Product Guide
Product Guide
Product Guide Continence, Ostomy, Skin and Wound Care Effective September 2014 A legacy of personal care Coloplast is among the world’s leading manufacturers of intimate healthcare products through a philosophy that has served us well for many decades. We listen carefully to people with conditions of a very private nature. We understand their personal needs. Then we create innovative solutions that make a significant difference in their lives. It began more than 50 years ago when a nurse named Elise Sørensen came up with an ingenious idea after her sister Thora had ostomy surgery. She created the world’s first disposable ostomy bag with an adhesive ring. It gave Thora the chance to live a normal life again. That simple idea led to the formation of Coloplast and it has evolved into a multitude of ostomy care products for a wide range of needs. Coloplast has also expanded to become a leader in urology and continence care products as well as wound and skin care products. Today, our passion for excellence has not waned. We still listen to people with intimate conditions and the professionals who care for them. And we dedicate ourselves to finding solutions that improve their quality of life. That is what made us a global leader in ostomy products. It is how we will continue to lead well into the future. 3 4 Table of Contents Continence Care�����������������������������������������������7-44 Straights����������������������������������������������������������������������� 10-13 Coudes������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14-15 Closed Systems / Sets�������������������������������������������������� 16-19 Anal Irrigation................................................................. 20-21 Male External Catheters������������������������������������������������ 22-24 Leg and Drain Bags������������������������������������������������������ 25-27 Indwelling Catheters������������������������������������������������������ 28-29 Accessories������������������������������������������������������������������ 30-31 Discontinued Products�������������������������������������������������� 32-44 Wound Care����������������������������������������������������45-60 Foam Dressings������������������������������������������������������������ 49-52 Alginate Dressings��������������������������������������������������������� 53-54 Skin Sealant / Hydrocolloid Dressings���������������������������������55 Hydrocolloid Dressings��������������������������������������������������������56 Hydrophilic Paste / Wound Cleansers / Hydrogels���������������57 Contact Layer......................................................................58 Super Absorbents................................................................59 Discontinued Products��������������������������������������������������������60 Skin Care���������������������������������������������������������61-80 Cleansers���������������������������������������������������������������������� 66-67 Moisturizers������������������������������������������������������������������� 68-69 Skin Protectants������������������������������������������������������������ 70-71 Antifungals��������������������������������������������������������������������������72 Skin Fold Management�������������������������������������������������������73 Hand Hygiene���������������������������������������������������������������������74 Accessories������������������������������������������������������������������������75 Discontinued Products�������������������������������������������������� 76-80 Ostomy Care�������������������������������������������������81-188 Accessories������������������������������������������������������������������ 87-94 2-Piece Click��������������������������������������������������������������� 96-118 2-Piece Flex�������������������������������������������������������������� 119-132 1-Piece��������������������������������������������������������������������� 133-156 Post-op / Wound Management��������������������������������� 157-166 Pediatric�������������������������������������������������������������������� 167-177 Discontinued Products���������������������������������������������� 179-188 Reference Tools������������������������������������������189-224 Education Continence Care���������������������������������������������������������������191 Ostomy Care������������������������������������������������������������� 192-193 Wound & Skin Care��������������������������������������������������� 194-195 Cross Reference Continence Care ������������������������������������������������������ 196-200 Ostomy Care������������������������������������������������������������� 201-206 Skin Care������������������������������������������������������������������ 207-215 Wound Care�������������������������������������������������������������� 217-219 Medicare Utilization Continence�����������������������������������������������������������������������220 Ostomy��������������������������������������������������������������������� 221-222 Wound Care����������������������������������������������������������������������223 HCPCS Codes���������������������������������������������������������� 224-227 Index������������������������������������������������������������������ 229 Continence Care | Effective September 2014 Continence Product Guide Continence Important safety information SpeediCath® Catheters are indicated for use by patients with chronic urine retention and patients with a post void residual volume (PVR) due to neurogenic and nonneurogenic voiding dysfunction. The catheter is inserted into the urethra to reach the bladder allowing urine to drain. There is a separate SpeediCath Compact Set device intended for either males or females only. This is a single-use only product. Patients are to contact their healthcare professional before performing self-cathetherization for the first time and follow the instructions carefully. See the device manual for further information or, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-866-226-6362 and/or consult the company website at Rx Only. Self-Cath® Plus Intermittent Urinary Catheters are intended for use in male or female patients requiring bladder drainage as determined by their physician. This device is indicated for those individuals unable to promote a natural urine flow or for those who have a significant volume of residual urine following a natural bladder voiding episode. The device can be used by the patient once appropriate training has taken place or by a trained healthcare professional. Single-use only. See the device manual for detailed information regarding the procedure, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-866-226-6362 and/or consult the company website at www. Rx Only. Ensure your patients get the product you recommend. Ask for SpeediCath® and Self-Cath® by name. Catheter users who have insurance can pay the same price when buying any catheter within the same category: straight,1 coudé,2 or catheter sets.3 1. HCPCS A4351 (straight)** 2. HCPCS A4352 (coudé)** 3. HCPCS A4353 (catheter set)** DAW* Self-Cath® Catheters are intended for use in male, female, and pediatric patients (neonates, infants, children, adolescents, and transitional adolescents) requiring bladder drainage as determined by their physician. This device is indicated for those individuals unable to promote a natural urine flow or for those individuals who have a significant volume of residual urine following a natural bladder-voiding episode. Singleuse only. See the device manual for detailed information regarding the procedure, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-866-226-6362 and/or consult the company website at Rx Only. SureCath® Catheters are indicated for use by patients for intermittent catheterization for the purpose of bladder drainage. See the device manual for detailed information regarding the instructions for use, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-866-226-6362 and/or consult the company website at Rx Only. Indications: The Peristeen® Anal Irrigation System is intended to instill water into the colon through a rectal catheter, which incorporates an inflatable balloon, inserted into the rectum to promote evacuation of the contents of the lower colon. The Peristeen Anal Irrigation System is indicated for use by children (2 years - <12 years old), adolescent (12 years - < 18 years old), transitional adolescent (18 - <21 years old) and adult patients with neurogenic bowel dysfunction who suffer from fecal incontinence, chronic constipation, and/or time-consuming bowel management procedures No Substitution *D ispense as written; exact language to specify brand dispensed varies by state. Contact your Coloplast Sales Rep or National Association of Boards of Pharmacy for more information. Advise your patients to find a supplier who takes assignment for the catheter you prefer by contacting Coloplast Consumer Care at 1-866-226-6362. Steps to ensuring patients get the catheter they want: 1. Include the following on each prescription: Contraindications: Peristeen Anal Irrigation must not be used in the following situations: Patient Name Address • Known obstruction of the large bowel due to strictures or tumors • Acute inflammatory bowel disease • Diverticulitis • Complex diverticular disease • Abdominal or anal surgery within the last 3 months • In patients who are pregnant and have not used the system before* Rx SpeediCath Compact Set 28422 Dx: Urine retention 5 catheters / day x 30 days / month = 150 catheters / month *If the patient is pregnant and has never used anal irrigation before, they should not start the irrigation procedure during pregnancy Warning: Anal irrigation procedure should always be carried out with care. Bowel perforation is an extremely rare, but serious and potentially lethal complication to anal irrigation and will require immediate admission to a hospital, often requiring surgery. See the device manual for detailed information regarding the implant procedure, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp at1-800-258-3476 or consult the company website at Rx Only. For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions, please see page 224. 8 No d i l a V t Brand of catheter Do not refill Refill Date Times Type of catheter (straight, coudé, kit / closed system) Frequency of catheterizations / day and total catheters needed / month M.D D.E.A Number Print Last Name 2. Enroll your patients in Coloplast Care Call - contact Coloplast Care at 1-866-226-6362 Email - send request to [email protected] Fax - send patient enrollment form to 1-800-501-8533 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 9 The world’s first ready-to-use hydrophilic-coated catheter Easy to carry, store and use. The catheter comes prehydrated in a ready-to-use package. Therefore; no need to wait for the catheter to hydrate. Hydrophilic coating is smooth and uniform for minimal friction. Polished eyelets for comfort. Uncoated Grip Zone™ area for control in handling. This device is not made with natural rubber latex and is DEHP and phtalate free. Straights Straights SpeediCath® SpeediCath® Compact and SpeediCath Compact Plus The compact ready-to-use hydrophilic-coated catheter for women Ready-to-use hydrophilic-coated catheter designed for females. SpeediCath Compact Plus is about an inch longer for those women who need a little more length to reach their bladder. Compact discreet packaging makes it easy to store and carry. This device is not made with natural rubber latex and is DEHP and phtalate free. SpeediCath® Single Units SpeediCath catheter only. No insertion supplies. SpeediCath® Compact Single Units Straights Code 28408 28410 28412 28414 28416 28418 SpeediCath Compact catheter only. Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR Units 30 30 30 30 30 30 Description 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR Units 30 30 30 30 Description 2.75" length 2.75" length 2.75" length 2.75" length HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 SpeediCath® Compact Plus Female 28506 28508 28510 28512 28514 28516 Code 28578 28580 28582 28584 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 30 30 30 30 30 30 6" length 6" length 6" length 6" length 6" length 6" length A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6" length 6" length 6" length 10" length 10" length 10" length 10" length A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 SpeediCath Compact Female with additional catheter length for women who want discretion but require a longer catheter. Code 28810 Size 10 FR Units 30 Description 3.5" length HCPCS* A4351 28812 12 FR 30 3.5" length A4351 28814 14 FR 30 3.5" length A4351 Pediatric 28706 28708 28710 28606 28608 28610 28612 10 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 11 Self-Cath® for Intermittent Self-Catheterization Single-use catheters designed for intermittent selfcatheterization The hydrophilic coating activates immediately upon exposure to water. The Self-Cath Plus has a unique, uncoated Grip Zone™ area for control in handling. This device is not made with natural rubber latex. Self-Cath® Plus Self-Cath® Straight Tip Hydrophilic-coated catheter. Straight Code 4408 4410 4412 4414 4416 4418 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR Units 30 30 30 30 30 30 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 30 30 30 6" length, funnel end 6" length, funnel end 6" length, funnel end A4351 A4351 A4351 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 30 30 30 10" length, funnel end 10" length, luer end 10" length, luer end A4351 A4351 A4351 Units 30 30 30 30 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 Female 4210 4212 4214 Pediatric 4306 4308 4310 Self-Cath® Plus Soft Code 4110 4112 4114 4116 Size 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Self-Cath uncoated catheters have fire-polished eyelets for comfort, a siliconized surface for smooth insertion, and are available in a variety of options. This device is not made with natural rubber latex. Straights Straights Self-Cath® Plus The Self-Cath Straight Tip catheter with fire-polished eyelets and a siliconized surface for smooth insertion. Code 408 410 412 414 416 418 450 460 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR 14 FR Units 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 12 FR 50 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end, curved packaging 16" length, funnel end, curved packaging HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 Self-Cath® Female The Self-Cath Female catheter has been designed for the shorter female urethra. Code 208 210 212 214 240 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 14 FR Units 30 30 30 30 30 Description 6" length, funnel end 6" length, funnel end 6" length, funnel end 6" length, funnel end 6" length, luer end HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 Self-Cath® Soft The Self-Cath Soft catheter is a softer, clear, catheter that is firmer than a red rubber catheter for easy insertion. Code 110 112 114 116 Size 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units 30 30 30 30 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 Self-Cath® Pediatric Self-Cath Pediatric catheters have been designed to accurately fit pediatrics. Code 305 306 308 310 12 1.800.533.0464 Size 5 FR 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR Units 30 30 30 30 Description 10" length, funnel end 10" length, funnel end 10" length, luer end 10" length, luer end HCPCS* A4351 A4351 A4351 A4351 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 13 Self-Cath® The world’s first ready-to-use hydrophilic-coated catheter Single-use catheters designed for intermittent selfcatheterization Easy to carry, store and use. The catheter comes prehydrated in a ready-to-use package. Therefore; no need to wait for the catheter to hydrate. Hydrophilic coating is smooth and uniform for minimal friction. Polished eyelets for comfort. Uncoated Grip Zone™ area for control in handling. This device is not made with natural rubber latex and is DEHP and phtalate free. SpeediCath Tapered Tip Coudé ® Code 28490 28492 28494 28496 Size 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units 30 30 30 30 Description 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length HCPCS* A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 Self-Cath® Plus for Intermittent Self-Catheterization The hydrophilic coating activates immediately upon exposure to water—for fast, clean lubrication and maximum ease of use. The Self-Cath Plus has a unique, uncoated Grip Zone™ area for total control in handling. This device is not made with natural rubber latex. Self-Cath Plus Olive Tip Coudé with Guide Stripe® Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units 30 30 30 30 30 The Guide Stripe® indicator allows for monitoring of the catheter tip position throughout the catheterization process. The eyelets have been repositioned to the sides of the catheter. Self-Cath® Olive Tip Coudé with Guide Stripe® Code 806 808 810 812 814 816 818 Size 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR Units 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 Self-Cath® Tiemann/Tapered Tip Coudé with Guide Stripe® ® Code 4808 4810 4812 4814 4816 Self-Cath catheters have fire-polished eyelets for comfort, a siliconized surface for smooth insertion, and are available in a variety of options. This device is not made with natural rubber latex. Coudes Coudes SpeediCath® Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 Code 608 610 612 614 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR Units 30 30 30 30 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 Self-Cath® Plus Tapered Tip Coudé with Guide Stripe® Code 4608 4610 4612 4614 14 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR Units 30 30 30 30 Description 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end 16" length, funnel end HCPCS* A4352 A4352 A4352 A4352 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 15 SureCath® Set An instantly ready-to-use hydrophilic catheter in a compact design with an integrated bag for both males and females. It is discreet and easy to use. This device is not made with natural rubber latex and is DEHP and phtalate free. for Intermittent Self-Catheterization SpeediCath® Compact Set Female Code Size Units Hydrophilic-coated catheter set with sterile solution enclosed in a single-use, ready-to-use collection bag. This device is not made with natural rubber latex. SureCath® Set with Insertion Supplies Description HCPCS* 28520 28522 28524 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 30 20 30 3.5" length 3.5" length 3.5" length A4353 A4353 A4353 Male 28422 12 FR 20 13.2" length A4353 SpeediCath® with Insertion Supplies SureCath Set catheter and collection bag, one pair of exam gloves, one CSR wrap and two iodine prep pads. Straight Tip 700mL Code 28032 28022S 28023S 28024S 28032S 28033S Size 14 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR The world’s first ready-to-use hydrophilic-coated catheter Straight Tip 1200mL Easy to carry, store and use. The catheter comes prehydrated in a ready to use package. Therefore; no need to wait for the catheter to hydrate. Hydrophilic coating is bound to catheter. polished eyelets for comfort. Uncoated Grip Zone™ area for total control in handling. This device is not made with natural rubber latex and is DEHP and phtalate free. 28036 28037 28036S 28037S 14 FR 16 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units Description HCPCS* 20 100 100 100 100 100 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 20 20 100 100 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 Closed Systems / Sets Closed Systems / Sets SpeediCath® Compact Set SureCath® Set without Insertion Supplies Straight Tip 700mL SpeediCath® with Insertion Supplies SpeediCath catheter with one pair of non-latex exam gloves, one waterproof drape, two iodine prep pads and urine collection bag. Straights Code 28481 28482 28483 28484 28485 28486 Size Units Description HCPCS* 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR 100 100 100 100 100 100 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 100 100 100 100 100 100 6" length 6" length 6" length 6" length 6" length 6" length A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 Female 28499 28500 28501 28502 28503 28504 16 1.800.533.0464 Code 28009 28005S 28006S 28007S 28008S 28009S Size 16 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units Description HCPCS* 20 100 100 100 100 100 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 20 20 100 100 100 100 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length 14" length A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 Straight Tip 1200mL 28027 28028 28026S 28027S 28028S 28029S 12 FR 14 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 17 Self-Cath Closed System for Intermittent Self-Catheterization The Self-Cath Closed System is a unisex closed system for catheterization. The ring on the cap makes it easy to remove and the EasyOff ™ tear tab makes the bag easier to empty. This device is not made with natural rubber latex. Self-Cath® Closed Systems with Insertion Supplies Self-Cath pre-lubricated catheter, gloves, 1100 mL seamless collection bag, povidone-iodine swabsticks, BZK wipe (towelette), underpad and instructions for use. Straight Tip Code 1108 1110 1112 1114 1116 Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units 50 50 50 50 50 Description 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length HCPCS* A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 14 FR 50 6" length A4353 14 FR 50 16" length A4353 16" length 16" length A4353 A4353 Female 2214 Soft Straight Tip Code 1008 1010 1012 1014 1016 Self-Cath pre-lubricated catheter and 1100 mL collection bag only. No additional insertion supplies. Size 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR Units 50 50 50 50 50 Description 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length HCPCS* A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 A4353 14 FR 50 6" length A4353 14 FR 50 16" length A4353 16" length 16" length A4353 A4353 2114 Closed Systems / Sets Closed Systems / Sets Self-Cath® Closed System Single Units ® Olive Tip Coude with Guide Stripe® 2814 2816 14 FR 16 FR 50 50 Tapered Tip Coude with Guide Stripe® 2614 14 FR 50 16" length A4353 Female 3214 Soft 3114 Olive Tip Coude with Guide Stripe® 3814 3816 14 FR 16 FR 50 50 Tapered Tip Coude with Guide Stripe® 3614 18 14 FR 50 16" length A4353 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 19 Peristeen makes a difference Peristeen is an innovative anal irrigation system from Coloplast for people who suffer from fecal incontinence or chronic constipation. Using Peristeen minimizes the likelihood of involuntary bowel leakage. The system has been specially designed to make it portable and easy to use. This offers independence and a sense of security to the user. In clinical trials with patients with spinal cord injuries, the Peristeen system reduced fecal incontinence and constipation and improved quality of life.1 Anal Irrigation Anal Irrigation Peristeen® Anal Irrigation Peristeen® Anal Irrigation Code Want to learn about a new bowel management system? Introducing Peristeen® Anal Irrigation For people who suffer from fecal incontinence (leaking) or chronic constipation from neurogenic bowel syndrome, using Peristeen minimizes the likelihood of involuntary bowel leakage. 29129 System 1 control unit 1 bag (with lid) 2 leg straps 1 toiletries bag 29122 Accessory unit 29124 Strap 1 set of 2 leg straps 29125 Tube 2 tubes with blue connectors 29127 Accessory unit 15 small size rectal catheters 1 bag (no lid) 15 standard size rectal catheters 1 bag (no lid) FDA approved. Application for HCPCS* code pending. Available via prior authorization process for Medicaid and private insurance. To learn more visit 1. C hristensen P et al. A randomized, controlled trial of transanal irrigation versus conservative bowel management in spinal cord injured patients. Gastroenterology 2006; 131:738-747 20 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 8 21 Male External Catheters (Condom Catheters) Coloplast offers a complete line of latex and non-latex male external catheters. A variety of adhesive styles, sheath lengths and one- and two-piece configurations are designed to suit a variety of end-user needs. A complete incontinence system can be achieved by combining a Coloplast male external catheter and a Coloplast leg bag. Conveen® Optima Self-adhering silicone catheter is packaged in a discreet, recyclable smart pack. Easy-on application is both simple and trouble-free with the double-grip strip. The triple-action anti-leak system with anti-kink bellow, sure-grip ribs and push ring ensures maximum security to our collection bag. The comfortable wear silicone is soft and breathable, and the balanced adhesive provides reliability and skin friendliness. Not made with natural rubber latex. Size 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm Units 30 30 30 30 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 30 30 30 30 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 Sport Length 22121 22125 22130 22135 Code 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 Size 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 40 mm Units 100 100 100 100 100 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 Conveen® Security+ Self-Sealing Male External Catheter Standard Length Code 22025 22030 22035 22040 The Freedom Clear catheter offers a silicone sheath designed for comfortable, everyday wear. It features an anti-kink resevoir designed to prevent urine backflow. Not made with natural rubber latex. A self-sealing male external catheter features a placement ring to assist with anatomical positioning and an anti-kink reservoir designed to prevent urine backflows. Integrated skin-friendly adhesive is gentle yet stays in place. Pull-tab enables easy application. Transparent to allow easy monitoring of the skin. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 5221 5225 5230 5235 5240 5225H 5230H 5235H 5240H Size 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm Units 35 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 100 Male External Catheters Male External Catheters Freedom Clear® HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 Freedom Clear Advantage® with Aloe The Clear Advantage catheter is a premium, self-adhering, silicone catheter designed for maximum wear time. It features aloe in the adhesive and an anti-kink reservoir designed to prevent urine backflow. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6130 6230 6330 6430 6530 22 Size 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 40 mm 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 40 mm Units 100 100 100 100 100 30 30 30 30 30 Freedom Clear® LS HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 1.800.533.0464 The Freedom Clear LS (Long Seal) is designed with a longer-length adhesive seal on a thin silicone sheath, providing added security and comfort. Features an anti-kink reservoir designed to prevent urine backflow. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 5190 5290 5390 5490 5590 Size 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 40 mm Units 100 100 100 100 100 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 23 Manhood® Absorbent Pouch The Freedom Clear SS (Sport Sheath) offers a thin, brief silicone sheath for less roll-up at the base of the catheter. It is a good choice for individuals with penis retractions. Features an anti-kink reservoir designed to prevent urine backflow. Not made with natural rubber latex Manhood Absorbent Pouch is designed for light to moderate incontinence. Using a super-absorbent polymer, the pouch can hold 250 mL of liquid. Code 5110 5210 5310 5410 Size 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm Freedom Cath Code 4200-B Units 100 100 100 100 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 Size 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm Units 100 100 100 100 30 30 30 30 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 Freedom Active Cath® Size 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm HCPCS* One size fits most Conveen® Security + Leg Bags Conveen® Security+ Leg Bag Secure and reliable urine collection bag with anti-kink tubing to prevent accidental leakage. Free of PVC and phthalates. Code Size Units Description HCPCS* Non-Sterile 21026 17 oz. (500 mL) 10 21027 34 oz. (1000 mL) 10 21029 17 oz. (500 mL) 10 21034 17 oz. (500 mL) 10 21053 34 oz. (1000 mL) 10 21054 34 oz. (1000 mL) 10 50 cm, clamp, flocked backing, straps 50 cm, clamp, flocked backing, straps A4358 6 cm, lever tap, straps 50 cm, lever tap, straps 6 cm, lever tap, straps 50 cm, lever tap, straps A4358 A4358 Sterile Active Cath catheter is a self-adhering, extended wear, one-piece latex catheter. Combines a shortened latex sheath with a wide, watertight adhesive seal. Anti-kink reservoir designed to prevent urine backflow. Code 8100 8300 8305 8500 Units 30 Features a discreet design and color scheme to be less visible under clothing. Two types are available, clamp or lever tap, anti-kink tubing, soft cloth backing, straps and extended outlet tubing for urine emptying process. ® Freedom Cath catheter is a self-adhering, one-piece latex catheter for secure everyday use. Combines a comfortable latex sheath with a wide, watertight adhesive seal. Anti-kink reservoir prevents backflow of urine. Code 8000 8200 8205 8400 8030 8230 8235 8430 Size 250 mL Leg and Drain Bags Male External Catheters Freedom Clear® SS Units 100 100 100 100 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 A4349 A4358 A4358 A4358 Freedom Gizmo™ The Gizmo male external catheter is a latex catheter with a single-sided adhesive strip. It features a pure, soft, natural latex-reinforced funnel end with an anti-kink reservoir designed to prevent urine backflow. No adhesive comes into contact with skin. Code 7275 7250 7200 24 Size 23 mm 28 mm 35 mm Units 100 100 100 HCPCS* A4349 A4349 A4349 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 25 Reusable Latex Leg Bags Only the Coloplast Alpine® Leg Bag has the patented KRAYLEX® odor barrier, offset port options and integrated loops providing total confidence and comfort. Deluxe leg bag with pre-attached, adjustable, anti-kink tubing. Secure, user-friendly closure, soft cloth backing, anti-reflux valve, and chambered panels for discretion and low profile. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 5170 Size Units 21 oz. (600 mL) 10 5171 21 oz. (600 mL) 10 5174 28 oz. (800 mL) 10 Description Medium with 18" tubing Medium with 18" tubing, Sterile Large with 18" tubing HCPCS* A4358 A4358 A4358 Alpine® Reusable Leg Bag Code Capacity Port 68006 R or L 15 oz. Extra-large drainage bag with anti-reflux valve, volume markings and soft cloth backing. Secure, user-friendly closure. Not made with natural rubber latex. Size Units 51 oz. (1500 mL) 10 Description Extra Large with 36" tubing 68004 HCPCS* A4357 Units 30 10 26 oz. Description Non-Sterile Sterile A5112 Straight A5112 13 x 5" (33 x 12.7 cm) Long Slim 68003 R or L 26 oz. Offset R or L 20 x 5" (50.8 x 12.7 cm) A5112 32 oz. Straight 17 x 5" (43.2 x 12.7 cm) A5112 44 oz. Straight 20 x 5" (50.8 x 12.7 cm) A5112 Large Large volume (2 liters) bedside drainage bag. Non-sterile package includes 30 bags and tubes and 3 hangers. Sterile package includes 10 bags and 2 hangers. Not made with natural rubber latex. Size 2 liters 2 liters Offset R or L 11 x 4" (27.9 x 10.2 cm) Short Wide Moveen® Drainage Bag Code 21346 21356 HCPCS* Sport/Small Security+ Extra Large Drainage Bag Code 5062 Size Leg and Drain Bags Leg and Drain Bags Security+ Contoured Leg Bag with Non-Latex Fabric Leg Bag Straps 68001 HCPCS* A4357 A4357 Extra Large 68007 Conveen® Active Leg Bag The Conveen Active Leg bag provides a reliable and discreet solution for patients. It wraps around the thigh with the bag facing inward for minimal visibility, even when wearing shorts. The bag’s fabric fastening system enables hassle-free fitting and keeps the bag in place, even during sport activities. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 25502 26 Size Units 8.5 oz. (250 mL) 30 Description Non-sterile HCPCS* A4358 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 27 Folysil® 100% Silicone Indwelling Catheters. Folysil® 2-way Coude Code Folysil® 2-way Pediatric Code Straights AA 6106 AA 6108 AA 6110 Maximum Balloon Capacity Size Description 1.5 cc 3 cc 3 cc 6 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12" length 12" length 12" length 5 5 5 A4344 A4344 A4344 3 cc 3 cc 8 FR 10 FR 12" length 12" length 5 5 A4340 A4340 Coudé AA 6308 AA 6310 Open-tip AA 6408 AA 6410 Units HCPCS* 3 cc 3 cc 8 FR 10 FR 10" length 12" length 5 5 A4344 A4344 AA 6112 AA 6114 AA 6116 AA 6118 AA 6120 AA 6122 AA 6124 AA 6C18 AA 6C20 AA 6C22 AA 6C24 28 Maximum Balloon Capacity 10 cc 10 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 30 cc 30 cc 30 cc 30 cc Size Description 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR 20 FR 22 FR 24 FR 18 FR 20 FR 22 FR 24 FR 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 10 cc 10 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc Size Description 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR 20 FR 22 FR 24 FR 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length Units HCPCS* 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A4340 A4340 A4340 A4340 A4340 A4340 A4340 Folysil® 2-way Open Tip Code Folysil® 2-way Straight Code AA 6312 AA 6314 AA 6316 AA 6318 AA 6320 AA 6322 AA 6324 Maximum Capacity Indwelling Catheters Indwelling Catheters Cysto-Care® AA 6412 AA 6414 AA 6416 AA 6418 AA 6420 AA 6422 AA 6424 Maximum Capacity 10 cc 10 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc 15 cc Size Description 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 18 FR 20 FR 22 FR 24 FR 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length 16" length Units HCPCS* 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 Units HCPCS* 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 A4344 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 29 Alpine® Quick Valve Code 68300 Intermittent Catheter Extension Tube Code 475 Size 24" Units 12 HCPCS* A4331 Male External Catheter/Bag Accessories Deluxe Leg Bag Straps Units 1 HCPCS* A4335 Bag Hanger Reusable, sturdy, plastic drainage bag hanger secures tubing and ensures bag stability. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 5070 Size One size Units 1 HCPCS* A4421 Security+ Fabric Leg Bag Straps Stretchable Velstretch®. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 7080 Size 10" Accessories Accessories Intermittent Catheter Accessories Size 2" Units 2 HCPCS* A5114 Units 2 HCPCS* A5114 Soft, reusable, elastic fabric straps. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 50501 Size 15" length Units 10 pair HCPCS* A5114 Comfort Leg Bag Straps Adjustable/Stretchable. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 7090 Size 1" Alpine® Fresh Cleaner For use with Alpine reusable leg bags. Clear Tube and Connector Kit Not made with natural rubber latex. Code 7092 Size 18" Units 1 kit HCPCS* A4331 Code 90000 Units 1 Size/Description 16 fl. oz. bottle HCPCS* A5131 Alpine® Deluxe Leg Bag Straps The Alpine Leg Bag includes two latex straps. However, for added comfort and even distribution of weight, Coloplast recommends Alpine Deluxe Leg Bag Straps, which are not made with natural rubber latex. They are gentle on the skin, reusable and washable. Plus, their unique finger loop allows for ease of use. Code 22312 30 Size Units Combination 2 Description 1 small & 1 medium HCPCS* A5114 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 31 1.800.533.0464 Self-Cath® Coude Cysto-Care® Closed System with Insertion Supplies Cysto-Care® Closed System Single Units Convert from Cysto-Care® Coude/Tiemann Red Rubber Latex Urethral Catheter Cysto-Care® Red Rubber Latex Urethral Catheter Convert from 588 586 582 486 CS 1120 CS 1140 CS 1160 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 20FR 22FR CS 0120 CS 0140 CS 0160 Size UC 6020 UC 6022 12FR 14FR 16FR 18FR 8FR 10FR 12FR 14FR 16FR 18FR 20FR 22FR 24FR Size Code UC 6012 UC 6014 UC 6016 UC 6018 UC 1008 UC 1010 UC 1012 UC 1014 UC 1016 UC 1018 UC 1020 UC 1022 UC 1024 Code 20 20 20 20 10 10 Units 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Units Self-Cath® Coude with Guide Stripe Convert to Folysil® 2-way Coude Folysil® 2-way Indwelling Catheter Convert to 608 610 612 614 AA 6320 AA 6322 Code AA 6312 AA 6314 AA 6316 AA 6318 AA 6108 pediatric AA 6110 pediatric AA 6112 AA 6114 AA 6116 AA 6118 AA 6120 AA 6122 AA 6124 Code 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 20FR 22FR Size 12FR 14FR 16FR 18FR 8FR 10FR 12FR 14FR 16FR 18FR 20FR 22FR 24FR Size 30 30 30 30 5 5 Units 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Units Discontinued Products Conversion sheet: Intermittent Catheters Discontinued Products 32 33 1.800.533.0464 Self-Cath Female Coude, Olive-Tip Straight Tip (Kit) Self-Cath® Hydrogel Straight Tip SureCath® Set 20/box Convert from SpeediCath® Compact w/ Acc. w/ Acc. SpeediCath® Complete Single ® 14 FR 28644 9408 9410 9412 9414 9416 19408 19410 19412 19414 19416 28005 28006 28007 28008 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR Size 12 FR 28642 Code 10 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 12 FR 14 FR Size 28640 28638 28191 28192 28194 28241 28242 28244 8212 8214 Code 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 Units 120 120 120 120 20 20 20 100 100 100 30 30 Units Closed System Kits Self-Cath® Closed System/Self-Cath Closed System Singles SureCath® Set 100/box Convert to SpeediCath® Compact/ SpeediCath Female w/ Acc. SureCath® Set Self-Cath Coude, Olive-Tip ® Convert to 1108 or 408 1110 or 410 1112 or 412 1114 or 414 1116 or 416 1008 or 408 1010 or 410 1012 or 412 1014 or 414 1016 or 416 28005S 28006S 28007S 28008S Code 28584 or 28503 28582 or 28502 28580 or 28501 28578 or 28500 28026S 28027 28028 28023S 28024S 28036S 812 814 Code 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 16 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR Size 14 FR 12 FR 10 FR 8 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 10 FR 12 FR 14 FR 12 FR 14 FR Size 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 50 or 30 100 100 100 100 Units 30 or 100 30 or 100 30 or 100 30 or 100 100 20 20 100 100 100 30 30 Units Discontinued Products Convert from Discontinued Products 34 35 1.800.533.0464 Conveen Ultra Secure Self-Sealing MEC Conveen® Latex MEC and Liner Conveen® Latex Self-Sealing MEC Convert from Conveen® Security+ MEC and Liner ® 5125 5130 5135 5140 5130H 5135H 5140H 5212 5200 5205 5210 5215 5200H 5205H 5210H Code 5021 5025 5030 5035 5040 5025H 5030H 5035H 5040H 22011 22012 22013 22014 Code 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 20 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm Size 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm Size 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 35 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 Units 35 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 100 35 35 35 35 Units Gizmo™ Latex MEC Freedom® Cath Convert to Conveen® Security+ Self-Sealing MEC Conveen Optima Sport Length ® Convert to 7275 7250 7200 n/a 7250 7200 n/a 8030 8230 8235 8430 n/a 8200 8205 8400 Code 5221 5225 5230 5235 5240 5225H 5230H 5235H 5240H 22121 22125 22130 22135 Code 100 100 100 100 100 28 mm 35 mm 100 100 100 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 23 mm 28 mm 35 mm 30 30 30 30 Units 35 35 35 35 35 100 100 100 100 30 30 30 30 Units 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm Size 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm 40 mm 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm Size Discontinued Products Convert from Discontinued Products 36 37 1.800.533.0464 5120 5120H Conveen® Latex MEC and Liner 35/box 100/box Security + MEC and Liner 5221H 22011H 22012H 22013H 22014H Code 7875 7850 7800 5510 20 mm 20 mm 21 mm 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm Size 23 mm 28 mm 35 mm 40 mm 23 mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 40 mm Extra Large 5130 5230 5330 5430 5530 Large 5607 Size 5606 Conveen® Security + Self-Sealing MEC 100/box Conveen® UltraSecure 100/box Convert from Uro-San Plus Freedom® Clear SS Freedom® Clear 30/box Net Pants Code 35 100 100 100 100 100 100 Units 100 100 100 100 30 30 30 30 30 100 100 Units Security + MEC and Liner Freedom® Cath Freedom® Cath Conveen® Security + Self-Sealing MEC 35/box Conveen® Optima Sport Convert to Freedom® Cath Conveen® Optima Freedom® Clear 100/box Convert to 8030 8000 5221 22121 22125 22130 22135 Code 8000 8200 8400 22040 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 n/a n/a Code 23 mm 23 mm 21mm 21 mm 25 mm 30 mm 35 mm Size 23 mm 28 mm 35 mm 40mm 23mm 28 mm 31 mm 35 mm 40 mm Size 30 100 35 30 30 30 30 Units 100 100 100 30 100 100 100 100 100 Units Discontinued Products Convert from Discontinued Products 38 39 1.800.533.0464 9004 9006 9005 9007 Code 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 500 mL 1000 mL Freedom® Fas-Tap Drainage Port Leg Bags Singles 9000 9002 Kits 9001 9003 250 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 1000 mL 9010 7094 7096 500 mL 7097 Size 500 mL 1000 mL 7093 Code 7078 7088 500 mL 1000 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml Size Security+ Leg with Non-Latex Fabric Leg bag straps 5161 51619 5167 51670 Freedom® Twist Drainage Port Leg Kits Freedom® Twist Drainage Port Legs Convert from Freedom® T-Tap Drainage Leg Bag Kit 7077 7087 Freedom® Comfort Strap T-Tap Drainage Leg Bags Freedom® Comfort Strap T-Tap Drainage Leg Bags 7079 7089 Kits Freedom Leg Bags - Fas-Tap Singles ® 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Units Conveen® Sec + Lever Conveen® Sec + Clamp Conveen® Sec + Clamp Conveen® Sec + Lever Convert to Conveen® Sec + Clamp Conveen® Sec + Lever Conveen® Sec + Clamp Conveen® Sec + Lever Convert to 21034 21054 21026 21027 21026 21026 21026 21026 21026 21026 21027 21054 21034 Code 21026 21027 21034 21054 21026 21027 21034 21054 21026 21027 Code 500 mL 1000 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 1000 mL 500 mL Size 500 mL 1000 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 500 mL 1000 mL 500 ml 1000 ml 500 ml 1000 ml Size 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Units Discontinued Products Convert from Discontinued Products 40 41 1.800.533.0464 Cysto-Care 2-way Coude/Tiemann Indwelling Catheter Adhesive Remover 8oz Deluxe Leg Bag Straps EZ-Hold Adjustable Leg Strap with Tube Holder Drip Collector Convert from Cysto-Care® 3-way Irrigation Indwelling Catheter ® 3408 7080 4060 8 oz 2" 1" 80 mL 100 mL 10cc 30cc 30cc 5410 5420 Size Code 16FR 18FR 20FR 12FR 14FR 16FR 18FR 20FR 22FR 24FR Size UT 7015 UT 7030 UT 7035 UC 3516 UC 3518 UC 3520 UC 6512 UC 6514 UC 6516 UC 6518 UC 6520 UC 6522 UC 6524 Code 1 2 1 31 31 20 20 20 Units 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Units Adhesive Remover Comfort Leg Bag Straps N/A Manhood Absorbent Pouch Convert to Folysil® 3-way Neo Bladder Folysil® 2-way Coude Convert to 34050 7090 4200-B 4200-B N/A N/A N/A Code n/a n/a n/a AA 6312 AA 6314 AA 6316 AA 6318 AA 6320 AA 6322 AA 6324 Code Wipes 1" 250 mL 250 mL Size 12FR 14FR 16FR 18FR 20FR 22FR 24FR Size 50 2 30 30 Units 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Units Discontinued Products Convert from Discontinued Products 42 43 44 1.800.533.0464 Product Guide Wound Care | Effective September 2014 Wound Important safety information Wound Biatain® Ag Foam Adhesive and Non-Adhesive Dressings are indicted for wounds with moderate to high amounts of exudates, including leg ulcers and Category II-IV pressure ulcers and for second-degree, donor sites, diabetic foot ulcers, post-operative wounds and skin abrasions with delayed healing due to bacteria, or where there is a risk of infection. The dressings may be used to support moist wound healing in patients who are in treatment for a local or systemic infection under the discretion of a healthcare professional and are suitable for use in combination with compression therapy. Depending on prognosis of wound, Biatain Ag may be used throughout the healing process to provide protection for the indicated types of wound. Biatain Ag foam filler/cavity is indicated for deep exuding wounds including leg, ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and acute wounds. Biatain dressings are single-use only. See the device manual for detailed information regarding complete instructions, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-800-533-0464 and/or consult the company website at Wound Dressing Selection: 4-Quad Wound Mangement System Four quadrants of drainage and depth standardize the routine dressing decisions • Ensure every wound gets the right dressing • Coloplast dressings enable a simple formulary Biatain® Silicone Ag Foam Dressings are indicated for use in the management of moderately to highly exuding leg ulcers and pressure ulcers. The dressing can also be used for 2nd degree burns, donor sites, post operative wounds and skin abrasions. Biatain dressings are single-use only. See the device manual for detailed information regarding complete instructions, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-800-533-0464 and/or consult the company website at Biatain® Alginate Ag Dressings are indicted for wounds with moderately to heavily exuding partial to full thickness wounds such as post operative wounds, trauma wounds, leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, postoperative wounds and skin abrasions with delayed healing due to bacteria, or where there is a risk of infection. The dressings may be used to support moist wound healing in patients who are in treatment for a local or systemic infection under the discretion of a healthcare professional; are suitable for use in combination with compression. The Biatain dressings are singleuse only. See the device manual for detailed information regarding complete instructions, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-800-533-0464 and/or consult the company website at www. Comfeel® Plus Transparent Dressings may be used for superficial burns, superficial partial-thickness burns, donor sites, post-operative wounds and skin abrasions. Do not use on third degree burns. This product is single use only. See the device manual for detailed information regarding complete instructions, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential adverse events. For further information, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-800-533-0464 and/or consult the company website at Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions, please see page 224. 46 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 47 Foam Dressings Biatain® Foam Dressings are unique in their ability to manage low-to-high levels of wound exudate across a variety of wound types. 3D Polymer foam structure absorbs and locks away exudate without sticking to the wound bed. Highly permeable top film layer allows for optimal moist wound environment and protects from water and external contaminants. Broad range of non-adhesive and adhesive options, including specialized shapes for the heel and sacrum. Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile). Biatain® Silicone. It’s all in the foam. Biatain® Silicone Foam Dressing The superior absorption and fluid handling properties of Biatain® Silicone ensures the optimal management of exudate. The unique 3D foam structure absorbs the exudate vertically and locks the fluid away within its structure, while leaving the wound moist for optimal wound healing conditions. With Biatain® Silicone you get: • superior absorption • easy application • soft and flexible fit The Biatain Silicone family also includes: ® • Biatain® Silicone Ag - sustained release of silver • Biatain® Silicone Lite - for increased mobility Exceptional Conformability When managing exudate the Biatain® Silicone foam conforms closely to the wound bed for superior absorption and retention- even under compression. • Conforms to the wound bed for superior absorption1 — even under body pressure • Soft and flexible dressing with a silicone adhesive for easy removal with minimal damage or irritation to the skin2 Code Size Units HCPCS* 33434 3 x 3" (7.5 x 7.5 cm) 10 A6212 33435 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6212 33436 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 10 A6212 33437 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6212 33438 7 x 7" (18 x 18 cm) 5 A6213 Exudate Level Biatain® Silicone Lite Foam Dressing • Same benefits as Biatain Silicone • Thinner foam for increased mobility • Ideal for hard-to-dress areas or frequent dressing changes Code Size Units HCPCS* 33444 3 x 3" (7.5 x 7.5 cm) 10 A6212 33445 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6212 33446 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 10 A6212 Exudate Level For more information about Biatain® Silicone call 1-800-533-0464 or visit 48 1.800.533.0464 1. Anderson K, et al. A randomized, controlled study to compare the effectiveness of two foam dressings in the management of lower leg ulcers. OWM. 2002:48(8):34-41. 2. Cooper P. Biatain Silicone: an atraumatic foam dressing for local exudate management. Wounds UK. 2010:6(4):168-72. *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 49 • Unique foam structure manages moderate-to-high wound exudate levels and protects the sacral area • Hydrocolloid border optimizes adhesion • Soft and flexible dressing with beveled edges • Ideal for compression wraps and fragile skin Code Size Units HCPCS* Code Size 6105 2 x 2 3⁄4" (5 x 7 cm) 10 A6209 3485* 9 x 9" (23 x 23 cm) 3410* 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6209 3413* 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6210 3416 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 5 A6211 Units HCPCS* 5 A6213 Exudate Level Exudate Level Foam Dressings Foam Dressings Biatain® Sacral Foam Dressing Biatain® Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing Biatain® Ag Foam Dressings combine optimum exudate absorptive capacity with controlled ionic silver-release technology. The dressings demonstrate in-vitro antibacterial activity in certain strains known to be detrimental to wound healing such as MRSA and VRE.1 Clinical evidence shows a 45-56% ulcer size reduction within 4 weeks.2-5 Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile). Biatain Soft-Hold Foam Dressing ® • Skin-friendly contact adherent provides a “third hand” during dressing changes • Helps minimizes adhesive trauma, easy to apply and remove • Manages moderate-to-high wound exudate levels Code Size Units HCPCS* 3473 2 x 2 3⁄4" (5 x 7 cm) 5 A6209 3470 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 5 A6209 3475 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6210 Exudate Level Biatain® Adhesive Foam Dressing • Optimal absorption and retentive foam with skin-friendly, hydrocolloid-based adhesive border • Hydrocolloid border reduces need for secondary dressing Biatain® Ag Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing • Combines effective antimicrobial technology with effective exudate management • Manages moderate-to-high wound exudate levels • Ideal under compression Code Size Units HCPCS* 9622 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 5 A6209 9625 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6210 Exudate Level Code Size Units HCPCS* 3430 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) circle pad 10 A6212 3420* 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 10 A6212 3423* 7 x 7" (18 x 18 cm) 5 A6213 Biatain® Ag Adhesive Foam Dressing • Combines effective antimicrobial technology with effective exudate management • Manages moderate-to-high wound exudate levels • Hydrocolloid border reduces need for secondary dressing Exudate Level Biatain® Heel Foam Dressing • Unique foam structure manages moderate-tohigh wound exudate levels and protects the heel • Hydrocolloid border reduces need for secondary dressing Code Size 3488* 7 1⁄2" x 8" (19 x 20 cm) Code Size Units HCPCS* 9632 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 5 A6212 9635 7 x 7" (18 x 18 cm) 5 A6213 Exudate Level Units HCPCS* 5 A6212 Exudate Level 1. Data on file at Coloplast Corp. 2. Münter K-C et al. Effect of a sustained silver-releasing dressing on ulcers with delayed healing: the CONTOP study. Journal of Wound Care 2006, 15(5), 199-206. 3. J ørgensen B et al. The silver-releasing foam dressing, Contreet Foam, promotes faster healing of critically colonised venous leg ulcers: a randomised, controlled trial. International Wound Journal 2005, 2(1), 64-73. *Also available with Silver. See Antimicrobial Dressings on page 51-52 4. R ayman et al. Sustained silver-releasing dressing in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. British Journal of Nursing 2005, 14(2), 109-114. 5. Karlsmark T. et al. Clinical performance of a new silver dressing, Contreet Foam, for chronic exuding venous leg ulcers. Journal of Wound Care 2003, 12(9), 351-354. 50 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 51 • Unique 3D foam that conforms to the wound bed for superior absorption and continuous release of silver to the wound • Sustained release of silver during the entire wear time (up to 7 days) • Silicone adhesive for easy removal Code Size Units HCPCS* 39636 3 x 3" (7.5 x 7.5 cm) 5 A6212 39637 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 5 A6212 39638 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 5 A6212 Units HCPCS* 5 A6212 Biatain® Alginate Dressings are made of a unique combination of alginate and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) for superior absorption† and one-piece removal. Fast gelling effect when in contact with wound exudate and maintains an optimal moist wound environment. Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile). Alginate Dressings Foam Dressings Biatain® Alginate - formerly SeaSorb® Soft Alginate Biatain® Silicone Ag Foam Dressing Exudate Level Biatain® Ag Heel Foam Dressing • Combines effective antimicrobial technology with effective exudate management • Unique foam structure manages wound exudate and protects the heel • Hydrocolloid border for optimal adhesion Code Size 9643 7 1⁄2 x 7 3⁄4" (19 x 20 cm) Exudate Level Biatain® Ag Sacral Foam Dressing • Combines effective antimicrobial technology with effective exudate management • Unique foam structure manages wound exudate and protects the sacral area • Hydrocolloid adhesive border for optimal adhesion Code Size 9641 9 x 9" (23 x 23 cm) Biatain® Alginate Dressing Units HCPCS* 5 A6213 Exudate Level • Fast-gelling alginate • One-piece removal • Manages moderate-to-high levels of wound exudate Code Size Units HCPCS* 3705* 2 x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 30 A6196 3710* 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6196 3715* 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 10 A6197 Exudate Level Biatain® Alginate Rope • Fast-gelling alginate • One-piece removal • Manages moderate-to-high levels of wound exudate Code Size 3740* 1 x 17 1⁄2" rope (44 cm) Units HCPCS* 6 A6199 Exudate Level † References on file at Coloplast Corp. *Also available with Silver. See Antimicrobial Dressings on page 54. 52 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 53 • Combines absorption qualities with controlled, silver-release technology • One-piece removal • Manages moderate-to-high levels of wound exudate Protective Skin Barrier • Clear film forms a breathable barrier against skin irritants such as adhesives, urine and stool • No need to remove between applications • Not made with natural rubber latex Code Size Units HCPCS* 3755 2 x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 30 A6196 Code Size Units HCPCS* 3760 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6196 2041 Single application packet 54/Box 12 A5120 A6197 0925 2 fl. oz./59 mL 12 A4369 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 3765 10 Exudate Level Biatain Alginate Ag Rope (Formerly SeaSorb®) ® • Combines absorption qualities with controlled, silver-release technology • One-piece removal • Manages moderate-to-high levels of wound exudate Code Size 3780 1 x 17 1⁄2" rope (44 cm) Units HCPCS* 10 A6199 Comfeel® Plus Dressings have a unique combination of alginate and hydrocolloid. •Exudate management with fewer dressing changes and less disruption to wound bed •Specialty shapes and sizes for difficult-to-dress areas •Color guide indicates best time to change dressing •No-touch application system for ease-of-use •Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile). Comfeel® Plus Transparent Dressing (Thin) Exudate Level Skin Sealant / Hydrocolloid Dressings Alginate Dressings PREP™ Biatain® Alginate Ag Dressing (Formerly SeaSorb®) • Comfortable, flexible hydrocolloid adaptable to wound and body contours • Clear dressing allows visual inspection without disturbing wound • Does not contain alginate Code Size Units HCPCS* 3530 2 x 2 3⁄4" (5 x 7 cm) 10 A6234 3533 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6234 3536 3 1⁄2 x 5 1⁄2" (9 x 14 cm) 10 A6235 3539 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6235 Exudate Level Comfeel® Plus Ulcer Dressing • Ideal hydrocolloid for wounds with low-to-moderate levels of exudate • Contains alginate Code Size Units HCPCS* 3146 11⁄2 x 2 1⁄2" (4 x 6 cm) 30 A6234 3110 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6234 3115 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6235 3120 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 5 A6236 Exudate Level 54 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 55 Triad™ Hydrophilic Wound Dressing • Butterfly-shaped hydrocolloid dressing for better conformity and adhesion • Specifically designed for difficult-to-dress areas • Contains alginate • Zinc-oxide-based hydrophilic paste absorbs moderate levels of wound exudate • Natural debrider • Ideal alternative for difficult-to-dress areas • Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile) Code Size Units HCPCS* 3280 24 sq. in. (6 x 8 cm) 5 A6237 3283 42 sq. in. (9 x 11 cm) 5 A6237 Exudate Level Code Size Units HCPCS* 1964 2.5 oz./71 g tube 12 A6240 1967 6 oz./170 g tube 12 A6240 Exudate Level Comfeel® Plus Sacral Dressing • Triangular-shaped hydrocolloid dressing for maximum absorption and adhesion in the sacral area • Contains alginate Code Size 3285 7 x 8" (18 x 20 cm) Units HCPCS* 5 A6235 Exudate Level Comfeel® Plus Pressure Relief Dressing • Hydrocolloid dressing with pressure-relieving foam technology • Ideal for protecting wounds on the heel or elbow • Contains alginate Code Size Units HCPCS* 3350 3" Butterfly (7 cm) 5 A6237 3353 4" Round (10 cm) 5 A6237 3356 6" Round (15 cm) 5 A6238 • Provides a moist wound environment • Does not contain alginate • Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile) 3233 Code Size Units HCPCS* 1063 6 fl. oz./178 mL 12 A6260 1061 12 fl. oz./355 mL 12 A6260 Exudate Level • Rehydrates dry wounds and eschar • Promotes moist wound environment and autolytic debridement • Not made with natural rubber latex Comfeel® Ulcer Care Size • Saline-based solution for cleansing and irrigating acute and chronic wounds • No-rinse, isotonic, pH-balanced formula • Does not interfere with wound healing • 7.6 psi irrigation pressure Woun’Dres® Collagen Hydrogel Exudate Level Code Sea-Clens® Wound Cleanser Hydrophilic Paste / Wound Cleansers / Hydrogels Hydrocolloid Dressings Comfeel® Plus Contour Dressing Units HCPCS* 1 1⁄2 x 2 1⁄2" (4 x 6 cm) 30 A6234 3213 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 10 A6234 3218 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 5 A6235 Exudate Level Code Size Units HCPCS* 1166 1 oz./28 g tube 36 A6248 7690 3 oz./84 g tube 12 A6248 Exudate Level Purilon® Gel • Sterile hydrogel with hydrating and absorbing properties for effective autolytic debridement • Maintains a moist wound environment • Contains alginate • Not made with natural rubber latex (sterile) Code Size Units HCPCS* 3906 .28 oz./8 g 10 A6248 3900 .5 oz./15 g 10 A6248 3903 .88 oz./25 g 10 A6248 Exudate Level 56 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 57 Biatain® Super, Non-Adhesive • Easy-to-handle and easy to use • Comfort and protection • Promotes a moist wound environment1 • For atraumatic dressing removal • Suitable for highly exuding wounds2 • Promotes an optimal moist wound environment1-3 • All-in-one simple to use wound dressing1 Code Size 3910 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) Units 10 HCPCS* A6206 3912 4 x 8" (10 x 20 cm) 3 A6207 3920 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 10 A6207 3915 6 x 8" (15 x 20 cm) 10 A6207 Exudate Level Code Size 46300 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) Units 10 HCPCS* A6251 46320 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 10 A6251 46450 5 x 8" (12.5 x 20 cm) 10 A6252 46350 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 10 A6251 46390 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 10 A6252 Exudate Level Biatain® Super, Adhesive Code Size 46100 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) Units 10 HCPCS* A6203 46120 5 x 5" (12.5 x 12.5 cm) 10 A6203 46250 5 x 8" (12.5 x 20 cm) 10 A6204 46150 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 10 A6203 46200 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 10 A6204 Exudate Level 1. Morris. British Journal of Nursing 2003: 12(10): 630-35 2. Norkus et al. Journal of Wound Care 2005: 14(9):429-32 3. Karlsmark et al. British Journal of Nursing 2004: 13(6): S29-S35 4. Palamand, et al. Wound: A Compendium of Clinical Research and Practise, 1991, 3(4): 149-150 1. Canac. Impact Medicine 2003. Vol. 35 p.10-13 58 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 | For important safety information see page 46 Super Absorbents Contact Layer Physiotulle® Wound Contact Layer 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 6 x 8" (15 x 20 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 2 x 2¾" (5 x 7 cm) 4 x 4¾" (10 x 12 cm) 9 x 51⁄2" (23 x 14 cm) 8 x 111⁄2" (20 x 29 cm) 11½ x 15¾" (29 x 40 cm) 2" (5 cm) round 3" (8 cm) round 4 x 8" (10 x 20 cm) 9612 3542 3545 3810 3812 3814 3816 3818 3465 3467 3412 Biatain® Foam Dressing Comfeel® Film Comfeel® Plus Transparent Dressing 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 9610 Contreet® Ag Hydrocolloid Dressing Size Code Convert from 50 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 100 5 5 5 Units Biatain® Foam Dressing Comfeel® Plus Transparent Dressing Comfeel® Plus Ulcer Dressing Biatain® Ag Adhesive Convert to 3533 N/A N/A N/A 6105 6105 3416 3120 3530 9635 3120 9632 Code 2 x 2¾" (5 x 7 cm) 2 x 2¾" (5 x 7 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 2 x 2¾" (5 x 7 cm) 7 x 7" (18 x 18 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 5 x 5" (12½ x 12½ cm) Size 10 10 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 Units Discontinued Products 60 1.800.533.0464 Product Guide Skin Care | Effective September 2014 Skin Inconsistent skin care increases the risk of complications and cost of inefficiencies1,2 Important safety information Inconsistent Skin Care IncontinenceAssociated Dermatitis (IAD) Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcer (HAPU) $$ $$$ $$$$ Simplifying skin care has been shown to have an impact on patient outcomes and reduce supply chain costs3,4 Skin InterDry® is a skin protectant for the management of skin folds and other skin-to-skin contact areas. It reduces microbial colonization in the fabric. This single-use fabric provides moisture translocation to keep skin dry while the antimicrobial in the fabric reduces odor. The safe use of InterDry fabric during pregnancy, lactation and on children has not been demonstrated. Although many patients benefit from the use of this device, results may vary. See the device labeling for detailed information including the indication, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. For further questions, call Coloplast Corp. at 1-800-533-0464 and/or consult the company website at Care Improved clinical compliance Improved patient outcomes Reduced product waste Reduced pharmacy costs Reduced cost of complications Costs Simplify Care with Coloplast’s structured skin care regimen 1. Lewis-Byers K, Thayer D, Kahl A. An evaluation of two incontinence skin care protocols in a long-term care setting. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2002;48(12):44-51. 2. Junkin J, Selekof J. Beyond diaper rash: Incontinence-associated dermatitis, does it have you seeing red? Nursing. 2008;38(11 Suppl):56hn1-10. 3. Junkin J, Selekof J. Prevalence of incontinence and associated skin injury in the acute care patient. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2007;34(3):260-269. 4. Gray M, Bliss D, Doughty D, Ermer-Seltun J, Kennedy-Evans KL, Palmer M. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: A consensus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2007;34(1):45-54. 62 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 63 Color-coded labels simplify product selection Easy product identification: Symbols & colors represent product function CLEANSERS 1 Brand Name A brand name you’ve come to trust 2 Category Defines the need Rinse No-Rinse 1 2 3 MOISTURIZERS Moisturize 3 Description Defines the product 4 4 Indication SKIN PROTECTANTS Defines the product use 5 Barrier 5 Symbol Graphic representation of skin care needs SKIN PROTECTANTS WITH ANTIFUNGAL 6 Cap Color Barrier with Antifungal Further differentiates product function ANTIFUNGALS Antifungal SKIN FOLD MANAGEMENT Textile with Silver 5 INFECTION PREVENTION/ HAND HYGIENE 6 Rinse 64 1.800.533.0464 No-Rinse 65 Bedside-Care® Perineal Wash No-Rinse, Foaming Body Wash, Shampoo & Incontinence Cleanser • All-in-one, deodorizing body wash, shampoo and incontinence cleanser • Foam delivery system •Alcohol-free •pH-balanced • CHG compatible No-Rinse Body Wash, Shampoo & Incontinence Cleanser • Soothing and deodorizing • Dye, fragrance and alcohol-free •pH-balanced • CHG compatible Product Code Size Scented 7143 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 7145 8 fl. oz./237 mL 12 7147 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 7146 8 fl. oz./237 mL 12 Unscented Code Size 1452 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 1453 8 fl. oz./237 mL 12 1455 1 gal./3.8 L Units No-Rinse Body Wash, Shampoo & Incontinence Cleanser • All-in-one, deodorizing body wash, shampoo and incontinence cleanser •Alcohol-free •pH-balanced • CHG compatible Code Size 1768 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 1762 8 fl. oz./237 mL 12 1764 1 gal./3.8 L 4 Bedside-Care® EasiCleanse™ Code Size 7055 30 sheets/pk 30 pks/cs Units 7056 5 sheets/pk 100 pks/cs Units 4 Bedside-Care® Sensitive Skin Foam No-Rinse, Foaming Body Wash, Shampoo & Incontinence Cleanser • Tear-free, hypoallergenic •Neonate1 to geriatric suitable • Dye, fragrance and alcohol-free •pH-balanced • CHG compatible Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Sensitive Skin, Moisturizing Body Wash, Shampoo & Hand Wash • Mild ingredients and added emollients for use on fragile, sensitive skin • Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic and dye-free •pH-balanced Code 7231 Units 7230 Size 5 mL single application packet 2 fl. oz./59 mL 7229 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 7235 8 fl. oz./237 mL 36 21 fl. oz./621 mL† 12 12 Code Size 7300 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 7233 7301 8 fl. oz./237 mL 12 7234 34 fl. oz./1000 mL† 7236 1 gal./3.8 L Bedside-Care® Sensitive Skin Units 300 36 4 Gentle Rain® Antibacterial No-Rinse Body Wash, Shampoo & Incontinence Cleanser • Tear-free, hypoallergenic •Neonate1 to geriatric suitable • Dye, fragrance and alcohol-free •pH-balanced • CHG compatible Antibacterial Moisturizing Body Wash, Shampoo & Hand Wash • Cleanses, moisturizes and deodorizes skin • Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic and dye-free •pH-balanced Code Size Units 7201 2 fl. oz./59 mL 36 4 fl. oz./118 mL 36 7205 21 fl. oz./621 mL† 12 8 fl. oz./237 mL 12 7207 34 fl. oz./1000 mL† 12 Code Size 1300 1301 1. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Neonatal Skin Care, Third Edition. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline, 2013. Units No-Rinse, Self-Sudsing, Disposable Washcloth • Non-irritating, non-sensitizing • Preservative, dye, alcohol and not made with natural rubber latex • CHG compatible • Suitable for neonatal use1 Bedside-Care® 66 Cleansers Cleansers Bedside-Care® Foam 1.800.533.0464 † Units See dispensers on page 75 67 Atrac-Tain® Cream Superior Moisturizing Skin Protectant Cream • Once a day application • Contains 6% dimethicone • Fragrance, petrolatum, lanolin and alcohol-free • CHG compatible • Suitable for neonatal use1,2 Units Urea & Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) • 10% urea and 4% AHA • Exfoliates and softens severely dry, cracked, calloused skin • Fragrance, dye and preservative-free • CHG compatible Code Size 7090 4 g single application packet 300 Code Size 7091 2 oz./57 g 12 1843 2 g single application packet 7092 5 oz./142 g 12 1802 2 oz./57 g 12 7095 9 oz./255 g 12 1814 5 oz./142 g 12 Units Moisturizers Moisturizers Sween® 24 Cream 300 Sween Cream® Moisturizing Cream • Non-occlusive formula • Will not interfere with tape adhesion • CHG compatible • Suitable for neonatal use1 Code Size 0283 7067 7068 7069 2 g single application packet 3 oz./85 g 6.5 oz./184 g 12 oz./339 g jar Units 300 12 12 12 Sween® Lotion Moisturizing Lotion • Enriched with vitamin E • Non-occlusive formula • CHG compatible • Suitable for neonatal use1 Code Size 0424 0407 0406 0402 0408 2 mL single application packet 2 fl. oz./59 mL 4 fl. oz./118 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL 21 fl. oz./621 mL† † Units 300 36 36 36 12 See dispensers on page 75. 1. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Neonatal Skin Care, Third Edition. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline, 2013. 2. Mouser, T. Effectiveness of a Non-Petrolatum Emollient Cream Lasting 24 Hours in a NICU and PICU Poster presented at Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care. Oct. 2005, Las Vegas, NV. 68 1.800.533.0464 69 Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion Clear Moisture Barrier Ointment • Clear moisture barrier • Minimal ingredients • Adheres to intact and eroded skin • Easy to apply and remove • CHG compatible • Suitable for neonatal use1,2 All-In-One Perineal Lotion • One step provides mild cleansing, a breathable barrier and moisturization • Available with odor control •pH-balanced • CHG compatible Code Size 7565 7566 7567 4 g single application packet 2.5 oz./71 g 6 oz./170 g Units 300 12 12 Product Code Size Unscented 7710 Scented 7712 7725 4 g single application packet 8 fl. oz./237 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL Units 300 12 12 Skin Protectants Skin Protectants Critic-Aid® Clear Critic-Aid® Skin Paste Thick Moisture Barrier Paste • Minimal ingredients • Adheres to intact and eroded skin • Easy to apply and remove • CHG compatible • Suitable for neonatal use1 Code Size 1944 1947 2.5 oz./71 g 6 oz./170 g Sween® Body Powder Units 12 12 All-Body Powder • Absorbs moisture and perspiration • Non-talcum based formula • Helps reduce friction and prevent shearing • Easy to apply Code Size 0506 0505 3 oz./85 g 8 oz./227 g Units 36 36 Baza® Clear Moisture Barrier Ointment • Clear, petrolatum-based moisture barrier • Contains skin conditioners • CHG compatible Code Size 7015 1005 1006 4 g single application packet 1.75 oz./50 g 5 oz./142 g Units 300 12 12 Baza® Protect Moisture Barrier Cream • Zinc oxide and dimethicone-based moisture barrier • Contains skin conditioners • CHG compatible Code Size 1873 1877 1880 4 g single application packet 2 oz./57 g 5 oz./142 g Units 300 12 12 1. Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Neonatal Skin Care, Third Edition. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline, 2013. 2. Ratliff, C., Dixon, M. Treatment of Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis (Diaper Rash) in a Neonatal Unit. JWOCN 2007; 34(2):158-162. 70 1.800.533.0464 71 Clear Moisture Barrier Ointment with Antifungal • Clear moisture barrier with 2% miconazole nitrate • Minimal ingredients • Adheres to intact and eroded skin • Easy to apply and remove • CHG compatible Code Size 7570 7571 7572 4 g single application packet 2 oz./57 g 5 oz./142 g For the management of skin-on-skin irritation Units 300 12 12 Baza® Antifungal Skin Fold Management Antifungals Critic-Aid® Clear AF Moisture Barrier Antifungal Cream • Moisture barrier with 2% miconazole nitrate • Contains skin conditioners • CHG compatible Code Size 1622 1611 1607 4 g single application packet 2 oz./57 g 5 oz./142 g Units 300 12 12 Micro-Guard® Powder Antifungal Powder • Non-talcum based formula with 2% miconazole nitrate • Treats superficial fungal infections • Helps reduce friction and shearing Code Size 1337 3 oz./85 g Patented Method of Action • Moisture-wicking fabric keeps the skin fold dry • Ionic silver complex in the fabric fights itching and odor • Polyurethane coated polyester fibers reduce friction By addressing the cause, InterDry effectively manages complications associated with skin folds. Units 12 Now available over-the-counter for continuity of care. Visit or call 1-855-440-4700 InterDry® Textile with Antimicrobial Silver Complex •Manages moisture, friction and bacterial or fungal organisms in skin folds1 • Manages the symptoms associated with intertrigo such as erythema, painful rash, denudement, satellite lesions and odor2 • Wicks and translocates moisture • Silver within the textile provides effective antimicrobial action for up to 5 days Code Size 7910 7912 10 x 144" 10 x 36" Units 10 /case 10 pks/box 1. Vorbeck, E. Evaluation of a Skin Fold Management Textile with Antimicrobial Silver Complex in a Variety of Case Studies 2. Freyberg J, et al. Moisture Management Challenges for the WOC Nurse presented at the WOCN Society 39th Annual Conference, June 2007 72 1.800.533.0464 For important safety information see page 62 73 Coloplast® Wall Dispenser No-Rinse, Instant Hand Sanitizing Gel • Kills 99.9% of most microorganisms in less than 15 seconds1 • Effective against H1N1 virus1 • Added moisturizers • CHG and latex glove compatible • Holds 27 fl. oz. and 34 fl. oz. (800 mL and 1000 mL) refill bags • Completely closed to prevent possible contamination • Metered 1 mL pump dispenses appropriate amount • No-drip nozzle leaves facility clean and safe • Easy-to-operate push pad meets Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines • Keyless opening for simple cartridge replacement • Installs quickly with choice of screws or tape Code Size 1644 1645 7041 4 fl. oz./118 mL 21 fl. oz./621 mL† 27 fl. oz./800 mL† Units 36 12 12 Code Size 7251 Holds 27 fl. oz. and 34 fl. oz. (800 mL and 1000 mL) Drip tray 7262 Accessories Hand Hygiene Isagel® Units 12 60 Embrace™ Bracket • Holds 21 fl. oz (621 mL) Coloplast containers securely in place • Improved tamper- and theft-resistant design • Optional locking collar conceals cap • Installs quickly with screws or tape Code Size 0089 Holds 21 fl. oz. (621 mL) Units 12 Hex-On® Odor Antagonist • Controls airborne odors • Non-aerosol spray • Light, mild scent † Code Size 7583 2 fl. oz./59 mL Units 12 See dispensers on page 75. 1. References on file at Coloplast Corp. 74 1.800.533.0464 75 1.800.533.0464 4 fl. oz. .5 fl. oz. 3 oz. jar 2 fl. oz. 5 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 1 gal. Size 8 oz. jar 8 oz. jar 4 fl. oz. Bedside Care Perineal Wash 2 fl. oz. Baza Antifungal 2.5 ml towelette 2 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 7203 0222 7066 7662 7664 7011 0403 Code 1806 1002 1246 1673 0809 7021 Gentle Rain® Antibacterial Sween Cream® Sween Cream® Fresh Scent Sween® Lotion Convert from Atrac-Tain® Lotion Baza® Clear Baza® Antifungal Hospital Pack Isagel® Lotion Skin Cleanser Kind Touch™ 2 fl. oz. 4 fl. oz. 16 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 1 gal. 1707 1701 1702 1710 7051 1703 Gentle Rain® 7043 Size Code Convert from 12 12 36 Sensitive Skin, Moisturizing Body Wash, Shampoo & Hand Wash Gentle Rain® Extra Mild™ Isagel® Baza® Antifungal 12 6 bx/50 Bedside Care® Atrac-Tain® Cream Baza® Clear Convert to Sween® Lotion Sween Cream® Sween Cream® Gentle Rain® Antibacterial Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Convert to 12 12 12 Units 12 4 12 12 12 36 36 36 36 12 12 12 4 Units 7234 7233 1644 1644 1611 1768 1814 1006 Code 0408 0408 7067 7068 7067 0283 7201 7230 7229 7235 7233 7234 7236 Code 34 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 4 fl. oz 4 fl. oz 2 fl. oz 4 fl. oz 5 fl. oz 5 fl. oz Size 21 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 3 fl. oz. 6.5 fl. oz. 2 g. single app. pkt. 3 fl. oz. 2 fl. oz. 2 fl. oz. 4 fl. oz. 8 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 1 gal. Size 12 12 36 36 12 36 12 12 Units 12 12 12 12 12 300 36 36 36 12 12 12 4 Units Discontinued Products Conversion sheet: Skin Care Discontinued Products 76 77 1.800.533.0464 2 fl. oz. 4 fl. oz. 16 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 1 gal. 4 fl. oz. 8 fl. oz. 6 fl. oz. 12 fl. oz. 0821 0849 0822 0830 7031 0824 1410 1400 0904 0901 8 fl. oz. 16 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 1 gal. 4 fl. oz. 2 g packet 3 oz. 2 oz. 4 fl. oz. 0102 0101 0119 0107 1805 7666 7065 1318 7581 Sween Cream® Fresh Scent Sween Cream® Fragrance Free Micro-Guard Cream 4 fl. oz. 3 cloths/ package 7584 7726 Baza Cleanse & Protect Cloths ® Hex-On® Fresh Linen Odor Antagonist 7583 Hex-On® Fresh Linen Odor Antagonist Antifungal Cream ® Moisturizing Cream Moisturizing Cream Urea & Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Atrac-Tain® Lotion 2 fl. oz. 2 fl. oz. 0117 Sween® Bath Oil Bath Additive and Skin Conditioner Size Code Convert from No-Rinse Body Wash, Shampoo and Incontinence Cleanser Sproam® Incontinent Cleanser & Deodorizer Peri-Wash® Antimicrobial Lotion Skin Cleanser Size Code Soft Touch™ 100 12 12 12 12 300 36 36 12 12 4 36 Units 12 12 12 36 36 12 12 12 4 36 Units 12 67088 7725 Odor Control 7583 1611 7067 0283 1814 Code 7146 7147 1453 1452 7201 7205 7205 7207 7207 7201 Code Baza Cleanse & Protect® Cloth N/A N/A Moisture Barrier Antifungal Cream Baza Antifungal ® Moisturizing Cream Sween Cream® Moisturizing Cream Sween Cream® Urea & Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Atrac-Tain® Cream N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Convert to No-Rinse, Foaming Body Wash, Shampoo & Incontinence Cleanser Bedside-Care® Foam (Unscented) No-Rinse, Body Wash & Shampoo Incontinence Cleanser Bedside-Care® Perineal Wash Antibacterial Moisturizing Body Wash, Shampoo & Hand Wash Gentle Rain® Antibacterial Convert to 8 cloths/ pkg 8 fl. oz. 2 fl. oz. 2 oz. 3 oz. 2 g packet 5 fl. oz. Size 8 fl. oz. 4 fl. oz. 8 fl. oz. 4 fl. oz. 2 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 21 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 2 fl. oz. Size 12 24 12 12 12 300 12 Units 12 36 12 36 36 12 12 12 12 36 Units Discontinued Products Convert from Discontinued Products 78 79 80 1.800.533.0464 Product Guide Ostomy Care | Effective September 2014 Ostomy *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 For all ostomy types Accessories New SenSura® Mio Fits Right. Feels Right. A barrier designed to fit your patients SenSura® Mio has an elastic barrier that fits your patients’ individual body shapes and follows their contours when bending and stretching. SenSura Mio is very discreet. The soft, water-resistant textile material gives the pouch the feel of a clothing item. Its specially chosen neutral gray color is designed to stay unnoticed under all clothing colors. To learn more visit us at or call 1-888-726-7872. 83 Innovations to make everyday life easier Brava® Ostomy Accessories Easy-to-use, no-sting products protect and care for the skin SenSura® Mio BodyFit Technology® elastic barrier fits to real bodies SenSura® Xpro Extended Wear Adhesive All of the skin-friendly benefits of SenSura in a more erosionresistant barrier “I used to think running was out of the question. Now my barrier stays in position.” Sandra, Brava user and running enthusiast Disclosure: Sandra is a Brava user who has received compensation from Coloplast to provide this information. BodyCheck Tool The BodyCheck tool is the newest addition to the Coloplast Care program. Because we know real bodies change over time, we’ve developed a simple tool to help determine the most appropriate solution for each unique body type. Ordering samples of the recommended product(s) is easy with the just the click of a button. To learn more visit: 84 1.800.533.0464 Contact Coloplast Consumer Care at 1-888-726-7872 for free evaluation samples today! Accessories Improved Multi-Chamber Uro Pouch Input from nurses inspired a quieter, lower profile pouch Think again. Think Brava® Ostomy Care Accessories that help reduce leakage and care for your skin to make you feel secure. Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips Skin-friendly strips are used to “picture frame” around an ostomy barrier, providing extra security. • Elastic (follows the contours of the body) • Ensures the position of your barrier and minimizes roll-up • Skin-friendly and secure alternative to tape • Not made with natural rubber latex Accessories Think again. Think Brava® Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips- Curved For round or oval barrier shapes Code Size 120700* 51/2" strips *2 strips = 1 billable unit of A4362 Units 20 strips HCPCS* A4362 Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips- Y shape Designed for users with varying body shapes, e.g. hernias or skin folds Code Size 120721* 53/4" strips *3 strips = 1 billable unit of A5121 Units 30 strips HCPCS* A5121 Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips- Straight For square or rectangular barrier shapes Code Size 120740* 51/4" strips *2 strips = 1 billable unit of A4362 Units 20 strips HCPCS* A4362 Brava® Moldable Ring Designed to be durable and secure used to fill in uneven skin surfaces and protect the skin. • Provides a tight seal around the stoma • Ideal for ileostomates and urostomates — absorbs moisture without breaking down • Easy to handle, mold and apply • Alcohol-free = sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 120307 120427 Size 2 mm (thin) 4.2 mm (thick) Units 10 10 HCPCS* A4385 A4385 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 87 Brava® Skin Barrier Spray Pectin-based product that protects peristomal skin • Protects peristomal skin from stoma output • Used to fill uneven skin surfaces to create a flat pouching surface • Alcohol-free = sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 26555 Size 2 oz • Protect against stoma output and adhesives • Dry within seconds without building a thick or tacky layer • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 120205 Units 10 strips Size 1.7 oz (50 mL) Units 1 HCPCS* A4369 HCPCS* A4406 Accessories Accessories Brava® Strip Paste Brava® Skin Barrier Wipes • Protect against stoma output and adhesives • Dry within seconds without building a thick or tacky layer • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Brava Belt for SenSura Mio ® ® Neutral gray color was designed to blend in under clothing; adjustable plastic tab is encased in fabric to prevent it from digging into your skin. Designed specifically for use with SenSura® Mio Click barriers. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 4237 4247 Size 40" length 61" length Code 120215 Units 15 15 HCPCS* A4367 A4367 Comfortable, adjustable belt offers extra security for people with a flush or retracted stoma by supporting a convex barrier and allowing the stoma to protrude. • Neutral color won’t show under clothing • Not made with natural rubber latex Size 431⁄3" length 49" length Units 15 15 HCPCS* A4367 A4367 • Designed to lift the edges of the barrier for ease in removal • Dry within seconds without leaving an oily residue behind • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Size 1.7 oz (50 mL) Units 1 88 Units 1 HCPCS* A4406 Units 12 HCPCS* A4405 Used to fill in uneven skin surfaces to create a flat pouching surface • Provides tight sealing around the stoma • Protects against stoma output • Minimizes risk of maceration • Non-pectin • Not made with natural rubber latex Size 2 oz HCPCS* A4455 Brava® Protective Sheet • Wipe away adhesive residue • Dry within seconds without leaving an oily residue behind • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Size 1 wipe Size 2 oz Coloplast® Paste Code 2650 Brava® Adhesive Remover Wipes Code 120115 HCPCS* A5120 Brava® Paste Code 12050 Brava® Adhesive Remover Spray Code 120105 Units 30 wipes/box A sting-free alternative to conventional alcohol-based paste • Creates a tight, effective seal between peristomal skin and the ostomy/fistula appliance • Contains pectin • Not made with natural rubber latex Brava® Ostomy Belt Code 4215 4220 Size 1 wipe Units 30 wipes/box HCPCS* A4456 1.800.533.0464 Hydrocolloid skin barrier that protects the skin from stoma output • Offers effective protection for peristomal skin and “3-way stretch” • Provides a ready surface for good adhesion • Adheres to moist skin • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 32105 32155 32205 Size 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) Units 10 5 5 HCPCS* A4362 A5121 A5122 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 89 PREP™ Protective Skin Barrier Non-sterile protective powder for moisture absorption. • May use in conjunction with Brava® Skin Barrier Spray or PREP™ to “crust”, thereby protecting moist skin • Not made with natural rubber latex Clear film forms a breathable barrier protecting against skin irritants such as adhesives, urine and feces. No need to remove between applications. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 19075 Size 1 oz. (25 g) Units 16 HCPCS* A4371 Brava® Lubricating Deodorant A pouch lubricant + deodorizer in one. Powder-fresh liquid neutralizes odor and allows output to slide to the bottom of the pouch for easier emptying. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 12060 12061 Size .25 fl. oz. (7.5 mL) sachet 8 oz. bottle Units 20 sachets HCPCS* A4394 1 A4394 Curved ostomy scissors. • Not made with natural rubber latex Size One size Size 54 wipes/pack Dabber Code 0925 Size 2 fl. oz. (59 mL) Units 12 packs/box HCPCS* A5120 Units 12 HCPCS* A4369 Units 50 HCPCS* A4368 Units 20 HCPCS* A4363 Pouch Filters (Filtrodor®) Charcoal-activated, deodorizing filter with self-sealing foam center; adheres to pouch. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 0509 Ostomy Scissors Code 95050 Wipes Code 2041 Units 30/bx HCPCS* N/A Coloplast® Skin Barrier Rings Drainable Pouch Clamp Simple closure clamp is easy to manipulate, even for those with low dexterity. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 9500 Soft and flexible barrier rings provide skin protection for stomas, fistulas, and draining wounds. • Non-pectin based • Not made with natural rubber latex Accessories Accessories Brava® Powder Post-Op Accessories Code 2310 2315 2320 2325 2330 2340 2350 90 Size 3⁄8" (10 mm) 3⁄5" (15 mm) 3⁄4" (20 mm) 1" (25 mm) 11⁄8" (30 mm) 13⁄5" (40 mm) 2" (50 mm) Units 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 HCPCS* A4404 A4404 A4404 A4404 A4404 A4404 A4404 1.800.533.0464 Window for Assura® post-op pouches (page 160) • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code 12801 12803 Size Matches Assura® PostOp 12800 and 12808 Matches Assura® PostOp 12802 and 12810 Units 20 HCPCS* A4421 15 A4421 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 91 Irrigation Sets Includes a fixed connector that fits directly to SenSura® Mio, SenSura® and Assura® urostomy pouches. The bag holds up to 2 liters and has a 120 cm long flexible tube with anti-reflux valve. Bag hanger (#5070) not included. Order separately. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 21365 Units 10 Coloplast® Economy Version Durable water bag with integrated thermometer, bold print, large opening. Can be used with 1- or 2-piece ostomy systems. • Not made with natural rubber latex HCPCS* A4357 Code 1500 Units 1 Bed Drainage Bag Bag tubing specifically designed for fistula output. Holds up to 2000mL. Long tubing can be cut easily and allows nurses to find the right length for bed drainage. Can be used with fistula / wound management systems or high-output pouches. HCPCS* A4398 A4399 Assura® Hospital Version Durable water bag with integrated thermometer, bold print, large opening. Can be used with 1- or 2-piece ostomy systems. • Not made with natural rubber latex • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 14010 Includes 1-Water Bag/Regulator 1-Cone Accessories Accessories Urostomy Night Bag Units 6 HCPCS* A4357 Code 1500H Units 1 Bag Hanger Includes 1-Water Bag/Regulator 1-Cone 4-Adhesive Irrigation Sleeves (#1003) 2-Closure Clips HCPCS* A4398 A4399 A4397 Reusable, sturdy, plastic drainage bag hanger secures tubing and ensures bag stability. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 5070 Size One Size Units 1 HCPCS* A4421 Components supplied in a travel bag. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 12830 Extra Drain Port For use with Fistula Wound Management Systems (page 162). Drain port can be easily applied to the lid to allow for catheter insertion. For catheters ranging from 18FR - 22FR, the drain port is ready for use. For catheters ranging from 24FR-30FR, pull off the top of the drain port - DO NOT CUT. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 14015 SenSura® or Assura Deluxe Version Units 12 HCPCS* A4421 Units 10 10 10 HCPCS* A4421 A4421 A4421 Units 1 Includes 1-Water Bag/Regulator 1-Cone 1-Irrigation Faceplate 1-Belt 2-Irrigation Sleeves (#12836) HCPCS* A4398 A4399 A4361 A4367 A4397 Coloplast® Transparent Fistula Lids Replacement lids match the transparent lid included with each fistula pouch. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 14021 14031 14041 92 Size Mini (matches 14050) Midi (matches 14060) Maxi (matches 14070) 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 93 Accessories Irrigation Sleeves Irrigation Sleeves Disposable irrigation sleeve (adhesive-backed). • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent Code 1003 Units 10 HCPCS* A4397 Irrigation sleeves for use with SenSura® or Assura® barriers or faceplate. Consult chart below to order the correct transparent sleeves. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code Units HCPCS* 12834 Size 5 A4397 12835 5 A4397 12836 5 A4397 Irrigation Sleeve # 12834 12835 12836 Use with SenSura® Product Code Units - 10011, 10012, 10013, 10015-10017, 11011, 11012, 11015, 11016 5 - 10021, 10022, 10023, 10025-10027, 11021-11025 5 - 10031, 10032, 10035, 10036, 11031, 11032, 11035, 11036 5 Irrigation Accessories SenSura® or Assura® Irrigation Faceplate For use with ostomy belt. (Use with #12836 Irrigation Sleeve) Note: not compatible with Brava® Belt for SenSura® Mio • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 12820 Units 1 HCPCS* A4361 Coloplast Stoma Cone Soft and flexible stoma cone with tubing. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 1110 Units 1 HCPCS* A4399 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 222 94 1.800.533.0464 SenSura® Mio Click The new SenSura® Mio is based on our human-centered approach to innovation; it's designed with individual bodies in mind. Elastic barrier to fit real body shapes. Flexible coupling for security. Neutral gray textile for discretion. Two-Piece Click Full-circle filter to reduce ballooning. • Flat • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code Stoma Size Color 10502 3/8"-13/8" (10-35 mm) A4414 10512 3/8"-1¾" (10-45 mm) A4414 10522 3/8"-21/8" (10-55 mm) A4414 10531 3/8"-29/16" (10-65 mm) HCPCS* A4415 Pre-cut Units: 5 Code Stoma Size Color 10503 ¾" (20 mm) A4414 10506 7/8" A4414 10504 1" (25 mm) A4414 10505 11/8" (28 mm) A4414 10513 13/16" A4414 10514 1¼" (32 mm) A4414 10515 13/8" (35 mm) A4414 10516 1½" (38 mm) A4414 10523 19/16" A4414 10524 1¾" (45 mm) A4414 10525 2" (50 mm) A4414 (22 mm) (30 mm) (40 mm) HCPCS* 2-Piece SenSura® Mio Click SenSura® Mio Click Standard Wear Barrier SenSura® Mio Click MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex 1.800.533.0464 Transparent 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Color 11463 A4427 11473 A4427 11483 A4427 11487 A4427 Opaque 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Color 11462 A4427 11472 A4427 11482 A4427 11486 A4427 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 97 • • • • • Full-circle filter • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Color 11474 A4426 11484 A4426 11488 A4426 SenSura® Mio Click MIDI Drainable Pouch Opaque 71⁄4" (18½ cm) / 275 mL Code EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex 11401 A4423 11412 A4423 11421 A4423 SenSura® Mio Click MAXI Urostomy Pouch Opaque 10¼" (26 cm) / 485 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Color 11461 A4427 11471 A4427 • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Wider anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10½" (26½ cm) / 480 mL Code SenSura® Mio Click MAXI Closed Pouch • Full-circle filter • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 8 1⁄4" (20½ cm) / 570 mL Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 11492 A4433 11498 A4433 Opaque 10½" (26½ cm) / 480 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 11491 A4433 11497 A4433 Units: 30 Color HCPCS* A4423 11426 Opaque 8 1⁄4" (20½ cm) / 570 mL Code HCPCS* Urostomy • • • • Code Units: 30 Color 2-Piece SenSura® Mio Click 2-Piece SenSura® Mio Click SenSura® Mio Click MIDI Closed Pouch SenSura® Mio Click MAXI Drainable Pouch Units: 30 Color Xpro vs. Standard Wear, how do I choose? Extended wear doesn’t necessarily indicate longer wear time! HCPCS* 11402 A4423 11413 A4423 11422 A4423 11425 A4423 S enSura® Xpro (Extended Wear) is engineered to offer extra protection for liquid ileostomies and urostomies. Coloplast’s "extended wear" products are lighter in color to visually differentiate adhesive type. S enSura® Standard Wear focuses on moisture absorption and may offer better adhesion for those in more humid climates. 98 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 99 • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex • Flat • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code Units: 5 Stoma Size Cut-to-fit Code Stoma Size A4414 11011 5/8 HCPCS* 10011 3⁄8 10021 3⁄8 - (10-45 mm) A4414 11021 5 10031 3⁄8 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) A4414 11031 5 10041 3⁄8 - 2 1⁄2" (10-65 mm) A4415 11041 5 - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) 13⁄4" Pre-cut Code Color Units: 5 HCPCS* - 7/8" (15-22 mm) A4373 ⁄8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4373 ⁄8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4373 ⁄8 - 2 1/16" (15-53 mm) A4373 Units: 5 Stoma Size Color (20 mm) HCPCS* 10012 13⁄16" A4414 10013 1" (25 mm) A4414 10022 1 3⁄16" (30 mm) A4414 10023 13⁄8" (35 mm) A4414 10032 1 9⁄16" (40 mm) A4414 SenSura® Click Xpro (Extended Wear) Barrier • Flat • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code Stoma Size 10015 3⁄8 10025 3⁄8 10035 3⁄8 10045 3⁄8 Pre-cut Code Stoma Size 11012 7/8" 11022 1" (25 mm) A4373 11023 11/8" (28 mm) A4373 11024 11/4" (31 mm) A4373 11032 13/8" A4373 Color (22 mm) Units: 5 HCPCS* A4373 (35 mm) SenSura® Click Xpro (Extended Wear) Barrier Color - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) Units: 5 HCPCS* • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex A4409 - 13⁄4" (10-45 mm) A4409 Cut-to-fit - 21⁄4" (10-55 mm) A4409 Code - 21⁄2" (10-65 mm) A4410 11015 5/8 - 7/8" (15-22 mm) A4407 Units: 5 HCPCS* 11025 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4407 11035 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4407 11045 5/8 Pre-cut Code Stoma Size 10016 13⁄16" 10017 1" (25 mm) A4409 10026 13⁄16" (30 mm) A4409 10027 13⁄8" A4409 Pre-cut 10036 19⁄16" (40 mm) A4409 Code (20 mm) (35 mm) 2-Piece SenSura® Click 2-Piece SenSura® Click SenSura® Click Standard Wear Barrier SenSura® Click Standard Wear Barrier Color A4409 Units: 5 Stoma Size - 21/16" Color (15-53 mm) HCPCS* A4408 Units: 5 Stoma Size Color (22 mm) HCPCS* 11016 7/8" 11026 1" (25 mm) A4407 11027 11/8" (28 mm) A4407 11028 11/4" (31 mm) A4407 11036 13/8" A4407 (35 mm) A4407 For Assura CONVEX barriers, see pages 108-109. ® Indicates convexity 100 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 101 • • • • SenSura® Click Magnum High Output Drainable Pouch EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex • • • • Transparent 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code Color Funnel-shaped outlet attaches to a drain bag Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 20 Transparent 121⁄2" (32 cm) / 1160 mL HCPCS* Code 11194 A4427 11195 Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 19050 A4413 A4427 19051 A4413 11196 A4427 19052 A4413 11197 A4427 Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 11124 A4427 11125 A4427 11126 A4427 11127 A4427 Opaque 121⁄2" (32 cm) / 1160 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 19040 A4413 19041 A4413 19042 A4413 2-Piece SenSura® Click 2-Piece SenSura® Click SenSura® Click MAXI Drainable Pouch For Assura® Ileo Night Pouches, see page 112. Units: 30 ® SenSura Click MAXI Closed Pouch SenSura® Click MIDI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Filter • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 570 mL Code Opaque 101⁄2" (26 1⁄2 cm) / 485 mL Code Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 11114 A4427 11115 A4427 SenSura® Click MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose WIDE Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex ™ Transparent 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code Color 11186 A4426 Opaque 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 570 mL Code Color HCPCS* 10164 A4423 10165 A4423 10166 A4423 10167 A4423 Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 11135 A4426 11136 A4426 A4423 10187 HCPCS* A4426 Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL 102 HCPCS* Units: 20 11185 Code Units: 30 Color 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 103 Opaque 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 480 mL • With filter • Soft cloth on front and back • Not made with natural rubber latex 11844 A4433 11845 A4433 11846 A4433 Code Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 275 mL Code Units: 30 Color HCPCS* 10154 A4423 10155 A4423 10156 A4423 For Assura® stoma caps, see page 114. Urostomy Units: 10 Color SenSura® Click Uro MIDI Urostomy Pouch • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Wider anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 91⁄2" (24 cm) / 430 mL Code SenSura Uro Units: 10 Color Wider anti-reflux valves support varying ways of managing stents: Wider anti-reflux valves HCPCS* A4433 11851 ® HCPCS* 2-Piece SenSura® Click 2-Piece SenSura® Click SenSura® Click MIDI Closed Pouch Opaque 91⁄2" (24 cm) / 430 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* A4433 11841 • Stents threaded into a pouch connected to a night drainage bag For Assura urostomy micro-pouches and minicaps, see page 114. • Rolling the stents in the top of the pouch, making a loop Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger ® See Accessories page 92 for more information. • Stents that have been cut Welded "multi-chambers" minimize ballooning SenSura® Click Uro MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Wider anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 480 mL Code 104 Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 11854 A4433 11855 A4433 11856 A4433 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 105 Assura® Standard Wear Barrier • Flat • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code Units: 5 Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 2881 3⁄8 - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) A4414 2882 3⁄8 - 13⁄4" (10-45 mm) A4414 2883 3⁄8 - 21⁄4" (10-55 mm) A4414 Pre-cut Units: 5 Code Stoma Size Color Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code Stoma Size 14261 5/8 14262 5 14263 5 Color - 15/16" (15-23 mm) ⁄8 - 15/16" HCPCS* A4373 (15-33 mm) A4373 ⁄8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4373 HCPCS* 12841 13⁄16" 12842 1" (25 mm) A4414 Pre-cut Code Stoma Size 12844 13⁄16" (30 mm) A4414 14271 3/4" (18 mm) A4373 12845 13⁄8" (35 mm) A4414 14272 7/8" (22 mm) A4373 12847 19⁄16" (40 mm) A4414 14273 1" (25 mm) A4373 12848 13⁄4" A4414 14274 11/8" (28 mm) A4373 14275 11/4" (31 mm) A4373 14276 13/8" (35 mm) A4373 14277 11/2" (38 mm) A4373 14278 15/8" A4373 (20 mm) A4414 (45 mm) ® Assura Extended Wear Barrier • Flat • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code 2-Piece Assura® 2-Piece Assura® Assura® Standard Wear Barrier Color (41 mm) Units: 5 HCPCS* Units: 5 Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 2831 3⁄8 - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) A4409 2832 3⁄8 - 13⁄4" (10-45 mm) A4409 2833 3⁄8 Pre-cut Code Stoma Size 14250 5⁄8" 14251 13⁄16" - 21⁄4" (10-55 mm) (15 mm) (20 mm) Color Units: 5 HCPCS* Units: 5 Stoma Size A4409 14281 5/8 - 15/16" (15-23 mm) A4407 A4409 14282 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4407 14283 5/8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4407 A4409 14254 13⁄16" A4409 14255 13⁄8" 14257 19⁄16" (40 mm) A4409 14258 13⁄4" A4409 (45 mm) Cut-to-fit Code 1" (25 mm) (35 mm) • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex A4409 14252 (30 mm) Assura® Extended Wear Barrier Color HCPCS* A4409 Indicates convexity 106 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 107 • Convex • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Pre-cut Units: 5 Code Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 14291 3⁄4" (18 mm) A4407 14292 7⁄8" (22 mm) A4407 14293 1" (25 mm) A4407 14294 11⁄8" (28 mm) A4407 14295 11⁄4" (31 mm) A4407 14296 13⁄8" (35 mm) A4407 14297 11⁄2" (38 mm) A4407 14298 15⁄8" A4407 (41 mm) Assura® Standard Wear Barrier • Convex • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code Stoma Size Color 12716 5⁄8 - 15⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4373 12719 5⁄8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4373 Pre-cut HCPCS* Units: 5 Code Stoma Size 12701 5⁄8" 12702 Color HCPCS* (15 mm) A4373 3⁄4" (18 mm) A4373 12703 7⁄8" (22 mm) A4373 12704 1" (25 mm) 12705 11⁄8" (28 mm) Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code Stoma Size 14243 5/8 - 115/16" (15-23 mm) A4407 14246 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4407 14249 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) HCPCS* A4407 Pre-cut Code Units: 5 Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 14232 3/4" (18 mm) A4407 14233 7/8" (22 mm) A4407 14234 1" (25 mm) A4407 14235 11/8" (28 mm) A4407 14236 11/4" (31 mm) A4407 14237 13/8" (35 mm) A4407 14238 1 1/2" (38 mm) A4407 14239 15/8" (41 mm) A4407 Assura® MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex A4373 Transparent 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL A4373 Code Units: 10 A4427 Color HCPCS* 12706 11⁄4" (31 mm) A4373 15974 12707 13⁄8" (35 mm) A4373 15975 A4427 A4427 12708 11⁄2" (38 mm) A4373 15976 12709 15⁄8" (41 mm) A4373 Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 15984 A4427 15985 A4427 15986 A4427 Indicates convexity Indicates convexity 108 Color 2-Piece Assura® 2-Piece Assura® Assura® Extended Wear Barrier 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 109 • • • • • • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 15982 A4426 15983 A4426 EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Graphic pattern Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 101⁄2" (26 1⁄2 cm) / 485 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 13964 A4427 13965 A4427 13966 A4427 2-Piece Assura® 2-Piece Assura® Assura® MIDI Drainable Pouch Assura® MAXI Drainable Pouch Assura® MIDI Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® MINI Drainable Pouch Opaque 101⁄2" (26 1⁄2 cm) / 485 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 15954 A4427 15955 A4427 15956 A4427 Code Units: 10 Color Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 13974 A4427 13975 A4427 13976 A4427 Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL A4427 13925 A4427 Clamp closure Without filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 13984 A4427 13985 A4427 13986 A4427 Code Units: 10 Color A4426 12578 A4426 12579 A4426 Assura® MIDI Drainable Pouch • • • • Clamp closure Without filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Code 1.800.533.0464 HCPCS* 12577 Opaque 93⁄4" (241⁄2 cm) / 400 mL 110 HCPCS* 13924 Opaque 111⁄4" (281⁄2 cm) / 760 mL Transparent 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code Opaque 91⁄4" (231⁄2 cm) / 280 mL • • • • EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Code EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® MAXI Drainable Pouch Assura® MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • • • • Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 12527 A4426 12528 A4426 12529 A4426 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 111 Assura® MIDI Closed Pouch • • • • • Filter • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Soft outlet attaches to drain bag #14010 Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 7" (18 cm) / 275 mL Transparent 12 1⁄2" (32 cm) / 750 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 8114 A4413 8115 A4413 8116 A4413 Code Code Color HCPCS* 12344 A4423 12345 A4423 12346 A4423 Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 275 mL Code Opaque 12 1⁄2" (32 cm) / 750 mL Units: 30 Units: 30 Color HCPCS* Units: 10 12354 A4423 HCPCS* 12355 A4423 12356 A4423 Color 2846 A4413 2847 A4413 2-Piece Assura® 2-Piece Assura® Assura® High Output Drainable Pouch For bed drainage bag and bag hanger, see page 92. Ileostomy / Colostomy Assura® High Output Drainable Pouch • Clamp closure • Filter • Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® Stoma Cap Opaque 2 L Code Units: 5 Color HCPCS* 2836 A4413 2837 A4413 Assura® MAXI Closed Pouch • Filter • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 8 1⁄2" (21 cm) / 570 mL Code 12375 A4423 12376 A4423 Color HCPCS* 2801 A5055 2802 A5055 2803 A5055 Units: 30 Color HCPCS* 12384 A4423 12385 A4423 12386 A4423 Code Units: 30 HCPCS* A4423 Opaque 8 1⁄2" (21 cm) / 570 mL 112 Opaque Units: 30 Color 12374 Code • Filter • Soft cloth on front • Small size is optimal for intimate moments or colostomates who irrigate • Not made with natural rubber latex 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 113 • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® Urostomy Micro-Pouch • Miniature size prevents twisting • Soft outlet can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag for patients in a wheelchair • Soft cloth on front • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 6" (15 cm) Code Color Transparent 101⁄2" (261⁄2 cm) / 488 mL Code A4433 Units: 10 14228 A4433 HCPCS* 14229 A4433 A4433 14205 A4433 14206 A4433 Try a leg bag for discreet day wear — available on page 25-26. For nighttime, use a urostomy night bag found on page 92. Assura® Urostomy Minicap Opaque 101⁄2" (261⁄2 cm) / 488 mL Code Units: 10 Color Opaque 100 mL A4433 14225 A4433 14226 A4433 Units: 10 Color HCPCS* • S oft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 3⁄4" (271⁄4 cm) / 375 mL Units: 10 2807 A5055 Code Color 2808 A5055 1757 A4433 1758 A4433 1759 A4433 Opaque 10 3⁄4" (271⁄4 cm) / 375 mL Code 114 HCPCS* 14224 Assura® MAXI Urostomy Pouch Ultra-absorbent material inside Small size is optimal for intimate use Soft cloth on front Not made with natural rubber latex Code HCPCS* 14227 14204 • • • • Units: 10 Color 2-Piece Assura® 2-Piece Assura® Assura® MAXI Urostomy Pouch Urostomy 1.800.533.0464 HCPCS* Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 1754 A4433 1755 A4433 1756 A4433 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 115 Single Use Kits • S oft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex SenSura® Click Standard Wear Barrier + Drainable Pouch Transparent 91⁄2" (24 cm) / 150 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* 1751 A4433 1752 A4433 • Barrier #10031 Flat with belt tabs • Pouch #11196 MAXI / EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit / Transparent Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger Code Stoma Size See Accessories page 92 for more information. 11009 3/8 Units: 5 Color HCPCS* 2-Piece Single Use Kits 2-Piece Assura® Assura® MIDI Urostomy Pouch A4414 A4427 - 21/4" (10-55 mm) SenSura® Click Standard Wear Barrier + Drainable Pouch • Barrier #11031 Convex Light with belt tabs • Pouch #11196 MAXI / EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code Stoma Size 11010 5/8 Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4373 A4427 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) SenSura® Click Standard Wear Barrier + Assura® Urostomy Pouch • • • • • • Barrier #10031 Flat with belt tabs Pouch #1759 MAXI / soft outlet Urostomy adapter Instructions for use Stoma measuring guide Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code 11004 Stoma Size 3/8 Units: 5 Color HCPCS* - 21/4" (10-55 mm) A4414 A4433 See previous page for night drainage bag and hanger, sold separately. 116 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 117 2-Piece Single Use Kits Assura® Standard Wear Barrier + Drainable Pouch • Barrier #2883 Flat with belt tabs • Pouch #15976 MAXI / EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code 11002 Stoma Size 3⁄8 Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4414 A4427 - 21⁄4" (10-55 mm) Assura® Standard Wear Barrier + Drainable Pouch • Barrier #14263 Convex Light with belt tabs • Pouch #15976 MAXI / EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code 11001 Stoma Size 5⁄8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4373 A4427 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 118 1.800.533.0464 SenSura® Mio Flex This flexible adhesive coupling fits to individual body contours and maintains a secure seal over uneven abdomens caused by scarring, skin folds, hernias, and other pouching challenges. Elastic barrier to fit real body shapes. Full-circle filter to reduce ballooning. Neutral gray textile for discretion. Two-Piece Flex Ostomy Care • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code Stoma Size 10551 3/8"-15/16" 10561 3/8"-17/ 8" 10571 3/8"-211/16" Color (10-33 mm) HCPCS* A4414 (10-48 mm) A4414 (10-68 mm) A4414 Pre-cut Units: 5 Code Stoma Size 10562 1" (25 mm) Color A4414 10566 11/8" A4414 10563 13/16" (30 mm) A4414 10567 1¼" (32 mm) A4414 10564 13/8" (35 mm) A4414 10568 1½" (38 mm) A4414 10565 19/16" (40 mm) A4414 10572 1¾" (45 mm) A4415 10573 2" (50 mm) A4415 (28 mm) HCPCS* 2-Piece SenSura® Mio Flex SenSura® Mio Flex Standard Wear Barrier SenSura® Mio Flex MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Code Color Units: 10 HCPCS* 12273 A4425 12283 Opaque 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL A4425 Code Color HCPCS* 12262 A4425 12272 A4425 12282 A4425 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 121 • • • • • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code Transparent 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Color Units: 10 (**Units for 10108: 5) Stoma Size - 10102 3/8 - 17/8" (10-48 mm) - (10-68 mm) A4414 - 31/2" (10-88 mm) A4415 A5063 10103 3/8 12284 A5063 10108** 3/8 A4414 A4414 SenSura® Flex Xpro (Extended Wear) Barrier SenSura® Mio Flex MIDI Drainable Pouch • • • • • 2 3/4" (10-33 mm) HCPCS* 10101 12274 15/16" Color 3/8 • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Opaque 10 1⁄4" (26 cm) / 485 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Color A4425 12281 Units: 10 Code Stoma Size 10104 3/8 Color 10105 3/8 - (10-48 mm) A4409 10106 3/8 - 23/4" (10-68 mm) A4410 - 15/16" (10-33 mm) 17/8" HCPCS* A4409 SenSura® Flex Standard Wear Barrier SenSura® Mio Flex MAXI Closed Pouch • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex • Full-circle filter • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 8 1⁄4" (20½ cm) / 570 mL Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Units: 30 Code Stoma Size HCPCS* 11301 5/8 - 15/16" (15-23 mm) A4373 12203 A4419 11302 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4373 12216 A4419 11303 5/8 - 12223 A4419 11307 5/8 - 2" (15-53 mm) Code Color Opaque 8 1⁄4" (20½ cm) / 570 mL Code 2-Piece SenSura® Flex 2-Piece SenSura® Mio Flex SenSura® Flex Standard Wear Barrier SenSura® Mio Flex MAXI Drainable Pouch 111/16" Color (15-43 mm) HCPCS* A4373 A4373 Units: 30 Color HCPCS* 12202 A4419 Pre-cut 12213 A4419 Code Stoma Size 12222 A4419 11312 7/8" 11313 1" (25 mm) A4373 11314 11/8" (28 mm) A4373 11315 11/4" (31 mm) A4373 Units: 5 (22 mm) Color HCPCS* A4373 Indicates convexity 122 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 123 SenSura® Flex MAXI Closed Pouch • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex • Flter • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 11304 5/8 - 15/16" (15-23 mm) A4407 11305 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4407 11306 5/8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4407 11308 5/8 - 2" (15-53 mm) A4408 Transparent 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 570 mL Code Color • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex A4419 10912 A4419 10917 A4419 Opaque 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 570 mL Units: 30 Color HCPCS* A4425 11517 A4425 11590 A4425 Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Units: 20 Color HCPCS* A4425 11514 11515 A4425 11518 A4425 11591 A4425 10915 A4419 10918 A4419 Assura® AC Standard Wear Barrier • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 10 (**Units for 14309: 5) Cut-to-fit Code Stoma Size Color - 15/16" (10-33 mm) HCPCS* 14301 3/8 14302 3/8 - (10-48 mm) A4414 14303 3/8 - 23/4" (10-68 mm) A4414 14309** 3/8 - 31/2" (10-88 mm) A4415 17/8" A4414 • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex EasiClose WIDE Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex ™ Cut-to-fit Code Transparent 111⁄2" (291⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code A4419 Assura® AC Extended Wear Barrier SenSura® Flex MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • HCPCS* 10914 Units: 20 11512 Code Color For Assura® AC urostomy pouches see page 129. For XL closed pouch, see page 128. Transparent 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code HCPCS* 10911 Code SenSura® Flex MAXI Drainable Pouch Units: 30 2-Piece SenSura® Flex 2-Piece SenSura® Flex SenSura® Flex Xpro (Extended Wear) Barrier Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 11612 A5063 11690 A5063 Units: 5 Stoma Size - 15/16" (10-33 mm) Color HCPCS* 14304 3/8 14305 3/8 - (10-48 mm) A4409 14306 3/8 - 23/4" (10-68 mm) A4410 17/8" A4409 Indicates convexity 124 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 125 Assura® AC XL Drainable Pouch • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex • • • • Cut-to-fit Code Units: 5 Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 14401 5/8 - 15/16" (10-23 mm) A4373 14403 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4373 14406 5/8 - 2 3⁄8" (15-61 mm) EasiClose™ Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 12 1⁄2" (32 cm) / 750 mL Code Units: 20 Color HCPCS* A5063 14527 A4373 Pre-cut Units: 5 Color Code Stoma Size 14642 7/8" 14643 1" (25 mm) A4373 • • • • 14644 11/8" (28 mm) A4373 Transparent 11 1⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 600 mL 14645 11/4" (31 mm) A4373 Code 14646 13/8" (35 mm) A4373 14356 A4425 14357 A4425 14359 A4425 (22 mm) HCPCS* Assura® AC MAXI Drainable Pouch A4373 ® Assura AC Extended Wear Barrier • Convex Light • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 5 Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 14601 5/8 - 15/16" (15-23 mm) A4407 14602 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4407 14603 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4407 14408 5/8 - 23/8" (15-61 mm) A4408 Assura® AC XL Drainable Pouch • • • • Opaque 12 1⁄2" (32 cm) / 750 mL Units: 20 Color HCPCS* A4425 14379 Units: 20 Color HCPCS* • • • • EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 11 1⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 600 mL Code Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 14361 A4425 14362 A4425 14364 A4425 Assura® AC MIDI Drainable Pouch EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Code EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® AC MAXI Drainable Pouch Cut-to-fit Code 2-Piece Assura® AC 2-Piece Assura® AC Assura® AC Standard Wear Barrier • • • • EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 1⁄4" (26 cm) / 470 mL Code Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 14342** A4425 14344 A4425 **Custom Peel. Includes perforated rings providing the option of an exact fit around the stoma. Rings are simply removed for the best fit. Indicates convexity 126 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 127 Opaque 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 500 mL Units: 30 Units: 20 Code HCPCS* 14331 A4419 14346 A4425 14332 A4419 14347 A4425 14333** A4419 14349 A4425 14334 A4419 Code Color Color HCPCS* **Custom Peel. Includes perforated rings providing the option of an exact fit around the stoma. Rings are simply removed for the best fit. Assura® AC MIDI Closed Pouch Assura® AC MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Filter • Soft cloth on front and back • Not made with natural rubber latex EasiClose™ Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 250 mL Transparent 11 1⁄4" (28½ cm) / 600 mL Code Color Opaque 11 1⁄4" (28½ cm) / 600 mL Code Code HCPCS* 14316 A4419 14317 A4419 14319 A4419 Units: 20 Color Units: 30 Units: 20 A5063 14521 2-Piece Assura® AC 2-Piece Assura® AC Opaque 10 ⁄4" (26 cm) / 470 mL 1 Color HCPCS* HCPCS* A5063 14525 Urostomy Assura® AC XL Closed Pouch Assura® AC MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Filter • Soft cloth on front and back • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 101⁄2" (26 1⁄2 cm) / 850 mL Code Units: 30 Color HCPCS* A4419 14355 Assura® AC MAXI Closed Pouch • Filter • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 101⁄2" (26½ cm) / 475 mL Code Units: 20 Color A5073 14554 A5073 Opaque 101⁄2" (26½ cm) / 475 mL Units: 30 Color HCPCS* 14326 A4419 14327 A4419 14328** A4419 14329 A4419 HCPCS* 14552 Code Transparent 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 500 mL Code • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 20 Color HCPCS* 14553 A5073 14555 A5073 Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger See Accessories page 92 for more information. ** Custom Peel. Includes perforated rings providing the option of an extact fit around the stoma. Rings are simply removed for the best fit. 128 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 129 • • • • • SenSura® Flex Standard Wear Barrier + MAXI Drainable Pouch Barrier #14302 Flat Pouch #14521 EasiClose™ Outlet / without filter Instructions for use Stoma measuring guide Not made with natural rubber latex • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit / Transparent • Barrier #10102 Flat • Pouch #11512 EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet / filter 11006 Code Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code 11011K Stoma Size 3/8 Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4414 A4425 - 17/8" (10-48 mm) Cut-to-fit / Transparent 21001 Stoma Size 3/8 Units: 5 Color - 23/4" (10-68 mm) 11003 21002 - Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4409 A4425 (10-48 mm) Stoma Size 3/8 Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4415 A4425 - 2 3/4" (10-68 mm) SenSura® Mio Standard Wear + Assura® AC MAXI Urostomy Pouch* • • • • Cut-to-fit / Transparent 17/8" Cut-to-fit / Transparent A4415 A4425 • Barrier #10105 Flat • Pouch #11512 EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet / filter 3/8 A4414 A5063 - 17/8" (10-48 mm) • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex HCPCS* • Instructions for use • Stoma measuring guide • Not made with natural rubber latex Stoma Size HCPCS* Assura® AC Standard Wear Barrier + MAXI Drainable Pouch Code SenSura® Flex Xpro (Extended Wear) Barrier + MAXI Drainable Pouch Code 3/8 Units: 5 Color • Barrier #14303 Flat • Pouch #14344 EasiClose™ Outlet / filter • Barrier #10103 Flat • Pouch #11517 EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet / filter Code Stoma Size 2-Piece Single Use Kits 2-Piece Single Use Kits Assura® AC Standard Wear Barrier + MAXI Drainable Pouch Single Use Kits Urostomy adapter Instructions for use Stoma measuring guide Not made with natural rubber latex • Barrier #10561 Flat • Pouch #14554 Soft outlet / multi-chamber Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code 11007 Stoma Size 3/8 - 17/8" (10-48 mm) Units: 5 Color HCPCS* A4414 A5073 • Barrier #10106 Flat • Pouch #11517 EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet / filter Cut-to-fit / Transparent Code 21003 130 Stoma Size 3/8 - 2 3/4" (10-68 mm) Units: 5 Color HCPCS* Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger See Accessories page 92 for more information. A4410 A4425 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 131 132 1.800.533.0464 SenSura® Mio 1-piece Pouching System The standard in ostomy care Full-circle filter to reduce ballooning. Neutral gray textile for discretion. 1-piece Elastic barrier to fit real body shapes. Ostomy Care • • • • • EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Flat Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Opaque pouches feature peek-a-boo inspection window for easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 10481 Cut-to-fit 3/8"-2 1/8" 10482 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 10488 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A4424 10483 Pre-cut 13/16" A4424 10490 Pre-cut 1¼" (32 mm) A4424 10484 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) A4424 10491 Pre-cut 1½" (38 mm) A4424 10487 Pre-cut 19/16" A4424 10485 Pre-cut 1¾" (45 mm) A4424 10486 Pre-cut 2" (50 mm) A4424 (10-55 mm) (30 mm) (40 mm) Opaque 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL HCPCS* A4424 1-Piece SenSura® Mio SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 10471 Cut-to-fit 3/8"-21/8" 10472 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 10473 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A4424 10474 Pre-cut 13/16" A4424 10475 Pre-cut 1¼" (32 mm) A4424 10476 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) A4424 10480 Pre-cut 1½" (38 mm) A4424 10479 Pre-cut 19/16" A4424 10477 Pre-cut 1¾" (45 mm) A4424 10478 Pre-cut 2" (50 mm) A4424 (10-55 mm) (30 mm) (40 mm) HCPCS* A4424 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 135 SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MIDI Closed Pouch • • • • Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Full-circle filter Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Not made with natural rubber latex • • • • Flat Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 10¼" (26 cm) / 485 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 10461 Cut-to-fit 3/8"-1¾" HCPCS* (10-55 mm) A4424 Opaque 7 1⁄4" (19 cm) / 340 mL Cut Stoma Size 10871 Cut-to-fit 5/8"-1¾" 10872 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4416 10873 Pre-cut 13/16" (30 mm) A4416 Pre-cut 13/8" A4416 10874 SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Units: 30 Code (15-45 mm) (35 mm) HCPCS* A4416 1-Piece SenSura® Mio 1-Piece SenSura® Mio SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MIDI Drainable Pouch SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MINI Closed Pouch Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11" (28 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 10489 Cut-to-fit 3/8"-21/8" 10492 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A5061 10493 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A5061 10494 Pre-cut 1¼" (32 mm) A5061 10495 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) A5061 10496 Pre-cut 1½" (38 mm) A5061 (10-55 mm) A5061 SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MAXI Closed Pouch • • • • Flat Full-circle filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex • Full-circle filter • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Comfortable and discreet stoma cap alternative • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 51⁄4" (13 cm) / 110 mL Code 10870 Units: 30 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 5/8"-1¾" (15-45 mm) SenSura® Mio Original Standard Wear MAXI Code Units: 30 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 10881 Cut-to-fit 5/8"-1¾" 10885** Cut-to-fit 19/16"-21/8" (40-55 mm) A4416 10883 Pre-cut 13/16" (30 mm) A4416 10884 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) A4416 10885** Pre-cut 19/16" (40 mm) A4416 (15-45 mm) A4416 A4416 • Closed Pouch • • Flat • • Filter • • Soft cloth on front and back • • Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy • application • • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 8 1⁄2" (21 cm) / 550 mL Opaque 8 1⁄4" (21 cm) / 550 mL HCPCS* Units: 30 Cut Stoma Size 10831 Cut-to-fit 5/8 -13/4" 10835** Cut-to-fit 19⁄16 - 21⁄4" (40-55 mm) A4416 10833 Pre-cut 13⁄16" A4416 10834 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) A4416 Pre-cut 19⁄16" A4416 10835* (15-45 mm) (30 mm) (40 mm) HCPCS* A4416 **Because of its larger starter hole, 10835 functions as both a pre-cut and cut-to-fit solution **Because of its larger starter hole, 10885 functions as both a pre-cut and cut-to-fit solution 136 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 137 • • • • • • • • • Flat Filter Soft cloth on front and back Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 340 mL Units: 30 Code Cut Stoma Size 10821 Cut-to-fit 5/8 Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Code Units: 20 Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 15521 Cut-to-fit A4416 15522 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 A4424 - 13/4" (15-45 mm) - 3" (10-76 mm) 10822 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4416 15523 Pre-cut 13/16" 10823 Pre-cut 13⁄16" (30 mm) A4416 15524 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) Pre-cut 13/8" A4416 10824 (35 mm) SenSura® Mio Original Standard Wear MINI Closed Pouch • • • • Flat Filter Soft cloth on front and back Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 5 1⁄2" (14 cm) / 110 mL Units: 30 Code Cut Stoma Size 10811 Cut-to-fit 5/8 HCPCS* 3/8 HCPCS* - 13/4" (15-45 mm) A4416 (30 mm) Opaque 111⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch A4424 Units: 20 Code Cut Stoma Size 15531 Cut-to-fit 3/8 15532 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 15533 Pre-cut 13/16" A4424 15534 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) - 3" (10-76 mm) (30 mm) HCPCS* A4424 A4424 SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Urostomy A4424 1-Piece SenSura® 1-Piece SenSura® Mio SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch SenSura® Mio Original Standard Wear MIDI Closed Pouch Units: 20 Code Cut Stoma Size 15821 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) HCPCS* A5061 • • • • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile on back Flat Multi-chambers minimize sloshing Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 1⁄2" (27 cm) / 400 mL 138 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 10586 Cut-to-fit 3/8"-1¾" HCPCS* (10-45 mm) A5071 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 139 SenSura® Xpro (Extended Wear) MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • • • • • • • Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Code 15981 Units: 10 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3/8 Code Cut HCPCS* - 3" (10-76 mm) Opaque 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL A5056 Units: 10 Stoma Size Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Cut Stoma Size - - 111/16" (15-43 mm) HCPCS* 15695 Cut-to-fit 15696 Cut-to-fit 5/8 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A5056 15992 Pre-cut 13/16" (30 mm) A5056 15993 Pre-cut 11/4" (32 mm) A5056 15994 Pre-cut 11/2" (38 mm) A5056 ® SenSura Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Convex Light EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Transparent 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL 5/8 15991 • • • • • • Convex Light EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex 15/16" (15-33 mm) Opaque 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL A5057 A5057 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 15697 Pre-cut 7/8" 15698 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) (22 mm) HCPCS* A5057 A5057 SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Units: 10 HCPCS* • Flat • Soft outlet for liquid stool — can connect to a drain bag (e.g. #14010) at night • Filter • Soft cloth on front and back • Peek-a-boo inspection window allows easy application • Not made with natural rubber latex Code Cut Stoma Size 15606 Cut-to-fit 5/8 15623 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4389 Opaque 12 1⁄2" (32 cm) / 630 mL 15624 Pre-cut 1 1⁄8" (28 mm) A4389 Code Cut Stoma Size 19004 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) 1-Piece SenSura® 1-Piece SenSura® SenSura® Xpro (Extended Wear) MAXI Drainable Pouch A4389 Units: 30 - 3" (10-76 mm) HCPCS* A4424 For bed drainage bag, see page 92. Opaque 11 1⁄2" (29 1⁄2 cm) / 655 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 15608 Cut-to-fit 5/8 15633 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4389 15634 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A4389 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4389 SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Closed Pouch • Flat • Filter • Soft cloth on front and back • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 8 1⁄2" (21 cm) / 550 mL Units: 30 Code Cut Stoma Size 15480 Cut-to-fit 3/8 Pre-cut 13/8" 15484 - 3" (10-76 mm) (35 mm) HCPCS* A4416 A4416 Indicates convexity 140 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 141 1-Piece SenSura® 1-Piece SenSura® Urostomy SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Convex Light • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Belt tabs • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Flat • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 400 mL Code Cut Stoma Size 11804 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) Units: 10 Transparent 103⁄8" (26 cm) / 400 mL Units: 10 HCPCS* Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* A5071 11814 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4392 SenSura® Xpro (Extended Wear) MAXI Urostomy Pouch SenSura® Standard Wear MIDI Urostomy Pouch • Convex Light • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex • Flat • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 9 1⁄2" (24 cm) / 330 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 11803 Cut-to-fit 3/8 HCPCS* - 21/2" (10-66 mm) A5071 Transparent 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 400 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 11819 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4393 ® SenSura Xpro (Extended Wear) MAXI Urostomy Pouch Opaque 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 400 mL • Flat • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex 142 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 11809 Cut-to-fit 3/8 Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Cut Stoma Size 11805 Pre-cut 7/8" 11806 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4391 11807 Pre-cut 13/16" A4391 11808 Pre-cut 11/4" (32 mm) (30 mm) Stoma Size 11816 Pre-cut 7/8" 11817 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4393 11818 Pre-cut 11/4" (32 mm) A4393 (22 mm) HCPCS* A4393 See Accessories page 92 for more information. A4391 Opaque 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 400 mL (22 mm) Cut Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger Transparent 10 3⁄8" (26 cm) / 400 mL - 3" (10-76 mm) Units: 10 Code A4391 A4391 1.800.533.0464 Indicates convexity *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 143 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • • Convex Light EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 111⁄2" (29 cm) / 530 mL Code Stoma Size - 1 ⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4389 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4389 Units: 10 14511 Cut-to-fit 5/8 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 14512 Pre-cut 5/8 15860 Cut-to-fit 3/8 Opaque 111⁄2" (29 cm) / 530 mL Code Cut Stoma Size 15870 Cut-to-fit 3/8 15874 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 15875 Pre-cut 1 ⁄16" (30 mm) A4424 15876 Pre-cut 13⁄8" (35 mm) A4424 3 HCPCS* A4424 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 111⁄2" (29 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 15871 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-75 mm) 5 HCPCS* A4424 Units: 10 - 3" (10-75 mm) Units: 10 Cut Transparent 111⁄2" (29 cm) / 530 mL - 3" (10-75 mm) 1-Piece Assura® 1-Piece Assura® EasiClose™ WIDE outlets offer a 1/2" wider integrated closure for easy, fast emptying on the go. HCPCS* Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Flat EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 13860 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-75 mm) A4424 Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 13870 Cut-to-fit 3/8 13874 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 13875 Pre-cut 13/16" (30 mm) A4424 Pre-cut 13/8" A4424 13876 - 3" (10-75 mm) (35 mm) A4424 A5061 Assura® Standard Wear MIDI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Assura® Extended Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • 144 Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Without filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Flat EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 101⁄4" (26 cm) / 390 mL Code Units: 10 Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 13840 Cut-to-fit 3/8 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 13844 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4424 15869 Cut-to-fit 3/8 13845 Pre-cut 13/16" A4424 13846 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) - 3" (10-75 mm) A4388 Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 15879 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-75 mm) A4388 1.800.533.0464 - 21/2" (15-65 mm) (30 mm) A4424 A4424 Indicates convexity *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 145 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • • • • • • • • Convex Light EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* Code HCPCS* Cut Stoma Size 14411 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15/16" 14412 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) (15-33 mm) Cut Stoma Size A4389 14103 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" A4389 14163 Pre-cut 7/8" (15-43 mm) 14164 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4389 14165 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A4389 Pre-cut 11/4" A4389 (22 mm) (31 mm) A4389 A4389 Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 14166 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 14414 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 1 5⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4389 Code HCPCS* 14415 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 1 ⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4389 14421 Pre-cut 7/8" (22 mm) A4389 14422 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) 14423 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) Pre-cut 11/4" A4389 14424 11 (31 mm) Cut Stoma Size 14106 Cut-to-fit 5/8 14173 Pre-cut 7/8" A4389 14174 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4389 A4389 14175 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A4389 Pre-cut 11/4" A4389 Assura® Standard Wear MIDI Drainable Pouch (15-43 mm) (22 mm) (31 mm) Convex Light EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex • • • • • • A4389 Convex EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 10 1⁄4" (26 cm) / 390 mL Units: 10 Opaque 101⁄4" (26 cm) / 390 mL Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* Code Cut Stoma Size 14404 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 1 5⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4389 14196 Cut-to-fit 5/8 14405 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4389 A4389 1-Piece 1-Piece • • • • • • 14176 - 111/16" Assura® Standard Wear MIDI Drainable Pouch Indicates convexity 146 Convex EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex 1-Piece Assura® 1-Piece Assura® Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Units: 10 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) HCPCS* A4389 Indicates convexity 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 147 • • • • • • • • • • • • Convex EasiClose™ Outlet Without filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 14413 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15⁄16" (15-33 mm) 14416 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4390 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 14419 Cut-to-fit 5/8 A4390 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* 12660 Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 2 ⁄4" (10-70 mm) 3 A5061 Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 13706 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4389 Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 12533 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4389 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 12670 Cut-to-fit 3/8 • • • • • • Convex Clamp closure Without filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 9 3⁄4" (24 1⁄2 cm) / 230 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 13703 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4389 A5061 1-Piece 1-Piece Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL - 2 3⁄4" (10-70 mm) Units: 10 Code Assura® Standard Wear MINI Drainable Pouch Flat Clamp closure Without filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Cut Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL A4390 Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL - 111/16" (15-43 mm) Convex Clamp closure Without filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex 1-Piece Assura® 1-Piece Assura® Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Assura® Extended Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Assura® Standard Wear MINI Drainable Pouch • • • • • Flat Clamp closure Without filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 9 3⁄4" (24 1⁄2 cm) / 230 mL Units: 10 Code HCPCS* 12630 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3/8 -- 2 ⁄4" (10-55 mm) 1 Opaque 9 3⁄4" (24 1⁄2 cm) / 230 mL A5061 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 12620 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) HCPCS* A5061 Indicates convexity Indicates convexity 148 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 149 • • • • • • Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 350 mL Convex Clamp closure Without filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 12416 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4390 Opaque 111⁄4" (28 1⁄2 cm) / 530 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 12419 Cut-to-fit 5/8 HCPCS* - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4390 Cut Stoma Size • • • • 12140 Cut-to-fit 12144 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) 12145 Pre-cut 1 ⁄16" (30 mm) A4416 12146 Pre-cut 1 3⁄8" (35 mm) A4416 12147 Pre-cut 1 9⁄16" (40 mm) A4416 12149 Pre-cut 2" (50 mm) A4416 1 3 A4416 A4416 Assura® Standard Wear MINI Closed Pouch • • • • Flat Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 5" (12 cm) / 170 mL 12110 Flat Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex ⁄16 - 2 ⁄2" (20-65 mm) HCPCS* 13 Code Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Closed Pouch Units: 30 Code 1-Piece Assura® 1-Piece Assura® Assura® Extended Wear MAXI Drainable Pouch Units: 30 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 13/16 - 2 ⁄2" (20-65 mm) 1 HCPCS* A4416 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Closed Pouch Opaque 81⁄2" (22 cm) / 530 mL Units: 30 HCPCS* • • • • • Convex Light Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Code Cut Stoma Size 12170 Cut-to-fit 13/16 12174 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4416 12175 Pre-cut 13/16" (30 mm) A4416 Transparent 8 1⁄2" (22 cm) / 560 mL 12176 Pre-cut 13/8" A4416 Code Cut Stoma Size 12177 Pre-cut 19/16" (40 mm) A4416 14441 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) A4417 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" A4417 Cut Stoma Size 14444 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15/16" 14445 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) - 3" (20-75 mm) A4416 (35 mm) 14442 Units: 10 (15-43 mm) HCPCS* ® Assura Standard Wear MIDI Closed Pouch • • • • Opaque Flat Filter Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Code Transparent 7" (18 cm) / 350 mL Cut Stoma Size 12130 Cut-to-fit 13/16 12134 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4416 12135 Pre-cut 13/16" (30 mm) A4416 Pre-cut 13/8" A4416 A4417 A4417 HCPCS* - 21⁄2" (20-65 mm) (35 mm) A4416 Indicates convexity 150 (15-33 mm) HCPCS* Units: 30 Code 12136 Units: 10 Indicates convexity 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 151 • • • • • Urostomy Convex Light Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 7" (18 cm) / 350 mL Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 14431 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4417 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 1 ⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4417 14432 11 Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 350 mL HCPCS* • Flat • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 3⁄4" (27 1⁄2 cm) / 470 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 14222 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) Cut Stoma Size 14434 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4417 14435 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4417 14451 Pre-cut 7/8" (22 mm) A4417 14452 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4417 14453 Pre-cut 1 1⁄8" (28 mm) A4417 14454 Pre-cut 1 ⁄4" (31 mm) A4417 1 HCPCS* Assura® Standard Wear Stoma Cap Flat Filter Belt tabs Soft cloth on back Small pouch size for discreet moments Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque Units: 30 Code Cut Stoma Size 2501 Cut-to-fit 13/16 - 2 1⁄4" (20-55 mm) HCPCS* A5055 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Convex Light • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Belt tabs • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 3⁄4" (27 1⁄2 cm) / 470 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 14717 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 1 11⁄16" (15-43 mm) • Flat • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 10 3⁄4" (27 cm) / 465 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 5585 Cut-to-fit 3/8 Code 5580 Indicates convexity A4392 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) Opaque 10 3⁄4" (27 cm) / 465 mL 152 A5071 Units: 10 Code • • • • • • 1-Piece Assura® 1-Piece Assura® Assura® Standard Wear MIDI Closed Pouch A5071 Units: 10 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 2 ⁄4" (10-55 mm) 1 HCPCS* A5071 Indicates convexity 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 153 Assura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Flat • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex • Convex • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Belt tabs • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 7" (18 cm) / 265 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 5575 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 21/4" (10-55 mm) Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 265 mL A5071 Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 5570 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) HCPCS* A5071 Assura® Extended Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Flat • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 9 ⁄2" (24 cm) / 375 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 12474 Cut-to-fit 3/8 1 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) A4391 Assura® Extended Wear MIDI Urostomy Pouch • Flat • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back (and front of opaque) • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 9 1⁄2" (24 cm) / 265 mL Code Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3/8 Code Cut Stoma Size 12471 Cut-to-fit 3/8 12472 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) Opaque 154 1-Piece Assura® 1-Piece Assura® Assura® Standard Wear MIDI Urostomy Pouch 10 3⁄4" (27 cm) / 465 mL Transparent Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size 12595 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 15/16" (15-33 mm) HCPCS* A4392 12596 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111/16" (15-43 mm) A4392 12991 Pre-cut 5/8 " (15 mm) A4392 12992 Pre-cut 3/4 " (18 mm) A4392 12993 Pre-cut 7/8 " (22 mm) A4392 12994 Pre-cut 1" (25 mm) A4392 12995 Pre-cut 11/8" (28 mm) A4392 12996 Pre-cut 11/4" (31 mm) A4392 12997 Pre-cut 13/8" (35 mm) A4392 Assura® Extended Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Convex • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Belt tabs • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex 10 3⁄4" (27 cm) / 465 mL Transparent Units: 10 HCPCS* A4391 Code Units: 10 Cut Stoma Size 12432 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 1 ⁄16" (15-33 mm) A4393 12433 Cut-to-fit 5/8 - 111⁄16" (15-43 mm) A4393 5 HCPCS* Units: 10 - 2 1⁄4" (10-55 mm) HCPCS* A4391 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 155 1-Piece Single Use Kits Single Use Kits SenSura® 1-piece Single Use Kit • • • • Pouch #15521 MAXI / EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Instructions for use Stoma measuring guide Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent Units: 5 Code Cut Stoma Size 11008 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) HCPCS* A4424 Assura® 1-piece Single Use Kit • • • • Pouch #15860 MAXI / EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Instructions for use Stoma measuring guide Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent Units: 5 Code Cut Stoma Size 11005 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) HCPCS* A4424 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 156 1.800.533.0464 SenSura® Post-op pouches. Security. Right from the start. Your patients deserve all the benefits of SenSura® from day one following their operation. The post-operative phase is critical for you and your patients. You need appliances that allow you to provide the right care, and your patients need appliances that give them comfort and peace of mind following their operation. For optimal discretion in the transition from the hospital to the community, consider the SenSura® 1-piece Drainable pouch on page 141. For extra high capacity, consider the SenSura® Click Magnum high output pouch on page 103. Post-op Our new range of SenSura® Post-Op pouches provides ease of use and optimal security with our unique double-layer adhesive. Ostomy Care • Flat • Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 • Easy-to-open and -close access window attached to pouch • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 13" (33 cm) / 830 mL Units: 5 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 19020 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) A6154 19021 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 41/2" (10-115 mm) A6154 SenSura® Standard Wear 1-piece STERILE Post-Op Pouch w/ Window • Flat • Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 • Easy-to-open and -close access window attached to pouch • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 13" (33 cm) / 830 mL 1-Piece Post-Op / Wound Pouches SenSura® Standard Wear 1-piece Post-Op Pouch w/ Window Units: 5 Code Cut Stoma Size 19010 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) HCPCS* A6154 19011 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 41/2" (10-115 mm) A6154 SenSura® Standard Wear 1-piece Post-Op Pouch • • • • • Flat Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 Effective pouching solution for small fistulas Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 12 1⁄4" (31 cm) / 690 mL Code Cut Stoma Size 19030 Cut-to-fit 3/8 - 3" (10-76 mm) Units: 5 HCPCS* A6154 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 159 Post-Op Accessories • Replacement window for Assura® post-op pouches • Not made with natural rubber latex • • • • Flat Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 Soft cloth on front and back Peek-a-boo inspection window ensures easy placement and visualization of the stoma • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 12 1⁄4" (31 cm) / 690 mL Code 19001 Cut-to-fit Code Size Units 12801 Matches 1/2 - 23/4" (12800, 12808) 20 A4421 12803 Matches 1/2 - 37/8" (12802, 12810) 15 A4421 Units: 5 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3/8 HCPCS* - 3" (10-76 mm) A6154 For a non-sterile version, see page 141. For SenSura Magnum high output pouches, and a non-sterile version, see page 103. HCPCS* ® Assura® Standard Wear 1-piece Post-Op Pouch w/ Window • • • • • Code Units: 5 Cut Stoma Size 12800 Cut-to-fit 1/2 - 12802 Cut-to-fit 1/2 - 4" (13-100 mm) 23/4" (13-70 mm) • • • • Flat Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 12 1⁄4" (31 cm) / 690 mL Flat Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 Easy-to-open and -close access window Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 13" (33 cm) / 830 mL Assura® Standard Wear 1-piece Post-Op Pouch HCPCS* A6154 A6154 Code Cut Stoma Size 12805 Cut-to-fit 1/2 - 23/4" (13-70 mm) • • • • • • • • Flat Soft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Cut Stoma Size 12818 Cut-to-fit 1/2 - 23/4" (13-70 mm) HCPCS* A6154 Units: 5 Code Cut Stoma Size 12808 Cut-to-fit 1/2 - 23/4" (13-70 mm) A6154 Cut-to-fit 1/2 - 4" (13-100 mm) A6154 12810 Code Units: 5 For Assura® high output pouches and ileo night pouches, see page 112. oft outlet can connect to bed drain bag #14010 S Easy-to-open and -close access window Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 13" (33 cm) / 830 mL A6154 Assura® Standard Wear 1-piece STERILE Post-Op Pouch Transparent 12 1⁄4" (31 cm) / 690 mL Assura® Standard Wear 1-piece STERILE Post-Op Pouch w/ Window • Flat Units: 5 HCPCS* 1-Piece Post-Op / Wound Pouches 1-Piece Post-Op / Wound Pouches SenSura® Standard Wear 1-piece STERILE Post-Op Pouch HCPCS* For extra Assura post-op windows (sold separately), see next page. ® 160 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 161 Inflatable Ring • Provides stability when applying the lid • Prevents leakage Fistula / Wound Pouch Accessories Flexible Lid • Easy to apply and remove • Allows access to dress the wound Double-layer adhesive • Flexible and long-lasting • Protects skin from drainage Coloplast® Fistula Drain Port Can be easily applied to the lid to allow for catheter insertion. For catheters ranging from 18FR - 22FR, the drain port is ready for use. For catheters ranging from 24FR - 30FR, pull off the top of the drain port - DO NOT CUT. • Not made with natural rubber latex Tracing Guide • Provides accuracy in cutting fistula or wound patterns Fistula Accessories Fistula / Wound Management Pump • Easy to inflate the ring Outlets • Spigots make draining fistulas/wounds easy Units: 12 Code Size 14015 One size HCPCS* A4421 Coloplast® Bed Drainage Bag Bag tubing specifically designed for fistula output. Holds up to 2000ml. Long tubing can be cut easily, allowing nurses to find the right length for bed drainage. • Not made with natural rubber latex Drain Port • Allows for catheter insertion Coloplast® Fistula and Wound Management System Each system includes: • 1 pouch and tracing guide • 1 drain port (extras sold separately on next page) • 1 lid (extras sold separately on next page) • 1 clear drape • 1 clamp • Not made with natural rubber latex Each box includes one pump. Units: 6 Code Size 14010 2000 mL HCPCS* A4357 For matching bag hanger, see page 92. Coloplast® Transparent Fistula Lids Replacement lids match the transparent lid included with each fistula pouch. • Not made with natural rubber latex 14050 Mini 14060 Midi 14070 Maxi Units: 3 Units for 14050: 6 Code Cut Stoma Size 14050 Mini 41/8 x 61/4" (104-159 mm) HCPCS* A6154 14060 Midi 61/8 x 9" (156-228 mm) A6154 14070 Maxi 81/8 x 113/4" (208-297 mm) A6154 Units: 10 Code Size 14021 Mini (matches 14050) A4421 14031 Midi (matches 14060) A4421 14041 Maxi (matches 14070) A4421 Coloplast® Pouch Clamp Simple closure clamp is easy to manipulate, even for those with low dexterity. • Not made with natural rubber latex 162 1.800.533.0464 HCPCS* Units: 20 Code Size 9500 One size HCPCS* A4363 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 163 • Absorb moisture (e.g. very liquid output) without breaking down • Easy to handle, mold, and apply • Alcohol-free = sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips Skin-friendly strips are used to “picture frame” around an ostomy barrier, providing extra security. • Elastic (follows the contours of the body) • Ensures the position of your barrier and minimizes roll-up • Skin-friendly and secure alternative to tape • Not made with natural rubber latex Units 20 strips HCPCS* A4362 Units 30 strips Units HCPCS* 120427 2 mm (thin) 10 A4385 4.2 mm (thick) 10 A4385 A sting-free alternative to conventional alcohol-based paste • Creates a tight, effective seal between the skin and the fistula appliance • Contains pectin • Not made with natural rubber latex Units 20 strips Size 2 oz Units 1 HCPCS* A5121 Coloplast® Paste HCPCS* A4362 Used to fill in uneven skin surfaces to create a flat pouching surface • Provides tight sealing around the stoma • Protects against stoma output • Minimizes risk of maceration • Non-pectin • Not made with natural rubber latex Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips- Straight For square or rectangular barrier shapes Code Size 120740* 51/4" strips *2 strips = 1 billable unit of A4362 120307 Code 12050 Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips- Y shape Designed for users with varying body shapes, e.g. hernias or skin folds Code Size 120721* 53/4" strips *3 strips = 1 billable unit of A5121 Size Brava® Paste Brava® Elastic Barrier Strips- Curved For round or oval barrier shapes Code Size 120700* 51/2" strips *2 strips = 1 billable unit of A4362 Code HCPCS* A4406 Code Size Units HCPCS* 2650 2 oz 12 A4405 Fistula Accessories: Extra Protection Fistula Accessories: Extra Protection Brava® Moldable Rings Extra Protection Brava® Strip Paste • Pectin-based product protects skin from effluent • Used to create a tight seal between the fistula or wound manager and healthy skin • Alcohol-free = sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Brava® Powder Code Size Units HCPCS* Code Size HCPCS* 26555 2 oz package (.2 oz / strip) 10 strips A4406 19075 1 oz A4371 • Provides effective moisture absorption and protection • Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 16 Brava® Adhesive Remover Spray • Designed to lift the edges of the barrier for ease in removal • Dry within seconds without leaving an oily residue behind • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 120105 164 1.800.533.0464 Size 1.7 oz (50 mL) Units 1 HCPCS* A4455 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 165 Fistula Accessories: Extra Protection Brava® Adhesive Remover Wipes • Wipe away adhesive residue • Dry within seconds without leaving an oily residue behind • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 120115 Size 1 wipe Units 30 wipes/box HCPCS* A4456 Brava® Skin Barrier Spray • Protect against stoma output and adhesives • Dry within seconds without building a thick or tacky layer • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 120205 Size 1.7 oz (50 mL) Units 1 HCPCS* A4369 Brava® Skin Barrier Wipes • Protect against stoma output and adhesives • Dry within seconds without building a thick or tacky layer • Alcohol-free, silicone- based, and sting-free • Not made with natural rubber latex Code 120215 Size 1 wipe Units 30 wipes/box HCPCS* A5120 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 166 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Pediatric Pouching Systems Coloplast offers pediatric pouches in many different styles and sizes to accomodate the different stages in a child’s life. Coloplast offers one-piece and two-piece ostomy pouching systems, as well as, drainable, closed-end (non-drainable), and spout (urostomy) pouches. Pediatric Assura® AC (Adhesive Coupling) Pediatric A simple, soft, secure system for neonates! This ostomy pouching system is based on adhesives that make it easy to apply the pouch to the barrier. The pouching system is easy to clean, soft and comfortable, safe and simple to handle with the EasiCloseTM standard integrated outlet. Assura® AC Pediatric Standard Wear Barrier • Flat • No starter hole • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code Units: 10 Stoma Size Color HCPCS* 14307 0 - 5⁄8" (0-17 mm) A4414 14308 0 - 1" (0-27 mm) A4414 Assura® AC Pediatric Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 5 1⁄2" (14 cm) Units: 10 Code Length 14681 5½" (14 cm) A4425 14682 6½" (16 cm) A4425 Color HCPCS* EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque (Teddy Bear) 5 1⁄2" (14 cm) Units: 10 Code Length 14691 5½" (14 cm) Color A4425 14692 6½" (16 cm) A4425 Pediatric Assura® AC Pediatric Drainable Pouch • • • • 2-Piece AC Pediatric Pouches / Barriers For younger children HCPCS* Ask us about our pediatric education! • Pregnancy with an Ostomy • Pediatric FAQ • My Child Has An Ostomy: A Resource Sheet for Caregivers • Life After Your Child’s Ostomy • When I Met Tipster: A coloring book for children with ostomies Life After Your Child’s Ostomy *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 169 *SenSura® Mio Flex, SenSura® Flex and Assura AC can be used interchangeably as long as the coupling size/ color (e.g. green) match. SenSura® Mio Flex Standard Wear Barrier • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex For younger children/smaller pouch sizes Units: 10 Cut-to-fit Code Stoma Size 3⁄8 10551 Color - 15⁄16" (10-33 mm) HCPCS* A4414 SenSura® Flex Standard Wear Barrier • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex Units: 10 Stoma Size 3⁄8 10101 - 15⁄16" Specifically developed adhesive and a smaller barrier size are ideal for pediatrics, while a mix-and-match "green" flange size offers versatility. The SenSura® and Assura® pouches and barrier may be used interchangeably with "green"-sized adult SenSura® or Assura products for a broad array of pouching options. Assura® Pediatric Standard Wear Barrier Cut-to-fit Code Assura® 2-piece Pediatric Pouching Systems Color (10-33 mm) HCPCS* A4414 • Flat • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Units: 5 Code 2182 Color 3⁄8 - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) HCPCS* A4414 ® Assura AC* MIDI Drainable Pouch • • • • EasiClose™ Outlet Filter Soft cloth on front and back Not made with natural rubber latex Assura® Pediatric Drainable Pouch Opaque 101⁄4" (26 cm) / 470 mL Code Units: 20 Color HCPCS* A4425 14346 Color 14316 HCPCS* A4426 2156 Units: 30 Opaque 53⁄4" (14 1⁄2 cm) HCPCS* Code A4419 2161 Units: 30 Color HCPCS* A4423 Assura® Stoma Cap Assura® AC* MAXI Urostomy Pouch • With filter • Soft cloth on front • Small size is optimal for intimate moments or colostomates who irrigate • Not made with natural rubber latex • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Soft outlet can be connected to urostomy night bag #21365 • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 101⁄2" (26 1⁄2 cm) / 475 mL 14552 Units: 20 Color • Soft cloth on front and back • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 7" (18 cm) / 250 mL Code Code Assura® Pediatric Closed Pouch • With filter • Soft cloth on front and back • Not made with natural rubber latex Code Transparent 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 150 mL Pediatric Pediatric Assura® AC* MIDI Closed Pouch • Clamp closure • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex 2-Piece Click Pediatric / Pouches / Barriers 2-Piece AC Pediatric / Teen Pouches / Barriers For older children and/or larger stomas Color Units: 20 Opaque HCPCS* Code A5073 2801 Units: 30 Color HCPCS* A5055 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 222 170 1.800.533.0464 171 SenSura® Mio Click MIDI Drainable Pouch • S oft outlet can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag for people in a wheelchair - see page 92 for options • Can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag during the day • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 81⁄2" (21 cm) / 150 mL Code • • • • • Units: 10 Color HCPCS* A4433 1789 EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy placement Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 101⁄4" (26 cm) / 485 mL Code Units: 20 Color A4427 11461 SenSura® Mio Click MIDI Closed Pouch Assura® Urostomy Micro-Pouch • Miniature size prevents twisting • Soft outlet can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag for people in a wheelchair - see page 92 for options • Soft cloth on front • Not made with natural rubber latex • • • • Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy placement Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 71⁄4" (18½ cm) / 275 mL Transparent 6" (15 cm) Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* Code Units: 30 Color HCPCS* A4423 11401 A4433 14204 SenSura® Mio Click Uro MIDI Urostomy Pouch Assura® Urostomy Minicap • • • • HCPCS* Ultra-absorbent material inside Small size is optimal for intimate use Soft cloth on front Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 100 mL Code Units: 10 Color HCPCS* A5055 2807 • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Wider anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag for people in a wheelchair - see page 92 for options • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy placement • Not made with natural rubber latex Opaque 101⁄2" (261⁄2 cm) / 480 mL For older children and/or larger pouch sizes Note: SenSura® Mio Click products cannot be used together with SenSura® Click or Assura 2-piece products Code 11491 2-Piece Pediatric / Teen Urostomy Pouches 2-Piece Pediatric Pouches / Barriers Assura® Pediatric Urostomy Pouch Units: 10 Color HCPCS* A4433 For additional pouching options, consider SenSura Click adult pouches and barriers. Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger See Accessories page 92 for more information. SenSura® Mio Click Standard Wear Barrier • Flat • Belt tabs • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut-to-fit Code 10502 172 Units: 5 Stoma Size 3⁄8 - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) Color HCPCS* A4414 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 173 ColoKids™ 1-piece Pediatric Pouching Systems Specially developed Assura "swiss roll" technology provides moisture absorption and balance while offering consistent tack and adhesion to the skin. Smaller pouch sizes provide a pediatricfriendly pouching option. ColoKids™ (Standard Wear) 1-piece Drainable Pouch • • • • 10461 Units: 10 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 HCPCS* - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) A5061 ColoKids™ (Standard Wear) 1-piece Closed Pouch Units: 10 Cut Stoma Size Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 13⁄4" (10-45 mm) Flat Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy placement • Not made with natural rubber latex Code Cut Stoma Size Transparent Units: 30 10871 Cut-to-fit 5⁄8 HCPCS* SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MINI Closed Pouch Cut Stoma Size 2125 Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 13⁄8" (10-35 mm) A4416 8009 Cut-to-fit 5⁄8 - 13⁄8" (15-35 mm) HCPCS* A5071 For pediatric-friendly leg bag drainage options (sold separately), see page 176. HCPCS* A4416 1.800.533.0464 Units: 30 Code Cut Stoma Size 10870 Cut-to-fit 5⁄8 - 13⁄4" (15-45 mm) HCPCS* Pediatric Pediatric Opaque 51⁄4" (13 cm) / 110 mL Units: 10 Stoma Size - 13⁄4" (15-45 mm) Flat Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy placement • Comfortable and discreet stoma cap alternative • Not made with natural rubber latex • Flat • Soft outlet can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag for people in a wheelchair - see page 92 for options • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Cut Units: 30 • • • • ColoKids™ (Standard Wear) 1-piece Urostomy Pouch Code A4424 • • • • Opaque 71⁄4" (19 cm) / 340 mL Code HCPCS* SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MIDI Closed Pouch • Flat • Soft cloth on back • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 174 Flat EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet Filter Neutral gray, water-resistant textile Peek-a-boo inspection window for easy placement Not made with natural rubber latex Code Transparent 2115 • • • • • • Opaque 10 1⁄4" (26 cm) / 485 mL Flat Clamp closure Soft cloth on back Not made with natural rubber latex Code SenSura® Mio Standard Wear MIDI Drainable Pouch 1-Piece Pediatric / Teen Pouches 1-Piece Pediatric Pouching Systems For older children/larger pouch sizes For younger children/smaller pouch sizes A4416 SenSura® Standard Wear MAXI Urostomy Pouch • Flat • Multi-chambers minimize sloshing • Anti-reflux valves prevent urine from washing over the stoma • Soft outlet can be connected to a drain bag for nighttime use, or a leg bag for people in a wheelchair - see page 92 for options • Neutral gray, water-resistant textile • Not made with natural rubber latex Transparent 101⁄2" (27 cm) / 400 mL Units: 10 Code Cut Stoma Size HCPCS* 10586 Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 13⁄4" (10-45 mm) A5071 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 175 Bathing Conveen® Active Leg Bag Bedside-Care® EasiCleanse™ (page 67) The Conveen Active Leg bag provides a reliable and discreet solution for patients. It wraps around the thigh with the bag facing inward for minimal visibility. The bag’s fabric fastening system enables hassle-free fitting and keeps the bag in place. • Not made with natural rubber latex Code Size 25502 8.5 oz. (250 mL) Units 30 Description Non-sterile Moisturizers HCPCS* A4358 Sween Cream® (page 68) Sween® 24 Cream (page 68) Sween® Lotion (page 68) Security+ Contoured Leg Bag with Non-Latex Fabric Leg Bag Straps Deluxe leg bag with pre-attached, adjustable, anti-kink tubing. Secure, user-friendly closure, soft cloth backing, anti-reflux valve, and chambered panels for discretion and low profile. Not made with natural rubber latex. Code Size 5170 21 oz. (600 mL) Skin Protectants Units Description HCPCS* 10 Medium with 18" tubing A4358 1-Piece Pediatric / Teen Pouches 1-Piece Pediatric / Teen Pouches Leg Bags Critic-Aid® Clear (page 70) Critic-Aid® Skin Paste (page 70) Wound Dressings Night Drainage Bags Triad™ Hydrophilic Wound Dressing (page 57) Urostomy Night Bag and Bag Hanger See Accessories page 92 for more information. Product recommendations based on: Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses. Neonatal Skin Care, Third Edition. Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline, 2013. 176 1.800.533.0464 *For important information regarding the use of HCPCS codes listed and code definitions see page 224 177 Pediatric 178 1.800.533.0464 Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 1 11⁄16" Cut-to-fit 13 ⁄16 - 2 1⁄4" Pre-cut 19⁄16" 14514 Curagard® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, Opaque, w/o Filter Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 1 9⁄16" Pre-cut 1" Pre-cut 13⁄16" Pre-cut 1 3⁄8" 5800 5825 5830 5835 12137 12100 Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 1 5⁄16" 14513 Assura® 1-Piece Closed Pouch, Transparent Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄4" 15861 Assura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter Assura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose WIDE Outlet, Convex Light, Opaque Size Code Convert from Conversion sheet: Ostomy 1-Piece Pouching Systems 10 10 10 10 30 30 10 10 10 Units SenSura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter SenSura® 1-Piece Closed Pouch, Opaque SenSura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter SenSura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Convex Light, Opaque Convert to 15821 15821 15821 15821 15480 15480 15608 15608 15821 Code Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 1 11⁄16" Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 1 11⁄16" Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 3" Size 20 20 20 20 30 30 10 10 20 Units Discontinued Products 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 179 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast® 1-Piece Closed Pouch, Cutto-fit, Transparent Coloplast® 1-Piece Closed Pouch, Cutto-fit, Opaque Coloplast® 1-Piece Stoma Cap, Opaque, Pre-cut Convert from Pre-cut 1" Pre-cut 13⁄16" Pre-cut 13⁄8" Pre-cut 19⁄16" Pre-cut 13⁄4" Pre-cut 2" Pre-cut 23⁄8" Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄8" Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄8" Pre-cut 19⁄16" Pre-cut 2 3⁄8" 6325 6330 6335 6340 6345 6350 6360 5600 5560 5540 5700 Size Code Conversion sheet: Ostomy 1-Piece Pouching Systems Curagard® / SecureLife 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, Opaque, w/o filter Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄8" Pre-cut 13⁄16" Pre-cut 1" Pre-cut 13⁄16" Pre-cut 13⁄8" Pre-cut 19⁄16" Pre-cut 13⁄4" Pre-cut 2" Pre-cut 2 3⁄8" Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄8" 5901 5920 5925 5930 5935 5940 5945 5950 5960 6300 Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄8" 5900 Curagard® / SecureLife 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, Transparent, w/o filter Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 19⁄16" 5810 Curagard® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, Transparent, w/o Filter Size Code Convert from 30 30 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 30 Units 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Units SenSura® 1-Piece Closed Pouch, Cut-to-fit, Opaque SenSura® 1-Piece Closed Pouch, Cut-to-fit, Opaque Assura® 1-Piece Stoma Cap, Opaque, Cut-to-fit Convert to SenSura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter SenSura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter SenSura® 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter Convert to 2501 2501 15480 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15480 Code 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 15821 Code Cut-to-fit 13 ⁄16 - 2 1⁄8" Cut-to-fit 13 ⁄16 - 2 1⁄8" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Size Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Size 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 Units 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Units Discontinued Products Conversion sheet: Ostomy 1-Piece Pouching Systems Discontinued Products 180 Coloplast 181 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Green Red Blue 5 ⁄8" 12568 12569 12840 Red Blue Green 6551 6561 6542 Coloplast® 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, Opaque, w/o filter 6552 6541 Yellow Red (Custom Peel) Green 14314 14318 Coloplast® 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, Transparent, w/o filter Red 14312 Assura® AC 2-Piece Closed Pouch Red Red (Custom Peel) 14363 Assura® AC 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ Closure, Opaque Size Code Convert from Conversion sheet: Ostomy 2-Piece Pouching Systems Assura® 2-Piece Standard Wear Barrier, Flat, Pre-Cut Assura® 2-Piece Drainable Pouch with Clamp Closure, Transparent, w/o Filter 12567 Blue Blue 15973 13926 Assura® 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose Closure, Opaque Red 15972 Assura® 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter Size Code Convert from 10 10 10 10 10 30 30 30 20 Units 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 Units SenSura® Click 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Opaque (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) SenSura® Click 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) SenSura® Flex 2-Piece Drainable Pouch, EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Opaque (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) SenSura® Flex 2-Piece Closed Pouch (Use with SenSura Flex Barrier) Convert to SenSura® Click 2-Piece Standard Wear Barrier, Flat (Use with SenSura Click Pouch) SenSura® Click 2-Piece Drainable Pouch with EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Opaque, w/ Filter (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) SenSura® Click 2-Piece Drainable Pouch with EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) SenSura® Click 2-Piece Drainable Pouch with EasiClose™ WIDE Outlet, Transparent, w/o Filter (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) Convert to 11135 11185 11186 11124 11194 10917 10915 10912 11515 Code 11185 11186 10011 11194 11186 11126 11185 Code Red Red Blue Green Green Yellow Red Red Red Size Red Blue 3 ⁄8 - 1 3⁄8" Green Blue Blue Red Size 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 20 Units 20 20 5 20 20 20 20 Units Discontinued Products Conversion sheet: Ostomy 2-Piece Pouching Systems Discontinued Products 182 183 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Size Blue Green Red Blue Green Red Blue Green Red Blue Green Code 6562 6641 6651 6661 6642 6652 6662 6644 6654 6664 4241 Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2" Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 2 3⁄8" 4550 4560 Red Blue Cut-to-fit 5 ⁄8 - 19⁄16" 4250 4260 4540 Coloplast® 2-Piece Standard Wear Barrier with Tape Border, Flat Green 4240 Coloplast® 2-Piece Urostomy Pouch, Transparent, Maxi Size Code Convert from Conversion sheet: Ostomy 2-Piece Pouching Systems Coloplast® 2-Piece Urostomy Pouch, Transparent, Midi Coloplast® 2-Piece Stoma Cap, Transparent Coloplast® 2-Piece Closed Pouch, Opaque Coloplast® 2-Piece Closed Pouch, Transparent Convert from 10 10 10 10 10 10 Units 30 30 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 30 Units SenSura® Click 2-Piece Standard Wear Barrier, Flat (Use with SenSura Click Pouch) SenSura® Click Uro, 2-Piece Urostomy Pouch, Transparent, Maxi (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) Convert to SenSura® Click Uro, 2-Piece Urostomy Pouch, Transparent (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) Assura® 2-Piece Stoma Cap, Opaque (Use with Assura Barrier) SenSura® Click 2-Piece Closed Pouch, Opaque (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) SenSura® Click 2-Piece Closed Pouch, Opaque (Use with SenSura Click Barrier) Convert to 10031 10021 11855 11856 10011 11854 Code 2802 2803 11851 10165 10166 2801 10165 10166 10164 11136 10164 Code Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 2 1⁄4" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 1 3⁄4" Red Blue Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 1 3⁄8" Green Size Red Blue Green Red Blue Green Red Blue Green Blue Green Size 5 5 10 10 5 10 Units 30 30 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 30 Units Discontinued Products Conversion sheet: Ostomy 2-Piece Pouching Systems Discontinued Products 184 Coloplast 185 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 43 1/3" 8 fl. oz. (237 mL) 4 fl. oz. (118 mL) 2 fl. oz. (59 mL) 1 oz. (25 g) 2 oz. package (.2 oz / strip) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 2 oz (60 mL) 0420 0421 1525 Skin Barrier Cream 3210 Protective Sheet 12000 3220 3215 1907 2655 Ostomy Powder Ostomy Strip Paste 7680 1527 43 1/3" Code Size Cut-to-fit 1 ⁄2 - 3 7⁄8" Cut-to-fit 1 ⁄2 - 2 3⁄4" Cut-to-fit 1 ⁄2 - 3 7⁄8" Adjustable Ostomy Belt (compatible with MC/PC Coloplast-brand products) Adjustable Ostomy Belt (compatible with Assura® and SenSura® products) O.A.D.® Liquid Ostomy Appliance Deodorant 6830 6828 6820 6818 Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 3 1⁄8" Cut-to-fit 3 ⁄8 - 3 1⁄8" Cut-to-fit 1 ⁄2 - 2 3⁄4" Size Convert from Conversion sheet: Accessories Coloplast® / SecureLife 2-Piece PostOp Barrier w/ Tape Border, Cut-to-fit Coloplast® 2-Piece Post-Op Pouch, Transparent, No Filter 6100 Coloplast® 1-Piece Post-Op Pouch 6101 Code Convert from 6 5 5 16 80 strips 10 24 12 12 10 1 Units 5 5 10 10 5 5 Units Sween Cream Brava® Protective Sheet Brava® Protective Sheet Brava® Protective Sheet Brava® Powder Brava® Strip Paste Brava® Lubricating Deodorant Brava® Lubricating Deodorant Brava® Lubricating Deodorant Brava® Belt Brava® Belt Convert to SenSura® Flex 2-Piece Standard Wear Barrier (Use with SenSura Flex Pouch) SenSura® Flex 2-Piece Drainable Pouch with EasiClose WIDE Outlet, Transparent (Use with SenSura Flex Barrier) SenSura® Post-Op, 1-Piece Drainable Pouch, w/o Access Window Convert to 7067 32205 32155 32105 19075 26555 12060 12061 12061 4215 4215 Code 10108 10103 11690 11517 19030 19030 Code 8 fl. oz. (237 mL) 8 fl. oz. (237 mL) .25 fl. oz. (7.5 mL) sachet 1 oz. (25 g) 2 oz. package (.2 oz / strip) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 3 oz. (85 g) 43 1/3" 43 1/3" Size Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3 1⁄2" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 2 3⁄4" Gray Yellow Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Cut-to-fit 3⁄8 - 3" Size 12 5 5 16 10 strips 10 20 16 16 15 15 Units 5 10 20 20 6 6 Units Discontinued Products Conversion sheet: Ostomy Post-Op / Fistula Wound Management Discontinued Products 186 187 Code 12010 12011 12020 12021 12030 12042 2651 Convert from Adhesive Remover Spray Adhesive Remover Wipes Skin Barrier Spray Skin Barrier Wipes Moldable Ring Moldable Ring Protective Paste with Pectin Conversion sheet: Accessories 1.7 oz (50 mL) 1 wipe 1.7 oz (50 mL) 1 wipe 3.0 mm thick 4.2 mm thick 2 oz Size 6 30 6 30 30 30 12 Units Brava® Adhesive Remover Spray Brava® Adhesive Remover Wipes Brava® Skin Barrier Spray Brava® Skin Barrier Wipes Brava® Moldable Rings Brava® Moldable Rings Brava® Paste Convert to 120105 120115 120205 120215 120307 120427 12050 Code 1.7 oz (50 mL) 1 wipe 1.7 oz (50 mL) 1 wipe 2.0 mm thick 4.2 mm thick 2 oz Size 1 30 1 30 10 10 1 Units Discontinued Products 188 1.800.533.0464 Reference tools | Effective September 2014 Reference Tools Product Guide Reference Tools A nurse-driven program providing support to patients throughout the care continuum. The program provides patients with product samples, educational resources, and consumer care support. Please visit or contact your local Consumer Care Advisor for further information: 1-866-226-6362. DVDs Coloplast Consumer Care assists patients with their intimate healthcare needs. They are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CST). Intermittent Self-Catheterization • Intermittent Self-Catheterization, Adult Female, English/Spanish • Intermittent Self-Catheterization, Adult Male, English/Spanish • Intermittent Self-Catheterization, Pediatric Female, English • Intermittent Self-Catheterization, Pediatric Male, English • Intermittent Self-Catheterization, Pediatric Female, Spanish • Intermittent Self-Catheterization, Pediatric Male, Spanish •SpeediCath® Instructional DVD, Animated, English/Spanish Measuring Guides •Conveen® Optima Male External Catheter Selection and Fitting Guide •Freedom Male External Catheter Selection and Fitting Guide Continence Care Education Coloplast® Care Program About the Team The Coloplast Consumer Care Team can make life easier for both clinicians and their patients. The team offers oneon-one assistance, as well as: Provide Product Samples Consumer Care Advisors are trained support staff, offering free samples from the complete Coloplast ostomy and continence product lines. Call the toll free hotline at 1-888-726-7872 or email [email protected] to have trial products shipped today. Answer Questions Our team can answer questions regarding product lines and educational materials, as well as insurance and reimbursement issues. Coloplast Consumer Care will provide the information you and your patients need. Find The Right Product Solution Coloplast Consumer Care can help locate a medical supplies dealer in their local area to ensure that they have access to the correct products. 1-888-726-7872 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 191 Patient Educational Video & DVD A nurse-driven program providing support to patients throughout the care continuum. The program provides patients with product samples, educational resources, and consumer care support. Please visit or contact your local Consumer Care Advisor for further information: 1-877-858-2656. • In Control: Life After Your Ostomy Surgery On-Site Education •SenSura® 1-piece Pouching System •SenSura® Click 2-piece Pouching System •SenSura® Flex 2-piece Pouching System • Product in-services on appropriate use of Coloplast® products • Customized clinical education programs conducted by certified wound, ostomy, continence (WOC) nurses Ostomy Tools Evidence-based nursing tools provide a standardized language to assess peristomal skin conditions and quality of life • Stoma QoL (Quality of Life) Questionnaire • Ostomy Skin Tool • DET score Nurse Educational Video & DVD • Instructional DVD: 1-piece, 2-piece, Urostomy – Application & Removal • Fistula and Wound Management System – Instructional DVD Educational Guides • Life After: Ileostomy • Life After: Colostomy • Life After: Urostomy • Life After: Your Child’s Ostomy Surgery • When I Met Tipster: A coloring book for children with ostomies • Ostomy Educational Table/Pocket Guide – a diagram for staff nurses covering types of ostomies, pouching selection, and peristomal and parastomal challenges. Wellness Education Product Instructions for Use (Pictorial) •SenSura® Mio 1-piece Pouching System •SenSura® Mio Click 2-piece Pouching System •SenSura® Mio Flex 2-piece Pouching System • Fistula Wound Management System •Assura® 1-piece Pouching System •Assura® 2-piece Pouching System •Assura® AC (Adhesive Coupling) Spanish Educational Tools Educational Guides • La Vida Después de la Colostomía Life After: Colostomy • La Vida Después de la Ileostomía Life After: Ileostomy • La Vida Después de la Urostomía Life After: Urostomy Educational Sheets • Cómo Cuidar Su Nueva Ostomía Caring for your New Ostomy • Directriz Alimenticio de Colostomía Colostomy Dietary Guidelines • Directriz Alimenticio de lleostomía Ileostomy Dietary Guidelines • Directriz Alimenticio de Urostomía Urostomy Dietary Guidelines • Colostomy: Self-Care and Dietary Guidelines • Urosotomy: Self-Care and Dietary Guidelines • Ileostomy: Self-Care and Dietary Guidelines • Ostomy Pouching Systems • BodyCheck Tool • What to Wear •Socializing • Keeping Your Skin Healthy •Intimacy • Ostomy Accessory Products • Getting into Exercise • Tips for Dining Out • Tips for Traveling • Reach Out and Get Connected • General Medicare Guidelines Related to Ostomy • Pregnancy with an Ostomy • My Child has an Ostomy • Pediatric FAQ 192 Ostomy Care Education Ostomy Care Education Coloplast® Care Program Patient Educational Video & DVD • En Control: La Vida Después de su Cirugía de Ostomía In Control: Life After Your Ostomy Surgery Video & DVD Other Resources CE-Accredited Education Modules For additional educational resources, visit 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 193 Coloplast offers education programs to help support your wound and skin care protocol and educate your staff on best practices in care. Links Partnership Program: Wound Care Inconsistent wound care management can lead to costly complications. The Coloplast Links Wound Care Partnership is designed to assist with appropriate dressing selection to reduce wound complications and associated costs. Every Nurse is a Skin Care Nurse Every Nurse is a Skin Care Nurse is a 20 page booklet discussing the importance of skin care and managing risk for skin breakdown with patients. The booklet provides guidance on preventative skin care measures and care for common types of skin conditions. At the end of the booklet, a quiz is offered to test your knowledge of the information. Clinical Implememtation Tools CD The Clinical Implementation Tools CD includes assessment, intervention, and documentation tools to help your facility successfully implement a structured skin care regimen. Links Partnership Program: Skin Care The Coloplast Links Skin Care Partnership is a comprehensive clinical practice quality initiative designed to improve compliance, provide highquality care, and reduce supply chain costs. Skin Care Partnership Sales Training and Implementation M1226N On-Site Education • Product in-services on appropriate use of Coloplast products • Customized clinical educational programs for contact hours conducted by certified wound, ostomy, continence nurses (WOCN) Moisture-Associated Skin Damage (MASD) Education Series An expert panel of clinicians in the areas MASD discuss risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of the four common types of MASD. This education portal offers information in the form of general information on MASD, downloadable articles, videos and product selection by condition. Wound & Skin Care Education Wound & Skin Care Education Coloplast® Academy Customized Implementation Materials •Wound Care product guide posters •Skin Care product guide posters • NPUAP revised staging guidelines • Nurse badges Rinse No-Rinse Moisturize Barrier Barrier/ Antifungal Antifungal Chronic Wound Assessment Parameters Hand Hygiene Textile Skin Care Cascade All Patients Moisturize Bathe Intact, clear skin Moderate to severely dry skin (including xerosis and fissures) Incontinence Associated Dermatitis Fungal Denuded or moist skin Exudate Level Neonate Category/ Stage I Low Category/ Stage II Category/ Stage III Category/ Stage IV 1. Location a. Below the knee (usually arterial, venous, diabetic or pressure ulcer) b. Bony prominences (usually pressure related) c. Moist areas (usually due to moisture-associated skin damage, incontinence-associated dermatitis or symptoms associated with intertrigo1). 3. Dimensions (length x width x depth in cm) 2. Extent of tissue injury (assess after wound debridement) a. Stage/Category: A pressure ulcer is localized to the skin and/or Foot Ulcers Skintissue Tears Donor Sites over a bony prominence, as a result of underlying usually pressure, or pressure in combination with shear and/or friction. 4. Wound base characteristics (color, texture, tissue type, percent of each tissue type) Size Depth Leg Ulcers Moderate 1 References on file at Coloplast Corp. • Mild ingredients and added emollients for use on fragile, sensitive skin • Dermatologist tested, hypoallergenic and dye-free • pH-balanced • • • • Photos of wound stages from the NPUAP Slide Set #1 courtesy of National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. The use of these photos does not indicate endorsement of these products or product technologiesDeep by the NPUAP. Suspected Tissue Intact Skin • Exudate Level Risk Factors Dry Skin Immobility Incontinence Bedside-Care® Foam* Cleansers • All-in-one, deodorizing body wash, shampoo and incontinent cleanser • Foam delivery system • Dye and alcohol-free • pH-balanced • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Protect Skin Cleanse Bedside-Care* • Soothing and deodorizing • Dye and alcohol-free • pH-balanced STAGES AND DEFINITIONS High Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Cleanser Cleansers/Hydrogels The Amazing Race Education Series The Amazing Race is an effort to prevent pressure ulcers by presenting seven challenges that integrate the Braden Scale. At the end of each challenge, a post quiz is offered to test your knowledge of the information. * CHG Compatible Sea-Clens® Wound Cleanser Woun’Dres® Collagen Hydrogel Comfeel Plus Clear Dressing (Thin) Intact Skin Comfeel Plus Ulcer Dressing • Once-a-day application • Contains 6% dimethicone • Fragrance, petrolatum, lanolin and alcohol-free • • Infection y Antifungal • • • • • • • • • Skin Breakdown Moisturizers Alginate Dressings Intact Skin • • • • Critic-Aid Skin Paste* Skin Protectants • Petrolatum and zinc-oxide based moisture barrier • Minimal ingredients • Adheres to intact and denuded skin • Easy to apply and remove • • • • Cleansers • Size 5 mL single application packet 2 fl. oz./59 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL 21 fl. oz./621 mL 34 fl. oz./1000 mL 1 gal./3.8 L • • 300 36 36 12 12 4 Antifungals • 1768 1762 1764 36 12 36 12 4 fl. oz./118 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL 1 gal./3.8 L 36 12 4 Bedside-Care Perineal Wash 1452 1453 1455 4 fl. oz./118 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL 1 gal./3.8 L 7055 Micro-Guard® Powder • • 2% miconazole nitrate • Treats superficial fungal infections • Helps reduce friction and shearing 30 sheets/pk Skin Fold Management • • 30 pks/cs Moisturizers Sween® 24 Cream Product Code 7090 7091 7092 7095 InterDry® Ag Textile 36 12 4 Bedside-Care EasiCleanse™ Bath • Size 4 g single application packet 2 oz./57 g 5 oz./142 g 9 oz./255 g Units 300 12 12 12 Product Code 0283 0222 7066 7067 7068 7069 Size 2 g single application packet 0.5 oz./14 g 3 oz./85 g jar 3 oz./85 g 6.5 oz./184 g 12 oz./339 g jar Baza Protect Units 300 36 12 12 12 12 Sween Lotion 0424 0407 0406 0402 0408 7011 0403 2 mL single application packet 2 fl. oz./59 mL 4 fl. oz./118 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL 21 fl. oz./621 mL 34 fl. oz./1000 mL 1 gal./3.8 L 300 36 36 36 12 12 12 Atrac-Tain® Cream 1843 1802 1814 2 g single application packet 2 oz./57 g 5 oz./142 g 300 12 12 Product Code Size 1873 4 g single application packet 1877 2 oz./57 g 1880 5 oz./142 g • • Product Code 7565 7566 7567 Size 4 g single application packet 2.5 oz./71 g 6 oz./170 g 2.5 oz./71 g 6 oz./170 g Units 300 12 12 12 12 1337 300 12 12 12 3 oz./85 g Skin Fold Management InterDry® Ag Textile Product Code Size 7910 10 x 144” 7912 10 x 36” Units 10 /case 10 pks/box Baza® Clear 7015 1005 1006 1002 4 g single application packet 1.75 oz./50 g 5 oz./142 g 8 oz./227 g jar Biatain Adhesive Foam Dressing Biatain Heel Foam Dressing 300 12 12 12 • • • • •* •* •* •* brown •or*black) in the wound bed. • • • • •* •* • •* •* • • • • • • • Category/Stage II: Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with a red pink wound bed, without slough. May also present as an intact or open/ruptured serum filled blister. Category/Stage III: Full thickness tissue loss. Subcutaneous fat may be visible but bone, tendon or muscle are not exposed. Slough may be present but does not obscure the depth of tissue loss. May include undermining and tunneling. • • • •* • • Category/Unstageable: Full thickness tissue loss in which the base of the ulcer is covered by slough (yellow, tan, gray, green or brown) and/or eschar (tan, b. Partial-thickness vs. full-thickness: Used to describe the extent of injury for all wounds except pressure ulcers. • Partial-thickness: Does not penetrate below the dermis. May involve the epidermis. • Full-thickness: Tissue loss extends below the dermis into the subcutaneous tissue and fascia, possibly exposing bone. •* • • • • • • • • • • Contreet/Biatain Ag Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing Contreet/Biatain Ag Adhesive Foam Dressing Contreet/Biatain Ag Heel Foam Dressing • • • • • • •* •* •Product • • • •* •* * •Sea-Clens •* Wound Cleanser •* •* •* •* Contreet/Biatain Ag Sacral Foam Dressing • • • • SeaSorb Soft Ag Alginate Dressing with Silver SeaSorb Soft Ag Alginate Filler with Silver 1 Sinus Tract/Tunneling Erythema Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine. Fifth Edition Volume II, 2362-2363. Photos used with permission. © Copyright 2000 AAWC & 2008 SER WOCN. Comfeel Ulcer Care ® •* 3906 3900 3903 1166 7690 • • • • Size 6 fl. oz./178 mL 12 fl. oz./355 mL Units 12 12 .28 oz./8 g .5 oz./15 g .88 oz./25 g • 1 oz./28 g tube 3 oz./84 g tube 10 10 10 • 36 12 HCPCS A6260 A6260 A6248 A6248 A6248 A6248 A6248 Hydrocolloid Dressings • • • • • Size 2 x 23⁄4" (5 x 7 cm) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 31⁄2 x 51⁄2" (9 x 14 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 6 x 8" (15 x 20 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 3280 3283 • 11⁄2 x 21⁄2" (4 x 6 cm) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) • 24 sq. in. (6 x 8 cm) 42 sq. in. (9 x 11 cm) HCPCS A6234 A6234 A6235 A6235 A6235 A6236 30 5 5 5 A6234 A6234 A6235 A6236 5 5 A6235 A6235 • • • • • •Comfeel Plus • Pressure Relief Dressing Comfeel Plus Triangle Dressing 3285 7 x 8" (18 x 20 cm) 5 A6239 3350 3353 3356 3" Butterfly (7 cm) 4" Round (10 cm) 6" Round (15 cm) 5 5 5 A6237 A6237 A6238 • • Size 11⁄2 x 21⁄2" (4 x 6 cm) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) Biatain Heel Foam Dressing Units 30 5 5 5 HCPCS A6234 A6234 A6235 A6236 Units 12 12 HCPCS A6240 A6240 Product Code 9610 9613 Units 30 10 10 HCPCS A6196 A6196 A6197 Product Code 3705 3710 3715 Size 2.5 oz./71 g 6 oz./170 g Size 2 x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 1 x 171⁄2" rope (44 cm) Contreet/Biatain Ag Adhesive Foam Dressing 9622 9625 9643 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 5 x 5" (121⁄2 x 121⁄2 cm) 7 x 7" (18 x 18 cm) Size 71⁄2" x 8" (19 x 20 cm) 9 x 9" (23 x 23 cm) Units 5 HCPCS A6212 5 Size 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) A6213 Units 5 5 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) HCPCS A6234 A6235 5 5 5 x 5" (121⁄2 x 121⁄2 cm) 7 x 7" (18 x 18 cm) A6209 A6210 5 5 A6212 A6213 5 9 x 9" (23 x 23 cm) A6212 5 A6213 Contreet/Biatain Ag Foam Cavity Filler HCPCS A6209 A6210 A6210 A6211 A6209 A6209 9628 2 x 3" (5 x 8 cm) 5 A6209 SeaSorb Soft Ag Alginate Dressings with Silver 3755 3760 3765 2 x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 30 10 10 A6196 A6196 A6197 SeaSorb Soft Ag Alginate Filler with Silver 3780 10 10 5 71⁄2 x 73⁄4" (19 x 20 cm) Contreet/Biatain Ag Sacral Foam Dressing 9641 Units 10 5 5 5 10 10 Biatain Adhesive Foam Dressing 3430 3420 3423 9632 9635 Contreet/Biatain Ag Heel Foam Dressing A6199 Foam Dressings Size 4 x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 4 x 8" (10 x 20 cm) 6 x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 8 x 8" (20 x 20 cm) 2" (5 cm) round 3" (8 cm) round 3485 Contreet/Biatain Ag Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing 6 Biatain® Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing Product Code 3410 3412 3413 3416 3465 3467 Product Code 3488 Contreet®/Comfeel® Ag Hydrocolloid Dressing SeaSorb Soft Alginate Filler 3740 Biatain Sacral Foam Dressing Dressings with Antimicrobial Silver Hydrophilic Paste Triad™ Hydrophillic Wound Dressing Product Code 1964 1967 SeaSorb® Soft Alginate Dressings Units 10 10 10 5 5 5 Comfeel Plus Ulcer Dressing 3146 3110* 3115* 3120 Product Code 3233 3213 3218 3223 Alginate Dressings Comfeel® Plus Clear Dressing (Thin) Product Code 3530 3533 3536 3539 3542 3545 Comfeel Plus Contour Dressing • Infection Undermining Ordering Information • Purilon® Gel • • • Critical Colonization/Local Infection Wound Cleansers/Hydrogels • • • • • Attached 9. Additional wound assessment parameters (odor, wound pain, procedures performed) Full-thickness • Product Code 1063 1061 • • • • Contreet/Biatain Ag Foam Cavity Filler Contaminated/Colonization 8. Periwound (maceration, discoloration, rashes) Maceration • • Yellow Purlent Drainage • Partial-thickness • Black Eschar Slough Yellow Pink Cloudy Serous 6. Bioburden (bacteria level in the wound) 7. Wound edges For more information contact NPUAP 2007 or © NPUAP 2007 •* • • Granular Red 5. Exudate (type, color, amount, odor) Category/Stage IV: Full thickness tissue loss with exposed bone, tendon or muscle. Slough or eschar may be present on some parts of the wound bed. Often include undermining and tunneling. Wound’Dres® Collagen Hydrogel Contreet®/Comfeel® Hydrocolloid Dressing 4 g single application packet 2 oz./57 g 5 oz./142 g • • Category/Stage I: Intact skin with non-blanchable redness of a localized area usually over a bony prominence. Darkly pigmented skin may not have visible blanching; its color may differ from the surrounding area. • • SeaSorb® Soft Alginate Dressing Biatain Sacral Foam Dressing 300 12 12 100 Units 300 12 12 Baza Antifungal 1 x 171⁄2" rope (44 cm) 10 A6199 A6212 A6212 A6213 * For deep cavity wounds; use in conjunction with a filler. Wound Care Skin Care Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. We call this intimate healthcare. Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care. We operate globally and employ more than 7,000 people. The Coloplast logo is a registered trademark of Coloplast A/S. © 2010-05. All rights reserved Coloplast Corp., Minneapolis, MN USA Skin Is In Education Program The Skin Is In Education Program is a series of six video modules (6 – 8 minutes in length) which discuss current prevention and treatment guidelines for skin care. • • • SeaSorb Soft Alginate Filler Critic-Aid Clear Antifungal 1622 1611 1607 Critic-Aid Skin Paste 12 4 g single application packet 8 fl. oz./237 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL (Odor control) 3 cloth wipes/package Antifungals Product Code Size 7570 4 g single application packet 7571 2 oz./57 g 7572 5 oz./142 g Micro-Guard® Power 1944 1947 Units 300 12 Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion and Cloth 7710 7712 7725 7726 Skin Protectants Critic-Aid® Clear Dressings with Antimicrobial Silver 4 fl. oz./118 mL 4 fl. oz./118 mL (Unscented) 8 fl. oz./237 mL 8 fl. oz./237 mL (Unscented) Bedside-Care • Baza Antifungal Cream* • 2% miconazole nitrate • Contains skin conditioners Triad™ Hydrophilic Wound Dressing Biatain® Non-Adhesive Foam Dressing Sween Cream® Units Bedside-Care® Foam 7143 7147 7145 7146 Critic-Aid Clear Antifungal Ointment* • Clear moisture barrier with 2% miconazole nitrate • Minimal ingredients • Adheres to intact and denuded skin • Easy to apply and remove • First effective solution for managing moisture and reducing friction in skin-to-skin contact areas • Helps manage erythema, maceration, denudement, pain, itching, burning, and satellite lesions associated with skin folds • Wicks and translocates moisture • Silver within the textile provides effective antimicrobial action for up to 5 days • Gentle Rain® Extra Mild 7230 7235 7233 7234 7236 Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion and Cloth* • One step provides mild cleansing, a breathable barrier and moisturization • pH-balanced • Available as a spray or cloth • Available with odor control Product Code 7231 Baza® Protect Cream* • Zinc oxide and dimethicone-based moisture barrier • Contains skin conditioners • Product Ordering Information Foam Dressings • Comfeel Plus Pressure Relief Dressing Comfeel Ulcer Care Wound Care Skin Repair Critic-Aid® Clear Ointment* • Clear moisture barrier • Minimal ingredients • Adheres to intact and denuded skin • Easy to apply and remove Comfeel Plus Contour Dressing Wounds Wound Cleanse Atrac-Tain® Cream* • 10% urea and 4% AHA • Exfoliates and softens severely dry, cracked, calloused skin • Fragrance, dye and preservative-free • Clinically proven to help prevent skin dryness which can lead to an increased risk of foot ulcers1 Comfeel Plus Triangle Dressing Skin Fold Sween Lotion* Paste • • Sween Cream®* • Natural vitamin E • Non-occlusive formula Hydrocolloid Dressings Risk Factors Bedside-Care EasiCleanse™ Bath* • Non-irritating, non-sensitizing • Preservative, dye, alcohol and latex-free • pH-balanced Sween® 24 Cream* • Natural vitamins A & D • Non-occlusive formula • Will not interfere with tape adhesion • • • ® Bedside-Care Perineal Wash* • Soothing and deodorizing • Dye, fragrance and alcohol-free • pH-balanced • Purilon® Gel Injury: Purple or maroon localized area of discolored intact skin or blood-filled blister due to damage of underlying soft tissue from pressure and/or shear. The area may be preceded by tissue that is painful, firm, mushy, boggy, warmer or cooler as compared to adjacent tissue. Coloplast Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55411 800.533.0464 M0405N 05.10 Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. We call this intimate healthcare. Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care. We operate globally and employ more than 7,000 people. The Coloplast logo is a registered trademark of Coloplast A/S. © 2010-04. All rights reserved Coloplast Corp., Minneapolis, MN USA Coloplast Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55411 800.533.0464 M0510N 04.10 To learn more about the education programs offered by Coloplast, contact Customer Service at 1-800-533-0464 to find a Territory Manager in your area. Skin Fold Management Program The Skin Fold Management Program is a 30-minute program that focuses on moisture and how it affects skin fold management. The program highlights InterDry® Textile and how it can help effectively manage skin fold complications. 194 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 195 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast SpeediCath® Folysil 100% Silicone Catheters Security+ Drainage Bag Conveen Optima MEC LoFric® Primo™ LoFric® Hydro-Kit™ II LoFric® ® Bardex All-Silicone Foley Catheters Drainage Bags Touchless® IC Clean-Cath® Util-Cath InterGlide® Vinyl Catheter w/ Hydrogel Coating Dover™ 100% Silicone Foleys Drainage Bags Uri-Drain Male External Catheter w/ 2-sided Adhesive Astra Tech Astra Tech Astra Tech Bard Bard Bard Bard Bard Bard Covidien / Kendall Covidien / Kendall Covidien / Kendall Self-Cath® Closed System Self-Cath Closed System Curity™ Urine Leg Bag Dover Leg Bags Dover ROB-NEL Urethral Catheter Robinson Vinyl Urethral Catheter Straight Caths Straight Hydrophilic Caths Sterile Closed Systems Apogee IC Apogee Closed System Advance Plus IC Covidien / Kendall Covidien / Kendall Covidien / Kendall Covidien / Kendall Cure Twist Cure Twist Cure Twist Hollister® Hollister® Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Coviden/Kendall, Cure, or Hollister. InView® MEC Standard InView® MEC Special Hollister® Hollister® Advance Hydro Soft Hydrophilic Cath Hollister® ® Hollister Freedom Twist Leg Bag Uri-Drain™ Reusable / Deluxe Leg Bags Covidien / Kendall ™ Freedom® Twist Leg Bag Uri-Drain™ Male External Catheter w/ Foam Strap ® Conveen® Optima MEC Conveen® Optima Sport Length MEC SpeediCath® ® Self-Cath® Self-Cath® Closed System SpeediCath Self-Cath® Self-Cath® Self-Cath® ® Security+ Contoured Leg Bag Gizmo™ MEC Competitive Product Line Covidien / Kendall Coloplast Product ® Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Astra Tech, Bard, or Coviden/Kendall. ™ Folysil® 100% Silicone Catheters SpeediCath® 16 16 7, 10, 12 14-15 14-15 8-9 14-15 7, 10, 12 8-9 8-9 8-9 22 22 20 18 Page Number 16 20 24-25 7, 10, 12 8-9 Self-Cath ® 8-9 14-15 20 24-25 7, 10, 12 13 7, 10, 12 7, 10, 12 Self-Cath® Self-Cath® Closed System Security+ Drainage Bag ® SureCath® Set SpeediCath® Page Number Continence Care Cross Reference ™ SpeediCath LoFric Plus Astra Tech ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Brand Continence Care Cross Reference 196 197 ® Freedom Clear LS MEC InView MEC Extra 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Self-Cath Closed System Advance Plus IC SpeediCath SureCath Set Hydrophilic Personal Catheter Closed System Rochester Freedom Clear MEC Pop-On® Silicone MEC The Natural Silicone MEC Rochester® 100% Silicone Foley Pocket Pac i.c.™ Easy Cath FloCath® Hydrophilic IC Red Rubber Catheters Rusch Rusch Rusch Rusch Rusch PVC Catheters Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Rochester or Rusch. Rusch External Catheter, Latex Self-Adhesive Rusch ™ Gizmo MEC Golden Drain Sure Seal MEC w/ Double-Sided Strap Rusch ™ Gizmo™ MEC Deluxe Golden Drain™ MEC w/ Single-Sided Tape Rusch Self-Cath® Self-Cath® Soft SpeediCath® 8-9 9 7, 10, 12 8-9 Self-Cath ® 14-15 24-25 17-18 18 18 18 20 17-18 16 17-18 16 Page Number 13 7, 10, 12 8-9 13 7, 10, 12 8-9 24-25 24-25 14-15 21-22 Self-Cath® Closed System Folysil® 100% Silicone Catheters Freedom® Cath MEC ™ Gizmo™ MEC Condom Catheter Rusch Security+ Leg Bag Urinary Leg Bag ® Freedom® Clear LS MEC Rochester® ® Rochester WIDE Band® Silicone MEC Rochester® ® Conveen® Optima Sport Length MEC UltraFlex® Silicone MEC Conveen® Optima MEC Competitive Product Line Rochester® Coloplast Product ® Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Hollister or Rochester. ® ® SpeediCath® Hydrophilic Personal Catheter® Rochester® Self-Cath® Personal Catheter® Rochester® SureCath® Set Magic3® Hydrophilic Closed System ® Rochester® Hydrophilic Catheter Magic Rochester ® 3® Self-Cath® Magic3® All-Silicone Catheter Rochester® Folysil® 100% Silicone Catheters All-Silicone Foley Rochester® Folysil® 100% Silicone Catheters Strata SI™ Silicone Foleys ® Rochester® ® 17-18 17-18 17-18 Page Number Continence Care Cross Reference Hollister Freedom® Fas-Tap® Leg Bags Not Made With Natural Rubber Latex Urinary Leg Bags Hollister® Freedom® Cath MEC Everyday MEC Hollister® Freedom ®Clear MEC Extended Wear MEC ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Hollister® Hollister Brand Continence Care Cross Reference 198 199 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Security+ Leg Bag Security+ Leg Bag FloCath® Quick™ Catheter Kit MMG H2o™ Hydrophilic Closed System Drainable Bag Easy-Tap Leg Bag Button Bags® Reusable Latex Leg Bag Vinyl Leg Bag with Thumb Clamp Vinyl Leg Bag with Twist Drain Rusch Rusch Rusch Rusch Rusch Urocare® Urocare® Gizmo MEC Uro-Cath Latex MEC with Urofoam-2 SenSura Click Xpro 2-pc Barrier ActiveLife® 1-pc Urostomy Pouch ActiveLife® 1-pc Convex Urostomy Pouch ActiveLife® 1-pc Closed-End Pouch SUR-FIT Natura® Moldable Skin Barrier SUR-FIT® Natura 2-pc Durahesive® w/ CONVEX-IT® SUR-FIT 2-pc Durahesive Skin Barrier ConvaTec® ConvaTec® ConvaTec® ConvaTec® ConvaTec® SenSura Flex 2-pc Barrier Esteem synergy AC Stomahesive Barrier ConvaTec Esteem synergy® AC Closed-End Pouch Esteem synergy® AC Drainable Pouch ConvaTec® ConvaTec® Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of ConvaTec. Esteem synergy® AC Convex Moldable Durahesive Barrier ConvaTec® ® ® SenSura® Click Xpro 2-pc Barrier SUR-FIT® AutoLock® 2-pc Durahesive Barrier ConvaTec® SenSura® Flex EasiClose™ WIDE Drainable Pouch SenSura® Flex 2-pc Closed Pouch SenSura® Flex Xpro 2-pc Convex Light Barrier ® SenSura® Click 2-pc Barrier SUR-FIT® AutoLock® 2-pc Stomahesive Barrier ConvaTec® SenSura® Click 2-pc Barrier SUR-FIT® 2-pc Stomahesive® Skin Barrier ® SenSura® Click 2-pc Barrier SenSura® Mio 1-pc Closed Pouch 109 110 108 107 84 83 83 84 85 83 122-123 125 SenSura Uro 1-pc Convex Light Urostomy Pouch or Assura® 1-pc Convex Urostomy pouch ® 124 119-122 119-122 Page # 18 18 18 18 20 20 23 20 20 21 13 13 14-15 SenSura® Uro 1-pc Urostomy Pouch SenSura® 1-pc Drainable Pouch ConvaTec® ® ConvaTec Esteem® 1-pc Drainable Pouch w/ InvisiClose® ConvaTec® ® SenSura® Click Xpro 2-pc Convex Light Barrier ActiveLife® 1-pc Drainable Pouch SenSura® 1-pc Drainable Pouch Competitive Product Line ConvaTec® Coloplast Product ™ Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Rusch or Urocare. Urocare ® ® Gizmo™ MEC Uro-Cath® Latex MEC with Urofoam-1 Urocare® Gizmo™ MEC Uro-Con® Texas-Style MEC with Urofoam-2 Urocare® Gizmo™ MEC Uro-Con® Texas-Style MEC with Urofoam-1 Urocare® ® Alpine® Reusable Leg Bag Security+ Leg Bag Security+ Leg Bag Moveen® Drain Bag SureCath® Set SureCath® Set Page Number Ostomy Care Cross Reference Urocare Self-Cath Closed System MMG Catheter Rusch ® Coloplast Product ™ Competitive Product Line Brand Continence Care Cross Reference 200 201 ® Assura AC 2-pc Urostomy Pouch Esteem synergy AC Urostomy Pouch 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 75 Brava Ostomy Care Moldable Ring 4.2 mm / 2.0 mm Eakin Seal / SLIMS ConvaTec 77 75 Brava Ostomy Strip Paste Stomahesive Strips 155 ColoKids 1-pc Pediatric Drainable Pouch Little Ones 1-pc Drainable Pouch Little Ones® 1-pc Urostomy Pouch Little Ones® 2-pc AC Barrier ConvaTec® ConvaTec® SenSura Click 2-pc Convex Light Barrier or Assura® 2-pc Convex Barrier New Image FlexWear Convex Barrier with Floating Flange SenSura Click 2-pc Closed Pouch SenSura Xpro 1-pc Flat Drainable Pouch Premier 1-pc Drainable Pouch w/ Flat Flextend Barrier Premier® 1-pc Drainable Pouch w/ Convex Flextend® Barrier Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of ConvaTec or Hollister. Hollister® Hollister ® ® ® SenSura® 1-pc Flat Drainable Pouch Premier® 1-pc Drainable Pouch w/ Flat SoftFlex® Barrier Hollister® SenSura® Xpro 1-pc Convex Light Drainable Pouch ® SenSura® Click Magnum 2-pc High-Output Pouch New Image® 2-pc High Output Pouch Hollister® SenSura® Click Uro 2-pc Urostomy Pouch New Image® 2-pc Urostomy Pouch Hollister® ® New Image 2-pc Closed Pouch Hollister ® ® SenSura® Click 2-pc Drainable Pouch with EasiClose™ WIDE New Image® 2-pc Drainable Pouch Hollister® SenSura® Click Xpro 2-pc Convex Light Barrier or Assura® Extended Wear 2-pc Convex Barrier New Image® Flextend® Convex Barrier with Floating Flange ® SenSura® Click 2-pc Flat Barrier Hollister® ® Hollister New Image® Flextend® Flat Barrier with Floating Flange Hollister® ® New Image® FlexWear® Flat Barrier with Floating Flange Hollister® ® SenSura® Click Xpro 2-pc Flat Barrier Little Ones® 2-pc AC Drainable Pouch w/ InvisiClose® Assura® AC 2-pc Pediatric EasiClose Pouch Competitive Product Line ConvaTec® Coloplast Product Assura® AC 2-pc Pediatric Barrier ColoKids™ 1-pc Pediatric Urostomy Pouch ™ Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of ConvaTec. ConvaTec 144 ® ® 121 120 119 88 90-91 89 86-87 85, 95 84-85, 94-95 84 83 149-150 Page # 149 155 75 Coloplast® Fistula & Wound Management System Eakin® Fistula & Wound Pouches 78 ConvaTec® Brava© Belt (Adjustable) Ostomy Appliance Belt (Adjustable) ConvaTec® Drainable Pouch Clamp ConvaTec® Tail Closure © ConvaTec® ConvaTec 76 ® ® 77 Ostomy Paste Stomahesive® Paste 77 ConvaTec® Brava© Ostomy Care Protective Sheet Stomahesive® Skin Barrier ConvaTec® Brava© Ostomy Care Protective Sheet Eakin® Cohesive Barrier © ConvaTec® ® Ostomy Care Cross Reference ® 76 Brava© Ostomy Powder Stomahesive® Protective Powder 78 ConvaTec® Brava© Adhesive Remover Wipes (No-Sting) AllKare® Adhesive Remover Wipes 116 ConvaTec® Coloplast® Prep™ Protective Skin Barrier Wipes Page # AllKare® Protective Barrier Wipes ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line ConvaTec® ConvaTec Brand Ostomy Care Cross Reference 202 Coloplast 203 ® SenSura 1-pc Drainable Pouch with Soft Outlet Premier 1-pc High Output Pouch 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 SenSura Xpro 1-pc Convex Light Urostomy Pouch 155 ColoKids 1-pc Pediatric Urostomy Pouch Pouchkins 1-pc Urostomy Pouch w/ Flat SoftFlex Barrier Assura 2-pc Pediatric Urostomy Pouch Adapt® Barrier Rings 77 Brava Lubricating Deodorant Adapt Lubricating Deodorant 76 Brava Adhesive Remover Wipes (No-Sting) Adhesive Remover Wipes Hollister 78 Irrigation Supplies Irrigation Products Karaya Powder Hollister® Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Hollister. Karaya Paste Hollister® ® Hollister Drainable Pouch Clamp Drainable Pouch Clamp Hollister® Coloplast® Ostomy Powder Ostomy Paste Brava© Lubricating Deodorant m9® Odor Eliminator Drops Hollister® Brava© Adhesive Remover Spray (No-Sting) Medical Adhesive Remover © Hollister® ® 77 76 80-81 78 77 76 77 Coloplast® Prep™ Protective Skin Barrier Wipes Skin Gel Protective Dressing Wipes 75 Hollister® Brava© Protective Sheet Solid Skin Barrier Hollister® Brava© Belt (Adjustable) 76 Ostomy Belt © Ostomy Paste Hollister® ® Hollister 77 Adapt® Stoma Powder Hollister® ® Brava© Powder Adapt® Paste Hollister® 75 Adapt® Barrier Strips Brava© Strip Paste Competitive Product Line Page # 75 153 Hollister® Coloplast Product Brava© Moldable Rings, 4.2 mm 152 Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Hollister. Hollister® ® Pouchkins 2-pc Urostomy Pouch Hollister ® ® Pouchkins® 2-pc Closed Pouch 149-150, 152 Assura® 2-pc Pediatric Closed Pouch Pouchkins® 2-pc Drainable Pouch w/ Lock ‘n Roll® Closure Hollister® Assura® AC 2-pc Pediatric EasiClose™ Pouch or Assura® 2-pc Pediatric Drainable Pouch Hollister® 149, 152 Assura® AC 2-pc Pediatric Barrier or Assura® 2-pc Pediatric Barrier Pouchkins® SoftFlex® Flat Barrier ™ Hollister® Hollister ® 155 ® ColoKids™ 1-pc Pediatric Drainable Pouch ® Hollister® 141, 144 125 Pouchkins® 1-pc Drainable Pouch w/ Flat SoftFlex® Barrier & Lock ‘n Roll Closure SenSura® Post-Op 1-pc Pouch with Window or Coloplast® Fistula & Wound Management Systems 124 Premier® 1-pc Wound Drainage Collectors ® Hollister® ® Premier 1-pc Urostomy Pouch w/ Convex Flextend Barrier Hollister ® 136 122-123 122 Page # Ostomy Care Cross Reference ® SenSura® Xpro 1-pc Urostomy Pouch Premier® 1-pc Urostomy Pouch w/ Flat Flextend® Barrier Hollister® Assura® 1-pc Stoma Cap Premier® 1-pc Stoma Cap Hollister® SenSura® Mio 1-pc Closed Pouch Premier® 1-pc Closed Pouch w/ Flat SoftFlex® Barrier ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Hollister® Hollister Brand Ostomy Care Cross Reference 204 Coloplast 205 ® 84-85, 94-95 SenSura® Click 2-pc Convex Light Skin Barrier or Assura® 2-pc Convex Skin Barrier 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast SenSura Click Uro 2-pc Urostomy Pouch CenterPointLock 2-pc Urostomy Pouches SenSura Uro 1-pc Urostomy Pouch Karaya 5 1-pc Urostomy Pouch Hollister Cavilon™ No-Sting Barrier Film Spray 3M™ Coloplast Prep Cavilon™ No-Sting Barrier Film Cavilon™ Moisturizing Lotion Remover Lotion 3M™ 3M™ Sween Cream Gentle Rain Extra Mild ConvaTec Bedside-Care Foam ® Septi-Soft Concentrate ® Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of 3M or ConvaTec. ® Bedside-Care® Bedside-Care® EasiCleanse™ Bath Bedside-Care® Foam ® Aloe Vesta® Perineal / Skin Cleanser Aloe Vesta® Bathing Cloths ConvaTec® ConvaTec® Aloe Vesta® Cleansing Foam ConvaTec® Body Wash & Shampoo Aloe Vesta ConvaTec ® ® Baza® Protect Aloe Vesta® Protective Ointment ConvaTec® Sween® Lotion 3M™ Cavilon™ Moisturizing Lotion 3M™ Atrac-Tain® Cream Cavilon™ Extra Dry Skin Cream 3M™ ® Cavilon Moisturizing Body Cream 3M ™ ™ Bedside-Care® Perineal Wash Cavilon™ Skin Cleanser 3M™ Baza® Protect Cavilon™ Durable Barrier Cream 3M™ Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion ™ Cavilon™ 3-in-1 Incontinence Care Lotion ® Brava© Skin Barrier Spray (No-Sting) 3M™ ™ 3M Sween® Lotion Avagard™ D Instant Hand Antiseptic with Moisturizers Isagel® Competitive Product Line 3M™ Coloplast Product Brava© Skin Barrier Spray (No-Sting) Brava© Skin Barrier Wipes (No-Sting) ® Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Hollister or 3M. Cavilon™ No-Sting Barrier Film Wipes 3M™ ® ® SenSura® Mio 1-pc Closed Pouch Karaya 5® 1-pc Closed Pouch Hollister® SenSura® 1-pc Drainable Pouch Karaya 5® 1-pc Drainable Pouch Hollister® Assura® Stoma Cap CenterPointLock® 2-pc Stoma Cap ® Hollister® ® Hollister CenterPointLock® 2-pc Closed Pouch Hollister® 58 58 58 58 59 62 60 61 60 58 62 63 51 60 76 66 Page # 76 76 124 122-123 119 101 90-91 89 Skin Care Cross Reference ® SenSura® Click 2-pc Closed Pouch CenterPointLock® 2-pc Drainable Pouch Hollister® SenSura® Click 2-pc Drainable Pouch CenterPointLock® 2-pc Convex Skin Barriers w/ Floating Flange 86-87 83 SenSura Click 2-pc Flat Skin Barrier Page # CenterPointLock 2-pc Flat Skin Barriers w/ Floating Flange ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Hollister® Hollister Brand Ostomy Care Cross Reference 206 207 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Baza® Antifungal Gentle Rain Extra Mild Aloe Vesta® Protective Barrier Spray Aloe Vesta® Skin Conditioner Aloe Vesta® Antifungal Ointment Septi-Soft ConvaTec® ConvaTec® ConvaTec Coloplast Prep AllKare Protective Barrier Wipes ConvaTec Baza Cleanse and Protect Lotion Kendall 2-in-1 Cleanser Covidien Kendall™ Antimicrobial Cleanser Covidien® Baza Antifungal Kendall™ Moisturizing Lotion Kendall Antifungal Cream Covidien® Bedside-Care Foam Provon® Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser PURELL® Instant Hand Sanitizer with Dermaglycerin System PROSHIELD Foam & Spray GOJO® Industries GOJO® Industries HEALTHPOINT Hollister Sween 24 Cream ® Restore DimethiCreme Skin Protectant ® Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Covidien, Dial Corp., GOJO Industries, HEALTHPOINT, or Hollister. ® Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion Micro-Guard® Powder Baza® Protect Restore® Cleanser & Moisturizer MITRAZOL® Powder 2% Miconazole Nitrate Powder HEALTHPOINT® Hollister® PROSHIELD® Plus HEALTHPOINT® ® Isagel® Isagel® Isagel ® Isagel® ® PURELL® Instant Hand Sanitizer Premium Wipes ® Isagel® PURELL 2-in-1 Instant Hand Sanitizer GOJO® Industries ® GOJO Industries ® PURELL® Instant Hand Sanitizer GOJO® Industries Isagel® MediChoice Hand Sanitizer Donovan Industries Gentle Rain® Antibacterial Antimicrobial Liquid Soap ® Sween® 24 Cream Dial® Corp ® Covidien Kendall™ Moisture Barrier Cream Covidien® ™ Sween® Lotion Kendall™ Soothing Ointment Baza® Protect Competitive Product Line Covidien® Coloplast Product Bedside-Care® Foam Bedside-Care® Foam ® Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of ConvaTec or Covidien. Kendall™ Body Wash & Shampoo Covidien® ® ™ Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Aloe Vesta® Body Wash & Shampoo ConvaTec® Bedside-Care® Foam Aloe Vesta® Cleansing Foam ConvaTec® Adhesive Remover (Wipes) ™ AllKare® Adhesive Remover Wipes ® ConvaTec® ® ® Sween Cream® Sensi-Care® Moisturizing Body Cream ConvaTec® Critic-Aid® Skin Paste Sensi-Care® Protective Barrier ConvaTec® Bedside-Care® ® Sensi-Care® Perineal / Skin Cleanser ® ConvaTec® ® Sween Cream® Ostomy Care Skin Barrier Spray (No-Sting) 60 63 64 62 58 66 66 66 66 66 66 59 64 60 60 62 Page # 58 58 63 59 58 76 51 60 62 58 59 64 60 76 58 Page # Skin Care Cross Reference Concentrate Bedside-Care Aloe Vesta Perineal / Skin Cleanser ConvaTec® ConvaTec ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line ® Brand Skin Care Cross Reference 208 209 ® Baza Clear Restore Moisture Barrier Skin Ointment 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Sween Cream Johnson’s® Baby Lotion Kimcare® Antibacterial Clear Skin Cleanser Kimcare® Eurobath® Hair & Body Shampoo Tender Care Pure Lanolin Johnson & Johnson Kimberly-Clark® Kimberly-Clark® Critic-Aid Skin Paste Remedy Calazime Protectant Paste Remedy® Cleansing Body Lotion Remedy® Clear-Aid™ Skin Protectant Medline Medline Bedside-Care® Foam Sween Lotion Baza® Antifungal Baza Protect Remedy Nutrashield Soothe & Cool® Cornstarch Body Powder Soothe & Cool® Extra Thick Moisturizing Cream Soothe & Cool® Foaming No-Rinse Perineal Wash Soothe & Cool Herbal Moisturizing Body Lotion Soothe & Cool® Herbal Moisturizing Shampoo & Body Wash Soothe & Cool® Herbal No-Rinse Shampoo & Body Wash Soothe & Cool® INZO™ Antifungal Cream Soothe & Cool INZO™ Barrier Cream Soothe & Cool® Medseptic Soothe & Cool® Moisture Barrier Ointment Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Medline. Bedside-Care Soothe & Cool No-Rinse Perineal Wash ® Medline ® Sween® Lotion Soothe & Cool® Moisturizing Body Lotion Baza® Clear Sween Cream® ® Bedside-Care® Gentle Rain® Extra Mild ® Sween Cream® Sween® Body Powder ® Sween® 24 Cream Medline ® ® Critic-Aid Clear Remedy® Foaming Body Cleanser Medline ™ Remedy® Skin Repair Cream Medline ® Bedside-Care® Remedy® Dimethicone Skin Protectant Sween® 24 Cream Competitive Product Line Medline Coloplast Product Critic-Aid® Clear Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion ® Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Hollister, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly-Clark, Medela or Medline. ® Medline ® Bedside-Care® Foam Remedy® Antimicrobial Cleanser Medline Baza® Antifungal Remedy® Antifungal Cream Medline Micro-Guard® Powder Remedy® Antifungal Powder ® Gentle Rain® Antibacterial Sween® Lotion Gentle Rain Extra Mild Medline ® Medela 59 Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash Johnson & Johnson ™ 63 ® 58 60 62 60 62 64 58 59 60 58 60 63 62 58 60 60 Page # 62 63 62 58 64 64 60 59 59 60 Skin Care Cross Reference ® 63 Johnson’s® Baby Powder: Pure Cornstarch with Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Sween® Body Powder 59 Johnson & Johnson Sween® Body Powder Johnson’s® Baby Powder 62 Johnson & Johnson Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Page # Johnson’s® Baby Shampoo ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Johnson & Johnson Hollister Brand Skin Care Cross Reference 210 211 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Baza Protect Bedside-Care® Perineal Wash Sween Cream Sween® Lotion Sea-Clens Soothe & Cool® Skin Cream Soothe & Cool® Skin Cream -- unscented Soothe & Cool Skin Paste Carrington® Moisture Barrier Cream DiaB™ Cream CarraWash™ Skin & Perineal Cleanser RadiaCare Cream Moisturizing Cream Carrington® Moisture Cream with Zinc Carrington® Antifungal Cream Carrington® Skin Balm MicroKlenz Antiseptic Wound Cleanser UltraKlenz™ Wound & Skin Cleanser Radiacare™ Wound Klenz Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline Medline No-Rinse® Shampoo Adhesive Tape Remover Sani-Hands ALC Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes No-Rinse® Laboratories PDI® Baza Cleanse & Protect Lotion Comfort Shield Barrier Cloths Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Medline, No-RInse Laboratories, PDI, or Sage. Fragrance-Free Essential Bath® Cleansing Washcloths Essential Bath® Cleansing Washcloths Sage® Sage® Comfort Bath® Cleansing Washcloths Sage® Sage ® Isagel® Hygienic Cleansing Towelettes PDI® Bedside-Care® EasiCleanse™ Bath Bedside-Care® EasiCleanse™ Bath Bedside-Care® EasiCleanse™ Bath Isagel® Sani-Hands® ALC Pocket Pack PDI® Isagel® ® BZK Antiseptic Towelettes ® Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Sea-Clens® PDI® ® ® Sea-Clens Isagel® Hex-On® ® CarraKlenz™ Wound & Skin Cleanser Medline ® Isagel DiaB Medline PDI Brava© Adhesive Remover (Wipes) Epi-Clenz® Hand Sanitizer Medline Klenz Wound & Skin Cleanser Carrington® Enzymatic Odor Eliminator Medline ™ Soothe & Cool® Moisturizing Body Lotion Sween® Lotion Competitive Product Line Coloplast Product Sea-Clens® Sea-Clens® ® Baza® Antifungal Baza® Protect ® Atrac-Tain® Cream Baza® Protect ® Medline ™ ® Sween Cream® Gentle Rain® Extra Mild Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Medline. Sween Cream® Soothe & Cool® Shampoo & Body Wash Concentrate Medline 58 58 58 63 66 66 66 66 76 59 53 53 66 66 60 Page # 53 53 53 60 64 62 60 58 61 62 62 60 60 59 59 Page # Skin Care Cross Reference ™ Gentle Rain Extra Mild Soothe & Cool Shampoo & Body Wash Medline ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Brand Skin Care Cross Reference 212 213 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Sage Bedside-Care EasiCleanse Bath ™ Deodorant Essential Bath Cleansing Washcloths Baza Antifungal Bedside-Care® Sween Cream Baza® Protect Baza Clear SECURA Antifungal Greaseless SECURA™ Dimethicone Protectant SECURA™ Extra Protective Cream (EPC) SECURA™ Moisturizing Cleanser SECURA Moisturizing Cream SECURA™ Moisturizing Lotion SECURA™ Personal Cleanser SECURA™ Protective Cream SECURA Protective Ointment SECURA™ Total Body Foam Cleanser UNICARE™ Moisturizing Lotion Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Baza Clear Skin-Prep Protective Dressing Pump Spray NO-STING SKIN-PREP™ UNI SALVE Protective Ointment REMOVE™ Adhesive Remover Wipes REMOVE™ Adhesive Remover Cal Stat® Antiseptic Handrub Plus Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Steris Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Smith & Nephew or Steris. ™ Brava© Skin Barrier Wipes UNIDERM™ Moisturizing Cream Isagel® Brava© Adhesive Remover Spray (No-sting) Brava© Adhesive Remover Wipes ® Brava© Skin Barrier Spray (No-sting) Sween Cream® Competitive Product Line Smith & Nephew Coloplast Product Sween® Lotion Bedside-Care® Foam ® Bedside-Care® Sween® Lotion ® Critic-Aid® Skin Paste Sween® 24 Cream ® Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Sage or Smith & Nephew. ™ ™ ™ Baza® Antifungal SECURA™ Antifungal Cream -- Extra Thick Smith & Nephew Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion Comfort Shield® Perineal Washcloth w/ Dimethicone Sage® Baza Cleanse & Protect® Lotion Comfort Shield® Incontinence Wipe ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Sage® ® 66 76 76 62 76 76 60 Page # 60 58 62 62 58 60 60 58 62 60 64 64 63 63 58 Page # Skin Care Cross Reference Brand Skin Care Cross Reference 214 Coloplast 215 Comfeel Plus Ulcer Dressing Tegaderm Hydrocolloid Dressings 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast Purilon Gel Tegaderm Hydrogel 3M Biatain Alginate Ag Dressing with SIlver Comfeel Plus DuoDERM ConvaTec Triad Hydrophilic Wound Dressing DuoDerm Paste ConvaTec Comfeel Plus Ulcer Dressing Ultec™ Pro Ultec Covidien/Kendall™ Biatain Soft-Hold Foam Dressing Restore Foam Dressing with TRIACT Technology Purilon Gel Restore Hydrogel Dressing Hollister Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of ConvaTec, Covidine/Kendall, Ferris, Hollister or Smith & Nephew. Algisite™ M Restore® Extra Thin Hydrocolloid Dressing Hollister® Smith & Nephew Restore® Hydrocolloid Dressing Hollister® ® ® Biatain® Alginate Ag Dressing with Silver Restore® Calcium Alginate Dressing Silver Hollister® Biatain® Alginate Dressing Comfeel® Plus Transparent Dressing Comfeel® Plus ® Biatain® Alginate Dressing Restore® Calcium Alginate Dressing Hollister® Biatain® Ag Foam Dressing ® Restore® Foam Dressing with Silver and TRIACT Technology ® Hollister® Hollister ® Biatain® Foam Dressing Polymem® Foam Ferris Biatain® Alginate Dressing Curasorb™* Covidien/Kendall™ Purilon® Gel Curafil™* ® Biatain® Foam Dressing Covidien/Kendall™ ™ Covidien/Kendall COPA™ Covidien/Kendall™ ™ Comfeel® Plus Ulcer or Comfeel® Plus Sacral Dressing DuoDerm® Gel Purilon® Gel Competitive Product Line ConvaTec® Coloplast Product ™ Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of 3M or ConvaTec. ® ® Sea-Clens® Wound Cleanser Shur-Clens® Wound Cleanser ConvaTec® Sea-Clens® Wound Cleanser SAF-Clens® Wound Cleanser ConvaTec® Comfeel® Plus Transparent Dressing DuoDerm® Extra Thin ® ConvaTec® ® ® Comfeel® Plus Ulcer or Comfeel® Plus Triangle Dressing CombiDERM ACD ConvaTec® Biatain® Foam Dressings Versiva® XC Gelling Foam with Hydrofiber® Technology ConvaTec® Biatain® Alginate Dressing Kaltostat® Calcium Sodium Alginate Dressing ConvaTec® ® Aquacel Ag Hydrofiber Dressing ConvaTec ® ® Biatain® Alginate Dressing Aquacel® Hydrofiber Dressing ConvaTec® Sea-Clens® Wound Cleanser Tegaderm™ Wound Cleanser ® 3M™ ™ 49 51 51-52 53 50 49 47-48 46 46-47 49 53 51 51-52 46-47 53 Page # 53 53 53 51 51-52 51 46-47 49 50 49 53 53 46-47 50 49 51 Page # Wound Care Cross Reference ™ Biatain® Foam Dressing Tegaderm™ Foam Dressings 3M™ Biatain® Alginate Ag Dressing with SIlver Tegaderm™ Alginate Ag Dressings 3M™ Biatain® Alginate Dressing Tegaderm™ Alginate Dressings ® Coloplast Product ™ Competitive Product Line 3M™ ™ 3M Brand Wound Care Cross Reference 216 217 ® Sea-Clens Wound Cleanser Restore Wound Cleanser 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Woun’Dres® Collagen Hydrogel Biatain Alginate Dressing Purilon® Gel Biatain Alginate Ag Rope Dressing Optifoam® Gentle Exuderm® Odorshield Skintegrity® Hydrogel Melgisorb Alginate Dressing Mepilex® Lyofoam™ Hypergel® Algisite M Calcium Alginate Dressing Acticoat™ Absorbent Medline Medline Medline Mölnlycke Mölnlycke Mölnlycke Mölnlycke Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew ® Comfeel® Plus Ulcer, Sacral or Transparent Dressings Biatain Soft Alginate Dressing Solosite™ Gel Intrasite Gel Silvercel® Antimicrobial Alginate Dressing Tielle® Foam Nu-Derm® Hydrocolloid Dressing Nu-Derm Alginate Wound Dressing Smith & Nephew Smith & Nephew Systagenix Systagenix Systagenix Systagenix Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Smith & Nephew or Systagenix. ® Purilon Gel Replicare™ Smith & Nephew ™ Woun’Dres® Collagen Hydrogel Allevyn™ Gentle ® Biatain® Foam Dressing Biatain® Alginate Ag Dressing ® Comfeel® Plus Ulcer, Sacral or Transparent Dressings Biatain® Silicone Foam Dressing Competitive Product Line Smith & Nephew Coloplast Product Biatain® Alginate Ag Dressing or Biatain® Ag Foam Dressing ® Biatain® Foam Dressing Biatain® Silicone Foam Dressing ® Comfeel® Plus Ulcer or Comfeel® Plus Sacral Dressing Biatain® Silicone Foam Dressing Brand Note: ® or ™ indicate trademarks of Hollister, Medline, Mölnlycke, or Smith & Nephew. ™ Biatain Ag Foam Dressings Optifoam Ag Medline ® 49 51-52 46-47 50 53 53 51-52 45 Page # 47, 50 50 53 46-47 45 49 53 51-52 45 47-48 46-47 50 49 53 Page # Wound Care Cross Reference ® Biatain® Foam Dressings Optifoam® Medline Biatain® Alginate Ag Rope Dressing Maxorb® Extra AG Alginate Dressing Medline Biatain® Alginate Dressing Maxorb® Extra Alginate Dressing ® Coloplast Product ® Competitive Product Line Medline Hollister Brand Wound Care Cross Reference 218 Coloplast 219 Medicare Utilization - Continence Care Usual maximum limits for some products from the Medicare Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) are shown below. Suppliers should examine their applicable Medicare contractor policies for full examination of policy requirements, including medical necessity and documentation. HCPCS* Description A4310 Insert tray without drainage bag and without catheter (accessories only) A4311 Insertion tray without drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.) Insertion tray with drainage bag with indwelling catheter foley type, twoway latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.) Lubricant, individual sterile packet, each Male external catheter, with or without adhesive, disposable, each Intermittent urinary catheter; straight tip, with or without coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.), each Intermittent urinary catheter; coudé (curved) tip, with or without coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.) each Intermittent urinary catheter, with insertion supplies Insertion tray with drainage bag but without catheter Bedside drainage bag, day or night, with or without anti-reflux device, with or without tube, each Urinary drainage bag, leg or abdomen, vinyl, with or without tube, with straps, each A4314 A4332 A4349 A4351 A4352 A4353 A4354 A4357 A4358 Usual Maximum 1 insertion tray per episode of indwelling catheter insertion 1 insertion tray per episode of indwelling catheter insertion 1/month Medicare Utilization - Ostomy Medicare Allowables based on Standard Quality of Ostomy Supplies. The amount of ostomy supplies varies by patient based on the type of ostomy, its location, its construction, and the condition of the peristomal skin. The table below shows the maximum number of items that are usually medically necessary for patients with ostomies. It may be more or less depending on the factors that affect the frequency of barrier and pouch change. The medical necessity for a greater quantity of supplies must be clearly documented in the patient’s medical record (physician’s signed and dated order). HCPCS* Description A4357 A4361 A4362 A4367 A4369 A4371 A4394 A4397 A4398 A4399 Bedside drainage bag 2 ea/month Ostomy faceplate 3 ea/6 months Skin barrier, solid, 4x4 or equipment* 20 ea/month Ostomy belt, each 1 ea/month Skin barrier, liquid, per ounce 2 oz./month Skin barrier powder, per ounce 10 oz./6 months Ostomy pouch liquid deodorant 8 oz./month Irrigation supply sleeve, each 4 ea/month Irrigation bag, each 2 ea/6 months Irrigation cone/catheter with or 2 ea/6 months without brush Ostomy ring, each 10 ea/month Ostomy paste (non-pectin based), 4 oz./month per ounce Ostomy paste (pectin based), per 4 oz./month ounce Two-piece ostomy skin barrier with 20 ea/month flange, standard wear, NONCONVEX (4x4 inches or smaller) Two-piece ostomy skin barrier, with 20 ea/month flange, standard wear, NONCONVEX, greater than 4 x 4 One-piece ostomy closed pouch 60 ea/month with filter, NON-CONVEX One-piece ostomy closed pouch 60 ea/month with filter, CONVEX Two-piece ostomy closed pouch 60 ea/month with filter for non-locking system Ostomy supply, miscellaneous *no maximum listed Two-piece ostomy closed pouch 60 ea/month with filter for locking system One-piece ostomy drainable pouch 20 ea/month with filter Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch 20 ea/month with filter for non-locking system Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch 20 ea/month without filter for locking system Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch 20 ea/month with filter for locking system Two-piece ostomy urinary pouch 20 ea/month for locking system Stoma cap 31 ea/month One-piece ostomy drainable pouch 20 ea/month A4404 A4405 A4406 A4414 A4415 200/month 35/month 200/month A4416 A4417 A4419 200/month 200/month 1/month 2/month A4421 A4423 A4424 A4425 A4426 A4427 2/month A4433 A5055 A5061 Usual Maximum Medicare Utilization – Ostomy Medicare Utilization – Continence The information in this document is informational only, general in nature, and does not cover all payers’ rules or policies. This information was obtained from third party sources and is subject to change without notice as a result of changes in reimbursement regulations and payer policies. This document represents no promise or guarantee by Coloplast Corp. regarding coverage or payment for products or procedures by CMS or other payers. Providers are responsible for reporting the codes that most accurately describe the patient’s medical condition, procedures performed and products used. Providers should check Medicare bulletins, manuals, program memoranda and Medicare guidelines to ensure compliance with Medicare requirements. Inquires should be directed to the appropriate other payer for non-Medicare coverage situations. * Elastic Barrier Strips: 40 strips/month 220 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 221 Description A5063 Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch for barrier with flange, non-filter One-piece ostomy urinary pouch Two-piece ostomy urinary pouch Skin barrier wipes or swabs, each Solid skin barrier, 6x6 or equivalent, each Solid skin barrier, 8x8 or equivalent, each A5071 A5073 A5120 A5121 A5122 Usual Maximum 20 ea/month 20 ea/month 20 ea/month 150 ea/6 months 20 ea/month 20 ea/month Medicare Utilization - Wound Care Usual maximum limits from the Medicare Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) are shown below. Suppliers should examine their applicable Medicare contractor policies for full examination of policy requirements, including medical necessity and documentation. HCPCS* Description A6196 A6197 A6199 Alginate dressing < 16 sq. in. Once per Day Alginate dressing >16 < 48 sq. in. Once per Day Alginate dressing wound filler, per 6 Once per Day inches Sterile foam dressing < 16 sq. in. Up to 3 times/ without border week Sterile foam dressing >16 < 48 sq. Up to 3 times/ in. without border week Sterile foam dressing > 48 sq. in. Up to 3 times/ without border week Sterile foam dressing < 16 sq. in with Up to 3 times/ border week Sterile foam dressing >16 < 48 sq. Up to 3 times/ in. with border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing < 16 sq. Up to 3 times/ in. without border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing >16 < 48 Up to 3 times/ sq. in. without border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing > 48 sq. Up to 3 times/ in. without border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing < 16 sq. Up to 3 times/ in.with border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing >16 < 48 Up to 3 times/ sq. in. with border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing > 48 sq. Up to 3 times/ in. with border week Sterile hydrocolloid dressing filler, Up to 3 times/ paste, per ounce week Sterile hydrogel dressing gel, filler, Must substantiate per ounce medical necessity if > 3 fl. oz. per wound/30 days Sterile wound cleanser, any type/size Not covered under the surgical dressing benefit A6209 A6210 A6211 A6212 A6213 A6234 A6235 A6236 A6237 A6238 A6239 A6240 A6248 A6260 Usual Maximum Medicare Utilization – Wound Care Medicare Utilization – Ostomy HCPCS* A6203 A6204 A6206 A6207 A6251 A6252 222 1.800.533.0464 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 223 HCPCS Codes Coloplast Corporation makes no warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy or appropriateness for any particular purpose of the information contained in this guide. It is provided for informational purposes only. It is neither legal advice nor advice about how to code, complete or submit any particular claim for payment or to increase or maximize reimbursement by any third party payer. Although we supply this information to the best of our current knowledge, reimbursement policy changes frequently change, often without notice. Where HCPCS codes are listed for individual products, they have been verified or are in the process of being verified with the PDAC, the contractor charged with assigning codes to products billed to the Medicare program. Recommendations made by the PDAC are intended to provide guidance for Medicare claims only. Although, providers should be aware that non-Medicare payers may follow the PDAC recommendations as well. Existence of or assignment to a particular code with or without an associated payment amount does not guarantee coverage or payment. Because requirements for coverage, codes, and payment vary from payer to payer, providers should always verify specific requirements with each payer prior to submitting claims for payment. Ultimately, the decision for assigning codes and billing individual claims is the responsibility of the provider. A4310 A4311 A4314 A4320 A4322 A4331 A4332 A4334 A4335 A4338 A4340 A4344 A4346 A4349 A4351 A4352 A4353 A4354 A4357 A4358 A4361 A4362 A4367 A4368 A4369 A4371 A4373 A4385 A4388 A4389 A4390 A4391 A4392 224 1.800.533.0464 Insert tray without drainage bag and without catheter (accessories only) Insertion tray without drainage bag with indwelling catheter; Foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer or hydrophilic, etc.) Insertion tray with drainage bag with indwelling catheter, foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer or hydrophilic, etc.) Irrigation tray with bulb or piston syringe, any purpose Irrigation syringe, bulb or piston, each Extension drainage tubing, any type, any length, with connector/adapter, for use with urinary leg bag or urostomy pouch, each Lubricant, individual sterile packet, each Urinary catheter anchoring device, leg strap, each Incontinence supply; miscellaneous Indwelling catheter; Foley type, two-way latex with coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.), each Indwelling catheter, specialty type, (e.g., coudé, mushroom, wing, etc.), each Indwelling catheter; Foley type, two-way, all silicone, each Indwelling catheter; Foley type, three-way for continuous irrigation, each Male external catheter, with or without adhesive, disposable, each Intermittent urinary catheter; straight tip, with or without coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.), each Intermittent urinary catheter; coudé (curved) tip, with or without coating (teflon, silicone, silicone elastomer, or hydrophilic, etc.), each Intermittent urinary catheter, with insertion supplies Insertion tray with drainage bag but without catheter Bedside drainage bag, day or night, with or without anti-reflux device, with or without tube, each Urinary drainage bag, leg or abdomen, vinyl, with or without tube, with straps, each Ostomy faceplate, each Solid skin barrier; solid, 4x4 or equivalent; each Ostomy belt, each Ostomy filter, any type, each Skin barrier liquid, per ounce Skin barrier powder, per ounce Skin barrier with flange, CONVEX Extended wear barrier, solid 4 x 4" or equivalent, each One-piece ostomy drainable pouch with extended wear barrier, FLAT One-piece ostomy drainable pouch with barrier, CONVEX One-piece drainable pouch with extended wear, CONVEX One-piece urinary pouch with extended wear barrier, FLAT One-piece urinary pouch with standard wear barrier, CONVEX 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast HCPCS Codes HCPCS Codes Disclaimer 225 HCPCS Codes HCPCS Codes HCPCS Codes A4393 A5071 A5073 A5112 A5113 A5114 A5120 A5121 A5122 A5131 A4394 A4397 A4398 A4399 A4404 A4405 A4406 A4407 A4408 A4409 A4410 A4414 A4415 A4416 A4417 A4419 A4421 A4423 A4424 A4425 A4426 A4427 A4433 A4455 A4456 A5055 A5056 A5057 A5061 A5063 A5071 A5073 A5112 A5113 A5114 226 One-piece urinary pouch with extended wear barrier, CONVEX Ostomy pouch liquid deodorant; per fluid ounce Irrigation supply sleeve, each Irrigation bag, each Irrigation cone/catheter with or without brush Ostomy ring, each Ostomy paste (non-pectin based), per ounce Ostomy paste (pectin based), per ounce Two-piece ostomy skin barrier with flange, extended wear, CONVEX (4x4 inches or smaller) Two-piece ostomy skin barrier with flange, extended wear CONVEX, greater than 4x4 Two-piece ostomy skin barrier with flange, extended wear (4x4 inches or smaller) Two-piece ostomy skin barrier with flange, extended wear, FLAT, greater than 4x4 Two-piece ostomy skin barrier with flange, standard wear, FLAT (4x4 inches or smaller) Two-piece ostomy skin barrier, with flange, standard wear, NON-CONVEX, greater than 4x4 One-piece ostomy closed pouch with filter, FLAT One-piece ostomy closed pouch with filter, CONVEX Two-piece ostomy closed pouch with filter for nonlocking system Ostomy supply, miscellaneous Two-piece ostomy closed pouch with filter for locking system One-piece ostomy drainable pouch with filter Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch with filter for nonlocking system Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch without filter for locking system Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch with filter for locking system Two-piece ostomy urinary pouch for locking system Adhesive remover or solvent (for tape, cement or other adhesive), per ounce Adhesive remover, wipes, any type, each Stoma cap One-piece extended wear drainable pouch with filter, FLAT One-piece extended wear drainable pouch with filter, CONVEX One-piece ostomy drainable pouch Two-piece ostomy drainable pouch for barrier with flange One-piece ostomy urinary pouch with standard wear barrier, FLAT Two-piece ostomy urinary pouch for barrier with nonlocking flange Urinary bag, leg or abdomen; latex Leg strap; latex, replacement only, per set Leg strap, foam or fabric, replacement only, per set 1.800.533.0464 A6154 A6196 A6197 A6199 A6209 A6210 A6211 A6212 A6213 A6234 A6235 A6236 A6237 A6238 A6239 A6240 A6248 A6260 One-piece ostomy urinary pouch Two-piece ostomy urinary pouch Urinary bag, leg or abdomen; latex Leg strap; latex, replacement only, per set Leg strap, foam or fabric, replacement only, per set Skin barrier wipes or swabs, each Solid skin barrier, 6x6 or equivalent, each Solid skin barrier, 8x8 or equivalent, each Appliance cleaner, incontinence and ostomy appliances, per 16 ounces Wound pouch, each Alginate dressing < 16 sq. in. Alginate dressing >16 < 48 sq. in. Alginate dressing wound filler, per 6 inches Sterile foam dressing < 16 sq. in. without border Sterile foam dressing >16 < 48 sq. in. without border Sterile foam dressing > 48 sq. in. without border Sterile foam dressing < 16 sq. in. with border Sterile foam dressing >16 < 48 sq. in. with border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing < 16 sq. in. without border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing >16 < 48 sq. in. without border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing > 48 sq. in. without border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing < 16 sq. in. with border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing >16 < 48 sq. in. with border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing > 48 sq. in. with border Sterile hydrocolloid dressing filler, paste, per ounce Sterile hydrogel dressing gel, filler, per fluid ounce Wound cleanser any type/size 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast 227 228 1.800.533.0464 Page # Continence 110 ............... 13 112 ............... 13 114 ............... 13 116 ............... 13 208 ............... 13 210 ............... 13 212 ............... 13 214 ............... 13 240 ............... 13 305 ............... 13 306 ............... 13 308 ............... 13 310 ............... 13 408 ......... 13, 35 410 ......... 13, 35 412 ......... 13, 35 414 ......... 13, 35 416 ......... 13, 35 418 ............... 13 450 ............... 13 460 ............... 13 475 ............... 30 486 ............... 33 582 ............... 33 586 ............... 33 588 ............... 33 608 ......... 15, 33 610 ......... 15, 33 612 ......... 15, 33 614 ......... 15, 33 806 ............... 15 808 ............... 15 810 ............... 15 812 ......... 15, 34 814 ......... 15, 34 816 ............... 15 818 ............... 15 1008 ....... 18, 35 1010 ....... 18, 35 1012 ....... 18, 35 1014 ....... 18, 35 1016 ....... 18, 35 1108 ....... 19, 35 1110 ....... 19, 35 1112 ....... 19, 35 1114 ....... 19, 35 1116 ....... 19, 35 2114 ............. 19 2214 ............. 19 2614 ............. 19 2814 ............. 19 2816 ............. 19 3114 ............. 18 3214 ............. 18 3408 ............. 43 1.800.533.0464 Code Page # 3614 ............. 18 3814 ............. 18 3816 ............. 18 4065 ............. 43 4110 ............. 12 4112 ............. 12 4114 ............. 12 4116 ............. 12 4200-B .... 25, 43 4210 ............. 12 4212 ............. 12 4214 ............. 12 4306 ............. 12 4308 ............. 12 4310 ............. 12 4408 ............. 12 4410 ............. 12 4412 ............. 12 4414 ............. 12 4416 ............. 12 4418 ............. 12 4608 ............. 14 4610 ............. 14 4612 ............. 14 4614 ............. 14 4808 ............. 14 4810 ............. 14 4812 ............. 14 4814 ............. 14 4816 ............. 14 5021 ............. 36 5021H ................. 5025 ............. 36 5025H ........... 36 5030 ............. 36 5030H ........... 36 5035 ............. 36 5035H ........... 36 5040 ............. 36 5040H ........... 36 5062 ............. 26 5070 ............. 31 5100 ....... 23, 38 5110 ............. 24 5120 ............. 39 5120H ........... 39 5125 ............. 37 5130 ....... 37, 38 5130H ........... 37 5135 ............. 37 5135H ........... 37 5140 ............. 37 5140H ........... 37 5161 ....... 25, 41 5167 ....... 25, 41 5170 ............. 26 Code Page # 5171 ............. 26 5174 ............. 26 5190 ............. 23 5200 ....... 23, 38 5200H ........... 37 5205 ............. 37 5205H ........... 37 5210 ....... 24, 37 5210H ........... 37 5212 ............. 37 5215 ............. 37 5221 . 23, 36, 39 5221H ........... 39 5225 ....... 23, 36 5225H ..... 23, 36 5230 . 23, 36, 38 5230H ..... 23, 36 5235 ....... 23, 36 5235H ..... 23, 36 5240 ....... 23, 36 5240H ..... 23, 36 5290 ............. 23 5300 ....... 23, 38 5310 ............. 24 5330 ............. 38 5390 ............. 23 5400 ....... 23, 38 5410 ....... 24, 43 5420 ............. 43 5430 ............. 38 5490 ............. 23 5500 ....... 23, 38 5510 ............. 38 5530 ............. 38 5590 ............. 23 5603 ................... 5604 ................... 5605 ................... 5606 ............. 38 5607 ............. 38 6100 ............. 22 6130 ............. 22 6200 ............. 22 6230 ............. 22 6300 ............. 22 6330 ............. 22 6400 ............. 22 6430 ............. 22 6500 ............. 22 6530 ............. 22 7077 ............. 40 7078 ............. 40 7079 ............. 40 7080 ....... 30, 43 7087 ............. 40 7088 ............. 40 Coloplast Index Code 229 Page # 7089 ............. 40 7090 ....... 30, 43 7092 ............. 30 7093 ............. 41 7094 ............. 41 7096 ............. 41 7097 ............. 41 7200 ....... 24, 37 7250 ....... 24, 37 7275 ....... 24, 37 7800 ............. 38 7850 ............. 38 7875 ............. 38 8000 . 24, 38, 39 8030 . 24, 37, 39 8100 ............. 24 8200 . 24, 37, 38 8205 ....... 24, 37 8212 ............. 34 8214 ............. 34 8230 ....... 24, 37 8235 ....... 24, 37 8300 ............. 24 8305 ............. 24 8400 . 24, 37, 38 8430 ....... 24, 37 8500 ............. 24 9000 ....... 40, 41 9001 ....... 40, 41 9002 ....... 40, 41 9003 ....... 40, 41 9010 ............. 41 9408 ............. 35 9410 ............. 35 9412 ............. 35 9414 ............. 35 9416 ............. 35 19408 ........... 35 19410 ........... 35 19412 ........... 35 19414 ........... 35 19416 ........... 35 21026 ..... 40, 41 21027 ..... 40, 41 21034 ..... 40, 41 21053 ........... 25 21054 . 25, 40, 41 21346 ........... 26 21356 ........... 26 22011 ..... 36, 39 22011H ......... 39 22012 ..... 36, 39 22012H ......... 39 22013 ..... 36, 39 22013H ......... 39 22014 ..... 36, 39 Coloplast Code Page # 22014H ......... 39 22025 ..... 21, 22 22030 ........... 22 22035 ........... 22 22040 ..... 22, 38 22121 . 22, 36, 39 22125 ..... 22, 36 22130 ..... 22, 36 22135 ..... 22, 36 22312 ........... 30 25502 ........... 26 28005 ........... 35 28005S ... 17, 35 28006 ........... 35 28006S ... 17, 35 28007 ........... 35 28007S ... 17, 35 28008 ........... 35 28008S ... 17, 35 28009 ........... 17 28009S ......... 17 28022S ......... 17 28023S ... 17, 34 28024S ... 17, 34 28026S ... 17, 34 28027 ..... 17, 34 28027S ......... 17 28028 ..... 17, 34 28028S ......... 17 28029S ......... 17 28032 ........... 17 28032S ......... 17 28033S ......... 17 28036 ........... 17 28036S ... 17, 34 28037 ........... 17 28037S ......... 17 28191 ........... 34 28192 ........... 34 28194 ........... 34 28241 ........... 34 28242 ........... 34 28244 ........... 34 28408 ........... 10 28410 ........... 10 28412 ........... 10 28414 ........... 10 28416 ........... 10 28418 ........... 10 28481 ........... 16 28482 ........... 16 28483 ........... 16 28484 ........... 16 28485 ........... 16 28486 ........... 16 28490 ........... 14 Code Page # 28492 ........... 14 28494 ........... 14 28499 ........... 16 28500 ..... 16, 34 28501 ..... 16, 34 28502 ..... 16, 34 28503 ..... 16, 34 28504 ........... 16 28506 ........... 10 28508 ........... 10 28510 ........... 10 28512 ........... 10 28514 ........... 10 28516 ........... 10 28522 ........... 16 28524 ........... 16 28578 . 11, 16, 34 28580 ..... 11, 34 28582 ..... 11, 34 28584 ..... 11, 34 28606 ........... 10 28608 ........... 10 28610 ........... 10 28612 ........... 10 28638 ........... 34 28640 ........... 34 28642 ........... 34 28644 ........... 34 28706 ........... 10 28708 ........... 10 28710 ........... 10 28812 ........... 11 28814 ........... 11 34050 ........... 43 50501 ........... 31 51619 ..... 25, 41 51670 ........... 41 51679 ........... 25 68001 ........... 27 68003 R or L . 27 68004 ........... 27 68006 R or L . 27 68007 ........... 27 68300 ........... 31 90000 ........... 31 278809 ......... 16 AA 6C18 ....... 28 AA 6C20 ....... 28 AA 6C22 ....... 28 AA 6C24 ....... 28 AA 6106 ........ 28 AA 6108 .. 28, 32 AA 6110 .. 28, 32 AA 6112 .. 28, 32 AA 6114 .. 28, 32 AA 6116 .. 28, 32 1.800.533.0464 Code AA 6118 AA 6120 AA 6122 AA 6124 AA 6308 AA 6310 AA 6312 AA 6314 AA 6316 AA 6318 AA 6320 AA 6322 AA 6324 AA 6408 AA 6410 AA 6412 AA 6414 AA 6416 AA 6418 AA 6420 AA 6422 AA 6424 CS 0120 CS 0140 CS 0160 CS 1120 CS 1140 CS 1160 UC 1008 UC 1010 UC 1012 UC 1014 UC 1016 UC 1018 UC 1020 UC 1022 UC 1024 UC 3516 UC 3518 UC 3520 UC 6012 UC 6014 UC 6016 UC 6018 UC 6020 UC 6022 UC 6512 UC 6514 UC 6516 UC 6518 UC 6520 UC 6522 UC 6524 UT 7015 UT 7030 UT 7035 Page # .. 28, 32 .. 28, 32 .. 28, 32 .. 28, 32 ........ 28 ........ 28 . 29, 32, 42 . 29, 32, 42 . 29, 32, 42 . 29, 32, 42 . 29, 33, 42 . 29, 33, 42 .. 29, 42 ........ 28 ........ 28 ........ 29 ........ 29 ........ 29 ........ 29 ........ 29 ........ 29 ........ 29 ........ 33 ........ 33 ........ 33 ........ 33 ........ 33 ........ 33 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 32 ....... 33 ....... 33 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 42 ....... 42 ........ 43 ........ 43 ........ 43 1.800.533.0464 Code Page # Ostomy 0420 ........... 187 0421 ........... 187 0509 ............. 91 0925 ............. 91 1003 ............. 94 1110 ............. 94 1500 ............. 93 1500H ........... 93 1525 ........... 187 1527 ........... 187 1751 ........... 116 1752 ........... 116 1754 ........... 115 1755 ........... 115 1756 ........... 115 1757 ........... 115 1758 ........... 115 1759 ........... 115 1789 ........... 172 1907 ........... 187 2041 ............. 91 2115 ........... 174 2125 ........... 174 2156 ........... 171 2161 ........... 171 2182 ........... 171 2310 ............. 90 2315 ............. 90 2320 ............. 90 2325 ............. 90 2330 ............. 90 2340 ............. 90 2350 ............. 90 2501 ... 152, 181 2650 ............. 89 2655 ........... 187 2801 . 113, 171, 184 2802 ... 113, 184 2807 ... 114, 172 2808 ........... 114 2831 ........... 106 2832 ........... 106 2833 ........... 106 2836 ........... 112 2837 ........... 112 2846 ........... 112 2847 ........... 112 2881 ........... 106 2882 ........... 106 2883 ........... 106 3210 ........... 187 3215 ........... 187 3220 ........... 187 4215 ..... 88, 187 4220 ............. 88 Code Page # 4237 4240 4241 4247 4250 4260 4540 4550 4560 5070 5170 5540 5560 5570 5575 5580 5585 5600 5700 5800 5810 5825 5830 5835 5900 5901 5920 5925 5930 5935 5940 5945 5950 5960 6100 6101 6300 6325 6330 6335 6340 6345 6350 6360 6541 6542 6551 6552 6561 6562 6641 6642 6644 6651 6652 6654 ............. 88 ........... 185 ........... 184 ............. 88 ........... 185 ........... 185 ........... 185 ........... 185 ........... 185 ............. 92 ........... 176 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 154 ........... 154 ........... 153 ........... 153 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 179 ........... 180 ........... 179 ........... 179 ........... 179 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 180 ........... 186 ........... 186 ........... 180 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 181 ........... 183 ........... 183 ........... 183 ........... 183 ........... 183 ........... 184 ........... 184 ........... 184 ........... 184 ........... 184 ........... 184 ........... 184 Coloplast Index Index 230 Code 231 Page # 6661 ........... 184 6662 ........... 184 6664 ........... 184 7067 ........... 187 7680 ........... 187 8009 ........... 174 8114 ........... 112 8115 ........... 112 8116 ........... 112 9500 ..... 91, 163 10011 . 100, 182, 185 10012 ......... 100 10013 ......... 100 10015 ......... 100 10016 ......... 100 10017 ......... 100 10021 . 100, 185 10022 ......... 100 10023 ......... 100 10025 ......... 100 10026 ......... 100 10027 ......... 100 10031 . 100, 185 10032 ......... 100 10035 ......... 100 10036 ......... 100 10041 ......... 100 10045 ......... 100 10101 . 123, 170 10102 ......... 123 10103 ......... 123 10104 ......... 123 10105 ......... 123 10106 ......... 123 10108 ......... 123 10154 . 103, 104 10155 ......... 104 10156 ......... 104 10164 . 103, 184 10165 . 103, 184 10166 . 103, 184 10167 ......... 103 10461 ......... 175 10471 ......... 135 10472 ......... 135 10473 ......... 135 10474 ......... 135 10475 ......... 135 10476 ......... 135 10477 ......... 135 10478 ......... 135 10479 ......... 135 10480 ......... 135 10481 ......... 135 10482 ......... 135 Coloplast Code 10483 10484 10485 10486 10487 10488 10489 10490 10491 10492 10493 10494 10495 10496 10502 10503 10504 10505 10506 10512 10513 10514 10515 10516 10522 10523 10524 10525 10531 10551 10561 10562 10563 10564 10565 10566 10567 10568 10571 10572 10573 10586 10811 10821 10822 10823 10824 10831 10833 10834 10835 10870 10871 10872 10873 10874 Page # ......... 135 ......... 135 ......... 135 ......... 135 ......... 135 ......... 135 ......... 136 ......... 135 ......... 135 ......... 136 ......... 136 ......... 136 ......... 136 ......... 136 ... 97, 172 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 97 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 . 138, 175 ......... 138 ......... 138 ......... 138 ......... 138 ......... 138 ......... 137 ......... 137 ......... 137 ......... 137 . 137, 175 . 137, 175 ......... 137 ......... 137 ......... 137 Code Page # 10881 ......... 136 10883 ......... 136 10884 ......... 136 10885 ......... 136 10911 ......... 125 10912 . 125, 183 10914 ......... 125 10915 . 125, 183 10917 . 125, 183 10918 ......... 125 11001 ......... 118 11002 ......... 118 11003 ......... 131 11004 ......... 117 11005 ......... 156 11006 ......... 131 11007 ......... 131 11008 ......... 156 11009 ......... 117 11010 ......... 117 11011 ......... 101 11011K ....... 130 11012 ......... 101 11015 ......... 101 11016 ......... 101 11021 ......... 101 11022 ......... 101 11023 ......... 101 11024 ......... 101 11025 ......... 101 11026 ......... 101 11027 ......... 101 11028 ......... 101 11031 ......... 101 11032 ......... 101 11035 ......... 101 11036 ......... 101 11041 ......... 101 11045 ......... 101 11114 ......... 102 11115 ......... 102 11124 . 102, 183 11125 ......... 102 11126 . 102, 182 11127 ......... 102 11135 . 102, 183 11136 . 102, 184 11185 . 102, 182, 183 11186 . 102, 182, 183 11194 . 102, 182, 183 11195 ......... 102 11196 ......... 102 11197 ......... 102 1.800.533.0464 Code 11301 11302 11303 11304 11305 11306 11307 11308 11312 11313 11314 11315 11401 11402 11412 11413 11421 11422 11425 11426 11461 11462 11463 11471 11472 11473 11474 11482 11483 11484 11486 11487 11488 11491 11492 11497 11498 11512 11514 11515 11517 11518 11590 11591 11612 11690 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11809 11814 11816 11817 Page # ......... 123 ......... 123 ......... 123 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 123 ......... 124 ......... 123 ......... 123 ......... 123 ......... 123 ... 99, 173 ........... 98 ........... 99 ........... 98 ........... 99 ........... 98 ........... 98 ........... 98 ... 98, 173 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 98 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 98 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 98 ........... 97 ........... 97 ........... 98 ... 99, 173 ........... 99 ........... 99 ........... 99 ......... 124 ......... 124 . 124, 183 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 124 ......... 142 ......... 142 ......... 142 ......... 142 ......... 142 ......... 142 ......... 142 ......... 143 ......... 143 ......... 143 1.800.533.0464 Code 11818 11819 11841 11844 11845 11846 11851 11854 11855 11856 12000 12010 12011 12020 12021 12030 12042 12050 12060 12061 12100 12110 12130 12134 12135 12136 12137 12140 12144 12145 12146 12147 12149 12170 12174 12175 12176 12177 12202 12203 12213 12216 12222 12223 12262 12272 12273 12274 12281 12282 12283 12284 12344 12345 12346 12354 Page # ......... 143 ......... 143 ......... 105 ......... 105 ......... 105 ......... 105 . 105, 184 . 104, 185 . 104, 185 . 104, 185 ......... 187 ......... 188 ......... 188 ......... 188 ......... 188 ......... 188 ......... 188 ........... 89 ... 90, 187 ... 90, 187 ......... 179 ......... 151 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 179 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 122 ......... 122 ......... 122 ......... 122 ......... 122 ......... 122 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 122 ......... 122 ......... 121 ......... 121 ......... 122 ......... 113 ......... 113 ......... 113 ......... 113 Code 12355 12356 12374 12375 12376 12384 12385 12386 12416 12419 12432 12433 12471 12472 12474 12527 12528 12529 12533 12567 12568 12569 12577 12578 12579 12595 12596 12620 12630 12660 12670 12701 12702 12703 12704 12705 12706 12707 12708 12716 12719 12800 12801 12802 12803 12805 12808 12810 12818 12820 12830 12834 12835 12836 12840 12841 Page # ......... 113 ......... 113 ......... 112 ......... 112 ......... 112 ......... 112 ......... 112 ......... 112 ......... 150 ......... 150 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 154 ......... 154 ......... 154 ......... 111 ......... 111 ......... 111 . 148, 149 ......... 182 ......... 182 ......... 182 ......... 111 ......... 111 ......... 111 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 148 ......... 148 ......... 148 ......... 148 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 108 ......... 160 ... 91, 161 ......... 160 ... 91, 161 ......... 161 ......... 160 ......... 160 ......... 161 ........... 94 ........... 93 ........... 94 ........... 94 ........... 94 ......... 182 ......... 106 Coloplast Index Index 232 Code 233 12842 12844 12845 12847 12848 12991 12992 12993 12994 12995 12996 12997 13703 13706 13840 13844 13845 13846 13860 13870 13874 13875 13876 13924 13925 13926 13964 13965 13966 13974 13975 13976 13984 13985 13986 14010 14015 14021 14031 14041 14050 14060 14070 14103 14106 14163 14164 14165 14166 14173 14174 14175 14176 14196 14204 14205 Page # ......... 106 ......... 106 ......... 106 ......... 106 ......... 106 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 155 ......... 149 ......... 149 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 145 ......... 111 ......... 111 ......... 182 ......... 111 ......... 111 ......... 111 ......... 110 ......... 110 ......... 110 ......... 110 ......... 110 ......... 110 ... 92, 163 ... 92, 163 ... 92, 163 ... 92, 163 ... 92, 163 ......... 162 ......... 162 ......... 162 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 ......... 147 . 147, 148 . 114, 172 ......... 114 Coloplast Code 14206 14222 14224 14225 14226 14227 14228 14229 14232 14233 14234 14235 14236 14237 14238 14239 14243 14246 14249 14250 14251 14252 14254 14255 14257 14258 14261 14262 14263 14271 14272 14273 14274 14275 14276 14277 14278 14281 14282 14283 14291 14292 14293 14294 14295 14296 14297 14298 14301 14302 14303 14304 14305 14306 14307 14308 Page # ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 114 153 115 115 115 115 115 115 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 109 106 106 106 106 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 125 125 125 125 125 125 169 169 Code 14309 14312 14314 14316 14317 14318 14319 14326 14327 14328 14329 14331 14332 14333 14334 14342 14344 14346 14347 14349 14355 14356 14357 14359 14361 14362 14363 14364 14379 14401 14403 14404 14405 14406 14408 14411 14412 14414 14415 14421 14422 14423 14424 14431 14432 14434 14435 14441 14442 14444 14445 14451 14452 14453 14454 14511 Page # ......... 125 ......... 183 ......... 183 . 129, 170 ......... 129 ......... 183 ......... 129 ......... 128 ......... 128 ......... 128 ......... 128 ......... 129 ......... 129 ......... 129 ......... 129 ......... 127 ......... 127 . 128, 170 ......... 128 ......... 128 ......... 128 ......... 127 ......... 127 ......... 127 ......... 127 ......... 127 ......... 183 ......... 127 ......... 126 ......... 126 ......... 126 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 126 ......... 126 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 146 ......... 152 ......... 152 ......... 152 ......... 152 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 151 ......... 152 ......... 152 ......... 152 ......... 152 ......... 145 1.800.533.0464 Code Page # 14512 ......... 145 14513 ......... 179 14514 ......... 179 14521 ......... 128 14525 ......... 128 14527 ......... 127 14552 . 129, 170 14553 ......... 129 14554 ......... 129 14555 ......... 129 14601 ......... 126 14602 ......... 126 14603 ......... 126 14642 ......... 126 14643 ......... 126 14644 ......... 126 14645 ......... 126 14646 ......... 126 14681 ......... 169 14682 ......... 169 14691 ......... 169 14692 ......... 169 14717 ......... 153 15480 . 141, 179, 181 15484 ......... 141 15521 ......... 139 15522 ......... 139 15523 ......... 139 15524 ......... 139 15531 ......... 139 15532 ......... 139 15533 ......... 139 15534 ......... 139 15606 ......... 140 15608 . 140, 179 15623 ......... 140 15624 ......... 140 15633 ......... 140 15634 ......... 140 15695 ......... 141 15696 ......... 141 15697 ......... 141 15698 ......... 141 15821 . 139, 179, 180, 181 15860 ......... 144 15861 ......... 179 15869 ......... 144 15870 ......... 144 15871 ......... 144 15874 ......... 144 15875 ......... 144 15876 ......... 144 15879 ......... 144 15954 ......... 110 1.800.533.0464 Code Page # 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0119 0222 0283 0402 0403 0406 0407 0408 0424 0505 0506 0809 0821 0822 0824 0830 0849 0901 0904 1002 1005 1006 1246 1300 1301 1318 1337 1400 1410 1452 1453 1455 1607 1611 1622 1644 1645 1673 1701 1702 1703 1707 1710 1762 1764 1768 1802 1805 1806 1814 1843 1873 1877 1880 1944 1947 ............. 79 ............. 76 . 68, 76, 79 ............. 68 ............. 76 ............. 68 ............. 68 ....... 68, 76 ............. 68 ............. 71 ............. 71 ............. 77 ............. 78 ............. 78 ............. 78 ............. 78 ............. 78 ............. 78 ............. 78 ............. 77 ............. 70 ....... 70, 77 ............. 77 ............. 66 ............. 66 ............. 79 ............. 72 ............. 78 ............. 78 ....... 67, 78 ....... 67, 78 ............. 67 ............. 72 . 72, 77, 79 ............. 72 ....... 74, 77 ............. 74 ............. 77 ............. 76 ............. 76 ............. 76 ............. 76 ............. 76 ............. 66 ............. 66 ....... 66, 77 ............. 69 ............. 79 ............. 77 . 69, 77, 79 ............. 69 ............. 70 ............. 70 ............. 70 ............. 70 ............. 70 Coloplast Index Index 234 Code 235 Index 236 Code Page # 7011 ............. 76 7015 ............. 70 7021 ............. 77 7031 ............. 78 7041 ............. 74 7051 ............. 76 7055 ............. 67 7056 ............. 67 7065 ............. 79 7066 ............. 76 7067 . 68, 76, 79 7068 ....... 68, 76 7069 ............. 68 7090 ............. 68 7091 ............. 68 7092 ............. 68 7095 ............. 68 7143 ............. 66 7145 ............. 66 7146 ....... 66, 78 7147 ....... 66, 78 7201 . 67, 76, 78 7203 ............. 76 7205 ....... 67, 78 7207 ....... 67, 78 7229 ............. 76 7230 ....... 67, 76 7231 ............. 67 7233 . 67, 76, 77 7234 . 67, 76, 77 7235 ....... 67, 76 7236 ....... 67, 76 7251 ............. 75 7252 ............. 75 7300 ............. 66 7301 ............. 66 7565 ............. 70 7566 ............. 70 7567 ............. 70 7570 ............. 72 7571 ............. 72 7572 ............. 72 7581 ............. 79 7583 ............. 79 7584 ............. 79 7662 ............. 76 7664 ............. 76 7666 ............. 79 7710 ............. 71 7712 ....... 71, 79 7725 ....... 71, 79 7726 ............. 79 7910 ............. 73 7912 ............. 73 67088 ........... 71 Coloplast Code Page # Wound Care 0925 1061 1063 1166 1964 1967 2041 3110 3115 3120 3146 3213 3218 3233 3280 3283 3285 3350 3353 3356 3410 3412 3413 3416 3420 3423 3430 3434 3435 3444 3465 3467 3470 3473 3475 3485 3488 3530 3533 3536 3539 3542 3545 3705 3710 3715 3740 3755 3760 3765 3780 3810 3812 3814 3816 ............. 55 ............. 57 ............. 57 ............. 57 ............. 57 ............. 57 ............. 55 ............. 55 ............. 55 ....... 55, 60 ............. 55 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 56 ............. 50 ............. 60 ............. 50 ............. 50 ............. 50 ............. 50 ............. 50 ............. 49 ............. 49 ............. 49 ............. 60 ............. 60 ............. 50 ............. 50 ............. 50 ............. 51 ............. 50 ....... 55, 60 ....... 55, 60 ............. 55 ............. 55 ............. 60 ............. 60 ............. 53 ............. 53 ............. 53 ............. 53 ............. 54 ............. 54 ............. 54 ............. 54 ............. 60 ............. 60 ............. 60 ............. 60 Code Page # 3818 ............. 60 3900 ............. 57 3903 ............. 57 3906 ............. 57 3910 ............. 58 3912 ............. 58 3915 ............. 58 3920 ............. 58 6105 ....... 50, 60 7690 ............. 57 9610 ............. 60 9612 ............. 60 9622 ............. 51 9625 ............. 51 9632 ....... 51, 60 9635 ....... 51, 60 9636 ............. 52 9637 ............. 52 9638 ............. 52 9641 ............. 52 9643 ............. 52 33436 ........... 49 33437 ........... 49 33438 ........... 49 33445 ........... 49 33446 ........... 49 46100 ........... 59 46120 ........... 59 46150 ........... 59 46200 ........... 59 46250 ........... 59 46300 ........... 59 46320 ........... 59 46350 ........... 59 46390 ........... 59 46450 ........... 59 1.800.533.0464 Coloplast develops products and services that make life easier for people with very personal and private medical conditions. Working closely with the people who use our products, we create solutions that are sensitive to their special needs. We call this intimate healthcare. Our business includes ostomy care, urology and continence care and wound and skin care. We operate globally and employ more than 8,500 people. For additional information, contact us at: 1.800.533.0464 [email protected] Coloplast Corp. Minneapolis, MN 55411 1.800.533.0464 The Coloplast logo is a registered trademark of Coloplast A/S. © 2014 Coloplast Corp. All rights reserved. Velcro® is a registered trademark of Velcro Industries B.V. M1170N 11.14
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