August - Ville de Deux
August - Ville de Deux
ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:24 Page 1 L’EXPRESS DEUX-MONTAGNES MUNICIPAL BULLETIN OF THE CITY OF DEUX-MONTAGNES • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2012 Fall in all its colours! ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:24 Page 2 MunICIPAL nEwS MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR Dear Citizens, Marc Lauzon Mayor Summer is now in full swing, and I hope you’re enjoying every bit of it. The warm weather offers many activities, and the new school year is right around the corner. I’d like to remind everyone to please be careful on the roads. Its overriding concern is to minimize impact on the surrounding environment, honour its historical roots and promote harmony among its residents. Infrastructure repair work continuing Suzette Bigras Du Grand-Moulin District Mario Saint-Charles Du Lac District A green and welcoming city, on the shores of Lacdes-Deux-Montagnes and the Mille-Îles River, DeuxMontagnes is building its future based on contemporary sustainable development principles. Ville de Deux-Montagnes has invested large sums in recent years to repair and upgrade its infrastructures. In 2012, no less than $8.5 million will be spent on infrastructure maintenance, and to comply with current standards. This work needs to be done to ensure the safety of our citizens. However, let’s not forget that an amount of $4.2 million will also be allocated to the City under the 2010-2013 Gas Tax Fund Transfer Payment Program to municipalities. For more information on the work in progress, check the detailed Info-Works Guide on the City’s website: The City’s vision statement Tom Whitton This vision statement truly reflects our wish. We support densification, but not at any cost. It must be pursued within a sustainable development perspective, by meeting society's present needs without compromising those of future generations. Our city’s revitalization efforts must be based on a long-term vision that takes into account the interrelated nature of environmental, social and economic development activities. We would love to hear your ideas concerning your city’s plans for the future. Please send us your questions and comments by August 31 to: [email protected] De l'Olympia District Nathalie Chayer De la Gare District On June 12, over 300 people attended a public consultation meeting on the draft by-law to amend the municipal urban plan. It was also an opportunity for the City to present its vision statement. This vision will guide City Council members and administration in their revitalization efforts. I think it is important, because it describes how we envision the future development of our city and our community: Bye for now! Marc Lauzon, mayor Guillaume Bouvrette Du Coteau District Next October 13th 2012 is the deadline for the upcoming SUMMARY James McAllister Du Golf District Express out on December 1st 2012. Municipal News ................................................................................................................................................................................2 Public works and Urban Planning .................................................................................................................................................5 Safety and Regulations ...................................................................................................................................................................6 Recreation and Community life .....................................................................................................................................................7 Green page ......................................................................................................................................................................................10 Bibliopage ........................................................................................................................................................................................11 M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 2 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:25 Page 3 MunICIPAL nEwS The 2011 FiNANciAl STATEMENTS ArE prESENTED At the Council meeting held June 14, 2012, the 2011 consolidated financial report for the year ended December 31, 2011, was presented. Note that the long-term debt (excluding organizations under Municipal control) went from $39.4 million in 2010 to $36.3 million in 2011, a decrease of $3.1 million. 2012 Dragon Boat race On Saturday, June 23, the Mille-Îles River was the site of the very first edition of a dragon boat race, a fundraising event organized by the Sercan Foundation to mark its 20th anniversary. One of the 46-feet-long boats carried an enthusiastic and fun-loving team consisting of the Mayor of Deux-Montagnes, Marc Lauzon, City professionals and merchants, volunteers from the Deux-Montagnes Lions Club and young people from the Deux-Montagnes Youth Centre. The rowers finished in 4th place. Congratulations! Funded debt went from $51.4 million in 2010 to $49.2 million in 2011. For the Ville de Deux-Montagnes, the net total long-term debt ratio per $100 of standardized real estate wealth was 3.1% in 2010. By managing a very tight budget, this ratio dropped to 2.7% in 2011. Take note that this ratio’s tolerance threshold is about 6%. The ratio is deemed reasonable below this level, which means the City is well positioned to meet its longterm debt repayment obligations. Taking organizations under municipal control into account, this ratio went from 4.1% in 2010 to 3.7% in 2011. Ten police officers honoured As a result, we can say that the City did an excellent job in managing its finances in 2011. On June 18 the Deux-Montagnes Regional Police Department (SPRDM) and Ville de Deux-Montagnes hosted a special evening to honour six police officers who have put in over 20 years of service and four police officers who put in more than 30 years of service within the community. To view the 2011 Financial Statements, visit Before a room filled with family and friends, the 10 honoured officers were awarded the Police Medal for distinguished service and exemplary conduct for their many years of public service. Congratulations to the honoured police officers! M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 3 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final copy_Layout 1 12-08-20 16:01 Page 4 MunicipAl news A new annual action plan for persons with disabilities Holidays: Please note that municipal offices will be closed on September 3 for Labour Day and October 8 for Thanksgiving. Reminder In May, Ville de Deux-Montagnes adopted an Annual Action Plan for 2012 for persons with disabilities. This action plan is pursuant to Section 61.1 of An Act to secure handicapped persons in the exercise of their rights with a view to achieving social, school and workplace integration. The deadline for the fourth installment is September 10 Ville de Deux-Montagnes employees are determined to continue the implementation of appropriate measures aimed at ensuring the participation of persons with disabilities among its citizens, partners and employees. To view the plan, visit in the Publications section, under Policies. Dog Registration: Patrouille Canine GL will be going door to door to register dogs and sell licences. The fee is $20 per pet. Licences are also available at the City Hall reception at 803 Oka Road. Licences are free for Deux-Montagnes residents 65 years and over. New faces in town! On June 4, Johanne Labranche began work as a secretary-onthe-go for Ville de Deux-Montagnes. Johanne is a secretarial school graduate with a strong background in office administration. She also worked as an on-call secretary for Ville de Saint-Eustache. She will work two days a week at the Fire Department and at different City departments the rest of the time, according to priorities and demand. June 26 marked Véronique Mompelat’s first day on the job as a Communications and Special Projects Assistant. Holding a BA in Communication Sciences, her career path has led to rewarding experiences in writing, coordination of communication tools and PR work. Welcome to Johanne and Véronique! Johanne Labranche Congratulations to Martin Hensen! City Council passed a resolution of congratulations to Martin Hensen, a resident of Ville de Deux-Montagnes, after he was awarded the Medal of the National Assembly of Quebec on June 4th with M.N.A Benoit Charette in recognition of his extensive volunteer involvement in our community. City Council wanted to thank Martin Hensen for his leadership, support, dedication, generosity and overall contribution to the community, which has made such a positive difference in the lives of our citizens for over 30 years. Congratulations! Véronique Mompelat M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 4 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:26 Page 5 PuBLIC wORkS And uRBAn PLAnnInG Occupancy certificate required The City wishes to remind businesses that they must obtain a valid occupancy certificate, whether for residential zones ($25) or commercial zones ($100). An occupancy certificate application form must be filled out and submitted to the Urban Planning Department with the required fee. If you have any questions, please contact the Urban Planning Department at 450-473-4833. collection of bulky waste in DeuxMontagnes Please take note that bulky waste collection takes place the 3rd Thursday of every month from January to December inclusively, between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. for all residential sectors. Please make sure to place the bulky items on the curb, at your property limit, after 8 p.m. the night before collection or by 7 a.m. on the scheduled day. Bulky items must be visible on collection day; they must be clear of any snow accumulation in winter. Construction materials are not accepted. Temporary Shelters You may install your temporary shelter ("Tempo" type or other) to cover cars, passages or entrances starting October 15. It must be removed by April 15 the following year. The repair and maintenance of infrastructures In summertime, many roadworks for repair and maintenance of infrastructures will be performed. Here is a list of the construction works which will all end at fall: REPLACEMEnT And uPGRAdE OF THE InFRASTRuCTuRES On 13th AvEnuE The work site will take place on the 13th Avenue between Boulevard du Lac and 12th Avenue. The aim is to extend the life of the drinking water and sewage pipes. It will improve the water quality and re-establish the capacity of the sewage network in the area. It is planned to install a rainwater sewage network to separate rainwater and waste water. Work will start mid-September and should be completed at the latest November 30, 2012, for a total cost of $1 million. REdEvELOPMEnT OF BOuLEvARd dES PROMEnAdES Located on the Boulevard des Promenades, between 20th Avenue and the border of the city of Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, this work site aims to redevelop the road layout (geometry) for access to new development and to improve pedestrian safety and traffic flow. The work will start mid-August 2012 and will be completed at the latest on October 21, 2012. The cost of the work is estimated at $1, 200, 00. COnSTRuCTIOn OF An EquALIzATIOn BASIn AT THE LARRY-COOL PuMPInG STATIOn Located at 1401 Boulevard du Lac, the Larry-Cool pumping station requires work to bring it up to the standards of the ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs. In fact, it is necessary to eliminate spillage of waste water into Lac des Deux-Montagnes. The work is planned to start at the beginning of July and should be completed at the latest October 30, 2012. The cost of the work is $3.2 million. In order to lighten the tax burden of the taxpayers of Deux-Montagnes, the City tries to take advantage of the financial assistance programs offered by the government for all the municipal infrastructure work. In accordance with the terms of the transfer program of the federal gas tax to municipalities 2010-2013, an amount of $4.2 million will be given to the City in order to: • Know the condition of the water mains and sewage networks; • Put into place a plan of action to replace and rehabilitate the water mains and sewage networks; • Bring up to standard the filtration plant (chemical products batch); • Bring up to standard the waste water treatment plant; • Rehabilitate 2km of water pipes on 8th Avenue and Grand-Moulin Road; • Limit the overflow of waste water into Lac Deux-Montagnes when it rains during the summer by the construction of an equalization basin at the Larry-Cool pumping station. M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 5 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:27 Page 6 SAFETY And REGuLATIOnS chimney Sweeping Fire prevention regulations on chimney sweeping stipulate that all citizens must sweep their home chimney once a year if it is connected to a heat producing device powered by solid or liquid fuel. That responsibility lies with the owner, lessee or occupant of a building. School Zone Safety Thank you for your cooperation and remember that sweeping your chimney can prevent a fire! For more information or references, please contact the Deux-Montagnes/Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac inter-municipal fire department at 450-473-2730. The Deux-Montagnes Regional Police Department will be implementing its action plan for school zone safety as the new school year gets under way. This prevention and crackdown program serves to remind drivers to obey the rules of the road in these areas. Signs indicating a 30 km/h speed limit will be posted in every school zone. Several police officers will be present every day near the schools at the beginning and end of classes. They will be actively enforcing the law and issuing tickets to all offenders. Parents who drive their children to school significantly increase school zone traffic. The Police Department asks parents to obey "drop-off zone" signs to ensure that roads around schools remain clear. Police, parents and school administrators – let’s all make school zones safe for pedestrians! Outdoor fireplaces In July, municipal by-law 1140 was amended to allow, under certain conditions, outdoor fires contained within an outdoor fireplace equipped with a fireguard. The zoning by-law sets certain standards for the installation of an outdoor fireplace with regard to property lines and the distance between buildings. An outdoor fireplace must not cause a nuisance to neighbours, such as drifting smoke. A statement of offence could be issued in such cases. Check the City’s website for more information on installation standards and the use of an outdoor fireplace. M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 6 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:27 Page 7 RECREATIOn And COMMunITY LIFE This section contains invitations as well as cultural and recreational activities offered by the city and the many organizations within its territory. 2012 Arts Trail centre d’alphabétisation populaire des patriotes Courses for people ages 16 and over who want to improve their reading, writing and math skills. French-language workshops in small groups offered days and evenings. $25 per session. Immigrants welcome. Everyone has a right to read! For information and registration: CAPP CLd de deux-Montagnes The CLD of the MRC Deux-Montagnes invites you to an information session on how to start a business. The course will take you through the key steps to starting and financing a business. It also provides information on services for entrepreneurs and is a starting point for who may qualify for one of our funds. The next sessions will be held at 1, Place de la Gare, Salon des Bâtisseurs (#304), Saint-Eustache, on Wednesdays: 49, rue St-Louis, St-Eustache 450 473-2277 [email protected] September 12, 2012 ........from 7 to 9 p.m.; September 19, 2012 ...from 1:30 to 4 p.m.; October 10, 2012 .............from 7 to 9 p.m.; October 17, 2012 ........from 1:30 to 4 p.m.; Open House on Monday, September 10, 2012, between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Come see us and learn more. (Coffee will be served) For more information, visit our website: You can also send us an email at [email protected] or call 450-4721502, ext. 221 The Deux-Montagnes Cultural Association invites all citizens and art lovers to walk the Arts Trail on August 18, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and August 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The third edition of this colourful cultural tour will feature several artists from DeuxMontagnes. They will be opening their workshops and demonstrating their skills to visitors. Just like last year, visitors will begin their tour at the Petite École Jaune, where they will receive a passport containing directions and a reserved space that will be stamped by each artist they meet. Visitors who obtain stamps by all the artists can bring their passports to the Petite École Jaune to have the chance to win their favourite work of art worth up to $500. For more information, check the local papers or visit us at Women’s Time Out invites you to its craft Fair! On Saturday, November 17, 2012, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veterans Hall (the Legion), located at 141 Grand Moulin Road, DeuxMontagnes. First Aid Training The Quebec Lung Association provides first aid training. The next course is on August 18, 2012, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The fee is $29, including taxes. Please note that the regular price is usually in the $60-$80 range. THE quEBEC LunG ASSOCIATIOn The QLA is an non-profit organization devoted to respiratory health since 1938. For more information, call 1 888 768-6669. Information: Gertrude Dore, 450-472-1393 Zodiak Élite cheerleading Cheerleading classes for children between the ages of 7 and 14. Classes held at the École des Mésanges Online registration starting August 15 at Registration fee: $135 for 10 courses (90 min each) Information: Monique Blais 450-623-2987 M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 7 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:27 Page 8 RECREATIOn And COMMunITY LIFE The DeuxMontagnes lions club organizes the 9th edition of the Giant Book Fair. parrainage civique Basses-laurentides On October 20 and 21, book lovers are invited to gather at Veterans Hall, located at 141 Legion Street, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. is looking for new volunteer mentors. The organization promotes the participation and social integration of persons living with a mental disability, through pairing with a volunteer citizen mentor. The members of the organizing committee invite you to drop off books (in good condition) that you want to give away at the Maison des Citoyens, located at 202 HenriDunant in Deux-Montagnes, Monday to Friday between 10 and 11:30 a.m. Please notify André Ouellet in advance by calling 450-473-7450. This relationship helps reduce isolation and build friendship, while providing the presence of a significant person with shared interests who contributes to develop their social skills. Note that the organization is actively recruiting male volunteers, as many young boys are still waiting for a mentor. For information in French, contact Thérèse Olivier at 450-472-8740. For information in English, contact Betty and Martin Hensen at 450-473-1932 or Dave Byers at 514-602-7054. For information or to volunteer, contact the organization at 450-430-8177 or visit the following website: IMPROVE YOURSELF THROUGH PROFESSIONAL TRAINING! TRAInInG PROGRAMS OFFEREd: - Accounting - Secretarial work - Professional sales Thank you for donating your books in good condition! - Starting a business - Cooking Deux-Montagnes Soccer club - General building maintenance The Deux-Montagnes House League kicked off its soccer season on a festive note on May 28. Tim Hortons was welcomed as the main sponsor. Alain Bilodeau and his wife Line, owners of the restaurant located in Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac, were also handed an official ball by Benoit Fauteux, House League VP, in the presence of the President of the Deux-Montagnes Soccer Association, Jamshid Ghavami and several volunteers, coaches and U6 players. - Machining techniques Among the attendees were Ville de Deux-Montagnes City Councillors Tom Whitton and Martin Piché, François Robillard, François Racine, Jean-Guy Lajeunesse and Annie-Claude Lacombe of Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac. - Assistance to patients or - Computer graphics processes - Numerically controlled machine tools - Home care assistance residents of health care establishments Information: SHAMROCKS FC Email: [email protected] Website: - Health, Assistance and Nursing 1415, Chemin de l’Avenir Deux-Montagnes, Quebec J7R 7B4 Tel.: 450-623-3079 ext. 5901 Fax: 450-623-4608 [email protected] M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 8 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final copy_Layout 1 12-08-30 14:11 Page 9 recreATiOn AnD cOmmuniTy life Deux-Montagnes Regional Historical Society As part of the 2012 festivities organized by Ville de Saint-Eustache, the Deux-Montagnes Regional Historical Society (SHRDM) invites you to two informative lectures this fall. Quebec hiSTOry by Gilles Proulx historian and broadcaster emeritus Daniele Sauvageau skating rink and Grand Théâtre Olympia New rental opportunities: CONCRETE FLOOR Summer period (Ball hockey, lacrosse or other activities) SKATING RINK Mid-August to April Wednesday, September 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Petite Église Art Centre 271, Saint-Eustache Street in Saint-Eustache Gilles Proulx will trace the chain of events since July 24, 1534, that have led to Quebec nationhood, through the great moments in the history of New France and Quebec, including the events of December 1837 in Saint-Eustache. Don’t miss this opportunity! The enGliSh PrOTeSTAnTS frOm The SAinT-euSTAche reGiOn in The 19th AnD 20th cenTurieS By Vicki Onufriu, historian and researcher, Chemin du Roy project, SHRDM. Wednesday October 17, at 7:30 p.m. At the Petite Eglise Art Center 271, Saint-Eustache Street, in Saint-Eustache Vicki Onufriu will speak about the English, Scottish, Presbyterian and Protestant pioneers, a prominent community of the 19th and 20th centuries that have shaped our region’s history. Through family reconstitution (Scott, Gentle, Smith, Addison, McColl, McMartin and others), discover their way of life, their political and social involvement, their stand in the events of 1837, their impact on the regional economy and their dealings with Francophone Catholics. What remains of these communities? Come discover this little-known period of our regional history. (League or daily rental) NOW TAKING RESERVATIONS FOR THE 2012-2013 SEASON THEATRE Spring period (Corporate events, sports, graduations, etc.) ATTenTiOn new ScheDule 2012-2013 SeASOn SEASON BEGINNING AUGUST 18, 2012 SKATING - ADULTS Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . from 9:30 to 11 a.m. FREE SKATING (FOR ALL) Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . from noon to 1 p.m. SPECIAL SKATING (FOR ALL) Labour day Septembre 3 . . . . . . . . . from 9:30 to 11 a.m. from 1 to 2 p.m. Thanksgiving Octobre 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . from 9:30 to 11 a.m. from 1 to 2 p.m. RÉSERVATIONS : 450 473-1005 [email protected] Note: A light snack will be served after the conference. Admission is free for everyone, and no reservations are required. Take this opportunity to become a SHRDM member for an annual fee of $10, which will help keep alive the history of the former DeuxMontagnes county, comprising the present territory of the MRC of Deux-Montagnes and Mirabel. To reach the SHRDM: Tel.: 450-472-0744 Email: [email protected] Website: M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 9 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:27 Page 10 GREEn PAGE PLAnT dERMATITIS (PHYTOdERMATITIS) Of the 300,000 plant species in Quebec, some are toxic if one of their parts is ingested (leaf, stem or root), while others are edible. Some can cause breathing problems (such as ragweed) or skin reactions. Today we’ll look at plants that cause skin reactions called phytodermatitis. Most plants are harmless, but some such as poison ivy, can cause mild to severe skin irritations. A plant can cause irritation because of its chemical composition, shape or texture. Skin contact with certain plants can lead to allergic phytodermatitis, photophytodermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis or mechanical injury. Some tips: Get to know the plants around you. Know which ones to avoid or handle carefully. Quickly wash your skin as soon as you think you’ve touched a potentially dangerous plant. ALLERGIC PHYTOdERMATITIS IRRITAnT COnTACT dERMATITIS Skin allergies caused by skin contact with a plant such as poison ivy. Some people are allergic, while others show no reaction after contact. Dermatitis is not an allergic reaction. Some familiar plants that can trigger skin allergies include poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans), the ginkgo fruit (Ginkgo biloba), and primroses (Primula). PHOTOPHYTOdERMATITIS Skin reaction caused by contact with a plant and subsequent exposure to sunlight. This type of reaction is often confused with poison ivy, since it presents similar symptoms: blisters, redness, edema, swelling. The rash appears within 24 hours and may last several months. The severity of the reaction depends on several factors: skin moisture level, the amount ingested or present on the skin, radiation intensity and duration of exposure. Phototoxic plants following ingestion: St. John’s wort (Hypericum), lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album)... Phototoxic plants following contact: Dill (Anethum graveolens), Angelica (Angelica archangelica), celery (Apium graveolens), carrot (Daucus carota) fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), anise (Pimpinella anisum), wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), marigold (Tagetes), common fig (Ficus carica) ... The compounds responsible for dermatitis caused by contact with an irritating plant are indiscriminate – they affect everyone at high enough dose. Symptoms resemble a chemical burn. They are triggered by irritating chemical substances commonly found in sap. Examples: Spurge (Euphorbia), castorbean (Ricinus communis), anemone (Anemone), clematis (Clematis), buttercup (Ranunculus), nettle (Urtica)... The reaction is often immediate, as with the nettle, since the plant has a stem and/or leaves covered with stiff, brittle hairs that pierce the skin an inject an irritating fluid. Poison ivy or wild parsnips, on the other hand, cause reactions only several hours after contact. MECHAnICAL InjuRY This occurs when sharp leaves, thorns or spines cause skin irritations or lacerations on the skin. Examples: rose, hawthorn, barberry... For questions or advice: If you experience a severe reaction, consult a pharmacist or doctor. Tips for a beautiful lawn all summer long: A beautiful lawn without weeds or insect pests? It can be done! Maintaining a lawn is like cultivating a million little plants. It needs a suitable environment in which to live, and it must be provided with optimal growing conditions. Here are the five key steps to a healthy lawn: 1. Mow the lawn to a height of 8 cm. 2. Sharpen your mower blades regularly. 3. Water deeply if necessary (2 to 3 cm once a week). Do not water during a heat wave. Your lawn will go dormant and just turn yellow. When weather conditions return to normal and rain reappears, your lawn will be green again. 4. Leave grass clippings on the ground. They are a good source of slowrelease nitrogen or fertilizer. 5. Aerate, reseed, fertilize and topdress as required using compost. [email protected] M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 10 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:27 Page 11 THE BIBLIOPAGE This section is devoted to the activities of the deux-Montagnes public library.. please note that to take part in the library’s activities, you must register at the counter or by phone at 450-473-2702. Some activities are free, while non-members pay a fee. A pass is required for all activities. registration is mandatory and available on-site only. Most of the following activities are only offered in French. REGuLAR LIBRARY HOuRS Monday to Friday: 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. AcTiViTiES FOr cHilDrEN BéBéLITOuT HEuRES dE COnTE For toddlers ages 12 to 36 months. An introduction to reading, combined with an arts and crafts workshop to help them develop their fine motor skills. Facilitator: Lyne Turner Maximum: 10 children and accompanying parents Cost: Free for members $5 for non-members Duration: 45 minutes ROuGE COMME unE POMME! PYjAMAS, TEddY BEARS And BLAnkIES ARE wELCOME! Facilitator: Isabelle Larouche For 3 to 6 year olds - Maximum 20 children per activity Free for members / $5 for non-members RévEILLE-TOI! GROuILLE-TOI! As the cooler weather arrives, it seems like everyone is on the move. Nicolas goes to hockey practice. Etienne has a new babysitter. A princess finally wakes up...not to mention my friend who said his school was a zoo! Friday, September 21 at 6:30 p.m. Duration: 45 minutes quI A PEuR dES MOnSTRES, dES SORCIèRES... ET dES CITROuILLES? Not us! We're not afraid to turn the pages, even though we see monsters, witches, bats and pumpkins! Meet Pélagie the Witch, and Mr. Pumpkin. Friday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m. Duration: 45 minutes (as part of Public Library Week) Thursday, September 20 at 10 a.m. MICE And CATS... For ages 12 to 24 months Who says cats and mice can’t be friends? Did you know that Splat the Cat goes to cat school with his friend the little mouse? Do you know Eddy Filou? That mouse who chases big cats? Come laugh along with your friends, in pyjamas! Friday, November 23 at 6:30 p.m. Duration: 45 minutes LES PETITS MOnSTRES FêTEnT L’HALLOwEEn ! Thursday, October 25 at 10 a.m. For ages 24 to 36 months (as part of Public Library Week) BRRR ! SORTOnS TuquES ET MITAInES ! Thursday, November 15 at 10 a.m. For ages 12 to 24 months STORY HOuR - BOO! HAunTInG! HOwLInG! HOOTInG! (offered in English only) Halloween stories with Colleen Baxter Sullivan Do you like to dress up for Halloween? Who will you be? This is a storytime session of make believe. We will follow Ollie and his friends and many other Halloween characters as we dare to explore the scariest night of the year! October 19th from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. For 3 to 6 year olds – Max. : 20 children Activity is free for members / 5 $ for non-members LES P’TITS RACOnT’ARTS with Nathalie Lecompte Workshops where stories take the stage, sometimes accompanied by nursery rhymes, songs or something else, and that always end with craft activities. For 6 to 9 year olds. Maximum 20 children per activity Duration: 60 minutes Free for members / $ 5 non-members LE SAFARI GRRR! Watch out! Beasts on the horizon. Let’s follow them carefully through the savannah where they can surprise us at any time! Sunday, September 23 at 2 p.m. quI SE CACHE SOuS CE MASquE ? Why do we wear masks? You’ll find young and old wearing masks in many traditional events around the world. Sunday, October 21 at 2 p.m. (as part of Public Library Week) ABC dE L’éPOquE MédIévALE Knights, your swords! Princesses, pretty up! We’re embarking on a medieval adventure. Sunday, November 25 at 2 p.m. EXHiBiTiONS lA ciTÉ DES iMpOSTUrES ŒUVrES DE SENTiEr ArT3 Paintings by Emmanuelle de Rouville Acrylic and collage on canvas; trying to shed some light on a heavily disguised city, an artificial fog, where ugliness, falsehoods and hypocrisy rule. An exhibition of the Musée d’Art Contemporain des Laurentides, in cooperation with artist Suzanne Ferland. Photographs of sculptural creations integrated into the forest environment, performed in situ at the Bois de Belle-Rivière in Mirabel. Exhibition from August 27 to October 28 Exhibition runs from October 29, 2012 to January 27, 2013 M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 11 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2 ExpressENG_Aout-final_Layout 1 12-08-07 11:27 Page 12 THE BIBLIOPAGE O 30, ER 1 T OCTOB FROM RY LIBRA E H T jOIn nTER And E InE nL THE O ST FOr ADUlTES 5365 kM : TRAnSAT quéBEC/SAInT-MALO liVrES ET piXElS With Philippe Morrissette of the Georges Leblanc team All about e-books and digital books with Robert Martin, M. Sc. A. MIS and speaker ib edesb value: emain www.s Total prize 0 $6,00 Our speaker, who took part in the 2012 edition of this quadrennial event, will navigate through the intricacies of this non-stop transoceanic race that brings together the best professional monohull and multihull ocean racers. Welcome aboard the Océan Phénix! Monday, September 17, 7 to 8:30 p.m. This conference will help you gain a better understanding of the e-book revolution: file formats of digital books, e-books and tablets, reading software and the main sources for digital books. Monday, November 26 from 7 to 9 p.m. Maximum 70 participants (general public) Free for members $ 5 non-members. Maximum 70 participants (general public) Free for members $10 non-members TOUTE UNE AVENTUrE ! cAFÉ-lEcTUrE : lES TENDrES JEUDiS Moderator: Mireille Brodeur With Ugo Monticone Globe-trotting writer and speaker who has traveled to more than thirty-five countries and published six books in seven years (four travel stories, two novels and a collection of short stories). He will talk about his different trips and about the writing profession. Thursday, October 25, 7 to 8 p.m. Maximum 70 participants (general public) Free activity funded by UNEQ. Finally, a book club where adults can share favourite books and explore selected topics over a nice cup of coffee! Reading is a joy that's meant to be shared! Every last Thursday of the month. Thursdays, September 27 and November 29, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Maximum 20 participants Free for members $5 non-members. THE rEADiNG lOOp (offered in English only) Moderator: Colleen Baxter Sullivan Each month we will share ideas, and voice our opinions regarding favourite books and authors. We will compare different writing styles and exchange our personal viewpoints regarding theses comparisons. Your opinion will be valued. This will be a great learning experience for all those who love to read, and all those who might want to take up reading. On the first Wednesday of the month from September to June. September 5th, October 3rd, November 7th from 10 to 11 a.m. Max. : 20 participants Free for members /5 $ for non-members ÉcrirE pOUr DirE Moderator: Mireille Brodeur A writing club for fun, for sharing ideas and for finding the right words. Come share your passion at these bi-monthly get-togethers. Tuesday September 11 and November 13, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Maximum 20 participants Free for members $5 non-members. A Fun ACTIvITY FOR THE 16th EdITIOn OF THE jOuRnéES dE LA CuLTuRE AN iNTrODUcTiON TO cOMMEDiA DEll'ArTE... With Maude Desrosiers of the Théâtre Tout à Trac. An introduction to commedia dell'arte and some of its most famous characters. Starting with a basic theme, children will have the chance to play with real commedia dell'arte masks and delve into the realm of comedy. For school groups only. Friday, September 28 at 1 p.m. Also watch our youth activities planned as part of the Week! L’Express Deux-Montagnes Coordination, research and writing: Collaboration: Town of city of Deux-Montagnes 803 Oka Road, Deux-Montagnes (Québec) J7R 1L8 Telephone : 450 473-2796 Issues of L’Express are now emailed to citizens who signed up on the City’s Internet site mailing list or can be downloaded from the home page. Five hundred copies are now available in municipal buildings and some businesses. The five annual issues are produced by the City’s Communications Department. M U N I C I PA L B U L L E T I N O f T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 12 Translation: Graphic Design: Printing: Copyright Desport: Valérie Sauvé, Véronique Mompelat Martin Pelletier, Jacques Robichaud, Christopher Harding, Maryse Lahaie, Johanne Chaput, Mélissa Brault, Fabienne Côté Traduction Alain Gélinas Inc. Robert Devost Graphiste Inc. Services graphiques Deux-Montagnes Bibliothèque nationale du Québec L’Express Deux-Montagnes is entirely printed using vegetable inks on Forest Stewardship Council certified, post-consumer recycled paper. (Forest Stewardship Council) A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 2
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