Hotel Cologne Rudolfplatz


Hotel Cologne Rudolfplatz
Hotel Cologne Rudolfplatz
The grade II listed Hotel Cologne Rudolfplatz is located in the middle of Cologne, close to the valve gate Castle.
Our Services
Arrival & Departure
Reserved rooms are available on arrival from 15:00 clock and day of departure until 12:00 clock.
298 modern rooms, of which 195 Non smoking rooms, 2 Junior Suites and a Presidential Suite partly overlooking
1 wheelchair accessible room
Hotel Restaurant and Bar with international cuisine, lobby bar, garden terrace (April to October)
Conference area with daylight and space for up to 600 people, 7 meeting rooms
38 family-friendly rooms (with connecting door)
air conditioner
Finnish sauna, steam room and fitness center with cardiovascular
Free Wi-Fi (up to 256 KB / s)
Free daily newspapers
Concierge and luggage service
Room service
Laundry and shoe shine service
Babysitting service on request, special dishes for children
Pets up to a maximum of 3 kg of body weight and must be accompanied by (16 € per day without food)
Public car park at the hotel (17 € per day)
Business Services
Business Center
free wireless internet access with a bandwidth of up to 256 KB / s during the entire stay - given the technical
Secretarial service (on request)
Address: Unter Käster 1, 50674 Köln, Deutschland
Zip/Postal Code: 50674
Latitude / Longitude: 50.937531 / 6.960278600000038
Accommodation, facilities, utilities
5 Stars hotel room
Bedroom(s): 1 ( 2 Sleeps )
Bathroom(s): 1
Long term rentals: No
Pets: Some pets, please enquire
Smoke: No smoking
Children: Yes, great for kids
Wheelchair: Yes
Elderly or infirm: Yes
General facilities
Nightly rate
Weekly Monthly Min. Stay Change-over
Week Weekend
Rate summary €73.78
1 Nights
No rates available
Addon type Price
Charge type
Daily - per person
Junior Suite
Daily - per person
Presidential Suite Optional
Daily - per person
Check in: 15:00, Check out: 12:00
Terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions for Hotel Accommodation Contracts
I. Scope
1. These terms and conditions apply for the Hotel Accommodation Contract as well as all services provided to the
guest other goods and services of the hotel.
2. Different provisions, including those contained in the Terms and Conditions of the Guest or the Ordering Party,
shall not apply, unless they are expressly accepted by the hotel to them in writing.
II. Conclusion, Parties
1. At a booking the Guest's request comes with the Hotel's corresponding confirmation, a hotel accommodation
contract (hereinafter referred to "Contract").
2. Contractual partners are the hotel and the guest. If a third party made the reservation for the guest, he is liable
to the Hotel jointly and severally with the guest and severally liable for all obligations arising from the contract,
insofar as the hotel has a corresponding statement by the purchaser. Independent therefrom, any buyer is obliged
all posting information, especially these Terms and Conditions, be forwarded to the host.
3. Sub- and re-letting of the rooms as well as their usage for purposes other than the purposes of accommodation,
require the prior written consent of the hotel.
III. Services, prices, payment, set-off
1. The hotel is obligated to keep the booked rooms available according to these terms and conditions and to
provide the agreed services.
2. The guest is obligated to pay the applicable or agreed for the rooms provided and for other services used by him
in the hotel prices. This also applies to the Guest's request led to services and expenses of the hotel to third
parties. The agreed prices include the respective statutory VAT. Exceeded tet the period between contract
conclusion and the guest arrives four months and will increase the value-added tax or any applicable local taxes in
accordance with the contract, so the hotel reserves the right to change the agreed prices in order to increase the
amount by which the VAT incurred or local taxes and fees have increased.
3. The hotel can make its agreement to the desired by the guest after the contract reduction in the number of
reserved rooms, the hotel services or the duration of the guest's dependent on the price of the room and / or for
the other services of the hotel increases.
4. Hotel invoices are payable immediately upon receipt without deduction. The hotel may demand the immediate
payment of overdue receivables at any time by the guest. The guest comes later than in default if he does not pay
within 30 days after due date and receipt of an invoice payment; this applies to a guest who is a consumer, has
been only when specifically referred to these consequences on the invoice. With default of payment the hotel is
entitled to charge consumers to charge default interest amounting to 5 percentage points above the base rate. In
business the default interest rate is 8 percentage points above the base rate. The hotel reserves the right to claim
higher damages. For every reminder after default occurs, the Hotel may charge a reminder fee of EUR 5.00.
5. The hotel is entitled to demand gen upon conclusion of the guest a reasonable advance payment or security
deposit in the form of a credit card guarantee, a deposit or the like. The amount of the advance payment and
payment dates may be agreed in writing in the contract.
6. In justified cases, z. B. arrears score or extension of the scope of the contract, the hotel requires a pre-payment
or security deposit within the meaning of the preceding paragraph. 5 or an increase is justified, even after
conclusion of the contract until the beginning of the stay of the published in the contract agreed to demand
advance payment or security to the total agreed remuneration.
7. The hotel is also entitled at the beginning and during the stay the guest a reasonable advance payment or
security deposit within the meaning of the preceding paragraph. 5 for existing and future demands to demand from
the contract, insofar as such has not been in accordance with the pre- standing para. 5 and / or paragraph has been
done.. 6
8. The guest can only offset an uncontested or legally established claim against a claim by the hotel.
IV. Revocation by the Guest, Cancellation
1. The Hotel grants to the Guest each timely withdrawal. The following provisions apply: a) In case of withdrawal of
the guest of the booking, the Hotel is entitled to reasonable
b) The hotel has a choice, to the guest instead of a specifically calculated compensation damage
monetary damages to be asserted in the form of a lump-sum compensation. The lump-sum compensation is 90% of
the contractually agreed rate for lodging with or without breakfast, 70% of the contractually agreed price for
overnight stays with half-board and 60% of the contractually agreed price for overnight accommodation with fullboard arrangements. The guest is the proof clear that the hotel is no harm or damage the hotel were lower than the
demanded compensation package.
c) If the Hotel calculates its actual losses, is the amount of compensation max. the amount of the contract price for
the services to be provided by the hotel services less the value of any savings from the hotel expenses and what
acquires the hotel by other uses of hotel services.
2. The above provisions on the compensation shall apply analogously if the guest the booked room or the booked
services without notify the hotel in advance, does not avail.
3. If the Hotel has granted to the Guest an option agreement to withdraw within a certain period without any further
legal consequences from the contract, the hotel has no right to compensation. The timeliness of the notice of
withdrawal is their access to the hotel. Guest must declare the cancellation in writing.
V. Repudiation by Hotel
1. Unless the guest a free right of withdrawal pursuant to paragraph IV, para. 3 has been granted, the hotel is also
entitled to withdraw within the agreed period of the contract if inquiries by other guests after the reserved rooms
and the guest upon inquiry by the hotel to be Free right of withdrawal pursuant to Section IV paragraph 3 not
The 2. If an agreed advance payment or in accordance with Section III, para. 5 and / or 6 is not made advance
payment or security demanded even after a grace period set by the hotel, so is also entitled to rescind the contract.
3. Moreover, the hotel is entitled to rescind the contract, in particular if
• force majeure or other circumstances beyond the hotel is not the fulfillment of the contract
make it impossible;
• rooms are reserved with misleading or false information regarding material facts, such. As with respect to the
the guest or the purpose of the booking;
• the hotel has justified cause to believe that the use of hotel services to
smooth operation, security or reputation of the hotel endanger the public
the can, without being attributable to the management or organization of the hotel; . • unauthorized subletting
under Item II, Section 3 is present;
. • a case of item VI, paragraph 3 is present;
• the Hotel has gained knowledge that the financial circumstances of the guest after
Contract has considerably worsened, especially if the guest does not pay overdue receivables of the hotel or do not
provide sufficient security and therefore payment claims by the hotel to appear jeopardized;
• the guest has made against its assets an application for commencement of insolvency proceedings, submitted an
affidavit in accordance with § 807 eides- Civil Procedure, initiated extra-judicial settlement of debts serving process
or stopped making payments;
• opens insolvency proceedings against the assets of the Guest or the opening thereof for lack of mass rejected.
4. The hotel is obliged to inform the Guest of the exercising the right of rescission informed immediately.
5. In the above cases of revocation is no entitlement to compensation for damage score.
-1VI. Arrival and departure
1. The Guest is not entitled to be provided specific rooms unless the Hotel has confirmed the provision of certain
rooms in writing.
2. Reserved rooms are available to the guest from 15.00 clock on the agreed day of arrival. The guest has no right
to earlier availability.
3. Booked rooms shall be taken by the Guest by 18.00 clock on the agreed arrival day to complete. Unless a later
arrival time has been agreed, the hotel reserves the right to assign rooms booked after 18:00 clock otherwise,
without the guest can claim any compensation. The hotel is so far to the right of withdrawal.
4. On the agreed day of departure the rooms have to ask the hotel vacated at 12.00 clock at the latest available.
The hotel may ask about the damage incurred to it thereby also for the additional use of the room to 18.00 clock to
daily room rate charged, from 18.00 clock 100% of full accommodation price. The guest is at liberty to show the
hotel comply with that this has suffered no or much lesser damages.
VII. Liability of the Hotel, Limitation
1. faults or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel will endeavor to un- zügliche complaint of the
guest, to take remedial action. Should the guest culpably, a defect to the Hotel, as a right to reduce the
contractually agreed remuneration does not enter.
2. The hotel is liable under the statutory provisions for all damage arising from injury to life, limb and health and in
the case of the provision of a guarantee by the hotel and with malicious intent of deception concealed defects.
3. For all other covers damages that are not of the section VII, para. 2 and which are caused by slightly negligent
behavior of the hotel, its legal representatives or its vicarious agents, the hotel is liable only if such damage to an
injury essential contractual duty or a cardinal obligation due in a manner that endangers the purpose of the
contract. In these cases, liability is limited to foreseeable contractual damages.
4. The above liability limitations apply to all claims for damages irrespective of their legal grounds including claims
in tort. The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply to any claims for damages in cases of a Guest against
employees or agents of the hotel. They do not apply in case of liability for a defect after assumption of a guarantee
for the quality of an object or a work, for fraudulently concealed defects or injury.
5. For property brought into the Hotel is liable under the statutory provisions, ie up to one hundred times the room
rate, a maximum of up to EUR 3,500.00. This liability is limited to EUR 800.00 For valuables (cash, jewelery, etc.).
The hotel recommends that guests make use of the possibility of storage in the room or central hotel safe.
6. As far as the guest a parking space in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, even if a fee is provided, this does
not constitute a safekeeping agreement. There is no obligation to monitor the hotel. For loss of or damage to the
hotel property parked or motor vehicles and their contents, the Hotel is not liable, unless the hotel, its legal
representatives or its agents are responsible for intent or gross negligence. In this case, the damage must be
claimed when leaving the hotel premises opposite the hotel.
7. Wake-up calls are carried out with the utmost care. Claims for damages, except in cases of gross negligence or
intent, are excluded.
8. Messages, mail and merchandise deliveries for guests are handled with care. The hotel assumes delivery,
storage and - upon request - for a fee forward dersel- ben and on request also for lost property. Claims for
damages, except in cases of gross negligence or intent, are excluded. The hotel is entitled, according to the latest
one-month month period of retention period to pass charging a reasonable fee, the aforementioned objects to the
local lost property office.
9. Claims for damages shall expire no later than on the guest from the time in the Guest obtains knowledge of the
damage, or, irrespective of this knowledge, the latest after three years from the damaging event after no more
than two years. This shall not apply to liability for damages resulting from injury to life, limb or health as well as for
other damages which are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of obligation, a legal representative
or vicarious agents of the hotel.
VIII. Final Provisions
1. Changes or additions to the contract, the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions for Hotel
Accommodation should be made in writing. Unilateral changes or additions by the host are invalid. To comply with
the specified in these Terms and Conditions in writing requirements and the submission of appropriate satisfies the
statement by fax or e-mail.
2. Place of performance and payment is the seat of the hotel.
3. Jurisdiction is - if the hotel contractor merchant or a legal person of public law - the seat of the hotel or at the
option of the Hotels Frankfurt am Main. Unless the hotel contractor has no general jurisdiction in Germany, the
courts at the seat of the hotel. However, the hotel is entitled to institute complaints and other legal proceedings
also at the general jurisdiction of the Guest.
4. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the CISG.
5. Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions be invalid or void for Hotel Accommodation be or, this
shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Otherwise, the statutory provisions apply.
As of October 2011