Young with Money in Vegas
Young with Money in Vegas
Young with Money in Vegas Reaching Affluent Las Vegans 18-34 / $100,000+ & MEDIA MINUTES Radio Total Market Target Market 134.83 67.85 Television Total Market Target Market 242.25 180.21 Newspaper Total Market Target Market 42.61 20.00 Billboards Total Market Target Market 48.06 62.87 Internet (no Email) Total Market Target Market Email Total Market Target g Market 0 100 200 116.43 252.31 84.14 66.59 Young with Money in Las Vegas means heavy internet: more than twice as many minutes online each day as the average adult in the market. They under-index for y other media. every Media Usage All visitors: $11 Billion to spend Annual Income (Cume) 150K+ 7.2 100K-150K 19.2 75K-100K 8.5 50K-75K 13.1 35K-50K 30.5 25K-35K 15K-25K < 15K 12.1 4.3 5.1 26% of visitors earn $100 000+ $100,000+ Age Analysis (Cume) Series1 75 + 0.7 65 74 65-74 6.4 64 55-64 50-54 45 49 45-49 13.5 6.3 84 8.4 35-44 26.1 25-34 23.3 21 24 0 21-24 18-20 15.3 39% are 34 or younger Gender Profile (Cume) FEMALE MALE 56.9 43.1 Visitors skew slightly female CUME RATINGS 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Our web sites reach 37% of all YMW -- more YMW than any other media in the market (with the exception of the print version of LV Weekly). Reach 37% of all YWM Weekly web site visitors, combined sites 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 LVN207IN LVN407IN LVN208IN LVN408IN LVN209IN LVN409IN LVN210IN LVN410IN And growing every year LVN211IN CUME INDEX 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 MARKET INDEX = 100 KFRH-FM KVBE-FM KCYE-FM KPLV-FM LV KWNR-FM KLUC-FM WEEKLY + SUN .COM COM KVEG-FM KVGS-FM YWM are 3.5 times as likely to view our web sites as the average adult in the market… 3.5X as likely to reach …and our web sites reach nearly as many YWM as all top 4 indexing radio stations COMBINED. 2 web vs vs. 4 radio = save $$ YWM don’t watch the late TV news. Late TV news = 0 Young with Money in Vegas Reaching Affluent Las Vegans 18-34 / $100,000+ &