June 2011 printed - Island Lake Camp


June 2011 printed - Island Lake Camp
Island Laker
June 2011
Dear Island Lakers
“Schooooooooool’s Out,… for Summer!” Sing it again,…louder,…at the top
of your lungs! “Schooooool’s Out Forever!” Ok, maybe not forever, but
summer will suffice.
Well, we've finally moved up to camp for summer 2011 and we can't tell you
how INCREDIBLE it feels to be back at our favorite home once again.
Waking to the sounds of morning birds and the smell of the fresh country
air,...ok, ok, we’ll stop rubbing it in, but it feels so fantastic to be back here at
camp once again. We've officially started pre-camp and we have many of
your favorite counselors, as well as some new ones, here with us setting up
camp for your arrival in only a few more weeks.
This will be our last newsletter before camp begins, so be sure to read every
last word cover to cover. There is A LOT of important information in this
newsletter for both parents and campers so make sure you share, share, share!
We’re always tossing in new important information that benefits everyone.
Our winter office is officially closed for the season so please remember to
address all correspondence to:
Island Lake Camp
50 Island Lake Rd.
Starrucca, PA, 18462.
Our phone number is now 570-798-2550 and our fax is 570-798-2346. The toll
free number does not reach us at camp and we will not get any messages left
on our Pleasantville, NY voicemail. Of course, we can still be reached via email at [email protected].
We are SO EXCITED for all of our campers and staff to join us here at ILC!
Now hurry up and finish school so you can get here already!
“No more
pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks!”
Bev, Mike, Matt, Wendy, Trip, Lisa, & Craig
New Activity!
This summer, we will begin to offer classes in digital photography!
If you are interested in learning to shoot digital pictures and edit them in
Photoshop, then please pack a digital camera (preferably not a fancy one).
We will no longer offer traditional photography, so there is no need to pack
black & white film.
Last Minute Reminders
When writing to children and staff at camp, please remember to put
their full names on the envelope.
Please note the dates of this summer's sessions:
Session 1: Saturday, June 25 – Thursday, July 14
Session 2: Thursday, July 14 – Tuesday, August 2
Session 3: Tuesday, August 2 – Monday, August 15
Transportation forms were due May 1st. By mid-June, you will
receive your children’s luggage tags along with their bus stop
information and directions. If you do not fill out your children’s
Transportation Forms, we will assign them to buses. Please keep in
mind that these assignments cannot be changed.
A reminder to all families who live flying distance from camp: We
will provide you with linens, blankets, and towels upon your arrival.
We would recommend, however, that you supply a few extra beach
towels. Those campers flying to Newark Airport will soon receive a
package with additional airport information and an Island Lake tshirt. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE wear this shirt on the day you
fly to camp.
Packing for Camp
In your folder of materials, you should have received a suggested clothing list. Please use this as a
guide to pack for camp. Remember that everything must be labeled with your camper's name.
Linens (towels, sheets, blankets, pillows, and pillowcases) will be provided to those campers who fly
to camp. All other campers must bring their own linens
Please remember that we cannot accommodate hard trunks. Duffel bags are best; they hold a lot.
Remember to place your child’s name on all duffels and suitcases. Luggage is limited to two pieces
per camper as we cannot fit more than this in our luggage transport the day your child travels to
camp. Luggage space on our buses is limited and we want to avoid unnecessary problems.
Additionally, all duffles/soft trunks/suitcases must have the Island Lake luggage tags which will be
mailed to you in the upcoming weeks. Small carry-on luggage will be permitted on the bus. If you
have an item that is difficult to take on the bus (such as a fishing rod), please see one of our staff
members at the bus stop. They will be happy to help you find a place for it.
Island Lake is a 'casual dress' camp. Laundry is done weekly and returned to the campers and staff
the same day. Therefore, campers only need about one week's supply of clothing. One or two 'dressup' outfits may be desired for socials or for the end-of-summer banquet (August 14th). Otherwise,
shorts, t-shirts, jeans, and sweatshirts are the usual dress code. Don’t forget to pack a jacket for
rainy days, too!
We will continue to enforce a policy of one-piece swimsuits for girls at the waterfront, around camp,
and on any out of camp trips we take (including the teen trips). Please understand that this policy is
in your daughter’s best interest. We ask that you make certain that only appropriate swimsuits are
packed. Also, our hilly, rocky terrain is not suited for platform shoes. For your daughter’s safety,
please do not send them to camp. We want to avoid unnecessary injuries.
Please leave any potentially dangerous items (pocket knives, laser pointers, fireworks, lock boxes,
matches, lighters, etc.) at home. They are strictly forbidden at camp. Good jewelry is not necessary
at camp. Video cameras, televisions, laptops, and expensive electronic games or equipment are
unnecessary and unacceptable. Music players are NOT a necessity at camp and are therefore a “use
at your own risk” item to be kept in the bunks at all times. Please read your Parent Handbook for
more detailed information regarding these rules and policies.
Cell phones are strictly prohibited. Although your child may possess an iPhone (or similar device),
cell phones are explicitly forbidden at our camp and will be confiscated and mailed home if your
child attempts to bring them. All devices capable of receiving a data connection via cell service (even
if it’s not enabled) are prohibited. Any iPad or other device that may have this capability will be
inspected. Any item with cellular capability will be confiscated and mailed home. Please help avoid
this uncomfortable situation and make sure your child does not bring (or sneak) any forbidden items
to camp.
Packing for camp can be overwhelming, so keep it simple. Please refer to your Suggested Packing
List and Suggested Equipment List for detailed information regarding packing. Campers should
bring items related to their activities of interests, such as a tennis racket, dance shoes, baseball glove,
white t-shirts for tie-dye, etc. If you have any questions, please give us a call and we’d be happy to
help you. And remember, Island Lake is a non-uniform camp. Each camper will receive an Island
Lake t-shirt at camp (except flying campers who will receive theirs prior to their arrival to wear on
the airplane to camp).
We’ve Just Signed Up
Kyra Aviles
Luke Blumencranz
Adam Carcione
Isabel Chess
Caleigh Connell
Rhiannon Connell
Justin Croteau
Gaspard Deroyan
Gabriella Duncan
Jasmine Fernandez
Skyler Goldin
Will Goldstein
Savannah Greene
Sam Hollander
Duncan Jarvie
Samantha Leff
Jake Levi
Alec Liebowitz
Matty Liebowitz
Alexandra Lobel
Rachel Lobel
Killeen McCans
Nicole McGovern
Alec Morea
Andrew Postal
Ryann Schutt
Christopher Severini
Cooper Shugarman
Sarah Tract
Congcong Wang
Alexandria Weinraub
Helen Zhao
Benjamin Zucker
Twitter Account
Tweet! Island Lake will be “tweeting” again this summer. You can find us at
twitter.com/IslandLakeCamp. We are going to post new tweets as often as we can, given
our busy schedule. We are going to let you know, in general, what is happening in camp. We will let you know what group activities are happening, what the weather is doing,
what the meals are, and anything else we can think of. We will not be “tweeting” about
individual campers but just about camp life in general. This is an effort to allow those
of you who are too old to attend camp to get a better idea of what is happening each day. We hope you check our account often and share the camp experience with us!
Sophie Heiman and Maddy Lido went toe to toe at a dance
competition in Patchogue, Long Island. Both of their dances placed in
the top five high scores! Way to go Girls!
Jordanna Drazin was recently cast in a Sony Pictures movie called Damsels in
Distress. Jordanna plays a flashback version of one of the main characters. It is
directed by Whit Stillman and stars Greta Gerwig and Adam Brody. The movie will
be released in the fall and we can’t wait to see it!
Staff 2011
Kevin Abbanato
Emily Davidowitz
Michelle Hewitt
Em Minter
Chad Abbott
Natalie Davidson
Peter Hick
Pauline Mitchell
Amna Achim
Arya Demehri
Claire Hinders
Karolina Mogila
Florian Acs-­‐Feher
Marcin Derlatka
Corey Hindin
Hedy Moore
Ashley Agnew
Robert DeWitt
Nicole Hitchings
Megan Moran
Tracey Agnew
Jake Dillon
Blake Hoonhout
Joanna Morawiec
Victor Alarcon Lopez
Kelly Dobkins
Leah Howell
Jose Moreno Arellano
Angelica Altamura
Peter Donohue
Richard Hradszky
Arkadiusz Musial
Miranda Amey
Patrick Dyar
Dustin Hutton
Jennie Nemroff, RN
Luis Arronte
Jessica Elkin
Leoncio Isita Barragan
Ashley Nethercott
Merlin Avalos
Ophelia Ellis
Bill Jackson
Sam Nickols
Victor Ayala Sanchez
Zachary Ellman
Sebastiaan Janssen
Daniel Nicoletti
Elizabeth Bailey
Mark Engelhardt
Sydnee Jenkins
James O'Donnell
Lauren Baker
Libby Ennis
Eoghan Jones
Ashley Oliver
Michael Barash
Shannon Entrekin, RN
Kimberly Jurgens
Tim Oprzadek
Gerardo Javier Barrera Attila Erdos
Jennifer Kahle
John Ortiz
Areil Espinosa Carrasco
Meghan Kane
Jacquelyn Owens, RN
Weston Barton
Miriam Solar
Shannon Kane
Jose Arista
Sherri Becker, RN
Ryan Evans
Corie Kanter
Reyna Martinez
Marketa Belova
Attila Farkas
Melanie Katz
Lauren Parks
Kevin Bennett
Errol Feekery
Marketa Kavanova
Jacek Pawlickl
Philip Bennetts
Konrad Fekete
Emily Keener Petra Pazar
Nick Benvenuti
Jessica Felix
James Kelly
Ginnette Pena
Andrew Betoff
Bianca Sánchez
Adam Kerchman
Andrew Percival
Katarzyna Bizon
Bridget Fillo, RN
Chad Kirkwood
Adrian Perez Ovando
Beth Black
Noah Findling
Alena Klompus
Javier Perez Ovando
Stacey Bolnick
Mike Finkelstein
Bernadett Koda
Brandon Pesek
Trina Bookman
Zac Flowerman
Michal Korbelar
Justin Pesek
Christine Bounds
Claire Forward
Alec Kossoff
David Peterson
Kimberley Boyle
Anthony Fox
Cody Krivan
Andrew Pidcock
Emily Broome
Paul Fragner
Pawel Kroczek
Hillary Poirier
Alex Bruder
Jonathan Friedman
Magdalena Kuriata
Lukas Polak
Zachary Brun
Shanelle Galloway
David Landers
Samantha Popham
Richard Budafokl
Neil Garcia
Anastasiia Larkina Alexandra Pumilia
Allie Burch
Oscar Garcia
Amanda Laszcz
Luis Quesada
Katie Callahan
Aubrey Garner
Shawn LeUkowitz
Chloe Raggett
Lawrence Calvert
Mackenzie Garrity
Omri Lidor
Eszter Rakita
Victor Candia Munoz
Doug Gassaway
Katie Linney
Efran Ray
Bianca Capstick
Jill Gevisenheit
Olga Liskova
Yanara Reda
Barrie Cohen
Max Giegerich
Concepcion Torres
Charles Reed
Sarah Collins
Spencer Golden
Luke Marlin
Melissa Resnick, RN
Michele Connell
Emile Goldman
Aurora Martinez
Diana Reyes Rodriguez
Alex Cook
Richard Goldring
Jonathan Martinez
Jeffrey Richmond
Brad Cooper
Jonathan Moreno
Rebecca Matulewicz
Holly Rimmer
Joanna Corn
Alexander Green
Carla McGregor
Amanda Rivkin
Kevin Cornelius
Jonathan Guerrero
Jennifer McLoughlin
Fiza Rizwan
Araceli Corril Carvente
Martine Hancock
Kirk McNabb
Amber Romeo
Michael Courtney
Barton Harris
Agnieszka Mendel
Ben Rusher
Sarah Croteau
Samantha Hartophilis
Akos Mendly
Petra Sabova
Rachael Crowe
James Hawes
Bence Meszaros
Christine Samaha, RN
Jesus Cruz
Sean Hawkins
Amanda Mikeska
Jenna Satnick
Adriana Cruz Ortega
Steven Henderson
Elyse Miller
Stuart Schiff
Pawel Czajkowski
Levi Henshaw
Kayla Miller
Lila Schneider
Katarzyna Czekaj
Joaquin Hernandez
Daniel Mills
Tarin Schneider
Tananda Darling
Jessica Heslop-­‐Hendy
Emma Mills
Robin Schnitzer
Nitsan Schuster
Donald Seraita
Michael Seraita
Tomer Shachar
Kim Shaffer
Paul Sharpe
Ryan Sherer
Amanda Shorr
Lynette Shorr
Thomas Shumway
Emese Sido
Daniel Silva
Rachel Silverman
Brandon Sims
Anna Siwula
Elisabeth SliUkin
Marcin Sliwinski
Craig Smail
Megan Smail
Diane Smith
Matthew Smith
Mark Smyth
Bethany Sonderling
Daniel Stern
Connor Stringer
Kip Stroud
James Styles
Heidi Sunny
Emese Szucs
Denisa Talovic
Daniel Taylor
Magdalena Potenciano
Vanessa Tignanelli
Russell Tolliver
Laura Trentham
Alex Tucker
Glenn Turett
ZsoUia Turgonyi
Max Vahue
Lisa van Zweden
Jillian von Schilling
Ben Wald
Craig Wallace
Fiona Walsh
Lauren Webb
Amanda Weiss
Morgan Weiss
Kim Weitzman
Greg Weston
Alison Williams
Stephanie Williams
Carolyn Wirtz
Marisol Zayas Chavez
Debbie Zucker
Michele Connell
Shanelle Galloway
Jordan Linsker
Jordan Steinberg
Trina Bookman
Aitor Garcia del Cid
Marketa Kavanova
Rebecca Matulewicz
Maxwell Meadow
Diane Smith
Lauren Frank
Liza Kasper
Liam Marothy
Clark Rhiel
Ben Rusher
Sean Hawkins
Cory Johnson
Julia Sassoon
Matthew Neporent
Alexis Oriel
Eli Schleicher
Paige Betoff
Jennifer Kahle
Jonathan Schiff
Emile Goldman
Dustin Hutton
Meaghan McArthur
Max Vahue
Emily Broome
Kyle Unger
Kelly Dobkins
Jordanna Drazin
Sabrina Finkelstein
Jacob Sheldon
Zachary Sheldon
Jonathan Friedman
Brandon Kramer
Leon Michalski
Happy Birthday
Rachel Richardson
Ryan Felberbaum
Michael Fruhling
Erica Kinzelberg
Tyler Lipton
Sara Pistono
Mike Stoltz
Isabel Haynes-­‐Rams
Samantha Murray
Max Novick
Alexandra Pumilia
Corey Hindin
Ethan Mundell
Ashley Nethercott
Almasa Talovic
Kyle Banks
Gabrielle Heller
David Leace
Bill Jackson
Jasmine Fernandez
Alexander Green
Sally Dahl
Patrick Dyar
Taylor Naftali
Melissa Resnick, RN
Eli Gold
Elisa Kodsi
Rachel Heintjes
Lily Schwartz-­‐Sussman
Samantha Smith
Elizabeth Bailey
Mackenzie Garrity
Alec Liebowitz
Callie Schaeffer
Samantha Stockel
Adam Fox
Rebecca Kraus
Pawel Kroczek
Max Carle
Charlotte L. Diamond
Jessica Elkin
Grant Fields
Lauren Futterman
Claire Kissane
Lawrence Calvert
Kyle Tassone
Emily Elkin
Brian Reynolds
Skyler Goldin
Richard Goldring
Evan Israeloff
Neil Garcia
Julia Greenspan
Cody Krivan
Jonathan Snel
Boaz Sonderling
Yanara Reda
Nicole Budoff
Claire Heidenreich
India Weston
Alison Becker
Pawel Czajkowski
Sydney O'Connell
Morgan Weiss
Abby Creekmore
Attila Farkas
Jacob Harelick
Samantha Hartophilis
Maia Klein
Wendy Stoltz
Ezra Werlinich
Michael Comora
Rachel Mendelson
David Peterson
Emily Nadler
Jordan Shulman
Sydney Shulman
Marcin Sliwinski
Tyler Steinberg
Emese Szucs
Joshua Freeman
Olga Liskova
Jake Etzler
Matthew Shalett
Hannah Dahl
Sophie Heiman
Jose Moreno Arellano
Sarah Rodbell
Gonzalo Diaz
Jordan Krim
Max Lehr
Jillian von Schilling
Jonathan Guerrero
Allison Myar
Zoe Alpern
Chelsea Cohen
Jason Denrich
Fiza Rizwan
Jake Rubino
Casey Adashek
Samuel Ginsberg
Jacek Pawlickl
Max Rudolph
Stacey Stiner
David Fisher
Abby Tepper
Ashley Agnew
Liz Maddox
Isabella Phillips
Sara Rabinowitz
James Turner
Jordan Cui
Miriam Janette Espinosa Solar
Maria Gonzales
Matthew Rabinowitz
Adam Grunther
Magdalena Potenciano
Chloe Becker
Will Goldstein
Blake Hoonhout
Katie Linney
Lydia Colman
Francisco Golmayo
Dory Kasper
Hedy Moore
Jake Plattman
Matthew Smith
Camille Jacques
Adam Quinn
Danielle Shapiro
Buddy Jacobson
Hannah Mendelson
Jessica Budin
Brooke Matalon
Andrew Percival
Olivia Tippett
Leah Howell
Jeremy Milkes
Tim Oprzadek
Victor Alarcon Lopez
Netsanet Arnold
Victoria Kwartler
Shawn LeUkowitz
Ethan Valva
Johanna Adashek
Janie Karp
Jessica Rosenblum
Theo Cooper
Claire Forward
Lola Maquet
Skylar Zakarin
Marisol Zayas Chavez
Efran Ray
Charles Reed
Juliette Sandak
Camille Shuken
Florian Acs-­‐Feher
Carly Hofferman
Michal Klonecki
Jenna Newman
Donald Seraita
Hannah Sher
Aria Sonderling
Chad Abbott
Sammy Comora
Spencer Comora
Spencer Solit
Areil Espinosa Carrasco
Jordan Gladstone
Ali Cohen
Matthew Hornick
Meghan Kane
Michelle Hewitt
Colton Kennelly
Noah Lieberman
Jenna Abrams
Claudia Boland
Annabelle Fine
Isabel Klein
Tina Tully
Isabel Chess
Trent Hunter
Kelly Quinn
Bethany Sonderling
Gavin Caine
Jonathan Martinez
Alec Kossoff
Javier Perez Ovando
Sydney Wood
Maxwell Tannenbaum
Samuel Arnold
Aurora Martinez
Josh Berger
Ian Berkey
Olivia Neu
Ginnette Pena
Hannah Saven
Sarah Saven
Killeen McCans
Asher Goldman
Dorothy Lowenstein
Diana Reyes Rodriguez
Madeline Richmond
Hannah Rodbell
David Schuftan
Brett Weiss
Matthew Atwater
Deanna Pistono
James Reynolds
Cooper Shugarman
Peter Hick
Madison Klein
Karolina Mogila
Jack Moses
Congcong Wang
Jennifer Ligansky
Tyler Atwater
Steven Henderson
Tarin Schneider
Zachary Transport
Miranda Amey
Ashley Bounds
Caleigh Connell
Rhiannon Connell
Ari Cummings
Corey Weitzman
Jesus Cruz
Lauren Webb
Ryan Caine
Araceli Corril Carvente
Jake Feuerman
Tristan Golden
Andrew Nemroff
Petra Pazar
Andrew Postal
Natalie Schneider
Adam Rosenstein
Ben Whipple
Alana Jennis
Zoe Peltz
Benjamin Kaufman-­‐Shalett
Agnieszka Mendel
Tracey Agnew
Michalah Arnold
Lee Johnson
Daniel Mills
Heather Brokke
Harris Feldman
Jenna Ferraro
Barton Harris
Shahrukh Khan
Skyler Sands