ACA NL 5-10.indd - South Florida Airconditioning Contractors


ACA NL 5-10.indd - South Florida Airconditioning Contractors
May 2010
Serving the Needs of South Florida’s HVAC/R Industry
SFACA Officers
Oscar Calleja
Engineered Air LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (954) 974-7277
[email protected]
Vice President
Emilio Guzman
SFACA 2010
G lf Tournament
Airtrol Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (305) 226-7542
[email protected]
Doug Lindstrom
Lindstrom Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (954) 420-5300
[email protected]
Susan J. Beckett
Performance Air Mechanical, Inc. . . . . . . . . . (954) 419-9740
[email protected]
SFACA Directors
Charles Del Vecchio
Tropic Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (305) 652-7717
[email protected]
Chuck Meyer
Engineered Air LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (954) 974-7277
[email protected]
Ernie Sariol
Brown & Brown Insurance-HBA Division . . . . (305) 714-4413
[email protected]
Emilio Solo
Solo Air Conditioning & Heating Co., Inc. . . . (305) 591-9840
[email protected]
Congratulations to this year’s Winners!
First Place
Rich Rogers, Patrick McMahon, Mike Lloyd and Doug Lindstrom
Second Place
Randy Ricker, Joe Nestor and Gary Savell
Third Place
Wayne Schuchts, Matt Jonah, Gary Grass and Dave Hofer
Closest to the Pin
Kiki Madrigal
Immediate Past President
Phil London
Thermal Concepts, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (954) 472-4465
[email protected]
See the photos starting on page 4
Executive Director
Liz Bustamante . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 433-7171
[email protected]
Upcoming Events
October 13, 2010
• President’s Message
November 10, 2010
• WSI Revises 2010
Hurricane Season
Forecast Up
SFACA Annual Miami-Dade Inspectors Meeting
Air Times is published monthly by the South Florida Air Conditioning Contractors Association. Membership in SFACA is open
to HVAC/R Contractors and suppliers to HVAC/R Contractors.
For information on the benefits and services associated with
SFACA Membership and for Air Times advertising information
and rates, contact us at: 1650 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 400, Boca
Raton, FL 33432; 800/433-7171, Fax: 561/395-8557.
Look Inside!
SFACA Annual Broward Inspectors Meeting
• Golf Tournament
From the Top — SFACA President Oscar Calleja
Make that “Keep an Eye on the Florida Governor”
By Oscar Calleja, SFACA President
Oscar Calleja
Under current workers’
compensation law,
dispensing physicians
in Florida are allowed
to charge 400-700%
more than pharmacies
for repackaged drugs.
ast month I encouraged you to keep a wary eye on
the Florida Legislature as it considered changes related to enforcing the Florida Building Code. I should
have asked you to watch Florida Governor Charlie
Crist (right hen house, wrong fox). Despite strong opposition from FRACCA and other groups, Crist has vetoed HB 5603—legislation that would have stopped dispensing physicians from charging 400-700% more for repackaged drugs.
Groups such as FRACCA have rightly called this practice “abusive and dishonest” and argued that the cost of
these repackaged drugs is driving workers’ compensation
claim costs because the charges are outside of the statutory fee schedule for medical care and physicians are free
to charge as much as they want.
FRACCA lobbied the Governor to sign HB 5603 because it:
• Allowed Physician to continuing dispensing at the
point of care while barring them from reaping unreasonable and unrelated profits.
• Required dispensing physicians to stay within the limits of the fee schedule.
• Reduced workers’ compensation rates by 1.1% without reducing benefits.
The Governor made his case for the veto in a May
28 letter to Florida Interim Secretary Dawn Roberts and
cited a need for additional review of the matter. Crist
claimed that closing the dispensing physician loophole was
“a complicated issue…not fully vetted during the legislative process” and that implementation “could result in
numerous unintended consequences that could ultimately adversely impact injured workers.”
While the Governor’s remarks may imply that the bill
has a future, whether or not Crist and the Florida Legislature have any interest in revisiting and reviving the bill
remains to be seen.
For more details, watch for updates from FRACCA’s
lobbyist or visit ■
Behind the Scenes: Interesting Facts
How Do Florida Workers’ Comp Claim Costs Compare?
ccording to a new study by the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), prescription drug costs are nearly 40 percent higher in Florida than other states such as Wisconsin. The 16-state
study benchmarks the cost, price and utilization of
pharmaceuticals in workers’ compensation claims. The
study found that the average payment per claim for
prescription drugs in Florida’s workers’ compensation
system was $565—38 percent higher than the median of the study states—because dispensing physicians
were often paid much more than pharmacies for the
same prescription.
WCRI also found that some Florida physicians prescribed certain “especially profitable” drugs more often. For example, Carisoprodol (Soma®, a muscle relaxant) was prescribed for 11 percent of the Florida
injured workers with prescriptions, compared to 2
to 4 percent in most other study states. Financial incentives may help explain more frequent prescription
of the drug, as the study suggested. Dispensing Florida physicians were paid four times as much per pill for
Carisoprodol than pharmacies. WCRI also noted that
prices paid to Florida pharmacies were at the median
of the 16 study states, due to Florida’s typical pharmacy fee schedule, which is set at the level of the Average Wholesale Price.
In Florida workers’ compensation claims, not only are
certain drugs are prescribed more often, but the average number of prescriptions per claim and the average
number of pills per claim are higher than other states.
Workers Compensation Research Institute is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit membership organization conducting public policy research on workers’ compensation, healthcare and disability issues. Its members include
employers, insurers, insurance regulators and state administrative agencies in the U.S., Canada, Australia and
New Zealand as well as several state labor organizations.
For more information, visit ■
Page 2 • Air Times • May 2010 •
Doing Business in South Florida
WSI Revises Forecast,
Calls for “Hyperactive”
2010 Hurricane Season
eather Services International (WSI), a
member of The Weather Channel Companies, has revised its forecast for the 2010 Hurricane Season to now call for 18 named storms,
10 hurricanes and 5 intense hurricanes (category 3 or greater). The forecast numbers are
well above the long-term averages of 10/6/3
In addition, WSI’s hurricane landfall forecasting model (developed in collaboration with reinsurance intermediary Guy Carpenter) continues to suggest that the coastal region from the
Outer Banks of North Carolina northward to
Maine is twice as likely as normal to experience
a hurricane this year.
“The 2009 tropical season was the quietest
since 1997, as an emerging El Niño event combined with relatively cool tropical Atlantic waters to suppress widespread storm development,” said WSI Chief Meteorologist Dr. Todd
Crawford. “However, the primary drivers for
tropical activity have sharply reversed course this
year and everything is in place for an incredibly
active season. The El Nino event has vanished
completely, resulting in a decrease in western
tropical Pacific convection and a concomitant
decrease in the vertical wind shear that typically acts as a detriment to tropical Atlantic development. More importantly, however, eastern
and central tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures are currently at record warm levels for
May, even warmer than the freakishly active season of 2005. While we’ve increased our forecast numbers in both of the last two monthly
updates, we are still more likely to raise than lower these numbers going forward. At this time,
there is no strong argument to rebut the bold
assertion that this season will at least approach
the record 2005 levels of activity.”
Crawford also indicated that the Northeast
US had an enhanced risk of hurricane landfall this
season. “Our statistical landfall forecast model,
which takes into account northern hemispheric ocean temperatures and current atmospheric patterns, is suggesting that the coastline from
the Outer Banks to Maine is under a significantly
increased threat of a hurricane this season, relative to the normal rates, which are admittedly
quite small. Our model suggests that the threat
to the Northeast coast this season is on par with
that in Florida and the Gulf coastal states.”
For more information, visit ■
Air Times • May 2010 • • Page 3
Stocking all your Air Conditioning, Refrigeration,Ventilation
and Air Distribution needs, including tools and accessories.
SFACA 2010
G lf Tournament
First Place
First Place was awarded to Rich Rogers, Patrick McMahon, Mike Lloyd
and Doug Lindstrom.
Winners’ Circle
Second Place
Second Place was awarded to Randy Ricker, Joe Nestor and Gary Savell.
Page 4 • Air Times • May 2010 •
Winners’ Circle
Third Place
Third Place was awarded to Wayne Schuchts, Matt Jonah, Gary Grass and
Dave Hofer.
Air Times • May 2010 • • Page 5
SFACA 2010
G lf Tournament
Closest to the Pin
Closest to the Pin was awarded to Kiki Madrigal.
Participating Teams
SFACA 2010 Golf Tournament
Laurence Coronato, Jim Janka, George White, Art Alba.
Rich Rogers, Mike Lloyd, Doug Lindstrom, Patrick McMahon.
Mike Lynch, Bill Svec, Jim Hitt, Michael Hitt.
Rob Strayer, Michael Ross, Dan Gulini, Nick Dinicola.
Jamie DiDomenico, Randy Zerra,Tony Manganello, Jeff List.
John Brescia, Andrew Laycock, Bill Obrien, Mike Johnson.
John Cusano, Chris Burke, Dan Crlenjak, Jim Brescia.
Kevin Flannery, David Sansone,Tom McDavitt, Bayardo Abaunza.
Page 6 • Air Times • May 2010 •
SFACA 2010 Golf Tournament
Cornelius Bennett, Ernie Sariol, Harold Woods, Leon Lastinger.
Doug Marty, John Mertins, Lenny Vigliotti, Craig Sanscrainte.
Gary Giancarli, Steve Ruud, Rick Szelewicki, Ray Messier.
Eric Johns, Brian Venagus, Dave Hallway, Brian Freeman.
Kiki Madrigal, Jose Hernandez, Joe Remington, Neil Arteaga.
LINDSDTROM SENIOR? Jeff Lindstrom, Joe Venci, Andy Thoms.
J. Robert Heron, Michael Ansonia.
Terry Frisenda, Matt Charles, Paul Dehunger.
Air Times • May 2010 • • Page 7
Linda OConnor, Jeff Tart,Todd Mutschler.
Participating Teams
SFACA 2010 Golf Tournament
Ruben Alvarez, Rene Alvarez, Alfred Alvarez, Carlos LaCasa.
Wayne Schuchts, Matt Jonah, Gary Grass, Dave Hofer.
Shane Brown, Shon Lees, Darin Lees, Jonelle Lees.
Tim Ellis, Jr, Chris Ellis,Tim Ellis, Sr., Andrew Perry.
Thank You Sponsors!
The SFACA Board of Directors would like to thank the following firms for their generosity
in sponsoring this year’s Annual Golf Tournament.
Hole Sponsors
Air King Ventilation
AirGuide Manufacturing
Central Air Control
Collinsworth, Alter, Lambert Inc.
Filtration Mfg
Florida Air Conditioning Distributors
Goodman Distribution
Krack Corporation
Lindstrom Air
Steve Myers Insurance Agency, Inc.
TD Bank
Tropic Supply, Inc.
WLYF Radio/WMXJ Radio
Hole-In-One Sponsor
Enterprise Fleet Management
Dinner Sponsor
RGF Environmental
Driving Range Sponsor
Brown & Brown (HBA Insurance)
Snack Sponsor
Edify, LLC
Beverage Sponsor
Trane Residential Solutions
Page 8 • Air Times • May 2010 •
Current SFACA Member Service Programs
Thanks to “Group Buying Power,” SFACA Members can access money-saving programs such as our worker’s compensation insurance, which
has helped some member firms lower their insurance premiums and earn dividends. In fact, the SFACA worker’s compensation insurance
program has distributed as much as $60,000 in dividends to participating members in a single year. Plus, our affiliation with FRACCA lets
Members choose from a variety of special discount programs such as commerical auto insurance, liability insurance, cell phone plans, GPS
tracking equipment and more.
Benefit Partner
Discount Program
Barry Scarr Agency/
Scarr Insurance*
Employee Leasing.
Paul Flaig
(727) 393-5055
Enterprise Fleet
Vehicle leasing and Fleet Management.
Don Duckworth
(813) 885-5636
Federated Insurance*
Worker’s Comp & Liability insurance
and safety promotion.
Marcus “Bo” Orr
(404) 497-8840
HBA Insurance Group/
Brown & Brown
Discounts for SFACA members on
Workers Compensation, Commercial
Auto & General Liability.
Broward: call Ernie Sariol at 305-714-4413
Miami-Dade: call Carlos LaCasa at 305-714-4406*
Online Learning (renew NATE Certifications,
prep for the NATE Exam)
Visit for more information
Receive member pricing on job posts,
members can post free resumes on
SFACA Jobing page which is distributed
to other JOBING partners.
Click on banner
on SFACA Home Page
SFACA members receive a 10% discount off
the total price of GPS tracking
equipment and installation
Marty Goldmintz
[email protected]
Linq Services*
Wireless Account Management Services
David Lowe
(800) 421-5467
NOVA Engineering*
& Environmental
Private Provider Inspection Services
Daniel Coxe
(813) 623-3100
Pre Paid Legal*
Prepaid legal service as employee benefit
and identity theft prevention.
Bill Snow
(866) 282-0135
Pro-Am Safety*
Discounted safety gear.
Keith Gavin
(813) 752-8770
Purpose Employer
Corporate payroll services.
Mark Sierra
Comegys Insurance Corner; (727) 521-2100
10% off online CEU courses.
Visit and use
promotional code: SFACA
Member Discounts on Educational and
Training Materials (15% off NATE Manuals)
FRACCA Office Admin
(727) 576-3225
Sterling Regional
Merchant Services*
Credit card processing
Larry Fiorella
(888) 795-1280
*FRACCA Member Benefit Program—be sure to mention that you are a member of FRACCA for member rates. Please note: Member Benefit and Service Programs are not available to “e-members.”
Air Times • May 2010 • • Page 9
As a condition of their membership,
SFACA Contractors promise to abide by
the following Code of Ethics:
nstill the highest respect for our
profession within our community;
ecessitate strict compliance to all ordinances and laws prescribed by federal,
state, county and municipal governments
pertaining to our business;
SFACA Contractor Members
Broward Contractors
Miami-Dade Contractors
A.D.A. Inc. (Air Duct Aseptics)
Airtrol Air Conditioning Co. Inc.
All Year Cooling and Heating
C & R Air Conditioning Co.
American HVAC, Inc.
Caribean S. Air Conditioning Of FL, Inc.
ARG Solutions, Inc.
Chalex Cool Air of Miami
B & B Air Conditioning Inc.
Chanin Mechanical LLC.
o maintain a clean, respectable, wellidentified place of business commensurate with the high standards of our profession;
ngineer, design, install and service heating, air conditioning and refrigeration
systems in accordance with recommended practices;
enerate an understanding of proper
equipment selection that would assure
the customer safe, dependable, and comfortable performance.
Lindstrom Air Conditioning Inc.
esolve to uphold the highest ethical standards of selling, advertising, pricing, installation, and service guided by the principles of honest and integrity;
Santa Cool A/C & Heating Service, Inc.
ncrease our efficiency through education
programs to contribute a portion of our
time and thought to the advancement of
our industry through our association;
o promote the growth of the industry through closer cooperation between
SFACA contractors and the manufacturers, wholesalers and utilities serving our
ield an excellent policy of customer relationship and service, and uphold the policies and warranties of the manufacturer.
B Cool, Inc.
Hi-Tech Air Service
Brighton Air Conditioning Inc.
Mike’s A.C. Service, Inc.
Capital Air Conditioning
Engineered Air LLC
Norca A/C & Refrigeration
Just Air, Inc.
Solo Air Conditioning & Heating Co. Inc.
Performance Air Mechanical Inc.
Sansone Corporation
T & D Air Conditioning, Inc.
Tropical Air Systems, Inc.
Important Industry Contacts
South Florida ACA
1650 S. Dixie Hwy, Suite 400
Boca Raton, FL 33432
800/433-7171, Fax: 561/395-8557
Miami-Dade County Permitting
and Inspection Center (MDPIC)
11805 SW 26 Street (Coral Way)
Miami, FL 33175-2474
Broward County Permitting, Licensing
and Consumer Protection Division
1 N. University Drive, Box #302
Plantation, Florida 33324
Suppliers: Are you looking for ways to make that phone ring?
Air Times is distributed to nearly 1,600 licensed HVAC/R
contractors in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.
Access them directly by advertising
TODAY! For complete details,
visit or call
(800) 433-7171.
Full Page
½ Page
¼ Page
Business Card
Full Page
½ Page
¼ Page
Business Card
Full Page
½ Page
¼ Page
Business Card
SFACA Member Rates
Rate per Insertion
. $260
. $160
. $100
. $70 .
Rate per Insertion
. $240
. $140
. $80 .
. $50 .
Rate per Insertion
. $220
. $120
. $60 .
. $40 .
Non-Member Rates
Rate per Insertion
Rate per Insertion
Rate per Insertion
Page 10 • Air Times • May 2010 •