2010 Program Book
2010 Program Book
PLEN/01-ANYL PLEN Plenary Lecture Wednesday Evening Sheraton Waikiki Ballrooms Pacifichem 2010 Plenary Lecture 19:00 – 1. Catching electrons with light. Paul Corkum ANYL Area 1 – Analytical Wednesday Morning Convention Center 301A Analytical and Environmental Chemistry in Human Health (#206) Organized by: X.C. Le, G. Jiang, X. Li, S. Richardson, L. Zhu Presiding: M. Bartlett, M. Siu 7:30 – 1. Applying analytical chemistry to impact public health decisions by quantify biomarkers of exposure to perchlorate and trihalomethanes. Ben Blount*, Liza Valentin-Blasini, Lalith Silva, David Ashley 7:50 – 2. Methods and techniques development for emerging chemicals analysis. Yawei Wang, Guibin Jiang* 8:10 – 3. Formation of highly toxic iodoDBPs in drinking water. Susan D. Richardson*, Stephen E. Duirk, Cristal Lindell, Christopher C. Cornelison, Thomas A. Ternes, Jennifer L. Kormos, Michael J. Plewa, Emmamarie Smith, William A. Mitch 8:30 – 4. Formation and occurrence of emerging disinfection by-products of human health concern: Western Australian perspectives. Ina Kristiana*, Bradley Allpike, Jace Tan, Sebastién Allard, Suzanne McDonald, Rino Trolio, Arron Lethorn, Cynthia Joll, Anna Heitz 8:50 – 5. Effect of galvanized pipe to haloacetic acids transformation in drinking water. Wei Wang, Lizhong Zhu* 9:10 – 6. Biomarkers for exposure and neurotoxic effects of methylmercury. Laurie H. Chan* 9:30 – 7. Biomonitoring of children’s exposure to arsenic from playgrounds: Speciation of arsenic in urine and saliva. Kristi Lew, Xiufen Lu, Baowei Chen, Chris X. Le* 9:50 – 8. Isotopes in environmental health research. Jun Yoshinaga* 10:10 – 9. Persistent organic pollutants in the Great Lakes. Ian D. Brindle*, Paul Helm, Christopher H. Marvin, Eric Reiner, Li Shen, Simon Zhang, Sarah Gewurtz, Rosalie Zielinski-Lawrence, Satyendra Bhavsar 10:30 – 10. Levels and trends of cyclic volatile methyl silicones in air samples from across Canada. Mehran Alaee*, Helena Steer 10:50 – 11. Remote sources over the North Atlantic Ocean: Visualization of three surrounding continents. Maria do Carmo M. Freitas*, Isabel Dionisio, Adriano M. Pacheco 52–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Convention Center 317A Convention Center 301B Non- and Minimally-Invasive Diagnostics of Biological Systems using Vibrational Spectroscopy (#276) Rapid, Multi-Component Environmental Analysis (#253) Organized by: M.W. Blades, M. Michael, H. Sato Presiding: M. Blades 7:30 – 12. Advanced Raman spectroscopy in biomedicine. Juergen Popp* 8:00 – 13. Raman spectroscopy for in vivo cancer detection and characterization at the macro- and microscopic levels. Haishan Zeng, Jianhua Zhao, Michael Short, Hequn Wang, David I. McLean, Stephen Lam, Annette McWilliams, Harvey Lui 8:30 – 14. Biospectroscopy for clinical assessments: Metabolomic profiling from womb to tomb. David Burns* 9:00 – 15. Monitoring dynamics of individual cells using laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy. James W. Chan*, Tobias J. Moritz, Christopher R. Polage, Douglas S. Taylor, Denise M. Krol, Stephen M. Lane 9:30 – 16. Dental caries assessment with OCT and polarized Raman spectroscopy. Lin-P’ing Choo-Smith*, Mark Hewko, Michael Sowa 10:00 – 17. Raman microscopy for imaging molecular dynamics of living cells. Katsumasa Fujita* 10:30 – 18. Bio-Raman spectroscopy: Diseases diagnosis and nanoparticles based imaging. Jiming Hu* 11:00 – 19. Nanoparticle-enhanced imaging and spectroscopy of biological samples by nonlinear optical microscopy. Thomas Huser*, Tyler Weeks Convention Center 323C New Frontiers in Separation Science (#113) Organized by: T. Okada, P. Haddad, M. Porter Presiding: T. Okada, Y. Feng, C. Lucy, P. Haddad Organized by: R. Clement, F. Dorman, N. Yamashita Presiding: R. Clement 8:00 introductory remarks 8:05 – 29. Patterns of multicomponent persistent and non-persistent chemicals in human biomonitoring studies. Donald G. Patterson 8:45 – 30. Bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic in traditional Indian medicines. Iris Koch, Maeve Moriarty, Kenneth J. Reimer*, William R. Cullen, Robert Saper 9:05 – 31. Increasing the speed of chromatographic separations without a loss in resolution: The role of selectivity and efficiency in GC and LC separations. Frank Dorman*, Roy Lautamo, Shawn Reese, Jack Cochran, Paul Schettler, Mike Wittrig 9:45 – 32. Development of an analytical method for occupational exposure assessment to pesticides in human hair by GCxGC/TOF MS. John Dimandja*, Charlotte Smith-Baker, Mahmoud A. Saleh 10:05 – 33. Advanced gas chromatographic analysis of pesticide residues. Philip J. Marriott*, Erwan Engel, Paul Morrison 10:25 – 34. Analysis of veterinary antibiotics in environmental samples using a high temperature-high efficiency HPLC method. Heba Shaaban, Tadeusz Gorecki* 10:45 – 35. Needle trap devices for on-site and laboratory. Janusz Pawliszyn* 11:05 – 36. Simultaneous determination of 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde in water by solid phase microextraction gas chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Hyun-Mee Park*, Warnadi Dirwono, Ki-Soo Lee, Kang-Bong Lee, Dong Ju Moon, Yang Ha Cho, Yeon Hee Lee Wednesday Afternoon 7:50 Opening remarks 7:55 – 20. New approaches to on-line sample enrichment in capillary electrophoresis. Paul Haddad*, Joselito Quirino, Michael Breadmore, Mohamed Dawod, Rosanne Guijt 8:25 – 21. Rapid and sensitive analysis based on transient trapping in capillary electrophoresis. Kenji Sueyoshi*, Kota Hashiba, Ryuta Tanaka, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 8:45 – 22. Advances in small particle ion chromatography. Charles A. Lucy, Stuart D. Chambers, M. F. Wahab, Wei Sun, Chris Pohl 9:05 – 23. Electronic-structure simulation study on ion adsorption and selectivity in organic polymer resins. Manabu Sugimoto*, Ryu Hirano 9:25 – 24. Ice chromatographic characterization of salt-doped ice. Yuiko Tasaki, Tetsuo Okada 9:45 – 25. In-tube solid-phase microextraction based on hybrid silica monolith coupled to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for fully automated analysis of ten antidepressants in human urine and plasma. Yu-Qi Feng* 10:05 – 26. Molecular migration on stationary phase surface in reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Kanji Miyabe 10:25 – 27. Detection and quantification of water structuring and functioning as a separation medium in solvation shells on hydrophobic surfaces by liquid chromatography. Masami Shibukawa*, Yoshiki Kondo, Keita Osuga, Yawara Ogiyama, Shingo Saito 10:55 – 28. Electrochemically modulated liquid chromatography: An electrochemical strategy to manipulation of chromatographic retention. Marc Porter* Convention Center 323C New Frontiers in Separation Science (#113) Organized by: T. Okada, P. Haddad, M. Porter Presiding: D. Chiu, M. Porter, K. Miyabe, M. Shibukawa 12:30 – 37. Interfacing droplet microfluidics with chemical separation for cellular analysis. Daniel Chiu* 12:50 – 38. Development of microfluidic chips for heterogeneous receptor-ligand interaction studies. Frank A. Gomez 13:10 – 39. Metal-ion correlations in solution and their impact on solvent extraction. Lynda Soderholm*, S. Skanthakumar, Richard E. Wilson 13:30 – 40. Carrier-mediated single drop microextraction in capillary electrophoresis. Jeongmi Choi, Jihye Kim, Kihwan Choi, Ahmed Yacine Badjah Hadj Ahmed, Zeid A. ALOthman, Doo Soo Chung* 13:50 – 41. Preparation of extractant-impregnated porous sheets for high-speed pre-concentration of trace elements in environmental samples. Ryo Ishihara, Shiho Asai, Shinsuke Yamada, Hideyuki Hirota, Daisuke Umeno, Kyoichi Saito* 14:10 – 42. Drastic enhancement of chemical reactivity in modified “aqueous” solution with concentrated salts or surface. Masashi Hojo*, Tetsuya Maeda, Yuki Uji-yie 14:30 – 43. Competitive adsorption of toluene and n-alkanes on silica: A nonlinear optical analysis. Keng C. Chou* 14:50 – 44. Kinetic analysis of mass transfer in porous microparticle systems. Kiyoharu Nakatani 15:10 – 45. Fast wide-bore hydrodynamic chromatography and its application to kinetic study. Ryoji Umehara*, Tetsuo Okada 15:30 – 46. Analytical column characterization for differential magnetic catch and release separation of magnetic nanoparticles. Jacob S. Beveridge*, Mary E. Williams* 15:50 – 47. Microfluidic field flow fractionation and SPLITT techniques for nanoparticle and protein characterization and separation. Bruce Gale*, Himanshu Sant, Srinivas Merugu, William Johnson 16:20 Closing remarks Convention Center 305A Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation (#198) Organized by: H.J. Crabtree, Y. Baba, S. Jacobsen, J.M. Ramsey Presiding: H. Crabtree, R. Oleschuk 12:30 – 48. What has cuneiform writing or landing on the moon in common with microfluidic chips? Andreas Manz* 12:55 – 49. Microstructured fibers in microfluidic systems: Frits, enzymatic microreactors and nanoESI emitters. Graham Gibson, Lili Mats, Richard Oleschuk* 13:20 – 50. Microfluidic tools for controlling and probing cells and tissue. Elisabeth Verpoorte, Paul M. van Midwoud, Patty P. Mulder, Marjolijn T. Merema, Grietje Molema, Geny M. Groothuis 13:45 – 51. Commercialization of microfluidics: Hope on deliverance. Holger Becker* 14:10 – 52. Microchannels using a combination of ac and dc fields: Toward analyte preconcentration and separation. Brittany Branch, Steven Cramer, Orlin Velev, Dimiter Petsev* 14:30 – 53. Fabrication of nanochannel in thermoplastics for single DNA molecules detection. Rattikan Chantiwas, Jiahao Wu Wu, Mateusz L. Hupert, Swathi R. Pullagurla, Subramanian Balamurugan, Sunggook Park, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos, Michael C. Murphy, Jost Gottert, Steven A. Soper* 14:50 – 54. Integrated microfluidic devices for multiplexed analysis and quantitation of proteins in complex mixtures. Adam T. Woolley*, Weichun Yang, Pamela N. Nge, Ming Yu 15:10 – 55. High-efficiency capillary columns: A novel chip-based format. Wim De Malsche*, Selm De Bruyne, Jeff Op De Beeck, Frederic Lynen, Pat Sandra, Han Gardeniers, Gert Desmet 15:30 – 56. Liquid chromatography in extended-nano space using pressuredriven flow: Toward normal phase separation. Ryo Ishibashi*, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori 15:50 – 57. Microfluidic-based temperatureswing separation of multivalent metal ions using thermoresponsive polymer hydrogel. Takehiko Tsukahara * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 16:10 – 58. Molecular tracking of proteinDNA interactions under microfluidic control. Daisuke Onoshima*, Noritada Kaji, Manabu Tokeshi, Yoshinobu Baba Convention Center 317A Non- and Minimally-Invasive Diagnostics of Biological Systems using Vibrational Spectroscopy (#276) Organized by: M.W. Blades, M. Michael, H. Sato Presiding: M. Blades 12:30 – 59. Evaluation of bone and cartilage health using noninvasive and minimally invasive Raman spectroscopy and imaging. Michael D. Morris 13:00 – 60. Spatially offset Raman spectroscopy for subsurface assessment of breast margins. Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Matthew Keller, Daniel Masters, Mark Kelley 13:30 – 61. Systems pathology with infrared spectroscopic imaging. Rohit Bhargava* 14:00 – 62. Optical biopsy: In situ spectroscopy for monitoring unstained tissues and cells. Hidetoshi Sato* 14:30 – 63. Nonlinear optical imaging and spectroscopy of the arterial wall. Michael Sowa, Alex Ko 15:00 – 64. Shedding new light on dark DNA with FTIR spectroscopy. Bayden R. Wood*, Peter Lasch, Heinz Fabian, Dieter Naumann, Donna Whelan, Keith Bambery, Philip Heraud, Don McNaughton, Mark Tobin 15:30 – 65. Development of noninvasive and mobile FTIR techniques for measurement of human body metabolism. Satoshi Yoshida* 16:00 – 66. Raman microscopy for the noninvasive characterization of human embronyic stem cells. Stanislav O. Konorov, H. Georg Schulze, James M. Piret, Robin F. Turner*, Michael W. Blades* Convention Center 301A Analytical and Environmental Chemistry in Human Health (#206) Organized by: X.C. Le, G. Jiang, X. Li, S. Richardson, L. Zhu Presiding: X. Li, L. Zhu 12:50 – 67. Solid-phase nucleic acid hybridization assay in a microfluidic platform using quantum dots as donors in fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Ulrich J. Krull*, Lu Chen, W. R. Algar, Anthony J. Tavares 13:10 – 68. Monolithic capillary columns for efficient separation of biological samples. Hanfa Zou, Fangjun Wang, Renan Wu, Mingliang Ye 13:30 – 69. Affinity purification of organelles to investigate biotransformations. Yaohua Wang, Seth Holm, Thane Taylor, Edgar A. Arriaga* 13:50 – 70. In-line concentration of tobaccospecific N-nitrosamines by cation-selective exhaustive injection-sweeping-micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Youyou Yang, Honggang Nie, Ning Li, Jie Liao, Huwei Liu 14:10 – 71. Applications of the capillary isoelectric focusing/whole column imaging detection for characterization of proteins and interactions involving proteins. Janusz Pawliszyn* 14:30 – 72. Investigation of chronic toxicity of microcystins by metabolomics. Sam Li 14:50 – 73. Loss of collapsin response mediator protein1, as detected by LC-MS/MS with iTRAQ-labeling, promotes invasion of human gliomas expressing mutant EGFRvIII. Leroi V. DeSouza, Joydeep Mukherjee, Johann Micallef, M. Zia Karim, Sidney Croul, Abhijit Guha, K.W. Michael Siu* 15:10 – 74. Simplified diagnosis of MPS III types A,B,C and D using MS/MS to measure enzyme activity in dried blood-spots. Brian Wolfe, Tanvir Khaliq, C. R. Scott, Michael H. Gelb, Frantisek Turecek 15:30 – 75. Mass spectrometric studies of oxidatively generated DNA lesions. Yinsheng Wang* 15:50 – 76. Principle “close-contact induced large fluorescence polarization” and its applications in protein-DNA binding study. Hailin Wang, Dapeng Zhang, Tao Li, Xiaoli Wang, Meiling Lu 16:10 – 77. Formation of non-intermediate enzyme-substrate complex by a DNAdemethylating enzyme. Svetlana M. Krylova, Anna A. Karkhanina, Eleanor Bagg, Christopher J. Schofield, Sergey N. Krylov* Convention Center 301B Rapid, Multi-Component Environmental Analysis (#253) Organized by: R. Clement, F. Dorman, N. Yamashita Presiding: R. Clement 13:00 – 78. Advances in the analysis of persistent halogenated organic compounds. Eric Reiner*, Li Shen, Simon Zhou, Alina Muscalu, Karen MacPherson, Adrienne Boden, Tony Chen, Terry Kolic 13:40 – 79. Increasing turnaround time for EPA method 8270, semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, with split injection. Jack Cochran*, Michelle Misselwitz, Gary Stidsen 14:00 – 80. Development of antimony(Sb) analysis method for eco-products. Sungil Kim*, Eun-mi Shin 14:20 – 81. Metal elements analysis of liquid using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. Zhaoxiang Lin*, Liang Chang, Linmei Liu, Yelin Liu, Fenlou Sun 14:40 – 82. Monitoring of environmental pollutants using kinetic methods of analysis as an analytical tool. Surendra Prasad* 15:00 – 83. Application of kinetic catalytic method for the determination and speciation of selenium in environmental water. Surendra Prasad*, Vimlesh Chand 15:20 – 84. Measurement of cyanide in patients with inhalation burn injury. David M. Klein*, Linda Su, Mark Fountain, Yvonne Pierpoint, David J. Smith, Wyatt G. Payne* 15:40 – 85. Drinking water exposures to nitrogenous disinfection by-products: Linking analytical chemistry with public health protection. Jeffrey Charrois*, Ina Kristiana, Cynthia Joll, Anna Heitz Thursday Morning Convention Center 327 Analytical and Environmental Chemistry in Human Health (#206) Organized by: X.C. Le, G. Jiang, X. Li, S. Richardson, L. Zhu Presiding: S. Richardson, G. Jiang 7:30 – 86. Current bioanalytical challenges in the toxicology of organophosphates and pyrethriods. Michael G. Bartlett 7:50 – 87. Cell electronic sensing of chemical cytotoxicity. Xing-Fang Li, Jessica M. Boyd, Claire Mcguigan, Birget Moe, Chris Le 8:10 – 88. Development of living cell-based sensor device to detect cytotoxicity. Satoshi Migita, Akiyoshi Taniguchi 8:30 – 89. Remotely controlled haloacid bioremediation using an enzyme-based hydrogel. Leslie Doleman, Nur Ali, Yinan Wei, J. Z. Hilt, Sylvia Daunert 8:50 – 90. Arsenic speciation, biomarkers, and risk assessment. Ken Reimer*, Iris Koch, Jared Saunders, Mark Button 9:10 – 91. Monitoring of occupational exposure to arsenic in the wafer fabrication of semiconductor industry. Yaw-Huei Hwang*, Yeh-Hsin Chen, Chia-Chin Hsu, Zhih-Young Lee, I-Chun Lu 9:30 – 92. Arsenic speciation analysis in cell lines: Evaluation of extraction tools and solvents. Yong Cai*, Lucy Yehiayan, Nellymar Membreno, Shannon Matulis, Lawrence H. Boise 9:50 – 93. Environmental exposure to arsenic: Assessing risks and doses. Elizabeth T. Snow*, Gemma Williams 10:10 – 94. Dimethylarsinite in urine is a predictor of risk of diabetes associated with chronic exposure to inorganic arsenic. Dana Loomis, Luz M. Del Razo, Gonzalo Garcia-Vargas, Zuzana Drobná, Miroslav Stýblo* 10:30 – 95. Withdrawn 10:50 – 96. A new analytical method for the determination of polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) in the environment. Atmanto H. Wibowo*, Muefit Bahadir 11:10 – 97. Organic pollutants in food, human blood, and the environment of Bangladesh. Mohammad Shoeb*, Nilufar Nahar, Iqbal M. Mamun, Rausan Zamir Convention Center 323C Innovation in Chemical Sensing and Separation Systems toward Advanced Chemical Analysis (#39) Organized by: T. Hayashita, R. A. Bartsch, H. Kim, N. Iki, A. Tong Presiding: T. Hayashita, A. Tong, B. Cho, H. Kim, R. Bartsch 8:00 Introductory remarks 8:10 – 98. Ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence biosensor based on a novel multi-labeling strategy. Hua Cui, Dayong Tian, Chunfeng Duan, Wei Wang 8:30 – 99. Porphyrin-based chiroptical sensors for stereochemical analysis by conventional and fluorescence detected circular dichroism. Nina Berova* 8:50 – 100. DNA probing by cooperative luminous complex formation on the target. Toshihiro Ihara*, Yusuke Kitamura, Asuka Uemura, Noriyuki Baba, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae, Akinori Jyo 9:10 – 101. Label-free fluorescent sensors base on unmodified DNA containing a vacant site: Applications in functional DNAs. Yu Xiang, Yi Lu* 9:30 – 102. Detection of cations in live tissues by two-photon microscopy. Bong Rae Cho*, Chang Su Lim, Ji Hee Han, Min Young Kang 10:00 – 103. Catecholamine sensing based on long-range surface plasmon fluorescent spectroscopy. Nobuko Fukuda*, Hirobumi Ushijima 10:20 – 104. Novel amide compounds via tandem Claisen rearrangement exhibiting molecular recognition. Kazuhisa Hiratani*, Jie Hao, Anil S. Kuwar 10:40 – 105. Development of supramolecular analytical reagents based on self-assembly and host-guest interactions. Takashi Hayashita* 11:00 – 106. Selective metal ion determinations based on molecular switchings. Hasuck Kim*, Yang-Rae Kim, Donghoon Han, Jong Seung Kim*, Hyun Jung Kim Convention Center 305A Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation (#198) Organized by: H.J. Crabtree, Y. Baba, S. Jacobsen, J.M. Ramsey Presiding: Y. Baba, M. Tokeshi 8:00 – 107. Withdrawn 8:20 – 108. Spatially controlled differentiation of pluripotent stem cells in microenvironment. Jiro Kawada, Hiroshi Kimura, Hidenori Akutsu, Yasuyuki Sakai, Teruo Fujii 8:40 – 109. Lab-on-a-Chip: From micro/ nanofluidic research to biomedical applications. Albert van den Berg* 9:05 – 110. Real-time investigations of cellular communication in the circulation using microfluidic technologies. Dana Spence* 9:30 – 111. Biomedical laboratory on a chip. Jianhua Qin* 9:55 – 112. Recent advances in acoustophoresis for microchip based cell and particle separation. Thomas Laurell* 10:20 – 113. MEMS/Microfluidic technology for 3-D tissue construction. Shoji Takeuchi* 10:45 – 114. Microdevices for cell-based assays. Nancy Allbritton* 11:10 – 115. Real-time monitoring of cell-cell communication evoked by mechanical stimulation on suspension cells using an integrated microfluidics. Mengsu Yang*, Tao Xu, Cheuk-Wing Li, Wanqing Yue Convention Center 317A Non- and Minimally-Invasive Diagnostics of Biological Systems using Vibrational Spectroscopy (#276) Organized by: M.W. Blades, M. Michael, H. Sato Presiding: M. Blades 8:00 – 116. Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging of frozen biological tissues. Hiromichi Hoshina*, Aya Hayashi, Norio Miyoshi, Yuichi Ogawa, Shigeaki Ueno, Yukihiro Fukunaga, Fumiaki Miyamaru, Chiko Otani 8:20 – 117. Potential of ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging for biomedical research. Sergei G. Kazarian*, Andrew Chan 8:40 – 118. Detection of small molecules and ions from conformational changes of DNA aptamers. Jinheung Kim*, Byul N. Oh, Misun Cha, Sungeun Lee 9:00 – 119. Characterization of adipose tissue in tumor using Raman spectroscopy. Retno Hariyani, Akinori Taketani, Kazuki Minami, Bibin B. Andriana, Hidetoshi Sato 9:20 – 120. Depth profiling analysis of layered tissues by miniaturized Raman probes. Yuko S. Yamamoto, Yuji Matsuura, Yukihiro Ozaki, Hidetoshi Sato* 9:40 – 121. OPO-based multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy. Mikhail N. Slipchenko*, Ji-Xin Cheng* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–53 01-ANYL TECHNICAL PROGRAM 10:00 – 122. Nonstaining analysis of pancreas cancer model tissue: Combination of the narrow band autofluorescence imaging and Raman spectroscopy. Toshiaki Suzuki, Toru Asakura, Toru Shimosegawa, Yukihiro Ozaki, Hidetoshi Sato 10:20 – 123. Application of SERS using nanosphere overlayer method to biomolecules. Masayuki Futamata*, Takeshi Kokubun, Tomomi Yanatori, Yei-yei Yu 10:40 – 124. Raman vibration on Zearalenone and its derivatives for nondestructive rapid detection. Won-Seok Kang, Minsu Lee, Sung-Wook Choi, Hyang Sook Chun, Kwangnak Koh, Jae-Ho Kim* 11:00 – 125. Evidence of marked glycogen variations in the characteristic Raman signatures of human embryonic stem cells. Stanislav O. Konorov, H. Georg Schulze, James M. Piret, Robin F. Turner*, Michael W. Blades* 9:55 – 136. Screening technique for discrimination of vegetable oils using ion attachment ionization mass spectrometry. Takahisa Tsugoshi*, Yuji Mishima, Satomi Onuki, Yuko Nishimoto, Naoaki Saito 10:15 – 137. Rapid qualitative and quantitative nontargeted screening using fast chromatography and up to 100,000 resolution on a benchtop orbitrap. Brenda Kesler*, Thomas Moehring, Dipankar Ghosh 10:35 – 138. Analysis of pharmaceutical residues in environmental water samples by LC-TOF-MS. Xiaohong Hou*, Xin Chen, Ning Liang 10:55 – 139. Rapid analysis of persistent environmental pollutants utilizing gas chromatography and 2-D gas chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Mark Libardoni, Joe Binkley, Scott Pugh, Cory Fix Convention Center 301A Convention Center 317A Enabling Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Proteomics (#277) Comprehensive Multidimensional Separations (#191) Organized by: L. Li, D. Muddiman, X. Qian Presiding: K. Hakannson Organized by: T. Gorecki, P. Marriott, R. Synovec Presiding: P. Marriott, 8:00 – 126. Driving biological discovery using quantitative mass spectrometry. John R. Yates* 8:30 – 127. Advances in structural mass spectrometry for integrated omics and systems biology. John A. McLean* 9:00 – 128. Mass shift perturbation methods for structural proteomics. David Schriemer* 9:30 – 129. FT-ICR MS-based targeted proteomics of polyketide synthases and nonribosomal peptide synthetases. Kristina Hakansson, Christopher M. Rath, Bo Wang, Liangcai Gu, Janet L. Smith, David H. Sherman 10:00 – 130. High performance ftms analysis of fullerene calibrants for peptide analysis. Charles L. Wilkins*, Sasa M. Miladinovic, Thomas Egan, Ernest K. Lewis, J. A. Schultz 10:30 – 131. Withdrawn 11:00 – 132. Tactics for the analysis of protein carbonyl modifications from in vitro and in vivo oxidative stress. Scott Gronert*, David Simpson, Zafer Ugur 12:30 – 140. Comprehensive multidimensional separations: An introduction. Tadeusz Gorecki* 12:55 – 141. Importance and optimization of stationary phase selectivity in comprehensive GCxGC separations. Frank Dorman*, Paul Schettler, Jack Cochran, Mike Wittrig, Shawn Reese, Eric Reiner 13:15 – 142. Characterization of GCxGC column sets with bidimensional retention normalization. John Dimandja*, Takesha Leavell, Frank L. Dorman, Daniel W. Armstrong 13:35 – 143. Comprehensive 2-D GC and multidimensional GC with quadrupole mass spectrometry detection. Hyung-Kyoon Choi*, Seung-Ok Yang, Sun-Hee Hyun, So-Hyun Kim, Hee-Su Kim, Yujin Kim, Hae-Eun Park, Phillip Marriott 14:00 – 144. Use of GCxGC-HRMS and comprehensive GCxGC-TOFMS for assessing human exposure to environmental toxicants and screening for new and emerging chemicals. Donald G. Patterson* 14:20 – 145. Development and application of GC x GC - TOFMS methods for discovery-based analysis. Robert E. Synovec*, Jamin C. Hoggard, Elizabeth M. Humston, W. C. Siegler 14:45 – 146. Applications of comprehensive 2-D gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry in plant metabolomics. Xiaohui Lin, Yong Li, Xin Lu, Hongwei Kong, Guowang Xu* 15:10 – 147. Small molecule metabolite identifications in complex biological samples using comprehensive 2-D gas chromatography combined with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Mark Libardoni*, John Heim, Pete Stevens 15:30 – 148. Diverse groups of environmental food contaminants can be determined within a single run: Streamlining sample preparation strategy and determination based on comprehensive profiling. Jana Hajslova*, Kamila Kalachova, Jana Pulkrabova, Lucie Drabova, Tomas Cajka 15:50 – 149. QuEChERS, cartridge SPE, and GCxGC-TOFMS for the analysis of pesticides in dietary supplements. Jack Cochran*, Julie Kowalski, Michelle Misselwitz, Jason Thomas, Rick Lake 16:10 – 150. Microchannel devices for multicolumn capillary GC. Robert A. Shellie*, Paul M. Harvey, Samuel D. Poynter, Roy Hibbert, Brett Barnett, Peter A. Dawes Convention Center 301B Rapid, Multi-Component Environmental Analysis (#253) Organized by: R. Clement, F. Dorman, N. Yamashita Presiding: R. Clement 8:30 Introductory remarks 8:35 – 133. Ultrahigh-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry of petroleum: A guidebook for environmental analysis. Alan G. Marshall, Greg T. Blakney, Christopher L. Hendrickson, Amy M. McKenna, Ryan P. Rodgers 9:15 – 134. Rapid, multicomponent dioxin analysis by gas chromatography-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Ray E. Clement*, Vince Taguchi, Robert Nieckarz, Stefan Krolik 9:35 – 135. Carbamazepine and caffeine as markers for sewage input into the water cycle: Rapid assessment by sensitive immunoassays. Arnold Bahlmann, José João D. Carvalho, Kirsten G. Pannenbecker, Michael G. Weller, Ulrich Panne, Uwe Dünnbier, Martin Jekel, Rudolf J. Schneider* 54 –TECH Thursday Afternoon Convention Center 301B Electroanalytical Sciences (#193) Organized by: K. Aoki, B. Liu, T. Osakai, H. White 12:30 – 151. Opening address: Fundamental questions about voltammetry. Koichi Aoki* 13:20 – 152. A facile preparation of gold nanoparticle-attached indium tin oxide electrode and its electrochemical applications. Md. A. Aziz*, Munetaka Oyama 13:40 – 153. Conducting a polymer-coated electrode as a reference/counter electrode in an organic phase and its application to a two-electrode type thin-layer cell for voltammetry at the liquid | liquid interface. Yumi Yoshida*, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Shotaro Nakamura, Kohji Maeda 14:10 – 154. FM-AFM study of hydration at water-metal oxides interfaces. Takumi Hiasa*, Kenjiro Kimura, Hiroshi Onishi, Ryohei Kokawa, Masahiro Ohta, Kazuyuki Watanabe, Masashi Yamazaki, Noriaki Oyabu, Kei Kobayashi, Hirofumi Yamada 14:30 – 155. Voltammetric study on the mechanism of electron transfer reactions at liquid|liquid interfaces. Hirosuke Tatsumi* 15:00 – 156. TiO2-assisted biosensors for sensitive analysis of phosphoproteins. Baohong Liu, Ji Ji 15:30 – 157. Relation between oxidation current of hydrogen gas and amount of the bubbles in aqueous solution. Hirokazu Toda*, Koichi Aoki*, Jingyuan Chen, Toyohiko Nishiumi 15:50 – 158. Quantification of electron transport between interacting single molecules. Tomoaki Nishino* 16:10 – 159. Electron transfer mediated by membrane-bound D-fructose dehydrogenase adsorbed at an oil/water interface. Yuko Sasaki, Takayasu Sugihara, Toshiyuki Osakai* Convention Center 305A Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation (#198) Organized by: H.J. Crabtree, Y. Baba, S. Jacobsen, J.M. Ramsey Presiding: M. Ramsey, N. Allbritton 12:30 – 160. Improved ways to couple light in and out of integrated waveguides on microfluidic devices for biomedical applications. Jörg P. Kutter*, Thomas G. Jensen, Pelle Ohlsson 12:55 – 161. Electrophoretic traps for probing ligand-receptor interactions. Cornelius F. Ivory* 13:20 – 162. Nanobiodevice based single cell analysis for cancer diagnosis and in vivo imaging for stem cell therapy. Yoshinobu Baba* 13:45 – 163. New approach for the label-free detection and quantitation of DNA in integrated microfluidic analysis systems. James P. Landers*, Dan Leslie, Scott Barker, David Finkler, Jingyi Li 14:10 – 164. Ion and virus transport in planar nanochannels. Stephen C. Jacobson*, John M. Perry, Kaimeng Zhou, Zachary D. Harms 14:35 – 165. Import of order of the porous matrix on separation efficiency in nanoporous materials. Jed Harrison, Neda Nazemifard, Wenmin Ye, Ledi Wang 15:00 – 166. Sensitive and multiplex genetic marker quantification system using CEbased SSCP combined with MLPA. Gyoo Yeol Jung*, Jong Moon Park, Gi Won Shin, Hee Sung Hwang, Boram Chung, Jung Kyeong Na 15:20 – 167. Quantitative zymography in microfluidic polyacrylamide gradient gels. Alex J. Hughes*, Amy E. Herr 15:40 – 168. Microchip electrophoresis of oligosaccharides with large-volume sample stacking with electroosmotic flow pump in single channel. Takayuki Kawai*, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 16:00 – 169. Electrokinetic flow guidance in “click” surface modified glass nanofluidic channels. Shaurya Prakash*, Mehmet B. Karacor Convention Center 323C Innovation in Chemical Sensing and Separation Systems toward Advanced Chemical Analysis (#39) Organized by: T. Hayashita, R. A. Bartsch, H. Kim, N. Iki, A. Tong Presiding: T. Hayashita, A. Tong, B. Cho, H. Kim, R. Bartsch 12:30 – 170. Synthesis of gold nanoparticles from gold nanoclusters conjugated with thermoresponsive polymer by thermal stimuli. Nobuo Uehara* 12:50 – 171. Capillary flow separation using aqueous mixed solvents of ionic liquids: Effects of water-soluble polymers. Masaaki Tabata*, Kenta Fujii, Thiraporn Charoenraks 13:10 – 172. Heavy-metal detection in industrial atmospheric particles using advanced chemical sensors. Mariana Milochova*, Eugene Bychkov 13:30 – 173. Development of high-performance biodegradable chelating agents. Kiyoshi Sawada* 13:50 – 174. Fluorescent “turn-on” chemodosimeter for Cu(II) in water via Cu(II)promoted hydrolysis of lactone moiety in coumarin. Na Li, Yu Xiang, Aijun Tong* 14:20 – 175. Application of novel macrocyclic structures to ion chromatography. John D. Lamb*, Na Li, Taylor Christensen, Ammon Eaton, Roger Harrison 14:40 – 176. Highly selective and sensitive method to determine ppb levels of exchangeable Cd and Pb in soil using rapid leaching with thiacalixarene and detection with kinetic differentiation mode HPLC. Nobuhiko Iki*, Keita Kano, Hitoshi Hoshino 15:00 – 177. Thiacrowns and calix-thiacrowns: New building blocks for sensing materials and their crystal engineering. So Young Lee, Hyun Jee Kim, Ki-Min Park, Shim Sung Lee* 15:20 – 178. Development of calixarene based fluorescence probes. Jong Seung Kim* 15:40 – 179. Metal ion separations by extraction with proton-ionizable calix[4]arene ligands. Richard A. Bartsch* 16:10 Concluding remarks Convention Center 301A Enabling Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Proteomics (#277) Organized by: L. Li, D. Muddiman, X. Qian Presiding: A. Hawkridge * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 13:00 – 180. Identification and confirmation of biomarkers using an integrated platform for quantitative analysis of glycoproteins and their glycosylations. David M. Lubman*, Yashu Liu, Jintang He, Chen Li, Jorge Marrero 13:30 – 181. Discovering differentially expressed proteins among subtypes of high-grade endometrial cancer tissues by means of iterative proteomic analyses. Sébastien N. Voisin, Olga Krakovska, Leroi V. DeSouza, Blaise A. Clarke, K.W. Michael Siu* 14:00 – 182. Spontaneous ovarian adenocarcinoma in the chicken as an experimental model for mass spectrometrybased biomarker discovery. Adam Hawkridge* 14:30 – 183. Novel biomarker panels for human diseases derived by shotgun and target proteomics. Rong Zeng, Yue-Yi Deng, Hai-Quan Chen, Yan-Sheng Liu, Rong-Xia Li 15:00 – 184. Contribution of biologics, inorganic and organic compounds in mimics of ambient particles on determining lung cell response. George Agnes 15:30 – 185. Methods for the glycomics profiling of cell surface glycans. Carlito Lebrilla* 16:00 – 186. Novel proteomic tools to study cell signaling. Andy Tao Thursday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Analytical General Posters Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 187. Laser-fluence-depended fragment ions using titania thin film by laser desorption/ ionization mass spectrometry. Takashi Fujita*, Kohei Shibamoto, Takashi Korenaga 188. Study on resonantly-excited state of Crystal Violet molecule adsorbed on gold nanoparticle surface by using LDI mass spectrometry with pulse and CW double laser system. Takayuki Matsuoka*, Kohei Shibamoto, Tatsuya Fujino, Takashi Korenaga 189. Qualification of Triton thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) for uranium and plutonium measurement. Kevin Norbash*, Steven Bakhtiar 190. Characterization and comparison of SARA fractions of the vacuum residue oil by APPI and APCI FT-ICR MS. YunJu Cho, HyeJin Lee, Sunghwan Kim* 191. Structural elucidation of molecules comprising crude oils by ion mobility mass spectrometry. YunJu Cho, Sunghwan Kim*, Eunjung Bae, Jangmi Jin, Arif Ahmed 192. Detection of alkanethiol-gold complex anions desorbed from chemically-modified gold nanoparticle surface by using LDI-MS. Keishiro Nagoshi*, Kohei Shibamoto, Tatsuya Fujino, Takashi Korenaga 193. Quantitative analysis of the phosphorylation states in a bacterial two-component system using Phos-tag SDS-PAGE. Shiho Yanagihara, Emiko Kinoshita-Kikuta, Eiji Kinoshita, Tohru Koike 194. Development of high resolution imaging technology for analysis of mRNAs distribution. Jung Sook Kim, Yu Shin Park, Hong Gil Nam*, Joon Won Park* 195. Rolling circle amplification in micro and extended-nano channels to detect singlemolecule DNA. Yo Tanaka, Hui Xi, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Björn Renberg, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori 196. Phos-tag SDS-PAGE for protein phosphorylation profiling. Eiji Kinoshita*, Emiko Kinoshita-Kikuta, Saori Okatani, Tohru Koike 197. Phos-tag-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer system for the analysis of phosphorylated molecules. Masao Somura*, Kei Takiyama, Tomomi Nagai, Eiji Kinoshita, Emiko Kinoshita-Kikuta, Tohru Koike 198. Force-based atomic force microscopy as an analyzing tool for immunodetection of individual antigens captured on an antibody chip. Dhruvajyoti Roy, Sung Hong Kwon, Ju-Won Kwak, Joon Won Park* 199. Flow Cytometry (FACS) for characterization and sorting of murine B cells to advance development of monoclonal antibodies. Maren Kuhne, Sascha Wagner, Jörg A. Schenk, Hans-Jörg Kunte, Ute Resch-Genger, Rudolf J. Schneider* 200. Design-of-Experiment approach in optimization, validation, and uncertainty assessment of hapten immunoassays. Julia Grandke, Wolfram Bremser, Ute Resch-Genger, Rudolf J. Schneider* 201. Development of aptamer films for use in biosensing. Tariq Francis, David A. Blair, Maria DeRosa*, Yanina Shevchenko, Jacques Albert* 202. Sensitivity enhancement of SPR using plasmonic nanostructures patterned chip. Hyo-Sop Kim, Won-Seok Kang, Young-A Song, Minsu Lee, Sung-Wook Choi, Kwangnak Koh, Jae-Ho Kim* 203. Fluorescence lifetime based pH measurements for remote monitoring with fiber optic arrays. Paul E. Henning*, Peter Geissinger 204. Optical fiber-cased tools for the analysis of zinc in aqueous environments. Steven Kopitzke, Peter Geissinger 205. Development of novel near-infrared chemiluminescent probes and photoncounting apparatus for the near-infrared luminescence analysis. Katsunori Teranishi, Hidehiro Kubota, Takashi Hori, Atsushi Asakawa 206. Improved, robust metric for quantifying cluster separation in multivariate space. James J. Harynuk*, Nikolai A. Sinkov 207. Utilization of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for nutrition and trace elements mapping in plant tissues. Karel Novotny*, Jozef Kaiser, Michaela Galiova, Madhavi Martin, Lucie Krajcarova, Rene Kizek, Petr Babula 208. Alginic acid modified silica gel as preconcentration column packing materials for on-line flow injection-flame atomic absorption spectrometry determination of trace heavy metals in water samples. Makoto Onozato*, Masanobu Mori, Kazuo Hirayama 209. Fundamental properties of atmospheric plasma soft ablation (APSA) for damagefree surface sampling. Takahiro Iwai*, Yuichiro Takahashi, Yuta Negishi, Kaori Shigeta, Hidekazu Miyahara, Akitoshi Okino 210. Fundamental properties of atmospheric helium plasma detectors for gas chromatograph. Yuichiro Takahashi*, Yoichi Nagata, Yuta Negishi, Hidekazu Miyahara, Osamu Fujita, Yukio Toyoura, Akitoshi Okino 211. Multielement analysis in biocells and nanoparticles using droplet direct injection nebulizer. Kaori Shigeta*, Takahiro Iwai, Yuki Kaburaki, Hidekazu Miyahara, Akitoshi Okino 212. Development of selective separation and recovery method for gold(III) using polymer bead containing epoxy group. Masami Sekine, Michio Butsugan, Shukuro Igarashi* 213. Preparation of monodispersed porous polymer resins of 3-m diameter and their application to stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of saccharides. Kei-Ichi Kitahara, Takako Masuda-Hanada*, Hiroko Kokuba*, Isao Yoshihama*, Sadao Arai* 214. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after preconcentration with hemimicelle capped oxidized carbon nanotubes. Hiroki Ohno, Hideyuki Katsumata*, Satoshi Kaneco, Tohru Suzuki, Kiyohisa Ohta 215. Air-segmented amplitude modulated flow analysis. Hideji Tanaka*, Koji Inui, Takeshi Ogusu, Yohei Kurokawa, Masaki Takeuchi 216. Glycosylation analysis of recombinant human coagulation factor VIII by LC MS/ MS. Akira Harazono, Nana Kawasaki, Noritaka Hashii, Satsuki Itoh, Teruhide Yamaguchi 217. Catecholamine analysis with mixedmode reversed-phase and cation-exchange column. Makoto Tsunoda*, Takashi Funatsu 218. Capillary zone electrophoresis of inorganic anions and cations in human saliva sample using polyvinyl alcohol-coated capillary column. Tsukasa Yamamoto*, Masanobu Mori, Masaya Ohtake, Maki Kaseda, Hideyuki Itabashi 219. Research on effect of maturing of perfume by pressurizing. Takako Kurashima*, Akio Shimizu, Masahiro Taniuchi, Takashi Nitsu 220. Elution order and resolution for stereoisomers of some decursin derivatives separated on cellulose based chiral stationary phases by high performance liquid chromatography. Enqi Wu*, Yu-Seon Jang, Jianbo Chen, Kwan Jun Lee, Eun Young Seo, Gyu Yong Song, Hu Huang, Wonjae Lee, Jong Seong Kang 221. Direct enantiomer separation of Thyroxine in pharmaceutical formulations by HPLC. Enqi Wu*, Jianbo Chen, Hongmei Zhu, Kwan Jun Lee, Eun Young Seo, So Hee Jeon, Wonjae Lee, Jong Seong Kang 222. Automated high throughput sample fractionation method for the determination of PAHs, MADEP-EPH, TNRCC method 1005-1006. Tom Hall 223. Cookbook method for integrated sample preparation for dioxin analysis in food. Tom Hall 224. Identifying pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water, biosolids and solids. Tom Hall 225. Quality control of modified Samgiumgagambang (SGMX) through simultaneous determination of major constituents by HPLC -DAD-ESI-MS. Jianbo Chen*, Enqi Wu, Hongmei Zhu, Jin Young Son, Young Ho Kim, Chang Gyu Son, Jong Seong Kang 226. Novel Py-GC-MS approach for alcoholic beverages characterization and their classification by multivariate statistical analysis. Roman Selyanchyn, Serhiy Korposh, Seung-woo Lee* 227. Integrated gas chromatography - chemometric platform suitable for field testing of food quality. Kristen J. Skogerboe, Elizabeth M. Humston, Jamin C. Hoggard, Robert E. Synovec* 228. Estimation of the age of a weathered mixture of volatile organic compounds. Brianne M. Zorzetti, James J. Harynuk* 229. Visual determination method of chromium(VI) using a thixotropic gel. Takashi Saito* 230. Cloud point extraction of trace heavy metals in environmental water sample and its application to visual determination. Nobuko Sato*, Masanobu Mori, Takahito Nakamura, Hideyuki Itabashi 231. Comprehensive assessment of water quality using a modified grey clustering method: A case study in Hangzhou section of the Qiantang River, China. Liangqian Fan, Qingyu Zhang*, Weili Tian, Zucheng Wu, Weiguo Xu 232. Chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter in Lake Biwa using C18 solid phase extraction. Fumiko Kitano*, Takaya Nishimoto, Chizuru Wada, Tetsu Kumagai, Jun Shimano, Masahiro Maruo, Kumiko Tsuda, Hidekado Shirai, Nobuhide Fujitake, Kazuhide Hayakawa, Patrick Hatcher, Yuko Sugiyama 233. Analysis of ice water by thermally stimulated depolarized current(TSDC) method. Kazuishi Sato*, Kunihiko Okajima, Toshinori Koizumi 234. Improved solvent collection system for a dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method using low density organic solvent for extraction of organochlorine pesticides in water samples. Shang-Da Huang*, Chu-Chi Chang 235. Determination of trace elements in soybeans by X-ray fluorescence analysis and its application to identification of their production area. Akiko Otaka*, Akiko Hokura, Izumi Nakai 236. Study on accumulation mechanism of cadmium in rice (Oriza sativa L.) by XRF imaging and XAFS analyses utilizing highenergy synchrotron radiation X-ray microbeam. Wakiko Yamaoka*, Hinako Takehisa, Yoriko Hayashi, Akiko Hokura, Yasuko Terada, Tomoko Abe, Izumi Nakai 237. Provenance study of Middle Bronze Age, Dark Age, and Iron Age’s potteries from Kaman-Kalehöyük, Turkey. Hiroko Suzuki*, Shun Kai Willy Bong, Izumi Nakai 238. Technological and chemical study of ancient faience objects excavated from Northwest Saqqara, Egypt. Rodan Harimoto*, Yoshinari Abe, Izumi Nakai, Akiko Nishisaka, Nozomu Kawai, Sakuji Yoshimura 239. Effect of oxoacid ions on dissolution behavior of zinc. Masahiro Kato*, Kazuhiko Noda, Takashi Ninomiya, Masayuki Itagaki, Ikuro Yamaoka, Kazumi Nishimura 240. Discrimination of L-ascorbic acid and D-isoascorbic acid using modified Au electrode. Masaharu Komatsu*, Takahiro Ando, Shota Suzuki 241. Anodic polarization behavior of pure iron under solution flow environment. Tomohiro Tanabe*, Kazuhiko Noda, Kazutoshi Fujiwara, Masafumi Domae 242. Effect of exposed underlying on atmospheric corrosion of galvanized steels. Ayumu Yokota*, Kazuhiko Noda, Hideki Katayama, Hiroyuki Masuda 243. Corrosion analysis of zinc rich paint using electrochemical measurement method. Kohei Ota*, Kei Matumoto, Kazuhoko Noda 244. Effect of plating bath conditions on electroless nickel deposition on epoxy resin substrates. Muhammad Zaimi*, Kazuhiko Noda 245. Passivation behavior of Co-Cr alloy in neutral solution. Ryouji Suzuki*, Atsuhiro Yamada, Kazuhiko Noda, Yusuke Tsutsumi, Takao Hanawa 246. Effect of additive element on polarization behavior of low alloy steels. Shinya Adachi*, Kazuhiko Noda, Hideki Katayama, Hiroyuki Masuda 247. Effect of conversion treatment on corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys. Takahiro Kawamata*, Kazuhiko Noda, Hachiro Imai 248. Influence of stress on localized corrosion initiation of stainless steel SUS304. Toshinori Furusawa*, Kazuhiko Noda, Keita Suzuki 249. Evalution of atmospheric corrosion on high corrosion resistance metal by surface potential distribution measurement. Youhei Hirohata*, Kazuhiko Noda, Hideki Katayama, Hiroyuki Masuda 250. Solutions analysis of crevice corrosion of stainless steel using occluded cell. Yuki Kagawa*, Kazuhiko Noda, Hachiro Imai, Tadashi Shinohara * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–55 01-ANYL 251. Measurement of the activation energy of catalysis of single molecules of E. coli -galactosidase using a capillary electrophoresis continuous flow assay. Doug Craig*, Linden Chase 252. Molecular interactions of concanavalin A lectin with phenyl glucoside derivatives using STD NMR spectra. Kaname Katsuraya, Yoshiki Oda, Takashi Yamanoi*, Chisato Kurosaki, Seizo Koshiba 253. Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal chemistry of RE2(OH)4CO3 (RE ⫽ Er, Tm, Yb, Lu). Masatake Nagaosa, Kiyonori Michiba, Izumi Nakai, Rituro Miyawaki 254. Solvent effect of ionic liquids on the distribution constant of 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone and its metal(II) chelates: Evaluation of solvent properties based on the regular solution theory. Keiji Kidani, Naoki Hirayama, Kotaro Morita, Hisanori Imura 255. Investigation of the origin of suspended particulate matter containing Sb by using SEM-TES-EDS system. Lina Suzuki*, Yuki Ono, Keiichi Tanaka, Satoshi Nakayama, Izumi Nakai 256. Analysis of taste qualities and ingredients of extract from polished rice using taste sensor. Shu Ezaki*, Miki Yahiro, Satoru Iiyama 257. NOESY analysis of the behaviors of the inclusion complexes between cyclodextrins and doxorubicin. Yoshiki Oda, Kaname Katsuraya, Takashi Yamanoi* 258. Metabolism of estradiol 17-sulfate by human liver microsomes. Shinji Itoh*, Shinji Yuasa, Kenta Ukiana, Kaori Takanashi 259. Monitoring the bioactive components and a method for differentiation of authentic and inauthentic rhubarbs. Van Men Chu, Yu Seon Jang, Hong Mei Zhu, Eun Young Seo, Kwan Jun Lee, Wonjae Lee, Hu Huang, Young Ho Kim, Ki Hwan Bae, Jong Seong Kang 260. Monitoring the synthesis of tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyldoxorubicin by HPLCLIF-MS and MEKC-LIF. Brandon Meyer, Chad Satori, Yaohua Wang, Joseph Katzenmeyer, Daniel Mullen, George Barany, Edgar Arriaga* 261. Isolation and purification of phenylethanoid glycosides from plant extract of Cistanche deserticola by high performance centrifugal partition chromatography. Li Li, Jing Wang, Yuge Gui, Chunming Liu 262. Improved method for long-chain fatty acid analysis using orbi-trap LCMS. Xingnan Li, Adrian A. Franke 263. Metabolic profile changes associated with the weight loss induced by berberine in hypercholesterolemic rats. Feng Liu*, Gwek Li Evonne Lau, Eng Shi Ong, Fong Yau Sam Li 264. Liquid phase microextraction- using knitting wool as the extractant phase holder to determine UV filters in swimming pool water. Yufeng Zhang*, Hian Kee Lee 265. Synthesis of poly[(2-hydroxy,4-butoxy) butylene] resin and its ion-exchange study with lanthanides (III). Vasant M. Patel 266. Ionic liquid based hollow fiber supported liquid phase microextraction of UV filters. Ge Dandan*, Lee Hian Kee 267. Purification by LC - Flash or HPLC, is there really a difference? Lori Sandford*, Linda Lloyd*, S. Ball*, K. Mapp* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Innovation in Chemical Sensing and Separation Systems toward Advanced Chemical Analysis (#39) Organized by: T. Hayashita, R. A. Bartsch, H. Kim, N. Iki, A. Tong Presiding: T. Hayashita, A. Tong, B. Cho, H. Kim, R. Bartsch 56 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 268. An all-round SNP detection method based on the capillary electrophoresis of one-base substituted single-stranded DNA. Toru Takahashi*, Takao Sakurai, Hitoshi Hoshino 269. DNA immobilization on the gold electrode using naphtalene diimide derivatives having dithiolane or cysteine moieties. Kosuke Yamamura, Shinobu Sato, Shigeori Takenaka* 270. Synthesis of DNA conjugate for phototriggered new chemical ligation. Takuma Hirayama, Akinori Jyo, Toshihiro Ihara* 271. Cooperative DNA probing using -cyclodextrin-modified DNA and nucleobase-specific fluorescent ligand. Akika Futamura*, Asuka Uemura, Akinori Jyo, Noriyuki Baba, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae, Toshihiro Ihara* 272. Developing aptamers against intact mitochondria using capillary electrophoresis-systematic evolution of ligands through exponential enrichment. Thane Taylor*, Vratislav Kostal, Michael T. Bowser, Edgar A. Arriaga 273. Investigation of protein-ligand interactions using fluorescence anisotropy. Lin Wang, Matthew McCarroll*, Luke Tolley 274. Investigation of fluorescence anisotropy as a method to examine chiral interactions. Matthew McCarroll*, Leung Amy 275. Detection of clinical cut-off values of prostate specific antigen in poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchannels for point-ofcare testing. Hiroki Okada*, Kazuo Hosokawa, Mizuo Maeda 276. Development of analytical method for distribution measurement of amphetamine type stimulants in organs. Kenji Kuwayama*, Kenji Tsujikawa, Hajime Miyaguchi, Tatsuyuki Kanamori, Yuko T. Iwata, Hiroyuki Inoue 277. Design and function of fluorescent sensor array possessing dipicolylamino binding site. Tatsuro Nakamura, Yuri Fujii, Nobuko Fukuda, Hirobumi Ushijima, Takashi Hayashita 278. Synthesis and photophysical properties of a novel TICT-type fluorescent sensor for amino acids (IX). Akitaka Ito, Shoji Ishizaka, Noboru Kitamura* 279. On-column affinity smart polymer gel glucose sensor. Chongdee Thammakhet*, Proespichaya Kanatharana, Panote Thavarungkul 280. Biofuel cells and biosensors with a mutated non-oxygen binding glucose oxidase. Megan M. Gillespie*, Leonidas G. Bachas, Yinan Wei, Sylvia Daunert, Dibakar Bhattacharyya 281. Gold glyconanoparticle-based competitive colorimetric assay for the determination of glucose in serum. Kyung Rae Lim*, Han Nim Choi, Won-Yong Lee 282. Study of the substituent and spacer effect on the fluorescence boronic acid sensors for selective sugar recognition. Mariko Maeda*, Kiyoyuki Sekine, Koji Miyoshi, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 283. Design of boronic acid fluorophore/aminated cyclodextrin complexes for sugar sensing in water. Mio Kumai*, Satoko Kozuka, Takeshi Hashimoto, Iwao Suzuki, Takashi Hayashita 284. Sugar sensing by boronic acid azoprobe/cyclodextrin complexes. Noriko Mihara*, Shota Oyaidu, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 285. Development of boronic acid azoprobe/ dendrimer complexes sensors possessing sugar recognition function. Keisuke Aimu*, Yuuki Sakai, Yuuji Tsuchido, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 286. Synthesis and photophysical properties of a novel saccharide sensor based on ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex. Ryo Mishima, Akitaka Ito, Shoji Ishizaka, Noboru Kitamura* 287. Electrochemical sugar recognition using ruthenium/dendrimer complexes. Hiroyuki Minesaka*, Takeshi Hashimoto, Akira Endo, Takashi Hayashita 288. Design of novel ligand for ruthenium complex possessing the sugar recognition function. Yuka Hattori*, Kanako Motoi, Takeshi Hashimoto, Akira Endo, Takashi Hayashita 289. Development of crown ether azoprobe/ cyclodextrin complexes sensor possessing rotaxane structure. Kayoko Goto*, Akira Sasaki, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 290. Development of ditopic type azoprobe possessing boronic acid and crown ether recognition sites. Masashi Yasui, Yui Endo, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 291. Optical sensing of boron using metal complexes with 3,3’-dihydroxy-2,2’-bipyridine and 5,6-dihydroxy-1,10-phenanthroline. Satoshi Iwatsuki*, Kenji Chayama, Masahiko Inamo, Hideo D. Takagi, Koji Ishihara* 292. Selective ion recognition by 2,2’bispyridylmethylamino fluorescent sensor/cyclodextrin complexes in water. Mariko Samizo*, Satoko Kozuka, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 293. Fabrication of biscrown ether azochromophore-surface for selective potassium ion. Shouta Oyaidu*, Nobuko Fukuda, Naoyuki Ishida, Takeshi Hashimoto, Hirobumi Ushijima, Takashi Hayashita 294. Development of amphiphilic phthalocyanine derivatives having polyether chains. Midori Kobayashi, Michiko Saitoh, Keiichi Satoh, Kiyoshi Sawada* 295. Alkali metal-ion recognition by (-diketonato)ruthenium binuclear complex possessing crown ether unit. Takeshi Hashimoto*, Yuko Igarashi, Naoyuki Matsumoto, Akira Endo, Takashi Hayashita 296. Electrochemical cation recognition by using the mixed-valence state of the dinuclear (-diketonato)ruthenium complexes. Akira Endo, Ryo Takahashi, Shotaro Kawazoe, Megumi Furusawa, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita 297. Synthesis and property of (-diketonato)ruthenium binuclear complex bridged by dihydroxyanthraquinone alkyl group. Yusuke Yokose*, Takeshi Hashimoto, Tatsuya Sasaki, Akira Endo, Takashi Hayashita 298. Characterization of novel ruthenium complex for molecular recognition by changing intervalence change transfer. Kayono Kimura, Asako Kitayama, Takeshi Hashimoto, Akira Endo, Takashi Hayashita 299. Electrochemical molecular recognition of colloidal gold nanoparticles/ruthenium complexes. Masamitsu Kimura*, Kenji Suzuki, Ayaka Muto, Takeshi Hashimoto, Akira Endo, Takashi Hayashita 300. Electrochemical molecular recognition based on ruthenium complexes assembled on amino core dendrimer. Yurie Kuroki*, Yuta Fukuda, Takeshi Hashimoto, Takashi Hayashita, Akira Endo 301. pH-responsive switching of near-infrared absorption of water-soluble bis(o-diiminobenzosemiquinonato)platinum(II) complex. Atsuko Masuya*, Nobuhiko Iki, Chizuko Kabuto, Yasunori Ohba, Seigo Yamauchi, Hitoshi Hoshino 302. Innovative luminescent complex by heterogeneous assembly of terbium(III), silver(I) and thiacalix[4]arene. Teppei Tanaka, Nobuhiko Iki, Hitoshi Hoshino 303. Supramolecular Eu(III) complex-silica composites for the detection of volatile organic compounds. Yoshikazu Makioka*, Masaki Kondo, Takeji Takamura, Yuki Taniguchi 304. Fluorescence turn-on sensors for HSO4-. Hyun J. Kim, Min H. Lee, Hyo S. Jung, Yeon O. Lee, Sumin Lee, Sankarprasad Bhuniya, Rakesh K. Mahajan*, Rajiv Puri, Hongguang Liu, Kyoung C. Ko, Jin Y. Lee*, Jong S. Kim* 305. “Turn-on” fluorescent polymeric microparticle sensors for the determination of ammonia and amines in the vapor state. Yoshitaka Takagai*, Yuki Nojiri, Tsugiko Takase, Willie L. Hinze, Michio Butsugan, Shukuro Igarashi 306. Trihalomethane complexation studies using dithiocarbamate-anchored calixarene monolayers in aqueous environments. Matthew Casselman, Alexander Wei 307. Deveropment of test strips for judging the degradation stage of used engine oil. Masatoshi Endo*, Tsukasa Saito, Toshiki Watanabe, Nami Igarashi, Kuniharu Yamamoto, Hiroshi Tochigi 308. Development of test paper for the determination of total polyphenol concentration. Masatoshi Endo*, Chihiro Kondo, Eri Takahashi, Masami Toi, Atsushi Sasaki 309. New strategy to design of efficient electrochemiluminecence (ECL) materials bearing pyrene as a -center. Yeon Ok Lee, Chang Wan Bae, Hyun Jung Kim, Hyo Sung Jung, Min Hee Lee, Jong-seung Kim* 310. Inductive time with efficient measurement-chemi-luminescence (iTem-CL) method for the analysis of trace metals as trigger using an autocatalytic reaction of metal complex. Takao Ohtomo, Shukuro Igarashi* 311. Development of podand type fluorophore/CTA membrane sensors possessed Pb2⫹ recognition function. Aya Yamasawa*, Naoki Tomita, Richard A. Bartsch, Takashi Hayashita 312. Highly sensitive visual determination of Cr(VI) by solid-phase colorimetry with a PTFE type membrane filter. Hitoshi Mizuguchi*, Takahiro Watanabe, Atsushi Sasaki, Junichi Shida 313. Ultratrace determination of lead(II) in water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration with a small piece of cellulose acetate type membrane. Hitoshi Mizuguchi*, Mirai Ishida, Tomohiro Takahashi, Atsushi Sasaki, Junichi Shida 314. Novel hybrid adsorbents of alginate and chemically modified silica gels and enrichment/separation of ultratrace metal ions for ICP-MS. Kazuo Hirayama*, Hitomi Fuda 315. Synthesis of thermosensitive gel incorporating monoaza-dithioether unit for the extraction of class b metal ions. Kenji Chayama*, Takumi Maehata, Satoshi Iwatsuki 316. Withdrawn 317. Effect of substituents of -diketones in the synergistic extraction of rare-earth ions with polyethers. Gene Frederick D. Gagabe, Keiichi Satoh, Kiyoshi Sawada* 318. Research on extraction, chemical compositions and bioactive effects of ostrich oil. Van Men Chu*, Yu Seon Jang*, Van Luong Hoang*, Tung Linh Nguyen, Van Long Nguyen, Binh Duong Vu, Young Ho Kim, Jong Seong Kang* 319. Development of a HPLC chromatographic method for the separation of phenolic lipids of esterified triacylglycerols and phospholipids of krill oil. Sarya Aziz*, Selim Kermasha * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 320. Highly sensitive detection of cytochalasin E from white root rot infected plants by precolumn derivatization coupled LCMS/MS. Masaya Kinomoto, Naoko Inoue, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 321. Enantioselective analysis of ofloxacin and ornidazole in pharmaceutical formulations by capillary electrophoresis using single chiral selector and computational calculation of their inclusion complexes. Khaldun M. AL Azzam*, Bahruddin Saad, Rohana Adnan 322. Separation at the solid level: The use of density gradients. Bruce S. Hudson, Jack Melton 323. Decomposition characteristics of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ion under various preserving conditions. Masatoshi Endo*, Rika Ishii, Sachi Shiraiwa, Atsushi Sasaki, Tatsuo Nishina, Junichi Kawashima 324. Thermal analysis of vitamin B6: EGA/ IAMS. Marta Juhasz, Toshiya Sato, Toshihiro Fujii* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III New Frontiers in Separation Science (#113) Organized by: T. Okada, P. Haddad, M. Porter Presiding: T. Okada Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 325. On-column solvent exchange for purified preparative fractions. Gilles H. Goetz*, Emily Beck, Peter W. Tidswell 326. QSPR modeling of thermodynamic parameters as a route to accurate modeling of gas chromatographic retention times. James J. Harynuk*, Bryan R. Karolat, Rafal M. Gieleciak, Darcy B. Hager 327. Adsorptive protein refolding purification using circulating fluidized bed. Harpreet Kaur*, Amarjeet Bassi 328. Study on separation of rubidium and strontium by ion-exchange chromatography for determination of their content and isotopic composition using ICP-MS. Minh H. Le, Trung V. Huynh, Chien X. Nguyen 329. Temperature dependence in polymer separation on ternary mobile phase in liquid chromatography. Cuong Nguyen Viet, Bernd Trathnigg 330. Analysis of a solution of dispersant mixture by an ion mobility spectrometer coupled with a mass spectrometer. Sung-Chan Jo*, Joon Seok K. Lee 331. Synthesis of a monolithic microhoneycomb with a low hydraulic resistance for the efficient recovery of ammonia from waste water. Takanobu Masuda, Izumi Yamada, Shin R. Mukai* 332. Microscale electrophoresis of oligosaccharides using large-volume sample stacking with electroosmotic flow pump. Takayuki Kawai*, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 333. Ion-selective nanomapping by atomic force microscopy using tips modified chemically with crown ether. Wataru Taniwaki, Hitoshi Yano, Shinpei Kado, Yoshio Nakahara, Keiichi Kimura 334. Selective on-line preconcentration of phosphopeptides by partially injected titania nanoparticles in capillary electrophoresis. Asako Matsuo, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa*, Koji Otsuka 335. Simple and rapid on-site preconcentration and separation method using a solidphase extraction for the determination of selenium(IV) and selenium(VI) in environmental waters. Minoru Okumura*, Kunihiro Ando, Yasushi Seike 336. Chiral ice chromatography. Taiki Shamoto*, Yuiko Tasaki, Tetsuo Okada 337. Surface modification of titania by using its thermal catalysis. Kazue Tani*, Masatake Ozawa, Masaki Tachibana, Hitoshi Koizumi 338. Separation and preconcentration of trace amounts of tramp elements in irondigested solution by ion-exchange adsorption/ion-pair elution followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometric determination. Nobuo Uehara* 339. Phosphate uptake by the adsorbent prepared by calcining paper sludge. Takaaki Wajima*, Kenzo Munakata 340. Femto to attoliter reactors evolved in ice matrix. Takuya Hashimoto*, Tetsuo Okada 341. Determination of phthalate esters in physiological saline solution by an improved solid-phase extraction coupled to ultra fast liquid chromatography with a mass spectrometer. Lu Lu, Yuki Hashi, Zhihua Wang, Jin-Ming Lin* 342. Application of transient trapping to peptide analysis in micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Ryuta Tanaka*, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 343. Analysis of sialic acids by affinity capillary electrophoresis using specific interaction with tryptamines. Risa Kusumoto*, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 344. Acoustic separation of particles: Evaluation of chemical processes and 2-D separation in terms of material and size. Takahiro Kanazaki*, Tetsuo Okada 345. Capillary chromatography based on tube radial distribution of water-hydrophilic-hydrophobic organic mixture carrier solvents. Naoya Jinno, Masahiko Hashimoto, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi* 346. Development of freeze-concentration assisted liquid-phase microextraction for the analysis of chlorophenols in water by gas chromatography - electron capture detection. Hou-Kuang Shih, Jen-Fon Jen* 347. Retention behavior of aromatic amines with ionic liquids as additive in semi-micro HPLC. Hitoshi Koizumi*, Yuppadee Nusai, Yo Hasebe, Masaki Tachibana, Kazue Tani, Nobutoshi Kiba 348. Novel environment-friendly recycling system of precious metals using proteinrich biomass. Yasuki Terashima, Tatsuo Maruyama, Masahiro Goto, Yoshikage Ohmukai, Hideto Matsuyama 349. Design of cellulose beads grafted with cationic polymer for chromatographic separation of DNA from protein solution. Masayo Sakata*, Yuki Tatenaka, Md Ashaduzzaman, Kei Ishikura, Masashi Kunitake 350. Applications of microwave-assisted C18 functionalized SBA-16 on high performance liquid chromatography for pesticides analysis. Youn Yuen Shu*, Da-Kuei Chien, Tehlong Lai, Jen Hsiuen Hsieh 351. Preparation of hydrophobized thermoresponsive copolymer brush grafted silica beads as chromatographic stationary phase. Kenichi Nagase*, Mio Kumazaki, Jun Kobayashi, Akihiko Kikuchi, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Hideko Kanazawa, Masahiko Annaka, Teruo Okano 352. Super-selective separation for steroids using carbazole-based polymeric phase. Kaori Shingo, Abul K. Mallik, Usha G. Gautam, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Makoto Takafuji, Hirotaka Ihara* 353. Investigation of adsorption behavior of monocyclic hydrocarbons onto nonporous hydrophobic magnetite. Takahiro Sasaki*, Shunitz Tanaka 354. Selectivity enhancement for shape-constrained isomers based on precise arrangement of weak interaction sites through alternating copolymerization on silica. Abul K. Mallik, Kaori Shingo, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Makoto Takafuji, Hirotaka Ihara* 355. New chiral discrimination method based on intramolecular chirality propagation hypothesis. Yukiharu Fukushi*, Noriko Okuda 356. CD and LD measurements of molecular complexation of bilirubin at liquid/liquid interface. Kimika Matsuura, Hitoshi Watarai 357. Formation of chiral hetero-aggregate of porphyrine at liquid-liquid interface. Hideaki Takechi, Hitoshi Watarai 358. Conversion from chloroform to 1-butanol in a solvent extraction system using 4,5-bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)-1,2,3-triazole as a chelating agent for metal ions. Shota Ono, Hiroshi Mukai 359. Binding and distribution analyses of organic cations to nonionic surfactant micelles in an aqueous solution through the changes in electrophoretic mobility. Toshio Takayanagi*, Ayumi Ikuta 360. Capillary electrophoretic reactor and microchip capillary electrophoretic reactor: Capillary electrophoresis based direct measurement method for the dissociation kinetics of metal complexes and biomolecular complexes. Toru Takahashi*, Nobuhiko IKi, Hitoshi Hoshino 361. Acid-base and complex formation reaction of aminopoly(methylenephosphonate) immobilized silica-gel. Keiichi Satoh*, Kiyoshi Sawada 362. Enhancement of an analytical method for the determination of siloxanes in biogas. Che-yun Eom*, Nam-Hoon Lee, Sun-Ho Song, Sae-Rom Jeong, Kwang-Bum Hur, Chae-Young Lee 363. Laws of polymers in liquid chromatography. Alexander Skvortsov* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Analytical and Environmental Chemistry in Human Health (#206) Organized by: X.C. Le, G. Jiang, X. Li, S. Richardson, L. Zhu Presiding: C. Le Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 364. Development of a novel quantitative GC/MS using multidimensional property database. Naoki Sugimoto*, Maiko Tahara, Reiji Kubota, Kumiko Shimizu, Kazuichi Hayakawa, Tetsuji Nishimura 365. Effects of rainfall on the concentrations of fifteen trace elements in spring water samples. Masayuki Gotoh*, Yumi Manaka, Tadashi Furuhata, Mikio Tosaka, Yu Asano 366. Fifteen trace elements in eluate from aluminum and enamel cookware using ICP-MS. Yumi Manaka*, Masayuki Gotoh, Katsumi Kano, Yu Asano 367. Rapid, convenient method for the separation of the components of gentamicin: Synthesis of a single chemiluminescent conjugate for gentamicin immunoassay. Jonathan Grote*, Richard Himmelsbach, Don Johnson 368. Environmental analysis and water quality exposure monitoring of Yamato river water system using an in vitro bioassay system in Japan. Akiyoshi Sawabe*, Kazuki Ikushima, Katsuaki Sasai, Ryuji Takeda, Ryo Kamata, Shiho Kageyama, Daisuke Nakajima, Fujio Shiraishi, Akira Iida 369. Interpreting and understanding the elimination space of chemical biomarkers: A case study using the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey dataset. Daniel T. Chang*, Michael-Rock Goldsmith, Rogelio Tornero-Velez, Yu-Mei Tan, Jeffre C. Johnson, Shane D. Peterson, Joachim Pleil, Curtis C. Dary 370. Air pollution at an urban tunnel in Lisbon, Portugal. Maria do Carmo M. Freitas*, Nuno Canha, Isabel Dionisio, Ho M. Dung 371. Determination of trace amounts of Cd, Pb, Cr in drinking water by preconcentration of their polymeric dithiocarbamate chelates on a micromembrane filter and atomic adsorption analysis. Jun-ichi Itoh, Rikoh Kamei, Tomoya Ueno, Takahiro Tomonaga, Makoto Horikawa 372. Metabolism, toxicty of designer drug, novel minor metabolites of ␣-methylfentanyl in rat. Shinichi Suzuki*, Yasuhiro Suzuki 373. Withdrawn 374. Water state analysis in environmental compatible thermo reversible hydrogels. Yuko Nishimoto*, Yuichi Iitaka, Toru Aikawa, Itsuro Takenoshita 375. Concentration and characteristics of phthalates in indoor settled dust of Beijing area in China. Xiaoyi Wang*, Xingtao Lin, Jingqiang Zhao, Ting Shen, Xiaolei Yu, Shuying Wang 376. Determination of trace cerium in water samples by ICP-AES after solid phase extraction on chelating fibrous sorbent. Hiroaki Minamisawa*, Hiromichi Asamoto, Mayumi Minamisawa, Kazunori Saitoh, Tatsuro Nakagama, Masami Shibukawa 377. Interaction between amino acids and hypochlorous acid in the functional water. Mao Yasutomi, Atsuo Iwasawa, Yuko Nishimoto* 378. New microplate method for the quantitative evaluation of fibrinogen coagulation. Yidan Liu, Nanting Ni, Minyong Li, Weixuan Chen, Binghe Wang* 379. Study on determination of chlorpyrifos in fruits and vegetables using dispersive liquid-liquid extraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography-uv detection. Takehiro Kojima*, Satoko Jyu-man, Nao Motizuki, Yuka Mori 380. Analysis of nitro polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric environment by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with negative ion chemical ionization mode. Youn Yuen Shu, Hai-Ying Chien, Wen-Wei Cheng, Yen-Heng Chen, Colin S. Chen, Thomas C Yang, Mu-Sheng Lee 381. Detecting viable but nonculturable E. coli O157:H7 in water. Xing-Fang Li, Yanming Liu, Chuan Wang, Feng Li 382. VOC-adsorption and desorption properties of woodceramics prepared from cedar waste. Satomi Onuki, Toshihiro Okabe, Takahisa Tsugoshi, Yuko Nishimoto* 383. Discrimination of Polygonum mulfiflorum, Cynanchum wilfordii and Cynanchum auriculatum by genetic and chemical analysis. Changhee Cho, Jong Hwa Lee*, Rack Seon Seong, Ju Young Park, Young Hoon Shim, Ji Yeon Kim, Seong Ye Hyeon, Ji Sang Whang, Sun Ho Kim, Dong Sup Kim, Wan Kyun Whang 384. Analysis and occurrences of pharmaceuticals and personal care products from environmental samples. Seung-Woon Myung* 385. Serum levels of perfluoroalkyl compounds in human maternal and umbilical cord blood samples. Minkyun Kim*, Jaeho Yang 386. Dissolved forms of metal ions and pHbuffering effect in the acidic river. Eri Takahashi, Eishi Yoshikawa, Atsushi Sasaki, Masatoshi Endo* 387. Predicting contaminant diffusion and partitioning behaviours from time resolved membrane introduction mass spectrometry. Megan Willis, Chris G. Gill, Erik T. Krogh* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–57 01-ANYL 388. Combining chemical, electrical, and filtration strategies to isolate giant mitochondria. Scott P. Rose, Vratislav Kostal, Edgar A. Arriaga* 389. Effect of pH on the interaction between aluminium ions and poly(acrylic acid). Mayumi Etou*, Yuka Masaki, Shouqin Bai, Yoshihiro Okaue, Takushi Yokoyama 390. Withdrawn 391. Application of stationary phase optimized liquid chromatography to peptides separations. Dong-ying Chen*, Jing Lu, Gerhard K. E. Scriba 392. Preparation metal alginates from algae and their characteristic evaluation. Jin-San Kim, Tara Sankar Pathak, Ki-Jung Paeng Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Rapid, Multi-Component Environmental Analysis (#253) Organized by: R. Clement, F. Dorman, N. Yamashita Presiding: R. Clement Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 393. Determination of furfural content in preextraction stream of biomass by headspace gas chromatography. Hailong Li*, Huaiyu Zhan, Xinsheng Chai, Mengru Liu, Shiyu Fu Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Non- and Minimally-Invasive Diagnostics of Biological Systems using Vibrational Spectroscopy (#276) Organized by: M.W. Blades, M. Michael, H. Sato Presiding: M. Blades Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 394. Optical biopsy: Simultaneous measurement of hyper spectral fluorescence image and Raman spectra. Hidetoshi Sato* 395. Nondestructive quantitative analysis of body fatty acid compositions by Raman spectroscopy. Retno Hariyani, Akinori Taketani, Kazuki Minami, Hidetoshi Sato 396. In situ analysis of live single cultured cell using Raman spectroscopy. Hiroshi Kosugi, Ken Kurokawa, Yusuke Oshima, Hidetoshi Sato Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Enabling Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Proteomics (#277) Organized by: L. Li, D. Muddiman, X. Qian Presiding: L. Li Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 397. Development of off-line 2-D LC tandem mass spectrometry for comprehensive tissue proteome analysis. Nan Wang, Liang Li 398. Laserspray ionization approaches for rapid selection of singly and multiply charged ions for improved protein identification. Charles N. McEwen, Barbara S. Larsen, Sarah Trimpin 399. Specific substrates of cold inducible chaperonin in hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis. Le Gao, Atsushi Danno, Wakao Fukuda, Tadayuki Imanaka, Shinsuke Fujiwara* 400. Simple and rapid proteolysis by protease-immobilized microfluidic reactor for proteomic analysis. Masaya Miyazaki*, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Hideaki Maeda 401. Proteomic analysis of posttranslational modifications at cysteine residues in signaling pathways. Kong-Joo Lee*, Jaehoe Jeong, Jae Jin Lee, Eunsun Lee, Eunok Paek, Hee-Jung Kim 58 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Friday Morning 9:25 – 417. Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, chlorobenznes in sediment, soil and sludge samples using GCxGC-ECD. Alina Musclu, Eric Reiner, Steven Liss, Tony Chen 9:45 – 418. Comprehensive chromatography (GCxGC and LCxLC) for the analysis of complex samples. Luigi Mondello*, Peter Q. Tranchida, Giorgia Purcaro, Paola Dugo, Giovanni Dugo 10:05 – 419. Comprehensive liquid chromatography from a practitioner’s perspective. Isabelle Francois*, Pat Sandra 10:30 – 420. Application of 2-D LC in pharmaceutical analysis. C. J. Venkatramani*, Kavita Mistry, Nicholas Chetwyn 10:50 – 421. Characterization of commercial polymeric surfactants by 2-D liquid chromatography and MALDI TOF-MS. Shazia Abrar*, Bernd Trathnigg 11:10 – 422. Multidimensional separations with parallel capillary electrophoresis as the second dimension. Cameron D. Skinner, John D. Chin* Convention Center 323C Convention Center 301B New Frontiers of Plasma Spectrochemistry (#84) Electroanalytical Sciences (#193) 402. 2-D SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS analysis of nanoscale amounts of bone matrix proteins. Grazyna (Gyna) Sroga*, Deepak Vashishth 403. Identification of Arg-gingipain inhibitors in legume seeds, using targeted-proteomics approaches. Eiichi Saitoh*, Mayumi Taiyoji, Kensuke Ohkubo, Kasahara Hitoshi, Masayuki Taniguchi, Sadami Ohtsubo 404. Novel 4-flex isobaric mass tags, PBAG and ACYBAG, for quantitative proteomics. Yongsik Jung, Hee-Yoon Lee*, Min-Soo Suh, Hye-Joo Yoon, Seung Koo Shin 405. Nondestructive ionization method based on ion association reaction in nonpolar solvent. Atsushi Takamizawa*, Naoto Niizuma, Takashi Korenaga 406. Consequences of peptide dimethylation on ion exchange separation and ionization efficiency: an optimization study. Dennis Orton, Alan A. Doucette* Organized by: N. Furuta, G. Hieftje, R. Sturgeon Presiding: G. Hieftje 7:30 Opening remarks 7:35 – 407. New directions and opportunities in plasma source mass spectrometry. David W. Koppenaal*, Charles J. Barinaga, George J. Hager, Martin Liezers, Tony Carado 8:15 – 408. Brand-new sample introduction systems for bio/medical applications. Akitoshi Okino*, Kaori Shigeta, Takahiro Iwai, Yuichiro Takahashi, Yuki Kaburaki, Yuta Negishi, Hidekazu Mitahara 9:30 – 409. Analyte transport, solvent loading and nanoparticle vaporization: Implications for analysis of solutions and solids by ICP-OES and ICP-MS. John W. Olesik*, Patrick Gray, Elodie Linard, Josh Dettman 10:10 – 410. ICP spectrometry of micro- and nanoparticles. Kay Niemax* 10:50 – 411. Effect of sample matrix on ion transmission through the vacuum interface of an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. Paul B. Farnsworth*, Ross Spencer, Nicholas Taylor Convention Center 317A Comprehensive Multidimensional Separations (#191) Organized by: T. Gorecki, P. Marriott, R. Synovec Presiding: R. Synovec 7:30 – 412. Strategies for comprehensive 2-D gas chromatography analysis of essential oils. Philip J. Marriott*, Sung Tong Chin, Bussayarat Maikhunthod, Christian Ruehle 7:55 – 413. Separation of elaidic and vaccenic acids in foods using GC⫻GC-time of flight mass spectrometry. Jaeho Ha*, Dongwon Seo, Dong-bin Shin, Homoon Seog, Kwang-Won Lee 8:20 – 414. Addressing the challenges of analyzing trace alkyl phosphate contamination of petrochemical samples by GC⫻GC. James J. Harynuk*, Katie D. Nizio, Aleisha D. Rossé 8:45 – 415. Applications of multidimensional separation in the petroleum industry. Frank C. Wang* 9:05 – 416. GCxGC characterization of naturally produced organobromine compounds. Peter S. Haglund, Karin Lofstrand, Lillemor Asplund Organized by: K. Aoki, B. Liu, T. Osakai, H. White Presiding: K. Aoki 7:30 – 423. Interpretation of the potential response of polymer-membrane type ionselective electrodes based on ion-transfer voltammetry. Toshiyuki Osakai*, Yoshitsugu Sato 8:10 – 424. Simultaneous voltammetric determination of nitrate and nitrite ions by using a pretreated copper electrode. Shovon M. Shariar*, Teruo Hinoue 8:30 – 425. Determination of concentration and diffusion coefficient by the combination of regular and micro electrodes. Jingyuan Chen*, Hua Zhang, Koichi Aoki, Hirokazu Toda 8:50 – 426. Electrochemical sensor for tryptophan and serotonin using glassy carbon paste electrodes in the presence of interfering substances. Katsuhiko Nishiyama*, Akiko Kai, Kazufumi Inada 9:10 – 427. Programmed release of aminecontaining molecules based on electroactive self-assembled monolayers. Daewha Hong*, Kyungtae Kang*, Seok-Pyo Hong, Insung S. Choi 9:30 – 428. Electrochemical aspects of laser desorption ionization. Liang Qiao, Baohong Liu, Hubert Girault 10:20 – 429. Electrochemical impedance to analyze porous electrode in energy conversion devices. Masayuki Itagaki*, Isao Shitanda, Kunihiro Watanabe 10:40 – 430. Electron-transfer number of oligomers having 1-step 2-electron transfer units. Toyohiko Nishiumi*, Koichi Aoki 11:10 – 431. Determination of standard entropy change of ion transfer across 1,2dichloroethane|water interface by thermal modulation voltammetry using visible laser heating. Teruo Hinoue*, Hirosuke Tatsumi, Yui Terauchi 8:20 – 433. Single-molecule observation of DNA conformational transition by microfluidic devices. Hiroshi Suzuki, Noritada Kaji*, Yukihiro Okamoto, Manabu Tokeshi, Yoshinobu Baba 8:40 – 434. Study of unique electrical conduction in extended-nano space using streaming potential/current measurement. Kyojiro Morikawa*, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Tsukahara, Takehiko Kitamori 9:00 – 435. Nanofluidic devices for characterizing individual DNA molecules. J. Michael Ramsey*, Laurent D. Menard, Chad E. Mair, Jean P. Allarie, Hanno Weitering, Massimiliano Di Ventra 9:25 – 436. Extended-nano fluidic devices for analytical and green chemistry. Takehiko Kitamori* 9:50 – 437. Studies of transport with scanning probe techniques. Lane Baker, Chiao-Chen Chen, Maks Derylo 10:15 – 438. Compatibility challenges for performing PCR on PDMS microfluidic chips. H. J. Crabtree*, Jana Lauzon, Yuen Ching Wong, Tina Liang, Robert W. Johnstone, Alex J. Stickel, Dammika P. Manage, Christopher J. Backhouse, Linda M. Pilarski 10:40 – 439. Microfluidic devices for medical diagnostics. Manabu Tokeshi* 11:05 – 440. Point-of-care diagnostics for global health. Paul Yager* Convention Center 301A Enabling Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Proteomics (#277) Organized by: L. Li, D. Muddiman, X. Qian Presiding: P. Yang 8:00 – 441. Ultrahigh mass resolution extends the reach of structural analysis for proteins and their complexes. Alan G. Marshall, Greg T. Blakney, Mark R. Emmett, Neil L. Kelleher, Christopher L. Hendrickson 8:30 – 442. Non-stick proteomics: ammonium perfluorooctanoate as substitute for SDS. Alan A. Doucette*, D. B. Vieira, A. Crowell 9:00 – 443. Microbial glycosylation: The outer surface of the archaeon Methanosarcina mazei. Deborah R. Francoleon, A. J. Ytterberg, Pinmanee Boontheung, Unmi Kim, Patricia A. Denny, Paul C. Denny, Joseph A. Loo, Robert Gunsalus, Rachel O. Loo* 9:30 – 444. Characterization of N-glycosylation in the extracellular region of CD44s and exploration of its recognination mechanism by LSECtin. Xiaohong Qian, Huanhuan Han*, Yangjun Zhang 10:00 – 445. N-glycoproteome: Interpreting information of N-glycosites and corresponding glycan compositions/structures from mass spectrometric outputs. Pengyuan Yang*, Yaohan Chen 10:30 – 446. Middle-down proteomic analysis: A status check. Catherine Fenselau* Convention Center 305A Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation (#198) * Principle Author Organized by: H.J. Crabtree, Y. Baba, S. Jacobsen, J.M. Ramsey Presiding: S. Jacobson, L. Baker 8:00 – 432. Ultra rapid flow-through PCR system with disposable electrochemical printed chip. Yusuke Fuchiwaki, Masato Saito, Shin-ichi Wakida, Eiichi Tamiya, Hidenori Nagai* Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 11:00 – 447. Top-down mass spectrometry of charge-enhanced proteins and protein-ligand complexes. Sabrina A. Benchaar, Rajeswari Lakshmanan, Sheng Yin, Rachel R. Ogorzalek Loo, Joseph A. Loo* Friday Afternoon Convention Center 323C New Frontiers of Plasma Spectrochemistry (#84) Organized by: N. Furuta, G. Hieftje, R. Sturgeon Presiding: N. Jakubowski 12:30 – 448. Sources, spectrometers, and systems for plasma spectrochemistry. Gary M. Hieftje, Eyal Elish, Carsten Engelhard, Jeremy A. Felton, Alexander W. Graham, Meghan C. McCormick, Kevin P. Pfeuffer, Steven J. Ray, Jacob T. Shelley, Christie G. Enke, David W. Koppenaal, Charles Barinaga 13:10 – 449. Characterization of nanolayered materials using a pulsed-radiofrequency glow discharge plasma coupled to a time of flight mass spectrometer. Jorge Pisonero*, Nerea Bordel, Alfredo Sanz-Medel, Antonino Licciardello, Agnes Tempez 13:50 – 450. Novel mass analyzers and excitation sources for atomic spectroscopy. Steven J. Ray, Elise Dennis, Alex Graham, Eyal Elish, Gary M. Hieftje*, Christie Enke, Charles Barinaga, David Koppenaal 15:05 – 451. Photochemical vapor generation: Status and prospects. Ralph E. Sturgeon*, Chengbin Zheng, Xiandeng Hou 15:45 – 452. Development of high performance concentric nebulizer for ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Kazumi Inagaki, Shin-ichiro Fujii, Koichi Chiba* Convention Center 301B (Bio-)Chemical/Electrochemical Sensors and Sensing Materials (#255) Organized by: K. Suzuki, E. Bakker, P. Buhlmann, D. Citterio, O. Niwa Presiding: K. Suzuki, D. Citterio 12:30 Opening remarks 12:35 – 453. Electrochemiluminescent microarrays for multiplexed detection. David Walt*, Christopher LaFratta, Elena Benito Peña, Frederique Deiss, Neso Sojic, Guillermo Orellana, Matthew Symer 13:05 – 454. Withdrawn 13:25 – 455. Sol-gel film containing metal and semiconductor nanoparticles for gas sensing. Alessandro Martucci*, Enrico Della Gaspera, Dario Buso 13:45 – 456. Sol-gel immobilized porous nanocapsules for sensor applications. Bill Ganus, Erno Lindner, Eugene Pinkhassik* 14:05 – 457. Multipoint fiber-optic hydrogen gas sensor. Shinji Okazaki*, Hidemoto Nakagawa, Murata Kenji, Kenzo Fukuda 14:25 – 458. Abasic site-based DNA aptamers for analytical applications. Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 14:45 – 459. Conjugation of quantum dots and aptamers on an optical fibre for cocaine detection. Ewan K. Galbraith*, Tong Sun 15:05 – 460. Optical sugar sensing film based on competitive binding between boronic acid receptor and functional dye immobilized on hydrogel matrix. Koji Tohda*, Noriyuki Goshima, Tomoyo Kosaka 15:25 – 461. Optical technology using solidphase microextraction and fluorescence detection for on-site monitoring of bacteria in water. R. Stephen Brown*, Eric J. Marcotte, Christine E. Dunkinson, W. Peter Aston, Douglas Wilton, Peter Gallant 15:45 – 462. Molecule recognition by fluorescent ligands using abasic site-containing oligonucleotides. Norio Teramae* Convention Center 317A Novel Applications of Magnetic Fields in Analytical Chemistry (#260) Organized by: H. Watarai, I. Fritsch, C.B. Fuh, B. Yellen Presiding: C. Fuh, H. Watarai 12:30 Opening remarks 12:35 – 463. Magnetic and electromagnetic separation, detection, and imaging. Hitoshi Watarai* 12:55 – 464. Simultaneous measurement of natural and magnetic optical rotation under pulsed magnetic field. Masayori Suwa*, Kayoko Miyamoto, Yusuke Nakano, Hitoshi Watarai 13:15 – 465. Redox-magnetohydrodynamic microfluidics. Melissa C. Weston, Matthew D. Gerner, Christena K. Hooten, Cajon Gonzales, Vishal Sahore, Ingrid Fritsch*, Kakkattukuzhy M. Isaac, Nicholas Leventis 13:40 – 466. Magnetic field effects in electrochemical reactions. Gerd Mutschke*, Denis Koschichow, Ralf Peipmann, Andreas Bund, Jochen Fröhlich, Tom Weier, Kristina Tschulik, Margitta Uhlemann 14:00 – 467. Magnetic field effect as a tool for identification of pathways of photoinduced reactions with radical pairs as transient intermediates in organized assemblies. Brotati Chakraborty, Samita Basu* 14:20 – 468. In situ optical observation and numerical analysis of the behavior of feeble magnetic particles under high magnetic fields. Noriyuki Hirota*, Tsutomu Ando, Yoshio Sakka 14:40 – 469. Magnetically induced modulations of light scattering in chromatophores of goldfish scale. Masanobu Kudo, Masakazu Iwasaka*, Satoru Kurita, Norio Owada 15:00 – 470. Recognition of molecular chirality by magnetoelectrodeposited metal films. Iwao Mogi* 15:20 – 471. Magneto-lithography-patterning beyond flat and uniform surfaces. Ron Naaman, Amos Bardea, Anand K. Tatikonda 15:40 – 472. Magnetic response of aqueous systems and analytical aspects. Yuta Honma, Govindachetty Saravanan, Tomohisa Matsushita, Atom Hamasaki, Sumio Ozeki* 16:05 – 473. New method of high-resolution electron spin resonance using a microcantilever. EIji Ohmichi*, Shuya Hirano, Noriaki Mizuno, Hitoshi Ohta Convention Center 305A Recent Advances in Bioanalysis: UltraSmall Volumes, Global Metabolite Profiling and Single Cells (#56) Organized by: D. Chiu, S. Boxer, P. Britz-McKibbin, T. Matsunaga, K. Otsuka, G. Zhou Presiding: D. Chiu 12:45 Introductory remarks 12:50 – 474. Controlling the rates of biochemical reactions and signaling networks by shape-and-volume changes. Owe Orwar* 13:25 – 475. High-resolution, quantitative signalling assay for G-protein-coupled receptors by flow cytometry. Akihiko Kondo*, Jun Ishii, Nobuo Fukuda, Chiaki Ogino 13:45 – 476. Artificial cells to study the basic cell function of exocytosis. Ann-Sofie Cans, Michael Kurczy, Lisa Simonsson, Kelly Adams, Carina Berglund, Fredrik Höök, Andrew Ewing 14:20 – 477. Gold nanoparticle-based SERS spectroscopy of embryonic stem cell differentiation process. Sathuluri Ramachandra Rao, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa*, Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain, Eiichi Tamiya 14:40 – 478. Digital microfluidics for chemistry, biology, and medicine. Aaron Wheeeler* 15:15 – 479. Magnetic micro-analysis of droplet interface and cell surface. Hitoshi Watarai* 15:50 – 480. High-density microwell arrays for studying cell populations at the single cell level. David Walt*, Ragnhild Dragoey Whitaker, Aaron Phillips 16:25 Closing remarks Convention Center 301A Enabling Mass Spectrometric Techniques for Proteomics (#277) Organized by: L. Li, D. Muddiman, X. Qian Presiding: Y. Ishihama 13:00 – 481. Enzymology and proteomics collide and a new method for discovery of natural products is born. Neil Kelleher, Bradley Evans, Stefanie Bumpus, Ioanna Ntai, Yunqiu Chen, Jessica Albright, Paul Thomas 13:30 – 482. Development of technology and methods for large-scale phosphoproteome analysis. Hanfa Zou*, Mingliang Ye, Xinning Jiang, Guanghui Han, Fangjun Wang 14:00 – 483. Desorption ionization of peptides and metabolites from tunable nanoporous GLAD films. Jed Harrison*, Abebaw Jemere, Louis Bezuidenhout, Michael Brett 14:30 – 484. Laserspray ionization: A new approach for protein characterization. Sarah Trimpin 15:00 – 485. Automated refinement of mass spectrometry instrument methods for targeted proteomics. Brendan MacLean, Daniela Tomazela, Matt Chambers, David Tabb, Daniel Liebler, Michael MacCoss* 15:30 – 486. One-shot proteomics to unveil the expressed proteome and phosphoproteome on a microarray scale. Yasushi Ishihama* 16:00 – 487. LC/MS-based shotgun method for whole proteome analysis. Liang Li 492. Development of the mass spectrometer equipped with ECRIS and its application to the isotopic analyses. Masanori Kidera, Masayoshi Toda, Mika Makita, Yohei Mitsubori, Tatsuhiko Tanaka, Kazuya Takahashi* 493. Development of discharge-emission spectrometer system with ion generable equipment. Megumi Mizumura, Hiromichi Yamabe, Erika Hayakawa, Mitunori Araki, Kouichi Tsukiyama 494. Use of high-resolution mass spectrometry and atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization for elemental speciation of aviation fuel. Duane A. Rogers*, Robert E. Morris, Kevin J. Johnson 495. Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for metal speciation with matrix solution. Masashi Wakasugi*, Tatsuya Urabe, Tomohiro Oikawa, Miho Tanaka 496. Laser induced plasma dynamics in air using homogenized femtosecond laser pulses. Osman Sorkhabi*, Xianglei Mao, Travis N. Owens, Jhanis J. Gonzalez, R. E. Russo 497. Sample introduction into a flowing nitrogen post discharge and kinetics studies. Aleš Hrdlika*, Markéta Procházková, Vítezslav Otruba, Viktor Kanický, František Krma, Vera Mazánková, Ivana Bocková 498. Improvement of the capabilities of inductively coupled plasma spectrometry by replacing the desolvation system of an ultrasonic nebulization system with a preevaporation tube. Christian Agatemor, Asfaw Alemayehu, Diane Beauchemin 499. Microwave-assisted sample preparation for trace inorganic analysis. Joaquim A. Nobrega*, Cezar A. Bizzi, Erico M. Flores, Rochele S. Picoloto, Juliano S. Barin 500. Spectrochemistry at plasma/liquid interfaces(1): Construction of a confocal microscope equipped with a custommade discharge cell. Hiroharu Yui*, Yuta Kusama, Hisaya Kato, Yuu Someya 501. Spectrochemistry at plasma/liquid interfaces(2): Spatial distribution of electron density and electron temperature. Yuta Kusama, Hisaya Kato, Yuu Someya, Hiroharu Yui 502. Spectrochemistry at plasma/liquid interfaces(3): Time-evolution of H and OH radicals. Yuu Someya, Hisaya Kato, Yuta Kusama, Hiroharu Yui 503. Direct evidence of He-induced excitation process of H atoms in cooled laser plasma. Koo H. Kurniawan*, Kiichiro Kagawa Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Electroanalytical Sciences (#193) Friday Evening Organized by: K. Aoki, B. Liu, T. Osakai, H. White Presiding: K. Aoki Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 New Frontiers of Plasma Spectrochemistry (#84) 504. Selective determination of corrosion products on copper by voltammetry using a strongly alkaline electrolyte. Shigeyoshi Nakayama*, Takenori Notoya, Toshiyuki Osakai Organized by: N. Furuta, G. Hieftje, R. Sturgeon Presiding: N. Furuta Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 488. Circulation of silica from river to ocean: Study on chemical species by FAB-MS. Miho Tanaka, Kazuya Takahashi 489. Chemical speciation of aluminum and chromium in the process of coprecipitation by ESI-MS. Tatsuya Urabe*, Miho Tanaka 490. Characterization on dissolution of lead and tin chemical speciation by ESI-MS. Akihiro Muraoka, Tatsuya Urabe, Miho Tanaka 491. Identification and quantitation of pharmaceutical material by halogenated and organometallic speciation using LCICP-MS and LC-LTQ/Orbitrap MS. Bradley J. Shaw*, Gary Guo, David Semin * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–59 01-ANYL 505. Novel L-aspartate amperometric biosensensing using thermostable L-aspartate dehydrogenase. Yosuke Okezaki, Haitao Zheng, Kazunari Yoneda, Haruhiko Sakuraba, Toshihisa Ohshima, Shin-ichiro Suye* 506. Evolution of L-aspartate dehydrogenase for optimum pH shift using errorprone RCA for biosensing. Kayo Yamaguchi, Yosuke Okezaki, Kazunari Yoneda, Haruhiko Sakuraba, Toshihisa Ohshima, Shin-ichiro Suye* 507. Fabrication of gold nanoparticle-spacemodified electrodes. Daisuke Nakashima, Munetaka Oyama* 508. Cyclic voltammetry at glassy carbon and gold electrodes treated by laserpulse irradiation. Taito Nakazawa*, Yuko Wada, Teruo Hinoue 509. Cyclic voltammetry of meso-tetrakis(Nmethylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin and meso-tetraphenylporphyrin on carbonnanotube-modified electrodes. Setsuko Kudo*, Masamichi Hirokawa, Satoki Goto, Takaaki Eyama 510. Electrochemical control of the bioluminescence by bacterial luciferase by using modified gold electrode. Shuto Yamada*, Shinya Yamasaki, Tatsuya Suyama, Ko Takehara 511. Identification of electrochemically deposited species of metal ions in the presence of chelating agents in solution by using a cyclic voltammetry combined with the time differential QCM method. Kenta Takagi, Toru Ozeki* 512. Microelectrode voltammetry in viscous solution of polyethylene glycols. Yi Guo 513. Alkaline ion effects on photocatalytic reactions at titania/electrolyte solution interface observed by quartz crystal microbalance method and microscope electrophoresis. Yoshikiyo Kato*, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Hiroki Koike 514. Double electrode fabricated with plural layers of microporous membrane electrodes. Hitoshi Mizuguchi*, Kanako Shibuya, Azumi Fuse, Tomoko Hamada, Masamitsu Iiyama, Kazuhiro Tachibana, Tatsuo Nishina, Junichi Shida 515. Highly sensitive determination of metal ions by stripping voltammetry with microporous membrane electrodes. Hitoshi Mizuguchi*, Chiaki Monma, Masamitsu Iiyama, Kazuhiro Tachibana, Tatsuo Nishina, Junichi Shida 516. On line monitoring system of metallic impurity in concd alkaline solutions by anodic stripping voltammetry with microporous membrane electrodes. Hitoshi Mizuguchi*, Toru Hisamatsu, Masamitsu Iiyama, Kazuhiro Tachibana, Tatsuo Nishina, Junichi Shida 517. Amperometric measurement of ␣-glucosidase activity using hydroquinone-␣D-glucopyranoside as substrate. Kojiro Miki*, Makoto Horii, Tatsuro Hayashi 518. Synchronization of multiple potential oscillations in liquid membrane systems. Yoshihide Tatsuno, Yumi Yoshida, Kohji Maeda 519. STM and voltammetric studies of the formation process of phase-separated binary self-assembled monolayers on gold. Suguru Murayama*, Yuki Kitazumi, Naoya Nishi, Takashi Kakiuchi Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Devices for Chemical and Biochemical Experimentation (#198) Organized by: H.J. Crabtree, Y. Baba, S. Jacobson, J.M. Ramsey Presiding: H. Crabtree, S. Prakash Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 520. High sensitive DNA detection with the combination of two kinds of fluorescent dyes by microchip electrophoresis. Yuka Yamaguchi, Shouki Yatsushiro, Shohei Yamamura, Kaori Abe, Yasuo Shinohara, Masatoshi Kataoka 60 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 521. Microfluidic approach for anticancer drug analysis based on hydrogel encapsulated tumor cells. Dan Gao*, Jin-Ming Lin* 522. Microfluidic hydrogel for more flexible cell-based applications. Yan Xu, Kihoon Jang, Kazuma Mawatari, Tomohiro Konno, Kazuhiko Ishihara, Takehiko Kitamori* 523. New method for label-free detection of biomolecules using nanostructures. Takao Yasui*, Noritada Kaji, Yukihiro Okamoto, Manabu Tokeshi, Yasuhiro Horiike, Yoshinobu Baba 524. Development of a microchip-based southern hybridization analysis system. Kiichi Sato*, Keisuke Aono, Etsuro Yoshimura 525. Analysis of a single molecular enzymatic reaction by micro- and nanofabricated structures. Kazuki Iijima*, Noritada Kaji, Yukihiro Okamoto, Manabu Tokeshi, Yoshinobu Baba 526. Microfluidic sensor for the detection of double- and single-stranded DNA binding proteins by the changes of fluorescence intensity. Wang Jun*, Okamoto Yukihiro, Kaji Noritada, Tokeshi Manabu, Baba Yoshinobu 527. Microfluidic device for single embryo coculture with microporous membranesupported endometrial cells. Hiroshi Kimura*, Hiroko Nakamura, Tomonori Akai, Takatoki Yamamoto, Hideshi Hattori, Yasuyuki Sakai, Teruo Fujii 528. Microfluidic dorsal root ganglia neuronal culturing for imaging nerve growth factor transport. Yasuko Osakada, Kai Zhang, Bianxiao Cui* 529. Selective adhesion of target cancer cells from red blood cell suspension using a peptide aptamer-coated microfluidic device. Shohei Kaneda, Tamiko Minamisawa, Kiyotaka Shiba, Teruo Fujii* 530. Detection of non-fluorescent molecules in extended nanochannel using differential interference contrast thermal lens microscope. Hisashi Shimizu*, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori 531. Development of easy-to-use microchip for therapeutic drug monitoring. Kanako Sugiura*, Noritada Kaji, Yukihiro Okamoto, Manabu Tokeshi, Yoshinobu Baba 532. Development of micro-gas analyzer with a high efficient extraction unit for onsite monitoring. Shinichiro Hiki*, Maki Saito, Isao Tanaka, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori 533. Stable coating using Nafion thin membrane for fast electroosmotic flow in PDMS microchips. Mariko Seno, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 534. Study on microchip electrophoresis of proteins using microheater integrated PDMS chip. Kana Tanigawa, Kenji Sueyoshi, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 535. Effect of buffer pH value on concentration polarization near microchannelnanochannel interfaces. Cheng-Peng Yeh, Ruey-Jen Yang* 536. Structure analysis of water confined in extended-nano space by Raman spectroscopy. Takuya Murao, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori* 537. Polyelectrolyte coating for poly(dimethylsiloxane) microchip capillary electrophoresis. Yan Liu*, Zachary D. Kihm 538. Rapid and sensitive analysis based on transient trapping in microchip electrophoresis. Kenji Sueyoshi*, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 539. High efficient extraction of DNA in blood plasma using microfluidic devices. Tatsuki Sano, Yukihiro Okamoto, Noritada Kaji, Manabu Tokeshi, Yoshinobu Baba 540. Microfluidic device with tilted micropost array for cell concentration. Toyohiro Naito*, Noritada Kaji, Yukihiro Okamoto, Manabu Tokeshi, Yoshinobu Baba 541. Microfluidic devices for the radiometal labeling of biomolecules. David E. Reichert*, Dexing Zeng, Birce Onal, Tobias D. Wheeler, Amit V. Desai, Paul J. Kenis 542. New microdevice to rapidly constract multifunctional envelope-type nanodevice for gene therapy. Katsuma Kitazoe, Yukihiro Okamoto*, Noritada Kaji, Manabu Tokeshi, Kentaro Kogure, Hideyoshi Harashima, Yoshinobu Baba 543. Observation of solid surfaces modified with proteins and antibody through chemical linkers. Kengo Hanaya*, Megumi Tsunoda, Takuma Sasaki, Shiro Koyota, Norito Kotani, Shinya Ariyasu, Akikazu Murakami, Takachika Azuma, Ryo Abe, Toshihiro Suzuki, Masanori Hayase, Takao Okada, Shin Aoki 544. Development of microfluidic chip for continuous-flow droplet generation and fusion and its application for protein crystallization. Masatoshi Maeki, Masaya Miyazaki*, Hiroshi Yamaguchi, Hideaki Maeda 545. Microchamber array for cell-free protein synthesis from single DNA molecules. Soo Hyeon Kim, Yannick Rondelez, Shoji Takeuchi, Satoko Yoshizawa, Dominique Fourmy, Teruo Fujii* 546. Development of the interface for single cell analysis in the extended-nano space. Kentaro Shirai*, Yo Tanaka, Yasuhiko Sugii, Kazuma Mawatari, Takehiko Kitamori 547. Microfluidic chip-capillary electrophoresis for separation and determination of low abundance proteins. Ruige Wu, Ying Sing Fung, William S. B. Yeung 548. Development of membrane-assembled microdevice for high-throughput bioanalysis. Kenji Sueyoshi, Saeko Kinami, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka 549. Detection of polychlorinatedbiphenyl by using antibody-bound fluoroplastic capillary bundle structure. Yoshiaki Ukita, Chiwa Kataoka, Masahiro Takeo, Seiji Negoro, Yuzuru Takamura, Yuichi Utsumi 550. Development of the microfluidic concentration chip of nucleated red blood cell for fetal DNA diagnosis from maternal blood. Takeshi Kumo*, Yuichi Tomizawa, Yoshiaki Ukita, Mikiko Kita, Haruo Takabayashi, Eiichi Tamiya, Yuzuru Takamura 551. Monitoring of nanoparticle reactions inside a room-embedded microchip. Yuri Shoji*, Mihoshi Suginobu, Takeshi Eitoku, Kenji Katayama 552. Integration of highly efficient gene analysis system on a microchip. Jun Wakabayashi*, Yo Tanaka, Kae Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Tanaka Yuki, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III (Bio-)Chemical/Electrochemical Sensors and Sensing Materials (#255) Organized by: K. Suzuki, E. Bakker, P. Buhlmann, D. Citterio, O. Niwa Presiding: K. Suzuki, D. Citterio 556. Targeting of an intracellular protein by confocal light scattering imaging of antibody-tagged gold nanoparticle. Kentaro Sato, Kazuhiko Fujiwara*, Yusuke Yatsurugi, Sou Yamamoto, Hideaki Itoh, Nobuaki Ogawa 557. Engineered post-synapse model cell and characterize it as functional model for neural drug high through-put analysis. Akito Tateishi, Satoshi Migita, Kari Keinänen, Shinya Ikeno, Tetsuya Haruyama* 558. Inhibitor effects on mitochondrial bioelectrocatalysis. Caitlin N. Fischer, David Wentzel, Marguerite Arechederra, Shelley Minteer 559. Novel tumor-specific imaging method via genetically expressed tags. Takuya Mashiba, Yuki Hasegawa, Aki Honda, Daniel Citterio, Koji Suzuki* 560. Silver core gold shell nanoprobes used for the detection of DNA through an ultrasensitive SERS based technique. Thuy T. Nguyen, Derrick Mott, Yoshiya Aoki, Prerna Singh, Kenzo Fujimoto, Mikio Koyano, Shinya Maenosono* 561. Direct visual detection of DNA using dendritic aggregation of silica nanoparticles. Jing Yu Piao, Eun Hee Park, Kihwan Choi, Bo Quan, Doo Soo Chung* 562. Resonant light scattering imaging of protein functionalized gold nanoparticle in a biological cell. Kazuhiko Fujiwara*, Yusuke Yatsurugi, Kentaro Sato, Sou Yamamoto, Hideaki Itoh, Nobuaki Ogawa 563. Nanoparticle diffraction for in situ DNA detection on nanoscale DNA patterns. Yulin Chen 564. Comparison of the nonspecific binding of DNA-conjugated gold nanoparticles between polymeric and monomeric selfassembled monolayers. Jagotamoy Das, Jinkyung Jo, Sanyong Jon, Haesik Yang* 565. Novel labeling reagents for combined immuno-chemical sensing. Yuta Katayama, Koji Abe, Koji Suzuki, Daniel Citterio* 566. Detection of influenza virus RNA amplified by RT-PCR using immunochromatographic assay. Genki Maeda, Keiichiro Yamanaka, Masato Saito, Ritsuko Koketsu, Tadahiro Sasaki, Kazuyoshi Ikuta, Eiichi Tamiya, Toshiro Miyahara, Naoki Nagatani* 567. Phosphorothioate DNA self-assembly developed on gold substrates as characterized by IR, ellipsometry, microgravimetric analysis, and AFM for application to SNPs bioassay taking advantage of supramolecular conformation transitions. Hisao Yoshinaga, Koji Nakano*, Takayuki Kimura, Nobuaki Soh, Toshihiko Imato 568. Photochromic micelles as a potential magnetic resonance imaging-visible drug delivery system. Yushi Heta, Kentaro Kumaki, Hiroki Hifumi, Daniel Citterio, Akihiro Tanimoto, Koji Suzuki* 569. Optical detection of enzyme reactions by using a fluorogenic liposome. Tomohiro Miyatake, Hiroto Murata, Sakie Tojo, Stefan Matile Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 553. Diversity of FAD dependent glucose dehydrogenases and their potential application for the glucose enzyme sensors. Yuki Anze, Mitsuharu Nakajima, Kazushige Mori, Koji Sode* 554. Biomolecular engineering of multiheme cytochrome c responsible for direct electron transfer capability of glucose dehydrogenase complex. Anna Imai, Katsuhiro Kojima, Wakako Tsugawa, Stefano Ferri, Koji Sode* 555. Real-time monitoring of L-lactic acid levels in fish by enzyme sensor system. Hideaki Endo*, Kengo Hatanaka, Huifeng Ren, Kyoko Hibi * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 570. Template-directed formation of luminescent lanthanide complex using the DNA probes and application to gene analysis. Nobuhiko Kaihara, Yusuke Kitamura*, Takeshi Tomimori, Toshihiro Ihara, Makoto Chikira 571. Highly strong binding of 2-amino-1,8naphthyidines to an abasic site in RNA duplex and their application to the detection of noncoding microRNA. Megumi Kudo*, Yusuke Sato, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 572. Fluorescent-signaling small ligands for HIV-1 TAR RNA. Yuka Chinda, Yusuke Sato, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 573. Design of label-free molecular beacons based on an abasic site-binding fluorescent molecule. Yusuke Sato*, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 574. 2-Amino-1,8-naphthyridines as a fluorescent signaling ligand for A-site RNA. Masafumi Rokugawa*, Toshiki Ichihashi, Yusuke Sato, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 575. Aptasensor based on regulation of abasic-site-binding ligand fluorescence. Zhiai Xu*, Yusuke Sato, Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 576. Fluorescent imprinted polymer films for human serum albumin. Yuuki Inoue, Hirobumi Sunayama, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 577. Withdrawn 578. Long-wavelength fluorescent probe for alkaline phosphatase. Ken Ikegami, Keitaro Umezawa, Daniel Citterio, Koji Suzuki* 579. Development of electrogenerated chemiluminescence-based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for determination of disease markers. Ryoji Kurita*, Kumi Arai, Kohei Nakamoto, Dai Kato, Osamu Niwa 580. Aptamer-based thrombin detection by the DNA-assisted inhibition of enzyme. Josui Shimada*, Tatsuo Maruyama, Noriho Kamiya, Masahiro Goto 581. Development of fluorescent reagents for the detection of proteins and their application to high-throughput protein analysis. Yoshio Suzuki*, Kenji Yokoyama 582. Novel luciferin-based bright chemiluminescent probe for the detection of reactive oxygen species. Maki Sekiya*, Keitaro Umezawa, Akemi Sato, Daniel Citterio, Koji Suzuki 583. Synthesis of diazacrown ether derivatives having two pyrene or perylene moieties and detection of alkali metal ions. Yukihiro Nishimura*, Sadao Arai 584. Acid-base equilibria of a series of pH indicator dyes entrapped inside mesoporous silica. Manato Namekawa*, Toshio Kamijo, Akira Yamaguchi, Norio Teramae 585. Development of polymeric nanoparticle-based sensing inks and inkjetprinted health care chips. Kaori Kotera, Koji Abe, Koji Suzuki, Daniel Citterio* 586. Fluorescent sensing of pH and/or dissolved oxygen using membranes made from polymerizable sensing monomers. Yanqing Tian*, Bradley R. Shumway, Deirdre R. Meldrum 587. Ion optodes based on fluoroionophores immobilized to a mesoporous silica thin film. Yuki Hiruta, Yosuke Ando, Daniel Citterio, Koji Suzuki* 588. Modification of mesoporous silica membrane with Schiff-base ligands for Cu(II) ion sensing. Xiaotong Chen*, Manato Namekawa, Toshio Kamijo, Akira Yamaguchi, Norio Teramae, Aijun Tong 589. Fabrication of cyclodextrin-functionalized nanoporous membrane and application for enantiometric separation. Shohei Yoshikawa*, Hiroyuki Arafune, Akira Yamaguchi, Norio Teramae 590. Dithizone nanofiber thin film for highly sensitive and selective detection of Hg(II). Yukiko Takahashi*, Supamas Danwittayakul, Toshishige M. Suzuki 591. New fluorescent dyes for single-laser multicolor fluorescence analysis. Tetsuya Mizuno, Keitaro Umezawa, Daniel Citterio, Koji Suzuki* 592. Development of chemical sensing inks for a paper-based environmental analysis chip. Tomoaki Ii, Koji Suzuki, Daniel Citterio* 593. Spatiotemporal visualisation system for expired ethanol after drinking. Kohji Mitsubayashi*, Xin Wang, Eri Ando, Kazutaka Kita, Daishi Takahashi, Takahiro Arakawa 594. Contact lens type glucose sensor for continuous monitoring of tear sugar level. Kohji Mitsubayashi*, MingXing Chu, Yoshitaka Hiranuma, Daishi Takahashi, Takahiro Arakawa, Hiroyuki Kudo, Hideo Hiramatsu 595. Development of an optical fiber oxygen sensor for monitoring a high-level nuclear waste underground repository. Shinji Okazaki, Hidemoto Nakagawa*, Yuki Nakamura, Yoshitaka Nabetani, Kazuo Miyamura, Takashi Arai 596. Mass-sensitive environmental monitoring using quartz crystal microbalance electrodes modified with nanoassembled thin films. Serhiy Korposh, Roman Selyanchyn, Do-Hyeon Yang, Seung-Woo Lee* 597. Template fabrication of nanostructured metal materials with a periodical structure. Susumu Yamaguchi, Akira Yamaguchi, Norio Teramae* 598. Fabrication of porphyrin nanoassembled n-type semiconductor ammonia gas sensors. Takuya Matsunaga, Sergiy Korposh, Do-Hyeon Yang, Seung-Woo Lee*, Yoshihiko Isobe 599. Nasicon-based potentiometric oxygenic gas sensor combined with metal oxide for the low temperature operation. Kenji Obata*, Shigenori Matsushima 600. Carbon nanofilms on diamond for gas and temperature sensing applications. Vivek Kumar*, Alexandra A. Bergman, Anshel A. Gorokhovsky, Alexander M. Zaitsev 601. Colorimetric sensor arrays for odor sensing based on polymer films. Yusuke Jimbo, Daniel Citterio, Kouji Suzuki* 602. Organic vapor sensing using surfacefunctionalized porous silicon. Vanessa Lopez Barquero, Juan Pablo Badilla, Arturo Ramirez-Porras*, Bradley D. Fahlman* 603. Influence of humidity on gasochromic behavior of Pt/WO3 thin films. Ryousuke Yamasaki, Shinji Okazaki, Hidemoto Nakagawa, Daisuke Ito, Takashi Yokoyama 604. Preparation of ionic liquid gel and application to hydrogen gas sensor. Miki Saito*, Hideki Myoubudani, Katsuhiko Tsunashima, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tsubokawa, Syuji Harada 605. CO sensing properties of anodized TiO2 films equipped with noble-metal electrodes under H2 atmosphere. Takeo Hyodo*, Masashi Yonemura*, Yasuhiro Shimizu* 606. CO sensing property and mechanism of CuO-loaded SnO2 sensors in a reducing atmosphere. Shinsuke Hirao, Yuji Iwasaki, Hiroyuki Yamaura, Hidenori Yahiro* 607. Ultrasensitive detection of DNA in diluted serum using NaBH4 electrooxidation mediated by [Ru(NH3)6]3⫹ at indium⫺tin oxide electrodes. Jagotamoy Das, Seonhye Son, Haesik Yang* 608. Advanced chemical sensors based on chalcogenide glasses. Eugene Bychkov*, Mariana Milochova 609. Direct DNA electroanalysis by using a nanocarbon film. Dai Kato*, Akio Ueda, Mayuri Komoriya, Keisuke Goto, Shigeru Hirono, Osamu Niwa 610. Electrochemical determination of urinary damaged DNA molecules by using a sputtered nano-carbon film electrode. Mayuri Komoriya, Dai Kato, Ryoji Kurita, Shigeru Hirono, Osamu Niwa* 611. Surface-mounted ultrathin films for superior electrochemical sensors. Zachary Thomas, Erno Lindner, Eugene Pinkhassik* 612. Electrochemical characterization of the electron transport chain for sensing applications. Lindsey Pelster*, Shelley D. Minteer 613. Electrochemical detection of aberrant methylated genes by using ferrocenylnaphthalene diimide. Shinobu Sato, Yusuke Kanezaki, Shigeori Takenaka* 614. Surface-modified boron-doped diamond electrode for highly sensitive detection of glucose. Masaru Horitani, Takeshi Kondo, Makoto Yuasa* 615. Fabrication and electrochemical properties of conductive diamond hollow fibers. Yasutaka Kodama*, Takeshi Kondo, Makoto Yuasa 616. Crystal-face-selective supporting of metal nanoparticles on polycrystalline diamond thin film. Takeshi Kondo*, Kousuke Hirata, Takeshi Kawai, Makoto Yuasa 617. High-sensitive detection of coenzyme Q10 at boron-doped diamond electrode. Kazuya Sakai, Takeshi Kondo, Makoto Yuasa* 618. Electrochemical immunosensing chip using selective surface modification, capillary-driven microfluidic control, and signal amplification by redox cycling. Byung-Kwaon Kim, Hyunwoo Lee, Sanyong Jon, Haesik Yang* 619. Synthesis of triphenylamine derivatives substituent and its application as a superoxide sensor. Shin Nishiura, Takeshi Kondo, Makoto Yuasa* 620. Design and function evaluation of a superoxide anion radical sensor using iron porphyrin derivative bearing thienyl group. Syouta Suzuki, Takeshi Kondo, Makoto Yuasa* 621. “All-inkjet-printed” low-cost potentiometric ion sensing chip. Yushi Kameoka, Koji Abe, Koji Suzuki, Daniel Citterio* 622. Ultrasensitive nucleic acid biosensing via RNA polymerase amplification and nanoparticle-enhanced SPR imaging. Iuliana E. Sendroiu, Lida K. Gifford, Andrej Luptak, Robert M. Corn 623. Microfluidic on-chip immunoassay by plasmonic gold nanohole array fabricated by nanoimprint technique. Kohei Nakamoto, Ryoji Kurita, Osamu Niwa* 624. Multiplexed attomole detection of biomarkers with enzymatically amplified SPR imaging in multichannel, low volume microfluidic biochips. Ting N. Hu, Robert M. Corn* 625. Small molecule-immobilized surface plasmon resonance biosensors for gene detection. Seiichi Nishizawa, Norio Teramae 626. Ultrasensitive surface plasmon resonance detection method using biofunctionalized gold nanomaterials. Hye Rim Sim, Min Jeong Kwon, Eun Ji Nam, Hye Jin Lee* 627. Highly sensitive antibody arrays modified by plasma polymerization. Kazuyoshi Yano, Sunao Watanabe, Akira Iwasaki, Hirotaka Miyachi, Takuo Akimoto 628. Nanoporous waveguide sensor for highly sensitive chemical and biochemical detection. Kazuhiro Hotta*, Akira Yamaguchi, Norio Teramae 629. Detection of the DNA viscoelasiticity by using an AR-QCM method. Masanori Otsuka, Takayoshi Kawasaki, Yoshio Okahata* 630. Development of noble gene probes based on DNA-templated formation of platinum-ruthenium dinuclear complex. Yusuke Kitamura*, Takeshi Tomimori, Satoshi Mita, Makoto Chikira 631. Direct monitoring of DNA phosphorylation catalyzed by polynucleotide kinase on a quartz-crystal microbalance. Kensuke Uemura*, Hiroshi Yoshimine, Hiroyuki Furusawa, Yoshio Okahata 632. Design of a quartz crystal microbalance with flow system for a highly sensitive detection of small biomolecules. Hiroshi Yoshimine, Hiroyuki Furusawa, Yoshio Okahata 633. Measurements of surface absorbed lipid bilayer with a combination methodology of reflective interferometric spectroscopy and the quartz crystal microbalance. Taisuke Kojima, Takayoshi Kawasaki, Yoshio Okahata* 634. Development of enzyme-immobilized macroporous Pt films by utilizing polymethylmethacrylate microspheres as a template. Goshi Ideriha, Takeo Hyodo, Yasuhiro Shimizu 635. Electrochemical evaluation of biomolecular interaction using an electrode covered with a biomaterial film. Kazuharu Sugawara*, Asako Yugami, Masashi Kawai, Tomoyuki Takayanagi, Shunitz Tanaka 636. Computer controlled venepuncture system for blood test. Hirokazu Saito*, Koki Nobetsu, Kohei Nakamizo, Susumu Tarao 637. Autonomous drug-release system based on chemo-mechanical energy conversion for blood sugar control. Munkhbayar Munkhjargal, Ryodai Kato, Daishi Takahashi, Takahiro Arakawa, Hiroyuki Kudo, Kohji Mitsubayashi* 638. Effective use of dielectric-based detector for soil moisture in analysis of chemical components of binary-liquid solutions. Sumonmarn Chan-Eam*, Phoonthawee Saetear*, Jirayu Sitanurak, Suchada Samrit, Rattikan Chantiwas, Nuanlaor Ratanawimarnwong, Kanchana Uraisin, Prapin Wilairat, Supatra Manatrinon, Khongpan Rungprateepthaworn, Duangjai Nacapricha* 639. Construction of microsensors for in situ monitoring of biofilms. Hisashi Satoh*, Satoshi Okabe Saturday Morning Convention Center 305A Recent Advances in Bioanalysis: UltraSmall Volumes, Global Metabolite Profiling and Single Cells (#56) Organized by: D. Chiu, S. Boxer, P. Britz-McKibbin, T. Matsunaga, K. Otsuka, G. Zhou Presiding: P. Britz-McKibbin 7:30 Opening remarks 7:35 – 640. Mass spectrometry-based therapeutic metabolomics. Gary Siuzdak* 8:15 – 641. Detection of internal body time based on blood metabolome analysis. Hiroki R. Ueda* 8:55 – 642. Combined mass spectrometry and NMR metabolomics approach to detect breast cancer recurrence. Daniel Raftery* 9:25 – 643. Metabolic profiles associated with cholesterol lowering effects of berberine in rats. Sam Li * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–61 01-ANYL 9:45 – 644. 1H NMR-based metabolomics approach for analysis of APAP hepatotoxicity. Kiyoshi Fukuhara*, Akiko Ohno, Wataru Hori, Takashi Yamoto, Haruhiro Okuda 10:05 – 645. Urine, plasma and cystic kidney tissue metabolome changes during disease progression for a Lewis Polycystic Kidney (LPK) rat model of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. Hayley White*, Garth Maker, Catherine Rawlinson, Trish Fleming, Jacqueline Phillips, Robert D. Trengove 10:45 – 646. Withdrawn 11:05 – 647. Differential metabolomics for assessment of N-acetyl-L-cysteine intervention in strenuous exercise: Impact of oxidative stress attenuation on fatigue reduction. Philip Britz-McKibbin*, Richard Lee, Daniel West, Stuart Phillips Convention Center 323C New Frontiers of Plasma Spectrochemistry (#84) Organized by: N. Furuta, G. Hieftje, R. Sturgeon Presiding: R. Sturgeon 7:30 Opening remarks 7:35 – 648. From selenospecies in plants to biomarkers for hemorrhagic stroke. Joseph Caruso*, Renee Easter, Yaofang Zhang, Karolin Kroening 8:15 – 649. Identification of selenoprotein P (Sel-P) in plasma and liver by using HPLC-ICPMS and SDS-PAGE. Naoki Furuta*, Tatsuya Sakai, Keita Ishimi, Yoshinari Suzuki 9:30 – 650. Multiparameter analysis of microsomal CYP-profiles by means of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Norbert Jakubowski*, Larissa Waentig, Peter Roos 10:10 – 651. Beyond 30 markers in single cells with mass cytometry. Dmitry R. Bandura, Olga I. Ornatsky, Vladimir I. Baranov, Scott D. Tanner 10:50 – 652. Can we correctly determine metal-protein associations for labile metalloproteins using ICPMS? James A. Holcombe*, Haley Finley-Jones, Isaac Arnquist Convention Center 301A Analytical Applications and New Technical Developments of Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy (#145) Organized by: Y. Muramatsu, J. Ahn, A. Burren, C. Glover, C. Heske, J. Kawai, B.S. Kim, F. Larkins, D. Lindle, A. Moewes, R. Perera, L. Terminello, H. Wakita Presiding: Y. Muramatsu, A. Van Buuren, J. Kawai 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 653. Application of soft X-ray PEEM to the observations of electronic structure, valence state and molecular orientation at nanoscale. Yuji Baba*, Tetsuhiro Sekiguchi, Iwao Shimoyama, Norie Hirao, Ayumi Narita 7:50 – 654. Velocity map imaging for the characterization and diagnostics of molecular beams. Hideki Katayanagi*, Koichiro Mitsuke 8:05 – 655. Ultimate-resolution soft X-ray microspectroscopy. Rainer H. Fink*, Joerg Raabe, Christian Hub, Iris Schmid 8:25 – 656. Automated assay of internally mixed individual particles using X-ray spectromicroscopy maps. Ryan Moffet, Tobias Henn, Alexander Laskin, Mary Gilles* 8:45 – 657. Recent soft X-ray developments at the Australian Synchrotron. Robert Lamb, Bruce Cowie, Alan Buckley, William Skinner, Frank Larkins 62–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 9:25 – 658. 3-D photoelectron microscopy and soft X-ray emission spectroscopy for nanodevices at spring-8 University of Tokyo beamline. Masaharu Oshima 10:05 – 659. Ultrahigh resolution soft X-ray emission spectrometer at BL07LSU of SPring-8. Yoshihisa Harada*, Masaki Kobayashi*, Masaharu Oshima, Yasunori Senba, Haruhiko Ohashi, Takashi Tokushima, Yuka Horikawa, Shik Shin 10:20 – 660. Highly efficient soft X-ray emission spectrometer using a transmission grating. Hiroyuki Yamane, Takaki Hatsui, Nobuhiro Kosugi 10:35 – 661. Angular anisotropy of X-ray emission from acetic acid molecules in solution. Yuka Horikawa*, Hidemi Arai, Takashi Tokushima, Atsunari Hiraya, Shik Shin 10:50 – 662. Silicon drift detector applications in soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Thomas Regier*, Robert Blyth, David Chevrier, David Beauregard, Andrew Achkar, Hiroki Wadati, David Hawthorn 11:10 – 663. Palmtop EPMA. Jun Kawai*, Eisuke Hiro Convention Center 301B (Bio-)Chemical/Electrochemical Sensors and Sensing Materials (#255) Organized by: K. Suzuki, E. Bakker, P. Buhlmann, D. Citterio, O. Niwa Presiding: O. Niwa, P. Buhlmann 7:30 – 664. Electrochemically deposited aryl films for controlled binding capacity in surface based bioassays. Mark T. McDermott*, Chris Grant, John Toman 7:50 – 665. Near-zero fouling peptide monolayer for surface plasmon resonance sensing in crude biological fluids. Jean-Francois Masson, Olivier R. Bolduc*, Joelle N. Pelletier 8:10 – 666. 3-D ordered macroporous (3DOM) carbon and fluorous phases: Highly selective potentiometric measurements of heavy metals and perfluorocarboxylates in the ppb and ppt range. Philippe Buhlmann*, Chun-Ze Lai, Melissa A. Fierke, Andreas Stein 8:30 – 667. Improving blood compatibility of intravascular chemical sensors using nitric oxide releasing/generating polymeric coatings. Mark E. Meyerhoff* 9:00 – 668. Development of BioFET based checkers for single drop analysis of salivary nitrate. Shin-ichi Wakida*, Takashi Miyado, Naohiro Yoshida, Tomoki Kobayashi, Tomohisa Mori, Yasuhiko Shibutani 9:20 – 669. Ion sensing concepts for reagent free sample manipulation and calibration free detection. Eric Bakker, Ewa Grygolowicz-Pawlak, Apon Numnuam 9:40 – 670. Ion-selective electrodes based on a pyridyl-containing triazolophane: Manipulating halide selectivity by mixing dipole-promoted binding with hydrogen bonding. Elsayed M. Zahran, Yuran Hua, Semin Lee, Amar H. Flood, Leonidas G. Bachas* 10:00 – 671. Positive-feedback-mode scanning electrochemical microscopy imaging of DNA-grafted benzoquinone polymer cast film for micrometer-sized hybridization biosensor applications. Koji Nakano*, Kaori Nakamura, Takayuki Kimura, Hisao Yoshinaga, Nobuaki Soh, Toshihiko Imato 10:20 – 672. DNA biosensing by scanning electrochemical microscopy. Piotr M. Diakowski*, Heinz-Bernhard Kraatz* 10:40 – 673. Rapid determination of two pesticides based on the dielectrophoretic particle manipulation. Tomoyuki Yasukawa*, Javier Ramon-Azcon, Fumio Mizutani* 11:00 – 674. Electrochemical immunosensor platform: from desktop to high throughput. Hubert Girault* Convention Center 317A Novel Applications of Magnetic Fields in Analytical Chemistry (#260) Organized by: H. Watarai, I. Fritsch, C.B. Fuh, B. Yellen Presiding: B. Yellen, H. Watarai 7:55 – 675. Bio-ferrofluidics for lab-on-achip and rapid diagnostics applications. Hur Koser* 8:20 – 676. Gold/Iron-oxide composite nanoparticles as new type of magnetic nanocarrier for in vivo and in vitro applications. Satoshi Seino*, Yuichi Koga, Yohei Mukai, Yoshiaki Okada, Takashi Nakagawa, Takao A. Yamamoto, Takefumi Doi, Shinsaku Nakagawa 8:40 – 677. Electrophoretic analysis of biomolecules using magnetic particles. Fumihiko Kitagawa*, Takafumi Samukawa, Kenkichi Nagai, Kenji Sueyoshi, Koji Otsuka 9:00 – 678. Protein detection using functional magnetic nanoparticles in thin channels. C. Bor Fuh, Cf Hsu, Sj Jian, Jr Chan, Hweiyan Tsai 9:25 – 679. High enrichment of lysosomes through endocytosis of dextran coated magnetic nanoparticles and novel magnetic separation. Chad Satori*, Joseph Katzenmeyer, Edgar A. Arriaga 9:45 – 680. Effects of magnetic processing on photoproperties due to organization and orientation of gold nanorods. Hiroaki Yonemura*, Natsuko Sakai, Junichi Suyama, Sunao Yamada 10:05 – 681. Magnetic purification and separation of nanoparticles. Mary Elizabeth Williams*, Jacob S. Beveridge, Jason R. Stephens, Andrew H. Latham 10:30 – 682. Pseudo single crystal method: A novel approach to diffraction study. Tsunehisa Kimura*, Fumiko Kimura 10:50 – 683. X-ray single crystal analysis of a pseudo single crystal of protein microcrystalline powders. Fumiko Kimura*, Kimihiko Mizutani, Bunzo Mikami, Tsunehisa Kimura 11:10 – 684. Identification of single grain material by observing magnetic ejection and rotation in a short microgravity achieved in an ordinary laboratory. Chiaki Uyeda* Saturday Afternoon Convention Center 305A Recent Advances in Bioanalysis: UltraSmall Volumes, Global Metabolite Profiling and Single Cells (#56) Organized by: D. Chiu, S. Boxer, P. Britz-McKibbin, T. Matsunaga, K. Otsuka, G. Zhou Presiding: P. Britz-McKibbin 12:30 – 685. Quantitative metabolomics: How far can we go? David S. Wishart* 13:10 – 686. Chemically specific imaging of lipid distribution in the plasma membranes of individual cells with high lateral resolution. Mary L. Kraft*, Jessica F. Frisz, Kaiyan Lou, Peter K. Weber, Kevin J. Carpenter, Ian D. Hutcheon 13:40 – 687. LC-MS based metabonomics: Separation window extending from either hydrophilic or hydrophobic metabolites to global metabolites. Guowang Xu*, Xianzhe Shi, Qin Yang, Sumin Zhao, Yuanhong Shan, Xinjie Zhao, Peiyuan Yin, Xin Lu 14:20 – 688. Development of new lipid metabolomics system using supercritical fluid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Takeshi Bamba*, Atsuki Matsubara, Eiichiro Fukusaki 14:40 – 689. Complementary untargeted metabolite profiling and targeted assays for enzyme discovery in Escherichia coli. Martin Robert*, Tom M. Conrad, Natsumi Saito, Masahiro Sugimoto, Kenji Nakahigashi, Tomoyoshi Soga, Bernhard . Palsson, Masaru Tomita 15:10 – 690. Development of a new interface for automated high performance capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry for the analysis of proteins, peptides, glycans, biomarkers and pharmaceuticals. E. Jane Maxwell, Xuefei Zhong, Roxana Jayo, David D. Chen* 15:30 – 691. Metabolomic approach to monitoring animal diseases using mass spectrometry. Hiroyuki Tazaki*, Kinya Katayama, Touko Sato, Toshiro Arai, Kazuhide Nakagaki 15:50 – 692. High performance analysis of biogenic compounds by microchip electrophoresis with on-line sample concentration techniques. Kenji Sueyoshi, Takayuki Kawai, Kota Hashiba, Ryuta Tanaka, Fumihiko Kitagawa, Koji Otsuka* 16:20 Closing remarks Convention Center 323C New Frontiers of Plasma Spectrochemistry (#84) Organized by: N. Furuta, G. Hieftje, R. Sturgeon Presiding: N. Furuta 12:30 – 693. Laser ablation: Applications, commercialization, and nanometer capabilities. Richard Russo*, Xianglei Mao, Vassillia Zorba, Jhanis Gonzalez, Dayana Oropeza 13:10 – 694. Quantitative imaging of heterogeneous samples using laser ablationicp-ms. Detlef Günther, Reto Glaus, Bodo Hattendorf, Joachim Koch, Luca Flamingi, Robert Kovacs, Hao Wang, Mattias Fricker, Gisela Fontaine 13:50 – 695. Nontraditional applications of the laser ablation technique into the earth sciences. Takafumi Hirata*, Satoki Okabayashi, Takaomi Yokoyama 15:05 – 696. Wonderful world of isotopic analysis via (multicollector) ICP mass spectrometry. Frank Vanhaecke*, David De Muynck, Dmitry Malinovsky, Lieve Balcaen, Luc Moens, Martín Resano, Patrick Degryse 15:45 – 697. Application of laser ablationbased methods and multivariate statistics to provenance studies of artefacts. Viktor Kanický*, Lubomír Prokeš, Linda Zaorálková, Aleš Hrdlika, Tomáš Vaculovi, Antonín Prichystal, Michaela Galiová, Karel Novotný 16:25 Closing remarks * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL Convention Center 301A Analytical Applications and New Technical Developments of Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy (#145) Organized by: Y. Muramatsu, J. Ahn, A. Burren, C. Glover, C. Heske, J. Kawai, B.S. Kim, F. Larkins, D. Lindle, A. Moewes, R. Perera, L. Terminello, H. Wakita Presiding: A. Moewes, C. Heske, L. Terminello 12:30 – 698. Soft X-ray spectroscopy of materials for photoelectrochemical devices. Clemens Heske*, Marcus Bär, Lothar Weinhardt 12:50 – 699. Electronic states of carbon in iron phthalocyanine-based oxygen reduction catalysts by soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Hideharu Niwa*, Makoto Saito, Masaki Kobayashi, Yoshihisa Harada, Masaharu Oshima, Shogo Moriya, Katsuyuki Matsubayashi, Yuta Nabae, Shigeki Kuroki, Takashi Ikeda, Kiyoyuki Terakura, Jun-ichi Ozaki, Seizo Miyata 13:05 – 700. Quantitative covalency measurements in tetrahedral MO4- anions (M ⫽ Mn, Tc, Re) using oxygen K-edge XAS and NRIXS spectroscopy. Stefan G. Minasian, Enrique R. Batista, Kevin S. Boland, Joseph A. Bradley, David L. Clark, Steven D. Conradson, Stosh A. Kozimor*, Wayne W. Lukens, Richard L. Martin, Gerald T. Seidler, David K. Shuh*, Tolek Tyliszczak, Ping Yang 13:25 – 701. Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy and theory to elucidate the role of 5f electrons in actinide materials. Roy Copping, Byoungseon Jeon, Simon Teat, Tolek Tyliszczak, Niels Gronbech-Jensen, Andrew Canning, Geza Szigethy, Kenneth N. Raymond, David Shuh* 13:45 – 702. Soft X-ray resonant inelastic scattering: A selective probe in materials science. Joseph Nordgren* 14:25 – 703. Application of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering to molecules and solids. Dennis Lindle* 15:05 – 704. Surface and size manipulation of the magnetic properties of CdSe quantum dots. Rob Meulenberg, Jonathan Lee, Scott McCall, Kalid Hanif, D. Haskel, J. Lang, Lou Terminello, Tony van Buuren 15:20 – 705. In situ X-ray spectroscopy for investigation of advanced materials for electrical energy storage. Jonathan R. Lee*, Trevor M. Willey, Michael H. Nielsen, Jinghua Guo, Jeff Dahn, Tony van Buuren 15:35 – 706. Understanding bandgap and electronic structure of crystalline materials. Alexander Moewes*, Teak Boyko 15:55 – 707. Bandgap profile across a silicon oxynitride ultrathin film epitaxially grown on 6H-SiC(0001), studied by XES and XAS. Hiroshi Tochihara*, Seigi Mizuno, Tetsuroh Shirasawa 16:10 – 708. Characterization of graphitelike layered material BC2N by X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. Masayuki Kawaguchi*, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yasuji Muramatsu Convention Center 301B (Bio-)Chemical/Electrochemical Sensors and Sensing Materials (#255) Organized by: K. Suzuki, E. Bakker, P. Buhlmann, D. Citterio, O. Niwa Presiding: K. Suzuki, E. Bakker 12:30 – 709. Oligopyrrole-based chemosensors. Jonathan L. Sessler* 13:00 – 710. Detection of mercury ion in an engineered nanopore. Xiyun Guan*, Qitao Zhao* 13:20 – 711. Fast catalytic and electrocatalytic oxidation of sodium borohydride on palladium nanoparticles and its application to ultrasensitive DNA detection. Haesik Yang 13:40 – 712. Arranging proteins in multiple electroactive layers on electrodes for analytical purpose. Fred Lisdat*, David Sarauli*, Roman Dronov*, Frieder Scheller*, Dirk Kurth*, Helmuth Möhwald* 14:00 – 713. Recent development on electroanalytical application of boron-doped diamond electrodes. Yasuaki Einaga* 14:20 – 714. Biochemical sensing at in vitro cancer cell constructs. Miklos Gratzl* 14:50 – 715. Electrochemical behavior and the determination of methyl jasmonate. Zilin Chen*, Yaqian Liao, Fang Wang 15:10 – 716. Label-free, reagent-free, and “signal-on” DNA detection based on supramolecular electrochemistry. Hiroshi Aoki*, Akiko Kitajima, Hiroaki Tao 15:30 – 717. Maskless fabrication of nanospine like structure on nanocarbon film with UV/ozone treatment realizing for enzyme direct electron transfer with enzymes. Osamu Niwa*, Akio Ueda, Dai Kato, Ryoji Kurita, Tomoyuki Kamata, Shigeru Umemura, Shigeru Hirono 15:45 – 718. Chemical sensors and immunosensors fabricated by inkjet printing. Daniel Citterio*, Koji Suzuki 16:00 – 719. Polymers and nanoparticles for bioassays based upon atomic mass spectrometry. Mitchell A. Winnik*, Olga Ornatsky, Daniel Majonis, Isaac Herrera Convention Center 317A Novel Applications of Magnetic Fields in Analytical Chemistry (#260) Organized by: H. Watarai, I. Fritsch, C.B. Fuh, B. Yellen Presiding: I. Fritsch, H. Watarai 12:30 – 720. Nonlinear magnetic separation in a traveling wave. Benjamin Yellen, Lu Gao, Norman Gottron III, Lawrence Virgin 12:55 – 721. Single crystal analysis of a pseudo single crystal: 13C solid-state NMR measurement without magic angle spinning. Ryosuke Kusumi*, Tsunehisa Kimura 13:15 – 722. DNA sequencing using magnetic tweezers. Michael J. Barrett, Piercen Oliver, Peng Cheng, Jin Seon Park, Hana Lim, Dmitri Vezenov 13:40 – 723. DNA migration under the magnetic field. Shun Ozawa*, Daiki Kurosaka, Chiharu Tanaka, Isao Yamamoto, Tadashi Takamasu 14:00 – 724. Dependence of DNA orientation on surface condition in the magnetic field. Akio Katsuki, Keiko Fujimura, Masao Fujiwara, Yoshihisa Fujiwara, Yoshifumi Tanimoto 14:20 – 725. MQCM/VSM: A new instrument for study of magnetic materials. Jiri Janata*, Kevin C. Vavra, George Y. Yu, Isao Sasaki, Mira Josowicz 14:45 – 726. Development of a new pulsed magnet system and dynamic behavior of lipid membranes. Atom Hamasaki*, Sumio Ozeki 15:05 – 727. Phase transition under high magnetic field. Isao Yamamoto*, Tatsuya Mizuno, Shun Ozawa, Tadashi Takamasu 15:25 – 728. Diamagnetic susceptibility change in solid-liquid phase transition of organic materials measured by a magnetic levitation technique. Kohki Takahashi, Iwao Mogi, Satoshi Awaji, Kazuo Watanabe 15:45 – 729. Effects of magnetic fields on freezing processes in aqueous solution. Masaya Onishi, Masakazu Iwasaka*, Satoru Kurita, Norio Owada Saturday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III On-site and In-vivo Instrumentation and Applications (#36) Organized by: J. Pawliszyn, N. Dovichi, O.Gangfeng Presiding: J. Pawliszyn Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 730. Microfabricated planar electrode ion traps for portable mass spectrometry. Daniel Austin*, Zhiping Zhang, Ying Peng, Brett Hansen, Aaron Hawkins, Milton Lee, Miao Wang, Hannah Quist, Brandon Barney, Junting Wang 731. Application of automated 96-thin film SPME for determination of tranexamic acid in cardiac surgical patient operated with use of cardiopulmonary bypass. Barbara Bojko, Fatemeh Mirnaghi, Dajana Vuckovic, Erasmus Cudjoe, Md Ehsanul Hoque, Marcin Wasowicz, Janusz Pawliszyn 732. On-site determination of impurity in gypsum using simple pretreatment method based on ion exchange resin dissolution. Yoshinori Tsukagoshi, Hikaru Sawai, Atsushi Manaka*, Masamoto Tafu, Tetsuji Chohji 733. Rapid urinalysis of amphetamines by thermal desorption counter flow introduction atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Hiroyuki Inoue*, Hiroaki Hashimoto, Susumu Watanabe, Yuko T. Iwata, Tatsuyuki Kanamori, Hajime Miyaguchi, Kenji Tsujikawa, Kenji Kuwayama, Toshiyasu Mikuma, Takefumi Yokokura, Masuyoshi Yamada 734. Novel application of GS-AED for the study of the sulfidation behavior of the Co(Ni)Mo(W) hydrotreating catalysts. Evgenia Kirichenko*, Anastasya Pashigreva, Galina Bukhtiyarova, Aleksandr Noskov 735. In-line monitoring of ethanol along a fermentation process by means of a wireless sensor network. Juan Vicente Capella*, Alberto Bonastre, Rafael Ors, Miguel Peris 736. Mass transfer dynamics of two-phase hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction and its application to fast drug analysis. Shufen Cui*, Gangfeng Ouyang, Shuo Tan, Janusz Pawliszyn* 737. Evaluation of direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry for onsite monitoring of batch slurry reactions. Liguo Song*, David S. Cho, Stephen C. Gibson, Deepak Bhandari, Mary E. McNally, Ron M. Hoffman, Kelsey D. Cook 738. Simple and rapid determination of selenium and its application to flue gas desulfurization wastewater. Hiroyuki Masaki*, Seiichi Ohyama, Kazuo Sato 739. Transitions in use of cobalt-blue colorant in ancient Middle East. Yoshinari Abe*, Rodan Harimoto, Tadashi Kikugawa, Kriengkamol Tantrakarn, Izumi Nakai 740. Laser-induced shockwave chromatography: A microscopic and immediate analysis of nanoparticles/nanomolecules. Nobuyuki Ichinose*, Shinpei Nakamura, Tetsuhiko Nagahara 741. Development of non-destructive spectroscopic system for identification of natural dyes in Japanese historical textiles toward on-site analysis in museum. Yoshiko Sasaki*, Ryouhei Fukae, Ken Sasaki 742. Blood plasma separation pmma device using capillary phenomenon and its application for point of care testing device. Hiroaki Sakamoto*, Ranko Hatsuda, Kazuhiro Miyamura, Haruki Shiraishi, Susumu Sugiyama Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Recent Advances in Bioanalysis: UltraSmall Volumes, Global Metabolite Profiling and Single Cells (#56) Organized by: D. Chiu, S. Boxer, P. Britz-McKibbin, T. Matsunaga, K. Otsuka, G. Zhou Presiding: T. Matsunaga, P. Britz-McKibbin, D. Chiu Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 743. New technologies for analyzing gene expressions in single cells. Masataka Shirai*, Hideki Kambara 744. Single DNA molecule detection by onbead padlock/rolling circle amplification. Kae Sato*, Yuri Kitamura, Kiichi Sato, Kazuma Mawatari, Mats Nilsson, Takehiko Kitamori 745. Transcriptional activation of global repressor target genes through chromatin remodeling by GTS1 overexpression. Kouichi Kuroda, Mitsuaki Sanada, Mitsuyoshi Ueda 746. Immuno rolling circle amplification using BAP-C2 fusion protein for signal enhancement in cancer cell biomarker detection. Farhima Akter*, Masayasu Mie, Eiry Kobatake 747. High throughput peptide ligand screening for G protein-coupled receptor in combination with membrane-displayed ligand using a single yeast cell. Keisuke Hara, Kouichi Kuroda, Mitsuyoshi Ueda* 748. Development of transgenic technology for goldfish, Carassius auratus. Shin-ichi Akiyama, Yutaka Tamaru* 749. Functional analysis of physiologically dangerous stress-response proteins related to organic-solvent-tolerance in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Naoki Ozato*, Ken Matsui, Kouichi Kuroda, Mitsuyoshi Ueda 750. Synthesis and evaluation of new nucleic acid substrates for pyrosequencing. Tomoharu Kajiyama, Masayasu Kuwahara, Mari Goto, Hideki Kambara 751. Designed peptide library for cell analyses. Takuya Kikuchi, Kenji Usui, Hisakazu Mihara* 752. Structure identification of soybean soponins before and after hydrolyzed by Aspergillus sp.848s by ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry. Jing Tian*, Zhenyu Hong, Bin Zhai, Longquan Xu 753. Characterization of moonlighting protein in post-genomic research. Natsuko Miura*, Kouichi Kuroda, Mitsuyoshi Ueda 754. Proteome analysis of yeast cell surface proteins using monolithic 2D-HPLC system. Aya Kirino*, Hironobu Morisaka, Kouichi Kuroda, Mitsuyoshi Ueda 755. Molecular analysis of XBD in Pdr1p mutants leading to multidrug resistance and organic-solvent tolerance in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nao Nishida*, Naoki Ozato, Mitsuaki Sanada, Kouichi Kuroda, Mitsuyoshi Ueda * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–63 01-ANYL 756. Application of mesh-tube gel to protein separation as a separation medium for isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Hiroaki Tanaka*, Yuko Ichimura, Rie Saito, Hiroki Hotta, Kin-ichi Tsunoda, Toshihiko Saheki, Koki Onda, Yasuaki Kojima, Tamao Odake 757. Development of single template PCR technology with capillary plate toward single-cell analysis. Yoshiko Okamura, Hideki Kambara, Tadashi Matsunaga, Haruko Takeyama* 758. Single cell separation and characterization on compact disk (CD) shaped micro fluidic device. Shunsuke Furutani*, Hidenori Nagai, Yuzuru Takamura, Izumi Kubo 759. Rapid and efficient detection of circulating tumor cells from whole blood using a microfluidic device equipped with a size selective microcavity array. Masahito Hosokawa, Atsushi Arakaki, Yorikane Fukuda, Tomoko Yoshino, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Tadashi Matsunaga* 760. Development of high-throughput protein production system using zebrafish embryos. Hideo Miyake*, Hajime Nakatani*, Masaru Obata*, Masatoshi Hashimoto*, Yutaka Tamaru* 761. High throughput cell profiling using CMOS sensor based on lens-less imaging. Tatsuya Saeki, Yoshihiko Sunaga, Tsuyoshi Tanaka, Tadashi Matsunaga 762. Direct construction of open-sandwich (OS) ELISA system for sensitive detection of thyroid hormone thyroxine. Kamrun N. Islam*, Masaki Ihara, Jinhua Dong, Noriyuki Kasagi, Toshihiro Mori, Hiroshi Ueda 763. Synthesis and characterization of alginate hybrid polymer beads. Sanghyuk Kang, Pathak S. Tara, Seon Yeong Kim, Taekyeong Joo, Ki-jung Paeng* 764. Development of the transparent goldfish toward bioanalysis from single cells to whole-body and -life imaging. Yutaka Tamaru*, Shin-ichi Akiyama* 765. Selection of DNA aptamers using atomic force microscopy. Chiaki Ogino*, Yusuke Miyachi, Kazuki Nosaka, Taiji Hayase, Akihiko Kondo 766. Ultraviolet photothermal image of a single nonstained yeast cell measured with reflection objective. Noriyuki Fujii*, Akira Harata 767. Detection of kinase activity by phosphate-affinity electrophoresis on a PDMS microchip. Aishan Han*, Kazuo Hosokawa, Mizuo Maeda 768. In vivo visualization of the N-myristoyltransferase activity using zebrafish embryos expressed by an enhanced green fluorescent protein with myristoylation signal sequence. Hisayoshi Ishikawa*, Yutaka Tamaru 769. Toxic amyloid oligomer detection system using molecular chaperone. Masafumi Sakono*, Tamotsu Zako, Masafumi Yohda, Mizuo Maeda 770. Fusion of giant vesicles encapsulating enzymes by centrifugation. Mariko Matsunaga, Taro Toyota, Masanori Fujinami* 771. Adhesion of giant vesicles controlled by optical trapping. Asuna Shiga, Taro Toyota, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami* 772. Development of the nanoimprint technology-based Plasmon biosensor chip. Akito Kitamura*, Masato Saito, Kenji Kondo, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Eiichi Tamiya 773. Piezoelectric quartz crystal biosensor for assessing mitochondria extracted from cell based on its cardiolipin content. Wenfeng Zhao*, Ying Sing Fung, Hui Sun, Wai Sum Owaisum 774. Direct analysis of cell culture secretomics from cell trapping microfluidics using ion mobility-mass spectrometry detection. Jeffrey R. Enders, Christina C. Marasco, Kevin T. Seale, John P. Wikswo, John A. McLean* 64 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 775. Temperature effect during electric pulse application on membrane breakdown of Staphylococci cells. Minoru Suga*, Kenji Sawano, Hiroaki Shinohara, Ken-Ichi Kodaira 776. Quantitative imaging for beating frequency of ES-derived cardiomyocyte. Eiichi Shimizu*, Masato Saito, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, Eiichi Tamiya 777. Gene expression analysis of GK knockout mice for diabetic inducing factors. Tae Sugiyama, Ryousuke Iida, Yuki Amakusa, Hisakage Funabashi, Hideaki Matsuoka, Mikako Saito* 778. Phenotypic analysis of GK knockout mice for evaluation of diabetic inducing factors. Ryousuke Iida, Tae Sugiyama, Yuki Amakusa, Hisakage Funabashi, Hideaki Matsuoka, Mikako Saito* 779. Profiling the selectivity of DNA ligases in an array format with mass spectrometry. Joohoon Kim, Milan Mrksich 780. Analysis of endogenous jasmonates in several plants by LC-ESI-MS. Zilin Chen*, Lihong Liu, Juan Du, Chen Su, Ling Zhu 781. Convenient bioanalytical tools for understanding a behavior of proteins using yeast model systems. Seiji Shibasaki*, Mitsuyoshi Ueda 782. Capillary isoelectric focusing of giant mitochondria. Gregory Wolken*, Vratislav Kostal, Edgar Arriaga* 783. Nanoscale computed tomography: Micro-angiography and cellular interactions with nanoparticles. Ivan M. Kempson, Chia-Chi Chien, Tsung-Yu Chen, Enrong Li, Hsiang-Hsin Chen, Cheng-Liang Wang, Yeukuang Hwu 784. Bioluminescence detection of small RNA with stand-alone rolling circle amplification. Yaumasa Mashimo*, Masayasu Mie, Keiko Gomi, Eiry Kobatake 785. Expanding bioluminescence multiplexing beyond duel-analytes: Application of semisynthetic aequorin for multiple cytokine detection. Daniel Scott, C. M. Ensor, Kim Anderson, Sylvia Daunert* 786. Thrombin binding aptamer-peptide conjugate for fluorescence imaging of potassium ion in living cells. Keiichi Ohtsuka, Yusuke Sato, Hirohisa Hayashida, Tomoki Matsuda, Kiwamu Takemoto, Takeharu Nagai, Shigeori Takenaka* 787. Dynamic analysis of gene expression balance in target single-ES cells towards a more clear-cut indicator of differentiation. Hisakage Funabashi*, Wataru Satani, Makoto Takatsu, Mikako Saito, Hideaki Matsuoka 788. Development and optimization of the on chip microchamber array PCR and RTPCR. Masato Saito, Kentaro Hidari, Yoshinori Yamaguchi, Eiichi Tamiya 789. Strategies for untargeted biomarker discovery in amniotic fluid. Michel R. Boisvert*, David H. Burns, Kristine G. Koski, Cameron D. Skinner 790. Noninvasive and quantitative imaging analysis for the maturation and the drug toxicity cardiomyocytes in microchip. Yoshinori Yamaguchi*, Masato Saito, Eiichi Tamiya 791. Evaluation of fluorescence properties of pharmaceutical compounds. Matthew McCarroll*, Daniel Dyer, Lin Wang 792. MALDI-MS-based metabolite analysis for high-throughput screening and in situ imaging. Daisuke Miura*, Daichi Yukihira, Yoshinori Fujimura, Hirofumi Tachibana, Hiroyuki Wariishi 793. Shotgun lipidomics of lipid extract from mouse brain. Taeseong Park, Gui Nam Kim, Hyun Soo Choi, Young Hwan Kim* 794. Quenchbody: An antibody probe that fluoresces upon antigen binding. Hiroshi Ueda*, Ryoji Abe, Masaki Ihara, Hiroaki Takagi, Takahiro Hohsaka Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Convention Center 301A New Frontiers of Plasma Spectrochemistry (#84) Analytical Applications and New Technical Developments of Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy (#145) Organized by: N. Furuta, G. Hieftje, R. Sturgeon Presiding: N. Furuta Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 795. Analysis of inclusions in steel by helium microwave induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Makoto Ohishi, Tadashi Kikuchi* 796. Forensic discrimination of cigarette ash by the analysis of trace elements by ICPMS. Yasuhiro Suzuki*, Shinich Suzuki 797. Direct multi-element analysis of tobacco smoke using ICP-TOFMS coupled with gas-converter apparatus. Masaki Ohata*, Hiromu Sakurai, Kazumi Inagaki, Kohei Nishiguchi, Keisuke Utani, Akiharu Hioki, Koichi Chiba 798. Multielement profiling analysis of symbiotic zoothanthellae in bivalve (Tridacna crocea) living on the coral reef. Akihide Itoh*, Sho Kuwae, Shoko Ganaha, Eriko Oura 799. Straightforward phosphorylation analysis using nano HPLC-ICPMS. Yoshinari Suzuki*, Naoki Furuta 800. Microbore anion-exchange chromatography hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for efficient separation of oligonucleotides and their sensitive determination by phosphorous selective detection. Yuka Takasaki, Kazumi Inagaki, Tomonari Umemura* 801. HPLC-ICP-MS and species-specific isotope dilution LC-MS for DMAA and arsenosugar speciation in biological samples. Takayoshi Kuroiwa*, Tomohiro Narukawa, Shinichi Miyashita, Toshikazu Kaise, Koichi Chiba 802. Determination of total selenium and selenomethionine in certified reference material of selenium enriched yeast (SELM-1) by isotope dilution analysis using ICP-3DQMS. Tatsuya Mukai*, Yoshinari Suzuki, Naoki Furuta 803. Selenium heavy metal antagonism in soybeans. Traci Hanley*, Qilin Chan, Joseph Caruso 804. Speciation analysis of inorganic antimony in inhalable airborne particulate matter. Akihiro Iijima*, Keiichi Sato, Tomohiro Ikeda, Hikaru Sato, Kunihisa Kozawa, Naoki Furuta 805. Determination of trace elements in airborne particulate matter by using LAICP-MS and its analytical validation. Keiichi Sato*, Yuichi Watanabe, Naoki Furuta 806. Imaging of corrosion of metallic materials for a nuclear reactor cooling circuit by LA-ICP-MS. Tomas Vaculovic, Tereza Warchilova, Viktor Kanicky, Tomas Simo, Oldrich Matal 807. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy in analysis of molten metals. Tomas Vaculovic, Zbynek Zverina, Viktor Kanicky 808. Microchemical characterization of questioned documents using elemental analysis determined by laser-based methods (LIBS and LA-ICP-MS). Tatiana Trejos, Jose Almirall 809. Microwave-assisted LIBS: Extending the laser induced plasma lifetime for trace detection. Yuan Liu*, Matthieu Baudelet, Martin Richardson 810. Characterization of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in the ablative removal and analysis of photovoltaic (PV) precursory materials. Travis N. Owens*, Jhanis J. Gonzalez, Osman Sorkhabi, Xianglei Mao, Costas Grigoropoulos, Richard E. Russo Organized by: Y. Muramatsu, J. Ahn, A. Burren, C. Glover, C. Heske, J. Kawai, B.S. Kim, F. Larkins, D. Lindle, A. Moewes, R. Perera, L. Terminello, H. Wakita Presiding: R. Perera, T. Kurisaki 19:00 – 811. Recent new soft X-ray spectrometers developed for the analysis of biochemical samples. Tsutomu Kurisaki, Shuji Matsuo, Rupert C. Perera, James H. Underwood, Hisanobu Wakita 19:40 – 812. Characterization of minerals and archeological samples by soft X-ray spectroscopy. Tsutomu Kurisaki*, Daisaku Tanaka, Shinitirou Kokubu, Hisanobu Wakita 19:55 – 813. Complementary spectro-microscopic techniques: Chemical composition and properties of atmospheric aerosols. Mary Gilles, Ryan Moffet, Alexander Laskin 20:15 – 814. Metals in the environment: Understanding environmental issues through quantitative analysis of X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Jeffrey Cutler*, Jeffrey Warner, Lisa Van Loon 20:35 – 815. Behavior of chlorine in fly ash during dioxin formation. Masaki Takaoka*, Takashi Fujimori, Kazuyuki Oshita Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Ionic Liquids for Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry for Ionic Liquids (#166) Organized by: T. Kakiuchi, D. Armstrong, A. Bond Presiding: T. Kakiuchi Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 816. Study of intermolecular interactions in chiral ionic liquids. Laurel M. Heckman*, Joel Burnette, Todd Hopkins 817. Tetraalkylphosphonium-based ionic liquids for dye extraction and ionization of small-molecule MALDI analytes. Katherine S. Lovejoy, Srinivas Iyer, Geraldine M. Purdy, Timothy C. Sanchez, Andrew T. Koppisch, Rico E. Del Sesto 818. Cation dependence of acid-base properties of CF3SO3- based protic ionic liquids. Xuedan Song*, Ryo Kanzaki, Shin-ichi Ishiguro, Yasuhiro Umebayashi 819. Electronic absorption spectra of gaseous imidazolium- and pyridinium-based ionic liquids. Takahiro Ogura, Nobuyuki Akai, Akio Kawai, Kazuhiko Shibuya* 820. Frequency modulation AFM in ionic liquids using quartz tuning fork sensor. Motohiko Fujimura, Takashi Ichii*, Kuniaki Murase, Hiroyuki Sugimura 821. Functional ionic liquids as ionophores and matrixes in chemical sensors. Aleksandar Radu*, Andrew Kavanagh, Robert Byrne, Simon Coleman, Matthias Hilder, Noel Clark, Dermot Diamond * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 822. Ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron studies of ionic liquids with water and CO2. Alexandria Margarella*, Theresa M. McIntire, Ming H. Cheng, Hendrik Bluhm, Zhi Liu, John C. Hemminger 823. In situ SEM observation of lithium electrodeposition/stripping process in roomtemperature ionic liquids. Yoshitomo Nishimura, Tetsuya Tsuda, Hitoshi Kageyama, Hajime Matsumoto, Susumu Kuwabata* 824. In situ TEM observation of polymerization reaction in ionic liquids. Hiroshi Aoki, Tetsuya Tsuda*, Susumu Kuwabata* 825. Solvation structure of Li-ion in low-viscosity ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide. Kenta Fujii*, Shuto Mori, Shiro Seki, Shin-ichi Ishiguro, Yasuhiro Umebayashi 826. Significance of the phase-boundary potential in the analysis of extraction of metal ions using ionic liquid-water twophase systems. Ryota Teraoka*, Yuki Kitazumi, Naoya Nishi, Takashi Kakiuchi 827. Optical, magnetic and thermal properties of transition metal complexes in ionic liquid. Makoto Kurihara*, Akira Imada, Takaharu Suzuki, Ayumi Ito 828. Distribution and solute⫺solvent interactions of aromatic compounds in biphasic ionic liquid/water systems. Shoichi Katsuta*, Kohichi Nakamura, Yoshihiro Kudo, Yasuyuki Takeda 829. Electrochemical avenue toward Cu(In,Ga)Se2 -based solar cells by means of ionic liquids. Mohammad Harati, Jia Jia, Kévin Giffard, Kyle Pellarin, Carly Hewson, David A. Love, Woon Ming Lau, Zhifeng Ding* 830. Investigation of electric double layer dynamics in ionic liquid gated Si transistors. Takashi Yanase, Tetsuya Hasegawa, Toshihiro Shimada 831. Influence of the phase-boundary potential between ionic liquid and water on spontaneous emulsification at IL|W interface. Yuma Suzuki*, Yuki Kitazumi, Naoya Nishi, Takashi Kakiuchi 832. Design of ionic liquid salt bridge based on phosphonium-type ionic liquids. Hideaki Sakaida*, Yuki Kitazumi, Naoya Nishi, Takashi Kakiuchi Sunday Morning Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Fluorescent Sensors by Design (#181) Novel Applications of Magnetic Fields in Analytical Chemistry (#260) Organized by: M. McCarroll, D. Dyer, F. Li, U. Yasuteru Presiding: M. McCarroll Organized by: H. Watarai, I. Fritsch, C.B. Fuh, B. Yellen Presiding: H. Watarai Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 833. Magnetic-field-responsive agarose-gel/ carbon-fiber composite. Yusuke Umehara*, Fumiko Kimura, Tsunehisa Kimura 834. Development of high gradient immunomagnetic separation system for the detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum. Uni Ryumae, Kyoko Hibi, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Huifeng Ren, Hideaki Endo* 835. In situ measurement of magnetic alignment of crystalline polymers. Masafumi Yamato*, Tsunehisa Kimura, Kohki Takahashi, Kazuo Watanabe 836. Kinetic analysis of magnetic alignment of rod-like pseudo single crystal. Shu Tsukui, Tsunehisa Kimura 837. Magnetic processing for a novel paperbased piezo actuator. Chiaki Tsuboi, Tsunehisa Kimura, Yoshiro Tajitsu 838. X-ray diffraction from magnetically aligned microcrystalline powder. Kenji Matsumoto*, Fumiko Kimura, Tsunehisa Kimura 839. X-ray diffraction study of pseudo single crystal of cellobiose. Hiroko Matsumoto, Tsunehisa Kimura Convention Center 323C On-site and In-vivo Instrumentation and Applications (#36) Organized by: J. Pawliszyn, N. Dovichi, O. Gangfeng Presiding: J. Pawliszyn 7:30 – 840. Sampling and sample treatment methods for on-site analysis of bacteria using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Tai V. Truong, Dan Li, Douglas N. VanDerwerken, John R. Williams, Cory W. Taylor, Richard A. Robison, H. Dennis Tolley, Anthony D. Rands, Christopher R. Bowerbank, Stephen A. Lammert, Milton L. Lee* 8:00 – 841. Nanoparticle labelling and mass spectrometry detection of microbial pathogens and proteins. Feng Li, Chuan Wang, Qiang Zhao, Xiufen Lu, Chungang Yuan, Xing-Fang Li, Chris X. Le* 8:30 – 842. A simple and fast solid-phase microextraction technique for non-lethal monitoring of contaminants in fish muscle. Gangfeng Ouyang*, Ken D. Oakes, Leslie Bragg, Shuang Wang, Shufen Cui, Mark R. Servos*, Janusz Pawliszyn* 8:50 – 843. Capillary isoelectric focusing for analysis of Barrett’s Esophagus biopsies and single cells. Lauren Ramsay, Norman Dovichi* 9:20 – 844. Direct tissue sampling from explanted human liver. Yaohua Wang, Erik N. Cressman, Edgar A. Arriaga* 9:50 – 845. Moving beyond microscopy imagingѧfluorescence fluctuation analysis reveals protein interactions and transport in living cells. Paul W. Wiseman* 10:10 – 846. Using electrochemistry in the brain to study dopamine, a neurotransmitter. Adrian C. Michael* 10:40 – 847. In vivo solid phase microextraction. Janusz Pawliszyn* 11:00 – 848. Solid sample analysis on centrifugal microfluidic devices. Eric Salin*, David A. Duford, Yongqing Xi Convention Center 301B 7:30 – 849. Relationship between the symmetry of ⫺systems and excited state and the electrochemical properties of tetraazaporphyrins. Nagao Kobayashi* 7:50 – 850. Facile method for the development of various fluorescent sensors. Tomoya Hirano* 8:10 – 851. APAC probes: Fluorescent sensors for sequence-specific dsDNA detection. Satoshi Obika* 8:30 – 852. In vivo cancer imaging with rationally designed fluorescence probes. Yasuteru Urano*, Masayo Sakabe, Daisuke Asanuma, Mako Kamiya, Tetsuo Nagano, Mikako Ogawa, Nobuyuki Kosaka, Peter L. Choyke, Hisataka Kobayashi 8:50 – 853. Fluorescent sensors for in situ analysis of biomolecules. Shinsuke Sando* 9:10 – 854. Experimental evaluation of response selective sensors. Matthew McCarroll*, Daniel J. Dyer, Lichang Wang, Hudson George, Quin Best 9:30 – 855. Luminescent probes based on rare-earth upconversion nanophosphors. Fuyou Li 9:50 – 856. Switchable fluorescent sensors based on diarylethene. Tao Yi*, Ying Zou, Xijun Piao, Xinhua Cao 10:10 – 857. Boronic acid based carbohydrate sensors. Tony D. James 10:30 – 858. Red visible/NIR fluorescent sensors based on pi conjugated borondipyrromethene dyes. Zhen Shen*, Hua Lu, Yanwei Wang, Ana Descalzo, Knut Rurack, Nagao Kobayashi 10:50 – 859. Sensing and imaging of biological matter using novel luminescent sensors and imaging agents. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson 11:10 – 860. Design and synthesis of response selective fluorescent sensors. Dan Dyer*, Quinn Best, Ruisong Xu, George Hudson, Matthew McCarroll, Lichang Wang 10:15 – 875. Application of ionic liquids on extractions and supercritical fluid chromatography. Guor-Tzo Wei, Chia-Ying Lee, Hsiu-Liang Chen, Fu-Min Chu, Wei-Ting Wang 10:45 – 876. Selective permeation of rare earth metals by highly stable supported liquid membrane based on ionic liquids. Masahiro Goto* 11:15 – 877. Task-specific ionic liquids of alkyl polyaminium salts for scavenging transition-metal ions and metal complexes. Masayasu Iida*, Sayaka Kawakami, Emi Syouno Convention Center 301A Convention Center 305A Advances in Flow-based Analytical Techniques (#207) Recent Advances in Bioanalysis: UltraSmall Volumes, Global Metabolite Profiling and Single Cells (#56) Organized by: I. McKelvie, G. Christian, K. Grudpan, T. Imato Presiding: K. Grudpan, I. McKelvie 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 861. Brief history of flow injection analysis and flow analysis conferences. Gary D. Christian 7:55 – 862. Flow injection analysis: From beaker to microfluidics - applications to chemical oceanography. Jaromir Ruzicka* 8:30 – 863. Magnetic microbeads immunoassay based on sequential injection. Kazuhira Sakamoto, Koji Nakano, Nobuaki Soh, Toshihiko Imato* 8:50 – 864. Recent advances in chemiluminescence detection for flow analysis. Paul S. Francis* 9:25 – 865. Macroscopic approach to studying kinetics at equilibrium: The power of flow analysis. Sergey N. Krylov, Maxim V. Berezovski, Victor Okhonin 9:45 – 866. Luminescent electrode interfaces for sensing applications. Conor F. Hogan*, Egan H. Doevan, Gregory Barbante, David Piper 10:20 – 867. Development of biocatalyst based microreactors for lipid transformations and blood profiling. Samuel M. Mugo*, Karl Ayton 10:40 – 868. Principle and application of amplitude modulated multiplexed flow analysis. Hideji Tanaka* 11:00 – 869. Flow analysis employing natural reagents and modern information technology devices for the aids of cost effective green (analytical) chemistry. Kate Grudpan* Convention Center 317A Ionic Liquids for Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry for Ionic Liquids (#166) Organized by: T. Kakiuchi, D. Armstrong, A. Bond Presiding: D. Armstrong, M. Goto 7:40 Introductory remarks 7:45 – 870. Unique ability of ionic liquids to dissolve raw biopolymers such as cellulose and chitin, provides an opportunity to develop analytical techniques for molecular weight determination. Robin D. Rogers*, Ning Sun, Ying Qin 8:15 – 871. Experimental and theoretical investigations of ionic fluids: Applications to enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose. Jacob W. Petrich*, Xueyu Song, Daniel W. Armstrong 8:45 – 872. Ionic liquids in separations and mass spectrometry. Daniel W. Armstrong 9:15 – 873. Exploiting the versatility of ionic liquids in separation science. Jared L. Anderson*, Christa Graham, Yunjing Meng, Cong Yao, Qichao Zhao 9:45 – 874. Investigations of surface confined ionic liquid stationary phases using supercritical fluid chromatography. Patrice R. Fields*, Thomas L. Chester, Apryll M. Stalcup Organized by: D. Chiu, S. Boxer, P. Britz-McKibbin, T. Matsunaga, K. Otsuka, G. Zhou Presiding: T. Matsunaga 7:45 Opening remarks 7:50 – 878. Quantitative analysis of multiple gene expressions in single-cells. Hideki Kambara* 8:30 – 879. Analysis of gene mutation and gene expression from a very limited amount of exfoliated colonocytes in feces by digital counting of single molecules. Guohua Zhou, Zongtai Qi, Lili Deng, Huan Huang 8:50 – 880. Analysis of intracellular molecules in a living cell using a nanoneedle functionalized with molecular probes. Chikashi Nakamura*, Takanori Kihara, Yosuke Amemiya, Narutoshi Yoshida, Taro Kitagawa, Shingo Mieda, Noriyuki Nakamura, Jun Miyake 9:10 – 881. Global transcription profiling of complex biological processes of cellular differentiation at the single-cell resolution. Mitinori Saitou*, Kazuki Kurimoto 9:50 – 882. Evaluation of mRNA and protein expresssions at single-cell level. Hitoshi Shiku, Daisuke Okazaki, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue 10:10 – 883. DNA-Lipid conjugates control interactions and fusion in model cells. Steven Boxer* 10:50 – 884. Real-time observation of model membrane dynamics induced by Alzheimer’s amyloid beta. Masahiro Takagi*, Tsutomu Hamada, Mun’delanji Vestergaard, Masamune Morita 11:10 – 885. High density microcavity array for target cell analysis from heterogeneous cell populations. Atsushi Arakaki, Masahito Hosokawa, Tadashi Matsunaga* Convention Center 303A Optical Waveguide Techniques for the Analyses of Materials and Interfaces (#74) Organized by: K. Tsunoda, M. Gee, S.S. Saavedra, L. Sun Presiding: S. Saavedra, L. Sun 8:00 Opening remarks * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–65 01-ANYL 8:05 – 886. Advances in surface wave spectroscopies for the interrrogation of molecular films. Sergio B. Mendes* 8:35 – 887. Optical waveguide sensor based on nanoporous/metal multilayer films. Akira Yamaguchi* 9:05 – 888. Evanescent wave cavity-based spectroscopy for the study of dynamical interfacial phenomena. Stuart R. Mackenzie*, Pat Unwin, Simon Neil, Mathias Schnippering, Hayley Powell 9:35 – 889. Chemical detection using microoptical devices. Hans-Peter Loock*, John Saunders, John A. Barnes, Cathleen M. Crudden, Gianluca Gagliardi, Danxia Xu, Adam Densmore, Siegried Janz, Rubin Ma 9:55 – 890. Polyelectrolyte adsorption kinetics under an applied potential using optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy. Paul Van Tassel 10:25 – 891. Combining reactive or animated polymer films with waveguide transduction platforms for chemical analysis and sensing. Paul L. Edmiston* 10:55 – 892. In situ observation of adsorption behaviors of dyes on the electrode/ solution interface by internal reflection spectroscopy. Li-Xian Sun*, Shujun Qiu, Fen Xu, Chunhong Jiang, Jian Zhang, Naoki Matsuda Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Analytical Applications and New Technical Developments of Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy (#145) Organized by: Y. Muramatsu, J. Ahn, A. Burren, C. Glover, C. Heske, J. Kawai, B.S. Kim, F. Larkins, D. Lindle, A. Moewes, R. Perera, L. Terminello, H. Wakita Presiding: Y. Muramatsu Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 893. X-ray absorption spectroscopic characterization of phosphorus-doped TiO2 with visible-light photocatalytic activity. Motoki Iwase*, Keiji Yamada, Tsutomu Kurisaki, Hisanobu Wakita 894. Adsorption behavior of tellurium oxoanion on d-MnO2. Yuka Katsuyama, Chiya Numako, Yoshihiro Okaue, Takushi Yokoyama 895. Quantitative analysis method of nitrogen in graphitic carbon materials using total-electron-yield soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Taiji Amano*, Yasuji Muramatsu, Eric M. Gullikson 896. Local-structure analysis of the oxidized graphitic carbon dispersoids using soft Xray absorption spectroscopy. Natsuki Inoue*, Yasuji Muramatsu, Yukihiro Aoyama, Masahide Kawaraya, Hideyuki Hisashi, Eric M. Gullikson 897. Total-electron-yield soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the quantitative analysis of carbon materials. Yasuji Muramatsu*, Eric M. Gullikson 898. X-ray fluorescence imaging of growing chemical patterns. Kenji Sakurai, Mari Mizusawa 899. Measurement of unpaired electron species in dry DNA thin films irradiated with synchrotron soft X-rays around oxygen and nitrogen K-edge studied by EPR. Toshitaka Oka, Akinari Yokoya, Kentaro Fujii, Yoshihiro Fukuda, Masatoshi Ukai Sunday Afternoon Convention Center 323C On-site and In-vivo Instrumentation and Applications (#36) Organized by: J. Pawliszyn, N. Dovichi, O.Gangfeng Presiding: J. Pawliszyn 66 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 12:30 – 900. On-site environmental analysis: Overview of challenges and opportunities. Ray E. Clement 13:00 – 901. Development of a low power ion trap mass spectrometer for Earth and Mars applications. Robert J. Cotter*, Veronica Pinnick, Theresa Evans-Nguyen 13:30 – 902. Person portable gas chromatograph-toroidial ion trap mass spectrometer in conjunction with solid phase micro extraction sampling for field analytical measurements. Douglas W. Later* 13:50 – 903. On-line monitoring of air toxics in the Seattle-Tacoma airshed from a mobile membrane introduction tandem mass spectrometry system. Nicholas G. Davey, Jake M. Etzkorn, Morten Martinsen, Ji H. Park, Robert S. Crampton, Cole T. Fitzpatrick, Timothy V. Larson, Chris D. Simpson, Michael G. Yost, Erik T. Krogh, Chris G. Gill* 14:10 – 904. The development of a rugged, field-portable membrane introduction tandem mass spectrometer (MIMS-MS/ MS) and its use as an on-line monitor for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in the Alberta oil sands. Nicholas G. Davey, Morten Martinsen, Oyvind Mikkelsen, Rudolf Schmid, Christian Collin-Hansen, Erik T. Krogh, Chris G. Gill* 14:30 – 905. Solid-state light sources: An excellent match with the needs of portable and on-site analytical instrumentation. Markéta Ryvolová, Petr Smejkal, Nantana Nuchtavorn, Tomasz Piasecki, Lenka Krmová, Mahbub Akhter, František Foret, Leena Suntornsuk, Pleun Maaskant, Mirek Macka* 14:50 – 906. Chemical detection using fiber cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Hans-Peter Loock*, Jack A. Barnes, Klaus Bescherer, Adrienne H. Cheung, Jessica Litman, Helen Waechter 15:10 – 907. Miniaturized sample preparation device for gas chromatographic analysis of volatile organic compounds. Yoshihiro Saito*, Ikuo Ueta, Kiyokatsu Jinno 15:30 – 908. A polymer-based thin film trap and optical detection system for hydrophobic compounds in water. Rebecca A. Jarrell, John P. Hassett 15:50 – 909. Vacuum headspace solidphase microextraction. Elefteria Psillakis*, Nicolas Kalogerakis 16:10 – 910. Micro- electron spin resonance (ESR/EPR) spectroscopy for on-site free radical analysis. Christopher White Convention Center 305A Recent Advances in Bioanalysis: UltraSmall Volumes, Global Metabolite Profiling and Single Cells (#56) Organized by: D. Chiu, S. Boxer, P. Britz-McKibbin, T. Matsunaga, K. Otsuka, G. Zhou Presiding: T. Matsunaga 12:30 – 911. Single-cell analyses of protein activity and nucleic acids by in situ proximity ligation assays and padlock probes. Ola Söderberg* 13:10 – 912. Novel proteomic tools for highly sensitive high-throughput protein profiling. Kenji Yokoyama*, Yoshio Suzuki, Nao Sakaguchi, Hideki Kinoshita, Atsunori Hiratsuka 13:30 – 913. Structure, function and application of hyperthrmophilic molecular chaperones. Masafumi Yohda*, Ayumi Nakagawa, Taro Kanzaki, Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Yuji C. Sasaki 13:50 – 914. Raman spectroscopy and imaging of single living cells. Hiro-o Hamaguchi* 14:30 – 915. Application of femtosecond laser and monolithic materials to single cell analysis. Mitsuyoshi Ueda* 14:50 – 916. Quantitative electrochemical cytometry of nanometer transmitter vesicles. Andrew G. Ewing*, Lisa Mellander, Donna Omiatek, Michael Heien 15:30 – 917. Analysis of respiratory activity of single oocytes and embryos with a noninvasive and highly sensitive measurement using scanning electrochemical microscopy. Hiroyuki Abe*, Hitoshi Shiku, Tomokazu Matsue 15:50 – 918. On-chip cellular manipulation and analysis based on micro channel array. Satoshi Konishi* 16:10 Closing remarks Convention Center 303A Optical Waveguide Techniques for the Analyses of Materials and Interfaces (#74) Organized by: K. Tsunoda, M. Gee, S.S. Saavedra, L. Sun Presiding: K. Tsunoda, S. Mendes 12:30 – 919. Frequency-domain, planar waveguide spectroelectrochemistry: Development and application to optical switching and charge transfer kinetics in redox-active thin films. Zeynep O. Araci, Walter J. Doherty III, Anne F. Runge, Clayton R. Shallcross, Neal R. Armstrong, S. Scott Saavedra* 13:00 – 920. In situ observation of uv-visible absorption spectra of adsorption process and electron transfer reaction of cytochrome c on ITO electrode by slab optical waveguide spectroscopy. Naoki Matsuda*, Takahiro Okabe 13:30 – 921. Application of polymer coated slab optical waveguide to the electrode surface analysis. Hiroki Hotta*, Takuya Hashimoto, Naoko Futami, Kin-ichi Tsunoda* 14:00 – 922. Planar optical waveguide biosensors for the early diagnosis of infection. Basil I. Swanson, Harshini Mukundan, Aaron S. Anderson, Kevin W. Grace, Dominique Price 14:30 – 923. Electric-field-modulated surface plasmon-coupled directional emission: Efficient discrimination of single base mismatch. Shuo-Hui Cao, Tang-Tang Xie, Wei-Peng Cai, Qian Liu, Yao-Qun Li* 14:50 – 924. Membrane-mediated detection of pathogen-associated motifs on a waveguide-based platform. Harshini Mukundan*, Dominique Price, Anu Chaudhary, Aaron Anderson, Gabriel Montano, Basil I. Swanson* 15:10 – 925. Molecular orientation control of cationic porphyrins on clay surfaces. Shinsuke Takagi*, Dai Masui, Tetsuya Shimada, Hiroshi Tachibana, Haruo Inoue 15:40 – 926. Ex situ investigation of vacuumevaporated copper phthalocyanine film by multimode slab optical waveguide spectroscopy. Zhi-mei Qi*, Fang Chen, Shanhong Xia, Naoki Matsuda 16:10 – 927. Attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy of coumarin organosilane molecules adsorbed on a fused silica surface. Maria Antoaneta Bratescu*, Nagahiro Saito, Osamu Takai Convention Center 317A Ionic Liquids for Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry for Ionic Liquids (#166) 14:30 – 932. Analytical challenges in ionic liquids. Doug MacFarlane* 15:00 – 933. Does the N2O analogy work for ionic liquids? Devan E. Kestel, Burcu Gurkan, Joan F. Brennecke 15:30 – 934. Thermodynamics of conformational equilibrium of an ionic liquid, bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide, bound to the lithium ion. Shin-ichi Ishiguro*, Shyto Mori, Yasuhiro Umebayashi, Kenta Fujii 16:00 – 935. Microphase separation of ionic liquids relaxed by methanol. Toshiyuki Takamuku*, Takuya Shimomura, Kenta Fujii 16:15 – 936. Ultraslow relaxation of the electrical double layer at the ionic liquid| metal interface probed by surface plasmon resonance. Naoya Nishi, Toshiyuki Motokawa, Yuki Kitazumi, Takashi Kakiuchi* Convention Center 301B Fluorescent Sensors by Design (#181) Organized by: M. McCarroll, D. Dyer, F. Li, U. Yasuteru Presiding: M. McCarroll 12:50 – 937. Optical imaging using split-reporter reconstitution analysis: From single cells to living animals. Takeaki Ozawa* 13:10 – 938. Benzylidene malononitriles as environmental friction probes. Durba Roy, Min Liang, Chet Swalina, Hui Jin, Mark Maroncelli* 13:30 – 939. Sensing applications for photon upconverting nanoparticles. Peng Zhang*, Manoj Kumar 13:50 – 940. Development of near infraredfluorescent nanophosphors for disease diagnosis and therapy. Tamotsu Zako*, Hiroshi Hyodo, Kosuke Tsuji, Kimikazu Tokezen, Hidehiro Kishimoto, Masaaki Ito, Kazuhiro Kaneko, Kohei Soga, Mizuo Maeda 14:10 – 941. Design of hypoxia-sensitive fluorescent probes activated by enzymatic one-electron reduction for hypoxic cancer cell imaging. Hirokazu Komatsu*, Hiroshi Harada, Hisatsugu Yamada, Takeo Ito, Kazuhito Tanabe, Masahiro Hiraoka, Sei-ichi Nishimoto 14:30 – 942. Selective detection of phosphotyrosine using Tb(III) complexes. Hiroki Akiba, Yuki Watanabe, Jun Sumaoka, Makoto Komiyama* 14:50 – 943. Photonic nanosensors for selective detection of reactive oxygen species and their roles in carcinogenesis. Kui Chen*, Annie Wilson, Laura McCormick, Dorothy Blake, Christopher Graham 15:10 – 944. Fluorescence technique for probing out-of-plane dye diffusion in ultrathin supported polymer films. Hui Deng*, Manish K. Mundra, John M. Torkelson 15:30 – 945. Withdrawn 15:50 – 946. Detection of aberrant DNA methylation with a bis-acridinyl peptide carrying fluorescein (FKA). Keiichi Ohtsuka, Satoshi Honda, Shigeori Takenaka* Organized by: T. Kakiuchi, D. Armstrong, A. Bond Presiding: A. Bond, U. Domanska 12:30 – 928. Extraction of copper (II) ions from aqueous solutions with a methimazole-based ionic liquid. Alan M. Bond*, Juan M. Reyna-Gonzalez, Angel J. Torriero, Amal I. Siriwardana, Iko M. Burgar 13:00 – 929. Ionic liquid chelate extraction system for extraction of metals. Naoki Hirayama* 13:30 – 930. Solvent extractions based on ionic liquids: Ion recognition through ionic liquids. Huimin Luo*, Sheng Dai 14:00 – 931. Separation of liquids with liquid-liquid extraction using ionic liquids. Urszula M. Domanska-Zelazna * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 01-ANYL 16:10 – 947. Novel QD-based bioassay for screening inhibitors of HIV-1 protease cleavage sites using a genetically programmable protein module. Wilfred Chen*, Payal Biswas, Marylynn Yates Convention Center 301A Advances in Flow-based Analytical Techniques (#207) Organized by: I. McKelvie, G. Christian, K. Grudpan, T. Imato Presiding: T. Imato, G. Christian 12:50 Introductory remarks 12:55 – 948. Control of electro-osmotic flow using self-assembled surfactant bilayer coatings. Charles A. Lucy*, Mahmoud F. Bahnasy, M. D. Gulcev, Amy M. MacDonald 13:30 – 949. Analytical conditions and separation performance of capillary chromatography based on tube radial distribution of water-hydrophilic-hydrophobic organic mixture carrier solvents under laminar flow conditions. Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi* 13:50 – 950. Preparation of gold coated plastic microbeads for separation analysis. Tsutomu Nagaoka*, Hiroshi Shiigi, Yojiro Yamamoto, Shiho Tokonami 14:10 – 951. Hybrid analytical system composed of solid phase extraction and stopped-in-loop flow spectrophotometry for the determination of urinary vanadium/creatinine ratio. Norio Teshima*, Nuanlaor Ratanawimarnwong, Tadao Sakai, Duangjai Nacapricha 14:30 – 952. Batch and on-line separation of metals ions based on polymer inclusion membranes. Spas D. Kolev* 15:05 – 953. Utilization of simultaneous injection effective mixing analytical method. Tadao Sakai*, Norio Teshima, Daisuke Noguchi, Nuanlaor Ratanawimarnwong, Duangjai Nacapricha, Shoji Motomizu 15:25 – 954. Potential in-line system for simultaneous analyses of dissolved CO2, sugar and color in carbonated drink industry. Duangjai Nacapricha*, Saowapak Teerasong, Sumonmarn Chan-Eam, Kamonthip Sereenonchai, Natchanon Amornthammarong, Nuanlaor Ratanawimarnwong 15:45 – 955. Determination of trace water in organic solvents by means of selective vaporization and highly sensitive humidity sensor. Shin-Ichi Ohira*, Kayoko Goto, Purnendu K. Dasgupta, Kei Toda 16:05 – 956. Micellar solutions as alternative to organic solvents in flow injection analysis. Najma Memon*, M. Hanif Memon, M. Iqbal Bhanger Sunday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Optical Waveguide Techniques for the Analyses of Materials and Interfaces (#74) Organized by: K. Tsunoda, M. Gee, S. Saavedra, L. Sun Presiding: K. Tsunoda Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 957. Quantification of a functional group introduced on the glass surface using slab optical waveguide. Takeo Ishii*, Hiroki Hotta, Tomokazu Masuda, Hiroaki Ozaki, Kin-ichi Tsunoda 958. Construction of a lipid bilayer membrane on the slab optical waveguide surface and the observation of chemical reactions at the lipid bilayer/solution interface. Takahiro Sakurai*, Yuki Saito, Akiko Ieiri, Toshitada Yoshihara, Seiji Tobita, Hiroki Hotta, Kin-ichi Tsunoda 959. Adsorption and desorption dynamics of mesoporous silica film as studied by optical waveguide spectroscopy. Hiroyuki Arafune, Kazuhiro Hotta, Akira Yamaguchi, Norio Teramae 960. Linear dichroism measurement system with a slab optical waveguide for the analyses of adsorption states of dyes on TiO2 surface. Atsushi Sakurazawa*, Hiroki Hotta, Humio Okada, Keisuke Suda, Kenji Kakiage, Minoru Hanaya, Kin-ichi Tsunoda 961. Highly efficient slab optical waveguide chemical sensors based on the absorption response of indicators. Naofumi Ohta*, Masayuki Uehara, Hiroki Hotta, Kin-ichi Tsunoda 962. Design of nanoassembled mesoporous film structures using SiO2 nanoparticles on long period grating optical fibers. Serhiy Korposh, Stephen James, Seung-Woo Lee* 963. Optical gas sensing using tetrakis-(4sulfophenyl)porphine-based nanoassembled thin films. Wataru Yasukochi, Sergiy Korposh, Roman Selyanchyn, Seung-Woo Lee 964. Humidity detection by using a hybrid sensor of optical waveguide and quartz crystal microbalance. Kazunari Shinbo*, Makoto Iwasaki, Shunya Otuki, Yuichi Kanbayashi, Yasuo Ohdaira, Akira Baba, Keizo Kato, Futao Kaneko, Nobuo Miyadera 965. Cytochrome c adsorption to chemically modified silica surfaces. Geoffrey C. Hoops, Brianna Richine Convention Center 317A Ionic Liquids for Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry for Ionic Liquids (#166) Organized by: T. Kakiuchi, D. Armstrong, A. Bond Presiding: C. Tran, Y. Ouchi 19:00 – 966. Ion solvation and liquid structure of ionic liquids as nano-organized media. Yasuhiro Umebayashi* 19:30 – 967. Spectroscopy for and by ionic liquids. Chieu D. Tran 20:00 – 968. Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic studies on buried interfaces of ionic liquids. Yukio Ouchi* 20:30 – 969. Study on the acid-base reaction and solvation in protic ionic liquids. Ryo Kanzaki*, Xuedan Song, Yasuhiro Umebayashi, Shin-ichi Ishiguro 20:45 – 970. Actuation mechanism of electrochemical artificial muscle device using ionic liquid⫺polymer composite. Tetsuya Tsuda*, Rentaro Sakao, Yuichi Sato, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Rika Hagiwara, Susumu Kuwabata Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Fluorescent Sensors by Design (#181) Organized by: M. McCarroll, D. Dyer, F. Li, U. Yasuteru Presiding: M. McCarroll Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 971. Development of novel cell-permeable SNARF derivative as an intracellular fluorescent pH indicator. Eiji Nakata*, Yoshihiro Yukimachi, Yoshijiro Nazumi, Yoshihiro Uto, Hiroshi Maezawa, Hitoshi Hori 972. Recyclable fluorimetric and colorimetric mercury-specific sensor by using porphyrin-functionalized Au@SiO2 core/shell nanoparticles. Youngje Cho, Jagadese J. Vittal, Shim Sung Lee, Jong Hwa Jung* 973. Highly sensitive and selective sensor based on bodipy-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for detecting lead in living cells. Hyun Jong Son, Hye Young Lee, Jung Mi Lim, Dongmin Kang, Won Seok Han, Jagadese Vittal, Shim Sung Lee, Jong Hwa Jung* 974. Highly sensitive detection of protein with fluorescence enhancement technology by a multilayered substrate fabricated with Ag and Al2O3. Takuo Akimoto*, Mitsuru Yasuda 975. Localizable and highly sensitive calcium indicator based on a BODIPY fluorophore. Mako Kamiya*, Kai Johnsson* 976. Novel ratiometric fluorescent sensors for heavy metal ions based on 3-aryl substituted boron-dipyrromethene dye. Akira Hafuka*, Hiroki Taniyama, Yutaka Yamagishi, Maiko Yuasa, Son Sang-Hyun, Koji Yamada*, Hisashi Satoh* 977. Fluorescent cation sensors and chelators for analysis and chelation of toxic heavy metal ions in the environment. Chandrika Kulatilleke*, Saliya de Silva 978. High sensitive and selective fluorescent probe for mercury(II) and silver(I) ions. Koji Tsukamoto*, Hatsuo Maeda 979. Polymeric crack sensors based on anthracene dimer moieties. Ye Hyun Jo, Sung-Youl Cho, Chan-Moon Chung* 980. Development of fluorescence activatable probes for -galactosidase and their application as a diagnostic tool for the detection of peritoneal metastases of ovarian tumors in mouse models. Daisuke Asanuma*, Mako Kamiya, Mikako Ogawa, Nobuyuki Kosaka, Yukihiro Hama, Yoshinori Koyama, Peter L. Choyke, Hisataka Kobayashi, Tetsuo Nagano, Yasuteru Urano 981. Development of a novel copper(I) fluorescent probe utilizing copper-dioxygen activation mechanism. Masayasu Taki*, Shohei Iyoshi, Yukio Yamamoto 982. Structural, electrochemical, and photophysical properties of fluorescent copper probes containing multidentate thioether ligand. Shohei Iyoshi, Masayasu Taki, Yukio Yamamoto* 983. Development of novel fluorescence probes for hydrogen peroxide. Masahiro Abo*, Yasuteru Urano, Tetsuo Nagano 984. Development of highly sensitive novel fluorescence probes to detect activity of protease based on unique intramolecular spirocyclization and its application to tumor imaging in vivo. Masayo Sakabe, Mikako Ogawa, Nobuyuki Kosaka, Hisataka Kobayashi, Tetsuo Nagano, Yasuteru Urano 985. Application of ruthenium metalloglycocluster for affinity evaluation between carbohydrates and lectins by fluorescence emission and polarization. Tomoko Okada*, Taro Makino, Norihiko Minoura Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Advances in Flow-based Analytical Techniques (#207) Organized by: I. McKelvie, G. Christian, K. Grudpan, T. Imato Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 986. Surface plasmon resonance sensor on a compact disk-like microfluidic device. Akihide Hemmi, Takashi Usui, Akihiro Moto, Tatsuya Tobita, Toshihiko Imato, Katsumi Uchiyama, Hizuru Nakajima* 987. Integrated fluorescence detection system using organic light emitting diodes as light source. Mayo Miyake, Yukiko Okuma, Akihide Hemmi, Daisuke Yokoyama, Masayuki Yahiro, Chihaya Adachi, Toshihiko Imato, Katsumi Uchiyama, Hizuru Nakajima* 988. Chemiluminescence of cerium(IV)-rhodamine B system in a reversed micellar medium of cetyltrimethylammonium chloride in 1-hexanol-cyclohexane and invention of new flow injection analysis. Yusuke Tsunemine*, Tamer Hasanin, Yasuaki Okamoto, Satoshi Tsukahara, Terufumi Fujiwara 989. Flow injection-tandem spectrophotometric detection system for determination of cadmium and lead using soret-band sift of a water-soluble porphyrin. Jun-ichi Itoh*, Norihiro Takemoto, Yoichi Wada, Jun-ichiro Uemura 990. Synthesis of cellulose functionalized with polyallylamine and its application to on-line collection and determination of phosphate. Takashi Sumida*, Minoru Yamashita, Yuka Okazaki, Nozomu Tsuruta, Hirohisa Kawakita, Hayato Shinohara, Takashi Hukutomi 991. Development of micro-flow analytical techniques for hydrothermal reactions. Kunio Kawamura*, Keisuke Ikoma, Tomoko Yasuda, Hiroki Nagayoshi, Hitoshi Takeya, Shukuro Igarashi, Hideaki Hisamoto, Toshio Yao 992. On-line gas diffusion/ion exchange preconcentration technique for the determination of trace ammonium ion in environmental water samples by flow injection analysis. Minoru Ueda, Keisuke Fukui, Keiro Higuchi, Norio Teshima, Tadao Sakai* 993. Flow injection determination of oxalate by photochemical reaction and near infrared spectrophotometry. Makoto Kurihara*, Shohtaro Kato, Chiharu Ura, Rumi Satake 994. Rapid detection of point mutations based on oligonucleotide ligation. Masahiko Hashimoto*, Kazuma Yoshida, Kazuhiko Tsukagoshi 995. Direct detection of nonlabeled amino acids using micro-HILIC-HPLC with ultraviolet thermal lens spectroscopy. Yujiro Sumi, Akira Harata 996. Fluorimetric flow injection analysis of fluoride ion with alkylsilylated fluoresceins. Toshio Takayanagi*, Mayu Nakaya, Hiroki Yamashita, Mitsuko Oshima, Shoji Motomizu 997. Determination of nefopam in pharmaceutical preparations by sequential injection analysis with chemiluminescence detection. Miroslav Polasek*, Lucie Stepankova, Petr Solich 998. Microfluidic chip-based nanoliquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for bioanalysis. Ming-Ren S. Fuh*, Hsin-Yu Bai, Shu-Ling Lin, Shun-An Chan 999. Chemiluminescence from the decomposition of peroxymonocarbonate and its application in flow injection analysis. Jin-Ming Lin*, Hui Chen 1000. On-line sample preparation in the sequential injection systems. Petr Solich*, Hana Sklenárová*, Jana Škrlíková*, Petra Záková, Petr Chocholouš, Vasil Andruch, Miroslav Polášek 1001. Preparation and evaluation of chelating functional group modified polymer monolith as sorbent using for preconcentration and matrix separation for ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Masahiko Murakami*, Masaya Hirano 1002. On-line selective determination of glucose via two-step immobilized enzymatic reactions. Yoshitaka Nakashima, Lee Wah Lim, Toyohide Takeuchi* 1003. Downscaling chemical analysis employing flow-based techniques. Kate Grudpan*, Supaporn K. Hartwell, Tinakorn Kanyanee, Wasin Wongwilai, Kanchana Watla-iad, Somchai Lapanantnoppakhun * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–67 01-ANYL/02-INOR Monday Morning Convention Center 301A Advances in Flow-based Analytical Techniques (#207) TECHNICAL PROGRAM INOR Area 2 – Inorganic Wednesday Morning Organized by: I. McKelvie, G. Christian, K. Grudpan, T. Imato Presiding: D. Nacapricha, T. Sakai Hilton Nautilus I & II Frontiers in Organometallic Chemistry (#68) 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 1004. Trace analysis of dissolved species by vaporization-collection micro flow system. Kei Toda*, Haruka Kuwahara, Shin-Ichi Ohira 8:10 – 1005. Automated analysis for perchlorate in atmospheric aerosol. Masaki Takeuchi*, Kaoru Yoshioka, Yusuke Toyama, Ai Kagami, Hideji Tanaka 8:30 – 1006. All injection analysis: A simple flow injection system for monitoring. Hideyuki Itabashi* 8:50 – 1007. Development of flow chemical analyzers using computer-controllable pumps and valves and their application to trace analysis. Shoji Motomizu*, Keiro Higuchi 9:25 – 1008. Determination of tramp elements in steel by flow injection analysis using on-line separation and atomic absorption spectrometric detection. Koichi Oguma* 9:45 – 1009. Microdetermination of heavy metal ions in flow streams with use of immobilized apoenzymes chemically or physically regenerated from their corresponding metalloenzymes. Ikuo Satoh* 10:20 – 1010. Flow injection analysis methodology for the determination of pyrite mineral reactivity. Owen D. Osborne*, Claire E. Lenehan, Allan Pring 10:40 – 1011. On-line determination of wadcyanide based on cyanide-ligand exchange by amperometric gas diffusionflow injection. Hermin Sulistyarti*, Spas D. Kolev 11:00 – 1012. On-line digestion in flow analysis: Evolution and applications in environmental chemistry. Ian D. McKelvie*, Peter S. Ellis, Brady S. Gentle Organized by: G. Bertrand, M. Fryzuk, K. Tatsumi Presiding: K. Tatsumi 7:30 – 1. New ammoxidation catalysts from rhenium carbonyl cluster complexes containing antimony and bismuth ligands. Richard D. Adams*, William C. Pearl 8:00 – 2. New cyclopentadienylmetal-fused thiophenes, carboxylic anhydrides and dithiins. John P. Selegue*, Uttam R. Pokharel, Deepshikha Gupta, Sean Parkin 8:30 – 3. Transition metal complexes containing bulky tin groups. Burjor Captain*, Veeranna Yempally, Lei Zhu, Derek Isrow, George Fortman, Carl D. Hoff 9:00 – 4. Aspects of hydrodesulfurization and hydrodenitrogenation as modeled by trimethylphosphine molybdenum and tungsten compounds. Gerard Parkin* 9:30 – 5. Organometallic rhenium- and molybdenumoxides and their applications. Fritz E. Kühn* 10:00 – 6. Progress and challenges in organometallic chemistry of buckybowls. Marina A. Petrukhina* 10:30 – 7. Design and catalytic performances of supported metal-complex catalysts on oxide surfaces. Mizuki Tada* 11:00 – 8. Cyclometallated complexes: Formation and functions. Andy T. Hor*, Wenhua Zhang, Jian Jin Hu, David J. Young Hilton Kahili I/II Discrete Coordination Systems with Switchable Structures and Properties (#143) Convention Center 317A Organized by: T. Konno, A. Hor, K. Lu Presiding: T. Konno Ionic Liquids for Analytical Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry for Ionic Liquids (#166) 7:30 – 9. Discrete multinuclear system with switchable structures and properties. Takumi Konno* 7:50 – 10. Supramolecular architectures derived from Cu(II) complexes of 1,3-aryllinked bis--diketonato ligands: Toward a pressure controlled molecular switch. Leonard F. Lindoy*, Katrina A. Jolliffe, Jack K. Clegg, George V. Meehan, Simon Parsons, Peter A. Tasker, Peter Turner, Fraser J. White 8:20 – 11. Nanoelectronics molecular metal wires and related molecular materials. Shie-Ming Peng 8:50 – 12. Absolute asymmetric photoisomerization of a photochromic rhodium dithionite complex in chiral crystals. Kiyoshi Isobe 9:10 – 13. Single-crystalline photochromism of a platinum complex. Nobuyuki Matsushita*, Kousei Araki, Hajime Nishimura, Noriko Miura, Minami Senda, Tomomi Fujiwara 9:30 – 14. Discrete supramolecular soft metal complexes of thiamacrocycles bearing less-common stoichiometries. Sunhong Park, So Young Lee, Hyun Jee Kim, Shim Sung Lee* 10:00 – 15. Coordination-driven self-assembly of electron-rich tetrathiafulvalenebased architectures. Marc Sallé*, Sebastien Goeb, Jean-Yves Balandier, Sebastien Bivaud, Paul Dron, Marcos Chas, Guillaume Bastien 10:30 – 16. Metal-organic macrocycles, metal-organic polyhedra, and metal-organic frameworks. Myoung Soo Lah* 10:50 – 17. Redox-active octanuclear copper complexes. Tatsuya Kawamoto, Yukiko Hayashi Organized by: T. Kakiuchi, D. Armstrong, A. Bond Presiding: I. Pletnev, T. Kakiuchi 7:45 – 1013. Preparation and potential electrochemical applications of ionic liquidfunctionalized nanocomposites. Li Niu* 8:15 – 1014. Ionic liquids with nonfluorinated anions for separations and ion sensing. Igor Pletnev* 8:45 – 1015. Ionic liquid monolayer for sensor applications. Jean-Francois Masson, Mathieu Branca*, Mathieu Ratel, Andreea R. Schmitzer 9:00 – 1016. New pH electrode with ionic liquid junction as a salt-bridge. Yota Kudo, Ryoei Kikuchi, Kazuhiko Fujiwara, Manabu Shibata, Keiko Kuwamoto, Satoshi Nomura, Takashi Kakiuchi, Nobuaki Ogawa* 9:15 – 1017. Electrode kinetics of some metal complexes in an amide-type ionic liquid. Yasushi Katayama*, Yusuke Kawahara, Yuichi Toshimitsu, Takashi Miura 9:30 – 1018. Significance of ultraslow dynamics of the structure of ionic liquid in the vicinity of the interface on electrochemical measurement. Takashi Kakiuchi*, Yukinori Yasui, Yuki Kitazumi, Naoya Nishi 10:00 Closing remarks 68 –TECH 11:10 – 18. Interconverting between two different classes of architectures along two different pathways switches on and off ligand-based mixed-valency. Amar H. Flood*, Kumar Parimal, Edward H. Witlicki Hilton Rainbow II Electron Transfer and Electrochemistry of Transition Metal Containing Inorganic and Organometallic Materials (#187) Organized by: H. Nishihara, A. Abd-El-Aziz, P. Harvey, B.Z. Tang Presiding: H. Nishihara 7:30 Opening remarks 7:40 – 19. Control of intramolecular electron transfer in cyanide-bridged molecular squares. Masayuki Nihei*, Yoshihiro Sekine, Hiroki Oshio 8:05 – 20. Intermetallic communication mediated by carbon-silicon hybrid connectors. Claude Lapinte*, Jean-René Hamon, Harald Stûger 8:30 – 21. Electrical properties of Pd(dmit)2 salts up to 20 GPa by using a diamond anvil cell. HengBo Cui*, Naoya Tajima, Reizo Kato 8:50 – 22. Fluorine mimic effect in a new molecular superconductor, fluorinated alkylammonium salt of Pd(dmit)2. Mitsushiro Nomura, Akiko Tajima, HengBo Cui, Hiroshi M. Yamamoto, Reizo Kato* 9:10 – 23. Ferrocene-peptide conjugates: Probing electron transfer. Bernie Kraatz* 9:35 – 24. Development of manganese oxide-based cathode catalysts for anionexchange membrane fuel cells. Morihiro Saito*, Masato Akiyoshi, Tatsuya Takakuwa, Yu Matsui, Akimasa Tasaka, Minoru Inaba, Takeo Hatai, Jun Kuwano 9:55 – 25. Proton-induced tuning of metalmetal interaction in dinuclear Ru complexes bearing benzimidazolyl ligand. Masa-aki Haga, Masamichi Ishikubo, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka 10:15 – 26. Modulation of the electronic communication within the backbone of a family of molecular motors. Gwenael Rapenne* 10:40 – 27. Relationship between the molecular structures and spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of giant aromatic molecules. Nagao Kobayashi* 11:00 – 28. Electro- and photonic properties of conjugated organometallic polymers built upon quinone diimines or benzenediiamines and platinum(II). Pierre D. Harvey* Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Actinides and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Look at What We Know and What We Need to Know (#38) Organized by: H. Nitsche, D. Kaplan, C. Liu, Z. Yoshida Presiding: H. Nitsche, T. Kimura 7:45 – 29. Actinide adsorption at solid-liquid interfaces: Current status and future challenges. Takumi Saito* 8:15 – 30. Structure of plutonium oxide on mineral surfaces. Annie Kersting, Brian Powell, Mavrik Zavain, Pihong Zhao, Zurong Dai 8:45 – 31. Thermodynamic data for environmentally important actinide species. Takayuki Sasaki* 9:15 – 32. Plutonium sorption to silica: Influence of radiolysis and sorption entropy. Amy Hixon*, Michael Lilley, Brian Powell 9:35 – 33. Interactions of bulk and mesoporous ferrihydrite with plutonium (VI). Luna K. Schwaiger*, Harun Tüysüz, Deborah Wang, Yung-Jin Hu, Tashi Parsons-Moss, Peidong Yang, Heino Nitsche 9:55 – 34. Effect of fulvic acid on the sorption of plutonium to minerals. Laura Simpkins*, Brian A. Powell 10:15 – 35. Interactions of plutonium(VI) with mixed goethite/manganese-substituted goethite using microprobe X-ray analysis. Yung-Jin Hu*, Luna K. Schwaiger, Samuel M. Webb, Deborah L. Wang, Heino Nitsche 10:35 – 36. High-sensitive measurement of XAFS for uranium and other trace elements in crustal materials using bent crystal analyzer. Yoshio Takahashi* 11:05 – 37. Radionuclide sorption: Models, data, and applications. Wangsuo Wu Hilton Hibiscus I/II Molecular Photonics (#9) Organized by: F. Castellano, T. Majima, V. Yam Presiding: F. Castellano 8:00 – 38. Synthesis, structural and electronic properties of some new erbiumbased materials. Ian S. Butler, Hassane Assaaoudi, Janusz A. Kozinski 8:20 – 39. Photo-responsive self-assembled molecular flasks. Takashi Murase, Hiroki Takezawa, Makoto Fujita* 8:40 – 40. Blue phosphorescent emitters: Platinum and silver NHC complexes. Thomas Strassner 9:00 – 41. Nanocrystal chemosensors based on energy transfer: Application to bioimaging. Daniel G. Nocera 9:30 – 42. Atom-like optical properties of colloidal PbS and PbSe quantum dots for near-IR applications. Frank C. van Veggel* 10:00 – 43. Designing plasmonic crystal platforms for ultrasensitive biosensing. Teri W. Odom* 10:30 – 44. Photonic properties of polymer nano-junctions. Pavel Anzenbacher*, Manuel A. Palacios, Fengyu Li 11:00 – 45. Metal strings and clusters in supramolecular assemblies. Mitsuhiko Shionoya* Hilton Rainbow III Metal Ion Complex Interactions with Nucleic Acids (#30) Organized by: J. Morrow, R. Keene, M. Komiyama Presiding: J. Morrow 8:00 – 46. Interaction of ruthenium(II) lightswitch complexes with DNA structures within living cells. Martin Gill, Hanan Derrat, Guiseppe Battaglia, Carl Smythe, Jim A. Thomas* 8:35 – 47. Structural and functional consequences of platinum anticancer drug binding to free and nucleosomal DNA. Stephen J. Lippard 9:10 – 48. Metal ion interaction with pyrimidine-pyrimidine base pairs in DNA duplexes. Akira Ono* 9:45 – 49. Importance of RNA as a target for Pt(II) anticancer compounds. Victoria DeRose*, Erich G. Chapman, Alethia A. Hostetter, Amanda Miller, Maire F. Osborn 10:20 – 50. Hybrid inorganic-peptide nucleic acid structures. Catalina Achim* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 10:55 – 51. Lanthanide binuclear helicates as bioprobes for nucleic acid and cancerous tissue analysis. Jean-Claude G. Bünzli* Hilton South Pacific I Early Main Group Chemistry (#100) Organized by: P. Andrews, T. Chivers, K. Henderson Presiding: T. Chivers 8:00 – 52. Advances in alkali-metal-mediated metallation. Robert E. Mulvey* 8:30 – 53. Lithium aluminate bases for selective organic synthesis. Hiroshi Naka* 8:50 – 54. Exposing the hidden complexity of stoichiometric and catalytic metathesis reactions: Elucidation and applications of Mg-Zn hybrids. Matthew McCall, Pablo García-Alvarez, Eva Hevia*, Jonathan Chua, Alan Kennedy 9:10 – 55. Geminal dianions: Roles of charge-separation and aggregation in governing kinetic basicity. Kenneth Henderson*, Seth N. Brown, Katherine L. Hull 9:30 – 56. Alkali metal promoted anion rearrangements and their role in asymmetric synthesis. Phil Andrews*, Steve Bull, Magdaline Koutsaplis 9:50 – 57. Structure-reactivity relationships in lithium enolates. David B. Collum 10:20 – 58. Application of diffusion NMR techniques to alkali metal complexes. Paul G. Williard*, Weibin Li, Gerald Kagan, Russell Hopson 10:40 – 59. Structure and reactivity of lithium enolates. Kristopher J. Kolonko, Hans J. Reich* 11:00 – 60. Lithium enolates and lithium amides for asymmetric synthesis. Steven D. Bull* Hilton Lehua Suite Preparation and Reactions of Early Transition Metal and Lathanide Compounds (#150) Organized by: T. Takahashi, G. Deacon, R. Jordan, Z. Xi Presiding: T. Takahashi 8:00 – 61. Preparation of group 3 metal complexes with N,N’-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene ligand via salt metathesis and direct reduction reactions. Hayato Tsurugi*, Tarun K. Panda, Hiroshi Kaneko, Kuntal Pal, Kazushi Mashima 8:30 – 62. Use of the lanthanide contraction for the syntheses of diverse lanthanide methacrylate complexes: Investigations toward lanthanide templating for polymer resins. Daniel B. Rego*, Paul M. Forster, Philippe F. Weck, Kenneth R. Czerwinski 9:00 – 63. Radioactive electron-rich metalmetal triple bonds: The Tc2X4(PMe3)4 complexes (X ⫽ Cl, Br). Alfred Sattelberger, Frederic Poineau, Paul Forster, Tanya Todorova, Laura Gagliardi, Ken Czerwinski 9:30 – 64. Synthesis and characterization of new binary technetium halides. Frederic Poineau, Alfred Sattelberger, Paul Forster, Philippe Weck, Erik Johnstone, Longzhou Ma, Ken Czerwinski 10:00 – 65. Activation of C-H, C⫽O, and C⫽S bonds by polynuclear rare earth metal polymethyl carbene/methylene complexes. Jianquan Hong, Lixin Zhang*, Zhengxing Zhang, Xiaying Yu, Meng Li, Xigeng* Zhou* 10:30 – 66. Metallacarboranes of f-block elements: New synthetic strategies, novel structural patterns, and applications. Narayan S. Hosmane 11:00 – 67. Structure-bonding insights and reactivity patterns of f-element carbenes with formal M⫽C double bonds. Stephen T. Liddle*, David P. Mills, Ashley J. Wooles, Oliver J. Cooper, Jonathan McMaster, William Lewis, Alexander J. Blake Hilton Rainbow I Functional Molecules of the Heavier Main Group and Transition Metal Elements (#156) Organized by: F. Ozawa, D. Gates, P. Power Presiding: F. Ozawa, C. Cummins 8:00 Introductory remarks 8:05 – 68. Silylene and stannylene complexes in new stoichiometric and catalytic transformations. T. Don Tilley* 8:30 – 69. Diversified reactivity of neutral silylene and germylene complexes. Hiromi Tobita*, Hisako Hashimoto 8:55 – 70. Ligand-induced dinitrogen cleavage. Paul Chirik 9:20 – 71. Dinuclear half-sandwich (6arene)Fe(II) dinitrogen complexes having a disilametallacycle skeleton. Yusuke Sunada*, Tsuyoshi Imaoka, Hideo Nagashima 9:40 – 72. Application of nucleophilic boryl anion to organic synthesis and organotransition metal chemistry. Makoto Yamashita*, Tomomi Terabayashi, Takashi Kajiwara, Yuri Okuno, Kyoko Nozaki* 10:00 – 73. Click reactions with strained phosphorus heterocycles. Rainer Streubel* 10:25 – 74. Rich chemistry of phosphaalkenes: From novel structures and bonding to applications in asymmetric catalysis. Joshua I. Bates, Julien Dugal-Tessier, Gregory R. Dake*, Derek P. Gates* 10:50 – 75. Structure and reactivity of iron(I) complex bearing a bis(phosphaethenyl)pyridine ligand. Yumiko Nakajima, Fumiyuki Ozawa* 11:10 – 76. Advances in phosphine dehydrocoupling and applications. Rory Waterman* Hilton Coral I Carbon-fluorine Bond Activation: a Crossroads for Inorganic, Organic, and Environmental Chemistry (#248) Organized by: O. Ozerov, T. Akiyama, J. Love Presiding: O. Ozerov 8:00 Introductory remarks 8:05 – 77. Large contribution of projected hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) emissions to future climate forcing. Guus Velders* 8:45 – 78. Carbon-fluorine bond activation by early and late transition metals. William D. Jones* 9:25 – 79. C-F bond activation in organic synthesis. Kenji Uneyama*, Shinya Utsumi, Toshimasa Katagiri 10:05 – 80. Modeling hydrodefluorination of fluoroaromatics at ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes: Novel arene migratory insertion accounts for unusual 1,2-regioselectivity. Julien A. Panetier, Michael K. Whittlesey, Stuart A. Macgregor 10:45 – 81. What’s special about C-F oxidative addition at group 10 metals? Robin Perutz*, John E. McGrady, Stuart A. Macgregor, Torsten Beweries, Naser Jasim Hilton Coral II Syntheses and Applications of MetalOrganic Frameworks (#97) Organized by: M.P. Suh, C. Kepert, S. Kitagawa, J. Long, G. Shimizu Presiding: S. Kitagawa 8:30 – 82. New ligands for discrete and infinite metal-organic materials. Michael J. Zaworotko, Jason Perman, George Norton, Wenge Qiu 9:00 – 83. From metal-organic polyhedra to metal-organic frameworks. Hong-Cai Zhou*, Jian-Rong Li 9:30 – 84. Multicomponent liquid phase epitaxy of layer-based SURMOFs. Roland A. Fischer*, Denise Zacher, Angelique Bétard, Mikhail Meilikhov, Kirill Yusenko, Osama Shekhah, Tatjana Ladnorg, Christof Woell 10:00 – 85. Metal-organic frameworks and the “gene” for carbon dioxide capture. Omar Yaghi 10:30 – 86. Post-synthetic modification of rigid porous coordination polymers. Jan Reedijk 10:50 – 87. Layer-by-Layer growth of highlycrystalline preferentially-oriented MOF nanofilms on solid surfaces. Rie Makiura*, Osami Sakata, Hiroshi Kitagawa 11:10 – 88. Nanosized porous coordination polymer crystals fabricated by coordination modulation method. Shuhei Furukawa*, Stephane Diring, Hiromitsu Uehara, Takaaki Tsuruoka, Susumu Kitagawa Wednesday Afternoon Hilton Hibiscus I/II Molecular Photonics (#9) Organized by: F. Castellano, T. Majima, V. Yam Presiding: V. Yam 12:30 – 89. Phosphorescent, heteroleptic, bis-cyclometalated complexes of Platinum(IV). Dustin M. Jenkins, Stefan Bernhard* 12:50 – 90. Nonradiative decay processes in cyclometalated iridium complexes. Peter I. Djurovich*, Mark E. Thompson 13:10 – 91. Strategy for improving the lightharvesting properties of tridentate cyclometalated Ru(II) complexes. Kiyoshi C. Robson, Bryan D. Koivisto, Curtis P. Berlinguette* 13:30 – 92. Metal complexes for advanced optoelectronic devices, i.e. solar cells and LEDs. Mark Thompson 14:00 – 93. Photomobile materials based on crosslinked photochromic liquid-crystalline polymers. Tomiki Ikeda*, Mizuho Kondo, Munenori Yamada, Yumiko Naka, Jun-ichi Mamiya, Motoi Kinoshita, Atsushi Shishido 14:30 – 94. High efficiency near-infrared phosphorescent materials and devices. Kirk S. Schanze, Jon Sommer, Kenneth Graham, Yixing Yang, John R. Reynolds, Jiangeng Xue 15:00 – 95. Luminescent cyclometalated Iridium(III) polypyridine complexes as biological labels and probes. Kenneth K. Lo* 15:30 – 96. Electroluminescent metal complexes and their assemblies. Luisa De Cola*, Matteo Mauro, Noviyan Darmawan 16:00 – 97. Tuning optical and electronic properties using computational chemistry and spectroscopy. Keith Gordon* 13:30 – 100. Unraveling the mechanism of transition metal catalysed amine-borane dehydrocoupling using rhodium phosphine fragments. Andrew S. Weller* 13:55 – 101. C-CN and N-CN bond cleavage catalyzed by a transition-metal complex. Hiroshi Nakazawa*, Kozo Fukumoto, Kouji Kamata, Masumi Itazaki 14:20 – 102. Organometallic approaches to dinitrogen activation and functionalization. Michael Fryzuk 14:50 – 103. Isocyanide analogs of the unsaturated binary carbonyls. Josh Figueroa*, Liezel Labios, Grant Margulieux 15:15 – 104. Iron catalysts for the enantioselective reduction of ketones. Robert H. Morris* 15:40 – 105. Making and breaking triple bonds: Synthesis, reactivity, and deactivation of catalysts for the metathesis of nitriles and alkynes. Marc J. Johnson*, Eric S. Wiedner, Jeff W. Kampf 16:05 – 106. Allyl complexes of group 2, 3, and 13 metals: Structure, bonding, and reactivity. Jun Okuda* Hilton Coral II Syntheses and Applications of MetalOrganic Frameworks (#97) Organized by: M.P. Suh, C. Kepert, S. Kitagawa, J. Long, G. Shimizu Presiding: C. Kepert 12:30 – 107. Evolution of porous coordination polymers. Susumu Kitagawa* 13:00 – 108. Porous frameworks for hydrogen storage and carbon dioxide capture. Myunghyun P. Suh*, Hye Jeong Park, Dea Ho Hong, Dae Woon Lim 13:30 – 109. Flexible porous coordination polymers for gas sorption. Xiao-Ming Chen* 14:00 – 110. Gas adsorption and selectivity by metal-organic framework materials. Martin Schroder* 14:30 – 111. MOFs with amine lined pores for carbon dioxide capture. George Shimizu, Ramanathan Vaidhyanathan, Simon Iremonger, Isaac Martens 15:00 – 112. CO2 and O2 capture in metalorganic frameworks. Thomas M. McDonald, Zoey R. Herm, Eric Bloch, Kenji Sumida, Lily Huang, Leslie J. Murray, Deanna M. D’Alessandro, Aude Demessence, Maw Lin Foo, Jeffrey R. Long* 15:30 – 113. Mixture adsorption in metal organic frameworks: Toward a systematic evaluation/prediction with respect to a given application. Philip L. Llewellyn*, Sandrine Bourrelly, Andrew Wiersum, Christelle Vagner 15:50 – 114. Guest-induced structural transformations and specific guest adsorptions of flexible porous coordination polymers. Ryotaro Matsuda*, Hiroshi Sato, Sareeya Bureekaew, Joobeom Seo, Susumu Kitagawa 16:10 – 115. Pressure-induced pore modification and amorphization in a metal-organic framework. Karena W. Chapman*, Gregory J. Halder, Peter J. Chupas Hilton Nautilus I & II Frontiers in Organometallic Chemistry (#68) * Principle Author Organized by: G. Bertrand, M. Fryzuk, K. Tatsumi Presiding: R. Adams 12:30 – 98. Activation of small molecules promoted by coordinatively unsaturated half-sandwich rhodium and iridium complexes of 2,6-dimesitylphenyl thiolate. Kazuyuki Tatsumi*, Mayumi Sakamoto, Yasuhiro Ohki 13:00 – 99. Hydrogen activation in water. Seiji Ogo* Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–69 02-INOR TECHNICAL PROGRAM Hilton Kahili I/II Hilton Rainbow II Discrete Coordination Systems with Switchable Structures and Properties (#143) Electron Transfer and Electrochemistry of Transition Metal Containing Inorganic and Organometallic Materials (#187) Organized by: T. Konno, A. Hor, K. Lu Presiding: K. Tsuge 12:30 – 116. Helix inversion and helicity control of single-helical zinc(II)-lanthanum(III) oligonuclear complexes. Shigehisa Akine*, Tatsuya Nabeshima 12:50 – 117. Orange and yellow crystals of copper(I) complexes bearing 8-diphenylphosphinoquinoline: A pair of distortion isomers of intrinsically tetrahedral complex. Takayoshi Suzuki*, HIroshi Yamaguchi, Akira Hashimoto, Koichi Nozaki, Noriaki Ikeda, Satoshi Kawata, Masaaki Kojima, Hideo D. Takagi 13:10 – 118. Switchable ruthenium vinylidene system by a novel skeletal rearrangement. Ying-Chih Lin* 13:40 – 119. Metallosupramolecular structures with polycarbene ligands. Ekkehardt Hahn* 14:10 – 120. Fluorescent tin(IV) and indium(III) complexes with Schiff base ligands. Kentaro Takano, Makoto Takezaki, Toshihiro Tominaga, Haruo Akashi, Hideaki Takagi, Takashi Shibahara* 14:30 – 121. Dual photo- and electro-chromic dinuclear Fe- and Ru-complexes with -bonded dithienylethene bridge. Takashi Koike, Munetaka Akita* 14:50 – 122. Dynamic reversibility between two-State transition metal propagators for the living coordination polymerization of ␣-olefins. Lawrence R. Sita*, Jia Wei, Wei Zhang 15:10 – 123. Functional supramolecular chemistry strategies for the deployment of biomimetic catalysts. Suk Joong Lee, Byungman Kang, Kyoung-Tae Youm, Ryan K. Totten, Joseph T. Hupp*, SonBinh T. Nguyen* 15:40 – 124. Switchable structures and properties resulting from the metal coordination of hybrid ligands. Pierre Braunstein*, Roberto Pattacini Hilton Lehua Suite Preparation and Reactions of Early Transition Metal and Lathanide Compounds (#150) Organized by: T. Takahashi, G. Deacon, R. Jordan, Z. Xi Presiding: T. Takahashi 12:30 – 125. How to synthesize “feebly” chiral organic compounds via ZACAlipase-catalyzed acetylation Pd or Cucatalyzed cross-coupling. Eiichi Negishi* 13:10 – 126. Ansa-zirconocenes by intramolecular [2⫹2]cycloaddition: A case of dynamic topochemical reaction control. Ingo Greger, Gerald Kehr, Roland Fröhlich, Jan Paradies, Gerhard Erker* 13:50 – 127. Preparation and free radical reactions of Ti(III) and Ti(IV) propargyl complexes: The synthesis of titanacyclobutene and, by transmetallation, boracyclobutene compounds. Richard C. Bauer, Masaki Morita, Jeffrey S. Quesnel, Jeremy Gauthier, Jeffrey M. Stryker* 14:30 – 128. Versatile metal-based processes in synthesis: From Fischer carbene complexes to late transition metal catalysis. Jose Barluenga 15:10 – 129. Highly stereoselective construction of multiple stereogenic centers by the reactions of allyl- and allenyltitanocenes with ketones. Takeshi Takeda* 15:40 – 130. Benzylidene in the platform of half-metallocene complexes of tantalum. Kazushi Mashima*, Tsuyoshi Ohno, Hayato Tsurugi 70 –TECH Organized by: H. Nishihara, A. Abd-El-Aziz, P. Harvey, B.Z. Tang Presiding: H. Nishihara 12:30 – 131. Mechanism of ammonia formation from dinitrogen and dihydrogen using an iron-phosphine complex. David R. Tyler*, Chantal G. Balesdent, Justin L. Crossland 12:55 – 132. Redox-active metallomesogens: Fluctuated structures and electrochemical bistability. Ho-Chol Chang*, Kazuki Komasaka, Tomoki Shiozaki, Keisuke Kishida, Takeshi Ohmori, Susumu Kitagawa, Atsushi Kobayashi, Masako Kato 13:15 – 133. Metallophosphors and metallopolyynes as new electrofunctional materials for optoelectronic applications. Wai-Yeung Wong* 13:40 – 134. Ru(II) complexes with amide linked oligothienyl(diimine) ligands for photochemical energy conversion. Marek B. Majewski*, Frederick M. MacDonnell, Michael O. Wolf 14:00 – 135. Electron transfer in organic and organometallic fullerenes on electrode surfaces and switchable photocurrent generation. Takahiko Ichiki, Yutaka Matsuo, Nakamura Eiichi* 14:20 – 136. Silole-based electroluminescent materials and devices. Yuning Hong, Ben Zhong Tang 14:45 – 137. Application of mixed-valence Cu(I)-Cu(II) metal-organic frameworks as photosensitizers of dye-sensitized solar cells. Kyung Ho Kim*, Yoshie Inuzuka, Naoya Tanaka, Takashi Okubo, Masahiko Maekawa, Takayoshi Kuroda-Sowa 15:05 – 138. Fine control of metal assembly in dendrimers. Kimihisa Yamamoto* 15:30 – 139. Polymetallocenes: Electroactive metallopolymers. Ian Manners*, George Whittell 15:55 – 140. Synthesis and cyclic voltammetric studies of functionalized organoiron materials. Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz*, Patrick O. Shipman, Diana J. Winram, Chis Rock, Elizabeth Strohm, Paul R. Shipley Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Actinides and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Look at What We Know and What We Need to Know (#38) Organized by: H. Nitsche, D. Kaplan, C. Liu, Z. Yoshida Presiding: Z. Yoshida, N. Wall 12:45 – 141. Actinide adsorption at mineral surfaces: Density functional modeling for the example of uranyl on kaolinite. Notker Roesch* 13:15 – 142. Modeling the chemistry of actinide species in the environment. Wibe A. de Jong*, Donald Johnson, Raymond Atta-Fynn, Vanda Glezakou, Ping Yang, Eric Bylaska 13:40 – 143. Computational modeling of NMR properties of uranyl complexes with environmental significance. Guo Chen, Jun Li* 14:00 – 144. Interaction of aqueous uranium species with TiO2 surfaces. Samuel O. Odoh, Qing-Jiang Pan, Georg Schreckenbach* 14:20 – 145. Quantifying structure-stability relationships of actinide complexes in solution using X-ray scattering. Lynda Soderholm*, Richard E. Wilson, S. Skanthakumar 14:50 – 146. Effects of bacterial adsorption on the speciation and reduction of uranium in the subsurface. Jeremy B. Fein* 15:15 – 147. Mineralization of actinides on the surface of microorganisms and minerals. Toshihiko Ohnuki* 15:40 – 148. Modeling plutonium interactions with complex molecules and interfaces. Brian A. Powell*, Trevor N. Zimmerman, Laura A. Simpkins 16:10 – 149. Influence of microorganisms on the oxidation-state distribution of multivalent actinides under anoxic conditions. Donald T. Reed*, Juliet Swanson, David Ams, Marian Borkowski, Jean Francois Lucchini, Michael Richmann, Hnin Khaing Hilton Coral I Carbon-fluorine Bond Activation: a Crossroads for Inorganic, Organic, and Environmental Chemistry (#248) Organized by: O. Ozerov, T. Akiyama, J. Love Presiding: T. Akiyama 12:45 Introductory remarks 12:50 – 150. Unexpected intermediates in C-F bond activation by Ni(0) complexes and their influence on selectivity and catalysis. Samuel A. Johnson*, Jillian A. Hatnean, Meghan E. Doster 13:30 – 151. Selective oxidative additions of fluorinated aromatics with nickel(0) and a nitrogen ancillary ligand, en route to catalysis. Meghan E. Doster, Samuel A. Johnson* 13:50 – 152. Low-valent niobium mediated double activation of C-F/C-H bonds. Takahiko Akiyama* 14:30 – 153. Alkyl fluorides as promising alkylating reagents. Nobuaki Kambe* 15:10 – 154. Heterolytic splitting of E-F/E-H bonds (E ⫽ C, Si) and E-F/E-H metathesis via silylium and carbenium cations: Thermodynamic and kinetic considerations. Dmitry G. Gusev*, Oleg V. Ozerov 15:50 – 155. Transformation of C-F bonds via electrophilic activation of fluoro alkenes. Junji Ichikawa* Hilton South Pacific I Early Main Group Chemistry (#100) Organized by: P. Andrews, T. Chivers, K. Henderson Presiding: K. Henderson 12:50 – 156. Post-Grignard reagents: Diversity of the reduction of halogenoarenes with calcium. Matthias Westerhausen*, Sven Krieck, Reinald Fischer, Gritt Volland 13:20 – 157. Organocalcium chemistry: The “sleeping beauty” in the early main group metal block. Sjoerd Harder* 13:50 – 158. Allyl complexes of the s-block metals: ⫺, ⫺, and cation- bonding and reactions. Timothy P. Hanusa*, Stephen C. Chmely, Keith T. Quisenberry, Rosemary E. White, Cameron K. Gren 14:10 – 159. Volatile perfluoro-tert-butoxide complexes of s- and f-block elements: Synthesis, structure, and thermal analysis. Karin Ruhlandt-Senge*, William D. Buchanan 14:30 – 160. Samarium(II) mediated reactions and novel Sm(II)-amides. Göran Hilmersson* 14:50 – 161. Alkaline earth metal compounds as catalysts for asymmetric reactions. Shu Kobayashi 15:20 – 162. Catalysis with Group 2 element complexes. Michael S. Hill* 15:40 – 163. Group II centered catalysts: A computational study. Patricia Hunt*, Mike Hill, Andy Sykes, Florence Slater 16:00 – 164. Molecular group 2 metal(I) complexes: from chemical landmarks to versatile reagents. Cameron Jones Hilton Rainbow III Metal Ion Complex Interactions with Nucleic Acids (#30) Organized by: J. Morrow, R. Keene, M. Komiyama Presiding: M. Komiyama 13:00 – 165. Programmable metal assembly in artificial DNA and PNA. Kentaro Tanaka*, Yasuyuki Yamada, Marie Suzuki, Shinya Kano, Yoshihiro Minagawa, Yasuo Azuma, Yutaka Majima 13:35 – 166. Interactions of metallointercalators with nucleic acids. Janice R. Aldrich-Wright* 14:10 – 167. Bifunctional recognition of DNA or RNA structures by Zn(II) macrocycle complexes. Janet R. Morrow*, Matthew A. Fountain, Imee Marie A. del Mundo 14:45 – 168. DNA-osmium complex: Pinpoint detection of methylated cytosines. Akimitsu Okamoto*, Kazuo Tanaka, Kazuki Tainaka, Akiko Nomura 15:20 – 169. Inert dinuclear polypyridyl ruthenium(II) complexes as cytotoxic lipophilic cations: A new paradigm for an old molecule. Richard Keene*, Michelle Pisani, Kirsten Heimann, Grant Collins Hilton Rainbow I Functional Molecules of the Heavier Main Group and Transition Metal Elements (#156) Organized by: F. Ozawa, D. Gates, P. Power Presiding: D. Gates, Y. Yamamoto 13:00 – 170. Synthesis, structures, and reactivities of two isomers of stable hexacoordinated dihydrophosphates. Takayuki Kawashima, Hideaki Miyake, Naokazu Kano 13:25 – 171. Radical functionalization of white phosphorus. Brandi M. Cossairt, Christopher Cummins 13:50 – 172. Synthesis and properties of intramolecular charge transfer systems bearing crowded triarylphosphines. Shigeru Sasaki*, Kazunobu Ogawa, Naoto Iida, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Masatoshi Izawa, Masaaki Yoshifuji, Noboru Morita 14:10 – 173. Novel chiral heterocyclic and macroheterocyclic polyphosphines. Andrey A. Karasik*, Svetlana N. Ignatieva, Elvira I. Musina, Anna S. Balueva, Kirill B. Kanunnikov, Yulia S. Spiridonova, Olga E. Naumova, Oleg G. Sinyashin 14:30 – 174. Origin of the reactivity of organoheteroatom compounds under radical conditions. Shigeru Yamago* 14:55 – 175. Interpnictogen compounds. Neil Burford*, Eamonn Conrad 15:20 – 176. Synthesis and properties of chalcogen-containing carboxylic and phosphinic acid salts and their derivatives. Toshiaki Murai*, Kazuyasu Tani, Tsutomu Kimura, Ken Morishita, Masaki Monzaki * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 15:40 – 177. Facile construction of phosphorus clusters via cationic phosphorus synthons. Michael H. Holthausen, Jan J. Weigand* 16:00 – 178. Pnictogen building blocks based on highly-charged ligand-stabilized cations. Kai-Oliver Feldmann, Jan J. Weigand* Thursday Morning Hilton Nautilus I & II Frontiers in Organometallic Chemistry (#68) Organized by: G. Bertrand, M. Fryzuk, K. Tatsumi Presiding: M. Fryzuk 7:30 – 179. Organometallic “soft” materials: Synthesis, mechanisms, self-assembly, and functions. Ian Manners* 8:00 – 180. Catalysis in dendritic nanoreactors. Didier Astruc*, Abdou K. Diallo, Catia Ornelas, Liyuan Liang, Elodie Boisselier, Jaime Ruiz 8:30 – 181. The odd bit of carbon. Anthony F. Hill*, Rian D. Dewhurst, Richard L. Cordiner, Jörg Wagler, Rong Shang, Annie L. Colebatch, Caitlin A. McQueen, Ian A. Cade, Rowan D. Young, Anthony C. Willis 8:55 – 182. Isolation of monomeric and dimeric organobromocuprates and mixed diorganocuprates based on the size-controllable “Rind” ligands and their oxidation reactions. Mikinao Ito, Daisuke Hashizume, Tsukasa Matsuo, Kohei Tamao 9:20 – 183. New chiral phosphonium indenylide complexes of titanium and ruthenium. Michael C. Baird*, Kevin G. Fowler, Shalyn L. Littlefield, Jessica F. Sonnenberg 9:45 – 184. Carbene formation at (PNP)Ir. Nigel J. Brookes, Matthew T. Whited, Alireza Ariafard, Robert Stranger, Robert H. Grubbs, Brian F. Yates* 10:10 – 185. Metal alkynyl-based nonlinear optical switches. Mark G. Humphrey*, Katy A. Green, Marie P. Cifuentes, Timothy C. Corkery, Marek J. Samoc 10:40 – 186. New palladium(II) and platinum(II) NHC complexes: Synthesis and catalytic activity. Thomas Strassner* 11:05 – 187. Chemistry of uranium monobis- and tris-imido complexes. James M. Boncella*, Liam P. Spencer, Robert E. Jilek, David S. Kuiper, Brian L. Scott Hilton Kahili I/II Discrete Coordination Systems with Switchable Structures and Properties (#143) Organized by: T. Konno, A. Hor, K. Lu Presiding: A. Hor 7:30 – 188. Luminescence switchable Rebased metallacyclic supramolecules. Kuang-Lieh Lu* 7:50 – 189. Electron injection system regulated with a rotational motion on copper complex. Shoko Kume*, Hiroshi Nishihara 8:10 – 190. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of hexaazatriphenylene bridged di- and tri-nuclear ruthenium complexes. Tadashi Yamaguchi*, Hiroyoshi Ohtsu, Yusuke Yagi 8:30 – 191. Recoverable catalysts with the poly(imidazolium)skeleton. Ling-Kang Liu 9:00 – 192. Bimetallic catalyst systems for sequential reactions. Joanne H. Ho, Laurent Poorters, Barbara A. Messerle* 9:30 – 193. Carbon-sulfur bond cleavage reactions of dibenzothiophene derivatives mediated by iron and ruthenium carbonyls. Masakazu Hirotsu*, Chiaki Tsuboi, Takanori Nishioka, Isamu Kinoshita 9:50 – 194. Nano trefoil: Reversible complexation by a silver-vorous molecule having two 4-(pyridine-4-yl)benzyl and two 3,5-difluolobenzyl groups in the sidearms. Yumiko Tsuruoka, Shunsuke Kuwahara, Yoichi Habata* 10:10 – 195. Octanuclear copper(I) clusters supported by dichcophosphate ligands: anion induced modulation of the core size and symmetry. Chen-Wei Liu*, Ping-Kuei Liaw, Yao-Jheng Huang, Jean-Yves Saillard, Samia Kahlal 10:30 – 196. Efficient formation of organometallic macrocycles via C-H activation directed self-assembly. Guo-Xin Jin* 11:00 – 197. Regulating the primary and secondary coordination spheres within transition metal complexes through modular ligand design. A. S. Borovik* Hilton Rainbow II Redox Redux: The Renaissance of NonInnocent Ligand Complexes (#217) Organized by: J. Soper, S. Colbran, R. Hicks Presiding: J. Soper 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 198. Saddled with noninnocence: The most strongly nonplanar metallocorrole. Abhik Ghosh*, Abraham Alemayehu, Kolle Thomas 7:55 – 199. Guilty as charged: The case for ligand noninnocence in “mixed valence” chemistry. Paul J. Low* 8:15 – 200. Characterizations and electronic structures of oxidized metal(II)-salen-tyoe complexes. Yuichi Shimazaki* 8:35 – 201. Two- and three-center electron transfer arrangements in redox-active coordination compounds. Wolfgang Kaim* 9:05 – 202. 2,2’-Bipyridine, the archetypal noninnocent ligand: The [Cr(bpy)3]z (z ⫽ 3⫹, 2⫹, 1⫹, 0, 1-, 2-, 3-) electron transfer series. Karl Wieghardt*, Chris Scarborough, Stephen Sproules, Serena DeBeer George 9:35 – 203. Photoinduced multi-electron reduction of mononuclear Ru complexes. Koji Tanaka*, Takashi Fukushima, Tohru Wada 10:05 – 204. Investigation of the locus of oxidation and spectroscopic features of oxidized copper and nickel bis-phenoxide complexes. Daniel Stack*, Tim Storr, Pratik Verma, Erik Wasinger, Yuichi Shimazaki 10:35 – 205. Noninnocent behavior in ruthenium complexes of verdazyl radicals. Robin G. Hicks*, Steve D. McKinnon Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Actinides and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Look at What We Know and What We Need to Know (#38) Organized by: H. Nitsche, D. Kaplan, C. Liu, Z. Yoshida Presiding: C. Liu, A. Kersting 7:45 – 206. Actinide mineralization related to radionuclide mobility in nuclear waste repository performance and environmental transport. Peter C. Burns* 8:15 – 207. Periodicity in actinide inorganic chemistry. Richard Wilson*, L. Soderholm 8:45 – 208. Encapsulation of the uranyl dication. Orion B. Berryman, Stephan Beer, Dariush Ajami, Julius Rebek 9:05 – 209. Enhanced Pu transport in a vadose zone: Identifying coupled biogeochemical processes from an 11-year field study. Daniel Kaplan*, Christopher Bagwell, Amy Hixon, Yung-Jin Hu, Ravi Kukkadapu, Fred Molz, Heino Nitsche, Brian Powell, Kimberly Roberts, Luna K. Schwaiger 9:35 – 210. Reduction of uranyl in gamma irradiated condition. Chunli Liu*, Tao Chen, Zhong Zheng 9:55 – 211. Co-precipitation of Np^5⫹ into rock forming minerals. Jessica Morrison*, Andrew Quicksall, Peter C. Burns 10:15 – 212. Spectral studies of actinides speciation in the environment. Punam Thakur, James L. Conca, Gregory R. Choppin 10:35 – 213. Interaction of Eu(III) with oxides and minerals studied by batch, XPS and EXAFS techniques. Xiangke Wang* 10:55 – 214. Form of actinides and radionuclides in the environments revealed by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Satoshi Utsunomiya* Hilton Coral I Carbon-fluorine Bond Activation: a Crossroads for Inorganic, Organic, and Environmental Chemistry (#248) Organized by: O. Ozerov, T. Akiyama, J. Love Presiding: O. Ozerov 7:45 Introductory remarks 7:50 – 215. Environmental fate, disposition, and persistence of polyfluoriated chemicals in the environment. Scott A. Mabury* 8:30 – 216. Recent progress in activating unreactive bonds of organofluorine compounds. Hideki Amii* 8:50 – 217. Oxidative addition of sp3-C-F and C-O bonds by pincer-ligated iridium complexes. Jongwook Choi, Thomas J. Emge, Karsten Krogh-Jespersen, Alan Goldman* 9:30 – 218. Modeling the fate and exposure of perfluorinated alkyl acids. Ian T. Cousins* 10:10 – 219. C-F bond activation by electrophilic main group catalysts. Oleg Ozerov*, Weixing Gu, Christos Douvris, Dmitry G. Gusev, Billy J. McCulloch, Bruce M. Foxman, Chun-Hsing Chen, Joseph H. Reibenspies 10:50 – 220. C-F bond activation using lowvalent cobalt, iron and nickel complexes. Xiaoyan Li, Hongjian Sun Hilton Hibiscus I/II 10:00 – 226. Self-assembled metal coordination polymers and nanostructures by metal-metal and metal-ligand interactions: Functions and structures. Chi-Ming Che* 10:30 – 227. Aggregation effects on conjugated polymer photophysics. Lewis Rothberg*, Steven Paquette, David McCamant, Justin Rhinehart, Onur Kas, Manoj Charati, Mary Galvin, Kristi Kiick 11:00 – 228. Developing metal-polycyclic-aromatics as a new class of organometallic emitters. John H. Yip* Hilton Rainbow III Metal Ion Complex Interactions with Nucleic Acids (#30) Organized by: J. Morrow, R. Keene, M. Komiyama Presiding: R. Keene 8:00 – 229. DNA hydrolysis by Ce(IV) complex prepared from Ce(III) precursor. Tuomas Lönnberg, Yuichiro Aiba, Yuya Hamano, Jun Sumaoka, Makoto Komiyama 8:35 – 230. Tuning the excited state reactivity of transition metal complexes for enhanced reactivity with biomolecules. Claudia Turro*, Randy P. Thummel, Kim R. Dunbar, Robert M. Snapka 9:10 – 231. Heterodinuclear ligand-bridged coordination compounds and their interaction with DNA. Jan Reedijk 9:45 – 232. Simultaneous imaging of cell hypoxia and cobalt prodrug activation in spheroids constructed from transfected cells. Trevor W. Hambley*, Nicole S. Bryce, Kim J. Byung 10:20 – 233. Characterization of lanthanide ion binding sites in nucleic acids by direct excitation luminescence and NMR spectroscopy. Matthew Fountain*, Christopher M. Andolina, Janet Morrow* 10:55 – 234. DNA interactions of anticancer polynuclear Pt(II) complexes. Seiji Komeda*, Masahiko Chikuma, Loren D. Williams, Nicholas P. Farrell Hilton Coral II Syntheses and Applications of MetalOrganic Frameworks (#97) Molecular Photonics (#9) Organized by: F. Castellano, T. Majima, V. Yam Presiding: G. Meyer 8:00 – 221. Photophysics and broadband nonlinear absorption of platinum terdentate or diimine complexes. Wenfang Sun*, Bingguang Zhang, Yunjing Li, Timothy M. Pritchett 8:20 – 222. Highly phosphorescent homoleptic and heteroleptic iridium complexes based on aryltriazole cyclometallating ligands. Eli Zysman-Colman*, Sébastien Ladouceur, François Mathieu, Daniel Fortin 8:40 – 223. Engineering of cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes incorporating acetylide ligands for chemosensing. Jean-Luc Fillaut*, Pierre-Henri Lanoë, Hubert Le Bozec, Véronique Guerchais*, J. A. Gareth Williams 9:00 – 224. Coupled-oscillator photophysics and the elaboration of chromophores having exceptional low energy triplet states. Timothy Duncan, Animesh Nayak, Paul Frail, Tomoya Ishizuka, Louise Sinks, Kai Song, Shen Hung, Inge Asselberghs, Koen Clays, Michael J. Therien* 9:30 – 225. Photoswitching and electronic communication in linked platinum dithienylethene acetylides. Matthew N. Roberts, Carl-Johan Carling, Jeffrey K. Nagle, Neil R. Branda, Michael Wolf* Organized by: M.P. Suh, C. Kepert, S. Kitagawa, J. Long, G. Shimizu Presiding: J. Long 8:00 – 235. Molecular modeling of metal-organic frameworks for separations applications. Randall Q. Snurr* 8:30 – 236. Theoretical modeling of gas sorption in MOF’s: The effects of topology and polarization. Brian Space, Jonathan Belof, Abraham Stern, Katherine Forrest 9:00 – 237. Identification of coexisting strong and weak H2 binding sites in transitionmetal-containing MOFs. Jisoon Ihm*, Moon-Hyun Cha, Jaehyun Bae 9:30 – 238. Nanoprotonics in coordination polymers. Hiroshi Kitagawa* 10:00 – 239. Combining multiple functions within framework materials. Cameron J. Kepert* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–71 02-INOR 10:30 – 240. Adsorption-induced lattice transition of MOFs with flexible structures: Free-energy analysis based on molecular simulation. Minoru Miyahara*, Hayato Sugiyama, Yasushi Mino, Ryohei Numaguchi, Satoshi Watanabe, Hideki Tanaka 10:50 – 241. Porous metal-organic frameworks exhibiting reversible magnetic responses. Chang Seop Hong*, Dae Won Ryu, Jin Wuk Lee 11:10 – 242. Metal-organic frameworks with unusual optical and biological properties. Katharina M. Fromm*, Jing Chen Hilton South Pacific I Early Main Group Chemistry (#100) Organized by: P. Andrews, T. Chivers, K. Henderson Presiding: P. Andrews 8:00 – 243. Metal complex-catalyzed dehydrogenation of early main group BN compounds. R. Tom Baker* 8:30 – 244. Bidentate Lewis acidic borane with a telluronium ion as an anion-binding site. Haiyan Zhao, Francois P. Gabbai* 9:00 – 245. Chemistry of halogenated closododecaborates [B12X12]2- (X ⫽ F, Cl, Br, I). Carsten Knapp* 9:20 – 246. Synthesis and reactivity studies of low-valent group 13 metal amido complexes. Zachary D. Brown, James C. Fettinger, Philip P. Power* 9:40 – 247. Molecular precursors for the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of gallium and indium oxide thin films. Leanne G. Bloor*, Claire J. Carmalt, Ivan P. Parkin, David Pugh 10:00 – 248. Sequestration of the destructive greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide, by main group- and transition metal-based frustrated Lewis pairs. Rebecca Neu, Edwin Otten, Douglas W. Stephan* 10:20 – 249. Ring-opening polymerization of strained sandwich compounds with aluminum or gallium in bridging positions. Bidraha Bagh, Joe B. Gilroy, Anne Staubitz, Jens Müller* 10:40 – 250. Ga-Ga bonds as effective templates for the generation of large macrocycles and cages. Werner Uhl*, Henrik R. Bock, Hauke Westenberg 11:00 – 251. Highly stable functionalizable platform chelate for Ga isotopes. Chris Orvig*, Eszter Boros, Cara L. Ferreira, Jacqueline F. Cawthray, Eric W. Price, Dennis W. Wester, Michael J. Adam* TECHNICAL PROGRAM 10:30 – 257. Five-membered metallacycloalkynes and metallacycloallenes. Noriyuki Suzuki* 11:00 – 258. Vanadium-catalyzed oxidative bromination with molecular oxygen. Toshikazu Hirao*, Kotaro Kikushima, Toshiyuki Moriuchi* Hilton Rainbow I Functional Molecules of the Heavier Main Group and Transition Metal Elements (#156) Organized by: F. Ozawa, D. Gates, P. Power Presiding: N. Burford, P. Power 8:00 – 259. Groups 2 and 13 metal(I) heterocycles: Fundamentally appealing yet functional compounds. Cameron Jones 8:25 – 260. Synthesis and electronic properties of 16 -electron porphyrins. Yohsuke Yamamoto* 8:50 – 261. Synthesis and reactivity of group 14 alkoxides: Understanding periodic trends. Jennifer Robin Fulton*, Lorenzo Ferro, Eric C. Tam, Nick C. Johnstone, Hazel Cox, Martyn P. Coles, Peter B. Hitchcock 9:10 – 262. Preparation and FET activity of star-shaped oligothiophenes with an organosilicon core. Joji Ohshita*, Yosuke Hatanaka, Shigenori Matsui, Tomonobu Mizumo, Yoshihito Kunugi, Yoshihito Honsho, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Julius Tibbelin, Henrik Ottosson 9:30 – 263. Complexes of low valent main group species with crown-ethers and related ligands. Charles L. Macdonald*, Rajoshree Bandyopadhyay, Benjamin F. Cooper, Warren W. Friedl, Christopher J. Allan, Paul A. Rupar, Paul J. Ragogna, Kim M. Baines 9:55 – 264. Addition polymerization of silenes and germenes. Kim M. Baines* 10:20 – 265. Synthesis and properties of stable 1,2-bis(metallocenyl)dimetallenes as novel d- electron systems. Takahiro Sasamori*, Akihiro Yuasa, Hisashi Miyamoto, Norihiro Tokitoh* 10:40 – 266. Reactions of long bond isomers of 1,3-dimetallabicyclo[1.1.0]butanes. Takeaki Iwamoto*, Dongzhu Yin, Koya Inomata, Shintaro Ishida, Mitsuo Kira 11:00 – 267. New -bonded molecules: Disilynes RSi⬅SiR with silicon-silicon triple bonds and their unusual reactivity. Akira Sekiguchi 11:25 Closing remarks Thursday Afternoon Hilton Lehua Suite Preparation and Reactions of Early Transition Metal and Lathanide Compounds (#150) Organized by: T. Takahashi, G. Deacon, R. Jordan, Z. Xi Presiding: T. Takahashi 8:00 – 252. Coupling of Cp ligand with diene moiety of titanacyclopentadienes and unusual C-C cleavage. Zhiyi Song, Ken-ichiro Kanno, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Tamotsu Takahashi* 8:30 – 253. Reactivity of alkynylzirconates. Xiaoyu Yan, Chanjuan Xi* 9:00 – 254. Highly efficient and selective synthesis of multisubstituted olefins from alkynylboronates mediated by a zirconocene complex. Yasushi Nishihara* 9:30 – 255. Exploring the fundamental coordination chemistry of a family of sterically demanding indenyl ligands. Gregory P. McGovern, Fernando Hung-Low, Chris A. Bradley 10:00 – 256. Employment of an anionic-nitrogen heterocyclic carbene in main and early transition metals for unusual reactivities and possible catalysis application. Tiow-Gan Ong*, Wei-Chih Shih, Chung-Chih Tsai, Cheng-Feng Liang, Yu-Chen Hu 72–TECH Hilton Hibiscus I/II Molecular Photonics (#9) Organized by: F. Castellano, T. Majima, V. Yam Presiding: M. Thompson 12:30 – 268. Spectroscopic insights into the function of a supramolecular hydrogenevolving photocatalyst. Benjamin Dietzek*, Michael Schmitt, Sven Rau, Juergen Popp 12:50 – 269. Tris-heteroleptic cyclometalated ruthenium sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Paolo G. Bomben, Bryan D. Koivisto, Curtis P. Berlinguette* 13:10 – 270. Stark effects at sensitized titanium dioxide molecular photonic materials. Gerald Meyer, Shane Ardo 13:40 – 271. Dye sensitized solar cells based organic chromophores and nanostructured TiO2 for n-type and NiO for p-type. Licheng Sun, Xichuan Yang, Anders Hagfeldt 14:10 – 272. Designing polymers for light harvesting and solar cells. Zhenan Bao* 14:40 – 273. Electron transfer from the porphyrin S2 state in a zinc porphyrin-rhenium bipyridyl dyad having carbon dioxide reduction activity. Haruo Inoue* 15:10 – 274. Platinum(II) complexes for the light driven generation of hydrogen from water: New developments and results including energy upconversion. Rich Eisenberg, Pingwu Du, Theresa McCormick, Theodore Lazarides, Jacob Schneider, Paul Jarosz, David McCamant 15:40 – 275. Efficient photo-electronic devices by supramolecular chemistry. Mamoru Fujitsuka, Tetsuro Majima* Hilton Nautilus I & II Frontiers in Organometallic Chemistry (#68) Organized by: G. Bertrand, M. Fryzuk, K. Tatsumi Presiding: I. Manners 12:30 – 276. Triphosphorus-containing molecules and materials. Brandi M. Cossairt, Alexandra Velian, Daniel Tofan, Christopher Cummins 13:00 – 277. Novel concepts in organometallic polyphosphorus chemistry. Manfred Scheer*, Fabian Dielmann, Andrea Schindler, Stefan Welsch 13:25 – 278. Unusual boron centered ligands in the coordination sphere of platinum. Holger Braunschweig 13:50 – 279. Synthesis and reactions of NHC-stabilized (L) Pn(III) Cations [LPnCl2]⫹ and [L2PnCl]2⫹ (Pn ⫽ P, As, Sb). Jan J. Weigand*, Florian D. Henne, Kai-Oliver Feldmann 14:15 – 280. Challenging the norm: Impact of abnormal carbene ligands in transition metal chemistry and catalysis. Martin Albrecht, Anneke Krüger, Manuel Iglesias, Ralte Lalrempuia 14:40 – 281. Bonding model for bent heavy allenes. Mitsuo Kira*, Takeaki Iwamoto, Shintaro Ishida 15:05 – 282. Applications of frustrated Lewis pairs in organometallic chemistry. Doug Stephan* 15:35 – 283. 3-Iminophosphine palladium catalysts for C-N bond-forming reactions. Andrew R. Shaffer, Glenn Kuchenbeiser, Joseph Schmidt* 16:00 – 284. Novel families of carbon ligands, novel catalytic reactions. Guy Bertrand* Hilton South Pacific I Chemistry of Sulfur-Bridged Multimetallic Complexes (#96) Organized by: T. Rauchfuss, G. Jin, T. Matsumoto, Y. Mizobe Presiding: T. Rauchfuss 12:30 – 285. Transition metal dithiolene complexes: Sulfur-bridged dimetallic and multimetallic structures in electron transfer and for organic transformations. Ulrich Fekl*, Daniel J. Harrison, Neilson Nguyen 13:05 – 286. New nanosized copper and silver clusters with sulfur and selenium ligands: Synthesis, structures, and properties. Dieter Fenske* 13:40 – 287. Untamed thiolates: Bridging roles for poly(methimazolyl)borates. Anthony F. Hill*, Mark R. Foreman, Ian A. Cade, Matthew K. Smith, Never Tshabang, Rowan D. Young, David Koedyk, Anthony C. Willis, Ian R. Crossley 14:15 – 288. Heterometallic sulfide complexes from sulfur-rich [MS4]rings. Andy T. Hor*, Jingqiu Li, Sheau W. Chien 14:50 – 289. Design and assembly of Mo(W)/ Cu/S cluster-based coordination compounds. Jian-Ping Lang* 15:25 – 290. Ligand-to-metal ratio controlled assembly of cobalt complexes containing ortho-carborane-thiolato and butyl-thiolato ligands. Yuguang Li*, Qibai Jiang, Hong Yan 16:00 – 291. Organometallic chemistry of 1,2-dichalcogenolato carboranes. Guo-Xin Jin* Hilton Coral II Syntheses and Applications of MetalOrganic Frameworks (#97) Organized by: M.P. Suh, C. Kepert, S. Kitagawa, J. Long, G. Shimizu Presiding: G. Shimizu 12:30 – 292. Reactivity and flexibility in metal-organic frameworks. Matthew J. Rosseinsky* 13:00 – 293. Chiral metal-organic frameworks as a tunable platform for asymmetric catalysis. Wenbin Lin* 13:30 – 294. Microporous metal organic framework materials: Porosity, functionality and applications. Jing Li* 14:00 – 295. Engineering of metal-organic framework catalysts. Seth Cohen* 14:30 – 296. Synthetic pores for storage, catalysis, and transport. Kimoon Kim* 15:00 – 297. Catalytic metal-organic framework materials. Joseph Hupp*, SonBinh T. Nguyen, Abraham Shultz, Omar K. Farha 15:30 – 298. Switching redox-active site by valence-tautomerism in Prussian blue analogs: Robust frameworks for reversible Li storage. Masashi Okubo*, Tetsuichi Kudo, Itaru Honma 15:50 – 299. Design and fabrication of metaladeninate MOFs for environmental applications. Nathaniel L. Rosi*, Jihyun An 16:10 – 300. Networked cages and capsules: Rich host-guest chemistry in a crystal. Yasuhide Inokuma, Makoto Fujita* Hilton Kahili I/II Discrete Coordination Systems with Switchable Structures and Properties (#143) Organized by: T. Konno, A. Hor, K. Lu Presiding: K. Lu 12:30 – 301. Redox non-innocent tripodal carbanion of tris(2-pyridylthio)methyl compleses mimics the photosynthetic behavior. Isamu Kinoshita*, Riichi Miyamoto, Yuko Masuda, Masakazu Hirotsu, Takanori Nishioka, Hideki Hashimoto 12:50 – 302. d8/d10 Metal and lanthanide(III) heteropolynuclear arrays and sensitized lanthanide(III) luminescence by energy transfer from organometallic chromophores. Zhong-Ning Chen*, Hai-Bing Xu 13:10 – 303. Dynamic polymorph transfer and solvation effects of a spin-crossover complex. Jun Tao* 13:30 – 304. Opto-magnetic switchable properties of Fe(II) spin crossover complexes. Yu Wang*, Chou-Fu Sheu, Che-Hsiu Shih, Masaki Takata 14:00 – 305. Multifunctional materials from iron/dipyrazolylpyridine spin-crossover switches. Malcolm A. Halcrow 14:30 – 306. Reversible sulfurization-desulfurization of bis(dithiolene)W complexes. Hideki Sugimoto*, Shinobu Itoh 14:50 – 307. Macrocyclic and axial ligand effects in ruthenium porphycene compounds. Masaaki Abe*, Toru Okawara, Shiho Ashigara, Hisashi Shimakoshi, Yoshio Hisaeda* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 15:10 – 308. Extending cyanide ligand chemistry: The coordination complexes of cyanoacetylides. Paul J. Low* 15:40 – 309. Proton-coupled electron transfers with separated redox and acid sites. Jim Mayer, Jeffrey J. Warren, Virginia W. Manner, Jessica M. Wittman, Todd F. Markle, Tristan A. Tronic, Adam L. Tenderholt 16:10 Closing remarks Hilton Rainbow III Advances in Metal-Mediated Bond Activation: From Unusual Bonding Motifs to Applications in Catalysis (#146) Organized by: K. Caulton, S. Komiya, M. Stradiotto Presiding: S. Komiya 12:30 – 310. First synthesis and structural authentication of remarkably stable “exoallylic” 3-furyl complexes: Heterocyclic analogs of 3-benzyls. Rian D. Dewhurst*, Peter Brenner, Krzysztof Radacki 12:50 – 311. New pincer complexes and catalysts. Dmitry G. Gusev 13:10 – 312. Visible light-assisted reductive elimination of triorganoplatinum-manganese heterodinucler complex. Sanshiro Komiya* 13:30 – 313. Photochemical E-H bond activation by chiral rhodium and ruthenium complexes. Robin Perutz*, Marius V. Câmpian, Barbara Procacci, Odile Eisenstein, Ulrike Helmstedt 13:50 – 314. Unique primary carbon-nitrogen bond scission across a W-W multiple bond and methyl dehydrogenation. Adam S. Veige*, Soumya Sarkar, Andrew J. Peloquin, Jeffrey A. Culver, Ion Ghiviriga, Khalil A. Abboud 14:10 – 315. Template synthesis of tethered carbenes via phosphinimine-donor ligand precursors. Parisa Mehrkhodavandi*, Insun Yu 14:30 – 316. Late transition metal complexes featuring silyl pincer ligation: Applications in challenging bond cleavage reactions. Laura Turculet* 14:50 – 317. Stoichiometric and catalytic homo/hetero coupling reactions of conjugated dienes and acrylates by ruthenium(0) complex. Masafumi Hirano*, Yumiko Sakate, Yasutomo Arai, Nobuyuki Komine, Sanshiro Komiya*, Martin A. Bennett* 15:10 – 318. Heterometallic trinuclear polyhydrido complexes containing ruthenium and osmium: Remarkable heterometallic effect in cleavage of nitrogen-hydrogen bonds of ammonia. Hiroharu Suzuki* 15:30 – 319. Reactions of late transition metal complexes relevant to C-H bond activation and functionalization. Karen Goldberg 15:50 – 320. Synthesis and reactivity of a Rh(III) half-sandwich complex featuring the ambiphilic bifunctional ligand PMe2CH2AlMe2. Frédéric-Georges Fontaine, Josée Boudreau 16:10 – 321. Unprecedented N-N coupling of NO ligands on dinuclear ruthenium complexes and their application to NO reduction cycle. Yasuhiro Arikawa*, Taiki Asayama, Naoki Matsumoto, Keisuke Umakoshi, Masayoshi Onishi Hilton Rainbow II Redox Redux: The Renaissance of NonInnocent Ligand Complexes (#217) Organized by: J. Soper, S. Colbran, R. Hicks Presiding: S. Colbran 12:30 – 322. Paramagnetic heteroleptic dithiolene complexes. Marc Fourmigue, Mitsushiro Nomura, Thomas Cauchy 12:50 – 323. Coordination rods and squares with redox-active heterocyclic bridging ligands. Rene T. Boere*, Mohammed R. Hassan 13:10 – 324. Photoinduced valence tautomerism in Co complexes. Osamu Sato* 13:40 – 325. Polynuclear metal complexes with redox-active polynucleating ligands. Colette Boskovic*, Kerwyn Alley, Yanyan Mulyana, Brendan Abrahams, Ayman Nafady, Alan Bond, Keith Murray 14:10 – 326. Reversible oxidative O2 binding in metal-organic host materials. Cameron J. Kepert*, Peter D. Southon, David J. Price, Pia K. Nielsen, Christine H. McKenzie 14:40 – 327. Light induced redox isomeric interconversion of cobalt-dioxolene complexes. Andrea Dei* 15:10 – 328. Analysis of the electronic and amphiphilic behavior in five-coordinate iron(III) complexes with electroactive [N2O2] donor type ligands. Claudio N. Verani* Hilton Rainbow I Fundamental and Applied Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry and Their Impacts on Energy Conservation and the Environment (#249) Organized by: R. Hagiwara, K. Matsumoto, H. Mercier, G. Schrobilgen, R. Syvret Presiding: R. Hagiwara, G. Schrobilgen 12:45 Introductory remarks 12:50 – 329. Dinitrogen difluoride chemistry: Improved syntheses of cis-and transN2F2, synthesis, and characterization of N2F⫹Sn2F9-, ordered crystal structure of N2F⫹Sb2F11-, high-level electronic structure calculations of cis-N2F2, transN2F2, F2N⫽N, and N2F⫹, and mechanism of the trans-cis isomerization of N2F2. Karl O. Christe*, David A. Dixon, Daniel J. Grant, Ralf Haiges, Fook S. Tham, Ashwani Vij, Vandana Vij, Tsang-Hsiu Wang, William W. Wilson 13:20 – 330. Uses of weakly interacting anions. Josef Michl* 13:50 – 331. Combining nitrogen, sulfur, and fluorine: A rather unique and diverse chemistry. Ruediger J. Mews* 14:10 – 332. Preparation and protonation of the thiosulfuric acids in superacids. Andreas J. Kornath, Mathias Hopfinger, Martina Wild 14:30 – 333. Ag(I)OTf as a valuable precursor towards novel inorganic derivatives of carbon aka dream of “expanded diamonds”. Wojciech Grochala* 14:50 – 334. Safety improvement of lithium ion battery by fluorination and fluorine compounds. Tsuyoshi Nakajima*, Takashi Achiha, Xiaohong Kang, Hidetoshi Utsunomiya, Yoshimi Ohzawa, Zoran Mazej, Boris Zemva 15:20 – 335. Influence of the surface properties of carbon anode on the kinetics of the fluorine evolution reaction. Henri Groult*, Alain Tressaud, Christine Labrugère, Isabelle Crassous, Wikenson Simond, Cléine Belhomme, Alain Colisson, Bertrand Morel, Marc Dubois 15:50 – 336. Preparation of highly pure LiPF6 by using fluorine gas. Susumu Yonezawa, Hayato Umeda, Meguru Oe, Jae-ho Kim, Masayuki Takashima 16:10 – 337. New Ce1-xZrxF4 solid solution. Romain Clarenc, Etienne Durand, Alain Tressaud, Christophe Legein, Alain Demourgues Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Schiff Base Macrocycles and Materials (#60) Organized by: M. MacLachlan, S. Brooker, C. Lee Presiding: M. MacLachlan 12:50 Introductory remarks 12:55 – 338. Construction of homo- and hetero- oligometallic systems with fused salphen ligands. Hirohiko Houjou* 13:25 – 339. Magnetically and electrochemically interesting di- and poly-metallic complexes of new generation Schiff-base macrocycles. Sally Brooker*, Humphrey L. Feltham, Scott A. Cameron, Sanyal Rajni, Jonathan A. Kitchen, Victoria A. Milway, David S. Larsen, Frederik Kloewer, Yanhua Lan, Annie K. Powell, Jeffery L. Tallon, Rodolphe Clerac 13:55 – 340. Supramolecular assembly behavior and catalytic features of macrocyclic metallosalen structures. Arjan W. Kleij*, Robert M. Haak, Eduardo C. Escudero-Adán, Jordi Benet-Buchholz, Giovanni Salassa, Ana M. Castilla 14:25 – 341. Microwave synthesis of substituted diformyl phenols for use in Schiff base macrocycles. Vanessa McCaffrey*, Chris Omerza, Luke Holly, Waqas Qureshi 14:55 – 342. Synthesis and chemical properties of pi-extended, meso-alkylidenyl porphyrinoids. Chang-Hee Lee*, Seung-Doo Jeong 15:25 – 343. Structural and reactivity studies of bimetallic Schiff-base systems. Tim Storr*, Tim Dunn, Khatera Hazin, Caterina Ramogida 15:55 – 344. New metallo-supramolecular assemblies derived from Schiff base ligands and Zn(II), Cd(II), Ag(I) or Fe(II). Qi-Long Zhang, Bi-Xue Zhu, Yun-Qian Zhang, Zhu Tao, Jack K. Clegg, Leonard F. Lindoy*, Christopher R. Glasson, George V. Meehan, Gang Wei 13:05 – 352. C-F activation and derivatization of perfluoropropene in the coordination sphere of rhodium. Thomas Braun*, Anna Lena Raza, Michael Teltewskoi, Falk Wehmeier 13:45 – 353. C-F activation via a boryl-assisted pathway. Michael Teltewskoi, Julien A. Panetier, Stuart A. Macgregor, Thomas Braun 14:05 – 354. C-F-activation using NHC stabilized nickel complexes. Udo Radius* 14:45 – 355. Catalytic transformations of polyfluoroarenes. Jennifer Love* 15:25 – 356. Carbon-fluorine bond activation and functionalization of fluoroolefins promoted by adjacent metals. Martin Cowie, Michael Slaney, Jason Anderson, Robert McDonald, Michael Ferguson 16:05 Concluding remarks Thursday Evening Hilton Coral II Controlling the Structure and Properties of Solids (#20) Organized by: B. Kennedy, Y. Shimakawa, P. Woodward Presiding: B. Kennedy 19:00 – 357. Studies of the double perovskites, A2FeMoO6 and A(2-x)A’(x)MnRuO6, a closer look at the contrasting role of chemical order. Patrick M. Woodward, Rebecca Ricciardo, Tricia Meyer, Jennifer Soliz 19:40 – 358. High-quality ilmenite-hematite solid solution thin films grown on A-plane sapphire substrates. Tomohiko Matoba*, Koji Fujita, Shunsuke Murai, Katsuhisa Tanaka 20:00 – 359. Withdrawn 20:20 – 360. Reduction pathway to SrFeO2 and Sr3Fe2O5 with iron in a square planar coordination. Cedric Tassel*, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, Yuichi Shimakawa, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Hiroshi Kageyama 20:40 – 361. Withdrawn Hilton Lehua Suite Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Preparation and Reactions of Early Transition Metal and Lathanide Compounds (#150) Metal Ion Complex Interactions with Nucleic Acids (#30) Organized by: T. Takahashi, G. Deacon, R. Jordan, Z. Xi Presiding: T. Takahashi 13:00 – 345. Predictable stereocontrolled synthesis of chiral group 4 metallocenes. Richard Jordan* 13:30 – 346. Withdrawn 14:00 – 347. Unique chemical properties of non-traditional zirconium-carbon bonds. Zuowei Xie* 14:30 – 348. Molybdenum-catalyzed asymmetric ring-closing metathesis of 1,1’-diallylmetallocenes: catalytic asymmetric synthesis of planar-chiral metallocenes. Masamichi Ogasawara*, Susumu Watanabe, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Tamotsu Takahashi* 15:00 – 349. Withdrawn 15:30 – 350. Zirconocene-mediated reactions in syntheses of compounds with the isoprenoid framework. Martin Kotora* 16:00 – 351. Carbon-carbon bond cleavage reaction on titanium. Tamotsu Takahashi* Hilton Coral I Carbon-fluorine Bond Activation: a Crossroads for Inorganic, Organic, and Environmental Chemistry (#248) Organized by: O. Ozerov, T. Akiyama, J. Love Presiding: J. Love 13:00 Introductory remarks Organized by: J. Morrow, R. Keene, M. Komiyama Presiding: J. Morrow Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 362. Chiral bisterpyridine coordination polymer: effect of substituent on DNA binding and nuclease activity. Jinghua Li, Masayoshi Higuchi, Zdenek Futera 363. Developing novel nanoparticulated live cell imaging system using luminescence enhancement of Eu(III) and Tb(III) encapsulation. Diana L. Harms, David A. Corcoran, Patty K. Fu* 364. Selective aggregation of a Pt-Gd complex within a tumor cell nucleus. Ellen Crossley, Jade Aitken, Stefan Vogt, Hugh Harris*, Louis Rendina* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–73 02-INOR 365. Site-selective scission of doublestranded DNA by Ce(IV)/EDTA and only one mixed-base PNA. Yuichiro Aiba, Yuya Hamano, Alessandro Accetta, Stefano Sforza, Rosangela Marchelli, Roberto Corradini, Makoto Komiyama* 366. Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes with 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde N(4)-alkyl thiosemicarbazone and 1,10phenanthroline. Kong W. Tan*, Hoi L. Seng, Chew H. Ng, Seik W. Ng, Mohd. J. Maah 367. Palladium and copper analogs of cytotoxic platinum intercalators. Anwen M. Krause-Heuer, Peter Leverett, Albert Bolhuis, Sharon M. Kelly, Janice R. Aldrich-Wright* 368. Seeking selective DNA binding through synergistic design. Janice Aldrich-Wright*, Nikita Orkey, Maxine Grant 369. Photoregulation of oxidative DNA cleavage activity of a novel binuclear copper complex. Takeo Ito*, Kouhei Takeuchi, Kanako Akamatsu, Sei-ichi Nishimoto* 370. Synthesis, X-ray crystal structures and DNA cleavage properties of copper(II) complexes of 1,4,7-triazacyclononane ligands featuring guanidinium pendants. Linda Tjioe*, Tanmaya Joshi, Bim Graham, Leone Spiccia 371. Synthesis, characterisation and evaluation of PNA-ruthenium complex hybrids for Targeted Corrective Gene Conversion (TCGC). Tanmaya Joshi*, Gilles Gasser, Robert Kapsa, Leone Spiccia 372. Investigation of novel platinum(II) anticancer compounds and their biological significance. Kieran Garbutcheon-Singh*, Janice R. Aldrich-Wright, Simon Myers 373. DNA binding structure of ternary Pt(II) and Zn(II) complexes of phenanthroline and edda. Yusuke Nakamura*, Yusuke Kitamura, Hoi-Ling Seng, Chew Hee Ng, Makoto Chikira 374. Synthesis and biological activity of platinum(II) metallointercalators. Madhura Manohar*, Janice R. Aldrich-Wright, Minoo Moghaddam 375. Synthesis, characterisation, and biological activity of novel platinum(II) intercalators as potential anticancer compounds. Benjamin Harper*, Janice R. Aldrich-Wright 376. Assay of DNA mismatches and potassium ions using an aptamer probe and light switch complex. Jinheung Kim*, Misun Cha, Byul N. Oh, Yingji Sun 377. Comparative study of the DNA interaction of ternary amino acid Schiff base chromium(III) and copper(II) complexes having planar heterocyclic ligands. Shota Kitajijma, Masato Kimura, Yusuke Kitamura, Makoto Chikira* 378. Effects of various bridged-ligands on substitution reaction toward DMSO of dinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes. Takeshi Yamada*, Misaki Nakai, Yasuo Nakabayashi 379. Photochemical reaction of ruthenium(II)-ammine complexes containing bipyridinium cations as prodrugs. Yuya Kubota*, Misaki Nakai, Yasuo Nakabayashi 380. Oxidative DNA cleavage by cyclometalated ruthenium(II) complexes. Hiroshi Sugiyama*, Yoshiki Shinpuku, Misaki Nakai, Yasuo Nakabayashi 381. Synthesis and base-recognition behavior of nucleobase tethered bis(2,2’-bipyridine)platinum(II) complexes. Yuji Kawanishi*, Takashi Funaki 382. Synthesis, characterization, and DNA modification of new dicopper Schiff-base complexes. Shi Jian, Tojo Midori, Kitamura Yusuke, Chikira Makoto 74 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Hilton Nautilus I & II Actinides and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Look at What We Know and What We Need to Know (#38) Organized by: H. Nitsche, D. Kaplan, C. Liu, Z. Yoshida Presiding: D. Kaplan, W. Wu 19:00 – 383. Stability of tetravalent technetium in presence of natural and synthetic organic ligands. Nathalie A. Wall*, Baohua Gu 19:30 – 384. Abiotic reduction of uranium and technetium by various Fe(II) forms in aquifers. Ravi Kukkadapu*, Tanya Peretyazhko, John Zachara, James McKinley, Patricia Fox, Davis James, Nikolla Qafoku, Arey Bruce, Philip Long 20:00 – 385. Chemistry of transuranium elements in salt-base repository. Marian Borkowski*, Donald Reed, Jean-Francois Lucchini, Michael Richmann, Hnin Khaing, Julie Swanson, David Ams 20:20 – 386. Remediation and recovery of uranium and technetium from contaminated groundwater using graphite electrodes: Impacts of aqueous geochemistry. Juan Peng*, Kelvin B. Gregory 20:40 – 387. Alternative solution for treatment of long-lived radioactive isotopes in nuclear waste. Barbara Szpunar*, Chary Rangacharyulu, Jerzy Szpunar Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Schiff Base Macrocycles and Materials (#60) Organized by: M. MacLachlan, S. Brooker, C. Lee Presiding: M. MacLachlan Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 388. Solid-state emission properties of trans-bis(salicylaldiminato)platinum complexes bearing macrocyclic poly(oxyethylene) units. Kanako Fukumoto, Naruyoshi Komiya, Takeshi Naota* 389. Emission properties of methylenevaulted trans-bis(salicylaldiminato)platinum(II) complexes. Minoru Okada, Naruyoshi Komiya, Takeshi Naota* 390. Electro- and photoactive subphthalocyanine-based systems. Tomas Torres*, David González-Rodríguez, Esther Carbonell, Mine Ince, Anais Medina, M. Victoria Martinez-Diaz, Christian G. Claessens, Dirk M. Guldi 391. Condensation reaction of iridium complexes with N-amino-iminopyridine ligands for constructing dinuclear complexes. Keisuke Nakao, Hayato Tsurugi, Kazushi Mashima* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Frontiers in Organometallic Chemistry (#68) Organized by: G. Bertrand, M. Fryzuk, K. Tatsumi Presiding: G. Bertrand Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 392. Synthesis, structure, and reactivities of tetrasilyl-substituted trisilaallene. Hiroaki Tanaka, Masaaki Ichinohe, Akira Sekiguchi* 393. Heterolitic oxidative addition of Pd(I)Pd(I) dinuclear complexes with phosphines. Sen-ichi Aizawa*, Wataru Maekawa, Ayana Taniguchi 394. Withdrawn 395. Carbon-silicon bond cleavage reactions of alkynylsilanes with a platinum complex. Yuya Ishiguro, Yasuhiro Okuda, Kentaro Takagi, Yasushi Nishihara* 396. Synthesis and structure analysis of neutral nickel(II) complexes bearing nitrogenoxygen bidentate ligands. Daisuke Ogawa, Kenki Tanemura, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Kentaro Takagi, Yasushi Nishihara* 397. Divergent reactivity of phospha-iminines and applications towards late metal catalysts. Christopher C. Brown, Douglas W. Stephan 398. Design and synthesis of simply supramolecular device for photochemical hydrogen production. Konomi Sato, Yusuke Kataoka, Wasuke Mori* 399. Theoretical studies of excited states of dirhodium(II) tetracarboxylate. Yusuke Kataoka*, Yasutaka Kitagawa, Toru Saito, Yasuyuki Nakanishi, Takashi Kawakami, Wasuke Mori, Kizashi Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka Okumura 400. Crystal structure and gas adsorption of tetracarboxyl rhenium halide forming Paddlewheel type. Yuto Suzuki*, Yusuke Kataoka, Wasuke Mori 401. Facile ligand exchange reaction as a convenient tool for measurement of ⌬⌬G of the oxidative addition of benzoyl halides to palladium(0) complex. Atsushi Sanagawa*, Takanori Iwasaki, Hitoshi Kuniyasu, Nobuaki Kambe 402. Synthesis and luminescence behavior of novel iridium complexes with tridentate biphenylpyridine ligand. Marina Kamo, Yuji Koga, Kouki Matsubara 403. Catalytic transfer deuterogenation in D2O as deuterium source with HCO2H via rapid H/D exchange using iridium catalysts with 4,4’-dihydroxy-2,2’-bipyridine. Yuichiro Himeda* 404. Synthesis and reactivity of dinuclear Cp*Rh amido and imido complexes. Tomohiro Okawa, Shohei Otsuki, Shin Takemoto*, Hiroyuki Matsuzaka* 405. R/X exchange reaction of cis[PtR2{P(NMeCH2)2X}2] (R ⫽ Me, Et, Ph, p -tol; X ⫽ Cl, Br). Yuka Shigesato, Masumi Itazaki, Hiroshi Nakazawa* 406. Synthesis and structures of metal complexes with aryloxides/anilides hybrid ligands. Yutaka Ishida*, Hiroyuki Kawaguchi 407. Group 8 transition metal complexes bearing dianionic, tridentate ligands and their reactivity with Lewis acids. Adam McKinty*, Doug Stephan 408. Synthesis of chiral alkyne-dicobalt hexacarbonyls. Takumichi Sugihara*, Chika Harumori 409. Indenyl complexes of Mn(II) and their reactions with oxygen donor ligands. Ryan M. Meier*, Jeffrey A. Crisp, Timothy P. Hanusa, William W. Brennessel 410. Synthesis of cobalt dithiolene complexes with boronic ester and applications of these complexes to functional materials. Akihide Onozawa, Mariko Sogawa, Kousuke Terada, Mitsushiro Nomura, Toru Sugiyama, Masatsugu Kajitani 411. Multistate organometallic switches. Mark S. Jennaway*, Katy A. Green, Marie P. Cifuentes, T. C. Corkery, Marek Samoc, Mark G. Humphery 412. Synthesis of novel boryl-substituted molybdenum carbyne complexes. Rong Shang*, Anthony F. Hill 413. Development of six-, five- and four-coordinate Ru(II) hydride complexes supported by N-heterocyclic ligands for catalytic addition of H-H and C-H bonds across multiple bonds. John P. Lee, Magaly A. Ramirez, T. B. Gunnoe*, Thomas R. Cundari, Paul D. Boyle, Jeffrey L. Petersen 414. Cycloaddition reactions of borylene complexes. Eva Siedler*, Holger Braunschweig 415. Novel trimetalloboron compounds from reactions of [{(5C5H5)(OC)2Mn}2B][Li(dme)3] with reactive metal centers. Sebastian Oestreicher, Holger Braunschweig 416. Syntheses of bulky and electron-deficient carbene ligands. Tetsuo Sato*, Yoichi Hirose, Daisuke Yoshioka, Shuichi Oi* 417. Unusual reactivity of Lewis acids with group 8 metal complexes. Michael P. Boone, Douglas W. Stephan* 418. New, tuneable zirconium-diamidophosphine complexes for dinitrogen activation. Kyle D. Parker*, Michael D. Fryzuk* 419. Metalloborylene complexes showing a widespread pattern of reactivity. Katharina Kraft, Holger Braunschweig 420. Late transition metal complexes as tunable Lewis-bases. Juergen Bauer*, Holger Braunschweig 421. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of distanna-[2]metallocenophanes. Thomas Arnold, Holger Braunschweig 422. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of transition metal-bridged metalloarenophanes and 1,1=-bisphosphinotrochrocenes. Maria Friedrich, Holger Braunschweig 423. Radical reactivity of CpCr(III)-diketiminate alkyl compounds as a useful tool for C-C bond formation. K. C. MacLeod, Kevin M. Smith* 424. Catalytic hydrogenation and cyclization of aromatic nitriles with nickel compounds. Juventino J. Garcia*, Paulina Zerecero-Silva 425. Preparation of oxo-bridged titanium alkoxo complexes for catalytic applications. Al Nielson* 426. Ferrocene tagged novel organic moiety: Synthesis, crystal structure and electrochemical aspects. Rahul Bhattacharya*, Sumana Chanda*, Jnan P. Naskar 427. Synthesis and coordination chemistry of novel diphosphido ligands. Jamie Ritch, Paul Hayes* 428. Heterogeneous borane cocatalyst for ethylene polymerization. Ying-Jen Wanglee, Susannah Scott* 429. Visible light-driven hydrogen production catalyzed by nickel and cobalt catalysts containing cyclic phosphine ligands with pendant bases. Matthew P. McLaughlin*, Theresa M. McCormick, Richard S. Eisenberg, Patrick L. Holland 430. Withdrawn 431. Withdrawn 432. Organophosphate neurotoxin hydrolysis by molybdenum metallocenes. Louis Y. Kuo* 433. Photochemically and thermally induced intermetallic borylene transfer. Stefanie Bertsch, Holger Braunschweig 434. Synthesis and reactions of dinuclear iridium complex bearing 2-NH ligand. Shigeki Kuwata*, Takashi Kimura, Koji Ishiwata, Takao Ikariya* 435. Utilization of planar chiral arene chromium tricarbonyl complexes as dynamic complexes by stereoselective chromium tricarbonyl migration reactions. Ken Kamikawa*, Shunsuke Kinoshita, Akiyoshi Mori 436. Stable doubly hydrogen-bridged butterfly-shaped diborane(4) compound. Yoshiaki Shoji, Tsukasa Matsuo*, Daisuke Hashizume, Hiroyuki Fueno, Kazuyoshi Tanaka, Kohei Tamao* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 437. Coordination chemistry of bidentate and tridentate N-aryl-substituted iminoN-heterocyclic carbene ligands. Gino G. Lavoie*, Sarim Dastgir, Anna C. Badaj, Timothy G. Larocque 438. Synthesis and reactivity of late transition metal vinylborane complexes. Kristopher Kolpin*, David J. Emslie 439. Highly unsaturated platinum complexes featuring boron-based ligands. Peter Brenner*, Holger Braunschweig 440. Mechanistic investigations of palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Krista Vikse*, Cara Manning, J. S. McIndoe 441. Anionic N-heterocyclic carbenes with N,N’-bis(fluoroaryl) and N,N’-bis(perfluoroaryl)substituents. Matthew G. Hobbs, Chrissy J. Knapp, Patrick T. Welsh, Javier Borau-Garcia, Tom Ziegler, Roland Roesler* 442. New, efficient and direct preparation of TlTp and related complexes with TlBH4. Masahiro Yoshimura, Shinji Tanaka, Kazuomi Tsuda, Masato Kitamura* 443. Electrochemical investigations of hydrogen-generating organometallic iron compounds. Elizabeth S. Donovan, Sarah Froberg, Greg A. Felton* 444. Versatile coordination chemistry of complexes containing seleno- and telluroether ligands. Risto S. Laitinen*, Raija Oilunkaniemi, Merja Poropudas, Ludmila Vigo 445. Homogeneous nickel- and palladiumcatalyzed anaerobic oxidation of secondary alcohols at mild temperatures. Oscar Navarro* 446. Neutral silane catalyst: Fac-mer isomerization of [Mo(CO)3(L)3] complexes (L ⫽ phosphite). Kozo Fukumoto*, Hiroshi Nakazawa Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Early Main Group Chemistry (#100) Organized by: P. Andrews, T. Chivers, K. Henderson Presiding: P. Andrews Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 447. Chiral ligands in s-block organometallic complexes. Gemma M. Robertson, Charles T. O’Hara*, Alan R. Kennedy 448. New utility heterometallic alkali-metal amides: Closing the open dimer. Stuart D. Robertson, David R. Armstrong, Alan R. Kennedy, Robert E. Mulvey* 449. Synergistic synthesis and structures of zincated aromatic substrates. Liam Balloch, Robert E. Mulvey*, Toni Ratanen, Stuart D. Robertson, Victor Snieckus* 450. Ring, ring, ring: Reactions of organo-alkali metal and alkali metal ates with tricyclic ketones. Ben J. Fleming, Charles T. O’Hara*, Alan R. Kennedy 451. Two TMP ligands are better than one for lithium-mediated alumination reactions. Ben Conway, Elaine Crosbie, Robert E. Mulvey*, Stuart D. Robertson 452. 9-Borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-based frustrated Lewis pairs: Expanding the scope of metal-free hydrogenation. Jeffrey M. Farrell, Douglas W. Stephan* 453. Peralkylated barium complexes. Olaf Michel, Cäcilia Maichle-Mössmer, Karl W. Törnroos, Reiner Anwander* 454. Transformation of an ethylenediamine to a diaza-ethene via alkali metal mediated zincation. Ross Campbell, Pablo Garcia Alvarez, Robert Mulvey, Jörg Sassmannshausen, Tell Tuttle 455. Syntheses and structural study of halosulfite ions. Isoroku Nagasawa*, Seigo Hikida, Chika Kurogi, Yukimi Doira, Keisuke Mori, Hiroshi Kitagawa 456. Reaction of arynes with DMF and salicylaldehydes: General synthesis of xanthenes, xanthones, and xanthols. Nahoko Matsunaga, Kentaro Okuma, Noriyoshi Nagahora, Kosei Shioji 457. Synthesis, structures and reactivity of novel alkali-metal boraamidinates and boraguanidinates. Tristram Chivers*, Andrea Corrente 458. Structure and reactivity studies of tethered mixed anion lithium complexes: A model for superbase reactivity based on a structural hypothesis. Michael G. Gardiner*, Bryce Lockhart-Gillett, Brian F. Yates 459. Three-coordinate diamido aluminum alkyls vs. four-coordinate analogs: Single component catalysts for the ring opening polymerization of cyclic esters. Stephen Foley*, Jackson Chitanda, Jeremy Olson, Curtis Ball 460. Synthesis of multidentate ligands with a boryl moiety and their transition metal complexes. Javier Borau-Garcia, Michael J. Bosch, Roland Roesler* 461. Withdrawn Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Discrete Coordination Systems with Switchable Structures and Properties (#143) Organized by: T. Konno, A. Hor, K. Lu Presiding: T. Konno Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 462. Metal cluster assembly using rhombic macrocycles with inward metal binding sites. Masumi Kuritani, Shohei Tashiro, Mitsuhiko Shionoya* 463. Autocatalytic formation of dimer and helix metallosupramolecular assemblages. Nobuto Yoshinari*, Takumi Konno 464. Luminescent mechanochromism of silver complexes with a diphosphione bridged by phenylene group. Toshiaki Tsukuda*, Marina Kawase, Ayumi Dairiki, Kenji Matsumoto, Taro Tsubomura* 465. Reactivities of iridium(III) NSC(NR2)S2complexes generated by photolysis of azido-dithiocarbamato complexes. Keita Ariyoshi*, Takayoshi Suzuki, Masaaki Kojima 466. Syntheses and properties of mononuclear manganese(II), -(III), and -(IV) complexes with a tripodal ligand. Yukinari Sunatsuki*, Yukana Kishima, Tamami Kobayashi, Tomoka Yamaguchi, Takayoshi Suzuki, Masaaki Kojima 467. Switchable properties of metal complexes utilizing a quinone/hydroquinone ligand system. Masato Kido, Tsugiko Takase, Dai Oyama* 468. Encapsulated anion in a cubane-like tetranuclear spin crossover iron(II) complexes. Hiroki Kondo*, Koshiro Nishi, Naohide Matsumoto, Seiichiro Iijima, Malcolm A. Halcrow, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Masaaki Kojima 469. Selective formation of an AgI2AuI2 metalloring by mixing AgI4 and AuI4 metallorings. Yusuke Takino*, Tatsuya Kawamoto, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Takumi Konno 470. Cobalt complexes with a linear chain type hexadentate ligand containing amidate and thioether groups. Yuki Yamane*, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Takayashi Suzuki, Masaaki Kojima 471. Reversible expansion and contraction of a chelating metalloring in a NiIIAuI complex with D-penicillaminate. Yuji Hashimoto*, Asako Igashira, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Takumi Konno 472. Geometrical isomers of cobalt(III) complexes with unsymmetrical tridentate (hydroxybenzamido)alkylamines. Ryoji Mitsuhashi, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Takayoshi Suzuki, Masaaki Kojima 473. Synthesis and self-assembly of an AuI4CoIII2 hexanuclear complex containing D-penicillaminate. Raeeun Lee*, Asako Igashira, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Takumi Konno 474. Withdrawn 475. Characterization of pyrazine-bridged ruthenium binuclear complexes and examination of their electrochromic properties. Sara Tsuyuki, Ryota Tanabe, Kiyoshi Sato, Motowo Yamaguchi* 476. Development of the new photochemical functional ruthenium complex showing switching property on photochemical reaction of a ligand. Yoshitaka Mizuno, Taiga Masano, Kiyoshi Sato, Motowo Yamaguchi* 477. Metal substitution reactions of a NiII2AuI3 pentanuclear complex with D-penicillaminate. Akeha Fukushima, Asako Igashira, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Takumi Konno* 478. Crystal structures and isomerization reactions of dinuclear Ir(III)-Rh(III) complexes bridged by 5-methyltetrazolate. Asuka Takayama, Takayoshi Suzuki, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Masaaki Kojima 479. Tuning of redox potential in tridentate benzimidazolyl Ru complexes having cyclometalated ligand. Shinpei Yoshikawa, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Masa-aki Haga* 480. Thermochromism in Uranyl thiocyanate complexes. Noboru Aoyagi*, Kojiro Shimojo, Ryuji Nagaishi, Hirochika Naganawa, Takaumi Kimura 481. Synthesis and reaction of ruthenium(II) azido complexes bearing 2-pyridinethiolate. Go Nakamura*, Takayoshi Suzuki, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Masaaki Kojima 482. Reactivity between metal complexes bearing imidazole group and tetraphenylborate ion. Takanori Nagase*, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Takayoshi Suzuki, Masaaki Kojima 483. DFT calculations of the excited states of Zn-TQENs. Ryo Miyamoto*, Yuji Mikata 484. Synthesis and luminescent properties of gold(III) complexes with sulfur-containing amino acid. Kouhei Hayashida, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Toshiaki Tsukuda, Takumi Konno 485. Linkage of emissive D-penicillaminato iridium(III) complexes by silver(I). Yuta Sarukawa*, Asako Igashira, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Takumi Konno 486. Synthesis and magneto-spectroscopic study of Gd(III) complexes with multidentate peptide. Eiichi Kume*, Ryo Miyamoto 487. Synthesis and properties of ruthenium porphycene complexes having solvent ligands in the axial sites and application to construct bridged assemblies. Shiho Ashigara, Toru Okawara, Masaaki Abe*, Hisashi Shimakoshi, Yoshio Hisaeda* 488. Physical properties of dithiolate Ni complexes, Na[Ni(pdt)2], and K[Ni(pdt)2], connected by coordinate bonds. Nozomi Ishihara, Shinya Takaishi, Masahiro Yamashita 489. Structures and magnetic property of seven-coordinate molybdenum(II) complexes containing 1,1,1-tris(dimethylphosphino)ethane. Atsushi Kikuma, Takayoshi Suzuki, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Masaaki Kojima 490. Neutral rhenium-biimidazole complex as photoswitch and selective fluoride ion sensor. Cheng-Hua Lee, Zong-Zhan Lu, M. Velayudham, Kuang-Lieh Lu 491. Discrete rhenium complexes with switchable photophysical properties. Cheng-Hua Lee, Yu-Ping Lee, Tien-Wen Tseng, Kuang-Lieh Lu 492. Electrochemically induced linkage isomerization switched on/off by protolysis in 2-mercaptopyridine ruthenium(II) complexes. Tomohiko Hamaguchi*, Yoshimasa Inoue, Kikujiro Ujimoto, Satoshi Kawata, Isao Ando Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Functional Molecules of the Heavier Main Group and Transition Metal Elements (#156) Organized by: F Ozawa, D. Gates, P. Power Presiding: F. Ozawa Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 493. Synthesis and properties of ruthenium seleno- and tellurocarbonyl complexes. Yuichiro Mutoh*, Naoki Kozono, Miho Araki, Noriko Tsuchida, Keiko Takano, Youichi Ishii* 494. Silylboronic esters bearing a dialkylamino group on silicon: New silylene equivalents for palladium-catalyzed C-Si bond formation. Toshimichi Ohmura*, Kohei Masuda, Ichiro Takase, Michinori Suginome* 495. Synthesis and reactivity of (3-␣-silabenzyl)tungsten complexes. Takashi Komuro, Eiji Suzuki, Yuto Kanno, Hiromi Tobita* 496. Multidentate P-stereogenic optically active polymers: Synthesis and coordination behaviors to transition metals. Hiroaki Imoto*, Yasuhiro Morisaki, Yoshiki Chujo 497. Luminescent homodinuclear copper(I) complexes linked by 3,5-bis{6-(2,2=dipyridyl)}pyrazole. Jing-Lin Chen, Bo Wu, He-Rui Wen 498. Possible new approaches to the synthesis of small luminescent gold clusters. Sergei Ivanov*, Indika Arachchige 499. Iridium gallyl complexes. Virginia Montiel-Palma*, Clara J. Durango-García, L. Verónica Henao-Holguín, Rodolfo Valle-Altamirano, Miguel Angel Muñoz-Hernandez, Gabriel Merino 500. Reactivity of disilyne toward nitriles, silylcyanides, and isocyanides. Katsuhiko Takeuchi, Masaaki Ichinohe, Akira Sekiguchi* 501. Studies of a weakly coordinating phosphorus(V)anion. Paul W. Siu, Derek P. Gates* 502. Synthesis, structure, and reactions of novel silicon analogs of bicyclo[1.1.1]pentanes. Daisuke Tsushima, Shintaro Ishida, Hiroyuki Isobe, Takeaki Iwamoto* 503. Unusual reactivity of a novel digermene. Kiera McNeice, Vladimir Y. Lee, Akira Sekiguchi 504. 121Sb Mössbauer spectra of antimony(V)-porphyrin complexes. Makoto Toinaga*, Shiro Matsukawa, Masashi Takahashi 505. Synthesis of group 10 metal complexes bearing a new phosphine ligand tethered with three thioether moieties, tris(2-isopropylthiomethylphenyl)phosphine. Shinji Sahara*, Nobuhiro Takeda, Masafumi Unno 506. Synthesis and reactions of a hydrido(hydrogermylene)ruthenium complex with several unsaturated organic compounds. Chikako Furuya, Hisako Hashimoto, Hiromi Tobita* 507. Transition metal-catalyzed arylation of tertiary silanes. Yoshinori Yamanoi*, Aldes Lesbani, Hitoshi Kondo, Hiroshi Nishihara * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–75 02-INOR 508. Reactions of a hydrido(hydrogermylene)tungsten complex with isothiocyanates and isocyanates. Tetsuya Fukuda, Hisako Hashimoto, Hiromi Tobita* 509. Chiral stannyllitium isolated by the complexation of (⫺)-sparteine. Hanae Yamada, Hidekazu Arii, Masato Nanjo, Kunio Mochida* 510. Synthesis of platinum complex with the trans spanning diphosphino ligand as a precursor of trans bis(silyl)platinum complex. Rei Hashimoto, Hidekazu Arii, Pramesh N. Kapoor*, Kunio Mochida* 511. Disilane-bridged dinuclear platinum complex formed the reaction of zero-valence platinum complex with 1,2-diphenyldisilane. Masaki Kanai, Hidekazu Arii, Kunio Mochida* 512. Thermal reactivity of cis- and transbis(triaryl-substituted group 14 element)platinum(II). Misato Suga* 513. Synthesis of a hypervalent pentacoordinate boron compound with nitrogen donors. Yuichi Hirano*, Yohsuke Yamamoto 514. Synthesis of germanium(II) hydride by -hydrogen elimination on the germanium center. Taiyo Amari, Fumiya Nakadate, Hidekazu Arii, Kunio Mochida 515. Synthesis of copper-germylene complexes bearing a -diketiminate ligand with aliphatic alkyl groups. Fumiya Nakadate, Hidekazu Arii, Kunio Mochida* 516. Reactivities of ruthenium seleno- and tellurocarbonyl complexes. Naoki Kozono, Yuichiro Mutoh*, Youichi Ishii 517. Synthesis of bulky para-phenylene type di-functional compounds based on an shydrindacene skeleton. Makoto Hachiya, Mikinao Ito, Yoshiaki Shoji, Tsukasa Matsuo, Kohei Tamao*, Yongming Li, Hayato Tsuji 518. Synthesis and property of group 6 metal complexes with tris(2-alkylthiophenyl)phosphine ligands. Yohko Yamamoto*, Nobuhiro Takeda, Masafumi Unno 519. Terphenyl stabilized divalent heavier group 14 element acetylide complexes. Hao Lei, Philip P. Power* 520. Silylplatinum complexes with the diphosphino ligand formed by the Si-H/ Si-Si activation of unsymmetric disilanes. Hidekazu Arii, Makiko Takahashi, Kunio Mochida* 521. Reactivities of a stable primary-alkylsubstituted S-nitrosothiol bearing a cavity-shaped framework. Shohei Sase, Noriaki Abe, Yohei Aoki, Kei Goto* 522. Iron(IV) complexes bearing two group 14 element ligands: Syntheses and their ligand exchange reactions. Masahiro Kamitani, Masumi Itazaki, Kensuke Ueda, Hiroshi Nakazawa* 523. Catalytic activity of a novel (-oxo)tetraruthenium cluster towards selective oxidation of alcohols and dehydrogenative cyclization of 2-aminophenethyl alcohols. Yu Kimura, Takashi Kanda, Kenji Wada, Akio Toshimitsu, Teruyuki Kondo* 524. New synthetic route for 2-phosphanaphthalenes. Noriyoshi Nagahora, Tatsuya Wasano, Kosei Shioji, Kentaro Okuma 525. Experimental and theoretical studies of iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions with grignard reagents. Yoshihiro Okada, Lung Wa Chung, Takuji Hatakeyama, Hikaru Takaya, Keiji Morokuma, Masaharu Nakamura* 526. Planar hexagonal Pd-Pt tetranuclear complexes. Makoto Tanabe, Ryohei Yumoto, Tetsuyuki Yamada, Kohtaro Osakada 527. Novel P,N-containing macrocyclic and macrobicyclic tetraphosphines with aliphatic (C3-C5) spacer between phosphorus atoms. Oleg G. Sinyashin*, Andrey A. Karasik, Roman N. Naumov, Kirill B. Kanunnikov 76 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 528. Synthesis, structure, and properties of multinuclear group-11 metal complexes bearing metal complex ligand moiety. Hiroaki Matsumoto, Naoko Nishina*, Kenta Sakamoto, Shota Mochizuki, Yuhki Shibuya, Keiko Nabari, Mitsuru Kondo* 529. Attempts at synthesis of anti-apicophilic stiboranes using the rigid tridentate ligand. Shiro Matsukawa*, Toshihiro Takeuchi, Hirokazu Nishikawa, Hideaki Yamamichi, Masashi Takahashi, Yohsuke Yamamoto 530. Synthesis and properties of cyclic organosilicon compounds. Yuki Toma, Ken-ichiro Kanno, Soichiro Kyushin* 531. Synthesis and structure of ruthenium and iridium complexes with PSi chelate ligand. Yasushi Miyauchi, Hidekazu Arii, Kunio Mochida* 532. Metal nanoparticles supported on nitrogen-containing carbon nanofibers: Selective reduction of nitroarenes to anilines and hydroxylamines. Youngjin Lee, Keita Tsuji, Yukihiro Motoyama*, Seong-Ho Yoon, Hideo Nagashima Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Electron Transfer and Electrochemistry of Transition Metal Containing Inorganic and Organometallic Materials (#187) Organized by: H. Nishihara, A. Abd-El-Aziz, P. Harvey, B.Z. Tang Presiding: H. Nishihara Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 533. Reaction of 1,1’-bis(dimethylsilyl)metallocene with transition-metal methyl complexes. Masumi Itazaki, Makiko Minakata, Akio Ichimura, Hiroshi Nakazawa* 534. Charge/discharge characteristics of Sisubstituted olivine LiFePO4 as a positive electrode for large-scale LIBs. Morihiro Saito*, Taku Hosomi, Taishi Ogata, Naoki Honda, Akimasa Tasaka, Minoru Inaba 535. Immobilization of metal ion in polypyrrole matrix for oxygen reduction reaction and charge storage in acidic media. Hong-Kee Lee, Ji-Eun Ahn, Ho-Nyun Lee, Hyun-Jong Kim*, Myung-Keun (M.K.) Han, Hansung Kim 536. Layer-by-layer fabrication of novel Ru/Os dinuclear complexes having a strong metal-metal interaction on surface. Takuya Nakabayashi, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Masa-aki Haga* 537. Pyrimidine ring inversion behaviors of a copper(I) complex containing 4-methyl-2pyridyl-pyrimidine and their effects on the photoprocess. Michihiro Nishikawa, Kuniharu Nomoto, Shoko Kume, Keiichi Inoue, Makoto Sakai, Masaaki Fujii, Hiroshi Nishihara 538. Withdrawn 539. Magnetic and conducting properties of new halide-bridged mixed-valence Cu(I)Cu(II) 1D coordination polymers Including dithiocarbamate derivatives. Naoya Tanaka, Kyung Ho Kim, Takashi Okubo*, Masahiko Maekawa, Takayoshi Kuroda 540. Multistep redox property of molecular loops composed of integrated multinuclear clusters. Atsushi Inatomi, Masaaki Abe*, Hisashi Shimakoshi, Yoshio Hisaeda* 541. Programmable stacked nanoarrays of porphyrins and phthalocyanines. Yasuyuki Yamada, Marie Suzuki, Kentaro Tanaka 542. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of mixed-metal cluster complexes modified with ferrocenyl carboxylates. Atsushi Ikegami, Masaaki Abe*, Yoshio Hisaeda* 543. Immobilization of polynuclear ruthenium complexes bearing hexakis(alkylthiol) anchors on gold electrode and their redox behaviors. Hideki Kato Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Hilton Kahili I/II Carbon-fluorine Bond Activation: a Crossroads for Inorganic, Organic, and Environmental Chemistry (#248) Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization Catalyzed by Early Transition Metals (#22) Organized by: O. Ozerov, T. Akiyama, J. Love Presiding: T. Akiyama Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 544. Defluorination with water and nickel(0) complexes. Juventino J. Garcia*, Rigoberto Barrios-Francisco, Alma Arevalo 545. Efficient and high-yield synthesis of difluorocyclopropanes. Kojun Oshiro, Yoshimichi Morimoto, Hideki Amii* 546. Cationic palladium(II)-catalyzed FriedelCrafts-type cyclizations of 1,1-difluoro-1alkenes. Kohei Fuchibe, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Tomohiro Ichitsuka, Daishi Fujita, Hiroyuki Tanabe, Misaki Yokota, Junji Ichikawa* 547. Selective oxidative additions of fluorinated aromatics with nickel(0) and a nitrogen ancillary ligand, en route to catalysis. Meghan E. Doster, Samuel A. Johnson* 548. Nb(0)-mediated synthesis of 2,3-disubstituted indene derivatives by activation of C-F bond of trifluoropropenes. Kohei Atobe, Kohei Fuchibe, Yukari Fujita, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 549. Hydrodefluorination of fluoroaromatics by [RuH2(CO)(NHC)(PPh3)2]: An explanation for the 1,2-regioselectivity. Julien A. Panetier, Stuart A. Macgregor, Michael K. Whittlesey Friday Morning Hilton Coral II Controlling the Structure and Properties of Solids (#20) Organized by: B. Kennedy, Y. Shimakawa, P. Woodward Presiding: P. Woodward 7:30 – 550. Square-planar iron oxides: High pressure study. Hiroshi Kageyama* 8:00 – 551. Mixed oxide formation from thermal decomposition of heteronuclear 2,3pyridinecarboxylate complexes. Alina M. Balu*, Rafael Luque, Ana Lazarescu, Iurii Simonov, Galina Filipova, Maria Gdaniec, Constantin Turta 8:20 – 552. Cationic inorganic and metal-organic materials for catalysis and anion trapping. Scott Oliver 8:40 – 553. New metal oxide based hybrid semiconductors and their properties and functionality. Xiao Zhang, Thomas J. Emge, Jing Li* 9:00 – 554. Mixed ionic and electronic conduction in hydrated Ba4Nb2O9 and Ba4Ta2O9: Structures, phase transitions, and dynamics. Chris D. Ling*, Maxim Avdeev 9:30 – 555. Electrochemical synthesis of electrode materials with controlled architectures for use in clean energy production. Kyoung-Shin Choi* 10:00 – 556. Topochemical methods for the construction of metal-nonmetal arrays within layered perovskite hosts. Jonglak Choi, K. G. Ranmohotti, Elisha Josepha, John B. Wiley* 10:20 – 557. High pressure synthesis of new A-site-ordered perovskites. Takashi Saito*, Takenori Tohyama, Yuichi Shimakawa 10:40 – 558. New inorganic second-order NLO materials based on metal iodates. Jiang-Gao Mao*, Chuan-Fu Sun, Ting Hu, Bing-Ping Yang Organized by: K. Theopold, K. Mashima, Z. Xie Presiding: K. Theopold 7:30 – 559. Copolymerization of ethylene with cycloolefin or cyclodiolefin by bis(beta-dikitiminato)titanium complexes activated with modified methylaluminoxane. Yuesheng Li* 8:10 – 560. Center-center and center-surface cooperative enchainment effects for the catalytic synthesis of new polyolefin materials. Tobin J. Marks 8:50 – 561. Oligo- and polymerization catalysts based on bis(phenolato) early transition metal complexes. Jun Okuda* 9:30 – 562. Design, synthesis of titanium(IV) complexes bearing monoanionic [ONX] (X ⫽ O, S, Se, P) tridentate ligands and their behaviour in ethylene homo- and copolymerization. Yong Tang* 10:10 – 563. Metallocenium dications and silylium-metallocenium hetero-dications: Generation and roles in polymerization of polar and nonpolar alkenes. Yuetao Zhang, Eugene Y. Chen* 10:50 – 564. Remote substituent effects upon olefin polymerization behavior of chelating -aryl group 4 catalysts. Michael C. Chan*, Ben L. So Hilton Rainbow I Fundamental and Applied Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry and Their Impacts on Energy Conservation and the Environment (#249) Organized by: R. Hagiwara, K. Matsumoto, H. Mercier, G. Schrobilgen, R. Syvret Presiding: K. Matsumoto, H. Mercier 7:30 – 565. Approaches in the syntheses of fluorine compounds and methods of growths of single crystals. Zoran Mazej*, Evgeny Goreshnik 8:00 – 566. Order and disorder in ammonium fluoro- and oxofluorometallates: Products of natural minerals fluorination. Natalia Laptash 8:30 – 567. [AgF2] layers: Excursion to positive and negative pressure regimes. Mariana Derzsi* 8:50 – 568. Environmental friendly replacement of lead diazide: The synthesis of bismuth azides from bismuth fluorides. Ralf Haiges*, Karl O. Christe 9:10 – 569. Benzene radical cations. Konrad Seppelt*, Hashem Shorafa, Matthias Molski, Beate Paulus 9:30 – 570. Transparent MgF2-films by solgel coating. Erhard Kemnitz* 10:00 – 571. Role of oxygen in the stabilization of nanofluorides and their impact on reactivity properties. Alain Demourgues*, Durand Etienne, Clarenc Romain, Tressaud Alain * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 10:30 – 572. Low temperature flux growth of NaYF4:Ln (Ln⫽Yb, Er, Tm) crystals and layers with upconversion fluorescence. Toshiko Wakabayashi, Katsuya Teshima*, SunHyung Lee, Shuji Oishi 10:50 – 573. Preparation and characterization of Ni-PTFE plate as an electrode for alkaline fuel cell. Jae-Ho Kim*, Hirotaka Kinoshita, Susumu Yonezawa, Toshihide Tsukatani, Masayuki Takashima 11:10 – 574. Nanofabrication of tin oxide for anode active materials by the liquid phase deposition method. Minoru Mizuhata*, Yuki Umekage, Ramanujam Kumaresan, Koichi Ui 10:10 – 588. Pyridine-bis(oxazoline) and pyridine-bis(thiazoline) ligands as sensitizers of lanthanide ion visible and nearinfrared luminescence. Ana de Bettencourt-Dias*, Subha Viswanathan, Daniel T. de Lill, Patrick S. Barber, Alexandra Rollett, Anthony M. Bass, Joseph Neiman, Sultan Altun 10:40 – 589. Band-gap and morphology controls by molecular architecture of highly arylated-silanes. Won-Sik Han, Kyung-Ryang Wee, Sunnam Kwon, Sang Ook Kang* Hilton Rainbow II Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) Redox Redux: The Renaissance of NonInnocent Ligand Complexes (#217) Organized by: J. Soper, S. Colbran, R. Hicks Presiding: R. Hicks 7:50 – 575. Noninnocent ligands: How to turn a loss into a gain. Evgeny V. Dikarev* 8:10 – 576. Stabilisation of unusual metal oxidation states: The role of noninnocent thioether and thiolate donors. Martin Schroder* 8:30 – 577. Characterization of ruthenium 2-iminoquinone complexes through experimental and theoretical studies. Jonathan Rochford, Ming-Kang Tsai, James T. Muckerman, Etsuko Fujita* 9:00 – 578. Multi-electron processes, dioxygen activation, and electrochemistry of Zr, Ti, and Mo diimine complexes. Mahdi M. Abu-Omar* 9:30 – 579. Redox chemistry of Fe(Cl4SQ)3 and its activity as an electrocatalyst for water oxidation. Cortlandt Pierpont*, Joseph Kelly, Nathan Hawkey, Paul Nelson, Michael Krysiak, Hshin Hui Huang 10:00 – 580. Noninnocent ligand complexes in late metal organometallic chemistry. Thomas B. Rauchfuss*, Mark R. Ringenberg 10:30 – 581. Pyrrolide ligand platforms as redox-active entities. Theodore Betley* 11:00 – 582. Radical models for the CuB centre of heme-copper oxidases. Stephen Colbran Hilton Hibiscus I/II Molecular Photonics (#9) Organized by: F. Castellano, T. Majima, V. Yam Presiding: T. Majima 8:00 – 583. Photophysical studies of phosphorescent three-coordinate Cu(I)-(Nheterocyclic carbene) complexes. Valentina A. Krylova*, Peter I. Djurovich, Matthew T. Whited, Mark E. Thompson 8:20 – 584. Transannular torsion dominates Franck-Condon dynamics in strongly absorbing metallodipyrrin complexes: A resonance Raman study. Mark Waterland*, Tracey McLean, Shane Telfer, Keith Gordon, Samuel Lind 8:40 – 585. Studies of the photoexcited states of MM quadruply bonded systems: Dynamics and charge distributions. Malcolm H. Chisholm* 9:10 – 586. Supramolecular functional systems in electrically active molecular assemblies. Takayoshi Nakamura*, Toru Endo, Shin-ichiro Noro, Tomoyuki Akutagawa 9:40 – 587. Geometric influences on intramolecular electron transfer in metallosupromecular assemblies. Richard Keene*, Deanna D’Alessandro, Emma Laird, Elizabeth Fellows Hilton Nautilus I & II Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: S. Wang 8:00 Opening remarks 8:10 – 590. Applications of boron chemistry in the development of materials for linear and nonlinear optics. Todd B. Marder* 8:40 – 591. Borirenes and boroles: New chemistry from old heterocycles. Holger Braunschweig 9:10 – 592. Synthesis and properties of triarylboranes bearing peripheral o-carborane cages. Kang Mun Lee, Taewon Kim, Jung Oh Huh, Youngkyu Do, Min H. Lee* 9:30 – 593. Insight into the mechanism of difluoroboron-diketonate-polylactide luminescence. Guoqing Zhang, Tiandong Liu, Ruffin E. Evans, Cassandra L. Fraser 10:00 – 594. Lewis acidic properties of heavier group 15 onium ions. Casey R. Wade, Tzu-Pin Lin, Francois P. Gabbai* 10:30 – 595. Creation of functional molecules utilizing characteristics of boron. Takayuki Kawashima* 11:00 – 596. Tuning the photochromic properties of N,C-chelate organoboron compounds. Chul Baik, Hazem Amarne, Zachary M. Hudson, Sephen Murphy, Suning Wang* Hilton Lehua Suite Organo-f-Element Compounds: From Novel Chemical Transformations to Applications in Catalysis and Materials Science (#46) Organized by: F. Edelmann, D. Berg, G. Deacon, Z. Hou, J. Kiplinger Presiding: G. Cloke, D. Berg 8:00 Introductory remarks 8:10 – 597. Variable nuclearity scorpionatesupported lanthanide polyhydrides: Synthesis, structure, and reactivity. Jianhua Cheng, Kuburat Saliu, Michael J. Ferguson, Robert McDonald, Josef Takats* 8:40 – 598. Rare-earth metal methylidene, methine, and carbide complexes. Reiner Anwander*, Melanie Zimmermann, H. M. Dietrich, Rannveig Litlabø, Laura C. Gerber, Dorothea Rauschmaier, Lars N. Jende, Karl W. Törnroos, Cäcilia Maichle-Mössmer 9:10 – 599. Rare-earth metal polyhydride complexes with non-cyclopentadienyl ligands. Zhaomin Hou* 9:30 – 600. Expanding reductive and organometallic transformations via the f elements. William J. Evans* 10:00 – 601. Rare earth transition metal bonding. Rhett Kempe 10:30 – 602. Lanthanide complexes of soft ligands. David Berg*, Jin Zou, Brendan Twamley, Tosha Barclay 10:50 – 603. Imidazolin-2-iminato complexes of rare earth metals with very short metal-nitrogen bonds: Experimental and theoretical studies. Matthias Tamm*, Tarun K. Panda, Alexandra G. Trambitas Hilton South Pacific I Chemistry of Sulfur-Bridged Multimetallic Complexes (#96) Organized by: T. Rauchfuss, G. Jin, T. Matsumoto, Y. Mizobe Presiding: T. Rauchfuss 8:00 – 604. Reduction of proton to evolve hydrogen catalyzed by cubane-type metal-sulfido clusters. Yasushi Mizobe*, Hidetake Seino 8:35 – 605. Understanding what controls the rates of proton transfer to Fe-S-based clusters. Richard A. Henderson* 9:05 – 606. Syntheses and structural characterization of new iron-sulfur-nitrosyl clusters. Dimitri Coucouvanis*, Charalambos Kalyvas 9:35 – 607. Synthesis, structure and chemistry of novel M2(-S)(-S2) (M ⫽ Mo, W) complexes. Charles G. Young*, Craig Gourlay, Michelle K. Taylor, Patrick J. Lim, David J. Evans 10:05 – 608. From iron sulfide minerals to [FeFe] hydrogenase models. Wolfgang Weigand* 10:35 – 609. Synthesis of [Fe8S7] clusters analogous to the metal-sulfur clusters in nitrogenase. Yasuhiro Ohki*, Kazuyuki Tatsumi Hilton Rainbow III Advances in Metal-Mediated Bond Activation: From Unusual Bonding Motifs to Applications in Catalysis (#146) Organized by: K. Caulton, S. Komiya, M. Stradiotto Presiding: M. Stradiotto 8:00 – 610. Synthetic and kinetic investigation into bond activations by organolutetium complexes supported by a monoanionic carbazole-based pincer ligand. Paul G. Hayes*, Kevin R. Johnson 8:20 – 611. Multiple metal centres: Efficient catalysis of tandem reactions for heterocycle synthesis. Joanne H. Ho, Joerg Wagler, Barbara A. Messerle* 8:40 – 612. Copper N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts: A rich mine of structural and bonding motifs. Andy T. Hor*, Xiaoyan Han, Zhiqiang Weng 9:00 – 613. Intramolecular C-H and C-F bond activation by Co(II) and Fe(II) complexes. Cora E. MacBeth, Matthew B. Jones 9:20 – 614. Exploiting P,N-ligands for the palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling of aryl chlorides and amines: Broad substrate scope, chemoselectivity, and novel room temperature ammonia arylation chemistry. Mark Stradiotto* 9:40 – 615. Iron-catalysed C-H bond functionalization. Theodore Betley* 10:00 – 616. Modular tantalum amidate complexes for the catalytic hydroaminoalkylation of amines and N-heterocycles. Laurel Schafer 10:20 – 617. C-Cl bond activation in chloroalkanes. Pierre Braunstein*, Roberto Pattacini, Suyun Jie 10:40 – 618. Scorpions and crabs: The chemistry of metallaboratranes and boron pincer complexes. Anthony F. Hill*, Ian R. Crossley, Ian A. Cade, Jörg Wagler, Matthew K. Smith, Anthony C. Willis 11:00 – 619. Formation and reactivity of a bimetallic ruthenium platinum carbido complex. Shin Takemoto*, Kenji Karitani, Hidenobu Morita, Hiroyuki Matsuzaka* Hilton Coral I Molecular Design in Bioinorganic Chemistry (#173) Organized by: T. Hayashi, D. Goldberg, P. Kennepohl, H. Masuda Presiding: D. Goldberg, J. Kovacs 8:00 Opening remarks 8:10 – 620. Synthetic approaches to dicopper and tricopper centers for constructing biomimetic model compounds of multicopper proteins. Yasuhiro Funahashi*, Tomoaki Toyama, Kojiro Nagata, Kotaro Yoshii, Tomohide Nishikawa, Kensuke Fukui, Yuji Kajita, Yuko Wasada-Tsutsui, Tomohiko Inomata, Tomohiro Ozawa, Hideki Masuda 8:30 – 621. Modelling the Mo(V) states of molybdoenzymes: dioxo- and oxosulfidoMo(V) complexes and their conjugate acids. Charles G. Young*, Victor W. Ng, Michelle K. Taylor, Jonathan M. White 8:50 – 622. Activation and catalytic reduction of dioxygen: Lessons from heme enzyme chemical models. Yoshinori Naruta*, Jin-Gang Liu, Takehiro Ohta, Annada C. Maity, Yuta Shimizu, Fumito Tani 9:30 – 623. High-valent metal-oxo corrolazine complexes and their relationship to biologically relevant hydrogen-atomtransfer and oxygen-atom-transfer processes. David Goldberg*, Katharine Prokop, Pannee Leeladee, Amanda McGown, Kevin Cho 10:00 – 624. Metal ion Lewis acidity control over the preferred reaction pathways of metastable intermediates observed in dioxygen and superoxide reactions. Julie Kovacs*, Michael Coggins, Santiago Toledo, Morgan Gleaves 10:30 – 625. Bioorganometallic chemistry of mercury: A functional model for mercury detoxification by organomercurial lyase, MerB. Gerard Parkin* 11:00 – 626. Bis(thione) ligands and the preparation of synthetic analogs of methanobactin. Daniel Rabinovich* Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Schiff Base Macrocycles and Materials (#60) Organized by: M. MacLachlan, S. Brooker, C. Lee Presiding: S. Brooker 8:30 – 627. Assembly of dynamic polyimine nanocapsules. Ralf Warmuth* 9:00 – 628. Conjugated Schiff bases as functional materials? Will Skene*, Satyananda Barik, Bolduc Andréanne, Stéphane Dufresne 9:30 – 629. Double template effects: Mechanism and manipulation. Vickie McKee* 10:00 – 630. Cooperative complexation and functions of Schiff base macrocycles and related ligands. Tatsuya Nabeshima* 10:30 – 631. Thiolate¡Halogen chargetransfer adducts of macrocyclic aminothiophenolate complexes. Berthold Kersting* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Actinides and the Environment: A Multidisciplinary Look at What We Know and What We Need to Know (#38) Organized by: H. Nitsche, D. Kaplan, C. Liu, Z. Yoshida Presiding: R. Wilson, A. Hixon * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–77 02-INOR Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 632. Study of rapid radiochemical separation technique on short-lived fission product nuclides. You-qian Ding*, Zhi-hong Yang, Guo-shu Mao, Sheng-dong Zhang 633. Effect of temperature and radiolysis on the separation of actinides, lanthanides, and transition metals using the combined extractant HDEHP and CMPO. Michael W. Dunlevy*, Art Gelis, M. A. Brown, Gregg Lumetta, George Vandegrift 634. Development of a liquid scintillation detector coupled with a capillary-electrophoresis apparatus for analysis of spent nuclear fuel. Hidetoshi Kikunaga*, Takashi Yoshimura, Kazuhiro Ooe, Naruto Takahashi, Hiromitsu Haba, Yutaka Ezaki, Toshiaki Mitsugashira, Atsushi Shinohara 635. Solubility of some transuranic elements in groundwater. Chunli Liu, Tao Chen, Mao Sun, Xiangyun Wang, Wenyu Tian, Chun Li, Xiaoyu Liu, Luhua Wang, Zhong Zheng 636. Preparation of the special Pu-239 material. Guo-shu Mao*, Sheng-dong Zhang, You-qian Ding, Ya-ping Zhao 637. Radiolytic stability of actinide-complexed extraction ligands under aqueous acidic reprocessing conditions. Delora K. Gaskins, Thomas D. Cullen, Stephen P. Mezyk, Leigh R. Martin, Bruce J. Mincher Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Syntheses and Applications of MetalOrganic Frameworks (#97) Organized by: M.P. Suh, C. Kepert, S. Kitagawa, J. Long, G. Shimizu Presiding: M. Suh Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 638. Molecular dynamics simulations on the phase transitions and molecular motions of benzene molecules confined in IRMOF-1. Kohei Takakura*, Takahiro UEDA, Keisuke MIYAKUBO, Taro EGUCHI, Bodo MARTIN, Peter COMBA 639. Fabrication of photoconductive poly(Nvinylcarbazole) in 1-D coordination nanochannels. Noriyuki Uchida, Takashi Uemura*, Susumu Kitagawa* 640. Novel Cu(I) metallamacrocycles toward structurally and functionally new inorganic anion receptors. Masahiko Maekawa*, Takashi Okubo, Takayoshi Kuroda-Sowa, Megumu Munakata, Susumu Kitagawa 641. Proton conductivity of an oxalatebridged honeycomb shaped metal-organic framework. Masaaki Sadakiyo*, Teppei Yamada, Hisashi Okawa, Hiroshi Kitagawa 642. Selective carbon dioxide adsorption in amine functionalised metal-organic frameworks. Simon S. Iremonger, Vaidhyanathan Ramanathan, George K. Shimizu* 643. Supramolecular organization of tris-dithiolato transition metal complexes: Structures, opto- and electrochemical properties. Takeshi Matsumoto, Hirokazu Yano, Atsushi Kobayashi, Ho-Chol Chang, Masako Kato* 644. Microporous 2-D MOF based on zinc(II), terephthalate, and 4,4’-dipyridyldisulfide: Synthesis, structure, gas adsorption, and photoluminescence studies. Chih-Chieh Wang* 645. Desolvated structures and gas sorption properties vs. activation methods of a porous metal-organic framework. Hye Jeong Park*, Dae-Woon Lim*, Myunghyun P. Suh* 646. Evaluation of heterogeneous metal-organic framework organocatalysts prepared by postsynthetic modification. Sergio J. Garibay, Zhenqiang Wang, Seth Cohen 78 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 647. Synthesis and properties of MOF compound with rare earth elements and 2,4PDC. Ryosuke Matsumura, Kazuyoshi Uematsu, Tadashi Ishigaki, Kenji Toda, Mineo Sato 648. Topologies and selective gas sorption properties of small pore MOFs having mixed-donor ligands with non-coordinating polar atoms. Jinwoo Seo, Hyungphil Chun* 649. Metathesis in single crystal: Postsynthetic modification via framework constituting metal ion exchange. Sunirban Das*, Yonghwi Kim, Hyunuk Kim, Kimoon Kim 650. High crystallinity Rh-based metal-organic frameworks: [Rh2M2(BDC)4] (M ⫽ Cu, Zn). Satoshi Matsunaga*, Ken-ichi Hasada, Nanako Endo, Wasuke Mori* 651. Rational assembly and property study of microporous metal-carboxylate frameworks in ncb-net. Yue-Biao Zhang, Jie-Peng Zhang*, Xiao-Ming Chen* 652. Self-assembled honeycomb structures with 1-D channels constructed from a series of cyclam-type complexes. Kazuaki Tomono*, Mika Yamawaki, Hiromi Kawamura, Kazuo Miyamura 653. Crystalline molecular sponge: A networked coordination cage that absorbs fullerenes in high concentration. Tatsuhiko Arai, Yasuhide Inokuma, Makoto Fujita* 654. Reaction of organozinc reagents with an aldehyde in a porous network crystal. Koki Ikemoto, Yasuhide Inokuma, Makoto Fujita 655. Electrochemical analysis of reversible Li-ion storage reaction in Prussian blue analogs metal-organic frameworks by lattice-gas model. Yoshifumi Mizuno*, Masashi Okubo, Katsuyoshi Oh-ishi, Tetsuichi Kudo, Haoshen Zhou, Itaru Honma 656. Synthesis and chemical sensing functions of novel luminescent coordination polymers based on a Pt(II) complex. Hirofumi Hara*, Atsushi Kobayashi, Masako Kato 657. Lewis acid metal-organic framework catalysts. Kristine K. Tanabe, Seth M. Cohen* 658. Initiate flexibility and sorption selectivity in rigid metal-organic frameworks by alkylether-functionalised linkers. Roland A. Fischer*, Sebastian Henke, Rochus Schmid 659. Hydrogen storage in metal-organic frameworks with bare metal sites. Chun Chen*, Cameron J. Kepert, Peter D. Southon, Craig M. Brown 660. Possible control of molecular adsorption and desorption in metal coordination polymers. Naoki Muramatsu*, Yoshiyuki Kageyama, Goro Maruta, Sadamu Takeda 661. Novel porphyrin-based metal carboxylate framework: [Zn4(OH)2(H2O)2(ZnTCPEP)2(DABCO)]. Nanako Endo, Satoshi Matsunaga*, Wasuke Mori* 662. Molecular engineering for synthesizing new metal organic frameworks with multifunctional properties. Ming Xue, Shilun Qiu* 663. Preparation and catalytic properties of metal carbonyl clusters incorporated in Metal-Organic-Frameworks. Chikako Asai, Takeshi Kubota*, Yasuaki Okamoto 664. Influence of bridging and inclusion tecton on network stability, porosity and gas adsorption of metal-organic frameworks. Anil D. Naik, Mathieu Monaux, Alexandre Léonard, Bernard Tinant, Bao-Lian Su, François Robert, Yann Garcia* 665. Thioether-laced porous coordination networks for uptake of functional metal species. Zhengtao Xu*, Xiao-Ping Zhou, Matthias Zeller, Allen D. Hunter 666. Functional cyclobutane derivatives for metal organic frameworks. Goutam K. Kole*, Jagadese J. Vittal 667. Supramolecular metal organic framworks and coordination polymers organized by strong, noncovalent - stacking interactions: Single crystal to single crystal transformations. Daniel Reger*, Jacob Horger, Agota Debreczeni, Mark Smith 668. Microporous metal-organic frameworks based on pillared Kagomé layers showing peculiar absorbate selectivity. Myoung Soo Lah* 669. Incorporating additional functionality into metal-organic frameworks. Christopher Sumby* 670. Controlled multiscale synthesis of porous coordination polymer in nano/micro regimes. Stephane Diring*, Shuhei Furukawa, Susumu Kitagawa 671. Protection and deprotection approach for constructing metal-organic frameworks having large pore aperture. Teppei Yamada*, Hiroshi Kitagawa 672. Homochiral coordination polymers for stereoselective sorption. Danil N. Dybtsev, Kyungwon Suh, Kimoon Kim 673. Stability of metal-organic framworks against water: Molecular dynamics with ReaxFF reactive force field. Sang Soo Han*, Seung-Hoon Choi, Jaheon Kim, Adri C. van Duin 674. Tailored thermal expansion in metal-organic frameworks. Yue Wu*, Cameron J. Kepert 675. Charge-carrier transport properties of a new intercalation compound consisting of 2D copper(I)-bromide layers and incorporated TTF cations. Takashi Okubo*, Kyung Ho Kim, Yuma Yoshito, Naoya Tanaka, Tomonari Wakabayashi, Masahiko Maekawa, Takayoshi Kuroda-Sowa 676. Crystalline nanochannel host composed of helical Pd3-metallo-macrocycles. Ryou Kubota, Shohei Tashiro, Mitsuhiko Shionoya* 677. Soft templates tailored via guest exchange. Matteo Lusi*, Leonard J. Barbour 678. Metal organic frameworks with noncoordinating functional groups: Effects on structures and properties. Prashant Bhatt, Leonard J. Barbour* 679. Correlation between host-guest interaction and adsorption structures in coordination space: A Monte Carlo simulation study. Manabu Sugimoto, Makoto Ide 680. Au@ZIFs:Stabilisation of homogeneously dispersed cavity-size matching Au nanoparticles inside functionalized zeolite imidazolate type metal-organic frameworks. Roland A. Fischer*, Daniel Esken, Stuart Turner, Oleg I. Lebedev, Gustaaf van Tendeloo 681. Targeted synthesis of porous organic frameworks by Yamamoto type Ullmann reaction that store gas. Teng Ben, Shilun Qiu* 682. Fabrication and characterization of tetraalkoxyphthalocyanine-molybdate hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett film for photoinduced electron transfer system. Hisanao Usami*, Tatsuya Ohno, Eiji Suzuki 685. Intramolecular alkylation of ␣-diimine ligands giving amido—imino and diamido scandium and yttrium complexes as catalysts for intramolecular hydroamination/ cyclization. Hiroshi Kaneko, Tsurugi Hayato, Panda K. Tarun, Kazushi Mashima* 686. Zirconium complex of (Z)-substituted [5]culumene. Nozomu Ohara, Kosuke Nishimura, Yoshiro Masuyama, Noriyuki Suzuki* 687. Synthesis of polyfunctionalized compounds via metallation of terminal alkynes having a phenylseleno group. Kazuki Shintaku, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 688. Seven-membered ring formation via 7-endo-trig cyclization of heptatrienes synthesized by Zr-mediated selective coupling reactions. Eri Igarashi, Ken-ichiro Kanno, Shenyong Ren, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Tamotsu Takahashi* 689. Synthesis and reactivity of seven-membered cycloalkyne complexes. Takashi Tsuchiya, Yoshiro Masuyama, Noriyuki Suzuki* 690. Generation and reactivity of new low valent titanium alkoxides. Tsuyoshi Kawaji, Sentaro Okamoto* 691. Lanthanide complexes with 2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide based macrobicyclic ligand. Jide Xu*, Kenneth N. Raymond 692. Thermal and antimicrobial aspect of poly[(2-hydroxy,4-butoxy) butylene] ligand and its polychelates with lanthanides (III). Jayantilal D. Joshi*, Vasant M. Patel 693. Regio- and stereoselective synthesis of multisubstituted aliphatic olefins via zirconacycles. Yoshiaki Okada, Megumi Kinoshita, Kentaro Takagi, Yasushi Nishihara* 694. Efficient route to cyclic alkenylboronates via zirconacycle formation/ring-closing metathesis sequences. Daisuke Saito, Kentaro Takagi, Yasushi Nishihara* 695. Reaction of laser-evaporated lanthanide atoms (Sc, Yb) with cyclopentadiene. Jun Miyazaki*, Yasuhiro Yamada 696. Zirconium-mediated formation of disilylpentacene and its application. Zhiying Jia, Shi Li, Ken-ichiro Kanno, Tamotsu Takahashi* 697. Zirconocene mediated synthesis of phenylene-thiophene monomers and oligomers. Debabrata Payra, Zhiyi Song, Ken-ichiro Kanno, Tamotsu Takahashi* 698. Zirconium-mediated synthesis of acene derivatives by homologation method and coupling method. Yun-Hua Wang, Shi Li, Zhiyi Song, Tamotsu Takahashi* 699. Double C-C bond cleavage of titanocene derivatives. Haijun Li, Zhiyi Song, Tamotsu Takahashi* 700. Synthesis and physiochemical characterization of carbon backbone modified [Gd(TTDA)(H2O)]2- derivatives. Yun M. Wang*, Ying H. Lin, Gyan Singh, Ya H. Chang 701. Design of ligand for pinacol coupling reaction. Akihiro Miyasaka, Toru Amaya*, Toshikazu Hirao* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Preparation and Reactions of Early Transition Metal and Lathanide Compounds (#150) Organized by: T. Takahashi, G. Deacon, R. Jordan, Z. Xi Presiding: T. Takahashi Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 683. Five-membered metallacycloallene compounds derived from 1,3-enynes. Taichiro Shimura, Yoshiro Masuyama, Noriyuki Suzuki* 684. Regioselective formation of five-membered titanacycles by [2⫹2⫹1] cycloaddition. Shigeki Oishi, Takafumi Inoue, Kaoru Ohomika, Akira Tsubouchi, Takeshi Takeda* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR Friday Afternoon Hilton Coral II Controlling the Structure and Properties of Solids (#20) Organized by: B. Kennedy, Y. Shimakawa, P. Woodward Presiding: Y. Shimakawa 12:30 – 702. Novel UV excitable phosphors for white light-emitting diodes. Ru-Shi Liu, Shu-Fen Hu* 13:00 – 703. Recent development in highperformance piezo ferroelectric single crystals. Zuo-Guang Ye*, Xifa Long, Alexei A. Bokov, Yujuan Xie 13:20 – 704. Oxynitride materials for visiblelight-driven water splitting. Peter Khalifah*, Limin Wang, Alexandra Reinert, James Ciston, Peichuan Chen, Alexander Orlov, Zhijun Xu, Genda Gu, Wei Kang, William Woerner, John Parise 13:40 – 705. Modification of oxides via reductive fluorination. Yoji Kobayashi*, Mingliang Tian, Miharu Eguchi, Jung eun Kwak, Thomas E. Mallouk, Hiroshi Kageyama 14:00 – 706. Room temperature synthesis and luminescence properties of whitelight-emitting vanadate phosphor, RbVO3. Kenji Toda*, Ayano Toda, Kazuyoshi Uematsu, Tadashi Ishigaki, Mineo Sato 14:20 – 707. Temperature and composition dependent phase transitions in the fresnoite family. Siegbert Schmid*, Patryck K. Allen 14:50 – 708. Radiation response of pyrochlore and defect fluorite compounds. Gregory Lumpkin*, Karl Whittle, Yan Gao, Robin Grimes, Kurt Sickafus 15:20 – 709. Time-resolved, in situ diffraction studies of chemical syntheses. Dermot O’Hare*, Saul Moorhouse, Gareth Williams, Michael Drakopoulos 15:40 – 710. Electron microscopy investigations of complex oxides. Tom Vogt* 16:00 – 711. Operational Angstonautics: Using the pair-distribution-function approach to study materials in-situ. Peter J. Chupas*, Karena W. Chapman Hilton Kahili I/II Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization Catalyzed by Early Transition Metals (#22) Organized by: K. Theopold, K. Mashima, Z. Xie Presiding: K. Mashima 12:30 – 712. Stereospecific copolymerization of styrene and isoprene with polar monomers by rare-earth metal catalysts. Zhaomin Hou* 13:10 – 713. 1,3-Diene polymerization with single-component rare-earth metal catalysts. Reiner Anwander*, H. M. Dietrich, Melanie Zimmermann, Christoph Schädle, Karl W. Törnroos, Cäcilia Maichle-Mössmer 13:50 – 714. Group 4 metallacarboranes and their behavior in ethylene polymerization. Zuowei Xie* 14:30 – 715. Rare earth metal catalysts for the generation of biopolymers and polycis-1,4-butadiene. Peter W. Roesky* 15:10 – 716. Imidazolin-2-imides and imidazolin-2-imines: Ligands with superbasic N-donor groups. Matthias Tamm* 15:50 – 717. Controlled benzylation of ␣-diimine ligands leading to mono- and bis(amido)M(CH2Ph)n (n ⫽ 2, 3) complexes as catalyst precursors for polymerization of ␣-olefins. Hayato Tsurugi*, Ryuji Ohnishi, Hiroshi Kaneko, Tarun K. Panda, Kazushi Mashima Hilton Hibiscus I/II Functional Molecule-Based Magnets (#25) Organized by: M. Yamashita, G. Christou, J. Miller, K. Murray, T. Sugawara, R. Thompson Presiding: G. Christou, H. Oshio 12:30 – 718. Metal complexes with multiple bistability. Hiroki Oshio* 13:00 – 719. Building block approaches for tuning magnetic and optical bistability. Yuanzhu Zhang, Dongfeng Li, Rodolphe Clérac*, Marguerite Kalisz, Corine Mathonière*, Stephen M. Holmes* 13:20 – 720. Room temperature spin crossover and LIESST behaviour in dinuclear Fe(II) metallo-helicates and related species. Paul E. Kruger*, Rosanna Archer, Alan Ferguson, Wolfgang Schmitt, Diane Pelleteret, Ian McKeogh, Rodolphe Clérac, Etienne Harte, Corine Mathonière 13:40 – 721. Guest-induced magnetic switching in porous spin-crossover coordination polymers. Masaaki Ohba*, Ko Yoneda, Ryo Ohtani, Ana B. Gaspar, Jose A. Real*, Susumu Kitagawa* 14:00 – 722. Unique two-step spin crossover in the mononuclear compound [Fe(bapbpy)(NCS)2]: Influence of temperature, light, and pressure. Jan Reedijk 14:30 – 723. Soft metal complexes with multifunction. Shinya Hayami* 14:50 – 724. Jahn-Teller effect in cobalt(II) spin-crossover molecular building blocks: A theoretical study. Gergely Juhasz*, Kazunari Yoshizawa 15:05 – 725. Giant negative magnetoresistance effect in phthalocyanine-based magnetic conductors. Tamotsu Inabe*, Toshio Naito, Hiroyuki Tajima, Noriaki Hanasaki, Masaki Matsuda 15:20 – 726. Hybrid magnetic superconductors by chemical design. Eugenio Coronado*, Magdalena Makarewicz, Carlos Martí-Gastaldo, Efrén Navarro-Moratalla, Helena Prima-García, Antonio Ribera, Juan P. Ruiz-Prieto 15:50 – 727. Covalent-bonded donor/acceptor assemblies: Control of charge-transfer for the design of synergistic magnetic/ conducting materials. Hitoshi Miyasaka 16:10 – 728. Ferroelectricity in magnetic [Ni(dmit)2] salts. Tomoyuki Akutagawa*, Takayoshi Nakamura Hilton Lehua Suite Organo-f-Element Compounds: From Novel Chemical Transformations to Applications in Catalysis and Materials Science (#46) Organized by: F. Edelmann, D. Berg, G. Deacon, Z. Hou, J. Kiplinger Presiding: R. Kempe, M. Gardiner 12:30 – 729. Lanthanide complexes containing borabenzenes: Synthesis, structures and reactivities. Peng Cui, Yuanyuan Yuan, Yaofeng Chen 13:00 – 730. Extended lanthanide sandwich complexes. Anja Edelmann, Volker Lorenz, Cristian G. Hrib, Frank T. Edelmann* 13:20 – 731. New coordination polymers and coordination oligomers of the rare earth elements. Peter W. Roesky* 13:50 – 732. Steric effects in solvent mediated reversible Sm(III)/Sm(II) processes and ligand-based reduction chemistry. Michael G. Gardiner* 14:20 – 733. Reductive transformations of carbon oxides by uranium(III) mixed sandwich complexes. Geoff Cloke*, Alistair Frey, Owen Summerscales, Peter Hitchcock, Martyn Coles, Robin Blagg, Jennifer Green, Georgina Aitken, Laurent Maron 14:50 – 734. Carbon dioxide activation and functionalization chemistry at reactive uranium coordination complexes. Karsten Meyer* 15:20 – 735. New uranium chemistry with uranium-metal bonds. Stephen T. Liddle*, Benedict M. Gardner, Dipti Patel, John Stewart, David P. Mills, David M. King, Andrew D. Cornish, Jonathan McMaster, William Lewis, Alexander J. Blake 15:40 – 736. Living and catalytic polymerizations of naturally renewable butyrolactone-based vinyl monomers by lanthanide catalysts. Garret M. Miyake, Stacie E. Newton, Wesley R. Mariott, Eugene Y. Chen* 16:00 – 737. Reactivity of high-valent uranium alkyls. Trevor Hayton, Skye Fortier Hilton South Pacific I Chemistry of Sulfur-Bridged Multimetallic Complexes (#96) Organized by: T. Rauchfuss, G. Jin, T. Matsumoto, Y. Mizobe Presiding: T. Rauchfuss 12:30 – 738. Thiolate-bridged dinuclear Fe(CO)x(CN)y-Ni complexes (x,y ⫽3,0; 2,2; 1,2) modelling the active site of [NiFe] hydrogenase. Kazuyuki Tatsumi*, Yasuhiro Ohki, Zilong Li, Soichiro Tanino, Kazunari Yasumura, Masaru Ando, Satoko Shimokata 13:05 – 739. Electron and proton transfers in diiron organometallic complexes related to the hydrogenases. Frederic Gloaguen*, Jean-François Capon, Philippe Schollhammer, Jean Talarmin 13:40 – 740. Substituent effects on the electrochemistry of [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site mimics and the catalytic reduction of protons to molecular hydrogen. Dennis L. Lichtenberger*, Richard S. Glass, Dennis H. Evans 14:15 – 741. Electron extraction from hydrogen. Seiji Ogo* 14:50 – 742. Influence of sulfoxygenation on the properties of dithiolato-bridged biomimetics of the [fefe]-hydrogenase active site. Marcetta Y. Darensbourg*, Bin Li, Tianbiao Liu, Michael B. Hall, Michael L. Singleton 15:25 – 743. Proton-hydride diiron dithiolate complexes and their reactivities relevant to the enzymatic hydrogen formation and uptake at the FeFe-hydrogenase active site. Mei Wang*, Ning Wang, Lin Chen, Ping Li, Fujun Wang, Licheng Sun 16:00 – 744. Organometallic hydrides as structural and functional analogs of the active sites of the hydrogenases. Thomas B. Rauchfuss, Bryan E. Barton, Matthew T. Olsen, David Schilter Hilton Rainbow III Advances in Metal-Mediated Bond Activation: From Unusual Bonding Motifs to Applications in Catalysis (#146) Organized by: K. Caulton, S. Komiya, M. Stradiotto Presiding: M. Hirano 12:30 – 745. Isolation and reactivity of latent low coordinate cationic rhodium PNP pincer compounds. Adrian B. Chaplin, Andrew S. Weller* 12:50 – 746. Syntheses and properties of group 9 metal PBP-pincer complexes. Makoto Yamashita*, Maki Hasegawa, Segawa Yasutomo, Kyoko Nozaki* 13:10 – 747. Reactivity control by an electron rich pincer ligand. Kenneth G. Caulton*, Nikolay P. Tsvetkov, Jose Andino, Tao He, Alice Hui, Rene Buell, Maren Pink 13:30 – 748. Synthesis of phosphaosmocenes and their reactions with acyl electrophiles: C⫽O cleavage and C-C coupling within metal-coordination sphere. Masamichi Ogasawara*, Minoru Shintani, Susumu Watanabe, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Tamotsu Takahashi* 13:50 – 749. Properties of rhodium chalcogenolato complexes bearing hydrotris(pyrazolyl)borato ligand and application to activation of small molecules. Hidetake Seino*, Yoshiyuki Misumi, Yoshihiro Hojo, Yasushi Mizobe 14:10 – 750. Competitive oxidative addition of C-H, C-O, and other C-X bonds in (PNP)Rh complexes. Oleg Ozerov*, Yanjun Zhu, Sylvain Gatard, David E. Herbert, Panida Surawatanawong, Justin R. Walensky 14:30 – 751. C-H bond functionalization with carboxylato-ruthenium(II) catalysts. Pierre Dixneuf*, Percia Arockiam, Cedric Fischmeister, Christian Bruneau 14:50 – 752. Novel reactions and intermediates in titanocene chemistry: Intramolecular 1,5- bond metathesis via -agostic interactions, a highly novel, non-fluxional -agostic alkyltitanocene complex. Michael C. Baird*, Francoise Sauriol, Alexandre F. Dunlop-Briere, Jessica F. Sonnenberg, Sarah J. Chadder, Peter H. Budzelaar 15:10 – 753. Reaction of hetero-nickelacycles with AlMe3: Formation of heteroaluminacycles. Masato Ohashi 15:30 – 754. Sterically demanding “umbrella” ligands for the stabilization of low coordinate bonding environments. Eric Rivard*, Ibrahim Al-Rafia, Paul Lummis, Robert McDonald, Michael J. Ferguson 15:50 – 755. Hydrogen atom abstraction by an iron(III) imido complex. Ryan E. Cowley, Nathan A. Eckert, Patrick L. Holland* 16:10 – 756. Novel metathesis reaction of hydrocarbyl ligands across triruthenium plane. Atsushi Tahara*, Toshiro Takao, Hiroharu Suzuki Hilton Coral I Molecular Design in Bioinorganic Chemistry (#173) Organized by: T. Hayashi, D. Goldberg, P. Kennepohl, H. Masuda Presiding: T. Hayashi, P. Farmer 12:30 – 757. De novo designed Zn(II) metallohydrolases. Vincent L. Pecoraro*, Melissa Zastrow, Anna Peacock 13:10 – 758. Rational design of functional metalloproteins: Beyond the primary coordination sphere. Yi Lu*, Nicholas M. Marshall, Kyle D. Miner, Siu Yee New, Arnab Mukherjee 13:40 – 759. Coordination chemistry in protein cages. Yoshihito Watanabe* 14:10 – 760. Artificial metalloenzymes based on the incorporation of a metal moiety within a protein scaffold: Recent advances and challenges. Thomas R. Ward* 14:40 – 761. How HpNikR recognizes DNA: Metal ion requirements and DNA sequence selectivity. Sarah L. Michel, Abby West, Sarah Evans * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–79 02-INOR 15:10 – 762. Modification of hemoproteins by heme-substitution. Takashi Hayashi*, Takashi Matsuo, Akira Onoda 15:40 – 763. Heme-modified proteins as biosensors of HNO. Patrick Farmer*, Murugaeson R. Kumar*, Tara Clover 16:10 – 764. Design of mononuclear nonheme-iron enzymes with novel reactivities. Grit D. Straganz*, Cornelia Konstantinovics, Cristiana Di Giuro Hilton Tapa III Electron Transfer and Electrochemistry of Transition Metal Containing Inorganic and Organometallic Materials (#187) Organized by: H. Nishihara, A. Abd-El-Aziz, P. Harvey, B.Z. Tang Presiding: H. Nishihara 12:30 – 765. Giant dendritic molecular batteries. Didier Astruc, Catia Ornelas, Rodrigue Djeda, Jaime Ruiz 12:55 – 766. Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of organic-shell/inorganic-core hybrid nanoparticles prepared by wet processing. Mami Yamada* 13:20 – 767. Regeneration of oxidized photosensitizers: Quantum- chemical portray of a general mechanism. Timofei Privalov*, Jonas Nyhlen, Gerrit Boschloo, Anders Hagfeldt, Lars Kloo 13:40 – 768. Toward tuneable electrochemiluminescence. Conor F. Hogan*, Reshmi Kiran, Ellen Reid, Sarah Laird, Gregory Barbante 14:00 – 769. New special pair model comprising meso-di-p-anisylaminoporphyrin: Enhancement of visible-light absorptivities and quantification of electronic communication in the mixed-valent cation radical. Ryota Sakamoto*, Michihiro Nishikawa, Shoko Kume, Hiroshi Nishihara 14:20 – 770. Multifunctional coordination complexes with redox active ligands derived from TTFs: Conductivity, magnetism, and luminescence. Lahcene Ouahab* 14:45 – 771. Synthesis and electron transfer processes of redox-active macrocyclic clusters. Masaaki Abe*, Atsushi Inatomi, Yoshio Hisaeda 15:05 – 772. Electron tunneling in FeS proteins: Respiratory complex I of electron transport chain. Alexei Stuchebrukhov*, Tomoyuki Hayashi 15:25 – 773. Studies of intramolecular electron transfer in ligand bridged bimetallic complexes: From spectroelectrochemistry to TD-DFT. Paul J. Low* 15:45 – 774. Group 8 metal complexes with pendant oligothiophene ligands for light harvesting applications. Stephanie A. Moore*, Saeid Kamal, Michael O. Wolf, Brian O. Patrick 16:05 – 775. Electro-, photo-, and magnetofunctionalization of metalladithiolenes. Hiroshi Nishihara* 16:25 Closing remarks Hilton Rainbow II Redox Redux: The Renaissance of NonInnocent Ligand Complexes (#217) Organized by: J. Soper, S. Colbran, R. Hicks Presiding: T. Betley 12:30 – 776. Non-innocent behavior of aryldicyanamide bridging ligands. Robert J. Crutchley*, Serge I. Gorelsky, Wolfgang Kaim, Biprajit Sarkar 12:50 – 777. Alkene addition and reactivity with oxidized metal thiolates. Craig Grapperhaus*, Kagna Ouch, Rajat Chauhan, Mark S. Mashuta 13:20 – 778. Linking the making and breaking of bonds to electron transfer reactions of diarylaminoaryloxide ligands. Seth N. Brown* 80 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 13:50 – 779. Redox-active ligand systems that display base-dependent nuclearity. Cora E. MacBeth, Savita K. Sharma, Philip S. May 14:20 – 780. Reactivity behavior of metal complexes supported by chelated-ferrocene ligands. Paula L. Diaconescu* 14:50 – 781. Multi-electron reactivity from redox-active-ligand complexes of electrophilic transition metals. Alan Heyduk* 15:20 – 782. Bis(imino)pyridine iron and cobalt imide, nitride and oxo chemistry: Importance of a redox-active chelate. Paul Chirik* 15:50 – 783. Redox-active ligands facilitate coupling reactions at square planar manganese, iron and cobalt. Jake D. Soper* Hilton Rainbow I Fundamental and Applied Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry and Their Impacts on Energy Conservation and the Environment (#249) Organized by: R. Hagiwara, K. Matsumoto, H. Mercier, G. Schrobilgen, R. Syvret Presiding: R. Hagiwara, K. Matsumoto 12:45 – 784. Ionic liquids based electrolytes for application in Li-ion batteries and dye sensitized solar cells. Nikolai V. Ignat’ev*, Michael Schmidt, Will R. Pittner, Michael Schulte, Kentaro Kawata, Hiromi Shinohara, Peer Kirsch, Jan A. Sprenger, Peter Barthen, Maik Finze, Walter Frank, André Wenda, Eduard Bernhardt, Helge Willner 13:15 – 785. On the way to improved polymer electrolyte membrane materials: Preparation and handling of tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) in an academic laboratory. Todd S. Sayler, Alfred Waterfeld, Richard E. Fernandez, Joseph S. Thrasher* 13:45 – 786. OCF3 containing compounds: Promising building blocks. Karsten Koppe*, Thorsten Meier, Vural Bilir, Walter Frank*, Nikolai V. Ignat’ev* 14:05 – 787. 2,2-Difluoro-1,3-dimethyl-imidazolidine (DFI) and its analogs as fluorinating and carbene (NHC) transfer reagents. Gerd-Volker Roeschenthaler*, Tobias Boettcher 14:25 – 788. Synthesis and characterization (C2F5)3BCO and (C3F7)3BCO. Michael Gerken*, Gottfried Pawelke, Helge Willner* 14:45 – 789. Recent synthetic and structural developments in krypton and xenon chemistry: Coordination complexes of NgF2 (Ng ⫽ Kr, Xe), new Xe-N bonds, a hydroxyl-derivative of Xe(IV), and the first noble-gas cations stabilized by metal oxide fluoride anions. Gary J. Schrobilgen*, David S. Brock, Michael J. Hughes, Gregory L. Smith, Johnathan Casalis de Pury, Helene P. Mercier 15:15 – 790. Reliable prediction of molecular properties of fluorinated inorganic compounds. David A. Dixon* 15:45 – 791. Investigation of novel inorganic species by matrix-isolation spectroscopy and state-of-the-art quantum-chemical calculations. Sebastian Riedel 16:05 – 792. Strategies and experimental results to obtain organyliodine hexafluoride molecules. Hermann-Josef Frohn*, Vadim V. Bardin 16:25 Concluding remarks Hilton Nautilus I & II Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: T. Marder 13:00 – 793. Organoborane-functionalized conjugated oligomers and polymers. Haiyan Li, Pangkuan Chen, Frank Pammer, Frieder Jaekle 13:30 – 794. Phenol-pyridine boron and beryllium complexes with luminescent and semiconducting properties. Yue Wang 14:00 – 795. Mainchain-type organoboron polymers: Synthesis and photoluminescence properties. Yoshiki Chujo* 14:30 – 796. Synthesis of benzophosphole derivatives and their utility as n-type material for organic semiconducting devices. Hayato Tsuji*, Kosuke Sato, Yoshiharu Sato, Eiichi Nakamura* 14:50 – 797. Multiply bonded low coordinate phosphorus in pi-conjugated materials. John Protasiewicz* 15:20 – 798. Boron-containing -electron materials. Shigehiro Yamaguchi* 15:50 – 799. Dithienophospholes for organic photovoltaics. Thomas Baumgartner* 811. Silicon based inorganic/organic hybrid materials for highly efficient deep blue phosphorescent OLEDs. Kyung-Ryang Wee, Ju-Eun Kim, Ae-Li Kim, Soonnanm Kwon, Sang Ook Kang* 812. Toward optically innocent ligands in ruthenium acetylides. Adam Barlow, Marie P. Cifuentes, Mark G. Humphrey 813. Organoplatinum(II) complexes with chromophore-acceptor dyad studied by ultrafast time-resolved absorption spectroscopy. Siu-Wai Lai, Yong Chen, Wai-Ming Kwok, Xi-Juan Zhao, Wai-Pong To, Wen-Fu Fu*, Chi-Ming Che* Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Organized by: B. Kennedy, Y. Shimakawa, P. Woodward Presiding: P. Woodward Schiff Base Macrocycles and Materials (#60) Organized by: M. MacLachlan, S. Brooker, C. Lee Presiding: C. Lee 13:00 – 800. Catechol-imines as ligands for the self-assembly of helicates and metallosupramolecular tetrahedra. Markus Albrecht* 13:30 – 801. Oligopyrrole Schiff base macrocycles. Jonathan L. Sessler* 14:00 – 802. Shape-persistent multinuclear (Pt-salphen)n luminophores as phosphorescent coordination architectures. Michael C. Chan*, Zhengqing Guo, Wah-Leung Tong 14:30 – 803. Effect of zinc(II) on the synergistic extraction and luminescence of europium(III) with -diketone and Schiff bases as ligands. Sayaka Tamaki, Koji Tsuchiya, Hirofumi Yajima* 15:00 – 804. Shape Schiffting: Using imine chemistry to construct macrocycles with unusual geometries. Samuel Guieu, Mark J. MacLachlan* 15:30 – 805. Manipulation of small molecules within well-defined macrocyclic Pacman environments. Jason Love*, Aline Devoille, James Leeland, Polly Arnold, Elham Askarizadeh, Sahar Bani Yaghoob 16:00 – 806. Imino-and aminopyrrolic synthetic receptors for molecular recognition of carbohydrates: A new entry in the Schiff base chemistry. Stefano Roelens* Friday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Molecular Photonics (#9) Organized by: F. Castellano, T. Majima, V.W. Yam Presiding: F. Castellano Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 807. Metal-containing oligo(phenyleneethynylene)s: Syntheses and nonlinear optical properties. Mark G. Humphrey*, Marie P. Cifuentes, Marek J. Samoc, Bandar A. Babgi, Gulliver T. Dalton, Luca Rigamonti 808. New cationic iridium(III) complexes containing two phenylpyridine based ligands and one diphosphine ligand for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes. Young-Inn Kim, Hoe-Joo Seo, Myungkwan Song, Young-Kwan Song, Sung-Ho Jin 809. Synthesis and characterization of Gold(I) and Platinum(II)-tetracenyl complexes. Minh Hai Nguyen, John H. Yip* 810. Photophysical and photochemical properties of nanosized metal-organic frameworks. Takashi Tachikawa*, Jun Rye Choi, Mamoru Fujitsuka, Tetsuro Majima Hilton Coral II Controlling the Structure and Properties of Solids (#20) 19:00 – 814. Ternary rare-earth arsenides. Stanislav S. Stoyko, Peter E. Blanchard, Arthur Mar* 19:30 – 815. First order phase transition in Cu and Co molybdates: Applications to thermochromism and piezzochromism. Alain Demourgues, Penin Nicolas, Robertson Lionel, Gaudon Manuel 19:50 – 816. Extreme volume expansion observed in a small-pore zeolite. Yongjae Lee* 20:10 – 817. Structural and magnetic transitions in SrRu1-xCuxO3. Brendan Kennedy*, Jimmy Ting, Zhaoming Zhang 20:30 – 818. Rietveld analysis of deuteriumsubstituted oxy-hydroxyapatite using neutron diffraction. Hirotaka Fujimori*, Kensuke Morita, Keisuke Okanishi, Kenji Oyama, Masatomo Yashima Hilton Nautilus I & II Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: T. Matsuo 19:00 – 819. Development of bulky Rind groups having longer alkyl chains for soluble -conjugated disilene oligomers. Liangchun Li*, Daisuke Hashizume, Takeo Fukunaga, Tsukasa Matsuo*, Kohei Tamao* 19:20 – 820. Borenium cations with first row p-block substituents. Catherine Bonnier*, Warren E. Piers, Masood Parvez 19:40 – 821. Synthesis of dithienobismoles as novel phosphorescence materials. Joji Ohshita*, Shigenori Matsui, Tomonobu Mizumo 20:00 – 822. Synthesis and characterization of dithienosilole derivatives and their application to Organic Light-Emitting Diodes(OLEDs). Eunji Lee, Narae Jung, Jinho Kim, Youngjin Kang*, Hyoungkeun Park * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 20:20 – 823. Reactivity of 1-chloro-2,3,4,5tetraphenylborole. Johannes Wahler, Holger Braunschweig Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Organo-f-Element Compounds: From Novel Chemical Transformations to Applications in Catalysis and Materials Science (#46) Organized by: F. Edelmann, D. Berg, G. Deacon, Z. Hou, J. Kiplinger Presiding: F. Edelmann Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 824. Lanthanide alkyl complexes supported by a piperazidine-bridged bis(phenolato) ligand: Synthesis, characterization, and catalysis for the controlled polymerization of L-lactide. Yingming Yao, Yunjie Luo, Dan Lin, Wenyi Li, Yong Zhang, Qi Shen 825. New lanthanide sandwich complexes with bulky cyclooctatetraenyl ligands. Anja Edelmann, Cristian G. Hrib, Frank T. Edelmann* 826. Trivalent and divalent lanthanide complexes supported by carbazole-bis(oxazoline) ligands. David Berg*, Jin Zou 827. Reactivity of diamido-actinide organometallic complexes. Cassandra E. Hayes, Daniel B. Leznoff* 828. Reactivity of sterically crowded non-Cp organolutetium complexes: A synthetic and kinetic investigation. Kevin R. Johnson, Paul G. Hayes* 829. Novel cyanoporphyrazine ytterbium complexes for potential optoelectronic, photonic and biophotonic applications. Ilya Grigoryev*, Larisa Klapshina, Svetlana Lermontova, Andrey Lukyanov 830. Scandium-catalyzed copolymerization of non-conjugated dienes with styrene and ethylene. Masayoshi Nishiura, Fang Guo, Zhaomin Hou* 831. Synthesis and characterization of xerium(III)/(IV) and yttrium (III) salfen and phosfen alkoxide complexes. Erin Broderick*, Paula Diaconescu 832. Yttrium hydride clusters bearing mono(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) ligands. Takanori Shima, Masayoshi Nishiura, Zhaomin Hou* 833. New ligand for actinide(III)/lanthanide(III) separation. Denise Girnt*, Peter Roesky*, Andreas Geist*, Melissa A. Denecke* 834. Homoleptic all nitrogen coordinated rare earth complexes: Potential precursors for the MOCVD of rare earth nitride thin films. Tobias Thiede*, Michael Krasnopolski, Andrian Milanov, Anjana Devi, Roland A. Fischer* 835. Trends and inconsistencies in the bonding modes observed in a series of lanthanide and actinide complexes with unsupported metal-metal bonds. Stefan G. Minasian, Jamin L. Krinsky, John Arnold* 836. Extremely rigid non-cyclopentadienyl ligands for the development of thorium and uranium organometallic and redox chemistry. David J. Emslie*, Carlos A. Cruz, Balamurugan Vidjayacoumar, Sougandi Ilango, Terry Chu Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Advances in Metal-Mediated Bond Activation: From Unusual Bonding Motifs to Applications in Catalysis (#146) Organized by: K. Caulton, S. Komiya, M. Stradiotto Presiding: K. Caulton Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 837. Identification of near-linear agostic interactions in the complexes [{M(CpSiMe2H)Cl3}2] (M ⫽ Ti, Zr, Hf and Mo). Al Nielson*, John Harrison, Matthias Lein 838. Phosphine-tethered cyclic and acyclic carbenes: Template synthesis and reactivity. Insun Yu, Christopher J. Wallis, Parisa Mehrkhodavandi* 839. Synthesis and reactivity of boron-based pincer ligand complexes. Rong Shang*, Anthony F. Hill, James Park, Suprita K. Singh 840. Synthesis and reactivity of linked phosphino-borinate ester frustrated Lewis pairs. Andy Chapman*, Duncan Wass 841. Application of new heterobidentate ligands in hydroamination catalysis employing late transition metal complexes. Mark Stradiotto* 842. Carbon-nitrogen bond cleavage in o-acylanilines on ruthenium complexes and its relevance to catalytic coupling reactions with organoboronates. Tetsuro Koreeda, Takuya Kochi, Fumitoshi Kakiuchi* 843. P-C reductive elimination from organopalladium(II) phosphine complexes. Masayuki Wakioka, Fumiyuki Ozawa* 844. sp3 Carbon-hydrogen bond cleavage reaction in 5-coordinated (2,6-dimethylbenzenethiolato)- and (2,6-dimethylphenoxo)ruthenium(II) complexes. Masafumi Hirano*, Sayaka Togashi, Muneaki Ito, Yasuto Yanagisawa, Nobuyuki Komine, Sanshiro Komiya 845. Mechanical stirring can control the selectivity of palladium-catalyzed allylation in water/hexane biphasic media. Sanshiro Komiya* 846. Synthesis of the bis(vinylidene)-bridged dinuclear complexes via internal alkyneto-vinylidene isomerization. Rina Nakamura, Yousuke Ikeda, Yuichiro Mutoh, Youichi Ishii* 847. Isomerization involving C-H bond cleavage promoted by Lewis and Brønsted acids in (2-Allylaryloxo)ruthenium(II) complex. Masahiro Murakami, Toshinori Kuga, Nobuyuki Komine, Masahumi Hirano*, Sanshiro Komiya* 848. Palladium-catalyzed cycloisomerization of 2-(cyanomethyl)phenyl esters leading to 3-acyl-2-aminobenzofurans. Masahito Murai*, Kouichi Ohe 849. New palladium(II) complexes for ligand enabled CH and O2 activation at a single metal center. Andrei Vedernikov*, Dao-Yong Wang 850. Reversibility of disubstituted vinylideneinternal alkyne isomerization at cationic ruthenium complexes. Kohei Imai, Yusuke Kimura, Yuichiro Mutoh, Youichi Ishii* 851. C-H and C-F bond activation by Ni(0) complexes: Does phosphine size matter? Jillian Hatnean, Samuel A. Johnson* 852. Pyridyl pyrrolides as redox-active ligands. Kenneth G. Caulton*, Jose Andino, Jaime Flores, Joseph Massa, Nikolay P. Tsvetkov, Robert Wolfe, Hyunsoo Park, Maren Pink 853. Synthesis and reactivities of C-N chelating pyrazole-iridium complex and its application to catalytic intramolecular hydroamination. Yohei Kashiwame, Shigeki Kuwata, Takao Ikariya* Hilton Coral I Molecular Design in Bioinorganic Chemistry (#173) Organized by: T. Hayashi, D. Goldberg, P. Kennepohl, H. Masuda Presiding: D. Goldberg, P. Holland 19:00 – 854. Dinuclear nickel complexes modeling of the active site of acetyl CoA synthase: A mechanistic insight. Tsuyoshi Matsumoto*, Mikinao Ito, Kazuyuki Tatsumi 19:30 – 855. High-spin iron hydrides of relevance to nitrogenase mechanism. Karen P. Chiang, Keying Ding, Thomas R. Dugan, Azwana Sadique, Eckhard Bill, William W. Brennessel, Patrick L. Holland* 20:00 – 856. Long and winding road: The search for a synthetic analog of the photosynthetic {Mn4CaOx} oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). George Christou* 20:30 – 857. Bio-inspired polyporphyrin assemblies for various accessories in photosystems and their related antennas. Pierre D. Harvey*, Roger Guilard Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Redox Redux: The Renaissance of NonInnocent Ligand Complexes (#217) Organized by: J. Soper, S. Colbran, R. Hicks Presiding: J. Soper Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 858. Synthesis and reactivity of chromium diimine alkoxide complexes. Kevin M. Smith*, Wen Zhou 859. Withdrawn 860. Redox regulated binding of alkenes to rhenium thiolates. Craig Grapperhaus*, Kagna Ouch, Mark S. Mashuta 861. Synthesis and characterization of tri-nuclear cobalt mix-valence complex with 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexahydroxytriphenylene. Yusaku Suenaga*, Yukiko Umehata, Toshie Minematsu 862. Alkene addition to a Ru-coordinated thiyl radical: Synthesis by chemical oxidants and reactivity studies. Rajat Chauhan, Mark S. Mashuta, Craig Grapperhaus* 863. Molecular structures and physicochemical properties of novel multinuclear molybdenum complexes with redox active ligands. Hirokazu Yano, Takeshi Matumoto, Ho-Chol Chang, Atsushi Kobayashi, Masako Kato* 864. Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of tetraammineruthenium complexes of quinonoid with N, O-coordination. Ippei Umemura, Tomohiko Hamaguchi, Satoshi Kawata, Isao Ando* 865. Preparation and physical properties of cobalt complex bridged by redox-active ligand. Akihiko Nobukuni, Osamu Sato, Shinji Kanegawa Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Fundamental and Applied Inorganic Fluorine Chemistry and Their Impacts on Energy Conservation and the Environment (#249) Organized by: R. Hagiwara, K. Matsumoto, H. Mercier, G. Schrobilgen, R. Syvret Presiding: H. Mercier, G. Schrobilgen, R. Syvret Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 866. Fluorine diffusion assisted by diffusing silicon on Si(111)-(7x7). Satoko Kuwano, Yasunori Fujikawa, Koji S. Nakayama, Tadaaki Nagao, Jurek T. Sadowski, Raouf Z. Bahktizin, Toshio Sakurai* 867. Effect of the nature of glass matrix on the lifetime of the fluorescence of terbium containing oxide fluoride glasses. Fumihiro Nishimura, Jae-ho Kim, Susumu Yonezawa, Masayuki Takashima 868. Inorganic fluorine chemistry in Bordeaux: From the synthesis to thermal stability investigations of (nano)fluorides. Etienne Durand*, Alain Demourgues, Alain Tressaud 869. Preparation of Nd2Eu2O3F6 thin film on porous alumina substrate. Ryushin Shiun, Jae-ho Kim, Susumu Yonezawa, Yasuo Hasegawa, Masayuki Takashima 870. Manganese dissolution behavior from of surface fluorinated LiMn2O4. Shunsuke Murata, Jae-ho Kim, Susumu Yonezawa, Masayuki Takashima, Junichi Imaizumi, Nobuharu Koshiba 871. Effects of surface fluorination of various plastic materials on the adherence between metal and plastics. Yusuke Maruyama, Susumu Yonezawa, Jae-ho Kim, Masayuki Takasima, Hajime Kiyokawa 872. Sintering and characterization of AB5 type hydrogen storage alloy powder coated with Ni-PTFE composite film. Akihiro Ohata, Jae-Ho Kim, Susumu Yonezawa*, Masayuki Takashima 873. Fabrication of binary metal oxide nanocomposites by the liquid phase deposition method using polymer solution. Minoru Mizuhata*, Yuki Umekage, Ramanujam Kumaresan 874. Surface fluorination of fine carbon material and its application to the material for composite plating. Toshimasa Kubo, Jae-ho Kim, Susumu Yonezawa*, Masayuki Takashima 875. Highly conductive ionic plastic crystals based on fluorohydrogenate anions. Ryosuke Taniki*, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Rika Hagiwara 876. Physical and electrochemical properties of difluorophosphate ionic liquids. Kazuhiko Matsumoto*, Rika Hagiwara 877. Highly conductive fluorohydrogenate liquid salts and their applications to energy conversion devices. Rika Hagiwara*, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Toshiyuki Nohira, Takeshi Enomoto, Atsushi Senda, Jia Xu Saturday Morning Hilton Coral II Controlling the Structure and Properties of Solids (#20) Organized by: B. Kennedy, Y. Shimakawa, P. Woodward Presiding: B. Kennedy 7:30 – 878. Preparation and characterization of copper antimony oxides. Tilo Soehnel*, Eric Rey, Ping-Zhan Si, Neeraj Sharma, Chris Ling, Maxim Avdeev, Bernt Johannessen 8:00 – 879. Synthesis of LiMn2O4 spinel, a Li-ion battery cathode material, via an organic permanganate oxidation reaction. Bart M. Bartlett*, Brendan J. Liddle, Brendan P. Clifford 8:20 – 880. Rb16Cd25.39(3)Sb36: An electron deficient zintl phase containing infinite dodecahedron chains. Ling Chen* 8:40 – 881. Magnetism and superconductivity in layered iron-chalcogenides. Kazuyoshi Yoshimura*, Mami Matsui, Masatomo Kawa, Jinhu Jang, Hiroto Ohta, Chishiro Michioka 9:00 – 882. Preparation of layered manganese oxide partially-substituted for Mn by period-four transition metal and the application to ultra capacitor. Takahiro Takei*, Yoshinori Yonesaki*, Nobuhiro Kumada*, Nobukazu Kinomura* 9:20 – 883. Electrodeposition as a tool to investigate the lithiation of Cu2Sb. Amy Prieto*, James Mosby*, Derek Johnson* 9:50 – 884. Oxidation and reduction of oxide thin films. Yuichi Shimakawa* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–81 02-INOR 10:20 – 885. Self-assembly of cluster based hybrid inorganic-organic materials. Abdou Lachgar*, Lei Chen, Jian Jun Zhang 10:40 – 886. Electric fields in chemical vapor deposition. Russell Binions*, Michael Warwick 11:00 – 887. Magnetic and transport properties of chromium-based nitride solid solution thin films. Kei Inumaru*, Satoshi Izumi, Kunihiko Koyama, Kazuma Tanaka, Shoji Yamanaka Hilton Kahili I/II Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization Catalyzed by Early Transition Metals (#22) TECHNICAL PROGRAM 10:45 – 902. Spintronics based on singlemolecule quantum magnets. Masahiro Yamashita 11:15 – 903. Construction of heterospin 1-D complexes with a slow relaxation of the magnetization. Satoru Karasawa, Noboru Koga* Hilton Coral IV Dioxygen Activation Chemistry and Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (#108) Organized by: S. Itoh, W. Nam, A. Rosenzweig, W. Tolman Presiding: A. Rosenzweig, S. Itoh 7:30 – 888. Mechanistic investigations of ethylene trimerization based on chromium-pyrrole catalyst system. Takayuki Aoshima*, Hisao Urata, Eiji Tanaka 8:10 – 889. New ligands and activation methods in chromium catalyzed selective oligomerization of ethylene. Duncan Wass*, Arminderjit Dulai 8:50 – 890. New synthetic method for generating low-valent early transition metals: Tantalum ligand-free catalyst system for highly selective trimerization of ethylene affording 1-hexene. Kazushi Mashima*, Teruhiko Saito, Hiromasa Tanahashi, Rocío Arteaga-Müller, Hayato Tsurugi 9:30 – 891. How to solve the conundrum of selective ethylene tetramerization? Sandro Gambarotta* 10:10 – 892. Well-defined chromium catalysts for selective trimerization of ethylene. Klaus H. Theopold*, Wesley Monillas, John Young, Jingmei Shen, Glenn Yap 10:50 – 893. Zirconium-mediated linear alkyne coupling and its application. Tamotsu Takahashi* 7:30 Opening remarks 7:35 – 904. Oxidation of methane by a biological dicopper center. Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian, Stephen M. Smith, Swati Rawat, Megen A. Culpepper, Liliya A. Yatsunyk, Timothy L. Stemmler, Amy C. Rosenzweig* 8:10 – 905. Probing the hydrophobic pockets of metalloenzymes designed for activation of aliphatics. Steve S. Yu*, Chun-Wei Chang, Kok-Yaoh Ng, Li-Lan Wu, Zong-Lin Yang, Ravirala Ramu, Sunney I. Chan 8:45 – 906. Geometric and electronic structure contributions to Cu/O2 reactivity. Edward I. Solomon 9:20 – 907. Using synthetic chemistry to understand dioxygen activation by copper protein active sites. William B. Tolman* 9:55 – 908. Phenolate hydroxylation by simple side-on-peroxide copper complexes: electrophilic hydroxylation through bisoxo-bis-cu(III) species. Daniel Stack*, Peng Kang, Pratik Verma, Erik Wasinger, Julia Woertink, Edward Solomon 10:30 – 909. Modeling mononuclear copper reaction centers of copper monooxygenases and copper oxidases. Shinobu Itoh* 10:55 – 910. Copper and heme-copper dioxygen reactivity. Kenneth D. Karlin* Hilton Hibiscus I/II Hilton Coral I Functional Molecule-Based Magnets (#25) Molecular Design in Bioinorganic Chemistry (#173) Organized by: K. Theopold, K. Mashima, Z. Xie Presiding: Z. Xie Organized by: M. Yamashita, G. Christou, J. Miller, K. Murray, T. Sugawara, R. Thompson Presiding: B. Thompson, K. Murray Organized by: T. Hayashi, D. Goldberg, P. Kennepohl, H. Masuda Presiding: P. Kennepohl, K. Yoshizawa 7:30 – 894. Iron(II) triazole complexes: mono-, di- and tri-nuclear SCO complexes. Sally Brooker*, Jonathan A. Kitchen, Victoria A. Milway, Guy N. Jameson, Jeffrey L. Tallon, Claudio Gandolfi, Martin Albrecht 8:00 – 895. Magnetic and conducting hybrid materials from molecular building blocks. Melanie Pilkington* 8:20 – 896. Role of delocalization in development of photomagnetic and magnetoconducting materials. Natia L. Frank*, Bin Yan, Dooley Brynn, Michelle Paquette, Mark Zsombor, Jordan Cramen 8:40 – 897. Polynuclear metal clusters: from high-spin molecules to nanoporous materials. George Christou 9:10 – 898. Structural control of the magnetic anisotropy of lanthanide based SMMs. Takashi Kajiwara* 9:25 – 899. Lanthanide approach for highenergy barrier single-molecule magnets. Muralee Murugesu* 9:45 – 900. Trianglar cores as building units for new molecular magnets. Hui-Lien Tsai*, Chen-I Yang, Wolfgang Wernsdorfer, Shao Po Hung, Yu-Jhe Tsai, Kai-Hung Cheng, Motohiro Nakano, Gene-Hsiang Lee, Ting-Shen Kuo, Minghuey Shieh 10:15 – 901. Single-molecule magnets based on double-decker phtalocyanine lanthanide complexes: New organizations and properties. Jaume Veciana* 7:30 – 911. Copper coordination chemistry and its cellular consequences. David Kennedy, Craig McKay, John Pezacki* 7:50 – 912. His93Gly myoglobin cavity mutant is a versatile scaffold for spectroscopic modeling of heme protein active sites, applications to novel heme transport proteins, and oxidative enzymes. John H. Dawson*, D. M. Indika Bandara, Jing Du, Masanori Sono 8:30 – 913. Cytochrome P450: The active oxidant and its spectrum. Michael T. Green 9:00 – 914. Approaches toward the heme electronic structure. Yoshiki Ohgo*, Daisuke Hashizume, Yoshihisa Harada, Mikio Nakamura 9:30 – 915. Water-assisted oxo mechanism for the heme metabolism by heme oxygenase: A computational quantum chemical study. Kazunari Yoshizawa* 10:00 – 916. Probing reaction mechanisms in metalloproteins using resonance Raman and rapid freeze quench techniques. Pierre Moenne-Loccoz, Erik T. Yukl, Takahiro Hayashi 10:30 – 917. Manganese and iron K-Beta Xray emission spectroscopy as a probe of biological and chemical catalysis. Serena DeBeer* 11:00 – 918. Transition metal adducts of singlet dioxygen: electronic and steric control of dioxygen spin state and reactivity. Pierre Kennepohl*, Danielle Covelli 82–TECH Hilton Rainbow II Hilton South Pacific I Advances in Nuclear Chemistry of Transactinide Elements (#218) New Frontiers in Polyoxometalate Chemistry (#251) Organized by: Y. Nagame, C. Duellmann, H. Nitsche, P. Schwerdtfeger, Z. Qin Presiding: Y. Nagame Organized by: M. Nyman, C. Boskovic, N. Mizuno, L. Xu Presiding: M. Nyman 7:30 – 919. Chemistry of superheavy elements: Experimental achievements and perspectives. Matthias Schaedel* 8:00 – 920. Synthesis of superheavy elements at FLNR. Sergey N. Dmitriev* 8:30 – 921. Heavy element studies at the Berkeley gas-filled separator. Kenneth E. Gregorich* 9:00 – 922. Research activites on superheavy element chemistry and physics at Paul Scherrer Institute and Bern University. Andreas Türler* 9:30 – 923. Status and prospects of heavy elements at IMP. Hushan Xu 10:00 – 924. Superheavy element nuclear chemistry at RIKEN. Hiromitsu Haba*, Daiya Kaji, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Yukiko Komori, Hisaaki Kudo, Yuki Kudou, Kouji Morimoto, Kosuke Morita, Yuichiro Nagame, Kazuhiro Ooe, Kazutaka Ozeki, Nozomi Sato, Atsushi Shinohara, Takayuki Sumita, Atsushi Toyoshima, Kazuaki Tsukada, Akihiko Yokoyama, Akira Yoneda, Takashi Yoshimura 10:30 – 925. Preparation and characterization of actinide targets for superheavy element studies. Klaus Eberhardt*, Christoph E. Düllmann, Jens V. Kratz, Bettina Lommel, Jörg Runke, Matthias Schädel 11:00 – 926. Withdrawn 7:30 – 936. Electronic and structural properties of polyoxometalates. Josep M. Poblet*, Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea, Xavier López, Anna Clotet, Xavier Aparicio, Laia Vilà-Nadal, Jorge J. Carbó 8:00 – 937. Neutral polyoxovanadate with pendant aquo-hydroxo-copper groups. Tomoji Ozeki*, Takahisa Koroki, Akifumi Iida 8:20 – 938. Ranking the lacunary, (Bu4N)9{H[␣2-P2W17O61]} polyoxometalate’s nanocluster stabilizing ability. Richard G. Finke* 8:40 – 939. Structural topologies of uranyl peroxide polyoxometalates. Peter C. Burns*, Ginger Sigmon, Daniel Unruh, Jie Ling, Tori Z. Forbes 9:00 – 940. Non equilibrium structured polyoxometalate assemblies. Leroy Cronin* 9:30 – 941. Tetraruthenium and tetracobalt polyoxometalates as efficient homogeneous catalysts for water oxidation: Physicochemical properties and reaction mechanism. Yurii V. Geletii*, Claire Besson, Qiushi Yin, Yu Hou, Alexsey Kuznetsov, Djamaladdin G. Musaev, Anna Proust, Bodgan Botar, Paul Kögerler, Craig L. Hill1* 9:50 – 942. Porous metal oxide materials prepared using polyoxometalate. Masahiro Sadakane*, Wataru Ueda 10:20 – 943. Self-assembly of organically grafted polyoxometalate supramolecular complexes. Lixin Wu 10:40 – 944. Noble metal based polyoxometalates. Natalya V. Izarova, Maria Barsukova, Ulrich Kortz* 11:10 – 945. Chemistry of technetium-99 polyoxometalates: Understanding fundamental chemistry of technetium-99 incorporated into metal oxide matrices. Lynn Francesconi* Hilton Rainbow I Chemistry and Materials Science at High Pressures (#239) Organized by: Y. Song, I. Butler, Y. Lee, R. Manaa Presiding: Y. Song 7:30 Opening remarks 7:40 – 927. Materials chemistry under extreme conditions. Russell J. Hemley* 8:20 – 928. Structural transitions in amorphous materials at high pressure. Jeffery L. Yarger*, Emmanuel Soignard, Samrat Amin, Keri McKiernan 8:45 – 929. Pressure-induced bonding changes in oxide glasses: Insights from nonresonant inelastic X-ray scattering and solid-state NMR. Sung Keun Lee* 9:10 – 930. Direct analysis of X-ray-induced radiolysis effects on ferrous chloride aqueous solutions at elevated temperatures and pressures. Alan Anderson, Robert Mayanovic, Naveen Dharmagunawardhane 9:35 – 931. Recent studies on the high-pressure vibrational spectra of biomaterials. Ian S. Butler 9:55 – 932. Ab initio simulations of simple fluids under pressure: Thermo-chemical data and physical properties. Giulia Galli* 10:20 – 933. First-principles studies of structural transformations in crystalline solids: Applications of metadynamics and related methods. Dennis D. Klug, Yansun Yao, Jian Sun, Roman Martonäk 10:45 – 934. Ab initio discovery of nanoscale detonation in hydrazoic acid. Evan Reed* 11:10 – 935. Hydrogen bonding under highpressure. Riad Manaa*, Laurence Fried Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Nanoscale Characterization of Functional Materials by Nuclear Probes (#275) Organized by: K. Nomura, A. Hill, J. Stevens, H. Wei, Y. Yamada Presiding: K. Nomura 7:30 – 946. Moessbauer studies of Fe-As based superconductors. Amar Nath*, Airat Khasanov, Satish C. Bhargava 8:10 – 947. Magnetic order and superconductivity in SrFe2As2. Marek Bystran*, Jaroslav Kohout, Karel Závěta, Adriana Lanok 8:30 – 948. Mössbauer study of iron and iron based compound films produced by laser deposition. Yasuhiro Yamada*, Ryo Usui, Yoshio Kobayashi * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 8:50 – 949. XPS and Mössbauer study on room-temperature ferromagnetic SnO2 nanoparticles co-doped with dilute Co and Fe ions. Jun Okabayashi*, Kiyoshi Nomura, Kumiko Okamura, Yasuhiro Yamada 9:10 – 950. Mossbauer and XAFS study of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet (YAG) doped with dilute Fe ions. Kiyoshi Nomura*, Zoltan Nemeth*, Kenji Sakurai*, Mari Mizusaki* 9:30 – 951. Local fields at impurity sites in ZnO observed by the TDPAC method. Wataru Sato*, Sayaka Komatsuda, Yoshinori Itsuki, Yoshitaka Ohkubo 10:00 – 952. In-Field 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry applied to Fe oxides. Jean-Marc Greneche* 10:40 – 953. Structural change and spinstate switching triggered by sorption of benzene molecule for the assembled iron complex bridged by 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane. Satoru Nakashima*, Masaki Atsuchi, Katsuya Inoue 11:00 – 954. Study on the charge transfer phase transition in iron mixed-valence complexes, A[Fe(II)Fe(III)(dto)3](A ⫽ (CnH2n⫹1)4N, spiropyran; dto ⫽ C2O2S2) by means of muon spectroscopy and 57Fe Moessbauer spectroscopy. Masaya Enomoto*, Noriyuki Kida, Norimichi Kojima, Isao Watanabe, Takao Suzuki Hilton Rainbow III Advances in Metal-Mediated Bond Activation: From Unusual Bonding Motifs to Applications in Catalysis (#146) Organized by: K. Caulton, S. Komiya, M. Stradiotto Presiding: K. Caulton 7:50 – 955. Synthesis and reactivity of low valent indenyl cobalt complexes. Chris A. Bradley, Fernando Hung-Low 8:10 – 956. The weird and the wonderful: Lessons from unusual nonheme nitrosyls. Abhik Ghosh* 8:30 – 957. High oxidation state palladium and platinum organometallics: Binuclear species and selectivity in decomposition of Pd(IV) phosphine complexes related to roles in organic synthesis. Allan J. Canty*, Manab Sharma, Brian F. Yates, Nigel Brookes 8:50 – 958. New ligand motifs for ligand enabled CH and O2 activation at a single metal center (Pt, Pd). Andrei Vedernikov*, Shrinwantu Pal, Dao-Yong Wang 9:10 – 959. Nickel phosphine compounds and the activation of C-H bonds. Samuel A. Johnson*, Robert Beck, Jillian A. Hatnean 9:30 – 960. Coordinatively unsaturated phosphaalkene complexes of 3d metals. Fumiyuki Ozawa, Yumiko Nakajima 9:50 – 961. Identification of non-classical agostic interactions in transition metal complexes containing the CH(ArO)3 ligand. Al Nielson*, John Harrison, Matthias Nielson 10:10 – 962. Visible-light promoted bimetallic catalysis. Akiko Inagaki, Munetaka Akita* 10:30 – 963. C-H activation/borylation of arenes promoted by Cp*Fe complexes of N-heterocyclic carbene. Tsubasa Hatanaka, Yasuhiro Ohki, Kazuyuki Tatsumi* 10:50 – 964. C-H bond activation, C-N bond activation and C- to N-tautomerism in a ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complex: A combined experimental and computational study. L. Jonas L. Haller, Michael J. Page, Stuart A. Macgregor*, Michael K. Whittlesey 11:10 – 965. Group 4 and 5 amidate complexes and their use toward catalytic amine synthesis. Jean Michel Lauzon, Patrick Eisenberger, Michael Fryzuk*, Laurel Schafer* Hilton Nautilus I & II Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) 980. Complex coordination networks from back-folded dendrimers: Supramolecular topologies and intersecting subnets. Zhengtao Xu*, Yan-Qiong Sun, Chen Yang, Matthias Zeller, Allen D. Hunter 981. Bis(hemicages) as new motifs for chemosensors and molecular logic gates. Eli Zysman-Colman*, Gabriel St-Pierre, Daniel Fortin 982. Metal-linked molecular capsules providing large -conjugated frameworks. Norifumi Kishi, Michito Yoshizawa*, Munataka Akita* 983. Fluorescent tetrazole-based metal-organic framework gel as chemosensor for phosgene gas via transformation. Hyejin Lee, Sungmin Seo Seo, Jagadese J. Vittal, Jong Hwa Jung* 984. Precise arrangement of Ag(I) and Cu(I) ions on disk-shaped ligands. Junichi Furukawa, Hiraoka Shuichi, Shionoya Mitsuhiko* 985. Structures and photoluminescence properties of Cu(I) coordination polymers of 2,4,6-trithiomorpholino-1,3,5,-triazine. Hojin Yang, Garam Park, Hyunji Kim, Tae Ho Kim, Jineun Kim* 986. Square/triangle equilibria in platinum(II) thiacrown supramolecular complexes. Zachary T. Perry*, Gregory J. Grant, Rishi D. Naik, Markus Germann, Thomas Blake 987. Solvent effects on guest exchange, binding and encapsulated dynamics in a supramolecular host. Jeffrey S. Mugridge, Carmelo Sgarlata, Robert G. Bergman, Kenneth N. Raymond 988. Chiral symmetry breaking of metal complex compound. Takayuki Kato* 989. Conjugation of organic-metallic hybrid polymers and DNA for application to DDS. Jinghua Li, Masayoshi Higuchi, Zdenek Futera 990. Anomalous water molecules and mechanistic effects of water nanotube clusters confined to molecular porous crystals. Makoto Tadokoro*, Takashi Ohhara, Takeshi Yamada, Masaharu Oguni, Osamu Yamamuro 991. Fluorescent enhancement of tetrazolebased coordination polymer hydrogel. Ji Ha Lee, Hyejin Lee, Sungmin Seo, Moo Lyong Seo, Jong Hwa Jung* 992. Synthesis and complementary recognition of -hairpin peptides stabilized by artificial DNA base-pairing amino acids. Katsuhiro Isozaki*, Hikaru Takaya, Masaharu Nakamura, Kazushi Miki 993. Conformation conversion from bowl to chiral capsule and C-Hѧanion hydrogen bonding in the self-assembly of metalmethylene hetero-bridged calix[n] naphthanoimidazoliums (n⫽ 4, 6). Ting-zheng Xie* 994. Synthesis of 14-nuclear coordination cage compounds using imidazole-derived ligands. Azusa Yokoi*, Naoko Harada, Yukinari Sunatsuki, Takayoshi Suzuki, Masaaki Kojima 995. Synthesis and electronic states of a new mixed valence Cu(I)/Cu(II)/Cu(III) cluster. Hiroyasu Kuwamoto, Kyung Ho Kim, Takashi Okubo, Masahiko Maekawa, Takayoshi Kuroda 996. Fabrication of a highly-crystalline metalorganic framework nanofilm with a porphyrin derivative on solid surface. Soichiro Motoyama*, Rie Makiura, Osami Sakata, Hiroshi Kitagawa 997. Metal ion assisted assembly of 1D polyrotaxanes based on Cucurbituril. Huilan Chen*, Zhibin Wang 998. Second-order optical nonlinearities of clay-organic hybrid materials. Kota Yamamoto*, Ryoya Matsunaga, Yasutaka Suzuki, Jun Kawamata 999. Ligand donor/acceptor effects for platinum(II) and palladium(II) thiacrown complexes. Natalie Talbott, Greg Grant 1000. Macrocyclic Pd complexes composed of pyridine-modified thymidine. Junpei Kuwabara, Junichi Hoshino, Takaki Kanbara* Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: Y. Wang 8:00 – 966. Organophosphorus and organometallic helicene derivatives. Reau Regis* 8:30 – 967. Phosphorescent metal complexes with ancillary chelates deriving from benzyldiphenylphosphine and analogs. Yun Chi* 9:00 – 968. Properties and applications of luminescent triarylboron complexes of platinum(II). Zachary M. Hudson, Suning Wang* 9:20 – 969. Synthetic, structural and reaction chemistry of cationic transition-metal borylene complexes. Simon Aldridge*, Dragoslav Vidovic, David A. Addy, Christina Y. Tang 9:50 – 970. Exploring the B-N/C⫽C isosterism in conjugated carbon-rich compounds. Adam J. Marwitz, Eric R. Abbey, Ashley N. Lamm, Shih-Yuan Liu* 10:20 – 971. Small molecule activation with pentarylboroles. Warren Piers*, Cheng Fan, Lauren G. Mercier, Adrian Houghton, Masood Parvez 10:50 – 972. Borane-functionalized late transition metal complexes. David J. Emslie*, Kristopher B. Kolpin, Bradley E. Cowie Hilton Lehua Suite Organo-f-Element Compounds: From Novel Chemical Transformations to Applications in Catalysis and Materials Science (#46) Organized by: F. Edelmann, D. Berg, G. Deacon, Z. Hou, J. Kiplinger Presiding: J. Takats, K. Meyer 8:00 – 973. Cleavage of inert bonds by Pacman shaped uranium complexes. Polly L. Arnold*, Jason B. Love*, Anne-Frederique Pecharman, Emma Hollis, Guy Jones 8:30 – 974. Reactions of heterocycles with electrophilic ferrocene-diamide complexes. Paula L. Diaconescu 9:00 – 975. Structure, magnetic properties and reactivity of uranium compounds. Marinella Mazzanti 9:30 – 976. Actinide metals with multiple bonds to carbon: Synthesis, and reactivity of U⫽C and Th⫽C bis(iminophosphorano)methandiide pincer complexes. Ronald G. Cavell*, Guibin Ma, Michael J. Ferguson, Robert McDonald 9:50 – 977. New actinide and lanthanide aminodiboranates and their utility as biomedical reagents and as chemical vapor deposition precursors. Scott R. Daly, Do Y. Kim, Gregory S. Girolami* 10:10 – 978. Are 5f electrons really active in the reactivity of organoactinide complexes? Laurent Maron* 10:30 – 979. Synthesis of novel actinideframework solids. Dermot O’Hare, Kang Min Ok, Gareth Williams, Paul Thomas, Aran Samra Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Self-Assembly and Coordination Chemistry (#164) Organized by: M. Fujita, L. MacGillivray, L. Stephen, S. Y Yu, M. Yoshizawa Presiding: M. Fujita 1001. Synthesis and self-assembies of amidinate and guanidinate substituted Pt4 clusters. Shinji Tanaka, Akihiro Yagyu, Masashi Kikugawa, Kazushi Mashima* 1002. Synthesis of novel organic cyclic or cage modules for metal ion assembly. Ryo Shomura, Shuhei Higashibayashi, Hidehiro Sakurai, Masayoshi Higuchi* 1003. Coordination chemistry of bismuth(III) carboxylates-synthesis and structural investigation. Ish Kumar*, Philip Andrews, Peter Junk 1004. Structural characterization and selfassembly of imidovanadium compounds. Masafumi Nishina, Toshiyuki Moriuchi*, Toshikazu Hirao* 1005. Bismuth(III) complexes of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and their activity against Helicobacter pylori. Ish Kumar*, Philip Andrews, Richard Ferrero, Peter Junk 1006. Photohydration of alkynes within a self-assembled coordination cage. Hiroki Takezawa*, Yuki Nishijima, Takashi Murase, Makoto Fujita 1007. Structural changes of aggregation structure of symmetric and asymmetric dialkyl quaternary ammonium cations in crystals of [Ni(dmit)2] salts. Kotaro Dai*, Kazuaki Tomono, Kazuo Miyamura 1008. Withdrawn 1009. Synthesis and characterization of novel uranyl chromate framework structures containing cation-cation interactions. Daniel K. Unruh*, Michelle Baranay, Megan Stoffer, Peter C. Burns 1010. Advancements in self-assembly of rhodium(III) molecular cubes and squares. Hitesh V. Vashi*, Gregory J. Grant 1011. Highly fluorescent Zn(II)-linked molecular capsules. Zhiou Li, Norifumi Kishi, Michito Yoshizawa*, Munetaka Akita* 1012. Matrix syntheses of gold ion clusters within self-assembled cages. Takafumi Osuga*, Kosuke Ono, Yoshihiro Yamauchi, Takashi Murase, Makoto Fujita 1013. 2-D polyoxometalate compound based on manganese(II) monosubstituted Keggin polyanions anion chains and silver-bipy cation chains. Ya-guang Chen* 1014. Vapochromism of a self-assembled hydrogen-bonded proton-transfer complex. Atsushi Kobayashi*, Masa-aki Dosen, Mee Chang, Shin-ichiro Noro, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Masako Kato* 1015. Dynamic contact angle analysis on self-assembled monolayer. Atsushi Maeda*, Kohki Hirao 1016. Direct synthesis and characterization of hybrid inorganic-organic materials by using several cross-linkers in the presence of n-hexadecylamine as surfactant. Zeid A. Alothman*, Ismail K. Warad 1017. What kind of bridging ligand can form multi-interlocked supramolecules? Morihiko Fukuda, Ryo Sekiya, Reiko Kuroda* 1018. Understanding Zn..O and Zn..N coordination in extended porphyrin coordination materials. Stephanie Gould* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–83 02-INOR 1019. Structural transformation and mechanochromism of Zn(II) based coordination frameworks containing dipyridyl-amide ligands. Tsung-yi Chang*, Biing-Chiau Tzeng*, Hwo-Shuenn Sheu 1020. Peptide-coated, self-assembled M12L24 coordination spheres and their immobilization onto an inorganic surface. Masatoshi Ikemi, Takashi Kikuchi, Sachiko Matsumura, Kiyotaka Shiba*, Sota Sato, Makoto Fujita* 1021. In situ preparation and catalytic activation method for copper nano-particles from self-assembled acetylides. Ken Judai, Shigenori Numao, Junichi Nishijo, Nobuyuki Nishi* 1022. Mixed-valence copper clusters constructed by the carbon-carbon bond formation of a substituted hydrazone ligand. Mee Chang, Atsushi Kobayashi, Ho-Chol Chang, Masako Kato 1023. Simultaneous binding of Ag⫹ ion and counter anions by the silver-vorous molecule bearing urea units in the aromatic side-arms. Mai Utsunomiya, Shunsuke Kuwahara, Yoichi Habata* 1024. Synthesis of water soluble and stable metal-organic bismuth(III) complexes. Ish Kumar*, Philip Andrews, Peter Junk 1025. Synthesis of a water soluble tetraarmed cyclen. Yoichi Habata*, Yoko Okeda, Shunsuke Kuwahara 1026. Synthesis of bis- and mono-quaterphenyl crown ethers. Rie Chamura, Shunsuke Kuwahara, Yoichi Habata* 1027. Synthesis of a cylindrical cryptand based on the silver-vorous molecule. Yoichi Habata*, Yutarou Nihei, Shunsuke Kuwahara 1028. Solid state fluorescence spectra of the metal complexes with a silver-vorous molecule bearing two anthracene units in the side-arms. Kaoru Kikukawa, Shunsuke Kuwahara, Yoichi Habata* 1029. Selective cyclization of terpenoids within self-assembled cages. Yuki Nishijima, Takashi Murase, Makoto Fujita* 1030. Synthesis and analysis of structure and physicality of novel metal complex discotic liquid crystal. Keiichi Abe*, Ayumi Shioda, Kazuaki Tomono, Kazuo Miyamura 1031. Self-assembly and host-guest properties of metallosupramolecular 3-D nanocages with dimetallic clips. Xuan-feng Jiang* 1032. Anion-controlled structural changes of Hg2⫹ complexes with chiral podands. Mari Ikeda, Shunsuke Kuwahara, Shim Sung Lee, Yoichi Habata* 1033. Coordination polymer-typed polyrotaxane by a DB24C8 - bis[4-(phenyl-3)yl)pyridine] units - Zn(II) system. Tetsuya Hiraoka, Shunsuke Kuwahara, Yoichi Habata* 1034. Induced residual dipolar coupling by encapsulation. Osamu Morohara, Daishi Fujita, Sota Sato, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Koichi Kato, Makoto Fujita* 1035. Synthesis and analysis of pi-extended TTF-fused salphen complexes. Yuto Suzuki*, Kazuaki Tomono, Kazuo Miyamura 1036. Stoichiometric control of multiple different tectons in coordination-driven selfassembly: Preparation of fused metallacyclic polygons. Junseong Lee, Koushik Ghosh, Peter Stang 1037. Supramolecular approach for implementation of quantum computers: Oligo(imidazole)-based triple-helicate as matter spin qubit. Yumi Yakiyama*, Yasushi Morita, Tsuyoshi Murata, Shigeaki Nakazawa, Tomoaki Ise, Daisuke Hashizume, Daisuke Shiomi, Kazunobu Sato, Masahiro Kitagawa, Kazuhiro Nakasuji, Takeji Takui 1038. Concave halogen-bonding ligands for supramolecular structure. Hiroshi M. Yamamoto*, Hengbo Cui, Reizo Kato 1039. Highly orientated microarchitectures of lipophilic 1-D MMX complexes. Rempei Kuwahara, Keisuke Fujino, Keita Kuroiwa, Nobuo Kimizuka* 84 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1040. Comparison of the crystal structure of [Ni(dmit)2] complex salts with symmetric and asymmetric aralkyl ammonium cations. Saeki Masahiro*, Dai Kotaro, Tomono Kazuaki, Miyamura Kazuo 1041. Observation of surface structure of Schiff-base copper(II) complexes substituted with N-alkyl chains of various lengths by STM. Kazuki Urano*, Tatsunori Naka, Kazuaki Tomono, Kazuo Miyamura 1042. Systematic control of the metallophilic interaction in a dinuclear metal complex motif. Tadashi Ohba, Atsushi Kobayashi*, Ho-Chol Chang*, Masako Kato* 1043. Synthesis of NCN pincer transitionmetal complex-bound norvaline and their catalysis. Kazuki Ogata, Daisuke Sasano, Katsuhiro Isozaki, Hirofumi Seike, Hikaru R. Takaya*, Masaharu Nakamura* 1044. Grafting of molecular assemblies onto porous silica particles as stationary phase in RP-HPLC. Thiraporn Charoenraks, Naoko Azuma, Makoto Takafuji, Hirotaka Ihara* 1045. Fabrication of clay-dye composites exhibiting enhanced two-photon absorption cross-sections. Yasutaka Suzuki*, Yuta Tenma, Jun Kawamata 1046. Synthesis and structural analysis of alkylated (dmio)M(4Cn-bpy) complex. Yu Kobayashi, Tomomi Tashiro, Kazuaki Tomono, Kazuo Miyamura 1047. Synthesis and characterization of self assembled charge neutral macrocycles. Tom Fyles, Andrew K. Dambenieks 1048. Formation of novel ultrasmall gold clusters via reassembling of preformed cluster. Yutarou Kamei*, Yukatsu Shichibu, Katsuaki Konishi 1049. HCl-induced nuclearity convergence of polydisperse gold clusters via re-assembly process: Facile synthesis of magic-number icosahedral Au13 clusters. Yukatsu Shichibu*, Katsuaki Konishi 1050. Vapochromism of terpyridine(thiocyanato)platinum(II) complexes. Yuki Fukuzawa*, Atsushi Kobayashi, Shin-ichiro Noro, Masako Kato 1051. Construction of a water-soluble M12L24 spherical complex with sugar coating. Asana Takahashi, Daishi Fujita, Sota Sato, Makoto Fujita 1052. Four-legged mixed-valence metal-organic nanotube. Kazuya Otsubo*, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Yusuke Wakabayashi, Jun Ohara, Shoji Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Hiroshi Okamoto 1053. Ruthenium(II) thiacrown complexes: Synthetic, spectroscopic, electrochemical, and single crystal X-ray studies of [Ru(15S5)Cl](PF6). Gregory J. Grant*, Daron E. Janzen 1054. Organic reactions within the porous coordination networks. Takehide Kawamichi, Yasuhide Inokuma, Masaki Kawano, Makoto Fujita* 1055. Development of helical zinc complexes composed of zinc SALEN and bridging linker units. Kiyoka Eda*, Yuji Koga, Kouki Matsubara 1056. Degradation of a multi-interlocked supramolecule by aromaticsulfonates. Ryo Sekiya*, Morihiko Fukuda, Reiko Kuroda* 1057. Synthetic and structral studies of zincSALOPHEN containing metallopeptides. Takatsugu Shimada, Setsuko Ando, Kouki Matsubara* Saturday Afternoon Hilton Kahili I/II Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization Catalyzed by Early Transition Metals (#22) Organized by: K. Theopold, K. Mashima, Z. Xie Presiding: S. Gambarotta 12:30 – 1058. Homo- and copolymerization processes catalyzed by half-metalocene complexes of titanium. Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Kwan Kim, Jong-Sok Hahn, Sang Ook Kang 13:10 – 1059. Group 4 metallocene-catalyzed synthesis and application of polyethylenes with functional side groups. Myung Hwan Park, Jun Ha Park, Youngkyu Do*, Min Hyung Lee* 13:50 – 1060. New isoalkene (co-)polymers via highly electrophilic organometallic initiators. Manfred Bochmann* 14:30 – 1061. Ph2C-Bridged and chiral-atbridge multisubstituted C1-symmetric group 4 ansa-metallocenes for highly isospecific propylene polymerization. Jean-François Carpentier*, Evgueni Kirillov*, Nicolas Marquet, John A. Gladysz*, Abbas Razavi 15:10 – 1062. Precision hydrocarbons via the living coordinative chain transfer oligomerization and co-oligomerization of ethene, ␣-olefins and ␣,-nonconjugated dienes. Lawrence R. Sita*, Jia Wei, Rennisha Wickham 15:50 – 1063. Switchable catalysts: From ethylene polymerization to selective and non-selective oligomerization and back. Indira Thapa*, Sandro Gambarotta Hilton Hibiscus I/II Functional Molecule-Based Magnets (#25) Organized by: M. Yamashita, G. Christou, J. Miller, K. Murray, T. Sugawara, R. Thompson Presiding: E. Coronado, S. Gao 12:30 – 1064. Some recent progress in single-ion magnets. Song Gao* 13:00 – 1065. Rational design of single-molecule magnets. Maik Heidemeier, Hubert Theil, Veronika Hoeke, Carl-Georg Frhr. v. Richthofen, Bastian Feldscher, Erich Krickemeyer, Thorsten Glaser 13:15 – 1066. New single molecule magnet clusters of Mn and Mn-Ln (3d-4f) with triethanolamine and other coligands. Keith S. Murray*, Stuart K. Langley, Boujemaa Moubaraki, Nicholas Chilton, Ian A. Gass 13:45 – 1067. Switchable molecules: Valence tautomers and single-molecule magnets. Colette Boskovic, Yanyan Mulyana, Chris Ritchie, Brendan Abrahams, Keith Murray, Paul Kögerler, Lorenzo Sorace 14:05 – 1068. Magnetic materials based on cobalt phosphonates and dehydrationrehydration induced reversible magnetic changes. Li-Min Zheng*, Song-Song Bao, Li-Rong Guo, Yan-Hui Su, Peng-Fei Wang, Xu Liang 14:35 – 1069. Determination of exchange couplings in dinuclear 4f-3d heterometallic nanosized magnets. Takayuki Ishida*, Ryo Watanabe, Kei Fujiwara, Atsushi Okazawa, Gou Tanaka, Shunsuke Yoshii, Hiroyuki Nojiri 14:50 – 1070. New functionalities emerging in large clusters. Dante Gatteschi*, Maria Fittipaldi, Lorenzo Sorace, Lisa Castelli, Claudia Innocenti, Claudio Sangregorio 15:20 – 1071. Novel hysteresis in coordination networks containing the 5-aminoisophthalate ligand. Paul Wood*, Richard Mole, Gerald Weldon, Thomas Legerton, Markus Hoelzel, Anatoliy Senyshyn, Sean Giblin 15:35 – 1072. Coexistence of orthogonal spin systems of Rh(II,III) and Pt(II,III) in a mixed-valent 1-D chain. Kazuko Matsumoto*, Kazuhiro Uemura 15:55 – 1073. Controlling structure and magnetism of coordination polymers under extreme conditions of pressure and magnetic field. John A. Schlueter*, Jamie L. Manson, Greg J. Halder, Karena W. Chapman, Myung H. Whangbo, Janice L. Musfeldt 16:10 – 1074. New valence tautomers and related compounds. David Shultz* Hilton Lehua Suite Organo-f-Element Compounds: From Novel Chemical Transformations to Applications in Catalysis and Materials Science (#46) Organized by: F. Edelmann, D. Berg, G. Deacon, Z. Hou, J. Kiplinger Presiding: Z. Hou, P. Arnold 12:30 – 1075. Synthesis, X-ray structure and reactivity of tris--diketiminate lanthanide complexes: Sterically induced activation. Shen Qi, Rui Jiao, Mingqiang Xue, Xiaodong Shen, Yong Zhang, Yingming Yao 13:00 – 1076. Highly selective organo-f-element mediated catalytic hydrofunctionalization processes. scope and mechanism. Tobin J. Marks* 13:30 – 1077. Molecular alkyl and hydride complexes of the lanthanides. Jun Okuda* 14:00 – 1078. Synthesis of the CGC-ligands stabilized rare-earth metal complexes and their unique catalysis on specific selective living and immortal polymerizations of conjugated dienes. Zhongbao Jian*, Dongtao Liu*, Dongmei Cui 14:30 – 1079. Rare earth metal-organics: Toward greener corrosion inhibitors. Glen Deacon, Maria Forsyth, Peter Junk 15:00 – 1080. Designing lanthanide edifices with organic ligands for highly luminescent materials and probes. Jean-Claude G. Bünzli* 15:20 – 1081. New challenges with f elements for quantum chemists. Laura Gagliardi* 15:40 – 1082. Cyclopentadienyl-phosphazene constrained geometry complexes of rare-earth metals. Joerg Sundermeyer*, Alex Petrov, Konstantin Rufanov, Noa Hangaly, Michael Elfferding 16:00 – 1083. Group 3 metal complexes supported by tridentate bis(naphtholate) ligands for stereoselective ring-opening polymerization of racemic lactones. Jean-François Carpentier*, Evgueni Kirillov*, Ekaterina Grunova Hilton Rainbow III The Construction of Photofunctional Supramolecular Metal Complexes (#94) Organized by: M. Kato, P. Ford, G. Hanan, H. Ishida, V. Yam Presiding: V. Yam, G. Hannan, H. Ishida, M. Kato 12:30 Introductory remarks 12:35 – 1084. DNA charge transport chemistry. Jacqueline K. Barton* 13:05 – 1085. Emission properties of platinum(II) and gold(I) complexes based on electrostatic assembly along polypeptides. Toshiyuki Moriuchi*, Masahiro Yamada, Kazuki Yoshii, Toshikazu Hirao* 13:20 – 1086. Competitive energy and electron transfer in the excited state on lightharvesting dendritic Ir(III) complexes, [(C^N)2Ir(LX-Gn)]. Ah-Reum Hwang, Won-Sik Han, Ho-Jin Son, Chyongjin Pac, Dae Won Cho*, Sang Ook Kang* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 13:35 – 1087. Photofunctions of novel ruthenium complexes synthesized based on “peptide origami”. Hitoshi Ishida*, Yoshimi Shiina, Yuya Takasugi, Shigero Oishi 13:50 – 1088. Synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll-d analogs possessing modified substituents at the B-ring and their chlorosomal self-aggregation. Hitoshi Tamiaki* 14:10 – 1089. Formation of long-lived charge separated states in donor-acceptor linked dyads by metal ion coupled and decoupled electron transfer. Kei Ohkubo*, Shunichi Fukuzumi* 14:25 – 1090. Oligonuclear Ru(II) and Rh(II) complexes for the photochemical production of hydrogen. Masanari Hirahara, Saya Tanaka, Ken Sakai*, Michael W. Cooke, Garry S. Hanan* 14:40 – 1091. Photoinduced hydrogen production with supramolecular ensembles. Stefan Bernhard*, Eric D. Cline 14:55 – 1092. Water oxidation catalyzed by mononuclear aquaruthenium complexes. Shigeyuki Masaoka*, Masaki Yoshida, Ayano Kimoto, Kosei Yamauchi, Ken Sakai* 15:10 – 1093. Photoinduced water oxidation by using Ru(II) dendrimers as photosensitizers. Sebastiano Campagna, Fausto Puntoriero, Giuseppina La Ganga 15:25 – 1094. Synthesis, photophysics, and photocatalysis of linear-shaped and ringshaped oligomers of Re(I) diimine complexes. Osamu Ishitani* 15:45 – 1095. Polarized luminescent lanthanide complex in molecular ultra-thin films. Miki Hasegawa* 16:00 – 1096. Commercially viable dyes for solar energy applications. Charles M. Drain*, Alexander Falber, Alessandro Varotto, Lynn Francesconi, Charles T. Black, Chang-Yong Nam Hilton Coral II Dioxygen Activation Chemistry and Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (#108) Organized by: S. Itoh, W. Nam, A. Rosenzweig, W. Tolman Presiding: J. Bollinger, M. Ikeda-Saitoh 12:30 – 1097. Dioxygen activation at protein active sites and synthetic carboxylatebridged diiron complexes. Stephen J. Lippard 13:05 – 1098. Trapping a non-heme mononuclear Fe(III)-superoxo intermediate. Michael M. Mbughuni, Mrinmoy Chakrabarti, Michael P. Hendrich, Eckard Münck, John D. Lipscomb* 13:40 – 1099. How the iron- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent aliphatic halogenases avoid competing hydroxylation. Megan L. Matthews, Linde A. Miles, Christopher S. Neumann, Tyler L. Grove, Squire J. Booker, Carsten Krebs, Christopher T. Walsh, Joseph M. Bollinger 14:15 – 1100. Heme oxygenase catalytic mechanism. Masao Ikeda-Saito*, Toshitaka Matsui, Masaki Unno 14:50 – 1101. Mössbauer, EPR and DFT studies of synthetic -oxo bridged FeIVFeIV and FeIVFeIII complexes containing an FeIV⫽O site: An exchangedriven spin transition and a million-fold reactivity increase upon core opening. Eckard Munck*, Lawrence Que 15:15 – 1102. Modeling activation of oxygen by supported transition metals. Christopher J. Cramer* 15:50 – 1103. Isotopic probing of reactions involving molecular oxygen, superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and water. Justine Roth* Hilton Coral I Molecular Design in Bioinorganic Chemistry (#173) Organized by: T. Hayashi, D. Goldberg, P. Kennepohl, H. Masuda Presiding: H. Masuda, Z. Guo 12:30 – 1104. Molecular design in medicinal inorganic chemistry. Chris Orvig* 13:10 – 1105. Targeted delivery and selective activation of platinum-based drugs. Zijian Guo* 13:40 – 1106. Biocoordination chemistry of Ni(II) and Zn(II) in chaperones HypA and GroES. Hongzhe Sun*, Wei Xia, Tianfan Cheng, Shujian Cun, Hongyan Li 14:10 – 1107. Mechanistic insights into biomineralization using porous protein crystals. Takafumi Ueno* 14:40 – 1108. Design of peptide foldamers exploiting ferrocene-peptide conjugates. Bernie Kraatz 15:10 – 1109. Molecular design of bioinspired catalysts with vitamin B12 functions. Yoshio Hisaeda* 15:40 – 1110. Design of copper complexes activating dioxygen species as an active site model of copper-oxygenases. Hideki Masuda* 16:10 – 1111. Structural and mutagenic approach to create human serum albuminbased oxygen carrier. Teruyuki Komatsu* Hilton Rainbow II Advances in Nuclear Chemistry of Transactinide Elements (#218) Organized by: Y. Nagame, C. Duellmann, H. Nitsche, P. Schwerdtfeger, Z. Qin Presiding: Y. Nagame 12:30 – 1112. Relativistic and quantum electrodynamic effects for the superheavy elements. Peter Schwerdtfeger*, Andreas Hermann, Heinz Gäggeler, Nicola Gaston, Christian Thierfelder 13:00 – 1113. Theoretical predictions of the chemical behaviour of superheavy elements. Valeria Pershina* 13:30 – 1114. Chemical investigation of element 114: Ups and downs. Robert Eichler*, Farid S. Abdullin, Nikolay V. Aksenov, Yuri V. Albin, Alexey V. Belozerov, Gospodin Bozhikov, Victor I. Chepigin, Rugard Dressler, Sergey N. Dmitriev, Heinz W. Gäggeler, Alexander Gorshkov, Roger A. Henderson, Siegfried Hübener, Mikhail G. Itkis, Viacheslav Y. Lebedev, Yuri V. Lobanov, Oleg N. Malyshev, Kenton J. Moody, Yuri T. Oganessian, Oleg V. Petrushkin, Alexander N. Polyakov, David Piguet, Andrey G. Popeko, Peter Rasmussen, Roman N. Sagaidak, Alexey Serov, Igor V. Shirokovsky, Dawn Shaughnessy, Sergei V. Shishkin, Mark A. Stoyer, Nancy J. Stoyer, Alexander I. Svirikhin, Evgeny E. Tereshatov, Yura S. Tsyganov, Vladimir K. Utyonkov, Grigori K. Vostokin, Maciej Wegrzecki, David Wittwer, Phillip A. Wilk, Alexander V. Yeremin 14:00 – 1115. Research activities on SHE with TASCA at GSI. Alexander Yakushev* 14:30 – 1116. Superheavy element chemistry with SISAK. Jon Petter Omtvedt*, Jorolf Alstad, Tor Bjørnstad, Christoph E. Düllmann, Kenneth E. Gregorich, Nalinava S. Gupta, Johannes Nilssen, Heino Nitsche, Fereshteh Samadani, Matthias Schädel, Frøydis Schulz, Andreas Türler, Alexander B. Yakushev 15:00 – 1117. Electrochemistry of the heaviest elements. Atsushi Toyoshima*, Kazuaki Tsukada, Masato Asai, Yoshihiro Kitatsuji, Yasuo Ishii, Tetsuya Sato, Zijie Li, Nozomi Sato, Takahiro Kikuchi, Ichiro Nishinaka, Yuichiro Nagame, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Hiromitsu Haba, Kazuhiro Ooe, Atsushi Shinohara, Wataru Sato, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Julia Even, Matthias Schädel 15:30 – 1118. Current research on superheavy element chemistry at LLNL. Dawn A. Shaughnessy, Kenton Moody, Roger Henderson, Julie Gostic 16:00 – 1119. Gas-phase chemistry of group 5 elements with bromine. Zhi Qin*, Maosheng Lin Hilton Rainbow I Chemistry and Materials Science at High Pressures (#239) Organized by: Y. Song, I. Butler, Y. Lee, R. Manaa Presiding: C. Yoo 12:30 Opening remarks 12:35 – 1120. Novel polymeric and metallic states of simple molecules under extreme conditions. Choong-Shik Yoo* 13:00 – 1121. Luminescence spectroscopy of square-planar platinum(II) and palladium(II) complexes at variable pressure: Molecular electronic structure and intermolecular effects. Christian Reber* 13:25 – 1122. Behavier of supramolecular crystals under high pressure. Kai Wang*, Run Wang*, Bo Zou*, Guangtian Zou* 13:50 – 1123. Elastic anomalies in lanthanide metals. Oliver Tschauner* 14:15 – 1124. Effect of pressure on the properties of energy materials, structure, and elasticity of LiMn2O4 nanorods and bonding in a novel NH3BH3-H2 compound. Yu Lin*, Yuan Yang, Wendy L. Mao, Ho-kwang Mao 14:30 – 1125. Nanostructured materials under high pressure. Zhaohui Dong, Yang Song* 14:45 – 1126. High-pressure reactions triggered by photodissociation of R-OH species. Roberto Bini, Matteo Ceppatelli, Vincenzo Schettino 15:10 – 1127. High pressure - high temperature studies on Xe-H2; Xe-Cl2; Xe-Br2, and Xe-I2 systems. Maddury S. Somayazulu*, Russell J. Hemley 15:35 – 1128. Toward new energy-rich molecular systems: Polynitrogen. Jonathan Crowhurst*, M Riad Manaa, Joseph M. Zaug, Alexander F. Goncharov 16:00 – 1129. High-pressure and high-temperature synthesis, structures, and physical properties of binary germanides of electropositive elements. Hiroshi Fukuoka*, Daisuke Saito, Fumiko Ohtsu, Momoko Harada, Mayumi Yoshikawa, Kazuya Baba, Kei Inumaru Hilton South Pacific I New Frontiers in Polyoxometalate Chemistry (#251) 13:40 – 1133. Transition metal substituted polyoxometalates for group transfers. Anna Proust*, Claire Besson, Geoffroy Guillemot, Guillaume Izzet, Jean-Hugues Mirebeau, Christine Courillon, Emma Gallo 14:10 – 1134. Hybrid polyoxometalates: Merging organic and inorganic domains for enhanced catalysis. Marcella Bonchio*, Mauro Carraro, Andrea Sartorel, Gianfranco Scorrano 14:30 – 1135. Late-transition-metal oxo complexes and other unique functional structures based on POMs. Craig L. Hill, Kevin P. O’Halloran, Rui Cao, Jie Song, Zhen Luo, Hillesheim Daniel, Djamaladdin G. Musaev, Hardcastle I. Kenneth 15:00 – 1136. Experimental synthesis and theoretical calculations: Polyoxometalate-based inorganic-organic hybrid materials. Zhong-Min Su* 15:20 – 1137. Exploring diversity within the Lindqvist hexametalate platform. John Errington*, Laura Coyle, Gavin Harle, Balamurugan Kandasamy, Paul Middleton 15:40 – 1138. Electron transfer: Oxygen transfer oxidation reactions catalyzed by polyoxometalates. Ronny Neumann* 16:10 – 1139. Size-selective sorption of small organic molecules in macrocationpolyoxometalate hybrid ionic crystal stabilized by - interactions. Sayaka Uchida, Hanae Tagami, Noritaka Mizuno* Hilton Sea Pearl III/IV Nanoscale Characterization of Functional Materials by Nuclear Probes (#275) Organized by: K. Nomura, A. Hill, J. Stevens, H. Wei, Y. Yamada Presiding: K. Nomura 12:30 – 1140. SR and Mössbauer studies of spin crossover complexes. Yann Garcia*, Stewart J. Campbell, James S. Lord, Philipp Gütlich 13:10 – 1141. SR study of linear two-coordinate Fe complexes with bulky arylthiol ligands. Yasuyuki Ishii, Isao Watanabe*, Yoshio Kobayashi, Takashi Nagatomo, Mikinao Ito, Tsukasa Matsuo, Y. Shoji, Kohei Tamao 13:30 – 1142. Muonium in calcium phosphate. Kenya Kubo* 14:00 – 1143. NMR analyses of functionalized inorganic-organic solids. Brad F. Chmelka* 14:40 – 1144. Positron and NMR analysis of metal organic frameworks. Matthew R. Hill*, Cara Doherty, Anita J. Hill, Timothy J. Bastow 15:00 – 1145. Study of polymers by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Yoshinori Kobayashi* 15:30 – 1146. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy characterization of novel membrane materials. Geoffrey M. Geise*, Hao Ju, Wei Xie, Alyson C. Sagle, Cara M. Doherty, James I. Mardel, Anita J. Hill, James E. McGrath, Benny D. Freeman, Donald R. Paul 15:50 – 1147. Mastering hierarchical porosity. Paolo Falcaro, Anita J. Hill Organized by: M. Nyman, C. Boskovic, N. Mizuno, L. Xu Presiding: M. Nyman 12:30 – 1130. Heterogeneous catalysts based on polyoxometalates and coordination polymer MIL-101. Oxana A. Kholdeeva, Natalia V. Maksimchuk, Konstantin A. Kovalenko, Vladimir P. Fedin 13:00 – 1131. Isotopic oxygen exchange in polyoxoniobate clusters. Rene L. Johnson*, Eric M. Villa, C. André Ohlin, William H. Casey 13:20 – 1132. Do polyoxometalates catalyze cycloalkane nitration? Ahmet Gunay*, Mark A. Barteau, Klaus Theopold * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–85 02-INOR 16:10 – 1148. Chemistry and mineralogy at the Mars-Exploration-Rover landing site Meridiani Planum, Mars. Goestar Klingelhoefer* Hilton Nautilus I & II Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: S. Yamaguchi 13:00 – 1149. Synthesis and optoelectronic properties of silole-based materials. Junwu Chen* 13:30 – 1150. Synthesis and properties of novel extended -conjugated systems of heavier main group elements. Yusuke Tanabe, Takahiro Sato, Yoshiyuki Mizuhata, Norihiro Tokitoh* 14:00 – 1151. Synthesis, structure and reactivity of a disilyne-NHC complex. Torahiko Yamaguchi, Akira Sekiguchi* 14:20 – 1152. -Conjugated disilenes and phosphasilenes stabilized by fused-ring bulky “Rind” groups. Tsukasa Matsuo* 14:50 – 1153. Planar diamond-shaped cyclobutadiene silicon analog with polarized Si-Si bonds. Katsunori Suzuki, Tsukasa Matsuo, Daisuke Hashizume, Hiroyuki Fueno, Kazuyoshi Tanaka, Kohei Tamao 15:10 – 1154. Stable unsaturated silicon compounds showing intramolecular charge transfer transition. Takeaki Iwamoto* 15:40 – 1155. Trace detection of explosives with polymers containing silole and boronate fluorophores. William C. Trogler* 16:10 – 1156. Formation of H-aggregates of oligosilanes nanocrystallized by a reprecipitation method. Kenkichi Sakamoto*, Yuki Morita, Yuji Shibata, Takeshi Kida Hilton South Pacific III Chemistry of Sulfur-Bridged Multimetallic Complexes (#96) Organized by: T. Rauchfuss, G. Jin, T. Matsumoto, Y. Mizobe Presiding: T. Rauchfuss 13:00 – 1157. Synthesis, structures and properties of 1D-, and 3D- polymeric metal arene-thiolato complexes. Andreas Eichhoefer*, Karin Fink, Richard A. Mole, Paul T. Wood 13:30 – 1158. Theoretical study of dinitrogen activation on cubane-type MIr3S4 clusters (M ⫽ Ru, Mo, W). Hiromasa Tanaka*, Fumihiro Ohsako, Hidetake Seino, Yasushi Mizobe, Kazunari Yoshizawa 14:00 – 1159. Modeling hydrogenase enzymes: Structure, redox, and function. Martin Schroder* 14:30 – 1160. Models for the oxidized form of the iron hydrogenase active site: Synthesis, structure, and reaction with hydrogen. Dennis M. Heinekey*, Steven L. Matthews* 15:00 – 1161. Reactivity of nickel thiolate complexes in the development of biomimetic compounds. Elisabeth Bouwman 15:30 – 1162. Structure and reactivity of homobinuclear group 10 metal complexes with new multidentate N,S-hybrid ligands. Matthias Bierenstiel* 16:00 – 1163. Sulfur bridged iron nitrosyl complexes: Syntheses, structures, and DFT investigations. Lijuan Li*, Rongming Wang, Miguel A. Camacho-Fernandez, Wei Xu, Jian Zhang 86 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Saturday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Controlling the Structure and Properties of Solids (#20) Organized by: B. Kennedy, Y. Shimakawa, P. Woodward Presiding: B. Kennedy Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1164. Magnetic phase diagram of alternating chain compound Pb2V3O9. Kazuhiro Nawa*, Chishiro Michioka, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura 1165. Electronic properties of solid solution Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2. Suzuki Shunpei*, Kenya Ohgushi, Kiuchi Yohko, Ueda Yutaka 1166. Quadruple-layered perovskite (CuCl)Ca2NaNb4O13: Unusual octahedral tilting and absence of magnetic order. Atsushi Kitada*, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, Yoshitami Ajiro, Yasuo Narumi, Koichi Kindo, Masakazu Nishi, Yoko Kiuchi, Masaki Ichihara, Yutaka Ueda, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Yasutomo J Uemura, Hiroshi Kageyama 1167. Characterization of the structural and magnetic properties in Ba2-xLaxMnRuO6 perovskites. Jennifer R. Soliz*, Patrick M. Woodward 1168. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of (Sr1-xBax)FeO2. Takafumi Yamamoto*, Takashi Saito, Naoaki Hayashi, Mikio Takano, Cedric Tassel, Yoshihiro Tsujimoto, Atsushi Kitada, Kenji Ohoyama, Yuichi Shimakawa, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Hiroshi Kageyama 1169. Sr2FeO3: A new member of the spin ladder family. Liis Seinberg*, Hiroshi Kageyama, Naoaki Hayashi 1170. Electric properties and crystal structures of M2(WO4)3 (M⫽Sc, Y, In) synthesized hydrothermally. Rie F. Shimanouchi*, Takaaki Tsuji, Ryusuke Yagi, Hitoshi Nishizawa 1171. Dielectric and magnetic properties of LiNbO3-type MnMO3(M ⫽ Ti, Sn). Akihisa Aimi, Tetsuhiro Katsumata, Daisuke Mori, Desheng Fu, Mitsuru Itoh, Toru Kyômen, Yoshiyuki Inaguma* 1172. Synthesis and structure analysis of novel single crystal oxide, Na-Co-Te-O. Yue Jin Shan*, Yuta Yoshioka, Keitaro Tezuka, Hideo Imoto 1173. Hydrothermal synthesis and physical properties of 4d and 5d pyrochlores with high oxidation states. Sato Hirohiko*, Terada Toshihiko, Hara Shigeo 1174. NMR/NQR studies of the A-site-ordered perovskite ACu3V4O12. Atsushi Tanizawa*, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura, Takashi Saito, Yuichi Shimakawa 1175. Room-temperature ferromagnetic BiFeO3 synthesized by a self-catalyzed fast reaction process. Zuo-Guang Ye*, Jiangtao Wu, Shaoyu Mao, Zhaoxiong Xie, Lansun Zheng 1176. Synthesis and properties of PbOstructure FeTe1-xSex (0⬉x⬉0.5). Mami Matsui*, Jinhu Yang, Hiroto Ohta, Chishiro Michioka, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura 1177. Chemical vapor deposition approaches to multifunctional thin films. Russell Binions*, Michael Warwick 1178. Self-assembly process in liquid phase system. Junhui Xiang* 1179. Syntheses and properties of higher borides RB50-type (R ⫽ Rare earth elements) compounds. Kunio Kudou*, Shigeru Okada 1180. Structural conversions of metal oxide frameworks under hydrothermal conditions. Takamasa Nishida, Yu Ohshiro, Takamitu Sugitani, Yu Katayama, Kazuo Eda* 1181. Synthesis and characterization of NiO and NiO/Mg nanoparticles. Alejandro Diaz*, Victor Manuel Martínez, Andreas Reiber 1182. Hydrothermal reaction by microwave heating for synthesis of LiFePO4 as cathode material. Chihiro Sato*, Kazuyoshi Uematsu, Tadashi Ishigaki, Hirokazu Okawa, Kenji Toda, Mineo Sato 1183. Ag⫹ ion conducting solid electrolyte with NASICON-type structure. Takatoshi Higuchi, Shinji Tamura, Nobuhito Imanaka* 1184. Divalent Mg2⫹ ion conducting solid with NASICON-type structure. Yasunori Hoshino, Shinji Tamura, Nobuhito Imanaka* 1185. Microparticulation and carbon-coating of LiFePO4 by solid-state method with polymer materials. Hironobu Tsuji*, Kazuyoshi Uematsu, Tadashi Ishigaki, Hirokazu Okawa, Kenji Toda, Mineo Sato 1186. Intercalation of sodium into graphitelike layered material BC2N by electrochemical method. Kaoru Yamada, Masayuki Kawaguchi* 1187. Synthesis and structure of a new inorganic-organic hybrid compound [Zn(en)2]3[V10O28]. Hui-Yuan Ma* 1188. Unexplored thermal transformation behavior of 2-D bound gadolinium hydroxide layers: Fabrication of oriented crystalline films of gadolinium oxychloride nanosheets suitable for the multicolor luminescence with color tunability. Young-su Yoon, Ki Woong Kim, Won Kyung Chung, In Su Lee* 1189. Characteristics of coated ground calcium carbonate and its effects on the property of paper. Hong-wei Zhang* 1190. Preparation of diamond-like B/C film by hot filament CVD method. Yoshihisa Ishimaru, Yusuke Ashida*, Masayuki Kawaguchi*, Nobuhito Ohno* 1191. Withdrawn 1192. Theoretical study of the ligand field splitting of octahedral metal complex. Ryosuke Watanabe*, Tomohiko Ishii, Genta Sakane 1193. Syntheses, hardness, and magnetic properties of Sc2AlB6 and Lu2AlB6. Shigeru Okada*, Kunio Kudou, Toetsu Shishido, Takao Mori 1194. Permeability and reversible guest-exchange of seemingly nonporous metallocycles. Anneli Kleyn*, Leonard J. Barbour 1195. Synthesis and crystal structure of the quaternary borocarbide GdCo2B2Cx (x ⫽ 0 ⬃ 1). Shigeru Okada*, Kunio Kudou, Toetsu Shishido 1196. Syntheses and physical properties of REPd3Bx (RE ⫽ La, Gd, Lu, Sc). Toetsu Shishido, Shigeru Okada*, Kunio Kudou, Takao Mori 1197. Low-temperature crystallization of TiO2. Keiko Fukushi*, Sae Nakajima, Kazuyoshi Uematsu, Tadashi Ishigaki, Kenji Toda, Mineo Sato 1198. Synthesis of gallium nitride using a fluidized bed. Masanori Arai, Kazuyoshi Uematsu, Tadashi Ishiaki, Kenji Toda, Mineo Sato 1199. Hydrogen evolution from water under visible photoirradiation by using molybdenum hexanuclear halide cluster compounds. Taiki Kanda, Atsushi Anzai, Shoji Yamanaka, Kei Inumaru* 1200. Structural characterization of dielectric perovskite oxynitride SrTaO2N. Yaru Zhang*, Teruki Motohashi, Yuji Masubuchi, Shinichi Kikkawa 1201. Neutron diffraction study on the anion ordering in oxynitride perovskites, SrTaO2N, CaTaO2N, LaTaON2, and LaNbON2. Young-Il Kim*, Eunhye Lee 1202. Oxynitride type Li ionic conductors with layered perovskite structure, LiLaTa2O7⫺3xN2x. Young-Il Kim*, Eunhye Lee, Seung-Ju Kim, Sung-Chul Kim 1203. Control of the structural transition of antiferromagnetic CrN epitaxial thin films synthesized by using MBE and PLD. Satoshi Izumi, Shoji Yamanaka, Kei Inumaru* 1204. Structure and properties of elemental substituted FeTiO3. Daisuke Nakatsuka*, Tatsuo Fujii, Makoto Nakanishi, Jun Takada 1205. Synthesis and physical property of PbO-type FeSe. Masatomo Kawa*, Yang Jinhu, Hiroto Ota, Chisiro Michioka, Kazuyoshi Yoshimura 1206. Synthesis and NOx adsorption of lithium ferrite powder by mechanochemical method. Shigeru Okada, Kiyomi Kamamoto, Kunio Kudou*, Kiyokat Iizumi 1207. Frequency-selective enhancement of optical birefringence by localized surface plasmon resonance. Shunsuke Murai*, Ryosuke Hattori, Koji Fujita, Katsuhisa Tanaka 1208. Crystal grown and some properties of iron silicides from gallium metal solution. Kunio Kudou*, Shigeru Okada, Takao Mor, Toetsu Shishido 1209. Science in the art of a traditional Japanese stoneware. Yoshihiro Kusano*, Yuuki Kojima, Minoru Fukuhara, Jun Takada, Yasunori Ikeda, Mikio Takano, Akira Doi 1210. Reevaluation of ancient red iron oxides excavated from archaeological sites. Ryu Murakami, Hiromi Tsuji, Takashi Miyazaki, Teruaki Danno, Hideki Hashimoto, Yoshihiro Kusano, Jun Takada 1211. Topotactic phase transformation of -Fe2O3 into ␣-Fe2O3. Teruaki Danno, Hiroshi Asaoka, Makoto Nakanishi, Tatsuo Fujii, Yasunori Ikeda, Yoshihiro Kusano, Jun Takada 1212. Synthesis of some calcium phosphate crystals using disposal biomass by metasilicate gel method. Takayuki Kohiruimaki* 1213. Innovative functional material, “biogenous iron oxide” (I): Isolation of Leptothrix cholodnii OUMS1 and morphological and chemical characters of uniquelyshaped microtubes. Michinori Sawayama*, Tomoko Suzuki, Hideki Hashimoto, Mitsuaki Furutani, Tomonari Kasai, Masaharu Seno, Hitoshi Kunoh, Jun Takada 1214. Innovative functional material, “biogenous iron oxide” (II): Structural and elemental analyses of microtubes produced by Leptothrix cholodnii OUMS1. Mitsuaki Furutani, Michinori Sawayama, Tomoko Suzuki, Hitoshi Kunoh, Noriyasu Kimura, Jun Takada* 1215. Innovative functional material, “biogenous iron oxide” (III): Structural and physicochemical analyses of twisting iron-oxide stalks produced by Gallionella ferruginea. Tomoko Suzuki*, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Hideki Hashimoto, Hitoshi Kunoh, Jun Takada 1216. Innovative functional material, “biogenous iron oxide” (IV): Potential of electrochemical property of microtubes produced by Leptothrix ochracea as a novel battery material. Hideki Hashimoto*, Hiroshi Asaoka, Yoshifumi Watanabe, Takashi Nishimori, Ryosuke Miyake, Mitsuaki Furutani, Yoshihiro Kusano, Noriyasu Kimura, Tomonari Kasai, Tomoko Suzuki, Hitoshi Kunoh, Yasunori Ikeda, Masaharu Seno, Makoto Nakanishi, Tatsuo Fujii, Jun Takada * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Olefin Oligomerization and Polymerization Catalyzed by Early Transition Metals (#22) Organized by: K. Theopold, K. Mashima, Z. Xie Presiding: K. Theopold Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1217. Titanium catalysts for the copolymerization of the ethylene with functional olefins. Xiao-Hong Yang, Xiu-Li Sun, Yong Tang 1218. Ancillary ligand effect on mono-, bis-, and tris-(2-alkyl/aryl-phenoxy) titanium(IV) chlorides. Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Kwan Kim, Jong Sok Hahn, Sang Ook Kang* 1219. Ethylene tetramerization catalysts based on Cr(III)/DPPDME and optimization of their catalytic performance by modification of phenyl substituents on phosphines. Jae-Ho Chung, Tae-Jin Kim, Sung-Kwan Kim, Sang Ook Kang* 1220. Mass spectrometry and synthetic investigations of methylaluminoxane and related derivatives. Tyler Trefz, Scott McIndoe* 1221. Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of a new {(2-pyridylimines)Ni(Br)2} catalysts for ethylene polymerization. Ibrahim M. Al-Najjar*, Abdulhamid A. Alsaygh, Mohammad H. Al-Musawi 1222. New palladium aryl sulfonate phosphine catalysts for the preparation of functionalized polyolefins: Synthesis, characterization, and studies of intermediates. Laurence Piché*, Jean-Christophe Daigle, Jerome P. Claverie 1223. Cationic organizinc lactide polymerization catalysts supported by P-chiral ancillary ligands. Hudson Sun, Craig A. Wheaton, Paul G. Hayes* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: S. Wang Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1224. Photochemical reactions of phenylated cyclic 8 and 6-memberd germoxanes. Takafumi Miyoshi, Hidekazu Arii, Masanobu Wakasa, Kunio Mochida* 1225. Synthesis of optically active pentavalent phosphorus compounds having sulfur or selenium atoms using prolinol as an asymmetric source. Kazuya Shido, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 1226. Fabrication and properties of oligosilane nanocrystals including aromatic compounds: The first observation of exciplex-like emission of oligosilanes with aromatic compounds. Yuki Morita, Kenkichi Sakamoto* 1227. Synthesis of -curved molecules with phosphorus junction via intramolecular tandem phospha-Friedel-Crafts reaction. Sigma Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Oba, Takuji Hatakeyama*, Masaharu Nakamura* 1228. Substituent effects on the intramolecular double cyclization of phosphanyl, boryl-substituted diphenylacetylenes. Eriko Yamaguchi*, Aiko Fukazawa, Emi Ito, Hiroshi Yamada, Shigehiro Yamaguchi 1229. Synthesis and properties of 3,6-diarylsubstituted 1,2-dihydro-1,2-azaborine. Takuhiro Taniguchi, Shigehiro Yamaguchi 1230. Preparation and photophysical properties of oligosilanes with various aromatic substituents. Takeshi Kida, Yuji Shibata, Yuki Morita, Kenkichi Sakamoto* 1231. Reduction of base-stabilized difluoroborane compounds with one-electron reducing agents. Yoshitaka Aramaki, Makoto Yamashita*, Kyoko Nozaki* 1232. Borole-containing ladder -conjugated compounds. Azusa Iida, Shigehiro Yamaguchi* 1233. Selective cleavage of carbon-phosphorous bond of phosphonium salts: A facile synthesis of unsymmetrical phosphines. Naohisa Nakagawa, Yuya Yoshimoto, Takuji Hatakeyama, Masaharu Nakamura* 1234. -Conjugated disilenes bearing polycyclic aromatic groups stabilized by bulky “Rind” groups. Megumi Kobayashi*, Daisuke Hashizume, Takeo Fukunaga, Tsukasa Matsuo, Kohei Tamao Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III The Construction of Photofunctional Supramolecular Metal Complexes (#94) Organized by: M. Kato, P. Ford, G. Hanan, H. Ishida, V. Yam Presiding: M. Kato Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1235. Photoluminescence properties of mononuclear europium(III) complexes with tetradentate Schiff base ligands: Emission intensity differences which depend on the variation of ligands and counter anions. Masanobu Tsuchimoto*, Shouta Ebato, Masayuki Watanabe, Kiyohiko Nakajima 1236. Direct observation of photo-excited state geometrical change of copper(I) hexanuclear complex by crystallographic studies under photo-illumination. Yoshiki Ozawa*, Toru Ishida, Koshiro Toriumi 1237. Crystalline-state photochromism of rhodium dithionite complexes: Crystal stabilization factors. Hidetaka Nakai*, Yousuke Miyano, Kiyoshi Isobe 1238. Luminescence change by the solvent of crystallization, solvent reorganization, and vapochromism of neutral dicyanoruthenium(II) complex in the solid state. Kazuteru Shinozaki*, Taichi Abe, Takayoshi Suzuki 1239. Tb(III) complexes as probes for phosphotyrosine sensing. Jun Sumaoka*, Hiroki Akiba, Yuki Watanabe, Makoto Komiyama* 1240. Coordination compounds for energy applications - complexes of indolizino[2,3-b]quinoxaline-derived ligands. Christopher Sumby* 1241. Photoinduced electron transfer processes of BODIPY-triphenylamine-linked platinum triad system. Shuichi Suzuki*, Nobuhiro Ieki, Ryoji Sugimura, Takahiro Naitoh, Masatoshi Kozaki, Kazutoshi Keyaki, Koichi Nozaki, Noriaki Ikeda, Keiji Okada* 1242. Carbon nitride as a metal-free polymeric photocatalyst for water splitting under visible light. Kazuhiko Maeda, Xinchen Wang, Markus Antonietti, Kazunari Domen* 1243. Syntheses and emissive properties of mixed-halogeno silver(I) complexes with 4,4=-bipyridine. Kiyoshi Tsuge, Masaaki Dosen, Yoshitaka Kawada, Shoji Ishizaka, Noboru Kitamura, Masako Kato, Yoichi Sasaki 1244. Photoluminescent properties of chalcohalide-capped octahedral hexarhenium(III) complexes. Takashi Yoshimura, Ayumi Matsuda, Yuki Ito, Akitaka Ito, Shoji Ishizaka, Satoshi Shinoda, Hiroshi Tsukube, Noboru Kitamura, Atsushi Shinohara 1245. Photophysical properties of novel fused and native polyaryl-bipyridinium dyes and their RU(II) and OS(II) molecular dyads for charge separtion. Fausto Puntoriero, Francesco Nastasi, Sebastiano Campagna, Jérôme Fortage, Fabien Tuyèras, Philippe Lainé 1246. Synthesis and photophysics of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl supramolecular complexes linked with gold(I) or platinum(II) organometallics. Michito Shiotsuka*, Naoki Nishiko, Katsuya Sako, Kazutoshi Keyaki, Koichi Nozaki 1247. Form and function: Luminescent corners composed of platinum(II), a dithiolene, and two divergent diimines. Bradley W. Smucker*, Paul J. Derry, Mina Zilaie, Sam Oats, Jon A. Payne, Rathna Nuti 1248. Highly luminescent terbium(III) complex having N-phenylcarbazolyl-functionalized pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligands. Takeshi Yatabe, Hidetaka Nakai*, Koichi Nozaki, Kiyoshi Isobe 1249. Synthesis and photo-energy harvesting phenomenon of multinuclear metal complexes: Mesoporous organosilica superhybrids. Kazuhide Koike*, Youhei Yamamoto, Tatsuto Yui, Hiroyuki Takeda, Shinji Inagaki, Osamu Ishitani* 1250. Self-assembly of zinc chlorins assisted by polypeptides. Tomohiro Miyatake*, Yumi Mukai, Mikiya Watanabe 1251. Synthesis of tumor-targeting lanthanide complexes for time-gated fluorescence imaging. M. Inoue, T. Ito*, E. Kusaka, K. Akamatsu, K. Tanabe, S. Nishimoto* 1252. Unique light energy collections and transfers between the oreganosilica and the metal complexes. Tatsuto Yui, Keita Sekizawa, Hiroyuki Takeda, Kazuhide Koike, Shinji Inagaki, Osamu Ishitani* 1253. Magneto-chiral dichroism of porphyrin J-aggregates. Yuichi Kitagawa, Hiroshi Segawa, Kazuyuki Ishii* 1254. Isolation and characterization of extramembranous light-harvesting complexes from the green sulfur photosynthetic bacterium containing unnatural bacteriochlorophyll c. Risato Nishimori, Tadashi Mizoguchi, Hitoshi Tamiaki, Yoshitaka Saga* 1255. Photoreactions and luminescence properties of the metal complexes related to protonation and deprotonation behavior of the hydrazone ligands. Kiyohiko Nakajima*, Daisuke Yamada, Yukari Taguchi, Hiroyuki Horiki, Atsushi Kobayashi, Ho-Chol Chang, Masako Kato 1256. Flexible emission properties of self-associated platinum(II) complexes functionalized with long alkyl-chains. Mayu Yanagida, Atsushi Kobayashi, Ho-Chol Chang, Masako Kato 1257. Effect of macrocyclic structures on demetalation properties of zinc complexes of cyclic tetrapyrrole molecules. Yoshitaka Saga*, Sayaka Hojo, Yuki Hirai 1258. Flexible cubane-like framework in crystalline state: Structure and luminescent properties of [Cu4I4(PPh3)4]. Hakuba Kitagawa*, Yoshiki Ozawa, Yuichi Akahama, Haruki Kawamura, Koshiro Toriumi 1259. Development of photo-hydrogenevolving molecular devices by an inclusion complex. Masanari Hirahara*, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai 1260. Electronic structure and ligand molecule dependence of emission wavelength of binuclear metal complex. Masahiro Kenmotsu*, Tomohiko Ishii, Kiyoshi Tsuge, Yoichi Sasaki, Genta Sakane 1261. Self-aggregates of zinc chlorin dyads possessing an oligo-oxyethylene linker. Tomohiro Miyatake*, Fumika Sasaki, Hitoshi Tamiaki 1262. Theoretical and experimental studies of adsorption spectra of palladium porphyrin. Yusuke Kataoka*, Konomi Sato, Yasutaka Kitagawa, Toru Saito, Yasuyuki Nakanishi, Takashi Kawakami, Wasuke Mori, Kizashi Yamaguchi, Mitsutaka Okumura 1263. Novel ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes having arylborane charge transfer units (1): Spectroscopic and photophysical properties. Yuki Ando, Akitaka Ito, Eri Sakuda, Noboru Kitamura* 1264. Physical property measurements of MV[Ni(dmit)2]2 in search of optical switchable conductor. Takahiro Takano*, Yukihiro Takahashi, Toshio Naito, Tamotsu Inabe 1265. Zero-field splitting parameters of phosphorescent states in highly emissive iridium(III) complexes with tridentate ligands. Koichi Nozaki, Hiroaki Kawakami*, Munetaka Iwamura, Masa-aki Haga 1266. Synthesis and optical properties of mono-, di-, and tri--diketone metal complexes attaching chlorophyll derivatives. Yusuke Kinoshita*, Youhei Yamamoto, Hitoshi Tamiaki 1267. Novel ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complex having an aylborane charge transfer unit (2): Photochemical properties. Ayu Kurahashi, Yuki Ando, Akitaka Ito, Eri Sakuda, Noboru Kitamura* 1268. Novel ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes having arylborane charge transfer units (3): Spectroscopic properties of dendric complexes. Eri Sakuda, Yuki Ando, Akitaka Ito, Noboru Kitamura* 1269. Synthesis and photophysical properties of novel platinum(II) complexes having arylborane charge transfer units. Eri Sakuda, Noboru Kitamura* 1270. Dual emission behavior of alkynelinked dinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes. Eri Sakuda, Kousuke Mochida, Rikiya Tsugawa, Akitaka Ito, Noboru Kitamura* 1271. Emission properties and photofunctionality of cyclometalated dinuclear platinum(II) complexes. Rie Aoki*, Atsushi Kobayashi, Ho-Chol Chang, Masako Kato 1272. Syntheses and photochemical hydrogen evolution of multifunctional photocatalysts of dinuclear rhodium complexes tethered to polyoxometalates. Saya Tanaka, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Garry S. Hanan, Ken Sakai* 1273. Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes having arylborane charge transfer units (2). Takeo Hirokawa, Akitaka Ito, Eri Sakuda, Noboru Kitamura* 1274. Synthesis of macrocyclic multinuclear ruthenium complexes and their inclusion behavior and photochemical reaction. Motowo Yamaguchi*, Makoto Obara, Kiyoshi Sato 1275. Photochemistry of the hydroxyporphycene and its metal complexes. Toru Okawara, Masaaki Abe*, Hisashi Shimakoshi, Yoshio Hisaeda* 1276. Synthesis and photochemical properties of new hybrid systems constructed with polyoxometalates and ring-shaped Re(I) multinuclear complexes. Tsuyoshi Asatani*, Yuki Nakagawa, Tatsuki Morimoto, Tatsuto Yui, Osamu Ishitani 1277. Face-selective hydride reduction of an NAD(P)⫹ model compound using Ru(II) complexes as photocatalyst. Kichitaro Koga*, Osamu Ishitani 1278. Supramolecular metal complexes of -conjugated acyclic oligopyrroles. Takashi Hashimoto, Takuma Nishimura, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Masahiro Hasegawa, Hiromitsu Maeda* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–87 02-INOR 1279. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction for selective formation of formic acid using multinuclear ruthenium(II) complexes. Yusuke Tamaki, Kazuhide Koike, Osamu Ishitani* 1280. Control of interfacial electron transfer between Ru(II) complexes and semiconductors for constructing artificial photosynthesis. Keita Sekizawa, Kazuhide Koike, Tatsuto Yui, Osamu Ishitani* 1281. Cyclometallated ruthenium(II) complexes as sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells. Takashi Funaki*, Hiromi Funakoshi, Nobuko Onozawa-Komatsuzaki, Kazuyuki Kasuga, Mitsuhiko Kurashige, Kazuhiro Sayama, Hideki Sugihara* 1282. Photochemical and photocatalytic properties of rhenium(I) complexes bearing a viologen moiety. Tatsuki Morimoto*, Osamu Ishitani 1283. Enhanced solid-state luminescence of the Cd complex of 6-aminoterpyridine dimer. Yuka Kamoya, Keisuke Kojima, Toshiki Mutai, Koji Araki* 1284. Withdrawn 1285. Design and synthesis of C3-symmetric iridium complexes targeting homotrimer proteins. Hiroki Ohwada, Yasuki Matsuo, Shuhei Ohtawa, Masanori Kitamura, Shuhei Ogawa, Ryo Abe, Hideo Yagita, Kou Okumura, Shin Aoki 1286. Photo-excitation energy transfer from ruthenium(II) complex to chromate(III) complex in double complex salt and aqueous solution. Takuhiro Otsuka*, Youkoh Kaizu 1287. Enhancement of emission properties of metal complexes through ligand deuteration. Taichi Abe, Akira Miyazawa, Hideo Konno, Yuji Kawanishi* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Chemistry of Sulfur-Bridged Multimetallic Complexes (#96) Organized by: T. Rauchfuss, Y. Mizobe, G. Jin Presiding: T. Rauchfuss Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1288. Synthesis and redox properties of [1:3] site differentiated [4Fe-4S] clusters coordinated by carboxylates and imidazoles. Tamaki Terada, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Kazuyuki Tatsumi* 1289. Synthesis of coordinatively unsaturated mesityl-iron-thiolate complexes and their reactions with elemental sulfur. Takayoshi Hashimoto*, Yasuhiro Ohki, Kazuyuki Tatsumi 1290. Efficient formation of organorhodium macrocycles via C-H activation directed self-assembly. Ying-Feng Han, Hao Li, Guo-Xin Jin 1291. Synthesis of [MoFe3S4] cubane clusters from molybdenum trisulfido complexes bearing a {bis(pyrazolyl)methyl}siloxy ligands. Shunsuke Senda, Yasuhiro Ohki, Kazuyuki Tatsumi* 1292. Application of Co-Ag dodecanuclear thiolato complexes toward eco-friendly type antimicrobial agent. Toshiaki Yonemura*, Keisuke Fujihara 1293. Sulfurization-triggered migration of an alkyl ligand at an Ir-Re dinuclear complex. Akizumi Nezaki, Kazuya Arashiba, Yuichiro Mutoh, Youichi Ishii* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Advances in Nuclear Chemistry of Transactinide Elements (#218) Organized by: Y. Nagame, C. Duellmann, H. Nitsche, P. Schwerdtfeger, Z. Qin Presiding: Y. Nagame 88 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1294. Study on nuclear fusion reactions of oxygen-16 on targets of deformed nuclei. Akihiko Yokoyama*, Miwako Arai, Atsushi Asano, Hideki Kaiya, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Norikazu Kinoshita, Kazuhiro Ooe, Naruro Takahashi, Tadashi Saito 1295. Measurement of excitation function of natLu(p,xn)175Hf and gas-jet transfer experiments of Hf for online solvent extraction of rutherfordium. Yuki Kikutani*, Yukiko Komori, Kazuhiro Ooe, Hiroyuki Fujisawa, Ai Kuriyama, Reona Takayama, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Takashi Yoshimura, Naruto Takahashi, Atsushi Shinohara 1296. Measurement of the first ionization potential of Lr. Nozomi Sato*, Masato Asai, Kazuaki Tsukada, Tetsuya K. Sato, Atsushi Toyoshima, Zijie Li, Yuichiro Nagame, Matthias Schädel, Shin-ichi Ichikawa 1297. Cation-exchange behavior of rutherfordium, 104Rf, in H2SO4/HNO3 mixed solutions ([H⫹] ⫽ 1.0 M). Zijie Li, A. Toyoshima, K. Tsukada, M. Asai, Y. Kasamatsu, T. Sato, N. Sato, T. Kikuchi, X. Liang, Y. Nagame, H. Haba, S. Goto, K. Akiyama, M. Nishikawa, Y. Takeda, M. Murakami, S. Igarashi, K. Sueki 1298. FIA-based continuous extraction system for superheavy element chemistry. Yuki Kudou*, Hiromitsu Haba, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Kosuke Morita 1299. Development of an on-line liquid scintillation ␣-particle detection system for aqueous chemical studies of superheavy elements. Yukiko Komori*, Kazuhiro Ooe, Hiroyuki Fujisawa, Ai Kuriyama, Reona Takayama, Yuki Kikutani, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Takashi Yoshimura, Naruto Takahashi, Hiromitsu Haba, Yuki Kudou, Atsushi Shinohara 1300. New apparatus AIDA-II for aqueous chemistry of the heaviest elements. Kazuaki Tsukada, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Masato Asai, Atsushi Toyoshima, Yasuo Ishii, Yuichiro Nagame 1301. Gas chromatographic behavior of chloride compounds of group-4 elements. Hirofumi Murayama*, Masashi Murakami, Shinichi Goto, Hisaaki Kudo, Kazuaki Tsukada, Masato Asai, Atsushi Toyoshima, Tetsuya K. Sato, Yuichiro Nagame Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Chemistry and Materials Science at High Pressures (#239) Organized by: Y. Song, I. Butler, Y. Lee, R. Manaa Presiding: Y. Lee Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1302. Zirconium tungstate in deep water oil wells: A cure for annular pressure buildup. Robert E. Hermes* 1303. Stability of CO2 hydrate in Ulleung basin sediment suspension. Kyoungjin Lee*, Woojin Lee* 1304. High-pressure Raman study of N, N-diethyl-N-methyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl) ammonium tetrafluoroborate-H2O mixtures. Yusuke Imai*, Takahiro Takekiyo, Hiroshi Abe, Yukihiro Yoshimura 1305. Structural transition in iron-based superconductors under high pressure. Jing geng Zhao, Lu Hong Wang, Da Wei Dong, Zhi Guo Liu, Zhen Hai Yu, Hao Zhe Liu, Yong Yu, Chang Qing Jin 1306. High-pressure gas adsorption properties of several microporous coordination polymers. Yusuke Kataoka, Wasuke Mori*, Kazuki Masuda, Yuhei Miyazaki, Konomi Sato, Satoshi Ozeki, Hiroshi Matsuda 1307. Synthesis and properties of binary ytterbium germanides prepared by highpressure and high-temperature reactions. Momoko Harada, Hiroshi Fukuoka*, Kei Inumaru 1308. Thermal parameters of sodium atoms in the type II silicon clathrate single crystal Na24Si136. Masaya Komatsu, Kei Inumaru, Shoji Yamanaka* 1309. High-pressure synthesis and superconductivity of the ternary compound Ca2Al3Si4. Yuki Tanaka, Kei Inumaru, Shoji Yamanaka* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III New Frontiers in Polyoxometalate Chemistry (#251) Organized by: M. Nyman, C. Boskovic, N. Mizuno, L. Xu Presiding: M. Nyman Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1310. Uranyl peroxide nanoclusters grown from U (VI) mineral phases. Ginger E. Sigmon, Angela Schad, Peter C. Burns* 1311. Synthesis, structural characterization, and Lewis acid catalysis of a novel dialuminum-substituted silicotungstate. Yuji Kikukawa, Kazuhiro Uehara, Sayaka Uchida, Kazuya Yamaguchi, Noritaka Mizuno* 1312. All-inorganic coordination chemistry of polyoxovanadates as macrocyclic ligands. Yoshihito Hayashi* 1313. Selective oxidation of organosilanes to silanols with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by a lacunary polyoxotungstate. Keigo Kamata, Ryo Ishimoto, Noritaka Mizuno* 1314. Withdrawn 1315. Magnetic and conductive polypyrrole prepared by chemical oxidation of Keggin anion [Co(III)W12O40]5-. Lin Xu*, Liping Jia 1316. [In(pydc)(Hpydc)(H2O)][In(pydc)(Hpydc)/ (CH3COO)]H5 [SiW12O40].7H2O: A new tetranuclear indium cluster based on silicotungstate. Jingping Wang, Suzhi Li, Jingyang Niu 1317. Forming processes of high dimensional Mo-O framework for the [Mo36O112(H2O)16]8- compounds with 1,3-diamino-2-propanol. Kazuo Eda*, Tatsuya Koduka, Yuichi Iriki 1318. Effect of basic solvents on dissociation of the protonated decavanadate dimers into the monomers by using 51VNMR. Tatsuhiro Kojima, Tomoji Ozeki* 1319. New expanding application of polyoxometalate solids: Thin films, phosphors, and ionic conductors. Haruo Naruke* 1320. New rare earth metal-organic framework with isolated guest Keggin silicotungstate fragments as anion templates. Jingyang Niu, Suzhi Li, Jingping Wang 1321. Structure control of inorganic-organic hybrid composites based on supramolecules and polyoxometalates. Kazuhiro Uehara, Noritaka Mizuno* 1322. Structural chemistry and molecular chirality in sandwich-type polyoxometallolanthanoates. Jun Iijima, Haruo Naruke 1323. Counterion effect on the self-assembly of functionalized polyoxometalate-surfactants. Dong Li*, Jie Zhang, Panchao Yin, Andrew J. Bassler, Jie Song, Craig L. Hill*, Tianbo Liu* 1324. Novel octaperoxophosphotetratungstate. Masato Hashimoto, Katsutoshi Kato*, Shinnya Kitaura 1325. Novel peroxohexatungstate. Masato Hashimoto, Akitsugu Shiga* 1326. Construction of zero- to 2-D POMbased compounds through adjusting the metal cations and polyanions. Jun Peng*, Pengpeng Zhang, Haijun Pang, Min Zhu, Dandan Wang, Mingguan Liu 1327. Straightforward method for making versatile Keggin polyoxometalate microtubes: Toward component-tunable tubular structure. Jun Peng*, Yan Shen, Haijun Pang, Pengpeng Zhang, Dan Chen, Changyun Chen, Huanqiu Zhang 1328. Surfactant with Dawson type polyoxometalates as polar head: A concentration and water dependent single-layer vesicle to multilayer vesicle transition. Panchao Yin*, Dong Li, Emily Bitterlich, Tianbo Liu*, Leroy Cronin* 1329. Syntheses of inorganic-organic hybrid crystals composed of octamolybdates and a surfactant with electrons. Keisuke Mikurube, Yukihiro Abe, Takeru Ito*, Haruo Naruke, Takahisa Koroki, Tomoji Ozeki 1330. Inorganic-organic hybrid crystals constructed by polyoxomolybdate and cationic surfactant. Takeru Ito*, Toshihiro Yamase 1331. Resolution and crystal structure determinaton of optically active chiral POM,[H4Mo10Co2O38]6-. Uk Lee*, Hea-Chung Joo 1332. Efficient epoxidation of homoallylic alcohols with H 2O2 catalyzed by a selenium-containing peroxotungstate. Tomohisa Hirano, Shinjiro Kuzuya, Keigo Kamata*, Noritaka Mizuno 1333. Assembly of crown ether alkali metal supermolecular complexes with metaloxide cluster. Xiaoming Lu* 1334. Structural studies of Ln series all-inorganic macrocyclic polyoxovanadate complexes by X-ray structures and EXAFS. Masaki Nishio, Yoshihito Hayashi*, Misaki Katayama, Kazuhiko Ozutsumi 1335. Synthesis and molecular structure of a sandwich-type aluminum(III) complex composed of Keggin-type tri-lacunary polyoxotungstate. Chika Kato*, Yurika Katayama, Masao Kato, Miyuki Nakagawa, Masaru Nagami, Mikio Yamasaki 1336. Conductivity and thermal stability of polyoxomolybdophosphates. Eri Ishikawa*, Yuji Hayashi, Kenich Imaeda, Makoto Watanabe Hilton South Pacific III Nanoscale Characterization of Functional Materials by Nuclear Probes (#275) Organized by: K. Nomura, A. Hill, J. Stevens, H. Wei, Y. Yamada Presiding: K. Nomura 19:00 – 1337. Mössbauer study of corrosion resistance of steel coated with Zn and Zn-Al alloy. Yasufumi Morinaga*, Sachiko Fujimoto, Yasuhiro Yamada, Yoshio Kobayashi 19:05 – 1338. Mössbauer study of iron nitride films produced by pulsed laser deposition. Ryo Usui*, Yasuhiro Yamada, Yoshio Kobayashi * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 19:10 – 1339. Study on the magnetism and anomalous behavior of 57Fe Mössbauer spectra for iron(II) complex coordinated by verdazyl radical. Hajime Kamebuchi*, Atsushi Okazawa, Masaya Enomoto, Jun Harada, Keiichiro Ogawa, Masashi Okubo, Cyrille Train, Michel Verdaguer, Norimichi Kojima 19:15 – 1340. Dilute magnetic properties of Fe doped Al2O3 powders prepared by a sol gel method. Kiyoshi Nomura*, Jun Okabayashi, Ryosuke Kinoshita, Isao Sakamoto 19:20 – 1341. Observation of local fields in impurity-doped ZnO by means of the TDPAC method. Sayaka Komatsuda*, Wataru Sato, Yoshitaka Ohkubo 19:25 – 1342. Mössbauer studies of linear two-coordinate Fe complexes with bulky arylthiol ligands. Yoshio Kobayashi, Takashi Nagatomo, Mikinao Ito, Tsukasa Matsuo, Yoshiaki Shoji, Isao Watanabe, Yasuyuki Ishii, Kohei Tamao 19:30 – 1343. Highly efficient and stable iron-hydroxyapatite supported gold catalyst for CO oxidation. Kunfeng Zhao, Junhu Wang, Botao Qiao, Yanjie Zhang, Changzi Jin, Tao Zhang 19:35 Discussions for all short presentations in this evening session Sunday Morning Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Inorganic General Posters Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 Coordination chemistry 1344. New insights into the stability of lanthanide-Kläui complexes. Kevin Allen*, Emma Nicholls-Allison*, David J. Berg 1345. Relationship between photophysical, chiroptical, and structural properties of lanthanide-containing complexes. Bao Le, Servando G. Ponce, Gilles Muller* 1346. Dinuclear tantalum(III) complexes[Ta2Cl6(L)3] (L ⫽ sulfide type ligands): Preparation, structures, and the catalytic activity for the regioselective cyclotrimerization of alkynes. Masatohsi Matsuura, Takashi Fujihara*, Akira Nagasawa 1347. Photomagnetic properties of iron(II) spin crossover complexes based on stilbene-attached ligands. Kazuhiro Takahashi, Michihiro Nishikawa, Yuta Hasegawa, Shoko Kume, Hiroshi Nishihara 1348. Kinetics and mechanism of trans-tooxo ligand substitution in the oxo-carboxylate triply bridged diruthenium(III) complex. Yohei Ido, Kiyoshi Sakaguchi, Minako Tasei, Suguru Minami, Takashi Fujihara, Akira Nagasawa* 1349. Syntheses, molecular structures and electrochemical properties of mono- and dinuclear nickel(II) complexes with 2,5diamino-1,4-benzoquionediimines. Keiji Ohno, Takashi Fujihara*, Akira Nagasawa 1350. Synthesis and characterization of Pdindole complexes. Takuya Suzuki, Yuichi Shimazaki, Tatsuo Yajima, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1351. Synthesis, crystal structure, and physical properties of new multinuclear platinum complexes. Yosuke Konno, Ken Sakai 1352. Synthesis, carbohydrate- and DNAbinding studies of cationic 2,2’:6’,2’’- terpyridineplatinum(II) complexes containing N- and S-donor boronic acid ligands. Simin S. Hosseini*, Mohan Bhadbhade, Ronald Clarke, Peter Rutledge, Louis Rendina 1353. Double ring inversion of bipyrimidine coordinated to copper correlated to redox behavior. Yusuke Takara, Tatsuya Masui, Michihiro Nishikawa, Shoko Kume, Hiroshi Nishihara 1354. Withdrawn 1355. Synthesis and characterization of the novel phosphines with a ferrocene skeleton. Fumio Ando*, Hua Hong, Jugo Koketsu 1356. Withdrawn 1357. Thermal and antimicrobial aspect of poly[(2-hydroxy,4-butoxy) butylene] ligand and its polychelates with lanthanides (III). Vasant M. Patel Organometallic reactions 1358. Synthesis of imino- and aminophosphine containing pincer ligands: Metal complexation and ligand reactivity. Michael J. Sgro, Douglas W. Stephan* 1359. Synthesis of hydrophilic iminophosphorane organogold (III) complexes: Study of their cytotoxicity against solid tumors in vitro and their interaction with biomolecular targets. Monica Carreira, Fangwei Liu, Claribel Nunez, Laura Vela, Isabel Marzo, Maria Contel* 1360. Efficient cyclopropylation of carbonyl compounds and imines using low-valent samarium species. Akishi Nitta, Daiki Noro, Masaki Tsushima, Yasuo Yokoyama*, Shoko Suzuki 1361. Synthesis, characterization, and MMA polymerization activity of cobalt(II) and iron(II) catalysts bearing new [bpmaL] ligands. Hyosun Lee*, Minkyu Yang, Jong Hwa Jeong 1362. Ring-opening polymerization of lactide using well-defined cationic zinc catalysts. Craig A. Wheaton, Paul G. Hayes* 1363. Activation and reduction of CO2 by aluminum-based frustrated Lewis pairs. Gabriel Menard, Douglas W. Stephan* 1364. Synthesizing frustrated Lewis pairs for applications in the activation of small molecules and catalysis. Cheryl A. Tanur, Douglas W. Stephan* 1365. Activation of olefins by bulky m-terphenyl aluminum hydrides. Christopher E. Melton*, Philip P. Power 1366. Formation of diaryl telluroxides and tellurones by photosensitized oxygenation of diaryl tellurides. Makoto Oba*, Yasunori Okada, Kazuhito Tanaka, Kozaburo Nishiyama, Wataru Ando Surface metal complexes 1367. Preparation and electrochemical properties of metal complex oligomer wires on the Si(111) surface. Hiroaki Maeda*, Yoshinori Yamanoi, Hiroshi Nishihara 1368. Development of a novel method for Pd-catalyzed arylation of hydrogen-terminated Si(111) wafers. Junya Sendo*, Yusuke Yabusaki, Yoshinori Yamanoi, Hiroshi Nishihara Coordination polymers 1369. Multizonal crystalline systems and self-assembly: A summary of results. S Russell Seidel*, Kathryn E. Dorst, Abigail V. Hunter, Mia Jurjevic, Joseph S. Campanelli, Kenneth L. Martin, Carly S. Anderson, Russell G. Baughman, Juan C. Alicea, Andrew Barthelmess, Sara B. Spector, Richard T. Wilkens, Russell Ainbinder 1370. Interpenetrated giant metal-organic frameworks from bulky organic building unit. Cheng-Hua Lee, Kuang-Lieh Lu 1371. Single-crystal to single-crystal (SCSC) transformations at discrete dimeric copper complexes and polymeric mercury complexes. Mobin Shaikh, Pradeep Mathur, Lahiri K. Goutam Inorganic solids 1372. Iodometric quantification of electron incorporated in 12CaO7Al2O3. Toshihiro Yoshizumi*, Hideo Hosono, Katsuro Hayashi 1373. Preparation of thermally stable ␥-alumina powders from La3⫹-doped polyhydroxoaluminum composite gels. Tomohiro Yamaguchi*, Susumu Hinata, Takayuki Fujita, Seiichi Taruta, Kunio Kitajima 1374. Different solid phases and liquid phase of K2TaF7 and other potassium fluorotantalates. Miroslav Boca* 1375. Addition of water retentive compounds on preparation of titanium phosphate pigments. Taisuke Yamaguchi*, Hiroaki Onoda 1376. Preparation of porous phosphate with various acidic and basic compounds. Hiroaki Onoda* 1377. Synthesis, acid and base resistance of nickel-cerium(⫹III) phosphate pigments. Takeshi Sakumura*, Hiroaki Onoda 1378. Studies on the reaction kinetics between nitrous acid and n,n-dimethylhydroxylamine. Gaoliang Li*, Hui He* 1379. Synthesis of poly[(2-hydroxy,4-butoxy) butylene] resin and its ion-exchange study with lanthanides (III). Jayantilal D. Joshi*, Dineshbhai R. Patel Hilton Hibiscus I/II Functional Molecule-Based Magnets (#25) Organized by: M. Yamashita, G. Christou, J. Miller, K. Murray, T. Sugawara, R. Thompson Presiding: T. Sugawara, J. Miller 7:30 – 1380. Routes to porous magnets based on spin clusters. Annie Powell* 8:00 – 1381. M(TCNE)x-based (TCNE ⫽ tetracyanoethylene) magnets: New materials and a structure-function relationship. Joel S. Miller 8:30 – 1382. Quantum entanglements and manipulation of molecular-spin qubits by pulsed electron magnetic multiple resonance technique. Kazunobu Sato*, Nakazawa Shigeaki, Robabeh Rahimi, Tomohiro Yoshino, Ayaka Tanaka, Tomoaki Ise, Shinsuke Nishida, Kazuo Toyota, Daisuke Shiomi, Yasushi Morita, Masahiro Kitagawa, Hideyuki Hara, Patrick Carl, Peter Höfer, Takeji Takui* 8:45 – 1383. Polymetallic oxalate-based 2-D magnets: Soluble molecular precursors for the nanostructuration of magnetic oxides. Carlos Martí-Gastaldo*, Eugenio Coronado, José R. Galán-Mascarós, Massimiliano Cavallini 9:05 – 1384. Pressure-induced sequential orbital reorientation in a magnetic framework material. Gregory Halder*, Karena Chapman, John Schlueter, Jamie Manson 9:20 – 1385. Approach to create a universal 2-D spectrochemical series. Tomohiko Ishii*, Shino Tsuboi, Genta Sakane, Masahiro Yamashita, Brian K. Breedlove 9:35 – 1386. Ferrimagnetic mixed-valence and mixed metal formate analogs of Prussian blue. Karl S. Hagen*, Sunil K. Naik, Boi H. Huynh, Antonio Masello, George Christou 9:55 – 1387. Pyrazine-bridged 2-D QHAFs: Highly isolated systems. Veli Selmani, Christopher P. Landee, Mark M. Turnbull, Joaquim Jornet-Somoza, Mercè Deumal, Juan J. Novoa, Tom Lancaster, Stephen Blundell 10:15 – 1388. 1-D molecular aggregates of self-associated nitroxide biradicals: A solution to biradical paradox. Yuki Kanzaki*, Daisuke Shiomi, Takatoshi Sawai, Kazunobu Sato, Keiji Okada, Takeji Takui 10:30 – 1389. Optical and electrical responses of organic radical materials. Kunio Awaga* 11:00 – 1390. First-principles study of the mechanism of the magnetic biestability in the TTTA (1,3,5-trithia-2,4,6-triazapentalenyl) magnet. Caroline S. Clarke, Joaquim Jornet, Fernando Mota, Mercè Deumal, Juan J. Novoa* Hilton Coral II Dioxygen Activation Chemistry and Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (#108) Organized by: S. Itoh, W. Nam, A. Rosenzweig, W. Tolman Presiding: W. Nam, W. Tolman 7:30 – 1391. Bio-inspired hydrocarbon oxidation by nonheme iron catalysts. Lawrence Que* 8:05 – 1392. Dioxygen activation of oxoperoxodiiron complexes: Effect of carboxylate donors of supporting ligand. Masahito Kodera*, Tomohiro Yasunaga, Yutaka Hitomi 8:40 – 1393. Reactivity of peroxo-diiron(III) and -dicopper(II) complexes: Functional models for dioxygen activating dimetalloenzymes. Masatatsu Suzuki* 9:15 – 1394. Biomimetic C-H activation by binuclear high-valent iron complexes. Julia B. Strautmann, Stephan Walleck, Susanne Dammers, Carl-Georg Frhr. v. Richthofen, Thorsten Glaser 9:40 – 1395. Structural and spectroscopic characterization and reactivities of metaloxygen intermediates in dioxygen activation chemistry. Wonwoo Nam* 10:15 – 1396. Utilizing noncovalent interactions in metal-mediated activation of dioxygen: Detecting high valent oxometal species and determining their role in oxidative processes. A. S. Borovik* 10:50 – 1397. Proton-coupled electron transfer in dioxygen chemistry. Jim Mayer*, Mauricio Cataneo, Christopher R. Waidmann, Shoshanna M. Barnett, Scott A. Ryken, Tristan A. Tronic, Colin T. Carver, Jeffrey J. Warren, Thomas R. Porter, Alexander R. Fox Hilton Coral I Self-Assembly and Coordination Chemistry (#164) Organized by: M. Fujita, L. MacGillivray, L. Stephen, S. Y Yu, M. Yoshizawa Presiding: S. Loeb, M. Takeuchi, M. Higuchi 7:30 – 1398. Coordination self-assemblies: Design and synthesis. Makoto Fujita* 7:45 – 1399. Supramolecular materials from multifunctional -diketones. Andrew W. Maverick*, Chandi Pariya, Jackson K. Cherutoi, Frank R. Fronczek 8:15 – 1400. Versatility of supramolecular coordinationchemistry. Rolf Saalfrank* 8:45 – 1401. Self-assembled main group coordination complexes. Virginia M. Cangelosi, Justin L. Crossland, Sean A. Fontenot, Darren W. Johnson* 9:00 – 1402. f-Directed synthesis and the photophysical evaluations of lanthanide luminescent self-assembly supramolecular structures. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson 9:15 – 1403. Tape- and capsule-shaped anthracene oligomers. Michito Yoshizawa* 9:30 – 1404. Neutral Re(I) metal complexes as efficient anion binders. Samik Nag, Amlan K. Pal, Garry S. Hanan* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–89 02-INOR 9:45 – 1405. Exploiting polydentate 1,2,3triazoles “click” ligands to generate functional metallosupramolecular architectures. James D. Crowley*, Kelly J. Kilpin, Emma L. Gavey 10:00 – 1406. Transition-metal-bound peptide: Synthesis, structure, and functions. Hikaru R. Takaya*, Daisuke Sasano, Kazuki Ogata, Katsuhiro Isozaki, Hirofumi Seike, Masaharu Nakamura 10:15 – 1407. Rotaxanes as ligands in metalligand self-assembly. Stephen Loeb*, Elizabeth Viljoen 10:30 – 1408. Coordination-based abiotic molecular machines. Chad Mirkin* 11:00 – 1409. Million fold rate enhancement and chiral selectivity in a chiral cluster assembly. Kenneth N. Raymond, Robert G. Bergman, Courtney J. Hastings, Casey J. Brown Hilton Rainbow II Advances in Nuclear Chemistry of Transactinide Elements (#218) Organized by: Y. Nagame, C. Duellmann, H. Nitsche, P. Schwerdtfeger, Z. Qin Presiding: Y. Nagame 7:30 – 1410. Production of new isotopes using the 242Pu(48Ca,5n)285114 nuclear reaction. Paul Ellison*, Ken Gregorich, Jill Berryman, Darren Bleuel, Rod Clark, Mario Cromaz, Irena Dragojevic, Jan Dvorak, Paul Fallon, Carolina Fineman-Sotomayor, Jacklyn Gates, Oliver Gothe, I-Yang Lee, Walter Loveland, Augusto Macchiavelli, Joseph McLaughlin, Stefanos Paschalis, Marina-Kalliopi Petri, Jing Qian, Liv Stavsetra, Mathis Wiedeking, Heino Nitsche 8:00 – 1411. Confirmations of the synthesis of 278113 produced by the 209Bi(70Zn,n)278113 reaction. Kouji Morimoto*, Kosuke Morita, Daiya Kaji, Hiromitsu Haba, Kazutaka Ozeki, Yuki Kudou, Nozomi Sato, Takayuki Sumita, Akira Yoneda, Takatoshi Ichikawa, Yasuyuki Fujimori, Sin-ichi Goto, Tianheng Huang, Eiji Ideguchi, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Kenji Katori, Yukiko Komori, Hiroyuki Koura, Hisaaki Kudo, Masafumi Murakami, Akira Ozawa, Ryutaro Sakai, Fuyuki Tokanai, Kazuaki Tsukada, Takayuki Yamaguchi, Atsushi Yoshida 8:30 – 1412. Bridging the gap from superheavy elements to the known nuclides: The 48Ca⫹232Th reaction. Jacklyn Gates*, Kenneth E. Gregorich, Jill S. Berryman, Darren L. Bleuel, Roderick M. Clark, Mario Cromaz, Irena Dragojevic, Paul A. Ellison, Paul Fallon, Oliver R. Gothe, Walter D. Loveland, Augusto O. Macchiavelli, Joseph McLaughlin, Stefanos Paschalis, Marina-Kalliopi Petri, Jing Qian, Mathis Wiedeking, Heino Nitsche 9:00 – 1413. Decay properties of 261Rf and 262Rf. Shin-ichi Goto*, Masashi Murakami, Hirohumi Murayama, Hisaaki Kudo, Daiya Kaji, Koji Morimoto, Hiromitsu Haba, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Yuki Kudo, Kosuke Morita 9:30 – 1414. Anion-exchange behavior of Db in HF and HNO3 mixed solution using an on-line chemical apparatus. Kazuaki Tsukada, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Masato Asai, Atsushi Toyoshima, Yasuo Ishii, Zijie Li, Tetsuya K. Sato, Yuichiro Nagame, Matthias Schaedel, Shin-ichi Goto, T. Hasegawa, Hisaaki Kudo, Hiromitsu Haba, Y. Kudou, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, K. Ooe, H. Fujisawa, Wataru Sato, Atsushi Shinohara, Yasuji Oura, Kazuhiko Akiyama, T. Nanri, M. Araki, Akihiko Yokoyama, Keisuke Sueki 90 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 10:00 – 1415. Electrolytic oxidation of nobelium with a microchannel-electrode chip. Kazuhiro Ooe*, Yukiko Komori, Hiroyuki Fujisawa, Ai Kuriyama, Reona Takayama, Yuki Kikutani, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Takashi Yoshimura, Naruto Takahashi, Hiromitsu Haba, Yuki Kudou, Yutaka Ezaki, Atsushi Shinohara 10:20 – 1416. On-line isothermal gas chromatographic behavior of group-5 elements as homologues of Db. Tetsuya K. Sato*, Kazuaki Tsukada, Masato Asai, Atsushi Toyoshima, Yoshitaka Kasamatsu, Yasuo Ishii, Zijie Li, Nozomi Sato, Takahiro Kikuchi, Shaohu Liang, Yuichiro Nagame, Matthias Schädel 10:40 – 1417. IRiS: Exploring new frontiers in neutron-rich isotopes of the heaviest elements. Jan Dvorak*, Michael Block, Christoph E. Düllmann, Sophia Heinz, Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg, Matthias Schädel 11:10 – 1418. New gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS-II developed for SHE study. Daiya Kaji*, Kouji Morimoto, Nozomi Sato, Akira Yoneda, Hiromitsu Haba, Kazutaka Ozeki, Takayuki Sumita, Kosuke Morita Hilton Rainbow I Chemistry and Materials Science at High Pressures (#239) Organized by: Y. Song, I. Butler, Y. Lee, R. Manaa Presiding: R. Manaa 7:30 – 1419. Quantum chemical simulations of tribochemical reactions. Nicholas J. Mosey* 7:55 – 1420. Chemistry under pressure. John S. Tse* 8:20 – 1421. Atomic-scale theoretical studies of energy transfer and inelastic deformation in condensed phase high explosives. Thomas Sewell* 8:45 – 1422. Equation of state of Titan’s interior: A thermo-chemical assessment. Michaael Howard*, Sorin Bastea, Bishun Khare, Chris McKay 9:00 – 1423. Calculation of activation and reaction volumes using molecular dynamics simulations. Nicholas Boon, Elna Deglint, Essex Edwards, Heather Martens, Paul Dance, Van Dinh, Noham Weinberg* 9:15 – 1424. Synthesis of glycine-CO2 complexes in impacts of comets on early Earth. Nir Goldman*, Evan J. Reed, Laurence E. Fried, I-Feng W. Kuo, Amitesh Maiti 9:30 – 1425. Unraveling shock-induced chemistry using ultrafast lasers. David S. Moore*, Shawn D. McGrane, Cynthia A. Bolme, R. J. Scharff, Margo Greenfield 9:55 – 1426. Journey to 3-D synchrotron Xray imaging and diffraction studies for materials under high pressure extreme conditions. Haozhe Liu*, Luhong Wang*, Xianghui Xiao, Francesco De Carlo, Peter Lee, Jon Almer 10:20 – 1427. Hydrogen chemistry and dynamics in compressed materials by highresolution diamond anvil cell NMR. Takuo Okuchi* 10:45 – 1428. Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy under extreme conditions. Zhenxian Liu 11:10 – 1429. Use of anomalous X-ray scattering and Monte-Carlo simulation for the determination of the structures of amorphous materials at high pressure. Simon M. Clark*, Bora Kalkan, Alan K. Soper, Sabyasachi Sen Hilton South Pacific I New Frontiers in Polyoxometalate Chemistry (#251) Organized by: M. Nyman, C. Boskovic, N. Mizuno, L. Xu Presiding: M. Nyman 7:30 – 1430. Counter-ion association and exchange around polyoxometalate macroanions. Tianbo Liu*, Joseph M. Pigga 8:00 – 1431. Synthesis, morphology, and applications of polyoxometalate-containing block copolymers. Josh Peng*, Sanjiban Chakraborty 8:20 – 1432. The influence of heteropolytungstates on functional mobility of ribosomes. Ada Yonath 8:50 – 1433. Withdrawn 9:10 – 1434. Molecular nanomagnets from ligand substitution with polyoxometalates. Xikui Fang* 9:30 – 1435. Electrochemical and photochemical studies on Dawson-type [P2W18O62]6-, [S2W18O62]4- and [S2Mo18O62]4- polyoxometalates as catalysts for water oxidation in ionic liquid media. Alan M. Bond*, Gianluca Bernardini, Anthony G. Wedd 10:00 – 1436. Thermal and mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites containing surfactant encapsulated polyoxometalates. Lucas P. Johnson*, Janis Matisons 10:20 – 1437. Two-electron reduced species, -[PMo12O40]5- and [W10O32]6-, involved in UV-photolyses of heptametalates of Mo and W. Toshihiro Yamase* 10:50 – 1438. Unveiling the polyoxoniobates architecture: High-nuclearity isopolyoxoniobates with pentagonal building blocks. Ryo Tsunashima*, De L. Long, Haralampos N. Miras, David Gabb, Chullikkattil P. Pradeep, Leroy Cronin* 11:10 – 1439. Electrochemical and ion-pairing phenomena of [M6O19]8- (M⫽Nb,Ta). Mark Antonio, May Nyman Hilton South Pacific III Nanoscale Characterization of Functional Materials by Nuclear Probes (#275) Organized by: K. Nomura, A. Hill, J. Stevens, H. Wei, Y. Yamada Presiding: K. Nomura 7:30 – 1440. Positron and nuclear magnetic resonance studies of phase evolution in aluminium alloys. Timothy J. Bastow, Matthew D. Lay, Christopher R. Hutchinson, Anita J. Hill 8:00 – 1441. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy of hierarchically structured porous materials. Cara Doherty*, Anita J. Hill 8:20 – 1442. Positron annihilation study of functional porous thin films. Kenji Ito*, Yoshinori Kobayashi 8:40 – 1443. Development of positron probe microanalyzer for a 2-D defect mapping. Masanori Fujinami 9:00 – 1444. Vibrational studies of FeS clusters in NiFe-hydrogenase by means of nuclear resonant vibrational spectroscopy. Saeed Kamali* 9:40 – 1445. Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy of ZnO-SnO-P2O5 glasses. Hiroyo Segawa, Satoru Inoue, Kiyoshi Nomura 10:00 – 1446. Trichloroethylene (TCE) decomposing ability and local structure of the Fe-Fe3O4 mixture. Shiro Kubuki*, Kazuhiko Akiyama, Zoltan Homonnay, Erno Kuzmann, Tetsuaki Nishida 10:20 – 1447. 155Gd Mössbauer spectroscopic and XRD study of solid solution of CeO2 and Gd2O3. Masashi Takahashi*, Kazutaka Imai, Shiro Matsukawa, Etsuji Yamamoto, Akio Nakamura* 10:40 – 1448. Mössbauer spectroscopic investigations of novel bimetal catalysts for preferential CO oxidation in H2. Kuo Liu, Jie Yin, Wansheng Zhang, Junhu Wang, Yanqiang Huang, Aiqin Wang, Jianyi Shen, Tao Zhang Hilton Rainbow III The Construction of Photofunctional Supramolecular Metal Complexes (#94) Organized by: M. Kato, P. Ford, G. Hanan, H. Ishida, V. Yam Presiding: V. Yam, G. Hannan, H. Ishida, M. Kato 7:50 – 1449. Vapochromic behavior and vapor-induced self-organization of platinum complexes with dicarboxybipyridine. Masako Kato*, Tsubasa Yonemura, Atsushi Kobayashi 8:05 – 1450. Mechanochromic and nonmechanochromic photoluminescence of gold(I)-isocyanide complexes. Hajime Ito*, Masaya Sawamura, Sayaka Kurenuma, Takuma Okura 8:20 – 1451. Design and assembly strategies toward photofunctional molecular and supramolecular metal complexes. Vivian W. Yam* 8:50 – 1452. Long-lived luminescence of d10 metal complexes. Taro Tsubomura*, Kenji Matsumoto, Toshiaki Tsukuda 9:05 – 1453. Design of photoactivatable ligands and their complexes with tunable isocyano rhenium(I) diimine luminophore. Vincent Chi-Chiu Ko* 9:20 – 1454. Photochemical studies on Cr(III) cyclam complexes: Photosensitization with semiconductor quantum dots and nitric oxide release. Peter C. Ford*, Alexis D. Ostrowski 9:35 – 1455. Photochemistry of transition metal complexes bearing arylborane charge transfer units. Noboru Kitamura 9:55 – 1456. Spectroscopic and TD-DFT characterization of charge transfer excited states of mono- and bi-metallic complexes. John F. Endicott*, Marco M. Allard, Onduro S. Odongo, H. B. Schlegel 10:10 – 1457. Photophysical properties of nine-coordinate Eu(III) complexes with tridentate phosphine oxides. Yasuchika Hasegawa 10:25 – 1458. Two-photon absorbing 4-(9,9’-di(2-ethylhexyl)-7-diphenylaminofluoren-2-yl)-2,2’:6’,2”-terpyridine platinum complexes. Wenfang Sun*, Zhiqiang Ji, Yunjing Li, Timothy M. Pritchett, Nikolay S. Makarov, Joy E. Haley, Aleks Rebane 10:40 – 1459. Phthalocyanine-based fluorescence probes for detecting Vitamin C. Kazuyuki Ishii*, Kensuke Kubo, Kikuo Komori, Yasuyuki Sakai 10:55 – 1460. Smart quantum dot sensors for metabolic tumor profiling afforded by supramolecular concepts. Daniel G. Nocera 11:25 Closing remarks * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR Hilton Kahili I/II Hilton Lehua Suite Coordination Chemistry toward Artificial Photosynthesis and Energy Conversion Processes (#194) Structural and Functional Aspects of Coordination Polymers (#133) Organized by: K. Tanaka, J. Muckerman, K. Sakai, L. Sun Presiding: K. Tanaka 7:50 Opening remarks 7:55 – 1461. Water oxidation by single site molecular catalysts. Thomas J. Meyer 8:40 – 1462. Water oxidation goes via 7-coordination of Ru catalysts with low overpotentials. Licheng Sun*, Lele Duan, Andreas Fischer, Yunhua Xu, Lianpeng Tong 9:15 – 1463. Catalysis of mononuclear ruthenium complexes in oxygen evolution from water. Shigeyuki Masaoka*, Masaki Yoshida, Ayano Kimoto, Kosei Yamauchi, Ken Sakai* 9:40 – 1464. Studies of oxomanganese complexes for natural and artificial photosynthesis. Victor Batista*, Eduardo Sproviero, Ting Wang, Declan Clarke, Gary Brudvig 10:15 – 1465. Water oxidation by mononuclear catalysts. Derek J. Wasylenko, Chelladurai Ganesamoorthy, Bryan D. Koivisto, Matthew A. Henderson, Curtis P. Berlinguette* 10:40 – 1466. Electrocatalytic water oxidation to oxygen at low overpotentials by a manganese porphyrin dimer modified ITO electrode. Zaki N. Zahran*, Takehiro Ohta, Yoshinori Naruta 11:05 – 1467. Investigations of molecular catalysts for water oxidation. Derek J. Wasylenko, Chelladurai Ganesamoorthy, Mathew A. Henderson, Bryan D. Koivisto, Curtis P. Berlinguette* Hilton Nautilus I & II Organoboron, Organosilicon and Organophosphorus as Optoelectronic and Energy-related Materials (#35) Organized by: S. Wang, F. Jaekle, Y. Wang, S. Yamaguchi Presiding: F. Jaekle 8:00 – 1468. Toward boron-functionalized regioregular polythiophenes. Frank D. Pammer, Haiyan Li, Frieder Jäkle* 8:20 – 1469. Controlling amine-borane dehydrogenation with homogeneous catalysts. R. Tom Baker* 8:50 – 1470. Dually switchable, phosphorusbased heterotetracenes. Yi Ren, Thomas Baumgartner* 9:10 – 1471. 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-diboraanthracene: A novel ditopic borane for hydroboration polymerization. Matthias Wagner*, Andreas Lorbach* 9:40 – 1472. Phosphorus-containing pi-conjugated systems as sensory materials. Takanobu Sanji* 10:00 – 1473. New applications of frustrated Lewis pairs. Doug Stephan* 10:30 – 1474. Synthesis of triazolyl methylsubstituted thio-, amino-, and oxy-undecahydrododecaborates for potential application to boron neutron capture therapy. Hiroyuki Nakamura*, Mohamed E. El-Zaria, Hyun Seung Ban, Afaf R. Genady 10:50 – 1475. Catalytic routes to functional main group polymers and materials. Ian Manners* Organized by: S. Telfer, S. Cohen, D. Leznoff Presiding: S. Telfer 8:20 – 1476. Porous coordination polymer crystal on porous coordination polymer (PCP on PCP). Shuhei Furukawa, Kenji Hirai, Susumu Kitagawa* 9:00 – 1477. Novel metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for asymmetric catalysis and enantiomer separation. Koichi Tanaka*, Ken-ichi Ootani, Daisuke Hirayama 9:30 – 1478. Coordination polymers that can be processed into gels and fibers. Jagadese J. Vittal 10:00 – 1479. Chiral coordination polymers from camphor: Directionality by design. Christopher M. Fitchett, Peter J. Steel 10:30 – 1480. Developing chemical triggers for spin state switching in coordination complexes and materials. Matthew Shores*, Zhaoping Ni, Ashley M. McDaniel, Stephanie R. Fiedler, Christina M. Klug 11:00 – 1481. Size controlled formation of porous coordination polymers and thin films on gold substrate. Stephane Diring*, Shuhei Furukawa, Hiromitsu Uehara, Susumu Kitagawa Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Molecular Design in Bioinorganic Chemistry (#173) Organized by: T. Hayashi, D. Goldberg, P. Kennepohl, H. Masuda Presiding: T. Hayashi Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 1482. Preparation and crystal structural characterization of iron porphyrin nitrosamine compounds: Insights into the direct heme-nitrosamine interaction. Nan Xu, Douglas R. Powell, George B. Richter-Addo* 1483. Kinetic analysis of reduction of formyl groups in chlorophylls and pheophytins. Kana Sadaoka, Yoshitaka Saga* 1484. Hangman and Pacman corrole-complexes as biomimetic enzyme models. Matthias Schwalbe* 1485. Synthesis and reactivity of a novel dicopper(II) complex as a benzene hydroxylation catalyst. Mana Goto*, Yuji Kajita, Hideki Masuda 1486. Synthetic model studies for the trinuclear copper cluster sites of multicopper oxidases. Kojiro Nagata, Kensuke Fukui, Tomohiko Inomata, Tomohiro Ozawa, Yasuhiro Funahashi, Hideki Masuda* 1487. Biomimetic study of dioxygen-activation on dicopper complexes for understanding molecular mechanism of Tyrosinase. Tomoaki Toyama*, Kotaro Yoshii, Yuko Wasada-TsuTsui, Yuji Kajita, Tomohiko Inomata, Tomohiro Ozawa, Hideki Masuda, Yasuhiro Funahashi 1488. Model reaction of methyl coenzyme M reductase: Methane formation via C-S bond cleavage of Ni(I) cyclam complexes having methylthio-substituted pendant chains. Jun-ichi Nishigaki, Tsuyoshi Matsumoto, Kazuyuki Tatsumi* 1489. Electron from hydrogen and how to get it. Takahiro Matsumoto* 1490. Structural characterization of N3S2 ligand field isomerism on bioinspired Ni(II) centers. Michael Jensen*, Huaibo Ma, Jeffrey L. Petersen, Victor G. Young 1491. Photoinduced electron-transfer reactions of dendrimer-type carbonic anhydrase inhibitors containing tris(2,2’-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) complex. Hiroshi Takashima*, Fumie Nakagaki, Pirika Awano, Keiichi Tsukahara 1492. Elucidation of metal-ion accumulation on protein surfaces by using porous lysozyme crystals containing Rh(III) ions. Satoshi Abe, Susumu Kitagawa, Takafumi Ueno* 1493. Functional characteristics of hemerythrin-like domain from the perspective of its large substrate tunnel. Yasunori Okamoto, Akira Onoda, Takashi Hayashi* 1494. Artificial metalloenzyme constructed by a covalently-linked rhodium(I) complex within a protein matrix. Kazuki Fukumoto, Akira Onoda, Takashi Hayashi* 1495. Microbial defense against nitric oxide: Scavenging mechanism of NO by flavodiiron proteins. Takahiro Hayashi*, Jonathan Caranto, David A. Wampler, Donald M. Kurtz, Pierre Moënne-Loccoz 1496. Control of electronic structures of oneelectron oxidized products of iron(III) porphyrin complexes by means of axial ligands and deformation mode of porphyrin ring. Akira Ikezaki*, Mikio Nakamura 1497. Seeking the low-spin iron(III) porphyrinoids with the purest (dxz, dyz)4(dxy)1 ground state. Akira Ikezaki*, Jyunpei Ono, Yoshiki Ohgo, Mikio Nakamura 1498. Electronic structure of highly ruffled low-spin iron(III) porphyrinates with electron withdrawing heptafluoropropyl groups at the meso positions. Akira Tozuka, Miyoko Taniguchi, Souhei Kouno, Akira Ikezaki, Yoshiki Ohgo, Mikio Nakamura* 1499. QM/MM study on water-assisted oxo mechanism for heme oxygenase. Tomonori Nishimi, Takashi Kamachi, Kazunari Yoshizawa 1500. Withdrawn 1501. Comparative and in vitro activity study of some organotin(iv) carboxylate derivatives against leukemia cancer cell, l-1210. Sutopo Hadi*, Mita Rilyanti, Yuli Ambarwati 1502. Syntheses and photodynamic activities of sugar linked in porphyrin as a dual drug of diagnostic imaging and photodynamic therapy. Misaki Nakai*, Tomohiro Maeda, Shigenobu Yano, Shiho Sakuma, Eiko Otake, Akimichi Morita, Yasuo Nakabayasi 1503. Mercury(II)-selective fluorescent response of bisquinoline derivatives with thioether linkage. Yuji Mikata*, Fumie Nakagaki 1504. Metallo-thiacalix[4]arenetetrasulfonate as an artificial peroxidase mimesis and its application to clinical chemistry. Shinjiro Tsukikawa, Hirotaka Ohsaki, Masahiko Inoguchi, Junichi Odo 1505. Synthesis, characterization, and antitumor activity of cisplatin type Pt(II) and Pd(II) complexes containing a Schiff base derived from amino sugar. Hiromi Ohi*, Akio Toshimitsu, Shigenobu Yano 1506. Gold nanoparticles modified electrodes: Effect of particle size on electrochemical response of metalloproteins. Masato Suzuki, Kenichi Murata, Nobuhumi Nakamura*, Hiroyuki Ohno 1507. Photochemical and electrochemical properties of B12-Ru(bpy)3 catalytic system. Junichi Aoki, Hisashi Shimakoshi, Masaaki Abe, Yoshio Hisaeda* 1508. Solution structural and functional study of the Helicobacter pylori prolyl isomerase and chaperone SlyD. Hongyan Li, Tianfan Cheng, Wei Xia, Hongzhe Sun* Sunday Afternoon Hilton Hibiscus I/II Functional Molecule-Based Magnets (#25) Organized by: M. Yamashita, G. Christou, J. Miller, K. Murray, T. Sugawara, R. Thompson Presiding: A. Powell, K. Awaga 12:30 – 1509. Spin-transition-like behavior of radical chelate complexes accompanied by twisted deformation around a copper(II)⫺nitroxide coordination bond. Atsushi Okazawa*, Takayuki Ishida, Norimichi Kojima 12:45 – 1510. Synthesis and magnetic properties of dialkoxy-substituted dithiazolyl radicals. Jeremy M. Rawson*, Efren Navarro, Robert Less, Antonio Alberola 13:15 – 1511. Paramagnetic thiazyl and selenazyl ligands: Intermolecular interactions. Kathryn E. Preuss* 13:35 – 1512. Organic metallic magnet exhibiting giant negative magnetoresistance. Tadashi Sugawara, Hideji Komatsu, Ryusuke Kondo, Michio M. Matsushita, Kentaro Suzuki 14:05 – 1513. Heavy atom radicals as conductive and magnetic materials. Richard T. Oakley 14:35 – 1514. Magnetic and optical properties of functional cyanoaurate-based coordination polymer materials. Daniel Leznoff* 14:55 – 1515. Novel magnetic functionalities on cyano-bridged metal assemblies. Ohkoshi Shin-ichi* 15:25 – 1516. Atypical resposnses of metal polycyanide networks to external stimuli. Kosmas Prassides* 15:45 – 1517. Light-induced phase collapse in a rubidium manganese hexacyanoferrate. Hiroko Tokoro, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi 16:00 – 1518. Photoeffects in nanometer scale heterostructures of Prussian blue analogs. Daniel R. Talham*, Mark W. Meisel*, Matthieu F. Dumont, Daniel M. Pajerowski, Matthew J. Andrus, Elisabeth S. Knowles Hilton Coral II Dioxygen Activation Chemistry and Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (#108) Organized by: S. Itoh, W. Nam, A. Rosenzweig, W. Tolman Presiding: C. Riordan, T. Kojima 12:30 – 1519. Dioxygen activation by nickel complexes: Strategies, structures, and reactivity. Charles G. Riordan* 13:05 – 1520. Design of bio-inspired homogeneous and heterogeneous oxidation catalysts. Shiro Hikichi* 13:40 – 1521. Selective and catalytic oxygenation by ruthenium complexes with water as an oxygen source. Takahiko Kojima* 14:15 – 1522. Oxygen-atom transfer reactions of ruthenium complexes bearing macrocyclic tertiary amine ligands. Tai Chu Lau* 14:50 – 1523. Withdrawn 15:25 – 1524. Developing catalysts for hydrocarbon oxidation. Melanie Sanford 16:00 – 1525. Environmentally benign iron catalysts using hydrogen peroxide for epoxidations of olefins. Kristin Schroeder, Kathrin Junge, Man K. Tse, Matthias Beller* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–91 02-INOR TECHNICAL PROGRAM Hilton Lehua Suite Hilton South Pacific I Structural and Functional Aspects of Coordination Polymers (#133) New Frontiers in Polyoxometalate Chemistry (#251) Organized by: S. Telfer, S. Cohen, D. Leznoff Presiding: S. Cohen Organized by: M. Nyman, C. Boskovic, N. Mizuno, L. Xu Presiding: M. Nyman 12:30 – 1526. Coordination polymers with variable length ligands and multifunctional nanoballs. Stuart Batten* 13:00 – 1527. Controlled synthesis of coordination polymer particles (CPPs) and their utilization. Moonhyun Oh* 13:30 – 1528. Doping, conductivity, and redox chemistry of a dithiolene-based metal organic framework. Yoji Kobayashi, Benjamin Jacobs, Mark D. Allendorf, Jeffrey R. Long 14:00 – 1529. Synthesis, structure, and spin structure of chiral magnets. Katsuya Inoue* 14:30 – 1530. Mixed-component and tagged metal-organic frameworks. Andrew D. Burrows 15:00 – 1531. Dithiolene complexes as metallo-ligands. Marc Fourmigue*, Olivier Jeannin, Alessia Famengo 15:30 – 1532. Design of photo-controllable magnetic and superconducting materials. Yasuaki Einaga* 16:00 – 1533. Synthesis and magnetic interactions in low-dimensional copper halides coordination polymers. Susan N. Herringer, Jan L. Wikaira, Christopher P. Landee, Mark M. Turnbull* 12:30 – 1546. Polynuclear transition metal clusters based on lacunary polyoxometalates. Yang-Guang Li*, Zhi-Ming Zhang, Qiong Wu, Yong-Hui Wang, Ying Lu, En-Bo Wang* 13:00 – 1547. Molecular cluster batteries of polyoxometalate materials. Hirofumi Yoshikawa, Shun Hamanaka, Naoya Kawasaki, Heng Wang, Toshihiko Yokoyama, Kunio Awaga 13:20 – 1548. Lacunary polyoxometalates as ligands for lanthanoid complexes with interesting electronic and magnetic properties. Colette Boskovic*, Chris Ritchie, Evan Moore, Manfred Speldrich, Paul Kögerler 13:40 – 1549. Polyoxometalate materials with optical, magnetic or electrocatalytic properties. Pierre Mialane*, Anne Dolbecq 14:10 – 1550. Organic-inorganic hybrid gels created from polyoxometalate-containing molecules. Wei Wang*, Bo Liu*, Jie Yang, Yongliang Wang, Miao Yang, Zijian Zhang, Yaokun Han, Ingo Lieberwirth, Christian Kübel 14:30 – 1551. Polyoxometalates in molecular spintronics. Eugenio Coronado*, Salvador Cardona-Serra, Juan M. Clemente-Juan, Elena Pinilla-Cienfuegos, Nicolas Suaud 15:00 – 1552. Reversible photoswitchable fluorescence in thin films of inorganic nanoparticle and polyoxometalate assemblies. Shaoqin Liu*, Hongyue Chen, Bin Qin, Zhiyong Tang 15:20 – 1553. From magnetic polyoxometalates toward molecular spintronics. Paul Kögerler* 15:50 – 1554. Polymeric peroxometalates. Masato Hashimoto*, Akitsugu Shiga, Hiroki Sasakura, Hiroaki Adachi, Takashi Tanaka, Tomohiro Minami, Hiroaki Fujiwara, Taichi Sato 16:10 – 1555. Magnetic polyoxometalates in molecular electronics. Juan M. Clemente-Juan*, Salvador Cardona-Serra, Eugenio Coronado, Alejandro Gaita-Ariño, Nicolas Suaud, Juan J. Palacios Hilton Coral I Self-Assembly and Coordination Chemistry (#164) Organized by: M. Fujita, L. MacGillivray, L. Stephen, S. Y Yu, M. Yoshizawa Presiding: Y. Shu-Yan, Y. Matsuo, Y. Negishi 12:30 – 1534. Macrocyclization by continuous metal-metal bonding. Shu-yan Yu* 12:45 – 1535. Functional metal oxide containers. Leroy Cronin* 13:15 – 1536. Some new aspects of inorganic self-assembly. Xintao Wu* 13:45 – 1537. Precise synthesis and characterization of thiolate-protected Au25-nMn (M ⫽ Pd or Au) bimetallic clusters. Yuichi Negishi* 14:00 – 1538. Metallacrown cavitands that bind either cation or anion guests. Malcolm A. Halcrow* 14:15 – 1539. Controlled fabrication of fullerene into microsphere of nanoplates through porphyrin polymer assisted selfassembly. Masayuki Takeuchi*, Xuan Zhang 14:30 – 1540. Supramolecular chirality in self-assembled LB films and organogel. Minghua Liu*, Li Zhang, Penglei Chen, Tianyu Wang 14:45 – 1541. Device application of organicmetallic hybrid polymers with electrochromic properties. Masayoshi Higuchi* 15:00 – 1542. Self-assembly of cationic metal-organic nanocages as models for soluble macrocations in solution. Tianbo Liu*, Dong Li 15:15 – 1543. Organic and organometallic fullerene derivatives having self-assembly capabilities. Yutaka Matsuo* 15:30 – 1544. Multinuclear calixarene-cobalt complexes in the nucleation, growth, and self-assembly of magnetic nanostructures. Alexander Wei* 16:00 – 1545. Edible MOFs in the making. Fraser Stoddart*, Ronald A. Smaldone, Ross S. Forgan, Hiroyasu Furukawa, Alexandra M. Slawin, Jeremiah J. Gassensmith, Omar M. Yaghi 92–TECH Hilton Rainbow I Chemistry and Materials Science at High Pressures (#239) Organized by: Y. Song, I. Butler, Y. Lee, R. Manaa Presiding: I. Butler 12:50 – 1556. Investigations of the behavior of completely siliceous zeolite ZSM-5 under high external pressures. Yueqiao Fu, Song Yang*, Yining Huang* 13:15 – 1557. High pressure transformations in water and semiconductor clathrates. Chris A. Tulk*, A. Moreira dos Santos, J. Neuefeind, J. Molaison, D. Klug, V. Honkimaki, B. Sales 13:40 – 1558. Structural study of hydrogenated fullerenes under high pressure. Bingbing Liu*, Xuemei Zhang, Quanjun Li, Honglei Ma, Thomas Wågberg, Bertil Sundqvist 14:05 – 1559. High-pressure studies of hydride complexes by Raman and infrared spectroscopy. Ang Liu*, Yang Song* 14:25 – 1560. Spectroscopic investigation of high-pressure gas absorption into a small-pore zeolite. Dan Liu*, Weiwei Lei*, Zhenxian Liu*, Yongjae Lee* 14:40 – 1561. High-pressure polymerization of liquid pyridine. Christian D. Grant*, I-Feng Kuo, Jonathan C. Crowhurst 14:55 – 1562. High-pressure behavior of a family metal formates, [PA⫹][M2⫹(CHO2)3], PA ⫽ protonated amine (e.g. DMA⫹), M ⫽ Mg2⫹, Co2⫹, Mn2⫹ and Zn2⫹. John B. Parise*, Lauren A. Borkowski 15:20 – 1563. High-pressure transitions of earth’s materials and analog materials: Post-spinel and post-perovskite transitions. Masaki Akaogi*, Shoichi Tsukamoto, Hiroshi Kojitani, Yuichi Shirako, Akito Enomoto 15:45 – 1564. In situ XAS aaainvestigations of the adsorption of metal aions on metal oxide nanoparticles in aqueous fluids to 500 °C. Robert A. Mayanovic*, Alan J. Anderson, Peter R. Meredith, William A. Bassett 16:10 – 1565. High-pressure chemistry with periodic mesostructured materials. Kai Landskron*, Paritosh Mohanty, Yingwei Fei, Li Zhang, Ho-Kwang Mao, Neil Coombs, Ilke Arslan, Nigel Browning, Volkan Ortalan 16:25 Concluding remarks Hilton Kahili I/II Coordination Chemistry toward Artificial Photosynthesis and Energy Conversion Processes (#194) Organized by: K. Tanaka, J. Muckerman, K. Sakai, L. Sun Presiding: K. Tanaka 13:00 – 1566. Artificial photosynthesis using metal complexes. Osamu Ishitani* 13:35 – 1567. Solar fuel generation using transition metal complexes. Etsuko Fujita*, James T. Muckerman 14:10 – 1568. Toward the development of artificial photosynthesis generating hydrogen energy from water and sunlight. Ken Sakai* 14:45 – 1569. Hydrogen production by hydrogenase-inspired Ni and Co complexes in acetonitrile and water: Are pendant bases necessary in aqueous solution? James T. Muckerman, Etsuko Fujita, Yolanda A. Small, Jonathan Skone 15:20 – 1570. Hydrogen evolution at low overpotentials. Jonas C. Peters* 15:55 – 1571. Photocatalytic H2 production by noble metal-free molecular catalysts. Mei Wang*, Pan Zhang, Jingfeng Dong, Xueqiang Li, Licheng Sun Sunday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Functional Molecule-Based Magnets (#25) Organized by: M. Yamashita, G. Christou, J. Miller, K. Murray, T. Sugawara, R. Thompson Presiding: M. Yamashita Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1572. Magnetic anisotropy designed SMM including Er(III) ion. Aika Yamashita, Akiko Watanabe, Takashi Kajiwara, Shigehisa Akine, Tatsuya Nabeshima, Motohiro Nakano, Tomoo Yamamura 1573. Monodysprosium(III) SMM with extremely high barrier for magnetic relaxation. Akiko Watanabe, Aika Yamashita, Takashi Kajiwara, Motohiro Nakano, Tomoo Yamamura 1574. Control of charge-transfer in the [Ru2]2TCNQ system: Isolation of fully charge-transferred complexes with TCNQ2-. Takaumi Morita*, Hiromichi Kamo*, Natsuko Motokawa*, Hitoshi Miyasaka*, Masahiro Yamashita* 1575. Chromium acetylide based magnetic materials. Junichi Nishijo, Nobuyuki Nishi 1576. Construction of a novel topological frustrated system: A frustrated metal cluster in a helical space. Satoshi Kawata*, Ryuta Ishikawa, Akira Fuyuhiro, Sumio Kaizaki, Motohiro Nakano, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Shojiro Kimura, Takanari Kashiwagi, Masayuki Hagiwara, Koichi Kindo 1577. Charge transfer induced spin transition in a cyanide-briged molecular square. Yoshihiro Sekine, Masayuki Nihei, Hiroki Oshio* 1578. Dielectric properties of ferromagnetic (fluoroanilinium)([18]crown-6)[MnCr(ox)3] salts. Endo Toru*, Akutagawa Tomoyuki, Noro Shin-Ichiro, Nakamura Takayoshi 1579. Organic polyanionic high-spin molecules with topological pseudo-degeneracy as models for organic ferromagnetic metals. Shigeaki Nakazawa*, Kazunobu Sato, Daisuke Shiomi, Masafumi Yano, Takamasa Kinoshita, Luisa Franco, Celina Lazana, Candida Shohoji, Koichi Itho, Takeji Takui 1580. Spin equilibrium of cationic FeIII complex [FeIII(Hqhna)2]Cl. Sohey Enomoto, Motohiro Nakano 1581. Molecular structure and magnetic property of CuII2 FeIII2 tetranuclear complex. Yuta Maeyoshi, Motohiro Nakano 1582. Synchronicity in valence tautomeric bistability and macroscopic phase transitions. Ho-Chol Chang*, Daisuke Kiriya, Susumu Kitagawa 1583. Synthesis and magnetic property of tri-nuclear Co(II) complex with bis(catecholate) ligand. Yusaku Suenaga*, Yuki Nakaguchi, Yasuhiro Fujishima, Hisashi Konaka, Koji Okuda 1584. Chemically sensitive magnetization in octacyanido bimetallic assemblies. Daisuke Takahashi, Kenta Imoto, Yoshihide Tsunobuchi, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi 1585. Observation of ferroelectricity on cyano-bridged metal assembly-based magnets. Kosuke Nakagawa, Hiroko Tokoro, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi 1586. Structures and magnetic prperties in photoresponsive heterospin dinuclear single-molecule magnets having various substituents. Daisuke Yoshihara*, Satoru Karasawa, Noboru Koga 1587. Synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4f][1,10]phenanthroline 1,1-dioxide salts: A new anion radical/ligand for moleculebased magnetism. Yoshiaki Shuku*, Rie Suizu, Kunio Awaga 1588. Diamino triazole-based ligands as polynuclear cluster building blocks. Graham N. Newton, Hiroki Oshio 1589. Facile preparation of UCl3(thf)1.5 and its pyridine adducts for SMM studies. Tomoo Yamamura*, Suguru Ohta, Isamu Satoh, Takashi Kajiwara, Tatsuo Shikama 1590. Crystal structures and magnetic properties on the nitrate complexes with tridentate N-donors ligands. Junichi Nishioka*, Shinji Kanegawa, Osamu Sato 1591. Modification of charge-transfer in a 2-D donor/acceptor metal-organic framework by the insertion of electronic meddler into interlayer electronegative pockets. Miho Takemura, Natuko Motokawa, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Masahiro Yamashita * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 02-INOR 1592. Magnetic/conducting bifunctionality due to conjugated functional moieties in a stacked ferrimagnetic chain. Yuichiro Asai*, Natsuko Motokawa, Kazuya Kubo, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Masahiro Yamashita 1593. Synthesis and self-assembly of oxovanadium(IV) and related metal complexes. Chihiro Maeda*, Naoki Yoshioka* 1594. Synthesis and magnetic properties of quadruple-decker phthalocyanine complexes. Wakako Kuroda, Takamitsu Fukuda*, Akira Fuyuhiro, Naoto Ishikawa 1595. Physical properties of a conductor based on axially substituted ruthenium phthalocyanine. Tatsuya Nakatsugawa, Yukihiro Takahashi, Toshio Naito, Tamotsu Inabe 1596. Geometric control of ground state in copper verdazyl complexes. David Brook*, Janice Wong, Khan Van-Tu, Gordon Yee, Michael Hundley, David Rogow 1597. Magnetic bistability in alkylferrocenium salts coupling with a liquid-solid phase transition. Yusuke Funasako*, Takashi Inagaki, Tomoyuki Mochida, Takahiro Sakurai, Hitoshi Ohta, Ko Furukawa, Toshikazu Nakamura 1598. Study on the spin equilibrium and magnetic ordering in Ph4P[MnIIFeIII(mto)3] (Ph ⫽ C6H5, mto ⫽ C2O3S). Koichi Kagesawa*, Atsushi Okazawa, Masaya Enomoto, Norimichi Kojima 1599. Very strong ferromagnetic exchange in a new verdazyl analog of terpyridine. David Brook*, Cardius Richardson, Benjamin C. Haller, Gordon Yee, Michael Hundley 1600. Theoretical study of magnetic interactions in ringed complexes. Yasutaka Kitagawa*, Yusuke Kataoka, Toru Saito, Yasuyuki Nakanishi, Takashi Kawakami, Shusuke Yamanaka, Mitsutaka Okumura, Kizashi Yamaguchi 1601. Synthetic strategies for the rational improvement of triplesalen-based singlemolecule magnets (SMMs). Bastian Feldscher, Hubert Theil, Thorsten Glaser 1602. Magnetic and electronic properties of triple-decker phthalocyanine complexes having two 4f-systems and an unpaired -electron. Takashi Nishikawa*, Takamitsu Fukuda, Akira Fuyuhiro, Naoto Ishikawa 1603. Preparation and magnetic properties of [Mo(CN)7]-based magnet. Asuka Namai, Keisuke Tomono, Yoshihide Tsunobuchi, Koji Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi* 1604. Spin crossover molecular sensors operating below, around and above room temperature. Anil D. Naik, Marinela M. Dîrtu, Aurelian Rotaru, Léonard Spinu, Dirk Poelman, Jacqueline Marchand-Brynaert, Yann Garcia* 1605. Multifunctional metallomesogens based on the dynamic electrons. Shinya Hayami* 1606. Magneto-optical spectra of colored magnetic thin films composed of cyanido-bridged metal assembly. Yoshiaki Funato, Hiroko Tokoro, Wataru Kosaka, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi 1607. Octacyanoniobate-based magnets with novel functionalities. Kenta Imoto, Wataru Kosaka, Yoshihide Tsunobuchi, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Dioxygen Activation Chemistry and Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (#108) Organized by: S. Itoh, W. Nam, A. Rosenzweig, W. Tolman Presiding: S. Itoh Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1608. Monooxygenase activity of arthropod hemocyanin subunits. Nobutaka Fujieda, Aki Yakiyama, Shinobu Itoh 1609. Roles of zinc and iron in peptide amidation. Chizu Shimokawa, Saori Harada, Yuichiro Higashimoto, Hideaki Sato, Masakazu Sugishima, Masato Noguchi* 1610. Reactivity of mononuclear copper(II) alkylperoxo complexes. Tetsuro Tano, Minoru Kubo, Takashi Ogura, Nobutaka Fujieda, Hideki Sugimoto, Shinobu Itoh 1611. Structural and functional models for the active site of quercetin 2,3-dioxygenase: Ligands effects. Ying-Ji Sun*, Yi-An Gao, Yun-Xia Wang, Qian-Qian Huang, Yang Liu, Shinobu Itoh 1612. Model substrate and complexes for the active site of acireductone dioxygenase. Ying-Ji Sun*, Yun-Xia Wang, Yi-An Gao, Qian-Qian Huang, Yang Liu, Jinheung Kim 1613. Theoretical study of methane-tomethanol conversion by pMMO. Yoshihito Shiota, Kzunori Hori, Kazunari Yoshizawa* 1614. Mechanistic studies on the intramolecular debenzylation by copper-dioxygen complexes supported by TPA derivatives. Tomoaki Mizukawa, Masayasu Taki*, Naoko Sakai, Yukio Yamamoto 1615. Insights into the mechanism and stereospecificity of deoxyhypusine hydroxylase, a non-heme diiron enzymes involved in regulating eukaryotic cell growth. Van V. Vu, Myung H. Park*, Lawrence Que* 1616. Nonheme Fe(II) enzymes: The role of structure revisited. Cristiana Di Giuro, Cornelia Konstantinovics, Grit D. Straganz* 1617. Catalytic C-H oxygenation by tailormade binuclear iron complexes mimicking the active site of soluble methane monooxygenase. Stephan Walleck, Thorsten Glaser 1618. Effect of metal ions on electron-transfer properties of oxoiron species: Control of reaction mechanisms by selecting metal ions. Yuma Morimoto*, Hiroaki Kotani, Yong-Min Lee, Wonwoo Nam, Shunichi Fukuzumi 1619. Mononuclear carboxylate-rich oxoiron(IV) complexes. Aidan R. McDonald*, Lawrence Que 1620. Simple and efficient iron catalyst for epoxidation of aromatic olefins with 30% hydrogen peroxide. Takefumi Chishiro*, Kazuya Iwao, Yoshihiro Kon, Kazuhiko Sato 1621. DFT study of the mechanism of oxoiron(IV) formation from H2O2 and a nonheme iron(II) complex. Hajime Hirao, Lawrence Que, Keiji Morokuma* 1622. Solution capturing end-on peroxo and hydroperoxo intermediates of heme enzymes. Jin-Gang Liu*, Takehiro Ohta*, Yuta Shimizu*, Yoshinori Naruta* 1623. Mechanistic studies for the activation of dioxygen and the role of the superoxy hemin in the aqueous system of Fe(III)TMPyP-MBTH-O2. Taku Nakano*, Hiroko Kakuda 1624. Theoretical investigation on the mechanisms of hydroxylation reactions with compound I in P450. Hiroshi Isobe, Shusuke Yamanaka, Mitsutaka Okumura, Kizashi Yamaguchi 1625. Combined DFT and electrostatics study of the proton pumping mechanism in cytochrome c oxidase. Alexei Stuchebrukhov 1626. Dioxygenase-like activity of an isolable nickel(II)-superoxo compound. Anna Company, Shenglai Yao, Kallol Ray, Matthias Driess 1627. Reactivity for dioxygen and substrate aerobic oxidations of nickel complexes having a para-substituted thiophenolato ligand. Jun Nakazawa, Shiro Hikichi* 1628. Synthesis of silica-loaded metal complexes having a N-(2-aminoethyl)salicylideneaminato tridentate ligand and their alkene oxidation reaction with various oxidants. Takahiro Akashi, Jun Nakazawa, Shiro Hikichi* 1629. Development of novel scorpionate ligands-based immobilized metallocomplex catalysts. Takeshi Kasai, Jun Nakazawa, Shiro Hikichi* 1630. Synthesis, characterization, electrochemistry of cobalt hangman porphyrins and cobalt hangman corroles for oxygen electrocatalysis. Dilek D. Kiper, Daniel G. Nocera* 1631. Series of peroxomanganese(III) complexes supported by tetradentate aminopyridyl ligands: Detailed spectroscopic and computational studies. Robert A. Geiger, Swarup Chattopadhyay, Victor W. Day, Timothy A. Jackson* 1632. Preferential CO oxidation in hydrogenrich stream over Ru/carbon catalysts. Nobuhiko Horiuchi*, Takanori Miyake, Toshimitsu Suzuki, Na-oki Ikenaga 1633. Cerium(IV)- and light-driven water oxidation catalyzed by mononuclear ruthenium(II) complexes with 1,10-phenanthroline-2,9-dicarboxylate ligand. Lianpeng Tong, Licheng Sun* 1634. Reversible coordination of O2 and unusually high frequency hydride chemical shift in [Ru(NHC)4H]⫹ (NHC ⫽ N-heterocyclic carbene): A DFT study. Jonas Haller, Elena Mas-Marzá, Aitor Moreno, John P. Lowe, Stuart A. Macgregor, Mary F. Mahon, Paul S. Pregosin, Michael K. Whittlesey 1635. Oxygen transfer catalysis by mononuclear highly symmetric d° metal complexes: Effect of Lewis bases co-ligands. Giulia Licini*, Cristiano Zonta, Miriam Mba 1636. Oxidative dehydrogenation of propane with lattice oxygen of V2O5/SiO2. Kenta Fukudome, Na-oki Ikenaga, Takanori Miyake, Toshimitsu Suzuki 1637. Thermal generation of reactive oxygen species. Kayoko Tahara, Yoshihiro Abe*, Soichiro Kawamoto, Tadahiko Mashino Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Structural and Functional Aspects of Coordination Polymers (#133) Organized by: S. Telfer, S. Cohen, D. Leznoff Presiding: S. Telfer Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1638. Cu(I) coordination polymers of N,N’bis(3-(methylthio)propyl) pyromellitic diimide. Garam Park, Hojin Yang, Hyunji Kim, Tae Ho Kim, Jineun Kim* 1639. Self-template-directed formation of coordination-polymer hexagonal tubes and rings. Won Cho, Hee J. Lee, Moonhyun Oh* 1640. Morphology-selective preparation of coordination polymer particles (CPPs). Hee J. Lee, Won Cho, Moonhyun Oh* 1641. Strong blue luminescent copper(I) coordination polymers. Tae Ho Kim, Hojin Yang, Garam Park, Hyunjee Kim, Jineun Kim* 1642. Guest responsive elongated Fe(II)Pt(II) porous coordination polymers providing spin transition. Masashi Arai, Masaaki Ohba, Ryo Ohtani, Ko Yoneda, Ana B. Gaspar, Jose A. Real, Susumu Kitagawa 1643. Dielectric properties of quasi-1-D bromine-bridged Pd complexes. Shohei Kumagai*, Shinya Takaishi, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Masahiro Yamashita, Nobuyuki Abe, Takahisa Arima 1644. Withdrawn 1645. Phosphine coordination materials based on new ambidentate ligands. Ana J. Nunez, Simon Humphrey* 1646. Interaction between dietary fibers and toxic heavy metals as revealed by vibrational spectroscopy. Takashi Ohno*, Noriko Tachibana, Yukiko Hamada, Shiori Manabe, Yukihiro Kimura Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Coordination Chemistry toward Artificial Photosynthesis and Energy Conversion Processes (#194) Organized by: K. Tanaka, J. Muckerman, K. Sakai, L. Sun Presiding: K. Tanaka Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1647. Photo-hydrogen-evolving characteristics of some new molecular devices involving Ru(bpy)2(phen)2⫹ and PtCl2(phen) units. Takuya Fukuda, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai* 1648. Synthesis, crystal structure and photochemical hydrogen-evolving activity of a water-soluble Pt(II)-porphyrin complex. Hoda El-Ghamry*, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai 1649. RuPt-based photo-hydrogen-evolving molecular device tethered to peptide viologen acceptors. Yu Shibahara, Makoto Ogawa, Masaoka Shigeyuki, Ken Sakai* 1650. Thermal hydrogen production from water promoted by Pt(II)-based molecular catalysts. Kosei Yamauchi, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai* 1651. Syntheses, characterization, and photo-hydrogen-evolving properties of new complexes having (2-phenylpyridinato)platinum(II) unit. Masayuki Kobayashi, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai* 1652. Photochemical hydrogen production from water over micro-porous coordination polymer catalyst. Konomi Sato, Yusuke Kataoka, Wasuke Mori* 1653. Ligand-assisted rhodium catalyzed selective decomposition of formic acid. Tao Chen, Kuo-Wei Huang* 1654. Iron-dithiolene complexes as functional models of [FeFe]-hydrogenases: Hydrogen production from water catalyzed by biorelevant Fe2(-S)2 cores. Toshiki Yamaguchi, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai* 1655. Photochemical H2 molecular production from water using a novel Zn-Pd coordination polymer. Yuhei Miyazaki, Yusuke Kataoka, Wasuke Mori* 1656. Carbon dioxide fixation and hydrogen storage: Hydrogenation of bicarbonate and decomposition of formic acid using iridium complexes with 4,4’-dihydroxy2,2’-bipyridine. Yuichiro Himeda* 1657. Highly active mononuclear Ru catalysts for water oxidation: O-O bond formation via direct radical coupling. Lele Duan*, Jonas Nyhlén, Timofei Privalov, Licheng Sun 1658. Oxygen evolution from water catalyzed by mononuclear ruthenium complexes with a tridentate ligand in a facial fashion: New insights into the mechanism. Masaki Yoshida, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–93 02-INOR/03-MACR 1659. Kinetic studies on the oxygen evolution from water catalyzed by mononuclear ruthenium complexes. Ayano Kimoto*, Kosei Yamauchi, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai 1660. Synthesis and oxygen-evolving activity of dinuclear ruthenium complexes with a single aquaruthenium site. Takashi Kozakura, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai 1661. Biotransformation using photogenerated cofactors by metal complexes and sensitizer. Jinheung Kim*, Jin A. Kim, Ga Y. Kim, Misun Cha 1662. Oxygen evolution from water catalyzed by the ITO electrode modified with [Ru(tpy)(bpy)OH2]2⫹ derivatives. Josaku Kiyota, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai* 1663. Molecular design and synthesis of artificial protein (peptide origami) bearing a ruthenium complex as the core and its photo-induced charge separation. Yoshimi Shiina, Shigero Oishi, Hitoshi Ishida* 1664. Aminoethylglycine-modified ruthenium complexes: Scaffolds for photocatalysts. Carl P. Myers, Mary E. Williams* 1665. Photoelectrochemistry of dinuclear ruthenium complexes bearing aqua ligand on ITO or TiO2 electrode for achieving energy conversion catalysts. Shinya Masuno, Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Masa-aki Haga* 1666. Synthesis and characterization of the iridium complexes for photoluminescence. Minchul Chung*, Ho-Geun Ahn, Chee-Hun Kwak 1667. Syntheses and electronic properties of novel iridium(III) complexes containing cyclometalating ligands and terpyridine derivative. Yoshiki Shinpuku*, Misaki Nakai, Yasuo Nakabayashi 1668. Hybrid organic-inorganic chromophores for light-harvesting applications. Bryan D. Koivisto, Kiyoshi C. Robson, Paolo G. Bomben, Curtis P. Berlinguette* 1669. Synthesis of nanocrystalline N-doped titania and its characterization on solar application. Cahyorini Kusumawardani*, Suwardi Suwardi, Sayekti Wahyuningsih, Pan Jisheng Monday Morning Hilton Coral II Dioxygen Activation Chemistry and Catalytic Oxidation Reactions (#108) Organized by: S. Itoh, W. Nam, A. Rosenzweig, W. Tolman Presiding: C. White, S. Stahl 7:30 – 1670. Iron-catalyzed asymmetric oxidative coupling of 2-naphthols and its mechanism. Tsutomu Katsuki 8:05 – 1671. Organometallic copper oxidase reactions: New opportunities for selective aerobic oxidation of C-H bonds. Shannon S. Stahl* 8:40 – 1672. Reactions of late transition metal complexes with molecular oxygen. Karen Goldberg 9:15 – 1673. Withdrawn 9:50 – 1674. Recent developments in oxygen activation by transition metal complexes. Andreja Bakac* 10:25 – 1675. Prediction and demonstration of bimetallic catalysts with improved selectivity for ethylene epoxidation. Mark A. Barteau*, Joseph Dellamorte, Lauterbach Jochen 10:50 – 1676. Nonheme Fe(PDP) catalyst for predictably selective C—H oxidation. M. Christina White* 11:25 Concluding remarks 94 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Hilton Coral I Self-Assembly and Coordination Chemistry (#164) Organized by: M. Fujita, L. MacGillivray, L. Stephen, S. Y Yu, M. Yoshizawa Presiding: L. MacGillivray, T. Uemura, T. Ueno 7:30 – 1677. Green synthesis of organic ligands: Applications in coordinationdriven self-assembly. Leonard R. MacGillivray*, Tamara D. Hamilton, Giannis S. Papaefstathiou, Dejan-Kresimir Bucar, Qianli Chu 7:45 – 1678. Functional metal-organic framework materials. Joseph Hupp*, Omar K. Farha 8:15 – 1679. Supramolecular assembly of multimetallic complexes. Mark MacLachlan*, Peter Frischmann, Samuel Guieu 8:45 – 1680. Polymer chemistry in coordination nanochannels. Takashi Uemura*, Susumu Kitagawa 9:00 – 1681. Coordination chemistry within nanoporous molecular crystals of a phthalocyanine derivative. Neil B. McKeown, C. Grazia Bezzu, Madeleine Helliwell 9:15 – 1682. Direct formation of redox active 2D complexed adlayer consisting of bisterpyridine and cobalt ion on Au(111). Soichiro Yoshimoto*, Yuta Ono, Katsuhiko Nishiyama, Isao Taniguchi 9:30 – 1683. Dimentional encapsulation of halogen-bonded supramolecular anions. Antonio Abate, Gabriella Cavallo, Manu Lahtinen, Pierangelo Metrangolo*, Tullio Pilati, Giuseppe Resnati, Kari Rissanen, Giancarlo Terraneo 9:45 – 1684. Fluorescence modulation of lanthanide complexes. Wenwu Qin, Jie Mao, Weisheng Liu*, Minyu Tan 10:00 – 1685. Self-assembly of dynamic covalent cages and frameworks. Radu Custelcean, Nathan Duncan, Benjamin Hay 10:15 – 1686. Metal complexes functionalized on tubular protein architectures. Takafumi Ueno* 10:30 – 1687. Building multimetallic nanostructures with DNA. Hanadi Sleiman*, Hua Yang, Christopher McLaughlin, Pik Kwan P. Lo, Faisal Aldaye 11:00 – 1688. Metal-organic nanocapsules: Dimers vs. hexamers. Jerry L. Atwood, Scott J. Dalgarno, Andrew V. Mossine, Harshita Kumari, Drew Fowler, Cheryl Ragan, Andrew Maerz, Nathaniel Schuster Hilton Kahili I/II Coordination Chemistry toward Artificial Photosynthesis and Energy Conversion Processes (#194) 10:10 – 1693. Seven-coordinate Ru-centers and preorganization of (semi-) rigid ligand backbone: rationalization of mono- and bi-nuclear pathways of catalytic water oxidation. Timofei Privalov*, Lele Duan, Jonas Nyhlen, Yunhua Xu, Andreas Fischer, Licheng Sun*, Bjorn Akermark 10:35 – 1694. Immobilization of visible-light absorbing polyoxometarate derivatives on oxygen evolving MnO2 nanoclusters. Toshihiro Takashima*, Ryuhei Nakamura, Kazuhito Hahimoto 11:00 – 1695. Photochemical methanol synthesis from carbon dioxide using artificial photosynthesis system consisting of sensitizer and dehydrogenases. Yutaka Amao* 11:25 Closing remarks Hilton Lehua Suite Structural and Functional Aspects of Coordination Polymers (#133) Organized by: S. Telfer, S. Cohen, D. Leznoff Presiding: D. Leznoff 8:00 – 1696. Thermolabile groups in metalorganic frameworks: Suppression of interpenetration, postsynthetic cavity expansion and protection of reactive functional groups. Shane Telfer* 8:30 – 1697. Phosphine coordination materials and their potential for applications in catalysis. Simon M. Humphrey* 9:00 – 1698. New biomolecule-based and NIR-emitting MOFs for molecular sensing, labeling, and encryption applications. Nathaniel L. Rosi*, Stephane Petoud, Kiley White, Demetra Chengelis, Kristy Gogick, Jihyun An, Chad Shade 9:30 – 1699. Kinetic synthesis of a porous coordination network and ab initio powder structure analysis. Masaki Kawano* 10:00 – 1700. Mesostructured materials through coordination chemistry. Mark MacLachlan, Xavier Roy 10:30 – 1701. Vapochromic and birefringent properties of functional cyanoauratebased coordination polymer materials. Daniel Leznoff* 11:00 – 1702. Exploring postsynthetic modification in metal-organic frameworks. Seth Cohen* MACR Area 3 – Macromolecular Wednesday Morning Convention Center 328 Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources (#6) Organized by: K. Tanaka, J. Muckerman, K. Sakai, L. Sun Presiding: K. Tanaka Organized by: V. Finkenstadt, S. Chakraborty, R. Konduri, X. Liao, L. Liu Presiding: S. Chakraborty 7:50 – 1689. Further observations on water oxidation catalyzed by mononuclear Ru(II) complexes. Randolph Thummel*, Ruifa Zong, Nattawut Kaveevivitchai, Maya El Ojaimi 8:25 – 1690. Water oxidation catalyzed by dinuclear Ru complexes. Koji Tanaka*, Tohru Wada 9:00 – 1691. Redox non-innocence and the mechanism of water oxidation by the Tanaka catalyst. Mu-Hyun Baik* 9:35 – 1692. Light-driven water oxidation catalyzed by carbon-free, stable, fast and soluble inorganic complexes. Craig L. Hill, Yurii V. Geletii, Claire Besson, Qiushi Yin, Zhuangqun Huang, Yu Hou, Alexey Kaledin, Djamaladdin Musaev, Tianquan Lian, Anna Proust 7:30 – 1. Potential halogen-free flame retardants for textile applications. SeChin Chang*, Brian Condon, Thach-Mien Nguyen, Elena Graves, Michael Easson 8:00 – 2. Developing renewable polymers: A novel synthesis of fluorenone. Brenna A. Brown*, Jonathan G. Veinot 8:30 – 3. Development of biodegradable superabsorbent hydrogels based on cellulose. Toshio Yoshimura*, Rumiko Fujioka 9:00 – 4. Synthesis and refractive-index property of hyperbranched polymer containing calixarene structure in the main chain. Tadatomi Nishikubo*, Yusuke Fujihara, Hiroto Kudo 9:30 – 5. Diversified uses of agave tequilana: From high content fructose syrups and functional foods to drug delivery systems to the colon. Guillermo Toriz*, Ezequiel Delgado, Héctor J. Contreras, Marcos A. Escalante, Alvaro D. Martínez-Gómez, Rosa I. Corona-González 10:00 – 6. Enhancement in the performance of corn starch based polymer electrolytes incorporating deep eutectic solvent for use in “green” polymer batteries. Ramesh T. Subramaniam*, R.Shanti Rajantharan 10:30 – 7. Inter-cross-linking siloxane polysaccharide hybrid materials: Formation, stability, and sequestering behaviour. Andrew J. Vreugdenhil*, Christophe Bliard 11:00 – 8. Agricultural polymers as corrosion inhibitors. Victoria Finkenstadt*, Claudiu Bucur, Gregory Cote, Kervin Evans Convention Center 325B Chemistry and Functional Properties of Soft Interfaces (#42) Organized by: A. Takahara, K. Char, K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Wynne Presiding: A. Takahara, T. McCarthy 7:30 Opening remarks 7:35 – 9. Tuning the amphiphilicity of building blocks for controlled self-assembly: Toward responsive materials and surfaces. Xi Zhang*, Pengbo Wan, Yapei Wang, Yugui Jiang 8:00 – 10. Surface modification with copolyoxetane soft block polyurethanes: Correlating quaternary charge density via streaming potentials with contact antimicrobial behavior. Kenneth J. Wynne*, Kennard Brunson, Asima Chakravorty, Murari Gupta, Dennis Ohman, Lynn Wood, Julio Alvarez, Fernando Luna-Vera 8:15 – 11. Block copolymer self-assembly mechanics and imaging from the single molecule to thin film level, and relevance to anti-fouling coatings. Gilbert Walker* 8:40 – 12. New paradigm of biomolecular soft-interfaces as chiral reaction fields for supramolecular asymmetric photochirogenesis. Takehiko Wada*, Yui Sugawara, Masaki Nishijima, Mihoko Ui, Yasuyuki Araki, Seiji Sakamoto, Kohei Tsumoto, Kazushi Kinbara, Yoshihisa Inoue 8:55 – 13. Metathesis approach toward the preparation of soft biomaterials. Kenneth B. Wagener*, James Leonard, Diane Turek, Kenneth Sloan 9:15 – 14. Polymer- and nanoparticle-shelled bubbles based on microfluidics. Myung Han Lee, Teresa Brugarolas, Varesh Prasad, Jennifer Kay, Jennifer Kunkel, Daeyeon Lee* 9:30 – 15. Synthesis of temperature responsive cationic amphiphilic block copolymer by reversible addition: Fragmentation chain transfer process and their self-assembly studies. Arjun Ghosh*, Shin-ichi Yusa, Hideki Matsuoka, Yoshiyuki Saruwatari * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 9:45 – 16. Understanding supramolecular aggregation of polyoxometalates-containing polymers and macromolecules. Wei Wang*, Yaokun Han, Yongliang Wang, Bo Liu, Yu Xiao, Jie Yang 10:10 – 17. Tunable wettability via counterion exchange at the surface of polyelectrolyte multilayers. Liming Wang*, Bo Peng, Zhaohui Su 10:25 – 18. Three different types of “directed self-assembly” to control the chemistry and functional properties of soft interfaces. Thomas McCarthy, Pei Bian, Peiwen Zheng, Joseph W. Krumpfer 10:50 – 19. Size exclusion chromatography of quantum dots and nanoparticles by utilizing nanoparticle repelling surface of concentrated polymer brush. Toshihiko Arita*, Tomoka Yoshimura, Tadafumi Adschiri 11:05 – 20. Why polyelectrolyte multilayers are special. Joe Schlenoff* Convention Center 323A Polymer Materials Performance, Degradation and Optimization (#64) Organized by: M. Celina, T. Dargaville, H. Kudoh Presiding: M. Celina 7:30 Opening remarks 7:35 – 21. Tales of an expert witness: Materials performance issues in UK courts. Terry Henman* 8:05 – 22. Withdrawn 8:35 – 23. Rheological property and adhesive performance of polymer coated film for telecommunication plant. Yukitoshi Takeshita*, Seizou Sakata, Takashi Sawada, Richard Jackson, Ryuichi Nishio 8:55 – 24. Overview on advances in the science, chemistry, processing, and modeling toward the optimization of foam materials. Mathew C. Celina*, Jamie M. Kropka, Nicholas H. Giron, Ana B. Trujillo, Rheka R. Rao, Lisa A. Mondy, James H. Aubert 9:25 – 25. Polyolefin nanocomposites by metallocene catalysts. Walter O. Kaminsky* 9:55 – 26. Polymer based delivery of vapor phase lubrication for MEMS devices. Ana Trujillo*, Christina Lucero, Michael Dugger, Mathew Celina 10:15 – 27. Role of hyperthermal atomic/molecular collisions on a space environmental effect of polymeric materials. Masahito Tagawa*, Kumiko Yokota 10:35 – 28. Combined effect of atomic oxygen and vacuum ultraviolet on polymer degradation: Relevance to space environmental effect on polymer degradation. Kumiko Yokota*, Masahito Tagawa Convention Center 323B Hybrid Conjugated Polymer Materials (#82) Organized by: M. Wolf, R. Advincula, S. Valiyaveettil, K. Yamamoto Presiding: S. Valiyaveetil 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:40 – 29. Graphene edges and nanographene: Electronic/magnetic structure and nanofabrications. Toshiaki Enoki* 8:10 – 30. Hybrid nanoparticle-conjugated polymer dendrons and dendrimers. Rigoberto Advincula* 8:40 – 31. High molecular weight hybrid polymers by reaction of [p-IC6H4SiO1.5]8 with divinylbenzene: Potential routes to highly and multi- functionalized conjugated materials. Richard M. Laine*, Jae H. Jung, Sarah Clark 9:00 – 32. Detection and separation of anthrax lethal factor DNA based on polydiacetylene complex beads. Hakjin Kim, Gilsun Lee, Dongjune Ahn* 9:20 – 33. Nanopatterned polythiophene thin films prepared by surface-initiated polymerization. Euiyong Hwang, Jinwoo Choi, Kathie L. Lusker, Jayne C. Garno, Evgueni E. Nesterov* 9:40 – 34. Investigating metallosupramolecular polymers: From conjugated systems to stimuli-responsive materials. Stuart J. Rowan*, Christoph Weder 10:10 – 35. Morphology evolution of polyaniline microstructures in toluene and their film properties. Hardy S. Chan*, Tao Wen, Chorng Haur Sow 10:40 – 36. Design of stimuli-responsive macromolecular complexes using helixforming polysaccharides. Tomohiro Shiraki*, Arnab Dawn, T. N. Lien Le, Youichi Tsuchiya, Seiji Shinkai 11:00 – 37. Hybrid supramolecular mesoporous materials. Katsuhiko Ariga* Convention Center 321B The New Age of Advanced Materials: Supramolecular Architectures and Smart Materials (#98) Organized by: E. Yashima, T. Aida, F. Caruso, M. Lee, K. Wooley Presiding: E. Yashima 7:30 – 38. Advanced and smart polymeric materials via metal-mediated living radical polymerization. Mitsuo Sawamoto* 8:00 – 39. Accurate control over macromolecular objects through non-covalent interactions. Craig J. Hawker* 8:30 – 40. Covalent dynamic polymers based on C⫽N bonds in imines and hydrazones. Shunsuke Fujii* 9:00 – 41. Combinations of polymerization strategies and self assembly processes to afford functional polymers and regioselectively-functionalized nanoscopic objects. Karen L. Wooley* 9:30 – 42. Multifunctional nanoscale films: Putting molecules to work. Gero Decher* 10:00 – 43. Stimuli responsive morphology switching polymeric materials. Rachel O’Reilly* 10:30 – 44. End capped cascade degradable linear polymers, copolymers and supramolecular assemblies. Elizabeth R. Gillies*, Matthew A. DeWit, Annelise Beaton 10:45 – 45. Mechanistic aspects of self-repairing reactions in polymeric networks. Marek W. Urban*, Biswajit Ghosh 11:00 – 46. Precision synthesis of diagnostic and sensory polymer brushes. Harm-Anton Klok 11:15 – 47. Stimuli responsive polymer colloids using switchable surfactants: Reversible coagulation and redispersion using CO2 as a trigger. Masatoshi Mihara, Catherine O’Neill, Philip Jessop*, Michael F. Cunningham* Convention Center 327 Azobenzene Polymers for Photo-Reversible Structures and Surfaces (#144) Organized by: C. Barrett, T. Ikeda, P. Palffy-Muhoray, Y. Zhao Presiding: C. Barrett, C. Barrett 7:30 Opening remarks 7:40 – 48. Photomobile polymer nanoparticles prepared by soap-free emulsion polymerization. Atsushi Shishido, Yuki Takamiya, Tomiki Ikeda* 8:10 – 49. Exploiting azobenzene for photoswitchable molecular systems with maximum extension and shrinkage. Stefan Hecht*, David Bleger, Maria M. Russew, Carsten Winterboer, Zhilin Yu 8:40 – 50. Azo-benzene: A light sensitive molecular switch. Hai-Ping Cheng* 9:00 – 51. Probing local field enhancements in plasmonic nanostructures with azopolymers thin films. François Lagugné-Labarthet*, Betty Galarreta 9:20 – 52. Nanotechnology of azobenzenemodified DNA for constructing photoresponsive nanostructures and nanodevices. Xingguo Liang*, Toshio Mochizuki, Hidenori Nishioka, Hiroyuki Asanuma 9:40 – 53. Azo polymer nano/micro-structures: Construction and photoinduced deformation behavior. Xiaogong Wang*, Dongrui Wang, Gang Ye, Junpeng Liu, Miaocai Guo 10:10 – 54. Visible-light-driven soft actuation materials based on azo-containing liquidcrystalline polymers. Yanlei Yu*, Xiaoying Li, Futao Cheng, Ruoyuan Yin, Wei Wu 10:40 – 55. Hydrogen-bonded polymer-azobenzene complexes: Facile route toward aggregation control, photo-orientation, and efficient mass transfer. Arri Priimagi*, Jaana Vapaavuori, Olli Ikkala, Martti Kauranen, Matti Kaivola, Paul Rochon 11:00 – 56. Temperature effect on the photodriven oscillation behaviors of monodomain azo-liquid crystalline polymer networks. Kyungmin Lee, Bunning J. Timothy, White J. Timothy* 11:20 Closing remarks Convention Center 322AB Polyolefins Chemistry and Beyond - From Bench to Commercial Scale (#211) Organized by: F. Sibtain, M. Chan, K. Nozaki, R. Waymouth Presiding: R. Waymouth 8:00 Introduction 8:05 – 57. Metal catalyzed copolymerization of olefins with polar vinyl monomers. Richard Jordan* 8:45 – 58. Design of efficient titanium complex catalysts for precise olefin polymerization. Kotohiro Nomura* 9:15 – 59. Nature of the active sites in a high efficiency bimetallic Ziegler-Natta polymerization catalyst on a mixed MgCl2/ SiO2 support. Susannah L. Scott*, Ming-Yung Lee 9:45 – 60. Commercialization of polyolefin catalyst systems: Synergistic interaction between chemistry and engineering. Fazle Sibtain*, Eric Clavelle 10:15 – 61. Adsorbent product application technology considerations in the production of polyolefins. David L. Smith* 10:45 – 62. Synthesis of new type of functionalized polyolefins for photonic device application via the extended use of single site catalysts. Jun Ha Park, Myung Hwan Park, Youngkyu Do*, Min Hyung Lee* Wednesday Afternoon 14:30 – 67. Degradation of poly(L-lactic acid) and biocomposites in various alkaline and temperature treatments. Brent Tisserat*, Victoria L. Finkenstadt 15:00 – 68. Renewable block polymers. Marc Hillmyer* 15:30 – 69. Thermal conductivity of poly(lactic acid) and carbon nanofibers composites. LinShu Liu*, Lihan Huang, Cheng-Kung Liu Convention Center 325B Chemistry and Functional Properties of Soft Interfaces (#42) Organized by: A. Takahara, K. Char, K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Wynne Presiding: K. Char, G. Warr 12:30 – 70. Confined polymer systems: Synergies between simulations and neutron scattering experiments. Roland Faller*, Ian Elliott, Beste Bayramoglu, Dennis Mulder, Tonya Kuhl 12:45 – 71. X-ray and neutron scattering researches on biological membrane interfaces: Stability and insertion mechanism of biomolecules onto phospholipid monolayers, and bilayers. Kwanwoo Shin* 13:10 – 72. Complex nanostructures with lamellae and micelles of block copolymers. Byeong-Hyeok Sohn* 13:35 – 73. Network swelling competing with translational entropy in autophobic polymer dewetting. Michele Sferrazza*, Wilfried Béziel 13:50 – 74. Antisticking molecular layers in UV nanoimprint lithography. Masaru Nakagawa* 14:15 – 75. Electrochemical imaging techniques with scanning probe and addressable microelectrode array. Hitoshi Shiku, Yasufumi Takahashi, Kosuke Ino, Tomokazu Matsue 14:30 – 76. Local conformation of poly(methyl methacrylate) at interfaces by infrared-visible sum-frequency generation spectroscopy. Keiji Tanaka* 14:55 – 77. Specific crystal structure of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) thin films studied byinfrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy. Harumi Sato*, Yukihiro Ozaki, Isao Takahashi 15:10 – 78. Coarse-grained simulation study of the interface between polymer film and liquid. Hiroshi Morita*, Keiji Tanaka, Masao Doi 15:25 – 79. Direct evaluation of chain dimension of single macromolecule by superresolution optical microscopy technique. Hiroyuki Aoki*, Kazuki Mori, Shinzaburo Ito 15:40 – 80. Nanopatterning from self-assembly of degradable chiral block copolymers. Rong-Ming Ho 16:05 – 81. High-density array of 1-D nanostructures by using AAO templates with surface or interfacial modification. Jinseok Byun, Jin Kon Kim* Convention Center 328 Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources (#6) Organized by: V. Finkenstadt, S. Chakraborty, R. Konduri, X. Liao, L. Liu Presiding: V. Finkenstadt 12:30 – 63. Relationship between lignin configuration and lignin-based polymeric materials. Yi-ru Chen, Simo Sarkanen* 13:00 – 64. Withdrawn 13:30 – 65. Material utilization of isolated lignins via diversified microcompositions with synthetic polymers. Yoshikuni Teramoto*, Yusuke Nakanishi, Yoshiyuki Nishio 14:00 – 66. Biorenewable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) mimics derived from lignin. Stephen A. Miller* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–95 03-MACR Convention Center 323A Polymer Materials Performance, Degradation and Optimization (#64) Organized by: M. Celina, T. Dargaville, H. Kudoh Presiding: H. Kudo 12:30 – 82. Recent progress in resist materials and processes for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and electron beam (EB) lithography. Seiichi Tagawa* 13:00 – 83. Tailoring the performance of polymers for photolithography and biosensor applications. Idriss Blakey* 13:30 – 84. Modeling the effects of radiation and temperature on the mechanical properties of silicone elastomers. Richard Gee*, Amitesh Maiti, Todd Weisgraber, Sarah Chinn, Robert Maxwell 13:50 – 85. Principle component analysis of 19 F NMR spectra for the characterization of radiation-induced degradation of fluoropolymers. Brian Mayer*, James Lewicki, Sarah Chinn, Robert Maxwell 14:10 – 86. Radiation modification of PTFE and some polymer fibers. Guozhong Wu 14:40 – 87. Erosion of FEP teflon and PMMA by VUV radiation and hyperthermal O or Ar atoms. Jianming Zhang*, Ned F. Lindholm, Amy L. Brunsvold, Hari P. Upadhyaya, Timothy K. Minton*, Masahito Tagawa 15:00 – 88. Oxidative degradation property of proton exchange membranes based on fluorinated polymer prepared by radiation-induced grafting. Akihiro Oshima*, Naohiro Mitani, Kazuki Fujii, Yukiko Sato, Masakazu Washio 15:20 – 89. Uranium collection from seawater with adsorbent prepared by radiationinduced graft polymerization. Masao Tamada*, Noboru Kasai, Noriaki Seko, Takao Shimizu 15:50 – 90. Fabrication of functionally gradient PEM using heavy ion beams grafting. Masakazu Washio*, Fumiya Shiraki, Yuji Oshima, Yuya Takasawa, Hajime Fujita, Tomoko Gowa, Hisaaki Kudo, Toshitaka Oka, Yoshimasa Hama, Takeshi Murakami, Akihiro Oshima 16:10 – 91. Application of radiation modified hydrophilic polymers for enhance of oil recovery. Hai Le*, Phong T. Nguyen, Toan V. Le, Lan T. Nguyen Convention Center 323B Hybrid Conjugated Polymer Materials (#82) Organized by: M. Wolf, R. Advincula, S. Valiyaveettil, K. Yamamoto Presiding: R. Advincula 12:30 – 92. New conjugated polymers for plastic solar cells. Mario Leclerc* 13:00 – 93. New copolymer semiconductors for high performance solar cells. Samson A. Jenekhe* 13:30 – 94. Charge transporting block copolymers based on poly(triphenylamine) for photovoltaic cells. Kousuke Tsuchiya*, Shota Iino, Tatsuro Kikuchi, Malee Songeun, Kenji Ogino* 13:50 – 95. Semiconductor organic-inorganic nanocomposites at the air/water interface and their performance in thin film solar cells. Zhiqun Lin*, Jun Xu, Matthew Goodman, Malika Jeffries-EL, Jacob Petrich 14:10 – 96. Hybrid materials based on quantum dots-conjugated polymers for IR photodetection and solar cells. Kyoung Kuk Jang, Prem Prabhakaran, Namchul Cho, Kwang-Sup Lee* 14:30 – 97. Semifluorinated polymers and composites from fluorinated olefins. Dennis W. Smith*, Scott Iacono, Rhett Smith, Andrew Neilson, John Ballato, Jean-Marc Cracowski, Neetu Tomar, Rajneesh Verma, Dakarai Brown 96 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 15:00 – 98. Conjugated polymer - nanomaterial hybrids: Synthesis, structure, and property investigation. Suresh Valiyaveettil* 15:30 – 99. Label-free fast protein detection using P3MT and aptamer. Hyun Choi, Chunzhi Cui, Gil Sun Lee, Dong June Ahn* 15:50 – 100. Electropolymerized poly(tripyridinio mesithylene): Its high-density charge storage and photo-induced charge separation. Naoki Sano*, Wataru Tomita, Kenichi Oyaizu, Hiroyuki Nishide 16:10 – 101. Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers with poly(3-hexylthiophene) segments by the combination of ATRP and Grignard metathesis polymerization. Kunlun Hong, Xiang Yu, Yugang Li, Hugh M. O’Niell, Jimmy W. Mays Convention Center 321B The New Age of Advanced Materials: Supramolecular Architectures and Smart Materials (#98) Organized by: E. Yashima, T. Aida, F. Caruso, M. Lee, K. Wooley Presiding: M. Lee 12:30 – 102. Supramolecular networks and nanocomposites: Search of the missing link. Ludwik Leibler*, François Tournilhac, Sylvie Tencé-Girault, Damien Montarnal, Thomas Perié 13:00 – 103. Diels Alder polymers and remending materials. Fred Wudl* 13:30 – 104. Smart polymer capsules based on responsive polymers for biomedical applications and encapsulated biocatalysis. Frank Caruso* 14:00 – 105. Functional self-assembled architectures from polymers and viruses. Roeland Nolte*, Mauri Kostiainen, Jeroen Cornelissen 14:30 – 106. Self-assembled nano-probe for labeling and imaging endogenous protein in test tube and in live cell. Itaru Hamachi* 15:00 – 107. Synthetic biosupramolecular photosystems. Stefan Matile* 15:30 – 108. Nano-Trojan horse: A concept for a pathogen sensing smart wound dressing. Toby Jenkins*, Andrew L. Loftus, Geraldine Mulley, Jin Zhou 15:45 – 109. Programming the morphology of polymeric micelles with peptides, enzymes, and DNA. Nathan C. Gianneschi*, Miao-Ping Chien, Ti-Hsuan Ku, Matthew P. Thompson, Lyndsay M. Randolph, Anthony M. Rush 16:00 – 110. Influence of architecture on the behavior of multi-sensitive microgels. Walter Richtering*, Jochen Kleinen, Christine Scherzinger 16:15 – 111. Diyne-based foldamers: Toward poly(diacetylene) organic nanotubes. Jean-Francois Morin*, Jules N. Romeo Convention Center 322AB Polyolefins Chemistry and Beyond - From Bench to Commercial Scale (#211) Organized by: F. Sibtain, M. Chan, K. Nozaki, R. Waymouth Presiding: K. Nozaki 12:30 Introduction 12:35 – 112. Polymerization of olefins with FI catalysts: Principles and industrial applications. Haruyuki Makio, Terunori Fujita* 13:15 – 113. Transmetallation between selective ethylene oligomerization catalyst and zinc alkyls: New strategy towards end-functionalized ethylene oligomers. Kyung-sun (Karen) Son, Robert M. Waymouth* 13:45 – 114. Probing [C-HѧF-C] and related contacts as models of weak attractive ligand-polymer interactions. Michael C. Chan* 14:15 – 115. Synthesis of star polyethylenes via ethylene multifunctional “living” polymerization. Zhibin Ye 14:45 – 116. Expanding the versatility of pyridyl amine ligands: Cyclometallated L2X platforms for ethylene trimerization. Steven D. Brown* 15:15 – 117. Synthesis of new PP structures containing polar groups and cross-linkers, and applications in energy storage. T. C. Mike Chung*, Xuepei Yuan, Yuichi Matsuyama 15:45 – 118. Unravelling the mechanism of polymerisation with the commercial Phillips catalyst. David McGuinness*, Noel Davies, James Horne, Ivan Ivanov Convention Center 327 Azobenzene Polymers for Photo-Reversible Structures and Surfaces (#144) Organized by: C. Barrett, T. Ikeda, P. Palffy-Muhoray, Y. Zhao Presiding: C. Barrett 12:50 Opening remarks 13:00 – 119. Azobenzene-containing sidechain liquid crystalline polymers of novel architectures. Dehui Han, Xia Tong, Yue Zhao* 13:30 – 120. Liquid crystalline surface-tethered azobenzene polymer brushes. Takahiro Seki*, Takayuki Uekusa, Kenjiro Imai, Soutarou Kakehi, Shusaku Nagano 14:00 – 121. Withdrawn 14:20 – 122. New azo polyelectrolytes for photomechanics and reversible biosurfaces. Christopher Barrett*, Zahid Mahimwalla, Alexis Goulet-Hanssens 14:50 – 123. Photon-induced multi-phase transitions of liquid crystals via alternative change of the molecular shape. Daisuke Tanaka, Hisato Ishiguro, Kazuki Ohnishi, Hirosato Monobe, Yo Shimizu*, Kingo Uchida* 15:20 – 124. Shooting and swimming azobenzene single crystals in triacrylate solution. Namil Kim, Tom Sutter, Dmitry Golovaty, Thein Kyu* 15:40 – 125. Active photoalignment control of microphase separation cylinders in azobenzene block copolymer. Shusaku Nagano*, Tomoya Murase, Yusuke Koizuka, Yuya Shinohara, Yoshiyuki Amemiya, Takahiro Seki* 16:00 Closing remarks Thursday Morning Convention Center 328 Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources (#6) Organized by: V. Finkenstadt, S. Chakraborty, R. Konduri, X. Liao, L. Liu Presiding: L. Liu 7:30 – 126. Development of new crops and products for the U.S. Steven C. Cermak, Terry A. Isbell 8:00 – 127. Analysis and identification of ancient lacquer excavated from Kyoto. Takayuki Honda*, Lu Rong, Nobuhiko Kitano, Tetsuo Miyakoshi 8:30 – 128. Development of the hybridized oriental lacquer paints with partially epoxidized linseed oils as reactive diluents. Takahisa Ishimura*, Rong Lu, Takashi Yoshida, Tetsuo Miyakoshi 9:00 – 129. Polymers prepared from plant oils in liquid carbon dioxide. Zengshe (Kevin) Liu* 9:30 – 130. Degradation rates of glycerol polyesters at acidic and basic conditions. Ronald Holser* 10:00 – 131. Withdrawn 10:30 – 132. Cashew nut oils polyols for polyurethanes. Mihail Ionescu*, Xianmei Wan, Zoran S. Petrovic 11:00 – 133. Biobased industrial lubricants. Sevim Z. Erhan* Convention Center 325B Chemistry and Functional Properties of Soft Interfaces (#42) Organized by: A. Takahara, K. Char, K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Wynne Presiding: K. Wynne, Y. Nagasaki 7:30 – 134. Controlled assembly of viral nanoparticles as biocompatible scaffold. Qian Wang*, Yuan Lin, Elizabeth Balizan, Nisaraporn Suthiwangcharoen, Guihua Xiao, Zhaohui Su 7:55 – 135. Development of 3D-layered tissues by control of cellular interfaces. Michiya Matsusaki, Koji Kadowaki, Mitsuru Akashi* 8:10 – 136. Molecularly engineered charge conversion of proteins for sensitive potentiometry. Tatsuro Goda, Yuji Miyahara* 8:25 – 137. Antimicrobial polyelectrolyte multilayer films that release chlorine via N-halamine functionality. Steven N. Kaganove*, Tracy Zhang, Stephen Cendrowski, Keri Niec, Deebika Balu 8:40 – 138. Polysiloxane-based, contact-active antimicrobial coatings. Partha Majumdar*, Shane Stafslien, Justin Daniels, Elizabeth Crowley, Nathan Gubbins, Lyndsi Vander Wal, Bret Chisholm, Erin Nyren-Erickson 8:55 – 139. Thermoresponsive soft interfaces for modulated interaction with biomolecules. Akihiko Kikuchi*, Taka-Aki Asoh 9:10 – 140. Dendritic sugar interface and biological functionality. Yoshiko Miura* 9:35 – 141. Design of pH-sensitive radicalcontaining nanoparticle (RNP) as the EPR imaging of acidic pH environments. Toru Yoshitomi, Takashi Mamiya, Hirofumi Matsui, Aki Hirayama, Yukio Nagasaki* 9:50 – 142. Sensitive and selective detection of lectins on hybrid monolayer surface with protruding carbohydrate group. Yukari Sato*, Kyoko Yoshioka, Teiichi Murakami, Mutsuo Tanaka, Osamu Niwa 10:05 – 143. Molecular recognition at the exterior surface of a zwitterionic telomer brush. Hiromi Kitano*, Hisatomo Suzuki, Kohji Ohno 10:20 – 144. Characterization of aqueous phosphorylcholine-modified chitosan interfaces as bioactive substrates for stemcell growth and proliferation. Shivaji Sharma, Kim Tardif, Zhi-mei Miao, Jean-Francois Tanguay, Francoise M. Winnik* 10:45 – 145. Structural study on noncrosslinking aggregation of gold nanoparticles with DNA. Masahiro Fujita*, Mizuo Maeda * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 11:00 – 146. Antibody-immobilized cell rolling column for quick stem cell separation. Tetsuji Yamaoka* 11:15 – 147. Microbial culture on nanofibrous cellulose and its applications for bioprospecting. Shigeru Deguchi*, Mikiko Tsudome, Kaoru Tsujii, Susumu Ito, Koki Horikoshi Convention Center 323B Hybrid Conjugated Polymer Materials (#82) Organized by: M. Wolf, R. Advincula, S. Valiyaveettil, K. Yamamoto Presiding: K. Yamamoto 7:30 – 148. Bottom-up synthesis of electroand photo-functional molecular wires on the surface. Hiroshi Nishihara* 8:00 – 149. Charge and exciton transport in organometallic conjugated oligomers and polymers. Kirk S. Schanze, Julia R. Keller, John R. Miller, Chen Liao 8:30 – 150. Synthesis and properties of n-heterocyclic carbene polymers. Alan H. Cowley*, Adam B. Powell, Christopher W. Bielawski 8:50 – 151. Dynamic/living conjugated polymers - long scaffolds for covalently binding of metal complexes. Will Skene*, Satyananda Barik, Dufresne Stéphane 9:10 – 152. Dendritic encapsulation of a porphyrin with a rigidly constructed coreshell architecture that assists dissociation of a radical ion pair. Takane Imaoka*, Kimihisa Yamamoto* 9:30 – 153. Photoluminescent and electroluminescent materials consisting of novel conducting metallopolymer architectures. Xiao-Yan Chen, Julie M. Stanley, Travis W. Hesterberg, Lauren A. Lytwak, Bradley J. Holliday* 10:00 – 154. Polymetallocenes: Synthesis, self-assembly and functions. Ian Manners* 10:30 – 155. Design and synthesis of novel -conjugated polymers containing group 16 elements by reactions of organometallic polymers having titanacyclopentadiene units. Hiroki Nishiyama, Ikuyoshi Tomita 10:50 – 156. Hybrid conductive polymer and Si-based electrode for lithium-ion chemistry. Gao Liu*, Shidi Xun, Xiangyun Song, Honghe Zheng, Vince Battaglia 11:10 – 157. Polymers featuring tricoordinate boron and redoxactive metal centers. Frank D. Pammer, Haiyan Li, Frieder Jaekle*, Kshitij Parab Convention Center 321B The New Age of Advanced Materials: Supramolecular Architectures and Smart Materials (#98) Organized by: E. Yashima, T. Aida, F. Caruso, M. Lee, K. Wooley Presiding: F. Caruso, T. Aida 7:30 – 158. Synthesis and function of multiple-stranded helical polymers and oligomers. Eiji Yashima*, Yoshio Furusho 7:45 – 159. Synthesis and functions of artificial double helical molecules based on supramolecular approach. Yoshio Furusho*, Eiji Yashima* 8:00 – 160. Responsive soft materials based on conformationally preorganized building blocks. Stefan Hecht*, Marie-Anne Berlin, Tamer El Malah, Robert M. Meudtner, Denise Zornik 8:30 – 161. Water-soluble nanofibers with supramolecular chirality. Myongsoo Lee* 9:00 – 162. Functional aromatic amide foldamers. Ivan Huc 9:30 – 163. How to control supramolecular polymerization processes. Bert Meijer* 10:00 – 164. Expanding the scope of supramolecular polymers. Samuel Stupp* 10:30 – 165. Bioinspired synthesis of complex functional systems. Virgil Percec* 11:00 – 166. Aquamaterial: A new environmentally and biofriendly material. Qigang Wang, Yasuhiro Ishida, Justin L. Mynar, Takuzo Aida* Convention Center 323A Polymer Materials Performance, Degradation and Optimization (#64) Organized by: M. Celina, T. Dargaville, H. Kudoh Presiding: B. Fayolle 8:00 – 167. Polymer oxidation mechanisms by thermal and radiation ageing for cables in nuclear power plant. Tadao Seguchi*, Kiyotoshi Tamura, Akihiko Shimada, Akira Idesaki, Takeshi Ohshima, Hisaaki Kudoh 8:30 – 168. Radiation and thermal ageing studies of polymer materials used in cable insulation in nuclear power plants-1: General. Hisaaki Kudo*, Tadao Seguchi, Kiyotoshi Tamura, Takeshi Ohshima, Akira Idesaki, Akihiko Shimada 9:00 – 169. Temperature dependence on radiation induced degradation of ethylenepropylene-diene elastomer. Masayuki Ito* 9:20 – 170. Rheological and spectrophotometric analyses on thermal oxidative properties of poly(phenylene sulfide). Yong Hoon Kim* 9:40 – 171. Predicting performance variability in aging silicone elastomers. Robert Maxwell*, Sarah Chinn, Mogon Patel, Richard Gee, Long Dinh 10:10 – 172. Thermal stability and volatile out-gassing studies on ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer formulations. Niaz Khan, Mogon Patel*, Dave Netherton, Paul Morrell, Philip Monks, Simon Pitts, David Plant, Anthony Skinner 10:40 – 173. Recent developments in polymers lifetime prediction. Bruno Fayolle, Emmanuel Richaud 11:00 – 174. Chemical degradation of high density polyethylene in contact with chlorine disinfectants: Characterization and modeling. Clémence Devilliers*, Bruno Fayolle, Lucien Laiarinandrasana, Emmanuelle Gaudichet-Maurin Convention Center 322AB Polyolefins Chemistry and Beyond - From Bench to Commercial Scale (#211) Organized by: F. Sibtain, M. Chan, K. Nozaki, R. Waymouth Presiding: F. Sibtain 8:00 Introduction 8:05 – 175. Polyolefins production at commercial scale: Using models to improve plant operation and product properties. Kim B. McAuley* 8:45 – 176. Stereospecific bis(phenolate) ether complexes for olefin polymerization. Robert M. Waymouth*, Elizabeth T. Kiesewetter, Soeren Randoll, Madalyn Radlauer 9:15 – 177. Controlled isomerization polymerization of cycloolefins and dienes catalyzed by Pd complexes. Osakada Kohtaro*, Daisuke Takeuchi 9:45 – 178. Exploiting a catalyst’s affinity for alpha-olefins. Stephen A. Miller* 10:15 – 179. Polymerization of olefins with single-site catalyst captured on aminefunctionalized surface of SBA-15. Jeong Suk Lee, Young Soo Ko*, Jong-Ji Jeon, Jin-Heong Yim 10:45 – 180. Control of polyethylene polymer microstructure in a dual reactor process. Stephen J. Brown*, Christopher Dobbin Thursday Afternoon Convention Center 328 Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources (#6) Organized by: V. Finkenstadt, S. Chakraborty, R. Konduri, X. Liao, L. Liu Presiding: V. Finkenstadt, L. Liu 12:30 – 181. Novel synthetic products from the common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L) and their potential in the rural farm economy. Rogers E. Harry-O’kuru* 13:00 – 182. Semicrystalline copolyamides based on the renewable monomer, 1,9nonane diamine. Jie He*, Alex Kugel, Bret Chisholm 13:30 – 183. Chromatographic separation of polysaccharides by degree of substitution. Wolfgang Radke, Hiwa O. Gareb* 14:00 – 184. Wheat gluten-based renewable polymer materials: Chemical modification, material performance and biodegradation. Xiaoqing Zhang* 14:30 – 185. Polymerization of dairy-proteinbased bioplastic composites in presence of functional organic acids. Charles Onwulata*, Sudarsan Mukhopadyay 15:00 – 186. Development of antimicrobial food packaging using polymeric materials from renewable resources. Tony Jin* 15:30 – 187. Carrageenan and chitosan interpenetrating network for transdermal drug delivery. Soma Chakraborty* Convention Center 325B Chemistry and Functional Properties of Soft Interfaces (#42) Organized by: A. Takahara, K. Char, K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Wynne Presiding: K. Kurihara, Z. Su 12:30 – 188. Gradient wettability surfaces. Yanchun Han* 12:55 – 189. PNIPAM copolymers and nanocomposites with responsive hydration properties. David Bergbreiter* 13:10 – 190. Direct measurement of glass transition temperature gradient at the polymer bilayer interfaces by nanothermal analysis. Noriyuki Tanji, Hui Wu, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Atsushi Takahara* 13:25 – 191. Tuning Tg by 100 K in multilayer polymer films and nanostructured block copolymer/homopolymer blends. Soyoung Kim*, Connie Roth, Rodney Priestley, Robert Sandoval, Michelle Mok, Linda Broadbelt, John Torkelson* 13:40 – 192. Is the dynamics of polymer films consistent with their Tg? Zhaohui Yang, Yoshihisa Fuiji, Chi Hang Lam, Ophelia Tsui* 14:05 – 193. Infiltration of a neutral aqueous solution into thin poly(styrene) films. Shoichi Kubo, Masaru Nakagawa* 14:20 – 194. Adhesion of stimuli-responsive hydrogels by electrophoresis. Taka-Aki Asoh*, Akihiko Kikuchi* 14:35 – 195. Entropically driven super-lubrication of concentrated polymer brushes in solvents. Yoshinobu Tsujii*, Akihiro Nomura, Weiping Gao, Kohji Ohno, Takeshi Fukuda 15:00 – 196. Preparation of the gel with arrayed micro rods and investigation of its volume alteration property. Satoshi Takahashi*, Sachiko Obara, Takashi Ymauchi, Norio Tsubokawa, Kazuhiro Fukami, Tetsuo Sakka, Yukio Ogata 15:15 – 197. Ion transport gating with switchable mixed polyelectrolyte brushes. Mikhail Motornov*, Tsz Kin Tam, Marcos Pita, Ihor Tokarev, Evgeny Katz, Sergiy Minko 15:30 – 198. Adsorbed layer structure of polymerisable surfactants at the solid/aqueous solution interface. Gregory Warr, Annabelle C. Blom, Khwanrat Chatjaroenporn, Kathryn A. White, Regina Schwering, Robert W. Baker, Paul A. FitzGerald 15:45 – 199. Observation of PEG thickness of PEG-PLys based polyplex micelle. Kensuke Osada*, Theofilus A. Tockary, Kazunori Kataoka 16:00 – 200. Reliable measurements of slip using the AFM. Liwen Zhu, Phil Attard, Chiara Neto* Convention Center 323B Advanced Polymeric Membranes for Environmental, Biomedical and Bioengineering Application (#51) Organized by: A. Higuchi, B. Freeman, A. Hill, Y.M. Lee Presiding: A. Higuchi, V. Chen 12:30 – 201. Direct ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood on membranes. Akon Higuchi* 13:10 – 202. Thermal, mechanical and chemical modifications of titania nanoparticles as antifouling additives and coatings for PES membranes. Amir Razmjou*, Jaleh Mansouri, Vicki Chen, May Lim, Mega Ng, Rose Amal 13:50 – 203. Experimental evaluation and theoretical analysis of affinity membrane adsorbers. Simone Dimartino, Cristiana Boi, Giulio C. Sarti* 14:30 – 204. Thermo-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) copolymers grafted onto track-etched polycarbonate films. Jessie S. Lue*, Chi-Hwa Chen, Chao-Ming Shih 15:10 – 205. Understanding the differences in ion sorption and salt transport between highly charged and less highly charged polymer desalination membrane materials. Geoffrey M. Geise*, Linda K. Passaniti, James E. McGrath, Benny D. Freeman, Donald R. Paul 15:30 – 206. Plasma polymerization at atmospheric pressure: An environmental friendly approach to synthesize biocompatible, hybrid, barrier or ion - exchange coatings. Delphine Merche*, Bernard Nisol, Nicolas Vandencasteele, Julie Hubert, François Dabeux, Abdelkrim Batan, Herman Terryn, François Reniers* 15:50 – 207. High-internal-free-volume glassy polymers for advanced membrane applications. Ho Bum Park*, Yoon Jin Cho, Byung Kook Ahn Convention Center 323A Polymer Materials Performance, Degradation and Optimization (#64) Organized by: M. Celina, T. Dargaville, H. Kudoh Presiding: S. Al-Malaika * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–97 03-MACR 12:30 – 208. PP clay nanocomposites degradation and stabilisation. Sahar Al-Malaika*, Joana Barbas, Husam Sheena 13:00 – 209. Utility of nanocomposites in fire retardancy. Charles A. Wilkie* 13:30 – 210. Evaluation of degradation on Nylon-6 and Nylon-6/montmorillonite nanocomposites by color measurement. Mikiya Ito*, Kazukiyo Nagai 13:50 – 211. Withdrawn 14:10 – 212. Thermal degradation behavior of siloxane elastomer impregnated carbon nanotube areogel networks. James P. Lewicki*, Brian Mayer, Marcus Worsley, Ted Baumann, Robert Maxwell 14:40 – 213. Nanofibrous structures by single particle nanofabrication. Shu Seki* 15:10 – 214. Withdrawn 15:30 – 215. Protecting polymers with atomic layer deposition coatings. Timothy K. Minton*, Bohan Wu, Jianming Zhang, Ned Lindholm, Jennifer O’Patchen, Steven M. George, Markus D. Groner 15:50 – 216. Nanoindentation on nanocoatings: Analyzing the effects of nanoparticles on the nanomechanical properties of silicone ceramer materials. Atul Tiwari*, Lloyd H. Hihara 16:10 – 217. Nano-scale fabrication of perfluorinated polymers using focused ion beams. Akihiro Oshima*, Tomohiro Takahashi, Satoshi Okubo, Naoyuki Fukutake, Yuya Takasawa, Tomoko Gowa, Masakazu Washio, Seiichi Tagawa Convention Center 321B The New Age of Advanced Materials: Supramolecular Architectures and Smart Materials (#98) Organized by: E. Yashima, T. Aida, F. Caruso, M. Lee, K. Wooley Presiding: K. Wooley 12:30 – 218. Advanced macromolecular materials from dupramolecular chemistry. Ulrich (Uli) Wiesner* 13:00 – 219. Self-assembly in soft coordination nanosystems. Nobuo Kimizuka* 13:30 – 220. Graphene as unique multitalent - catalyst, semiconductor, nanowire, protein template. Klaus Müllen* 14:00 – 221. Highly fluorescent molecules and polymers incorporating excited state intramolecular proton transfer. Soo Young Park 14:30 – 222. Dye assemblies for supramolecular electronics. Frank Würthner* 15:00 – 223. Novel synthesis and property of BN nanotubes and nanosheets. Yoshio Bando*, Zhi Chunyi, Tang Chengchun, Dmitri Golberg 15:30 – 224. Dynamic covalent polymers driven by stimuli-responsive metathesis reactions. Hideyuki Otsuka*, Shigehisa Kamimura, Shinsuke Nagano, Atsushi Irie, Takeshi Maeda, Masamichi Nishihara, Atsushi Takahara 15:45 – 225. Technomimetic rotatory nanodevices driven by electron transfer or STM Tip. Gwenael Rapenne* 16:00 – 226. Hierarchical self assembly of aqueous supramolecular polymers by cucurbit[8]uril. Oren Scherman* 16:15 – 227. Polymers with molecular memory based on restricted rotation. Ken D. Shimizu* Convention Center 322AB Polyolefins Chemistry and Beyond - From Bench to Commercial Scale (#211) Organized by: F. Sibtain, M. Chan, K. Nozaki, R. Waymouth Presiding: M. Chan 12:30 Introduction 12:35 – 228. Iron procatalysts in olefin polymerization worthy for commercial consideration. Wen-Hua Sun* 98 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 13:15 – 229. Coordination polymerization of polar monomers. Kyoko Nozaki* 13:45 – 230. In search for single component catalysts for ethylene oligo- and polymerization? Sandro Gambarotta* 14:15 – 231. Insights into metallocene activation. Steven P. Diefenbach* 14:45 – 232. Production of organometallic compounds for polymerization catalysts. Toshio Sumida*, Mayumi Nishida 15:15 – 233. Scalable production of precision polyolefins via living coordinative chain-transfer polymerization of ethene, ␣-olefins and ␣,-nonconjugated dienes. Lawrence R. Sita*, Jia Wei, Wei Zhang 15:45 – 234. Recent advances in olefin block copolymers: Polydispersity, phase behavior, and photonic polyethylene. Phillip Hustad*, Jeffrey D. Weinhold, Brian Landes, Patricia L. Roberts, Eddy I. Garcia-Meitin, Gary R. Marchand Thursday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Polymeric Materials from Renewable Resources (#6) Organized by: V. Finkenstadt, S. Chakraborty, R. Konduri, X. Liao, L. Liu Presiding: V. Finkenstadt, L. Liu, S. Chakraborty Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 235. Chemoenzymatic synthesis of amylosegrafting heteropolysaccharides. Yuji Omagari, Jun-ichi Kadokawa* 236. Elucidation of the structure of a highly active catalytic system for CO2/epoxide copolymerization: A salen-cobaltate complex of an unusual binding mode. Anish Cyriac, Sung Jae Na, BunYeoul Lee* 237. Terpolymerizations of CO2, propylene oxide, and various epoxides using a cobalt(III) complex of salen-type ligand tethered by four quaternary ammonium salts. Sang-Hwan Lee, Jong-Eon Seong, Bun-Yeoul Lee* 238. Anion variation on a cobalt(III) complex of salen-type ligand tethered by four quaternary ammonium salts for CO2/epoxide copolymerization. Eun Seok Park, Jina Yoo, Bun Yeoul Lee* 239. Preparation and physicochemical properties of water-insoluble glycosaminoglycan composite films. Masafumi Ohashi, Mineo Hashizume 240. Short route from glycerol to polyureathane adhesives. Mariusz Maminski*, Pawel Parzuchowski, Magdalena Krol 241. Right- and left-handed helices from cellulose oligomers: Why create them? Naozumi Teramoto, Mitsuhiro Shibata, Morton H. Litt, Iraj Ganjian, Navzer Sachinvala* 242. Synthesis and characterization of superabsorbent hydrogels based on carboxymethyloxyalkylcellulose. Risa Sanui, Rumiko Fujioka, Toshio Yoshimura* 243. Biodegradable network poly(ether urethane)s from natural resources. Akito Ooi*, Wataru Sakai, Naoto Tsutsumi, Minoru Nagata 244. Preparation and properties of chitosan/ poly(␥-glutamic acid) complex. Naomichi Hirotani, Shinsuke Ifuku, Minoru Morimoto, Hiroyuki Saimoto* 245. Synthesis of carboxymethylchitin derivatives having polymerizable groups. Atsushi Terada, Shinsuke Ifuku, Minoru Morimoto, Hiroyuki Saimoto 246. Preparation of a thermosensitive chitosan/N-isopropylacrylamide copolymer through atom transfer radical polymerization. Takeshi Miwa*, Shinsuke Ifuku, Minoru Morimoto, Hiroyuki Saimoto 247. Sugarcane bagasse: Depolymerization of the extracted lignin in presence of anthraquinone derivatives, application to the preparation of lignin- phenolic type resins and use as reinforcement in phenolic type thermosets. Cristina G. da Silva, Elisabete Frollini*, Stephane Grelier, Frederique Pichavant, Alain Castellan* 248. Enzymatic and acid hydrolysis of sisal pulp for elaboration of biocomposites and bioethanol production. Talita M. Lacerda, Elisabete Frollini*, Christian Gardrat, Frederique Pichavant, Veronique Coma* 249. Enhancement hydrolyzation of cellulose with cellulase through ultrasonic treatment. Jun Ye, Qing-xia Chen, Jun Chen, Jian Xiong* 250. Biopolymer research in Costa Rica: From aquaculture waste streams to added value derivatives for biomedical applications. Maria Sibaja, Sergio Madrigal-Carballo*, José Vega-Baudrit, Vanessa Zamora, Marianelly Esquivel, Maikol Ramos 251. Enantioselective and product-selective alternating copolymerization of carbon dioxide and epoxide. Kaori Sakurai, Isamu Esashika, Hidetoshi Goto, Hiroshi Sugimoto* 252. Biopolymer research in Costa Rica: From aquaculture waste streams to added value derivatives for biomedical applications. Sergio Madrigal-Carballo*, Jose Vega-Baudrit, Vanessa Zamora, Maikol Ramos, Marianelly Esquivel, Maria Sibaja 253. Preparation and properties of green composites based on fruit peel and some biodegradable plastics. Chihiro Higashi, Rumiko Fujioka, Toshio Yoshimura* Convention Center 325B Chemistry and Functional Properties of Soft Interfaces (#42) Organized by: A. Takahara, K. Char, K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Wynne Presiding: A. Takahara, M. Maeda 19:00 – 254. Functional modification of soft interfaces with polymer-binding peptides. Takeshi Serizawa* 19:25 – 255. Self-reproducing vesicular system associated with self-replication of DNA. Tadashi Sugawara, Kensuke Kurihara, Mieko Tamura, Koh-ichiroh Shohda, Taro Toyota, Kentaro Suzuki 19:40 – 256. Characterization of peptide and protein interactions with surfaces. Tobias Weidner, Joseph E. Baio, Lara J. Gamble, David G. Castner* 19:55 – 257. Novel high-sensitive immunoassay interface with orientation-controlled antibodies. Madoka Takai*, Nobuyuki Tajima, Kazuhiko Ishihara 20:10 – 258. Nanoscale study of the mechanical properties of individual live bacteria using atomic force microscopy. Michelle L. Gee*, Huabin Wang, Jonathan Wilksch, Richard A. Strugnell 20:35 – 259. Bio-recognizing surface design for bio-transistor. Akira Matsumoto, Naoko Sato, Horacio Cabral, Kazunori Kataoka, Yuji Miyahara* 20:50 Closing remarks Convention Center 323A Polymer Materials Performance, Degradation and Optimization (#64) Organized by: M. Celina, T. Dargaville, H. Kudoh Presiding: K. George 19:00 – 260. Bioresorbable polymeric devices for bone repair: Strategies to optimise performance. Fraser Buchanan* 19:30 – 261. PLLA-based networks for biomedical applications. Karina George*, Francois Schue, Traian Chirila, Edeline Wentrup-Byrne 20:00 – 262. Modification of water-absorption and adhesive properties of polyolefins and other chemically-stable polymeric materials. Hitoshi Kanazawa*, Aya Inada, Jun Sato, Yoshitaka Sugeno Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Hybrid Conjugated Polymer Materials (#82) Organized by: M. Wolf, R. Advincula, S. Valiyaveettil, K. Yamamoto Presiding: M. Wolf Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 263. Development of dendritic structures having potential gradient. Ken Albrecht, Kimihisa Yamamoto* 264. Controlled assembly of ferrocene derivatives as redox-active molecules in dendritic polyphenylazomethines. Yousuke Ochi, Mana Suzuki, Takane Imaoka, Masaki Murata, Yasuaki Einaga, Hiroshi Nishihara, Kimihisa Yamamoto* 265. Supramolecular complex of a donortype dendrimer with fullerenes. Yasunori Kuramoto*, Ken Albrecht, Kimihisa Yamamoto 266. Photoinduced electron transfer in phenylazomethine dendrimer having stepwise metal assembling ability. Hiroki Kobayashi*, Takane Imaoka, Kimihisa Yamamoto 267. Synthesis and property of terminal modified dendritic polyphenylazomethine as a novel soft-material. Yousuke Ochi, Keisuke Azuma, Kozue Sakurai, Kimihisa Yamamoto* 268. Preparation and characterization of polybenzoxazole-silica hybrids. Mikako Takenaka*, Yasuharu Yamada 269. Synthesis of polymers having spiropyran moieties in the main-chain. Yuhki Tanaka, Jun-ichi Kadokawa* 270. New cardo polymer: 2,6-Dimethyl-1,5dibenzoylnaphthalene-containing polycarbonates. Chika Yamashita, Kazuko Nakazono, Yasuhiro Khosaka, Takahiro Kojima, Katsumoto Hosokawa, Toshikazu Takata* 271. Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole alternative copolymer films. Yusuke Hoshina*, Takaomi Kobayashi 272. Fine discrimination of molecular shape by a dendrimer with nanopockets. Tetsuro Yamashita, Takane Imaoka, Kimihisa Yamamoto* 273. All-organic polymer actuators containing conjugated polymers. Yong Ho Kim*, Sin Woo Lee, Jong Wan Kim, Jin Woo Bae, Jae Young Jho 274. Synthesis of stable ditopic nitrile N-oxide and its application to cross-linking via click chemistry. Morio Yonekawa, Lee Young-Gi, Yasuhito Koyama, Toshikazu Takata* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 275. Synthesis and polymerization of hetero aromatic-hybridized cardo monomers, and property of the resulting polymers. Hitoshi Okuda, Yasuhito Koyama, Toshikazu Takata* 276. Significant size effect on catalytic activity of subnano platinum clusters. Saori Omura, Wang Jae Chun, Atsunori Sonoi, Takane Imaoka, Kimihisa Yamamoto* 277. Catalytic activity of oxygen reduction reaction by dendrimer-encapsulated metal nanoparticles. Yushi Hongo, Atsunori Sonoi, Takane Imaoka, Wang-Jae Chun, Kimihisa Yamamoto* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Azobenzene Polymers for Photo-Reversible Structures and Surfaces (#144) Organized by: C. Barrett, T. Ikeda, P. Palffy-Muhoray, Y. Zhao Presiding: C. Barrett Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 Friday Morning 9:50 – 306. Targeted engineering of Cupriavidus necator chromosome for biosynthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3hydroxyhexanoate) from vegetable oil. Jun Mifune, Satoshi Nakamura, Toshiaki Fukui* 10:10 – 307. In vivo characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoate production capability and substrate specificity of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase of Burkholderia cepacia strain JC-1. Normi Mohd Yahaya*, Julian Chin Hock Chye*, Amirul Al-Ashraf Abdullah 10:30 – 308. Biodegradable composites and blends from hardwood hemicellulose. Arthur J. Stipanovic*, Vincent Barber, Nicholas Stam 11:00 – 309. Development of amphiphilic block copolymers based on biopolyesters and their biomaterials applications. Jun Li* Convention Center 323B Convention Center 321B Advanced Polymeric Membranes for Environmental, Biomedical and Bioengineering Application (#51) Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Advanced Polymer Gels (#136) 290. Synthesis of new COC, dihydrodicyclopentadiene/ethylene and dihydrotricyclopentadiene/ethylene. Seung Hyun Do, Seung Tack Yu, Bun Yeoul Lee* 291. Study on polymerization performances in slurry process using supported nonmetallocene catalysts. Chuanfeng Li, Yuefeng Gu, Lin Kan, Bo Liu, Xiaoli Yao, Jiye Bai, Shaohui Chen 292. Nickel complexes as procatalysts in olefin polymerization. Cunyue Guo, Jiangang Yu, Tianpengfei Xiao, Wen-Hua Sun* 293. Structure-property relationship of various hydrogenated poly(norbornene-biimides)s prepared from ring opening metathesis polymerization. Kyung-Hwan Yoon, Insun Park, Do Y. Yoon* 278. Withdrawn 279. Reversible photoswitching of azobenzene-functionalized self-assembled monolayers. Daisuke Ishikawa*, Takumu Honda, Eisuke Ito, Mina Han, Masahiko Hara 280. Azobenzene-peptide containing polyelectrolyte multilayer films showing photo-controlled cell adhesion. Alexis Goulet-Hanssens, Christopher J. Barrett 281. Spectroscopy and isomerization kinetics of azo dyes complexed with metal ions. Jeffrey A. Gray*, Joshua E. Szekely, Philip A. Weiss 282. Fully aromatic polyimide containing azobenzene as a side group: Synthesis and properties under ultraviolet light exposure. Seung Woo Lee*, Se Jin Kwon 283. Guest-host polymers revisited: High and stable photoinduced anisotropy mediated by chromophore aggregation. Arri Priimagi*, Andriy Shevchenko, Francisco J. Rodriguez, Martti Kauranen, Matti Kaivola, Paul Rochon 284. Synthesis, crystal structure and photochemical properties of azobenzene-palladium complexes. Mina Han*, Tomohiro Hirade, Masahiko Hara 285. Fabrication of crosslinked liquid-crystalline polymer films with a periodic structure. Keisuke Saito, Jun-ichi Mamiya, Atsushi Shishido, Tomiki Ikeda* 286. Preparation and photomobile property of crosslinked liquid-crystalline polymers with cholesteric phases. Yohei Yoshida, Jun-ichi Mamiya, Tomiki Ikeda* 287. Phototriggered mass migration azo polymer systems involving photocrosslinking unit. Li Wenhan*, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki 7:30 – 294. Molecularly imprinted nanofiber membranes. Masakazu Yoshikawa* 8:10 – 295. Response of human mesenchymal stem cells to the morphology variation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) membranes. Yi-Ming Sun*, Bo-Yi Yu 8:50 – 296. Effect of surface morphology on antifouling property of porous hollow fiber membranes. Hideto Matsuyama*, Takeshi Katagiri, Yoshikage Ohmukai, Tatsuo Maruyama, Tomohiro Sotani 9:30 – 297. Stimuli-responsive and tunablebioadhesive soft membranes of nonionic poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) containing zwitterionic polysulfobetaine. Yung Chang* 10:00 – 298. Novel polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) for membrane applications. Neil B. McKeown, Mariolino Carta, Kadhum J. Msayib, Peter M. Budd, Detlev Fritsch 10:30 – 299. Fabrication of Poly (vinyl alcohol) macromer for biomedical application. Narahari Mahanta, Yiwei Teow, Suresh Valiyaveettil 11:00 – 300. Use of remote oxygen plasma to create protein resistant surfaces. Nicolas Vandencasteele*, Bérangère Broze, Stéphanie Collette, Caroline De Vos, Pascal Viville, Roberto Lazzaroni, François Reniers Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Organized by: H. Uyama, G.G. Chen, S.S. Im, T. Iwata, C. Nomura Presiding: G. Chen, H. Uyama Polyolefins Chemistry and Beyond - From Bench to Commercial Scale (#211) Organized by: F. Sibtain, M. Chan, K. Nozaki, R. Waymouth Presiding: F. Sibtain Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 288. Effects of phosphine in synthesis of regioblock polybutadiene with CoCl2based catalyst via reversible coordination of Lewis base. Zhengguo Cai, Masahito Shinzawa, Yuushou Nakayama, Takeshi Shiono* 289. Magnetic orientation of low molecular weight polyethylene. Gaku Ishikawa*, Nofumi Naga, Masafumi Yamato, Keiichi Noguchi Organized by: A. Higuchi, B. Freeman, A. Hill, Y.M. Lee Presiding: M. Yoshikawa, K. Tung Convention Center 328 Biodegradable and Biomass Plastics (#95) 7:30 – 301. Structure analysis and enzymatic degradation of beta-form in poly[(R)-3hydroxybutyrate] fibers and films. Tadahisa Iwata* 8:00 – 302. Microbial cell factories for production of polymers and hydroxyalkanoic acids. George Guo-Qiang Chen* 8:30 – 303. Charged Poly(-hydroxyalkanoates). Carmen Scholz*, Jeff Sparks 9:00 – 304. Current advances in microbial cell factories for lactate-based polyesters driven by lactate-polymerizing enzymes. Seiichi Taguchi* 9:30 – 305. Non-enzymatic stem cell detachment with biodegradable thermosensitive poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate]-based copolymers. Xian Jun Loh* Organized by: K. Ito, M. Sibayama, R. Siegel, C. Wu Presiding: K. Ito, M. Shibayama 7:30 – 310. Slide-ring materials using supramolecular architecuture. Kohzo Ito* 7:45 – 311. Mechanical and osmotic properties of slide-ring gels with movable crosslinks. Kenji Urayama* 8:15 – 312. Composite hydrogels with temperature sensitive heterogeneities. Walter Richtering*, Judith Meid, Swen Lehmann 8:45 – 313. Dielectric relaxation studies on the dynamic arrest/jamming of concentrated colloidal dispersions. Dan Zhu, Yi Hu, Jian Shen, Chi Wu 9:15 – 314. Small angle scattering studies of high strength interpenetrating network hydrogels. Dale Waters*, Kristin Engberg, Rachel Parke-Houben, Michael Toney, Curtis W. Frank 9:45 – 315. Why is a double-network gel so tough? A discussion on its common features with tough tissues. Jian Ping Gong* 10:15 – 316. 3-D Optical forming of highstrength gels. Keiichi Sugita, Ruri Hidema, Hidemitsu Furukawa* 10:30 – 317. Crystallization influenced by gel formation in prior microphase separation of multi-block copolymers. Yu Ma, Wenbing Hu* 10:45 – 318. Gelation mechanism and physical properties of Tetra-PEG gel. Takamasa Sakai*, Manami Kurakazu, Yuki Akagi, Takuya Katashima, Takuro Matsunaga, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Ung-il Chung 11:00 – 319. Theory of phase transitions in polyelectrolyte gels. Murugappan Muthukumar* Convention Center 325B 8:30 – 322. Tunable, amphiphilic, hyperbranched fluoropolymers and multiple strategies to enhance antifouling: From nanoscopic heterogeneity to the surface presentation of active deterrents. Philip M. Imbesi, Christopher Fidge, Neeraj Gohad, Kevin A. Pollack, Andrew S. Mount, Karen L. Wooley* 8:50 – 323. Mimicking the phase transition of proteins with synthetic polymers. Takeshi Mori*, Yasushi Maeda, Tomohiro Hirano, Keiji Minagawa, Masami Tanaka, Takuro Niidome, Yoshiki Katayama 9:20 – 324. Folding and function of long multiblock copolymer chains prepared by the SAAP. Chi Wu 9:40 – 325. Effects of salt, chain length, and pH on the “non-surface activity” of ionic amphiphilic diblock copolymers. Hideki Matsuoka, Arjun Ghosh, Tomoyuki Onishi, Masahiro Hachisuka 10:00 – 326. Probing hydrophobic interactions with pyrene-labeled amphiphilic macromolecules. Christine Keyes-Baig, Howard Siu, Jean Duhamel*, Javed Akbar, Shawn Wettig* 10:30 – 327. Hydration behavior of partially hydrophilically modified poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in aqueous solution. Toshiyuki Shikata, Tomoko Maeda 10:50 – 328. Responsive macromolecular assemblies: Sol/gel transition induced by coupling pH and temperature. Dominique Hourdet*, Elodie Siband, Yvette Tran 11:10 – 329. Taciticity effects on the phase behaviors of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) and poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide) in water. Yukiteru Katsumoto, Noriyuki Kubosaki, Yuki Etoh, Naotsugu Shimoda, Tatsuhiko Miyata Convention Center 323A Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Mechanisms, Catalysts, Reaction Engineering, Materials and Applications (#236) Organized by: S. Zhu, T. Fukuda, B. Li, K. Matyjaszewski, M. Monteiro Presiding: S. Zhu 7:30 – 330. ATRP: From mechanism to materials. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski* 8:00 – 331. Development of switchable RAFT agents. Graeme Moad*, Massimo Benaglia, Chen Ming, John Chiefari, Keddie Daniel, Ezio Rizzardo, San H. Thang 8:30 – 332. Gradient copolymers: Molecular design via controlled radical polymerization for applications ranging from interfacial agents and compatibilizers for nanostructured blends to damping materials. John M. Torkelson*, Michelle M. Mok, Robert W. Sandoval, Jungki Kim 8:50 – 333. Metal-catalyzed chain- and stepgrowth radical polymerization for precision polymer synthesis. Masami Kamigaito*, Kotaro Satoh, Kanji Nagai, Masato Mizutani Amphiphilic Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (#231) Organized by: T. Sato, K. Akiyoshi, C. McCormick, F. Winnik Presiding: T. Sato, F. Winnik, K. Akiyoshi 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:40 – 320. Direct penetration of amphiphilic phospholipid polymers across living cell membrane. Kazuhiko Ishihara*, Tatsuro Goda, Yuusuke Goto 8:10 – 321. Imaging the lateral structure of poly(ethylene glycol)-grafted phosphocholine membranes and insulin insertion. Valeria Tsoukanova*, Kanwal Tanwir * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–99 03-MACR 9:10 – 334. Synthesis and characterization of hyperbranched polyacrylamide using semi-batch reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) copolymerization of acrylamide and N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide. Dunming Wang, Wen-Jun Wang, Bo-Geng Li, Shiping Zhu 9:30 – 335. Kinetics of controlled/living radical polymerization: Bulk and miniemulsion. Hidetaka Tobita* 10:00 – 336. New polymer synthesis by controlling the kinetic process of ATRP of AB* inimers. Bo-Tao Dong, Yong-Quan Dong, Zi-Chen Li* 10:30 – 337. Continuous atom transfer radical polymerization with low catalyst concentration. Nicky Chan*, Robin A. Hutchinson, Michael F. Cunningham, Jan Meuldijk 10:50 – 338. Kinetic modeling of atom transfer radical and nitroxide mediated polymerization. Dagmar R. D’hooge, Lien Bentein, Evelyn B. Burrick, Marie-Françoise Reyniers*, Guy B. Marin 11:10 – 339. Hybrid atom transfer radical polymerization system for balanced polymerization rate and polymer molecular weight control. Santiago Faucher*, Shiping Zhu, Mark Machado Convention Center 322AB Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: T. Lodge 7:50 – 340. Block copolymer thin film assemblies containing functional nano-objects. Kookheon Char* 8:20 – 341. Photo-assisted controlled radical polymerization and its application. Yang Wan-Tai, Yin Minzhen, Li Huiling, Liu Lianying, Ma Yuhong 8:50 – 342. Design of photo-crosslinkable block copolymers for various nano-fabrications. Joona Bang*, Dongjune Hwang, Misang Yoo, Seyong Kim 9:10 – 343. Self-assembly of P3HT-based diblock copolymers and their application in organic solar cells. Kai Xiao*, Xiang Yu, Jihua Chen, Kunlun Hong, David Geohegan 9:30 – 344. Fully conjugated block copolymers by ring-opening metathesis polymerization. Michael L. Turner*, James W. Kingsley, Chin Y. Yu, Andrew C. Spring, Masaki Horie, David G. Lidzey, Simon King, Saif A. Haque, Jenny Nelson 9:50 – 345. Perpendicular orientation of cylindrical nanodomains in a block copolymer thick film. Hisakazu Fujiwara, Go Kimura, Yohei Mizuno, Shinichi Sakurai* 10:20 – 346. Liquid crystalline block copolymer: Roll-to-roll processable nanostructured films and template processes. Tomokazu Iyoda* 10:50 – 347. Controlling the location of thermally stable polymer coated inorganic nanorods using block copolymer templates. Bumjoon J. Kim* 11:10 – 348. Shape memory block copolymers. Kevin A. Cavicchi, Pengzhan Fei Convention Center 327 Polymer Nano-Hybrids at Bio-Interfaces (#127) Organized by: Y. Chujo, C.S. Ha, K. Uhrich, K. Wynne Presiding: K. Uhrich 8:00 Opening remarks 100 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 8:10 – 349. More fluorous surface modifier makes it less oleophobic: Fluorinated-siloxane copolymer/PDMS fumed silica coatings and nanocomposites. Kenneth J. Wynne, Souvik Chakrabarty, Wei Zhang, Ying Zheng, Lorenzo Orsini, Andrea Morelli, Giancarlo Galli, Emo Chiellini 8:35 – 350. Polymer brush nanosponges for protein separations. Dan Dyer*, Ven Ney Wong, Bojan Mitrovic, Gary Kinsel 8:55 – 351. Biochemical-to-optical signal transduction by responsive hydrogel/noble metal nanoparticle composite thin films. Ihor Tokarev*, Iryna Minko, Venkateshwarlu Gopishetty, Evgeny Katz, Sergiy Minko 9:15 – 352. Remarkable polarization and alignment of biological cells on high-aspect-ratio polymer nanohybrid arrays. Michael A. Bucaro, Benjamin Hatton, Joanna Aizenberg* 9:40 – 353. Covalent attachment of multilayers (CAM) to poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) surfaces: Patterning of bioactive species. Marek W. Urban*, Nattharika Aumsuwan 10:00 – 354. Nanohybrid gel of polyethylene glycol and silica as a matrix for cell CT imaging. Fengyu Su*, Vivek Nandakumar, Laimonas Kelbauska, Yanqing Tian, Yuguang Jin, Celeste Riley, Brent L. Vernon, Roger H. Johnson, Deirdre R. Meldrum 10:20 – 355. Hybrid inorganic-organic polymers as nanostructured platforms for bone tissue engineering. Harry R. Allcock*, Arlin L. Weikel, Cato T. Laurencin, Lakshmi S. Nair Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Polymer Materials Performance, Degradation and Optimization (#64) Organized by: M. Celina, T. Dargaville, H. Kudoh Presiding: M. Celina, H. Kudo Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 356. Radiation and thermal ageing studies of polymer materials used in cable insulation in nuclear power plants-2: Flame retardant ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). Hisaaki Kudo*, Tadao Seguchi, Kiyotoshi Tamura, Takeshi Ohshima, Akira Idesaki, Akihiko Shimada 357. Radiation and thermal ageing studies of polymer materials used in cable insulation in nuclear power plants-3: Crosslinked polyethylene (XLPE). Hisaaki Kudo*, Tadao Seguchi, Kiyotoshi Tamura, Takeshi Ohshima, Akira Idesaki, Akihiko Shimada, Takanori Tago 358. Radiation and thermal ageing studies of polymer materials used in cable insulation in nuclear power plants-4: Polyvinylchloride (PVC). Akira Idesaki*, Tadao Seguchi, Kiyotoshi Tamura, Takeshi Ohshima, Akihiko Shimada, Hisaaki Kudoh 359. Radiation and thermal ageing studies of polymer materials used in cable insulation in nuclear power plant-5: Silicone rubber (SiR). Akihiko Shimada*, Tadao Seguchi, Kiyotoshi Tamura, Takeshi Ohshima, Akira Idesaki, Hisaaki Kudo 360. Analysis of the amylose macromolecules products on MALDI-TOF, created by mechanochemical influence. Guzel Kireeva*, Viktoria Kurova, Sergey Varfolomeev, Vladimir Zhorin 361. Synthesis of microscopic carboxymethylcellulose hydrogels with metal ions by radiation-induced crosslinking. Naotsugu Nagasawa*, Bozena Rokita, Piotr Ulanski, Akihiro Hiroki, Mitsumasa Taguchi, Janusz M. Rosiak, Masao Tamada 362. Poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanosheet prepared by CO2 laser supersonic multidrawing. Akihiro Suzuki*, Kyouhei Arino 363. Application of photochemical generation of superbases to photoreactive materials. Koji Arimitsu*, Ryosuke Endo 364. Characterization of lacquers using EGA-Probe IAMS; Pyrogram. Toshiya Sato, Masamichi Tsukagoshi, Toshihiro Fujii* 365. Syntheses of styrenic copolymers having bulky substituent group via polymer reaction and property of cycloolefin copolymers modified with them. Yuiko Yoshikawa*, Kazufumi Kohno, Hiromu Saito, Akinori Toyota 366. Post-irradiation effects on the chemical structure of the ion-beam irradiated isotactic-polypropylene. Toshitaka Oka, Akihiro Oshima, Hisaaki Kudo, Takeshi Murakami, Masakazu Washio, Yoshimasa Hama 367. Thermal decomposition of poly(L-lactic acid) on TiO2. Jong-Liang Lin* 368. Colorless and high-Tg polyimides with a bis-spironorbornane and alkanone structure. Ryosuke Kimura, Sho Doi, Toshihiko Matsumoto* 369. Theoretical study of radiation reactivity on photoacid generators for EUV lithography. Masayuki Endo*, Kazuyuki Enomoto, Hiroki Yamamoto, Seiichi Tagawa 370. Double-edged sword: Coumarins in the photodegradation and fungal deterioration of the Phormium fibres. Ying Tang*, Gerald J. Smith*, Jolon M. Dyer, Sue Scheele 371. Ozonolysis and functionalization of natural rubber. Susumu Harashima, Toshihiko Matsumoto*, Akihiro Fujiwara 372. Study on membrane electrode assemblies with functionally modified IEC. Taeko Yoshikawa*, Fumiya Shiraki, Hajime Fujita, Akihiro Oshima, Masakazu Washio 373. Interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with conjugated polymers. Jungmok You, June Seok Heo, Teahoon Park, Youjeong Choi, Han-Soo Kim, Hyun Ok Kim*, Eunkyoung Kim* 374. Preparation of graft phosphoric adsorbent onto nonwoven cotton fabric in pilot scale. Noriaki Seko*, Noboru Kasai, Takuya Shibata, Hiroyuki Hoshina, Makikatsu Takahashi 375. Study on reduction of metal ions in functionalized fluorinated-polymers by means of plasma exposure. Hidehiro Tsubokura*, Tomohiro Takahashi, Hajime Fujita, Tomoko Gowa, Hiroki Yamamoto, Akihiro Oshima, Seiichi Tagawa, Masakazu Washio 376. Synthesis of photobase generators with 9-xanthenylmethyl groups and their application to photoreactive materials. Ryuta Mizuochi, Koji Arimitsu* 377. Synthesis of novel photobase generators to generate strong bases and their application to photoreactive materials. Masayoshi Yanagi, Koji Arimitsu* 378. Photobase generators based on photocyclization reactions and their application to photoreactive materials. Ayaka Oguri, Koji Arimitsu* 379. Photobase-catalyzed pigmentation of latent pigments for monitoring the migration of bases in polymer films. Midori Arai, Koji Arimitsu* 380. Preparation of novel water-soluble acid amplifiers and their application to watersoluble chemically amplified photoresists. Daiki Ishii, Koji Arimitsu* 381. Synthesis of novel photoreactive acid amplifiers and their application to chemically amplified photoresists. Kyoko Nishidono, Koji Arimitsu* 382. Development of novel water-soluble photopolymers sensitized with water-soluble photobase generators. Hiroaki Koiwa, Koji Arimitsu* 383. Studies on the deterioration mechanism of raw lacquer film based on ultraviolet irradiation. Yoshimi Kamiya*, Rong Lu, Chuichi Watanabe, Tetsuo Miyakoshi 384. Improvement of thermal and mechanical properties of Poly (L-lactic acid) by blending and radiation-induced crosslinking. Takanori Tago*, Naotsugu Nagasawa, Mitsumasa Taguchi, Masao Tamada, Hisaaki Kudo, Yosuke Katsumura 385. Study on depth profile of acid generator distribution in poly(4-hydroxystyrene) films using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy(XPS). Hiroki Yamamoto, Takahiro Kozawa, Seiichi Tagawa 386. Synthesis of thermal acid generators (TAGs) and their application to thermal curing materials. Itaru Kondo, Koji Arimitsu*, Hikaru Imamura 387. Acid proliferation reaction for sensitivity enhancement of EUV resists. Kazuyuki Enomoto*, Hiroki Yamamoto, Akihiro Oshima, Takahiro Kozawa, Seiichi Tagawa 388. Synthesis of oxidatively degradable polymers by oxidative coupling polymerization and their application. Kentaro Nagashima, Nobuhiro Kihara* 389. Synthesis and oxidative degradation of poly(acylsemicarbazide). Midori Katayama, Nobuhiro Kihara* 390. Evaluation of biodegradable adsorbent for arsenic(V) synthesized by radiation-induced graft polymerization. Hiroyuki Hoshina*, Makikatsu Takahashi, Noboru Kasai, Noriaki Seko 391. Photobase-generating reactions of carboxylates derived from arylacetic acid and a base and their application to photoreactive materials. Masaru Imazeki, Koji Arimitsu* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III The New Age of Advanced Materials: Supramolecular Architectures and Smart Materials (#98) Organized by: E. Yashima, T. Aida, F. Caruso, M. Lee, K. Wooley Presiding: E. Yashima, M. Lee, T. Aida, K. Wooley, F. Caruso Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 392. Molecular “screw and nut”: Stereo-specific formation of poly(L-lactide)-based polyrotaxane and its protease triggered degradation behavior. Yuichi Ohya*, Seigo Takamido, Koji Nagahama, Tatsuro Ouchi, Ryo Katoono, Nobuhiko Yui 393. Helical folding of poly(naphthalenecarboxamide) bearing hydrophobic side chain. Koichiro Mikami, Akihiro Yokoyama*, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 394. Synthesis of an amphiphilic block copolymer bearing an optically active -conjugated polymer chain and the chiroptical properties of its micelle. Katsuhiro Maeda*, Satoru Nozaki, Tomoyuki Ikai, Shigeyoshi Kanoh 395. Control and modulation of chirality for azobenzene-substituted polydiacetylene LB films with circularly polarized light. Gang Zou*, Hao Jiang, Qi J. Zhang, Mitsumasa Iwamoto * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 396. Synthesis and chiroptical properties of helical oligopeptides from an achiral amino acid, 4-aminopiperidine-4-carboxylic acid. Joon-il Cho, Kazushi Kinbara, Takuzo Aida* 397. Synthesis and chirality sensing properities of polyacetylenes bearing biphenyl pendants with dynamic axial chirality. Kouhei Shimomura, Katsuhiro Maeda, Tomoyuki Ikai, Shigeyoshi Kanoh*, Eiji Yashima 398. Synthesis and self-assembling behaviors of rigid-rod helical diblock polyisocyanides. Motonori Banno, Zong-Quan Wu, Kanji Nagai, Shin-ichiro Sakurai, Kento Okoshi, Eiji Yashima 399. Resolution of enantiomers by HPLC using diastereomeric right- and left-handed helical poly(phenyl isocyanide)s bearing L-alanine pendants immobilized on silica gel. Kazumi Tamura, Toshitaka Miyabe, Hiroki Iida, Eiji Yashima* 400. Synthesis and secondary structure of optically active poly(phenylactylene) bearing phosphorylcholine moiety. Minako Murata*, Kayo Terada, Tsuyoshi Ando, Shiho Hirohara, Masao Tanihara 401. Synthesis of main-chain-type polyrotaxanes by new click polymerization using homoditopic nitrile N-oxides via rotaxanation-polymerization protocol. Yasuhito Koyama, Young-Gi Lee, Morio Yonekawa, Toshikazu Takata* 402. Application of host-guest self-assembly to polymer science. Harry W. Gibson*, Minjae Lee, Zhenbin Niu, Mason A. Rouser, Matthew A. Flack, Daniel V. Schoonover 403. Biasing molecular chirality arising from thermodynamically controlled double stereodifferenciation. Shuichi Hiraoka*, Shiho Miyake, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama, Motoo Shiro, Mitsuhiko Shionoya 404. Formation of self-assembled nanorings from -conjugated oligomers. Shiki Yagai, Yusaku Goto, Yoshihiro Kikkawa, Takashi Karatsu, Akihide Kitamura 405. Perylene bisimides possessing cyanuric acid modules: Control of supramolecular architectures and self-sorting. Mari Usui, Shiki Yagai*, Tomohiro Seki, Yoshihiro Kikkawa, Takashi Karatsu, Akihide Kitamura 406. Novel liquid-crystalline materials composed of a cylindrical helix. Takashi Kajitani, Yuki Suna, Atsuko Kosaka, Shigenori Fujikawa, Takanori Fukushima, Takuzo Aida 407. Liquid crystalline oligopeptides with dynamic helical properties. Ryoichi Matsui, Yoshimitsu Itoh, Yasuhiro Ishida, Takuzo Aida* 408. Universal design strategy for uniformly alignable discotic columnar liquid crystals. Daigo Miyajima, Fumito Araoka, Hideo Takezoe*, Takuzo Aida* 409. Enhanced affinity of [2]-rotaxane-based crosslinked polymers to Angiotensin III. Kohei Oomori, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 410. Development of asymmetric organocatalysts based on cellulose derivatives bearing N-oxide groups. Tomoyuki Ikai*, Munetsugu Moro, Katsuhiro Maeda, Shigeyoshi Kanoh 411. Side-chain shuffling and higher-order structure modification of imine-functionalized poly(L-lysine). Toshiyuki Oyama*, Yui Ozaki, Akio Takahashi 412. Successive catalytic reactions specific to Pd-based rotaxane complex as a result of wheel translation along the axle. Ayumi Kawasaki, Norihito Miyagawa, Yasuhito Koyama, Toshikazu Takata* 413. Gear-shaped amphiphile: A strategy for truly discrete aggregates by precise regulation of intermolecular engagement. Takashi Nakamura, Shuichi Hiraoka*, Motoo Shiro, Mitsuhiko Shionoya 414. Induction of one-handed helical oligo(pbenzamide)s by domino effect based on planar-axial-helical chirality relay. Jun Yamaguchi*, Ken Kamikawa 415. Syntheses of highly conductive insulated molecular wires having a poly(phenylene ethynylene) units. Akihisa Wadahama, Jun Terao*, Tetsuaki Fujihara, Yasushi Tsuji 416. Synthesis of optically-active catenanes utilizing amidinium-carboxylate salt bridge formation and control of their catenane structure. Yuji Nakatani*, Yoshio Furusho, Eiji Yashima 417. Chirality organization of oligoanilines through hydrogen bonds of amino acid moieties. Satoshi D. Ohmura, Toshiyuki Moriuchi*, Kenji Morita, Toshikazu Hirao* 418. Synthesis and secondary structure of optically active PEGylated poly(phenylacetylene)s. Kayo Terada*, Tsuyoshi Ando, Shiho Hirohara, Masao Tanihara 419. Synthesis of a star polymer consisting of helical polyisocyanides and its chiral recognition ability. Toshitaka Miyabe*, Hiroki Iida, Eiji Yashima 420. Polysaccharide-based thermal sensitive microgels with stable and reversible photoluminescence. Hongjing Dou*, Weihai Yang, Kang Sun, Wanwan Li, Ke Tao 421. Membrane-bound light harvesting bioconjugates as chloroplast mimics. David Hvasanov*, Joshua R. Peterson, Jörg Wiedenmann, Pall Thordarson 422. Crown ether/sec-ammonium salt-based main chain-type polyrotaxane: First directed synthesis and its applications. Kazuko Nakazono*, Tomonori Ishino, Tomoyuki Takashima, Toshikazu Takata* 423. Preparation of amylose-polylactide inclusion complexes by vine-twining polymerization. Koji Ueno, Yoshiro Kaneko, Jun-ichi Kadokawa* 424. Synthesis of topologicalgel composed ␥-cyclodextrin and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene. Numata Mutsuaki*, Kouzai Hiroaki 425. Fused porphyrin dimer as a new class of optoelectronically active core for semiconducting liquid crystals. Tsuneaki Sakurai*, Shu Seki, Atsuhiro Osuka, Takuzo Aida* 426. Macroscopic mechanical control over molecular conformation affects the efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Soichiro Ogi, Kazunori Sugiyasu, Masayuki Takeuchi* 427. Hydrogen-bond-directed nanostructurization of -conjugated oligomers. Shiki Yagai* 428. Development of a method to interconnect molecular wires between nanoelectrodes by sequential coupling reaction. Kyohei Homma, Jun Terao*, Tetsuaki Fujihara, Yasushi Tsuji 429. Folded polymers with H- and J-like stacking of conjugate units. Tohru Hoshino, Jun-ichi Watanabe, Masaru Kudo, Sentaro Okamoto* 430. C2-chiral tetraarylferrocenes: Synthesis and chiroptical features of multijoint oligomers composed of -conjugated rigid rods and chiral ferrocene joints. Takahiro Fukino, Norifumi Fujita, Takuzo Aida* 431. Controlling formation of supramolecular hydrogel by redox. Masaki Nakahata, Yoshinori Takashima, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi, Akira Harada 432. Dendritic supramolecular polymers for fluorescence patterning. Joo-Ho Kim, Woo-Dong Jang* 433. Synthesis and characterization of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) graft copolymer for light emitting diode. Kaori Funatsu*, Kousuke Tsuchiya, Kenji Ogino 434. Network polymer formed by photodimerization of cinnamate as a photoinduced mendable material. Nobuhiro Oya, Sukarsastmadja Petty, Naoko Yoshie* 435. Reconstruction of polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) onto porous templates and their size-depending selectivity for molecules. Won San Choi*, Md. A. Rahim, Ha-Jin Lee 436. Controlled fabrication and optical properties of highly fluorescent 1D and semi-2D nanostructures of a dipolar organic molecular system. Ravi Kumar Kanaparthi, Anunay Samanta* 437. Photoswitchable hydrogel formed by cyclodextrin and azobenzene polymers. Shingo Tamesue, Yoshinori Takashima, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi, Seiji Shinkai, Akira Harada* 438. Cyclodextrin peptide hybrids as drug responsive flexible nano-materials. Hikaru Amano, Ayumi Kobayashi, Natsuki Yoshida, Keita Hamasaki* 439. Nature inspired chemistry: From lipid rafts toward adaptive hydrogel-based biomaterials. Maartje Bastings*, Roxanne Kieltyka, Erwin Kemps, Patricia Dankers, Bert Meijer 440. Protein adsorption property of polyglycerol dendrimer-immobilized surface. Yoshiki Mitachi, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 441. Stimuli-responsive bionanotubes by supramolecular polymerization of chemically modified chaperonin-based biomolecular machineries. Shuvendu Biswas*, Kazushi Kinbara, Noriyuki Ishii, Hideki Taguchi, Takuzo Aida 442. Supramolecular nanotube hydrogels having a 1-D confined nanospace and 2-D meshworks for proteins. Naohiro Kameta*, Mitsutoshi Masuda, Toshimi Shimizu 443. Synthesis of bioinspired cyclic oligopeptides and their controlled assembly. Kohei Sato, Yoshimitsu Itoh*, Takuzo Aida* 444. Multifunctional nanoparticles for drug delivery. Xiuru Li, Jun Guo, Xinghai Ning, Jinkeng Asong, Margreet A. Wolfert, Geert-Jan Boons* 445. Water-soluble anthracenophanes as fluorescent receptors for nucleotides prepared by self-assembly-based cyclization. Yuichi Yoshida, Shigeaki Yamori, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 446. Amphiphile self-assembly materials in nanomedicine. Nelly Gong, Minoo Moghaddam, Sharon Sagnella, Charlotte Conn, Xavier Mulet, Lynne Waddington, Calum J. Drummond* 447. Reversible chemistry in the synthesis of linear polymers and smart, “self-healing” anti-biofouling coatings. Christopher Fidge, Solène I. Cauët, Philip M. Imbesi, Karen L. Wooley* 448. Novel polyion complex vesicles consisting of siRNA toward nano-therapeutic system. Sayan Chuanoi, Akihiro Kishimura*, Kanjiro Miyata*, Tomoya Suma, Yasutaka Anraku, Makoto Oba, Kazunori Kataoka* 449. Gene suppression by complex consisting of -1,3-glucan and antisense oligonucleotides stabilized with phosphorothioate backbone. Shinichi Mochizuki*, Kazuo Sakurai 450. Enzymatic activity in polygrycerol dendrimer-contained solution. Takaya Ogawa, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 451. Withdrawn 452. Synthesis of novel low-bandgap polymers consisting of thieno[3,4-b]thiophene as a building block. Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Ikai, Katsuhiro Maeda, Shigeyoshi Kanoh* 453. Crystal engineering: Copper-free 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azide and alkyne facilitated by arene-perfluoroarene interaction. Yuguo Ma*, Ben-Bo Ni, Feng Zhai 454. Fullerene-carbon nanotubes assemblies as temperature indicator for photothermal conversion. Yanfei Shen, Andre G. Skirtach, Helmuth Möhwald, Takashi Nakanishi* 455. Conjugated protein-like molecularly imprinted tunable binding sites coupled with cofactors. Toshifumi Takeuchi*, Kohei Takeda, Atsushi Kuwahara, Takuya Mori, Tooru Ooya 456. 2-D supramolecular living polymerization of small polyion complexes. Akihiro Kishimura*, Yasutaka Anraku, Yuichi Yamasaki, Kazunori Kataoka 457. Design of excimer-based luminescent materials using a barb-shaped polymer as a scaffold. Keisuke Kurauchi, Yasunao Miyamura, Takuzo Aida* 458. Self-assembly of amphiphilic chlorophylls on a soft-template. Munenori Numata 459. Mesoporous thin films meet macromolecular brush polymers: Tuning the surface and volume chemistry of nanocavity arrays with tailored perm-selective or optical properties. Alejandra Calvo, Basit Yameen, M. Cecilia Fuertes, Federico Williams, Omar Azzaroni, Galo J. Soler-Illia* 460. Ketenes in polymer chemistry. Martin Wolffs, Frank A. Leibfarth, Matthew J. Kade, Moon Bongjin, Craig J. Hawker* 461. Synthesis and inclusion behavior of cyclic hexakis(m-phenyleneiminomethylene). Saori Sugaya, Toshihiko Matsumoto*, Yasuaki Kikuchi 462. Synthesis of ladder cyclic oligomer based on dynamic covalent chemistry by the reaction of resorcinol and 1,9-nonanedial. Hideatsu Ishihara, Hiroto Kudou, Tadatomi Nishikubo 463. Novel theory for heterogeneous polymer solutions and polymer composites. Jiang Ji*, Guangde Tu 464. Ring-expansion polymerization of cyclic tetrathioesters with thiiranes. Yuki Takeshi, Hiroto Kudo, Tadatomi Nishikubo* 465. Precision synthesis of engineered macromolecules with ionic liquid side chains for hybridization with carbon nanotubes. Xiaoyu Long, Norifumi Fujita, Takanori Fukushima, Takuzo Aida* 466. Carbon-rich nanostructures from molecular precursors. Tobias Hoheisel, Stephen Schrettl, Ruth Szilluweit, Holger Frauenrath* 467. Water-compatible supramolecular single chain nanoparticle via living radical polymerization toward aqueous compartmentalized catalysis. Takaya Terashima, Anja R. Palmans, E. W. Meijer 468. Hydrophobic region of polyglycerol dendrimers. Haejoo Lee, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* 469. A2 ⫹ B4 condensation reaction of resorcinol (A2 monomer) and o-, m-, and pbenzenedicarboaldehyde (B4 monomer). Hiroyuki Seki, Hiroto Kudo, Tadatomi Nishikubo* 470. Tunable polyelectrolytes multilayer templates for high loading of metal nanoparticles. Ha-Jin Lee*, Md. A. Rahim, Won San Choi, Il Cheol Jeon 471. Selective macrocycle synthesis based on -stacked precipitation-driven cyclization and reversible interchange of linear oligomers. Toshihiko Matsumoto*, Kozo Ishida, Seitaro Oishi 472. Nanostructured polymer colloids. Connal Luke, Craig J. Hawker 473. Encouraged self-repairing of 1D molecular assembly in mesoporous silica by a “nanoscopic template effect”. Hendrik O. Lintang*, Takuzo Aida*, Kazushi Kinbara, Takashi Yamashita * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–101 03-MACR 474. Synthesis of WO3 and MoO3 hollow nanospheres templated by polymeric micelle with core-shell-corona structure. Kenichi Nakashima*, Jingjing Liu, Dian Liu, Sasidharan Manickam, Yuuichi Yokoyama, Shin-ichi Yusa 475. Exploring dendrimer design for pulp and paper applications. Annie Castonguay*, E. Ladd, M. Polverari, A. Lepo, T. van de Ven, A. Kakkar Friday Afternoon Convention Center 323B Advanced Polymeric Membranes for Environmental, Biomedical and Bioengineering Application (#51) Organized by: A. Higuchi, B. Freeman, A. Hill, Y.M. Lee Presiding: B. Freeman, M. Guiver 12:30 – 476. Structure-property relations in polymers for gas separations. Benny Freeman* 13:10 – 477. Membranes pore characterization techniques: A status quo and future development. Kuo-Lun A. Tung*, Kueir-Rarn Lee, Juin-Yih Lai, Wei-Song Hung, Tian-Tsair Wu, Yan-Ching Jean, Yi-Ming Sun, Yen-Fang Song, Gung-Chian Yin, Yi-Ming Chen 13:50 – 478. Tailoring ladder-type polymers with intrinsic microporosity (PIMs) for highly permeable gas separation membranes. Michael D. Guiver*, Naiying Du, Gilles P. Robertson, Ho Bum Park, Ingo Pinnau 14:30 – 479. Temperature-difference controlling evapomeation characteristics in concentration of bio-ethanol by poly[1(trimethylsilyle)-1-propyne] membranes. Tadashi Uragami* 15:10 – 480. Porous substructure support for the preparation of thin film composite (TFC) membrane in high temperature gas separations. Suresh Mulmi, Sang Hoon Han, Seung Ju Kim, Young Moo Lee* 15:30 – 481. Metal organic framework-based gas separation membranes. Matthew R. Hill*, Aaron W. Thornton, Anita J. Hill, Bradley P. Ladewig, Constantinos Dimitrakakis 15:50 – 482. Investigation into the porosity of polymeric membranes using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy. Cara Doherty, Anita J. Hill 16:10 – 483. Patterning membranes. Paolo Falcaro, Dario Buso, Anita J. Hill Convention Center 322AB Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: M. Hillmyer 12:30 – 484. On the self-assembly of diblock copolymer within self-consistent field theory. Dadong Yan*, Bing Miao, Tongchuan Suo 13:00 – 485. Self-consistent field theory study on the self-assembly of block copolymers. Zhao-Yan Sun*, Li-Jia An 13:20 – 486. Role of a differentiating nonsolvent in formation mechanism of highly ordered microdomains in a semi-dilute solution of a ultra-high-molecular-weight block copolymer. Koji Ando, Shigeru Okamoto*, Naoki Sakamoto, Tadashi Inoue, Daisuke Yamaguchi, Satoshi Koizumi, Hirokazu Hasegawa, Naokiyo Koshikawa 13:40 – 487. Using immiscible solvent vapors to control the architecture in thin film of block copolymers. Bokyung Kim, Sung W. Hong, Thomas J. McCarthy, Thomas P. Russell, Soojin Park, Sung-Kwon Hong 102–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 14:10 – 488. Templated block copolymers for sub-10 nm self-assembled nanolithography. Caroline A. Ross* 14:40 – 489. Directed assembly of block copolymer films on lithographically defined nanopatterned surfaces. Paul Nealey*, Juan de Pablo 15:10 – 490. Block copolymer lithography integrated with conventional photolithography toward functional carbon nanomaterial production. Sang Ouk Kim* 15:30 – 491. New morphologies created by ABC triblock terpolymers with molecular weight and composition distribution. Yushu Matsushita, Atsushi Takano 15:50 – 492. In situ small-angle scattering study of block copolymers in supercritical carbon dioxide. Masateru Ito, Kohichi Mayumi, Hideaki Yokoyama*, Kohzo Ito, Mituhiro Shibayama, Kenji Sugiyama 16:10 – 493. Changes in domain spacing and morphology of block copolymers upon chemical modification. Sarah Siti, Daisuke Kawaguchi, Yushu Matsushita* Convention Center 328 Biodegradable and Biomass Plastics (#95) Organized by: H. Uyama, G.G. Chen, S.S. Im, T. Iwata, C. Nomura Presiding: T. Iwata, H. Uyama 12:30 – 494. Toughening of carbon dioxidepropylene oxide copolymer by hydrogen bonding interaction. Xianhong Wang*, Lijie Chen, Yuesheng Li, Fosong Wang 13:00 – 495. Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of monomers and polymers for bioplastics. Yong Hwan Kim* 13:30 – 496. Enzymatic synthesis and chemical recycling of polythioesters as environmentally benign process. Shuichi Matsumura 13:50 – 497. Synthesis and properties of biodegradable cationomers based on aliphatic poly(ester-urethane)s. Yuushou Nakayama*, Takamichi Inaba, Naoki Matsubara, Yosuke Toda, Zhengguo Cai, Takeshi Shiono 14:10 – 498. Synthesis and function of periodic copolymers consisting 3-hydroxybutyrate and aspartate units. Hideki Abe* 14:30 – 499. New biosynthesized cellulosechitin copolymers. David L. Kaplan 15:00 – 500. Enhancing functionality and performance of cellulosic materials in combination with other polymeric/inorganic components. Yoshiyuki Nishio* 15:30 – 501. Preparation and characterization of xylan ester derivatives. Noreen Grace V. Fundador*, Akio Takemura, Tadahisa Iwata 15:50 – 502. Thermo-plasticized cellulose derivative and its utilization for a fiber. Hidekazu Kano*, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoshitaka Aranishi, Tai Sasamoto 16:10 – 503. Preparation of chitin nanowhiskers using an ionic liquid and their composite materials. Jun-ichi Kadokawa*, Akihiko Takegawa Convention Center 321B Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Advanced Polymer Gels (#136) Organized by: K. Ito, M. Sibayama, R. Siegel, C. Wu Presiding: R. Siegel, C. Wu 12:30 – 504. Molecular interactions in double network hydrogels. Wenli Wu, Sanghun Lee, Vijay J. Tirumala, Michi Nagao, Taiki Tominaga, Jian Ping Gong 13:00 – 505. Internal motions of linear chains and spherical microgels in theta and poor solvents. Chi Wu, Zhuojun Dai 13:30 – 506. Structural hierarchy and nanoscale interactions of cartilage proteoglycans. Ferenc Horkay* 14:00 – 507. Novel hydrogels from self-assembly of homotelechelic and heterotelechelic triblock copolymers. Timothy Lodge*, Rajiv Taribagil, Marc Hillmyer 14:30 – 508. Structure of nanocomposite hydrogel investigated by means of contrast variation small-angle neutron scattering. Hitoshi Endo*, Toshihiko Nishida, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Huan-jun Li, Kazutoshi Haraguchi 14:45 – 509. Synthesis and characterization of star polymers and nanogels by RAFT polymerization. Angel Licea-Claverie*, Lorenzo A. Picos-Corrales, Jesus Alvarez-Sanchez, Jose M. Cornejo-Bravo 15:15 – 510. Reversible hydrogels through ternary complexation with cucurbit[8]uril. Oren Scherman* 15:30 – 511. Nanocomposite gels prepared by in-situ photopolymerization in an aqueous system. Kazutoshi Haraguchi* 16:00 – 512. Molecular design of lipophilic polyelectrolytes and their gels. Kazuki Sada* Convention Center 325B Amphiphilic Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (#231) Organized by: T. Sato, K. Akiyoshi, C. McCormick, F. Winnik Presiding: T. Sato, F. Winnik, K. Akiyoshi 12:30 – 513. Responsive micelles, vesicles and organogels from poly(lysine)-containing block copolymers. Daniel Savin*, Sandeep Naik, Jacob Ray, Ashley Montgomery 13:00 – 514. New series of stimuli-responsive polymers with various shapes and different sequence distributions. Sadahito Aoshima*, Shokyoku Kanaoka 13:20 – 515. Effects of sequence distribution, concentration, and pH on gradient copolymer and block copolymer micelle formation in aqueous and nonaqueous media. Stephen Marrou*, Jungki Kim, Christopher Wong, John Torkelson 13:40 – 516. Design of amphiphilic polymers as antimicrobial agents. Kenichi Kuroda* 14:10 – 517. Delivery of a red two-photon absorbing emitter into mouse macrophage RAW cells using poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(epsilon-caprolactone) block copolymers. Yanqing Tian*, Wen-Chung Wu, Ching-Yi Chen, Sei-Hum Jang, Meng Zhang, Tim Strovas, Yongzhong Li, Yuguang Jin, Fengyu Su, Brad Cookson, Alex K. Jen, Deirdre R. Meldrum 14:30 – 518. Biodegradable nanogels prepared from amphiphilic oligolactidegrafted polysaccharides for protein drug delivery. Yuichi Ohya*, Koji Nagahama, Tatsutoshi Murakami, Tatsuro Ouchi 14:50 – 519. Smart polymer-protein conjugates and sugar-responsive micelles. Brent S. Sumerlin*, Debashish Roy, Jennifer N. Cambre, Abhijeet P. Bapat, Ming Li, Hongmei Li 15:20 – 520. Small angle X-ray scattering from polymeric micelles encapsulating hydrophobic drugs. Kazuo Sakurai*, Isamu Akiba, Shiraishi Ken-ichi, Yokoyama Masayoshi 15:40 – 521. Polyion complex micelles with two oppositely charged diblock copolymers containing poly(ethylene glycol). Shin-ichi Yusa*, Yuuichi Yokoyama, Yotaro Morishima 16:10 – 522. Amphiphilic liquid crystalline block copolymer film: Orientation control and structural transcription. Zhao Yongbin, Iyoda Tomokazu* Convention Center 323A Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Mechanisms, Catalysts, Reaction Engineering, Materials and Applications (#236) Organized by: S. Zhu, T. Fukuda, B.G Li, K. Matyjaszewski, M. Monteiro Presiding: K. Matyjaszewski 12:30 – 523. Synthesis of long-chain branched (arborescent) polystyrenes of controlled architecture via inimer-type RAFT polymerization and characterization using high-resolution SEC. Judit E. Puskas*, Andrew J. Heidenreich 12:50 – 524. Kinetic modeling of RAFT polymerization: To comprehend mechanism and manipulate chain structures of polymer. Bo-Geng Li*, Yingwu Luo*, Rui Wang, Xiaoying Sun, Shiping Zhu* 13:10 – 525. Towards controlled metal catalyzed radical polymerizations of dienes. Alexandru D. Asandei*, Christopher P. Simpson, Hyun S. Yu, Olumide Adebolu 13:30 – 526. Synthesis functionalized polyethylene block copolymers by combining ethylene “living” coordination polymerization with “living” radical polymerization. Kejian Zhang, Zhibin Ye*, Ramesh Subramanian 13:50 – 527. Precise design and polymer reactions for star-like nanogels via dynamic covalent exchanges toward their molecular imaging. Yoshifumi Amamoto, Hideyuki Otsuka*, Atsushi Takahara* 14:10 – 528. Synthesis and characterization of star-shaped sodium (polystyrenesulfonate) by atom transfer radical polymerization of ethyl styrene sulfonate. Kunlun Hong, Yugang Li, Xiang Yu, Jimmy W. Mays 14:30 – 529. Recent advances in the MADIX process. Mathias Destarac* 14:50 – 530. Determination of transfer-coefficients in the pre- and main-equilibrium of the RAFT-polymerization. Marco Drache, Lars Nothdurft, Olaf I. Strube, Gudrun Schmidt-Naake 15:10 – 531. Influence of the nitroxide stability on the livingness of polystyrene prepared by NMP. Denis J. Bertin*, Didier Gigmes, Yohann Guillaneuf, Jessica Marchand, Jean Luc Couturier 15:30 – 532. RAFT polymerization from nanoparticle surfaces: Designed interfaces in polymer nanocomposites. Brian C. Benicewicz*, Yu Li, Atri Rungta, Sanat Kumar, Douglas Dukes, Linda Schadler 15:50 – 533. Preparation of cationic polyelectrolyte brushes with narrow molecular weight distributions by the surface-initiated polymerization. Motoyasu Kobayashi, Masami Terada, Moriya Kikuchi, Atsushi Takahara* 16:10 – 534. Smart surfaces prepared by ATRP grafting and termination mechanism of radicals on flat surface. Shiping Zhu * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR Convention Center 327 Polymer Nano-Hybrids at Bio-Interfaces (#127) Organized by: Y. Chujo, C.S. Ha, K. Uhrich, K. Wynne Presiding: K. Wynne 13:00 – 535. Mesoporous biopolymer/silica nanohybrids for controlled drug release. Chang-Sik Ha*, V. K. Rana 13:25 – 536. Self assembled biomaterial surfaces for control of mesenchymal stem cell behaviour. Justin J. Cooper-White* 13:50 – 537. Supramolecular polymeric nanostructures for delivery of drugs and genes. Yi-Yan Yang*, Chuan Yang, Jeremy P. Tan, Ying Zhang, Zhan Yuin Ong, Kazuki Fukushima, James L. Hedrick* 14:15 – 538. Fabrication and properties of nanosheets for biomedical applications. Shinji Takeoka*, Toshinori Fujie, Akihiro Saito, Manabu Kinoshita, Daizoh Saitoh 14:40 – 539. Opportunities for electrospun polymeric materials in regenerative medicine and drug delivery. Gary Wnek 15:05 – 540. Polymeric immunonanoparticles for targeted delivery. Molly S. Shoichet*, Jiao Lu, Karyn Ho, Shawn Owen, Ahmed Aman, Rima Al-Awar, Raffi Tonikian, Sachdev Sidhu 15:30 – 541. Imidazolium cation-modified metal nanoparticles as potential biological application. Kensuke Naka*, Asako Narita, Yoshiki Chujo 15:55 – 542. Biostabilization of white-light emitting nanocrystals with nanoscale amphiphilic macromolecules for biomedical applications. Sarah Sparks, Michael Schreuder, Sandra Rosenthal, Kathryn Uhrich* Friday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Advanced Polymeric Membranes for Environmental, Biomedical and Bioengineering Application (#51) Organized by: A. Higuchi, B. Freeman, A. Hill, Y.M. Lee Presiding: A. Higuchii, H. Matsuyama Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 543. Terminally-crosslinked sulfonated poly(fluorenyl ether sulfone) as a highly conductive and stable proton exchange membrane. Roshni Lilly Thankamony, Hyoung-Juhn Kim, Tae-Hyun Kim* 544. Development of biocompatible dialysis membrane by physical adsorption human Thrombomodulin. Masaaki Omichi, Michiya Matsusaki, Ikuro Maruyama, Mitsuru Akashi* 545. Direct ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells from umbilical cord blood on membranes. Akon Higuchi* 546. Preparation and properties of waterborne polyurethane-silane for protective marine coatings. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman, Ho-Hwan Chun, Hyun Park 547. Enhancement of fibroblast adhesion and the proliferation on planar crystal oriented poly(-caproractone) film. Hidehumi Takei, Takefumi Narita, Satoshi Osawa* 548. Gas transport and anisotropic diffusion properties of the crystalline structures of semi-crystalline polymers. Yuki Okumura*, Miki Tsurunaga, Hiroaki Yoshimizu 549. Metal ions accelerate humic acid fouling during ultrafiltration of polyethersulfone hollow fiber membrane. Hao Yan*, Akihito Moriya, Tatsuo Maruyama, Yoshikage Ohmukai, Hideto Matsuyama 550. Gas transport properties and higher-ordered structure of the cellulose membrane prepared by oxidation using with TEMPO catalyst. Jun Kojima*, Hiroaki Yoshimizu 551. Gas separation and vapor permeation through polydimethylsiloxane membranes: Effect of cross-linker density and inorganic filler loading in membranes. Jessie S. Lue*, Chen Luen Tsai, Da-Tung Lee, Chun-Hong Chu 552. Structure-property relationship of hyperbranched polyimides for CO2/CH4 separation. Masako Miki*, Yasuharu Yamada 553. Preparations and properties of novel biocompatible polyurethanes containing a phospholipid component. Yuhki Sakagami, Yu Nagase 554. Ion beam treatment of the surface of Nafion membranes for direct methanol fuel cells. Jae-Hak Choi*, Jung-Soo Lee, Chan-Hee Jung, In-Tae Hwang, Young-Chang Nho 555. Characterizations of glassy-polymer films treated with several physical manners by NMR spectroscopy. Masahiro Okazawa*, Yumiko Fukasawa, Hiroaki Yoshimizu 556. Experimental and theoretical analysis of the solubility and diffusivity of gases and vapors in mixed matrix membranes. Maria-Chiara Ferrari, Michele Galizia, Maria Grazia De Angelis, Giulio C. Sarti* 557. Water sorption properties of ethylenevinyl alcohol copolymer studied by H-2 NMR. Masashi Kuno*, Hiroaki Yoshimizu 558. Coating with macroporous polyarylate on the polyethylene separator via a nonsolvent induced phase separation process for the enhancement of thermal stability. Keun won Song, Chang keun Kim* 559. Novel membrane-based drug delivery capsule for retinal neuroprotection. Nobuhiro Nagai*, Takeaki Kawashima, Norihiro Kumasaka, Hirokazu Kaji, Hideyuki Onami, Matsuhiko Nishizawa, Toshiaki Abe 560. Surface modification of acetylenelinked glycolipid vesicle by click chemistry. Hidehiro Ito*, Toshiaki Kamachi, Eiji Yashima 561. Preparation and separation properties of cellulose hybrid materials. Tada-Aki Yamagishi*, Norihito Motosugi, Tomoki Ogoshi, Akihiko Takada 562. Molecular simulation of gas transport behaviors and micro-structure of the hybrid amorphous silica membrane. Kai-Shiun Chang, Tomohisa Yoshioka, Toshinori Tsuru, Kuo-Lun Tung* 563. Study of the organic fouling mechanism on fluoropolymeric microfiltration membranes for water applications. Nien-Jung Lin*, Kuo-Lun Tung*, Yu-Ling Li 564. Membrane surface engineering for fouling-tolerant membrane-based liquid separations. Ho Bum Park*, Hye Jin Shin, Hyo Won Kim, Young Hoon Cho, Tae Hwan Choi 565. Gas diffusivity, solubility and permeability of polysulfone-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymer membranes. Ho Bum Park*, Hee Wook Yoon, Hyo Won Kim 566. Analyses of the free volume and small molecule transport behaviors in the polymeric membrane: A molecular dynamics simulation. Chao-Hsiang Kang*, Kai-Shiun Chang, Kuo-Lun Tung Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: T. Lodge Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 567. Self assembly induced nanostructure of fluorescent block copolymers. Jungmok You, Jeong-Ae Yoon, Jeonghun Kim, Yuna Kim, Teahoon Park, Chih-Feng Huang, Jung H. Kim, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Eunkyoung Kim* 568. Supramolecular assembly of end-functionalized polymer mixture confined in nanospheres. June Huh*, Ji Young Jung, Je Wook Lee, Cheolmin Park, Won Ho Jo 569. Outermost surface functionalized thermoresponsive polymeric micelles for biomedical applications. Masamichi Nakayama*, Jun Akimoto, Yayoi Kawahara, Hideko Kanazawa, Teruo Okano 570. Synthesis of an AB2 star copolymer and its application for polyion complexes in aqueous media. Atsushi Kobayashi, Akihiro Kishimura*, Shigehiro Hiki, Kazunori Kataoka 571. Study on the lamellae-Fddd transition of block copolymer. Kuniaki Matsuda, Myung Im Kim, Mikihito Takenaka, Kazuki Ito, Hirokazu Hasegawa 572. Vertically oriented cylindrical microdomains in thick films by using block copolymer micelles and solvent annealing for optoelectronic application. Sungnam Kim*, Hye Jeong Kim, Jueun Jung, Sung Woo Heo, Taihyun Chang, Jin Kon Kim, Seung Bin Kim 573. Thermoresponsive morphology transition of block-type supramacromolecules via hydrogen bonding in an ionic liquid and its dependence on the number of hydrogen bonding units. Hajime Yamagishi, Atsushi Noro, Yushu Matsushita 574. Preparation and morphology control of block copolymer/metal salt hybrids. Yoshio Sageshima*, Atsushi Noro, Yushu Matsushita 575. Photo-induced self-assembly of multistimuli responsive block copolymers in an ionic liquid. Yutaro Nakamura, Takeshi Ueki, Kazuyuki Niitsuma, Ayuko Yamaguchi, Timothy P. Lodge, Masayoshi Watanabe 576. Syntheses of diblock copolymers composed of -conjugated polymer segments toward the development of the plastic photovoltaic cells. Hiroki Higashiura, John R. Miller, Sadayuki Asaoka* 577. Microphase segregated nanostructure of the liquid crystalline diblock copolymer composed of a silicon-containing segment. Tomoe Tanaka, Tomohiro Yorisue, Hiroyuki Hanahata, Motonori Komura, Tomokazu Iyoda, Sadayuki Asaoka* 578. Ordered complex nanostructures from combination of two types of block copolymers. Sehee Kim, Kookheon Char*, Byeong-Hyeok Sohn* 579. Effect of pressure on the dispersion of gold nanoparticles in polystyrene-blockPoly (n-pentyl methacrylate) copolymer thin film. Ara Jo, Jin Kon Kim* 580. 3-D observation of Fddd phase in diblock copolymer thin film. Jueun Jung, Hae-Woong Park, Junyoung Lee, Taihyun Chang*, Hidekazu Sugimori, Hiroshi Jinnai 581. Ordered bicontinuous double-diamond structure in diblock copolymer/homopolymer blend. Katsuhiro Yamamoto*, Hideaki Takagi*, Shigeru Okamoto, Shinichi Sakurai 582. Controlled arrangement of ferritin molecules on a self-assembled nano pattern of diblock copolymer. Go Sakaguchi, Mikihito Takenaka, Hirokazu Hasegawa 583. Reverse thermal hydrogels of poly(propylene oxide)-b-poly(ethylene oxide)-bpoly(propylene oxide) ␣,-bisphosphate induced by multivalent metal ions. Sang Won Jeong*, Minkwan Kim, Chul Su Baek, Hyun-Chul Kim, Eunjoo Kim, Se Guen Lee, Sung Jun Lee 584. Thin hybrid block copolymer micelle films with tunable electro-optic properties. Cheolmin Park, Jinwoo Sung 585. Surface interaction influence on transition behavior of block copolymer films. Eunhye Kim, Seunghoon Choi, Hyungju Ahn, Du Yeol Ryu* 586. Self-assembled block copolymers for amplified biodetection. Manoj Nayak, Andrzej Rys, Hanadi F. Sleiman*, Hassan S. Bazzi* 587. Gold-glycopolymer complexes for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Samuel Pearson*, Martina H. Stenzel 588. Thermo-responsive self-assembly of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-DNA block copolymers. Kyosuke Isoda, Naoki Kanayama, Masanori Fujita, Tohru Takarada*, Mizuo Maeda* 589. Side-chain cobaltocenium-containing block copolymers. Chuanbing Tang*, Lixia Ren, Christopher Hardy, Deon Doxie Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Polymer Nano-Hybrids at Bio-Interfaces (#127) Organized by: Y. Chujo, C.S. Ha, K. Uhrich, K. Wynne Presiding: Y. Chujo Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 590. Signal regulation of 19F MR probes based on functional nanomaterials for molecular imaging. Narufumi Kitamura, Kazuo Tanaka, Yoshiki Chujo* 591. Photonic crystals derived from colloidal assemblies and photolithography for label-free detection of biomolecules. Su Yeon Lee, Shin-Hyun Kim, Chul-Joon Heo, Hyerim Hwang, Seung-Man Yang* 592. Preparation and characterization of nanocapsules containing capsaicin by coacervation methods. Jincheng Wang*, Sihao Chen*, Jianzhong Lou 593. Minimizing formaldehyde use in the synthesis of metal nanomaterials. Scott M. Reed* 594. Tailored amino acid based block copolymers via ATRP. Ildoo Chung*, Jihee Son, Sangwook Jung 595. Synthesis of virus/polymer composite materials using the “grafting-from” method. Jerry R. Oxsher, Laying Wu, Erin Davis, Tony Neely, Qian Wang* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Advanced Polymer Gels (#136) Organized by: K. Ito, M. Sibayama, R. Siegel, C. Wu Presiding: K. Ito Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 596. Electromechanical properties of ionic liquid/silicone gels. Yukihiko Inoue, Hu Yan, Hidenori Okuzaki 597. Synthesis and reaction of cross-linked polymers with diarylbibenzofuranone units. Keiichi Imato, Nishihara Masamichi, Otsuka Hideyuki, Takahara Atsushi* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–103 03-MACR 598. Novel gel actuators based on quinones. Shailesh K. Goswami*, John McAdam, Jim Simpson, Lyall Hanton, Stephen Moratti* 599. Organic-inorganic hybrid slide-ring gels prepared from a novel silicone-based polyrotaxane. Kazuaki Kato*, Kohzo Ito 600. Dynamics of polyrotaxane in solutions and slide-ring gels investigated by neutron spin echo. Koichi Mayumi*, Hitoshi Endo, Michihiro Nagao, Hideaki Yokoyama, Michael Monkenbusch, Jürgen Allegaier, Vitaliy Pipich, Olaf Holderer, Dieter Richter, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Kohzo Ito 601. Preparation of hydrogels by inclusion of amylose in vine-twining polymerization. Kyutoku Tsuyoshi, Yoshiro Kaneko, Jun-ichi Kadokawa* 602. Polyethylene oxide based cross-linked networks. Smita Ghosh*, Lyall Hanton, Stephen Moratti* 603. Application of polymer gels for adsorption of heavy metal ions. Hideaki Tokuyama*, Shuji Sakohara 604. Control of polymer network structure by photochromic cross-linker. Tomonari Ogata*, Kanayo Imura, Kohei Itoh, Yutaka Kuwahara, Seiji Kurihara 605. Structural analysis of homogeneous network gel. Takuro Matsunaga, Kengo Nishi, Yuki Akagi, Takamasa Sakai, Ung-il Chung, Mitsuhiro Shibayama* 606. Theoretical modeling of solvation structure and gelation of an oligomeric electrolyte. Olga Lyubimova, Sergey Gusarov, Alexander Kobryn, Andriy Kovalenko 607. Hydrogel consisted of imogolite with high mechanical strength in response to cross-linking density. Kazuhiro Shikinaka, Yoshihito Osada, Kiyotaka Shigehara* 608. Novel thermo- and pH-stimuli responsive hydrogels based on 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate. Maxim A. Dergunov, Sergey A. Dergunov, Eugene Pinkhassik*, Grigoriy A. Mun* 609. Volume phase transition of slide-ring gels. Akinori Bando, Kazuaki Kato, Yasuhiro Sakai, Hideaki Yokoyama, Kohzo Ito* 610. Adsorption of alcohol into the nanoporous structure for syndiotactic polystyrene and p-methylstyrene. Kenichi Furukawa, Takahiko Nakaoki* 611. Thermal and vibrational analyses of phase structure for poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel. Tatsuro Nakano, Takahiko Nakaoki* 612. Improvement of water retentivity of polysaccharide based hydro-gel modified by the acylation. Kazuya Hanada, Hiroshi Yoshida, Satoshi Osawa* 613. Structure and dynamics of water in shake gel. Satoshi Morikubo*, Yurina Sekine, Tomoko Ikeda-Fukazawa 614. Elastic properties of rigid polymer gels linked by symmetrical tetrafunctional cross-linker. Naoki Yoshihara*, Daichi Kusano, Yusaku Nomoto, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Takamasa Sakai, Toshiyuki Watanabe 615. Porous materials of polyacrylonitrile by phase separation. Keisuke Okada, Tatsuya Oka, Takashi Tsujimoto, Hiroshi Uyama 616. Precise network structure control of reorganizable chemical gels. Yoshifumi Amamoto, Moriya Kikuchi, Hiroyasu Masunaga, Sono Sasaki, Hideyuki Otsuka*, Atsushi Takahara* 617. Synthesis of symmetric and asymmetric multi-layer gels consisting of different poly(N-alkylacrylamide) layers and their thermosensitive behavior. Takashi Iizawa*, Akihiro Terao 618. Nanohybrid self-crosslinked PDMA/silica hydrogels. Dominique Hourdet*, Linn Carlsson, Séverine Rose, Alba Marcellan*, Tetsuharu Narita, Costantino Creton 619. Observation of the fracture process of tough Double Network hydrogels. Tasuku Nakajima, Qui Ming Yu, Takayuki Kurokawa, Jian Ping Gong* 104 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 620. Biopolymeric matrices for bioactive agent protection and controlled delivery. Tien-Canh Le*, Mathieu Millette, Monique Lacroix 621. Fast stimuli responsive and mechanically strong polyrotaxane based hydrogels. Abu B. Imran*, Yukikazu Takeoka, Takahiro Seki, Yasuhiro Sakai, Kohzo Ito 622. Synthesis and optical properties of organic-inorganic hybrid semi-IPN gels containing conjugated polymers. Naofumi Naga*, Tomoharu Miyanaga, Hidemitsu Furukawa 623. Bound solvent in isotactic polypropylene gel. Takahiko Nakaoki*, Narumi Fujiwara 624. Assembly of stimulus sensitive gel particles with DNA-dye complex. Takashi Nishiyama*, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tsubokawa, Yoshiharu Kagami 625. Polyrotaxane elastomer with macrocrosslinker. Yasuhiro Sakai*, Aoi Inomata, Christian Ruslim, Michiko Ito, Junko Suda, Changming Zhao, Hideaki Yokoyama, Kohzo Ito 626. Strengthening of the hydrogel with porous inorganic particles. Hideyuki Mitomo*, Taiki Tominaga, Ken-Ichi Sano, Kuniharu Ijiro, Yoshihito Osada 627. Spontaneous redifferentiation of dedifferentiated human articular chondrocytes on hydrogel surfaces. Jing Jing Yang*, Yong Mei Chen, Jian Fang Liu, Takayuki Kurokawa, Jian Ping Gong 628. pH-responsive microgels containing novel carboxy-carrying monomer. Hiroki Nagaoka, Risei Wada, Hidenobu Shimizu*, Masaru Okabe 629. Effect of hydroxylated fullerene on gas permeability of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer. Ryouhei Dobashi*, Masahiro Tajima, Katsuji Matsunaga 630. Formation of porous particles throughout gelation process for Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co- hydroxyvalerate). Yuto Hoki, Takahiko Nakaoki* 631. Preparation of antigen-responsive hydrogels having temperature-responsive polymer chains. Yuri Kojima, Yurie Ohkita, Takashi Miyata*, Tadashi Uragami 632. Preparation of stimuli-responsive gel particles that recognize target molecules. Yuta Hata, Takashi Miyata*, Tadashi Uragami 633. Synthesis of organic hybrid gels using click reactions. Hitomi Nagino, Naofumi Naga, Hidemitsu Furukawa 634. Synthesis of modified polyrotaxanes having functional pendant groups or long side chains. Jun Araki*, Keisuke Kagaya, Naoto Tsukamoto, Kousaku Ohkawa 635. Thermo-reversible ion-gel based on the hierarchical self-assembly of doubly thermo-sensitive ABC-triblock copolymer in an ionic liquid. Yuzo Kitazawa, Takeshi Ueki, Kazuyuki Niitsuma, Satoru Imaizumi, Timothy P. Lodge, Masayoshi Watanabe* 636. Effects of module-functionalites on polymer network structure. Yuki Akagi, Takuro Matsunaga, Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Ung-il Chung, Takamasa Sakai 637. Liquid crystalline polyrotaxane with movable mesogenic sidechains. Masatoshi Kidowaki*, Kazuki Kinoshita, Kohzo Ito 638. Preparation of spherical PVA hydrogels bearing -cyclodextrin and their application as immobilizing support for microbes. Hikaru Tokunaga, Taiji Ito, Hirohito Yamasaki* 639. Preparation of spherical photocrosslinkable hydrogels bearing -cyclodextrin and their application as immobilizing support for microbes. Hirohito Yamasaki*, Narumi Uchida, Yasuyuki Nagasawa, Ito Taiji, Kimitoshi Fukunaga 640. Thermoresponsive dehydroalanine polymer gel with rapid response and high repetition durability. Yoshihiko Tezuka*, Hitoshi Tanaka 641. Molecularly imprinted polymers prepared by controlled/living radical polymerization. Shogo Sasaki, Shigeaki Yamori, Tooru Ooya, Toshifumi Takeuchi* Saturday Morning Convention Center 325B NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) Organized by: T. Asakura, H.N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: T. Asakura 7:30 – 642. Solid-state NMR studies of elastic proteins. Kristin K. Kumashiro* 8:00 – 643. Structure of silk-based peptides (Glu)n(Ala-Gly-Ser-Gly-Ala-Gly)4 (n⫽4-8) studied by solid-state NMR. Yasumoto Nakazawa*, Aya Nagano, Tetsuo Asakura 8:30 – 644. Elucidating structure and dynamics in spider silk with multidimensional, multinuclear solid-state MAS NMR. Gregory P. Holland, Janelle E. Jenkins*, Xiangyan Shi, Jeffery L. Yarger 9:00 – 645. Hornet (Vespa) silk: Structural studies by solid-state NMR. Tsunenori Kameda* 9:30 – 646. Investigation of filler-matrix interactions and confinement effect in polymer nanocomposites. Pramoda K. Pallathadka, Mya Khine Yi, He Chaobin 10:00 – 647. Characterization of microbial poly(amino acid)s and their polymer blends by solid state NMR. Shiro Maeda*, Ko-Ki Kunimoto 10:30 – 648. Local dynamics of self-confined chains in poly(styrene)/poly(vinyl methyl ether) blends: A solid-state NMR study. Cedric Lorthioir*, Françoise Lauprêtre 11:00 – 649. Cellulose dissolution into novel solvent systems monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic methods. Tommi Virtanen*, Sirkka L. Maunu Convention Center 323B Advanced Polymeric Membranes for Environmental, Biomedical and Bioengineering Application (#51) Organized by: A. Higuchi, B. Freeman, A. Hill, Y.M. Lee Presiding: A. Hill, Y. Lee 7:30 – 650. Thermally rearranged polymer membranes for gas separation at high temperature. Young Moo Lee* 8:10 – 651. Pore design in membranes. Anita J. Hill, Aaron W. Thornton 8:50 – 652. pH-responsive nanofiltration membranes by surface modification. Sumith R. Wickramasinghe, Heath H. Himstedt, Kathryn M. Marshall, Xianghong Qian 9:30 – 653. Nano capping electrolyte and pore-filling electrolyte membranes for extremely low humidity PEFC operations. Takeo Yamaguchi*, Lee Jumyeung, Hidenori Ohashi, Takanori Tamaki 10:10 – 654. Multiblock copolymers based on poly(sulfide sulfone nitrile) for proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Dongwon Shin, Chi Hoon Park, Kwansoo Lee, Chang Hyun Lee, James E. McGrath, Young Moo Lee* 10:30 – 655. Mixed-matrix membranes (MMMs) comprising metal organic frameworks and novel perfluorocyclobutylbased polymers or high temperature polyimides for gas separations. John P. Ferraris*, Kenneth J. Balkus, Inga H. Musselman, Grace J. Kalaw, Ma. Josephine C. Ordoñez, Sumudu N. Wijenayake 10:50 – 656. Polymeric membranes containing poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer for preferential CO2 separation over H2. Ikuo Taniguchi, Ryosuke Shimizu, Shohong Duan, Teruhiko Kai, Shingo Kazama* 11:10 – 657. Synthesis of crosslinkable sulfonated poly(arylene ether) for PEMFC. Myung-Hwan Jeong, Kwan-Soo Lee, Young-Jea Kim, Da-Young Kim, Un Ko, Jae-Suk Lee* Convention Center 322AB Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: J. Bang 7:30 – 658. Using interfacial manipulations to control ordering in block copolymers. Thomas Epps*, Julie Albert, Jong K. Park, Raghunath Roy 8:00 – 659. Block copolymer electrolytes for lithium batteries. Nitash Balsara* 8:30 – 660. Stimuli responsive ionic liquidbased block copolymers and materials. John Texter* 8:50 – 661. Design and preparation of thermoreversible supramolecular gels and their viscoelastic properties. Atsushi Noro*, Hayashi Mikihiro, Akihisa Ohshika, Yushu Matsushita 9:10 – 662. Ion gels from block polymers and ionic liquids: Applications as gate dielectrics in organic thin film transistors. Timothy Lodge*, Sipei Zhang, Keun-Hyung Lee, Dan Frisbie, Yu Lei 9:30 – 663. Stimulus responsive photonic block copolymers. Edwin L. Thomas* 10:00 – 664. Giant single crystals of block copolymers. Shigeru Okamoto*, Koji Ando, Kazuhiro Sato, Takahiko Yamanaka, Masahiro Mouri, Akihiko Ikeda, Hirokazu Hasegawa, Naokiyo Koshikawa 10:30 – 665. Nanoconfined ferroelectricity in poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-graft-polystyrene copolymers. Fangxiao Guan, Jing Wang, Lei Zhu* 10:50 – 666. Molecular design for conducting materials based on microphase separation of phthalocyanine-containing block copolymers. Junko Aimi*, Takuzo Aida, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, Motonori Komura, Tomokazu Iyoda 11:10 – 667. Effect of film thickness on the phase behaviors of diblock copolymer thin film. Jueun Jung, Hae-Woong Park, Taihyun Chang*, Hiroshi Jinnai, Kazuyuki Matsunaga Convention Center 328 Biodegradable and Biomass Plastics (#95) Organized by: H. Uyama, G.G. Chen, S.S. Im, T. Iwata, C. Nomura Presiding: H. Uyama, S. Im 7:30 – 668. Current status of biomass-based plastics development in Japan. Isao Inomata * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 8:00 – 669. Recent development of green plastic poly(lactic acid) in China. Xuesi Chen*, Zhiming Chen*, Xinchao Bian*, Lidong Feng, Yanlong Liu, Hua Bai* 8:30 – 670. Physical properties of the stereoblock poly(lactic acid)s (sb-PLAs) melt spun fibers. Jae-Chang Lee*, Yoshiharu Kimura, Hideki Yamane, Zhen Tang, Kazuaki Sogo 8:50 – 671. Study on biodegradable aliphatic polyester nanocomposites. SungYeon Hwang*, SeungSoon Im 9:10 – 672. Ecobionanocomposites: Hierarchical nanocomposites incorporating stereocomplexation. John R. Dorgan*, Birgit Braun, Laura O. Hollingsworth 9:40 – 673. PLA impact modifiers based on rubber containing copolymers. In-Joo Chin*, Na-Yeon Kim, Jae-Yoon Lee, Chantiga Choochottiros 10:10 – 674. Phase separation and degradation behaviors of the electrospun fibrous blends of PHBHHx/PDLLA. Yi-Ming Sun*, Mei-Ling Cheng, Po-Ya Chen, Chin-Hung Lan 10:40 – 675. Preparation of heat stable polylactide using supercritical fluid technology. Soo Hyun Kim*, Purba Purnama Convention Center 321B Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Advanced Polymer Gels (#136) Organized by: K. Ito, M. Sibayama, R. Siegel, C. Wu Presiding: K. Ito, R. Siegel 7:30 – 676. Swelling and mechanical behaviors of hydrogels containing phenylboronic acid sidechains. Ronald A. Siegel, Siddharthya K. Mujumdar, Clinton R. Jones, Mei Lee 8:00 – 677. Photocrosslinked hydrogels from thermoresponsive PEGMEMA-PPGMAEGDMA copolymers containing multiple methacrylate groups: Synthesis, mechanical property, swelling, protein release, and cytotoxicity. Hongyun Tai*, Wenxin Wang*, Daniel Howard, Tina Vermonden, Wim E. Hennink, Seiji Takae, Patrick S. Stayton, Allan S. Hoffman, Cameron Alexander, Steven M. Howdle, Kevin M. Shakesheff 8:15 – 678. Glucose responsive polymer gel as element for robust and self-regulated insulin delivery system. Akira Matsumoto, Takehiko Ishii, Kazunori Kataoka, Yuji Miyahara* 8:30 – 679. Manipulation through chemical design and environmental triggers of gels formed by amphiphilic telechelic polymers in water. Francoise M. Winnik* 9:00 – 680. Drug release studies and biological properties of chitosan/dextran-based hydrogels for surgical use. Jaydee Cabral*, Stephen Moratti, Lyall Hanton, Manal Aziz, Cathrin Kirchhoefer, Olaf Bork, Heather Brooks 9:15 – 681. Self-oscillating polymer and gels as novel functional materials. Ryo Yoshida* 9:45 – 682. Stimuli-responsive hybrid polymer-gel microstructures: From environmentally induced actuation to self-sustained oscillations. Michael Aizenberg*, Philseok Kim, Lauren D. Zarzar, Jeffrey Epstein, Joanna Aizenberg* 10:15 – 683. In situ gelling microgels and microgel-hydrogel composites for drug delivery. Daryl Sivakumaran, Cameron McLean, Todd Hoare* 10:45 – 684. Design and fabrication of stimuli-responsive Janus microgels. Daisuke Suzuki*, Yoshitaka Umeda, Toshihiro Hirai 11:00 – 685. Bioconjugated hydrogels that respond to a target biomolecule. Takashi Miyata* Convention Center 308A Amphiphilic Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (#231) Organized by: T. Sato, K. Akiyoshi, C. McCormick, F. Winnik Presiding: T. Sato, F. Winnik, K. Akiyoshi 7:30 – 686. Poly(allylamine) derivatives exhibiting UCST-type solution behavior under physiological conditions. Naohiko Shimada, Arihiro Kano, Atsushi Maruyama* 8:00 – 687. Amphiphilic glycogen nanoball. Haruko Takahashi, Shin-ichi Sawada, Kazunari Akiyoshi* 8:20 – 688. 19F MRI agents: Effect of structure and preparation methods on self-assembly and imaging performance. Hui Peng, Idriss Blakey, Bronwin Dargaville, Firas Rasoul, Stephen Rose, Kristofer Thurecht, Andrew Whittaker* 8:40 – 689. Multisensitive microgels at oilwater interfaces. Walter Richtering*, Tingting Liu, Bastian Brugger 9:00 – 690. Interaction of amphiphilic polyelectrolytes with cyclodextrins. Akihito Hashidzume, Akira Harada 9:30 – 691. Shear-thickening in aqueous surfactant-associative thickener mixtures. Raymond H. Fernando*, Sean Manion, Laura Johnson 9:50 – 692. Crowding agent induced phase transition of block copolymer in solution. Rong Wang* 10:10 – 693. Arborescent polypeptide micelles. Mario Gauthier*, Greg Whitton 10:30 – 694. Synthesis of amphhiphilic block copolymers as precursors of tubular guides for peripheral nerve repair. Denis J. Bertin*, Benoit Clement, Thomas Trimaille, Didier Gigmes, Kamel Mabrouk, Laurence Schacher, Nabyl Khenoussi 10:50 – 695. Role of crystallinity in the selfassembly of amphiphilic polyethylenes in water. Jerome P. Claverie*, Jean-Christophe Daigle, Françoise Winnik, Vladimir A. Kryuchkov 11:20 Closing remarks Convention Center 323A Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in Dispersed Systems (#160) Organized by: M. Okubo, M. Cunningham, J. Schork, P. Zetterlund Presiding: M. Okubo, B. Charleux 7:45 Introductory remarks 7:50 – 696. Fundamentals of RAFT ab initio emulsion polymerization and block coplymer synthesis. Ying-Wu Luo* 8:30 – 697. RAFT/MADIX polymerization of N-vinyl monomers in aqueous media. Hideharu Mori* 8:50 – 698. Nanorattles using RAFT as a new generation of opacifier. Duc Nguyen*, Chris Such, Matt Baker, Brian Hawkett 9:10 – 699. Direct synthesis and self-assembling of amphiphilic block copolymers in a selective solvant via controlled/living radical polymerization. Bernadette Charleux, Stéphanie Boisse, Jutta Rieger, Xuewei Zhang, Gaelle Pembouong, Patricia Beaunier, Min-Hui Li 9:50 – 700. Hybrid core-shell nanoparticles prepared by RAFT emulsion polymerization. Jerome P. Claverie, Wei-Heng Zhong, Paramita Das, Thomas Alnasser 10:10 – 701. Anisotropic nanoparticles via RAFT mediated emulsion polymerization. Brian S. Hawkett*, Binh T. Pham, Ulrich Hall, Azniwati A. Aziz 10:30 – 702. Nitroxide-mediated surfactantfree emulsion polymerization of n-butyl methacrylate with a small amount of styrene. Mary E. Thomson, Anna-Marie Manley, Jason Ness, Scott Schmidt, Michael F. Cunningham* 10:50 – 703. Controlled/living radical polymerization in miniemulsion using low-energy emulsification. Siqing Cheng, Yi Guo, Yusuke Sugihara, Per B. Zetterlund 11:10 – 704. High solids nitroxide mediated microemulsion polymerization of methyl methacrylate with a small amount of styrene and the synthesis of poly(methyl methacrylate-co-styrene)-block-(n-butyl methacrylate-co-styrene) polymers. Mary E. Thomson, Jason Ness, Scott Schmidt, Michael F. Cunningham* Convention Center 327 Polymer Nano-Hybrids at Bio-Interfaces (#127) Organized by: Y. Chujo, C.S. Ha, K. Uhrich, K. Wynne Presiding: C. Ha 8:10 – 705. Construction of MRI contrast agents using nanobuilding blocks, dendrimers, polymers, and nanoparticles, for the quantitative analysis of biological events. Kazuo Tanaka, Yoshiki Chujo* 8:35 – 706. Bioactive nanostructures from peptide assembly. Myongsoo Lee* 9:00 – 707. Triazine dendrimers: Synthesis, characterization, and applications. Eric Simanek* 9:25 – 708. Withdrawn 9:50 – 709. Design of pH-sensitive nanoparticle for novel theranostics toward antioxidative stress injury. Yukio Nagasaki* 10:15 – 710. Polymer nanoparticle-based cancer therapeutics: from concept to clinic. Mark E. Davis 10:40 – 711. Organic-inorganic hybrid polysaccharide nanogels for biomedical application. Kazunari Akiyoshi* 11:05 Closing Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Chemistry and Functional Properties of Soft Interfaces (#42) Organized by: A. Takahara, K. Char, K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Wynne Presiding: K. Kurihara, M. Maeda, Z. Su, G. Warr, K. Char, A. Takahara, K. Wynne Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 712. Polymerization of styrene-divinylbenzene in single-bilayer nanotubes as templates. Shota Ono, Yutaka Okazaki, Hirokuni Jintoku, Makoto Takafuji, Hirotaka Ihara* 713. Preparation of polyelectrolyte-complex microcapsules by electrospray. Yu Fukui, Tatsuo Maruyama*, Yuko Iwamatsu, Akihiro Fujii, Tsutomu Tanaka, Yoshikage Ohmukai, Hideto Matsuyama* 714. Layer by layer assembly of stereoregular polystyrene derivatives on substrate. Hiroharu Ajiro, Mitsuru Akashi 715. Quantitative evaluation of stiffness of dialkylpolysilane on carbon nanotubes. Woojung Chung, Michiya Fujiki, Masanobu Naito* 716. Characterization of NS polypeptides and its interactions with cell surfaces. Toru Honda, Tomoko Yoshino, Masayuki Takahashi, Tadashi Matsunaga* 717. Biocompatibility of segmented poly(dimethylsiloxane)s containing trehalose units and their prospects. Naozumi Teramoto*, Emi Iwata, Tsuyoshi Asakura, Masaki Unosawa, Navzer D. Sachinvala, Mitsuhiro Shibata 718. Surface engineering of antibody/PEG hybrid: Densely packed PEG layer and its effect on immobilized antibody. Yukio Nagasaki*, Xiaofei Yuan, Dolça Fabregat, Keitaro Yoshimoto 719. Hierarchical and functional control of engineered blood vessel tissues by hierarchical cell manipulation. Koji Kadowaki, Michiya Matsusaki, Mitsuru Akashi* 720. Polyelectrolyte multilayers modified porous membrane achieve rapid immunoassay with protein condensing. Heyun Shen, Junji Watanabe, Takami Akagi, Mitsuru Akashi* 721. Surface segregation of poly(2-methoxyethyl acrylate) in the mixture with poly(methyl methacrylate). Toyoaki Hirata, Hisao Matsuno, Masaru Tanaka, Keiji Tanaka* 722. Fabrication of apatite/commonly used polymer interfaces using wet processes. Mineo Hashizume*, Atsushi Sakai, Yuri Sakamoto, Hideharu Kawakubo 723. Facile surface modifications for polyimide films that enable their sol-gel coating with metal oxides. Michihisa Hirashima*, Mineo Hashizume 724. Structural change at the outermost surface of poly(methyl methacrylate) induced by water. Ayanobu Horinouchi, Yoshihisa Fujii, Norifumi Yamada, Keiji Tanaka* 725. Dynamic mechanical analysis of poly(methyl methacrylate) nanofiber-mats. Jie Zhan, Hisao Matsuno, Keiji Tanaka* 726. Neuronal cell patterning on commercial multielectrode arrays. Koji Ikeda, Munehiro Yamaguchi, Masaaki Suzuki*, Suguru N. Kudoh, Daisuke Ito, Tsutomu Uchida, Kazutoshi Gohara 727. SPM interaction study of Al2O3 surfaces in electrolyte solutions. Toshihiro Isobe*, Mikiro Hayashi, Akira Nakajima 728. Single-molecule imaging of DNA duplex immobilized on surfaces with scanning tunneling microscope. Takahito Ohshiro*, Mizuo Maeda 729. Surface modification of polymers using specific-binding peptides. Takaaki Date*, Takeshi Serizawa 730. Caged compounds based on gold nanoparticles bearing a photocleavable tether. Jun Nakanishi*, Hidekazu Nakayama, Shingo Kaneko, Kazuo Yamaguchi 731. Synthesis and characterization of nonsurface active/surface active transition polymer. Tomoyuki Ohnishi, Ghosh Arjun, Matsuoka Hideki 732. Properties of biomimetic artificial bilayer membranes in water. Goh Matsuo*, Masaru Tomita, Tomoyoshi Soga 733. Enhancement of PHB adsorption and disruption activities by amino acid substitution in substrate-binding domain of PHB depolymerase. Liu Tzea Tan, Tomohiro Hiraishi*, Naoya Komiya, Sudesh Kumar, Mizuo Maeda 734. Odd-even effect on the molecular arrangements at solid/liquid interface. Yoshihiro Kikkawa*, Emiko Koyama, Seiji Tsuzuki, Kyoko Fujiwara, Masatoshi Kanesato 735. Tip- enhanced Raman scattering studies on polymer thin films. Yukihiro Ozaki*, Harumi Sato, Yasutaka Kitahama, Toshiaki Suzuki, Isao Takahashi 736. Anti-biofouling properties of a telomer brush with pendent glucosylurea groups. Hiromi Kitano*, Astushi Hayashi, Hisatomo Suzuki, Naoki Kanayama, Yoshiyuki Saruwatari * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–105 03-MACR 737. Hydrogel-modified field effect transistor for lectin recognition. Yasuhiro Maeda, Akira Matsumoto, Yoshiko Miura, Yuji Miyahara 738. Anti-biofouling properties of amphoteric polymer brush constructed on a glass substrate. Takuya Kondo, Hiromi Kitano*, Kohji Ohno 739. Structural characterization of PNIPAAm-DNA conjugate by small-angle X-ray scattering. Wei Yang Ooi, Masahiro Fujita, Kumar Sudesh, Mizuo Maeda* 740. Monolayer characterization and photocurrent generation of organic semiconductor molecules with partial structure of graphene skeleton. Chika Akabane, Ken-ichi Iimura*, Norihiro Kato, Takanori Fukushima, Yohei Yamamoto, Takuzo Aida 741. Development of nano-scale Coulter counter using a nanopore. Makoto Takemasa, Masahiro Fujita, Mizuo Maeda 742. Orientation control of the double helical morphology in the thin film of an ABC triblock terpolyme. Song Hong, Hidekazu Sugimori, Ryuhei Kimoto, Takeshi Kaneko, Volker Abetz, Hiroshi Jinnai 743. Adipocyte patterning by using functionality of surface molecules. Munehiro Yamaguchi, Kouji Ikeda, Masaaki Suzuki, Hiromu Watanabe, Tsutomu Uchida, Masafumi Nagayama, Kazutoshi Gohara 744. RAFT synthesis of cationic amphiphilic diblock copolymer and nanostructure analysis of its monolayer on the water surface. Shinichi Fujita*, Arjun Ghosh, Shin’ichi Yusa, Yoshiyuki Saruwatari, Hideki Matsuoka 745. Creation of pH-responsive silica gel micro particle. Masamichi Inoue*, Shin-ichi Yusa, Yotaro Morishima, Yoshinobu Nakamura, Syuji Fujii, Yasuhiko Iwasaki, Yasuhisa Shibata 746. Infrared spectroscopy study on intermolecular interaction and phase separation of PS/PVME polymer blends. Takeshi Miyake, Harumi Sato, Takeji Hashimoto, Yukihiro Ozaki 747. Coupling between metal nanoparticles and fluorescent dyes with layer-by-layer assembled polymer films. Ki-Se Kim*, Byeong-Hyeok Sohn 748. Effect of salt and ion species on the nanostructure of polyelectrolyte brush at the air/water interface. Hideki Matsuoka*, Shunichi Nakayama, Shinichi Fujita, Yuta Yamakawa, Arjun Ghosh 749. DNA-functionalized thermoresponsive amphiphilic copolymers: Preparation and self-assembly. Pengju Pan, Masahiro Fujita*, Mizuo Maeda* 750. Synthesis and property of polyrotaxane networks exploiting pseudopolyrotaxane cross-linker. Keum hee Jang, Takayuki Arai, Yasuhito Koyama, Toshikazu Takata* 751. Structural control of a double helical morphology in an ABC triblock terpolymer. Hidekazu Sugimori, Song Hong, Kazuyuki Matsunaga, Takeshi Kaneko, Volker Abetz, Hiroshi Jinnai 752. Adsorption and release behavior of hyaluronan from the surface of hydrogel contact lenses. Susan E. Burke*, Catherine A. Scheuer, Krista M. Fridman, Vicki L. Barniak 753. ABC phenomenon of nanocarrier-based MRI contrast agents and the importance for tumor targeting. Kouichi Shiraishi, Huili Ma, Kumi Kawano, Yoshie Maitani, Masayuki Yokoyama 754. Functional actuator based on high-density array of polypyrrole nanorods. Gumhye Jeon, Seung Yun Yang, Jinseok Byun, Jin Kon Kim* 755. Spontaneous periodic change of the interface tension at oil/water by KCl addition. Yohey Shibuya, Shou Yoneda, Ken Adachi, Akira Nakajima, Toshihiro Isobe, Sachiko Matsushita* 106 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 756. Interaction between silica in the presence of the pH responsive poly(ethyleneimine): Correlation between colloidal probe adhesion measurements and yield stress. Shannon Notley 757. Dynamic wettability analysis of hydrophobic polymers. Shinya Takahashi*, Sayo Kobayashi, Takuya Yamamoto, Tomoyuki Kasemura, Hiroshi Kimura, Akira Tsuchida 758. Synthesis of amphiphilic liquid crystalline polymers and their self-assembly in water. Hiroki Kotegawa, Takashi Miyata*, Tadashi Uragami 759. Electrically-induced formation of interfacial layers between liquid crystals and polymer sublayers. Yoshio Makino*, Masahiro Morimoto, Takuya Aoshima, Takaya Ito, Atsushi Kubono* 760. Viscoelastic behavior of interfacial layer formed between pressure-sensitive adhesive and adherend. Katsunori Inaishi*, Keiichi Oka, Junji Gonda, Takaya Ito, Atsushi Kubono* 761. Novel blood compatible surfaces using a nitroxy radicals containing polymer with antioxidant ability. Yu Yamaguchi, Toru Yoshitomi, Akihioko Kikuchi, Yukio Nagasaki* 762. Preparation and surface properties of “reactive” polymer brushes with exchangeable side chains. Tomoya Sato, Yoshifumi Amamoto, Hideyuki Otsuka, Atsushi Takahara 763. Molecular modeling investigation of binding and activity of horseradish peroxidase immobilized on a PHEMA polymer brush. Barry L. Farmer, Zhifeng Kuang, Rajesh Naik, Richard A. Vaia, Sarah M. Lane 764. Manipulation of surface properties: attachment of nanometer-thick anti-fouling sticker on versatile substrates. Hirohmi Watanabe, Aya Fujimoto, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Atsushi Takahara 765. Precision design and construction of the surface of nanoparticle for the oligonucleotide delivery. Yutaka Ikeda, Daisuke Kubota, Yukio Nagasaki 766. Precise control of surface physicochemical properties for electrospun poly(methyl methacrylate) derivative fibers by surface initiated radical polymerization. Takahiro Yano*, Weng On Yah, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Yuki Terayama, Masamichi Nishihara, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Hideyuki Ootsuka, Atsushi Takahara 767. Long-circulation behavior of size-controllable polyion complex vesicles (nanoPICsomes) in mice. Akihiro Kishimura*, Yasutaka Anraku, Makoto Oba, Kazunori Kataoka* 768. Thermo-responsive chromatography using polymer brush grafted porous polystyrene beads. Aya Mizutani, Kenichi Nagase, Akihiko Kikuchi, Hideko Kanazawa, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Jun Kobayashi, Masahiko Annaka, Teruo Okano 769. Characterization of liquid crystal thin film under electric field. Shinya Nakano, Masashi Mizukami, Noboru Ohta, Naoto Yagi, Ichiro Hatta, Kazue Kurihara* 770. Protein-resistant and conductive membranes on conducting polymers. Bo Zhu, Shyh-Chyang Luo, Sekine Jun, Hsiao-hua Yu* 771. Resonance shear measurement of nanoconfined ionic liquids. Kazuhide Ueno, Motohiro Kasuya, Masayoshi Watanabe, Masashi Mizukami, Kazue Kurihara* 772. Crystallization-induced optical resolution controlled by external fields. Michio Matsumoto, Yoshimitsu Itoh*, Takuzo Aida* 773. Scanning tunneling microscopic study of noncyclic isobutenyl compounds: Effects of hydrogen bond and tandem Claisen rearrangement. Kazuhiro Omori, Kikkawa Yoshihiro*, Masatoshi Kanesato, Kazuhisa Hiratani* 774. Tribological properties of poly(1-(2methacryloyloxy)ethyl-3-butylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide) brush surfaces. Tatsuya Ishikawa, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Atsushi Takahara 775. Alternating current cloud point extraction on a microfluidic chip for preconcentration of membrane-associated biomolecules. Naoki Sasaki*, Kazuo Hosokawa, Mizuo Maeda 776. Surface property of temperature-responsive polymeric thin surface observed by atomic force microscopy. Yoshikazu Kumashiro, Kazuhiro Fukumori, Hironobu Takahashi, Masamichi Nakayama, Yoshikatsu Akiyama, Kiyotaka Sakai, Masayuki Yamato, Teruo Okano* 777. Control of amyloidosis on the multivalent sulfonated sugar. Tomohiro Fukuda, Erino Matsumoto, Shunsuke Onogi, Yoshiko Miura* 778. Characterization of interfacial water structure at thermo-responsive material surfaces studied by SFG spectroscopy. Hidenori Noguchi, Yusuke Waki, Sakaguchi Kazuyasu, Uosaki Kohei 779. Chiral segregation from achiral molecule in 1,1’-bis substituted ferrocen derivatives. Moon Gun Choi*, Oleg N. Kadkin, Eun Ho Kim, So Yeon Kim, Young Joon Rha, Yoon Hee Kim 780. Preparation and characterization of surface grafted poly(␥-benzyl-L-glutamate) with narrow molecular weight distribution. Jin Nishida, Koji Mitamura, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Atsushi Takahara* 781. Raman spectra of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) thin films by Raman microscopic spectroscopy. Yuko S. Yamamoto, Harumi Sato, Hidetoshi Sato, Yukihiro Ozaki* 782. Effect of graft-density on molecular motion of polystyrene brush. Hiroshi Arita, Koji Mitamura, Moriya Kikuchi, Motoyasu Kobayashi, Atsushi Takahara* 783. Analysis of liquid marble formation. Daisuke Matsukuma, Hirohmi Watanabe, Atsushi Takahara* 784. Radical polymer brushes on Al prepared by surface initiated polymerization and its electrode performance in rechargeable device. Katsuyuki Takahashi, Hiroyuki Nishide*, Bryuzgin Evgeny, Alexander V. Navrotskiy, Ivan A. Novakov 785. Controlled assembly of proteins pattern in the glass capillaries. Yuan Lin*, Zhaohui Su, Zhongwei Niu, Qian Wang Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization: Mechanisms, Catalysts, Reaction Engineering, Materials and Applications (#236) Organized by: S. Zhu, T. Fukuda, B.G Li, K. Matyjaszewski, M. Monteiro Presiding: S. Zhu Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 786. Toward nitroxide mediated photopolymerization. Yohann Guillaneuf*, Denis Bertin, Didier Gigmes, Davy-Louis Versace, Jacques Lalevée, Jean-Pierre Fouassier 787. Synthesis of double-calixarene from simple condensation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde and resorcinol. Hiroto Kudo*, Takuya Shudo, Tadatomi Nishikubo 788. Amine free Cu-mediated atom transfer radical polymerization. Han Hong, Yeap-Hung Ng, Yen-Min Wong, Christina L. Chai 789. Synthesis of linear tetrablock quaterpolymer by combining atom transfer radical polymerization and a click coupling approach. Aleya Hasneen, Ho Seok Han, Hyun-jong Paik 790. Controlled polymerization of methacrylate having active ester groups and derivation to poly(methacrylamide) library. Tsuyoshi Ando, Shunsuke Shimizu*, Kayo Terada, Shiho Hirohara, Masao Tanihara 791. Synthesis of concentrated polymer brushes via surface-initiated TERP. Shota Konishi*, Eiichi Kayahara, Shigeru Yamago, Akihiro Nomura, Atsushi Goto, Yoshinobu Tsujii 792. Synthesis of stereoblock PMMA by using of multi-vinyl monomer derived from novolac. Yoichi Saito, Reiko Saito* 793. Development of a solid polymer electrolyte with high ion-conductive network structure for a safety lithium ion battery. Takaya Sato*, Tatsuya Igarashi, Takashi Morinaga, Shoko Marukane, Kohji Ohno, Yoshinobu Tsujii, Takeshi Fukuda 794. Fe(III)-mediated living radical polymerization: A unique system with a higher oxidation state iron catalysts. Hiroshi Aoshima, Kanji Nagai, Kotaro Satoh, Masami Kamigaito* 795. Nanocomposite of ZnO nanoparticle with PEO -b- PMMA. Youngjun Cho, Jinheung Kim, Yujin Kim, Jae Yeol Lee, Jungahn Kim* 796. Synthesis of ␣-azido--anhydride-hetero-bifunctionalized poly(ethylene oxide) and its application for preparation of nano-sized ZnO particles. Yujin Kim, Jeongsoon Kim, Junghwa Lee, Joo Hoon Kim, Jungahn Kim* 797. Synthesis of graphene oxide and its modification PEO exhibiting water-soluble property. Joo-Hyun Nam, Sangmi Lee, Jae Yeol Lee, Ho-Jung Kang, Jungahn Kim* 798. Control of adhesion property of acrylate block copolymers containing stimuli-responsible side-chains. Eriko Sato, Tadashi Inui, Akikazu Matsumoto* 799. Synthesis of thermo-responsive 4-arms star-shaped diblock copolymer. Masanori Ito*, Shin-ichi Yusa, Yotaro Morishima, Isamu Kaneda Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Frontiers of Precisely Controlled Polymer Synthesis: Fine Control of Polymerization Reaction and Impact on Advanced Material Designs (#257) Organized by: T. Kitayama, S. Aoshima, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad, J. Puskas Presiding: T. Kitayama Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 800. Controlled copolymerization of (meth)acrylates and vinyl ethers by organoheteroatom-mediated controlled/living radical polymerization. Eri Mishima*, Shigeru Yamago 801. Synthesis of poly(diene sulfone)s using diene monomers by regiospecific and alternating radical copolymerization and their characterization. Naruki Tanaka, Asako Mihashi, Eriko Sato, Akikazu Matsumoto* 802. Radical polymerization of conjugated dienes with Cu/amine complexes on the silica particle. Hiroko Okamoto, Kiyoshi Endo* 803. Controlled polymerization of bulky silyl methacrylates. Kenji Ishitake, Kanji Nagai, Kotaro Satoh, Masami Kamigaito*, Yoshio Okamoto * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 804. One-pot transformation from living cationic to RAFT polymerization. Keiji Matsuzuka, Kenta Yamashita, Shinji Sugihara*, Isao Ikeda 805. Synthesis and some properties of surface-functionalized polymer particles prepared by amphiphilic macromonomers with precisely-controlled architecture. Noor Faizah Che Harun*, Kohei Sawada, Jin Motoyanagi, Masahiko Minoda 806. Withdrawn 807. Synthesis of graft copolymers with poly(vinyl chloride) macromonomer. Kazuhiro Dohi, Kiyoshi Endo* 808. Specific sequence formation in partial click modification of poly(propargyl methacrylate). Takehiro Kitaura*, Tatsuki Kitayama 809. Asymmetric polymerization of N-substituted maleimide and optical resolution ability of their polymers. Tsutomu Oishi*, Motohisa Azechi, Kazuhiro Yamabuki, Kenjiro Onimura 810. Living cationic polymerization of isobutyl vinyl ether with acetylacetone/Lewis acid initiating system. Minato Takeguchi, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima 811. Controlled cationic polymerization and aldol group transfer polymerization of bulky silyl vinyl ether. Mitsumasa Nakawaki, Kanji Nagai, Kotaro Satoh, Masami Kamigaito* 812. Isomerization cationic polymerization of vinylcyclohexane. Madoka Kimura*, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima 813. Living cationic polymerization of ␣-, -, and p-substituted styrenes. Kosaku Yasuoka*, Jun Ashida, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima 814. Survey of an initiating system for the controlled synthesis of fullerene polymer conjugates via living cationic polymerization. Masashi Suzuki, Ryo Miyabara, Jin Motoyanagi, Masahiko Minoda* 815. Monomer isomerization in the polymerization of cis-2-butene with (␣-diimine)Ni(II)/Et2AlCl catalyst. Yoshitaka Tone, Kiyoshi Endo* 816. Development of rhodium complexes bearing a tetrafluorobenzobarrelene ligand for the polymerization of phenylacetylene. Naoya Onishi, Masashi Shiotsuki*, Fumio Sanda, Toshio Masuda 817. Utilization of alkyne [2⫹2⫹2] cycloaddition reactions to macromolecule synthesis. Yuuki Sugiyama, Chie Takegoshi, Sentaro Okamoto* 818. Controlled cyclopolymerization of 4,4disubstituted 1,6-heptadiyne derivates by Grubbs catalyst. In Sun Lee, EunHye Kang, Tae-Lim Choi* 819. Dendronized polymer synthesis via cyclopolymerization of 1,6-heptadiyne derivatives by Ruthenium-based alkylidene initiator. EunHye Kang, In Sun Lee, Tae-Lim Choi* 820. Ring-opening homo- and copolymerizations of racemic lactide and/or -caprolactone using homosalen-Al complexes. Nobuyoshi Nomura*, Azusa Akita, Ryohei Ishii, Mitsunori Mizuno 821. Controlled polycondensation of -amino acid based on continuous monomer addition. Tsuyoshi Ando, Kazuaki Ikoma*, Kayo Terada, Shiho Hirohara, Masao Tanihara 822. Chain-growth condensation polymerization of amino acid immobilized on solid-support. Masashi Takahashi, Hiromichi Baba, Akihiro Yokoyama, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 823. One pot synthesis of head-to-head alicyclic polyimide using unsymmetrical spirodianhydride. Kazuaki Shirai, Kazuaki Kudo* 824. Synthesis of poly(p-phenylenevinylene) under the conditions of catalyst-transfer Suzuki-Miyaura polymerization. Masataka Nojima, Akihiro Yokoyama, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 825. Study of catalyst-transfer SuzukiMiyaura coupling polymerization for the synthesis of polypyridine. Rena Shibata, Yutaka Nanashima, Akihiro Yokoyama, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 826. Synthesis of novel polypyridine bearing bule light-emitting properties. Yutaka Nanashima, Akihiro Yokoyama, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 827. Synthesis of polybenzamide-b-polystyrene block copolymer via combination of chain-growth condensation polymerization (CGCP) and atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Chih-Feng Huang, Akihiro Yokoyama, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 828. Preparation of “RAFT gel” via chemoselective polycondensation of a dicarboxylic acid containing a pendant mercapto groups with diols and succesive crosslinking. Ken Yamamoto, Akinori Takasu 829. Living anionic polymerization with lithiation products of poly(p-methylstyrene) as a macroinitiator and preparation of multibranched polymers therefrom. Ryota Uemura, Hideki Nishimura, Kaoru Adachi, Yasuhisa Tsukahara* 830. Synthesis of novel poly(vinyl ether)-polysaccharide conjugates by precisely controlled polymerization. Masahiko Minoda*, Mariko Maeda, Shizuka Mori, Jin Motoyanagi 831. Synthesis and properties of amino acid based optically active photo-responsive poly(phenyleneethynylene)s. Hiromitsu Sogawa*, Masashi Shiotsuki, Fumio Sanda 832. Organic chemistry approaches towards structurally defined, laterally infinite unimolecular networks (2-D polymers). Junji Sakamoto*, Patrick Kissel, Thomas Bauer, Animesh Saha, Ming Li, Payam Payamyar, Marco Servalli, A. D. Schlüter* 833. Synthesis and functionalization of starshaped poly(ethylene oxide)s and their application as an antifouling material to a solid surface. Ju Eun Kim*, Jeong Yun Heo, Jungahn Kim, Youngro Byun, Cheol-Hee Ahn 834. Synthesis of new polysaccharides and carbohydrate-based star polymers. Kazuyuki Hattori*, Takashi Yoshida, Taichi Shiga 835. Synthesis and property of well-defined PEG-b-hyperbranched polyamide. Yoshihiro Ohta, Teruaki Kanoh, Akihiro Yokoyama, Tsutomu Yokozawa* 836. Functional group conversion of diols via dehydration polycondensations with a dicarboxylic acid containing a disulfide linkage. Yuka Sato, Akinori Takasu 837. Synthesis and characterization of welldefined “click polyesters”. Yu Nagao*, Akinori Takasu 838. Green and flexible process for hydrogenation of nitrile butadiene rubber. Yin Liu, Qinmin Pan, Garry L. Rempel Saturday Afternoon Convention Center 325B NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) Organized by: T. Asakura, H. N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: A. English 12:30 – 839. Solid-state NMR study of nanofibers. Kazuhiko Yamada* 13:00 – 840. NMR studies of nanoparticle dispersion and morphology in polymeric nanocomposites. Bo Xu, Johannes Leisen, Ute Boehme, Ulrich Scheler, Haskell W. Beckham 13:30 – 841. Characterization of surfacemodified titania nano-particles by solidstate nuclear magnetic resonance. Hiroyuki Souma, Ryo Chiba, Shigenobu Hayashi* 14:00 – 842. Corona dynamics in nanoscale ionic materials. Peter A. Mirau*, Mike Jespersen, Richard A. Vaia, Robert Rodriquez, Emmanuel P. Giannelis, Ernst von Meerwall 14:30 – 843. Ideal chain packing and mobility and their relationships to structural organization and properties of semi-crystalline polymers. Toshikazu Miyoshi 15:00 – 844. Probing the conformations and motions of solid polymers with NMR. Alan E. Tonelli* 15:30 – 845. Elucidation of the backbone conformation in polyfluorene in different phases by solid-state NMR. Hironori Kaji*, Tatsuya Fukushima, Yohei Kiuchi, Atsushi Goto 16:00 – 846. Solid state NMR studies of structure and dynamics in polyethylene precisely functionalized with carboxylic acid groups. Todd M. Alam*, Michelle E. Seitz, Francisco Buitrago, Karen I. Winey, Christopher D. Chan, Kathleen L. Opper, Travis W. Baughman, Kenneth B. Wagener Convention Center 328 Biodegradable and Biomass Plastics (#95) Organized by: H. Uyama, G.G. Chen, S.S. Im, T. Iwata, C. Nomura Presiding: H. Uyama, C. Nomura 12:30 – 847. Microbial production and biodegradation of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Yoshiharu Doi* 13:00 – 848. Biomass carbon ratio of biomass plastics determined by accelerator mass spectroscopy. Masao Kunioka*, Masahiro Funabashi 13:30 – 849. Agriculturally-based bioproducts. Gregory M. Glenn*, William J. Orts, Artur P. Klamczynski, Delilah Wood, Syed Imam, Bor-Sen Chiou 13:50 – 850. Mechanism of enzymatic degradation of poly(hydroxybutyrate) as revealed by kinetics of its depolymerase mutants. Tomohiro Hiraishi*, Mizuo Maeda 14:10 – 851. In vitro crystallization of poly (3hydroxybutyrate) granules in biopolyester recovery and purification. Jian Yu*, Michael Porter 14:30 – 852. Controlled radical (co)polymerization of renewable vinyl monomers for novel biobased polymers. Kotaro Satoh, Kanji Nagai, Masami Kamigaito 14:50 – 853. Synthesis and degradation of polymers derived from malic acid. Andrew Dove*, Ryan Pounder, Michael Bennison 15:10 – 854. Bio-based and biodegradable silk protein-bacterial polyester hybrid materials. Keiji Numata*, Yoshiharu Doi 15:30 – 855. Progress of PBS copolymer research, development and industrialization. Jun Xu*, Baohua Guo 16:00 – 856. Aliphatic polyesters crosslinked by reversible bonds: Remendability and thermo-responsibility. Naoko Yoshie, Mariko Watanabe, Hitomi Araki, Kazuki Ishida 13:25 – 859. Fddd phase boundary of polystyrene-block-polyisoprene diblock copolymer melts. Mikihito Takenaka*, Myung Im Kim, Kuniaki Matsuda, Hirokazu Hasegawa 13:45 – 860. Self-assembling dendritic block copolymers. Byoung-Ki Cho* 14:05 – 861. Cyclodextrin-based ordered materials through self-organization. Akira Harada* 14:30 – 862. Stimuli-responsive smart hybrid capsules prepared via layer-by-layer assembly. Kiyofumi Katagiri*, Yuji Imai, Masato Nakamura, Atsunori Matsuda, Kunihito Koumoto 14:50 – 863. Formation of self-organized calcium phosphate crystals through gel-mediated processing. Chikara Ohtsuki*, Taishi Yokoi, Koichi Kikuta, Masakazu Kawashita 15:10 – 864. Chirality in mesoporous materials: The sergeants and soldiers effect in solid materials. Cathleen M. Crudden* 15:35 – 865. Selective synthesis of four polymorphs of TiO2 and their morphology control using water-soluble titanium complex. Koji Tomita*, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Toru Sasaki, Valery Petrykin, Makoto Kobayashi, Masato Kakihana 15:55 – 866. Self assembly in hybrid organic-inorganic cluster systems. Leroy Cronin* Convention Center 321A Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of Advanced Polymer Gels (#136) Organized by: K. Ito, M. Sibayama, R. Siegel, C. Wu Presiding: K. Ito, M. Shibayama 12:30 – 867. Peptide-directed self-assembly of hybrid hydrogels. Jindrich Kopecek, Jiyuan Yang 13:00 – 868. New frontiers of polymer gels swollen by ionic liquids. Masayoshi Watanabe*, Takeshi Ueki 13:30 – 869. Redox active nanogel transfer between ionic liquid and water. Takeshi Ueki, Masayoshi Watanabe 13:45 – 870. Polysaccharide nanogel bottom-up systems for biomedical application. Kazunari Akiyoshi* 14:15 – 871. Stimuli-responsive thin hydrogel films. Sergiy Minko 14:45 – 872. Using environmentally responsive gels for soft machinery: A physicist approach. Eran Sharon* 15:15 – 873. Nonvolatile full color block copolymer photonic gels. Youngjong Kang*, Eunjoo Kim, Changjoon Kang, Daehyun Kim, Jaeyon Kim 15:45 – 874. Structural colored soft materials without angle dependence. Yukikazu Takeoka 16:00 – 875. Small-angle neutron scattering on Tetra-PEG gels. Mitsuhiro Shibayama, Takuro Matsunaga, Takamasa Sakai, Yuki Akagi, Ung-il Chung Convention Center 321B Molecular-Based Ordered Materials Formed Through Self-Organization (#102) Organized by: T. Kato, M. Francis, D. Gin, X. Guo, H. Kikuchi, C. Nuckolls Presiding: C. Nuckolls, M. Francis, X. Guo, T. Kato 12:30 Introductory remarks 12:35 – 857. Polycatenation under kinetic and thermodynamic control. Fraser Stoddart, Mark A. Olson, Lei Fang, Ali Coskun, Ashish N. Basuray 13:00 – 858. Supramoelcular amphiphiles for controlled self-assembly. Xi Zhang, Chao Wang, Zhiqiang Wang * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–107 03-MACR Convention Center 313A Frontiers of Precisely Controlled Polymer Synthesis: Fine Control of Polymerization Reaction and Impact on Advanced Material Designs (#257) Organized by: T. Kitayama, S. Aoshima, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad, J. Puskas Presiding: T. Kitayama, F. Sanda, E. Chen, M. Kamigaito 12:30 – 876. Stereochemically and chiroptically controlled polar vinyl polymers by coordination polymerization. Eugene Y. Chen 13:00 – 877. Coordination copolymerization of ethylene with vinyl acetate and allyl acetate. Shingo Ito, Kagehiro Munakata, Masafumi Kanazawa, Kyoko Nozaki* 13:20 – 878. Effect of ring incorporation on chain topology of ethylene-cyclopentene copolymers. Shawn Morgan, Zhibin Ye*, Ramesh Subramanian 13:40 – 879. Polymerization of diazocarbonyl compounds initiated with (NHC)Pd/borate systems. Eiji Ihara* 14:10 – 880. Controlled polymerization of acetylenic monomers catalyzed by late transition metal complexes. Masashi Shiotsuki*, Naoya Onishi, Fumio Sanda, Toshio Masuda 14:30 – 881. Phenylenevinylene homopolymers and block copolymers by ringopening metathesis polymerization. Michael L. Turner*, Chin Y. Yu, David G. Lidzey, James Kingsley, Simon King, Saif A. Haque, Jenny Nelson 14:50 – 882. Ring-opening metathesis block and alternating copolymerizations of amino acid functionalized norbornene monomers. Fumio Sanda*, Sutthira Sutthasupa, Masashi Shiotsuki, Toshio Masuda 15:20 – 883. Ring-opening polymerization of -pentadecalactone by highly active rare earth tetrahydroborates. Yuushou Nakayama*, Naoki Watanabe, Kenta Sasaki, Zhengguo Cai, Takeshi Shiono* 15:50 – 884. Towards ultrahigh molecular weight polycaprolactone with hydrozirconation derived alkoxides. Alexandru D. Asandei, Gobinda Saha, Olumide Adebolu, Christopher P. Simpson 16:10 – 885. Reexamination of the reactivity of amino acid N-carboxy anhydrides (38): Preparation of monodispersed high molecular weight polypeptides by the polymerization of amino acid N-carboxy anhydrides. Hitoshi Kanazawa* Convention Center 322AB Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: Y. Matsushita 12:50 – 886. Functional nanomaterials based on nanoporous block copolymer templates. Seung Yun Yang, Wonchul Joo, Jeong In Lee, Ara Jo, Jin Kon Kim* 13:20 – 887. Block copolymer micelles with nanoparticles and fluorophores. Byeong-Hyeok Sohn* 13:50 – 888. Swelling induced order-order transitions of block copolymers in supercritical carbon dioxide and fabrication of nanocellular and porous thin films. Hideaki Yokoyama*, Masateru Ito, Yasuhiro Sakai, Kohzo Ito, Kenji Sugiyama 14:10 – 889. Separation membranes from multifunctional block polymers. Marc Hillmyer* 14:30 – 890. Fabrication and selective permeation of micropase-separated freestanding membrane with visualized transport channels. Taro Kimura*, Shingo Hadano, Motonori Komura, Tomokazu Iyoda 108 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 14:50 – 891. Block copolymer modified epoxies - extraordinary toughness at no cost. Frank S. Bates* 15:20 – 892. Micro phase separation of polyrotaxane. Kohzo Ito*, Hideaki Yokoyama 15:50 – 893. Nanoporous thin-film membranes from block-polymers: Using selfconsistent field theory calculations to guide polymer synthesis. Joseph G. Cordaro*, Edward H. Feng, Gregory O’Bryan, Amalie L. Frischknecht, Geoffrey L. Brennecka, Michael S. Kent 16:10 – 894. Block-copolymer-templated electropolymerization for conducting polymer nanowires. Hideaki Komiyama, Motonori Komura, Keiji Nagai, Tomokazu Iyoda, Kaori Ito* Convention Center 302AB Nano Structure and Function of OrganicInorganic Hybrid Polymers (#152) Organized by: K. Matsukawa, C.S. Ha, F. Jaekle, K. Naka, I. Tomita Presiding: K. Matsukawa 12:50 Introductory remarks 12:55 – 895. Organic-inorganic polymer nano-hybrids based on sol-gel reaction. Yoshiki Chujo* 13:25 – 896. Thermally stable transparent sol-gel synthesized siloxane hybrid materials for LED encapsulation. Byeong-Soo Bae*, Joon-Soo Kim, SeungCheol Yang 13:45 – 897. Synthesis and properties of organoarsenic polymers via bismetallation of acetylenic compounds. Kensuke Naka*, Takuji Kato, Tatsuo Shimamoto, Manabu Arita, Yasuhiro Morisaki, Yoshiki Chujo 14:05 – 898. Nanostructure and function of block copolymer-inorganic hybrid materials. Ulrich (Uli) Wiesner* 14:25 – 899. Preparation of inorganic-organic hybrids using inorganic nanosheets as nano-building blocks. Yoshiyuki Sugahara* 14:45 – 900. Organic-inorganic hybrid organosilicate polymers for nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. Do Y. Yoon* 15:05 – 901. High refractive index hybrid materials from bis-phenyl fluorene derivatives. Kimihiro Matsukawa*, Takuma Yoshimoto, Noboru Nishioka, Seiji Watase 15:25 – 902. Hole injection/transport materials derived from Heck and sol-gel chemistry for application in solution processed organic electronic devices. Yerang Kang, Younhee Lim, Young-Seo Park, Do Young Jang, Joo Hyun Kim, Jang-Joo Kim, Alan Sellinger, Do Y. Yoon* 15:45 – 903. Preparation of ladder-like polysilsesquioxanes forming chiral conformations and hexagonal stacking structures. Yoshiro Kaneko*, Nobuo Iyi 16:00 – 904. Polymeric micelles with pending pair-wise carboxylate groups afforded via thiol-ene and -yne “click” chemistry for cis-platinum drug delivery. Vien T. Huynh, Gaojian Chen, Paul D. Souza, Martina Stenzel* 16:15 – 905. Formation of redox-active metallopolymers on electrodes by a layer-bylayer molecular fabrication method. Katsuhiko Kanaizuka, Takuya Nakabayashi, Miyabi Sannodo, Sono Sasaki, Masa-aki Haga* Convention Center 323A Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in Dispersed Systems (#160) Organized by: M. Okubo, M. Cunningham, J. Schork, P. Zetterlund Presiding: P. Zetterlund, M. Cunningham 12:50 – 906. Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) in dispersed media. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski* 13:30 – 907. Preparation of Poly(acrylic acid) by atom transfer radical polymerization in supercritical carbon dioxide. Hideto Minami, Atsushi Tanaka, Yasuyuki Kagawa, Masayoshi Okubo* 13:50 – 908. Metal oxide accelerated atom transfer radical polymerization of PEO macromonomer. Kaoru Adachi, Yasuhisa Tsukahara* 14:10 – 909. Core-functionalized designer star polymers via living radical polymerization: Microgel-core reaction vessel toward living radical polymerization and catalysis. Takaya Terashima, Mitsuo Sawamoto 14:30 – 910. Preparation of “mushroom-like” nonspherical polymer particles by controlled/living radical polymerization in aqueous dispersed systems. Takuya Tanaka, Nobuko Fukami, Hideto Minami, Masayoshi Okubo* 14:50 – 911. Functional microspheres having designed shell layers. Haruma Kawaguchi* 15:30 – 912. Preparation of block copolymer particles by emulsifier-free, organotellurium-mediated living radical emulsion polymerization. Yukiya Kitayama, Kazuya Kishida, Hideto Minami, Masayoshi Okubo* 15:50 – 913. Living radical polymerization with organic redox (pseudo-redox) catalysts. Atsushi Goto*, Yoshinobu Tsujii, Takeshi Fukuda, Hironori Kaji 16:10 – 914. Structure-colored self-assembled colloidal gel consisting of polymergrafted silica nanoparticle and ionic liquid. Tomomi Nagatsuka, Kazuhide Ueno, Tomohiro Yasuda, Masayoshi Watanabe Convention Center 323B Biomimetic Engineering of Hierarchically Structured Polymer Materials (#126) Organized by: M. Shimomura, T. Iyoda, D. Pochan, M. Winnik Presiding: M. Shimomura 13:00 Introductory remarks 13:10 – 915. Superhydrophobic metal-polymer hybrid surfaces having wettability gradients prepared by self-organization. Daisuke Ishii*, Hiroshi Yabu, Masatsugu Shimomura 13:40 – 916. Block copolymer-inspired multiple morphologies from self-assembly of amphiphilic polymer-stabilized quantum dots. Matthew G. Moffitt*, Yunyong Guo 14:20 – 917. Large-scale ordering of a graft polymer toward photomechanical function. Nobuhiko Hosono, Takashi Kajitani, Takanori Fukushima, Takuzo Aida 14:50 – 918. Application of bio-inspired design in the development of a medical device. Susan E. Burke*, Vicki L. Barniak, Krista M. Fridman, Catherine A. Scheuer, Srini Venkatesh 15:20 – 919. Patterning of superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic nanostructured silicon surfaces by UV-O3 treatment. Yuji Hirai*, Hiroshi Yabu, Yasutaka Matsuo, Kuniharu Ijiro, Masatsugu Shimomura* Saturday Evening 20:20 – 922. Recent developments in solution NMR of polymers. Peter L. Rinaldi* Convention Center 322AB Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: T. Lodge 19:00 – 923. Improvement on the thermostability of a polymer micelle via topology effects. Satoshi Honda, Takuya Yamamoto*, Yasuyuki Tezuka* 19:20 – 924. Critical micelle temperatures and micelle core glass transition temperatures: Fluorescence studies of block copolymer-solvent systems. Christopher M. Evans, Jonathan D. Saathoff, Kevin J. Henderson, Kenneth R. Shull, John M. Torkelson 19:40 – 925. Interchain hydrogen-bonding and co-nonsolvency effect of block polymers in aqueous or mixed aqueous solvents. Charles C. Han, Jinkun Hao, Guangcui Yuan, He Cheng 20:00 – 926. Control of nano-/micron-sized structures in aqueous media through the polyion complex formation of water-soluble block copolymers. Akihiro Kishimura*, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Yasutaka Anraku, Yuichi Yamasaki, Kazunori Kataoka 20:20 – 927. Synthesis of block copolymers containing pyridine moiety and their selfassembly. Nam-Goo Kang, Beom-Goo Kang, Jae-Suk Lee* 20:40 – 928. Chemical composition distribution in block copolymers. Chang Yeol Ryu* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Molecular-Based Ordered Materials Formed Through Self-Organization (#102) Organized by: T. Kato, M. Francis, D. Gin, X. Guo, H. Kikuchi, C. Nuckolls Presiding: C. Nuckolls, H. Kikuchi, D. Gin, M. Francis, X. Guo, T. Kato Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 929. Orientational control of the organic/inorganic hybrid materials through approaches inspired by biomineralization. Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato* 930. Appearance and electro-optical properties of blue phases using dual frequency liquid crystals. Gihwan Lim*, Hiroki Higuchi, Yasushi Okumura, Hirotsugu Kikuchi 931. UCST-type phase separation of polymers with pendant imidazolium salts in aqueous media and synthesis of double thermoresponsive block copolymers. Hayato Yoshimitsu*, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima 932. Enhancement of enantioselectivity of asymmetric hydrogenation of an enamide using molecular imprinting and BSA. Sean X. Liu*, Steven Bernard, Justine Lee Convention Center 325B NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) Organized by: T. Asakura, H. N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: H. Cheng 19:00 – 920. Solid state NMR methods for studying polymer dynamics. Hans W. Spiess* 19:40 – 921. Use of the pulsed-field-gradient method to study diffusion in polymer systems. Ernst D. von Meerwall* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 933. The (substituted methylene)-type side chain liquid-crystalline polymers: Part 1. Jun Mikami*, Nozomu Fujii, Kazuhiro Shikinaka, Masatoshi Tokita, Junji Watanabe, Kiyotaka Shigehara 934. Highly ordered structures in polymeric thin films prepared by vapor deposition polymerization. Takaya Ito*, Nozomi Yamamoto, Katsunori Inaishi, Taisuke Kumagai, Atsushi Kubono* 935. Mechanical stimuli-induced change in photoluminescent color of liquid crystals. Yoshimitsu Sagara, Takashi Kato* 936. The (substituted methylene)-type side chain liquid-crystalline polymers: Part 2. Jun Mikami*, Nozomu Fujii, Kazuhiro Shikinaka, Masatoshi Tokita, Junji Watanabe, Kiyotaka Shigehara 937. Immobilization of bio-molecule onto the self-assembled phospholipid layer fabricated by plasma-assisted method and its activity evaluation. Shin-ichi Kondo*, Takako Hiruma, Yasushi Sasai, Yukinori Yamauchi, Masayuki Kuzuya 938. One-pot synthesis of TiO2 hollow spheres via a ligand etching process. Quang-Duc Truong*, Makoto Kobayashi, Hideki Kato, Masato Kakihana 939. Magnetite synthesis by mimic peptides from the Mms6 protein of magnetotactic bacteria. Atsushi Arakaki, Tadashi Matsunaga* 940. Self-assembling processes and sol-gel transition of 12-hydroxystearic acid and 12-hydroxystearate solutions. Hiroyuki Takeno*, Akiko Maehara, Tomonori Hosoyama, Norimasa Nomura, Shingo Kondo 941. Fabrication of conjugated azomethine compounds on metal oxide surface. Hirotaka Yonai*, Hideyuki Murata 942. Influence of elastic constants of host liquid crystal upon blue phases. Mine Keita*, Hiroki Higuchi, Yasushi Okumura, Hirotsugu Kikuchi 943. Morphological and orientational control of transition metal hydroxides by using soluble polymers and organic matrices. Satoshi Kajiyama, Yuya Oaki, Tatsuya Nishimura, Takashi Kato* 944. Cyclo-dipeptides derivatives as ubiquitous gelling agent. Young-Hwan Jeong, Jung-A Kim, Woo-Dong Jang* 945. Mesoporous silica film with vertical alignment by assist of interactions between substrate surface and molecules. Mitsuo Hara, Shusaku Nagano, Takahiro Seki* 946. Hydrogen-bond-oriented diversification of self-assembled oligothiophene nanoarchitectures. Shiki Yagai, Marina Gushiken, Yoshihiro Kikkawa, Takashi Karatsu, Akihide Kitamura 947. Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of Brookite-type TiO2 thin film. Toru Sasaski*, Kazyhiro Yamamoto, Koji Tomita, Yasuyuki Miura, Makoto Kobayashi, Masato Kakihana 948. Synthesis and water-splitting activity of NaTaO3 photocatalyst using a hydrothermal method and a solvothermal method. Yuma Matsumoto*, Koji Tomita, Yoshika Sekine, Masato Kakihana 949. Hydrothermal growth of NaLa(WO4)2: Er3⫹/Yb3⫹ microcrystals with controlled-morphology and up-conversion luminescent properties. Takuro Kidokoro, Takaaki Taniguchi, Ken-ichi Katsumata, Kiyoshi Okada, Nobuhiro Matsushita, Katsuya Tsujiuchi, Kohei Soga, Koji Tomita 950. Preparation and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films using water-soluble titanium complexes. Yukiaki Ono, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Koji Tomita, Masato Kakihana, Munenori Sakai, Akira Nakajima, Akira Fujishima, Ken-ichi Katsumata, Nobuhiro Matsushita, Kiyoshi Okada 951. New class of low-molecular-weight gelators that can harden water, organic solvents, edible oil, and ionic liquids. Nami Minakuchi, Tatsuo Maruyama*, Kazuki Hoe, Yoshikage Ohmukai, Hideto Matsuyama* 952. Dependence of the initial growth on functional groups of substrate during organic vapor deposition. Masaaki Kino*, Kiyoshi Hagihara, Takaya Ito, Atsushi Kubono* 953. Ion-induced self-assemblies of discotic block codendrimers. Jin-Woo Choi*, Byoung-Ki Cho 954. Synthesis of fluorine-containing vinyl ether polymers by living cationic polymerization and their UCST-type phase separation behavior. Dai Fukami, Hiroaki Shimomoto, Takabumi Nagai, Ken-ichi Katsukawa, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima* 955. 1-D nanostructured materials consisting of noncovalently linked molecular chains build by ammonium hydroxycarboxylates. Yuki Konuma, Yusuke Yoshida, Akihiko Kanazawa* 956. Synthesis and properties of fluorinated binaphthyl chiral dopants. Kota Kakisaka*, Hiroki Higuchi, Yasushi Okumura, Hirotsugu Kikuchi 957. Diffusion behavior of polymers upon photopolymerization process in chiral nematic phases. Kim Hyojin*, Higuchi Hiroki, Okumura Yasushi, Higashiguchi Kenji, Kikuchi Hirotsugu 958. Two modes of asymmetric polymerization of phenylacetylenes having an L-amino alcohol residue. Jia Hongge*, Abe Yunosuki, Teraguchi Masahiro, Aoki Toshiki*, Kaneko Takashi, Ohishi Tomoyuki, Kakihana Yuriko 959. Structure and electro-optic response of liquid crystal blue phases and polymerstabilized blue phases. Hirotsugu Kikuchi*, Hiroki Higuchi 960. Ion-conductive polymer films with 3-D ion nanochannels formed by liquid-crystalline ammonium salts. Takahiro Ichikawa, Masafumi Yoshio, Atsushi Hamasaki, Junko Kagimoto, Hiroyuki Ohno, Takashi Kato* 961. Chiral nematic phases induced by redox activite chiral dopants. Tomohiro Horinouchi*, Hiroki Higuchi, Yasushi Okumura, Takanori Suzuki, Hirotsugu Kikuchi 962. Discotic liquid crystals constructed by hierarchical self-assembly of rod-like diacetylene molecules. Tomoyo Shimogaki, Akikazu Matsumoto* 963. Hydrothermal synthesis of multineedle rutile and brookite type titanium dioxide nanostructures using novel water-soluble titanium complexes. Makoto Kobayashi, Koji Tomita, Valery Petrykin, Masato Kakihana 964. Charge-transfer complex formation of linear-shaped molecules having intramolecular electron-donor-acceptor interaction. Hiroki Higuchi*, Yoko Tanaka, Hirotsugu Kikuchi 965. Ion conducting nanomaterials selfformed by aliphatic amine hydrochlorides showing a columnar liquid-crystalline property. Nobuaki Takahashi, Yuki Konuma, Koki Saito, Akihiko Kanazawa* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Controlled/Living Radical Polymerization in Dispersed Systems (#160) Organized by: M. Okubo, M. Cunningham, J. Schork, P. Zetterlund Presiding: P. Zetterlund, M. Cunningham Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 966. Preparation of polymer particles with encapsulated hexadecane as heat storage materials by microsuspension ATRP in aqueous dispersed system. Toyoko Suzuki, Tsugumi Mizowaki, Masayoshi Okubo* 967. Nanoparticle synthesis by nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization of CO2-expanded monomer. Da Wei Pu, Frank P. Lucien, Per B. Zetterlund* 968. Compartmentalization in nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization of butyl acrylate in dispersed systems. Per B. Zetterlund* 969. Confined space effect in nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization of n-butyl acrylate in microemulsion. Seita Tomoeda, Junpei Wakamatsu, Per B. Zetterlund, Masayoshi Okubo* 970. Effect of stirring rate on emulsifier-free, organotellurium-mediated living radical emulsion polymerization of styrene. Hirotaka Moribe, Yukiya Kitayama, Masayoshi Okubo* 971. Preparation of cross-linked polymer particles with encapsulated liquid crystal by microsuspension polymerization utilizing the SaPSeP method. Naoko Takenokuma, Toyoko Suzuki, Masayoshi Okubo* 972. Preparation of high solids content emulsion by emulsifier-free, organotelluriummediated living radical emulsion polymerization. Yukiya Kitayama, Shogo Sasaki, Hideto Minami, Masayoshi Okubo* 973. Withdrawn 974. Preparation of novel polymer particles as photolatent multifunctional amines and their application to UV-curing materials. Yuka Kunisawa, Koji Arimitsu*, Yasuyuki Yamada, Takeshi Wakiya Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Amphiphilic Polymers: Fundamentals and Applications (#231) Organized by: T. Sato, K. Akiyoshi, C. McCormick, F. Winnik Presiding: T. Sato Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 975. Helix-coil transition and association behavior of hydrophobically-modified water-soluble polypeptides. Katsuhiro Inomata* 976. Normally oriented cylindrical nanostructures with high aspect ratios in amphiphilic PEO-LC diblock copolymers films. Sadayuki Asaoka*, Takayuki Uekusa, Hitomi Tokimori, Motonori Komura, Takeshi Yamada, Hirohisa Yoshida, Tomokazu Iyoda 977. Photoresponsive association behavior of leuco dye-containing polyanion. Shouta Kousaka, Shin-ichi Yusa, Morishima Yotaro 978. Temperature-responsiveness of amphiphilic block copolymer micelle containing poly(n-octadecyl acrylate). Yusuke Akino*, Hiroyasu Masunaga, Hiroki Ogawa, Isamu Akiba, Kazuo Sakurai 979. Phase transition dynamics of thermoresponsive polymers in aqueous solutions as revealed by a laser T-jump technique. Kanae Kikuchi*, Noboru Kitamura, Hiroaki Simomoto, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima, Yasuyuki Tsuboi 980. Thermally induced morphology change of thermoresponsive block copolymer micelles in aqueous solution. Kohei Tanaka, Takahiro Sato*, Shin-ichi Yusa 981. Acid labile self-assembled nanogel by hydrophobized polysaccharide for drug carrier. Nobuyuki Morimoto, Sayaka Hirano, Haruko Takahashi, David H. Thompson*, Kazunari Akiyoshi* 982. Nanogel formation of vitamin B6-bearing pullulan cross-linked with water soluble proteins. Yoshihiro Sasaki, Yuji Tsuchido, Kazunari Akiyoshi* 983. Synthesis of biocompatible and thermo-responsive polymer micelles cross-linked by gold nano particle. Fumi Goto, Yusa Shin-ichi, Morishima Yotaro, Ishihara Kazuhiko 984. Tacticity effect on the intra- and intermolecular interaction of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate). Misato Yamamoto 985. Synthesis of specialty polyethylene by a titanium-poss-ethylaluminum sesquichloride based catalysts system. Akshay M. Mehta, Gopal L. Tembe, Parimal A. Parikh, Girish N. Mehta 986. Aggregation of surfactant with virus-like particle. Megumi Sakou, Takayoshi Kawahara, Takemasa Sakaguchi, Isamu Akiba* 987. Effect of surfactant concentrations on rheological properties of HEC. Jun Ye, Yang-ming Chen, Mei-Jun Chen, Jian Xiong* 988. Sol-gel transition and microstructure of PLA-PEG amphiphilic copolymer aqueous solutions. Yeon Hung Oh, Hye-Jin Jeon, Le Lam Ngo, Hyun Hoon Song 989. Nano-encapsulation of lipase with amphiphilic polysaccharide nanogel. Shin-ichi Sawada, Setsuko Yamane, Kazunari Akiyoshi 990. Dependence of drying induced crack patterns on ionic groups in partially neutralized poly(styrene-ran-methacrylic acid) ionomers. Jeong-A Yu*, Kwang-Hwan Ko, Joon-Seop Kim 991. CpG DNA delivery by cationic amphiphilic polysaccharide nanogels. Junichi Yasuoka, Sayaka Toita, Shin-ichi Sawada, Kazunari Akiyoshi* 992. Regiospecific accumlation of porphyrins at the normally oriented cylindrical microphase segregation interface in the liquid crystalline amphiphilic block copolymer film. Masashi Aotani, Motonori Komura, Tomokazu Iyoda, Sadayuki Asaoka* 993. Molecular mobility of cellulose chains affected by interactions of entanglement points in solution. Ayaka Maeda*, Daisuke Tatsumi 994. Micellar structure of amphiphilic statistical and alternating copolymers in aqueous solution. Takahiro Sato*, Motoki Ueda, Mari Mizuse, Akihito Hashizdume Convention Center 323C Frontiers of Precisely Controlled Polymer Synthesis: Fine Control of Polymerization Reaction and Impact on Advanced Material Designs (#257) Organized by: T. Kitayama, S. Aoshima, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad, J. Puskas Presiding: T. Kitayama, J. Puskus 19:00 – 995. Green polymer chemistry: Precision synthesis of novel dendrimers using enzyme catalysis. Judit E. Puskas, Kwang Su Seo, Chrys Wesdemiotis, Madalis Casiano 19:30 – 996. Orthogonal approaches to dendrimer synthesis. Maxwell J. Robb*, Per Antoni, Luis M. Campos, Maria I. Montanez, Michael Malkoch, Eva Malmstrom, Craig J. Hawker 19:50 – 997. Synthesis of multicyclic polymers. Takuya Yamamoto*, Naoto Sugai, Hiroyuki Heguri, Yasuyuki Tezuka* 20:10 – 998. Synthesis of novel polymers containing adamantyl skeletons. Takashi Ishizone* 20:40 – 999. Block copolymer approach to architectural polymers. Guojun Liu*, Gabriel Njikang, Jiwen Hu, Hongjing Dou * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–109 03-MACR Sunday Morning Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Macromolecular General Posters Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 Polyacrylamides 1000. Solution behavior of N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers: Effect of copolymer structure. Yukihiko Inoue*, Koji Hoshino, Kazufumi Ashizawa, Noritaka Ohtani 1001. Effect of composition on phase transition of aqueous solution of syndiotactic N-alkylacrylamide copolymer. Hiroaki Yamamoto, Tomohiro Hirano*, Koichi Ute 1002. Low temperature radical polymerization of N-alkyl-␣-fluoroacrylamides. Takahiro Furutani, Hiroaki Yamamoto, Tomohiro Hirano, Koichi Ute 1003. Stereocontrol of radical polymerization of N-methyl-N-(2-pyridyl)acrylamide utilizing conformational switching. Akihiro Morikami, Tomohiro Hirano*, Koichi Ute 1004. Asymmetric radical cyclopolymerization of N-allyl-N-tert-butylacrylamide in the presence of tartrates. Miki Shinomiya, Akihiro Morikami, Tomohiro Hirano, Koichi Ute 1005. Synthesis and application of poly(vinyl alcohol) having TEMPO unit in their pentant groups. Rikiya Sato, Yasuhiro Kiryu, Yasuhiro Ikeda, Yosuke Tokiwa, Shiomi Tazaki 1006. Living anionic polymerization of 2-(2(4-vinylphenyl)ethynyl)pyridine). Beom-Goo Kang*, Nam-Goo Kang, Jae-Suk Lee 1007. Living anionic polymerizations of styrene derivatives para-substituted with triphenylamine moieties. Beom-Goo Kang*, Nam-Goo Kang, Jae-Suk Lee 1008. Double covalent domino effect in poly(n-hexyl isocyanate). Priyank Shah*, Beom-Goo Kang, Jae-Suk Lee 1009. Pd(0)-catalyzed polycondensation of aryl-substituted propargylic carbonates and nucleophiles. Noriyuki Nishioka, Toshio Koizumi 1010. Comparison of diverse oxy anionic initiators for anionic polymerization of n-hexyl isocyanate. Joon-Keun Min*, Priyank N Shah, Da-Young Kim, Jae-Suk Lee 1011. Effects of polar compounds on the monomer reactivity ratio and stereoregularity in radical copolymerization of (meth)acrylates. Seiko Asakawa, Norihito Koga, Hikaru Momose, Tomohiro Hirano, Koichi Ute* 1012. Creation and evaluation of new deoxygenation system. Rikiya Sato, Yusuke Mori 1013. Thin polymer films prepared by interfacial click reaction. Shuhei Kai, Md. Ashaduzzaman, Masashi Kunitake* Engineering and bio materials 1014. Effect of ion-exchange capacity (IEC) on the proton conductivity of perfluorosulfonic ionomers (PFSI). Xiaoyan Luo, Timothy J. Peckham, Zhi qing Shi, Yongming Zhang, Steven Holdcroft* 1015. Synthesis of organosoluble polyimides and their functionalization: Incorporation of triphenylamine units into the polymer main and/or side chain. Yasuo Saegusa*, Hideo Takazawa 1016. Sulfonated polybenzimidazoles as proton exchange membranes and acidbase cross-linkers. Kristen J. Soo, Owen D. Thomas, Timothy J. Peckham, Uma Thanganathan, Yunsong Yang, Steven Holdcroft* 1017. Crosslinkable sulfonated poly(arylene ether)s containing PFCB. Myung-Hwan Jeong*, Kwan-Soo Lee, Young-Jea Kim, Da-Young Kim, Un Ko, Jae-Suk Lee 110 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1018. High-performance poly(biphenylene oxide)s containing trifluoromethyl groups via nitro displacement reaction. Sun Dal Kim, Du Youn Ga, Sang Youl Kim*, Im Sik Chung* 1019. Development of photosensitive polycarbonates with adamantane structures based on negative-tone reaction development patterning. Sohei Yasuda, Akio Takahashi, Toshiyuki Oyama*, Shinobu Yamao 1020. Improvement in dyeability of a paraaramid fiber by electron beam graft polymerization. Norie Kitagawa*, Kazumasa Hirogaki, Isao Tabata, Kenji Hisada, Teruo Hori 1021. Study on polybenzoxazine modified with epoxy resin. Mika Kagawa*, Toshio Oyama, Akio Takahashi 1022. Study on the effect of high pressure hydrogen on the higher order structure of rubber materials by FT-IR spectroscopy. Yuzo Itoh*, Ryota Satoh, Tadatomo Kawai, Hirotada Fujiwara, Junichiro Yamabe, Shin Nishimura 1023. Facile preparation of hybrid polymer hydrogels using inorganic nanoparticles as multifunctional crosslinking points. Makoto Takafuji, Shin-ya Yamada, Hirotaka Ihara* 1024. Remote substituent effect on the thermolysis of Meldrum’s moiety in polymer matrix. Seungyun Lee, Frank Leibfarth, Hyeyeon Park, Craig Hawker, Bongjin Moon* 1025. Formation mechanism of silk fibroin 3D porous material by freeze-thaw process of fibroin-solvent mixture and controlling the pore size. Yasushi Tamada*, Tsunenori Kameda, Yoshiyuki Toshima Stimuli response 1026. Thermal- and pH- responsive polymers with elastin-like polypeptides containing an acidic amino acid. Aiko Yamazaki, Yasumasa Fukushima* 1027. Thermal- and pH- responsive polymers with elastin-like polypeptides containing basic amino acids. Shintaro Shoji, Yasumasa Fukushima* 1028. Thermal-responsive polymers with collagen-like polypeptides. Shohei Iida, Yasumasa Fukushima* 1029. pH- Responsive copolymers with alternating amphiphilic polypeptides to form a well-ordered sheet structure. Takuya Fuse, Yasumasa Fukushima* 1030. Optical properties of a conjugated polyelectrolyte complexed with various biopolymers in aqueous solution. Yasuko Nakamura, Ryoko Kanenaga, Han Y. Woo, Ken Terao, Takahiro Sato Active polymer materials 1031. Donor/acceptor polythiophene block copolymers containing perylene. Takayoshi Uno, Yasumasa Fukushima* 1032. Donor/acceptor polyfluorene block copolymers. Yoko Yamaguchi, Yasumasa Fukushima* 1033. Designed synthesis of functional materials by palladium-catalyzed coupling polymerization of thiophene derivatives and aryl dihalides using C-H bonds as polymerizable functions. Shoichi Kawamitsu, Ikuyoshi Tomita 1034. Synthesis and characterization terthiophene derivatives for solution processed otft. So Hee Kang, Dong Hee Lee, Hyuon Hui Kang, Moon Seong Kang, Dae Sung Chung, Chan Eon Park, Soon-Ki Kwon, Yun-Hi Kim* 1035. Synthesis of substituted polyacetylenes with terphenyl moieties in the side chain. Hideaki Sasaki 1036. Polyacetylene induced one-handed helix by rotaxane molecular chirality in the side chain. Fumitaka Ishiwari, Yasuhito Koyama, Kazuko Nakazono, Toshikazu Takata* 1037. Coupling process between solid-liquid extraction and photocatalytic degradation in wastewater treatment. Caroline Felix*, Florent Perret*, Nathalie Pérol, Chantal Guillard Convention Center 307AB Starch 1038. Structural characterization of cyclic amylose in solution. Yoshiaki Yuguchi, Makoto Takemasa, Shinichi Kitamura 1039. Novel ternary super engineering plastic alloy: Poly(phenylene sulfide)/poly(ethylene-co-glycidyl methacrylate)/poly(phenyl sulfone). Saori Nara, Hideko T. Oyama*, Motonobu Furuta, Shigenari Shida 1040. Molecular structure of amylose allomorphs: Some recent advances. Jean-Luc Putaux, Nicole Montesanti, Dmitri Popov, Christian Riekel, Gabrielle Véronèse, Alain Buléon, Mateus Cardoso, Morgane Morin, Yoshiharu Nishiyama, Karim Mazeau, Henri Chanzy 1041. Glycodendrimers prepared by in vitro enzymatic extension of glycogen surface chains. Jean-Luc Putaux, Gabrielle Véronèse, Alain Buléon Organized by: T. Lodge, J. Bang, C. Han, M. Hillmyer, Y. Matsushita Presiding: C. Han Characterizations 1042. Characterization of hyperbranched copolymer by means of multivariate analysis of 13C NMR spectra. Ryota Kamiike, Hikaru Momose, Tomohiro Hirano*, Koichi Ute 1043. Structure and properties of uniaxially stretched poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA)/ poly(aspartic acid-co-L-lactide) (PAL) blend films. Sakiko Hirai*, Hideko T. Oyama, Hitoshi Onishi 1044. Analysis on molecular orientation in the nematic ordered cellulose film with a combined method of vapor-phase deuteration and polarized FTIR. Yukako Hishikawa*, Eiji Togawa, Tetsuo Kondo Convention Center 325B NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) Organized by: T. Asakura, H. N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: H. Spiess 7:30 – 1045. Dynamics of disordered structure of pi-conjugated polymers investigated by solid-state NMR. Naoki Asakawa*, Yoshio Inoue, Takakazu Yamamoto, Koji Yazawa* 8:00 – 1046. Polymer plasticizer interactions by deuterium NMR. Frank D. Blum, Boonta Hetayothin, Rakesh R. Nambiar 8:30 – 1047. Polymers under mechanical stress: An NMR investigation. Ute Böhme, Bo Xu, Johannes Leisen, Haskell W. Beckham, Ulrich Scheler* 9:00 – 1048. Pulsed field gradient diffusion NMR and morphology in magnetically aligned bicelles. Peter M. Macdonald* 9:30 – 1049. Analysis of molecular motion of rubbers under the fast MAS. Atsushi Asano*, Shunsuke Hori, Masashi Kitamura, Chikako Tanaka, Takuzo Kurotsu 10:00 – 1050. Role of stereochemistry in diffusion of polypropylene: Comparison of dynamic Monte-Carlo simulation and NMR experiment. Ernst D. von Meerwall*, Numan Waheed, Wayne Mattice 10:30 – 1051. Molecular mobility and phase composition in polyolefins: From fundamentals to applied research. Victor Litvinov* 11:00 – 1052. NMR observations of polymer chain dynamics in bulk melts and in nanoscopic confinement. Kay Saalwachter*, Fabian Vaca Chavez, Cornelius Franz, Salim Ok, Martin Steinhart Functional Block Copolymer Assemblies (#57) 7:30 – 1053. Design/synthesis of stimuli-responsive block copolymers for various biomedical application. DooSung Lee, GuangHui Gao 8:00 – 1054. Peptide-based block copolymers for biomedicine. Timothy Deming 8:30 – 1055. Monodisperse multifunctional polymers for targeted therapeutics. Sang-Min Lee, DeeDee Smith, Archana Krovi, Thomas V. O’Halloran*, SonBinh T. Nguyen* 8:50 – 1056. Drug incorporation into an amphiphilic polymer micelle explored with synchrotron SAXS. Isamu Akiba*, Satoshi Hashida, Hiroyasu Masunaga, Hiroki Ogawa, Naoto Yagi, Kouichi Shiraishi, Masayuki Yokoyama, Kazuo Sakurai 9:10 – 1057. Doubly responsive block copolymer micelles in water. Bin Zhao* 9:30 – 1058. Self-assembly of amino acid derived block copolymers. Zhibo Li* 10:00 – 1059. Gelable block copolymers for shaped polymeric nanoobjects. Yongming Chen* 10:30 – 1060. Micelles of ABC triblock copolymers under special solvation conditions. Guojun Liu*, John Dupont, Hongjing Dou, Gabriel Njikang, Jiwen Hu, Liangzhi Hong 10:50 – 1061. Alternating polymer vesicles. Stephen Fenimore, Ludmila Abezgauz, Chia-Chi Ho, Dganit Danino, Carlos Co* 11:10 – 1062. Surface functionalization of polymer vesicles with dendritic ligands. Elizabeth R. Gillies*, Colin V. Bonduelle, Ali Nazemi, Bo Li, Ryan Amos Convention Center 323A Radical Polymerization Kinetics and Mechanisms (#219) Organized by: G. Russell, A. Goto, R. Hutchinson, G. Moad, P. Zetterlund Presiding: M. Buback, R. Hutchinson 7:30 – 1063. Perspectives on radical polymerization kinetics. Gregory T. Russell* 7:50 – 1064. Notes on kinetics of conventional and controlled/living radical polymerizations. Takeshi Fukuda* 8:30 – 1065. Mass spectrometry as a mechanistic tool: From photo-initiation to unravelling the complexities of acrylate free radical polymerization. Christopher Barner-Kowollik*, Thomas Junkers, Anna-Marie Zorn, Dominik Voll, Sandy P. Koo 9:10 – 1066. Emulsion polymerization using CO2 switchable surfactants: Stabilization and aggregation of polymer latexes. Candace Fowler, Philip G. Jessop*, Michael F. Cunningham* 9:30 – 1067. Competition between degradation and grafting of xyloglucan during emulsion polymerisation. Peter Lovell*, Amilcar Pillay Narrainen * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 10:10 – 1068. Free radical miniemulsion polymerization reactions observed by timeresolved Xe-129 NMR. Mathis Duewel*, Nicolas Vogel, Clemens Weiss, Katharina Landfester, Hans W. Spiess, Kerstin Muennemann 10:30 – 1069. Synthesis and self-assembly of pH-sensitive amphiphilic gradient copolymer containing fluorine. Yanjun Chen*, Wen Luo 10:50 – 1070. Nitroxide mediated polymerization parameters adjustment using acid-base equilibria in alkoxyamines of imidazoline series with multiple ionizable groups. Elena G. Bagryanskaya, Maria Edeleva, Igor Kirilyuk 11:10 – 1071. Role of diradical intermediates in the thermal ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of hydrocarbon-bridged [2]metallocenophanes. Joe B. Gilroy, David E. Herbert, Anne Staubitz, Andrew J. Stonor, Laurent Chabanne, Mairi F. Haddow, Ian Manners* Convention Center 322AB Frontiers of Precisely Controlled Polymer Synthesis: Fine Control of Polymerization Reaction and Impact on Advanced Material Designs (#257) Organized by: T. Kitayama, S. Aoshima, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad, J. Puskas Presiding: M. Kamigaito, J. Lee, S. Aoshima, T. Nakano 7:30 – 1072. Synthesis and characterization of novel glycosurfaces by surface-initiated polymerization. Anca Mateescu, Jianding Ye, Ravin Narain, Maria Vamvakaki* 8:00 – 1073. Controlling macromolecular architecture by atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Krzysztof Matyjaszewski* 8:30 – 1074. Development of telechelic polyacrylate by atom transfer radical polymerization. Yoshiki Nakagawa* 9:00 – 1075. Synthesis of architectural polymers by using chain-functionalized diblock copolymer anion(s). Akira Hirao* 9:30 – 1076. Stereoblock and triblock (co)polymers of (meth)acrylates. Takehiro Kitaura*, Tatsuki Kitayama 9:50 – 1077. Multibranched polymers of various branched architectures by living anionic polymerization. Hideki Nishimura, Ippei Mori, Ryota Uemura, Kaoru Adachi, Yasuhisa Tsukahara* 10:10 – 1078. Chemoselective and cyclization polymerization of di(meth)acrylate monomers. Tatsuki Kitayama, Takehiro Kitaura 10:30 – 1079. Synthesis and photoinduced structural transition of single-handed helical, optically active polyacrylates. Tamaki Nakano*, Takeshi Sakamoto, Shin-ichiro Sato 11:00 – 1080. Living anionic polymerization of isocyanate and their chirality study. Priyank Shah, Joon-Keun Min, Jae-Suk Lee* Convention Center 321B Molecular-Based Ordered Materials Formed Through Self-Organization (#102) Organized by: T. Kato, M. Francis, D. Gin, X. Guo, H. Kikuchi, C. Nuckolls Presiding: C. Nuckolls, D. Gin, X. Guo, T. Kato 7:45 – 1081. Organic light-emitting devices using single crystals. Hajime Nakanotani, Yuto Kakizoe, Chihaya Adachi* 8:10 – 1082. Molecular electronic devices with point contacts formed from sp2 carbon nanomaterials. Xuefeng Guo* 8:30 – 1083. Nanographenes and their assemblies. Klaus Müllen* 8:55 – 1084. Preparation, structures, and physical properties of tetrakis(alkylchalcogeno)tetrachalcogenafulvalene. Gunzi Saito*, Yukihiro Yoshida, Hideki Yamochi, Takehiko Mori, Hiroo Inokuchi 9:15 – 1085. Charge transport in bicontinuous cubic and related smectic phases. Jean-Moïse Suisse, Hiroyuki Mori, Hirosato Monobe, Shoich Kutsumizu*, Yo Shimizu* 9:35 – 1086. Site-selective immobilization of colloids on Au substrates via a noncovalent supramolecular “handcuff”. Oren Scherman* 9:55 – 1087. Photovoltaic coaxial nanotubes with molecular graphene/fullerene heterojunction. Yohei Yamamoto*, Guanxin Zhang, Wusong Jin, Takanori Fukushima, Akinori Saeki, Shu Seki, Takuzo Aida 10:15 – 1088. Reversible mechanochromic luminescent difluoroboron -diketonates. Guoqing Zhang, Jiwei Lu, Tiandong Liu, Michal Sabat, Cassandra L. Fraser 10:40 – 1089. Self-organization of fully conjugated macrocycles: Synthesis and functional properties. Masahiko Iyoda* 11:05 – 1090. Segregated graphenes: From controlled growth to photocatalytic tailoring toward electronic devices. Liu Zhongfan* Convention Center 328 Separation and Characterization of Synthetic and/or Biological Macromolecules: The Principles, Practices and Applications (#179) Organized by: Y. Wang, T. Chang, S. Kinugasa Presiding: Y. Wang 7:50 – 1091. Flow field-flow fractionation of biomolecules for proteomics research. Myeong Hee Moon* 8:20 – 1092. Open-column separation techniques in characterization of the proteinnanoparticle complexes. Wenwan Zhong*, Ni Li, Samantha Sachermeyer, Jonathan Ashby, Shang Zeng 8:50 – 1093. Free solution electrophoresis of DNA: How can we make it work? Gary W. Slater* 9:20 – 1094. Rapid electrophoretic DNA separations using surfactant systems. James W. Schneider* 9:50 – 1095. Continuous and rapid separation of soft matters using microfluidic systems. Minoru Seki*, Masumi Yamada 10:20 – 1096. Surface plasmon resonance imaging of microdotted proteins. Yi Chen* 10:50 – 1097. Solvent-dependent global and helical conformation of amylose tris(3,5dimethylphenylcarbamate) and amylose tris(phenylcarbamate) in solution. Ken Terao*, Maiko Tsuda, Yasuko Nakamura, Yusuke Kita, Shinichi Kitamura, Takahiro Sato 11:10 – 1098. Dilute solution properties of schizophyllan/polynucleotide complexes explored with GPC/MALS and synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering. Kazuo Sakurai*, Tubasa Matuzaki Convention Center 323B Biomimetic Engineering of Hierarchically Structured Polymer Materials (#126) Organized by: M. Shimomura, T. Iyoda, D. Pochan, M. Winnik Presiding: M. Shimomura 8:10 – 1099. ABC triblock copolymer helices from solution assembly. Hongjing Dou, Guojun Liu*, John Dupont, Liangzhi Hong, Ken-ichi Niihara, Ryuhei Kimoto, Hiroshi Jinnai 8:40 – 1100. Recognition of oligopeptides in water by molecularly imprinted cyclodextrin polymers. Jun Sumaoka*, Makoto Komiyama* 9:10 – 1101. High resolution imaging of the hierarchical structure of indomethacin carrying dendrimers by scanning tunneling microscopy. Shawn L. Riechers, Christopher J. Fleming*, Nai-Ning Yin, Gabriel Chu, Gang-yu Liu 9:40 – 1102. Withdrawn 10:10 – 1103. Large-area, lightweight and thick biomimetic composites with superior material properties via fast, economic and green pathways. Olli T. Ikkala*, Andreas Walther, Ingela Bjurhager, Jani-Markus Malho, Jaakko Pere, Janne Ruokolainen, Lars Berglund 10:40 – 1104. Preparation of patterned-honeycomb films by photo-crosslinking of poly (1,2-butadiene). Yuki Nakamichi, Yuji Hirai, Hiroshi Yabu, Masatsugu Shimomura Convention Center 327 Nano Structure and Function of OrganicInorganic Hybrid Polymers (#152) Organized by: K. Matsukawa, C.S. Ha, F. Jaekle, K. Naka, I. Tomita Presiding: K. Naka 8:30 – 1105. Synthesis of ladder oligo- and polymethylsilsesquioxanes from silafunctional cyclotetrasiloxanes. Hiroyasu Seki, Takahiro Gunji, Yoshimoto Abe, Noritaka Abe 8:45 – 1106. From polyoxometalate-polymer hybrid polymers to polyanion-polymer hybrid amphiphiles: Synthesis, hierarchical self-assembly, and proton nanochannel constitution. Wei Wang*, Yaokun Han*, Yu Xiao, Zijian Zhang, Wei Yu, Minbiao Hu, Ping Zheng 9:00 – 1107. Emission property of trivalent europium embedded in silsesquioxanes. Seiji Watase*, Kazuya Ito, Shota Kitagawa, Yasuchika Hasegawa, Noboru Nishioka, Kimihiro Matsukawa 9:15 – 1108. Block copolymer based multifunctional hybrid nanostructures for applications in green nanotechnology and biosensing. Dong Ha Kim*, Yoon Hee Jang, Yu Jin Jang, Min-Ah Cha, Ji Yong Lee, Jieun Lee 9:30 – 1109. Optically and electrically active periodic mesoporous organosilicas. Shinji Inagaki* 9:50 – 1110. Synthesis, properties and potential applications of phosphine-containing macromolecules. Derek P. Gates* 10:10 – 1111. Formation of hybrid materials by the reactions of Si- alternate polymers with inorganic oxides. Joji Ohshita* 10:30 – 1112. Hybrid materials from block copolymer-metal complexes. Robert B. Grubbs* 10:50 – 1113. Oligosilanes wrapped with amylose. Takanobu Sanji* 11:10 – 1114. Hybrid polymers via regioselective catalytic grafting of organic or inorganic templates. Bhanu P. Chauhan* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Biodegradable and Biomass Plastics (#95) Organized by: H. Uyama, G.G. Chen, S.S. Im, T. Iwata, C. Nomura Presiding: H. Uyama 1117. Improving the monomer-supplying function of FabH for polyhydroxyalkanoate production through site-specific mutagenesis. Alexander P. Mueller*, Christopher T. Nomura 1118. Production and characterization of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate from biodieselderived glycerol by Burkholderia cepacia ATCC 17759. Chengjun Zhu*, Christopher T. Nomura, Joseph A. Perrotta, Arthur J. Stipanovic, James P. Nakas 1119. Structure, physical property and enzymatic degradation of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxbutyrate] films with uniaxial cold-drawing. Zhang JiaQi, Kusuya Kenichi, Ito Kazuki, Iwata Tadahisa 1120. Preparation, structure analysis and enzymatic degradation of poly [(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate] gel-films. Taizo Kabe*, Toshisa Tanaka, Kenichi Kasuya, Kazuki Ito, Akio Takemura, Tadahisa Iwata 1121. Studies of thin films of polymer blends by 2-D correlation spectroscopy. Soo Ryeon Ryu, Min Kyung Kim, Isao Noda, Young Mee Jung* 1122. -Oxidation inhibition of pentanoic acid for biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from W. eutropha. Risa Yamagishi, Takahiko Nakaoki*, Sadatsugu Kitamura, Daisuke Ishii 1123. Microbial production of lactate (LA)based polyesters with tailor-made monomer composition using engineered LApolymerizing enzymes. Miwa Yamada, Ken’ichiro Matsumoto, Takanori Nakai, Kotaro Shimizu, Shu Uramoto, Fumi Shozui, Seiichi Taguchi 1124. Fabrication of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) nanoporous material by phase separation. Takashi Fujimoto, Takashi Tsujimoto, Hiroshi Uyama 1125. Miscibility and mechanical properties of biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)/poly(caprolactone) blend. Kenji Katsumata*, Nobuo Nakamura, Yoshio Inoue 1126. Drug-impregnation in porous fibers of microbial poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co4-hydroxybutyrate] by one-step drawing method with small crystal nuclei. Chizuru Hongo, Hiroyuki Ichino, Toshihisa Tanaka, Kazuki Ito, Kentaro Uesugi, Akihisa Takeuchi, Yoshio Suzuki, Tadahisa Iwata* 1127. Analysis of high-strength biodegradable polyester poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] copolymer fibers by X-ray tomography and enzymatic degradation. Toshihisa Tanaka*, Kentaro Uesugi, Akihisa Takeuchi, Yoshio Suzuki, Tadahisa Iwata 1128. Atomic force microscopic study on mechanical properties of poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate], cellulose acetate and native cellulose single nanofibers. Shinichiro Iwamoto*, Masafumi Asano, Akira Isogai, Tadahisa Iwata 1129. Identification of the pathway for polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) production from unrelated carbon sources in Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Qin Wang 1130. Biosynthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate from amino acids by W. eutropha. Manato Sakamoto, Takahiko Nakaoki* Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 1115. “Facelift” of polyhydroxyalkanoate granules: Alteration in their numbers and sizes by altering the key polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase enzyme. Normi Mohd Yahaya*, Teh Boon Aun, Lim Gaik Ling, Tomohiro Hiraishi, Seiichi Taguchi, Yoshiharu Doi 1116. Establishment of a fatty acid biosynthesis-linked pathway to generate biodegradable polyesters. Ryan Tappel*, Christopher Nomura * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–111 03-MACR 1131. Mechanical properties of blend film of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hexanoate). Yushi Edagawa, Takahiko Nakaoki*, Kazuma Matsuura 1132. Copolymer composition of poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates) biosynthesized from fatty acid and glycerin by Pseudomonas putida. Takahiro Miura, Daisuke Ishii, Takahiko Nakaoki 1133. Fabrication of micro- and nanostructures on flexible biobased polymer films. Takamichi Shinohara, Shirahase Tomoko, Atsushi Takahara 1134. Synthesis of poly(lactide) based block copolymers: Molecular weight control. Ryo Watanabe*, Masahiro Yoshizawa-Fujita, Yuko Takeoka, Masahiro Rikukawa 1135. Synthesis and characterization of PLA-PDMS copolymers. Mizuho Nagata*, Yasuharu Yamada 1136. Nucleation enhancement effect in poly(L-lactide) (PLLA)/poly(-caprolactone) (PCL) blend induced by locally activated chain mobility resulting from limited miscibility. Koji Yazawa*, Fuji Sakai, Kenichi Nishikawa, Yoshio Inoue 1137. Synthesis of uniform oligomers of Dand L-mandelic acids and copolymers of mandelic acid and lactic acid. Yusuke Hemmi, Akonori Saito, Hikaru Momose, Tomohiro Hirano, Koichi Ute* 1138. Fabrication of polylactone/HAp composites by microwave irradiation. Saori Kadota*, Masahiro Yoshizawa-Fujita, Yuko Takeoka, Masahiro Rikukawa 1139. Preparation and characterization of PLLA/nanoparticle-HAp composite fibers. Kenta Kikuchi*, Masahiro Yoshizawa-Fujita, Yuko Takeoka, Masahiro Rikukawa 1140. Synthesis of branched poly(lactic acid) and its application to functional additives for biomass plastics. Yoshimi Haza*, Takashi Tsujimoto, Hiroshi Uyama 1141. Radiation-induced modification of biodegradable polymers. Jae-Hak Choi*, In-Seol Kuk, Chan-Hee Jung, In-Tae Hwang, Jung-Soo Lee, Young-Chang Nho 1142. Development of novel bio-based polymers using glyceric acid from raw glycerol. Tokuma Fukuoka*, Hiroshi Habe, Dai Kitamoto, Keiji Sakaki 1143. Preparation of liquid crystalline polyesters and cellulose derivatives from plant-derived phenolic compounds and cellulose. Daisuke Ishii*, Hiroshi Fukui, Mizuki Nakagawa, Hiroki Maeda, Kouhei Nose, Hisao Hayashi 1144. Development of new functional plant oil-based polymeric materials. Takashi Tsujimoto, Hiroshi Uyama 1145. Drug releasing properties of electrospun non-woven fabrics prepared from cellulose and chitosan. Kousaku Ohkawa*, Jun Araki 1146. Synthesis and properties of hyperbranched polymers containing amino acid moieties in the main chain. Toshiki Ohshiro, Hiroto Kudo, Tadatomi Nishikubo* 1147. Gelatin/poly (ethylene oxide) blend films with compositional gradient: Fabrication and characterization. Takashi Saito* 1148. Synthesis of AAB-sequence-regulated copolymers from naturally-occurring terpene by controlled radical copolymerization in fluoroalcohol. Masaru Matsuda, Kanji Nagai, Kotaro Satoh, Masami Kamigaito* 1149. Development of highly thermostable and functional polymers from naturallyoccurring aromatic amino acid. Kai Kan*, Tatsuo Kaneko 1150. Photomechanical phenomenon induced by cooperative photoreaction of continuous cinnamoyl structures. Katsuaki Yasaki*, Daisaku Kaneko, Koji Yazawa, Tatsuo Kaneko* 112–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1151. Degradable polyesters with low-temperature flow: Mechanism of pressure-induced phase miscibility. Ikuo Taniguchi*, Shingo Kazama, Anne M. Mayes 1152. Study of epoxy resin by lignin. Kaori Nakagawa, Oyama Toshiyuki, Akio Takahashi*, Yoshiaki Okabe, Hiroyuki Kagawa, Yoshitoshi Nakamura 1153. Some nylons are biodegraded by a thermophilic bacterium. Kosuke Tomita* 1154. Biodegradable protective clothing for a nuclear facility. Michael E. Cournoyer*, Cynthia L. Kowalczyk 1155. Biodegradation of polymers and polymeric composites. Ravi B. Srivastava* 1156. Advances in well-defined rosin-containing biodegradable polymers. Chuanbing Tang*, Kejian Yao, Jifu Wang, Perry Wilbon, Chunpeng Wang, Fuxiang Chu Sunday Afternoon Convention Center 325B NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) Organized by: T. Asakura, H. N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: P. Macdonald 12:30 – 1157. Structural characterization of polymeric materials by higher resolution and higher sensitivity solid-state NMR. Fumitaka Horii* 13:00 – 1158. D2O, silica, and zirconium phosphate in Nafion channels studied by NMR. Xueqian Kong, Klaus Schmidt-Rohr 13:30 – 1159. NMR rescaling revisited. Michael E. Ries*, Michael Brereton, Aman Bansal 14:00 – 1160. Self assembly and dynamics of synthetic polymers and polypeptides from NMR spectroscopy. Hans W. Spiess* 14:30 – 1161. Hierarchal dynamics of poly(butyl acrylate) measured by latex state NMR spectroscopy. Seiichi Kawahara*, Kazuya Watanabe, Yoshimasa Yamamoto, Keiichi Akabori 15:00 – 1162. Understanding transport and anisotropy in ionic polymers. Louis A. Madsen*, Jianbo Hou, Jing Li, Zhiyang Zhang, Kyle G. Wilmsmeyer 15:30 – 1163. Characterizing polysaccharides solutions, local motions and films with (solid-state) NMR. Carmina Gartner Vargas, Patrice Castignolles, Robert Graf, Hans W. Spiess, Michael J. Gidley, Marianne Gaborieau* 16:00 – 1164. Unraveling the mechanism of peroxide crosslinking of EPDM by use of advanced MAS 13C NMR combined with selective 13C labeling. Pieter Magusin* Convention Center 328 Separation and Characterization of Synthetic and/or Biological Macromolecules: The Principles, Practices and Applications (#179) Organized by: Y. Wang, T. Chang, S. Kinugasa Presiding: T. Chang 12:30 – 1165. Determination of polymer molar mass, composition, and architecture in a single analysis. S Kim R. Williams*, J. R. Runyon 13:00 – 1166. Anti-virus activity of polylysine dendrimer with sulfated oligosaccharides. Takashi Yoshida*, Shuqin Han, Taisei Kanamoto, Hideki Nakashima 13:20 – 1167. Asymmetric flow field flow fractionation of asymmetric particles and polymers. Erick Soto-Cantu, Yiying Yue, Rafael Cueto, Qinglin Wu, Paul S. Russo* 13:50 – 1168. Twirling and stretching of polymers in FFF. Yongmei Wang* 14:20 – 1169. Potential of asymmetrical flow field flow fractionation in the characterization of dendritic biopolymers. Albena Lederer*, Susanne Boye, Dietmar Appelhans 14:50 – 1170. Second virial coefficient of unperturbed semiflexible rings. Daichi Ida*, Daisuke Nakatomi, Takenao Yoshizaki 15:10 – 1171. Capillary electrophoresis of polyelectrolytes and polysaccharides copolymers. Patrice Castignolles*, Rozet S. Roi, Tina Kiefer, Claudia Skworzow, Sabine Fluegel, Manfred Schmidt 15:30 – 1172. Liquid chromatography under limiting conditions of enthalpic interactions: A novel tool for separation of complex polymer systems. Dusan Berek* Convention Center 323A Radical Polymerization Kinetics and Mechanisms (#219) Organized by: G. Russell, A. Goto, R. Hutchinson, G. Moad, P. Zetterlund Presiding: G. Russell, C. Barner-Kowollik 12:30 – 1173. Detailed studies into radical polymerization kinetics via SP-PLP-EPR. Michael Buback*, Johannes Barth 13:10 – 1174. Transfer to polymer and branching in the radical polymerization of acrylates. Patrice Castignolles*, Sandy Koo, Anatoly Nikitin, Thomas Junkers, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, Marianne Gaborieau 13:30 – 1175. Radical generators for polymer modification: A mechanistical study. Denis J. Bertin*, Sylvain R. Marque, Marie Leblanc, Yohann Guillaneuf 13:50 – 1176. Mechanism of hydrogentransfer reaction in nitroxide mediated polymerization of methacrylate derivatives. Yohann Guillaneuf, Mariya Edeleva, Elena Bagryanskaya*, Didier Gigmes, Sylvain Marque* 14:10 – 1177. Initiation of RAFT polymerization. Graeme Moad*, Yen K. Chong, Roger Mulder, Ezio Rizzardo, San H. Thang 14:30 – 1178. Synthesis and modifications of reactive block copolymers via RAFT polymerization. Gudrun Schmidt-Naake, Oliver I. Strube, Lars Nothdurft 14:50 – 1179. Modeling the propagation step in free-radical polymerization. Michelle L. Coote*, Zemma Holmes-Story, Junming Ho, Ching Y. Lin 15:30 – 1180. Nature of the Alfrey-Price Q and e parameters. Marvin Charton* 15:50 – 1181. Solvent effects on free-radical copolymerization propagation kinetics of hydroxy-functional methacrylates and acrylates. Kun Liang, Robin Hutchinson* 16:10 – 1182. Radical polymerization kinetics of cationic double-charged monomers in homogeneous phase. Ricardo Losada*, Hamideh Ahmadloo, Christine J. Wandrey 13:00 – 1184. Controlled anionic polymerization of styrenes and alkyl methacrylates using a flow microreactor system. Atsuo Miyazaki*, Aiichiro Nagaki, Yutaka Tomida, Jun-ichi Yoshida 13:20 – 1185. Metal oxides for green precision polymer synthesis: living cationic polymerization of vinyl ethers and other possibilities. Arihiro Kanazawa, Kotaro Satoh, Masami Kamigaito, Shokyoku Kanaoka, Sadahito Aoshima* 13:40 – 1186. Synthesis and characterization of mono-allyl-terminated polyvinylethers with pendant biocide moieties. Samim Alam*, Shane Stafslien, Justin Daniels, Lyndsi Vander Wal, Bret Chisholm 14:00 – 1187. Synthesis of novel fullerene polymer conjugates by living polymerization. Jin Motoyanagi, Ryo Miyabara, Masashi Suzuki, Masahiko Minoda* 14:20 – 1188. Well-defined multibranched polymers by base-assisting living cationic polymerization: selective synthesis of star and flower-shaped polymers of vinyl ethers. Shokyoku Kanaoka, Takahiro Tokuyama, Aya Yanagisawa, Yusuke Ueba, Sadahito Aoshima 14:40 – 1189. Synthesis and properties of poly(m-benzamide) architectures. Tsutomu Yokozawa*, Tomoyuki Ohishi, Akihiro Yokoyama 15:10 – 1190. Controlled syntheses of -conjugated polymers: Mechanistic studies and catalyst development. Anne J. McNeil* 15:30 – 1191. Externally initiated controlled synthesis of poly(3-hexylthiophene). Christine K. Luscombe*, Hugo Bronstein, Natalia Doubina, Shane D. Boyd, Michaelina Stoddard 15:50 – 1192. Highly efficient externally initiated living Kumada polycondensation: Controlled preparation of complex polythiophene architectures. Jinwoo Choi, Evgueni E. Nesterov* 16:10 – 1193. Photonic polymer matrices induced from cholesteric liquid crystals on polymers via multiple UV-induced polymerizations. Jui-Hsiang Liu*, Hao Fang, Jahromi M. J. Niknam, R. Balamurugan Convention Center 321B Molecular-Based Ordered Materials Formed Through Self-Organization (#102) Organized by: T. Kato, M. Francis, D. Gin, X. Guo, H. Kikuchi, C. Nuckolls Presiding: T. Kato, H. Kikuchi, D. Gin, M. Francis 12:50 – 1194. Supramolecular biomaterials: A modular approach to bioactivity. Bert Meijer* 13:15 – 1195. Supramolecular assmbly of functional materials for bioinspired applications. Woo-Dong Jang*, Chi-Hwa Lee, Jung-A Kim, Juho Kim 13:35 – 1196. Solvent responsive structurally colored balloons. Kenji Higashiguchi, Tomohiro Oda, Kenji Matsuda* 13:55 – 1197. Supramolecular approaches to stimuli-responsive materials. Stuart J. Rowan* Convention Center 322AB Frontiers of Precisely Controlled Polymer Synthesis: Fine Control of Polymerization Reaction and Impact on Advanced Material Designs (#257) Organized by: T. Kitayama, S. Aoshima, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad, J. Puskas Presiding: T. Kitayama, T. Yokozawa, S. Aoshima, J. Puskus 12:30 – 1183. Studies of living anionic polymerization of (meth)acrylates in the presence of di-phenoxy alkylaluminum. Kenichi Hamada*, Yoshihiro Morishita*, Toyoaki Kurihara, Axel H. Mueller * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR 14:20 – 1198. Synthesis and molecular-assembly of star-type nanomolecules based on noria. Yoko Nambu*, Toshiyuki Kataoka, Yoko Yoshitake, Hiroto Kudo, Takayuki Ikehara, Tadatomi Nishikubo 14:40 – 1199. Syntheses and self-assembly of conjugated perylenediimide oligomers of high electron affinity. Dahui Zhao*, Qifan Yan 15:00 – 1200. Assembly of ultralarge molecular weight polymers into ordered arrays. Ned B. Bowden, M. B. Runge, Jun Yoo 15:25 – 1201. Solvato-morphotic nanostructures from peptide-synthetic hybride block copolymers. Nobuyuki Higashi*, Masato Koike, Tomoyuki Koga 15:45 – 1202. 1-D assembly of silica nanospheres in liquid phase. Ayae Sugawara, Masashi Fukao, Takeshi Sakamoto, Atsushi Shimojima, Tatsuya Okubo* 16:05 – 1203. Chemically modified viral capsids as nanoscale agents for diagnostic imaging and drug delivery. Matthew Francis* Convention Center 323B 15:30 – 1215. Design of organoboron ion gels and their ion conductive properties. Noriyoshi Matsumi*, Keigo Aoi 15:45 – 1216. Synthesis and characterization of inorganic nanoshells using miniemulsion periphery polymerization. Xiaosong Wang* 16:00 – 1217. Metal nanoparticle/polymer hybrid particles: Formation of metal nanoparticles by UV-irradiation to the polymer surface. Toshiyuki Tamai*, Mitsuru Watanabe, Kimihiro Matsukawa 16:15 – 1218. Study of several variables on silica encapsulation by poly(n-butyl acrylate-co-methyl methacrylate) via emulsion polymerization. Andrés F. Vargas*, Eric S. Daniels, E. D. Sudol, Andrew Klein, Betty L. López Sunday Evening Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) Biomimetic Engineering of Hierarchically Structured Polymer Materials (#126) Organized by: T. Asakura, H. N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: A. Whittaker Organized by: M. Shimomura, T. Iyoda, D. Pochan, M. Winnik Presiding: M. Shimomura Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 13:00 – 1204. Supramolecular bioactive membranes and hydrogels formed by hierarchical assembly. Patricia Dankers*, Bert Meijer 13:30 – 1205. Preparation of polypyrrole fibers by electro polymerization and its application to biomimetic actuator. Takeshi Yamauchi*, Takeo Sato, Genki Endo, Norio Tsubokawa 14:00 – 1206. Precise honeycomb microarray has 3-D topographic effects on periodontal ligament cells. Nagayoshi Iwama, Hiroshi Ishihata, Hidetoshi Shimauchi, Masatsugu Shimomura* 14:30 – 1207. Selective introduction of Au nanoparticles into polymer particles with phase separation structures. Kazutaka Koike*, Takayuki Nakanishi, Kiwamu Motoyoshi, Takeshi Higuchi, Hiroshi Yabu, Masatsugu Shimomura Convention Center 327 Nano Structure and Function of OrganicInorganic Hybrid Polymers (#152) Organized by: K. Matsukawa, C.S. Ha, F. Jaekle, K. Naka, I. Tomita Presiding: F. Jaekle 13:00 – 1208. [RSiO1.5]8/10/12 3-D Nanobuilding blocks (NBs) for structural, photonic and electronic applications by Fcatalyzed rearrangements. Richard M. Laine 13:30 – 1209. Novel anti-corrosive organicinorganic hybrid coatings for the protection of metal against corrosion. Mijeong Han* 13:50 – 1210. Hybridization of single-walled carbon nanotube with novel metal nanoparticles. Moni Chauhan*, Esther Ahn, Chi Kwan Wong, Eunchul Kim, Tirandai Hemraj-Benny* 14:10 – 1211. Preparation of inorganic nanoparticles and their arrangement. Tetsu Yonezawa* 14:30 – 1212. In-situ preparation of poly(acrylic acid)/Ag nanocomposites. Soonho Lim*, Tae Ho Kim, Heesuk Kim 14:50 – 1213. Novel -conjugated polymers possessing versatile elements from regioregular organotitanium polymers. Ikuyoshi Tomita*, Hiroki Nishiyama 15:10 – 1214. Functional materials via boron modification of block copolymers. Chengzhong Cui, Fei Cheng, Frieder Jaekle 1219. Characterization of microbial poly (␥glutamic acid) and its polymer blends by solid-state NMR. Shiro Maeda*, Shingo Oumae, Hui Xiong 1220. Molecular dynamics of regioregular poly(3-alkylthiophene) investigated by NMR relaxation and an interpretation of temperature dependent optical absorption. Koji Yazawa*, Yoshio Inoue, Masataka Tansho, Tadashi Shimizu, Naoki Asakawa* 1221. Difference HRMAS NMR for exploring cell-wall polymer changes associated with mutations. William T. Winter, DeAnn Barnhart* 1222. 2-D NMR studies of isotopically-enriched native and recombinant elastin. Kosuke Ohgo, Walter P. Niemczura, Kristin K. Kumashiro* 1223. Solid-state NMR analysis of a molecular orientation in poly(9,9-di-n-octyl-2,7fluorene) thin films. Masashi Fukuchi*, Tatsuya Fukushima, Yurie Shimahara, Atsushi Goto, Hironori Kaji 1224. Bonding states of organic molecules modifying the surface of boron nitride probed by solid-state NMR. Hiroyuki Souma, Shigenobu Hayashi* 1225. Temperature dependence of molecular motion and orientation of natural rubber under the fast MAS. Masashi Kitamura, Atsushi Asano*, Chikako Tanaka, Takuzo Kurotsu 1226. Accessing quantitative degrees of functionalization on poly(divinyl benzene) microspheres via solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Marianne Gaborieau*, Leena Nebhani, Robert Graf, Leonie Barner, Christopher Barner-Kowollik 1227. Enhancement of peak separation and tetrad assignment in 1H and 13C NMR spectra of D/L co-poly(lactic acid). Koto Suganuma*, Hironori Matsuda, Tetsuo Aasakura 1228. NMR study of the magnetically oriented layered-structure of liquid-crystalline all-aromatic polyester with n-alkyl side chains. Toshihito Karakasa*, Risa Tsuji, Hiroaki Yoshimizu 1229. Characterization of methacrylate copolymers and terpolymers by diffusionordered NMR spectroscopy (DOSY) and multivariate analysis of NMR spectra. Tomoya Maeda, Tatsuya Naono, Hikaru Momose, Tomohiro Hirano, Koichi Ute* 1230. Structural characterization of silk-like materials containing polyglutamic acid sequence by 1H and 13C solution NMR. Aya Nagano, Sato Hirohiko, Nakazawa Yasumoto, Asakura Tetsuo* 1231. Characterization of carbon black-filled natural rubber vulcanizates by solid-state NMR spectroscopy equipped with field gradient-magic angle spinning probe. Oraphin Chaikumpollert*, Yoshimasa Yamamoto*, Seiichi Kawahara* 1232. Synthesis of high-silica and low-silica zeolite monoliths with trimodal pores. Yasuaki Tokudome, Kazuki Nakanishi, Sho Kosaka, Ayuta Kariya, Teiichi Hanada, Hironori Kaji* 1233. Dynamic structure of polyaniline/-cyclodextrin inclusion complex studied by 13 C solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Yuichi Hasegawa*, Yoshio Inoue, Tadashi Shimizu, Masataka Tansho, Koji Yazawa* 1234. Secondary structural analyses of amphiphilic peptides composed of two kinds of amino acid residues. Chikako Tanaka, Atsushi Asano, Takuzo Kurotsu 1235. Solid-state NMR analyses of spider dragline silks and S.c.ricini silk fibroin fibers, and polyalanine as a model peptide for the crystalline region. Shunsuke Kametani*, Yasumoto Nakazawa, Tetsuo Asakura 1236. 13C solid state NMR and molecular dynamics studies of the structural change of the model peptides for local structure of Nephila clavipes dragline silk (MaSp1) by stretching. Tatsuya Hayashi*, Makiko Ikenaga, Shizuo Yamazaki, Shunsuke Kametani, Akihiro Aoki, Tetsuo Asakura 1237. Production and NMR analysis of silklike proteins containing cell-adhesive sequences for bone scaffold. Kenta Miyazawa*, Ai Yoshida, Yu Suzuki, Tetsuo Asakura 1238. Lamellar structure of Bombyx mori silk fibroin model peptide, (Ala-Gly-Ser-GlyAla-Gly)5 studied using solid state NMR. Tatsuya Ogawa*, Yu Suzuki, Akihiro Aoki, David P. Knight, Tetsuo Asakura 1239. Generation of silk I structure of Bombyx mori silk fibroin in aqueous solution studied with NMR. Yuya Satoh, Yu Suzuki, Tetsuo Asakura 1240. Dependence of sorption amount of Xe on Xe-129 NMR chemical shift of Xe in polymers. Hiroaki Yoshimizu* 1241. Local order and packing arrangement in novel donor-acceptor copolymers from solid-state NMR. Michael Ryan Hansen, Pierre Beaujuge, Don Cho, Chad Amb, Hoi Nok Tsao, Wojciech Pisula, John R. Reynolds, Klaus Müllen 1242. Solid-state NMR analysis of local structures in electron transport materials for organic light emitting diodes. Tatsuya Fukushima*, Hironori Kaji Convention Center 321B Molecular-Based Ordered Materials Formed Through Self-Organization (#102) Organized by: T. Kato, M. Francis, D. Gin, X. Guo, H. Kikuchi, C. Nuckolls Presiding: T. Kato, H. Kikuchi, M. Francis, X. Guo 19:00 – 1243. Design of new reactive lyotropic liquid crystal networks and new thermotropic ionic liquid crystal platforms. Douglas Gin*, Robert Kerr, Evan Hatakeyama, Magdalene Reynolds, Andrew LaFrate 19:20 – 1244. Semiconducting lamellar structure of perylene bisimide dyes formed by complementary hydrogen bonding interactions. Tomohiro Seki, Shiki Yagai, Takashi Karatsu, Akihide Kitamura, Yukihiro Maruya, Ken-ichi Nakayama 19:40 – 1245. Thermochromic luminescent smectic liquid crystals. Shogo Yamane, Yoshimitsu Sagara, Takashi Kato* 20:00 – 1246. Controlled fabrication and optical properties of highly fluorescent 1D and semi-2D nanostructures of a dipolar organic molecular system. Ravi Kumar Kanaparthi, Anunay Samanta* 20:20 – 1247. Solvothermal synthesis of spherical particles of titanic acid using water-soluble titanium complex and their conversion to titanium dioxide with mesopores by subsequent heat treatment. Makoto Kobayashi, Hideki Kato, Masato Kakihana 20:40 – 1248. Liquid-crystalline side-chain polymers containing terthiophene-based mesogens with high carrier mobilities. Masahiro Funahashi, Aya Matsui, Takashi Kato* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Biomimetic Engineering of Hierarchically Structured Polymer Materials (#126) Organized by: M. Shimomura, T. Iyoda, D. Pochan, M. Winnik Presiding: M. Shimomura Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1249. Control of water repellency and adhesive properties of hydrophilic-hydrophobic hybrid structures in polymer surfaces. Akihito Takahashi, Daisuke Ishii*, Hiroshi Yabu, Masatsugu Shimomura* 1250. Preparation of metallic honeycomb films by photochromism of spiropyran and electroless plating. Takayuki Nakanishi*, Yuji Hirai, Miki Kojima, Hiroshi Yabu, Masatsugu Shimomura 1251. Withdrawn Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Nano Structure and Function of OrganicInorganic Hybrid Polymers (#152) Organized by: K. Matsukawa, C.S. Ha, F. Jaekle, K. Naka, I. Tomita Presiding: K. Matsukawa, I. Tomita Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1252. Hydrolysis behavior of the precursor for the bridged polysilsesquioxane [1, 4-Bis(triethixysilyl)benzene]. Hitomi Saito*, Yuki Nishio, Yoshiyuki Sugahara 1253. Correlation between properties and structures of epoxy-functionalized phenylsilsesquioxanes. Kazuhiro Yoshida*, Kazumi Hashimoto, Mitsukazu Ochi 1254. Synthesis of functionalized thermoresponsive polysilsesquioxane by use of mercapto group. Fukutaro Minami, Shin-ichi Yamamoto, Osamu Moriya* 1255. Synthesis of thermoresponsive organic-inorganic hybrid polymer containing silsesquioxane structure by click chemistry. Shin-ichi Yamamoto*, Fukutarou Minami, Osamu Moriya 1256. Ring-opening polymerization for synthesis of grafted polysilsesquioxane. Osamu Moriya*, Shin-ichi Yamamoto, Yorihisa Tanaka, Mikihiro Kashio, Toshio Sugizaki 1257. Syntheses and properties of polysiloxanes with cage-silsesquioxanes in the main chain. Takahiro Shioda, Yoshimoto Abe, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–113 03-MACR 1258. Synthesis and properties of alkoxy silsesquioxanes by the dehydrogenative condensation. Yusuke Sekiguchi, Takahiro Gunji, Noritaka Abe*, Yoshimoto Abe 1259. Synthesis and properties of polymethylsilsesquioxane/polymethoxysiloxane block copolymers. Hironori Kaburaki, Yoshimoto Abe, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe 1260. Synthesis and characterization of alkoxysilane that has arylsulfonic acid ester. Kazuki Yamamoto, Yoshimoto Abe, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe 1261. Syntheses and optical properties of dumbbell-type polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes. Kensuke Naka, Hitoshi Araki* 1262. Synthesis and properties of imidazolefunctionalized POSS-core dendrimers. Tomoaki Sato, Shizuka Masuoka, Ryusuke Shinke, Kensuke Naka 1263. Solvent-free synthesis of functional siloxanes bearing 4-trifluoromethylphenyl group. Yasunobu Egawa*, Masafumi Unno 1264. 1-D nanostructures of -conjugated molecules by -stacking in a mixed-valent state. Kazunori Hayakawa, Kensuke Naka 1265. Interlayer surface modification of the protonated layered tetratitanate H2Ti4O9 . xH2O with phenylphosphonic acid. Shintaro Nagahama*, Yumi Kato, Yoshiyuki Sugahara 1266. Intercalation of triethylphosphine oxide into the interlayer space of HLaNb2O7.xH2O. Nagisa Toihara*, Yoriyoshi Yoneyama, Akira Shimada, Yoshiyuki Sugahara 1267. Fabrication of biomacromolecular nanowires by single particle nanofabrication technique (SPNT). Atsushi Asano*, Satoshi Tsukuda, Masaki Sugimoto, Shu Seki 1268. Hydroxyapatite-armored biodegradable polymer microspheres fabricated via Pickering-type emulsion route. Taiki Nishimura, Syuji Fujii*, Masahiro Okada, Tsutomu Furuzono, Yoshinobu Nakamura 1269. Biorepellent activity of capsaicin-intercalated into layer double hydroxide. Yoshio Muraoka, Kumi Shirai, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tsubokawa 1270. Introduction of antibacterial groups onto the silica nanoparticle surface and their properties. Takashi Kawahara, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tsubokawa* 1271. Immobilization of flame retardant onto silica nanoparticle. Kumi Shirai*, Akira Yuuki, Kazuhiro Fujiki, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tsubokawa 1272. Grafting of antibacterial polymer onto silica nanoparticle surface by SI-ATRP in a solvent-free dry-system. Hiroshi Matsuda, Takashi Kawahara, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tubokawa* 1273. Synthesis of oligosiloxanes by using Wilkinson’s catalyst. Natsuko Kondo*, Takahiro Gunji, Yoshimoto Abe, Noritaka Abe 1274. Syntheses and physical properties of silicon-containing polymers with cyclic structures in the polymer backbone. Eiichi Akiyama*, Keita Noguchi 1275. Design and synthesis of functional -conjugated polymers containing selenophene units in the main chain by reaction of organometallic polymers having titanacyclopentadiene units. Hiroki Nishiyama, Ikuyoshi Tomita 1276. Preparation and characterization of KN ferroelectrics by precursor method using triethanolamine. Hiroyuki Ueno, Abe Yoshimoto, Gunji Takahiro*, Abe Noritaka 1277. Improvement in ionic conductivity of polyether/clay composites. Shunsuke Kitajima, Yoichi Tominaga* 1278. Ionic conductivity of silatrane/salt complexes. Tomonobu Mizumo, Risa Fujita, Joji Ohshita* 1279. Highly branched organoboron polymer electrolytes for enhanced ionic conductivity. Sonu R. Shankar, Noriyoshi Matsumi* 114 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1280. Role of functional groups in polysilsesquioxanes for dispersing gold nanoparticles. Yuta Motohisa, Seiji Watase, Mitsuru Watanabe, Toshiyuki Tamai, Masuyama Araki, Kimihiro Matsukawa* 1281. Preparation of platinum nanoparticles using polyethyleneimine as a stabilizer and their properties. Takanori Imai, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe, Yoshimoto Abe 1282. Synthesis of conducting polymer-palladium nanocomposite-coated latex particles in aqueous media. Syuji Fujii*, Soichiro Matsuzawa, Yoshinobu Nakamura, Atsushi Ohtaka, Takuto Teratani, Kensuke Akamatsu, Takaaki Tsuruoka, Hidemi Nawafune 1283. Synthesis and characterization of phenanthroline platinum complexed. Yusuke Shimura, Yoshimoto Abe, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe 1284. Epoxy resin monolith supporting palladium catalyst for a column reactor. Akira Tomita, Seiji Watase, Toshiyuki Tamai, Araki Masuyama, Kimihiro Matsukawa* 1285. Optical properties of 1,4-dihydro-1,4diarsinine-bridged dihaloplatinum(II) complexes. Takuji Kato, Kensuke Naka, Manabu Arita, Yasuhiro Morisaki, Yoshiki Chujo 1286. Fabrication of high refractive and transparent PMMA/TiO2 hybrid film. Shuhei Yamada, Emiko Mouri, Kohji Yoshinaga* 1287. Microwave-assisted synthesis of organic-inorganic hybrids and their optical applications. Yuichi Kajiwara, Atsushi Nagai, Yoshiki Chujo* 1288. Synthesis of silicon-containing porphyrin dye for high durable dye-sensitized solar cells. Takurou Abe*, Masafumi Unno 1289. Photomechanical effect of azobenzene thin polymer films measured with an AFM cantilever based sensor. Zahid S. Mahimwalla, Christopher J. Barrett*, Yoshihiko Nagai 1290. Effective refractive index of colloidal crystal system formed by colloidal silica modified with ferrocely-grafted polymer. Kohji Yoshinaga*, Zhiguo Ma, Miwa Watanabe, Emiko Mouri 1291. Solubilization of single walled carbon nanotube and attachment on inorganic oxide surface. Daiki Tanaka, Junya Matsukawa, Tomonobu Mizumo, Joji Ohshita, Yoshihito Kunugi 1292. Grafting of polymers onto carbon nanotube surface by ligand-exchange reaction. Kazuhiro Fujiki*, Tsutomu Kamimura, Kei Yaotome, Tetsuo Sumiyoshi, Kumi Shirai, Norio Tsubokawa 1293. Enhanced chlorine-resistance of reverse osmosis membrane via addition of nano-carbon materials. Wansuk Choi, Junwoo Park, Sang Gon Kim, Sung Hyun Kim, Joona Bang* 1294. Synthesis and properties of polymers containing fullerene in the main chain. Ryotaro Tani, Yoshomoto Abe, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe 1295. Preparation of organic/inorganic hybrids containing SWCNTs and VGCFs. Taiga Ogata, Yoshimoto Abe, Takahiro Gunji*, Noritaka Abe 1296. Synthesis and property of calcium carbonate composite particles with carboxylic acid-terminated dendritic macromolecules. Yuka Tanaka, Kensuke Naka 1297. Modification of dispersibility of nanodiamond by grafting of PEG and by the introduction of ionic groups onto the surface. In oh Cha, Kumi Shirai, Kazuhiro Fujiki, Takeshi Yamauchi, Norio Tsubokawa* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Separation and Characterization of Synthetic and/or Biological Macromolecules: The Principles, Practices and Applications (#179) Organized by: Y. Wang, T. Chang, S. Kinugasa Presiding: Y. Wang Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1298. AFM observation of molecular stretching of stimuli-responsive polymer chain. So Mutobe, Kunika Uehara, Shinpei Kado, Yoshio Nakahara, Keiichi Kimura 1299. Curdlan sulfate coated membrane filter with influenza virus capturing function. Tegshi Muschin*, Takashi Yoshida 1300. Branching analysis using 2-D liquid chromatography with the multiple detection. Seonyoung Ahn, Taihyun Chang* 1301. Selectivity studies in the fractionation of wheat straw with formic acid. Yongming Fan*, Xiaohong Xie, Yao Chen, Mingfei Li Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Radical Polymerization Kinetics and Mechanisms (#219) Organized by: G. Russell, A. Goto, R. Hutchinson, G. Moad, P. Zetterlund Presiding: P. Zetterlund Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1302. Reinvestigation of the penultimate unit effect in free-radical copolymerisation. Zemma Holmes-Story, Ching Y. Lin, Michelle L. Coote* 1303. Theoretical prediction of Q-e values of vinyl monomers for radical polymerization. Susumu Kawauchi*, Shinnosuke Takahashi, Keigo Saito, Yusuke Tamura 1304. Measuring the disproportionation-tocombination ratio in radical polymerization. Majed M. Alghamdi*, Gregory T. Russell, Michael Buback, Felix Huff 1305. Using apparent molecular weight from SEC in controlled/ living polymerization and kinetics of polymerization. Patrice Castignolles, Yohann Guillaneuf* 1306. Development of two synthetic routes for functionalized polymers using azide radical generated by hypervalent iodine. Juhee Kim, Bongjin Moon* Monday Morning Convention Center 325B NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers: Innovative NMR Strategies for Complex Macromolecular Systems (#12) 8:30 – 1309. Effect of molecular architecture on the performance of 19F MRI imaging agents. Hui Peng, Idriss Blakey, Bronwin Dargaville, Firas Rasoul, Stephen Rose, Kristofer Thurecht, Andrew K. Whittaker* 9:00 – 1310. Xe-129 NMR of polymers. Hiroaki Yoshimizu 9:30 – 1311. NMR studies of biomass and its reaction products. H. N. Cheng* 10:00 – 1312. Application of melt-state NMR spectroscopy for polyolefin characterisation in industry. Matt Parkinson*, Isa Fonseca, Gerhard Hubner 10:30 – 1313. Advanced solution 2D-NMR studies of fluoropolymers. Peter L. Rinaldi*, Xiahohong Li, Eric B. Twum, Elizabeth F. McCord, Peter A. Fox, Jon L. Howell, Don Lyons 11:00 – 1314. Structure of model peptides for the crystalline region of Bombyx mori silk fibroin in fluorinated solvents studied by NMR. Yu Suzuki*, John T. Gerig, Tetsuo Asakura Convention Center 328 Separation and Characterization of Synthetic and/or Biological Macromolecules: The Principles, Practices and Applications (#179) Organized by: Y. Wang, T. Chang, S. Kinugasa Presiding: M. Moon 7:30 – 1315. Characterization of complex polymers using 2-D LC and related techniques. Bernd Trathnigg 8:00 – 1316. Copolymer characterization by coupled LC - MS/MS techniques. Jana Falkenhagen*, Steffen Weidner, Christina Schmid, Christopher Barner-Kowollik 8:30 – 1317. Characterization of branched polymers by HPLC. Taihyun Chang*, Seonyoung Ahn, Hyojoon Lee 9:00 – 1318. Confocal Raman microscopy to study the polymer adsorption and transport in nanoporous silica. Chang Yeol Ryu* 9:30 – 1319. Understanding and predicting 2-D chromatography of block copolymers from the fundamentals of confined macromolecules. Alexei A. Gorbunov*, Andrey V. Vakhrushev 10:00 – 1320. How well can one separate statistical copolymers according to both chemical composition and sequence distribution? Yutian Zhu, Yongmei Wang* 10:20 – 1321. Separations of linear and branched polymers by 2-D liquid chromatography. Wolfgang Radke, Michael AlSamman* 10:50 – 1322. Characterization of polymacromonomer consisting of polyisoprene backbone with polystyrene side chains. Yo Nakamura*, Yuji Hatanaka 11:10 – 1323. Chromatographic analysis of comb shaped polymers using different isotope sensitivity. Seonyoung Ahn, Taihyun Chang* Organized by: T. Asakura, H. N. Cheng, A. English, F. Horii, P. Macdonald, H. Spiess, J. White, A. Whittaker Presiding: F. Horii 7:30 – 1307. Structure-relaxivity relationships of polyether-magnetite nanoparticles for enhanced transverse relaxivities. Judy S. Riffle*, Philip P. Huffstetler, William C. Miles, Jue Liang, Sharavanan Balasubramaniam, Richey M. Davis, Matthew Carroll, Robert C. Woodward, Timothy G. St. Pierre 8:00 – 1308. Swelling and diffusion: Pharmaceutical tablets as studied by NMR imaging. Yu Juan Wang, Héloïse Therien-Aubin, Wilms E. Baille, Cédric Malveau, Robert H. Marchessault, Mircea A. Mateescu, Julian X. Zhu * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 03-MACR/04-ORGN Convention Center 322AB Frontiers of Precisely Controlled Polymer Synthesis: Fine Control of Polymerization Reaction and Impact on Advanced Material Designs (#257) Organized by: T. Kitayama, S. Aoshima, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad, J. Puskas Presiding: G. Russell, M. Kamigaito, G. Moad 8:00 – 1324. Synthesis of stereoregular poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)s via low temperature radical polymerization and phase transition of aqueous solution thereof. Tomohiro Hirano* 8:30 – 1325. RAFT polymerization of N-vinylimidazolium salts for controlled synthesis of polymeric ionic liquids. Hideharu Mori* 9:00 – 1326. Developments in switchable RAFT polymerization for block copolymer synthesis. Daniel J. Keddie, Carlos Guerrero-Sanchez, Graeme Moad*, Ezio Rizzardo*, San Thang* 9:20 – 1327. Well-defined 1:1 and 2:1 sequence-regulated copolymers by controlled radical copolymerization. Kotaro Satoh, Kanji Nagai, Masami Kamigaito 9:40 – 1328. Facile synthesis of degradable polyperoxides by radical alternating copolymerization and their applications as functional materials. Eriko Sato*, Hiroshi Tamura, Akikazu Matsumoto* 10:00 – 1329. Quantitative investigation of the effect of AIBN on polymer-end structure in organoheteroatom-mediated living radical polymerization. Yasuyuki Nakamura*, Yukie Kitada, Yu Kobayashi, Ray Biswajit, Shigeru Yamago 10:20 – 1330. Radical chain end chemical transformation of SG1-based polystyrenes. Yohann Guillaneuf, Pierre-Emmanuel Dufils, Laurent Autissier, Marion Rollet, Didier Gigmes, Denis Bertin 10:40 – 1331. Synthesis of w-end functionalized polymers by highly chemoselective heteroatom-metal exchange reactions. Eiichi Kayahara, Hiroto Yamada, Shigeru Yamago* 11:00 – 1332. Well-defined chitosan graft copolymers as potential gene carriers. Hongqian Bao*, Lin Li Convention Center 321B Molecular-Based Ordered Materials Formed Through Self-Organization (#102) Organized by: T. Kato, M. Francis, D. Gin, X. Guo, H. Kikuchi, C. Nuckolls Presiding: C. Nuckolls, H. Kikuchi, D. Gin, T. Kato 8:10 – 1333. Interaction-assisted approach for realization of biaxial mesophases. Keiki Kishikawa*, Sumihiro Aikyo, Seiji Akiyama, Takahiro Inoue, Masahiro Takahashi, Shigeo Kohmoto 8:30 – 1334. Self-organized assemblies formed at interfaces of liquid crystals. Nicholas L. Abbott* 8:55 – 1335. Entropically-driven various smectic liquid crystalline phases observed in binary mixtures of rigid-rod helical polysilanes with different molecular lengths. Kento Okoshi*, Junji Watanabe 9:15 – 1336. Photopolymerization behavior and nanostructure development of reactive lyotropic liquid crystals. Lucas Sievens, Allan Guymon 9:35 – 1337. Supramolecularly assembled discotic liquid crystals with cavities. Shigeo Kohmoto*, Yu Kuroda, Masahiro Takahashi, Keiki Kishikawa 9:55 – 1338. Photo-triggered mass migrating motions in inorganic-organic liquid crystalline hybrids. Takahiro Seki*, Kaori Nishizawa, Shusaku Nagano 10:20 – 1339. Liquid crystals with axially chiral 3,3’-dinitro-2,2’,6,6’-tetramethylbiphenyl cores: The lateral shielding effect of bicyclo[2.2.2]octane-1-carboxylate side-chains. Khurshid Ayub, Mark Moran, Carmen Lazar, Robert Lemieux* 10:45 Closing remarks Convention Center 327 Nano Structure and Function of OrganicInorganic Hybrid Polymers (#152) Organized by: K. Matsukawa, C.S. Ha, F. Jaekle, K. Naka, I. Tomita Presiding: C. Ha 8:20 – 1340. Surface and interface characterization of silane coatings deposited on aluminium by dipcoating, vacuum plasma and atmospheric plasma. Abdelkrim Batan*, Fabiola Brusciotti, Iris De Graeve, Jean Vereecken, Mireille Wenkin, Marcel Piens, Herman Terryn, Jean-Jacques Pireaux, François Reniers 8:35 – 1341. Silica/polymer hybrid hollow nanoparticles with tunable channels. Linqi Shi 8:50 – 1342. Novel thermosetting inorganic polymers alternately bearing a polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane and dimethylsiloxanes. Masashi Kunitake* 9:05 – 1343. Nanoparticle-mediated high performance shape memory polymer network. Jie Song*, Jianwen Xu 9:20 – 1344. Synthesis of epoxy resin-silica nanocomposites by using perhydropolysilazane as a precursor of silica domains. Reiko Saito*, Tohru Kumagai, Yosuke Fujii 9:35 – 1345. Curing behaviors and physical properties of hybrids from epoxy resins and hydroxyl terminated poly(dimethyl siloxane)s via cationic polymerizations. Dai Soo Lee*, Seon Suk Lee, Dinh Huong Nguyen, Gwang Seok Song 9:50 – 1346. Syntheses and properties of POSS-based polymers. Takahiro Gunji*, Yoshimoto Abe, Noritaka Abe 10:10 – 1347. Preparation and characterization of polyimide based nanohybrids. Chang-Sik Ha* 10:30 – 1348. Borazine polymers for functional materials and ceramics precursors. Yuko Uchimaru 10:50 – 1349. Cyclolinear polycarbosilanes: A new type of organosilicon polymer. Leonard V. Interrante*, Xinxing Liu, Jitendra S. Rathore ORGN Area 4 – Organic Wednesday Morning Hilton South Pacific II Designed pi-Electronic Systems: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Function (#29) Organized by: M. Haley, G. Bodwell, T. Kubo, Y. Tobe Presiding: M. Haley 7:30 – 1. Synthesis, structure and functions of a phenylene-bridged disilaalkene macrocage as a framed molecular top. Wataru Setaka*, Kentaro Yamaguchi 7:50 – 2. Hydrazone-based chemically activated configurational rotary switches. Ivan Aprahamian*, Shainaz M. Landge, Xin Su 8:10 – 3. Recent development of novel multioxadiazoles and the study of their photophysical behavior. Man-kit Leung* 8:30 – 4. Cofacially-arrayed polybenzenoid nanostructures for molecular wires. Rajendra “Raj” Rathore* 8:50 – 5. Design vs. serendipity in the synthesis of new aromatic architectures. Robert A. Pascal* 9:30 – 6. Rings ‘n things: Shape-persistent molecules via Schiff base chemistry. Mark MacLachlan*, Joseph Hui, Jian Jiang 9:50 – 7. Synthesis and characterization of new pi-extended heteroarenes for electronic materials. Kazuo Takimiya* 10:10 – 8. Engineering new molecular materials from complex aromatic components. James Wuest* 10:50 – 9. Transannular approaches to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from dehydrobenzoannulenes. Yoshito Tobe* 11:10 – 10. Enhanced optical effects in conjugated organic systems and assemblies. Theodore Goodson* Hilton Iolani I/II Chemistry of Novel Nanocarbons Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials (#45) Organized by: T. Akasaka, Y. Li, F. Wudl Presiding: N. Martin, M. Prato 7:30 – 11. Amazing diversity of carbon cluster science. Eiichi Nakamura* 8:15 – 12. Recent progress in nanodiamonds. Eiji Osawa* 8:45 – 13. Sequential click reactions for the multiple functionalization of fullerene hexaadducts. Nierengarten Jean-Francois* 9:15 – 14. First enantioselective catalysis of fullerene derivatives. Nazario Martin* 9:45 – 15. Preparation and characterization of fulleranes, hydrogenated CNTs, graphane, [60]fullerene-acene adducts and semiconducting nanoparticles based on [60]fullerene-acene adducts. Glen P. Miller, Irvinder Kaur, Jonathan B. Briggs, Jeremy Kintigh, Yushu Li, Yi Xu, Nathan Stein, Polina Prusevich 10:15 – 16. Metal catalysis for nanocarbon chemistry. Kenichiro Itami* Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI The Science and Strategy of Process Chemistry: From Molecules to Pharmaceutical Drugs (#85) Organized by: T. McDermott, S. Caron, G. McLachlan, I. Shinkai Presiding: M. Chen 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 17. Process design and crystal engineering of XtalFluor-salts: Selective fluorination reagents with enhanced thermal stability and ease of handling. Michel Couturier*, Alexandre L’Heureux, Francis Beaulieu, Christopher Bennett, David R. Bill, Simon Clayton, Francois LaFlamme, Mahmoud Mirmehrabi, Sam Tadayon, David Tovell 8:13 – 18. Withdrawn 8:51 – 19. Facilitating chemical synthesis using flow techniques. Malte Brasholz 9:29 – 20. Development of process synthesis of rosiglitazone by use of microwave irradiation. Santosh L. Gaonkar, Hiroki Shimizu* 10:07 – 21. Process development of an efficient synthetic route to GDC-0941. Qingping Tian*, Zhi-gang K. Cheng, Herbert Yajima, Keena Green, Rebecca Rogers, Scott Savage, Srinivasan Babu, Mark Reynolds, Greg Sowell, David Askin 10:45 Concluding remarks Hilton Coral V New Dimensions of Green Sustainable Chemistry: Novel Reactions and Catalysts (#132) Organized by: S. Kobayashi, P. Anastas, T. Braish, M. Krische, C.J. Li Presiding: S. Kobayashi 7:30 – 22. Solar photochemistry: Visible light photocatalysis of organic reactions for greener chemical synthesis. Tehshik P. Yoon*, Michael A. Ischay, Juana Du, Zhan Lu 7:45 – 23. Novel solid-state photoreversible polymerization of thymine-based monomers. Priscilla Johnston*, Kei Saito 8:00 – 24. Byproduct-free C-C bond formation via catalytic transfer hydrogenation: Hydroxyalkylation of unsaturates. Michael J. Krische* 8:30 – 25. Acid-catalyzed addition of C-H or O-H bonds to unsaturated molecules. Jun-Chul Choi, Kazufumi Kohno, Hiroyuki Yasuda, Toshiyasu Sakakura* 8:45 – 26. New acid-base cooperative catalysis under near neutral pH conditions using aminoorganoboron complexes. Shunsuke Oishi, Ryoji Noyori, Susumu Saito 9:00 – 27. On inventing new reactions for atom economy. Barry M. Trost* 9:30 – 28. Rhodium- and palladium-catalyzed synthesis of organophosphorus compounds using diphosphine disulfides and dioxides. Mieko Arisawa, Masahiko Yamaguchi 9:45 – 29. Thionation and sulfidation reactions via in situ reductive or oxidative activation of elemental sulfur. Fumitoshi Shibahara*, Rie Sugiura, Eiji Yamaguchi, Takafumi Kanai, Toshiaki Murai 10:00 – 30. Development of a robust, environmentally responsible process: The tasocitinib citrate story. Rajappa Vaidyanathan* 10:30 – 31. Copper-free Wacker-type oxidation of internal olefins using PdCl2-DMA catalyst system. Takato Mitsudome, Tomoo Mizugaki, Koichiro Jitsukawa, Kiyotomi Kaneda* 10:45 – 32. Useful chemical transformations utilizing -oxo-bridged hypervalent iodine reagents. Toshifumi Dohi, Teruyoshi Uchiyama, Kei-ichiro Fukushima, Daishi Kato, Yasuyuki Kita* 11:00 – 33. Ruthenium(II) catalysts: Multiple process promoters for C-C bond formation. Pierre Dixneuf*, Min Zhang, Sylvie Derien Hilton Honolulu II Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Synthesis & Reactivity (#155) Organized by: R. Bishop, M. Garcia-Garibay, R. Kuroda Presiding: R. Bishop 7:30 – 34. Preferential enrichment of amino acid-organic acid co-crystals with a racemic crystal structure. Rui Tamura*, Sekai Iwama, Rajesh G. Gonnade, Hiroki Takahashi, Hirohito Tsue * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–115 04-ORGN 8:10 – 35. Solid-state reactivity of alkyl nitrenes. Anna D. Gudmundsdottir* 8:40 – 36. Polymorphic transition of pharmaceutical crystals investigated by ab initio structure determination from powder diffraction data. Hidehiro Uekusa*, Etsuo Yonemochi, Katsuhide Terada 9:10 – 37. Self-assembly of amphiphilic amino acid derivatives into metallosupramolecular architectures. Feng Xue*, Siu Yee New, Yude Thio 9:30 – 38. Photochromism of spiropyrans and spirooxazines in the solid state. Jun Harada*, Yuta Kawazoe, Keiichiro Ogawa* 10:00 – 39. Selective Diels-Alder type reactions of tetracene derivatives in molecular crystals. Qian Miao*, Zhixiong Liang 10:20 – 40. Advances in temperature-resolved diffraction and X-ray photodiffraction: Emerging analytical tools for direct observation of unstable and intermediate molecular species in the solid state. Pance Naumov* 10:50 – 41. Accessing new regions of phase space for organic materials: Pharmaceuticals, explosives, and proteins. Adam J. Matzger* Hilton Honolulu I Carbanions: Modern Perspectives in Structure, Reactivity, and Synthesis (#229) Organized by: B. Gawley, V. Snieckus, K. Tomioka Presiding: B. Gawley 7:30 Welcome remarks 7:40 – 42. C-H bond activation by directed ortho metalation. Victor Snieckus* 8:20 – 43. Synthesis of N-aryl and N-alkyl anthranilic acids via the SNAr reaction of unprotected 2-fluoro and 2-methoxybenzoic acids by lithioamides. Jacques Mortier* 9:00 – 44. Generation and reactions of aryllithiums bearing an electrophilic functional group using a flow microreactor system. Heejin Kim, Aiichiro Nagaki, Jun-ichi Yoshida* 9:20 – 45. Enantioselective synthesis of allenes via carbolithiation of conjugated enynes with organolithiums using an integrated flow microreactor system. Yutaka Tomida, Aiichiro Nagaki, Jun-ichi Yoshida* 9:40 – 46. Site specific electrostatic perturbation of conjugation, SSEPOC, among internally solvated organolithium compounds. Gideon Fraenkel* 10:10 – 47. Synergic surprises from bimetallic metallating agents: Cleave and capture chemistry. Robert E. Mulvey* 10:50 – 48. Constriction of unique heterocycles and chiral building blocks via carbanion addition processes for drug candidates. Chris Senanayake* Hilton South Pacific III Metal Catalysis for Asymmetric Synthesis (#282) Organized by: H. Sasai, A. Charette, H. Davies, D. Yang Presiding: H. Sasai, H. Davies 7:45 – 49. Extraordinary effect of microwave irradiation on the atropo-enantioselective methanolysis reaction of biaryl lactones. Satoshi Kikuchi*, Tatsuyuki Tsubo, Tohru Yamada 8:05 – 50. Asymmetric Suzuki-Miyaura coupling. Yasuhiro Uozumi*, Yutaka Matsuura, Takayasu Arakawa, Yoichi M. Yamada 8:25 – 51. Highly efficient chiral organometallic catalysts for homo- and heterogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation. Kuiling Ding* TECHNICAL PROGRAM 8:55 – 52. Metal-linked multinuclear catalyst for highly efficient catalytic asymmetric alkylation reactions. Kohei Endo*, Mika Ogawa, Keisuke Tanaka, Daisuke Hamada, Sayuri Yakeishi, Takanori Shibata 9:15 – 53. Palladium- and nickel-catalyzed coupling reactions of alkyl electrophiles. Greg Fu* 9:45 – 54. Asymmetric cyclization reactions through palladium and silver catalysis. Dan Yang*, Kai-Tai Yip, Min Yang, Wei He, Hao-Guo Chen, Ke-Sheng Song, Kai-Yip Lo 10:15 – 55. New insights in the structure of chiral rhodium dimer catalysts and their use in the asymmetric cyclopropanation of alkenes. Andre B. Charette* 10:45 – 56. P-chiral phosphine ligands with tert-butylmethylphosphino groups for highly efficient asymmetric catalyses. Ken Tamura, Masashi Sugiya, Tsuneo Imamoto* 11:05 – 57. Mechanism of enantioselection in rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of prochiral alkenes. Ilya D. Gridnev, Tsuneo Imamoto Hilton South Pacific IV New Directions of Supramolecular Chemistry toward Nanomaterial Science, Biomedical Science, and Supramolecular Catalysts (#47) Organized by: S. Aoki, W. Chung, J. Davis, T. Haino Presiding: S. Aoki, T. Haino 8:00 Introductory remarks 8:05 – 58. Cucurbituril-based nanomaterials and their applications. Kimoon Kim* 8:30 – 59. Synthesis of metallodendrimers for advanced nanomaterials. Kimihisa Yamamoto* 8:55 – 60. Formation of helical and macrocyclic structures: Anion-driven conformation control of -conjugated oligopyrroles. Yohei Haketa, Kanako Kitaguchi, Hiromitsu Maeda* 9:10 – 61. Fullerene recognition by calixarene/thiacalixarene derivatives. Pavel Lhotak*, Martin Kas, Ondrej Kundrat, Ivan Stibor, Kamil Lang 9:25 – 62. Fullerene bilayer vesicles displaying hydrophobic surface in an aqueous phase and on solid surfaces. Koji Harano, Tatsuya Homma, Eiichi Nakamura* 9:40 – 63. Application of molecular capsules as reaction chambers. Dariush Ajami*, Julius Rebek Jr.* 9:55 – 64. Synthesis of interlocked compounds by the reaction of macrocyclemetal complexes. Ryu Yamasaki, Shinichi Saito* 10:10 – 65. Functionalized catalytic and energy conversion systems with monoclonal antibodies. Hiroyasu Yamaguchi*, Akira Harada 10:25 – 66. Soluble pentacene precursors: Strategic design, synthesis, and characterization. Tahsin J. Chow* 10:40 – 67. Incorporating dynamic components into metal organic framework materials. Stephen Loeb*, Kelong Zhu, Nicholas Vukotic 11:05 – 68. Molecular and supramolecular pentiptycene chemistry: From self-assembly to control of rotary motions. Jye-Shane Yang* Hilton Coral IV Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: M. Toyota 8:00 – 69. Withdrawn 8:45 – 70. Diastereoselective and enantioselective olefin metathesis. Siegfried Blechert* 116 –TECH 9:15 – 71. Heterocyclization by intramolecular carbometallation of alkynes. Jacques F. Maddaluno*, Muriel Durandetti, Catherine Fressigné, Frédéric Le Strat, Anne-Lise Girard, Lucie Hardou, Rudy Lhermet 10:00 – 72. Z-selective intramolecular Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction for the synthesis of macroclic lactons. Kaori Ando, Kenji Narumiya, Hiroaki Takada, Taiji Teruya 10:20 – 73. Normal polarity N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis: Application to the total synthesis of iridoid natural products. David W. Lupton 10:40 – 74. Efficient route to polycyclic 2,5dihydropyrroles via ring fragmentation/ 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. Matthias Brewer*, Cristian Draghici, Qiufeng Huang 14:30 – 87. Strengths and limitations of highthroughput purification platforms for supporting pharmaceutical discovery synthesis. Ray McClain* 15:00 – 88. Circular dichroism (CD) directed chiral separation by semi-prep supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) with open-bed fraction collection. Muneo Saito*, Yoshiteru Horikawa, Kazutoshi Kamezawa, David J. Tognarelli, Takeshi Kanomata, Masao Bounoshita 15:30 – 89. Integrating directed enzyme evolution with high throughput chromatography. Steve Collier 16:00 – 90. Challenges in mass directed SFC purification. John Van Antwerp* Hilton Honolulu III Designed pi-Electronic Systems: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Function (#29) Supramolecular Photochemistry (#125) Organized by: M. Haley, G. Bodwell, T. Kubo, Y. Tobe Presiding: T. Kubo Organized by: Y. Inoue, C. Bohne, V. Ramamurthy, C. Tung Presiding: L. Shimizu, G. Cosa 8:00 – 75. Spin chemistry of H2@C60 and friends. Nicholas J. Turro* 8:30 – 76. Light controlled guest binding in a molecular cavitand. Orion B. Berryman, Aaron C. Sather, Julius Rebek* 8:50 – 77. Bright supramolecules with logic and sensing functions. He Tian 9:20 – 78. Studies of photochemical and reaction container properties of poly(ether imine) and poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers. N. Jayaraman*, G. Jayamurugan, Y. Rajesh, B. Natarajan, V. Ramamurthy, J. Nithyanandhan 9:50 – 79. Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from [FeFe] hydrogenases mimics. Li-Zhu Wu*, Chen-Ho Tung, Bin Chen 10:20 – 80. Fluorescent marriage between thiazole orange and p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene. Sara Mooi, Belinda Heyne 10:40 – 81. Asymmetric photochemical synthesis using serum albumins as chiral templates. Asao Nakamura*, Kota Hiranuma, Takamasa Yamada, Masumi Ohbuchi, Masashi Arai 11:00 – 82. Energy, electron and spin exchange between encapsulated and free molecules in water. Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy, Nithyanandhan Jayaraj, Shipra Gupta, Mintu Porel, Anand Parthasarathy, Judy Y-C Chen, Steffen Jockusch, Nicholas J. Turro, Maria F. Ottaviani Wednesday Afternoon Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Interface between Organic Synthesis and Chromatography (#19) Organized by: C. Welch, W. Farrell, M. Hyun, A. Rajendran Presiding: C. Welch 12:30 – 83. Simplified approach to high throughput analysis of organic reactions using MISER chromatography (multiple injections in a single experimental run): The chromatogram is the graph. Christopher Welch* 13:00 – 84. Integration of organic synthesis and chromatography: New routes in the high-throughput screening of catalysts. Oliver Trapp* 13:30 – 85. Impact of optimized fast LC-MS methods in the drug discovery environment. John Eschelbach*, Dorothy Zhuomei*, Wolfgang Goetzinger* 14:00 – 86. Advantages and disadvantages of a multi-technique high throughput purification process. William Farrell, David Masters-Moore, Loanne Chung, Christine Aurigemma Hilton South Pacific II 12:30 – 91. Dynamic helical molecules with an extremely high pi-electron density. Shinji Ando, Eisuke Ohta, Atsuko Kosaka, Takanori Fukushima*, Daisuke Hashizume, Hiroyuki Koshino, Azusa Muraoka, Hiroshi Ushiyama, Takuzo Aida* 12:50 – 92. Symmetrical and unsymmetrical cruciforms. Uwe Bunz*, Jua Tolosa* 13:10 – 93. Möbius aromaticity in expanded porphyrins. Atsuhiro Osuka 13:50 – 94. Oligo- and polymeric pentacene materials: Synthesis and performance. Rik R. Tykwinski*, Dan Lehnherr, Jianbo Gao, Frank A. Hegmann 14:10 – 95. Aromatic self-assembly in the design of electronic materials. John E. Anthony* 14:50 – 96. Indenofluorenes — stable antiaromatic alternatives to pentacenes? Michael M. Haley*, Daniel T. Chase, Aaron G. Fix, Cameron L. Hilton 15:10 – 97. Synthesis and characterization of the first nonacene derivative and progress toward the first cyclacene. Glen P. Miller*, Irvinder Kaur 15:30 – 98. Stable high-spin molecules in materials science. Keiji Okada*, Shuichi Suzuki, Masatoshi Kozaki 16:10 – 99. Oligoacenes with terminal cyclopentadienylmetal groups. John P. Selegue*, Uttam R. Pokharel, Ilya Vinogradov, Bidhya L. Maharjan, Minh Truong, Sean Parkin Hilton Iolani I/II Chemistry of Novel Nanocarbons Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials (#45) Organized by: T. Akasaka, Y. Li, F. Wudl Presiding: D. Guldi, A. Balch 12:30 – 100. Advances in the chemistry and application of carbon nanomaterials. Robert C. Haddon * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 13:00 – 101. Crystallographic studies of samarium containing endohedral fullerenes and related fullerenes. Alan L. Balch, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Brandon Q. Mercado, Hua Yang, Ziyang Liu, Christine M. Beavers 13:30 – 102. Artificial photosynthetic reaction center based on porphyrins and phthalocyanines. Shunichi Fukuzumi* 14:00 – 103. Sc2S@C2n (n ⫽ 40-50): A novel sulfide cluster endohedral fullerene family. Luis Echegoyen, Ning Chen 14:30 – 104. Synthesis and functionalization of fullerene derivatives for organic electronic devices. Yutaka Matsuo* 14:50 – 105. Determination of minim lead (⌱⌱) in water by single-walled carbon nanotubes and DNA modified electrode. Yongfu Lian, Hong Zhao 15:10 – 106. Organic synthesis of endohedral fullerenes. Yasujiro Murata* 15:30 – 107. Titanium (III)-based endohedral mixed metal nitride clusterfullerenes: Synthesis, structure, and property. Shangfeng Yang* 15:50 – 108. Recent progress in the photoelectron spectroscopy on endohedral fullerenes. Shojun Hino* 16:10 – 109. 2-D organic metal based on fullerene. Gunzi Saito*, Akihiro Otsuka, Mitsuhiko Maesato, Dmitri V. Konarev*, Rimma N. Lyubovskaya, Salavat S. Khasanov Hilton Coral IV Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: J. Maddaluno 12:30 – 110. [CpRu(3-C3H5)(2-pyridinecarboxylato)]PF6 complex supported on a ferromagnetic microsize particle Fe3O4@SiO2. Shinji Tanaka, Tomoaki Seki, Yu Minematsu, Masato Kitamura* 12:50 – 111. Total syntheses of spiroannulated natural products with allelopathic activity. Kozo Shishido 13:35 – 112. Development of palladium-catalyzed cycloalkenylation and its application to natural product synthesis. Masahiro Toyota* 14:20 – 113. Acetylene and its cobalt complex as the mutifunctional tool in organic synthesis. Minoru Isobe*, Wei-Chung Chang, Ya-Ting Lin, Kuan-Hsun Huang 14:50 – 114. Progress toward the antiproliferative agent popolohuanone E: A general approach to complex cis-fused decalins featuring catalytic carbon insertion methodology. Jason S. Kingsbury*, Hilan Z. Kaplan 15:20 – 115. Cascade of Vilsmeier-Haack cyclization and azomethine ylide cycloaddition towards daphnilactone B and congeners. Guillaume Bélanger*, Jonathan Boudreault, François Lévesque, Véronique Darsigny, Michaël Doré 15:40 – 116. Design and synthesis of novel molecular scaffolds with anti-infective activity. Eric J. Sorensen Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI The Science and Strategy of Process Chemistry: From Molecules to Pharmaceutical Drugs (#85) Organized by: T. McDermott, S. Caron, G. McLachlan, I. Shinkai Presiding: S. Wittenberger 12:30 Introductory remarks 12:35 – 117. Catalytic C-H oxidation: [|#11#|]Recent insights and advances. Justin Du Bois* 13:13 – 118. Complex natural products as a driving force for discovery in organic chemistry. Brian M. Stoltz 13:51 – 119. Hydrogenation for C-C bond formation. Michael J. Krische 14:29 – 120. Process intensification via hightemperature continuous flow processing. C Oliver Kappe*, Bernhard Gutmann 15:07 – 121. Direct carboxylation of heteroaromatic compounds with CO2 with the aid of alkylaluminum halides. Koji Nemoto*, Satoru Onozawa, Megumi Konno, Naoya Morohashi, Tetsutaro Hattori 15:45 – 122. Polymorph control of a sedative hypnotic. Scott Zook*, Don Hettinger 16:23 Concluding remarks Hilton Honolulu III Supramolecular Photochemistry (#125) Organized by: Y. Inoue, C. Bohne, V. Ramamurthy, C. Tung Presiding: L. Wu, N. Jayaraman 12:30 – 123. High diastereospecificity in the photochemical synthesis of compounds with stereogenic adjacent all-carbon quaternary carbons. Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay*, Saori Shiraki, Marino J. Resendiz 13:00 – 124. Morphology and shape changes of crystals of isopropylbenzophenone derivatives via single-crystal-tosingle-crystal photocyclization. Hideko Koshima*, Hidetaka Uchimoto, Junki Kubota 13:20 – 125. Porous assemblies of bis-urea macrocycles used as confined environments for reactions. Linda S. Shimizu*, Mahender B. Dewal, Sandipan Dawn, Jun Yang 13:50 – 126. Environmental effects on organic photoactive centers in biological systems: Lessons to be learned from the solid-state small-molecule supramolecular photochemistry. Pance Naumov* 14:10 – 127. Molecular radiometer driven by visible light. Tsunehiko Higuchi*, Sadanori Nonogaki, Shinnosuke Ueda, Nobuki Kato, Naoki Umezawa 14:30 – 128. Enantio-and diastereoselective photodimerization of alkyl 2-naphthoates in chiral confined media. Chen-Ho Tung*, Li-Zhu Wu, Bin Chen, Li-Ping Zhang 15:00 – 129. Binding of chromophores on semiconductor surfaces using supramolecular hosts. Elena Galoppini*, Marina Freitag, Yongyi Zhang, Agneszka Klimczak 15:30 – 130. Modulating the photophysics and photochemistry of a conjugated polyelectrolyte via interaction with nanobeads and lipid vesicles. Gonzalo Cosa*, Pierre Karam, An Ngo, Hsiao-Wei Liu 16:00 – 131. Advanced molecular design for photoactive nano and bulk materials with p/n-heterojunction. Yohei Yamamoto, Weishi Li, Wusong Jin, Takanori Fukushima, Takuzo Aida* Hilton Coral V New Dimensions of Green Sustainable Chemistry: Novel Reactions and Catalysts (#132) Organized by: S. Kobayashi, P. Anastas, T. Braish, M. Krische, C.J. Li Presiding: M. Krische 12:30 – 132. Synthesis of new adamantanelinked 1,2,4-trioxanes. Viktor Schlundt*, Axel G. Griesbeck 12:45 – 133. Precision synthesis of copolymers of bezaldehydes and their complete degradation to conjugated aldehydes: Controlled and alternating cationic copolymerization of benzaldehyde derivatives with vinyl ethers. Shokyoku Kanaoka, Yasushi Ishido, Ryosuke Aburaki, Sadahito Aoshima* 13:00 – 134. Role of molecular activation as a deliberate strategy for green synthesis. David S. Black* 13:30 – 135. Catalytic oxidative carbonylation of amines to ureas. Lisa McElwee-White*, Ampofo K. Darko, Phillip A. Shelton, Li Zhang, Seth M. Dumbris, Jennifer I. Johns 13:45 – 136. An improved synthesis of the macrolide antibiotic PF-4287881 is described. Tamim F. Braish, Mark Flanagan, Bryan Li, Thomas Magee 14:00 – 137. Small molecule with a big impact: Inspirations from proline catalysis. Benjamin List 14:30 – 138. Asymmetric [3⫹2] cycloaddition reactions using a chiral silver amide catalyst. Yasuhiro Yamashita, Shu Kobayashi* 14:45 – 139. Tail-to-tail dimerization of methyl methacrylate catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbene. Shin-ichi Matsuoka*, Atsushi Washio, Yoshiya Ota, Akiho Katada, Kenji Ichioka, Koji Takagi, Masato Suzuki 15:00 – 140. Catalytic asymmetric carbenoid insertion into heteroatom-hydrogen bonds. Qi-Lin Zhou 15:30 – 141. Asymmetric ring-forming reactions by sustainable processes. Tomislav Rovis 16:00 – 142. New discovery in asymmetric phase-transfer catalysis. Keiji Maruoka* 13:50 – 153. Asymmetric synthesis of multisubstituted -lactams from ␣-amino acids via memory of chirality using a Cs2CO3/EtOH system. Tomoyuki Yoshimura, Masatoshi Takuwa, Makoto Uyama, Kazuhiro Hayashi, Daiki Monguchi, Takahiro Sasamori, Norihiro Tokitoh, Takeo Kawabata* 14:10 – 154. Leveraging the reactivity of thioesters and activated hydrazones in the development of new synthetic methods. Don M. Coltart* 14:40 – 155. Glimpse at the myriad structures of an enolate. Paul G. Williard 15:10 – 156. Metalated nitriles: Tunable, chiral organometallics. Fraser Fleming*, Dinesh Nath, Bhaskar Pitta, Robert Mycka, Matthew Purzyki 15:50 – 157. Torquoselective olefination with ynolates. Mitsuru Shindo* Hilton Honolulu II 12:30 – 158. Cross coupling of secondary boronic esters with retention of stereochemistry. Ben W. Glasspoole, Jonathon Moir, Amy Holland, Véronique Laberge, Cathleen M. Crudden* 12:50 – 159. Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric addition of arylboron reagents to alkenylboranes. Tamio Hayashi, Keigo Sasaki 13:10 – 160. Enantioselective transformations of rhodium carbenoid intermediates. Huw M. Davies 13:40 – 161. New multi-component transition metal-catalyzed carbocyclization reactions. P. Andrew Evans* 14:10 – 162. Converting C-H to C-C bonds: Synthesis of veratramine. Douglass F. Taber*, Berry James, Peter DeMatteo 14:30 – 163. Combined transition metal and Lewis acid catalysis in the hydroboration of olefins. Cathleen M. Crudden* 14:50 – 164. Cationic rhodium(I) complexes for asymmetric catalysis. Ken Tanaka* 15:20 – 165. Recent advances in the chiral diene ligands for asymmetric catalysis. Tamio Hayashi* 15:50 – 166. Enantioselective dehydrative catalytic cyclization of -hydroxy allyl alcohols. Tomoaki Seki, Satoru Aoyama, Masaharu Matsushita, Ganesh Salunke, Shinji Tanaka, Masato Kitamura* 16:10 – 167. Design and synthesis of novel chiral N-heterocyclic carbene precursors. Abigail Hubbard*, Daniel Eddings, Robert Gawley Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Synthesis & Reactivity (#155) Organized by: R. Bishop, M. Garcia-Garibay, R. Kuroda Presiding: M. Garcia-Garibay 12:30 – 143. Hydrogen-bonded host networks constructed with urea derivatives, stabilization of labile anions, and designed construction of rosette ribbon and layers. Thomas C. Mak*, Chi-Keung Lam, Jie Han 13:10 – 144. Dynamics of solid-state processes: Following two-phase solid-state reactions with a modern diffractometer. Chun-Hsing Chen, Aaron R. Gell, Shai R. Posner, Bruce M. Foxman* 13:40 – 145. Synthesis and solid state self assembly of novel fused planar aromatic compounds. Suresh Valiyaveettil*, Balaji Ganapathi 14:10 – 146. Host-guest interactions in cryptophane inclusion complexes studied with VTNMR and LCNMR. Ping He, Panayiotis Nikolaou, Laura Walkup, Kathleen Chaffee, Thierry Brotin, Jean-Pierre Dutasta, Boyd Goodson* 14:30 – 147. How to control stereochemistry of solid-state reactions? Reiko Kuroda*, Ryo Sekiya 15:00 – 148. Solid state polymerization of amino acid NCAs with reference to the crystal structures. Hitoshi Kanazawa* 15:20 – 149. Steroidal inclusion compounds: Molecular and supramolecular chirality. Mikiji Miyata*, Norimitsu Tohnai, Ichiro Hisaki 15:50 – 150. Supramolecular catalysis in the organic solid state via dry grinding. Leonard R. MacGillivray*, Anatoliy N. Sokolov, Dejan-Kresimir Bucar, Jonas Baltrusaitis Hilton Honolulu I Hilton South Pacific III Metal Catalysis for Asymmetric Synthesis (#282) Organized by: H. Sasai, A. Charette, H. Davies, D. Yang Presiding: A. Charette, D. Yang Hilton South Pacific IV New Directions of Supramolecular Chemistry toward Nanomaterial Science, Biomedical Science, and Supramolecular Catalysts (#47) Organized by: S. Aoki, W. Chung, J. Davis, T. Haino Presiding: J. Davis, W. Chung Carbanions: Modern Perspectives in Structure, Reactivity, and Synthesis (#229) * Principle Author Organized by: B. Gawley, V. Snieckus, K. Tomioka Presiding: K. Tomioka 12:30 – 151. Synthesis of higher carbohydrates on dioxanone scaffold. Marek Majewski* 13:10 – 152. Short-lived C-O axially chiral enolates for asymmetric synthesis. Takeo Kawabata* Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–117 04-ORGN 12:45 – 168. Supramolecular polymerization driven by molecular recognition. Takeharu Haino 13:10 – 169. Transmembrane ion transport facilitated by synthetic and natural compounds. Jeff Davis* 13:35 – 170. Synthetic approach to metallofoldamers with oxime-based peptides. Shohei Tashiro, Koji Matsuoka, Mihoko Yamada, Mitsuhiko Shionoya* 13:50 – 171. Synthesis and photophysical properties of self-assembled metalogels featuring phenyl ethynyl framework with elaborated long-chain pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamides. Shih-Sheng Sun* 14:05 – 172. Synthesis, membrane localization, and transport activity of a series of intrinsically fluorescent diphenylacetylene-containing ion channel molecules. Tom Fyles, Joanne M. Moszynski 14:20 – 173. Probing the GM3-lactose carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction with glyconanoparticles. Haruo Yamada*, Ayami Sagisaka 14:35 – 174. Monomeric and dimeric pyrimidinophanes: Synthesis and biological activity. Anton E. Nikolaev*, Vyacheslav E. Semenov, Rashid K. Giniyatullin, Vladimir S. Reznik 14:50 – 175. Mixed glycoluril/crown ether cage: Synthesis and properties of self-assembly at water/air interface. Marc Vidal, Vanessa Kairouz, Andreea Schmitzer* 15:05 – 176. Self-complement double helix of oligo-2-pyridylamines via hydrogenbonds and their quadruple helix of metal strings. Shie-Ming Peng 15:30 – 177. 2-D self-assembly of triangular molecules on surfaces via alkyl group interdigitation: Dynamics and control. Yoshito Tobe* Thursday Morning Hilton South Pacific II Designed pi-Electronic Systems: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Function (#29) Organized by: M. Haley, G. Bodwell, T. Kubo, Y. Tobe Presiding: G. Bodwell 7:30 – 178. Towards the direct assessment of pi-conjugation effects on molecular properties. Clemence Corminboeuf 7:50 – 179. Tetrahedrane to cyclobutadiene: A new extended ⫺ conjugated system. Masaaki Nakamoto, Yusuke Inagaki, Motoaki Nishina, Tatsumi Ochiai, Akira Sekiguchi* 8:10 – 180. Columnar liquid crystals: Models systems of self-assembly. Vance E. Williams* 8:30 – 181. Relationship between structure and antiaromaticity of planar cyclooctatetraenes. Tohru Nishinaga* 8:50 – 182. Toward 2-D polymers. A. Dieter Schlüter, Junji Sakamoto 9:30 – 183. Coupling nature of two electrons in bisanthroxyls. Takashi Kubo* 9:50 – 184. A B-B bond-containing polycyclic -electron system: Dithieno-1,2-dihydro-1,2-diborins and their dianionic species. Atsushi Wakamiya*, Takafumi Araki, Kenji Mori, Shigehiro Yamaguchi 10:10 – 185. Boraacenes and analogs: Syntheses, structures, and properties. Warren Piers, Lauren G. Mercier, Thomas K. Wood, Adrian Houghton, Masood Parvez 10:50 – 186. Imaging, organizing and polymerizing pi-conjugated molecules on flat surfaces. Dmitrii F. Perepichka* 11:10 – 187. Synthesis by -expanded porphyrins and their use as sensitisers in photochemical solar energy upconversion. Maxwell J. Crossley*, Tony Khoury, Yuen Y. Cheng, Raphael G. Clady, Murad J. Tayebjee, N. J. Ekins-Daukes, Timothy W. Schmidt 118 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Hilton Iolani I/II Chemistry of Novel Nanocarbons Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials (#45) Organized by: T. Akasaka, Y. Li, F. Wudl Presiding: L. Echegoyen, L. Dunsch 7:30 – 188. Functionalized carbon nanotubes: Versatile building blocks in nanomedicine and materials science. Maurizio Prato* 8:15 – 189. Chirality dependent charge transfer in carbon nanotubes. Dirk M. Guldi* 8:45 – 190. Biomedical applications of endohedral metallofullerenes. Harry C. Dorn 9:15 – 191. Role of fullerene cap structures on the growth of single wall carbon nanotubes. Yohji Achiba* 9:45 – 192. Supramolecular-driven synthesis and photophysical properties of a novel phthalocyanine-C60 fullerene bisadduct triad. Tomas Torres*, Giovanni Bottari, Juan Antonio Suanzes Pita, Olga Trukhina, Dirk Guldi 10:15 – 193. Maximum pentagon separation rule: A guideline for the structures of endohedral metallofullerenes. Josep M. Poblet*, Antonio Rodríguez-Fortea, Núria Alegret, Alan Balch 10:45 – 194. Molecular surgical approach to endohedral fullerenes. Koichi Komatsu* Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI The Science and Strategy of Process Chemistry: From Molecules to Pharmaceutical Drugs (#85) Organized by: T. McDermott, S. Caron, G. McLachlan, I. Shinkai Presiding: T. McDermott 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 195. Discovery of tasocitinib citrate (CP-690,550-10): A potent and selective JAK inhibitor. Mark Flanagan 8:04 – 196. Process development of tasocitinib citrate (CP-690,550-10): A potent and selective JAK inhibitor. Mark Flanagan, Rajappa Vaidyanathan* 8:33 – 197. Targeting tumor angiogenesis: Discovery of linifanib, a potent and orally active angiogenesis inhibitor. Yujia Dai* 9:02 – 198. ABT-869: Development of a potent VEGF inhibitor. Albert Kruger* 9:31 – 199. Discovery and practical asymmetric synthesis of small molecule, nonpeptide inhibitor of LFA-1 (Part 1). Rene Lemieux, Chris H. Senanayake 10:00 – 200. Discovery and practical asymmetric synthesis of small molecule, nonpeptide inhibitor of LFA-1 (Part 2). Chris Senanayake 10:29 – 201. MK-7009: A potent hepatitis C virus NS3/4A protease inhibitor. Nigel J. Liverton, Cheng Chen 10:58 – 202. Chemical development of MK7009: A potent hepatitis C virus NS3/4A protease inhibitor. Cheng Chen, Nigel J. Liverton 11:27 Concluding remarks Hilton Coral V New Dimensions of Green Sustainable Chemistry: Novel Reactions and Catalysts (#132) Organized by: S. Kobayashi, P. Anastas, T. Braish, M. Krische, C.J. Li Presiding: C. Li 7:30 – 203. Bimetallic Au shell-Pd core nanocatalysts for the selective aerobic oxidation of allylic alcohols. Adam F. Lee*, Christine Ellis, James Naughton, Karen Wilson 7:45 – 204. Palladium-catalyzed direct oxidation of ␣,-unsaturated aldehydes with hydrogen peroxide. Daisuke Imao, Yoshihiro Kon, Takuya Nakashima, Kazuhiko Sato* 8:00 – 205. Towards more sustainable chemistries: Can flow chemistry help? Steven V. Ley* 8:30 – 206. Aerobic oxidation of alcohols using nitroxyl radical catalysts. Masatoshi Shibuya, Yuji Osada, Masaki Tomizawa, Yoshiharu Iwabuchi* 8:45 – 207. Environmentally benign oxidations catalyzed by polymer incarcerated metal nanocluster catalysts. Hiroyuki Miyamura, Shu Kobayashi* 9:00 – 208. Flow chemistry and continuous processing in the pharmaceutical industry. Joel M. Hawkins 9:30 – 209. Oxidation of alcohols with molecular oxygen catalyzed by reusable nanoporous gold. Naoki Asao*, Naoya Hatakeyama, Menggen Bateer, Yoshinori Yamamoto, Mingwei Chen, Wei Zhang, Akihisa Inoue 9:45 – 210. Development of one-pot sequential reaction system using resin-supported peptide catalyst. Kengo Akagawa*, Kazuaki Kudo 10:00 – 211. Instantaneous cross-coupling using catalytic membrane-installed microchannel devices. Yasuhiro Uozumi* 10:30 – 212. Biomass and carbon dioxide as renewable resources for the chemical industry. Haruyuki Makio, Terunori Fujita* Hilton Honolulu II Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Synthesis & Reactivity (#155) Organized by: R. Bishop, M. Garcia-Garibay, R. Kuroda Presiding: R. Kuroda 7:30 – 213. Structure-property relationships of diyne-diol compounds. Len Barbour*, Dinabandhu Das, Tia Jacobs 8:10 – 214. Reversible color switching organic zeolite composed of 4⫹4 cubic ion pair cluster. Norimitsu Tohnai*, Atsushi Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Sasaki, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata 8:40 – 215. Synthesis and structure of different crystal forms of a simple achiral diol. Isa Y. Chan, Roger Bishop*, Mohan M. Bhadbhade, Marcia L. Scudder 9:00 – 216. Recent progress in the design and characterization of amphidynamic materials and crystalline molecular machines. Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay* 9:30 – 217. Influence of UV light on the solidstate reactions and structural transformations. Jagadese J. Vittal 10:00 – 218. Photochromic modification in cobaloxime complexes with salicylideneaminopyridine derivative as an axial base ligand. Akiko Sekine*, Sayaka Ina, Kohei Johmoto, Hidehiro Uekusa* 10:20 – 219. Azacalix[5]arene pentamethyl tther: Synthesis, crystal structure, and gas adsorption behavior under ambient condition. Hirohito Tsue*, Kohei Ono, Satoshi Tokita, Koichi Ishibashi, Kazuhiro Matsui, Kazuyuki Miyata, Hiroki Takahashi, Rui Tamura 10:50 – 220. Road from Dutch Resolution as new resolution method to attrition induced grinding. Richard M. Kellogg* Hilton Honolulu I Carbanions: Modern Perspectives in Structure, Reactivity, and Synthesis (#229) Organized by: B. Gawley, V. Snieckus, K. Tomioka Presiding: F. Fleming 7:30 – 221. Reaction mechanisms of alkyland aryllithium reagents with carbonyl compounds. Kristin N. Plessel, Amanda C. Jones, Rebecca Maksymowicz, Hans J. Reich* 8:10 – 222. Catalytic dynamic resolution of chiral organolithiums. Bob Gawley* 8:50 – 223. Kinetics of enantiomerization and resolution of N-Boc-2-lithiopiperidine. Timothy K. Beng*, Robert Gawley 9:10 – 224. Functionalized scalemic alphachloroalkyllithiums in the stereospecific reagent controlled homologation of boronic esters toward polycyclic targets. Paul Blakemore*, Christopher Emerson 9:40 – 225. Enantioselective direct Mannichtype reaction catalyzed by chiral lithium complexes. Kazuaki Ishihara*, Manabu Hatano, Takahiro Horibe 10:10 – 226. Selective generation of carbanion using organic superbase. Yoshinori Kondo* 10:50 – 227. Structure-reactivity relationships in the chemistry of lithium diisopropylamide: Discussions of the role of catalysis and autocatalysis of deaggregation. David B. Collum Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Interface between Organic Synthesis and Chromatography (#19) Organized by: C. Welch, W. Farrell, M. Hyun, A. Rajendran Presiding: M. Hyun 8:00 – 228. Synthesis of crown ether-based and ligand exchange chiral stationary phases and their applications. Myung H. Hyun* 8:30 – 229. Synthesis and characterization of novel polysaccharide-based chiral packing materials. Yoshio Okamoto*, Tomoyuki Ikai, Junqing Li, Jun Shen 9:00 – 230. On the mechanism of chiral recognition by cellulose tris(4-methylbenzoate). Tohru Shibata*, Kazuyoshi Ueda 9:30 – 231. Solvent programmable polymers for separations applications. Ken D. Shimizu*, Yagang Zhang 10:00 – 232. Synthetic strategies for new chromatographic stationary phases. Christopher Welch* 10:30 – 233. Supporting medicinal chemistry through high throughput achiral supercritical fluid chromatography, an orthogonal approach to reversed phase liquid chromatography. Warren B. Potts*, Andy Aubin*, Rui Chen*, Harbaksh Sidhu* 11:00 – 234. Cyclofructans: New chiral selectors for separations, e e. determinations, and possibly synthesis. Daniel W. Armstrong Hilton South Pacific IV New Directions of Supramolecular Chemistry toward Nanomaterial Science, Biomedical Science, and Supramolecular Catalysts (#47) Organized by: S. Aoki, W. Chung, J. Davis, T. Haino Presiding: S. Aoki, J. Davis 8:00 – 235. Supramolecular analytical chemistry. Eric V. Anslyn* 8:25 – 236. Array-based sensing of proteins and cells using nanoparticle-polymer/ biopolymer conjugates. Uwe Bunz, Vincent Rotello* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 8:50 – 237. Module assembly for disrupting protein-protein interactions and dual inhibition of prenyltransferases. Junko Ohkanda*, Shinnosuke Machida, Chiaki Oura, Kazuo Harada, Nobuo Kato 9:05 – 238. Calixarene derivatives that recognize methylated lysines on the surfaces of proteins and disrupt a key cancercausing protein-protein interaction. Fraser Hof* 9:20 – 239. Synthetic lectins. Anthony P. Davis 9:35 – 240. Photo-conversion of higher-order structures composed of peptide amphiphiles and its biological application. Takahiro Muraoka*, Honggang Cui, Chung Y. Koh, Samuel I. Stupp 9:50 – 241. Umbrella-rotaxane: Toward new transporters for cyclic drugs delivery. Christine Chhun*, Andreea R. Schmitzer 10:05 – 242. Budding and fission of artificial cell membrane triggered by a chemical stimulus. Kazuma Yasuhara*, Zhonghua Wang, Hiroshi Ito, Hiroyuki Noriyasu, Jun-ichi Kikuchi 10:20 – 243. Supramolecular assembly by metal-ligand coordinations for molecular recognition and catalytic reactions in aqueous solution. Shin Aoki 10:45 – 244. Self-assembly of peptide hybrids. Jon R. Parquette Hilton Coral IV Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: F. West 8:00 – 245. Studies in complex molecule synthesis: Indoles, indolines, and indolynes. Neil Garg* 8:20 – 246. Application of chemoenzymatic and other methods to the synthesis of biologically active natural products. Martin G. Banwell* 9:05 – 247. Expedient oxidative dearomatization approaches toward complex bridged bicyclic natural products. Jon T. Njardarson 9:35 – 248. New approaches toward prenylated pyrroloindole natural products. Rajesh Viswanathan* 9:55 – 249. Bistramides: Specific and potent small-molecule agents that target actin cytoskeleton. Sergey Kozmin 10:40 – 250. Step economy and function oriented synthesis: Strategies for eradicating HIV/AIDS, overcoming cancer resistance, and treating Alzheimer’s disease. Paul A. Wender* 10:10 – 256. Two-component liquid crystals as chiral reaction media: Highly enantioselective photodimerization of an anthracene derivative driven by the ordered micro-environment. Yasuhiro Ishida, Achalkumar Ammathnadu Sudhakar, Kazuhiko Saigo 10:40 – 257. Cation- controlled solid-state photodimerization of alkenylpyridines. Shinji Yamada*, Yuka Nojiri 11:00 – 258. Supramolecular photochirogenesis with biomolecular hosts. Masaki Nishijima, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Takehiko Wada, Kazuki Bando, Tamotsu Zako, Masafumi Sakono, Mizuo Maeda, Tamara Pace, Cornelia Bohne, Yoshihisa Inoue* 14:10 – 271. Progress toward the chemical synthesis of single-chirality carbon nanotubes. Lawrence T. Scott* 14:50 – 272. Quadrannulene: synthesis and properties of a [4]circulene. Benjamin T. King* 15:10 – 273. New pi systems containing 1,8pyrenylene units. Graham J. Bodwell*, Venkataramana Gandikota, Kiran S. Unikela, Simon Brake 15:30 – 274. Synthesis of new 3-D host molecules: Construction of organic tubes and capsules and their inclusion phenomena. Teruo Shinmyozu* 16:10 – 275. Development of electronegative -conjugated systems toward n-type organic field-effect transistor materials. Yutaka Ie, Yoshio Aso Hilton South Pacific III Hilton Iolani I/II Metal Catalysis for Asymmetric Synthesis (#282) Chemistry of Novel Nanocarbons Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials (#45) Organized by: H. Sasai, A. Charette, H. Davies, D. Yang Presiding: H. Sasai, Y. Dan 8:00 – 259. Enantioselective oxidative coupling of 2-naphthols using dinuclear vanadium complex. Shinobu Takizawa, Tomomi Katayama, Rajesh Doss, Hiroaki Sasai* 8:20 – 260. Partially hydrolysed titanium alkoxides as remarkable precatalysts in the enantioselective synthesis of chiral intermediates. Abdul Majeed Seayad, Balamurugan Ramalingam, Kazuhiko Yoshinaga, Takushi Nagata, Christina L. Chai* 8:40 – 261. Enantioselective aerobic oxidation of doubly activated secondary alcohols and synergistic ion specific transport by chiral vanadyl(V) complexes. Chien-Tien Chen*, Ya-Hui Lin*, Santosh Salunke*, Jun-Qi Kao*, Shiue-Shien Weng* 9:10 – 262. Stereoselective aziridination of alkenes. Helene Lebel* 9:40 – 263. Combined coinage metal catalysis for the synthesis of bioactive molecules. Norbert Krause* 10:00 – 264. Asymmetric C-C bond-formation via Cu(I)-catalyzed activation of C-nucleophiles. Motomu Kanai* 10:30 – 265. Copper-catalyzed boron addition reactions to unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds. Jaesook Yun* 11:00 – 266. Pd-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of unfunctionalized axially chiral allenic hydrocarbons. Masamichi Ogasawara*, Hidetoshi Murakami, Tamotsu Takahashi* Thursday Afternoon Hilton Honolulu III Supramolecular Photochemistry (#125) Organized by: Y. Inoue, C. Bohne, V. Ramamurthy, C. Tung Presiding: K. Yoon, H. Sleiman 8:00 – 251. Mechanisms for dark and lightactivated antimicrobial activity of poly(phenyleneethynylenes) and oligo(phenyleneethynylenes). David G. Whitten*, Ying Wang, Zhijun Zhou, Linnea Ista, Thomas Corbitt, Eunkyung Ji, Anand Parthasarathy, Gabriel P. Lopez, Kirk S. Schanze 8:30 – 252. Critical stereocontrol of chiral photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracenecarboxylate through combined use of ␣and ␥-cyclodextrins as scaffold and host. Cheng Yang*, Yoshihisa Inoue* 8:50 – 253. Syntheses and photochromic properties of terarylene derivatives having intra- and inter-molecular interactions. Tsuyoshi Kawai* 9:20 – 254. Withdrawn 9:50 – 255. Withdrawn Hilton South Pacific II Designed pi-Electronic Systems: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Function (#29) Organized by: M. Haley, G. Bodwell, T. Kubo, Y. Tobe Presiding: Y. Tobe 12:30 – 267. New soluble and stable NIR dyes based on polycyclic aromatics. Chongjun Jiao, Kai Zhang, Jinling Li, Junhong Yao, Xiaojie Zhang, Jishan Wu* 12:50 – 268. Hexaradialenes via successive ring openings of trisalkoxytricyclobutabenzenes: Synthesis, reactivity, and characterization. Toshiyuki Hamura, Shinya Shinozaki, Keisuke Suzuki 13:10 – 269. From molecules to materials. Colin Nuckolls* 13:50 – 270. Solution-stability and optical resolution of triply-helical metal complexes of quaterimidazole. Yasushi Morita*, Yumi Yakiyama, Tsuyoshi Murata, Tomoaki Ise, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Kazuhiro Nakasuji Organized by: T. Akasaka, Y. Li, F. Wudl Presiding: J. Nierengarten, H. Dorn 12:30 – 276. Synthetic approach to carbonrich materials incorporating nanochannels: Toward a synthesis of carbon nanotubes. Mitsuharu Suzuki, Yves Rubin* 13:00 – 277. ESR UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry of a derivatised endohedral fullerene: The special case of Sc3N@C80(CF3)2. Lothar Dunsch*, Alexey Popov, Natalia Shustova, Mary Mackey, Curtis Cumbe, Paige Philips, Steven Stevenson, Steven Strauss, Olga Boltalina 13:30 – 278. Novel structure of endohedral fullerenes. Chun-Ru Wang* 13:50 – 279. Precise control of supramolecular interactions between fullerenes and metalloporphyrins: Applications for molecular and materials sciences of carbon nanoclusters. Kentaro Tashiro*, Takuzo Aida 14:10 – 280. Switchable open-cage fullerenes as molecular water container. Liangbing Gan*, Dazhi Yang, Qianyan Zhang 14:30 – 281. Carbon nanostructures for photochemistry and solar energy conversion. Hiroshi Imahori* 14:50 – 282. Synthesis, isolation and properties of Sm-containing endohedral metallofullerenes. Zujin Shi*, Jia Liu, Zhenan Gu 15:10 – 283. Donor-acceptor conjugates of lanthanum endohedral metallofullerene, La2@C80, and -extended tetrathiafulvalene. Yuta Takano*, M. Ángeles Herranz, Nazario Martín, Shankara Gayathri Radhakrishnan, Dirk M. Guldi, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka, Shigeru Nagase 15:30 – 284. Exploring the exohedral reactivity of TNT endohedral metalloFullerenes (EMFs): The encapsulation effect and the fullerene strain energy. Sílvia Osuna, Marcel Swart*, Josep Maria Poblet, Miquel Solà* 15:50 – 285. Production and purification of N@C60. Tomonari Wakabayashi*, Airi Yoshikawa 16:10 – 286. Functionalization of singlewalled carbon nanotubes with well-defined, functional polymers. Alex Adronov*, Nicole Rice, Patigul Imin, Ryan Chadwick Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI The Science and Strategy of Process Chemistry: From Molecules to Pharmaceutical Drugs (#85) Organized by: T. McDermott, S. Caron, G. McLachlan, I. Shinkai Presiding: S. Caron 12:30 Introductory remarks 12:35 – 287. Beyond the Simmons-Smith reagent: The development of new zinc carbenoid reagents and their use in the cyclopropanation of alkenes. Andre Charette* 13:13 – 288. Development of iodomethylzinc phosphates as cyclopropanating agents in the synthesis of novel hedgehog pathway antagonists. Julian Adams, Brian C. Austad*, Mark L. Behnke, Alfredo C. Castro, Matt Campbell, Jeanne Ferguson, Michael A. Foley, Michael J. Grogan, Andrew Hague, Louis Grenier, Joseph C. Helble, Priscilla Lo, Caroline Lory, Somarajan J. Nair, Stephane Peluso, James R. Porter, Martin R. Tremblay, Lin-Chen Yu, André Charette 13:51 – 289. Asymmetric cyclization via axially chiral enolates at ambient temperature. Takeo Kawabata* 14:29 – 290. Synthesis of a poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase inhibitor utilizing a memory of chirality cyclization. Lawrence Kolaczkowski*, Jufang H. Barkalow, David M. Barnes, Anthony R. Haight 15:07 – 291. Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric alkynylations. Takahiro Nishimura*, Tamio Hayashi* 15:45 – 292. Practical asymmetric conjugate alkynylation of Meldrum’s acid derived acceptors: Access to chiral -alkynyl acids. Shawn D. Walker*, Sheng Cui*, Jacqueline C. Woo, Christopher J. Borths, Herschel Mukherjee, Maosheng J. Chen, Margaret M. Faul 16:23 Concluding remarks Hilton Honolulu III Supramolecular Photochemistry (#125) Organized by: Y. Inoue, C. Bohne, V. Ramamurthy, C. Tung Presiding: W. Nau, Y. Ishida 12:30 – 293. Intramolecular dimer radical cation and anion of [3n]cyclophanes. Mamoru Fujitsuka, Tetsuro Majima* 13:00 – 294. Photochromism and enhanced emission of amphiphilic organic dyes self-assembled in water. Kenji Matsuda*, Takashi Hirose 13:20 – 295. Efforts to materialize artificial photosynthesis. Kyung Byung Yoon* 13:50 – 296. Novel strategy of supramolecular asymmetric photochirogenesis with tailor-made biomolecular interfaces as chiral reaction fields. Takehiko Wada*, Yui Sugawara, Masaki Nishijima, Mihoko Ui, Kazushi Kinbara, Kohei Tsumoto, Yasuyuki Araki, Seiji Sakamoto, Yoshihisa Inoue * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–119 04-ORGN 14:10 – 297. DNA as a programmable template to organize photoactive materials. Hanadi Sleiman*, Hua Yang, Pik Kwan P. Lo, Christopher K. McLaughlin, Yongqiang Wen, Graham Hamblin 14:40 – 298. Synthesis and characterization of new spirooxazine based on calix[4]arenes. Jianying Wang*, Changgen Feng, Qingxuan Zeng, Guangyou Zhang 15:00 – 299. Binding dynamics of 1-(2-naphthyl)ethylammonium cation with cucurbit[7]uril. Hao Tang, Denis Fuentealba, Young Ho Ko, Narayanan Selvapalam, Kimoon Kim, Cornelia Bohne* 15:30 – 300. Photofunctional materials: From simple molecules to supramolecular assemblies. Vivian W. Yam* 16:00 – 301. Self-assembled coordination cages and networks as photoreactors. Makoto Fujita* Hilton Coral V New Dimensions of Green Sustainable Chemistry: Novel Reactions and Catalysts (#132) Organized by: S. Kobayashi, P. Anastas, T. Braish, M. Krische, C.J. Li Presiding: T. Braish 12:30 – 302. Cascade reactions for sustainable conversion of fatty acid methyl esters. Simon Desset*, Thomas Hermanns, Jürgen Klankermayer, Walter Leitner 12:45 – 303. Chemical and biotechnological approaches to rare sugars as practical chirons for organic synthesis. Daniel Best, Alexander C. Weymouth-Wilson, Akihide Yoshihara, Ken Izumori, Francis X. Wilson, George W. Fleet 13:00 – 304. Greener, biocatalytic manufacturing of sitagliptin. John H. Grate 13:30 – 305. Development of dialkyl carbonate intermediates in the diphenyl carbonate process using CO2. Budianto Bijanto, Masaaki Shinohata, Nobuhisa Miyake 13:45 – 306. Application of dioxygen in transition metal catalyzed reactions. Ning Jiao*, Zhuangzhi Shi, Chun Zhang 14:00 – 307. Preparation of chiral amines and amino acids by biocatalysis. Ronald L. Hanson* 14:30 – 308. Development of innovative technologies for reducing environmental loads for advanced utilization of chitin resources: Effect of hydrothermal treatment on enzymatic degradation of chitin. Mitsumasa Osada*, Chika Miura, Yuko Nakagawa, Mikio Kaihara, Mitsuru Nikaido, Kazuhide Totani 14:45 – 309. Chemo-and biocatalysis in ionic liquids: One-pot two steps synthesis of enantiomerically pure biaryl alcohols. Vincent Gauchot*, Andreea Schmitzer*, Wolfgang Kroutil 15:00 – 310. Explore new reactivities for synthetic efficiency. Chao-Jun Li* 15:30 – 311. One-pot synthesis in total synthesis of (-)-oseltamivir. Yujiro Hayashi* 16:00 – 312. Why select alternative chemical synthetic routes: The role of green chemistry in the design, synthesis and use of novel, nitrogen heterocyclic drug candidates. Milton T. Hearn* Hilton Honolulu I Carbanions: Modern Perspectives in Structure, Reactivity, and Synthesis (#229) Organized by: B. Gawley, V. Snieckus, K. Tomioka Presiding: V. Snieckus 12:30 – 313. Design, reactivities, and function of organozincate reagents. Masanobu Uchiyama 120 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 13:10 – 314. Consecutive aminolithiationcarbolithiation of olefins. Kiyoshi Tomioka*, Tokutaro Ogata, Susumu Tsuchida, Hiromi Baba, Atsunori Kaneshige, Ken-ichi Yamada, Yasutomo Yamamoto 13:50 – 315. Theoretical/computational study on the gem-dizinc mediated reaction. Shinsuke Komagawa, Taniyuki Furuyama, Masanobu Uchiyama*, Mutsumi Sada, Seijiro Matsubara* 14:10 – 316. NMR studies of a ternary complex reagent of lithium ester enolate, chiral diether, and lithium diisopropylamide in an asymmetric Michael reaction. Yasutomo Yamamoto, Yorinobu Yasuda, Hiroyuki Nasu, Kiyoshi Tomioka* 14:40 – 317. Catalytic asymmetric allylic arylation by chiral NHC-Cu catalyst and aryl Grignard reagents. Ken-ichi Yamada, Khalid B. Selim, Hirotsugu Nakanishi, Kiyoshi Tomioka* 15:10 – 318. Tandem reaction initiated by 1,4-addition of bis(iodozincio)methane for 1,3-diketone formation. Seijiro Matsubara* 15:50 – 319. Nucleophilic addition reactions to pyridinium and iminium salts: Expedient access to indolizidine alkaloids and other useful chiral building blocks. Andre Charette* 13:10 – 330. Development of luminescence probes for target ions. Jong Seung Kim*, Young Hoon Lee, Hyun Jung Kim, Hyo Sung Jung, Yeon Ok Lee, Min Hee Lee 13:35 – 331. Macrocyclic reagents for chiral discrimination in NMR. Tadashi Ema*, Daisuke Tanida, Kazuki Hamada, Toshinobu Korenaga, Takashi Sakai 13:50 – 332. Calixarene-based assembly of functional nanomaterials: Chiral gold nanoparticles and amines confined in chiral pockets. Andrew Solovyov*, Jeong-Myeong Ha, Alexander Katz 14:05 – 333. Molecular balance for measuring noncovalent interactions. Ken D. Shimizu 14:20 – 334. Synthesis of DNA oligo-catenane by photoligation. Takeaki Uehara, Kenzo Fujimoto, Yuichi Ohya 14:35 – 335. Porous nanocapsules with “invisible” walls. Eugene Pinkhassik* 14:50 – 336. Reactions inside and outside of water-soluble nano-capsules. Bruce Gibb, Corinne Gibb, Simin Liu 15:15 – 337. Design and synthesis of metallo-supramolecular systems with cooperative and responsive functions. Tatsuya Nabeshima* 15:40 Concluding remarks Hilton South Pacific III Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Metal Catalysis for Asymmetric Synthesis (#282) Organized by: H. Sasai, A. Charette, H. Davies, D. Yang Presiding: H. Davies, D. Yang 12:30 – 320. Asymmetric catalytic N-phosphonyl imine chemistry: The use of metalamino acid complexes as catalysts and metal cyanides for asymmetric catalytic strecker reaction. Guigen Li, Parminder Kaur, Suresh Pindi, Walter Wever, Trideep Rajale 12:50 – 321. Formation of C-C bonds via catalytic hydrogenation and transfer hydrogenation. Michael J. Krische* 13:20 – 322. Intertwined nature of chemical synthesis and the discovery process. Brian M. Stoltz 13:50 – 323. Synthesis, resolution and asymmetric applications of 3,3’-disubstituted BINAP and xylBINAP derivatives. Danica A. Rankic, Daniela Lucciola, J. M. Hopkins, Brian A. Keay* 14:10 – 324. Enantioselective ortho-lithiation for the synthesis of planar-chiral paracyclophanes. Kazumasa Kanda, Kohei Endo, Takanori Shibata* 14:30 – 325. C—H oxidation and organic synthesis. M. Christina White* 15:00 – 326. Enantioselective rhodium(II)catalyzed cyclopropanation of alkenes with ␣-EWG diazoacetophenones: PMPketones as stereoselectivity controllers. Vincent Lindsay*, André B. Charette 15:20 – 327. Novel oxidative asymmetric cyclizations promoted by Pd-SPRIX catalyst. Hiroaki Sasai* 15:50 – 328. Enantioselective C-C bond formation using new camphor derived chiral ligands. Biing-Jiun Uang* Hilton South Pacific IV New Directions of Supramolecular Chemistry toward Nanomaterial Science, Biomedical Science, and Supramolecular Catalysts (#47) Organized by: S. Aoki, W. Chung, J. Davis, T. Haino Presiding: W. Chung, T. Haino 12:45 – 329. Chromogenic and fluorogenic sensing of heavy metal ions based on calix[4]arenes functionalized by 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions. Wen-Sheng Chung*, I-Ting Ho, Kai-Chi Chang, Annamalai Senthilvelan Hilton Coral IV Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: M. Banwell 12:45 – 338. Synthesis of bioactive alkaloids via a samarium diiodide-promoted reductive carbon-nitrogen bond cleavage reaction. Toshio Honda* 13:30 – 339. Development and application of oxidative bond forming reactions of silyl bis-enol ethers. Regan J. Thomson* 14:00 – 340. New synthetic methods and new process discovery with [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangements (33SRs) of N,O-diacyl hydroxylamines and related systems. Patrick Perlmutter*, Helen R. Lagiakos, Craig Forsyth, Neeranat Thienthong, Marie-Isabel Aguilar 14:20 – 341. Homogenous Lewis and Brønsted acid catalyzed strategies for carbocycle and N-heterocycle synthesis. Philip W. Chan 14:40 – 342. Synthetic studies toward N-methylwelwitindolinone C isothiocyanate. Viresh Rawal* 15:25 – 343. Nodulisporic acid A synthetic studies: Application of a novel BuchwaldHartwig/Heck cascade to unite the eastern and western hemispheres. Amos B. Smith* 16:10 – 344. Synthetic studies toward antascomicin B. Matt McIntosh* Hilton Honolulu II Supramolecular Catalysis (#280) Organized by: J. Parquette, J. Badjic, M. Organ, Q. Zhou Presiding: J. Badjic 12:50 Introduction 12:55 – 345. Complementary double-helical molecules that catalyze asymmetric reactions. Eiji Yashima*, Yoshio Furusho 13:25 – 346. Facile synthesis and characterization of zinc(II)-included hemicryptophanes. Yoshimasa Makita*, Shin-ichi Fujiwara, Akiya Ogawa 13:55 – 347. Host-guest complexes with ␣and -cyclodextrins: A versatile strategy to assemble efficient catalysts. Andreea R. Schmitzer*, Loic Leclercq, Mathieu Lacour, Samantha H. Sanon 14:25 – 348. Conformational control, remote chirality transfer and asymmetric induction in dendritic catalysis. T. V. RajanBabu*, Jon Parquette, Jianfeng Yu 14:55 – 349. Selective hydrolysis of phosphate monoester in aqueous solution by supramolecular catalysts formed by selfassembly of bipyridyl-appended bis(Zn2⫹-cyclen) complex, cyanurate, and copper (cyclen ⫽ 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane). Shin Aoki*, Mohd Zulkefeli Mat Jusoh, Motoo Shiro 15:25 – 350. Dendronized fluorinated alcohols as catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide. Albrecht Berkessel*, Jan Krämer, Rainer Haag, Florian Mummy 15:55 – 351. Enhanced reactions in helical aromatic oligoamide foldamers. Ivan Huc* Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Interface between Organic Synthesis and Chromatography (#19) Organized by: C. Welch, W. Farrell, M. Hyun, A. Rajendran Presiding: A. Rajendran 13:00 – 352. Large scale industrial chromatography. Georges Guiochon* 13:35 – 353. Integration of chiral chromatography in chemical development and cGMP synthesis. Yvan Ruland*, Jeff Marcoux* 14:10 – 354. Continuous preparative chromatography to obtain enantiomers of antineoplastic agent mitotane using Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) and varicol. Cesar C. Santana*, Absolon C. da Silva, Airton G. Salles, Quezia B. Cass, Carlos Roque D. Correia 14:45 – 355. Comparison of chromatographic and synthetic routes to manufacture chiral thiourea. Larry Miller*, Karl Hansen, Seb Callie 15:20 – 356. Rational design of preparative supercritical fluid chromatography. Wenda Chen, Reza Hagpanah, Mohammand Aman Ullah, Arvind Rajendran* 15:55 – 357. Investigation of a continuous chromatographic purification process via simulated moving bed chromatography for an api route evaluation. Carlos A. Orihuela*, Michael Rasmussen, Alex Chu-Kung, Timothy Towne, Robert Miller Thursday Evening Hilton South Pacific II Designed pi-Electronic Systems: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Function (#29) Organized by: M. Haley, G. Bodwell, T. Kubo, Y. Tobe Presiding: M. Haley 19:00 – 358. Relative aromaticities of the cyclic C7 and C8 neutral, anionic, and cationic species determined by dihydropyrene annelation. Reginald H. Mitchell, David J. Berg, Pengrong Zhang 19:15 – 359. Azulenocyanine: A new family of phthalocyanines with intense near-IR absorption. Atsuya Muranaka*, Mitsuhiro Yonehara, Nagao Kobayashi, Masanobu Uchiyama * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 19:30 – 360. Synthesis of pyrene based difurans, cyclophanes, and polyarenes. David Franz, Peter Dibble* 19:45 – 361. Modular synthesis of 1H-indene, dihydro-s-indacene derivatives and ladder-type oligo(phenylenevinylene)s as new ambipolar materials. Xiaozhang Zhu*, Chikahiko Mitsui, Hayato Tsuji*, Eiichi Nakamura* 20:00 – 362. Reduced dimensionality in organic nonlinear optical materials. Stephanie J. Benight, Lewis E. Johnson, Daniel B. Knorr, Rene M. Overney, Bruce E. Eichinger, Bruce H. Robinson, Larry R. Dalton* 20:15 – 363. Spin-unrestricted density functional theory study on the electronic structures and optical properties of openshell extended -conjugated systems. Ryohei Kishi*, Masayoshi Nakano*, Hitoshi Fukui, Kyohei Yoneda, Takashi Kubo, Kenji Kamada, Koji Ohta, Edith Botek, Benoît Champagne 20:30 – 364. Synthesis of new ladder and semi-ladder polymers based on indolocarbazole for Organic Field Effect Transistors. Nicolas Cocherel*, Oscar Navarro, Michael Turner 20:45 – 365. Well-defined luminescent fluoreneborane oligomers and macrocycles. Pangkuan Chen, Frieder Jaekle* 21:00 – 366. Emission enhancement and quenching by low-molecular thyophene derivatives. Koji Miyamoto, Hirokuni Jintoku, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Makoto Takafuji, Takashi Sagawa, Hirotaka Ihara* Hilton Coral I Chemistry of Novel Nanocarbons Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials (#45) Organized by: T. Akasaka, Y. Li, F. Wudl Presiding: Y. Rubin 19:00 – 367. Stabilization of fused-pentagon fullerenes by chlorination. Su-Yuan Xie*, Lan-Sun Zheng, Rong-Bin Huang 19:20 – 368. Production yields in metallofullerene series: Free-metal ionization potentials as governing parameters. Zdenek Slanina*, Takeshi Akasaka, Shigeru Nagase 19:40 – 369. Transition metal complexes of the Li@C60 cation: Synthesis and structure determination. Takahito Watanabe, Takashi Komuro, Masato Itoh, Hiromi Tobita*, Hiroshi Okada, Takeshi Sakai, Yoshihiro Ono, Yasuhiko Kasama 20:00 – 370. Spectroscopic identification of bond strain and interactions in a series of saturated carbon-cage molecules: Adamantane, twistane, octahedrane, and cubane. Trevor M. Willey*, Jonathan R. Lee, Dan Brehmer, Lasse Landt, P. R. Schreiner, A. A. Fokin, B. A. Tkachenko, N. A. Fokina, T. van Buuren 20:20 – 371. High-yield synthesis and characterization of nitrogen atom encapsulated fullerene by using a nitrogen RFplasma technique. Soon Cheon Cho*, Toshiro Kaneko, Sunao Miyanaga, Rikizo Hatakeyama 20:40 – 372. Fabrication of CaCO3/SWNTs nanocomposite using fullerodendron-assisted approach. Tomoyuki Tajima, Akira Tsutsui, Yutaka Takaguchi* Hilton Coral IV Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: F. West 19:00 – 373. Some new Nazarov chemistry. Marcus A. Tius*, Ashok K. Basak, Naoyuki Shimada, William F. Bow, David A. Vicic 19:45 – 374. Use of spirolacotonyltetralones as key intermediates for natural product synthesis. Ishikawa Tsutomu*, Akagi Yuhsuke, Yamada Shin-ichiro, Etomi Natsuno, Kumamoto Takuya, Nakanishi Waka 20:30 – 375. Zinc carbenoid-mediated approach to the papyracillic acids. Charles Zercher*, Jennifer Mazzone Hilton South Pacific I The Science and Strategy of Process Chemistry: From Molecules to Pharmaceutical Drugs (#85) Organized by: T. McDermott, S. Caron, G. McLachlan, I. Shinkai Presiding: T. Watson 19:00 – 376. Regulatory roundtable discussion: API around the Pacific Rim. Todd McDermott, Timothy Watson, Okuda Haruhira, Frank Montgomery, John Lepore, Moheb Nasr Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Synthesis & Reactivity (#155) Organized by: R. Bishop, M. Garcia-Garibay, R. Kuroda Presiding: R. Bishop, R. Kuroda, M. Garcia-Garibay Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 377. Application of preferential enrichment to amino acids with a racemic crystal structure. Sekai Iwama*, Rajesh G. Gonnade, Masahiro Horiguchi, Hiroki Takahashi, Hirohito Tsue, Rui Tamura 378. Mechanofluorochromism of heteropolycyclic donor--acceptor fluorescent dyes. Yousuke Ooyama*, Hiroshi Fukuoka, Kenji Komaguchi, Ichiro Imae, Yutaka Harima 379. Structure and mechanism of tunnel water dehydration of Cephalexin investigated by powder X-ray diffraction. Masahide Aoki, Hidehiro Uekusa* 380. Spontaneous enantiomeric resolution of DL-phenylalanine-fumaric acid co-crystals based on a preferential enrichment protocol. Rajesh Gonnade*, Sekai Iwama, Mori Yuko, Hiroki Takahashi, Hirohito Tsue, Rui Tamura 381. Control of relationship between conformational and color conformational and color polymorphism of sulfide compound with 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone unit. Takafumi Kinuta, Takunori Harada, Nobuo Tajima, Tomohiro Sato, Reiko Kuroda, Yoshio Matsubara, Yoshitane Imai* 382. Study on the inclusion complex of 2,2’bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)-1,1’-binaphthyl and derivatives. Kazuyuki Hashimoto, Bunpei Hatano*, Tatsuro Kijima 383. Polymorphs and pseudopolymorphs of solvated crystals of indantrione-1,2-dioxime. Mitsuaki Suzuki, Keiji Kobayashi* 384. Definition of right- (supR, supP) and left-handedness (supS, supM) on three types of chiral hydrogen bond networks composed of primary ammonium carboxylates. Toshiyuki Sasaki, Norimitsu Tohnai, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata* 385. Column structures of salts between carboxylic acids and amino acid amides having a trityl group and their application for optical resolution of carboxylic acids. Ken Megumi, Shoji Matsumoto, Motohiro Akazome* 386. Withdrawn 387. Synthesis of the dimethyl-substituted TTF-DT-fused donors and electrical conductivity of their molecular conductors. Atsushi Wada, Hiroki Akutsu, Shin’ichi Nakatsuji, Jun-ichi Yamada* 388. Synthesis of the bis(methylthio)-substituted -electron donors: Toward control of electron correlation. Kohei Fujikawa, Kazuhiro Takeuchi, Hiroki Akutsu, Shin’ichi Nakatsuji, Jun-ichi Yamada* 389. Selection of 21 axes and determination of right- and left-handedness of 21 helices in crystalline structure of Cinchona alkaloids. Kazuaki Sakaguchi*, Ichiro Hisaki, Norimitsu Tohnai, Mikiji Miyata 390. Toward 2D polymers using designed monomers based on 1,8-anthrylenes. Patrick Kissel, A. D. Schlüter*, Junji Sakamoto* 391. Structures and properties of some ferrocene-containing compounds. Kazuya Fujiwara, Hiroki Akutsu, Jun-ichi Yamada, Masaharu Satoh, Shin’ichi Nakatsuji 392. Polymorphism of octadehydrotribenzo[14]annulene with methyl ester groups and superstructuredependent optical properties. Eriko Kometani, Ichiro Hisaki, Norimitsu Tohnai, Mikiji Miyata 393. Modulation of solid-state luminescence quantum efficiency based on CH-O intermolecular interaction. Toshiki Matsuoka, Tomoaki Hinoue, Yuji Mizobe, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata, Norimitsu Tohnai 394. Enhanced two-photon absorption cross-section of organic materials in solid state. Yuki Tanaka*, Jun Kawamata 395. Modulation of molecular arrangements and solid-state optical properties of the charge-transfer complexes composed of organic salts and TCNQ. Yuta Doi, Norimitsu Tohnai, Atsushi Yamamoto, Mitsuru Kurata, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata 396. Construction of C3-symmetric crystals with inclusion space of dehydrobenzo[12]annulene derivatives. Hirofumi Senga, Ichiro Hisaki, Norimitsu Tohnai, Mikiji Miyata 397. Solvent-free reductive coupling of benzaldehydes with nano-size calcium on amorphous carbon. Yoshiharu Mitoma*, Aki Nishimura, Naoyoshi Egashira, Mitsunori Kakeda, Cristian Simion, Shogo Sakita, Tetsuji Okuda 398. New Ullmann-type, solvent-free, coupling of halogenated aryls in the presence of nano-size metallic calcium and calcium oxide. Yoshiharu Mitoma*, Keisuke Kagawa, Naoyoshi Egashira, Mitsunori Kakeda, Cristian Simion 399. Influence of crystal packing on reactivity of solid-state cycloaddition of azide and alkyne. Ben-Bo Ni*, Yuguo Ma* 400. Incorporating molecular rotors in metalorganic frameworks for the construction of inertial solid-state molecular rotors. Cortnie S. Vogelsberg*, David Tranchemontagne, Saeed I. Khan, Omar M. Yaghi, Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay 401. Structural study of charge ordered insulating phase of DODHT salts. Hiroyuki Nishikawa*, Hiroki Oshio, Momoka Higa, Ryusuke Kondo, Sei-ichi Kagoshima, Akiko Nakao, Hiroshi Sawa 402. Photoinduced micropatterning by polymorphic crystallization of a photochromic diarylethene in a polymer film. Daichi Kitagawa*, Seiya Kobatake 403. Self-assembly and polymerization of macrocyclic diacetylenes. Linda S. Shimizu*, Yuewen Xu 404. Construction of a layered framework with guest-responsive channels composed of disulfonic acid and amine. Tomofumi Hirukawa, Norimitsu Tohnai, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata 405. Effects of 1-D hydrogen-bond networks on the stability of the enol and keto forms in 2-(2’-hydroxyphenyl)benzimidazole microcrystals. Saori Nagao, Kiichi Amimoto, Issui Kiyota, Kenichiro Saita, Shinkoh Nanbu, Hiroshi Sekiya* 406. Anomal emission from photoexcited 4’N,N-dialkylamino-3-methoxyflavone microcrystals arise from isomerization under strong intermolecular ineractions. Issui Kiyota*, Kazuyuki Hino, Hirofumi Nakano, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Masayuki Nakagaki, Hiroshi Sekiya 407. Absolute asymmetric synthesis involving intramolecular 2⫹2 photocycloaddition reaction using chiral crystal. Masami Sakamoto*, Fumitoshi Yagishita, Takashi Mino, Tsutomu Fujita 408. Synthesis, crystal structures and physical properties of charge-transfer complexes and radical salts composed of bis(propylenedioxy)dibenzotetrathafulvalene (BPDO-DBTTF) donor. Tomoko Inayoshi*, Masaki Sanada, Shiro Matsumoto 409. Photomechanical motion of spiropyran crystals. Hidetaka Uchimoto, Koshima Hideko 410. Development for accurate crystal-structure analysis of a surface-shallow layer by X-ray diffraction and its application to the epitaxial crystals of halogen-bridged platinum(II,IV) complexes. Hiroaki Yamanaka*, Daisuke Yamashita, Minoru Mitsumi, Yoshiki Ozawa, Koshiro Toriumi, Osami Sakata 411. Solidification behavior of 2,4,6-triarylphenoxyl radicals. Takahiro Mori, Taisetsu Ueno, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi, Hideyuki Tukada* 412. Water vapor induced switching of photochromic property of acid-base salicylideneaniline co-crystals. Kohei Johmoto, Akiko Sekine, Hidehiro Uekusa* 413. Development of multi-component chiral inclusion crystals derived from natural chiral compounds and their application to enantioseparation of racemates. Koichi Kodama*, Eriko Sekine, Ayaka Kanno, Takuji Hirose 414. Crystal phase transition and solid-state photoisomerization of benzyl (Z,Z)-muconate polymorphs studied by direct observation of crystal structure change. Natsuko Nishizawa, Daisuke Furukawa, Akikazu Matsumoto* 415. Mesoporous silica as solid solvent: Its application to the Diels-Alder reaction of C60. Satoshi Minakata*, Kazuhisa Nakayama 416. Structural and physical properties of DMEDO-EBDT salts. Toru Morikawa, Takashi Shirahata, Hisakazu Miyamoto, Yoshiaki Nakano, Hideki Yamochi, Yohji Misaki* 417. Hydration and dehydration mechanism and crystal structure of tetracaine hydrochloride. Sayaka Ina, Akiko Sekine, Hidehiro Uekusa*, Etsuo Yonemochi, Katsuhide Terada 418. Efficient solid-state ESIPT luminescence of imidazopyridine derivatives: Packing effect on the luminescence. Hideaki Shono, Tatsuya Ohkawa, Haruhiko Tomoda, Toshiki Mutai*, Koji Araki* 419. Multiple crystal forms produced just by variation of the recrystallisation solvent. Roger Bishop* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–121 04-ORGN 420. Polymorphism of dehydrobenzoannulenes caused by methyl-esterification: Their superstructures and anomalous properties. Ichiro Hisaki*, Hajime Shigemitsu, Eriko Kometani, Norimitsu Tohnai, Mikiji Miyata* 421. Crystal structures and physical properties of molecular conductors derived from stereoisomers of DMDH-TTP. Jun-ichi Yamada*, Kouki Miura, Shun Ichikawa, Satoshi Shimono, Hiroki Akutsu, Shin’ichi Nakatsuji, Lee Martin 422. Phase transitions of quasi-1-D molecular conductor (DMEDO-TTF)2PF6. Takashi Shirahata*, Tadashi Kawamoto, Tadahiko Ishikawa, Yoshiaki Nakano, Yohji Misaki, Shin-ya Koshihara, Hideki Yamochi, Takehiko Mori 423. Cation- controlled reorientation of pyridine derivatives on exposure to HCl gas. Shinji Yamada*, Yoko Tokugawa, Yuka Nojiri 424. Selective pseudo-polymorphic transformation pathways of organic crystalline materials established using powder X-ray diffraction analysis. Kotaro Fujii, Yasunari Ashida, Hidehiro Uekusa*, Fang Guo, Kenneth D. Harris 425. Molecular recognition of alcohols by inclusion compounds of dipeptides and ammonium salts of N-trityl amino acids. Motohiro Akazome*, Ken Megumi, Shusaku Toma, Shoji Matsumoto 426. Development of high lightfast developer for thermal papers. Satoshi Kodama, Hiroshi Fujii, Hidehiro Uekusa* 427. Hydrogen-bonding organic conductors. Yuka Kobayashi*, Takashi Ogura, Daisuke Hashizume, Toshikazu Nakamura, Kou Furukawa 428. Crystal structures and curing temperature modification of host-guest inclusion compound type new curing agent. Takeda Takenori, Hidehiro Uekusa*, Akiko Sekine, Natsuki Amanokura, Satoru Abe, Tetsuya Sahara, Hiroshi Suzuki Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Carbanions: Modern Perspectives in Structure, Reactivity, and Synthesis (#229) Organized by: B. Gawley, V. Snieckus, K. Tomioka Presiding: B. Gawley Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 429. Steric effect of a flexible alkyl chain on a ligand for CuAAC reaction. Keisuke Asano, Seijiro Matsubara* 430. Synthesis of selenoamides and selenoimidates by reaction of lithium enolates, isoselenocyanates, and acid chlorides. Tatsuya Watanabe, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 431. Panorama of computational study on mechanism of alkyne haloboration. Chao Wang, Masanobu Uchiyama* 432. Three-component synthesis of optically active propargylamines using pybim-copper(I) catalyst. Mutsuyo Ohara, Yuko Nakamura, Shuichi Nakamura*, Norio Shibata, Takeshi Toru Hilton South Pacific III Metal Catalysis for Asymmetric Synthesis (#282) Organized by: H. Sasai, A. Charette, H. Davies, D. Yang Presiding: H. Sasai, A. Charette 19:00 – 433. Tuning copper and ruthenium catalyzed reactions using N-heterocyclic carbene ligands. Shawn Collins* 19:30 – 434. Efficient enantioselective synthesis of 1-vinyltetrahydroisoquinoline via Pd-catalyzed intramolecular allylic amination for the formal total syntheses of Schulzeines A-C. Chi-Feng Lin, Iwao Ojima* 122–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 19:50 – 435. Coinage metal-catalyzed asymmetric C-C and C-N bond formation reactions. Chi-Ming Che* 20:20 – 436. Gold(I)-catalyzed enantioselective reactions. Dean Toste Hilton South Pacific IV Friday Morning Organized by: J. Rainier, R. Anderson, M. Murata Presiding: J. Rainier Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules - A Celebration of Bob Moss’s 70 years (#1) Organized by: M. Platz, M. Abe, W. Leigh Presiding: M. Platz 7:30 – 437. Ion radicals of unsaturated silicon compounds: The cation-radical and anion-radical of disilene, and the anionradical of disilyne. Akira Sekiguchi 8:00 – 438. Triradicals and beyond. Wolfram Sander*, Patrik Neuhaus, Dirk Grote, Sugumar Venkataramani 8:30 – 439. Spin alignment in tetraradicals, based on the substituent effect on the ground state spin-multiplicity of localized 1,3-diyls. Manabu Abe, Takeshi Nakamura, Ko Fukukawa, Tatsuhisa Kato, Yoshihisa Fujiwara 9:00 – 440. Thermoluminescence originating from the singlet excited state of 1,4-diarylcyclohexane-1,4-diyls: A potentially general strategy for the observation of short-lived biradicals. Hiroshi Ikeda* 9:30 – 441. Redox chemistry of stable P-heterocyclic biradicals. Shigekazu Ito* 10:00 – 442. Experimental consideration on intermolecular spin-spin interaction of delocalized singlet biradicals. Takashi Kubo* 10:30 – 443. New reactivity of a 1,2-diaryldisilyne, the first carbon-substituted disilyne. Joon S. Han, Koji Hironaka, Takahiro Sasamori, Yoshiyuki Mizuhata, Norihiro Tokitoh* 11:00 – 444. Chiral neutral radicals with an extremely spin-delocalized nature. Yasushi Morita*, Akira Ueda, Shuichi Suzuki, Masatoshi Kozaki, Keiji Okada, Shinsuke Nishida, Tomoaki Ise, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui Hilton South Pacific II Asymmetric Organocatalysis (#62) Organized by: K. Maruoka, L. Deng, L. Gong Presiding: K. Maruoka, L. Gong, L. Deng 7:30 – 445. N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed ring expansion of azacycloalkane2-carboxaldehydes for the synthesis of lactams. Karen Thai, Li Wang, François Bilodeau, Michel Gravel* 7:50 – 446. Improving the enantioselectivity of proline based catalysts with ␣-substitution. David Barker, Margaret A. Brimble, Kevin Sparrow, Sok Teng Tong 8:10 – 447. Enantioselective oxidative kinetic resolution of racemic secondary alcohols using chirally modified AZADOs. Yoshiharu Iwabuchi* 8:30 – 448. Chiral ammonium betaines as a unique organic molecular catalyst. Takashi Ooi* 9:00 – 449. Design and utility of chiral carbenes for asymmetric umpolung. Tomislav Rovis* 9:30 – 450. Bio-inspired chiral primary amine catalysts. Sanzhong Luo* 10:00 – 451. Hypervalent iodine reagents: new entry to organocatalysts for green oxidations. Yasuyuki Kita* 10:30 – 452. Asymmetric reactions with bifunctional and dual-functional catalysis. Li Deng* 11:00 – 453. Chiral Brønsted acid catalysis for asymmetric synthesis. Hisashi Yamamoto* Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Biology, Ecology, and Synthesis (#80) 7:30 – 454. Synthesis of marine natural products at 4700 feet above sea level. Jon D. Rainier* 8:00 – 455. Marine natural products in extrema: The extraordinary and the enigmatic. Tadeusz F. Molinski* 8:30 – 456. Confirmation of the cellular target of pateamine A. James Matthews, Paul Teesdale-Spittle* 8:50 – 457. Synthesis and biology of laddershaped polyethers isolated from marine dinoflagellate for exploring biological functions. Tohru Oishi* 9:20 – 458. Elements of the structure elucidation of isolates from the twilight zone Sponge Suberea sp. collected from waters around Guam. Anthony D. Wright*, Peter Schupp, Claudia Kohlert-Schupp, John M. Pezzuto, Tamara P. Kondratyuk, Eun-Jung Park, Laura Marler 9:40 – 459. Mode of action of theonellamides, antifungal bicyclic peptides from a marine sponge. Shinichi Nishimura, Shigeki Matsunaga, Hideaki Kakeya, Minoru Yoshida 10:00 – 460. Antibacterial marine natural products that inhibit the bacterial cell division protein FtsZ. Carole Bewley*, Alberto Plaza, Jessica Keffer 10:30 – 461. Marine huge molecules. Daisuke Uemura 11:00 – 462. New and highly bioactive marine cyanobacterial natural products discovered by innovative assays and technologies. Alban Pereira*, Kevin Tidgewell, Hyukjae Choi, Joshawna Nunnery, Emily Mevers, Eduardo Esquenazi, Robin Kinnel, Thomas Murray, Pieter Dorrestein, William Gerwick Hilton Iolani I/II New Advances in Metal-Catalyzed Alkylation and Fluoroalkylation (#115) Organized by: D. Vicic, V. Dong, N. Kambe Presiding: V. Dong 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:35 – 463. Recent advances in Cu-catalyzed aromatic trifluoromethylation. Hideki Amii*, Hideaki Kondo, Masahiro Oishi 8:15 – 464. Organometallic aspects of metalcatalyzed trifluoromethylation of organic halides. David Vicic* 8:50 – 465. Zinc reagent-mediated perfluoroalkylation reaction. Xuan Wang, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama* 9:30 – 466. Electrophilic trifluoromethylation of a variety of substrates using hypervalent iodine reagents. Antonio Togni* 10:10 – 467. Resent progress of monofluoromethylation reactions using FBSM and FBDT as synthetic equivalents for monofluoromethide species. Norio Shibata* 10:50 – 468. Catalytic methods for enantioselective C-F bond formation with fluoride sources. Abigail G. Doyle* Hilton Honolulu III Achieving Efficiency in Organic Reactions via Greener Processes and Practices (#139) Organized by: I. Ryu, D. Curran, P. Jessop, S. Lee Presiding: K. Fukase, I. Ryu, O. Kappe 7:30 – 469. Study of microfluidic reactions toward production of biofunctional molecules: Application to glycan synthesis. Koichi Fukase* 8:00 – 470. Continuous-flow synthesis of vitamin D3. Shinichiro Fuse, Nobutake Tanabe, Masahito Yoshida, Hayato Yoshida, Takayuki Doi, Takashi Takahashi 8:20 – 471. Scale-up of microwave-assisted reactions using high-temperature/pressure microreactor technology. C Oliver Kappe*, Toma N. Glasnov, Tahseen Razzaq, David Obermayer, Bernhard Gutmann, Markus Damm 8:40 – 472. Flash chemistry using flow microreactors. Jun-ichi Yoshida* 9:10 – 473. Energy-saving photoreaction system using microreactor and compact light source. Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu 9:30 – 474. Efficient dehydrocondensing reaction accelerated at a micellar interface. Munetaka Kunishima* 9:50 – 475. New facile general method for the conjugation of three different molecules. Hyung Min Chi, Dong Seok Shin, Hyeong Baik Kim, Byoung Se Lee, Dae Yoon Chi* 10:20 – 476. Fluorous-based green technologies for organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry. Wei Zhang* 10:40 – 477. Carbohydrate synthesis using heavy fluorous tags. Mamoru Mizuno*, Kohtaro Goto, Hiroko Kawakami, Mami Tojino 11:00 – 478. Development of tandem reaction by using the Blaise reaction intermediate. Sang-gi Lee* Hilton Honolulu I Organic Solid-State Chemistry: Structure, Synthesis & Reactivity (#155) Organized by: R. Bishop, M. Garcia-Garibay, R. Kuroda Presiding: R. Bishop 7:30 – 479. Bernauer’s bands. Bart Kahr*, Alexander Shtukenberg, Erica Gunn, Massimo Gazzano, John Freudenthal, Eric Camp 8:10 – 480. Structure-property relationship of polycyclic aromatic compounds containing fused furan rings. Naoto Hayashi*, Yoko Saito, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi, Hiroyuki Yoshida*, Naoki Sato 8:40 – 481. New sterically driven mode for generation of helical chirality. Vadim A. Soloshonok* 9:10 – 482. Photomechanical bending of molecular crystals. Hideko Koshima*, Hidetaka Uchimoto, Naoko Ojima, Kyoko Takechi 9:30 – 483. Free energy simulation of molecular crystal thermodynamics. Bruce S. Hudson, Sharon A. Rivera, Matthew R. Hudson, Damian G. Allis 10:00 – 484. Photodimerization of chromone derivatives and a new methodology of chiral induction using preferential crystallization with photoracemization. Masami Sakamoto*, Fumitoshi Yagishita, Masayuki Kanehiro, Takashi Mino, Tsutomu Fujita 10:20 – 485. Structures and dynamics of organic ferroelastics and ferroelectrics. Mark D. Hollingsworth*, Farhod Nozirov, Roman B. Gajda, Shane M. Nichols, Eric J. Chan, Werner Kaminsky * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 10:50 – 486. Selective encapsulation of block copolymers in crystalline supramolecular architectures. Angiolina Comotti*, Silvia Bracco, Bernardo Moltrasio, Piero Sozzani Hilton South Pacific III Recent Advances in Natural Products as Anticancer Agents (#279) Organized by: D. Kingston, J. Li, S. Matsunaga, R. Quinn Presiding: D. Kingston 7:30 Introductory remarks 7:40 – 487. Antibiotic-like molecules from symbiont cultures. Ren X. Tan* 8:10 – 488. Antitumor activities of secondary metabolites from higher fungi in China. Ji-Kai Liu* 8:45 – 489. Chemical and biological diversity of natural resveratrol oligomers. Hui Ming Ge*, RenXiang Tan 9:05 – 490. Search for bioactive natural products targeting TRAIL signaling for tumor-selective apoptosis inducement. Masami Ishibashi* 9:40 – 491. Biologically active compounds produced by cellular slime molds. Haruhisa Kikuchi, Yuzuru Kubohara, Yoshiteru Oshima* 10:00 – 492. Formosan plant-based as anticancer agents. Yang-Chang Wu* 10:35 – 493. Conformational studies of highly potent antitumor steroidal glycosides from Ornithogalum saundersiae. Kaori Sakurai, Takuro Fukumoto, Keiichi Noguchi, Masafumi Yohda 10:55 – 494. Discovery of novel anticancer agents of diverse natural origin. A. Douglas Kinghorn Hilton Coral IV Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: V. Rawal 7:45 – 495. Development and applications of metal-free amination reactions of alkenes and alkynes. André M. Beauchemin* 8:05 – 496. Total synthesis of marine diterpene natural products of the cladiellin family using metal carbenoids. Stephen Clark*, Raphaelle Berger, Stewart Hayes 8:50 – 497. Convergent synthesis of a library of complex cuticular hydrocarbons to decode chemical communication in social insects. John Nielsen*, Charlotte G. Jørgensen, Karin Mannerstedt, Patrizia D’Ettorre, Luke Holman 9:10 – 498. Synthetic studies on polypropionates. Dale E. Ward*, Nikki E. Theaker, Md. M. Zahedi, Fabiola Becerril-Jimenez, Alieh Kazemeini 9:40 – 499. Synthesis of microstegiol via ␥-carbonyl cations. Rafiq A. Taj, James R. Green* 10:00 – 500. New ways to generate TMM diradicals for the synthesis of cyclopentanoid natural products. Hee Yoon Lee* 10:45 – 501. Functionalized organoboronates in the design of stereocontrolled methodologies and their application to natural product synthesis. Dennis Hall* Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Cooperative Catalysis (#14) Organized by: Y. Uozumi, R. Danheiser, K. Ding, A. Nishida Presiding: Y. Uozumi 7:50 Introductory remarks 8:00 – 502. Highly enantioselective Diels-Alder reactions of Danishefsky’s dienes with electron-deficient alkenes catalyzed by Yb(III)-BINAMIDE complexes. Atsushi Nishida*, Shiharu Hiraoka, Nozomi Toudou, Shinji Harada 8:20 – 503. Novel method for synthesizing spiro[4,5]cyclohexadienones through a Pd-catalyzed intramolecular ipso-FriedelCrafts allylic alkylation of phenols. Tetsuhiro Nemoto, Mariko Yoshida, Yuta Ishige, Mutsumi Kanematsu, Yuta Kohno, Yasumasa Hamada* 8:40 – 504. Catalytic enantioselective construction of -quaternary stereocenters through conjugate cyanation of -disubstituted carbonyl compounds. Motomu Kanai*, Yuta Tanaka, Masakatsu Shibasaki 9:00 – 505. Surface-mediated transfer hydrogenation on oxide-supported Ir-dimer catalysts. Satoshi Muratsugu*, Yuko Kushida, Hidetaka Nakai, Kiyoshi Isobe, Takehiko Sasaki, Mizuki Tada 9:20 – 506. Cooperative catalysis in multicomponent reactions based on trapping of oxonium ylides. Yu Qian, Xinfang Xu, Xin Guo, Taoda Shi, Wenhao Hu* 9:50 – 507. Reactions of Grignard reagents catalyzed cooperatively by iron and copper complexes. Eiji Shirakawa, Tamio Hayashi 10:20 – 508. Self-assembly of dinuclear main group catalyts for asymmetric synthesis. Barry M. Trost* 11:00 – 509. Cooperative catalysis in enantioselective reactions using chiral N,N’-dioxide. Xiaoming Feng*, Xiaohua Liu, Lili Lin Hilton Honolulu II Supramolecular Catalysis (#280) Organized by: J. Parquette, J. Badjic, M. Organ, Q. Zhou Presiding: J. Parquette 7:50 Introductory remarks 8:00 – 510. Artificial enzymes that work in water. Ronald Breslow* 8:30 – 511. Supramolecular concepts in homogeneous catalysis. Bernhard Breit 9:00 – 512. Supramolecular chiral phosphorous ligands based on crown ether for asymmetric hydrogenation. Qing-Hua Fan* 9:30 – 513. Lessons learned from the development of heterobimetallic supramolecular catalysts via self-assembly. James M. Takacs* 10:00 – 514. Preparation and catalytic application of metal-diisocyanide monolayer on gold surface. Kenji Hara*, Yoshinori Kaji, Atsushi Fukuoka 10:30 – 515. New hydrogen bond donor scaffolds for asymmetric catalysis. Viresh Rawal* 11:00 – 516. Development of hydrogen bonding modules (HBMs) as bioinspired nanoscale adhesion agents. Steven C. Zimmerman*, Cyrus A. Anderson, Darrell W. Kukendall Hilton Coral V Mechanistic Organic Photochemistry (#89) Organized by: H. Zimmerman and A. Griesbeck, T. Ichimura, A. Kutateladze, P. Wan Presiding: H. Zimmerman 8:00 – 517. Sensors for chiral and achiral anion detection based on aminoalcoholurea-phthalimide triades and N-acylluminols. Axel G. Griesbeck*, Sebastian Hanft, Yrene Diaz-Miara, Raul Perez-Ruiz, Robert Fichtler, Axel Jacobi von Wangelin, Alan de Kiff 8:35 – 518. Photogeneration and study of acyl nitroso compounds. John P. Toscano* 9:10 – 519. Synthesis and characterization of metal nanoparticles from an organic chemist’s perspective. Juan C. Scaiano* 9:45 – 520. Green photochemical synthesis using novel microreaction system. Teijiro Ichimura*, Yoshihisa Matsushita, Tadashi Suzuki 10:20 – 521. Development of new photolabile protecting groups. Pengfei Wang* 10:55 – 522. Photoinduced electron transfer reactions from nanoparticles, in ionic liquids and applications to photorheological fluids. Daniel E. Falvey* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Interface between Organic Synthesis and Chromatography (#19) Organized by: C. Welch, W. Farrell, M. Hyun, A. Rajendran Presiding: C. Welch Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 523. Mechanism elucidation of the phasetransfer reaction for the sample with a lot of reactive points. Satomi Tanaka, Jyunya Nagai, Ryuichi Shiba 524. Serine-histidine conjugate revealing high affinity to -aminophosphonate as the analog of the hydrolysis intermediate of -alanine ester: Retardation of the hydrolysis. Ai Shiratori, Nobuhiro Kihara* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Designed pi-Electronic Systems: Synthesis, Properties, Theory and Function (#29) Organized by: M. Haley, G. Bodwell, T. Kubo, Y. Tobe Presiding: M. Haley Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 525. Theoretical studies on the structures and strain energies of cycloparaphenylenes. Yasutomo Segawa, Haruka Omachi, Kenichiro Itami* 526. Multi-input-and-multi-output molecular response systems based on helical piframework. Takanori Suzuki*, Tatsuo Nehira, Yasuyo Yoshimoto, Hidetoshi Kawai, Kenshu Fujiwara 527. Synthesis and characterization of -alkyl substituted hexaphyrin( Masaaki Suzuki*, Tyuji Hoshino, Saburo Neya 528. Synthesis, structure, and redox properties of 1,1’-bis(aryloligothienyl)ferrocenes. Satoshi Ogawa*, Haruka Kobayashi, Hiroki Muraoka 529. Preparation of cyclophanes consisting of oligothiophene units and control of their dynamic properties by formation of the rotaxane structure. Akihiko Tsuge*, Katsuji Nakamura, Tetsuji Moriguchi, Koji Araki 530. Development of novel porphyrin derivatives based on steric properties of amide bond. Mio Matsumura, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama, Hyuma Masu, Isao Azumaya, Hiroyuki Kagechika, Aya Tanatani* 531. Substituent effects on emissions of trimethylenemethane biradicals. Yasunori Matsui, Hiroshi Ikeda*, Hayato Namai, Toshiki Sera, Kazuhiko Mizuno* 532. Synthesis and properties of tetra(5-aryl2-thienyl)thiophenes. Hiroki Muraoka, Takanori Tanifuji, Satoshi Ogawa* 533. Synthesis and properties of acetylene extended radiaannulenes with redox site. Masashi Hasegawa*, Yasuhiro Mazaki 534. Synthesis of C3 symmetric chiral host molecules with three buckybowls units. Satoru Onogi*, Shuhei Higashibayashi, Hidehiro Sakurai 535. Reaction of cage-opened fullerene derivative with Grignard reagents and subsequent transannular cyclization. Yuta Morinaka, Michihisa Murata, Kei Kurotobi, Koichi Komatsu*, Yasujiro Murata* 536. Synthesis and properties of perylene bisimide derivatives incorporated with various -donor units. Tetsuo Iwanaga, Hiroko Ida, Shinji Toyota* 537. Synthesis and spectral properties of first member of new class of double helicene polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Takehiko Yamato*, Arjun Paudel 538. Modular synthesis of cycloparaphenylenes. Haruka Omachi, Sanae Matsuura, Yasutomo Segawa, Kenichiro Itami* 539. Photochemical synthesis of anthraditiophene and dithienylanthracene oligomers. Ryuta Kato*, Daiki Kuzuhara, Tetsuo Okujima, Hiroko Yamada, Hidemitsu Uno 540. Synthesis of p-tertbutylazacalix[4]arene with hydroxy groups. Hirohito Tsue*, Kazuyuki Miyata, Koichi Ishibashi, Kohei Ono, Rui Tamura 541. New stable high-spin diradical: nitroxide-substituted nitronyl-nitroxide diradical. Takanori Furui, Masato Kuratsu, Shuichi Suzuki, Masatoshi Kozaki, Daisuke Shiomi, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Keiji Okada* 542. Superstructure dependent optical and electrical properties of dehydrobenzoannulene crystals. Ichiro Hisaki*, Hirofumi Senga, Eriko Kometani, Norimitsu Tohnai, Mikiji Miyata* 543. Light-harvesting porphyrin array composed of three kinds of porphyrins. Atsuhiro Uetomo, Masatoshi Kozaki*, Shuichi Suzuki, Keiji Okada* 544. Unprecedented radical-radical reaction of a [2.2]paracyclophane derivative containing imidazolyl radical moiety. Sayaka Hatano, Ken Sakai, Jiro Abe* 545. Conjugated pyridinium betaines showing unusual dual charge transfer characteristics. Kazuhiro Ohkawa, Atsushi Kimoto, Jiro Abe* 546. Fast photochromism of naphthalenebridged imidazole dimers. Mao Suzuki, Kana Fujita, Jiro Abe* 547. Straightforward synthesis of laddertype indolocarbazoles via double Suzukiand Cadogan reactions. Elisabeth Da Silva, Bernhard Witulski* 548. Synthesis and properties of 2,2’-bis(spirodienone)-bridged-3,3’-bithiophene derivatives: An unusual redox behavior coused by ring-opening. Hiroyuki Kurata*, Takahisa Fujimoto, Yumiko Atsuji, Yasukazu Hirao, Kouzou Matsumoto, Takashi Kubo 549. Efficient strategy for enhancing the photosensitivity of fast photochromic molecules. Katsuya Mutoh, Sayaka Hatano, Jiro Abe* 550. Open-shell character of diphenoquinone derivatives. Yoshihiro Amano, Azusa Kikuchi, Jiro Abe* 551. Real-time photoswitching of chiral nematic phase by the fast photochromic dyes. Tetsuya Kato, Kana Fujita, Jiro Abe* 552. Selective observation of tetramethyleneethane-type biradical and radical cation intermediates on laser flash photolysis. Yusuke Kano, Hiroshi Ikeda*, Koshiro Ochiai, Yasutake Takahashi, Kazuhiko Mizuno* 553. Synthesis of 2,1-benzisoselenazoles and their complexation toward copper salts. Norihioko Nemoto, Rui Umeda, Yutaka Nishiyama* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–123 04-ORGN 554. Synthesis, crystal structure, and solidstate optical properties of alkyl-substituted tetracenes. Chitoshi Kitamura*, Yasushi Abe, Takuya Ohara, Chika Matsumoto, Hideki Tsukuda, Hiroyuki Kano, Akio Yoneda, Takeshi Kawase, Takashi Kobayashi, Hiroyoshi Naito 555. Construction of nanoscale covalent assembly using snowflake-shaped dendrimers as the key modular building blocks. Shirou Morita, Masatoshi Kozaki, Shuichi Suzuki, Keiji Okada 556. New synthesis of indenone derivatives and application to dibenzopentalene synthesis. Kenta Katsumoto, Takeru Fujiwara, Chitoshi Kitamura, Takeshi Kawase* 557. Synthesis and properties of teranthene: Onset of “edge state” in molecular-sized nanographene molecule. Akihito Konishi*, Akihiro Shimizu, Yasukazu Hirao, Kouzo Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo, Masayoshi Nakano, Benoît Champagne 558. Regioselective synthesis and photophysical properties of carbazole nitroso derivatives. Maki Ando, Yuji Yamanaka, Kazushige Hori*, Keita Tani 559. Studies on the synthesis and properties of dendrimer molecule based on tetrakis(2-thienyl)methane framework. Sota Kugo, Kouzou Matsumoto, Daisuke Takajo, Yasukazu Hirao, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo* 560. Synthesis and photophysical properties of novel Schiff bases containing carbazole chromophore. Kazushige Hori*, Yuji Yamanaka, Keita Tani 561. Synthesis, properties and synthetic applications of diformylacenes. Shuhei Katsuta*, Hiroko Yamada, Tetsuo Okujima, Hidemitsu Uno 562. Remarkable acceleration for back-reaction of fast photochromic molecule. Yuka Harada, Sayaka Hatano, Atsushi Kimoto, Jiro Abe* 563. Synthesis and properties of novel polyheterocyclic aromatic compounds fused naphthimide unit. Hiroaki Nishida, Rui Umeda*, Motohiro Otono, Yutaka Nishiyama 564. Stable neutral radicals based on the quinoxalinoquinoxaline skeleton: Electrochemical amphotericity and electric conduction as a single component. Youhei Miura, Hiroshi Chiba, Hidetoshi Kawai, Kenshu Fujiwara, Takanori Suzuki* 565. Conductance measurement of phenylpyridine-coordinated tetraphenylporphyrin rhodium chlorides using STM. Takeshi Sakano, Kenji Higashiguchi, Kenji Matsuda* 566. Selenium-catalyzed reductive deoxygenation of various aromatic nitro compounds with carbon monoxide. Shigeru Morishita, Rui Umeda, Yutaka Nishiyama* 567. Crystal structure and solid state properties of quartz type hydrogen bonded network of tetrakis(4-pyridyl)methane dication. Daisuke Inokuchi*, Kouzou Matsumoto, Yasukazu Hirao, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo 568. Synthesis and property of tripod compound containing aryl ethynylene. Hiroki Nakagawa, Changfeng Hong, Kazuhiko Nakatani* 569. Syntheses of multi-substituted anthracenes using ruthenium-catalyzed regioselective C-H bond arylation. Kentaroh Kitazawa, Takuya Kochi, Fumitoshi Kakiuchi* 570. Synthesis and characterization of m-calix[3]amide having -conjugated system. Ryohei Yamakado*, Shin-ichi Matsuoka, Masato Suzuki, Koji Takagi* 571. Synthesis and properties of dioxaporphyrin. Soji Shimizu*, Ryo Hiramatsu, Nagao Kobayashi 124 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 572. Crystal structure and solid state properties of quartz type hydrogen bonded network of tetrakis(4-pyridyl)methane dication. Daisuke Inokuchi*, Kouzou Matsumoto, Yasukazu Hirao, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo 573. Synthesis of the novel ligands based on tetrakis(2-pyridyl)methane and their metal complexes. Kazuaki Kawashita, Kouzou Matsumoto, Yasukazu Hirao, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo* 574. Construction of novel chiral redox memory unit: Electrochemical switching of racemization barriers. Takanori Suzuki*, Kazuhisa Wada, Yasuyo Yoshimoto, Hidetoshi Kawai, Kenshu Fujiwara 575. Synthesis and luminescent properties of -conjugated polymers containing organoboron quinolates in the main-chain. Yuichiro Tokoro, Atsushi Nagai, Yoshiki Chujo* 576. Allosteric bindings of thiacalix[4]arenebased receptors with 1,3-alternate conformation having two different side arms. Hirotsugu Tomiyasu, Takehiko Yamato 577. Synthesis and molecular structures of 17,17-dialkyltetrabenzo[a,c,g,j]fluorenes with considerably high fluorescent quantum yields in the solid state. Yusuke Tanigawa, Chitoshi Kitamura, Takeshi Kawase, Takashi Kobayashi, Hiroyoshi Naito 578. Conjugated oligomers of perylenediimide with increased electron affinity and self-association ability. Qifan Yan, Dahui Zhao 579. Design, synthesis and function of stimuli-responsive -conjugated pyridine derivatives. Akihiko Hatakeyama, Satoaki Onitsuka, Hiroshi Furuno, Junji Inanaga* 580. Intramolecular tandem cyclization and subsequent anomalous dimerization of dehydrobenzo[14]annulene derivatives. Nobusue Shunpei, Akihiro Shimizu, Kazukuni Tahara, Yoshito Tobe* 581. Structure-property relationship of thirdorder nonlinear optical properties and open-shell characters for graphene nanoflakes with antidot structure. Kyohei Yoneda, Masayoshi Nakano 582. Indium(III)-catalyzed cyclization of 1,1difluoroallenes: Construction of naphthalene and phenanthrene frameworks. Kohei Fuchibe, Yuka Mayumi, Ken Wang, Misaki Yokota, Junji Ichikawa* 583. Diffraction study of organic ferroelectrics under high-pressures and at lowtemperatures. Reiji Kumai*, Sachio Horiuchi, Yoshinori Tokura 584. Photochromic terarylene derivatives having donor or acceptor groups on their central aromatic ring. Yuichiro Kutsunugi*, Takuya Nakashima, Tsuyoshi Kawai 585. Development of a route for automated synthesis of porphyrin arrays. Takenori Nosaka, Ayuko Yamana, Takuji Ogawa* 586. Swivel-cruciform oligothiophene trimers. Balaji Ganapathy, Hian Twan Chang, Suresh Valiyaveettil* 587. Synthesis and photophysical properties of novel fluorescent azo-hydrazone-type boron complexes. Haruka Ooyama, Katsuhira Yoshida* 588. Convenient synthesis of multialkylated acenes by means of RuH2(CO)(PPh3)3catalyzed C-H alkylation. Daiki Matsumura, Takuya Kochi, Fumitoshi Kakiuchi* 589. Pd-catalyzed synthesis of amidoaza[5]helicene and axially chiral amino acid. Junya Yamamoto*, Yuki Kitamura, Ayano Hashimoto, Takumi Furuta, Hyuma Masu, Isao Azumaya, Toshiyuki Kan, Takeo Kawabata 590. Photoisomeriation and functionalization of [1.1]meta-stillebenophanes. Masakazu Konishi, Tsuyoshi Sawada*, Takuya Hongo, Hirotaka Ihara 591. Photoswitching dihydropyrene annelated with dihydrothieno[3,4-b]pyrazine moiety. Mizue Kuroki, Tsuyoshi Sawada*, Tomoya Ogawa, Kentaro Shimojo, Hirotaka Ihara 592. New series of electrochromic systems based on bis(diarylethenyl)thiophene framework. Yusuke Ishigaki, Hiroki Higuchi, Hidetoshi Kawai, Kenshu Fujiwara, Takanori Suzuki* 593. Synthesis, photochromic, and electrical properties of diarylethene derivatives having oxadiazole and/or carbazole substituents. Yoshiyuki Takayama, Yu Arima, Kentaro Shoji, Kazushige Hori, Koji Kubono, Yasuhiro Kakihara, Tsuyoshi Tsujioka, Keita Tani* 594. Synthesis and properties of partially overlapped [3.3](3,9)carbazolophane-acceptor dyads. Keita Tani*, Kazushige Hori, Koji Kubono, Hiroaki Benten, Hideo Ohkita, Shizaburo Ito, Masahide Yamamoto 595. Photophysical properties of dual fluorescent porphyrins. Jun Nakamura*, Tetsuo Okujima, Kengo Suzuki, Kiyomasa Hosokawa, Hiroko Yamada, Hidemitsu Uno, Noboru Ono 596. Construction of supramolecular structure and fiber formation based on tetrathiafulvalenopyridazine derivative. Ryota Inoue, Masashi Hasegawa*, Yasuhiro Mazaki 597. Highly efficient excitation energy transfer by controlling the molecular ordering in porphyrin and pyrene assembly. Koji Miyamoto, Hirokuni Jintoku, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Makoto Takafuji, Tsuyoshi Sagawa, Hirotaka Ihara* 598. Synthesis and properties of syn- and anti- bisbridged[10]annulenocyclopentadienide anions. Naoko Matsumoto, Daisuke Miyamoto, Kana Inoue, Yuji Sugiura, Yoshikazu Horino, Ryuta Miyatake, Mitsunori Oda, Shigeyasu Kuroda* 599. Mechanochromism of 2,2’-bis(spirodienone)-bridged-3,3’-bithiophene derivatives. Hiroyuki Kurata*, Yumiko Atsuji, Yasukazu Hirao, Kouzou Matsumoto, Kiichi Amimoto, Takashi Kubo 600. Optical resolution of chiral buckybowls by chiral HPLC. Ryoji Tsuruoka, Shuhei Higashibayashi, Takeharu Ishikawa, Shinji Toyota, Hidehiro Sakurai* 601. Synthesis and structural properties of [2.n]metacyclophan-1-ynes with bent triple bond. Yuki Uchikawa, Takehiko Yamato 602. Novel [2.2]paracyclophane-bridged imidazole dimer with a pyrenyl chromophore. Hiroaki Yamashita, Jiro Abe* 603. Synthesis and physical properties of zethrene derivatives. Daijiro Hibi, Rui Umeda, Takashi Takeda, Akihiro Shimizu, Yoshito Tobe* 604. Synthesis of [30]octaphyrin( with highly symmetric -system. Tetsuo Okujima*, Guangnan Jin, Daiki Kuzuhara, Chie Ando, Shigeki Mori, Noboru Ono, Hiroko Yamada, Hidemitsu Uno 605. Structure and properties of naphthodifurans and anthradifurans. Takayuki Kameyama, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi 606. Structure and properties of polycyclic aromatic compounds containing fused furan rings at the center of the molecule. Masayuki Iwagami, Yoko Saito, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi 607. Structure and properties of benzodifurans bearing heteroaromatic substituents at the 2 and 6-positions. Shota Nishigaki, Yoko Saito, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi 608. Effects of orientation of fused furan rings on properties of isomeric polycyclic aromatic compounds. Yoko Saito, Manami Terauchi, Miho Ito, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi 609. Electron acceptor character and behavior as an oxidizing agent of o- and p-chloranil dimers. Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yuko Sugiyama, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi 610. Mixture consisting of quinone dimer and hydroquinone dimer. Akifumi Kanda, Kiyomi Matsui, Naoto Hayashi*, Junro Yoshino, Hiroyuki Higuchi 611. Photoinduced electron transfer triad systems based on bipyridine-diacetylide platinum complexes. Ryoji Sugimura, Shuichi Suzuki, Masatoshi Kozaki, Kazutoshi Keyaki, Koichi Nozaki, Noriaki Ikeda, Kimio Akiyama, Keiji Okada 612. 2-D homochiral nanoporous molecular network of dehydrobenzo[12]annulenes: Design strategy, control, and induction. Hiroyuki Yamaga, Kazukuni Tahara, Yoshito Tobe* 613. Steric control of -dimerization of oligothiophene radical cations. Masaki Tateno, Tohru Nishinaga*, Masayoshi Takase, Koichi Komatsu, Masahiko Iyoda 614. Photo- and thermal reaction of 2-alkoxy and 2-alkylthio 2H-azepines. Nozomi Adachi, Hideki Okamoto, Kyosuke Satake 615. Synthesis of C3 symmetric buckybowls. Shuhei Higashibayashi, Nasir B. Baig, Hidehiro Sakurai* 616. Synthesis and properties of aryl and ethynyl substitutied benzanthorone derivatives. Teruaki Namba, Rui Umeda, Yutaka Nishiyama 617. Syntheses of syn- and anti-indenofluorenes by intramolecular tandem annulation reaction of octadehydrodibenzo[12]annulene derivative. Takashi Takeda, Koji Inukai, Kazukuni Tahara, Yoshito Tobe* 618. Synthesis and properties of biazulenes and diazulenylethynes. Nobuyuki Itou*, Toshihiro Murafuji, Tomoyuki Hatazawa 619. Synthesis of star-shaped tetrakisdehydrobenzo[12]annulene by alkyne metathesis reaction. Yuki Yamamoto, Yuan Gao, Dustin Gross, Kazukuni Tahara, Jeffrey S. Moore, Yoshito Tobe* 620. Synthesis and propeties of acene condensed bridged annulenes. Takako Abe, Shinobu Nakanishi, Taihei Kano, Ayana Ide, Hinako Shinoda, Ryuta Miyatake, Yoshikazu Horino, Mitsunori Oda, Shigeyasu Kuroda* 621. Studies of a phenalenyl-based molecule with triradical character. Mitsuya Aoba, Akihiro Shimizu, Yasukazu Hirao*, Kouzou Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo* 622. Development of multi-functional materials using TTF derivatives containing a 1,3-Benzothiazole ring. Sadayoshi Hayashi, Sayo Yokota, Rika Uezono, Hideki Fujiwara* 623. Synthetic studies of cage-shaped oligothiophenes. Hiroyuki Kurata*, Kazuhiko Adachi, Yasukazu Hirao, Kouzou Matsumoto, Takashi Kubo 624. Synthesis, structures, and photochemical properties of bianthrone thiophene analogs. Natsuki Takehana, Kyoko Kawamoto, Daisuke Mitsui, Masashi Hasegawa, Gaku Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Mazaki* 625. Synthesis and properties of the poly substituted azulene derivatives. Mikihiro Ueno, Taihei Kano, Mina Miyazaki, Ryuta Miyatake, Yoshikazu Horino, Mitsunori Oda, Shigeyasu Kuroda* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 626. Synthesis, photochromic, and electrical properties of diarylethene derivatives having 9-carbazolyl substituent. Yu Arima, Tsuyoshi Tsujioka, Koji Kubono, Kazushige Hori, Kentaro Shoji, Yasuhiro Kakihara, Keita Tani* 627. Synthesis and reaction of Schiff bases derived from azulene-2-boronic acid ester and amino acid. Hiroki Tanaka*, Toshihiro Murafuji 628. Stabilization and isolation of anthroxyl radical species. Yasukazu Hirao*, Toru Saito, Akihito Konishi, Kouzou Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo* 629. New homoconjugated and spiro systems by [2⫹2] cycloadditions of donorsubstituted alkynes and DDQ. Shin-ichiro Kato, Marten T. Beels, Philip Laporta, W. Bernd Schweizer, Corinne Boudon, Jean-Paul Gisselbrecht, Ivan Biaggio, François Diederich 630. Phosphonium- and borate-bridged dithienylethene oligomers. Yuki Nekohashi, Aiko Fukazawa, Hiroshi Yamada, Shigehiro Yamaguchi* 631. Synthesis, structures and properties of novel cross-conjugated pi-electron donors with 1,3-dithiole rings. Yohji Misaki*, Kayoko Yamamoto, Hiroaki Horiuchi, Atsushi Fujioka, Yukiko Murakami, Miho Watanabe, Hisakazu Miyamoto, Takashi Shirahata, Masashi Hasegawa, Yasuhiro Mazaki 632. Syntheses and properties of 1,3-dithiole [4]- and [6]dendralenes with thiophene inserted. Masataka Nishiwaki, Takashi Shirahata, Hisakazu Miyamoto, Yohji Misaki* 633. Synthesis and properties of -fused core-modified porphyrin oligomers. Hajime Watanabe, Hiroki Uoyama, Shigeki Mori, Tetsuo Okujima, Hiroko Yamada, Hidemitsu Uno* 634. Synthesis and optical properties of new corrole isomer containing N-linked bipyrrole unit. Yasunori Kawabe, Motoki Toganoh, Hiroyuki Furuta* 635. Facile reaction path to 3H-azepine from alkylphenylnitrene. Siti Mariyah Ulfa, Hideki Okamoto, Kyosuke Satake* 636. Facile, and catalyst-free synthetic approach of meso-aminoporphyrins by the reduction of in-situ generated meso-azidoporphyrins. Ken-ichi Yamashita, Kazuyuki Kataoka, Mokoto Asano, Ken-ichi Sugiura 637. Synthesis, structure, and electronic and photophysical properties of two- and three-layered [3.3]paracyclophane-based donor-acceptor systems. Motonori Watanabe*, Kenta Goto, Masahiko Shibahara, Teruo Shinmyozu 638. Synthesis and properties of novel ttf dimers and trimers. Ken-ichi Nakamura, Tomomi Hashimoto, Hisakazu Miyamoto, Takashi Shirahata, Masashi Hasegawa, Yasuhiro Mazaki, Yohji Misaki* 639. Synthesis and properties of bicyclo[2.2.2]octadiene-connected hexaphyrin. Shigeki Mori, Hiroki Uoyama, Takahiro Takiue, Hidemitsu Uno* 640. Synthesis and properties of 1,1’-bis(diacetylene-group) connected ferrocene(pai-electronic system) derivatives. Junro Yoshino, Rumi Shimuzu, Emi Hasegawa, Daigo Kawai, Takuya Toyama, Naoto Hayashi, Hiroyuki Higuchi* 641. Synthesis and optical properties of starshaped oligothiophenes. Tomoyuki Narita, Masayoshi Takase, Tohru Nishinaga, Masahiko Iyoda*, Kenji Kamada, Koji Ohta 642. Fluorescence study of polyetherchained naphthalimide with metal cation. Satoshi Nakajima, Kazuho Suda 643. Synthesis and photophysical properties of thienylcalbazoles. Yosuke Nakamura, Shin-ichiro Kato, Hiroaki Taguchi 644. Syntheses and magnetic properties of nitroxide substituted nitronyl nitroxide with high coplanarity. Tasuku Kumagai, Shuichi Suzuki, Masato Kuratsu, Masatoshi Kozaki, Daisuke Shiomi, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Keiji Okada 645. New organic radical with strong donor ability: Building blocks for magneto-conducting materials. Mark S. Zsombor, Natia L. Frank* 646. Preparation and properties of poly(arylene) containing Si unit-bridged diphenylamine. Hideki Hayashi*, Hidenobu Nakao 647. Nonplanar -conjugated stable openshell molecules: Syntheses and 3-D molecular/electronic-spin structures. Akira Ueda, Shinsuke Nishida, Shuichi Suzuki, Keiji Okada, Tomoaki Ise, Daisuke Shiomi, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Kazuhiro Nakasuji, Yasushi Morita* 648. Novel syntheses, properties and applications of functionalized benzosiloles. Laurean Ilies, Chikahiko Mitsui, Hayato Tsuji, Yoshiharu Sato, Eiichi Nakamura 649. Synthesis of metal-containing fused polycyclic compounds and their characteristics. Satoru Inoue, Taniyuki Furuyama, Kengo Yoshida, Atsuya Muranaka, Masanobu Uchiyama* 650. Relationship between nonlinear optical properties and open-shell characters in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons including phenalenyl radicals and graphene nanoflakes. Masayoshi Nakano*, Hitoshi Fukui, Kyohei Yoneda, Takuya Minami, Ryohei Kishi, Takashi Kubo, Kenji Kamada, Koji Ohta, Edith Botek, Benoît Champagne 651. Elucidation of intra- and intermolecular covalent bonds of phenalenyl-based delocalized singlet biradicals. Akihiro Shimizu, Mikio Uruichi, Kyuya Yakushi, Masayoshi Nakano, Daisuke Shiomi, Kazunobu Sato, Takeji Takui, Yasukazu Hirao, Kozo Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Kurata, Takashi Kubo* 652. Intra- and intermolecular interactions in bi- and terthiophenes: structural implications. Martin Pomerantz*, Nashaat Turkman 653. Development of fast photochromic molecules. Jiro Abe* 654. Synthesis, structure and properties of 5-cyclopentadienyl [1,2-bis(dimethyldihydropyrenyl)-3,4-dialkyl-4-cyclobutadienyl]cobalt complexes. Pengrong Zhang, Zinka Brkic, Allen Oliver, Reginald Mitchell*, David Berg* 655. Synthesis of [2.2]paracyclophanebased through-space conjugated polymers. Yasuhiro Morisaki*, Shizue Ueno, Yoshiki Chujo 656. Synthesis of meso- directly linked porphyrin rings. Naoki Aratani*, Jianxin Song, Hiroshi Shinokubo*, Atsuhiro Osuka* 657. 5-Alkylthiophene-fused porphyrazines: Application to solution-processed organic thin-film devices. Miyazaki Eigo*, Kaku Ayaka, Mori Hiroki, Iwatani Masahito, Takimiya Kazuo 658. Synthesis and properties of diacetylene-bridged porphyrins bearing a proton acceptor moiety. Junro Yoshino, Mizuki Tsujiguchi, Takuya Matsukihira, Hideto Kempe, Yui Kozake, Naoto Hayashi, Hiroyuki Higuchi 659. Room-temperature ferroelectricity in hydrogen-bonded organic crystals. Sachio Horiuchi*, Yusuke Tokunaga, Gianluca Giovannetti, Silvia Picozzi, Hirotake Itoh, Ryo Shimano, Reiji Kumai, Yoshinori Tokura 660. Towards exceedingly small internal reorganization energies for -conjugated organic molecules through rational theoretical design. Ito Chao, Yu-Chang Chang, Wei-Chi Chen, Wai-Tao Peng, Hsing-Yin Chen, Ming-Yu Kuo 661. Cyclophanes from bis(isobenzofuran)s: Working toward molecular belts and cyclacenes. Peter W. Dibble*, David Franz, Steve Robbins, Matt Hannon, Michelle Thibault, Kris Fischer 662. Well-defined (NHC)-Pd complexes for the synthesis of polytriaryl amines. Mario Hoyos, Michael L. Turner, Oscar Navarro* 663. N-Heterocyclic carbene embedded in porphyrin framework. Motoki Toganoh, Takayoshi Hihara, Hiroyuki Furuta* 664. Simple meso-functionalization of porphyrins through nucleophilic substitution reaction: Catalyst-free synthesis of mesoazido-, amino-, and alkoxyporphyrins. Ken-ichi Yamashita, Kazuyuki Kataoka, Motoko Asano, Ken-ichi Sugiura 665. Efficient two- to five-photon excited violet emission of calix[4]arene-based multidipolar assembly. Man Shing Wong*, Xiao Ling Zhang, Ping Fang Xia Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Chemistry of Novel Nanocarbons Fullerenes, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Materials (#45) Organized by: T. Akasaka, Y. Li, F. Wudl Presiding: T. Akasaka, Y. Li Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 666. Bis-functionalization of La2@C80. Midori O. Ishitsuka, Shingo Sano, Haruka Enoki, Satoru Sato, Hidefumi Nikawa, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Zdenek Slanina, Naomi Mizorogi, Takeshi Akasaka*, Shigeru Nagase 667. Theoretical study of endohedral structures and electronic properties of scandium carbide endohedral metallofullerenes. Naomi Mizorogi*, Takeshi Akasaka, Shigeru Nagase 668. Thermal carbosilylation of dimetallofullereneLa2@Ih-C80. Michio Yamada, Mari Minowa, Masahiro Kako, Satoru Sato, Naomi Mizorogi, Zdenek Slanina, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka*, Shigeru Nagase* 669. Construction of supramolecular complex based on endohedral metallofullerene and exTTF tweezer. Takahiro Tsuchiya, Risa Nakamura, Ayumi Sato, Mateusz Wielopolski, Naomi Mizorogi, Takeshi Akasaka*, Dirk M. Guldi*, Emilio M. Perez, Nazario Martín*, Shigeru Nagase* 670. Preparation, characterization and reactions of arc- and nanodiamond-derived carbon nano-onions. John P. Selegue*, Mahendra K. Sreeramoju, Rituraj Borgohain, John D. Craddock 671. Enantiomeric separation of fullerodendron formed by diastereoselective DielsAlder reaction. Nobuhiro Takahashi, Tomoyuki Tajima, Naoki Tsugawa, Yutaka Takaguchi* 672. New methanofullerenes containing amide as electron acceptor for construction photovoltaic properties. Yongjun Li, Huibiao Liu, Yuliang Li* 673. Fabrication of fullerene aggregates on nanoscale. Huibiao Liu, Yongjun Li, Yuliang Li* 674. Anti-proliferative activities on cancer cell by cationic fullerene derivatives. Shigeo Nakamura, Sachiko Yokoo, Shoko Kondo, Yuki Koizumi, Kyoko Takahashi, Tadahiko Mashino 675. Synthesis and evaluation of novel fullerene derivatives from 1,3-dion compounds. Tomoaki Endo*, Shin-ichiro Yoshida, Hiroyuki Momma, Eunsang Kwon* 676. Kinetics and regioselectivity of fulleroid in Diels-Alder reaction and mCPBA oxidation: Influence of strain at the bridgehead olefin. Naohiko Ikuma, Nobuhide Tanaka, Satoko Sumioka, Ken Kokubo, Takumi Oshima* 677. Construction of supramolecular system based on La-metallofullerene ligand/metalloporphyrin ligand. Ryo Aoyama, Tsuchiya Takahiro, Takeshi Akasaka* 678. Synthesis and characterization of endhedral metallofullerene/organic-donor dyad. Akira Nakata, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka* 679. Fabrication of graphene from sputtered amorphous carbon. Heunku Kang, Suguru Noda* 680. Synthesis of fullerenols having fluorophore moiety. Ken Kokubo*, Shogo Shirakawa, Itsuka Morita, Naohiko Ikuma, Takumi Oshima 681. Synthesis of highly soluble multi-arylated [60]fullerene derivatives directed to resist materials. Miyato Kashihara, Mai Kato, Tomomi Yano, Katsutomo Tanaka, Ken Kokubo*, Naohiko Ikuma, Takumi Oshima 682. Synthesis of substuted cycloparaphenylenes from sequare-shaped tetranuclear platinum complexes. Takahiro Iwamoto*, Shigeru Yamago 683. Structural determination and chemical functionalization of metal carbide endofullerene Sc2C2@C80. Hiroki Kurihara*, Yuko Iiduka, Hidefumi Nikawa, Naomi Mizorogi, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Shigeru Nagase, Takeshi Akasaka 684. Organometallic fullerene-polymers with potential applications in molecular electronics. Claes-Henrik E. Andersson, Sascha Ott, Helena Grennberg* 685. Isolation and characterization of La@C76(C6H5). Takayoshi Tsuchiya, Tsuyoshi Ito, Hidefumi Nikawa, Zdenek Slanina, Naomi Mizorogi, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka*, Shigeru Nagase 686. Regioselective exohedral functionalization of La@C82 and its 1,2,3,4,5-pentamethylcyclopentadiene and adamantylidene adducts. Satoru Sato, Yutaka Maeda, Koji Inada, Hidefumi Nikawa, Michio Yamada, Naomi Mizorogi, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Tadashi Hasegawa, Slanina Zdenek, Takeshi Akasaka*, Tatsuhisa Kato, Shigeru Nagase 687. Conductivity and cristalline quality variations by magnesium atoms doping in epitaxial-grown C60 thin films. Crisoforo Morales*, Nobuaki Kojima, Seiji Nishi, Naoki Ogata, Masafumi Yamaguchi 688. Synthesis and characterization of novel electron donor-acceptor conjugated molecule based on C60 and -extended tetrathiafulvalene. Azusa Iwano, Lai Feng, Yuta Takano, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka*, María Ángeles Herranz, Nazario Martín* 689. Synthesis and complexation behavior of paramagnetic metallofullerene ligand. Azusa Oshima, Yuya Yokosawa, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka*, Naoki Aratani, Atsuhiro Osuka 690. Synthesis and characterization of stable [4⫹2] derivatives of La@C82. Yuki Nagashima*, Yuta Takano, Satoru Sato, Naomi Mizorogi, Zdenek Slanina, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka, Shigeru Nagase, M. Angeles Herranz, Nazario Martin 691. Improved synthesis of PCBM: Reaction of p-tosylhydrazone with C60 in an aqueous two-phase system. Toshiyuki Iwai*, Fukashi Matsumoto, Kazuyuki Moriwaki, Yuko Takao, Takatoshi Ito, Toshinobu Ohno* 692. Selective synthesis of azafulleroids from C60 and amides using N-iodosuccinimide. Toshiki Nagamachi, Satoshi Minakata* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–125 04-ORGN 693. Reactivity control by encapsulation of endohedral species. Yukiko Tanabe, Satoru Sato, Yuko Iiduka, Makoto Hachiya, Hidefumi Nikawa, Naomi Mizorogi, Takahiro Tsuchiya, Takeshi Akasaka*, Shigeru Nagase 694. Quantum chemical approach to photoinduced charge transfer processes in Znporphyrin-oligo-fluorene-C60. Georgios Katsukis, Linda Brinkhaus, Mateusz Wielopolski, Dirk M. Guldi* 695. Photoinduced charge-transfer processes in Zn-porphyrin-oligo-fluorene-C60 Linda Brinkhaus, Georgios Katsukis, Mateusz Wielopolski, Martin R. Bryce, Dirk M. Guldi* 696. Supramolecular inclusion of [60]fullerene into calixaren bisporphyrin hosts. Julia Schornbaum*, Bruno Grimm, Dirk M. Guldi Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III New Directions of Supramolecular Chemistry toward Nanomaterial Science, Biomedical Science, and Supramolecular Catalysts (#47) Organized by: S. Aoki, W. Chung, J. Davis, T. Haino Presiding: S. Aoki Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 697. Shape-selective molecular recognition in confined space provided by calixarene-capped porphyrin and its thermodynamic behavior. Hajime Iwamoto*, Saori Nishi, Takeharu Haino 698. Synthesis and conformational analysis of helical aromatic multilayered ureas. Mayumi Kudo, Takayuki Hanashima, Atsuya Muranaka, Hisako Sato, Masanobu Uchiyama, Hiroyuki Kagechika, Aya Tanatani* 699. Novel strategy to selectively detect Fe(III) in aqueous media driven by hydrolysis of a rhodamine 6G Schiff base. Min Hee Lee, Jun Won Park, Jong Seung Kim*, Chulhun Kang*, Hyun Jung Kim, Hyo Sung Jung, Yeon Ok Lee 700. Cysteine selective coumarin-based chemodosimeter. Hyo Sung Jung, Hyun Jung Kim, Min Hee Lee, Yeon Ok Lee, Jae Hong Lee, Jong Seung Kim* 701. Supramolecular cavitand chemistry. Melissa J. Latter* 702. Crystal engineering with a novel tetrameric heteroatomic cyclophane. Anneli Kleyn*, Leonard J. Barbour 703. Switching machine for rotaxane-specific chirality: A brake function for the shuttling motion between enantiomeric rotaxanes. Keiji Hirose*, Hajime Furutani, Yoshito Tobe 704. Selective transformation of a crown ether/sec-ammonium salt-type rotaxane to N-alkylated rotaxanes. Sakiko Suzuki, Kazuko Nakazono, Toshikazu Takata* 705. Spherical molecular container having two hydrophobic pockets. Ryota Ohkawa, Michito Yoshizawa*, Munetaka Akita* 706. Self-assembly of molecular tweezers with a 2,4,6-triphenyl-1,3,5-triazine spacer in the solid state. Yosuke Hisamatsu, Shin Aoki, Hidenori Aihara* 707. Synthesis of structured oligoethylene glycols. Kota Adachi*, Takahiro Muraoka, Kazushi Kinbara 708. Development of amphiphilic oligomers adopting higher-order structures in a lipid membrane. Tatsuya Shima*, Takahiro Muraoka, Kazushi Kinbara 709. Click end-capping reaction of rotaxanes exploiting stable nitrile N-oxide. Tohru Matsumura, Yasuhito Koyama, Toshikazu Takata* 710. Inhibition of quorum sensing using cyclodextrins. Tsukasa Ikeda*, Tomoya Sato, Takuya Imai, Takuya Kamiyama, Mabike Mamenzigou, Satoshi Ito, Tomohiro Morohoshi, Norihiro Kato 126 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 711. Quorum sensing quenching in gramnegative bacteria using modified cyclodextrins. Takuya Imai, Satoshi Ito, Tomohiro Morohoshi, Norihiro Kato, Tsukasa Ikeda* 712. Preparation and dynamic hydrolytic behavior of imine-bridged [n]rotaxanes and multiple interlocked systems. Hiroyoshi Sugino, Hidetoshi Kawai, Takeshi Umehara, Kenshu Fujiwara, Takanori Suzuki* 713. Construction of nanoscopic phases within M12L24 coordination spheres. Kiyotaka Takao, Kosuke Suzuki, Sota Sato, Makoto Fujita* 714. Soft materials based on -conjugated anion-responsive molecules. Yoshitaka Terashima, Yohei Haketa, Hiromitsu Maeda* 715. Synthesis of noncyclic amide compounds via tandem Claisen rearrangement and their structure and functions. Jie Hao, Anil S. Kuwar, Kosuke Izumi, Midori Goto, Yoshinobu Nagawa, Masatoshi Kanesato, Kazuhisa Hiratani* 716. Acid/base controllable molecular switch based on a neutral phenanthroline guest penetrated pseudorotaxane. Masahiro Muraoka, Kakeru Aoyama, Hiromitsu Irie, Mamoru Ohta, Yohji Nakatsuji 717. Synthesis of [5]catenane via olefin metathesis reaction of pseudorotaxane composed of [2]catenane and secondary-ammonium salt. Hajime Iwamoto*, Shinzi Tafuku, Takeharu Haino 718. Alignment of gold clusters on DNA via a zinc finger-metallothionein fusion protein. Shinya Ariyasu, Takeshi Yamamura, Shin Aoki 719. Synthesis and catalytic activity of pyridine-incorporated SPM-metal complex. Atsushi Shigeto, Shinichi Saito, Ryu Yamasaki* 720. Synthesis and catalytic activity of macrocyclic BINOL derivatives. Natsuko Ichihara, Eiko Takahashi, Nobutaka Ueda, Ryu Yamasaki, Shinichi Saito 721. Dynamic behavior of 3,3=-oligoBINOL derivatives and its application to asymmetric catalysis. Ranganath V. Kalluri, Shin-ichiro Tabuchi, Kentaro Ishizuka, Toshio Kawanami, Hiroshi Furuno, Satoaki Onitsuka, Junji Inanaga* 722. Convenient modular method for specific labeling of targeting proteins by catalytic amidation: MoAL method. Munetaka Kunishima*, Shuich Nakanishi, Ryo Tsurusaki, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Kazuhito Hioki 723. Self-assembly of bisporphyrin cleft possessing trinitrofluorenone. Tomoko Oshita, Akihide Watanabe, Toshiaki Ikeda, Takeharu Haino* 724. Cytochrome c-binding “proteo-dendrimers” as a new type of apoptosis inhibitors working in HeLa cells system. Hideki Azuma*, Yoshida Yuuka, Dharam Paul, Satoshi Shinoda, Hiroshi Tsukube, Takeshi Nagasaki 725. Cation recognition of macrocyclic trisdipyrrin-BF2 complex through efficient BF-cation interactions. Naoya Sakamoto, Tatsuya Nabeshima 726. Pressure effects on the inclusion complexation of water-soluble cucurbit[7]uril with methylene blue in alcohol-water mixtures. Sho Tamaki*, Yoshimi Sueishi 727. Tetraphenylurea-cavitand for anion binding. Sungjong Seo, Yeon Sil Park, Kyungsoo Paek* 728. Ureidopyrimidone molecular capsule based on a quadruple hydrogen bonding. Yeon-Sil Park*, Kyungsoo Paek 729. Supramolecular chemistry and self-assembly of the N-acylglyoxylic amides and N-acylglyoxylic esters. Venty Suryanti*, Pall Thordarson, James Hook, David S. Black, Naresh Kumar 730. Measurement of nitric oxide scavenging capacity in lipophilic antioxidants using modified -cyclodextrin as a water-solubility enhancer. Masashi Hori*, Yoshimi Sueishi, Yashige Kotake 731. Towards free-standing discrete 2D coordination polymers: Shape-persistent monomers with terpyridinyl units for lateral periodic growth. Thomas Bauer, A. Dieter Schlüter, Junji Sakamoto 732. Guest-binding and molecular delivery of water-soluble cyclophanes having a pyrene moiety. Osamu Hayashida*, Chika Eguchi, Tomomi Nakashima, Yu Oyama, Kosei Shioji 733. Self-assembly and photophysical properties of tris(phenylisoxazolyl)benzene functionalized with photoresponsive groups. Toshiaki Ikeda*, Hiroshi Saito, Tetsuya Masuda, Takeharu Haino 734. Coordination-driven self-assembly: Synthesis and application of ruthenium metallacycles. Mi- Eun Moon*, Vaishali Vajpayee, Anurag Mishra, Peter J. Stang, Ki-Whan Chi 735. Structure-activity relationship studies of macrocyclic hexaoxazole (6OTD) dimers and an evaluation of their telomeric G4 stabilizing properties. Keisuke Iida, Masayuki Tera, Takatsugu Hirokawa, Shin-ya Kazuo, Kazuo Nagasawa* 736. Tape-shaped anthracene oligomers with m-pyridine spacers. Takayuki Iijima, Michito Yoshizawa*, Munetaka Akita* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III The Science and Strategy of Process Chemistry: From Molecules to Pharmaceutical Drugs (#85) Organized by: T. McDermott, S. Caron, G. McLachlan, I. Shinkai Presiding: T. McDermott Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 737. Analysis of the essential oil of Gaultheria fragrantissima Wall. Shankar P. Paudel 738. Efficient synthesis of KW-7158, unique dihydrothienobenzothiepine tricyclic compound, therapeutic agent for urge urinary incontinent. Eiichiro Imai*, Tetsuo Matsushita, Arata Yanagisawa, Takashi Mimura, Shin-ichiro Mohri 739. Novel amide and ester prodrugs of olmesartan: Synthesis, bioconversion, and pharmacokinetic evaluation. Chang Hyun Oh*, Jin-Hun Park, Jeong-Soo Chang, Mohammed I El-Gamal, Won-Kyoung Choi, Woong San Lee, Hyun-Il Kim, Young-Jin Cho, Bong Sang Lee, Hong-Ryeol Jeon, Young Sub Lee, Young Wook Choi, Jaehwi Lee, Hye Jin Chung 740. N-methylimidazole-mediated efficient C-acylation of Meldrum’s acid with carboxylic acids or acid chlorides. Nanae Matsuo, Mami Morimoto, Hidefumi Nakatsuji, Yoo Tanabe 741. Safe and efficient scale-up from bench to kilo lab and beyond. Peter J. Ralbovsky*, Lloyd MacPherson 742. Highly stereocomplementary method for the preparation of (E)- and (Z)-␣,substituted unsaturated esters utilizing stereoretentive reduction of (E)- and (Z)stereodefined enol tosylates. Takeyuki Suzuki, Kanako Ueno, Hidefumi Nakatsuji, Yoo Tanabe 743. Dehydration-type (E)-stereoselective TiClaisen condensation between ␣-heteroatom-substituted acetates and formyl esters. Hideya Kitaguchi, Hiroaki Mura, Ryohei Nagase, Yoo Tanabe 744. Stereocomplementary preparation for trisubstituted (E)- and (Z)-␣,-unsaturated esters utilizing successive enol tosylations and Fe-catalyzed cross couplings of -ketoesters and ␣-formylesters. Hiroshi Nishiakdo, Hidefumi Nakatsuji, Kanako Ueno, Yoo Tanabe 745. Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of a novel series of aryl alkynylthiophenes: Discovery of a potential peripheral cannabinoid-1 receptor antagonists with weight-loss and thermogenesis-induced effects in DIO mice. Chun-Ping Chang 746. Discovery and synthesis of CAL-101, a potent and selective inhibitor of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110␦ isoform. Jerry B. Evarts, Roger G. Ulrich Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Supramolecular Photochemistry (#125) Organized by: Y. Inoue, C. Bohne, V. Ramamurthy, C. Tung Presiding: Y. Inoue Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 747. Solvent and temperature effects on diastereodifferentiating Paternó-Büchi reaction of chiral cyanobenzoates with diphenylethene upon direct and chargetransfer excitations. Kazuyuki Matsumura, Emi Nishiuchi, Tadashi Mori*, Yoshihisa Inoue* 748. Supramolecular fluorescence thiophene host system by using 2-amino-1,2-diphenylethanol. Yoshitane Imai*, Naoki Shiota, Takafumi Kinuta, Tomohiro Sato, Nobuo Tajima, Reiko Kuroda, Yoshio Matsubara 749. Porphyrin - silica gel composite acting as cobalt-free humidity indicator. Tomoko Matsumoto, Masahide Yasuda 750. Water-soluble phosphrousporphyrins for visible light-assisted sterilization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tomohiko Shinbara, Masahide Yasuda 751. Enantiodifferentiating anti-Markovnikov photoaddition of water to 1,1-diphenylpropene included and sensitized by naphthoyl-curdlan. Mami Imai*, Gaku Fukuhara, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Yoshihisa Inoue 752. Catalytic bio-supramolecular photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracencecarboxylate mediated by serum albumin. Hanako Kato*, Masaki Nishijima, Gaku Fukuhara, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Yoshihisa Inoue 753. Entrainer effects on photosensitized enantiodifferentiating cyclization and isomerization in supercritical carbon dioxide. Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Hirosuke Saito, Takehiko Wada, Yoshihisa Inoue, Kiyomi Kakiuchi 754. Reversible transformation and fluorescent properties in polymorphic crystals of n- butylammonium 2-naphthalenesulfonate. Atsushi Yamamoto, Masaaki Matsumoto, Tomoaki Hinoue, Yuji Mizobe, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata, Norimitsu Tohnai 755. Photochirogenesis in chiral ionic liquid: Enantiodifferentiating photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracenecarboxylic acid in (R)-1-methyl-3-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)imidazolium bistriflimide. Gaku Fukuhara*, Cinzia Chiappe, Andrea Mele, Bernardo Melai, Fabio Bellina, Yoshihisa Inoue 756. Diastereodifferentiating photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracenecarboxylate tethered to amylose scaffold. Tomohiro Nakamura*, Gaku Fukuhara, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Yoshihisa Inoue * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 757. Enantiodifferentiating photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracenecarboxylic acid mediated by (S)-prolinol. Shinya Katsumata*, Yuko Kawanami, Gaku Fukuhara, Masaki Nishijima, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Yoshihisa Inoue 758. Photocyclodimerization of 2-hydroxyanthracene and supramolecular photochirogenesis with chiral hydrogenbonding template TKS-159. Hiroaki Umehara, Gaku Fukuhara, Cheng Yang, Masaki Nishijima, Tadashi Mori, Yoshihisa Inoue 759. Photocyclization vs. photorearrangement of 4-aryl-1,1-dicyanobutenes confined in polymeric media. Tadashi Ito, Emi Nishiuchi, Tadashi Mori, Cheng Yang, Gaku Fukuhara, Yoshihisa Inoue 760. Synthesis and changeable chiroptical properties of axially chiral binapthyls linked to a photochromic azobenzene. Kazuto Takaishi*, Masuki Kawamoto 761. Liquid crystalline and solid-state fluorescent system with cis-trans photoisomerization of stilbene. Chien-Chih Chen*, Norimitsu Tohnai, Tomoaki Hinoue, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata 762. Diastereoselective [2⫹2] photocycloaddition of chiral cyclic enone supported on silsesquioxane with ethylene. Yuuki Yanagisawa, Yamaguchi Hiroki, Nishiyama Yasuhiro, Tsutsumi Ken, Morimoto Tsumoru, Kakiuchi Kiyomi 763. Intermolecular radical addition to alkenes via photochemical decarboxylation of free carboxylic acids. Yasuharu Yoshimi*, Keisuke Nishikawa, Minoru Hatanaka, Tatsuya Itou 764. Synthesis of macrocyclic lactone by intramolecular radical cyclization via photochemical decarboxylation. Keisuke Nishikawa, Yasuharu Yoshimi*, Minoru Hatanaka, Tatsuya Itou 765. Formation of anion via photochemical decarboxylation of malonates. Takashi Naoe, Yasuharu Yoshimi*, Tatsuya Itou 766. Influence of side chain on photochemical decarboxylation of tripeptides. Kousuke Maeda, Yasuharu Yoshimi* 767. Addition of alkyl radicals to glyoxylic oxime ether via photochemical decarboxylation of free carboxylic acids. Kosuke Kobayashi, Yasuharu Yoshimi*, Minoru Hatanaka, Tatsuya Itou 768. Photochemical decarboxylation of free carboxylic acids in water using photosensitive surfactant. Kazuki Sugiyama, Yasuharu Yoshimi* 769. Decarboxylation of aminomalonates by photogenerated cation radicals of arenes. Nguyen M. Hung, Yasuharu Yoshimi*, Minoru Hatanaka, Tatsuya Itou 770. Supramolecular enantiodifferentiating photoisomerization of cyclooctene included and sensitized by -cyclodextrin derivatives. Wenting Liang*, Cheng Yang, Yoshihisa Inoue*, Runhua Lu, Gaku Fukuhara, Tadashi Mori 771. Electronic circular dichroism of neutral and protonated aza[6]helicenes and their supramolecular complexation behavior. Yoshito Nakai, Tadashi Mori, Gaku Fukuhara, Cheng Yang, Yoshihisa Inoue 772. Spectrocopic study on the inclusion complex of cryptophane-M and chloroform. Xueming Li*, Yanqi Shi*, Jianchun Yang*, Fang Gao*, Wenjing Yang, Wulin Li 773. Guest-dependent luminescent switching system in the solid state of 9,10-anthracene derivatives. Misa Sugino, Norimitsu Tohnai, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata 774. Mechanistic studies of the excitationwavelength dependence of enantiodifferentiating photosensitized isomerization of (Z)-cyclooctene. Daisuke Yoneda*, Hirosuke Saito, Gaku Fukuhara, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Takehiko Wada, Yoshihisa Inoue 775. Bio-supramolecular photochirogenesis: Enantiodifferentiating photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracencecarboxylate mediated by mammalian serum albumins. Masaki Nishijima, Tadashi Mori, Takehiko Wada, Yoshihisa Inoue 776. Fluorescence modulation of phenol derivatives toward the development of organic gas sensing system. Masaaki Akamatsu, Ken Okamoto, Taizo Mori, Hideki Sakai, Masahiko Abe, Jonathan P. Hill, Katsuhiko Ariga* 777. Selective photoinduced energy transfer from a thiophene rotaxane to acceptor. Kazuya Sakamoto, Yoshinori Takashima, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi, Akira Harada 778. Highly efficient fluorescent molecules based on 5,5’-benzimidazole-2,2’-bipiridine. Hitoshi Ishida*, Shun-ichi Kawasaki, Shigero Oishi 779. Reversible transformation and concomitant fluorescence switching in inclusion crystals of ammonium anthracene disulfonate. Tomoaki Hinoue, Norimitsu Tohnai, Ichiro Hisaki, Mikiji Miyata* 780. Development of novel molecular rotors with two photoswitchable units. Shunsuke Kuwahara*, Yuki Nakano, Yoichi Habata 781. Synthesis and photoresponsive properties of a macrocycle based on an azobenzene-linked ligand. Masaki Yamamura*, Yuki Okazaki, Tatsuya Nabeshima 782. Structure control of photosensitized dendrimers for light emitting application. Hideki Kawai, Tetsuya Sengoku, Masaki Takahashi, Hidemi Yoda 783. Regioselective photocyclodimerization of olefins pre-organized using host-guest interactions. Hiromi Irie, Shuuhei Hara, Asao Nakamura* 784. Colorimetric detection of anions by a new thiourea-phthalimide dyad. Sebastian Hanft, Axel G. Griesbeck 785. Visualization of the binding of drug molecules to Human serum albumin by fluorescent probe displacement. Yoshiaki Sakatani, Asao Nakamura* 786. Synthesis and properties of [3.3](1,6)pyrenophanes. Yu Matsuno, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 787. Metal ion-induced changes in photochromic properties of bisviologen derivatives. Tetsuo Kuwabara*, HaoCheng Guo, Hiroki Orii 788. Synthesis of azobiphenyl having pyridyl groups and its dynamic behavior by photoisomerization. Rie Arai, Hidetoshi Goto, Hiroshi Sugimoto* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III New Dimensions of Green Sustainable Chemistry: Novel Reactions and Catalysts (#132) Organized by: S. Kobayashi, P. Anastas, T. Braish, M. Krische, C.J. Li Presiding: S. Kobayashi, P. Anastas Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 789. Palladium-catalyzed decarboxylative coupling of biomass-derived cinnamic acids. Tetsuya Satoh*, Mana Yamashita, Koji Hirano, Masahiro Miura* 790. Synthesis of p-quinones using catalytic hypervalent iodine oxidation of p-dialkyoxyarenes. Takayuki Yakura*, Ayaka Ozono, Yu Yamauchi, Yuan Tian 791. Rare-metal-free aromatic carbon-nitrogen bond formation reactions. Takuji Hatakeyama, Yuya Yoshimoto, Imayoshi Ryuji, Sujit K. Ghorai, Masaharu Nakamura* 792. Development of an efficient method for the preparation of 5-hydroxyl-1,3-dioxiane as the smallest 1,3-protected glycerol from a mixture of 1,2- and 1,3-protected glycerol, and a versatile synthesis of Branched Oligo-Glycerols (BGL) from the purely prepared 5-hydroxyl-1,3-dioxiane. Hatsuhiko Hattori*, Kohsuke Yoshitomi, Ayato Katagiri, Hisao Nemoto 793. New class of nitroxyl radical catalysts for oxidation of alcohols. Yusuke Sasano, Masatoshi Shibuya, Masaki Tomizawa, Yoshiharu Iwabuchi* 794. Synthesis of seven-menbered cyclic ureas by the [5⫹2] cycloaddition reaction of 2-vinylaziridines and electron-deficient isocyanates. Eri Kanno, Shunsuke Koya, Kenichi Yamanoi, Shinichi Saito* 795. Regio- and stereo-selective addition of carboxylic acids to alkynes catalyzed by phosphine-modified Ru/CeO2. Masami Nishiumi*, Hiroki Miura, Kenji Wada, Saburo Hosokawa, Masashi Inoue 796. Magnetically recoverable osmium catalysts immobilized on magnetite nanoparticles. Ken-ichi Fujita*, Manabu Yamazaki, Taku Ainoya, Teruhisa Tsuchimoto, Hiroyuki Yasuda 797. Synthesis of substituted dienes via coupling of alkynes with acrylic compounds by oxide-supported Ru catalysts. Hiroki Miura*, Shun Shimura, Saburo Hosokawa, Kenji Wada, Masashi Inoue 798. Coupling reaction of benzylic and allylic chlorides with butenylgallium or -indium species. Kensuke Kiyokawa, Makoto Yasuda, Akio Baba* 799. Selective synthesis of N-alkyl hydroxylamines by the hydrogenation of various nitroalkanes using supported palladium catalysts. Yasumasa Takenaka*, Takahiro Kiyosu, Goro Mori, Jun-Chul Choi, Toshiyasu Sakakura, Hiroyuki Yasuda* 800. Synthesis and fluorescence properties of 2-arylquinolines and 1,4-dihydropyridines. Shunsuke Sueki, Ryo Takei, Junya Abe, Chiharu Okamoto, Isao Shimizu, Keisuke Seto, Yukio Furukawa 801. Catalytic oxidative coupling of methane in an electric field. Yasushi Sekine*, Kazumasa Oshima, Keisuke Tanaka, Masahiko Matsukata, Eiichi Kikuchi 802. Immobilized Cu(II) on organic-inorganic hybrid materials: The effective and reusable catalysts for Biginelli reaction. Xiao-Jin Huang, Xiao-Jie Liu, Xiu-Li Zhang* 803. Aerobic oxidation of alcohols and direct oxidative ester formation catalyzed by polymer-immobilized bimetallic nanocluster catalysts. Kosuke Kaizuka, Hiroyuki Miyamura, Shu Kobayashi* 804. Mechanistic studies of zinc hydroxidecatalyzed allylation of aldehydes by ESIMS. Miyuki Yamaguchi, Shu Kobayashi* 805. Silver oxide as a novel catalyst for carbon— carbon bond-forming reactions in aqueous media. Arata Tanoue, Masaharu Ueno, Shu Kobayashi* 806. Highly enantioselective Friedel-Craftstype alkylation reactions of indoles with chalcone derivatives using a chiral barium catalyst as a Brønsted base. Yuichiro Kano, Tetsu Tsubogo, Yasuhiro Yamashita, Shu Kobayashi* 807. Catalytic carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions of ␣-aminoacetonitrile with imines. Masatoshi Matsumoto, Yasuhiro Yamashita, Shu Kobayashi* 808. Synthesis of cyclic-C-linked carbo-amino esters and peptides via ring closing metathesis. Basker Sundararaju*, Achard Mathieu, Sharma V. Gangavaram, Bruneau Christian* 809. Synthesis and application of alkenylindium by carboindation using indium tribromide, alkynes, and ketene silyl acetals. Yoshihiro Nishimoto, Makoto Yasuda, Akio Baba* 810. Novel oxide catalyst for oxidative coupling of methane. Keisuke Tanaka, Yasushi Sekine*, Jyunki Inoue, Masahiko Matsukata, Eiichi Kikuchi 811. Evaluation of back-shielded gallium complexes by theoretical calculation and their application for a catalytic reaction. Hideto Nakajima, Makoto Yasuda, Akio Baba* 812. Asymmetric catalysis in ionic liquids: Development of diionic chiral metal complex catalysts immobilizable to ionic liquids. Saori Fujii, Hiroshi Furuno*, Satoaki Onitsuka, Junji Inanaga* 813. Indium trichloride/trimethylsilyl bromide-catalyzed ␣-alkylation of carbonyl compounds by direct use of alcohol derivatives and vinyl esters. Yoshiharu Onishi, Yoshihiro Nishimoto, Makoto Yasuda, Akio Baba* 814. Indium-catalyzed retro-Claisen rearrangement. Shun-ichi Yamamoto*, Atsushi Kawata, Taihei Noborio, Takashi Matsuki, Kazumi Takata, Yoichiro Kuninobu, Kazuhiko Takai 815. Chemo- and regioselective hydroindation. Ikuya Shibata*, Shinji Miyamoto 816. Ruthenium complexes featuring P,Ochelating ligands: Regioselective allylation directly from alcohol. Basker Sundararaju*, Achard Mathieu, Sharma Gangavaram. V. M, Bruneau Christian 817. Preparation of indoles by intramolecular cyclization of o-alkynylaniline catalyzed by silver nitrate. Hideyuki Noguchi, Mohamed Soliman Mohamed Ahmed, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 818. Selective synthesis of homoallylic alcohol or homoallylic ether by indium triiodide-catalyzed direct hydroallylation of ester. Yoshihiro Inamoto, Yoshihiro Nishimoto*, Makoto Yasuda, Akio Baba 819. Utilization of CO2 for carbonic acid ester process. Masaaki Shinohata, Budianto Bijanto, Nobuhisa Miyake* 820. Innovative process for carbonates from CO2. Nobuhisa Miyake*, Masaaki Shinohata, Budianto Bijanto 821. Glycosylation of unprotected and unactivated sugars. Bala Kishan Gorityala, Xue-Wei Liu* 822. Oxidative carbonylation of aniline to methyl-N-phenylcarbamate: Performance and mechanism of highly efficient cobalt catalysts. Joerg Sundermeyer*, Fuming Mei, Andreas Jacob, Marcus Harrer, Felix Gärtner 823. Polymer-supported dirhodium(II) catalyst for asymmetric amination reaction. Tadashi Ohara, Koji Takeda, Masahiro Anada, Hisanori Nambu, Shunichi Hashimoto* 824. First sequential Mukaiyama-Michael reaction/crossed-Claisen condensation using two molar ketene silyl acetals and one molar ␣,-unsaturated esters promoted by a NaOH catalyst. Hiroaki Tamagaki, Yuuya Nawate, Ryohei Nagase, Yoo Tanabe 825. t-Butoxide-meditated arylation of benzene with aryl halides in the presence of a catalytic amount of a 1,10-phenanthroline derivative. Eiji Shirakawa*, Ken-ichi Itoh, Tomohiro Higashino, Tamio Hayashi* 826. Synthesis of four spermidine analogs using various ionic liquids. Francis C. Mayville*, Weston J. Umstead 827. Mild and environment-friendly oxidation of alcohols using PEG-TEMPO in combination with oxone. Mariko Nakano, Masayuki Okudomi, Kazutsugu Matsumoto* 828. Vanadium-catalyzed oxidative bromination using bromide salt and Lewis acid under molecular oxygen. Kotaro Kikushima, Toshiyuki Moriuchi*, Toshikazu Hirao* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–127 04-ORGN 829. General, robust, and stereocomplementary preparation of -ketoester enol phosphates using (RO)2POCl-N-methylimidazole agents and its application to the stereoretentive synthesis of tri- and tetra- (E)- or (Z)- ␣,-unsaturated esters. Hiroshi Hori, Mami Morimoto, Hidefumi Nakatsuji, Yoo Tanabe 830. Simple synthesis of fluorine-containing heterocyles by noncatalytic 1,3-dipolar cyclization of azomethine imines with tert-butyl-(␣-trifluoromethyl)acrylate (MAF-TBE). Takayuki Nishimine, Shinichi Ogawa, Etsuko Tokunaga, Norio Shibata* 831. Photocatalytic aerobic epoxidation of alkenes in the mixed solvent under visible light irradiation by iron(III) porphyrin with Mg-Al hydrotalcite anionic clay. Terumichi Izawa*, Kentaro Teramura*, Tetsuya Shishido, Tsunehiro Tanaka 832. Chitosan stabilized metal nanoclusters as efficient catalysts for aerobic oxidation of alcohols. Arumugam Murugadoss, Hidehiro Sakurai* 833. Withdrawn 834. Development of triazolium ionic liquids. Jae-Sang Ryu*, Yunkyung Jeong 835. Environmentally benign photocatalytic reactions in microstructured devices. Yoshihisa Matsushita*, Shinichi Ookawara Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Metal Catalysis for Asymmetric Synthesis (#282) Organized by: H. Sasai, A. Charette, H. Davies, D. Yang Presiding: H. Sasai, D. Yang, A. Charette, H. Davies Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 836. Design of chiral ligands with axially chiral C-N bonds for palladium catalyzed asymmetric reaction. Takashi Mino*, Haruka Yamada, Kazuya Wakui, Masami Sakamoto, Tsutomu Fujita 837. Preparation of new ClickFerrophos ligands and their application to asymmetric synthesis. Kazumi Imae*, Kenta Shimizu, Kenichi Ogata, Shin-ichi Fukuzawa* 838. Synthetic approach of optically active milnacipran and the analogs via catalytic enantioselective reaction using a disulfonamide derived from L-phenylalanine. Takuya Nagai, Yuko Hirose, Naka Koyata, Takuya Noguchi, Masashi Kawasaki, Masayuki Kirihara, Nobuyuki Imai* 839. Synthetic approach of optically active ␣-amino acid containing a cyclopropane ring via catalytic enantioselective reaction using a disulfonamide derived from L-phenylalanine. Masaki Serizawa, Naka Koyata, Yuko Hirose, Azusa Izumi, Yuki Fuda, Takuya Nagai, Takuya Noguchi, Tsuyoshi Miura, Nobuyuki Imai* 840. Chiral polydentate anionic NHC of Pd complex: Synthesis and asymmetric catalysis. Miaki Kawakami, Satoshi Sakaguchi* 841. Asymmetric Cu-catalyzed 1,4-addition of R2Zn to enone in the presence of a chiral azolium salt. Ayako Harano, Satoshi Sakaguchi* 842. Catalytic enantioselective SimmonsSmith reaction of 3-aryl-3-siloxymethyl-2butenols using L-phenylalanine deriveddisulfonamide and synthesis of optically active cis-2-[(1-adamantylamino)methyl]1-phenylcyclopropane derivatives. Yuko Hirose, Takuya Nagai, Naka Koyata, Takuya Noguchi, Nobuyuki Imai* 843. Asymmetric synthesis of axially chiral biaryl bisphosphine by rhodium-catalyzed intramolecular double [2 ⫹ 2 ⫹ 2] cycloaddition. Fumiya Mori*, Naohiro Fukawa, Ken Tanaka 128 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 844. Copper (II)-catalyzed asymmetric acylation of -symmetric 1,3-diols utilizing a novel C2-symmetric chiral diamine ligand. Terumichi Enomoto, Aki Kawashima, Ryuichi Shirai* 845. Chiral multinuclear catalyst for palladium-catalyzed asymmetric alkylative ringopening reaction. Keisuke Tanaka, Kohei Endo, Takanori Shibata* 846. Development of asymmetric hydrogenation of N-heteroaromatic compounds catalyzed by chiral iridium dinuclear complexes. Takuto Nagano, Takashi Ohshima, Damien Cartigny, Tahar Ayad, Virginie Ratovelomanana-Vidal, Jean-Pierre Genet, Kazushi Mashima 847. Development of multinuclear catalyst using SPINOL-PHOS for Cu-catalyzed asymmetric conjugate addition of organometallic reagents. Hamada Daisuke, Endo Kohei, Shibata Takanori* 848. Highly enantioselective 1,4-addition of dialkylzincs to enones using novel N,N,Ptridentate ligands. Kenjiro Kawamura*, Hitomi Fukuzawa, Masahiko Hayashi 849. Novel spiro chiral oxazoline ligands for asymmetric catalysis. Akira Narayama, Kazutaka Shibatomi*, Yoshinori Soga, Tsubasa Muto, Seiji Iwasa 850. Enantioselective construction of fluorinated quaternary stereogenic centers via catalytic asymmetric Diels-Alder reaction. Kazutaka Shibatomi*, Fumito Kobayashi, Seiji Iwasa, Hisashi Yamamoto 851. Enantioselective hydrocyanation of aldehydes catalyzed by ruthenium-lithium combined complex. Nobuhito Kurono, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Mikio Yamasaki, Takeshi Ohkuma* 852. Formation of multi-stereogenic centers using catalytic diastereoselective nitroaldol reaction. Takayoshi Arai*, Yoshinori Taneda, Yoko Endo 853. Enantioselective synthesis of chiral tripodal cage compounds by intramolecular [2⫹2⫹2] cycloaddition of branched triynes and diyne-nitriles. Toshifumi Uchiyama, Kohei Endo, Takanori Shibata* 854. Iridium-catalyzed, regio- and enantioselective allylic substitution with aromatic and aliphatic sulfinates. Mitsuhiro Ueda*, John F. Hartwig 855. Chiral induction by cinchona alkaloids in the rhodium(II) catalyzed X-H (X ⫽ N,O) insertion reaction. Hiroaki Saito*, Ryo Iwai, Taketo Uchiyama, Muneharu Miyake, Shinichi Miyairi* 856. Catalytic asymmetric cyclopropanation reactions of succinimidyl diazoacetate and diazoacetamides with alkenes catalyzed by oxazolinylbenzene-Ru(II) complexes. Soda Chanthamath, Kazutaka Shibatomi, Seiji Iwasa 857. Asymmetric synthesis of dihydrobenzofuran natural products via intramolecular C-H insertion reaction catalyzed by chiral dirhodium(II) carboxylates. Yoshihiro Natori, Koji Takeda, Hisanori Nambu, Shunichi Hashimoto* 858. Catalytic synthesis of various cyclic polyphenylenes by consecutive inter- and intramolecular cycloadditions. Hirashima Hiroyuki, Endo Kohei, Shibata Takanori 859. DFT study on 5-endo-trig type cyclization of ,␥ unsaturated carboxylic acids using Pd-SPRIX catalyst. Randa K. Gabr, Gan B. Bajracharya, Xianjin Lin, Kazuhiro Takenaka, Shinobu Takizawa, Yoshihiro Okada, Takuji Hatakeyama, Masaharu Nakamura, Hiroaki Sasai* 860. Asymmetric rhodium-catalyzed cyclopropene hydroacylation: A new route to highly functionalized chiral cyclopropanes. Diem T. Phan, Vy M. Dong* 861. Asymmetric construction of chiral multicyclic skeletons by rhodium-catalyzed cycloaddition cascade. Masayuki Kobayashi, Takeshi Suda, Hidetomo Imase, Ken Tanaka* 862. Asymmetric synthesis of axially chiral 1-arylisoquinolines by rhodium-catalyzed [2 ⫹ 2 ⫹ 2] cycloaddition. Norifumi Sakiyama*, Daiki Hojo, Ken Tanaka 863. Coupling reaction of aryl halides and formamides by using nickel-phosphite catalytic system. Ah-Byeol Park, Sunwoo Lee 864. Synthesis of diaryl alkynes from propiolic acid by using palladium catalyst. Kyungho Park, Sunwoo Lee 865. Asymmetric synthesis of axially chiral 4-aryl-2-quinolinones by transition-metalcatalyzed intramolecular hydroarylation. Tetsuro Shibuya, Yu Shibata, Ken Tanaka* 866. Asymmetric synthesis of helicene-like molecules by rhodium-catalyzed intermolecular double [2 ⫹ 2 ⫹ 2] cycloaddition. Naohiro Fukawa, Takeshi Suda, Ken Tanaka* 867. Catalytic enantioselective Diels-Alder reaction of Danishefsky diene using chiral Yb complexes. Shinji Harada, Nozomi Toudou, Shiharu Hiraoka, Atsushi Nishida* 868. Withdrawn 869. Synthesis of Pd-CNT nanocomposites and its application for the hydrodehalogenation of aryl halides. Yong Kim, Sunwoo Lee, Hyun Chul Choi, Ja Young Kim 870. Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric [2 ⫹ 2 ⫹ 2] cycloadditions of diynes and enynes with 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds. Takeshi Suda, Ken Tanaka* 871. Stereoselective conjugate addition of ␣-ketoesters to nitroalkenes catalyzed by chiral Ni(OAc)2-diamine complexes. Yoshitaka Hamashima, Ayako Nakamura, Sylvain Lectard, Daisuke Hashizume, Mikiko Sodeoka 872. New sp2N/sp3N combined chiral tetradentate ligands R-BINAN-R’-Py: An application to asymmetric hydrogenation of aromatic ketones. Hiroshi Nakatsuka, Toshimitsu Muraoka, Hanmin Huang, Masahiro Yoshimura, Masato Kitamura* 873. Efficient ring opening reaction of oxaand aza-bicyclic alkenes catalyzed by palladium with ferrocene-based phosphine ligand. Tetsuo Ohta*, Yoshinori Suzuma, Yohei Oe 874. Synthesis of cyclic allenes and allenophanes by palladium-catalyzed cyclization of malonate-tethered 2-bromo-1,3dienes. Masamichi Ogasawara*, Hiroaki Ichio, Hidetoshi Murakami, Tamotsu Takahashi* 875. Synthesis and application of helically chiral phosphine derivatives with atropisomeric dienyl skeleton. Masamichi Ogasawara*, Hikaru Nakajima, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Tamotsu Takahashi* 876. Enantioselective synthesis of ␥-lactones via intramolecular Wacker-type cyclization catalyzed by Pd-SPRIX. Mitsutoshi Akita 877. Pd(II)-catalyzed oxidative tandem cyclization for the construction of oxa-heterohelicene. Akihiro Tanoue, Ryo Irie* 878. Mo-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of planar-chiral metallocenylphosphines and their application as chiral ligands. Masamichi Ogasawara*, Susumu Watanabe, Sachie Arae, Kiyohiko Nakajima, Tamotsu Takahashi* 879. Methylene-bridged P-chiral diphosphine ligands and related compounds: Efficient preparation and application in catalytic asymmetric reactions. Ken Tamura, Daisuke Mayama, Masashi Sugiya, Tomokazu Ogura, Yui Ikematsu, Imamoto Tsuneo* 880. Enantioselective Friedel-Crafts reaction of -trifluoromethylated acrylates with pyrroles. Satoru Suzuki, Yiyong Huang, Etsuko Tokunaga, Norio Shibata 881. Palladium-catalyzed asymmetric halocyclization of ␣-allylmalonamide. Keiko Ishimaru, Shinya Iikawa, Daishirou Minato, Masami Kuriyama, Osamu Onomura* 882. Enantioselective nickel-catalyzed conjugate addition of diethylzinc to enones using chiral -amino alcohol. Chih-Hao Tseng, Biing-Jiun Uang* 883. Enantioselective addition of dialkylzinc to N-(diphenylphosphinoyl)imines mediated by chiral -amino alcohol. Wei-Ming Huang, Biing-Jiun Uang* 884. Enantioselective Darzens reaction by chiralselenide catalysts. Shin-ichi Watanabe*, Risa Hasebe, Jun Ouchi, Hideko Nagasawa, Tadashi Kataoka 885. Synthesis and characterization of the new axially chiral bis(isoquinoline) ligand and its metal complexes. Hiroki Tokushima, Shinji Umeda, Ryo Irie* 886. Asymmetric radical fragmentation reaction. Jake Zimmerman*, Joshua Judkins, Amanda Holloway, Andro Youssef, Elizabeth Buenger 887. Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric conjugated alkynylation of ␣,-unsaturated aldehydes. Takahiro Nishimura*, Takahiro Sawano, Tamio Hayashi* 888. Rhodium/chiral diene-catalyzed asymmetric 1,4-addition of arylboroxines to ,-disubstituted ␣,-unsaturated ketones. Ryo Shintani*, Momotaro Takeda, Takahiro Nishimura, Tamio Hayashi* Friday Afternoon Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules - A Celebration of Bob Moss’s 70 years (#1) Organized by: M. Platz, M. Abe, W. Leigh Presiding: W. Leigh 12:30 – 889. Transition state spectroscopy of oxyallyl. Takatoshi Ichino, Stephanie M. Villano, Adam J. Gianola, Daniel J. Goebbert, Luis Velarde, Andrei Sanov, Stephen J. Blanksby, Xin Zhou, David A. Hrovat, W. C. Lineberger*, Weston T. Borden* 13:00 – 890. Development of a novel bioscavenger against chemical nerve agents. Christopher M. Hadad 13:30 – 891. Reactive carbene, ketene and radical intermediates on planar and nanoparticle metal surfaces. Mark S. Workentin* 14:00 – 892. Surface-mounted molecular rotors. Josef Michl* 14:30 – 893. Gas phase reactions gold carbenes and nitrenes. Peter Chen* 15:00 – 894. Nitrene rearrangements. Curt Wentrup*, David Kvaskoff 15:30 – 895. Chemistry of aryloxenium ions and their nitrenium ion analogs. Michael Novak, Yue-Ting Wang, Mrinal Chakraborty, Kyoung Joo Jin 16:00 – 896. Development of analytical tools for nitroxyl (HNO) detection. John P. Toscano* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN Hilton South Pacific II Asymmetric Organocatalysis (#62) Organized by: K. Maruoka, L. Deng, L. Gong Presiding: K. Maruoka, L. Gong, L. Deng 12:30 – 897. Enantiodivergent reaction by conformationally flexible guanidine-thiourea bifunctional organocatalyst. Kazuo Nagasawa* 12:50 – 898. Development of organocatalytic cascade reactions for rapid construction of diverse heterocyclic architectures. Wen-Jing Xiao* 13:10 – 899. Chiral base catalyzed enantioselective reactions. Choon Hong Tan* 13:30 – 900. Recent progress in the chiral phosphoric acid catalyzed reactions. Takahiko Akiyama* 14:00 – 901. Enamine chemistry: Enzymes, organocatalysis, and new therapeutic approaches. Carlos F. Barbas* 14:30 – 902. Amine-catalyzed pericyclic or cascade asymmetric reactions. Ying-Chun Chen* 15:00 – 903. Asymmetric catalysis with hydrogen-bond donors. Yoshiji Takemoto* 15:30 – 904. Mechanistic studies of organocatalytic reactions. Donna Blackmond* 16:00 – 905. Origin of prebiotic chirality in amino acids and sugars. Ronald Breslow* Hilton South Pacific IV Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Biology, Ecology, and Synthesis (#80) Organized by: J. Rainier, R. Anderson, M. Murata Presiding: M. Murata 12:30 – 906. NMR guided isolation of secondary metabolites from marine organisms. Peter T. Northcote* 13:00 – 907. New marine siderophores: Tuning the relative hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity. Alison Butler*, Moriah Sandy, Julia Vraspir 13:30 – 908. Total synthesis and biological evaluation of the large non-ribosomal peptide polytheonamide B. Masayuki Inoue* 14:00 – 909. Natural products from symbiotic microorganisms isolated from octocorals. Brad Haltli, Fabrice Berrue, Russell Kerr* 14:30 – 910. New compounds from marine animal-bacteria associations. Eric Schmidt* 15:00 – 911. Our recent study on puffer fish toxins. Mari Yotsu-Yamashita*, Riku Kaneko, Kyohei Yamada, Hideki Yamaguchi, Norihisa Miseki, Yuko Cho, Keiichi Konoki 15:30 – 912. Chemical synthesis, biosynthesis, and biomechanistic studies of the pyrrole-2-aminoimidazole marine alkalord family including palau’amine. Daniel Romo* 16:00 – 913. Discovery of bioactive marine natural products and synthesis of pharmacophore analogs. Raymond J. Andersen* Hilton Iolani I/II New Advances in Metal-Catalyzed Alkylation and Fluoroalkylation (#115) Organized by: D. Vicic, V. Dong, N. Kambe Presiding: D. Vicic 12:30 – 914. Ni-catalyzed cross coupling of non-activated alkyl halides. Xile Hu* 13:10 – 915. Metal-catalyzed direct alkylations with unactivated alkyl halides. Lutz Ackermann* 13:50 – 916. Iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction: An effective method of alkylating various organometallic reagents. Masaharu Nakamura* 14:30 – 917. Ni-catalyzed cross-coupling of alkyl Grignard and alkylzinc reagents with organic halides. Diego J. Cardenas*, Elena Buñuel, Vilas B. Phapale, Manuel Guisán-Ceinos 15:10 – 918. Transition metal catalyzed alkylation reactions by the use of Grignard reagents. Nobuaki Kambe* 15:50 – 919. Functionalization of sp3-hybridized carbon centers through cleavage of unstrained carbon-carbon bonds. Eric Fillion*, Yen Nguyen, Jérôme Jacq, Tiantong Lou, Ashraf Wilsily Hilton Honolulu III Achieving Efficiency in Organic Reactions via Greener Processes and Practices (#139) Organized by: I. Ryu, D. Curran, P. Jessop, S. Lee Presiding: D. Curran, A. Studer, P. Jessop 12:30 – 920. Switchable solvents incorporating water. Philip G. Jessop*, Sean M. Mercer, Lam Phan, Lisa Kozycz, Christoph J. Dürr 13:00 – 921. Synthetic organic reaction with photo and molecular oxygen. Akichika Itoh 13:20 – 922. Photochemical C-C bond formation between alcohols and olefins by an environmentally-benign radical reaction. Akihiko Ouchi*, Chuanxiang Liu, Masayuki Kaneda, Takeshi Hyugano 13:40 – 923. Photoredox catalysis: Enabling chemical synthesis with visible light. Corey R. Stephenson* 14:10 – 924. Novel biphasic reaction system of ferric chloride dissolved imidazolium salt and benzotrifluoride: Application to electron transfer reactions and Lewis acid promoted reactions. Eietsu Hasegawa*, Nohara Hiroi, Chika Osawa, Hiroyuki Tsuchida 14:30 – 925. Synthesis and spectroscopic study of dually substituted phenylene(poly)ethynylenes with diphenylamino/ cyano groups. Akihiro Orita*, Jing-Kun Fang, Xin Yang, Daisuke Matsuo, Yoshinori Suzuma, Junzo Otera 14:50 – 926. Nitroxides and chinones as environmentally benign green oxidants. Armido Studer* 15:20 – 927. Mild synthesis of furans from 1,3-ketoesters and cis-4-oxo-2-enals. Satoshi Kojima*, Akihisa Iwamoto, Yoshiaki Sashihara 15:40 – 928. Novel formation of iodobenzene derivatives from 1-(methylthio)-1,3-alkadien-5-ynes via iodine-indued C-C bond formation. Shoji Matsumoto*, Kenji Takase, Masato Kimura, Hitohiro Nishimura, Keisuke Sakamoto, Motohiro Akazome 16:00 – 929. N-Heterocyclic carbene boranes: A new class of radical hydrogen atom donors made from only first row elements. Dennis P. Curran 13:25 – 932. Investigating active principles of complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs). Jurgen T. Rohr*, Pallab Pahari, Irfan Baig, Khaled A. Shabaan, Raj Kumar, Bal L. Lokeshwar, Chendil Damodaran 13:45 – 933. Discovery of novel splicing factor 3b inhibitors, pladienolide and its derivatives. Yoshiharu Mizui* 14:20 – 934. Cyclopamine: the bad, the ugly and now the good. Stephen T. Lee, Dale R. Gardner, Kip E. Panter 14:40 – 935. Recent progress on the biosynthesis of peptide antitumor antibiotics. Kenji Watanabe, Hiroki Oguri, Hideaki Oikawa* 15:15 – 936. Discovery and biosynthesis of a new family of anti-cancer macrolides by exploitation of the Streptomyces ambofaciens genome sequence. Greg Challis*, Lijiang Song, Lauren Ray, Christophe Corre, Bertrand Aigle, Luisa Laureti, Pierre Leblond 15:35 – 937. Exploring cell cycle inhibitors: Discovering new targets for cancer treatment. William Fenical*, James J. LaClair 16:10 – 938. Selective release of potent N-alkylisatin based cytotoxins via hydrolysis of pH sensitive imine linkers. Lidia Matesic, Julie M. Locke, Kara L. Vine, Ranson Marie, John B. Bremner, Danielle Skropeta* Hilton Sea Pearl I/II 14:20 – 950. Enantioselective approach to lactones: Design, mechanism, and scope. Vy M. Dong 14:55 – 951. New approach to bis-heterocycles via coupling and double cyclization cascade. Kouichi Ohe, Takahiko Murata, Kazuhiro Okamoto, Koji Miki 15:10 – 952. Carbon-carbon bond formation and pyrrole synthesis via the [3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement of O-vinyl oxime ethers. Laura Anderson*, Heng-Yen Wang, Daniel S. Mueller, Rachna Sachwani, Hannah N. Londino, Alla Papirnyak 15:25 – 953. Transition metal-catalyzed stereoselective cyclization reactions for the synthesis of complex natural products. Chulbom Lee* 16:00 – 954. Regio- and stereoselective Heck arylation of allylic alcohol and amine derivatives using arenediazonium salts. Carlos Roque D. Correia, Jason G. Taylor, Patricia Prediger, Fernando P. Guandalim 16:15 – 955. Discovery and development of scandium(III) catalysts for the diazoalkane-carbonyl homologation reaction: Optically active 2-aryl cycloalkanones by catalytic asymmetric carbon insertion. Jason S. Kingsbury*, David C. Moebius, Victor L. Rendina Hilton Coral V Mechanistic Organic Photochemistry (#89) Cooperative Catalysis (#14) Organized by: Y. Uozumi, R. Danheiser, K. Ding, A. Nishida Presiding: R. Danheiser 12:50 Introductory remarks 13:00 – 939. Enantioselective catalysis based on transition metal enolate chemistry. Mikiko Sodeoka* 13:40 – 940. Catalytic transformations of C-H bonds, carbon-dioxide, and simple olefins. Vy M. Dong 14:10 – 941. Cooperative catalysis of organic and organometallic catalysts for hydroacylation and C-C double bond cleavage of ␣,-unsaturated aldehyde. Chul-Ho Jun*, Kyung-Mi Cha, Eun-Ae Jo, Yura Lee 14:30 – 942. Nickel/Lewis acid-catalyzed carbocyanation reaction of unsaturated bonds. Akira Yada, Shiro Ebata, Tomoya Yukawa, Hiroaki Idei, Di Zhang, Yoshiaki Nakao*, Tamejiro Hiyama*, Masashi Ikawa, Sensuke Ogoshi* 14:50 – 943. Direct polymerization of 2-bromothiophenes based on direct arylation reaction. Ryo Takita, Qifeng Wang, Yuuta Kikuzaki, Yuki Nakamura, Masayuki Wakioka, Fumiyuki Ozawa* 15:10 – 944. Cooperative catalysis in enantioselective cyanation of aldehydes. Zhipeng Zhang*, Kuiling Ding* 15:30 – 945. Catalysis in total synthesis. Kyriacos C. Nicolaou* 16:20 Concluding remarks Hilton South Pacific III Hilton Honolulu II Recent Advances in Natural Products as Anticancer Agents (#279) Transition Metal Catalysis: Mechanism and Practice (#283) Organized by: D. Kingston, J. Li, S. Matsunaga, R. Quinn Presiding: J. Liu Organized by: K. Nozaki, J. Stryker, F.D. Toste Presiding: K. Nozaki 12:30 – 930. Using yeast tubulin to map the binding site of the microtubule-stabilizing agent, peloruside A. Paul Teesdale-Spittle, Reem Hanna, A. Jonathan Singh, Pahk Thepchatri, James Snyder, Paraskevi Giannakakou, David Bellows, Peter Northcote, John Miller 12:50 – 931. Mode of action of an anticancer agent that inhibits pre-mRNA splicing. Minoru Yoshida* 12:50 – 946. Synthesis of functional polymers using metathesis initiators. Robert H. Grubbs 13:25 – 947. Iron- and cobalt-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions through C-H bond activation. Naohiko Yoshikai 13:50 – 948. Palladium pincer-complex catalysis for selective synthesis. Kalman J. Szabo 14:05 – 949. Carbonylative coupling of amidrazones or amidines for direct or modular synthesis of 5-aryl-1,2,4-triazoles from aryl halides. Steve Staben*, Nicole Blaquiere Organized by: H. Zimmerman and A. Griesbeck, T. Ichimura, A. Kutateladze, P. Wan Presiding: T. Ichimura 13:00 – 956. Creating new C-C and C-H bonds via alkyne photochemistry. Igor Alabugin* 13:35 – 957. Proton and water-mediated photochemical reactions at distal sites of aromatic compounds. Peter Wan* 14:10 – 958. Photoassisted detection and amplification of molecular recognition events: Mechanistic and applied studies. Andrei G. Kutateladze*, Tiffany Gustafson 14:45 – 959. Photo-responsive morphological change of niobate/azobenzene-polyfluorinated surfactant hybrid compounds. Haruo Inoue* 15:20 – 960. Photochemical confluence of Type II, Wolff, and Favorskii rearrangements for a single chromophore: The mechanistic and synthetic consequences for p-hydroxyphenacyl. Richard S. Givens*, Marina Rubina, Kenneth Stensrud, Elizabeth D. Cope, Chamani Perera, Sanjeewa Senadheera, Peter Sebej, Lovely A. Anthony, Petr Klan*, John P. Toscano*, Evans S. Anthony 15:55 – 961. Photochromism by intermolecular proton transfer. Keiichiro Ogawa*, Jun Harada, Masatoshi Miura * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–129 04-ORGN Hilton Honolulu I Practical Applications of Basic Research on Molecular Recognition (#222) Organized by: W. Hinze, C. Easton, K. Kano Presiding: K. Kano, W. Hinze 13:00 Introductory remarks 13:10 – 962. Recognition and catalysis in deep cavitands. Julius Rebek* 13:40 – 963. Synthesis and host-guest properties of multivalent cyclophane hosts. Osamu Hayashida, Daisuke Sato, Noriko Yahiro, Keiichiro Kimura 14:00 – 964. Unique properties of heme-protein models composed of iron porphyrins and cyclodextrin dimers. Koji Kano* 14:30 – 965. Binding of cyanide anion to iron-porphyrin supramolecules. Kenji Watanabe, Hiroaki Kitagishi, Koji Kano 14:50 – 966. An iron(II)porphyrin-cyclodextrin supramolecular complex that removes CO in a living organism. Hiroaki Kitagishi, Koji Kano 15:10 – 967. Molecular fibres and wires in solid-state and solution self-assemblies of cyclodextrin [2]-rotaxanes. Christopher J. Easton, Hwi-Young Lee, Subashani Maniam, Hideki Onagi 15:40 – 968. Artificial polymerases and molecular chaperones. Akira Harada* 16:10 – 969. Molecular machines at work. Hideki Onagi*, Christopher J. Easton, Stephen F. Lincoln, Roger J. Coulston, Allan B. Gamble Friday Evening Hilton South Pacific IV Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules - A Celebration of Bob Moss’s 70 years (#1) Organized by: M. Platz, M. Abe, W. Leigh Presiding: M. Abe 19:00 – 970. Triplet sensitized cis-trans isomerization of simple alkenes and their applications. Anna D. Gudmundsdottir* 19:30 – 971. Generation and characterization of triplet thienylcarbenes. Robert J. McMahon*, Caroline R. Pharr 20:00 – 972. Photonic amplification by a singlet-state quantum chain reaction in the photodecarbonylation of crystalline diarylcyclopropenones. Gregory Kuzmanich, Stephanie C. Doan, Matthew N. Gard, Benjamin J. Schwartz, Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay 20:30 – 973. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters for the reactions of simple silylenes and germylenes with alkenes and dienes in solution. William J. Leigh*, Lawrence A. Huck, Saurabh S. Chitnis, Margaret Reid 21:00 – 974. Fun with germanium: from digermenes to donor-stabilized germylenes and germanium cations. Kim M. Baines* 21:30 – 975. Role of sulfenic acids in the antioxidant activity of allicin and other plantderived thiosulfinates. Derek A. Pratt* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Cooperative Catalysis (#14) Organized by: Y. Uozumi, R. Danheiser, K. Ding, A. Nishida Presiding: Y. Yamada, T. Osako Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 976. Enantioselective ring opening of epoxides by fluoride anion promoted by a cooperative dual-catalyst system. Julia A. Kalow*, Abigail G. Doyle 977. Facile preparation of linear polystyrenestabilized Pd nanoparticles in water. Atsushi Ohtaka*, Takuto Teratani, Ryohei Fujii, Kanako Ikeshita, Osamu Shimomura, Ryoki Nomura 130 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 978. Recovery of in situ-generated Pd nanoparticles with linear polystyrene. Atsushi Ohtaka*, Ryozo Kuroki, Takuto Teratani, Osamu Shimomura, Ryoki Nomura 979. Ionically convoluted polymeric phosphotungstate-catalyzed chemoselective oxidation of secondary alcohols with 30% aq H2O2. Chung Keun Jin*, Yoichi M. Yamada, Yasuhiro Uozumi 980. Development of aquacatalytic systems based on pincer palladium complexes: Catalytic ability in water. Go Hamasaka, Tsubasa Muto, Yasuhiro Uozumi* 981. Studies of ligand effects on the tetranuclear zinc cluster catalyses for mechanistic investigation. Yukiko Hayashi*, Yusuke Maegawa, Kazushi Agura, Takanori Iwasaki, Takashi Ohshima, Kazushi Mashima 982. Catalytic membrane-installed microchannel devices for instaneous organic transformations. Toshihiro Watanabe, Yoichi M. Yamada, Naoshi Fukuyama, Tomohiko Beppu, Kaoru Torii, Yasuhiro Uozumi* 983. Ionically convoluted poly(spiroborate) iridium catalyst for the dehydrative alkylation of anilines with alcohols in water. Yoichi M. Yamada, Hidetoshi Ohta, Yasuhiro Uozumi* 984. Construction of contiguous tetrasubstituted chiral carbon stereocenters via direct catalytic asymmetric aldol reaction of ␣-isothiocyanato esters with ketones. Hiroyuki Morimoto, Tatsuhiko Yoshino, Gang Lu, Shigeki Matsunaga*, Masakatsu Shibasaki* 985. Formation and reactivity of six-membered oxa-nickelacycles generated by oxidative addition of cyclopropyl ketones to nickel(0). Takashi Tamaki*, Masato Ohashi, Sensuke Ogoshi 986. Platinum-catalyzed direct amination of allylic alcohols assisted by microwave and ligand effects. Yasuhito Nakahara*, Yoshiki Miyamoto, Junji Ipposhi, Masaru Utsunomiya, Takashi Ohshima, Kazushi Mashima 987. Aerobic alcohol oxidation and SuzukiMiyaura coupling in water with self-supported bipyridyl-palladium catalysts. Takao Osako, Yasuhiro Uozumi* 988. Enantioselective aza-Morita-Baylis-Hillman (aza-MBH) domino reactions promoted by acid-base organocatalyst. Naohito Inoue, Shinobu Takizawa, Shuichi Hirata, Tue Nguyen, Hiroaki Sasai* 989. Bifunctional organocatalyst bearing (S)1,1’-spirobiindane as chiral backbone. Kimiko Kiriyama, Shinobu Takizawa, Hiroaki Sasai* 990. Nickel-catalyzed cross-coupling of aryl fluorides and organozinc reagents via cooperative C-F bond activation. Yuki Nakamura, Naohiko Yoshikai, Laurean Ilies, Eiichi Nakamura 991. Polymeric membranous acid catalystinstalled microchannel devices for organic synthesis. Maki Minakawa, Yoichi M. Yamada, Yasuhiro Uozumi 992. Development of aquacatalytic systems based on pincer palladium complexes: Preparation of an amphiphilic NCN pincer palladium complex. Tsubasa Muto, Go Hamasaka, Yasuhiro Uozumi* 993. Development of bifunctional organocatalysts for enantioselective Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction. Shinya Murakami, Shinobu Takizawa, Hiroaki Sasai* 994. Catalytic asymmetric aldol reactions and mechanistic studies using chiral zinc complexes. Toshinari Itakura, Susumu Itoh, Masamichi Ikegami, Sei-ichi Tsukamoto, Masanori Kitamura, Shin Aoki* 995. Photocatalytic aerobic expoxidation of cyclohexene under visible light irradiation by various metalloporphyrin complexes with Mg-Al hydrotalcite anionic clay. Terumichi Izawa*, Kentaro Teramura*, Tetsuya Shishido, Tsunehiro Tanaka 996. Hydrogen bonding directed asymmetric esterification catalyst for pyroglutamic acid. Shota Ohtsuka, Nobuhiro Kihara* 997. Development of length selective acylation catalyst using hydrogen bonding of amide. Noriaki Tsuzuki, Nobuhiro Kihara* Hilton Coral IV Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: D. Hall 19:00 – 998. Revisiting reactions of thionyl chloride: Stereoretentive methods for the one-pot synthesis of halides and amides from alcohols. Deboprosad Mondal, Song Ye Li, Salvatore D. Lepore* 19:20 – 999. Use of free radical based reactions in the synthesis of natural products. Yvan Guindon*, Philippe Mochirian, Jean François Brazeau, François Godin, Ioannis Katsoulis 19:50 – 1000. Onium ylides as scaffolds for the construction of heterocyclic and carbocyclic natural products. Frederick G. West* Hilton Coral V Mechanistic Organic Photochemistry (#89) Organized by: H. Zimmerman, A. Griesbeck, T. Ichimura, A. Kutateladze, P. Wan Presiding: H. Zimmerman 19:00 – 1001. Photosensitized reactions of highly substituted 1,3-Cyclohexadienes: Photoisomerization of 9,10-deoxytridachione to photodeoxytridachione. Paul B. Jones*, Anna Fedders, James Blair, Matt Secrest, Jessica Querin 19:20 – 1002. Photochemical generation of activated enediynes: Unusual reactivity and unexpected mechanisms. Andrei Poloukhtine, Dinesh Pandithavidana, Alexander Kuzmin, Vladimir Popik* 19:40 – 1003. Mechanisms of singlet oxygen reactions: From synthesis to photolithography and molecular motors. Torsten Linker*, Werner Fudickar 20:00 – 1004. Photochemistry of adamantyl derivatives of hydroxybiphenyls: ESIPT vs. photosolvolysis. Nikola Basaric*, Nikola Cindro, Damir Bobinac, Ivana Zabcic, Mlinaric-Majerski Kata, Yunyan Hou, Wan Peter* 20:20 – 1005. New Norrish II precursors as excellent photocages for fragrance release. Olga Khintse*, Axel G. Griesbeck 20:40 – 1006. Excited state hydrogen transfer in ortho-nitro benzaldehyde: A correlation diagram translated to a conical intersection cascade. Annapaola Migani, Verónica Leyva, Ferran Feixas, Inés Corral, Leticia González, Lluís Blancafort* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Practical Applications of Basic Research on Molecular Recognition (#222) 1009. Optical resolution of 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid. Makiko Kimura*, Tatsuo Yajima, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1010. Synthesis of novel quaterphenyl derivatives for chiral amplification of primary amines. Shunsuke Kuwahara*, Akira Yamaguchi, Yoichi Habata 1011. Syntheses of optical active ␣-alkylserines. Hidetoshi Ogata*, Tatsuo Yajima, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1012. Optical resolution of N-phenyl-DL-␣phenylglycine. Miki Kitano*, Tatsuo Yajima, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1013. Optical resolution of (2RS,3SR)-phenylserine. Katsuya Nishimura*, Tatsuo Yajima, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1014. Chiral discrimination ability of C 2 -symmetric chiral 18-crown-6 derivatives. Misako Nakamura, Takashi Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Kojitani, Masahiro Muraoka, Yohji Nakatsuji* 1015. Chiral interactions in metal complexes for optical resolutions of amino acids. Tatsuo Yajima*, Makiko Kimura, Ayaka Uno, Noriya Ishida, Shoko Ito, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1016. New ratiometric perborate-selective probes based upon coumarin-fluorescein conjugate. Myung Gil Choi, Ji Young Hwang, Su Young Eor, Suk-Kyu Chang* 1017. Development to molecularly imprinted polymers crosslinked by the non-covalent bonding between functional groups. Masaki Katoh, Nobuhiro Kihara* 1018. Phenylurea oligomers capable of folding to helical structures by anion binding. Gang Woo Lee*, Kyu-Sung Jeong 1019. Simple introduction of deuterium at ␣-position of carbonyl in diazirinyl compounds for photoaffinity labeling. Yuta Murai, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Yasumaru Hatanaka, Makoto Hashimoto 1020. Fluorescence of hydroxynaphthoic acids in aqueous micellar solutions and in the presence of gold(III) and beryllium(II). Haidi Fiedler*, Marcelo Silva, Lizandra M. Zimmermann, Jorge A. Pedro, René A. Nome, Faruk Nome 1021. Organic gas sensing property of selforganized honeycomb-patterned films fabricated by calixarene derivatives. Eisaku Nomura*, Koichi Hayashi, Keisuke Sakaguchi, Yuhi Miyakawa, Hiroyoshi Naito 1022. Preparation for N-benzyl derivatives of threonines. Serina Ichimura*, Tatsuo Yajima, Tadashi Shiraiwa 1023. Approach toward polycatenane. Masatoshi Kawai, Haruki Mori, Nobuhiro Kihara* 1024. Synthesis of macrocyclic sulfoximine that can recoguize cyclic amides Kouta Iijima and Nobuhiro Kihara. Kouta Iijima, Nobuhiro Kihara* 1025. Thermodynamically controlled deracemization of ketones utilizing host-guest inclusion complexation. Hiroto Kaku*, Takeshi Nishii, Mitsuyo Horikawa, Tetsuto Tsunoda 1026. Inclusion behaviors and molecular recognition of 3,7,12,24-tetrahydroxycholane. Liu Wen-Tzu*, Hisaki Ichiro, Tohnai Norimitsu, Miyata Mikiji 1027. Hierarchical structures and molecular recognition in inclusion crystals of 23-sulfonocholic acid. Hirohide Yabuguchi, Yusuke Yamahata, Ichiro Hisaki, Norimitsu Tohnai, Mikiji Miyata Organized by: W. Hinze, C. Easton, K. Kano Presiding: K. Kano, C. Easton, W. Hinze Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1007. Supported liquid membrane transport of alkali metal cations by monoazacryptand with a partially fluorinated sidearm and the corresponding monoazacrown ethers. Yohji Nakatsuji, Misako Nakamura, Shingo Fujimoto, Masahiro Muraoka 1008. Expanding the scope of the CFTA method: determination of absolute stereochemistry of ␣-methyl-␣-amino esters. Tomoya Fujiwara*, Yoshio Takeuchi, Kenji Omata, Kuninobu Kabuto * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 1028. Syntheses and guest-binding behaviors of peptide-based cyclophane oligomers. Tomomi Nakashima, Yu-ki Nakamura, Osamu Hayashida, Kazuaki Ichimura 1029. Binding of p-nitrophenolate ion to mono-(deoxy-guanidino)-␣-cyclodextrins. Keita Takezawa, Tatsuyuki Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Matsui, Keisuke Yoshikiyo* 1030. Can cyclodextrin-porphyrin supramolecular system regulate the DNA-binding ability of GAL4 zinc finger protein? Shigeru Negi*, Takuya Ogasawara, Nobuyuki Kawamura, Koji Kano, Yukio Sugiura 1031. Synthesis of guest-specific host molecules by dynamic combinatorial chemistry. Masahito Tsutsui, Asao Nakamura* 1032. Chemical constituents of YUZU and LIME essential oils andtTheir antioxidative activities. Shinya Tachibana, Shinichi Tanimoto, Satomi Hukai, Koichiro Tajima, Yoshihiro Murai, Masato Nomura 1033. Gold nanoparticles bearing oxygen carrying supramolecule and PEG. Keiichi Karasugi, Hiroaki Kitagishi, Koji Kano* 1034. Study on the TiO2 particle/epoxy resin composites. Changkwon Moon*, Aaron M. Forster Hilton South Pacific III Recent Advances in Natural Products as Anticancer Agents (#279) Organized by: D. Kingston, J. Li, S. Matsunaga, R. Quinn Presiding: R. Quinn 19:00 – 1035. Investigation of marine organisms for potential cancer therapeutics. Amy Wright 19:30 – 1036. Yaku’amides A and B, cytotoxic linear peptides from a marine sponge Ceratopsion sp. Reiko Ueoka, Yuji Ise, Shigeru Okada, Shigeki Matsunaga* 20:00 – 1037. Investigating the anticancer potential of ascidian natural products using high content screening. Rohan A. Davis* 20:30 – 1038. Detection, structural determination and bioactivity of metabolites from bryozoans and cyanobacteria. Michele Prinsep*, Jonathan Puddick, Aaron Andersen, Christopher Moody, Libero Caracausi Saturday Morning Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules - A Celebration of Bob Moss’s 70 years (#1) Organized by: M. Platz, M. Abe, W. Leigh Presiding: M. Platz 7:30 – 1039. Can surface plasmon fields provide a new way to photosensitize organic photoreactions? Juan C. Scaiano* 8:00 – 1040. Multiplicity control in aryl(trifluoromethyl)carbenes. Robert S. Sheridan*, Myoung-Geun Song, Sean Ross, Rachel Lecker 8:30 – 1041. o-Naphtoquinone methides: From the mechanism of formation and reactivity to the design of photocages and photoclick chemistry tools. Selvanathan Arumugam, Vladimir Popik* 9:00 – 1042. Persistent triplet diphenylcarbenes: Steric protection by ortho- or para-substituents. Katsuyuki Hirai*, Toshikazu Kitagawa, Hideo Tomioka 9:30 – 1043. Attempted synthesis of triplet carbenes. Yohsuke Yamamoto*, Shin-ichi Fuku-en 10:00 – 1044. Relative reactivity of nucleophiles toward a para-benzyne derived from an enediyne. Charles L. Perrin*, Gabriel J. Reyes-Rodriguez, Phaneendrasai Karri Hilton Iolani I/II Hilton South Pacific III New Advances in Metal-Catalyzed Alkylation and Fluoroalkylation (#115) Recent Advances in Natural Products as Anticancer Agents (#279) Organized by: D. Vicic, V. Dong, N. Kambe Presiding: N. Kambe Organized by: D. Kingston, J. Li, S. Matsunaga, R. Quinn Presiding: S. Matsunaga 7:30 – 1048. Organocatalytic oxidations by aminoxyl radicals. Kana Yamamoto* 7:50 – 1049. Development of an asymmetric organocatalytic Wittig reaction. James J. Kiddle*, Samir Pirani 8:10 – 1050. New developments in catalytic asymmetric phosphoric acid-catalyzed processes and applications. Jon C. Antilla 8:30 – 1051. Phosphine-catalyzed annulations. Ohyun Kwon 9:00 – 1052. Diarylprolinol silyl ether as an effective organocatalyst. Yujiro Hayashi* 9:30 – 1053. Asymmetric Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction and its surroundings. Min Shi* 10:00 – 1054. Enantioselective nucleophilic catalysis. Greg Fu 10:30 – 1055. Chiral phosphoric acids as versatile catalysts for enantioselective carbon-carbon bond forming reactions. Masahiro Terada* 11:00 – 1056. Urea and thiourea derivatives in asymmetric catalysis. Eric N. Jacobsen 7:30 – 1066. Nickel-catalyzed cross-coupling of alkyl halides with phenylethynyland trimethylsilylethynyllithium reagents. Hongjian Sun, Xiaoyan Li 8:00 – 1067. Development of Et2Zn and/or zinc mediated Reformatsky-type reaction of ethyl dibromofluoroacetate: Facile access to three types of fluorinated compounds with chemo- and diastereoselectivity. Atsushi Tarui, Naoto Kawashima, Tetsuya Kawakita, Koji Matsumoto, Akari Momoda, Takuro Yoshimatsu, Kazuyuki Sato, Masaaki Omote, Akira Ando* 8:30 – 1068. Transition-metal catalyzed reactions of carbonyl compounds and trifluoromethylated compounds: A sp3C-H bond activation induced by ␣ heteroatom effect. Shun-Ichi Murahashi* 9:10 – 1069. Catalytic allylation of alkyl halides with allylic metals creating quaternary carbons. Hideki Yorimitsu*, Koichiro Oshima 9:50 – 1070. Electroreductive metal complexes assisted fluoroalkylation. Yulia H. Budnikova*, Dmitry Y. Mikhaylov, Tatyana V. Gryaznova, Mikhayl N. Khrizanphorov, Oleg G. Sinyashin 10:20 – 1071. Insight into nickel-catalyzed carbon-carbon coupling reactions by spectroelectrochemistry. Axel Klein* Hilton South Pacific IV Hilton Honolulu III Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Biology, Ecology, and Synthesis (#80) Achieving Efficiency in Organic Reactions via Greener Processes and Practices (#139) Organized by: J. Rainier, R. Anderson, M. Murata Presiding: R. Andersen Organized by: I. Ryu, D. Curran, P. Jessop, S. Lee Presiding: S. Lee, D. Chi, A. Orita 7:30 – 1082. Marine natural products with unique structures and activity against tumor cells. Mark T. Hamann* 8:00 – 1083. Antibody-drug conjugates- new opportunities for natural products in oncology. Frank E. Koehn*, Haiyin He, Jeff Janso, Hui Yang, Xidong Feng 8:35 – 1084. Exploration of schweinfurthins as potential anti-cancer agents. David F. Wiemer* 8:55 – 1085. Synthesis of macrocyclic diaryl ether heptanoid natural products and their evaluation as NF-kB inhibitors. Vashti C. Bryant, Kishore G. Kumar, Abijah M. Nyong, Smitha Kizhake, Amarnath Natarajan* 9:15 – 1086. Synthesis of azaspirene analogs and their anti-angiogenetic activities. Nobuhiro Kanomata*, Shun Hirasawa, Shinnosuke Sakai, Shinnosuke Wakamori, Batsuren Choijamts, Yasuko Naganuma, Makoto Emoto 9:35 – 1087. Design and synthesis of simplified paclitaxel analogs based on the T-taxol bioactive conformation. Jielu Zhao, Susan Bane, James P. Snyder, Haipeng Hu, Kamalika Mukherjee, David G. Kingston* 9:55 – 1088. Total synthesis of the spirastrellolides - antimitotic spiroacetal macrolides isolated from the marine sponge Spirastrella coccinea. Ian Paterson* 10:15 – 1089. Total synthesis of syringolin A and B. Tannya R. Ibarra-Rivera, Goutam Biswas, Michael Pirrung* 10:35 – 1090. Scaffolds defining anti-cancer activity. Ronald J. Quinn 11:10 – 1091. Synthesis and biological studies of resorcylic acid lactones as protein kinase inhibitors for the development of cancer chemotherapeutics. Anqi Chen*, Wendy Goh, Jin Xu, Winnie Chiang, Christina L. Chai 7:30 – 1057. On the origin of decapropionates from Siphonaria zelandica - total synthesis and isomerization of the putative common precursor. Dale E. Ward, Garrison E. Beye 7:50 – 1058. Neuropharmacologically active natural products from marine cyanobacteria: Isolation, structure elucidation, and investigations of biological activity. Joshawna K. Nunnery*, Tara Byrum, Zhengyu Cao, Thomas F. Murray, William H. Gerwick 8:10 – 1059. Enantioselective synthesis and determination of the absolute configurations of marine oxylipin topsentolide A1. Ken Ishigami*, Munetaka Kobayashi, Hidenori Watanabe 8:30 – 1060. Antiprotozoan agents from marine invertebrates. Yoichi Nakao*, Shin-Taro Ishigami, Yasuyuki Goto, Shin-Ichiro Kawazu, Yoshitsugu Matsumoto 9:00 – 1061. Tedanolide and the evolution of polyketide inhibitors of eukaryotic protein synthesis. Richard E. Taylor 9:30 – 1062. Development of libraries based on a scaffold derived from a marine cyclic peroxide. Ronald J. Quinn 10:00 – 1063. Discovery of new marine metabolites through genome mining. Bradley Moore*, Paul Jensen 10:30 – 1064. Natural products: Opportunities for discovery. Jef De Brabander* 11:00 – 1065. Marine natural product antitumor agents. Chris M. Ireland* 7:30 – 1072. Atom economic, catalytic amine synthesis using early transition metals of low toxicity. Laurel Schafer 8:00 – 1073. Platinum on carbon-catalyzed, facile hydrogenation of aliphatic and aromatic ketones under mild conditions. Yasunari Monguchi, Yuta Fujiwara, Youhei Iwasaki, Tomohiro Maegawa, HIronao Sajiki* 8:20 – 1074. Incorporation of fluoroustagged saccharides in animal cell and production of glycolipids. Maria Carmelita Z. Kasuya, Shinya Nakano, Ruriko Katayama, Mami Tojino, Mamoru Mizuno, Kenichi Hatanaka 8:40 – 1075. Improving the efficiency of complex molecule synthesis through carbon-hydrogen bond functionalization reactions. Paul Floreancig* 9:10 – 1076. Coupling reaction of primary alcohols with 2-alkynes catalyzed by iridium complex. Yasushi Obora*, Shintaro Hatanaka, Yasutaka Ishii* 9:30 – 1077. Organocatalytic C-acylation of N-alkyl-pyrroles. James E. Taylor*, Steven D. Bull, Jonathan M. Williams 9:50 – 1078. Withdrawn 10:20 – 1079. (S)-Ibuprofen, the asymmetric orphan drug. David Chavez*, James Salvador 10:40 – 1080. Efficient syntheses of 9-membered masked enediyne and taxol aided by an automated synthesizer. Takashi Takahashi*, Yoshikazu Tanaka*, Shinichiro Fuse* 11:00 – 1081. Thermal [2 ⫹ 2] cycloaddition reactions of allene-ynes: Exploring the scope, mechanism, and application to natural product synthesis. Kay M. Brummond*, Joshua M. Osbourn 10:30 – 1045. Reactivity of organic species in the gas phase. Jeehiun K. Lee*, Anna Zhachkina, Min Liu 11:00 – 1046. Dynamic control of carbene reactions to strained C-C bonds. Dina Merrer* 11:30 – 1047. Solvation and complexation of carbenes. Robert A. Moss Hilton South Pacific II Asymmetric Organocatalysis (#62) Organized by: K. Maruoka, L. Deng, L. Gong Presiding: K. Maruoka, L. Gong, L. Deng Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Cooperative Catalysis (#14) Organized by: Y. Uozumi, R. Danheiser, K. Ding, A. Nishida Presiding: A. Nishida 7:50 Introductory remarks 8:00 – 1092. Heterogeneous catalytic asymmetric synthesis in water with polymeric palladium complexes. Yasuhiro Uozumi* 8:20 – 1093. Oxidative desymmetrization of diols by iridium catalyst. Takeyuki Suzuki*, Kazem Ghozati, Takatani Shuhei, Tadashi Katoh, Hiroaki Sasai 8:40 – 1094. Catalytic dehydrative S-allylation of thiols and thioic S-acids. Shinji Tanaka, Prasun K. Pradhan, Yusuke Maegawa, Masato Kitamura* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–131 04-ORGN 9:00 – 1095. Reactions of arylaldehydes by a sulfoxylalkyl-substituted N-heterocyclic carbene catalyst. Masahiro Yoshida*, Nagisa Terai, Yuki Katagiri, Wen-Bin Zhu, Kozo Shishido 9:20 – 1096. Development of new direct catalytic reactions using tetranuclear zinc clusters. Takashi Ohshima 9:50 – 1097. Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions by chiral Brønsted acids. Shuli You* 10:20 – 1098. Lewis base activation of Lewis acids: On beyond silicon. Scott E. Denmark* 11:00 – 1099. Withdrawn Hilton Coral V Mechanistic Organic Photochemistry (#89) Organized by: H. Zimmerman and A. Griesbeck, T. Ichimura, A. Kutateladze, P. Wan Presiding: H. Zimmerman 8:00 – 1100. Controlling photochemistry with weak noncovalent forces and confined spaces. Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy, Nithyanandhan Jayaraj, Revathy Kulasekaran, Rajib Choudhury, Shampa Samanta, Shipra Gupta, Mintu Porel 8:35 – 1101. Design of new photoremovable protecting groups. Petr Klan*, Dominik Heger, Laxminarayana Kammari, Tomas Solomek, Ngoy B. Pitchou 9:10 – 1102. Photochemistry and spectroscopy of carbon-chain compounds. Robert J. McMahon* 9:45 – 1103. Photochemical reactions to probe reactivity on monolayer protected metal nanoparticles and to build new architectures. Mark S. Workentin* 10:20 – 1104. Regioselective intramolecular photocycloaddition of 1-cyanonaphthalenes bearing alkenyl and alkynyl groups. Kazuhiko Mizuno* 10:55 – 1105. Photochemical methods for the study of silicon, germanium, and tin analogs of alkenes and carbenes. William J. Leigh* Hilton Honolulu I Practical Applications of Basic Research on Molecular Recognition (#222) Organized by: W. Hinze, C. Easton, K. Kano Presiding: C. Easton, F. Nome 8:00 – 1106. New tools for bioimaging: A step toward in situ chemistry of complicated admixture systems. Yasuhiro Aoyama* 8:30 – 1107. Protein affinity capture at genomic DNA-modified surfaces: A new route to aptamer discovery. Linda B. McGown*, Tian Zhang, Brian Lin 9:00 – 1108. Surface forces measurements to evaluate biological molecular recognition. Kazue Kurihara* 9:30 – 1109. Induced circular dichroism for determination of heparin adulteration. Apryll M. Stalcup*, Floyd E. Stanley, Andrew M. Warner, Lisa A. Meyers 9:50 – 1110. Design of artificial zinc finger nuclease based on unnatural His4-type zinc finger catalytic domain. Shigeru Negi*, Yukio Sugiura 10:10 – 1111. Gas chromatographic separation of isotopic molecules using a cavitand-impregnated ionic liquid stationary phase. Chieu D. Tran*, Irena Mejac, Julius Rebek, Richard J. Hooley 10:40 – 1112. Magnetic chiral chiral ionic liquids from amino acids. Isiah M. Warner*, Min Li, Sergio de Rooy, David Bwambok, Bilal El-Zahab, John F. DiTusa 11:10 – 1113. Multi-stimuli responsive organic materials based on fluorene derivative. Masayuki Takeuchi*, Chakkooth Vijayakumar 132–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM Hilton Honolulu II Transition Metal Catalysis: Mechanism and Practice (#283) Organized by: K. Nozaki, J. Stryker, F.D. Toste Presiding: K. Nozaki 8:10 – 1114. Design of metal catalyst for asymmetric synthesis. Hisashi Yamamoto* 8:45 – 1115. Carbon dioxide as a carbon resource for organic synthesis. Kyoko Nozaki 9:00 – 1116. Nickel-catalyzed cross coupling reactions with epoxides and azaaromatics. Abigail G. Doyle* 9:15 – 1117. Highly regio- and enantioselective hydroformylation using formaldehyde. Tsumoru Morimoto*, Gouki Makado, Kiyomi Kakiuchi 9:30 – 1118. Metal catalyzed one step synthesis: Developing direct approaches to molecule assembly from basic building blocks. Bruce Arndtsen* 10:05 – 1119. Efficient immobilization of organic functional group onto silica surface with vinylsilane by transition metal/HCl homogeneous catalysts. Chul-Ho Jun*, Jung-Woo Park, Ji-Hwan Choi 10:20 – 1120. Synthesis of biologically relevant carbazoles and carbolines via rhodium and ruthenium catalyzed [2⫹2⫹2] cycloaddition reactions with functionalized ynamides. Bernhard Witulski*, Romain Oudot 10:35 – 1121. Transition-metal catalyzed addition of acid chlorides or formamides to alkynes. Yasushi Tsuji* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Diversity Oriented Synthesis (#32) Organized by: M. Pirrung, W. Dai, S.B. Park Presiding: M. Pirrung, W. Dai, S. Park Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 1122. Rapid assembly of resorcylic acid lactone frameworks via sequential palladium-catalyzed coupling reactions. Shinichiro Fuse, Sakae Sugiyama, Takashi Takahashi 1123. Synthesis and identification of artificial glutamate analogs as a novel AMPA receptor-selective antagonist. Masato Oikawa*, Minoru Ikoma, Martin B. Gill, Shanti Frausto, Geoffrey T. Swanson, Ryuichi Sakai 1124. Chromone and flavonoid library with diverse heterocyclic units and their bioactivity on neural stem cells. Midori A. Arai*, Natsuki Yanase, Kazune Koryudzu, Youichi Maekawa, Masami Ishibashi* 1125. N-Biaryl quinolone carboxylic acids as selective M1 positive allosteric modulators: A parallel synthesis approach. William D. Shipe* 1126. Chemistry at the Southwest Comprehensive Center for Drug Discovery and Development: A variety of novel probelike scaffolds produced in 2 or 3 steps using multi-component reaction methodologies. Christopher Hulme*, Zhigang Xu, Nathalie Meurice 1127. Novel multicomponent cascade reaction. Amitabh Jha* 1128. Concise synthesis and structural diversification of artemisinin analogs. Takahisa Hiruma, Yutaka Yamagishi, Hiroki Oguri*, Hideaki Oikawa 1129. DOS approaches to novel sultams. Paul R. Hanson* 1130. Combinatorial synthesis of ␣-iminocarboxamide library. Hisashi Masui, Shinichiro Fuse, Takashi Takahashi 1131. Stereo-divergent access to bispyrrolidinoindoline skeletons. Mitsuhiro Wada, Takahisa Murata, Hiroki Oguri*, Hideaki Oikawa 1132. Divergent and biomimetic synthesis of the aspidosperama/iboga-type alkaloids and their analogs. Haruki Mizoguchi, Hiroki Oguri*, Hideaki Oikawa Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Novel Synthetic Methodology and Its Application to Natural Product Synthesis (#63) Organized by: F. West, V. Rawal, M. Toyota Presiding: F. West Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 1133. Synthetic efficiency: Using atom-economical and chemoselective approaches towards total syntheses of agelas alkaloids, terpestacin and bryostatins. Guangbin Dong*, Barry M. Trost* 1134. Towards enantioselective synthetis of allocolchicinoïds. Sebastien Cardinal*, Pierre-Luc Boudreault, Normand Voyer 1135. 2-Phenylpyridine: An extractable electron carrier that can be utilized at room temperature in the active copper syntheses of functionalized organocopper reagents. Gregory W. Ebert*, Xiaogang Zhao, Yu Chen, Alphajor Barrie 1136. Development of a new synthetic method of five-membered rings including three adjacent chiral centers by a silyl triflate-promoted tandem epoxide rearrangement-cyclization. Takeshi Kodama*, Shingo Harada, Takeshi Tanaka, Yoshimitsu Tachi, Yoshiki Morimoto 1137. Asymmetric total synthesis of (⫹)-helianane. Masahiro Yoshida*, Kayo Yamamoto, Tomotaka Mizuguchi, Kozo Shishido 1138. Highly diastereoselective synthesis of tetrahydrobenzofuran derivatives by palladium-catalyzed reaction of propargylic esters with substituted -dicarbonyl compounds. Masahiro Yoshida*, Mariko Higuchi, Chiyuki Sugimura, Kozo Shishido 1139. Stereoselective rhodium(II)-catalyzed oxonium ylide formation-[2,3] shift of diazoketoesters and its application to synthesis of cinatrins. Takayuki Yakura*, Ayaka Ozono, Wenqi Niu, Katsuaki Matsui 1140. Asymmetric synthesis of pachastrissamine using rhodium(II)-catalyzed C-H amination. Takayuki Yakura*, Wenqi Niu, Seiichi Sato, Yuya Yoshimoto 1141. Asymmetric 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions catalyzed by Pybox-, BINIM-, and BINAN-metal complexes. Hiroyuki Suga*, Shingo Yasumura, Ayano Inaba, Yuki Adachi, Michiko Sano, Akikazu Kakehi 1142. Deprotection method through the chemoselective cleavage of benzoyloxy group using samarium(II) dibromide. Takayuki Hosaka, Frank G. Yosua, Masaki Tsushima, Yasuo Yokoyama*, Shoko Suzuki 1143. Synthetic study of the EFGH ring segment of ciguatoxin CTX3C (2). Naoya Fujita, Yuki Sato, Hiroyoshi Takamura, Isao Kadota, Yoshinori Yamamoto 1144. Platinum-catalyzed diastereoselective cyclization of 2-formylarylboronic acids with allenes. Masahiro Yoshida, Shoko Ohno, Kennosuke Matsuda, Kozo Shishido 1145. Enantioselective reduction of ␣,-unsaturated ketones using chiral lactam alcohol and phenoxyborane. Yasuhiro Kawanami*, Masaya Kiguchi, Takamasa Okazaki 1146. Studies on the novel synthetic methods of the phenylalanine derivatives. Kazuyuki Umemura, Yumi Kitagou, Nobutada Motoki 1147. Medicinal plant resources for bioprospecting and drug development in tribal rich district, Parbat, Nepal. Ram L. Shrestha* 1148. Ytterbium(III) triflate catalyzed tandem Friedel-Crafts alkylation/hydroarylation of propargylic alcohols with phenols as an expedient route to indenols. Xiaoxiang Zhang*, Wanteng Teo, Philipwaihong Chan* 1149. Synthetic studies of concavine by palladium-catalyzed cycloalkenylation. Yousuke Komori, Masahiro Toyota* 1150. Synthetic studies towards total synthesis of ␣-skytanthine by means of Pd(II)-catalyzed oxidative cyclization. Kazutaka Takeda, Masahiro Toyota* 1151. Asymmetric methods for the synthesis of pyran-based natural products. Thomas E. Smith, Jennifer L. Green, Mary B. Daub, Cale D. Weatherly, Edwin T. Layng, Zebulon G. Levine, Amanda Huey, Pamela M. Choi, Marian M. Deuker, Rachel C. Patel 1152. Stereoselective synthesis of functionalized 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines from chiral aziridines. Wonkoo Lee*, Kyung Yeon Kang, Kyu Myung Lee, Jun Hee Kim, Hyun-Joon Ha* 1153. Highly efficient synthesis of halo hydrofurans from Brønsted acid-catalyzed hydroxylation/halocyclization of cyclopropyl methanols with water and N-halosuccinamide. Srinivasa R. Mothe*, Prasath Kothandaraman, Philip W. Chan* 1154. Useful and general one-pot synthetic method of secondary, allyl and propargyl alcohols from esters. Ah Ram Jeon, Jae Kyo Park, Duk Keun An* 1155. Gold-catalyzed cycloisomerization reaction of 2-tosylaminophenylprop-1-yn3-ols as a versatile platform for indole synthesis. Prasath Kothandaraman, Weidong Rao, Shi Jia Foo, Philip W. Chan* 1156. Toward solutions to the problem of controlling E-O-enolate geometry of lactate esters. Sefat Alwarsh*, McIntosh Matt 1157. Gold-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of (2-aminophenyl)-cyclopropyl methanols as an expedient route to 2,3dihydro-1H-benzazepines and indolines. Chuhui Huang*, Susanti Dewi, Prasath Kothandaraman, Wai Hong P. Chan 1158. Alkylative aziridine ring openning and the formal synthesis of tyroscherin. Doo-Ha Yoon, Yongeun Kim, Hyun-Joon Ha*, Won Koo Lee 1159. Asymmetric synthesis of (R)-2-(2-chloroethyl)pyrrolidine-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester. Hee-Doo Kim*, Seung-Jin Kim 1160. Ti(O-i-Pr)4/Me3SiCl/Mg-mediated reductive cleavage of sulfonyl amides and esters to amines or alcohols with thiols. Sentaro Okamoto*, Noriaki Sho-ji, Tsuyoshi Kawaji, Chikashi Matsuno 1161. Synthesis of C,D-ring intermediates of natural vitamin D and their analogs. Naoto Hayashi, Kiyohide Ken-motsu, Yu-suke Hasegawa, Sentaro Okamoto* 1162. Efficient synthesis of dihydroisoxazoles and isoxazoles by iodocyclization of alkoxyamine derivatives. Takashi Okitsu*, Kana Sato, Taterao M. Potewar, Akimori Wada 1163. Reagent-controlled oxidative aromatization in iodocyclization: A versatile synthesis of dihydropyrazoles and pyrazoles. Takashi Okitsu, Kana Sato, Akimori Wada* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 1164. Facile synthesis of medium-sized cyclic amines based on Friedel-Crafts reaction via iminium cation by use of indole derivatives. Masanori Imai*, Nobuhiko Kishi, Sakiko Toyoda, Megumi Mizukami, Shinji Nagumo 1165. Highly selective one-pot [2⫹3]-cycloaddition reaction via isomerization of 3-butynoates to allenoates. Magesh Sampath, Teck-Peng Loh* 1166. Synthetic studies on jiadifenin, a neurotrophic sesquiterpene. Kenichi Harada, Akiko Imai, Kazuharu Uto, Miwa Kubo, Hideaki Hioki, Yoshiyasu Fukuyama* 1167. Synthesis of bioactive compounds via hypervalent iodine-mediated intramolecular aminocyclization. Hiroko Kakuda*, Masayuki Kirihara, Yasutake Takahashi 1168. Stereoselective synthesis of 2,6-disubstituted tetrahydropyran-4-carboxaldehyde via Prins-type cyclization. Sun-Joon Min*, Young Seub Kim*, Yong Seo Cho, Jae Kyun Lee, Kihang Choi 1169. Asymmetric synthesis of highly substituted cyclobutane compounds. Kuo-Wei Tsao, Minoru Isobe* 1170. Construction of a quaternary carbon by using ZnX2-promoted allylic substitution. Yuki Kaneko, Yohei Kiyotsuka, Yuichi Kobayashi* 1171. Novel method for construction of medium-sized cyclic amines based on intramolecular Friedel-Crafts reaction of vinyloxiranes. Megumi Mizukami, Koji Wada, Masanori Imai, Norio Kawahara, Masaaki Miyashita, Hiroyuki Akita, Shinji Nagumo 1172. New method for the angular methyl insertion to fused cyclic ethers. Yuka Fujisawa, Takayuki Kishi, Hiroyoshi Takamura, Isao Kadota 1173. Functionalized cyclobutane synthesis applying toward Solanoeclepin. Chia-Yi Cheng, Anuch Hasakunpaisarn, Supaporn Niyomchon, Minoru Isobe* 1174. Withdrawn 1175. Use of alkyl nitronates within the Henry reaction. Ian Pottie*, Amanda Pilgrim, Frank MacDonald 1176. Novel rearrangement via the intramolecular Hosomi-Sakurai reaction. Daisuke Kikuchi, Masahiro Yoshida, Kozo Shishido* 1177. Preparation of 1,3-butadien-2-yl indium and its application to tandem DielsAlder/cross-coupling reaction. Phil Ho Lee*, Dahan Eom, Dongjin Kang, Jaeyoung Lee 1178. Indium-mediated allenyl cross-coupling/cycloisomerization for synthesis of indolizines. Phil Ho Lee*, Kwangmoo Lee, Dahan Eom, Jeongmin Suh 1179. Stereoselective synthesis of the northeastern sector of bielschowskysin from a functionalized cyclopropanecarbaldehyde. Allan Patrick G. Macabeo*, Oliver Reiser 1180. Facile approach to optically active ␣-alkylidene--amino esters by thermal Overman rearrangement. Sung I. Lee*, Soon Y. Moon, Do H. Ryu* 1181. Nucleophilic substitution reaction at nitrogen of sulfonamides with phosphide anion: An efficient deprotection and transformation method for tosylamides. Suguru Yoshida, Kazunobu Igawa, Katsuhiko Tomooka* 1182. Synthesis of 1,4-dihydronaphthalenes through platinum-catalyzed intramolecular hydroarylation of allenyl arenes. Phil Ho Lee*, Doosup Shin, Juntae Mo, Junsung Bae 1183. Indium-mediated 1,3-butadien-2-ylation of imines for preparation of 2-aminomethyl-1,3-diene derivatives. Phil Ho Lee*, Youngchul Park, Sanghyuk Kim, Dahan Eom 1184. Efficient multialkynyl cross-coupling reactions with tetra(alkynyl)indates. Phil Ho Lee*, Dahan Eom, Subin Choi 1185. N-Heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed highly regioselective intermolecular cross-acyloin condensation of acetaldehyde. Mingyu Jin*, Do H. Ryu*, Jung W. Yang* 1186. Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction with 1,3-butadien-2-yl indium. Phil Ho Lee*, Dahan Eom 1187. Studies on the reaction of chlorosulfonyl isocyanate with various chiral ethers in the ring systems and its application to the total syntheses of (⫹)-Sertraline and (⫹)-Indatraline. Young Hoon Jung*, Sang-Hwi Lee, QingRi Li, Sunjoo Kim 1188. Stereocontrolled synthesis of cyclic polyglycerols. Masahiro Hamada, Takao Kishimoto, Noriyuki Nakajima 1189. Cationic gold(I)-catalyzed intramolecular cyclization of ␥-hydroxyalkynones. Masahiro Egi, Kaori Shimizu, Kenji Azechi, Moriaki Saneto, Shuji Akai* 1190. Novel domino process for benzyne preparation from ortho-(trimethylsilyl)phenols followed by cycloaddition. Nishiyama Tsuyoshi* 1191. Synthesis of the spirolactone compounds via a novel framework rearrangement reaction. Daisuke Sue, Takeo Kawabata, Kazunori Tsubaki* 1192. C-N bond forming reaction utilizing new Mitsunobu reaction. Tetsuto Tsunoda*, Hiroto Kaku, Izumi Sakamoto 1193. Organocatalytic regioselective acylation of carbohydrates with functionalized acid anhydrides toward efficient synthesis of 4-O-acylglycosides. Yoshihiro Ueda, Wataru§ Muramatsu, Takumi Furuta, Takeo Kawabata 1194. Efficient synthesis of quinolines and 4H-3,1-benzothiazines from 2-alkynylnitrobenzenes and 2-alkynylanilines. Saori Ozaki, Kentaro Okuma, Noriyoshi Nagahora, Kosei Shioji 1195. Synthesis of 2,3,6-trisubstituted 2Hpyran-5-carboxylates by regioselective addition of acetoacetates to 2-alkyl-2enals. Wei Peng, Kazumi Ashida, Toshiaki Hirabaru, Tsutomu Inokuchi* 1196. Solid-phase synthesis of protected ␣-amino phosphonic acid oligomers. Yoshitaka Ishibashi, Kengo Miyata, Hironori Kutsuna, Sho Kawakami, Masato Kitamura* 1197. Iodosulfonylation of olefins with sodium benzenesulfinate and I2 in water. Satoshi Minakata*, Yuki Mitani 1198. Bis(2-t-butylphenyl)phosphonoacetamides for the highly cis-selective synthesis of ␣,-unsaturated amides. Kaori Ando*, Shigeo Nagaya, Yuko Tarumi 1199. Concise synthetic approach for clausenamide using 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition. Atsushi Toyao, Kazuhiro Tanda, Akiko Watanabe, Masanori Sakamoto, Tetsuo Yamasaki 1200. Novel stereoselective synthesis of the spiroketal structure using Pd (II) catalyst and application to the synthesis of spirofungin A and B. Masahiro Miyazawa*, Taku Murayama, Kenta Iwama, Akinori Hatanaka, Takao Sanga, Hajime Yokoyama, Yoshiro Hirai 1201. 2-(Phenylseleno)ethanesulfonamide as a novel and robust protective group of amine that can be deprotected by the radical reaction. Yoshinori Uzawa, Nobuhiro Kihara* 1202. Development of efficient intermolecular disulfide bond formation in H2-RLX peptide hormone. Kyoko Takayama*, Kouki Matsubara, Setsuko Ando, Yuji Koga 1203. Bridged and fused bicyclic diazenium salts derived from aryl hydrazone precursors. Matthias Brewer*, Jodi Wyman, Nezar Al Bataineh, Muhammad I. Javed 1204. Designing and synthesis of nucleobase-containing thioglycosides and their chemical glycosylation. Shigeto Saito, Shinya Komabiki, Masanori Kitamura, Shin Aoki* 1205. Total synthesis of bryostatin using atom-economical and chemoselective approaches. Guangbin Dong*, Barry M. Trost* 1206. Novel Lewis acid catalysed syntheses of amides. Clare Liana Allen*, Jonathan Williams 1207. Intramolecular enolate-imine cyclisation reactions for the asymmetric synthesis of histriononicotoxin. Robert M. Archer, Steve Bull* 1208. New practical strain release ring expansion reactions and their natural product synthetic applications. Jon T. Njardarson 1209. Oxepines, 2-C-branched pyranosides, and C-furanosides from cyclopropyl carbohydrates. Joanne E. Harvey*, Russell J. Hewitt 1210. 2-Azido-1,3-dimethylimidazolinium chloride: An efficient diazo-transfer reagent for 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds. Mitsuru Kitamura* 1211. New variant of Reformasky-Claisen rearrangement mediated by indium chloride. Jun Ishihara*, Yuki Watanabe, Noriko Koyama, Yukihiro Nishino, Keisuke Takahashi, Susumi Hatakeyama* 1212. Tandem electrocyclic ring closure reactions to form oxaziridines. Lucy R. Peacock*, Steven Bull 1213. Asymmetric synthesis of highly substituted ␦-lactones. Jennifer C. Peed, Ignacio Perigñán-Domínguez, Iwan R. Davies, Steven Bull* 1214. Studies on the oxo-Povarov reaction. Rivka R. Taylor, Robert A. Batey* 1215. Vinylogous aza-Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction of activated 1,3-butadienes. Kristen N. Clary, Thomas G. Back 1216. Towards the total synthesis of (⫾)-vinigrol. Jason Poulin*, Christiane Grise-Bard, Louis Barriault 1217. Toward the total synthesis of morphine via a tandem oxy-Cope/Claisen/ ene reaction. Kassandra Lepack*, Joel Marcotte, Louis Barriault 1218. Novel palladium-catalyzed allylic alkylation cascade for the synthesis of furanopyrones. Mark J. Bartlett, Joanne E. Harvey* 1219. New one pot tandem pericyclic oxyCope/ene/Claisen/Diels-Alder reaction. Boubacar Sow*, Ross M. Maclean, Jason Poulain, Louis Barriault 1220. Synthesis of indole oligomers related to eumelanin. Paul B. Huleatt*, Hung A. Duong, Yun Lei Tan, Christina L. Chai 1221. Synthetic studies on (⫹)-aristoteline and its analogs via tandem Michael addition—[3,3]sigmatropy reaction. Makoto Furuya, Ayumi Nagatomo, Masahiro Toyota* 1222. Total syntheses of luotonins A and B. Ken Natsuki, Masahiro Toyota* 1223. Withdrawn 1224. Oxy-Favorskii rearrangement as a tool for the synthesis of stereochemically defined bicyclic ethers and its application to the total synthesis of (⫾)-communiol E. Shoji Kobayashi*, Tatsuhiro Kinoshita, Takuji Kawamoto, Araki Masuyama, Ilhyong Ryu 1225. Acyl-Claisen approach to the synthesis of complex natural products. David Barker*, Claire Rye, Benjamin Dickson, Nora Dittrich 1226. Interrupted Nazarov reactions using vinyl siloxyallenes. Yen-Ku Wu, F. G. West* 1227. Scope and limitations of the intramolecular 4⫹1 cycloaddition between a dialkoxycarbene and an electron-deficient diene. Francis Beaumier*, Claude Spino 1228. Umpoled tandem reaction of alphaimino esters. Makoto Shimizu*, Iwao Hachiya, Isao Mizota 1229. Unprecedented [2⫹2]-condensation of imines: Remarkable substituent effects and application to natural products synthesis. Katsunori Tanaka*, Shinji Hirosaki, Takayuki Iwata, Eric R. Siwu, Koichi Fukase 1230. Intramolecular enolate-imine cyclisation reactions for the synthesis of -amino acids. Caroline D. Evans, Steven D. Bull* 1231. 6,7,n-Tricyclic ring synthesis via electrophilic cyclization of vinylogous propargyl acetate-Co2(CO)6 complexes. Izabela Kolodziej*, James R. Green 1232. New synthetic strategies and spectral studies on verdazyl-derived heteraphanes. Abbarna A. Cumaraswamy*, Julie L. Lukkarila, Jeremy Dang, Gordon K. Hamer, Michael K. Georges 1233. Parallel kinetic resolution of dehydroisoleucine using Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation. David Dietrich*, David M. Perrin 1234. Withdrawn 1235. Dendralene-irontricarbonyl complexes: Preparation, properties, and practical applications. Henry Toombs-Ruane, Nik Osinski, Cindy Wills, Anthony Willis, Michael Paddon-Row, Michael Sherburn 1236. Studies toward the total synthesis of haterumalides. Baldip Kang, Robert A. Britton* 1237. Total synthesis of variecolortides A-C. Christian A. Kuttruff, Dirk Trauner* Saturday Afternoon Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI Anion Coordination Chemistry (#15) Organized by: B. Hay, K. Bowman-James, K. Nam, F. Pfeffer Presiding: F. Pfeffer 12:30 – 1238. Addressing association entropy in host-guest binding: Some lessons taught by abiotic anion receptors. Franz P. Schmidtchen*, Wiebke Antonius, Tomas Bríza, Eberhardt Herdtweck 13:00 – 1239. Anion recognition by N-heterocyclic C-H hydrogen bonding. Kiyoshi Sato* 13:30 – 1240. Strong CH hydrogen bonds and the photo-controlled regulation of anions. Amar H. Flood*, Yuran Hua, Kevin P. McDonald, Semin Lee 14:00 – 1241. Strong and selective outer sphere ligands for metallate anions; applications in extractive hydrometallurgy. Ross J. Ellis, Kathy C. Sole, Peter A. Tasker* 14:30 – 1242. Anion- interactions in crystal structures - commonplace or extraordinary? Benjamin Hay*, Radu Custelcean 15:00 – 1243. Anion- interactions in salts bearing pentafluorophenyl groups. Markus Albrecht*, Michael Müller, Kari Rissanen 15:30 – 1244. Quantification of anion- interactions using calix[4]pyrrole model systems. Pablo Ballester* 16:00 – 1245. Halogen bonding: New tool for anion recognition and coordination. Giuseppe P. Resnati*, Serena Biella, Pierangelo Metrangolo, Tullio Pilati, Giancarlo Terraneo * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–133 04-ORGN Hilton Coral IV C-H Functionalization, Memorial Symposium for Professor Keith Fagnou (#18) Organized by: H. Lebel, T. Driver, K. Itami Presiding: H. Lebel 12:30 – 1246. Use of strain to promote ring opening and ring closing reactions. Mark Lautens* 13:30 – 1247. Three-step synthesis of triarylated azoles through sequential C-H bond arylation reaction using cationic palladium complex. Eiji Yamaguchi*, Fumitoshi Shibahara, Toshiaki Murai 13:55 – 1248. Advances in the use of dioxygen as a stoichiometric oxidant in Pd-catalyzed oxidative functionalization of C-H bonds. Shannon S. Stahl* 14:20 – 1249. Catalytic C-H borylation of alkenes by iridium and palladium catalysis. Kalman J. Szabo* 14:45 – 1250. Transition metal-catalyzed synthesis of N-heterocycles from azides. Benjamin J. Stokes, Huijun Dong, Ke Sun, Linda Urnezis, Tom G. Driver* 15:10 – 1251. Strategies towards the synthesis of the dictyodendrins via iterative metal-catalyzed C-H bond functionalization. Fionn O’Hara, Matthew J. Gaunt* 15:35 – 1252. Progress in Pd-catalyzed C-H oxidation. Melanie Sanford Hilton South Pacific II Asymmetric Organocatalysis (#62) Organized by: K. Maruoka, L. Deng, L. Gong Presiding: K. Maruoka, L. Gong, L. Deng 12:30 – 1253. Enantioselective photoredox catalysis. David MacMillan 13:00 – 1254. Recent progress of asymmetric trifluoromethylation reaction. Norio Shibata* 13:30 – 1255. Asymmetric cooperative and relay catalysis by organo/metal binary systems. Liu-Zhu Gong* 14:00 – 1256. Design of high-performance organocatalysts for practical asymmetric synthesis. Keiji Maruoka* 14:30 – 1257. Primary amino acid-based enantioselective organocatalytic synthetic methods. Yixin Lu 14:50 – 1258. Hypervalent iodine-catalyzed enantioselective oxidative cycloetherification of 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propan-1ones to 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran-2-carbonyl derivatives. Kazuaki Ishihara*, Muhammet Uyanik, Hiroaki Okamoto, Takeshi Yasui 15:10 – 1259. New directions with carbene catalysis. Karl Scheidt* 15:30 – 1260. Enantioselective formal cycloaddition reactions of ketenes catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbenes. Song Ye* 15:50 – 1261. Enantioselective direct carbon-carbon bond forming reactions of 5-membered ring substrates using aldolase-type organocatalyst. Nobuyuki Mase* 16:10 – 1262. New strategies in developing powerful enantioselective organocatalytic cascade reactions. Shilei Zhang, Hao Li, Xin-Shuai Zhang, Chenguang Yu, Jian Wang, Liansuo Zu, Hexin Xie, Wei Wang* Hilton South Pacific IV Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Biology, Ecology, and Synthesis (#80) Organized by: J. Rainier, R. Anderson, M. Murata Presiding: J. Rainier 12:30 – 1263. Total synthesis of amphidinolide Q. Haruaki Ishiyama*, Masahiro Hangyou, Yohei Takahashi, Jun’ichi Kobayashi* 134 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 12:50 – 1264. Synthetic and biological studies of the spongian diterpene Macfarlandin E. Martin Schnermann*, Chris Beaudry, Christine Sütterlin, Larry Overman 13:10 – 1265. Screening for activators of protein kinase C using its C1 domain peptide: Identification and biological activities of bryostatin 10 from Japanese bryozoan. Ryo C. Yanagita, Takeshi Fujiwara, Kazuhiro Irie 13:30 – 1266. Synthetic study of the polyol marine natural product symbiodinolide. Hiroyoshi Takamura*, Takeshi Murata, Takashi Abe, Takahiro Asai, Masayuki Sano, Junki Ando, Yuichiro Kadonaga, Isao Kadota*, Daisuke Uemura 13:50 – 1267. Halenaquinone derivatives from South Pacific sponges of the genus Xestospongia as inhibitors of phospholipase A2 and farnesyltransferases. Brent R. Copp*, Jiayi Wang, Arlette Longeon, Mélanie Roué, Cécile Debitus, Marie-Lise Bourguet-Kondracki 14:10 – 1268. Synthesis and reactivities of aplyronine A probes. Hideo Kigoshi*, Masaki Kita, Yuichiro Hirayama, Miyuki Sugiyama, Yuki Saito 14:30 – 1269. A MALDI-directed genomisotopic approach to the discovery of novel natural products in cyanobacteria. Robin Kinnel, Eduardo Esquenazi, Adam Jones, Emily Monroe, Pieter Dorrestein, Lena Gerwick, William H. Gerwick* 14:50 – 1270. Molecular mode of action of amphidinol 3, a potent antifungal compound isolated from marine dinoflagellate. Respati T. Swasono*, Toshihiro Houdai, Ryota Mouri, Nobuaki Matsumori, Tohru Oishi, Michio Murata 15:10 – 1271. Withdrawn 15:30 – 1272. Structural elucidation of okadaic acid binding protein 2.1. Seketsu Fukuzawa, Marie Makino, Koichiro Kodama, Haruhiko Ehara, Takuhiro Ito, Shun-ichi Sekine, Shigeyuki Yokoyama*, Kazuo Tachibana* 15:50 – 1273. Structural study on polyether carboxylic acids from the dinoflagellate Karenia brevisulcata in New Zealand. Masayuki Satake*, Yuka Hamamoto, Kazuo Tachibana, Patrick Holland, Feng Shi, Veronica Beuzenberg, Patrick Edwards, Steven M. Pascal 16:10 – 1274. Novel N-methylated 8-oxoisoguanines from Pacific sponges with diverse neuroactivities. Ryuichi Sakai*, Tsuyoshi Sakurada, Martin B. Gill, Shanti Frausto, Keiichi Noguchi, Keiko Shimamoto, Geoffrey T. Swanson* Hilton Tapa II Total Synthesis of Natural Products and Related Compounds (#134) Organized by: R. Williams, S.H. Kang, K. Tanino Presiding: R. Williams 12:30 – 1281. Formal synthesis of kopsinine by asymmetric conjugate amination-tandem alkylation. Shingo Harada, Takeo Sakai, Ken-ichi Yamada, Yasutomo Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Tomioka* 12:50 – 1282. Total syntheses of -C-glycoside natural products via oxocarbenium cations. Michael Jennings* 13:10 – 1283. Studies towards the total synthesis of the brasilinolides. Michael P. Housden*, Christopher J. Cordier, Paul M. Burton, Friedrich A. Mühlthau, Olivier Loiseleur, Ian Paterson 13:30 – 1284. Synthetic studies on gelsemoxonine. Jun Shimokawa, Takaaki Harada, Satoshi Yokoshima, Tohru Fukuyama* 13:50 – 1285. Synthesis of securinol B: Sequence of Vilsmeier-Haack and Mannich cyclizations. Guillaume Bélanger*, Robin Larouche-Gauthier, Marianne Dupuis, Gary O’Brien 14:10 – 1286. Synthesis of dragmacidin D via direct C⫺H bond arylation. Junichiro Yamaguchi*, Debashis Mandal, Atsushi D. Yamaguchi, Kirika Ueda, Kenichiro Itami* 14:30 – 1287. Rapid synthesis of the A-D and G-J fragments of gambieric acid A. Stephen Clark*, Subhabrata Chaudhury, Euan Fordyce, Thomas Hameury, Bora Sieng 14:50 – 1288. Synthetic studies on antibiotic BE-43472B. Yu Yamashita, Akiomi Takada, Hiroshi Takikawa, Keisuke Suzuki* 15:10 – 1289. Phosphate tether-mediated processes for application in natural product synthesis. Paul R. Hanson* 15:30 – 1290. Total synthesis of natural ansa-compounds using intramolecular Doetz benzannulation. Yoko Saikawa*, Kyosuke Tanaka, Masahito Watanabe, Kohdai Ishibashi, Hiroshi Matsuyama, Masaya Nakata* 15:50 – 1291. Total synthesis of (⫹)-haplophytine. Hirofumi Ueda, Hitoshi Satoh, Koji Matsumoto, Kenji Sugimoto, Tohru Fukuyama, Hidetoshi Tokuyama* Hilton Honolulu III Hilton Iolani I/II Design and Synthesis of Biologically Active Compounds for Elucidating Mode-ofAction (#148) Frontiers in Biocatalysis Applications to Organic Synthesis (#124) Organized by: T. Oishi, C. Forsyth, H. Lee Presiding: T. Oishi Organized by: R. Kazlauskas, T. Sakai, J. Wu Presiding: R. Kazlauskas 12:30 – 1292. Synthesis of novel derivatives of tetracaine as enhanced ion channel blockers. Sarah Kirk*, Evan Jackson, Kenneth Melich, Jeffrey Karpen 12:45 – 1293. Biologically active novel branched pyrrolidines: synthesis of isoDAB and isoLAB. Daniel Best, Sarah F. Jenkinson, A. W. Saville, Atsushi Kato, Francis X. Wilson, George W. Fleet 13:00 – 1294. Synthesis and biological profile of simple analogs of tumor-promoting aplysiatoxin as unique leads for anticancer drugs. Kazuhiro Irie*, Yu Nakagawa, Keisuke Tanaka, Ryo C. Yanagita, Harukuni Tokuda 13:20 – 1295. Fragment-based approaches to designing selective molecules for SAR and MoA studies. Paul Hawkins*, Geoffrey Skillman, Joseph Corkery, Kevin Schmidt 13:40 – 1296. Potent, fast-acting anticancer agent that induces apoptotic cell death through an unusual biochemical pathway. Paul J. Hergenrother* 12:30 – 1275. Molecular origami of polyketide natural products. Sheryl Tsai* 13:15 – 1276. Protease reaction kinetics on a quartz-crystal microbalance. Yoshio Okahata, Hiroyuki Furusawa 14:00 – 1277. Use of whole cells as biocatalysts for efficient production of bioactive secondary metabolites. Jian-Jiang Zhong* 14:45 – 1278. Activation of enzyme by the ionic liquids. Toshiyuki Itoh* 15:30 – 1279. Chemical modification of biogenous iron oxide to create an excellent enzyme scaffold. Yuki Miyazaki, Takashi Sakai*, Ai Murakami, Noriko Sakamoto, Tadashi Ema, Hideki Hashimoto, Mitsuaki Furutani, Makoto Nakanishi, Tatsuo Fujii, Jun Takada* 15:55 – 1280. Asymmetric resolution of dynamic systems. Olof Ramstrom* 14:00 – 1297. Synthesis of novel natural products and analogs for studying mode of action. Craig Forsyth* 14:30 – 1298. Sphingolipids, old compounds but new targets: Synthesis of sphingolipid analogs as chemical tools. Sanghee Kim*, Dong Jae Baek, Chaemin Lim, Yun Mi Lee, Jihee Cho 15:00 – 1299. Recent progress in oxacycle synthesis: Radical, Prins, and carbonyl ylide cycloaddition reactions. Eun Lee*, Jae Hoon Jung, Snag Kook Woo, Min Sang Kwon, Ki Po Jang, Chan Hyuk Kim 15:30 – 1300. Total synthesis and biological mode of action of macrocyclic histone deacetylase inhibitors. Robert M. Williams* 16:00 – 1301. Asymmetric synthesis of (-)dysiherbaine. Sung Ho Kang* Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Cooperative Catalysis (#14) Organized by: Y. Uozumi, R. Danheiser, K. Ding, A. Nishida Presiding: K. Ding 12:50 Introductory remarks 13:00 – 1302. Cooperative non-covalent interactions in asymmetric catalysis. Eric N. Jacobsen 13:40 – 1303. Development of chiral bifunctional organocatalysts. Hiroaki Sasai* 14:10 – 1304. Chiral pyridyl bis(imidazolidine)-Cu(OTf)2: Catalytic asymmetric reaction using imino esters. Takayoshi Arai*, Asami Mishiro 14:30 – 1305. Cooperative catalysis by multifunctional polymers. Patrick H. Toy 14:50 – 1306. Development recyclable iridium catalyst for C-H borylation. Mayumi Nishida, Tuyoshi Tagata, Atsushi Nishida* 15:10 – 1307. Enantioselective [4 ⫹ 2] cycloadditions of iminoacetonitriles. Rick L. Danheiser* 15:30 – 1308. Recent progress in asymmetric cooperative catalysis. Masakatsu Shibasaki* 16:20 Concluding remarks Hilton Coral V Mechanistic Organic Photochemistry (#89) Organized by: H. Zimmerman and A. Griesbeck, T. Ichimura, A. Kutateladze, P. Wan Presiding: A. Kutateladze 13:00 – 1309. Singlet fission. Josef Michl* 13:35 – 1310. Wavelength-dependent enantiodifferentiating photoisomerization of cyclooctene sensitized by chiral benzenepolycarboxylates: Dramatic enhancement of optical yield. Daisuke Yoneda, Hirosuke Saito, Cheng Yang, Tadashi Mori, Takehiko Wada, Yoshihisa Inoue* 14:10 – 1311. Influence of the structure of bile salt aggregates on the guest binding dynamics or the guest’s photochromism. Cornelia Bohne, Kentaro Morimitsu, Denis Fuentealba, Allyson Miller, Tamara C. Pace, Cerize S. Santos, Kathie Thurber * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 14:45 – 1312. Diradicals and zwitterions in organic photochemistry. Howard E. Zimmerman* 15:20 – 1313. Fluorescent protein chromophores as scaffolds for new sensor applications. Laren M. Tolbert 15:55 – 1314. Photochemical asymmetric reaction in fluid media using the molecular chirality controlled by spontaneous crystallization. Masami Sakamoto* Saturday Evening Hilton Honolulu I Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 Practical Applications of Basic Research on Molecular Recognition (#222) 1330. Ab initio CASSCF/MRMP2 studies on the photochemical reaction pathways of quintet ground-state phenylene-1,3-dinitrene. Kenji Sugisaki, Kazuo Toyota, Kazunobu Sato, Daisuke Shiomi, Takeji Takui 1331. Photoisomerization of perfluoroaryltetrahedranes to perfluoroarylcyclobutadienes. Yusuke Inagaki, Masaaki Nakamoto, Akira Sekiguchi* 1332. Synthesis, structure, and reactions of novel isolable dialkylsilylenes. Takashi Abe, Ryoji Tanaka, Shintaro Ishida, Mitsuo Kira, Takeaki Iwamoto* 1333. Theoretical study on the mechanism and diastereoselectivity of NaBH4 reduction. Daisuke Kaneno*, Yasumitsu Suzuki, Shuji Tomoda 1334. Generation of biradicals and their reactivity in a low temperature matrix. Satoshi Maeda*, Manabu Abe* 1335. B3LYP and CASPT2 calculations of the effect of relay orbitals on the throughbond interactions between mutually perpendicular pairs of allyl radicals. Charity Flener Lovitt, Hao Dong, David A. Hrovat, Rolf Gleiter, Weston T. Borden* 1336. Substituent effects on the acetolysis rates of phenylethyl sulfonates bearing ␣or -CF3 group. Satoshi Usui*, Tatsuya Kojima, Ken Hazama, Mie Ohta, Keiko Kato, Mutsuo Okamura 1337. Two-electron oxidation of allene compounds bearing acridene skeletons. Shin-ichi Fuku-en*, Tomoyuki Yano, Torahiko Yamaguchi, Yohsuke Yamamoto 1338. Highly selective stereodivergent synthesis of separable amide rotamers and their synthetic application. Masashi Nakamura, Nobutaka Ototake, Syunsuke Yamada, Osamu Kitagawa* 1339. Alkoxy-group effect on the lifetime of singlet 2,2-dialkoxycyclopentane-1,3diyls. Tomoyuki Nakagaki*, Yoshihisa Fujiwara, Manabu Abe 1340. Regioselectivity in the Paternò-Büchi reaction of geraniol derivatives. Ken Hisamoto* 1341. Synthesis, thermochemical and kinetic studies of novel diarylamine antioxidants. Jason J. Hanthorn, Derek A. Pratt*, Luca Valgimigli 1342. Theoretical study of the substituent effects on the gas phase stabilities of benzylic anions. Kazuhide Nakata*, Mizue Fujio, Kichisuke Nishimoto, Yuho Tsuno 1343. Substituent effect at C7 on the stereoselectivity in the denitrogenation reaction of DBH derivatives. Manabu Abe*, Shingo Yagi 1344. Synthesis and characterization of new spirooxytellurane [10-Te-4(C3O)] having SO3 unit. Soichi Sato*, Takahiro Yamashita, Ernst Horn 1345. New synthetic method of 3,3’-disubstituted-2,2’-dihalobiaryls via an aryne intermediate. Mayumi Mizukami, MInako Hara, Soichi Sato* 1346. Advances in cubane chemistry. Ronny Priefer* 1347. Study of the formation of silene/silylene intermediates in the decomposition of silacyclobutanes on a W filament. Yujun Shi*, Ling Tong, Brian Lo, Brett Eustergerling, Xinmao Li Organized by: W. Hinze, C. Easton, K. Kano Presiding: C. Tran, K. Kurihara 13:00 – 1315. Boromycin and cyclofructan as chiral sensors for enantioselective molecular recognition and analyses. Daniel W. Armstrong 13:30 – 1316. Social self-sorting: Alternating supramolecular oligomer consisting of isomers. Yoshinori Takashima*, Naoki Tomimasu, Hiroyasu Yamaguchi, Akira Harada 13:50 – 1317. Molecular recognition and transport in fluorous media. Stephen Weber*, Abul Hussam, Hong Zhang, Yanhong Yang 14:20 – 1318. Fishing for modifications: Designing synthetic probes for methylated lysine and arginine. Amanda Whiting, Fraser Hof 14:40 – 1319. Mechanism of dephosphorylation of organic phosphates in functional micelles and in the presence of synzymes. Faruk Nome*, Elisa Orth, Bruno S. Souza, Eduardo Wanderlind, Tiago A. Brandão 15:10 – 1320. Size recognition in the nonionic surfactant mediated extraction of silver nanoparticles. Yoshitaka Takagai*, Willie L. Hinze 15:30 – 1321. Enantioselective binding of non-aromatic molecules to cyclodextrins via ternary complex formation using “spacer” molecules. Willie Hinze*, Najma Memon Hilton Honolulu II Transition Metal Catalysis: Mechanism and Practice (#283) Organized by: K. Nozaki, J. Stryker, F.D. Toste Presiding: K. Nozaki 13:00 – 1322. Catalysis with transition metalheteroatom bonds. Dean Toste 13:35 – 1323. Novel reactions mediated by copper hydrides. Pauline Chiu* 14:10 – 1324. Gold(I)-catalyzed synthesis of fused-carbocycles. Louis Barriault*, Francis Barabé, Patrick Lévesque, Gabriel Bellavance 14:25 – 1325. Construction of carbon frameworks through carbon-carbon bond cleavage. Masahiro Murakami*, Masanori Shigeno, Takanori Matsuda 15:00 – 1326. Palladium-catalyzed oxidative amination reactions. Forrest Michael* 15:15 – 1327. Copper-catalyzed skeletal rearrangement of O-propargylic oximes. Itaru Nakamura*, Toshiharu Araki, Masashi Okamoto, Tomoki Iwata, Dong Zhang, Masahiro Terada 15:30 – 1328. Transition metal-catalyzed fluorination. Tobias Ritter 16:05 – 1329. Novel transition metal ironcatalyzed organic reactions. Yi-Cheng Zhang, Kai Ren, Pin-Hua Li, Lei Wang* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Reactive Intermediates and Unusual Molecules - A Celebration of Bob Moss’s 70 years (#1) Organized by: M. Platz, M. Abe, W. Leigh Presiding: M. Platz 1348. Synthesis and properties of stable base-free dialkylsilanimines and THF-mediated silanimine-silaenamine isomerization via 1,3-silyl migration. Takeaki Iwamoto*, Nobuyoshi Ohnishi, Zhenyu Gui, Shintaro Ishida, Hiroyuki Isobe, Satoshi Maeda, Koichi Ohno, Mitsuo Kira* 1349. Highly reactive difluorobenzocyclooctyne is kinetically stabilized by -cyclodextrin. Ellen M. Sletten*, Hitomi Nakamura, John C. Jewett, Carolyn R. Bertozzi 1350. Antioxidant substance, such as homogentidic acid, production by the transformation of sweet potato using Aspergillus niger. Takehiko Tsuruta* 1351. -Effects of the group 4 metals: mechanisms of desilylation and degermylation of carbenium ions. Asimo Karnezis, Richard O’Hair, Jonathan White 1352. Dependence of the photochemistry of 8-azidoadenosine on pH: Diiminoquinone formation vs. nitrenium ion formation. Maxim Panov, Denis Nilov, R. M. Wilson*, Alexander N. Tarnovsky 1353. Effective nitrenium ion for photoaffinity labeling (PAL): 2-N-alkylamino-5-azidopyridine. Valentyna Voskresenska, Maxim Panov, Mikhail Ryazantsev, R. M. Wilson*, Alexander N. Tarnovsky 1354. Inter-and intramolecular trapping of cyclopropanone intermediates in the photooxygenation of 1,2-dihydropentalenes. Ihsan Erden*, Christian Gaertner 1355. Mechanistic studies of allium-derived antioxidants. Philip Lynett, Krista Butts, Vipraja Vaidya, Derek Pratt* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III New Advances in Metal-Catalyzed Alkylation and Fluoroalkylation (#115) Organized by: D. Vicic, V. Dong, N. Kambe Presiding: R. Lewis Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1356. Palladium-catalyzed asymmetric synthesis of allylic fluorides. Matthew H. Katcher, Abigail G. Doyle* 1357. Synthesis of a new isoindole based nitrone: 1,1-dimethyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)1H-isoindole N-oxide. Bunpei Hatano*, Katunori Miyoshi, Haruna Sato, Tomohiro Ito, Tateaki Ogata, Tatsuro Kijima 1358. Novel introduction of tetrafluoroethylene units into organic molecules INTO. Shinya Takano, Yoshikazu Takahashi, Tsutomu Konno*, Takashi Ishihara 1359. Reductive coupling reaction of aromatic aminal using zinc and chlorotrimethylsilane. Tomoharu Tachikawa, Bunpei Hatano*, Tatsuro Kijima 1360. Gold-catalyzed functionalization of silyl enol ethers. Tetsuro Kaneko*, Haruo Aikawa, Naoki Asao 1361. New catalytic reaction sequence for aromatic difluoromethylation. Kenichi Fujikawa, Yasutaka Fujioka, Hideki Amii* 1362. Development of chiral dinuclear zinc bisamidinate catalyst: asymmetric alkylation of ␣-ketoesters. Masahiro Yamanaka*, Masamitsu Inaba 1363. Synthesis of 1-alkylidene-2-trifluoromethyl-1H-indene derivatives. In Howa Jeong*, Youn Young Hong 1364. Iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction using organoaluminum reagents. Shintaro Kawamura, Kentaro Ishizuka, Masaharu Nakamura 1365. Synthesis of 2,2-difluoro-1-tributylstannylethenyl tosylate and its diarylation reaction. In Howa Jeong*, Seung Yeon Han 1366. Ruthenium catalyzed cascade N, C-dialkylation of amine via hydrogen borrowing methodology. Basker Sundararaju*, Tang Zhou, Achard Mathieu*, Sharma Gangavaram. V. M, Bruneau Christian 1367. Withdrawn 1368. Chiral zinc bisamidine catalyzed asymmetric aldol reaction of ␣-ketoesters. Ryo Gotoh, Masahiro Yamanaka* 1369. (sp3)C-(sp3)C cross-coupling reaction catalyzed by transition metals having unsaturated carbon ligands. Ryohei Shimizu*, Takanori Iwasaki, Hitoshi Kuniyasu, Nobuaki Kambe 1370. Synthesis of 2-trifluoromethyl-3-phenylsulfonyl-1,3-butadiene and its reactivities toward various nucleophiles. In Howa Jeong*, Eun Joon Yang 1371. Development of highly efficient and novel reactions using iridium catalysts. Akihiro Shibamoto*, Tomohiro Hashizume, Yasutaka Ishii 1372. Recent developments in nickel and copper trifluoromethylation reactions. Robert Lewis, David Vicic* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Frontiers in Biocatalysis Applications to Organic Synthesis (#124) Organized by: R. Kazlauskas, T. Sakai, J. Wu Presiding: T. Sakai Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1373. Purification and characterization of a novel keto ester reductase from the green alga, Chlorella sorokiniana: Comparison of enzymological properties with other microbial keto ester reductases. Kohji Ishihara*, Rieko Iwai, Nami Matsumoto, Noriyoshi Masuoka, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Nobuyoshi Nakajima 1374. Effective synthesis of versatile optically active zerumbone derivatives. Sayo Ohta, Ayumi Saito, Kaoru Nakamura, Takashi Kitayama* 1375. Development of ionic liquids as solvents for lipase-catalyzed reaction. Yoshikazu Abe, Kazuhide Yoshiyama, Shuichi Hayase, Motoi Kawatsura, Toshiyuki Itoh* 1376. Cooperative activation of a lipase by the ionic liquid coating with amino acids. Kazuhide Yoshiyama, Sayaka Moriyama, Yoshikazu Abe, Shuichi Hayase, Motoi Kawatsura, Toshiyuki Itoh* 1377. Phosphorylase-catalyzed N-formyl-␣glucosaminylation of maltooligsaccharides. Satoshi Kawazoe, Jun-ichi Kadokawa* 1378. Preparation of compounds with chiral silicon center by enzymatic reactions. Rumi Marui, Kazuki Nishimoto, Toru Yamamoto, Masakazu Mihara, Atsuhito Kuboki*, Susumu Ohira 1379. Biotransformation of the biological active compounds using plant cultured cells. Hiroki Hamada, Ryohei Yamamoto, Takahiro Ohara, Hiroya Imai, Megumi Kitagawa, Hirotaka Hirano * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–135 04-ORGN 1380. Purification and characterization of three ␣-keto ester reductases from Streptomyces avermitilis: An approach based on protein chemistry and bioinformatics. Kohji Ishihara*, Momoko Yoshida, Mika Morishita, Natsumi Ikeda, Miyuki Nishi, Michiru Noguchi, Aya Murata, Hitomi Yamaguchi, Nobuyoshi Nakajima 1381. Purification and characterization of reductases with excellent enantioselectivity from Geotrichum candidum. Chen Cao*, Yasuo Nakata*, Takuro Fukae*, Shuji Kanamaru, Tomoko Matsuda 1382. Protein engineering of arylmalonate decarboxylase G74C, a cofactor-independent racemase. Robert Kourist, Daisuke Uemura, Kenji Miyamoto* 1383. Study of enzymatic reaction and protein structure under microwave irradiation. Yuta Toriuchi, Karei Sai, Seigo Kimoto, Daisuke Wakino, Takeo Yoshimura, Shokichi Ohuchi* 1384. Structure-guided site-directed mutagenesis of arylmalonate decarboxylase. Yusuke Miyauchi, Daisuke Uemura*, Kenji Miyamoto 1385. CO2 fixation with acetyl-CoA carboxylases under high-pressure CO2. Taisuke Abe, Yoshihisa Asanuma, Tomoko Matsuda* 1386. Method to alter enzyme thermostability using support vector machines (SVMs). Hitomi Tsubamoto, Masahiro Yokota, Soichiro Okuzawa, Yasubumi Sakakibara, Kenji Miyamoto*, Daisuke Uemura 1387. Enhanced activity of lipase-catalyzed esterification of fatty acids esters by using chiral ionic liquid-coated Candida rugosa lipase. Mohd Basyaruddin Abdul Rahman*, Khairulazhar Jumbri, Mahiran Basri, Emilia Abdulmalek, Bimo Ario Tejo, Abu Bakar Salleh, Raja Noor Zaliha Abdul Rahman 1388. Micorowave-assisted multicomponent reaction for ␣-aminoketones as a precursor of ephedrine analogs. Tsutomu Inokuchi, Li-Jian Ma, Yu Zhang 1389. Overexpression of malate dehydrogenase for development of carbon dioxide fixation reaction. Yoshihisa Asanuma*, Taisuke Abe, Tomoko Matsuda 1390. Switching from an esterase to a hydroxynitrile lyase mechanism requires only two amino acid substitutions. Romas Kazlauskas* 1391. Crystal structure of D-tagatose 3-epimerase Cys66Ser from Pseudomonas cichorii. Yasuhiro Tahara, Tomohiko Ishii, Hiromi Yoshida, Sigehiro Kamitori, Ken Izumori 1392. Approaches to new chiral building blocks by means of Bacillus subtilis epoxide hydrolase. Ken-ichi Shimizu, Maki Sakamoto, Toshinori Higashi, Mitsuru Shoji, Takeshi Sugai* 1393. Kinetic resolution of primary alcohols by using immobilized lipases on ionic liquid-coated inorganic support. Akihiko Yoshida, Ai Murakami, Tadashi Ema, Takashi Sakai* 1394. Study on hydrolase-catalyzed preparation of 2,2-disubstituted cyanoacetates, and malonates. Toru Kurihara, Yuki Tatsumi, Toshinori Higashi, Mitsuru Shoji, Takeshi Sugai* 1395. Enzymatic preparation of ␣-methylene-␥-butyrolactones from tulip tissues with a novel tuliposide-converting enzyme. Yasuo Kato*, Taiji Nomura, Shinjiro Ogita 1396. Synthesis of both enantiomers of ␥-dodecalactone via enzymatic hydrolysis of 1,2-diol monotosylate derivatives. Kazumasa Usuda, Hirokazu Okabe, Yasutaka Shimada, Kazutsugu Matsumoto* 1397. Deracemization of 1,2-diol monotosylate derivatives by a combination of enzymatic hydrolysis with the Mitsunobu inversion. Hirokazu Okabe, Kazumasa Usuda, Yasutaka Shimada, Kazutsugu Matsumoto* 136 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1398. Asymmetric domino reaction by an esterase from sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7. Takashi Kumon, Reina Wada, Kenji Miyamoto*, Daisuke Uemura 1399. Additive effect of phosphate buffer as cosolvent for efficient kinetic resolution of 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-alkanol by lipase-catalyzed reaction in an ionic liquid solvent system. Yumiko Takagi*, Yuuki Yamashita, Toshiyuki Itoh 1400. Lipase-catalyzed dynamic kinetic resolution for the synthesis of optically active cyanohydrins. Takashi Sakai*, KeFei Wang, Toshinobu Korenaga, Tadashi Ema Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Achieving Efficiency in Organic Reactions via Greener Processes and Practices (#139) Organized by: I. Ryu, D. Curran, P. Jessop, S. Lee Presiding: D. Curran Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1401. Iron salt-catalyzed cascade type onepot double alkylation of indole with vinyl ketones. Shin-ichiro Matsui, Jun-ka Kobayashi, Shuichi Hayase, Motoi Kawatsura, Toshiyuki Itoh* 1402. Asymmetric intramolecular conjugate addition via short-lived C-O axially chiral enolate. Keisuke Tomohara, Tomoyuki Yoshimura, Takeo Kawabata* 1403. Direct asymmetric aldol reaction in brine with recyclable fluorous sulfonamide organocatalyst. Tsuyoshi Miura*, Kie Imai, Mariko Ina, Norihiro Tada, Nobuyuki Imai, Akichika Itoh 1404. Palladium-catalyzed tandem ␥-arylation and aromatization of 2-cyclohexen1-one as an alternative to para-C-H arylation of phenol. Tatsushi Imahori*, Toru Tokuda, Tatsuya Taguchi, Hiroki Takahata 1405. Oxidative coupling reaction of aminobenzenes with olefins catalyzed by Pd(II) / HPMoV / O2 system. Yohei Mizuta, Yosuke Shimizu, Yasushi Obora*, Yasutaka Ishii* 1406. Selective synthesis of 2-mercaptonicotinates and chlorine gas free synthesis of isothiazolopyridin-3-ones. Masao Shimizu*, Yusuke Higuchi, Takeo Konakahara 1407. Oxidation reaction for the [4⫹2] cycloadducts of selenoketones with cyclopentadiene by MCPBA and chloramine T. Toshiki Kenmochi, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 1408. anti-Markovnikov hydroamination of arylacetylenes catalyzed by 8-quinolinolato rhodium complexes. Sakai Kazunori, Takuya Kochi, Fumitoshi Kakiuchi* 1409. Synthesis of fluorous crown ethers and their application to fluorous biphase organic reaction. Kenji Koike, Takashi Yamanoi*, Yoshiki Oda, Akihiro Yoshida, Mikio Watanabe 1410. Intermolecular aerobic oxidative amination of alkenes with amines catalyzed by the Pd/NPMoV/O2 system. Yasushi Obora*, Yosuke Shimizu, Yasutaka Ishii* 1411. Surfactant-free synthesis of sub-nanometer-sized transition-metal nanoclusters and their use in catalysis. Megumi Hyotanishi, Hiroko Yamamoto, Hideya Kawasaki*, Yasushi Obora* 1412. NbCl3-catalyzed [2⫹2⫹2] three-component cycloaddition reaction of terminal alkynes, internal alkynes and alkenes leading to tetrasubstituted-1,3-cyclohexadienes. Yasushi Satoh, Yasushi Obora* 1413. Research of synthesis of nitazoxanide. Dishun Zhao*, Bin Lv, Erhong Duan, Juan Zhang 1414. Cascade radical iodoperfluoroalkylation for the synthesis of organofluorine compounds. Hideto Miyabe*, Eito Yoshioka, Shigeru Kohtani 1415. Synthesis of 3-formylfurans and diformylpyrans from acetals with aldehydes using Lewis acid as a key catalyst. Norihide Horikawa, Ken-ichi Tamaso, Yasushi Obora*, Yasutaka Ishii* 1416. Lanthanum metal-assisted coupling reaction of diaryl ketone with dialkyl ketone under carbon dioxide. Yutaka Nishiyama*, Ryoma Narishige, Rui Umeda 1417. Reductive dehalogenation of gem-dihaloalkenes with lanthanum metal. Namika Anahara, Takumi Yuasa, Rui Umeda, Yutaka Nishiyama 1418. Environmentally benign synthesis of furans and pyrroles using cationic gold(I) catalysts. Masahiro Egi, Kenji Azechi, Shuji Akai* 1419. Synthesis of cyclic carbonates: Lanthanum metal compound-catalyzed reaction of epoxides with carbon dioxide. Yuya Komaki, Rui Umeda, Yutaka Nishiyama* 1420. Iridium complex catalyzed Guerbet reaction of ␣,-diols. Yuka Anno, Yasushi Obora*, Yasutaka Ishii* 1421. Sustainable catalysis by using supported palladium nanoparticles on ionic nanomaterials. Ju Yeon Shin, Sang-gi Lee* 1422. ␣-Alkylation of acetonitrile with alcohols by iridium complex. Takuya Sawaguchi, Yasushi Obora* 1423. Liposomal uptake of dansylated fluoroalkyl glycoside. Ruriko Katayama, Shinya Nakano, Maria Carmelita Z. Kasuya, Kenichi Hatanaka 1424. Synthesis of ␣-sialosides under microfluidic conditions. Yosuke Uchinashi, Katsunori Tanaka, Koichi Fukase 1425. Cross-coupling of two aryl halides in flow microreactor systems: Space integration of halogen-lithium exchange and Murahashi coupling. Aiichiro Nagaki, Akira Kenmoku, Yuya Moriwaki, Atsushi Hayashi, Jun-ichi Yoshida* 1426. Tandem synthesis of ␥-butyrolactone by using the Blaise reaction intermediate. Young Ok Ko, Sang-gi Lee* 1427. Mechanistic study on 7-endo selective radical cyclzation toward efficient synthsis of 2-benzazepines. Yuriko Ishihara, Akio Kamimura* 1428. Effective synthesis of fluorous-FMOC reagents and application to fluorous mixture synthesis of biological active peptides. Yuya Sugiyama, Yuki Kurata, Atsushi Miyazaki, Takayuki Shioiri, Masato Matsugi* 1429. Synthesis and RCM reactions using recyclable Grubbs-Hoveyda catalyst activated by a light-fluorous tag. Yuki Kobayashi, Naoki Suzumura, Takayuki Shioiri, Masato Matsugi* 1430. Reaction kinetics of D-xylose in high temperature water. Taku M. Aida*, Naohiro Shiraishi, Masaki Kubo, Akira Ikarashi, Takuji Yamagata, Masaru Watanabe, Richard L. Smith 1431. Total synthesis of cucurbitoside-type phenolic glycosides by fluorous mixture synthesis. Masaru Kojima*, Yutaka Nakamura, Kazuki Komori, Seiji Takeuchi 1432. One-pot synthesis of 5-hydroxy-(␣aminomethylene)benzofuran-2(3H)-ones via tandem Blaise-Nenitzescu type reaction. Yu Sung Chun, Sang-gi Lee 1433. Application of a continuous microflow system to radical multi-component reactions. Akira Fusano, Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu* 1434. Sequential reaction of arynes via insertion into the amides and trapping reaction with dialkylzincs. Eito Yoshioka, Shigeru Kohtani, Hideto Miyabe* 1435. Rhodium-catalyzed synthesis of enol ethers by anti-Markovnikov addition of alcohols to terminal arylacetylenes. Masataka Kondo, Takuya Kochi, Fumitoshi Kakiuchi* 1436. Oligosaccharide synthesis by using fluorous tagging method. Kohtaro Goto*, Nuermaimaiti Nueramina, Junki Gonsho, Yuhsuke Kumazaki, Shunsuke Kitazawa, Yuriko Hirose, Mamoru Mizuno 1437. New cyclopropanation via radical-anion process of nitroalkanes. Hideki Matsu, Ryota Takeuchi, Takayuki Yoshida, Ayako Kadowaki, Akio Kamimura* 1438. Koch-Haaf reaction using a hastelloymade microreactor. Yu Mukai*, Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu 1439. One-pot synthesis of substituted 1,4dienes via the consecutive radical-mediated bromoallylation of alkynes and Pdcatalyzed cross-coupling reactions. Takashi Kippo*, Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu 1440. Efficient recycling of osmium catalyst in oxidative olefin cleavage reaction through chemoentrapment approach. Byeong Moon Kim, Seyoung Kim, Jooyoung Chung 1441. Novel synthesis of 2,4-diiodoquinoline derivatives by the photoinduced reaction of o-alkynylaryl isocyanides with iodine. Takenori Mitamura, Akiya Ogawa* 1442. Tin-free radical coupling addition to alkenes. Mami Tojino, Mamoru Mizuno 1443. Water-soluble catalytic system for supportless recycling of ligand and osmium in asymmetric dihydroxylation. Seyoung Kim*, Daewon Lee, Byeong Moon Kim 1444. Application of porimerized BINAP ligand to Buchwald-Hartwig amination. Aoi Ishibashi, Toshiyuki Kamei*, Yoshinori Takamatsu, Hiroyuki Hosoi, Toyoshi Shimada* 1445. Chemoselective intramolecular alkylative trapping of the Blaise reaction intermediate. Ju Hyun Kim, Sang-gi Lee* 1446. Nitroxide-mediated radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate using a microflow reactor. Yoshito Kajihara*, Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu, Armido Studer 1447. Solvent-free Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction using DBU. Kaori Ando, Kyohei Yamada* 1448. Crossed Ti-Claisen condensation between ␣,␣-disubstituted thioesters and N-acylbenzotriazoles giving less accessible ␣,␣-disubstituted -keto thioesters. Misaki Kobayashi, Kenji Hozumi, Ryohei Nagase, Yoo Tanabe 1449. Construction of three consective asymmetric centers utilizing Ti-ClaisenAldol domino reaction. Yoshikazu Masuyama, Syogo Nakazawa, Akihiro Tanaka, Ryohei Nagase, Yoo Tanabe 1450. Fluorous surface-active distannoxane catalyst: C-C bond formation by miscibility-tunable cationic fluorous distannoxane. Akihiro Orita*, Shoko Tanabe, Tatsuhiko Ono, Junzo Otera 1451. Diastereoselective [2⫹2] photocycloaddition of chiral cyclic enone and cyclopentene using a microflow reactor system. Kimitada Terao, Ken Tsutsumi, Hiroki Yamaguchi, Syogo Yoshimura, Yasuhiro Nishiyama, Tsumoru Morimoto, Kiyomi Kakiuchi*, Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu* 1452. Copper-free Sonogashira coupling reaction using rigid trans-coordinatable bidentate ligand. Shingo Atobe, Motohiro Sonoda, Akiya Ogawa 1453. Iodoamidation of olefins with chloramine salts and I2 in aqueous media. Satoshi Minakata*, Junpei Hayakawa * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 1454. Synthetic study on glycosylated fluorous gold nanoparticles. Yoichi Fujita, Taichi Nagasaki, Toshiyuki Inazu* 1455. 18F-ApoPep-1: a PET imaging probe for chemotherapy-induced apoptosis of tumor cells. Byoung Se Lee, Woon Jung Jung, Hyun Ju Sung, Sang Don Park, Sang Ju Lee, Seung Jun Oh, Dae Yoon Chi* 1456. Synthesis of five-membered ring seleno sugar derivatives (selenofuranose) via cycloaddition reaction of selenoaldehydes and ring contraction reaction. Makoto Torihata, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 1457. Preparation of pentavalent six-membered cyclic phosphorus compound having two selenium atoms and evaluation as a selenating reagent. Kouhei Sakata, Hajime Maeda*, Masahito Segi* 1458. Optical resolution by fluorous biphasic system. Masahito Kawashima, Takayuki Suzuki, Yuko Ishii, Toshiyuki Inazu* 1459. Continuous microflow synthesis using fluorous method. Hiroko Kawakami, Mamoru Mizuno 1460. Synthesis of 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3one derivatives from 1,3-benzoxathiin-4ones. Masao Shimizu*, Tetsuya Yoshida, Teruaki Shimazaki, Wataru Ando, Takeo Konakahara Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Boronic Acids: Synthetic and Biological Applications (#199) Organized by: B. Wang, P. Duggan, D. Hall, M. Suginome Presiding: B. Singaram Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1461. Diastereoselective 1,2-addition of arylboronic acids to Garner’s aledehyde using palladium/thioether-imidazolinium chloride system. Terumichi Enomoto, Masami Kuriyama*, Ryuichi Shirai* 1462. Synthesis and biological evaluation of 1,2-diphenylcarboranes as HIF-1␣ inhibitors. Lisa Tazaki* 1463. Synthesis and liposome formation of dodecaborate-coniugated cholesterols for efficient boron delivery system on neutron capture therapy. Tatsuro Miyoshi, Hyun Seung Ban, Hiroyuki Nakamura* 1464. Cu(I)-catalyzed regio- and enantioselective monoborylation of 1,3-dienes. Yusuke Sasaki, Hajime Ito*, Masaya Sawamura 1465. Development of closo-dodecaborates for liposomal boron delivery of neutron capture therapy. Shoji Tachikawa*, Hiroyuki Nakamura 1466. Palladium-imidazolinium carbene-catalyzed arylation of aldehydes with arylboronic acids in water. Masami Kuriyama*, Natsuki Ishiyama, Rumiko Shimazawa, Osamu Onomura* 1467. Discovery of carborane-conjugated triazines as topoisomerase inhibitors. Ayano Takeuchi*, Atsushi Shoji, Hyun Seung Ban, Takao Yamori, Hiroyuki Nakamura 1468. Preparation of novel phenylboronic acid containing polymer for sugar recognition. Inami Yuki, Taka-Aki Asoh, Akihiko Kikuchi* 1469. Discovery of carboranes as 20S proteasome activators. Hidemitsu Minegishi, Minako Maruyama, Yuka Yasui, Kazuki Shimizu, Hyun Seung Ban, Hiroyuki Nakamura* 1470. Stereoselective synthesis of -borylallylsilanes via palladium-catalyzed stereocomplementary isomerization of double bond. Toshimichi Ohmura*, Kazuyuki Oshima, Michinori Suginome* 1471. Cobalt-catalyzed highly regioselective annulations of o-(methoxycarbonyl)phenylboronic acid with functionalized alkynes via fine tuning of ligands. Pao-Shun Lin*, Chien-Hong Cheng 1472. Synthesis of sterically bulky amido-Nimidazolium salts and their application as the ligands in the Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions of heteroaromatic halides and the synthesis of Milrinone and Irbesartan. Rajeshkumar Manian, Sunwoo Lee* 1473. Preparation of borylbenzynes under mild conditions and their regioselective Diels-Alder reactions. Akira Takagi, Takashi Ikawa, Shuji Akai* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Recent Advances in Natural Products as Anticancer Agents (#279) Organized by: D. Kingston, J. Liu, S. Matsunaga, R. Quinn Presiding: D. Kingston, S. Matsunaga, R. Quinn, J. Liu Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1474. Chemical constituents from Fissistigma latifolium. Yu Hsuan Lan*, Chia chen Lin 1475. Search for bioactive compounds from medicinal plants of Bangladesh regarding anti-cancer properties. Ayumi Ohsaki*, Masaaki Ozawa, Kaori Taniguchi, Akio Kishida, Firog Ahmed, Samir K. Sadhu, Masami Ishibashi 1476. Isolation, spectroscopic analyses, chemical transformation and biological evaluation of novel Gelsemium alkaloids. Yousuke Yamada, Mariko Kitajima, Noriyuki Kogure, Wongseripipatana Sumphan, Hiromitsu Takayama* 1477. Stereochemistry of bisabolane sesquiterpenes, in Ligularia lankongensis. Rurina Miyazaki, Kana Mitsui, Chiaki Kuroda, Hiroyuki Onuki, Hiroshi Hirota 1478. Study of anticancer and antiprotozoa products from tropical plants. Kanami M. Yasumoto*, Hiromi Nochi, Koichi Tamoto, Hiroyuki Fuchino, Yutaka Agatsuma, Motoyoshi Satake, Setsuko Sekita 1479. Erythrinan alkaloids from Erythrina crista-galli with inhibitory activity on LSPinduced nitric oxide production. Shunsuke Kawamata, Masaaki Ozawa, Tadahiro Etoh, Masahiko Hayashi, Kanki Komiyama, Akio Kishida, Ayumi Ohosaki, Chiaki Kuroda 1480. Novel fluorescent compound from a tropical medicinal plant, Qussia amara. Kaori Taniguchi, Masaaki Ozawa, Tsuyoshi Maruyama, Akio Kishida, Shigeru Murata, Ayumi Ohsaki* 1481. Cytotoxic ursolic acid derivatives from Bangladeshi medicinal plants,Surauja roxburghii. Kishor Mazumder, Eric, R. Siwu, Katsunori Tanaka, Koichi Fukase 1482. Iridals in Iris delavayi collected in Hengduan Mountains of China. Yu Hasegawa*, Chiaki Kuroda, Xun Gong 1483. Structures and biological activities of constituents from Erythrina velutina. Masaaki Ozawa, Tadahiro Etoh, Masahiko Hayashi, Kazuki Honda, Kanki Komiyama, Akio Kishida, Ayumi Ohsaki* 1484. Structure analysis of steroid glycoside from Ornithogalum saundersiae. Takuro Fukumoto*, Keiichi Noguchu, Masafumi Yohda, Kaori Sakurai 1485. Search for cytotoxic compounds from Tilia kiusiana. Marie Shimada, Masaaki Ozawa, Kojiro Iwamoto, Akio Kishida, Ayumi Ohsaki* 1486. Anticancer activity and SAR studies of largazole. Yanxia Liu*, Lilibeth A. Salvador, Seong Rim Byeon, Yongcheng Ying, Jason C. Kwan, Jiyong Hong, Hendrik Luesch 1487. Cancer chemopreventive potential of marine-derived phenazines. Laura Marler*, John M. Pezzuto, Ratnakar N. Asolkar, William Fenical, Martin Conda-Sheridan, Mark Cushman 1488. Cathepsin B inhibitors from a Japanese marine sponge. Yasufumi Imae, Shuhei Murayama, Shigeru Okada, Shigeki Matsunaga* 1489. Cytotoxic cembranoid diterpenes from Indonesian specimens of the soft coral Nephthea sp. Indra H. Januar, Ekowati Chasanah, Dianne M. Tapiolas, Cherie A. Motti, Anthony D. Wright* 1490. Cell differentiation inducers from a marine sponge Biemna sp. Reiko Ueoka, Yuji Ise, Shigeru Okada, Shigeki Matsunaga 1491. Pyrrospirones and pyrrocidines, cytotoxic alkaloids from an endophytic fungus, Neonectria ramulariae Wollenw KS246. Yoshihito Shiono*, Azusa Kosukegawa, Takuya Koseki, Tetsuya Murayama, Nozomi Fujisawa, Ken-ichi Kimura 1492. Plant-derived endophytes from Australian medicinal plants: Producers of novel bioactive secondary metabolites. Yvonne Fazendin*, Kieran Lim 1493. Tryptopeptin A, a novel TGF- signaling inhibitor from Streptomyces sp. Yuta Tsunematsu, Shinya Oishi, Nobutaka Fujii, Shinichi Nishimura, Akira Hattori, Hideaki Kakeya* 1494. Toward the total synthesis of the chivosazoles. S. B. Jennifer Kan, Lisa Gibson, Ian Paterson* 1495. Synthesis of fluorescently labelled analogs of antitumor saponin OSW-1. Noriyuki Sato, Takuro Fukumoto, Kaori Sakurai 1496. Synthetic studies toward the aplyronines, potent anticancer marine macrolides isolated from Aplysia kurodai . Sarah J. Fink*, Lydia Y. Lee, Ian Paterson 1497. Corosolic acid inhibits glioblastoma cell proliferation by suppressing the activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (Stat3) in tumor cells and tumor-associated macrophages. Yukio Fujiwara*, Yoshihiro Komohara, Tsuyoshi Ikeda, Motohiro Takeya 1498. Anticancer and antimicrobial evaluation of marine macro- and micro-organism extracts collected from Indonesian waters. Ekowati Chasanah, Indra H. Januar, Dianne M. Tapiolas, Cherie A. Motti, Catherine H. Liptrot, Anthony D. Wright* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Transition Metal Catalysis: Mechanism and Practice (#283) Organized by: K. Nozaki, J. Stryker, F.D. Toste Presiding: K. Nozaki Poster Session 19:00 – 21:00 1499. Synthesis of palladium complex bearing abnormal NHC ligand and application to cross coupling reaction. Tatsuhito Nakamura, Kenichi Ogata, Shin-ichi Fukuzawa* 1500. Gold-catalyzed dehydration of alcohols. Yohei Seya, Kazuteru Umetsu, Naoki Asao 1501. Synthesis of 2-substituted indoles through one-pot Pd catalyzed reaction. Haruo Yamada*, Hajime Nagao 1502. Construction of indoles by coppercatalyzed cyclization of ortho-substituted aryl isocyanide. Mamoru Tobisu, Keika Koh, Hirokazu Fujihara, Naoto Chatani* 1503. “Stereoelectronic effect” as a reaction control factor in ruthenium carbene metathesis. Sheikh Mohammad Abdul H. Siddiki, Takashi Sugimura* 1504. Solution behavior of chiral 6-arene/ N-tosylethylenediamine-ruthenium complexes: key to efficient asymmetric hydrogenation. Aki Matsuoka, Fusheng Bie, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Yuehui Li, Koichi Kato, Noriyuki Utsumi, Kunihiko Tsutsumi, Takeshi Ohkuma, Kunihiko Nurata, Hiroshi Naka, Christian A. Sandoval, Ryoji Noyori 1505. Development of salen Ti(III) complex catalyzed radical cyclization. Haruo Yamada*, Yuichiro Munemoto 1506. Synthesis of isoxazoles by a transition metal-catalyzed domino reaction of alkynyl oxime ethers. Masafumi Ueda, Aoi Sato, Takeaki Naito, Okiko Miyata* 1507. Why did incorporation of acrylonitrile to a linear polyethylene become possible? Comparison of phosphine-sulfonate ligand with diphosphine and imine-phenolate ligands in the Pd-catalyzed ethyelene/acrylonitrile copolymerization. Kyoko Nozaki*, Shuhei Kusumoto, Noda Shusuke, Kochi Takuya, Lung W. Chung, Keiji Morokuma* 1508. Novel one-step, quimioselective conversion of acetals into silyl ethers catalyzed by aluminium trichloride. Julian Bergueiro*, Javier Montenegro, Susana Lopez 1509. Nickel-catalyzed ring-opening threecomponenet coupling of methylenecyclopropanes with aldehydes and silanes. Yuka Atsuumi, Ogata Kenichi*, Fukuzawa Shin-ichi* 1510. Rhenium-catalyzed benzannulation of o-alkynylbenzaldehyde with alkyne. Kenta Kaiba, Rui Umeda, Yutaka Nishiyama* 1511. Pd-catalyzed Negishi alkyl-aryl crosscoupling using (o-methoxyphenyl)diphenylphosphine as a ligand. Yugo Nishimura, Shunsuke Odo, Yasushi Nishihara, Kentaro Takagi* 1512. Cross-coupling reactions of alkynylsilanes with aryl iodides catalyzed by Cu(I) salt under neutral condition. Shitaro Noyori, Arisa Yamamoto, Eiji Inoue, Kentaro Takagi, Yasushi Nishihara* 1513. Metal transition catalyzed borylative cyclization reactions of polyunsaturated compounds. Virtudes Pardo-Rodríguez, Ruth López-Durán, Elena Buñuel, Diego Jesús Cárdenas* 1514. Synthesis and catalytic activity of novel xantphos-Ru complexes for addition of carboxylic acids onto olefins. Yohei Oe*, Shoko Higashi, Hiroto Takenaka, Tetsuo Ohta, Yoshihiko Ito 1515. Rhodium-catalyzed [4 ⫹ 2] carbocyclization of 2-alkynylbenzaldehydes with alkynes. Daiki Hojo*, Ken Tanaka 1516. Rhodium-catalyzed multicascade reactions of dienynes to produce substituted dihydronaphthalenes. Eri Okazaki, Ken Tanaka* 1517. Withdrawn 1518. Iron-catalyzed synthetically efficient epoxidation of olefins with hydrogen peroxide assisted by pyridine systems. Mingyu Jiao*, Hirofumi Matsunaga, Tadao Ishizuka 1519. Rhodium(I)-catalyzed cyclocarbonylation reaction of enynes with sugars. Tsumoru Morimoto*, Keiichi Ikeda, Kiyomi Kakiuchi 1520. Thermodynamic equilibration in Pd(0)catalyzed interconversion of highly constrained [2.1.2] bicyclic lactones: Its mechanistic investigation. Young Taek Han, Seung-Mann Paek, Young-Ger Suh* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–137 04-ORGN 1521. CuI catalyzed C-C and C-O coupling reactions using hydrazone ligands. Fumitoshi Yagishita, Takashi Mino*, Masanori Shibuya, Masami Sakamoto, Tsutomu Fujita 1522. Synthesis and application of atropisomeric dihydrobenzofuran-based bisphosphine (BICMAP). Takashi Mino*, Masatoshi Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Naruse, Shohei Kobayashi, Masami Sakamoto, Tsutomu Fujita 1523. Palladium-catalyzed synthesis of complex heterocycles. Igor Dubovyk, Andrei K. Yudin* 1524. Facile synthesis of substituted dibenziodolium salts and their palladium-catalyzed transformation to carbazoles. Tania Welsch, Bernhard Witulski* 1525. Palladium-catalyzed vinylselenation of allenes. Maiko Okuyama*, Susumu Tsuda, Shin-ichi Fujiwara, Takanori Iwasaki, Hitoshi Kuniyasu, Nobuaki Kambe 1526. Stereoselective construction of substituted chromans by palladium-catalyzed cyclization of propargylic carbonates with 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetates. Masahiro Yoshida*, Mariko Higuchi, Kozo Shishido 1527. Nickel-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling of epoxides. Daniel K. Nielsen, Abigail G. Doyle* 1528. Convenient synthesis of triphenylenes by rhodium-catalyzed [2 ⫹ 2 ⫹ 2] cycloaddition. Yayoi Sawada, Ken Tanaka* 1529. Photoinduced oxidative coupling reaction catalyzed by [Ru(bpy)3]2⫹. Takashi Koike*, Munetaka Akita* 1530. Synthesis of 1,3-diarylpropene by palladium-catalyzed C-C bond formation using hydrazone ligands. Kiminori Hirai, Takashi Mino*, Tomoko Koizumi, Kenji Kajiwara, Masami Sakamoto, Tsutomu Fujita 1531. Pd/light induced radical multi-component reactions. Akira Fusano, Shuhei Sumino, Takahide Fukuyama, Ilhyong Ryu* 1532. Palladium-catalyzed oxidative C-H functionalization of alkenes. Juhanes Aydin, Nicklas Selander, Kálmán Szabó*, Johanna Larsson 1533. Monovalent nickel complex bearing bulky N-heterocyclic carbene catalyzed Kumada cross-coupling reactions. Shinya Nagao, Yuji Koga, Kouki Matsubara 1534. Synthesis of monocyclic compounds by the nickel-catalyzed [4⫹3⫹2] cycloaddition. Korehito Kato, Ryu Yamasaki, Shinichi Saito* 1535. Rhodium-catalyzed [3 ⫹ 2] and [2 ⫹ 1] cycloadditions of propargyl esters with electron-deficient alkynes and alkenes. Yu Shibata, Ken Tanaka* 1536. Manganese-catalyzed regioselective synthesis of tetrasubstituted benzenes from -keto esters and terminal alkynes. Mitsumi Nishi*, Salprima S. Yudha, Yoichiro Kuninobu, Kazuhiko Takai 1537. Nickel-catalyzed Tishchenko reaction via hetero-nickelacycles by oxidative cyclization of aldehydes with nickel(0) complex. Yoichi Hoshimoto, Sensuke Ogoshi* 1538. Improved precursor for palladium(0) cross-coupling catalysts. Michael C. Baird*, Andrew W. Fraser, Laura E. Hull 1539. Platinum-catalyzed cascade cyclization-ring expansion reaction of propargylic aziridines. Yoshida Masahiro*, Yohei Maeyama, Mohammad Al-Amin, Shishido Kozo 1540. Synthesis of silole derivatives via the rhodium-catalyzed carbon-silicon bond cleavage. Mamoru Tobisu, Masahiro Onoe, Naoto Chatani* 1541. Nickel-catalyzed [4⫹2] cycloaddition of enones with alkynes. Takuya Kurahashi*, Seijiro Matsubara* 1542. Alkenylative cross-coupling reaction of alkyl aryl sulfide under Ni-SIPr catalysis. Kentaro Ishizuka, Satoaki Onitsuka, Hirofumi Seike, Takuji Hatakeyama, Junji Inanaga, Masaharu Nakamura* 138 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1543. Gold-catalyzed cyclization of (prop-2ynyloxy)benzaldehydes as an expedient route to (Z)-benzo[b]oxepin-3(2H)-ones. Ella M. Sze*, Weidong Rao, Ming Joo Koh, Philip W. Chan 1544. Studies on the palladium-catalyzed construction of the aryl allyl ethers. Hisataka Kobayashi, Makoto Kanematsu, Masahiro Yoshida, Kozo Shishido* 1545. Rhodium⫺catalyzed cross⫺coupling of vinyl ethers with Grignard reagents. Yoshinori Miyata, Yuuki Fujii, Takanori Iwasaki, Hitoshi Kuniyasu, Nobuaki Kambe* 1546. Evaluation of relative ⌬G of the oxidative addition of benzoyl halides to platinum(0) utilizing ligand exchange reaction. Daisuke Nakane, Hitoshi Kuniyasu*, Nobuaki Kambe 1547. Chemoselective and regiospecific Suzuki-Miyaura cross coupling reaction of 1,1-organodiboronates at room temperature. Takahiro Ookubo, Kohei Endo, Takanori Shibata 1548. Gold-catalyzed reactions of pyridine N-oxides having alkyne moieties leading to N-heterocycles. Sachie Kitabata, Masahito Murai, Kazuhiro Okamoto, Kouichi Ohe 1549. Stereoselective control by face-toface vs edge-to-face aromatic interactions: The case of C3-Ti(IV) amino trialkolate sulfoxidation catalysts. Gabriella Santoni, Miriam Mba, Marcella Bonchio, William A. Nugent, Cristiano Zonta, Giulia Licini* 1550. SNAr reaction of nonactivated fluoroarenes using ruthenium catalysts. Hiroya Yokoyama, Takanori Shibata, Kohei Endo, Maiko Otsuka 1551. Bromide transfer reactions catalyzed by molybdenum hexacarbonyl. Takumichi Sugihara*, Yasuko Tomizawa, Yuji Shimizu, Yu Kainuma, Tatsuro Kobayashi, Yuta Takamura 1552. Use of bulky phosphine ligands in the palladium-catalyzed synthesis of brominated heterocycles. Stephen Newman, Mark Lautens* 1553. Nickel catalyzed codimerization of acrylic acid derivatives and alkynes. Hiroaki Horie, Ichiro Koyama, Takuya Kurahashi*, Seijiro Matsubara* 1554. N-Heterocyclic carbene ligands bearing ethylene glycol chains: Effects of chain length in palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reaction. Takahiro Yoshikawa, Hidetoshi Ohta, Tetsuaki Fujihara, Jun Terao, Yasushi Tsuji* 1555. Synthesis and photophysical property of 1,2-diarylbenzosiloles. Mamoru Tobisu, Katsuaki Baba, Masahiro Onoe, Naoto Chatani* 1556. Development of a bowl-shaped pyridine ligand and its applications in catalysis. Yuichirou Horimoto, Tinghua Xu, Kazuhiko Semba, Tetsuaki Fujihara, Jun Terao, Yasushi Tsuji* 1557. Rhodium-catalyzed borylation of nitriles. Mamoru Tobisu, Hirotaka Kinuta, Yusuke Kita, Naoto Chatani* 1558. Ruthenium metathesis catalysts with sulfonate and phosphonate ligands. Peili Teo, Robert H. Grubbs 1559. Hydrosilylation of sterically congested ketones using a copper catalyst bearing a bowl-shaped phosphine. Kazuhiko Semba, Tetsuaki Fujihara, Jun Terao, Yasushi Tsuji* 1560. Beayer-Villiger type rearrangement promoted by bivalent palladium. Minoru Tamiya*, Futa Takada, Nobuhisa Isaka, Masaji Ishiguro* 1561. Triethynylphosphine-gold(I)-catalyzed cyclization of alkynyl silyl enol ether: Seven-membered ring formation. Hideto Ito, Hirohisa Ohmiya, Masaya Sawamura* 1562. Origin of the minor enantiomer in BINAP-Ru-catalyzed hydrogenation of 3-phenyl-2-butenoic acid. Masaki Tsukamoto*, Masahiro Yoshimura, Yoshitaka Ishibashi, Hiroshi Nakatsuka, Masato Kitamura* 1563. Mn(III)-catalyzed aerobic oxidation of tetramic acid and tetronic acid derivatives. Md. A. Haque*, Hiroshi Nishino 1564. Transition-metal-catalyzed decarbonylative isomerization of N-allenylcarbamochalcogenates to 3-chalcogeno-1azadienes. Daisuke Shiro*, Hiroyuki Nagai, Susumu Tsuda, Shin-ichi Fujiwara, Takanori Iwasaki, Hitoshi Kuniyasu, Nobuaki Kambe 1565. Copper-catalyzed allenylation of imines via retro-allenylation of 2,3-butadien1-ol derivatives and its application to the synthesis of pyrrolines. Masahiro Sai, Hideki Yorimitsu, Koichiro Oshima 1566. Highly chemoselective nickel-catalyzed three-component cross-trimerization of three distinct alkynes. Kenichi Ogata*, Yuka Atsuumi, Shin-ichi Fukuzawa 1567. Dehydrative allylation of alcohols and deallylation of allyl ethers catalyzed by [CpRu(CH3CN)3]PF6 and 2-pyridinecarboxylic acid derivatives: Effect of -accepting ability and COOH acidity of ligand on reactivity. Shinji Tanaka, Tomoaki Seki, Hiroshi Nakatsuka, Masato Kitamura* 1568. Withdrawn 1569. Copper-catalyzed oxidative homocoupling of indoles. Yuta Nagase, Teruhisa Tsuchimoto* 1570. Gallium-catalyzed Bromocyanation of alkynes with cyanogen bromide. Masahito Murai*, Ryo Hatano, Kouichi Ohe 1571. Synthesis of medium-sized rings by the Ni-catalyzed cycloaddition reactions. Shinichi Saito*, Ryu Yamasaki 1572. Ironing it out: A unifying concept for iron catalyzed cross coupling reactions. Matthias Mayer*, Axel Jacobi von Wangelin 1573. Heterogeneous ligand-free palladium on carbon-catalyzed Stille coupling. Yuki Yabe, Yuki Fujita, Yoshinari Sawama, Tomohiro Maegawa, Yasunari Monguchi, Hironao Sajiki* 1574. Ligand-free and heterogeneous catalytic system for Hiyama cross-coupling reaction. Takayoshi Yanase, Yasunari Monguchi, Hironao Sajiki* 1575. In situ time-resolved XAFS study of reaction mechanism of aryl halide homocoupling mediated by nickel complex. Hiroyuki Asakura, Tetsuya Shishido, Kentaro Teramura, Tsunehiro Tanaka* 1576. Iridium-catalyzed reaction of carbamoyl chlorides with internal alkynes to prepare 2-quinolones. Tomohiro Iwai, Tetsuaki Fujihara, Jun Terao, Yasushi Tsuji* 1577. Ruthenium-catalyzed coupling of alkenyl triflates with heteroatom nucleophiles. Eiji Shirakawa*, Yusuke Imazaki, Tamio Hayashi* 1578. Transition-metal-catalyzed addition of organotellurium compounds to carboncarbon unsaturated bonds. Shin-ichi Fujiwara*, Hiroyuki Nagai, Nobuaki Kambe 1579. Copper-catalyzed reductive carboxylation of an alkyne using a hydrosilane under carbon dioxide. Tetsuaki Fujihara, Tinghua Xu, Kazuhiko Semba, Jun Terao, Yasushi Tsuji* 1580. Development of chemoselective hydrogenation using palladium catalysts supported on the synthetic zeolite. Tohru Takahashi*, Masatoshi Yoshimura, Hiroyasu Suzuka, Yoshinari Sawama, Tomohiro Maegawa, Yasunari Monguchi, Hironao Sajiki Sunday Morning Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Organic General Posters Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 Methodologies, synthesis with metals and organocatalysts 1581. Gold(I)-catalyzed addition of heteroatom-hydrogen bonds to alkynes to access enamines, pyrroles and furans. Søren Kramer*, Julie L. Madsen, Mario Rottländer, Troels Skrydstrup 1582. Preliminary study toward the developpement of a general gold(I)-catalyzed 6-endo-dig carbocyclization. Francis Barabé*, Louis Barriault 1583. Supported gold nanoparticles-catalyzed one-pot synthesis of indoles and aniline derivatives from nitroarenes under hydrogenation condition. Yoshihiro Yamane, Xiaohao Liu, Akiyuki Hamasaki, Tamao Ishida, Masatake Haruta, Takushi Yokoyama, Makoto Tokunaga* 1584. Carbonylation reactions catalyzed by cobalt oxide supported gold nanoparticles under syngas atmosphere. Akiyuki Hamasaki, Xiaohao Liu, Shingo Haraguchi, Yoshihiro Yamane, Makoto Tokunaga* 1585. Palladium catalyzed benzylation of NBoc indole boronic acids. Laurent Gomez*, Aaron M. Kearney, Adrienne Landr-Bayle 1586. Reduction of organic substrates in aqueous media using hypophosphorous acid-palladium system. Kaori Kojima, Makoto Oba*, Kozabro Nishiyama 1587. Palladium-catalyzed reaction of propargylic oxiranes and phenols: Synthesis of new unsaturated alcohols via successive nucleophilic attacks of phenols. Toshio Koizumi*, Koji Sugie 1588. Pd-catalyzed oxidation of alcohols using halobenzene under inert condition. Minkyoung Lim, Hakjune Rhee* 1589. Kinetic resolution of P-chirogenic compounds by palladium catalyzed alcoholysis of vinyl ethers. Hisashi Itoh, Eiji Yamamoto, Shigeyuki Masaoka, Ken Sakai, Makoto Tokunaga* 1590. Iron catalyzed coupling reactions of 2-bromofuran. William Tam*, Jamie Haner 1591. Ruthenium-catalyzed [2⫹2] cycloadditions of 2-aza-3-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5enes. William Tam*, Robin Durham 1592. Asymmetric ruthenium-catalyzed [2⫹2] cycloadditions of bicyclic alkenes. William Tam*, Jordan Goodreid 1593. New preparation method of aldehydes by ruthenium-catalyzed reduction of carboxylic acids with hydrosilanes. Konoka Miyamoto, Yu-ichi Kubo, Yukihiro Motoyama, Hideo Nagashima* 1594. Highly enantioselective hetero-DielsAlder reactions between Rawal’s diene and aldehydes catalyzed by chiral dirhodium(II) carboxamidates. Yudai Watanabe, Takuya Washio, Masahiro Anada, Shunichi Hashimoto* 1595. Copper-catalyzed sulfidations of aryl halides using sulfur element. Nobukazu Taniguchi * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 1596. Substitutent effects on the syntheses of various planer-chiral [10]parapyridinophadiynes. Norihiko Sakamoto, Nobuhiro Kanomata* 1597. Catalytic enantio- and regioselective additions into diketones: mechanistic investigation. Torsak Luanphaisarnnont, David A. Evans* 1598. Copper-catalyzed oxidative sulfidation and selenidation of imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines with elemental sulfur and selenium. Takafumi Kanai, Eiji Yamaguchi, Fumitoshi Shibahara*, Toshiaki Murai 1599. Selenation of carbonyl compounds with elemental selenium. Saki Kubota, Fumitoshi Shibahara*, Toshiaki Murai 1600. Cationic iridium-catalyzed regioselective synthesis of 4-substituted benzoheteroles. Yu-ki Hashimoto, Kyoji Tsuchikama, Kohei Endo, Takanori Shibata* 1601. Synthesis of N-arylimides, enimides, ynimides using polyvalent organobismuth compounds and the application of ynimides toward click chemistry. Takuya Sueda*, Naoki Teno 1602. Synthesis and reactions of cyclic unsaturated phosphonium salts with a phospholene skeleton. Hua Hong, Jugo Koketsu, Fumio Ando* 1603. Electronic effects of substituents in sulfides: Mechanism elucidation of vanadium catalyzed sulfoxidation. Kwang-Hyun Ahn*, Woo-Sun Lee, Yong-Chul Jeong, Jin-A Kim 1604. AlCl3-mediated defluorinative diarylhydroxylation transformation of CF3: Chemoselective arylation of CF3 and chlorocarbonyl groups attached to aromatic rings. Akiko Okamoto, Kazuhiro Kumeda, Noriyuki Yonezawa* 1605. Metal-free direct biaryl coupling reaction of heteroaromatic compounds via iodonium intermediate. Koji Morimoto, Nobutaka Yamaoka, Tomofumi Nakae, Toshifumi Dohi, Yasuyuki Kita* 1606. Reaction of acetals and C-nucleophiles: A novel carbon-carbon bond forming reaction via pyridinium-type salts. Ozora Kubo, Kenzo Yahata, Tomohiro Maegawa, Hiromichi Fujioka* 1607. Lewis acid-catalyzed direct condensation between phthalides and primary amines to give bioactive phthalimidines. Ichiro Takahashi*, Yuusuke Horino, Yoshihiko Sugiura, Sho Inagaki, Minoru Hatanaka, Shinzo Hosoi 1608. Synthesis of fluorous BINOL and its phosphoric acid derivative. Masaaki Omote*, Akari Ikeda, Atsushi Tarui, Kazuyuki Sato, Akira Ando 1609. Water soluble organocatalysts for asymmetric aldol reaction in aqueous media. Tomoya Machinami*, Kazuya Sekihara, Ayumi Tsutsui, Daisuke Miura, Takashi Fujimoto 1610. Bicyclic guanidine-catalyzed direct asymmetric allylic addition of n-aryl succinimides. Jianmin Wang, Choon-Hong Tan Simple synthesis, reactions, electron transfer 1611. Synthesis of substituted 3-iodopyrroles by the cyclization of propargylic aziridines. Masahiro Yoshida*, Salina Easmin, Mohammad Al-Amin, Yuuki Hirai, Kozo Shishido 1612. Pentanidium catalyzed enantioselective phase transfer reactions. Ting Ma* 1613. Synthesis and biological properties of novel anionic surfactant, potassium acetate salt of (5-alkyl-2-methyl-1,3-thiazole)s. Akihiro Shirai*, Yasuko Fumoto, Hideaki Maseda, Hiroki Kourai 1614. Mild deprotection of methylene acetals and application to highly regiocontrolled protection of diols. Yutaka Minamitsuji, Kento Senami, Ozora Kubo, Kenzo Yahata, Tomohiro Maegawa, Hiromichi Fujioka* 1615. Rearrangements of [2.2.1]bicyclic tertiary alcohols under various conditions. Te-Fang Yang*, Chien-Hung Shen, Li-Hsun Chen, Li-Ta Kao, Chih-Hsiang Chuang 1616. Nucleophilic deoxofluorination of catechols. Hiroyuki Nemoto, Tsuyoshi Nishiyama, Shuji Akai* 1617. Reactions of ethyl allyl- and propargylacetoacetate with thiourea: Products and conditions. Anton E. Nikolaev*, Vyacheslav E. Semenov, Dilyara R. Sharafutdinova, Vladimir S. Reznik 1618. Stereoselective synthesis of 2-substituted-3-aminopiperidine derivatives via aza-Michael reaction. Takeshi Noda*, Takuya Shimogaki, Asuka Usui, Aya Saito 1619. One-pot synthesis of highly functionalized morphans from C-glycosides. Wei Zou, Kannan Vembaiyan, MIlan Bhasin, Dean Williams 1620. New developments on the 1,2,3-dithiazole ylidene chemistry. Heraklidia Ioannidou, Panayiotis A. Koutentis* 1621. New synthetic method for versatile chiral synthon of 1,2-diamines using oxidation of 2-imidazolone. Iori Eshita, Hirofumi Matsunaga, Tadao Ishizuka 1622. Sulfonylation-induced N- to O-acetyl migration in 2-acetamidoethanol derivatives. Takao Yamaguchi, Dusan Hesek, Mijoon Lee, Allen G. Oliver, Shahriar Mobashery* 1623. Switchable regioselectivity in nucleophilic addition of primary amines to silylbenzynes: Synthesis of 2- and 3-silylanilines. Takashi Ikawa, Tsuyoshi Nishiyama, Takashi Shigeta, Shinya Mohri, Shinsuke Morita, Yuki Terauchi, Sho-ichi Takayanagi, Masahiro Egi, Satoshi Fujii, Yasuyuki Kita, Shuji Akai* 1624. Divergent synthesis of cyclic peptides facilitated by amphoteric aziridine aldehydes. Vishal Rai, Ryan Hili, Andrei K. Yudin* 1625. Verdazyl radicals as substrates for organic synthesis: The synthesis of substituted oxadiazolones, tetrahydropyrazolotriazinones and triazoles. Matthew Bancerz*, Eric K. Chen, Gordon K. Hamer, Michael K. Georges 1626. Synthesis of 2-substituted-3-aminopiperidine derivertives via nucleophilic reactions to N-acylimminium ion intermediates. Takeshi Noda*, Yasuhide Tsunoda, Jin-ichi Yonekawa 1627. Efficient synthesis of cyclopropyl silyl ketones by the reaction of 1-silylcyclopropyl anions with dichloromethyl methyl ether. Kenta Nakae, Mitsunori Honda, Mitsuhiro Suda, Masahito Segi, Ko-Ki Kunimoto 1628. Stereoselective synthesis of 1,3-diol derivatives via desilylation of -methoxyacylsilanes. Akira Horita, Mitsunori Honda, Mitsuhiro Suda, Masahito Segi, Ko-Ki Kunimoto 1629. Stereoselective synthesis of 1,2,3-triols from desilylation of ␣,-unsaturated acylsilanes. Sho Numada, Mitsunori Honda, Mitsuhiro Suda, Masahito Segi, Ko-Ki Kunimoto 1630. Highly selective synthesis of small and large fused multicyclic molecule by tandem dienyne ring closing metathesis and Diels-Alder reaction. Hyeon Park, Tae-Lim Choi* 1631. Synthesis of sulfides and 1,5-benzothiazines via novel Michael reaction. Saori Itabashi*, Rong Lu, Tetsuo Miyakoshi 1632. Synthesis and properties of fullerene derivatives bearing O-acetylated phenylglucoside-substituted pyrrolidine. Taizo Hatta, Keiji Mizuki, Akifumi Yagami, Yuta Ikehara, Naoki Nakaie, Takuji Yoshimoto 1633. Synthesis and properties of [10]parapyridinophane derivatives having a hydroxyl group on their ansa-bridges. Takahiro Motoshiromizu, Nobuhiro Kanomata* 1634. Synthesis and cyclization of N-tioacyl 1,2-aminoalcohols with 2-pyridyl group. Eri Nagaya, Shinsuke Tahara, Fumitoshi Shibahara, Toshiaki Murai* 1635. Reaction of phosphorothioic acid esters with TBAF leading to phosphorothiofluoridic acid salts. Kyohei Yamada, Toshiaki Murai*, Toru Takenaka 1636. New synthesis of glycerol carbonate from glycerol using sulfur-assisted carbonylation with carbon monoxide. Takeo Nakai, Masatoshi Mihara, Takumi Mizuno 1637. Synthesis of 2-aryl-4(3H)-quinazolinones obtained by coupling reaction of N-substituted aryl amidine derivative and carbonates. Shunichi Aikawa, Norihiro Ohtubo, Chiharu Sekiguchi, Shogo Ihara, Yasuhiko Yoshida 1638. Reaction behavior and structural features of aroylated naphthalenes: Imination of carbonyl group in non-coplanarly accumulated aromatic-rings molecule of congested oblique-configuration. Atsushi Nagasawa, Shoji Watanabe, Ryosuke Mitsui, Akiko Okamoto, Noriyuki Yonezawa* 1639. Electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction of 8-position in 1-monoaroylnaphthalene: Nitration/bromination behavior and structural features of the resulting aroylnaphthalenes. Takahiro Nishijima, Kotaro Kataoka, Ryosuke Mitsui, Akiko Okamoto, Noriyuki Yonezawa* 1640. Electron-transfer oxidation of the phenolate anion derived from a vitamin E model. Ikuo Nakanishi, Kei Ohkubo, Tomonori Kawashima, Keiko Inami, Ken-ichiro Matsumoto, Masataka Mochizuki, Kiyoshi Fukuhara, Haruhiro Okuda, Nobuo Ikota, Shunichi Fukuzumi, Toshihiko Ozawa, Kazunori Anzai 1641. Electrochemical generation of phosphorus ylides (PY) and iminophosphorane (IP) from aminoalkylphosphonium salt (APS) and their reaction behaviors. Fumio Ando*, Hiroko Matsunaga, Osamu Niyomura, Jugo Koketsu 1642. Photocycloaddition of aromatic aldehydes to substituted isoxazoles: Preparative synthesis of bicyclic oxetanes with photochromic properties. Marco Franke*, Hidehiro Kotaka, Axel G. Griesbeck 1643. Nucleophilic-type substitution reaction of electropositive substituted aromatic compounds via photoinduced electron transfer. Hiroto Yamada*, Reina Sakamoto, Morihiro Kitamura, Sadao Miki 1644. Photoinduced NO release in mitochondria. Taeko Horinouchi, Hidehiko Nakagawa*, Takayoshi Suzuki, Kiyoshi Fukuhara, Naoki Miyata* 1645. Alternative photoinduced release of HNO or NO from an acyl nitroso compound. Hidehiko Nakagawa*, Kazuya Matsuo, Yusuke Adachi, Eri Kameda, Hiroki Tsumoto, Takayoshi Suzuki, Naoki Miyata* 1646. NO release from 2,6-dimethylnitrobenzene based NO releasers worked with two-photon excitation in cells. Kazuhiro Hishikawa, Hidehiko Nakagawa*, Taeko Horinouchi, Toshiaki Furuta, Kiyoshi Fukuhara, Takayoshi Suzuki, Naoki Miyata* 1647. Generation of highly reactive oxygen species from nitrobenzene derivative by photoirradiation. Naoya Ieda, Hidehiko Nakagawa*, Taeko Horinouchi, Takayoshi Suzuki, Kiyoshi Fukuhara, Naoki Miyata* 1648. Radical addition reaction of phosphoroselenoic acid esters bearing a binaphthyl group to alkenes. Takafumi Ando, Masaki Monzaki, Toshiaki Murai* 1649. Introduction of an alkynyl group to imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines and their fluorescence. Yoshimasa Douke, Toshifumi Shibahara*, Toshifumi Murai 1650. Evaluation of solvent effects in Lewis acid catalyzed bromination of benzoylacetates. Hidetoshi Yamamoto*, Masahiro Komeda, Tatsushi Seto, Yuko Takao, Maki Samitsu, Michinori Sumimoto, Kenji Hori, Takuya Miyata, Yasuaki Hanasaki 1651. Theoretical studies on chemoselectivity in bromination of acetoacetanilide. Hidetoshi Yamamoto*, Masahiro Komeda, Maki Samitsu, Yuko Takao, Tatsushi Seto, Michinori Sumimoto, Kenji Hori, Takuya Miyata, Yasuaki Hanasaki 1652. Synthesis of CO2-philic 2-pyridinemethanol derivatives and its use for metal extraction in sc-CO2. Lim Byung-Jo, Lee Byeongno, Kim Hakwon* 1653. Optimization of the carrot reduction of benzil. John C. Bush, Bruce Baldwin 1654. Oxidation of aliphatic residue of its esters with hydrophobic substrate. Yasumasa Minemoto*, Mokoto Yoshida, Hiroto Saito, Akio Takeda, Eiji Nakajima, Tadashi Kometani 1655. Enantioselective synthesis of ␣-fluorinated -amino acid derivatives via asymmetric mannich reaction and selective deacylation/decarboxylation reactions. Yuanhang Pan, Choon-Hong Tan Natural products synthesis and characterization 1656. Remarkable synthesis of chiral epoxyzerumbone and its unique derivative via transannular reaction. Takashi Kitayama*, Masataka Awata, Yasuhiko Yoshida, Yasushi Kawai 1657. Host selection of a Lauraceae-feeding swallowtail butterfly (Graphium sarpedon L.): Feeding and oviposition stimulants from the camphor tree leaves (Cinnamomum camphora Sieb). Shinicbi Tebayashi*, Yasunori Horie, Ryu Wakui, Yoshichika Nishimura, Yoshitaka Nishiyama, Yasunori Ikeno, Chul-Sa Kim 1658. Concise and efficient synthesis of substituted ␣-pyrones and the application to the total synthesis of breviones. Masahiro Yoshida*, Hironobu Takai, Chika Mitsuhashi, Yoko Matsuoka, Kozo Shishido* 1659. Oxa-conjugate addition route to the chemoenzymatic synthesis of neopeltolide. Taylor P. Hari, Burkhardt I. Wilke, Christopher N. Boddy* 1660. Asymmetric synthetic strategy of fosfomycin using biocatalysis. Brent D. Feske*, Erik Davis, Christian Morocco, Julie Finnell 1661. Synthetic studies toward the human telomerase inhibitors the rubromycins. Gregory Czaban*, Robyn Crumbie, Gary Dennis, Margaret Brimble 1662. Toward a general gethodology for the synthesis of epidithiopiperazinedione (ETP compounds). Daniel W. Tay*, Paul B. Huleatt, Christina L. Chai 1663. Synthesis of meso-diaminopimelic acid and its application to the biologically active peptides. Yukako Saito, Tomokazu Watanabe, Yuichi Yoshimura, Hiroki Takahata 1664. Synthesis of -CyD derivatives with multiple functional groups by click reaction. Hirofumi Ooyama, Yoshiki Oda, Keiko Takahashi, Takashi Yamanoi* 1665. Synthetic studies of novel decahydrofluorene-type natural products. Ryo Kato, Hiromi Uchiro* 1666. Synthesis of highly oxygenated 3-hydroxyflavone derivatives. Misun Ko, HoonGyu Park, Hakwon Kim* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–139 04-ORGN 1667. Anti-inflammatory lignans from Magnolia fargesii. Hua Li, Jae Yeon Kim, Hyo Jin Lim, Hwa Jin Lee, Hee Doo Kim, Raok Jeon, Jae-Ha Ryu* 1668. Anti-hyperglycemic compounds from kiwifruit. Miyuki Shirosaki, Tomoyuki Koyama*, Kazunaga Yazawa 1669. Flavonoid-based therapeutic agents. Megan Thornton, Luke Henderson, Fred Pfeffer 1670. Stereoselective synthesis and biological evaluation of bioactive constituents from the Brazilian plant Tabebuia avellanedae. Kazunori Ueda, Masanobu Kotera, Takahiro Nishitani, Mitsuaki Yamashita, Masafumi Kaneko, Katsumi Nishimura, Hrukuni Tokuda, Akira Iida* 1671. One-pot synthesis of 4-alkenylcatechol by a modified Dakin reaction. Yuta Harada*, Takahisa Ishimura, Rong Lu, Tetsuo Miyakoshi Carbohydrates 1672. Novel sugar-self guest hybrid cyclodextrins The dependency of arm structure on the molecular structure. Shoji Fujiwara, Yoshiki Oda, Takashi Yamanoi, Keiko Takahashi* 1673. Synthesis of a library of novel 2-Cbranched sugars. Peter W. Moore*, Russell J. Hewitt, Joanne E. Harvey 1674. Syntheses of spirocompounds from 1-C-vinylated sugars. Takashi Yamanoi*, Sho Matsuda, Yoshiki Oda, Akihiro Yoshida 1675. Stereoselective formation of 1,2-cis-␣glycosidic linkages by glycosidation using 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-␣-D-glucopyranosyl acetate derivatives. Takashi Yamanoi*, Yoshiki Oda, Wako Kaburagi, Masanobu Midorikawa, Keiko Takahashi 1676. Application of bulky silyl protecting groups for oligosaccharide synthesis. Noriyoshi Takahata*, Tetsuo Koyama, Koji Matsuoka, Daiyo Terunuma, Ken Hatano 1677. Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of glycosyl 5,6-dihydroergosterol derivatives. HoonGyu Park, Tae Hoon Lee, Jiyoung Kim*, Soo Jeong Kim, Hakwon Kim* 1678. Preparation and properties of modified beta-1,3-glucans. Shun-ichi Tamaru*, Daisuke Tokunaga, Seiji Shinkai* 1679. Understanding the phenomenon of ice recrystallization and its inhibition using carbohydrate derivatives. Chantelle Capicciotti, Mathieu Leclère, Yun Liu, Robert N. Ben* 1680. Application to drug derivery system of carbosilane dendrimer having periphery Lactose. Kentaro Otomo, Nobuaki Honsyo, Hiroaki Aizawa, Masumi Villeneuve, Daiyo Terunuma, Koji Matsuoka, Ken Hatano 1681. Characterization of the complex formation of 1,6-anhydro sugars with potassium using 1H and 39K NMR spectroscopy. Takayuki Kato, Yousuke Usui, Koji Tsubono, Osamu Kamo, Toshiyo Kato, Kazuo Furihata, Takashi Fujimoto, Tomoya Machinami, Mitsuru Tashiro* 1682. Single threading of retinoid into cyclodextrin, structure of pseudorotaxane evidenced by NMR spectroscopy. Sayo Morimoto, Toshiaki Narusawa, Keiko Takahashi* 1683. Synthesis and application of phosphoroselenoic acid esters derived from alcohols possessing a chiral carbon atom remote from a hydroxyl group. Hikaru Ito, Toshiaki Murai* Nucleic acids and anlogues 1684. Design and synthesis of a dihydrothiopyrano-nucleoside derivative as a novel nucleoside unit for nucleic acid medicine. Yoshiko Yamazaki*, Yuichi Yoshimura, Hiroki Takahata 1685. Synthesis of radioiodinated carbocyclic cytosine analogs: A new potential PET imaging agent for HSV1-TK expression. Hyunseok Ahn*, Gwangil An, Hakjune Rhee 140 –TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1686. Dissecting cytisine: Synthesis of novel bispidine derivatives and structure-affinity relationships for nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Christoph Eibl*, Daniela Guendisch 1687. Hybrid compounds derived from the natural product cytisine: Synthesis and in vitro evaluation for ion channels. Christoph Eibl*, Dianqing Sun, Daniela Guendisch 1688. Synthesis of substituted methyl ketones as inhibitors of Atg4b. Thanh-Giau Nguyen, Robert Young* 1689. Organelle-specific evaluation of nuclear redox status with a DNA binding spin probe. Mamiko Ikeda, Hidehiko Nakagawa*, Takayoshi Suzuki, Naoki Miyata* 1690. Linker and sequence dependence of water-proton relaxivities in oligonucleotides carrying TEMPO. Emi Tanimoto*, Manami Okazaki, Yuichiro Sato, Tomoyasu Tanaka, Satoru Karasawa, Noboru Koga 1691. Interaction of N-fused porphyrin with nucleic acid. Satoshi Touden, Yoshiya Ikawa, Hiroyuki Furuta Biological activities 1692. Inhibitory effects of prenylated phenolic compounds isolated from Piper longum on melanin biosynthesis in B16 cells. Osamu Ohno, Taeko Watabe, Kazuhiko Nakamura, Masaru Kawagoshi, Nobuo Uotsu, Tomohiro Chiba, Masayoshi Yamada, Kohji Yamaguchi, Kaoru Yamada, Kenji Miyamoto, Daisuke Uemura 1693. Easy, selective and efficient methods for the synthesis of chiral hetero-functionalized calix[4]arene based receptors for enantioselective molecular recognition. Joackim Bois, Aurelia Schopp, Jeff Espinas, Ulrich Darbost, Mostafa Taoufik, Helene Parrot, Isabelle Bonnamour*, Caroline Felix* 1694. Novel pyrimidines as potent inhibitors of the Aurora kinases. Michael L. Curtin*, Howard R. Heyman, Robin R. Frey, Niru B. Soni, Patrick A. Marcotte, Junling Li, Jun Guo, Keith B. Glaser, Debra A. Montgomery, Cherrie K. Donawho, Daniel H. Albert, James R. Jankowski, Jennifer J. Bouska, Michael R. Michaelides, Christin Tse 1695. Synthesis and fonctionnalization of p-tBucalix[9]arene for polluant complexation. Mouna Ferchichi, Ulrich Darbost, Faouzi Meganem, Isabelle Bonnamour 1696. Stereochemical study of sphingolipid derivatives by vibrational circular dichroism. Atsufumi Nakahashi, Mostafa A. Hammam, Shota Saito, Kenji Monde* 1697. Calixarene-based copper-centered redox switch as data storage prototype. Ulrich Darbost*, Vanessa Penin, Erwann Jeanneau, Caroline Felix, Francis Vocanson, Christophe Bucher, Guy Royal, Isabelle Bonnamour 1698. Redox chemistry of antioxidative dihydropyridine derivatives bearing a pyrazole moiety. Ikuo Nakanishi*, Masato Kamibayashi, Kei Ohkubo, Tomonori Kawashima, Ken-ichiro Matsumoto, Tomoki Inaba, Ikuo Kawasaki, Masayuki Yamashita, Nobuo Ikota, Shunichi Fukuzumi, Toshihiko Ozawa, Kazunori Anzai 1699. Water extract of Houttuynia cordata Thunb. leaves exerts anti-obesity effects by inhibiting fatty acid and glycerol absorption. Tomoyuki Koyama*, Mitsuyoshi Miyata, Kazunaga Yazawa 1700. BACE-1 inhibitors from Cordia sebestina. Jingqiu Dai*, Philip Williams* Materials and polymers 1701. Crystal structures of highly congested aromatic rings accumulated molecules: Structural features and influence of substituent. Yuichi Kato, Shoji Watanabe, Toyokazu Muto, Ryosuke Mitsui, Kosuke Nakaema, Akiko Okamoto, Noriyuki Yonezawa* 1702. Functionalized aromatic glycidyl ether: Plausible compound for better LCD back light unit. Jeong eun Bae*, Hakjune Rhee, Baek sun Kim, Dong guk Kim 1703. Synthesis and properties of novel nonionic surfactants with acid decomposition function derived from diethyl tartrate. Daisuke Ono*, Ryoma Ueno, Hirofumi Sato, Motohiro Shizuma, Araki Masuyama, Masaki Nakamura 1704. Photoresponsive tetrafurcating-polymer possessing adamantane core with Td local symmetry. Daijiro Yuasa* 1705. Preparation and properties of organic thin films constructed by pi-rich framework. Shun-ichi Tamaru, Shou Mihara, Seiji Shinkai 1706. Synthesis of new disulfide polymers using solvent-free conditions. Naoki Tanifuji*, Kohei Yamamoto, Eriko Teramoto 1707. Synthesis and characterization of new phenothiazine derivatives containing benzimidazole moieties: Novel conjugated donor-acceptor molecules. Kwang-Hyun Ahn*, Yong-Bum Cha, Xiao-Hang Zhang, Eun-Kyung Je 1708. Photophysical properties of photochromic diarylethenes with electron donating and withdrawing substituents. Shi-Chong Pang, Kwang-Hyun Ahn*, Tie-Long Gao, Yong-Chul Jeong, Sung-Ik Yang 1709. 3-D oligomeric material composed of repeating adamantane units. Kentaro Ikeda*, Keiko Iwasaki, Sadao Mki 1710. Novel ambident agent having kinetically stabilized nitrile N-oxide moiety directed toward catalyst-free polymer modification and cross-linking reaction. Kaori Miura, Morio Yonekawa, Yasuhito Koyama, Toshikazu Takata 1711. External-stimuli responsive fluorescence of quinoline compounds in the solid-state. Yuichiro Abe*, Satoru Karasawa, Noboru Koga 1712. Synthesizing fluorescent chalcones. Mary Bruce, Bruce Baldwin 1713. Synthesis of fluorescent chalcones. Katherine A. Bement, Bruce Baldwin 1714. Synthesis of fluorescent ruthenium containing chalcones. Joshua G. Frederick, Bruce Baldwin 1715. Syntheses and photochromic properties of diaryletehenes having thieno[3,2b]thiophene rings. Naoki Tanifuji, Masahiro Irie, Kenji Matsuda 1716. Introduction of thionated esters into imidazo[1,5-a]pyridines and their photophysical properties. Ichirota Onda, Fumitoshi Shibahara*, Toshiaki Murai* 1717. Synthesis and investigation of inhibition photo-degradation of a novel polysilane with silole group in the side chain. Yuuki Isobe*, Satoshi Kamibayashi, Koji Matsuoka, Daiyo Terunuma, Takeshi Fukuda, Norihiko Kamata, Ken Hatano 1718. Preparation and application of silole derivatives for electric materials. Keita Mori*, Ryohei Kobayashi, Takeshi Fukuda, Tetsuo Koyama, Norihiko Kamata, Koji Matsuoka, Daiyo Terunuma, Ken Hatano Hilton Sea Pearl V/VI Theoretical 1719. Withdrawn 1720. Theoretical study on a starting palladium (2) complex for the Heck reaction. Masayoshi Kurata* 1721. Study on fusing computational chemistry and cheminformatics developing synthetic routes for an amide derivative with physiologically activity. Yujiro Matsuo* 1722. Predicting experimental yields as an index to rank synthesis routes: Application to the Claisen-Schmidt reaction. Shintaro Sato* Organized by: M. Pirrung, W. Dai, S.B. Park Presiding: M. Pirrung Anion Coordination Chemistry (#15) Organized by: B. Hay, K. Bowman-James, K. Nam, F. Pfeffer Presiding: B. Hay 7:30 – 1723. Mega anion hosts from simple building blocks. Kristin Bowman-James*, Victor W. Day, Sung O. Kang, Qiqiang Wang 8:00 – 1724. Ionpair induced self-assembly and host-guest chemistry in polar solvents. Carsten Schmuck* 8:30 – 1725. Anion templated assembly of interlocked host structures. Paul Beer 9:00 – 1726. Anion recognition and separation with self-assembled cage receptors. Radu Custelcean*, Peter Bonnesen, Benjamin Hay, Jerome Bosano, Nathan Duncan 9:30 – 1727. Pyrrole-based anion receptors. Jonathan L. Sessler* 10:00 – 1728. Indole-based anion receptors. Kyu-Sung Jeong* 10:30 – 1729. Neutral anion receptors effective in highly competitive solvents. Janusz Jurczak* 11:00 – 1730. Anion binding and chirality transmission of N-(chiral-amido)thioureas. Fang Wang, Li-Cai Ye, Jin-He Wang, Zhao Li, Yun-Bao Jiang* Hilton Coral IV C-H Functionalization, Memorial Symposium for Professor Keith Fagnou (#18) Organized by: H. Lebel, T. Driver, K. Itami Presiding: K. Itami 7:30 – 1731. Strategy to form C-C bond via the CDC reaction of CH and CH bonds. Chao-Jun Li* 8:30 – 1732. New oxidative palladium-catalyzed alkene C-H functionalization. Lukasz T. Pilarski, Nicklas Selander, Dietrich Böse, Kálmán J. Szabó 8:55 – 1733. Transition metal-catalyzed oxidative coupling of aromatic substrates with alkynes and alkenes via C-H and/or C-C bond cleavage. Tetsuya Satoh*, Koji Hirano, Masahiro Miura* 9:20 – 1734. C-H amination reactions with N-tosyloxycarbamates. Helene Lebel* 9:45 – 1735. Rhenium-catalyzed regioselective alkylation of phenol derivatives. Yoichiro Kuninobu*, Takashi Matsuki, Kazuhiko Takai 10:10 – 1736. Direct catalytic functionalization of aliphatic and aromatic C-H bonds by metal-induced carbene transfer reactions. Pedro J. Perez 10:35 – 1737. Ruthenium-catalyzed regioselective introduction of carbonyl functionality on aromatic ring via C-H bond cleavage. Fumitoshi Kakiuchi Hilton Sea Pearl I/II Diversity Oriented Synthesis (#32) * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp 04-ORGN 7:30 – 1738. Total and diversity-oriented synthesis of natural products. Michael Pirrung*, Goutam Biswas, Tannya R. Ibarra-Rivera 8:00 – 1739. Natural product-based libraries for chemical biology and drug discovery. Derek S. Tan* 8:30 – 1740. Catalytic asymmetric construction of multiple stereogenic centers in diversity-oriented synthesis. Takayoshi Arai* 9:00 – 1741. Synthesis of natural products and their derivatives based on combinatorial chemistry and laboautomation. Takashi Takahashi 9:30 – 1742. Diversity-oriented synthesis of a stereochemically diverse CNS-focused azetidine library for psych-HTS. Jason T. Lowe, Berenice Lemercier, Lakshmi Akella, Florence Wagner, Edward Holson, Lisa Marcaurelle 10:00 – 1743. Generation of novel drug-like five-membered heterocycles using carbon disulfide with solid support based on diversity oriented synthesis. Young-Dae Gong*, Taeho Lee 10:30 – 1744. Applying new strategies for diversity oriented synthesis. Stephen Martin* 11:00 – 1745. Exploiting allenes and expanding chemical space. Kay M. Brummond* 7:30 – 1753. Alkaloid synthesis inspired by the Zincke ring-opening of pyridines. Christopher Vanderwal* 8:00 – 1754. Guanidinium toxins: Unique natural products in both form and function. Justin Du Bois* 8:30 – 1755. Studies in the total synthesis of highly oxygenated natural products. Masayuki Inoue* 9:00 – 1756. Ramberg-Bäcklund route to aigialomycin D and designed analogs. Joanne E. Harvey*, Samuel Ting, Lynton Baird, Mattie Timmer, Reem Hanna, John Miller, Paul Teesdale-Spittle 9:30 – 1757. Cyclopropanes as vehicles for natural product total synthesis. Michael A. Kerr* 10:00 – 1758. Synthetic study on polyketidederived polycyclic natural products. Keisuke Suzuki* 10:30 – 1759. Total syntheses of natural products via ester-enolate Claisen rearrangement. Sanghee Kim 11:00 – 1760. New cyclization strategies for the total syntheses of the marine natural products cortistatin A and nakadomarin A. Raymond L. Funk, Mark G. Nilson Hilton Honolulu III Hilton Iolani I/II Design and Synthesis of Biologically Active Compounds for Elucidating Mode-ofAction (#148) Frontiers in Biocatalysis Applications to Organic Synthesis (#124) Organized by: T. Oishi, C. Forsyth, H. Lee Presiding: T. Oishi Organized by: R. Kazlauskas, T. Sakai, J. Wu Presiding: T. Sakai 7:30 – 1761. Anticancer activities of artemisnin-peptide conjugates. Tomikazu Sasaki*, Henry Lai, Narendra P. Singh, Byron Gallis 7:45 – 1762. Toward selective chemotherapeutic drugs: The design and synthesis of small molecule inhibitors of the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Paul H. Bernardo, Kah-Fei Wan, Thirunavukkarasu Sivaraman, Janarthanan Krishnamoorthy, Jin Xu, Henry Y. Mok, Victor C. Yu, Christina L. Chai 8:00 – 1763. Photo-generated carbene in chemical genetics: A nonselective strategy for target identification and mode-ofaction study of biologically active natural products. Naoki Kanoh* 8:20 – 1764. Design and synthesis of haloneplanocin A as novel mechanism-based inhibitor of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase. Lak Shin Jeong*, Sun Choi, Kang Man Lee 8:40 – 1765. Synthesis of a series of vitamin D analogs as ligands for human vitamin D receptor: Super agonists, antagonists, and studies on metabolism. Atsushi Kittaka*, Daisuke Sawada, Masashi Takano, Shinobu Honzawa, Midori A. Arai, Nozomi Saito, Shinji Kakuda, Hiroshi Saito, Ken-ichiro Takagi, Midori Takimoto-Kamimura, Kazuya Takenouchi, Masaaki Kurihara, Tai C. Chen, Toshiyuki Sakaki 9:00 – 1766. Withdrawn 9:30 – 1767. Cell death control molecules. Mikiko Sodeoka 10:00 – 1768. Targeting heterocyclic natural products at 4700 feet above sea level. Jon D. Rainier* 10:30 – 1769. Asymmetric total synthesis and structure-activity relationship of (-)deguelin as novel HIF-1␣ inhibitor. Young-Ger Suh*, Dong-Jo Chang, Hongchan An 11:00 – 1770. Toward a systematized approach of applying the information-rich content of natural products to chemical genomics. Daniel Romo* 7:30 – 1746. Engineering of enzymes for glycoside synthesis by design and by chance. Stephen G. Withers*, Amir Aharoni, Guangyu Yang, Jamie Rich, Hongming Chen, Roman Kitl, Susan Hancock, Natalie Strynadka 8:15 – 1747. Regio- and stereoselective lipase-catalyzed reactions on sugars and carbasugars. Manabu Hamada, Yuji Ueda, Nobuyuki Chishima, Jordi Calveras, Toshinori Higashi, Mitsuru Shoji, Takeshi Sugai* 9:00 – 1748. Whole-cell biotransformations with organic solvent-tolerant Kocuria rhizophila strain DC2201 in biphasic systems. Akinobu Matsuyama*, Eitaro Matsumura 9:45 – 1749. Recognition of remote chiral centers in the course of lipase-catalyzed resolution and its application to both enantiomers of TBMB acid. Toshinori Higashi, Chika Abe, Mitsuru Shoji, Takeshi Sugai* 10:10 – 1750. New recombinant Baeyer-Villiger monooxygenases from the camphor degradation pathway: Comparison of Type I and II BVMOs in organic synthesis. Peter C. Lau*, Hannes Leisch, Stephan Grosse, Helene Bergeron, Hiroaki Iwaki, Yoshie Hasegawa 10:35 – 1751. Actinobacteria, a treasure box of P450s: How we can use them in biocatalysis? Byung-Gee Kim*, Kwon-Young Choi, Nahum Lee, Chang-Min Sung, Da-Hae Jeong, Eun-Ok Chung 11:00 – 1752. Development of an efficient method for producing optically pure alcohols using an asymmetric hydrogentransfer biocatalysis: Application of engineered enzymes in a polar organic solvent-water medium. Nobuya Itoh*, Yoshihide Makino Hilton Coral V Total Synthesis of Natural Products and Related Compounds (#134) Organized by: K. Tanino, S.H. Kang, R. Williams Presiding: R. Williams Hilton South Pacific II Molecular Probes and Fluorophores for Cellular Imaging (#157) Organized by: C. Fahrni, Y. Chang, S. Kelley, K. Kikuchi Presiding: C. Fahrni 7:30 – 1771. In situ imaging of trace metals. Christoph Fahrni* 8:00 – 1772. Recent progress on fluorescent chemosensors and their applications for cellular imaging and zebrafish imaging. Juyoung Yoon* 8:30 – 1773. Fluorescent indicators for zinc ion based on 1,2,3-triazole coordination chemistry and heteroditopic ligand platforms. Lei Zhu* 8:50 – 1774. Development of caged-complexes for studying Zn2⫹ signaling and homeostasis. Shawn C. Burdette, Daniel P. Kennedy, Dhammika Bandara, Celina Gwizdala, Hannah Mbatia, Timothy Walsh, Daniel Brown, Elif Akin 9:10 – 1775. Two-photon fluorescent probes for dual color bioimaging. Hwan Myung Kim* 9:30 – 1776. Chemical approaches to studying the cell biology of metals by molecular imaging. Christopher J. Chang* 10:00 – 1777. Two-photon probes for bioimaging. Bong Rae Cho*, Chang Su Lim, Ji Hee Han, Min Young Kang 10:30 – 1778. Developing highly selective fluorescent sensors for the detection of peroxynitrite and hypochlorite in cells. Dan Yang*, Tao Peng, Zhen-Ning Sun, Hua-Li Wang 11:00 – 1779. Novel fluorescent probes for visualizing reactive oxygen species in the lipid membranes of live cells. Gonzalo Cosa*, Katerina Krumova Hilton South Pacific IV Boronic Acids: Synthetic and Biological Applications (#199) Organized by: B. Wang, P. Duggan, D. Hall, M. Suginome Presiding: B. Wang, E. Anslyn 7:50 Welcoming remarks 7:55 – 1780. Mechanistic studies on and uses of boronic acids. Eric V. Anslyn* 8:25 – 1781. Boronic acid based optical saccharide sensor: Continuous glucose sensing and beyond. Bakthan Singaram 8:55 – 1782. Divergent fluorescent response boronolectins for sugar acid sensing applications. Todd A. Houston*, Stephan M. Levonis, Milton J. Kiefel 9:25 – 1783. Wood protection properties of organic spiroborates. Peter Duggan*, Jenny Carr, David Humphrey, Edward Tyndall, James Platts 9:55 – 1784. Indicators combining covalent and supramolecular interactions to aid disease detection. Robert Strongin* 10:25 – 1785. Design and synthesis of boron containing novel heteroarotinoids to study Retinoic acid signaling pathways. Bhaskar C. Das*, Sabita Nayak, Seetaram Mohapatra, Philip D. Campbell 10:45 – 1786. Molecular imaging approaches to studying peroxide biology. Christopher J. Chang* 8:30 – 1789. Supramolecular chemistry based on arene-perfluoroarene interaction: Gel and liquid crystalline phase formation. Yuguo Ma*, Ben-Bo Ni, Huixian Wu 8:55 – 1790. Temperature-dependent change of extraction performance of soft cadmium(II) ion with TPEN-NIPA gel. Tetsuya Maekawa, Wataru Watanabe, Tatsuya Kida, Yuji Miyazaki, Yusuke Inaba, Atsunori Mori, Kenji Takeshita 9:10 – 1791. Multiple logic fluorescent switching copolymers. Zhiqian Guo, Weihong Zhu, He Tian 9:35 – 1792. Quad click! Construction of tetrakis(5-triazolylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TTzEN) as a selective chelating agent. Wataru Watanabe*, Tatsuya Kida, Tetsuya Maekawa, Yuji Miyazaki, Atsunori Mori, Yusuke Inaba, Kenji Takeshita 9:50 – 1793. Syntheses of novel water-soluble phthalocyanines and their aggregation behavior in aqueous and non-aqueous media. Hiroaki Isago*, Yutaka Kagaya, Harumi Fujita, Tamotsu Sugimori 10:10 – 1794. Electrostatic effects on the stability and kinetics of pseudorotaxanes. Jorge Tiburcio*, Anayeli P. Carrasco-Ruiz 10:30 – 1795. Molecular machine based on a U-shaped conformation of alkyl chains bound to a host. Young Ho Ko*, Ilha Hwang, Hyunuk Kim, Youngkook Kim, Kimoon Kim 10:50 – 1796. Design and synthesis of synthetic hydrogen bonded double helices. James A. Wisner* 11:10 – 1797. Molecular configuration for the methanol-water mixture in sub- and supercritical states via MD. Takumi Ono, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Taka-aki Hoshina, Masaki Ota, Yoshiyuki Sato, Hiroshi Inomata* Hilton Honolulu II Transition Metal Catalysis: Mechanism and Practice (#283) Organized by: K. Nozaki, J. Stryker, F.D. Toste Presiding: K. Nozaki 8:10 – 1798. Pd-catalyzed aerobic oxidative amination of alkenes: New catalysts, synthetic applications, enantioselective methods and mechanistic insights. Shannon S. Stahl* 8:45 – 1799. Palladium-catalyzed oxidative functionalization at the -position of alkyl ketones. Satoshi Ueno*, Ryohei Maeda, Ryoichi Kuwano 9:00 – 1800. Efficient synthesis of amines via hydroaminoalkylation and hydroamination with early transition metal catalysts. Philippa R. Payne*, Patrick Eisenberger, Laurel L. Schafer 9:15 – 1801. Access to molecular complexity via gold- and platinum-catalyzed carbocyclization of alkynes. Rai-Shung LIu* 9:50 – 1802. Alkyne metathesis: Catalyst design and synthetic applications. Jyothish Kuthanapillil, Qi Wang, Chenxi Zhang, Wei Zhang* Hilton Honolulu I Molecular Complex Systems: Reversible Aggregation/Disaggregation of Organic Molecules (#216) Organized by: M. Yamaguchi, B. Kim, D. Zhang Presiding: A. Zengian 7:50 – 1787. Reversible double-helix formation of ethynylhelicene oligomers. Masahiko Yamaguchi* 8:10 – 1788. Responsive molecular gels: Bridging the gap between rationale design and serendipity. Anne J. McNeil* * Principle Author Photographing of presentations and/or taping of talks is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the symposia organizers and individual presenters. Final Pacifichem 2010 program online at: http://pacifichem.abstractcentral .com/planner.jsp TECH–141 04-ORGN 10:05 – 1803. Highly modular P-OP ligands for asymmetric catalysis. Anton Vidal-Ferran*, Héctor Fernández-Pérez, José L. Núñez-Rico, Armen Panossian, Pablo Etayo 10:20 – 1804. New reaction pathways for organic synthesis: Mechanistically novel cyclization and ring expansion processes. Jeffrey M. Stryker* 10:55 – 1805. Chain-walking strategy for synthesis of cyclic organic molecules: Palladium-catalyzed cycloisomerization of 1,n-dienes. Takuya Kochi*, Yuka Aoyama, Junichi Kawasaki, Taro Hamasaki, Fumitoshi Kakiuchi Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Asymmetric Organocatalysis (#62) Organized by: K. Maruoka, L. Deng, L. Gong Presiding: K. Maruoka Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 1806. Asymmetric addition reactions using chiral phosphoric acids as a Brønsted acid-base bifunctional catalyst. Veda P. Billakanti, Wei Huang, Satoaki Onitsuka, Hiroshi Furuno, Junji Inanaga* 1807. Construction of contiguous quaternary stereocenters by intramolecular crossed benzoin reaction catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbene. Tadashi Ema*, Kumiko Akihara, Yoshitaka Oue, Yuki Miyazaki, Toshinobu Korenaga, Takashi Sakai 1808. C3-symmetric chiral trisimidazoline: Design and application to organocatalyst. Kenichi Murai*, Shunsuke Fukushima, Shoko Hayashi, Yusuke Takahara, Hiromichi Fujioka* 1809. Practical enantioselective synthesis of optically active 1,1-disubstituted tetrahydro--carbolines by phase-transfer-ctalyzed alkylation. Kun Liu, Seiji Shirakawa, Keiji Maruoka 1810. Development of direct asymmetric bromination reaction catalyzed by a binaphthyl-based amine. Fumitaka Shirozu, Taichi Kano, Keiji Maruoka 1811. Stereoselective construction of sevenmembered rings with an all-carbon quaternary center by direct Tiffeneau⫺Demjanov-type ring expansion. Yuki Naganawa, Takuya Hashimoto, Keiji Maruoka 1812. ␣-Chiral acetylenes having an all-carbon quaternary center: Phase transfer catalyzed enantioselective ␣ alkylation of ␣-alkyl-␣-alkynyl esters and ␣-alkynyl crotonates. Kazuki Sakata*, Takuya Hashimoto, Keiji Maruoka 1813. Enantioselective direct aldol reaction catalyzed by phosphine oxide. Shunsuke Kotani*, Masaharu Sugiura, Makoto Nakajima* 1814. Development of a base-free chiral phase-transfer reaction system. Seiji Shirakawa, Lijia Wang, Rongjun He, Keiji Maruoka 1815. Metal-free direct asymmetric aminoxylation of aldehydes catalyzed by a binaphthyl-based chiral amine. Taichi Kano, Haruka Mii, Keiji Maruoka* 1816. Stereoselective synthesis of trisubstituted aziridines with N-␣-diazoacyl camphorsultam. Hiroki Nakatsu, Takuya Hashimoto, Shogo Watanabe, Keiji Maruoka* 1817. Enantioselective inverse-electron demand 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of C,Ncyclic azomethine imines catalyzed by axially chiral dicarboxylic acid. Masato Omote, Takuya Hashimoto, Keiji Maruoka 1818. Catalytic enantioselective construction of all-carbon quaternary stereocenters by an organocatalytic Diels-Alder reaction of ␣-substituted ␣,-unsaturated aldehydes. Taiga Yurino, Youhei Tanaka, Kenta Osawa, Taichi Kano, Keiji Maruoka 142–TECH TECHNICAL PROGRAM 1819. Recyclable montmorillonite-entrapped N-(2-Thiophenesulfonyl)prolinamide for asymmetric aldol reaction. Noriyuki Hara*, Shuichi Nakamura, Norio Shibata, Takeshi Toru 1820. Direct asymmetric benzoyloxylation of aldehydes catalyzed by 2-tritylpyrrolidine. Sunhwa Song, Haruka Mii, Taichi Kano, Keiji Maruoka 1821. Organocatalytic asymmetric one-pot double Mannich reactions. Ryu Sakamoto, Yukako Yamaguchi, Taichi Kano, Keiji Maruoka 1822. Asymmetric allylation of arylaldehydes with allyltrichlorosilane by using chiral cyclohexanediamine derivatives as Lewis bases. Yuya Tanimura, Kaori Ishimaru* 1823. Highly enantioselective synthesis of ␣,␣-dialkylmalonates by direct ␣-alkylations of malonates. Suckchang Hong, Jihye Lee, Minsik Kim, Young Ju Lee, Sang-sup Jew, Hyeung-geun Park* 1824. Asymmetric nitro Michael addition and aldol reaction catalyzed by novel chiral azacrown ethers as organocatalysts. Mio Ueda*, Masato Nishitani, Kazushige Hori, Keita Tani 1825. E-selective monoacylation of 2-Alkylidenepropane-1,3-diols by PPY catalysts with functional chains. Keisuke Yoshida, Takumi Furuta, Takeo Kawabata 1826. Catalytic stereoselective aziridination of electron-deficient olefins using N-haloamides. Yuta Murakami, Satoshi Minakata* 1827. Synthesis of biaryl DMAP derivatives with an internal carboxylate. Reiko Nishino*, Takumi Furuta, Takeo Kawabata 1828. Direct aldol reaction promoted by trichlorosilyl triflate. Shohei Aoki, Shunsuke Kotani*, Masaharu Sugiura, Makoto Nakajima* 1829. Asymmetric synthesis of 3,4- and 2,3,4-substituted 1,4-dihydropyridines by using co-catalysts of Brønsted acid and aminothiourea. Kohzo Yoshida, Tsubasa Inokuma, Kiyosei Takasu, Yoshiji Takemoto* 1830. Asymmetric aldol reaction and related reactions using chiral phenoxide as a catalyst. Tomonori Ichibakase, Makoto Nakajima* 1831. Enantioselective double aldol reaction catalyzed by chiral phosphine oxide. Yasushi Shimoda, Shunsuke Kotani*, Masaharu Sugiura, Makoto Nakajima* 1832. Enantioselective catalytic allylation of N-acylhydrazones using a protonated chiral amine. Doo Ok Jang*, Sung Jun Kim 1833. New umpolung catalysts: reactivity and selectivity of fenchole-based lithium phosphonates in enantioselective benzoin type couplings. Anca Gliga*, Bernd Goldfuss 1834. Catalytic asymmetric formal [4⫹1] annulation leading to optically active cisisoxazoline N-oxides. Zugui Shi*, Guofu Zhong* 1835. Chiral Brønsted acid-catalyzed asymmetric Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction of indoles with ␣,-unsaturated ketones: Rapid access to optically active 2- and 3-substituted indole derivatives. Tsubasa Sakamoto, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 1836. Synthesis and properties of substituted 2,3-dihydro-4H-pyrimido[2,3b]benzothiazoles as acyltransfer catalysts. Baby Viswanbharan, Chikashi Matsuno, Sentaro Okamoto* 1837. Catalytic enantioselective reactions based on a Lewis base-catalyzed conjugate reduction of ␣,-unsaturated carbonyl compounds with trichlorosilane. Masaharu Sugiura*, Norimasa Sato, Mako Kumahara, Yuko Sonoda, Shunsuke Kotani, Makoto Nakajima* 1838. Stereoselective synthesis of nitrogencontaining compounds by a tandem C-C bond formation/reduction using Lewis base catalysts. Takeru Kashiwagi, Shunsuke Kotani, Masaharu Sugiura*, Makoto Nakajima* 1839. Organocatalytic enantioselective synthesis of nitrogen-substituted dihydropyran-2-ones, a key synthetic intermediate of 1-methylcarbapenems. Shoji Kobayashi*, Tatsuhiro Kinoshita, Hisatoshi Uehara, Tomoko Sudo, Araki Masuyama, Ilhyong Ryu 1840. Theoretical study of neutral Lewis base catalyzed allylation of aldehydes. Ken Sakata 1841. Development of a solid phase proline organocatalysis on gold nanoparticles. Haruo Yamada*, Tatsuya Arizono 1842. Synthetic approach of a tertiary amine containing [6]helicene for asymmetric catalysis. Kazuteru Usui*, Toshitaka Kogiso, Kosuke Yamamoto, Hiroshi Suemune* 1843. Enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation of indoles, pyrroles, and furans with trifluoropyruvate catalyzed by chiral phosphoric acid. Wataru Kashikura, Junji Itoh, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 1844. Asymmetric synthesis of tetra-substituted biaryl compounds by chiral phosphoric acid-catalyzed enantioselective bromination. Yuki Ichikawa, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 1845. Enantioselective Mannich-type reaction of aliphatic imine catalyzed by chiral phosphoric acid. Kohei Ogawa, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 1846. Chiral diamine-catalyzed asymmetric Robinson-type annulation application to the short synthesis of (⫹)-sporochnol A. Niiha Sasakura, Yogo Inokoishi, Hiyoshizo Kotsuki* 1847. Highly enantioselective phase-transfer catalytic mono-␣-alkylation of malonamic esters: Application to the total synthesis of (-)-paroxetine. Jiwon Park, Mi-hyun Kim, Young Ju Lee, Sang-sup Jew, Hyeung-geun Park* 1848. Enantioselective synthesis of sixmembered oxacycles via organocatalyzed oxa-Michael cyclizations. Andrew Duncan*, Michael Harris, Nicholas Babij, Charlotte Osborne, Craig Sather, Sarah Lindstrom, Rich G. Carter 1849. Highly enantioselective and diastereoselective [4⫹2]cycloaddition reaction of alpha,beta-unsaturated amide and alphachloroaldehyde catalyzed by N-heterocyclic carbene. Limin Yang, Guofu Zhong* 1850. Michael addition reaction of -ketoesters in water using DMAP-related organocatalysts. Kyungmin Ko, Maya Moritaka, Hiyoshizo Kotsuki* 1851. Organocatalytic 3⫹2 cycloaddition reactions. Fei Wang* 1852. Planar-chiral terpyridine N-oxide for catalytic asymmetric allylation of aldehyde. Norihiko Akutsu, Nobuhiro Kanomata* 1853. Enantio-selective epoxidation and aziridination via the Corey-Chaykovsky type reaction using a camphor-derived chiral sulfide mediator. Kota Shibuya, Noriki Kutsumura, Takao Saito* 1854. High-pressure organic chemistry: Chiral thiourea-catalyzed asymmetric hetero-Diels-Alder reaction of activated ketones. Kaori Mori, Tomoyuki Yamauchi, Hiyoshizo Kotsuki* 1855. Theoretical study on kinetic resolution in chiral phosphoric acid catalyzed Robinson-type annulation. Masaya Hoshino, Masahiro Yamanaka*, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* 1856. Asymmetric synthesis of optically active quaternary ␣-amino phosphonic acids. Masashi Hayashi, Shuichi Nakamura*, Yuichi Hiramatsu, Norio Shibata, Takeshi Toru 1857. Regioselective iodination of 2,2’-dimethoxy-1,1’-binaphthyl with N,N’-diiodo5,5-dimethylhydantoin catalyzed by Lewis acid. Makoto Sako, Hiroshi Shibaguchi, Toshiyuki Kamei, Toyoshi Shimada* 1858. Glucose-specific acylation with a nucleophilic organocatalyst via fine molecular recognition. Kenji Mishiro*, Wataru Muramatsu, Takumi Furuta, Takeo Kawabata 1859. Enantioselective Robinson-type annulation reaction catalyzed by a chiral phosphoric acid. Shinya Ichikawa, Takuya Katoh, Keiji Mori, Takahiko Akiyama* Convention Center Kamehameha Halls II and III Marine Natural Products: Isolation, Biology, Ecology, and Synthesis (#80) Organized by: J. Rainier, R. Anderson, M. Murata Presiding: J. Rainier Poster Session 10:00 – 12:00 1860. Novel long-chain polyamine (LCPA) associated peptides toxins from the sponge Axinyssa aculeata. Satoko Matsunaga, Mitsuru Jimbo, Martin B. Gill, Geoffrey T. Swanson, Ryuichi Sakai 1861. Anti-inflammatory meroterpenoids from the New Zealand ascidian Aplidium scabellum: Isolation, synthesis, and biology. Brent R. Copp*, Susanna T. Chan, Iman M. Khalil, David Barker, Jacquie L. Harper, Victoria L. Webb 1862. Bisebromoamide, a potent cytotoxic peptide from the marine cyanobacterium Lyngbya sp. Hiroaki Sasaki, Toshiaki Teruya, Kiyotake Suenaga* 1863. Determination of the absolute configurations of chiral amines by NMR method. Hiroki Fukui*, Yukiharu Fukushi 1864. Isolation and structure of a novel macrolide glycoside from the marine cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. Maho Morita, Toshiaki Teruya, Kiyotake Suenaga 1865. Phytochemical screening of Cyperus platycaulis for antituberculosis agents: Part II. Echeme O. JohnBull*, Muluh E. Khan 1866. Anti-inflammatory activity of furan fatty acid. Toshiyuki Wakimoto, Ikuro Abe* 1867. Synthetic study of biselides A and B. Yosuke Satoh*, Dai Kawamura, Yumi Ochiai, Masashi Yamaura, Ichiro Hayawaka, Hideo Kigoshi 1868. Total synthesis of auripyrones A and B by using a novel diastereoselective aldoltype reaction of a 4-pyrone. Takuma Takemura, Emi Fukasawa, Yuta Ebihara, Natsuki Sato, Takayasu Nakamura, Kiyotake Suenaga, Ichiro Hayakawa, Hideo Kigoshi* 1869. Isolation and structure elucidation of bioactive compounds from Sada Cape. Makoto Kuramoto*, Yoshitaka Yokoo, Norimichi Miyake, Hidemitsu Uno 1870. Exploration of skeletal structure-activity relationships of gambierol. Yuto Suga, Tomomi Goto, Yuya Ogata, Haruhiko Fuwa, Makoto Sasaki* 1871. Biselyngbyaside, a macrolide glycoside from the marine cyanobacterium lyngbya sp. Toshiaki Teruya*, Hiroaki Sasaki, K
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- BSc 1981 Chemistry with French,
University of Surrey, England.
- Doctorat ès Sc 1984, Supervisor DHR Barton
Université de Paris XI, Orsay, France.
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