quality plan - Planet Engineering


quality plan - Planet Engineering
Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Soil Investigation - DOV
First version
Extra option to locate location – See Highlights
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Protocol colors
Table of contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Guidance to location ....................................................................................................................... 3
Trough Routenet.be ..............................................................................................................................3
Trough XY-Coordinates .......................................................................................................................5
Guidance DOV ............................................................................................................................... 8
Fout! Geen gegevens voor lijst met afbeeldingen gevonden.
Figuur 1: Location DOV ........................................................................................................................ 14
Figuur 2: Location routenet ................................................................................................................... 14
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
1 Introduction
This quality plan will guide you trough a website (DOV) to purchase Soil investigation graphs
available from previous investigation works – near the construction site
Guidance to location
We will provide you an adress of a construction site of wich we need soil-investigation graphs
 eg Veltwijcklaan in Ekeren (Provincie antwerpen)
Trough Routenet.be
To Do -> open a routenet browser on the web to find out where it is located
 eg http://www.routenet.be/
 Fill in Street
 Fill in location
 Press “Toon Kaart”
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 Location is given by the “Pointer”
 You can zoom in or out if necessary
 Now you have a general view of the location …
 You can use this to orientate in the website DOV to search for soil graphs…
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Trough XY-Coordinates
To Do -> open following site: http://geo-vlaanderen.agiv.be/geo-vlaanderen/kleurenortho/
 main Screen
 Zoom location:
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 Pop Up Screen will appear:
 Type Gemeente – eg Ekeren
 Press “KIES”
Or Choose from the “list”
 this is “exception” -> Ekeren does not exist in the list -> part of “antwerp” -> search for
 In this case we should give you the info that you should look for Antwerpen and not
 Otherwise – When you do not find “gemeente” in the list -> ask us – when we forgot to
give you info
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 Choose “Straat” = Veltwijcklaan
 Choose :Nr: eg 4 “Or the nearest Nr when not existing …
 As a result you will be given the XY-coordinates of the location
 These you can use in the DOV site to locate soil-graphs
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Guidance DOV
Soil investigation is located on the following website : http://dov.vlaanderen.be
 Main Screen
 Choose option “Geografisch zoeken”
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 New Pop-Up Window will appear (pop-up killers must be desactivated)
 See main bar with options
 Choose Option “Sonderingen”
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 Pop-Up will apear -> Click OK
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Search within DOV site to location
 Choose “provincie
 Pop-Up will apear -> Click OK
Now you can Zoom into “Provincie” by using search button
in main bar at top
 See pop-up and fill in text provincie … “Antwerpen”
 Press “Toon kaart” To zoom to provincie boundaries of antwerpen
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 Now you will see only Antwerpen and not complete “Vlaanderen” Belgium
 Now you will search for “Gemeente” = Ekeren
 Choos option “Gemeentegrenzen”
 Press OK for pop-up
 Search Button -> Search for gemeente “Ekeren”
 Apparantly – this wont works -> eg gemeente “Wijnegem” – Brasschaat” will work
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 In Some cases you can even search for the road “Wegen” -> eg veltwijcklaan
 Straatnaam in search button
 You have the info of the routenet.be for the location and so you can try to orientate in the
maps by using pan – search window – options …
 Ekeren
 further zooming in according to routenet.be -> search for similar items to oriantate eg
highways – big roads - railways – etc
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Figuur 1: Location DOV
Figuur 2: Location routenet
 Now you have location -> search for soil graphs available
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Search with XY-Coordinates
 See Heading -> LOKALISEER
 Pop-Up Will appear
 Fill in X-Y coordinates –> See previous info…
 Zoom naar XY
 Mid of the map = Location
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
Search Soil Graphs
 Activate option – Sonderingen
 Press “vernieuw de kaart”
 soil graph locations are the orange points
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 Now we need to select the ones in the area near our site
 Use selection tools (eg rectangular)
 after refreshing screen -> selected points will turn “yellow”
 eg the 4 are yellow now
 lets say we need them all
 Press “lijst genereren”
 Pop-Up window with all the selected items
 here you can choose wich ones you want to show on the webpage
 Press “toon Op kaart”
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 the selection will be placed on screen with a nr: -> make a screen shot of the selection
and provide in a Word Document to us for the implementation - important
 IMPRTANT -> when using the soil graphs -> give both names -> (1) - GEO-66/98-SI
 Nr of DOV
 + correct Soil Graph name
Here you can find also the Graphs in pdf and the values…
W – Graphical
M - Values
 Choose Graphs – W
 Asks to save pdf
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Planet Engineering BVBA
Veldstraat 282 – 2930 Brasschaat
tel : + 32- (0)3- 653. 33. 62
fax : + 32- (0)3- 653. 44. 80
e- mail : info@planetengineering. be
 That’s all you need to do at FIRST
 After uploading pdfs we will say wether we need a digitised copy in acad or not
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