one channel microstepping motor driver board - Inter
one channel microstepping motor driver board - Inter
The 6th edition of the Interdisciplinarity in Engineering International Conference “Petru Maior” University of Tîrgu Mureş, Romania, 2012 ONE CHANNEL MICROSTEPPING MOTOR DRIVER BOARD Alexandru MORAR#1, Zsolt Albert BARABAS*2 # Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, “Petru Maior” University of Tg. Mureş, No.1 N.Iorga St., Tg. Mureş Romania 1 [email protected] * Abbott Laboratories S A , Bucuresti, Romania 2 [email protected] ABSTRACT This paper presents a 1 channel stepping motor driver can drive bipolar stepping motors with up to 2.25 amperes(peak) in full-, half-, fourth- or eighth-step mode. The board is based on the A3977 specialized chips, that supports all features of microstep signal generation and includes the amplifier.The step, direction, sleep, and enable inputs will be passed out of the board to go the main controller or from PC parallel port. There wont be anything fancy in the design, but there will be jumpers to set the step mode and the current set resistors will be addressed. The board will use a standard two-layer process and attempt to use all commodity cables for interconnects. Keywords: stepper motor, microsteppimg,PWM, chopper, dedicated IC, positioning system. 1. Introduction The most remarkable effect of the integrated circuits increasing complexity and functions number is represents by, as it is widely accepted, its “intelligence”. There is almost no applications domain in which the microelectronic devices “intelligence” shouldn’t have played a major role, one of the fields enjoying its advantages being the low power electric drives [1][14]. By introducing the “intelligence” in the drives command, this one will take over some complex functions usually accomplished by the human factor. In the automatic regulation systems, the electric stepper motors are utilized as execution elements. Stepper motor is the most utilized motor in low power adjustable electrical drives due to relatively simple methods of speed control. The stepper motors are used in many applications because of their advantages[2][13]. Thus, they move in quantified increments (steps) which lands them easy to digital control motion systems in open-loop mode. In addition, their drive signals are square waves which are easily generated by the digital circuits with relatively high efficiency. But stepper motors are not free of problems. The most typical application for these drives is represented by the precision positioning systems. These ones must satisfy relatively exacting dynamic conditions, generally difficult to be fulfilled, sometimes even contradictory, fact that partially explains why is necessary that the command devices must be “intelligent”. Taking into consideration the above mentioned aspects, the authors presents in this paper 1 channel stepping motor driver board based on the A3977[10] specialized integrat circuit, that can drive motors with up to 2.25 amperes(peak) in full, half, fourh or eighth stepe mode. 2. Functional description The A3977[10] is a complete microstepping motor driver with built in translator for easy operation with minimal control lines. It is designed to operate bipolar stepper motor in full, half, quarter and eighth step modes. The functional block diagram is shown in figure 1. The current in each of the two output Hbridges, all n-channel DMOS, is regulated with fixed off time pulse-width modulated (PWM) control circuitry. The H-bridge current at each step is set by the value of an external current sense resistor (RS), a reference voltage (VREF), and the DACs output voltage controlled by the output for the translator. At power up, or reset, the translator sets the DACs and phase current polarity to initial home state (see figures for home-state conditions), and sets the current regulator for both phases to mixed-decay mode. When a step command signal occurs on the STEP input the translator automatically sequences the DACs to the next level(see table 2 for the current level sequence and current polarity). The microstep resolution is set by inputs MS1 and MS2 as shown in table 1. If the new DAC output level is lower than the previous level the decay mode for that H-bridge will be set by the PFD input(fast, slow or mixed decay. If the new DAC level is higher or eqal to the previous level then the decay mode for 297 that H-bridge will be slow decay. This automatic current-decay selection will improve microsteping performance by reducing the distortion of the current waveform due to the motor BEMF. The electrical schematic of the realized board is shown in figure 2. The RESET input (active low) sets the translator to a predefined home state (see figures for home conditions) and turns off all of the DMOS outputs. The HOME output goes low and all STEP inputs are ignored until the RESET input goes high. The HOME output is a logic output indicator of the initial state of the translator. At power up the translator is reset to the home state (see figures for home state conditions). A low-to-high transmition on the STEP input sequences the translator and advances the motor one increment. Thetranslator controls the input to the DACs and the direction of current flow in each winding. The size of the increment is determined by the state of inputs MS1 and MS2 (see table 1). The state of the DIRECTION input will determine the direction of rotation of the motor. Each H-bridge is controlled by a fixed off time PWM current-control circuit that limits the load current to a desired value (ITRIP). Initialy, a diagonal pair of source and sink DMOS outputs are enabled and current flows through the motor winding and RS. When the voltage across the current-sense rezistor eqals the DAC output voltage, the current-sense comparator reset the PWM lath, which turns off the source driver (slow-decay mode) or the sink and source drivers (fast or mixeddecay modes). The maximum value of current limiting is set by the selection of RS and the voltage at the VREF input with a transconductance function approximated by: ITRIPmax = VREF/8RS. The DAC output reduces the VREF output to the current-sense comparator in precise steps (see table 2 for % ITRIPmax at each step). ITRIP = ( %ITRIPmax/100) x ITRIPmax. It is critical to ensure that the maximum rating (0.5V) on the SENSE terminal is not exceeded. For full step mode, VREF can be applied up to the maximum rating of VDD, because the peak sense value is 0.707 x VREF/8. In all other modes VREF should no exceed 4V. The internal PWM current-control circuitry uses a one shot to control the time the driver(s) remain(s) off. The one shot off-time, toff, is determined by the selection of an external resistor (RS) and capacitor (CT) connected from the RC timing terminal to ground. The off time,over a range of values of CT = 470 pF to 1500 pF and RT = 12 kΩ to 100 kΩ is approximated by: toff = RT x CT. In addition to the fixed off time of the PWM control circuit, the CT component sets the comparator blanking time. This function blanks the output of the current-sense comparator when the outputsare switched by the internal current-control circitry. The comparator output is blanked to prevent false over-current detection due to reverse recovery currentsof the clamp diodes, and/or switching transients related to the capacitance of the load. The blank time tBLANK can be approximated by: tBLANK = 1400CT. The full-step, half-step, quarter-step and 8microstep/step operation is shown in figure 3 to figure 6. Fig. 1 – Functional block diagram[10] 298 Fig. 2 – The electrical schematic of the realized board Table 1. Microstep Resolution Truth Table MS1 MS2 Resolution L L Full step H L Half step L H Quarter step H H Eighth step ENABLE (active-low) input, enables aii of the DMOS output. When logic high the outputs are disabled. Inputs to the translator (STEP, DIRECTION, MS1, MS2) are all active independent of the ENABLE input state. SLEEP mode: an active-low control input used to minimize power consumption when not in use. This disables much of the internal circuitry including the outup DMOS, regulator, and charge pump. A logic high allows normal operatio and startup of the device in the home position. When coming out of sleep mode, wait 1ms before issuing a STEP command to allow the charge pump (gate drive) to stabilize. Percent Fast Decay Input (PFD). When a STEP input signal commands a lower output current from the previous step,it switches the output current decay to either slow, fast, or mixed decay depending on the voltage level at the PDF input. If the voltage at the PDF input is greater than 0.6VDD then slow-decay mode is selected. If the voltage on the PDF input is less than 0.21VDD then fast-decay mode is selected. Mixed decay is between these two levels. Active mode. When the SR input is logic low, active mode is enabled and synchronous rectification will occur. When the SR input is logic high, synchronous rectification is disabled. This mode is typically used when external diodes are required to transfer power dissipation from the A3977 package to the external diodes. 299 Table 2. Step Sequencing[10] 1:1/8 th-Step subdivision current ratios Home state = 45o step angle, DIR = H Fig. 3 – Full Step Operation[10] MS1=MS2=,,0”( L ); DIR =,,1”( H ) Fig. 4 – Half Step Operation[10] MS1= =,,1”(H), MS2=,,0”( L ), DIR =,,1”( H ) 300 Fig. 5 – Quarter Step Operation[10] MS1=,,0”( L ), MS2=,,1”( H ), DIR =,,1”( H ) Fig. 6 – 8 Microstep/Step Operation[10] MS1=MS2=,,1”( H ); DIR =,,1”( H ) Fig. 7 – Layout diagram of the realized microstepping board Fig. 8 – General view of the realized microstepping board 301 Fig. 9 – General view of the realized experimental precision positioning system 3. Experimental results The experimental research was performed in the Electrical Drives Laboratory of the Electrical Engineering Faculty, “Petru Maior” University of Târgu-Mureş, where it has been realized an high performance microstepping system for stepper motor control[3] [4][6]. Figure 7 shows layout diagram of the realized microstepping board. Figure 8 shows the general view of realized microstepping board. In Figure 9 is shows the general view of the realized experimental precision positioning system. In order to measure the phase currents, two hall sensors (LEM modules – LA25NP) were used, and a data acquisition numerical system dedicated to the electric drives as in [3] [4][6]. As experimental results, the phase currents of a two-phase bipolar stepper motor (1, 2, 4, 8 microstep/step) are shown in Figure 10. 4. Conclusions The last progress both in control in motor drive domain impose on the researchers a continuous reorientation in order to solve the design problems with the newest technical means. The modern solution involve new power semiconductor devices with high performances, dedicated command circuits with multiple specific function and new control techniques. In this sense the authors have developed an original microstepping system for the open-loop control one stepper motors for precision positioning systems. Among the facilities offered by this system we mention: • resonance’s are significantly reduced • reduced audibile motor noise • increased step accuraty • reduced power dissipation • very high step resolution • • • • • • • • dramatically simplified stepper motor driving small-and medium-sized motors the A3977 interface is an ideal fit for applications where a complex PC or µP flexibility in selecting constant-speed runnig frequencies low cos assembly precise one axe position control precise rotation control robotics and assembly equipment other stepping motor application References [1] Acarnley, P.P., - Stepping Motors: a Guide to Modern Theory and Practice. Peter Peregrinus Ltd.,ISBN: 0 86 341027 8, London, 1992. [2] Takasaki, K., Sugawara, A. - Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls. Clarendon Prsss, ISBN: 0 19 859386 4 hbk, Oxford, 1994. 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