Danyelle Medeiros de Araújo
Danyelle Medeiros de Araújo
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA INSTITUTO DE QUÍMICA PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM QUÍMICA Estudo da participação das Espécies Fortemente Oxidantes produzidas durante a oxidação eletroquímica de corantes usando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro: Função das propriedades eletroquímicas do eletrodo e condições experimentais Danyelle Medeiros de Araújo ______________________________________________________ Tese de Doutorado Natal/RN, agosto de 2014 DANYELLE MEDEIROS DE ARAÚJO Estudo da participação das Espécies Fortemente Oxidantes produzidas durante a oxidação eletroquímica de corantes usando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro: Função das propriedades eletroquímicas do eletrodo e condições experimentais Tese submetida ao Programa de PósGraduação em Química da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, em cumprimento às exigências para obtenção do título de Doutor em Química. Natal - RN 2014 1 Catalogação da Publicação na Fonte. UFRN / SISBI / Biblioteca Setorial Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra – CCET. Araújo, Danyelle Medeiros de. Estudo da participação das espécies fortemente oxidantes produzidas durante a oxidação eletroquímica de corantes usando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro: função das propriedades eletroquímicas do eletrodo e condições experimentais / Danyelle Medeiros de Araújo. - Natal, 2014. 124 f. il.: Orientador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Martinez-Huitle. Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Djalma Ribeiro da Silva. Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química. 1. Eletroquímica – Tese. 2. Oxidação – Tese. 3. Radicais hidroxilas – Tese. 4. Ativação por luz – Tese. 5. Efluentes reais e sintéticos – Tese. I. Martinez-Huitle, Carlos Alberto. II. Silva, Djalma Ribeiro da. III. Título. RN/UF/BSE-CCET CDU: 544.6 Esta tese é dedicada a Ailton e Zefinha, meus pais, por preencherem minha vida com muito amor e constante inspiração; e a Gabriel, meu adorável filho, razão sobre a qual construo minha vida. 3 AGRADECIMENTOS Minha eterna gratidão! A Deus, que através da sua presença me abençoa e capacita em tudo que me destina. A meu filho, Gabriel, que nunca me questionou o porquê de tanto tempo na universidade e pela força que sempre me tem dado para seguir em frente. À minha mãe, Zefinha, pelas orações, pelo zelo; pelo amor; pelos cuidados, bem como, pela atenção que ela e seu esposo deram ao meu rapaz, no período em que me ausentei para Europa em função do Doutorado. A meu pai, Ailton, do qual herdei o gosto pela honestidade, dignidade e justiça. É minha referência de vida, ensina-me a não esperar a oportunidade para vencer, mas a vencer a mim mesma para concretizar os meus sonhos. Nessa caminhada, sempre falava o quão importante é a carreira de doutor. À sua esposa, Vera, que exige que eu escreva cada vez melhor, ajudando-me a trocar as reticências por pontos finais, além de todo o seu carinho. Ao meu irmão, Tanny, a sua esposa e ao meu sobrinho pelo apoio e carinho. A meu namorado, Kleber, pela paciência, força e carinho durante essa caminhada. Ao Professor Dr. Carlos Alberto Martinez, por ter me aceito como sua orientanda nessa tese, pela dedicação incansável, estimulando-me a evidenciar um profundo senso de propósito, inspirando-me a buscar o meu desenvolvimento e capacidade profissional. Ao Professor Dr. Manuel Andrés Rodrigo, por ter me aceitado no período do doutorado sanduíche na Espanha, por sua disponibilidade e por todas as oportunidades que me foram proporcionadas. Ao professor Dr. Djalma Ribeiro da Silva, que, desde o início da minha graduação me incentivou a seguir a carreira acadêmica e oportunizou-me desenvolver essa tese. À professora Dra. Nedja Suely Fernandes, pelos ensinamentos, por saber que podia contar com ela quando necessitasse. A todo o grupo do LEAA da UFRN, em especial às minhas amigas: Aline, Elisama, Eliane e Carol, pela aprendizagem, amizade e carinho. Ao grupo do laboratório de Castilla de La Mancha, em especial a: Salva, Conchi, Sondos, Sara, Maria José, pelos ensinamentos. Aos amigos que conquistei na Espanha e que fizeram os meus dias mais felizes, Diana, Alexandra, Jorge, Gabriel, Vero e Carmen. 4 AGRADECIMENTOS ESPECIAIS 5 RESUMO ARAÚJO, D. M. Estudo da participação das Espécies Fortemente Oxidantes produzidas durante a oxidação eletroquímica de corantes usando eletrodo de diamante dopado com boro: Função das propriedades eletroquímicas do eletrodo e condições experimentais. 2014, setembro. Tese de Doutorado – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. A indústria têxtil é uma das que mais polui no mundo (AHMEDCHEKKAT et al. 2011), gerando efluentes com altos índices de carga orgânica. Entre os poluentes presentes nesses efluentes encontram-se os corantes, substâncias muitas vezes com estruturas complexas, de características tóxicas e carcinogênicas, além de possuir uma forte coloração. O descarte incorreto dessas substâncias ao meio ambiente, sem realizar um pré-tratamento pode ocasionar grandes impactos ambientais. Esta tese tem como objetivos utilizar uma técnica de oxidação eletroquímica com ânodo de diamante dopado com boro, BDD (sigla em inglês), para o tratamento de um corante sintético e de um efluente têxtil real. Além de estudar o comportamento de diferentes eletrólitos (HClO4, H3PO4, NaCl e Na2SO4) e densidades de correntes (15; 60; 90 e 120 mA.cm-2), com a Rodamina B (RhB) e comparar os métodos de fotólise, eletrólise e fotoeletrólise utilizando o H3PO4 e o Na2SO4. Estudos de oxidação eletroquímica foram efetuados em diferentes relações de BDD sp3/sp2 com solução de RhB. Para alcançar esses objetivos, análises de pH, condutividade, UV-visível, COT, HPLC e CGMS foram desenvolvidas. Através dos resultados com a Rodamina B, observou-se que em todos os casos ocorreu a sua mineralização, independente do eletrólito e da densidade de corrente, porém esses parâmetros afetam na velocidade e a eficiência de mineralização. A radiação com luz foi favorável durante a eletrólise da RhB com fosfato e sulfato. Em relação à oxidação em ânodo de BDD com diferentes configurações sp3/sp2 (165, 176, 206, 220, 262 e 329), o com menor teor de carbono-sp3 teve um maior tempo favorecendo a conversão eletroquímica da RhB, ao invés da combustão. O com maior teor de carbono sobre os anodos de BDD levou o maior favorecimento da oxidação eletroquímica direta. Palavras chave: eletroquímica, oxidação, radicais hidroxilas, ativação por luz, efluentes reais e sintéticos. 6 ABSTRACT ARAÚJO, D. M. Study of the involvement of strong oxidizing species produced during the electrochemical oxidation of dye using boron-doped diamond electrode: Role of the electrochemical properties of the electrode and experimental conditions. 2014, september. PhD thesis - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. The textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world (AHMEDCHEKKAT et al. 2011), generating wastewater with high organic loading. Among the pollutants present in these effluents are dyes, substances with complex structures, toxic and carcinogenic characteristics, besides having a strong staining. Improper disposal of these substances to the environment, without performing a pre-treatment can cause major environmental impacts. The objective this thesis to use a technique of electrochemical oxidation of boron doped diamond anode, BDD, for the treatment of a synthetic dye and a textile real effluent. In addition to studying the behavior of different electrolytes (HClO4, H3PO4, NaCl and Na2SO4) and current densities (15, 60, 90 and 120 mA.cm-2), and compare the methods with Rhodamine B (RhB) photolysis, electrolysis and photoelectrocatalytic using H3PO4 and Na2SO4. Electrochemical oxidation studies were performed in different ratio sp3/sp2 of BDD with solution of RhB. To achieve these objectives, analysis of pH, conductivity, UV-visible, TOC, HPLC and GC-MS were developed. Based on the results with the Rhodamine B, it was observed that in all cases occurred at mineralization, independent of electrolyte and current density, but these parameters affect the speed and efficiency of mineralization. The radiation of light was favorable during the electrolysis of RhB with phosphate and sulfate. Regarding the oxidation in BDD anode with different ratio sp3/sp2 (165, 176, 206, 220, 262 e 329), with lower carbon-sp3 had a longer favoring the electrochemical conversion of RhB, instead of combustion. The greater the carbon content on the anodes BDD took the biggest favor of direct electrochemical oxidation. Keywords: electrochemical, oxidation, hydroxyl radicals, activation by light, real and synthetic effluents. 7 LISTA DE FIGURAS CAPÍTULO 3 Figura 1 Cadeia têxtil simplificada................................................................................... 26 Figura 2 Rio Jianhe em 2011, Luoyang/China................................................................. 27 Figura 3 Estrutura molecular da Rodamina B.................................................................. 29 Figura 4 Degradação fotocatalítica por micro-ondas da RhB com TiO2 suportado em carvão ativado.................................................................................................................... 30 Figura 5 Esquema de oxidação eletroquímica de compostos orgânicos em ânodos ativos e não-ativos............................................................................................................. 39 CAPÍTULO 4 Figure 1 BDD anode (left) and stainless steel cathode (right)…………………………. 53 Figure 2 Mineralization of Rhodamine B, as a function of Q, during electrolysis in different supporting electrolytes at two current densities (a) 60 mA cm-2 and (b) 120 mA cm-2: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl........................................................ 54 Figure 3 Changes in the COD, as a function of Q, during electrolysis of Rhodamine solutions containing different supporting electrolytes at two current densities (a) 60 mA cm-2 and (b) 120 mA cm-2: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl.................... 55 Figure 4 Influence of the current density on the first order kinetic constants for the CDEO of Rhodamine B: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl................................ 56 Figure 5 Instantanteous current efficiency constants for the electrolysis of Rhodamine B solutions in different supporting electrolyte media: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl………………………………………………………………………………….. 57 Figure 6 Main intermediates detected, as a function of time, during the electrolysis of Rhodamine B solutions containing different supporting electrolytes ((a) HClO4, (b) NaCl, (c) H3PO4 and (d) Na2SO4 at 60 mA cm-2: phthalic acid (▲); 2,5- hydroxybenzoic acid (●); benzoic acid (); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (♦); αhidroxyglutaric acid (); intermediate 6 (○) and intermediate 7 (□)…………………… 58 Figure 7 Influence of the current density on the maximum concentration of 8 intermediates detected during the electrolysis of Rhodamine B solutions containing different supporting electrolytes, (a) HClO4, (b) NaCl, (c) H3PO4 and (d) Na2SO4: phthalic acid (▲); 2,5-hydroxybenzoic acid (●); benzoic acid (■); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (♦); α- hidroxyglutaric acid (); intermediate 6 (○) and intermediate 7 (□)………. 60 Figure 8 Electrochemical pathways degradation for RhB as a function of supporting electrolyte: blue pathway is according to the intermediates produced when HClO4, H3PO4 and Na2SO4 were used while red pathway is followed when NaCl was used. Intermediates detected: phthalic acid (I1); benzoic acid (I2); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (I3); 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid (I4); α- hidroxyglutaric acid (I5); oxalic acid (I6), intermediate 7 (I7) and chloroform (I8)……………………………………………………………… 61 CAPÍTULO 5 Figure 1 Removal of color during the photolysis, electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of solutions containing Rhodamine b in a) Na2SO4: 0 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation b) H3PO4:0 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation…………………………………………………………… 75 Figure 2 Oxidation and mineralization during the electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of solutions containing Rhodamine b in Na2SO4: 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation………………………… 76 Figure 3 Oxidation and mineralization during the electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of solutions containing Rhodamine b in H3PO4: 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation………………………... 76 Figure 4 Production of oxidants by electrolyses with conductive-diamond of solutions containing Na2SO4▲ no UV irradiation UV irradiation; H3PO4 no UV irradiation UV irradiation………………………………………………………………………… 78 Figure 5 Oxidant consumed (initial – final) in chemical oxidation tests of Rhodamine with the oxidant produced electrolytically from Na2SO4▲ no UV irradiation UV irradiation; H3PO4 no UV irradiation UV Irradiation……………………………. 80 Figure 6 Changes in the COD during the chemical oxidation of Rhodamine B 9 solutions with the oxidant solution produced by the electrolyses of Na2SO4▲ no UV irradiation UV irradiation; H3PO4 no UV irradiation UV Irradiation……………. 81 Figure 7 Mechanisms of the main processes occurring during photo-electrolysis of Rhodamine B…………………………………………………………………………… 83 CAPÍTULO 6 Figure 1 Effect of the sp3/sp2 ratio of the BDD anodes on the absorbance (a), TOC (b) and COD (c) removal, as a function of Q, during electrolysis of RhB solutions……… 98 Figure 2 Chromatographic areas of aromatic intermediates produced, as a function of time, during RhB electro-oxidation using BDD6 (a) and BDD1 (b). I1, no identified intermediate……………………………………………………………………………… 99 Figure 3 Influence of sp3/sp2 ratio on the production of aliphatic acids, as a function of chromatographic areas and time, during RhB electro-oxidation using BDD6 (a) and BDD1 (b). I1 and I2, no identified intermediates………………………………………… 100 CAPÍTULO 7 Figure 1 Electrochemical decolourisation process of a real textile effluent (effluent as obtained), as a function of time, by applying different current densities (20, 40 and 60 mA cm-2) at 25° C and flow rate of 250 dm3 h-1. Inset: Decrease of HU, as a function of time, at different applied current densities. Dashed line indicates the Brazilian limit regulation in HU to discharge the effluent………………………………………………. 111 Figure 2 Influence of applied current on the evolution of COD and TCE (inset), as a function of time, during electrochemical treatment of actual textile effluent (as discharged) on BDD anode at different current densities. Conditions: T = 25 °C and flow rate of 250 dm3 h-1…………………………………………………………………. 112 Figure 3 Colour removal of a real effluent, as a function of time, applying different current densities using BDD anode. Experimental conditions: T = 25° C, 5 g dm-3 of Na2SO4 and flow rate = 250 dm3 h-1…………………………………………………… 113 Figure 4 Influence of applied current on the evolution of COD and TCE (inset), as a function of time, during electrochemical treatment of actual textile using BDD anode. 10 Experimental conditions: T = 25°C, 5 g dm-3 of Na2SO4 and flow rate = 250 dm3 h-1…. 114 Figure 5 Influence of Na2SO4 concentration on the evolution of COD and %TCE (inset), as a function of time, during electrochemical treatment of actual textile effluent on BDD anode by applying 20 mA cm−2 of applied current density. Conditions: T = 25 °C, flow rate = 250 dm3 h-1……………………………………………………………… 115 Figure 6 Comparison of the influence of temperature on the evolution of COD, as a function of time and %TCE (inset) during oxidation of actual textile effluent on BDD anode. Conditions: 40 mA cm-2 of current density; 5 g of Na2SO4 and flow rate = 250 dm3 h-1…………………………………………………………………………………… 116 Figure 7 Influence of flow rate on the evolution of COD, as a function of time and %TCE (inset) during oxidation of actual textile effluent on BDD anode. Conditions: 40 mA cm-2 of current density; 5 g of Na2SO4 and T = 25 °C……………………………... 118 Figure 8 Energy consumption of the electrochemical process, as a function of COD removal and effluent conditions, during oxidation of actual textile effluent on BDD anode by applying different current densities…………………………………………… 118 11 LISTA DE TABELAS CAPÍTULO 3 Tabela 1 Classificação segundo as classes químicas e por substrato............................. 28 Tabela 2 Produtos da degradação fotocatalítica da RhB por CG-MS............................ 31 Tabela 3 Exemplos de processos oxidativos avançados e as reações envolvidas na 33 produção de radicais hidroxilas....................................................................................... Tabela 4 Poder de oxidação do material anódico em meio ácido.................................. 41 12 LISTA DE SIGLAS ABIQUIM Associação brasileira da indústria química BDD Boron doped diamond anode COT Carbono orgânico total CG-MS Cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectroscopia de massa CL-MS Cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectroscopia de massa CONAMA Conselho nacional do meio ambiente DQO Demanda química de oxigênio PEOA Processo eletroquímico oxidativo avançado ELISA Ensaio imunoabsorvente ligado à enzima HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography OEA Oxidação eletroquímica avançada OEDC Oxidação eletroquímica diamante condutor ONU Organização das nações unidas POA Processo oxidativo avançado RhB Rodamina B SISNAMA Sistema nacional do meio ambiente UV-Vis. Ultravioleta na região do visível 13 SUMÁRIO CAPÍTULO 1 1.1 INTRODUÇÃO.................................................................................................. 19 CAPÍTULO 2 2.1 OBJETIVOS........................................................................................................ 23 2.1.1 Objetivos Gerais.............................................................................................. 23 2.1.1 Objetivos Específicos...................................................................................... 23 CAPÍTULO 3 3.1 REVISÃO BIBLIOGRÁFICA............................................................................ 25 3.1.1 A Água.............................................................................................................. 25 3.1.2 Indústria Têxtil................................................................................................ 25 3.1.3 Corantes........................................................................................................... 27 Rodamina B e sua Degradação...................................................................... 28 3.1.4 Resolução Ambiental...................................................................................... 31 3.1.5 Tratamentos Convencionais de Efluentes..................................................... 32 3.1.6 Processos Oxidativos Avançados................................................................ 33 Processo de Oxidação Eletroquímica Avançada............................................ 34 Influência da produção de oxidantes por eletrólise na oxidação anódica mediada...................................................................................................... 35 Produção de oxidantes por processos de oxidação direta..................... 36 3.1.7 Ativação de Oxidantes.................................................................................... 38 3.1.8 Influência do Material Anódico – Eletrodos Ativos e Não-ativos.............. 39 3.1.9 Eletrodo de Diamante Dopado com Boro ................................................... 41 Configuração sp3/sp2..................................................................................... 42 3.1.10 Referências.................................................................................................... 42 14 CAPÍTULO 4 INFLUENCE OF MEDIATED PROCESSES ON THE REMOVAL OF RHODAMINE WITH CONDUCTIVE-DIAMOND ELECTROCHEMICAL OXIDATION……………………………………………………………………… 49 4.1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………..... 49 4.2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………... 51 4.3 Materials and Methods………………………………………………………. 51 4.3.1 Chemicals……………………………………………………………………. 52 4.3.2 Analytical procedures……………………………………………………….. 52 4.3.3 Electrochemical cells………………………………………………………… 52 4.3.4 Experimental procedures…………………………………………………….. 53 4.4 Results and Discussion………………………………………………………... 53 4.5 Conclusions………………………………………………………………..…... 62 4.6 Acknowledgements………………………………………………………….... 62 4.7 References…………..……………………………………………………….... 62 CAPÍTULO 5 PEROXO- AIDED PHOTO-ELECTROLYSIS OF RHODAMINE B………….. 69 5.1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………….. 69 5.2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………... 69 5.3 Materials and Methods………………………………………………………. 72 5.3.1 Chemicals…………………………………………………………………….. 72 5.3.2 Analytical procedures………………………………………………………... 72 5.3.3 Bulk electrolysis……………………………………………………………… 72 5.3.4 Chemical oxidation tests …………………………………………………….. 73 5.3.5 Light irradiation……………………………………………………………… 73 5.4 Results and Discussion………………………………………………………... 73 5.5 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………. 83 5.6 Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………..... 84 5.7 References…………………………………………………………………....... 84 15 CAPÍTULO 6 ELECTROCHEMICAL ORGANIC CONVERSION/COMBUSTION POLLUTANT ON BDD ANODE: OF ROLE A MODEL OF sp3/sp2 RATIO…………………………………………………………………………….. 93 6.1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………….. 93 6.2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 93 6.3 Methodology…………………………………………………………………... 95 6.3.1 Chemicals……………………………………………………………………. 95 6.3.2 Analytical procedures………………………………………………………... 95 6.3.3 Electrochemical cell and bulk electrolysis…………………………………... 96 6.4 Results and Discussion………………………………………………………... 96 6.5 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………. 101 6.6 Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………… 101 6.7 References…………………………………………………………………….. 101 CAPÍTULO 7 APPLICABILITY OF DIAMOND ELECTRODE/ANODE TO THE ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT OF A REAL TEXTILE EFFLUENT….. 7.1 Abstract……………………………………………………………………….. 105 105 7.2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………… 105 7.3 Materials and Methods……………………………………………………….. 107 7.3.1 Textile dye effluent characteristics…………………………………………... 107 7.3.2 Anodic oxidation experiments……………………………………………….. 108 7.3.3 Depuration monitoring methods……………………………………………... 108 7.4 Results and discussion…………………………….………………………….. 110 7.4.1 Preliminary electrochemical experiments of a real textile effluent………….. 110 7.4.2 Electrochemical decolourisation of a real textile effluent adding Na2SO4….. 113 7.4.3 COD removal by electrochemical treatment…………………………………. 114 7.4.4 Effect of Na2SO4 dissolved in the effluent…………………………………… 115 7.4.5 Influence of temperature……………………………………………………... 115 16 7.4.6 Effect of the flow rate……………………………………………………….. 116 7.4.7 Energy consumption and cost estimation…………………………………….. 117 7.5 Concluding Remarks…………………………………………………………. 117 7.6 References……………………………………………………………………... 118 CAPÍTULO 8 8.0 CONCLUSÃO E CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS……………………………… 124 17 CAPÍTULO 1 INTRODUÇÃO 18 1.1 INTRODUÇÃO Nas últimas décadas, o rápido crescimento da consciência pública sobre os problemas ambientais tem obrigado a muitos governos introduzir legislações que prescreva e limita a emissão de poluentes no meio ambiente. Dentro deste contexto, a indústria têxtil é considerada a indústria que mais polui o meio ambiente. Os corantes, por exemplo, são um dos contaminantes mais amplamente encontrados em ambientes aquáticos, devido ao seu enorme volume de produção nas indústrias, biodegradação lenta, descoloração e toxicidade. Cerca de 800.000 toneladas de corantes são produzidas anualmente no mundo, e cerca de 10-15% dos corantes têxteis sintéticos usados se perdem nos fluxos de resíduos durante as operações de fabricação ou processamento (AHMEDCHEKKAT et al. 2011). A Rodamina, corante sintético estudado nesta tese, é geralmente utilizada como um modelo de substância para degradação por se tratar de um importante representante dos corantes xanteno, também conhecido como violeta básica 10. É altamente solúvel em água, não volátil e possui coloração violeta avermelhado. O lançamento deste corante em ambientes naturais não é apenas perigoso para a vida aquática, mas também para os seres humanos, por se tratar de uma substância mutagênica (MISHRA e GOGATE, 2011; DUA et al. 2012). A fim de reduzir o impacto ambiental destes poluentes, diversas tecnologias convencionais e não convencionais têm sido utilizadas, porém, as convencionais não conseguem degradar todas as substâncias orgânicas presentes nos efluentes têxteis, necessitando de tratamentos complementares. A oxidação eletroquímica avançada, OEA, tem sido utilizada como um tratamento eletroquímico não convencional para a degradação de poluentes orgânicos. Ela é considerada como uma alternativa eficiente devido à sua facilidade de operação, ampla gama de condições de tratamento e respeito ao meio ambiente (DUA et al. 2012). A presente tese está dividida em oito capítulos e será apresentada em forma de quatro artigos. A nosso ver, essa modalidade é muito mais objetiva que o modelo de tese tradicional, uma vez que propicia uma divulgação mais prática e rápida dos resultados obtidos. No primeiro Capítulo será abordada toda a parte introdutória do trabalho, justificando a importância de ter estudado o tema abordado por esta tese; No segundo Capítulo estão 19 presentes os objetivos gerais e específicos que foram cumpridos no decorrer da tese; O terceiro Capítulo, a revisão bibliográfica onde foram abordados temas como: oxidação eletroquímica, tipos de ânodos, corantes, entre outros, tomando como base em artigos renomados publicados desde 1994 até os dias atuais. Nos Capítulos 4, 5, 6 e 7 estão presentes os artigos publicados e que foram enviados para publicação, como detalhados a seguir: O Capítulo 4 teve como objetivo estudar um corante sintético, denominado por Rodamina B (RhB), em diferentes eletrólitos (NaCl, HClO4, H3PO4 e Na2SO4) e densidades de corrente (15, 60, 90 e 120 mA cm-2), através da Oxidação Eletroquímica com Diamante Condutor, a fim de compreender o processo mediado para a sua degradação. Para isso fez-se necessário realizar análises de Demanda Química de Oxigênio, Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massa e Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência durante todo o processo de degradação da RhB, bem como, o estudo cinético para observar para melhor visualização da influência dos eletrólitos e das densidades de correntes estudadas. Este Capítulo gerou o terceiro artigo desta tese e foi aceito recentemente no jornal científico Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. No Capítulo 5 estudou-se a oxidação da RhB em dois meios: fosfato e sulfato, através do efeito do grupo peróxido por ativação de luz utilizando ânodo de Diamante Dopado com Boro, onde comparou-se o processo dessa degradação por eletrólise, fotólise e fotoeletrólise, sendo este o objetivo do Capítulo. Este estudo se fez necessário após ter sido realizado o trabalho presente no Capítulo 4, onde se pode observar além da influência das diferentes densidades de corrente a influência da ativação de luz em dois meios anteriormente estudados. Análises de UV-Visível, Demanda Química de Oxigênio, Carbono Orgânico Total, Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência foram efetuadas no decorrer da degradação da RhB, além das análises de pH e Condutividade. Os resultados deste Capítulo foram submetidos no jornal científico Environmental Science & Technology. Todos os experimentos desenvolvidos nesta tese foram realizados com o ânodo de Diamante Dopado com Boro por apresentar inúmeras vantagens, tais como: superfície inerte, baixas propriedades de adsorção, estabilidade à corrosão mesmo em meio bastante ácido e elevado sobrepotencial de oxigênio (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2007). Com o intuito de realizar uma maior quantidade de experimentos em um menor tempo, se realizou experimentos em paralelo utilizando diferentes ânodos de BDD nas mesmas condições experimentas para observar se iriam ocorrer processos semelhantes de degradação, porém observou-se que não e 20 assim, se fez necessário realizar um estudo com diferentes ânodos de BDD a fim de apresentar evidências críticas sobre a influência da configuração sp3/sp2 do ânodo de BDD através da oxidação eletroquímica da Rodamina B, um poluente orgânico modelo. Através deste trabalho, surgiu o Capítulo 6 desta tese. Esse Capítulo gerou um artigo no jornal científico Electrochemistry Communications publicado recentemente. A aplicação de um método eletroquímico para um efluente real da indústria têxtil local foi estudado e teve por objetivo a avaliação da aplicabilidade do processo de oxidação eletroquímica através dos parâmetros: densidade de corrente, temperatura, adição de sais e condições de fluxo, usando BDD como uma alternativa para tratamento de efluentes reais. Análises de DQO, UV- Visível e de Custo Energético foram realizadas. Este trabalho representou o Capítulo 7 desta tese. Os resultados deste Capítulo foram publicados no Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Por fim, o Capítulo 8 apresenta as conclusões e as considerações finais de forma resumida dos Capítulos 4 a 7. 21 CAPÍTULO 2 OBJETIVOS 22 2.1 OBJETIVOS 2.1.1 Objetivos Gerais Avaliar a produção de espécies fortemente oxidantes e condições experimentais durante a OE de um corante sintético e um efluente têxtil real com ânodo de diamante dopado com boro; Estudar a influência das propriedades do material de BDD (composição do eletrodo (diamante (sp3)/(grafite (sp2)) durante a OE. 2.1.2 Objetivos Específicos Avaliar o efeito das variáveis experimentais: densidade de corrente elétrica e eletrólito usados para cada experimento; Aplicar o processo de OE na eliminação da matéria orgânica em corantes sintéticos e reais; Monitorar e comparar a eliminação dos compostos estudados mediante o uso de técnicas analíticas (DQO, COT, UV-Visível e HPLC); Estudar o comportamento da ativação das espécies oxidantes com e sem ativação de luz UV para a degradação da RhB; Analisar, através da ativação química, o comportamento dos agentes oxidantes; Estudar um eletrólito e uma densidade de corrente aplicada a diferentes ânodos de BDD; Identificar intermediários gerados durante a degradação da RhB, através das técnicas de HPLC e CG-MS; Calcular o consumo energético quando aplicado a um efluente têxtil real. 23 CAPÍTULO 3 REVISÃO BIBLIOGRÁFICA 24 3.1 REVISÃO BIBIOGRÁFICA 3.1.1 A Água A água, em termos químicos, é uma substância que possui em sua estrutura dois átomos de hidrogênio e um átomo de oxigênio, apresentando uma massa molar de 18 g mol-1. É uma substância indispensável ao planeta, responsável pelo funcionamento e manutenção do corpo humano, irrigação na agricultura, geração de energia nas usinas hidrelétricas, entre outras. Cerca de 70% da superfície terrestre é composta por água, porém apenas 2,5% são de água doce, onde 99,7% desse volume estão presentes na forma de geleiras, cobertas por neve e em águas subterrâneas. Ou seja, apenas 0,3% desse recurso estão próprios para o consumo e disponíveis em rios e lagos. Mesmo em pequena porcentagem seria suficiente para abastecer a vida na terra se não fosse à ação predatória do homem, segundo a Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Pesquisas publicadas pela ONU mostram que todos os dias 2 milhões de toneladas de dejetos humanos são eliminados nos cursos de água em todo o mundo, e que mais de 80% das águas residuais do planeta não são coletadas, nem tratadas, além da poluição existente em rios e lagos proveniente das indústrias. 3.1.2 Indústria Têxtil A indústria têxtil é responsável pela transformação de fibra em fios, de fios em tecidos e de tecidos em roupas. Esse tipo de processo industrial inicia-se a partir da divisão das fibras, a fiação, tecelagem e ou/ malharia, beneficiamento e enobrecimento dos fios e tecidos, até o processo de confecções, como presentes de forma simplificada na Figura 1 (BASTIAN et al. 2009). No processo de fiação ocorre a obtenção do fio a partir das fibras têxteis, que pode ser enviado para o beneficiamento ou diretamente para tecelagens e malharias. No beneficiamento é realizada a preparação dos fios para seu uso final ou não, envolvendo tingimento, engomagem, retorção (linhas, fios especiais, etc.) e tratamento especiais. Na tecelagem e/ou malharia ocorre à elaboração de tecido plano, tecidos de malha circular ou 25 retilínea, a partir dos fios têxteis. Na etapa de enobrecimento segue a preparação, o tingimento, a estamparia e o acabamento de tecidos, malhas ou artigos confeccionados. E no setor de confecções ocorre a aplicação diversificada de tecnologias para os produtos têxteis, acrescida de acessórios incorporados nas peças (BASTIAN et al. 2009). Em ambas as etapas de beneficiamento e enobrecimento ocorrem o processo de tingimento, ou seja, necessitam da aplicação de corantes nas fibras/ou tecidos. Figura 1 – Cadeia têxtil simplificada. Fonte: BASTIAN et al. (2009). Ultimamente, existe uma grande preocupação com o descarte de efluentes produzidos durante qualquer processo industrial, devido à escassez de recursos híbridos e os impactos ambientais gerados pelos mesmos (DEGAKI et al. 2014). A indústria têxtil é um dos exemplos de indústria que mais polui entre todos os setores industriais, tanto em termos de volume, quanto em relação à composição. Segundo Asgheret et al. (2009), até 2009 mais de 10.000 diferentes corantes e pigmentos foram usados em indústrias de tingimento e impressão de todo o mundo. A produção total de corante mundial está estimada em 800.000 toneladas por ano e, vale ressaltar que pelo menos entre 10-15% do corante usado por essas indústrias entra no ambiente através dos efluentes. Os corantes são os compostos mais problemáticos nos efluentes têxteis devido a sua alta solubilidade em água, baixa biodegradabilidade, além de possuir estruturas complexas, muito delas com cadeias aromáticas, apresentando comportamentos tóxicos, cancerígenos e mutagênicos. Esses corantes quando descartados em ambientes aquáticos sem um tratamento 26 adequado, além de provocar poluição visual, Figura 2, alteram os ciclos biológicos, mesmo em baixas concentrações, 1 mg. L-1, impedindo a passagem da radiação solar e, assim, afetando os seres vivos que habitam nestes ecossistemas (MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE et al. 2012; DEGAKI et al. 2014). Figura 2 - Rio Jianhe em 2011, Luoyang/China. Fonte: Reuters/China Daily (2011). Diante desse contexto, o tratamento de efluentes têxteis antes do descarte ao meio ambiente é de extrema importância, uma vez que pode diminuir a sua coloração e reduzir o índice de toxicidade. 3.1.3 Corantes Segundo Guaratin; Zanoni (2000), a arte da tinturaria de tecidos iniciou-se há milhares de anos. Hoje, a indústria de corantes desenvolve um importante papel na economia do mundo, nos quais são bastantes aplicados em várias atividades fabris (PEIXOTO et al. 2013). Corantes podem ser definidos como substâncias intensamente coloridas que lhes conferem cor, quando aplicadas a um material. De acordo com a Associação Brasileira da Indústria Química (ABIQUIM, 2014), eles podem ser fixados nos materiais por quatro vias: adsorção, solução, retenção mecânica ou por ligações químicas covalentes ou iônicas. Segundo ABIQUIM (2014), os corantes podem ser classificados de acordo com sua classe química e também em relação à utilização por substrato, como presente na Tabela 1. 27 Tabela 1 - Classificação segundo as classes químicas e por substrato. CLASSE QUÍMICA POR SUBSTRATO Acridina À Cuba Sulfurados Azo À Tina Azóico Ácidos Bases de oxidação Ao Enxofre Difenilmetano Azóicos Ftalocianina Básicos Nitroso Diretos Oxazina Dispersos Tiazol Reativos Xanteno Solventes Fonte: ABIQUIM (2014). Entre as classes de corantes citadas anteriormente, o corante presente nessa tese está classificado como: xanteno. Rodamina B e sua Degradação Dentre inúmeros corantes utilizados pela indústria têxtil, a Rodamina B, RhB, Figura 3, também conhecida por violeta básico 10, pertence à classe dos xantenos por ter como base na sua estrutura o próprio xanteno. É um corante altamente solúvel em água, metanol e etanol (XIAO et al. 2014). A RhB é aplicada na biotecnologia, como por exemplo: em Ensaio Imunoadsorvente Ligado à Enzima (ELISA) por apresentar características fluorescentes. Este ensaio permite a detecção de anticorpos específicos, como por exemplo, no plasma sanguíneo (MISHRA et al. 2011). Além da biotecnologia, é utilizada na indústria têxtil (ALHAMEDI et al. 2009) e de papel por apresentar boa solubilidade em água sendo assim, adsorvida sobre todos os tipos de fibras naturais e sintéticas. Apesar do seu vasto poder de aplicação, a RhB pode causar graves impactos ao meu ambiente após o seu descarte por ser de difícil degradação. 28 Figura 3 - Estrutura molecular da Rodamina B. Fonte: Autor (2014). Segundo Mallah et al. (2013), alguns derivados dos xantenos possuem características tóxicas, afetando a parte neuronal, fazendo-se necessário a realização de eficientes tratamentos dos efluentes que contêm esse tipo de corante para posteriores descartes. A degradação da Rodamina B tem sido estudada utilizando vários métodos, como por exemplo: foto-oxidação na presença de peróxido de hidrogênio (ALHAMEDI et al. 2009); oxidação eletroquímica com ânodo de dióxido de chumbo dopado com cério em diferentes densidades de corrente (LI et al. 2013); processo fotocatalítico por micro-ondas, usando o TiO2 suportado em carvão ativado, entre outros (ZHONG et al. 2009b). Zhong et al. (2009a; 2009b), diferentemente dos outros autores citados, propuseram um mecanismo de reação durante a degradação da Rodamina B, como presente na Figura 4. Esse mecanismo foi sugerido através de análises dos intermediários por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectroscopia de massa, bem como por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectroscopia de massa; já a amostra bruta de RhB foi detectada por HPLC. 29 Figura 4 - Degradação fotocatalítica por micro-ondas da Rodamina B com TiO2 suportado em carvão ativado. Fonte: ZHONG et al. (2009b). De acordo com o mecanismo apresentado na Figura 4, a degradação da Rodamina B ocorreu por meio de dois processos competitivos: o da N-etilação e outro referente à destruição da estrutura do xanteno conjugado (LI et al. 2007). Intermediários por meio da reação de N-etilação foram observados em pequena proporção, como é o caso do N, N-dietil-N’-etil-rodamina por cromatografia líquida acoplada à espectroscopia de massa, onde resultou da perda de um grupo etil do anel xanteno da estrutura da Rodamina B bruta. Segundo Zhong et al. (2009a; 2009b) esta provável N-etilação da Rodamina B pode estar presente no sistema, mas não é o processo dominante. Além disso, foi destacada a presença de dois isômeros gerados a partir dos intermediários da N-etilação, como mostra a Figura 4 (ZHONG et al. 2009a; 2009b). 30 Após a destruição da estrutura do conjugado da Rodamina B, outros dois processos foram observados: a abertura do anel e em seguida a mineralização. Algumas moléculas de ácidos orgânicos foram produzidas e detectadas através da técnica de CG-MS, como apresentadas na Tabela 2, que foram mineralizados a água e a gás carbônico. Tabela 2 - Produtos da degradação fotocatalítica da Rodamina B através da técnica de CG-MS. m/z Tempo de retenção (min) Intermediários 90 6.737 Ácido oxálico 104 7.106 Ácido malônico 122 9.140 Ácido benzóico 118 9.720 Ácido succínico 167 9.812 Ácido 3- nitrobenzóico 148 9.862 Anidrido ftálico 116 10.024 Ácido maléico 148 10.544 Ácido 2-hidroxipentanedióico 146 11.454 Ácido adípico 138 11.927 Ácido 3-hidroxibenzóico 166 12.915 Ácido ftálico 166 13.686 Ácido tereftálico 154 14.480 Ácido 2,5-dihidroxibenzóico Fonte: ZHONG et al. (2009a; 2009b). 3.1.4 Resolução Ambiental O Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente, CONAMA, é o órgão consultivo e deliberativo do Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente, SISNAMA, onde foi instituído pela Lei 6.938/81, que dispõe sobre a Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente, regulamentado pelo Decreto 99.274/90. No Brasil, o CONAMA é o órgão responsável pela fiscalização do descarte de efluentes no meio ambiente. De acordo com a resolução nº 430, de 13 de maio de 2011, do CONAMA, o lançamento indireto de efluentes no corpo receptor deverá observar o disposto nesta 31 resolução, quando verificada a inexistência de legislação ou normas específicas, disposições do órgão ambiental competente, bem como diretrizes da operadora dos sistemas de coleta e tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Como citado no Art. 3º, “os efluentes de qualquer fonte poluidora poderão ser lançados diretamente nos corpos receptores depois de um devido tratamento e desde que obedeçam às condições padrões e exigências dispostas nesta Resolução”. Parâmetros como pH, temperatura e compostos inorgânicos são limitados por esta Resolução para lançamento dos efluentes no meio ambiente. No caso dos efluentes têxteis não existe uma norma específica para o descarte dos mesmos no meio ambiente, se fazendo necessário seguir a Resolução citada anteriormente. 3.1.5 Tratamentos Convencionais de Efluentes Os tratamentos convencionais de efluentes estão classificados em três grupos, são eles: físicos, biológicos e químicos. Os tratamentos físicos são processos de separação, onde não ocorre nenhum tipo de reação. Nesses métodos, os contaminantes são separados do meio aquoso, sem degradá-los, por precipitação, floculação, coagulação, sedimentação, adsorção sobre carvão ativo ou filtração com membranas. No método químico, faz-se necessário utilizar reagentes para que ocorra a oxidação do material orgânico presente nos efluentes, eliminando ou modificando a sua estrutura química. Nesse método, alguns oxidantes fortes são utilizados como, por exemplo: o cloro, permanganato de potássio e o ozônio, porém, algumas desvantagens são observadas em relação à escolha desses oxidantes. No caso do cloro, podem gerar intermediários mais prejudiciais do que os contidos nos efluentes iniciais (SEGURA, 2014; SIRÉS et al. 2014). O permanganato gera resíduos de dióxido de manganês, além de ser mais caro que o cloro. Já o ozônio é pouco solúvel em água, instável, tóxico e de difícil manuseio. A aplicação dos tratamentos físico-químicos em águas residuais da indústria têxtil possui algumas limitações devido à formação de lodo durante o processo, a necessidade periódica de regenerar os materiais adsorventes, baixa eficiência de remoção e a não eliminação do material orgânico em baixas concentrações (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2007; PEKEL et al. 2013). 32 Já os métodos biológicos são os mais utilizados para o tratamento de efluentes devido aos seus baixos custos, porém, quando se trata de efluentes contaminados com substâncias orgânicas, a oxidação biológica pode ser dificultada devido à presença de compostos tóxicos e moléculas refratárias ao tratamento biológico, além de requerer muito tempo e necessidade de uma grande superfície de contato (SIRÉS et al. 2014). 3.1.6 Processos Oxidativos Avançados Durante a última década, uma nova classe de tratamentos está sendo bastante estudada por inúmeros grupos de pesquisas, que torna possível eliminar os poluentes presentes em efluentes, usando técnicas de oxidação conhecidas como processos oxidativos avançados (POA). Exemplos desse tipo de processo estão presentes na Tabela 3. Tabela 3 – Exemplos de processos oxidativos avançados e as reações envolvidas na produção de radicais hidroxila. Processos Reações Ozônio com pH elevado Sem luz Ozônio + H2O2 Ozônio + catalisador Fenton Ozônio + UV + A adição de H2O2 acelera a decomposição do ozônio, Com luz Ozônio + H2O2+ UV favorecendo no aumento da geração de radicais hidroxilas. H2O2 + UV Foto-Fenton Fonte: SIRÉS et al. (2014). 33 Os POA podem ser definidos como métodos de oxidação da fase aquosa, baseados na intermediação de espécies altamente reativas em mecanismos que levam a destruição dos poluentes (BRILLAS et al. 2009; SIRÉS et al. 2014), onde o radical hidroxila, considerado um oxidante forte, é capaz de destruir a maior parte dos contaminantes orgânicos e organometálicos até a sua completa mineralização em CO2, água e íons inorgânicos. Esses radicais reagem rapidamente com os compostos orgânicos, representados pela letra R, principalmente pela abstração de um átomo de hidrogênio (alifáticos) ou através da adição de uma ligação insaturada (aromáticos) para iniciar uma oxidação radical em cadeia, como presentes nas Equações de 1-6. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Processo de Oxidação Eletroquímica Avançada As tecnologias eletroquímicas têm sido uma excelente opção para a remoção de cor e para a redução da toxicidade de efluentes têxtil, oferecendo meios eficazes para resolver os problemas ambientais relacionados aos efluentes gerados pelos processos industriais (MARTINEZ-HUITLE et al. 2012; DIAGNE et al. 2014). Dentre as tecnologias eletroquímicas, o processo de oxidação eletroquímica avançada (POEA) apresenta características atraentes tais como: eficiência energética, fácil manuseio, segurança (por operar em condições brandas) versatilidade (podendo ser aplicado aos efluentes com demanda química de oxigênio no intervalo entre 0,1 a 100 g L-1) e compatibilidade ambiental, tendo como principal reagente o elétron, um reagente limpo (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2007; SIRÉS et al. 2014). Os processos de oxidação eletroquímica avançada incluem métodos que geram hidroxilas heterogêneas na superfície do ânodo, como é o caso da oxidação anódica e os que geram hidroxilas homogêneas produzidas na superfície da solução, como exemplos podem 34 citar os métodos de: eletron-Fenton, fotoeletron-Fenton (BRILLAS et al. 2009) e sono eletroquímica (OTURON; BRILLAS, 2007; SIRÉS et al. 2014). Essas técnicas têm sido bastante reportadas na literatura devido a sua eficiência e flexibilidade para tratamentos de efluentes sintéticos (ANDRADE et al. 2009), descoloração de corantes (GONZÁLEZ et al. 2012; GARCIA et al. 2011, 2012; PANIZZA et al. 2011), degradação de herbicidas (BRILLAS et al. 2007), entre outros. As principais vantagens dos EAOPs para o tratamento de efluentes industriais estão em relação à possibilidade de degradar a demanda química de oxigênio e o carbono orgânico total a partir de um valor de várias centenas de gramas de O2 por litro para valores de miligramas de O2 por litro ou de microgramas de O2 por litro, chegando à redução de 99%. (BRILLAS et al. 2009; SIRÉS et al. 2014). Influência da produção de oxidantes por eletrólise na oxidação anódica mediada A oxidação anódica mediada é a oxidação dos poluentes contidos nos efluentes, através da reação química entre estes compostos e os oxidantes produzidos na superfície do eletrodo. Os oxidantes mais comuns são: os radicais hidroxilas, cloro, (per) bromato, persulfato, peróxido de hidrogênio, percarbonato, entre outros (PANIZZA; CERISOLA 2009; SIRÉS et al. 2014). Dessa forma, a oxidação anódica, além de oxidar diretamente os poluentes orgânicos na superfície do ânodo, também gera a formação de oxidantes que podem atuar tanto sobre a superfície dos eletrodos, como também no processo de oxidação da solução em estudo (PANIZZA; CERISOLA 2009). Segundo SIRÉS et al. (2014), um dos exemplos mais apresentados na literatura em relação a oxidação eletroquímica mediada está no efeito do cloreto na oxidação de compostos orgânicos, como apresentados nas Equações de 7 a 10. (7) (meio ácido) (meio alcalino) (8) (9) 35 (10) O cloreto normalmente está presente em águas residuais, onde são facilmente oxidados a cloro em diversos tipos de ânodos, Equação 7. Esse oxidante gasoso difunde-se em dois meios, ácido e alcalino, nas águas residuais, formando ácido hipocloroso e íons cloreto, bem como hipoclorito e íons cloreto respectivamente, Equações 8 e 9, no meio da reação em grandes quantidades. A desprotonação do ácido hipocloroso produzindo hipoclorito está presente na Equação 10. A mistura resultante de cloro, hipoclorito e ácido hipocloroso tornam-se totalmente reativos com muitos compostos orgânicos levando a uma completa mineralização (SIRÉS et al. 2014). Embora a oxidação mediada por cloreto seja bastante conhecida, não é o único caso de processo de oxidação mediada, três importantes aspectos devem ser levados em conta com relação à oxidação mediada, são eles (SIRÉS et al. 2014): (a) A produção eletroquímica direta de oxidantes na superfície do ânodo por espécies não oxidante contida no resíduo e o transporte destas espécies em direção as águas residuais; (b) O efeito das matérias oxidantes produzidas eletrodicamente sobre os poluentes orgânicos; (c) A ativação dos oxidantes em grandes quantidades, isto é, a formação das espécies altamente reativas a partir de oxidantes pouco reativos. Produção de oxidantes por processos de oxidação direta Três pontos principais devem ser considerados em relação à produção de oxidantes por processos de oxidação direta, durante o tratamento eletroquímico de efluentes (SIRÉS et al. 2014): a) A oxidação direta de espécies na superfície do ânodo, envolvendo a formação de espécies de radicais que se combinam para produzir oxidantes estáveis; b) A oxidação da água para radicais hidroxila e outros ataques deste poderoso oxidante para espécies que promovem a formação de radicais, seguindo da combinação de radicais levando a produção de oxidantes estáveis; c) E a redução de oxigênio produzindo peróxido de hidrogênio na superfície do cátodo. Na primeira maneira de produzir oxidantes, a oxidação direta ocorre em muitas espécies presentes nos efluentes, utilizando ânodos de BDD, PbO2 revestido e platina 36 promovendo a formação de radicais (ânions) como sulfatos, fosfatos e cloretos. Esses radicais podem se combinar e gerar oxidantes estáveis no meio da reação, incluindo peroxossulfatos, peroxofosfatos e cloro, como presentes nas Equações de 11 a 13. (11) (12) (13) Referente à segunda forma de produzir oxidantes, os radicais hidroxilas são os intermediários gerados através da oxidação anódica da água para oxigênio. Essa oxidação pode ser vista de forma positiva ou negativa dependendo do ânodo a ser utilizado, ativo ou não-ativo, classificação dada por Comninellis (1994). Nos ânodos ativos, a oxidação da água em oxigênio ocorre através de uma reação indesejável no tratamento eletroquímico dos poluentes, afetando seriamente a eficiência do processo, gerando um aumento significativo nos custos de operação. Já nos ânodos nãoativos, os radicais hidroxila ajudam o processo de mineralização dos compostos orgânicos, contribuindo para explicar as suas altas eficiências nas eletrólises (SIRÉS et al. 2014). Alguns exemplos de reações promovidas pelos radicais hidroxilas estão presentes nas Equações 14 a 16, como também os novos oxidantes gerados a partir do produto dessas reações com os radicais hidroxila, Equações de 17 e 18 (SIRÉS et al. 2014). (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) O terceiro processo de produção de oxidantes consiste na produção de peróxido de hidrogênio por redução de oxigênio na superfície do cátodo. Nesse caso, é utilizado um tipo especial de cátodo, conhecido por cátodo de difusão a gás (SIRÉS et al. 2014). 37 3.1.7 Ativação de Oxidantes Os métodos de ativação de oxidantes muitas vezes se faz necessário para aumentar a reatividade das matérias oxidantes produzidas pelos processos de oxidação eletroquímica avançada em compostos orgânicos. Três métodos são utilizados para ativar esses oxidantes: a ativação química, a ativação por radiação de luz e a ativação por radiação ultrason. Dentre esses métodos, serão abordados os dois primeiros nessa tese. A ativação química é uma das maneiras mais importante para aumentar a eficiência de um oxidante. Essa ativação envolve a combinação do oxidante produzido eletroquimicamente com outra espécie, o que leva a produção de outra espécie bem mais reativa. Um exemplo desse tipo de ativação é a combinação sinérgica de oxidantes que resulta quando o ozônio e o peróxido de hidrogênio são combinados. Essa mistura resulta também no aumento da produção de radicais hidroxila, ao qual se explica a melhor eficiência dos processos em que a formação de ambos os oxidantes é promovida (SIRÉS et al. 2014). A ativação por radiação de luz é um processo onde ocorre a formação de espécies altamente ativas pela irradiação das mesmas. Esse tipo de radiação pode ser aplicado de forma natural ou artificial. No processo natural utiliza-se luz solar (SALAZAR et al. 2011), já no processo artificial lâmpadas do tipo UV. Essa foto ativação eletroquimicamente gera espécies reativas, como é o caso do peróxido de hidrogênio e do ozônio, como presentes nas Equações 19 e 20, ajudando na degradação dos compostos orgânicos presentes em efluentes (SIRÉS et al. 2014). (19) (20) Além dos processos citados nas Equações 19 e 20, a ativação por luz aliada aos processos de oxidação eletroquímica avançada podem decompor compostos peróxidos, como peroxofosfatos, peroxossulfatos e peroxocarbonatos (SIRÉS et al. 2014). 3.1.8 Influência do Material Anódico – Eletrodos Ativos e Não-ativos Inúmeros tipos de eletrodos têm sido utilizados como ânodos nos últimos anos em conjunto com as tecnologias eletroquímicas, dentre eles, o grafite, a platina, IrO2, RuO2, 38 SnO2, PbO2, Ti/Pt, Ti/Pt-Ir, Ti/PbO2, Ti revestido com óxido de Ru/Ir/Ta e os filmes de BDD (MARTINEZ-HUITLE et al. 2012). A natureza desses materiais influencia fortemente na eficiência de oxidação, onde existem ânodos que favorecem a oxidação parcial e seletiva de poluentes, ocorrendo o processo de conversão, conhecidos por ânodos ativos; Outros que favorecem a combustão completa para o CO2, chamados de ânodos não-ativos (COMNINELLIS, 1994; PANIZZA e CERISOLA, 2007). De acordo com o esquema de oxidação eletroquímica presente na Figura 5 pode-se entender o comportamento desses dois tipos de ânodos na oxidação de compostos orgânicos em eletrodo de óxido metálico com evolução simultânea de oxigênio. Figura 5 - Esquema de oxidação eletroquímica de compostos orgânicos em ânodos ativos e não-ativos. Fonte: COMNINELLIS (1994). Segundo Comninellis (1994), a primeira etapa que ocorre no esquema da Figura 5 é a reação de transferência de oxigênio, ao qual, ocorre a descarga de moléculas de água para formar radicais hidroxilas adsorvidos, conforme a Equação 21. (21) As seguintes etapas dependem da natureza do material de cada eletrodo, onde podem ser ativos ou não-ativos: Nos eletrodos "ativos", os estados de oxidação são mais elevados estando disponíveis na sua superfície. Nesse caso os radicais hidroxilas adsorvidos podem interagir com o ânodo, formando o chamado óxido superior, representados na Equação 22. 39 (22) Nesse caso, o par redox presente na superfície MOx +1 / MOx, as vezes chamado de "oxigênio ativo" quimissorvido, pode atuar como um mediador na conversão ou na oxidação seletiva de orgânicos em eletrodos "ativos", Equação 23. (23) Em relação ao comportamento dos eletrodos “não-ativos”, diferente dos ativos, a formação de um óxido superior é excluído. Esse processo é conhecido por adsorção do" oxigênio ativo", podendo ajudar a oxidação não seletiva de produtos orgânicos, resultando na combustão completa para CO2, presente na Equação 24. (24) Em ambos os casos, eletrodos ativos e não-ativos, ocorre paralelamente uma reação de competição de evolução de oxigênio durante a oxidação eletroquímica de compostos orgânicos, diminuindo a eficiência do processo anódico (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). De acordo com os mecanismos de reação presentes nas Equações de 21 a 24, ânodos com baixo sobrepotencial de oxigênio são considerados ativos. Como exemplos desses ânodos pode-se citar os de grafite e platina, entre outros. Já os ânodos que possuem um sobrepotencial elevado de oxigênio são considerados não-ativos, como é o caso dos ânodos de PbO2 e BDD (CAÑIZARES et al. 2008; MARTINEZ-HUITLE et al. 2012). 3.1.9 Eletrodo de Diamante Dopado com Boro (BDD) O BDD é um eletrodo sintético de diamante dopado com boro, sendo considerado um ânodo com alto poder de oxidação, como apresentado na Tabela 4, ao qual tem despertado 40 grande interesse de vários grupos de pesquisa nos últimos anos (COMNINELLIS; CHEN, 2010). Tabela 4 - Poder de oxidação do material anódico em meio ácido. Potencial de Sobre potencial de Poder de oxidação oxidação (V) evolução de O2 (V) do ânodo RuO2 – TiO2 1,4 – 1,7 0,18 IrO2 – Ta2O5 1,5 – 1,8 0,25 Ti/Pt 1,7 – 1,9 0,3 Ti/`PbO2 1,8 – 2,0 0,5 Ti/SnO2-Sb2O5 1,9 – 2,2 0,7 p-Si/BDD 2,2 – 2,6 1,3 Eletrodos Fonte: COMNINELLIS; CHEN (2010). O ânodo de BDD combinado a técnicas eletroquímicas possui uma alta eficiência para tratamentos de efluentes reais (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; AQUINO et al. 2011; SILVA et al. 2013) e sintéticos (JUANG et al. 2013), bem como corantes sintéticos (AQUINO et al. 2013), entre outros, por apresentar várias características tecnologicamente importantes, tais como: possuir uma superfície inerte, apresentar baixas propriedades de adsorção e ter estabilidade à corrosão mesmo em meio bastante ácido e em casos de elevado sobrepotencial de oxigênio (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2007). Muitos trabalhos estão sendo reportados pela literatura onde se tem demonstrado que ânodos de BDD permitem uma mineralização completa, com alta eficiência de corrente em vários tipos de compostos orgânicos, como por exemplo: em fenóis, naftol, ácidos carboxílicos, corantes sintéticos e efluentes reais (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2007). Configuração sp3/sp2 O eletrodo de BDD está sendo bastante utilizado juntamente com as técnicas eletroquímicas para tratamento de efluente devido a inúmeras vantagens em relação aos 41 outros tipos de ânodos presentes na literatura. Porém estudos detalhados em relação ao efeito de suas características, como por exemplo, da configuração sp3/sp2 em diferentes ânodos de BDD não tem sido ainda bastante discutido (CAÑIZARES et al. 2008 a, 2008 b). De acordo com Cañizares et al. (2008 a, 2008 b), o processo eletroquímico pode ser bastante influenciado quando comparados as diferentes naturezas dos ânodos de BDD, onde as diferentes características nesses ânodos afetam no processo de degradação dos efluentes em estudo. Cañizares et al. (2008a, 2008b) estudaram onze ânodos de BDD variando três característica do diamante: a sua dopagem com boro (entre 100 a 8000 ppm), espessura da camada (1,05 a 2,33 µm) e a relação sp3/sp2 (43 a 105), bem como outras duas características referentes ao substrato p-Si, como rugosidade (< 0,1 e entre 0,3-0,5 µm) e resistividade (10 e 100 mΩ cm), utilizando a oxidação eletroquímica para o tratamento de efluentes sintéticos contendo fenol. Entre os parâmetros estudados, os que se destacaram através de um tratamento estatístico para a oxidação do fenol foram à rugosidade e a relação sp3/sp2. 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Disponível em: ˂http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1001074208622627>Acesso em: 30 de junho de 2012. http://www.abiquim.org.br/home/associacao-brasileira-da-industria-quimica Acesso em: 05 de janeiro de 2014. 47 CAPÍTULO 4 INFLUENCE OF MEDIATED PROCESSES ON THE REMOVAL OF RHODAMINE WITH CONDUCTIVE-DIAMOND ELECTROCHEMICAL OXIDATION 48 INFLUENCE OF MEDIATED PROCESSES ON THE REMOVAL OF RHODAMINE WITH CONDUCTIVE-DIAMOND ELECTROCHEMICAL OXIDATION Danyelle Medeiros de Araújo1, Cristina Sáez 2, Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle1,*, Pablo Cañizares2, M. A. Rodrigo2 1 Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Lagoa Nova CEP 59078970, Natal, RN, Brazil 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Enrique Costa Building, Campus Universitario s/n 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain 4.1 Abstract The influence of the mediated oxidation on the removal of Rhodamine B (xanthene dye) solutions with conductive-diamond electrochemical oxidation (CDEO) is studied. To do this, four different supporting electrolytes have been used: Na2SO4, HClO4, H3PO4 and NaCl. Total removal of organic pollutants is attained with CDEO regardless of the supporting electrolyte media used, although media clearly influences on efficiency and rate of the processes. Sulfate and phosphate media show a similar behavior, whereas electrolysis in perchlorate media behaves surprisingly better than chloride media. Current density is playing an important role. In all cases, CDEO follows a first order kinetic (linear trend in semi logarithmic plot) and kinetic constants are generally much greater than expected according to a single mass transfer electrolytic model. This is not the expected result for a direct electrochemical oxidation process and it indicates the importance of mediated electrochemical processes in the removal of Rhodamine B. The harsh oxidation conditions of CDEO leads to the formation of less reaction intermediates than other technologies. The presence of short chain aliphatic acids is discharted, and the intermediates (aromatic acids) formed during the initial stages of the process are rapidly mineralized to carbon dioxide. In chloride media, chlorinated intermediates are also formed by the action of hypochlorite. Keywords: Electrochemical oxidation, diamond, dyes, mediated oxidation, supporting electrolyte. 49 4.2 Introduction The treatment of textile effluents has given much attention in the last years because the discharge of highly pigmented synthetic dyes to the ecosystem causes significant damage to aquatic and human lives (CARNEIRO et al. 2010). Conventional technologies are inefficient to remove these organics due to the high water solubility of dyes (in the case of using coagulation and precipitation) (MUTHUKUMAR et al. 2005), and to the typical pH and salt concentration of dye effluents (in the case of using biological methods) (PANDEY et al. 2007). In this point, Advanced Oxidation Processes appear as a good alternative for the treatment of synthetic dyes effluents. Among them, Fenton oxidation (CRUZ-GONZALEZ et al. 2012; PANIZZA et al. 2009b), photocatalysis (HE et al. 2009; MILLER et al. 2013), sonochemical degradation (GUZMAN-DUQUE et al. 2011; MEROUANI et al. 2010) and electrochemical technologies (MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; SAEZ et al. 2007; BRILLAS et al. 2009; MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; ROCHA et al. 2012; MARTINEZ-HUITLE et al. 2012; TAVARES et al. 2012) have been widely studied in literature for the treatment of a great variety of dyes. In general, these technologies are able to attain very good results in terms of decolorization due to the rapid cleavage of chromophore group of the dye molecule (MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009). However, mineralization efficiency shows a marked influence of the oxidative capacity of each degradation technology. Generally, aromatic and aliphatic acids are the main intermediates detected during dye degradation process, although their maximum concentration depends on the conditions used in each case. In this point, recent works have shown that electrochemical oxidation, and in particular conductive-diamond electrochemical oxidation (CDEO), can be successfully applied with high organic removal rates and without important operational limitations (FAOUZI et al. 2006; SAEZ et al. 2007; AQUINO et al. 2012; AQUINO et al. 2013; RAMIREZ et al. 2013; SIRÉS et al. 2014; YU et al. 2014). The harsh oxidation conditions attained with CDEO are explained in terms of the oxidation mechanisms involved in the process. In this way, it is well documented that during CDEO a noteworthy production of hydroxyl radicals in the nearness of diamond surfaces takes place. These radicals are fully available for oxidizing reactions but their lifetime is very short and not enough to let them diffuse to the bulk solution (SIRÉS et al. 2014). Thus, the action of 50 these radicals is limited to the short region close to the electrode surface where they are produced, and the kinetic of these processes is usually controlled by mass transport. Additionally, it is well documented the availability of CDEO to produce inorganic oxidants, which are difficult or even impossible to be produced with other different anodic materials, from the oxidation of supporting electrolyte (CAÑIZARES et al., 2005a; CAÑIZARES et al. 2009; SÁEZ et al. 2008). In fact, some works have also been focused on the electrochemical synthesis with diamond anodes of powerful oxidants (SANCHEZCARRETERO et al. 2011) such as persulfates (SERRANO et al. 2002), perphosphates (CAÑIZARES et al. 2005a), perchlorates (BERGMANN et al. 2014; SÁNCHEZCARRETERO et al. 2011) and hypochlorite (CAÑIZARES et al. 2009; VACCA et al. 2011). Thus, besides direct electrooxidation on the surface and oxidation by means of hydroxyl radicals in a region close to the electrode surface, the oxidation mediated by other oxidants electrogenerated on the diamond surface from the electrolyte salts should be taken into account, as it seems to increase the global oxidation efficiency (CAÑIZARES et al. 2005b; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009a; RODRIGO et al. 2010; AQUINO et al. 2012). The dye under consideration is RhB. It is widely used in textiles, leathers and food stuffs with high water solubility (HOU et al. 2011; MILLER et al. 2013). Thus, this work focuses on the CDEO of synthetic Rhodamine B (selected as model of xanthene dyes with very good stability) solutions in different supporting media in order to increase the understanding of the role of mediated oxidation on the degradation process. 4.3 Materials and Methods 4.3.1 Chemicals Rhodamine was supplied by Sigma-Aldrich Laborchemikalien GmbH (Steinheim, Germany). Anhydrous sodium sulphate, sodium chloride, perchloric acid and phosphoric acid, used as supporting electrolytes, were analytical grade purchased from Fluka. All solutions were prepared with high-purity water obtained from a Millipore Milli-Q system, with resistivity > 18 M cm at 25ºC. Sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide used to adjust the solution pH were analytical grade and supplied by Panreac Química S.A. (Barcelona, Spain). 51 4.3.2 Analytical procedures The Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) concentration was monitored using spectrophotometer Hach Modelo DR/ 2000. Measurements of pH and conductivity were carried out with an InoLab WTW pH-meter and a GLP 31 Crison conductimeter, respectively. The concentrations of the compounds were quantified by HPLC (Agilent 1100 series). The detection wavelength used to detect dye was 254 nm. The column temperature was 25ºC. Volume injection was set to 50 μL. The analytical column used was Phenomenex Gemini 5 μm C18. The mobile phases were 0.9 ml of 98% formic acid in milli-Q water for analyzing intermediates. Samples extracted from electrolyzed solutions were filtered with 0.20 μm Nylon filters before analysis. Moreover, the acids intermediates formed during the experiments were detected with a detection wavelength of 254 nm. Samples of analyte were extracted into non-aqueous medium (2 mL of acetonitrile HPLC grade with 20 µL of electrolysis sample) and were subjected to GC-MS analysis using GC-FOCUS and MS-ISQ Thermo Scientific to identify the intermediates following the conditions: GC: Varian column VF5 ms with a composition of 5% de fenil-arylene and 95% de dimetilpolisiloxane. Temperature program: 40ºC – 5 min; 12°C/min – 100ºC; 10ºC/min – 200 ºC and 10ºC/min - 270 ºC – 5 min. Injector: 220ºC. Mode: Splitless. Gas flow: 0.8 mL/min. MS: Transfer line: 270ºC; ions source temperature: 220ºC, Mass range: 40-500 m/z. Injection: 1µL. 4.3.3 Electrochemical cells Electrolyses were carried out in a single compartment electrochemical flow cell working under a batch-operation mode [CAÑIZARES et al. 2005b]. Conductive –Diamond Electrodes (p-Si–boron-doped diamond) were used as anode and a stainless steel (AISI 304) as cathode (Figure 1). Both electrodes were circular (100 mm diameter) with a geometric area of 78 cm2 and an electrode gap of 9 mm. Boron-doped diamond films were provided by Adamant Technologies (Neuchatel, Switzerland) and synthesized by the hot filament chemical vapor deposition technique (HF CVD) on single-crystal p-type Si <100> wafers (0.1 Ωcm, Siltronix). 52 Figure 1. BDD anode (left) and stainless steel cathode (right). Fonte: Autor (2014). 4.3.4 Experimental procedures Bench-scale electrolyses of 1000 cm3 of wastewater were carried out under galvanostatic conditions. The current density employed ranged from 15-120 mA cm-2. The cell voltage did not vary during electrolysis, indicating that conductive-diamond layers did not undergo appreciable deterioration or passivation phenomena. Prior to use in galvanostatic electrolysis assays, the electrode was polarized during 10 min in a 3.5 x 10-3 M Na2SO4 solution at 15 mA cm-2 to remove any kind of impurity from its surface. The wastewater consisting of 2.09 x 10-4 M of Rhodamine B and 7.04 x 10-3 M of different electrolytes (Na2SO4, HClO4, H3PO4 and NaCl) was stored in a glass tank and circulated through the electrolytic cell by means of a centrifugal pump (flow rate 21.4 dm 3 h1 ). A heat exchanger coupled with a controlled thermostatic bath (Digiterm 100, JP Selecta, Barcelona, Spain) was used to maintain the temperature at the desired set point (25ºC). 4.4 Results and discussion Figure 2 shows the progress of the mineralization during electrolyses at two large current densities (60 and 120 mA cm-2) of synthetic wastewater consisting of aqueous solutions containing 100 mg dm-3 of Rhodamine B (RhB) and different electrolytes (Na2SO4, HClO4, H3PO4 and NaCl). As it can be observed, total removal of organic pollutants can be attained with CDEO regardless of the supporting electrolyte media used, although media clearly influences on efficiency and rate of the processes, and current density is playing an 53 important role. This is interesting because it confirms that CDEO is robust enough to deplete pollution but it also informs about the occurrence of different mechanisms of oxidation that should be related with the supporting media. Thus, although chloride media could be expected to show the best results because of the well-known production of chlorine (and then of hypochlorite and hypochloric acid), it attains the worst results and, in fact, it is the only case in which the complete mineralization is not attained for a current charge applied of 100 mA h dm-3. This behavior can be attributed to an interaction between hydroxyl radicals and Cl − (chloride acts as scavenger of OH) to form different active chlorine species on BDD surface (CAÑIZARES et al. 2009; SÁNCHEZ-CARRETERO et al. 2011; BERGMANN et al. 2009) with this non-active material and to the formation of refractory species by chlorination. At the same time, the chloride concentration in the solution can also promote the importance of Cl 2 production at BDD surface, decreasing the Cl−, and consequently, the production of active chlorine species. Figure 2. Mineralization of Rhodamine B, as a function of Q, during electrolysis in different supporting electrolytes at two current densities (a) 60 mA cm-2 and (b) 120 mA cm-2: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl. 1.0 Mineralization/ 0/1 Mineralization/ 0/1 1.0 0.5 0.5 a) 0.0 0 50 100 -3 Q/ Ah dm 150 b) 0.0 0 50 100 150 -3 Q/ Ah dm A very interesting observation is the effect of current density in the perchlorate test that shifts towards higher efficiencies at higher current densities. Initially, it is strange because in that media no oxidants production is expected and perchlorate is not a good oxidant at room temperature so, it is not expected to participate in the oxidation. However, higher concentration of hydroxyl radicals are produced under these experimental conditions as well 54 as it can be related to the nature of the hydroxyl radicals produced at different non-active anodes, as already proposed by Bejan and co-workers (BEJAN et al. 2012). On the other hand, sulfate and phosphate media show a similar behavior in both current densities tested. Figure 3 shows a semi-logarithmic plot of the COD decay with the current charge for the same current densities shown in Figure 2. Figure 3.Changes in the COD, as a function of Q, during electrolysis of Rhodamine solutions containing different supporting electrolytes at two current densities (a) 60 mA cm-2 and (b) 120 mA cm-2: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl. 1 COD/COD0/ mg dm-3 COD/COD0/ mg dm-3 1 0.1 0.1 b) a) 0.01 0 50 100 150 Q/ Ah dm-3 0.01 0 50 100 150 Q/ Ah dm-3 As it can be observed, except for an abrupt decrease during the very first stages of the electrolysis of the synthetic wastewater with chloride media, all tests follow a clear linear trend suggesting that they can be modeled with a first order kinetic, as they were carried out under galvanostatic conditions. This divergence can be explained in terms of the masking effects of chlorides on the measurement of COD. Not great differences are obtained if results of the electrolyses of sulfate and phosphate media are compared. In fact, results with these two supporting electrolytes do not seem to depend on the current density and on the applied charge. However, as it was forwarded by the changes in the mineralization, perchlorate removal rate increases very importantly when current density increases. The same can be observed in the electrolysis in chloride media. To better observe this influence of the supporting media and current density, and taking into account the linear trend observed in COD decay vs. Q, experimental results of each test were fitted to a first order kinetic decay. Figure 4 shows the influence of the supporting media and applied current density on the value of these first order kinetic constants 55 for COD removal. These constants were calculated from the slope of semi-logarithmic vs. time plots. Figure 4. Influence of the current density on the first order kinetic constants for the CDEO of Rhodamine B: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl. 0.9 0.8 k / min-1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0 50 100 150 j / mA cm-2 For the case of NaCl, the points corresponding to the first oxidation stage (which fit well to this trend) were used to fit the constant, whereas for the rest of supporting electrolytes the complete set of data was used. The increase of kinetic constants with the applied current density is more important from current densities above 100 mA cm-2. This is the expected behavior of a process with a significant contribution of mediated electro-oxidation: the higher the current density, the higher the production of mediated electro-reagents and, hence, the higher the kinetic constant. The lower values obtained in the electrolysis carried out with sodium chlorine as supporting electrolyte can be related to the importance of Cl2 production at BDD surface, decreasing the production of active chlorine species, and consequently, disfavoring the oxidation of organic matter. In addition, it is important to notice that calculated kinetic constants are much greater than the value expected for a purely mass transfer controlled process (around 0.01 min-1), mainly in the case of working at 120 mA cm2 . This value was calculated from a ferro-ferricyanide standard test carried out with the same experimental setup and under the same flow conditions (AQUINO et al. 2012). This certifies that mediated oxidation carried out by electrogenerated oxidants in bulk region plays an important role in the degradation of RhB and mineralization process. Efficiency of electrolytic processes can be discussed in terms of different parameters such as Total Current efficiency (TCE), Alternating Current efficiency (ACE), etc. However, 56 in case of a good fitting of results in galvanostatic experiments to a first order kinetics (as it is the case of the results obtained in this work), it can be demonstrated that efficiency depends linearly on the COD concentration and the constant can be easily calculated from the kinetic constant as reported in literature (AQUINO et al. 2014). This constant is of a great importance because it gives directly the value of the efficiency (% of the applied current used in oxidizing organics) if multiplied by the COD (mg dm-3) and in the authors’ opinion is the most interesting efficiency parameter to characterize CDEO processes. Figure 5 shows the changes in this parameter for the four supporting electrolytes and current densities assessed. As it can be observed, efficiency decreases as the current density increases, although it increases slightly at high current density (above 100 mAcm-2). Figure 5. Instantanteous current efficiency constants for the electrolysis of Rhodamine B solutions in different supporting electrolyte media: ▲ Na2SO4; HClO4; H3PO4; NaCl. 0.12 0.10 ICE t η. COD t 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 50 100 150 j / mA cm -2 Other important point to be studied is the production of intermediates, because some of them can be even more hazardous than the initial pollutant. Their relative concentration and trend can help to increase the understanding of the process. Figure 6 shows the 57 Figure 6. Main intermediates detected and RhB, as a function of time, during the electrolysis of Rhodamine B solutions containing different supporting electrolytes ((a) HClO4, (b) NaCl, (c) H3PO4 and (d) Na2SO4) at 60 mA cm-2: (*) RhB; phthalic acid (▲); 2,5-hydroxybenzoic acid (●); benzoic acid (■); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (♦); α- 180000 160000 160000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 140000 120000 100000 a) 20000 0 0 100 200 300 400 5000 Chromatographic area 180000 Chromatographic area Chromatographic area hidroxyglutaric acid (); intermediate 6 (○) and intermediate 7 (□). c) 20000 0 0 100 200 300 t / min. 400 500 400 500 b) 100 200 300 400 500 t / min. Chromatographic area Chromatographic area 40000 300 20000 160000 60000 200 40000 160000 80000 100 60000 180000 100000 1000 t / min. 180000 120000 2000 0 0 t / min. 140000 3000 80000 0 0 500 4000 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 d) 20000 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 t / min. 58 Restricting now our analysis to the intermediates produced and identified, a lower amount of intermediates (phthalic acid (▲); 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid (●) and benzoic acid (■), with low-units of chromatographic area) is produced when HClO4 is used as supporting electrolyte, being completely oxidized after 300 min of electrolysis (Fig. 6a). For the case of H3PO4 and Na2SO4, the same intermediates were identified (Figs. 6c and 6d); however, the concentration of them is very different than those obtained to HClO4 (Fig. 6a). An important observation is the significant concentration produced of 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid when HClO4, H3PO4 and Na2SO4 are used as supporting electrolytes (Fig. 6a, 6c and 6d) while the concentration of the other intermediates is minor (phthalic acid ( ▲) and benzoic acid (■), respectively). However, the production of 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid indicates that RhB is fragmented to form benzoic acid (without formation of N-de-ethylated intermediates), which is successively oxidized to 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid, justifying its higher concentration. Then, RhB is preferentially oxidized by strong oxidants (hydroxyl radicals and persulfates/ peroxodiphosphates) produced at BDD surface, depending on the supporting electrolyte used. These intermediates are completely eliminated after 300 min, in all cases, evidencing the higher electrocatalytic efficiency of CDEO process to remove dyes. It is important to remark that, traces of oxalic acid were detected in the end of electrolyses when H3PO4 and Na2SO4 are used. On contrary, for NaCl, seven sub-products are produced (phthalic acid (▲); 2.5hydroxybenzoic acid (●); benzoic acid (■); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (♦); α- hidroxyglutaric acid (); chloroform (○) and intermediate 7 (□)) when RhB was electrochemically oxidized. No complete elimination of all intermediates formed was accomplished after 500 min of electrolysis, but lower concentration of them remains in solution as showed by minor chromatographic areas recorded. This fact may be explained by the effective attack of hydroxyl radicals and active chlorine species produced on BDD surface (ROCHA et al. 2014) at NaCl media to RhB. It is important to remark that, the presence of chloroform in the absence of other chlorinated precursors, seems to suggest that, it might be related with some gas-phase reactivity along the complex analytical path itself, rather than to reactions at/near electrode (anode) surface in aqueous media, opening the possibility of the use of BDD anodes for Cl-mediated oxidation under specific conditions of NaCl concentration. The electrochemical pathway for RhB as a function of supporting electrolyte is present in Figure 7. 59 Figure 7. Electrochemical pathways degradation for RhB as a function of supporting electrolyte: blue pathway is according to the intermediates produced when HClO4, H3PO4 and Na2SO4 were used while red pathway is followed when NaCl was used. Intermediates detected: phthalic acid (I 1); benzoic acid (I2); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (I3); 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid (I4); α- hidroxyglutaric acid (I5); oxalic acid (I6), intermediate 7 (I7) and chloroform (I8). Figure 8 shows the maximum relative chromatographic area of the intermediates generated at different applied current density and supporting media. Comparing results, neither current density nor supporting media influence significantly in the maximum concentration of each intermediate, except in the case of chlorine media in which chlorinated intermediates in lower relative concentration seem to be produced (chloroform (○) and intermediate 7 (□)). At the light of these results, CDEO leads to the formation of less reaction intermediates than other technologies such as photocatalysis degradation (HE et al. 2009, ZHONG et al. 2009) and Fenton oxidation (HOU et al. 2011) in which benzoic and phtalic acids, aliphatic acids (mainly adipic and glutaric acids) and alcohols of short chain are formed in relevant concentrations. In this case, short chain intermediates are not detected (at least with the analytical method used). The strong oxidation conditions of this technology favor the mineralization of principal intermediates into carbon dioxide and refractory species are not formed in any case. 60 Figure 8. Influence of the current density on the maximum concentration of intermediates detected during the electrolysis of Rhodamine B solutions containing different supporting electrolytes, (a) HClO4, (b) NaCl, (c) H3PO4 and (d) Na2SO4: phthalic acid (▲); 2.5-hydroxybenzoic acid (●); benzoic acid (■); 3-dinitrobenzoic acid (♦); αhidroxyglutaric acid (); intermediate 6 (○) and intermediate 7 (□). 3 a) Intermediates (relative chromatographic area) Intermediates (relative chromatographic area) 16 12 8 4 0 0 40 80 j/ mA cm 1 8 6 4 2 80 j/ mA cm -2 80 j/ mA cm 12 40 40 -2 Intermediates (relative chromatographic area) Intermediates (relative chromatographic area) 2 0 0 120 10 c) 0 0 b) 120 120 -2 d) 8 4 0 0 40 80 120 j/ mA cm -2 61 4.5 Conclusions From this work the following conclusions can be drawn: RhB can be successfully removed using conductive-diamond electrochemical oxidation regardless of the supporting electrolyte media, although media clearly influences on efficiency, rate and the degradation pathway of the processes, and current density is playing an important role. Kinetic constants are much greater than the value expected for a purely mass transfer controlled process, indicating that there is a significant contribution of mediated oxidation processes. The harsh oxidation conditions of CDEO favor the rapid mineralization of RhB into carbon dioxide. Aromatics intermediates (mainly phthalic acid and benzoic acids) formed by the cleavage of RhB molecule are the only intermediates detected in the first stages of the degradation process. Neither short chain intermediates nor refractory species are formed in any case. In case of chloride media, chlorinated intermediates can be formed by the attack of hypochlorite to organic compounds (in this case, chloroform and intermediate 7). Considering that 50 ppm is the permissible exposure limit of chloroform [MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2008], only lower concentrations of it were detected when NaCl was used as supporting electrolyte, being feasible the application of CDEO. 4.6 Acknowledgements D.M.A. acknowledges CAPES for PhD fellowship and CNPq for the scholarship given for “doutorado sanduíche” under “Ciências sem Fronteiras” program to develop the experimental research at the UCLM-Spain. This work has been supported by the Spanish Government through the project CTM2013-45612-R and EU through project FEDER 20072013 PP201010 (Planta Piloto de Estación de Regeneración de Aguas Depuradas). 4.7 References AQUINO, J. M.; RODRIGO, M. A.; ROCHA-FILHO, R. C.; SÁEZ, C.; CAÑIZARES, P. Influence of the supporting electrolyte on the electrolyses of dyes with conductive- diamond anodes. Chemical Engineering Journal, v.184, p. 221–227, 2012. 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To do this, the treatment of synthetic wastewater containing Rhodamine B is assessed by electrolysis, photoelectrolysis and chemical oxidation with the oxidants produced electrolytically from a sulfate or phosphate solution. Results show that Rhodamine B was effectively oxidized by electrolysis and by chemical oxidation with the oxidants produced during the electrolysis of sulfate or phosphate solutions (peroxodisulfate and peroxodiphosphate, respectively). Light irradiation has a very positive effect during the electrolysis of RhB being this effect is greater at high current densities. However, this effect was much lower in the case of the chemical oxidation with peroxosulfates and peroxophosphates produced electrolytically. This behavior is explained in terms of the effect of the direct electrochemical oxidation processes and by the activation of oxidants in the bulk of the electrolytic treatment by production of highly efficient radicals. Keywords: electrolysis, photoelectrolysis, peroxosalts, rhodamine B, boron doped diamond 5.2 Introduction Electrochemical oxidation of organics has been a key topic in environmental electrochemistry for the last two decades with two main research lines: development and testing of new electrode materials and combination of electrolysis with other technologies (BEBELIS et al. 2013;SIRÉS et al. 2014). 69 Novel anode materials were hot topic at the turn of the 21st century with the development of novel conductive diamond coatings (RODRIGO et al. 2001; POLCARO et al. 2004; 2005; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2005; MARTINEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; 2009; BRILLAS; MARTINEZ-HUITLE, 2011; MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; SCIALDONE et al. 2012; SIRES; BRILLAS, 2012; PANIZZA; MARTINEZ-HUITLE, 2013), robust in terms of chemical and electrochemical stability and efficient in terms of the use of electricity. This made this technology become a promising alternative to other Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) like Fenton Oxidation and Ozonation (CANIZARES et al. 2009b; ELAHMADI et al. 2009; MICO et al. 2010), especially for the coarse removal of COD during the treatment of highly loaded aqueous wastes (up to 20000 g m-3) down to the typical discharge limits to municipal sewer system (approx. 1500 g m-3) (RODRIGO et al., 2010b; SOLANO et al. 2013; SANTOS et al. 2014). Nowadays, combination of anodic oxidation with other processes such as oxidants production, ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation or ultrasound (US) irradiation is becoming the new technological challenge (POLCARO et al. 2009; SCIALDONE et al. 2009; VACCA et al. 2011; WOLS; HOFMAN-CARIS, 2012; SHIH et al. 2014) with highly efficient technologies as relevant as the electro-Fenton or the photo-electrolysis which are enlarging the range of applicability of electrolysis in the lower limit of concentration from the 1500 mg dm-3 of the single electrolysis to very much lower concentrations of pollutants (OTURAN, 2000; 2008; BRILLAS et al. 2009; SOUZA et al. 2013a; PANIZZA et al. 2013; SCIALDONE et al. 2013; BORRAS et al. 2013) and hence, they are expanding the range of applicability from the treatment of industrial wastes to other very interesting problems, such as reclaiming of urban wastewater and removal of persistent pollutants in diluted flows (RODRIGO et al. 2010a). Combination of anodes based on conductive anode coatings and light irradiation has been studied in several recent manuscripts (SOUZA et al. 2013b). As stated in them, combination of light irradiation and electrolysis is not looking always for heterogeneous photocatalytic processes occurring on the surface of the anode, but in many cases is looking for the homogeneous activation of oxidants occurring in the bulk (ALVES et al. 2010; MALPASS et al. 2010). At this point, it is interesting to take in mind that during anodic oxidation of wastewater with diamond anodes, it is known the production of many types of 70 oxidants (CANIZARES et al. 2005c; 2009c) including peroxo-species when carbonates, sulfates and phosphates are contained as salt in wastewater (Eqs. 1 to 3). 2 SO42- → S2O82-+ 2 e- (1) 2 PO43- → P2O84-+ 2 e- (2) 2 CO32-→ C2O62-+ 2 e- (3) Production of these peroxosalts has been studied in other research works using a suitable raw matter to maximize its efficiency (SERRANO et al. 2002; CANIZARES et al. 2005b; VELAZQUEZ-PENA et al. 2013). In addition, their occurrence during the oxidation of wastewater has been explained for the remediation of wastewater (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). Peroxo group –O=O- is known to conform a very interesting group of oxidants (SANCHEZ et al. 2013). They are powerful oxidants from the viewpoint of reduction potential, but presence of oxidants in the wastewater during electrolysis clearly suggests that they are kinetically slow and need presence of activation agents to be transformed into more active species from the kinetic point of view (particularly radicals) for peroxoanions. This production of radicals can be promoted using light irradiation (as it can be seen in reactions 4 to 6) but they also can be formed by the synergistic interactions of oxidants in the bulk (chemical activation). S2O82+ hν→ 2(SO4) (4) P2O84+ hν→ 2(PO42-) (5) C2O62+ hν→ 2(CO3) (6) The aim of this work is to study, for a synthetic wastewater containing a large molecule (the dye Rhodamine B) and sodium phosphate or sulfate as main salt, the effect of this peroxo group on the oxidation trying to give light on the mechanisms that are occurring during the electrolysis of wastewater with diamond anodes, trying to determine if the results of the electrolysis are a consequence of the addition of oxidation processes or if there are any synergistic process (SCIALDONE, 2009; 2010; MARTINEZ-HUITLE; ANDRADE, 2011; OLIVEIRA et al. 2012) and trying to determine the effect on results of light irradiation. 71 5.3 Material and Methods 5.3.1 Chemicals The chemical reagents used in this study were of high purity. Solution of 7.04×10 -3 M Na2SO4 or H3PO4 were prepared and after that, this electrolyte was used for preparing a solution of RhB with concentration of 2.09×10-4 M, for each experiment. All aqueous solutions were prepared using Milli-Q water. 5.3.2 Analytical procedures Color removal was monitored by UV-visible technique using a UV-1603 spectrophotometer Model Shimadzu, at a wavelength of 550 nm. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was performed by using pre-dosage vials with 2 mL of sample. For the analysis of total organic carbon (TOC), it was necessary minimum volume of 10 mL of each sample which were placed in a glass all of the equipment and analyzed. These analyzes were carried out in a TOC analysator Multi N/C and the results obtained through the Analytikjena program. RhB samples before and after the electro-oxidation were collected and transferred to vials own high-resolution liquid chromatography, 50 µL of each sample was injected for analysis in Agilent 1100 HPLC (flow of 0.200 mL/min). Two columns were used (aromatics and aliphatic acids) for the analysis of intermediates generated by the electrochemical oxidation of Rhodamine B. The mobile phases were 0.9 ml of 98% formic acid and 1:1 acetonitrile in milli-Q water for analyzing aromatics and acids, respectively. 5.3.3 Bulk electrolysis Electro-oxidation experiments were carried out in a flow electrochemical cell (undivided) with a BDD disc electrode and stainless steel as anode and cathode, respectively (each with 78 cm2 of geometrical area). The anodic oxidation experiments of RhB solutions (1 L) were performed under galvanostatic conditions using a power supply. Experiments were carried out at 25°C by applying a current density (j) of 15 or 90 mA cm-2. Each one of the 72 experiments was stopped when a value of zero was attained at TOC measurements. The chemical analysis of UV-visible, TOC and HPLC were performed for all samples. 5.3.4 Chemical oxidation tests Solutions of oxidants were prepared by electrolyzing a solution of sodium sulfate or phosphoric acid at 90 mA cm-2 for 240 minutes. Then the resulting solutions were dosed to synthetic wastewater containing RhB to assess the chemical oxidation of this organic by the oxidants produced electrolytically. The chemical analysis of UV-visible, TOC and HPLC were performed for all samples. 5.3.5 Light irradiation A UV lamp VL-215MC (Vilber Lourmat), λ = 254 nm, intensity of 930 µW/cm2 and energy 4.43-6.20 eV irradiating 15 watts directly to the quartz cover of the electrochemical cell (in photoelectrolysis tests) or to the beakers in which the chemical oxidation was carried out (in the photochemical oxidation test). 5.4 Results and Discussion Figure 1 compares the removal of color from wastewater containing RhB by the different technologies studied in this work. As it can be seen, single photolysis only attains a very slight change in the color that seems to be more important because of the strange behavior of the raw solution of RhB when no current and no light irradiation is applied, but that it is negligible if compared to the electrolytic experiments. Thus, in experiments with not UV irradiation and no electrolysis (nil current application), absorbance fluctuates around a value slightly over the initial value and this could be explained by the disaggregation of small colloids of RhB due to the shear rate produced during the circulation of the wastewater through the experimental setup. When these results are compared to those obtained irradiating UV light (and no current), it can be observed a small improvement when UV light is irradiated under the same flow conditions suggesting that irradiation is affecting to the chromophere group although total removal is small and it is under 10% in both cases. 73 When current is applied, removal of color becomes faster and so does the differences between single electrolysis and light irradiation. This faster decrease can be explained in terms of the direct and mediated processes that attack the chromophere group of RhB during electrolysis, including the formation on the anode surface, and the subsequent participation in the oxidation reactions, of peroxosulphates and peroxophosphates (eqs 1 to 3). The occurrence of both oxidants has been demonstrated in previous works (Serrano et al., 2002; Weiss et al., 2008; Canizares et al., 2008), and their role has been pointed out in the comparison of the results obtained during the treatment of different types of wastewater containing different supporting electrolyte salts (CANIZARES et al. 2005d; 2009a; AQUINO et al. 2012). Differences observed with light irradiation are greater than in the corresponding non-electrolytic system and this improvement could be related with the activation of the peroxo oxidants by light irradiation, forming sulfate and phosphate radicals that contribute to the faster depletion of color (eqs 4 to 6). Differences seem to be greater at larger current densities for the phosphate containing solution and at lower in the case of the sulfate containing solution (but still significant). To produce efficiently the peroxo-salts oxidants, large current densities are to be applied and in the literature it is found that change between low and high current densities is of a paramount significance in this production (CANIZARES et al. 2007). For a current density of 15 mA cm-2 production of peroxo-salts is not favoured (because of the resulting low anodic potential) while for 90 mA cm-2 this production is expected to be carried out with a great efficiency. This suggests that, from the view point of the oxidation of the cromophere group, perphosphate is taking more advantage from light irradiation that persulfates because at low current densities the role of these radicals is expected to be much smaller because of their small production. 74 Figure 1. Removal of color during the photolysis, electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of solutions containing Rhodamine b in a) Na2SO4: 0 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation ■ UV irradiation b) H3PO4: 0 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation ■ UV irradiation. 1.2 1.2 (a 1.0 Abs / Abs 0 Abs / Abs 0 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0 (b 60 120 t / min 180 240 0.0 0 60 120 t / min 180 240 The activation produced by light irradiation is more clearly seem when the effect of irradiation is compared not for the oxidation of a particular chromophere group but for the complete oxidation of the pollutants contained in wastewater. This is what it can be observed when changes in the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the total organic carbon (TOC) are assessed. In Figure 2, these changes are represented versus current charge passed for synthetic solutions of RhB containing sulfate as electrolyte and they clearly show that operating at low current densities is much more efficient than operating at large current densities (because a lower charge is required to remove the RhB) and also that effect of light irradiation is higher at high current densities. As in most electrochemical wastewater treatment processes, concentration of pollutant in the raw wastewater is low and the electrolytic process is under mass transport control during the complete electrolytic process. At low current densities limitations are smaller and production of oxidants is not promoted and this explains the almost nil effect of light irradiation because activation of persulfate cannot produce a great change on results. On the contrary, when current density is high, production of oxidants is promoted and at the same time mass transfer limitations becomes more important explaining the large differences observed in the oxidation progress (changes in the COD) and in the mineralization (changes in the TOC). 75 Figure 2. Oxidation and mineralization during the electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of solutions containing Rhodamine b in Na2SO4: 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation ■ 1.0 1.2 0.8 1.0 TOC/TOC0/ mg dm-3 COD/COD0/ mg dm-3 UV irradiation. 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 Q/ Ah dm-3 25 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 30 5 10 15 20 Q/ Ah dm-3 25 30 Figure 3 shows the changes observed in the treatment of RhB in phosphate media. As it can be seen, exactly the same qualitative behavior. In this case, it can be explained by the production of peroxophosphates instead of peroxosulfates. Production of peroxophosphates is favored at large current densities, just in the conditions in which mass transfer limitations becomes more significant. As a consequence the process at 90 mA cm-2 is clearly less efficient that at 15 mA cm-2, but the effect of light irradiation (and hence of the activation of oxidants) is more clearly observed. Figure 3. Oxidation and mineralization during the electrolysis and photoelectrolysis of solutions containing Rhodamine b in H3PO4: 15 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation UV irradiation; 90 mA cm-2 no UV irradiation ■ 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 TOC/TOC0/ mg dm-3 COD/COD0/ mg dm-3 UV irradiation. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 -3 Q/ Ah dm 25 30 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 -3 Q/ Ah dm 25 30 76 Production of persulfates and perphosphates is known for a long time. Effects of these oxidants have been claimed to explain the electrolysis of many electrochemical oxidation processes described in the literature (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). To check if this effect is additive to the other electrolytic processes (meaning that it could be explained directly by the chemical oxidation of RhB by the oxidants), electrolytic production of oxidants and the use of the resulting solution for chemical tests was carried out. Thus, in order to know the maximum concentration of peroxo-compounds that could be formed in the electrolytic systems and the influence of light irradiation on this production, four electrolyses were performed. The liquid electrolysed was a synthetic solution containing the same concentration of sulfate or phosphate than the synthetic wastewaters discussed in figures 1 to 3 but in this case no RhB was added in order to avoid reactions between the oxidants and the organic. Production of oxidants in those solutions with no organic matter is shown in Figure 4 when light is irradiated and in single electrolyses. As it can be observed not great differences are obtained. Production of oxidants is very rapid during the firsts stages of the electrolysis but it meets a plateau zone, for a concentration around 2-4 mmol dm-3 of oxidants (for both sulfate and phosphate solutions although results seems to be slightly better for phosphate). This plateau is the consequence of the equilibrium between the electrolytic production and the decomposition of the oxidant. The production is carried out in a non-divided cell and the cathodic decomposition of the oxidant is favored when concentration increases as it was shown in a previous manuscript focused on the optimized production of peroxophosphate (CANIZARES et al. 2005a). Light irradiation only seems to have a small influence on the production of peroxosulfates decreasing it slightly. This could be explained by the recombination of the radicals produced by light irradiation in a system in which no other reaction could develop except for water oxidation in the case of peroxophosphate. Transformation of persulfate into hydrogen peroxides (wellknown process) can be responsible for this difference in the case of sulfate. This production of hydrogen peroxide is a clear difference between the peroxophosphate and the peroxosulfate anions and it can be promoted chemically. 77 Figure 4. Production of oxidants by electrolyses with conductive-diamond of solutions containing Na2SO4▲ no UV irradiation UV irradiation; H3PO4 . Oxidants/ mol dm-3 4.010 -3 3.010 -3 2.010 -3 1.010 -3 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 t / min. In addition to peroxosulphate and peroxophosphate, other oxidants may be forming during the electrolyses and hence their role should be accounted. Thus, production of hydroxyl radicals was demonstrated in electrolysis with diamond coating anodes by Marselli and coworkers (MARSELLI et al. 2003) as shown in equation (7). H2O (OH)· + H+ + e- (7) However, lifetime of this hydroxyl radical is extremely short (GROENEN-SERRANO et al. 2013) and it is known to be transformed into more stable oxidants by combining with other hydroxyl radicals (equation 8) or oxygen (equation 9) producing hydrogen peroxide and ozone. 2 OH H2O2 (8) O2+ 2 OH O3 +H2O (9) In addition hydroxyl radicals can combine with sulfates and phosphates contained in the electrolyte (eqs. 10 and 12). In this later case, production of peroxo-salts is the final step (eqs. 11 and 13) so, qualitatively, there is no way to discriminate between peroxo-salts produced by direct electrolysis or by hydroxyl-radical mediated electrolysis. 78 HSO4– + OH (SO4–) + H2O (10) (SO4–) + SO4– S2O82– (11) HPO42– + OH ( PO42–) + H2O (12) (PO42–) + PO42– P2O84– (13) As for peroxophosphate and peroxosulfate (eqs.5 and 6), ozone and hydrogen pexoxide are affected by UV light irradiation (Eq. 7 and 8) and they can regenerate the hydroxyl radical in the bulk under light irradiation as shown in equation 14 and 15 (BRILLAS et al. 2009; OTURAN et al. 2001). H2O2+ hν→ 2OH (14) H2O2 +O3+ hν→ 2OH+O2 (15) Again, and due to its very high reactivity, this hydroxyl radical is expected to combine with other species or to react with organics. When the solutions of oxidants produced electrolytically are added to a wastewater containing RhB, oxidants are consumed and RhB is oxidized although, as it is going to be shown, results are different of that expected, meaning that electrochemical process could have been having synergistic processes. Thus, as it can be seen in Figure 5, the higher the concentration of oxidant added the higher is the concentration of oxidant removed meaning that it could be oxidizing organics. No great differences are observed when light is irradiated and they seem to be random rather than showing a marked trend. This means that peroxocompounds oxidize organic matter but light irradiation has not a clear effect out of an electrolytic environment. 79 Figure 5. Oxidant consumed (initial – final) in chemical oxidation tests of rhodamine with the oxidant produced electrolytically from Na2SO4▲ no UV irradiation UV irradiation; H3PO4■ no UV irradiation UV Irradiation. Oxidant removed/ mol dm-3 1.010 -3 8.010 -4 6.010 -4 4.010 -4 2.010 -4 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Oxidant dose / % oxidant solution 60 This is also observed in the changes in the COD (Figure 6) obtained with the addition of the solutions of oxidants, in which it can be clearly seem that oxidants produced electrolytically interacts chemically with RhB but not a clear influence of light irradiation can be drawn. Peroxophosphate seems to be much more effective and this can be related because of a better interaction with the chromophere group of the RhB molecules as it could be seen in part b of the Figure. This better performance of peroxophosphate in the oxidation of the chromophere group was pointed out in the electrolysis of the synthetic solutions of Rhodamine B and confirms that, in spite of their similar chemical structure, reactivity of peroxosulfates and peroxophosphates is somewhat different. 80 Figure 6. Changes in the COD (a) during the chemical oxidation of Rhodamine B (b) solutions with the oxidant solution produced by the electrolyses of Na2SO4▲ no UV irradiation UV irradiation; H3PO4■ no UV irradiation UV Irradiation. 25 35 a) 30 RhB / RhB0 (%) COD/COD0 (%) 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -5 -10 0 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Oxidant dose / % oxidant solution 60 b) 10 20 30 40 50 Oxidant dose / % oxidant solution 60 Anyhow, results of the chemical oxidation test are positive, because they show that the oxidant solution produced during the electrochemical process can interact with the organic pollutant although they are clearly worse than expected according to electrolysis in terms of the catalytic effect of light irradiation. Hence, they clearly suggest that peroxo-species play a different role in the electrolysis of organics than that expected according to their chemical reactivity. This more important role could be associated with synergistic interactions with products formed during the processes and also with the intermediates formed during the direct processes. It is important also to show the large differences observed between peroxophosphate and peroxosulfate solutions. Both are capable to oxidize the dye but, in spite the oxidant group is the same, much better behavior is obtained with peroxophosphate. This effect should be explained by surplus formation of radicals. The huge concentration of oxidants could result in a less efficient process, in which these radicals instead of attacking organics combine among them to form more stable and less aggressive oxidants which have an smaller oxidation capability and then, can decompose forming oxygen (SOUZA et al. 2013b). Eqs 15 and 16 summarize some of the reactions that could explain this behavior in our experimental system for sulfate. OH + (SO4-) HSO5- (15) 81 HSO5- HSO4- + 0.5 O2 (16) This results also shows that in spite electrolysis of lowly loaded wastewater is mass transport controlled, separated production of oxidants (which can be very efficient because of the use of optimized conditions) and application to the wastewater in a later chemical oxidation (two-stage electrolysis) does not seem to be a very interesting choice because some important processes could be missed as compared with the results obtained in the one-stage electrolytic processes. At this point, it is worth taking into account that the two-stage electrolysis lacks the effect of the direct electrolysis, oxygen and pH. As it is known, oxygen is contained in large quantities in the electrolytic media because of water electrolysis. This oxygen can combine the hydroxyl radicals forming ozone (eq.9) and helps in the oxidation of organics. Likewise, it may be reduced on the cathode surface to hydrogen peroxide giving chance to many other reactions in the bulk (ISARAIN-CHAVEZ et al. 2013). Regarding the pH, water oxidation and reduction processes generate profiles of pH between the anode and the cathode, which can stand for these large differences. Effect of oxidants is known to be very dependent on the pH. This effect is particularly studied for the peroxophosphates in which speciation and hence reactivity is strongly improved at the acidic conditions produced on the nearness of the anode surface because of the production of monoperoxophosphoric acid (Weiss et al. 2008), which is known to be much more efficient in the oxidation of organics that the peroxodiphosphate species. A last explanation that could help to interpret results is that interactions between oxidants are known to produce extremely powerful radical oxidants. In particular those of hydrogen peroxide with persulfate and perphosphate and ozone should be accounted (equations 17 to 19), and their effect could be magnified by the light irradiation. This means that in the two- stage oxidation some of the oxidants produced could have been lost (because they do not find any species to oxidize) while in the one-stage electrolysis, these synergistic reactions that develops in the bulk could improve the efficiency in the oxidation of organics. H2O2 +2O32OH +3O2 (17) P2O84- + H2O2 2 (PO42-) + 2 OH (18) S2O82- + H2O22 (SO4-) + 2 OH (19) 82 Hence, production of peroxo-salts is a very important process happening during the electrolysis of wastewater containing sulfate and phosphate as supporting electrolyte and its effect is very significant and should be taken into account in order to explain the oxidation of organics. However, results are not only a consequence of these oxidants and direct and also synergistic oxidants interaction processes are occurring during the electrolysis that could not be reproduced if the process is split into two separated stages. Most relevant processes are summarized graphically in the mechanistic scheme shown in Figure 7. Figure 7. Mechanisms of the main processes occurring during photo-electrolysis of Rhodamine B. Red RB e- Direct oxidation Photolytic activation of oxidants Products eOx H2O2 + hν → 2 OH H2O e- H2O2 +O3 + hν → 2 OH+O2 H+ + O2 Anode 4 P2O8 + hν → 2 (PO4 O2+ 2 OH· O3 +H2O H2O e- 2-) S2O82 + hν → 2 (SO4) H2 + OH- H2O e- H2O RB OH· H2O2 O2 Products RB SO42- RB eH2O2 Products RB H2O2 +2O32OH· +3O2 eS2O82- Products SO42- Cathode P2O84- + H2O2 2 PO42-· + 2 OH· S2O82- + H2O22 SO4-· + 2 OH· RB Mediated oxidation eS2O82- Chemical activation of oxidants Products 5.5 Conclusions From this work the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Light irradiation has a positive effect during the electrolysis of RhB with phosphate or sulfate as supporting electrolyte. This effect is greater at high current densities 2. RhB is oxidized chemically by the oxidants produced electrolytically during the electrolysis of a phosphate or sulfate solution in the same conditions used for the 83 electrolysis of wastewater. In spite of having the same group, perphosphate solution seems to be much more aggressive than persulphate solution with RhB in particular with the cromophere group 3. Results of the electrolysis and in particular those of light irradiation are not reproduced by the chemical interactions between the oxidant solution produced during electrolysis and the RhB. 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Martínez-Huitle1,*, Manuel Andrés Rodrigo2 1 Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Lagoa Nova CEP 59078970 - Natal, RN, Brazil 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Campus Universitario s/n, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain 6.1 Abstract In this work, it is presented critical evidence about the influence of sp3/sp2 ratio on the performance of electrochemical oxidation (combustion or conversion) of Rhodamine B (RhB), used as a model organic pollutant. Results demonstrate that the higher the content in diamond-carbon, the greater are the TOC and COD decay rates and hence the oxidation of organic to CO2.The evidence of chromatographic analysis also indicates that the oxidation carried out by the diamonds with lower content of sp3-carbon is softer, favoring electrochemical conversion of RhB instead of mineralization. This degradation pathway is followed because higher graphite content on BDD anode leads to a higher direct electrochemical activity. These results are of a paramount significance for the choice of electrodes that could guarantee high efficiencies in wastewater remediation processes; because they clearly indicate that the sp3-sp2 carbon ratio should be kept as higher as possible in order to deplete completely pollutants and intermediates from the waste. Keywords: diamond electrode; conversion; combustion; organic matter, hydroxyl radicals, active and non-active anodes. 6.2 Introduction In the last three decades, BDD anode has been defined as non-active electrode, since it is expected that it does not provide any catalytically active site for the adsorption of reactants 93 and/or products in aqueous media (MARSELLI, et al. 2003; BRILLAS; MARTINEZHUITLE, 2011). Hydroxyl radical (BDD(•OH)) formed from water discharge on its surface from reaction (physically adsorbed on the anode surface): H2O OH + e− + H+, is then considered the responsible species for the electrochemical combustion of organic pollutants, although slower reactions with other reactive oxygen species (H2O2 and O3) and electrogenerated oxidants (active chlorine, peroxodisulphate, peroxodicarbonate or peroxodiphosphate) are also feasible (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; MARTINEZHUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; BRILLAS et al. 2009). Many research groups have demonstrated that BDD anodes allow complete mineralization up to near 100% of current efficiency of a large number of organic pollutants (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; BRILLAS et al. 2009). Unfortunately, most of these studies have been focused on the study of the feasibility of the use of this technology to treat different types of pollutants and on the selection of the experimental conditions to improve the performance of this technique (MARTINEZHUITLE; FERRO, 2006; MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). Nevertheless, some authors have questioned the non-active nature of BDD material as well as the reactivity of hydroxyl radicals (VATISTAS, 2010; BEJAN et al. 2012) because some results have demonstrated the occurrence of partial oxidation or complete mineralization of organic pollutants when BDD is used as anode. In this point, it seems reasonable to think that the electrochemical process can be greatly affected by the characteristic of the BDD electrodes used. Therefore, few works have showed that the conductive layer characteristics (sp3/sp2 ratio, boron content, BDD layer-thickness) and the substrate properties (resistivity and roughness of the surface) have an important influence in the bulk electrolysis results (CANIZARES et al. 2008a,b; GUINEA et al. 2009). The most relevant result supposes that the electro-oxidation mechanism is strongly influenced by the BDD characteristics; particularly the ratio diamond/graphite carbon (GUINEA et al. 2009). High graphite content favors direct oxidation of the pollutant on the electrode surface and it leads to the formation of many intermediates. On contrary, high diamond content seems to favor the complete oxidation of the organic to CO2, thanks to the contribution of the oxidants (hydroxyl radicals and electrogenerated reagents) present in a region close to the electrode surface. However, these assumptions were not completely 94 verified because no quantification of intermediates was performed as well as no complete mineralization was attained, for enrofloxacin oxidation (GUINEA et al. 2009). Also, a limited range of the sp3/sp2 ratio was considered (ranging from 45 to 105). Thus, the goal of this work has been to present critical evidence about the influence of sp3/sp2 ratio on the performance of electrochemical oxidation (EO) of a model organic pollutant, RhB. To do this, it has been used BDD samples by one of the more important diamond-electrodes manufacturers with different sp3/sp2 ratio, ranging from 165 to 329. Results obtained will help to understand the electrocatalytic properties of BDD in the oxidation of a model pollutant and to elucidate the mechanism involved (electrochemical combustion or conversion). 6.3 Methodology 6.3.1 Chemicals Chemical reagents used in this study were of high purity. RhB solutions with concentration of 2.09×10−4 M, for each experiment, were prepared by using Na2SO4 as supporting electrolyte (using Milli-Q water). 6.3.2 Analytical procedures Color removal was monitored by UV-visible technique using a UV-1603 spectrophotometer Model Shimadizu, at a wavelength of 554 nm. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was performed by using pre-dosage vials with 2 mL of sample. Samples of 10 mL were collected to determine total organic carbon (TOC) content, using a TOC analysator Multi N/C and the results were obtained through the Analytikjena program. Electrolysis samples before and after the EO of RhB at different diamond anodes were collected and analyzed by HPLC in Agilent 1100 HPLC (Two columns were used (aromatics and aliphatic acids) to determine the intermediates generated). Also, few samples of anolyte were extracted into non-aqueous medium and were subjected to GC-MS analysis using GC-FOCUS and MSISQ Thermo Scientific to identify the intermediates (column VF5 ms with a composition of 5% de fenil-arylene and 95% de dimetilpolisiloxane. Program: 40ºC–5 min; 12°C/min–100ºC; 95 10ºC/min–200ºC and 10ºC/min–270ºC–5 min. Injector: 220ºC. Mode: Splitless. Gas flow: 0.8 mL/min. Transfer line: 270ºC; ions source temperature: 220ºC, Mass range: 40-500 m/z). 6.3.3 Electrochemical cell and bulk electrolysis Bulk oxidations were carried out in an undivided electrochemical cell by using different BDD anodes (provided by Adamant Technologies (Neuchatel, Switzerland) and synthesized by the hot filament chemical vapor deposition technique (HF CVD) monocrystalline p-type Si substrate (thickness 2 mm, resistivity 100 mΩcm), diamond coating of 2-3 μm, boron concentration 500 ppm, 78 cm2 of geometrical area and with distinct sp3/sp2 ratio (estimated by Raman spectrometry): BDD1 = 165, BDD2 = 176, BDD3 = 206, BDD4 = 220, BDD5 = 262 and BDD6 = 329. Stainless steel was used as cathode. EO experiments of RhB solutions (1 L) were performed under galvanostatic conditions using a power supply. Experiments were performed at 25°C by applying a current density of 90 mA cm−2. Each one of the experiments was stopped when a value of zero was attained at TOC measurements. Analysis of UV-visible, TOC and HPLC were performed for all samples in order to understand the influence of sp3/sp2 ratio on the EO performance (the trueness of the results was evaluated by three independent analyses). 6.4 Results and discussion Figure 1 shows the changes in absorbance, TOC and COD, as a function of electric charge passed (Q), during galvanostatic electrolysis of RhB solution (1 L) using different BDD anodes by applying 90 mA cm−2 at 25°C. It can be observed that all parameters decrease with the current charge passed in a similar way for all essays performed. For all type of BDD anodes, color decayed continuously until it disappeared after about 25 Ah dm −3, leading to complete discoloration; independent on the sp3/sp2 ratio (Fig. 1a). Conversely, discoloration rate seems depends on sp3/sp2 ratio, being significant at BDD6. The absorbance changes were reasonably rapid, indicating that during the first treatment stages there are mechanisms involving dye oxidation to other more simple organics. Oxidation of this complex molecule can result in formation of many intermediates by chromophore group cleavage by hydroxyl 96 radicals attack prior to production of aliphatic carboxylic acids and CO2 (MARTINEZHUITLE; FERRO, 2006). On the other hand, TOC results reveal that complete elimination of organic matter is achieved at all BDD anodes. However, highest removal rate is achieved at BDD6 (sp3/sp2 = 329), see Fig. 1b, than the rate observed at BDD1 with lower sp3/sp2 ratio. In fact, TOC was completely removed after passing 44 Ah dm−3 with BDD6, while BDD1 needed 74 Ah dm−3 to complete the elimination of TOC. Despite the complete TOC decay seems to indicate that BDD anodic oxidation is a good choice for the removal of this complex pollutant, and it depends on diamond/graphite relation; differences between the results obtained in the electrolysis with the different diamonds are more evident in terms of the COD than in TOC changes. This can be observed in Figure 1c where BDD6 with high diamond content leads to fast rate and complete organic removal, while diamond with high graphite content favors lower rate degradation. Based on these results, we can suggest that the EO of RhB leads to CO2 when a diamond anode with high diamond content was used, favoring the electrochemical combustion pathway. It is due to the contribution of the oxidants (OH and electrogenerated reagents) present on the anode surface and the reaction cage (MARSELLI, et al. 2003; GUINEA et al. 2009). Conversely, high graphite content favors electrochemical conversion of the pollutant, producing many intermediates. These figures are in convergence with the assumptions suggested by Guinea et al. (GUINEA et al. 2009) for the oxidation of enrofloxacin. 97 Figure 1. Effect of the sp3/sp2 ratio of the BDD anodes on the absorbance (a), TOC (b) and COD (c) removal, as a function of Q, during electrolysis of RhB solutions. 1.0 80 BDD1 (sp3/sp2 165) BDD2 (sp3/sp2 176) BDD1 (sp3/sp2 165) BDD2 (sp3/sp2 176) 0.8 2 BDD4 (sp /sp 220) BDD5 (sp3/sp2 262) 0.6 3 2 BDD6 (sp /sp 329) 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 20 40 60 Q / A h dm -3 80 BDD3 (sp3/sp2 206) 60 BDD4 (sp3/sp2 220) BDD5 (sp3/sp2 262) BDD6 (sp3/sp2 329) 40 20 (a 100 0 0 (b 20 40 60 Q / A h dm -3 80 100 BDD1 (sp3/sp2 165) 200 COD / mg dm-3 Abs / Abs 0 3 TOC / mg dm-3 BDD3 (sp3/sp2 206) BDD2 (sp3/sp2 176) BDD3 (sp3/sp2 206) BDD4 (sp3/sp2 220) 150 BDD5 (sp3/sp2 262) BDD6 (sp3/sp2 329) 100 50 0 0 (c 20 40 60 Q / A h dm -3 80 100 98 Although these affirmations seem feasible, TOC and COD removals are not enough information to confirm these approaches; therefore, qualitative/quantitative analyses would be required to verify these hypotheses. Then, to address these questions, we analyzed the generation of by-products, in terms of chromatographic area of each one of signals obtained (HPLC) and identification of the intermediates (GC/MS), during the EO of RhB at BDD6 and BDD1. Fig. 2 and 3 compare the number of intermediates produced (aromatics and aliphatic acids respectively), as a function of chromatographic area, during EO of RhB by using high diamond (sp3) and high graphite (sp2) anodes. Figure 2. Chromatographic areas of aromatic intermediates produced, as a function of time, during RhB electrooxidation using BDD6 (a) and BDD1 (b). I1, no identified intermediate. From these results, it is apparent that more aromatic intermediates are formed at BDD6 (see Fig. 2a), while a minor number of them are produced when BDD1 was used (Fig. 2b). However, an important observation is the significant chromatographic area achieved by intermediates produced by BDD1 (Fig. 2b), indicating that high concentration of N-ethyl-Nethylrhodamine (~27000 units) is attained after 10 min of electrolysis, and it decays slower until 180 min. Other sub-products are produced (intermediates identified as isomer of phthalic acid, benzoic and phthalic acids) but with minor areas. On contrary, BDD6 produces a large number of by-products (Fig. 2a) including N-ethyl-N-ethylrhodamine, but these intermediates are quickly degraded. This fact can be explained by the effective attack of OH to Nterminated groups of RhB and to the nature of the OH produced at different non-active anodes, as already proposed by Bejan and co-workers (BEJAN et al. 2012). 99 Figure 3. Influence of sp3/sp2 ratio on the production of aliphatic acids, as a function of chromatographic areas and time, during RhB electro-oxidation using BDD6 (a) and BDD1 (b). I1 and I2, no identified intermediates. Restricting now our analysis to the number of aliphatic acids produced (Figure 3), a lower amount of intermediates (oxalic, formic, acetic and α- hidroxyglutaric acids plus I2), with low-units of chromatographic area, is produced on BDD6, being quasi completely oxidized after 60 min of electrolysis (Figure 3a). For the case of BDD1, a large number of aliphatic acids are generated (malonic, oxalic, formic, succinic, acetic, 2- hydroxypentanedioic, adipic, α- hidroxyglutaric acids and I1) with a relevant predominance of adipic acid, even after 60 min of electrooxidation (Fig. 3b). The evidence of chromatographic analysis suggests that the oxidation carried out by the diamond with lower content of sp3-carbon is softer, favoring electrochemical conversion of RhB. This degradation pathway is followed because higher graphite content on BDD anode leads to a higher direct electrochemical activity (GUINEA et al. 2011) that is related to better adsorption of reactants on sp2 carbon. On the contrary, the high level of electrochemical mineralization obtained by higher diamond content in BDD6 is caused by the oxidants generated from water electrolysis and supporting electrolyte. Even when the number of aromatic intermediates is formed at this BDD anode, these are oxidized to CO2. In fact, inorganic carbon measurements showed clearly that higher concentrations of CO2 are produced at BDD6 after 15 min of electrolysis (4.9 mg dm-3), while at BDD1, lower concentrations were detected (1.7 mg dm-3). 100 6.5 Conclusions Theoretically, based on the existing literature (BRILLAS; MARTINEZ-HUITLE, 2011), diamond anode is predominantly considered as an ideal non-active anode. However, our results evidenced that the non-active nature of diamond electrode is strongly influenced by the ratio diamond(sp3)/graphite(sp2) carbon content. Higher content in diamond-carbon the greater the TOC and COD decays in the bulk electrolysis by electrochemical combustion (oxidation of organic to CO2). This may be confirmed by HPLC and GC/MS analyses performed for the intermediates formed. Conversely, high graphite content favors the electrochemical conversion (formation of many intermediates) due to the adsorption of reactants on sp2 carbon. The sp2 carbon species can be considered as the primary pathway for the charge transfer process (direct oxidation) (DUO et al. 2003). All by-products identified are in accordance with (HE et al. 2009). We cannot be certain about the reactivity of OH (BEJAN, et al. 2012), but it could be related with the stability of N-ethyl-N-ethylrhodamine formed at both BDD anodes. Further experiments with BDD6 and BDD1 are in progress to clarify this BDD property. 6.6 Acknowledgements D.M.A. acknowledges CAPES for her PhD fellowship and CNPq for the scholarship given for “doutorado sanduiche” under “Ciências sem Fronteiras” program to develop the experimental research at the UCLM-Spain. Financial support of the Spanish government and EU through project FEDER 2007-2013 PP201010 (Planta Piloto de Estación de Regeneración de Águas Depuradas) is gratefully acknowledged. 6.7 References BEJAN, D.; GUINEA, E.; BUNCE, N. J. On the nature of the hydroxyl radicals produced at boron-doped diamond and Ebonex® anodes. Electrochimica Acta, v. 69, p. 275–281, 2012.Disponível em: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001346861200312X> Acesso em: 19 de setembro de 2013. BRILLAS, E.; SIRES, I.; OTURAN, M. A. Electro-fenton process and related electrochemical technologies based on fenton’s reaction chemistry. Chemical Reviews, v. 101 109, p. 6570-6631, 2009. 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Direct and mediated anodic oxidation of organic pollutants. Chemical Reviews, v. 109, p. 6541-6569, 2009. Disponível em: <http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/cr9001319>Acesso: 08 de fevereiro de 2013. VATISTAS, N. Adsorption layer and its characteristic to modulate the electro-oxidation runway of organic species. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, v. 40, p. 1743-1750, 2010. Disponível em: <http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10800-010-0134-6#page-1> Acesso em: 17 de maio de 2013. 103 CAPÍTULO 7 APPLICABILITY OF DIAMOND ANODE TO THE ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT OF A REAL TEXTILE EFFLUENT 104 APPLICABILITY OF DIAMOND ANODE TO THE ELECTROCHEMICAL TREATMENT OF A REAL TEXTILE EFFLUENT Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle1,*, Elisama Vieira dos Santos1, Danyelle Medeiros de Araújo1, Marco Panizza2,* 1 Institute of Chemistry,Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Lagoa Nova CEP 59078-970 - Natal, RN, Brazil. 2 Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Genoa, P.le J.F. Kennedy 1 – 16129 Genova, Italy. 7.1 Abstract In this work, a real effluent discharged by Brazilian textile industry, has been electrochemically treated using boron doped diamond (BDD) anode for removing chemical oxygen demand (COD) and colour. Preliminary experiments were performed under real discharged effluent conditions (pH and conductivity) in order to verify the applicability of this treatment process. However, a partial elimination of COD and colour effluent were achieved, depending on applied current density (20, 40 and 60 mA cm-2), respectively. Therefore, different set of experiments were carried out where an amount Na2SO4 was added in the real effluent; then, COD of textile effluent was satisfactorily reduced by employing different operational conditions (current density, temperature, Na2SO4 concentration, flow rate), reducing the time of depuration and consequently, the costs, confirming the potential efficiency of this textile effluent treatment. Keywords: electrochemical treatment; diamond electrode; real effluent; textile dyes; pretreatment. 7.2 Introduction Textile industry produces large quantities of wastewater during the washing and dyeing process, which contain large quantities of dye, and are disposed together with the textile 105 effluent. The pollution potential of textile dyes and intermediates compounds was first raised due to its toxicity and carcinogenicity that can cause damage to human health and environment. It should be mentioned that coloration in water courses affects water transparency and gas solubility (FORGACS, et al. 2004; MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009). Thus, the development of treatment technologies suitable for the removal of colour and reduction of toxicity of textile effluents is important. For the removal of dyes from wastewater a wide range of techniques have been developed and proposed (SHAUL et al. 1991; GUPTA et al. 1992; SHUKLA; GUPTA, 1992; KABADASIL et al. 1999; TUNAY, et al. 1999; HAO et al. 2000; BOOPATHY, 2000; ROBINSON et al. 2001; FORGACS et al. 2004; MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; NASCIMENTO et al. 2011). However, the most useful industrial treatment is bioremediation technology because it can be performed on site, at lower cost, with limited inconveniences, minimal environmental impact, it eliminates the waste permanently and it can be used in conjunction with methods of physical and chemical treatments (NASCIMENTO et al. 2011). But, this process requires long times and specific treatment conditions and in addition, heavy metals, radio nucleotides, complex molecules, biorefractary and some chlorinated compounds are not suitable for bioremediation (BOOPATHY, 2000). In this context, electrochemical technologies have caused great interest because they offer effective means to solve environmental problems related to industrial processes (CHEN, 2004; MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; BRILLAS, et al. 2009). These techniques have been investigated for decolourisationand degrading dyes from aqueous solutions (dyes solutions, synthetic and actual wastewaters) by several scientific groups and a wide variety of electrode materials have been suggested, such as graphite, platinum, IrO2, RuO2, SnO2, PbO2, Ti/Pt, Ti/Pt–Ir, Ti/PbO2, Ti/PdO–Co3O4 and Ti/RhOx– TiO2, Ti coated with oxides of Ru/Ir/Ta and BDD thin films (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009). However, electrochemical oxidation of organics to CO2 occurs with a significant rate and efficiency only using anodes with high oxygen evolution overpotential such as PbO2 and BDD (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). Using these anodes, at high potential, highly reactive OH are generated on their surface by water discharge, thus leading to overall combustion of organic compounds (CHEN, 2004; MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009): 106 H2O OH + e- + H+ (1) Organics + OH CO2+ H2O (2) Furthermore, this technology would has generally public acceptance, which makes the treatment using anodes with high oxygen evolution overpotential promising alternative to replace or complement the conventional treatments. Although more reports involving electrochemical treatment of dye wastewaters have been published in the last five years, there are few reports concerning to the use of this process using BDD anodes to degrade real textile effluents (CHATZISYMEON et al. 2006; SAKALIS et al. 2006; KOPARAL et al. 2007; MALPASS et al. 2007, 2008; AQUINO et al. 2011; PERALTA-HERNÁNDEZ et al. 2012). For this reason, the purpose of the present study was to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical oxidation process using diamond electrode as alternative depuration (decolourisation and detoxification) treatment of textile effluent obtained from a Brazilian textile industry. The influence of the main operating parameters, such as current density, temperature, flow conditions and addition salts, on the COD and colour removal were investigated, in order to identify the electrochemical conditions which give high current efficiency with low energy requirements for attaining Brazilian legal requirements (IDEMA, 2004). 7.3 Materials and Methods 7.3.1 Textile dye effluent characteristics The effluent sample was collected from outlet discharged effluent in a Brazilian textile industry situated in Natal (Northeast of Brazil). It was mainly composed of dyes, amylum and different additives. In order to remove the suspended solids that influence the electrochemical process, the effluent was subjected to a filtration pre-treatment using a 170 mesh. After filtration, the effluent contained a high concentration of COD (650 mg dm −3) and Hazen Units (1204 HU) [ISO 2211:1973]. Its conductivity was 2.70 mS cm−1 and the pH was around 10.2. It is worth noting that these conditions were determined from the effluent, as discharged after textile colouration process; without any physical-chemical treatment. 107 7.3.2 Anodic oxidation experiments Bulk electrochemical oxidations in batch under steady conditions were conducted using an undivided electrolytic flow cell under galvanostatic conditions, similar to electrochemical system already reported in other works (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; MARTÍNEZHUITLE et al. 2004). The textile effluent was stored in a thermostated glass reservoir of 1 dm3 and it was recirculated through the electrolytic cell by means of a centrifugal pump working in the flow range 200–400 dm3 h−1. The cell contained a BDD electrode as anode and a 54.7 cm2 Ti plate as cathode. BDD anode was circular with a diameter of 10 cm, but with an effective area of 54.7 cm2 and with one side only exposed to the solution. The inter electrode distance was 1 cm. BDD electrode was supplied by Adamant Technologies (Switzerland) and it was synthesized as described in previous works (MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE et al. 2004) maintaining the quality parameters (single-crystal with a thickness of 1 μm (±5%) and a resistivity of 15 mΩ cm (±30%) with a boron concentration of 5000 ppm, p-silicon wafers (1– 3 mΩ cm and 1 mm thick)). In order to stabilize its surface (hydrophilic nature) and to obtain reproducible results, the BDD electrode was pre-treated at 25 °C by anodic polarisation in 1 M HClO4 at 10 mA cm−2 for 30 min (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). The anodic oxidation experiments of real textile effluent were performed under galvanostatic conditions using a MINIPA 3015 power supply. Experiments were performed at 25°C for studying the role of applied current density (j = 20, 40 and 60 mA cm-2), while the temperature effect (25 and 60°C) was studied under a current density of 40 mA cm-2. The temperature of the electrolyte was controlled using a jacket- thermostat. 7.3.3 Depuration monitoring methods Colour removal was monitored by measuring absorbance decrease; using a UV 1800 Shimadzu spectrophotometer. Experimentally, decolourization process was determined by the expression (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009): ABSt relativeabsorbance ABS0 (3) 108 where ABSt correspond to the absorbance, at the maximum visible wavelength of the wastewater, at time t and ABS0 is its initial absorbance. Hazen Units (UH) is a industrial parameter to determine the effluent colour conditions for discharging procedure after treatment and these were determined using a Hach Model DR/2500 spectrophotometer calibrated with a method 8025 (Pt-Co units). pH variation was measured using a Methrom pH meter. Decontamination of real effluent was monitored from the abatement of their COD. Values were obtained, using a HANNA HI 83099 spectrophotometer after digestion of samples in a HANNA thermo-reactor, in order to estimate the Total Current efficiency (TCE, in %) for anodic oxidation of textile effluent, using the following relationship: COD0 CODt %TCE FV 100 8I t (4) where COD0 and CODt are chemical oxygen demands at times t=0 (initial) and t (time t) in g O2 dm−3, respectively; I the current (A), F the Faraday constant (96,487 C mol−1), V the electrolyte volume (dm3), 8 is the oxygen equivalent mass (g eq.−1) and Δt is the electrolysis time, allowing for a global determination of the overall efficiency of the process. Additionally, the limiting current can be estimated from the value of COD using the equation 3 for anodic oxidation of a real wastewater, as indicated by Panizza and Cerisola (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009). I lim (t ) 4FAkmCOD(t ) (5) where Ilim(t) is the limiting current (A) at a given time t, 4 the number of exchanged electrons, A the electrode area (m2), F the Faraday’s constant, km the average mass transport coefficient in the electrochemical reactor (m s−1) and COD(t) the chemical oxygen demand (mol O2 m−3) at a given time t. The energy consumption per volume of treated effluent was estimated and expressed in kWh m-3. The average cell voltage during the electrolysis (cell voltage is reasonably constant with just some minor oscillations, for this reason is calculated the average cell voltage), is taken for calculating the energy consumption by expression (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009): 109 E I t Energy consumption c 1000 V (6) where t is the time of electrolysis (h); ΔEc (V) and I (A) are the average cell voltage and the electrolysis current, respectively; and V is the sample volume (m3). 7.4 Results and discussion 7.4.1 Preliminary electrochemical experiments of a real textile effluent As it was evidenced by other authors (MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE et al. 2004; MARTÍNEZHUITLE; FERRO, 2006; CHATZISYMEON et al. 2006; SAKALIS et al. 2006; KOPARAL et al. 2007; MALPASS et al. 2007, 2008; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; BRILLAS, et al. 2009; BENSALAH et al. 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; AQUINO et al. 2011; PERALTA-HERNÁNDEZet al. 2012), BDD has great oxidation ability to remove organic pollutants, requiring shorter electrolysis time to reach overall mineralization, thus leading to remarkably higher current efficiency and relative energy consumptions. For this reason, the good removal efficiencies suggest the possibility of using electrochemical oxidation as treatment technology for treating real textile effluents (MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE; FERRO, 2006; CHATZISYMEON et al. 2006; SAKALIS et al. 2006; KOPARAL et al. 2007; MALPASS et al. 2007, 2008; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2009; BRILLAS, et al. 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010 ; AQUINO et al. 2011; PERALTA-HERNÁNDEZ et al. 2012). In this context, an effluent of an actual Brazilian textile industry was employed to assess the efficiency on electrochemical treatment using diamond electrodes as an alternative for removing organic matter and colour. As shown in Figure 1, the decrease of the absorbance, as a function of time, was achieved during galvanostatic electrolysis of real textile effluent (1 dm3) after 12 h by applying different current densities under real discharged effluent conditions (see section 2). However, the Brazilian regulations for colour removal (IDEMA, 2004), i.e. 300 HU, were completely attained at 40 and 60 mA cm-2, after 6 and 4 h, respectively; as showed in inset of Fig. 1. 110 Figure 1. Electrochemical decolourisation process of a real textile effluent (effluent as obtained), as a function of time, by applying different current densities (20, 40 and 60 mA cm -2) at 25°C and flow rate of 250 dm3 h-1. Inset: Decrease of HU, as a function of time, at different applied current densities. Dashed line indicates the Brazilian limit regulation in HU to discharge the effluent. 1.5 Unit Hazen / (Pt-Co color units) 60 mA cm-2 40 mA cm-2 20 mA cm-2 Abst / Abs0 1.0 900 600 300 0 0 5 10 Time / h 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 Time / h Whereas at 20 mA cm-2 of current density, no more than partial colour removal was achieved (i.e. ≈50%, 400 HU) after 12 h of electrolysis. Furthermore, the COD results clearly indicate that the highest removal rate is achieved at 40 and 60 mAcm-2, see Figure 2, because of there is a greater charge passing into the cell that favours the electrogeneration of more hydroxyl radicals produced on BDD surface (Eq. 1). Despite the complete COD decay occurs under last conditions, long times are required for complete removal, 19 and 17 h, respectively. In contrast, incomplete COD removal was achieved by applying 20 mA cm-2 after 23 h (Figure 2). These results clearly indicate that, as observed during colour removal, the low conductivity and organic matter dissolved in the effluent complicate the depuration treatment. Consequently, increasing current density and time treatment, a higher charge consumed for complete mineralization is needed because during the electrochemical process a relative greater amount of OH wasted in parasite nonoxidizing reactions such as oxygen evolution. It is confirmed from the current efficiencies (TCE, in %) obtained for each current density applied (inset Figure 2) under these conditions, ranging from 23 to 14%. 111 Figure 2. Influence of applied current on the evolution of COD and TCE (inset), as a function of time, during electrochemical treatment of actual textile effluent (as discharged) on BDD anode at different current densities. Conditions: T = 25 °C and flow rate of 250 dm3 h-1. 800 25 60 mA cm-2 40 mA cm-2 20 mA cm-2 20 COD / ppm TCE / % 600 15 10 5 400 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time / h 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time / h This behaviour is frequently characteristic of electrolysis under mass transport control when the electrolysis is performed applying a current higher than the limiting one, as already indicated by other authors (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; BENSALAH et al. 2009). For a recirculation rate of 250 dm3 h−1 the mass transfer coefficient was 2.5 × 10−5 m s−1 and the limiting current results in a value of 1.07 A, according Eq. 5. This current is relatively low than all the currents applied in this work (1.1–3.3A), suggesting that the oxidation in these conditions could be occurring under mass transport control. These assumptions, treating a real effluent, are in agreement with the studies recently published by Panizza and Cerisola (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010) during the anodic oxidation of a real carwash wastewater. Although the applicability of this treatment seems feasible, long times would be required to complete decolourisation and organic matter removal (more than 18 h, see Figure 2). However, as confirmed by other authors (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; BENSALAH et al. 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2008), the colour and COD can be completely removed by electrochemical oxidation with BDD anode generating effective oxidant species (chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, perphosphates, and peroxodisulphates) on its surface. For this reason, new set of experiments was performed to favour the production of reactive oxidant species, plus hydroxyl radicals. 112 7.4.2 Electrochemical decolourisation of a real textile effluent adding Na2SO4 Electrooxidation experiments were performed in order to further achieve complete colour elimination. Firstly, an amount of Na2SO4 (5 g dm-3) was dissolved in the real effluent. After that, a number of electrolysis-experiments were carried out by applying different values of current density (20, 40 and 60 mA cm−2 at 25°C), as investigated under original discharged effluent conditions. It is important to remark that after addition of Na2SO4, pH value decreases from 10.2 to 9.1. As it can be observed from Figure 3, when Na2SO4 was added in the effluent, colour removal rate was significantly increased, achieving different values of efficiency (95%, 100% and 100% of colour removal after 12 h, 8 h and 4 h of electrolysis, for 20, 40 and 60 mAcm−2, respectively). Under these experimental conditions, the Brazilian regulations concerning to the colour removal (low than 300 HU) were attained, in all cases (data not showed). These findings were achieved due to the increase in the conductivity of real effluent when Na2SO4 was added, favouring the electrogeneration of peroxodisulphates on BDD surface. In fact, electrolysis BDD anodes in aqueous media, containing sulphate ions, generates peroxodisulphate (equation 7) (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; BENSALAH et al. 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2008). 2SO42- S2O82- +2e- (7) Figure 3. Colour removal of a real effluent, as a function of time, applying different current densities using BDD anode. Experimental conditions: T=25°C, 5 g dm-3 of Na2SO4 and flow rate=250 dm3 h-1. 1.0 60 mA cm-2 40 mA cm-2 20 mA cm-2 Abst / Abs0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 10 Time / h 113 These powerful oxidizing agents can oxidize organic materials by a chemical reaction whose rate increases with the amount of sulphate ions in solution or/and temperature (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2008; MARSELLI et al. 2003). 7.4.3 COD removal by electrochemical treatment COD decay was also monitored by applying 20, 40 and 60 mAcm−2 of current density when an amount of 5 g of Na2SO4 were dissolved in a 1 dm3 of the effluent. Figure 4 shows the influence of the current density on the COD decay during the electrochemical oxidation of the real textile wastewater on BDD anode, as a function of time, at 25°C. Results clearly indicate that the complete COD removal is achieved, in all cases; because these conditions favour the electrogeneration of more hydroxyl radicals (MARSELLI et al. 2003) and peroxodisulphates (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2008; CAÑIZARES et al. 2006; FAOUZI et al. 2006) on BDD surface. It is important to mention that, treatment time, in the presence of 1 g dm-3 Na2SO4 (Figure 4), was reduced respect to the time employed to eliminate COD completely at real discharged conditions (Figure 2). On the other hand, an increase on current efficiency was observed (inset on Figure 4) because the electrogeneration of peroxodisulphates avoid mass transport limitations and also the secondary reaction of oxygen evolution. Figure 4. Influence of applied current on the evolution of COD and TCE (inset), as a function of time, during electrochemical treatment of actual textile using BDD anode. Experimental conditions: T = 25°C, 5 g dm-3 of Na2SO4 and flow rate = 250 dm3 h-1. 800 80 60 mA cm-2 40 mA cm-2 60 20 mA cm-2 TCE / % COD / ppm 600 40 20 400 0 0 5 10 Time / h 15 20 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time / h 114 7.4.4 Effect of Na2SO4 dissolved in the effluent Figure 5 shows the influence of Na2SO4 concentration (in g dm-3) as a function of the time and current efficiency (inset) values during galvanostatic electrolysis of real textile wastewaters by applying 20 mA cm−2 of applied current density. As can be observed, the COD removal was poor in absence of Na2SO4 in solution (Figure 5). However, COD removal rate increases significantly when the amount of Na2SO4 was increased in solution. But, no relevant efficiencies were achieved when the Na2SO4 concentration was increased from 5 to 20 g (inset in Figure 5). It can also be seen, that maximum efficiencies were obtained for the initial stages of the process (high COD concentrations), and after given a decrease in the current efficiencies, continuously down to very low COD values; employing similar electrolysis-times to achieve complete COD abatement. Then, from industrial point of view, only an amount of 5 g of Na2SO4 can be added to the effluent to favor the complete removal of dissolved organic matter. Figure 5. Influence of Na2SO4 concentration on the evolution of COD and %TCE (inset), as a function of time, during electrochemical treatment of actual textile effluent on BDD anode by applying 20 mA cm−2 of applied current density. Conditions: T = 25 °C, flow rate=250 dm3 h-1. 800 50 40 0g COD / ppm TCE / % 600 30 20 10 400 0 0 200 5 10 Na2SO4 / g 15 20 5g 10 g 15 g 20 g 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time / h 7.4.5 Influence of temperature The treatment of the actual textile effluent was also carried out at 60 °C by applying current densities of 20, 40 and 60 mA cm-2. The latter temperature was selected, because it mimics the real temperature of the effluent discharged by the textile industry (60°C). It was observed (Figure 6) that changes in temperature have a strong influence on oxidation rate at 115 all current densities and varying the temperature from 25 to 60°C; since the COD removal after 9 or 10 h of treatment was 100% at 60°C. As reported in literature (PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; BENSALAH et al. 2009), this behaviour was principally attributed not to an increase of the activity of the anodes (due to an increase of temperature) but to an increase of the indirect reaction of organics with electrogenerated oxidizing agents from electrolyte oxidation. In fact, as mentioned above, peroxodisulphates can be formed in solutions containing sulphates, especially at higher temperatures (60°C), as already demonstrated by other authors (MARTINEZ-HUITLE; BRILLAS, 2009; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2010; PANIZZA; CERISOLA, 2008), during electrolysis with BDD electrodes. These reagents are very powerful oxidants and can oxidize organic matter leading to an increase in colour removal rates and COD decay. Complete decolourisation (data not showed) and COD removal rates (Figure 6) noticeably increased when the temperature was increased. Under these conditions, a modest increase on TCE was also achieved respect to the temperature of 25°C. Figure 6. Comparison of the influence of temperature on the evolution of COD, as a function of time and %TCE (inset) during oxidation of actual textile effluent on BDD anode. Conditions: 40 mA cm-2 of current density; 5 g of Na2SO4 and flow rate = 250 dm3 h-1. 800 100 60 mA cm-2 80 TCE / % COD / ppm 600 60 °C 40 mA cm-2 20 mA cm-2 60 40 400 20 0 0 5 200 10 Time / h 15 20 -2 60 mA cm 25 °C 40 mA cm-2 20 mA cm-2 0 0 5 10 Time / h 15 20 7.4.6 Effect of the flow rate In order to verify the important role of mass transfer on the electrochemical treatment of real textile effluent, the influence of flow rate during BDD-anodic oxidation was studied varying the flow rate. Experiments were performed at four rates, in the range of 200–400 dm3 h-1. Figure 7 shows the flow rate effect on the COD removal as a function of the time, during 116 galvanostatic electrolysis by applying 40 mA cm−2 of current density. As can be seen, the total COD removal was achieved under different flow rates. It appears that the hydrodynamic conditions affect the rate of COD removal because this behavior is due to that sulfates present in solution produce a chemical oxidant and therefore these avoid the problems due to mass transport. 7.4.7 Energy consumption and cost estimation Comparison between the trend of energy consumption (kWh dm-3) as a function of COD removal, at different applied current densities (20, 40 and 60 mA cm-2) and experimental conditions (real discharged conditions and Na2SO4 dissolved in the effluent) is presented in Fig. 8. As can be observed, BDD consumed less energy when an amount of Na2SO4 was added in the effluent than that consumed under real discharged effluent conditions. In fact, in the presence of Na2SO4 less time is necessary for COD removal and also the cell potential is low (4.1 V). These results point out the high performance BDD-anodic oxidation for treating textile wastewaters. However, this electrochemical process can be a feasible pre-treatment method as a previous step to biological depuration or it could be coupled with other wastewater treatments (e. g.: UV irradiation, Fenton, adsorption) reducing significantly the cost and time treatment. 7.5 Concluding remarks On basis of the results obtained for anodic oxidation of a dyestuff effluent, the electrochemical technology can be suitable as an alternative for pre-treatment of textile real effluents under the real discharge conditions employed by the Brazilian textile industry (COD, pH = 10 and temp = 60°C) for complete COD and colour removal. However, if an amount of Na2SO4 is added, the efficiency of the process can be strongly improved. It is important to mention that in the Brazilian textile industry, complete COD and colour removal are attained after 5 or 6 days of biological depuration together with a subsequent physical-chemical treatment (under specific pH and temperature conditions). 117 Figure 7. Influence of flow rate on the evolution of COD, as a function of time and %TCE (inset) during oxidation of actual textile effluent on BDD anode. Conditions: 40 mA cm-2 of current density; 5 g of Na2SO4 and T = 25 °C. 800 50 200 dm3/h 40 TCE / % COD / ppm 600 250 dm3/h 300 dm3/h 30 400 dm3/h 20 400 10 0 0 5 10 Time / h 15 20 200 0 0 5 10 15 Time / h Figure 8. Energy consumption of the electrochemical process, as a function of COD removal and effluent conditions, during oxidation of actual textile effluent on BDD anode by applying different current densities. Energy consumption / kW h m-3 500 400 under discharged conditions 20 mA cm-2 40 mA cm-2 60 mA cm-2 5 g of Na2SO4 dissolved in the effluent 20 mA cm-2 40 mA cm-2 60 mA cm-2 300 200 100 0 0 25 50 COD removal / % 75 100 Conversely, COD and colour were efficiently reduced after 15 h of electrochemical process, attaining Brazilian legal requirements and maintaining the same discharged conditions with the addition of a small amount of Na2SO4; in consequence, the time treatment was reduced and costs, confirming the potential efficiency of this dyestuff treatment. 7.6 References AQUINO, J. M.; PEREIRA, G. F.; ROCHA-FILHO, R. C.; BOCCHI, N.; BIAGGIO, S. R. Electrochemical degradation of a real textile effluent using boron-doped diamond or β-PbO2 118 as anode. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 192, p. 1275-1282, 2011. Disponível em: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389411008016> Acesso em: 05 de outubro de 2011. BENSALAH, N.; QUIROZ ALFARO, M. A.; MARTÍNEZ-HUITLE, C. A. 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International Organization for Standardization, ISO 2211:1973, Measurement of colour in Hazen units (platinum-cobalt scale) of Liquid Chemical Products. 122 CAPÍTULO 8 CONCLUSÃO E CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS 123 8.0 CONCLUSÃO E CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS A Rodamina B pode ser eliminada com sucesso através da oxidação eletroquímica utilizando ânodo de BDD, favorecendo uma rápida mineralização, independente do eletrólito utilizado, mas vale ressaltar que os mesmos podem influenciar na taxa, eficiência e via de degradação do processo. Valores referentes à cinética foram maiores do que o esperado, isso indica que houve um favorecimento dos processos de oxidação mediada. Ao realizar o estudo da eletrólise da RhB com irradiação de luz em meio fosfato e sulfato, observou-se que houve um efeito positivo, onde essa substância é oxidada quimicamente pelos oxidantes produzidos. Entre os dois meios, a solução de perfosfato é mais agressiva que a de persulfato. Através do estudo da degradação da RhB em diferentes ânodos de BDD observa-se que a configuração sp3/sp2 influencia no comportamento desse eletrodo, apresentando dois tipos de comportamentos: ânodo não-ativo (oxidação da matéria orgânica em CO2) e o ativo (conversão eletroquímica). Outras experiências com BDD6 e BDD1 estão em andamento para esclarecer esta propriedade BDD. Em relação aos dados obtidos para a aplicação da oxidação eletroquímica com ânodo de BDD em um efluente real da indústria têxtil observou-se que a uma temperatura de 60 ºC e um pH 10, ocorreu a degradação desse corante em 15 horas de processo, bem diferente quando comparado aos métodos convencionais, 5 a 6 dias. De acordo com os dados apresentados nessa tese, a oxidação eletroquímica é um método rápido, limpo e eficaz para o tratamento de efluentes sintéticos e efluentes reais da indústria têxtil. 124