8-20-15 - Mesa County
8-20-15 - Mesa County
PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING August 20, 2015 6:00 P.M. 544 Rood Avenue Grand Junction, Co. 1 8/11/20152:10 PM MCPC Rolling Calendar August 20, 2015 Project # 2015-0109 RZ 2015-0104 CP Mesa County Planning Commission Hearing - 6 PM - 544 Rood Ave - Hearing Room Project Name Planner BoCC Status Hall Rezone Christie 9/8 OK Midlands Self Storage PUD Amendment Concept Plan Christie 9/8 OK New MCPC 2 Mesa County Planning Commission Public Meeting Joseph H. Moreng, Chair Rusty Price, Vice Chair Chip Page, Secretary Christi Flynn Phillip Jones David J. Hartmann George Skiff Ron Wriston (1st Alternate) Bill Somerville (2nd Alternate) Robert Erbish (3rd Alternate) Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: Mesa County Public Hearing Room, 544 Rood Avenue, 2nd Floor, Grand Junction, Colorado. Please use the 6th Street entrance. The following items will be presented at this public hearing of the Mesa County Planning Commission for their consideration. The Planning Commission will formulate a recommendation, which will be forwarded to the Mesa County Board of County Commissioners. If you have an interest in an item on the Agenda, the date and time of the County Commissioners’ hearing is listed after each agenda item. Your appearance at both hearings is important and encouraged. The purpose of a land use hearing is to have the facts of a case presented in a manner that will assist the decision-makers in making a fair, legal, and complete decision. The hearing is a factfinding forum by unbiased decision-makers, not a popularity contest. Unruly behavior, such as booing, hissing, cheering, applause, verbal outbursts, or other inappropriate behavior, detract from the hearing and will not be permitted. An “11:00 Rule” will be enforced. This rule does not allow new agenda items to be heard after 11:00 p.m. NOTE: Copies of Staff Reports for Hearing Items are available on the back table within the hearing room. A. B. C. D. E. F. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7-16-15 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS AND/OR PRESENTATIONS CONTINUED ITEMS: NONE END OF CONTINUED ITEMS G. WITHDRAWN ITEMS: NONE END OF WITHDRAWN ITEMS 3 Mesa County Planning Commission Agenda August 20, 2015 H. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Items placed on the Consent Agenda allow the Planning Commission to spend its time on the more complex items. These items are generally not perceived as controversial and can be approved by a single motion. The petitioners and staff are in agreement on all of the recommendations on these projects. The Planning Commission will pass these items to the Mesa County Commissioners, subject to staff and review agency comments. Anyone from the public or the Planning Commission may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration at tonight’s hearing. NOTICE: If an applicant agrees to have a project placed on the Consent Agenda for the Planning Commission, and it is approved on that Agenda, the project will be forwarded to the Mesa County Commissioner’s Consent Agenda. If an applicant decides to remove the item from the Board’s Consent Agenda, the project will be referred back to the Planning Commission and rescheduled for a new hearing date. 1. 2015-0109 RZ HALL REZONE Property Owner: Scott and Susan Hall Location: 2574 H Road, Grand Junction, 81505 (H & 25¾ Roads) Zoning: AFT Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, [email protected] Request: Rezone a 6.6 acre lot from Agricultural, Forestry, Transitional (AFT) to Residential Single Family - Estate (RSF-E). Staff Recommendation: Approval Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 9-8-15 END OF CONSENT ITEMS I. HEARING ITEMS: PRESENTATION RULES: Due to the volume of items to be heard the follow restrictions may be applied to help expedite the hearing process: a) Where practical, presentations by staff and petitioners will be limited to 15 minutes or less. Petitioners are asked to not repeat presentation information that the staff has correctly presented. Please address the clarification to the staff's presentation, new information or new developments to the project, and the staff and agency review comments and recommendations. b) Responses in favor or in opposition to the proposal will be limited to approximately 3 minutes each. We prefer only new information to be presented. A single speaker may be selected on behalf of organized groups. 2. 2015-0104 CP Property Owner: Representative: Location: MIDLANDS SELF STORAGE PUD AMENDMENT Midlands Village Properties I, LLC Tom Logue 435 and 449 32 Road, Clifton, 81520 (D½ and 32 Roads) 4 Mesa County Planning Commission Agenda August 20, 2015 Zoning: RMF-8 Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, [email protected] Request: Amend the Midlands Village PUD to include the 449 32 Road property for a self-storage and office facility for use by Midlands Village residents and the public. The use includes 392 self-storage units, a 290 square foot office, and outdoor storage of recreation vehicles (RVs and boats). The property owner (Banks) will have life use of the property. Development of the property will occur in three phases. Staff Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Board of County Commissioners Hearing Date: 9-8-15 END OF HEARING ITEMS J. PLANNING DIRECTOR UPDATES NONE END OF PLANNING DIRECTOR UPDATES K. RESOLUTIONS NONE END OF RESOLUTIONS L. ADJOURNMENT The Mesa County Public Hearing Room is accessible to the handicapped. With advance request, a sign language interpreter may be made available (call 244-1636 or TDD 256-1530). Mesa County Planning Division P.O. Box 20,000, 200 S. Spruce St. Grand Junction, CO 5 Index/ Location Map 6 INDEX MESA COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION LAND USE HEARING AUGUST 20, 2015 CONSENT ITEM(S): 1. 2015-0109 RZ HALL REZONE Pg 10 HEARING ITEM(S): 2. 2015-0104 CP MIDLANDS SELF STORAGE PUD AMENDMENT CONCEPT PLAN Pg 32 7 8 10 5 0 10 ! 20 ! 1 2 Miles 30 MCPC Hearing Items August 20, 2015 Location Map 4 PROJECT REVIEW 9 MESA COUNTY OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Building Inspection – Code Compliance – Engineering – Environmental Health Fleet – Planning – Regional Transportation Planning – Road and Bridge Solid Waste Management – Traffic – Public Works 200 S. Spruce Street • P.O. Box 20,000-5022 • Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5001 Ph (970) 244-1636 Fax (970) 244-1769 PROJECT REVIEW August 4, 2015 I. 2015-0109 RZ HALL REZONE Property Owner: Scott and Susan Hall Location: 2574 H Road, Grand Junction, 81505 (H & 25¾ Roads) Parcel #: 2701-274-11-002 Zoning: AFT Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, [email protected] Request: Rezone a 6.6 acre lot from Agricultural, Forestry, Transitional (AFT) to Residential Single Family - Estate (RSF-E). Staff Recommendation: Approval Location and Zoning Map: I. SURROUNDING LAND USES, AND ZONING: Zoning within the 2,500-foot public notification area: Agricultural, Forestry, Transitional (AFT) 1 10 Estate (RSF-E) PUD zoning (Quail Run, file #C176-79); Misty Ridge Subdivision, File #C57-90) RSF-R zoning within the Urban Development Boundary and Persigo 201 Sewer Boundary City of Grand Junction City Limits Grand Junction Regional Airport Area of Influence Land Uses within the 2,500-foot public notification area: Residential Agricultural Applicable Area Plans Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan o Future Land Use is Estate II. PROJECT HISTORY & DESCRIPTION: Parcel B of the Stony Hills Farm Subdivision (File #C176-96) Currier Adjustment of Property Lines (File #C05-94) Ravola Hills AFT Minor Subdivision (File #C191-91) This application is a request to change the zoning of the property from AFT to Estate in order to re-subdivide the property. The property currently has an existing single-family house on it and includes an agricultural operation (hay production). Future Land Use Map: 2 11 The property is located within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Planning Area and is designated for “Estate” land use. The RSF-E, Residential-Single-Family Estate District is primarily intended to accommodate low-density, estate-type, single-family residential development on lots of one (1) to three (3) acres in size, and to provide land use protection for areas that develop in such a manner. It corresponds to and implements the Mesa County Master Plan’s “Estate,” “Rural Estate 3,” “Residential Single Family – Estate,” and “Residential/Low” future land use classifications. Section 6.7 of the Land Development Code lists the density and minimum lot sizes for Estate-zoned properties for the Master Plan areas. This property can be subdivided using 1-3 acres per dwelling unit density. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE MESA COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE: Section 3.4.7 Rezonings Approval Criteria: In acting on a Rezoning application, the Board of County Commissioners shall consider the General Approval Criteria in Section 3.1.17, consider the stated purpose of the proposed zoning district, and may approve the Rezoning application only after considering the following: A. the rezone is consistent with the goals and policies of the Master Plan, including applicable special area, neighborhood and corridor plans; The property is within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Planning Area, adopted in February, 2010. The Comprehensive Plan is an element of the Mesa County Master Plan. The property under consideration is designated on the Future Land Use Map as “Estate,” intended for one to three acres per dwelling unit density. This rezone to Estate is in compliance with the Future Land Use designation of the Master Plan. This criterion has been met. B. the proposed zoning district’s allowed uses are or can be made to be similar to or compatible with surrounding and nearby land uses; The request for the Estate District zoning is consistent with zoning established on the Future Land Use Map for this area. Subdivision of the property can be consistent with Section 6.7 of the Land Development Code. The district allows single family residential uses and the applicant is currently in the subdivision application process. Minimum lot size for subdivisions using On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) is one (1.0) acre, and the proposed subdivision will be similar to existing properties in the 2,500-foot public notification area. This criterion has been met. C. the land to be rezoned was previously zoned in error or conditions have changed so that the rezoning is consistent with county’s goals, policies and/or Master Plan; This property appears to have been zoned AFT since 1961 when the Zoning Code was adopted. No errors have occurred but the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code have changed. The 2010 adoption of the Future Land Use classification in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan shows the area as Estate and the 2011 adoption of amendments to the Land Development Code allows a 1-3 acre density in the Estate zoning district. The Estate zoning district implements this Future Land Use classification. This criterion has been met. 3 12 D. public and community facilities and services including but not limited to sewage and waste disposal, domestic water, irrigation water (where available), gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation are or can be made available to serve the types and scope of land uses allowed in the proposed zoning district; Facilities and services are available to serve the site. The property is located outside the Persigo 201 Sewer Boundary and has an On-site Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS). Testing for septic systems will occur as part of the Concept Plan subdivision process. Domestic water is provided by Ute Water District, and Grand Valley Water Users provides irrigation water. Grand Valley Rural Power provides electricity to the property. Emergency services are provided by Mesa County Sheriff’s Department and the Grand Junction Rural Fire District. Access to the property is from H Road. This criterion has been met. 3.1.17 General Approval Criteria: A. Complies with all applicable standards, provisions, and purposes of this Land Development Code. The intent of the Estate zoning classification in the Mesa County Master Plan is to accommodate low density, estate type single family residential development, with densities of 1-3 acres per dwelling unit. Rural facilities and services are available to the property, and it is close to urban services in Grand Junction. This application meets the rezone criteria and the Future Land Use designation in the Master Plan. This criterion has been met. B. Is consistent with review agency comments. The proposal is consistent with review agency comments. This criterion has been met. C. Is consistent with applicable intergovernmental agreements between the County and other entities. The project is consistent with Intergovernmental Agreement MCA 83-26 to send applications to the City of Grand Junction. No comments have been received. This criterion has been met. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS: All public comments received are part of the hearing packet and the file. V. REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS: All review agency comments received are a part of the hearing packet and the file. VI. PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends APPROVAL of the rezone from AFT to RSF-E and adoption of the resolution on the basis that: the proposed rezone complies with the approval criteria for rezones in Section 3.4.7 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended); the proposed rezone complies with the general approval criteria in Section 3.1.17 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended); the proposed rezone is consistent with goals identified in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan, an element of the Mesa County Master Plan. the proposed rezone is consistent with the Future Land Use Map that designates the area for “Estate.” 4 13 Summary Rezone Criteria 3.4.7.A Consistent with the Master Plan 3.4.7.B Are or can be made compatible with surrounding and nearby land uses 3.4.7.C Error in zoning or conditions changed 3.4.7.D Adequate facilities and Services General Approval Criteria 3.1.17.A Compliance with applicable standards and provisions in the Land Development Code 3.1.17.B Consistency with review agency comments 3.1.17.C Consistency with applicable IGAs VII. Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met Has Been Met MCPC Hearing (8/20/15): VIII. BOCC Hearing and Decision (9/8/15): 5 14 HEARING NOTICE 15 0.3 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 2701-274-11-002 Parcel/Notification Map 16 1.2 Miles Notification Buffer Hall Rezone 2015-0109 RZ July 31, 2015 Parcels 2500 ft buffer Legend " 2015-0109 RZ Hall Rezone PARCEL_NUM 2701-262-00-583 2701-273-01-002 2701-352-61-003 2701-352-00-103 2701-273-03-006 2701-271-14-004 2701-342-00-134 2701-342-00-135 2701-344-35-011 2701-273-00-109 2701-271-00-056 2701-341-00-097 2701-352-00-072 2701-352-01-007 2701-342-44-025 2701-352-61-010 2701-352-01-003 2701-342-17-002 2701-274-17-002 2701-342-44-026 2701-352-00-071 2701-263-00-013 2701-341-00-079 2701-341-00-076 2701-342-44-012 2701-274-00-119 2701-342-44-029 2701-342-44-020 2701-274-11-001 2701-273-00-103 2701-341-00-143 2701-341-00-087 2701-263-00-001 2701-352-58-001 2701-341-21-001 2701-342-44-030 2701-341-22-001 2701-341-00-080 2701-341-00-088 2701-342-44-027 2701-274-00-117 2701-342-44-013 2701-341-00-081 2701-341-00-120 2701-341-13-004 2701-274-11-002 Notification Table OWNER MAILING CITY ST 26 ROAD LLC 710 S 15TH ST GRAND JUNCTIONCO AHERN MARGARET Z 2550 CANAAN WAY GRAND JUNCTIONCO AUBERT DAHL LAWRENCE 2610 PARTRIDGE CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO BAKER DONNA 2611 KELLY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO BALKE SHERYL L 747 W WILSHIRE CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO BAPTISTA BREANNE 2595 KAYDEN CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO BERTRAND THOMAS E 788 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO BERTRAND TRUST 798 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO BLUE HERON MEADOWS SUBDIVISP.O. BOX 2743 GRAND JUNCTIONCO BOLTON JOSEPHINE H 800 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO BOYDSTUN CARL L 2579 H 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO BRATCHER JAMES D 781 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO BRUCE BEVERLY ANN FAMILY TRU 2621 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO BUNNELL MARK 2607 KELLEY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO BURCHETT KIRBY S 775 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO CADEZ MARC A 2603 PARTRIDGE CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO CAMERON CHRIS A 2605 KELLY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO CASTOR ESTHER M 2520 RIATA RANCH RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO CHRONOS HOMES LLC 341 HARTFORD CT FRUITA CO CLIFTON BRETT 2532 RIATA RANCH CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO COLEMAN JOSEPH C 2454 F RD STE 210 GRAND JUNCTIONCO COLOSIMO JOHN C TRUSTEE 2618 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO Confidential Owner 776 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO COOK ARTHUR E 782 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO COOK GEORGE ROBERT JR 2528 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO CORNELISON M A JR PO BOX 2492 GRAND JUNCTIONCO COSTILOE JONADAM D 2529 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO CRANSTON RYAN K 778 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO CURRIER E JAMES 2566 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO CURRIER EDWARD J 832 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO DAELT LLLP 775 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO DAVIS LINDA M 766 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO DERUSH GARY D 824 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO DEWOLFE BARRY A 796 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO EDMISTON KAITLYLN C 771 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO ESTRADA LARRY T 2527 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO FIELDS WILLIAM E 5885 STIRRUP RD SE DEMING NM FOX RUN ENTERPRISES LLC 775 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO FOX RUN ENTERPRISES LLC 775 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO FUDGE FAMILY TRUST 212 W IRONWOOD DR COEUR D ALENE ID GAULEY RICHARD A 827 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO GIFFORD DAVID 2530 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO GRASSO ANN J 798 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO GREEN LEAF PARTNERS LLC 755 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO HALL GEARY A 2567 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO HALL SCOTT A 2574 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO Page 1 of 3 ZIP 81501-4612 81505-9540 81506 81506-8381 81506-1826 81505 81505-9692 81505-9692 81502 81505-9665 81505-9539 81505-9507 81506 81506 81505 81506-1460 81506-8381 81505-8619 81521 81505 81505 81506-1706 81505 81505-9508 81505 81502-2492 81505 81505 81505-9535 81505-9665 81506 81505-9508 81506-8608 81506-1433 81505 81505 88030-1974 81506 81506 83814 81506-8609 81505 81505-9508 81506-1432 81505-9536 81505-9535 17 2015-0109 RZ Hall Rezone 2701-274-18-002 2701-273-00-118 2701-263-00-002 2701-341-00-086 2701-341-22-002 2701-342-44-010 2701-274-17-001 2701-352-61-002 2701-342-44-011 2701-341-00-072 2701-352-00-029 2701-263-00-018 2701-273-00-096 2701-273-16-002 2701-342-45-040 2701-341-00-151 2701-352-00-101 2701-341-13-002 2701-341-00-096 2701-342-44-017 2701-342-44-028 2701-274-00-029 2701-274-00-075 2701-273-03-009 2701-272-07-018 2701-342-44-014 2701-352-61-001 2701-272-07-019 2701-271-14-003 2701-341-09-002 2701-342-45-042 2701-271-09-005 2701-341-00-016 2701-274-00-022 2701-352-00-102 2701-263-00-012 2701-271-09-004 2701-342-44-023 2701-342-44-018 2701-273-00-110 2701-274-00-054 2701-274-00-053 2701-342-44-009 2701-274-17-003 2701-271-05-003 2701-271-14-002 2701-274-17-004 HANGOVER ROCK LLC HANSEN CURT G HARTSHORN BARBARA HAVLIK DEAN HILGENFELD DAVID HOFER PETER HOLGUIN DANIEL HOWARD HAYDEN S HUGHES RONALD O JEFFERSON JOHN W KAY MARIE E KEARNS JAMES O KELLER BRADFORD M KELLER CHARLES E TRUSTEE KETCHUM MICHAEL G KIEFER DENNIS L KING CHRISTINE R TRUSTEE KROUPA DARYL JAY L HARDY ELIZABETH P LARSEN RUSSELL ALLEN LAY ZANE M K E W LLC MACGREGOR HAMILTON J MAGEE SUSAN H MAHRE CHRISTOPHER T MARTIN BRYAN R MARTINEZ PAUL D MAURER CHARLES L TRUST MAVES CONSTRUCTION INC MCBEE DONALD L MCCARREL KEVIN MEER JONATHAN S MILLER LOUISE A MIMS RICHARD C MOONEY ELIZABETH A NESBITT WILLIAM L NOBLITT LIVING TRUST OTBERG RYAN PACHL KIMBERLY L PHILLIPS RANDALL M SR POMRENKE JANET M POMRENKE WILLIAM E PRESTANGEN KYLE M QUIGLEY EDWARD RAMUNNO SANDY REDIN FAMILY TRUST REHWOLDT RANDALL J Notification Table GRAND JUNCTIONCO 865 GAMBELS RD 2851 B 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 875 SUMMER BEND CTGRAND JUNCTIONCO 2585 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2560 I-70 FRONTAGE RGRAND JUNCTIONCO 2522 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO 809 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2606 PARTRIDGE CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2526 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2599 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2615 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 806 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 820 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 822 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2536 RIATA RANCH CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2552 I-70 FRONTAGE RGRAND JUNCTIONCO 2610 KELLY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO 504 COLDWATER CREE ROCK SPRINGS WY 783 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 784 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 777 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO PO BOX 3949 GRAND JUNCTIONCO 837 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2517 OLEASTER CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO 868 COVEY RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 787 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2600 PARTRIDGE CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO PO BOX 1117 GRAND JUNCTIONCO 560 S COMMERCIAL DRGRAND JUNCTIONCO 773 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2529 RIATA RANCH CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO 866 GAMBELS RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2934 JOAN WAY GRAND JUNCTIONCO 847 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2613 KELLY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2616 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 865 GAMBELS RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 772 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 782 FOXTAIL RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 810 25 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 839 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 839 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2520 GREYSTONE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO 803 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 867 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO 2596 KAYDEN CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO 541 GRAND VALLEY DRGRAND JUNCTIONCO Page 2 of 3 81505-8618 81503-2106 81506 81505-9533 81505-9509 81505 81506 81506-1460 81505 81505-9533 81506-1705 81506-8608 81505-9665 81505-9665 81505 81505-9509 81506-8381 82901 81505-9507 81505 81505 81502 81506-8609 81505-9614 81505 81505-9516 81506-1460 81502 81505 81505-9507 81505 81505-8618 81504 81506-8609 81506-8381 81506-1706 81505 81505 81505 81505-9665 815068609 815068609 81505-7012 81506 81506-8609 81506 81504-5789 18 2015-0109 RZ Hall Rezone 2701-341-00-095 2701-352-00-014 2701-271-14-001 2701-342-00-069 2701-274-00-115 2701-352-78-001 2701-352-78-002 2701-342-45-048 2701-341-21-002 2701-271-09-006 2701-271-14-005 2701-352-01-008 2701-274-00-081 2701-341-00-144 2701-342-45-039 2701-341-00-085 2701-352-01-004 2701-263-00-004 2701-342-00-951 2701-341-37-002 2701-274-00-113 2701-273-01-003 2701-341-00-167 Notification Table GRAND JUNCTIONCO REICKS GREGORY C 775 25 3/4 RD RUCKER RONALD L 770 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO SCHOEBER ROB 2598 KAYDEN CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO SCOTT ROBERT 2526 RIATA RANCH RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO SCOTT WILLIAM A 823 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO SHANKS W GEORGE 2606 KELLY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO SHANKS W GEORGE 2606 KELLY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO SONSHINE IV CONSTRUCTION & D 637 25 ROAD GRAND JUNCTIONCO SPRINGER MARGARET L 765 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO SPRINGER RYAN NEIL 3512 WOODGATE DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO STAHL MICHAEL 2599 KAYDEN CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO STREMEL STEPHEN 2609 KELLEY DR GRAND JUNCTIONCO SUFKA JAMES P 835 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO TICE SHARON 775 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO TRIMM PATRICK W 2540 RIATA RANCH CT GRAND JUNCTIONCO VAN CONETT RANDAL K 794 25 3/4 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO WALKER-MILLER MARGARET M 776 26 RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO WARREN RICHARD 2622 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO WELLSPRING OF LIFE CHURCH 710 FOXWOOD CT W GRAND JUNCTIONCO WOODRIDGE LLC PO BOX 492 DELTA CO YOUNG BRUCE M 2570 H RD GRAND JUNCTIONCO ZOLLNER DAVID C 2545 CANAAN WAY GRAND JUNCTIONCO ZOLLNER REVOCABLE LIVING TRUS2555 CANAAN WAY GRAND JUNCTIONCO Mortgage Electronic Registration Syst PO Box 2026 Flint MI Page 3 of 3 81505-9507 81506-1430 81505 81505-8619 81506-8609 81506-8381 81506-8381 81505 81505-9507 81506-6502 81505-8404 815068381 81506 81506 81505 81505-9508 81506-1433 81506-1706 81507-8765 81416 81505-9535 81505-9541 81505-9541 48501-2026 19 REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS 20 21 22 PRO2015-0109 - HALL REZONE Review Agency Comments Comments Due Date: 2015-07-30 User Review Agency Date/Time Comment Melinda Henderson MC TREASURER 7/9/2015 As of July 9, 2015 property taxes are paid in full on parcel number 5:56:44 PM 2701-274-11-002. MMH MARK HARRIS IRR GV WATER USERS 7/10/2015 The required Development and HOA Agreements have been 8:42:00 AM executed regarding irrigation water delivery - Grand Valley Water Users' Association. PERRY RUPP UT GV RURAL POWER 7/13/2015 GVP Review Comments for Rezone 9:38:10 AM 1. The project is in the Grand Valley Power (GVP) service area. 2. Single-phase power is available for this project, along H Road and on site. 3. Any relocation of existing overhead power lines, poles, guy/anchors, underground lines, transformers or any other Grand Valley Power equipment is at developer’s expense. JIM DAUGHERTY WATER UTE 7/24/2015 • No objections. 4:44:58 PM • ALL FEES AND POLICIES IN EFFECT AT TIME OF APPLICATION WILL APPLY. If you have any questions concerning any of this, please feel free to contact Ute Water. MC DEV ENGINEER MC DEV ENGINEER 7/28/2015 MC Development Engineering: 1:58:35 PM No objections to rezone. The narrative states that H Road is a dead-end cul-de-sac, which is currently the case. The applicant has been made aware that per the adopted Grand Valley Circulation Plan (GVCP), H Road is a Proposed Principal Arterial roadway, and that this designation carries with it additional requirements for access to the development. Cpt. Don Hendricks MC SHERIFF 7/30/2015 No comment. 3:08:24 PM 23 NO PUBLIC COMMENTS 24 APPLICANT INFORMATION 25 REZONE NARRATIVE SS HALL SUBDIVISION 2574 H ROAD – 2701-274-11-002 June 5, 2015 3.4.7.A We believe this rezoning is consistent with recent changes in zoning for the area bounded by I-70 on the south, 25 Road on the west, I Road on the north and 26 Road on the east. 3.4.7B and 3.4.7C The surrounding land is a mix of AFT, RSF-E, RSF-R and PUD zoning with current trending towards sales of smaller parcels. The land quality is actually poor for agricultural purposes. Due to the cul de sac, dead-end for H Road, traffic impact will be minimal. Having lived here for seventeen years, we enjoy the rural, quiet quality of the area. Smaller lots (1 acre) have adequate space for privacy, wildlife, gardens, pets, and quiet walks, while the larger areas continue to be farmed. As our county grows, the proximity to the economic and cultural centers of our community seems to dictate this trending towards smaller family parcels while maintaining the one-acre minimal limit to insure a more “country” character. 3.4.7.D The property is served by: Ute Water Excel Energy (natural gas) Grand Valley Electric (electric) Grand Valley Water Users Assn (irrigation) Septic system & bed Independent trash/waste contractors Mesa County Sheriff’s Office Grand Junction Fire Department Mesa County Road Department 26 27 28 29 30 PROJECT REVIEW 31 MESA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Administration - Building - Engineering – Road and Bridge Traffic - Planning - Solid Waste Management 200 S. Spruce Street • P.O. Box 20,000-5022 • Grand Junction, CO 81502-5001 Phone (970) 244-1636 Fax (970) 244-1769 PROJECT REVIEW August 12, 2015 I. 2015-0104 CP MIDLANDS VILLAGE SELF-STORAGE PUD AMENDMENT Property Owner: Midlands Village Properties I, LLC Representative: Tom Logue Location: 435 and 449 32 Road, Clifton, 81520 (D½ and 32 Roads) Parcel #: 2943-154-50-002 & 2943-154-00-043 Zoning: RMF-8 Planner: Christie Barton, 255-7191, [email protected] Request: Amend the Midlands Village PUD to include the 449 32 Road property for a selfstorage and office facility for use by Midlands Village residents and the public. The use includes 392 self-storage units, a 290 square foot office, and outdoor storage of recreation vehicles (RVs and boats). Mrs. Banks will have life use of the property. Development of the property will occur in three phases. Recommendation: Approval with conditions Location & Zoning Map: Page 1 of 9 32 II. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING: Zoning within the 500-foot public notification area: • C-1 (RSC Clifton) • B-1 • RMF-8 • Grand Junction City Limits Land Uses within the 500-foot public notification area: • Commercial • Chatfield Elementary School • Residential • Agricultural • State Highway 141 (also known as 32 Road) Applicable Area Plans • Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan III. PROJECT HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION: Project History: C167-78 Rezone to PUD (9 units/acre) and ODP, The Shire Subdivision C105-79 BOCC reverted Plan but retained zone C014-81 The Shire Business Center C150-96 through C156-00 Midlands Village Mobile Home Park, convenience store, gas station and 6,700 square feet of commercial building space C98-00 Midlands Village Community Center C100-00 Expansion of the Midlands Village Community Center C205-00 Midlands Village F2 2007-015 Midlands Village PUD Amendment to reflect as-built conditions on site Project Description: The 435 32 Road property is part of the Midlands Village Planned Unit Development (PUD). The 449 32 Road property (Banks property) has been purchased by Midlands Village Properties I, LLC reserving life estate use for Mrs. Banks. The Banks property has a 1990 Stipulation and Motion for Order (attached as part of the binder materials) to clean up the property. This application benefits the community as Midlands Village personnel have cleaned up the majority of the property and will install the required fencing and screening as part of this expansion. The project has a phasing plan for the eventual use of the remainder of the property. This project is to provide self-storage units to the Midlands Village residents and to the public. The project will include 392 mini-storage units and a 290 square foot office. Hours of operation will be 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 noon Saturdays, closed Sundays and major holidays. A code controlled access gate will allow off-hours customer access to the storage units. A temporary outdoor storage use for boats and RVs will occur until full build-out of the project, and then the only outdoor storage will be the existing boat and RV storage only for Midlands Village residents. Page 2 of 9 33 The use will be screened from D½ Road by fencing and landscaping. Existing vegetation and fencing effectively screens the property from 32 Road. The property is located within the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan Area and within the Clifton Sanitation District. This property is not required to annex into the City of Grand Junction under the Persigo Agreement. The Future Land Use classifications for the property are Residential Medium (RM) and Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor along 32 Road. This use will have outdoor storage (boats and RVs) until the final build-out occurs. The Midlands Village PUD allows the outdoor storage of boats and RV’s as an accessory use to their mobile home park. This is a temporary expansion of the outdoor storage use with storage units, fencing and landscaping along the roads providing the screening and buffering. Site Plan: IV. COMPLIANCE WITH MESA COUNTY CODE REQUIREMENTS: Section 3.7 | Planned Unit Developments (PUD) Planned Unit Developments are approved and processed in the same manner as Major Subdivisions. The first step involves scheduling a General Meeting. A Planned Unit Development application will follow the General Meeting and Neighborhood Meeting processes described in Chapter 3.6, Major Subdivisions. Page 3 of 9 34 F. Concept Plan and PUD Rezoning Approval Criteria Concept Plans and PUD Rezonings may be approved by the Board of County Commissioners only if they find that all of the following criteria have been met: 1. the proposed Concept Plan is consistent with the Mesa County Master Plan pursuant to C.R.S. §24-67-104; The Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2010 with an addition to the Future Land Use classification along major roadways in the Plan area. The Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor allows neighborhood service and commercial uses with no outdoor storage at various locations along the identified roadways. This future land use classification anticipates “service, retail and office commercial uses that service the immediate surrounding area with no outdoor storage at various locations along the identified corridors.” While the implementing zones of Residential Office and Limited Business zoning districts don’t allow storage units, the Midlands Village Planned Unit Development allowed the convenience store (retail commercial use) as part of the project. The proposed outdoor storage is temporary until full build out of the storage units. This expansion meets the intent of the “service commercial use” stated in Goal 3, Policy A & B in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan, which is an element of the Mesa County Master Plan. This plan is also consistent with the Pear Park Neighborhood Plan, which has goals of achieving high quality development and minimization of visual clutter along corridors. This criterion has been met. 2. the Concept Plan is necessary to address a unique situation or represents a substantial benefit to the County, compared to what could have been accomplished through strict application of otherwise applicable base zoning district standards, based on the Purposes set out in Section 1.5; Midlands Village is an existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) that incorporates residential and commercial in the same project. The PUD allowed an outdoor storage area for boats and RVs as an accessory use to the mobile home park. This proposal for self-storage units allows for a new neighborhood business under the Midlands Village management. The self-storage business will be available for use by Midlands Village residents and the public. The temporary boat and RV storage will be removed at full build out of the self-storage unit project. A monument sign is proposed for D½ Road. This expansion of the PUD zoning district also addresses a long-standing Code Compliance case. The property owners have cleaned up the Banks property, and have submitted plans showing fencing and an extension of the landscaping strip that will screen the property from D½ Road (32 Road is already screened with a berm, fence and vegetation). Once Mrs. Banks no longer lives on the property, the mobile home and personal items will be removed, and Phase 3 of the self-storage units will be completed. The expansion and amendment of the PUD cleans up the property and allows a new business. It would be difficult to accommodate this use with a standard zoning district as it is not supported by the implementing zoning districts for the Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor Future Land Use classification. It meets the intent to create large and small centers throughout the community that provides services and commercial areas as part of the future growth of the community. This criterion has been met. Page 4 of 9 35 3. the Concept Plan complies with the PUD regulations of Section 4.4.1; 4.4.1 | PUD, Planned Unit Development District The PUD, Planned Unit Development District is intended to encourage innovative land planning and site design concepts that implement and are consistent with the Mesa County Master Plan. A. Developer's Statement of Intent Each Concept Plan application shall contain a statement by the applicant describing how the proposed development departs from the otherwise applicable standards of this Land Development Code, and how the proposed development, on balance, is an improvement over what would be required under otherwise applicable standards. Midlands Village is an existing Planned Unit Development that has commercial and residential uses with an integrated transportation system. The original project was approved under the 1995 Land Development Code, and PUDs were allowed with provision of a public benefit. The original plan showed a sidewalk on Shire Court, which connected Midlands Village to a sidewalk on D½ Road to a crossing to Chatfield Elementary School. This sidewalk was never built, and the pedestrian access from Midlands Village was blocked with landscaping. The applicant has agreed to build the sidewalk connecting Midlands Village and D½ Road along the east side of Shire Court. This is a community benefit to allow pedestrian access between a residential use and an elementary school. The current zoning district is RMF-8 with Future Land Use classifications of Residential Medium and Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor. The departure from the Land Development Code standards is the implementing zoning districts for the Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor are Residential Office and Limited Business districts, neither of which allows self-storage units. The Planning Division believes this application meets the intent of the Master Plan for commercial uses to be created throughout the community to accommodate future growth. The proposed use provides a community and public benefit for a safer route to school, and also addresses a 1990 court order for clean-up of the Banks property. This requirement can be met. B. Review and Approval Procedures PUDs shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the procedures of Section 3.7. This requirement has been met. C. Use Regulations The Board of County Commissioners shall determine the types of uses allowed within a PUD at the time of Concept Plan approval. Only uses that are consistent with the Mesa County Master Plan pursuant to C.R.S. §24-67-104, may be allowed within a PUD, and should generally be limited to uses allowed in the underlying Zoning District. The Midlands Village PUD was adopted in 1996 and included the convenience store (retail commercial use) as part of the project. The management of Midlands Village has maintained the property in an exemplary manner. The Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2010 with the addition of the Mixed Use Opportunity Corridors. These corridors are an overlay on the major roads in the urban area, and anticipate service and retail uses that serve the neighborhood at full service intersections. Page 5 of 9 36 These intersections have all necessary infrastructure installed to support these uses. While the overlay covers these corridors, not all properties are able to support these uses. Additionally, service and retail uses are not always desired to be located mid-block, as this will reduce the flow of traffic on the arterial roads. This intersection is fully constructed with urban services, and can support the use. This expansion meets the intent of the “service commercial use” stated in Goal 3, Policies A & B in the Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan: Goal 3: The Comprehensive Plan will create ordered and balanced growth and spread future growth throughout the community. Policy A: To create large and small “centers” throughout the community that provides services and commercial areas. Policy B: Create opportunities to reduce the amount of trips generated for shopping and commuting and decrease vehicle miles traveled thus increasing air quality. This requirement has been met. D. Development Intensity The total number of dwelling units and level of nonresidential development allowed within a PUD shall comply with the Mesa County Master Plan pursuant to C.R.S. §24-67-104, and shall not exceed the level that can be adequately served by public facilities. To provide information on the capacity of streets and other facilities serving a PUD, the Planning Director may require the applicant to conduct a traffic impact study or other infrastructure capacity analysis to provide information on the development's expected impacts on existing and planned facilities. The proposed 392 self-storage units and accessory office use do not exceed the capacity of public services. A Traffic Impact Analysis has been completed for the use and no road improvements are required. No changes to the residential use are proposed. This requirement has been met. E. Other Standards Otherwise applicable standards of this Land Development Code may be modified by the Board of County Commissioners as part of the approval of a PUD, if consistent with the Mesa County Master Plan pursuant to C.R.S. §24-67-104, and if the development is found to be an improvement over what would be required under otherwise applicable standards. Clean up of the Banks property has been a court order since 1990. Midlands Village, LLC has purchased the property with a life use for Mrs. Banks, and has completed a clean-up of threequarters of the property. When Mrs. Banks no longer lives on the property, the final phase of the storage units will occur. Midlands Village, LLC will complete the fencing and landscaping that will address the court order and screen the storage units from D½ and 32 Roads. Master Plan Goals and Policies: Goal 3: The Comprehensive Plan will create ordered and balanced growth and spread future growth throughout the community. Policy A: To create large and small “centers” throughout the community that provides services and commercial areas. This development would be an expansion of an existing retail/service area at the intersection of D½ Road and 32 Road. This intersection is a full movement intersection with all infrastructure completed. Page 6 of 9 37 Goal 7: New development adjacent to existing development (of a different density/unit type/land use type) should transition itself by incorporating appropriate buffering. Policy A: In making land use decisions, the City and County will balance the needs of the community. Goal 8: Create attractive public spaces and enhance the visual appeal of the community through quality development. Policy B: Design streets and walkways as attractive public spaces. Note: Construction of a sidewalk on Shire Court was not completed during the development of Midlands Village Filing 1. This connection to the Chatfield Elementary School is an important pedestrian connection between a residential use and the school. A pedestrian crossing on D½ Road to Chatfield Elementary School is located within a half block of Shire Court. The applicant has agreed to construct the sidewalk as part of this project. This development is an improvement over the existing residential use with the court order for clean-up of the property. This criterion has been met. 4. the proposal is not significantly different from surrounding land uses in terms of density, intensity and impacts, and it mitigates any potential adverse impacts to maximum extent practical; Midlands Village has been established since 1996. Buffering and screening between adjacent uses mitigates the impacts. The proposal includes extension of the fencing and landscaping strip along D½ Road to mitigate the new use. A Traffic Analysis Letter has been submitted as part of the application packet, and states no additional improvements are required. A gate will be installed between Midlands Village and the new storage area as a barrier to cut-through traffic. A monument sign along D½ Road will be installed for the project. This criterion has been met. 5. facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, domestic water, irrigation water [where available], gas, electricity, police and fire protection, and roads and transportation, as applicable) shall be available upon completion of the project to serve the subject property, while maintaining adequate levels of service to existing development; and Urban facilities and services are available to the site. The property is served by Clifton Sanitation and a change of use is required for this service. The property is also served by Clifton Water, Grand Valley Irrigation Company, Grand Valley Drainage District, and Xcel Energy for electricity and natural gas. Clifton Fire District and Mesa Count Sheriff’s Office provide emergency services. Right of way dedication on D½ Road is required to meet the Road Petition recorded at Reception #2359623. No impacts to existing levels of service to the neighborhood are expected with this application. This criterion can be met. 6. the same development could not be accomplished through the use of other techniques, such as rezoning to a non-PUD district, variances, or administrative adjustments. This development has residential and commercial uses incorporated as part of the PUD. The same development could not be accomplished through the use of other techniques, such as a commercial zoning district, as this would not be in compliance with the Future Land Use map. This criterion has been met. Page 7 of 9 38 Section 11.4 Violations and Enforcement 11.4.2 | Permits Approved with Conditions Instead of withholding or denying a permit or other authorization (as described in Section 11.4.1), the County may grant such authorization subject to the condition that the violation be corrected. Since purchasing the Banks property, Midlands Village Properties I, LLC has removed junk and debris from the property. The narrative states they will install fencing (that was required in the court order) and extend similar landscaping to the existing landscaping along 32 Road. Approval of this application, with a condition of approval for the fencing and screening, accomplishes a clean-up of a long standing unsightly property. The Court Stipulation and Motion for Order is attached to this project review. This criterion can be met with conditions of approval. Section 3.1.17 | General Approval Criteria The decision making body shall consider if the proposal: A. Complies with all applicable standards, provisions, and the purposes (Sec. 1.5) of the Land Development Code. This use is an expansion of the existing private storage use for the Midlands Village residents in conjunction with the Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor Future Land Use along 32 Road. It also incorporates self-storage units for the Midlands Village residents and for the public. It appears that the application can comply, with conditions of approval, with all applicable provisions of the Land Development Code. This criterion has been met. B. The project application is consistent with review agency comments. All review agency comments received are included in the hearing packet and project file. No objections have been received. This criterion can be met. C. The project application is consistent with applicable intergovernmental agreements (IGA) between the county and other entities. The City of Grand Junction has been notified of the application. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) was also notified of the application. Comments have not been received from either agency. This criterion has been met. V. REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS: All review comments received are a part of the hearing packet and the file. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTS: No public comments have been received by the date of this review. VII. PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Division recommends approval of the Midlands Village Self-Storage PUD Amendment, with the following conditions: Page 8 of 9 39 1. All review agency comments not in conflict with the conditions of approval shall be resolved with the final plan. 2. A Commercial Site Plan Short Form application shall be requested prior to the construction of the processing facility to ensure compliance with the conditional use permit. 3. The applicant shall submit a Sign Permit application for the monument sign. 4. Hours of operation for the self-storage facility shall be 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. 5. A Transportation Impact Fee (TIF) of $6,866.16 is required to be paid the Planning Division prior to commercial site plan approval. 6. Outdoor lighting shall be full cut-off light fixtures in conformance with Section 7.6.7 of the Land Development Code. 7. Right of Way dedication along D½ Road is required to match the Road Petition recorded in 8. Install fencing and landscaping for screening and buffering along D½ Road in conformance with the Stipulation and Motion for Order of the Banks property. 9. Construct a sidewalk along the east side of Shire Drive from Lancaster Drive to D½ Road. 10. A Site Development Plan shall be recorded for the project. The basis for this recommendation: The petition complies or can comply with conditions of approval with the criteria in PUD criteria in Section 3.7.1 and Section 4.4.1, and the General Approval Criteria in Section 3.1.17 of the Mesa County Land Development Code (2000, as amended). PUD Approval Criteria 3.7.1F 1. Consistent with Master Plan 2. Unique Situation or substantial benefit 3. Compliance with PUD Regs in 4.4.1 4. Not significantly different from surrounding and nearby land uses, and mitigates impacts 5. Facilities and Services 6. Could not be accomplished through use of techniques other than PUD Summary Condition # Has Been Met Has Been Met Can Be Met Has Been Met Can Be Met Has Been Met General Approval Criteria 3.1.17 A. Compliance with applicable standards and provisions in the Land Development Code B. Consistency with review agency comments C. Consistency with applicable IGAs Violations and Enforcement 11.4 Section 11.4.2 Permits Approved with conditions 8&9 1, 2, 7-9 Has been met Can be met Has been met 1 Can be met 8 VIII. MCPC ACTION (8/20/15): IX. BOCC ACTION: (9/8/15): Page 9 of 9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 HEARING NOTICE 55 0.08 AFT 0 0.08 0.16 0.24 2943-154-50-002 2943-154-00-043 0.32 Miles Notification Buffer Urban Growth Area Parcels 500 ft buffer Legend Midlands Self Storage PUD Amend 2015-0104 CP July 31, 2015 Parcel/Notification Map 56 " 2015-0104 CP Midlands Self Storage PUD Amendment1 PARCEL_NUM 2943-142-26-012 2943-151-00-106 2943-143-05-004 7008-014-00-012 2943-143-05-008 2943-143-05-005 2943-154-00-043 2943-151-00-158 7008-099-07-028 7008-271-06-067 7008-200-07-059 7008-043-98-039 7008-325-97-402 2943-143-05-017 7008-248-97-246 2943-143-12-001 2943-143-05-027 7008-057-04-016 2943-154-50-005 7008-226-06-060 7008-199-00-172 7008-129-97-120 7008-219-01-122 7008-059-97-052 7008-318-97-379 2943-142-44-023 2943-154-00-049 2943-142-00-022 7008-002-07-001 7008-310-97-342 7008-225-01-128 2943-143-05-014 2943-154-00-045 7008-218-07-066 7008-198-98-195 2943-143-05-026 2943-143-05-002 7008-275-98-284 2943-154-00-163 2943-143-05-009 7008-202-98-196 2943-142-26-014 7008-151-06-037 7008-168-99-204 2943-143-05-030 2943-142-00-147 Notification Table OWNER MAILING CITY ST AAMOLD CARROLL E 579 ELKHART LN GRAND JUNCTIOCO ABAD LORA 459 32 RD CLIFTON CO AMBRIZ ANA M 3207 D 1/2 RD CLIFTON CO ATKINSON ALBERT 435 32 RD UNIT 112 CLIFTON CO AVILA EDGAR 3210 WHITE CIR W CLIFTON CO BANK OF AMERICA NA 475 CROSSPOINT PARKWAYGETZVILLE NY BANKS BEULAH C LIFE EST 449 32 RD CLIFTON CO BARNES BETTY LOU 496 CORONADO CT UNIT C CLIFTON CO BEASLEY BARBARA E 435 32 RD UNIT 226 CLIFTON CO BERGAMO BILL 435 32 RD UNIT 215 CLIFTON CO BILSON CHASE JEREMIAH 435 32 RD UNIT 207 CLIFTON CO BIRD EILEEN ROSA 435 32 RD UNIT 407 CLIFTON CO BLISS MILDRED E 435 32 RD UNIT 401 CLIFTON CO BOGGS DON S AND BOGGS 408 LILAC LN GRAND JUNCTIOCO BRITTON JOYCE E 435 32 RD UNIT 230 CLIFTON CO BRYAN WESLEY H 3203 DOWNEY CIR W CLIFTON CO BULLOCK MARY L 3246 1/2 ROOD CT CLIFTON CO BURDETT ARTHUR C TRUST 435 32 RD UNIT 231 CLIFTON CO C & F FOOD STORE INC 140 S 17TH ST GRAND JUNCTIOCO CAMPBELL RADINE 435 32 RD UNIT 232 CLIFTON CO CASTANEDA-DELGADO ART435 32 RD TRLR 221 CLIFTON CO CHAIRO FRANK J JR 435 32 RD UNIT 219 CLIFTON CO COGBURN THOMAS R 435 32 RD UNIT 229 CLIFTON CO CONNOR DONALD L 435 32 RD UNIT 218 CLIFTON CO CONWAY SANDY 435 32 RD UNIT 217 CLIFTON CO COOPER RICHARD PO BOX 1017 EAGLE CO COSTOPOULOS RAY 3183 D 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTIOCO CRANSTON LAND AND DEV 2447 RUBY MESA CT GRAND JUNCTIOCO CRITCHFIELD STANLEY 435 32 RD UNIT 228 CLIFTON CO CRITELLI THOMAS JAMES 435 32 RD UNIT 236 CLIFTON CO CRUZ RUBY 435 32 RD UNIT 104 CLIFTON CO DAGGETT LINDA S 3201 W ROOD CIR CLIFTON CO DESROSIERS CHARLES J 2643 F 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTIOCO DUNLOP SUSAN PATTEN 435 32 RD UNIT 402 CLIFTON CO DUNN GINGER A 435 32 RD UNIT 202 CLIFTON CO EGGERS RANDEN 3585 E 1/4 RD PALISADE CO FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGINTERNATL PLAZA 14221 DDALLAS TX FERRIN ANN S 435 32 RD UNIT 409 CLIFTON CO GALLEGOS GLORIA M 3187 D 1/2 RD GRAND JUNCTIOCO GARCIA VALENTINE G 3208 WHITE CIR W CLIFTON CO GASCON DOROTHY J 435 32 RD UNIT 222 CLIFTON CO GIBSON STEVEN W PO BOX 1283 CLIFTON CO GRAY PENELOPE ANN 432 32 RD UNIT 225 CLIFTON CO GREGORICH JUSTIN ABEL 2904 VICTORIA DR GRAND JUNCTIOCO GROVES CLARENCE W 3201 MAIN CIR W CLIFTON CO GURULE NED II 452 32 RD CLIFTON CO Page 1 of 3 ZIP 81504-5675 81520-8302 81520 81520-9117 81520 14068 81520-9142 81520-8302 81520 81520-9124 81520 81520 81520-9122 81505 81520-9123 815209025 81520-9020 81520-9123 81501 81520-9123 81520 81520-9124 81520 81520-9124 81520-9124 81631-1017 81504-6102 81505-8629 81520 81520 81520-9117 81520 81506-8313 81520-9122 81520-9125 81526-9375 752542916 81520 81504-6102 81520-9536 81520-9124 815201283 81520 81503 81520-9083 81520 57 2015-0104 CP Midlands Self Storage PUD Amendment2 7008-117-04-054 7008-036-98-030 7008-362-99-355 7008-341-96-369 7008-338-96-364 7008-337-96-297 2943-143-05-025 2943-143-05-029 7008-071-97-073 2943-143-05-018 2943-143-08-002 7008-302-97-329 2943-154-00-144 2943-143-08-001 7008-107-07-029 7008-008-97-003 2943-142-26-011 7008-283-07-089 2943-154-24-001 2943-143-05-012 2943-143-05-013 7008-324-98-334 2943-143-08-007 7008-351-97-435 2943-143-05-003 2943-143-05-028 7008-055-97-045 2943-142-00-148 2943-151-00-942 2943-154-51-001 2943-143-05-016 2943-143-05-011 7008-323-98-333 2943-143-05-015 7008-057-97-050 2943-142-27-016 2943-143-05-024 7008-337-96-295 7008-306-05-077 2943-151-00-041 7008-337-96-296 7008-257-01-143 7008-132-97-121 7008-230-97-227 2943-143-08-006 2943-143-05-010 2943-143-08-008 Notification Table HACKNEY CLYDE L 435 32 RD UNIT 410 HANLEY ALISHA JANE 633 NORTH PLACER CT HARGIS JUSTIN ALLEN 435 32 RD UNIT 224 HARRY DELORES JACQUELINPO BOX 584 HAWKINS GARY M 435 32 RD UNIT 204 HENRY JACK D 435 32 RD UNIT 211 HOLDEN PAUL E 3208 DOWNEY CIR W HOLLAND WILLIAM S SR 3202 W DOWNEY CIR HOMES OF MIDLANDS VILL PO BOX 239 HOPPE RALPH E 3207 W ROOD CIR HUNSBERGER MELVIN R 3207 W WHITE CIR HUNTER NANCY A 435 32 RD UNIT 214 HURT RONALD E 2665 I RD JEFLANI PROPERTIES LLC 3203 W WHITE CIR JOHNSON JUNE IRENE 435 32 RD UNIT 212 JULIN JON JAMES 435 32 RD UNIT 210 KELLEY BRENDA SUE 3622 STONEBROOK LN KNUTSON JOHN PAUL 435 32 RD UNIT 238 LAWRENCE W & JOY R BOY 3181 D 1/2 RD LOWE GUY L 3204 WHITE CIR W MAGNABOSCO CHERYL C 3202 W WHITE CIR MAHER TIMOTHY T 435 32 ROAD UNIT 223 MAJORS CHARLES W 3208 ROOD CIR W MARCUS RICHARD R 435 32 RD UNIT 508 MAYER EWELL E 3205 D 1/2 RD MCGEE BILLY GENE 2876 C 1/2 RD MCLAUGHLIN SUSAN M 435 32 RD UNIT 416 MENDOZA MANUEL 281 33 RD MESA COUNTY VALLEY SCH 2115 GRAND AVE MIDLANDS VILLAGE PROPE PO BOX 239 MILLER RICHARD E JR 670 34 1/4 RD MILLER SHANA DEAN 326 W WHITE CIR MIZAK ELIZABETH 435 32 RD UNIT 220 MONGER TOD R 3203 W ROOD CIR MORAVEC JAMES 435 32 RD UNIT 216 PACKARD ERIK 3206 D 1/2 RD PADGETT KEVIN LEE 3214 E HALL CT PARTELLO JAMES M 435 32 RD UNIT 502 PELLIZZARI JOSEPH 435 32 RD UNIT 213 PEREZ FRANCISCO 457 32 RD PICAZO RAQUEL 435 32 RD UNIT 209 REEDER GARY R 435 32 RD UNIT 403 ROSE OLIVE V 435 32 RD UNIT 406 RUBIO FRANK D 435 32 RD UNIT 208 SANCHEZ JOSE GUADALUPE3210 ROOD CIR W SANCHEZ RICHARD P 3206 1/2 WHITE CIR W SANTISTEVAN RUBIO F 3206 ROOD CIR W Page 2 of 3 CLIFTON CO GRAMD JUNCTICO CLIFTON CO PALISADE CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO MONTROSE CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO IDAHO FALLS ID CLIFTON CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO CLIFTON CO PALISADE CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO MONTROSE CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO 81520-9132 81504 81520 81526-0584 81520-9125 81520-9125 81520-9513 81520 81402 81520 81520 81520 81506-8675 81520 815209515 81520 83404 81520 81504-6102 81520-9536 81520 81520 81520-9532 81520-9129 81520-8810 81501 81520-9122 81526 81501-8007 81402-0239 81520 81520 81520-9124 81520 81520-9124 81520 81520 81520-9129 81520-9124 81520 81520-9125 81520-9122 81520-9122 81520-9125 81520-9532 81520 81520-9532 58 2015-0104 CP Midlands Self Storage PUD Amendment3 7008-326-96-290 7008-388-96-361 2943-142-00-149 2943-143-05-019 7008-352-97-439 7008-261-97-272 7008-338-96-363 2943-154-00-164 7008-195-97-188 7008-240-02-132 7008-244-99-269 7008-330-97-409 2943-143-05-001 2943-142-26-013 7008-050-97-039 7008-311-97-344 7008-206-97-202 7008-030-98-023 7008-122-07-034 7008-162-97-159 2943-143-08-003 Notification Table SAULNIER JENNIFER 435 32 RD UNIT 206 SCHALNUS KATIE L PO BOX 195 SELDERS LARRY D 1384 21 ROAD SHEPPARD JASON 3207 1/2 ROOD CIR W SHOEMAKER CAROLYN MA 435 32 RD UNIT 418 SILL CANDACE DIANE 435 32 RD UNIT 506 SINCLAIR PATRICIA L 435 32 RD UNIT 203 STANLEY BYRON H 3185 D 1/2 RD STOUT PEGGY JO 435 32 RD UNIT 404 STRICKLAND JAMES T 435 32 RD UNIT 405 STUDT PRISCILLA 435 32 RD UNIT 412 SWOPE CLINT 9823 2100 RD TELLEZ JULIO OLIVO 3201 D 1/2 RD TOPAZ DRIVE LLC 579 ELKHART LN TRIPP DUSTIN WADE 435 32 RD UNIT 413 VIERS CONNIE M 435 32 RD UNIT 411 VINCENZETTI FRANCIS J 435 32 RD UNIT 414 WILLIAMS PATRICIA M 435 32 RD UNIT 205 WITHAM SHAWNTY K 435 32 RD UNIT 234 WRIGHT GARL GENE 435 32 ROAD UNIT 408 ZORTMAN MATTHEW D 3209 W WHITE CIR TOM LOGUE 537 FRUITWOOD DRIVE Page 3 of 3 CLIFTON CO YAMPA CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO AUSTIN CO CLIFTON CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO CLIFTON CO GRAND JUNCTIOCO 81520-9125 80483 81505 81520 81520 81520-9133 815209125 81504 81520 81520-9122 81520-9122 814108329 81520 81504-5675 81520 81520 81520-9122 81520-9125 81520 81520 81520 81504 59 REVIEW AGENCY COMMENTS 60 61 62 PRO2015-0104 - MIDLAND SELF STORAGE PUD CONCEPT PLAN Review Agency Comments Comments Due Date: 2015-07-27 User Review Agency Kathy Kinsey Date/Time Comment 7/6/2015 Please note applicants email is: 1:30:59 PM [email protected] Otis Darnell MC ROAD & BRIDGE B 7/6/2015 MCDOT has no problems at this time, 1:47:39 PM Melinda Henderson MC TREASURER 7/6/2015 As of July 6, 2015 property taxes are paid on parcel number 29432:07:26 PM 154-00-043. MMH Robin Carns MC DEV ENGINEER 7/7/2015 The property is served by municipal sewer, no other comments. 9:53:18 AM MARK BARSLUND IRR 5-2-1 DRAIN AUTH Cpt. Don Hendricks MC SHERIFF 7/7/2015 Any activity resulting in disturbance of one (1) acre or more will 11:24:08 AM require a 521 Drainage Authority permit 7/8/2015 What steps are being taken to deter theft and burglary? Lighting, 8:57:01 AM fencing, CCTV, security patrols, passkey gates? What's the security plan? Thank you. Daniel Sundstrom MC ADDRESSING BRIAN WOODS SAN CLIFTON 7/13/2015 Address Comment: 11:12:00 AM An address is available once this project is approved. 7/13/2015 From the project narrative, the property would be subject to a 6:06:09 PM change-of-use from residential to commercial. The applicant should contact the District for additional information regarding the proposed project. The District does not object to the proposed storage building concept. CHRIS ROWLAND FIRE CLIFTON 7/20/2015 No comments from Clifton Fire 10:49:48 AM DAVE REINERTSEN WATER CLIFTON 7/22/2015 Clifton Water currently provides water service to the existing house 10:39:19 AM on this parcel with a 3/4" meter. The District has no concerns or other comments regarding this request. MC DEV ENGINEER MC DEV ENGINEER 7/27/2015 The following comments should be addressed prior to final concept 4:35:19 PM plan approval: 1. The checklist found in Table 302 of the SWMM must be prepared and included in the report (SWMM §302.1). Items marked with an asterisk are not required in a Conceptual Drainage Report. If the Engineer believes that other items are not required, they can be marked “n/a”. It is helpful to provide a brief explanation for any items marked “n/a”. 2. The site is located within the Mesa County Stormwater Urbanized Area, and therefore improvements must address stormwater quality per §403.9 and Section 1600 of the SWMM. 63 3. Stormwater retention is proposed. Retention is not preferred by the County and is only allowed on a case-by case basis where there are severe limitations on downstream conveyance (§403.8). Provide justification for allowing on-site retention for the project. The following comments may be addressed as part of final plan approval. 1. When retention is used, §1406.12 requires a 24-hour precipitation of 2.01 inches multiplied by a factor of 1.5. 2. Retention areas must drain within 48 hours of all storm events up to the 100-year storm event (§1406.12). 3. Provide for emergency overflow of the retention pond per §1406.12 and analyze the overflow path for capacity and downstream impacts. 4. Provide measures to prevent sediment from entering and clogging the retention pond (pre-sedimentation facilities, frequent sediment removal, etc.). 5. Provide an operations and maintenance plan that includes monitoring, reporting, and maintenance requirements. 6. Openings in the concrete wall are proposed to allow for drainage from the paved areas of the site into the retention pond. In the final report please include an analysis of the flow through these openings and provide recommendations for scour protection in the retention pond. 7. Ensure that the grading done at the entrance on D ½ Road prevents runoff from leaving the road and draining on to the site and vice versa. 8. Make provisions for restricting access at the southern connection to the existing fenced storage area. No cut-through traffic will be allowed from Midlands Village to D ½ Road. 9. The site disturbance will be greater than 1.0 acre and the site is located within the Mesa County Stormwater Urbanized Area. A Stormwater Construction Permit will be required from both the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the 52-1 Drainage Authority. 64 65 NO PUBLIC COMMENTS 66 APPLICANT INFORMATION 67 Project Narrative MIDLANDS SELF STORAGE PUD Concept Plan and Rezone Application May, 2015 Rev. June 24, 2015 SITE DESCRIPTION LOCATION DATA Address: 449 32 Road Common Location: SW corner D ½ Road and 32 Road (SH 141) Area 2.16 acres Tax Parcel No. 2943-154-00-043 Aliquot Section: NW ¼ Section 15, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, U.M. Latitude and Longitude: 39° 04’ 11”, -108° 03’ 37” To I-70BL LOCATION MAP 141 SITE To U.S. 50 32 ROAD D 1/2 ROAD 68 EXISTING and SURROUNDING LAND USE – The site under concern is almost square in shape; approximately 316 feet in length east/west and 300 feet north/south. Ground cover on the site consists of untended fallow irrigated land. An existing single family dwelling and associated out buildings dominate the property. The surrounding land uses in the vicinity of the subject property are considered to be “high” intensity. Two primary land uses can be found in the vicinity of the subject property: limited Commercial/Business, mainly north of the site along 32 Road, and residential single family. Chatfield Elementary School is located north of the subject site adjacent to D ½ Road. A 2014 air photo depicting subject site in relationship to the surrounding area can be found on the following page: 69 EXISTING LAND USE MAP (2014 Air Photo) D 1/2 ROAD 3 1 4 32 ROAD 2 141 INDEX 5 1 Property Boundary, 2.18 ac. 2 Dwelling 3 Existing Driveway 4 Landscaped Buffer 5 Existing Storage Area SURROUNDING LAND USE – The surrounding land uses in the vicinity of the subject property are considered to range between “high” and “moderate” intensity. Land uses in the immediate vicinity of the subject property are depicted on the accompanying Surrounding Land Use Map that shows the configuration of various nearby properties in relationship to the subject site. 70 SURROUNDING LAND USE MAP Chatfield Elementary School D 1/2 ROAD 32 ROAD SITE Indicates Non-Residential Land Use 141 D ROAD 71 LAND USE ZONING – According to the Mesa County Land Use Zoning Map, the subject property is zoned: RMF-8. The zone designation is primarily intended to accommodate medium density single family, two- family and low density multi-family residential development. Other land use zones in the vicinity of the site include a PUD district for the existing 60.2 acre Midlands Village development and several non-residential zone designations. FUTURE LAND USE MAP SITE In 2010 the County adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan. A reproduction of the Future Land Use Map within the plan follows. Most of the land surrounding the property is designated as future “Residential Medium”, or “Residential Medium/High”. The plan indicates “Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor” along 32 Road. 72 Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor FUTURE LAND USE MAP SITE 73 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL The proposal calls for the ultimate development of 392 self storage units and a managing office that will be developed in a phased fashion using a PUD rezone designation. Approximately 9.7 percent of the site area is designated as landscaped buffers. 6,725 square feet of the property is devoted as an engineered stormwater management facility. LAND USE SUMMARY Buildings Office Drives 18,960 290 59,835 PERCENT OF TOTAL 20.0 0.3 63.0 Existing & Proposed Buffers Stormwater Management Total 9,150 6,725 94,960 9.6 7.1 100.0 USE AREA (sf) Total Individual Storage Units: 392 The architectural style of the proposed storage units is illustrated by the following photos: LANDSCAPING – The proposal includes a provision for landscaped buffer strips along the properties frontage along the adjoining roadways. The frontage along 32 Road consists of an existing landscaped buffer that will be preserved. The landscaped area along D ½ Road will be installed to complement the existing buffer strip. 74 3 ft. Earthen Berm Existing Buffer along 32 Road. ACCESS – On May 7, 2015, a conditional “Notice of Intent” to allow the construction of a new driveway from D ½ Road into the facility was issued by Mesa County. The proposed geometry for the access entrance on D 1/2 Road will be opposite of an existing private drive to a bus terminal. The proposed Concept Plan includes a connection with the existing Midlands Village RV storage area. This connection will allow the Midlands Village residents access without traversing 32 Road and D ½ Road to utilize the facility. A key element of the access plan calls for the removal of an existing driveway to D 1.2 Road approximately 100 feet west of 32 Road during the last development phase. According to a Traffic Study that was provide to Mesa County’s Transportation Division, the future traffic movements into and out of the facility are considered to be low. DRAINAGE CONCEPTS – Reviews of Flood Rate Insurance Maps indicate the site is not subject to flooding in the event of a 100 year storm. Conceptually, historic drainages patterns will not be altered within the development. All of the site area drainage will be carried on the ground towards a water quality treatment system that is incorporated into an engineered designed retention facility. Water within the retention area will evaporate and percolate into the ground. UTILITY SERVICE – An existing eight inch domestic water main owned and operated by the Clifton Water District and a eight inch sanitary sewer main owned and operated by the Clifton Sanitation District are located within the D ½ Road right-of-way adjacent to the subject site. “Dry” utilities such as, natural gas, electric, and communication lines also lie within the D ½ Road right-of-way. All of these services have available capacity and can be extended into the site. Shares of irrigation water are delivered to an existing structure near the northeast property corner though a series of pipelines. Water for the landscaped areas will be provided by a pump and underground delivery system EMERGENCY SERVICES – The property is located in Clifton Fire Protection District. The district provides fire and emergency response services from their facility located in Clifton about 2.0 miles away. Law Enforcement is provided by the Mesa County Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff is assisted by the Colorado State Patrol for I-70 traffic control and responding to and investigating automobile accidents that occur in the neighborhood. Other emergency services are also available from the Mesa County Emergency Management Department. 75 EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST A response to the Narrative Guidelines provided by the Mesa County Planning Department is utilized to evaluate the request. GUIDELINE 1. Specifically describe the uses that will be allowed/prohibited in this PUD. It may be helpful to use the Use Table in Chapter 5 of the Land Development Code. Also address use specific standards that will or will not apply to the proposed land uses. RESPONSE - The proposal calls for the ultimate establishment of 392 individual self storage units including a 290 square foot on-site office. The undertaking will be conducted in a phased fashion that allows for the interim parking of RV vehicles and marine craft as each phase is completed. Approximately seven percent of the site is set aside for a Stormwater Management Facility. GUIDELINE 2. State the total number and type of dwelling units and/or the level of non ‐residential development proposed for this PUD, including square footage. RESPONSE: LAND USE SUMMARY 18,960 290 59,835 PERCENT OF TOTAL 20.0 0.3 63.0 9,150 9.6 6,725 7.1 94,960 100.0 AREA (sf) USE Buildings Office Drives Existing & Proposed Buffers Stormwater Management Total GUIDELINE 3. Are phases proposed and how are they sequenced? RESPONSE: PHASING PLAN YEAR AREA PHASE 1 1.25 ac. One (A) Office, Entrance and Storage Units One (B) RV Storage on Gravel Surface and Stormwater Management Facility 2 0.54 ac. One (B) Storage Units 3-5 0.93 ac. Phase Two and Phase Three GUIDELINE 4. Describe how the development departs from otherwise applicable standards of the Land Development Code and how the development is an improvement over what would be required under otherwise applicable standards. RESPONSE – The proposed development does not depart from any known standards within the Land Development Code. The major improvement is ability to establish a site specific use by utilizing the PUD zone. In other words, no other use could occur on the property without an amendment to the PUD zone, which is subject to public review and comment. 76 GUIDELINE 5. Does the proposed development address unique situation or does it represent a substantial benefit to the County over what would be accomplished under otherwise applicable standards of the underlying zoning district? RESPONSE – Other than the limited access requirements to D ½ Road, there are no other unique situations. The underlying zone does not allow self storage facilities. The primary benefit to the County is the establishment of a modern self storage facility for use by the area residents. A study was conducted of four Census Tract lying south of the 1-70 Business Loop, north of the Colorado River, between 29 Road and 33 ½ Road. Results indicate that there are approximately 21,223 people living in 8,163 households who would have the opportunity to use the facility. GUIDELINE 6. Describe why the same development could not be accomplished through the use of other techniques, such as rezoning to a non‐PUD district, variance or administrative adjustments. RESPONSE – The same development could occur within a C-1 zone designation. This designation would create difficulties in meeting the goals and policies of the Mesa County Master Plan, discussed within Guideline 9. A comparison between the C-1 zone and the Proposed PUD zone follows: COMPARISON CHART MINIMUM STANDARD Lot Size Lot Width 1 acre n.a PROPOSED PD ZONE 2.16 acre 314 feet Street Frontage Street Setback Side Setback Rear Setback Max. Lot Coverage Max. FAR n.a. 14 feet 0 feet 0 feet 80% 1.00 314 feet 20 feet 7 feet 44 feet 20% 0.20 Max Building Size 80,000 sq. ft. 18,960 sq. ft. C-1 ZONE GUIDELINE 7. Is the proposal significantly different than surrounding land uses in terms of density, intensity, and impacts? How does it mitigate any potential adverse impacts? RESPONSE – There are several existing non-residential land uses in the area surrounding the subject property such as: NORTHWEST NORTH NORTHEAST CHATFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL D 1/2 ROAD CHATFIELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUS TERMINAL D 1/2 ROAD SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ON MEDIUM SIZED LOTS D 1/2 ROAD WEST EAST VACANT ACERAGE SITE 32 ROAD SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ON MEDIUM SIZED LOTS SOUTHWEST SOUTH SOUTHEAST RV STORAGE YARD SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ON SMALL SIZED LOTS RV STORAGE SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ON SMALL SIZED LOTS 32 ROAD LARGE SIZED LOTS SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS ON MEDIUM SIZED LOTS 77 GUIDELINE 8. Describe the facilities and services available to serve the subject property while maintaining adequate levels of service to existing development. This includes but is not limited to the following: sewage and waste disposal, domestic water, irrigation water [where available], gas, electricity, police and fire protection, roads, and transportation. RESPONSE – All facilities and services are existing and can be extended to serve the subject property without creating any adverse impacts. GUIDELINE 9. Does the proposed PUD meet the goals and policies of the Mesa County Master Plan? State which goals and policies it meets. PUDs are required to be in compliance with the County’s Master Plan. RESPONSE – The 2010 adopted Mesa County Grand Junction Comprehensive Plan’s Future Land Use Map indicates the subject property lies within two use categories: Residential-Medium: Includes a mix of residential development types with gross densities of 4 to 8 dwelling units per acre. Single family development will be integrated with of dwelling types. Some multi-family development may be permitted. Mixed Use Opportunity Corridor: This designation lies along 30 Road adjacent to the subject site and is intended to service retail and office commercial uses that serve the immediate surround area with no outdoor storage. The plan includes 12 goal and policy statements of which 4 are directly related to this request. GOAL 3: The Comprehensive Plan will create ordered and balanced growth and spread future growth throughout the community. POLICY A. To create large and small "centers" throughout the community that provides services and commercial areas. POLICY B. Create opportunities to reduce the amount of trips generated for shopping and commuting and decrease vehicle miles traveled thus increasing air quality. RESPONSE – The request meets this Goal. GOAL 7: New development adjacent to existing development (of a different density/unit type/land use type) should transition itself by incorporating appropriate buffering. POLICY A. In making land use and development decisions, the City and County will balance the needs of the community. RESPONSE –The request meets this goal a demonstrated in the response to GUIDLINE 5 above. GOAL 8: Create attractive public spaces and enhance the visual appeal of the community through quality development. POLICY E. Enhance and accentuate the City 'gateways' including interstate interchanges, and other major arterial streets leading into the City; POLICY G. Use outdoor lighting that reduces glare and light spillage, without compromising safety; RESPONSE – The request maintains the existing landscape buffer along 32 Road and includes additional landscaping along D ½ Road. Goal 12: Being a regional provider of goods and services the City and County will sustain, develop and enhance a healthy, diverse economy. POLICY A. Through the Comprehensive Plan's policies the City and County will improve as a 78 regional center of commerce, culture and tourism. POLICY B. The City and County will provide appropriate commercial and industrial development opportunities. RESPONSE – The request meets this Goal. In addition to the Comprehensive Plan the County and the City of Grand Junction adopted a Pear Park Neighborhood Plan in 2005. The subject property lies within the plan boundary. The plan identified four areas that suggested a change to the Future Land Use Map; the subject property does not lie within any of those areas. One of the Goals within the plan states, “Provide for adequate neighborhood commercial areas that will serve the Pear Park Neighborhood”. The request meets that goal. 79 80 Date Description r. rD te as REVISIONS nc La 15 ft. (typ.) Contour Interval: 1 ft. 12 ft. 24 ft. (typ.) OFFICE 10 ft. 5 ft. (typ.) Date: May, 2015 Scale: 1 in. = 30 ft. 4647 7' 46 48 45 ft. 24 ft. 24 ft. (typ.) 10' Drainage, Irrigation, and Utility Easement 6 - 6 ft. x 10 ft. Units 2,520 sf Maintenance Building TYPICAL UNIT ARRANGEMENT 4 - 5 ft. x 6 ft. Units 4 - 5 ft. x 6 ft. Units 4649 30' 6' 47 46 15' 20 ft. (typ.) 19 ft. 60 ft. 4 Spaces @ 9 ft. ea. 0' 20 ft. (typ.) 24 ft. (typ.) 30' Prepared By: Phase Two Phase Two Existing Dwelling To Removed With Phase 3 Land Development Consultant 537 Fruitwood Drive, Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 970-434-8215 THOMAS A. LOGUE (Gravel Surface) Phase Three STORMWATER S TORM MWATER R MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT FFACILITY ACILITY Existing Fenced Storage and Maintenance Area 32 ft. Phase One (A) Phase One (B) Gate 26 ft. Phase One (A) Phase One (B) 46 49 Prepared For 1521 Oxbow Drive, Suite 210 Montrose, CO 81402 970-249-3398 LEADERSHIP CIRCLE, LLC 47 46 Existing Driveway To Be Abandoned With Phase 3 4650 50 46 D 1/2 ROAD Proposed Driveway 32 ROAD 141 Planned Unit Development Amendment MIDLANDS SELF STORAGE Mesa County, Colorado East 1/4 Corner Section 15 T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Ute Mer. CONCEPT PLAN Direction of Surface Drainage Flow Proposed Landscaped Buffer 4,356 sf Existing Landscaped Berm 4,972 sf Proposed 6 ft. Security Fence Existing One Foot Coutour Property Boundary 2.18 ac. LEGEND Phase Two and Phase Three Year 3 - 5 7.1 100.0 9.6 63.0 Year 2 PHASING PLAN 6,725 94,960 9,150 59,835 Phase One (A) Office, Entrance and Storage Units Phase One (B) RV Storage on Gravel Surface and Stormwater Management Facility Phase One (B) Storage Units Year 1 Total Individual Storage Units: 392 Stormwater Management Total SITE AREA PERCENT (sf) OF TOTAL 18,960 20.0 290 0.3 LAND USE SUMMARY USE Existing & Proposed Buffers Drives Buildings Office D 1/2 ROAD LOCATION MAP 141 To I-70BL 32 ROAD 5/17/2015 48 ft. (typ.) / To U.S. 50 6 - 6 ft. x 10 ft. Units OF 1 SHEETS 1 SHEET 81 82