The investment offers
The investment offers
The investment oīers Zamosc - The Salt Market (photo Wieslaw Lipiec) Ladies and Gentlemen Photo: Łukasz Halczak Lots of expensive projects which have been successfully realized so far in order to renew the Town of Zamosc, have proved that the town is a place worth changing its image. I am convinced that it is high Ɵme to treat Zamosc as a town with bright future and at the same Ɵme to bring to an end thinking of it just as a small, ordinary town located in the poor eastern part of Poland. From 2006 to 2012 Zamosc is going to spend more than 125 million EUR on revitalizaƟon of the Old Town’s monuments and buildings, as well as to make investments on infrastructure and environment. Also, private entrepreneurs are making more and more investments with every year. They usually decide to invest in trade and hotels. We, ciƟzens of Zamosc, have ambiƟon to live, study and work in the Town where modernity, innovaƟons, enterprise and excepƟonal history and tradiƟons mix all together in harmony. Launching the Subzone Zamosc Special Economic Zone Euro-Park Mielec proved that the idea of Jan Zamoyski, the founder of the Town – to create the ideal town – can be realized now just as it was more than 400 years ago. It is my pleasure and pride to invite you to Zamosc, the Town which is unique, perfect, just ideal to invest in. We are ready. Marcin Zamoyski The Mayor of Zamosc Author: Piotr Rogalski Translation: Iwona Gałka (English), Halina Moteka (Russian), Małgorzata Kielan-Antończak (German), Krystyna Szczepanik (French) Print: Drukarnia „Attyla” s.j. 22-400 Zamosc, ul. Partyzantów 61 tel./faks 84 627 19 16, 84 639 12 13 e-mail:[email protected] Ordered by: Urząd Miasta Zamość 22-400 Zamość, ul. Rynek Wielki 13 Zamosc 2011 1st Edition Free distribution Publication co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme for Lubelskie Voivodeship Copyright © Urzad Miasta Zamosc. LocaƟon Zamosc – the town that is oŌen named „THE IDEAL TOWN” was founded in 1580 by Jan Zamoyski, Chancellor and Great Crown Hetman. Built according to the plan made by an Italian architect, Bernardo Morando, the town was located in the centre of contemporary Poland. Hetman’s Town was the place where the roads of European and Asian trade met. Due to this fact, the local trade ourished as well, and Zamosc began its dynamic economic and cultural development. Today, more than 400 years later, Zamosc is a tourist aƩracƟon, the local trading centre, a town with friendly and peaceful atmosphere and a huge oīer of cultural aƩracƟons. It is also open to every branch of enterprise. In years 2010 – 2011 local and coming from other regions of Poland entrepreneurs invested in Zamosc more than 35 million EUR. Two major roads run across the town: naƟonal road No. S-17, which joins Warsaw to L’viv and is a part of the Via Intermare transport corridor joining The BalƟc Sea to The Black Sea and naƟonal road No. 74, which joins the Zosin-Uscilug border crossing to central Poland. There is also Linia Hutniczo-Szerokotorowa (The Broad-Gauge Metallurgical Railway Line) which joins Upper Silesia to the Ukrainian and Russian railway systems. The fact that Zamosc is located at the crossing of internaƟonal and domesƟc road and railway routes and next to the border with Ukraine creates very favourable condiƟons for the development of 3 services connected with internaƟonal trade and transit as well as establishing logisƟc centres aimed at co-operaƟon with Ukraine. Close to the border 60 km from Zamosc there are three border crossings with Ukraine: Rawa Ruska in Hrebenne (road and railway; from Warsaw to L’viv), Izov - in Hrubieszów (railway; from Upper Silesia to Kiev) and Usciųug in Zosin (road; from central Poland to Kiev). New border crossings places will be established in the near future. 4 Z A M O S C – G E N E R A L D ATA Trade The tradiƟon of trade has been important and signicant for Zamosc from centuries. Nowadays, the town also tries to be admired for its achievements in this eld. Area 30,3 km2 (3 034 ha) PopulaƟon 66 613 Residents employed (total number) 17 600 services 13 800 industry 3 800 Residents unemployed 4 600 People with higher educaƟon 15 760 (23,4%) Students 6 000 People with vocaƟonal educaƟon 3 600 Registered enterprises 8 000 Average monthly gross wages and salaries 2 700 PLN (675 EUR) „The authoriƟes of Zamosc aim to conƟnue the poliƟcs of promoƟng the Town of Zamosc as a regional leader. Their mission is to make Zamosc an administraƟve, cultural, scienƟc and economic centre. They also want to create a beƩer, friendly atmosphere according to the highest European standards. Zamosc guarantees the conƟnuaƟon of the balanced and sƟll expanding development based on the solid economy and such advantages as close proximity of Ukraine borderline.” Strategy of the development of The Town of Zamosc 2008-2020. ResoluƟon nr XX/178/08 from 26.05.2008 made by Town Council in Zamosc. In 2011 two big shopping centres will be open. In total, the area of these galleries is assessed at about 43 000 square metre. It includes 180 shops. Zamosc is the centre of trade for all the smaller regional towns and communiƟes. Hundreds of people – 450 000, including Zamosc – are potenƟal customers, who pay a signicant role in increasing the local trade. Well-educated residents Higher educaƟon is a tradiƟon in Zamosc. It has existed here from over 400 years – since the Zamosc Academy was established in 1594 (closed in 1784).Now it is conƟnuated by 5 higher educaƟon schools in Zamosc: private and public. According to Central StaƟsƟcal Ofce of Poland (GUS), in Zamosc, the percentage of people with higher educaƟon is bigger than in average Polish town. According to the latest data, while in Poland every twelŌh Polish ciƟzen is a graduate, in Zamosc every Ōh person graduates. Lower wages In spite of increase in standard of living in Zamosc, the inhabitants are paid about 12 percent less, compared to an average place in Poland. Thus, the average, monthly gross wage in the town is about 675 EUR. At the same Ɵme, in 2010, there were 16 residents of Zamosc, who declared in the Internal Revenue Service, the annual income more than 250 000 EUR. Culture Zamosc, the town which in 1992 was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, is visitedevery year - by more than 200 000 tourists from: Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Israel and Japan. Annually, during cultural season - from May to September, there are lots of arƟsƟc events-fesƟvals and celebraƟons- organized on the Great Market Square. 5 „We want to pay tribute to the Town Council in Zamosc for professional assistance, great help and content-related support during diĸcult business negoƟaƟons. We appreciate Ɵming, accuracy and creaƟng friendly atmosphere to invest in Zamosc. People working in the Town Hall proved their care of making the diĸcult process of lling up all the procedures and documents as smooth and fast as possible.” Jaroslaw Wawerski, president of Tradis Ltd. 6 Zamosc - The Great Market (photo Piotr Rogalski) ConƟnuaƟon from page 5 The most popular are: The M. Grechuta FesƟval of Culture, FesƟval of Italian Culture “Arte, Cultura, Musica, e…”, Hetman’s Fair, a historical show enƟtled “Storming of Zamosc Fortress in 1648”, Zamosc Theatre Summer, InternaƟonal FesƟval of Folk Bands “Eurofolk”, “Jazz on the Borderland”, InternaƟonal MeeƟngs of Jazz Singers and many others. There is also The Karol Namyslowski Symphonic Orchestra in Zamosc, that is famous for its splendid and monumental concerts. Media In Zamosc there are: three weekly and two free biweekly magazines. InformaƟon from the region broadcast: three local radio staƟons and two local TV staƟons. Internet also provides local news and some useful informaƟon for tourists. The investment oīers The Town of Zamosc has many investment sites in aƩracƟve locaƟons. Szczebrzeska District – covers 27,1494 ha, the plot no 12 and 14/40 on the ground map 7. Starowiejska District – covers 7,5716 ha, the plots no 243/4, 243/5, 243/13 on the ground map 18. The Subzone Zamosc spreads on the area of almost 35 ha of land and there is the intenƟon of extending the Szczebrzeska District. The administraƟve procedures for adding another 19 ha to Szczebrzeska District are in progress. The Starowiejska District - more informaƟon on page 9 The Szczebrzeska District - more informaƟon on page 15 PEP Biomasa Energetyczna SA - the similar factory will be built in the Zamosc Subzone (in the picture: the factory in Zabkowice Slaskie) 7 Zamosc - downtown plan Starowiejska District ZAMOSC SUBZONE SSE EURO- PARK Mielec Szczebrzeska District ZAMOSC SUBZONE SSE EURO- PARK Mielec Investors Service Centre ZAMOSC SUBZONE SSE EURO- PARK Mielec 8 Site check list Starowiejska District Starowiejska District LocaƟon Area of property Property informaƟon Land specicaƟon Site name Starowiejska, Zamosc, Poland GPS N: 50o43’49 E: 23o16’42 Max. area available (as one piece) [ha] 2 The shape of the site Rectangle Possibility for expansion N Percentage of the area [%] 60 Approx. land price [PLN/m2] + 23% VAT Info: [email protected] Owner The Town of Zamosc Valid zoning plan (Y/N) Y Zoning Industrial and commercial area Soil class with area [ha] Ba - 6,2194, Bp-1,1676, dr- 0,1846 The land is excluded from agricultural producƟon Diīerences in land level [m] 3,5 Present usage Brown Fields, the area aŌer former factory of houses Soil and underground water polluƟon (Y/N) N Underground water level [m] 5-10 Were geological research done (Y/N) N Risk of ooding or land slide (Y/N) N Underground obstacles (Y/N) N 9 10 Starowiejska District The Subzone Zamosc, November 2010, eastward direcƟon (photo Jacek Kardasz) Site check list Starowiejska District Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N) Y Objects aŌer former factory of houses/ stores, bases of cranes and other objects Ecological restricƟons (Y/N) N Buildings/other construcƟons on site (Y/N) Y Buildings aŌer former factory of houses, store of basic producƟon, store of complementary elements, administraƟve building, building of data-ow line, garage building, boiler house, other buildings and rooms. Access Road to the plot (type and width of access road) 8,5 metre-wide naƟonal road no.17 and no.74 Nearest motorway/naƟonal road [km] The property is situated directly at the NaƟonal Road no.17 and no.74 Sea and River ports located up to 200 km N Railway line [km] Zamosc – 3,8 Railway siding [km] Zamosc – 0,2 Broad Gauge Metallurgical Railway Line siding [km] Zamosc Bortatycze – 9 Nearest internaƟonal airport [km] Rzeszow Jasionka Airport – 160 Lublin Swidnik – 80 (planned to be open in December 2012 r.) Other nearest airport [km] Zamosc Mokre – 4 (landing ground) Nearest province capital [km] Lublin – 89 Land specicaƟon Transport links 11 Site check list Starowiejska District ELECTRICITY Electricity (Y/N) Y Energy network and transformer stadion are placed In the property ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] – Voltage [kV] 15/0,4 Available capacity [MV] 0,4 with capability of boost of force to 4 GAS Gas (T/N) ExisƟng infrastructure N ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] 22 from border of the property Caloric value [MJ/Nm ] 35,5 Pipe diameter [mm] Ø 100 3 Available capacity [Nm /h] 3 3500 WATER AND SEWAGE DISCHARGE 12 Water supply (Y/N) Y Water-supply system about Ø 100 mm diameter is located in the property (watersupply system network for household and industrial purposes) Available capacity [m3/24h] 300 Sewage discharge (Y/N) Y Diameter Ø 100 mm and 200 mm Site check list Starowiejska District ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] Sanitary commutator Ø 800 mm is located at distance of 65 from border of property Available capacity [m3/24h] Available capacity without limitaƟons thanks to the sanitary commutator Treatment plant (Y/N) ExisƟng infrastructure Comments N TELEPHONE Telephone (Y/N) Y Network is placed In the area of property Mobile telephone (Y/N) Y Without limitaƟons FTTH Network (Y/N) Y Possibility of connecƟon to the local FTTH or FTTB Network The site is a part of the SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE EURO-PARK Mielec The current regulations about investing in the Subzone Zamosc Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK Mielec are available on the website: More further information will be given by Investors’ Service Centre and the Town Council. 13 Szczebrzeska District The Subzone Zamosc, November 2010, eastward direcƟon (photo Jacek Kardasz) 14 Site check list Szczebrzeska District Szczebrzeska District LocaƟon Area of property Property informaƟon Site name Szczebrzeska, Zamosc, Poland GPS N: 50o42’48 E: 23o13’15 Max. area available (as one piece) [ha] 16, with capability of increase to 65 The shape of the site Clipping of circle (quarter circle) Possibility for expansion Y in western direcƟon, elds are ownership of City of Zamosc Percentage of the area [%] 45 Approx. land price [PLN/m2] + 23% VAT Info: [email protected] Owner The Town of Zamosc Valid zoning plan (Y/N) Y Zoning Industrial and commercial area Soil class with area [ha] R IIIa -13,6018, R IIIb - 8,0123, RIV 1,4572, BII- 3,3379, W- 0,3223, dr - 0,4179 The land is excluded from agricultural producƟon Diīerences in land level [m] 3 Present usage Agriculture Soil and underground water polluƟon (Y/N) N Land specicaƟon 15 Site check list Szczebrzeska District Land specicaƟon Transport links 16 Underground water level [m] 3-4 Were geological research done (Y/N) N Risk of ooding or land slide(Y/N) N Underground obstacles (Y/N) N Ground and overhead obstacles (Y/N) Y Electrical lines and melioraƟon ditches Ecological restricƟons (Y/N) N Buildings/other construcƟons on site (Y/N) N Access Road to the plot (type and width of access road) 10 metre wide NaƟonal Road no.74 Nearest motorway/naƟonal road [km] The property is situated directly at the NaƟonal Road no.74 Sea and River ports located up to 200 km N Railway line [km] Zamosc – 1,6 Railway siding [km] Zamosc – 1,6 Broad Gauge Metallurgical Railway Line siding [km] Zamosc Bortatycze – 8,6 Nearest internaƟonal airport [km] Rzeszow Jasionka Airport – 160 Lublin Swidnik – 80 (planned to be open in December 2012 r.) Other nearest airport [km] Zamosc Mokre – 4 (landing ground) Nearest province capital [km] Lublin – 89 Site check list Szczebrzeska District ELECTRICITY Electricity (Y/N) Y Overhead lines ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] 100 from the property there is a transformer staƟon Voltage [kV] 15/0,4 Available capacity [MV] 0,2 with capability of boost of force to 3-4 GAS Gas (T/N) ExisƟng infrastructure N ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] 5 from the property Caloric value [MJ/Nm ] 35,5 Pipe diameter [mm] Ø 110 3 Available capacity [Nm /h] 3500 3 WATER AND SEWAGE DISCHARGE Water supply (Y/N) N ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] 30 from the property. Water for both household and industrial usage Available capacity [m3/24h] 500 Sewage discharge (Y/N) Y Diameter Ø 250 mm ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] – 17 Site check list Szczebrzeska District Available capacity [m3/24h] At the end of the pipe there is a sewage pumping stadion. Available capacity 3000 Treatment plant (Y/N) N TELEPHONE ExisƟng infrastructure Comments Telephone (Y/N) N ConnecƟon point (distance from boundary) [m] 35 from the property Mobile telephone (Y/N) Y Without limitaƟons FTTH Network (Y/N) Y Possibility of connecƟon to the local FTTH or FTTB Network The site is a part of the SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE EURO-PARK Mielec In close proximity of the land the Customs House is planned to be built The current regulations about investing in the Subzone Zamosc Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK Mielec are available on the website: More further information will be given by Investors’ Service Centre and the Town Council. 18 Enterprise in Zamosc Nowadays Zamosc is the main regional centre of services in the south part of Lubelskie province. The most important branches for the region are: tourism and trade. The town has got a long tradiƟon in the local industry, especially in food and furniture industry. The close cooperaƟon with the EURO-PARK MIELEC Special Economic Zone and the creaƟon of the Zamosc Subzone aim to recover economic development of the town. In the 16th century - from the moment of foundaƟon of the town- the prosperity of Zamosc ourished. In „The descripƟon of the Zamosc estate in tail as a kind of independent state was oŌen used in many legal acts. The elements that supported this statement were: economic and agricultural independence, very well developed local industry, handicraŌ and trade, (...) separated from the naƟonal army - military services, independent jurisdicƟon and educaƟonal system, public religion and the centre of scienƟcal researches with its own prinƟng-house.” 1591, soon aŌer the foundaƟon of Zamosc, Jan Zamoyski, its founder, Chancellor and Hetman created a vast Zamosc estate in tail. OŌen referred to as the Zamoyski state, indivisible and inherited by the eldest son, it managed to last 350 years. Zamosc was the capital of the estate which was regarded as a selfsupporƟng, self-reliant and autonomous cultural and economic structure. It was possible thanks to professional managing as well as funcƟoning lots of „factories” such as: brick-elds, breweries and our-mills. In the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century in Zamosc there were such industrial plants as: tannery, soap-works, producƟon of coƩon wool, Ɵles and pots. Apart from that, in 1910 in Zamosc there was producƟon of honey, vinegar, oil cigareƩes and soda water. AŌer 1918, at the Ɵme when the railway came to Zamosc, trade, industry and services started to develop. It was mainly Ɵmber and brewing industry. AŌer 1945 It was Ɵme when many signicant, for the region, companies- that gave work to thousands of inhabitants- were established. Among them there were: • Zakųady ZboǏowo-Mųynarskie, • Chųodnia Skųadowa, • Zakųady Miħsne, • Zakųady Jajczarsko-Drobiarskie, • Fabryka Pasz TreƑciwych “BacuƟl”, Prof. Jerzy Kowalczyk (in: Kultura i ideologia Jana Zamoyskiego, Warszawa 2005) 19 • Zamojskie Fabryki Mebli, • Zakųady OdzieǏowe “Delia”, • “Metalplast”. In the end of the eighƟes 20th century in the factories of Zamosc worked 10 000 people. Ten years later the number of workers was about 4000. AŌer 1990 During the years of economic transformaƟons in Poland, most of the stateowned rms in Zamosc broke down. Because of that, the town concentrated on development of branches connected with tourism. Especially aŌer 1992, when Zamosc was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, a lot of new restaurants, cafes, pubs and hotels were open. Since 2005 lots of restoraƟons have been carried out in Zamosc. The Old Town is reconstructed and revitalized mainly thanks to subsidies from the European Union. Since The Town of Zamosc has many investment sites in aƩracƟve locaƟons, eīorts to include these sites into the EURO-PARK MIELEC Special Economic Zone were made in 2007. On 28 April 2008 Zamosc Town Council passed expressing its consent for plots located in Zamosc Town area to be included into the EURO - PARK Mielec Special Economic Zone. Finally, on 30 June 2009, in consistency with the Decree by the Council of Ministers, Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK Mielec was broadened and the Subzone Zamosc was created. 20 The harbour in Gdynia (the 30s, 20th century). EmbarkaƟon of furniture produced in Zamosc, below: Zamojskie Zakųady Miħsne (the 60s, 20th century). Photo from The State Archive in Zamosc. Industry and service The economy of the town is based on services that is why it is dominated by numerous small and mediumsized enterprises. However, there are some large producƟon plants, mainly food factories and companies, which is related to the dominance of agriculture in the region. These include: • the Zamojskie Wheat Company ( (Zamojskie Zakųady ZboǏowe), • Agtel Sp. z o.o. ( • the Animex fodder company, • the Mors ( frozen food producer, • a daughter company of the Dairy in Krasnystaw. The town is also a center of know-how support for agriculture and a market for various agricultural products. In addiƟon, the other companies include: • a daughter company of the Black Red White furniture company (former Zamojskie Furniture Company), • Spomasz Zamosc SA ( industrial and metal hardware producer, • SIPMOT ( agricultural machinery producer, • Stalprodukt-Zamosc sp. z o.o. ( There are many Polish companies that have their branches in Zamosc: • PKP LHS – railway transport (Slawkow – Hrubieszow), • PGE S.A power industry supplies lubelskie and podkarpackie regions. Services in transport are given by: • PKS (local and long distance buses), • “Autonaprawa” and so called “Busy”- local and cross-country lines, • “Rumat” and “Polonia” are companies which oīer coaches to most European countries, • Transport in Zamosc is provided by MZK. As far as motor industry is concerned, there are: • Car showrooms (Chevrolet, Citroën, Fiat, Opel, Renault, Seat, Škoda), • large number of service staƟons, repair shops, petrol staƟons and the one in the region – gas staƟon CNG. Financial services and banks in Zamosc Banks: AIG, Alior Bank, BG, Bank Polskiej SpóųdzielczoƑci, BPH, BZ WBK, CiƟbank Handlowy, DnB Nord, Dominet Bank, Eurobank, GE Money, GETIN Bank, Invest Bank, Kredyt Bank, Lukas Bank, mBank, Millennium, Pekao, PKO BP, Raiīeisen Bank and SKOKs. Kredyt Inkaso S.A. (www.kredyƟ - listed company, vindicaƟon services. 21 TelecommunicaƟons services On The Great Market Square in Zamosc, the Internet is available for free (Wi-Fi) • The Internet is provided by: MulƟmedia Polska, NeƟa, Derkom and few smaller rms, • INFO-TV-FM Sp. z o.o. ( – is a company represented telecommunicaƟons services. The local trade Shopping centres: CH Echo, CH Lwowska, DH Agora, DH Hetman, DH Bukasz, DH Sezam, DH Tomasz, DH Marcin. In the middle of 2011, two more shopping galleries will be open: Galeria Twierdza (30 000 sq. m) and Galeria Revia Park (15 000 sq. m). Supermarkets: Carrefour, Castorama, Kauand, Biedronka, E.Leclerc, Jysk, Lidl, NOMI, Stokrotka and the chain store of the local cooperaƟve PSS Spolem Most of bouƟques, perfumeries and shops of well-known brands are located around the Old Town. 22 Available work-force The percentage of well-educated people in Zamosc is higher than average in the Lubelskie Region and also in Poland. In the town there are much less people without educaƟon compared to other polish regions. Higher educaƟon schools In 1594 Jan Zamoyski, the founder of Zamosc, established The Zamosc Academy – the fourth high school in Poland (opened in 1595). Nowadays, educated staī works for the success of every enterprise. The following higher educaƟon schools in Zamosc have about 6 thousand students at present who study the arts and the sciences: • Higher School of Management and AdministraƟon in Zamosc • The Jan Zamoyski Higher School of Economics and the Arts based in Zamosc • Higher EducaƟon VocaƟonal School in Zamosc • Department of Agricultural Sciences, Universyty of Life Sciences in Lublin • Teacher Training Colleges in Zamosc There are also comprehensive schools, vocaƟonal and technical schools, 9 highand 12 primary schools in Zamosc. Students from Higher School of Management and AdministraƟon in Zamosc (photo Slawomir Bialas) 23 Employment On the regional labour market there are professionally acƟve about 18 000 people. Employment by sectors: services – 14 000 (public services – 7 000 (39% of the all employed)), industry – 3 700. Although, there is visible increase in hotels/restaurants and property sectors, the number of employed in such companies persons dropped from 3,4 to 2,4. Unemployment The registered unemployment rate in Zamosc is higher than average in Poland – from 1% to 3%. In the end of 2010, the general number of the unemployed was 4 600. From among the unemployed 2 200 were women. 24 Laboratory of machine tool CNC of Higher EducaƟon VocaƟonal School in Zamosc, on the right: CKF Stylowy in Zamosc (photo Piotr Rogalski) Contact INVESTORS SERVICE CENTRE Working Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Address: Szczebrzeska 3, 22-400 Zamosc, Poland Tel. +48 722 111 998 e-mail: [email protected] TOWN COUNCIL Mr. Tomasz Kossowski, Vice-Mayor of Zamosc Mr. Karol Garbula, PlenipotenƟary to the Subzone Zamosc Address: Rynek Wielki 13, 22-400 Zamosc, Poland tel. (+48 84) 677 2497, fax (+48 84) 639 3054 [email protected] [email protected] AGENCJA ROZWOJU PRZEMYSBU S.A. The agency managing Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK MIELEC Address: Partyzantow 25, 39-300 Mielec, Poland tel. + 48 17 788 7236, [email protected] Zamosc - bird’s-eye view (photo Jacek Kardasz)
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Investor Guide
my pleasure and pride to invite you to Zamosc, the Town which is unique, perfect, just
ideal to invest in. We are ready.
Marcin Zamoyski
The Mayor of Zamosc