t]trsNti1` rltIHNIls
t]trsNti1` rltIHNIls
l! ,. l" it i,t ilri 4:15 p.m. - MakCala Lanai .lt,itt trrLl:. ,\rrl.ini'rrliltra fo ii;u'ir rurria itlrt,Lrt;ili tlr. l.',ntlclfLrlolliorr:1',,ii h,ir. rillrlc :1a-i'i1tg it't \,rLrr 1rc\1']la1c. L-'nc]c o1 n'ili itrttorlLrcc rr'ou 1o lltu Crrnrfil'c Ro.r' to.irtru \L)ir cvrr)'tlrlng Airlani iricnJ: ttrirl ]:r'errortc is u'iiitiug tir:a),, 'Alo1ta, 11 IIanirii.trt 1l:rvitirtirrlr alrtl ilrc 1r;rr L:!-:crrrl to otl.'i... .rn.l rl.1L. a ltti'nt'u gl61u1t trr Atr]:itri:" 7:llLl a.m. - 1l:00 a.m. Ii.... t,,l:,,t.. lir( ')r):)r:( r:(...i Cor:rc jtrirr \()l)rc ()f J()rlr 1;rvoritc Lli.ner I-i'itrr.1: a. thcl' ccicbiatc the liak:,hrki tc>tii a1 rg2 11v1 1lrf lrlrllrrir'. i\ur.rt\' rrclc,rnrc,. rolr as her 'ohana ri hcrc t -r'orr'11 .lisc.,r e ir thl. ILrn-iilleJ l.r.aLfa.i, r :rrug:, r].urCuS antl actilitic:, a11 ce lcbratir.rs l.caLrtiiirl Ile,irr'ai'r. Sirar.c an ".\1oir,'r" air,l :r plrtrttr u ith \iicker' \,1trusc. iirlJ cltj()\'rrthcr L)i.rtc)' Clrar.rct.r. \\'a)- t() -\t.lrt irs lhci' jotrt ur lhc hrtll 'I hcrc'c 1I(r hcilr: SEPTEMBER 4, 2011 Srrnli:u: \\. (-.:16 a.nr. ,rl,tr. )il;itt\ Tr.lc.: j Srrr.rs.r, (1;'{f p.nr - ] I: (t0 Ij: l0:ll a.irt. F L: :i J: L: 6:27 p.nr. 1' 1,iul cia\ than $rth fhe trtrpica1 Jeliglrt. trtrnr flrt' \lakahiLi IlLrltrt Rc:iaLrr.rlrI at Atriani. 9:00 a.m. - 1l:00 p.m. t]trsNti1' rltIHNIls h.{ F.H'I" A }- I} Ci}"t1HTS Stitch 8:45 a.m. & 12:15 p.r'n. 'Lri a t,l \\/,irk,rlohc \'al1.t kf {}'(}T-iri-L} l;lRlr s'r{} tiY'ri* i. i. i 5{} }li l' iii., anti cololtrrl \tr)r\' r)l Arriarri i. l.r,.Lreht t.r 12:30 p.m. 1.1'Iinclt. trarlitir)l)-. tlra.t havc lrr ccl r,n a\ the\ arc l:r'r1o1 t1rt'ar. o1,-l \/allc1' trtll| tL) 1i1i :t,.,tia: r'ttt.i lr rrr,leJ.i(rnrt ir()rtt tLirLI,rIi'\rl guncr?1ti()i]... an.1 Keiki Hula tlre rrch 'liu :r trl \\/aikt,loh.' \/allur' Mickey, Minnie & Goofy l:tl0 p.m. - 'Bn'a trt \\hii.:oloirc' 10:45 a.m. Stitch has taught the Professor how to make his super secret super messy space goo and he wants to teach YOU too! 5:15 p.m., 7:45 p.m., 9:00 p.m. & 9:45 p.rn. The Circle of Alac'Ula Fire Pit Iqilite J lry thr' $'ari]lth oi thc Mickey & Minnie Stitclt's Space Goo keiki lriendly huia moves lo dance your day awav. 1,) Surfs up! With Chip and Dale \'()tl. * 6:00 p.m. Mickey J:LlO p.nt. 2:00 p.m. Learn the 'Aml hip roll and more into Aunty's House fbr a North Shorc stlle party. Fun games, ttnitltte Sr-rrf -'bu a .rf \\'aik,,i<rhe V:r11.'y Aloha Fun! With Disney Friends 12:30 p.rn. & 5:00 p.m. Rainborv Reef Lanai Pool side Ircel th.' \rarrr) trofir'.rl \lur :ri \'()lr ir]:r! aloitg u ith 511119 fi511., l.ricilti: ttr :illr.li l'ir:lit al,r-lal 6:45 p.m. - Makaloa Garden (iatirci :tt sulrsct on thc ia\\'n \i'herc I rrc]. an.l iri. l,'111.1, lrllll(rril:, furl,\l't)l crafts and a delicious surf,inspired .t LIarraiian chattt to rrclc,rtue thc niaht arrti tl-rc spccial ruagic , \r r i,utr Jinner are all a part ofthe fun. The evening ends with a special appearance bv Chp and Dale as thev host a dance party! that c\'!'lliltg britlg. ttr . " pnEt,ttut,,i EXFERIENCE AT ADDITtO^rAL CHARGE Af,lD RFSERyAI/OivS REQUIRED LNXIVAI AND ADVENTURES 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Holoholo Tours & Tiavels Desk Whatever services y'ou cltoose, yodll experience a journey that coturects Exctrrsions are a fantastic way to open the yorr with relaxation. We invite yotl to door to all that's magical about Hawaii. At by Disney Explorer packages. Families will enjoy outings specially designed to engage like Vitality Batlxi. Herbal Pools aud six both aduls and children. Visit the Holoholo unique Waterfall Rain Showers. Disney Excursions and multi-day Adventures I]REA K L'AST MakahikiBuffet 7,00 a.m. - 1l:00 a.m. The'Olelo Room 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. C ontilnnl B re akfa t only Aulani telephone. Book today! LLINCH l.i, t i i il,i AMAAMA One - 11:30a.m. Paddle, 1l:00 a.m. - Ienai Makahiki l1:30 a.m. 8:00 p.m. - Desk for a complete list of excursions and to book your advennrre. Yorr can also reach the Holoholo desk by dialing 6320 from any j.1,{, a.li t :'l."fl 3:00 p.m. Grill Out DINNER Buffet !(iaikele Center. Shuttles trips run on Laniwai. It's all here. Rcccivc an Aulani, a Disncy Rcsort Dning 6:00 a.m. . Papalua Shave Ice 11:00 a.m. Rip Swirl Yogurt I l:00 a.m. . Poolside Service 9:00 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. LOUNGES Wailana Pool Bar 9:00 a.m. - . enjoy Painted Sky Lounge, reserved Fanrily Suites invite everyone to SNACK OTHER OPTIONS even Ala Moana Centre, DFS Galleria, and KALEPA'S SPECIAL PURCHASE OFFER {N and so rnuch rnore. Teens can exclusively for them. And our separate Holoholo desk from T:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. herbal body rernedies, skin care, the Shop some of the finest areas on the island - 10:00 p.m. 'AMAAMA 5:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Private }t, Tiresday, Thursday', and Saturday. Makahiki Experience olre of our irnmersive Signature Tl.rerapies, lnassage therapies, salon, our state-oithe-art {itness center 3:00p.m. Departs 8:30 a.m. Returns 5:30 p.m. Two Paddle indulge in Kula \Vai, a 5,000*quarefoot or-rtdoor hydrotherapy garden thads yours to enjoy befbre or after yotlr spa services. Here, you'll luxrrriate in things Atrlani, we offer excltrsive Adventures by DINING ^ea?* 8:@ a.m. .8:0O p.m. Tours of the Spa are available 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.rn. enjory .- i at 'i I I I I t & Spa Tote for $19.95 with any merchandise purchase of $60 or more and/or an Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa Woven Throw for $29.95 with any merchandise purchase of $100 or more. i .t 7:00 a.m. .l ,.1 .t .,1 - Off the Hook I l:00 a.m. l2:00 a.m. The 'Olelo Room 5:00 p.m. . 1l:00 p.m. GUEST SERVICES Front Desk 24 hours Concierge 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Guest Serc,i.fes is also auailnbb.by dialiltg"0" ffr?ttir?r in-roun telephone 24 hours a dq. A DAYFULL OF AULANI EXPERIENCES .OHANA HANA Activities KEIKI 'OPIO Youth Children Family Parenttl consent Parcnrnl srrpcrt,isiorr rs re4rircd during aII'ohana acti,t,itie s FISH FEEDING VIEWING xquied for teens and i TEENS CHILLAX TOTAL BODY CIRCUIT AloliltrJoes Eeoch ts rucens to Parricipdtr. Po'rrei Sly Spc Reniols XBOX DANCE STITCH'S SPACE ;'tL'rr7s MEET & GREET STICH '-rrc ol Woikolohe Volby GOO tr.L':c 6c'o;t i i TEMPORARY TATTOOS * TASTY HIALTHY TREATS la:*e1 Sly Spa AUNTY'S BEACH HOUSE FUN Aunly's Beoch llouse BLEND WITH AN EXPERT Po,nleC * -\ly Spo KEIKI HULA AlnL: Seoch 'cuse TEEN DOWNLOAD fr:l:rie:/.Slv soo LEI MAKIAIG CRAFT Sf,RISS MEE'I & GREET MICKEY Pau Haro Room 'E*a of Woil'ahheVolby nousEruN- LOHA FUN! WITHDISNEY I , Roinbow R*f Lono! Pcolslde I TEENTSLANDBEACHCHALLENGE /rleet Al Po,ried Sly Spo TWEEN HAWAIIAN CRAFTS MO'OLELO FIRE PIT STORYTELLING Pirr Hcno ['oor fhe Crtie o{ AJoelJlo TEEN UKULELE Fc.r/er 5ly Spo ] .IMILOANAHOKU EXPLORETHESTARS Pau SURI'S UP! wITH cHIP,N DALE 4r'"t.rFeo:lllouie * * Hano RNm MO'OLELO FIRE PIT STORYTELLING The Cirle ol Aiae'Ula TWEEN'IMI LOA NA HOKU* Auoty s Beoch * pREhiluM EXZERTENCE AT ADDtnoNAL ;HARGE AND RESERyATlo/vs REeujRED llou* HAWATTAN {}{:h.A N AIIVhltJl''t.l Rli$ 10:00 a.m.. 2:00 p.m. E4AKA'IK A'I: Makiki Joe's Beach Rentals Ii F.iAT" t.rRF. ;\ N l) WII-I}LI i.'}i OF AT]I,ANI T'II 9:00 a.m. Enjoy ar.rd sail the Hawai'i seas with Harvaiian Ocean Adventures sailing canoe. Maka'ala - 'I&4tr Learn about the Hawaiian culttrre and \{1.'\'r,rI:,\ }!1...4nl_ LY'{..i1,t A L?V 1:,b,.1"t.i 2?" 3, .T' Z?" /:\ 1t grounds. This guided rvalking totrr led ., Help Aunry tliscover the enchantment and mischief of the Menehture all throughotrt the \Taikolohe Vallel: Be sure to venture out humrrhun-runtrkunr.rkuapua'a and other native Tweens meet at Aunty's Beach House species rvith your i TT\t designed iust for Atrlani. Painted Sky Spa Aulani ohana. j I5{:{}\'}1?t "z - }: Sl"r\}?S * plants to kukui mrts, frorn stingra's to on this this trniclue, interactive experience TY'HT{ I5l,'\7u\3 Til:. ACtl cH A 1."1 .tl?;*Tt -f'}tr 8:00 p.m.'ohana, 9:00 p.m. adult Meet in the Pau Hana Room & 10:00 p.m. Tween b1' a Disney Host rvill take yot, from canoe 10:00 a.m. . 4:00 p.m. Pau Hana Room 3:45 p.m. IiX Ill.{ }ll }i stories that inspired the beauty of tl.re resort r- I.{}\ NA }}(}"${{l A{.-r 11,i3trliG {}Tq 1 " Ah Reserlctions Reqdred This evening progranl provides guests of tr : all ages with an in-deprh look at the stars. ti. 9n3 1""'{q.1"T {}I: y"4 AL , t27.,4 A'AIii A 10:00 a.m. .4;00 p.m. guests Pau Hana Room gaining a deeper understanding of ancient Thke a behind-the-scenes torrr on the green Polynesian navigation. Facilitated by a local asrronomical expert, 11 will peer deep into the heavens throrrgh high pouered telescopes rvhile design and constnrctiorl of Aulani narrated by Teens experience a thrilling time on the heach, u'here they will hrri on a nrlrsion to Joe Rohde, lead Have your visit to Aulani captured by a Walt Disney Imagineer. Disney's PhotoPass Photograpl'rer. Pick compete and battle in several challelges up a Disney's PhotoPass Card from the and games while having funl first Disney's PhotoPass Photographer TWEI:I{ HA\VAl}AN 1:30 p.m. CRA }iTS A totally hip surfer poolside party with 4:30 p.m. - Pau Hana Room - yolr encounter. Simply present yotrr card Waikolohe Pool each time you encounter a Photographer throughotrt your siay. To view your photos strrprise Disney Friends to join the entire Hang with our yotrth cor.rnselors for a uniclue 'ohana in the pool lbr a splashing good and make a purchase, visit Kalepa's Store tinel near the lobby or go online to Disr.rey crafting session and lots of fun! PhotoPass.com. 7:00 a.m. - Makiki Joes'Beach Rentals Enjoy the beautiful sunrise as Waikolohe Valley you inrprtrve yoLrr See health, mental awareness, and balance with the Hawaiian sea life up.close at Rainbow Ree{ the only private snorkeling lagoon art ofyoga. on O'ahu. Snorkel amongst tropical fish forrnd around Hawai'i, including angel fish, butterfly fish and rangs. You can sray dry 11:00 a.m. - Makiki Joe's Beach Renrals Fun and dynamic interval iraining, in and out water of the beautifirl lagoons of Ko 'olina. and view the colorful marine life through the glass of VIEIV FISFI ]::IIEI}I}$GI* 8:00 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. * - '' Rainbow Reef windor.l'. Reservatiolu Re4uired """' *- r\ Y ,, S$ RESERVATIONS REQUIRED PREM'UM EXPERIENCE ATADDIIIONAL CHARGE AND