r AGRARIAN RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE 198 PRINTED BY THE KUMARAN PRESS, COLOMBO 12 OS 88 03 1982 &si. 3. ©za*. ©23*. oOdsaiQ ©MQJ e3K>3C323\ Os(323) ® - € J ^ £ e c 3 CSS0 ©Cffzffl®, asaSzao"® esoOisQzn JDJ exSeciss-efi ec®323:i33t(BGJ 2 qjQs&a c90. <5arf. dei. zadi-sSjrSe ® § (3°2a3 ®ffl SfSgQ zSscaJeSra, gejc* K>3 z g ® &G>B3$&) e f S a a s s o Q c a r5®. coSgocu© ©50233 © S . © 5 . OeJ. 23d ^353C522)"2n ©50233 — sPocsaSa, goe^iSij esoDiJOsa £f®j23»3o<ac3 — 2?©i3s'e3j3, <g3@ia 23<5®D2rfj3 esoQSazn l ff®3J3a3«03C3 8 . COT. ( 2 ® . QOTKsVg ©502211 tfoS. ©JS\ ©esJeegs-Jed® ©1023} S . ep8. ®&Jd®ai @« ©sosSsb'ca «50. 8 . <5®. cg-sSeeian &9Cii&1S>, CfO» 123233 £J®3233:Q°(BC3 — &<sai&i3>, ©toOifS e3°D£>Q20 ef®323»3°ea<3 — zSecsotSzs, ©Sge; B J znsSza £f®32a:o3°eac3 — sfecaJSts, zsaSzaC® 8c3«s, © d d 3 © e ^ c a SeJQ — eo)232^, ©fflsSzs-Ocgz^ £3d©ci83-efi K)3 gg)-e§ ZSS©® ef3C3!?253^ S . 3 . e^38°» ©50233 d . e)ea\ 3d8°tn Sraai e 0 . 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L (« ) (S ) Cat) (aO (<p) 3 tf®»c$D ©daa t^ge* eaSiaga'DznaO coidzaca ©aiding ©aa©® 2Sa;odc3 Egg 8 g * g 3 ©D©q ©aagQg «®c8 ss^g^g § g°2aa©0 8 zflstaacaa a i e i t B a S z r f t g e c dza2gO ©znazaQSa g 3 a (DIJFL® ©233*33025" <rS'a> cOz® e © g 8 830ica toa ea25i*23» 8 2fl^£33<;2nca toa eagBca 8 g 3 q zniScasGzrf toa 92533023 ffltstefDca gto© ga2553a£)ca23* e<z3 8 zfjrfaac.zsja joizn ^eig^fzaQc ©ruatosd tosSzaca (a), (ej)) cazn eQacazn 1982 £" eOa25j* 233253 ee*. ^ ® OsdsnOzsi* e ® g 9 o 3 ® J s « 5 eJaazsca ©Ssj* z3^35* z s d w e35©J®«& ca3tozsf ©agaG ca3©£5* 83025* zadDi a*;© escaazn e r a d ©3c, 208253 e ? ( e j . («t)« C"PJ eOacazj) c®«jaa z a ' ^ a ' ^ O^S) eOasi" 2ad qiS e r a d eJ*)a®cat8 OadtoiOasf 1983 ®adq ©seaaJ eSazST' 233253 "'Sf) eQaJOT-azsj ac_2» acaJdzsja § ® c i zas^ibca® zggzrfSca. (at) aaaJ2>aca a^asasza* eptojd toa 2 a a S a d ® eaoSQizneJ g)®<*<3a 23idca3Qca ®@si 23© "JS^S^" ^ ^ C . (^0 eDacasaca z s a S a d d ea«0302r> toa £3d®cias«5 e®)25)03»o®ca" ©e'zsSao* <p(3*g52s" o 5 4 esto (3) eSte.32Si.a dazSza © a > a » i d ©(3*23® zaadcaigaci ©e'SSssj' ezgO 8g tsdzn cq eJtbca. 0 8 2 5 5 1 taaSsad® eaoOd025j toa esSaciacS eSaooaoaaci QQ'QS&I 08^ 1982 eaid3>i®aS, ©2naO(®ad c32Si 233© o S O s d e a 250 6 g 0 6 ®© m«525j* S g d q t ) g5e) zSsOqzsjcazs* a>«#a)ica® SCSZSJ* jj^SJ® 23d2S5 e ? 1981 Odi3®J^ ai5®co 2sd25> eitojd o8®»3*d2n ea®aB«5a3 eq© ^255*3 Ocgota «S3® 1982 ej ©253323Q03 23d®02>3 C32S) Qe". ® ® ® 23j3^ca 1983 qOasi 2 3 © SDt23 * 0 C3 3 Cf®d25»J 2 3 d g Gl®&. t 8c33*®(3°a3«6325*®23 a&Bcajn 3 23" c ® ? esfiacies^S ©caifeSzns 1982 ^ gq-si® zadzsj Q%. ©S® ®j<d2>)3 esda^asS toa g g ^ S ^ a i taSgO 8355* 3&osimi gs; a » i 198^ © j a a J oQzsi egdtcf^saf g i s 32)8 ea®2ai& 8g J a d g e 2i). ©d® © ^ S s aOjscazncazsa' zn®: 6 5 1 t e ( ) (efa) (aj § e ° a a © 0 e s t o a d g2S325*z9 eato e i t o s d e38©t03*d2saca § C ° S 3 ® 0 23a§2333®23 $ O s O g ®© gtSozs'iSca ©Sea", easo q e ^ c aeSOsj oZj"a®2S3* a g e)zn COSZIJ 8 g 3 q 0 e j f i S a ©izn aig®25*. t > ai®8a» ej23*a3 d z n a c a j disaazsJ^) 1 eaoOSDrJaca 3 § 3 q «jcaa2naJ 1982 3 eq© 233253& a OiQ eeOeozsj ca3©253* aaQadca e50. de*. ea8e* c o © e * a a Ooacaj? e)ifi©J253* 23«S6D3ca®3 ea®a253*cJ 7. ©zsadzgdi ©OaeiOaznea ezs»dzgd( ®03^I32SJ®c3* § 3 2 3 ed2)€S ©CO>33)3g28 ea-OSDzsj ea» 8 3 ea®a255*0 z a f ^ g D g O ae,© aaadesdi 65(3253* g d i oi2S®3 o t o g a S eaigiei3as<2n' 3dacis233253*, eaigg® taJi025j*, g^325fJ ea®3)e;2s35*!o3 a a ' D j z s ' e a t o S i J . a 9 ad§«S <|>g 2 3 i ia 23i>3 ©OaeiJaznaJ a a s d ^ ^ i a>i2S5*a5j' 23^255, ©aadqdi 6 ^ * J I J 2 0 t o ® J 3 J 23)3j3»c9i3af O ^ a j ^ c ; z a S j g ^ 23J©025) caS. t 15 T 1 9 9 eie'tr-iSae Caeecrf tf&'etsf cfsrc^cecJ &zisxt5 B<6 K»f6Cm efocczs-eci etaQadca d z ? B getosraeca, Mc8»3«c'S2n a«cc©d ©zsiaCeazs'g f,zsfzB S;o2g;£) cszn e?©a tftsfoiZTf zad eroaBzacgz? 8 g S q ez3>aOt?d e>q°Cz$ca B i £ c a © c8°B£aznca zaczn c ? ofS^ ®z?adt?di ©at, K H S S O e ^ g £ ©jccre* Ezn gzs-aeczn $eo?c:c ®C caa *§8® tsfiss-aji 2150 ©8 « i S C^Kei EECZD tSaiEzrf 1982 e5«D©a8 Saeseci eCzn' e S ® ©CcadOazncs geiznzaaeca, <;zsft» a^za.© esto gtaacozn ef.csca ctzn e?£afizs5° eStrfEtB Bcs. saaozsdi SCosea'Cazrca efi®Ezaaz£) e'ta'eaza' dzreccci daznazn'ad etottCzn gCiet'dcznsd e:£ad zsfzrt q t d j c 3 zs" e < ^ K a e&•e&za' SSa zadttn t n g g ^zrt eJca 1982 qemaVja, ©aesccBl ^ 8 c : £ c j ezaa© j§«S). 7 t > iis'ta St'**© ©Ceca efadtTtoeca* E o ® az5>adzsd eCxttCz&ed £tSS zn© ©ana£zn <8c'eC © 8tSg©a cf,«S q e d , g d e z s a c t t fftSeiza ctcgzs:® tz&KCtsS C i g S ©Ba® etc8 ©CDOZTZ^ tftts. t l l coczrzreci 1 0 ©izB e-«£j5e:dca edtccaa geitszeac ©esrf to» g © « n «a«» c e z a d < 6 E g S q eaaCdta gedcezrcazs'e es-SCazrca zsczr'zn© e c t t n qzsd etca e c a c © a 8 23 E S 26 <jE©a zr© ©©a£zs>l<8e ffic'? o i C i t S B ^ , , e ecBZ5-cc<* ©eae'ezs* Eadca e » ©<^6«r cozs etra© e z f z s a f32 zs? Cjg^s; q a d £i£v8ctd eEzsxaeo ctca gtSad^ ec.zrSza' €zs C.g-*fi e?Eo«. 1982 C&ZQSB! cords e « z n 163tffg qz*d, Szrf 81 tsT ^ctza Eefczrie (qeHs? c o d s 6 zs<) $ t £ 8 e3©a gESsdi ©Ba" eStsjo:© ©cc©&zrf Cm* e?Qaca. f erttfzrf ei§y*3? *>i® 9Z5acozrceza'® 8 g a q ©ZBadtgdi BaSts* zadzrftrzrfecrf gacaa'dznca c t EOC&zs-a / cfsPitftrf ez5>ad££d caqtrzrf j£8e® © s d © ©e'zr' .jzn ©[Zft®d eac-ei©zn c ? . d® »adt?©zs'© ©dzs'® £6<8tac«fcc3 zag ©esazsf K B eceoda ^ 8 d©zrf "® za'* cigiiS g z a a r a z n " © 2zrf ezyaCz?di czJcaEtaf zfs?trf taczn c ? . "e©«n'' Sjactzrf zr© e » d » e g z n £(3* ©C «Sacaadi» 8©eE? zf ZJBZS" * 8®e ©® ©zaCac^© «?c tfd®zn c^, s t a 3 t l t © e ® zoapca z?c 500 zs* £ z n So€d tsacJzn 68ezsf BEzrf g e i o z s i a c " e 8 B d « S c a zs-dzg e i ^ c a ffzr zsd geizrzs-cc etf©ca cacezs* zs-g zflzfftsf 6 8 ® cr«aZD 69 zsfg efzsd ^zrf 43 za ® Sczfzrf ^ d f ^ C ^ <?£aca. g e z s z E a c eeiEa e e g z n ® c j t S S © qftzyd© g c - v i g c f z y z s ^ e e o e S e c i SB^Szrf 4 ©<;«zrz$ c^'^a o ^ e t f c n gaaca'Sza g g ^ £ z e c e ^ £ z e © c:cci£a ©<xn c^. e o t J i t r t r d e^EdcIzrca E § £ q eCecie«> e e » e C a e eca* qaEcssz^ gae^cfca zaadcjagca zsctri e < § ICfifeta" ezr© ezr'ejcceca' t e « d £ i r ( t t o jfeCa® &Ca:e- Citraci CBZEKJ gdzstaactGctza© ezsezfccta eg-eg£tsi c © ®^zn c?1 J 3 zsC^ ge/ozaacca g c°2a»®C Beasaza'eta B a ts^za^Szo ©zsadzjdi ee'OzfecdB ('ec^CezrfO; < j o e<£rfciJ6)' © n e . g e z efi r c c i z ? tc©<; e t t B a £ g z £ ) qtid •gtScizy' z a i t s c ^ ' adEca ^©cjeta z s £ © C 3 s f zs-a© ots) eszcei t a d ca£tn c^. 3 t C'taa©© ga® ea»£d£zrca 8 ^ 3 q ©tra'dacrBf gtaa©» © c »a©©c'Szncazo' ges'zsroaccaaScJS Etri esz&d zaosn eg© ©ecd <)©eaazn©cs^ zSzs^za" zaczn'zn© ©catzfl. » © « gdtrtB>acc::SezS 1982 g"zfl «ae:©ci eezrf KgS«batBC-<& zszaa ©caacczn^ t a c g Q zadzn c?16 ©(BaEzaegtg 8f8q § Q->IS» c«)da©D { s t a S>i°z§C esta ©zaaffiSgOS «?ta2aca 1982 d2nOa8 ®3ti©ci ^trta 3i<>t$©© taBcjts edcStn e ? ©eSOca c ® < ° » jfleQ'S eSests* ©za" tsdtn C5 <*Bi<3 Sgzrf ssc'saOsaO 8 t P 3 $:rf§c33!g a°S»S3®ci&&> eacatatneca' dattMa-ftsd es.S»3©e'S2 cOatnca 8gSiej g g « § ©CaeA'damecs" gg^§© eOeatsj* tad ©efOca© 3i£t3 ^trio eo°£8Q2>3 sScOaSts-' ©e^atntaweotr'e;, SafeCajta © © eattosa* es®ejae,to © d i ©eee.etnta,©®^, qjpca® S&Crata ©di 4 ©t;tnza. eato eats' taadcaac ©efts'® ©Scata 9 0 2 5 3 ^ esStn'StB ©tase* gOe, ©®® tftaracs ee,© ©decs o.e> ts® ©eiOaOtrf e^trfo 3 i ° z a © 0 t a G g a , © c ® ©®«Sn* 8 © a ©tratadtn toe'* ' Sdeeede* ©aaeaatS efiLaffiiStas esto taafica ®-ed£>c©ci esaSatlzaStsf s f l g t s f t B g t^adcacassa" zaO gd£ts* tad©o>»j caa®Q ©cag45. n t 53 es®3©ea'£>253csQ toaeSirca g ©C»ca t $ e es»86Qzn sfidtnacataStrt ®aca©a* c®1°» 3|<>zo© S&si e O o a $ t s f s > eats' dea" zS8® ©tnaanQGa tad©eotn cazn ce". ts©e; eacstsznecs* eOscia-eS ©asea^c* ©e e,s*» taaaf©*, 3 i " t ? & ®<Bsrf e ® ©tsltna C?- e>®® e ^ ® DGdSad-eScaO ecwaajca tad «*©aSt5a° efitd-e&co zadtn g©a«£ca, Cases eOca, sfldtnacazaSs)*, zflcsacszrf toa 8®aQzn* 8 g 3 q Beitsd caetDtrt ©gzrf gts,© c ^ ® ^ ® © esees"©25> c ? 3 3 <jt5*t» 3i<=«»)G toa8t?a tadzrfjpzsf t5® ©tsaOttdi © c t? ejS©"Jta ©Striata® c©ca tadzrfjnO ©csg-fi. ^tsfza 3j«25©C ©dOcs e ^ ® i ^ ® © 3at8d 68t£ c^ffi*® ©zr> 3©EJ* erfOtrftn© c i Q ^ S . ©S® ©ts°Oa etoeaa® eetftass tadzn etrfe,©® S c ^ t ® ^ e i t t ' S ® e©e.ea3 esjcg® tad enfl 0 8 ? t o t e §c e>e*©tS ©ts3®8gOd e t a t a d QQO ©izft®© eaedOa e? e a ® © ^ © © g8<*S«ta' c S a {"©©trf to© tDitS ©23 tfita. 3 gtaacata tf»eaca escoda, gBatsftS! tojgtrs SOd.&ts's, e d © c J B « o ©afizaa esto eC©ca*8S«S toa gg-«§t§8© ©cG <KG etSt^ts' Dafitsa gtaacocsO otsf t&8® ^coO® tad»CD2D cS2n ge". sBe; gtaaentn ©3<; totS®, e®eSca esto gaiacntn Oe© ©Sts?*® eacstsjjndd et8ts,trf zaOgtg BQQ$ gSq'Scsta' e ® ?® ®®® a-oaecs* zaadestosdes © C 3 qacstazsascs* tsa^ts ®4J?£l(3&3 tjae2a ®-oS©c es«gtS©csS otots efejtotsa' atasitiBS) ^tSgzfl. efiH. S©5dts*zn ®toa>a taaStad® es<&d©z» wo oc*5®cisj«6 e®3tBE3°ca©ci ©(fza® Qdcs erfeoiSSta* es®cD® o a c t a &-e^©c©ci eatoacsz)! Qdscazrf*; cj>©sf Sea. eJ* ©GsjOO e;®at33aaoc33©<i ©e*ta® QdcaO otsj'g €>&i. 8 . ©to*.©2sf. ©Dd©03a© ®»tsa &QSQ9asi O a c t o ®«S©c®<^ estoaotf gdea© ots'Sca. gO® esto <gQ® eaoOdOtn efSat^jaa'ca©^ qtSedta © ^ 2 3 ® , (toff. ©ta". 8 . 4 Se'Oa Stotna ®itSBd«& ® B » a ® c 3 3 8 d ©eea otsfS® e 3 a e®jts»»ca®ca2S3* ©£)£>"© caa® ea®eo tsaeto ®-o^Qe©ci eaaSaeStatsfDacatrf ^©trf Sea. ga®cf(Bc8 ea»B60tS3 eSatBBaoCQOca' ©e'tafi© 8 3 e5tyf. 8 . ©dGatnatjtsi* Stotsa eS® otntgd ets)"toi8®t5* ea®co e s a c ® ®-ed©e® eaiSaStrtrfecs e t a © B d 8cs. € ©QtsjOO eJtsfg e5®. d a ® g . e o ® ®tot»a e5® e®at»2a.oaca zSecas'eJzrca 2S8®S o s e t a So^QQdQ oat t a J t s j C i ^ c a . ca eOaatatn ef®a23:ea°e3©<a' et9©d2a ©cfta® 8 . 6isi. «5®. gtnatrfg 'sflecafcznee 2S8®© o a e t a fe-eJaQc"© oof tadtsj Q,Sa. ©totoa d ® ©0©q toa ssaaSza e®ao:»)°oa©&* ©eJaaJcS eatotaad ©cfta® S e S . ooidisef Cf«ata23»»e3cs tflecaJdtnca J S 8 ® 0 OOQISS S-eSQQaQ eta* tads} Q^QOCO «{®atBBa«cflcs Stota'Sca d® ©eJdo®^t?c» Sof© 8^»3C©ti zaiSsaO® eadSta S^ua© 8 g 3 e j ®eoa©aOco 3 . ©(aJeodtrftn® 8©e;e3 eosB® c ® ^ » °>C2S> 6 « ^ © e » « » 5 ' ? C * e eeJg titsd, ©e*da©.^ca Sea"© S ^ a a c ® ^ taaStad® ScSca zBecaa'omca tS8®© ®CD3©adca ej©. 8 . ea®. q-c&eee'zsa cJ 9 © ^ © © t s a c ® « d © e « osig©dca. 3 2 3 3 £ l 17 <p£>a&c9 8 . «fi5. O3tn03>32sf©za* tsaStoS® $Q»2a» jstnjgd $25"tDi8®25>* es®© oiQta ®-€#©<5(»t< caaSsSarrfOca ®a>©Od Oca. ® g oOz^O© 6 ® rssycgde) otrfg qsOsdos 432 fl. e a . 3 : gtrntrfg sAcSe® *" O J C » ®-€#03©C3* essSsdssocsta, gacics. « S © vzaaSesaSeJ •^esdjraSzn'qeOjr" <p£)S)'S®E>{ ea®© 3 . a d . 8 . 8©ddts"tn ® » » » e s £ » ©•edSecsca' esswsdtassfOocazrf*; gOzsf Sea. cftSodsa $Q® ©203®o38e3* e7. e)ei. 8d8°(D ®W£B», ®»3®eaa5e5 zSacaidznca 2S8* e®^" oseaa ®«rfOc«Q oof ge-cica. 1 ©©aBdjnwtfOj eassSesaSei tatnrgSsi' fOafSSaB* ea®eo® 5 . 5 . 8g®8<>a ©toss©©* o s C » ®«SOc®<^ ea3®382St3'Oca ©togOd" Sea. e7 ©OgO© ezsfg 0 © . 0 ® . 8 . a>3c<*nto ©corns j f i c S C " * ^ e s c * ®-e££)e®ci easSodzaacata, Sea. 3 ©23*. el. We©Sd3 ®tots3 ego® ea.OdQzn $Qa2sa Qdca $2S*»i8®25>* ca®co® B I C » ®4^cOe»cd e33®36* s>sf©cd ©mgOdg $ » d eJ ©Os]©© o s f g © 3 . $35. 3 . dsdtadi^Ss ®»s>3 jflC®C»«""rt B3(*a ®«^ac®d e3s®sdza©<aza. Sea. 5. o 2 3 J ©csdtrfO ©tozas c§ c <f'«oid tos ssaSad® ea°83szn©ci zfl©c3s*da zazntad $s*to 5®s' ea®co® e>se» ®«£Qc<*<4 easSsdjassfOa ©zagOd g $tad <? ©823©© ota" g $ 3 . SeadaS ©iotas tfle S c ® " * osczo ®«dOc®<^ casSsdzs^caza, S © 0 ozj*g®cic». l 2 5 1982 $3<BZSJ*:».»8ZJJ* ©d tf. qjzSarf , — e5\ $ 3 . S/©Os82n*©Z5->\ $ . d. d. e a . s . e»ssf — e)0. dSei . € . ©ws30d 3 . $8t03di <5®.^6. tog® 8. gdtosBfioO tSzrt. cpeJca® tf. ©d. ©izSai 6 0 . aflc*ea2n* 8. 3 . ajdcasejaa'ea' ©<5. ©zs*. dits'sszs? e d . 2a®®ozrt ©d. gjf'Oco'SdO ©d. 8 . Q 3 . ®3®©zn* 8 . ©ozrfog $30. 8©0s8 t 1 — — . — — S-Sazsj* SdO 8^Mi(3cac3 $ i . d. d. € . $ 3 . S/«© S^ezn", $i. d. d. eaSdra 018820323 ©eatSa cs'GQsznca, $ 1 . d. d. ®e332S3 3 d © 8e23c;<3G3 rai32nO ©c^zs® za.dcasca. 9°eSQ39^caa $3803323 ea«G(5D2S) 810250, SgSznca ®S©3©3 869*0 8^333(3C3C3, 23 Zn©3© ®St?. ai»»2a32s' qse'eSJco* BoJO Seajcca, ©Qzn*®sc5z3e3 g i z r ' S B . § c«taiO cgdzrfB.8, § cotasQ f — — — — — — — gzrf eg38« 8<rf0 8tj»ic«« eiSQzncs l c3 — 8026 So"© S^Bscacs, adaQgcas© — $a. tic*, a. — — SolO 8^3<3C3, ©e2rf®3d2SC3 § c»<>233© zsaStada 8e333© 8 g S q oJSezs-f SoJO StjBsccaca e5"8e2T)C3 «{5e3 »id' ©c*2S® Bssdcascca, tai&Qoiaa) , ©2a3O2jf©C0 ©25- > gt52T*/ea36»*d, d d . ©dstDitrfcam* — e?. ® 5 0 . dea". SdtogO — — $ 3 8 8, ©zn^dc^raa 18 , g6:rf8efac50, detznca E»8ZS<*S® Oe-ssQ 8 g 3 q dBOzr" Soft) 8<saecaea, 8. e5fd. ooa®»3S* ©SadSc* 8cJ*0 Sej»ic«s, ei-eSd. zsiBzsaSStB t3C©des-e& eacat&zrxa, eiSdOaznca zaaBzaa63zs> e6©da»«6 catsttznca, eatSdOazna Ol®8»J5T taatnaetS m»S^3Qa, § C" © tsf©c®2RF© escrfOaef coaS 8c3ca, a»Sfd. <5. e S . 3 , t033colE><a 6d. 8. 6ftf, 6s*eanf dadOajflca State? ©fd «z53*c*csa, ©ZRFIJOA© a^SSF ®fd os-fllcaa, osa^CSA© 60. 6®. 5, ©trteaa<3co 6 0 . 6®. fi, ©ofcaacca 6fd. 6*. ©, ©sages 3 . eJ. 087*0)5 6®. dasf^zrf 6®. 8 0 8313 > ©t3. tSO. ©da'jrfd ®<5. j S O 3 . 8. toa©0 dei. ©djtojzr* 0. do*. Qzstodg* 3 . ©to*. g>>ds> 6 0 . S. StrfaQJc* Z3M&3 ® « ^ & C C S »6rf i W c t e q a w . ( e ® 8 o d © d » ^ ) e « z a © ^ C C B 6 0. - 8c*©. caOadca * f . S. sflacatea «Q»zs» (otocto«S) oznzjeoS G|0 toad <DS*ao*ca. * . ©ead eOaazn ©»8© a a t a ®«*© ®cafiRAOTZ3*EC8®e®d«. c qOxtat 2SOI33*d» eQszw ed©di*«B »a gg-^«88®® jflcQ=8tr" taSoggsa zcafica e-ed&cjca gdoasacca, C.ZRFZB Set?©, gtaaezn eStstsca eato e8a>«£» mafica S-e^Ccca ea«S»a®c'S2D estots>ad©dizn eato 8®<*S«»B>©dizrf ®e*t3)®, QSzaad easo 6® «g<&©c Bazas-fita zsadca ©-cSjQcca geJ ©<§•& ©®CE© EF®»D© tsaOaoSw »A e«3ca® © D © » 88*0* a «»D 01 02 36 05 12 10 42 03 40 ffi rf» „v Q2 m . A > ©ead t?c etozs> eaqtozr* etS©d«<<& toa gg-^t£8©® sflgQaSg 8gzrf®<j* tr® ^Sacazjj* esqeozr* «aca«S2n©c esOadca tfitS© £©<(» BdeSeaacGe odCais" ceofl EFQJJCCSJECCJ'fi jfldta© S3ca». OS. 6*. 8. ep©a©dzad' Oi. 6. d, etoadoznc* 8«f© S p a c e d ts©ds* 8 . 6 0 . B. eesSca eaqtoa 0 . <D®®ffl* 6 d , 8 . £f®adtrf2D Sea ®d®9gcoa®0 zsfSzjj'dcoa'a Boa*© £e»ac®d 6®. e5. coaSca eaej»i «id. ©za»cT®s>e* Bof© 8{»»c®d 6®. eJ. c » 8 «s<;tD» tJ ©aro^zsJaMrf 8a*© 8e»>c« ea®dza* ca 19 cpC. 3 . ©zncodts'sj $ I . d. d. SciojairrfSarf SAFE S^aaQca 8 . e*>0. 3 . C*"-a3ca esqtoa osedts" eJzafciB* dadQazSaca* eaeSdOzs-f Serf© 8 ^ » c ® < i 6® e5ea"8. c && (ea®ad es«>a:oasnca) esqtoa eaadza* doajnsca* oQj£@aj SsSQB^ynQ&ci Cti£>23 ©izS©®??" e g ejatoad ©Sa"co ea<>dzas-€&ca 8 g 3 q zsazason gg^a© 6 . da.. eJ. 8 . ®za*. ©eioac ® ° dasfeata" dadOaznaci ©tzsteQsiOd Serf© Senac®^ d®. d . £,e>aSca (zaaS ep63to Stj»a©) eaqtoa ea©dza* CS>. ea®a© CZJfOzn" Serf© 6eaie®<4 0 3 Bci^co* 6®. f8(3" ( taaSaad® qadSto S^»sD) a3 6<3- 6. <fi«. ©25* S5 5 Bed© 8e»acca efjcataznsca" zaadca cS-edQQca ©S® S a d zgccj otoa caqtozn' S i t e d aS^&^si oac5®aea©E© eetotoacSQzrf'zn© ©cag-S. zrj® toa tasntad eaSSzn'zjsS toa ©za3 Z3>ae«sS0®i^ca «3K$®JE»©/ea®©z<>*g-sSca 8 . d®. 8©ddta*Ba od©ciffl«n toa gg^gAS©® zScQaS •zrfcjcaa©©, ®gda8®cs* ©ejdSccfznaefzrfzna taazss^za Sea© 3<;33ac©>i £3Oz3 © © ©aS®afi> zn3z5id«5ca 8 g a q co Od eaSSzrfa Oi©it9 ©iQtoe 09.02.82 £fi. D . d. ©zaaQdasSa" gazsfta Scs© Be»a(3©ci d e o a c z n za€®«oazad-efi o«crf©c o«oca 8 g 3 q g|g«g AS©© ©EaaazSca 11.05.82 8© 16.05.82 t t t 6®. 6&. 82B®8»» od©ci».eS eoa ggj-^gtSS©® zSeQaS 5f E© 15.02.82 8. 3 ga8«o ttaazas a.cWeaecfoaaca" Oi©zS ' ead£) d ' D ® . 6. c8«SQdazn 8®c5raza SQSzneci, etzTfafi datSza eatoe" ejS®ca*e«S tjacatszneca* cj^OitS OaS®a© zag®«&a2ad«5ca 8 g 3 q gg-eg 233©® esac3®aca© 29.07 82 80 29.01.83 epatt. e 8(3°©a ®ca taeozaad ©cfSzaaSzoaS '© Q esOtoaf) e)oco(3zrfzi>©ci eaoOdOzn epQacaz?) efacaaznaci gg-eg© toa ©£> e?25*cz!3® E I S ^ "to jjoODe^zsecits", ©znedezT3"ts©ciz!' e 3 g ©Qznzsf ffacamzn znidS® 04.08.82 80 18.10.82 dea*. ztjcgSca ®ca geitazaae eotosaad dzsfcats" dadOazS©ci ffitsfeifei&OS ©oacdada ®«^£)(2c3 zaaSzaafifza zaa6c3a°ea©ci zaa8aad@ts> ©zaidzgdi 8 g S q oacSSaea© 31.08.82 80 28.09.82 eta'Oa <fi D . d ©zaic^aoaa' gazs-fts See© Seaaceci dgoaczia ea»c5©(3°o«&ca S g S q g g « g ©BaesatSca 11.09 82 8o 16.10.82 t zsazas-fiza zaSCj (lea's® t / D ® . DC*. 82o®S»io \ od©ca*0«o toa g§g^g tS8»® zfasQaS 20 t ( 24.07.82 8 0 01.08.82 8 . o6. (gaSOdQzn zflacaa'dB QOszsa ( e « c 8 odadoeS) ts)aSc;2Sa'99d, Si«®2Sa23*S 0 ( 0 : 9 eaScsaaO 59a3i5 ®o®edOe t%Q cjSca to* 2»32a»«6ca 8 g 3 q a»®§ d d S ® (d23caa ^gsftSca O i S ^ c g ^ 295® OiScaag gaaefdSca 2a«rf£)aca®) 20.10 82 SO 27.10.82 9 . S. gaS-to eOazsa - ©eodzn 8 s ) e a g t o a ^ g a C •zsfeazsa'fl OjOzS g d ©raaSirf toa ©gzsf ©(3251*255253* C®e;eaa d*2aaaefO gs® ea°©3Djj5ca ©SZSJ* aaQad eaiesS® 8 g a q O i Q » c 11.11.82 80 10.12.82 qtsfOa dei. d®. 8 . 9dty>37S»att> o C e d o « s tot gg<§;85»® sflc£)i8 8^82n®d, ©itfle'S eaScaag sfltfoa^za C3°80)25)C9 ©S253* O^Ottsfg ©COoS-C&CS 8 g 3 q a&&Sc5B)a 28.11.82 80 05.12.82 ®tsf. 8. d d . etaBcsSoto cp2r ejcaa®0, 2ae*?a£aaO datsnsjjJmd eooaBj®c'253 eQaazn © Q a d O a s s a d g g « § S a ® £3aci®aC30 8 . dzrf. ead. gsiazrfg esoSaaeg'Sizn eatomad ©253*e]c3j®S, 23(3 2oDa®0 dstsjasi'tad 03-a]03®e a2» eQacazn © O a d d a w a d gg«§Oa® oac5®aeaO 02 06.81 80 31.03.82 d f d . d*. <;. dei. d®. ea3da*2n e>Oad®e& toa g g ^ § 2 9 3 ® ® ZSJQODS djsfeats* dadDizSad adS^ ScoDSeaacade*: acaifioc S e e s toa 6Q toaStnca 8ga>q eOac5253 ©adaaaO ^25°23 Soa'ae's-Coca esto OsdtSMO 2fl® z 9 5 a ® zaOcg^ 19.07.81' 80 20.02.82 > , > "ecora eaqtszsa* 2fle335255* OCaca Jajge* Oi§d 1. d®. 8 . eoaSda 2. d d 3 . c>3. zSzacDiScj 2. d®. 8 . d©. a a a f i d i 4. dO. <3: S80£Q2n 5. ©20". 5 . d d . 85030255 02.06.81 80 31.03.82 dtSsa 2S0ag80 Saefca cotaO 83acaa*ca. — esde toa g g « § 2 S 8 a ® sflgQaS — eSeca"»«S toa g g « g t98e® — ea°aoiee*a)2.5 eatos>ad — gt-atstS toa gzaaozn a f l e ^ ' S — raazss&as eaeo2s>ad 0033233 8 . 3 . gaB'oto 3 . d*. ( © - a s ) , d ® . d d . 8 . Ca2aaQ3®3ai), eidcSa ta>® ea9t33e.253a 8 g 9 q S d a g J S s O («f3. d d . • d d . atrfco*) eaieg® 2§jat5"®2a 293® eaa Oaasad Scrfa^aoSca 3ga)q eaajraca (ca,. dzsj*. a 3 . 8. 3 eato 8 , aiaataaza*) gQizn Baca azssgca 2aaSa3dc?2a epdc3a SessO, ea»a0aae*a2n ©SaDqca, g?3ea°80a2nca. aocfa^fica zsjiSzaidSza eao£)332>5;3, acoaStoOgzj zfiacafda c O » 2 ^ (odadas«S) d d . a . a. e, 8e*oa 3 . d\ ( e 23sO. d®. d*. ( a S d a a ^ ) . 8 . dO 3 . (cOzsi*) gQa255 3eca assataca «®ad 80,83© 21 ta«tfQaca©® eatoaotS fi. 8©®B->tD, s. a. tf(E«»3), F8C* ( § C * ® ' ) . (»®3»i»i) gOazn Sacs ezastscs : ©•BOOzrcs, ©efoaeacifisa cfaOflo SesaO e«o C<a«S evBOCznca, - eaoBOam »i88® esto es^CCQtn eSoaezsica. ee®es*»«S toa g g ^ G T S S E © TFLEQ'Szy" <*30. 3 . BzSodJSfzn, 3 . e?(c°«»)t 6®. t ? ( » £ > a & ) tfzretozn ipOjsan gOszn Bscs ezasgcs : •©® tgzs'zsj'ca esto dznaBaeszsd^acs e3®. 8G8Q S o a c * ® ^ (toOaS) . ^saza* © E 3 © 3 o! a 3 . e5(t§ C ® ), D ® . e?(§8a* ®z»a©(3a®8csa) gaQazrj Baca ©zssgca ga®ca ea®ae$ SeaaO, cga®« es«8©azy>, $©® e'znaBaetoo'^Sea esto ecoaCtj&Ogzg ca®Szrf£25» S. ozazrfznozaa'zn' 3 . eJ(d" c )» ® ® CznaBaeatod-Coca esto es^DfiOznca 8 g S q eofOaza' C > 8 6eJ©E:F®9B gQazn Bases ©zssejca o2S;> e 0i g©® dzs)a8aeszad«oca esto §G® tQZsfzS g ® , ©S® eooBCQzncs toa ga®ca eaoBCQznca © 3 . 8. dcaaeSzo ' 3 . eJ. (§ e ° » a ) , D ® . €. (§ C'sos) gOazn Sacs ©zaszsca <$©® gjSesotfzBd-e&cs, 9©® cQtrfifi @® nto es'znaBaeszs)d«Ccs, B i 8 g ©S/os z&aSta&szs-faacs e5®. e?. ©zs*. 6 0 . t>ti. GtS. zodi-eSadzrfzr) ®ca e®. e5es"S. (g§®3a) g©ozn Sees ©zssgca sraSzad® $a6<Sza StpsaB jsxrfQacao® eetoaezS € , Bzn8»to 3 . dciS. ( C ® ) . d®gOizn Saca ®25»zgca 0 esgesazoad 3 DDS. (zSO yaScztfQ) toa cga®ca «£«, gcczS jfiBzss«£ca gicoS® aao oaSesSzo ea»dzsB«S«» od®ca'«e-«a toa GG^G 2 8 S © ® jflcQaSzrf tizrf. 8zS3253©crf 3 . e)c«8. (§ c"»»), <3®- D ^ S - (G£>«*)» 8 e O . fi. ( G O D ) gOazn Baca ©assgca , BxaOazS es«8Qazsxa, tszsfeeidi zSS® nto efteaS®, zs>a8zsaC®zo $©CSZAD«&cs . 22 C»»») 0 . 6®. «?. SaeSeg-e ©StnScs 3 . odB. (®§da3cs). e5®. d r f 3 . (SgdaScs) gOim Sacs ©jsstacs e »ad g29ejs"z9 esto ©atfaeScs, 0fljoat9 gcorS zflStrfa^fiea esto ei©3® e5®. esSaO 3 . e5es*3. (t§ < « • » } ) gQozn Sacs zsfsrftgcs ©O® tosfiScs, cjO® g28»°es 2»d«Sca, 8 S 0 tsaSaaSSzo sfla*OJ<;8> taaJO toa ea»SOam g ® , t*J. S. ©to\ ©dose ®<a 3 . eJ. (c§ e°25») *®- (©itrfoOeiOO) gO>zn Sacs siod^a 2sa8zs>ad32S> 2»d®a2rfts, zsttSsoadSta esicgSsadcScs, OiQ oOtosj* efae.daa d®. e)c*. ®cc*»s»£) ©©znScs O®. e3es*3. (g§®n)a) gQazn Sacs 23*aaf gcs ©oa'a«6cs, ma8t5>a<5®a> esiQg®2ad4fics esto «Jiet3 OsaS 2a«££)acs©® estoaotS g . oe". ©t5. »tJ. ©e3©c5da 3 . e5*. (e»25>3) et®. <S. (esaatsfesV S. f8c* (eaaessrfei) g£)a2n Sacs h e d g e s cp>Scs es®ad Se.aaO, ©cfcaoicjsaa ®a2Sa9c;aj©, qaScSiJQ g>3cs eacsas) esto gda csoOOQraca e0©ci«e-9a toa ejg«§ 233©® tfleQaSar* e50. e5. drfa-etfQa 3 . 6*. ( § c»25»), <5®. deia. (eseedeBJ*), gQazn Sacs h e d g e s dzncotszyj es°a»a©(^a2» toa (§®cs 8g3q ejaCSzs 2adi«§ e)d. cad. 3-eSjQad Set 3 . eJ. (§ c«»») gOazn Sacs es<©aiac3 zaaStaadSaa g®cs esto dtScsa tflgofiflcs 8. S. cad. 2 a ® a d 8 8 3 . €. (§ Q'Tsa) .gcDazn Sacs ^ © a g e s gda es»QdQ2ncs, tgaSca es®id SeaiO, <ga® a«Q3Qtna e)j5©adra esio d e o a c ^ esto es'zSaOe.tnsa »«So€bsa© tsoSSacs©© estoao23 S. ei®. S©eSd2j"2n 3 . ddS. (c§ Q«zstt), e5®. edS. (fiOeJ; g0»5> Sacs z s J s a s a c s £)a8®jdto d<3C3a(32ncs ©2s©dS SaaJaacstyj* qOQad-sScs sBdSzrf maSzsadSa epdSsa Sesa£> 23 e58. e5c*. Sza®8<>» 3 . e?. (<?°zs>i), e5®. el*. (©dfl°) gQazn Sasca zsfesigca tiCO'CZats. ge$a ea°6cDaz53ca eato o g c * e ^ c g ® 20d-e£ca e5ea\ efeadsfsn ®ca. 3 . e l (©cages') gQazn Sasca © £>ad®a£>co eato cScojez>, ©E® dzrwCoeazad-aSca e S . efad. ®ta®dda 3 . e?. o (§ e 23") gQazn Sssca ©zssgca cSecsscsRca 8 f i 3 q epaCflza 2adi«§ € . tad. 8ezr>ez>3d«S 3 . e d 0 (§ Q'Zbo) 6®. 0d8. (§ c * ) gQazn Sasca zsf* a^gca eJQCoeznca, o5eaoca toa esodzafas-cSca J za«S©ace©® eatoaezS ^ e)d. 6®. 8 . ©dznaznacaza 3 . ©zs>3® (e-zaa) e5®. CdB (eiSdSztf) gOazn Sasca zstedzsjca zaa@zaad®za ep©eSzad-e£ca eifedas-eS toa ag.egzSS©® zfleQaSzr? 6 f d . d . e, dei e5®. ef®adzsfzn 3 . e ) d 8 . (c§ c ° 2 S ) 3 ) zaaSzaadfza eafi<S2a Sea:© 8 g S q CdeeJSo© (©d»S»), e5®. t ) d 8 . (©dS«) gQazri Sasca ezafealzgca ©cooSoe e3oE'OB2nca eato 2aa@2a3C®za SeezsfzSca 8 g S q S e o t e e©Q:»ca q zS© zaiSzaadgza t efadSza 8e,:ea© ©zr*s8S 3 . t?. (c^^;, 6®. e5\ ( § c ® ' ^ e5C°. eafi. e?. gOazn Sasca ©zsszaca 2»a@zaa5®2a g e ^ g ® , $a®ca «6ca eato zaa@zaad®zs> e®eSzad-eoca 6®. 5 . ®trf®zs5 ©co<|d 3 . e?. (c§ e°s>») gOazn Sasca ©zastaca zaaSzad® ef®e8zEd-eSca esto ea°©6<Dzn @® eaSeaeasca > 24 • zS®cs:fd;e ef0223)'s 8 . ©e". cg-esedOzn 3 . <?. (§ c»2aa). 0 ® gSbzn Sees ©25tes5cs (zaiz^Sda) 2Sa82S36@23 cgScs toa ©ej£>3 zBgzsJ'zScs, 2aa§2aaii®23 efeeSzacJ-eScs eSeG3°e-€& » s gtg-egzSS©® zfjeQjSzr" d®. e?. 8 . 8 . © o © d d D ©eznBcs 3 . ©2353®. (<§ C3°2S)3) gOazn Bscs ©zstedtjes z5)aS2553d®23 cf®e5:ad«oc8 CS. d. e5cadz>j°253 S . ©aao® (c§ e.°s»A Ojssessd esSessezncs 8 § S e ; Sdees'SsO (<§ c ® ' © ) g O a 2 S 5 Bscs za'eeigcs 2S5a82S5Dd®2S) ef©(3S2ffld-«Sc3 <&<3\.8. d t o e e i z n 3 . eJ. (e°2359) gQazn Bscs zaWtjca 2S5a82553d®235 q®Q&23id-€&a e j a d . dea*. © S g O . B©e5d23f2S5® ©SznBca a.,e)d8 (e»©Jyf), 8c5©. S . (©23'®§6)' gQszn Bscs ©zstesltaca quoad ©S/co odza's^&ea dea*. eaSadiste® ®ca S . 6 d 8 ( § c ^ ) , e ® . 8(3* (§ C°zs») gOizn Bscs zstedzj j *aa8efafic3ta 8<;M30, ©cae«£ca, ta°a»aJ53ca, $3toad gzSasftS, jaaSzaadSza efQisaoznca , o et9 BeasO, t ©Ogejeosc ed©ca's-eS esto > OS. 8. ©eS3®d235 2S5 a. e?. (e°2S53) gOazn Bscs ^©e^gca 2aa82553d®2a £f©c820d-e6cs, es«a»3inc3 esto $ ® c S tsd©ca e«o , «fsd. 8. ca,. estSd-eS 3 . deiS (e°ffi5a) gQazn Bees 2s>\s^2acs esa&szacs, 2S5a82s>3d®23> ^©cBzad-eSca . 25 CasoatS «*Q»s*8233 3 . »zr*gco® ©®2n3cs 3 . des*S ( c ® ' ) ' a«3»>2ncs 8 g 3 q Od®C3*®3Q (efiaBzrf) gQssn Sacs 2s".sa*gcs asaSjasdSza ©and^dt, es.©d£>25> G3«datt3, ea®j3*a«5 oj-JSiSg) aC©cs*a«3, eioS>:03» 29®, tajzn'soapzr* es» €§255" e6©ca'a«S »a gg^gjSSa® sfleOsSzsj' (Setfcacoa,) des*. 3 . aaC. 2$23>K>i3ca 3 . d d S ( § e ° 2 S 3 ) , « ® - S 3 (©izrfeOeiQd) gOizn Sacs tsJadgcs zaaSzssfiSza OasdsS, esozSeO^m csco IB gg-eg© 0®. 8 . ®o©Sd3 3 . des°8 (e°zs>3) d®. des"8 (a^sfeJed©) gOszn Sacs 23©o*iacs , zsaSzaifiSzss $©(3S2sd«Sca, es»SB32>) ?sj®©0^cs £33. d. 3. ef®8®ea*2ad 3 . defS. (e°25»), d®. deiS ( § 3 d ©ta?®e3®3c33) g032s> Sacs s ' e a a c s , acosSoe osetncs esto z$a*es3c;2n efsdSto BtjaiO, 3 . 0)890* 3 - d. (§ Q«a>3), 8 . 8(3* (§ c ® ' ) gQszo Sacs 2sf®«*zj)cs gsScs ts®)d B^a>0 oBoiQVi esca ffs9:o,23>* ctj&cs Sc^Qecs ©(3*810332338 3 . dO. ^eS32533CS26) e3t0233d ©(3*323332335 3 . © a . ©bzSeJO (a8o3QS>) 3 . d. Cc»2a»J §<je* Jflc335 des*. «fdes2£2(3d23°2n#®c3, d . 8 . d®. d. essotSad © ( 3 * 9 2 0 3 3 2 3 3 8 (©{QesQtozjjV ejsd. 4 Be*©! 9a j 3 . dei8 (c§ e°2a J e8o3(32n 28(3038 8 . 2s_(322°co ges*a233ecs3So29 © a . d«sS°to ge3*232S3<3 eSK)233d 8 . cg-ea^oco ®cs 6es*. 2S)(3g8cs Scs 26 i gOats'zS toa gtaoaso sleQiSaj* dO. d. eSOSazn (8©<<aB>o>©) 3 . d\ Cc°2s>») ©2o\ rSocStno^zr* d d . ^©©g^Odsf d d . 3 . © 2 3 \ a^&Qsd znGcfsa, too S3d2S*as2s jfleOaS 6 0 . 3 . SdezaJzf* toa «3dffi"»3> eseozaad OS. S. 8 ® e ® d j n 23©E*Eg 68said ®«£Qec3. d d . d*. £5caz9dei 8 . dca8°eo epd. 8 . ©g*®z3e2a ©e5. «f3, ©eaj'Sdzsfo) d®. 8 . d d , 3 . dzr*. 8 . S. c. ©jsidtos d\ S . Qe^zsfzn 8 . S . 8. d d . SsS^t&QSQsi ©S. de". S . znzrfcSS d d . 3 . 5 . efdSzrj'e, S . ©3. 8 . 850d©2n ©af. 5 . ©d. ®80*®O3Q d d . 8 . gzrwzrfg 8ca d d . d ® . epcfSd ®ca d®. d d . d ® . daf8 ©jrfQaBw eagja: d d . 8 g c s ® d 8ca. 1 ©C'a® / e g « a . d i © d S * * / ««"8<*i &&5ta* ©a. d\ 25g®30i3 8ca. ©S. d\ e 8 . ®e*®025T"§ Sea © 3 . 8 . S. ®a®dOa ®®25J8CS dzr*. dsf. 9 > 0 i Sea d*. epd. ®0i"e'£ 3 ©SjnBca ) d*. ©23°. g2J5325T°§ 8c3 3 . Q. 25532r>3Ca2sf233d ©®2S)3c3 esd. d*. d25T*. ©d". d-e&tgo© ©®zsj3ca dzrj". d d . cg-aStSesa Sea 8 . d®. dcseznzjfsS ©s>2n3ca ©3. 8 . d d . dsiti&Qin Sea S . de". d\ 3 . 6 . 8 . gswzrfg ©®2n3ca ©za". ead. cjd-eSSswzn ©®2si8ca de*. 8- dO dca8=K) ©®zn8ca S . d\ 8 . ©d". cjeasznscaza ©SznSca <f©ca© gfdgcas ©®2n8ca © a . ©d\ 8 . 3?s)®8°to ©SzsjSca d\ © S . eaSzr" cfcas ©*zn8ca dO. d*. d®. 8 . 8 . dcaazaaS Sea do*. 8 . ©oedda ©®zn3ca dg". ©d\ Szrfavsodi® ©®s>3ca d*. d°23swca23 ©ssnSca d ® . 3 . d d . CQ^&SQTSI ©SsiSca ^sfa eaoOSOsn j3e©'S (Q © S c s i ) S e * © c ' « ^ O © ea®e»jesj©di (©i© &QO>) ©23". 3 . d d . epsScaSoto 3 . d2sf. efad. gzDazrfg <s£. d®. e. Se'Os t cs°a)B)©c*a)4& easozsjd dzrf, dzrt. <; QgO* t , Cfsd. ef®d©203 2S3' \ 8®$e>za 8. 8«d25*2n d®. d . cg^BdQzn el. dosV 3 . d«Sa.oco 2aaS&23 zSeOaSjjf S . e d . d . .B. d i e e « ® CfaC. £ 3 . Sjesoznacaza ©za". 3 . SSOdOzo tfeznzsjza" CvtOK} Zto&a ©«TJ©(»<a. d d . d. 8 0 © tpiS. 5. $©3c52>)2S> d. S . eSdzg-CD ©S. 8ca©EI2J3 dO. d ® . S . dzrf. dca&dQzn ©a. eCBzrf S < . © E 5 T J 3 * dea*. <g8(3jc2)5 S. D2JJ2T33CA2S3 d . d ® . j f e ^ s " ^ a«rf©a d d gdedo® d ® . ©d. 82a®D2>3°z» g . 5 . cg-eSdzsfzo d . 8 . g©-es88 d o . e®. d. eJSBzrf d . efzrfgjcoef 5 . SadzTDcsza a . S . dcsBdOo d . 8 . ©OS© ©za*. ese^sedzn ©a. SSesog eg. 3 . d . coiSeis" d ® . gd©e'2n ©3. de*. a ©dJesd ' © 2 3 * . 6*. [email protected] d ® . © a . BtrfgOS ®e3®dda © 2 3 3 * . de*. <5-€£©e^2S3 d ® . d . dea*. dcszScza d O . - d ® . 3 . ©erfdzr* d. 8 . ecoadzjf 3 . 3 . 8?S3®S«w © 2 5 " . etad. CB«B>8d©2S3 gj. 5 - ©tt©2S38dzs 2n dc3". 3 . SSaaQ 8. 832Tffld dO. d®. d O . td@QZs>ttiisi£)l} d S . 8. cg-eS^ea 3 . d ® . gznozr'e, , t 28 d2D*. dei. 3 . efit332S3253"q a . 6. sadj-eSad^zn dzn". ® d . d. de*. dcaea,8ca £p3&3»S>68 1982 e«pi®a6 31 ®£>sS ®e»"@ ^tota gacrfQtnca dl. 10,826,000.00 727,710.52 dd©ci guinea Qdaaca tgg czSeOta epta gacrfQznca 0 9 0 5 ©BaOaiS gadQtn c d g q c ( e ^ gacrfQtn 1,675,000.00 1,220,133.00 12,151.40 14,460,994.92 2,547,272.29 11,913:722.63 10,826,000.00 1,238,900.00 ') ea»Ss9c3 ddecasf •oedagBT* ©Q©® ©Sanaa© 1,675,000.00 1,220,133.00 12,151.40 ep. » i . ea» / e). da. ec». ©j. toadgtrf ©S3*to® oedacorrf ©trfta® egtaga: 1982 - 1 - 1 ©tn ©decs esqtoi c««Saa©c3 c*bj© ^© caSataaQco 2,547,272 29 883.068.47 gacrfOsj ©cae^S® dOiSd ©sfta® 1,675,000.00 s^s.o^ 1,576,295.12 174,585.14 296.572.11 2,535.88 12,163,018.43 12,064,900.00 1,023,190.52 2,907,284.40 15,995,374,92 3,430,340.76 125,65,034 16 gcaa owe© ©CDaStSJiCSg COsadcS / coato tsa«3£) / eaSStS® (do©e"Stncj: 2) ©©3*05 dO ©CDtS" geoee-aQta c * a t a d « a 1,675,000.00 8,978,911.95 3,391,660.65 715,692.52 347,482.27 3,734.55 15,112.481.94 ©G3. ©3s»tS>® 623,774.37 1.289.451.41 360,14005 1,572.13 2,274,937.96 1,675,000.00 8,355,137.58 2,102,209.24 355,552.47 347,482.27 2,262.42 12,837,543.98 d°ra£ ©ste® coSQa §©» •e&ca coitSscaa' (ctasc'Stnca : 3) egtaga: eStrWSso « S c a nqtoa gtSoa^sn 319,150.64 393,958.38 71,825.08 225,819.97 134,597.29 1,395,687.28 ©eiSta -sSca (eo©e°atnca ; 5) gfi© ®©S© loa es<t9taad® (cea^Stnca * 6) a »t5®o §<;e". (co^dazs^s 7) 325,769.65 292,658.35 233,631.97 174,632.37 , 733,059.67 1,000.00 2,148,893.29 efitaga: d-m© eDida>© 4fics G OtS iecaa* eaw c e S t a (cooc'Stacs : 8) 2,421,403.11 S8Q iz£&ioi% (£a®ciS>&ia : 4) t 1,000.00 1,146.391.48 (249,295.80) 11,913,722.63 388,141.28 335,434.65 9,665 00 c.ta. tvi. 3 . arts', ©ta*. ©OdesoaO eaeoatatS e . a . 8 . 3 . gS8*to eQwsa (772,509.82) 12,565,034.16 ep. ta. Cd. tfSeoz^QdaSvi gc^e" aUeS'Sei C o ©dazncs : 1 d?. CnjoatS gjefQai di. tfdffte eg. 6 d . e?. e?3. 3 . S e ssOtom es-sdzs" t/»jeatSos cpS. 3 . epd. 8 . SissoaiSca e c e a e z n OxsBatSca ©coiSoe Sgcs CosaoatSca 2S8e}®<a eaoesasScs 190.000 00 558,068.89 123,271.63 114/733.00 29,517.00 7,60o!o0 t 17023719052 CO ©<3"S2rca : 2 — CO»d«6 (coa»Wj«£Q) esSrSS®. 31. 12. 81. ©QzS c > Q Scse® q g s s s j : edeacs a s zaegtg zS3® .©J33E) ©sdiisgs 1 1982 $g23g3: ©tcszse fPisS <S«g®e ©adttadtn ©C02S3 o»ec CO ©e'Sznca : 3 2 ? ° S 933 054.04 3,391,660.65 a q t o a 25scsS® STBCJS® eiqsoa gzaoaezn C ^ 5 c a 3 ©eunsOa) E 339 955,SI7.34 155 " 5,232.20 Q7 ~~ 959 285 34 2~T02 209^24 t p C3253323® " 44,71101 •eScacoiafficji * ~ TIBJOAZA — 2,531,812.46 ' 38,'820 00 84,385 85 2,408,660^1 e*)23Z5J3€J: Odocs zgg e)2so,jS8® , M — JC , - 2443,607.73 7 U5 91 ~~33y434~65 C o ©dSrrcs : 4 $aslts® enstfotg ©Bizsd es®jco® (gzrfQin) a e S c S 3 « tnD ©dCa eJCssneo (<$z>iQ&>) tsiaidaS, a i o i c * §53 cas-ftjca, gdzsOzn caznaSca © 2 3 o € ® mitt a®3QD® (a)te) « 2 3 3 at-BgO, (gosaOsn g©®3di©) deeo®03<;s> dcaoBozn ®«£©c<3 (o'ceseoseaxa,' C id inn nn 3 000 00 in'vjnnn 7sn m 262688 '^qq qq 292,65835 1 35 30 C O ©cJSjnca : 5 cae<;«Sca dOOattKn-BSCS Cafes© errfrSzaad® 108,746.67 116,214.00 8 671.30 _233,631.97 C © ©c'Swca : 6 Q(SQ ©<D8® WJ eaftSajad® ©©JSC gSawm ©8»a®eaa3e" (qae/a® a c o g ) § C-233 dads d259«fi a»eJc3aO (dOCawzr) dzas-e&cs) dci©ci gtaaeica t8adcaa»cB<a (©icaS ota) s>ioido?9 ( o i o j c * ©oOSci) B»IOI^ «oa S f g cso®cfca eQ»25» (©coaS gg-^§) SSaesSa ®f8e* ©za'SdSsa"© (cat^di ficssi ©eiOa S S g ® ) d g d efsfzSzaad® SSQ esJt8»ad® <f«8ca g q eOdesaajo §^Q* 17,100.00 4,162.82 244.00 300 00 300.00 1,959.00 1 425.00 148.563.74 ^ ZJ^ 174,632.37 7 C«s • c f S s x a : 7 e»ZD 1 fl^® «(.ts 2 730,491.19 2 578.48 733,059.67 C O ©o'azncj : 8 > 4&ca fi§©c3a can coCsa. e»ao«9 Sue® c o 8 » £»aoar9 «Sca e38©c8j" ©z»a©cog ©i§d gzaacozn eaqtoa ejtsfrSsosd® ©ciSsa aisfotjj ©©253*0(5 »,j53*o£8 d<j©a cojjfl® ©oag dabs ®<rfQe etfg<C ©Omc* 31 , 38 858.39 2,030,400 11 22,506.08 928.35 1.500 00 1,000.00 13.498.97 236,286,00 76.425.21 2,4 (1) d i . 4,385 » g e e AegSS) eaccia zr>;»i8 c e a c * 3 i « c s ©a©C. ©adi a d m zsscsOSssf »q»a tflrfoaesj (2) zaxaB® jfla>®a>a «85»® oezn®: i. ii. iii. , •0D3Otn <Bc c - 1- 1. 82 O o 03 BcaeSo* 2 1/2% cozoa'-eS / coato tos«tf£) / esSiflS® - 31 - 12. Ocse.Szn* 10% dOOatoo - zs»»e aqnQtsS ® » 20% l (3) dcJOatoro ®ad «83o®^ z3di asades ©B»CSJJ-" OicsQ d . 188.863.00 a gect*f dOOatozn <8«§®0 tod a d (ftal q a d , ra»cs3® 8 g 3 q »a\9>eidt©s" e d a «•»»©:»* tnoa ZSSCAS® esqtoa gtSoaem e s c " ' 02n»®i». t (4) t , qazncszncs a d t n c$ g d a d i n oq Qz8c3»* eOzgaOjrt § «6cs£>d 5>(°ta, a>aejq OoaoKssf asOn <*i 262,688.35 a gftQ fl^§®Q tad a d cftS). : Q 3 8®a0 esto Q3Q aitrfosj 32 / 1982 ©dssca eatjcoa <pe,<3© : esto Scs^© gsascoca efj^ca® d. t dd©ca" g q z n c a t 2,200,000.00 62,365.96 660,225.36 17,675.95 2,940,267.27 (gssdaO&mzn) gts>3e32n «©e3c3 l 3 Q epea® ( : © e V 1 ) isgzrf e y d g ©espezrf 65 zag® C t d. t e g a a e * : 8c3<j© e i g d toa ?®2553 1,967,428.92 ©ca°ez3 edOeasCza too ©eiSs zSgzsfracazrteG" eoao cog^e" 201,990.88 etS23oe 40,709.82 • co®zrf 3cae® tOD c a 8 ® %®35to 54,542.00 <£siQ7^> 108,222.97 g©3t02n toa zf^s'zaDa-gJS Sca^® 5.476.14 g 8 gOs toa ©a©3 ( c - © d 3) 219,801.37 §£•<!& »3 gzasazn (c: ©e°: 4) 235,115.21 ©Ogq .jzrfS® 40,349.50 gezjfejtjf 7.572.50 eozaOzn / 5gg e « , § © 135,621.78 aioje" coidzg 33,284 20 eaogto 3ca<® 15,077 80 g t o e c t u t o cjsogza® 17,156.60 ©©0^33 etogza® 21,172.34 zSe «ig® 12,803.00 c o e d c®^®e Scae® 18,899.14 S - S g ® e>5zss«S coaeiEg 9,750.00 zSzS cosdts 105.00 ©eMazniSg znStj'zgQ 88,756 01 C02ad«6 znasfzge 83,009.21 ddSaeota tnaofzgO 67,618 65 5SJ»ca3® ( c : ©C?: 5) 643,454.82 Sggca 264,923.16 d253«Sca - ea3®325i33 11,781.08 d2ss«ica - dOSssun 22,731.70 ©Sacf oi22> " ^ s * <Sca 9.665.0o tsjg cosdsg eoj Sg 9,690.00 g g « § DiQcaOtozrf Scse® 17,745.45 czSca® 8cae® 18,737.66 3t°2». coDdz? 712.54 e>2ad«s 8z3-<&©®2rf oagQ 20,293 00 4,404,197.81 t : > C 6ca<;® Odssca eaqtoa e « n » » ° « 33 580,862.07 3,823,335.74 883,068.47 Co «e*3ano: 1 dt. di. c 1 »® ®2rfts«o qasc'.otogja® CiS^ssgca •eSca ©o»8 - qaoe, «Sca -cfOQaoz) < 6 o 574,778.83 8,425.00 9,524.89 12,224.53 21,749.42 55,272.11 660,225.36 r ct3® SCO Cos^Smca; 2 v , aogzrf £>tf« esSas'Qecas'J g t j a g ® : t <J8 0 8 eaSe^d efgsse* : 1981 esqtb* § ©«)5® Coo^aznca:: 3 20,131.25 50.000.00 70,133.25 52,455.30 17.675.95 j ; ! ! ~ ~ g 8 $©» * » fflSOj. 1982 O J B O S za© g®3«Sca tfgraea - §§«» dza s>caS zSzais" z95® tfgzasa ^ ^ j e S d23BO©cS atBamca 401,467.98 j * 181,666.61 219,801.37 244,381.47 62.714:86 c o ©e'a«sca: 4 , . •_ §$«5 a Q g a j to* gawenn. 1982 ^ 3cae$ 53,448.60 «3jd,235€J CO ©j3*a«Sca : 5 381.666.61 235,115721 — ~~~"™" "• ofocaSS) ooMOa^fig COzad«5 / coato tt»«da / eaSzSS©' <JOOJ»2S> gtoeajQsa c ^ * ^ 0 2 3 223,019.62 339,166.07 82,895 67 373.46 643,454.82 34 greats •€&c3e>i?Stasj'©<£ ©ra*ss $jj5csO es^jfleOezn odaecs ©eJd tosSraa fcaiOatSscs* zfS^cDu £»30atf©co* $£>® ts'jns&sessadci EteseaiSecs' ©toOjg e ) 0 " @®©ci,e333oar?©<i 4, t$£)3 0 8 6 ®Q® SSCSJST* vgzndissijBB>CS 292©® &»3eatS©ci 4,130.62 — 272,989,53 ofiffics tg© e s wi -eSca &§(Avi@«& taSesCS) 1982 esqtoa is>Qei efgdjg Scse® tea 233G3&® 8cs^® s q ® 3 esirag® . —• " 31,483.26 73.163.60 38.715,98 51,826,53 27,628.84 50,000.00 80,813,80 — •— — • • ©C03ogef3/c?80a esfi&id ©rosSoc ® e « 0»3Oa29©«J I ©C02S33&3 58/42.64 247,115,91 • > 6S®®233*Q-«SC8 <»8. caC S . i»aea29®to" jgeS ©038253* esqtoa 2a>g®«S.32ad-e& §*a-^° Bcs® §e® too d e es®eo* eseCta* d e o a c " e»3Oai9©0J 2 — — ©G3*»CS $Sj8csO 4,130.62 31,483,26 103,725,38 45.172,43 4,161.58 — 13,572,25 6,456,45 18,967,55 •eScst8Se<33 ©CO3S0C gae/Qtn sadzn c e . g®3«Scs —. — 256,000.00 — 66.632.50 — aaTOta 4,639.25 — (14,570.97) — (17,357.25) 15.492.00 237.716.75 87.390.61 466.065.96 300.333.00 20,131,25 50,000,00 62,050 00 6,002,00 172,193,29 171,615,20 — — — — — •— 100,000.00 66,802.17 4,833 29 49 218.75 24,682,00 167,932 92 1,190.017.59 840,349,82 769,098.97 2,005,433.40 1,307,340,06 . — • _ 51,817,64 102,347,25 14,955,60 — --. 26,521,58 340,556,00 — — _ 125.666,75 15,000.00 293,872.67 9,013,00 18,242.23 29,370.04 69,469,00 421,610.11 36,011,00 1,117.625.31 2,030,400.11. — 1982 gl®. srsir. sSi. Gat. G«. SairjJ)«rru iJSJ ST*. «T«ST. cr«u. a»®(n9gl«ua& aWUHtSg) STOT. IF. ST*. » ^ ^ 7 < j , m gl®. srib. QtjttwfSliiiaub 6>l®. i_tSlcnt^. O g . «T<n). &®(stro)rT£m gl®. L?. <T«n. STLD. Quii(**)iig| g l ® . ^j,it. G * . Gviiics^^tru} g)®u>g). q.. gj. GUITITG* GurrrrSlffiiuir sr*. gl®. i3. ifl. iS). KuSlitia *n>rrn§gl (gl, UI51«TTI^. FF, QuiT(<?)r5$i gl®. sr. si do. fl9irSli£ia> g>(5 rrif. sr ib. $1. sdUtip-ajrarr g(5 «T. Ggi. L7. Qurrtirjngrr g>(5 LiUcir^. •sj.rr. dl. (mfD*®^ gl® g}. gQa (TQTJlil g>(5 FF. ST*. gIsiTrriiTUixs — &8soairr, ^(sn>/5rf eestu; Q#IUCI)/Tmrf, S.LDS, Q&rrifieb sn3e3(tT,$&\, sj,crrTUj*&) SiesiLD9» — ^M55»' &es>uu3esr a_u gSsceurr^Lb. {gjeoiiifnm LDfi$iu euiiiSluSesr i3ij000tLjLb — 00, — LSrjrr0@uj4lL9€0($Sj$ — Sip-mAiLi est a #Q grr L£IW J/L9«J9O^^1 9lesr L9rr§i00 — <ssi)«9 SlssiLcefflesr — LD a rrcus6! snSeS(!$g0 — ewrijgm, i3rr000 — Gurrrr fhtissru ue\'#,2ev*a,LO&> iSu.g0eir i3rr00& — uessfiuurrenrt, njljrusiiaib — aLDgQgtrifieo — Gio«o0& arressfl Sj,8sssriutrenrr — aLor&eo G&eazuaefr stjBsssriurrenif — rSrfuurr&esru — A i l ^ a / — QirrrLSltu Stt3eU(a a 0u — IL.GSST6U, eBev&mu grruesru — Qetuevrrerrtf, SLfetypr &es>u T 0LLI—LQL_W 4ies>u>*&)fir t3rr00§,) SiesiinffSlesr i3tr000 S/esttLJ i3rr000 auujb sissiLoeSlesr i3tjr000 Gurrafmeurrg&j sies>LDfS)esr ALD/SCV aLDgQgrrifijb ^rrmufffl uu3jb& u essfl uurrtnrf uessfl uurretr if siL9eSc3g0 ) > i3rr0 sjJSsssnurrmrrf uessfluurrerrrf i3rj000 114. «&Georrnus Laneugemg, QsiT(LpibLJ-7 . <3u> 5, Qaarcrai aiDgQfirrtfieo ^/Jsfl®^ *IBS,Q$ITLQW ^iLSeStyggl ^Lrrrrujj&) Qarr(LpLbu-3. *%rrrrti*8l <si an Lets,, ^«Vsrufi51i«o-ifl6«qib ^ f j n t j u u i l u 1971^LLO «§j«8Wtf«r 38<3Lih g)«u*a ^Imuran, &«vn&(aj&«snjLb - 1 9 8 2 *il.L-ab$ehr nSmuuL <4£<g5/B/>"" aetnuuSeir amfiBeo rsrrekr 31-12-1982(^jeo i3tbeu(3ih 9tr$einii*Bsn& &wrTUL9*ffiea(2jr)eisr: (1) <$t,em t _ njlaema (2) aemaarr tiiey QSLULUUULLL^ ggrsQ&ireina (3) fUQhustTGnib aema&rrtheii Qaeoey upjfliu 1983. 14 (2) *3LLQ iSrf?a9«r (ynsf.eues>i—fifi QBUJUJUUILL— rgliufi ^,essr®A«rrftr «ijbg)l ueap-aeir. Qjrsiiaesrib, fimmeh tSsreurraitfieheir, «r«i. rfl. Ga. Gs. GmttrQunL., & Seven ft. ^ss7jnri_f^lab^r.c3& 1982 Qj^0n^atxu> ^isftLD0gi uggj ^j,essr®xeir 1982 Quurjeurf) ion ggg/L-Ssr L^rf fif&iurr jslirfeuafiglesr Gfsnaxrii&Ssn eriuajeugp^rfliu utrrpprsisSotr ejpu®gfiisugpmrr9., £§)g/«u«w{r t£l est pGeup pi iL/eii err uessfl *3sn& 9.essflui3® Q91U g spilth, <$j,rjtTiuf&) uuSpS pl*yh&&)g $iLu.miai$sn LBsirrriueugprgih, g(jT,sssriAn(m,ib. 9 / 5 rSgyaiaib ufigi euq^u. Slesrpev. (ift pGunAanesr suetrrT&&) asssr®srrenes)LCi, gesrdssrGiu urrrjniLiq.9. Q9.rres1rujTiLu.Lb epesrenpfi fiesrtau.3i9.fiaju.eir r&L-gsjgpiQth 6^3 firr^sssnorrsi Qldjjbfigi. ^xQ9.rressru.rTU.u.tb Qurr(§g fiusrrssr ftp svpjS so njL-iijGfiafilajgi. r5®LCLLi—fi§jlepeberr •Sfrrf Bsntfiiuii^mrQth, at±9.9,nrjfrs,etr §i gScosurfarer^argth QunryggLonesr e3i—tuii*sh upr^xi s.(jr ggrjm(9 9,^n th uuSpSl $&.lbf&)fi ^tli—AaigjLb ej ii)urr® Qstuiuuuu. u.esr. ^gajLSsr t3rj»rjrsi9,err, utppiih p$piwsiggla) QjU.ibQujbp j§9.Lp99)9.3sn9 B)figiflacgih uest3,uuL_rsiseh ^L^riiSliu aessrmniLS) Qesrgnib rbi—fifiuuu.i—gi. ^eurjevrf pi est puUso &)puuu Qup/pi eBsnrsi^ih &eoemnaQ&,nem® uSlrrriis Q&rrjbQi-irrifieuaeir Sieceuib isu.fifiuULLu.esr. Guispih ^jrjetf QprLptugjLb 'iSrflfi' fpglth *t_(s/@ fpssrrryLb, grr esr in su LOW (&,ih rff&Lp9&) spesrrpitb uggnsssi® p$ est pest eu QturriLiq. jBi—fi Ggplesr. suDSjeo G&esisu&sir §jl2ossr&.&.enfi£)esr awtL® (tptupSlGujn® uggjeou.9Lb ueorrA aesrrgimSsrT ry> jsrr&,&. estsuggj /5Ttlt».6ir ueo urr9.rita(en}s@lo e3j£IGiuirmlX(gLb $aip99)fi§)LLL-Lb epesresip Gu>pQsirreisri_es>ijci g)« S)eir 6^(5 (LpiSliu rPttboLonff, @)3!Sfi&l) ) ) 9 rSessru.9iiT60 gryessTfiesigu Qatretretr r5u.e\iuL&.est&.9,eh utueiru®fi§liufij. GSHSSSIULIU giss>jB9.8sniuth (g>(Lp9.&.err, lootpi9(sn)6\Slssiu.Gai ^Aaestp uesr/ax^ih Qansssr®enetr ^geir $LLI—LGLL®9. Qsrreireireyth ^rjnibff&lmBsfTUJib u<&,$l9.SsnILJLO •Sirtygpsrra r§rpisvagpigpen6tr /r®u'$Lh iBQjrrSsssrxdsnsF 9LDifLii3ai'9 LorTrgi ) ) *%rjnuj99lAmnesr eBt—iuibaeh ueo aemL^plajuuLL®, B-iLuuueoGsurgi g(Lp<5<s«jfl so eB nirrglg&ji, 1984 %Lth *% sssr®ai9.nssr r%Lrjrrtu&&) t§J.Lpff&)g glu.u.ib 9n.iLu.ih J asarj figjieuaib uuSpStaSsnajLb eQiftsvnsai asurkgjomrjujrTi—evmeir ueo ura}Sj)&.6iflssr pu.euLq.des>9.9ietflso ^rrnuj9&)3,t$rT 4,&,rresr $jaiSLtes>&.u5leo &)eoeu tbes>0fi rflpieuaib ueognuutLu. fiuuiLL-esr. usoGsugji ^rj9. ^jfi Gwp plg)jeddiih fipmGutfgrT GaLL®AQsnehenuuiLu.esr. ^'e^rsrfaesiuuSar efiQ&u. lurriq. *%j,rjrrtu!54& iSesresrj ^ 1983 — epssrgj rLpuLetjQ9iuLuiiiutLu.gj. @cy> (LpestpitHeorresr (Lp&nes)Lr>g,(3j (LpesrSssriu euo^t—figleo eprrt, Ligliu QaujeoesiLouq euipleu@9i^uuLLi—gi. ^ehsuesiLCtuiBso «%LirrruJ9&\, uu9p&)9. (9,(Lpsijih, ajtWQfinLplib ©(y)* atgttfib *Sli—r5i§iuSI(!2!5gesr. a-figlGtun&gfi'T j§u.iLDesr ianpprsi9.e\r Sfeoeunjestpt Q&iuajih, <2l£i9, QungjjULsii9,wr euLpisjSiiLjih rSlggestaau QaiueoestLDULi ^SiS)9.' GtatbesiLOiurra Qjutits Gujpu®9i&uuiLu.9J. &.!uf QsTiplr) (9) Losxeh epaiQsunesrtrjjtb gLDirVftitu i3rj9odstffigjaip 9.Zen ESBGSTP*I GtsnafS), s.g)]LjL3esrrr9,erflsstu-Guj uijemurj Qaajeorraettb Qurfigiih ejpUL^A 9h.isLHj eBfifigleo SlyLDLonaix srr^ggju urf)LOTpex>9.3sir rfi—g Sliuth =9/*<5smpiuenen 9jes>pfretf)so ejpu®th u§)tu *2li3oBcrf)ggls 'm ^svgnssfl5gjih ep 3 g j u u i L l_ L9/fla/««rrr« ^[ursi&gib® asn itgfsBJixuuLLL-ssr. ^&@(Lp'k&sb GiJiepih ep IF, UUL (LpeirQaeir ry ^GeonaSssrscgrtpaaSiir <Sies>L0 9i(9,ih GrsnA(g,u.esr ^Isupirjiaicgi FF®un®ensn giesiiv^sSeo uessflLJrfl 111th Q&rrtirssi&isiKQfigit 0ss>joGevprrph t\paieurfgnussrrBi9,i§3u.eisT rsnenrrsuiLu-gpleo Qrj}(iijisi&l<u QgnL-rfL/eiSm ejpu®fi gl9.Q&.nen<§njth. ; ' ; 5 QtheurrtiwuLfbGurrgii Gu>pG)*rrth*nuuLLi— j&rjrrujee) Sjjfilsesi&sig^th, uuSpSl 0s the ftp SILLI—XISQQLD Qjaaijr9dtt)*u5itir {gitrySiuSeo 0rffi)u®ppuuL.®ehtnffi—m rgfLps&engi Stjr$***>*&*)flfv eSiflevrrsemb «3evrflisuuLL®efienev. Q&ibiSiflg} uwomSso* SLp*pSieisr Qpp «affliu Sj,iuev jSSaiujfifft—ar g)cu/E/«n«uS«u QLDLLQJ§W» QeuJew>su3ek £)rjrru>u QUIT® «ifliLia> usjbjpiLb Qurrrgftflujw, *(Lp*sSlujw siibsmisefr uppl S^LL® «f£uJe/ epcbgyib Qgisifg, *9lL9efl(y£g) 0stj.e&lpSiiLi-a§&sr ^evgrrssDpsj uiS>ui5®QeujpGti 'insireueS 'ere' u<js0uSe\) uu3jb& uppliu Sj,rrniLee)' ^iSujfv QtucurifmuLtir Qurrsj ^,rribi3AsuuLLi— urrrfliu uS<iu ^lut^senrrfgjib. Gpffliu a_r/e QeiuevspSiebr Geu6Sir®Gsm^sSleswisie, Slpsp evmuuuerrerr ueg$i*eif)eo Qpa> eSSsneSUtrSftb au>s*rrrrrr. u iu fir uQ smith a.rrib uppliu S&ujev epeb pi GLD p QsirenenuuL-L-Mi^eupenpeSi—, ppGurrxj petoL—Quppi&Q&treivt±(t}&(3jib urrifliu *$j,ujey ««f?«r «_u Sj,iueuatrr uevevib QmpQsrrefienuuC-i—esr. siDsmrrrrrf pfcevri steyifgib sen a.p0Giurrspprf*(^s(^tb epesrjfiSimjBS SrrrruSluj &iiSe3(tf,pS\ uppliu uuSpe) 0stbeS)p SJLLI tiisSsnujib, SJ,&UJ, US)L3S iSrjQ&eg&i&tgiriiu epeirplSempp SlrrrruSliu SftSltSrppSis arrev 0Ssoiup&ia*rrs (Qerfi—u) Qryprrsdso fpmpl&wrps SlrrrruSliu Sn9eS(3ppl 0a>ibeSip 0LLU.LC jgesipdeuppib uppliu *Qiutu fpeirtnpuju Q$ firryevsih pi—gSnugj. QfitwSsiraj «u(T$i_/K/«(25i_«a> &uL3®6s>sujlm), ^rjrriueSi uuSpe) tupSiGiurrsppifs^s anmr uLLt— GLDJDUULULJLJ uuSp&i evrriuuLfs (getnpeurrs ^jry/Spgl. UuSpSl QupQeuem tf.iu wQrjrrujee) uuSpe) $LpSiGiurrspptfseh rQiueya&rr G LDpQ s rr eisr uLtrr,p pem rf. s/wsvsj y,rtpSi Qeiu0Q3fipemrf. Sipsji—fir, (gpluurrs ^i3e3(§pS\uje9ii—psj evrnjtb pir®setfleo n^jjjrrlueSuuestsU «pp&ieiPffiUuA*rre9 neffLtLcfy cipamjrrprruesrtb (eQp*) euLprsiSiu «_gefi) «jpurr®ib (tpuLevppSiteyeo $ Sieve Situ ib QfiULeuppgi. ®$p t^je»t—Q«unfluSSstr firruuevmp KIT*, marySlUJrf uuSpSuSSesr eptf SUbeLDtraAQsireisii— Qeupi Sleo QieulipliLi—tiisefr Qprri—irurr seuib Gues-evrrtfpernpath pi—ppuuLLi—ta. plpiev* esnifliurr*arsi QfupetriiisSsirg Si(iT)pS\iuenii>s(s,ih e8i—uiib ^jAeurr^i—fiSiw rfjlgieuafigifbr seven gempu urrtf)iutSpp0eo Ffifpsgj. Qutrsjpsjenp, ueosSsus SLpstiisen, S^rrrrtuee) filpievsiiissh Qurreirp ffipg Ge emeus eifteo eurj^L—p G)prri_sss,Siew Gurrgi uStut Gevpesr e&Siprii&ffi GinpQsjrreharuuLLi—tKUiujrreo, fpuiSLLt—enefileo Qjpplpieus ssntfJujit «crr t3rrSis>.eULorr«r t§8sos(&,j pefienuuLLi—fs if. Sj^prf eemu, t§$jievx asaifiu.irfs^a^u uSjiu Genpea eSSlpib epesrempu i3Gijiflppsj. *Hsj evrj^i— (Lpuf.eSeirGurrsj uei>G<airr)j &rre SjSisrragienpscrnieyeo uifl&eoZvsr QeiuiuuuLLi—ai. MLDpQprriblsJssireisr SILLI—USII—G\) ereirp SxLL®e QeiuStLLL—ib SJ,SSWLL ixrrp (Lpuf.eSe» u,ifp$uem—J6psj. stpGprr® SleQeajSii—i—p$ie\i FF®ULLU}.O30P eurrsesnriixshr ueos&oA «.\pspSieir Glsm-rtuib (tpuLeypp^i. QjeviiienauS^uehmr <%£)<u, ue)i3A fpritjiiiS&nrfip SirrrrLD Sti3e8rrr,pS\ rglSzvtuiSjeir ^jSsssruu plgieusLorra stupea ^rrntueSi uuSpSl rfjldwujpesip su>$Qprrifieo SidleSlt^pSi Sjjprriue&i SiemLes 1982 gfOeir LDtrppSieo iglujuSlppsj. ^jpeir arrrjemums, rftpievsu utnfiuurrenrf, g3~t9&u iDirgpSteo pesit—Glupp QiLpuiq. t§SsoujpS:ek QprrtjSlev p/ilus (s,(L6& e*.L-i—p SI eo seopsjOsireari—rrrf. $l0ev 1983- 84 ®^«*r® *%,«ia®*sne*r Sjjjniuee) uu3p9t plsibeelp SaLi—tiiaefr uiflSecfasr Qeiuiuuuil.i—esr. eneuueu Qstaneu sLDfiQprr(fif\) «9»t9«9(g^^) ^rrrriiiee) S)*»iDeerf 1981 fpiQrrrrurf LDirppSiw rfSnurrs Sippsj fnsupp fipieuspgtm uSiiu a d i f i - i b spew pi eo sieisiLDpsjefren OTT^TLI® sufSjaZstr <*fx* fiiruarvaar, Q^TSSVL—T firuagrsimeir, LO/Dflfii> gisniurrf fiiryaixmi ash turraiLb par® uiuekruQgfilev. r§rpiai&Lb *9fgsbr lotjsttlLQ, eS®fil. «u»^s%irn//rt_«8>«A^ «9L1® j S J s i / a / O i — 5 , 7 4 , 7 7 8 . 8 3 ^urrmais siburrglfiggj. ^9^(3^^ ^aiprj/xig sirerr . iSrrueoiuib qeou u®tb. Qj4isu(§L-.m>ijldr'2urrgi. pItryjvKib QfiTL^ttpgi a-geB&Bsnu QujbipieuiB&Si. fisseuit jBhoiuib, epsit&uuOfi&eii ^jmutStu iStfleu =fj®«u g)7«sir(p Q&uj$LL.t—ih«<gtfii£ ^fQLoifiisrr sSsir vrteuQfif ^i3*3(3fi§iaxrrar tufieQ fiSjluSeSfthisgi uu3p&)g Gfiesieuiarreisr a-usrrsmriiimar £les)L-&,auQuppetsr. &penfiuu®fieo ^p-rrujf&u iSiflai&rg jSessru. arreOfigisXrgu umS uftiuth *%,Georr**tt $(3*1 rf eu(3u. (jpuLeB shrQurrgl SlttH-fifirrtr. 4/figju.ehr gmeuw jgldsoiufi &*<3 9 0 •sibi3iu,iLu.«s>rru Qugjisugpfgu GurmetintffiestfiSiar ttes>L-Quptr)iiQgtrreiB iKSIBfifsr. 1$ pi mm ib #5Jsr *m Qui sen) k'gib sainrqil su*.§*Jr u a) a; i) o suifiiix) ij srrtrrgi sup iff at, 1981 j§)ib ^sfplyiauuQ&guuLLL-. esieappliu auruaryiQfi £)i_Li_Lb QLI(5^Q S T « * > « lurresr B-p/ui9esrrfaerr uiugfjyiiheusnmiiSat filQ&SjtiussiLoAauuLLi—gi. Qjaehrutq,, $2)191*0 £l* 3 xwaoiDuSw Qsi/«jflJj5T(UT«ff trArp ripeapuSso &xl&sa>& Qunjippsirxu Qurrgi enaipJBlius Gfiff&tQujbp &(5 i—triL^tf Q fiifl^QeiuiuuuLLi—rTiT. r ^rjrriii&S) 3)a/«/(3t_^J)«) 1. SrnpSgfu 2. SibxarTessijib (jyj !bu (•&) C=St) JdrswfTjtb urrvetrynb ^usasar Qfirru-ttpgi pestuQuppesr: <si^'d(^ui-ffi§LLu.ripih- « _ u ^iuei/«<ir 2 9 8 2 ^ L O ^6J5rLf «I <*Ytujgrra/luLi rgestpai Quid mgluuiTiucu par. sLOfiQfitTLSp * i _ « r uppliu <%LuJa). eryss.- Qurrr^errrrprrtr uiu\u.s.(gpl <9etrtB®. Qfiararrf Q fi, auuiLu. figuuiLu.e>sr. iS.ssr0131b ^lueuseh ••••>- ^0101(3u-pf&enGurrgiih <g>rrr>$irm<)so Lotraiu.u.p§leb Qg<m(g,& Qfinest*. t—isjastfleir prrm&tb uppliu <$£uJsy. <g-3f5T«a» epiyiiGlVsissrpp Gijitlo l&*lpt&l0 QfitTi—rfpgt ~$xibr&& 4ii3&3$f^Karresr ^iSsSr^fiplv Qfiii^iLi—fiplasr urrvev, f&u. $ii • (Lp&rres>LO ^/ibeibis.err. 3. siop Qprrtfilpgieinpp ^AQfiijpliLi—pplesr uu-u-esr: Sib (jLapQarrehetruuiLi— i3sirsu(3ib ^usuaerr (^) (gebrpliu plu.u-iAlu.ev (LpiupS)aeir- $tjgj£lsisrLjrnii9so (^j,) tgesrpliu pl1Lu.1Slu.eo ripujpStmarmetfieo s.efrerrrnlrrrruSliueueitiiimSett y , ' T fi^iurfAaLi r i3<j finest i3rr }§if~<9iew)i(g(ip6s>p [^rrfiplmLj$u3m (<£)esri5i&rTem®). Gfiifjsfi, iSpgnesr i3rrGfism QeQeuj&iLLi—pJBlehr Sib QgnL—ifpgi 0i—gguu®Lb ejSssiiu ^lueuaar: ^rrg^esriJifl LDITSLILLI— ggleir *%tvuj pleo', _.«w_-«i»—>. JsJjr^^lssrq/fl LbneuL-UgSiesr eeipau iSrrGgaiBiaSsrr evesirj uSt-ev. S l & & L i t f l umevLLu.gSifir iSrrgnesr LSnGgartiaerfleti uemSsssr euesiaaderr anessrev. (S) r r t e s Qjartii r 4. $tf QpangHaf Qeiufs'LLu-ibaeoGtoniun aeoGevniun u(a,Siu5lGeQ auigGignifieo Stefiieiieoatrflepiib aiDgQgnu^p anriupp Slgljfiieoattfi^epib FF®u®ib Quessr*eh uppliu SLtuey L^rfajSiiunSiueirfrraj. uSiQeu® fneuggiaQanefiist^geu, sieugn tsfl g geo SJ,SIU pla/be&ig SiLLu-Qpib plpieuesr *9lfmnuurr*rnt plaibaSlg $LLt—(Lpih QeiieiirgL—th (LpcLpaipjib Qgrri—rfpgt pesii—Glup par. 5. Slpliu gp(gg puurf gG gntLuS QffiuglLLi— L9ehr«u(tf)Lb s^ifiLCsntsr sjjiueyaerr SILLI—LSI—LJULL ®eheti aj : (^j) Slrry puutt S-g0aSm piece ejppia, GgSiu 8. Glgniplecpiu\u a.pSlam, _y pHfS)«uSi—e\). a^essieyuppliu («*/) (Sj,) (Si) (FF) Si®gg tu(o,uua piariei] uppliu (LpuLeuppMi. euq^ugSieo puurf Gu>pGianefierruu® pugStalepitb gi GpnaiQ, gnesfliuiBiaerflesiajib uguu®ggeSlevjib (LpL^eua^at^ tupugSi, t^jLLQe ugesfli—eo, afaesigu *2\plaesi&uSi—ec MLgeSlujib Gremeuaistyih sj,S)iuar uppliu <§ru}eB<es)eo GmpQanefierruuLLu. ^iLieSSssr Sj,ilieyaefr Sjerre3'J) B-essieyu uessr u.liiaefr uppliu Gleiugl Sl&lP fpekesipg giunrflggi Lcngib (Lpes)p Gleuerf)u$®ge\). fgjSjeo esssieuu uessiuitiaeif esr gpGunestpiu j£i&v6s>u>, QiesfiGuiev ejpui—aa^ULiu B-pugSiuGunaSfir gei:es>LO apesig t&faaefi Gun fir pesieu gnuuLLuLQ)a(g,ib. QuQTjtbGunsiib, SirpiGunaih ffehQennestp^epib <sytf.uiJ.t_ efiSsvetkng gryggifi/ g pan esr gneua&n g gtunrflggeo. Q&nrupthu pa ifl to tLessieyu uessr u.riiaSsrr Sececem p «_3su«@* apes>guu®ggec. (a.) Glpec ILpugpl (sen) Qpeb (er) Sipi (fj) SL.iunpg 10. GLDLL® plena 11. Qgitirg wpluiS® a-pugSje aerflesr plSsotunesr apetigu gnesfllursiaier^ai-gib u®ggeBeo gehrestLo. pleveuib urr^uijevesiaai^af^ib Qunatgib pleueuib u(a,S)aerfle\> Glpeu eSSerrfSar^ib exiniuuLjeberr uuuppliu 8 St pa Glanehfsia tuessreu g <2lene3($uppi 7. 9. Qlnessr®ib Slpliu plevgp«un*en a essfl ppec Sipigntdtliumiattflesr&itb uiupplesi u®ggev uppliu r^ujtu. atLDpeo umSiif) LDLLI—SHQISI sjeneS® Qan0gaanrrriattrl<fS)eo 8>SS)U-UI3ULppen puurf urnifpQenauSco Qaecgpiih anrressflaSsrra 0. usgluunilitu GlgnSsoGpnafSjib. SlnnaSl. aLoaannnaenaj n-nib (LpesiG(es)UL SJ,IU6U. au)a Qaiuesta StLBfQrjTfgSia uppliu OstuglLLi— S^iuey. staignt&uuLa LDgluunuiieuib- sj,nihu<a)ihi£ldsi) uneBu 12, arressfl SSS)L—SSILD, &.pugS)g uSc^uus Q&ujglLLt—ib- ULLI— SliLi—iis. 1 13. LO a rreueSl ^Slanrr uuSp&) 1. glpesyiis GeuSsoairriuuuLb, ^jeoisiesiauSev p'rtuurr&esr tgiq. ^luQeimfbrplesr sen u uessfl rglaybsSlg GLopuiq.ULiaarresr aesiuaarra usarreueB 'era' jBL—gguuC-L- ^eiieutgL-gSjesrGorrg] t3 ess 611(3 us a(3gfirjiii(gsierr, jBacp&Slg 0LLi—iisaeh rr>i— gguuL-L_6sr \ Gurreiprrdrg uppliu uit3p&g0il-L-ib ^jeoisiessa Gurres^rrafg, • fftiiarLpib, ausg Glgrripleo 0doSsraaeir(ysLh ausnjeo ^jjrriuaSl uu3jf)St pi n j / s u a g 0 e k &rrSsmujL-eir pt—g0iugi. 2. r$rf(Lparresiu> 3. ^(30rra6O LotTeLiL-L.gpiebl(ir 0g.i 6u0g ausdan rjff g8soeun a^darresr uuSlpSl filaip&Slg 0LLl—LO 4. u(a,0uSA uppliu uuSjnSl ^rrrbrg uuSpSl ... gsmevrfl 17ih Slagl uppliu ^Sinra^aen, rysgeo usprpiLb 19LO plagl6u6s>tj- ... g>6srsuifl 20 Qgrru.aaLb 22 euetnrr ^/Qus iflaanefilebr arfeisGga ^jiSeQaijggl &_gefil 010 grruesrg0(^6O ejpurr® Gl&tuiuu ULLl—g), ) anet LLL- LoLLu.g0e\> SlLLt—Lflt—eLU&atTGsr LcxrreueSI ^ii36Q(if g0 ) OxLLi—rra Giupp aLogQgrripleo arnjggrjisjrg, 0iLi—LO usnffff J2^LO Lorrifff LSireuLLi—gglesr Giunaggrfa^dairesr LDtTgw 22^tb 0a0 w«s>p- uuSpSl aen 23. a.g0 playoff 0LLL-US 'Gl&rfL-u' euessrr Guneipndr&ju uprfiliu Slg 0LLI—LD eueoiu tfy&ssr a 0a0u3eSI(3ifaj 0<SSILJ2TUPPGL. usarreueSI (&,LtL uprSliu &>Qhfi&rrrEi(&j Sip Quurreurfl 23 Qgrri—daib 27 euesirr ^LSIUJ uai3d i5lnGg&gsnd(3)tfluj ep6sr jfilSsssrp g SlnnuSltu J>ji3e8(3g0 $layhffSlg 0LLLrijlBsoiuus (Q&rfi—u) ejpurr® Qffiuggi. •StestusdaL^eisr 0L-gguuLLi— plaip&Slp (grnjprraw 8. uuSpSl uuSpS) ID gQgrryfileo grrussrg0<es)6u' ejpurrQi 20-30 eruplo) QaiutuuuLLL-gH. playoff ^jeorsiestauSlesr Gurres^Tsrg ffrssarysLb, ^essusffaiis auspeti <^j,rrn tu&Stu 0lrpiev&>ggji—m «d-»6bt 17, 18^Lh &.eifl90 Oii—L^na pugglm. aetieS uuSpSl 0a0 uppliu 5>rr£ggrjK!(9 ) r^jeoissema uaeurrefy <3J(LQ, ausjj>eo ^ f r r r u j # f f l uuSpS) rfjIpieuaggiL-Gsr « i L _ L _ r T ( S gg-®8so 6-9 eu6s>rr pL-gSjIiugi. &n essfl, arressfl ^li3eS(3gpl «S/6bild#«, ausjsev ^rrrriu&Sl uuSlpS) plpteuag ffjli—esr 3h.i-.L-rra 0i—g0iu p*tf(Lpanes>LO 6p(LQ15l&.eS)L0ULJ UU$pS) plaipffStg g^Q&uSlLL usrrgggleo ejpurr® Giatugmj. 9 10. amg^esipa u<b$iu acfyggnmiig, - Qunnil. aeceS filSi, amgrrtfleo SjiSleSiQT, $8} Loskpib sj,SllusujbtBesr ^grjeut— esr, aLDnjev *%rrnuj99l uuSpSl filpieuarynb ^jrsiSleorrisSieir QJDULIEI uevadntaaLparipib £§)~*OTpgi ejrijun® Qaujgesr ... epaQi—nun 25 pern i— Qu JDJD&. Gt&ni—Aaib 30 tuesn sjSmiii r5L«ii4_«n«*«ir rfijp/toiaib Qlaitutgt—pjjilev J. 2. Sj,u'jexjg iSesreurr^ib QmatluSQadsnu iSrr«if)gsi«rierraj : Q&ni—ifaeH (•Sj) $rT(tfl&rTem& uprSluj (<40 « L D « « ( _ « » r - @(5/B''-««b eprnjtsiSlSsmisa, «ui««(_sBr - SliflrsSjl g>uj (FF) LDrrggenjD Qaiuiuav»Lq.uj wn6VLLi—@$^6herr euerriiiaden SlULUuesiL-iunaa Q arr essr® &(Lpa, Qurrca^enrTgrrrr SiLli—L£lu^iaan esr Qaajesicipesijo £jj)«in _ . ( _ _ . ® (<*/) sj,em® njijeo - 1980 SirrrrLD )eS(i£g£)& QSIU0I1L_LD Q<y<_ £§)_-_. to _«u»r/?(_®„«rr S)jrtliu SinrTLDai(Bfmmi*8m <3t®&p u(^S)aerneo rj>n(Lpan6s>i£> - (ajrypnaeo LDtTGULLl—lh (sj,) LDnggesiro ($j) eStileunasia _>rra/__L_gj£)e\> Q&ebrSstreniu Gpil.uf.uj T'aiujbuntl.uLGO uu3jf)&), urrff«a>a_?__si) upes?u.®aes>agQgnLfisoaeir (ipesipaerr - (mrtjisnaeo LDD aiLLl—LD 3. (FT) 6IIU.(2LD6V urgjSluSev (&.) ^evtBiesiaujleo aneonessr® iSesreuriijib estnsSeng (St) r£rt even stLSeStygSla Qauj&liLt—ib nyrJDULLULUJGO <$sLpna# SliiiaerrgSleo Qsverflu3u.uu®ib 'QaneQ goesrsntu' at^Siesia GmLLUjuQurrrrrjor epeiiQeiJn'SsiemjDiuih StULUUGSiuajnaa Qantisru. ail.® srrmiSi Qexjerneupgesi : GSLL® eSeOKKgam (S&) SirrnuSliu 10 0lev. SirrrrLD StiSetflriij&gjI - dsnpsQeunrp euerrrtuu S)LLU.L8I—^ILD S/iSleSI(§gSiujLb (Q) GiLDJbQ&TTLblGSlGti QuemaetT (it) Qutr(3gSLDrTGsr QgrrySteu FF®U®fiSO * r^Llutb 4. anednesa® r^^tpnag giBifieo Qsuetf)u3L—UU®ib 'mm pec lb' semi— 60)LOUJUGIurr(f^eh 6pebQeviTmesiir)ujib stuf.uuesiu.iunaa aSerr Qeueif!u$Lli—gi. 5. QaujSjl 6. QjeursiemauSesi 7. a-(§aa, ^jstbaerr ^jneisr® ampsc iDiQiiSrrang GleueifluSu-Uui-Lu-esT. ^_o/<B«rr aie^Slesia Qgni—r'raerr - 6 - eprf §j&ib. Qeuertluj'®aerr. a(e^Ses>aiu±b Qansmu. QLD0 eLlQesin m tipmrpi urrifluj «^u>AI/<S«FR Qfini—nunesr urr&esTib - (guLuSlrj^uLjff Qsiugli—i—ib Slnnit, ^ILS^(39S) LSL-O) pl&LQ&Slfi 019, LQ 9 SIfiluLi—ih, $li—,i—ib rSisu &,rresnu-i, Qfiesiesr^ uiLi—®sr. S)esr Syp luesr ^LSliuesiGeu LOSluurriueq Gpm—L-iw&etfleo mi—em euyp'ii9,1b 9,u>fiQfinuSlji) ssn® uessOm&n ^leufirresnuuib LwreuC-L^YTB (Lpebrgy 6Ttsrussreujbi6lssr uuhlrf&Qaiuesiai aLOfiQfirripl60j99,nm 9u.esi u rb pliu Loi—i—figleonesr Sts, ausgGigntpleo 9>LO fiQ fin tplgo ujb$iu =^uJ«Y gli—i— 9,i_esrujr>^tueu, ^S)<iJ«w smCQgeo, 0l9,LD9Sifi ^LiueSleo SlSpSlepaj (9,(3igiT9,8so QritftwSlSssstpjfi ^uJeii&,enn(9,Lh. SJTUSW/EISJGJSGIJ ng§$>ulrf 9,u. gp/grgj g^© e8G9u. £§)«@(JF> rSesiiDQsu/br&ujgj. LOfiluuniueifLO, L±frg$Q9ujiuu Slrflijjglfpuj plu-L-fiestfi (grfiluulL—UuQiLb ejjnuQjigfiifieo <$L&1 (LpmSltu Qxrrenests e&L- UJ nil 9, en trig lis. usneuuLu. LOi—,L-fifileo glil-L-Lbl® fieo Qfirru.rfuiT9, r3Lujeijmeh ueo y -ffiS)iuiT9,9;uuu. u.esr. usrrfi fiestjD usneuLLu-figiar^ epg t§9,ip9Slfi glLLL-fiesig eucgfifiejUX(9,m enxaQarTsisrLLSeneLiqf)LO (ipes)jr)9,efr, Slestu.9a9 9n.tsf.iu fin9,e&ri$0fi fijetiaen ^Sliuesr ujb$ QjTessrQ} prrat BirQfifirjmrQ epestpi 0L-gguui—.i—aj. g{rj&nrki9, ^/glufmen, LO/ogyib <2HT9g)Ss>joujl6b S-iurf gliLu-uHlSi0if, filess&Qeurbgiiprf. ^iSlGiunrf f^j&xrgfifirjisiSleo 9seO0mjQ9,rremi—estrf. «(5 g>fiPliiSljsrgu ueon eu(§es>9, g0fi9,ii—ebr, B-estrjtunu.609,tet}Lb eSiflsvna fiuuiLi—ee • QauJLpem rrsaSsn LSensisib 9,emi—ui3isLUUfitss)eo ejjbu@ib i3rj99)Sssrm8sn ^esrisiaessn—estin etjesirTujnu.eo9,eiflies)eo SSJJRL-Gl^frg (LpdSluj ueoiesygih. usneuuLu. ^L3e3(3fifil usesrrr)ws,eifleo fi 'bGurr&j ns ssti—Quopi ewnjib usnsuiLL— 0ltfsun9,9 Srjsmusuu, ^)LO LoeirjgrBi&afleir LtsiLt—fi fileo S)LLI—L61L-60 ^gueusossrflso uuSljbSl QUJD/D ^ierij0iT {^eosongenus rfySlajem unifliu ^i—if 9,enrr9.9. ansviruuiLi—Gsr. ^LDLO emjDisi&eh tntLL—ggleo n$Si (Lpxrre$)Lts9,<9,g gesflQiunrri) ^tesiuoULf ^eoeongems* erfilri urrrfAmuu^ib LOjbGlrnfrnj Sta&eonfg/Lb. > Sltfli5J£ifyuje3eo Glrseo B.jr)ugS/uSesr QunrrjesfliujbSljD^r, SifliiglepiueSlepefTesi Ggif0g Slso ^jeoeoisiaesflei) E-i—GlarTehenuuQLb s.essreueues>a9,esfleir fiestestus, tjSf(rr,pjnff,fcd LorreisiLu-ggleo ^eis)j9tfl9.9.LJu($iLb unfesr, j$rr(ys9.nes>us& Q9iueOQfismro9,eh ^LSliuem ^)«@(TF> ^jebeurQi—fifileo GLDjbQ&rTessri— ej&ssnu ^ii.ieti&.enn(9,LO. ^aieujTfi—gffileiiGungi QragrfeorrtBgi, (9,(Lpe8esTrf LO.TSULIL. tAL—L-fi&jleo &,LOfiQfirrified tonevLLi— LOLLi—fifileo 9.LOfiG)firrLBji) ^)<B@(tp ej)(Lpmi(j9, eunarffisjaeir Sli—.L—itl®LCi ua)&Sso&&LQ&fifileSI(!$i59ji eoisueoaidsnu y,rfggl ^)LLL_U9Z_W ereinugi ufiffiluj eu0fi Gl&ujfieisnt. 9.(i$gfirrrEi(g, GSSBRSWNJ Q9ujfifii. SU>%A^.ST5L (5NJ2N)AJRRIJLILJ% (GAFSI^LC SIJRIIFLUI fSgpeuemtai&tiT ^SSURFJ Q^ITLALIL|& ^(I(6I|UI ^eusurrTfi—Lh (LprLpeufiiLb, §J9.(&,(Lp, L09,neueil ^iiSeB(3fi09 Q91Ufill—.L-LO 'rri' aeosi (Lpesieu Sign <BLO««/7prr jSlrryeuem (LpeisiGies)LSL9 QaajglLLt—ib ^S\iu ^tjesst® i3rjfirresi QsiuSli—. i—iii&etr Qfinu-iturTssr ^rrniu&Sl, UUSJDSI uessflaetfleo ff®UL-ULen,rj>g§). LOff,neueSI dlrrGfi&fi gleo jsiresri^ ^rrmuffSl uuSlpSl Q9iugliLi—fi6s>fi ^)«@(y) *$jJjLoi3gg9s. <gj0 ^rresrig 11 SLLL-iiis(er$Lb su(jfiLDrTjT}i: $jsQsiu§iLLL-ih Sj,nthaigg sneogSleolrnjpgi [^liir^efien stSlsnrfl «(6»5«@/i (grsLGtu rfiltu sws&nnris^sigLb QsnQtssuuLLt— uuSjbSl /flsifisSig SiLLi—isisSsn 0lrrjnu®ggej)jLb LDSIUL?® Gl8iijgepjLh; erebeon stSlsnttlsr^srsjrLprfluj si^esiLDsengj Qseveif jfljeo epssremjog gtunrflgg,e\>; QSILI?JILLL_ si^sniflsienj'k'Sjrfltu uu3rhB) efilsnesr gemg eu(Oji)g<so; epqf) QfiesrGies)isL s/isLUuemi—taleb uuSljbS) efils>nesrgemmu urfLLSlgsfjiu urrrfggeo. Q&UJ§}ILL i—gSlesr (Lpgetinib SLLi—ib rflsmroQsuuj^lujgjL-esr $],jsssrL_nei]3tf SLLL-U> Gl»iujf)U®ggLJ uQiSijngl. (gqijpnsSsti LnneuiLi—gSi eyeberr seb strip em suoSeo ejjostgempiu ^jirsssr® sj,essr®s^sr^ (Lpeisresr if ^jpiflgneusLb, Slnjluj St err efil eon esr sLox&nnrf gnussritisdzrr rfilguev'Sii g>jht8, Gmjf) Q&nessiL- -qpiLiijjSlirs, ^s^rup Qgni_if0&tf s_gefil euLO'ii'J^eii0ggi. ^jggasisiu SLOssnprif sriisrsisBsn (g,(30ns8sv LnneiiLLL_gSlsisr ejSssriu urgSlserflepiLb stj$(LpxL]u®3SjLb (tpiurnQl iuib jTjemt—QurrjjsugjL-esr, Sjgn)esr Qgni—ssu uessflujib (ipiSLeiismL^0^efrerrgj. sevsQpsmeu uSesr siAgGlgn ySleo Gsemeti rflSsoiuu i3rjGgs-gSleo SQps Glunrr^enn gnrj St err eft $1 eptisiem/o 0u.gsjiugs)(g,g ^_.i_tiB_.(J__.(5)srr«77-^/__««r Ggemeutunesr i3esresressflg gseueojib glrjiLi—U ULL®eherrgj. £§)«<g(y> GLoeyih ^rressrty Sjjxniu&Sis QsiuSlLLL-riiseifleojLb rrQuLLQierrensj. Slesieu: rg(ir,0ns8eo umeuLLi—gStesr O s a g stL9efil(i^g§!s Qsiu^LLL-g^ieo Losserflssr utii&erfluiju ujhpltu sj,iueuib, SlrflpSiepuj iSlrjG&agSiev Qsucfco euniijuemug Qgnjbtr)jsfils(ajLb Qsiujbun® sen urnrfSiiu s^iueqih Sj,r§Lb. Losncuefil stssiLossL-esr {^jSsssrpgi Losneuefil stL^eBrr^gSiajih iQb].ii5l(j^iJULb eresrjj) Qunq^efruji)plus scrffggrjriirs, epesrpiLb erpun® QsiuiLiuuLLi—gj. AID (tpanrsyjiD ffi)«v>d}Liu(3|>£>«l) (g(ig 1952 *$J,LD sj,essrisL,esr Qungj Sjesieu: (i) (v) ^jeoiiiesisuSesr tg'irjisnsdeo @«Ui_ssia&_l«T GLDLLQ eurjessTL- 0leos gns&Lb Sips snegsfjih eueoiu gSleo ep r^rsiSl8sssr0g Sti3e3(i$gSlu5lesr (iii) f^jsrmqj} Slrjnm stugsjemjDS Sti3sfilrr g§l& ) ujbjrSlujQgnn a.u «$_># Q&uJems ujb/rjlujQgnrg IWJSSSTL. susv)_a,gl«i) _ic£$i«tnrg£ Q&iuSlLLL-<wsetflio ssSltuii, j$n QsiuSlLLi—gSlesr n>®uLLuL(n)pgsj: &.uGiuna(ipLO. 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PLpsirrgi ^uusmifl fj§j6ti urrifliu Ash^iQusifl ssrrs3sir $<t r§mtoGsupgj/tb urrsssr asoOsorrturr g j$rf pjLSUULff.stoffiff.SsrT GLDnjQsrTsisri—gssrfLpsoLb (SLDJQ G&rrrrs&eo u so M8SVX&LOG a, giL—.sisr Qjsr^miSliu ^ijrrihaWi; rsL-suLq.xes)mu3iirSLb LSiirsurr^sussrsyjhsmJQU QxrrshenuuLLL- LirBisgi Qff.rrsh^gn)(Q ^ixmurS) Gmp §1: urrffssnsj) QffiusuSlso jSi—gss>ff,aiff,rrsisr (^j,) S3ILD^*LO Gffrfrsxj i^QarrsmuLrr^jsggl. wrjusmDijffi (S\) sSfQiDiflxs &>rrsmfl &\ 9s8(§g§) QffibssiLDLursw Qgrri_rfLjib. iSpGiurrff,&S)so mthmmrTrxtTsisn JBI—0§J Qxirsnr^b eSg(Lpu> xiatu <xrrprsnvnsit§3Lb strtff ~3ifii urrifiu »« urrffssrg ipsrssrox^i'g'b r§t Si'LLL^ISIsissRsir QfLbsstunurssr grrs,ff.Lb sjrou®ggiLb eu irr s SI xff,bS-srrm Qffdjsstx ujsiouTg (tpssijou &rrrjsssnxigpih, 13 eS8sney, B-pug&luQur^aaih ^Siiueupesip una est / f ( 9 « @ L b _.«rr«rr Q$<gmi&au (v) SiesiuuiSesfiev urr am Bern—Asa ssstiLiliSesfleii j g e y t h , unSlargth sntjernlan^ib jy«w^)£j/«@u> Qgrri—iiua<§$Lb. & sir err pwuggaagrraetfih skULiuprrAevib fiifa a,L.QuunLlQia.(a p snasib J ejpuQpgiu.i _rr{rciRir?<3(er$—i umflujurrem ( _ J 2. SlLii—iiiaetflev $nu>nmih serflepLb Q grr u nun a, euiii top faff «T©«<g_> Qgni^rfuuLLu. p i t h eSuiuiir isesyuqfifsip. QavieO ifgtuiTOT QtjmiiffS) QffLhesiinujntsr r%rf (Lp&,rres>u>*(gj &efr urfiessi i £ uuesi g euenriggpa,na anrrrf a,ev0giQa,nefiierj)Lb p l a L C f l d evojeb euniuaaneo LBLLt—g&'ev aLommnnn gnuesiiir 1981 f^eo wfL-anrf ggtunai Sj,n LhiSla,e;uuLLLBUDS g GmepLb eSlrfleuesiL-jsggj. Ggnpgiib Ggesieuaerflm S/ULUumuuS^Lb, Slevri&errgi (tpm (u)ujinZr)u9eisr Guiflepiiis anDaanrrrf @(jp«-«rr SlfftLDUemu euerrriggGeo maiaQanrehenuuLLu. B-unujiLni^Lh. a>Loais,nnifBii§ir A Qaesrg gnuesitb Gevem®Lh eresip S-emnmeu (LpgeSleo ejpu®ggpain& Lfilrgiijg uuSlp Stuuib Gpnma>uuppnb _.«&___• uggjuQu<rf)ai(&, gnum SiesiLDUunerrn ereirp upsB oiLpriiaiUULLQ strain rflaiefr ereirp (LpempuSev S/eueogj e n g n n e s s r L o n a ; SLoaa;nnria;efr usgSluSeo mrrtippl uernluiBiu SjiLtrppuL'tLumrr. {J^gseumgaSiev QftuuifLLarrrrggg glebr ( 0tri)U Slap t o n a,euefT6iim. urrrfluj rSnuun&mp SlLLu.isisi8sn (LpasrresiLou uQg^ieu^eo «Lo««/Tfr(nj_) uiiir^Qairreheiiesip Gineojih evetrngpig sL,&njg epc3 (tpemp uSSssi eu(a,uugpaina; ^juuifLLenifgggesigg Qgnunppj pi—gg s-gGgSla,a;uuQSlpai) 3. uuSI rijffl anLaanrrjrr Qevnessi(ess)p efiiih gnum ssihamnai piSoSsriuue^jtb grrum Gurr gj i b evLpriisuuQiLb jSi—gguuLLugj. 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QeuJSlLLu.ppleir 14 Q&tuet) uuSp&) rrem Q&ILISILLI— aiemrrGiurrrf pleo euuLmrreoesiLcuLj, pesresiui Q8iu0LLi—mia,erflepLb LD§luurriueu Stemev; LcSluumuev. Q&uJSlLLi—ib - eutemppeSlev LBLLLJU uesdle $ieupes>pe3u.,^a)Qru) frQuLLLtLrypgmrf. eot Q&iu§lLLu-Lba.rr)iui3esiif Lttppith S/emai: (1) S)rf\0S}spm urrastrib •Sisuprrsiflpgi (2) 1982 LOIT6ULLI— LOLLL-pS)SO <$LLO ^sssnsf.eirGurT ^IcrgSjsitruitl. Qarrsm® uiieu spates •HsnsSiLuLsir Gamrrdso s/uLUusstL-uSeo igskrffiLom&tT : *%},7rTiu&&)& QS UJ§ILLL-IBI9,SIT (LOULQSUUJS)SIIT: L O T S U L ! a ) tBi—gpuuiLL-gi. ^rjmusSlaana. Qjg'fo £)LLt—LQ®&60. : iSsirsu'pLh 9 0 0 ^jsasomiaSsn ^jrrgSjssrqif) Lorr§lifliurra.i LoneuiLt— ^ensSLLuL&i (§rfilui$L_uui—,L_siir. £§),p§) ^/ifilAssta. GLDSOJUO {j$j&dssruj@£gi ST(LO puuCi—gi. a)to uc^Slasrr gjsuaen ^crrr asimi—rfilujuuLLi—Stsr OIL (awti)(i3j £l«u rj"jit susmiiasrr jHL?><nSI(iij^S? - nj gj J> s^aSIsi) »{Lps QuT^strn^iTij -ajsrrsiTS. turesvh, ^iSsBrwj&£) ; mressn «i_ffi> <st_/3^ L9 TG sa.iixsrraj cfKuJeneu niL-pgimrrgfi Qmrrivesr. tuif) - Gus Lorraj asrrsu u3sv ^jeheujfilaemm Qsjsir Girj)(g« u>£lDurriiin| jSriuuirasisr $ Slemiia, ^rfilAsna, 4. Q&iu§ji'—L-.ib: *3Liusu. aLogQgrrLhl ^ssiLO&SisiT fglsir 3. roth ujb(film sua sir ep<r £§)«»(_<ss«fl-«u <$i$a,anau3so UIUULLU.GUIT§I 2. aj a^ajgjsiDjD, ^LOLoSluun arrsmuuLLtst) Qurraj (a,ULQup LOGJIUL?® Qaiuiuib j£fsueiT ^L9rS(pp§l eu'SSfpssSeoga £§)s,s £j)/54S ^liiSkjaLstflsir Qffiii^luLib - GtoiiiJJiLL \98\ gfesr SiuLUueai rejririmiD&frr ff>£_^ji/tDTfl)jGxLLQiGlaiiTGswL-fijQ §}Ssmaa,mib ^1 a,§hsmaasna,S)L_LO <Sj,'usmsu QarrQaauuLLL^gi. urrenrr(Lpib (Sji^Gui grrj^Lpib Sflrg^gu IDSJLILHTWSIJ £§)«@(LQ auTssnfl a-ss)L-6s>UHjjbjfiltu c3>/ff5)«6ij>« LJ rrg§jlujrTa,a;uLjLLi—gi. ^jisiSleorris Gartjsxj §ILLI—P§ISU rr,i— g>puuil-u. r^JO sviq.«nrs\), tSISeuLh, prrusnrcipib (guLGiupjog <§j,v)t—Qsuetf)u9sir Gurraj piurTrnsa.uui—.L-gi. srorrGuirrj ^iBsS-r^pS^u jftrfeurr«p urgijlui Gljui^iluib - Q*iii^lilu sSi—tugajaGa QurTg/juuiras rsfJisniBSirr ^yjsfigi. ujbpliu > J. LorreuLLu- &*Qur§llsurT&r§iEiai6ir g)«@5(Lp urrifjiu spsnsrr 6 D piuib 2. <«LO «Q<g/r it? LDLLL-pS)«D ah.LL®& ^Liueus^g QaiuSfiL-i—LO giZsmLjUps ^sviLtiEjaiet}Qarr0gLDrrssr jsi—gS)ujaj. a, rr si) £);TLLi—Spitb, atsvQstirrujrreSlsir Ga,if0g Quessraeb Ff®u®geo ST(LD&) 6»/«(g« J5>LL/_U9L_«U a)so u(Sj%}xsirlsv &)G& fftsvisixerflsir Gudsn, £3)7,3 i§>6srL//fl LDITSULI.1 j$js) S.SS>L^SS>LDU0$ ^LLI—SU3SSSUU®J, a, spi b LJ,T auiGsuSstixstttspih, <KLOLO arnfupp -^usu epsir pSldjrrSlssr. G rudoixstngpLh (LpuLaauuLLi—gi. 15 3. anemia; QULGtupp ggleo r^ehettnemtsLeisr &(Lpa, Qunrrjenngnn {gftpiSlu epebrgy sj,nLhi3&auuL_t—gj. s.emi~es)LO 4. 6r(LpSl 5. unagglebGuney anessfla ^jestaunQiaeriuppl ^evmiemauSieo efilmaerr. Gwp anewfiih (ajisLGtuprog ^lueu SirrrrLD SjiSefilri^gSl pi—ggu _ . u =§£HJ«/, QauJS'iLLugSiesr SlCi^iaaeirleo anetnsflu utfliLnemih, u®Slpaj. QatuglLLL-skaerr •=§£_'si/ ep(3 efilu.uj (Qat'rL—u) (tfiLq-asuuiLi—gi. eurryesiLD epLpluLjLb aeipa ercLpS) urmaenluulemr^iii uppliu *$l,Lb0g ^uJeu (LpuLaauuLlugi. £g)«(g(y> S-eifism euectu aLdgOgnLplee GJ punQtQaiuggi. mnggSleo •cQgneut—ehr ereirugjuppliu aqijggniBiig (a^upll^jeoisiestauSeir u&eveqi epskrestpiLjih gg-®Sso sj,Snusuppleisr &h.LL® 0L—0g&i). _.«raraj& ClausTTSJiaba, <5(y> GgSui s^emeva QanerrenaA (LparremLDU uQggpta, S-emeua efil sir Gianerresta iSngnesr 6U@«(»j_i 1982 uemlujn@Lb. £§)«> _ j « @ ( y > £§)«@(y) Glgnt—aSl (U &0estg euLpiB(sjLb uemlestiu $jan 1 SP**" ® uemluSeo guuQiiii SliflevevuSsv, piGaQani^, uneogajemp, QungiggiestpuSleo ugglfflestasieip*@LO _.($&ff-©4Pi_@, seviS, euLpmiSlesr. uiupi u^ggrrrrrrujuuLLL—gj.gpGurreinguj G urr eh pets pest pu f£lpa<gjLDSil ejppiLDSl, a emu, 16 £_emeij Gimrrgg grrerr Stevgrresilgg^i. if!s)auuLLu.&j. tugSlGiunaggit s/iflSl, ^jaGlatuglggneifleo etippev uSerraniu, s=0es>g Qeuiii pldsoemLOupplGuj eutfiiaaeb- Srrrr&S) &.err prr LLiSLeb Sfeuppjlebr •SjJSsssnurrerrrf, a^LLQpeu Q&iuSlg giun efil&o&fiflebr GurrAesi&ujLb, u(g)ggrrrrntu0gsiL—esr. GiDpGlsirrehiQnjih Gleueherr •^aa0estgaerm^Lb. ugSlrBestaaeir ®Sieo Qurrpigg grru6srmia;eir SliflugQanu., ^Siueujbrijleisr 0i~g giunrHxauuQiii. aihu0guuLLL- r^juuemi—iEiaiSsrr Glurrgjg epevestpg eurrrrrrpgib S^SliuesrGsu gj_liiaefilebirSig j j p u u u u _ _ w . aewii—. «S__uj/_<a(S5<s(gij iSnueoih mrrujiii, au.evgemg, tLenerr a0estg SlLLt_rsia;err Qau'jSiggnerr QaiuSlggnetr QgLDLLL-Qani— fga QaiLglggneh l QatuSlggnerraeh aietjitgib n-(piuil.u.Gunglepih ^rrmuuuLLL-m. pesr. uemu-iiiaeh SJULUUGBII—USGO QurrrrSsrr, @ eueu(yL-.gS'eisiGurrgi @(tp Qaeoeya- SirrrrLD plaipaSlg £§)«»a/ SGLD eBeurflaauuQiSiGisr SterrefiQaerflehr upaGaniL6stL—, eugemg, (LfiaSnumrrs; QancLpLhiJ p&rfleo &.eherr epebruaj Glurnjib & 0&si gaerfleo apestg GgSus Qxnekeinaa evntpaestaa epnerreSt p<aj L^rrem® surrrr/_«(B5«@ f } ® (ysGSip B-emeuu giurrrflggeo. tt_emeya gaeueoaSsrr SlLosiBiai^Lb, ^empGetippievgpana pugguui-Lum. Gl aLb est LDiuna gaeveoaSsrriLfib atrj^gSlpQanerrSpoj. sj,rrn iuaS\u QanenmaggivstpuSeisr •^rjnuJaSlLs goeuaSsnujih (SjcLpeyata) euLpisiS) a_geugGeo @(y)6i/tb (Lpuf.eua;eir QaiuajLlQunaj e-emeux SI est LLUIS Basra pnLLtsLebr &_emeu SjevSiiuLb eresra) arnjajiLb LDLLISLBO, Qpp eSpuSssrg 0U_euuLs)ema;<s,err O-pupSl, ffpetstguuQiggiLh grruesrib Gurrebrp d&SliueupeinpuJLb ^)<r (u) (LpsQtu n.Ssnp Sleo &-emeuu L/fr@(i. 0j5es>g uuSif s-pupSliurrerrir«@5«@ Qa5fTi_rrffffl(Ui7* Sievpnesfluupj aiiujsgixiiTsi, eB&oaeh, plprlisLu £ § ) « @ ( L p a-pupSiiurremrana^sitga, SL.rnugS}.9 Qsreoeu, urgpprrrTrTiu^pesr. s^eo&ff &0ssig QlgSssru($>g§i, SJULLOLLI— efickvaSsn LOIT pgninrr gu &)jD(§ •3j GeOtTa8sW •Sh.pUUL-L-gl. > ®;a(g>(Lff ueo ^lueii.zSsn (•Sj) (^L) Q&rrrLpLOLJ U®ggGO. pluSlpp uemi—ibadsn, g)suffi/6B)«a5«u Oigeo &-pugGil Gpfr0p anetpib. 6TLL® Sn3eRrrT)pf£l, GIJBGO B-pupSiuiesrgiLb, (a.) Glgeo efilSsrie&eSleo Ajurr0p uessTL-imaerfleir •SLtjniusSl GuspQ&rremL-esr. Steoeomp ^sjmissff $jebs>j(itjL,gglsb s/ss>eu eu(3LDfTqj): stULUUesiL-uSeo LO S) u iS ®m err S)rrLLSiu3eisr 90es>puu®ppeblesr9jiD Qurrgnu aS&uffisrr, prreysS^iiLfib S-U s-esnrsuu eBSsnQurrcr^LLsierflesr &0es>guu®ggp (FF) S!«DL_«@LO ^/tli_/s/«&r7,3 peSrr, StisLuuemi—uSepLb n>-xrflso B^emequ e.peBpSjLLL-isi eBBsos,sn uppliu erC® s,Lop QprrySleo GmGeo @ff5)(JL9tli_ euLpesiLoiuneur pl&yh&Sip Gurrgi evLptiiauuQLO g)«,g,(Lpeij<s@6r(6rf LOpGlar/rrf) (ifiASluj ff^empu plSsouurr®. Q&eoajLb, GurrArgar^ib eurr iuUL\en err LorrevilL_miaeifleo Sj,grrtu erplri• mrreo a-crgGi)ebr ereoSso euniuULi S-uQujrraib. ^tueiimerr (si) eiiib (SJ,)siiLb 1932 L^n pSliurrSiesr. ^j&isuplmmmmeh £D«@(Lp$esr Sj,prrriLj&&)&> (&,tfiluu&.a.6ir&j GlgrrL-tflebr Sip LjS)&.&.uQupg>], Sl&aempQarresiBLQurrgp g/wppprruesrisiaeiflefti—Giu eB0lGjjrrS)4;&,uuLLL-e>ir. Lopem ptuptpebr gu ^tiusymerr Qprri_nurTesr s,err GeuBso&eir u^rfpSliurrS) ^rguug/i—eisr, Slevpplesr su£l&,eis>&.&,err 1983 LorrrrS LorrpLO euesirr uSeo (LOULSIJ QeuJluuuQLb. (Lpgeo £§)/j"«J5r(3> SjLujeijaiet^JiaiTeiiT i3Grjrj?estas,Ssn ^jArgfLoGaj (Lpsir eveiigp&j. ftp sir (/yew j j / ^LtueSiSeur g,i—gajLorrgu urr isiQarrsSteo B,eherr sswrsij eBeu&rriu purr orpplebr L$CTrrmS)tu Stepieueo&ib' GSJLL®SJ QsrremL-oi. ^rreorreiigi SitueSdssr, sLDgQgrruSleo SuSeBrppS), SirTtTiusS) siQS)Lo&&)6m Q&tu6orrerrrnjLb, gjjsprrevgj Sj,tueSSsnT Gg&iu a.£r<# Qffiu svoi(LfsLO 0L-.pgiLOiTg!i Gt95i_l Qs.Qa>rT6mL^9ST. t^jemei] geBry, s.LLpQprrLoleo sies>msa GatL®aQxrrefsrL-gpS)asBrri>6>, QjfgQgLcuitpsvihurr Lorra&rSI eB8so&.eifl6br Geimemiuii) ^ehresipiuib 1981 £=j)«u S^rjihiBmauuLLi— a.estreu pjsrrev, u($ggjLb si<i£/6uso 1982 *%,LO S£emuLsirGurTg]ih 1983 £g)e> (LPUL&ig)jLb. Is)*®^ 1982 gturrrflgggi. Sjsrreo'LLi^.eff paeusSsrr QgrTi_frff,gi pesii—Quppgj. SlLLi—euSsssru fjgjuuessf) ^)LLL_LI5)L1(51L/ urg^grrrrrTiLjLO ^tueiiseh gpssr/rj/aarrsar Sj,rrrriu0Slu iBGrjrj?sm&&r piurrrfl*auuLLi—ssr. j^jGupaup surniiisS) uuSp&x @ g p sjpgjii Q&fTGssrt—gj. ^uJ6J/««rr 1983 gfQeir Lorrpth ^rrihtSasuuLL® ^(nj«u(5i_ arrGuib&j6StppsifiL-QugyLD. iSGrrruaauuiL ®error ^djeu&err eurgmrrg)!: 1982 Sj,ib SJfSfstiq-GBQurrgi (•^i) {j£jGomi6S>xu260 B-esisreua QarretreDsiLiib (Sj,) ^Ieursies>su3«) (|D) LSerrmiriu, Qeumi&rrtuih, 6JpU®LO ^jLOUU&eh a.essreii pisrfeuLb <xu> sBSsrr Qurr<$LL#,(en).!k(&, eBSeo (gpla^Lb a.(38sijaSlL0riirg ) S^ojeuppleir Qarraream Signeuefii—enMU Sl&pgl 17 StQutrflaarreSek $Q*Lbuirleb *eorrrg!$ arfeuGga SuSeSrj^gglaarTesr a.gsQ ejpurrLLiif.eir 3LQ cr*. erem. ehrfee g)«@(xp«_«ir Sj,Georraarjrraa Gfifpgrrrf. 1982' awggiestp _VI_«BTO^^)«(5_I Stgesyi—eir QgrrL—riuuiLi-. girftpa^XQih Qjemuurrsar gaevevs,8srrg S)tjrlisf. estetiggja Slesti_da sue Si ejpu®g^isugesr Qpsuu) syTrriui^iurremraeit, SILLL-LQ®Gstirrrf, (2„AR«R>6»)« tutguQurrtt tuireuryarmih Q9emeu euy)iisrg,gGso ^p08soiugplssr LS rjgrresr t^pHGarrerrrrcQui £§)<s (gpliGarrSsrr rfjIesipGsuppjgparra (^jpSSsoujib epj, g%ai[b aerrie^SiuutnaetfiM, gaeueo StniLQib apmeuif grruesrutrraeuiL Gaesteu euy>iiitg)ib u essfl luxutrraey lit Qg iu jbu®S pgj. auygmiestp sii3e3(3gSiu3eir aaeo gaeueo s/sstwuemutuix1 ^rr^miaestixajgparra p/ra> r§9eoiugesigiULb uebafifSeurju ulifleSlebr eprf Slihautrra g^jujBuSliu grjeu euruSismiuiqib epebrnrji Qectggi fjj£0 jflSseiuih S/OLDiHaarreSeir arfeuGga SliSeSc^gSldarresr _.gefi ejjouml.uf.eir Qpeoih $ pituuuiLu-Si. Gleueniu3tl-®u L9 ifl euib gasueo Sternuugiu_ebr aihu0guuLLuf.^uu giro) SlgSssriutb f§jj50l8si>ujga.iL-eir r^jSsssiuugjQurTrpggutrresrgj eresru iSssiesrira^guutLi—aj. 1982 ggesreurn Qgrrt—aaib (^j00l8soiuw, pjfebjS&oiuih, grreu euiiSl, QeuerfluSLL®u iSifteu ^Sltu eu pes) ro gesresragGg Qarrem®enerraj. gaeueo pl&otu g gyacg), StQutiflaarreBeir arteuGga Su3eS(fr gg aarresT SLgeiS ejpurr® (tpesrrrjj a/(5_.(_«(ST5*@« Slesti—i^th srm §)(3!sg&i. <Sfaj fgjuGurrgi 1982 *%ih SJ,essr®arv,u iSekeurr^ih rSuf.dauuLL®eherrgi. > ! <£eueu(3i—g Qgrri—aagS)e6l(!2i$gi ugiaailuf.i—gS)ee (gjppl&vtuggjaarresr gtreif eu iii Si Qaiupuu.gQgrr t—rsi SI lugi ^riiGa GLpepuh S)a) SteuSliu euaStasfr auuLLt—ffih jTj/ra)0l8souj(Lpib £g)« aLLiq_u.gaja(aj u>rrppuu®Lb. Qaiiigj t3iHe3a) (tfiiif.d T§irs\) jfllmciuw plpjeua^Sieir uggrrtuaj Sj,essr® pi est peua Q arr essr 1—mLu.gesig (tpeir egft LL® plSsoiuib Quurjeurfl 23 Qgrruaaih 26 Slut Si a Si euesttj asmamLSl epebr est p ejpurr® (3jig31SiSeo QeuerfiuS®aiQ^LO, ___L/«U - Qae&uuso &.uarj<sssrrsiaefr ueoeutii aml-Slatm auuiluf.r00gair. ijnei QaiiiSl esieua jgireoagSipig} {^jaieu(3i—gSieirGurrai p/jebmerr, sijiitaestaaerr. Qgrri—tjpp gesflpneb eresrueuppleo QwrrggLh 632 t3rjSls,err Sletiu.ggiefretrasr. £§)aipplii Glud^ihurreorresremsu S/eirueiftuurraeuib, urfleurf ggSesru Srjglaearraeuut Sles>u.pg6sr. r^jeuM(r^i_gSliaGunpi £§)i_ Gurr est giu eie^Slmaaeh QiDtrggib 163 SlettL-gg/eirerresr. ^euppieit, «f&;3f c/s>_' * ( g ^ a » * aeh &.LLUU, Quurggih 81 arejf&lsstaam apgrreSeir Gurfleb Glupuu®Slssrpssr. u3(x0 peir Glarrestt ujrraeyth urfleurfggSssr Siuf_uuem—tiSepjib SestL^aSiesipesr. u Si grr aa Gsrfaau,j®Lb pueoaeh, ar^Slestaaeh uppla QaiuSlggrreiraeb (tpeoib pneo plSsoiu urreuSssTturrerrriai^ica, *2Ipfils3*auu®Slppi. ^eisrsstixtuSeb G«rifaauuL-u.esteu' ereirp gfcouiSeo euestauufVgguuLLu. jgireoaerr aie^&iasiaaetflssT jSirjeoaerr anreorressr® Qeut^ia'®aeir pesifgj eB^GiurrSiaauuil-L^esr. QjuGuiresiguj ai^^estaaerTiasr Qurripeh J¥_.<S au uaaiiiseifleir uestauuuu iSlrrStaeh eB/SGiurraQfitb ep 3 Lf%iu Stiitautrra pg gl • (^esteu ^jrressrestL-iuLb np-ebrjil&oujLb (^jeirevtpuj plSsoestiu SfpliuaQaiuiqiit giSsssra aiQeSasrrrr auu iueiru®gSlesr, 18 Qehairrr)L-gS)6itQurTgi U©pSl^ifaerr. Quppesr. Qftaijjbgjien *9j(SigGgn(§ pneca ai&£i«.8sn j^eoamia^ASlesii—uSedrjesr Argils 43 Qeueifl njneug,r£i&,etfleir Gmtrifls,estsiff,enrrsi Stent—&x& Qaiuggji—eir, ^eomiesta, ««FR QjcrewrQ) euirrjrit&(srr 3;(&, Q&tuAsQpesspu ) GfBUurren QeuesHuSeSriT,0gi 5/761) QarrQss,e\i susiGlgiTiplev srrrf0g uuSpSl npevs,& GanLQiQarreisrt— 540 Gurt uiueir 69 euestrr 0esti— {^jq^pgesr. njjjeo&eu&^lxSstT 8mis,gS)e<sr 0neisr(g Qu p)si>gp(&,ijs sj,eisessr 0lBsoiugS$eir &.gefil uSekr *%LS\ILI dtirm0&jliu Stecteuecsib eu0Gpmf eunmtseusiar gifeoa, gpSiemriss, usnessreiirf ^ji—UsetflAauuLLi—gi. SI Slurry A(g, gj UL Sj,rf S) eysetsrjrjj eurrar uuSpSl euLariixu uiLt-g/. ^jeoisiefiauSeir eS(Qie^rresr QgnySleo gjiLu gaeueo SlemwutSesT ^Ijeoaii) uritrgupplujgii—eir SI gear ah.C®u uiLiSLtuepArsju uCuLiueo esiLorisSliugi. npev&,u "^jeotEi6sts;u3eo Qurrpiuurrenrr {j^surr, ggiQeir Slnrrus Sli3eSlq^gSl Ggrf 0QgQigg nyret) njirLDrreueSI" ereir jo fprrr, npZeog glrjiLuL esi(ij,t— rLpuLeSieo QeueiHuSlLLi—irrr. ^jevisiessaniSlsir Qgnt—Aanis jSi—euuLAemsiaetflA s/i—esit—aSsniuLb smsggiessp S^iueijairr &<eTjS\GG)&.u3eiT uSluunSlifliurrnseyiis gSsouLSeo 1982 uessf\Lfifi0gnif. 3,RJ«| OLBLFFIUJLD ALBDLUILLLIT L£LFLN]U) grretf eviaSl S\gpG&, &.ii)tu am tfiliuif 3,1^31—eir 1982 ggesreuS Lotrgiis Qgnt—Amib geiSl turrat ^jiursixg Qgrri—iiiSliugi. aeomggrreSeu a_eherr g£i08Sltu L/sfrsrfl eSlurr jslgieuesrgSjehr aifsssGga uefretf) e&urj aeoefil 0lBsoiugS)eo uuSlpStemiu (LO ULggjAQxirem®, {gjULHIifleSleo G&ii0g ®(3 pcreif St^e&qijgSl s-gS}Giuns,ggir3ieh, uigggniueif 0l&,ys&Slg Sjt—t—eSlujevrf ^jq^evri, pneisrrg SILOIU S^iusunenriaeir, epcif) Q&iueorrenit ^L&lGiunri ggjuiSliflsSev Sit—mi (gets rr. SLuSlestitis. ^juiSlriles) £jj]6u eurrf,i—g,S)GiiGurrgj grjey euiitSl Stepeueo&eiflev usrrgS)rTUs FFQuueSlecSso. QpevSmuj ev(ir,i—gS)eo Q&UJS)LLI—U Uessfluurrerr(5LO ^jULSifleSeir ejSssriu asnySliuria,(stf,ih FFQULL UL($0& SJ,rrniu&S) Q&iuS)LLt—tki&,&flev Qgni—ri 0gjtis FFQlui—i—esrrf. LSetTirtuetf Sj,essruLesrGungi gneif euiisS) SjiSefiltrr,gS)& ffriLQig Qgni—(n)A(gg gp~etj aSsng Qgrri—rf0giiis S\tji—ULeu0ggi. {^00lg)ieiiesr gSfeir S}pniu&Sl& Q&iuS)LLi—iiig,eif\eo Qupuui—i— grjes\s ler^tb ^jelieuisiSluSeo G&ifa&,uuLLt—esr. &>rret\fftetflebr Qrr>rr8, QaeoSso,eSiurr urrrrtb, eues)rrujes)jDS,eh, a0^/0mrrerrs,err, LOLL®uurrQmetr Gurrekpen/nguatg eBerraaib Sietflpgl prje\\s,err euenmuuQpSluj (LpestpuSev prruuLLQeheiresr. 0l8sotULb eiiLomirgLb grreuaetflso s/i—tiiSl iLienetr GLOWS}S, QurumSlesiiu prreyaerr s^uGturrkluGurrrir urrrrrrLLuLeiarf. ^e\ieu(§L-U LSJD u<&,(jjlu3eirGurrgl QeueifliurresirTiLfib prreu euimSl &,eurr03}gj. prjeifp pen SjesiiLUtjaieiT suhiSt^iL i—ifleo uS)iuuui—($>, G&es>eii&.ert d}[rueuuu®pguui—.i—giLb, 0LLI—L6ILLI—UUL (^eiieii&S) eQrfyth UUULLI— gnaspetng ejpuQggnb. QsusTtluSilSu LTIASIJ ffiQSlesiaaeh, Q&iu§jl {j^gLgaeh Gurreir meurhem m Qeiieif)u3(Jiei]S)eviLb. Sj,iueiiplaenasserr, LopgyiA sjprrtu&S), uuSpSl sj,Sliuevpgjji—m Qgn I—ITIJULLL- stpl&esi&.&.srr Gunehtpeupetnp SI&SILL® QeuedluSQeuSjl epuo QeuetfluSi—.Qu tBifleif Qprrt—rf0gj [email protected]). QeueifluSQseinGir cBplQiunaiij, eSpuSsisr, QevetflidQ&eiT LO pry lis 0lg)jesiai pi—euuLaesiameir uppltu eSenilunib Sj,S\tueisresiLb ^juiSifleSeir uessnaenrrsi ^(750pest. 19 -s^tsrjnsrir asmi S^i^jBif 0(3- esstu ^ff- S)es>LDui3eb eSl^iurrpm, G^IT upe3uhlebl(30p] us,e3 Qeujeorrerrrf mSsosurrrriesjrf. upeSajlefil(30sj ul. *D9,0rrgm i3rrrr0Sliu ees)Lju3efit(30gjLb SlL9efil(3p0 ^imS(es)if. efilev&t Ggrfgeo xebefil i3rj00l0iurr9,e stesiLDeelesr QLDevfgla Qeujeorrerrrf emuAr&j pliutBAauuil-L-ir if. euffppe., GurrrrGx 0(3- eresr. efil. Ggg. Gm. srressfl siiSlefil(3p§i s^essnurrerrrjrrai upuhleblr^0pi emuicg upefilSir^ eu0p pliLiLomib Qeiueorr rSisiSldQarressr 0(3- Geurr siesiLDe eu 0 pest LD iurreo< igimSlies)if. 0@. SimLDeSlesr Qeiueorr err if upefilialefil(i^0pj st^u^mi—m i3rr00l0iurrm 0(3LD0 upe3o3sSl'q)0^iib mrressn, S-pjuulmrTrra StmiDeelesr ^(Wj/TiT : ^LcrrrtiieQl simineelesr gSajeuff s/ssiLDe&lssr Qeiueorrerrrrrrs eu0g *%j,rf. Ga. UL eleoeurr ^(85 g/t emLi SJ,i^0rr ej puil.u,m SLDgGlgrrLpleb Sji3e3(3p®, euyStuSleb cfjtsg/B/r emug &)ebr GLDBO0S. 0(3, LDrrrhprsimefr efileoSlujejL-esr, ^(enjflj'f emup i—fTif. Sjeurrej QstTL—, i3meu(3ib eresr. efileoSliup'^eo, erib. ^jrfrrineblrmxtb Quptrgif. 01(3. i3. eresr. erib. Qurt(es)0gi siaieumLoeeleir &uup GurrerfrjGurrgsji SfssiUieSlesr &)1CTLLL- &-8>eBa arrifliLigrflelujrreig Stsurrgj s/ss>LLe&)m i3rr00l0iurrsi <ft<sg/5rr essiuars) 0liuiBsi3,uuLLi—rrrr. Gutjrrgdssru ueo&Bsvs 8,Lp&g0esr g,LDpQprrtfieb Qua(3erHiueb GurrrrSrHiurf Geuetfl0rrQ Qeojeupparrei *%j,te30if &esiu!L?;efi(nj08}i efileomltesfif. Gurrrr&rfliurf ere. iSl. erib. (ajessiGessr GurjrrsSssru u e i ) « _ v « &Lpsip0ssr stop Qgrriplppjmpujlesr i$rj0pl0ujrrai eestuA^ pliuts> esr ib Quprrjjrf. Sl(3. LSL.. G$g. UL. efilGggrrgssr airesstl sjjfcssriLirrenir 0Ssssra)serrp0ebl(30§i eBeoSl iupies)eb ffes)UuSt6Si(30Ai $rw&l{6S)rf. GLDSO0S SIT essfl sj,3sssriurren rjrr esr 0(3. ej. erem. eSrj9im&i arressfl Sj,Ssssrturreniflebr LSrr00l0iurre,e eesiuaifgj pliuLBaauuLLL-rrtf. &(3- eSdSirrLDSliiia sun pec (es)eb, *%j,(§30rf emuu3eSI(30pjih eresr. e). ai3eorrgm 0(3- 0 « . f§. QuGrrrjrr ees>uu3efi!(§0&j upeS 6vL$iurre,e eesiu eSevSliug,tes)eo gj. epGerrrrjiii ugefit ^Ssssnurrenif s/eurrgi ug«8e,(§, ^,i§rr,0if emu Siprrus Si(3efil(3g£)u j$,siSl(es)rf. SI eurrpi 0(iT). Georrpesrp u9eSl(ir,0Sl i§'5i<es)T. upefileutpluSeb (S3)6U Qemsu&efr upe3uSefil(30pj plajinesib QLipp eSeoSlius^ 0(3- ere e-gvui3mrrm^s)rf. Uessfluurreirrf u&efilu3efi!(30mi ugeSmigj eu0p 0(3, tt.essreu eBeuerriu grrumg0m jSisiSl^rf. sisurrig eSeoSiiup L—iSlefiiu. *$j,if. t3. rrrrgQe.(3(6SS) tL.gnui3mrjrr(es)rf. ^leoisimauSeb ! <%,<§30 f emuu9e9(30gjib euySiiuna emu i3rr00l&) u&e8a(3j eu0m ugefit 0(3- s.gnui3mrrrries)rf. aeorr0lSl erem. iS. iq.. if e)Aieurr (Lpesrmrf LSCTSIU u essfl LJ urr en if (e0mp Sj,7rriue9)) eresrp useSuSeil(30pj I3Q~0U uessfluurrerrff (Sj,rrmuee)) upeBmiu ejtngiaQ&nessiL-rrrf. 20 eu C!5 L ^jgll^iuleb §j(50g asay&iurrgj 0Ssoes>u> su©LO/T/rj/: uessfluutrenrf u)rrS)u uessnuunetrffmeh Sj,rrniu&&), uuSpSl B-gS\Giunmggrfmen j§(3eimm a-g0Giunmggrf 01 02 36 gyreo $18soiuih, gorey eumim) Qeueiflu3il.(^ui3rfleif <9!LOL9^L1I Lfeneff) sfiturj &.geSiun enrfmtgnjib s^iueuneirrrmiet^tb Qmiueonenrf, er(upgi eBSssir^n Lojoguib ^j3sssr0g grrgglesrrf Qgnifieo VJLLU ssayQiurf 12 10 42 03 40 SjogiryQiufr 05 gngglmn ^surraSsng geSrj- gpsneSm, SILOUJ smrpliurfsier^tb G&msutun/b/flesrrf (ipm&itULanmu usoGeugy syjmu&d} QpiuSjuLL-'iiseiflso SILOIU S^iueunerrrfmeirirma aneoggjAcga mL-es)Loiun/bg)lueiirfmSsnm (ff,rfitui3L-eonib. £§)a/ eu(!hi—gS}esrGurrgi &.g£)Giunm ggrf men gj QLDjbuisLULjm(§ 0$}iL}geB -iSsrrgj. ex. UL. if). euypaSliu s/utuG&mrr minGm Stsurfmeh gnussrii utiS zetflssr Qeuetfl^nQ jojii Q&ehrjo sj,rTrriu&&), ueum&om eQurrapib mLQfiEimienjib, SGyo SlGLip-gesr IJL. euesmlmrr gesr gjuu!$)m)ehrjr)ssr; eurrmj£lIBIS esr ueomSsom mips Lb erib. ej. (&(yss,s3iue\>) UlLi—ggiaanesr mfiesta Gl0r$l, Gmnrfesreo ueomSsos ayoaib , iS. era. UL. ggjamnesr m thesis QrgnSl eBeioQmtresiSlesr ueoadsom myomLb, SiGlLotflmmrr era. er. rresruessr i rr erih. ej. (aeLomeBiueo ueherfl e&urrih) ui—.i—ggjmmiresr mnjesia Q/gjol, & •nggntbnesr ueomSsom aipmtb, t^jrsiSleon0gi •ereo. er. Sj,n. SIgueues>L-mrs>u i3esresrrf B.essreuu uessr L-rmmSsnu Gusmiib gjiLuggleo uu9ri)& Gjira^Gtun musg Qgnifieo ueomSsom myomib, ajuuneir a^StrrSl/ol uidpS) si surf men gi . L9. «T#. UL uiLt—ggiimiresr mg)mm Q/js IQI. Gmrrri est eo ueomSsos myomib StQiDiflmmtT . erih ej. uC-i—ggjmarresT mjbesim Gl&jfil rgeffesreioeoesTLL ueom&om aypmLb, SieijemSjQrreSliurr £>rTfu>g!l. ereio. UL. in. ULLI—GLDJJ) uuLUiJmmrrm Quiurfmtgnjth, Sleurimi^ar @/I5)IJL9L1I_ 21 £ l ( $ L o $ . ej. 6). Gs. Gsurrso crib, euyrrfi siren ^eueurgt—gSiesiGurrg] uuSp&iseh s^SajesieuLb, erib. ej. (SIDGQGRR ifileb Qurrr§ erUiuA)) I J Z _ I _ g g i s s r r e s r & / b e s t s QJBJD*), LorrekQeehiLTif uebsSsos S L f i s i b , §)wS\eorr fagi erib. i3eb (sing QgrrLpljb gjssrresr sjnesis GipfSl, esteu seueprrifl soessri—esr uebsSsos sipsib SQJDS Qurrrnjantueb) rglrysus ssaipliurr senpgiGisnessrt— GLD/bQsrressruS^iueuu uiuemmisignjib uiLi—g SUITS rglmisebr ueos&os sypsib s^ggrrmx^serr, eucnjUstTgy:- (mguQiu &rrMix> Si. erib. 6®g>ujrr&esr sjytrmiJe&l uuSltbw) B_gS\Giurrs g grr erib. sreb. S^rrrriusS) Giurrsggrf eSsSrrLD&rsis uu (9}eng&ju urrsesrgestg peffesi LDir&tQgsb • Slssebaieijjib ^rrrrujuuL-QEUEISRULIU eBu-iuiiis^Lb QgrrySleb giiLuggissrresr GurrjjSliejjri Sjessrtess) uebsSsvssip&ib, QsesrBssr, QfiJBgliurr igrrrLpsrresiLo epeirjfilSsssruu (uuSjhS)) QSIUSILLL—LD Qsireo(ffGu.n mrrsiressr uebsSsos sypsib, SIQLDIHSSIT 09-02-1988 15-02-198Z 01 05-1982 16-0S-198Z SJ,SIUJ u&ials iSrrrrpgluJggissrrem sp(§iBi9ii8essr0g SirrrrLD SuSeSr^gSfssiresr jgldsotugSiesr SLLLL-LD, eumisrrsrr Ggsib 24-07-1982 sr ib. ej. rg/em eurr g gesr SJ,ujeurrerrrf urrsesr fgit (Lpsrresiuiujn/rjiuj S^p-mueSl j§&oiuib, iSeStuesiuesreio 29-07-1982 £)®_>J5). ^.rr. if Slsbeurr a-geSlu u^eurrenir (0lsLp*Slg SlLLu-ib) uuSthSiLjib si6y6U6i) s i e s u u e u f L p i b , sQssem ueb&Ssos stfiSLb, j^jmiSlsorrggi, Slggjuesr, r^jimSeorrpSleojib QjsgrfeorrisSleojib B-errerr Qftggesisiu sjBssriLi grruesrriisiet^sr^ib (SjgnSliu eReoiuiiisdsrr GLDjbQsrressiL-estLD rf). L9. uessHuun su&lriis ENRF §I(J$LDJ£I. srsio. @eu@/fluj g l j e o s e-gsSiurrsmf uuSnyw), 29-01-1983 spseibGurrrfLL, 04-08-1982 18-10-1982 31-08-1982 . SLDGGJESIJOG g s e u e b ujnrSiiu uuSlrnSi G)is0l, Qurr sjpeoeurrSesr SLDgQgrrLpleb 01-08-1982 28-09-1982 u e s s f i i u s t b , ^miSeorrr&sj . jSrfQfisrresiLD epq^esiLDuurrLLQ Q&iuSlLLi—ih, QsrreoriyGi—rr uebsSsos s i p s i b , siQiDiflsstr L$. (3«g. @suw•surfggesr iSrrS) uesrSluurrerrrr (*0es>g s^rrrriusSi) 20-10-1982 .. SlrrrruSliLi Sj,S.ujrreSleb s>.eSlg QgrrLpleoju} Qgrrifieb njU-uqpib upeSliu QgrrySlsb giiLus &x.i—ib (GeuSso eurriuuemu everrrr d u g than esr 27-10-1982' sj,Sliu iSprrrjsfgiiu @(y>,) wrmiQsrrs, grriueorr p g j 22 (uuSjb&i) 11-09-1982 sr ib. sreb. aSsSlrrisiSliiis %&rrrruJ&Sl uuSrbS) B-gS)Giurrs g git LDrrsrressr 18-10-1982 rfl. L9. muSiiiis, uessfluurrerrrf 11-11-1982 §LSSSSTL\tf\geo UPPLIU ATRFJGIJRMRG, eurreipiiii_eir, LODAEH Sews (GULIURR* 10-12-1982 ) ereio. erih. i3. Ga^sfprr Sj,'JRTIU9&l 4^.g0Qiurr«, 6p6srjol8sssr0g SLIJRRLO SjiSeSl^ASluSsir gp«VLb FFTJFILILI AIA&ARRPRFST^acgfih iBesreurf&,<srr 8,(g,th ujmm aLogQgrrifiepss;rresr uu$jh&) g gif <K(_ssr ^L&IUJ n_ji)UG0U QUQT/XSG LOESSFLEOIR, iSeSuestuesrero. Qs,. UL. ereio. *%LRF}aj&lmi&, LjerrerfleSurr z-geSiurrerrff uuSlji)Sl QisnSI, sfreuGgs aeoefil 'plSsoiuih, ujbj&uj grruesrih, LfetieifleRurr meoaiggrr. — 28-11-1982 05-12-1982 02-06-1981 @j00turr. 31-03-1982 FT. ereir. ^ T . L/erreiflsSurr Qurfies)0gj uuSpS) Qprfil, &rfei)Gg& meoeS rfjlSsoujih, meo&ggrr, a-geBturrmif uenefieBurr ^jeoriiesia. 02-06-1981 31-03-1982 eru. ej. uf.. ereio. erih. *2j RRRRILJE&) UUSJQS) a.g0Gujrraggrf &\Gurjgesr > £|)«usu(5L_g0eirGurrgi Qaeir PI (30 gesr rf : LS. .. ainggjes) tr)& AAI0ILJIH i$rf eresrp s^iueSesr grrei\s,Ssnu (LPULQEJQGGEO LSesreurr^ih SSSL§\urfa.etr QuGp-rrrr, AIHUERRLDPP *£yjrr\u&%\' uuSljnv) S-uG-urrSluuih U(g,ggrriu0gj 19-07-1981 20-02-1982 eS($(LPES>puSeo Qeuetflprr® 1. 0(3~ erih. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0(30(3. 0(30(3. ereio. LS. sj,rf. 0lg)a,ew)ppliu. •syrrriusSl uuS/pS) a.g0Gojrrmggrf erih. L9. era. QuGrrrrrr, ueherfleSlurr a-geSiurrenrf era. ej. Slplsvrfggesr, gseueo Qeuetfiiu'i—® U-g0Giurraggrf G « . UL. erero, Slrfileurfggesr, QgtrtfteogiiLu tLgeSiurrenrf. s.g0Giurrs;ggrf 23 aessflisi — ej^uLJeurreifltsirreir, UL. — L&sS\aesr — ej^uLJeurrei^liiirreir, — urreir S/GlLorflaa — &riQeurrgiu, — epewaarr — SiestLLffffif — *£j,&)iu SliSeBrr^gS} — epLLi—rreurr ueoaSsoa ex. G*g. grresfleiji — epuLej, 6r&. — *%eoQarrfta — mersiruLL? , ereir. i—iSebgj,. LLGJD« era. esijoeh) ej. GenorreBjteh) ej. rfl. ^ifliurrgesr if). (j£l6ifljM)rrrr erih. <sj. L?. emeSih aurriSug ereir. Slsmevrrih jSev&eir i3. if). (atfliuGarreio s/GlLOiHaarr S/Qusrflaarr aarr grrrj- grruesrih, aesiuff luuurresr Qaiueoaih, eviiarreir euisis), afpaih, aesri—rr urrmiQarra ueoaSeoaayoaih, Qi—eirLOrrrfa ^evsiesia g^ereiruLiS, Qgo. — &.eoa — eSlesrGrrrriSlrsi ueoaBsoaaipaih. — &)tLesf) uebaPeoaaipaih. QuekrLLeSI — — erfeulga QgrruSleo grruesrih Q^nuuesiGeuoaeir ueoaSeoaatpxib, *%£rf. iSr>esi9 — g^eresrjereiOijfflFFLf. ereio. — aeBuLe^i singQigrripleo aeSi—esi eQie^'^trest , — erefoau gmueo'rr0gi — gJifltrl, — g^ereiiSl^rfuL, — aefiluLefy ae3i_esr ^eiruLaeBemtj) Gg. iS. eff dl. LOrrrfQissr Glg^nemwrsesr er. LOi efflgjlsarsw°g ereio. ej, eerotesfiB ereo. Gl^/oestjfjlaseir ^jeoiiiesia evriiSl aeSt—dr stetfeioSjGrreolujrr Qaiuevaih, ujuunesr aingQgrryoleo e£l(eij(ejjrresr Qurrehrreir au>gGlgiiTiplev *3t rjiriua§iu iSifley, — aLogGlgrrLpleo ^rrrriu&fplu iSrfla/, — S/GlLOiflaa gngievrrrreoujih, — StQerrQLoesrjh — ergD/fl, gib — tremfflereh, g£l. iS. urr eurr — — ®I&$ eutsi&l, ^)/5^)UJ evisim), QtiiQaeo — ereeriheSl, eivrrrrmg •— — er&erihe^, Giguurrenih s.essreu, eSlsnarriu grruesrih, if), ej. siesrarrif) erih. ggrreirL-6hr erih. JSLL g>. ansi Ggg. erf. Qg. erew. Qggrreimrreir UL. ereir. rf?. Ga. erf. Ggorreirfio UL. gleiri—ireo UJ uecaSmaaifiaih' Qpgrieorrmaj •— urruQesra Qi—esriMrrtfa ^jeomiesia — g5). ereu. Ggath ulebluesiuesreio — aibQuesr siGlLoiflaarr ^eviiiema ueoaSsoaaLaaib, <2«D. Ga. Ggo 24 SlQuiiflaarr uevs.Ssoaaipaih, uenaSsoaayoaih, siQutiflaarr > uiLi—grTtfl uwa%soaay)#ih urrSteiogrresr urrSlerogrresr ^eoriiesia aeoeoiTifl. arrival grriueorrpgj r^j!sia)eorr0gi ^p&liurr g)$/S!uj/T Gpuurretrih {gjggrreSI __il£1ui<t 1 9 8 2 uOTTluurrsiTrr ; ifl. i3. suffiiiis (gfieoiams), GTii>,6T6m&). (QsrreoLLi3iurr), Qurrrgerrrrsrrrjg GerrrrLorr ggererveTsfb Qeims). SILLL— 0lmjr}Geujnjr)ib,GleujSiLLL— eujjjjrjla) ffrrmjolgib (gj,eresi g J f f t f L9, urrrsiGlsrrs). iSl.ej. FF®urT®6herr rflr/gi usnfiuuirsTTiT seoirplS) FFQiurrQienerr si£uQurr(§eifliueb, ueherflaSurr sLDgQgrrifiev _ y _ ) e _ ( 5 ^ ^ ) , aiDpeD — (LpenjvuSiueb, @rf0(n ggib, ) (\^,rrrr_#S)) (^jeoiams), erib.6j.(G>LoebGurTifessr), LSlerr.uf.. iSrjajrresr gjmjr)—s(LpseSliueb. (eoessru.m) _.rj)st|a£<Tr @(y? •' rgQPfi&Ssoeuri gSI. g/mjoseh ereiv. i3. ISL.ISL. 9lebeun i3.ej _rr«nfl, mtei^sc iSrjsrrm z _ _ - 6 » (ULU ur^uurriueu Sj,S)iu ; eSsSlrjLD&mis i3.ej. ((^jeoisims), L9. i3eb ($]eo wests), erib.ej. (QiDrri^ei^) FF®urr(j}GiT6n iSrjgrrm miestjDseh — sti3eSl(3gS)u3m SHJ&IILIGO Qurrrnjetfliuepib. S/iSefilrnjgSjIs (QestjDmeus&fiiuQiggjlibgpiLQlii @ii S/LSleSlrnjjS&l plrgeurrsrLpih. &j,tjrrius§\ uuSjhs) &-s,0Giurrsa,gifseh : *%t,rf. ISL. euessflsrrgm iSS. ej.([^jeoiii6s>s), e r i b . e j . (OJOSUITIU), ( etmeurriu) FF(glLltT®6TT6tT erib: gj. l3rj glTm $61$ITS SJSSlJDSeh ggssi SjQsrrests SITeSsfl Sj,iueuseif)eb ULuGerrrririrr IXILJLO (9JL1L uScpULJlb. QeouGu LQ' *7- (Slsaimms), erib.ej. (i3rf)LLuLe^ QsireoibiSiurr) F r Q u n Q e i i e n iSlrjgirm gjmjDseh — SlrrrruSliu s^pseBiueb, SlrrrruSliu. smiDUL), snessfls rguLGiujbpapib epqgt&i sutpeu a.jT)ei]S(er^ib.- ISL. QgeiissrsG&rrebr iSi.ej. i^eoiiims), snessfld iHmBssriu ULuGerrrrutrr FF(g!urrQ.eherr iSlrrgrrm ^iq.u3(3uiS^iib gjmjvseh S/i3eS(3gSluSleojib UL-i—gsisfSjCi — srresdls <js,ULGiujbjl)(ipib, stressfl suSteBrr^gSiiuib Sitjrrin siLSe3(3gS)iLjib. LS.ej. (fjgjeoriims), erib.ej. (^jevisiests) i3rj sjrrm gjmjDseh — srressfls Sir Siring mrynb, sir essfl _.S»_-«I»LDII/I_ @UL uS(IF)ULIlb, Qu(30GsiTL-l—S S L D S Glsrr ySl epi ib. SirnjLoSi. erib. ej. Gs. ers. ereh. 6T6W. srtffiessjrjgm erib. eremS). (evj(Lpiburr) FFQiurrQiehen tSp-grrm sjmjr) sLDuQurrQ^erfliueb. FFQiurrQieherr — 25 (grLoggdsoeurf : 6T. evessrStisia i3.ereroSl. (^eomesia), eTih.ereioSl. FF(j)iurr®shiSiT iStrrgrresT giest/oaerr •S^rjiriuffSl UUSIQW) B.gS)Gujrraggrfaefr : iSfgrresrgiestroaefr— erih. amrr g iS.eremS). tSp-giresr (eSLLeiv), iSerff.UL. Q&iuS)iLi—th L?® Qaiugeo, uQggeo. QaeoeB. UL. erih. ej. eQGgggitiia L3.ereroSl. {Qsesidesr j , er A.ereroSl. FfQjiurrQebm ^miSieorr^gi) — ah.LLQ/D«/LO Sirrm/HiLta < s ( _ g p / u ) , QaiuG>iLLL_ ansst &,uu (Tig a epiib iLgluurriuetfih, @£psu asorrrglS) erew. efilgrrestGa L$.6T6ro&). (^jeorsissta), erih.ereiowl. rvQurrQeiretT (filuj, (eSCeio) eotgggso, aessftggeo, aLouQurrrnjLL LOSJU anjestgu (QaeirSssr) — &-6ssrei)aQarTefresiaiL\ih. Qurreqtira.rgtb, S)LLU.& aessfluuih LoSSuiSQib. giesi roam Qaiii (r^jeomiestai) IT Qurr® eh err iSrrgrresr Sj($u>fgi. ej. St. Ga. iS.ej. (^eomiesta), FFQurrQehetT giesiroaerr Gaurreo erihej. — arressfl ffi-«mi_6B)Lo, arressfla SrfSjrrijgg «LO SLjbugSj evesiaai^ih ejri)UiT($iib. (wrresrQffeforrrf) ulrrgrresr guest rrjaefr — a ma esiagQgrriBeoaerr, Ltli—eo, LorrSjrflaBsir •QaeoeB. erih. ereo. LoeoeoQarrLerih. ereivS). (LdrreivGarr) ff(Purr(S>eireiT iS'jgrresr air>J;G]SJIFR^> Qgn\0si)nm(tfjib Gaiiso s>%SNRI) Qa>RRI_RRL|IB URGNJLUI ( g ( L g th awggiesirog — Gurrei^rra^, ainggiesipg grreurr GrjrraiiSiueo gjenjoaeh SURRIIIULJIB / Srinifluj S)iLu~ eurgggeo. SJLLL-I£II—&), NJJGJSUA .G>|«Y,u>LIL|II> <g(LQgg8sosijrf : aeorr0§l ju,^ ereo. Qg>. G*o. QuGrrrrrr LS er. [^jeomiesta), erih.ej. (aQaaerb), Ff<Surr®erren i3rrgir6sr LSL LSBO gizst roaefr — gJrrrribliu aetpaeQiueo, SJ,SIILIU (Lpih SjjjrriijffSl ST9. uuSljijS) ej. LS.ej. FfQurrQefrm 26 a.gS)GiurraggrfaeiT fiesrueisiI_/T (r^eomiesta), erih.erefvS). iSrrgrresr (aQaaefo) giesijoaeir strrSliuGO LcesflgeSiueo* iSlrrir00UJgSjeo S.rrrri£iiu aesiatysa eSrn,gS)iLiih. r&gyeua : (aeugrrihrresr) — g>esruQu(n)aau tJerreiflsSurreSlujepih eorrerrrf QurrQ^eifliuepih Qgrripl Str^LoS),- ereh). <=g£rr. uemi—trrr iSlej. ({^eomiema) FfQurrQebeir i9. UL. sj,rt. i3rr giTest — &.L0 8jgiies>jr)g> eurriuuLjib. gjeinjTjaeh Qstrrtpleorrenrnjih, GeiiSso (g,iDtTrr&)j$i FF-QurrQerietT iSrrgnesr gjes)jr)3,err— sm&Qfgi SiL9eS'(rf)S>Si, Sp-rruSliu ffgpaaSuJR) SirrmBiu SiiSeSr^gS), gs&ijh QsrrL—tfij. (§Q£&&8so€utT : ft. erib. iSerewSl. FF efilgtiLirrgm (Lj^evriiesia), QUIT® eh en eri.b.ereh:&). (eb°LLew) dtirrgnm gjiemjDaek — j^nuunsemLb, j£frnp&,nemjD SliDULja; aevesnb Qurrrr^erflujeb. ^rjmu&fr) uu3jh&) a-£&Giuna&grT0.6rr rgLSltuevjorfla) G)& eviSi siics SSLDU : ej LD. sreb. eB&Srju.tSimia; L9 ej. (GgwmssiSi), 61th.6J. (GlJDLSLIEl) FF®urr®eiieiT iSrrgrrenr Mienjoaieir — $ n (ip mrr est LD, &esr&etpa; ex/burr®, SLL®uurr®p jg)___-_J__6I) £l(lt)LD§jl. 6T6W. StGULTgeCT L3 6j. (Qturrrrs.) FF®un®eherr gf. iSrrgrim -J$j,rr. QuGrrcrrr iS.ej. (Qurrrjjerrltuev) Ff®urr®errerr ST. 6T6T0. gjesitQ&en — (^jsoiEima), gievjv&eir erLb-ereroSl. *3SlT)^LI_®*J^S«) (arLpJb <s&veurr 6TSVU. lS. i3.Q&rrib. CT6U. (LpxrremLD ^rrrLpsrresiLD, (3jLpeb, (gj^psi) Guemeo. Gsre^prr UJS.S (^jeomerns), erib.ererow). — uuSljn&) a-gSlGiurrsfigrfseir : UL. 1 (r^leoisiems) (Oj(U) : FF®urr®errerr i3rj&,rrenr gienjD 6J. — Qurr(^6rnius\> Stti>8tme,6tf\60 r%n ^LrrrruJeS). : 6TLD. SXffrrrusSr suremla (SJUL £§)6W»«r><s i3.rrgrresr B=(pu.'r.>errsn" L^rrgrresr gisn rosea — (TPSBITWLU) I$IT(iparrestLD, ) sBgtT6SluSilT6m i3eren;9i. USSJT—^SL uurr&etsTib, GtujbjDLb. <g ®LDUs; «TSTU. LS. ereroS). ff®urr®erierr erib. S\Gu\J SLDggjestps srses)guu®ggev. gm C^j60isj6s>a), SLDgQgrrtfieo LSp-grresr (SSwfis.esr) Qurrri^erfliLieSleo ULuGerrrrLBrr s^is®trj&err — uem8sm Stem&ULj ripenjDuSeyib (QjrjULrii), S>LDS> ffempsf &a6Slu9evjLb StirjULjAaeuem Lb Q&evijSi MILD e.LDgjgj6s>jDLJ Qurrrn>eifliLia). 27 ftev. Sj,rf. ej. &jb$)Q~&)f5i d).ej. (@j6oriies>a), srLb. g/jj. erih ej. iSpgrresr FfQunQerien (^jeoiiiesta) giempjasn — &,Lts0gjes)rr) gjsNpf 00, QntriBm 906S)guu(£igg^iii> asL_sfflLb &,u±i& QsmsmQagrr l9.6J. (@j60mi6SI8i) FF®urrQ6n6fT drjgnesr g\es> rQaerr — &LO&gjst»jr)& & pen guu® 0 &, 0LLI L?. Ggg. (gessrevrf ggesr drj 0 uessfl uurr en ff dl.ej. (^eormestm), erih.ej. FF@unQiehen dlrjgnesr &>gsfiiih •SideBrtyp LQI svtih (aeirQurrtr) «LDggiem ro &> QgntSevnen(rr)ih, (SsuSso eumuuuih, aLo6 sjiestjr)& apesiguuC^ggeo. gjstnnjaen— > ^yjrnu&§\ uu3jb&) QeeoeB. a-gSGiurraggrfajeh erih. ej. 9l. (^eoriisva) FfQiunQeiren dirpnesr i—deny,, ej. (g^soiiusmffj), FFQunQenm d. QuGrjrjrr giestjo — anAggissipsF &pan guu® g geo soiurj&,ssr dl. Qanih. ereo. dl. iS.Q&nth. : dlrrgnesr eBiurrunrj gjestnj QfianesiiDuSleo ULuQenninn (^eorsiesta) — s.t£>ggjss)jD& ejjjesiguuQggso. giestjD-—• e>Loggjestnr)& epssi&uuQg&so. pj^uQaesr dl ej. (^eoriismei) FF®untS!6fT6rr dtjgnm &,6orri§0 (QaeoeB) Sj,rf. ereio. L-dleir^. d.ereio§\. (eoessri—esr), tS.ere. UL. rfQiunQehen dlrjgnesr ajesinjaeh eB egiutj pest \h {Gaihdrfl^) — Slg)isii6s>u.u3esrQungjih deiresrrr^ih Q « L _ g ) u Qun(g,Lb B-sssrst]Uuu3rfa,8snu (Suessrepiib, ULprm3,eh - Lorjaarol euesiaaBsna &if>6S>g>u uQg&.syth. 1 0($LO0. ereio. sunrra,06srLh d.erebB). (f^jeoisiesiff,), erih.dl60. rrQurifSierreir dlrrgrresr giestpmerr (^jeoisiestm) — uuSffliueo, Sj,ujei], i—dehgi. gj9. d.ej. GjBnuSiueo. apestg suDgQgrrLSIjb Gsnwrjgesr (^eomiesisf) FF®un®eh6n drjgnesr ajesipjash — anDggiesi/oa eBurjih, Sj,rf. d. JLI,. Qune^rrarQ, &.essr6ij&. Q&rT6tT6s>a, apesis, apssiguuQggeo, nehein Sj,tiieu u0oem d.ereivffl. sorsisste,) rf(Siun($erren drjgnesr giestpash ijerretflsBurjeBujeo, grjih giemroa apsmguut^ggeo eiirriupg aing IJWtiigJiLLU utrafl-uirnrnr - ajsoisi) Q&6V6&. rf?. rgl&uuiiD ; EEMQPMLB i9.erem&). (Qjeomiesta), uerrerfleSurreSuJsSei) ULUDERRRRLORR (Stuifisshr) FFQURRQEHSRR iSrrgrresr giestPSERR — SLDGSIEAPGGMEUEI), siL$e&(t$GF§iu eSur/Lb, _y«rra7_.® rsjLLumiaeh, LDirgrf, 6T6ru. iS. FF®urr®sheiT iSrrgrretr giesypxetr (LLVTesrQzemrrir) — *LOG§J rstp uuSp&l eStidsurrxaii, gmeupG\grru.<Ti-i, _". QUDRRRJIT <_.6T6n)R ^SO/BSlDSiJ, 6TU3.6T«foS. (s^«6TU(3_TfrL.j FR-QURRQIENERT iSrrgrresr GJAS>0S&r— su>3&j3s>(D& &0vB$uu'i)ggeojib, , eSurr (tpmpuSujepLb. L-tSsfrg^. «j. rf?. stduG&srr uarafl, f£§)6U/_w>,ss>, s t l o s t c t u S . C_l/f?__uj.aj# G ) s / t « u / _ _ ? « j t ^ ) FFQURRQMETR i3rr grr ESR ^esip serf— Oiwfsaar ( y > * / T 6 S ) _ i / _ a.pup§)_ Qurrert) MFLIUEOUB, EVERR eppisSiLQiu UL. L/«fr«rf? qsbaReSurf iSa evnifimliu L9.erefoSl. ((G]6vmiss>&), ERTB.erLL. erih. S^iueu, Sign surf. Qurrrgeiflujeb. STUDS, _J.«j. r^)«u/_sB)«;, _?._)«>. ( g ) „ / _ s n _ j FFQURRQEFIERR iS/jgrresr 6 ^rfiiiiy.T ^ j §ismp 1 — Strrm&tu e.peSu FT- ers. Slsrr0muss uH.ejr. (^jeoiiiesis) rf). sytseSiusi), uSteurretrrf i_i_6frg£. B-geSu (jSq^eurrsib) :' eurr&lefurr uSteurrerrrf (01sLbeSlg0LLL^LBi—EV): 0(QLDS). eQii. UL Sieoeurr L9.6t«tu^. ((Sjevriissis) 01 gl Sfs^exieorf : 0(§u>£l. erem. ej .S).erih.ej. plrr^evrrs iS. pjrev&u «... Stcrs^eurrGESR SI evieuetirr : (geogjims, Qurrrpiuunernt _._?«r<4£. rressrSlssis : ^J1_L_—j'f^dH^JJl, ' &1($LD§I- S). 0(2/1X1$). ereh). @«wrjyr_« (Sj6U(3jifli_ 29 g&eueo Q&jeiflta'u.Q a.g0Giuiraggifaeh GT&. ex. StrSleurrggesr i3. ex. (^jevriieina) Ga. : (QeueiftprrLLuL^)) Sbeodsoprrgeir ereio. rrrrGi&eioeiirT eir Sjjif. erih. ereio. ul. QGmn 9>est Ga. uemu.trrr 0eirei£SsouuQggeourrgiarruqB.geBujrrerrit jBehretsflSsouu®ggeo, era. ul. utrgiarruu Sieyeueorf : L-LSteirgL. eSrrGarreir UL. eSliLeoGaem CT(Lpgiefii3ssr(ejjrt : ereio. ex. ggiuSjeivere agi. tBGrrLCtgleoa Ga. g§l. Ggg. crib, ereto. exi UL. Geiminurreo L-iSmg^. premStiiia 6&®0u ereo. UL. $rF,gSl$ Qaiueorreirrf SjrgLofsl. ereio. SlcreBpg : eSeoeSliuihew j arrpaQsry^gajg L-i3erriLL. QaeoeB. L-iBebm. QaeoeB. ex. ereio. QaeoeB. ereio. rfl. Qarreiogrr eBggturgemeurfggeirr St/jSleuifggeiir Qurrgfiuurrerrrr 0(§LO0. ereir. Si. UL. UL i3. UL. iS- ereio. eSeorrrrgew UL. L-LSerrjLL. LS. goiuStraa ®S* o3Garrusixgesr G«o. Si. urr<es)0aj ertb. ereio. erih. rrtft3 s/eoe&eio erih. i3. ereto. t3. 30 lS. <Sj,ff. iS. giLQi—Q^ggrrerrif gL-Qu(U}ggrrentf (Sja-uirreuGS) ^IfTjLoJg). L-iSleingj,. ex. g>. eS. §li(njt£i§j). ereir. ertb. urr eurr G»o. QuGrrrrrr Geurreorrrf g§l. Si. jsrremiuaarrp- SJ(JT)LDSJ. ereir. ereio. 0(3LDSJ. L? .ereio. ereir. I (gem Sj,rf. Sjeoa eBgoiueurrggesr QaeoeB. Ga. QaeoeB. UL. ex. IS. urressreBgnm QaeoeB. Ggg. eBaSirrLcSrsia 0(3LO0. ere. ertb. St. St. iS. Ggg. QaeoeB. ereo. Ggg. QaeoeB. ertb. UL. ereio. Sjarrrsmuaa gDiuQanuL LotrmuQu(§Lorr tgemgleoaa QaeoeB. ex. Ga. QaeoeB. syr. QaeoeB. Si. ertb. GgGeupSja" urfies)0gi ereir. Ggg rremgiiiia goujQegrg£i>i QaeoeB UL. ereo. FF. ej. g§. St. QaeoeB. ereo. iff era. urftesjisgr ggiuSliiia QaeoeB. Qftetop. QaeoeB. ex. t—iBeirg^. Qfioiebliurr QaeoeB. ereir. &). QuGp~irrr QaeoeB. ex. ejaptriuaa atneirStfSujrr grjea eS(§gSl Gs. Sieojeuevf (uSteb) UL. ereh). sjifliufflriis FF. eresr. «^/f. 0SLpee)&}£)LLL—LJ : Qurttssjjjjgi urguurreirtt erib. Ggo. (u§jle\>) ; eBsslrrmjgesr aj. g5). (s,sssrrjgesr ej. i3. &LDessr&)njl GgO GTLB. UL &)«06WT Sjrr. SjiLrrGsiresr ere. erib. GJ. ej. stesTL-jDtueh) gj). LfGiretneBurr s-gefitiurrerrrf ; eSggiugrriuss i f . rf?. ^ U J eurr ggesr ej. eresr. eresr. ex. i f §)ebeutT «£). Gs. GISSLL (s,essrG&6sr i—iSefrgj. Sjujeurrerrrfmerr : LS. iSiurjgesr erib. ej «£). erefo. ifl. eresr, ereh). LS. UL. egi. gj. rjesstgjiiis Slurrsjsg stress)!?g>asr erem. Ggg. ej. ereo. goiut&pifliu QgrrifiebryLLu i f . Gg. smifiliurf ej, eB. *$LRR. L-iSebgj. Gs. if. ; (£u&)iii0> glerrPRRIUSS §)j$eurfggesr $p*lurreo L3. er. erib. r^essr ewf g gesr eroifuev s.uSierbem (fiyrGsesr L-iSerrgj. Gs. ereo. g£l. if. L-iSerrgj. erib. Gs. ereo. erib. epfHiijelcSl (s^essrGsesr er. ereh). ere. zqiugleoss erib. rf). Oa_jr,_ GJ. iS. if), if. Gs. gruugesr Gfils&irru>e)iS!s ^ T . (3}esaeu if ereh). Gs. i3. eresr. ggesr (^essreu ft-ggesr ijsjessrrjgesr gj. «£). ereo. Qeesre&rjgetr if. &Ij$urreo LS. EURR esr ere. erib. GJ. ere. «5). (QGmgrre GTLB. l_. iHeeitiL *%jrf. gg). if. er. iSiuGeGsr ERIB. L-iSefrgj. ereh). g§- SjGurjgesr eiDijgiisis t—iSefrgj. ere. SjQeoserresri—if QURFLGSFJBGL ereh). GJ. i f . eresr. EOTUEURF ggesr GTLLeBesr e)raiGsrr ^iSeorrgesr rjgies)ujss GJ. erib. ej. Qggrreu eiDrje)isis glevsrrgesr GJ. (LpebGeosu) 1982 19S1 (5. S?Q<jlclht 31^s\) s-firsnojri'rjjm ggr5Q3>ri£in% suLpiiisuuilL (lpcti^nrib 10,826,000.00 727,710.52 55. 3h.LL($s; ^eueurrsmuLeirQufrgi Q&iij&iLi— ey,ws,esij£l0 euy>iaauuLLi— (ipeo&esnb (ulL. 55. 55. 10,826,000.00 1,238,900.00 1) 12,064,900.00 1,023,190,52 (LpSV)3>S5T 2,675,000.00 1,220,133.00 12,151.40 ojloi&SIuj /£leofi0esr QugyLogl fL.e3$n/ggprrSi$6maujtdi#&QafTggi&aerr snaQtup&uui— Qarr&gjmaeir 1,675,000.00 1,220,133.00 12,151.40 2,907,284.40 14,460,994.92 15.995,374.92 1-1-1982^)60 B-sbeneurrQpeirQmrTemrruuLLi— 0s>u 2,547,272.29 883,068.47 (9,6<s>p)$Q&rT6s>si 2,547,272.29 11,913,722763 611(31—ggiaanesr <§6S>JD&Q&ws>* uws*tu(3j5^liull. (Lpsvassvrib 1,675,000.00 — rgl&Oiunwr Glarr^/^iiariT ^r^Q^tunj 1,675,000.00 «n-«5Bfl 8,438,030 18 &.LLULI LD 1,576,295 12 ^usrrsmiblgerrunrL-iblQutTrgg^xeiT 174.585.14 GtorrLlL-fTvf 6 W err 296,572.11 u$gs,rki3,sn 2,535.88 Qjuspeo B-uarresvih 12,163,018 43 (uil-. 2) ajjgSurrgjrtrsrr GWrr4)$i&&<Tr 8,978,911.95 3,391,660.65 715,692 52 347,482.27 3,734.55 15,112,481.94 u>^uiS1n)«sib 3.430,340.76 12.565,03416 G^fiJwOu/^jLc^l — i,675,000.00 623,774.37 1,289,451.41 360,140 05 — 1 572 13 2,274,937^96 8,355,137 58 2,102,209.24 355,552.47 347,48f!.27 2,262.42 12.837,543.98 388,141.28 «J)<£IL7T (5 LJL/ 520,190.84 <ssi_ssr arrrrrfam « L ^ ) « @ « : ggtuuurTi—rT6sr 393,958.38 71.825.00 225,8X9 97 134.597.29 1,000.00 1,146,391.48 &)606V6s>jr> ssaifiiu(if,3iSinrm <>D>emJLy «i_6Jr3s«rr (y>jhQanGuu6W6ua<§3ih suiiiffiiulsyehstT uemib 6nau$ spar fir U6sstii> ^n)(*>urr<tn 35111 2,595,687.28 (249,295 80) «i—6br (uC: 3) ai—6srai^ian6sr nglSHu 335,434.65 9,665.00 (ULL: 4) (ULL: 5) (uC; 6) (ULL: 7) ( L p j b u s m r i p i b Qurrrj)iLiL|&ffi«h euLgriiStQiurr^ih 6Tjburr($)&.6iT 325,769.65 292,658,35 233,631.97 174,632 37 733 059.67 1,000.00 2,148,893.29 fSftsftirrs 0(T6mi—8smiiuLO (ULL; 8) 2.421,403.11 11,913.722.63 epuutb I srsir. ofi) G s . G s . GairjQ&rri- (772,509 82) 12,565,034776 fpuuib I if). iSl. UtSSnUUtJ6fTlf Kuffiiiis epuutb I srsro. j|rjff(5sti(J^«'i U_Cl_[T_l) 1 ®. 4j,rin_*ffl* GWuigliLu (Lpnl^ssT nglgl mQeuSILL fil&.Lb4$)& 0LLL-LD eQpa, QtriuSiLLi—Lb g}Le.Sj/t&l Q*_vg)_____b 0rf (ifiSfTesiLDe QeiuSiLLi—Lb usssiSsmff &&.§>> Q&IU&ILLL-LD 1*1(300 eptu Qfiu0LLt-Lb 190,000.00 558.068.89 123.271.63 114 733 00 29 517 00 7,600.00 1,023,190.52 uilGurr-U 2 " 31-ll-8lgfteo affiaigjai: . _ <9ki_(5)<s; ^(gQ&eoeii @ Gueii(£L-g,g.mGurT§i Q&n git ggeneu 6i>auS(i^uusi <9>emA<9ji,(3) LDITthjouui-Li—esisii • l . . „ . _ _ . . . . <g)eu6U(}esr<j>urr£i Gerraauui—i—es>eu 1982Sjib Sjemfji&arretr LD0ui3tjjai& ejjhunQi GlanQgaup LD0ui3jsds;ib (LpekOauemtteu @rr&(§Lb « « w « @ « @ LO IT JQIDLJULLI—AI — 2 531,812 46 ' 38820 00 84 385 85 2,408,606 g ^ g 3 ^3^ 0 61 5 Q 4 39^66'07 955.517.34 5 232.00 950 285 34 2,102.209 Gs^Slui Q u e l l e gl 24 uL.Gi_riJ.-v 3 »L«3T_rrrjrf_j«iT 00 tnuSsmaetr __*_•£>____« . . si—em earpIT 44,711.01 43,607.73 43,607.73 _._' _ 247,115.91 335,484.65 eurrs&it essr eh) Slew Qsn (errFQurrri^erT) 01 ILL uii-ueQULSlLLuLUj QaeQem eroGpe^em (eiiflQurrrperr) Slrej&eo LDIT S/0utt (SliQsee (ipp0empuS(SiLb []fiiU00pwlQgrr&oGu&i) GlarrrLpLbLj srreh) sihuetsfl GQLCILL. (srreh) ^jeviiiens euias) (Q&irSsoGus) uifleurtsp&sm) /f/t eSlfilGiurrsib - euuLsrrm) semu (firr e£l0lGiLirTSLb) 14.200.00 3,000 00 10 520.00 1,750.00 262,688.35 500.00 292,658.35 33 uiLGi_rrfa) 5 fifn:i£iiirn)£aiTf9T «LSTJT g ) © « « 6 a i r ascsir eurraesrx a-jbe'eu 108,746.67 «/_ssr 116,214 ttppuemib 00 8,671.30 233 631.97 uiLGi_rrSn) 6 (Jj}(i)(t>ISIT(SlJiU(3T<l]lb (Jpji)U«TOT(y)lb GLOfTLLi—fTtf eurrsssr ^Ssmiurrenrf ({j^enpeuif) S-ggrjeiju ug0cTLb) g)su/E/6»« arruu yrj/^)« ^ gnus® in (wrr sen & anuugufi) •Siera QeueiPidLL(Siu uessPiusib (eurfggLorresn) SttQ&eo Lorr St0u& (SKe^aev QULLUL) uessnuurreirit • SKQ&W Qgrrfbog Gigm—rfu (SI arr my.) eputSeto £D«@«8IJQLD6Wjb 6&L6ILL. (£,LLQU.(U)££I Hjiup&Jrr epuuppiZiasn) ffihuerr (Lpjbuemih firrcesfeSg nppuemib L8il.auUL-Geu6muLUJ ssaySiuif Gruieoiru 17,100 00 4,162.82 244.00 300.00 300 00 1,959.00 1,425.00 148,563.74 577.81 174,632.37 uilGLrrSn) 7 err unrnib *«rar*<g g)su. 1 730,481.19 aestsrarS) £§)«u. t 2,578 48 733,059.67 uLduntso 8 SBLSTJi (ULpi£i£GiUT([3u) £5lrr«traTi_«r>niujib QeiuglLLLQaeoeugfglrrLL9) Q&(u§dC-L-jSg,i&(&,&, « L _ 6 i r tutfiiiiSlGturrit Q&gugfiuui—rrg i3rr& rrrritaier^aarreisr (tp puearth asauStiurf mevuu Qs,eireSluug§\rr emeuuu esievgg uemib Qunginjeoeurrm/7J)J§) ejSssr luesteu 0gtlg0 ffthuerrmiaerr 38 856 39 2,030.400 11 22,506.08 928.35 1,500.00 1.000 00 13.498 97 236,586 00 76,425.21 2,421,403.11 34 (1) smauS(rf)Uum ««w«@a@ u>&iut3jD*m3&l&(ai (2) ld£iul3jr>&« (\) (ii) QeeoeSesruuLQuj *xjburruLC\)Bm *Tshrjj)iLb 5 5 . 4,385.85 LDnjhpuuiLL-giL—eir Q&nenenuuLLi—gi. sjuf-uuesu— <9si_tfi__> — _$@G)<F6i)-_-U 2\% _.L/_f7«BBT_i / senuiTL-tb — 1-1-82 j Qurrfj^pSiaetT fj)«u B.6rT6Tr&jrTgu. — «8@G)_*6U6_eu 10% 81 - 12 - 82 gfieo B.eherreurrgtl. (iii) (3) eunrnmitiatn eunaesrisiaeh aema&leb — 20% — aneo ionJJ}JDUULLI--&JT)(§ GJIQUILL- ujbQjDQfiSUULLL-Qseiil^iLb, es)LDUjneb _y«upj&ek (4) S/ULUuesiL-uSeo jj§),_>«(_5 SLLi—emmiaeh LD§)UL3pjdmp$ji)(&j ________ Siebeoemjd QmndsoGuw) eneuuija ariimeurfl 55. 188,863.00 SlebsunaesriBJaerrleir ejjhun® eunaesrd Qujnuui—trjg Qa djiuuuL—eSSebdso. uSsunppSesra aemaQeb QuguwSt « ® 6 _ * @ ejjnuLLt— oiisiSls urf)QjD(Lp&uuiLi—§i. 35 AuorfjS- ui_ilrf)eTl -g",ijr.uj_ffi 1982 ^,«rar_„airr-jT surjrnj fglnjiaj&tb Q_«va| —erer&tg _ig5_T«r_ 55. Q«/rsu)__ (i£en eurypeo) Oeueifl n9®aeh eSinuSssr Sleceoesi JD eur^uptresnb QpehrSsisruj «-(5-_f_<s«rfl«r _• 2,200,000.00 62.365.96 660,225.36 (ULL. I) &tTiti3eo Q&IUIUUULL-L— 9rrtTS,a\ma\eh (ULL. IIJ 17 675.95 2,940,267.27 Qffsvsq (S«iai5\)rr_ <yloljerr/a_;(a5_b 1,967,428.92 _ t f aierjLb QffLD6orru rfjt&liuib asauSlujit GiAeo£)& GpcruuuL i3nlunesstu uuLiuib ^ _ b / _ ? « e s > „ rglStiijib a.emeuu 201.990.07 40.709.88 54.542.00 uuLtiiib 108,222.97 eTiflQurrryeh erprSluSioAaeojib QeuernAQ&Tessrrreuib eiryppi mr^eSiuib _(«wi—atrSsvu QurrryLL&tgytb St&$l®$e$]ib Qeueif\a3®ai^ib eSleniburjtii&en Qatu&lgi&tTehaen (ULL W) C u l L i\) 5 219 476.14 801.37 235 115.21 40,349.50 7.572 50 135621.78 Q&n2svGu®l&0£i*eh SKQffm a_u&ifluu G&LDtseo eu&^men meupfgiuj ev&Siaen 33 %«g_«<ir 12 803.60 u&atreiiaj ^essr® tSimjoeud Q&ecey&eh aessta&rriLieva sul i—esaib - _l/__5 0,LLt_esnmiaerr 4 L - i f i _ i _ @est6snSsuuu®g,g,e\> &-U&>rremib p&esnSsouuQ&aeo euirassrtsiaSsn pesresnSsouuQpset) 18 9 899.10 750.00 105.00 c u>glui3jD**Lb eurr__<o<o_5, 88.756.01 83.009.21 67 618 65 (ULL. LSemarrrTih atruutojgl - Qutrmj atruugjiSl - e_~_56jr/__seir Guair&LQrresi, gituuurri—near 284.20 15.077.80 17,156.40 21,172.34 V) 643,454.82 264.923.16 11.781.08 22.731.70 9,665.00 sn—esraar 9,690.00 euiflsten 17,745.45 uuSljbffl iglaiibSSlp Stu-i—i Q&eoeuaeh Qseoetiaeh eumiSls) 3\L-.i—6mi5i3,aT a-U&rrem efil (budssruSeo ejihuL-i— piLi—ib 7 18. 37.66 £g)ej>__G/5riff 712 54 20.293.00 4,404,197.81 auSlarga;: QffuJSiLLi—iiiaeiflebl(3$si JSCTUUIJULLI— _^6w©««rrejr 36 r§(K eufTa,a ) dTerr aLLi—fmrmiadr r^es>peS(Uiib Qatresia 580,862.07 3.823 335.74 883.068.47 tiilGi-nbi) I ^cbn)«njD Q£. 55. ai(frjion«5Tib («*0 (=14) f{§)J LOrTjBrTLL($l&,*rT9Sr QujDJD 6UTL_65)<S at—Ssr&igp&rguQujbjD 6U9$9,6tT 574778.83 8,425.00 euCuL: {j^Qxaessr eunaesri ai_eor si—esr 9524.89 12.224.53 21.749.42 55 272 11 (ff) 0iT(a)eSlg 660 «/0-6i/<S5«fr 225.36 uilCt-rrSsu II (jfrinZmui «j(ri>Liti«sTririT ffrriYiSlri) QffiliuiuuLi. («9/) 6Jl3uL& £?rjrrs«iiiartr 20,131.25 50.000.00 SsB^rit^eju) (<m.) 1981sj,Lb ^essr^mxiresr QmrrQuumeuam 70 IV 14131.25 I.20 52.455 30 17.675.95 uiLGunSn) III «T(t£$j S(3«iSlu{ib ucfJii.ff<iSn)u QudQgil&isi^ib 1982$jw e,yQ&<9)3,; atfixrgs: uajesru®$$uuC-i— Qj-yuLJu QurrtyiL&eir si9&)®ih ulrfteu&.<§ euLOiiiauuLLL-gi s{99,9,90.1—9, em&uScnjULj 401,467.98 244.381.47 62.714.86 181,666.61 219,801 uLGun&u 37 IV ^9/#ii® a f f l / i j Qaietf)iu'(Bi9,tga)Lb 1982^ieo erjnuu.1— Qseoeu g*.LL®&: 6T(ipgji(2eu8so uenri—iiixar 53,448.60 181,666.61 autraSleStrr^psi LDir f) jDuuiLi—gi 235.115.21 uiLGi-fiZso V B.U9,rressi ii jgenurru-ib 6ti IT 9, esr r&i 9, en Q9infseo MLU&neswLb / Qurr(3$0aeh 221,019.62 339,166.07 82,895 67 373.46_ 643,454~~.82 37 1982s&Lb (LpehrQarressT ^essi ULesr 0~uuCi— Gurrgi QUJDU\ S^emQaanein LQ(S,0 ULLI— uemib Q&eveu Qpasr&sriu Sj,essruLeir 0l(tr 6urT&,& (Lpev&esrmrTs. frrifi3a> Q&iu Qffeveyih LDSJU suuiLi— IUUULLLQgrresia iSjDa&QfiLb > QgrrL-rf ffrrnaaub B-urrm « . £ T * QSILI£ILLUg a a j e t ) Slrfl00epujrT 9rremlmrguLu9(3LJLj LoaareueSl 'erf rggUifileo jDUUit Q9iu$LLi—ib SLOT Q&tufglLLL-lb iSaGiurraLb Q&tu§lLLujb 4,130.62 — — — 66,632.50 31,483 26 73.163.60 38.715.98 51,826.53 27,628.84 50,000.00 ,80,813.80 — 4,639.25 15.492.00 237.716.75 87.390 61 466.065.96 300.333.00 62,050.00 6,002.00 172,193.29 171,615.20 100,000.00 49 218.75 4 833 29 167,932 92 1,190.017.59 769,098,97 2,005,433.40 66,802.17 24,682.00 840,349.82 1,307,340.06 272,989,53 256,000.00 Q&iu&JiLt—iA &tes>m£iLi Q&IU$CL.W\ Lfssrcfy/k gap essr — — 13,572.25 6,456.45 18,967.55 — — — — — 4,130.62 31,483.26 103,725.38 45.172.43 4,161.58 58,442.64 247,115.91 aiipASGuirrrtr m.^ / ej.i3.UL.9l. G&rtL-u usiaSsmQstuf&iLi—iM uemSosm&aafs) m(§ggyISKQ «g. =t£/f. if. Qeiu0L-L-.ib (&,gH0lev3i &w9.8.rTrjifff,(§n g,&,rT6sr (LpairTes)Loggjeii uuSjjjS) euL-Qinprff) dirjQge jge), fiir eujpm&m (14,570.97) I (17,357.25) ) lirt(LparT60LQ& Q&uJ$iLL-ih 20,131.25 50,000.00 — 51,817.64 — _ — — 102,347.25 — — 14,955.60 — — — — — 26,521.58 340,556.00 — 69,469,00 36,011,00 125 666.75 15,000.00 293,872.67 9,013.00 18,242.23 29,370.04 421,610.11 1,1 17.625.31 2,030,400.11 AGRARIAN RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE ANNUAL REPORT and ACCOUNTS 1982 BOARD O F GOVERNORS 1982 Mr. N . V. K. K. Weragoda Chairman, Board of Governors and Secretary Ministry of Agricultural Develor. merit & Research Dr- H. N . S. Kaiunatilake Vice Chairman, Boaid of Governors and Representative, Central Bank of Ceylon Dr. N . E. H. Sandaratne Representative, Ministry of Finance and Planning Mr. M . Rama lint am Representative, Ministry of Regional Mr. W . J. S. Karunaratne Representative, Ministry of Rural Industrial DevelopmenV Development Mr. P. N. M. Fernando Representative, Ministry of Education Mr. R. K. Somasundaram Representative, Ministry of Mahaweli Development Mrs. D , I. Porage Representative. Ministry of Trade and Shipping Prof. H. P . M . Gunasena Representative, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya Mr. T. B. Subaainghe Director, ARTI D r . G. W . E. Fernando Director of Agriculture Mr. A S. Weerasinghe Additional Land Commissioner Mr. H. M. C. Kapilaratne Commissioner of Agrarkm Services p Mr. A. J. P. onrajah Director of Irrigation Mr. M. Etampawalii Deputy Commissioner of Co-operative D e v e l o p m e n t Mr. W. R. B. Rajakaruna Director of Rural Development Mr. I. Ozorai FAO Representative Mr. E. H. Dissanayake Secretary, Board of Governors Agrarian Research & Training Institute 114, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 7, 5th May 1983. The Hon. Minister of Agricultural Development & Research, Ministry of Agricultural Development & Research, Colombo-3. Dear Sir, ANNUAL R E P O R T A N D A U D I T E D ACCOUNTS - 1982 In terms of section 14 (2) ©f the Finance Act N o . 38 of 1971, I submit herewith, on behalf of the Board of Governors, the following documents for the year ended 31st December, 1982. (1) The Annual Report (2) The Audited Balance Sheet (3) The Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure (4) The observations made by the Auditor General on the Accounts. I remain, Yours faithfully, N . V. K. K. Weragoda Chairman, Board of Governors. ANNUAL R E P O R T - 1982 The Institute completed 10 years of its existence in February, 1982. It was time for an appraisal of the work done so far and review the programme of research and training.with a view to making changes in order to be able to fulfill the objectives for which it was established. It was also an opportunity for some modest celebration to mark the occasion as 10 years of progressive advancement in the life of an Institute is a performance worthy of self congratulation. This was done in a fitting manner by organis ing a series of seminars and training programmes on certain relevant topics, for both middle level public officials and farmer leaders, an exhibition of publications and p h o t o graphs depicting the Institute's activities, a series of public lectures by persons of eminence in their respective fields, an all-night pirith ceremony and an aims giving. An important component of the celebrations was the launching of a programme for raising and distributing a million jak seedlings for planting in different parts of the country with the collaboration of the Department of Agrarian Services. The Institute also made it the occasion for making some long-term planning of its activities. Extensive discusssions were held in the different Groups and Committees within the Institute in order to identify the directions and areas in which the Institute should pursue its research and training. The various government agencies which were engaged in activities which came within the Institute's areas of interest were also invited to make their own proposals for research. A large number of topics for research were identified in this manner and after much discussion and debate at various fora including a special meeting of the Board of Governors, a research programme for 1983 - 1984 was finalised. The new organisational structure comprising a Research and Training Committee and Professional Groups which was adopted in the previous year introducing some degree of Committee-type management was made to work more effectively by making certain changes in the distribution of staff and assigning more responsibilities. The Professional Groups were encouraged to function as homogeneous units concentrating on the problem are as assigned to them, conducting regular discussions to provide for greater interaction among members and to keep in touch with new developments in their respective areas of interest. As a further step, the Groups will in due course establish closer links with the policy making and implementating agencies working in their fields of interest with a view to forming Consultative Committees. The research studies and training programmes undertaken during the year a r listed at the end of this report and dealt with in greater detail in the G i o u p reports. The new major studies commenced during the year were the joint study with the Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge on agronomical economical, and sociological aspects of highland farming in Sri Lanka, 'Monitoring and Evaluation of the Coconut Development Programme' and 'Research on Training in Mahaweli * H ' are *. A study on the use of fertilizer by paddy farmers in the high potential areas was undertaken at the request of the National Fertilizer Secretariat. Several substudies under c 5 the on-going major research projects were also undertaken The Institute also carried out the training programmes on Integrated Rural Development for farmer leaders and field officers, and a study on the implementation of the Kurunegala Integrated Rural Development Programme at field hvel for the Centra on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CI R D A P ) . The post graduate training programme for Research and Training Officers proceeded on a lower key compared with the previous years. Many of the Research & Training Officers who were due for training had commenced or completed their study programmes and there was also a reduction in the funds available particularly with 'he ending of the programme of support from the Swedish Agency for Research Co-operation with Developing Countries (SAREC). In order to cover the gap, a few other projects with a staff training component were being negotiated. A major issue which engaged the attention of the Institute during the year was the need for a revision of the salaries of the Institute staff. N e w salary scales adopted in comparable services such as the public service, Universities and Research Institutes at the beginning of the year, had placed the Institute staff in a posi'ion of relative disadvantage. The Board of Governors proposed a new salary structure for the Institute staff and this was being considered by various government authorities at the close of the year. The joint project on Agricultural Planning came to an end in August with the termination of the Wageningen University's involvement in it. In June 1982, the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Research nominated the ARTI as the link Institute of the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific in Sri Lanka. As such the Director attended the second Technical Committtee Meeeting of the Centre held in July to consider the research and training programmes of the Centre for the bi-ennial 1983-84. The conference facilities of the new winsg of the Institute which was ceremonially opened by the Hon. Minister of Agricultural D.velo.oment and Research in O c o b e r 1981 were fully patronized by the Government agencies as well as by voluntary agencies and private companies. The popularity of the Institute in this respect is seen by the fact that as much as Rs. 574,778.83 were earned during the year by hiring out conference and residential facilities. During the year the Institute continued to receive support by way of training facilities and equipment from the U S A I D for the two projects, viz Information Centre and Market Research Unit. Towards the end of the year the procurement of a long-term consultant for the M R U had been finalised and the procurement of a computer for the Information Centre was under negotiation. In addition to the other welfare the Medical Benefit Scheme which was h -• s jrvic-s av lilibl e to a larger number at elose proximity to Institute for O P D 6 facilities provided by the Institute to its staff introduced in 1981 was re-organized to make of members by selecting a General Practitioner treatment. RESEARCH The following research studies were continued 1. during the year: Kirindioya Irrigation and Settlement Scheme: Monitoring and Evaluation Programme. The following substudies were completed in 1982 (a) Study on agricultural credit (b) Baseline socio - economic survey The following studies commenced earlier were continued during this period. 2. (a) Study on production (b) Study on dietary efficiency intake Kurunegala Integrated Rural Development Project Evaluation Programme The substudy carried out on intercropping under coconut was completed. The following commenced during this period. 3. (a) Study on the impact of programmes in the Kurunegala district for development of coconut cultivation (b) Irrigation and water management component of Kurunegala IRD project Planning in the Agricultural Sector The following studies carried out under this project were completed. (at Reduced Planning lb) Reduced Planning Efforts - Identification regions of Ratnapura Other studies continued 4. Efforts - The key region approach in of rural potential in selected key under this project were : (a) Land Tenure in Temple Lands in Ratnapura District (b) Demarcation of District (c) Identification Water Management Ratnapura Social Regions in Ratnapura of Farm Types in Key Project - Gal Regions in Ratnapura Distric: Oya Study on women's participation in agricultural and Gal Oya area was completed. The record keeping and monitoring programme and programme were continued throughout the year. non-agricultural activities in the Institutional Organiser 7 5. Evaluation of Smallholder Rubber Rehabilitation Project The baseline survey was completed. Following two indepth studies were planned to be undertaken during the next year (a) The Receptivity and Adoption Processing by Small (b) An Assessment Decisions on 6. Study of Innovations in Rubber Production and Holders of the Factors that Influence Small Holder's Attitude and Rubber Replanting. on production, processing and marketing of coarse grains and grain legumes was completed during the year. 7. 'National Agrarian Sample Survey' 8. Study on technological innovations and government 9. Studies undertaken by the Group Food Policy support and services. (a) Food Consumption Survey (b) Preparation of fortnightly bulletin on food commodities giving position and prospective trends of output and of market price (c) Preparation of data for the revision of floor prices for each Maha & Yala season. (d) Food (e) Consistency (f; Trends and Prospects in Paddy Production and (g) Demand (h) Pilot study on the use of fertilizer by paddy farmers in the high potential areas. retail marketing in the city of of Paddy Production Colombo estimates Marketing for Coarse Grains and Pulses 10. Study on 11. Monitoring and Evaluation 12. Land Tenure, Productivity and Employment on Irrigated Settlement Sri Lanka - A field 13. 8 the current highland farming of Coconut Development Project Baseline situation. work programme of a post graduate projectsjn study. Research on training conducted in Mahaweli 'H' area for Mahaweli Authority.. TRAINING The following Seminars/Workshops tbe vear. 1. and Training Programmes were conducted Training programme on nutrition by Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, of Agriculture in collaboration with A R T I . 2. Workshop on water management — Training programme for Department From 17th to 19th January. sponsored by USAID from 20th to 22nd 3. during ° farmer leaders from Kurunegala January district sponsored by CIRDAP from 23rd t o 27th February 4. Seminar on agricultural planning at district level from 5. Seminar on Mahaweli settlement programme Ministry of Mahaweli Development 23rd 6. 11th to 12th Training programme for field officers from in collaboration Kurunegala sponsored Training programme on nutrition by Nutrition Ministry of Education in collaboration 8. by the district CIRDAP 30th April Society of with ARTI from 17th to Symposium on tropical agriculture organised Group in collaboration with ARTI with March from 20th to 7. March by Sri Sri Lanka and 18th June Lanka PUGWASH from 6th to 9th July 9. Water Management Synthesis training programme by & Land Development in collaboration with ARTI Ministry of Lands sponsored by, U S A I D July / August. 10. Seminar on farm power - sponsored by Ford Foundation and Agricultural Development Council - organised by ARTI in collaboration with University of Reading, U. K. from 25th to 30th October 9 OTHER ACTIVITIES The publications issued by the Institute during the year are as follows 1. 2. 3. Research study series (a) (b) 1980 year book on Water Management Agricultural Credii - Kurunegala I R D Project (c) (d) Agricultural Credit - Kirindioya Project A demonstration of resource based socio economic planning in Matara district. Occasional Publications (a) Water Management under Small Village Tanks - Kurunegala District (b; (c) (d) Coconut Based Processing Industries in Matara District Tiaining and Visit System of Extension - Kurunegala District North West Land and Water Resources Development Project (e) Rural Development in Sri Lanka - A selected bibliography Four quarterly issues of the Farmers' Journal in Sinhala, 'Govi Janathava' on the following themes. 4. (a) (b) (c) Livestock Farming Rural Planning and Development Participation of Women in Agriculture fd; Appropriate Technology Four quarterly issues of the Farmers' Journal in Tamil, 'Kamanalam' on the following themes. (a.) (b; (c; (d) 10 Livestock Farming Rural Planning and Development Participation of Women in Agriculture Appropriate Technology 5. Newsletter 2 quarterly issues 6. Sri Lanka Journal of Agrarian 1 issue 7. Synopsis and Reproduction series 6 issues studies GROUP fl) REPORTS AGRICULTURAL P L A N N I N G A N D IMPLEMENTATION GROUP The Group carried out the work connected with three major studies. The studies undertaken were, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement Project, the Kurunegala Integrated Rural Development Programme, and the District Level Agricultural Planning Programme. In the sphere of monitoring and evaluation a study on agricultural credit and a study on intercropping in coconut lands were completed. Some important policy implications of the credit study concerned the revamping of the organisation o f lending operation and the establishment of a special agricultural credit programme under the Kirindi Oya Project. With regard to the work on district level planning, a series of studies were completed. A two day seminar was held on the availability of data and replicability of methods adopted in planning a programme for the Matara district. The participants in this seminar were Government Agents and other high level planners and implementators in the state sector. The seminar was well attended and d i s cussions were carried out in detail. A basic outcome of the discussions was the identification of the problems in replicability of the methods. Major constraints were the on going reorganisation of district administration into District Development Councils ( D . D . Cs) and the absence of adequate personnel trained in planning activities at the D . D. C level. Another anticipated difficulty was the absence of a uniform structure for financial management at the D. D . C level. Other studies undertaken by the Group during the year related to the economic efficiency of rice production in Kirindi Oya, dietary intake patterns of selected house holds in Kirindi Oya and irrigation and water management practices in the Kurunegala district. During this year the group from the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands terminated its activities on district level agricultural planning.' The Group organised a seminar on agricultural planning at district level. (U) AGRICULTURAL LABOUR A N D EMPLOYMENT, RURAL ORGANISATIONS A N D COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Throughout the year, Group's major involvement was in research and training programmes in two main projects namely, the Mahaweli Development Project 'H' System and the Galgamuwa Small Scale Farmer Organisation Pilot project. In the Mahaweli area, the Group began a four-phased research eum training project. The four phases are the evaluation and the preparation of an inventory of all training programmes held in the system for officials and settler farmers from the inception of the project; the preparation of a check list of duties of all officers; the formulation of training curricula for the project officials and the testing of training curricula on a pilot basis. The first phase of the project was completed and the second phase is now underway. 11 The Group continued to help the formation of small scale farmer organisations initiated by ttie Institute about two years ago at Giigamu-va in Kurunegala district. The introduction of these associations to other areas in the Kurunegala district is underway and preliminory work with regard to this exercice has been completed. A socio economic survery in the Agricultural Service Centre area in Galgamuwa is also planned and necessary background information has been collected. The Group was involved in two other research projects as well. They were the study on the peoples participation in the Coconut Development Project in Kurunegala district and the study on employment generation activities in Kirindi Oya area. A seminar on Mahaweli development and settlement was organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Mahaweli Development. (Ul) FARM M A N A G E M E N T AND M A R K E T I N G G R O U P During the year 1982 the F M M Group was involved in the following projects. (a) Farm Power and Water use in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka (b) Sab-study on the impact of coconut development under K I R D P (c) Research study on highland farming Farm Power and Water Use in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka Th.e two and a half year project on farm power and water use in the dry zone o f Sri Lanka which was jointly undertaken by the Reading Univesity in UK and the ARTI, was completed by the early part of 1982 as scheduled. The final analysis of the data was done at the Reading University using its computer facilities. The result of this study were published in 2 volumes, Two occasional papers were also published by the ARTI. Connected with the study, various seminar papers, journal articles and paper articles too were submitted. One of the main findings of the study wag the non significant contribution of tractorization towards agricultural productivity and the need for the revival of animal draught as a viable source of farm power. As an outcome of this study a O D A / A D C / Ford Foundation funded one week regional seminar on farm power was held at A R T I . This seminar was attended by about 40 high ranking Sri Linlcan officials and eminent scholars from the Asian region, U K and U S A . The proceedings of the seminar are being published by the A D C . s Substudy on the impact of coconut-development under K I R D P This is a sub study under the Kurunegala Integrated Rural Development Project. The main objective of this project was to study the impact of the coconut component on the overall project. The report of this study is being written. 12 v Research Study on highland farming This was a joint study undertaken by the Cambridge University in U K and tbe ARTI. The protect duration is two and a half years. The study comprises of 3 major components viz Economics, Agronomy, and Sociology. This project aims at providing both quantitative data and models for a range of characteristic situations in which high land farming ("Chena") functions in Sri Lanka today, in order to furnish neccessary information and orientation to those responsible for policy planning. The project is scheduled to be completed by mid 1984. Training The unit was also responsible for conducting a training programme for field officers on integrated rural development which was sponsored by CIRDAP. IRRIGATION AND WATER MANAGEMENT GROUP The Irrigation and Water Management Group (IWM) carried out three major activities during the year in continued support of the Gal Oya Water Management Project implemented by the Irrigation Department and the Ministry of Lands and Land Development with financial assistance from United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of Sri Lanka. Cornell University, USA^ was closely associated with the Group in these efforts. 1. Conrentional Research : Under this activity 2. research was undertaken to understand; (a) farmers' irrigation behaviour and factors influencing such behaviour, (b) inter relationship o f improved agricultural practices and water availability and factors affecting use of improved practices in major irrigation schemes, (c) factors affecting irrigation water, yields and productivity and their inter relationships with 1 (d) availability and reliability of irrigation water in the system and factors affecting water control in the system (e) decision-making process in major irrigation schemes in relation to water and related issues. Action Research 1 he experimental farmer participation programme initiated in 1981 to promote evolution of tarmer organizations at the field channel level for improved water management was further expanded. The strategy used was to promote formation of farmer groups based on felt needs, at the initiative of farmers themselves. T o achieve this initial consciousness highly trained and motivated persons designated 13 Institutional Organisers (TO) were introduced into the farmer community to work and live with farmers in a non-officer mode. The results of this experiment have been satisfactory, to-date, and it is proposed to continue with the experiment ation with a view to evolving an appropriate methodology in promotin8 farmer participation in the management of major irrigation schemes. 3. Training Training was an integral part of the farmer organization action research programme. A number of pre-service and in-service training programmes for Institutional Organisers (IO) and orientation sessions for farmer representatives were organised under the guidance and support of a Training Consultant. A three day workshop on water management in Sri Lanka was held in collaboration with U S A I D . During the year the Water Management Synthesis Training Project was undertaken in colloboration with the Ministry of Lands & Land Development and USAID. LAND AND AGRARIAN RELATIONS GROUP There were three main projects located within the Group. 1. Evaluation of Smallholder Rubber Rehabilitation Project. 2. North West Land and Water Resources Development Project - Vanatavillu economic survey 3. South West Coast Drainage & Reclamation Project - project benfit evaluation In addition, there were two other projects were involved. 1. Kirindi Oya Irrigation and evaluation and Settlement 2. Planning for Agriculture at District in which the members of the Project: study on benefit socio Group monitoring Level. During the year 1982, the following research projects saw thoir finalization. 1. Evaluation of Smallholder Rubber Rehabilitation Project This was conducted in the districts of Ratnapura, Kalutara and Kegalle using a sample of 900 households. An interim report was written on the findings of Ratnapura district survey and it was followed by the final report of the general survey. In the process of data analysis, areas for further research were identified. 2. North West Land economic survey and Water Resources Development - Vanarhavillu - socio The study was commissioned by the Water Resources Develoment Division of the Ministry of Lands & Land Development in conjunction with the Overseas Develop ment Administration of the United Kingdom. The report is based on investigations undertaken at Vanathavillu colonization scheme during January May 1981. 3. South West Coast Drainage and Reclamation Project: Project benefit evaluation This study was commissioned by the Irrigation Dspartment and the report made available to them. 4. Kirindi Oya Irrigation and Settlement was Project: Study on benefit monitoring and evaluation The section on land tenure for which the Group was responsible was completed. Other Research 1. Planning for Agriculture at District Level ARTI/Wageningen joint project The Group's contribution has been, while assisting the major study, to take up an indepth study on land tenure in temple lands in the district of Ratnapura. data collection and tabulation were completed. 2. Women's Participation in Agricultural and Activities in Selected Areas of Gal Oya Non-Agricultural Completed. Social and Economic Issues in Land Settlement A substudy on the above project was begun towards the last quarter of the year. It carries research into size and ownership flexibilities in Land Settlement Schemes. 4. Rural Development Projects in Sri Lanka: a case study (CIRDAP) Completed. 5. Poverty Alleviation and Community Participation - indepth study Completed. The Group also organized an international seminar on Tropical (Co-sponsored by ARTl/PUGWASH Group of Sri L a n k i . ) VI FOOD POLICY Agriculture in July. GROUP The major function of the Food Policy Group (FPG) is to assist the National Food Po|jcy Committee (NFPC) by supplying the data and information it requires to make policy decisions to effectively manage the country's food system. Market information supplied by the M R U is also considered in decisions of the Cost of Living Committee (COLC) Research The FPG in 1982 mainly concentrated on the market research function, although other components of the food policy field were also touched upon to a limited extent. Two regular programmes were launched and developed in order to perform the market research function. These are described below: 15 The preparation of a 'Food Commodities Bulletin' once in two weeks, based on weekly market surveys conducted at 9 major markets in the Colombo city. The markets were Pettah, Kirullapone, Grandpass, Kadawatha, Kiribathgoda, Wellawatte, Nugtgoda, Borella and Dematagoda. The Bulletin was prepared without interruption during 1982. The copies of the Bulletin were sent to the concerned officials in the public sector and the press which gave publicity to i t . The commodities for which market situation was analysed in this Bulletin, were rice, dried chillies, onions, potatoes, cowpea and green gram. In addition to analysing the current price behaviour and supply-demand relationship in the market, the Bulletin examined the domestic production, imports/exports and the activities of the public agencies such as the PMB, Food Commissioner and CWE in relation to these commodities. Another important task expected of the Group is to monitor continuously the aspects o f producer support schemes fcr major food crops. In this connection, the Group collected and analysed data on the producer prices, market piices, costs of production, and world market prices. Suggestions were then made to the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Research to revise the floor prices for 8 subsidiary food crops. In addition to the regular programmes described above, several ad-hoc studies were carried out by the Group in the year under review. These are indicated below: (a) Retail Marketing of Food in the City of Colombo (b) Consistency of Aggregate Paddy Production (c) Marketing Costs and Margins for Eight Selected Crops (d) Trends and Prospects for Paddy Production and Marketing (e) Fertilizer Use in High Potential Paddy Producing Districts Estimates in Sri Lanka Studies (a) and (b) above were completed in 1982. Their reports were prepared in mimeograph form under the 'MRU* Research Note Series', and circulated among the concerned public agencies. Field work for the studies (c), (d) and (e) had been completed and their reports will be finalised by March, 1983. Proposals for the first two studies originated from the Group itself, while (c) was requested by the F M O regional office in Bangkok, (d) by the Secretary, M / A D & R and (e) by . the National Fertilizer Secretariat. Moreover, a price forecast for vegetables for September-November 1982 was prepared by the Group at the request of the Ministry of Agriculturel, Development & Research. Tabulation of data of the Food Consumption Survey which was started in also done during 1982. This work will be completed in 1983. 1981, was Research proposals for three planned analytical studies were prepared during 1982. These proposals were accepted by the Research and Training Committee. The studies will be started in June 1983 and spread over one year. The proposed studies are as follows : (a) Food Policy and Food Consumption in Sri Lanka (b) Agricultural Pricing Policy in Sri (c) Post-harvest Losses of Chillies, Onions, and Potato:s : an economic assessment. Lanka Dr H. L. Steele joined the Group in December, U S A I D technical support programme. VII INFORMATION 1982 as Consul'.ant under the CENTRE The primary objective of the Centre is to facilitate access to information of relevance in agrarian development and related fields by locating it at the Centre itself, and thus provide a service to researchers, planners and policy makers. To fulfil the objective the Centre functions as a repository, collection agency and service bureau. This Centre was institutionalised with support from U S A I D in September 1979, by bringing together the Library and the Data Bank, which was an activity of the Statistical Unit, to form a total system of information on agrarian development. Later, it was considered logical to include the Publication Unit, which is also concerned with dissemination of information, in the Centre. Since January 1982, the Centre comprises the Library, the Data Bank cum Computer Unit and the Publication Unit. Support from the US AID for the Information Centre, which was originally intended to be for a three year period has now been extended beyond August 1982. The-Data Bank Unit was housed in the new premises for the Centre, since the begining of the year and the Library will shift to this building as soon as some necessary additional facilities are provided. Library A? part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the ARTI, the Library organised a successful exhibition of publications and audio-visual equipments in the new premises, from 23rd to ?.6th February. Acquisitions to the Library in the form of book3, reports and non-serial monographs amounted to 632 the bulk of which was received by way of gifts and exchanges. The number of current periodicals received during 1982 totalled 163. Of this number, 81 titles were received on subscription including six new additions; the remaining journal constituted donations and exchanges. All acquisitions were brought to the notice of users by means of regular bulletins ' releases. Four issues of the quarterly classified list of books and journal articles titled '.lecent Acquisitions' were circulated. Another new feature called 'Current Contents' made up of photocopies of current journals was commenced. Both these documents were meant to be part of the current awareness service of the Library. 17 During the year under review, 540 outsiders used the library facilities. 69 interlibrary loans were handled by the Library of which 43? requests originated from outsiders. In addition to extending library facilities, four students from Sri Lanka Library Association were accommodated for practical training lasting two weeks. An Assistant Librarian from Nepal Agricultural Documentation Centre was provided training for three weeks at the request of IDRC Asia Regional Office. The Library continued to participate in the activit-es of the AGRiNET, a sub-system of Sri Lanka Scientific and Technical Information Network (SLST1NET) and contributed catalogue cards to its Union Catalogue. 'Rural Librarian. Development in Sri Lanka: A The Librarian functioned as the Agrarian Studies from June 1982. Data Bank cum Selected Bibliography' was compiled by the Managing Editor of the Sri Lanka Journal of Computer" Unit The Data Bank started functioning as a separate unit with its own staff from January 1982. The staff consists of two Data Development Officers who joined this unit in April l 82 having completed a training in the International Statistical Education Centre of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, two nalyst Programmers, four Casual Investigators and one Office Secretary. The unit, however, was not exclusively engaged in the activities of the Data Bank during the year. It also continued to work on research projects with which the Project Director and the members of the staff had been engaged on, during previous years. 4 During the year under review, the Data Bank continued to acquire data for series of development indicators. Data sets generated by research projects of the ARTI were also acquired by the Bank. The data are presented in a classified manner, giving explanatory notes on their scope and coverage, definitions, concepts, limitations etc. Users appreciated the added value in the data disseminated by the Centre. The Data Bank attracted outside users during the latter part of the year. This facility will have the desired ^impact when the data base systems are computerised and the services publicised, as planned. Publication Unit The Publication Unit continued to be engaged in publishing of journals, newsletters and bulletins, printing of research reports and other reports relating to research and training activities. Circulation and sale of all publications and publicity for publications and the activities of the Institute were also among the functions of this unit. 18 Board of Governors The following changes took place in the composition of the Board of Governors. Mr. R. Wijeratne ceased to be Chairman of the Board of Governors on his relinquishing duties as Secretary, Ministry of Agricultural Development & Research. Mr. N . V. K. K. Weragoda who succeeded him as Secretary of the Ministry became Chairman of the Board of Governors ex-officio. Mr. R. K. C. de Silva, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Lands and Land Development ceased to be a member on his leaving the Ministry to become the Commissioner of Elections. Mr. N . P. Jeganathan ceased to be a member of the Board on his relinquishing duties as Secretary, Ministry of Regional Development. Mr. M . Ramalingam who succeeded Mr. Jeganathan was appointed to the Board to represent the Ministry. Mr. P. N . M. Fernando, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Education to the Board to represent that Ministry. Mrs. D . I. Porage, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Trade appointed to the Board to represent that Ministry. was appointed & Shipping was Prof. T. Jogaratnam, Professor of Agricultural Economics of the University of Peradeniya resigned from the Board to proceed abroad and Prof H. P. M. Gunasena was appointed to the Board as the representative of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. Dr. C. R. Panabokke ceased to be a member of the Board on relinquishing duties as Director of Agriculture. Dr. G. W. E. Fernando who succeeded D r . Panabokke became a member of the Board ex-officio. Mr. D . J. D . Wijeratne ceased to be a member on his leaving the Land Commissioner's Department. Mr. A. s. Weerasinghe, Additional Land Commissioner was appointed to the Board to represent the Land Commissioner. Mr. G. G. Wickremasinghe ceased to be a member on his relinquishing duties as Commissioner of Agrarian Services. Mr. H . M. C. Kapilaratne who succeeded Mr. Wickremasinghe became a member of the Board ex-officio. Mr. K. G. Perera ceased to be a member of the Board on his relinquishing duties as Director of Rural Development- Mr. W. R. B. Rajakaruna who succeeded Mr. fPerera became a member of the Board ex-officio. Mr. G. Laurant ceased to be a member of the Board on his relinquishing duties as F. A. O. Representative in Sri Lanka. Mr. I. Ozorai, who succeeded him became a member of the Board ex-officio. 19 STAFF Dr. S. B. D , de Silva who functioned earlier as Deputy Director (Market Research) took over duties as Deputy Director (Research). He was succeeded by Mr. P. J. Gunawardena a senior Research & Training Officer of the Institute as Deputy Director (Market Research). The staff position as at end of the year was as follows : Director 01 Deputy Directors 02 Research & Training Officers 36 Administrative Staff 05 Library, Data Bank, Publication Unit and Computer Staff Statistical Assistants and Investigators 10 Secretarial, Clerical and allied Grades 42 Technical Staff 03 Minor Grades 40 There were in addition the temporary and casual staff, for limited periods for the various study projects. 20 12 mainly Casual Investigators hired During the year the following Research & Training Officers were engaged in P o s t graduate studies in Universities abroad with financial support from the Institutions mentioned against each name. W. A . T. Abeysekera Course of studies leading to Ph. D . Cornell University, U . S. A. D. Gamage SAREC Course of studies leading to M. A. University of Queensland, Australia Wageningen University Mrs. S. D . Abeyratne Course of studies leading t o M . A. (Sociology) Cornell University, U . S. A. SAREC R. D . Wanigaratne Course of studies leading to Ph. D . University of Wisconsin, U . S. A. H. A. Ranbanda Course of studies leading to M. Sc. (Social Statistics; University of Southampton, U . K. L. R. A . Chandrasiri UNU Course of studies leading to M. A. (Agr. Economics) University of Manchester, U . K. M . Samad SAREC Training on Post-Harvest Food Conservation Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan Mrs. A . C. K, Sepala SAREC Course of studies leading to M. Phil (Agricultural Economics; Wye College, University of London SAREC Wageningen University 21 The Seminars and short courses attended Institute staff during the year are as follows:- Name & Designation and study tours undertaken by the Course/Seminar Period C. M. Wijayaratne Research & Training officer Workshop on Modernization of Tank Irrigation - Problems & Issues. Perarignar Anna Univeristy of Technology, Madras, India. 09.02.1982 — 15.02.1982 M. L. Wickramasinghe Research & Training Officer Water Management Synthesis (training) Project Colorado State University. U . S . A . 01.05.1982 — 16.05.1982 T. B. Subasinghe Director C I R D A P Technical Committe Meeting C I R D A P , Bangladesh 24.07.1982 — 01.08.1982 M. A. Gunawardena Investigator Training Course on Irrigation Water Management I R R I . Philippines 29.0 .1982 — 29.01.1983 Mrs. R. de Silva Assistant Registrar (Programme) Training and work experience, at the Institute of Development Studies, U. K. short visits to other similar Institutions in the U.K. and the Netherlands. 04.08.1982 — 18.10.1982 Mrs. S. Kulasuriya Library Assistant Training Course on Information on Agriculture. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau, Oxford, l>. K. 31.08.1982 — 28.09.1982 M. L. Wickramasinghe Ro-earch & Training Officer Water Management Synthesis (training) Project, Colorado State University, U . S . A . 11.09.1982 — 16.10.1982 P. J. Gunawardena Deputy Director Market Research) Technical Meeting on Hired Labour and Technology in Rural Asia ARTEP (Asian Regional Team Employment Promotion) Bangkok, Thailand T. B. Subasinghe Director Workshop on Support for Small Farmers and Fishermen through Integrated Rural Development Shandang, People's Republic of China 22 7 r for 20.10.1982 — 27.10 1982 11 11 1982 — 10.12.1982 Name & Designation S. M . P. Senanayake Research & Training Officer K. D . S. Ariyasinghe Statistical Assistant Course / Seminar Six-day Symposium on Farm Credit Asian Productivity Organisation 28.11.1982 (A P O) Manila, Philippines 05.12.1982 Training Course, 02.06.1981 International Statistical Education Centre, India E. N. R. Fernando Statistical Assistant Period Culcutta 31 03.1982 Training Course, 02.06.1981 International Statistical Education Centre Culcutta, India 31.03.1982 F. A . de S. M. Abeyratne Analysis of data and finalising 19.07.1981 Research & Training Officer of the study report on farm power and water use, University of Reading, U . K . 20.02.19°2 The following Officers were on no-pay leave abroad during the course of the year 1. Mr. M. P. Perera — Research & Training Officer 2. Mr. S. B. R. Nikahetiya — Research & Training 3. Mr. M. P. H. Perera — Statistical 4. Mr. H. A . Siriwardena — Information & Publication 5. Mr. K. D . S. Siriwardena — Technical Operator (Publications) Officer Assistant Officer 2.* VISITORS J. N . Gunning W. D . Drake H. Rice A . Horwitz T. Ishihara M. A . Haleem P. Suphaphiphat N . Islam A . J. Tanish H . Nielson P . T. Kuriakose J. K, Jackson J.Kampen J. Lundigvist J. P. Lea B. Marten C. Pendly R. Pitehai S. Johanson A. S. A. L. Majeed Wijnhoud Sezanami Henrickson G. F . Papaaek T. Ansari M . Jandan M . Reed I. Gang * J. H. Johnes J. Keyte G. P. Bhava S. John D . N . Dhungel T. K . Shrastha f%ar%> H. D . Tindall 24 DURING 1982 AID/Washington, U S A University of Michigan, USA AID/Washington, U S A Pan American Health Organization. U S A University of Osaka, Japan Cabinet Secretariat, Bangladesh Asian Development Bank, Pbillippincs University of Ottawa, Canada O D A , Bangkok Aalborg University, Denmark U N D P Sri Lanka U N D P Sri Lanka World Bank Lintroping University, Sweden Sydney University, Australia ILO University of Copenhagan, Denmark UN1SACEP, Sri Lanka Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden ESCAP Secretariat, Thailand ITC Netherlands U N C R D , Japan Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Boston University, U S A Agricultural Research Division, Pakistan Agricultural Research Division, Pakistan American Embassy, Sri Lanka Clement Graduate School, Cadiff A I T , Thailand SCF. United Kingdom Bank of India, India Bank of India, India H M G , Nepal H M G , Nepal F A O . Italy STAFF 1982 Director T. B. Subasinghe B. A . (Ceylon), M. Sc. (Columbia), Dip. in Econ. Planning (ISS Hague) Certificate ot Implementation and Project Analysis ( U N I E D and P Bangkok) Main areas of interest; Agri. Economics, Statistical Methodology, Agri. Development, Agrarian Reform, Nutrition Deputy Director (Research) S. B.D. de Silva B. A. (Ceylon), M. A . (Melbourne;, ph. D . (London) Main area of interest: Sociology Land'and Agrarian Relations Group Group Chairman G. Wickramasinghe B. A. (Sri Lanka), B. Phil (Sri Lanka;, M. A . (Monash) Main areas of interest: Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment, Behaviour and Development Administration Research and Training Officers R. D . Wanigaratne B. A. (Ceylon), M. A. (Hr - > \ D i p . in Population Studies Main areas of interest; Land Tenure and Settlement. M .U Ishak Lebbe B. A. (Sri Lanka), M. A . (British Columbia) Main areas of interest: organization (Hawaii) Rural Sociology - Rural Organization, Land Settlement and Agrarian Relations D. Tennakoon B. A. (Sri Lanka), Post-graduate D i p . in Land Settlement and Development (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest: Land Settlement and Land Tenure and Development and Rural Development W. G. Jayasena B. A . (Ceylon), M . A . (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest: Land Reform, Land Tenure and Settlement and Plantation Agriculture Mrs. M.A.K..H:S,SKarunaratan« M. Sc. (Lumumba) Main areas of interest: Agricultural Economics 25 Agricultural Planning and Implementation Group Group Chairman A . Wanasinghe B. S c . (Ceylon), M. Sc. (New England) Main areas of interest: Cooperatives and Rural Credit, Project Monitoring and Evaluation and Environ mental Preservations Research and Training Officers N . Vithanage B, Sc. (Sri Lanka), M . Sc. (Leeds), Ph. D . (Leeds) Main areas of interest : Project Formulation, Appraisal and Evaluation and Agricultural Miss D . M . A . Wijetunge B. Sc. (Madras), M. Sc. (Madras) Main areas of interest : Food Policy and Nutrition, Project Monitoring and Evaluation M. Marketing Samad B. Sc. (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest: Land Tenure, Land Reform and Types of Agricultural Production and Organization Mrs. A . C. K. Sepala B. A. (Sri LankaJ, M . A. (Manchester) Main areas o f Interest : Agro Industries, Agricultural Planning, Programming Models Miss M . L. Malalgoda M. Sc. (Moscow) Main areas of interest: Nutrition, Agricultural Planning and Plant Pathology Agricultural Labour and Employment/Rural Organization and Communication Group Group Chairman U . L. J. J Perera B. A . (Ceylon), M . A . (Sussex), D . Phil. (Sussex) Main areas of interest : Rural Sociology, Political Anthropology, Rural Institutions Development in the Asian Region Research and Training Officers H. A. Ranbanda B. A. (Sri L a n k a ) , M . Sc. (Southampton) Main areas of interest : Statistics, Demography and Labour Economics 26 and Community Mrs. S. R. Bandara B. A. (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest : Agricultural Labour and P. D . R. Kumarasiri B. A . (Sri Lnnka) Employment Main areas of interest: Community Development, Rural Sociology and Rural Development and Commu nication Irrigation and Water Management Group Group Chairman C. M. Wijayaratne B. Sc. (Sri Lanka), M . Sc. (Leeds) Main areas of interest: Agricultural Economics management Research and Training with special emphasis on irrigation and wate Officers M. L. Wickramasinghe B. A . (Sri Lanka), M. A. (Reading; Main areas of interest : Water Management, Community Organization and Family Mrs. S. Abeyratne B. A . tYork; Main areas of interest ; Planning Irrigation and Water Management and Land Settlement I. R. Perera B. A. (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest Water management research in Ecconomic aspects A. S. Widanapathirana B.Sc. (Sri Lanka;, M. Sc. (Sri Lanka; Main areas of interest: Water Management, Environment and Conservation Farm Management and Marketing Group Group Chairmen S. M . P . Senanayake B. C o m . (Ceylon), M. Sc. (Aberdeen) Main areas of interest; Agricultural Marketing 27 r Research & Training Officers F . A. de S. M. Abevratne B. Sc. (Sri Lanka), Diploma in Agric: Economics (Reading), M. Sc. (Reading; Main areas of interest: Agricultural Economics with special emphasis on farming system and Agri. Energy. L. R. A. Chandrasiri B. A. (Ceylon), M. A. (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest: Agricultural Finance, Rural Credit and Agricultural M. G. Henegedara B. A . (Sri Lanka) Marketing Main areas of interest : Agricultural Marketing and Development Planning Food Policy Group Deputy Director P. J. Gunawardena B. A. (Sri Lanka), M. A. (Canberra) Main area of interest : Labour and Employment in Agriculture, Agric Marketing Research and Training Officers Miss M . A . C. P. Perera B. Com. (Sri Lankaj Main area of interest : Agric: Marketing W. A. Jayaratne B. Com. (Sri Lanka), D i p . in Business Management (Sri Lanka; Main area of interest : Agric : Marketing L. P. Rupcsena B. A. (Sri Lanka) Main area of interest : Agric : Marketing Miss R. S. W. Wijeratnam B. Sc. (London). Ph. D . (Cambridge) Main areas of interest: Cbnservation of perishable food crops ' during and marketings ot perishable such as fruits and vegetables 28 after harvest, Mrs. S. Sabaratnam B. Sc. (Sri Lanka;, M. Phil (Sri Lanka) Main areas of interest: Agronomy, Nutrition, Statistics, Pathology, Policy and Agricultural Education W. G. Somaratne B. A . (Sri Lanka) Main areas of Market Research and Food interest: Agricultural Marketing Statistics, and Market Research R. P. U . Pathirana B. Sc. (Sri Lanka) Main areast of interest: Statistics and Qualitative Agricultural Marketing Information Centre Project Director Miss. T. Sanmugam B. Sc. (Ceylon), D i p . in Statistics Main areas of interest: (Aberdeen) Agricultural Information, Development Statistics, Survey Research, Statistical techniques. Women and Children Research and Training Officers - abroad S. B. R. Nikahetiya " B. Sc. (Sri Lanka), M. Ed. Main areas of interest: Manchester; Agricultural Extension. Communication and Training M . P. Perera B. Sc. (Ceylon;. M. Sc. (Oxford; Main areas of interest: Agricultural Marketing and Statistical W. A. T. Methodology Abeysekara B. Sc. (Ceylon), M. Sc. (British Columbia) Main areas of interest: Farm Management and Production Economics, Economics of Resource allocation D . Gamage B . A. (Sri Lanka), B. Phil. (Sri Lanka; Main area of interest: Rural Sociolgy . . . 29 Administrative and Other S t a f f ; Registrar : E. H . Dissanayake B. A . (Ceylon) Asst. Registrar (Administration; T. W. Wakista Finance Officer : Asst. Registrar ("Programmes) Mrs. R. de Silva B. Sc. (Sri Lanka) Mrs. S. Arasacularatne ACM A Administrative Officer : P. Kulatunga Librarian Library Assistants Mrs. C. Gunatunga Mrs. S. Kulasuriya W. Ranasinghe A L A (Sri Lanka) Information and Publication Offieers: H . A. Siriwardena, B.A. (Cey.) K. Thillainathan S. Rameshwaran R. M. Gunaratne S. B. K. Bandara B . A. (Sri Lanka) Maintenance and Security Officer: H . B. Weerakoon Maintenance and Security W. D . Wimalasena Clerical Staff House Keeper; S. A Jayattissa P. Jayasinghe R. P . G Premathilleka J. I. Somaratne K. G. J. Hemapala Mrs. S.. C. Fernando Mrs. M. S. Alwis M. S. M. Rafi M. P. S. B. Ranasinghe N . C. D . de Costa A . D . Leelaratne P. D . P. S. Wijegunawardena W. L. D . Nandasiri S. T . G. Arawinda D . W. P. Siriwardena Mrs S. Williams 0 Assistant: Secretaries/Steno Typists/Typists Mrs Mrs Miss Mrs Miss Mrs Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Mrs W. Kusumawathie W. A . I. Oevendra W. V. G. Perera N . N . Bawag A. R. Walter A. K. Fernando G. C. Nanyakkara R. A- N. J. Ranatunga N . S Gunatilake C . M. Jayanetti W. P. S. Wijewardena Secretaries/Steuo Typists/Typists: M i s s D . L . E. A. G . C. Fernando M i s s K . R. Paranwithana Miss L. T. H . Jayasinge Miss D . A . P . J. Dissanayake MISI Z Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Miss Miss Muffliya J. Wickramasinghe A . W. Saman Sriya H M . C . C. P . Jayakodi N . C. Perera L. J. Mannaperuma A . Ekanayako M. D . S. Gunatillaka Data Development Officers (-Acting) K. D . S. Ariyasinghe E. \ . R. Fernando Statical Assistant: N . N . A . de Silva Analyst Programmers (Acting) J. M. de Sliva R. Amarakhon Investigators P. M. G. N. D. N. Piyaratne A. Gunawrdena S. T. Ranatunga S. B. Epakanda G. Karunaratne J. A . L. Jayasooriya Technical Staff: D . J- A. V. Rupasinghe R. W. Dissanayake K. D . Siriwardena Other Supporting Staff: S. A. Richard R. G. Abeyratne A. D . Samaratunga W, Piyasena H . M. D . N. Jayawardena W. Edwin Singho S. Ipiladana G. Ratnayake A . M. Tilakaratne A. A . Mullegama M . J. Wickramaratne U . G. Gunaratne A. P. Sumanasiri H . M . A. Stephen A . Andrayas G. Wijenayake D . T. Jayawardena A , G. David K . Gnanasena W. Siripala U . B. A . Upatissa M. Surasena W . L . D . Joseph K. G. Samarasinghe M ? W . Chandisiri K. L. Gunasena M. A . S. Jayathilleke H. M. T. Herath A. P. Dayaratne T. D . Wickramasinghe K . R. Gunawardena S. P. N . Gunawardena K. Gunaratne U . G. Seneviratne L. D. Siripala P. Wanaguru H. M. H. Alexander H . G. Gunadasa B. M. Fernando AGRARIAN RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE Balance Sheet as at 31st December -1982 Capital Rs. Rs. 10,826,000.00 727,710.52 Rs. Contributed Rs. 10,826,000.00 1,238,900.00 Government Grant Add: Capital Contributed during the year (Scb; 1) Project Capital Fund Rs. 12.064.900.00 1.023,190.52 Capital Reserve 1,675,000.00 Value of land handed over by Government 1,220,133,00 Assets handed over by F A O / U N D P 12.151.40 Assets taken over 1,675,000.00 1,220,133.00 12,131.40 14,460,994.92 Less: 2,547,272,29 Net Deficit B/F as at Deficit for the year 2,547.272.29 883,068.47 1.1.1982 3,430.340.76 12,565,034.16 11,913,722.63 Cost CAPITAL EMPLOYED—FIXED ASSETS 1,675,000.00 8,438,030.18 1,576,295.12 174,585,14 296,572.11 2,535,88 2,907,284,40 15,995,374.92 Land Building Equipment/Furniture/Fittings Motor vehicles Books Welfare equipment (Sch; 2) 12,163,018.43 Depreciation W.D.V. 1,675,000.00 8,978,911.95 3,391,660.65 715,692.52 347,482.27 3,734.55 623,774.37 1,289,451.41 360,140.05 1,572.13 1,675,000.00 8,355,137.58 2.102,209.24 355.552,47 347.482.27 2.262.42 15,112,481.94 2,274.937.96 12,837,543.98 C U R R E N T ASSETS 319.190.84 Stocks Debtors Less: Provision for doubtful Sundry deposit Loans to staff Pre-Payment and advance Cash at bank Cash in hand 393,958.38 71,825.00 225,819.97 134,597.29 1.000.00 1.146,391.48 388,141.28 (Sch: 3) 335,434.65 9,665.00 4) 5) 6) 7) 325,769.65 292,658.35 233,631.97 174,632.37 733,059.67 1,000.00 "2,148,893.29 (Sch; 8) 2,421,403.11 debts (Sch: (Sch: (Sch: (Sch: L E S S CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,395,687.28 (249,295.80) Creditors and Accruals 11,913,722.63 Sgd. N. V. K. K. Weragoda CHAIRMAN (772.509.82) 12,565,034.16, Sgd. T. B. Subasinghe. DIRECTOR Sgd. S. Arsakularatne. F I N A N C E OFEICER SCHEDULES Schedule TO THE BALANCE SHEET 1 Project Capital Fund Rs. 190,000.00 558.068.89 123.271.63 114,733 0 0 29,517.00 7,600.00 1,023,190.52 U S A I ) Programme SAREC Project I D R C Project Water Management Project Farm Power Project Kirindi Oya Project Schedule Rs. 2 Equipment / Furniture / Fittings Cost as at 31.12.81 Less : Disposals during the year Transferred to^ Stock A/c Add: 2,531,812.46 38,820 00 84,385.85 2,408,606.61 983,054.04 3,391.6h0.65 339,166.07 Additions during the year Depreciation for 1982 Provision for depreciation B/F Less: Transferred to disposal A / c . 955,517.34 5,232.00 C 9 0,285 34 2,102.209.24 WDV Schedule 3 Debtors Sales Miscellaneous Project Debtors Schedule 44.711.01 43.607.73 247,115.91 335,484.65 4 Sundry Deposits Walker Sons & Co. Ltd (Fuel) N e w Bambalapitiya Service Station (Fuel) Post Master General (Postal Franking Machine), Telephone etc. Colombo Gas C o . Ltd. (Gas) Bank of Ceylon (Telephone Exchange; Water Supply and Drainage Board (Water supply) Schedule 14,200.00 3.000 00 10,520.00 1,750.00 262,688.35 500 00 292,658.35 5 Loans to Staff Distress Loans Vehicle Loans Festival Advanes 108,746.67 116,214 00 8,671.30 233,631 97 33 Schedule 6 Pre - Payment & Advance Commissioner cf Motor Traffic (revenue licence) Insurance Corporation of Sri Lanka (Vehicle insurance) Govt: publication Bureau (Gazette) Post Master General (P. O. Box) Director Post ft Telecommunication (Agrati) Office Equipment Ltd (Typewriter Service agreements) Salary advances Miscellaneous advances E P F to be recovered Schedule 7 Cash at Bank Account N o : Account N o / Schedule 17,100 00 4,162 82 244 0 0 300 00 300.00 1,959 00 1,425.00 148,563.74 577,81 174,632.37 I 2 730,481.19 \578.48 733,059.67 8 Creditors & Accruals Project Expenditure Accrual Project Creditors Unpaid salaries Advances for Publication Employees deposit Tender deposit Retention Commonwealth Fund Orhers 38.858.3* 2,030 4f0. II 22,506.08 928,35 1,500 00 1,000.00 13,498.97 236,286.00 76,475 21 2,421,401) 11 Notes 1. Amount of R s . 84,385.85 transferred to stock a/c is at cost and assumed that 2. Basis of depreciation (i) B u i l d i n g - 2 $ % on the cost as at 1.1.82 (ii) Equipment/Furniture/Fittings - 10% on the cost as at 31.12.82 (iii) Vehicles - 20% on time basis A n amouut o f Rs. 188,863.00 incurred on customs duty on transfer o f vehicles has been debited to vehicles a/c but no depreciation has been provided since valuation of same has not been obtained. R s . 262.688.35 paid as L/C margin and bank charges in respect of a telephone exchange imported has been debited to sundry deposits a/c. no depreciation has been provided. 3. 4. 34 AGRARIAN R E S E A R C H & T R A I N I N G I N S T I T U T E Income and Expenditure Statment for the year 1982 Income Rs. Government Grant (Recurrent; Sale of publications Sundry income Adjustment in respect of previous years Rs. 2,200,000.00 62,365.96 660,225.36 17,675.85 (Sch. i) (Sch. ii) 2,940,267.27 Less: Expenditure Salaries and allowances EPF & E T F Overtime Travelling and subsistence Fuel Transport and clearance Stationery and stores Printing & publication Advertisments Newspapers Telephone/Telegrams Postage Entertainment Welfare facilities Medical facilities Uniforms 10th Anniversary expenses Audit Fees Legal Fees Maintenance of Building Maintenance of Equipment Maintenance of Vehicles Depreciation Electricity Insurance - General Insurance - Vehicles Bad & doubtful debts Rent, rates & taxes Training Programme expenses Incidental expenses Bank charges Loss on sale of equipment ((Sch- iii) (Sch, iv) (Sch. v) 1,967,428.92 201,990.88 40,709.82 54,542.00 108,222.97 5,476.14 219,801.37 235,115.21 40,349.50 7,572.50 135,621.78 33,284.20 15,077.80 17,156.40 21,172.34 12,803.00 18,899.10 9.750.00 105.00 88,756.01 83,009.21 67,618.65 643,454.82 264,923.16 11,781.08 22,731.70 9,665.00 9,690.00 17,745.45 18,737.46 712.54 20,293.00 4,404,197.81 Less : Administration from projects charges recouped DEFICIT FOR THE Y E A R 580,862.07 3,823,335.74 883,068.47 35 S C H E D U L E S TO T H E INCOME AND E X P E N D I T U R E S T A T E M E N T SCHEDULE i Sundry Income (a) (b) (c) (d) Conference facilities Rent received Interest on Loans — Distress Loans Vehicle Loans R . 8 Rs. 574,778.83 8,425.00 9,524.89 12,224.53 Miscellaneous receipts 21,749.42 55,272.11 660,225.36 S C H E D U L E ii Adjustment in (Respect of previous years (a) (b) Less: APDAC CIRDAP Payments for 1981 20,131.25 50,000.00 70,131.25 52,455.30 17,675.95 SCHEDULE iii Stationery & Stores Stock consumed in 1982 Less: Issued to printing dept. Less: Printing Room Stock 401,467,98 244,381.47 62,714.86 181,666.61 219,801.37 S C H E D U L E iv Printing & Publications Cost incurred in 1982 Add: Transferred from stationery & Stores A/C 53,448.60 181,666.61 235,115.21 SCHEDULE v Depreciation Buildings Epuipment/Furniture/Fittings Vehicles Welfare Equipment 221.019.62 339,166.07 82,895.67 373.46 643,454.82 36 MOVEMENT OF P R O J E C T D E B T O R S & Balance B/F CREDITORS Adjustment AdministraCash received during the Expenditure in respect of i tive cost & previous year depreciation for 1982 year Amount Capitalized Balance C/F DEBTORS: Communication Strategy Project Use of Fertilizer Project Kirindi Oya Project Land Settlement Project Mahaweli "H' * System Project Smail Holder Rubber Rehabilitation Project 4,130.62 31,483.26 103,725.38 45,172.43 4,161.58 4,130.62 66,632.50 31,483.26 73,163.60 38,715.98 51,826.53 27,628.84 50,000.00 80,813.80 4,639.25 15.492.00 237.716.75 87.390 61 466.065.96 300 333.00 62,050.00 6,002.00 172,193.29 171,615.20 100,000.00 49.218.75 4,833 29 167,932.92 1,190,017.59 769,098.97 2,005,433.40 66,802.17 24,682.00 840,349.82 1,307,340.06 272,989.53 256,000.00 13,572.25 6,456.45 18,967.55 58,442.64 247,115.91 CREDITORS: ART1/APDC CIRDAP Farm Power Project Farm Power Seminar 1RD Project Management Training for Small Farmers North/West Land & Water Resources SAREC Water Management Project (14,570.97) (17,357.25) 20,131.25 50,000.00 125,666.75 15,000.00 293,872.67 9,013.00 51,817.64 102,347.25 14,955.60 26,521.58 340,556.00 69,469,00 36,011,00 18,242.23 29,370.04 421,610.11 1,117,625.31 2,030,400.11
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