News 11 - INTECRAL
News 11 - INTECRAL
News 11 27.10.2014 © Torres, 2014 Sugar cane Harvester for all small to medium medium--sized farms in Rio de Janeiro State INTECRAL Work Package 2: Good Agricultural Practices and Participatory farms Planning INTECRAL project is a jointly developed scientific cooperation supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock Project Rio Rural (SEAPECPRR). It aims to improve the competitiveness of the rural economic sector in due consideration of a sustainable watershed management, including environmental risk mitigation and protection of natural resources. 1 Development of a Sugar cane Harvester for all small to medium-sized farms in Rio de Janeiro State The research was carried out between the 14th of march and the 30th of april of 2014, under the framework of the INTECRAL Project activity: “Development of a sugar cane harvester“. This research aims to develop a sugar cane harvester in order to help the small and medium sized sugar cane farms in the state of Rio de Janeiro who are threatened by a new law that prohibits the sugar cane leave burning. It also expects to achieve a win-win situation for economic, environmental and social aspects. cane (Breeding, cultivation, harvest, state of the art, logistic parameters etc); b) Development of an specification sheet with the technical parameters required for the machine construction; c) Demand for the cologne solution to harvest sugar cane; d) Determination of economic and social aspects for the small and medium sized farms in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Involved institutions The main results of this assessment can be summarized as: ITT/CUAS, LT/CUAS, Rio Rural/SEAPEC, PESAGRO, EMATER Campos dos Goytacazes, UENF. UFRRJ, Asflucan, Coagro. Collaborators Sabine Schlüter, Juan Carlos Torrico, Hartmut Gaese, Carl-Friedrich Gaese (ITT/CUAS); Dagmar Gaese (LT/ CUAS); Torsten Meyer (TM Technik), Andrea Nüsse and Roland Wollenweber (TÜV Rheinland), Helga Hissa and Nelson Teixeira (PRR); Jose Marcio Ferreira (PESAGRO), Arivaldo Ribeiro Viana (PESAGRO); Luiz Carlos Teixeira Guimaraes (EMATER Campos dos Goytacazes), Ricardo Ferreira Garcia (UENF) Relevant results It was identified that after the Implementation of the law (prohibit the burning) there are no mechanized alternative for the small and medium sized farms to harvest sugar cane. Positive feedback of sugar cane producers, cooperatives, associations of producers, different Brasilian institutions and the government of the state RJ after the presentation of the cologne solution for harvesting sugar cane. It shows major interest in this possibility to secure the small farmers. All farms are organized by Cooperations. This could be a platform to finance and invest in this sugar cane harvesters especially for small sized farms. Research area Collected data regarding requirement specifications to built a prototype. The research took place all around Campos dos Goytacazes municipality as showing in Figure 1. Next steps The next steps for the period 2014—2015 correspond to: Find a financing to construct a prototype Secure the infrastructure (workshop, test field, driver etc), perform field tests and optimizations and briefing of the Brazilian partners Acknowledgement Figure 1. Research area Relevant activities The main activities carried out during this assessment correspond to: a) Research of the supply chain of sugar The researchers would like to express their gratitude to all the team from PRR whom strongly supported the work done with the logistic and mentoring in Brazil. Deepest gratitude to PESAGRO Helga Hissa, Nelson Texeira (Rio de Janeiro) and Jose Marcio Ferreira (Campos dos Goytacazes) for the great support on-field, thanks to EMATER and the Cooperativa and UFRRJ (Carlos Frederico de Menezes Veiga) for their collaboration. 2 ©Gaese 2014 Field Visit to a small farmer (27.03.2014) ©Gaese 2014 Sugar cane harvester (Case) - Usina Coagro (01.04.2014) ©Gaese 2014 ©Gaese 2014 On-Site interview with a middle size farmer (08.04.2014) Sugar cane harvesting by man power (04.04.2014) ©Gaese 2014 ©Gaese 2014 Lorry and loader for sugar cane (09.04.2014) Field visit to a middle sized farmer of sugar cane (09.04.2014) CONTACT ITT— CUAS: [email protected]; SEAPEC RIO RURAL Project: [email protected] Web Page: 3