Sophie`s Science Project
Sophie`s Science Project
SOPHIE’S SCIENCE PROJECT What is Medical Research? Sophie’s Science Project — A Note for Parents we must both understand In order to cure the illnesses that affect children, s caring for children often the causes and develop new treatments. For this reason, doctor se in research studies. Medical research enables us to understand Celiac Living participate es to Disea famili askwith in disease, and how illness affects a child’s en what genetic and environmental factors result can childr time ing be a challengch, ase dise quesc ing for celia includ with d nose g diag Beinphysic mental health. There are many kinds of pediatric resear al and s alway t symptoms almos made, diagn is that a newse blood goodinvolv trials. es. Thsethat and isdrug es,osis sampl fluidthe and their orfter ires, studie tionnafamili to ts with celiac disease ever need ent alone, and very few patien improve with dietary treatm of Helthe Declaration in ed outlin are ch resear al medic ing govern ples nent princi perma l a e The ethica diagnosis of celiac does requir condition. However, the ’s parent be hospitalized for their and child the t respec must cher resear the ary, summ In Report. sinki and Belmont eaten. le, with continuous attention to types of food adjustment in lifesty rights and interests of indiautonomy, and research “can never take precedence over the agree to participate in words, parents and children who vidual research subjects.” In other e?”, “what is celiac diseason, “what ing includ mind, to come turally ons na questi many osis, diagn Afterresear change their minds at any time. In additi ch do so of their own free will, and canren when visits g medical y durin silentl sit often Child ?” better will Ioffeel “when and of the study, as well as nature can Iiteat?”, the n explai fully to cher resear the sibility respon the is book red nthis a- to , yet they are as curious as parents. We prepa explan writte being questi thesethe to the family. The informed consent document is alifesty ts, asked benefi andare risksons al fiction r le. Ou -free a gluten tion toresear transi as they esand s sign the famili their and parent enasand chers childr educa ts. When help tion benefi risks as the well study, oftethe y choice dietar rightand theplace, make Amyhas charac the s. that our main es,” he taken en-Frt,eeitHolm of theterstudy ive, “Glut ation detect an explan that lps means ed consen inform what learn child can also your this book, ieslyin ipate. to partic s and agreed the storie willing hasactivit By readin ch andthe researming theperfor stands familyg under ble, includus gluten-free foods availa nately, there are manytodelicio the foods are safe to eat. Fortu “assent” means is that What study. a t” “assen give to asked are teens and than it ren Child and barley is easierpar avoiding wheat, rye, donuts, and bread. Thus, the sign ing gluten-free pizza, also to asked are they cases many In study. the in ipate child agrees to partic rs. initially appea cally developed for their ent’s consent document or sign a special “assent form” that is specifi child’s sig al signature is the legal signature, the level of understanding. While the parent rt groups t suppo larges and oldest s ry’ count the of one have we n, Bosto s and are ital proces t ildren’s Hosp At Ch been included in the consen nature is additional evidence that they have es. four times a year and en with celiac disease and their famili We publish a newsletter for childr willing participants in the research. DVD, “Raising ies. We also have produced an educational organize educational and social activitto the inand ch resear al medic about en childr e educat Project e Scienc encouraged you to seek We created Sophie’s Gluten-Free Life.” If this book has your Celiac Child: Guidelines for aren undera better will gainospita this book who read and teens t process. Child d consen rensH formeinform Child www. te websi own our out check please ation, out more we do with the information standing of how doctors and scientists work together, what lucky to enlist ed consent.” We were it truly means to give “inform we collect, and whatJoe who are expert in proteam wife and nd husba , a Staton e Hilari and thank to We would like writer and artist team of Hilarie and Joe Staton, who have developed other the superb ity, and hard nsight, creativ , for their ialso h chronic illness s for children wit tional comic ate to have fortun ducing educa are We tal. Hospi s ren’ Child n Bosto for books educational comic to thank Janis Arnold, Tracy Keegan, and ping this project. We would also like in develo workcolleag elphia and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, ues from Children’s Hospital of Philad t. projec comics, we hope both Warman for their review of the contents and input into theional Karen parents and other experts as advisors. As with our other educat informative.Alan M. Leichtner, md parents and children find Sophie’s Science Project both fun and Athos Bousvaros md, mph Athos Bousvaros md, mph Susan Kornetsky, mph a Dedicated to Marina Keegan who helped many children with celiac disease learn about gluten-free living. Consultants: Robert W. Frenck, jr, md Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Editor: Athos Bousvaros Writer: Hilarie Staton Susan Kornetsky, mph Artist: Joe Staton Boston Children’s Hospital Design & Production: Victoria Ettlinger Skip Nelson, md U.S. Food and Drug Administration Letterer: Janice Chiang Lois Russell Colorist: Matt Webb Research Subject Advocate Mark S. Schreiner, md Proofreader: Maria Goudiss The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 2014 Children’s Hospital Boston © Boston Children’s Hospital ©2015 R*E*M*E*M*B*E*R *Research is the way we learn about the causes and treatment of illnesses. *There are different types of research. You may be asked questions, or have a blood sample taken, or you may be asked to try a new medication. *If you decide not to be part of the research study, you will still get medical care. *You can ask questions about the research at any time: before, during, or after you participate. Ask the researchers what they hope to learn from the study. *Make sure you understand what you will need to do for the research study. You might want to know how many times you need to come to the clinic as part of the study. *Talk to your parents about the research before you decide if you want to participate. Your opinion is important. *You can stop the research at any time. Just let your parents and the researcher know.