Kauhale Newsletter - Ka Honua Momona, Intl.
Kauhale Newsletter - Ka Honua Momona, Intl.
“‘A‘ohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia. No task is too big when done together by all” (‘Olelo No ‘eau, #142) Kauhale Project JULY 25, 2011 KA HONUA MOMONA A Dream Come True… Hana Students Collaborate with Molokai Youth to Build Sustainable Project Kaunakakai, Molokai (July 21, 2011)—Students of Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike (MKH), the Hana School Building Program, took their show on the road last week, traveling to Moloka‘i to help nonprofit Ka Honua Momona (KHM) build their Kauhale project, which includes a learning center/office, restrooms and traditional hale at their fishponds restoration site. MKH executive director Rick Rutiz and 15 Hana youth arrived on Moloka‘i by boat on Sunday, July 10, with their tool belts and solar truck, ready to work. Hana youth were joined by 25 Moloka‘i youth with interest in community service and construction. The Hana youth, led by Russell Stoner, James Freudenberg-Pu, and Lyman Diego, acted as mentors to the other student builders. In just 7 days, they constructed a 772-square-foot office and a 140-square-foot solar bathhouse and restroom facilities, and began work on the traditional hale at Ali‘i Fishpond. A li q u a m s e d le c tu s a c n ib h u lt r ic e s r u tr u m ? Raising Buildings, Building Youth 40 Youth 7 Days 3 Buildings 1 Unforgettable Experience vMailing Address: PO Box 482188 Kaunakakai, HI 96748v10 Mohala Street, Suite 202, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 vPhone:(808) 553-8353 vFax:(808) 553-8353 vEmail: [email protected] vwww.kahonumomona.org The Moloka‘i ‘ohana, led by Uncle Timmy Leong, Uncle Mervin Dudoit, Kauwila Hanchett, and Travis Ritte included numerous local carpenters and masons who generously gave their time to share their mana‘o with our kids. Making an Impact on our Community For the 8 years KHM has been in existence restoring two 15th-century fishponds, they’ve lacked appropriate facilities for their programs. KHM began planning its Kauhale several years ago. With a 35year lease on their site from the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands and grants from the Bill Healy Foundation, the Atherton Family Foundation, and the Hau‘oli Mau Loa Foundation, Ka Honua Momona was finally able to move ahead with their building project. The construction of these facilities will provide KHM with the spaces needed to continue and grow its service to the Molokai community. In keeping with its mission “to be a model of sustainability mauka a makai,” KHM chose to build as green as possible, using a Deltec home package that features energy-efficient design and sustainably harvested lumber, as well as applying green building design and purchasing green building whenever possible. What makes this project Green? ü ü ü ü ü ü ü 100% Soar Construction Energy-Efficient Design Natural Lighting Passive Cooling Composting Toilets Greywater Recycling System Water Efficient - Saves over 60,000 gallons of water annually ü Solar Hot Water and PV Systems ü Sustainable Building Materials ü Low or No VOCs ü 45% Carbon Footprint Reduction ü Youth-Led Construction Molokai Hospitality Due to the heat, youth worked 7am-11:30am each day, then went holoholo to swim, dive, and surf; returning to work 3pm7:30pm, before being invited to someone’s home or a lu‘au to eat food caught locally for the group, such as crab and deer meat. The Moloka‘i ‘ohana took care of the Maui team with tremendous aloha, and the more they showed their appreciation, the harder Hana youth worked—working well into the pa‘ina on the last night, making sure the roof was up and the building’s structure was solid. Ka Honua Momona International v Mohala PO Box Kaunakakakai, HI 96748553-8353 vMailing Address: PO Box 482188 Kaunakakai, HI 96748v10 Street,482188 Suite 202, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 vPhone:(808) vFax:(808) 553-8353 vEmail: [email protected] vwww.kahonumomona.org v Phone/Fax: (808) 553-8353 v www.kahonuamomona.org Our Traditional Hale In Their Own Words Twenty youth from the Moloka‘i Youth Center (MYC) were also involved in the Kauhale Project—they tackled the daunting task of gathering heavy ironwood logs for the traditional hale, debarking and soaking the logs prior to construction. MYC youth gained community service experience, hands-on learning, and pride. The youth from the Molokai Youth Center will continue to work with KHM in constructing our 400 square feet traditional hale. Justin Avelino is leading the hale project under the direction of cultural expert Uncle Francis Sinenci of Hana, Maui. “If we had one program like this on Moloka‘i, it would be a benefit for all the Moloka‘i youth. I like the camaraderie of it— choke hands come help. (Kian Phillips, Moloka‘i).” “It's good to take pride in your work because there’s other people that appreciate all the things you’re doing. (Kalani Tolentino, Hana).” “Makes me feel proud I building something for people, doing something with my life. (Hoe Cosma, Hana)” “I’ve never seen this level of confidence, skill, passion, and work ethic in this age level before.” Kauwila Hanchett, Executive Director, Ka Honua Momona “The aloha our kids experienced on Moloka‘i was amazing. It inspired them to work harder, to give more,” Rick Rutiz, Executive Director, Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike. MKH’s Solar Workshop On Wheels Hana youth remove plywood coverings from the six solar panels atop their solar truck that powered the construction site with green power. MKH youth were also able to ship over all of their tools in the solar truck. Young Brothers donated shipping of the solar truck. [Type text] [Type text] vMailing Address: PO Box 482188 Kaunakakai, HI 96748v10 Mohala Street, Suite 202, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 vPhone:(808) 553-8353 vFax:(808) 553-8353 vEmail: [email protected] vwww.kahonumomona.org A Dynamic Collaboration By bringing Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike to another island, youth leaders on Moloka‘i were able to experience hands-on how a building program like this works, while Hana youth experienced the remarkable aloha of a community welcoming them with open arms. Ma Ka Hana Ka ‘Ike is now in its 12th year as a hands-on construction skills training program for atrisk youth in Hana, Maui. Their mission is to provide youth with a way to learn that makes sense to them, that builds their self-esteem and shows them they have the power to change their future. They can be reached at www.hanabuild.org Mahalo Nui Loa! To the many hands and hearts that made this project possible… Mahalo to our youth builders – your skill, confidence and hard work turned our vision into reality! MA KA HANA KA ‘IKE: (HANA) James Freudenberg-Pu, Russell Stoner, Lyman Diego, Kalani Tolentino, Kieven Nakamura, Likeke Carvalho, Mikyla Thomas, Steven Cosma, Kili Koma Momoa, Aukai Lopez, Makena Keiley, Jessie Silva-Olivera, John Kahalehoe (the third), Isaiah Pu-Akima, (MOLOKAI) Kian Phillips, Kainalu Purdy, Kaio Kalawe, Kapono Acasio, Kevin Dudoit (Led by Rick Rutiz). MOLOKAI YOUTH CENTER: Carlos Xbarbo, Nilu Aki, Preston Kaho'okano, Kamanu Kaho'okano, Namaka Puaa, Mana Mokiao, Vicky Mokiao, Star Dudoit, Tyler Santiago, Pulama Paleka, Kalawai'a Paleka, Apelila Tongonan (Led by Travis Ritte and Alii Kaholokula). Mahalo to the professionals who freely shared of their time and talent when we most needed it. Uncle Timmy Leong, Junior Kalawe, Eugene Spencer & Nelson Rapanot. Mahalo to our funders – your generous support made this project possible. Bill Healy Foundation (Diane Hall, Marc Cramer), Atherton Family Foundation (Pamela Funai), Hauoli Mau Loa Foundation (Janis Reichmann and Brant Chillingworth). Mahalo to the many businesses and organizations that contributed to this project. Deltec Homes Inc. (Mark Morales, Kerry Watkins, Kevin Adams, David Hall, & Joe Schlenk), Young Brothers (Kealoha Hoe, Leonora, Kauvei, Nikki & Ipo), Panacea (John Hanchett, Susan and Chip Scarlett), Reuse Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani Children’s Center (Kekama Helm and Barbara Kalipi), Go!Mokulele (Gail Glushenko), Chris and the team at Honsador, Atlas Building Supply (Roxanne), HonuBoard (Ellaine and Gailen), Linda Taylor Engineering (Rod and Linda Taylor), Architectural Drafting (Luigi Manera, Rob Stephenson), ProDraft (Robert Robinson), Makoa Trucking (Chris), Mike’s Catering (Michelle and ‘Ohana), Molokai Visitor’s Association, Alpha Electric (George). Mahalo to the following individuals and departments for their help in navigating the permitting process. The Land Management Division and the Planning Division of the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Nancy McPherson and the Molokai Planning Commission, Anthony Fukuoka, Kalola Kaulili of the Maui County Permitting Department, and Daryll Aea of the Department of Transportation – Highways Division. Mahalo to our Community Members –Kalawe ‘Ohana, Sui Walker and Cookie Ritte, Patricia and Chris Hammond, Scarlett and Kailana Ritte-Camara and ‘Ohana, Mike and Carla Hanchett, Bill Domingo, Ron Davis and Uncle Mac Poepoe, Jerzy Kokurewicz. vMailing Address: PO Box 482188 Kaunakakai, HI 96748v10 Mohala Street, Suite 202, Kaunakakai, HI 96748 vPhone:(808) 553-8353 vFax:(808) 553-8353 vEmail: [email protected] vwww.kahonumomona.org
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