Sandy`s No-helium Bouquet


Sandy`s No-helium Bouquet
Sandy's No-helium Bouquet
To keep assembly time to a minimum, gather the materials and read
through the instructions before beginning.
Labor: About 25 Minutes
As seen
on page 7 of the
Qualatex Air-fill
Advantage flier.
Based on a design by Sandy Pressley, CBA,
of Creative Balloons, Inc. in Warren, MI, USA
1 22" (56cm) “Be Mine Valentine Hearts” Bubble Balloon® 40095
6 11" (28cm) “Mix & Match Hearts” Festive Assortment Latex
Balloons 40205
5 ea. 5" (13cm) Rose, Spring Lilac, Lime Green, & Orange Latex
Balloons 43600, 43565, 48954, & 43570
4 260Q Rose Latex Balloons 43957
2 260Q Lime Green Latex Balloons 79696
2 Balloon Saucers 47741
1 Clear Maxi Cup 30299
© Premium Balloon Accessories
1 6"x6" (15cm) Tile
1 Oasis® LOMEY® Pedestal 1
12-Gauge Ceiling Tile Wire 2
LOMEY Adhesive or Gorilla Glue 3
Strapping Tape 4
Hot Glue
Wire Cutters
1. Glue the wheel-shaped cap (which is included with the LOMEY
pedestal) to the center of the tile, using LOMEY Adhesive or Gorilla
2. Cut a 6" length off of the LOMEY pedestal. Save the remainder
to use for another base.
3. Use LOMEY Adhesive or Gorilla Glue to glue the 6" pedestal into
the cap on the tile. Set aside.
4. Cut three pieces of ceiling tile wire to the following lengths:
• 50" (1.27m)
• 38" (97cm)
• 24" (61cm)
5. Hot glue a Balloon Saucer onto one end of the 24" and 38" wires.
Hot glue a Maxi Cup onto the end of the 50" wire. Cover the other
end of each wire with tape, so the end isn’t sharp.
6. Slide an uninflated 260Q onto the 24" wire and stretch the knot
end up onto the base of the Balloon Saucer. Tie off tightly with a
260Q scrap.
7. Repeat Step 6 to cover the 38" wire with a 260Q.
8. Cut the tip off of an uninflated 260Q, and slide the 260Q onto
the 50" wire. Pull the neck end onto the base of the Maxi Cup, and
tie off tightly with a 260Q scrap. Stretch the other end to the middle
of the wire, and tie off with another 260Q scrap. Slide a second
uninflated 260Q onto the taped end of the wire. Stretch it so it
overlaps the first 260Q, and tie off tightly with another 260Q scrap.
Figure 1
4-Balloon Cluster
Inflate and size two balloons, then
tie the necks together. Repeat to make
a second pair, then twist the two pairs
together to make a 4-balloon cluster.
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Curly 260Qs
1. Fully inflate the 260Q with air, and
let out the air to stretch the balloon.
2. Wrap the 260Q around a
cylindrical object, stretching it a little
as you go and making sure not to wrinkle or twist the balloon.
3. Air inflate the 260Q while holding it around the cylinder,
and tie. As it inflates, the 260Q will curl around the cylinder.
Change out
the balloons
to build this
air-fill bouquet
for any
• If more weight is needed to add stability to the
design, glue two tiles together.
• Make the pedestal bases in advance so they're
ready when you need them.
• It may be helpful to have two people when
stretching and tying the 260Qs onto the wire.
• If the assembled “bouquet” doesn't fit inside
your delivery vehicle, keep the base and the
wires (with balloons attached) separate during
transport. Then tape the wires onto the pedestal
on-site (see Step 9).
• When using multiple 260Q sleeves to cover your
wire, you can add balloon collars or other accents
to hide the points where they are tied off.
9. Place each of the three wires into a corner of the LOMEY
pedestal. To secure the wires onto the pedestal, wrap strapping
tape around the top, middle, and bottom. Bend the two shorter
wires slightly outward with your hands to create a subtle curve and
allow room for the latex balloons. NOTE: Refer to Figure 1 to see
the completed pedestal base with wires secured.
10. Inflate four 11" latex balloons to 7" (18cm) and make a
4-balloon cluster (see “4-Balloon Cluster” on pg. 1). Wrap this
cluster onto the LOMEY pedestal.
11. Inflate four 5" latex to 3" (8cm) and make a 4-balloon cluster.
Wrap this cluster onto the wires just above the pedestal, and push
the center down so it nests into the cluster from Step 10.
12. Make two Lime Green Curly 260Qs (see “Curly 260Q” above)
and tie them together into a pair. Wrap the 260Qs onto the wire
above the 3" cluster from Step 11.
13. Fully air inflate an 11" latex balloon and tie the neck. Wrap
the knot into the Balloon Saucer on the 24" wire. Repeat to add
another 11" latex balloon to the 38" wire.
14. Inflate four 5" latex balloons to 3" and make a 4-balloon
cluster. Wrap this cluster onto the base of the Balloon Saucer, just
below one of the 11" latex balloons from Step 13. Repeat to add
another collar below the other 11" latex balloon.
15. Air inflate the 22" Bubble and cut off the attached ribbon. Roll
up and tie the neck with a 260Q scrap, then use the 260Q to tie
the Bubble onto the Maxi Cup on the 50" wire.
16. Inflate eight 5" latex balloons to 3" and make two 4-balloon
clusters. Wrap the first cluster onto the neck of the 22" Bubble,
above the Maxi Cup. Wrap the second cluster onto the wire for
additional support, pushing it up so it nests below the first cluster.
More ideas and instructions are available to professionals
at “Instruction Sheets” and “Balloon Ideas” on
1 Oasis LOMEY Pedestals are available in 14" (36cm), 21" (53cm), and 31" (79cm) lengths. To find a wholesaler in your area, visit
2 Ceiling Tile Wire is available at hardware/home improvement stores and sold in bundles of 6-foot lengths.
3 LOMEY Adhesive or Gorilla Glue is recommended because these glues will provide a stronger bond than hot glue to support the weight
of the bouquet.
4 Strapping tape is available at hardware stores, mailing centers, or drugstores. It is embedded with filaments that provide more durability
and strength for reinforcement.
Children under 8 years can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons.
Adult supervision required. Keep uninflated balloons from children.
Discard broken balloons at once.
For Consumer Product Information, visit or call 1-800-331-6865.
USA ©2012 PBC
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