Members` Family Day Party


Members` Family Day Party
The Telltale
Hyannis Yacht Club
Organized 1927
July 2008
Family Day Party
Saturday, July 5th – 4-8pm
Family Racing from 1-3:30pm
“Get Wet” family games 2-4pm
Independence Day Barbeque 5-8pm
Barbeque includes bbq chicken, marinated steak tips,
fresh garden salad, potato and pasta salad,
baked beans and ice cream
Adults - $15.99, Kids under 12 - $7.00 (plus tax)
Fireworks at Dusk
Music by DJ Palmer Egan 4-8pm
Look out for the Shark Attack!
Members’ Party Friday, July 18, 2008 - 6 PM
Some themed parties can be so constricting - leaving no
chance to express your creative side - not this one! Join us for
an evening of all things shark - your choice. Be a character
from Jaws; be the girl who came down from Cincinnati or
the fins to the left and fins to the right; be a card shark or a
SNL land shark or a mortgage melt down loan shark - or
reenact Fonzie ‘jumping the shark’… Whatever shark
related idea you have is fine with us…
Dance to the music of soul rocking, cover band
“Sweet Melissa and Chris Stovall Brown”
Dinner includes:
“Chum” Chowder
“Shark Bites” Beef and Swordfish Kabobs
with rice and Cesar salad
“Shark Key” lime pie for dessert
Price $15.99 + tax
Hosted by Ruth Dillingham
Reserve your place by calling
(508) 775-9331
or online at
Hyannis Yacht Club
490 Ocean Street
and Bob Curran
Please make your
reservations by July 15th online
or call the Captain’s Table
(508) 775-9331
Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601
(508) 778-6100
The Telltale
Commodore’s Report
Welcome to one of the two busiest months of the
summer season! Our Club has a myriad of events
planned for the enjoyment of our members. We
hope to see you all benefit from the efforts of the
committee volunteers and management team
members who have carefully charted the details for
each of our activities.
The Entertainment Committee has planned
wonderful family activities for July 5th to coincide
with the fireworks. Another terrific activity that
day is the Family Day Race at 1:00 pm. We hope
that lots of our families will plan to spend the day
enjoying the club!
Our Youth Program has begun! It’s great fun
to come down and watch some of our younger
members as they develop their sailing and
swimming skills under the watchful eyes of Deb
Newson, sailing master, Pam Nothacker, swimming
program director, and their wonderful staffs. The
Club will be in “fifth gear” Mondays through Fridays
as our Youth Program takes “center stage” each
day. We’re looking forward to a fantastic summer of
skill development for all our participants.
Our One Design Race Committee will host their
races each Thursday and Sunday throughout the
month. One of the “best kept secrets” in our Club
is the Sunday morning races for our optimist, 420,
and laser sailors. It is a great opportunity for our
youth sailing program participants to practice their
skills in well supervised races on Lewis Bay. Check
the schedule and be sure to join us!
Speaking of “well kept secrets,” the Sunday night
family cookouts are enjoyed immensely by many of
our families after the races on Sundays. Pack your
coolers and come on down; we cook on the HYC grill.
There’s lots of delicious food and patio camaraderie!
Our Ocean Race Wednesday night Beer Can Series,
sponsored by Harpoon Ale continues all this month.
Our Ocean Race Committee is also hosting the Race
Around the Cape beginning July 11th.
Have you signed up yet to volunteer to help with
our Regatta? Everyone should plan to offer some
time to help on the water or with the many shore
side activities. If you would like to volunteer, here
are the subcommittee chair people that you can
contact directly: Charlie Cooper, Senior Race Officer,
Gerry Manning, patrol boats, Jacquie Newson,
shore side food, Anne Richardson, clothing, and
Jack Meade, parking lot. If you like to rise with the
sun, how about joining us to make lunches for our
sailors? Please contact Wes Richardson directly if
you would like to offer your help early each day!
As usual, the summer that we look forward to with
incredible positive anticipation promises to “fly by,”
so please be sure to catch some of the fun! I look
forward to seeing you all at the Club enjoying the
upcoming activities this month!
~Emily Mezzetti
HYC Family Day Race
It’s time for the HYC Family Day Race, Saturday, July
5th. What a great way to spend time with family and
sail at the same time. Please register to participate in
this race by going online at www.hyannisyachtclub.
org, click on the yachting & waterfront tab, and
under club highlights you will see the link for all
information and the racing registration form.
The grill will be open from 11:30am – 3:30pm. For
those of you who aren’t sailing in the race, there will
be “Get Wet” family games from 2-4pm, and then be
sure to stay for the Independence Day barbeque from
5-8pm and all the festivities. (See details on page 1).
Bobby Baker, C
onna Baker
Lockhart and D
ick Lawler
st Commodore N
Klim and pa
Commodore Jack
urland, David
, Chuck K
Sheila Stagman
ul Marshall
od Kitridge, Pa
Keith Sexton, T
Deb Wood, Jon W
ood, Dick Roger
Chip Hartford,
Lisa & Jack Mea
Ted Jr. & Patric
de, Mark Sexton
Kennedy at H YC
Figawi Awards
Al Sexton
General Manager’s Report
Last year I wrote an article about pricing strategies at
various private clubs that bears repeating. It seems
that some HYC members feel that dues should cover
most member activities regardless of who participates
and the profits from the Captain’s Table should cover
the rest. Although surprising to me, this perception is
likely held by many. That said, this would be a good
time to explain our Club’s financial philosophy.
Essentially private clubs have two distinct financing
philosophies. The first is that a club is primarily
supported by member dues. An example in the
extreme is a very private golf club in the Carolina’s
with only 20 members. The initiation fee is
$2,000,000 and the dues are whatever it takes
to run the club. All members share equally in the
cost to run the club regardless of their usage of the
facilities. There are no fees for use, no bills at the
end of the month for food and beverage purchases,
no charges whatsoever - just a bill at the end of the
year that divides the cost of operation by the amount
of members.
The second type of club is supported by a combination
of dues and fees. Hyannis Yacht Club is such a club.
Our members take part in a vast array of activities
from racing to monthly parties to Friday buffets and
Sunday brunches to the swim/sail program to regatta
to an off-season ski trip. Each activity has a cost
associated with it that is passed on to the members
that enjoy that activity. That way members pay
for what they are using and are not underwriting
activities in which they have little interest.
In comparison to the industry norms, dues at HYC are
very low. Average annual dues for all tennis, beach,
and yacht clubs were $4,145 in 2006 and the average
initiation fees were $15,359. Additionally, most clubs
charge monthly food minimums whether you use the
facility or not. HYC enjoys dues of $700 and initiation
fees, including the assessment of only $2,855. The
total budget for HYC member dues this year is
$382,808. To put this in perspective, the $382,808
in dues actually pays for about 1/3rd the total cost of
payroll to run the Club.
The Captain’s Table and the associate membership
help to defray overall costs to maintain our low dues
structure. The money the restaurant generates
helps to pay for the other 2/3rd of payroll,
insurance, utilities, building & grounds maintenance,
dock maintenance, fleet maintenance, capital
improvements, various programs, etc. It does not,
however, generate sufficient funds to pay for all
activities in which members choose to participate.
The Club is proud to offer a vast array of programs
and activities for our members to enjoy and we hope
the above will help explain the philosophy behind how
we finance member services.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
~Wes Richardson
Ocean Race Update
It’s July, can you believe it? As of this writing, we
still haven’t raced a weekend event, but by the time
you read this, the Baxter Memorial Long Distance
Race will have been sailed and scored.
The Wednesday Night Series, which is sponsored
this year by Harpoon Brewery, is well underway
with great attendance. Due to heavy fog, the first
Wednesday night of racing was cancelled, and the
second week had 11 boats competing! Gee…. I
wonder if that frosty Harpoon has anything to do
with it? It seems we are off to a great start, and
hope to see more people both on the course and
helping to run the races.
On that note, we really need help to man the mark
boats. Only a few people have committed to helping
on a regular basis, and we need more. So PLEASE,
if you could find it in your heart, sign up to help us.
I promise you will not be disappointed, it’s really fun.
It’s a great way to be out on the water, on someone
else’s boat (HYC’s), on someone else’s dollar (HYC’s),
and it’s the furthest thing from work. The Race
Committee needs help with setting and picking up a
few inflatable buoys, don’t worry, someone is always
available to show you the ropes, and it’s really easy
too. The Club supplies you with all you need, plus
soft drinks, and fun on the patio afterwards!
Come on down and see what the Club is really about;
volunteering, racing, boating and camaraderie.
The boats (committee & mark) leave the docks at
1700hrs, come down a little early and look for us or
call me, Lincoln Baxter, at (508)778-4075.
We look forward to seeing you!
~ Lincoln Baxter
Ocean Race Chair
The Telltale
One Design Update
Although we struggled through a bit of fog, June got
off to a great start, firing off plenty of races for everyone.
Some sailors appeared to be a bit rusty on the course
designations, but quickly adjusted as they found
themselves crossing the finish line (or what they thought
might be the line) without any acknowledgement!
Beginning on June 29th, the July series will include
the Optis. We will be offering a championship Opti
division in July, and will add a special green fleet
format in August.
In August, the green fleet sailors will be treated to a
shore-side “mini-clinic” before being shepherded out
to join the championship fleet for some racing.
The 420’s are on the schedule for July and August.
This is a great opportunity for some of our new 420
sailors to get some extra practice and for our returning
420 sailors to keep their skills sharp. This year we will
modify the 420 racing schedule. We are sensitive to
the heavy weekday racing schedule of our sailors so,
to help prevent burn out, we are limiting the number
of days in the Sunday series. The Sunday series races
will be: July 6th and 20th, August 10th, 17th, 24th
and 31st. The trophy races will be held as they have
been in the past - July 4th and Labor Day.
Please be sure to complete a registration form
prior to your first race day because, as you know,
no registration form – no score! Registration is
available online only.
See you on the water!!
~ Betsy Aitken
One Design Chair
The Regatta Needs Your Help!
Calling all boats and sailors – help us ensure the success of the
2008 regatta on July 25th - 27th. All schedules are welcome,
volunteer one day or all three! Don’t have a boat but would like
to be out on the lines – volunteers are welcome for this as well!
The patrol boats are a vital part of the regatta
and essential to the safety of the sailors.
Please contact Charlie Cooper at [email protected] or
(508)958-7420, Greg Deegan at [email protected] or
(508)280-6860, Gerry Manning at [email protected]
or (508)364-8700
Don’t worry - training, safety procedures, badges
and gifts will be provided to all volunteers.
July 25th, 26th & 27th
Schedule of events
Thursday, July 24th
4:00pm – 8:00pm
Adult Cocktail Party
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Regatta Clothing Sale
Friday, July 25th
8:00am – 11:00am
Regatta Clothing Sale
4:00pm – 8:00pm
Adult Cocktail Party
Saturday, July 26th
8:00am – 10:30am
Regatta Clothing Sale
4:00pm – 8:00pm
Adult Cocktail Party
7:00pm – 10:00pm
Youth Dance
at the Lewis Bay Yacht Club
Sunday, July 27th
8:00am – 10:30am
3:00pm – 7:00pm
Adult Cocktail Party
and Awards Presentation
Sign up today!
The Telltale
Sailors in the News
Sailors in the News
HYC’s Matt Duggan named Honorable
Mention All-American
St. George’s, Tabor vie for New England
and National Team Racing Titles
Matt Duggan played a crucial role
in Roger Williams’ fourth-place
finish at Nationals last week.
He was on the water for the 18
races in B division and the Hawks
finished third overall in A division
and sixth in B division.
Matt put together an impressive
season, sailing primarily in B
division. He placed in the top eight in every race
in both the fall and spring seasons, with seven
in the top three. He picked up three runner-up
finishes, most notably in the Coed Atlantic Coast
Championships back in November.
Head Coach Amanda Callahan expressed her
delight in Matt’s selection to the All-America squad,
making note of the strong field of participants at the
championships due to the new format for qualifying.
“Honorable Mention accolades for Matt and A Skipper
Andy Goetting were icing on the cake,” said Callahan.
“Throughout the year Andy and his crew, Kaytlin
Hall, had several really strong finishes in A division,
and Matt Duggan and his crews sailed consistently to
the top of B Division. I think their strong finish to the
year really made it happen for them.”
The two join former Hawk sailor David Hyer as only the
second and third All-American sailors in school history.
Tabor Academy Wins
DownEast Invitational
Tabor freshmen Nick Johnstone and Chris
Aitken traveled to Castine, Maine on May
10, along with crews to represent Tabor
Academy in the annual DownEast Fleet Racing
Championship. With 17 teams entered from
23 schools, Nick captured first place in the A
division, while Chris won the B division, with
a total of 90 points between them. The team
from Marblehead (133 points) was second and
Belmont Hill (171 points) took third.
St. George’s School and Tabor Academy went up
against each other in two consecutive weekends,
vying for the New England and National Team
Racing Titles. The two schools ended up on top in
both events. On May 17-18, they joined 6 other
schools for the Mark Trophy (NESSA championship).
The first day of racing ended in an unbreakable 3way tie between St. George’s, Tabor and Milton.
Milton was eliminated in the first two races of
the sail-off, leaving Tabor and St Georges to
represent NESSA at the ISSA Team Racing Nations
in Minnesota the following weekend. All that was
left to be decided was who the best team in New
England was. It was fitting that the final race came
down to these two powerhouses, as they were the
best two schools all year, and have traded the Mark
Trophy back and forth since 2001. St. George’s
finished the victor, in a very close race in which the
teams traded the lead multiple times, to win the
Mark Trophy and round out a season that included
three New England titles: women’s, fleet racing
and team racing. Pete Johns, Julia Oak, Johnny
Norfleet, Ben Bainbridge, Anna McConnell, Alex
Cook, Kelsey Crowther, Bennett Geyer and George
Williams sailed for St. George’s, and sailing for
Tabor were skippers Sean Bouchard, Sean Ross,
Sam Harrison and Henry Blanchette, and crew
Alyssa Aitken, Sarah Burks, Cory DeCollibus, Lee
Evans, Sammi Muther and Schuyler Hemmerdinger.
The two teams met again, along with 10 other
teams, at Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota the following
weekend to vie for the Baker (National Team Racing)
Trophy. Tabor, the ’07 Baker champion, was in first
place after the qualifying round (9-2), followed
closely by St. Georges (8-3), Point Loma (8-3) and
Newport Harbor (8-3). St. George’s dominated the
racing in the championship round, going 6-0 for the
day and emerging the overall winner. Tabor (12-5)
finished second, followed by Point Loma (11-6) and
Newport Harbor (8-9). Pete Johns, Julia Oak, Johnny
Norfleet, Ben Bainbridge, Anna McConnell, Alex
Cook, Kelsey Crowther and Kevin Martland sailing
for St. George’s and sailing for Tabor were skippers
Sean Bouchard, Sean Ross, Sam Harrison, and crew
Alyssa Aitken, Henry Blanchette, Sarah Burks, Cory
DeCollibus and Schuyler Hemmerdinger.
The Telltale
July 2008
Beer Can Race
One Design
Trophy Races
10:00am start
Fireworks –
Members’ Party
Family Race
Day – 1:00pm
Sunday Morning
8:00 – 11:00am
Beer Can Race
One Design
One Design
Sunday Morning
8:00 – 11:00am
Friday Night
6:00 –8:00pm
Race Around
The Cape
Race Around
The Cape
Beer Can Race
One Design
Monthly Party
One Design
Race Around
The Cape
Sunday Morning
8:00 – 11:00am
Beer Can Race
Beer Can Race
Monthly Meeting
Youth Dance
One Design
Sunday Morning
8:00 – 11:00am
One Design
The Telltale
Hyannis Yacht Club
490 Ocean Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
Labor Day Trophy Races
3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Sunday Morning Brunch 8:00 – 11:00am
Hurricane Cup
3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Sunday One Design Racing 11:00am
Eye of the Storm Race
6, 13, 20, 27
Beer Can Race 6:00pm
Members’ Monthly Party 6:00pm
7, 14, 21, 28
One Design Racing 6:00pm
Cruise Wrap-up Dinner 5:00pm
Youth Invitational
Trustees’ Meeting 6:30pm
Tarpaulin Cove Race
Members’ Monthly Meeting 7:30pm
Tarpaulin Cove Return Race
Volunteer Appreciation Party 6:00pm
Youth Awards Night
Youth Dance 7:30 – 10:00pm
Trustees’ Meeting 6:30pm
Members’ Monthly Party 6:00pm
Members’ Monthly Meeting 7:30pm
Labor Day Jazz Brunch at CT 11:30am
1, 8, 29
Friday Night Buffet 6:00 – 8:00pm