Morfometría, Morphometrics
Morfometría, Morphometrics
Morfometría, Morphometrics • Postgrado en Geología • Asignatura de Master Metodología y técnicas de campo y laboratorio en investigación paleontológica 60331 • José Ignacio Canudo y Gloria Cuenca-Bescós Introducción a la Morfometría geométrica en Paleontologia • Profesores José Ignacio Canudo y Gloria Cuenca-Bescós • Web: ¿Que es la morfometría? • La morfometría es el estudio de la variación de forma en covariación con otras variables (Bookstein, 1991; Dryden and Mardia, 1998, Adams et 04) como la filogenia, paleogeografía, biomecánica... • Es el estudio del cambio de forma con el crecimiento, o alometría (Jolicoeur, 1963, Adams et 04v) o con la evolución en una línea filogenética ¿Que es morfometría? • Gingerich, Ph. 1990. Prediction of body size in mammalian species from long bone lengths and diameters. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontolgoy / University of Michigan, 28. Utilizó la fórmula Y = axb (donde x es la variable independiente, la masa corporal, e y es la variable dependiente, la longitud o el diámetro de un hueso largo) • Dean C. Adams, F. James Rohlf , and Dennis E. Slice. 2004. Geometric Morphometrics: Ten Years of Progress Following the ‘Revolution’. Italian Journal of Zoology along with papers by the participants of the workshop held in Rome in January 2002. J. Zool., 71, 5-16. Morfometría La medida de la forma ¿qué es la forma en biología? • • Expresión de los genes: fenotipo Expresión de la adaptación y la historia filogenética: adaptación ecológico-evolutiva Lobo placentado: -Tarsos más largos. -Funciones trituradoras y cortantes en distintas piezas dentales. -Angulo de apertura de boca menor. Lobo marsupial o Tilacino: -Tarsos cortos -Función trituradora y cortante en los mismos molares. -Angulo de apertura de boca mayor -Mandíbula: Proceso angular acusado y curvado hacia el lado interno. Estiramos lat Los dientes de los mamíferos: los arvicólidos • Cuenca Bescós et al., 1995 La forma en postcraneal: el fémur de los saurópodos • Canudo y Cuenca Bescós, 2004 ¿Cómo y por qué estudiamos la forma? Orientación y funciones de los dientes • Arrancar • Retener • Peinar y cuidar el pelo • Descortezar • roer • Cortar • Moler Toma de medidas W L ¿Cómo estudiamos la forma? Adquisición de los datos • Calibre • Datos tomados con otras herramientas y volcados a una hoja de cálculo (Excel, Past…) • Imágenes y/o datos a partir de la literatura • Imágenes tomadas con cámara digital • Imágenes tomadas desde un microscopio o lupa binocular Espécimen Longitud (mm) 1a 1b 1c 3,3 4,5 2,9 Landmarks digitalizados con tpsDig2 Tps digit program Free at Suny Dientes complejos: Arvicolinae Iberon 25 Landmarks archivo 25 iberomys landmarks 14 15 14 15 13 13 12 11 16 16 12 17 17 18 11 18 10 8 8 9 10 9 7 7 19 19 20 5 21 6 20 6 5 21 22 23 4 22 3 4 3 23 2 24 24 2 25 1 25 1 Some extreme morphologies LM =17-14 of Iberon Allophaiomys pliocaenicus Pirro Nord Early Pleistocene, Italy LM =15-14 of Iberon LM =15-14 of Iberon Allophaiomys lavocati Sima del Elefante, Atapuerca Early Pleistocene (older than the Italian species, Spain AllophLavF N3_1r Early Pleistocen e of Granada, similar to Atapuerca Iberomys cabrerae Extant, Spain Landmarks de 90 especímenes de Microtus agrestis Landmarks de 90 especímenes de Microtus agrestis Data: 90 Specimens, 22 Points, 2 Dimensions. All specimen superimposed by GLS method Sum of Squared Deviations = 1.101217 The groups limit is after the specimen : 0 PCS and scores computed Percentages of variance for the 8 first PCS 61.395977% 61.395977% 8.155754% 69.551731% 4.681460% 74.233190% 3.352225% 77.585415% 2.619139% 80.204554% 2.500418% 82.704973% 2.235576% 84.940549% 1.789387% 86.729936% Multivariate regression coefficients (normalized) with 3 PCS PCS 1 : 0.998142 PCS 2 : -0.057223 PCS 3 : -0.020926 Regression statistic for 3 components. R²= 0.227471, F= 8.244611 with 3 and 86 DF, p< 0.000070 Plot de 90 especímenes de Microtus agrestis TD5 TD3/4 TD2 TD1 0 m. Marmota Castor Hystrix Microtus Iberomys Pliomys Terricola Allocricetus Apodemus TD6 Mimomys TD7 Stenocranius TD8 Allophaiomys TD10 Arvicola TD11 Micromys Eliomys Distribución estratigráfica de los roedores del cuaternario de Gran Dolina, Atapuerca, Burgos Procustes analisis: APS • Procuste fue un ladrón que bien descuartizaba o bien estiraba a sus víctimas para ajustarlas al tamaño de su cama; de ahí viene la frase hecha de “la cama Procuste” que se aplica sobre todo en política, la censura o para prestaciones públicas en las que es el usuario el que debe adaptarse y no al revés… • The APS package • The shape analysis softwares APS, ApsDigit and ApsUtil are written in English and always free for the students. Aps combines Procuste superposition and statistical calculations. ApsDigit is used locate landmarks on digital images (JPEG, Bitmap, tiff, GIF...). ApsUtil is used to handle files (Selection of points, individuals, change of classification...). • APS APS est un logiciel d'analyse quantitative de la variabilité morphologique des formes vivantes. La méthode utilisée est la superposition procruste généralisée. Destiné aux biologistes et aux cliniciens, APS prend en charge les aspects mathématiques et statistiques de l'analyse de forme. L'analyse se fait en 2 temps. 1/ Une superposition procruste de l'ensemble des spécimens. 2/ Une analyse statistique qui visualise et teste la covariance entre d'une part la conformation et d'autre part un facteur biologique comme la taille, l'appartenance à groupe, la présence ou non d'une pathologie. Il est conçu pour étudier un ou deux groupes. APS: Digitalizar landmarks DigitX is designed to digitize landmarks on Jpeg or Bitmap picture. · Select the total number of landmarks to digitize with the second Combo-Box of the toolbar. · Select a picture in the graphic file selector on the left. · Click on to load the link file (optional) · Click on to load the consensus file (optional) · Digitize landmarks using the left button of the mouse. · To cancel last landmark position by a click on undo arrow · When all landmarks are digitized, save the file by a click on save file APS: Crear archivo Getting started with ApsUtil ApsUtil create a data file (*.dat) with specimen ordered by addition of smaller data files. Input and output files are to APS data format with an header line (number of specimens, number of landmarks, number of dimensions) followed by landmarks coordinates. NEW button clear all previous data and begin a new data file ADD button add a file containing one or many specimen MIX button add a new file to a previous one by mixing the two file. This ordering of specimen is required before to compute shape differences. When file is saved, specimens are ordered like : specimen 1 of the 1st file specimen 1 of the 2nd file specimen 2 of the 1st file APS analisis • New features of Version 2.41 • A single specimen or all a sample can be superimposed on any reloaded • specimen as consensus (File -> Reload -> Consensus). • Shape vectors (e.g. discriminant vectors computed with other software) • can be reloaded for visualization (File -> Reload -> Pcs). • The shape vector must be of norm 1. • Projections of specimens on shape vectors are automatically computed. Otros elementos del esqueleto A: Antarctosaurus wichmannianus. B: Saltasaurus loricatus. C: Neuquensaurus australis. D: Neuquensaurus robustus. E: Lirainosaurus astibiae. F: Ampelosaurus atacis. G: Magyarosaurus dacus. H. Magyarosaurus dacus Jianu. I: Alamosaurus sanjuanensis. J: Aegyptosaurus baharijiensis. K: Opisthocoelicaudia skarzynskii. Canudo & Cuenca Bescos 2004 Aegyptosaurus Alamosaurus Opisthocoelicaudia Imágenes literatura Fotos ejemplares Hacer un polígono con los landmarks Guardar la misma posición (en una línea basal por ej.) APS digit APS util APS program CP Resultados APS Fecha: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 21:39:18 +0200 [21/09/06 21:39:18 CEST] De: Info Procuste <[email protected]> Para: [email protected] Asunto: Re: analyse de forme chez les arvicolides Cabeceras: Mostrar todas las cabeceras Chère collègue, Voici le lien pour télécharger le le setup d'installation des 3 logiciels : APS, ApsDigit et ApsUtil up_aps_all.exe N'oubliez pas de citer APS dans vos publications Bien cordialement, Xavier Penin Páginas web recomendadas: • la mejor página de morfometría geométrica. Contiene un listado con todos los programas de morfometría. Universidad de Stony Brook, NY • es la página en la que se mantiene la lista de email morphmet. Es la base de la organización de la morfometría en Suny. • ¿porqué hay variación morfológica?. Universidad de Manchester, UK • análisis de la forma con Procruste, Aps. Xavier Penin, Universidad de Paris V. • Shape…y otros ver la página de Suny. Las “series TPS”: Thin-plate spline (láminas finas de grosor uniforme) tpsDIG2 Data acquisition • • Digitize landmarks & outlines from image files, scanner, or video. Windows. TpsDig is a Windows (95 through XP) program for digitizing landmarks and outlines for geometric morphometric analyses. Includes simple image enhancement operations, scale factors, image brightness profile, and support for AVI and MOV files. Output is in the TPS file format used by the "tps series" of programs. The TPS file includes the name of the image file for each specimen so that landmarks can always be visualized on the image. Since output files are ASCII they can be converted to formats for other software. Users should note that the tpsUtil program is useful for both the preparation of the input files to tpsDig as well as for some useful conversions afterwards. The program also computes areas of enclosed regions, perimeters, and linear distances. The tpsDig2 link at the left is for the new 2.05 version. Execute the downloaded file to install the program. By F. James Rohlf. Las “series TPS” ordenar los archivos digitalizados TPS util • tps file utility program. Windows. At present it can: randomly scramble the order of specimens in a tps file to minimize bias in digitizing landmark locations, restore the original order (e.g., before statistical analyses are performed), create an empty TPS file from a directory with image files, add keywords and values to the variables field of a TPS file, combine TPS files into a single TPS file, delete/reorder landmarks, remove outlines from a TPS file, and convert TPS and NTS files to NTS, M, or CSV files. It can also split an NTS file into several matrices. Graphic editors are included for drawing link and "sliders" files. Unbending a deformed specimen. Converting outline and curves points to landmarks. • Other operations can be added - let me know what you need. Execute the TPSUTILW32.EXE file to install the program. By F. James Rohlf. Version 1.38. tpsTree • Fit and visualize thin-plate splines on trees. Windows. Performs a least-squares orthogonal generalized Procrustes analysis to obtain a reference and then estimates the splines for each group (internal node) on a tree. Both ultrametric (e.g., WPGMA and UPGMA trees) and additive trees (using squared change parsimony to estimate the shapes of the HTUs) are supported. The estimated shapes can be visualized with estimated images in the background (see the tpsSuper program). The file expands into a Windows setup program and associated files. By F. James Rohlf. Version 1.18. File containing HTU coordinates and HTU images to demo that feature. The older and more limited 16 bit Windows version is still available. tpsRegr • Multivariate multiple regression of shape onto independent variables. Windows. performs a multivariate multiple regression of shape (as captured by partial warp scores and the uniform shape component) onto one or more independent variables. By appropriate setting up of independent variables, this program can perform various types of MANOVA and MANCOVA. Can be used to study allometry. By F. James Rohlf. Version 1.31. tpsSplin • Thin-plate spline. Windows. Program to compare pairs of specimens by displaying a D'arcy Thompson style transformation grid based on a thin-plate spline. Several options are given for sliding semilandmarks. The tpssplnw.exe file expands into a Windows setup program that will be run automatically. By F. James Rohlf. Version 1.20 tpsRelw: el análisis de la deformación relativa • Relative warps analysis. Windows. Performs a relative warp (deformación) analysis. This corresponds to a principal components analysis of variation in a sample (relative to bending energy if the alpha parameter is not equal to zero). Displays a plot of relative warp scores and a "visualization window" that displays the estimated shape for arbitrary points in the ordination. Also displays partial warp scores and their visualizations. Allows fitting of semilandmark points along curves. Version 1.44. By F. James Rohlf. tpsPLS • Partial least-squares analysis for shapes. Windows. Used to explore the covariance between a set of variables and variation in shape or between two shapes. It performs a twoblock partial least-squares analysis. It differs from regression in that both variables and shape are considered equally (one is not considered to be a set of independent variables measured without error). Its use is described in Rohlf and Corti (2000, Systematic Biology, 49:740-753). By F. James Rohlf. Version 1.18. tpsSmall • Test for "small" variation in shape. Windows. Use to test whether the variation in shape among a set of specimens is too large and thus statistical methods based on the tangent space approximation (e.g., thin-plate spline methods) cannot be used. The program can process both 2D and 3D data files. Output files include consensus and aligned specimens. By F. James Rohlf. Version 1.20. tpsPower • Estimate statistical power for comparing shapes, Windows. Program for estimating statistical power for comparing the mean shapes of two populations. Provides methods based on several different approaches. Can be used for planning morphometric studies as well as to compare power using different approaches. Version 1.04. By F. James Rohlf. Morpheus et al. • Morpheus et al. is a software package that will provide a comprehensive, cross-platform environment for morphometric data analysis. It is available in graphical and command-line versions for a number of operating systems (see below). More information about new features and previous changes can be found in the release notes Multivariate analysis • PAST is a free, easy-to-use data analysis package aimed at paleontology. Windows 95+. Multivariate statistical methods include: Principal Components (with Minimal Spanning Tree), Principal Coordinates (ten distance measures), Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (ten distance measures), Detrended Correspondence Analysis, Cluster analysis (three algorithms, 11 distance measures), k-means clustering, seriation, discriminant analysis, one-way MANOVA, Hotelling's t-squared, Box's M, Canonical Variates Analysis. Also includes Fourier shape analysis, thin-plate splines, parsimony, and time series analysis among others. Øyvind Hammer . University of Oslo. Analysis of outlines • Shape: Elliptic Fourier. WINDOWS. Extracts the contour shape from a full color bitmap image, delineates the contour shape with the elliptic Fourier descriptors, and performs a principal component analysis for summarizing the shape information. By Hiroyoshi Iwata. For more information see: Shape home page, tutorial, or manual. • Iwata, H., and Y. Ukai (2002) SHAPE: A computer program package for quantitative evaluation of biological shapes based on elliptic Fourier descriptors. Journal of Heredity 93: 384-385. Eigenshape analysis • tp.html • This archive contains a series of programs designed to perform an eigenshape analysis on x,y coordinate data from object outlines. Routines include: x,y -> phi(*) transformation, phi(*) -> x,y transformation, eigenshape analysis, and projection of objects into the eigenshape space. Two completely worked example analyses and a user's guide are also provided. El autor es Norman McLeod del BMNH de Londres Graphical representation of the four-step morphometric protocol. A: Quantify raw data (landmarks recorded on body of cichlid fish), B: Remove non-shape variation (landmarks of 412 specimens before and after GPA), C: statistical analysis (CVA) and graphical presentation of results. Deformation grids for mean specimen for (right) Eretmodus cyanostictus and (left) Spathodus erythrodon (magnified by 3X to emphasize shape differences). Data from Rüber and Adams, 2001. En Adams, Rolhf, Slice, 2002.