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BLESSING OF VENGEANCE 2016 v2 PROTECTORATE LIGHT WARJACK BLESSING OF VENGEANCE 1 BLESSING OF VENGEANCE 1 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD 5 9 7 5 12 17 — REPULSOR SHIELD RNG 0.5 POW P+S POW P+S 2 11 L HALBERD RNG 2 4 BLESSING OF VENGEANCE 13 R BOND [SEVERIUS] – If this model begins the game in Severius’ battlegroup, it is bonded to him. This model is not considered to be bonded while under your opponent’s control. Once per turn, when Severius channels a spell through this model, he gains +2 to that spell’s attack and damage rolls. DEFENSIVE STRIKE – Once per turn, when an enemy model advances into and ends its movement in this model’s melee range, this model can immediately make one basic melee attack against it. SHIELD GUARD – Once per round, when a friendly model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this model, you can choose to have this model directly hit instead. This model is automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. This model cannot use Shield Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or stationary. REPULSOR SHIELD REPEL – When this model hits an enemy model with this weapon during its activation, the model hit is pushed 1˝ directly away from this model. When this model is hit with a melee attack made by a model in its front arc, after the attack is resolved the attacking model is pushed 1˝ directly away from this model. This model loses Repel while this weapon system is crippled. HALBERD DAMAGE POWERFUL CHARGE – This this weapon. L L A A R L M C R M M C C model gains +2 to charge attack rolls with R PC 13 DEVOUT FA C 2016 v2 PROTECTORATE LIGHT WARJACK DEVOUT DEVOUT DEVOUT SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD 5 Illus. by Andrea Uderzo © Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All faction names, logos, warjack®, warcaster® & warbeast are TM of Privateer Press, Inc. 9 7 4 13 16 — SHIELD RNG 0.5 POW P+S POW P+S PC 9 FA U 2 11 L POLE AXE RNG 2 4 DEFENSIVE STRIKE – Once per turn, when an enemy model advances into and ends its movement in this model’s melee range, this model can immediately make one basic melee attack against it. SHIELD GUARD – Once per round, when a friendly model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this model, you can choose to have this model directly hit instead. This model is automatically hit and suffers all damage and effects. This model cannot use Shield Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or stationary. SPELL BARRIER – While this model is B2B with its controlling warcaster, its warcaster cannot be targeted by enemy spells. 13 R DAMAGE L L R L M C R M M C C R Illus. by Chippy © Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All faction names, logos, warjack®, warcaster® & warbeast are TM of Privateer Press, Inc. GRAND EXEMPLAR KREOSS 2016 v2 PROTECTORATE WARCASTER KREOSS 2 KREOSS 2 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD 5 7 GRAND EXEMPLAR KREOSS 7 4 14 17 9 JUSTIFIER RNG 2 POW 7 P+S 14 IMPERISHABLE CONVICTION – When a friendly Faction model in its control range is destroyed by an enemy attack, this model can remove 1 damage point. TACTICIAN [EXEMPLAR] – While in this model’s command range, friendly Exemplar models can ignore other friendly Exemplar models when determining LOS. Friendly Exemplar models can advance through other friendly Exemplar models in this model’s command range if they have enough movement to move completely past them. JUSTIFIER SMITE (HATTACK) – The model hit is slammed d6˝ directly away from this model. If the model hit has a larger base than the attacking model it is moved only half the distance rolled. The POW of collateral damage is equal to the STR of this model. FOCUS 7 DAMAGE WJ +28 HIGH EXECUTIONER SERVATH REZNIK PROTECTORATE WARCASTER FA C Illus. by Chippy © Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All faction names, logos, warjack®, warcaster® & warbeast are TM of Privateer Press, Inc. 2016 v2 HIGH EXECUTIONER SERVATH REZNIK REZNIK 1 REZNIK 1 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD 5 7 7 4 14 17 7 CONFESSOR RNG 2 POW 7 P+S 14 EXCRUCIATOR – When this model boxes a living enemy warrior model with a melee attack, you can place a Wrack into play completely within 4˝ of this model. If you do, remove the boxed model from play. WITCH HOUND – When an enemy model hits one or more models in this model’s battlegroup with a magic attack, immediately after the attack is resolved one model in this model’s battlegroup in its control range can advance up to 3˝ and make one basic attack. CONFESSOR PURGATION – Gain an additional die on attack and damage rolls with this weapon against models with an enemy upkeep spell or animus on them. FOCUS 6 DAMAGE WJ +28 FA C Illus. by Andrea Uderzo © Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All faction names, logos, warjack®, warcaster® & warbeast are TM of Privateer Press, Inc. INITIATE TRISTAN DURANT DURANT 1 SPELLS DURANT 1 SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD 5 5 INITIATE TRISTAN DURANT 2016 v2 PROTECTORATE SOLO 5 4 14 15 6 BATTLE STAFF RNG 2 POW 6 P+S 11 COST RNG AOE POW DUR OFF FORTIFY 2 6 – – UP NO IMMOLATION 2 8 – 12 – YES Target warjack in the spellcaster’s battlegroup gains +2 ARM. The affected model and any friendly model B2B with it cannot become knocked down, be pushed, or be moved by a slam. Immolation causes fire damage . On a critical hit, the model hit suffers the Fire continuous effect . BATTLEGROUP CONTROLLER – This model is not a warcaster but has the following warcaster special rules: Battlegroup Commander, Focus Manipulation, Power Field, and Spellcaster. This model must have at least one warjack in its battlegroup at the start of the game. TRUE SIGHT – This model ignores cloud effects when determining LOS. This model also ignores Stealth . FOCUS 4 DAMAGE PC 4 VASSAL OF MENOTH FA C Illus. by Andrea Uderzo © Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All faction names, logos, warjack®, warcaster® & warbeast are TM of Privateer Press, Inc. VASSAL OF MENOTH 2016 v2 PROTECTORATE SOLO VASSAL VASSAL SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD 5 5 4 4 12 12 3 IRON SENTINEL – While B2B with a friendly Faction warjack, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and cannot become knocked down. MAGIC ABILITY [6] • ARCANE BOLT (HATTACK) – Arcane magic attack. Bolt is a RNG 12, POW 11 • EMPOWER (HACTION) – RNG CMD. Target friendly Faction warjack. If the target warjack is in range and it was suffering Disruption, it is no longer disrupted. The warjack also gains 1 focus point. • ENLIVEN (HACTION) – RNG CMD. Target friendly Faction warjack. If the warjack is in range, the next time it suffers damage from an enemy attack while it is not advancing, immediately after the attack is resolved the warjack can make a full advance, then Enliven expires. Enliven lasts for one round. MODEL A’S DAMAGE MODEL B’S DAMAGE PC 3 FA 2 Illus. by Marek Okon © Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All faction names, logos, warjack®, warcaster® & warbeast are TM of Privateer Press, Inc.
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