Moments from Service Sunday Photos by Allan Doerksen


Moments from Service Sunday Photos by Allan Doerksen
June 7, 2016 vol. 16, issue 23
Join us for Sunday Worship on
June 12, at 10:00 a.m.
• 9:00 a.m.-Adult Sunday School
• 10:00 a.m.-Service (w/ Sunday School)
• 5:30 p.m. - Stone Soup Supper (prep at 3:30)
Called to Serve
Moments from Service Sunday Photos by Allan Doerksen
Elders: Michael Gordon, Steve Herb
Home Communion: Alice Kelling
Preparing Deacons: Teanna McMahan,
Sherry Sisson
Serving Deacons: *Jim Stinson, Tim Ottusch,
Sylvia Baarstad, Rick Olsen
Coffee Cart and Snack: NA
Flowers: NA
Greeter: Vera Rush
Stone Soup Meal Count
Tuesday, 5/31-131
Saturday, 6/4-90
Sunday, 6/5-94
Corvallis Daytime Drop-In Center
(CDDC) Counts
April Visitors: 1819, Unduplicated-371
Per Day: 75-100
Father’s Day Car Show and Chili Cook-Off!
On Sunday, June 19 at 10:30 a.m. Tell
your friends and strangers who own
cool, unique antique and classic vehicles
to be a part of the fun! For more information on participating contact Jim
Stinson at 541 753-2714.
Rev. Matt Gordon...................... Senior Minister
Matthew Clark.............................Choir Director
Eric Qian................................................ Pianist
Charlene Lincoln.....................Church Secretary
Jill Shinkawa............Communications Manager
Kevin Weaver........................................ Paladin
Last years trophy winner, 2015.
Volunteers are needed for setup, take
down, and gifts of potluck side dishes.
Enter the chili cook-off with 2 gallons
of your most “chili-cious” pot of beans!
Contact Linda if you’d like to help out.
Matt’s Minute
I am going to be honest for a minute.
I had incredibly low expectations for
this past Sunday. I suppose I could
blame the heat, but I will take responsibility for my own cynicism. I assumed it would be a low Sunday, that
no one would stick around to serve
and that it would be an all around
disappointing day.
I was wrong. We had a great worship gathering. It was one of the best
choir anthems I’ve heard all year with
a great solo by Kelley. Often on our
service Sunday, attendance is low, but
we had a great turn out. Our service
projects this time included weeding
and spreading bark dust at Central
Park, a deep clean project at Disciples
House, card-making for Ecuador
and a crew making lunch. We had an
intergenerational crew, the youngest being 6 and the oldest being 70
spreading bark dust throughout the
park. These people worked hard. At
Disciples House, they were on their
hands and knees scrubbing the floors
at Disciples House. They de-cluttered
the common areas and kitchen. Many
of them stayed beyond 12:30 to finish
the job. We made over 100 cards to
send with Lauri and Jill to Ecuador to
put with the emergency health kits that
will distributed while they are there.
Linda and Jim lead the kitchen team in
creating a fantastic lunch for people to
come and enjoy. It was an all around
amazing day!
Sunday, to go out and serve. We are
really making a difference in our community. Keep it up!
Peace, Matt
Summer Sunday School Schedules
Summer Sunday School Schedule. Say
that fast 10 times. As summer approaches, our schedules shift slightly.
Our children and youth education
will continue through the summer on
the first three weeks of each month.
Fourth Sunday will be our intergenerational Sundays and hope our
students will be involved as readers
and deacons. Our adult Sunday School
class (9:00 a.m.) will take a break for
the summer. Adult morning class will
resume September 11.
Rev. Matt Gordon
Our Wednesday morning Bible Study
class will continue through June 15
and then break for the summer. We
will resume Wednesday 10:00 a.m.
Bible study on September 11.
Sermons Online
Picnic in the Park
Summer is almost here, which means
our summer picnics are almost here!
Starting on Wednesday, June 22 we will
meet at Willamette Park at 6:00 p.m.
for an evening of food, fun and fellowship. Meals are bring your own and
there is organized games and activities
Senior Minister
Church phone: 541-753.2671 Email: [email protected]
Open Office Hours:
Mondays: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Tuesdays: 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
for all ages. Picnics have also been a
time to share extra produce and baked
goods with our community. This is one
of the best intergenerational activities
we do and a great time to connect with
other church folks. We will meet at the
picnic tables under the pavilion. Come
and bring a friend or 12 friends!
Thank you again church for surprising
me. Thank you for knocking that bad
attitude right out of me. This is what
Sundays are made for. Thank you for
your willingness to take on Service
Relying on the spirit and story of the gospels, First Christian Church
is supported primarily by donations. There is no charge for any
event. We rely on freely given offerings to support our various ministries and opportunities.
Your contributions and gifts allow us to continue to be a radically
inclusive, justice-driven community of faith every day of the week.
Thank you in advance for your gifts.
In Sunday School… From Emily, Vicki, and Leah
Two weeks ago in Sunday School for
the younger class we focused on our
families for Memorial Day. The kids
shared about their families and took
home flowers to remind us of how
important our family is to us.
In the older class we discussed Memorial Day, our family rituals for memorializing family members or other
important people to our families who
have died, and the idea of communion
as a ritual for remembering the life of
Jesus. Then we listened to a podcast
about memory.
Looking Forward to Summer
Remember that Sunday June 12 is
Promotion Sunday! We will be honoring all the Sunday School children and
Also, all the Sunday school children
will be painting tiles. These tiles will be
made into trivets and sold to support
the Craft Fair.
Finally, Wednesday Picnics in the
Park will start on June 22 and will be
held every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in
Willamette Park. Bring your own food
and come to share an informal summer evening together. There is always
some sort of family and child friendly
activity, ranging from folk dancing to
disc golf.
Corvallis Youth Collective Cookout
Photo from Jonathan Fell, First Presbyterian
A special thank you to First Congregational United Church of Christ for
hosting our Corvallis Youth Collective (CYC) event on Sunday night. We
enjoyed hot dogs, s’mores, a slip-nslide, water games and capture the flag.
It was a great evening outdoors. CYC
is a cooperative effort by 6 churches to
provide social and service opportunities for middle and high schoolers.
Thanks “Father Matt” and All!
Hey Father Matt,
Thank you so much for letting us heat
up dinner for our girls and boys this
past Friday. We left a nice lady who
worked at the church some cash for the
offering plate which I hope found its
way to the proper place.
We won the tournament as well (http://
and I felt blessed for your and the
Church’s help. Thank you again and
God Bless!
Kindly, Thomas Rowland
In Our Prayers
Will Keim passed away. Prayers for
his family and friends
Louise Hayden
Shannon’s mother passed away.
Prayers for their family
Jim Stinson is receiving more
treatment for his back
The Miller family, especially Joyce
Mona Gerig’s youngest brother
Gen Erway is in hospice care
Albany FCC pastor search process
Dick and Sue Cooley’s son-in-law
is getting better.
Hugh’s friend Anthony, and
Anthony’s grandmother
Teanna’s aunt
Frances Younger’s friend, Marion,
has breast cancer
Cherie and Neil Reynolds
Tricia’s brother
Viv Ellsworth
Lynnie Evans
Drop By or Drop a
Line to Louise
Louise Hayden is at Mennonite
Village, recovering after a stay in
the hospital. She would love to
hear from you by cards or personal visit! Here is her contact
information at Mennonite Village:
Louise Hayden
c/o Mennonite Village
Continuing Care Retirement
Nursing and Rehabilitation
5353 Columbus St., S. E.
Room #61
Albany, Oregon 97322-7136
Looking Ahead
June 8
• 9:00 a.m.-Due Knots meet
June 12
• Promotion Sunday
June 13
• 7:00 p.m.-Finance Cabinet
June 19
• 10:30 a.m.-Father’s Day Car Show and
Chili Cook-Off
June 20
• 7:00 p.m.-Program Cabinet
June 22
• 6:00 p.m.-Wednesday Picnic in the Park
June 23-25 (Thursday-Saturday)
• Gathering at the River at Belknap Hot
June 29
• 6:00 p.m.-Wednesday Picnic in the Park
July 4
• Independence Day-Church office is
July 6
• 6:00 p.m.-Wednesday Picnic in the Park
July 10
• After Services-All-Church Bike Ride and Picnic at Avery Park
July 13
• 6:00 p.m.-Wednesday Picnic in the Park
July 17
• 5:00 p.m.-All-Church Picnic at the
July 20
• 6:00 p.m.-Wednesday Picnic in the Park
August 21
• Otter Beach Party
What’s Happening…
Due Knots Meet
Due Knots meet on Wednesday, June 8 at 9:00 a.m. in room 35. Help us tie some
knots in our quilts which will be donated to kids at risk in our community and
join us for “tea and crumpets.”
All-Church Picnic, aka Annual Christmas Tree Burning and Weiner Roast
Sunday, July 17 at 5:00 p.m., picnic at the Stinsons! Hot dogs provided for your
roasting enjoyment. Bring salads and/or desserts to share.
Summer Reading
Matt’s summer reading challenge is: Toxic Charity: How
Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, And How
to Reverse It by Robert Lupton. The book can be purchased
on Amazon for $10. Let Matt know if you would like him to
order you a copy.
Call for Graduation Announcements
Are you or someone special in your life graduating in 2016? We would like to
hear about it! Share the achievement with the church community in our newsletter and on Promotion Sunday on June 12. We would like the following information: the graduate’s name, the institution from which they are graduating, degrees
or certificates, other awards and a photo of the happy grad. Please submit your
announcement by June 21. Congratulations!
Notice of Need-Tents, Tarps, and Sleeping Bags
The men’s and women’s cold weather shelters closed. Many of our friends have
been asking about tents, tarps, and sleeping bags. These items are necessary to
make living outside doable. Please feel free to donate these things or contribute
to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund to purchase these items.
Sunday Coffee House and Flower Sign-ups
Sign up to do snacks, coffee, or flowers for Sunday services. Sign up sheets can be
found in the narthex on Sunday or contact the church office. If you have questions
email Pamella at [email protected] or Bill at [email protected]
Around Town…
Movie Night Presented by Corvallis Housing First
6/7 - Charlene Lincoln, Hannah Doerksen-Goldwater
6/9 - Rachel Amity
6/10 - Rica Amity
6/11 - Sue Schulz
6/13 - Chris Clausen
6/14 - Nina Gordon
6/10 - Miranda and Matt Gordon
Thursday, June 16, 6:30-9:30 p.m., you are invited to a free movie night at the
Whiteside Theatre. “Time Out of Mind” is a
delicate and insightful portrayal of homelessness
starring Richard Gere as “George.” Refreshments
for purchase during event. Movie starts at 7:00.
Donations are gratefully welcomed.
In a Garden
Enjoy a self-guided tour of six lovely summer gardens. Saturday, June 25, 2016
from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. $20. Sponsored by the First Presbyterian Church,
Corvallis. Proceeds to benefit restoration of the stained glass window entitled,
“Christ in Gethsemane.” Tickets available May 23 at the First Presbyterian
Church Office, Garland Nursery, Grass Roots Books and Music, Shonnard’s
Nursery, and Tom’s Garden Center.
June/July 2016
1 July
9 am-Adult Study
10 am-Community Service Sunday,
w/ Sunday School
5:30 pm-Corvallis
Youth Collective at
5:30 pm-Stone
Soup Supper
5:30 pm-Stone
9 am-Due Knots
Soup Supper (3:30 10 am-Bible
pm prep)
7:00 pm-Choir
9 am-Adult Study 7:00 pm- Finance 5:30 pm-Stone
10 am-Bible
Soup Supper (3:30 Study
10 am-Worship, Cabinet
pm prep)
Promotion Sunday, w/ Sunday
5:30 pm-Stone
Soup Supper
10 am-Worship, 7:00 pmw/ Sunday School Program Cabinet
10:30 amFather’s Day Car
Show and Chili
Cook Off
5:30 pm-Stone
Soup Supper
10 am-Folk and
Worship, no Sunday School
5:30 pm-Stone
Soup Supper
10 am-Worship, Independence
w/ Sunday School Day! -Church
office is closed
5:30 pm-Stone
Soup Supper
10 am-Stone
Soup Breakfast
10 am-Stone
Soup Breakfast
5:30 pm-Stone
6:00 pm-Picnic in Gathering at the Gathering at the Gathering at the
Soup Supper (3:30 the Park
River: Belknap Hot River: Belknap Hot River: Belknap Hot
pm prep)
10 am-Stone
Soup Breakfast
5:30 pm-Stone
6:00 pm-Picnic in
Soup Supper (3:30 the Park
pm prep)
3:30 pm-FCC’s
turn to prep/
serve Stone Soup
5:30 pm-Stone
Soup Supper
6:00 pm-Picnic in
the Park
10 am-Stone
Soup Breakfast
10 am-Stone
Soup Breakfast
Our Vision
The First Christian Church of Corvallis is a diverse inclusive community providing a
living witness to the compassionate Christ. From our central location in the heart of
Corvallis, we seek out, develop, and support ministries to meet the human needs for
physical and spiritual wholeness. On the basis of our Disciple heritage, we embrace
the ecumenical movement, develop lay leadership, and promote intellectual freedom
in the pursuit of truth.
All are welcome to participate. Inclusivity is one of our most important values.
Help us save paper, postage and money - receive the newsletter electronically.
Send an email to [email protected] and put “Subscribe Dispatch” as the subject. If you are not receiving the Disciples Dispatch
please inform the church office.
Please recycle this newsletter.
First Christian Church
602 SW Madison Avenue
Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4515