July - Ashburn Farm Association
July - Ashburn Farm Association
Across the Fence The Ashburn Farm Community Newsletter Happy 4th of July! Inside This Issue Board Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ice Cream Social��������������������������������������������������������7 Maintenance Minute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Middle School Swim Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Adult Swim Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Annual Inspections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Trash Standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 July 2016 Paw Prints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Outdoor Movie Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Library Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-21 Red Cross Blood Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Odd Job Squad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Newsletter Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Volume 28, Issue 7 Distribution 4,400 2 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 From the Editor . . . Now that summer is officially here, I’d like to remind everyone about all of the activities going on in Ashburn Farm. On July 15th, we will be hosting our annual ice cream social, and all residents are invited! All the information regarding this event can be found on page 7. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to call the Association Office at 703-729-6680 or email Rachel at [email protected] or Kristen at [email protected]. This summer, Ashburn Farm will host an outdoor movie night for residents. It will be held on Friday, August 12th at Windmill Park. This will be a fun, family event for everyone to enjoy! For more details, please see page 17. Middle School Swim Night is also back again this year. It is scheduled for Friday, August 26th from 7 - 10 pm at the Windmill Pool. Please remember to register early, as this event always sells out quickly. We will take registrations on a first-come, firstserved basis. The registration form and event information can be found on page 11. As mowing and lawn care season gets busier, please remember that yard debris is collected each Monday. Patriot Disposal requires all yard debris to be placed in paper bags at the curb. They cannot accept yard waste in clear plastic bags, per Loudoun County Landfill requirements. Yard debris is defined as “grass clippings, leaves and hedge trimmings that result from the regular maintenance of your yard”. Grass clippings must be placed at the curb in paper bags, or in a separate container clearly marked “yard waste.” Hedge trimmings must be less than 6-inches in diameter, cut into 4-foot lengths, and tied in small bundles or bagged. Bundles are not to exceed two feet in diameter. More details about yard waste collection, and all of the Ashburn Farm Trash & Recycling Standards can be found on pages 14-15. As the nice weather continues, residents are also doing more work on their property. Please remember that any changes you plan to make to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Board prior to the start of the project. You can download the Exterior Alteration Application from our website or pick one up at the Association Office. If you have any questions, please call the Office at 703-729-6680 or email arb@ afhoa.net. Until next month . . . Happy 4th of July! Alicia Young Editor Planning an Exterior Change or Modification to Your Property? If you are making an exterior change/modification to your property, you must submit an Exterior Alteration Application, along with the applicable worksheets. Please see the Architectural Standard and/or website to see if a worksheet is required for your project. Approval must be received from the Architectural Review Board before you start your project. The application and worksheets can be downloaded from our website: www.ashburnfarmassociation.org. Should you have any questions, please contact the Association Office at 703-729-6680 or email [email protected]. July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 3 Across the Fence This is a monthly community publication for the residents of Ashburn Farm. Published by the Ashburn Farm Association. Alicia Young – Editor Jeremy Cushman – General Manager Milan Detweiler – President, Board of Trustees 4100 Total Circulation, mailed to residents and owners. Printing by GAM Printers, Sterling, VA. DEADLINES: Display Advertising – 10th of the preceding month Classified Advertising – 10th of the preceding month Committee Reports/Community News – 15th of the preceding month For more information on Advertising Specifications and Guidelines, please see the back pages of this newsletter. All material (news, advertising, etc.) is subject to editing at the discretion of the Editor and/or General Manager. Ashburn Farm Association does not endorse or attest to the services offered by any advertisement and will not be held responsible as a result. Ashburn Farm Association Staff The Association Staff is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations of the Association. The staff cannot make or change rules nor can they make arbitrary exceptions to existing rules. We are happy to assist you with any questions you may have or provide information. The Association Office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jeremy Cushman - General Manager Janice Brewer - Architectural Review Administrator Cheri Jean* - Financial/Disclosure Coordinator Alicia Young - Communications Director Bob Silvay - Covenants Administrator Betty Potter - Covenants Assistant Matt Johnson - Maintenance Assistant Chrissy Gier - Covenants Department Chip Mathews - Maintenance Assistant Rachel Hess - Activities Coordinator Kristen Cornwell - Activities Coordinator *Notary Public at Large for the Commonwealth of Virginia (call for information or appointment) Ashburn Farm Association 21400 Windmill Drive Ashburn, Virginia 20147 Phone: 703-729-6680, Fax: 703-729-0247 Email: [email protected] Community Policing Officer: 703-729-4497 4 Ashburn Farm Assessments & General Information Collection Policy Assessments are due the first day of each month. Any installment of the annual assessment not paid to the Association within thirty (30) days after the due date shall be considered delinquent and a late charge of $25.00 shall be assessed to the Owner and posted to the Owner’s account for every thirty (30) days delinquent. Home Sales Effective July 1, 1989, the Virginia General Assembly enacted a new law entitled the “Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act”. This act requires the seller of a home to make certain disclosures to the intended purchaser of their lot. All home sales in Ashburn Farm are subject to the Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act. A written request of the Association Disclosure Package and a check in the amount of: $225.00 for an electronic disclosure (on CD-R) for townhome/single family; $250 for a paper disclosure for townhome/single family; $100 for electronic or paper disclosure for condo; are required to begin processing. A rush fee of $50.00 may be paid to receive your disclosure within 3 days. Checks should be made payable to the Ashburn Farm Association. A form is available on the website or at the Association Office. The completed package will be issued within 14 calendar days to the requesting party or agent. For further information, please contact the Association Office. Further Information Please feel free to contact Summit Management Services for further information or with any questions you may have about your assessment account. Summit Management Services, Inc. www.summitmanage.com Phone: 301-495-0146 [email protected] Ashburn Farm Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is an all-volunteer resident group that is responsible for interpreting the covenants and rules governing Ashburn Farm. Board of Trustees meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Windmill Community Center located on Windmill Drive. All Ashburn Farm homeowners are encouraged to attend. Milan Detweiler - President Tim Hughes - Vice President Marc Ripperger - Secretary Steve Lubore - Treasurer Rich Oakley - Trustee Mike Kimmel - Trustee Shirley Tabor - Trustee www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 Board Briefs BOT meeting minutes are reviewed and voted on at each monthly BOT meeting. All approved BOT minutes may be viewed at the Association Office, upon request. At the regular BOT meeting held on June 7, 2016, the following items were discussed: • President, Milan Detweiler, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. • A motion passed (4/0/1/2) to approve the May 3, 2016 minutes, as submitted. PUBLIC FORUM • A resident who lives near Chokeberry Square addressed the Board regarding the trees that have been cut down near there. She asked for the reasoning behind the trees being removed, and asked about the criteria used for determining which trees are removed. Jeremy Cushman stated that the Association staff removed trees and brush anywhere there is a concrete storm water inlet or exit to prevent them from impeding water flow. Trees were also removed that were in danger of toppling over and pulling a large amount of the embankment with them. The criteria used to determine which trees are removed include: the drip line of the tree (the majority of the tree should not extend over the water of the pond). Some of these areas will be replanted this fall with small trees, shrubs, and other native plants. Planting will not be done in areas that are in close proximity to trails, dams, storm water inlets/ exits, or on steep embankments. APPEALS • 43457 Colter Court, Annual Inspection Appeal – The resident addressed the Board regarding the annual inspection done on his property. A violation was noted regarding dents in the homeowner’s aluminum siding. The homeowner has contacted several contractors about the repair needed, and he was told that the only option for repairing the dented aluminum siding would be to replace the entire side of the house with new vinyl siding. The dents are not visible unless viewed from very close to the house. He is asking the Board to grant him a waiver for the siding replacement. A motion passed (5/0/0/2) to grant the appeal to repair the siding now for the property at 43457 Colter Court until the end of 2017 because the damage is minimal and the repair will be very expensive. COMMITTEE REPORTS • Architectural Review Board – Duane Glass stated that applications are still being received by the Committee, but not as many as expected for the time of year. The trash violation hearings have increased tremendously. • Budget & Finance – Steve Lovejoy stated that the Committee held a very productive meeting on May 20th, when they met with Hamilton Clark of Morgan Stanley. The Committee also met with members of Summit Management to discuss accounting practices and the layout of the reports July 2016 being submitted. The Association received the 2015 Draft Audit from Jim Daly, the Association’s auditor. The Audit was reviewed by the Committee and will be presented to the Board of Trustees for review. Jim Daly will be coming to the B&F meeting scheduled for June 17th. The “aged receivables” account is now down to $65,000. • Manager’s Report – Deputy Thomasson, the new Community Police Officer, introduced himself to the Board and residents attending the meeting. He has been employed by LCSO for the last 10 years, and will be replacing Deputy Young. OLD BUSINESS • Digital Message Board Policy – Jeremy stated that he feels the posting policy should be the same as that of the social media policy developed by the new Publications Policy Committee. He asked the ARB to complete its review of the proposed digital message boards, so that they can be purchased if funding is made available for them in 2017. NEW BUSINESS • Open Space Committee Storm Water Management Retrofit Presentation – Valerie Sheckler invited guests to speak at the BOT meeting regarding storm water management. The guest speakers included Alex Darr (of of Ecological Services, LLC), Steve Plante (of Loudoun County Storm Water Division ), and Gem Bingol (of the Piedmont Environmental Council). • Board of Trustee Code of Conduct – A motion passed (5/0/0/2) to approve Resolution #06072016, the 2016 Board of Trustees Code of Conduct. • Draft 2017 Budget – Jeremy Cushman presented the Board with a preliminary proposed budget for 2017. He plans to have a final budget prepared for the July 19th BOT meeting. The draft budget will be published in the August and September newsletters. The final budget should be passed at the November BOT meeting, and run in the December newsletter. • Barracuda Community Service Project Donation Request – A motion passed (5/0/0/2) to donate $250 to the Barracuda Community Service Project to donate to Loudoun Interfaith Relief. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION A motion passed (5/0/0/2) to adjourn the regular business meeting at 9:50 PM. ADJOURNMENT OF THE REGULAR MEETING The Board returned from Executive Session at 10:25 PM. No votes were taken during Executive Session. A motion passed (5/0/0/2) to adjourn the regular business meeting at 10:26 PM. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 5 6 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 7 8 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 Maintenance Minute Many of you may have seen the renovations and other work taking place at many of the Association facilities before Memorial Day weekend. For those that have yet to have an opportunity, we wanted to give you another reason to get out and enjoy the amenities of the community. The Association staff and contractors have been making repairs on the exteriors of the pool facilities and the Windmill Community Center. The aging cedar siding on the Breezyhill poolhouse was replaced with Hardiplank cement siding and PVC trim to reduce future maintenance costs. The interior of the building was also repainted and murals inspired by the Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo were added. The exteriors of the the Windmill and Summerwood poolhouses and the Community Center are having similar repairs made to the fascia, soffit, and other trouble spots to ensure the building is well protected from the weather and continues to look great. The Association is completing an inspection of the storm water management system throughout the property, which carries storm water away from homes and streets. As part of that inspection and management process, the Association has been removing trees that pose a hazard to any of the components of the storm water management system (ranging from the pipes that carry water from streets to the ponds, as well as the concrete and earthen portions of the pond dams and embankments). This fall, the Association will be looking to replace some of the lost trees with shrubs and other native plants that pose less of a threat to the storm water management system and will help remove pollutants carried by runoff. The Association is also marking other trees in the community that have died or need removal for other reasons. This includes many ash trees along the parkways and throughout the common areas in the community. In June of 2008, the Association published an article regarding the clear wing ash borer infestation in Ashburn Farm. Many people have seen the continued decline of the ash trees due to the ash borer. This has been compounded by dry conditions and the increasing age of the trees. The article noted that chemical controls do not guarantee survival of the treated trees. These chemicals are also expensive when talking about treatment on a communitywide scale, and pesticides can harm beneficial insects as well as the intended targets. Given the size of Ashburn Farm and the threat of re-infestation from trees and shrubs in the landscapes of surrounding homes and adjacent communities, the hope of chemically controlling the infestation is minimal and not feasible considering the cost. For these reasons, Ashburn Farm Association will not be chemically treating any trees or shrubs for the clear wing ash borer, but will be following the recommendations of the state agencies and removing infected trees. The Association is taking note of areas of Association-owned sidewalk and walking trails that are in need of maintenance. This includes bridges and tunnels, as well as mailbox porticos (the cluster mailboxes in most townhome neighborhoods are not owned by the HOA, but rather the United Stated Postal Service), and the condition of the streets and parking lots owned by the Association to plan and implement needed repairs. If you have the chance, please take some time to see all the changes we are making in the community! Members of Girl Scout Troop 5958 Earn Their Gold Award Recently, five members of Ambassador Girl Scout Troop 5958 (out of Ashburn and Broadlands) each earned the Gold Award, which is the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn. To earn the Gold Award, young women have to demonstrate superior leadership, organization and a higher commitment to community service to complete a project of lasting impact to the community. The Gold Award is highly regarded by colleges and universities, the U.S. Armed Services and employers; roughly six percent of Girl Scouts nationwide earn this prestigious award. Corner Elementary School for students, including those with special needs to enjoy in the school’s library courtyard. Madison Powell designed and built a Zen/reflection garden for residents of Meadow Glen Senior Living Community. With 2016 being the year of the Gold Award Centennial, these young women join the many women since 1916 that have achieved this great milestone. Congratulations! The young women are all graduating seniors from Stone Bridge High School and Briar Woods High School. Their unique projects leave a lasting impact on the communities they served through their projects. Kenzie Cohen built a school supply closet at a local women’s shelter, which she stocked with school supplies that she recycled, refurbished and reused. Amulya Kotha initiated a women’s health program for pre-teen girls living in an orphanage in India. Sophie LeFew implemented a peer science tutoring club at Stone Bridge High School. Kyleigh McGrail designed and built a sensory garden at Sanders July 2016 (L to R): Amulya, Madison, Kyleigh, and Sophie of Girl Scout Troop 5958 celebrate their Gold Award achievement. Not pictured: Kenzie www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 9 10 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 11 12 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 2016 Annual Inspections The Ashburn Farm Association has completed the 2016 Annual Inspections and will be transitioning to compliance re-inspections. After your property was inspected as part of the annual inspection process, you may have received a letter from the Association providing notification that a violation was noted on your property. That letter contained a compliance date 90 days from the time that your property was inspected. It included a description of the location and type of violation, as well as a photo of the area where the violation can be found on your property. That letter serves as notice for the subsequent re-inspection(s) of your property for compliance with the Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards. The Association performs the annual inspections and subsequent re-inspections in its continuing effort to help ensure that the homes receive top dollar at resale. Article VII, Section 4, of the Covenants of the Association provides an easement in favor of the Association for ingress and egress on any Lot to inspect the property for compliance with the Governing Documents and Architectural Standards. These inspections require a minimum of three days prior notice of the inspection and that the inspection be performed during reasonable hours. This article is meant to provide that notice, as well as notice of re-inspection is provided in the violation letter you may have received if a violation was recorded on your property during the annual inspection process. Annual inspections are a response by the Board of Trustees and staff to the feedback received from the community to better enforce the Covenants and Architectural Design and Maintenance Standards of the Association. The annual inspection process is a complete review of each lot and the exterior of the structures therein using the Governing documents, including the Architectural Guidelines as the benchmark. The exterior of the home, as well as any other structure or improvement to the property will be visually inspected for maintenance issues, like faded paint, mismatched paint, torn screens, rotted wood around doors and/ or eves, unapproved modifications to the home or property, etc. July 2016 Simply put, your lot should be tidy, and any exterior structures, modifications, etc must be maintained in good condition and clean. Subsequent re-inspections are simply a compliance inspection for the previously recorded violations, noted during the annual inspection of your property. To avoid receiving violations, please perform a visual inspection of your home and take steps to correct any violations that you identify. If you have made a modification to your home or an improvement to your lot and have not filed an Exterior Alteration Application with the Association Office please do so as soon as possible to avoid receiving a violation for not doing so; the forms are available in the Association Office or online at http://www.ashburnfarmassociation.org/forms_listing.html. If you do receive a letter from the Association noting a violation of the Guidelines, it is simply a first request to remedy the issue(s) noted and will not result in fines if remedied prior to the compliance date provided in the letter you received; however, please be aware that the enforcement process has changed slightly. The enforcement policy does not allow the staff to grant extensions, or vary from the compliance period provided in the policy, but shifts those types of requests for waivers, extensions, and hardships to the Board of Trustees. If you receive a violation and would like to request a waiver or extension because of a hardship, please contact the Association Office and speak with the Covenants Department to receive an appeal form and be included on the next Board Meeting Agenda. To assist you in correcting any maintenance items you or the Covenants staff may discover; below are two local contractors that offer a discount to Ashburn Farm Residents: Cascade Power-Washing & Cleaning 703-915-2402 is offering a 10% discount for Ashburn Farm residents. Sonny & Son’s Painting 703-779-1343 is also offering a 10% discount to Ashburn Farm residents. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 13 AFA Trash Standards Contractor Contact Information Patriot Disposal Phone: 1-703-257-7100 (must dial “1” from Ashburn) Fax: 703-368-1469 P.O. Box 3219 Manassas, VA 20108 Trash & Recycling Collection Days • Regular Trash Collection - Monday and Thursday • Yard Waste Recycling - Monday Only (beginning March • 1) - any yard waste placed at the curb during January andFebruary will be disposed of as trash. • Regular Recycling - Thursday Only • Special Item Pick-Up - Please call to schedule • Holiday Pick-Up: Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall on Friday this year, so trash and recycling will be picked up on their regularly scheduled days. Patriot Disposal’s service will include trash twice-per-week trash removal and once-per-week recycling. Please do not put trash on the curb before 6:00 PM the night before pickup, and please remove your toter(s) from the curb as soon as possible after pickup (the same day as trash/recycling pickup). Trash and recycling services will take place between 7:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Mondays and Thursdays. There will be no trash pick-up if the regular service day falls on New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, or any other collection day when the refuse and recycling facilities are closed. Collections services will resume on the next regularly-scheduled service day. Please note: Collection tends to be somewhat delayed the day following a holiday. General Guidelines Services will be provided on each of the designated service days unless otherwise noted. Collection times, however, may vary. Trash must be in trash bags, securely tied, or in a standard covered trash can and placed at the curb in front of your home. Please have all items at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on each service day. Uncollected trash and recycling should be reported to our Customer Service Department, (703)257-7100 or [email protected], and it will be picked up within a 24-hour period of the report. Patriot will remove moving boxes of new residents, from the curb, along with ordinary household refuse. The following items must not be put in toters, but instead be separated out for collection: rocks, concrete, dirt, soil, sod, tree stumps, brick, landscaping timbers, construction debris, “trashouts” and containers or bundles weighing more than 50 lbs. or longer than 4 feet. Collection of these items may be provided for an additional charge. Call the Patriot Disposal Customer Service Department for a quote. Please be sure to follow the ARB Guidelines: Trash cans and recycling containers must be stored on one’s own property and out of open view. For this reason, storage of trash and recycling 14 containers must be in the garage or behind the rear plane of the home against the structure. Storage of these containers in front or beside the house or garage is not acceptable and is a violation. An exception may be made if the property is fenced, however, the containers must be stored behind the fence against the side of the house or garage, providing the side yard is not directly facing the front of a neighboring housing unit, road frontage, or otherwise negatively impacting a neighboring home from ground level. Trash, recycling and storage containers cannot be kept on an elevated deck. Recycling Guidelines The Loudoun County Department of General Services has produced a new residential recycling guide. The guide can be viewed here: http://online.anyflip.com/cqgx/ wkar/#p=1. Loudoun County’s recycling rate is increasing thanks to everyone pitching in. Please take the time to recycle!! Recycling will be collected by Patriot Disposal at the curb each week on Thursday. The recycling method is “single-stream”; recyclable materials may be placed all together in one container. Recyclable materials include newspaper, mixed paper, flattened cardboard (no larger than 4’x4’), glass, aluminum and metal food and beverage containers, and plastic bottles, jugs and containers. Recycling may be secured in clear/translucent bags, as long as the contents are visible. Household Hazardous Waste Used motor oil, antifreeze, automobile batteries, lead-acid batteries and propane tanks will not be accepted at any HHW collection events. They can be recycled year round at the Loudoun County Solid Waste Management Facility on 21101 Evergreen Mills Road. HHW includes items such as fluorescent bulbs, household batteries, oil-based paints/stains/varnishes, paint thinners, metal polishes, rust removers, wood preservatives, furniture polish, waxes, pesticides/insecticides/herbicides, pool chemicals, old fuels including gas/oil mixes, and many others. Latex or water-based paints are not a hazardous waste and can be dried or solidified and disposed of in your household garbage. Yard Debris Yard debris is defined as grass clippings, leaves and brush/hedge trimmings that result from the regular maintenance of your yard. Yard debris does not include stumps, rocks, dirt, sod, gravel, mulch, whole trees, or clean-up from storm damage. Collection of these items may be provided for an additional charge. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 The specifics regarding yard waste collection are as follows: • Brush must be cut into four-foot lengths, with limbs no larger than four inches in diameter, tied in small bundles or bagged. • Bundles of brush can be no larger than two feet in diameter. • Leaves, grass clippings, hedge trimmings and all other yarddebris must be placed in a separate container clearly marked “yard waste” or in biodegradable paper bags, in accordancewith County regulations. • Yard waste that is put out at the curb in plastic bags will not be picked up. Patriot Disposal plans to compost the yard waste that it collects; therefore, food waste can be mixed in with the yard waste that is placed out for collection. Special Item Pick-Up Special items are collected at the curb each week by Patriot Disposal. Special items include appliances, small furniture, small electronics, mattresses, and other large items. Advanced notice is required for the collection of all special items, with the exception of small furniture and mattresses (which may be placed at the curb with the regular trash). Up to two special items, per residence, per year, will be collected at no additional charge (exceptions are listed below). • Tires - $35.00 ea. (car) • Grills - $35.00 ea. • Hot water heaters - $35.00 ea. • Lawn mowers - $35.00 ea. • Computers - $35.00 ea. • Filing cabinets - $35.00 ea. • Basketball hoops - $35.00 ea. (broken-down into 3 pieces and base emptied) • Basketball hoops - $70.00 ea. (not broken-down) • Car batteries - $35.00 ea. • Used oil / cooking oil $35.00 ea. container • Toilets - $35.00 ea. • Exercise machines - $35.00 ea. • TVs: * Up to 29” - $50.00 * 30”-39” - $60.00 * 40”-49” - $80.00 * 50”-59” - $100.00 July 2016 Charges for the following items are based on quantity/weight (Patriot will send someone out to do an estimate): • Construction debris • Carpeting • Excess yard waste or yard waste not tied in bundles or bagged • Trees, mulch, dirt, rocks, bricks, etc. • Swing sets • Wood • Patio table/chairs • Kitchen cabinets All fees can be paid over the phone with a credit card (VISA or MC) and must be paid prior to pickup. Inclement Weather Patriot will make every effort to provide services when the weather is inclement. Services will be suspended upon notification that a snow, ice, or other weather-related emergency exists. In the event of such an emergency, collection services will resume on the next regularly-scheduled service day, road conditions permitting. Trash Toters and Recycling Bins Patriot will supply one wheeled 96-gallon trash container (toter) and one wheeled 64-gallon recycling container (toter) to each single-family home and two recycling bins to each townhome. There will be a replacement charge for each toter or bin that is lost, stolen or damaged by any means other than normal wear and tear. If you would like an additional toter, or bin they are available for a nominal fee. Limits of Responsibility Neither Patriot Disposal nor Ashburn Farm Association will be responsible for trash can lids, plastic trash cans, or any items, large or small, left near the trash cans. Patriot Disposal will not collect trash from a container that is packed too tightly. Containers weighing more than 50 pounds will not be emptied. Per County Regulations, the following items will NOT be collected: liquids of any kind, asbestos, ammunition, fuel tanks, hazardous waste, infectious or medical waste, petroleum contaminated soil, radioactive waste, dead animals, manure, dangerous acids, caustics, explosives, or other dangerous material or items too large or too heavy to be loaded safely into the collection vehicles. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 15 Paw Prints Why Should You Adopt from Your Local No-Kill Animal Shelter, Friends of Homeless Animals? When you are ready for a new dog or cat, you have many options – from breeders to the local municipal shelter. But you make a huge difference in the life of homeless animals when you adopt from a no-kill (non-euthanizing) private shelter such as Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) – a private, no-kill shelter located right here in Loudoun County, adopting homeless dogs and cats to loving families in our region for 40 years. 1. Save two lives. When you adopt from a no-kill shelter, you save the life of the wonderful pet you adopt AND make room in our shelter for another cat or dog. Many of FOHA’s dogs and cats are transferred to us from euthanizing shelters or given up by owners who might otherwise take the animal to a euthanizing shelter. 2. You help break the cycle of pet overpopulation. Each year, between 8-12 million dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens are euthanized. When you adopt from FOHA, you receive a pet already spayed or neutered – a pet who will not continue to contribute to pet overpopulation. 3. You support humane treatment of companion animals. Throughout the US, commercial pet-breeding facilities (e.g., puppy mills) and backyard breeders produce millions of animals for sale and profit. These facilities continue to breed female dogs or cats, often in intolerable environments, until such time as the animal can no longer reproduce. Adopting a shelter pet means you show with your dollars that you don’t support such cruel practices. 4. You adopt a pet who has received good care. All animals adopted through FOHA are vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and provided ongoing medical care (such as heartworm preventative for all of our dogs). These medical services are all included within your adoption donation (tax-deductible) – a significant savings compared to what you would pay a vet to cover all of these services yourself for a breeder- or store-purchased pet. When you adopt from FOHA, you receive a copy of your new pet’s medical records to share with your vet, detailing treatments and known medical conditions. 5. You get a lifetime resource. Volunteers at no-kill organizations like FOHA provide ongoing support and information on issues like introducing your new pet to your current pets and support if your pet is ever lost. 6. You encourage others to adopt. When friends and family meet your new pet, they will inevitably ask where you found this amazing fur-baby. Answering “at our local no-kill shelter, Friends of Homeless Animals” encourages others to do the same! 7. You become part of a like-minded community. Adopting from FOHA means joining the FOHA family. With a highly active supporter base and social media presence (check out foha_va on Facebook and Twitter), you join a community of other animal-lovers who enjoy sharing pictures and videos of their pets. Joining the FOHA online community (or volunteering at the shelter….or donating to FOHA’s resale store, Treasure Hound) helps you feel part of a community of individuals who share your commitment to providing a forever home to a loving pet. Adopt the new love of your life at Friends of Homeless Animals. www.foha.org 16 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 It’s time for some REEL fun! Please join us for a movie family night in Ashburn Farm SUNSET CINEMA * Show time starts promptly at 8:30 PM FRIDAY, AUGUST 12th, 2016 21400 Windmill Drive – In front of Windmill Pavilion Please bring your own blankets / lawn chairs for seating on the lawn under the stars. Popcorn, candy, and soda will be sold at this event. Please bring SMALL bills. **A PG rated movie will be chosen by the Ashburn Farm staff. This is NOT a drop off event. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Any further questions, please call Rachel or Kristen at 703.729.6680. July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 17 Library Corner Welcome July with a bang!! It never really feels like summer until the 4th of July! Soon you’ll be hearing the sounds of the cicadas and seeing the magical lights of the fireflies and enjoying the warm, balmy nights. A Perfect time to take a walk on the wild side this month with Animal Athletes with the Wildlife Ambassadors. And for you dog lovers out there come to the Guiding Eyes for the Blind program and learn how puppies are taught to be guides for those with visual impairments and Autism. Hey Teens, have you got a great idea on how to improve the world around you? Interested in filmmaking? Then be sure to Submit a short film about how to “Build a Better World” in the Teen Film Competition! Writing is key this month at the library with the multiple programs offered by author and writing coach David Hazard, and just in time for the Write On! 2016 Adult Short Story Contest. Most definitely, make sure you follow the yellow brick road and catch the performance of Wizard of Oz by the Hampstead Stage Company. Don’t forget the Summer Reading Program! It’s not too late to sign up at your local Ashburn Library. Check out the current issue of Pages! at the library to get a complete listing of all the programs and activities offered this month as well as a full listing of all storytimes at all the Loudoun County Public Libraries or you can visit their website: http//Library.Loudoun.gov If the heat of July has finally gotten to you and you don’t feel like cooking over a hot stove, then take a trip to Wendy’s in Broadlands for a quick and tasty meal. On the first Tuesday of every month Wendy’s partners with Friends of the Ashburn Library (FOAL) and generously donates a portion of their profits from 5:00-8:00pm. This month join us on Tuesday, July 5th. A quick and easy way to support the Local Ashburn library! Ashburn Library Calendar - July 2016 Art on Exhibit - Modern Expressionist Florals by Lisa Cohen Library Closings - Monday, July 4 Programs For Everyone LEGO® Family Build - Build an amazing creation with your loved ones. Fridays. 2 p.m Animal Athletes with Wildlife Ambassadors - Get up close and personal with these amazing animals from around the world. The animals are non-releasable wildlife, unwanted pets and captive bred educational animals. For all ages. Sponsored by the Loudoun Library Foundation. Tickets (free) are required and will be available half an hour before the program. Monday, July 11, 7 p.m. Wizard of Oz performed by Hampstead Stage Company Accompany Dorothy on her strange and enchanting adventures as she finds her way back home in this adaptation of L. Frank Baum’s classic book. For all ages. Sponsored by the Loudoun Library Foundation. Tickets (free) are required and will be available half an hour before the program. Monday, July 18, 7 p.m. 18 Meet Your Community: Guiding Eyes for the Blind - Learn how puppy raisers teach their dogs to become guides for those with visual impairment and Autism. Presented by the Shenandoah Region of Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Tuesday, July 19, 3 p.m. The Human Body with Franklin Institute Traveling Science Shows - A wild journey through The Human Body to discover how nutrients in the food we eat are converted into the energy that keeps us on the move. Learn how our muscles work, and what our blood actually accomplishes as it flows through our veins and arteries. Sponsored by Loudoun Library Foundation. For all ages. Tickets (free) are required and will be available half an hour before the program. Monday, July 25, 7 p.m. Everything Bikes - Spice up your bike with colorful crafts, learn about bike safety and even earn your very own bike permit at this bike-a-riffic program for the whole family. Tuesday, July 26, 3 p.m. Children Games Galore - Enjoy indoor, outdoor and giant-sized games. For Grades K-5. Tuesday, July 5, 3 p.m. Play-Doh® Maker Day - Join us to make your own Play-Doh® sculptures! For Grades K-5. Wednesday, July 6, 3 p.m. Art Through the Ages - Travel through time to learn about art during different time periods. Each era will have its own craft station. For Grades K-5. Thursday, July 7, 3 p.m. Reading Buddies Storytime - Encourage your child’s love of books and reading development by pairing them with a teen reading buddy for one-on-one reading time. For Preschool-Grade 2. Mondays, 4:30 p.m. Musical Storyteller Adam Booth - Adam Booth is a nationally recognized storyteller whose art is built upon generations of diverse voices and storytellers from central Appalachia. Join us for this interactive session full of music and stories. For Grades K-5. Tuesday, July 12, 3 p.m. Sidewalk Chalk Extravaganza - Come create sidewalk art while eating summer snacks. For Grades K-5. Thursday, July 14, 3 p.m. Puzzle Power - Exercise your brain with challenges, including pentominoes, tangrams, floor puzzles and more. For Grades K-5. Wednesday, July 20, 3 p.m. Stranger than Friction - Slip and slide your way through the science behind some of your favorite sports with hands-on experiments and activities. For Grades K-5. Thursday, July 21, 3 p.m. Library Lab - Explore STEM games, kits and puzzles during this drop-in session. For Grades K-5. Saturday, July 23, 2 p.m. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 Space Camp - Learn about rockets and discover the challenges of living and working in space in this hands-on session. For Grades K-5. Thursday, July 28, 3 p.m. Movie Time - Minions, Rated PG, 91 minutes. Thursday, July 28, 6 p.m. Teens Lights, Camera, Action! Teen Film Competition - Create a short film around the theme of “Build a Better World.” Films will be shown to a live audience, with prizes awarded to the top 3 films and an Audience Choice Award at the awards ceremony on Sunday, August 14. Winners will be awarded passes to attend all regular film screenings of the Middleburg Film Festival in October. See our website for submission guidelines at library.loudoun. gov/teenfilm. Enter by Sunday, July 31 Super Smash Bros Wii U Tournament Qualifying Round - Are you the best Super Smash Bros Wii U player in Loudoun County? Win this qualifying round to represent Ashburn Library at the finale at the After Hours Teen Center (Cascades Library) on Friday, August 19. Wednesday, July 13, 2 p.m. Brambleton Teen Lit Book Club - Epileptic by David B. Whether you love young adult literature already or are just curious to try it, meet and discuss some of the latest titles popular with teens. Pick up a copy of this month’s selection at the Gum Spring Library Teen Center or the Brambleton Town Center Welcome Center. Check with Gum Spring Library for the meeting location. Adults welcome. Tuesday, July 19, 6:30 p.m. Silent Library Amazing Race - Are you up for a challenge? Think you can solve clues, navigate the library and complete challenges all while remaining silent? Then join us for this fun jaunt at the library. Wednesday, July 27, 3 p.m. Adults Write On! 2016 Adult Short Story Contest - Take part in our annual adult short story writing contest. Follow submission guidelines at library.loudoun.gov/writeon then submit your entry: [email protected] by July 31. Save the date: Awards Party featuring Bill Beverly, Cascades Library, Sunday, September 25, 2 pm. First Place: $200, Second Place: $100 and Third Place: $50. Winning and honorable mention authors will receive a copy of a book featuring stories from the contest, published by our own Symington Press. For ages 19 & up. Sponsored by the Loudoun Library Foundation. Enter by Sunday, July 31 ESOL : English Conversation Group - An informal conversation group for non-native speakers to practice speaking English. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Thursdays, 10 a.m. Success at Self-publishing with Author and Writing Coach David Hazard - Many writers are launching successful careers in publishing by self-publishing their books. What are the secrets to their success? This talk will show you how to successfully market your own book and make more money than by issuing your book through a traditional, commercial publisher. Use the information gleaned to enter the Write On! Short Story contest for adults. Thursday, July 7, 7 p.m. Strategy Gaming - Modern Adult Programs (MAPS): Join fellow strategy game enthusiasts for friendly competition with games like Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride. Sunday, July 10, 2 p.m. Brambleton Adult Book Club - Ruby by Cynthia Bond. The Brambleton Community Center is located at 42645 Regal Wood Drive, Brambleton. Pick up copies of the book at the Brambleton Community Association office at 42395 Ryan Road, Suite 210, Brambleton. Monday, July 11, 7:30 p.m. Smart Reasons to Choose Native Plants with Audubon at Home - Spend less time watering your plants and mowing your lawn this summer by using natives in your home garden. Learn how you can get started, who can help you, where you can buy native plants and how you can make a small change in your garden that makes a big difference in helping butterflies and pollinators. Wednesday, July 13, 7 p.m. Writing Great Fiction with Author and Writing Coach David Hazard - Hidden within all great fiction are writing structures and secrets that turn a good story idea and interesting characters into a great novel. This talk will show you the techniques of great fiction writing - including plot and character development that keeps pages turning and readers riveted to your story and might help in writing a winning submission to the Write On! Short Story Contest for Adults! Thursday, July 14, 7 p.m. Writing Creative Nonfiction with author and writing coach David Hazard - Today’s reading audience is hungry for great, creative non-fiction. Learn how a topic that interests you -from A(stronomy) to Z(oology) - can be turned into a top selling book and maybe a winning entry for the Write On! Thursday, July 21, 7 p.m. Dulles South Senior Activity Center Book Club - The Headmaster’s Wife by Thomas Christopher Greene. The Dulles South Senior Activity Center is located at 24950 Riding Center Dr., South Riding. Pick up copies of the book at the Senior Center Staff Office. Wednesday, July 27, 10 a.m. Adult Book Club - Take Me With You by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Tuesday, July 5, 7 p.m. Graphic Novel/Comics Book Club - Honor Girl by Maggie Thrash. Copies of the book will be available at the Ashburn Information Desk. The Graphic Novels/Comics Book Club meets at Comic Logic, 44031 Ashburn Shopping Plaza, #281, Ashburn, VA. Wednesday, July 6, 7 p.m. July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 19 Classifieds Businesses & Services Garden Coach and Designer Experienced gardener, teacher and coach ready to partner with you in your gardening ventures, big or small! Ashburn Farm resident; certified in landscape design and education; trained Master Gardener. Don’t miss summer planting opportunities! Call Jeanette at 703.727.9398 or email jeanette@bellavitagardens. com. Website: bellavitagardens.com. Quality Turf Care Lawn maintenance - mowing, trimming, and edging. Free estimates. Ashburn Farm resident - serving the comunity for 20 years. Contact Tim Weaver @ 703-967-9603 or tbweaver5@ gmail.com. Happy Hatters The HAPPY HATTERS will enjoy a movie at the STARPLEX THEATER in Ashburn on July 16 (time to be announced). Following the movie, we will have lunch at a local restaurant. For more information, please contact Peggy - 703-723-3056. WEDNESDAY MORNING LADIES BOWLING LEAGUE Keep fit while having fun. We meet Wednesday mornings at 9:20am starting September 7 for 32 weeks at Village Lanes in Leesburg. Preseason meeting August 31 at 9:30am. To sign-up, call Judi at (703) 407-3792. YOUR HANDYMAN SERVICES We are a complete home services company. Get your home ready for the summer, for rent, or for selling. Licensed and Insured. Call today 571-437-4113 or email [email protected]. ASHBURN LAW OFFICE, PLC. Ashburn Law Office, PLC., is dedicated to serving clients’ needs honestly, expeditiously and affordably in the following areas of law: wills/living wills, prenuptial agreements, criminal charge expungements, traffic infractions, DUI/DWI, divorce, personal injury, landlord/tenant disputes, immigration, contractual disputes and more. 44081 Pipeline Plaza Suite 105 Ashburn, VA 20147. www.Ashburn-Law-Office.com, 703-986-3337, Attorney@ Ashburn-Law-Office.com. Guitar Lessons Study the Classical Guitar - all ages. www.ashburnguitarstudio. com. Home Improvement Contractor Specializing in remodeling bathrooms, remodeling laundry rooms, express water heater replacement (24/7), hot tub installation, plumbing, electrical work, finishing basements, expert at waterproofing wet basements. 30 years experience. For all your home improvement needs, please call Marc at 703-7240772. 20 Looking for A Full-Time Lawn Service? Spring is almost here...is your lawn ready? I offer a full range of lawn care services. Mowing, (including trimming, edging, and blowing off debris); weed control; lawn fertilization; aeration; and many other yard care services. Call Dan Baltich for a FREE estimate: 571-278-1885. Tutor SAT, AP, College Prep, reading/writing. Current students instructed: grades 3rd-12th. AP, SAT, College Pathway Coordinator and Data Analyst administrator. PhD Candidate and previous teacher of year. Can provide 20+ exemplary references. Local and Flexible. 703-439-9662; [email protected]. MOMS Club® of Ashburn We offer support for stay-at-home mothers, including those who work part-time or have a home-based business. Our club is volunteer-run, is a wonderful way to meet other mothers & get involved in the local community. Weekly fun events & playgroups, monthly field trips & speakers. Interested? Contact us at [email protected] or visit www.bigtent.com/ groups/ashburnmoms. Ashburn Classics The Ashburn Classics will meet on July 9, 2016, at the Mills Recreation Center in Ashburn Village at 10:30am. We will have an old-fashioned picnic and an auction. For more information, please contact Arlene - 703-726-0711. PRIVATE MATH TUTORING I will tutor your math student in your home. Improve their abilities in middle school, SAT/ACT, high school and college mathematics. Contact Steve Lubore, Ph.D. at 703-729-9248 or [email protected]. Bane Electrical Service LLC Small Commercial & Residential. Trouble shooting experts! Specializing in High Chandelier Installs, Recessed light installations and Home Inspection items. In Ashburn since 1999! Call 703-723-6501 or email [email protected]. Certified Personal Trainer Certified Personal Trainer and Weight Management Consultant with over twenty years of experience would love to help you get stronger, leaner, and gain overall fitness just in time for summer. Learn how to be a healthier you! Call Debbie (Ashburn Farm resident) at 703-615-1665. Website: DebRuns.com. GRASS MOWING and Landscaping Excellent service for end unit town homes, single family, absentee landlords and real estate agents hadling vacant home sales. Mow, edge, trim and blow plus Scott’s seasonal applications available. A great gift idea! Retired Professionals Lawn Service. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 Classifieds For Sale Neighborhood Party For Sale Oak Entertainment Center with 2 matching side units with doors, a coffee table, a behind the couch table and a side arm table. Asking $350. A Para Body EX500 exercise station. Bought used, but rarely used by both owners. Asking $200. (Bought for over $1,000) A Carlson extra tall gate with pet door. Asking $30. A Thomasville solid and heavy office desk with drawers and dividers on both sides with matching chair. Asking $200. Queen oak headboard/footboard and frame. Asking $30. Antique queen bedroom set with matching dresser and mirror, armoire and vanity with stool. Asking $500. Child’s Stanley desk w/ 3 level hutch, $75. Other miscellaneous items. Please call Debbie at 703-975-6263 to make offers. Lee Neighborhood A Neighborhood Party is scheduled for all residents of the Lee Neighborhood on July 30th, starting at 2:00PM in the neighborhood common area. The Lee Neighborhood is comprised of the following streets: Crocus Terrace, Laburnum Square, Stonebridge Drive, Vineland Square, and Wildflower Square. If you have questions about the event, please contact Molly at molly.martin@ gmail.com. Thank you! July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 21 Ashburn Farm Odd Job Squad Please consider the following young people for your odd job needs! The Ashburn Farm Association makes no claim as to the qualifications of the below-mentioned persons. Please be sure to update your contact information regularly. Thank you! Name Address Phone Age Advertising Information and Specifications The following information lists the specifications for display advertising in Across the Fence. All advertising is due (copy and payment) by the 10th of the preceding month of the issue. Ad Type Bus. Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Open Rate $90 $170 $310 $525 Inside Cover N/A $190 $390 $650 Extended Contract* $85 $150 $280 $495 Dimensions 3.5”w x 2”h 3.5”w x 5”h 7.5”w x 5”h 7.5”w x 9.8”h *Extended contracts refer to advertising commitments for a period of six months or more. Pre-payment of the term is required in order to take advantage of the extended contract discounts. An Insertion Order Form must be submitted with ad. Forms are available at the Association Office or via fax and our website. Advertiser must provide in digital form (PDF or TIF files only, PC formatted). Ad copy may be in black & white or color. Ads will run as-is; no alterations will be made by the Association. Ads exceeding the proper size reserved will not run. 22 Space Reservation and Payment Requirements Ad space is limited and reserved on a first come-first served basis. Payment in full is due for ad space before the deadline (except for extended term contracts – these are due at reservation). We do not bill – pre-payment of ad space is mandatory. Make checks payable to Ashburn Farm Association. If payment is not received by the deadline, the space becomes forfeited. We will not refund payment due to missed deadlines for copy. Copy submitted must meet the required specifications. We will not be held responsible if copy is not submitted by the deadline even though payment has been received. Advertising copy and payment can be mailed to: Ashburn Farm Association Attn: Alicia Young, Editor 21400 Windmill Drive Ashburn, VA 20147 Note: The Editor reserves the right to reject any advertisements for any reason. Ads that are deemed inappropriate or distasteful for this publication will not be run. No political advertising permitted. Advertising orders cannot be canceled after the deadline without prior arrangements. Questions can be forwarded to [email protected] or 703-7296680. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016 July 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 23 Coming In August... August 1: Assessments Due August 11: ARB Meeting August 12: Movie Night August 19: B&F Meeting 24 August 23: Open Space Comm. August 25: ARB Mtg/Hearings August 26: Middle School Swim Night August 29: 1st Day of School www.ashburnfarmassociation.org July 2016
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