June 2015 - International School Eindhoven
June 2015 - International School Eindhoven
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER International School Eindhoven June 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Whole School News: ISE Primary News: ISE Secondary News: ISE Calendar Letter from the Director From The Head Of Letter from the Head of Softball tournament in of ISE Whole School Notices Campus Notices: German School International Primary From the Head Of Primary Dutch Department Parents’ Committee Primary MR Annie M G Schmidt Week Groep 7 Mother Tongue Teachers Library Corner Secondary rotterdam Mrs Prest’s Career Corner DP2 last day aka prank day MP5 short story chapter one rising lotus Library news Girls Varsity football team Whole School News (click here) ISE Primary News (click here) CALENDAR JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 1 SPONSORED WALK (whole school) 11 DP1 Dutch Excursion to Amsterdam 1 3 17 DISS Sports Day (students from other DISS schools at ISE) Secondary 24 Coffee Morning (Group 7&8) SPORTS DAY (Group 1-4) 26 19:00 ISE Showcase (auditorium) Secondary Classified Section (click here) ISE Secondary News (click here) First day DP1 exams 19:00 KENYA QUIZ NIGHT (for staff and parents in the auditorium) 6 Last day regular lessons (Secondary) MP3,4 & 5 Camp. Depart. Transfer Meeting/Study Day (Primary) 7 Project week (Secondary) 8 Last day DP1 exams sports day (grp 1PF, 1SQ, Foundation) 9 sports day (Grps 5-8) 10 Camps return (sec) Assembly/Logan Fund (morning) 14 Last day secondary students (after assembly) 11:00 Assembly (Secondary) GRADUATION (Primary) 15 Parent Meeting by invitation (Secondary) Last day for Primary Students 16&17 STUDY DAYS 20 SCHOOL OFFICE CLOSED UNTIL 24 AUGUST Editors: Martine Revis & Rory Williamson (parent volunteers), Liaison Officer: Jo Tubbs From The Director of ISE For Primary and Secondary Dear Parents As my imminent retirement becomes more of a reality in my head I am very busy trying to tie up loose ends and ensure that any information that may be needed by others is easily available. There still appears to be much to do (no change there) and rest assured that I will keep right on to the end of the road! General news for the school is very good, we are getting many things right and many people are trying to get their children into the school. Currently, the enrolment continues to rise in secondary school but unfortunately, in the primary school, we have to have waiting lists that are growing each week. The board, businesses, the city and regional authorities are aware of the problems and are looking to solve them. It is clear at the moment however that this will not be before the start of the next academic year but hopefully for the academic year 2016/17. I am sure that you will be kept updated next year about any developments on this and the infrastructure to deal with the increased enrolment. DAVID GATLEY Whole School Notices FROM ISE SECONDARY A FOND FAREWELL TO : Gracie Walters MP1 Hannah Bours MP1 Alex Lin MP1 Sparsh Garg MP1 Adam Vodal MP1 CONTACTING THE SCHOOL: By phone dial 040 251 94 37 and press 1 for Primary or 2 for Secondary. If you have an appointment at the school Tanja Keffert, the receptionist, will gladly help you. www.facebook.com/iseindhovencampus Mathilde Ries MP2 Jasmine Parks MP2 Zi Jin MP2 Palak Tyagi MP2 Justin Lee MP2 Sander Richardson MP2 Kaitlin Zelinski MP3 Adith Gourneni MP4 Camryn Grady MP5 Anna Steenbakkers DP1 For latest information check our Facebook BICYCLE GATE The gate on Oirschotsedijk is open for bikes at the following times: 8:15 - 9:00 QUIZZING FOR KENYA July 3, 2015 at 7 PM Fun event for all parents 15:15 -16:15 (Wednesdays 12:30 13:00 & 14:45-15:30) Details to follow The gate will be closed at For Primary News read on. other times For Secondary News click here Useful links: ISE Secondary picture portal site: http://www.isecampus.nl/Flex/Site/Page.aspx?PageID=4168&Lang=UK ISE Primary newsletters: http://www.isecampus.nl/Flex/Site/Page.aspx?PageID=283&Lang=UK ISE Secondary newsletters: http://www.isecampus.nl/Flex/Site/Page.aspx?PageID=336&Lang=UK Campus Notices German School Eindhoven For Primary and Secondary is holding its annual Open House on Friday, June 19th from 3:45 – 6:00 PM in the HH building of the ISE Please sign up to attend by June 17th Flyers are available at reception ISE… more than a school Primary International A note from... Joan Roach, Head of Primary International [email protected] Dear Parents, How time flies! I can hardly believe that we are fast approaching the end of another school year. The month of June and July will be extremely busy with a variety of activities and events taking place throughout the school. The Foundation group and groups 1 and 2 will be going to the Vossenburg on Monday 1st June. The following week on the 8th June groups 3 and 4 will be going to Toverland. The class teachers will inform you if volunteers are needed to help with supervision. The sports days are planned as follows: Groups 1 – 4: Wednesday 24th June Foundation group with 1SQ and 1PF: Wednesday 8th July Groups 5 – 8: Thursday 9th July Parental help will be needed for the sports days to ensure that they run smoothly. Recently, each pupil in group 7 experienced what it is like in the secondary division by shadowing an MP1 student for a day. The transition process for our group 7 pupils has started as they prepare to graduate to the secondary division. The group 7 graduation will take place on Tuesday 14th July when they will perform a musical extravaganza for their parents. This year again we have been inundated with applications for the primary school. We have waiting lists in most year groups. In the International division we will be opening an additional group 2 class and group 7 will go back up to 3 classes. Ticks Last week it was drawn to my attention that some children have had ticks which needed to be removed. As we are in an area with lots of trees and grass I suggest that you check your child on a regular basis. Please visit the following website for more information on ticks: http://www.medicinenet.com/ticks/article.htm Staff news Congratulations to Mrs. Goosen-Cameron who gave birth to a healthy baby girl on Sunday 10th May, a lovely mother’s day gift. Mother and baby are both doing well. We have also heard that Ms. McKenna gave birth to a baby girl on Thursday 21st May. Mrs. Spanbroek will commence her maternity leave on 12th June. prepares for her leave. We wish her all the best as she Sadly, we will be saying goodbye to four members of staff this year: Miss Greenwood will be leaving to take up a teaching position abroad. Miss Greenwood has been at the ISE for 6 years and has made valuable contributions to our Literacy curriculum. Mrs. Lundy Coleman has decided to travel for a while before returning home to Ireland. Mrs. Hoek’s husband has accepted a job abroad and she will be joining him in August. Finally, Miss Quinlivan will be returning to Ireland having been travelling now for about 4 years. I value the hard work and contributions that these members of staff have made in enhancing the teaching and learning at the ISE. I wish them all the best as they leave to new ventures. Thank you, Joan Roach Primary Dutch Department Een briefje van… Daphne Dansen, Hoofd Nederlandse Afdeling [email protected] Beste Ouders, Teken De afgelopen week hebben wij gehoord dat er kinderen thuisgekomen zijn met een teek op hun lichaam. Omdat wij in een bosrijke omgeving zitten, is dat geen ongewoon verschijnsel. Wij willen jullie vragen de kinderen regelmatig even te controleren en wanneer nodig de teek te verwijderen. Meer informatie over teken kunt u vinden op de volgende website http://www.rivm.nl/Onderwerpen/T/Tekenbeten_en_lyme/De_teek Schoolreisjes De foundation groep, groepen 1-2 en de groepen 3-4 gaan binnenkort op schoolreisje. Via de leerkrachten krijgt u hier informatie over. Sportdagen Binnenkort zullen er weer sportdagen gehouden worden. Het zou heel fijn zijn als we hiervoor hulp van ouders zouden kunnen krijgen. Wachtlijsten De laatste maanden hebben we veel aanmeldingen van kinderen gekregen voor het nieuwe schooljaar. Momenteel hebben we voor iedere groep een wachtlijst. Aan de ene kant is dat heel fijn omdat we zeker weten dat we een gevulde school hebben, aan de andere kant is het minder prettig omdat we momenteel veel gezinnen moeten teleurstellen. Al eerder heb ik u gevraagd broertjes en zusjes op tijd op te geven, zodat we hen zeker een plekje kunnen bieden. Personeel Vorige week is juf Rianne teruggekomen van haar zwangerschapsverlof. Zij zal op de donderdag en vrijdag aanwezig zijn en het projct voor tweetalig onderwijs coordineren. Juf Saskia blijft nog tot het eind van het schooljaar haar lessen in groep 4 vervangen. Momenteel hebben wij een sollicitatieprocedure lopen voor een leerkracht Engels aangezien mevrouw Teunissen met ingang van het nieuwe schooljaar van haar welverdiende pensioen zal gaan genieten. Dank u, Daphne Dansen Primary Parents’ Committee Primary MR Opportunities in change It was heartening to read that the Accreditation Committee’s report was positive and focused on the many strengths of the school. Many thanks to all the staff, students and parents that have been working so hard to achieve this. At the same time, the MR-PO is sad to hear that Mr. Gatley decided to resign because he felt constrained in his efforts to develop the school to its potential and make more progress. There will probably be other formal moments to thank him, but we at the MR would like to take this opportunity to let him know it has been a pleasure working with him over the past months and we appreciate his drive and persistence to steer the campus through its challenging beginning. We agree with Mr. Gatley’s observation that there are always opportunities in change and that his leaving might be a catalyst for other changes. The issues that need changing are not new and as the MR-PO we have continuously emphasized them to the board of the Stichting : primarily, on financial transparency (accounting of the use of the parents’ contributions and justification behind any proposed change) and proper governance (clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders). Fortunately, the Accreditation report also picked up on these issues, confirming the need for immediate priority and resolution. We hope to work with the Board and the school leadership team to use the recruitment process and the clear guidance from the Accreditation report to take the school to its next level. The ISE is a great place for our children to learn and develop and the school has enormous potential to be even better. This can be realized with proper focus and close cooperation on all levels. If you would like to contact the MR, please catch one of us while we are on the campus, or email us at: [email protected]. Thank you! Annie MG Schmidt Week Van woensdag 13 mei t/m vrijdag 22 mei stond Annie M.G. Schmidt centraal in alle groepen van de Nederlandse afdeling en ook enkele groepen van de internationale afdeling hebben aandacht aan de schrijfster en haar werk besteed. We kennen Annie M.G. Schmidt allemaal van haar Jip en Janneke verhalen en het boek Minoes, dat ook verfilmd is, maar er is nog zoveel meer! Voor volwassenen schreef ze hoorspelen voor op de radio en musicals zoals Ja Zuster, Nee Zuster. Voor kinderen schreef ze versjes als Dikkertje Dap en Het Beertje Pippeloentje. Verhalen als Abeltje, Ibbeltje. Pluk van de Petteflet, Floddertje, Otje en Wiplala. De kinderen kregen deze dagen veel werk van haar te horen, te zien en te lezen. Een mooie display werd gemaakt in de bibliotheek. De Annie M.G. Schmidtweek is een jaarlijks terugkerende activiteit binnen onze school, die altijd rond haar geboortedag (20 mei) plaatsvindt. Mijn klas heeft ervan genoten en onderstaand versje was een dusdanig succes dat ik graag iedereen laat meegenieten. Bea ter Welle, taalcoördinator en leerkracht groep 3. Annie M.G. Schmidt (1911-1995) De regenworm en zijn moeder Er was een regenworm in Sneek die altijd naar de sterren keek, en fluisterde: hoe schoon, hoe schoon! Zijn moeder zei: Doe toch gewoon, kijk naar beneden naar de grond, dat is normaal, dat is gezond, kijk naar beneden, zoals ik. En toen? Toen kwam de leeuwerik! Het wormpje, dat naar boven staarde, zag hem op tijd en kroop in d’aarde, maar moe die naar beneden keek, werd opgegeten (daar in Sneek). Dus doe nooit wat je moeder zegt, dan komt het allemaal terecht. Groep 7 In april hebben de kinderen van groep 7 de Entreetoets gemaakt. Als afsluiting van deze toetsweken hebben we een bezoek gebracht aan de "Gamehouse". De kinderen mochten daar kijken hoe computerspellen gemaakt worden en ze daarna zelf nieuwe spellen testen. Het was een leerzame ochtend. Bezoek aan Game House We kwamen aan op Puck's vaders bedrijf Gamehouse. Wij gingen naar binnen en kregen wat te drinken en Pucks vader gaf een presentatie over wat hun daar deden en wat voor spellen hun maakten. Het bleek dat de spellen voor vrouwen die ouder waren dan 35! Ze maakten eerst spellen voor mannen, maar toen deden ze een test en ze kwamen er achter dat het vooral vrouwen waren die hun spellen speelden. Daarna gingen we de spellen echt uittesten! Er waren een paar foutjes, en die moesten we dan opschrijven en inleveren. Hierna gingen we ons eigen spel maken, maar het werden alleen maar 16 vallende blokjes. We konden het op een USB-stick doen en thuis afmaken. We gingen toen lunch eten en toen was het bezoek afgelopen. Geschreven door Lieveke 7 SE Nederlandse afdeling ISE… more than a school Mother Tongue Teachers At the International School Eindhoven primary division, we are intending to improve our mother tongue provision. We would like to organise Mother Tongue classes outside of the school curriculum using school facilities on a Wednesday afternoon for one hour. We are seeking experienced private mother tongue teachers with whom parents will enter into an agreement about participation and payment. Requirements are a relevant teaching qualification, native speaker proficiency in a specified language and an ability to converse in English. A willingness to work closely with parents is essential. Applicants should submit a letter of application indicating their language specialism, together with a CV containing the contact details of at least two references, to; Joan Roach, Head of the International Department, ISE Primary at: [email protected] The closing date is 15th June 2015 Interviews will be conducted in the week beginning 22nd June 2015 Library Corner Many thanks to Mary Walsh from Usborne Books for a successful promotion for World Book Day. She made available a book token which parents were able to use with Usborne books. The school also receives a discount off books according to the amount of books purchased. As a result the school was able to purchase without cost a series of reading Literature circle materials for the upper school and IC topic books for the whole school. These books were to the value of 360.00 pounds. We are very appreciative of her willingness to partake in this World Book Day promotion which, as a school we always benefit. End of year Library The last week for borrowing books will be the week starting June 22nd and for returning books in the week of June 29th. Please ensure that all books are returned that week. letter from the head of ise secondary... Dear Parents ISE Secondary As you read in Mr. Gatley’s newsletter, we have been given the go ahead to start the Community of International Schools (CIS) / New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) Accreditation process. This process starts with a school survey where all stakeholders are asked to give their feedback on various areas of the school. I do hope we can count on you to give us your honest feedback to help us start our self-evaluation process which ultimately will lead to developing new policies and procedures for areas of the school deemed in need of improvement. During school time we will facilitate all students in the secondary the opportunity to complete the survey. The secondary school staff have had to go through much change over the last 2 school years. As well as the move to the new campus and a change in the leadership team structure, the secondary school has gone through a successful IB MYP Evaluation process, introduced ManageBac, and MYP teachers have implemented the changes that have come from the IB through the new IB MYP Next Chapter. All of this is above the usual stresses and strains that come with each school year. We are now about to embark on another intensive period with the accreditation process. It is credit to our school that we hold accountability and continuous improvement so high and especially a credit to our teachers and support staff who take this extra pressure on board their already busy schedule. On the topic of improvement, we are currently quite far in the process of the development of a new school website which we believe will be more user friendly; we hope this will be launched in the new school year. On the 1st June we will be holding our sponsored walk. This event is our biggest fund raiser to meet our commitment for our Kenya Service Project. On the 3 July we will hold the annual Quizzing for Kenya event. This is aimed at parents and, as well as raising money for our project, is a fun social event. More details will follow. I would like to take this opportunity to commend 2 of our students, Ashley Dunki Jacobs (MP3) and Dong Hyuk (Eddie) Na (MP5) who have been invited to participate in the final of the Maths Olympiad. This is an amazing achievement as only 123 students in the whole of the Netherlands have reached this level. Eddie was awarded his place as a result of an exceptional score in the Kangaroo Competition, and Ashley has one of 10- wild card places for students who narrowly missed the cut off point in the second round. Both have been invited to training sessions at the TU/e and to a final competition in September also at the TU/e. Congratulations and good luck to both! Finally, I would like to end with an appeal to all parents, particularly to the parents of girls. As the sun makes more of a regular appearance, our students, especially the girls, use this opportunity to get out their summer clothes. Unfortunately, sometimes the outfits chosen to come to school are perhaps more suitable for the beach. As you can imagine the distraction, especially for the boys, caused by the latest fashion of crop tops and extremely short shorts does not help teachers in holding their students’ attention on less exciting school topics! Please can you assist us by discussing this point with your children. Students will be asked to change or cover up if we regard their attire as inappropriate. Marcella Watts ISE… more than a school Softball Tournament in Rotterdam ISE… more than a school Mrs Prest’s Careers Corner Dear Parents and Students DP2 students Our DP2 students have been working hard sitting their final IB examinations over the past few weeks, and we wish them every success. The IB results are due out formally on Monday 6th July, so students who are holding conditional university places, please respond as quickly as possible once the results are released. I plan to be in school on Monday 6th July from 9.00a.m. to answer queries or provide support, so please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help. For any students who have failed to meet the conditions of their offer(s) and need to reconsider their plans, the UCAS Clearing process (where universities advertise their unfilled places for existing UCAS applicants) will already be available once the IB results are issued. This provides an important second chance for a UK university place, but students need to make prompt, informed choices to be successful. Do ask for advice if required. I shall be distributing a factsheet on ‘What to do on Results Day’ to DP2 students at the Graduation evening, so please make sure What to do on RESULTS that you receive your copy. DAY Note that the universities will only deal with students themselves (not teachers or parents), so be prepared with relevant phone numbers, notepads and telephones at the ready in case you need to contact the universities direct on 6th July. DP1 Students DP1 students have found themselves in the most senior group in school now that the current DP2 students have finished their classes. However this seniority brings the realisation that 2016 is not far away, and that they need to start preparing for leaving school in a year’s time. Some UK application deadlines for entry in autumn 2016 can be as early as midOctober 2015 (Oxford, Cam- bridge, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Science). See https:// www.ucas.com/ucas/ undergraduate/getting-started/when-apply The UCAS directory for 2016 entry opened this week (for viewing only - applications cannot be made until September at the earliest), so this is a good opportunity to start researching possible options. See http://search.ucas.com/ and https://www.ucas.com/sites/default/ files/open-up.pdf Many courses in Dutch universities (particularly ‘numerus fixus’ courses and University Colleges) and American universities also have early application deadlines, so it is wise to start planning as soon as possible. I am always happy to provide advice or to discuss options. Some universities also require students to provide the results of extra selection tests on application, which means that these tests need to be entered and passed in advance. These tests require preparation, and often attendance at a specific venue to sit the test. Students need to check the entry criteria for their chosen programmes in good time, and to plan ahead. This is also a good time to consider university visits, taster days, work experience, and similar, and to study hard for the DP1 exams (note that these results often form part of the university application process). MP5 Students Many students have made their study choices for the DP programme in the autumn, but it is important to double-check the impact of these choices on future career decisions whilst there is time for review. Should extra qualifications or work experience be required for future university applications, this is the time to start planning ahead. I am happy to help if required. I wish everyone success with their planning and decision-making. Feel free to contact me via [email protected] or on 0031 (0)40 251 9437 ext 3141 for queries, information and to arrange career counselling. Mrs Anne Prest, Careers Counsellor. DP2 LAST DAY (A.K.A Prank Day) ISE… more than a school MP5 Personal Project: short story about an exchange student, ‘RISING LOTUS’ by Olivia Roach undressed, stuffing her clothes up?” Chapter One quickly into a little cupboard that was nailed “Yep,” Jessie grinned. She would into the wall, and switched on the shower. The water soothed her mind and muscles, and sharpened her sensJessie groaned as she rolled over on es. She watched as the water emptied to her side, opening one eyelid. Her itself down the drain. roommate, Li was standing on the floor Jessie only allowed herself a short beneath her bunk bed, gazing up at time in the shower and quickly got out, her. skipping most of her routine and wash- be going all the way to England to see what the universities there were like. It was a costly trip and Jessie knew she was blessed to be able to go. It would also give her a boost over the other students who also took her course with the trip being a bonus research project. Most Chinese students rarely “You’ve overslept by fifteen ing her face in the washroom. She stepped into another country until they minutes, you know,” she said in fluent grabbed her bag, piling her books into were professional workers in their late Chinese. her hands and rushed out the door. She thirties! And now she would be going “Oh, great,” Jessie mumbled, wak- locked it behind her and started down for a two weeks. ing up instantly. She checked the alarm the one hundred and ten steps to the “But,” Jessie continued. “Now I ground floor. Jessie and Li had counted want to celebrate with you. Let’s go clock beside her bed and the numbers one day, and being situated on the 5:15 glared back at her in bold red. down to the Muslim Market.” She’d overslept and if she didn’t hurry, fifth and a half floor meant there was “I’m tired,” Li complained. “How she was going to be late. It may be her only one floor above them. Getting to about another day?” their dorm was a workout in itself. last day of school but it wasn’t like the “Tired?” Jessie scoffed. “Tired on teachers would go any easier on her Jessie decided it was best to skip the first day of summer? I don’t believe than usual. In fact, she’d been awake breakfast. It took her five minutes to it!” last night until one in the morning, arrive at the correct building for her desperately trying to finish her end of first lesson, which would last two the year essay which she had only been hours. Jessie always knew this lesson assigned two days ago. was horribly boring, and she kept gum “Thanks so much for waking me up, in her bag just in case she needed Li,” Jessie said as she swung down from something extra to keep her awake. “Jessie! Jessie! It’s time to wake up!” the top bunk. “I owe you one.” The lessons of the day dragged on, as they always did. Her day was filled Li winked at her and waved as she with rushing from building to building, left for breakfast. Jessie rushed around scribbling down notes and handing in the room, picking up her clothes and homework. She was grateful for her walking out on to the balcony. From here she could see the male’s dormito- half hour lunch break because she hadry opposite their building of dorms, and n’t eaten anything all day. After that she had another four hours of school the grounds below. It was warm, as it before it was finally five in the afteralways was in Xi’an. It was something noon. Jessie had never quite gotten used to because her home province was always “Summer,” Jessie sighed in cona bit cooler than this one. tentment after the last bell rung. She got up from her desk, closing her agenda and storing it away. She already had seven big assignments to complete over the holiday, but she decided to ignore that for now. Now, it was time for her to relax in her room. Jessie sweated as she found her way back to her dormitory and back up the one hundred and ten stairs. She kept her head down and didn’t talk to anyone along the way, as she always did. Once in the safety of her room she dumped her bag by the door and On either sides of the balcony were stretched across her mattress until Li two doors; one was a bathroom for her came inside. room she shared with Li, room A, and “It’s summer!” Li giggled the moanother was a bathroom for those who ment she got through the doorway. lived in room B. The bathroom wasn’t “Yes! And we have completely bigger than a metre by two metres, earned the holiday.” Jessie agreed. and there was no separate shower stall. The small hole in the floor served “You better get packing. Don’t you as a toilet and a shower drain. Jessie have that exchange program coming Li grinned. “Let’s go then.” The market was always busy at this time in the evening. Teenagers walked down the streets, arm in arm and chattering about the latest gossip. Stall owners chased after potential buyers and shouted at those who were bargaining for too low a price. Motorcycles drove by and beeped at the pedestrians in their way passing dangerously close to people. But it wasn’t only the sounds that were so attractive. It was the pure atmosphere of the place. The flashing lights of stalls that tried to grab your attention. The smells of spicy potatoes, fresh lamb, ShaanXi burgers and fried dumplings filled Jessie’s nose as she started to approach. She waved her fan in an attempt to cool herself as she walked alongside Li. If China was already hot, it only got hotter when she was pressed amongst the crowd of people along the Muslim Market street. “What are we going to buy?” Li RISING LOTUS “Then we can possibly get some new necklaces and a dress for the holiday.” (chapter one cont.) “You’re going to have to get used to those knives and forks, right?” Li giggled. “I have never used either of those in my life.” hear. “Forget you?” Li scoffed. “How would I ever be able to forget my best friend? You’re the one who knows the Jessie and Li stuck close together as “Neither have I. Do you think I will most about me and the one I am going they weaved their way through the be able to learn how?” “You’ll be a nat- to miss all the time that you are gone.” stalls with skill. They knew their way ural at it,” Li said, patting her friends around here and knew the fastest way “Thanks, Li,” Jessie said, with comarm. “Don’t you dare worry about it for plete earnestness. Sometimes it was to get to the burger stall. Grabbing a minute. And don’t forget to take a lot good to know you had a friend who food and laughing at the high price a tourist bought a necklace for, they bar- of pictures. I want to know how every- loved you undoubtedly, and was always thing goes!” gained for the lowest prices. Jessie there to talk to. managed to buy three necklaces at half “We’ll text too,” I promised her, Jessie felt ready to go on this trip the starting price while Li purchased a hugging Li tight. “Let’s go home.” to England. In the last year of school gorgeous dress. The journey home was scarier than she started to feel bored and wanted a “Sounds like a deal,” she replied. “Why three identical necklaces?” Li when they went to the market. Before, asked with curiosity as she gazed at the they had been in broad daylight with fox shaped pendant on the chain. little fear of the small roads they took as short cuts. Now, they only stuck to “For my hosts, when I get to Engthe larger roads with big street lights. land,” Jessie answered. “Can’t be expected to live at their mercy for noth- It took double the time to get back on campus, but at least they arrived safeing.” ly. The pair stayed out so long that the “It’s going to be a bigger change sky began to darken. As if the moon than hopping from province to provscared away the crowd, it gradually ince,” Li commented as she tried to began to thin. The girls could walk find a way back home. Li was referring freely now, without their hands so atto Jessie’s approaching trip. tached to their purses in fear of pickpockets. “I would agree with you there. “What do you think England will be There’s going to be so many new things for me to take in, explore and try for like?” Li asked as they strolled down myself.” the streets. “I have no idea,” Jessie admitted. “There will be different foods, I guess. More fast food and less noodles. No chopsticks.” There was a pause as they kept on walking. “Don’t forget me,” Jessie whispered, half hoping her friend wouldn’t LIBRARY Check out our new library website at www.isesecondarylibrary.com For lots of information about what our library has to offer. ISE… more than a school small change of scene. Even though this exchange was only two weeks in the summer holiday, Jessie leaped at the chance when the lecturer told her the university would be willing to give her a grant to go on the trip. England, I’m coming soon, she thought. CONTINUES NEXT MONTH. Question put to the writer: What made you write about this ? I spent a summer on a university campus in China one year and this inspired me. Home and away matches against Amsterdam. ISE Girls Varsity Football Team. Ads & Notices (A-Z) For Parents BADMINTON AT THE ‘t HAZZO Calling all expat badminton players (men and women) The International Badminton Group are always keen to greet new members. We play every Friday from 8 to 10 pm at ’t Hazzo, Trolliuslaan 7, Waalre The standard is intermediate, games are competitive but we are not in a league. Our aim is to enjoy our sport – and afterwards there is the opportunity for some refreshments and a chat. Interested? Contact Sandra Nolan – [email protected] FOOTBALL FOR 35+ Join us! Every Sunday morning 9.15 am until 11 am at High Tech Campus, Eindhoven We have a wide range of players – some have played for many years, some have started recently – we currently have English, Scottish, Italian, Spanish, German, Polish, Dutch, French and Chinese so why not come and join us. Contact Patrick Nolan for further details - [email protected] IWCE Club for women from all over the world who have come to the Eindhoven area to live. For further information see http:// www.iwce.nl/ Looking for Parent Volunteer: Pianist to accompany the IWCE choir three times a month on the campus. Please contact the editor or Judith on 0492 769052 [email protected] Thank you FAMILY RETURNING TO THE USA HAS MANY ITEMS FOR SALE . All must go by June 14th CONTACT ALAINA FOR LIST [email protected] DOMESTIC APPLIANCES, FURNITURE, WATER COOLER, CAR ETC. SPORTS ON FRIDAYS AT THE ISE CAMPUS 5:30 - 7:00 pm Open to all the ISE Community, to dads, mums and even teachers! Come and join us. At present we play badminton in the big gym every Friday after work. If there are enough people we will even start games of bandy I’ll be there Friday! [email protected] ZUMBA with MABEL Tuesdays & Fridays from 09.00 10.00 For more information email Mabel on [email protected] or ask at reception MISSION STATEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE ORGANISATION The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. http://www.ibo.org/ Next Issue: July 2015