June - Ashburn Farm Association
June - Ashburn Farm Association
Across the Fence The Ashburn Farm Community Newsletter Summer is here! Inside This Issue Assessment Reminder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Board Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 New Approved BOT Resolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ice Cream Social��������������������������������������������������������7 Annual Inspections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Pool Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11 OSC Common Grounds Class. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 What’s Happening in June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 June 2016 Library Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Paw Prints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Approved BOT Resolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-27 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-21 Red Cross Blood Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Odd Job Squad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Newsletter Advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Volume 28, Issue 6 Distribution 4,400 2 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 From the Editor . . . All of the summer activities are underway at Ashburn Farm Association. The pools are open, tennis courts are packed, and kids are looking forward to their final days of the school year. With summer not far away, and the kids getting out of school soon, I’d like to remind everyone to drive safely through Ashburn Farm. Please remember that kids aren’t always as careful as we’d like them to be. Keep an eye out so we can all enjoy a great, safe summer! I hope that all of you were able to come out for the Summer Kick Off event on Memorial Day weekend - we had a great turn-out again this year! Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped organize and work at the event!! Without you all, we would never be able to have events like this. We have lots of upcoming activities going on at Ashburn Farm, including our annual Helen K’s Ice Cream Social on July 15th. This is another fun family-friendly event! All the information about the event can be found on page 7. If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to call the Association Office at 703-729-6680 or email Rachel at rhess@ afhoa.net. As mowing and lawn care season gets busier, please remember that Patriot Disposal requires all yard waste to be placed in paper bags at the curb. They cannot accept yard waste in clear plastic bags, per Loudoun County Landfill requirements. Yard debris will be collected each Monday. Yard debris is defined as “grass clippings, leaves and hedge trimmings”. Grass clippings must be placed at the curb in paper bags, or in a separate container clearly marked “yard waste.” Hedge trimmings must be less than 6-inches in diameter, cut into 4-foot lengths, and tied in small bundles or bagged. Bundles are not to exceed two feet in diameter. Yard debris does not include stumps, whole trees, or clean-up from storm damage. Collection of these items may be provided for an additional charge. As the weather gets warmer, residents are also doing more work on their property. Please remember that any changes you plan to make to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Architectural Review Board prior to the start of the project. You can download the Exterior Alteration Application from our website or pick one up at the Association Office. If you have any questions at all, please call the Office at 703-729-6680 or email [email protected]. Until next month . . . Happy Father’s Day! Alicia Young Editor Please be sure your monthly 2016 HOA assessment payments have been updated: Single Family: $74.13 Townhouse: $83.00 Condo: $53.53 Planning an Exterior Change or Modification to Your Property? If you are making an exterior change/modification to your property, you must submit an Exterior Alteration Application, along with the applicable worksheets. Please see the Architectural Standard and/or website to see if a worksheet is required for your project. Approval must be received from the Architectural Review Board before you start your project. The application and worksheets can be downloaded from our website: www.ashburnfarmassociation.org. Should you have any questions, please contact the Association Office at 703-729-6680 or email [email protected]. June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 3 Across the Fence This is a monthly community publication for the residents of Ashburn Farm. Published by the Ashburn Farm Association. Alicia Young – Editor Jeremy Cushman – General Manager Milan Detweiler – President, Board of Trustees 4100 Total Circulation, mailed to residents and owners. Printing by GAM Printers, Sterling, VA. DEADLINES: Display Advertising – 10th of the preceding month Classified Advertising – 10th of the preceding month Committee Reports/Community News – 15th of the preceding month For more information on Advertising Specifications and Guidelines, please see the back pages of this newsletter. All material (news, advertising, etc.) is subject to editing at the discretion of the Editor and/or General Manager. Ashburn Farm Association does not endorse or attest to the services offered by any advertisement and will not be held responsible as a result. Ashburn Farm Association Staff The Association Staff is responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations of the Association. The staff cannot make or change rules nor can they make arbitrary exceptions to existing rules. We are happy to assist you with any questions you may have or provide information. The Association Office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jeremy Cushman - General Manager Janice Brewer - Architectural Review Administrator Cheri Jean* - Financial/Disclosure Coordinator Alicia Young - Communications Director Bob Silvay - Covenants Administrator Betty Potter - Covenants Assistant Matt Johnson - Maintenance Assistant Chrissy Gier - Covenants Department Chip Mathews - Maintenance Assistant Rachel Hess - Activities Coordinator Kristen Cornwell - Activities Coordinator *Notary Public at Large for the Commonwealth of Virginia (call for information or appointment) Ashburn Farm Association 21400 Windmill Drive Ashburn, Virginia 20147 Phone: 703-729-6680, Fax: 703-729-0247 Email: [email protected] Community Policing Officer: 703-729-4497 4 Ashburn Farm Assessments & General Information Collection Policy Assessments are due the first day of each month. Any installment of the annual assessment not paid to the Association within thirty (30) days after the due date shall be considered delinquent and a late charge of $25.00 shall be assessed to the Owner and posted to the Owner’s account for every thirty (30) days delinquent. Home Sales Effective July 1, 1989, the Virginia General Assembly enacted a new law entitled the “Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act”. This act requires the seller of a home to make certain disclosures to the intended purchaser of their lot. All home sales in Ashburn Farm are subject to the Virginia Property Owner’s Association Act. A written request of the Association Disclosure Package and a check in the amount of: $225.00 for an electronic disclosure (on CD-R) for townhome/single family; $250 for a paper disclosure for townhome/single family; $100 for electronic or paper disclosure for condo; are required to begin processing. A rush fee of $50.00 may be paid to receive your disclosure within 3 days. Checks should be made payable to the Ashburn Farm Association. A form is available on the website or at the Association Office. The completed package will be issued within 14 calendar days to the requesting party or agent. For further information, please contact the Association Office. Further Information Please feel free to contact Summit Management Services for further information or with any questions you may have about your assessment account. Summit Management Services, Inc. www.summitmanage.com Phone: 301-495-0146 [email protected] Ashburn Farm Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is an all-volunteer resident group that is responsible for interpreting the covenants and rules governing Ashburn Farm. Board of Trustees meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Windmill Community Center located on Windmill Drive. All Ashburn Farm homeowners are encouraged to attend. Milan Detweiler - President Tim Hughes - Vice President Marc Ripperger - Secretary Steve Lubore - Treasurer Rich Oakley - Trustee Mike Kimmel - Trustee Shirley Tabor - Trustee www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 Board Briefs This complete draft of the BOT meeting minutes will be reviewed and voted on at the next BOT meeting. The complete set of minutes may be viewed at the Association Office. noted that there have been some complaints regarding the lack of food vendors and trash boxes. Jeremy will ask Patriot Disposal for additional trash and recycling boxes this year. He stated that there is limited space for food vendors to set up; more vendors could be added only if the number of rides is decreased or the fireworks are eliminated. Many food vendors will not come to an event as small as Summer Kick Off on Memorial Day Weekend because they can make more money at bigger events. At the regular BOT meeting held on May 3, 2016, the following items were discussed: • Vice President, Milan Detweiler, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. • A motion passed (5/0/0/2) to approve the April 5, 2016 minutes, as submitted. The Board has reviewed the proposed Trash Survey, and some edits have been made. Jeremy mentioned that, as he has driven around the community, he has found that many of the townhome owners already have purchased their own trash container. APPEALS • None. COMMITTEE REPORTS • Architectural Review Board – Duane Glass stated that the number of applications being received is increasing quite a bit, as is expected at this time of the year. The Committee is working on changes to the Architectural Standards & Maintenance Guidelines to clarify some standards. • Budget & Finance – Steve Lovejoy stated that the B&F Committee did not meet in April. They will be meeting on May 20th with the Association auditor, Jim Daly, and a representative from Summit Management, Walker Rowe. He stated that the Association revenue is currently $37,000 above plan, and the expenses were nearly $100,000 below expected as of March. He noted that most of this was merely a timing issue, and expenses will be due later in the year; however, he said that some of those savings will be carried forward. The increase in revenue came from non-resident families purchasing outside pool memberships earlier than usual, and also from many residents pre-paying their assessments for the year. Steve Lubore mentioned that our representative from Morgan Stanley has retired, and his replacement, Hamilton Clark, will be coming to the upcoming B&F meeting. He would like the Association and the Swim Team to open new bank accounts at Wells Fargo and cancel the PNC accounts (due to their higher service fees). • • Open Space Committee – Valerie Sheckler stated that the weather was very rainy for Beautification Day, but there were still about 64 volunteers. She mentioned that they planted some native plants in the community during the event as well. Rich Oakley noted that he had a few residents request more than one clean-up day per year. Jeremy stated that the poison ivy could be a problem between April and October, but another event would be helpful in the fall, if residents will volunteer to help. The Committee will be at Summer Kick Off with the ping pong table to help raise awareness for the Committee. Manager’s Report – Jeremy mentioned that all of the permits are in place for the Summer Kick Off event. The Board June 2016 Proposals for digital reader boards for the community have been received. Jeremy is working with the ARB to decide if they would be appropriate in the community. A usage policy would need to be created. The funding would be available in the Reserve Account in 2017 for the replacement of the three existing community reader boards. OLD BUSINESS • DeLong Room Rental Contract Update – A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to approve the proposed update to the DeLong Room Rental Contract with an increase in rental fees, Resolution #05032016. Shirley Tabor stated that she feels the cleaning fee should be closer to $125, instead of $75. Jeremy mentioned that the cleaning fee is going to increase dramatically due to cleaning being outsourced. (Please see the complete resolution on our website, http://www. ashburnfarmassociation.org/resolutions/Common%20 Area%20Usage/May%202016%20Room%20Rental%20 Agreement.pdf). NEW BUSINESS • Board of Trustees Officer Nominations – • A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to appoint Milan Detweiler at the BOT President. • A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to appoint Tim Hughes as the BOT Vice President. • A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to appoint Steve Lubore as the BOT Treasurer. • A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to appoint Marc Ripperger as the BOT Secretary. • The following Board members were appointed to Committee Liaison positions: • Milan Detweiler – Employee Relations Committee • Steve Lubore – Budget & Finance • Shirley Tabor, Tim Hughes – ARB • Rich Oakley – Recreation Committee • Mike Kimmel – Open Space Committee ADJOURNMENT A motion passed (6/0/0/1) to adjourn the regular business meeting at 8:27 PM. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 5 6 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 7 8 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 2016 Annual Inspections June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 9 10 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 11 12 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 13 What’s Happening in June... May 1-Oct 30, Brambleton Farmers Market 9 am - 1 pm Legacy Park Legacy Park Drive, Brambleton 540-454-8089, www.brambleton.com This is a producer-only market featuring local fruits, vegetables, grass fed beef, lamb, goat, pork, wine, honey, salsa and baked goods. June 3, Friday Concert on the Lawn Series at Greenhill Winery Greenhill Winery & Vineyards 6:00pm - 8:00pm greenhillvineyards.com/ 23595 Winery Lane, Middleburg Enjoy a glass of wine at our Friday Concert on the Lawn Series with James Miner Jazz Group. June 1-30, It’s a Beach Thing featuring lamp-work glass artist Julie Bahun and abstract painter Karen Hutchison Monday - Saturday 10 am - 9 pm, Sunday Noon - 6 pm 571 442-8661, www.artsinthevillage.com 1601 Village Market Blvd., Suite 116, Leesburg Arts in the Village Gallery announces the June Featured Artist exhibit, It’s a Beach Thing . . . , celebrating cool ocean waves and warm powdered sand, this exhibit is sure to get you in the mood for summer fun at the beach. Fun and functional jewelry designs by lamp-work glass artist Julie Bahun are intermingled with abstract paintings of the beach, sea and surrounds by Karen Hutchison in this inspiring early summer show. June 4-5, Strawberry Jubilee at Great Country Farms 9am-6pm 540-554-2073, www.greatcountryfarms.com 18780 Foggy Bottom Rd, Bluemont Join us for the biggest pick your own strawberry festival in Northern Virginia. To celebrate the royal strawberry, our Jubilee is packed with live music, farm contests, u-pick strawberries, and great food. The infamous Pie Eating Contest and Tart Toss will keep you smiling. Don’t miss the Diaper Derby where babies from 9 to 12 months of age crawl to the finish line to win great prizes. Bring your camera to have your photo taken with the Royal Strawberry Princess and blow magical bubbles. We’ll have wagon rides to our u-pick strawberry fields (while supplies last) so come before 11am to pick and then stay to play. For this festival weekend we will have plenty of pre-picked berries in our Farm Market for purchase if you arrive after we are picked out for the day. And what better way to honor the amazing strawberry than by feasting on strawberry sundae’s, chocolate dipped strawberries, and strawberry pie. Admission: $10/child, $12/adult. New to the Gallery, artist Julie Bahun proffers a selection of vibrant wearable art jewelry, both sculptural pieces as well as those designed using her unique glass beads. Inspired by nature, including the hues of summer as well as the sight of crashing waves along the shore, Julie renders unique pieces that display a balance of color, shape and texture. Karen Hutchison’s alluring ocean and sky blue tones coupled with textural beach vistas draw the viewer in for a closer look. Karen leverages a range of mixed media techniques and materials to develop her designs which are alternatively structural or flowing, calm or invigorating, soft or dynamic. All are invited to the open to the public Artists’ Reception at the Gallery on Saturday, June 4th from 5 to 8 pm. Admission: Free. June 2, Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon Welcome Reception 6:30pm www.imathlete.com/events/EventStore.aspx?fEID=25945&m Source=imAOverview Winery 32 15066 Limestone School Road, Leesburg Kick off race weekend with a spectaculary food and wine experience that the Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon Welcome Recetion. The celebration wil lbe held at stunning Winery 32, a family-run winery with a sweet story to tell. Drive past 32 beautiful peach trees before reaching the 32 acre vineyard, which was planted on the 32nd anniversary of owners Roxanne and Michael Moosher. Taste an array of wines, enjoy small bites, and mingle with fellow runners, VIPs and Race Director Matt Dockstader. Admission: $40 per guest. 14 June 10-11, Lavender Festival 703-431-0779 www.bloominghillva.com Blooming Hill LavenderFarm 19929 Telegraph Springs Road, Purcellville Teas, tours, vendors and PYO Lavender are all in the plan. Learn how to make a lavender wand, or an herbal tussie mussie with members of the Herb Society of America and see how they make beautiful rose beads. Admission: Free. June 11, Americana Beer Fest 2-7pm www.americanabeerfest.org/ Morven Park 17195 Southern Planter Lane, Leesburg The Americana Brewfest will make its Northern Virginia debut June 11, 2016 at Morven Park in Leesburg. The festival will feature everything from homebrew demonstrations and beer-centricworkshops hosted by industry professionals, to live music from nationally touring musicians. Producers will also be presenting their own “Games for Grown Folks” Field Day-style game zone which will include life-sized Jenga, keg bowling, human foosball, life-size Connect Four and more. While ABF will boast over 160 tasty libations from around the country, non-drinkers can also enjoy samples throughout the day at the festival’s Soda Garden, which will house more than 30 varieties of handcrafted soda. Americana Beer Fest (ABF) was founded to celebrate craft beer culture and fuel creativity via educational panels and workshops from industry professionals, live music, and a showcase of themed www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 installations by featured artisans --whether their specialty lies in culinary, performing or visual arts. This event is produced by Hype Promotions and benefits Boulder Crest Retreat. Admission: General Admission - $45 VIP - $100 http://www.etix. com/ticket/p/6142090/americana-beer-fest-leesburg-morven-park. June 11, Dog Ice Cream Social at 868 868 Estate Vineyards 11AM - 6PM 540-668-7008, 868estatevineyards.com/ Come celebrate summer with an old fashion ice cream social and pool party for the pooches! Free doggy ice cream (while supplies last) and a chance for your pooch to cool off in our dog pools and meet new friends. While your canine companion is enjoying their treat, buy a bottle of wine and spend the afternoon with other dog lovers in our picnic area. Wine tastings from $8. Dog ice cream, one scoop free per dog. Well-behaved dogs on leashes welcome in all of our outside areas. Enjoy live music by Deane Kern and food from The Grill at 868. Admission: free, wine tastings from $8. June 11, 19th Annual Cajun Festival & Crawfish Boil Breaux Vineyards 11:00am-6:00pm 540 668-6299 x204, www.breauxvineyards.com 36888 Breaux Vineyards Lane, Purcellville 19th Annual Cajun Festival & Crawfish Boil Come join your Cajun cousins at Breaux Vineyards for our 19th annual Cajun Festival and Crawfish Boil. Enjoy wine tastings, craft vendors, Cajun fare for sale, and more at this annual celebration of our Cajun heritage. Starting off the day, we have live music with the exceptional Voodoo Blues Band. Then, be ready to get on your feet with the amazing Crawdaddies that will have you rockin’ for the rest of the afternoon. Activities for the young (and young at heart!) include clowns, balloon art, and face painting. Seating is limited, so we encourage you to bring blankets & lawn chairs. Please remember, no dogs or picnics are permitted at our festivals. Adult drinker - Admission into festival, Souvenir wine glass, Bead necklace, Wine tasting). Pricing: $16 Pre-sale, $20 At the gate. Tickets for festivals will be available for sale online at the discounted price until 8 pm the day before the event. tors a chance to step into the working studios of many talented Loudoun’s artists. Watch a bowl form from a lump of clay, a bead take shape from a tube of glass, or a length of fabric emerge from a network of threads. Enjoy paintings, pewter, pottery, photography, jewelry, wearable art, glass, fiber arts, sculpture and much more. Take this unique opportunity to talk personally with the artists, purchase artwork, view demonstrations, or win a door prize - and it’s all free! The Western Loudoun Artist Studio Tour winds through the scenic countryside of historic western Loudoun County. Find out more about the Studio Tour online at www.wlast.org. Admission: Free. June 18, SummerFest! Loudoun Soccer Park 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. loudounsoccer.com/pro23/, 19798 Sycolin Road, Leesburg Loudoun Soccer will be holding a family-friendly Summer SoccerFest for the doubleheader PRO23 game on June 18th! You are invited to join us for a tailgate atmosphere beginning at 3 PM (1 hour prior to kickoff) and packed with fun! Entrance is $10/adult and kids get in FREE! All attendees receive a FREE burger or dog (limit 1 per person). PLUS, the first 45 fathers will receive a FREE pair of sunglasses, courtesy of Dick’s Sporting Goods! Entertainment includes: Bounce House, Face painting, Corn hole, Can jam, Nutmeg (Loudoun Soccer mascot), Beer tent (21+), Food tent, …plus halftime entertainment with prizes and more! All games are BYOC (bring your own chair)! Wear your Loudoun Soccer gear and bring the noise! Flags and banners are encouraged when supporting players, the team or the club. Start your summer off right with us! June 25, Red, White & Bram 6-10pm www.brambleton.com 42395 Ryan Rd, Ashburn This annual 4th of July event is a fun-filled evening of fireworks, games, and prizes! Admission: Free. June 17, Parents’ Night Out Loudoun Soccer Park 7:00 - 10:30 loudounsoccer.com/pno/ 19798 Sycolin Rd, Leesburg Need an evening without the kids? Loudoun Soccer wants to give you the opportunity to take a well-deserved break! Go out for a night on the town feeling confident that your little ones are safe and having a great time! The kids will enjoy a variety of games including volleyball, soccer tennis, corn hole, and popcorn and a movie (Despicable Me 2). They won’t want the night to end! Loudoun Soccer will provide popcorn. We will have slices of pizza available for $1 a slice. Admission: 1st Child: $25 Addition Children: $15/child. June 18-19, 11th Annual Western Loudoun Artists Studio Tour Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 10am-5pm 540-338-7973, www.wlast.org Purcellville Now in its 11th year, this popular self-guided tour offers visi- June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 15 Library Corner Summer time!! Is there any better time, than summertime?! Slap on that sunscreen, get on those flip flops and head to the pool! and the library! Summer is a great time to take advantage of all the programs and activities the library has to offer. Keep those kiddoes busy with the 2016 Summer Reading Program which kicks off June 15th. Make your first summer memory and dress up as your favorite sports star and get your picture taken in the photo booth and come see man’s best friend in action with a live demonstration from the Virginia Search and Rescue Dog Associaton. June 17, 5-7:30 p.m. Book Sale (no admission fee): Saturday, June 18 & Sunday, June 19: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Hey teens, looking for a summer job? Find the best job by starting out with a great resume’. Be sure to attend the Resume 101 program and see what a really great resume’ can do for your future. Calling all future authors! See if you’ve got the “write” stuff and submit your short story in the 2016 Adult Short Story Contest. Meet Your Community: Virginia Search and Rescue Dog Association Learn about search and rescue dogs and see a live demonstration from the Virginia Search and Rescue Dog Association. Tuesday, June 21, 3 p.m. And you can NEVER have enough books! Be sure to visit the Ashburn Library 2016 Summer Book Sale June 17th, 18th& 19th. Thousands of books for all ages and all genres. All proceeds go directly back to the Ashburn Library to support future programs and activities for all of the community to enjoy! Expand that reading list by buying even more books at the Library Foundation Book Sale June 24th-26th! For a complete listing of all Loudoun County Library programs and activities and a detailed listing of all Story-times go to their website: http//Library.Loudoun.gov and don’t forget to pick up a copy of the PAGES! magazine at your local library. Looking for a quick and tasty meal after all that book buying? Head on down to Wendy’s in Broadlands. On the first Tuesday of every month Wendy’s partners with Friends of the Ashburn Library (FOAL) and generously donates a portion of their profits from 5:00-8:00pm. What could be easier than that to support your local Ashburn Library! ART ON DISPLAY Pet Portraits by John Dietrich PROGRAMS FOR EVERYONE Young Musicians Series: Stone Hill Middle School 8th Grade Guitar Ensemble A talented group of young musicians in their second year of guitar instruction who enjoy performing at local community events. The Ensemble is directed by Ms. Tammy Lanham. Thursday, June 2, 7 p.m. Summer Reading Program Kick-Off: Photo Booth On Your Mark, Get Set...Read! Sign up for our Summer Reading Program and stop by our photo booth dressed as your favorite athlete. Wednesday, June 15, 3 p.m. Friends of the Ashburn Library Book Sale Books, movies, music and more - all at great prices! Proceeds benefit the Ashburn Library. Pre-Sale ($15 admission fee): Friday, 16 Fins, Flies and Bugs: A History of Fly-Fishing Anne Marie Barnes of the National Sporting Library & Museum will give a presentation on the changing ideas about fly-fishing, from the 16th century through today, and how these practices are used to read waterscapes in your own backyard! Young attendees will receive a fisherman’s guide to identifying plants, bugs and fish in Loudoun County. Saturday, June 18, 3 p.m. Loudoun Library Foundation’s 27th Annual Giant Used Book Sale Books, CDs and DVDs - used and like-new items for sale! Cash and checks accepted, no credit cards. Plenty of parking. All children through grade 8 who visit the sale on Friday or Saturday will receive a free book. All proceeds benefit library activities and services throughout the county, including the Summer Reading Program. Friday, June 24, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday, June 25, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, June 26, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. ($10 bag sale). Smart’s Mill Middle School. Books are a Blast with Tom Lilly A comedy-magic show featuring Beowulf T. Wonderbunny. Sponsored by the Loudoun Library Foundation. Tickets (free) are required and will be available half an hour before the program. Monday, June 27, 7 p.m. ADULTS Write On! 2016 Adult Short Story Contest Take part in our annual adult short story writing contest. Follow submission guidelines at library.loudoun.gov/writeon then submit your entry: [email protected] by July 31. Save the date: Awards Party featuring Bill Beverly, Cascades Library, Sunday, September 25, 2 pm. First Place: $200, Second Place: $100 and Third Place: $50. Winning and honorable mention authors will receive a copy of a book featuring stories from the contest, published by our own Symington Press. For ages 19 & up. Sponsored by the Loudoun Library Foundation. Parenting the LGBTQ Learn about library and community resources for parents of LGBT children and join the discussion about navigating adolescence and sexual orientation with your child. For adults. Wednesday, June 1, 7 p.m. Graphic Novel/Comics Book Club Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir by Ellen Forney. Copies of the book will be available at the Ashburn Information Desk. The Graphic Novels/Com- www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 ics Book Club meets at Comic Logic, 44031 Ashburn Shopping Plaza, #281, Ashburn, VA. Wednesday, June 1, 7 p.m. ESOL: English Conversation Group An informal conversation group for non-native speakers to practice speaking English. For adults. Thursdays, 10 a.m. Tuesdays, 7 p.m. CHILDREN Art at the Library Learn about artists, movements and illustrators. Explore your creative side and take your masterpiece home. This month we will be learning about the “little dancers” of Edgar Degas. For Grades K-5. Thursday, June 2, 4 p.m. Resume 101 Learn how to use library resources to write a resume. For teens & adults. Thursday, June 2, 2 p.m. Reading Buddies Storytime Encourage your child’s love of books and reading development by pairing them with a teen reading buddy for one-on-one reading time. For Preschool-Grade 2. Mondays, 4:30 p.m. Adult Book Club Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. Tuesday, June 7, 7 p.m. Strategy Gaming Join fellow strategy and Eurogame enthusiasts for friendly competition with games like Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride and more! Sunday, June 12, 2 p.m. Your Finances: Managing Income & Expenses - Getting from Here to There Brendan Vigorito of Money Management International will explain the tools and processes needed to develop and utilize a spending plan. For adults. Tuesday, June 28, 7 p.m. Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers Stop in to learn more about the services and volunteer opportunities offered by Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers. LVC is a Non Profit 501-3c. founded in 1995 in Loudoun County. LVC, through a team of committed volunteers, meets the needs of frail, elderly, and disabled adults. We provide help including: medical transportation, errands and shopping, home chores, food delivery and money management. Our mission is to help those in need maintain independence and good quality of life! Our motto “Neighbors helping Neighbors in Need” is realized every day at LVC! Wednesday, June 29, 10 a.m. TEENS Lights, Camera, Action! Teen Film Competition Create a short film around the theme of Build a Better World. Films will be shown to a live audience, with prizes awarded to the top 3 films and an ‘Audience Choice Award’ at the awards ceremony on Sunday, August 14. Winners will be awarded passes to attend all regular film screenings of the Middleburg Film Festival in October. See our website for submission guidelines at library.loudoun.gov/teenfilm. For all teens. Wednesday, June 15 Sunday, July 31. Photo Contest Submit a 5 x 7” photo in any of the following categories: inspiring people, playful places, energetic objects. Participants may submit up to five photos in each category. Entries will be displayed and winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category will be posted on Saturday, August 13. Please visit the Youth Services desk during library hours for entry forms and more information. For all teens. Wednesday, June 15 - Saturday, August 6. June 2016 Bullyproof: Confidence, Awareness and Readiness Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instructor Marco Morenowill teach you how to protect yourself from a bully through the Gracie Bullyproof program. For Grades 4-8. This program will be held at 525A East Market Street, Leesburg, VA 20176. Saturday, June 18, 2 p.m. Ready, Set, Read! with the Wizard of Reading Exercise your mind! Sponsored by the Loudoun Library Foundation. Tickets (free) are required and will be available half an hour before the program. Monday, June 20, 7 p.m. Junkyard Challenge: Monsters Join us as we dig through garbage to create a monstrous masterpiece. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure! For Grades K-5. Wednesday, June 22, 3 p.m. Family Art Day Families work together to create fabulous art projects! Thursday, June 23, 3 p.m. LEGO® Family Build Build a LEGO® creation. Friday, June 24, 2 p.m. Library Lab Explore STEM games, kits and puzzles during this drop-in session. For Grades K-5. Saturday, June 25, 2 p.m. Hop to It! Hop on in for some frog-themed fun as we hear stories, make crafts and put our jumping skills to the test! For Grades K-5. Tuesday, June 28, 3 p.m. Ninja Party Kick summer into high gear at a ninja party! Create a disguise, practice your aim and learn more about what it takes to become a ninja. For Grades K-5. Thursday, June 30, 3 p.m. Movie Time Inside Out, Rated PG, 95 minutes. Thursday, June 30, 6 p.m. Hope you all visit the library soon! Debbi Zisko Friends of the Ashburn Library (FOAL) www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 17 18 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 Paw Prints June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 19 Classifieds Businesses & Services Bane Electrical Service LLC Small Commercial & Residential. Trouble shooting experts! Specializing in High Chandelier Installs, Recessed light installations and Home Inspection items. In Ashburn since 1999! Call 703-7236501 or email [email protected]. MOMS Club® of Ashburn We offer support for stay-at-home mothers, including those who work part-time or have a home-based business. Our club is volunteer-run, is a wonderful way to meet other mothers & get involved in the local community. Weekly fun events & playgroups, monthly field trips & speakers. Interested? Contact Betsy at ashburnmomsclub@yahoo. com or visit www.bigtent.com/groups/ashburnmoms. Ashburn Classics The Ashburn Classics will meet June 11, 2016, at the Mills Recreation Center in Ashburn Village at 10:30am at which time we will celebrate Father’s Day and have a brown bag lunch. We will also have a veteran speak to us. For more information, contact Arlene at 703-726-0711. PRIVATE MATH TUTORING I will tutor your math student in your home. Improve their abilities in middle school, SAT/ACT, high school and college mathematics. Contact Steve Lubore, Ph.D. at 703-729-9248 or gr82learn@comcast. net. Home Improvement Contractor Specializing in remodeling bathrooms, remodeling laundry rooms, express water heater replacement (24/7), hot tub installation, plumbing, electrical work, finishing basements, expert at waterproofing wet basements. 30 years experience. For all your home improvement needs, please call Marc at 703-724-0772. Free Essential Oil Classes Curious how to improve your health naturally? Come learn more about using essential oils. Free classes every Thursday, Whole Foods Market, upstairs, 19800 Belmont Chase Drive, 10:30 AM or Thursday evening at 7:00 PM, Westmaren Condominium Club House, 20971 Timber Ridge Terrace in Ashburn Farm. Contact Susan at 703-7249313 or [email protected]. Mail Post Replacement Replacing old original posts with beautiful well-crafted posts from MAILBOXREPLACEMENT.COM Does your mail post match the beauty of you Ashburn Farm home? Your new post will keep Ashburn Farm the sought after community it is. HOA approved complete replacement, new post, box and numbers removal & installed $249. Over 250 satisfied residents v/r Pete 703-965-3397. Basketball Camp County Christian School of Ashburn Basketball Camp July 25-29; Soccer Camp August 11 - October 15; Go to: cfcwired.org/events and search Upward; Pre-School - 8th grade. VCPE & ACSI Accredited. Guitar Lessons Study the Classical Guitar - all ages. www.ashburnguitarstudio.com. 20 Garden Coach and Designer Experienced gardener, teacher and coach ready to partner with you in your gardening ventures, big or small! Ashburn Farm resident; certified in landscape design and education; trained Master Gardener. Now is the perfect time to refresh your existing garden or to start a new one! Call Jeanette at 703.727.9398 or email [email protected]. Website: bellavitagardens.com. GRASS MOWING and Landscaping Excellent service for end unit town homes, single family, absentee landlords and real estate agents hadling vacant home sales. Mow, edge, trim and blow plus Scott’s seasonal applications available. A great gift idea! Retired Professionals Lawn Service. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. The Happy Hatters The HAPPY HATTERS, a Red Hat Club, will travel to Waterford for an Artistic Studio tour on June 18. Following the tour we will have lunch at a restaurant TBA. For more information, contact Peggy, 703723-3056. Looking for A Full-Time Lawn Service? Spring is almost here...is your lawn ready? I offer a full range of lawn care services. Mowing, (including trimming, edging, and blowing off debris); weed control; lawn fertilization; aeration; and many other yard care services. Call Dan Baltich for a FREE estimate: 571-278-1885. Certified Personal Trainer Certified Personal Trainer and Weight Management Consultant with over twenty years of experience would love to help you get stronger, leaner, and gain overall fitness just in time for summer. Learn how to be a healthier you! Call Debbie (Ashburn Farm resident) at 703-6151665. Website: DebRuns.com. Hi Neighbor!! I love cats! Will take care of yours anytime! I am an adult who will provide loving care for your cat(s); in their own home, as you require. Ashburn Farm only. $25 per visit. $10 each additional cat. Call Linda 703-729-7806. Tutor SAT, AP, College Prep, reading/writing. Current students instructed: grades 3rd-12th. AP, SAT, College Pathway Coordinator and Data Analyst administrator. PhD Candidate and previous teacher of year. Can provide 20+ exemplary references. Local and Flexible. 703-4399662; [email protected]. Quality Turf Care Lawn maintenance - mowing, trimming, and edging. Free estimates. Ashburn Farm resident - serving the comunity for 20 years. Contact Tim Weaver @ 703-967-9603 or [email protected]. Fun, Part-Time Job, Being Healthy Are you interested in Natural Healthcare? Starting your own business? Would you love to create residual income? Become part of a fun growing business for people who care about improving their health and those around them. Contact Susan Webb 703-724-9313 or [email protected]. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 Classifieds ASHBURN LAW OFFICE, PLC. Ashburn Law Office, PLC., is dedicated to serving clients’ needs honestly, expeditiously and affordably in the following areas of law: wills/living wills, prenuptial agreements, criminal charge expungements, traffic infractions, DUI/DWI, divorce, personal injury, landlord/tenant disputes, immigration, contractual disputes and more. 44081 Pipeline Plaza Suite 105 Ashburn, VA 20147. www.AshburnLaw-Office.com, 703-986-3337, Attorney@Ashburn-Law-Office. com. YOUR HANDYMAN SERVICES We are a complete home services company. Get your home ready for the summer, for rent, or for selling. Licensed and Insured. Call today 571-437-4113 or email [email protected]. For Sale For Sale Oak Entertainment Center with 2 matching side units with doors, a coffee table, a behind the couch table and a side arm table. Asking $350. A Para Body EX500 exercise station. Bought used, but rarely used by both owners. Asking $200. (Bought for over $1,000) A Carlson extra tall gate with pet door. Asking $30. A Thomasville June 2016 solid and heavy office desk with drawers and dividers on both sides with matching chair. Asking $200. Queen oak headboard/footboard and frame. Asking $30. Antique queen bedroom set with matching dresser and mirror, armoire and vanity with stool. Asking $500. Child’s Stanley desk w/ 3 level hutch, $75. Other miscellaneous items. Please call Debbie at 703-975-6263 to make offers. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A maximum of 40 words is permitted. Information is subject to editing at the discretion of the Editor. Ads submitted over 40 words will be edited as needed. Ad copy can be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]. Payment (where applicable) will need to accompany any e-mailed ad in a timely manner to assure it will run. In order to take advantage of the discounted rates for Ashburn Farm residents, you must provide an address and daytime telephone number to accompany your ad. Rates are listed below. Business Ad Personal Ad Resident $10 Resident FREE Non-Resident $25 Non-Resident $25 DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING CLASSIFIED ADS IS THE 10TH OF THE PRECEDING MONTH. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 21 Ashburn Farm Odd Job Squad Please consider the following young people for your odd job needs! The Ashburn Farm Association makes no claim as to the qualifications of the below-mentioned persons. Please be sure to update your contact information regularly. Thank you! Advertising Information and Specifications The following information lists the specifications for display advertising in Across the Fence. All advertising is due (copy and payment) by the 10th of the preceding month of the issue. Ad Type Bus. Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page Open Rate $90 $170 $310 $525 Inside Cover N/A $190 $390 $650 Extended Contract* $85 $150 $280 $495 Dimensions 3.5”w x 2”h 3.5”w x 5”h 7.5”w x 5”h 7.5”w x 9.8”h *Extended contracts refer to advertising commitments for a period of six months or more. Pre-payment of the term is required in order to take advantage of the extended contract discounts. An Insertion Order Form must be submitted with ad. Forms are available at the Association Office or via fax and our website. Advertiser must provide in digital form (PDF or TIF files only, PC formatted). Ad copy may be in black & white or color. Ads will run as-is; no alterations will be made by the Association. Ads exceeding the proper size reserved will not run. 22 Space Reservation and Payment Requirements Ad space is limited and reserved on a first come-first served basis. Payment in full is due for ad space before the deadline (except for extended term contracts – these are due at reservation). We do not bill – pre-payment of ad space is mandatory. Make checks payable to Ashburn Farm Association. If payment is not received by the deadline, the space becomes forfeited. We will not refund payment due to missed deadlines for copy. Copy submitted must meet the required specifications. We will not be held responsible if copy is not submitted by the deadline even though payment has been received. Advertising copy and payment can be mailed to: Ashburn Farm Association Attn: Alicia Young, Editor 21400 Windmill Drive Ashburn, VA 20147 Note: The Editor reserves the right to reject any advertisements for any reason. Ads that are deemed inappropriate or distasteful for this publication will not be run. No political advertising permitted. Advertising orders cannot be canceled after the deadline without prior arrangements. Questions can be forwarded to [email protected] or 703-7296680. www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016 June 2016 www.ashburnfarmassociation.org 23 Coming In July... July 1: Assessments Due July 4: Independence Day July 5: BOT Meeting July 14: ARB Meeting July 15: B&F Meeting 24 July 15: Ice Cream Social July 19: BOT Meeting July 26: Open Space Comm. July 28: ARB Mtg/Hearings www.ashburnfarmassociation.org June 2016
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