You can improve the lives of local children, adults and


You can improve the lives of local children, adults and
LIVE. WORK. LEARN. PLAY. While these
activities create our quality of life, many of us take
them for granted on a day-to-day basis. For individuals with special needs, one or more of these daily
activities may be a major challenge.
Our Vision. A world where all people have
equal opportunity and choice to realize
their dreams to live, work, learn and play
as members of our community.
Our Mission. To make a meaningful and lasting
difference in the lives of children, adults and families
with special needs. We accomplish this by providing
education, healthcare and housing services.
In this report, you will meet four remarkable individuals for whom Fraser is making a significant and
lasting difference. Debbea, is a vibrant woman with
developmental disabilities. She LIVES in the community thanks to the support of her Fraser home. Nathan, an energetic young man
with an autism spectrum disorder, WORKS on speech and reading skills at Fraser.
Nicholas, a loveable preschooler LEARNS skills for daily life in Fraser autism and
rehabilitation programs. Javaree, a precious boy who experienced a traumatic early
childhood, now PLAYS without anxiety thanks to therapy he received at Fraser.
Many families tell us they don’t know what they would have done without our services
and that Fraser saved their lives. I am so honored that our organization does this meaningful work. We truly are fulfilling our mission of making a significant and lasting
difference in the lives of thousands of children and adults.
I thank each and every one of you for being a friend of Fraser. Your volunteer and
financial support are critical during these times − we can’t do it without you! If we all
do a little, we can save lives. Please accept my deepest gratitude for all you do!
Warm regards,
Diane S. Cross
President and CEO of Fraser
Fraser® is a Minnesota nonprofit organization with a nationally
renowned reputation for serving children and adults with special needs.
Fraser provides a broad continuum of direct services, information and
support in the areas of healthcare, education and housing.
Fraser Healthcare Services
Fraser Education Services
Fraser Child & Family Center®
The Fraser Institute®
Comprehensive mental health services for children, adolescents and families. Services
include evaluation and treatment for children with autism spectrum disorders; assessments
and treatment for children with emotional or behavioral disorders; and evaluations for
children and young adults with neurodevelopmental/neurological disorders.
Training, program and product
development to assist individuals
with disabilities, their families and
the professionals serving them to
access resources that may not
otherwise be available.
Fraser® Home & Community Supports
Assists people with maintaining physical and behavioral health, family well-being,
increasing independent living skills and participating in the community through personal
care assistance, waiver case management, support planning, respite care, person-centered
planning, personal and in-home family support.
Fraser Rehabilitation Services
Comprehensive evaluation, consultation and treatment for children with special needs.
Services include physical, occupational, speech-language, feeding and music therapies
and unique therapies especially for children with autism.
Fraser Housing Services
Fraser Residential Services
Caring and safe independent-living options for children and adults
with special needs in single-family homes and apartments.
Fraser School®
Inclusive early childhood education
services for children of all abilities
including: infant, toddler, and preschool programs; Ready 4K; centerbased respite care and Family
Focused Program.
Fraser Academy®
A public elementary school founded
and sponsored by Fraser and serving
children of all abilities. (Fraser Academy
is a separate organization from Fraser.)
Lives Impacted by Fraser in 2008
Children and Adults
Receiving Direct Services
Clients Assisted through
Collaborative Services
Families Receiving Support
and Information
Parents and Professionals
Attending Fraser Seminars
Students Trained through
Clinical Internships
Fraser Volunteers
Individuals Attending
a Fraser Event
Recipients of Program
Service Information
Total Lives Impacted
by Fraser in 2008
* represents individual clients, does not include family members
A high prevalence of autism spectrum disorders means thousands of
Minnesota families need direct-care and support services. As the longestrunning, largest provider of autism services in Minnesota, Fraser provides
diagnosis, treatment and support services to hundreds of children, adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders and their families.
Some of the services
provided by Fraser include:
early childhood education;
occupational, physical, speech,
music and feeding therapies;
individual, family and group therapies;
diagnostic evaluations and referrals;
parent education, training and support;
individual and group skills training;
care coordination and case
management services;
consultation and training
to the community;
residential services;
day treatment;
respite care;
PCA services;
and more!
Many organizations offer autism programs, but few can match the experience
and expertise of Fraser. Here are some benefits of Fraser services.
Multidisciplinary approach. Each individual with autism is unique in his/her needs.
Our approach considers what is best for each individual and designs services around
personal strengths and areas for growth. At Fraser, behavioral interventions are integrated
into daily activities along with psychological, medical, rehabilitation, educational and
social communication based strategies.
Family involvement. We believe parents are the experts on their children and work closely
with parents to design treatment programs. We also provide important wrap-around services
to support individual and family success.
Lifelong support for individuals of all abilities. Fraser provides autism services to children
of all ages, adolescents and adults. We serve individuals of all abilities, on all points of the
autism spectrum. Services are modified as an individual’s needs change.
Some results of Fraser programs include: fewer out of home and crisis placements;
improved behaviors across settings (school, home, community); parental choice and control
over services; improved daily life of individuals and families (including reduced family stress);
knowledgeable parents about their child’s condition; and streamlined services through which
families receive help sooner and more are served.
Our sister, Debbea, has an infectious laugh and
a zest for life. She loves to go fishing, play softball
and go horseback riding. She grew up surrounded
by four adoring brothers and our loving parents.
Because she has developmental disabilities,
Debbea is unable to live independently as an
adult. She lived with our parents for many years.
As they aged, our mom recognized that she needed to find an alternative living situation suitable
for Debbea’s future. After a friend of the family
told mom about Fraser Residential Services, she
put Debbea on the waiting list for a Fraser group
home. She didn’t want us boys to have to worry
about where Debbea would live and who would
care for her.
Debbea has lived happily in a Fraser house for
more than 22 years now. She used to come home
“ Fraser brings
her out of her
shell and exposes
her to different
on weekends and holidays to visit mom and dad.
Since our parents passed away, we all take turns
having Debbea visit on the weekends. Many
weekends she chooses to hang out at her own
home with her roommates. It’s great to know that
she has her family close by but also loves where
she lives on her own.
Mom used to tell us that Debbea was lucky to
have gotten in at Fraser. Fraser is such a good
place because the staff is attentive to all of her
needs – whether they are physical, mental or
emotional. As her family, we are comforted in
knowing that she is well taken care of. Even
though she is mentally challenged, the staff at
Fraser don’t treat her that way. They help her
gain independence and participate in activities
out in the community. We joke that Debbea has
done more in the Twin Cities than we have!
Debbea has a job, a boyfriend, takes cooking classes, plays on a softball team and goes
horseback riding. She even went on a train trip
to Glacier National Park with other people with
special needs.
We had been concerned that if Debbea lived
with one of us, we wouldn’t be able to fulfill all
of her needs. We know that she would definitely
be more sheltered living with one of her brothers
than she is at Fraser. Fraser brings her out of her
shell and exposes her to different environments.
She has a good quality of life at Fraser. We feel
that she lives in a great place!
Wally and Jacquie Luoma, Gary Jamison,
Bob Luoma, Dale Luoma
Fraser Residential Services focus on
the individual needs, gifts and dreams
of each person served. Debbea’s services are built around her abilities
and desires, and are responsive to
feedback from Debbea, her family
and her service team. Fraser draws
on a multitude of resources to benefit individuals and support those
individuals to participate in and
contribute to their communities.
Faith Taves
Senior Program Assistant
Fraser Residential Services
“ Often, days go
by that I don’t
even think
about autism.”
Nathan was the most unbelievingly easy going
baby. I would put him in his stroller and take him
out with me. He would just go along for the ride
without a care in the world.
the way I handle Nathan and autism. His future
and what happens to him from this point on
depends on what I do right now. I have to be
the advocate for my son.
When Nathan was 18 months old, I became
concerned because he had not started walking. Having two children before Nathan, I knew
he should be walking at this age and realized
something was wrong. I took Nathan to see the
pediatrician. The doctor started asking me questions that had nothing to do with walking and I
realized he knew something I didn’t. He hinted
that he thought Nathan might have PDD-NOS
(Pervasive Development Disorder, not otherwise
specified). I didn’t have any idea what that was,
so I raced home and started calling family and
friends. A friend who has a son with autism
told me that PDD-NOS is a form of autism.
I knew about Fraser and the great autism services.
However, living in Anoka and driving to Minneapolis every day, while raising two other children
and juggling a full-time job, was not something I
could do at the time. So I found services for Nathan
closer to home. Then one day, I received good news
that Fraser was opening an office in Anoka. I was
ecstatic and signed up right away.
The first night following the news, I sat by Nathan’s
crib and cried because I didn’t know what this
meant for my son. After going through a wave of
emotions, I made a decision that has since shaped
Fraser helps Nathan build core life and social
skills. Melissa Wills helps Nathan work on skills
training and navigating unwritten social rules, understanding teamwork, coping skills, and building
his confidence. He also meets with Jessica Page
and Melissa in group therapy where he works on
friendships. Building and maintaining friendships
is something Nathan strives for. I know how hard
he works in therapy because I see him apply the
skills in daily life. For example, I’ve seen him calm
himself when a situation gets too stressful. He was
never able to do that before Fraser.
The people at Fraser have been a wonderful
addition to Nathan’s life and have helped set him
up to succeed. With middle school fast approaching, I know that Nathan will face more challenges
down the road. However, I worry about this less
because I know the skills Nathan has learned at
Fraser will be something he continues to work on
as he grows up. With his hard-working attitude,
good sense of humor and support team at Fraser,
he grows and develops every day. Often, days
go by that I don’t even think about autism. I see
Nathan as my 10-year-old energetic son who just
happens to learn differently than most people.
Nathan has not only taught me to be a better
parent but how to be a better person.
Julie Lorge
Nathan has a great personality and
sense of humor and is a joy to work
with. He works very hard in individual
sessions to improve his abilities to understand how to relate to and interact
with peers. I see him apply these skills
during group sessions with his peers.
Nathan and his family always seem
to be working hard to help him reach
his highest potential.
Melissa Wills, M.A., MHP
Mental Health Practitioner
Fraser Anoka
“ It was such a relief
to get a variety of
services at Fraser…”
Nicholas always did things at his own pace. He was
slow in reaching developmental milestones, but
constantly progressed and reached them eventually. When Nicholas was about 2, his daycare teachers were concerned about his development. They
reported that he spent a lot of time alone and didn’t
talk. We were confused because he talked a lot at
home and was always sociable with our friends and
family. The teachers of our ECFE class suggested
we have Nicholas evaluated through the school
district. We learned that he qualified for services for
developmental delay. Our pediatrician supported
our resolve to get more opinions and we took him
for evaluations at a local hospital and at Fraser.
Though the evaluations reported slightly different
diagnoses, all had the same recommendation –
early intervention as quickly as possible. The process was frustrating and confusing, but we focused
on the areas we wanted to help him develop rather
than on a particular diagnosis or label. We considered ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) as well
as Fraser autism services. We weren’t sure that the
highly structured environment of ABA was right
for Nicholas. He was easy going and fairly good
with transitions. We felt what he really needed
was social interactions. We liked the social development approach at Fraser and also that Fraser
matches services with each child’s needs.
Thankfully, we qualified for TEFRA and got insurance coverage for Fraser. We began with skills
training and enrolled Nicholas in the autism day
treatment program. It was such a relief to get a
variety of services at Fraser and to stop driving to
appointments across the metro. Through Fraser,
Nicholas now receives autism day treatment as
well as speech-language, motor, occupational
and music therapies. He works one-on-one with
an adult and also interacts with other children.
Now 4, Nicholas has made wonderful progress.
In speech therapy, he is learning to follow twostep directions. His therapist shows us things we
can do at home to support his success. He has
also learned about interacting with peers. This
has helped build friendships at daycare. Learning
about turn-taking has led to fun games of Go Fish
and Lucky Ducks with mom and dad. Thanks to
help from OT, he is now a demon tricycle rider.
Through Fraser, we participated in an intensive
program brought to Minnesota by Oregon-based
Pace Place. Focusing on the emotional/nonverbal
part of the brain, it was eye opening. We will use
the strategies we learned for a long time. We love
that Fraser partners with other leading organizations to benefit families like ours.
Another reason we love Fraser is music therapy.
Because music is highly motivating for Nicholas,
it helps him learn skills in areas that he is delayed.
Music builds self-esteem and gives him the opportunity to excel. And, it never fails to put a big
smile on his face!
Having our son at Fraser means access to the
best treatments available. We believe only a few
organizations across the country are equal to
Fraser. It’s wonderful that we can live in an affordable community and have access to the quality
of treatment that Fraser offers.
Stephen Streng and Electra Coucouvanis
Working together for two years,
Nicholas and I have developed strategies to encourage growth of skills to
communicate and build a relationship.
We focus on learning all areas of communication including showing emotion and playing a role to convey ideas
or emotions. Nicholas has increased
his vocabulary and can maintain a
conversation to make requests and
offer ideas. He is learning to express
ideas about common interests and to
ask questions to keep a conversation
moving forward.
Valerie Olheiser, MS, CCC-SLP
Senior Speech-Language Pathologist
Fraser Rehabilitation Services
My husband and I have three adult children.
In March 2006, we became foster parents to two
brothers, ages 2 and 10. Javaree, the youngest,
had suspected fetal alcohol syndrome, cognitive
delays, attachment and sensory disorders and club
feet. When he arrived at our home, he could not
talk, could barely walk and screamed constantly.
We did not know how to handle Javaree’s behaviors. After a couple of weeks, we asked the social
worker to come get him.
She convinced us to continue working with him
and thankfully we were introduced to Fraser. We
had never heard of Fraser, but immediately scheduled an evaluation. About a year later, we enrolled
Javaree in the Child and Family Mental Health
Program at Fraser.
Even though Javaree’s behaviors were off the
charts, Fraser staff viewed him so positively. They
helped us rethink the way we worked with Javaree
and taught us techniques to deal with his screaming. His therapist suggested we give him
“ The partnership
between Fraser and
the preschool resulted
in phenomenal
changes in Javaree’s
a telephone book and “let him rip the pages until
he can’t rip anymore.” Miraculously it calmed him.
Javaree participated in the Fraser Day Treatment
Program for a year. He could now talk, walk and
jump. He was progressing fairly well and meeting
all of his objectives. Fraser suggested we transition
him into preschool to introduce him to school
and typical children.
At first it was tough. Javaree had grown accustomed to Fraser and the way they did things.
Though the transition was difficult, Fraser staff
walked us through the process step by step and
made sure that Javaree had everything he needed
to be successful.
Javaree didn’t understand why he had to leave
Fraser. Fortunately, he saw some of the Fraser
staff at his preschool. The partnership between
Fraser and the preschool resulted in phenomenal
changes in Javaree’s behavior. After only one year,
his teachers felt he was ready to move to a mainstream pre-kindergarten program.
We enrolled Javaree in the program and it was
a total disaster! He seemed to be losing all the
coping skills Fraser had taught him. I called Fraser
therapist Carrie Middleton in a panic. She organized a meeting with the teacher, Fraser staff and
the school district to come up with a way to help
Javaree. The group decided the best thing would
be for Javaree to transfer to a school with smaller
class sizes. I also wanted him to go back to Fraser.
Now Javaree has the best of both situations — he
splits his day between school and the day treatment program at Fraser.
Our story has a happy ending. On November 15,
2008, we formally adopted Javaree. This would not
have happened without the love, patience and “we
can do it” attitude of the staff at Fraser. Thank you,
Fraser, for being like an extended family to us.
Annie McKizzie
Fraser partners with Minneapolis
Public Schools to serve children with
significant emotional and behavioral
difficulties. In Javaree’s special education class, he focused on academic
learning. In the afternoon, he came
across the hall to Fraser to focus on
social emotional learning through
play. Javaree was able to play out
past trauma and current anxieties.
This allowed our therapeutic staff
to help him work though his trauma
and develop coping skills.
Lindsey Nelson, MSW, LICSW
Lead Therapist
Preschool Mental Health Program
Fraser measures success by the impact our efforts have on
the children, adults and families we serve. Below are some
of our accomplishments from 2008.
In 2008, Fraser made
a significant and lasting
difference in people’s lives.
Of those responding to our
client/consumer survey:
98% felt that their family benefited from
being connected to Fraser services;
91% said that, overall, Fraser programs
met or exceeded their expectations;
98% said that Fraser services made
a positive difference in their family
member’s skills or behaviors;
97% reported that they would
recommend Fraser services.
I mproved access to specialized autism and mental
health services for families in the northern metro by
opening a new site, Fraser Anoka. Providing services
in Anoka County reduced some clients’ commute
by more than an hour and freed space for additional
clients to be served at other Fraser facilities.
pened a second preschool mental health classroom housed in a Minneapolis public school. These
classrooms help young children who have severe
emotional and behavioral disturbances caused by
neurological vulnerabilities; traumatic experiences
(abuse, neglect, exposure to domestic violence);
exposure to drugs or alcohol; and disrupted
attachments to adults.
rganized health officials, advocates and others
concerned that autism might be abnormally high
within the local Somali community. More than 170
community members, professionals and Somali
parents attended a forum to learn about autism.
xtended our unique service offerings tailored to
individual and family needs by developing a homebased autism treatment model, achieving certification in sensory integration therapy and therapeutic
listening, and becoming a PCA Choice provider.
Provided safe and caring homes to more than 100 individuals with disabilities
who live in Fraser residential houses, including adding more direct care professionals to meet their increasing needs.
Helped an additional 150 families navigate the complex social service system by
expanding our contracted case management services. In 2008, 235 families were
served through this program.
Enhanced preschool learning by: adding an early-childhood special education
coordinator to create individualized plans for all children diagnosed with a disability; expanding kindergarten readiness curriculum; and providing advanced
training for staff on early-learning and social-communication curriculum.
Documented areas of success and challenge for young adults with Asperger’s
Disorder through a first-of-its-kind study that is helping clinicians develop
interventions to build skills at younger ages.
Received HUD funding to open a fifth Independent Living Project apartment site
for adults with developmental disabilities who can live independently. Purchased
an existing apartment complex which will be renovated and open in 2010.
Shared our expertise with nearly 1,500 parents and professionals through seminars provided by The Fraser Institute.
Continued outstanding leadership recognized by the community including:
Dave Halsey named CFO of the Year by The Business Journal; Kay LuedtkeSmith named Outstanding Employee and Chef Vincent Francoual named
Outstanding Volunteer both by Mpls/St. Paul Magazine.
Tatum Anderson
Barb and Craig Anderson
Adam Letourneau
Joseph and Delphine Casey
Carol Hartman
Rich and Kim Sunde
Billy Beddor
Jim and Cathy Robin
Herschell and Margo Lewis
Sharon Link and Bob Lewis
Hannah Benditt
David Benditt and
Mary Ann Goldstein
Gannon Thomas Lynch
Kathleen and John Lynch
Chris Bentley
Reverend and Mrs. Robert Possehl
Victoria Brendal
Dr. Peter and Mary Bretzman
Katie Bretzman
Dr. Peter and Mary Bretzman
Esme Brown’s 11th Birthday
Bridgit Albrecht
Kelly Leinfelder-Helgren
Kurt Winters
Henry Brown
Paul Brown
Jody Carlson
Thomas and Marge Feavel
Our heartfelt thanks to all of our donors who help
Fraser to make a significant and lasting difference in
the lives of children, adults and families with special needs.
The following individuals, corporations and foundations
made contributions of $25 or more to Fraser in 2008.
Diane Cross
Jane Houlton
Greg and Karen Fischer
Viktor Szucs
Charles Flanary
Chris and Wendy Gennaula
Anthony and Thomas Gennaula
Chris and Wendy Gennaula
Sheryl Grandprey
Chris and Donna Bredlow
Gregory and Nina Grandprey
Lloyd and Betty Grandprey
Thomas Grandprey and
Francesca Gori
Bob Gunderson
Nancy and Gene Booker
Mandy Henderson
Mary Henderson
Mary Jo Hildyard’s Birthday
Patricia Hoaglund
Steven Hjerpe
Julie and Paul Dingmann
Michael Jergenson
Richard and Bev Jergenson
Aaron and Janelle Johnson Family
The Tom S. Detwiler
Foundation, Inc.
Sam Johnson
Gregg and Kristen Johnson
Ella Kinder
Raymond Wroblewski
Karen Koenecke
Ted and Mary Koenecke
Charlie Maxwell
Karol and Duane Carlsrud
Karie Middleton
Diana Middleton
Paige More
Dwight A. York
Terry Mueller
Connie and John Young
Andrew Nash
Mary and Paul Nash
The Noreen’s
Laurie and Craig Anderson
David Pohle
Carol Pohle
John and Laurie Prebarich
Mary and William Schultze
Joshua Puchalski
Marian and Curtis Sampson
Andrea Gale and
Aaron Rose’s Wedding
Anonymous (2)
Ronald and Lori Abramson
Catherine and Ed Anderson
James and Janine Armour
and Family
Gwen D. Borchert
Kenneth and Susan Bowman
Dave Caldwell
Diane Carlson
George Castrone
Peggy Costa
James Curry
Christopher Cusack
Michael Cushing and Family
Balchan, Gray and DellaMea
Andrew Dunn
Leah Dyrud
Paul and Deb Everly
Bryan and Michel Faliero
Chris Ferguson
Margaret Fitch
Edward Fontaine
Galaxy Asset Management
Doug Gale and Simone Kenney
Jack and Debbie Gale
Kristen Gale
M. J. Dodie Gale
Janet Geerdes
Rusty and Greta Golifs
Robert Goodman and Jeff Poeszat
Donna Gora
Mark and Lezlie Greene
Marc Gruskoff
Kevin Haire
Judy and Paul Hammond
Sloan Harrington
Lawrence and
Sharon Hauskins
Clinton, Shauna and
Lilah Huber
Marisa Huber
Nancy Hughes, Mike
Bendickson and Mark Naiman
Mark Hutchins
Robert Johnson
Kirschenbaum & Phillips, P.C.
Robert Knight
Deepak Kohli
Charee Koy
Michael and Lorie Lang
Dan and Renee Legierski
Randy, Linda and Laura Luttrell
James Mahoney
Craig Manseth
Michael Mathis
Michael Meringolo
Rob Munroe
Carrie Murray
The Norris Family
J. Nuzzo
John and Nancy O’Shea
Stacie Otte
Kristin Pagel
James and Karen Powell
Amy and Mark Privratsky
Brian Redar
Anthony Rocco
Andrea and Aaron Rose
Stuart Wolpoff and Lee Rosner
Holly and Steve Ruderman
Wes and Shanna Schiffler
Robert Schofield
Anita Schoonmaker
Samir Shah
Mr. Ben and Andrea Slater
Richard Sleeth
Kimberly Sovereign
Barbara and Todd Striker
Ina and Sam Tuchman
John Twite
Derrick Weber
The Winkler Family
Patte Wood
John and Stephanie Zugschwert
Samuel B. Taylor
Benjamin Taylor
Marion and Bill Thayer
Virginia Puzak
Chase Tonn
Roles Family Foundation
Douglas L. Van Metre’s Birthday
Douglas C. and Celia Van Metre
Paula Werner,
David Peacock and Family
The Werner-Langhenry Family
Daniel Zelinksi
Lori Zelinski
Ronald Abrahamson
Kay and Larry Brady
Marina Anderson
Janice and Paul Anderson
Dr. Tom Arnold
Nancy and Gene Booker
Tom Barthelemy
Carol Barthelemy
Ryan Bissonette
Dea Anderson
John, Michael and Paul Bowen
Don and Anne Bowen-Olson
Michael Bowen
Don and Anne Bowen-Olson
Pete Bowman
Carl and Jeannie Miller
Gary Buesgens
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Ed Bush
Kay and Gerald Johnson
Larry Donohue
Michael and Betty Coolbroth
Mary Therese Stratton
Gary L. and Leonard A. Erickson
Helen Erickson
Leonard A. Erickson
Arlene Erickson
Gladys Holsten
Vivian Holten
Helen Fritz
Weldon and Phyllis Dunn
Charles Furman
Roberta Kagin and
Craig Alexander
Debbie Steen’s 40th Birthday
Jim and Beth Fries
Justin Grady
Gwen Grady
Ann Sturm
Carol W. Sturm
Dale Halvorson
Kay and Larry Brady
Karna Louise Szczech
Ruth Kunze
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Michael Larson
James Larson
John Maxson
Nancy and Gene Booker
Marjorie Norby
Richard and Connie Ferris
Evan Richard Otos
Matt, Jennifer and Paul Sanford
James Polhamus
Kay and Larry Brady
Mary Rasmussen
Laurence and Jane Eshleman
Ruth Schultz
Boot Jack Saddle Club
Janice Hinman
Edward Hunt
Nancy Hunt
John F. Kennedy
Democratic Club
Joseph and Jane Kisonas
Lillian Kowalsky
Eileen, Farrah and Brian Lehman
Kenneth Nugai
Donald Schultz
Karen Snidarich
Richard and Arlou Wicks
Kenneth and Teresa Wilson
Charles and Susan Holscher
Herbert and Carol Jensen
Kevin and Valerie Loegering
Ryan and Elisabeth McKinney
Walter and Nancy Schmidt
Emily Snapp and Tannis Brown
Scott and Cheryl Sturm
Warren and Judy Sturm
James Talle
Debra Anderson
Julie and Jeffrey Basche
Kim Bezdicek
Tony and Celeste Brausen
James and Molly Carey
Penny and Dale Cody
Deb and Scott Anderson
Nick and Karen Basil
Rocio and Sean Bezdicek
Cynthia and Dennis Bremer
Kristine and Dan Coffin
GB Anderson Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Erin and Todd Basney
Dan and Jill Bickett
Karen and Bruce Brendal
Jerome Carlin and
Carla Butz-Carlin
Molly Jo and Scott Bauch
Terry and Stephen Biegler
Joy Brenny
Carol and Blake Carlson
Donna Coleman
Jackie Anderson
Dianne and Paul Bauer
Greg Biehn
Mark and Jenny Bretheim
Karen and Daniel Carlson
Jennifer Colletti
Joan Anderson
Stefanie Bauer and Matt Bauer
Kristie and Carl Bretzke
Nancy Carlson
Dawn and Jeffery Colville
Josh and Nicki Colvin
Rick Bigaouette
Adam Cohen and Rosa Louie
Judy Anderson
Darrin Baum
Rebecca and Greg Bikfasy
Linda Brice
Terry Carlson
Karla Anderson
Libby Bauman
Aaron and Katrina Binstock
Douglas and Frances Briggs
Silvia and Adam Carlson-Roca
Anne Colvin-Dudek
Kathryn Anderson
Cindy Bintzler
Eliot Briggs
Donald Carlton
David and Charlotte Colwell
Gordon and Yvonne Briggs
Barbara Carter
Linda and Kevin Comiskey
Michael Anderson
Roger Bauman and
Nickdakht Torkzadeh
Cayla Baumann
Ron and Ann Baumbach
Ken Briggs
Marilisa and Tim Commerford
Randy Anderson
Scott and Sarah Bjelde
Ben and Matt Carter
Phyl Bean
Brigid and Kevin Brindley
Kathy Casey and Nancy Larson
Tom and Lori Commerford
Ross and Nancy Anderson
Kim Bjerke
Marty and Diann
Ruth Beastrom
Gus and Nancy Brinkman
Lorraine and James Cegla
Patrick and Patti Conlin
Valerie Anderson
James and Shirley Bjorgan
Christina and Mads Bjorn-Roli
Jason Britt
Lois Chalupsky
Raymond and Jo Connelly
Bonnie Black
Molly Broder
Tom and Pat Chalupsky
Kayla Connor and Abby Kishish
Tassie Blackstone
Jay Brooks
Roger and Diane Chamberlain
Dan and Kathy Conway
Paul and Janice Blaisdell
Neil and Kristi Brown
Alison Chambers
Eileen Conway
Marilyn and Michael Blanchard
Stephanie Brown
Sara Cheever
Christopher and Jill Cook
Rick Blegen
Jackie and Gary Brueggemann
Brent and Terry Chozen
James and Kimberly Bletzer
Leo Bruhl
Nancy Christensen
Elizabeth Cooley and
Jonathan Adam
Dina Blomlie
Martin and Donna Bruhl
Dean Christenson
Kristine Cooley
Paul Blum
Michael and Susan Brumm
Daniel Coplen
Sarah Blum
William Bruneau
Julie Christenson and
Dave Oachs
Shalabh and Shalini Bobra
Carol Bruneau-Malson
Jon Christiansen
Thomas Cornell
Gregory and Jodie Boderman
Chuck and Katie Bruno
Karen Christopherson
Mildred Bolstad
Vicki and Mark Brunsvold
Bette and Dave Chwalisz
Daniel Cosbie and
Charlene Cosbie
Lou Joan Bolwahnn
Brian and Paige Buck
Lisa Citino
Doug Cosbie
Michael Bono
Jonathan Buerg
Beryl Civilla
Anne Costello
Peggy Bonthius
Betty Bundul
Andrew and Sandra Clark
Bob Countryman
Nancy and Gene Booker
Bob and Sandi Burash
Mary Louise and Bradley Clary
Courant Gift Fund
Daniel Boone
Heidi and Stephen Burch
Timothy and Debra Clayton
Laura Courbois
James and Dorothy Benson
Christi and Gary Boots
Debbie Burden
Emma Clifford
Karen Covell
Karen and Leslie Benson
Joe Borton
Doug and Deb Burns
Jaime Cline
Rich and Jackie Cowles
Erika and David Berg
Charm Bowers
Ed and Barb Burns
Don Clymer
James Crabb
Joan and Eric Berg
Wendy Bowers
Rick and Barbara Burrock
Richard and Ruth Berg
Daniel and Polly Bowles
Armi and John Busch
Tracy Berg
Nate and Rachel Boyd
Kathy A. Busch
Kristen Berger
Alex Boyer
Stephanie and Scott Buss
Esther Bergman
Paul and Ann Boyer
Barry and Joni Butzow
Renee Bergstrom
William Boyer
Michelle Buvik
Elizabeth Berkemier
Tricia Brackeen
Karen Buxrude
Mary Bernard
Sue and David Bradsher
Rex and Susan Buxton
Dennis and Kathleen Bernstrom
Kay and Larry Brady
John Byer
Laura Best and Graeme Hoey
Scott and Denise Brady
Gerald and Connie Byrnes
Jennifer and James Barrett
Scott Bettin
Jadin and Tricia Bragg
Rebecca Cahn
Dennis Beukelman
Brad Bramigk
Nate Campbell and Max Suero
Barrie Anderson
Sharman Davis Barrett and
Richard Barrett
Sarah Beukelman
Shelly Brandl
Robert and LaVon Campbell
Candy Anderson
Alanna Barry
Thomas Beyer and Jade Chong
Barbara Brandt
Amy Canfield
Dan and Missy Anderson
Dan and Mary Bartlett
Dan Bezdicek
Becky and Ashley Brandt
Karen Canfield
Annette Bartowsheski
Emily Bezdicek
Maxwill Brandt
Melissa Carbonneau
Julie Olson Topp
Barbara Olson
Katie Weatherman
Olive Weatherman
Helen Weiss
Jean Weiss and David Kester
Ruth Wood
The Gallup Organization
Marie Anderson
Glenn and Jennifer Andis
Paula Andrews
Gary Ankerfelt and
Kathleen Frey-Ankerfelt
Sarah and Dan Beaty
Jeff and Tracy Ankerfelt
Roslyn Becicka
Sally and Peter Anson
Denise Beckel
Karen and Gerald Argo
Amber and John Becker
Jon and Pam Armour
Cindy and Mitchell Becker
Julia Arneson
Elaine and Wilbert Becker
Ted and Ruth Arneson
Bill and Bea Beddor
Emma and Leo Arnold
Laura and Piotr Bednarski
Leah and William Asp
Jake Bedor
Cynthia and Richard Atkinson
Brenda Belland
Gerald and Laura Bender
Jenna and Walles Agoye
Martha Atkins-Sakry and
Joseph Sakry
Alejandro Aguilera
Dan Axelson
Kathleen and Tim Ahern
Kris Axelson
Sue Ahlcrona
Richard Bachrach
David Benditt and
Mary Ann Goldstein
Christopher Benson
Melissa Albay and Robert Brown
Jayme Baden
Robin Albert
Olive Jean Bailey
Ron and Toni Alcorn
Joe and Deb Bakeman
Craig J. Alexander Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Vicki Baker
Anonymous (8)
Ray and Lorraine Abentroth
Jane Abraham
Lupita Abundis
Andrew and Jennifer Adams
Diane Simons
Ronald and Joan Cornwell
Michael and Kathryn Farr
Bobby Ray and Ruth Joachim
Leyla and Amin Kassem
Patrick McShane
Greg and Barb Melsen
Jim and Fran Mullin
Carman and Virginia Schemmer
Marcia Schug
James and Karen Schwertley
Simons Family Foundation
Robert and Anne Strachota
Jan and Mary Tanghe
William and Mary Wieczorek
Ann Adams and Sally Ehlers
Mary ‘Missy’ Skluzacek
Kay and Larry Brady
Lucy Klos
Patricia and Richard Sable
Carol and Sheldon Shoff
Ed and Lucille Skluzacek
William and Marion Thayer
Jim and Linda Zacher
J. Allen
Warren Sturm
Andi, Tif, Beth, Ellen, Hunter,
Tish, Alexsis, Bonnie, Cheryl
and Cindy
Benjamin and Catherine Arriola
Kathryn Clancy
Margaret Ann Harte
Amy and Scott Anderson
Emily and Tim Adams
Darma Adiapen
David and JoAnne Alkire
Pamela Allen
Carrie and Simon Almaer
James Althoff
Wendy and John Ames
Dawn Anderle
Ryan Andersen
Barb and Craig Anderson
Dea Anderson
Lydia Ballenger
Marcia Ballinger
Deb Balzer
Ajay Bapat
Brian Bargsten
Cliff Barker
Toddrick Barnette
Edward and Luetta Barney
Ted Barnhill
Lisa Beaupre
Jenny and John Bender
Shelly and Gordon Bishop
Delores and Donald Cornelius
Douglas Cobb
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Jeanne and Peter Crain
Lionel deRavel
Jill Du Charme
Laurence and Jane Eshleman
Judy and Roger Freeberg
Rick and Linda Glasgow
Dan and Suzanne Gustafson
Karey and Bill Heim
Jim and Lori Cram
Deanna Dube and
Genghis Urich
Arne and Jeri Espeseth
Robert and Susan Freiberg
Nancy Heimer
Michelle Frisk
Eugene and Carol Haas
Becky and Tom Heinrich
Neely Crane Smith
Marilyn DeSanto
Rachel Duda
Dr. Armantina Malvarez
Espinosa, M.D.
Johnson Glass and Kathrina
Mary Gustafson
A. Stoddard and Lucia Crane
Jill DeSanto and
Jean-Charles Courbois
Bill and Jennifer Frommelt
Anne Glogovac
Michelle Hahn
Gail Heinrich
Joe Cranny
Sara DeSanto
Virginia and Donald Duel
Helen and Rodney Evans
Mark and Susan Frommelt
Nancy Goalen
Sandra and Thomas Haima
Kathy Heins
Tim and Toni Cranny
Stephen Desnick
Howard Duncan
Barbara Even
Mary Goblirsch
Rick and Nancy Haines
Jim and Rochelle Heinz
Elisabeth Creighton
Robert Devolve
Barry and Jeanne Dunleavy
Grace Evenstad
Michael Frommelt and
Brenda Beukelman
Sharon and Edward Goettert
Fred Heitke
Joyce DeVries
Christina and Scott Dunnewind
Mark and Kay Halla
Donna Croce
Rosanne and Ken Everson
Paul and Donna Frommelt
Mark and Elizabeth Goin
Michele and Sunny Helbacka
Diane Cross and Jan Andersen
Teresa DeVries-Carter
and Derek Carter
Beth Dutcher
Steve and Connie Faber
Mark and Lana Halldorson
Julie Frosch
Julie and Nicholas Golden
Paul Dvorak
Lonnie and Stefan Helgeson
Barbara Factor
Alison and Mark Halley
Kathy Froysland
Joan Dietz and Leif Larsson
Mary and Steven Goldstein
Jay and Nancy Dworsky
Angie and Jason Fenske
Matt Halley
Laura Helmueller
Mary Fuehrer
Megan and Jason Dietz
Robert and Sheryl Golin
Marcia Eaton
Gus and Pat Fenton
Stephen and Carole Hallin
Yvonne Hemze
Amy Dillahunt
Philippe Furstenberg
Allison Golnik
Jennifer Ebert
Hector Fernandez
Thomas and Pamela Halpern
Stephanie Hencir
Bob Dillon
Ray and Gaye Gabriel
Lawrence and Carol Goode
Judy and Dana Eccles
Ana Fernandez Viciana
Barb and Dave Halsey
Carol and Jim Henderson
Craig Dillon and Hailey Gabriel
Stacy Gabriel
Kelley and Greg Goodwater
Richard and Connie Ferris
Tracy and Julie Henrie
Gina and Dave Dillon
Dan Edelstein and
Jeff Hammerstrom
David Halter
Tony and Ali Gabriel
Deborah Gorman
Lisa Fest
Nancy and Mark Halvorson
Selden Edwards
Kevin and Myra Gotto
Barb Ehrler
Heidi and Jose Gaibor
Linda Grabow
Lynn Haney
Jan and John Herron
Mavis Dion
Lucas Fiedler and Yvonne
Dorothy Hamman
Julie Herrmann Casey and
Tim Casey
Shirley and Ross Dinham
James M. and Barbara M. Gahlon
Eunice Ehrler
Charlene Fierst
Francita Grace
Tammy Hanford
Beth and Jonathan Herschbach
Jeff Ditto
Nicole and Brian Gallagher
Michael Ehrler
Rich and Joyce Filippone
Thomas and Monica Hangge
Susan Ehrler
Jean and Robert Filkins
Marjorie Gandossy
Barry Graceman and
Susan Federbusch
Jodi and Tony Hesse
David Dobish
Margaret and Anthony Galvin
Cheri Hanna
Larry and Cathy Hesse
Susan M. Eich and
James C. Pohle
James Finnerty
Kristen Gapinski
Judith and Michael Graceman
Dee Hettinger
Judy Graceman
Joe Hansen
Linda and Larry Gareis
Ann Heuer
Micheal and Sheri Eicher
Frank and Elizabeth Fischer
Jeff and Carol Grady
Violet Hansen
Judy Garscia
Brad and Emily Hanson
Kelly Hickel
Marcus Eisele
Diane Gates and Shelley Buss
Simin Hickman
Michele Gatien and Nevin Dikel
Hazen and Kathy Graves
Brad Hanson
Dave and Diane Eisen
Martin Fischer and
Mary Kate O’Connell
Linda and Desmond Granrose
Michelle Hill
Kim Eisen
Julie Fish
Judy Gavin
Hillary Graves
Edward and Tiffany Hanson
Frances Hillier
Matthew Eisen
Mary and Richard Fitzgerald
Michael Gray
Gregory Hanson
Shannon Gaynor-Anderberg
Beth Hanus
David Himebrook
Debra and Trent Ekberg
Kristin Fleek
Ashley Geisendorfer
Dixie Grebin
Todd Hinckley
The EkoForss Fund of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Candice and Ian Fleming
Sue Greco
Sherry and Artie Harnden
Nancy Geisendorfer
Briana Hinrichs and Steve Dahl
Allison and Michael Gelfman
The Green Family
Murray and Ruth Harpole
Michele Hirsch
Kristin Elizondo
Chrissy Florence
Angie Greenberg
Stephanie Harr
Kandi Georges
Michele Harris
Doug Hiza
Dick Eller
Janet Florine
Lois Gernbacher
Carol and Richard Greenwood
Adam and Sue Hjerpe
Stacy Grega and Joe Nelson
Mary Harrison
Celia and Hillel Gershenson
Heidi Hoard
Joan Gerths
Robert and Kim Gregg
Arthur Hart
Lorraine Hart
Jerry and Nancy Hoehn
Mary Jo Geurts
Mary Griffin
Robert Hart
Bob Hoeppner
Chad Crow
John and Deb Crowley
Shirvalen and Shon Crowley
Linda Cruz
Monica and Jack Cuchna
Chris and Gretchen Cudak
Jan Cunningham
Grandma and Grandpa Curtis
Lisa Czech
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Mavis Daffer
Cory Dahl and Emily Johnson
Paul Dahlby
Elaine and Robert Ellert
Frank Docherty
Melissa and Thomas Elm
Tanya Firnstahl
Marijean Flom
Randolph Fogerty and
Constance Walker
Allison and Matt Dahlien
Walter Doelz
Barb Elwood
Kieran Folliard
Kari and Dan Dahlstrom
Kevin Doheny
Gregory Elwood
Linda Follmer
Mark and Sue Gherity
Terry and Stephanie Griffin
Marge Hartfell
Phil and Lisa Hoeppner
Mary Ann and Mike Dallas
Susan and John Doherty
Michael Ford
Thomas and Holly Gibb
Curt and Connie Grisim
Janel Hartfiel
Steve and Beth Hoeppner
Elizabeth Dallman
Tom and Mary Ann Donaldson
Brandon Engebretson
Thomas Ford
Mary Gibson
Sheila Grisim
Grant and Kristin Hartley
Anne Hoeschen
Karen Dammer
Mary Beth Dondelinger
Carman and John Fors
Jean and Mike Giese
John and Cynthia Hartnett
Jamie Hoffman
Dembo and Toni Darboe
Karen Dong
Susan Engebretson and
Scott Carlson
Julie and Douglas Groettum
Mary Fors
Michael and Leah Gilbert
Samantha Grose
Lisa Hartzell
Rick Hoffman
Emmanuel Darne and
Anne De Rovere
Steven and Melissa Dorff
Susan Engel
Sharon and Robert Fors
Erin Gilbertson
Barbara Grott
Ronald and Janet Haskvitz
Larry and Karen Hoffmann
Derek and Cassidy Dorr
Eileen Engelbrecht
Rebecca Foss
Larry and Dana Gilbertson
Cathy Grugin
Katharine and Nathan Hatch
Mary Hogg
John Hogie
James and Mary Emerson
Jim and Tricia Davidson
Jim and Yvonne Dorsey
Joseph Engh
Noreen Foster
Lori Gilbertson
Marilyn and Wilbur Grunewald
Rhonda and Corey Davidson
Lori and Bill Dossett
Mariclaire England
Elaine Fowler
William and Susan Gillespie
Amy and Kai Gudmestad
Edward Hathaway and
Pamela Haiden
Mary Davis
Kyia Downing
Jessica and Jim Enneking
John and Deborah Fox
Brent Gillson
Joan and Craig Gudorf
Cynthia and Troy Hatlestad
Cindy and Jeff Holker
Dora De La Torre
Kevin and Cheri Doyle
Cynthia and Steven Erchul
Jan Frankman
Donald Gillson
Kenneth Gudorf
Gregg and Cindy Haugen
Rex Holland
Owen and Susan deCathelineau
Ryan and Emily Doyle
Dawn and Brian Erdman
Craig Fransen
Audrey Gingerick
Tom and Julie Gujer
Vicki and Mike Haupt
Lisa Hondros
Sara Deede
Kenneth and Joan Drapp
Kathy and Matt Ericksen
Rebecca Fraser
Amy Gingras
Dorothy Gunderson
Linda Hawkinson
Roseanne Hope
Helen DeFlorin
Sheree and Ken Drapp
Jim and Joy Erickson
Neb Girma
Jody Gunderson
Richard and Claudia Hawley
Becky Hopkins
Jane DeKraay and Ken Valley
Jeffrey and Claudia Drayton
Maxine Erickson
Tim Fraser and
Lee-Anne Famolare
Jodene and H.R. Givens
Paul and Debbie Gunderson
Van Zandt Hawn
Beth Hoppe
Mark and Susan Glander
Robert and Beth Gunderson
Chris Headrick
Virginia and Wayne Hoppke
Terrence Glarner
Anne Gunnar and Henry Kauth
Michael and Sarah Heath
Paul Horan
James and Margaret DeLoach
Katie Draz
Dawn Erie
John Frederick
Carrie and Norman Denzer
Jon Drew
Mike and Dawn Erlandson
Evelyn Fredrickson
Brian and Karen Holcomb
Jennifer Horne
Mark and Peggy Jessen
Debra and Michael Kelly
Shelley Klevos
Deborah Kranz
Lucinda Legel
Steve and Ruth Lowenthal
John Matthews
Kathy Horner
Jim Jirele
Paul and Janet Kemper
Tom Klima
Carol and Thomas Kratochwill
Bill and Jean Legg
Jan and Robert Lubar
Alan and Donna Mattis
Shelley and Kenneth Horstman
Mary and Max Jodeit
Patrick and Annie Kennedy
Barbara and Rich Klish
Bill Kraus
Beth Lehman
Al and Paula Ludwigson
Jason and Sandi Mattox
Charles Hosford
Carol and Ed Johnson
Paul and Yvonne Kenworthy
Kate Kloeckner
Steve and Virginia Kraushaar
Barb Leibfried
Mary and Jon Luedke
Lisa and Scott Mattson
Jane Houlton
Darryl and Sally Johnson
Pam Kerber
Jason and Katie Kloos
Kerry Krawcyk-LeMieux
Elaine Leibold
Jenny and Adam Max
Judy Hove
Dawn Johnson
Ed and Jean Kern
Kelly Knauer
Allen Krebs
Heather Johnson
Judith Kerrigan Krodel
Vonda and Keith Knefelkamp
Cheryl and Brian Krefting
Liza Leigh-Kiwus and
Steven Kiwus
Kathryn Woodruff and
Paul Luehr
David Lueth
Charlie and Tara Maxwell
Joyce Leight
Larry Lueth
Chuck Maxwell
Carol Howe
Kristina and Grim Howland
JeNelle Johnson
Sylvia Kessler
Steve and Barbara Kneiblher
Nichole and John Krier
Tina Hoye
Jill Johnson
Stephen and Olivia Kesti
Rickell Knoll
Scott and Arlene Kringle
Shawn Leight
Laura Lui
Katherine Maxwell
Dr. Sherman and Helen Hoyt
Julia and Paul Johnson
Daniel and Janie Kettler
Josephine Knorr
Dora Kripapuri
Jessica Lund
Judith and Fredrick Mazure
Karli Knox
Keith and Jennifer Kristianson
Gary Leighton and
Caryn Anderson
Mary Lund
Karla Leis
Gina McAfee
Jeff and Kathy Lundy
John and Cynthia McAfee
Jill Hrobsky
Katie Johnson
Sharon Kettler
Val Hrobsky
Kay and Gerald Johnson
Amy Kightlinger
Deborah and Phil Knutson
Brent and Kiley Krocak
Jennifer Hudson
Mark and Penny Johnson
Gerlad Killian
Kim and Tim Knutson
Richard and Nancy Krocak
Jim Leitner
Bonnie Lunzer
Meredith and Keith Johnson
Chris Killingstad
Sara Knutson
Carlean Kroells
Mary Beth Leitner
Oralie McAfee
Vickie Huelskamp
Tony Lushanko
Patty Johnson
Dave Koch
Chad Kroells
Sally and Steve Leivermann
Joe and Carson McCabe
Tony Kim
Rachel Johnson
Julie Kimble
Annette and James Kodner
Margaret and Patrick Lennander
Joni McCabe
Jeffrey Kroll
Daniel and Carol
Restor and Sally Johnson
Brenda Kimlinger
Ted and Mary Koenecke
Lisa Kronk
Shelly Lenzen
Wendy Lutter and Eric Bosler
Ruth and Richard Johnson
Jean and Paul Koenig
Robert and Judy Krzmarzick
Dan and Elizabeth Leonard
Clara and Andrew Lybeck
Russell McCandless
Meghan and Bruce Kimmel
Tim and Trish Johnson
Chris Kindler
Paul and Nancy Koepcke
Jess Kubis
Elizabeth Lerohl Hiller
Pamela Lynner
Janine Johnstone
Peter King
Kristine Kohman
Sara Kuehn
Bryan and Jennifer Lervick
Bronagh MacCafferty
Dave Jones
Steven and Diane King
Rick and Julie Kolbow
William Kuhns
Robert and Sue MacDonald
Eldron and Margaret Jones
Jeanne Kinkade
Al and Michele Kolstad
Laurie Kumerow
Bryan and Jennifer Lervick
Gift Fund
Leslie and Matt Jones
Diane and Bryan Kirchmann
Brian and Maggie Konop
Lucas Kunach
Kathy and Roger Lervick
Michael Maciosek and
Luz Saavedra
Sam and Pat Jones
Nancy Kirckof
Ali Kopyt
Susan Kunach
Anne and Brett Letourneau
Dennis MacKany
Mary Jorgenson
Laurie Kish
Julie Korte
Daniel and Constance Kunin
Sally Macut
Kathy Jungquist
Addison Kishish
Dennis and Jodi Kortsha
Edward Levin and
Nancy Miller-Levin
Jane Juntti
Stephanie Kishish and
Allen Courneya
Andrea and Matt Koser
James A. Levine
Chris and Marion Levy
Judy Mahle Lutter and
Hap Lutter
Phillp Kitzer
Steve and Karen Kowalke
Mary and Ivan Levy
David and Sarah Mainguy
Gail Klabunde
Marc Kowalski
Jane LaLonde and Kevin Shea
Ann and Michael Lichty
John and Lynne Malknecht
Theresa Klarr
Charee Koy
Phan Lam and Kim Le
Scott Lien
Larry Malmin
Charlene Klaus
Collette Kraft
Gaetan and Cheryl Lambiase
Wayne and Marcia Lindblad
William and KJ Maneval
Allan Klein and Harriet Lansing
Gordon and Bernadette
Katie and Benjie Mann
Anne Klein
Holly and Patrick
Marjorie Lane
Stephen and Alicia Mann
Joan and Frank Klein
William and Jeanne Krake
Wayne and Maureen Lindholm
Sharla McIntosh and
Jeremy Ziegler
Faye and Al Mantei
Kathleen and Carter McKay
Gail Kleven
Karin Krans
Carly and Drew Lindquist
Peter Marion
Sharon Link and Bob Lewis
Jamin and Lisa McKenzie
Craig Marston
Cher Linnertz
Tammy McLeod
Mary Martin
Karen Lee Lissel
Patty McMinn
Phyliss Martin
J.D. and Rena Listokin
Barbara and Alan McNamara
Tom Martin
Kristin and Mark Litchfield
Michelle and Sean Meadows
Nicole Larson
Colleen Litkewitsch
Jenelle Mehlhaff
Tami and John Larson
Mary Martini and
Stuart Goldstein
Warren and Myra Larson
Ted Loch
Priscilla Marto
Dick and Barb Locke
Margret and David Martodam
Harriet Menard
Wesley and Mary Laseski
Julie and Layne Lavandowska
Lynnae and Steve Locke
Pete and Antoinette Mascaro
Kate and Tom Law
Rebecca Locke
Sam Mascaro
Michelle Law
Steve Locke
Martha Mason
Ashley Mercer and
Brandon Sullivan
Amanda Lawrence
Heather and Jeff Lohman
Danielle Massie
John Mercer
Maria Le
Mark and Kathy Lomen
Daniel Masterson
Todd and Katie Messerli
Julie Leas
Carol Londgren
Sue Masterson
Jill Meunier
Thomas Lebo
Amy Longfellow
Benjamin Matter
Barbara and Jeffrey Meyer
Boyd and Alyson Lebow
Sean Longfellow
Trisha Matter
Jennifer and Eric Meyer
Bryan and Nadine Huisman
Jennifer and Tracy Huizel
Lorie Humphrey and
Harry Kennedy
Tom and Julie Hurley
Bridget Hust
George Hutson
Randy Huyck
Amy Hwong
Martha Ingram
Bob and Lucille Ingram
Pat and Debbie Irestone
Harold Ireton
Jo Lynn Isaacson
Michele and Paul Iung
Janeen and Vern Iverson
Marlow and Beth Iverson
Lura Jackson
Kirsten and Bob Jacob
Nancy and Tim Jacobs
Sheri Jacobs
Scott and Susan Jacobsen
Paul and Jane Jaeger
Richard and Cathleen Jaeger
John James
Carl Jannett
Bernard and Beth Jansen
Jarrett and Shannon Jedlicka
Weldon Jeffrey
Kevin and Lori Kaetterhenry
Chris and Jackie Kaldenberg
Robert Kalman
Kat Kammerer
Kevin and Kari Kantola
Donna and Michael Kaplan
Richard and Colleen Kargel
Jenny and John Karline
Mike and Mary Kasal
Robert Kassube
Lennie and Jill Kaufman
Brent Kauth and Claudia Wilson
Joan and Richard Kauth
Shawn Kearney
Michael and Sally Keating
Ralph and Mary Jelinski
Terry Keeling
Bonita Jellinek
Mark Keerbs
Karla Jennings
Polly and Dennis Kegler
Dana Jensen and
Christopher Quam
Michele and Philip Kelaart
Thomas and Victoria Keller
Paul Jensen
Mindy Kelley
Karen and Mark Jenson
Esther and Martin Kellogg
Debra Jergenson
Anne Kelly and
Thomas McCarthy
Lynda and Duane Jergenson
Beth and Steven Maxson
Bobbi Kostinec
Kelli Kleven
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Pamela and Richard Kunkel
Vanessa LaCoste
Heidi Lahti
Laird Norton Family Fund
James Langenberger
Luanne Langley
Joven Langseth
Kim Lardinois
Daniel LaRocque
Dan and Shari Larsen
Karen and Kirk Larson
Scott and Andrea Madson
Lawrence and Aida McCabe
Jim McCarter
Stephanie McCarthy
Molly and Aaron McCauley
Timothy McClernon
Kim and David McConnell
Katie McCoy
Ron and Nancy McCoy
Sarah McCullough
The McDevitt Foundation of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Lois McDonald
Lori and John McElwain
Russ and Susan McGill
McGrath Charitable Gift Fund
Cindy and Terry McInroy
John and Deb Melchert
Richard and Kara Mencel
Michael Menner
Vania and Harley Meyer
Lisa and Todd Nelson
Mary and Michael Olsen
Robert Perry
Winosencio and Regina Quion
Karen Riley
Marcie Rosenston
Lynnita Schmidt
Susan Michael
Merrill and Pete Nelson
Amy Olson
Joe Perzel
Barbara Radde
Lori and Drew Riley
Kay Ross
Sarah Schmidt
Andrea and George Michaelsen
Paul and Annette Nelson
Pete and Deb Olson
Karlyce Pestello
Carol and Mitchell Rossman
Beth Schmieg
Tim Nelson
Ruth Olson
Susanne Peters
Hussein Rajput and
Anne Byer-Rajput
Shannon and Kay Risacher
Jeneda Mickelson
Andrea Rise
Diane and Paul Roth
Wayne and Anne Schmieg
Barbara Miller
Tom and Sally Nelson
Shawn Olson
Marie Petersen
Carolyn and Brian Ramsey
Elizabeth and Harlan Rise
James Roth
Jodi Schneider
Gwen Miller
John and Kirstin Nesbitt
Tami and Brian Olson
Raymond and Pearl Petersen
Mark Ramsey
Greg and Karen Rise
Curtis and Traci Rotter
April and Eric Schnell
James and Mary Miller
Janet Nethercut
Tharlie and Charlotte Olson
Susanne and David Petersen
John and Lynn Randall
Jennifer Rise
Midge L. Rotter
Bob Schoenbaum
Jeff Miller and Colleen Donahue
Jean and Bob Nethercut
Sandy Ondracek
Craig Ranheim
Robert and Rita Rivard
William and Jeanne Rouch
Virginia Schoenbohm Clymer
Joel and Nancy Miller
Jim Nethercut
Jaime O’Neill
Cory Peterson and
Melissa Cozart
Monica Rani
Jeannine Rivet
Catherine Scholtes
Lorelee Miller
Laura Nethercut
Kandance and Mike O’Neill
Craig and Heather Peterson
Ann Rapp
Diane Rouillard
Sharon and Ernest Robasse
Marena Roule
Amanda Schreiber
Steve and Judy Rapp
Roger Miller
Loni and Dick Nethercut
Brian O’Rourke
Diane and Ron Peterson
Peter and Cynthia Robb
Bill Schrickel and Pam Nettleton
Layne Neville
Cathie O’Rourke
Gary Peterson
Peg and Brian Reagan
Shellie Rowe
Renee Milstein
Doug Robbins
Kay and Leo Schroden
Sue Mirman
Patricia Nevin
Hannah Peterson
Mrs. Bruce G. Robert
Beth and Michael Schroeder
Marie Newcome
James and Barb Peterson
Peter Redington
Lee and Marlene Rubenstein
Joan Miskowiec
Michael Orren and
Michele Smoody
John Reason
Steven and Jennifer Rowley
Amy and Jonathan Robinson
Brian Schroeder
Steve and Vicki Mitchell
Anita and Brian Newhouse
Carolyn Robinson
John and Helen Schroeder
Karen and John Newman
Gary Oslund
Sara Reich
Malinda Rundquist
Michael Mitchelson
Jerry Peterson and Jayne
Joe and Marsha Reed
Joe Rueckert
Joan Ortmann
Janet and Michael Robinson
Greg and Christine Schultz
Frithjof and Beverly Moen
Tricia and Todd Nichols
Lori Ostendorf
Joan and Jon Peterson
Kenneth Reid
Colleen Runyon
Mark and Ann Marie Schultz
David and Sharon Nickolay
Charles Osterud and
Jacquelyn Osterud
Mary and Bob Peterson
Shannon and Chad Reil
Gayle Rupp
Steve and Mary Moen
Constance Robinson-Rapp
and Jeffrey Rapp
David Reilley
Walter and Jodell Rockenstein
Joellyn and Dean Rustad
Deborah and Richard Schulze
Mical Peterson
Susan Rutford
Rosemary Schumann
Marilyn and Emil Rutten
Victoria and Timothy Schumann
Chris Ruzicka
Bill Schumer
Karilyn and Terry Ryan
Jessica Schuppe
Heather and Perry Salberg
Christina Schuster
Julie Sampson
Kelly Schwandt
Charles Mogileusky
Matt Nickolay
Christina Molden
Jeff and Susanne Otos
Paulette and Gary Peterson
David and Lori Remington
Denzil Rogers
Judith and Richard Molumby
Sarah Nickolay Gray and
Mike Gray
Anne Otterson
Nina Petruska
Deb and Sarah Remington
Jamie Rogers
Jodi Monson
Margaret and Richard Nielsen
Debbie and Tom Otto
Greg Pettet
Katharine Rogers
Karen Montgomery
Richard and Joan Niemiec
Anna and Timothy Ourada
Janice Phillips
Jennifer Remington and
Scott Briggs
Maureen and Greg Mook
Robert and Gail Nierman
Mary and Scott Owens
Jo Picka
Karin Remington
Tanya and Brent Rogers
Jim and Betsy Moore
Kathy Nilep
Mark Oyaas
Kate and David Pickford
Joanne and Steve Rempe
Brian and Deb Roggow
Curt Moreno
Bill and Wanda Niles
Gary and Rhonda Packard
Julie Retka
Brielle Roggow
Brandee Morgan
Tami Nitzschke
Gregory and Cynthia Page
Pierce Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Darla Roggow
Joanne Morgan
Jennifer Nollan
John and Bea Palmer
Mark and Elizabeth Pihart
Revord Family Fund of the
Catholic Community Foundation
Jeff Moriarity
Steven and Anna Noran
Tim Palmer
Lynne and Ron Pilgrim
James and Jean Morrison
David and Carol Nordli
Kathleen and Lawrence Panciera
James Pittenger
Hilding and Helen Mortenson
Cindy Normington
Gregory Pancratz
Dave Pittman
Kris Mortenson
Stacy Normington
William Pangburn
Colleen and John Polson
Vicki Morton
Mark Norton
Chris Pankratz
Jonah and Isaac Polson
Carol Mountjoy
Janet and Francis Novak
Lesa Parmely
Jon and Linda Pomroy
Jody and Sean Mowry
Lori Novak
Jean and Greg Paron
Dan and Linnea Poretti
Laura Moyer
Monica Novak
A.J. Paron-Wildes and Pete Wildes Emily Poskie
Marko and Bobbi Mrkonich
Kent Nygren
William Parsons
Jane Poskie
Colleen and Bruce Mueller
Debra O’Brien
Tressa and Jeff Patrias
Kathy and Philip Postlewaite
Sharon and Donald Munson
Ifeanyi Ochiagha
Chandra Patton
Gary and Monica Potter
Becki Murphy
Robert Ochsner
Kerry and Mark Paulson
Stephan Potyondy
David Murphy and
Kelly Vossberg
Kevin Odefey
Rodney and LuAnn Paulson
Blair Oklobzija
Thomas and Virginia Paulson
Amy Powers-Robinson and
Karl Robinson
Jerome and Bonnie Murphy
Beth Olarsch
Ken and Sue Murray
Robert and Megan O’Leary
Nicole Pechonick and
Brennen Simek
Sue Prei
Sally Price
Dan Myers
Sara O’Leary
Donavan Pederson
Amy and Mark Privratsky
Joan Williams Myers
Tom and Karol-Anne O’Leary
Melissa Pederson
Laura Prow
Bruce and Jayme Neary
Le Roy and Judith Olheiser
Clarice Peet
Ann and Chris Przybysz
Carissa Neff
June Oliver
Kimberly and Michael Pellicci
Chris Psihos
Neil Rogers
Judy and Dale Sandberg
Jackie Schwartz
Mary Sands
Dave and Estelle Scott
Jeff Scott
Terry and Bev Scully
Randall Roggow
William and Susan Sands
Foundation of The
Saint Paul Foundation
Kris Roiger
Royce and Janice Sanner
Lee Ann Seaman
Sue Roiger
Allen and Ina Secher
James Rooni
Royce N. and Janice L. Sanner
Charitable Fund of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Rose and Michael Rosario
Cherie Sanstead
Andrea and Aaron Rose
Dawn Santmyer
Amy Seidel and
Michael Coddington
Ken Rosenblum
Wilma and Jose Santos
Cathy Seltz
Erika and Kerry Rosenhagen
Stacy and Mark Sarette
Sally and George Seltz
Margarite Rosenow
Jim and Linda Sauer
Paul Semmer and Ray Mohr
Stacy and Joseph Rider
Brenda Sauls and
Lamoine Knefelkamp
Ahmet Senyurekli
Diane and Doug Riesberg
Bonnie Saunders
Jasper Riggs
Roxanne and Robert Severson
Wendy Savakes
Erin and Patrick Sexton
Betty Scalf
John Seyer
Tara Scanlan
Cheryl Shachaf
Elizabeth Schech
Jeff Shapiro
Nancy and Richard Scherer
Luella and Walter Shaw
Wes and Shanna Schiffler
Teri Shea
Tricia Schilling
Katina and Keenan Shelton
Fran Shepardson
Kevin and Nancy Rhein
Howard D. Richards
Phillip Richards
Susan Richards
Paul and Linda Roggow
Ruth Rolfes
Gary Richardson
Linden and Karen Richardson
Susan Richardson
Teresa Richardson
Sara Richey
Ricky Bobby Racing
Paula Riddle
I contin
volunteer ue to
and supp
Fraser be
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having a
small par
t in
helping F
raser hel
p others.
— Karen
Clee and Mary Sealing
Debra Secher
Nancy Secher and Family
Tom and Jean Serie
Andrea Nelson
Ben and Rita Olk
Petros and Lynne Pelos
Bob Nelson
Mary and Don Olmstead
Jon and Michele Pennycook
Terry Puckett and Jennifer
Roger and Kathryn Schindel
Debra Schipper
Joan and Robert Sherwin
Connie Nelson
Janet and Rick Olsen
Lulu Perez
Patricia and Joe Pulice
Tim Schlichte
Julia and Stephen Shirola
Gary and Colleen Nelson
Leslie and Brian Olsen
Emily Perron
Jacqueline Tschida Punch
Kathleen and John Schlorhaufer
Sally and Jeffrey Shlosberg
Mark and Jill Somers
Todd and Valerie Street
Denine Taylor
Robyn Tschetter
Karen Walters
Helen and William Wilson
Marion Short
Nancy Sommerdorf
Lisa Stremmel
Mark Taylor
Tim Tschida
Nicole Walters
Kristi Wilson
Gretchen Shoup
Craig and Bonnie Sommerville
Mark and Joan Strobel
Melanie and Lance Taylor
Winston Tucker
Erin and Andrew Walz
Mark and Kirstin Wilson
Marshall Shragg and Cynthia
Matthew Soper
Paulette Strom
Diane Tedick
Michelle and Drew Tuomisto
Jayne and Dale Warner
Pam Wilson
A Piece of Cake Bakery
Robert Sorensen
Michael and Erin Stromberg
Bill and Pam Telleen
Kevin and Vicky Turner
Julie and John Wasser
Becky Windschitl
Activstyle, Inc.
Linda Siegler
Steve and Kathy Soucy
Julie Strommen
Traci Tweedy
Karen and Nicholas Wasylik
Andrea Winghart
Carolyn Sieler
Mary Jo Spencer
Lee Strongwater
Gino Tenace and Robin
Jean Ulness
Greta Watson
Lanette Wise
Allianz Life Insurance Company
of North America
Rachel and Graham Sievers
Connie and Robert Spreigl
Paul Strot
Richard Tereba
Angela and Grant Urbanz
Margaret Watts
Paul and Lynn Wise
Pam and Mark Signorelli
Ray and Caroline Stacey
Sheri Strozewski
Jane Terpstra and Charles Stark
Katherine and James Vagle
Curtis and Elizabeth Witt
Helen Silha
Melanie Stacy
Richard Struthers
Sara Thedinga
Mary Wawro
Darrell Van De Wynkel
Katherine Weaver
Harriet and Greg Witt
Keith Van Dell
Darcee Weber
Robin Witte Martinson and
Michael Martinson
Ana 149 Fund
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
Barnes & Noble Booksellers
Kara Sime
Rich and Linda Stanchik
Erin Stuart
William and Gail Thedinga
Shawn and Brandi Simmons
Scott Stangeland
Daniel and Susan Substad
Colleen and David Theisen
Jeff and Karen Van Meter
Jud Simonds
Erma Stanz
Sergio Sulier
Heather and Greg Thelen
Jessica Weber
Doug and Molly Van Metre
Georgia Woitas
Richard and Ingrid Simonson
Amy Jo and Greg Stark
Caryn and Ted Sullivan
Jon and Lea Theobald
Dr. Brian and Jody Van Ness
Richard & Elizabeth Weigel
Family Fund
Tom Simonson
Victoria and Lee Staudt
Judith Sullivan
Christina Theriot
Cass Weil
Allen and Margaret Wolf
Janice Sinna
Cynthia Stebleton
Libby and Mike Sullivan
Dave and Renee Thiele
Richard Van Sickle and
Anne Pearson
Jean Weiss and David Kester
Kim Wolf
Patti and David Sinykin
Carrie and Brian Steffen
Mark Sullivan
Julie Thomas
JoAnn Van Sloun
Karen Welling
Lori and Keith Wolfe
John Sjolander
Holly Steffen
Michael and Nancy Summers
Matthew Thomas
Rick VanBeusekom
Joe Welna
Scott Wood
Ed and Lucille Skluzacek
Shane and Venus Steffensen
Lynda and Drew Summerville
Jerrilyn and Paul Thompson
Michelle and Gary VanBockel
Margaret Welna
Cindy and Leon Worm
Kerby Skurat
Carol Steinberg
James Sumner
Cindy Thorwaldsen
Jen and Bill Vance
Lisa and Tim Wemple
John and Joan Wright
Annette Sladek
Susan Steincross
Nicole and Joseph Sumner
Rebecca Thuening
Mary Vancura and Peter Bauer
Paul and Ann Werler
David Slagle Peck
Roxanne and Jon Stender
Sara Sumner
Tim and Jenny Thull
Stacy Vanden Avond
Mary Kay and Bob Werner
Scott Wright and Michelle
Linda Slarks
Beth Stenglein
Tammy Sumner
Melissa and Martin Thurber
Larry and Kathy Vanderpoel
Dusty Wulf
Barbara Sletten
Amber Stenzel
Yung-Chi Sung
Marlene Thurston
Erik VanGuilder
Paula Werner and
David Peacock
Tamra Wulff
Molly Slovnik
Barb Stephenson
Missy Susag
Kay Thyr
Ann Vanvick
Lacy and Sean Werre
Nicole Wurdak
Jeff Slywka
Sylvia and Michael Stephenson
Sandra Swami
Brenda Tiber
Dolores Varichak
Patricia Westcott
Joan Wurtele
James Smart and Megan Kelly
Rebecca Stevenson
Craig Swanson
Michael Tierney
Kathleen Vashro
Margaret and Angus Wurtele
Carolyn Smith
Denise Stillings
Douglas and Kathleen Swanson
Marla and Bill Tipping
Mariam Vedadi
Aura Wharton-Beck and
Joel Beck
Jay Smith
Susan Stinson
Keith and Kelli Swanson
Patty Tkach
William and Jane Venell
John Wheeler
Vijay Yalamanchili
Julie Smith
Tim Stoker
Michael Swanson
Patrick Tollefsrud
Christine and Steve Verdon
Heather Whelpley
Rebecca Yanisch
Julie and Gregory Smith
Kristy and John Stoldorf
Kristo Sween
Yevgeniy Tomasevich
Heather Verstraete
Patricia and Dennis Whelpley
Brenda Yearley
Sarah and Justin Smith
Shireen Stone
Christine Tomlinson
Theresa and Brook Vickery
Douglas White
Ted Yip
Gail Snead
Sue Storm
Kathy Swendsen and
Steve Nazian
Mr. and Mrs. William Topp
Linda Videen
James and Carla White
Scott Yoho
Dana Snell
Marcia Stout
Corinne Swenson
David and Debra Torgersen
Nick and Jacqueline Vlietstra
Beverly Whitehouse
Connie and John Young
Julie and William Snyder
Gregory Strauss and
Natasha Rueth
Dorry and Clinton Swenson
Chris Torgerson
Mary Vogelgesang
Alethea Wiberg and Brent Huot
Kerry Young
Kristi and Robert Swenson
Ali and Reza Torkzadeh
Miranda Vogtman
Amy and Mark Wicklund
Daniel and Mary Ystesund
Susan Swenson
Joann Torvik
Brian and Jess Volkmann
Jennifer Widseth-Coppel
Ann Drew Yu
Xan and Todd Swenson
Pamela Tracy
Todd Volkmeier
Sylvia Wiebe
Lowell and Twyla Zaske
Jack Swift
Tabatha Trahan
Rita Vonch
Michael and Michelle Wilhelm
Nancy Zastrow
Rebecca and Mike Swinney
Bill and Marge Traiser
Sharon Voto
Laura and Robert Willette
Joe Zauner
Scott and Debby Swinney
Pam and Jeff Traylor
Christopher Voxland
Kristin Willi
Kent Zeigler
Marlene Sylvester
Byron and Susan Trebelhorn
Joyce Voxland
Brad Williams
Jason Zeman
The Tamaru Family
Mary Trierweiler
Joann Vue
Brent Williams
Heidi and Jason Zetterwall
Jan and Mary Tanghe
Laurel Trimbo
Brett Wagner
Doug and Margo Williams
Benjamin Zimmerman
Sonja Tarrago
Maria and Mac Tripeny
Gary and Nancy Wagner
Karen Williams
Nate and Betsy Zinn
Maggie and Leif Taubenberger
Michelle and Gene Trujullo
Joan Wagner
Kristin Williams
Mark and Tiffany Zitzewitz
Duncan Chiropractic Health
Center, P.A.
Chrissy Tauber and
Wendy Bailey
Arlette and Douglas Trumble
Ruthie Wagner
Sarah and Matt Williams
Cindy Zitzmann
Leo W. Dworsky Foundation
JoAnn Trumble
Gretchen Walberg Kupin
Stuart Williams
Patricia Zook
EduTrak Software, LLC
Pamela and Tim Tauber
Patricia Trumble
Carolyn and Hobart Walling
Willam Williams
Raleigh Sekt Zucker
Ray Edwards Memorial Trust
Teresa and Dave Taute
Mary Trygestad
Marco Walter
Bill and Jan Wilson
Jeannie and Ted Zwart
EMS LogCon, Inc.
Jon and Diane Taxdahl
Annette and Chuck Tryon
Suzy Walter
Dan Wilson and Diane Espaldon
Carey Zylstra
Engelsma Family Foundation
Sue Sobiech
Brian Soja
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Bridget and Rick Soja
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Brian Short
Pete and Tamara Wold
Kathleen Yaeger
Bellaluna Boutique
Best Buy
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
The Beverly Foundation
The Bieber Family Foundation
Boulay, Heutmaker, Zibell & Co.
Brackett’s Crossing
Country Club
John H. Brennan, Attorney at Law
Bridgeview School PTSA
Burdick-Craddick Family
Business Choice, Inc.
The Butzow Family Foundation
Buuck Family Foundation
Café Imports Fulfillment, LLC
Caliber Development
Cardwise Systems
Care Transportation, Inc.
CBJ Services
Citywide Service Corp.
Conductive Containers, Inc.
Construction Steel, Inc.
Contempl8 T-Shirts
Coordinated Business
Systems, Ltd
CPP North America, LLC
Cub Foods - Minnetonka
CVS Pharmacy
Delta Dental of Minnesota
The Tom S. Detwiler
Foundation, Inc.
Lommen, Abdo, Cole, King &
Stageberg, P.A.
Shaw-Lundquist Associates, Inc.
Morgan Stanley
Nancy Larsen
Printing Arts, Inc.
Sieff Family Foundation
Pella Rolscreen Foundation
Greg and Carrie Larson
Radio Disney
The Expressions of Faith Fund
Lost Canyon Woodworks
M&I Bank
Sit Investment Associates
The Jay and Rose Phillips
Family Foundation
Sharon Link and Bob Lewis
Filtration Engineering Co, Inc.
Timothy Mahoney
Schwegman, Lundberg &
Woessner, P.A.
Flint Hills Resources
Mairs and Power, Inc.
SKY Global Marketing, Inc.
Pohlad Family Charities
Sandra and Doug Mangel
SCICOM Data Services
Flynn, Gaskins & Bennett, LLP
Mann Theatres, Inc.
Sowles Co
The Prudential Foundation
Stephen and Alicia Mann
Shaw-Lundquist Associates, Inc.
Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP
Mars Carpet Sales
Tennant Foundation
Charlie and Tara Maxwell
South Suburban Optimist Club
G&K Services
Medica Foundation
St. John the Baptist Little
Lights Preschool
Thomson Reuters
Molly and Aaron McCauley
Twin Cities Naturally
G&K Services Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
U.S. Bank
Tennant Foundation
Jane and Tom Miller
The Gallup Organization
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Valspar Foundation
GE Foundation
Metal Craft Machine &
Engineering, Inc.
Tilka Design
Amy Noran
Wells Fargo Bank
Vincent - A Restaurant
Tonn Family Foundation
Emily Perron
The Zurich N.A. Foundation
UnitedHealth Group
Jennifer Rondestvedt
Wagner Greenhouses, Inc.
Minneapolis St. Paul
Business Journal
Rose and Michael Rosario
Western Petroleum Company
Minnesota Conway Fire & Safety
Midge L. Rotter
Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.
Van Sickle Allen & Associates
Minnesota Health-Related
Licensing Boards
Viking Electric Supply
Minnesota Les Amies of the
Order of the Eastern Star
Wagner Greenhouses, Inc.
Excalibur Metal Cutting, Inc.
General Mills Foundation
Geritom Medical, Inc.
GMAC Financial Services
Goetz & Eckland, P.A.
Granite Mortgage &
Construction Finance, Inc.
Gray Plant Mooty Foundation
Grisim School Bus
Gudorf Family Foundation
Hallmark Insights
Hartman Tree Farm, Inc.
The Victoria Velie Henry
Family Foundation
Holman Automotive, Inc.
Homepartner, Inc.
HostasDirect, Inc.
The Laura and Walter
Hudson Foundation
Hubert H. Humphrey Foundation
Hutter Family Foundation
IWJ Charitable Foundation
Jobs2Web, Inc.
Robert W. Jones, DDS
Keystone Search
Krist Insurance Consulting, Inc.
Krocak Construction
Monticello Women of Today
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Nash Finch Company
Visual Marketing, Inc.
The Emanuel and Anna
Weinstein Foundation
Ann Adams and Sally Ehlers
Melissa Albay and Robert Brown
Brian and Merritt Beh
Dan and Kerima Brattland
Wells Fargo Bank
Rick and Diana Budde
Welsh Construction
Mary Butterfield
WEM Foundation
Barry and Joni Butzow
West Metro Learning Connections Karen and Daniel Carlson
NEI Electric Power Engineering, Inc.
Sue Christensen
Wilkus Architects
Noran Neurological Clinic, P.A.
Kari and Dan Dahlstrom
Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A.
Olivia Carsen Memorial
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Derek and Cassidy Dorr
OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions MATCHING GIFT
Lori and Bill Dossett
Otting House Movers, LLC
Kevin and Cheri Doyle
The following organizations
Parsons Electric, LLC
Susan M. Eich and
matched employee gifts
PEO Chapter CB
James C. Pohle
made to Fraser.
Punky Productions, Inc.
Barb Elwood
The Elizabeth C. Quinlan
Foundation, Inc.
RBC Wealth Management
Real Estate Nexus
Residential Mortgage Group, Inc.
La Bonbonniere
The Robert and Anne Reznick
Family Foundation
La Creche Early Childhood
Centers, Inc.
Richfield Bloomington
Credit Union
Land O’Lakes Foundation
Minnesota Valley Action
Council, Inc.
UW Eau Claire Special Education
The Richfield Foundation
Kari and John Schamber
Mark and Ann Marie Schultz
Dimitri and Sarah Senaratna
Sarah Shafer
Alan Solyntjes
Doug and Molly Van Metre
Dory and Jay Venero
Nancy Vogt
Susan and Brian Weedman
Paula Werner
Angela Westman
While we make every effort
to be accurate, we sincerely
apologize if we misspelled
or omitted any names.
Please contact Paula
Werner at 612-798-8310
or [email protected] with
any changes.
The following donors have included Fraser in
their estate plans by naming Fraser as a beneficiary
in their wills, life insurance policies, retirement
accounts or trust arrangements.
Thank you for your
support of Fraser!
Anonymous (11)
Brett and Anne Letourneau
Sharman Davis Barrett
Annette K. Levine
Dr. Robert Barricks
James A. Levine
Margaret Bauman
Wayne A. Lindholm and
Maureen M. Lindholm
Muriel L. Lundberg*
Big Event Productions
Margaret Bekkers and
Thomas Feavel
Cal’s Market and Garden Center
Anne Bowen-Olson
Jim and Betsy Moore
edg Productions
Shelly and John* Brandl
Janet and Rick Olsen
Barbara F. Olson
Connie and John Young
Bill and Bea Beddor
Marjorie A. Mansur
Accredited Investors
Arne and Jeri Espeseth
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Mary Fenske
Excel Document Management
Christine A. Brown
Aetna Foundation
Richard and Connie Ferris
Flint Hills Resources
Paula M. Carlson
Steven and Jennifer Rewey
AgriBank, FCB
Vincent Francoual
Griggs, Cooper & Company
Diane Cross and Jan Andersen
Howard D. Richards
Heidi and Jose Gaibor
Hilton Minneapolis
Nancy and Todd Dalaska
Elizabeth Rise
Ameriprise Financial Corporation
Robert and Kim Gregg
Hope Preschool
Shirley and Ross Dinham
Peter and Cynthia Robb
Benfield, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Griese
HostasDirect, Inc.
Richard and Connie Ferris
Boston Scientific Foundation
Robert and Beth Gunderson
Ideal Printers, Inc.
Robert M. Ferris*
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Nancy and Tom Hanneman
Japs-Olson Company
Richard A. Forslund
The Rottlund Company Inc
David Bernard Builders
and Developers
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Chayse Henrie
JLG Architects
Rebecca Fraser
Life Time Fitness Foundation
Riverline International Corp.
GMAC Financial Services
Matt and Brandee Huss
Kids’ Hair, Inc.
Wesley and Ruth Fraser
Lifetouch, Inc.
Margaret Rivers Fund
Lynda and Duane Jergenson
Linden Hills Florists
David and Helen* Fritz
Lind Electronics, Inc.
Rottlund Homes
Jonathan Jones
Mann Theatres, Inc.
Robert G. Gunderson
Carl & Aune Lind Family
Sam’s Club Foundation
International Parts Supply Corp
Keith and Susan Jones
Maximum Graphics, Inc.
Jim and Rochelle Heinz
Macy’s North
Victoria Kasdan
NFC Foundation
Adam and Susan Hjerpe
Lindquist & Vennum
Schwegman, Lundberg &
Woessner, P.A.
McDonald’s Corporation
Sandy Kasprzak
Northwest Airlines
Heidi M. Hoard
Linnihan Foy Advertising
SCICOM Data Services
The Medtronic Foundation
Kimberly and Steven Kleis
Perry Cohn Jewelers
Jeff and Jacqui Jarnes
The Shared Fund
Kathy and Richard Kyle
Mary and Phil Krafft
Gayle M. Rupp
Janice and Royce Sanner
Maggie and Leif Taubenberger
Louise M. Travis*
Gary N. and Nancy C. Wagner
Eric Weatherman
Aura Wharton-Beck and
Joel Beck
* Deceased
Good stewardship is a commitment to manage financial resources in ways
that will best benefit clients and community. At Fraser, strong financial
management leads us through even the most challenging of economic times.
Service Fees (Government/Insurance)
Service Fees (Private Pay and Tuitions)
General Contributions
Interest and Miscellaneous
( 934)
Fraser Residential Services
Fraser Child & Family Center
Fraser School
Fraser Home & Community Supports
Fraser Rehabilitation Services
The Fraser Institute
General and Administrative
For the purpose of simplification, all Fraser-affiliated entities are combined
here. These are Fraser (which includes Fraser School, Fraser Home & Community
Supports, Fraser Residences and Fraser Rehabilitation Services), Fraser Child &
Family Center, and all Fraser Independent Living Apartments.
Fraser Academy is a separate entity (founded and sponsored by Fraser) and
is not included in these financial results.
Fraser maintains low overhead costs allowing nearly 89 cents
of every dollar to support our clients through quality programs.
Fraser meets all accountability standards set by The Charities Review Council,
an independent organization that reviews Minnesota nonprofits to help donors
make informed giving decisions.
Fraser is a contract provider for Hennepin and other counties and an affirmative
action/equal opportunity provider and employer.
Mike Frommelt, Chair
Greg Hoffman
Peter Robb
Susan Eich, Immediate
Past Chair
Cindy Holker
Janet Schroeder
Steve Kowalke
Greg Schultz
Heidi Hoard, Vice Chair
Wayne Lindholm
Terry Scully
Dimitri Senaratna,
Vice Chair
Wendy Lutter
Fran Shepardson
Diane S. Cross, Secretary
John Malknecht
Sally Shlosberg
Charles Maxwell, Jr.
Melanie J. Taylor
Tammy Mencel
Doug Van Metre
Mark Pihart
Michael Wilhelm
Fraser® Administrative Offices
2400 W. 64th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Sharon Link, Treasurer
James D. Heinz
Adam Hjerpe
Lori A. Riley
Andris Baltins
Stephen Hoeppner
Marko Mrkonich
Sharman Davis Barrett
Carol Johnson
Allan Peterson
William Beddor
Restor Johnson
Jackie Punch
Fran Bradley
Anne Kelly, M.D.
Kiki Rosatti
Anthony Brausen
Paul Kenworthy
Royce Sanner
Vicki Brunsvold
Donald Knutson
John Schamber
Barbara Colombo
Kathryn Koessel
Nancy Scherer
Terri DeVries Carter
Claire Kolmodin
Greg Schultz
John Fox
Liza Leigh-Kiwus
Alice Seagren
Richard P. Ferris
Fred LeVoir
Marion Thayer
Thomas C. Glass
Steve Mann
William Thayer
Hazen Graves
Kim McConnell, M.D.
Molly Van Metre
Robert G. Gunderson
James Moore, M.D.
Aura Wharton-Beck
Jason Hepp
Tim Morin
David Witzig
Robert Barricks
William Goblirsch
Gen Orr
Yvette Beaulieu
Ron Haskvitz
G. William Pearson
Rick Beresford
Fred Heitke
Elizabeth Porcher
Shirley Blanchard
Dr. Robert Kowalczyk
E.G. Puphal
John Bowen
Lee Kness
Harold Rasmussen
Muriel Humphrey Brown
Gale Lair
Roland Rasmussen
Conrad Carr
Phyllis LaMay
C. Bruce Solomonson
Gertrude Ederer
Helen Lubet
Bonnie Wagner
Dan Englesma
Gorden Lundberg
Jerry Walsh
Louise Whitbeck Fraser
Thomas Mulcahy
Eric Weatherman
Ruth Fraser
Darlene Noreen
Jack W. Williams
Wesley Fraser
Elizabeth Okerlund
Helen Fritz
Atwood Olson
2008 Peter Robb, 2007 Wayne Lindholm, 2006 Muriel Humphrey Brown,
2005 Fred Heitke, 2004 Rick Ferris, 2003 Nancy Booker, 2002 James R. Moore, M.D.,
Fraser® Anoka
2829 Verndale Avenue, Suite 3
Anoka, MN 55303
Fraser Child & Family Center®
3333 University Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414
Fraser Home & Community Supports
2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Suite 402
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Fraser Human Resources
2021 E. Hennepin Ave., Suite 402
Minneapolis, MN 55413
The Fraser Institute®
2400 W. 64th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Fraser Rehabilitation Services
2400 W. 64th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Fraser Residential Services
2400 W. 64th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55423
Fraser School®
2400 W. 64th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55423
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Designer: Brooke Engdahl
Photographer: Erin Johnson
Photo page 5: Joe Kramm
Editor: Kari Dahlstrom
Printing & Paper:
Donated Anonymously
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2400 W. 64th St.
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anonymously donated
the paper and printing
of this report.
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Minneapolis, MN
Permit No. 532