Page 79 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille MILLER MILLER MILNE MINERS MINGO MINNES MODY MOKBEL MOMBOURQUETTE MONETA MONTGOMERIE MOON MOORE Given Name/ Prénom JON A. PAUL B. FRANK CHRISTOPHER T. H. JAMES A. PATRICIA M. DAVID M. SAM MICHAEL J. FABIO ROBERT D. JEFFREY DAVID IAN D. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MOORE MOORE MOORE MORELLI MORGENSEN MORIN MORRISON MORROW MOSES MOSEY MOYES MOZERSKY MUELLER Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MUFTI MULLIGAN MULLINGS MUMFORD MUNHALL MUNOZ JOHN C. MARGARET R. SPENCER D. JORDAN E. SCOTT EVELYN LOUISE ROBERT J. H. WILLIAM S. DANIEL DAVID NICHOLAS J. CHRISTOPHER D. JOSHUA M. CHRISTOPHER ROBERT SALMAN A. LOIS M. BEVERLEY A. KEVIN KEVIN G. DOUGLAS PERRY Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MUNT MURAKAMI WOOD MURPHY MURPHY PETER W. DAVID KENDA KIMBERLEY A. M. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MURPHY MURPHY MURRAY MURRAY PAMELA R. SHARON A. ALISON ELSPETH J. Queen's University Queen's University MURRAY MURTY LAURA J. RAM P. M. Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor - Philosophy Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Economics, Bank of Montreal Chair - Economics Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Psychology Lecturer - Chemical Engineering Director (Infrastructure Services) - Information Technology Services Associate Professor - Chemistry Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Biology Librarian - Stauffer Library Professor - Civil Engineering, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Civil Engineering, Executive Director (Geoengineering Centre, Queen's/Royal Military College) - Civil Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Political Studies, Sir Edward Peacock Professor - Political Studies Assistant Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Gender Studies Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Queen's National Scholar - English Associate Professor - School of Religion Queen's National Scholar - Drama Assistant Professor - Chemistry Queen's National Scholar - Biology, Associate Head - Biology Associate Professor - Philosophy, Department Head - Philosophy Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Associate Professor - Geography Assistant Professor - Civil Engineering Associate Professor - Psychology Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Faculty of Health Science, Director (Neurosciences Program) - Centre Neuroscience Studies Professor - Medicine, Special Advisor - Medicine Associate Professor - Sociology, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Sociology Associate Director and Counsel - Human Resources Director Risk Management and the Office of the Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance) Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Librarian - Stauffer Library, Division Head (Academic Services) - Stauffer Library Associate Professor - Art Associate Professor - School of Business, Associate Dean (Masters of Business Administration Programs) - School of Business Queen's National Scholar - English Queen's National Scholar and Professor - Mathematics and Statistics, Department Head Mathematics and Statistics Salary Paid/ Traitement $117,822.68 $135,587.54 $196,835.49 $155,380.05 $137,385.84 $161,764.69 $132,003.36 $132,599.96 $123,461.68 $189,673.28 $160,898.36 $129,948.34 $148,562.66 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $200.30 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $780.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $175,956.32 $133,756.80 $126,950.04 $140,919.95 $109,171.68 $140,161.32 $155,647.29 $127,808.90 $110,418.88 $106,433.32 $137,306.68 $125,950.00 $139,880.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $137.24 $280.80 $2.14 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $187.20 $192.42 $0.00 $280.80 $140,093.36 $143,569.96 $123,723.36 $107,416.68 $157,638.32 $184,838.28 $280.80 $201.52 $280.80 $143.94 $280.80 $280.80 $104,625.00 $108,997.54 $137,700.00 $119,954.84 $163.80 $151.62 $280.80 $0.00 $203,874.18 $110,694.94 $122,829.04 $322,339.14 $252.05 $161.69 $174.86 $280.80 $115,936.10 $187,799.94 $280.80 $262.56 Page 80 of/de 311 Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille MUSGRAVE Given Name/ Prénom SHARON Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University MYERS MYLES NAAMAN NALCA NARAYANAN NARBONNE NEDIAK NELSON NEUFELD NEWCOMB NEWSTEAD NEWTON NICOL NIELSEN NOBLE NOEL NORMAN NOSSAL MARIE JOSEPHINE WAYNE A. DORIT ARCAN SOWMYA K. GUY M. MIKHAIL S. WILLIAM A. RONALD J. WILLIAM WILLIAM T. LISA CHRISTOPHER J. B. MORTEN O. ANTHONY STEPHANIE L. KATHLEEN E. KIM RICHARD Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University NOTASH NOVAKOWSKI NUNZI LEILA KENT S. JEAN-MICHEL D. Queen's University Queen's University O'BRIEN OFFIN KATHERINE A. DANIEL C. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University O'GRADY OKO OLESCHUK OLIVO O'NEILL O'NEILL ORTH OUELLETTE-KUNTZ OVERALL OZOLINS PALMER PANDE PANG PAPPANO PARDY PARE PARENT PARKER PARKER PARLOW SHAWNA RICHARD J. RICHARD GEMA RIBEIRO BRIAN JOHN WILSON ALLEN HELENE M. J. CHRISTINE DOROTHY TERENCE ROBERT RICHARD E. ISHITA STEPHEN CHING-NG MARGARET A. BRUCE R. MARTIN SCOTT J. DAVID S. KEVIN C. H. JOEL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Librarian - Stauffer Library, Division Head (Collection Management and Services) Stauffer Library Professor - Faculty of Education Director - Queen's University International Centre Associate Professor - Film and Media Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - Biology Professor - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - Biology Associate Professor - Chemistry Director and Counsel (Employee and Labour Relations) - Human Resources Assistant Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Professor - Economics, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Economics Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Business Development Manager - Industrial Relations Centre Associate Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Professor - Political Studies, Sir Edward Peacock Professor - School of Policy Studies, Director (Queen's Centre for International Relations) - School of Policy Studies Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Civil Engineering, Department Head - Civil Engineering Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Chemistry, Professor - Chemistry Executive Director - Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Chemistry Associate Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Associate Director Investments - Investment Services Associate Professor - Art Associate Vice-Principal - Human Resources Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Professor - Philosophy Assistant Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Director PeopleSoft Sustainment - Information Technology Services Associate Professor - History Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - English Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Chemical Engineering Associate Professor - History Director - Psychology Training Clinic Professor - Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Department Head - Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Salary Paid/ Traitement $121,896.60 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $171.06 $155,383.32 $108,365.86 $120,812.15 $153,210.00 $102,891.76 $145,007.22 $175,048.32 $116,339.44 $160,180.00 $151,117.32 $122,662.98 $184,070.00 $114,056.68 $127,980.71 $144,601.66 $175,874.46 $120,277.82 $184,670.04 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $714.10 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $165.90 $280.80 $295.22 $280.80 $280.80 $195.90 $225.13 $171.32 $280.80 $123,528.04 $164,220.00 $157,070.06 $280.80 $221.16 $280.80 $116,436.93 $133,610.00 $163.53 $280.80 $149,590.00 $146,670.04 $134,012.14 $124,927.10 $105,368.34 $126,143.32 $282,999.96 $142,601.66 $156,500.98 $119,528.36 $131,580.00 $101,916.68 $156,129.96 $115,559.96 $150,863.36 $134,636.68 $135,393.14 $143,577.81 $113,860.52 $121,434.45 $0.00 $280.80 $181.86 $280.80 $147.89 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $12.34 $142.54 $280.80 $0.00 $211.28 $188.86 $280.80 $191.24 $157.30 $280.80 Page 81 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille PARSONS PARULEKAR PATERSON PAZDERKA PEACEY PEARSON PEGLEY PELLAND PENG PENTLAND PENTLAND PEPPIN PEPPLEY Given Name/ Prénom TRISHA L. WENDY RANJANA MARGO L. BOHUMIR JOHN G. LINDA CAROL KIP LUCIE YINGWEI PAUL CHARLES C. WENDY E. PATRICIA JANE BRANT A. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University PETERSON PETERSON PETITJEAN PETKOVICH PHAROAH PHELAN PHILIPPS PHO PICKETT PICKLES PIERCE PILKEY PINCHIN PINCIVERO PIOMELLI JO ANNE RONALD C. ANNE MARIE-LOUISE PATRICK MARTIN JON G. JOHN JANE E. LAM D. WILLIAM L. C. CHRISTOPHER A. JOHN B. KEITH ROBERT STUART TOM UGO Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University PLAXTON PLINIUSSEN POELS POINTER POLLARD WILLIAM CHARLES JOHN BERNARD J. DIANE ANDREW Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University POOLE POWER PRATT PUGH PUKALL PULLING PURCELL PURCELL RAYMOND KEITH ELAINE MICHAEL G. DAVID V. CAROLINE CHERYL ANNE CATHERINE N. MARY K. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University PURDA-HEELER PYPER RADLEY LYNNETTE D. JAMIE DEBORAH ANN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Assistant Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Associate Professor - Oncology Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Director (Gift Planning) - Advancement Associate Professor - School of Music Assistant Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Associate Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Professor - Political Studies Associate Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Professor - Faculty of Law Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Chemical Engineering, Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Professor - Chemical Engineering, Director (Queen's/Royal Military College Fuel Cell Research Centre) - Fuel Cell Research Centre Lecturer - School of Nursing Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Associate Professor - Chemistry Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate Professor - School of Business, Director - School of Business Associate Librarian - Stauffer Library Director (Information Technology) - National Cancer Institute Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Professor - Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining Professor - English, Associate Dean (Studies) - Faculty of Arts and Science Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Associate University Registrar (Undergraduate Admission) - University Registrar Business Manager - Faculty of Arts and Science Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Professor Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Biology Associate Professor - School of Business Senior Technical Support Specialist - Information Technology Services Manager (Total Compensation) - Human Resources Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen's Research Chair - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Associate Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures, Associate Dean - Faculty of Arts and Science Associate Professor - Psychology Associate Professor - School of Nursing Director of Principal Gifts - School of Business Manager (Queen's University Infrastructure Programs) - Queen's University Infrastructure Programs Task Force Associate Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - Faculty of Education Senior Business Systems Integration Specialist - Human Resources Salary Paid/ Traitement $100,716.68 $206,376.68 $141,900.02 $153,231.68 $127,589.98 $127,500.04 $114,649.62 $117,508.32 $124,444.96 $156,876.64 $138,917.56 $159,828.96 $154,457.60 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $277.98 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $187.20 $280.80 $0.00 $165.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $14.20 $280.80 $116,320.24 $142,333.36 $112,384.96 $144,990.04 $123,633.36 $143,728.92 $126,382.04 $126,704.18 $158,004.54 $150,773.36 $159,549.18 $134,041.68 $107,660.29 $126,439.20 $170,097.09 $289.07 $280.80 $157.26 $199.38 $2.17 $200.30 $280.80 $280.80 $284.26 $280.80 $216.58 $189.31 $287.30 $0.00 $280.80 $143,098.32 $165,673.92 $100,643.58 $115,270.91 $167,961.68 $201.25 $198.90 $284.20 $254.46 $280.80 $170,119.98 $112,311.00 $159,331.68 $155,355.04 $119,665.00 $155,571.66 $106,815.00 $106,754.42 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $160.78 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $200,563.32 $106,530.06 $105,505.32 $280.80 $280.80 $253.77 Page 82 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille RAE RAMSAY RAPPAPORT RAPTIS RATCLIFFE RAU Given Name/ Prénom PATRICIA M. JULIANA DAVID H. LEDA HELEN LAURENE M. WOLFGANG Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University RAVENSCROFT RAVER READ REDISH REDMOND REED REEVE REEVE REEVES REID REID REIFEL REIFEL REINHOLTZ REMENDA RENDERS REWA REYNOLDS REZNICK BRENDA JANA L. ELIZABETH ADAIR DEREK L. BRENDA M. MATTHEW M. RICHARD J. M. BARBARA DOUGLAS A. ROBERT L. CAROL-LYNN CONRAD CHARLOTTE VICTORIA KIM NATALIE JAMES N. RICHARD K. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RITCHIE RIVERA ROBBIE ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBINSON ROGERS ROMAN ROSE ROSE ROSENBERG ROSS ROSS ROTH ROUGET ROWBOTHAM ROWE ROY RUDAN HARRIET PETER R. LESLIE H. MARGO KEVIN J. CLIVE ROBERT MELDRUM DARRYL E. KEITH W. PAUL ANTHONY JONATHAN W. PAUL KENNETH MARK WARREN LAURIE A. ROBERT M. J. MICHAEL A. FRANCOIS KATE R. KERRY JEAN-PAUL JOHN FREDERICK Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - English Professor - Chemical Engineering Professor - School of Computing, Associate Dean - School of Graduate Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Biology Assistant Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - School of Music, Associate Dean (Studies) - Faculty of Arts and Science Associate Professor - School of Business Leader (Monographs Group) - Stauffer Library Theatrical Production/Administration Coordinator - Drama, Lecturer - Drama Senior Film and Video Technician - Film and Media, Lecturer - Film and Media Learning and Research Services Librarian - Education Library Associate Professor - Art, Queen's National Scholar - Art Assistant Professor - Faculty of Education Associate Professor - Classics Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - Obstetrics and Gynaecology Assistant Professor - School of Music Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures Associate Professor - Geological Science and Geological Engineering Associate Professor - Drama Professor - Drama Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Dean - Faculty of Health Science, Professor - Faculty of Health Science, Professor - Surgery, Director - School of Medicine Assistant Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - English Associate Professor - Psychiatry Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - Art Queen's National Scholar - Biology, Department Head - Biology Assistant Professor - Faculty of Law Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Business, Director - School of Business Associate Professor - Political Studies Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Geography, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Geography Director (Office of The Dean) - School of Business Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - French Studies Assistant Professor - School of Business, Assistant Professor - School of Policy Studies Professor - Civil Engineering, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Civil Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Business Professor - Surgery, Department Head - Surgery Salary Paid/ Traitement $120,438.12 $143,151.66 $147,960.00 $158,515.00 $156,550.04 $128,126.68 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $211.80 $280.80 $179.04 $135,286.68 $179,950.55 $110,436.04 $108,880.64 $100,143.96 $112,071.68 $106,388.26 $106,628.32 $103,927.48 $130,539.96 $102,186.96 $101,922.75 $148,410.04 $112,890.04 $138,884.96 $125,530.04 $135,219.30 $149,753.32 $411,570.04 $0.00 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $286.75 $157.26 $280.80 $280.80 $143.22 $280.80 $280.80 $43.56 $280.80 $280.80 $0.06 $172.02 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $121,028.36 $176,703.32 $112,390.96 $141,741.66 $138,463.25 $125,305.04 $173,344.94 $133,610.57 $122,785.50 $178,681.00 $140,373.44 $158,411.68 $164,736.26 $104,972.45 $155,068.32 $123,520.00 $149,163.32 $123,774.96 $259,660.00 $170,796.68 $120,000.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $178.59 $280.80 $183.94 $280.80 $280.80 $183.48 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 Page 83 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille RUDIE RUNIONS RUSSELL RUTTER SAAVEDRA SABBAGH SACCO SACCON SADINSKY JEFFREY SALOMAA SALTERIO SALVERSON SALZMANN SANTERAMO SARYAL SAUNDERS SCHUKLENK SCHWARTZ SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT Given Name/ Prénom KAREN GREGORY TOM ALLISON CARLOS E. MARK VINCENT F. GLORIA ELLIE KAI T. STEVEN E. JULIE ARIEL DONATO FATMA DAVID M. UDO JOAN M. JILL H. LAURIE NEAL A. STEPHEN H. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University SEARS SELLENS SEPHTON SEROUDE SEYMOUR SHARKAWY SHEAHAN SHEARER SHENTON SHEPHERD SHEPPARD SHIRKHANZADEH SHULHA SINGH SISMONDO SKABURSKIS SKENSVED SKILLICORN SLEBOCKA-TILK SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH KIMBERLEY RICHARD W. PETER S. LAURENT LESLEY AZZA PATRICK J. TERI ROBERT WILLIAM LOIS ELIZABETH MEGAN MORTEZA LYN M. MARSHA SERGIO ANDREJS PETER DAVID BENSON HENRYKA GORDON E. GREGOR W. GREGORY G. MICHAEL F. STEVEN PHILIP Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering $148,780.00 Associate Professor - School of Music $102,720.73 Professor - Faculty of Education $159,638.32 Director (Analytical Services Unit) - Environmental Studies $130,254.96 Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering $146,084.00 Professor - Psychology $124,708.36 Professor - Sociology $166,697.68 Director (National Executive Masters of Business Administration) - School of Business $125,145.27 Executive Director - Student Affairs $125,574.38 Professor - School of Computing $145,913.32 Professor - School of Business $211,645.00 Associate Professor - Drama $110,740.71 Associate Professor - History $119,813.73 Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures, Department Head - Languages Literatures Cultures $148,528.64 Assistant Professor - School of Business $206,016.93 Dean - School of Business, Professor - School of Business, $369,071.60 Ontario Research Chair (Bioethics) - Philosophy $163,269.96 Queen's National Scholar - Art $134,814.11 Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures, Associate Head - Languages Literatures Cultures $125,522.85 Head (Public Services and Education) - Bracken Library $125,668.32 Associate Professor - Geography, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Geography $127,305.04 Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, GlaxoSmithKline-Canadian Institute for Heath $149,633.32 Research Chair in Neuroscience - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - School of Nursing $116,766.68 Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering $133,393.28 Professor - School of Business $227,960.00 Associate Professor - Biology $125,315.00 Professor - Oncology $247,766.68 Assistant Professor - Faculty of Education $105,035.04 Head Football Coach - Football $114,750.00 Associate Dean - School of Business, Associate Professor - School of Business $202,919.98 Professor - History $134,977.38 Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine $124,027.06 Director (Budget and Analysis) - Planning and Budgeting $132,906.94 Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering $131,440.00 Professor - Faculty of Education $143,131.68 Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy $138,020.04 Professor - Philosophy $139,244.81 Professor - School of Urban and Regional Planning $142,395.00 Senior Research Scientist - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Laboratory Institute $100,250.74 Professor - School of Computing $159,886.68 Associate Professor - Chemistry $135,595.04 Professor - School of Music, Associate Dean - Faculty of Arts and Science $173,176.68 Professor - Economics $163,191.68 Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics $115,598.32 Professor - Philosophy $120,133.42 Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Associate Head - Biomedical and Molecular $140,234.96 Science Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $205.68 $248.06 $298.53 $280.80 $0.00 $174.82 $280.80 $0.00 $283.95 $204.96 $280.80 $153.02 $297.48 $15.84 $780.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $294.97 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $176.88 $184.62 $280.80 $193.74 $189.06 $280.80 $280.80 $220.50 $280.80 $240.45 $280.80 $0.00 $170.58 $280.80 Page 84 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille SMITH SMITHERS Given Name/ Prénom TIMOTHY B. ANNE B. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University SMOL SNEDDEN SNEDIKER SOEDERBERG JOHN WAYNE MICHAEL SUSANNE M. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University SPIRYDOWICZ SPRONK SRIVASTAVA STAPLES STEPHENSON STEVENSON STEWART STEWART STEWART STOCKLEY KRYSTYNA E. RONALD SARITA SANDY D. JENN JOAN M. ARTHUR E. JAMES A. LORI A. DENISE B. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University STOTZ STRAKER STRAZNICKY STROMAN JAMES A. H. SCOTT-MORGAN MARTA PATRICK Queen's University STRONG DAVID S. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University STUART STUART SUN SUO SURGENOR DONALD R. HEATHER LEE HONGFEI WULIN BRIAN W. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University SYMONS SYPNOWICH SZEWCZUK TAKAHARA TAKE TAMASAUSKAS TANNER TAYADE TAYLOR TAYLOR TEATERO TENNENT THIELE THOMAS THOMPSON THOMPSON ELLEN CHRISTINE MYRON R. GLEN ANDY W. OTIS C. K. STEVE CHANDRAKANT MARCUS PETER D. BARBARA ROBERT D. VEIKKO TANDY DAYLE MATTHEW PETER E. Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - History Collections Assessment and Evaluation Librarian - Stauffer Library, Division Head (Collections Development and Electronic Resources) - Stauffer Library Professor - Biology, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Biology Associate Professor - Biology Associate Professor - English, Queen's National Scholar - English Professor - Global Development Studies, Professor - Political Studies, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Global Development Studies Associate Professor - Art Professor - Art Associate Professor - Gender Studies, Associate Professor - Sociology Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Drama Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Lecturer - Economics Professor - School of Computing Manager (Organizational Development and Learning) - Human Resources Associate Professor - Centre For Teaching and Learning, Director - Centre For Teaching and Learning Assistant Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - English Professor - English, Department Head - English Associate Professor - Faculty of Health Science, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Diagnostic Radiology Professor - Integrated Learning Centre, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council Chair In Design Engineering - Engineering and Applied Science Professor - Faculty of Law Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology, Chair - Community Health and Epidemiology Assistant Professor - Economics Associate Professor - School of Business Associate Dean (Research, Graduate Studies and External Affairs) - Engineering and Applied Science, Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Cataloguing/Training Librarian - Stauffer Library Professor - Philosophy Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - Civil Engineering Associate Professor - Art Director of Finance and Administration - Engineering and Applied Science Assistant Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Associate Professor - Global Development Studies Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Librarian - Stauffer Library Professor - School of Computing Assistant Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Languages Literatures Cultures Salary Paid/ Traitement $112,323.17 $118,698.66 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $284.02 $167.04 $209,448.28 $123,788.32 $103,801.66 $127,623.38 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $70.20 $131,547.16 $140,388.32 $115,629.30 $154,488.32 $111,116.68 $157,468.36 $137,089.86 $147,073.32 $113,929.39 $133,196.02 $0.00 $280.80 $162.12 $280.80 $286.50 $221.16 $253.70 $280.80 $119.72 $6.51 $119,838.32 $110,733.36 $149,490.00 $142,058.32 $161.46 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $183,469.94 $0.00 $173,086.64 $147,353.34 $109,747.53 $151,208.36 $169,025.04 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $111,434.96 $128,654.80 $141,691.68 $111,175.08 $122,733.36 $134,505.48 $124,440.04 $119,798.32 $113,038.32 $158,529.26 $149,115.69 $155,383.32 $143,566.66 $146,206.54 $181,412.28 $110,852.80 $155.86 $180.46 $280.80 $165.00 $280.80 $5.25 $280.80 $183.72 $70.20 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $780.80 $780.80 $280.80 $156.10 Page 85 of/de 311 Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille THOMSON Given Name/ Prénom DAVID J. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University THORBURN THORNTON TIERNEY TOLMIE TOMALTY MALCOLM DANIEL B. ANN JANE LEWIS LINTON Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University TOPALOGLU TOPPER TORCOLACCI TRANMER TREITZ TRIPP TROJE TRON SELIM ANNE MELODY JOAN E. PAUL DEAN NIKOLAUS VICTOR A. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University TROTHEN TSCHAKOVSKY TU TUFTS UPITIS VAN DEUSEN VAN VUGT VANDENKERKHOF VARADHARAJAN VERBEEK VERTEGAAL VIERO VILLENEUVE VISWANATHAN VOLLEBREGT WADE-WOOLLEY WALDMAN TRACY J. MICHAEL E. DONGSHENG BRUCE RENA BRIGIT NANCY E. DEAN A. ELIZABETH G. ASHA SONJA ROEL MARIE-LOUISE MICHELLE LEELA KATHLEEN E. LESLY STEPHEN Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALLS WALTERS WANDSCHNEIDER WANG WANG WANG WANG WANG WANLESS CRAIG S. DAVID M. C. MARGARET VIRGINIA KATRINA LUCINDA H. MARK D. BO RUQU SUNING TERRY WEI YUXIANG S. GREGORY Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor - Mathematics and Statistics, Canada Research Chair, Tier 1 - Mathematics and Statistics Associate Professor - Faculty of Law, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Faculty of Law Professor - School of Business Vice-Provost - Student Affairs Associate Professor - Gender Studies Associate Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Instructor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - School of Nursing Professor - Geography, Department Head - Geography Associate Professor - Psychology Professor - Psychology, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Psychology Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Department Head - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Associate Professor - School of Religion Associate Professor - School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Professor - Community Health and Epidemiology Professor - Biology Queen's National Scholar - Faculty of Education Professor - History Professor - Obstetrics and Gynaecology Professor - Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Professor - School of Nursing Associate Professor - English Director - Vice-Principal (Research) Professor - School of Computing Assistant Professor - Economics Associate Professor - School of Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant Professor - School of Urban and Regional Planning Director (University Marketing) - Advancement Professor - Faculty of Education Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Associate Professor Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Associate Professor - Chemical Engineering Professor - Drama, Department Head - Drama Professor - Emergency Medicine Associate Professor - School of Music, Director - School of Music Professor - Biology, Queen's Research Chair - Biology Public Services Librarian - Stauffer Library Professor - Faculty of Law Associate Vice-Principal/Chief Information Officer - Information Technology Services Professor - Economics Professor - Chemistry, Queen's Research Chair - Chemistry Assistant Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - School of Business Associate Professor - Biology Professor - Drama Salary Paid/ Traitement $159,730.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $145,746.64 $194,279.04 $189,000.00 $107,398.32 $224,971.72 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $150.30 $280.80 $192,308.32 $121,076.68 $131,874.96 $136,880.00 $144,311.64 $118,425.04 $155,721.68 $146,000.04 $280.80 $0.00 $198.86 $289.06 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $107,651.27 $122,936.64 $144,100.04 $136,240.04 $173,120.00 $103,127.62 $145,928.32 $144,566.70 $129,424.40 $104,239.27 $135,773.60 $114,105.49 $111,668.32 $102,970.00 $107,239.00 $146,151.64 $135,448.30 $153.50 $280.80 $280.80 $289.09 $280.80 $163.62 $204.96 $280.80 $280.80 $288.66 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $308.75 $0.00 $152,249.70 $369,649.96 $107,053.91 $128,538.73 $114,998.32 $164,506.68 $172,000.04 $146,034.90 $150,423.09 $201,031.61 $208,179.02 $121,339.96 $137,790.00 $70.64 $280.80 $0.00 $212.74 $0.00 $290.77 $280.80 $280.80 $210.88 $754.14 $250.84 $280.80 $284.07 Page 86 of/de 311 Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille WARD Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University WARE WARE WEBSTER WEISNAGEL WELKER WELLS WHITE WHITEHEAD WHITEHEAD WHITELAW Given Name/ Prénom CHRISTOPHER ANDREW ROGER TRACY JANE E. ROBERT J. MICHAEL A. CATHERINE E. MICHAEL LEROY MARTHA GRAHAM S. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University WHITNEY WIDROW WIENS WILLMOTT WILSON WILSON WINN RALPH A. LAWRENCE M. PAUL GLENN DARYL ROSEMARY A. LOUISE M. Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University WINTERBORN WINTON WITJES WOERMKE WOLFE WONG WOO WOOD WOODHOUSE WOOLF WOYZBUN ANDREW JAN JOHN HEATHER ROBERT D. KENNETH B. KEVIN Y. PHILLIP J. KIMBERLY ANN DANIEL R. ROBERT Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University WRIGHT WU WU WU YAM YANG YAO YOUNG YOUNG YOUSEFI YUI YUKSEL ZABOJNIK ZAK ZAREMBA ZAWISZA ROGER E. GANG SERENA SHUO WENYAN SCOTT XIAOLONG ZHONGWEN JOHN PAUL G. SHAHRAM NORIKO SERDAR JAN GENNADY EUGENE ELISABETH MARIA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - Economics Professor - English Professor - School of Business Director Pension and Insurance - Human Resources Professor - School of Business Special Projects Officer - Human Rights Office, Assistant Professor - French Studies Research Services Librarian - Stauffer Library Associate Professor - Faculty of Education University Librarian - Stauffer Library Assistant Professor - School of Urban and Regional Planning, Assistant Professor Environmental Studies Associate Professor - Chemistry Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy University Librarian - Stauffer Library Professor - English Associate Professor - Psychology Assistant Professor - School of Nursing Professor - Environmental Studies, Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science, Associate Head - Biomedical and Molecular Science University Veterinarian - University Animal Care Associate Professor - Art Operations and Engineering Director - Engineering Controller - Financial Services Professor - School of Policy Studies Associate Professor - School of Business Assistant Professor - School of Nursing Associate Professor - Political Studies Dean - Engineering and Applied Science, Professor - Chemical Engineering Principal - Principal's Office Director (Small Business Consulting Program) - School of Business, Lecturer - School of Business Associate Professor - School of Business Professor - Chemistry Assistant Professor - School of Business Access Services Librarian - Stauffer Library Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor - Pathology and Molecular Medicine Assistant Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Assistant Professor - School of Religion Professor - Biology Associate Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Assistant Professor - Mathematics and Statistics Professor - Economics Associate Professor - Mechanical and Materials Engineering Professor - Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Associate Professor - French Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $128,399.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $280.80 $139,076.76 $132,247.64 $187,763.32 $119,179.97 $215,669.98 $111,046.79 $113,962.32 $101,803.32 $177,941.68 $115,678.28 $280.80 $185.34 $280.80 $289.40 $280.80 $280.80 $146.74 $140.40 $280.80 $162.12 $143,753.15 $133,283.32 $110,668.90 $129,533.36 $116,106.68 $111,026.64 $125,124.56 $280.80 $0.00 $117.00 $280.80 $280.80 $287.31 $280.80 $126,955.16 $134,258.64 $124,217.41 $151,759.96 $147,935.74 $154,048.32 $104,493.32 $150,586.66 $227,851.63 $360,800.00 $100,079.46 $289.89 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $323.39 $21,666.90 $280.80 $115,440.00 $129,903.14 $202,771.66 $106,583.32 $133,646.68 $122,186.68 $111,215.04 $119,458.32 $171,693.68 $140,466.68 $150,381.68 $110,230.04 $161,295.04 $140,904.96 $154,545.00 $142,551.68 $0.00 $280.80 $763.94 $280.80 $0.00 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $280.80 $154.46 $280.80 $295.00 $317.30 $280.80 Page 87 of/de 311 Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Queen's University Surname/Nom de famille ZECHEL ZHANG ZUK ZULKERNINE Given Name/ Prénom DAVID SHETUAN IRENEUS B. MOHAMMAD Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University ABDELRAHMAN ABDOLI-ERAMAKI ABHARI ABRAHAM ABRAMOVITCH ADAMS AGARD AGRAWAL AJANDI AKHTAR ALBANESE ALI ALIGHANBARI ALIREZAIE ALKOBY ALLEN ALLEN ALNWICK ALON-SHENKER AL-SOLAYLEE ALTER ALTROWS ALVAREZ-CUENCA AMBORSKI AMLEH ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDROUTSOS ANGER ANGYRIDIS ANPALAGAN ANSELM ANTA ANTHONY ANTIMIROVA ANTONY ARANAS ARAT-KOC ASHPERGER ATAY ATKINSON AUSTIN BABIN AHMED MOHAMMAD ABDOLREZA KELLY RONA RICHARD EMILY SANDEEP JENNIFER RAHEEL PATRIZIA MEHRUNNISA HEKMAT JAVAD ASHER GENE LARISSA KEITH PNINA KAMAL ALEX LAWRENCE MANUEL DAVID LAMYA ALEXANDRA D. SCOTT DIMITRIOS FRED CONSTANTINE ALAGAN MERCY LARRY MARY TETYANA MARTIN MANNY SEDEF CYNTHIA MALEK LESLIE JOHN RON Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor - Chemistry Associate Professor - Biomedical and Molecular Science Professor - School of Music Associate Professor - School of Computing, Canada Research Chair, Tier 2 - Faculty of Arts and Science Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Director, Campus Retail and Duplicating Services Advisor Outreach and Access Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Professor Instructor Senior Systems Programmer Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Dean Professor Assistant Vice President, Human Resources Registrar Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Chair, Image Arts Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Financial Strategy and Reporting Associate Professor Professor Instructor Senior Programmer Executive Assistant Associate Professor Chair, Psychology Manager, Accounting and Strategic Measures Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Executive Director, Student Affairs Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $113,786.64 $128,791.68 $154,623.27 $142,498.32 $107,973.08 $122,694.02 $128,327.33 $133,733.01 $133,252.04 $120,997.55 $112,566.08 $147,737.26 $108,919.19 $109,068.25 $131,929.19 $143,519.80 $137,361.54 $160,857.44 $207,851.49 $139,817.50 $232,114.00 $161,903.45 $112,444.84 $126,200.15 $129,200.16 $166,772.04 $163,455.04 $165,559.54 $164,127.01 $149,800.80 $188,128.40 $159,407.16 $129,260.31 $124,288.68 $146,859.45 $121,974.48 $116,312.93 $105,947.73 $129,683.20 $191,423.66 $110,607.18 $150,919.04 $126,998.20 $161,537.28 $176,568.36 $108,292.41 $135,863.20 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $18.51 $280.80 $280.80 $0.00 $568.54 $616.82 $675.58 $270.10 $307.26 $629.38 $558.20 $805.86 $5,490.45 $221.51 $695.36 $741.90 $724.04 $733.84 $819.81 $774.20 $1,075.20 $859.01 $590.48 $662.17 $673.32 $849.40 $849.84 $873.57 $738.76 $791.10 $801.44 $830.06 $289.53 $654.06 $741.06 $324.61 $224.26 $223.80 $683.60 $1,015.12 $246.30 $795.28 $618.21 $852.08 $924.14 $262.92 $698.44 Page 88 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BAILEY BAITZ BAJONA-XANDRI BAL BANERJEE BANTING BARBER BARBIERO BARDECKI BARKER BARNOFF BARNWELL BARTKIW BARTON BASKARAN BASKIN BASKOY BATES BAUDER BAUM BEANLANDS BEAUCHEMIN BECKSTEAD BEGG BEHESHTI BELL BENER BENJAMIN BENN BERGER BERMAN BEWLEY BHOLE BINDER BINDHANI BISHOP BISHOP BISSONNETTE BLAKE BOCIURKIW BONATO BONILLA BORGES BOSTAN BOTELHO BOUDREAU BOUGHERARA BOYAGODA Given Name/ Prénom KIRK IAN CLAUSTRE ALEXANDRA RUPA DOUGLAS MARSHA THOMAS MICHAL CAREY LISA SUSAN TIM LUISA VIKRAMAN CYNDY TUNA KIMBERLY HARALD SAHRI HEATHER CATHERINE LORI DAVID SOOSAN DONNA AYSE AKUA CARL IDA RACHEL KATHRYN SANJIWAN MARNI PINOO ELIZABETH SUSAN CARRIE-ANN ART MARUSYA ANTHONY FERNANDO MARILIA VADIM ROBERT J. PAUL HABIBA RANDY Position/Poste Professor Chair, Graphic Communications Management Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Manager, Human Resources Management Consulting Director, School of Social Work Professor Associate Professor Site Coordinator Nurse Practitioner Program Limited Term Faculty Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Ryerson Centre for Immigration and Settlement Counsellor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Coordinator, International Engagement Associate Professor Academic Integrity Officer Professor Professor Chair, History Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Administrative Director Associate Chief Librarian Associate Professor Manager, Digital Media Zone Associate Professor Associate Professor Chair, Math Manager, Information Technology Security Manager, Enrolment Services and Student Fees Operations Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dean, Faculty of Arts Associate Professor Chair, English Salary Paid/ Traitement $113,634.23 $136,791.68 $135,939.52 $122,532.69 $115,967.40 $164,070.62 $159,026.63 $171,317.64 $175,267.91 $107,959.67 $135,258.68 $166,415.69 $132,907.52 $136,280.75 $138,319.10 $123,530.29 $121,735.96 $149,650.89 $149,851.94 $130,511.46 $133,702.58 $114,863.85 $126,370.22 $105,580.21 $124,131.87 $108,963.10 $163,265.34 $150,667.61 $168,001.99 $177,715.62 $127,515.47 $138,740.55 $179,777.40 $103,564.88 $107,300.31 $151,056.01 $123,054.18 $112,909.73 $112,686.01 $111,769.70 $138,324.66 $133,541.01 $120,210.73 $122,829.11 $113,300.01 $208,862.73 $111,298.49 $124,005.40 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $829.13 $717.60 $709.20 $688.08 $610.14 $865.46 $821.70 $838.98 $924.60 $259.50 $713.24 $877.34 $692.98 $148.48 $528.87 $648.72 $539.38 $744.58 $790.24 $687.74 $778.70 $579.24 $634.82 $178.98 $646.46 $208.19 $846.68 $798.70 $2,886.10 $937.62 $669.28 $812.18 $948.32 $542.08 $216.21 $797.80 $638.32 $192.86 $592.30 $580.18 $2,729.70 $188.32 $194.78 $611.96 $531.30 $1,069.74 $584.64 $637.54 Page 89 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BRAUN BRAYTON BRECHER BRINSMEAD BRITNELL BROWN BRUCE BUCHANAN BUCKBY BUDNY BURKE BURKE BURLEY BURWELL CAMERON CAMMAER CAO CAPONI CARL CARNEY CARR-LOCKE CARSON CARUANA CARVALHO CARVALHO CASEY CASSIDY CATALLO CECCHETTO CEH CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHANT CHAPMAN CHAPPELL CHAUNCEY CHECKLAND CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHENG CHEUNG CHEUNG CHIN-TIONG CHAN CHISIK Given Name/ Prénom MARTA JENNIFER DIANA ANNE-MARIE JUDITH JULIE JEAN JIM MARGARET RICHARD MIKE TARA ROBERT JENNIFER BRIAN GERDA JUN VINCENZO DALE COLLEEN JAGG JENNIFER GIOVANNI ACACIO MARIA AMY CARLA CRISTINA BARBARA BRIAN ANTHONY PHILIP VINCENT VIVIAN DEBORAH MICHAEL JANET CAROLE DAVID DAOLUN EDWARD YANG YAO-CHON CHIL-HUNG OPHELIA RICHARD JASON RICHARD Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Counsellor Program Director Professor Director of Development Associate Professor Assistant Director, Client Services Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Librarian Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Director, Information Technology Support Professor Director, Office of the Provost and Vice Provost Academic Professor Associate Professor Assistant Registrar, Admission Chair, Department of Geography Professor Professor Associate Professor Senior Director, Research Administration and Finance Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Lead Distributed Systems Specialist Senior Distributed Systems Specialist Professor Assistant Professor Librarian Professor Instructor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $189,261.46 $117,840.91 $124,446.01 $120,209.31 $105,056.31 $120,201.46 $112,331.37 $140,509.58 $153,912.78 $153,912.78 $141,921.52 $150,936.75 $138,508.28 $127,689.31 $110,542.31 $101,863.36 $130,988.46 $110,391.03 $156,657.13 $121,795.41 $131,373.40 $100,448.12 $118,589.91 $134,268.55 $150,730.25 $182,748.49 $205,980.22 $102,751.52 $129,883.50 $151,725.23 $137,267.53 $160,392.93 $135,202.07 $132,605.52 $102,683.87 $186,780.71 $147,720.81 $130,003.42 $139,328.59 $149,964.21 $110,368.01 $113,159.08 $155,054.96 $110,964.88 $130,423.25 $131,732.79 $131,039.35 $152,012.94 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $988.68 $619.54 $654.50 $247.66 $551.00 $283.92 $603.35 $341.52 $811.26 $367.70 $748.06 $666.12 $730.68 $671.96 $574.24 $535.30 $687.30 $650.92 $801.04 $633.48 $685.06 $532.66 $624.52 $598.70 $794.78 $900.23 $987.78 $631.62 $284.56 $795.15 $897.84 $846.68 $711.88 $321.57 $903.16 $897.72 $778.62 $760.20 $733.74 $2,792.04 $218.51 $224.26 $784.00 $550.08 $2,686.82 $763.30 $5,003.11 $801.44 Page 90 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CHIU CHRISTIE CHU CHUA-CHOW CHUMAK-HORBATSCH CHUNG CHURCH CHURCH CIAVATTA CIRKA CLARENCE CLARK CLARK CLARKE CLARKE CLOWES CODY COLE COLLETTE COMERFORD CONFORD CONTE COOMEY COOPER COPPACK CORALLO CORSON COUTANCHE CROSS CUKIER CUNNINGHAM CUNNINGHAM DACOSTA DAHMAN DAILEY DAJNOWIEC DAMUDE DANIELEWSKI DANIELS DANZIGER DAS DAVIS DAY DE JONG DE LORENZI DE SOUSA DEEB DELIC Given Name/ Prénom TIMOTHY KEITH ALICE CLARE ROMA JOON KATHRYN ROBIN DAVID JOHN BRIAN COLEEN SCOTT JENNIFER SCOTT KENNETH SUSAN NINA MARIANELLA MIRIAM MICHAL ANTHONY MARION LINDA PHILIP JOHN PATRICIA MICHAEL AVA WENDY EDWARD LYNN MONIKA YASER JODY WACLAW BRIAN CHRISTINE STEVE PETER OLIVIA CHARLES DAVID MIRIAM NELLIE CHRISTOPHER SUHAIR DEJAN Position/Poste Controller Supervisor Security, Investigations and Operations Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Disability Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Chief Internal Auditor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Organizational and Employee Effectiveness Associate Professor Director, Office of Vice Provost Students Associate Professor Professor Professor Director, University Business Services Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Vice President, Research and Innovation Instructor Associate Professor Manager, Total Compensation Associate Professor Associate Executive Director, Advancement Services Senior Research Associate Associate Dean Human Resources Management Consultant Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean Associate Professor Technical Specialist, Chemistry Director, Human Resources Consulting and Employee Relations Director, Urban and Regional Planning Coordinator, International Mobility Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $127,654.82 $101,781.89 $179,924.12 $210,874.53 $114,566.80 $132,822.46 $137,538.05 $120,875.24 $109,081.76 $123,263.49 $150,825.11 $142,194.73 $145,516.63 $104,131.93 $143,534.94 $153,530.80 $151,723.03 $159,017.66 $134,595.74 $119,039.36 $122,722.15 $112,457.31 $139,017.83 $180,769.95 $152,565.24 $205,884.62 $139,449.15 $111,647.19 $132,782.58 $292,898.07 $105,224.52 $126,118.32 $108,001.63 $126,308.23 $111,390.05 $134,352.48 $158,872.23 $104,462.63 $108,049.84 $140,419.28 $124,820.77 $197,077.45 $136,180.47 $103,870.19 $145,301.82 $143,939.64 $105,408.34 $118,945.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $284.56 $205.86 $938.08 $785.98 $603.36 $699.36 $729.82 $632.50 $566.28 $649.08 $795.28 $706.48 $767.94 $547.38 $342.57 $809.54 $800.04 $812.38 $709.18 $289.78 $646.93 $2,258.42 $732.82 $899.54 $804.12 $929.37 $732.36 $574.22 $689.84 $827.19 $5,037.05 $663.90 $262.32 $621.76 $283.71 $284.56 $824.76 $246.54 $560.84 $759.38 $649.56 $1,023.26 $713.28 $224.26 $341.52 $772.28 $188.28 $625.42 Page 91 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DELL'AGNESE DEMPSEY DENISOFF DERBAL DHIB DI CINTIO DI SANTO DIANDA DING DINOVA DIONNE DJAFAROVA DOAN DODDS DOLGOY DONALD DONG DOSHI DOUPLIK DOWLING DRIMBA DRISCOLL DUFFUS DUNLOP DUNPHY DUPLISEA DUSSELDORP DUTIL DWORKIN DYSON EASA EDWARDS EIN-MOZAFFARI ELDER ELLIS ELMER EL-RABBANY ENRIGHT ESCOBAR-ANEL ESPIN ESTABLE ETKIND EVANS EVANS EVANS EVERATT FALZON FANG Given Name/ Prénom LUCIA MELANIE DENNIS YOUCEF RAMDHANE LORELLA AURELIA JAMES CHEN JOANNE MICHELLE NAZA HUU RACHEL SHOLEM FAITH LINYING HITESH ALEXANDRE CATHERINE TIBERIU HEATHER GAIL EDWARD PAUL KAREN DAVID PATRICE SETH BENJAMIN SAID SUSANNA FARHAD BRUCE CATHERINE GREG AHMED JOHN MARCUS SHERRY MARIO MARIA BRYAN CHRISTOPHER ELIZABETH RICK CHARLES LIPING Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Program Director Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Network Specialist Director, Office of the General Counsel and Board Secretariat Director, Strategic Planning and Administration Director, Child and Youth Care Director, Information Technology Associate Professor Manager, Database Administration Chair, Politics and Public Administration Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Vice Provost Academic Associate Dean Senior Network Specialist Chair, Radio and Television Arts Associate Dean Salary Paid/ Traitement $143,892.32 $123,740.00 $144,886.71 $130,400.25 $153,440.83 $104,664.88 $111,606.60 $153,985.52 $127,868.88 $104,086.82 $138,075.84 $101,040.15 $167,155.06 $103,616.41 $130,051.95 $124,761.75 $151,398.88 $125,775.49 $128,793.26 $109,655.81 $102,890.08 $114,409.63 $113,839.03 $144,992.63 $107,432.63 $133,563.61 $123,872.56 $160,990.96 $100,047.04 $105,062.74 $224,971.23 $120,075.24 $146,890.49 $183,419.16 $105,493.98 $148,588.63 $160,691.97 $179,110.48 $127,832.49 $161,231.82 $138,260.27 $142,973.10 $130,932.65 $208,184.65 $184,535.78 $110,575.61 $148,444.78 $183,110.12 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $758.02 $719.86 $764.24 $684.56 $778.62 $550.08 $574.72 $811.26 $671.54 $539.82 $721.31 $245.00 $781.74 $680.04 $663.88 $656.74 $713.49 $784.82 $691.78 $575.59 $224.26 $535.35 $172.06 $765.64 $250.89 $702.43 $284.56 $747.22 $510.68 $544.72 $1,033.96 $624.88 $685.44 $967.72 $597.10 $784.44 $770.54 $671.96 $593.14 $684.03 $666.06 $760.26 $662.08 $1,038.84 $969.98 $224.26 $783.12 $968.86 Page 92 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille FARRAR FARRELL FARRELL FARSHADFAR FAWAZ FAYE FEARON FELS FENG FERNANDO FERRANDO FERWORN FILLINGHAM FINLAY FIOLA FITZPATRICK FORGACS FORKES FORSYTHE FORTNER FOSTER FOSTER FOUCHER FOX FRANCESCUCCI FRANKEL FRASER FREDERICKS FREEMAN FRIEDMAN FULLERTON FUMIA FUNG FURMAN GALABUZI GAMMEL GAO GEDEON GEE GEKAS GEORGE GEORGE GEORGE GERVAIS GEURKOV GHAEMI GHARABAGHI GHASEMPOOR Given Name/ Prénom JONATHAN CARLYLE GENEVIEVE SHADI ZOUHEIR CATHY GERVAN DEBORAH YI XAVIER SEBASTIAN ALEXANDER JEFFREY JUDY MARCO BLAKE GABOR TYLER K. WAYNE BRADLEY DEBORA MARY DANIEL VALERIE ANTHONY ELAINE LUCINA SUZANNE WENDY JACOB LARRY DOREEN ALAN ANDREW D. GRACE-EDWARD IRENE YUNXIANG STEVEN PETER GEORGE NOEL PURNIMA USHA ARMAND VADIM HAMID KIARAS AHMAD Position/Poste Assistant Professor Chair, Global Management Studies Instructor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Academic Administrative Services Dean, G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Chair, French and Spanish Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Alumni Associate Professor Program Director, Operations and Technology Professor Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Digital Media Zone Assistant Professor Professor Librarian Associate Professor Assistant Professor Chair, Mechanical Engineering Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Financial Services Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Community Services Instructor Associate Professor Engineering Specialist Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,665.15 $146,520.32 $169,202.68 $123,391.36 $188,793.46 $116,600.42 $210,891.54 $165,791.75 $119,900.11 $150,741.19 $145,309.76 $226,461.40 $109,502.88 $125,118.94 $124,551.38 $153,792.91 $134,145.74 $166,856.04 $130,995.88 $131,537.03 $155,280.83 $175,274.42 $131,430.41 $204,013.85 $119,981.40 $166,953.34 $111,674.27 $123,010.02 $106,598.41 $148,204.49 $165,366.44 $112,568.59 $120,948.54 $125,189.25 $121,009.43 $163,263.97 $102,733.55 $146,721.51 $144,878.74 $167,455.30 $126,192.69 $134,691.55 $216,179.04 $128,128.09 $149,695.03 $106,299.24 $105,804.62 $155,566.73 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $664.86 $705.14 $4,582.89 $649.18 $930.06 $279.92 $1,007.96 $823.50 $686.36 $2,754.78 $744.10 $826.48 $528.68 $658.54 $655.86 $810.84 $697.58 $885.90 $686.86 $212.38 $817.62 $924.60 $658.54 $1,003.92 $629.86 $881.58 $587.28 $645.56 $560.80 $782.58 $872.70 $585.46 $694.80 $633.90 $637.02 $2,946.18 $539.34 $730.60 $752.67 $852.50 $664.78 $658.54 $1,075.20 $4,704.57 $738.32 $224.26 $522.34 $730.68 Page 93 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille GIBBS GILBRIDE GILL GILLIN GINGRAS GIRARD GIROUX GLYNN GOLDEN GOLDMAN GONZALEZ GORE GORGOLEWSKI GOSS GOSSAGE GOTTLIEB GRACI GRANFIELD GRANT GRANT GRAYSON GREATRIX GRECH GREEN GREENAWAY GREENFIELD GREIG GROVER GRUNBERG GU GUAN GUERGACHI GUNN GUO GUREVICH GUZZO HA HABEKOST HACK HADAD HAIDER HALILOVIC HALL HALLIDAY HAMELIN HANIGSBERG HAO HARDING Given Name/ Prénom CHRISTOPHER KIMBERLEY JASTEJ CHARLES JACQUI TODD ISABELLE DESMOND JEAN PEDRO TERESA CHRISTOPHER MARK ALLEN ROBERT IVAN SONYA DIANE CANDACE KEN LINDA DAVID ELSE GEORGE KATHLEEN DEBORAH MARTIN TRINA RICHARD XIJIA LING ABDELAZIZ FRANCES RUI MARIA SILVANO DZUNG MARTIN CHARMAINE G. MARILYN MURTAZA BRANKA LESLIE CHRISTINA DENIS JULIA JIAN LI PAUL Position/Poste Limited Term Faculty Professor Counsellor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Senior Program Director Professor Professor Program Director Associate Professor Professor Chair, Finance Associate Professor Director, Financial Planning Associate Professor Librarian Limited Term Faculty Associate Professor Vice President Administration and Finance Associate Professor Instructor Manager, Telecommunications Services Assistant Professor Director of Development Associate Professor Librarian Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Lead Distributed Systems Specialist Associate Professor Instructor Associate Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment Associate Professor Associate Dean Manager, Academic Services Associate Professor Director, Student Learning Support Services Associate Professor Vice President Administration and Finance Associate Professor Manager, Software and Distributed Systems Development Salary Paid/ Traitement $102,266.18 $162,982.39 $106,781.29 $139,579.63 $112,501.54 $112,734.87 $110,263.01 $126,509.70 $165,623.88 $177,203.70 $124,642.64 $106,165.86 $145,827.74 $171,766.22 $123,391.36 $110,823.02 $118,461.65 $139,767.86 $126,691.67 $167,465.30 $228,257.47 $151,307.06 $120,597.03 $101,437.01 $125,686.66 $117,091.01 $122,155.94 $108,450.51 $127,578.54 $155,995.81 $220,112.53 $170,111.39 $117,330.73 $106,317.33 $130,960.30 $105,799.04 $119,326.80 $126,734.49 $164,514.53 $127,730.52 $184,840.78 $103,791.16 $138,746.52 $117,327.66 $131,880.48 $306,589.73 $129,056.05 $109,933.81 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $526.78 $797.34 $560.80 $841.72 $581.00 $585.02 $579.34 $291.35 $872.24 $934.84 $142.65 $573.34 $743.66 $601.59 $649.18 $269.22 $618.24 $736.04 $664.78 $860.64 $268.80 $765.20 $4,523.84 $246.54 $662.08 $284.56 $643.30 $567.80 $661.22 $818.01 $1,075.20 $753.92 $562.14 $224.26 $686.86 $3,949.81 $627.56 $655.86 $341.52 $672.88 $953.26 $246.54 $730.68 $281.38 $758.44 $1,075.20 $679.58 $267.20 Page 94 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HARE HARLEY HART HART HART HASHEMI HAUCK HAUSNER HE HE HEATH HEMSWORTH HENEIN HENSTRA HERCZ HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ-RAMDWAR HEYD HOLMES HOLT HORVAT HOSSAIN HUBBARD HUDYMA HUI HUNT HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER HUSSEIN HWANG IGNAGNI ILIE ING INGELEVICS INGLIS INWOOD IRWIN ISAAC ISBISTER JABER JACKSON JACOBS JAMAL JANABI-SHARIFI JANZEN KOOISTRA JASEEMUDDIN JENSEN Given Name/ Prénom FRANCIS ERIC CORINNE STACEY TREVOR SEYED MOHAMMAD GERHARD MARTINA HONGBO SIYUAN EMILY MICHAEL VIOLETTE SARAH JANET JUAN ANTONIO CAMILLE DARRICK CYNTHIA JOANNA MILJANA KHANDAKER JENNIFER ROBERT VINCENT GERALD ANDREW DAVID MICHAEL ALI DAE KUN ESTHER SILVANA ELIZABETH VID MICHAEL GREG JUDITH WINSTON JOHN MOHAMAD ROBERT A. HERSCH AMINA FARROKH LORRAINE MUHAMMAD KNUD Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Dean Associate Professor Manager, Applications Infrastructure Associate Professor Assistant Professor Graduate Geomatics Lab Coordinator Manager, Accounting Analysis and Strategic Measures Associate Professor Executive Director, Vice President, Administration and Finance Director, Centre for the Study of Commercial Activity Associate Professor Associate Dean Assistant Professor Counsellor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Chair, Philosophy Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Supervisor Research Accounting Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Theatre and Facilities Coordinator Director, Health Services Management Provost and Vice President Academic Professor Librarian Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $171,641.10 $149,982.87 $127,685.12 $136,900.69 $121,000.54 $142,697.88 $204,335.46 $110,072.64 $114,273.04 $122,110.94 $105,586.67 $106,046.56 $104,417.90 $111,452.47 $155,620.43 $179,662.52 $114,274.06 $162,517.11 $142,616.69 $118,955.12 $112,932.73 $127,451.30 $122,237.64 $144,974.47 $102,026.07 $121,074.75 $145,072.81 $144,361.89 $153,912.78 $167,114.38 $106,514.90 $111,098.89 $104,664.88 $104,462.63 $106,930.73 $175,715.89 $137,178.44 $102,814.30 $143,163.88 $245,090.40 $160,592.42 $138,069.58 $153,253.31 $103,539.18 $151,676.65 $157,774.83 $164,299.95 $180,809.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $872.24 $682.76 $652.24 $721.22 $637.02 $700.62 $1,034.74 $579.22 $277.86 $635.64 $555.08 $209.73 $246.54 $579.26 $811.08 $920.12 $590.04 $842.64 $738.76 $626.30 $629.90 $2,596.22 $639.64 $733.28 $529.58 $828.30 $758.00 $753.89 $811.26 $881.58 $526.78 $552.84 $550.08 $246.54 $562.14 $754.82 $722.56 $170.06 $703.84 $3,134.01 $781.28 $728.00 $872.70 $537.54 $784.84 $831.96 $811.26 $908.42 Page 95 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille JOHNS JOHNSON JOKSIMOVIC JONES JOSEPH JUBRAN KAEMPFE KAHAN KAM KANNOTH KAPELOS KAPLAN KARIM KARSHAFIAN KASSAM KAY KEEBLE KELLETT-BETSOS KELLY KELMAN KERR KHAN KHAN KIANOUSH KIM KIM KINDER KIRISCHIAN KISLENKO KJERULF KNOX KOC KOLASA KOLIOS KOLLER KOLODZIEJ KOMISAR KORNEGAY KOSNY KOUADIO KRAAY KRISHNAN KULAR KUMAR KUMARADAS KYAN LACHEMI LACHMAN Given Name/ Prénom CAROLYN ANNE DARKO KENNETH ANTHONY IVAN BASSAM GERARD ADAM A. ERIC MOHANDAS GEORGE ALAN SHEIKH RAFFI MAHMOOD ANTHONY RONALD KATHLEEN PAULETTE SUANNE SANDRA GUL TARIQ MOHAMMED CHUL MIN SEONG DON LEV ARNE MARIA PAUL MUSTAFA LAWRENCE MICHAEL DONNA ADAM JUNE ROBERTA MITCHELL MICHEL KLAAS SRIDHAR CHRIS KRISHNA JOSEPH MATTHEW MOHAMED RICHARD Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dean Director of Athletics Professor Manager, Technical Support Vice President, University Advancement Associate Professor Supervisor, Technical Support Student Administration Associate Professor Chair Professor Assistant Professor Professor Manager, Student Information Systems Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Program Director Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Librarian Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Technology Planning and Innovation Associate Professor Associate Dean Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Dean Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $141,827.14 $133,693.02 $104,989.89 $246,412.77 $184,972.27 $177,939.54 $108,830.82 $346,266.58 $130,187.59 $118,931.97 $133,147.34 $165,741.60 $161,183.44 $101,266.06 $175,632.55 $117,090.94 $171,034.33 $156,990.32 $150,751.27 $140,889.70 $110,598.28 $162,052.27 $103,101.04 $154,192.39 $130,563.24 $104,629.40 $132,356.11 $158,006.21 $131,596.82 $116,091.11 $143,717.66 $152,353.26 $136,341.06 $202,819.34 $110,329.56 $118,633.47 $127,888.76 $132,172.52 $168,070.01 $123,119.37 $119,646.41 $200,152.68 $159,506.56 $176,546.34 $129,118.64 $103,531.94 $282,426.09 $111,938.24 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $727.94 $671.04 $548.74 $11,075.20 $1,936.78 $938.52 $254.58 $10,675.20 $683.64 $246.54 $701.14 $824.05 $849.84 $531.30 $927.40 $284.56 $884.34 $780.82 $851.15 $752.68 $259.74 $808.58 $551.73 $810.00 $635.64 $499.94 $697.06 $800.04 $690.32 $611.06 $757.12 $785.76 $711.02 $1,008.00 $579.24 $616.86 $673.32 $688.08 $862.15 $292.66 $629.86 $1,048.50 $642.42 $754.86 $674.65 $544.22 $1,075.20 $572.06 Page 96 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LAFRENZ LAM LAN LAN LANDAU LANE VETERE LANGFORD LAPUM LASKIN LASSALINE LAURSEN LAVALLEE LEE LEE LEE LEE-BLICKSTEAD LEE-LOY LEFEBVRE LEONG LEONG LESHCHYSHYN LESSA LESSER LEVEY LEVIN LEVINE LEVY LEWCHUK LEWIS LI LI LI LIAO LIM LIN LIN LINDGREN LISI LISTER LIU LIU LIU LOHI LOVE LOVEWELL LU LU LU Given Name/ Prénom LU ANN ELAINE GIL KUNQUAN TAMMY HEATHER RACHEL JENNIFER SUSAN JASON ANDREW LYNN DANA JOSEPH MARILYN MARTHA ANNE-MARIE MADELEINE WEY YEW-THONG JURIJ IARA BRIAN GREGORY AVNER IRA SHELDON SHIRLEY JULIA JAMES SONGNIAN YUANSHUN ZAIYI PHILIP DER CHYAN HOWARD APRIL JASON NINA-MARIE GUANG JUN GUOPING JINYUAN ALI JOHN MARK HUA JULIA ZHEN Position/Poste Associate Professor Director, Business Development and Strategic Planning Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Vice Provost Students Director, Early Childhood Education Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Program Director Associate Professor Chief Librarian Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Computing and Communications Services Associate Professor Vice Provost Faculty Affairs Professor President Director, Outreach and Communication Director, Environmental, Health and Safety and Security Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Career Development and Employment Skills Associate Professor Chair, Global Management Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Finance Ted Rogers School of Management Senior Advisor to the Provost Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,552.78 $125,179.19 $117,998.73 $173,558.39 $148,243.42 $202,819.71 $135,534.24 $118,167.84 $117,698.50 $122,480.54 $126,642.76 $115,281.91 $114,334.38 $153,912.78 $159,811.83 $105,199.20 $109,290.52 $184,747.84 $134,439.09 $161,505.56 $142,169.39 $133,483.02 $184,533.97 $116,865.04 $184,420.37 $212,231.22 $445,780.14 $111,101.14 $154,089.95 $139,899.27 $122,729.29 $144,105.06 $135,018.18 $113,972.98 $144,705.23 $177,837.04 $115,754.68 $113,582.59 $137,874.48 $255,407.91 $137,621.03 $114,575.32 $168,204.44 $177,101.95 $167,234.15 $149,659.26 $135,848.90 $127,928.56 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $703.78 $304.40 $620.94 $669.30 $722.10 $1,041.66 $681.38 $2,601.10 $611.48 $638.34 $659.88 $2,598.86 $593.60 $811.26 $842.64 $256.14 $573.78 $943.04 $708.26 $735.54 $762.50 $703.84 $936.32 $614.62 $932.32 $1,075.20 $18,239.32 $262.62 $811.08 $770.50 $690.76 $686.36 $678.32 $247.89 $717.18 $867.24 $608.80 $571.64 $725.34 $870.06 $2,717.18 $603.34 $938.08 $341.52 $781.76 $789.32 $715.44 $673.32 Page 97 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LUK LUM LYNCH MA MACALIK MACBURNIE MACDONALD MACINNIS MACKAY MACKENZIE MACLAREN MACLELLAN MACTAVISH MAGNESS MAHONEY MALHOTRA MALONE MANJURIS MARKLE MARSHALL MARTIN MARZOUK MASON MASON MASTORAS MATTAY MATTHEWS DAVID MAZEROLLE MCCABE MCCARTHY MCCAY MCCOLLUM MCCONVILLE MCEACHRANE MIKHAIL MCEVOY MCFADDEN MCGILLIVRAY MCGINN MCGRAW MCINERNEY MCKESSOCK MCLAREN MCNEILLY MCNEISH MCWILLIAMS MEDAGLIA MEHRVAR MEINHARD Given Name/ Prénom GRACE JANET GRAHAME NGOK-WA JANA IAN MICHAEL JENNIFER KELLY DAVID KYM DUNCAN JENNIFER VANESSA DANIEL SHAVIN MARGARET MICHAEL PHYLLIS JOHN DAVID HESHAM DAVID JEAN ANASTASE SHANKAR ALISON MAURICE JAMES LYNDA ELIZABETH KIMBERLY KRISTIINA MARSHA BERNARD SHAWN DAN ERIN PATRICIA TIM DOUGLAS TIM ANNE JOANNE ANDREW JOSEPH MEHRAB AGNES Position/Poste Professor Associate Dean Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lead Computer Systems and Network Specialist Director, Industrial Liaison and Commercialization Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean, Yeates School of Graduate Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Executive Assistant Associate Professor Chair, Hospitality and Tourism Management Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Lead Distributed Systems Specialist Associate Professor Chair, Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour Manager, Human Resources Projects and Development Professor Associate Professor Senior Distributed Systems Specialist Associate Professor Director, Office of International Affairs and International Liaison Officer Professor Technical Specialist Toronto Hydro Distinguished Fellow and Executive Director Executive Director, Global Spectrum Relationship Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $152,770.29 $167,109.20 $102,511.95 $174,575.51 $112,985.81 $134,241.80 $126,833.17 $117,301.46 $149,019.34 $137,960.94 $109,081.76 $112,213.40 $203,862.75 $166,772.65 $139,447.56 $132,217.71 $135,829.97 $180,750.61 $114,403.66 $122,574.24 $184,503.53 $181,288.49 $159,898.98 $124,357.43 $154,861.44 $108,205.83 $113,563.28 $166,666.92 $106,848.98 $134,625.85 $171,381.40 $120,216.12 $134,326.70 $113,436.27 $171,606.44 $119,712.62 $157,322.05 $217,885.29 $137,558.44 $144,390.81 $198,051.42 $128,099.76 $106,930.73 $124,990.25 $124,656.57 $101,287.26 $138,711.97 $149,434.75 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $805.50 $860.18 $538.02 $813.48 $586.00 $690.34 $496.98 $278.76 $800.64 $712.24 $566.28 $597.10 $1,061.62 $796.07 $661.24 $684.08 $714.64 $754.42 $182.02 $645.10 $873.95 $956.46 $843.08 $654.90 $816.66 $224.26 $587.78 $835.04 $258.54 $2,784.48 $905.34 $228.86 $694.76 $259.74 $872.70 $220.01 $137.07 $940.71 $781.74 $760.62 $880.70 $672.88 $562.14 $658.10 $571.22 $531.30 $794.82 $847.49 Page 98 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MEKHIEL MENDELSON MEYER MICHAEL MIDDLETON MIELNIK-VOGEL MILLWARD MINHAS MIRI MISIC MISIC MISSIOS MITCHELL MOFFATT MOHAMED ISMAIL MOHAMMADI MOHER MONKHOUSE MONRO MONSON MOOERS MOORE MORGAN MORGAN MORLEY MORRIS MOSHE MOSS MOTHERSILL MOXON MUCHNICK MURPHY MURRAY MURRAY MUZZATTI NADLER NAGHIBI NANKIVELL NARANJIT NAUGHTON NAYLOR NEIL NEIMAN NENYCH NEUMANN NG NG NGWENYAMA Given Name/ Prénom NAGI RENA CAROLYN MOURAD CATHERINE BARBARA ANDREW TONY ALI JELENA VOJISLAV PAUL ANNICK KEN MOHAMED WAHAB FARAHNAZ CATHERINE PETER JANE CANDICE COLIN HELENE HORATIO JOHN ROY KIM MARCIA RAYMOND GILLIAN DOUG HOWARD MICHAEL BERNADINE ROBERT STEPHEN JAMES NIMA JANET DAVID JASON DAVID JANICE JAN LAURA PATRICK MARY ROY OJELANKI Position/Poste Professor Professor Associate Professor Manager, Network Systems Engineering Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lead Distributed Systems Specialist Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Chair, Interior Design Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager, Gerrard Resource Centre Director, Operational Coordination and Services Professor Professor Professor Limited Term Faculty Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean Professor Associate Professor Director, Web and Digital Media Limited Term Faculty Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Development, Student Learning Centre Professor Lead Computer Networks System Professor Associate Professor Manager, Pension and Benefits Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, President's Office Limited Term Faculty Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $142,168.32 $157,048.35 $115,748.79 $123,180.00 $184,646.78 $138,745.21 $113,734.89 $117,735.25 $153,744.37 $137,566.65 $137,566.62 $134,973.67 $182,442.61 $150,529.89 $120,607.54 $130,571.04 $107,056.38 $127,830.52 $138,708.67 $189,606.83 $175,060.97 $104,629.40 $119,763.00 $167,047.88 $145,961.45 $112,330.83 $168,921.21 $162,670.71 $148,301.73 $114,402.64 $133,565.89 $146,710.27 $124,530.35 $136,532.37 $122,596.86 $127,385.80 $117,816.45 $119,384.95 $160,528.32 $102,806.57 $162,293.52 $127,747.63 $117,443.23 $141,915.63 $135,411.86 $124,745.84 $135,801.16 $170,648.09 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $748.98 $828.30 $601.12 $285.06 $909.35 $727.99 $590.40 $224.26 $794.82 $729.40 $729.40 $708.72 $919.69 $793.84 $627.62 $684.10 $259.74 $304.06 $730.68 $897.06 $924.64 $499.94 $629.86 $881.58 $831.04 $584.54 $892.82 $822.94 $781.72 $139.56 $644.22 $894.08 $647.80 $687.74 $645.10 $651.83 $619.48 $284.56 $786.60 $513.48 $3,579.24 $665.24 $285.76 $698.92 $713.28 $177.94 $685.00 $953.84 Page 99 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille NING NIPPAK NOACK NOLAN NORRIE O'BRIEN O'BRIEN OGUAMANAM O'HAGAN OLIVARES O'MALLEY O'NEILL ONG ONGUC-KLASSEN ONYSKAY ORD O'REILLY ORLOVA OSSHER O'SULLIVAN OTT OUYANG PAISLEY PALMATER PANAR PANITCH PANOFSKY PAPINI PARADA PARDO PARSONS PASCAL PATON PATRICK PATTERSON PAUZER PEJOVIC-MILIC PENG PENNY PERSAUD PETROU PETROZZI PHAM PHELAN PIERCEY PILLE PINE PIRNER Given Name/ Prénom QIAO PRIA ANDREA JASON JAMES CAROLINE MARY-ANNE DONATUS CARA-MARIE PABLO ANDREW SHEILA CORINNE FILIZ STEPHEN GARNET PATRICIA ALEXANDRA DIANE SYLVIA ROBERT PUREN JUDY PAMELA JOSHUA MELANIE RUTH MARCELLO HENRY FERNANDO GLENN JEAN-PAUL SHARON SUSAN MARK IRENE ANA AMY KATHERINE BHAGWANT LAURIE WAYNE TONGA VALERIE BRUCE PETER LILA DIANE Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Director, Purchasing and Payment Services Associate Professor Director, Ryerson Law Research Centre Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Senior Research Associate Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Business Systems Technical Specialist Chair, Fashion Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Librarian Director, Research Partnership Development Associate Professor Chair, Physics Associate Professor Director, Experiential Learning Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Campus Facilities and Sustainability University Radiation, Chemical and Biological Safety Officer Group Director, Communications Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $120,877.43 $164,959.05 $104,750.62 $108,325.36 $165,070.63 $106,584.25 $118,818.94 $137,931.88 $110,532.95 $102,192.75 $117,435.67 $160,036.27 $140,688.43 $125,631.82 $117,091.01 $132,871.62 $135,518.34 $101,548.08 $128,696.09 $118,293.76 $146,459.35 $110,331.85 $148,924.44 $172,271.84 $168,348.44 $131,189.21 $147,523.89 $163,943.71 $131,856.18 $119,763.00 $116,781.18 $121,400.07 $141,034.72 $114,497.62 $130,756.38 $117,443.55 $165,758.14 $123,078.47 $160,830.46 $170,967.93 $117,284.40 $166,526.98 $135,282.79 $103,002.22 $155,317.39 $157,442.11 $127,128.39 $192,741.12 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $632.58 $590.70 $546.50 $569.00 $904.48 $554.14 $288.72 $682.26 $265.62 $531.30 $624.00 $844.46 $709.18 $661.24 $284.56 $732.88 $714.64 $614.60 $306.15 $224.26 $773.58 $579.24 $775.00 $879.38 $888.38 $690.34 $774.96 $2,865.46 $655.39 $629.86 $614.16 $638.74 $3,493.78 $601.98 $266.32 $577.02 $846.16 $646.46 $848.56 $885.26 $586.46 $878.88 $667.15 $244.12 $373.92 $846.72 $667.05 $646.00 Page 100 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PITTENDREIGH PLASSE-TAYLOR PLAZA PLOTKIN PODNIEKS POH POLICELLI POLO POMERANCE PON POOLE POON POPESCU POSA POTTS-GOMEZ POWER PRESCOD PRESTON PURDY PUSHCHAK QUIGLEY RAAHEMIFAR RADWAY RAHMAN RAHNAMA RAKHMAYIL RAMAKRISHNAN RANEY RANKINE RASMUSSON RAUHALA RAVINDRAN RAVINSKY REDMOND REED REYNOLDS RIBEIRO RICHMAN RILEY RINKOFF RINNER RIPLEY RIQUEZA ROBERTS-FIATI ROBINSON ROBINSON ROCCA ROCHA Given Name/ Prénom WAYNE MICHAEL MALGORZATA LEO ELIZABETH PAUL SOON HUAT CARMEN MARCO MURRAY GORDON JENNIFER CHEUNG DOINA CAROLYN NADIA JOAN FRANKLYN SUSAN NANCY RONALD SOPHIE KAAMRAN KEN OSMUD HOSSEIN SERGIY RAMANI TRACEY RON DAVID ANN COMONDORE MANUEL CATHERINE MAUREEN WILLIAM PAUL RUSSELL CAROLINE ROBERT CLAUS COLIN MARIA MANUELA GLORIA LAWRENCE PAMELA ROBERT CECILIA Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager, Administrative Systems Associate Professor Associate Professor Lead Distributed Systems Specialist Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Ryerson Photography Gallery and Research Centre Assistant Registrar, Student Records and Legislated Reporting Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Program Director Associate Professor Director Research, Digital Media Zone Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager, Projects and Research Support Manager, Administrative and Information Systems Associate Professor Professor Associate Director Governance Officer Associate Professor Associate Professor Senior Systems Programmer Assistant Professor Manager, Human Resources Management Consulting Professor Associate Professor Chair, Architectural Science and Land Architecture Manager, Systems and Applications Process Professor Associate Director, Integrated Community Safety Services Associate Professor Manager, University Scheduling Director, School of Nutrition Salary Paid/ Traitement $147,100.79 $161,103.38 $120,223.36 $117,091.01 $119,296.32 $137,995.92 $122,044.17 $132,723.21 $175,865.39 $136,923.98 $109,514.95 $177,939.54 $158,181.91 $120,880.41 $148,514.80 $143,518.94 $152,245.23 $106,919.45 $124,488.11 $154,673.29 $147,071.18 $160,427.89 $110,390.19 $121,633.47 $211,942.38 $156,263.02 $133,945.48 $107,648.67 $106,442.43 $117,091.01 $135,248.33 $182,078.75 $142,605.11 $105,495.38 $149,089.42 $114,681.06 $100,598.60 $104,664.88 $120,065.61 $152,222.60 $132,011.86 $153,786.81 $102,544.93 $126,170.82 $112,258.48 $118,477.49 $101,898.58 $148,612.60 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $775.86 $691.72 $683.70 $284.56 $627.56 $745.42 $224.26 $699.80 $927.84 $589.52 $568.50 $938.52 $797.64 $253.20 $783.08 $757.12 $695.70 $562.62 $625.42 $815.76 $775.86 $734.66 $235.22 $630.33 $418.43 $679.58 $705.56 $558.14 $246.54 $284.56 $711.88 $5,961.80 $341.52 $222.39 $750.42 $603.36 $224.26 $550.08 $273.39 $872.24 $695.32 $719.90 $225.36 $743.58 $272.88 $621.82 $225.36 $745.48 Page 101 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ROCHE ROGERS ROHLF ROLLINS ROMANIUK ROSE ROSEN ROSS ROTHENBERG ROUSSEAU RUBENSON RUSSO RUZGAR SABER SADEGHIAN SAGHIR SAKINOFSKY SALAM SALOOJEE SALUSTRI SALVADORI SANDYS SANTA MINA SANTOS SAPRA SAUNDERS SCALZO SCHANK SMITH SCHIFELLITE SCHINDEL MARTIN SCHLANGER SCHNEIDERMAN SCHRYER SCHWIND SCOTT SCULLION SEARCY SEARS SEDAGHAT SEN SENNAH SETO SETO SHAH SHANKS SHANNON SHAPIRO SHAPIRO Given Name/ Prénom MAURICE JUDITH KATRIN JONATHAN DARIA DONALD SHELDON ARTHUR NEIL DERICK DANIEL FRANK NURSEL SELVER JANE ALIREZA ZIAD IAN ASIF ANVER FILIPPO LESLEY JUDITH ELAINE MARCUS RAHUL MATTHEW JULIA KENDRA CARMEN LORI DAVID PERRY CATHERINE JASNA RYAN R. KENNEDY CORY ALAN REZA DEBAPRIYA KHALED ART YONG BHARAT PAMELA PEGGY IVOR JOEL Position/Poste Chair, Economics Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Director, School of Nursing Associate Professor Professor Limited Term Faculty Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Associate Professor Chair, Computer Science Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor News Media Technical Coordinator Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Business Development Advisor, Digital Media Zone Limited Term Faculty Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Chair, Professional Communications Associate Professor Lead Distributed Systems Specialist Associate Registrar, Enrolment Services and Student Records Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Chair, Civil Engineering Associate Professor Manager, Conference and Food Service Professor Executive Director, Development Chair, Theatre School Chair, Journalism Instructor Salary Paid/ Traitement $166,287.99 $135,537.17 $101,292.04 $102,119.05 $124,012.09 $167,007.37 $126,483.87 $163,875.39 $111,330.39 $117,272.94 $100,952.62 $113,864.16 $111,901.78 $157,856.32 $165,129.30 $172,917.78 $144,454.37 $135,472.08 $175,160.70 $135,076.99 $101,162.13 $128,185.53 $188,266.19 $152,464.60 $118,314.25 $118,961.91 $105,754.05 $149,164.63 $107,889.25 $132,893.21 $170,951.66 $149,409.32 $169,443.66 $125,118.94 $105,795.90 $103,601.29 $123,110.32 $139,154.49 $142,288.15 $133,637.23 $171,987.97 $117,632.99 $103,941.20 $187,610.98 $121,830.31 $173,653.79 $142,092.45 $112,341.22 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $878.02 $774.06 $607.90 $536.72 $616.86 $740.12 $655.87 $864.58 $584.58 $810.84 $603.42 $598.46 $499.94 $775.44 $835.06 $908.52 $761.54 $679.58 $909.00 $711.88 $209.73 $849.46 $712.72 $760.20 $622.30 $0.00 $562.39 $786.62 $563.08 $700.26 $821.70 $770.54 $894.08 $658.54 $224.26 $56.04 $610.44 $812.60 $716.28 $703.84 $674.46 $600.68 $243.18 $873.10 $718.32 $883.42 $749.44 $378.16 Page 102 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SHARMA SHARP SHARPE SHAW SHEHATA SHIELDS SHIN DOI SHIRAZI SIDANI SIEMIATYCKI SILVER SIMPSON SINGH SLOPEK SLY SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SNIDERMAN SNOW SNYDER SONG SOUTCHANSKI SPALDING SPANIOL SPERGEL SPRINGER SPROTT SRIVASTAVA ST. DENYS STAGG STENTON STEWART STRAHLENDORF STRAKA STROBACK SUGIMAN SUI SUNDAR SWALES SWART SYDOR TAM TAN TARANENKO TASIC TAVAKKOLI Given Name/ Prénom ABHAY MARION MARY NORMAN MEDHAT JOHN JULIA FARID SOURAYA MYER SUSAN HYACINTH ANNE-MARIE EDWARD TIMOTHY ALBERT DONNA JAMES JOYCE PATRICIA KIM JOHN FEI MIKHAIL KAREN JULIA MARLA JOSEPH JANE B. VINITA VICKI RONALD PAUL MARY PETER VERA ELISABETH PAMELA SUI APARNA STEPHEN BETH DARIA JIM BO ARSENY BOZA JAHAN Position/Poste Professor Director, Human Resources Operations and Technology Director, Midwifery Program Assistant Professor Professor Professor General Counsel and Secretary to Board of Governors Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Strategy Consultant, Education and Marketing North America Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Vice Provost, University Planning Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Executive Lead, Capital Projects and Real Estate Chair, Sociology Assistant Professor Limited Term Faculty Associate Professor Professor Chair, Accounting Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager, Computer Network Facilities Coordinator, Math Assistance Centre Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $163,604.19 $130,979.01 $135,816.88 $119,675.79 $155,126.69 $167,515.88 $209,149.96 $126,359.42 $191,805.03 $172,982.46 $146,818.37 $115,546.22 $116,940.36 $143,161.22 $158,077.79 $118,929.27 $157,389.28 $101,027.27 $132,251.93 $169,205.28 $122,437.68 $169,059.42 $137,732.62 $132,754.20 $138,754.84 $105,401.56 $146,221.17 $159,113.39 $130,142.85 $110,027.17 $104,028.50 $168,348.44 $239,086.97 $165,697.16 $139,504.66 $143,783.34 $287,498.79 $165,307.77 $115,053.65 $123,095.46 $139,611.11 $227,710.47 $156,967.78 $128,160.90 $126,945.08 $143,649.11 $132,493.03 $118,451.73 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $848.48 $316.34 $636.35 $598.02 $753.53 $876.26 $1,033.41 $654.08 $1,014.64 $913.92 $773.14 $608.34 $607.90 $727.53 $833.74 $625.42 $829.64 $555.54 $697.02 $892.32 $607.90 $858.86 $726.64 $699.80 $734.79 $554.12 $271.68 $838.98 $685.00 $576.48 $539.80 $888.38 $1,075.20 $873.12 $735.58 $757.12 $1,075.20 $834.96 $602.90 $539.34 $695.78 $849.84 $856.54 $749.44 $2,668.36 $258.14 $207.10 $622.76 Page 103 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille TAYLOR TEELUCKSINGH TEIGROB TENKATE TEO TERRY THAM THANANAYAGAM THOMAS THOMLINSON THOMPSON THOMPSON TIESSEN TISSENBAUM TODOROW TOOMSALU TORONOV TRAIN TREMBLAY TRIMNELL TROTT TSCHOFEN TUCKER TUCKER SCOTT TULLIO-POW TURCOTTE TURETKEN TURTLE TYSON TYYSKA UNDERWOOD UPRETI VAHABI VALEO VALLIERE VAN WAGNER VANKESSEL VARMA VARVANI-FARAHANI VECCHIA VENETSANOPOULOS VENKATAKRISHNAN VENKATESH VERCRUYSSE VICKERS VICTORIO-WALZ VIIRRE VOGEL Given Name/ Prénom DEIRDRE CHERYL ROBERT THOMAS SU-TING ERIC KOKCHU THANUJA SOPHIE NEIL BRENNAN SARAH JAMES STEVE BOZENA MARJU VLADISLAV KELLY PIERRE FRANK ELIZABETH MONIQUE DAVID KILEEN SANDRA GINETTE OZGUR JOHN HOLLIDAY VAPPU KATHRYN SIMANT MANDANA ANGELA DAVE VICKI PETER KIMBERLY AHMAD IVAN ANASTASIOS KRISHNAN BALASUBRAMANIAN SUSAN KRISTIN LIBERTY RUSSELL RONALD Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Occupational and Public Health Director, Student Wellness Services Associate Professor Professor Senior Recruitment and Retention Consultant Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Counsellor Associate Professor Instructor Associate Professor English as a Second Language Programs Director Associate Professor Instructor Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Program Director Professor Associate Professor Chair, Chemical Engineering Associate Professor Associate Professor Chair, Entrepreneurship and Strategy Associate Professor Senior Project Manager, Capital Projects Chair, Criminal Justice Professor Senior Systems Programmer Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Registrar, Recruitment and Communications Associate Professor Technical Specialist Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $143,838.20 $118,593.96 $116,902.32 $150,019.40 $126,304.21 $155,662.08 $162,344.09 $101,066.01 $137,271.84 $128,145.63 $110,006.36 $117,269.45 $173,645.46 $122,573.12 $164,711.50 $107,891.26 $125,580.93 $133,099.56 $131,307.23 $117,347.44 $157,455.58 $134,212.71 $133,303.79 $161,843.75 $137,099.86 $158,360.30 $155,057.73 $141,606.70 $127,815.72 $142,566.87 $105,401.56 $178,545.99 $125,686.66 $116,122.00 $155,476.78 $104,137.60 $134,343.87 $133,486.81 $142,936.07 $106,452.71 $262,693.70 $134,105.50 $143,622.64 $122,012.64 $112,877.80 $112,826.16 $115,221.85 $154,358.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $822.50 $624.52 $603.86 $805.88 $293.43 $816.66 $856.06 $245.28 $722.56 $672.90 $579.24 $616.82 $862.35 $6,516.83 $694.36 $245.58 $627.62 $4,703.58 $629.86 $3,269.41 $831.04 $706.44 $702.02 $731.98 $689.04 $835.60 $803.24 $746.30 $205.86 $748.52 $2,554.12 $419.51 $662.08 $603.84 $818.90 $779.48 $693.48 $703.82 $719.86 $224.26 $1,075.20 $675.04 $736.94 $281.46 $1,093.02 $224.26 $590.02 $828.78 Page 104 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille VOLPE WADDELL WADE WAHL WALSH WALSH WALSH MATTHEWS WALTERS WALTON WANG WANG WANG WANT WARRACK WARWICK WEBB WEBBER WEHBI WELLINGTON WEST WHISTANCE-SMITH WHITE WHITESIDE WILLIAMS WILSON WILSON WINEGARD WINIARZ WINTON WISE WITHERSPOON WOIT WOJS WOLFAARDT WOLFF WOLOFSKY WONG WONG WONG WOO WOO WOODCOCK WOUNGANG WRIGGLESWORTH WU WU WYLIE XI Given Name/ Prénom ROSEMARIE JANICE RICHARD KIMBERLY PAUL PHILIP STEPHANIE J. BRAD NANCY CHANGPING LU SHUGUANG STEPHEN JAMES HENRY KERNAGHAN STEVEN SAMANTHA ALEX BETTINA WALLACE DOUGLAS ANN ADRIAN ROBERT SARAH BRYNN DANUTA JANICE SEAN JILL DENISE EDWARD GIDEON NEIL JAY JOSEPHINE SHARON SIU-MAN KEN KEN KATHRYN ISAAC ARTHUR BIN JIANGNING R. STEPHEN FENGFENG Position/Poste Counsellor Associate Dean Professor Associate Professor Chair, Aerospace Engineering Associate Professor Assistant Professor Director, Office of Faculty Affairs Associate Professor Instructor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Chair, Marketing Associate Professor Professor Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Officer Manager Custodial Services Professor Librarian Limited Term Faculty Director of Client Services Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Vice President, Financial Services Assistant Professor Director of Development Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Librarian Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager Projects Assistant Director, Communications Services Human Resources Management Consultant Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Chair, Chemistry and Biology Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $130,511.46 $164,347.96 $122,226.22 $113,909.92 $156,842.16 $143,692.79 $105,501.71 $143,398.90 $132,608.56 $119,682.58 $111,976.58 $157,084.81 $116,948.85 $119,787.94 $102,076.12 $156,286.08 $103,531.94 $115,349.14 $126,782.58 $129,056.98 $130,167.27 $108,070.98 $114,704.67 $116,303.22 $167,483.50 $108,637.63 $123,348.84 $132,087.25 $223,434.92 $131,957.20 $110,938.78 $164,516.51 $133,223.41 $159,330.04 $162,051.65 $101,241.97 $117,438.32 $113,661.53 $117,091.01 $140,509.58 $101,714.82 $146,062.35 $162,666.91 $141,734.21 $194,636.71 $146,947.22 $143,660.35 $162,583.49 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $2,687.74 $867.70 $883.90 $590.02 $774.96 $741.06 $555.54 $327.28 $692.94 $310.86 $581.90 $795.60 $614.60 $405.08 $536.72 $816.66 $544.22 $606.12 $660.34 $659.42 $738.28 $563.98 $268.72 $269.82 $849.84 $582.30 $570.71 $311.90 $1,075.20 $661.24 $275.02 $835.06 $694.36 $840.82 $771.90 $531.30 $612.80 $598.02 $284.56 $341.52 $242.90 $770.54 $672.88 $672.90 $925.51 $774.02 $758.06 $855.60 Page 105 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Ryerson University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille XU XU YAMASHITA YANG YANG YAP YAZDANI YE YEE YEUDALL YILDIZ YOKOTA YOUNG YOUNGSON YU YU YU YUAN YUAN YUAN YUCE ZAKONOVIC ZAMARIA ZANCHETTA ZATHY ZEYTINOGLU ZHANG ZHAO ZHOU ZIMANYI ZOLFAGHARI ZONE ZYWNO ADAMS AHERNE AHLSTRAND AKRAM-LODHI ALLCOTT ANASTAKIS ANDRIEWSKY ANGELOVA APOSTLE-CLARK ARVIN ATKINSON AUBREY BABAN BAILEY BALFOUR Given Name/ Prénom DEWEI YUAN MICHAEL CUNGANG LIXIA MARGARET AMIRNASER ANDY GEAN JUNE FIONA HALIS JEFFREY VICTOR CHARLOTTE HAOMIAO HONG SHUDONG FEI XIANXUN YVONNE AYSE ALEKSANDAR CHARLES MARGARETH DONNA O. MEHMET XIAO-PING LIAN EMILY LOUISE SAEED BARUCH MALGORZATA JEFFREY JULIAN BRUCE HAROON A. MICHAEL DIMITRY OLGA EMILIA SUSAN MAK WILLIAM JOCELYN FEYZI SUZANNE GILLIAN Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Senior Network Specialist Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Chair, Electrical Engineering Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Director of Development, University Wide Initiatives Professor Associate Professor Limited Term Faculty Professor Professor Associate Professor Intermediate Systems Programmer Co-Director, Consulative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Trent International Program Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $127,694.97 $116,948.85 $105,570.66 $144,806.97 $116,948.85 $129,414.85 $138,680.18 $122,555.28 $181,779.97 $125,916.77 $144,325.41 $154,283.48 $151,387.93 $105,612.42 $104,587.90 $140,399.60 $125,277.14 $178,872.80 $102,399.01 $141,815.91 $149,347.02 $114,612.97 $133,938.65 $134,435.22 $142,697.58 $167,989.11 $153,485.57 $129,740.22 $103,974.90 $101,230.37 $176,084.66 $131,116.97 $165,099.98 $118,435.28 $115,117.50 $143,352.44 $160,827.78 $126,260.83 $115,080.42 $140,661.00 $107,378.58 $176,808.00 $175,563.18 $115,891.36 $148,307.57 $117,778.86 $118,316.44 $118,043.05 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $671.96 $614.60 $224.26 $671.96 $614.60 $681.38 $664.86 $645.06 $717.60 $669.26 $666.52 $813.48 $797.86 $6,362.11 $518.70 $669.24 $720.26 $880.72 $538.10 $746.76 $773.14 $278.62 $826.96 $703.34 $542.96 $887.54 $808.18 $682.74 $196.29 $242.70 $860.97 $682.76 $869.50 $448.23 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $287.49 $200.04 $33.34 $0.00 $194.92 $200.04 $22.08 $200.04 $200.04 $33.34 $200.04 Page 106 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BALLANTYNE BAROSS BAUER BELL BERARD BEYERS BHANDAR BILANIUK BISHOP BLEASDALE BOCKING BODE BOIRE BORDO BOULBY BRENNER BROWN BROWN BROWNSCOMBE BRUCE BRUNETTI BURNESS BUTTLE BYRICK CAMPBELL CANNON CATER CAZORLA-SANCHEZ CHANGFOOT CHAN-REYNOLDS CHITTICK CHIVERS CHOUDHRY CLARK CLARKE CLARKE COGLEY CONLEY CONOLLY COUGHLAN DART DAVIS DAVIS DAWSON DE ZWAAN DECICCO DILLON DOCKSTATOR Given Name/ Prénom PERI ZSUZSA BEN NICOLE SYLVIE CHRISTIAAN DAVINA STEFAN JOHN FRASER STEPHEN RITA GARY JONATHAN MARION INGRID LIANA STEPHEN GARTH CATHY CRAIG GARY JAMES WILLIAM KATHRYN KERRY BRUCE ANTONIO NADINE MICHAEL KATHRYN SALLY SAUD LORRAINE DEBRA ROBERT J. GRAHAM JAMES JAMES RORY RAYMOND JULIE LYNNE PETER VICTORIA TERESA PETER MARK Position/Poste Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Provost and Vice-President, Academic Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Vice-President, Administration /Associate Vice-President, Financial Services Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Athletics Associate Professor Managing Editor, Journal of Canadian Studies Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor University Librarian Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Vice-President, External Relations & Advancement Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $117,735.48 $123,403.32 $120,497.16 $100,304.38 $120,443.76 $102,154.54 $109,691.41 $130,214.14 $163,522.14 $138,006.48 $141,981.18 $122,065.45 $240,000.00 $133,671.11 $119,219.84 $118,235.16 $115,336.08 $138,223.05 $177,197.98 $103,392.77 $125,771.58 $109,313.87 $166,234.08 $121,715.94 $143,162.38 $102,355.44 $143,282.80 $122,668.32 $112,537.44 $102,202.44 $131,184.96 $120,426.84 $175,327.10 $133,678.42 $148,066.71 $150,661.19 $167,589.93 $140,661.00 $137,634.54 $126,021.50 $125,828.82 $204,999.96 $140,661.00 $173,030.22 $117,752.16 $128,684.45 $172,972.68 $140,661.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $194.92 $0.00 $448.23 $127.09 $200.04 $82.50 $129.41 $0.00 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $221.38 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $166.70 $200.04 $0.00 $249.96 $33.34 $166.70 $0.00 $200.04 $249.96 $200.04 $249.96 $200.04 $141.10 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $9,795.61 $33.34 $0.00 $166.70 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 Page 107 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DORKEN DREWES DUNAWAY EDDY EIMERS EL-AMIR ELBL ELLIOTT ELLIS ELTON EMERY ENGELBERG EVANS FENG FIELD FINDON FISH FITZSIMONS FOX FRANKLIN FREELAND FROST FURGAL GUEGUEN HANLEY HARRISON HARVEY HAVAS HEALY HEITLINGER HEPBURN HICKIE HINTELMANN HOBBS HODGES HOLDSWORTH HOLLINGER HOWES HUMPHREYS HURL-EAMON HURLEY IANNACCI IANNONE JAMIESON JOSEPH HILL JUNYK KAPRON KATZ Given Name/ Prénom MARCEL TORBEN FINIS M. CHARMAINE CATHERINE AYMAN IVANA PAUL DAVID HUGH R. J. NEIL STEWART R. DOUGLAS WENYING KENNETH JOANNE LOUISE RODNEY MICHAEL STEVEN JOANNA PAUL CHRISTOPHER CELINE ROBYNE JULIA MARCUS MAGDA PAUL ALENA SHARON BRENDAN HOLGER MARGARET HUGH DAVID VERONICA MOIRA TERRY JENNINE RICHARD LUIGI GYLES SUSAN MELISSA IHOR CAROLYN STEPHEN Position/Poste Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Vice-President, Research & International Director Student Wellness Centre Principal, Trail College Full Professor Principal, Oshawa Associate Professor Director Risk Management Associate Professor Full Professor President & Vice-Chancellor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Co-ordinator, Human Rights, Equity/Access Full Professor Executive Director, Trent University Faculty Association Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dean of Arts & Science - Science Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Dean, Arts & Science - Humanities Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Recruitment & Admissions Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $104,782.44 $164,135.94 $109,922.33 $140,459.54 $104,799.36 $120,458.34 $147,368.94 $144,675.24 $121,952.50 $149,481.05 $160,828.96 $115,203.40 $177,018.45 $126,701.25 $144,827.65 $130,941.53 $108,044.29 $107,309.66 $160,618.85 $305,000.04 $126,456.08 $104,674.41 $117,752.16 $109,957.68 $110,602.38 $155,444.37 $100,789.85 $143,353.32 $163,819.32 $138,590.77 $125,828.82 $120,329.33 $159,666.42 $139,307.46 $107,431.56 $133,905.24 $158,135.94 $124,078.02 $115,170.90 $112,537.44 $160,712.42 $101,977.32 $141,670.62 $158,135.94 $106,749.78 $107,378.58 $136,361.00 $151,632.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $190.78 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $33.34 $200.04 $0.00 $33.34 $0.00 $191.54 $50.01 $249.96 $648.27 $200.04 $448.23 $200.04 $249.96 $200.04 $200.04 $23,453.22 $200.04 $33.34 $0.00 $200.04 $249.96 $0.00 $33.34 $166.70 $166.70 $0.00 $33.34 $33.34 $161.79 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $33.34 $0.00 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $249.96 $50.00 $0.00 $200.04 Page 108 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KAY KEEFER KEENLEYSIDE KENNETT KERR KERR KHO KNOX KYLE LACOMBE LAFLEUR LAW LEHMANN LEM LEW LEWARS LOHMANN LONGBOAT LUYBEN MACKIE MACLEOD MANNING MARSHALL MCCASKILL MCCONNELL MCDERMID MCINTOSH MCKENNA-NEUMAN MCKINNON MCLEOD MENELEY METCALFE MILLARD MILLOY MOORE MORGAN MULDOON MUMFORD MUNSON MURRAY NARINE NAVARA NEUFELD NEWHOUSE NGUYEN-MARSHALL NICOL NOL NORLOCK Given Name/ Prénom CAROLYN SARAH M. ANNE DEBORAH GRANT LESLIE SENG LONNY CHRISTOPHER MICHELE PETER ALAN HUGO WINNIE BYRON ERROL ROGER DAN JEAN JANE LEWIS P. HARVEY BARBARA DONALD SABINE DOUGLAS MICHELE CHERYL CHRISTINE NEAL ANNE CHRIS JANICE JOHN JENNIFER RICHARD JACQUELINE MARRIE MARIT DENNIS SURESH GEOFFREY MARK DAVID VAN HEATHER ERICA KATHRYN Position/Poste Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Registration & Records Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Physical Resources General Counsel & University Secretary Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professional Librarian College Head Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Professional Librarian Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Development Dean, School of Education Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $150,619.09 $163,522.14 $125,810.82 $172,825.33 $102,670.36 $109,957.68 $132,211.74 $109,215.42 $108,660.48 $140,661.00 $166,197.92 $125,828.82 $100,922.34 $154,090.32 $124,515.24 $164,895.72 $115,117.50 $109,957.68 $115,725.57 $102,165.46 $115,282.69 $116,455.38 $144,991.47 $170,279.34 $103,903.06 $115,117.50 $102,220.08 $155,444.70 $147,418.46 $115,170.90 $125,828.82 $164,840.81 $140,661.00 $164,895.72 $117,752.16 $106,056.30 $155,661.28 $128,681.18 $109,939.92 $134,227.24 $167,137.23 $113,009.89 $168,709.00 $150,094.14 $107,378.58 $132,071.82 $148,686.06 $112,537.44 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $33.34 $200.04 $166.70 $33.34 $249.96 $50.00 $195.61 $166.64 $200.04 $166.70 $200.04 $166.70 $200.04 $448.23 $174.44 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $163.88 $0.00 $0.00 $113.40 $0.00 $0.00 $33.34 $0.00 $200.04 $477.09 $200.04 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $200.04 $3,901.55 $200.04 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $166.70 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $166.70 $200.04 Page 109 of/de 311 Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Surname/Nom de famille O'CONNOR OLSEN-LYNCH O'MANIQUE PALMER PANAGIA PARKER PARKER PARNIS PATRICK PATTERSON Given Name/ Prénom ALAN ELLEN COLLEEN BRYAN DAVIDE ANNE JAMES MARK BRIAN BONNIE Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University PATTON PENNEY PETERS PICKEL PILLAR POLLANEN POLLOCK PONCE-HERNANDEZ POOLE POPHAM RAFFERTY RAHMAN REGOCZEI RIPLEY SANGSTER SAVILLE SCHAEFER SCHARFE SCIGLIANO SHAFFER SHEININ SHERMAN SHIELL SIENA SIMOLA SKINNER SMALE SMITH-CHANT SOLWAY STAPLETON STAVRO-PEARCE STEFFLER STOERTZ STRUTHERS SUMMERFELDT SUTCLIFFE SVICHTCHEV DAVID JAMES KEVIN ANDREAS STEVEN MARCO ZAILIG RAUL DAVID ELIZABETH STEVEN MOMIN STEPHEN GORDON JOAN BARRY JAMES ELAINE MARISA PAUL DAVID PAULA RAPLH KEVIN SHELDENE MARK WILLIAM BRENDA JACQUELINE TIMOTHY ELAINE MARGARET FIONA JAMES LAURA JAMES IGOR Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Full Professor Professional Librarian Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Director Information Technology/Senior Manager Client Services Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor (Seconded as President & Chief Executive Officer, Council of Ontario Universities) Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Vice-President, Administration Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professional Librarian Dean, Graduate Studies Associate Professor Full Professor Dean of Arts & Science - Social Science Professional Librarian Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $152,753.04 $102,220.08 $110,762.06 $172,972.68 $109,957.68 $102,108.19 $174,609.48 $162,439.20 $129,368.34 $313,004.76 $124,527.24 $113,746.97 $120,694.56 $156,721.93 $220,000.00 $115,299.48 $170,279.34 $136,615.55 $164,877.96 $142,030.04 $124,032.71 $115,099.74 $140,661.00 $113,852.28 $178,209.19 $137,896.62 $111,042.28 $143,573.47 $143,353.32 $115,117.50 $158,170.76 $104,799.34 $120,443.76 $112,428.88 $111,340.04 $104,782.84 $123,136.50 $111,239.64 $155,444.70 $136,704.48 $140,661.00 $115,099.74 $132,560.76 $159,269.57 $123,136.50 $163,522.92 $139,307.46 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $0.00 $191.54 $166.70 $0.00 $0.00 $249.96 $33.34 $200.04 $166.70 $6,023.28 $186.54 $0.00 $200.04 $0.00 $8,965.61 $188.64 $33.34 $200.04 $200.04 $70.96 $260.64 $33.34 $200.04 $55.50 $50.01 $200.04 $271.20 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $181.96 $200.04 $200.04 $149.04 $200.04 $33.34 $0.00 $0.00 $648.27 $166.70 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $166.70 $200.04 Page 110 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trent University Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College Trinity College University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille THOMAS TORGERSON VREUGDENHIL WALDEN WALLACE WALLSCHLAGER WATMOUGH WHILLANS WHITE WHITE WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLSON WILSON WOODEND WORTIS WRIGHT WURTELE YASSAWI YOUNG ZHOU ZNAMIROWSKI ZOHAR AIRHART CONNELLY CORMAN DEL BIANCO FERGUSON HEWITT HILLIARD NEELANDS SEABORN WIEBE ABDULLAH ACKERMAN ADOMAIT ALI ALLEN-VERCOE AMEGASHIE ANAND ANGLIN ANNEN AREIBI ARROYAS ARROYO ASHBOURNE ASHLOCK AUNG Given Name/ Prénom YVES DOUGLAS ANDREW KEITH MARGARET DIRK SHAUN THOMAS BRADLEY DEBORAH JOCELYN STEPHANIE MICHELLE PAUL KIRSTEN RACHEL ROBERT SUSAN REEM KELLY BING BARBARA ASAF MATTHEW THOMAS LINDA ELSIE BRUCE MARSHA MARTY DAVID GEOFFREY DONALD HUSSEIN JOSEF EVELINE REBECCA EMMA JAMES MADHUR PAUL KURT SHAWKI FREDERIQUE LUIS LYNDA DANIEL MAY Position/Poste Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Associate Vice-President, Strategic Enrolment Management & Registrar Associate Professor Dean, Trent/Fleming School of Nursing Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Professional Librarian Associate Professor Executive Director, Development Director, Facilities Services Librarian Librarian Assistant Provost, Academic Professor, Divinity Controller Dean, Divinity Bursar Professor, Divinity Professor & Director Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $143,353.32 $171,615.78 $123,189.90 $164,895.72 $104,799.36 $124,473.85 $128,520.18 $140,661.00 $140,313.34 $111,095.68 $106,263.60 $137,800.10 $135,732.25 $120,466.01 $153,406.57 $119,089.98 $141,143.76 $131,212.44 $105,434.42 $109,886.99 $158,034.36 $143,353.32 $141,034.46 $245,324.27 $103,966.98 $139,288.50 $122,125.96 $106,312.28 $158,638.02 $133,934.52 $118,160.52 $130,077.96 $164,647.46 $174,015.05 $132,078.16 $120,931.52 $102,880.28 $113,352.08 $139,068.70 $132,049.95 $152,639.00 $132,590.47 $140,050.49 $127,135.78 $139,028.70 $102,210.73 $151,134.37 $139,414.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $200.04 $0.00 $33.34 $200.04 $617.55 $174.44 $200.04 $200.04 $166.70 $33.34 $200.04 $249.96 $249.96 $166.70 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $200.04 $0.00 $314.64 $607.50 $283.20 $271.80 $338.43 $566.52 $374.58 $248.37 $283.20 $283.20 $558.64 $507.84 $280.38 $238.32 $393.48 $482.40 $457.96 $353.76 $459.82 $324.12 $441.42 $430.52 $355.08 $524.62 $483.56 Page 111 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - 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RON JOHANNES MARICA WALTER JAMES SHAI RODERICK JOHN JOACHIM PAWEL LANCE KENNETH CHRISTOPHER JOHN GREGOY ROBIN ANDREW LORNE SUSAN LEAH AARON RENEE OLAF NICHOLAS ALEXA KAREN KELLY WILLIAM DOROTHEE NANCY ANDRA SHAUNA ANDREAS DAVID PATRICK CHRISTINE LORI DIANE SARAH ELIZABETH Position/Poste Associate Professor Director, Portfolio Management Office Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Campus Community Police Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, University & Community Relations Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Director, Alfred Campus Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Vice-President, Major Gift Advancement Director, Organizational Services Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Assistant Librarian & Manager, Guelph-Humber Library Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Hospitality Services Associate Professor Professor Director, News Services Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $134,360.29 $132,715.70 $146,971.33 $132,804.34 $114,759.59 $101,664.33 $153,549.56 $152,916.73 $144,512.91 $107,243.81 $134,666.53 $100,380.73 $152,184.12 $146,345.29 $164,358.87 $149,729.44 $166,793.37 $130,101.65 $148,591.78 $157,903.67 $127,509.83 $122,737.48 $118,712.31 $119,081.79 $130,283.69 $126,603.52 $112,644.42 $106,293.30 $126,154.68 $138,109.51 $133,194.33 $122,261.86 $119,444.76 $152,908.86 $142,296.75 $150,632.48 $153,774.57 $101,765.39 $113,844.99 $100,652.19 $112,211.16 $146,835.55 $136,714.64 $159,633.77 $102,089.30 $105,903.70 $100,465.70 $135,640.38 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $311.56 $451.95 $509.96 $443.16 $265.98 $352.44 $353.22 $530.42 $474.08 $362.40 $467.42 $28.96 $352.68 $765.88 $0.00 $519.40 $515.44 $451.28 $295.50 $522.88 $274.08 $404.42 $275.24 $404.84 $452.44 $439.10 $240.54 $403.88 $410.24 $437.94 $462.22 $283.32 $481.86 $435.74 $462.27 $522.26 $327.16 $218.72 $270.60 $426.38 $260.20 $1,277.27 $474.32 $554.00 $346.96 $367.80 $363.77 $314.52 Page 112 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BOWLEY BOWRING BRADFORD BRADSHAW BRAGA BRASH BRAUER BRAUER BREDAHL BRETT BRISSON BROOKS BROWN BROWN BROWN BRUCE BUCHHOLZ BURCHER BUREAU BUSH CADSBY CAI CAIRNIE CALDWELL CALVERT CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CANT CARL CARMAN CARSTAIRS CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTY CARUSO CASE CASWELL CELLARIER CHALMERS CHANG CHAPMAN CHARLEBOIS CHEN CHENIER CHHINZER CHILDS CHIU Given Name/ Prénom STEPHEN MICHELE ANDREA BENJAMIN FRANCESCO MARINA MANFRED PAULA MAURY JAMES BRIGITTE ANDREW LEONID ROBERT SUSAN DONALD ANDREA LISE DOMINIQUE CATHERINE CHARLES HUGH JULIE WAYNE DAVID DOUG GREGOR JOHN JAMES PAMELA SUZANNE CATHERINE EDWARD ROBERT SHANNON LYNN CHRISTINA PATRICK JEFF LAURENT HEATHER ELAINE STEVE SYLVAIN SHU TRACEY SUE NITA MARY DAVID Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Veterinary Pathologist Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Librarian & Manager, Ontario Veterinary College Learning Commons Associate Professor Veterinary Pathologist Professor Professor Professor Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor & Director Professor Molecular Biologist Associate Professor Professor & Director Associate Professor Veterinarian Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Mammalian Virologist Associate Professor Professor Associate Vice-President, Physical Resources Sessional Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Special Projects Manager Professor & Associate Dean Manager, Analytical Biology Section Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Legal Counsel Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $149,314.75 $130,757.80 $119,058.49 $132,433.99 $146,637.23 $113,434.46 $143,276.39 $129,375.06 $179,316.43 $118,213.02 $136,734.89 $107,194.19 $137,167.42 $164,122.66 $156,648.19 $191,899.40 $120,807.45 $103,667.40 $134,539.53 $103,729.60 $155,644.03 $112,204.93 $114,530.72 $176,740.48 $132,002.03 $106,173.57 $109,860.32 $140,756.01 $120,722.70 $122,729.84 $131,722.54 $164,975.35 $196,199.10 $113,389.32 $106,850.97 $112,343.97 $147,833.82 $140,541.01 $139,214.64 $148,000.02 $131,211.59 $100,656.56 $195,104.12 $120,233.78 $135,246.02 $118,396.47 $134,744.51 $146,845.53 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $513.66 $398.14 $413.12 $431.60 $480.76 $391.78 $966.62 $448.34 $0.00 $416.72 $518.78 $372.18 $471.38 $858.44 $350.90 $620.76 $280.38 $359.42 $311.56 $94.44 $540.20 $389.52 $397.52 $515.84 $305.90 $368.66 $381.38 $488.20 $279.84 $415.44 $305.20 $572.62 $381.48 $28.96 $28.96 $390.00 $469.25 $325.46 $455.32 $309.92 $455.32 $342.29 $554.88 $255.77 $305.82 $383.08 $461.96 $509.62 Page 113 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CHOI CHOLERIS CHRISTENSEN-HUGHES CHUANG CLARK CLARKE CLINE COE COLASANTI COLWELL CONLON COOMBER COPPOLINO CORMACK CORNELIO CORREDIG CORRY COTTENIE COX CRANFIELD CRAWFORD CREASE CUMMINGS CUNNINGHAM CURRIE DALE DALY DANZMANN DARLINGTON DAUDA DAVENPORT DAWSON DAWSON DAY DE COSTE DE LANGE DEARDON DEATON DEDRICK DEEN DELAY D'ELIA DENK DESMARAIS DESMOND DEVEAUX DEWEY DEWHIRST Given Name/ Prénom HWAN-SUK ELENA JULIA SUSAN JANINE ANTHONY JOHN JASON JOSEPH SCOTT PETER BRENDA MARC WILLIAM DAWN MILENA ROBERT KARL SHERRI JOHN STEPHEN TERESA HARRY CHARLES ELLIOTT ADAM KERRY ROY GERARDA CAROL LYNDA JOHN MYRNA LINDA MARY CORNELIS ROBERT BRADY DONALD WILLIAM JOSEPHA MATTHEW-JIM MICHAEL SERGE ANTHONY MONIQUE CATE TIMOTHY Position/Poste Associate Professor Professor Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Vice-President, Graduate Studies & Program Quality Assurance Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Associate Dean Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Global Development, Innovation & Research Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Assistant Vice-President, Communications & Public Affairs Associate Professor Professor Dean Professor Professor & Associate Dean Assistant Professor Director, Student Health Services Associate Professor Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Librarian Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Veterinary Pathologist Associate Librarian & Acting Head, Learning & Curriculum Support Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Academic Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor & Chair Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $131,376.32 $125,894.59 $200,008.45 $115,444.75 $138,055.28 $195,363.36 $125,365.28 $110,316.87 $134,307.76 $138,697.63 $190,994.06 $144,458.19 $122,421.68 $129,841.18 $134,673.50 $148,048.51 $116,659.40 $108,333.44 $150,506.46 $137,774.73 $107,805.63 $153,037.66 $153,194.69 $167,007.02 $141,709.05 $150,916.99 $201,008.40 $141,590.38 $156,268.28 $115,796.66 $118,311.55 $123,260.04 $140,159.36 $100,373.21 $115,068.22 $163,514.60 $109,806.57 $119,719.74 $113,880.80 $123,850.27 $121,636.85 $100,775.42 $131,661.64 $190,208.50 $147,780.05 $138,159.81 $160,657.33 $138,761.35 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $304.66 $437.32 $641.64 $267.74 $319.70 $630.08 $435.14 $383.08 $466.28 $463.92 $608.04 $334.68 $425.22 $450.66 $274.62 $461.60 $270.06 $376.18 $485.52 $478.38 $373.86 $354.38 $361.60 $527.12 $316.76 $522.34 $645.04 $491.70 $513.28 $0.00 $255.67 $286.18 $451.74 $233.06 $385.42 $539.58 $254.42 $415.36 $395.30 $429.38 $272.92 $210.48 $304.90 $611.52 $342.28 $295.50 $364.16 $322.02 Page 114 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DHALLA DIEZ DIXON DOBSON DOEL DONY DOUGLAS DREWITT DUFFIELD DUNCAN DUNFIELD DUTCHER DWYER DYCK EARDLEY EARL EBERL ELLERAY ELLIOT EMES ETCHES EVANS EWAN FAIRLES FAN FARAHBAKHSH FENSKE FERGUSON FERGUSON FERREIRA FILEWOD FILSON FINNIS FISCHLIN FITZGIBBON FITZSIMONS FLAHERTY FLOOD FORTIER FOSTER FOSTER FOX FRANCE FRASER FREEDMAN FRIENDSHIP FRYXELL FU Given Name/ Prénom RUMINA JORDI MICHAEL SUSAN DOUGLAS ROBERT SUSAN EMMANUELLE TODD ALISON KARI JOHN JOHN DAVID PETER HUGH HERMANN MICHELLE STATIA MICHAEL AMANDA MARY ANN ELIZABETH ROBERT MING KHOSROW MARK BRIAN MOIRA SUSANNAH ALAN GLEN ELIZABETH DANIEL JOHN JOHN JOAN PATRICIA MARK CECIL ROBERT GLENN JAMES EVAN KARYN ROBERT JOHN JINZHONG Position/Poste Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Manager, Electrical Design Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean Associate Librarian & Head, Discovery & Access Professor & Chair Professor & University Research Chair Client Service Veterinarian Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor & Chair Associate Professor Professor & Director Professor Associate Professor Professor & University Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Assistant Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $129,443.78 $124,114.29 $149,273.93 $114,427.40 $100,602.08 $135,645.72 $122,188.55 $111,516.39 $152,670.34 $125,226.94 $107,650.16 $185,762.19 $135,584.89 $147,197.41 $107,375.15 $110,643.73 $132,401.40 $119,524.93 $128,678.48 $232,144.78 $111,516.78 $178,926.16 $180,850.53 $111,664.11 $140,371.40 $132,519.25 $110,086.51 $148,406.42 $172,806.66 $101,633.49 $175,901.92 $149,562.83 $101,287.15 $171,323.04 $167,025.40 $133,215.39 $116,922.43 $126,339.07 $148,999.77 $128,168.28 $143,833.05 $167,888.54 $194,437.37 $132,512.55 $120,053.61 $161,874.61 $149,975.27 $121,296.75 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $435.00 $269.44 $517.70 $265.32 $339.33 $470.84 $283.32 $258.88 $338.72 $434.78 $369.20 $558.10 $470.30 $340.88 $372.72 $384.28 $425.22 $414.82 $288.28 $2,505.76 $350.82 $579.44 $372.86 $387.20 $487.12 $459.82 $381.92 $514.82 $558.10 $352.24 $575.96 $352.80 $234.76 $525.22 $579.44 $0.00 $405.58 $293.10 $345.14 $444.38 $498.60 $370.56 $605.54 $425.30 $416.60 $375.10 $520.48 $281.00 Page 115 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille FUDGE GABRYELSKI GAITERO SANTOS GALE GARDNER GARRETT GARTLEY GARVIE GAVRILOVIC GEDALOF GELLERT GENC GHARABAGHI GIBSON GILBERT GILLIES GILLIS GIROUX GISMONDI GLASAUER GODDARD GODDARD GODFREY GOERTZ GOFF GOLDENBERG GOMEZ GOODWIN GORDON GORDON GORDON GORDON GORLITZ GOTTLIEB GOUGH GRABURN GRAETHER GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAND GRAY GRAY GREENWOOD GREGORI GREGORY GREWAL GRIFFITHS GRODZINSKI Given Name/ Prénom DOUGLAS WOJCIECH LUIS ALAN WILLIAM PAUL CATHY MARCUS GORAN ZE EV RALF TALAT BAHRAM TOM SKY SCOTT TODD CHRISTIAN STEPHEN SUSAN JOHN PETER KERRY JOHANNA DOUGLAS MAYA ROSARIO PAUL ALAN ANDREW KAREN ROBERT WILL BENJAMIN KAREN LINDA STEFFEN REBECCA TERENCE MICHAEL GAYLEEN LORI JOHN STEFANO T. RYAN GARY MANSEL BERNARD Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Librarian Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Manager, Space Administration, Design, Engineering & Construction Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor & University Research Chair Associate Librarian & Head, Information Resources Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor & Chair Professor & Chair Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Dean Professor Professor Professor Associate Librarian Associate Professor Chief Information Officer & Chief Librarian Professor Professor Associate Director, Computing & Communication Service Manager, Finance & Administration Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $107,353.22 $123,066.27 $132,078.72 $106,966.83 $133,316.51 $149,068.02 $139,625.30 $108,817.45 $102,988.17 $114,985.44 $126,227.65 $127,576.57 $135,640.44 $135,039.08 $120,049.87 $122,612.85 $106,898.85 $113,424.79 $113,417.81 $126,887.32 $127,006.49 $150,164.32 $171,082.31 $116,252.46 $163,276.07 $102,210.73 $107,251.08 $143,480.26 $125,196.85 $153,162.30 $116,037.06 $204,788.96 $138,664.21 $166,077.58 $161,235.35 $104,415.31 $113,776.37 $111,801.85 $168,203.29 $165,612.56 $114,841.39 $111,505.95 $147,853.93 $121,406.65 $119,923.18 $136,893.57 $166,663.03 $155,349.77 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $372.06 $281.00 $276.40 $446.52 $309.30 $345.62 $477.30 $377.58 $349.84 $266.52 $292.40 $296.04 $445.46 $461.60 $381.92 $367.42 $371.52 $393.40 $393.48 $293.72 $292.42 $486.50 $549.50 $269.44 $566.72 $355.08 $248.64 $332.42 $286.18 $531.50 $402.72 $439.28 $481.24 $0.00 $373.40 $437.30 $395.02 $1,105.11 $0.00 $0.00 $361.23 $218.79 $773.22 $381.00 $415.98 $474.94 $578.36 $0.00 Page 116 of/de 311 University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Surname/Nom de famille GROGAN GRUMAN GUERIN GUZMAN HAHNEL MEIDINGER HAILU HAINES HALE HALL HALL HALLETT HAMBLY ODAME HANNA HANNER HARAUZ HARDER HARLEY HARLEY HARVEY HARVEY HARWOOD HASSAN HATHAWAY HAUSDORF HAYDAY HAYES HAZLETT HEBERT HEBLE HECK HEDICAN HENIGHAN HENNIG HENSON HEWSON HEYLAND HICKSON HILL HODGKINSON HODGSON HOEG HOLLOWAY HOLOWAYCHUK HORNE HORROCKS HOUGH Given Name/ Prénom LOUISE JAMIE MICHELE ERNESTO ANN GETU JENNIFER BEVERLY CHRIS KEVIN REBECCA HELEN BRAD ROBERT GEORGE LARRY JAMES MARTHA JEAN KATHRYN BRENT MARWAN ANDREW PETER MATTHEW ANTHONY MURRAY PAUL AJAY RICHARD EDWARD STEPHEN KARL SPENCER JOANNE ANDREAS SALLY ARTHUR VICTORIA BARRY KENT GRAHAM MARIE DOUGLAS JULIE KENNETH University of Guelph HOULE KAREN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor & Associate Dean Professor & Canada Research Chair Vice-President, Research & External Partnerships Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Professor Associate Librarian & Head of Archives Assistant Director, Student Housing Services Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Veterinary Pathologist Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor & Chair University Secretary Controller Manager, University Systems Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Librarian & Head, Academic Liaison Teams Associate Professor Director, Research Facilities Management and Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs/University of Guelph Agreement Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $132,184.88 $124,998.64 $109,733.81 $138,514.61 $144,003.25 $107,247.59 $100,541.55 $166,964.20 $187,788.84 $265,911.48 $122,336.33 $129,183.92 $132,789.96 $131,502.25 $182,445.11 $131,436.34 $135,004.34 $186,624.29 $140,340.30 $115,009.46 $119,235.49 $104,370.14 $107,051.18 $126,028.91 $101,318.49 $168,415.23 $125,950.42 $228,871.37 $152,937.14 $114,336.31 $161,670.57 $139,666.83 $119,503.49 $121,763.41 $145,958.09 $106,700.43 $110,388.95 $160,515.96 $142,756.84 $121,140.60 $106,424.59 $103,277.29 $134,308.60 $111,931.64 $120,285.32 $124,619.50 $113,972.58 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.44 $289.64 $253.94 $480.76 $333.58 $372.18 $349.06 $346.80 $572.00 $1,767.00 $424.06 $448.34 $461.06 $456.48 $372.86 $455.94 $300.66 $1,230.18 $30.64 $372.98 $397.85 $361.76 $371.52 $436.78 $234.76 $584.66 $418.96 $521.28 $354.92 $396.98 $366.22 $484.72 $414.90 $420.70 $482.24 $246.94 $383.00 $495.12 $447.36 $412.49 $361.59 $358.26 $432.82 $463.28 $417.14 $423.44 $395.84 Page 117 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - 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Universités Surname/Nom de famille KIRKLAND KISIEL KISSICK KLOSLER KNOWLES KOCH KOENIG KOLAPO KOSEMPEL KOWALCHUK KRELL KREMER KRIBS KUCZYNSKI KUHN KUNZE KURUCZ KYCIA LABERGE LACHAPELLE LADIZHANSKY LAM LAMARRE LAMPERT LANDMAN LANG LAUZON LAUZON LAWNICZAK LEACH LEBLANC LEE LEE LEE LEHNER LENCKI LENNIE LERI LERO LI LI LILLIE LIM LINDSAY LIPKOWSKI LIPTON LISSEMORE LISSEMORE Given Name/ Prénom JAMES AGATHA JOHN PAUL RICHARD THOMAS JUDITH FEMI STEPHEN LISA PETER STEFAN DAVID LEON RICHARD HERB ELIZABETH STEFAN FREDERIC SOFIE VLADIMIR JOSEPH JONATHAN JAY KAREN MELANIE ALLAN JOHN ANNA BELINDA STEPHEN ELIZABETH HUNG THERESA LUIS ROBERT JAMES FRANCESCO DONNA JULANG XINING BRANDON LOONG-TAK JOHN JACEK MARK KERRY LINDA Position/Poste Associate Professor Veterinarian Professor & Director Senior Development Manager Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Chair Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor & Chair Professor & Chair Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor & Associate Dean Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Director, Computing & Communications Services Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor & Associate Dean Manager, Chemistry Unit Salary Paid/ Traitement $148,133.84 $110,466.58 $169,574.39 $102,576.41 $170,002.95 $123,747.03 $144,171.57 $123,443.31 $138,529.20 $121,099.63 $154,185.18 $157,929.95 $137,517.61 $153,314.14 $161,263.46 $134,931.75 $108,488.98 $131,042.92 $103,219.61 $110,418.55 $129,473.14 $196,864.60 $153,037.65 $142,025.40 $118,219.03 $114,195.66 $146,066.74 $112,737.50 $147,301.06 $170,277.76 $133,854.62 $141,614.26 $161,734.11 $134,532.50 $105,486.29 $138,477.25 $125,363.95 $132,532.23 $126,255.89 $133,120.79 $147,293.50 $109,847.27 $118,415.07 $119,648.93 $193,880.31 $118,585.67 $183,280.83 $105,041.59 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $342.82 $28.96 $1,524.62 $290.77 $589.84 $364.46 $476.64 $428.70 $461.06 $262.52 $243.20 $496.28 $442.50 $927.84 $531.58 $312.76 $296.58 $304.12 $238.86 $383.62 $414.82 $579.44 $354.38 $328.94 $274.08 $98.36 $506.14 $391.16 $511.32 $561.80 $462.76 $327.78 $978.84 $466.88 $363.77 $320.86 $384.95 $459.82 $199.38 $462.22 $510.78 $380.76 $410.86 $415.36 $0.00 $411.40 $439.57 $216.97 Page 119 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LITMAN LIU LIVERNOIS LO LOLLIS LONDERVILLE LOO LOPTSON LU LUKENS LUMSDEN LYNCH LYONS LYONS MA MACDONALD MACDOUGALL MACINNES MACLACHLAN MACLAURIN MACLUSKEY MACMARTIN MADAN MADDISON MAH MAHERALI MAHMOUD MAHONE MAHOOD MAIDMENT MAITLAND MALLARD MANCINI MANCUSO MANDELL MANDERVILLE MANN MARANGONI MARCONE MARK MARMUREK MARNER MARSHALL MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTINO MARTOS Given Name/ Prénom MARCUS YONGBO JOHN REGGIE SUSAN JANE LEON PETER RUI LEWIS JOHN STEPHEN ERIC SEAN DAVID DAVID ANDREW JANET DANIEL TANYA NEIL CLARE PAVNEESH JEAN JOHN HAFIZ QUSAY JAMES LINDA MADONNA SCOTT BONNIE BRUNO MAUREEN IRA RICHARD SARA ALEJANDRO MASSIMO TANYA HARVEY DOMINIC STEPHEN EDWIN PATRICK RALPH TAMI PERRY Position/Poste Veterinary Director Research Scientist Interim Associate Vice-President, Research Services Professor Professor Associate Professor Manager, Infrastructure Solutions Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor & Sessional Instructor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Design, Engineering & Construction Professor Professor & Chair Associate Professor & Associate Dean Assistant Professor Associate Professor Financial Officer Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Student Life & Counselling Services Provost & Vice-President, Academic Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor & Associate Director Professor Director, Environmental Services Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Manager, Method Development Salary Paid/ Traitement $102,036.13 $104,263.97 $212,981.19 $146,737.47 $147,958.37 $121,444.27 $103,986.15 $167,434.08 $127,905.77 $130,313.11 $144,292.83 $107,941.06 $108,752.18 $122,026.87 $106,510.33 $126,377.34 $124,454.82 $150,678.43 $140,094.22 $146,026.85 $179,124.63 $135,247.16 $109,847.27 $137,098.00 $121,300.92 $122,108.25 $137,148.92 $147,992.65 $142,676.01 $123,538.18 $129,513.83 $142,620.66 $115,519.08 $320,911.28 $134,000.81 $150,446.14 $139,791.74 $188,371.96 $124,475.24 $129,442.06 $179,001.92 $134,989.69 $155,911.49 $111,027.53 $124,370.38 $145,714.82 $103,066.51 $115,060.37 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $231.56 $28.96 $563.58 $509.62 $513.66 $271.76 $353.41 $0.00 $444.38 $451.82 $500.96 $226.66 $246.94 $423.44 $267.12 $438.48 $432.20 $349.20 $438.56 $506.68 $584.66 $447.36 $380.76 $0.00 $256.77 $424.06 $318.00 $0.00 $494.50 $267.74 $449.50 $330.10 $0.00 $1,955.16 $465.08 $510.70 $457.02 $549.36 $269.98 $300.18 $0.00 $457.50 $361.30 $750.91 $431.74 $505.52 $357.72 $240.70 Page 120 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - 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WILLIAM PAUL DEANNA KELLY DANIEL JOHN BAOZHONG PAULA DONALD KIMBERLEY RODNEY JANET BARRY MARIANNE JOHN STEPHEN YOSHINORI MANJUSRI JEFFREY RICHARD NOEL Position/Poste Associate Librarian Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Co-Executive Director, Laboratory Services Division Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor & Assistant Dean & Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor & Associate Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Ridgetown Campus Veterinary Pathologist Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, University Centre Associate Professor & Associate Chair Associate Registrar - Admission Services Professor Associate Professor Co-Executive Director, Laboratory Services Division Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Finance & Integrated Planning Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Vice-President, Strategic Partnerships Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $101,230.36 $145,611.52 $132,565.93 $132,888.35 $126,785.68 $156,670.27 $130,492.82 $145,021.79 $121,625.33 $122,034.65 $200,475.62 $181,427.17 $146,008.08 $147,665.40 $104,197.95 $135,010.74 $132,750.90 $125,817.14 $142,071.02 $114,663.23 $100,666.07 $123,209.42 $166,069.00 $172,012.48 $135,728.51 $148,623.70 $133,184.44 $105,124.27 $119,135.22 $114,422.73 $147,675.87 $131,092.15 $136,224.79 $117,791.46 $162,782.60 $148,477.47 $111,724.19 $148,705.45 $152,988.62 $119,465.08 $130,876.87 $187,829.34 $132,357.33 $140,611.11 $143,964.30 $152,504.69 $210,243.38 $159,584.84 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $351.28 $470.84 $459.90 $327.78 $405.04 $0.00 $302.34 $503.26 $425.22 $28.96 $0.00 $579.44 $338.26 $478.04 $241.72 $293.64 $460.52 $420.10 $465.08 $398.14 $206.78 $420.10 $551.68 $569.66 $314.52 $332.96 $462.22 $626.69 $454.70 $388.60 $512.52 $455.32 $377.75 $272.92 $539.58 $487.66 $258.88 $515.84 $338.18 $585.32 $0.00 $381.48 $446.08 $488.20 $332.96 $529.18 $450.84 $335.34 Page 121 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MOHAN MOHANTY MONTEIRO MOORE MOOREHEAD MORETON MORRONGIELLO-GOTTLIEB MORTON MOSSER MOUSSA MUELLER MULHOLLAND MULLEN MURESAN MURRANT MURRAY MURRAY MUTCH MUTHARIA MUTSAERS NAGY NANCE NANDORFY NASBY NASSUTH NAUD NELISCHER NERVO NEWBY-CLARK NEWMAN NEWMASTER NICOL NICOL NONNECKE NORRIS NUDDS NUTTING NYKAMP O'CLEIRIGH ODARTEY-WELLINGTON OGG O'GRADY O'HALLORAN O'HARA OJKIC O'LEARY OLIVER O'QUINN Given Name/ Prénom DENISE AMAR MARIO IRENE ROGER JASON BARBARA GRAEME RICHARD MEDHAT RUEDIGER PAUL ROBERT RADU CORAL IAIN JACQUELINE DAVID LUCY ANTHONY EVA SUSAN MARTHA JUDITH ANNETTE CLAUDE MAURICE SANDRA IAN JONATHAN STEVEN ELISABETH ROBERT BLAIR DALE THOMAS STEPHANIE STEPHANIE PADRAIG DOROTHY ANTHONY WILLIAM IVAN SUZANNE DAVOR DONALD MICHELE DANIEL Position/Poste Assistant Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Director, Ridgetown Campus Professor Assistant Vice-President, Alumni Advancement Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor & Scottish Studies Foundation Chair Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor & University Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Art Centre Associate Professor Director, Kemptville Campus Director, Sustainability Manager, Audit Services Associate Professor Professor & Director Associate Professor & Curator Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & University Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Manager, Scientific Operations Avian Virologist/Immunologist Vice-President, Finance & Administration & Risk Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $121,436.58 $198,265.28 $134,755.68 $112,802.08 $133,379.58 $158,383.13 $184,421.47 $174,707.66 $139,616.36 $132,093.39 $101,082.29 $107,868.54 $152,292.99 $124,540.81 $131,528.14 $147,022.16 $170,105.64 $104,182.24 $137,416.55 $132,605.38 $151,015.38 $107,385.59 $137,618.10 $122,043.01 $134,658.63 $109,978.07 $178,061.25 $108,922.78 $120,406.79 $155,496.26 $123,511.25 $142,537.58 $102,784.51 $138,225.47 $113,838.67 $166,214.99 $132,986.48 $154,625.65 $152,732.05 $132,204.76 $160,532.74 $138,391.48 $131,218.73 $100,927.34 $128,254.55 $265,011.48 $125,560.09 $143,835.32 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $153.56 $548.88 $467.42 $244.62 $309.08 $307.27 $570.20 $536.72 $484.18 $458.50 $399.22 $0.00 $493.34 $288.62 $456.48 $340.50 $578.07 $361.76 $318.54 $459.90 $350.28 $372.60 $477.18 $0.00 $467.50 $28.96 $0.00 $367.41 $417.76 $477.18 $414.82 $330.10 $28.96 $479.60 $253.28 $576.58 $308.14 $327.78 $0.00 $458.66 $502.10 $480.14 $304.12 $28.96 $408.54 $867.00 $435.62 $499.14 Page 122 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille OSBORNE O'SULLIVAN OTIS PADANYI PAINE PALIYATH PALLOTTINI PALSETIA PAPADOPOULOS PARKER PARKER PARKIN PARMEGIANI PARNABY PARSONS-DOHERTY PAULS PAYROW SHABANI PEARL PENNER PERCIVAL PEREGRINE PEREIRA PERKINS PERO PETRIK PETTIGREW PHYSICK-SHEARD PINARD PLATTNER PLESCA POIRIER POISSON POLJAK POPOVIC POWELL PRESCOTT PRESCOTT PREUSS PREYDE PRIES PURSLOW PYLE QIN RACINE RAIZADA RAJCAN RAMIREZ RANTZ Given Name/ Prénom VERNON MARGARET GARD PAULETTE CECELIA GOPINADHAN REMO JESSE ANDREW BETH LINDA GARY SANDRA PATRICK MELISSA KARL ABDOLLAH DAVID GLENN KENT ANDREW RAJESH NATHAN RAY JAMES BRIAN PETER CHANTALE BRANDON MIANA VALERIE ERIC ZVONIMIR ALEKSANDAR STEPHEN DAVID JOHN KATHRYN MICHELLE FRED PETER WILLIAM XIAO-RONG KAREN MANISH ISTVAN PABLO BRENDA Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor & Associate Dean Professor Facilities Manager Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Industrial Research Chair Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Chair Veterinarian Professor & Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Associate Chair Manager, Information Technology Development Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Procurement Services Professor Assistant Vice-President, Institutional Research & Planning & Registrar Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Veterinarian Professor & Chair Assistant Professor Director, Animal Care Services Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Staff Relations Salary Paid/ Traitement $134,536.93 $143,373.67 $151,948.57 $151,959.35 $160,273.76 $162,120.17 $106,053.07 $120,601.10 $128,103.95 $148,462.16 $195,258.76 $136,288.07 $106,358.22 $118,275.98 $116,598.63 $185,662.39 $117,124.79 $128,374.17 $141,703.63 $116,628.02 $152,937.14 $103,863.94 $142,664.13 $103,950.65 $143,397.26 $179,326.76 $158,987.82 $138,707.22 $107,705.52 $131,182.73 $112,076.46 $160,442.38 $116,842.43 $131,170.88 $133,672.35 $158,886.24 $165,564.51 $135,568.83 $116,021.40 $142,243.45 $161,884.99 $128,573.92 $131,048.68 $133,112.65 $124,685.01 $176,032.08 $106,803.14 $126,742.71 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $277.54 $493.42 $527.48 $486.01 $331.48 $534.98 $360.08 $279.22 $444.38 $515.30 $591.00 $316.22 $368.88 $381.92 $28.96 $379.20 $406.20 $445.46 $327.24 $265.44 $354.92 $240.56 $330.64 $341.95 $497.98 $0.00 $551.76 $461.60 $373.32 $455.32 $28.96 $522.26 $405.58 $445.94 $464.00 $551.14 $395.36 $417.14 $269.44 $315.60 $375.18 $297.20 $454.78 $308.14 $432.82 $480.62 $247.48 $425.42 Page 123 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille RECHICO REIMER REVINGTON RICE RICHARDSON RIDDELL RIDLEY ROBERTS ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROHATYNSKJ ROTHSTEIN ROWNTREE ROWSELL RUDRA RUNCIMAN RUNCIMAN RUOTSALO RUSSON SADANAND SAFDAR SALMON SALMON SARGEANT SARKER SATYRE SAWADA SAXENA SCHAAFSMA SCHACKER SCHENKEL SCHLAF SCHMIDT SCHNARR SCHOLTZ SCHWAN SCOTT SCOTT-DUPREE SEAH SEETHARAMAN SHALLA SHARIF SHAROM SHEEHY SHEESHKA SHELDRICK Given Name/ Prénom SANDRA KAREN KATE CARLA DANIELLE TROY MICHAEL OWEN ANDREW BEREN DARREN LINDSAY MARTA STEVEN PAUL JOHN RAMESH CLAUDIA JOHN KRISTIINA JOHN ASHA SABA HELEN PAUL JAN RAKHAL JOUBERT JOSEPH PRAVEEN ARTHUR JENNIFER FLAVIO MARCEL JONATHAN LAURIE ELIZABETH ADRIAN SANDRA CYNTHIA STEPHEN KOUSHIK VIVIAN SHAYAN FRANCES MANUELA JUDY BYRON Position/Poste Associate Professor Director, Co-operative Education & Career Services Associate University Secretary Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair Veterinarian Associate Professor Librarian Director, Research Communications Associate Professor & Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & University Research Chair Professor College Professor & Director, Northern Stations Professor Director, Finance & Administration Associate Professor Veterinary Clinical Pathologist Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Librarian Assistant Professor Professor & Associate Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor & Associate Dean Director, Student Life Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Registrar - Student Financial Services Associate Professor Associate Professor & Chair Salary Paid/ Traitement $112,969.91 $100,315.41 $106,228.34 $129,441.66 $106,607.52 $137,616.46 $183,085.68 $102,312.21 $143,821.97 $127,953.06 $116,228.77 $119,517.36 $139,002.98 $187,190.26 $162,528.26 $100,709.18 $164,947.33 $103,828.87 $134,927.20 $110,585.84 $138,503.83 $149,273.93 $119,567.13 $131,687.40 $123,115.35 $149,210.38 $112,774.94 $110,591.30 $134,529.10 $157,216.32 $141,491.96 $127,135.78 $116,752.67 $134,600.75 $166,437.60 $102,149.02 $116,090.16 $158,775.06 $112,311.48 $144,094.38 $119,951.92 $127,639.62 $134,815.32 $134,201.11 $192,969.84 $104,642.27 $102,159.59 $152,087.78 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $392.32 $227.79 $241.07 $414.28 $28.96 $452.98 $587.24 $321.86 $291.40 $444.38 $403.26 $414.82 $0.00 $580.60 $547.20 $332.04 $216.24 $351.83 $468.04 $383.08 $320.86 $517.70 $274.70 $524.68 $427.54 $322.50 $391.78 $383.74 $311.56 $545.46 $488.20 $441.42 $392.32 $466.88 $520.20 $231.74 $262.52 $532.66 $389.52 $499.76 $416.60 $442.62 $312.76 $465.62 $600.24 $355.53 $234.94 $500.56 Page 124 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SHELP SHERIDAN SHERWOOD SHOVELLER SHUH SIBLEY SIKKEMA SINCLAIR SINGER SINGH SINGH SKIMSON SLAVIC SMIT SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITHERS SOLDATOV SON HING SONG SPEARS SPINATO SPRIET SPRING SQUIRES STACEY STAEMPFLI STALKER STANLEY STANSFIELD STEEVES STENGOS STEVENSON STEWART STIVER STONE STRUTHERS SUBRAMANIAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SUMMERLEE SUN SVENSSON SWANTON SYLVAIN Given Name/ Prénom BARRY PATRICIA ANDREW JOANNE LARRY PAUL PETER MELISSA SANDRA AMEET RADHEY ERIN DURDA BARRY DALE JERRARD KENNETH NORMAN TREVOR JOHN DMITRIY LEANNE FEI IAN MARIA LAWRENCE HOWARD JAMES DEBORAH HENRY MARGARET DAVID RONALD CATHERINE THANASIS ROSELYNN LYNDON WARREN ELIZABETH TIM JAYASANKAR ALLAN NANCY ALASTAIR YIGUO CARL CLARENCE RENEE Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor & Associate Chair Associate Professor Vice-President, Alumni Affairs & Development Budget Manager Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Business Development Office Veterinary Bacteriologist Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Associate Professor & Associate Dean Associate Professor Professor Professor & Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Veterinary Pathologist Professor & Chair Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor & Assistant Dean Professor Veterinary Pathologist Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Chief Librarian Professor & University Research Chair Professor Chief Operating Officer, Alumni Affairs Professor Dean Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Vice-President, Finance & Administration President Associate Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $160,500.30 $116,561.04 $123,770.12 $173,568.87 $105,569.61 $131,990.42 $140,152.60 $117,182.12 $119,162.10 $136,776.75 $107,030.32 $172,542.01 $112,660.25 $195,398.24 $153,500.82 $119,429.21 $165,843.71 $111,840.27 $149,172.25 $155,804.28 $115,931.25 $109,426.58 $132,071.22 $122,531.74 $117,377.33 $176,123.91 $133,478.69 $159,633.77 $162,772.90 $153,206.92 $119,350.13 $116,485.53 $153,162.30 $153,592.94 $182,719.66 $153,185.29 $150,821.98 $149,722.37 $236,105.18 $142,785.68 $124,677.56 $148,375.13 $170,081.60 $465,723.79 $132,002.03 $165,096.09 $165,886.34 $126,349.91 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $556.94 $393.48 $429.86 $992.34 $359.07 $458.12 $486.42 $348.12 $413.66 $425.30 $0.00 $458.07 $395.84 $608.86 $527.48 $0.00 $469.44 $388.28 $517.62 $499.14 $402.18 $413.66 $458.26 $425.22 $391.78 $569.66 $458.74 $554.00 $361.84 $529.80 $267.12 $404.42 $531.50 $273.64 $585.20 $0.00 $376.09 $519.40 $2,008.64 $495.12 $432.20 $343.98 $586.74 $25,133.87 $305.90 $486.42 $575.96 $438.56 Page 125 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SZKOTNICKI TAM TAP TAPON TARDIF TENG TETLOW THILLE THOMAS THOMAS THOMASON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMSON THOMSON TINDALE TOWNSLEY TREMAINE TRICK TROUT TSIAKAS TURETSKY TURNER TURNER UMPHREY VALLIS VALVERDE VAN ACKER VAN DER KRAAK VAN DER MERWE VAN DUREN VAN HEYST VAN RAAY VANNELLI VERBRUGGHE VICKARYOUS VIEL VIRANI VON MASSOW VORONEY WAGNER-RIDDLE WALKER WALSH WALSH WALTERS WANG WANNER WARLAND Given Name/ Prénom WILLIAM WILLIAM MONICA FRANCIS FRANCOIS LEFA IAN HENRY ALAIN DANIEL JEFFREY IRENE JUDITH BRIAN CLIVE JOSEPH ED PETER LANA DONALD ILIAS MERRITT PATRICIA TERISA GARY LORI ANN ALEXANDER RENE GLEN GEORGE ERNA BILL TERRENCE ANTHONY ADRONIE MATTHEW LAURENT ALTAF MICHAEL PAUL CLAUDIA JEFF JOHN JOHN DAVID FANGJU JUDITH JON Position/Poste Senior Analyst Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor & Chair Professor Director, Student Housing Services Professor Manager, Client Productivity Professor & Director Professor Assistant Director, Hospitality Services Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor & Associate Dean Professor & Associate Dean Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor & Associate Director Assistant Professor Dean Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Director, Hospitality Services Assistant Professor Professor Professor Manager, Information Technology Services Sessional Instructor Vice-Provost, Chief Executive Officer & Chief Administrative Officer, Guelph-Humber Associate Professor Professor Associate Librarian Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $104,270.62 $143,051.78 $133,507.42 $159,891.11 $139,163.04 $128,492.82 $136,147.15 $139,068.70 $149,478.41 $147,959.72 $145,946.32 $118,654.23 $159,706.15 $100,454.67 $176,084.99 $162,532.16 $123,317.14 $172,317.56 $130,753.49 $173,208.49 $132,781.83 $135,938.45 $171,839.96 $154,845.51 $122,538.71 $117,819.82 $167,768.81 $168,364.20 $183,496.74 $117,956.61 $151,417.09 $150,594.40 $107,710.29 $241,090.36 $117,479.59 $103,521.00 $164,735.56 $120,699.62 $121,045.84 $156,858.00 $157,275.56 $102,290.00 $100,272.59 $185,007.70 $113,638.15 $143,473.10 $110,813.28 $119,368.92 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $236.40 $331.80 $309.30 $0.00 $478.98 $446.08 $472.62 $482.40 $0.00 $497.98 $337.56 $353.94 $369.90 $341.03 $0.00 $361.84 $419.17 $597.92 $302.96 $552.30 $460.52 $436.78 $498.60 $509.62 $425.30 $272.92 $491.70 $346.80 $401.12 $409.70 $497.44 $470.84 $373.94 $2,192.44 $407.40 $358.80 $566.18 $1,144.13 $365.24 $544.22 $336.42 $396.96 $0.00 $593.04 $394.56 $332.42 $0.00 $276.40 Page 126 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WARRINER WATSON WATT WAYNE WEERSINK WEESE WENDLING WHITE WHITESIDE WHITFIELD WICKHAM WIDOWSKI WILLIAMS WILLMS WILLMS WILSON WILSON WILSON WINEBERG WINSON WINTERS WIRTH WOLF WOLYN WONG WOOD WOOD WOOD WOODCOCK WOODCOCK WOODS WOOTTON WORRINGER WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT XIANG YADA YAMASHIRO YANG YANG YANKULOV YAP YI YOVANOVICH YU YUNGBLUT ZDANIUK Given Name/ Prénom KEITH ALAN LINDA ANDREW ALFONS JEFFREY KAREN GLENN BRENDA CHRISTOPHER ROBERT TINA MARTIN ALLAN SYLVIA ANN CATHARINE LILLIAN MARK ANTHONY BOYER MICHAEL PETER DAVID PHILIP GEOFFREY JANET ROBERT LAUREL LISA J. PAUL KATHARINE RENEE AMANDA DAVID PATRICIA YANG RICK SHIGETO SIMON WANHONG KRASSIMIR NONITA SUNGHWAN GORDANA ANTHONY LEN AGNES Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Director, Learning & Development Associate Professor Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Director, Treasury Operations Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs Professor & Chair & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Director, Community Services Associate Professor & Associate Dean Professor Manager, Total Compensation Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Partnerships & Initiatives Professor Director, Real Estate Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Director, Fundraising Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair Professor Professor Professor & Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Chief Operating Engineer Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $132,886.96 $145,001.42 $108,790.43 $142,702.61 $166,989.87 $169,514.30 $139,750.48 $108,539.94 $198,449.37 $213,073.26 $122,088.01 $138,215.10 $111,175.51 $126,194.03 $105,949.36 $167,771.13 $149,240.04 $107,481.48 $123,165.72 $151,070.31 $104,016.40 $134,121.96 $124,282.86 $180,415.06 $166,218.92 $130,046.53 $158,188.53 $133,095.42 $132,396.24 $103,089.70 $151,821.86 $107,937.39 $101,866.70 $110,414.34 $122,008.00 $157,918.08 $148,806.46 $186,241.40 $118,579.44 $142,761.30 $121,286.58 $128,408.61 $146,626.90 $117,960.08 $144,752.15 $142,330.17 $103,352.12 $115,649.79 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $308.14 $486.50 $241.53 $495.12 $570.20 $347.78 $484.72 $336.65 $405.76 $593.86 $283.32 $479.52 $385.96 $435.62 $1,018.72 $539.84 $517.62 $365.50 $412.09 $346.24 $361.16 $465.08 $269.54 $335.88 $522.52 $451.20 $260.04 $454.18 $306.98 $300.65 $350.90 $375.02 $353.68 $383.08 $354.30 $548.28 $515.92 $577.12 $0.00 $495.12 $420.32 $446.08 $0.00 $409.70 $502.10 $493.42 $344.54 $373.86 Page 127 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Guelph University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology University of Ontario Institute of Technology 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HOSSAM ELSAYED FRANCO BOB WILLIAM ALI Position/Poste Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor & Industrial Research Chair Associate Professor Assistant Director, Finance Professor Manager, Business Operations Professor Dean, Faculty Of Social Science and Humanities Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Communications and Marketing Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Campus Infrastructure and Sustainability Associate Professor Engineer, Automotive Centre of Excellence Associate Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies Professor Associate Professor Professor Registrar Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor University Librarian Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Chief Financial Officer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Planning and Budget Officer Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $100,640.84 $103,693.87 $149,669.94 $134,495.65 $109,979.38 $149,572.38 $111,617.93 $157,718.82 $169,050.02 $111,939.96 $103,151.08 $126,450.66 $147,959.84 $109,284.78 $123,844.98 $192,086.04 $104,910.00 $114,354.12 $118,330.62 $113,288.82 $100,433.19 $179,096.94 $132,983.52 $102,994.15 $137,457.30 $137,727.85 $101,242.68 $152,527.44 $116,419.82 $171,844.02 $161,629.14 $117,904.74 $112,813.22 $180,954.54 $114,373.57 $112,396.46 $115,489.30 $125,714.24 $107,373.06 $185,000.04 $131,937.96 $121,195.70 $172,965.72 $126,508.76 $118,469.82 $104,863.33 $122,533.86 $137,184.30 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $349.66 $266.13 $484.72 $438.86 $1,151.13 $518.78 $131.66 $182.48 $221.38 $162.45 $130.83 $172.59 $187.69 $158.59 $178.64 $257.00 $152.27 $165.96 $170.50 $164.43 $126.07 $236.35 $214.91 $136.42 $199.47 $197.16 $146.92 $199.96 $158.68 $213.12 $234.56 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DEBBIE CAROLYN TIMOTHY DAN JEFF BILL BERNADETTE GREG FEDOR ELEODOR SCOTT PAMELA MICHAEL JENNIFER BARBARA OLIVIA IGOR REMON KEN SHAHRYAR Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Education Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Engineering and Operations Vice President, Human Resources and Services Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Vice President, Planning and Analysis Provost and Vice President, Academic Director, Advancement Strategy and Operations Professor President Communications Strategist Assistant Professor Associate Provost, Academic Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Financial Planning and Reporting Vice President, Research, Innovation and International Associate Professor Professor Secretary, Academic Council Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $139,752.00 $123,396.72 $151,227.00 $100,108.20 $123,583.14 $108,847.56 $164,874.36 $186,081.12 $114,569.68 $124,261.68 $111,059.60 $133,321.56 $111,409.62 $108,292.38 $115,175.22 $121,588.16 $104,438.10 $100,169.10 $137,048.25 $146,765.27 $186,200.04 $133,673.04 $102,420.90 $111,254.64 $122,628.60 $118,456.18 $138,547.74 $267,771.00 $112,500.00 $134,878.56 $320,000.04 $112,533.10 $101,883.50 $194,385.96 $135,062.19 $124,804.19 $117,385.98 $116,476.74 $110,940.12 $104,458.56 $211,121.60 $124,071.06 $148,467.28 $115,208.22 $146,536.67 $146,723.76 $102,442.68 $105,535.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $218.82 $179.12 $208.63 $145.28 $172.10 $157.95 $238.41 $228.34 $156.12 $180.32 $156.35 $178.98 $161.66 $157.16 $167.16 $167.01 $151.56 $145.38 $175.35 $211.27 $270.25 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Position/Poste Executive Director, Financial Services Dean, Faculty of Business and Information Technology Associate Professor Director, Student Affairs Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Science Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences Professor Professor Executive Director, Advancement Professor Vice President, External Relations Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Manager Research and Trust Accounting Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Research Fellow Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $162,015.44 $186,110.04 $112,406.40 $111,412.61 $101,743.38 $122,176.74 $205,529.28 $112,192.27 $149,948.48 $104,469.00 $173,499.93 $110,262.00 $109,690.86 $103,344.54 $105,636.48 $220,000.08 $105,243.36 $124,918.32 $200,745.00 $142,985.64 $119,377.44 $106,870.20 $105,862.14 $111,038.40 $120,899.46 $106,891.80 $116,409.99 $157,084.32 $151,293.24 $148,557.78 $138,542.78 $120,944.54 $148,812.03 $141,323.64 $104,454.87 $127,229.64 $105,308.64 $104,039.73 $131,146.71 $121,017.90 $131,146.71 $150,058.39 $158,301.54 $140,248.50 $135,758.88 $122,429.62 $158,301.54 $178,301.46 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $196.77 $248.36 $163.10 $160.12 $147.65 $170.03 $11,549.25 $52.97 $200.93 $151.66 $197.37 $160.03 $159.19 $149.98 $149.69 $290.25 $149.10 $181.29 $291.34 $185.05 $173.28 $155.13 $153.64 $161.15 $155.87 $155.13 $176.01 $180.81 $189.42 $192.03 $192.45 $185.17 $210.49 $205.11 $135.76 $167.69 $152.85 $134.75 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 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Universités Surname/Nom de famille BÉLANGER BÉLANGER-HARDY BELLEAU BEN BEN AMAR BEN AMOR BEN REJEB BENIDICKSON BENNETT BENOIT BENYOUCEF BERCIER BERGER BERINI BERNATCHEZ-LEMAIRE BERNIER BEST BETCHERMAN BEYER BHARDWAJ BIAGÉ BICKEL BIELAJEW BILLETTE BILODEAU BIRKETT BIRT BISCHOFF BLAIS BLAIS BLAIS BLANCHARD BLOUIN-DEMERS BLUTE BOCHMANN BOCK BODDY BOILEAU BOILY BOIVIN BOLDUC BOLIC BONACCIO BONEN BONNEVILLE BOUCHARD BOUCHARD BOUCHER Given Name/ Prénom PIERRE LOUISE CHARLES ROBERT WALID SARAH LOTFI JAMIE STEFFANY DANIEL MORAD ERIC MARIE-JOSÉE PIERRE IRMA MARC-FRANÇOIS JACQUELINE GORDON PETER RAVI MICHEL DAVID CATHERINE JEAN-FRANÇOIS MARTIN NICHOLAS PAUL PETER ALEXANDRE JULES SERGE CÉLINE GABRIEL RICHARD GREGOR MICHEL CHRISTOPHER MARIO LISE DENIS JONATHAN MIODRAG SILVIA LINDA LUC LOUISE MARTIN FRANCE Position/Poste Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor University Registrar Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Director, Student Services Associate Professor Full Professor Systems Analyst Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Director, Centre for Continuing Education Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Director, Technical Services and Maintenance Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Director Research, Trust & Endowment Salary Paid/ Traitement $142,519.44 $138,092.80 $105,309.28 $130,029.30 $131,146.71 $116,388.00 $158,521.71 $127,971.09 $128,323.28 $109,864.59 $131,146.71 $123,658.40 $164,299.38 $149,968.83 $140,963.07 $121,138.42 $109,968.84 $120,282.51 $144,319.11 $127,475.07 $124,436.30 $130,280.46 $154,700.22 $120,836.47 $137,616.78 $131,146.71 $127,316.82 $138,686.64 $105,473.28 $128,631.75 $126,832.72 $111,624.60 $124,594.03 $144,067.32 $158,301.54 $110,767.55 $111,960.99 $111,924.00 $150,512.37 $141,590.06 $105,190.65 $113,293.98 $124,684.29 $154,646.29 $104,194.65 $120,865.05 $145,242.37 $113,573.37 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $28.80 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 132 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - 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Universités Surname/Nom de famille CARRIER CARRIER CARRIÈRE CARRIÈRE CASTILLO DURANTE CATELAS CAUCHIE CAVANAGH CELLARD CHALIFOUR CHAMBERLIN CHAN CHANDLER CHAPLEAU CHARBONNEAU SÉGUIN CHAREST CHARRON CHARTIER CHARTRAND CHEN CHEN CHILDS CHITPIN CHKIR CHOUINARD CHREIM CLARK CLÉMENT CLÉMENT CLIMACO DOS SANTOS CODERRE CODERRE-WILLIAMS COLLIN COLLINS COLLOBERT COLMAN COMEAU CONHEADY CONNORS COPELAND COPLAND CORAK CORBEIL CORBEIL CORBETT CORBO CORKUM CORNEJO-PARRIEGO Given Name/ Prénom FRANCOIS HÉLÈNE HÉLÈNE JULES DANIEL ISABELLE JEAN-FRANÇOIS JOAN ANDRÉ NATHALIE TYLER LAURIE JENNIFER FRANÇOIS MICHELINE CHRISTIANE MARC SYLVAIN LARRY LIANG YUE DONALD STEPHANIE IMED LUC SAMIA IAN JOËLLE RICHARD EDMUNDO CÉCILE MARGARET CHARLES LYNDA CATHERINE IAN GILLES BRIAN RICHARD JOHN LUKE MILES SUZANNE SYLVIE DALE JACOMO PAUL ROSALIA Position/Poste Director, International Research Director, Morisset Library Director, Organizational Effectiveness Associate Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate University Librarian Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of the Centre for Advanced Research in Environmental Genomic Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Housing and Convention Services Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Chief Administrative Officer Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Financial Planning Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Teaching Associate Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Executive Director Undergraduate Program Administrator Full Professor Canada Research Chair Canada Research Chair Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $119,318.72 $131,214.31 $110,267.36 $146,146.71 $141,292.83 $127,092.54 $104,123.49 $114,124.20 $146,658.12 $115,635.09 $123,152.73 $186,243.39 $119,432.13 $159,101.54 $114,770.73 $131,146.71 $112,853.97 $104,663.46 $131,146.71 $137,693.01 $148,223.22 $145,423.56 $100,249.26 $132,096.71 $108,092.40 $131,896.71 $145,028.76 $123,412.15 $158,301.54 $131,146.71 $155,850.86 $131,146.71 $122,867.10 $106,314.18 $126,016.11 $115,388.22 $121,534.21 $115,347.33 $119,502.33 $126,353.58 $105,239.94 $139,088.53 $222,541.73 $106,676.48 $332,499.84 $120,310.38 $186,301.62 $139,967.15 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $28.80 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $30.60 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 134 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - 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BRADLEY PHILIPPE JEAN-FRANÇOIS DOUGLAS BÉATRICE DIANE MARY DAVID DAVID J. JOHN ANDRZEJ VICTOR DANIEL HILMI CHRISTINE PHYLLIS MARGARET CLAUDE DIANE PATRICK BARBARA DONALD KATHLEEN BOULOU EBANDA JEREMY ADOLFO FRANS THEODORE FERNANDO CHARLES PIERRE MIGUEL HALINA LOUIS CHRISTINA ANNE-FRANÇOISE Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Financial Resources Associate Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Librarian Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Vice-President, Governance Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Senior Mechanical Engineer Assistant Director, Engineering and Sustainable Development Assistant Professor Librarian Vice-President, External Relations Assistant Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $103,926.96 $191,719.94 $128,288.04 $109,425.78 $130,389.18 $131,055.19 $131,146.71 $131,076.78 $156,639.69 $110,999.92 $117,495.42 $169,273.34 $149,571.48 $111,203.44 $117,514.24 $142,507.98 $146,470.80 $100,810.52 $124,718.82 $152,001.69 $151,081.68 $135,907.11 $106,309.23 $158,301.54 $143,864.19 $106,348.32 $114,577.83 $104,722.29 $111,624.60 $129,269.97 $210,000.00 $103,992.04 $140,562.09 $109,402.50 $131,146.71 $107,488.71 $114,280.08 $158,301.54 $172,305.61 $134,178.13 $144,340.71 $102,847.68 $114,940.64 $101,145.87 $100,324.71 $300,000.00 $104,364.96 $109,247.34 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $39.60 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 135 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - 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DOMINIQUE INA JANICE KOUKY DANIEL CHARLES LIONEL C. SCOTT ROSS ELIZABETH SEAN DOUGLAS PAOLA ALBERTO DERYN CRAIG PATRICK DANIELLE PAUL MICHELLE PIERRE DANIELLE ANGEL PIERRE MICHEL PASCALE CLARA MARK Position/Poste Director, Community Life Director, Human Resources Shared Services Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Centre for Mediated Teaching and Learning Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Director, Alumni Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Director, Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Director, Procurement Services Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $102,532.72 $111,591.60 $213,069.18 $129,452.41 $113,045.73 $154,308.42 $138,250.32 $151,146.63 $158,301.54 $102,117.68 $108,075.43 $110,750.85 $121,289.04 $133,238.94 $112,175.04 $220,121.01 $139,315.65 $100,131.03 $103,300.83 $152,660.94 $134,896.71 $162,177.90 $124,479.99 $128,418.36 $229,301.46 $104,049.36 $138,646.71 $131,146.71 $131,146.71 $111,234.96 $102,944.72 $108,330.64 $146,538.31 $113,754.42 $129,326.34 $134,763.66 $106,693.66 $161,103.60 $134,616.78 $133,746.57 $131,146.71 $136,201.86 $133,672.23 $153,379.80 $103,465.03 $117,686.61 $142,394.55 $158,850.15 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 137 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - 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Universités Surname/Nom de famille GRAMMOND GRAVELLE GRAVES GRAY GREATREX GRENIER GRENON GRESS GRONDIN GROSJEAN GROZA GRUTMAN GUEAIEB GUEDON GUEYE GUITARD GUO HADDAD HAKIM HALL HALLETT HAMAN HAMEL HAMZAOUI HANDELMAN HANNINGTON HARDEN HARKIN HARPER HARRISON HARVEY HASLAM HASTINGS HATTORI HEAP HÉBERT HÉBERT HEINTZMAN HERRY HEYES HICKEY HIGUCHI HINCKE HISTED HOFSTRA HOLLINGWORTH HOLMES HORAVA Given Name/ Prénom SÉBASTIEN FRANÇOIS BARBARA DAVID GEOFFREY GILLES ALINE DANIEL RACHEL SYLVIE VOICU RAINIER WAIL MARIE-FRANÇOISE ABDOULAYE PAULETTE CHEN YEHIA ANTOINE TREVOR WILLIAM FRANÇOIS MARIE-JOSEE LEILA DAVID MARK JAMES RICHARD MARY-ELLEN DENISE JEAN PAUL J. ROSS KEIKO RUBY MICHÈLE RICHARD L. PAUL YVES ANTHONY PETER KATHRYN MAXWELL MICHAEL PIETER GARY DAVE TONY Position/Poste Dean, Civil Law Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Librarian Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Dean Full Professor Associate Vice-President, Research Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning Support Service Canada Research Chair Information Systems Security Officer Associate Professor Full Professor Environmental Protection Director Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate University Librarian (Collections) Salary Paid/ Traitement $165,348.75 $129,800.19 $136,865.94 $148,831.94 $122,269.98 $157,725.93 $138,101.34 $126,700.08 $160,117.23 $108,780.31 $142,728.09 $147,796.75 $100,097.04 $131,146.71 $127,587.03 $104,542.44 $131,146.71 $158,301.54 $111,521.04 $178,301.46 $157,662.93 $108,980.79 $117,179.70 $117,371.04 $158,301.54 $142,411.20 $131,146.71 $109,968.28 $132,529.92 $103,526.97 $150,186.78 $100,124.61 $178,188.92 $158,301.54 $165,251.87 $105,446.33 $147,873.72 $109,188.93 $155,384.76 $160,279.47 $103,564.08 $124,943.94 $162,411.03 $128,168.40 $103,951.08 $161,995.92 $143,199.12 $126,869.28 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $45.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $45.00 Page 139 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HOSHIZAKI HOTTE HOTTE HOULE HOUSEMAN HUNSLEY HUNTER HYDER IBRAHIM IMBEAULT IMBERT INKPEN IONESCU IOSHIKHES IRVINE ISABELLE IVANOFF JACKMAN JALALI JARRAWAY JASMIN JAY JAYA S. JEFFERSON JEFFERY JENSEN JESSUP JODOIN JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON DOUGLAS JONES JONZ JOOS JOUBERT JOURDAN JOURDE JRADE JUDGE JUILLET JULIEN JUTAI KAERN KAIMANOVICH KANE KARLIS KARMIS KARMOUCH Given Name/ Prénom THOMAS LOUIS LUCIE FRANÇOIS JON JOHN DONALD DAVID AWAD PASCAL PATRICK DIANA DAN ILYA D. JOE CLAIRE GAIL MARTHA ALIREZA DAVID BERNARD OLIVER PERUVEMBA ANNE CELINA JOHN BARRY BERTRAND DOUGLAS HOLLY SUSAN PETER MICHAEL BELA LUCIE GUY-VINCENT CÉDRIC AHMAD ELIZABETH LUC FRANÇOIS JEFFREY MADS VADIM RUTH GEORGE DIMITRIOS AHMED Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Vice-President, Academic and Provost Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Director, Technology Transfer and Business Enterprise Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Scientist (Assistant) Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Dean Full Professor Canada Research Chair Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $134,146.71 $142,435.43 $136,498.17 $253,614.84 $149,673.64 $148,396.83 $162,309.67 $121,098.60 $114,060.90 $114,933.54 $163,301.46 $117,287.64 $158,301.54 $123,037.98 $142,874.40 $129,552.60 $158,301.13 $150,433.29 $129,216.06 $142,297.92 $231,341.07 $103,585.17 $113,823.42 $142,471.47 $108,291.36 $131,146.71 $144,756.21 $136,508.37 $131,146.71 $129,036.06 $153,166.74 $123,795.60 $105,897.06 $157,008.36 $139,279.90 $121,730.94 $105,499.98 $107,312.10 $117,657.50 $132,862.05 $191,210.88 $147,934.44 $118,090.98 $173,603.40 $131,146.71 $133,203.42 $130,092.66 $158,301.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 140 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KARNIZOVA KARPINSKI KASSAM KASSEN KAVWAHIREHI KEANEY KEILLOR KEMPA KENNEDY KENNY KERR KERR KHOROSHILOV KHOURY KIESER KINDRA KING KIRINGA KNOERR KOGAN KONKLE KOSZYCKI KRANAKIS KRANTIS KREWSKI KRISHNA KRISTJANSSON KRUCZEK KULIK KUZIEMSKY LABASSE LABELLE LABONTÉ LABROSSE LADOUCEUR LAGACE LAGACÉ LAGACÉ LAGANIÈRE LAGUË LAHEY LAJILI-KOBEISSI LAJOIE LALIBERTÉ LALONDE LALONDE LALONDE ZAIDI LAMARCHE Given Name/ Prénom LILIA JOLANTA AMIN REES KASEREKA MARILYN JEFFREY W. MICHAEL KEVIN GLEN IAN JEREMY YURI JOSEPH WILLIAM GURPRIT JUDY ILUJU HÉLÈNE CARY ANNE DIANA EDA ANTHONY DANIEL VERN ELIZABETH BOGUSLAW RAFAL CRAIG BERTRAND GILLES RONALD MICHEL LYNNE DIANE JOSÉE MARTINE ROBERT CLAUDE JAMES KAOUTHAR YVES ANDRÉ ANDRÉ E. PIERRE NANCY LUCIE Position/Poste Assistant Professor Associate Dean Clinician Associate Professor Associate Professor Veterinary and Director, Animal Care Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Associate Professor Coordinator, Drop-In-Centre Research Fellow Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Director, Accounting Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Dean Director of the Centre on Public Management and Policy Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Dean Communication Network Manager Director, Talent Management, Learning and Organizational Development Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $107,416.56 $148,666.72 $124,999.96 $123,637.32 $108,780.40 $136,068.08 $143,281.53 $105,826.11 $174,551.94 $137,032.59 $177,866.76 $124,836.77 $112,249.11 $111,325.61 $100,000.08 $158,301.54 $104,907.06 $114,708.18 $143,371.84 $101,963.49 $102,121.77 $136,813.59 $139,299.48 $162,276.15 $208,301.46 $158,301.54 $116,491.89 $117,072.14 $115,157.07 $120,285.48 $113,280.39 $132,716.90 $184,968.30 $115,192.80 $120,596.62 $109,621.77 $102,694.95 $106,269.03 $129,270.09 $192,793.26 $106,635.48 $131,146.71 $126,854.89 $120,323.49 $158,301.54 $105,645.60 $111,591.60 $158,303.46 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $0.00 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $45.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 141 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LAMBERT LAMMEY LAMONTAGNE LAMONTAGNE LAN LANE LANEUVILLE LANG LANGLOIS LAPERRIÈRE LAPIERRE LAPOINTE LARAMÉE LAROCHE LAROCQUE LAROCQUE LAURIOL LAUZON LAVEAULT LAVIOLETTE LAVOIE LE BLANC LE BOUTHILLIER LEBLANC LEBLANC LEBLOND LECK LECLERC LECOURS LEDDY LEDINGHAM LEDUC LEE LEE LEE LEE LEFEBVRE LEFEBVRE LEGAULT LEMAIRE LEMELIN LEMYRE LENNOX-TERRION LÉONARD LEONG LÉPINE LEROUX LESSARD Given Name/ Prénom SYLVIE JOHN CLAUDE MARIO CHRISTOPHER DANIEL ODETTE JOCHEN MARC-ANDRÉ HÉLÈNE LAURENT MICHEL LOUISE CHANTAL FRANCOIS GUY BERNARD SYLVIE DANY NICOLE MARC CHARLES YVES RAYMOND VICTOR PATRICK JOANNE ROBERT ANDRÉ JOHN JANE JEAN-YVES CATHERINE JONATHAN STEPHEN WONSOOK DANIEL PASCAL DANIEL SIMON STÉPHANE LOUISE JENEPHER CAROL SOPHIA LUC ROBERT ÉTIENNE Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Director, Risk and Insurance Manager Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Enterprise Services Assistant Dean, Student Affairs Full Professor Associate Professor Director, Alumni Full Professor Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Director, Labour Relations and Academic Affairs Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Director, Grants and Administration Assistant Professor Chief Administrative Officer Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Senior Systems Analyst Full Professor Information Technology Manager Salary Paid/ Traitement $131,146.71 $102,944.72 $131,146.71 $148,696.50 $118,997.31 $158,301.54 $128,722.05 $115,691.16 $116,714.88 $102,554.79 $140,021.61 $113,681.66 $197,671.78 $146,942.67 $107,737.62 $160,927.08 $159,698.45 $160,752.96 $157,061.70 $128,227.92 $155,499.78 $103,168.86 $131,146.71 $158,301.54 $131,770.38 $105,110.37 $142,304.88 $105,868.32 $125,091.64 $107,928.00 $158,301.54 $142,015.34 $148,083.24 $145,380.52 $159,079.74 $119,457.09 $102,944.72 $103,619.34 $102,659.59 $158,301.54 $141,245.10 $167,311.92 $110,390.79 $127,362.03 $161,203.93 $130,875.84 $134,541.58 $107,303.73 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $19.80 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $39.60 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 142 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LETHBRIDGE LÉVESQUE LÉVESQUE LÉVESQUE LÉVY LEWIS LEWKOWICZ L'HEUREUX LI LI LI LIANG LILLO LINTON LIPPEL LISTON-HEYES LITTLE LIU LOHNES LOIKA LONDON LONGTIN LOPEZ LOWES LUTSCHER LYNCH LYONS MACCHI MACDONALD MACDOUGALL MACKAY MACLURE MADILL MAGNET MAH MAISONNEUVE MAKARYK MAKDISSI MAKRAKIS MAKRIGIANNIS MALER MALETTE MALETTE MANGA MANGANIELLO MANIRAKIZA MANWARING MAO Given Name/ Prénom TIMOTHY CÉLINE MAURICE STÉPHANE G. PIERRE JOHN ANTONI IVAN JINGXIAN QIAO TIEMEI MING GASTON JONATHAN KATHERINE CATHERINE JULIAN XINGQUAN JOHNE DAVID SIARHEI APRIL ANDRE JOSÉ MARK FRITHJOF GERALD JOHN ARTURO COLLA BRENDA IAN RICHARD JUDITH JOSEPH THIEN-FAH JOSÉE IRENE PAUL DIMITRIOS ANDREW LEONARD ALAIN FRANCE PRANLAL DOMINIC PACIFIQUE JOHN YONGYI Position/Poste Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Dean Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Chair, Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Information Technology Manager Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Associate Registrar, Recruitment and Admissions Chief Administrative Officer Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $143,223.36 $129,308.37 $148,552.51 $109,849.68 $174,789.36 $124,079.04 $181,425.21 $145,477.18 $112,856.37 $113,586.63 $120,310.38 $147,258.54 $130,840.53 $140,522.59 $168,301.62 $137,476.35 $206,934.18 $120,220.08 $178,443.87 $126,507.33 $159,962.06 $164,665.29 $115,338.64 $118,182.33 $101,181.21 $160,566.99 $156,469.29 $120,056.87 $153,410.64 $119,734.48 $134,895.99 $143,836.20 $168,973.92 $138,470.70 $108,090.90 $108,385.77 $161,689.72 $128,335.59 $131,146.71 $130,587.96 $158,301.54 $110,204.64 $112,586.40 $158,301.54 $161,063.14 $109,533.40 $158,301.54 $117,287.64 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 143 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MARESCHAL MARGOLIS MARLEYN MARTIN MARTINEAU MARTINEZ MARTIN-PEREZ MASNY MASSICOTTE MASSON MATAR MATHEN MATHIEU MATWIN MAVRIPLIS MAYER MAYNE MCBURNEY MCCLINTON MCDONALD MCDOWELL MCILKENNY MCLEAN MCLEOD-KILMURRAY MCNAMARA MCPHERSON MCRAE MCWATTERS MEERZON MEHRANI MELCHERS MÉNARD MENDES MERALI MERCIER MERCIER MERCIER-GAUTHIER MERETTE MERKLEY MESANA MESSIER MEUNIER MEZL MIAZGA MICHALOWSKI MICHAUD MICHON MIGNERAT Given Name/ Prénom GENEVIÈVE REBECCA PAUL DONALD FRANCE ANDREA BEATRIZ DIANA MARIE-JOSÉE DOMINIQUE CHANTAL CARISSIMA ÉRIC STANISLAW CATHERINE PAUL SEYMOUR MICHAEL CATHY DAVID IAN PHILIP LORNA HEATHER DEREK CHRISTINE DONALD CHERYL SUSAN YANA POUPAK RONALD-FRANS MARIO ERROL ZULFIQUAR PIERRE YVES LUCIE MARCEL PAUL THIERRY CLAUDE MARTIN VASEK BARBARA WOJTEK JEAN RAYMOND MURIEL Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Counsellor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Chief Administrative Officer Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Mechanical and Plumbing Manager Full Professor Full Professor Associate Vice-President, Institutional Planning and Research Principal Negotiator Associate Vice-President, Student Services Dean Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Treasurer and Director, Pension Fund Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Director, Projects Management Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $128,054.63 $124,203.71 $139,695.76 $110,876.53 $154,561.13 $138,056.80 $118,092.25 $117,157.50 $105,213.69 $112,648.77 $124,708.74 $115,149.57 $106,018.47 $158,301.54 $158,284.86 $134,643.84 $158,301.54 $187,468.13 $103,970.32 $136,530.90 $142,437.61 $131,146.71 $120,737.85 $114,981.72 $155,472.03 $113,134.08 $158,301.54 $185,279.28 $103,465.03 $108,289.08 $131,146.71 $101,488.24 $158,301.54 $158,301.54 $147,546.39 $101,304.00 $167,686.62 $175,673.76 $151,627.55 $100,000.08 $144,439.38 $113,782.75 $135,313.43 $182,763.08 $160,801.50 $157,963.92 $114,940.64 $115,180.15 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $39.60 $43.20 $43.20 $39.60 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $32.40 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $41.40 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 144 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MILAT MILES MILLS MILNE MILNE MIRABEAU MOHAREB MOLGAT MONTGOMERY MONTPETIT MONTPETIT MOON MORAWSKI MORIARTY MORIN MORRISSETTE MOUFTAH MOWERS MUJAWAMARIYA MULLEN MULLIN MULVEY MUNOZ-LICERAS MURUGESU MUSSIVAND MUSU NADEAU NADEAU NAHON-SERFATY NAIR NARBAITZ NAYAK NECSULESCU NEDZELA NEHER NEMER NEVINS NG-A-FOOK NGANBE NGSEE NISTOR NORTHOFF NOVRUZI O'CONNOR OGILVIE OGUAMANAM OLIVER OLSCAMP Given Name/ Prénom CHRISTIAN MICHAEL EDWARD GLENN ANTONY ROSS LAURENT MAGDI MARC CAMERON ALISON COLIN THOMAS CYNTHIA MARGARET ANTOINE FRANCE HUSSEIN SUSAN DONATILLE MICHELLE ALASTAIR MICHAEL JUANA MURALEE TOFY V. COSTANZA DENIS SERGE ISAAC RAMA ROBERTO AMIYA DAN-SORIN MICHEL ERHARD MONA MONICA NICHOLAS MICHEL JOHNNY IOAN GEORG ARIAN EILEEN WILLIAM CHIDI PETER MARCEL Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Canada Research Chair Canada Research Chair Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Chief Administrative Officer Lecturer Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Dean and Secretary General Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Data Librarian Full Professor Research Associate Chief of Staff Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Vice-President, Research Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Research Fellow Associate Professor Clinician Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $106,694.61 $107,102.43 $124,403.47 $135,054.69 $150,906.00 $107,913.57 $133,935.54 $127,057.35 $113,877.27 $102,944.72 $104,001.02 $167,051.58 $134,616.78 $102,944.72 $147,342.66 $114,788.37 $178,301.46 $109,968.28 $135,136.65 $120,000.00 $120,140.91 $140,710.53 $157,760.30 $110,879.22 $158,301.54 $103,015.19 $154,236.43 $123,056.94 $112,972.97 $199,201.50 $150,902.28 $146,798.34 $161,801.46 $131,146.71 $158,301.54 $259,754.91 $104,608.86 $117,178.16 $117,676.73 $114,724.08 $124,810.26 $199,999.92 $121,772.10 $101,959.44 $138,081.67 $118,745.34 $146,626.06 $121,339.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $50.40 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 145 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille OMELON O'REILLY ORLICK O'ROURKE ORR ORSER ORSINI O'SULLIVAN O'SULLIVAN OTIS OUELLETTE OUIMETTE PACOM PALERMO PALULIS PANACCIO PANEK PAQUEROT PAQUET PAQUIN PARADELLE PARÉ PARÉ PARENT PARENT PARENT PARIBAKHT PARIS PARK PARMER PATERSON PATRICK PAVLOVIC PAYEUR PAYEUR PEDWELL PELCHAT PELL PELLERIN PELLETIER PELLETIER PELLING PENDAKUR PERISSINOTTO PERRAS PERRIER PERRY PERSAUD Given Name/ Prénom SIDNEY NORMAN TERRANCE PATRICIA-ANN KEVIN BARBARA MICHAEL SHARON TRACEY GHISLAIN RACHEL NICOLE DIANE DAN PATRICIA CHARLES-MAXIME JENNIFER SYLVIE NICOLE JULIE MURIELLE DANIEL DAVID COLETTE MILENA PAUL-EUGÈNE TAHEREH ROLAND DAVID DILLON MATTHEW JONATHAN MARINA PIERRE SOPHIE YOLAINE KATHRYN MARTIN WENDY HÉLÈNE BENOÎT LUC ANDREW RAVI CRISTINA GALEN SYLVIE STEVE AJAX Position/Poste Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Chief Administrative Officer Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Executive Assistant to Vice-President, Academic Chief Administrative Officer Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Counsellor, Academic and Professional, Career development Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Dean Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $101,697.18 $113,512.95 $158,301.54 $114,940.64 $124,587.81 $139,903.44 $121,288.58 $131,146.71 $107,045.43 $175,674.66 $108,091.92 $114,940.64 $172,741.70 $106,759.77 $112,398.09 $112,790.76 $117,015.96 $117,978.40 $127,904.28 $105,728.19 $114,968.70 $116,018.82 $127,836.06 $154,021.58 $105,239.94 $108,195.84 $155,106.24 $133,646.67 $180,325.68 $111,624.60 $115,878.99 $104,711.13 $104,060.17 $132,860.97 $103,235.22 $108,702.75 $112,657.56 $100,458.00 $136,626.41 $152,722.15 $146,372.70 $109,614.39 $119,633.58 $110,138.19 $126,758.20 $118,996.15 $160,688.96 $131,146.71 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $30.60 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 146 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PESTOV PETRASEK PETRIU PEYTON PHARAND PHILIE PHILLIPS PICK PIERCY PIETRANTONIO PIOVANELLI PIPE PIRES PLAMONDON PLOWRIGHT POLOMENO POPLACK POTTER POTTER POULIN PRATT PRATT PREVOST PRUD'HOMME PRUD'HOMME PRUD'HOMME PYPER QUIRION QUIRION QUON QUYEN RAAHEMI RACINE RADLOFF RADULESCU RAHMAN RAINE RAMISCH RAMPTON RAY RAYNOR RECTOR RÉGNIER REID REINHARTZ REISSING RENAUD RENAUD Given Name/ Prénom VLADIMIR DAVID EMIL LIAM DENYSE PATRICE KAREN FRANCES PETER LINDA PIERLUIGI ANDREW ALVARO HÉLÈNE CATHERINE VIOLA SHANA ELIZABETH EVAN ÉRIC CHRISTINE DEREK ROXANE CÉCILE DENIS KATHRYN RHONDA BASTIEN JEAN TONY NGUYEN BIJAN MICHEL BERNHARD MATEI ABDUL ANNE JOSHUA DAVID BRIAN DAVID GEOFFREY PHILIPPE JEFFREY ADELE ELKE FRANCE JEAN-MARC Position/Poste Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Studies and Secretary Full Professor Clinician Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Assistant Professor Associate Professor Clinician Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Librarian Full Professor Associate Legal Counsellor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Systems Manager Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Chief Administrative Officer Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $150,009.30 $122,997.78 $173,301.53 $131,114.53 $120,909.96 $109,125.15 $109,005.87 $151,262.07 $131,146.71 $125,185.58 $139,866.42 $109,999.92 $180,036.10 $108,547.92 $151,488.28 $112,576.21 $188,301.54 $104,605.47 $114,577.83 $235,000.08 $131,146.71 $124,501.77 $111,401.64 $100,324.71 $181,719.72 $152,906.25 $106,714.80 $111,517.32 $113,280.39 $131,146.71 $131,146.71 $138,081.67 $102,944.72 $157,740.99 $106,191.17 $173,457.93 $109,669.17 $115,264.27 $155,157.84 $169,454.07 $132,156.04 $104,896.15 $145,796.73 $121,630.83 $134,606.96 $115,434.60 $114,574.96 $163,356.18 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 147 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - 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FRANCO CATHERINE GREGORY DARRIN ALLAN SOPHIE FRANCE PIERRE DOMINIQUE PATRICIA MICHAEL MICHEL PAUL DAVID FRANÇOIS FRANÇOIS ALLAN ANNE-GAËLLE ELISA CHRISTIAN ALAIN DAMIEN JEAN CAROLINE JOSE MARC UMAR HOWARD RAKHI PAUL MURAT MARK NANCY ANDRÉ MARC MURRAY DAVID DARCY MAJID PAUL ALISTAIR SÉBASTIEN MICHAEL ROBERT ABDELHAMID JUAN Position/Poste Associate professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor President Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Clinician Associate Vice-President, Human Resources Full Professor Assistant Dean, Clinical and Translational Research Assistant Professor Canada Research Chair Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Student Academic Success Service Canada Research Chair Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Information Technology Manager Canada Research Chair Canada Research Chair Salary Paid/ Traitement $113,223.91 $131,146.71 $158,681.35 $133,651.59 $118,998.45 $141,881.10 $153,556.14 $103,466.07 $129,662.19 $158,301.54 $110,835.69 $129,222.69 $122,040.66 $131,146.71 $125,331.24 $101,893.44 $127,050.73 $151,359.33 $394,999.92 $108,005.59 $140,513.30 $128,559.49 $107,450.63 $142,922.31 $114,000.00 $160,706.07 $158,301.54 $100,000.08 $114,568.69 $128,580.42 $108,192.96 $129,458.21 $163,301.58 $115,370.61 $103,951.08 $120,581.55 $132,997.86 $123,748.72 $183,301.62 $134,398.59 $106,803.69 $122,124.90 $107,254.95 $113,904.78 $118,973.19 $104,622.52 $185,801.46 $185,801.46 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $1,303.97 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 148 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SCASSA SCHINDLER SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHRIEMER SCHWARTZ SCHWEITZER SCOTT SEBBAR SECCARECCIA SEFERDJELI SÉGUIN SEIDOU SEMBLAT SEMENOV SÉNÉCHAL SETHNA SHAUKAT SHEEHY SHIRMOHAMMADI SHTINKOV SICK SIKKA SIMARD SIMON SIMON SIMONS SIOUI SKAFF SKERJANC SLACK SLATER SMITH SMITH SMITH SNEDDON SOKOLOSKI SOME SPARKS SPARKS SPENCE SPITZER STACEY STADNIK STAINES STAINES ST-AMAND ST-AMANT Given Name/ Prénom TERESA DWAYNE BARRY DAVID HENRY AGATHA MARK PHILIP ABDELLAH MARIO RYME BENOIT OUSMANE GUILLAUME AGGEY CAROLE CHRISTABELLE RUMAISA ELIZABETH SHERVIN NIKOLAY DEBORAH SONIA LOUIS MARIELLE SCOTT PENELOPE GEORGES ANDRAOS ILONA RUTH GARY ANDRA DAVID ROBERT ANDREW RICHARD STÉPHANE ANDREW DANIEL MARTINE DENISE ROBERT ZBIGNIEW DAVID WILLIAM NÉRÉE ALAIN Position/Poste Canada Research Chair Computing Consultant Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Chair, Department of Radiology Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Information Technology Programmer Manager Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Full Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Graphics & Survey Coordinator Full Professor Full Professor Associate Vice-President, Academic (International) Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Head Coach, Women's Basketball Associate Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Programs Salary Paid/ Traitement $157,662.48 $116,306.95 $158,245.14 $113,598.03 $118,455.08 $127,631.70 $124,999.92 $158,301.54 $124,469.91 $158,301.54 $108,746.10 $119,814.93 $103,619.34 $100,322.48 $112,148.34 $105,358.08 $114,577.83 $100,802.40 $154,658.29 $121,951.53 $105,897.06 $113,530.22 $132,999.21 $101,793.33 $147,275.58 $121,521.60 $126,360.45 $122,816.40 $117,905.02 $145,362.48 $181,482.03 $172,778.90 $126,904.48 $138,478.77 $113,703.18 $124,575.06 $131,146.71 $108,548.88 $103,039.98 $124,098.00 $142,414.50 $130,050.26 $108,490.69 $156,004.77 $158,301.54 $151,130.79 $158,301.54 $147,522.43 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $41.40 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 149 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille STANLEY STARR STEEVES STEGER STE-MARIE ST-HILAIRE STINTZI ST-JEAN STOJMENOVIC STOLARIK ST-ONGE ST-PIERRE ST-PIERRE STRIMELLE SUTTON SUTTON SUURTAMM SVEISTRUP SYLVESTRE SZPAKOWICZ TABARD-COSSA TAHON TALAJIC TANPHAICHITR TAVOULARIS TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TEITELBAUM TELLIER TELMISSANY TESSON TEZEL THÉBERGE THÉRIAULT THIBAULT THIBEAULT THIFAULT THOMAS THOMAS-FOGIEL THOMPSON THOMPSON TIBERI TOONE TOURIGNY TRAN TREMBLAY TREMBLAY Given Name/ Prénom TIMOTHY JULIAN VALERIE DEBRA DIANE GABRIELLE ALAIN GILLES IVAN M. MARK NICOLE GABY PHILIPPE VÉRONIQUE ANN VANESSA CHRISTINE HEIDI JOHN STANISLAW VINCENT MARIE-BLANCHE PETER NONGNUJ STAVROS ANDREW DAVID MAURICE HESHEL GENEVIÈVE MAY FRÉDÉRIQUE F. HANDAN MARIETTE ANNE JULES RACHEL MARIE-CLAUDE ROANNE ISABELLE BRIAN KIM MARIO LOUISE JOCELYNE THOMAS ANDRÉ ANDRÉ Y. Position/Poste Vice-Dean, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Research and Development Scientist Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Director, Cooperative Education Program Manager, Electricity and Instrumentation Associate Professor Full Professor Chief Administrative Officer Associate Professor Vice-Dean, Research Associate Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Manager, Unix Systems Group Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate professor Associate Professor Assistant Director, Graduate Studies Vice-Dean, Research and Development Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Executive Director, Development Office Protocol Officer for Ethics in Research Associate Professor Co-Director/Review Counsel, Community Legal Clinic Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $147,389.01 $116,157.57 $110,013.04 $139,228.17 $138,456.63 $108,547.92 $126,014.06 $114,404.04 $156,912.18 $158,301.54 $138,080.97 $111,151.36 $106,568.24 $128,091.28 $127,111.41 $125,233.68 $124,137.24 $160,932.24 $129,877.95 $158,301.54 $100,831.32 $105,128.99 $104,791.91 $152,681.04 $178,301.46 $140,991.21 $141,146.79 $157,134.36 $158,301.54 $128,811.30 $123,253.71 $128,660.55 $159,533.28 $131,146.71 $110,098.32 $158,301.54 $140,102.19 $107,045.43 $116,387.91 $132,285.00 $140,066.48 $100,674.66 $104,040.96 $101,544.22 $138,056.89 $112,944.24 $128,592.69 $149,756.67 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $216.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $45.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $41.40 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 150 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille TREMBLAY TREMBLAY TREMBLAY TREMBLAY TREVENEN TRINH TRINKLE-MULCAHY TRUDEAU TRUDEL TRUDEL TRUMPOWER TSANG TUANA TUGWELL TUNIS TURCOTTE TURENNE-SJOLANDER TURKSEN URAL VAILLANCOURT VALLELY VANAPALLI VANDERHYDEN VANDUZER VARPIO VERONIS VIBERT VIKTOR VINCELETTE VISSERS VON FLOTOW VON MALTZAHN VOURKOUTIOTIS WALKER WALLER WALSH WANG WATT WEBER WEBSTER WECK WEINBERG WEIR WELCH WELLS WESTHEIMER WILLIAMS WILLIAMS Given Name/ Prénom FRANÇOIS JEAN-FRANÇOIS MANON MANON M. KATHRYN SANG LAURA VANCE LOUIS PIERRE DAVID BENJAMIN BALWANT PETER ANDREW MARCEL CLAIRE KURSAD HASAN TRACY ANNE SAI BARBARA ANTHONY LARA LUISA STÉPHANE HERNA DENIS BRIAN LUISE NICHOLAS VASILIS PETER IRVIN PATRICK LISHENG DIANE PATRICIA JEAN-MICHEL CHERYL ARNAUD ALYSSE LESLIE DAVID GEORGE JOEL MALCOLM MICHAEL Position/Poste Full Professor Associate Professor Senior Advisor, Aboriginal Initiatives Full Professor Assistant Professor Information Technology Manager Assistant Professor Full Professor Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Full Professor Associate Professor Vice Dean, Graduate Studies Associate Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Scientist- Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Manager, Integrated Security and Information Technology Systems Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Canada Research Chair Associate Professor Manager, Second Language Intensive Programs Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Chief Librarian Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Teaching Associate Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $129,997.59 $117,543.15 $100,691.09 $140,508.93 $106,010.55 $109,402.40 $110,709.84 $132,726.51 $101,970.57 $136,035.33 $107,206.00 $158,301.54 $158,301.54 $124,999.92 $140,146.26 $124,577.91 $145,385.56 $101,783.04 $137,405.67 $135,881.70 $112,919.15 $136,144.38 $134,397.03 $124,603.44 $100,166.93 $117,128.19 $139,093.46 $128,779.65 $158,301.54 $116,030.23 $138,365.55 $152,070.80 $114,202.92 $158,301.54 $158,301.54 $174,477.31 $118,369.60 $103,145.26 $141,290.67 $110,344.83 $105,624.51 $114,699.99 $164,850.00 $134,998.86 $165,236.50 $138,194.04 $124,183.83 $140,454.45 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $45.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $23.40 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 Page 151 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of Ottawa University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of St. Michael's College University of Sudbury University of Sudbury University of Sudbury University of Sudbury University of Sudbury Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WILSON WILSON WIPER BERGERON WOLFSON WOO WOOD WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT XIA YAGOUB YANG YAO YAO YAYA YEAP YONGACOGLU YOUNG YOUNG YOUNGER ZAGUIA ZAREPOUR ZAYNULLIN ZEGHAL ZHANG ZHAO ZUERCHER ZUSSMAN ZWEIBEL ANDERSON BELZAK BRAMAH CHEVRIER EDGETT FISH HAGELAAR HOSELTON KOSSIVAS MCFERRAN MCLAUGHLIN O'HARA RENDLE TYTLER BENETEAU FILLION KRAWCHUK MACHUM MBONIMPA Given Name/ Prénom BRENDA KEITH NADINE MICHAEL C. TOMMY ALEX ANDREW DAVID KATHRYN XUHUA MUSTAPHA OLIVER JIANPING ZEMIN SANNI TET ABBAS BRADLEY MARTA ALASTAIR NEJIB MAHMOUD KIRILL DANIEL ZISHENG JIYING CHRISTOPH DAVID ELLEN ANNE-THELMA LESLIE MICHAEL DAMON ROBERT STEPHEN DAVID STEPHEN GEORGINA NOEL DR. JOHN DENNIS DUANE IAN MARCEL REAL ANDRII SHELLEY MELCHIOR Position/Poste Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Canada Research Chair Canada Research Chair Senior Director, Policy and Markets Assistant Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor Full Professor President Director- Alumni Affairs Librarian Registrar Executive Director of Alumni Affairs & Development Director of Conference and Ancillary Services Librarian Director- Writing Center Bursar/Chief Financial Officer Librarian Professors Professors Dean of Students Controller Associate Professor Associate Professor Full Professor Treasurer and Director, Administrative Services Full Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $144,344.81 $158,301.54 $104,974.41 $188,301.54 $134,599.02 $125,442.32 $104,863.90 $158,301.54 $129,308.37 $140,090.19 $132,722.43 $151,832.34 $146,362.35 $203,900.76 $113,977.89 $131,146.71 $155,919.93 $103,649.61 $142,123.49 $154,122.54 $131,146.71 $128,845.53 $112,132.47 $158,301.54 $137,353.03 $130,007.25 $131,662.74 $157,963.92 $158,301.54 $150,437.49 $101,467.34 $104,039.54 $105,691.29 $164,365.28 $118,947.98 $112,458.74 $103,008.00 $154,807.71 $111,284.60 $118,602.26 $119,057.91 $107,163.42 $120,100.00 $102,853.19 $103,054.33 $130,155.79 $128,590.27 $125,359.88 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $43.20 $0.00 $43.20 $4,352.91 $306.29 $217.18 $478.56 $472.56 $538.63 $233.29 $215.01 $248.22 $233.29 $242.01 $232.83 $3,782.57 $205.65 $469.04 $476.78 $592.88 $561.92 $578.96 Page 152 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Sudbury University of Sudbury University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PELLETIER ZUNDEL AARABI AARTS ABBATT ABDELRAHMAN ABDULHAI ABIYO ABOUHAIDAR ABRAHAM ABRAHAMS ABRAMOV ABRAMS ABUELAISH ACFIELD ACKERMAN ACOSTA ADLER ADVE AFECHE AGGARWAL AGRAWAL AGRAWAL AGUIRREGABIRIA AGUR AHIA AHMED AINSLIE AITCHISON AIVAZIAN AKBARI AKRIGG ALAGGIA ALARIE ALBANO ALDERDICE ALEMAN ALEXAKIS ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXANDRIS ALEXOPOULOS ALFORD ALI ALI ALKSNIS ALKUMRU ALLAHWALA Given Name/ Prénom LUCIEN PIERRE PARHAM MICHELLE MARIE JONATHAN TAREK BAHER SEMERE-AB MOUNIR ROBERTO CAROLINE BENJAMIN PETER IZZELDIN MARK ALAN EDGAR JOEL EMANUEL RAVIRAJ PHILIPP PANKAJ AJAY ANEIL VICTOR ANNE FRANCIS SYED DONALD J. STEWART VAROUJ SUZANNE BENJAMIN RAMONA BENJAMIN MICHAEL JANE DIONNE SPYRIDON JOHN MARY GEORGINA MICHELLE LARRY PAUL BETH YVETTE SUSAN HASAN M. AHMED Position/Poste Full Professor President and Vice-Chancellor Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Chemistry Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Civil Engineering Director, Alumni & Donor Services Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Director, Policy Analysis, Postgraduate Medical Education Vice-President, Private Markets, University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Manager, International Business Machines Systems Professor of English and Drama Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Political Science and Andrea and Charles Bronfman Chair in Israeli Studies Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Operations Management Professor of Management Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Economics Professor, Surgery and Director Program for Advice and Support for Students Director/Senior Lecturer, Transitional Year Program Senior Lecturer in Management Professor of Philosophy and Principal, University College Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nortel Chair in Emerging Technologies Professor and Chair of Economics Professor of English Professor of Classics Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of Law and Associate Dean, First Year Program Senior Lecturer Director, Quality Assurance and Governance Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Mathematics Senior Lecturer, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Women and Gender Studies Director, Internationally Trained Lawyers Professor of Economics Chief Librarian Director, Athletics and High Performance Associate Faculty Registrar, Arts & Science Director of Advancement, Development and Alumni Affairs Professor of Dentistry Lecturer in Human Geography Salary Paid/ Traitement $108,468.65 $171,019.15 $101,971.96 $117,669.48 $190,156.08 $202,651.02 $142,932.97 $106,811.25 $155,639.04 $158,002.08 $119,243.25 $149,040.80 $204,625.97 $248,571.96 $115,840.99 $140,614.52 $134,052.97 $187,912.07 $168,135.96 $231,603.10 $224,675.56 $296,031.08 $136,838.52 $209,088.48 $169,357.44 $129,465.96 $237,989.52 $195,393.88 $205,561.64 $364,989.98 $137,643.73 $102,864.48 $125,730.70 $215,157.52 $130,163.52 $117,334.46 $149,802.48 $108,595.34 $140,873.20 $153,248.52 $115,539.86 $143,225.70 $254,999.62 $122,215.06 $105,936.30 $120,697.02 $151,611.66 $100,692.98 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $541.80 $619.20 $306.00 $288.18 $725.76 $306.00 $611.76 $261.51 $306.00 $407.88 $579.72 $4,255.00 $306.00 $306.00 $472.47 $307.92 $623.88 $306.00 $4,024.00 $1,907.88 $306.00 $2,391.00 $611.76 $306.00 $611.76 $727.14 $611.76 $24,167.00 $623.88 $306.00 $306.00 $503.28 $611.76 $611.76 $306.72 $382.92 $306.00 $265.86 $411.12 $509.88 $377.04 $7,676.76 $20,977.76 $598.14 $259.37 $590.67 $306.00 $204.48 Page 153 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille ALLEN ALLEN ALLEN ALLEN ALLMAN ALMEIDA AMARA AMBIDGE AMBROS AMBURGEY AMERNIC AMON AMZA ANAND ANASTAKIS ANDERSEN ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDRADE ANDREE ANDREOPOULOS ANDREWS Given Name/ Prénom CHRISTINE D. GRANT DEREK GUY DANIEL FABIO CATHERINE CHRIS VERONIKA TERRY JOEL CRISTINA CRISTIANA ANITA DIMITRIOS ROBERT ADAM CHRISTY GEOFF GERALD GORDON JAMES JASON HELGE JENNIFER PHILIP SCOTT MICHAEL STEPHEN SUSAN MAYDIANNE U. O. ALEXANDER STAVROULA BRENDA JEAN University of Toronto ANDREWS ROBERT University of Toronto University of Toronto ANDREWS ANGERS SUSAN STEPHANE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto ANGUS ANJOMSHOA ANTEBI APFELSTADT ARBOLEDA ARCHBOLD ARCHONTITSIS ARDIZZI ARENBURG ARIFUZZAMAN ARMSTRONG JANET MASOUD SUSAN HILARY JIFFIN ALEXIS GEORGIOS SANTINO STEPHEN ANDREW LAWRIN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Pharmacy Professor and Chair of Chemical Engineering Professor of Philosophy Senior Lecturer Institute for Communication and Culture Assistant Professor Commercialization Manager Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Accounting Professor and Dean, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Law Vice Dean, Continuing Education & Professional Development Professor and Chair of Sociology Professor of Psychology Professor of Art Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor, Nutritional Sciences Professor of Economics Professor of Biology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Accreditation Coordinator Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering Editor and Manager, University of Toronto, Magazine Professor of Education Director, Office of the Dean and Assistant to the Dean Professor and Graduate Coordinator of Biological Sciences Professor of Medieval Studies Senior Lecturer, Biochemistry Professor and Chair, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research; Director, Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research Professor of Civil Engineering and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Industrial Research Chair Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Pharmacy and Canada Research Chair in Functional Architecture of Signal Transduction Complexes Associate Professor Sessional Lecturer Professor of Spanish & Portuguese Professor of Music Director, Admissions and Financial Aid/Records and Admissions Coordinator Assistant Dean, Students Professor and Associate Chair of Physical & Environmental Sciences Database Administrator Executive Director Advancement Events and Strategy Chief Administrative Officer Professor of Medieval Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $154,636.02 $209,245.02 $191,867.97 $178,475.43 $115,352.88 $124,542.01 $119,305.50 $115,449.51 $140,878.44 $214,300.00 $226,874.46 $359,151.96 $159,357.00 $190,937.81 $171,729.96 $165,971.00 $163,706.32 $149,776.08 $213,538.56 $237,537.48 $247,058.08 $177,454.56 $156,534.54 $133,612.55 $128,865.48 $120,007.51 $154,563.48 $131,177.23 $140,871.06 $102,922.46 $133,303.00 $266,717.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $407.88 $509.88 $344.16 $4,474.94 $429.21 $607.56 $583.98 $306.60 $623.88 $509.88 $306.00 $31,961.76 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $5,784.88 $574.88 $725.76 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $129.26 $308.10 $293.76 $509.88 $407.88 $306.00 $233.16 $286.62 $407.88 $165,717.68 $306.00 $137,198.10 $135,917.04 $306.00 $4,024.00 $139,830.54 $122,902.40 $101,522.52 $100,911.54 $106,394.51 $124,288.23 $125,733.53 $115,351.02 $156,656.50 $206,900.13 $118,304.90 $611.76 $0.00 $3,966.52 $246.72 $514.40 $400.62 $299.34 $282.42 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 Page 154 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ARNOLD ARNOLD ARNOT ARORA ARTHUR ARTYMOWICZ ASHGRIZ ASHRAF ASTINGTON ASTOORIAN ATKINSON ATTISANO AU AUDET AUSTIN AUSTIN AUSTIN AVERBAKH AVIVI-ARBER BAAK BABER BACCHUS BACKX BADER BADESCU BADLEY BAECKER BAGBY BAI BAIGRIE BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAILEY BAKER BAKER BAKER BALAKRISHNAN BALOT BAMFORD BANCHERI BANK BANKS BANNING BARAKAT BARATI SEDEH BARBER BARDAKJIAN Given Name/ Prénom MARY LOUISE STEPHEN MICHELLE P. DAVINDER JAMES PAWEL NASSER SYED JOHN DANIEL MICHAEL LILIANA IRIS MEI SZE JULIE LISA ROBERT ZUBIN IGOR LIMOR MAYLIZA ZAHEER FAHIEM PETER GARY ANDREI ELIZABETH RONALD MICHAEL RUOYUN BRIAN DAVID RICHARD STEVEN W. LEE G. ROSS MICHAEL ROBERT RAVIN RYAN SANDRA SALVATORE CARL-GEORG KATE EDWARD CAROLINE P. MANSOOR GREG BERJ Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Professor of Education $154,728.00 Manager, Fire Prevention Services $103,233.73 Senior Lecturer $100,902.42 Laboratory Technician $101,725.44 University Professor of Mathematics $267,250.50 Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences $139,555.03 Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering $178,149.96 Research Associate $109,992.27 Professor of Drama and English $170,685.42 Unix Systems Programmer $104,745.66 Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education $118,018.04 Professor, Biochemistry $158,156.83 Senior Lecturer in Management $183,944.00 Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering $116,878.47 Professor of Law $160,100.51 Senior Lecturer and Graduate Coordinator, Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies $145,414.02 Professor of Pharmacy and Ontario College of Pharmacists Professorship in Pharmacy Practice $166,544.50 Professor of Management $190,623.48 Professor of Dentistry $111,011.46 Executive Director, Research Services $105,879.76 Professor of Sociology $152,510.94 Professor of Computer Science $189,256.08 Professor, Physiology $182,429.94 Assistant Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research $146,485.50 Professor of Statistics $115,725.16 Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health $172,425.96 Professor of Computer Science $117,543.47 Professor of Psychology $190,937.96 Professor of Arts, Culture & Media $103,295.54 Professor, Institute for History and Philosophy, Science and Technology $154,537.56 Professor of Physics $145,302.54 Professor of Physics $105,841.68 Director, Space Management $121,371.70 Senior Lecturer, Economics $173,981.98 Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation $184,274.00 Professor of Economics and Director, Toronto Region Statistics Canada Research Data Centre $243,649.60 Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Vice-Dean, Arts & Science $223,079.52 Professor of Computer Science $178,318.45 Professor of Political Science $139,377.78 Professor of Anthropology $107,510.58 Professor of Italian $170,888.46 Senior Lecturer $118,571.54 Associate Director, Comparative Medicine $123,764.03 Professor and Chair of Anthropology $181,187.48 Professor of Anthropology $142,177.88 Professor of Materials Science and Engineering $124,666.44 Business Information Specialist $102,918.04 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering $166,898.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $505.26 $274.94 $215.16 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $269.25 $306.00 $256.68 $4,751.92 $306.00 $512.22 $303.84 $509.88 $268.98 $611.76 $611.76 $271.74 $259.20 $509.88 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $305.82 $306.00 $170.00 $611.76 $5,488.10 $611.76 $611.76 $204.00 $297.15 $274.08 $509.88 $611.76 $611.76 $4,011.76 $725.76 $3,069.88 $306.00 $505.20 $294.39 $2,381.76 $3,731.76 $302.94 $236.22 $306.00 Page 155 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille BARFOOT BAR-ISAAC BARKER BARKER BAR-NATAN BARNES BARNEY BARNIE BARNSLEY BARON BAROTI BARRETT BARRY BARTEL BARTLETT BARTON BARUCHEL BARZDA BASCIA BASHEVKIN BASRANI BASSET BASSILI BATEY BATHELT BATOURINE BAUM BAUMANN BAZINET BAZYLAK Given Name/ Prénom TIM YEHESKEL DONNA JOSHUA DROR CHRISTOPHER RACHEL ANNETTE JANET M. OPHER ISTVAN SPENCER MAUREEN LEE KENNETH BRUCE SYLVAIN VIRGINIJUS NINA SYLVIA BETTINA RENZO JOHN ROBERT ALEXANDER HARALD MAXIM JOEL SHYON RICHARD AIMY University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BEATTIE BEATTY BEAULIEU BEAUQUIS BECHTEL BECK BECKER BECKERMANN BECKLEY BEDI BEEKHOO BEGUN BEHDINAN ALEX DAVID PAUL-ALAIN CORINNE JASON J. CHRISTOPHER LISA CHRISTINE LOUISE SHASHI PAUL ZORAIDA DAVID KAMRAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BEINER BEJARANO BELANGER RONALD ANA MARIA MICHELE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor of Aerospace Studies Professor of Business Economics and Integrative Thinking Lecturer, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Professor of Anthropology Professor of Mathematics Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Professor of Classics Clinical Research Coordinator Associate Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Operations Management Network Security / Linux Administrator Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Senior Lecturer Professor of Music Professor of History Professor of Drama Professor, Paediatrics Professor of Chemistry Professor of Education Professor of Political Science Professor of Dentistry Director, Technical Services Professor and Chair of Psychology Professor of Chemistry Professor of Political Science Director of Technology Services Associate Dean Faculty, Professor of Strategic Management Professor and Chair of Sociology Professor, Nutritional Sciences Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Associate Director for the Centre for Sustainable Energy Research Associate, Aerospace Studies Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Senior Lecturer in French & Linguistics; Director, Concurrent Teaching Education Program Legal Counsel, Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Research of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Director, Operational Due Diligence and Chief Compliance Officer Business Intelligence Administrator Manager, Human Resource Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Electrical Engineer Senior Lecturer Professor of Anthropology Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Director for the Institute for Multidisciplinary Design and Innovation; Natural Sciences And Engineering Research Council Chair in Design Engineering Professor of Political Science Professor of Political Science Athletic Instructor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Salary Paid/ Traitement $134,382.00 $132,999.98 $111,173.40 $116,360.54 $156,412.50 $169,291.50 $162,654.70 $104,297.52 $152,796.94 $226,001.52 $102,408.91 $222,952.02 $121,293.46 $178,232.73 $203,124.48 $136,135.15 $281,150.00 $138,303.54 $162,262.98 $191,188.96 $129,348.00 $115,587.90 $175,282.48 $164,529.02 $158,860.02 $105,815.77 $402,699.04 $143,037.54 $104,658.60 $140,089.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $509.88 $305.88 $272.22 $4,023.70 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $340.44 $306.00 $11,388.66 $232.92 $509.88 $494.34 $509.88 $407.88 $3,975.00 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $308.58 $261.42 $611.76 $407.88 $725.76 $258.57 $2,611.76 $4,331.54 $2,247.02 $407.88 $113,105.22 $191,024.04 $147,837.00 $108,831.13 $132,010.70 $160,554.48 $169,088.04 $104,650.59 $101,955.48 $108,727.72 $109,391.98 $156,171.96 $210,244.42 $276.90 $306.00 $407.88 $243.44 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $341.57 $498.96 $521.88 $346.80 $509.88 $725.76 $170,386.94 $125,354.40 $126,103.50 $306.00 $607.26 $510.54 Page 156 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille BELLAMY BELSHAM BEN MRAD BENCZE BENDAYAN BENDECK BENDER BENDER BENHABIB BENJAMIN BENSON BENTZ BERDAHL BERG BERGEN BERGER BERGQUIST BERLETH BERMAN BERNSTEIN BERRY BERTA BERTRAND BETZ Given Name/ Prénom PATRICIA DENISE RIDHA LAWRENCE REINA MICHELLE DANIEL ERIC TIMOTHY BENSIYON DWAYNE PETER EVAN JENNIFER KATHERINE DORIS PHILIP BRIDGET THOMAS ODED STEVEN BRENT WHITNEY JACQUES VAUGHN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BEWELL BHATT BHUYAN BICKMORE BIEGANEK BIERMAN BIERSTONE BINDER BINGHAM BIRD-GAYSON BIREK BIRLA BIRN BISHOP BJERKNES BLACK BLACK BLACKBURN-EVANS BLACKMORE BLAND BLENCOWE BLUM BOAL ALAN PARTH RUPALEEM KATHY JEFF ARLENE EDWARD ILIA QUINN TWYLLA PETER RITU ANNE-EMANUELLE CYNTHIA-ANNE MATTHEW DEBORAH HEATHER L. ALTHEA JOSIAH JOHN BENJAMIN BERNARDO SOARES PATRICK Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Reference Librarian Professor, Physiology Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Education Professor of Pharmacy and Associate Dean Graduate Education Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor and Chair of Historical & Cultural Studies Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Economics Professor of Law Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Organizational Behaviour Associate Professor and Chair, Physical Therapy Professor of History Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine Professor of Earth Sciences Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Operations Management Professor of Political Science Professor of Sociology Associate Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Political Science Natural Sciences And Engineering Research Council Altera Industrial Research Chair in Programmable Silicon Professor and Chair of English Professor of French Assistant Professor of Social Work Professor of Education Director, Omnium Associate Professor, Ontario Women's Council Chair in Women's Health Professor of Mathematics Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Director of Development, Office of Advancement Professor of Health Policy Management and Evaluation Professor of Dentistry Professor of History and Director, Centre for South Asian Studies Professor of Political Sciences Director Student Life, Career Services and Alumni - Rotman Commerce Associate Professor, Medicine Professor of Philosophy Manager, Administrative Human Resources, Faculty of Arts & Science Director, Public Relations and Communications Professor and Chair of Spanish and Portuguese Professor of Mathematics Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Business Economics Information Technology Specialist Salary Paid/ Traitement $119,525.10 $156,589.92 $187,685.66 $136,955.52 $158,409.48 $173,458.98 $143,744.46 $134,284.98 $184,477.50 $205,322.42 $192,580.02 $158,371.98 $231,127.50 $184,924.38 $177,883.84 $130,299.96 $112,664.46 $151,126.54 $310,321.44 $148,984.98 $119,287.44 $140,509.42 $128,766.33 $152,726.52 $210,201.48 $170,577.51 $101,185.98 $151,080.54 $115,351.02 $169,627.56 $260,933.94 $125,896.19 $140,312.51 $109,443.00 $155,146.56 $125,739.48 $155,296.98 $113,946.75 $140,734.02 $146,496.67 $105,866.74 $106,132.55 $161,717.52 $193,133.04 $185,676.54 $263,395.94 $117,039.24 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $303.72 $306.00 $3,836.00 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $6,069.76 $560.79 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $725.76 $306.00 $10,835.00 $611.76 $551.34 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $609.90 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $509.88 $3,373.42 $306.00 $282.42 $306.00 $306.00 $5,626.00 $373.89 $446.46 $306.00 $303.96 $306.00 $279.00 $306.00 $509.88 $259.14 $258.81 $306.00 $725.76 $4,024.00 $2,099.28 $381.87 Page 157 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille BOBONIS BODDY BODKIN BOERE BOGNAR BOGO BOHAKER BOHNEN BOLAND BOLER Given Name/ Prénom GUSTAVO JANICE BARBARA DONALD ANDREW MARION HEIDI JOHN ALANA MEGAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BOLLMANN BOLUS-REICHERT BOLZ BOMBARDIER BOND BONDY BONNER BOON BOONE BOONSTRA BOOTH BOOTH BORINS BORKOVSKY BORODIN BORS BOSHOFF BOSHOFF BOT BOTHWELL BOUTILIER BOVA BOVAIRD BOWEN BOWERS BOYD BOYD BOYD BOYES BOYLE BOZEK BRADBURY BRADFORD BRADLEY BRADLEY BRADSHAW BRANDT JORG CHRISTINE STEFFEN-SEBASTIAN CLAIRE J. RICHARD SUSAN ANTHONY HEATHER CHARLIE RUDY LAURENCE MARILYNN SANDFORD RON ALLAN DOUGLAS BRENDA LOUIS HORATIO ROBERT CRAIG FRANCESCO CHRIS WILLIAM ANNE ALASTAIR CLEO MONICA DONALD JOSEPH PAUL LAURA ARIANA GRACE T. DOUGLAS GRAHAM LOREN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Economics Professor of Anthropology Director, Continuing Education Assistant Principal (Students) and Registrar, Innis College Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Social Work Professor of History Professor, Surgery and Vice Dean, Clinical Affairs Professor of Geography Professor of Education, Associate Chair, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice Professor of Earth Sciences Professor and Chair of English Associate Professor, Physiology Professor, Medicine University Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Pharmacy Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Finance Dean, School of Continuing Studies Professor of Management Professor of Marketing Professor of Computer Science Senior Lecturer in Psychology Senior Database Administrator Solutions Architect Director of Financial Services, Arts & Science Professor of History Professor of Computer Science Professor of Accounting Senior Lecturer in Management Professor and Chair of Arts, Culture & Media Professor of Strategic Management Department Head, Materials Processing Department Senior Lecturer Professor of Sociology Senior Lecturer Professor of Philosophy Assistant Professor, Gage Occupational and Environmental Health Unit Manager, Community Safety Director, Custom Programs Professor of Dentistry and Associate Dean Professor, Medicine Librarian /Selector Professor of Economics Salary Paid/ Traitement $128,629.88 $181,039.04 $150,743.50 $133,966.91 $125,497.38 $156,733.35 $104,106.00 $165,095.46 $121,224.42 $149,895.48 $108,082.67 $131,191.02 $150,198.42 $144,758.04 $243,646.98 $138,917.47 $156,751.29 $144,700.98 $238,829.64 $161,290.92 $315,206.48 $231,152.98 $222,883.56 $194,599.98 $225,948.48 $133,343.06 $104,297.52 $135,064.03 $141,480.13 $168,238.76 $205,220.58 $261,031.50 $147,521.58 $169,203.48 $205,016.04 $113,841.47 $132,303.97 $209,419.50 $133,098.55 $176,287.08 $117,281.04 $106,612.28 $100,526.08 $177,773.52 $138,222.00 $127,058.48 $195,703.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $292.29 $725.76 $306.00 $4,227.46 $306.00 $296.76 $306.00 $289.56 $306.42 $7,585.88 $306.00 $306.00 $4,024.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $4,007.88 $306.00 $307.62 $2,340.44 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $407.88 $503.82 $407.88 $306.00 $278.70 $509.88 $306.00 $897.14 $306.00 $287.10 $2,261.06 $254.88 $623.88 $611.76 $305.64 $611.76 Page 158 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille BRAT BRAUN BREAN BREDO BRENAN BRENNAN BRENNER BRESSMANN BRETT BRIOUX BRISKIN BRITT BROAD BRODERICK BROOKS BROOKS Given Name/ Prénom ALEXANDER AUREL DONALD ERIC JAMES DAVID DAVID TIM M. CLARE DARCY DAVID MARK KATHY MICHELLE DINA LEONARD University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BROTHERS BROUCKE BROUSSEAU BROVERMAN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWNFIELD BROWNING BROWNLIE BROWNRIGG BRUBAKER BRUCE BRUDNO BRUMER BRUNNEE BRUNNER BRUUN BRYANT BRYM BUCERIUS GREGORY MIREILLE ANNE-MARIE SAMUEL ADALSTEINN ELSPETH GRANT IAN JAMES MARTHA PETER SHEILA STEPHEN SUSAN TAD THEODORE DAVID CLIVE SCOTT LYNN MICHELLE PATRICIA ASHLEY MICHAEL PAUL JUTTA LAWRENCE CHRISTER JOSEPH ROBERT SANDRA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Director, Labour Relations Operations $192,897.98 Professor of Political Science $161,220.48 Professor of Finance and Business Economics $217,323.96 Professor of Education, Chair, Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education $206,253.96 Professor of Earth Sciences $151,956.54 Assistant Professor of Social Work $112,441.08 Professor of Statistics $158,948.04 Associate Professor, Speech-Language Pathology $128,004.06 Professor of Education, Associate Chair, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Graduate Studies $145,262.44 Manager Leadership and Development $115,351.04 Professor of Music $105,152.94 Director, Internal Audit $196,729.75 Academic Director of Initial Teacher Education Programs $125,707.44 Senior Academic Research Analyst $102,325.08 Associate Professor, Physical Therapy $158,118.54 Professor of Business Ethics, Director of Master of Management and Professional Accounting $241,613.04 and Diploma in Investigative and Forensic Accounting Programs Business Manager $112,894.26 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering $172,624.98 Professor of French and Associate Dean, Arts & Science $161,476.50 Professor of Statistics $165,280.82 Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health $158,675.00 Professor of Historical Studies and Director, Centre for the Study of the United States $109,401.50 Associate Professor, Biochemistry $145,392.96 Professor of Biological Sciences $180,471.41 Professor of Philosophy $160,104.42 Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics $157,751.52 Senior Research Associate, Structural Genomics Consortium $154,740.98 Chief Financial Officer $255,711.97 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering $178,491.48 Assistant Dean, Administration $108,837.32 Counsel, Business Affairs and Advancement $240,588.76 Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology $108,841.44 Professor of Sociology $159,738.00 Professor of Chemistry $115,651.02 Associate Director, Career Centre $100,060.26 Director, Physical Activity and Equity $102,300.25 Professor, Physiology $185,556.04 Professor of Cell and Systems Biology $118,291.07 Professor of Computer Science $151,691.52 University Professor of Chemistry and Roel Buck-Weizmann Chair Chemical Physics $261,879.98 Professor of Law and Associate Dean, Graduate Program $237,924.00 Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences $145,830.48 Professor of Classics $140,694.54 Professor of Religion $150,231.00 Professor of Sociology $170,335.71 Professor of Criminology $111,576.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $611.76 $407.88 $458.52 $458.88 $512.22 $611.76 $564.48 $257.52 $509.88 $303.72 $250.53 $306.00 $306.00 $448.77 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $4,024.00 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $260.79 $306.00 $355.08 $509.88 $283.08 $244.98 $449.47 $306.00 $308.64 $4,125.88 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 $657.00 Page 159 of/de 311 University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille BUCHAN Given Name/ Prénom ALISON University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BUCHWEITZ BUCK BUCKNAM BUITENHUIS BULIUNG BURBULLA BURCH BURCHARD BURDA BURES BURGESS BURGESS BURNETT BURSTOW BUSH BUSSMANN RAGNAR-OLAF LESLIE MARGARET PYM RONALD DIETRICH KENNETH ALMUT MARTIN FRANK JONATHAN KAREN ALISON BONNIE LESLIE MARKUS University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto BUTI BUTTERWORTH BYRICK BYSTRIN CADARETTE CADOTTE CAIDI CALLEN CALOMINO CALVIN CALZAVARA CAMERON CAMERON CAMERON CAMERON CAMERON CAMERON CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPOLIETI CANNON CAPEWELL CAREFOOTE CARENS SABRINA STEVEN T. ROBERT MARIA SUZANNE MARC W. NADIA JEFFREY LINA JOHN LIVIANA ANDREA DAVID JILL LINDA SCOTT TEDDY CAROL ELIZABETH JAMES DAVID JENNIFER MALCOLM MEGAN ROBIN MICHELE MARTIN CHRISTINE PEARCE JOSEPH Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Vice Dean, Research and International $254,487.54 Relations Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences $216,826.98 Professor of Cell and Systems Biology $158,346.96 Postgraduate Program Manager $107,972.61 Director of Marketing $113,430.00 Professor of Geography $102,496.91 Senior Lecturer $128,790.00 Professor of Physics $110,926.50 Professor of Mathematics $134,653.46 Professor of Economics $138,290.63 Manager, Electronic and Computer Facility, Department of Chemistry $111,773.28 Professor of Classics $132,203.72 Professor of Dentistry $132,273.00 Director, Health and Counselling Centre $103,746.78 Senior Lecturer, Education $107,196.48 Assistant Vice-Provost, Health Sciences Sector $106,987.98 Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Graduate Studies of Mechanical and Industrial $167,763.54 Engineering Professor of Finance $255,168.00 Manager, Physics Computing Services $109,779.02 Professor, Anaesthesia $170,469.96 Director, Continuous Professional Development $153,378.03 Professor of Pharmacy $125,058.42 Professor of Biological Sciences $102,763.51 Associate Professor of Information $128,628.43 Professor of Accounting $344,240.46 Business Manager $110,881.19 Manager, Data Centres $106,239.55 Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health $160,363.56 Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy $141,342.00 Professor of Political Science $228,728.97 Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy $111,190.02 Professor of Education $117,417.81 Director, Finance and Central Services $113,571.23 Project Manager, Discovery Commons $102,670.77 Professor of Education $122,969.52 Professor of Education $146,711.04 Professor of Management $149,371.50 Senior Lecturer $108,160.43 Professor of Biological Sciences; Vice Principal Research, University of Toronto Scarborough $175,672.44 Director, Advancement $125,641.25 Executive Director Advancement and Alumni Affairs $137,929.27 Professor of Management $160,670.69 Professor of Education $111,307.02 Director, Business Services $148,195.49 Cataloguer and Reference Librarian $104,590.51 Professor of Political Science $165,970.92 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $21,106.00 $725.76 $509.88 $284.07 $370.14 $4,180.90 $308.34 $271.56 $306.00 $306.00 $547.08 $725.76 $307.74 $253.95 $262.38 $261.87 $611.76 $306.00 $268.80 $306.00 $306.00 $4,518.82 $335.34 $1,490.36 $458.88 $261.42 $260.10 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $453.54 $204.00 $463.23 $230.54 $299.88 $306.00 $306.00 $4,364.74 $12,509.88 $405.48 $306.00 $306.00 $272.52 $306.00 $237.30 $306.00 Page 160 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille CARLBERG CARLETON CARNAHAN CARNEY CARR CARROLL CARSON CARSON CARTER Given Name/ Prénom RAYMOND TERENCE HEATHER LORA JACK ROBERT DOUGLAS EDWARD ANDREA ELIZABETH University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto CARTER CARTMALE CASCIARO CASKEY CASPERSEN CASWELL CAUDY CAZDYN CEN CHADWICK CHALIKIAN CHAMBERLAIN CHAMBERS CHAMBERS CHAMBERS CHAMBERS CHAMBON CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CARUSONE CHANDRA CHANDRA CHANG CHAOUNI CHAPMAN CHARLES CHARPENTIER CHASTEEN CHAU CHAVEZ CHAZAN MICHAEL LARA TIZIANA JILL JOHN BEVERLY AMY ERIC LING JUDITH TIGRAN KENNETH ANTHONY CRAIG RICHARD SIMONE ADRIENNE CHUCK HO FUNG KINGSON HUE SUN KA NIN LESLIE RITA SAM TIMOTHY WARREN ANTHONY AMBARISH SANJEEV BELINDA AZIZA BRUCE HARTFORD LOUIS ALISON KOON YEE WILFRIDA MICHAEL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Associate Professor of Forestry Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Professor of Arts, Culture & Media Professor of Economics Assistant Dean, Continuing Dental Education and Professional Relations Manager, Network Infrastructure Director and Chief Business Officer, School of Continuing Studies Director, High Risk and Director, Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act & Employment Equity Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Manager, Administrative Services Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor of Visual and Media Culture Associate Professor of Forestry Lecturer in Education Professor of Microbiology Professor of East Asian Studies Professor of Management Assistant Vice-President, Research Services and Portfolio Operations Professor of Pharmacy Systems Programmer Professor of Education Professor of Psychology Director, Multi-faith Centre Professor of Political Science Professor of Social Work Director, Creative Services, Advancement Communications and Marketing Senior Network Support Specialist Professor, Biochemistry Professor of Music Senior Lecturer in Arts, Culture & Media Information Technology Client Services Coordinator, School of Continuing Studies Associate Director, Applications Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Professor and Associate Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Management Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Professor of Law and Associate Dean, Juris Doctor Program Senior Lecturer Secretary Of The Governing Council Professor of Psychology Senior Lecturer in Management Senior Lecturer and Director, Global Affairs Office Professor of Anthropology and Director, Archaeology Centre Salary Paid/ Traitement $207,416.96 $128,055.00 $191,329.50 $142,649.85 $102,500.12 $143,710.82 $133,368.02 $153,906.53 $123,972.91 $189,052.98 $103,698.02 $223,580.52 $141,842.52 $127,552.50 $100,919.11 $114,939.96 $138,700.44 $194,794.50 $191,072.02 $138,520.02 $105,382.50 $151,571.08 $119,012.92 $102,322.99 $156,719.52 $119,009.83 $101,803.27 $102,617.41 $151,920.48 $136,622.02 $104,634.96 $123,187.32 $110,167.96 $142,244.04 $143,599.20 $167,802.48 $197,640.00 $153,921.48 $123,992.73 $106,668.48 $271,419.99 $121,089.50 $188,247.99 $139,077.06 $157,658.98 $116,412.00 $146,906.42 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $204.00 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $301.51 $458.88 $2,507.48 $4,024.00 $8,047.76 $308.22 $402.06 $281.40 $407.88 $4,125.88 $306.00 $611.76 $258.00 $407.88 $406.62 $333.90 $611.76 $251.70 $251.30 $216.60 $611.76 $611.76 $341.46 $380.68 $2,269.70 $306.00 $306.00 $4,953.88 $306.00 $407.88 $6,644.00 $261.06 $407.88 $296.40 $306.00 $611.76 $479.76 $285.00 $623.88 Page 161 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille CHECHIK CHEETHAM CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN Given Name/ Prénom MARSHA MARK CHARLES FENG JING LI LIANG University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto CHEN CHENG CHENG CHENG CHENG CHENG CHENG CHENG CHEREDEKO CHEUNG CHEUNG CHEUNG CHIAO CHIGNELL CHILDS CHIN CHIN CHIN CHING CHOI CHOI CHOO CHOW CHOW CHOW CHOY CHRISTARA CHRISTENDAT CHRISTENSEN CHRISTIANSON CHRISTOFFERSEN CHRISTOFFERSEN CHRISTOFFERSEN-DEB CHRISTOPOULOS CHRYSOSTOMOU CHUDLEIGH CHUNG CIRILLO CLAIRMONT CLARK XI ALFRED Y. 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JUNE MARY MIRANDA NICK YU-LING NATALIA AUDREY KARLON RAY VINCENT MARK RUTH CAROL CATHY YA HUEI JIK ANDREW TAT TIN MAN-DUEN MARY CHUN WEI DARLENE PAUL RICHARD HELEN YUK MING CHRISTINA DINESH KAREN MARLYS PETER SUSAN ASTRID CONSTANTIN SOPHIE ANNE MARIE JAE LISA CAMERON CARYL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Computer Science Professor of Art Professor of Education Professor of Management Professor of Geography Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies Senior Lecturer in Management; Associate Dean Registrarial and Academic Student Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Education Chief Administrative Officer, University of Toronto Libraries Professor, Medicine Information Technology Analyst Professor of Biology Director, Centre for International Experience Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Chemical Engineering Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Manager, Student Accounts Engineer Director, Property Management Professor of Law Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Education Professor of History Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Chemistry Professor of Marketing Professor of Mathematics Assistant Dean, Administration, Dentistry Professor of Information Manager, Human Resources Information Systems Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Miklas Chair in Engineering Design Associate Faculty Registrar, Arts & Science Manager, Trust Accounting and Treasury Professor of Computer Science Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Director, Strategic Communications and Editor-in-Chief Rotman Magazine Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor of Finance Professor of Finance Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Professor of Civil Engineering, Canada Research Chair and Director, Structures Testing Facility Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Academic Program Coordinator Manager, Servers, Storage & Virtualization Executive Director, Downtown Legal Services Director of Operations, Innis College Professor of Music Salary Paid/ Traitement $159,599.94 $163,450.65 $153,935.54 $239,659.54 $176,202.96 $102,531.00 $128,749.48 $116,816.45 $181,206.73 $159,277.98 $103,092.77 $101,199.00 $109,085.99 $123,234.96 $222,665.49 $103,824.42 $125,978.76 $102,721.19 $149,471.20 $108,216.00 $151,707.30 $168,602.89 $118,880.40 $109,390.98 $157,472.52 $217,824.42 $113,754.63 $117,481.41 $157,096.50 $103,418.97 $168,024.26 $115,653.74 $145,436.41 $164,334.54 $129,183.48 $150,975.29 $193,684.98 $341,623.00 $280,085.98 $110,000.04 $137,054.53 $131,570.00 $113,500.00 $102,003.16 $109,215.61 $134,082.24 $136,691.01 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $2,426.00 $509.88 $501.96 $411.24 $2,875.34 $611.76 $306.00 $252.45 $412.74 $2,533.79 $720.06 $306.00 $254.22 $607.62 $297.29 $611.76 $264.90 $407.88 $509.88 $291.06 $267.78 $509.88 $306.00 $204.00 $173.97 $306.00 $506.10 $306.00 $283.14 $407.88 $306.00 $1,851.06 $306.00 $407.88 $2,611.76 $2,611.76 $0.00 $1,306.00 $595.20 $0.00 $500.28 $264.27 $535.32 $617.04 Page 162 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CLARK CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLAYCOMB CLEGHORN CLEMENT CLEVELAND CLINTON CLOKIE CLUETT COATES COBB COCHELIN COCHRANE COCKERILL CODY COHEN COHEN COLANTONI COLANTONIO COLE COLE COLEMAN COLEMAN COLLIANDER COLLINS COLLINS COLLINS COLLINS COLOMA COLUMPAR COMAY COMAY COMELLA CONDO CONNELL CONNELLY CONNELLY CONSENS CONWAY COOK COOK COOK COOK COOPER COOPER COOPER Given Name/ Prénom PHILIP DAVID GEORGE ELLIOTT JAMES JULIE WILLIAM ANDREW GORDON MARSHALL CAMERON WILLIAM BRIAN MICHAEL ISABELLE ALAN RHONDA W. FRANCIS ADAM PAUL LAURA ANGELA CURTIS DONALD JOHN SIMON JAMES LYNDA MICHAEL NICHOLAS RICHARD ROLAND SINTOS CORINN JULIE REBECCA ANITA NANCY MARGARET BRIAN SAMUEL CHRISTINE MARIANO TENLEY DAVID GEORGE ROBERT STEPHEN JUDI KARYN PAUL Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Professor of Philosophy $121,374.12 Professor, Medicine $174,885.00 Professor of English $144,520.11 Senior Lecturer $105,633.76 Assistant Professor, Molecular Genetics $106,990.22 Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering $217,113.26 Professor of Information $140,207.45 Senior Lecturer in Management $131,368.54 Director, Information Technology Services $163,166.98 Professor of Dentistry $169,363.98 Professor of Chemical Engineering $202,798.26 Chief Financial Officer $138,828.08 Professor of English $125,748.48 Professor of History $123,312.48 Professor, Molecular Genetics $156,418.98 Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation $171,636.42 Professor of Anthropology $105,537.50 Professor of Art $140,028.98 Professor of History and Director of the Centre d'Etudes de la France et du Monde Francophone $121,941.54 Professor of Spanish and Portuguese $115,868.56 Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy $169,656.48 Registrar and Director of Enrolment Management, University of Toronto Scarborough $120,984.24 Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health $165,824.46 Professor of Cell and Systems Biology $191,296.08 Professor of Religion $175,210.98 Professor of Mathematics $165,179.46 Director, Human Resources $129,816.49 University Professor of Civil Engineering and Bahen-Tanenbaum Chair $257,959.50 Professor of Biology $173,685.44 Professor, Molecular Genetics $190,140.00 Professor of Education $129,688.48 Professor of Cinema Studies $114,696.06 Instructor $116,287.52 Professor of Philosophy $160,684.67 Assistant Dean, Co-Curricular Physical Activities and Sport $147,869.26 Business Manager $122,001.24 Director, Office of the Dean $101,274.48 Professor of Management $169,322.52 Professor of Education $104,637.98 Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering $154,830.96 Professor of Geography and Director Environment Program, Geography $123,376.08 Professor of Political Science $208,868.95 Senior Writer $115,351.04 Chief Information Officer $188,337.03 University Professor of Computer Science $158,696.64 Executive Director, Divisional Relations and Major Gifts $180,921.53 Professor of Education $123,671.52 Professor of Forestry $161,419.49 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $21,182.08 $306.00 $382.38 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $304.14 $401.46 $611.76 $623.88 $257.22 $724.56 $298.50 $305.64 $725.76 $460.95 $306.00 $509.88 $725.76 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $279.96 $280.86 $282.12 $306.00 $306.00 $298.71 $247.92 $543.80 $237.36 $725.76 $4,320.46 $407.94 $282.42 $611.76 $0.00 $407.88 $301.68 $458.88 Page 163 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille COPELAND COREY CORMAN CORTER CORTINOIS CORTS COSSMAN COSTANZO COTE COTT COTTIER COUPLAND COWEN COWEN COWLING COWPER COYLE COYTE CRAIG CRAIU CRANFORD CRAWFORD CREE CRICHTON PATTERSON CROCKER CROSSAN CRUZ CUERVO CULYER CUMMING CUMMINS CUMMINS CUNEO CUNHA CUNNINGHAM CUPCHIK CURRIE CUTTER CVITKOVITCH CYR DA SILVA DACOME DAGA D'AGOSTINO DAMAREN DAMIANO DANAHY DANEMAN Given Name/ Prénom NANCY PAUL BRIAN CARL ANDREA KENNETH BRENDA MICHAEL ANTHONY STEPHANE CHERYL MICHEL GARY DEBORAH LEAH SHARON ELIZABETH THOMAS PETER C. SHELLEY VIRGIL RADU CYNTHIA GARY GEORGE SCOTT JANICE DIANE DONNA KATHLEEN MICHELLE MARIA CRISTINA TONY ALISTER CAROLYN JAMES GLORIA ILDA HILARY GERALD CHAIM THOMAS ASHER DENNIS HELENE NICOLE LUCIA SANDRA DANIEL CHRISTOPHER ETTORE VINCENZO JOHN DENIS Position/Poste Professor and Director of Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Vice-Provost, Graduate Education, Dean of Graduate Studies, and Professor of English Professor of Education Assistant Professor Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education and Professor of Business Economics Professor of Law Senior Research Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor, Physical Therapy Professor of Classics Professor of Anthropology Professor of Geography Assistant Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Geography Professor of Linguistics Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Assistant Professor of Social Work Professor of Statistics Professor of Sociology Professor of Anthropology Professor and Chair of Psychology Librarian Registrar and Director of Enrolment Management Assistant Dean Administration, Dentistry Faculty Budget & Planning Officer Professor of Spanish & Portuguese Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Education Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Education Director, Faculty, Residential & Student Family Housing Financial Officer, Physics Professor of Anthropology Professor of Psychology Manager, Network Implementation Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Dentistry and Associate Dean (Research) Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Director, Recruitment & Admissions, Full Time Masters Business Administration Professor of History & Philosophy of Science & Technology Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair of Management Librarian / Selector - Social Sciences Professor of Aerospace Studies Professor of Economics Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Professor and Chair, Paediatrics Salary Paid/ Traitement $138,526.02 $171,025.98 $227,977.92 $154,243.83 $122,225.00 $313,691.46 $228,850.63 $102,516.00 $233,029.98 $133,725.54 $107,368.98 $147,676.50 $114,960.54 $148,389.58 $118,825.50 $181,737.96 $162,635.46 $165,671.68 $107,759.50 $146,732.52 $117,526.54 $180,686.52 $134,180.04 $109,281.96 $140,395.22 $158,266.76 $101,355.98 $111,474.42 $132,463.98 $155,473.57 $121,777.56 $157,588.68 $100,010.34 $102,265.80 $127,690.01 $170,830.98 $122,542.73 $130,198.08 $221,752.88 $131,257.50 $138,560.73 $102,223.02 $204,820.54 $116,836.93 $183,382.06 $148,184.13 $156,335.46 $178,114.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $204.00 $282.00 $7,584.50 $611.76 $250.95 $306.00 $407.88 $262.86 $509.88 $281.34 $4,329.76 $290.82 $611.76 $407.88 $611.76 $240.12 $611.76 $5,439.88 $306.00 $2,007.86 $356.76 $509.88 $306.00 $248.13 $3,991.00 $306.00 $407.88 $18,201.38 $725.76 $326.34 $392.76 $725.76 $407.88 $292.56 $1,308.52 $21,511.76 $306.00 $306.00 $500.16 $306.24 $285.96 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 Page 164 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille DANEMAN DANESI D'ANGELO DANIERE DAO DARNELL DART DAS DASGUPTA DAVE DAVIDSON DAVIDSON DAVIES Given Name/ Prénom MEREDYTH MARCEL SALVATORE AMRITA THUAN ALAN BEATRIX KAUSIKSANKAR KUNAL PRAKRUTI ALAN RICHARD ROBERT GORDON University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto DAVIES DAVIS DAVIS DAVYDENKO DAWOOD DAWSON DAWSON DAWSON DAY DE ANGELIS DE BUGLIO DE FRANCESCO DE FRANCO DE LARA DE NIL DE ROSA DE VOE DEB DEBAEREMAEKER DEBER DEBRAGA DECELLES DEETON DEFACENDIS DEHLI DEI DEIBERT DEL FUOCO DEL JUNCO DELANEY D'ELEUTERIO DELGADO DELOMBARD DEMKE BROWN JOHN DONALD JAMES SERGEI YASMIN DEIRDRE FRANCIS WILLIAM JAMES RICHARD MICHAEL SONIA ADRIENNE GUS EYAL LUC EVE SANFORD RAHUL KENNETH RAISA MICHAEL KATHERINE MICHELLE LINO KARI GEORGE J. S. RONALD CONNIE ANDRES JAMES GABRIELE LILITA JEANNINE ANGELA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor and Chair of Psychology Professor of Anthropology Operations Manager, Campus Police Service Professor and Graduate Chair of Geography Professor of Dentistry Director, Scholars Portal Services, Ontario Council of University Libraries Associate Dean, Executive Degree Programs and Adjunct Professor Research Associate of Chemical Engineering Professor of Economics Professor of Anthropology Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Program Director, Arts & Science, Languages and University Lecture Series, School of Continuing Studies Professor of Dentistry Professor of Earth Sciences Senior Lecturer, Aerospace Studies Professor of Finance Professor of Law Associate Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Executive Director of Advancement Professor of Political Science Director, Program Administration Director Alumni Relations and Annual Giving Assistant Dean and Director of Infrastructure Planning, Arts and Science Professor of Accounting Professor of Computer Science Vice-Dean, Students, School of Graduate Studies; Professor, Speech-Language Pathology Professor of Psychology Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor of Economics Manager, Enrolment and Fees Planning & Analysis Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Lecturer Professor of Organizational Behaviour Business Manager Director, Partnerships Professor of Education Professor of Education Professor of Political Science Human Resources Information Systems Business Analyst Professor of Mathematics Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Students Professor of Aerospace Studies Finance Director Professor of English Professor of Computer Science Salary Paid/ Traitement $179,177.04 $204,570.50 $118,403.73 $169,856.47 $139,025.01 $127,193.99 $272,882.54 $101,950.48 $124,778.52 $107,605.98 $152,608.02 $127,197.98 $103,846.61 $161,924.04 $100,726.98 $145,347.48 $240,641.90 $141,775.02 $138,757.50 $188,122.92 $187,829.00 $172,790.52 $106,644.99 $102,644.04 $170,562.34 $261,442.56 $177,316.98 $190,069.46 $154,223.19 $223,500.54 $132,922.06 $126,971.77 $173,496.96 $103,248.02 $204,225.54 $112,330.76 $128,438.73 $150,353.94 $181,420.58 $167,384.46 $103,061.45 $164,542.98 $131,452.29 $195,093.90 $103,247.52 $123,256.56 $146,674.32 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $611.76 $578.73 $306.00 $509.88 $409.08 $306.00 $445.80 $403.56 $260.52 $3,463.26 $303.66 $252.11 $725.76 $492.96 $725.76 $1,882.76 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $261.12 $334.89 $407.88 $2,123.88 $4,443.76 $407.88 $4,216.47 $306.00 $300.84 $397.71 $306.00 $214.50 $306.00 $275.01 $610.80 $407.88 $611.76 $611.76 $214.47 $725.76 $509.88 $306.00 $252.78 $301.32 $4,227.88 Page 165 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille DEMPSTER DEN HAAN DENNIS Given Name/ Prénom LAURA MIKE CINDY-LEE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto DEPORTER DERENZIS DESLOGES DESROCHERS DESVEAUX DETSKY DEWAN DEWAR DEYIRMENJIAN DHAND DHIRANI DHUEY DI MARCO DIAMOND DIAS DICENSO DICK DICKIE DICKIE DICKINSON DICKS DIETSCHE DIFRANCESCO DILEVKO DIMITRIADIS DINOVITZER DION DISTEFANO DITTRICH DJIKIC DOBBS DODDS DOIDGE DOLAN DOLDERMAN DOLLOFF DONALDSON DONDERTMAN DONG DONMEZ DONNELLY DONOAHUE DONOGHUE DORAN DOUGLAS JIMMY RICHARD JOSEPH PIERRE DARRELL ALLAN TARUN MICHAEL VATCHE BERJ ARTI AL-AMIN ELIZABETH ANN JOHN MIRIAM DENIS JAMES BARBARA IMOGEN SIMON SVEN JOSEF ANDREW PETER RICHARD JURIS CHRIS RONIT KAREN EUGENIA MARIA B. MAJA NEIL BRUCE CRAIG ANDREW NEAL DAN LORI ANNE D. JAMES ANNE VY BIRSEN PETER ZOE PAUL DIANE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Senior Lecturer, Dentistry Executive Director, Advancement, Medicine Professor in Nursing and Psychiatry, Canada Research Chair in Perinatal Community Health, Director of Mothering Transitions Research Program Professor of Dentistry Director, Facilities Management, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Geography and Principal, Woodsworth College Professor of Geography Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Lecturer in Management Professor of Classics Senior Lecturer Professor of Religion Professor of Chemistry Professor of Management Information Technology Director, Computer Science Professor of Geography Accounting Supervisor, School of Continuing Studies Professor of Religion Assistant Vice-President, Alumni Relations Professor of Philosophy Professor of English Professor and Chair of Computer Science Senior Lecturer Professor of Education Professor of Geography Associate Professor of Information Assistant Manager, Financial Advisory Service and Training Professor of Sociology Professor of Psychology Manager, Research Computing Services Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Senior Research Associate Deputy Secretary, Governing Council Director, Utilities and Building Operations Professor of Finance Professor of English Lecturer Professor of Music Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Department Head, Assistant Director, Director (acting) Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Professor of Chemistry Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Instructor, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Chief Administrative Officer, University of Toronto Mississauga Professor, Scientific Director, Nursing Health Services Research Unit (University of Toronto site) Salary Paid/ Traitement $137,200.44 $201,462.27 $141,454.50 $172,007.04 $175,486.04 $203,698.92 $119,673.48 $129,567.53 $158,826.54 $123,905.98 $152,037.48 $101,609.58 $119,412.06 $129,106.12 $139,986.96 $139,316.29 $157,787.44 $100,795.92 $164,211.96 $191,699.01 $105,185.70 $105,318.20 $221,394.00 $124,976.98 $147,582.54 $139,416.48 $129,750.21 $109,803.80 $110,925.47 $163,442.04 $115,351.02 $114,627.48 $143,870.00 $122,205.74 $164,344.28 $300,174.06 $112,952.57 $137,253.98 $143,985.00 $158,443.02 $135,736.54 $103,741.20 $130,386.48 $164,949.00 $112,506.48 $230,676.44 $165,964.49 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $509.88 $306.00 $7,742.00 $306.00 $611.76 $1,982.01 $293.04 $556.47 $725.76 $489.06 $306.00 $248.70 $584.28 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $238.32 $306.00 $306.00 $282.66 $359.10 $611.76 $296.52 $611.76 $1,749.06 $509.88 $435.57 $696.90 $306.00 $2,282.42 $280.62 $277.08 $292.56 $306.00 $3,751.76 $291.18 $289.08 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $307.68 $306.00 $275.46 $611.76 $306.00 Page 166 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille DORIAN DOWNAR DOWNES DRAKICH DRAPER DRASSINOWER DREA DRUCKER DRUMMOND DRUMMOND DUARTE DUBARRY DUBBER DUBBIN DUBOIS DUCHARME DUFF DUFFY-MACLEAN Given Name/ Prénom PAUL EUGENE PAUL KRISTINE JANICE ABRAHAM CATHERINE DANIEL ANDREW ROSELLE MARGARIDA ALLISON MARKUS JAMES ANDREW JOSEPH WENDY ELIZABETH University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto DUGGAN DUNCLIFFE DUNDAS DUNGAN DUNNE DVIZAC DYAS-CORREIA DYCE DYCK DYMARSKI DYZENHAUS EAKIN EASTERBROOK EBERTS ECKENWALDER EDEN EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EDWARDS EILING EINSTEIN EISENBICHLER EKMEKCI EL-BADRAWY EL-DIRABY ANTHONY KENNETH MARY JANE D. PETER DAVID JASMIN SHARON STEPHEN ALEXANDER MICHAEL DAVID JOAN STEPHEN MICHAEL CATHY JAMES PETER ALED ALEXANDER DARRYL ELIZABETH NANCY RICHARD ESTHER GILLIAN KONRAD ALIS WAFA TAMER Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor, Medicine Professor, Medicine Professor of English Senior Instructor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Senior Human Resources Projects and Policy Specialist Professor of Law Director, Office of Student Life Professor, Medicine Manager of Special Projects, Faculty of Information Deputy Secretary of the Governing Council Professor of Economics Project Manager, Student Life Next Generation Student Information Services Professor of Law Professor, Medicine Professor of English Professor of Education Professor of Information Managing Director, Morning & Evening Masters Business Administration & Masters Finance Programs Professor of Law Director, Physical Education, Athletics and Recreation Chief Financial Officer, School of Continuing Studies Professor of Economics Adjunct Professor of Marketing Mechanical Engineer Head - Serials Section Director, Benefits and Pensions Professor of Finance and Business Economics Chief Administrative Officer, Chemistry Professor of Law and Philosophy Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Computer Science Director, Solutions Development & NGSIS Solutions Integration Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Supervisor, Network Administration Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Accounting Professor of Music Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of BioZone Faculty Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer Professor of Physics Professor of Management Professor of Psychology Professor of Renaissance Studies Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Professor of Dentistry Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Salary Paid/ Traitement $103,200.96 $127,100.04 $129,519.00 $112,107.96 $137,054.64 $222,887.46 $154,327.03 $162,440.04 $104,190.54 $150,347.27 $151,185.96 $102,923.93 $219,860.58 $150,000.00 $126,011.96 $147,341.80 $165,570.48 $185,280.85 $202,933.99 $129,821.25 $137,860.26 $229,617.44 $116,396.46 $101,782.00 $121,041.91 $148,181.49 $321,035.52 $142,254.81 $273,228.00 $132,461.27 $204,542.53 $163,352.98 $146,219.94 $115,350.99 $376,213.68 $237,934.98 $134,651.01 $169,838.52 $136,472.72 $130,128.83 $205,472.05 $165,447.96 $168,612.06 $129,025.98 $165,110.02 $135,007.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $252.60 $306.00 $308.40 $274.44 $389.55 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $339.99 $2,407.88 $3,806.00 $419.81 $611.76 $0.00 $579.00 $306.00 $407.88 $407.88 $407.88 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 $149.40 $249.21 $592.68 $611.76 $611.76 $509.88 $306.00 $232.32 $725.76 $509.88 $306.00 $282.42 $611.76 $611.76 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $204.00 $424.87 $611.76 $407.88 $308.28 $306.00 $4,166.00 Page 167 of/de 311 University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille ELEFTHERIADES Given Name/ Prénom GEORGE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto ELI ELIAS ELITZUR ELKABAS ELKAMHI EL-KHOURY SHARI STEPANKA RAMY CHARLES REDOUANE RODOLPHE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto ELLEN ELLIOTT ELLIOTT EL-MOWAFY ELSHOLTZ EL-SOHEMY EMAMI EMILI EMON ENENKEL ENGELS ENRIGHT ENRIGHT JERGER ENSMINGER ERB ERB ERICKSON ERIKS-BROPHY ERNST ESCOBAR ESKENAZI ESMONDE ESONWANNE ESPIE EVANS EVANS EVANS EVANS EVANS EVANS-TOKARYK EVERETT EWALD EYLES EYOH FADEL FAIG FAIRGRIEVE FALENCHUK FALKENHEIM FAITH GEORGE ROBIN OMAR HARRY AHMED M. REZA ANDREW ANVER CORDULA STEVEN WAYNE NATALIE INGO SUZANNE UWE BONNIE ALICE OLIVER MICHAEL RAFAEL INDIGO UZOMA GEORGE CATHERINE CLAUDE GREGORY MARK MICHAEL TYLER NICHOLAS BJORN NICHOLAS DICKSON MOHAMMAD MIQUEL THOMAS OLESYA VICTOR Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Velma M. Rogers Graham Chair in Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Professor of Economics Assistant Director, Planning Design and Construction Professor of Accounting Professor of French Professor of Finance Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design, and Director of Post-Professional Programs Professor of Computer Science Professor of Mathematics Professor of Music Professor of Dentistry Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor, Nutritional Sciences Senior Lecturer, Aerospace Studies Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Law Professor of Biochemistry Senior Lecturer Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Biology Professor and Associate Chair of Psychology Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Professor of Sociology Associate Professor, Department of Speech Language Pathology Professor of Biochemistry Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Director, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Office Professor of Education Professor of English and Comparative Literature Professor of Biology Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy Senior Lecturer, French Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Education Professor and Associate Chair of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Senior Lecturer Professor of History Professor of Art Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor of African Studies and Political Science Professor of Law Professor of Economics Senior Lecturer Research Systems Analyst Professor of East Asian Studies and Political Science Salary Paid/ Traitement $214,665.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $118,440.00 $101,625.76 $283,121.29 $152,016.42 $249,215.02 $144,930.90 $579.60 $2,248.76 $2,225.76 $306.00 $306.00 $407.88 $192,729.96 $192,692.71 $167,198.58 $163,220.46 $152,982.48 $134,261.54 $139,780.98 $206,337.54 $165,160.59 $128,540.04 $110,014.08 $185,501.46 $131,945.58 $109,922.94 $151,223.96 $189,301.56 $143,146.23 $116,097.96 $203,348.04 $151,729.02 $135,775.97 $113,368.44 $125,353.63 $153,504.00 $128,254.98 $104,494.33 $193,066.53 $141,647.19 $168,947.04 $100,823.54 $141,480.46 $120,257.94 $172,636.02 $132,762.96 $163,783.90 $186,264.82 $121,827.04 $116,588.71 $124,920.00 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $611.76 $4,334.27 $306.00 $2,016.00 $509.88 $611.76 $284.88 $276.60 $306.00 $448.38 $4,024.00 $509.88 $306.00 $301.52 $611.76 $725.76 $431.27 $277.62 $617.22 $509.88 $407.52 $303.90 $407.88 $509.88 $306.00 $3,946.06 $303.72 $294.42 $509.88 $611.76 $306.00 $725.76 $616.50 $214.80 $0.00 Page 168 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto 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FEUERVERGER FEUERVERGER FIGOV FINER FINKELSTEIN FINKLE FINLAY FINLAY FISCHER FISHER FISMAN FITZPATRICK FIUME FLEET FLEMING FLESSA FLETCHER FLEXMAN FLINTOFT FLOOD FLORENCE FLORIDA Given Name/ Prénom GEORDIE JIN LIN GEORGE GEORGES MATTHEW DIANE RAMIN AZADEH GUY MICHAEL ULRICH ZHONG PING ANGELICA GILLIAN SUSANNE RACHAEL MICHAEL SUSAN ANGELA RODRIGO DARREL MICHEL HUMBERTO GRANT LORRAINE ANDREY GRACE ROSALYN YOAV SARAH JULIE SARA-JANE THOMAS BARBARA JAMES DAVID MARK EUGENE DAVID JAMES ALISON JOSEPH JOSEPH JENNIFER VIRGINIA COLLEEN LOUIS RICHARD Position/Poste Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine Network Security Specialist Assistant Professor of Social Work Professor, Medicine Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Professor of Geography Professor of Education Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Computer Science Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor, Surgery Professor of Chemistry Associate Professor, Physiology Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature Professor of English Professor of Psychology Contracts Counsel Manager, Systems and Financial Analysis Director, Environmental Health and Safety Professor of Law Assistant Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering Director, Financial Services Professor of Education Director of Information and Technology Services Professor of Earth Sciences Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Statistics Professor of Education Director, Operations and Finance Professor of Dentistry Professor of Geography Manager, Capital Projects Director of the Office of the Vice Provost, Faculty and Academic Life Librarian, Criminology Senior Lecturer Vice Dean, Programs, Rotman School of Management Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Computer Science Professor and Chair of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Psychology Professor of Education Professor of Political Science Senior Research Associate Senior Research Associate in Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Law Lecturer, Management Academic Director, Martin Prosperity Institute and Professor of Business Economics Salary Paid/ Traitement $150,000.00 $104,015.35 $110,584.46 $155,116.92 $109,790.46 $104,926.37 $128,352.00 $156,148.56 $130,755.00 $133,067.46 $146,580.00 $123,994.18 $141,637.48 $118,261.46 $137,386.94 $144,154.86 $103,136.98 $129,191.00 $155,281.23 $148,370.52 $123,247.50 $145,138.37 $114,361.00 $122,417.60 $161,067.60 $212,908.50 $193,599.06 $152,906.04 $115,103.27 $137,518.08 $103,408.99 $103,702.70 $122,741.25 $111,910.01 $109,757.04 $288,921.06 $186,415.50 $106,011.00 $274,077.06 $197,897.52 $217,779.57 $133,196.31 $129,849.69 $113,190.00 $118,146.27 $164,993.89 $136,352.56 $304,425.30 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $2,339.87 $252.00 $611.76 $537.24 $282.06 $614.10 $611.76 $306.78 $8,161.76 $306.00 $308.40 $306.00 $290.22 $306.00 $2,867.88 $1,622.51 $305.97 $407.88 $4,024.00 $299.88 $509.88 $613.14 $242.12 $611.76 $725.76 $458.88 $611.76 $281.79 $611.76 $277.98 $253.89 $298.51 $365.34 $447.66 $306.00 $611.76 $518.82 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $402.58 $725.76 $277.08 $578.19 $611.76 $394.92 $611.76 Page 169 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille FOGELS FOK FONG FONG FONG FONG Given Name/ Prénom EGILS ANDY ERIC JENNY STEVEN WILFRED University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto FORBES FORD FORMAN FORTE FORTIN FORTIN FOSCARINI FOURNIER FOX FOX FOX FOX FRANCES FRANCIS FRANCO FRANKLE FRAPPIER FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASER FRASTACKY FRAUMENI FRAZER FREDERICKSON FREEMAN FRENCH FREY SEAN JOHN LISA VITO MARCEL MARIE-JOSEE FIORELLA MARC ANN BONNIE HARRY MARK DANIEL KATY APRIL RIVI LORI ANDREW CRAIG HEATHER JENNIFER PAUL ROBERT SIMON JOHN LUBA PAUL GARTH MEGAN SARAH JANE MICHELLE BRENDAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto FREY FRIEDLANDER FRIEDMAN FRIEDMANN FRIESEN FROMOWITZ FUCHS FUJITANI FULFORD KEVIN JOHN SHIMON HARRIET T. MAX LUCY SHAY TAKASHI MARGARET Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Director, Technical Operations Manager, Electrical Systems Professor of Sociology Portfolio Manager, Executive Development Programs Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Chief Information Officer and Director, Information Technology and Digital Learning, School of Continuing Studies Director, Business Information Centre Technical Services Co-ordinator Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor, Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Geographic Information Systems and Map Librarian Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Assistant Professor of Information Professor of Psychology Senior Lecturer, Department of Nutritional Sciences Professor of Sociology Professor of Religion Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Senior Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering Senior Strategic Communications Officer Professor and Associate Chair of Management Assistant Vice President, Alumni and Stakeholder Relations Professor, Molecular Genetics Associate Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor and Director, Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Director, Business Design Initiatives Director, Innovations Professor, Medical Biophysics Executive Officer, Dictionary of Canadian Biography Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Gifts Coordinator; Cataloguer and Reference Librarian Director, Research Communications Professor of Management Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Director, English Language & Writing Support Lecturer, Department of Physiology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Edward S. Rogers Sr. Canada Research Council Chair in Engineering Director, Business Development and International Programs, New College Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Dentistry Professor of Sociology Professor of Anthropology Assistant Vice-President, Student Life Lecturer, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of History and Dr. David Chu Professor in Asia-Pacific Studies Reference Librarian & University College Librarian Salary Paid/ Traitement $127,613.98 $117,471.97 $160,765.50 $107,555.84 $122,824.92 $129,521.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $298.08 $383.28 $407.88 $179.14 $601.02 $393.61 $131,485.50 $100,883.98 $107,263.98 $108,123.00 $116,450.95 $156,527.52 $107,686.98 $132,978.02 $112,223.04 $162,478.50 $136,467.06 $166,426.02 $143,065.00 $108,634.77 $184,296.98 $216,487.50 $167,632.56 $151,446.00 $174,045.00 $179,165.64 $137,535.98 $156,432.96 $153,002.12 $131,629.44 $124,215.99 $144,942.76 $165,476.04 $113,140.50 $112,516.41 $103,529.18 $182,914.98 $306.00 $246.99 $524.76 $264.78 $4,901.06 $611.76 $263.58 $303.42 $549.24 $306.00 $458.88 $306.00 $585.00 $2,932.64 $2,006.76 $255.00 $306.00 $17,471.76 $509.88 $255.00 $306.00 $306.00 $493.92 $306.00 $304.14 $611.76 $407.88 $461.46 $301.62 $228.54 $725.76 $225,003.52 $230,769.00 $163,180.68 $170,023.49 $147,486.96 $207,411.05 $100,835.50 $163,036.09 $101,401.98 $2,611.76 $306.00 $611.76 $509.88 $611.76 $611.76 $4,139.90 $11,122.76 $248.28 Page 170 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille FULLER-THOMSON FULTHORPE FUNNELL FURLONG FUSCO GADALLA GAGNE GAGNE GAGNON GALASSO Given Name/ Prénom ESME ROBERTA BARBARA KIERAN CAROLINE TAHANY ANTOINETTE CATHERINE FRANCE ALBERTO University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto GALBRAITH GALEY GALLAGHER GANEA GANJALI GANS GANSS GARFINKEL GARNER GARRETT GARTNER GASKELL GASTALDO GASTEIGER GAUDIO GAUTHIER GAUVREAU GAZTAMBIDE-FERNANDEZ GAZZARRINI GENOV GEORGES GEORGEVSKI GEORGIS GERIN-LAJOIE GERLAI GERSHBAIN GERSON GERTLER GERVERS GESINK GEVA GHENT GHOBRIEL GIACCA GIAEVER GIBBONS GIBBS DAVID ALAN KATHLEEN MARIE PATRICIA YASHAR JOSHUA BERNHARD PAUL SALLY FRANCES ROSEMARY JANE DENISE DAVID LORENA LEIGH DOUGLAS PAUL RUBEN SONIA ROMAN MICHAEL CARL DINA DIANE ROBERT NICOLE LLOYD MERIC MICHAEL DIONNE ESTHER REBECCA WAGIH ADRIA GURI CYRIL ALISON Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Social Work Professor and Graduate Chair of Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor, Molecular Genetics Sessional Lecturer Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Social Work Professor of Education Senior Manager, Budget Admin. & Institutional Planning Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Management and Director, University of Toronto Master of Management of Innovation Program Professor of English Assistant Professor of Information Professor of Education Professor of Education Professor of Computer Science Professor of Strategic Management Professor and Research Coordinator Professor, Psychiatry Executive Director, Planning and Budget Professor of Religion Professor of Criminology Professor of Education Associate Professor Planning and Financial Officer, Arts & Science Manager, Financial Advisory Service and Training Director, Career Centre, Full Time Masters of Business Administration Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Assistant Professor of Education Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Chemistry Athletic Instructor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Women and Gender Studies Professor of Education Professor of Psychology National Director, Pro Bono Students Canada Professor of Philosophy Professor of Geography and Dean, Arts & Science and Goldring Chair in Canadian Studies Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Education, Chair, Applied Psychology and Human Development Professor of Earth Sciences Senior Lecturer, Chemistry Professor, Physiology Professor of Pharmacy and Canada Research Chair in Chemical Genetics Director, Special Projects Senior Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $130,394.06 $153,488.44 $163,919.48 $106,537.52 $109,240.99 $165,407.50 $147,047.94 $165,230.74 $130,627.01 $216,554.44 $154,688.52 $105,208.56 $137,092.73 $108,142.94 $145,479.06 $304,512.96 $154,879.38 $190,066.92 $170,749.23 $129,774.02 $168,571.47 $275,810.52 $141,515.00 $101,669.48 $136,634.25 $106,592.65 $161,819.46 $119,528.91 $104,521.53 $155,766.54 $181,338.99 $125,879.46 $108,703.92 $156,470.46 $163,503.00 $130,263.96 $168,010.56 $336,213.00 $140,622.04 $118,504.02 $185,337.48 $106,843.64 $116,136.96 $148,232.58 $137,296.98 $156,947.26 $121,294.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $0.00 $586.92 $375.96 $611.76 $611.76 $307.20 $306.00 $725.76 $257.58 $4,329.76 $10,714.72 $2,807.88 $3,111.76 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $4,125.40 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $248.91 $407.88 $259.26 $306.00 $705.54 $3,997.66 $306.00 $407.94 $407.16 $266.22 $725.76 $306.00 $2,306.00 $611.76 $725.76 $306.00 $386.64 $356.94 $287.16 $284.28 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $296.94 Page 171 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille GIBBS GIBSON GILADY GILBERT GILBERT GILBERT GILLESPIE GILLESPIE Given Name/ Prénom ROBERT BARBARA LILACH BENJAMIN EMILY RALPH ALEXANDRA NORA University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto GILLIS GILLISON GIRARDIN GIRDHAR GIROLAMETTO GITARI GLADISH GLINOS GLOGAUER GLOVER GLOVER TAKAHASHI GODT GOEL GOERING GOETSCHEL GOETTLER GOH GOLDBERG GOLDEN GOLDFARB GOLDMAN GOLDMAN GOLDREICH JOSEPH GILLIAN STEPHEN SAMIR LUIGI WANJA EVA ANGELA MICHAEL JOHN SUSAN DOROTHEA ASHVIN JOSEPH WILLI R. ELAINE M. CYNTHIA EUDICE BRIAN AVI COREY ANDREW MARLENE BETH DAVID University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto GOLDSMITH GOLDSTEIN GOLDSTEIN GOLDSTEIN GOMES GOMEZ GOMMERMAN GONG GONZALEZ-NAVARRO GOODMAN GOONEWARDENA GORCZYNSKI GORGATTI GORING GOTLIEB PAULL ABBY MICHAEL TARA MARIA RAFAEL JENNIFER SIEW-GING MARCO JACK KANISHKA REGINALD FABIO DAPHNE AVRUM Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Philosophy and Director, Jackman Humanities Institute Professor of Physical Therapy Professor of Political Science Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Geography and Director, Canadian Studies Program Professor, Department of Otolaryngology Professor of English Legal Counsel to Office of Vice President and Provost and Vice President Human Resources and Equity Professor of Education Professor of Anthropology Assistant Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Computer Systems Coordinator Professor and Chair, Speech-Language Pathology Associate Professor Assistant Dean, Finance and Operations Computing Disciplines Facility, System Administrator/Supervisor Professor of Dentistry Associate Professor, Biochemistry Director, Education and Research Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of History Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature and Philosophy Librarian Professor of Chemistry and Director, Institute for Optical Science Associate Professor, Paediatrics Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Marketing Senior Lecturer and Director, First Year Learning Communities Program Professor of English Academic Director, Morning and Evening Masters of Business Administration Programs and Professor of Finance Director, Facilities Management and Planning Professor of Education Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Education Divisional Financial Officer Professor, Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources Associate Professor, Immunology Professor of Dentistry Professor of Management Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Geography Professor, Surgery Information Technology Specialist Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology and Interim Vice Dean, Graduate and Life Sciences Education Salary Paid/ Traitement $187,157.72 $114,230.02 $108,246.54 $107,300.46 $138,405.48 $101,299.98 $117,120.65 $244,202.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $8,469.76 $277.14 $264.96 $525.12 $611.76 $330.54 $308.22 $306.00 $120,174.04 $129,144.00 $154,365.54 $115,961.10 $168,015.00 $115,963.41 $109,356.97 $104,478.37 $154,104.96 $134,680.94 $127,190.51 $138,860.04 $153,535.26 $166,100.52 $104,897.02 $122,509.02 $165,547.08 $176,094.00 $301,887.48 $253,820.94 $141,864.54 $132,862.54 $314,971.56 $407.88 $307.62 $4,024.00 $244.48 $407.88 $305.34 $1,061.91 $341.02 $725.76 $514.08 $290.58 $509.88 $407.88 $306.00 $3,009.84 $299.82 $306.00 $407.88 $407.88 $7,742.00 $306.00 $407.88 $725.76 $133,292.82 $105,661.56 $163,481.52 $158,549.46 $104,863.75 $155,719.96 $135,223.02 $152,613.48 $127,901.94 $146,601.42 $124,221.96 $158,714.04 $102,346.79 $176,638.56 $344,530.98 $304.09 $3,976.66 $725.76 $509.88 $330.66 $306.00 $4,024.00 $407.88 $307.20 $306.00 $605.46 $306.00 $329.28 $509.88 $306.00 Page 172 of/de 311 University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille GOUGH Given Name/ Prénom WILLIAM University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto 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JEFFREY ANTHONY DIANE SHARON CORDELL DENIS PETER MILAN SUSANNE GIOVANNI PETER PAMELA ANTHONY SCOTT ADAM ANDREW DEBORAH ANNE KENNETH STEVEN JACK RICHARD CAROL MATTHEW PAUL RAYMOND SIMON PAUL MART CLINTON ALISON DANIEL MICHAEL MARCO FRANCESCO J. CONNIE AXEL University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto GULAK GULDER GULLANE GLENN OMER PATRICK Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor and Chair of Physical and Environmental Sciences; Vice Dean Graduate Education and Program Development, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Music Professor of Economics Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Physics Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Director of the Dunlap Institute Senior Lecturer, Psychology Assistant Professor, Physiology Business Manager Manager, Ancillary Human Resource Services Research Associate, Aerospace Studies Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Associate Professor of Aerospace Studies Senior Research Associate Senior Research Associate Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Senior Lecturer, English Language & Writing Support Associate Director, Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation Director, Strategic Initiatives and Research Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Sociology Professor of Law Department Head, Reference and Research Services Professor of Religion Director, On-line Communications University Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of English Professor, Nutritional Sciences Professor of Strategic Management Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Research Associate, Aerospace Studies Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Aerospace Studies Portfolio Manager, Executive Development Programs Chief Technical Officer, Scientific Software Analysis Group Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Mathematics Professor of Italian Studies Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair of Historical & Cultural Studies Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Wallace Chalmers Chair of Engineering Design Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor and Associate Director of Aerospace Studies Professor, Department of Otolaryngology Salary Paid/ Traitement $171,352.92 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $132,006.51 $136,480.50 $171,386.54 $114,199.83 $160,136.87 $149,304.84 $142,724.00 $125,185.56 $107,875.81 $125,262.05 $108,107.28 $219,254.52 $154,983.54 $106,480.77 $123,480.00 $109,136.32 $109,092.51 $125,463.50 $115,394.54 $171,652.56 $122,416.44 $190,434.46 $129,880.01 $136,208.04 $129,784.72 $222,562.02 $161,640.48 $159,603.96 $198,574.02 $128,812.45 $128,798.00 $132,483.75 $147,500.77 $155,903.52 $150,229.80 $104,622.06 $108,506.48 $142,289.98 $114,801.48 $173,564.48 $115,056.00 $153,011.07 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $2,967.26 $424.86 $306.00 $292.74 $7,840.04 $480.24 $2,302.79 $264.69 $306.00 $725.76 $347.52 $301.71 $293.28 $231.24 $386.47 $559.35 $611.76 $299.64 $306.00 $307.26 $623.88 $0.00 $306.00 $611.76 $407.88 $509.88 $308.58 $343.38 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $217.49 $665.49 $509.88 $280.98 $725.76 $549.72 $4,443.76 $217,009.59 $200,811.06 $247,110.00 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 Page 173 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille GUNDERSON GUNDERSON GUNNING GUNZ GUTTMAN Given Name/ Prénom ERIK MORLEY PATRICK HUGH DAVID University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto GWYNNE HAAS HACKWORTH HADDOW HADJIGEORGIOU DARRYL DANIEL JASON RODNEY IOANNIS University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HADZILACOS HAGER HAGSTROM BISSADA HAHM HAINES HALBERSTAM HALEY HALPERN VASSOS MICHAEL CARLA MONICA JOHN YOSH DAVID ERIC University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HAMEL HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMPSON HAN HANDLEY HANDLEY HANLEY HANNA HANNAFORD HANNAH-MOFFAT HANNIGAN HANSEN PAUL GILLIAN MICHAEL DAVID LU ANTOINETTE KENNETH PAUL ANTHONY SHERIF JULIE KELLY JOHN RANDALL University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HANSSEN HARAPA HARDIE HARLOW HARMATH HARNEY HARPER HARRAK HARRICHAND HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRISON HARRISON JENS GEORGE CATHERINE JASON KRISZTINA ELIZABETH JOHN AMIR SAMUEL JENNIFER PAMELA TONY JANE JOHN PAUL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Classics Professor of Economics Professor of Chemistry Professor of Management and Associate Chair, Management Professor of Cell and Systems Biology and Director of the Centre for Analysis of Genome Evolution and Function Professor of Biology Professor and Dean of Dentistry Professor of Geography Professor of Political Science Professor of Civil Engineering and the Pierre Lassonde Chair in Mining Engineering and Director of the Lassonde Mineral Engineering Program Professor and Chair of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature Periodicals Librarian - Instruction Coordinator Director of Advancement, Faculty of Arts & Science Professor of Music Professor of Economics Professor of Psychology Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies; Dean and Vice Principal Academic, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Economics Professor of Earth Sciences Professor of Pharmacy Programs Professor of Political Science Chief Administrative Officer, Student Life Associate Professor, Nutritional Sciences Associate Professor, Department of Surgery Associate Librarian for the Humanities and Social Sciences Professor of Sociology and Vice Dean Undergraduate Professor of Sociology Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies Professor of Historical Studies University Veterinarian Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer Director, Administration and Finance Professor of Arts, Culture & Media Manager, Systems, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Shift Supervisor Professor of Christianity and Culture Manager, Business Intelligence Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Director, Academic Programs and Policy Professor of Civil Engineering and W.M. Keck Chair in Engineering Rock Mechanics Salary Paid/ Traitement $122,378.94 $198,280.12 $119,407.02 $225,096.00 $163,132.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $299.58 $255.00 $292.20 $306.00 $611.76 $162,985.98 $260,521.42 $126,570.06 $140,472.06 $191,213.04 $306.00 $611.76 $609.54 $306.00 $611.76 $196,109.46 $127,926.48 $123,965.45 $104,797.52 $145,181.48 $122,695.36 $116,180.52 $217,557.96 $407.88 $511.98 $303.12 $256.56 $306.00 $4,018.12 $284.40 $12,306.00 $153,084.48 $163,964.04 $110,945.48 $157,890.27 $214,639.50 $123,778.93 $116,182.01 $139,841.94 $112,500.00 $144,047.47 $179,499.01 $148,844.83 $160,918.49 $611.76 $611.76 $252.90 $306.00 $3,406.00 $609.06 $284.46 $407.88 $458.82 $306.00 $1,956.00 $611.76 $10,819.76 $115,972.92 $156,970.95 $112,985.28 $108,765.51 $101,045.82 $128,194.50 $103,628.28 $131,423.29 $105,255.10 $118,426.08 $127,602.77 $130,077.48 $124,378.50 $157,255.98 $283.86 $306.00 $302.82 $672.72 $329.78 $307.02 $338.19 $611.76 $555.64 $289.86 $507.99 $626.52 $584.88 $306.00 Page 174 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON HART HARTEL HARTENBERGER HARVEY HARVEY HARVEY HASENKAMPF Given Name/ Prénom LARRY LAURIE RENE TIMOTHY DOUGLAS JENNA J. RUSSELL BART ELIZABETH LESLIE CLARE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HASHER HATZINAKOS HATZIS HAVELKA HAVERCROFT HAWKEN HAWKINS HAWKINS HAWRYCHUK HE HEALEY HEATH HEATHCOTE HEERKLOTZ HEGELE HEJAZI HELLER HELLER HELLIE HELMS-PARK HELMY HELMY HELWIG HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDRICKSON HENNYEY HENRY HERBERT HERMAN HERMANS HERMER HERSCHORN HERTZMANN HESS LYNN DIMITRIOS CHRISTOS MONIKA BARBARA GEORGE SCOTT SEAN SHELLEY YUHONG ANTONETTE JOSEPH JOANNA HEIKO RICHARD WALID DAPHNA MONICA BENJAMIN RENA AMR RAAFAT CHARLES GRANT GREIG JEFFREY MATTHEW DONNA ANNETTE MONIQUE PETER JOHN JOSEPH MADELYN AARON PAUL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director, Information Technology Services Director, Information Technology, Education Commons Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Institutional Researcher Assistant Professor of Information Professor of Music Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine Professor of English Professor of Geography Professor of Biological Sciences; Associate Dean Teaching & Learning, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Psychology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bell Canada Chair in Multimedia Professor of Music Senior Lecturer Professor of French Senior Lecturer Professor of Marketing Professor of History Librarian Professor of Geography Professor of Medieval Studies Professor of Philosophy and Director of Centre for Ethics Senior Lecturer in Management Professor of Pharmacy and Canada Research Chair in Lipid Science and Technology Professor and Chair, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Business Economics Professor of Linguistics Professor of Education Professor of Philosophy Professor of French & Linguistics Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Manager, Engineering Operations, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Psychology Professor of Earth Sciences Professor of English Professor of Pharmacy Senior Developer and Project Supervisor Senior Lecturer, Dentistry Director of Finance, Law Research Officer and Lecturer Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Advancement Research Professor of Sociology Executive Director, Communications & Public Affairs Professor of Computer Science Professor of Geography Salary Paid/ Traitement $142,266.16 $148,616.61 $152,041.56 $169,367.59 $102,322.97 $102,025.48 $164,734.44 $180,776.54 $167,128.44 $154,271.04 $169,740.50 $209,638.29 $187,006.38 $149,526.96 $101,063.15 $156,078.36 $131,948.83 $215,348.52 $146,530.76 $113,742.06 $100,021.54 $163,082.52 $166,930.02 $117,906.92 $147,639.42 $212,758.94 $264,125.06 $101,507.04 $167,498.04 $123,561.96 $128,049.00 $156,864.90 $108,935.01 $144,266.51 $155,107.56 $174,362.48 $137,558.52 $103,338.38 $127,054.56 $107,200.00 $101,864.51 $181,791.48 $110,698.26 $125,842.94 $111,002.45 $131,755.20 $120,945.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $509.88 $407.88 $611.76 $500.76 $5,324.72 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $725.76 $306.00 $238.86 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $278.40 $2,846.40 $306.00 $3,766.00 $1,143.30 $509.88 $611.76 $509.88 $4,367.08 $725.76 $402.00 $307.02 $306.00 $355.41 $4,329.76 $725.76 $407.88 $509.88 $505.80 $306.60 $345.84 $319.38 $306.00 $271.05 $385.68 $254.70 $306.00 $296.10 Page 175 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille HEWITT HEXIMER HIBBARD Given Name/ Prénom JAMES SCOTT GLENN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HILDYARD HILL HILLAN HILTON HINTON HINZ HIRSCHL HIRSH HIRST HITZLER HO HODGES HODNETT HOESCHELE HOFFMANN HOFMANN ANGELA COLIN EDITH KATHERINE GEOFFREY J. BORIS RAN JACOB GRAEME JOHANN HO CHEUNG BRIAN ELLEN REGINA MATTHEW RONALD University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HOLDER HOLMES HOLMES HOLMSTEDT HOLNESS HOLTZ HOOD HOOD HOOK HOOKS HOOTON WARREN HOWARD MELISSA ROBERT D. LINN GREGOIRE ADRIENNE NAOMI SHERIL ROSALIE R. DOUGLAS University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto HOPE HOPEWELL HOPEWELL HORNE HORNER HORST HORSTMANN HORTON HORVATH HOSIOS HOSSAIN HOULE HOURY HOUTMAN HOWARD HOWARTH OLE-KRISTIAN PATRICK SARAH MARIE BONNIE RICHARD SANDRA IGNATIUS DIANE DIANE ELLEN ARTHUR TANJIM SYLVAIN WALID EVELINE KENNETH LYNNE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Education, Associate Chair, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Research Associate Professor, Physiology Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Associate Chair Undergraduate, Materials Science and Engineering Vice President Human Resources and Equity Professor of English and Drama Vice Provost, Faculty and Academic Life and Professor of Nursing Assistant Dean, Advancement University Professor of Computer Science Professor of Dentistry Professor of Political Science Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Associate Professor, Paediatrics Sessional Lecturer Unit 3 Professor, Psychiatry and Director Wilson Centre for Research in Education Professor Professor of Classics Professor of Political Sciences; Chair of Social Sciences Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Associate Industrial Research Chair Librarian, Electronic Resources Senior Lecturer, Dentistry Professor of Psychology Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of French Professor of History Director, Alumni & Development Librarian Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine Professor of Civil Engineering and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Industrial Research Chair Professor of Accounting Director, Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions Senior Architect Librarian, Resource Sharing and Access Services Coordinator Associate Professor, Medicine Lecturer in Music Professor of Business Economics Senior Lecturer Chief Operating Officer, Advancement Services Professor and Chair of Economics Professor of Management Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Director, Positron Emission Tomography Professor, Biochemistry Reference/Government Publications Librarian Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor of Information Salary Paid/ Traitement $158,373.52 $139,961.73 $144,930.03 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $316,772.96 $108,671.48 $234,414.96 $128,941.52 $270,944.94 $145,365.30 $172,506.83 $113,240.04 $184,142.98 $291,000.00 $106,725.00 $120,534.32 $167,479.52 $105,418.98 $143,470.98 $135,082.92 $13,482.84 $370.44 $623.88 $301.71 $725.76 $10,536.00 $611.76 $277.20 $407.88 $407.88 $0.00 $408.12 $509.88 $258.06 $306.00 $306.00 $114,775.63 $153,628.00 $101,817.80 $120,755.64 $182,897.10 $100,004.04 $149,866.44 $118,040.25 $104,936.31 $218,318.04 $177,982.92 $186.60 $515.88 $249.36 $591.02 $306.00 $244.86 $306.00 $288.99 $266.70 $306.00 $306.00 $297,390.06 $159,255.42 $111,703.74 $127,359.96 $162,629.48 $106,986.06 $246,579.36 $132,662.46 $153,397.51 $238,996.52 $206,301.66 $156,995.04 $149,229.90 $122,839.52 $162,454.98 $174,972.00 $407.88 $4,409.88 $546.65 $307.02 $407.88 $349.26 $306.00 $4,329.76 $306.00 $611.76 $889.00 $306.00 $2,671.76 $601.14 $407.88 $407.88 Page 176 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille HOWEY HOY HSIUNG HSU HU HU HU HUANG HUGGINS HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES HUI HULCHANSKI HULL HUM HUNTER HUPPONEN HURD HURKA HURLEY HURST HUSAIN HUSSAIN HUSSEY HUTCHINSON HUTT HYATT HYLAND HYMAN IACOBUCCI IACOVETTA IAKOUNINE IBELL ICHIKAWA IGELFELD IGLAR INDART ING ING INGRAM INWOOD INZLICHT IPPOLITO IRAVANI Given Name/ Prénom KEVIN ANNA PING-CHUN JOHN HOWARD KUI MING LIUHONG HELEN WILLIAM CATHERINE DEAN RUSSELL TIMOTHY RAYMOND J. DAVID JOHN SEAN MARK INA JANET THOMAS PETER ROBIN MANSOOR SAYED ADRIAN DOUGLAS DANIEL DOUGLAS ROBERT AVI EDWARD FRANCA ALEXANDRE CHRISTOPHER BRENDA ABRAHAM KARL GUSTAVO JULIANA KAREN DERRICK BRAD MICHAEL MICHELA MOHAMMAD University of Toronto University of Toronto IRISH IRVINE ROBERT JAN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Assistant Dean, Operations Director, Operations Professor of Sociology Chief Operating Officer Professor and Director, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Analyst, Portfolio and Risk Analysis Professor of Operations Management Chief Administrative Officer Lecturer Facility Manager, Pool Executive Director, Annual and Leadership Giving Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Senior Research Associate, Structural Genomics Consortium Professor of Social Work and Director, Urban and Community Studies Professor of Finance Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Human Geography Senior Development Officer Director, University Student Recruitment Professor of Philosophy Director, Physics Learning and Research Services Business Manager Associate Professor, Medicine Senior Lecturer Managing Director, Portfolio and Risk Analysis Professor of Philosophy Director, Campus Police Services Professor of Business Economics Professor, Medicine Director, Academic & Collaborative Technologies Professor of Law and Associate Dean, Research Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies Professor of Chemical Engineering Constable - 1st Class Director, University Events and Assistant to Chancellor Senior Lecturer Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine Senior Lecturer Analyst, Portfolio Performance Senior Lecturer Corporal University Professor of Classics and Philosophy Professor of Psychology Professor of Linguistics Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, L. Lau Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Lecturer, Engineering Communication Program Professor, Medicine Salary Paid/ Traitement $108,984.49 $115,351.02 $135,362.46 $266,027.96 $169,999.61 $106,339.02 $193,873.92 $119,999.97 $181,629.04 $102,692.06 $159,395.01 $174,478.50 $210,374.49 $169,439.59 $385,057.98 $146,191.08 $100,492.05 $100,306.79 $119,405.49 $199,213.98 $113,614.49 $115,942.67 $162,699.96 $213,876.06 $250,500.00 $150,594.54 $136,870.61 $243,418.56 $154,040.36 $140,804.53 $306,695.42 $147,335.98 $111,244.98 $103,181.08 $109,803.75 $124,157.52 $120,000.00 $194,487.92 $103,678.04 $106,321.08 $117,418.66 $199,589.48 $138,323.02 $102,994.66 $225,134.88 $130,961.04 $100,914.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $348.09 $470.46 $725.76 $611.76 $1,460.88 $442.07 $4,024.00 $305.91 $552.48 $251.40 $306.00 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $3,770.06 $245.71 $292.32 $611.76 $688.71 $328.53 $611.76 $381.48 $306.00 $611.76 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $1,086.00 $611.76 $407.88 $257.64 $163.57 $859.88 $606.78 $293.76 $574.38 $217.80 $260.28 $231.44 $306.00 $4,341.88 $7,333.38 $611.76 $306.00 $564.84 Page 177 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille IRWIN ISSA-SAYEGH ITO LEE ITWARU IVANENKO IVRII JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACOBS JACOBSEN JAFFE JAGLAL JAGOE JAIMUNGAL JAIN JAMES JAMES JAMIESON JAMISON JANG JAY JAYAWARDHANA Given Name/ Prénom DAVID DANIELE RUTSUKO ARNOLD ERIK VICTOR DONALD ERIN HEATHER KENNETH NANCY SUZANNE IRA HANS-ARNO AUDREY SUSAN EVA-LYNN SEBASTIAN KAJRI ANDREW DANIEL GREGORY NADINA EUNICE KELLY RAY University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto JEFFREY JENKINS JENKINS JENKINS JENNINGS JEPSON JERRARD JHA JIA JIN JOCKUSCH JOHN JOHNS JOHNS JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOKSTAD LISA DAVID JENNIFER JENNIFER ERIC ALLAN ROBERT PRABHAT CHARLES EDWARD REBECCA SAJEEV ALANA DAVID ANDREW ELIZABETH F. RYAN STEPHEN GREGORY JOSEE MILES ASBJORN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Senior Lecturer Professor of Psychology Senior Lecturer Central Control and Monitoring System Supervisor Professor of Mathematics Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Interim Director, School of the Environment Director, Central Administration Human Resource Services Office Professor of English Professor of Computer Science Professor of Education Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor and Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of English Professor, Physical Therapy Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Professor of Statistics Professor of Visual and Media Culture Associate Professor, Paediatrics Professor of Physics Associate Professor, Industrial Engineering, Clarice Chalmers Chair of Engineering Design Assistant Dean and Executive Director of Advancement, Arts & Science Professor of Education Associate Faculty Registrar and Director, Student Affairs Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Senior Advisor to the President on Science Engagement Professor and Associate Chair of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor, Nutritional Sciences Professor of Education Professor of History Professor of History Professor of Computer Science Professor of Mathematics Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor and Associate Chair of Chemical Engineering Director, Procurement Services Professor of Chemistry University Professor of Physics Professor of Linguistics Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Psychology Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of English and Drama Professor of Music Professor of Sociology Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Dentistry Salary Paid/ Traitement $132,968.52 $125,173.50 $108,165.00 $114,418.50 $125,539.00 $180,171.87 $165,752.46 $125,088.47 $118,516.75 $191,717.94 $161,262.06 $126,085.02 $229,554.96 $164,031.48 $153,407.46 $142,667.81 $111,393.99 $165,034.16 $107,415.00 $231,348.96 $140,369.13 $162,286.01 $204,032.95 $107,837.19 $100,287.01 $178,182.02 $155,921.66 $199,494.96 $166,375.50 $137,018.04 $146,887.33 $213,181.44 $147,205.71 $153,749.94 $159,701.94 $151,296.78 $129,816.96 $290,163.06 $136,468.50 $174,711.70 $113,781.96 $120,654.00 $156,122.46 $149,417.94 $114,513.60 $174,218.04 $167,806.71 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $509.88 $304.62 $2,129.26 $280.14 $303.99 $611.76 $306.00 $4,502.71 $470.88 $611.76 $407.94 $302.28 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $298.56 $306.00 $263.04 $611.76 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $384.24 $327.33 $306.00 $4,329.76 $306.00 $611.76 $407.88 $2,399.99 $623.88 $306.00 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $308.10 $306.00 $509.88 $611.76 $278.52 $295.32 $611.76 $306.00 $585.36 $509.88 $623.88 Page 178 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille JONES JONES JONES JONES JOORDENS JOSHEE JOSHI-SUKHWAL JOWLABAR JULIAN JUNG KALAMUT KALMAR KAMBOUROV KAMENETSKY KAMNITZER KAMPOURIS KAN KANAGANAYAKAM KANELIS KANG KANG KANT KAPLAN KAPLAN KAPOVITCH KAPRAL KARN KARNEY Given Name/ Prénom CHARLES DYLAN GLEN TERRY STEVE REVA SADHNA CHATTERPAUL STEPHEN COURTNEY DORIS IVAN GUEORGUI STUART JOEL GABRIELA RAYMOND CHELVANAYAKAM VOULA SONIA YOON JUNG SHASHI LOUIS SARAH VITALI RAYMOND DARREN BRYAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto KARSHON KATZ KATZ KAUFMAN KAUL KAUSHIK KAVALER KAWASHIMA KAY KAZAL KEATING KEE KEELAN KEIL KEIRSTEAD KEITH KELLAR KELLEY KELLY YAEL ARIEL BERNARD PAMELA RUPERT RAJIV ETHAN MATT KEN LEWIS RUSSELL ARMAND HAE-YOUNG JENNIFER CHARLES THOMAS ALISON RICHARD SHANA HEATHER Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Sociology Professor of Physics Professor of Education Senior Information Technology Analyst Professor of Psychology Professor of Education, Associate Chair, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Professor of Physics Professor of Political Science Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy Professor of Anthropology Professor of Economics Associate Chair and Undergraduate Program Director Professor of Mathematics Director, Building Operations & Client Services Professor of Finance Professor of English and Director, Centre for South Asia Studies Professor of Chemistry Professor of Management Professor of French & Linguistics Professor of Forestry Professor and Chair Department of Visual Studies Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Mathematics Professor of Chemistry Research Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Associate Dean, Cross-Disciplinary Programs and Chair of Division of Environmental Engineering and Energy Systems Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Law Professor of Philosophy and Vice Dean Graduate University of Toronto Mississauga Assistant Professor, Ontario Tobacco Research Unit Associate Professor, Medicine Director, Kuali Student Development Professor of Art Professor of East Asian Studies Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies; Associate Chair of History Professor, Medicine Professor of Physics Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of History and Director of Cinema Studies Institute Professor and Chair of East Asian Studies Professor and Chair of Classics Associate Director, Business Intelligence and Analytics Professor of Pharmacy Director, Student Services Salary Paid/ Traitement $172,470.42 $134,985.54 $175,107.96 $104,911.50 $193,526.08 $137,416.02 $155,066.04 $129,391.56 $200,997.00 $135,979.73 $150,074.04 $167,093.64 $145,722.59 $135,895.91 $118,225.02 $138,159.76 $280,354.50 $154,864.56 $124,119.00 $192,777.96 $105,460.52 $154,039.08 $147,108.48 $258,321.06 $133,270.44 $195,332.04 $102,876.61 $181,753.05 $150,839.28 $143,115.99 $171,471.00 $100,033.56 $111,588.00 $143,684.25 $133,096.19 $118,386.06 $229,773.90 $133,462.92 $108,070.92 $150,149.52 $105,687.74 $154,295.46 $153,972.45 $171,263.04 $124,757.77 $178,171.08 $103,256.24 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $255.00 $306.00 $611.76 $256.86 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $727.92 $623.88 $306.00 $267.48 $509.88 $3,011.76 $302.28 $385.68 $292.05 $306.00 $725.76 $303.00 $306.00 $282.42 $725.76 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $188.88 $509.88 $509.88 $12,429.76 $306.00 $326.52 $546.12 $1,815.76 $306.00 $289.80 $306.00 $611.76 $264.48 $4,024.00 $518.76 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $303.27 $306.00 $252.78 Page 179 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille KEMP KENNEDY KEOGH KEPE KEREKES KERMAN KERN KERN KERR KERVIN KESIK KESLER Given Name/ Prénom GRAHAM CHRISTOPHER MARY THEMBELA JULIE KAGAN ANTHONY DRAGO PAUL GRETCHEN JOHN TED OLIVERA University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto KESTER KEYMER KHAN KHAN KHANIN KHAN-TROTTIER KHERANI KHESIN KHISTI KHOVANSKII KIDD KIEBUZINSKI KIEFER KILMARTIN KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KING KING KINGSTON KINGSTON KINGWELL KIPPEN KIRK KIRSH KIRTON KIRZNER KISHEN KITUNEN KIVIMAE KLASSEN KLEBER ROBIN THOMAS MICHAEL PAMELA KONSTANTIN AHLIA NAZIR BORIS ASHISH ASKOLD BRUCE KSENYA LINDA CATHERINE CHRISTY HENRY JUNCHUL PHILIP YONG BAEK YOUNG-JUNE PAMELA PETER PAUL REBECCA MARK JAMES DONALD BONNIE JOHN ERIC ANIL JOAN JURI PAMELA PIA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director, Enterprise Applications and Solutions Integration Professor of Civil Engineering Manager, Student Information Systems Professor of Human Geography Professor of Education Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Manager. Building Mechanical Services Enterprise Virtualization and Storage Specialist Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education Professor of Sociology Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Canada Research Council Chair in Fuel Cell Materials and Manufacturing Senior Development Officer Professor of English Lecturer Senior Lecturer Professor and Chair of Mathematics and Computational Sciences Senior Lecturer, Department of Biochemistry Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Mathematics Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Professor of Mathematics Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Slavic Librarian and Head, Petro Jacyk Central and East European Resource Centre Senior Instructor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Senior Lecturer, Dentistry Director, Support Services Professor of Mathematics Professor of Psychology Assistant Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Physics Professor of Physics Librarian Professor of Philosophy Professor of Political Sciences; Director of Centre for Critical Development Studies Professor of Political Science Professor of Philosophy Professor of Music Professor of Chemical Engineering Associate Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Professor of Political Science Professor of Finance Professor of Dentistry Senior Lecturer, Accounting Professor of History and Elmar Tampold Chair of Estonian Studies Professor of Religion Professor of Drama and Comparative Literature Salary Paid/ Traitement $181,668.22 $138,064.02 $121,015.23 $117,706.18 $110,968.16 $108,898.98 $121,427.75 $110,869.39 $177,829.56 $163,660.56 $146,044.26 $156,482.34 $103,759.51 $184,791.02 $178,869.02 $126,946.44 $189,021.00 $109,614.17 $158,721.00 $147,421.44 $131,747.07 $186,289.44 $260,086.92 $118,984.94 $112,044.00 $177,184.57 $122,879.74 $145,314.59 $101,041.50 $143,787.98 $170,004.46 $132,388.56 $111,931.98 $157,063.50 $135,718.56 $115,142.89 $156,321.51 $165,649.98 $174,318.96 $157,987.02 $144,721.77 $177,946.68 $142,011.00 $204,801.19 $141,121.92 $146,144.52 $165,273.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $509.88 $1,456.00 $592.26 $394.20 $3,759.40 $266.46 $495.27 $543.36 $509.88 $306.00 $611.76 $10,389.00 $256.32 $509.88 $1,526.12 $516.78 $306.00 $261.78 $306.00 $611.76 $307.68 $306.00 $306.00 $291.36 $274.26 $509.88 $292.56 $306.00 $247.38 $306.36 $306.00 $306.00 $456.48 $725.76 $306.24 $622.32 $306.00 $725.76 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $1,571.76 $407.88 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 Page 180 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille KLOOSTERHUIS KLOPPENBORG KLUGER KNAPPETT KNICKLE KNIGHT KNIGHT KNIGHTS KNOP KNOWLES KOCHETOV KOEBERLE KOHLER KOHN KOHN KONG KOOY KOPSTEIN KORST-FAGUNDES KORTEWEG KORTSCHOT KOSNIK KOTANEN KOTRA KOZNARSKY KRAATZ KRAEMER KRAMER KRAMER KRASHINSKY KRASHINSKY KRASS KRAUSE KREMER KREUGER KREUTZER KRIEGER KROFT KRONZUCKER KRUEGER KRUEGER KRULEWITZ KRULL Given Name/ Prénom JANICE JOHN RONALD CARL KERRY KEITH MARK MARGARET KAREN J. GARY ALEXEI PAULO JILLIAN LINDA MARGARET DOUGLAS MARY JEFFREY BRUNO ANNA MARK CLARE PETER LAKSHMI TARAS HEINZ-BERNHARD GARY CHRISTINA LISA HARRY MICHAEL DMITRY HENRY PHILIP DEVIN CHRISTINE PETER KORY HERBERT HELMUT PAUL JANET ULRICH University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto KRUSPE KRUTTSCHNITT KSCHISCHANG KUCHARCZYK JOHN CANDACE FRANK WALTER Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director, Human Resource Services Professor and Chair of Religion Professor of Chemistry Professor of Art Academic Standardized Patient Educator & Research Officer Professor of Statistics Professor of English Senior Planning and Budget Officer Professor of Law Professor of Education Professor of Linguistics Professor of Anatomy Professor of Pharmacy and Director Comparative Program on Health and Society Professor of Biology Professor of Political Sciences Lecturer in Management Professor of Education Professor of Political Science and Director of Centre for Jewish Studies Manager, Undergraduate Laboratories Professor of Sociology Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chair, Division of Engineering Science Professor of Education Professor of Biology Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Professor and Chair of Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor of Psychology Professor and Chair of Slavic Languages and Literatures Professor of Management Professor of Management Professor of Management Professor of Operations Management Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor and Chair of Philosophy Director, Office of the Vice Principal Research, University of Toronto Mississauga Administrative Manager Professor of Physics Professor of Economics Professor of Biological Sciences Manager Central Mechanical Services Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Assistant Professor, Family and Community Medicine Professor of Chemistry, Vice-Principal of Research and Vice Principal Special Initiatives, University of Toronto, Mississauga Senior Lecturer Professor of Sociology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Professor, Medical Imaging Salary Paid/ Traitement $142,841.29 $171,851.44 $196,469.46 $153,177.06 $103,101.44 $167,172.48 $103,110.00 $112,746.00 $190,852.02 $153,271.43 $109,194.48 $107,290.50 $142,619.61 $173,089.50 $126,336.96 $196,393.00 $151,836.96 $173,324.94 $104,490.85 $128,903.52 $195,608.44 $152,082.54 $138,937.02 $138,154.02 $123,985.56 $172,013.04 $175,900.82 $179,051.99 $249,602.46 $173,451.66 $219,603.48 $239,357.52 $163,560.54 $150,940.15 $116,820.03 $111,837.28 $137,803.50 $133,490.46 $163,496.46 $132,712.31 $132,312.48 $218,318.04 $225,031.05 $133,341.54 $190,092.57 $197,669.54 $163,354.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $212.54 $725.76 $420.48 $261.06 $306.00 $306.00 $4,251.72 $4,243.00 $8,133.26 $306.00 $304.80 $479.10 $306.00 $611.76 $250.50 $4,026.22 $611.76 $509.88 $1,221.76 $611.76 $499.32 $407.88 $611.76 $407.88 $509.88 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $725.76 $306.00 $381.18 $273.81 $306.00 $304.74 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $10,906.00 $509.88 $306.00 Page 181 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KUDLA KUGLER KULESHA KULKARNI KULLMANN KUMACHEVA KUOKKANEN KUPREL KURTS KURUSCU KUSHNER KUSTRA KUTAS KUTULAKOS KWEE KWOK KWON KWON KWONG KWONG L'ABBE LABROO LACETERA LACRAMPE-COULOUME LAHUSEN LAI LAING GIBBARD LALONDE LAM LAM LAM LAM LAM LAMBE LAMBEK LAMIE LANCASTER LANDOLT LANG LANGE LANGFORD LANGILLE LANGINS LANGLANDS-MELVIN LAPORTE LAPOSA LAPRADE LARKIN Given Name/ Prénom STEPHEN JEFFREY GARY GAJANAN DOROTHEA EUGENIA RAUNA DIANA MICHAEL BURHANETTIN PAUL RAFAL CECILIA KIRIAKOS HUI KIAN EDMUND OH-SUNG ROY LLOYD RAYMOND MARY APARNA NICOLA GEORGES THOMAS JIM YUAN LESLIE MARC L. J. ANTHONY CHI-YUNG ERNEST TONG TONY EVELYN MICHAEL PATRICIA RON PATRICIA CHRISTOPHER ANGELA LARI BRIAN A. JANIS SANDRA AUDREY REBECCA JUDITH ANN JUNE Position/Poste Professor of Mathematics Executive Director, Centre for Urban Schooling Lecturer in Music Professor of Dentistry Professor of French and Medieval Studies Professor of Chemistry Professor of Political Science and Aboriginal Studies Director of Advancement Communications, Arts & Science Assistant Vice President, Strategic Communication and Marketing Professor of Economics Professor of Physics Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Senior Lecturer Professor of Computer Science Professor of History Manager, Web and Service Architecture Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Senior Network Management Specialist Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor and Chair, Nutritional Sciences Professor of Marketing Professor of Management Research Associate Professor of History Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate and Postgraduate Studies Professor of Dentistry Web Coordinator, Librarian Senior Lecturer Senior Engineer Professor of Dentistry Professor of Historical Studies Professor of Education Associate Professor, Department of Physiology Professor and Chair of Anthropology Senior Lecturer in Arts, Culture & Media Lecturer in Education Professor and Chair of Sociology Director, Appeals, Discipline and Faculty Grievances Professor and Director of Research Biology Department Head, Access and Information Department Professor of Law Professor, Institute for History and Philosophy, Science and Technology Director, Gerstein Science Information Centre & Director (acting), Science Libraries Associate Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Pharmacology Lecturer, Division of Anatomy Senior Lecturer and Vice-Principal, New College Salary Paid/ Traitement $222,499.52 $100,778.76 $109,277.04 $132,774.47 $110,934.05 $174,849.48 $100,252.34 $101,592.52 $189,999.99 $173,227.86 $153,856.56 $121,046.46 $134,628.74 $166,008.51 $101,414.52 $122,707.76 $106,302.48 $191,716.49 $116,067.38 $170,763.84 $189,127.98 $338,922.00 $219,115.98 $107,222.54 $167,995.98 $158,557.76 $123,397.56 $102,930.91 $132,008.52 $110,341.58 $155,662.48 $105,187.71 $137,286.00 $109,783.07 $193,248.96 $100,706.52 $103,369.50 $138,923.13 $121,429.73 $174,319.08 $136,455.01 $273,764.52 $153,863.52 $151,473.46 $143,545.54 $105,354.00 $101,532.72 $129,114.06 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $328.92 $267.48 $306.00 $297.60 $407.88 $255.06 $248.73 $306.00 $306.00 $725.76 $4,310.32 $397.74 $3,485.76 $248.34 $516.93 $1,226.92 $306.00 $237.06 $623.88 $10,775.76 $4,611.76 $4,024.00 $651.48 $306.00 $6,944.00 $299.82 $252.00 $407.88 $507.79 $509.88 $281.40 $306.00 $2,073.42 $306.00 $246.66 $506.04 $2,022.98 $583.05 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $407.88 $3,666.00 $2,923.80 $275.04 $308.40 Page 182 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille LARSON LASTHIOTAKIS LATHAM LAU LAURENCE LAUTENS LAVACK LAVOIE LAVOIE LAW LAWRENCE LAWRYSHYN LAWSON LE HUENEN LEBLANC LEBLANC LEBOUTILLIER LECHOW LEDERMAN LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE Given Name/ Prénom KATHERINE HELEN GARY YIU WA BILL HUGH MARK LESLEY BRIGITTE PHILIPPE SELINA HERENIA YURI JAMES ROLAND EMILE JULIE JANELLE WILLIAM MARA ANDY C. H. ANNIE BOON TEAK BYUNG SOO CHI-GUHN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE CHUN EUNJUNG HENRY IAN JEFFREY KANG PING University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto LEE LEE LEFKOWITZ LEGGE LEHLEITER LEHMAN LEHN LEIGH LEITCH LEITH LEMIEUX-CHARLES LEMMENS LEMON LENNON LEONARD SHERRY WING SING MYRA ELIZABETH MM CHRISTINE SHAWN PETER JENNIFER JONATHAN LARRY LOUISE TRUDO ERIN JEFFERY GARRY Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of English Assistant Dean and Director of the Office of the Dean Professor of Organizational Behaviour Engineer A Senior Lecturer in Management Professor of Chemistry and Astra Zeneca Chair in Organic Synthesis Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Manager, Ancillary and Capital Accounting Professor of Dentistry Professor of Chemical Engineering Supervisor, Help Services Professor of French Systems Software Manager Professor of French Senior Lecturer and Associate Chair of Psychology Senior Systems Analyst Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Psychology Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy Chief Engineer-Central Steam Plant Professor of Business Economics and Integrative Thinking Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Manager Mechanical Operations and Maintenance Assistant Professor of Social Work Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Law and Associate Dean, Juris Doctor Program Assistant Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology Professor of Education Professor of Pharmacy and the GlaxoSmithKline Chair in Pharmaceutics and Delivery and Graduate Coordinator of Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor of Arts, Culture & Media Professor of Marketing Manager, Health and Well-being Programs and Services Professor and Chair of Art Professor of Germanic Languages & Literatures Professor of Anthropology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant University Registrar and Director, Administrative and Technical Services Director, Editorial Services Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Law Director of Integrated Communications and Marketing Director, Policy & Analysis Professor of English Salary Paid/ Traitement $109,362.06 $116,506.01 $318,403.02 $109,959.98 $121,068.83 $214,566.06 $163,806.00 $131,922.42 $123,146.52 $126,902.11 $138,497.58 $131,346.00 $100,247.52 $210,534.96 $123,170.05 $153,256.50 $129,807.54 $105,348.38 $243,960.54 $109,851.52 $121,596.60 $113,864.25 $187,487.94 $183,320.12 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $267.66 $285.21 $306.00 $347.34 $293.88 $611.76 $417.00 $611.76 $301.20 $392.31 $306.00 $616.08 $245.40 $306.00 $526.26 $407.88 $261.42 $315.47 $4,024.00 $528.12 $297.72 $596.64 $306.00 $407.88 $113,223.71 $117,812.54 $103,485.24 $183,002.43 $124,264.50 $158,596.73 $166,123.63 $554.07 $359.46 $506.43 $306.00 $267.48 $8,895.80 $509.88 $103,791.26 $109,999.98 $126,324.52 $174,924.94 $105,079.98 $132,553.04 $170,934.98 $137,279.59 $115,458.46 $157,801.96 $181,375.74 $155,540.52 $139,392.48 $118,049.77 $135,685.13 $279.00 $305.88 $608.25 $611.76 $257.34 $405.12 $6,801.84 $306.00 $272.85 $611.76 $306.00 $509.88 $2,509.88 $278.28 $306.00 Page 183 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of 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of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LIAN LIANG LIAO LIE HAO JEANNE KEVIN NICHOLAS SAM-CHIN TANIA VICTOR YUE KERYN BEN WEI-YI DAVID University of Toronto LIEBEHERR JORG Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Director, Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Professor of Sociology Lecturer Department Manager, Mathematics Professor of Geography Professor of Chemistry Professor of Psychiatry Professor of Italian and Chair of Language Studies Director, Rotman Designworks, The Business Design Initiative Professor of English Professor of Dentistry Professor of Computer Science Assistant Professor of Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Professor of Global Affairs and Sociology Professor of Education Executive Director, Enrolment Services and University Registrar Professor of Education Professor of Biology Professor and Chair, Medicine Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Professor of Visual Studies Professor, Medicine Professor, Medicine and Director, Banting & Best Diabetes Centre Director, Human Resources Assistant Dean, University of Toronto Scarborough Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation, Global Research Partnerships Professor of Geography Director, Academic Success and Accessibility Services Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Bell University Laboratories chair in Computer Engineering Professor of English Manager, Research Development Professor of Management Professor of Economics Librarian Professor of Anthropology Professor of English Professor of Management Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Accounting Professor and Associate Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nortel Networks Chair in Architecture and Services Salary Paid/ Traitement $154,646.00 $257,355.58 $216,288.99 $122,408.75 $150,008.87 $103,495.50 $112,339.02 $111,096.63 $129,736.05 $158,566.02 $112,416.00 $189,453.48 $128,304.75 $153,306.00 $115,954.08 $185,377.76 $134,341.02 $146,481.48 $172,062.98 $193,595.03 $168,112.02 $140,220.00 $160,138.92 $155,087.04 $134,797.98 $111,793.98 $152,508.90 $142,557.72 $136,669.78 $272,909.96 $145,954.25 $120,646.48 $176,311.92 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $407.88 $3,343.88 $725.76 $584.88 $509.88 $253.44 $198.78 $258.99 $509.88 $306.00 $275.28 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $283.86 $306.00 $306.00 $8,161.76 $20,661.76 $611.76 $515.88 $306.00 $306.00 $2,213.88 $306.00 $413.76 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $458.88 $611.76 $393.72 $306.00 $122,632.35 $102,322.98 $228,609.42 $124,320.00 $109,488.99 $164,229.48 $151,904.04 $256,599.55 $152,005.98 $156,628.02 $247,632.48 $163,995.90 $4,333.36 $250.50 $5,866.28 $289.68 $535.92 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $407.88 $3,726.00 $509.88 $4,125.88 $167,487.96 $331.48 Page 184 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille LIGERS LIGHT LIKWORNIK LIM LIN LINDENBERGS LINK LIPPINCOTT LIPSHITZ LITTLEFIELD LITVACK LIU Given Name/ Prénom KRISTEN MATTHEW VICTOR JOSEPH XIAODONG ANNA NANCY MARK HOWARD PAUL ANDREA AN TE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of 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MICHEL GYULA DONNA WEN-YI WENDY ALEXANDRA DAVID NATHAN RICHARD DARREN DAVID JULIA JULIAN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director, Executive Masters Business Administration Professor of Criminology Director and Psychiatrist-in-Chief Counselling and Psychological Services Chief Information Officer Professor of Statistics Senior Executive Director, Advancement Communications and Marketing Senior Lecturer of Education Senior Lecturer, Political Science Professor and Chair, Department of Molecular Genetics Security & Solution Architect Senior Lecturer and Masters of Social Work Director Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design, and Program Director, Master of Architecture Assistant Professor in Strategy Associate Professor and Associate Director of Aerospace Studies Professor of East Asian Studies Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Physics Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Professor of Art Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics, Canada Research Council Chair Professor of Women and Gender Studies Institute Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Christianity and Culture Professor of Psychology Professor of History Director, Information Security and Enterprise Architecture Executive Director, Rotman Alumni Network and Lee Chin Family Institute for Corporate Citizenship Chief Technical Officer, Hardware Applications, SciNet Director, Food Services and Executive Chef Assistant Dean and Faculty Registrar and Secretary, Arts & Science Research Associate Senior Research Associate, Department of Medicine Chief Administrative Officer, Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of English Professor of French Senior Lecturer in Physical & Environmental Sciences Senior Lecturer, Accounting Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Director, Health and Wellness Centre, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Biological Sciences Senior Instructor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Staff Physician Professor, Medicine Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Salary Paid/ Traitement $102,317.63 $109,398.90 $126,637.08 $127,002.43 $173,135.85 $156,878.20 $138,505.95 $107,124.00 $260,622.06 $107,517.79 $111,973.26 $146,803.02 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $237.46 $267.84 $254.94 $303.39 $407.88 $306.00 $602.64 $262.26 $611.76 $519.87 $399.36 $306.00 $198,190.02 $156,848.94 $101,505.00 $143,431.02 $111,037.98 $136,333.92 $115,069.50 $171,834.06 $104,862.54 $138,214.95 $141,510.98 $112,793.52 $165,920.50 $138,692.04 $134,069.50 $182,759.78 $5,508.50 $407.88 $248.46 $306.00 $452.82 $7,742.00 $2,521.58 $1,840.76 $256.74 $306.00 $407.88 $276.12 $7,742.00 $407.88 $611.76 $407.88 $108,511.46 $132,902.41 $164,540.99 $101,941.23 $140,081.76 $139,697.05 $103,628.47 $149,425.50 $118,725.00 $146,928.04 $157,867.46 $126,375.29 $154,805.48 $112,482.31 $108,497.46 $176,523.40 $125,000.04 $122,245.50 $442.50 $3,289.76 $611.76 $249.60 $306.00 $407.88 $277.38 $407.88 $290.64 $306.90 $407.88 $304.35 $611.76 $300.54 $354.06 $611.76 $0.00 $398.94 Page 185 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University 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VIRGINIA DON CATHERINE HEATHER MARGARET BRYN KATHERINE JOHN WILLIAM MANFREDI ROBERT Position/Poste Professor, Surgery Professor of Accounting Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Assistant Director, Students Assistant Dean and Director of Communications, Arts & Science Professor and Chair of Physics Development Manager Manager, Operations Professor of Anthropology Professor of English Chief Administrative Officer, Nursing Associate Professor of Information Information Technology Analyst Vice-President, University Operations and Professor of Chemistry Associate Director, Stewardship Facility Manager - Arena and Stadium Director, Ancillary Services Senior Lecturer Athletic Instructor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Senior Lecturer Professor of Psychology Senior Lecturer Professor of Human Geography Professor of Music Professor of Chemistry and Chair Chemical and Physical Sciences Professor of Historical Studies Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Law Manager, Parking Services Manager, Systems Operations & Development Lecturer of Education Academic Director, Master of Finance and Senior Lecturer, Finance Professor of Music Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Law Professor of Law Professor and Chair of Geography Registrar Chief Administrative Officer, University College Associate Professor of Information Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Executive Director, Office of the President Assistant Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Professor of Classics and Director of the Centre for Medieval Studies Professor of Sociology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor, Department of Surgery Salary Paid/ Traitement $186,035.04 $232,029.74 $156,284.45 $103,378.53 $131,511.25 $219,396.96 $103,356.02 $132,589.72 $177,830.52 $116,365.62 $131,744.41 $150,055.50 $117,929.15 $279,999.96 $109,278.54 $105,019.27 $156,621.76 $105,901.56 $129,692.52 $100,542.64 $123,149.88 $128,262.96 $127,281.04 $162,981.96 $176,104.50 $154,665.48 $160,738.37 $169,395.09 $217,421.36 $115,324.27 $103,533.98 $112,726.44 $199,155.96 $156,561.00 $147,954.42 $228,759.52 $181,898.00 $179,475.02 $149,334.75 $110,996.74 $156,723.52 $139,509.96 $193,551.23 $115,404.96 $179,883.06 $115,703.52 $160,594.08 $150,000.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $306.00 $623.88 $253.05 $407.88 $3,363.50 $2,252.99 $611.76 $611.76 $311.58 $298.38 $611.76 $479.58 $12,611.76 $2,445.68 $257.11 $306.00 $259.26 $625.56 $257.58 $303.60 $513.36 $302.52 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $507.72 $611.76 $509.88 $282.33 $1,795.97 $1,686.52 $611.76 $407.88 $306.00 $20,870.76 $1,011.76 $407.88 $611.76 $271.77 $20,606.00 $407.88 $306.00 $282.48 $509.88 $305.28 $306.00 $611.76 Page 186 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille MAGLIO III MAGLIOCCHETTI MAGNUSSON MAGNUSSON MAGOCSI MAHADEVAN MAHONEY MAHRT-SMITH MAHTANI MAINWARING MAK MAK MAKARY MAKI MAKIS MAKOVAC-BADALI MALCOLM MALINOVA MALO Given Name/ Prénom SAM JAMES BRUNO JAMIE-LYNN LYNNE PAUL RADHAKRISHNAN ALISON JAN MINELLE LYNDA DANNY KEVIN USAMA BRIAN VILIAM DENISE JAY EKATERINA MICHEL University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto MALTI MAMOURIAN MANDELIS TINA TAMAR ANDREAS University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto MANDHANE MANN MANN MANOLSON MANSON MARBACH MARIN MARJORIBANKS MARKS KRPAN MARS MARSDEN MARSHALL MARSHALL MARTELL MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTINO MARTINUSSEN MARTYNOV MARUJO MARUSIC RENU HENRY STEVE MORRIS ROBERT PETER JOSEF ALEXANDRA ROBIN CATHY TANYA PHILIP JOHN RUTH DAVID ALBERTO DAWN JACK PETER ROGER ROSEMARY RHONDA EVGUENI MARIA MV NEBOJSA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Professor of Management $105,000.00 Senior Lecturer $119,255.13 Professor of Education $150,211.56 Professor of English and Director Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies $152,663.19 Professor of Political Science $166,352.94 Professor of Chemical Engineering $138,337.38 Manager, Human Resources, Dentistry $110,671.98 Professor of Finance $297,207.48 Professor of Human Geography $121,379.18 Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education $108,734.87 Senior Technical Analyst $106,940.29 Manager, Finance, Research & Trading Laboratory $120,284.46 Manager, Administrative Services $103,499.78 Professor, Surgery $117,597.54 Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering $164,687.46 Director, Research and Graduate Studies $109,384.73 Associate Professor of Forestry $144,639.54 Professor of Economics $134,990.03 Managing Director, Investment Strategy and Co-Chief Information Officer, University of Toronto $344,166.98 Asset Management Corporation Professor of Psychology $106,844.94 Chief Administrative Officer, Cell and Systems Biology $110,164.27 Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Canada Research Council Chair in $174,713.80 Diffusion-Wave Sciences and Technologies Director, International Human Rights Program $100,482.47 Professor and Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy $239,246.96 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering $157,222.50 Professor and Associate Dean, Graduate and Postgraduate Studies $167,679.96 Director of Strategic Research Systems $116,161.88 Professor of Computer Science $158,743.56 Professor of Sociology $107,635.50 Professor of Physics $147,236.52 Lecturer in Education $100,222.53 Senior Lecturer in Arts, Culture & Media $117,323.04 Professor, Medicine $137,436.00 Professor of Religion $121,536.29 Professor of Religion $109,806.49 Professor of Forestry $164,712.06 Associate Professor, Immunology $129,386.91 Communication Specialist $133,685.10 Director, Retail and Conference Services, University of Toronto Scarborough $121,430.45 Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics $238,722.46 Dean, Rotman School of Management $400,335.00 Associate Professor, Speech-Language Pathology $127,480.98 Professor of Education $110,020.55 Enterprise Virtualization and Storage Specialist $111,922.91 Senior Lecturer $123,113.46 Central Control and Monitoring System Software Specialist $103,851.85 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $153.00 $497.34 $611.76 $407.88 $306.00 $407.92 $541.62 $306.00 $305.52 $292.20 $252.03 $281.52 $253.38 $383.76 $407.88 $261.42 $509.88 $611.76 $81,016.84 $261.60 $250.05 $509.88 $243.54 $20,806.00 $611.76 $306.00 $435.57 $306.00 $263.52 $306.00 $0.00 $287.34 $611.76 $497.16 $268.86 $611.76 $306.00 $450.18 $582.78 $725.76 $306.00 $306.24 $394.14 $256.56 $301.44 $237.28 Page 187 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille MASCALL MASON MASSAM MASTER MATHERS MATHIEN MATHUR MATTHEN MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MATUS MATZNER MAURICE MAURUTTO MAZAHERI MAZAR MCALPINE JEFFRIES MCBRIDE MCBURNIE MCCABE MCCAHAN Given Name/ Prénom BLAIR ANDREW DIANE EMMA TORY THOMAS SUNITA MOHAN JASON STEPHEN JILL CHRISTOPHER ALICE PAULA ATAOLLAH NINA JULIE HAZEL GAYLE BRENDA SUSAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto MCCANN MCCARLEY MCCARNEY MCCARTHY MCCLELLAND MCCOMB MCCOMB MCCONKEY MCCORMACK MCCOURT MCCREADY MCCRINDLE MCCULLOCH MCCURDY MCDONALD MCDONOUGH MCDOUGALL MCDOUGALL MCDOUGALL MCDOWALL MCDUNNOUGH MCELHINNY MCEVILY MCFADDEN MCGAHAN MCGILLION ROBERT LESLIE PATRICIA JULIE RYAN DOROTHY RICHARD MARY ANN JUDITH PETER LANCE KAREN CHRISTOPHER THOMAS LYNN PEGGY DAVID DOUGLAS IAN RITA PHILIP BONNIE WILLIAM WILLIAM ANITA MICHAEL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Education Professor and Chair of Biological Sciences Professor of Linguistics Professor of Chemical Engineering Senior Labour Relations Officer Associate Director/Senior Lecturer, Transitional Year Program Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Professor of Philosophy Professor of Pharmacology Professor and Chair, Physiology Vice-Provost, Students and Professor of English Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Professor of English Professor of Sociology Lecturer in Management Professor of Marketing Legal Counsel, Labour and Employment Senior Lecturer of Education Manager, Finance and Administration Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Chair Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Vice-Dean for the Faculty, Undergraduate Professor of Mathematics Director of Development, Arts & Science Professor of Political Science Professor of Management Professor of Music Professor and Director, Comprehensive Care Program Professor of Dentistry Director, Labour Relations Executive Director, Downtown Legal Services/Assistant Dean, Graduate Program Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Education Senior Lecturer & Director of Centre for French & Linguistics Professor of Dentistry Director, Financial Research & Trading Laboratory and Professor of Finance Professor of Social Work/Director, Life Course and Aging Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Medieval Studies Professor of Education, Chair, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Professor of Medieval Studies Director, Governance Programs Professor of Statistics Professor of Anthropology and Director of Women and Gender Studies Institute Professor of Strategic Management Director, Hospitality and Retail Operations Associate Dean, Research and Professor Strategic Management Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $110,581.45 $141,033.90 $171,270.54 $102,684.06 $104,895.28 $189,139.06 $103,027.92 $169,354.08 $105,338.40 $227,957.98 $209,460.96 $136,362.00 $119,197.38 $126,366.48 $213,426.00 $217,875.06 $112,607.74 $101,683.08 $103,866.27 $175,680.42 $189,817.98 $141,665.80 $126,581.26 $157,615.98 $161,621.52 $115,235.64 $196,935.50 $169,102.07 $174,265.70 $144,953.52 $164,008.50 $120,547.07 $114,519.56 $184,314.48 $376,198.92 $165,887.52 $133,903.87 $124,464.96 $168,120.54 $140,083.52 $107,920.48 $151,291.98 $144,071.34 $280,770.04 $115,104.02 $364,563.04 $106,038.06 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $271.14 $2,087.62 $407.88 $245.89 $342.27 $611.76 $252.18 $703.00 $565.98 $725.76 $306.00 $1,957.88 $284.70 $609.72 $250.92 $306.00 $1,875.64 $248.88 $339.03 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $508.14 $306.00 $3,273.88 $304.44 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $582.40 $4,329.76 $376.92 $3,976.18 $725.76 $611.76 $306.00 $611.76 $302.94 $509.88 $302.94 $528.18 $725.76 $306.00 $2,611.76 $469.41 $2,306.00 $432.24 Page 188 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto 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PETER ANGUS SCOTT R.W. LETITIA MIRIAM TIRZAH MARSHALL GIAN P. SHAKER NITIN PARMOD VIKAS SIAN ECKHARD CESAR KARIM ANGELO ROBERT MATTHEW MARC YUE ULRICH OYA ROBERT CYNTHIA RICHARD KELLY SARIANNA Position/Poste Professor and Associate Dean of Research and External Relations Professor of History and Religion Professor of Geography and Aboriginal Studies Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Computer Science Senior Lecturer Assistant Dean, Field Education Associate Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Manager, Budget Coordination Professor, Anaesthesia and Associate Dean, Equity and Professionalism, Faculty of Medicine Executive Director, School of Global Affairs Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Dean and Professor of Music Chief Administrative Officer, Faculty of Arts & Science Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Acquisitions Coordinator Professor of Arts, Culture & Media Professor of Economics Professor of Chemistry Associate Director Standardized Patient Program Associate Professor, Pharmacology Associate Professor, Biochemistry Director, Athletics and Recreation, University of Toronto Scarborough Director, Academic Quality, Partnerships and Programs, School of Continuing Studies Director of Resource Management Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Systems and Database Administrator Librarian Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Marketing Manager, Building Mechanical Services Manager Mechanical Operations and Maintenance Interim Director, Information Technology Services - Digital Library & Web Services Professor of Mathematics Associate Registrar, Enrolment, Scheduling and Systems Management Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Economics Lead Hand Professor, School of Public Policy and Governance Assistant Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of East Asian Studies Professor of Operations Management Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Manager, Police Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Senior Lecturer Instructor and Vice-Principal, Laboratory School, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Associate Professor Professor and Associate Chair of Historical Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $161,986.45 $163,908.53 $122,406.42 $122,224.67 $165,607.92 $116,995.50 $104,367.78 $117,902.58 $122,542.76 $167,906.46 $130,661.08 $123,351.00 $250,100.08 $261,016.69 $140,652.96 $101,168.50 $110,506.02 $156,258.54 $129,031.50 $106,480.08 $127,239.96 $131,559.60 $110,225.25 $118,028.18 $153,867.25 $116,756.74 $103,808.80 $120,035.94 $215,887.42 $238,731.48 $108,456.55 $112,980.80 $137,493.95 $151,737.57 $100,617.57 $132,625.00 $184,408.08 $100,224.80 $194,010.12 $128,890.17 $120,333.54 $210,939.76 $105,354.96 $101,247.97 $115,453.98 $126,690.48 $129,691.02 $125,443.56 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $306.00 $293.52 $1,613.28 $4,024.00 $572.52 $475.92 $288.54 $389.91 $306.00 $382.59 $301.74 $21,211.76 $509.88 $407.88 $247.74 $360.72 $306.00 $4,024.00 $211.32 $2,081.50 $308.64 $269.82 $504.90 $509.88 $616.26 $1,954.16 $587.46 $306.00 $407.88 $531.84 $552.90 $307.80 $407.88 $246.30 $10,825.64 $611.76 $375.09 $4,125.88 $960.16 $296.04 $306.00 $257.94 $495.45 $376.80 $1,491.72 $8,051.48 $507.00 Page 189 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MEYERS SAWA MEYERSON MIALL MICHELUCCI MIHAILIDIS MIKHAYLICHENKO MILAN MILES MILGRAM MILGROM MILKEREIT MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLS MILLS MILMAN MILMAN MILNE MILNE MILNER MILSTEIN MIMS MIN MIRAJ MIRCHANDANI MIRON MISAK MISHKEL MISHNA MISZUK MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITTERMAIER MITTLER MOATE MOCHNACKI MOCHRIE MOCK Given Name/ Prénom SUZANNE MARK ANDREW PASCAL ALEX SVETLANA MICHELLE PAULINE ANGELA PAUL GAIL YAZER BERND ERIC FIONA HEATHER JOHN MILA R. J. DWAYNE RENEE JAMES KENNETH PIERRE VLADIMIR CHERYL RUTH JOSEPH JOSH CHARLES JINRONG IRFAN KIRAN JOHN CHERYL IAN RODNEY FAYE STEVE ANDREW BRUCE CARL JANE JENNIFER MATTHEW WILLIAM AMIRA SYLVIA STEVEN STEFAN BLAIR DAVID Position/Poste Assistant Librarian Professor of History Professor of Earth Sciences Professor of French Associate Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Lecturer in Physical & Environmental Sciences Managing Director, Executive Programs Professor of Education Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Director, Campus and Facilities Planning Professor of Physics Professor of Civil Engineering Associate Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Professor of Anthropology Professor of Education Director, Prospect Management University Professor of Chemistry and Physics Professor of Computer Science Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of History Professor of Mathematics Coordinator Of Registration Technology Executive Director, David Asper Centre for Constitutional Rights Manager, Programs and Services, Continuing Education Professor of Operations Management Professor of Physics Professor of Chemical Engineering Senior Research Associate, Structural Genomics Consortium Director, Utilities Professor of Education Professor of Human Geography Vice President and Provost and Professor of Philosophy Executive Director, Principal Gifts Professor and Dean of Social Work Director, Facilities & Infrastructure Planning Professor of Marketing Proposal Development Director Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor, Pharmacology Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor Business Economics Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Religion Professor of French & Linguistics Senior Legal Counsel to the President Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Manager, Trade Services Professor of Dentistry Salary Paid/ Traitement $123,748.02 $142,251.40 $175,739.39 $137,561.00 $163,872.06 $100,783.44 $148,240.96 $160,965.48 $174,892.08 $141,239.49 $189,185.46 $218,166.47 $135,765.42 $125,726.04 $192,042.94 $116,574.75 $111,998.04 $209,362.98 $186,607.98 $203,695.44 $156,443.94 $103,334.53 $127,355.01 $117,456.97 $244,889.50 $100,370.52 $212,411.79 $126,876.48 $110,236.51 $133,081.74 $178,936.44 $364,893.00 $120,833.32 $182,841.00 $130,368.99 $120,000.00 $106,676.98 $100,455.42 $154,428.48 $122,577.00 $255,598.50 $312,500.00 $117,301.98 $149,004.96 $267,951.96 $143,908.98 $110,382.49 $273,548.12 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $605.58 $509.88 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 $493.38 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $407.88 $509.88 $303.36 $306.00 $380.46 $548.22 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $505.80 $304.29 $275.73 $1,306.00 $245.70 $263.76 $610.08 $449.58 $4,024.36 $306.00 $12,306.00 $458.82 $306.00 $306.00 $0.00 $666.16 $7,927.64 $611.76 $4,081.24 $306.00 $0.00 $287.22 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 $270.24 $306.00 Page 190 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille MOFFAT MOGRIDGE MOHANRAM MOINEDDIN MOJAB MOJAHEDI MOLDOVEANU Given Name/ Prénom JASON JEREMY PARTHA SARATHY RAHIM SHAHRZAD MOHAMMAD MIHNEA University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto MOLLOY MOLNAR MONKS MONTES MOODLEY MOON MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORTHY MORAES MORAN MORAN MOREAU MORGAN MORGAN MORGENSTERN MORI MORI MORIARTY MORISSETTE MORLEY MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRISON MORRISON MORROW MORSHEAD MOSCOVITCH MOSES MOSHOVOS MOSS MOST MOSTAGHIMI MOTSCH MOUKHEIBER MOUNT MOUNT MICHAEL THOMAS ASHLEY SAMANTHA ROY DAE-SIK CAROLE ERIC KENT MICHAEL SRIDHAR TREVOR LAURENCE MAYO STEPHANIE SOPHIA CECILIA LOUISE KATHRYN NAOMI BRENDA JENNIFER WILLIAM HELEN ELIZABETH QUAID ROBERT STEPHEN GILLIAN MARY MARGARET PETER CINDI MARIE MORRIS ALAN ANDREAS JOAN ANDREA JAVAD ANDREAS CAROL LEILA GREG HOWARD Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Assistant Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Accounting Assistant Professor Professor of Education Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Dean, Masters of Business Administration Program and Professor of Business Economics and Integrative Thinking Professor and Associate Chair of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Manager, Hardware Infrastructure Professor of Psychology Professor of Management Professor of Education Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Chief Librarian Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Physics Audit Manager Professor of Marketing Professor of Biochemistry Professor, Biochemistry Professor and Dean, Faculty of Law Professor of Law Professor of Education Professor of Philosophy Professor of English Lecturer, Department of Physical Therapy Professor of History President and Chief Executive Officer, University of Toronto Asset Management Corporation Director, Financial Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Principal, Laboratory School, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study Assistant Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor and Chair of Chemistry Professor of Physics Assistant Vice-President, Divisional Relations and Campaigns Professor of Philosophy Professor of Economics Associate Professor and Director Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery Professor and Graduate Chair of Psychology Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Education Professor of English Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of French Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Manager, Computer Services, Dentistry Assistant Professor, Medicine Salary Paid/ Traitement $126,369.48 $158,156.52 $275,287.44 $142,519.56 $156,984.42 $163,295.52 $427,794.94 $178,674.48 $135,123.52 $112,005.88 $140,746.96 $159,208.04 $119,551.36 $244,266.60 $131,560.98 $141,764.13 $118,382.23 $295,075.85 $117,439.02 $162,720.00 $284,004.92 $163,132.44 $140,013.54 $136,221.29 $122,295.54 $106,019.12 $135,856.12 $773,830.00 $149,003.03 $162,097.08 $146,792.94 $217,143.60 $149,539.04 $228,619.05 $177,630.97 $134,491.98 $153,247.44 $216,513.65 $127,228.56 $171,553.79 $113,795.79 $122,287.92 $220,529.46 $127,340.52 $109,646.88 $108,667.51 $118,778.93 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $297.06 $306.00 $1,806.00 $306.00 $623.88 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $2,306.00 $7,268.56 $306.00 $611.76 $727.08 $306.00 $306.00 $725.76 $481.86 $611.76 $14,386.72 $306.00 $14,866.00 $4,823.20 $306.00 $204.00 $299.34 $260.40 $307.92 $1,835.16 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $503.88 $306.00 $306.00 $3,736.50 $230.58 $295.62 $611.76 $612.96 $536.82 $266.04 $290.82 Page 191 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille MOUNT MUGNIER-MANFREDI MUHANDIRAM MUHARUMA MULLEN MULLIN MUN MUNDY MUNGALL MUNJIC MUNTANER MURCK MURDOCK MURNAGHAN MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURRAY MURRAY Given Name/ Prénom NICK FRANCOISE RANJITH LORETA ANN LOUISE AMY ALMIRA KAREN JAMES SANDA CARLES BARBARA JENNIFER FIONA J. BARRY JENNIFER MICHELLE HEATHER NORMAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto MURTY MUSISI MUSTARD MUTO MUZZERALL MUZZIN MYERS MYLES NABUTOVSKY NACCARATO NACHMAN NAGUIB VIJAYAKUMAR NAKANYIKE CAMERON JOHN JEFF LINDA TED JOHN ALEXANDER ANNA ADRIAN HANI University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto NAGY NAIMARK NAINAR NAIR NAJM NAKASSIS NAMBARA NAPOLITANO NASH NASSIM NAUSEDAS NAVARRE NAYLOR NDAYIRAGIJE NEAL NAOMI DAVID HASHIM PRASANTH FARID DIMITRI EIJI VALENTINA JOANNE LIZA AL WILLIAM C. DAVID JUVENAL RADFORD Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of English Senior Lecturer in French & Linguistics Senior Research Associate, Molecular Genetics Director, Operations Professor of Sociology Professor of Philosophy, Vice Principal Academic and Dean, University of Toronto Mississauga Manager, Marketing, School of Continuing Studies Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Research Professor of Earth Sciences Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Professor of Nursing Senior Lecturer, Geography Professor of Economics Professor of Mathematics Senior Planning and Budget Officer Professor of Chemistry Professor of History and Women and Gender Studies Professor of English Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics and Director of Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Professor and Chair of Mathematics Professor of History Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Chief Administrative Officer, Physics Director, Corporate Connections Centre Professor of Education Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Sociology Professor of Mathematics Manager, Event Administration Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mathematics Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Canada Research Council Chair in Smart and Functional Polymers Professor of Linguistics Professor, Medicine Professor of Dentistry Associate Professor of Aerospace Studies Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Classics Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Anthropology and Director, Latin American Studies Program Professor of Biological Sciences Dean of Students, Woodsworth College Director, Advancement Information Services Assistant Professor, Molecular Genetics President, University of Toronto Professor of French & Linguistics Professor of Statistics Salary Paid/ Traitement $131,218.02 $122,183.98 $110,015.97 $126,016.24 $124,711.56 $193,195.08 $113,429.98 $161,029.96 $143,176.92 $104,680.56 $165,841.40 $153,514.52 $104,656.04 $124,678.33 $125,797.22 $125,398.50 $159,225.42 $148,810.58 $215,967.56 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $598.02 $448.65 $397.71 $302.82 $306.00 $555.12 $611.76 $611.76 $4,175.08 $306.00 $407.88 $4,313.32 $306.00 $304.50 $303.66 $306.00 $725.76 $407.88 $217,333.02 $138,670.54 $165,593.52 $125,370.34 $134,229.60 $157,767.00 $159,665.52 $209,613.44 $154,577.46 $102,172.50 $196,410.00 $145,593.60 $306.00 $401.70 $407.88 $300.33 $276.84 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $242.79 $611.76 $509.88 $103,041.13 $125,000.04 $139,899.00 $131,729.52 $240,186.86 $100,883.22 $120,776.04 $110,427.09 $118,402.98 $101,802.14 $103,137.52 $137,844.60 $388,400.84 $137,187.54 $171,583.10 $264.06 $0.00 $407.88 $611.76 $725.76 $246.92 $295.68 $486.12 $289.92 $970.15 $654.45 $16,413.00 $52,951.48 $407.88 $509.88 Page 192 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille NEDELSKY NEFF NEJAT NELSON NETTERFIELD NEUMANN NEVITTE NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWTON NEWTON NEYSMITH NG NG NG NIBLETT NIEMEIER NIKIEMA NISHRI NISLOW NITZ NIXON NIYOZOV NOEL NOGAMI NOGUEIRA NORRLOF NORTHRUP NORVAL NOVAK NOYES NURUL HABIB NUSSBAUM NYHOF-YOUNG NYQUIST O'BRIEN O'CONNOR ODETTE OESCH OGG OHH OHORODNYK OKADA OKRASA O'LAOGHAIRE OLDFIELD OLSON Given Name/ Prénom JENNIFER R. TIM GOLDIE SIOBAN C. BARTH MELODY NEIL DAVID PETER ROGER CHARLES DEREK MELANIE SHEILA ROXANA WAI TUNG WING ANTHONY MATTHIAS EMMANUEL ALEX COREY MARK STEPHANIE SARFAROZ JANET JUN GETULIO CARLA LINDA GRAEME DAVID JOHN KHANDKER DAVID JOYCE MARY RITA JOHN EDMOND JOHN JOHN MICHAEL HELEN NANCY MAKSYMILIAN NIAMH PHILIP PAUL Position/Poste Professor of Law and Political Science (Cross appointed to Political Science) Chief Administrative Officer Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Dean and Professor, Chair, Council of Health Sciences Professor of Physics Senior Lecturer Professor of Political Science Assistant Director, Office of Student Life Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of Chemical Engineering Executive Director, Innovations & Partnerships Professor of History Professor of Social Work Professor of Education Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty Comptroller, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Professor of Law Professor of Psychology Professor of French Manager, Email and Web Services and Small Systems Development Assistant Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Chemistry Professor of Physical Therapy Professor of Education Professor of History Professor and Chair of Materials Science and Engineering Professor of Dentistry Professor of Political Sciences Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Lecturer and Associate Chair in Chemical Engineering Professor of Religion Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Psychology Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine Professor of English Chief Administrative Officer Professor of English Manager, Construction Senior Lecturer Manager – Financial & Student Account Information Systems Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Senior Lecturer Director, Information Technology Librarian, Cataloguing Automation Specialist Director, University Art Centre Cataloguer and Reference Librarian Professor of Education Salary Paid/ Traitement $169,565.51 $203,908.83 $138,191.52 $240,860.04 $153,049.50 $101,448.99 $201,077.37 $104,891.22 $136,604.04 $182,037.96 $117,500.00 $131,715.56 $158,295.23 $152,538.00 $171,929.45 $139,189.00 $108,299.52 $151,786.00 $144,937.53 $122,205.74 $139,360.44 $131,943.00 $113,862.54 $116,079.73 $127,016.94 $177,358.50 $107,694.48 $117,290.04 $158,148.49 $133,124.40 $199,842.40 $195,318.54 $108,527.46 $128,278.50 $116,400.54 $176,503.96 $124,174.23 $195,730.98 $129,982.74 $226,222.04 $114,918.81 $162,872.52 $155,076.01 $112,360.27 $120,645.46 $109,096.73 $102,291.46 $138,527.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $725.76 $407.88 $5,252.49 $306.00 $3,748.88 $306.00 $340.20 $306.00 $611.76 $356.86 $301.56 $193.80 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $265.14 $2,082.52 $725.76 $487.44 $509.88 $306.00 $464.52 $305.94 $305.28 $611.76 $263.64 $287.10 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $12,540.88 $265.62 $615.84 $379.80 $306.00 $290.28 $407.88 $306.00 $6,811.76 $468.66 $4,125.88 $306.00 $275.09 $590.28 $348.48 $598.98 $611.76 Page 193 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille O'NEILL ONG OPACHEVSKY OPAS ORBINSKI ORCHARD ORCHARD O'REILLY OREOPOULOS ORNTHANALAI ORR ORWIN ORWIN OSBORNE OSBORNE OSBORNE OSTAPCHUK O'SULLIVAN OTTINI OVERTON OVSENNY OWEN OXLEY OZIN OZOLINS PACKER PAGE-GOULD PAI PALAZZO PALMER PAN PANCER PANESAR PANG PAPADOPOULOS PAPANGELAKIS PARADI PARAMEKANTI PARGA PARIKH PARIS PARISIEN PARK PARK Given Name/ Prénom KEVIN LYNETTE SVETLANA MICHAL JAMES ANDREW IAN CHARLES PHILIP CHAYAWAT ROBERT CLIFFORD DONNA LUCY MARTIN MICHELLE VICTOR JULIA DANIEL MARK DEBORAH VICTORIA JOANNE GEOFFREY AUSTRA JEFFREY ELIZABETH EMIL ALEXANDER DAVID GUOHUA RICHARD DAMAN K. SANDY JOHN VLADIMIROS JOSEPH ARUN JOYCE ANN SAGAR LEONARD KAREN ANDREAS CHUL University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto PARK PARKER PARKER HEE-WON IAN JAMES Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Religion Professor of Political Science Information Technology Analyst Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Family and Community Medicine Professor of Medieval Studies Professor of Biology Director, Manager Selection and Portfolio Construction Professor of Economics Professor of Finance Professor of Physics Professor of Political Science Professor and Chair of Slavic Languages and Literatures Associate Professor, Medicine Professor of Economics Executive Director, Gift Planning Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Professor of Education and Dean, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Audit Manager Dean of Student Affairs Manager, Compensation & Human Resource Information Systems Process Optimization Librarian; Head of Library Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Strategic Management University Professor of Chemistry Administrative Officer Professor of Civil Engineering and Bahen-Tanenbaum Chair Professor of Psychology Professor, Biochemistry Professor of Biochemistry Vice President, Advancement Senior Research Associate, Donnelly Centre Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Pharmacy Chief Law Librarian Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Physics Professor of Anthropology Professor, Department of Psychiatry Manager, Police Services Assistant Director, Comparative Medicine Professor of Economics Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Canada Research Council Chair in Microcellular Plastics Associate Professor, Pharmacology Professor of Management Professor of Music Salary Paid/ Traitement $108,652.00 $105,707.01 $110,195.92 $161,364.96 $100,000.00 $167,948.04 $289,102.96 $206,775.96 $197,648.18 $129,999.80 $154,442.23 $198,470.52 $128,692.02 $124,974.96 $217,284.48 $143,115.73 $107,227.50 $255,300.00 $110,401.03 $149,325.52 $138,074.22 $145,088.01 $268,978.50 $251,582.04 $170,630.22 $197,431.50 $124,328.54 $282,379.98 $112,396.28 $351,205.04 $102,131.52 $122,089.50 $115,866.96 $176,418.48 $139,076.52 $134,307.00 $121,500.04 $125,435.52 $102,812.46 $115,899.90 $113,394.77 $115,551.72 $167,371.50 $193,093.98 $109,623.36 $154,363.02 $141,986.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $4,150.30 $258.75 $348.48 $306.00 $483.84 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $5,776.00 $1,535.88 $356.94 $458.88 $306.00 $304.56 $306.00 $306.00 $384.06 $611.76 $4,360.24 $407.88 $2,306.00 $306.00 $2,225.76 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $517.26 $611.76 $11,882.16 $15,611.76 $250.05 $298.92 $283.68 $306.00 $6,964.00 $306.00 $0.00 $4,021.72 $653.46 $413.18 $554.91 $282.87 $8,047.76 $725.76 $407.84 $306.00 $611.76 Page 194 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille PARKER PARKINSON PARNASS PARRA PARRY PASQUARELLI CLIVIO PATERSON PATIPATANAKOON PATRICK PATRICK PAUL PAULY PAULY PAVEL PAYNE PEARSALL PEDRETTI PEET PEEVER PEISAJOVICH PELLETIER PELTIER PEN PENA PENFOLD PENG PENN PENNEFATHER PENSLAR PERCY PEREZ-LEROUX PERITI PERLMAN PEROVIC Given Name/ Prénom THOMAS JOHN ROSIE ESTEBAN MONICA MIRELLA JANET ANNALEE DENNIS JULIAN MARDEN LOUIS PETER LACRA ANDREW RITA ERMINIA AMANDA JOHN SERGIO JANETTE W. RICHARD UE-LI XAVIER STEVEN ITO GERALD PETER DEREK CAROL ANA TERESA GIANCARLA MICHAL DOUG University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto PERUMALLA PESANDO PESKI PETER PETERS PETERSEN CHRISTOPHER JAMES MARCIN ELIZABETH RICHARD ANDREW University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON-BADALI PETIT PETTIGREW JORDAN KARL MICHAEL MICHELE TED DAN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor, Medicine Senior Lecturer in Management Director, Organizational Development and Learning Centre Professor of Anthropology Assistant Professor of Nursing Senior Lecturer Professor of French and Principal, Innis College Professor of Music Senior Lecturer Professor of English Director, Planning, Governance and Assessment Professor and Chair of Political Science Vice Dean, Academic, Rotman School of Management Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Senior Lecturer Associate Registrar and Director of Enrolment Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Education Professor of Physics Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Education, Director, Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study University Professor of Physics and Director of the Centre for Global Change Science Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics Commercialization Manager Professor of History Professor of Sociology and Public Policy Professor of Computer Science Professor of Pharmacy Professor of History and Samuel J. Zacks Chair of Jewish History Professor of English Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Professor of Art Professor of Education Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Celestica Chair in Materials for Microelectronics Senior Lecturer, Physiology Professor of Economics Professor of Economics Associate Professor Assistant Director, Utilities Infrastructure Senior Lecturer, Mathematical and Computational Sciences and Director of Teaching and Learning Support and Innovation Professor of Psychology Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering Network Security Specialist Professor of Education Professor of Psychology Director of Administrative Information & Technology Services and Associate Registrar Salary Paid/ Traitement $151,097.52 $236,806.59 $159,585.27 $134,012.38 $112,045.50 $145,943.56 $202,551.00 $112,114.02 $130,620.96 $158,453.52 $154,050.49 $235,019.02 $427,496.69 $181,717.98 $106,653.59 $102,617.73 $131,446.92 $144,598.98 $145,801.08 $107,488.98 $151,751.04 $266,806.44 $142,559.19 $110,680.54 $121,349.04 $190,548.46 $173,128.50 $137,209.62 $105,786.48 $141,433.20 $148,647.98 $100,500.42 $133,134.00 $215,364.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $303.42 $306.00 $306.00 $274.26 $590.04 $1,379.04 $274.50 $608.10 $306.00 $509.88 $611.76 $660.88 $306.00 $786.02 $502.11 $441.92 $306.00 $308.10 $1,899.87 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $271.26 $593.76 $611.76 $306.00 $725.76 $306.00 $407.88 $509.88 $246.06 $407.88 $611.76 $113,901.66 $172,701.17 $153,562.52 $150,206.43 $102,773.52 $109,454.52 $407.88 $229.50 $407.88 $509.88 $419.16 $267.96 $138,645.18 $110,904.46 $103,844.14 $153,455.52 $102,629.78 $118,263.81 $611.76 $344.88 $508.34 $306.00 $306.00 $575.40 Page 195 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PFEIFFER PFEIFFER PHAM PHANG PHAROAH PHELPS PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHILPOTT PHO PICCARDO PICHE PICHORA-FULLER PICKAVE PIENCZYKOWSKI PIERNO PIERRE PIETROPAOLO PILJEVIC PIQUETTE-MILLER PIRAN PIRIE PIRVULESCU PITASSI PITCHER PITCHIK PITT PITTINI PLAKS PLATANIOTIS PLAZAS-GARZON POE POLAND POLANYI POLATAJKO-HOWELL POLIVY POMORSKI POON POPOVIC POPPITZ PORTELLI POSLUNS POULOS POULS WEGNER POUYAT POWERS PRADO PRAKKI Given Name/ Prénom HARALD SUSAN BA KHOMAN MICHAEL GEORGE DAVID JAMES DANA DUYEN ENRICA PIERRE MARGARET KATHLEEN MARTIN JACK FRANCO ROSEMARY MJ DOMENICO ZORAN MICHELINE NIVA GLEN MIHAELA TONIANN GARY WAYNE CAROLYN FRANCOIS RICHARD JASON KONSTANTINOS ANDRES JUDITH BLAKE JOHN HELENE JANET LUKASZ JOYCE MILOS ERICH JOHN JAMES PHILIP MARY-ANN DESMOND LINVAL RICHARD MARIANA ANURADHA Position/Poste Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics Professor of Anthropology Senior Research Associate, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Dentistry Director, Design and Engineering Associate Professor of Information Professor of Law Associate Professor, Immunology Senior Programmer, Database Administrator Professor of Education Controller and Director, Financial Services Professor of Psychology Professor of Philosophy Police Constable- 1st Class Professor of Italian Studies Controller & Director Financial Services Professor of Italian Studies and Principal of St. Michaels's College Director, Information and Instructional Technical Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Education Electrician-Foreman Professor of French Professor of Computer Science Director, Campus Safety, Issue & Emergency Management, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Economics Senior Lecturer Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Professor of Psychology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Dentistry Senior Lecturer, Chemistry Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health University Professor of Chemistry and Polanyi Chair Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Professor of Psychology Professor of Finance Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Professor of Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Professor of Physics Professor of Education Assistant Dean of Clinics, Dentistry Director, Engineering Computing Facility Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Dean of Student Affairs, University of Toronto Scarborough Senior Lecturer Professor of Law Professor of Dentistry Salary Paid/ Traitement $110,177.04 $199,240.94 $127,094.97 $144,484.98 $169,984.54 $131,834.81 $137,894.90 $205,965.96 $133,526.94 $102,828.24 $133,545.12 $197,575.21 $136,925.40 $109,481.86 $105,915.15 $134,308.10 $154,737.97 $209,811.96 $145,050.27 $151,674.00 $167,991.96 $112,934.30 $114,201.00 $185,644.02 $112,318.50 $160,078.56 $123,296.52 $135,000.00 $133,928.46 $176,386.44 $102,413.98 $172,833.48 $145,743.29 $182,040.96 $201,073.50 $156,759.08 $174,614.52 $151,159.44 $164,885.04 $150,533.04 $180,969.96 $162,878.13 $126,765.75 $122,989.02 $138,702.03 $238,231.00 $125,835.44 $109,076.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $359.64 $306.00 $622.98 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $237.06 $3,962.76 $306.00 $611.76 $279.84 $326.44 $271.08 $611.76 $509.88 $313.96 $407.88 $611.76 $449.13 $690.60 $306.00 $373.89 $306.00 $301.80 $306.00 $299.64 $526.81 $229.62 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $407.88 $509.76 $306.00 $306.00 $623.88 $509.88 $509.88 $306.00 $292.56 $300.42 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $354.48 Page 196 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PRANAJAYA PRANCE PRASHAD PRATT PRESSNAIL PRESUTTI PRISTUPA PRODIC PROMANE PROSSER PROVART PRUDHAM PRUESSEN PUCHALSKI PUGH PULLEYBLANK PURTLE PYSKLYWEC QIAN QIAO QUAN QUAN FUN QUARTER QUASTEL QUAYSON QUENNELL QUINONEZ RAAFLAUB RACKOFF RADFORTH RADHAKRISHNAN RADISIC RAFFAELLI RAFFMAN RALPH RAMAN-WILMS RAMCHANDRAN RAMIREZ-SALAZAR RAMSAY RANALLI RANKIN RAPPOLT RASHID RATCLIFFE RATTAN RATTO RAYMAN RAYSIDE Given Name/ Prénom FREDDY MARK NARAINDRA JAY KIM LIDIO JARO ALEKSANDAR TERRY SCOTT NICHOLAS SCOTT RONALD IRENE MARY DAVID JENNIFER RUSSELL LI STEPHEN VINH GEORGE JACK JEREMY ATO ALLISON CARLOS R. JACQUELINE CHARLES IAN PHANIKIRAN MILICA ENRICO DIANA MARTIN LALITHA ARUN MANUEL SCOTT LOU KATHARINE SUSAN HUMAYUN MICHAEL GURPREET MATTHEW RICHARD DAVID Position/Poste Research Associate, Aerospace Studies Sergeant Director, Operations and Finance Professor and Chair of Psychology Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Director, Information Commons (Scotiabank) Director, Information Technology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Music Professor of Chemistry and Director, Master of Biotechnology Program Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Geography and School of the Environment Professor of History Librarian Professor of Mathematics Professor, Biochemistry Professor of Art Professor and Chair of Earth Sciences Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Librarian, China Studies Lecturer in Management Senior Lecturer in Management Professor of Education, Associate Chair, Department of Leadership, Higher & Adult Education Professor of Mathematics Professor of English and Director of the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies Director, Career Services, Executive Masters of Business Administration Professor of Dentistry Director of Advancement Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Professor of History Senior Lecturer in Management Associate Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering Professor of Historical Studies Professor of Philosophy Professor of Psychology Professor of Pharmacy and Associate Dean - Professional Programs Professor of Chemical Engineering Senior Lecturer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Manager, Operating Accounting and Financial Analysis Professor of Geography Associate Professor and Chair, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Librarian Professor and Dean of Arts and Vice-Provost, Trinity College Professor of Philosophy Assistant Professor of Information Assistant to the Director of Clinics Professor of Political Science Salary Paid/ Traitement $122,251.86 $102,973.00 $118,041.04 $192,756.56 $184,406.47 $128,992.74 $103,979.22 $161,914.08 $121,933.56 $159,357.12 $131,628.54 $137,491.02 $192,378.00 $111,677.40 $152,898.06 $153,297.00 $122,967.54 $194,046.48 $145,365.50 $111,413.02 $140,204.50 $204,690.99 $180,801.51 $157,980.87 $191,131.18 $113,430.01 $105,937.02 $124,941.02 $186,024.77 $147,537.10 $178,412.99 $144,196.29 $100,660.98 $169,329.65 $160,944.30 $189,773.94 $109,225.98 $113,717.50 $120,645.20 $135,377.62 $136,423.56 $177,926.46 $118,019.46 $235,234.98 $120,787.52 $118,621.92 $109,977.49 $107,230.33 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $598.29 $388.77 $573.60 $611.76 $306.00 $305.58 $239.14 $623.88 $298.44 $306.00 $3,232.48 $306.00 $306.00 $599.46 $7,789.76 $725.76 $599.94 $306.00 $1,216.00 $454.32 $7,779.98 $613.20 $306.00 $306.00 $11,086.76 $277.68 $5,520.78 $303.12 $509.76 $407.88 $298.98 $6,624.00 $246.30 $690.00 $306.00 $308.28 $260.04 $4,199.32 $261.12 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $288.84 $611.76 $294.77 $12,623.18 $253.29 $305.88 Page 197 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille RAYTER RAZACK READINGS REAUME REEVE REGEHR REIBETANZ REIBETANZ REICHEL REID REID REID REID REILLY REILLY REINGOLD REISZ REITHMEIER REITZ REMIS REMMEL RENLUND RENWICK REPKA RESTIVO RESTOULE RESTUCCIA RETALLACK REUBER REVERMANN REVERS REYNOLDS RICCO RICE RICHARD RICHARDS RICHARDSON RIDDICK RIEL Given Name/ Prénom SCOTT SHERENE PAUL DENISE DOUGLAS CHERYL JOHN JULIA CLEMENS DENISE KAREN NANCY STEPHEN JAMES RAYMOND EYAL ROBERT REINHART JEFFREY ROBERT MERIKE RICHARD REBECCA JOSEPH WANDA JEAN-PAUL DIEGO JAMES REBECCA MARTIN LEIGH JEFFREY JOHN KEREN KIMBERLEY DOUGLAS GORDON DAVID JENNIFER University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto RIENDEAU RIENDEAU RIGGS RINGUETTE RINI RIPSTEIN RITTICH ROACH PASCAL ROGER CHARLES MAURICE JAMES ARTHUR S. KERRY KENT Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Senior Lecturer Professor of Education Manager, 89 Chestnut Residence Professor of Law Professor of Chemical Engineering Vice Provost, Academic Programs and Professor of Social Work Professor of English Professor of English Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Senior Lecturer University Professor of Statistics Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations Professor of Pharmacy and Associate Dean of Research Professor of Psychology Professor of Biology Professor Professor of Sociology Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Assistant University Registrar and Director, Admissions Director, Comparative Medicine Professor, Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Professor of Mathematics Senior Lecturer in Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor of Education Professor of Economics Professor of History Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Historical Studies Senior Lecturer, Biology Lecturer in Music Professor of Visual Studies Professor of Linguistics Director, Human Resource Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Medical Director and Professor, Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Accounting Associate Professor, Pharmacology Director, Content Communications, Office of the Dean and Associate Director, Desautels Centre for Integrative Thinking Professor of French & Linguistics Senior Lecturer and Vice Principal, Innis College Professor of Biological Sciences Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Law and Philosophy Professor of Law (Cross appointed to Women and Gender Studies) Professor of Law Salary Paid/ Traitement $104,831.46 $164,014.02 $116,678.52 $173,199.46 $221,145.53 $225,033.02 $191,563.96 $177,710.02 $107,112.42 $162,647.04 $130,514.04 $213,385.23 $129,242.94 $163,640.48 $175,340.94 $139,973.16 $186,381.49 $236,266.50 $180,343.87 $223,088.46 $125,948.01 $171,889.97 $163,457.46 $167,232.96 $116,207.52 $110,220.18 $178,702.44 $139,041.71 $213,746.93 $143,323.46 $112,823.48 $111,105.48 $114,018.54 $206,993.46 $121,394.01 $168,528.29 $290,116.96 $152,207.55 $185,442.98 $126,687.48 $134,445.48 $142,561.50 $152,084.52 $156,194.51 $293,813.94 $151,406.08 $271,383.06 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $361.62 $306.00 $380.76 $306.00 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $262.14 $611.76 $3,308.52 $306.00 $308.64 $611.76 $407.88 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $303.93 $306.00 $611.76 $725.76 $284.52 $2,076.55 $306.00 $306.00 $509.88 $4,024.36 $265.20 $316.56 $279.18 $407.88 $594.09 $306.00 $611.76 $611.76 $261.42 $303.86 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $407.88 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 Page 198 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ROBB ROBB ROBERGE ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBINS ROBINSON ROCCHI ROCHELEAU ROCHON ROCK ROCKEL ROCKX RODD RODGERS RODNEY RODRIGUES RODRIGUEZ ROGAEVA ROGERS ROGERSON ROLHEISER ROLSTON ROMKEY ROORDA ROSATONE ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSENBLOOM ROSENTHAL ROSENTHAL ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSSELET ROTENBERG ROTH ROTHMAN ROTMAN ROTUNDO ROWE ROWLEY ROY ROZAKIS-ADCOCK ROZEMOND Given Name/ Prénom CAROL JANINE YVES ANN JANICE JEAN WESLEY WILLIAM VINCENT MARIE JONATHAN ELIZABETH SUSAN STEPHEN BARBARA F. HELEN TREVOR YVONNE RYAN NESTOR EKATERINA TRACY CAROL N. CAROL SHAUNA LISA MATTHEW SILVIA BARBARA JONATHAN REBECCA LOUISE ARNOLD ALAN JEFFREY JILL JOHN SEAMUS ALAN WENDY FREDERICK ELLA NATALIE REGINA MARIA LOCKE TIMOTHY PETER JOHN MARIA MARLEEN Position/Poste Assistant Dean and Director of Human Resources, Arts & Science Executive Director, Health and Wellness Professor of French and Principal, New College Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Assistant Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Director of Human Resources, Faculty of Medicine Director, Information Technology Professor of English Professor of Geography Senior Lecturer, Pharmacy Assistant Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Speech-Language Pathology Director, Continuing Education and Professional Development Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies Sessional Lecturer, Management Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Senior Manager, Academic Planning, Analysis and Information Technology Initiatives Director, Career Centre Director, Leadership Development & Recruiting Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Associate Professor, Medicine Professor of Anthropology and Director, Forensic Science Professor of Law Director, Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation and Professor of Education Professor of Music Professor of Education Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Director, Office of Convocation Senior Lecturer Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor of Nursing Senior Lecturer, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Research Computing Support Specialist, Computer Science Professor of Statistics Professor, Comparative Literature and Medieval Studies Professor, Medicine Professor and Dean of Information Senior Lecturer in Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Accounting and Finance Professor of Microbiology Professor of Historical & Cultural Studies Professor of Mathematics Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor and Chair of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Strategic Management Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Philosophy Salary Paid/ Traitement $156,996.53 $147,489.54 $186,942.96 $141,662.46 $122,867.52 $153,626.22 $142,092.74 $152,039.08 $168,093.54 $147,307.98 $125,502.42 $127,353.46 $122,373.99 $113,603.25 $101,197.00 $127,831.20 $128,579.26 $135,155.32 $101,950.76 $133,107.98 $129,486.94 $123,638.50 $209,277.94 $192,347.58 $125,041.10 $101,280.54 $113,674.82 $114,303.97 $120,099.00 $188,717.86 $109,247.58 $125,762.46 $115,039.59 $192,586.92 $108,411.05 $115,044.00 $272,770.00 $146,871.00 $347,691.88 $194,304.54 $114,176.52 $124,525.50 $232,306.04 $221,856.02 $270,151.44 $175,824.42 $144,095.01 $142,133.38 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $509.88 $407.88 $306.00 $300.60 $407.88 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $308.28 $723.00 $407.88 $398.76 $302.22 $5,059.88 $306.00 $531.12 $299.61 $421.60 $621.54 $306.66 $1,105.35 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $411.74 $301.62 $279.84 $293.94 $725.76 $267.42 $724.32 $234.12 $306.00 $483.12 $469.20 $11,311.76 $306.00 $509.88 $611.76 $558.84 $303.12 $1,618.00 $306.00 $306.00 $1,797.88 $306.00 $611.76 Page 199 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille RUBENSTEIN RUDA Given Name/ Prénom TERRY HARRY University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto RUDDICK RUFFLE RULE RUOCCO RUPP RUPPERT RUSSELL RUTI RYALL RYALL RYAN RYAN RYU SA SABO SAGE SAGE SAIN SAINI SAINI SAKAKI SAKAMOTO SAKS SALAHPOUR SALAKHUTDINOV SALBACH SALEH SALIH SALUJA SAMMOND SAMPATH SAMPSON SANDAHL SANDERS SANDERS SANDERSON SANDERSON SANDWELL SANTERRE SARABIA SARACOGLU SARGENT SUSAN KAREN NICHOLAS ANTHONY CHARLES STEPHEN PAUL GORDON MARJUT MICHAEL MICHAEL DIXIE JAMES WILLIAM CRESO DONNA ROWAN TAMMY MOHINI HARGURDEEP MICHAEL ATSUKO IZUMI ALAN ALI RUSLAN NANCY WALID SARA AZAD NICHOLAS PARTHASARATHY BARRY STELLA GRAHAM TODD DOUGLAS TERRY RUTH PAUL ROSA NADIA EDWARD University of Toronto SARRIS KONSTANTINOS Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Chief Administrative Officer, Pharmacy Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Meek Family Chair in Advanced Nanotechnology Professor of Geography Professor of Historical Studies Professor of Psychology Professor of Psychology Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Vice-Dean, arts & science Coordinator Information Technology Procurement Supervisor, Windows Institution Server Support Team Professor of English and Drama Computer Network Support Specialist Professor of Strategic Management Finance Manager, Dentistry Professor of Education Professor of Physics Professor of Education Department Manager, Department of English Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor and Dean of Forestry Vice President and Principal, University of Toronto, Mississauga and Professor of Biology Assistant Professor of Social Work Professor of East Asian Studies Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of Management Professor of Pharmacology Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Physical Therapy Professor of Religion Professor of English Electrical Engineer Professor of Cinema Studies Professor, Executive Industrial Research Chair Professor and Special Advisor to the Dean, Building Renewal Professor of East Asian Studies Professor of East Asian Studies Professor of Anthropology Professor of Law Network and Systems Administrator Professor of Education Professor of Dentistry Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Information Technology Coordinator Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair, Vice Dean - Research, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Eugene Polistuk Chair in Electromagnetic Design, Associate Chair of the Division of Engineering Science Salary Paid/ Traitement $137,602.99 $192,453.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $306.00 $129,029.34 $100,734.00 $107,701.46 $117,194.06 $202,860.54 $130,540.99 $103,358.80 $111,571.05 $103,188.21 $259,864.00 $113,045.49 $178,917.54 $125,167.10 $112,274.26 $105,335.74 $174,503.04 $130,864.50 $172,726.44 $281,147.08 $111,974.00 $151,868.10 $113,808.38 $209,739.00 $108,778.88 $112,222.50 $110,428.02 $151,834.92 $135,098.89 $104,618.44 $111,678.54 $144,869.04 $129,397.56 $157,340.94 $155,159.96 $133,384.02 $120,128.04 $108,553.59 $129,092.52 $210,648.90 $131,277.71 $103,092.80 $242,895.90 $306.00 $410.82 $244.98 $244.62 $306.00 $725.76 $253.36 $285.30 $318.30 $2,611.76 $321.84 $509.88 $421.72 $287.76 $257.82 $725.76 $306.84 $407.88 $34,622.76 $252.12 $306.00 $609.36 $1,125.76 $10,580.02 $457.74 $270.36 $611.76 $306.00 $512.01 $273.36 $306.00 $408.72 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 $490.08 $224.74 $410.58 $306.00 $611.76 $252.45 $7,742.00 $170,857.92 $306.00 Page 200 of/de 311 University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille SASS-KORTSAK Given Name/ Prénom ANDREA University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SASS-KORTSAK SAUNDERS SAUNDERS (N'DAW) SAVARD SAVCHENKO SAVILLE SAWCHUK SAWCHUK SCARCI SCARDAMALIA SCARDOVI SCHALLERT SCHALM CHRISTINA DEANNE AMORELL PIERRE ALEXEI BRADLEY LAWRENCE PETER MANUELA MARLENE LUCA JOSEPH PHIL University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SCHAPIRA SCHARPER SCHATZ SCHEININGER SCHELLE SCHELLENBERG SCHERK MATTHIEU STEPHEN EDWARD JUDY SUSAN GLENN JOHN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SCHIEMAN SCHILLACI SCHIMMACK SCHLICHTER SCHMID SCHMITT SCHMITT-ULMS SCHMUCKLER SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDERMAN SCHOFIELD SCHOLES SCHROEDER SCHULZE SCHUMANN SCHWARTZ SCHWARTZ SCHWEIGL SCISSONS SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCRIMGEOUR SCOTT MICHAEL ULRICH LYANNE ANDRE EMMETT GEROLD MARK BRUCE MANFRED MARGARET DAVID JEREMY GREG BIANCA DANIEL ECKHARD DONALD ROBERT ROCIO KURTIS FRAN JAMES KATREENA DONNA LOUISE Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor and Associate Director Academic Affairs, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Assistant Vice-President, Human Resources Director, Commerce Academic Services Director, Office of the Vice President and Principal, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Physics Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Anthropology Professor of Education Senior Lecturer Professor of Education Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures Associate Director, Tri-campus Expansion and International Professionals Initiatives, School Of Continuing Studies Senior Research Associate, Structural Genomics Consortium Professor of Anthropology Professor and Chair of Political Science Director, Advancement, Faculty of Social Work Professor of Art Professor of Psychology Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences; Vice Dean Undergraduate, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Sociology Professor of Anthropology Professor of Psychology Professor, Physiology Professor of East Asian Studies and Director, Centre for the Study of Korea Professor of English Assistant Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Professor of Psychology Professor of Psychology Senior Lecturer, Management Professor of Education, Associate Chair, Applied Psychology and Human Development Professor of Law Professor of Chemistry Professor of Chemistry Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Earth Science Lecturer, Management Professor of Political Science Associate Professor and Director, Evaluation and Monitoring, Ontario Tobacco Research Unit Development Manager Commercialization Manager Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Associate Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health Professor of Education Senior Project Manager Salary Paid/ Traitement $214,030.02 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $202,311.00 $112,904.79 $106,373.78 $138,254.52 $117,669.80 $108,614.52 $181,369.96 $140,359.98 $146,608.96 $190,905.00 $128,064.54 $139,071.12 $122,879.73 $509.88 $276.39 $260.40 $407.88 $267.48 $354.36 $306.00 $407.88 $289.86 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $292.56 $150,333.00 $117,092.04 $113,371.01 $150,924.02 $114,109.98 $155,596.98 $182,383.50 $306.00 $699.96 $389.70 $306.00 $279.42 $611.76 $611.76 $160,726.94 $129,095.52 $148,620.48 $162,045.48 $144,516.38 $129,987.84 $122,266.98 $174,832.96 $207,388.02 $325,222.48 $152,157.54 $200,080.58 $124,403.97 $170,989.02 $146,486.43 $150,954.96 $144,376.98 $176,008.52 $173,813.58 $108,264.76 $106,978.02 $232,181.52 $103,195.48 $124,490.46 $102,610.99 $306.00 $592.08 $719.88 $611.76 $306.00 $373.92 $399.00 $509.88 $306.00 $509.88 $407.88 $8,047.76 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $407.88 $251.40 $306.00 $611.76 $265.08 $262.44 $407.88 $303.36 $2,882.40 $418.50 Page 201 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille SCULLY SEAGER SECKER SECO SEDIVY SEFEROS SEFTON SEGAL SEGUIN SEIFERT SEITLER SELICK SELLEN SELTZER SENESE SERBANESCU SERRANO SESSLE SHACHAK SHACHAR SHAFFER SHAH SHALABY Given Name/ Prénom MARNY WILLIAM EDWARD BARBARA LUIS SONIA DWIGHT MICHAEL DVIRA CATHERINE TRICIA DANA PAUL DANIEL ZE'EV SUSAN RUXANDRA MIHAELA CARLOS BARRY AVIV AYELET MARTHA BARBARA AMER University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SHARPEN SHAW SHAW SHEIKH SHEIKHOLESLAMI SHEKER SHEN SHERA SHERWOOD LOLLAR SHI SHI SHI SHIELDS SHIN SHLONSKY SHOICHET SHOOK SHORT SHORTER SHTERNSHIS SHU SHUKARIS-WALKER SI SIBERRY LINDA ROBIN WAYNE SHAMIM ALI GEETA VINCENT TSING-SONG WES BARBARA MENGZE SHOUYONG XIANWEN FIORELLA JUMI ARON MOLLY CHERYL STEVEN EDWARD ANNA LILY DONNA HONG NORY Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Assistant Vice President, Government, Institutional and Community Relations Professor and Acting Chair of Philosophy Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Science & Therapy Professor of Mathematical s and Computer Computational Sciences Professor and Associate Chair of Philosophy Professor of Chemistry Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Chemistry Lecturer, Management Professor of Education Professor of English Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Anthropology Professor of Dentistry Librarian Senior Lecturer Professor of Economics Professor of Dentistry Professor of Health Policy Management and Evaluation Professor of Law Professor of Law Faculty Registrar Professor of Civil Engineering and Board Chair, Urban Transportation Research and Advancement Centre Eyebank Manager Instructor Manager, Caretaking Services Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Chair, Academic Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Executive Women's Initiative Professor of East Asian Studies and Lee Chair in Chinese Thought and Culture Professor of Social Work Professor of Earth Sciences Professor of Marketing Professor of Economics Professor of Economics Manager, Resource Centre & Services, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Chemistry Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of Chemical Engineering Registrar, Woodsworth College Professor of Biology Hannah Professor, History of Medicine Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature and Diaspora and Transnational Studies Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Commercialization Manager Manager, Business Development and International Programs Executive Director, Advancement, School of Continuing Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $183,463.77 $165,595.95 $103,884.54 $178,750.02 $128,565.50 $114,799.44 $213,696.22 $121,388.46 $138,566.50 $105,581.02 $101,044.97 $146,399.55 $152,868.46 $170,311.13 $121,760.94 $111,045.96 $141,938.93 $244,614.96 $112,965.96 $187,883.02 $180,054.35 $137,259.47 $154,066.50 $108,880.51 $101,493.54 $116,191.00 $185,757.00 $162,890.86 $113,671.49 $192,542.46 $169,540.02 $180,123.41 $244,333.13 $256,595.34 $145,555.46 $107,233.80 $138,245.04 $123,145.85 $187,789.00 $133,685.50 $120,481.44 $177,294.06 $106,980.16 $154,153.44 $119,702.13 $123,994.59 $124,559.03 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $509.88 $339.12 $407.88 $560.80 $469.36 $611.76 $4,115.86 $603.06 $10,508.60 $1,891.34 $306.00 $5,585.76 $306.00 $595.86 $362.46 $306.00 $306.00 $460.86 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $266.58 $413.94 $284.46 $611.76 $4,024.00 $278.28 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $567.00 $509.88 $4,024.00 $171.06 $2,534.34 $612.78 $306.00 $385.68 $4,307.56 $306.00 $12,068.02 $4,125.88 $293.50 $194.96 $597.60 Page 202 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille SICSIC SIDDIQI SIDHU SIDNELL SIEMIATYCKI SIGAL SIGAL SIGOUIN SIKORSKI SILANO SILCOX SILVER SILVER SILVERMAN SILVERSIDES SILVEY SIMINOVITCH SIMMONS Given Name/ Prénom HENRI-PAUL ARJUMAND SACHDEV JACK MATTHEW ISRAEL-MICHAEL MICHAEL JOSE TADEUSZ GIULIO MARY TERESA DANIEL JUDITH BRIAN BROCK RACHEL KATHERINE CRAIG University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SIMON SIMON-EDWARDS SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON-CAMILLERI SIMUTIN SINCLAIR ROBERT DEBORAH E. ANDRE MARK MYRNA LISA MIKHAIL ANTHONY University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SINERVO SINGH SINGH SINTON SIOW SIPE SKELTON SKOGSTAD SKONIECZNY SKROBACKI SLADE SLATER SLEEP SLOTTA SMART SMIBERT SMIELIAUSKAS SMITH SMITH SMITH PEKKA CHANDRA VEER KARAN DAVID ALOYSIUS JOHN VICTORIA GRACE STANISLAW WALDEMAR HELEN KATHLEEN BRENT JAMES MICHAEL CRAIG WALDEMAR ALISON ARLENE BRIAN CANTWELL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Music Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Associate Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor and Chair of Anthropology Professor of Geography University Professor of Mathematics Professor of Dentistry Manager, Research Information Analysis Manager, Systems Infrastructure Professor of Christianity and Culture Professor of Anthropology Professor of Sociology Lecturer in Education Professor of Strategic Management Department Head, Media Commons Professor of Geography Professor, Medicine Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Canada Research Council Chair in Mechanobiology Professor of Education Executive Director, Finance and Administration Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Director, Building Services, Grounds and Trades Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Assistant Dean, Academic Human Resources and Diversity Professor of Finance Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Director Magna/Stronach Centre for Innovation Masters in Engineering Program Professor of Physics Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Professor of Computer Science Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering and Director for Centre for Sustainable Energy Professor of Economics Professor of Physics Head Librarian, Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources Professor and Chair of Political Sciences Senior Lecturer Lecturer in Political Sciences Co-ordinator, Student Retention Services Manager, Human Resources Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Chair, Research Professor of Education Professor of Economics Associate Professor, Biochemistry Professor of Accounting Professor of History Director, Administration and Finance Professor of Information Salary Paid/ Traitement $108,184.50 $106,450.48 $165,701.46 $153,916.50 $109,542.48 $238,066.44 $171,625.02 $101,918.48 $141,692.49 $168,224.00 $106,205.04 $101,694.54 $123,264.96 $332,993.52 $118,524.48 $136,659.44 $150,000.00 $152,550.42 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $529.50 $260.46 $15,809.88 $306.00 $1,968.20 $306.00 $407.88 $810.68 $509.88 $725.76 $259.98 $7,685.00 $603.30 $611.76 $290.10 $3,008.88 $306.00 $4,329.76 $104,882.58 $140,310.98 $129,165.00 $135,476.02 $138,062.46 $117,239.04 $233,860.96 $225,616.28 $5,688.24 $306.00 $410.76 $306.00 $7,167.88 $282.15 $306.00 $306.00 $276,822.96 $105,636.48 $174,365.00 $155,496.96 $198,193.50 $195,654.54 $116,477.46 $177,363.48 $131,510.98 $101,511.26 $106,489.69 $115,209.86 $184,549.98 $134,618.48 $172,891.50 $136,492.00 $233,908.08 $120,713.04 $105,732.27 $254,050.98 $306.00 $258.66 $4,024.00 $611.76 $611.76 $407.88 $570.00 $623.88 $604.56 $188.22 $261.15 $367.29 $306.00 $611.76 $4,024.00 $611.76 $458.88 $295.50 $516.72 $15,836.76 Page 203 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMUGLER SMYTH SMYTH Given Name/ Prénom C. TATTERSALL DAREN DAVID ELAINE J. J. BERRY MARYLOU REBECCA SANDY TINA SHERRY DENIS ELIZABETH University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SMYTH SNOWDEN SOBERMAN SOCKNAT SOH SOHM SOKOLOWSKI SOLDOVIERI SOMAN SOMIGLI SOMMER SONE SONG SONG SONOC SORENSEN SORENSON SOUSA RONALD LYNN DAVID THOMAS TONG PENG PHILIP MARLA STEFAN DILIP LUCA RICHARD ELI DATONG JE SOOK SANDU ANDRE ANN MARIE ELVINO University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SPADA SPADAFORA SPARKS SPELT SPENCE SPENCE SPERDAKOS SPOONER SPRAGGE SPRINGGAY SRINIVASAN ST. ONGE STABILE STAFFORD STAGG PETERSON STAGLJAR NINA SALVATORE CHRISTOPHER JAN ANDREW KAREN PAULA EDWARD SUZANNE STEPHANIE ANITA PETER MARK JAMES SHELLEY IGOR Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Geography Managing Director, Manager Selection and Portfolio Construction Professor of Anthropology Editorial Manager, Bulletin Portfolio Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Psychology Student Crisis Response Coordinator Professor and former Dean of Forestry Senior Lecturer, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Reference/Government Publications Librarian Professor of History Vice-Dean, Programs, School of Graduate Studies; Professor of Curriculum Teaching and Learning Professor of Psychology Assistant Dean, University of Toronto, Mississauga Professor of Marketing Senior Lecturer Business Manager Professor of Art Professor of Biology Professor of German Professor of Marketing Professor of Italian Studies Professor and Dean, Architecture, Landscape and Design Assistant Professor of Dentistry Professor of Chemistry Professor of Anthropology Senior Radiation Officer Professor and Chair of Human Geography Professor of Sociology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jeffrey Skoll Chair in Computer Networks and Innovation Professor of Education Associate Professor, Anaesthesia and Vice Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education Director Library Operations Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor, Molecular Genetics Operations Manager, New College Professor of Arts, Culture & Media Professor of Earth Sciences Assistant Dean, External Relations and Chief of Staff Professor of Education Director of Operations, School of Public Policy Supervisor, Network Management Support Professor of Economics and Director School of Public Policy Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Education Professor, Biochemistry Salary Paid/ Traitement $195,267.96 $300,000.04 $143,871.00 $100,326.20 $207,749.98 $160,553.52 $102,742.94 $176,287.02 $162,179.54 $119,696.50 $145,315.19 $176,716.98 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $236.16 $306.00 $407.88 $335.86 $611.76 $306.00 $293.04 $611.76 $306.00 $157,750.12 $147,215.69 $327,141.42 $114,321.48 $103,285.29 $173,528.01 $216,491.46 $131,119.52 $324,017.98 $125,028.98 $209,027.96 $127,880.46 $123,465.52 $101,985.51 $104,134.62 $153,736.85 $161,262.52 $186,264.06 $509.76 $306.00 $725.76 $279.84 $252.87 $509.88 $611.76 $603.18 $6,024.00 $613.98 $21,225.76 $4,127.74 $301.56 $595.68 $254.96 $611.76 $509.88 $611.76 $168,200.97 $156,122.96 $120,954.95 $181,775.52 $151,182.96 $100,492.74 $135,930.69 $171,731.10 $200,132.57 $108,674.70 $115,351.01 $103,704.59 $206,618.49 $185,784.42 $136,281.71 $183,437.94 $306.00 $10,911.76 $293.79 $611.76 $306.00 $246.06 $306.00 $623.88 $306.00 $10,535.04 $376.44 $254.18 $611.76 $611.76 $306.00 $407.88 Page 204 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille STAMP STANBRIDGE STANLEY STAPLETON STARK STAWINOGA STEELE STEELE STEEVES STEFANOVIC STEFANOVIC STEFFAN STEIN Given Name/ Prénom PATRICIA ALAN SABINE MAUREEN ANDREW ANDREW JEFFREY LISA CRAIG INGRID SASA J. GREGORY JANICE University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto STEINBERG STEINBERG STEINER STEINMAN STEIPE STELMACOVICH STEPHAN STEPHENS STEPHENSON STEPHENSON STERMAC STERN STERN STERNBERG STEVENS STEVENS STEVENSON STEVENSON STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART ROSE STICKEL ADAM AEPHRAIM ROBERT DAVID BORIS ANDREW DOUGLAS LAURIE CAROL RICHARD LANA SIMON SUSAN RICARDO BONNIE PAUL SIOBHAN SUZANNE AVA BRYAN COLIN DEBORAH ANNE DONNA GRAHAM HAMISH IAN SUZANNE LESLIE MICAH University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto STIEGELBAUER STINCHCOMBE STIRLING STOCK STOJANOVIC SUZANNE JOHN JANE MARKUS DRAGAN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Sexual Harassment Officer Professor of Arts, Culture & Media Professor of Physics Lecturer Professor of Management Senior Lecturer in Management Professor of French Professor of Art Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Professor of Philosophy Professor and Associate Chair of Biology Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Jeffrey Skoll Chair in Software Engineering University Professor of Political Science, Director of the Munk School of Global Affairs and Harrowston Professor of Conflict Management and Negotiation Assistant Professor of Aerospace Studies Professor of Physics and Director of Centre for Quantum Information and Quantum Control Director, Fellowship in Global Journalism Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Associate Professor, Biochemistry Executive Director of Advancement Professor of Chemistry Director, News and Media Relations Instructor Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Education Professor of Law Associate Professor of Social Work Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Professor, Signy Hildur Eaton Chair in Paediatric Nursing Research Professor of English Associate Professor of Information Professor of Computer Science and Vice-Dean, Arts & Science Professor and Chair of Biology Professor of Economics Director, Telecommunication Services Professor, Psychiatry Network and Storage Services Manager Professor of Law Commercialization Manager Professor of Education, Special Advisor to the Dean on Aboriginal Education Director, Elementary Program Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chair First year Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Professor of Education Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Director, Marketing and Communications Professor of Germanic Languages and Literature and Medieval Studies Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $141,171.25 $118,887.13 $131,853.01 $150,011.00 $224,699.46 $137,753.54 $111,106.66 $167,396.94 $126,787.02 $161,392.04 $134,061.54 $165,430.98 $296,005.44 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $307.26 $611.76 $295.26 $725.76 $497.46 $283.40 $306.00 $305.52 $611.76 $407.88 $717.50 $306.00 $109,372.68 $157,207.44 $169,541.25 $173,376.00 $143,077.98 $184,965.78 $218,052.56 $130,704.77 $101,493.54 $137,350.44 $170,656.75 $133,416.96 $167,631.56 $157,444.21 $217,347.54 $173,000.04 $118,521.42 $246,546.48 $149,563.56 $148,949.04 $135,833.03 $101,277.96 $111,511.32 $196,055.47 $123,811.26 $119,983.54 $115,999.96 $108,513.65 $267.76 $407.88 $306.00 $623.88 $611.76 $509.88 $5,606.00 $407.88 $248.52 $306.00 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $229.50 $611.76 $306.00 $290.28 $611.76 $407.88 $306.00 $306.00 $247.92 $253.36 $306.00 $2,000.00 $7,306.26 $259.80 $271.78 $127,678.97 $131,808.99 $110,745.23 $126,135.02 $221,435.00 $306.84 $766.06 $527.86 $4,421.56 $286.68 Page 205 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille STOLARICK STONE STOYLE STRANGE STRIKE STRONG STRONG SUBTELNY SULEM SULEMAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SUN SUN Given Name/ Prénom KEVIN DAVID CHARLES ENOLA WILLIAM CAROL KIMBERLY MEREDITH MARIA CATHERINE SHAFFIN PIERRE ROSEMARY LEI YU University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto SURI SUTHERLAND SUZACK SUZUKI SWAIL SWENSON SWIFT SWIFT SWITZER-MCINTYRE SYKES SYME SYREK SZEGEDY SZUBERWOOD SZWAGIEL TABAK TABUR TADDIO TAFARODI TAGLIAMONTE TAM TAM TANDON TANNENBAUM TANNER TANNER TANNOCK TANNY TANSWELL TARASUK TARIKH TARNAWSKY TATE SUNJAY RUSSELL CHERYL JUNICHI RONALD EDWARD KAREL STEPHANIE SHARON HEATHER HOLGER SCHOTT ARTUR BALAZS BRIAN STAN DIANA SUSANNE ANNA ROMIN SALI KATHERINE LAURA ANURAG DAVID BRIAN JULIAN ROSEMARY STEPHEN ALAN VALERIE MOHAMED MAXIM JOSEPH Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Salary Paid/ Position/Poste Traitement Associate Director, Martin Prosperity Institute $184,459.01 Senior Lecturer $104,088.96 Associate Director, Development, Master of Management and Professional Accounting Program $115,351.01 Professor of Business Economics $402,922.40 Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health $117,060.96 Professor of Physics $154,213.98 Director of the Office of the Vice President, University Relations $119,795.78 Professor of Near and Middle East Civilizations $163,767.48 Professor of Mathematics $178,925.58 Human Resources Generalist and Project Specialist $110,104.77 Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering $165,576.54 Professor of English $121,180.63 Associate Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health $130,392.48 Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and Canada Research Council Chair in $176,286.48 Micro and Nano Engineering Systems and Director, University Nanofabrication Centre Professor of Dentistry $119,451.96 Manager, Network Management and Development $122,205.72 Professor of English $109,620.48 Professor of Economics $130,549.50 Assistant Vice President, Facilities and Services $196,683.98 Professor of Anthropology $106,245.96 Assistant Provost, Registrarial $176,889.53 Librarian $108,236.99 Professor of Physical Therapy $146,202.00 Professor of Education $130,136.58 Professor and Chair of English and Drama $123,002.46 Lead Hand $101,746.51 Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences $106,947.14 Development Manager $119,278.91 Manager, Grounds Services $107,466.06 Associate Director, Standardized Patient Program $109,928.25 Librarian- Reference and Research; Medline; Gerstein web team $124,243.48 Professor of Pharmacy $152,054.94 Professor of Psychology $147,481.50 Professor of Linguistics $143,665.87 Chief Administrative Officer, Law $175,842.97 Professor of Dentistry $108,172.06 Assistant Professor, Medicine $113,769.48 Associate Professor, Family and Community Medicine $165,000.00 Manager, Annual Giving $100,437.72 Professor of Sociology $153,891.00 Professor of Education $177,786.96 Professor of Mathematics $143,787.96 Professor, Paediatrics $153,495.00 Professor, Nutritional Sciences $136,352.52 Shift Supervisor $105,340.84 Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures $142,548.96 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering $133,051.44 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $254.82 $470.46 $509.88 $286.62 $306.00 $586.20 $611.76 $306.00 $348.48 $306.00 $204.00 $4,332.58 $4,125.88 $584.70 $292.56 $536.40 $4,230.40 $306.00 $260.10 $407.88 $264.90 $308.10 $306.00 $299.82 $250.14 $287.28 $482.40 $526.02 $281.70 $404.76 $725.76 $3,871.00 $306.00 $611.76 $399.78 $278.46 $611.76 $328.02 $623.88 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $306.00 $625.64 $725.76 $306.00 Page 206 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille TATHAM TAUFIQUE TAVAKOLI-TARGHI TAYL TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TCHEUYAP TEICHMAN TEMPLETON TEMPLIN TEN KORTENAAR TENENBAUM TENENBAUM TEPASS TEPPERMAN TEREBIZNIK TERPSTRA TESTA TEUSCHER THEIN THIBODEAU THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMASOS THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMSON THOMSON THOMSON THORPE THORPE Given Name/ Prénom RHIANNON AMAZ MOHAMAD DEEPIKA DENA HEATHER IAN JUDITH MARK ALEXIE JUDITH ANN DOUGLAS PAUL NEIL HOWARD SERGIO ULRICH LORNE MAURICIO NICHOLAS BART RICHARD HLA HLA HELEN IAN SCOTT SEAN EVELYN ALISON CHRISTOPHER EVAN KENNETH BRUCE MICHAEL PAUL H. LESLIE JAMES MURRAY KEVIN STEVEN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto THYWISSEN TICHINE TICOLL TILCSIK TITCHKOSKY TODD TODORCEVIC TOH JOSEPH ALEXANDRE MIRIAM ANDRAS TANYA MAUREEN ELIZABETH STEVO SOO MIN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Manager, Payroll Services Senior Systems Manager, Scholars Portal Professor of Historical Studies Applications Programmer Analyst Director, Health Sciences Writing Centre Director, Facilities Management & Space Planning Professor, Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery Professor of Sociology Professor of Chemistry Professor of French Professor of Political Sciences Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Director, Events and Catering Professor of English and Director, Centre for Comparative Literature Professor of Dentistry Professor and Chair, Philosophy Professor and Chair of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Sociology Professor of Biological Sciences Professor and Chair of History Senior Lecturer Professor of Physics Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Manager, Human Resources Manager, End User Computing Associate Dean, Graduate Education and Research Professor of Forestry Senior Financial Officer Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics Professor of Philosophy Electrician Professor of Chemistry Professor of Philosophy Professor of English Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Associate Chair-Graduate Studies, Materials Science and Engineering Professor of Physics Senior Information Systems Analyst Executive Director, Health Science Information Consortium of Toronto Professor of Strategic Management Professor of Education Business Manager Professor of Mathematics Professor of Management Salary Paid/ Traitement $110,638.51 $109,263.37 $131,882.18 $105,777.19 $117,324.48 $102,280.02 $173,111.04 $121,967.52 $121,647.54 $109,797.00 $164,725.56 $200,702.08 $105,717.73 $163,983.48 $187,366.56 $150,793.52 $170,343.66 $200,336.22 $113,329.50 $181,375.48 $154,737.98 $109,370.04 $106,184.04 $120,440.52 $127,616.82 $166,745.98 $155,065.50 $114,524.79 $107,684.52 $163,867.56 $155,410.74 $100,224.68 $177,864.48 $225,996.96 $171,373.44 $218,106.00 $148,831.19 $103,697.04 $185,911.56 $136,319.46 $101,124.41 $112,635.96 $109,997.70 $114,510.80 $135,008.72 $195,036.06 $194,153.69 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $451.20 $228.84 $657.88 $259.56 $287.22 $333.81 $306.00 $7,734.56 $8,051.66 $2,727.82 $306.00 $306.00 $517.32 $509.88 $306.00 $611.76 $509.88 $306.00 $462.36 $306.00 $407.88 $648.72 $260.04 $294.90 $924.88 $611.76 $306.00 $463.53 $8,105.30 $306.00 $807.76 $190.50 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $407.88 $306.00 $253.92 $611.76 $306.00 $229.60 $275.76 $16,658.94 $306.84 $407.88 $306.00 $6,932.98 Page 207 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille TOLIAS TOMBAK TOMPSON TORRENS TOUEG TOURANGEAU TOWNSEND TOWNSHEND TRACK TRAN TRAN TREBILCOCK TREFLER TREMBLAY TRESCASES TRIADAFILOPOULOS TRIFONAS TRIPPEN TRISCHUK TRIVERIO TROJANOWSKA TROPE TROPEPE TROPER TROTZ TROUGAKOS TRUONG TRUONG TSAI TSANG TSANG TSEU TURENKO TURKO TURNER TURNER TWEED U UETRECHT ULLMAN UNGAR URBANCIC URBSZAT VACCARINO VAIKUNTANATHAN VALAEE VALCKE VALVERDE Given Name/ Prénom FOTINI MIHKEL BRYAN MIGUEL SAM ANN DAVID ROBERT JODY BARBARA HOC NGHIA NHUNG MICHAEL DANIEL LUC OLIVIER PHIL PETER GERHARD WILLIAM PIERO TAMARA GRAHAM VINCE HAROLD ALISSA JOHN PETER KHAI NHUT KIEN I-WEN CHRISTINA WANG KA TAT KATHERINE CAROLINE KAREN LAURA MATTHEW DOUGLAS ANNA JACK HEATHER SHELDON ANNE DAX FRANCO VINOD SHAHROKH CATHERINE MARIANA Position/Poste Lecturer Professor and Chair, Management Professor of Dentistry Librarian, Selector/Cataloguer - Latin America, Spanish and Portuguese Professor of Computer Science Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs Professor of Medieval Studies Director, Campaign Planning and Development Executive Director , Advancement Alumni and Communications, Woodsworth College Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of Pulp and Paper Centre Professor of History University Professor of Law and Economics Professor of Business Economics Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Political Sciences Professor of Education Lecturer, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Physics Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Slavic Languages and Literature Professor, Ophthalmology Professor of Cell and Systems Biology and Director of the Human Biology Program Professor of Education Professor of Women and Gender Studies and Caribbean Studies Professor of Management Professor of Computer Science Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Marketing Information Technology Analyst Associate Professor of Social Work Director, Business Operations and Administration Administrative Officer Director, Donor Relations and Development Professor of Economics Professor of Economics Professor, Physiology Director, East Asian Library (Cheng Yu Tung) Professor of Pharmacy and Canada Research Chair in Molecular Medicine Director, Leadership Giving Professor and Associate Chair of Sociology Senior Lecturer Senior Lecturer, Psychology Professor of Psychology; Vice President and Principal University of Toronto, at Scarborough Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor and Associate Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Law Professor and Director of Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Salary Paid/ Traitement $137,763.52 $327,796.50 $123,425.46 $119,699.45 $216,361.56 $153,852.54 $135,643.13 $125,641.25 $119,010.01 $167,241.54 $137,614.42 $303,578.50 $295,109.46 $122,631.00 $134,174.46 $109,111.94 $155,145.52 $130,632.74 $154,648.56 $123,289.50 $137,836.45 $186,493.02 $136,506.00 $179,928.00 $138,687.00 $154,314.54 $149,409.96 $151,641.49 $218,839.62 $111,566.13 $141,939.54 $110,366.24 $117,722.22 $141,355.01 $123,890.60 $190,113.53 $143,209.02 $194,335.08 $222,376.02 $100,264.85 $158,301.96 $139,099.00 $125,150.46 $309,106.92 $119,020.50 $187,134.48 $162,639.03 $172,566.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $276.06 $2,111.76 $302.04 $585.84 $623.88 $407.88 $306.00 $304.20 $291.33 $725.76 $7,086.51 $306.00 $306.00 $4,356.55 $509.88 $819.33 $611.76 $3,516.67 $611.76 $299.88 $306.00 $725.76 $7,846.76 $306.00 $611.76 $4,227.88 $306.00 $4,024.00 $3,486.00 $348.48 $305.76 $540.03 $576.15 $306.00 $0.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $2,079.04 $725.76 $302.46 $230.58 $18,611.76 $291.36 $4,125.88 $611.76 $306.00 Page 208 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille VAN DER KOOY VAN DRIEL VAN KERKWIJK VAN LIESHOUT VAN LIESHOUT-COOLEN VANDER KRAATS VANDERBURG VANLERBERGHE VARMUZA VECCHIO VEDADI VENERIS VERBRUGGHE VERMA VERMA Given Name/ Prénom DEREK HENRY MARTEN PASCAL MARIA RONALD WILLEM GREG SUSANNAH FRANK MASOUD ANDREAS MICHELLE ANNE ANIL SARITA University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto VEUGELERS VICEDO CASTELLO VIETH VINE VIOLA VIPOND VIRAG VIRAG VIRANI VOINIGESCU VOKAS VOLPE VOVK VU VUKOV VYAS WADDAMS WAGNER WAGNER WAHID WAKEFIELD WALCOTT JACK MARIA REINHOLD RITA LYNNE ROBERT BALINT GABOR SHAFIQUE SORIN VICKI RICHARD EUGENIA DO ANH AUGUSTIN ANIL STEPHEN HELENE SUSAN AIDA SARAH RINALDO University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKS WALLACE WALLACE WALSH WALTER GILBERT JOHN DOUGLAS KALEY SALLY ALAN JAMES JOHN DENIS CAMERON Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor of Physics Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Professor, Speech-Language Pathology Manager, Business and Administration Director, Business Services, New College Professor of Civil Engineering Professor and Chair of Biological Sciences Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Chair, Student Life Senior Research Associate, Structural Genomics Consortium Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Director, Student Housing and Residence Life, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor, Family & Community Medicine, Deputy Dean, Associate Vice-Provost, Health Professions Education Professor of Sociology Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology Faculty Liaison and Information Literacy Coordinator Professor of History Professor of Political Science Professor of Computer & Mathematical Sciences Professor of Management Professor and Chair, Historical Studies Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stanley Ho Professorship in Microelectronics Manager, Portfolio Services Professor of Education Commercialization Manager Assistant Director, Information Technology Senior Lecturer Director, Technology Resource Centre Professor of Law Professor of Biology Senior Tutor, Speech-Language Pathology Professor of Management Professor of Geography Professor of Education, Chair, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice , Special Advisor to the Dean on Equity and Accessibility Professor of Chemistry Manager Mechanical Operations and Maintenance Professor of Physics Registrar and Assistant Principal, New College Professor and Associate Chair, Geography Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor of Education Professor of Philosophy Professor of Music Salary Paid/ Traitement $170,722.08 $196,745.87 $162,253.98 $151,214.94 $111,680.53 $181,277.24 $179,759.99 $160,595.56 $148,666.50 $191,419.02 $137,810.79 $157,501.98 $109,389.75 $259,730.13 $230,065.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $611.76 $535.68 $306.00 $204.00 $306.00 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $306.00 $267.84 $2,817.88 $8,207.88 $138,553.50 $108,531.95 $110,371.27 $126,558.30 $169,778.94 $198,812.00 $157,209.96 $184,165.50 $141,464.94 $205,792.86 $114,984.24 $161,797.50 $110,974.47 $101,935.42 $125,485.98 $117,137.30 $278,913.96 $118,322.94 $134,385.25 $117,499.98 $124,320.02 $156,442.50 $306.00 $277.49 $271.20 $303.30 $306.00 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $407.88 $611.76 $281.52 $306.00 $0.00 $230.92 $249.06 $286.74 $306.00 $289.80 $513.30 $153.00 $285.54 $611.76 $160,941.74 $112,513.44 $117,768.60 $122,731.77 $110,790.97 $211,958.58 $177,788.50 $145,407.98 $158,017.98 $306.00 $550.62 $512.64 $487.44 $393.20 $611.76 $441.92 $306.00 $306.00 Page 209 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille WAN WANE WANG WANG Given Name/ Prénom YUANYUAN NJOKI BELINDA JIABIN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto WANG WANG WANIA WARDLOW WARK WARLEY WATSON WATSON WATT WATTS WAY WDOWCZYK QING ZHIRUI FRANK HOLLY WESLEY CHRISTOPHER JEANNE WILLIAM VALERIE TANIA LUCAN ALAN FRANCES University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto WEBSTER WEBSTER WEI WEI WEINRIB WEINRIB WEIR WEIS WEISBERG WEISMAN WEISS WEISS WEISS WELLMAN WELLS WELLS WELLS WELLS WELSH WELSH WENSLEY FIONA JAMES JASON JOHN ERNEST LORRAINE ALISON ARTHUR JONATHAN KAREN PETER SHELLY WILLIAM BARRY GREG JAMES MATHEW PETER SANDY TIMOTHY ANTHONY University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto WEST-BURNS WESTWOOD WHEATON WHEELER WHEELER WHELAN WHERRETT WHITE WHITE NICOLE J. TIMOTHY BLAIR AARON MICHAEL DERMOT DIANE ALAN DANIEL Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Economics Professor of Education Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering Head, Engineering & Computer Science Library, Engineering & Computer Science Library Aerospace Resources Centre Professor of Finance Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Professor and Associate Chair of Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor of Anthropology Professor of History Professor of English Professor of Education, Associate Dean, Programs Lecturer Professor of Physiology and Director of Human Biology Program Professor, Immunology Professor of Political Sciences Director, Business Development & Special Advisor to the Chief Administrative Officer, University of Toronto Scarborough Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine Director of Finance Professor of Management Professor of Physics University Professor of Law Professor of Law Senior Lecturer, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Director, Koffler Scientific Reserve Professor of Philosophy Professor of English Senior Lecturer and Director, Engineering Communication Program Assistant Professor, Paediatrics Professor of Mathematical s and Computer Computational Sciences Professor of Sociology Professor of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Sociology and Vice-Dean, Arts & Science Associate Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education Professor of Management, Director Institute of Communication Culture and Information Technology School Services Director & Lecturer in Education Professor of Biology Professor of Sociology Professor of Chemistry Professor, Physiology Professor of Statistics Assistant Professor, Paediatrics Professor of Finance Professor of English Salary Paid/ Traitement $127,774.00 $177,751.02 $131,532.48 $107,303.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $288.30 $509.88 $306.00 $391.44 $260,274.58 $182,333.02 $139,486.03 $133,362.54 $154,156.23 $114,014.94 $186,142.62 $105,858.00 $134,483.06 $192,270.96 $111,172.89 $104,046.51 $1,225.76 $306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $725.76 $372.24 $611.76 $202.92 $306.00 $611.76 $595.32 $254.67 $116,240.00 $100,014.47 $235,753.56 $142,860.42 $280,488.97 $194,881.98 $132,862.00 $179,917.30 $105,043.94 $135,022.02 $113,631.00 $254,667.00 $154,295.04 $188,158.52 $107,685.00 $166,903.50 $104,063.39 $171,626.52 $190,596.50 $115,124.46 $196,933.04 $556.08 $326.37 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $725.76 $4,293.10 $26,509.76 $282.42 $509.88 $278.10 $509.88 $306.00 $306.00 $2,266.98 $515.88 $372.72 $725.76 $306.00 $281.82 $509.88 $100,350.21 $126,018.57 $189,594.42 $113,297.76 $161,128.02 $105,130.94 $263,424.96 $316,870.48 $115,770.50 $405.16 $407.88 $458.88 $306.00 $407.88 $257.56 $611.76 $725.76 $303.84 Page 210 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITESIDE WHITING WHITTINGTON WHYTE WHYTE WIECEK WIENER WIGDOR WIITASALO WILDE WILEY WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON WILLOWS WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON JR WILSON-PAUWELS WINKLBAUER WINNIK WINTERS WISEMAN WISEMAN WITTERICK WITTMANN WITTNICH WODCHIS WOHL WOJTOWICZ WOLEVER WOLFE WOLFF WOLFSON WOLLESEN WOLTHOFF WOMACK Given Name/ Prénom DAVID GRAHAM LINDA MASON CATHARINE ISOBEL JENNIFER STUART GLEN IAN IRENE JUDITH DANIEL SHIRLEY ANDREW RHYS MIKE CHARMAINE DAVID MELISSA PAUL ROBERT SHANE DALE DAVID JESSICA MARIE KATHLEEN LYNN-MARIE PETER SARAH STACEY RON LINDA RUDOLF MITCHELL KYLE MICHAEL NELSON IAN REBECCA CARIN WALTER VICTORIA J. MARTIN THOMAS DAVID JANE JUDITH JENS RONALD KENT Position/Poste Assistant Dean, Advancement Professor of Political Science Professor of Political Science Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design Professor, Medicine, Dean, Faculty of Medicine Professor of Philosophy Professor of Chemistry Professor of Organizational Behaviour Librarian, Deputy Chief Librarian Senior Lecturer, Management Professor of Education Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Art Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics Professor, Division of Anatomy, Department of Surgery Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Academic, Social Work Professor, Biochemistry Professor of Political Science Professor, Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Assistant Professor and Director of Computing Professor of Education Professor of History Professor of Philosophy Professor and Chair, Geography Associate Professor and Chair, Family and Community Medicine Associate Director, Finance, University of Toronto Libraries Professor of English Associate Director Senior Lecturer Professor of Biomedical Communications Professor of Cell and Systems Biology University Professor of Chemistry Executive Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations Manager, Server and Network Security Professor of Political Science Professor and Chair, Department of Otolaryngology Professor of Historical Studies Professor, Surgery and Director Cardiovascular Sciences Collaborative Program Professor of Health Policy Management and Evaluation Professor of Classics Professor, Physiology Professor, Nutritional Sciences Professor of Political Science Associate Professor Vice President, University Relations Professor of Art Professor of Economics Professor of Finance Salary Paid/ Traitement $154,032.01 $165,133.48 $140,448.54 $114,256.92 $392,565.96 $166,665.44 $183,787.08 $401,622.48 $128,132.98 $289,853.46 $167,380.98 $139,248.96 $106,566.04 $141,786.54 $165,843.00 $143,571.48 $168,814.44 $160,686.42 $159,582.47 $135,305.98 $158,405.25 $147,005.04 $127,719.54 $144,933.48 $182,442.46 $121,218.05 $106,806.17 $102,886.01 $114,143.58 $171,071.96 $154,342.02 $206,249.52 $183,256.76 $122,542.72 $156,539.04 $112,625.00 $119,416.30 $139,646.58 $124,110.87 $132,676.50 $151,903.44 $165,144.42 $186,189.52 $119,170.06 $366,039.00 $160,264.08 $122,744.04 $420,515.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $407.88 $623.88 $306.00 $690.84 $12,306.00 $611.76 $306.00 $611.76 $620.54 $306.00 $509.88 $512.58 $260.88 $611.76 $509.88 $4,024.00 $611.76 $611.76 $611.76 $4,829.76 $306.00 $725.76 $408.06 $306.00 $725.76 $296.73 $4,004.02 $251.85 $279.30 $363.66 $407.88 $306.00 $407.88 $292.56 $306.00 $244.80 $11,483.08 $306.00 $7,738.16 $306.00 $623.88 $306.00 $725.76 $791.72 $12,611.76 $306.00 $300.48 $611.76 Page 211 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille WONG WONG WONG WONG WONG WONG WOODIN WOODLAND WOODLAND WOODRUFF WOODS WOOLLEY WOOLRIDGE WORTLEY WORTMANN WRIGHT Given Name/ Prénom JOSEPH KEVIN LEWIS MOON HUNG WENDY WILLY MELANIE CINDY MALCOLM EARL NICOLA G. ANDREW NICHOLAS N. SCOT ULRICH ROBERT University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT IRVINE WROBEL WU WU WU WU WYNN XIA XIE XIE XIN XU YAMPOLSKY YAN YANG YANG YAO YASUI YATCHEW YE YEANG YEE YEE YEH YEOMANS YEOMANS YEUNG YI YIP SHELLEY ADAMS STEPHEN JUDITH PIOTR JAN GUANGHUI SONG XIAO YU YANQIN FRANCINE KAIWEN JIA LIN MING BAOHUA JING MICHAEL NING GUOJUN LIYAN FANG WILLIAM ADONIS MINLEI CHEN-PANG DAVID HOWARD KIMBERLY AN-JAN JOHN MARY-ELLEN HELEN BYEONG-UK CHRISTOPHER Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Political Science and Director of the Asian Institute Senior Network Management Specialist Electrical Systems Engineer Professor of Accounting Professor of Political Science Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Senior Lecturer, Pharmacology Professor of English Professor of Education Associate Director, Student Recruitment, Arts & Science Professor of Chemistry Professor and Director of Biomedical Communications Professor of Criminology Professor of Earth Sciences Associate Professor of Architecture, Landscape and Design and Associate Dean Research, and Program Director, Master of Landscape Architecture Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Faculty Registrar, Undergraduate Medical Education Professor of History and Kostanty Reynert Chair of Polish Studies Assistant Manager, Research Computing Analyst, Manager Selection and Portfolio Construction Professor of Pharmacy Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics Senior Lecturer and Director, Undergraduate Program Associate Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Organizational Behaviour Professor of English Professor Accounting Professor of Management Professor of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Professor of Forestry Professor of Biology Professor of Finance Professor of Statistics Senior Space Planner Professor of Economics Professor of Management Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology Information Technology Analyst Professor and Chair of Astronomy and Astrophysics Director, Program Services Office, Full Time Masters of Business Administration Professor of Psychology Assistant Dean, Integrative Planning and Chief Operating Officer Senior Financial Officer, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor of Philosophy Professor of Chemical Engineering Salary Paid/ Traitement $186,693.00 $101,781.77 $105,879.00 $138,986.02 $109,055.42 $162,949.60 $126,780.00 $147,255.83 $109,432.61 $152,423.97 $103,560.86 $167,689.92 $141,261.54 $150,908.50 $126,943.56 $164,029.98 $100,797.96 $122,820.00 $124,812.28 $150,538.44 $104,840.01 $105,792.88 $152,868.54 $133,911.00 $139,811.46 $110,087.08 $262,757.52 $105,174.46 $250,793.46 $191,050.98 $155,833.82 $130,580.46 $112,520.94 $236,943.06 $147,490.50 $109,384.79 $176,737.50 $244,918.54 $109,887.46 $109,602.52 $221,062.50 $100,654.78 $180,040.50 $255,623.43 $109,384.75 $131,951.48 $171,234.54 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $3,207.88 $207.26 $662.82 $5,413.88 $235.92 $623.88 $4,022.38 $306.00 $390.72 $611.76 $253.76 $611.76 $509.88 $4,329.76 $305.28 $611.76 $246.78 $598.92 $379.20 $611.76 $427.59 $290.40 $306.00 $306.00 $458.88 $492.84 $611.76 $358.38 $7,025.76 $407.88 $4,024.00 $3,898.76 $2,178.35 $306.00 $306.00 $522.60 $611.76 $306.00 $7,939.82 $520.02 $306.00 $246.42 $306.00 $725.76 $261.42 $306.84 $424.93 Page 212 of/de 311 University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto Surname/Nom de famille YONEYAMA YOO YOON YOSHIDA YOSHIOKA YOU YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YU YU YU YU YUAN HUNTER YUCEL YUDIN YUEN YUEN YUNUSOVA ZABJEK ZAKZANIS ZAMBLE ZAND ZANDSTRA ZARETSKY ZEE ZEMEL ZHANG ZHANG ZHANG Given Name/ Prénom LISA PAUL ALBERT KAREN KEIKO LIDAN KUE LIONEL TREVOR R. PAUL ERIC KATHLEEN PUI-MAN VICTOR WEI SHERRY YENI ANDREI DEREK SANDRA YANA KARL KONSTANTINE DEBORAH RACHEL PETER ARI ROBERT RICHARD PING WEIGUO WENRAN University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto University of Toronto ZHANG ZHANG ZHAO ZHAO ZHONG ZHOU ZHU ZHU ZHU ZHUO ZILCOSKY ZILMAN ZINATY ZINGG ZU ZUBERI ZULIANI XIAOAN ZHAOLEI MIN RONGMIN CHENBO ZHOU JIANWEN XIAODONG ZHONG HUA MIN JOHN ANTON GEORGETTE DAVID JEAN KHALID ELISA Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Professor of Women and Gender Studies Assistant Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering Professor of Law Associate Professor, Physical Therapy Professor of Cell and Systems Biology Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health Professor of Psychiatry Vice President, Research and Innovation Professor of Information Lecturer, Economics Sessional Lecturer Unit 3 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Research Council Chair Director, English Language Program, School of Continuing Studies Professor, Ophthalmology Professor of Chemistry Network Services UNIX Systems Programmer Director, Professional Practice Professor of Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Professor of Psychology Professor of Chemistry Director, Office of Research Ethics Professor of Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Director, Postgraduate Education Manager, Space Flight Laboratory Professor of Computer Science Professor of Accounting Professor of Sociology Senior Integrated Library System Database Administrator, Supervisor, East Asian Library Web Library Professor of Physical & Environmental Sciences Associate Professor, Banting and Best Department of Medical Research Professor of Marketing Professor of Biological Sciences Professor Organizational Behaviour Professor of Statistics Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor and Associate Chair Economics Portal Oracle Database Administrator Professor of Physiology Professor and Chair of Germanic Languages and Literature Professor of Physics Executive Director, Development and Alumni Relations, University of Toronto Scarborough Professor and Director of Aerospace Studies Professor and Chair of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Application Programmer/Analyst 5 Senior Lecturer, Accounting Salary Paid/ Traitement $138,034.50 $113,095.50 $216,202.98 $145,484.94 $130,202.47 $145,584.10 $231,110.04 $154,571.52 $283,180.00 $126,520.36 $119,729.50 $131,670.02 $173,477.58 $122,191.00 $173,000.04 $149,890.50 $102,890.78 $111,841.72 $114,614.04 $104,710.98 $162,689.54 $139,705.56 $108,410.97 $190,170.02 $121,021.96 $149,562.48 $174,379.50 $272,568.46 $117,781.56 $116,161.58 $104,634.96 $155,749.01 $209,924.49 $109,308.48 $221,784.76 $106,933.50 $151,625.04 $164,269.02 $105,401.53 $215,318.52 $169,593.00 $113,101.98 $149,104.55 $224,398.02 $198,834.50 $102,134.31 $236,219.09 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $611.76 $276.90 $5,907.88 $306.00 $307.62 $725.76 $407.88 $306.00 $14,306.00 $407.88 $245.82 $7,900.20 $8,047.76 $4,707.22 $407.88 $306.00 $457.38 $547.38 $2,680.56 $256.38 $306.00 $5,606.00 $530.52 $3,893.76 $255.16 $306.00 $306.00 $3,289.88 $288.30 $394.86 $4,059.46 $6,086.00 $7,349.01 $267.54 $306.00 $261.96 $509.88 $306.00 $1,014.61 $306.00 $306.00 $276.96 $306.00 $725.76 $306.00 $250.13 $603.18 Page 213 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Toronto University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - 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SHEILA L. GORDON PAULO S. ADIL RICHARD DANIEL WILLIAM A. WILLIAM B. ROBERT JEAN WILLIAM K. SUSAN RAMON O. DEREK R. HOWARD M. MARIE RAE JOSE JOANNE MARC HANY CHRIS DIANNE PETER MICHAEL M. L. DAYAN D. SATIPRASAD HARVIR S. GLADIMIR JAMES A. ANDREW JAMES TIMOTHY MONICA DAVID R. OTMAN NEILL BRUCE DIPANJAN JONATHAN BYRON WEBER Position/Poste Professor and Chair of Management Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Director, Police Services Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate University Secretary Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Director, Operations Cooperative Education & Career Action Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Institutional Research Lecturer Project Director, Cooperative Education & Career Action Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $257,872.62 $144,532.92 $126,949.72 $103,743.00 $140,119.72 $108,505.60 $149,820.12 $107,746.64 $135,489.64 $156,689.84 $143,257.76 $138,573.00 $119,774.08 $122,500.00 $113,615.76 $153,098.84 $114,878.08 $103,200.00 $153,475.08 $119,932.24 $113,873.55 $130,277.52 $127,500.04 $168,264.16 $109,557.86 $115,419.84 $148,270.72 $116,375.64 $148,150.01 $163,679.32 $114,076.16 $100,100.48 $111,708.16 $137,065.36 $146,878.04 $163,199.96 $156,946.52 $159,513.92 $101,895.40 $177,229.28 $162,153.60 $127,043.00 $144,925.48 $146,794.04 $125,047.08 $108,775.24 $104,576.72 $118,467.56 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $7,925.74 $361.92 $195.32 $155.76 $209.00 $379.44 $452.36 $267.04 $408.68 $225.92 $214.52 $491.40 $0.00 $321.04 $399.24 $526.40 $401.36 $153.24 $223.32 $418.72 $389.48 $198.80 $192.20 $252.40 $343.96 $403.52 $233.68 $405.52 $481.28 $238.68 $168.72 $348.44 $166.04 $459.48 $515.52 $575.20 $505.80 $225.48 $254.20 $240.88 $0.00 $187.12 $508.60 $514.80 $436.56 $163.40 $140.56 $414.48 Page 214 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BECKS BEDI BEESLEY BEN-DAVID BERBERICH BERNARD BERRY BESNER BHATTACHARYA BIEDL BIGELOW BIRD BIRKETT BISHOP BISSONNETTE BIZHEVA BLIGHT BLIT BLOOM BLOWES BOAKE BOBIER BOBOCEL BOEHMER BOEHRINGER BOHNS BOLS BONNER BOOKBINDER BORDELEAU BORITZ BORKOWSKI BOUMAIZA BOURQUE BOUTABA BOYCHUK BRECHT BRENNER BRISLEY BRITTON BROCK BRODLAND BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BRUCE Given Name/ Prénom DARREN SANJEEV PHILLIP SHAI GREGORY PAUL CAROLE DANIEL DEREK KANKAR THERESE PHILIP FREDERICK STEPHEN WILLIAM D. CAREY KOSTADINKA JAMES JOEL N. KATHLEEN DAVID W. TERESA WILLIAM R. RAMONA R. KEVIN MICHAEL VANESSA NIELS C. KIERAN JAMES H. ANNE JEFIM EFRIM MICHAEL SLIM STEVEN ROBERT RAOUF GERARD TIMOTHY THOMAS E. NEIL JANE GARY G. WAYNE DANIEL G. DOUGLAS J. GRAHAM K. STEPHEN KAREEN E. GARY Position/Poste Vice President, Administration St. Jerome's University College Professor Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Managing Director, Water Institute Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Assistant Professor Professor Manager, Computing Systems Integration Associate Professor Network Support Specialist Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor, Renison University College Associate Professor Archivist, Special Collections Manager, Strategic Initiatives Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Principal, St Paul's University College Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $136,710.65 $166,841.36 $136,217.84 $162,718.68 $118,339.16 $113,280.96 $182,370.92 $148,368.64 $151,006.28 $103,529.32 $133,876.16 $142,472.60 $140,480.92 $119,658.12 $120,912.17 $106,317.48 $187,787.24 $108,037.12 $135,673.76 $174,892.20 $148,530.64 $165,074.36 $145,211.40 $108,894.68 $122,872.14 $108,190.40 $175,090.68 $159,390.84 $155,948.12 $108,674.16 $193,457.52 $106,171.60 $125,793.84 $101,388.73 $164,292.40 $155,672.08 $149,613.16 $155,962.64 $192,216.28 $101,626.12 $114,073.96 $165,629.96 $151,740.56 $124,848.04 $177,945.84 $199,515.72 $176,945.20 $127,043.92 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $460.56 $551.04 $475.08 $583.40 $154.56 $163.64 $687.68 $562.12 $520.44 $115.28 $327.68 $0.00 $491.44 $173.52 $229.76 $158.16 $236.60 $378.80 $232.00 $396.40 $220.48 $527.60 $509.24 $162.84 $191.65 $162.12 $659.20 $541.36 $233.88 $370.20 $237.76 $160.04 $438.04 $139.12 $575.68 $200.96 $224.68 $478.54 $31,516.36 $357.60 $399.80 $31,248.56 $315.68 $186.16 $991.04 $614.08 $500.24 $383.24 Page 215 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BRUSH BUDMAN BUHR BURBIDGE BURKOWSKI BURN BURNS BURRIS BUSCH BUSS BUTLER CAI CAI CALAMAI CALARCO CALLAGHAN CAMERON CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CANIZARES CAPUTO CARR CARRINGTON CARTWRIGHT CARTY CARVALHO CASCANTE CASE CASELLO CHAN CHAN CHANDRASHEKAR CHANG CHAPPELL CHARLES CHARTERS CHATZIS CHAUDHURI CHAUSSE CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHENOURI Given Name/ Prénom DAVID J. HECTOR PETER A. JOHN FORBES J. DONALD H. CATHERINE CHRIS LUTZ-ALEXANDER JONATHAN F. BARBARA J. JUN KEVIN G. PAUL H. PASCAL VINCENT JACK P. ALLAN JAMES ROY BRUCE HELEN SHARON MELANIE C. SUE ANN CLAUDIO ALDO PETER PETER J. GLENN F. ARTHUR J. EMANUEL GIOVANNI LORI M. JEFFREY M. EDWARD P. F. TIMOTHY NAVEEN FENG ANDREA R. TREVOR C. DARREN IOANNIS SUJEET K. PIERRE CHANGLING HELEN PU TAO ZHENG-YU ZHONGWEI SHOJA'EDDIN Position/Poste Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor, Renison University College Professor Associate University Librarian, Digital & Discovery Services Professor Professor Director, Network Services Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Director, Online Learning Lecturer Professor Principal, Renison University College Executive Director, Waterloo Institute for Nanotechnology Associate Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Director, Instructional Technology & Multi-Media Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $119,479.28 $160,934.04 $162,268.56 $167,306.40 $158,570.00 $174,636.80 $126,560.00 $123,617.64 $156,687.68 $135,058.88 $110,633.94 $124,733.72 $104,027.96 $156,376.00 $107,802.48 $161,607.12 $107,929.16 $122,237.64 $132,208.91 $148,972.40 $156,502.08 $194,579.80 $102,459.04 $132,116.16 $146,211.24 $165,000.00 $200,000.04 $180,026.84 $155,404.48 $104,731.48 $134,028.44 $144,719.84 $162,186.36 $113,787.76 $129,936.16 $121,294.08 $145,159.24 $135,286.48 $162,724.56 $203,206.84 $105,269.76 $179,468.40 $107,090.84 $152,594.16 $102,937.08 $164,218.76 $113,379.01 $107,848.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $417.92 $548.64 $570.24 $575.24 $238.44 $242.72 $213.48 $180.24 $288.04 $213.36 $159.48 $435.44 $168.74 $532.64 $161.88 $220.04 $523.40 $427.88 $384.08 $559.04 $532.52 $617.28 $358.56 $422.32 $219.20 $588.88 $0.00 $549.48 $526.96 $156.96 $429.92 $510.16 $243.12 $169.56 $194.08 $424.88 $452.72 $175.36 $567.80 $661.96 $366.96 $524.48 $134.73 $513.16 $257.60 $533.40 $275.92 $375.32 Page 216 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CHERIYAN CHESNEY CHILDS CHONG CHOU CHRISTIAN CLAPP CLARKE CLAUSI CLEVE COHEN COLEMAN COLEMAN COLLINGTON COLLINS COLLINS CONANT CONIGLIO CONNOLLY COOK COOLMAN COOPER COPELAND CORMACK CORY COSKUN COTTON COUTU COWAN COZZARIN CRAIG CRAIK CROISET CRONIN CROWLEY CSIMA CUENCA CUI CUKIER CULHAM CUNNINGHAM CURRY CURTIS CZARNECKI DABBAGH D'AILLY D'ALESSIO DAMEN Given Name/ Prénom JOSEPH WILLIAM ANDREW MACGREGO MICHAEL J. CHIH-HSIUNG P. LISA JENNIFER CHARLES L. A. DAVID A. RICHARD ROBIN TOM WILLIAM DONALD TARA KAREN MICHAEL BERNADETTE MARIO TRISTANNE RICHARD J. JASON ANDREW F. ROBERT GORDON V. DAVID D. G. ALTAY CECILIA JOAN M WILLIAM B. BRIAN JAMES J. R. ALASTAIR NEIL ERIC DUANE SUSAN M. S. BARBARA B. F. JAVIER BO JUDITH RICHARD J. WILLIAM PHILIP A. LORI KRZYSZTOF MOHAMED-YAHIA HSIAO SERGE MOHAMED O. Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Clinical Lecturer Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Canadian Water Network Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Director, Alumni Affairs Professor Director, Athletics Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Strategic Initiatives Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor, Renison University College Associate Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $135,386.00 $155,004.00 $123,845.24 $156,319.44 $139,268.08 $126,600.27 $163,415.12 $156,344.48 $151,697.40 $178,978.64 $200,216.32 $250,424.04 $182,114.76 $108,500.00 $100,741.36 $137,704.44 $108,000.00 $165,555.48 $106,556.72 $188,629.28 $103,369.36 $157,023.64 $131,995.84 $173,123.56 $255,683.52 $100,253.88 $105,798.68 $131,209.60 $173,800.72 $129,213.72 $121,847.08 $132,648.20 $154,068.64 $142,011.72 $155,766.56 $108,331.76 $151,855.16 $120,246.48 $110,173.00 $191,019.40 $104,095.62 $116,175.32 $138,577.36 $152,833.00 $112,065.20 $142,222.99 $159,073.48 $131,477.24 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $514.40 $552.80 $169.32 $548.32 $451.48 $429.88 $523.00 $563.80 $515.28 $245.36 $261.12 $727.56 $236.40 $167.72 $149.60 $342.76 $385.20 $293.44 $158.40 $254.88 $363.52 $550.52 $197.92 $607.72 $309.32 $378.00 $145.28 $186.64 $261.68 $451.76 $415.76 $181.40 $357.92 $369.24 $210.56 $377.32 $228.16 $179.36 $384.00 $254.88 $225.85 $404.72 $483.92 $498.72 $269.84 $427.92 $721.12 $196.44 Page 217 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DANCKERT DAUB DAUN DAVIDSON DAVISON DAWSON DAY-HAMILTON DE JUAN DE LOE DE STERCK DEADMAN DESROCHES DEVAUD DEVIDI DI GRAVIO DIAMOND DICICCIO DIECKMANN DIMARCO DIMITROV DIXON DIXON DIXON DMITRIENKO DOBERSTEIN DOHERTY DONAHUE DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOYLE DREKIC DRYSDALE DUBIN DUEVER DUGUAY DUHAMEL DUIMERING DUMANCIC DUMBLETON DUNCKER DUPONT DUPUIS DYBENKO EAGLES EASTON ECCLESTONE EDEN Given Name/ Prénom JAMES ELISABETH KYLE J. KENNETH R. DANIEL LORNE TOBI L. JOSEPH ROB HANS J. M. PETER J. FRED CECILE B. DAVID M. KATRINA A. JAMES VIC THORSTEN CHRYSANNE STANKO BRIAN GEORGE MICHAEL J. GARY I. BRENT PAUL PETER ALAN V. S. HEATHER PETER MATTHEW STEVE MAUREEN JOEL A. THOMAS A. CLAUDE R. JEAN P. ROBERT MARKO T. KATHRYN BERNARD CHRISTINE SHERRY GINNY PAUL F. J. FRASER ANDREW MIKE Position/Poste Associate Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Director, Communications & External Relations Institute for Quantum Computing Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Professor Director, Organization & Human Development Professor Director, Institute for Computer Research Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Vice President, University Research Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor, Renison University College Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Mapping, Analysis & Design Research Associate Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Executive Director, Stratford Campus Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $128,906.04 $106,266.04 $119,656.48 $185,460.00 $146,050.44 $154,064.06 $100,819.40 $132,895.48 $159,998.00 $117,347.59 $126,000.02 $158,475.02 $130,729.12 $138,425.34 $119,036.34 $125,075.40 $152,823.92 $111,346.88 $135,762.12 $105,169.44 $151,825.56 $261,378.50 $148,422.68 $151,097.84 $102,783.28 $139,000.36 $102,645.04 $156,671.62 $122,300.00 $159,281.84 $116,287.72 $124,385.64 $110,070.64 $116,320.96 $177,525.24 $140,881.76 $128,829.80 $140,931.95 $106,197.32 $133,683.32 $126,016.56 $110,205.56 $137,114.80 $230,000.04 $158,836.38 $132,109.48 $102,644.36 $109,399.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $191.96 $371.92 $416.36 $648.40 $206.64 $520.84 $352.96 $439.32 $525.20 $441.40 $424.84 $547.28 $195.32 $466.24 $349.42 $196.60 $482.12 $379.24 $505.40 $156.92 $476.72 $7,940.16 $514.92 $530.40 $350.28 $489.08 $153.76 $226.96 $413.44 $99,557.92 $405.08 $433.88 $382.16 $405.52 $425.56 $533.16 $448.64 $205.20 $373.00 $467.44 $187.72 $354.44 $197.16 $350.88 $543.20 $425.68 $133.48 $157.04 Page 218 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille EDGINTON EDWARDS EDWARDS EIBACH EL SHATSHAT ELHEDHLI ELIASMITH ELKAMEL ELKAS ELLARD ELLIOTT ELLIS EL-SAADANY EMELKO EMERSON ENDRES ENGELHARDT ENGELKE ENGLISH ENNS EPP ERENAY ERKORKMAZ ESMAEILI EVANS EWERT FABER FEHR FEICK FELTMATE FENG FENN FENTON FERGUSON FERNANDES FICH FIDAN FIEGUTH FILION FILLION FISCHMEISTER FLANAGAN FLUTTERT FOLDVARI FONDACARO FONG FORAND FORREST Given Name/ Prénom ANDREA DAVID THOMAS W. D. RICHARD RAMADAN A. SAMIR CHRISTOPHER ALI LEE A. COLIN G. SUSAN DONNA EHAB F. MONICA B. JOSEPH ANTHONY L. HEIDI ERICK E. ELIZABETH LEONARD J. MARLENE G. FATIH KAAN SHAHRZAD STEPHEN G. LOWELL RIEMER CARLA ROBERT BLAIR XIANSHE MAVIS SHIRLEY BARRY MYRA MICHEL BARIS PAUL PIERRE ERIC SEBASTIAN JOHN G. PAMELA E. MARIANNA ROCCO A. GEOFFREY T. JEAN GUILLAUME BRIAN EDMOND Position/Poste Assistant Professor Hallman Director, School of Pharmacy Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Professor Director, Food Services Associate Professor Dean Applied Health Sciences Director, Centre for Teaching Excellence Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Director, Engineering Computing Associate Professor Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Peace & Conflict Studies, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor, St. Paul's University College Managing Director, Waterloo Institute for Health Informatics Research Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Information Systems Specialist Professor Director, Student & Faculty Relations, Cooperative Education & Career Action Professor Assistant Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $105,936.80 $231,979.04 $140,859.30 $118,312.00 $111,343.76 $138,636.50 $146,443.48 $140,773.92 $122,130.00 $145,002.22 $195,399.12 $120,018.60 $153,783.00 $135,308.02 $128,420.71 $127,053.48 $104,020.08 $108,842.72 $133,419.00 $150,997.96 $108,415.00 $103,892.68 $125,225.76 $126,669.28 $151,961.28 $123,719.64 $142,739.68 $123,375.92 $112,256.12 $153,122.54 $161,769.72 $108,465.00 $109,688.44 $124,492.68 $123,104.02 $139,499.76 $115,024.52 $160,114.40 $155,766.24 $126,177.04 $123,922.36 $191,884.71 $100,658.95 $182,701.24 $132,385.00 $156,830.32 $111,443.84 $168,295.32 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $368.20 $330.68 $228.84 $411.56 $166.64 $494.20 $510.12 $512.56 $396.90 $495.12 $616.08 $180.28 $208.40 $477.84 $392.12 $442.68 $343.16 $163.36 $199.44 $787.88 $432.44 $154.88 $436.64 $442.00 $516.12 $637.72 $498.44 $177.48 $0.00 $200.03 $522.92 $795.24 $275.40 $170.28 $417.04 $199.08 $401.16 $377.64 $584.48 $440.24 $184.80 $575.44 $250.51 $588.08 $462.16 $549.40 $167.36 $574.28 Page 219 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille FORREST FORREST FORSEY FORSYTH FOWLER FRANCQ FRANK FRAPE FRASER FRAYNE FREDDO FREELAND FREEMAN FRICK FRIEDMAN FU FUGELSANG FUKASAWA FULLER FUNK FURINO GALLOWAY GARCIA GARCIA GARG GAUDET GAUTHIER GAVIN GEBOTYS GEELEN GEL GEOFFREY GEORGE GERLICH GHODSI BOUSHEHRI GIBSON GIESBRECHT GILLHAM GINGRAS GLERUM GLICK GLINKA GLOVER GODFREY GODSIL GOLAB GOLDBERG GOLDTHORPE Given Name/ Prénom JAMES TRACEY ROBBIN STEVEN P. PETER MICHAEL ALAIN JAMES SHAUN ROYDON A. BRUCE THOMAS KEITH GEORGE H. PETER ORI LIPING F. JONATHAN RICARDO J. DAVID NATHAN STEVEN C. THOMAS JOHN M. ROBERTA LILLIAN SIDDHARTH VINCENT MARIO MARYANN P. CATHERINE JAMES F. YULIA CRAIG J. ALAN ADRIAN ALI ROBERT B. MARK ROBERT W. MICHEL MOIRA BERNARD R. GRZEGORZ TROY D. MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER D. LUKASZ IAN IRENE Position/Poste Professor Director, Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Managing Director, Institute for Nanotechnology Vice President & Academic Dean, St. Jerome's University Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Professor, St. Paul's University College Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Lecturer Director, Custodial & Grounds Associate Professor Associate Vice-President, Advancement Relations Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Senior Director, Donor Relations & Advancement Services Professor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Provost, Information Systems & Technology Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Executive Director, Water Institute Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $170,352.09 $106,894.32 $111,600.72 $184,091.52 $152,469.64 $108,649.08 $188,683.08 $151,619.84 $165,162.36 $101,950.08 $228,037.08 $108,363.12 $167,768.00 $115,786.12 $107,749.28 $134,168.36 $114,738.84 $101,649.84 $168,124.34 $106,502.32 $130,961.72 $121,495.16 $171,074.64 $137,700.00 $104,762.60 $132,343.68 $144,944.60 $103,912.60 $153,509.08 $166,048.04 $113,429.21 $102,867.64 $135,990.18 $103,020.04 $109,698.08 $164,819.00 $161,134.72 $110,000.00 $166,278.28 $138,545.36 $168,516.80 $156,873.60 $114,698.26 $131,741.02 $148,830.06 $118,068.20 $136,677.64 $103,960.28 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $508.76 $160.44 $390.60 $633.08 $222.96 $163.44 $664.03 $532.96 $247.44 $354.60 $539.52 $380.88 $230.32 $799.56 $370.40 $470.08 $391.16 $354.00 $580.04 $416.60 $328.04 $426.68 $218.92 $0.00 $155.96 $439.44 $508.32 $365.04 $529.20 $233.72 $173.36 $123.18 $0.00 $363.12 $381.20 $565.72 $552.96 $0.00 $234.40 $208.12 $252.80 $551.44 $392.36 $504.64 $565.16 $177.32 $470.52 $154.96 Page 220 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille GONG GOODWIN GORBET GORBET GORECKI GOULDEN GOVE GRACIE GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAY GREENBERG GREENBERG GU GUENIN GUILD GUILLEMETTE GUNZ GZARA HA HAAS HADLEY HALDENBY HALL HALL HAMDULLAHPUR HAMMOND HAMPTON HANCOCK HANCOCK HANNING HANSEN CUNNINGHAM HANSSON HARA HARDER HARDY HARE HARE HARRIGAN HARRIS HASAN HASLETT HAVITZ HAXELL HAYES HE HECKMAN HEGAZI Given Name/ Prénom GUANG DAVID MAUD B. ROBERT B. TADEUSZ IAN P. LORI ROBERT B. KENNETH SANDRA LAURA BRUCE M. JOEL S. FRANK BERTRAND PAUL D. JOSEPH SARAH P. FATMA BAE-YEUN CARL THOMAS KENNETH D. ERIC R. M. PETER A. ROLAND I. FERIDUN DAVID CLARK MARK PATRICIA RHONA GAIL CAROLYN M. KIMIE DOUGLAS W. MARY R. KATHRYN E. KEVIN G. KEVIN RANDY ANWARUL K. MARK MARK PENELOPE EVELYN GEOFFREY QI-MING GEORGE G. A. W. TAREK Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Dean, Mathematics Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations Assistant Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Vice President Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Clinical Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor President Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Manager, Financial Reporting Associate Professor Director, Housing Facilities & Finance Professor Professor, Renison University College Lecturer Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor University Librarian Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $151,675.60 $142,316.68 $123,359.20 $138,181.44 $142,303.00 $209,750.72 $102,006.52 $109,245.20 $128,988.12 $109,925.36 $110,727.46 $147,172.44 $150,582.44 $127,088.73 $141,266.92 $173,566.32 $138,173.21 $182,317.00 $117,893.68 $112,217.96 $164,530.08 $131,337.48 $179,662.32 $103,703.16 $133,268.66 $399,999.96 $123,619.92 $167,244.04 $107,759.40 $112,692.80 $147,938.56 $115,650.92 $177,898.68 $140,965.96 $122,268.96 $196,807.65 $168,526.60 $115,973.60 $114,676.96 $156,888.28 $154,602.30 $168,584.40 $149,789.94 $154,404.64 $134,525.56 $147,908.73 $142,927.40 $143,656.76 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $379.44 $496.28 $429.92 $464.32 $474.72 $738.20 $153.00 $375.44 $449.80 $31,164.76 $665.72 $516.36 $529.00 $179.52 $339.48 $581.24 $465.56 $569.36 $175.92 $391.04 $554.64 $460.56 $255.80 $154.56 $442.44 $21,426.92 $425.12 $462.12 $156.92 $166.60 $507.92 $405.56 $267.92 $201.98 $166.04 $400.76 $582.68 $165.68 $176.16 $534.36 $586.44 $589.84 $511.12 $231.40 $454.84 $364.44 $183.28 $31,215.12 Page 221 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HEIKKILA HELLEINER HELLINGA HELMES-HAYES HENGARTNER HENNEKE HEPPLER HEUNIS HEWITT HICKS HILL HIPEL HIRDES HIRSCHKOP HO HOCHSTETLER HOEY HOFFMAN-GOETZ HOLMES HOLT HOLYOAK HOMER-DIXON HONEK HORTON HOUSTON HOVIS HRYNCHAK HUANG HUBER HUCK HUDSON HUGHSON HUISSOON HULL HUNT HUTCHINGS IDZIAK ILCAN ILLMAN INAL INCE INGALLS INSLEY INWOOD IOANNIDIS IRVING ISMAIL JACKSON Given Name/ Prénom JOHN J. ERIC BRUCE RICHARD C. URS DALE E. GLENN R. ANDREW J. CONRAD ROBERT J. H. ROBERT W. KEITH W. JOHN KENNETH K. PIN-HAN KATHRYN JESSE LAURIE REID RICHARD TODD THOMAS F. JOHN F. SUSAN E. ANDREW JEFFERY K. PATRICIA K. ALAN DENNIS PETER M. MICHAEL RICHARD L. JAN PAUL KENNETH R. ANDREW E. NATALIE STEFAN SUZAN WALTER KAAN WILLIAM C. W. BRIAN MARGARET SCOTT MARIOS ELIZABETH FATHY M. TIM J. Position/Poste Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Director, Client Services, Information Systems & Technology Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Provost, Graduate Studies Associate Professor Associate Professor Clinical Lecturer Assistant Professor Vice-President, Administration & Finance Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Director, Computer Science Computing Facility Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Commercialization Professor Professor Professor Vice-President, University Relations Salary Paid/ Traitement $174,430.32 $145,516.88 $149,733.32 $134,921.44 $108,074.52 $125,939.28 $166,223.76 $158,516.28 $153,668.00 $116,207.76 $118,777.08 $184,839.56 $154,818.72 $140,203.14 $127,273.24 $142,990.84 $126,816.00 $161,800.07 $114,159.04 $173,902.68 $102,560.52 $188,945.64 $178,293.76 $193,775.64 $106,545.16 $150,964.64 $144,590.68 $173,394.84 $250,551.70 $172,179.32 $143,763.04 $180,544.20 $167,085.07 $137,126.32 $130,230.20 $133,302.08 $141,175.20 $145,517.78 $134,141.56 $128,325.80 $116,766.52 $129,115.12 $139,970.16 $136,838.48 $165,486.04 $140,712.84 $198,521.54 $293,666.72 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $559.28 $531.32 $511.04 $470.92 $189.60 $439.76 $583.16 $556.12 $458.96 $405.72 $177.08 $649.36 $560.87 $532.12 $190.16 $195.36 $189.16 $404.30 $38.56 $0.00 $360.32 $574.36 $583.12 $505.76 $152.44 $349.20 $507.36 $520.04 $855.96 $552.04 $469.68 $597.68 $565.48 $735.80 $453.76 $181.92 $482.56 $504.24 $468.24 $447.44 $175.92 $185.60 $193.72 $205.96 $31,214.36 $185.68 $648.28 $271.68 Page 222 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille JAHEDMOTLAGH JAO JARVIE JAWORSKY JAYARAM JAYASUNDERA JELOKHANI-NIARAKI JENNEWEIN JENNINGS JERNIGAN JERVIS JESSUP JEWKES JHA JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JONES JONES JONES JOSEPH JUDGE KAMEL KAPLAN KARANASSIOS KARIGIANNIS KARIM KARRAY KARSAN KARSTEN KARTTUNEN KATTIDES KAY KAZERANI KEIR KELLER KELLER KELLY KELLY KEMPF KENNEDY KENNINGS KENYON KESHAV KHAJEPOUR KHAMESEE KHANDANI Given Name/ Prénom HAMIDREZA DAVID PEGGY JOHN S. SHESHAKAMAL ROHAN LYNNE THOMAS MARY JANE A. MARVIN EDWARD ERIC LINDA LOUISE ELIZABETH M. RANJINI DAVID A. LAURA C. DIANE ROSS DEBORAH A. LYNDON MAUREEN JAMIE LYNN MOHAMED S. CRAIG VASSILI SPIRO KARIM S. FAKHREDDINE ALNOOR Z. MARTIN MIKKO MARY LOUISE PAUL MEHRDAD NANCY J. HEATHER SALLIE ANN KHIM RICHARD ACHIM DUANE B. ANDREW TIMOTHY SRINIVASAN AMIR BEHRAD AMIR KEYVAN Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Executive Director, Cooperative Education & Career Action Assistant Professor Professor Lecturer Executive Officer, Faculty of Arts Associate Professor Director, Institutional Analysis & Planning Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Research Finance Director Employer Relations - Core Accounts Cooperative Education & Career Action Clinical Lecturer Professor Director, Student Awards & Financial Aid Assistant Professor Director, Graduate Academic Services Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor International Manager Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Senior Clinical Scientist Professor Vice-President Academic & Provost Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $148,914.56 $111,436.76 $186,287.32 $117,549.48 $162,693.96 $116,428.12 $103,050.64 $112,823.48 $140,952.32 $188,218.68 $121,010.44 $106,503.28 $167,823.48 $216,701.08 $145,288.60 $141,613.20 $117,611.84 $133,652.80 $153,153.89 $170,752.52 $105,020.28 $114,379.76 $118,773.76 $190,778.36 $150,539.80 $146,576.88 $101,005.80 $130,851.76 $163,225.10 $108,713.28 $123,915.12 $112,994.12 $122,742.38 $148,710.96 $144,845.68 $146,362.54 $156,060.00 $293,333.36 $119,968.31 $151,555.68 $159,429.16 $182,286.12 $132,648.28 $141,877.32 $179,366.72 $175,348.88 $134,655.88 $195,117.91 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $494.44 $387.84 $279.28 $176.40 $570.16 $404.80 $154.28 $255.40 $494.76 $569.43 $470.80 $257.28 $251.44 $238.48 $364.12 $211.84 $409.88 $467.00 $507.20 $532.16 $262.60 $170.16 $178.48 $453.52 $498.48 $514.76 $150.12 $459.24 $554.44 $382.28 $480.52 $169.60 $196.00 $523.00 $496.80 $181.12 $550.08 $8,100.87 $205.56 $502.96 $368.08 $397.52 $197.84 $456.16 $578.32 $547.52 $336.12 $596.48 Page 223 of/de 311 University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Surname/Nom de famille KIBBLE KIESWETTER KIMBERLEY KIRKLAND KIRTON KLASSEN KLASSEN KLEINKE KNIGHT KNIGHT KOEHLER KOENEMANN KOFMAN KOHANDEL KOLKIEWICZ KOO KRAFT KRIVODONOVA KULIC KUNTZ KUO KUZNIAR KWON KYCIA LABAHN LABRECHE LAC-BRISLEY Given Name/ Prénom DAVID C. LINDA SHARON DEREK E. DOUGLAS KENNETH NORMAN HOLGER DREW D. MARK A. DEREK J. JOCHEN JONATHAN D. MOHAMMAD ADAM W. BONWOO B. DEBORAH LILIA DANICA MICHAEL LAWRENC WENTANG ALICE HYOCK JU JAN GEORGE TAMMY CATHY University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo LACKENBAUER LAFLAMME LAIKEN LAKSHMINARAYANAN LAM LAM LAMB LAMBECK LAMBERT LAMONT LAMONT LANDRIAULT LANK LARSON LAU LAVIGNE LAWRENCE LAWSON LEAT LEATHERDALE WHITNEY RAYMOND STANLEY N. VASUDEVAN JEAN-PAUL PATRICK KEVIN G. MONICA LEONI STEPHAN B. SHARON L. J. VICTORIA DAVID EDWARD KATHERINE EVA KENNETH A. JOHN W. KATE SUSAN SCOTT Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Director, Information Systems Academic Support & Ancillaries Associate Vice-President, Principal Gifts Regional Manager, Cooperative Education & Career Action Information Systems Specialist Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Director, Global Alliances Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Director, Contract Research & Industrial Grants Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Clinical Lecturer Director, Employer Relations Integrated and International Accounts, Cooperative Education & Career Action Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Organizational Services, Library Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer University Registrar Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $121,064.08 $194,589.64 $110,078.48 $109,161.64 $111,863.80 $211,320.42 $117,575.68 $136,002.72 $101,910.80 $139,217.08 $130,711.84 $128,625.88 $133,058.32 $104,794.92 $138,174.84 $124,822.60 $135,319.16 $102,957.60 $111,131.56 $106,282.43 $109,761.16 $123,505.53 $119,609.48 $119,714.76 $186,013.80 $127,570.54 $125,128.48 $105,779.64 $224,059.48 $121,996.62 $136,462.16 $125,883.80 $117,640.08 $159,957.96 $126,213.92 $166,038.36 $113,137.32 $112,592.40 $129,380.60 $137,724.20 $128,479.72 $100,627.16 $161,103.52 $153,172.00 $109,802.48 $158,070.44 $113,130.84 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $181.92 $634.98 $385.92 $164.03 $389.64 $578.08 $408.80 $474.12 $356.56 $466.88 $456.16 $442.24 $332.48 $363.96 $482.40 $435.96 $373.52 $153.20 $165.64 $363.19 $382.92 $248.12 $178.44 $178.52 $649.04 $413.52 $442.40 $153.28 $629.20 $197.74 $476.84 $438.92 $403.56 $544.24 $422.32 $529.76 $283.36 $167.96 $415.36 $466.76 $205.32 $149.88 $241.14 $230.48 $450.60 $218.20 $396.72 Page 224 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LEDREW LEE LEGGE LEMIEUX LEONENKO LEUNG LEUNG LEUNG LEVINE LEVITT LHOTAK LI LI LI LI LI LI LI LIBBY LIEBSCHER LIEN LIM LIN LISTON LIU LIU LIU LIZOTTE LLUIS LOGIUDICE LOLLE LOPEZ-ORTIZ LOUCKS LU LUBIW LUCAS LUPASCU LUTKENHAUS LUVISOTTO MA MA MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDOUGALL MACGREGOR MACIVER MACLEOD MACNAUGHTON Given Name/ Prénom ELLSWORTH F. SONNY S. C. RAYMOND L. CHRISTIANE ZOIA BOSCO DEBBIE KAM TONG PETER ANDREW ONDREJ DONGQING JOHNNY SIU HANG MING PENGFEI XIANGUO YUNING YUYING THERESA GRIT FUE-SANG S. JEE-HAE SHOUFA MARIA WING-KI XINZHI YU-RU DANIEL STEPHANIE VITO SUSAN J. ALEJANDRO WAYNE QING-BIN ANNA BRENDA ADRIAN A. NORBERT N. ERIC BIN KESEN MARIE-PAULE MICHAEL HEATHER A. CAROLYN G. SARAH COLIN ALAN Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Director of Operations, Institute for Quantum Computing Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Operations Manager, Southern Ontario Water Consortium Assistant Professor Professor Technology Transfer Officer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Clinical Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $168,832.44 $105,470.56 $170,163.84 $127,007.20 $103,394.80 $140,787.52 $144,985.91 $155,196.12 $103,705.64 $104,333.76 $127,980.04 $184,882.96 $119,035.88 $193,993.72 $104,040.00 $109,309.12 $129,331.56 $160,384.56 $210,247.84 $117,812.36 $158,221.76 $177,534.98 $146,748.12 $139,635.16 $161,511.69 $119,807.84 $104,525.01 $111,258.08 $115,767.92 $131,411.01 $126,160.84 $155,841.56 $179,037.88 $133,372.44 $124,815.36 $124,092.00 $102,177.76 $153,700.36 $102,155.68 $143,409.72 $121,755.48 $129,113.04 $113,031.06 $144,256.09 $144,901.64 $114,548.96 $201,185.49 $151,480.36 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $592.04 $374.12 $236.68 $421.60 $256.68 $351.44 $188.76 $232.76 $154.80 $157.04 $445.16 $425.52 $373.80 $624.44 $366.72 $572.12 $450.88 $563.20 $248.04 $388.20 $545.48 $221.16 $496.00 $192.52 $561.00 $31,521.84 $399.24 $166.72 $403.64 $364.04 $439.68 $544.24 $588.72 $459.56 $185.64 $183.04 $320.48 $345.68 $153.60 $501.16 $304.16 $193.00 $181.72 $374.96 $507.84 $157.28 $661.08 $465.23 Page 225 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MACVICAR MAHONEY MAIR MAJEDI MAJONIS MALLECK MALONE MANN MANN MANN MANNELL MANSKE MANSON MANSOUR MANTIN MARCOUX MARINO MARKLE MARRIOTT MARSHALL MARTIN MARTIN MARX MATHESON MATTHEWS MAVADDAT MAVOR MAXWELL MAYER MAYFIELD MAZUMDAR MCARTHUR MCBOYLE MCCARVILLE MCCOLL MCCONKEY MCDONALD MCGILL MCGILLIVRAY MCGINNIS WOLLNY MCGUIRK MCILROY MCKAY MCKAY MCKENZIE MCKENZIE MCKILLOP MCKILLOP Given Name/ Prénom BRUCE KERRY L. HEATHER AMIR H. JOEL GEOFF PAUL RICHARD ROBERT B. STEPHEN ROGER C. STEVE R. JANE M. RAAFAT BINYAMIN LAURENT PATRICIA KEVIN PAUL K. KATHERINE FRED JAMES D. D. GARY A. BRENT DAVID FARHAD SUSAN COLLEEN MICHAEL A. COLIN I. RAVI R. MURRAY GEOFFREY R. RONALD R. STEPHEN BRENDAN J. PAUL W. STUART M. KENNETH MEREDITH G. KEVIN V. WILLIAM DONALD D. KENNETH IAN ROSS IAN ROBERT Position/Poste Assistant Professor Director, Career Action Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor, Renison University College Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Finance Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Planning & Operations Propel Director of Development, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor Administrative Officer, School of Optometry Lecturer Lecturer Associate Professor Head, Special Collections, Library Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice President Academic Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Vice-President, Advancement Director of Advancement, Applied Health Sciences Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Programs Administrator Director, Waterloo Centre for Automotive Research (WatCAR) Associate Professor Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $101,998.24 $105,640.68 $100,930.34 $134,363.76 $126,708.64 $127,415.96 $110,658.44 $135,360.88 $168,334.36 $157,762.16 $171,697.18 $138,806.88 $166,532.44 $199,621.36 $105,300.24 $146,368.68 $105,781.06 $166,442.36 $158,196.20 $121,034.56 $102,366.32 $103,817.36 $114,592.64 $107,079.04 $110,485.04 $125,218.47 $101,782.32 $138,862.40 $119,231.86 $151,397.84 $166,142.64 $145,063.88 $256,857.00 $152,747.32 $156,856.40 $118,587.40 $174,747.28 $167,834.60 $129,166.65 $103,974.77 $120,905.40 $157,921.04 $151,493.08 $152,393.28 $115,166.80 $113,111.96 $155,483.72 $126,287.00 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $355.84 $157.52 $343.72 $185.28 $190.00 $421.72 $165.16 $337.36 $252.24 $390.24 $564.31 $484.56 $534.99 $622.08 $260.52 $219.68 $154.52 $457.84 $533.12 $423.08 $358.72 $163.44 $403.04 $156.72 $502.60 $217.64 $357.82 $208.28 $451.04 $228.32 $650.24 $509.00 $0.00 $594.24 $232.20 $176.80 $497.88 $420.64 $4,715.52 $355.93 $421.24 $521.56 $227.52 $534.32 $341.84 $169.64 $545.96 $438.16 Page 226 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MCKINNON MCLEISH MCMAHON MCMINN MCMURRY MCNAMARA MCNAUGHTON MCPHEE MCWEBB MEDLEY MEIERING MELEK MELKO MEMON MENEZES MESBUR MIAO MICHAILOVICH MICHELA MIKKELSEN MILLER MISKOVIC MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHINSON MITRAN MITTELSTAEDT MOFFATT MOLLOY MOLONEY MOOSA MORESOLI MORRIS MORTON MOSCA MOSCOVITCH MOUL MUIRHEAD MULLER MUNRO MURPHY MUSZYNSKI MYERS NAIK NAIRN NARASIMHAN NATHWANI NAYAK Given Name/ Prénom DAVID DONALD L. TERRANCE B. JOHN ANDREW C. BRIAN RODNEY BRETT JOHN CHRISTINE JOHN B. ELIZABETH M. WILLIAM W. ROGER G. MUHAMMAD KASHIF ALFRED J. ELLEN SUE GUO-XING OLEG O. V. JOHN SUSAN R. DANIEL E. ZORAN BRUCE CLARE J. A. WENDY L. PATRICK WALTER H. BARBARA A. VALERIE BRIDGET RAHIM CHRISTINE KIRSTEN A. ANDREW R. R. MICHELE DAVID WILLIAM B. BRUCE KIRSTEN JAMES IAN STEPHEN D. ALICJA ANITA M. KSHIRASAGAR DAVID D. G. SRIRAM JATIN ASHWIN Position/Poste Professor Professor Dean, Science Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Academic Advisor, Science & Business Professor Professor, Renison University College Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Provost, Resources Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Director, Centre for Mental Health Research Professor Director of Advancement, Environment Industrial Liaison Officer Associate Professor Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $143,679.48 $158,476.12 $229,248.00 $135,002.24 $144,570.56 $163,756.88 $204,172.28 $191,290.32 $126,935.28 $151,904.08 $133,446.84 $134,819.48 $103,646.56 $121,924.84 $175,227.72 $155,427.58 $108,333.28 $128,066.96 $146,841.72 $137,386.84 $137,965.80 $141,341.04 $222,001.24 $146,291.44 $181,164.48 $118,217.16 $111,610.44 $160,807.35 $131,095.96 $116,751.00 $112,851.28 $150,541.60 $153,960.60 $117,108.08 $176,742.69 $102,603.52 $100,246.84 $161,349.54 $111,929.87 $201,741.48 $157,784.44 $137,491.32 $143,909.52 $145,898.96 $147,715.00 $120,359.20 $169,147.76 $140,269.44 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $198.16 $31,396.92 $734.14 $322.16 $395.48 $549.08 $592.68 $573.84 $176.96 $533.08 $460.20 $331.88 $151.88 $94.40 $246.24 $227.26 $186.00 $433.00 $220.60 $343.16 $229.60 $493.04 $300.80 $212.36 $413.52 $176.08 $0.00 $378.00 $199.04 $153.60 $392.96 $223.52 $531.84 $381.32 $219.04 $351.24 $454.32 $519.24 $410.57 $656.20 $205.80 $342.92 $215.92 $354.56 $518.24 $419.20 $238.40 $425.32 Page 227 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille NAZAR NEEDHAM NELSON NELSON NEPAL NESPOLI NEUFELD NEW NEWELL KELLY NG NG NGUYEN NICA NICCOLI NIELSEN NIEVA NIMUBONA NISHIMURA NOOIJEN NORMANI NOVAK OAKLEY OAKMAN OBEIDI O'BRIEN O'CONNOR OELBERMANN O'GORMAN OLDFORD ONAY O'NEILL OPAL ORCHARD OREND OWEN OZALTIN OZSU PACE PAGSUYOIN PAL PALMER PANDEY PANKRATZ PARE PARENT PARK PARK PARKER Given Name/ Prénom LINDA F. KENTON EDNA D. MARTHA SANJAY OSCAR JOSH D. STEPHEN CATHERINE CHETAT T. FLORA T. T. TRIEN T. ALEXANDRU GARIEL CHRISTOPHER PATRICIA ALAIN-DESIRE NAOMI MARCEL M. A. T. F. STEFANO D. JOSEPH A. RICHARD JONATHAN AMER PATRICIA DANIEL MAREN MARCEL WAYNE SELCUK DANIELA K. AJOY JEFFERY BRIAN WILLIAM S. OSMAN TAMER RODGER J. SHEREE ANN RAJINDER MICHAEL MAHESH D. JAMES FRANCOIS DANIEL J. C. B. DOUG ROBERT DAWN CASSANDRA Position/Poste Professor Director, Human Resources Associate Professor Director of Advancement, Engineering Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Lecturer Director, Centre for Extended Learning Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor, St. Jerome's University Assistant Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Professor Clinical Lecturer Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Academic Dean Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Professor Director, Design & Construction Services Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $166,750.72 $152,034.24 $143,083.84 $165,333.32 $114,254.68 $125,795.84 $101,241.40 $107,026.80 $120,386.04 $153,137.80 $167,808.52 $127,133.81 $143,879.16 $137,941.06 $108,012.04 $120,249.56 $102,855.56 $156,486.12 $122,878.72 $109,230.56 $145,718.20 $157,560.42 $125,442.16 $104,035.40 $216,726.94 $119,898.26 $101,198.08 $114,989.24 $166,457.64 $103,271.38 $136,694.84 $163,408.32 $133,512.28 $160,182.86 $105,709.84 $103,697.80 $190,719.84 $109,500.97 $102,655.24 $154,154.88 $115,452.76 $187,273.48 $150,500.00 $170,913.84 $112,348.36 $123,109.92 $149,851.28 $110,924.24 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $231.00 $517.81 $500.28 $246.35 $398.32 $176.00 $350.92 $31,155.80 $422.36 $232.36 $252.16 $525.44 $503.08 $230.72 $160.80 $415.80 $351.80 $492.84 $180.20 $163.24 $463.32 $254.12 $437.76 $0.00 $262.60 $414.32 $148.32 $283.40 $548.24 $380.84 $454.36 $551.56 $452.36 $197.04 $362.76 $155.68 $670.60 $217.92 $360.48 $231.60 $402.52 $551.44 $624.74 $249.28 $394.40 $181.24 $204.56 $165.56 Page 228 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille PARKER PARKER PARRY PASSMORE PATEL PAWLISZYN PEEMOELLER PEERS PELDSZUS PELLIZZONI PENLIDIS PENNER PENNY LIGHT PERESSINI PERRIN PETERSON PHILLIPS PLOTKIN POIRIER POLAK PONNAMBALAM PORRECA POTAPENKO POTVIN POULIN POUPART POWER POWER PRENTICE PRETTI PRICE PRITZKER PROKOPICH PROUZET PRUS PSUTKA PTACEK PURBHOO PURDON RADOVANOVIC RAGDE RAMAHI RANDALL RAYSIDE READ REARDON REHDER REHMAN Given Name/ Prénom PAUL WAYNE J. DIANA D. JANET HIREN D. JANUSZ B. HARTWIG DOUGLAS M. SIGRID RODOLFO ALEXANDER E. PAUL TRACY TRACY DAVID B. SEAN BLAKE ANN D. GUY MARIA A. KUMARASWAMY DAVID STANISLAV KENNETH FRANCIS J. PASCAL MICHAEL WILLIAM PATRICK STEPHEN D. JOHN-PAUL C. JONATHAN MARK D. LISA ERIC ROBERT C. DONNA D. CAROL KEVIN CHRISTINE L. PAVLE V. PRABHAKAR L. OMAR O. M. NEIL DEREK CHRIS A. ERIC J. JACK N. UZMA Position/Poste Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Provost, Human Resources Assistant Professor Professor Professor Dean, Arts Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director of Operations, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor, Renison University College Professor, St. Jerome's University Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Clinical Lecturer Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Admissions, School of Pharmacy Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Clinical Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Provost, Students Professor Executive Officer, Faculty of Math Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $158,273.60 $175,508.36 $104,810.96 $214,537.03 $113,107.00 $165,251.60 $143,585.88 $224,120.60 $110,961.72 $104,569.92 $188,163.16 $110,053.68 $102,545.64 $115,643.36 $241,566.00 $108,727.52 $168,182.44 $135,116.64 $142,668.52 $151,731.88 $146,236.80 $106,460.18 $121,227.68 $151,644.24 $109,933.00 $137,554.80 $133,482.92 $149,505.62 $112,934.40 $111,166.44 $150,866.64 $152,827.16 $134,893.56 $122,661.52 $158,707.76 $109,498.28 $139,214.96 $106,499.36 $127,657.56 $113,962.80 $158,408.16 $136,162.40 $143,839.28 $105,768.60 $153,572.72 $155,680.40 $108,928.40 $107,684.96 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $535.36 $567.76 $364.36 $653.16 $168.80 $544.00 $358.80 $647.84 $386.04 $156.00 $607.48 $387.64 $137.52 $172.84 $366.56 $369.12 $464.80 $472.40 $204.64 $531.96 $513.64 $149.92 $31,181.24 $387.76 $382.80 $305.16 $466.04 $506.12 $377.84 $582.52 $537.80 $385.04 $471.20 $192.88 $563.84 $364.20 $485.64 $158.60 $317.80 $154.72 $397.88 $226.76 $466.76 $157.60 $486.92 $390.48 $373.63 $160.44 Page 229 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille REMPEL REMPEL REN RENKSIZBULUT RESCH RESTAGNO RETHORE REVINGTON RICARDEZ SANDOVAL RICHTER RILEY ROBERTS ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBSON ROJAS-FERNANDEZ ROSE ROSENBERG ROTHENBURG ROUTLIFFE ROWLANDS ROY ROY ROY RUBINSTEIN RUDOLPH RUSH RUSSELL RUTTAN RYBCZYNSKI RYE RYNNIMERI SACCOMANNO SACHDEV SAFAVI-NAEINI SAFAYENI SAINI SALAMA SALEHIAN SALEM SANDERSON SANDERSON SARGEANT GREENWOOD SAUNDERS SAVAGE SAZONOV SCHIFF SCHMENK Given Name/ Prénom GARRY L. JOHN CAROLYN LIQING METIN KEVIN LINDSAY M. ELLEN DERECK LUIS ALBERTO R. BRUCE BARBARA L. CHRISTINA N. BARBARA E. LINDA JULIE CARLOS DAVID CATHERINE LEO SUSAN IAN H. ANDRE ERIC A. PIERRE-NICHOLAS MICHAEL DAVID L. JAMES GRANT W. TOM KATHLEEN BARBARA VALERIO FEDEL F. MANOJ SAFIEDDIN FRANK R. SIMARJEET S. MAGDY ARMAGHAN KENNETH JOSEPH ROGER K. ERIN DAVID GORDON ANDREI SHERRY L. BARBARA Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Director of Operations, St Paul's University College Associate Vice President Communication & Public Affairs Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Marketing & Undergraduate Recruitment Associate Professor Lecturer Lecturer Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate University Librarian, Information Resources & Services Professor Dean, Environment Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Director, Counselling Assistant Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Laboratory Director Associate Vice President Development Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $201,497.12 $135,097.64 $131,143.72 $173,526.08 $133,268.44 $102,516.13 $149,386.36 $148,119.92 $112,640.16 $154,347.24 $159,800.64 $112,930.44 $131,030.84 $105,208.16 $114,937.84 $141,913.96 $198,204.68 $201,970.20 $182,525.50 $120,965.44 $152,553.25 $204,030.68 $155,806.48 $165,036.52 $120,351.84 $158,266.84 $165,747.92 $170,031.80 $123,033.44 $100,670.68 $113,729.68 $111,862.44 $142,401.33 $203,351.18 $188,573.12 $178,999.52 $138,883.80 $186,536.40 $102,735.04 $167,683.04 $114,390.68 $102,098.48 $138,822.61 $125,444.36 $150,872.12 $127,102.56 $123,292.88 $105,914.38 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $289.88 $464.48 $178.80 $608.92 $429.16 $763.16 $524.28 $222.32 $392.12 $231.56 $212.36 $169.84 $179.20 $157.92 $371.44 $212.08 $654.88 $675.72 $763.24 $424.84 $525.40 $462.32 $390.16 $561.08 $419.48 $519.60 $510.56 $231.96 $174.20 $367.16 $169.28 $167.36 $546.92 $613.38 $435.04 $304.06 $449.64 $650.56 $153.28 $256.96 $170.72 $153.60 $189.14 $415.84 $226.88 $189.96 $534.96 $390.56 Page 230 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHOLZ SCHONLAU SCHULTZ HUXMAN SCHULZE SCHUMACHER SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SEASONS SEDRA SELJAK SELVAKUMAR SEMPLE SEN SERVOS SESKAR-HENCIC SHALLIT SHEN SHEPPARD SHIPLEY SIEGEL SIEMERLING SILLATO SIMON SIMPSON SIMPSON SINGH SIVALOGANATHAN SIVOTHTHAMAN SKIDMORE SKUTERUD SLAVCEV SLIWKA SMALE SMALL SMILEK SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMUCKER SMYTH SOARES SORBARA SOUDKI Given Name/ Prénom ERIC GERALD GUENTER A. MATTHIAS SUSAN MATHIAS BARBARA DANIEL KATHARINE ANDRE THOMAS MARK ADEL DAVID CHETTYPALAYAM R. JOHN C. ANINDYA MARK R. DANIELA JEFFREY O. XUEMIN LOLA ROBERT J. M. DAVID WINFRIED MARIA DEL CARME LEONARDO JENNIFER TREFFORD AJIT SIVABAL SIVA JAMES MIKAL RODERICK RYSZARD BRYAN J. A. CHRISTOPHER G. DANIEL JOHN H. MARILYN A. RALPH E H. STEPHEN L. STEPHEN LESLIE MARK HEATHER JOAO LUIGINA KHALED Position/Poste Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor President, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor University Medical Director Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Director, Institutional Analysis & Planning Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Clinical Lecturer Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $141,067.29 $174,865.04 $130,048.08 $138,543.04 $182,398.00 $119,130.04 $181,622.32 $137,079.11 $107,100.00 $144,999.96 $141,342.68 $358,997.44 $126,712.64 $143,497.40 $106,596.80 $180,787.12 $165,225.16 $109,314.68 $179,468.80 $178,924.76 $115,145.04 $108,109.26 $150,203.00 $149,711.72 $138,371.04 $133,201.72 $110,575.52 $157,434.88 $139,004.24 $142,973.64 $175,252.80 $117,311.94 $130,049.48 $109,892.04 $140,509.01 $152,682.68 $140,175.24 $123,122.80 $157,079.96 $122,517.34 $150,819.72 $160,647.24 $103,870.12 $123,246.16 $101,190.36 $160,634.56 $156,126.92 $153,007.92 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $486.32 $616.08 $321.36 $486.48 $396.33 $415.16 $253.20 $452.52 $269.40 $109.32 $540.60 $3,162.36 $441.12 $506.32 $489.60 $453.20 $622.06 $381.04 $269.76 $253.16 $395.64 $369.92 $225.52 $222.40 $338.20 $31,465.00 $394.32 $506.08 $485.96 $225.84 $544.00 $240.52 $447.64 $383.44 $209.74 $518.36 $227.36 $183.20 $553.60 $179.08 $528.48 $241.24 $154.88 $180.16 $334.44 $542.56 $390.52 $499.20 Page 231 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille SOULIS SPAFFORD SPARKES SPENCER SPRONK SPROULE STAINES STARCHUK STARK STASHUK STASTNA STEINER STEPHENSON STEWART STEWART STEWART STILLAR STINSON STOLEE STOLZ STONE STORJOHANN STRATOPOULOS STRAUBE STRICKLAND STRONG STRUTHERS STUBLEY SUDICKY SULLIVAN SUNDARAM SWAMY SWATUK SYKES SYKES TAHVILDARI TAM TAN TAN TAN TAN TANG TANG TARABAN TATARYN TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR Given Name/ Prénom ERIC D. MARLEE DOUGLAS I. STEVEN J. NICOLAAS ROBERT J. W. RICHARD EUGENE KEN D. DANIEL W. MAREK M. STEFAN MARGARET CAMERON L. KEVIN A. TERRY O. GLENN DOUGLAS R. PAUL JENNIFER MICHEAL ARNE THEOPHANIS JOHN F. DONNA J. GRAHAM CYNTHA GORDON EDWARD A. PEARL PEK WAH SHREYAS CHAITANYA LARRY L. A. JONATHAN SUSAN E. LADAN MICHAEL K. C. K. A. HONGPING KEN SENG LIN ZHONGCHAO ANSON XIAO-WU SHIRLEY SVITLANA MYROSLAW BRUCE DAVID J. S. LYNNE Position/Poste Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Director, Business Services, Plant Operations Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Information Systems Specialist Professor Director of Safety Director of Information Technology Applied Health Sciences Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Professor Dean, Engineering Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director, Research Ethics & Grants Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Senior Instructional Developer Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $145,847.56 $182,372.21 $121,401.64 $150,877.36 $113,470.40 $103,608.16 $135,633.60 $110,167.02 $114,259.45 $145,999.00 $118,243.40 $148,840.08 $105,129.88 $189,248.32 $104,498.96 $105,084.56 $126,839.48 $189,560.68 $136,217.00 $136,641.56 $143,337.56 $135,964.68 $170,665.64 $131,776.72 $130,484.72 $184,986.84 $143,432.72 $172,736.80 $175,284.48 $198,590.23 $108,756.56 $111,306.32 $120,508.32 $179,740.92 $101,392.32 $130,100.16 $170,293.08 $115,082.88 $148,855.73 $107,315.32 $122,379.80 $136,346.28 $101,267.88 $101,080.20 $164,637.48 $140,789.20 $193,264.00 $120,014.78 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $219.48 $239.16 $399.04 $272.34 $387.48 $155.48 $423.56 $386.38 $374.40 $523.64 $404.96 $213.88 $369.60 $262.40 $261.96 $362.44 $441.92 $666.80 $475.28 $474.44 $357.72 $200.20 $510.88 $197.36 $185.72 $609.16 $500.40 $620.60 $402.16 $617.08 $158.04 $165.80 $170.16 $631.88 $359.11 $194.28 $562.56 $475.52 $210.80 $159.80 $300.20 $205.28 $352.36 $122.64 $616.60 $491.12 $266.04 $472.28 Page 232 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille TAYLOR TAYLOR TEERTSTRA TERRY TESTART THAGARD THEBERGE THISTLE THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMSON TIGHE TIMMERMAN TIZHOOSH TOLSON TOMAN TOMASSON GOODWIN TOMPA TOWN TOYSERKANI TREFLER TREMBLAY TREVORS TRIPP TRIPUNITARA TSUI TSUJI TUNCEL TUPLING TYAS TZOGANAKIS UNGER VAN BEEK VAN CAPPELLEN VAN KOUGHNETT VAN NIEROP VAN PELT VAN VLASSELAER VANDEN BOSCH VANDERBURGH VANIN VARIN VASIGA VAVASIS VECHTOMOVA VERT VETZAL Given Name/ Prénom SCOTT D. WILLIAM D. PETER M. MICHAEL JASON PAUL NANCY JOHN JAMES R. JOHN E. RUSSELL NEIL R. SUSAN L. MARTIN HAMID R. BRYAN DAVID JILL P. FRANK W. INGRID L. EHSAN RICHARD BRUNO KAREN E. BRYAN PATRICK MAHESH TING Y. LEONARD J. S. LEVENT A. RUSSELL SUZANNE L. COSTAS ANDRE J. A. PETER PHILIPPE SEAN MARTIN W. ROBERT J. JEAN-JACQUES NANCY IAN W. T. CRISTINA ROBERT A. TROY M. J. STEPHEN A. OLGA DAVID KENNETH R. Position/Poste Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Director, Information Security Services Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Vice President Assistant Professor Professor Professor Director, Computing Systems Services Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director of Advancement, Mathematics Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Executive Officer, Faculty of Science Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Director, Student Success Senior Director Government Relations Professor Senior Advisor to the President, Strategic Initiatives Lecturer Lecturer Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $139,990.60 $164,298.92 $111,569.04 $122,775.44 $111,572.92 $178,229.08 $151,552.44 $130,597.88 $101,557.68 $136,072.19 $112,757.32 $181,023.12 $175,370.56 $122,614.92 $135,772.36 $112,770.68 $153,142.28 $148,496.92 $179,520.80 $137,365.44 $131,281.16 $120,005.74 $108,741.68 $115,795.72 $107,732.64 $118,143.56 $136,501.72 $124,877.56 $178,351.36 $109,778.60 $119,435.84 $150,272.76 $123,378.88 $163,762.36 $214,250.60 $118,367.80 $102,338.16 $159,377.52 $137,415.52 $156,415.88 $131,519.56 $121,286.72 $153,488.64 $120,276.76 $175,349.84 $142,111.16 $115,427.00 $209,443.64 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $483.24 $576.40 $84.55 $192.80 $166.48 $616.00 $227.44 $509.36 $166.94 $0.00 $392.56 $621.80 $526.44 $430.32 $473.92 $412.96 $218.68 $499.56 $631.72 $413.60 $469.48 $323.16 $377.36 $398.32 $378.40 $239.84 $204.08 $435.24 $580.60 $382.12 $394.76 $527.80 $430.92 $245.76 $647.76 $414.40 $360.00 $582.56 $0.00 $192.36 $682.92 $180.80 $230.36 $410.64 $597.28 $188.28 $157.96 $562.72 Page 233 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille VRSCAY WAGNER WAINBERG WAITE WALBRIDGE WALKER WALKER WALKER WALLACE WAN WANG WANG WANG WARD WARD WARLEY WARNER WARRINER WASLANDER WATROUS WEAVER WEBB WEBER WEBER WECKMAN WECKMAN WEDDELL WEINER WELCH WELLS WELLS WEN WEST WESTLEY WETTIG WHITE WIEDMAN WIGGINS WILLARD WILLIAMS-GORRIE WILLMOT WINTON WIRJANTO WITT WOLCZUK WOLFE WOLKOWICZ WONG Given Name/ Prénom EDWARD R. DAVID G. JAMES NANCY N. M. SCOTT JAMES W. JOHN D. MARK A. DAVID JUSTIN WING LOK DAVID W. L. HONGYING ZHOU OWEN P. PAUL A. S. LINDA A. BARRY G. G. KEITH STEVEN JOHN CAROL A. ALAN MARK OLAF DAVID C. ELIZABETH J. GRANT E. NANCY DAVID ANDREW MARY RICHARD P. JOHN ZHENYU JEFFREY S. FRANCES SHAWN TRACEY M. CHRISTINE I. RICK A. ROSS D. ANN GORDON E. TRACEY TONY JONATHAN DAN SEAN TERRY MINDY HENRY ALEXANDER Position/Poste Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Special Advisor to the Vice President Academic & Provost Associate Registrar, Records & Systems Chief Information Officer Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Registrar, Admissions Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Director, Organizational Change & Leadership Professor Clinical Lecturer Professor Manager, Accounts Payable Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $159,947.36 $145,207.20 $165,494.40 $192,749.17 $108,068.03 $170,344.66 $196,637.56 $106,896.68 $135,692.29 $162,272.40 $148,409.68 $114,249.96 $127,704.48 $184,325.04 $123,525.44 $124,626.86 $173,318.76 $135,169.40 $109,600.76 $160,959.80 $148,501.40 $218,403.04 $154,309.04 $147,659.92 $161,988.12 $151,178.16 $150,648.40 $105,533.12 $213,790.42 $158,348.84 $153,732.56 $110,002.64 $139,027.76 $215,061.36 $105,020.64 $106,908.96 $216,394.78 $131,482.32 $162,656.56 $103,650.52 $188,416.20 $110,499.52 $196,219.94 $103,004.21 $104,558.91 $166,316.60 $155,768.04 $106,942.76 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $561.00 $364.32 $456.48 $658.52 $231.08 $0.00 $0.00 $374.88 $99.40 $509.40 $515.28 $218.46 $190.40 $648.52 $430.52 $177.64 $570.92 $511.80 $161.16 $364.16 $779.12 $237.28 $231.68 $197.92 $543.36 $529.88 $529.28 $158.20 $582.96 $368.32 $538.88 $164.00 $454.56 $615.40 $365.48 $159.96 $249.52 $461.88 $553.64 $154.84 $597.04 $386.40 $252.40 $151.96 $202.08 $196.76 $542.04 $368.56 Page 234 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille WONG WONG WONG WOOD WOOD WOODY WORMALD WORSWICK WOUDSMA WRIGHT WU XIE XIE XU XU YAN YANG YARUSEVYCH YAVUZ YEOW YEVICK YI YODER NEUFELD YOUNG YU ZALAGENAS ZANNA ZELEK ZENG ZHAO ZHOU ZHU ZHUANG ZORZITTO ZUNIC ABDEL GALIL ABELSON ADAMIAK ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS ADAMSON AGRAWAL AJIFERUKE ALB ALLAHAR ALLEN Given Name/ Prénom BERNARD JOHNNY WILLIAM S. JOANNE PETER J. ERIK Z. NICHOLAS MICHAEL J. CLARENCE JOHN L. CHANGBAO LIANG-LIANG WEI-CHAU DINGHAI LEI MAY EN-HUI H. SERHIY MUSTAFA TZE WEI DAVID O. GRACE YUN THOMAS STEVEN B. AIPING RICK S. MARK P. JOHN LEILEI BOXIN NORMAN YUNHONG MU WEIHUA FRANK A. NIKOLAJ KHADRY DONALD KAZIMIERZ PAUL SCOTT STEPHEN TRACEY MELITTA SUMIT ISOLA STEPHEN M. ANTON NATALIE Position/Poste Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director, Retail Services Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor, Conrad Grebel University College Associate Professor Assistant Professor Director, Maintenance & Utilities Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor, St. Jerome's University Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor / Medical Doctor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Director - Book Store and Graphics Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $108,198.08 $185,133.08 $145,160.88 $141,402.58 $138,745.96 $168,671.52 $197,151.44 $190,141.92 $143,534.04 $150,242.68 $131,513.24 $135,074.44 $155,718.48 $112,652.88 $135,582.56 $121,313.16 $183,905.88 $120,542.84 $140,076.56 $157,274.92 $148,963.60 $117,579.96 $136,011.00 $151,851.04 $102,044.12 $131,661.48 $206,381.56 $137,136.56 $104,267.60 $119,978.72 $167,506.40 $105,409.16 $183,238.36 $158,833.32 $105,192.56 $147,431.76 $196,347.30 $146,262.00 $132,999.96 $131,508.00 $140,300.40 $128,503.14 $133,905.54 $107,573.13 $108,821.34 $121,190.70 $155,326.86 $136,854.60 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $162.12 $652.60 $508.48 $229.00 $188.00 $418.36 $457.04 $616.24 $476.04 $527.20 $436.92 $471.24 $545.84 $167.68 $499.08 $425.32 $253.28 $177.16 $208.28 $506.88 $523.28 $194.40 $596.88 $518.24 $152.24 $462.24 $295.24 $342.24 $397.52 $298.64 $551.72 $406.84 $252.16 $245.04 $344.72 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 235 of/de 311 University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Surname/Nom de famille ALLEN ALLISON AL-OSMAN AMORNSANG ANDERSON ANDREWS ANDRUSYSZYN ANSARI ARYA ASHMORE ASOKANTHAN ATHANASSAKOS ATKINSON ATKINSON AVISON AWUKU BABCOCK BABE BABWAH BAERG BAI BAINES BALL BANERJEE BANSAL BARGHI BARNETT BARRON BARRON BARTHA BARTLETT BARTLETT BASSI BASSI Given Name/ Prénom PRUDENCE DEREK ABDULRAHMAN WASAN BRIAN JAMES MARY-ANNE DANIEL NEIL PETER SAMUEL GEORGE GAIL MICHAEL WILLIAM MARK M. DEANNE ROBERT ANDY THEODORE DONGLIN KIM ERIC NEIL PRATIMA (TIMA) SHAHZAD JOHN JOHN TATYANA ROBERT DOREEN J. MICHAEL AMARJEET HARPREET University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario BASU BATTISTA BAUER BAUER BAUMAN BAXTER BEAMISH BEAUCHEMIN BEGEN BEIER BELANGER BELANGER BELL SHANTANU JERRY GRETA MICHAEL GLENN JAMIE PAUL STEVEN MEHMET FRANK DANIELE MARTIN JOHN Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Adjunct Professor /Medical Doctor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Medical Doctor Director, Research Accounting Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Dean / Professor Associate Dean / Professor Director - Corporate Affairs, Strategy and Communications (International Centre for Health Innovation) - Ivey Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Director, Investments Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $132,926.34 $117,512.21 $120,152.34 $119,292.18 $167,517.72 $120,795.90 $159,537.57 $130,367.64 $133,000.08 $127,396.80 $133,240.38 $269,891.58 $135,616.26 $141,226.00 $178,276.44 $142,560.41 $103,693.86 $188,609.16 $108,218.70 $135,239.70 $109,959.48 $163,404.24 $134,615.04 $100,369.68 $284,403.29 $113,555.38 $108,192.36 $138,120.78 $102,585.24 $127,735.26 $114,694.68 $134,424.66 $141,255.28 $110,499.96 $129,464.52 $227,008.48 $103,157.70 $200,973.60 $114,999.96 $114,916.14 $325,260.58 $126,338.10 $149,373.78 $144,163.77 $116,089.62 $167,784.70 $156,638.52 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $12,518.90 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $7,710.30 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 Page 236 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BELL BELLHOUSE BELLIVEAU BEND BENDLE BENTLEY BERMAN BERNARDS BERRUTI BERUBE BETTS BEYNON BHATIA BHATIA BHATTACHARYA BIESINGER BIGELOW BIRMINGHAM BIRRELL BITSUAMLAK BLACKMORE BLAZAK BOHAY BOIVIN BOSSERS BOTTERELL BOULTER BOWLUS BOYER BOYKOV BRACEY BRANDL BRANFIREUN BRANZEI BRAUN BRENNAN BRENNAN BRIENS BRIENS BROOKS BROU BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN Given Name/ Prénom PETER DAVID DANIEL JOHN NEIL DAVID HELENE MARK FRANCO NATHALIE DEAN CAROL KUL NANDI MOSHMI MARK ANN TREVOR IRENE GIRMA TIM GARY RICHARD ANDRE ANN ANDREW JONATHAN AUDRA RUSSELL YURI JOHN CHRISTOPHER BRIAN OANA JOHN ROBERT J. SAMANTHA CEDRIC LAUREN STEPHANIE DANIEL ARTHUR CHRISTOPHER CRAIG JAMES JASON JUDITH B. LYNDON Position/Poste Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Dean / Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-Provost / Associate Professor Professor Associate Dean / Professor Associate Professor Research Scientist Lecturer Professor University Secretary Associate Professor Professor Executive Director - Alumni Relations Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Director - Western Information Systems Group Professor Professor Associate Professor Director - Marketing and Recruitment - Ivey Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Dean /Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $216,028.80 $157,686.48 $114,560.76 $179,223.48 $170,723.16 $166,504.20 $137,908.80 $143,156.10 $209,389.98 $121,941.66 $136,911.78 $140,920.00 $162,820.56 $119,553.42 $112,324.80 $102,144.66 $115,854.70 $135,729.72 $132,459.21 $110,276.45 $126,147.48 $183,297.55 $172,981.41 $152,877.78 $120,427.56 $103,142.66 $105,898.98 $206,277.12 $138,271.26 $126,850.32 $110,597.76 $148,520.40 $133,385.88 $194,769.51 $137,789.88 $145,837.64 $121,988.45 $153,969.18 $102,541.56 $120,819.06 $102,443.58 $139,896.84 $130,509.30 $187,905.36 $177,300.00 $122,249.60 $163,275.96 $110,301.66 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $9,550.32 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 237 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille BROWN BROWN BRUHM BRUHN DE GARAVITO BRYANT BRYANT BUCHAL BUCHEL BUCKOLZ BURKELL BUSABA BYRD CLARK CAIRNS CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAPRETZ CAPRETZ CARDY CARMICHAEL CARMODY CARRON CAUCUTT CECHETTO CHAKMA CHAKRABORTY CHAMBERLAIN CHAN CHARITSIS CHARLAND CHARPENTIER CHEADLE CHEESMAN CHELCHOWSKI CHELLADURAI CHEN CHENG CHIDIAC CHOY CHRISTENSEN CHRONIK CHUNG CIRIELLO CLAPTON CLARK CLARK Given Name/ Prénom PATRICK PETER G. STEVEN JOYCE DIANNE MURRAY RALPH ALEX ERIC JACQUELYN WALID JULIE EWA COLIN GRANT LORNE M. KAREN RICHARD T. LUIZ FERNAND MIRIAM JANIS THOMAS CHIOS ALBERT ELIZABETH DAVID F. AMIT CHANDAN ERIKA A. FRANCIS P. MATOULA LOUIS C. PAUL BURNS MARGARET KRYS RUBAN SHIH-FEN DAVY C. H. PETER WING-YIU J. DANIEL BLAINE TAI-YEONG JOHN MYSTY A. KIM SAMUEL Position/Poste Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Manager - Financial Analysis and Budget Administration Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Dean / Associate Professor Associate Professor Adjunct Professor Associate Professor Professor President and Vice-Chancellor Associate Professor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Assistant Dean / Professor Director - External Relations (Law) Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director of Administration, Faculty of Health Sciences Associate Vice-President (Institutional Planning, Budgeting and Information Technology) Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $100,788.03 $122,266.38 $124,845.12 $130,575.78 $106,943.04 $206,919.22 $124,440.30 $112,899.12 $156,721.38 $121,267.32 $277,987.05 $103,263.42 $131,424.84 $121,200.00 $122,219.04 $118,248.90 $172,434.42 $112,515.84 $133,345.38 $122,357.76 $107,204.44 $159,365.80 $119,696.10 $186,213.42 $166,626.48 $142,061.16 $479,600.04 $111,639.72 $121,123.10 $140,900.88 $112,104.86 $109,237.44 $122,216.10 $138,870.84 $118,106.88 $115,027.96 $224,348.25 $249,163.20 $135,868.89 $119,303.76 $108,738.60 $118,546.56 $126,479.04 $119,210.94 $143,504.88 $118,036.16 $123,016.80 $112,606.48 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $245.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $41,123.21 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 Page 238 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille CLEVELAND CLOSE COATES COCIUBA COLE COMOR COMPEAU COMPEAU COMPTON CONKLIN CONLEY CONNELL CONNELLY CONNIDIS CONWAY COOPER COOPER CORLESS CORNEIL CORNELIUS CORNELL CORRIGAN COTE COTTAM COTTE COULTER COYLE CREED CREGAN CREUZENET CROSSAN CULHAM CUMMING CUSACK DAGNINO DALEY DALEY DAMJANOVSKI DANCE DANIEL DANYLCHUK DARBY DARLING DARNELL DAVIES DAVIES DAVISON DAWAR Given Name/ Prénom MARK RON PAUL SIMONA KELLY EDWARD DEBORAH R. JOE JAMES DAVID TIMOTHY HELEN DENISE INGRID A. ALISON GERRY PAUL E. ROBERT BRIAN MICHAEL KIMBERLEY JOHN JAMES E. MICHAEL JUNE REBECCA MICHAEL IRENA SEAN CAROLE MARY JODY ROBERT RHODRI LINA MARK J. THOMAS D. SASHKO KATHRYN OMAR KAREN E. DAVID MARK REGNA JAMES LORRAINE MATT NIRAJ Position/Poste Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Assistant Professor Executive Director - Advancement - Ivey Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice-President (Communications and Public Affairs) Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Associate Professor Manager Project & Site Management (Robarts) Associate Academic Librarian Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Registered Psychologist Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $123,740.94 $175,369.20 $133,647.48 $112,454.52 $175,721.73 $122,982.18 $188,480.64 $144,408.50 $103,747.02 $230,577.42 $176,535.90 $141,831.00 $103,282.98 $134,611.00 $108,893.40 $188,876.04 $128,418.06 $140,070.24 $116,283.29 $113,709.21 $101,655.00 $139,852.50 $128,844.96 $157,858.62 $229,327.60 $153,115.86 $132,052.92 $127,578.75 $124,405.90 $120,513.54 $250,269.22 $130,567.80 $100,529.40 $142,529.40 $131,422.26 $129,511.38 $143,207.94 $108,182.46 $109,269.50 $103,515.18 $109,814.76 $120,150.54 $119,102.64 $188,735.10 $160,845.68 $120,030.72 $155,128.68 $252,281.16 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $1,538.00 $95.40 $95.40 $13,893.15 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 239 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille DAWSON DAWSON DE BRUYN DE CLERCY DE LANGLEY DE LASA DE LOOZE DEAKIN DEAN DEAN DEKABAN DEKOTER DEMEYERE DENHAM DENNISTON DENSTEDT DHILLON DI GUGLIELMO DICK DICKEY DICKINSON DIMITROV DIMOV DING DISALLE DIXON DODSON DOERKSEN DOHERTY DOHERTY DONNER DOUNAVIS DOYLE DOZOIS DRANGOVA DRYDEN DRYSDALE DUKE DUNBAR DUNN DUNNING ZWICKER DYCZOK EAGLESON EDGELL EDMUNDS EL DAMATTY EL NAGGAR ELLIOTT Given Name/ Prénom BILL DEBRA L. JOHN CRISTINE A. B. TYRREL HUGO LAURENCE JANICE CHARMAINE ROBERT GREGORY A. RODNEY GILLIAN GRAHAM COLIN JOHN D. AJNEET JOHN FREDERICK ANDREW JAMES GREGORY RADOSLAV STAMEN ZHIFENG ROBERT S. JEFFREY BELINDA JOHN ALISON J. TIMOTHY J. ALLAN ANESTIS PHILIP DAVID MARIA JOHN THOMAS NORMAN A. CRAIG STANLEY CYNTHIA MARTA ROY DAVID ALAN ASHRAF HESHAM M. BRIDGET Position/Poste Lecturer Director -Teaching & Learning Support Services Professor Associate Professor Director-Animal Care and Veterinary Services Professor Professor Provost & Vice-President (Academic) / Professor Dean / Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Research Scientist Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Vice-Provost (Academic Programs and Students) / Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor /Medical Doctor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Dean / Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $125,776.80 $134,143.70 $149,436.06 $115,278.60 $129,153.96 $165,959.04 $131,610.36 $350,999.98 $218,250.00 $107,251.38 $143,073.66 $113,459.52 $104,858.69 $102,045.61 $115,922.22 $140,096.77 $100,353.42 $107,460.72 $128,015.76 $111,754.20 $125,228.04 $101,853.54 $100,234.50 $100,812.48 $118,396.62 $173,008.26 $117,646.56 $167,111.50 $123,504.72 $112,995.89 $187,159.12 $100,063.08 $151,700.64 $138,871.86 $132,815.26 $129,575.43 $114,723.54 $130,818.54 $278,996.22 $159,571.68 $128,924.76 $115,038.60 $123,169.20 $118,551.72 $133,398.18 $134,805.48 $141,775.97 $115,549.14 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $35,195.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 240 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille ELLIS ELLIS EL-SAKKA EMBERLEY ESSELMENT ESSES ESSEX EVANS EVERLING FAEZ FAFLAK FALKENSTEIN FARAH FARBER FARNELL FAROOQI FARQUHAR FELDMAN FENG FENSTER FERGUSON FERGUSON FERRARO FERRIER FERRIS FIELDING FIGLEWICZ FILLER FINEGAN FISHER FISHER FLANAGAN FLATH FLEMING FLORYAN FOERSTER FORCHUK FORD-GILBOE FORSTER FOSTER FRANZ FRASER FREMETH FREWEN FROST FROST FULLER GADANIDIS Given Name/ Prénom CHRISTOPHER G. CHRISTOPHER J. MAHMOUD JULIA V. C. ROB VICTORIA CHRIS MARILYN STEFAN FARAHNAZ JOEL LORNE RANDA CAROLE SHARON MUHAMMAD DONALD R. E. ROSS QINGPING AARON DOUGLAS STEPHEN MARIA STEPHEN NEAL HELEN DENISE GUIDO JOAN RANDI WILLIAM PETER JAMES KEITH R. JERZY STEPHEN R. CHERYL MARILYN BENJAMIN PAULA MATTHIAS JOHN ALEXANDER ADAM PAUL ANN TONY ANDREW GEORGE Position/Poste Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Director - Government Relations Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Internal Audit Assistant Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Director, Community Legal Services Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Vice Dean / Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Lecturer Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor/Medical Doctor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director, Learning and Development Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $149,544.96 $137,088.60 $133,013.94 $129,862.02 $103,168.94 $137,782.74 $137,963.58 $112,443.96 $148,947.66 $108,549.33 $106,935.12 $142,302.36 $104,253.24 $150,152.82 $122,820.39 $128,760.75 $101,967.00 $160,000.04 $128,980.80 $188,122.06 $130,247.27 $182,244.64 $110,417.70 $100,974.18 $100,728.24 $111,152.21 $166,666.70 $110,000.04 $135,057.03 $104,761.62 $158,865.42 $162,885.06 $105,170.64 $140,838.96 $178,193.76 $260,926.08 $149,879.52 $148,360.44 $132,307.32 $112,510.02 $102,523.80 $127,592.82 $168,734.70 $113,419.88 $192,151.26 $220,242.24 $107,720.84 $138,183.66 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $79.50 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 241 of/de 311 University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Surname/Nom de famille GADLER GAJIC-BRUYEA GANDZ GARCIA GARDINER GARG GARNETT GARTON GATI GAWRONSKI GELMAN GERHARD GHENNIWA GIBSON GIBSON GILLIES GILLILAND GITTINGS GLOOR Given Name/ Prénom YVES SUSANA JEFFREY BERTHA MICHAEL AMIT JOYCE C. TERRI JOSEPH BERTRAM NEIL JASON HAMADA CANDACE ED ELIZABETH JASON CHRISTOPHER CHANTAL M. 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EDMUND RICHARD D. HARVEY DANIEL ALAIN MARK KEVIN MARIA MEL MIRANDA CHARLES RANDAL N. M. JESSICA ELIZABETH M. A. ROBERT MIODRAG VOJISLAVA MILFORD PATRICIA JAMES PAUL JAMES JEFFREY KEITH SUSAN E. MICHAEL ROBERT Employer/Employeur Universities - Universités Position/Poste Associate Vice-President, Principal Gifts Associate Vice-President, Development Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor University Librarian Director - Alumni Relations - Ivey Research Scientist Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Manager - Technical Support Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Director Administration and Operations (Institute for Chemicals and Fuel for Alternative Resources) Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor/Medical Doctor Vice President (External) Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Associate Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Associate Director, Information Technology Services Technical Support Associate Dean / Assistant Professor Associate Vice-President (Housing and Ancillary Services) Professor Assistant Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $173,825.04 $173,825.04 $222,284.22 $133,024.26 $129,672.66 $126,097.32 $177,184.39 $109,297.12 $129,783.45 $133,914.90 $112,395.12 $121,136.04 $123,445.20 $141,476.88 $104,249.04 $109,030.74 $119,444.94 $122,403.84 $114,658.04 $139,946.82 $105,155.64 $132,777.78 $161,236.26 $116,437.68 $115,475.34 $149,208.32 $459,999.96 $118,192.50 $219,878.22 $101,300.58 $136,899.71 $137,201.34 $100,756.98 $117,980.82 $106,420.02 $104,952.12 $105,393.96 $131,112.54 $111,073.02 $100,900.02 $138,780.58 $103,347.12 $125,178.64 $131,721.48 $177,832.50 $115,158.60 $103,108.71 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $0.00 $95.40 $0.00 $28.68 $8,579.65 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $0.00 $12,095.40 $95.40 $28.68 $63.60 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $71.55 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $95.40 Page 242 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille GUGLIELMO GUNARATNAM HACHINSKI HACKAM HAERYFAR HAFFIE HAGGERTY HAJPEL HALL HALL HAMILTON HAMPSON HAN HANGAN HANIFORD HARMES HARRIS HARRIS HATCH HATCH HATIBOVIC-KOFMAN HAYDEN HE HEAP HEARN HEATH HEGELE HEINRICHS HEISEL HEISZ HENDERSON HENRY HERBERT HERNANDEZ-SAENZ HERRERA HESS HESS HEWITT HEYDON HIBBERT HICOCK HIGGINS HILL HILL HINSON HO HOBSON HOCKE Given Name/ Prénom CHRISTOPHER LAKSHMAN VLADIMIR DANIEL MANSOUR TOM NICOLE R. D. MARY CRAIG ROGER DOUGLAS ELIZABETH VICTOR K. HORIA DAVID B. ADAM ROMA STEWART JAMES JOHN SAHZA ELIZABETH WENQING DAVID ALISON MATTHEW ROBERT DAVID MARNIN MARY DARREN HUGH A. L. CAROL LUZ JOSE DAVID JOHN O. WARREN RACHEL M. L. KATHRYN STEPHEN R. CHRIS DAVID KATHLEEN A. RILEY ERIC SANDRA VOLKER Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor/Medical Doctor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Controller - Ivey Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Research Director - Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Associate Professor Associate Professor/Medical Doctor Salary Paid/ Traitement $110,298.90 $200,000.04 $110,070.96 $156,597.36 $117,526.81 $105,839.22 $171,400.56 $117,530.65 $143,068.38 $134,456.64 $104,256.12 $139,907.82 $139,435.99 $142,584.48 $137,123.10 $107,945.40 $181,257.84 $199,999.92 $231,540.99 $113,397.48 $141,354.48 $121,973.09 $105,756.18 $113,415.60 $101,003.34 $118,304.10 $319,413.90 $129,931.80 $133,080.06 $234,766.12 $160,818.76 $105,472.96 $216,995.93 $112,205.64 $109,601.10 $113,349.58 $114,124.86 $264,999.96 $118,244.82 $116,073.90 $135,522.72 $235,191.48 $157,422.18 $120,043.50 $138,446.97 $132,239.20 $121,379.76 $157,399.98 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $0.00 $28.68 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $9,290.78 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $11.95 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 Page 243 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille HOCKING HODGE HOFFMASTER HOLBURN HOLDSWORTH HOLLOMBY HOLT HONG HOOKS HOPKINS HOUDE HOUGHTON HOUSE HOVIUS HOWELL HRAMIAK HRYMAK HUANG HUDSON HUFF HUNER HUNTER HURST HUSCROFT HUTCHINSON HUTTER IBARRA ILIE IMAI INOCENCIO IRWIN IRWIN IRWIN-FOULON ISAACS IWASIW JAFFE JAMES JAMES JARDINE JARED JARRETT JEFFREY JENKYN JENNINGS JEVNIKAR JIANG JIANG JIN Given Name/ Prénom WAYNE WILLIAM BARRY GUY DAVID DAVID RICHARD HAN-PING TESS JEFF S. P. MARTIN PAMELA DAVID W. J. BEREND JANE IRENE M. ANDREW N. YINING ROBERT MURRAY W. NORMAN P. A. GRAEME CHARLICE GRANT GAIL E. JEFFREY LILLA MARCEL LUCIAN RIN (LYNN) FERNANDO JENNIFER JOHN D. SHARON TRACY CARROLL PETER G. DANA JOY JOHN DEBRA STEPHEN M. DAVID THOMAS MARY-BETH ANTHONY M. DAZHI JIN JISUO Position/Poste Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Dean / Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Director -Student Development Centre Associate Dean / Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Director of Finance - Ivey Director - Career Management - Ivey Professor Professor Professor Director of Advancement - Ivey Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Legal Counsel Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $154,710.72 $110,000.04 $132,834.12 $281,594.02 $177,005.64 $108,626.40 $145,819.32 $136,389.06 $102,676.16 $115,187.70 $114,430.02 $133,045.56 $106,733.64 $146,508.62 $193,911.41 $108,256.02 $217,866.04 $132,363.66 $107,496.18 $178,826.82 $194,555.16 $161,834.04 $178,890.46 $162,223.92 $128,920.04 $119,712.30 $119,002.56 $134,134.02 $161,420.76 $112,289.40 $115,851.06 $114,146.86 $147,948.66 $126,484.10 $134,566.98 $178,416.36 $117,031.04 $109,092.48 $229,999.74 $117,862.86 $137,492.25 $168,215.55 $114,216.18 $101,915.88 $112,124.04 $112,024.68 $166,459.74 $141,330.66 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $0.00 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $11,233.56 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $9,251.30 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 244 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille JOANISSE JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JORGENSEN JUNG KACHRA KALUARACHCHI KANG KARAMANEV KARI KARMAZYN KATCHABAW KATZ KAVALIERS KEEP KEHLER KEIGHTLEY KEIRSTEAD KELLOW KELLY KERR KERR KERTOY KEYGHOBADI KHALKHALI KHAN KHAYAT KHIMJI KIDNIE KIM KIM KIM KING KING KING KINSELLA KIPP KIRKWOOD KLAR Given Name/ Prénom MARC ALLISON ANDREW M. FRASER P. JAMES MARJORIE BRUCE CAROL E. CHARLES W. B. DEBBIE A. DOUGLAS MANINA S. B. DAN JACK ARIFF KANTHI CHIL-YONG DIMITRE LILA MORRIS MIKE ALBERT N. MARTIN CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL DUNCAN KEIR ROBIN MARGARET R. GREGORY MICHAEL A. MICHAEL S. MARILYN NUSHA MASOUD ZIA ALI ROGER MOHAMED MARGARET JAN RICHARD SUNG YOON HEE MICHAEL PETER PHILIP T. ELIZABETH ANNE TERRY KENNETH NEIL Position/Poste Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Associate Professor Director - Information Technology Services Associate Dean / Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Adjunct Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor University Archivist Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Research Director - Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Lecturer Associate Professor Director - Human Resources Information Services Assistant Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $123,735.58 $154,555.95 $120,490.93 $232,318.84 $158,411.76 $119,794.50 $149,572.62 $115,129.80 $129,889.83 $153,050.60 $149,914.50 $120,124.92 $141,942.90 $101,418.00 $197,900.40 $105,621.66 $237,396.50 $134,804.70 $155,854.26 $153,021.06 $128,692.80 $161,647.38 $150,224.58 $108,105.90 $116,648.22 $113,414.22 $104,059.20 $131,741.88 $135,288.18 $146,976.98 $120,082.26 $133,188.84 $101,993.67 $135,576.78 $106,542.00 $139,772.46 $118,758.98 $128,557.74 $328,876.44 $102,263.64 $150,872.40 $238,155.18 $140,967.04 $145,188.63 $110,031.18 $114,644.96 $103,061.76 $128,530.50 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $87.45 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 245 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille KLASSEN KLASSEN KLEIN KLIMCHUK KLINGER KLOSECK KNIGHT KNOLL KNOPF KOGON KOHLER KONERMANN KONRAD KOPP KOPP KOPROWSKI KORTAS KOSTAL KOVAL KOVAL KOWALCHUK KOZA KRAHN KRATS KRISCHE KRISHNAMOORTHY KUIPER KULCZYCKI KULPERGER KUROWSKI LA ROSE LACEFIELD LACHANCE LADAK LAGERLUND LAGUGNE-LABARTHET LAIRD LAJOIE LANGILLE LANIUS LAPOINTE LARSEN LASCHINGER LAVIOLETTE LAWRENCE-PITT LAWSON-HELLU LEASK LEDUC Given Name/ Prénom ROBERT D. ROBERT J. PERRY DENNIS LEA MARITA JOHN JOAN H. M. GEORGE STANLEY STEFAN LARS ALISON GREGORY STEVEN PETER CLAUDE RANDE JOHN SUSAN JOHN LOUISE ANDREW D. PETER V. K. ELIZABETH SRINIVAS NICHOLAS GITTA REGINALD PAWEL ROBERT JAMES MARC-ANDRE HANIF HENRIK FRANCOIS DALE GILLES DONALD RUTH HENRY MARIANNE HEATHER STEVEN ROSEMARY LATE ANDREW RAYMOND Position/Poste Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Lecturer Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Director - Total Compensation Adjunct Research Professor Assistant Professor Director, Procurement Services Assistant Professor Professor Vice-President (Resources and Operations) & Special Advisor Research Parks Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Vice-President (Facilities Management) Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Executive Director - Advancement Services Associate Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Salary Paid/ Traitement $228,161.08 $122,837.34 $131,624.70 $113,295.36 $100,548.72 $112,058.13 $177,571.56 $119,802.90 $137,004.66 $135,427.74 $117,574.56 $134,316.84 $224,755.56 $130,483.56 $110,330.87 $112,156.26 $106,500.00 $177,408.80 $103,489.86 $134,520.84 $131,107.56 $151,702.34 $101,608.26 $101,280.72 $126,007.66 $181,753.65 $152,946.06 $282,540.00 $131,509.14 $114,406.62 $111,550.50 $123,058.38 $143,040.84 $121,878.12 $109,577.16 $113,720.04 $184,667.70 $163,651.02 $163,137.48 $180,000.12 $147,290.52 $114,817.44 $174,293.16 $113,122.20 $115,178.70 $104,861.46 $134,752.74 $128,938.08 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 246 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille LEE LEE LEHMANN LEIPERT LEMIRE LEMON LEONARD LESCHIED LEUNG LEVINE LI LING LING LINGARD LINKS LINN LINNEN LITCHFIELD LIU LIVSHITS LOCHNER LOGAN LOMBER LONG LONGSTAFFE LOREE LOVELAND LU LUCY LUGINAAH LUI LUM LUPKER LUTFIYYA LUTON LYNK MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDOUGALL SHACKLETON MACDOUGALL-SHACKLETON MACEACHERN MACFABE MACFIE MACGEE MACLEAN MADHAVJI MAHON MALCZEWSKI Given Name/ Prénom ALISON CHRISTOPHER WOLFGANG BEVERLY NICOLE PETER W. R. JOHN ALAN D. W. LAI-WO CHARLES SHUN-CHENG CHARLES HONG LORELEI PAUL THOMAS ROBERT DAVID W. J. XIAOMING IGOR LANCE JOHN LYNN STEPHEN DOUGLAS FRED DAVID MICHELLE M. WEI-YANG DEBORAH S. ISAAC EDMUND P. ANDREA STEPHEN HANAN KIM S. MICHAEL JOHN F. PENNY ELIZABETH SCOTT ALAN DERRICK SHEILA JIM JAMES NAZIM PATRICK JACEK Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Vice-President (Financial Services) Professor Associate Professor Special Advisor / Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor/Medical Doctor Professor Professor Lecturer Associate Professor Professor Assistant Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Manager - Institutional Planning and Budgeting Professor Professor Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $132,260.46 $113,944.68 $108,507.48 $120,238.02 $109,474.86 $147,170.76 $140,343.24 $161,789.22 $157,535.34 $144,323.70 $174,111.72 $133,037.46 $109,722.12 $148,694.94 $143,333.32 $128,964.60 $145,464.06 $174,347.22 $101,425.80 $161,568.36 $238,149.02 $176,495.49 $152,732.04 $147,408.36 $267,425.03 $145,467.75 $115,120.92 $134,812.56 $120,639.51 $114,328.83 $124,768.14 $222,999.96 $145,032.30 $163,455.96 $101,159.14 $126,703.62 $221,035.62 $164,710.20 $104,270.28 $132,736.18 $116,691.66 $159,999.96 $118,829.52 $163,198.62 $105,860.70 $169,116.42 $128,326.44 $121,046.46 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $87.45 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $62.04 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $595.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $62.04 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 247 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universities - Universités Surname/Nom de famille MAMANDRAS MAMON MANDICH MANN MANSUR MARA MARSH MARSHALL MARSHALL MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTINO MARTINS MATHERS MAURER MAXWELL MCCORMACK MCCORMICK MCFADDEN MCGAVIN MCGLYNN MCISAAC MCKECHNIE MCKELLAR MCKENNA MCKENZIE MCKENZIE MCLAREN MCLEOD MCLEOD MCMULLIN MCMURRAN MCNAY MCNEIL MCRAE MCWILLIAM MEAKIN MEHTA MEISTER MENON MENOR MEQUANINT MERCER MEREDITH MERRIFIELD Given Name/ Prénom ANTONIOS ROGEMAR ANGIE MELLISSA SALIM THOMAS W. GREG D. GREG KAREN DREW JANET MARGARET ROD RUTH WAYNE DWAYNE WILLIAM G. CARA DENIS P. DAVID G. JOHN ROBIN G. MARTIN MARGARET KENNETH EVELYN SHELLEY KATHERINE CHARLES PAMELA RICHARD A. IAN CAROLYN JULIE MARY HELEN MARGARET JEREMY KEN CAROL L. SUSAN NIRAV DARREN RAVI LAWRENCE KIBRET ROBERT VICTORIA PETER Position/Poste Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Vice Provost / Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Coach Assistant University Librarian Associate Director (Advancement Services) Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Professor Professor Professor Director Schulich- Administrative Operations Director, Financial Information Systems Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Professor/Medical Doctor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Special Advisor to the Provost / Professor Associate Professor Associate Dean / Associate Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Professor Associate Dean / Professor Associate Professor Salary Paid/ Traitement $165,599.70 $118,133.64 $135,938.23 $104,808.42 $113,561.76 $129,020.88 $121,917.06 $135,580.80 $104,379.51 $102,800.86 $131,285.79 $101,559.30 $132,068.82 $131,018.88 $142,493.52 $177,828.66 $114,364.96 $181,211.43 $112,790.82 $103,458.96 $115,963.62 $174,606.43 $125,458.20 $107,281.32 $119,422.92 $140,251.98 $128,742.34 $117,413.94 $110,470.68 $125,300.22 $166,234.62 $136,765.62 $111,635.46 $153,157.94 $100,675.56 $159,764.52 $151,460.34 $136,697.76 $117,189.32 $138,483.42 $107,590.38 $212,374.26 $237,713.10 $194,938.98 $111,197.10 $155,859.06 $133,738.56 $129,561.84 Taxable Benefits/ Avant. impos. $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $1,384.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $0.00 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $28.68 $28.68 $95.40 $28.68 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 $95.40 Page 248 of/de 311 Employer/Employeur University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario University of Western Ontario Universi
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