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PDF - Can Do Canines
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
For Friends of Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Winter 2009 Vol. 20 Issue 1
In 1988, Lucky, pictured above, was the first dog we adopted from an animal shelter. She was homeless and was scheduled to be euthanized that day. Lucky served
as our demonstration dog for 11 years. She is symbolic of our commitment to save homeless dogs while fulfilling our mission to serve people with disabilities.
A New Beginning
Emily Cox and Mason
by Laurie Carlson
Emily Cox of Minnetonka, Minn.,
is a young adult determined to be
independent and to move forward
into a promising future. Emily was
born with ataxia and neuropathy.
She also has a mitochondrial
metabolic disorder. The conditions
are progressive; by fifth grade, Emily
was using a wheelchair. Her balance
is unsteady, she tires easily, and she
has chronic pain. Nevertheless, friends
and family describe her as upbeat and
highly motivated.
During high school, Emily wanted to
prepare herself to live independently.
A friend saw a working team
from Hearing and Service Dogs
of Minnesota at a mall. The friend
suggested that Emily contact the
organization about getting a dog of
her own.
In 2007, she was paired with Service
Dog, Rookie, but unfortunately
From the Executive Director........... 2
Celebrating 20 Years...................... 3
Jeanne Wiger & Baffin.................... 3
Alex Cracraft & Windy..................... 4
Wanda Viellieux & Redford.............. 4
Legacy Club................................... 5
In The News.................................... 5
Development News......................... 8
Steve Sletten & Rhett...................... 9
New Staff Member.......................... 9
Cindy Murphy & Marley..................10
Volunteer Spotlight........................10
Lindsey Hjerpe & Rosco.................11
Go Green!......................................12
Mason had many tasks to learn to help
Emily. He retrieves her shoes when
she’s preparing to leave the house,
and he picks up dropped items. In an
emergency, he’s trained to get help
or a phone. He braces himself to help
Emily go from sitting to standing up.
Mason also learned the command ‘tug’
to pull off clothing such as socks and
gloves. He also tugs the door shut
when they leave the house.
Emily and Mason
Rookie was retired in 2008 due to
a behavior problem. Despite the
disappointment of having to retire
Rookie, Emily knew she wanted
another Service Dog to help her
remain independent. She was quickly
paired with Mason, a yellow Labrador
retriever. The two dogs have very
different temperaments, and Emily
had to relearn how to work as a team
with a new dog. Rookie was quick
and excitable; Mason has a calmer and
more easygoing temperament.
“I like Mason. He’s fun and goofy
because he’s still young,” Emily says.
“He’s calm and takes his time. He’s
a thinker.” Emily says she enjoyed
her new beginning with Mason as a
teammate. “I like encouraging him and
giving him lots of praise,” she says.
“Mason is a typical Labrador, who is a
big fan of food and lots of attention!”
Now that training is done, Emily
encourages others to get a Service
Dog. “You get so much more than
you expect,” she says. “A dog gives
so much love back to you. I wouldn’t
trade the experience for anything. It’s
really worthwhile.” She says the most
important part of having Mason is
“the companionship and independence
he gives me. I feel secure with him
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
uses a variety of mixed breed and
purebred dogs in our training. We
have had great success with donated
labs, like Mason, and are thankful for
breeders like the Mosers who support
our work. To learn more about donating
a dog or puppy, visit our website at
Dog Source
Charlene and Jerome Moser
Charm Labradors
Veterinary Services
Valley View Pet Hospital
Puppy Raisers
The Scott Family
Freedom Independence Peace of Mind
From the Executive Director
Volume 20
Issue 1
Al Peters & Rosie
Looking Back: Our 20 Year!
I am proud to announce that, during
2009, we at Hearing and Service Dogs
of Minnesota are celebrating our 20th
year of service to the community! In
February 1989 we certified Annie, our
first fully trained Hearing Dog, for
graduate Marcy Bury. Annie was a
terrier mix that I adopted from Minneapolis Animal Control (sometimes
called “the pound.”) That was the
beginning of a long, exciting process
of building the organization and of
training and placing more and more
assistance dogs each year.
More than 270 assistance dog teams
have graduated since our beginnings,
and the organization has grown from
only me, working part-time out of the
spare bedroom in my home, to our
current staff of 16 squeezed into our
7,000-square-foot training and kennel
facility in Minneapolis. Throughout
this year, we will have numerous
opportunities for you to join in the
celebration of our 20th year. Watch for
updates on our Web site and in future
issues of Tails from Minnesota.
Marcy and Annie
Planning for the Future
We have seen many changes during
these last 19 years, so it is appropriate that, as we enter our 20th year of
service, we prepare for even more
changes in the organization. For some
time, we have been searching for a
permanent home for the organization,
and I believe we have finally found it.
Although the T’s are not crossed, and
the I’s are not dotted, I am certain that
we will move into our own permanent
facility during 2009!
This decision is a bold move and it
has not been made lightly. In fact, our
Board of Directors and staff have
listened to our clients, carefully
planned and considered every possibility. We have determined together that
it is time for us to take this next step.
Part of the process of making the new
facility a reality involves embarking on a capital campaign to raise the
money to pay for the property and
make the many improvements necessary to turn it into a state-of-the-art
training and kennel facility. Without
the support of our volunteers and contributors, we never could have come
so far these first 20 years. I am
confident that with your continued
help, we will complete the capital
campaign and provide the infrastructure necessary to train more--and even
better--assistance dogs for people who
have disabilities.
I will need the help of many people to
complete this process, and I hope you
will help us in any way you can. Feel
free to contact me with your thoughts
and ideas.
2009—An Uncertain New Year
In the December 2008 publication,
Nonprofit Current Conditions Report,
the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
revealed that, of 660 nonprofit organizations surveyed in December, more
than half experienced a decline in revenue during 2008 and 47 percent noted
a reduction in individual contributions.
Consequently, many organizations are
putting expansion plans on hold or
eliminating staff positions precisely at
a time when more services are needed
in the community.
At Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota, we have seen some of the effects of the downturn in the economy,
as well as higher postage and gasoline
(continued on page 8)
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Tails From Minnesota
Published quarterly for friends and supporters of
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Alan M. Peters Sue Schuster
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life
for people who are deaf, hard of hearing
or disabled by creating mutually beneficial
partnerships with specially trained dogs.
We envision a future in which every
person who needs and wants an
assistance dog can have one.
Hearing Dogs are adopted from local animal
shelters, placed with deaf or hard-of-hearing
clients and specially trained to alert clients to
important sounds in their environment. Service
Dogs are trained to help people with physical
disabilities by pulling their wheelchairs, picking
up or carrying objects, opening doors, flipping
light switches and performing other daily tasks.
Dogs, training and supplies are provided to each
client free of charge.
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
2537 25th Avenue South
Minneapolis MN 55406
612-729-5986, 612-729-5914 tty/fax
e-mail [email protected]
website www.hsdm.org
Board of Directors
Mary Quist President
Carlos Villalpando Vice President
Lisa Knazan Secretary
Len Washko Treasurer
Sara Braziller Kara Fairbairn
Lisa Knazan MarySue Krueger
John Parzych
Maureen Pranghofer
To reach a staff member via phone, dial
612-729-5986. When you hear the greeting,
press the extension number.
Mary Budge Director of Operations
[email protected] ext. 158
Laurie Carlson Event & Volunteer Coordinator
[email protected] ext. 113
Rob Carrick Puppy Program Coordinator
[email protected] ext. 111
Janet Cobus Development Director
[email protected]. 153
Mona Elder Graduate Services Coordinator
[email protected] ext. 155
Shelly Hiemer Marketing & Communications Specialist
[email protected] ext. 115
Rita Jesse Graduate Presenter
Julianne Larsen Special Programs Coordinator [email protected] ext. 117
Jessica Nadeau Development Assistant [email protected] ext. 152
Angela Olson Kennel Manager
[email protected] ext. 156
Lee Perish Account Assistant
[email protected] 612-729-5914 tty
Al Peters Executive Director
[email protected] ext. 116 Thomas Rehbein Administrative Assistant
[email protected] ext. 151 Dylan Evans Administrative Assistant
[email protected] ext. 157
Maria Dunn, Jenna Nikodym, Caitlin Weiss Kennel Assistants
Our Dogs Fetch Amazing Things
You’re Never Too Old
Jeanne Wiger
People who meet Jeanne Wiger of
West St. Paul, Minn., notice her warm
smile, artistic view of the world, and
caring heart. What they don’t see are
the effects of a childhood bout of
Baffin became a vital part of her
practice from a very early age. As
he continued training, both in and
by Jessi Hiemer
dropped items, helps Jeanne balance
while walking, and serves as a brace
to help her stand. Jeanne says, “Baffin
helps me live. He is a healing presence
who gives me a sense of safety and
security.” He also continues his work
with Jeanne in her practice, bringing a
calming presence to stressful situations
in counseling.
In her mid 50s, Jeanne was diagnosed
with post-polio syndrome. As she
ages, Jeanne experiences back
problems, difficulty with balance,
and the effects of having both knees
replaced. Those things can make
day-to-day life difficult for Jeanne. It
is difficult for her to pick up dropped
items, and longer walks—such as the
one to her mailbox—are dangerous
because of her balance issues.
Jeanne knows well the healing
power of a dog in a person’s life. As
a marriage and family therapist and
practicing life coach, Jeanne has used
dogs in her practice for more than 15
years. When her first therapy dog, Seb,
passed away, Jeanne carefully chose
her next companion. Baffin, a British
Jeanne says people are never too
old for a Service Dog. “This is not a
luxury, but a necessity,” she says. “It
makes life doable and enjoyable. I
find that by having a dog work with
you, you can accomplish things you
couldn’t get done otherwise.”Y
Jeanne and Baffin
out of the office, Jeanne says she
wondered if he would also help her
with the physical challenges she
faced daily. Deb Schneider from AllBreed Animal Training gave Jeanne
information on Hearing and Service
Dogs of Minnesota and encouraged
her to consider specialized training for
Today, Jeanne says, Baffin is a huge
asset in her house. He picks up
Did you know Hearing and Service
Dogs of Minnesota is one of only a few
organizations that will train a person’s
pet dog? To learn more about Service
Dogs and how you can help, call Janet
Cobus at 612-729-5986 or visit our
website at www.hsdm.org.
Dog Source
Pet dog
Field Trainer
Michael Schneider
1989 to 2009—Celebrating 20 Years
of Independence, Freedom, and Peace of Mind
Throughout 2009 Hearing and Service
Dogs of Minnesota will be celebrating
our 20th anniversary of partnering
assistance dogs with people who
need them. That’s “140 dog years”
of creating lasting, life-giving
relationships with our clients, sponsors,
donors, veterinarians, breeders, animal
shelters, puppy raisers, foster homes,
volunteers and you.
In each and every way you helped,
you assisted us in placing four hearing
dogs, eighteen service dogs, one
special skills dogs, and four autism
assist dogs, giving their partners more
independence, freedom and peace of
mind. Thank you!
Can you imagine what has happened
in 20 years?
While that might be hard to
imagine, envision 20 times these
accomplishments of 2008:
• 121 dogs entered the program
with 74 puppy and foster care
• 394 volunteers provided 119,315
hours of valuable assistance
• 27 teams graduated
Looking back with you
As we are looking over our past 20
years, we thankfully remember the
gifts each person has brought to us.
The energy, ideas, time, laughter,
dedication and generosity have been
beyond anything we could have
imagined in 1989 when our first
Hearing Dog, “Annie”, completed
Can you imagine what will happen in
the next 20 years?!
To help us celebrate, we are compiling
a history of our organization and we
want to hear from you.
• What brought you to Hearing and
Service Dogs?
• What do you like best about our
• What is your favorite story?
• How has it touched your life or
the life of someone you know?
Send your story and pictures to Shelly
Hiemer at [email protected] or call
her at 612-729-5986 ext. 115. These
special tales will be compiled into a
book that will grow throughout 2009
and be on display at our offices and
at anniversary events throughout the
Freedom Independence Peace of Mind
A Calming Influence
Alex Cracraft and Windy
The Cracraft family of Fridley, Minn.,
had never really given any thought to
adding a dog to the family. That is until
Rich and Lora attended a class at the
Autism Society of Minnesota in 2007
about Service Dogs for children with
autism. Rich had a dog as a young
child but Lora had never had a pet (fish
don’t really count). However, after
much thought and discussion, they both
agreed that a dog might be a positive
step for their son, Alex.
Alex has autism, and like many children
on the autism spectrum, he has very
high anxiety. Lora was really hoping
that having a dog by his side would
help alleviate some of Alex’s anxiety.
Lora admits she was also hoping a
dog would help ease the anxiety of
her husband, Rich, who is also on the
autism spectrum. Could a dog provide a
calming influence for the whole family?
After completing the application
process they began to wait for a
dog. In July of 2008 the family was
matched with Windy, a yellow Labrador
Retriever. Windy’s introduction to the
family was a gradual process. Alex
and his little brother, Taylor, had never
really been around dogs and with the
high anxiety level it was important that
the transition of a dog into the home be
as easy as possible.
Lora and Rich have gotten accustomed
to being noticed when in public since
Windy joined their family. Some people
have questions and others just admire
Windy from afar. They have even run
into a few people that didn’t know
about autism. That surprised Lora at
first but, when she thought back to
what life was like before Alex was
diagnosed, she realized she may have
once been in the same place.
Alex and Windy
Windy’s first weekend in the Cracraft
home was a bit stressful for the boys,
but Lora immediately felt that she had
some help and support. Windy just
gave her a look that told her she wasn’t
alone—Windy was there for her too.
Wanda Viellieux and Redford
Slowly but surely Windy and Alex are
forming a bond that will take them far.
The Cracraft family are truly grateful to
everyone that has made it possible for
the opportunity to have Windy join their
For information on helping to make
other autism placements possible for
those who are waiting, please contact
Janet Cobus at 612-729-5986 ext, 153.
Dog Source
Charlene and Jerome Moser
Charm Labradors
Since that first weekend, the family
has come a very long way. Windy went
from sleeping in a dog crate to sharing
Alex’s bed and joining him on the
couch. Lora and Rich are hoping that
Windy will soon be attending school
with Alex to help ease his anxiety
during the day and to help make
transitions easier.
There When I Need Him
Wanda Viellieux of New Richmond,
Wis., has a long history of dog
ownership and obedience training.
In fact, she trained Flash, a Golden
Retriever, to assist her with tasks made
more difficult by the fibromyalgia she’s
had since age 19. When Flash passed
away in March 2008, Wanda thought
that a smaller dog might fit her needs,
but she quickly found that bending
down to care for a small dog was too
difficult. She decided that instead of
trying to again train a dog on her own,
she wanted the assistance and expertise
she would receive from an organization
that specialized in training Service
Dogs. Wanda says she was thrilled
when she discovered that Hearing and
Service Dogs of Minnesota served
her area. Three months after being
by Julianne Larsen
Veterinary Services
Inver Grove Heights Animal
Foster Home
Al Peters & Penny Marsala
The Turner Family
by Shelley Frederickson
accepted into the program, Wanda was
paired with Redford, a 15-month-old
Golden Retriever.
Wanda and Redford
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Although Wanda says she was
apprehensive about getting attached to
another dog, she knew that she needed
help to live the active lifestyle she
cherished. Her fears quickly vanished
the moment she met Redford. Redford
apparently felt right at home with
Wanda, too. With the assistance of
field trainer Kathy Derrick, the pair
began learning the skills they’d need
to work together as a team. “At first, I
was pretty nervous and was concerned
about whether I’d be able to effectively
use the techniques we learned,” Wanda
(continued on page 5)
Our Dogs Fetch Amazing Things
The Legacy Club - A Final Act of Kindness
Remembering Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota in a will or trust is an act of thoughtful generosity while
living, and assures one of the last acts of kindness that can be achieved before death. The Legacy Club is our
way to honor those individuals who, while living, inform us of their intentions to include us in their will or other
planned giving device.
We also recognize the generous donors who have passed on and already made bequests to further our work at
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota. Deceased members are followed by the designation (D).
Members of the Legacy Club at the end of 2008 are as follows:
Anonymous (3)
Anonymous (D)
M.E. Bergdahl
Eunice Bren (D)
Neil Bright
Judy Couden
Melinda Cress
Bill & Janet Dubats
Eleanor S. Fenton (D)
Esther Graney
Mary Jane Hankee (D)
Ann Harhai (D)
Janet Holcomb
Dorothy Holden
Lion Dean Julifs (D)
Kathleen Kaiser
Steven Kleinnmen Estate Trust (D)
Lee Laurisch
Sandy Lenarz
M. Longley
Liz Lucast
Brian & Ann Marie McCann
Osborn Lang Trust (D)
Mary & Guy Roemhildt
Scott Sandison
Sandra Simonson
Mark & Amy Sperry
Margaret Syring (D)
Sandra Wasserman
Claralouise Wheeler
John & Susan Williams
Kathy and Roger Wright
Alice Ziittel
Please consider joining these special individuals. Contact Alan Peters at 612-729-5986 ext.116 for more
information. Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota will list the members of The Legacy Club in each Winter
issue of Tails From Minnesota. We are very grateful for your generosity and your faith in us.Y
Hearing and Service Dogs in the News!
The fourth quarter of 2008 was
an exciting one for Hearing and
Service Dogs of Minnesota. Our
graduate teams were featured in 12
articles published in community.
Many of the articles included color
photos or were on the front page!
Our sad news—the theft of our
utility trailer from our parking
lot—resulted in stories by WCCO
TV(Channel 4) and KSTP
TV(Channel 5). We received
a generous response from the
Wanda Viellieux and Redford (continued from page 4)
recalls. “But as Redford and I bonded,
I gained self-confidence and knew that
we could do it.”
Besides learning to pick up items
for Wanda, Redford learned how
to serve as a brace when she needs
assistance getting out of bed or when
she’s rising from the floor or a chair.
Redford also carries a backpack that
contains identification and emergency
information for both Wanda and
Redford. Wanda says that, although
she greatly appreciates all of his skills,
having Redford by her side when she’s
walking has made the most difference.
“Redford helps me balance and,
community, including donations
of an enclosed trailer and an open
trailer, offers to loan trailers to us,
and some wonderful cash donations.
People are so generous!
Jack, also known as Dr. Dog, the
facility-based Service Dog at Mayo
Clinic, and his partner, Marcia
Fritzmeier, were featured in the
Rochester paper, in the Mayo Clinic
paper, and on Animal Planet’s Dog
101 TV program.
by Shelly Hiemer
We just learned that the National
Enquirer is featuring Autism
Assist team Finn Golden and
his dog, Traeh, in the Acts of
Kindness column on page 59 of the
February 9, 2009 issue. This is our
first publicity in an international
Thank you to all who helped
us spread the good news about
Hearing and Service Dogs of
Minnesota! Y
because I’m not struggling so much,
my muscles do not get as fatigued. I
feel so much more secure knowing that
Redford is there when I need him,” she
Wanda says that, in addition to helping
her physically, Redford has helped
her emotionally. “Redford takes the
focus off the chronic pain I deal with
and makes day-to-day living so much
easier,” she remarks.
When asked what she would say to
anyone looking into getting a Service
Dog, Wanda enthusiastically says, “It
is so worthwhile. Life will be so much
better with a Service Dog than without.
And if you’ve had a Service Dog that
you’ve lost, the next experience will be
just as good as the last.”Y
To make more dogs like Redford
available for people on our waiting
list, please visit www.hsdm.org or
send a contribution in the return
envelope attached between pages
6 and 7. Thank you!
Veterinary Services
Life Care Animal Hospital
Puppy Raisers
Dianne and Doug Astry
Field Trainer
Kathy Derrick
Freedom Independence Peace of Mind
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota is supported by many agencies, companies, and individuals.
A very special thanks to you all! The following contributions were received in our office by December 31, 2008.
Contributions received by March 31, 2009 will be included in the Spring 2009 issue of Tails From Minnesota.
$5,000 or more
American Enterprise Investment Services - Anonymous
Bruce and Deb Thomas Foundation
Delonais Foundation
Eleanor S. Fenton Living Trust
The Harmon Foundation, Inc.
Steven Leuthold Family Foundation
The Casey Albert T O’Neil Foundation
Stephen & Jayne Usery
WCA Foundation
$2,500 to $4,999
Susan Allen
Ameriprise Financial
Duluth-Superior Community Foundation - G. Kendall
Smith Fund for the Physically Disabled
H. William Lurton Foundation
Barbara & David Koch
Kopp Family Foundation
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
Northern Lights Combined Federal Campaign
James Svobodny
United Way
$1,000 to $2,499
North Dakota County Chapter
of Thrivent Financial for
SW Hennepin County Chapter
of Thrivent Financial for
Kathrynn Patton
Albert & Deborah Roberge
Rylaur Consulting LLC
Greg & Cathy Stevens
William Voedisch & Laurie
Wal-Mart Foundation
Jean West
Claralouise Wheeler
Baxter Lions
Central Minneapolis Thrivent
Financial for Lutherans
Clear Lake Lions
Cormorant Lions
Crosslake-Ideal Lions
Fargo Moorhead CFC
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Chorley & Cindy
Mernick - James
Talcott Fund
Jewish Federation of
Metropolitan Chicago
Steven Kittay
$500 to $999
Assistance Dog United
Collision Center Inc.
Richard & Maggie
Ian Drummond Corcoran Pet Care Center
Stanley Durda
Charlotte Gelfand
H.B. Fuller Community
Peter and Rebecca
Honeywell Hometown
Jackson Lions
Kevin Johnson
James & Mary Jost
Mark Kenyon
Mapleton Sertoma Lions
Betty & Boyd Mast
Brian McDonough
McGregor Lions
James McLaughlin
Merril Lynch
Marina Morris
North Star Chapter
Doug & Carol Ogren
Richard Pike
Philip Reilly
Jim & Kathy Schumacher
Tom Struve & Shannon
Wells Fargo Community
Doreen & Jeff West
Wood City Ramblers
Deborah, Neal &
Jeremiah Wunderlich
Workplace Giving
Sara Aaserud
Karen Blackstone
Lisa Boomgaarden
Jay M. Bozicevich
Elizabeth BrietkrietzMiller
Amanda Burrows
Laura Campbell
Kathleen Carlson
Zenobia L. Carlton
Capri Chelgren
Vicki J. Chouinard
Charles Crone
Jennifer Estes
Rhonda Foley
Nora Hartman
John Hodenfield
James Hovanetz Jr
Lynne Hvidsten
Roselyn Kabes
Nancy Karth
Dawn Kessler
Jeanne LaBelle
Tracy Landowski
James Langner
Jane Lehar
Becky Lyon
Judith Messner
Linda Mosier
Elizabeth Otto
Lisa Marie Pasquale
Carol Pawlicki
Trevor Porath
Cory Roach
Tam Strand
Dawn Strubel
Margaret Susag
Michael Swanson
Michael Sweeney
Steven Szurek
Sandra Lee Vance
Brenda Vaughn
Billie Jo Wallraff
David Welper
Karon K. Wendt
$100 to $499
Phyllis Aamodt
Scott & Cynthia Adams
Nancy & Tom Adelman
Aitkin Riverboat Lions
Mark Albert
Alexandria Lions
Paula Allan
David Allen
Alliance Car Rental
Thomas Anderson
Barbara & Merrill Asbury
Ashby Lions
Askov Area Lions
Backus Lions
Marian & Ayers Bagley
Battle Lakes Lions
Bay Lake Area Lions
Greg & Amanda Beale
Linda & Andrew Becher
Jon & Metta Belisle
Rita & John Best
Bloomington Obedience
Training Club, Inc.
Bluffton Lions
Susan Bonne
Mike Branch
Neil Bright
Brooklyn Center Lioness
Joan Brown
Doris & Rex Brown
Lisa Bugman
Bernie & Roy Burt
Patricia Callaghan
Callaway Lions
Betsy Carlson
Dawn & Gary Carlson
Rodney Carter
Kathleen Kaiser Centennial
Elementary School
Clarissa Lions
Janet Cobus
Julius Coffman
Eleanor Cook
Coon Rapids Lions
Karen Cowan
Elizabeth Cowie
Mary Beth Crowley
Cuyuna Range Lions
Dalton Lions
Michael & Nancy Dardis
Jan and John Day
Deerwood Lakes Lions
James Dorsey
Diane Driver
Eagan Lions
Eagan Rotary Foundation
- William L. Scott
Norman Eck
Marjory Efteland
Elizabeth Lions
Era Muske Co. Community
Support Foundation
Kara & Grant Fairbairn
Fairmont Lions
Thomas & Gloria Farquer
Sandra & Russel Felta
Denise Fenton
Fergus Falls Sertoma
Finlayson Giese Lions
Rhonda Foley
N.L. Fulton
Gary Lions
Gateway Lions
Terry Geffre
Glenwood Lions
Jennifer Grossman Huber
- The Pet Crew
Mark Hammel
Steve Handlos
Rebecca Hansen & Ralph
Jerome Hanson
Kim Hanson
Ronnie Hartman
Dr Daniel C. Hartnett
Family Foundation
Steven Hayden
Hector Lions
Robin & James Henrichsen
Cynthia & Francis Herman
Hewitt Lions
Joseph & Judith Hickey
Hinckley Lions
Ruth & Ed Hocke
Diana Adamson
Jennifer Alexander
Jayson & Kathryn
Mary Alexander
Kristin & Eric Alman
Ali Anderson
Annmarie Anderson
Dianne Astry
Chad & Leah Bauer
Jamie Becker Finn
Bob & Mary Branham
Sara Braziller
Dave & Susan Bristol
Julia Buege Freeman
Jean & Don Burdeski
Deb Burke Owens
& Pepsi
Randy Burrows
Jennifer Burt
Tena Caouette
Nancy Carlson
Sue & Rod Carter
Shannon Chambers
Lou & Vicki
Jan & Mike
Lisa Coleman
Lisa Cook & family
Emily & Sarah Cox
& Mason
Lora Cracraft
Caylin Crawford
Sue Crone
Forrest Dahl
Jan & John Day
Bev DeChon
Elizabeth Eagle
Laurie & Ron Ehlert
Lia Enger
Sandy & Jeff Essen &
Jean Euteneuer & Lexie
Kara & Grant Fairbairn
Mike Ferber
Stacey Ferguson
Duane Finger
Leslie Flowers
Betty & Charles Gettler
Marcia Gilman
Chris Golden
Becky Groseth
Nancy Haley
Jeanne Hanson
Deb Harms
DeeDee & Pat Heffernan
& family
The Abrahamson family.......................Capri
Diana Adamson & Paul Oberhaus...... Baker
The Alexander family............................... Eli
Jayson & Kathryn Alexander........................
...........................................Hailey & Quincy
Dianne & Doug Astry.......................... Portia
Bill Beddie & Kathy Grant.................Guido
Mary Bente............................................ Yogi
Jennifer Berube...................................... Vern
Meg Brudney......................................Honey
Laurie Carlson....................................... Skip
Caylin Crawford............................. Brewster
Sue Crone.........................................Winnie
Michele Davidson...........................Sampson
Jan & John Day................................... Louie
Beth & Donald Detloff................... Seymour
The Ehlert family................................Brinks
Mike Ferber & Betty Otto...................Teddy
Leslie Flowers & Scott McClure........Viggo
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Marilyn & Malcolm
Hoeck Neal
Jeffrey & Mary Stoner
Barbara Hollar
Norma Hovden
I.C. System Inc.
Phyllis Jacobs
JJ Taylor Distributing
Barbara Johnson
T.L. Johnson
Hazel Johnson
Cindy Johnson
Joseph Jolton
Juergens Dent Kraft
Natalie Kadievitch
Donald & Arnita Karnuth
Bruce & Deborah Kierstead
Leo Kiffmeyer
Paul Kiffmeyer
Thomas & Jean King
Kingston Lions
Damon & Cynthia Kocina
- Strategic Graphics, Inc.
David Kostek
Martin & June Kroening
MarySue Krueger
Sharon Krumme
Lake Country Lions
Lake Superior CFC
Lakers Lions
Pam & Brian Larson
Leader Lions
David Lee
Leffert, Jay & Polglaze, PA
Lino Lakes Lions
Lions Club Howard Lake
Litchfield Lions
Lowry Lions
Janis Lysen
Allan & Jewell Malerich
Elaine Mally
Carey & Sandi Manson
Marshall BankFirst
Thomas & Lisa Maslowski
Ed Matthews
Mark Matzke
Kate McCormick
Catherine & Michael
Judith McGregor
Ann & Charles
Barbara McQuillan
Rhonda Mecl
Gordon & Kay Meier
Sandra & Richard Meuwissen
Julie Miller
Miltona Lions
Minnesota Bolt & Nut Co
Minnetonka South Lions
Deb Molin
Montevideo Lions
Linda & Doug Mosier
New York Mills Lions
Michael E. Nielsen
Kevin Nikodym
Nisswa Lions
Charles & Carolyn Novotny
Bruce & Rose Ogrodnik
Marjorie Okerstrom
Jim & Carol Olson
Osage Lions
Nancy & Jeff Parker
Jenny Parker
Parkers Prairie Lions
John Parzych
Perham Lakes Lions
Jean Peterson
Sandra & Gary Pietig
James & Kimberly Post
Precision Wheel Service
Cathy Quady
Chad Quigley
Mary Quist
Cynthia Raub
Richmond Lions
Rockford Lions
Vicki Roe
Julie Rumreich
Shirley & Santo Russo
Curtis & Megan Ruwe
Sandstone Quarry Lions
John Sawyer
Marcia Scheele
Kevin Scherber
Dora & Howard Schroeder
Jennifer, Darren & Sam
Joan Sedlacek
Celia & James Shapland
Lori Shinnick
Robert Slifer
Tonya Spanier
Joan Speers
St James Lions
St Joseph Lions
James & Christie
Julie & Alex Stolis
Strehlow Family Fund
of The Minneapolis
Sturgeon Lake Lions
Suburban Chevrolet
Wendy Swanson
Debra Tegels
The Prudential Foundation
Tower-Soudan Lions
Dianne & Michael Trdan
Thomas Turner
Twin Cities Airport Lions
Underwood Area Lions
UnitedHealth Group
Margaret & Peter Van Erp
Vergas Lions
Verndale Lions
Leslie Vissage
Walker Lions
Michael Walsh
Len & Nanette Washko
Watson Lions
Ralph & Dotti Weichselbaum
Whitefish Area CrosslakeIdeal Lions
Wildwood Lions
Michelle Wilson
Jean Wilson
Wolf Lake Lions
Judy & Michael Wright
Terese & Scott Wykle
Alice Ziittel
Kathy Heinkel
Shelly Hiemer
Peter Hilger
Lindsay Hjerpe
Hannah Holicky & family
Jon Holland
Kristen Howe
Sue James
Kristin Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Peter Kelley
Bill Kemptom
Lisa Knazan
Joy & Dave Kraft
Mcihelle Krasicki Aune
MarySue & Mark
Karen Lampi
Greg Lawson & Oreo
Jodi LeBaron
Dena & John Lenneman
Frank Loken
Raeyna Longtin
Liz Lucast
Stephanie Magelky & Jeff
Joe Mahon
Penny Marsala
Rachel Mathre
Scott McClure
Kim Medin
Bev & Dick Mensing
Tony Mikols
Kim Motzko
Lori & Melissa Neeb
Cathy Newville
Nancy Ninteman
Betty Otto
Janice Parrow
Laska Parrow
John Parzych
Jill Payne
Alan Peters
Sandy Pidde
Maureen & Paul
Pranghofer & Ally
Nicole Preste
Mary Quist
DJ Robbins
Colleen Rod
Fiona Roessler
Sharon Russell
Gina Schaal
Dora Schroeder
Kay Schroven
Laure Schwartz
Darryl & Diane Scott
Seth & Stephanie Scott
Mary Sears
TJ Sheldon
Laura Shirley
Dave & Marge Skeie
Jonathan Sogin
Amy & Mark Sperry
Melissa Stam
Sharon Steinbrecher
Ken & Judy Stenzel
& Calvin
Greg & Cat Stevens
John Stockman
Alex & Julie Stolis
Students at Minnehaha
Becky Thomas
Karin Tosten
Brian & Dawn Turner
Shannon Tyree
Stephen Usery
Patty VanLandschoot
Carlos Villalpando
Leslie Vissage
Len Washko
Kristen Wedul & family
Teri & Ciarra Willms
Patty Wirz
Mackenzie Young
Allan & Polly Zabel
& Indie
Christina Giese & Erica Miller.............. Lily
The Grabou family..............................Drake
The Grout family.............................Summer
Jenniefer Halverson...........................Gemini
The Heffernan family...........Griffon & Tagg
Stephanie Helgerson............................ Amos
The Herberg Family......................... Chester
The Irwin family.....................................Izzy
Kim Kriesel.......................... Daisy & Violet
Dena & John Lenneman....................... Blue
Paul Mazur............................................Dixie
The McCloskey Henry family........... Ebony
The Morlock family........................ Winston
Janie & Shauna Mullikin.....................Fisher
Mary Nelson..................................... Waylon
Michelle & Shay Nelson.................. Weaver
Mary & Kirk Nesvig.......................... Waldo
Cathy & Jim Newville.......................... Lucy
Laska Parrow.................................... Rodney
Anna & Ramsey Peterson...................Brody
Shirley & Santo Russo............Dolly & Juno
Dora & Howard Schroeder...............Gander
The Schwartz family.............................Rose
The Scott family................................. Yukon
Stephanie & Seth Scott......................... Delta
The Sears family..................................Elmer
Dave & Marge Skeie.........................Wanda
Melissa Sorenson.................................Jasper
Allie Thomson........................................Will
Luanne Thorsvig..................................Midas
Kevin & Sandy Vance..........................Nigel
Alicia Williams & Keith Higgins.......Casper
Monica Worts Cronk....................... McPhee
Patty Van Landschoot...................... Sammie
The Willms family...................................Zoe
The Young family...................................Lars
The Zwack family..............................Wilma
Our Dogs Fetch Amazing Things
Mary Adams
Susan Adams
ADC Foundation
Carolyn Allen
Allan & Virginia Amis
Carol Anderson
Karla Anderson
Holly Anderson
Mary Anderson
Donna Applebaum
Frank Arellono
Ed Arnold
Dianne Astry
Jeff & Cheryl Avelsgard
William Axness
Jeanette Bach
Rebecca Bagniewski
Charles Ballentine
Douglas Baum
Bemidji First City Lions
Laurie & Gary Bengtson
Teri Bentson
M.E. Bergdahl
Andrea Berger
Carl & Madeline Blegen
Emily J. Boler
Sue Bolin
Marilyn Booth
Nan Booth
Mary Louise H. Bowen
Bruce Braaten
Dr. Gary Lippo Brainerd Animal Hospital
Jane & Larry Brandenburger
Carol Brant
Rose Mary & Alex Brietkrietz
Autumn Brodhecker
Patricia and Richard Brown
David & Patti Bruflodt
Bill Brust
Delores & Richard Buege
Buffalo Lioness
Leslie Butler
Butterfield Lions
Campbell Lions
Caring Rivers United Way Donor Designated Funds
Kay Carlson
Nancy & James Carlson
Lois Carlson
Cass Lake Lions
Macrina Cassidy
Karen Cheesebrough
Lou & Vicki Chouinard
JoAnn Christensen
Church of St Albert the Great
Carol Clark
LaDonna Cleveland
Cynthia Cluka
Judith Coffman
Cold Spring Home Pride Lions
Cold Spring Lions
Karen & Robert Colin
Comfrey Lions Club
Community Shares of
Minnesota - Thomson West
C. Lynn & Gerald Cox
Karen A. Cox
Richard & Lora Cracraft
Ouida Crozier
Linda & Lyle Dallman
Barbara & Harold Danley
Danube Lions
Jackie Davison
Donna & Phil Dean
Lisa & Mitchell Demarais
Steven Despiegelaere
Mary Jo Dircks
Denise Dobrzenski
Patricia Donaldson
Kent & Wendy Dorholt
Kathleen & Steven Dougherty
Lois M. Ebnet
Serine Ege
Marie Ehrenberg
Jessica Elfering
Cate Elsten
Sally Erickson
Lorene Ericson
John Evertz
Fairfax Lioness
Jean Falkavage
Farming Lions
Patricia Faustgen
Daniel & Janet Feeney
Karen Feller
Grace Fenne
Thomas & Linda Ferber
Fergus Falls Daybreakers
Beth Filek
Janet Finstad
Britt Finstad Hogan
Barbara Firth
Laura Fisher
Robin Fisher - Vermilion
Donated by.................................................................... In Memory of
Paula Allan.......................................................“Zephyr” & “Cooper”
Barbara & Merrill Asbury.....................“Bailey” the Cocker Spaniel
Jeff & Cheryl Avelsgard........................................... Brianna Stottrup
Linda & Andrew Becher...................................................... “Goldie”
M.E. Bergdahl....................................... Maria & Annamaria Nyman
Rita & John Best...............................................................Steven Best
Janet Cobus...........................................................................“Brandy”
Eleanor Cook................................................................“Dear Buddy”
Mary Beth Crowley..............................“Tuffy”, “Beignet” & “Taco”
Donna & Phil Dean...................Audrey Barrette who loved all dogs
Mary Jo Dircks...................................................Tammy Faye Barker
Sally Erickson..................................................... Richard C. Erickson
Denise Fenton............................................................................“Fuji”
Lynn Ford..........................................“Hazel”, “Jasper” and “Dottie”
Bonnie L. Genin....................................................Marrian Holmberg
Lisa Graney.......................................................................Patsy Cline
Nancy Hackett.........................................................“Buddy” Nichols
Lynnette Hansen...........................................................“Little Annie”
Cheri Hanson...................................................................... “Fletcher”
In Kind
Jennifer Anderson
Gretchen Anderson
Nathan Berndt
Boysen Animal
Sara Braziller
Laurie Bromwich
Dr. Melissa Carr
Cascade Animal
Dick Cottrell
- Compensation
Design Services
Deb Cox
Maggie Cress
Cross Creek Kennel
Betty Culver
Jan Day
Dr. Dan Feeney
First National
Building Holding
Donna & Mike
Dr. Michelle France
Caroyln Fruin &
Mike Haughtaling
Chuck & Chris
Happy Days Doggy
Heartland Animal
Dianne Hennes
Pat Hughes
Inver Grove
Heights Animal
Sue Kilchenman BCT Minneapolis
Dr. Gia Klauss
Al Kugler - Costco
Lakeway Corgi’s
Kay Laursen
Kathy Lav
Dr. Steve Levine
Linda LivingstonWeid
Julie Mach
Maryland Ave Pet
Dr. Chas McBrien
Kevin McDonald
Dr. Alistair McVey
Deb Molin
Mounds View
Animal Hospital
Dr. Dennis Olivero
Olympic Controls/
Janice Parrow
Pauline Iverson
Gretchen Pickeral
Pine Ridge Pet Care
up to $100
Veterinary Clinic
Molly Fliearman
Lynn Ford
Rebecca Forman
Renee Forst
Sandra Fuller
Kathleen Galiger
Katie & Owen Galloway
Jayne Gardner
Garrison Lions
Sue Ann & Gary Garvis
Gina Geffre
Judith & Steven Gelderman
Bonnie Genin
Paul and Mika Gens
Casey Gerach
Susan Gierke
Nancy Giving
Dee Gladish
Debra Glassman
Ann Goerdt
Jacqueline Gohdes
Melvin Goldenbogen
Lisa Goodman
Lisa Graney
Rebecca Greenwald
Susanne Gustafson
Nancy Hackett
Darla Haines
Anthony & Louise Halek
Mitch & Susan Haley
Hamburg Lions
Lynnette Hansen
Clarence Hansen
Cheri Hanson
Bobbi Harding
Hector Lioness
Julie Heise
Hewitt Lioness
Jeffrey Hinnenkamp
Holdingford Lions
Kimberly & Steven Horne
Kathryn Hoy
Jane Hoyt
Mary & Allan Hunt
Roxanne Hutar
Margaret Imdieke Cross
Mary Jackson
Mel & Gwen Jacobson
Susan Januschka
Jen Jasicki
Denice Jasper
Alve Jemturd
Roger Jensen
Swenson Jerielyn
Marsha Johnson
Margaret & John Johnson
Cathy & William Johnson
Richard & Corrine Johnson
Donna Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Elizabeth & Peter Johnson
David Johnson
Patricia Johnson-Doss
Glenn & Meredith Joly
Jennifer Jost
Ruth Katz
Rachel Kaul
Mary Kelley
Margaret Kelly
Ida Kirsner
Paige & Jason Kite
Sue & Lyle Klaassen
Sylvia Knazan
Patricia Knox
Sandy Koch
Stephen Kodluboy
Kim Kolar
Keith Kolle
Oksana Konopatski
Coralee & James Krueger
Marc Kruger
Nancy & Sagar Krupa
Jolene & Jeffrey Kuball
Virginia Kukkola
James & Margery Kupiecki
Susan Kyser
Gary & Carla Lagerstedt
Lake Park Lions
LandAmerica Foundation
Laporte-Benedict Lions
Kay Laursen
Martin Lavelle
Joyce Lee
Carol Leinonen
Sandra Lee Lenarz
Helen Leqve
Brian & Carrie Levendowski
Sherri & Daniel Leverty
Barbara & Carl Liedman
Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions
Lions International
Dennis Litfin
Barbara Loch Laabs
Judy & Frank Loken
Lonsdale Lions
Lucan Lions
Lavonne Ludke
Dr. Grindle-Lyndale Animal
Julie Lyons
Kirk Mahle
Laurence Margolis
Penny Marsala
Brea Marsh
Robert Massey
Rachel & Chloe Mathre
Leslie Matton-Flynn
Lawrence & Joanne May
Mark McLaughlin
Walter & Nancy Meadley
Cecilia Meier
Rosemarie Merrigan
Richard & Diane Mester
Rose Marie Meyer
Allen Mickelson
Suzanne Miedema
Patricia Miller
Lisa Miller
Andriette & Keith Mortimore
Morton Lions
Diane Nagel
Doug & Shirley Nash
Lynette Nelson
William Nelson
Karen Nelson
Kathryn & Christopher Nelson
Barbara Nichols
Karol Nielson
Gabrielson Nightshadow
Nimrod Area Lions
Greg & Lorna Niska
Gretajo Northrop
Patricia & William O’Connor
Susan Olsson
Cheryl Osborne
Roxanne & John Ostendorf
Palisade Area Lions
Narrah Palmquist
Pelican Rapids Lions
Christine Peters
Sandy & Jon Pidde
Bernadette Piotrowski
Jill or Timothy Poirier
Alex Porter
Matt Porter
Diane Potts
Gloria Potz
Virginia Power
Fiona & Ravi Pradhan
Heidi Price
Bonnie & Donald Quigley
Paul & Joyce Ramsay
Patti Rathbun
Raymond Lions
Deborah & Thomas Reese
Dick & Lynn Rew
Mary Rhatigan
Susan Rheingans
Katherine Riggot
Rockville Lions
Martha Rohrbacher
Deborah Root
Royalton Lions
Sauk Rapids Lions
C&J Savoren
Gina Schaal
Jane Schamber
Eugene Scheefler
Paul Schoen
Mary Schroeder
Barbara Schuette
R.G. Schulke
Jill Schultz
Carolyn Schurr
Judy & John Schwab
Alice Schweiss
Amy Score
Linda Scott
Linda & Bruce Selchow
Sertoma 1200 Club of
TJ Sheldon
Ann Shepard
Mariana & Craig Shulstad
Jodi Simma
Tanya Simmer
Maryanne & Gregory Gersch
Jacqueline Singer
Sharon Singleton
Stanley & Sarah Siu
Darroll & Marie Skilling
Thomas & Beth Skradski
Steven & Sherry Sletten
Susan Smedberg
Bruce & Laura Smith
Allen M. Smith
Mike Smith
Barbara Solberg
Clare Sorman
Leota Spalla
Adam Sparrow
Susan Spence
Amy & Mark Sperry
Dee Spilleth
St August Post No. 621
St Augusta Lions
St Martin Lions
Julie Stanford
Teresa Stanley
Elizabeth Staples
Kathleen Stark
Kory Steil
Pamela & Merle Steward
Anita Stockton
Lucille Sukalo
Lucille Sunderman
Sunrise Lions
Margaret Susag
Joanne Susag
Robert & Michelle Swiller
Bruce & Nancy Thorson
Leslie & Darrell Tilleskjor
Joan Tischer
Michelle Torborg
Underwood Lioness
Tina Uppel
Jennifer Van Ert
Virginia Vara
Verndale Lioness Club
Kathy Vogel
James & Janet Vroman
Mario Wach
Wachovia Foundation
Matching Gifts
Angela Wagamon
Eleanor Wagner
Jim & Bonnie Walters
Hope Marie Wedge
Rosalee & Maynard Wedul
Daniel Westberg
Jacquelyn Wetterling
Holly Weum
Vivienne Whitfield
Melissa & Chris Wiezorek
Rosemary Wiley
David E. Willhelm
John & Susan Williams
John Bell Wilson
Gary Wisner
Howard Wittels
Michael Wojcik
Mary M. Wojikc
Donated by.................................................................... In Memory of
Kim Hanson.....................................................................Kent Hoerdt
Bobbi Harding..................................................................Steven Best
Honeywell Hometown Solutions............................................ “Beau”
Susan Januschka........................................................................“Ben”
Donna Johnson.......................................................................“Edgar”
Patricia Knox.............................................................................“Lily”
David Kostek.........................................................................“Bernie”
Frank & Judy Loken...........................................................Steve Best
Lavonne Ludke.....................................................................“Mandy”
Rhonda Mecl............................................................................ “Tess”
Gordon & Kay Meier......................................... Gregory John Meier
Julie Miller.............................................................................. “Omar”
Deb Molin........................................ “Taya”, “Cozmo” and “Gaylee”
Marina Morris............................................“Sunshine” & “Diamond”
Andriette & Keith Mortimore................................................“Dusty”
Barbara Nichols.....................................................................“Buddy”
Heidi Price.............................................................................“Trinka”
Bonnie & Donald Quigley...................................................“Dakota”
Deborah & Thomas Reese................................“Pepper” & “Simon”
Donated by.................................................................... In Memory of
Dick & Lynn Rew..... “Emmet” trained by Pete & Carina Markham
Martha Rohrbacher......................................................... Jo Shabatura
Martha Rohrbacher........................................Thea Harlans Nakashin
Sandstone Quarry Lions.....................................................Steve Best
Eugene Scheefler Tracey Racette & “Trogen”
Dora & Howard Schroeder............................................... “Ray Ray”
Amy Score..................................................................... Adella Krech
Maryanne & Gregory Gersch Simonitsch...........................“Malibu”
Jacqueline Singer.................................................................................
.........................Barb & Laverne Dunsmore’s beloved dog, “Poppy”
Dee Spilleth...........................................................................“Arthur”
Kathleen Stark..............................................................Rebecca Stark
Anita Stockton.......................................................................... “Jack”
Debra Tegels..................................................................Gary Penman
Bruce & Nancy Thorson.......................................................... “L.A.”
Michael Walsh.........................................................................“Polly”
Rosemary Wiley...................................................................Jean Tifft
Howard Wittels..................................................................“Rainbow”
Alice Ziittel............................................................ Barbara Van Dyke
Donated by..................................................................In Honor of
Kim Rheaume
Susan Adams................................................................................. Dr. Peggy Root..........................Katie Nelson & Jackie & Karsten for Christmas
Teri Bentson.....................................Artis Jule Rothholz Curiskis
Carie Seele
Andrea Berger.....................................................................“Ally”
Roger & Michelle Bluffton Lions......................................................... Peter Van Erp
Marilyn Booth...........................................Diane Astry’s Birthday
Sharon Singleton
Mike Branch...........................................................Laura & Sarah
Smith Vet Hospital Dawn & Gary Carlson............................................... Mary Bente
South Shore Vet
Rodney Carter.............................................Sue Carter’s Birthday
LaDonna Cleveland............................................... Jeff Cleveland
Dr. Jason Squibb
Judith Coffman................................................................ “Archie”
Dr. Christopher
Barbara & Harold Danley............... Sue Casterin’s 50th Birthday
Eagan Rotary Foundation - ............................. William Lee Scott
Paul Tate
Thomas & Linda Ferber.............................................Mike Ferber
The Kyjen
Molly Fliearman.....................................................Ben Fliearman
Nancy Giving............................................... Maureen Pranghofer
Third Avenue Pet
Debra Glassman................................Artis Curiskis’ Bar Mitzvah
Cynthia & Francis Herman..................Les, Melissa, & Nathanial Dr. Anthony Tobias ...... Thiery, Dr. Pete, Jessica, Kate & Lexi Aiello, Brad & Becky Dr. Nicole Tumble Mauck, Tim, Tabitha, Paige & Jake Rabenberg, Toby, Jamie .. &
Sherri Ullrich
Stryker Mauck, Nancy Olson, Hayley, Brayden & Hunter .........
University of MN
Marilyn & Malcolm Hoeck Neal..................................................
Valley View Pet
............................. “King King”, “Lady”, “Zumba” & “Princess”
Mel & Gwen Jacobson..................................................................
VCA Cedar Pet
..............................AKC CH/ICH Trace of TTT’s Ransome MH
Veterinary Surgical Margaret & John Johnson........................Superior Great “Laker”
Sandra Lee Lenarz........................................................................
Thomas Whisenand .............................Lloyd & Mary Ann Lenarz - Merry Christmas
Brian & Carrie Levendowski........................................................
........................................... Lisa Knazan & Dennis Levendowski
Leslie Matton-Flynn........................................ Toni and “Reggie”
Donated by..................................................................In Honor of
Lawrence & Joanne May.............................................................. .............................................Grandaughter Alyson and “Stewart”
Kate McCormick........................... “Gander” and Dora Schroeder
Cathy McGowan.......................................................... Mr. Monte
Andriette & Keith Mortimore............................................“Babe”
Lina & Doug Mosier........................................ “Ivan” the Terrific
Doug & Shirley Nash.................................................................... ....................................“Odie”, “Gibson”, Dave and Marge Skeie
Gretajo Northrop.............................................................. “Wyatt”
Doug & Carol Ogren........................................................... Ogren
Narrah Palmquist.......................................... James M. Palmquist
Christine Peters.............................................. Al Peter’s Birthday
Matt Porter.................................................................Mike Ferber
Alex Porter.................................................................Mike Ferber
Fiona & Ravi Pradhan......................................... Amy Pakhomov
Cynthia Raub...............................................................Deb Molin
Philip Reilly.................................................................................. ....................................Phoebe Fenske, in honor of a mother who
........................................................ loves dogs for her Birthday!
John Sawyer.................. Siever’s Kennels - Gary & Gina Sievers
Gina Schaal..............................................................Carter Schaal
Jodi Simma................................ Erica & Lisa Ranum’s Wedding
Mike Smith................................................“Trooper” and “Rose”
Tonya Spanier................................................................. “Phalen”
Anita Stockton.................................................. Michael Stockton
Lucille Sukalo...................................Dora Schroeder & “Honey”
Joan Tischer....................................................... Edie Wunderlich
Karen Wolf.............................................................Matthew Wick
Lewis Wolf................................................................. Matty Wick
Terese & Scott Wykle.......................................... “TJ”’s adoption
Allan & Polly Zabel......................................................Kim Hyde
Freedom Independence Peace of Mind
February 7th - Pancake Breakfast
to benefit Hearing and Service Dogs
at Applebee’s in Maple Grove
Enjoy a geat breakfast and help raise
funds for Hearing and Service Dogs
of Minnesota. Tickets are $6.00
and are only available in advance.
Contact Jessica at 612-729-5986
ext. 152 or [email protected] to
purchase a ticket.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.,
14400 Weaver Lake Road,
Maple Grove
Minnesota Women of Today
At at their November 2008
conference, Minnesota Women of
Today members chose Hearing and
Service Dogs of Minnesota as their
next three-year Priority Project. This
is a great honor and we look forward
to working with the organization’s
project leader to raise funds and
create awareness about our services
throughout the state with the help of
their members.
2009 Special Events Fundraising
We are beginning a new year and
would love to have YOU! Join our
committee or simply help with the
following Spring fundraising projects:
Applebee’s Benefit Breakfast; Saint
Paul Saints Game Fundraiser; NameA-Puppy school and corporate
recruitment program; Dog Park
Map, RenFest Volunteer recruitment
co-chair; Phon-a-thon volunteer
recruitment and more.
We meet on the second Monday of
each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Hearing
and Service Dogs of Minnesota
conference room. Feel free to call
Janet or attend any meeting to find
out more! You can help raise enough
funds to meet our 2009 goal of
training and placing 30 new teams!
Tails of Independence Fundraising
Luncheon –April 21, 2009
Our fifth annual fundraising event
is a luncheon this year and will be
held at Midland Hills Country Club
in St. Paul. A committee is being
formed to plan the event. We are
looking for help in the following
areas: marketing, planning the theme,
recruiting Table Captains, and working
at the event. If you would like to
serve as a Table Captain for this event
filling a table of eight.
Make a New Year’s Resolution to
help Hearing and Service Dogs of
• Provide a monthly contribution
From the Executive Director
costs, but we also saw significant
increases in a number of areas. For
example, contributions from our holiday mailing at the end of 2008 were
up 32 percent over the same holiday
letter sent in 2007. I am encouraged by
this year-end support from our valued
individual supporters.
It might be logical to follow the crowd
by cutting staff or services now.
However, demands for our services
are increasing. Waiting lists, especially
for Autism Assist Dogs, are growing
by Janet Cobus
to Hearing and Service Dogs
of Minnesota through our new
Automatic Donation Plan. Sign
up on www.hsdm.org, and we’ll
automatically deduct your contribution
from your checking or savings account
or bill your credit card in the amount
and frequency of your choice. You can
also call our office, and we’ll send you
a paper authorization form to return
with your instructions.
• Think about the long term and
embark on a planned giving strategy.
Planned gifts can lower your
taxes, create a legacy, and ensure
that Hearing and Service Dogs of
Minnesota receives funding for
decades to come. The options are
numerous; there’s a suitable giving
plan for virtually everyone. You can
read about a few common options at
For more information or to
get involved with any of the
items listed, please contact
Janet Cobus [email protected]
or 612-729-5986 ext. 153
The U.S. Senate has approved
broad tax legislation extending the
IRA charitable rollover through
December 21, 2009. The provision is
retroactive, effective for distributions
made after December 31, 2007. To
learn more about this charitable giving
option, please contact your financial
advisor. Y
(continued from page 2)
So instead of holding back, we are
attacking our mission with enthusiasm
and confidence, knowing that your
support will follow our good work.
During 2009 we will again increase
the overall number of new assistance
dogs we place, this time to 30 teams,
and we will further increase the number of Autism Assist graduates to eight
As you might guess, this projected
growth will increase our budgeted
expenses for 2009, up 16 percent. I am
depending on your help as we con-
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
tinue to pursue our vision of a future
in which every person who needs and
wants an assistance dog can have one.
Thank you for the ways you support
our work at Hearing and Service Dogs
of Minnesota. Happy new year! Y
Our Dogs Fetch Amazing Things
Truly Golden
Steve Sletten and Rhett
Steve Sletten of Owatonna, Minn.,
was diagnosed in 1981 with multiple sclerosis (MS), a progressive
neurological disease. Steve said his
symptoms really started to give him
trouble two years later. Ten years ago,
he had to quit his job as a mechanic
after working for the same company
for more than 20 years. Now Steve
uses a motorized wheelchair, because
his ability to use his legs and arms has
Rhett gets on the bed in the morning
and licks his face for a few minutes
before it’s time to get up; at the same
time, Tootie snoozes on Steve’s other
side. Their morning routine involves
Steve and Rhett going out for coffee.
Rhett brings Steve’s coffee cup to the
counter, someone fills it, and Rhett
brings it back to Steve’s table. It’s
a routine that Steve, Rhett and their
friends all enjoy. Steve’s friends say
that they are amazed by what Rhett
can do for Steve.
Steve’s daughter heard about Hearing
and Service Dogs of Minnesota when
dog trainer Sheri Cassens spoke at her
4-H meeting. When she told her dad
about the organization, Steve started
his research right away.
When Steve applied for a Service
Dog with Hearing and Service Dogs
of Minnesota, he wrote, “I need help
during the day when my wife and
daughter are at work and school. We
live on two acres, and I try to stay
busy gardening and woodworking.
Having a Service Dog could help keep
me independent during the day when
I’m alone.”
Steve was excited when he was
matched with Rhett, an 18-month-old
Golden Retriever. Steve had a pet
Golden Retriever in the past, and he
really liked the breed. “Rhett is a great
dog who has exceeded my expectations,” Steve says. “He learned how to
New Staff Member
Steve and Rhett
help me out right away.”
Rhett’s retrieving skills truly are
golden! He picks up items for Steve—
including car keys, pieces of paper,
and kitchen utensils. It is impressive to
watch Rhett open the refrigerator door
and retrieve a water bottle for Steve.
He even closes the door and brings
Steve a straw! Rhett likes his job and
has bonded with Steve, his family and
their pet Newfoundland, Tootie.
Steve says he gets a chuckle when
Mary Budge joined Hearing and
Service Dogs of Minnesota as Director
of Operations in September 2008.
Mary comes to us with more than
15 years of leadership experience in
building organizations, developing
management teams and significantly
improving operational performance.
As Director of Operations Mary is
responsible for human resources,
finance, information technology,
marketing and communications, and
volunteer management.
A lifelong Minnesota resident, Mary
and her husband Stephen currently
live in North Oaks and have three
grown daughters who live in the Twin
by Amy Sper-
Steve expressed thanks to the donors,
volunteers and staff of Hearing and
Service Dogs of Minnesota. “Before
we had Rhett, our family never went
out to restaurants for dinner,” he says.
“Now, with Rhett, we have the confidence to go out just about once a
week. I really want to thank Sheri for
helping us with our training. That was
a huge benefit for us.” Y
To make more dogs available for
people like Steve, visit us at www.
Veterinary Services
Globe University-Woodbury
Puppy Raisers
Marge and Dave Skeie
Field Trainer
Sheri Cassens
Cities area. When not working, Mary
volunteers at a number of nonprofit
organizations in the Twin Cities and
enjoys spending time in her backyard,
watching the birds and reading.
Of course, Mary enjoys spending
time with her very large, lazy, but
incredibly loving, yellow lab, Otto.Y
Mary and Otto
Our 20th Anniversary!
Freedom Independence Peace of Mind
Marley and Me
Cindy Murphy and Marley
If you know someone who is disabled,
please encourage them to contact Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota.
I had doubts that I was not “disabled
enough” to need a service dog, and I
thought someone else would need one
more, but Marley has really made a
difference in the way I live my life. I
say GO FOR IT!
2007 marked a significant change in
my life. Before February, I had a fulltime job, was active and was busy with
my family. Then, a spinal infection left
me with limited mobility and many
balance issues. I was unable to get out
much, and I spent a lot of time in bed
due to nerve pain. When I did go out,
I was very fearful. Going from being
an able-bodied person to being
disabled is really scary. It’s not like
you can run away if you are in danger.
During rehabilitation at Courage
Center, I met several service and
therapy dogs and was impressed
with how they helped people.
That spring, I attended a pancake
breakfast, where I talked to a member
of the Spring Lake Park Lions. He
gave me information about Hearing
and Service Dogs of Minnesota, and I
applied the very next day! I found the
application process very easy and was
soon matched with a yellow Labrador
Retriever named Marley.
We started training, and I discovered
that the training was not only for
Marley, but for me as well. The best
part of training was finding out all the
things that Marley could do to help
me. He can retrieve things I drop, open
handicap-accessible doors, and carry
my wallet and emergency information
in his backpack. He helps me feel less
Volunteer Spotlight
by Cindy Murphy
Cindy and Marley
vulnerable when I go out in public
alone. Above all, he is my companion
Waiting to take him home was definitely the hardest part of training. My
15-year-old daughter, Delaney, had
attended all the training sessions with
me, because I would not go out of the
house alone. Since I am unable to walk
Marley or clean up after him in the
yard, Delaney volunteered to take on
that responsibility. Delaney and Marley
have a special bond of their own.
I am grateful for Marley’s puppy raisers and the trainers who touched his
life before me. I hope they know how
important they are. To the supporters of Hearing and Service Dogs of
Minnesota, I say thank you. You make
a difference--not only in my life, but
in the lives of everyone Marley and I
interact with.Y
Would you like to help provide more
dogs like Marley? Call Janet Cobus
at 612-729-5986 ext. 153 to learn how.
Dog Source
Charlene and Jerome Moser
Veterinary Services
VCA Cedar Pet Clinic
Puppy Raisers
The Grabau Family
Foster Home
Inmates at Faribault
Correctional Facility
by Laurie Carlson
Mary Alexander and her family of
Roseville, Minn. have been long time
volunteers for Hearing and Service
Dogs of Minnesota. They started in
2001 and have never slowed down.
The Alexander family includes; Jon,
Mary, Kathryn, Jayson, Chris and
Mary and her daughter, Jennifer, first
became involved with helping at
events and showed great enthusiasm
in promoting the organization. The
family then fostered puppies and adult
dogs; too many to count! They have
also raised several dogs from puppies
to adulthood.
Mary has been a great example to her
children of how to give back to the
community. She and at least one of
her kids have always been involved
in events including volunteering at
the Heel and Wheel dog walk. Jon
Alexander, her husband, has also
helped in taking photographs at events
and taking care of the dogs.
Now that the kids are grown and
out of the house, Mary has stayed
busy continuing to puppy raise Eli, a
Labrador, fostering other dogs, helping
at events and dropping by the office to
assist with projects.
1st row: Jennifer, Mary, Kathryn
2nd row: Chris, Jon, Jayson
Dogs are Eli and Quincy
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Oldest daughter, Kathryn, got
married several years ago, and she
(continued on page 11)
Our Dogs Fetch Amazing Things
A Part of the Family
Lindsey Hjerpe and Rosco
Lindsey Hjerpe of Bloomington,
Minn., loves her independence.
Although she lost her hearing as a
child, she has a life full of friends,
laughter, and activity.
His presence is a comfort to Lindsey’s
parents as well, because they know
their daughter is safe on her own with
Rosco by her side.
Lindsey thanks all who helped Rosco
join her family. She says, “He makes
me happy. He knows when I’m upset
and is always there to comfort me
and make me laugh.” Rosco makes
Lindsey and her roommate feel safer
and more independent. Rosco truly
has become a part of the family—one
Lindsey says she can’t imagine living
After losing the childhood dog she
loved, Lindsey began to search for
a new companion. She discovered
the Hearing and Service Dogs of
Minnesota Web site and realized
a new dog could help alert her to
sounds around the house. After
applying, Lindsey was paired with
Rosco, an 18-month-old Golden
Rosco was originally selected
by Hearing and Service Dogs of
Minnesota to be a Service Dog.
However, his talents were better
suited in serving as a Hearing Dog.
Today, Lindsey says Rosco is an
integral part of her life. He wakes her
up in the morning and alerts her to
oven timers, smoke alarms, knocks
at the door, and other sounds she
might otherwise miss. If Lindsey isn’t
around, Rosco carries out his duties
with her roommate, Stacy, who is also
deaf. When visiting Lindsey’s family,
Rosco has even been known to wake
up her brother if he sleeps through
guests at the door!
Volunteering is critical to our work.
We can’t continue this work without
dedicated puppy raisers like Patty Van
Landschoot, who raised Rosco. Visit
our website at www.hsdm.org to learn
about the many ways you can help or
call Laurie Carlson about volunteer
opportunities at 612-729-5986
ext. 113.
Lindsey and Rosco
are a great team. Rosco goes to
work and school with Lindsey,
sleeping under the table and waiting
to greet anyone who comes by.
The pair even went to Deaf Culture
Minnesota Camp, where Rosco
quickly became the hit of the week.
He woke everyone up in the morning,
participated with Lindsey in activities
throughout the week, and even
“starred” as a cow in the end-ofcamp play. At her family’s Wisconsin
cabin, Rosco loves to go fishing with
Lindsey’s dad and play in the lake.
Today, Lindsey says, she and Rosco
Volunteer Spotlight
by Jessi Hiemer
Veterinary Services
Globe University-Woodbury
Puppy Raiser
Patty Van Landschoot
(continued from page 10)
and husband, Jayson, began fostering
dogs and puppy raising, too. She even
took over from Mary as chair of the
registration committee for the Heel
and Wheel.
We cannot thank Mary enough for all
the years of faithful service and for
providing this level of volunteerism.
Needless to say, we send a huge thank
you to all the Alexanders for their
enthusiasm, caring and hard work in
helping us place assistance dogs with
those who need them.Y
What about you?
Are you willing to give the gift of
time? We need help in the following
• Puppy raisers (14 to 16 month
• Short-term dog foster home (2 to
4 weeks)
• Breeder host family – dog lives
with you while having puppies
for the organization; you get
to keep the dog after she is retired
(approximately two to three years).
• Heel and Wheel committee – join
us in planning this popular event.
Lots of different areas to volunteer
your time and talents.
• Special events fundraising
committee – help think up new
ideas for raising funds!
• Twenty year anniversary
committee – help plan our big gala
this fall.
Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Laurie
Carlson, for more details in volunteer
opportunities at [email protected] or
612-729-5986 ext. 113.Y
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota 2007 Annual Report
Available now at www.hsdm.org
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
Nonprofit Org.
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Permit NO. 4744
Hearing and Service Dogs of Minnesota
2537 25th Avenue South
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Please Note!
If you are receiving
more than one copy of
Tails from Minnesota,
have moved, or you do
not wish to receive our
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please call 612-7295986, 729-5914 tty, or
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Wish List
P Dog treats!! (Pupperoni, small Milkbone)
P Frontline Heartworm Preventative
P LCD computer monitors, 17” or larger
P Palm Treo Smartphone for Verizon
P Automotive GPS devices
P More puppy raisers!
P Plastic dog crates (large and extra large)
P Dog grooming services
P Van with wheelchair lift, good condition
P 25’ extension cords
P Home Theater system for meeting room
P Mac G4 Computers, laptop
P 6’ wide ceiling mount video screen
P 7’+ wide portable video screen
P Small wagon/hatch-back for delivering dogs
P Microwave cart with drawer
P Dog leashes, 6’ narrow width cotton
P Camcorder, Digital
P Exercise pens, 36’-48’
P Donated veterinary services
P Gentle Leaders & Haltis, sizes M & L
P New Smoke Detectors
P 8-1/2 x 11 copy paper
P Plastic “Playschool” benches and table
P Batteries, AA & AAA
P Carpet cleaner
P Kongs, Nylabones (large & puppy-size)
P Gift certificates to pet stores and
home improvement stores
P Newer wheelchairs, manual Quickie-type
P 1st-class stamps
P Purebred puppies
P New dog grooming supplies
P Gasoline cards
P Adobe InDesign CS2, Illustrator, Photoshop,
for Mac
P Bleach, Formula 409 cleaner
P Paws Safe Sidewalk de-icer
P Gift cards to pet supply stores
P Gift cards to office supply stores
P Kitty Litter
P 5/8" adjustable 10"-16" collars
Upcoming Events
January 24
February 7
February 17
March 14
March 28
April 16
April 21
November 14
Tails To Tell tour, 10:00 a.m.
Benefit Pancake Breakfast
Applebee's Maple Grove
Tails To Tell tour, 7:00 p.m.
Volunteer Recognition Luncheon,
Midland Hills Golf Course
Tails To Tell tour, 10:00 a.m.
Tails To Tell tour, 6:00 p.m.
Tails of Independence Luncheon,
Midland Hills Golf Course
20th Anniversary Gala Location TBA
* All Tails to Tell tours take place at our facility, located at 2537 25th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406.
Please call our office at 612-729-5986 or 612-729-5914 (tty) to reserve a spot.
In an effort to be good citizens, and
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we will now offer you a choice:
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Do nothing and Tails From
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Send an email to Tom at
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with a request and you will
hear from us electronically
next time instead.Y
A special thanks to all of you who previously
supplied us with wish list items! You made
our wishes come true! Y
On January 13, 2009, Al Peters
received a plaque from Assitance
Dogs International during our
convention in Orlando, Florida.
The plaque recognizes that
Hearing and Service Dogs of
Minnesota has become one of a
select group that has acheived full
accreditation by its professional
trade association.Y