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AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 Primary Editor: Paul L. “The Wolf” Emerson Articles and Interviews: Paul L. “The Wolf” Emerson Art and Images: Cover: Pawel Czarnecki Other: Pawel Czarnecki(http://www .clanwolf .ws/graphics/pawel) Page 2, “Weake n Up the Defense ” Artist Logo. Page 14, MekTek Mek Pak Stalker. Page 29, Marauder Hunting, Sriram Thodla, 1996. Various on-line and unknown sources (please see disclaimers in the submissions section if there is a problem) This publication is a FREE, completely gratis, work of the BattleTech Community and Armageddon Unlimited, Wolf Family Mercenary Units, LLC. Any expressions or opinions contained herein are the sole expressions and opinions of the authors of the various articles and not, necessarily, those of the producers of this EZine. Volume I, Issue 3 December, 2003 - February, 2004/02.01.68 Table of Contents 02 Opening Volley 03 The GrapeVine 05 BattleROMs New Blood – The Birth and Life of David Wolf, the second 05 06 commander of the Wolf Family Mercenary Units, LLC, and hailed as the greatest commander the unit ever had. Equal Opportunity Destroyers – Under Colonel David Wolf’s command, the WFMU, LLC, became so well known and steeped in heroism and honor that the unit became rough equals to the more famous mercenary units. Also, during this time, EOD continued to grow to three times the size David’s father had ever envisioned, let alone hoped for. 07 07 07 11 16 20 20 Bio-Feedback Intel. 23 25 25 27 28 Event Calendar Parting Shot New Submissions Guide Advertisements Unit/Resource Listings The Mech WarFare League for MegaMek IS3025(aka – Project: Jenner) Updated Operations Manual for Armageddon Unlimited BattleTales “Dragon vs. PPC” Part 1 – The now aging Jeremiah Wolf is set for a mission on Fellanin II versus a Draconis Combine th Training Cadre; unfortunately, it’s only as backup to the 77 Tactical Mech Battalion. BattleTech, MechWarrior, MechWarrior Dark Age, WizKids Games LLC, Fantasy Productions, Cyberlore, and any other entities, writers and/or artists involved with the vast BattleTech and MechWarrior franchises are ©® same. Nothing contained herein is designed to challenge any copyrights or registered trademarks of said companies. All rights reserved. Used without permission. -1- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 OPENING VOLLEY 020104/ 020168 Welcome to the third issue of Argent Fire magazine. This is a kind of a tough endeavor to pursue time after time, but I would hope all of you are getting something good out of this; it’s only worth it if you are. I know it’s fun to share the BattleTech community, as a whole, with the rest of the community. All too often we get ourselves stuck in a single league or a single game and are unable to find our way out of it; I’m not saying that is, necessarily, a bad thing, but I am saying it’s a good idea to keep your options open. After all, there are dozens of excellent ideas for MODs of BattleTech and improvements to the existing computer games, and it would be a shame to miss out on something you might really enjoy. Well, this section is where we’re supposed to face issues concerning this E-Zine as well as addressing future possibilities for the BattleTech community. So, let me start with a concern I’ve been met with by a few people, including myself. The formatting of the E-Zine’s first two issues was not conducive to being able to read them on-line, let alone printing them. There was no judicious use of white space whatsoever and, I’ll admit, it was the wrong approach to making an E-Zine happen. Hence, I have gone back and completely reformatted the first two copies of AF to resemble this one, and future issues, more. There is plenty of white space on the margins for your enjoyment, and there are a few more pics to go in here as well. I am going to attempt to learn how to make Publisher work right for me, and then I’ll be able to put in sweet little margin notes and middle-page close-ups, then this E-Zine will be in the right shape, I think. However, for the time being, this format should suffice just fine. Anyway, check out the first two issues again, you might like to read them fresh for the second time. ϑ Next comes the formatting of this E-Zine itself. Boy, I could sure use some decent border graphics for the top, bottom and sides, perhaps something easy to modify for dates and issue name so it might be used again in other issues of this E-Zine. As well, I could use some BattleTech based art in general, and of course, as many articles as you folks would like to crank out. Wouldn’t hurt my feelings to not have to do all of the writing for each issue. Perhaps some good page backgrounds I can place in as watermarks might be helpful for those pages with far too much white space but aren’t really designed to support more than exists at present. Alright, the submission guidelines for this E-Zine are changing as well, hopefully for the better, and you can find those guidelines at the back of this E-Zine, just before the standard advertisements and page links. Speaking of page links, if you don’t find yours there, feel free to email it to [email protected] and we’ll get it, put it in the next issue. On top of the submission guidelines, the E-Zine itself is going to change to become more free-form, less rigid; oh, the familiar articles are going to be there as they have been, and will likely stay in following issues. However, we will be fitting articles in between the standard articles you receive each issue, and it will help to break up the regular view of the E-Zine, we hope. Now, folks, this E-Zine is your E-Zine, it’s your information about the BattleTech community, and it’s your way to communicate with others in the BattleTech community as well, especially concerning the status of your MOD, your unit, or if you’re looking for players or a group to game with in your local area. Bring on the information, and let us sort it out. The more information I get, though, the more help I’m going to need. By -2- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 writing your article, piece of news, or war story, in a text file with proper spelling and formatting, you can help me to get it into the E-Zine quickly. Go on, there’s nothing wrong with the judicious use of your spell-checker, folks; go on, no one’s looking. ϑ Alright, onto the future of this E-Zine and the BattleTech universe. As articles come in to AF the magazine will feature them and get larger and/or be produced more often; all of that is up to you, folks. Regardless, I need help to keep this thing running now. I don’t want money, just time and articles, and it doesn’t have to come from any one person; a crew would be best. If you have an article, a piece of art or a story you would like to see featured here, please do? As for the future of the BattleTech universe and things taking place in this issue of AF, just take a look at the MODs that are around. I can only speak for myself in this when I say that IS3025, Inner Sphere Wars, and the Mech War Fare League look to be smokin’. Yes, the MODs and the league may be some time in coming, but they are being developed at a relatively steady pace, and I think we’ll be able to expect something very soon concerning them. As for the Mech War Fare League and IS 3025, I have asked for interviews from the head admins of those organizations to share some things about them that may keep the interest of our BattleTech Community on its toes. Hopefully I will be able to publish them in this issue of Argent Fire. Finally, Argent Fire now has a way to subscribe to receive news about issues, requests for submissions of articles, art, and stories, and we would like you to sign up because, more than likely until I get some help, I will advertising this E-Zine every six months instead of each issue. Now, if I have some help by you subscribing to the Argent Fire Mailing List, and you tell your friends to check us out and they subscribe, it will selfperpetuate and I won’t have to worry about advertising at all, so I too can enjoy the various mods in existence. Anyway, if you go to http://www.wolvesau.net/ArgentFire you’ll see the paragraph at the top explaining what you need to do to subscribe for the EZine. Enjoy, folks. ~The Wolf THE GRAPEVINE AU has had its hard times pretty recently, with the fall of our most recent command staff to things beyond anyone’s control and the loss of a couple of friendships because of hard to understand, and harder to implement, concepts. The concepts themselves aren’t the impossibility, it is the mountain which must be climbed in order to achieve what those concepts mean. Unfortunately, our old command staff didn’t have the desire to do that, so they and most of Armageddon Unlimited went to form their own unit. The loss is great, but not impossible to recover from. Indeed, we already have a couple of new members and we’re rebuilding a little bit at a time. Armageddon Unlimited began as a small unit in the BattleTech universe and eventually grew in stature and Dragoons Rating, although that was over the course of nearly fifteen years of real time. Now, especially with the advent of play on the internet, Armageddon Unlimited is going through growing pains again. Just like the original unit, we will succeed beyond anyone’s dreams and grow to be a popular portion of the community, just as it begins to really die out, I’m sure, hehe. -3- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 Members of Armageddon Unlimited will be participating in the Mech War Fare League under the guise of House Kurita for MegaMek. We already have more members for the DC side of the house than we do for basic AU; that’s okay, as long as we can play it doesn’t matter. While AU has been on hiatus, in fact, I have been working on other projects such as my Aliens play by email game and all of the requisite tech that goes with it, and I have been designing a new RPG based in an alternate BattleTech future with anthropomorphics and Robotech-style Mecha based on BattleTech premises. I think it might be pretty good, but it’s going to take a while to get the whole thing down. With the hiatus, as well, much of the unit, such as it is, has been busy with their own projects and none of the stories on our forum have advanced. One of these days I’ll get an opportunity to liven them up again, but it may not be for some time coming. IS3025 is working very hard to get their first beta-testing ready for us finicky BattleTech community consumers to eat it up, but it may yet be a few months in coming. Patience, grasshopper, it’ll come. Inner Sphere Wars, despite recent site issues related to server and forum problems, as well as two people dropping out of sight on them – thereby leaving much of the programming of the game to be re-done, it would seem the ISW community is still thriving and chomping at the bit for the open beta gladiatorial and lance combat to be released for testing sometime in the near future. I don’t give any time limits here because the admins and designers themselves are trying to keep from being kicked in the pants for giving a time and not being able to meet their own deadline. Therefore, I am not interested in giving them any further problems by trying to squeeze anything more than a general timeline out of them. Were I to do that I would, perhaps, succeed in making one of their heads explode due to all the programming issues they’re trying to meet as it is, as well as a rampant community dying to play some real, or as close to real as possible, BattleTech. Soon, my children, soon. BattleCorps.com, it would appear, has gone Tango Uniform on us. I have tried multiple times to get an answer from them concerning the community of BattleTech writers, to no avail. Who knows, perhaps Argent Fire will start a fiction section where we can post your stories and, perhaps, we can eventually start paying for those stories as well. No author gets rich overnight, I should know, but getting published does happen and is not as impossible as everyone would make you believe. I’ll try and keep you updated on any further news, if there will ever be any, on BattleCorps.com and we’ll see what it will take to get some more interested from the community to actually do this thing. Alright, for my final piece of news I have a sort of introduction for you. The folks at MECH.US asked me to post an ad for them, which I will be all too happy to do. However, as you know how things go with PDF files, there are no direct links here; so, you can probably check them out at http://www.mech.us. The web site is looking very professional, and I think this might be a good league, so check it out. ~The Wolf -4- AR GENT F I R E BATTLEROMs Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 In the first issue of AF we shared with you the beginnings of the Wolf Family Mercenary Units, LLC, then known as Wolf’s Cavaliers. They began as a small mercenary unit, comprised of family and friends, both regular and military service family and friends. In fact, it’s funny how often those you serve with become some of your best friends, and then morph into family as well. It’s that kind of camaraderie that keeps individuals alive on the battlefields and in tense work situations as well. This issue’s history deals with my favorite MechWarrior character of all time, and the one I spent the most time developing and playing with in the BattleTech universe: David Montgomery Wolf. Anyway, without further adieu, here’s the next section of the Wolf History. New Blood David Montgomery Wolf was born on the planet Ozawa on March 17, 2988 where his father rd was serving with the 3 Crucis Lancers. He was a military brat from the get go and a troublemaker when possible. Showing an unusual aptitude towards anything BattleMech related Jeremiah Wolf sent his son to the New Avalon Military Academy from September 3007 to May 3011, where he displayed great proficiency in almost all of his studies, graduating with honors. Instead of David having to serve a standard four-year contract in the AFFS(he would have gone to the 1st Crucis Lancers) after training at NAMA, Jeremiah Wolf offered the AFFS something it could not refuse in exchange for his son. A fouryear cut-rate contract which placed Wolf's Cavaliers, along with David's newly formed Red Death Squadron, under control of the 77th Tactical 'Mech Battalion on Hamal, was signed. After grueling fighting against Marik's 8th Schützenschnuren on Fallanin II from June 14, 3012 to August 3, 3013, in which Wolf's Cavaliers lost more than they gained(two full companies and two lances of Red Death Squadron), Prince Davion cut the contract and restored a great deal of the unit to operational status(one company and one lance), releasing them to recover on Rochester, again granting the Barony of the planet to Jeremiah Wolf, which he almost immediately sold for rights to Waterworld. Almost immediately upon arriving to the new world his father had just purchased for the unit, named Waterworld, on December 26, 3013, David found a woman named Lisa Kahl Digby, daughter of Duke Gumma Digby, and married her, producing Stephanie Kahl Wolf on October 5, 3014. From then until early 3017, Wolf's Caval iers and RDS moved to, and helped establish, Waterworld. From mid-3017 through mid-3021, Wolf's Cavaliers were assigned to garrison/staging duty on Crossing. In December of 3021 David's mother, Mercedes, was involved in and killed by an automobile accident. Jeremiah Wolf returned early from Crossing to pay homage to his wife's memory and to grieve. For the most part from then on contracts were held against the Draconis Combine, which included everything from intelligence gathering to recons, raids, planetary assaults and major operations backed by House Davion. Because of the highly lucrative nature of these contracts for Wolf's Cavaliers(almost an additional regiment's worth of DCMS 'mech salvage), David made every effort to recruit, train and equip new 'MechWarriors from training academies all over the Inner Sphere. After six months of rebuilding force strength, David and Jeremiah Wolf together negotiated a contract with House Davion for skirmishes to be run against the Capellan Confederation. During a small reconnaissance skirmish against the Death Commandos on 19 May 3023, the powerplant in Jeremiah Wolf's BattleMaster gave way to a mysterious attack and exploded, instantly vaporizing him. The remains of his BattleMaster were interred on Rochester in late 3023; Mercedes Wolf's remains were -5- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 exhumed on Waterworld and buried on Rochester in the BattleMaster's structure with the remains of her husband. With the death of his mother, and two years later his father, David was thrust into the Colonel's seat, coming through the long tunnel of troubles that plagued him and the unit and performing admirably despite criticism from even the most mediocre mercenary units. Equal Opportunity Destroyers The unit was eventually renamed Equal Opportunity Destroyers and the Red Death Squadron placed as the 3 units new C (Command, Control, and Communications) center. Immediately, a new contract was negotiated for the unit to perform picket duty on 12 worlds within the Draconis March for five years. By the time the rotation contract in the Draconis March was completed and the EOD returned to Waterworld, Stephanie Wolf had been training for a year and was preparing for college, not possessing the desire to pilot BattleMechs, despite however good she was at it. David Wolf paid for correspondence courses from the New Avalon Institute of Science during that time and, by the end of only two and a half years, Stephanie had a Bachelors of Science in Myomer Physics. Simply being fascinated with the structure and musculature used in the brilliant design that was the almighty BattleMech kindled a small desire for Stephanie to pilot a 'Mech, eventually turning it into a fire. Stephanie was asked to take charge of a unit, as David had been, and she redesignated that unit the Shadow Blade. Immediately, Stephanie Wolf began training them as a covert operations team, relying on training provided in holo's from Outreach for guidance. In November 3034, David had negotiated a new contract for EOD and Shadow Blade which would put the newly trained unit to the test. Over the course of the next year EOD skulked about from world to world, keeping their presence hidden, within the borders of the Free World's League, distracting the forces of the Free Worlds League Military while raids were conducted on the very worlds EOD had pulled forces from. The assassination of Janos Marik in June 3035 was immediate cause to be called back to Davion space. The contract was considered fulfilled, EOD paid in full, and transported back to Waterworld. EOD and Shadow Blade took no official contracts between the end of 3035 and the beginning of the War of 3039, during which time David accepted a top secret assignment to invade Huan and recapture it for the Federated Suns. The contract was actually negotiated in July 3038, and executed by February 3039. The history of Armageddon Unlimited is an interesting and fast one; however, there is history outside the game as well, involving me and how I cared for every tiny detail of the unit, right down to naming individual support personnel for future stories to be written. Unfortunately, many of the stories I wrote as a young man were lost due to several moves taking place, not the least of which was my entry into the Army and assignment to Germany. I stored my stuff, as most young soldiers do, and it was gone by the time I returned home. However, many of the stories I took with me survived and will be written in future issues of AF, or the first AF story anthology, or for novels I intend to have produced concerning BattleTech and Armageddon Unlimited in the future. Many of you in the BattleTech community have also put a great deal of time and effort into your individual units, original ones which outstrip, at least for history and detail if not legitimacy, any of the units designed for the BattleTech history as produced by FASA since 1982 and continued by Fantasy Productions for Classic BattleTech and through WizKids, LLC in these recent years since FASA’s demise. Share ‘em, put ‘em here, and let others read about the hard work you’ve put forward. I will be more than happy to share this space with you, on one prerequisite: your unit’s history MUST be research-proof authentic and fit into the BattleTech universe where it would be logical to have them. Thanks for letting me see your cards; I look forward to reading them. ~The Wolf -6- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 BIO-FEEDBACK It’s a sad thing when the community won’t speak up about the things that are happening within the community. Come on, folks, what are you excited about, what would you like to see done, where are you playing and what’s so great about it? There are a million questions to be asked and a million things to talk about, so bring ‘em on. Now, for those of you wondering where my letters are, take a look at the Opening Volley and you’ll see ‘em there. If you have a complaint or take issue with anything I’ve said anywhere in this EZine at any time, feel free to address it with me, take me to task on it. I swear I don’t bite… hard ϑ . One man spoke up in Issue 2 about something which was said in Issue 1 of AF, and he had absolutely the right idea. Give us the what-for, let us know what’s going on in the community, recommend articles and interviews to be written, things you would like to see in the community. Bring it, folks, let’s see it!!! ~The Wolf INTEL. This month we have a couple of real treats with leagues which the BattleTech community is working to put together. The first is the Mech Warfare League for MegaMek, which you may find at http://www.mmleague.com, and is headed by Freakboy; he’s a nice individual who is working very hard to put this new league together. I have a feeling this league has a great future, especially among older table-top Tech players. After that is an interview with RAM021 of IS3025/Project Jenner fame, who will give us a run-down on how the game, and the league, are being designed best with BattleTech intent and players in mind. Finally, take a look over some of the adjusted rules and regulations of my own unit, Armageddon Unlimited and drop us a line at [email protected] to let us know what you think about anything in this E-Zine. The Mech Warfare League MegaMek This first interview takes place with Freakboy, an avid BattleTech and MegaMek fan, and someone working to improve the current state of the BattleTech community. As usual, Argent Fire’s comments will be as follows – AF: comment or question? and Freakboy’s answers will be st listed as MWFL: comment or answer. Check out the rules for the 1 Martial Olympiad at the Mech Warfare League forums; see if you want to join a unit and/or play? Let’s get started… AF: Would you care to explain some things about yourself and the MWFL team? What kind of experience do you have with BattleTech in general, and on-line BattleTech games specifically? MWFL: To begin with, at this point most of the admin team is part time. I am really lucky to have a dedicated player base that is willing to give the time to build this League up, while at the same time organizing their factions/clans. Everyone has their own special skill and is more than willing to help out. I really started backwards with BT than most people. My first BT experience was MW2 when it came out for computer but [I] never really made the connection that the storyline was from BT. It wasn’t until I spotted one of the Twilight of the Clans books in the library that I realized that it went deeper. Starting with Grave Covenant, I eventually got more and more into the BT storyline. I read a lot of things on Patrick’s BT Archive and grew more and more interested. -7- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 When I got MechWarrior 4 in January of 2003 I started playing online for the first time ever. I was lucky enough to fall in with a good Clan on Game Spy Arcade, Clan Jade Falcon. They were very into the storyline, much more so than most of the other clans there. Somewhere along the line one of our members found MegaMek and invited to show me how to play. He stomped me a lot but eventually I started winning. When we realized that we were playing MM just as much as MW4, one of the Falcons, Mohawk, suggested that a League for MegaMek would be a cool idea. The rest is really history. We had our ups and downs and side tracks but we eventually came to where we are today. 020104/ 020168 AF: What made you want to build MWFL (Mech Warfare League for our readers)? MWFL: I wanted to at first have a ladder situation where different Clans would pride themselves on having enough wins. My ideas got bigger and bigger. Eventually I thought “Why not have a planetary campaign like some of the nicer MW4 Leagues?” I didn’t see why not and went for it. AF: About how much time are you able to put into this each week? How many man-hours would you say you and your team, on average, put into the game? MWFL: I work on this every day. Many others also help out with what are sometimes very difficult or tedious tasks. Whenever we see something that needs to be done we do it. There are some very large tasks, but our people are cheerfully attacking and finishing them. I’m really lucky to have such dedicated helpers. AF: About the 1st Martial Olympiad... Why are you putting that on? Where do you think you would put your money if you were betting on this? Why only 1 person per unit? MWFL: I’m putting it on to keep people interested in MWFL while we are building up, plain and simple. It gives the factions something to do while we are preparing the massive amount of things needed to run the full campaign. I got this idea from the SLDF Martial Olympiad mentioned in my FM: Updates. I’m only doing one person per unit to keep the odds somewhere near even. Some factions have more people than others so it will be based on the skill of their best player, not numerical superiority. I know that the Lyrans only have one person at the moment (apparently some people don’t quite realize that Katherine isn’t in the picture anymore), but the Falcons have 4-5, and the Wolves 10 or so. If I had to bet on someone, I’d say that Victor Barone is going to get the Merc Independent sponsorship and smoke everyone else, unless everyone else gangs up on him first. AF: What kind of help could you use to get this league up and running, as far as programming and design go? MWFL: My biggest need right now is web designers, especially those with PHP/MySQL experience. I have stopgap systems in place but I really need someone to help code the Bank, Units, and Map. Preferably several people, since the map alone is a large project, even though we already have all the coordinates for all the planets. We can do this without coders, but it will take longer for transactions to take place, with money, movement, wins, etc. -8- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 AF: What kind of play are we to expect from this game? What size of battles will there be? What will the tonnage and/or Battle Value limitations be? MWFL: Forces will be designed like the actual forces in BT. This means a combination of mechs, tanks, and infantry. Likewise there will be a mix of light, medium, heavy, and assault mechs. The battles will involve large numbers of forces, but will be scaled down to many individual battles of equal forces until one side runs out of mechs, or decides to cut their losses and retreat. For those who don’t like to fight over a long period of time, one company or lance sized battle can determine the fate of the rest of the regiment as it comes to losses. Likewise we are having a simple and accurate salvage system entering its beta phase. AF: Why did you choose to use MegaMek for this league? MWFL: I chose it because it’s a free game, can be played on a wide range of computers, and the people who play it generally are more mature than people on flashier games. Cheating is totally unheard of, and unsportsmanlike behavior is very rare. The community is also small, everyone knows everyone else in it. AF: How BattleTech are you designing this league to be? Will we have a realistic economy based on C-Bills? Or resources? Finally, will the various House Bills be allowed? MWFL: The economy will be as realistic as the programming that we are able to put on the site will allow it. This is proportional to the expertise of the people who help us. At the very minimum, each house will get a certain number of C-Bills per world they own. This money can be used to buy generic regiments of greater or lesser quality. Every mech in the game will be given a rating (ABCD and F for the IS, and Front Line and Second Line for the Clans). Likewise each regiment will have a rating. The rating for the mechs and the rating for the regiment have to match up in a game. AF: Will custom mercenary units be allowed in this league, or will you restrict the unit availability in MWFL to FASA-Standard units? MWFL: Custom units will be allowed. However we have a very strict storyline requirement. Every part of the units history must be logical and constant with the main BattleTech storyline. Also it must be somewhat probable. Star League caches with more than a company’s worth of mechs probably isn’t going to fly. Most merc units start out with a very few mechs and work their way up. We encourage people to come up with roles for themselves in the universe, but we don’t want that universe ruined. AF: What year is MWFL supposed to begin in and why? What made you choose this particular year to begin your game in over any other year or series of years? MWFL: We will have a launch date of 3080. This gives the Lyran Alliance and the Federated Suns enough time to recover from the FedCom civil war and allow us to make certain changes to the storyline. Some people wanted a 3025 storyline with the Clans deciding when to invade. We decided against this however because of technology concerns (if the clans invade in 3027 the IS will be very hard pressed to repel them) and because of our respect and love for the storyline that has already made this universe so rich and deep. AF: I am an avid participant in the MWFL forum, and I have noticed there are certain issues with the BattleTech story-line which are going to be modified or deleted to better support the league. Would you care to explain some of the changes which are taking place, or are most likely to take place, and why the changes are being made? MWFL: The biggest change will be the removal of the Word of Blake Jihad and the Republic of the Sphere. This allows us to prepare for a free for all war that will most likely take place with the Start Date. We are currently hammering out the details as to how the WoB fell, but we will make it as believable and logical as possible, considering the run up to it in the FM: Updates. -9- AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 AF: What manner of positions within the MWFL's structure are available to get into, and what qualifications would you ask from people who are interested in filling any of those positions? MWFL: If you are willing to help we have a position. We need moderators, campaign clerks (to keep track of everything), researchers, and data entry people. There are so many ways people can help it can not be listed. If someone is willing to help there is something for them to do. AF: Is MWFL geared toward any particular type of MegaMek player, such as the BattleTech old timers, or is this league open to anyone? MWFL: The League is open to anyone who is interested in really getting into the storyline. I’ve had numerous inquires from MechWarrior 4 players who want to branch out a little into this, evidently it’s a hobby among some of the MW4 Clans. AF: Which factions do you need in order for the league to truly begin? Is there anything else keeping the league from starting at this point that our readership may be able to remedy? MWFL: To start we need all the Inner Sphere houses and Clans in the IS. At first we will only do the Inner Sphere. Once we have that we can start. Periphery States are next on the list. If enough people are interested we will bring in the Home Clans. We don’t want to end up like the Solaris 7 League and have more factions than people. The biggest hurdle as I mentioned before, is building the infrastructure to support what we are planning on doing. AF: Do you have a tentative, or even a solid, starting date for the league? What about a release of any primary software for testing or playing? MWFL: Our start date is really up in the air at this point. We will start when we are ready. I’m hoping on starting in a month or two however. Because everything is web based, no downloading will be necessary, except for the actual game. AF: What manner of mapping will you have to represent the modified Inner Sphere for MWFL? How will movement on that map work? MWFL: How movement works is very dependent on what the map looks like when it is done. We have some really talented people working on it, but there are limits to their abilities. If we can get a java map to work, movement of forces will take place in either the traditional point to point in an inhabited system or a strait line course from the target to the destination (under the assumption that it is traveling through uninhabited systems). Our backup system is a GIF image of the whole IS that would be manually updated and movement would be calculated. This would NOT be as massive as it sounds, considering the estimated number of battles per week is only 4 or 5 at the very most at first, but it would have a lag time while someone updated the map. If we can get an auto updated system in place, we could make the losses show up immediately. AF: Are you having to make any sacrifices of the lore or the rules of the BattleTech universe in order to make this league work right? If so, please explain why? MWFL: One of our biggest goals was to keep the depth of the BT universe in one piece. The main change we will be making is more along the lines of a reversal to what it used to be. The League Administration fills the role of ComStar, and because of this ComStar will most likely - 10 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 have a much larger and powerful presence than it does in 3067. Every change we make will be backed up by a very thorough and well thought out storyline, to do less would go against the spirit of what we are trying to do. Whatever omissions and changes we make will be temporary and only for practical reasons. For example, it was recently decided to cut the home clans out of the picture. We simply had too many clans to fill. However we already have a Clan Ice Hellion, whose warriors were among our first members. Our solution to it was just to modify the Dark Age/Jihad storyline. In it Clan Hells Horses invades part of the Wolf and Falcon OZ. We are simply replacing the Horses with the Hellions and writing a new storyline to justify it. AF: Will mercenary units be allowed in MWFL? What capacity will they fit into? How much will mercenaries operate by published rules? What protections will they have from greedy employers? MWFL: Mercenaries will most definitely be allowed in the MWFL. We have two basic types already mapped out, Mercenary Units and Mercenary Independent. Mercenary Units are much like factions in that they have forces that they deploy to defeat other forces, but they have more than one person in them. Mercenary Independents have a much broader role. They can command forces, either of their own or of their employers, but they have only one member. This is really good for the control freaks/loners who don’t want to work with others as much. AF: Is there anything not covered in this interview you would like to add? Anything you would like to say, a shameless plug for the league perhaps, to make MWFL sound better to those who may not understand what your league is all about? MWFL: I just want to emphasize that all of our plans are extremely flexible, if we get someone with, for example, extensive PHP experience we can expand our ideas to do much, much more. Also if someone comes in with a great idea, we are more than willing to use it. The MWFL will be what its members make it. I have been in contact with Freakboy a lot recently, and there is, indeed, much to be done. Come on and volunteer your time, bring your expertise in whatever you do, and let’s help Freakboy and the rest of the team build this universe to be by players for players. There seems to be a grass roots movement to return, as quickly and accurately as current technology and programming will allow us to, to the BattleTech drawing board again. I, for one, would really enjoy seeing this happen, and I believe that there are more of us who would like to see it happen than are speaking up. All that is required for BattleTech to die, is for good MechWarriors to do nothing. Speak up, let your voices be heard, and let’s help build a community unprecedented. ~The Wolf IS 3025(Ex. – Project: Jenner) RAM021, one of the Developers of the Inner Sphere 3025 project, has taken valuable time out of an extremely busy schedule to answer some questions for us concerning IS3025, which used to be known as Project: Jenner. A small synopsis of the game is that IS3025 is designed around the concepts of the original BattleTech board game, while placing you in the drivers seat of a ‘mech in a first person shooter-style simulation. However, there’s a lot more than meets the eye, here, as you’ll read. AF) Tell our readers a little something about yourself and each of your team members, please? What experience do you have with BattleTech and BT-Related games on the internet? IS3025) I am a Regular Force Army Officer by trade; developer extraordinaire by choice. I have been playing Battletech since its release in North America along with all the various Battletech games over the years. Coming up to nearly 20 years in the cockpit... Many of the other team members are current or ex-military and have vast amounts of Battletech experience - both virtual and tabletop. - 11 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 AF) Why did you and the programmers and administrators of IS3025 decide to build this game? Will the release and play of this game cost our readers any money to purchase the basic game or to play it on-line? If so, what do you intend to charge for each? IS3025) We decided to build this game because we want to play it ourselves. We are all big Battletech fans and want to play the definitive Battletech game - it became apparent that it was not going to be done by someone else, so here we stand now doing it ourselves.... Yes - we are a Not-for-Profit company, so while we are not out to profit from fellow gamers we do require 'help' subsidizing the server cost. How much is still up in the air - realistically it will depend upon how many people play and how much the servers and bandwidth costs to support them (simply divide the latter by the former and that would be rough cost)... This is not my department though. AF) Why did you select the name IS3025 and, aside from the obvious connotations represented in the name already, what does it mean to the members of the IS3025 programming team? IS3025) Well, funny enough it was suggested and no one submitted a better name (or any other name for that matter) - essentially it ties in with MPBT3025 which we will improve upon and IS = Inner Sphere, the setting for the game. Also, IS Games was selected for the company name and should we do a sequel it is easy to convey continuity with IS3050 for example. AF) This used to be known as Project Jenner; why change the name to IS3025? IS3025) Yes, PJ was the 'co d ename' for the reverse engineering of EA's MPBT3025 Server - while not a failure, it did demonstrate that it would be easier to start from scratch. This would also allow us to improve upon the game rather than being stuck with what EA released. Once the decision was made to start from scratch a name change seemed to be in order, and that also dealt with some legality issues. AF) I am a member of the IS3025 forum(Redwolf), and I have read exactly how close to the BattleTech table-top rules you intend to try and make this game. Why would you go to such lengths to write a new game when there are plenty of BattleTech-related games out there? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put down anyone else's league, and I'm equally certain you're not as well; however, there are plenty of games out there. What made you choose to do this game? IS3025) Because there are huge differences between Battletech and the other mech games, and we wish to play Battletech. Since the game was not going to be done by someone else, we had to do it ourselves. AF) It is very obvious to me that you have been very inquisitive with the general public already on your forum in attempting to address the concerns of BattleTech players, especially those of the older generation of players, and I'm grateful. Is IS3025 geared more toward the older BattleTech players, or are younger players equally welcome? IS3025) Both are equally welcome, this being a business venture after all, but certainly since we are all MPBT vets, we know what we are looking for in a MPBT game. - 12 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 The functional Chain of Command is probably the biggest distinction between the vets and the newbs (for lack of a better term) - we had a CofC before and it is essential to what we wish to accomplish but the newer players do not seem to understand its importance if for nothing other than organization... Also the inclusion of a Cone of Destruction firing model rather than the traditional Pin-Point Accuracy many are used to will make the game more realistic and challenging. AF) What is the average amount of time you put into coding this game each week? About how many man-hours would you estimate go into the construction of this game each week from the entire coding team of IS3025? IS3025) First, I am not a coder myself, so effectively my coding hours/week is nearly zero (nearly because I do submit some mathematical formulae for the Cone of Destruction, Heat Dissipation, etc). On the development side, I personally put in easily more than 20hrs a week - as do the other Devs; the coders are also extremely busy, although I would hesitate to speculate on how much time they actually spend coding... remember this is a volunteer project. AF) I understand you are using the torgue engine for IS3025 due to the ease of use and playability of the game; is this correct? Are there any other reasons you've chosen to use this engine for programming the game? IS3025) Yes, we are using the Torque Game Engine, although it was simply an economic decision: while there are other games engines out there and many are even better (some significantly so) the fact remains that Torque is available for $100 - which despite its shortcomings still makes it the best bang for the buck and a real steal. Besides it does in fact do everything we have so far thought of wanting to do... AF) Why did you choose to program your own game rather than stick with a game already released to the open market? IS3025) Simply because none of the games out there are worthy of this honor that and none of them support what we wish to do. AF) What kind of help could you use to get this game up and running, as far as programming and design go? IS3025) Design/concept is essentially done - although we are still open to comments and ideas so keep them coming. For coding/programming and artistic work we will take all the help we can get. AF) What kind of play are we to expect from this game? What size of battles will there be? What will the tonnage and limitations be? How realistic a feel do you believe you're all giving to IS302 5? IS3025) Actual combat game play will be very similar to the previous MPBT games - that is significantly more realistic than the MechWarrior series. We will support large battles, currently aiming for Battalion sized (~43v43) - but also hope to eventually include Regimental sized engagements. However, the problem as we see it is that not enough people will have systems that will support that level of involvement... so while we will include larger battles, we suspect that most will limit themselves to Company sized fights (~13v13) Currently we lean towards a tonnage limit for the different planets and battles. Thus if the tonnage limit is set to 100 tons, you could bring an Atlas or 4 Commandos. IS3025 will be as realistic as we can make it - given that there is difficulty transitioning a turn-based tabletop miniature game to a real time FPS... The game will feel 'Battletech' if that is what you mean. AF) How BattleTech are you designing this game to be? Will we have a realistic economy based on C-Bills? Or resources? Finally, will the various House Bills be allowed? I S3025) Complete and utterly - if it is in the rules or canon, it will (to the best of our ability) be in the game. T here will be an economy based around the almighty C-Bill; although we do not know if we will include the various House bills, the general consensus is that we will not. - 13 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 AF) Will custom mercenary units be allowed in this game, or will you restrict the unit availability in IS3025 to FASA-Standard units? What capacity will they fill? How much will mercenaries operate by published rules? What protections will they have from greedy employers? IS3025) Custom mercenary units will be supported, and they will be free to fill whatever capacity they wish. Mercs will be able to exchange their services for money but the contract process will most likely be simplified from some of the more involved negotiation processes in the rules. They will not have to accept a contract from someone they do not wish to work for... Make no mistake, the life of a Merc will be hard - no cake walks here. You either will have the abilities and wherewithal or you are not going to make it for very long. AF) What made you choose 3025 to begin your game in over any other year or series of years? IS3025) 3025 has traditionally been the timeframe for the various MPBT games, and it is also our favorite Battletech period in general. Further consider that of the various mech games currently being played, none of them cover this time period, allowing us to fill a void. Also, by starting early we will have the option to advance the timeline should we choose... AF) Will you enforce, or heavily recommend, any kind of specific unit structure for IS3025, or are you going to allow units to completely govern themselves how they see fit? Why would you do things this way? IS3025) Hard question... Realistically we have not yet crossed this bridge and the concept is currently still being debated. We hope to achieve a balance between ensuring that a Unit is viable (ie no 1-2 man Units running around) while at the same time leaving enough flexibility for the players to administer themselves properly. It may become a coding issue as well. AF) What needs to take place in order to get this league started? Do you have a tentative, or solid release date for your Alpha testing, when your Beta is going to come out, when the game goes gold, or when any special software will be released to the community? IS3025) First it is not a league, as that implies it is similar to the ones out there, which it is not. It is much closer to a MMOG - MPBT being the first massive multiplayer game after all. Currently initial Alpha testing is under way but it will 'officially' start 01 February 2004. Our goal is to enter Beta early summer 2004 and progress to Open Beta late summer (August 2004). What each phase of testing will consist of, and whether any 'portion' will be released to the public is unknown to me at this stage. AF) Are you coding a map into the game? If so, how user friendly will it be and what information will it carry? Will it be completely interactive with other sections of the game? How will movement on that map work? IS3025) Yes - hopefully it will be fairly user friendly... It should display friendly, enemy and neutral Houses (relative to your own) as well as where and what the various levels of the Chain of Command wish you to do. It will form a major portion of the main screen - obviously it will be inaccessible during combat, and there will be other screens (Mech Bay, etc) that will take you away from it. Point and click to select destination. - 14 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 AF) Are you having to make any sacrifices of the lore or the rules of the BattleTech universe in order to make this game work right? If so, please explain why? IS3025) Not really - we are actually quite faithful. In the future some compromises may be made for game play, but currently the only thing that comes to mind is that we will include mechs that would technically only be in the prototype stage. AF) What kind of 'mechs a r e you putting into the game? What tech level? How balanced will the 'mech selections be for the game? IS3025) Every 3025 timeframe mech we can model will eventually make its way into the game; we will also include Star League (2750) mechs for ComStar use. The vast majority will be strict level 1 tech, but the Star League mechs will obviously contain some level 2. As with everything balance will be heavily influenced by mission type - the Atlas might never lose a fight to a Ostscout, but guess which one is going to be better for that recon mission... Simply by virtue of having so many different mech chassis and their numerous variants means that there will not be a single 'best' mech; each will have something to contribute - if perhaps some contribute more than others. AF) Is there a specific place our readers can come to see your work, and the progress you're all making? IS3025) www.IS3025.com AF) If someone wanted to donate anything to this effort in the way of time, money, etc., what would you need and how would they do it? IS3025) Primarily we could use help coding and modeling - monetary donations are trickier, due to the nature of the project... AF) Is there anything you would like to add which has not been covered here to make your game more appealing to those who haven't been to the IS3025 site, yet? IS3025) Not really - we believe in this game and hope to see you all around. Currently Open Beta is scheduled for late summer (Aug 04). Well, if I may take a moment to throw in some personal opinion(s) as well, I believe in this game, too. Other mods are good, and every mod has its problems… however, it is my belief that, out of all the mods in programming right now, this one will do the most and go the farthest. So, come on folks, pay a visit to the IS3025 web site(http://www.is3025.com) and have a look around. It will not kill you, and I think you’ll find that the BattleTech community is far and away NOT dead, and likely won’t be if these guys have their ways for a very long time. I would like to give a hearty thank you to RAM021 and the rest of the crew at IS3025 for continuing with this project, and my prayers are heavy to have it completed. On a more serious note, come and join a unit, help to even out the universe so that, when play actually starts, the battles will be large and the community will be one. On the other hand, if you’re a twitch jockey and you really enjoy MechWarrior 4, this game will definitely be an eye opener for you. Regardless, come and join the rest of us, learn what it is to be BattleTech, and come to enjoy yourself immensely in a true community of friends. I know I’ve grown a lot since becoming a member of the IS3025 part of the BattleTech community, so I know you can, too. ~The Wolf - 15 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 Updated Operations Manual for Armageddon Unlimited In Opening Volley, I explained that Armageddon Unlimited recently had a huge falling out among our people, especially our command staff. Well, even though I know I haven’t been able to glean every single lesson which could be learned from the events of early December, I have been able to learn quite a few, and I’ve placed them here for you to look at. First, though, a short explanation of the items. First, AU –at least me- has a vision and several goals I would certainly like to see met in order to put Armageddon Unlimited on top –as on top as any of the rest of you will let us be, hehe- and to help re-institute a system of honorable combat among all of the various members of the BattleTech community. Next is a sort of judicial, almost Clan-like system for dealing with problems within AU which the unit CO, yours truly, should not take care of on his own, but rather should be taken care of at levels better suited to extreme contact with other members of the unit, where the friendships and the camaraderie will help to alleviate some of the command problems I’ve seen, and had, in the past. Hey, folks, I’ll admit it, I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, and I am not interested in being perfect, either. However, there are other ways in which discipline problems and command structure problems can be handled instead of me sticking my grubby paws in absolutely everything. Finally, there is a new program we’re trying to institute called the MAMA Initiative. Before you go laughing too hard, MAMA stands for Mercenary Assistance to Military Authorities, whereby we ‘loan’ our MechWarriors, Mech Commanders, and MegaMek players to various other units in leagues we’re not presently involved in. That program will help, I believe, to alleviate some of the boredom which, more often than not, takes place in large units like AU is designed to be, and it allows our people the freedom to go and do something other than AU, while leaving them a place to come back to if the need arises. Anyway, take a look and see what you think. Might not be a bad idea, and you might want to implement similar programs in your unit, and that’s all good because it will help to keep the BattleTech community perpetual. By the way, these and other initiatives and proposed modes of operations can be found in our Operations Manual at http://www.wolvesau.net/forms/courses/AUOM_Intro.htm. Enjoy. Our Goals and Vision: The 20/20 Initiative Unlike many of the fly-by-night units you see on the net, which are around for as long as 6 months and then no longer exist, Armageddon Unlimited has goals and a vision. Our primary goal is to bring real honor back to the BattleTech universe, to make it the way it's supposed to be, rather than a bunch of hoodlum's blowing each other into next week.This is to be a gradual process and, although we realize this is not something which will happen over night, we also know that training and corrective action for infractions on the training ground and the battlefield, MUST be taken now in order to bring that goal about. If we allow players to play dishonorably now, without any form of corrective action, hoping we will correct the dishonorable action later, we will end up with nothing but the same rabble you can find in most units currently on the net. If you want something better than that, this is the place. Babies learn how to walk by picking themselves up time after time after time and continuing to work toward moving, all the while bumping into chairs and falling flat for lack of balance. However, that baby also has to have encouragement to get up and do it again as well as correction to keep from bumping into the things they keep bumping into which make them fall down again and again. In Armageddon Unlimited your leaders will strive to encourage you to pick - 16 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 yourself up time and again against opponents who seem to constantly take you down because you are trying to do things more honorably, if not better, than they are. Your leaders will also correct and guide you to continue to perform honorably, to make it a part of your combat prowess so you never have to fight, eventually, dishonorably against an opponent again. Our vision is to see the honorable combat of the BattleTech universe, as seen in MechWarrior 2(all) and MechWarrior 3, restored to the BattleTech Community as a whole. This vision is an unlikely one and makes our unit an underdog in a world of undisciplined and dishonorable INDIVIDUALS that are only out for the win themselves, not to aid their team-mates to achieve a victory for the unit. This vision is impossible to achieve; however, it is also one worthy of more than due consideration. It is worthy of capturing the hearts and minds of those individuals who believe they have the intestinal fortitude to make it work despite the odds. It is impossible, but it will be done if we have the fight individuals working at it. The Present As it stands right now we are faced with an impossible task which many people in the current community believe is no longer achievable. Warfare evolves, they say, and you don't see such and such army doing such and such thing they did in the 1800s, they say, and they are absolutely right. However, just as with anything that takes place, the more it changes the more it remains the same. There are nasty elements in the BattleTech universe right now and they fight with no honor, litter the battlefields with their own carcasses as well as those of their enemies with little regard to why the battle is being fought, let alone how they can preserve themselves and their 'mech.Their lust for the win, regardless of what they have to do to achieve it, outweighs their desire to win rightly or to preserve their units resources. MechWarrior MechWarrior 3 is, thus far, the last of the officially produced computer games to allow for a sense of honor. It was perfect in detail concerning the BattleTech universe, if not perfect in game-play. MechWarrior 4, however, has completely destroyed anything but the names and general graphics of what BattleTech is supposed to be, and even her founders have expressed limited amounts of shame that it bears the BattleTech name. I have had individuals, admins and unit leaders, tell me that iterations of MechWarrior prior to MW4 were inescapably flawed and there were too many bugs in them. However, while they were playing those flawed games they knew what the BattleTech universe, as far as 'mech to 'mech combat goes, was really about. The speeds, armor and weapon values were correct and the balance of those games was just fine. In MW4 a Large Laser hit will knock you around in your cockpit mercilessly to the point where you are unable to fire back on your opponent, and ALL of the values of the 'mechs are completely wrong, narrowing game play to hitting each other with clubs instead of finely tuned weapons. Indeed, if MechWarrior 4 is such a great game, why do people continue to produce add-ons, patches, and X-Packs to "improve" the game? Why do organizations, such as MekTek, continue to try and find a better balance to the game; no offense to MekTek, especially for all the important work they have done to try and bring balance to the game. The simple facts are these: 1) All previous MechWarrior games are no longer supported, and 2) MechWarrior 4 is every bit as unbalanced, and now even more unrealistic combat-wise, than any previous iteration. The Future FASA Interactive and Microsoft announced in March of 2003 that they were halting production on the next iteration of MechWarrior; however, they also noted that there would be a continuation of the game line(s) already produced and, for the future, something more comprehensive, better for the BattleTech universe. One of our goals is to prepare for the time when a game such as that will be released; we are looking for a cross-pollination between a Strategic, Tactical and First-Person Shooter interface which will encompass more than just go to planet, kill bad guys, collect money, move on. Uggh, tuk-tuk! The Commander of an on-line unit, if I don't miss my guess, will be able to lay instant way-points for their MechWarriors, command larger units of mixed Player/NPC MechWarriors to accomplish various goals, while sub-MechWarrior Commanders can guide their troops to accomplish tactical objectives and then be able to switch over to first-person(and first-person ONLY, please?) to fight the good fight for themselves. With technology reaching the heights it currently is, those goals should not be hard to accomplish. However, one note is that we are also looking for a return to the original statistics, or as close as possible to them, which were taken out to produce MechWarrior 4, a joke game in and of itself. - 17 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 MechForce: On-Line Club Another of our goals is to build a club for the once-vaunted MechForce: North America, although now we will include all units playing on-line for any game line produced by FASA Corporation or FASA Interactive, as well as the various mods currently in production and being readied for playtesting, such as IS: 3025, Inner Sphere Wars and Battlefield: 2750. This club would rank players from top to bottom based on their wins and losses, both within their own categories and by national and world-wide comparison with other players. This club would be free to the public and available for all to join. NOTE: If you have read this far and you're not really interested in becoming a member, then thank you for reading this far and we wish you well. However, if your curiosity is piqued, please feel free to read on? 020104/ 020168 Councils War Council Not all decisions will be made solely by the Command Staff of the unit, but may be called to War Council if a decision of the C/S is unjustifiable and/or needs-be discussed/reviewed by more than the C/S. This council will be made up of all Officers within Armageddon Unlimited as well as visiting dignitaries that wish to participate, although their "vote" would only be used for breaking ties. As well, if something of administrative or combat nature has gone amiss within the unit a War Council may be called to resolve the issue. If a matter is deemed to be Judicial in nature, the Judicial Council will have authority over the matter. The Judicial Council will be responsible for determining what is of a Judicial nature, or which may remain in the War Council. The War Council, if the matter is primarily military rather than legal, may call for a HALT to the Judicial Council taking over, in which case the Unit Commanding Officer is responsible for determining where the matter goes, based on arguments made by one proponent from each Council. The Unit Commanding Officer, at the conclusion of all arguments of a War Council, will make a final decision on the welfare of the unit. In respect to the War Council, the C/S will be required to post military operational readiness and contracting(whether it is simply a proposal or a final contract) to the members of the War Council. Judicial Council All matters of law, including honor rules infractions within the unit as well as on the field of training or battle, may be called before a Judicial Council review. If an incident is primarily military in nature, it may come before a War Council instead, for judgment by peers. The Judicial Council will be made up of the Unit Adjutant/ Liaison, the Unit Executive Officer, Primary Unit Training Officer In Charge, the Regimental Commanders(3), and the Primary Unit Records Clerk. The Unit Adjutant/Liaison is appointed Judge for these proceedings and, once all arguments are heard on a matter, will make a fair and impartial judgment. If the Unit Adjutant/Liaison is unduly affected by the matter, the Unit Executive Officer will be responsible to judge the matter while the Unit Adjutant/Liaison will remain on the Judicial Council, and maintain their vote. The Unit Commanding Officer may attend these proceedings, but has no vote concerning these matters of law, and may not unduly influence the decision of the Council. Matters of law, right and wrong, and morality, will be determined based on the rules of Armageddon Unlimited as laid out in these texts(manuals and handbooks), common decency and morality, and the common sense of the Residing Judge. No one is above the rules, and each person should be dealt with through four periods of discipline for rules infractions. You will see more on this in the Judicial Council section, below in this page of the Operations Manual. The first period is with your direct supervisor/boss/ lance leader/company commander(whichever one is most fitting, and directly above you in the food chain, at the time), and they should endeavor to make known to you what they saw or were, otherwise, a party to, and aid you in correcting your actions. If you're unable or unwilling to correct your actions, and you continue to do them openly, then you go to your Battalion Commander, corrective period two, for an inquiry and possible remedial training and/or other - 18 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 disciplinary measures. The third corrective period is with your Regimental Commander where they will do the same as the Battalion Commander but may also consider reassigning you to another section in the unit along with disciplinary measures the same as a Battalion Commander holds. The fourth, and final, corrective period is a Judiciary Council review where all documented efforts to correct your problem will be reviewed and they will make a recommendation to perform any of the actions for a Battalion or Regiment Commander up to recommending your removal from the unit. If a Judicial Review is unable to solve your problem through any of these means then, obviously, you'renot a good fit for the unit, and you will be discharged. If you really like it here and do NOT want to be discharged, you may take the recommendation of ONE of the actions the Judicial Council tried to get you to take in the first place, and then turn it around and make it work for you. You can make this unit work for you, or you can make it a place where you're constantly at odds with the system. That is up to you. MAMA Initiative In Armageddon Unlimited we are not only here to play for ourselves, for our own unit, but also for other units. The Mercenary Assistance to Military Authorities Initiative allows us to hire our MechWarriors and Mech Commanders, individually, to units which need them. Our members are free to sign up with units in leagues who need them, to be known under both the flag of the unit they are serving in those leagues as well as that of Armageddon Unlimited. A MAMA member will wear the uniform of the unit they are serving in front of their name, followed by their screen name and, finally, by _AU(ie GDL_Gimboid_AU). The units we are most apt to help at this point are: 1) House Kurita(Draconis Combine) - MegaMek in the Mech Warfare League 2) Waco Rangers(Mercenaries) - Inner Sphere 3025 3) Eridani Light Horse(Mercenaries) - Inner Sphere Wars Unit members involved in these activities will be honor-bound to follow the precepts of Armageddon Unlimited first, then the league the unit they are employed by is fighting in and, finally, by the precepts and rules of the unit they are employed by. One of the goals of Armageddon Unlimited is to show other units we mean business in fighting honorably and that, if we have a MechWarrior good enough to do it, they can fight honorably as well, especially if they train for it. Anyway, as you can see, controversial as these subjects may be, they are also necessary for doing something better than just being any podunk unit trying to survive on the battlefield. Now, for any of you who may take this personally, I challenge you with two things: 1) Are you that way?, and 2) None of this is aimed specifically at you. If it was I would have mentioned you, or your unit, by name. Now, there’s nothing wrong with unit pride, and there’s nothing wrong with simply being a part of something. What’s wrong is when you don’t work to improve it, to make things better within your unit for yourself and your friends. Think about it before you scream at us; however, if you’re going to scream, anyway, we’ll be happy to read your emails and listen to the various ways units can be, and are, run and would love to integrate the larger whole to make our unit and, hopefully, yours a better place to come and play. Oh, and my opinions, goals and vision are not, necessarily, those of Argent Fire or anyone other than myself who works on this E-Zine. Thank you for blasting no one other than me with what you think about dear old mom or my ex-wife. ~The Wolf - 19 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 BATTLETALES 020104/ 020168 (**) 1 Cavaliers(Contract History - Contract 3) - Story - Argent Fire - One of the battles for Fallanin II(03 and 04.3011; Fed. Suns contract; Marik and Kurita general combat and defense campaign; Hamal main base with 77th Tactical 'Mech Battalion on both Fallanin II and Hamal; 1 battle campaign with 17 separate engagements on Fallanin II for this story; 3 'mechs salvage qual. and 2 'mechs destroyed, one MechWarrior lost, the other dispossessed; plagued with weapon and equipment malfunctions; cut-to awards ceremony of Fallanin II on Jan. 3, 3011). Of 1 huge battle campaign performed on Fallanin II, as well as the defense of Hamal against Marik's 8th Shootsisneers, over the course of thistwenty-five month contract, the Cavaliers were actually involved in 17 separate engagements. All of these battles were wins, although at great cost to the Cavaliers and greater cost to the enemy. 9 'mechs overall were reduced to Salvage quality, and eventu a lly brought back to full strength. 43 'mechs were lost in the fighting, and the unit was plagued with equipment and weapon malfunctions. The Prince restored 27 'mechs and released Wolf's Cavaliers from its' contract. The Cavaliers liberated 180,000 C-Bills worth of special equipment and supplies for itself, with a net gain of somewhere around 125 million C-Bills worth of 'mechs, manpower, techs, and equipment. It's good to be the king. “Dragon vs. PPC” Part 1 By Paul L. Emerson aka The Wolf th General Assembly Area, 77 TMB Fellanin Command Yamashita World Forest Preserve, Vilnius Mountains, Fellanin II, Draconis Combine March 07, 3011, Early Morning Major Jeremiah Wolf stood over the maps laid carefully on the table, his son David Wolf to his left and Walter Barrett to his right, both Senior Lieutenants, but the maps would not come into focus for him. Rather, he simply stood and stared through his light brown eyes and the small wisp of slowly graying hair, all that were in the way of him seeing the maps more clearly. That, and the huge coffee mug he presently held just beneath his nose, hoping the pungency of the coffee would wake him up. Four-thirty didn’t come as easy to him now as it once had; 47 years of age tended to bring that to a man. Even God rested on the seventh day, but it seemed Jerry Wolf never would. Senior Lieutenant Wolf looked at his father quizzically, nearly smiling widely as he watched his ‘old man’ sway back and forth. Of course, David was 22 years old and had been in the game for quite some time himself, so four-thirty wasn’t treating him well, either. Senior Lieutenant Walter Barrett, even at the age of forty-two, seemed to be the only standing at the table ready to go; of course, he always seemed to have enough energy to be up all the time, but that was no excuse. It was far too early to be chipper. David stood about five-foot-eleven inches tall and filled every bit of it with wide shoulders and a barrel chest, unlike his father who was nearly gaunt, any more. The successor to The Wolf, whenever his old man would finally give up the ghost, had sandy brown hair and almond eyes like his mother and the square chin his grandfather, Gavin Alexander Wolf, had given him. David stood there waiting for his dad to moan, to say or do something, but the old man just seemed to wobble where he was, ignoring his chiefs and trying hard to take in enough coffee odor to wake himself up. Walter Barrett, on the other hand, stood and studied the map, looking up at The Wolf ONLY when it seemed the old man, only five years his senior, was going to go over. He couldn’t figure out why he seemed to be so spry, so full of energy, when the old man and his son, half Barrett’s age, couldn’t seem to muster enough energy for a full smile, even. Walter filled all of five-foot-eight inches of height and was slender of shoulder and waste, a rock hard stomach and harder back and leg muscles, seemingly built specifically for driving ‘mechs, and one could tell about his general health judging only by the way his old uniform rolled off his shoulders and remained as flat as fabric can until it hit his boots. The Senior Lieutenant continued to study the map of the local area, the Vilnius Mountains for thirty kilometers in either direction, all the while his mind labeled approaches and ambush areas. Mydron Carris, the unit Top Kick, or First Sergeant, as it were, rolled up the heavy canvas entrance to the command tent the other men stood in, bringing Walter and David from their varied revelries and The Wolf startled from his coffee. A little spilled over the lip of the cup, burning a path down Jerry’s right hand and onto the laminated maps, but the only indication he gave of the burn was a small grunt and a folding of his eyes together for the briefest of moments. - 20 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 “Would you mind knocking next time, Top?” Jerry asked after another second or two, and then his voice scratched and had a slightly higher pitch to it than he liked to hear from himself. Mydron cocked his head to the left, then turned briefly to look at the canvas before turning back to the table without answering. “Yeah… sorry, sir, won’t happen again,” First Sergeant Carris smiled slightly and approached the table, made from ply-board and saw horses acquired from a farm close th by, and laid down the file containing the most recent intelligence numbers from the 77 Tactical Mech Battalion HQ. “And…” The Wolf shook his head impatiently. The forty-nine year old Mydron Carris’ lip crinkled slightly because, like an old married couple, he knew where his friend was coming from, particularly this early in the morning. “Don’t you get out and run in the morning, sir?” Mydron asked, placing special emphasis on ‘sir’. Jerry Wolf smiled slightly, but his eyes told a story of friendly revenge, perhaps to be taken later. “Don’t start with me, Carris. I’m not up to going rounds this morning. Just tell me what’s up, and make sure I can understand it.” “Roger that, dumb it down, I get it…” He stopped when he saw the desired effect and waited for the response he knew was coming as the other two men in the tent laughed as quietly as they could, not trying to wake the rest of the Cavaliers at the same time. “You know, Mydron, you can be replaced by a dog. You know that, right? And, why is that important? Because I can shoot the dog. Report, please?” Special emphasis went into the last word, making it more an order than a request. First Sergeant Carris smiled and caught the eyes of David and Walter as he opened the th file from 77 HQ and prepared to report. “Alright, El-tee Barrett, where’s map seven-delta?” Walter reached under the maps and started to thumb through them, stopping when he arrived where he wanted to be. He slowly drew the precious map out, let it roll slightly, then placed it on top of the stack, away from Major Wolf’s spilt coffee, then looked expectantly at the top Non-Commissioned Officer in the unit. Mydron was black, bald, and a very bulky man, with wide shoulders and a larger chest than David, despite the fact he was a full inch shorter than the Senior Lieutenant. Carris had a very deep voice and piercing hazel-green eyes which could make special forces people stop in their tracks and step - 21 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 back away from the man. His strategic, logistical and tactical skills were second to none in Jeremiah Wolf’s experience, and that was twenty-eight years; most of that time spent in each other’s company. Mydron was the ONLY man Jerry Wolf trusted when it came to many things in the unit, and his retirement, whenever that was going to be, would hail a new age for the unit as far as her commander was concerned. “Alright, gentlemen, this is where Colonel Steinem is stationing her Battalion, with Alpha Company here,” Mydron pointed to the mountain pass labeled Harry, to the south and east of the Mirhai River which followed the eastern base of the Vilnius Mountains from North-East to South-South-West for thirty five miles before turning off to the south and into the South Seas, as they were commonly referred to. “Bravo Company is being placed on this ridge-line,” labeled Victoria, the ridge-line ran as smooth as could be asked for, able to support several ‘mechs back-to-back across its spine, for nearly five kilometers. “And, Charlie Company is set up here,” again Mydron pointed to a mountain pass, though far larger than Harry, labeled Martin. The pass was nearly a valley, running between five peaks which kept traffic from surprising anyone from the north or the south. Indeed, at each of these locations, it would take jump-capable ‘mechs several jumps, a few hours at least, to get into positions which could disrupt activity being directed in the obvious defensive directions. th th However, the 77 wasn’t going defensive. The job Wolf’s Cavaliers and the 77 shared was to destroy a small training cadre and their protective units. Wolf’s Cavaliers wasn’t even, truthfully, necessary here, but Jeremiah Wolf wanted to be in the middle of the action, to earn his pay as it were, and Colonel Gloria Steinem, commander of the th 77 , and his immediate boss, agreed to his request, though she pointed out that house forces would be doing the heavy lifting on this one. “Alright, what crappy positions did the good Colonel give us to guard, Top?” “Well, sir, she wants us to remain on the DropShips, actually…” Jerry’s jaw dropped before Mydron was finished, and the looks on the faces of the other officers were both confused and curious as to the completion of the orders they were being handed. Just as Jeremiah Wolf’s jaw began to work again and his throat labored to make noises of disgust and disbelief, the First Sergeant held up his left hand to silence the Major and, in his right hand, was the reason why. Jerry stared askance at the paper in the First Sergeant’s hand and his throat ceased, for the time being, to make noises. “Here’s the deal, gents,” Mydron continued, “during the night, Colonel Steinem sent a Recon Lance from her Charlie Company down to look things over, and they were unable to return until roughly fifteen minutes ago, while you were still shaving and getting your brew. “The Lieutenant from the Recon Lance reported to Colonel Steinem while I was there that unusual levels of activity were taking place.” “How unusual? What size are we talking about here?” Walter Barrett asked, mystified. “About an additional Battalion and some unusual, sir. The Recon El-tee explained how they reached their destination ahead of schedule, and scouted their way-points, but then their readings spiked and they went into hiding, shut everything down, and couldn’t th get out and back to us until just a few minutes ago. The feeling in the 77 HQ tent is that this may be the staging area for a larger offensive. This battalion was at the training cadre grounds down the hill, sir, and it’s believed there may be more units in-system.” “Okay, so we’re on the DropShips for what reason, again?” Senior Lieutenant David Montgomery Wolf asked. th “Well, David, we’re on the DropShips in case the 77 , once they start their descent from the mountains, comes under fire from more Draconis Forces than we’re expecting. If we have word of a new offensive, to be sure, we’ll have to report it to Davion Command and let them react to it. If this, on the other hand, is just a training scheduled event then we’ll have a booby prize to take home with us because we’ll have taken down another Battalion down when we were just supposed to get the training cadre.” Once Mydron finished his little speech everyone went silent, all contemplating what to do next, until The Wolf asked, “So, where would she want us to land to flank this phantom battalion, Mydron?” Carris opened the folder again and read a little bit before answering, “El-tee, would you mind bringing out map seven-echo, please?” Walter complied and, soon, all were able to see the other side of the training academy valley, where - 22 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 Mydron took a red grease pencil and marked three locations. “Depending on where an attack might come from, Jerry, we could land in one of these three spots. That’s her assessment, though, sir.” “And what do you feel like, Top?” David asked quietly, knowing the man had something in mind. “Sir, I would land Alpha Company right on the bandits, and then your Red Death Squadron on the side that’s not fixed. The goal here is to keep as many of them alive as possible, for repatriation and the like, correct?” The other three men nodded, knowing their orders were to kill the equipment, salvage what could be, and let the pilots go, just to teach the old snake a lesson. All four men lapsed into silence again, each of them working their own minds about the situation. “Well, gentlemen, I’m not one for making plans so concrete they can’t be changed. I prefer to go with the flow as much as possible. So, that in mind, let’s adjourn and get ready for the main attack. On the go signal from Colonel Steinem, we’ll mount up and get ready to go, not until then. When you brief your people, tell them we’re likely to go in very hot. David,” The Wolf turned to address his son, now, “See this cul-de-sac right here?” David nodded acknowledgement. “Two things, keep an eye on it, and think about dropping into the middle of it. If you can keep cover and still have range on the bad guys, then we’ll do well this day. Capische?” “Roger that, sir.” David answered in the crispest tone he’d been able to muster all morning. “Walter, make sure you and Lisa are ready to break out to flank at all times. If I give the go signal, you have to be able to disengage whomever you’re fighting and go where I need you. Clear?” Walter pursed his lips slightly, a sign he had no small amount of trouble with what he’d just been told to do, but he nodded acknowledgement and stared at the map some more. “Alright, that’s it, let’s get ready.” ~to be continued ~The Wolf EVENT CALENDAR This section of the E-Zine is designed for anyone who would like to post events, whether of their own making or someone else’s. Personally, I would appreciate a full months warning for new events which are being scheduled; however, we’ll deal with two weeks if necessary. Just be forewarned that with such short notice, even a month worth, since our E-Zine is noted to come out every other month, your event may not be broadcast through us in time to do any good. However, we may gain enough artists and writers in the future to make this E-Zine more popular, therefore it will come out faster. Don’t count on more than one issue per month, however; I simply do not have that kind of time on my hands. ~The Wolf November ‘03 __• __Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 2 – Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web January ‘04 __• __Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 3 – Opening Volley, The Grapevine, BattleROMs & Bio-Feedback __• __Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 3 – Intel, BattleTales, Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web __• __AU Web Update February ‘04 _____AU FM – Wolf’s Cavaliers – Contract 10 – 11; could use some help with this!!! _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 4 – Opening Volley, The Grapevine & BattleROMs March ‘04 _____AU FM – Equal Opportunity Destroyers – Basics & Contract 12; all work set back by one month. _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 4 – Bio-Feedback, Intel & BattleTales _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 4 – Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web - 23 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 April ‘04 _____AU FM – Equal Opportunity Destroyers – Contract 13 _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 5 – Opening Volley, The Grapevine, BattleROMs & Bio-Feedback _____AU Web Update May ‘04 _____AU FM – Equal Opportunity Destroyers – Contract 14 and the Waterworld Tragedy _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 5 – Intel, BattleTales, Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web _____AU Stage 3: Recruiting, Trials, Command Structure, Unit Structure and League Hunting completed; begin combat operations in all Regiments _____MW: DA Web Site Construction(hopefully a kit will be available by now) June ‘04 _____AU FM – Shadow Blade – Basics & Contract 15 – 16 _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 6 – Opening Volley, The Grapevine, BattleROMs & Bio-Feedback July ‘04 _____AU FM – Shadow Blade – Contract 17 – 18 _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 6 – Intel, BattleTales, Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web August ‘04 _____AU FM – Armageddon Unlimited – Basics & Contract 19 _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 7 – Opening Volley, The Grapevine, BattleROMs & Bio-Feedback September ‘04 _____AU FM – Armageddon Unlimited – Contract 20 – 21 _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 7 – Intel, BattleTales, Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web October ‘04 _____AU FM – Armageddon Unlimited – Contract 22 – 23 _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 8 – Opening Volley, The Grapevine, BattleROMs & Bio-Feedback _____Begin Construction of AMG/ MFOL League and Unit Repository _____Brand Spankin’ New BattleTech To-Do List including Other Projects…, below November ‘04 _____AU FM – Current Events and Introduction to Dark Age unit _____AU FM Completion of proofing, art insertion(?), making sure ALL AU resources have been tapped for completion of this manual, and selling to WizKids/ FanPro for Classic BattleTech _____Argent Fire – Volume 1, Issue 8 – Intel, BattleTales, Event Calendar & Parting Shot, Publish to Web Other Projects on my Mind for BattleTech MechWarrior: Dark Age RPG (Including: Introduction & Character Generation, Skill Use, Personal & ‘Mech Combat Rules and Examples, Gear & Weapons Availability & Acquisition, GameMasters Section & Drama Rules, Eventualities, etc.) You’re all more than welcome to contribute to the above list and AF will endeavor to make sure your information is put out to the rest of the community in a timely manner. ~The Wolf - 24 - AR GENT F I R E PARTING SHOT Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 Well, I am writing this before I come up with a piece of fiction for BattleTales, to close out this issue of the magazine. Make sure you take a look at the new Submission Guidelines below if you’re interested in writing anything for Argent Fire, drawing art, etc. We can use all manner of articles, stories and art, as long as it’s tasteful and has to do with the BattleTech universe in general. I suppose this is goodbye for another month or two, until I have enough material to produce a fourth issue of this E-Zine. Truth be told, I’ve written almost all of this in a single day, and that’s disappointing; after all, I normally have the ability to write single articles over the course of several days. Unfortunately, for some reason, this time I had to write it all at once, save of course BattleTales. Now, there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to Argent Fire, but I haven’t had the gumption or the ability to market it very widely yet. I’m hoping I can begin doing that next weekend, and I’ll be able to write a story for BattleTales over the course of this coming week. However, as sporadic as life has been recently, I am not certain what will happen on the verge of tomorrow. Next Issue we have an interview with Jordan Weisman concerning the 20year anniversary of BattleTech, what it will hail for the future, and how long it’ll be around. Look for that, folks, the interview email is already in to the Father of BattleTech himself. I will also try and get an interview out of the programmers, creators, and/or admins of MECH.US for y’all and, hopefully, it will be some very good reading. I’ll be honest with you, though, that I would really like to see all manner of articles in this E-Zine, from maps and scenarios, to community happenings, including up and coming conventions and on-line events, as well as articles and stories written about those conventions and events. Bring it on, like I’ve said multiple times now, we can take it. This next Issue I hope to complete two more MOD and/or League interviews for your reading pleasure and, over the next several issues I hope to intersperse articles from the original BattleTec E-Zine. Those guys worked every bit as hard as I’m working now, and I’m trying to enlist their aid and that of other BattleTech E-Zine writers, in general, to become staff writers for Argent Fire. If we can work together and we have a good marketing department, as well as the resource of a mailing list, then we should be able to do well and keep you informed on the up and coming as well as the going and the gone. I suppose that’ll be it for now. I hope you’ve enjoyed the interviews and the story I’ll be writing this coming week; if you don’t, come up with better, hehe. Oh, and don’t forget to subscribe to the new mailing list by sending your email address and the name you want to go by to [email protected]. Don’t forget, also, you can find this information also posted at http://www.wolvesau.net/ArgentFire. Happy hunting, MechWarriors and Mech Commanders. ~The Wolf NEW SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Okay, writing for AF is not going to be impossible. In fact, it should be easier than a lot of other magazines. Art – All art must be BattleTech-related and may be of ‘mechs, personnel(in uniforms preferably), combat art and anything else BattleTech-related. Battlefields and pictures from conventions and screenshots from special events may also be included. Once you submit your art it becomes AF property and may be used and modified as we see fit; and paying you is NOT an option, as we simply will NOT be able to afford to pay you for your hard work except in recognition for other publishers. We also own the art you submit to us because it keeps legal disputes down; we’ve told you ahead of time, what’s the issue? Don’t let that prevent you from putting art with us, though; your name will be in the credits for the magazine, along with the page and name of the work for where it’s been put. Articles – You may write articles and fiction(BattleTech preferably) of any size for the time being, and you may write and submit as many articles as you want. No profanity, no overt sex, no extraordinary violence, and keep it related to the BattleTech universe, please? You may include your art, diagrams, screenshots, etc. Please use proper spelling(spell checker is a wonderful function) and punctuation, sentence structure, syntax and grammar, especially when it comes to dialog. Keep in mind that once you submit anything to us it becomes AF property and may be used and modified as we see fit. Also, don’t let those rules keep you from submitting to or enjoying this E-Zine. - 25 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 020104/ 020168 Once again, we can’t pay you for your work because we take no money for this at all, and we keep your work, once submitted, because we don’t want to be sued for not paying any kind of royalties after we’ve already told you that whatever you submit is ours for the keeping. Whatever you submit to this E-Zine, which is used, is your own opinion and we are not responsible for any backlash you may receive as a result of what you write, so be careful. The same thing goes for us who are the primary writers and artists for AF; just because we say something is so does not make it law or, more important, more right or true than anything anyone else would say or believe. The primary writers of this E-Zine are Christian, but we will strive to maintain your dignity and allow you your opinion and right to choose. For those of you who are worried about copyright infringement, don’t. If we feel that something submitted to us steps over the line, we simply will not publish it in this FREE E-Zine. If you believe it steps over the bounds, please contact us, being respectful and showing common decency, and we will gladly change or delete the offending article or work of art and re-publish the E-Zine. However, it will be noted as a re-publish and a small explanation, as nebulous in detail as we can possibly get, concerning the original article and why it was changed, will be made to let our readership know that some stingy company has become tight-lipped about something they don’t want us to know. If an article does step over the line and we catch it before we publish it, we will work with the author(s) or artist(s) to rectify the situation. As for any repeated articles, stories, or art we do publish here that falls under copyright, we will ensure the copyright and the author or artist’s name is with the article or work of art. Further, none of this is designed as a challenge to any kind of copyright or trademark so, before you go and try to sue me, or any other member of the AF team(whoever they may be), look at it from a positive marketing perspective and give us a taste of something the community can enjoy, then turn around, make money off it, and go your own way. We don’t mind if you use our name for any review quotes you take from us, but make sure you have a link to the E-Zine as well, please? If you want something removed or altered, give us the skinny(tell us why we should do that), and we will not pass it on to the community, and we’ll be happy to let them be surprised, but we will release the submission after the fact if there is a fact to be after. The readership of this E-Zine loves BattleTech, or games/ entertainment involving and related to mecha and BattleMechs, and alienating them through making us change an article for some stingy reason would be bad for your profit margin. Advertisements – We have no problem hosting advertisements for units, leagues or even the manufacturers of the games we play. However, we don’t pay for submissions and we will only accept donations, not contracted payment of any advertisements. This does mean that ads here are free, but we will limit ad space available whether you decide to donate or not. When submitting an ad, please make sure you make a full-page ad(if you feel that’s necessary – see our ad toward the back for AU), a half-page ad, and a quarter page ad so we can fit your ad, in alphabetical order, with any others we may receive. With your submissions, please make sure you have a legitimate email address so we are able to get hold of you if needs be; no valid email address, no acknowledgement and no printing if we can’t work with you to clean up any article we feel needs cleaned up. Please make sure you place it with or on the article, art, or ad you’re hoping to submit with us, for every submission you make? Thank you, ahead of time. I do hope you enjoy this E-Zine, but I also hope you don’t expect it to come out too often. Good luck in all your battles, be gentle with your allies, harsh with your enemies, and respectful to those in power above you. ~The Wolf - 26 - AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 ADVERTISEMENTS - 27 - 020104/ 020168 AR GENT F I R E Volume I , I ssue 3 UNIT/RESOURCE LISTINGS This is the place we list all of the unit web pages in existence. If you have a web page to submit here, please feel free to email them to [email protected] and we’ll get you taken care of by the next issue. Note that links are listed by category and then alphabetically. If you have a gaming unit, for instance, your unit will be listed in Unit Listings towards the end of these links, and then alphabetically by the name of your unit. No one gets any special privileges for placement, not even the guys who produce these games. 020104/ 020168 Maps & Missions Alpha Strike – Produce MechWarrior maps and missions http://www.alpha-strike.net/ MercStorm – Community based support for MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries http://www.mercstorm.com/ News & Reviews BattleTech HQ http://www.angelfire.com/games/battletechHQ/ BattleTech Boards/PbEM/MechWarrior BattleTech Play by E-Mail(in German) BattleTech News & Reviews Dragon’s Hobbies - BattleTechnical http://www.antishaft.com/battletech/ BattleTech Universe.org http://www.lordsofthebattlefield.com/ http://btechnewsandreview.tripod.com/ http://btpbem.kell-hounds.de/ BattleTech – Until Your Cannon Glows http://www.dragonshobbies.com/battletechnical/ Lords of the Battlefield http://www.battletechuniverse.org/index1.php DropShip Command – Maps and Missions, News and Reviews and Forums area http://www.dropshipcommand.com/ The Task Force Galleries Dak’s BattleTech Miniatures Gallery http://atlas7d.freeservers.com/ http://www.luckshire.com/flealord/dakgallery/DakGall eryHome.htm Leagues Inner Sphere Wars – A MechWarrior 4 Mod http://www.comstarterminal.com Net BattleTech http://www.netbattletech.com/ Mech Commander Mech Lab – Mech Commander 2 http://dynamic4.gamespy.com/~mechcommander MechWarrior: Dark Age MechXF – A wonderful resource for Dark Age http://www.mektek.net/~mechxf/ http://www.texmech.net/ Personal Pages Panzerfaust 150’s BattleTech Web Home Froggie’s BattleTech Page http://www.ajfroggie.com/battletech/ Producers Archer’s Miniatures http://www.archersminiatures.com/ BattleCorps – A pay to read fiction site for Classic BattleTech http://www.battlecorps.com BattleTech Mod Productions – Document various mods which are coming out for Tech http://www.battletechmodproductions.com Custom Wooden Mechs http://spyder297.tripod.com/customwoodenmechs/id1 7.html Fantasy Productions – Producers of Classic BattleTech http://www.classicbattletech.com Inner Sphere Wars – A MechWarrior 4 Mod http://www.comstarterminal.com - 28 - AR GENT F I R E Mecha Entertainment – A Portal site and Volume I , I ssue 3 BattleTech forums area; producers of BattleTech fun http://www.mechaentertainment.com/ MechJock Unit Listings: Houses Davion Heavy Guards 020104/ 020168 http://www.geocities.com/davionheavyguards_2000/D HG_Opening.html Headhunters of Davion http://www.mechjock.com/ WizKids Games, LLC – Producers of MechWarrior: Dark Age http://www.wizkidsgames.com/mwdarkage/ Tech Readouts & Source Pages Chaos March http://www.hhod.com/main/index.htm Unit Listings: Mercenaries Armageddon Unlimited Primary Web Site http://www.wolvesau.net Christian Men Online(CMO) – A Christian http://www.chaosmarch.com/ Mercenaries group http://www.icehouse.net/cmonline http://www.sanctum.com/surfers/btech/ Death Dealer Mercs http://www.solaris7.net/battlenet/ Skye Rangers Primary Web Site – A Wolverine’s BattleTech Home Page BattleNet(in Spanish) MechWarrior Game Club http://www.skye-rangers.net Strider’s Strikers http://www.stridersstrikers.com/ ARGENT FIRE © 2004 ARGENT FIRE E-ZINE - 29 -