Consideration of Applicants for Planning Commission
Consideration of Applicants for Planning Commission
CITY OF EMERYVILLE MEMORANDUM DATE: January 26, 2012 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Charles S. Bryant Director of Planning and Building SUBJECT: Consideration of Applicants for Planning Commission Vacancy As the Commission is aware, Commissioner Art Hoff resigned in December, leaving a vacancy for the remainder of his term, which expires on June 30, 2012. This vacancy has been advertised, with an application deadline of January 16. The City Council is expected to make the appointment on February 7, in time for the new Commissioner to be seated for the February 23 Commission meeting. A recent change to the City Council Rules of Procedure stipulates that “The Mayor, with input from the City Council Members, and the committee, board or commission to which the appointment is to be made, shall appoint members to serve on all committees and boards, including the Planning Commission. A majority of the City Council must confirm all appointments.” It has not been the previous practice for the Commission to weigh in on Council appointments; however this new provision allows the Commission to do so if it wishes. Applications for the vacant seat on the Planning Commission have been received from: • • • • • • • • Jake Aftergood Elizabeth Altieri Lois Brown Michael de Leon Brian Donahue Samuel S. Kang Sean Moss Tol Trunks The applications are attached. Some or all of the applicants may be present at the January 26 meeting if the Commission wishes to ask them questions. Staff recommends that the Commission determine whether it wishes to advise the City Council on this appointment, and, if so, what the recommendation should be. Attachment: Planning Commission applications (8) IV.A. CITY OF EMERYVILLE IIlO.ORPORAT&O , ••• 1333 PARK AVBNUB BMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA 94608-35 J 7 TEL.: (510) 596-4300 FAX: (510) 658·B09S PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION RECfEIVED JUL 0'6 .2011 Please fiU out and return to: QlYCLBRK City Clerk City of Emeryville CITY OF EMBRYV.q.I.B 1333 ParkAvenue Emeryville, CA 94608 July 5,2011 Date_~ _ Jake Aftergood Name, ....,__------ Address 2430 5th Street, Unit B Berkeley, CA94710 510.473.6106 510.652.0929 [email protected] Phone No. ----------------Fax No. Occupation Real Estate, PropertyManagement Employer Kenneth J. Schmier and Eric S. Schmier BusinessAddress, _ 1475 Powell Street, Suite201 Emeryville, ________ _-,-- CA 94608 _ PhoneNo.. 510.652.0800 _ Please attach the following information 011 a separate sheetof paper. 1. A summary of work experience and education. 2. A summary of past involvement withEmeryville and/or planning activities or issues. 3. A short (300 words or less) statement discussing yourideas andattitudes about planning in Emeryville. Please consider issues such as traffic, industrial and commercial development density, affordable housing, maintaining community diversity and jobs/housing balance, Commappl·pcfonn City of Emeryvllie PlanningCommission Application Jake Aftergood 510.473.6106 1. Summary of workexperience andeducation. See attached resume. 2. Summary of pastinvolvement wIth Emeryville and/or planning activities or Issues. I have been working in Emeryville since May 2010, for my uncles Ken and Eric Schmier. I. work asa property manager, and I help oversee .and maintainthe Schmiers' commercial properties in Emeryville, as well as those In Oakland and Berkeley. I lived in Emeryville for about nine months, from September 2010 through May 2011/ at Archstone Apartments on Shellmound Street. I completed my master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning, in 2008, at University of Michigan. Duringgraduate school, I worked part-time for the University Planner's Office and for Zipcar. My time working for (and using) ~ipcar taught me the importance of diversity in mode choice. I also observed first-hand that new, innovative Ideas have the powerto change the way people move about a city. 3. A short (300 words or less) statementdiscussing yourIdeas andattitudes about planning in Emeryville. Please consider Issues such astraffic, Industrial andcommercial development density, affordable housing, maintaining community dillersity andJobs/housing balance. From a planning standpoint, I believe that Emeryville has a lotto be proud of. • There is relatively little traffic congestion, - Walking and bicycling are comfortable mode choices, - Bus service is well-utilized, - Parks are attractive, well-maintained, and utilized, ~ Public art is playful and integrated into the urban scenery, - Density helps the City keep a small land footprint and provide sufficient affordable housing, - Companies large and small happilycall Emeryville home. In the real estate business, I am learning how to solve problems. And no city isexempt from its duty to solve problems. In Ern,eryville, I see opportunities to: • Further promote bicycling and motorscootering, through education and marketing. I ride a Vespa, and I love it. I am now coaching new scooter riders. • Expedite the process of approving (or denying) a new tenant's use/conditional use permit - a small business owner should not haveto walt several weeks for a decision. - Increase the building height, buildingdensity, and mixing of uses in the City. A dense, mixed-use city can generate something that is lucrative for its business ownerscustomerswithout cars. Thank you for considering my application. If you have any other questions, or you would like me to providereferences, don't hesitate to ask. I look forwardto hearing from you! Jake Aftergood Jake. aftergood@gmall. com 510 I 4736106 JAKE AFTERGOOD EDUCATION University orMichigan. Ann Arbor 2008 Master or Urban Planning (M.U.P.) University 01Call1ornfa. Santa Cruz 2005 B.A. Environmental Stlldles. United Bloycle InsUtuls, Ashland, OR 2005 Certified Bloycle Technlolan PORTFOLIO http://sllemaker~umlch.e~uljake.aftergood SKILLS ArcGIS Word Excel Powerpolnt Outlook Acrobat Photoshop InDeslgn Illustrator SPSS GISTraining Oartogrsphy Copyedmng Bloycle safety Project mgmt. Website design Slaff recrullment Survey M~nkey Acappella sInging Rssearch proposal Questlonnalre design Alternative Transportatlon AFFILIATIDNS American Planning Association North Amedcan Cartographic Inrormatlon Society (NACIS) University Campus Bike Plannsrs Network Washington Men's Camsrata University orMichigan, Msn's Glee Olub Alumni RECE~T EXPERIENCE SCHMIER INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES, Emeryville, CA Property Manager DATEI May 2010 to Present Show properties In Oakland, Emeryville, and Berkeley toprospective tenants. leases for n.ew tenants, and malnlaln storage system foreXisting leases. Coordinate planning and desIgn for new development projects, Including worklr:tg with ~rohltects and contractors. MaIntain and clean Industrial and residential properties, forthe benent oftenants aswell asto reflect positively on theneighborhood. Pr~pare AMIRICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION, Washington, DC R••earch·lntem DATBi December 2009 to May 2010 Assisted with research and GISmapping for ACensus ofPlanning In Communities, Counties, andRegIons that Contain Priority ConseNatlon Areas forWRdilfe Habitat Protection. a project funded bythe Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Duties include acquiring GIS data, creating maps and overlays using ArcGIS softWare, conducting web· and phone-baSed research, and aSlIlstlng with textandlayout ofthe final report. Colorado, Maine, and Tennessee areInclu(1ed Intheproject's pilot phase. TOOLE DES_GN GROUP. WashIngton, DC Trauportatlan Planner DATEI September 2008 to August 2009 Led GIS mappIng anddatamanagement forseveral transportatfon planning projects, prepared PowerPoint presentations for steering committee and pUblic Input meetings, provided research on focused topics such asSafe Routes to School and travel demand management on university campuses, and helped prepare proposals for new projects. Supported senior planners and landscape designers byauthoring andproof-reading reports and memos, conducting field . work, and collecting public Input through online questionnaires, UNIVERSiTY OF MICHIGAN, An" Arbor Unlver.lty Plallne"s OffIceln*em DATE: June. 2008 to August 2008 This office carries outcivilengineering, landscaping, master planning, site planning, andtransportation planning forthe entire university campus: Supported university planners and architects bycollecting field data, creating asset Inventories, maintaining geographIc Information systems. creating analysis maps, and preparing PowerPolnt presentations, Also developed and taught a GIS training course forthe planning staff. ZIPCAR INC•• Ann Arbor, Mlchlaan Marketing and lIeet operations representative DATE: November 2007 to Augusl2008 Educated students about how to Sign-up and use carshare. Prepared and delivered presentations to student groups. scheduled periodic tabling events, and facilitated new-member sign-ups. Took Zipcars Inforservicing when needed, helped to coordinate a cleaning schedule, and responded tovehicle accidents and emergencies. 1475 POWELL STREET, SUITE 201 EMERVVILLE CA 94608 Jake. attergood@gmall. com 510 I 4736106 JAKE AFTERGOOD EDUCATION RECENT eXPERIENCE (CONT/D) University of Michigan. Ann Arbor 2008 Master (Jrban Planning (M.U.P.) 0' University of Callfomfa, Santa Cruz 2006 B.A. Environmental Studies Unlled Bloycle InsUtute. Ashland, OR 2005 Certified Bicycle Tschnlclan PORTFOLIO hltp:l/sltemaker.umlch.eduljake.aftergood SKILLS ArcGlS Word Excel PowerPolnt Outlook Acrobat Photoshop InDeslgn Illustrator' SPSS OISTraining Cartography Copyeditlng Bicycle eafety Project mgmt. Website design Staff recruitment Survey Monkey A oappella singing Research proposal Questionnaire desIgn Altematlve Transportation UNIVER81TY OF CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Foundl!lr and manaser. UCLA community Blcrele Center DATE: July2005 to June2006 ~8tabll~hed firstandonlyon-oampus bloycle shop. Performed repaIr servIces, provided parts and tools for self~servlce repairs, and conducted bike maintenance andsafety courses for sludents and staff. Prepared qual1er1y reports onprogram's progress and successes. SupervIsed stUdent empfoyees andvolunteers. CAMPRAMAH, OJal, CA . Btercr. Guide DATI!;'Summers 2001 and2002 Educated te~ns about thebenefits ofcycling. Conducted road bicycling tests andInstructed particIpants Insafe riding techniques. Led bIcycle rides out of oamp, and around the city. MaintaIned oamp's bicycle fleet. SILIICTED M.U.P. COURSEWORK Bike Cenler Markel Sludy, University of MIchIgan (412008) Zipcar Point of Departure (POOl GIS Study. Ann Arbor, Ml (4/200B) Oarshare Memorandum. University 01 Callfomla, Santa Cruz (1 0/20.07) Slruolural Moving Handbook. Ann Arbor. MI (6/2007) GISDevelopable Parcels Report, Town Amherst. MA (6/2007) 0' Zipoar Evaluation Report •• Introduction and Loglo Model. AnnArbor. MI(4/2007) Nan-Motorized Transportatlon Plan. Oilyof Ypsllsntl, MI (4/2007) 1475 POWELL STREET, SUITE 201 EMERYVILLE CA 94608 CITY OF EMERYVILLE \ IHC9APOAATSO lU' 1333 PARKA\IE.I'lUE EMERYVILLE, CAUFORNfA 9460~..:3517 TEL: (510) 596-4-300 FAX: (51'0) 658-8095 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Please fill out andreturn to: City Clerk City of Emeryville 1333 Park Avenue Emeryville, CA 94608 Date FlfJrt.J dl4 I r;::;OJ 0 Name £Ijzo...b·e:t:h f't l-hv, tf Com mod o.. ..e. 1)r. tmt!J"8Vi /I.e." q~bO" Address Fax No. (~/O) 'foO-,3g 10 Occupation 'Bra Jar:S :lF3ZfiJ 65'/0) 33c;;)- PhoneNo. Email ~I fie.,y; @,,/I. ru:f BoSs;5 t./AJ7.t" Employer-BII Emery V; /I.e. ~Ope.rlfe....5. Business Address tiJ,3c;,-/ ?Qw.e..1 J \$jy.fl.lLi= {:mevyvip P.I..J '1=3 sr (j't1001' Please attach the followinginfomlation 011 a separate sheet of paper. 1. A summary of work experience and education. 2. A summary of past involvement with Emeryvilleand/or planning activities 01' issues. 3. A short(300words or less)statementdiscussingyourideas and attitudes about planning in Emeryville. Please consider issues such as traffic, industrial and commercial development density, affordable housing, maintaining community diversity and Jobs!housing balance. COlnmappl·pcform .. . r- " Elizabetb.C. Altieri 4 Commodore Dr. #328 Emeryville, CA '4'08 [email protected] October, 2009 to present: All EmeryvilleProperties Broker's Assistant to Brokerofrecord of fuU servicereal estateand propertymanagement services firm. Provides property inventory marketing and tenant placement alongwith generalofficedutieswhile studying for real estate sales license. September, 2005 to November, 2009: David Hicks APLC _ Paralegal and SeniorResearch Assistant to solepractitioner attorneywith specialization in civlliitigation; responsible for all aspects of case management, draftcorrespondence, document production, caseand statuteresearch, draft pleadings and responses, arbitration/mediation/trial preparation, and calendaring, as well as daily officeresponsibilities. Appointed Special Masterby AlamedaCountySuperior Court during Receivership offamily-owned insurance brokerage business under property settlement dispute in FamilyCourt; acted as Assistantto Receiverruntling daily operations of 3 office business. July,2001 to April, 2005: Bank of Alameda Vice Presidentand Relationship Manager hiredto establish a de-novo Commercial Banking Center in Emeryville, thefirst off-island locationfor the bank. Responsible for generating loansanddeposits, and fee income withfocus on business clients. Grew branch office to the number twooftive branches. August, 1996 to July, 2001: Summit Bank Originally hired as Assistant VicePresident andLoanOfficer in the OaklandBranch. Subsequently promoted to Vice President andManagerof the Emeryville Branch in March, 1997. Responsible forall aspects of loans and deposits and supervision of staff. Achieved aU set goals forgrowtband retention ofexisting clients. Deeember, 1995 to August, 1996 Worked as DirectorofOperations for twoformer clientsof Bankof the West:Accountants Inc. andWollborg-Michelson (temporary staffmg agencies). Primary duties in bothcases weremoreclericalthaD I was ledtobelieve, so I decided to return to banking. April, 1992 to Deeember, 1995: Bank ofthe West VicePresidentand Manager of the oakland MainBranch.Wasresponsible forhighest growth among over 100 branches. Top winner of'the "President's Club"award in both 1993 (its first year) and 1994. Consistently exceeded set goals and expectations whilesupervising a staffof twelveoperations and lendingpersonnel. June, 1988 to April, 1992: The Fluaneia! Center Bank, N.A. Regional Vice President ofthe Oakland Region. Had highestgrowth in loansamong thefourregions oftheBank. Metor exceeded aU goalsset by seniormanagement. Was responsible for closing doWll the Walnut Creek Region as the bank contracted due to problems in its Mortgage Division, which wasentirelyseparate from thecommercial bank. TheBank was ultimately closedby the FDIC in May, 1992. June, 1979 to June, 1988: Bank of the West (formerly Freneh Bank of California) Started as a Personnel Assistant and succeeded to increasingly responsible positions in commercial lending withthe Bank from creditanalystto lending officerin the Corporate BankingDivision.Promoted to Assistant Vice President ln 1983 and to Vice President in 1986. Finalposition with theBank wasVice Presidentand Credit Administrator, responsible for 32 branches witha-lending authority of $1.SMM. . Professional and CommuDity Leade.rsblp: Past president, RobertMorrisAssociates (Northern California), 1993-94 FonnerBoardMember, BeaconSchools (Oakland), 1997-2000; Bmery Education Foundation, 2000-2007 CurrentBoardMember: Emeryville Chamber of Commerce (emeritus) EmeJYVilJe General Plan/Zoning Update Steering Committee Member: Watergate Community Association Architectural Control Committee, andWCA Finance Committee Elizabeth C. Altieri CityofEmeryviUe Planning Commission Application April 24,2010 I am applying for the City's Planning Commission because Iwould like to continue to .broaden"my civicinvolvement with Emeryville andcontribute to itsfurther positive impact to theregion. My involvement withtheGeneral PlanSteering Committee over thepastseveral years has given me a heightened sense oflong rangeplanning implications for theCity and its surrounds. Theimpact thateach development bringsto Emeryville must becarefully studied andthe benefits weighed against potential negative effects. All stakeholders must be given a thoughtful andmeasured hearing in conjunction with staffrecommendations to implement the CityCouncil's vision ofEmeryviUe consistent withtheGeneral Plan. It is especially important to make surethe voices of thecommunity are heard, because I havepersonally observed that if thepublicis involved in the planning process, they are more likely to be supportive of development proposals. It cannot be too strongly stressed thatpotential developers vettheir ideas withneighbors, listen to allconcerns, incorporate alternative suggestions, andgive it sufficient weight to broaden thescope of theproposed work to adequately benefit aU stakeholders. I believe that I would be a productive andcommitted member of Emeryville's Planning Commission, andthatmy many years of community involvement both as working and living in the Citybrings good perspe'ctive to thejob. FROM :LOIS BROWN Jan. 14 2012 01:15AM FAX NO. :510 428 2463 Pi cITY or- EMERYVILLE '''CORPORAT.D IU6 J 333 PARK AVENUE EME.fWVILLE:. CAUPORNI:A. 04608-35 I 7 Te;I-~ (5 10) 596-4300 PAX: (5JO) 6S6-809S PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION M. I ,,1 Please fin out and return to: City Clerk City of Emeryville 1333 Park Avenue Emeryville, CA 94608 I // 'J ',- Date Ll2- L'oJ s .. , tslttJUiI tV ~ 1J~1I1'" ~... ~. b'111 tE me"" ""11,, till Phone No. $*If) ~.z f- ~ C/':r s~..,c ~ail/#/S~"'~",,4J,",,J_IJ~/,~ FaxNo: Address .. Occupation ()~ ... ~"'~""';.;;..;;J_ I§~~~~ Employer &'~ ,& "'. ,S' ' _ Business Address'-~--"";"'------------~-~--------:..--.--~-~--- Phone No. r,~ sa." .. ,~, Please attach the following information on a separate sheet of paper. 1. A summary ofwork experienceand education. 2. A summary of past involvementwith Emeryville and/or planningactivities or issues. 3. A short (300words or less)statement discussing your ideas and attitudes about planning in Emeryville. Please consider issues such as traffic, industrial and eommercial development density, affordable housing, maintaining community cfjv~i(y and jobs/housing balance. Commappl.pefOnn FROM :LOIS BROWN LOIS BRQWN FAX NO. :510 428 2463 Jan. 14 2012 01:15AM PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICAnON 1. SUMMARY OF WORK EXPERlENCE AND .EDUCATION 2001 to Present OWN AND MANAGE $4 MILLIONIN REAL ESTATEHOLDINGS, COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL, located in Albany andHalf Moon Bay, CA. 2001-07 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PACIFIC CENTERFOR THEPHOTOGRAPIC ARTS, EMERYVILLE, CA Collaborated with the City of Emeryville to establish a center for photography that would be a key component of-the Emeryville Center for theArts. The Pacific Center flourished for five years in a space donatedby RogerBash. Our photography shows attracted people from as far away as Crockett and Walnut Creek. Our film on the lifeand times of early LIFE magazine photographers was acquired by PBS and airedfor two years across the nation. But Roger finally rented our space and the City of Emeryville was not ready for us. Without space for exhibitions and lectures, we discontinued, returning the grant money we had received. 1971 to 2000 ART AND rLLUSRATED BOOK ACQUISITIONS EDITOR, NEW YORK, NY Evaluated and acquired book proposals for publication, contracted withwriters and photographers, scheduled product from proposal to bound book. and created marketing strategies. The companies I was associatedwith in this capacity: Harper Collins, Ballantine Books, Harry N. Abrams, Ri1201i, Aperture. EDUCATION Attended the University ofCalifomia and San Francisco State University. Became credentialedin secondary school education (high school). Graduatedfrom Albany High School 2. PAST INVOLVMENT WITH THE CITY OF EMERYVILLE As describedabove, I worked with the City PlanningDepartment when under the directionof Patrick Okeeffe. In addition, in 2010 I served onthe Steering Committee for the Emeryville Center for the Arts. I met with the new Executive Director, Sheila Bergman, to share my thinkingon the purpose and role of the Center. I also attended city-planning workshops. I have beento City Councilmeetings and have pleaded to save old housing that was to be destroyed. P2 FROM :LOIS BROWN FAX NO. :510 428 2463 Jtin. 14 2012 01:16AM Lois Brown 3. ESSAY ON TIlE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMERYVILLE Emeryville is the little city that could) but has it gone too far. Granted the first priority is city safety and services. A first-rate policedepartment andwen-equipped fire department do not come cheaply. Landmust be developed and revenue brought in, especially with state and federal funds being withdrawn. But the environment and esthetics cannot be compromised to reachgoals. Em.eryville is situated in oneof the mostbeautiful places in the world-on the edgeof a sparkling bay with a sky that turns crimson red at sundown whilewildlife parades along the shore. The CityPlan (General Plan) is in place, zoninghas been detailed, development goals have beendefined. But this is not a done deal. Howthe planis executed is critical to qualityof life in Emeryville. For example, there is very little sky andevenlessair to breathebetween the two new buildings at Hollis and Powell. The new parks are wonderful, but thereare no signsleading the way. Bike paths are noble in concept but the traffic is so heavy (and getting worse), that you won't find me on oneof those paths. The park at the end of Powell Street is sublime and having public boating is a luxury, but the land is being tarred overto the point that wildlife is disappearing. I know this from walking the path weekly. It's time to re-evaluate what is good for Emeryville; to stopthe frenzy to raise more and more money. To returnto what is beautiful in this God-given land, Yes, bills have to be paid. Buildings must be built. And affordable housingis absolutely necessary. But let's be careful of what we are doing to our precious littletown in reaching goals. City planning is hard work; there are contracts and deals, balance sheets) , potential jobs, etc. Theplanners have done a good initial job in pursuing quality of life, but now they must seebeyondservices and remember that once gone, it' s gone forever. That's a huge responsibility. P3 " ... ~ . F EMERYVILLE «I INCORPORATeD '''1 3S3 PARK AVENUE I LE. CALIFORNIA 94609-35 I '1 00 FAX: /S I 0) 65&8095 RECEIVED' JUL 062011 Please fill outandreturn to: CITYCLBRK CITYOF EMERYVnI.B City Clerk City of Emeryville 1333 Park Avenue EmeJ}'ViUe, CA 94608 z,o" Date Name MI' a.e. Address 'eDt> L~'IJ #filii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+_+_ PhoneNo. FaxNo. EmaU AIA.t·(,It~[ • ,..\- • Occupation ~a ~ 6,D" it:t? .. S'S:' ......, e "dL...roo&~. ~ &tJa.~t Employer~tJ.~-!l~[!!!~~~~L!&...!I2ta!!::L.s.I!.J;tL..JilfeiaWS!l~~_ Pleaseattachthe foU~willg informati n D a separate sheetof paper. 1. A summary of workexperien e 2. A summary of past involvem ,t ith Emeryville and/or planning activities 01' issues. " 3, A short(300 words or less) sta n ntdiscussing yourideas and attitudes aboutplanning in Emeryville. Please consi e issues such as traffic, industrial and commercial development density, afford bi housing, maintaining community diversity and jObsfhousing balance. CommAppl.peform Michael Richard de Leon 1500 Park Ave, #124 Emeryville, California 94608 michael@hellafoods:com C 510.847.8653 Educatton: SanFrancisco State University, Master of rts in Composition (in p~ogre&s) University of California Berkeley, Bachel0 0 Arts in English Literature CoUegeofMarin, Associate ofArts in Ens) sh Literature expected 2012 2007 2004 Teaching &: Research IDterests: Theuseof multimodal rhetorical forms. P o :in online argumentation. Text and instant messaging as rhetorical tools. Students' rights to their 0 t xts, Academic citation in an electronic world. Adapting academic discourse to the 21 n Century. Th rh one ofmenus. . Computer Program Application SldIist W~dows XP &. 7,Apple OS X Snow Leo d.. 082; Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, Power Point; Adobe Photoshop CS3, Flash CS3, Dream .e :ver CS3, InDesign CS3, Adobe Bridge. Vbual Basic &. HTML. Apple Pages, Numbers, iMovie. Professional SIdJIs: Possess strongcommunication skills, both n and oral combined with a unique understanding of English grammar and spelling. Superior pr ee management skills and attention to detail. Market torecasting and projeotion. Restaurant buda IS d cost controls. Extensive experience managing up to 25 employees in daily professional kitchen .ons. Fairly fluent inSpanish and some fluency in Mandarin Chinese. Serve Safe Certified F anager (certificate # 1463554). Member National Coun~lofTeach~sofEn~im. PublieattoDs: Words Not Waterboarding, OpEd Article, http://www.dailycal.orglarticlell OS4SS/wo~ ~I ~ Californian, 27 April 8 oCwaterboarding 2009 Blogs: Criticism of contempormy culture with an asis onpolitics, food and literacy EmDloymeD' Hlstoa: SF State University GraduQte Teaching Assistant, English Com Hella Foods Restaurant & Interior Desl Principal, Chef & Consulrant Spring Semester '11 oallillaney 61 ZOIO - Present University of California, Borkeley Scheduling Coordinator, Department ofAr hi ecture 1/2008 • Present Lindamood-BeU, Berkeley Tutor, K- 6 reading 212008 • 9/2008 Bear's J:.,airPub Door security 2008 - Present 6/2006 • 12/2007 Hotel Durant, Berkeley, Ca Executive Chef 200S The Princeton Review Teacher, MeAT Verbal SausaUto Chop House 1 Trevlso Restaur a. Chef 2001-2004 Hotel Utah Saloon, San Francisco, Ca General Manager / Executive Chef 2000-2001 Felix & LouietsReSlaurant lBistro Ralp, ealdsburg, Ca Cheft!e Cuisine 1998-2000 Maria Country Club, Novato, Ca Chef de Cuisine 1995-1998 Equus Restaunnt, Santa Rosa, Ca 1993-1995 &ec~tive Executive Sous Chef Sonoma Mission Ian & Spa, Sonoma. Ca SousChef 1990-1993 Various RestauraDts, SFBay Area Dishwasher, Line Cook. Sous Chef 1987-1990 BrinksArmored Car Service. Novato. C 1985-1987 Guard, Driver (armed) US Army StaffSerlieant, Military IntelUgence. FO 1977 -1985 OM InteWgenee Training Detachment - Instructor in Military Intelligence. Recipient ofthe .41' ~ Commendation Medal, .4rmy Ach/wement Meda~ Good Conduct Medal (2), Master Pira'I'(J()per Badge. RangfJr Tab. De eLanguage Insthute: Mandarin Chinese. Honor Graduale noncommissioned offlcers training school. 25,h Infa /vision. 1981. NCO oflheQual"el', our FLC 198J. Michael de Leon Application forPlanning Commission 6 July 2011 er onalStatement In the past year that I've lived' eryville I have become keenly aware ofthecity's uniq,ue placement strategically located '.ds~ threemajor urban cities, I'm a San Francisco nativeand familiar with Emeryville's 'st ry as an industrial center, however UVinghere has allowed me to seea new Emeryville; a' that is not onlyopentoexpanding housing at all levels but a city that is working hard t pr. motebusiness start-ups. I value greatly both business a c tizenyet I lean mote in favor ofdtiien. I feel that the city has a sodal responsibility for. provo d for the safety & security of itsresidents. The flow of automobile I bicycle traffic and their in vi Ieintersection withpedestrian routes areof paramount concern. The Southern Pa . e Amtrak rightofwayis another concern of mii\ei whilethere havebeen no incidents in ea (in recentmemory) I feel thatpedestrian &: bicycle crossings could be improved d xpanded, Thefarmer's marketon Thursd y ftemoons is a grand idea but it seems to be lacking in participation fromboth vendo,rs and r i ts. Perhaps it would benefit from a different locale or more effective promotion. I feel that Emeryville would. . as a community from greater diversity in commercial development by offering' e Uvea forsmall business st81t-ups. Ourcity is known for industry howeverOUT citizens r~el ·b nefitdirectly from that industry. Small businesses will attractlocal dollarsand possibly b in in new residents, particularly ifEmeryville eonnnues promoting a diverse housin m keto . In summary I would 1i1ceto say th t my fianc~ and I plantomake Emeryville ourhome for many years and have plansto iully e elopour interior design I restaurant consultancy in Emeryville. Thank you for your considerati n. Michael de Leon Michael de Leon Application lor Planning Commission 6 July2011 Summary of pastinvolvement Emeryville and/orplanning activities issues I've lived in the city for a year n wand have nothad theopportunity toparticipate in any. planning activities or issues. It is m h pe that this will change this coming year: The following form was submitted via your website: Board/ Committee I Commission Application Select the Board, Commission, or Committee applying for:: Planning Commission Name:: Brian Donahue Sex:: Male Applying as resident, employed in Emeryville, business representative, or special interest group representatlvef Resident,Employed inEmeryville,Business Representative.Special Interest Group Representative Home Address:: 4333 Holden Street Home PhoneNumber:: 654-0166 BusinessAddress:: same Business PhoneNumber:: same , Occupation:: builder Email Address:: Lengthof Residency in City::30 years High School:: BoulderHigh School College:: BFAKansas CityArt Institute & School' of Design Trade or Business School:: Hobbies:: Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?: Yes Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee before?: Yes , 7/13/2011 If yes, which:: Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Subcommittee Board, Commission, and/or Committee Memberships (past/current) outside ofEmeryville :: Please list organization memberships and positions held:: Please List Areas ofSpecial Interest: Crafting a resident friendly city Please Enter Basic Resume Infonnation Below: Additional Information: Form submitted on: 7/1'1/2011 11 :44:51 AM Submitted from JP Address; 70.231.249:103 Referrer Page: Form Address; 7/19/2011 CITY OF EMERYVILLE INCORPORATED Jllt6 l333 PARK AVENUE EMERY\,'lLLE, CALlFORi'1IA 94608-3517 FAX: (5 J 0) 658-8095 TEL: (5 I OJ 596-4300 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Please fill out and return to: City Clerk City of Emeryville 1333 Park Avenue Emeryville, CA 94608 Occupation Employer AIfO:>r'"rt€.fj G-Yeen.IJn./~ Znsfl-l-l-tt.r<.. Business Address /Jerk.e(~1) 11/~ UYlJvers~-Iy Ave. 2.'2f! I'IS>Dr 01 C;V76'( .PhoneNo. (5-(0) Cj26-i.(bOt:.; Please attach the following information on a separate sheet of paper. 1. A summary of work experience and education. 2. A summary of past involvement with Emeryville and/or planning activities or issues. 3. A Sh011 (300 words or less) statement discussing yow' ideas and attitudes about planning in Emeryville. Please consider issues such as traffic, industrial and commercial development density, affordable housing, maintaining community diversity and jobs/housing balance. Cornmappl-pcfotm SAMUEL S. KANG 1001 46th Street, Unit 524 • Emeryville, CA 94608 • 510.926.4004 • [email protected] EDUCATION University of San Francisco School of Law, San Francisco, CA Juris Doctorate - Certificate in Public Interest Law • Admitted to practice by the California State bar, United States Northern District ofCA, and United States 9th CircuitCourt of Appeals • ArthurZiefScholar Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA Advanced Bachelorof Arts- Major in Diplomacy and World Affairs, Minor in Economics • President's Scholar RELEVANT PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE California Insurance Diversity Task Force, Sacramento, CA 1/12 - Present Appointedby Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones 10 advise and recommend 011 howthe insurance industry can better serve California's increasing diversity. General Counsel, Greenlining Institute, Berkeley, CA 12/10 - Present Directand lead all ofGreenlining 's regulatory advocacy, state legislative advocacy and consumer protection campaigns. • Directand oversee Greenlining's advocacy on behalfof small business owners and low-income families at state regulatory agencies, Federal Communications Commission, and United StatesDepartment of Justice. • Lead Greenlining's state legislative advocacy. Main responsibilities include serving as main pointof contactwith elected officials and their staffs, testifying at hearings, and providing research for legislative members and their staffs. • Litigated high profile regulatory cases such as multi-billion dollar utility rates increases and implementing new regulations on utility shutoff protection for ratepayers and small businesses. Commissioner, Parks, Recreation & Historical Commission, Alameda County, CA Appointedby CountySupervisor Keith Carson to represent Alameda CountyDistrict 5 constituents. 8/09 - 4/11 RELEVANT TRAINING & LEADERSHIP Boards & Commissions Leadership Institute, Oakland, CA 8/09 - 1/10 • Recruited & selected from competitive pool of young Bay Area professionals for intensive leadership training to serve on majorgovernment boards and commissions. • Training included overview of majordevelopment and planning issues, interpreting large public budgets, ethicsand disclosure (Brown and Bagley-Keene Acts), and tactical use of parliamentary procedure. NetKAL Fellow, Network of Korean American Leaders, Washington, DC 3/10- Present • Selected as one of the top, under-40 Korean American leaders in the United States. • Invited to strategize withother Korean American leaders in private industry, government and non-profits to advance political empowerment in the Korean American community. Coro Fellow, Coro New York Leadership Center, New York, NY 9/01 - 5/02 • Selected from a national pool of young leaders for intensive leadership training program in public affairs. • Training focused on publicpolicy implementation and political leadership in theoperations of a city. Personal Statement - Samuel S. Kang Planning Commission Application Setting the course for where Emeryville needs to go is not just a question about the future. Dictating the future course of this city requires understanding how rapidly Emeryville has changed injust a few years. The leadership and planning of Emeryville was key to this city's revitalization over the last two decades. Leadership and planning will again dictate whether Emeryville's revitalization will be enduring and sustainable. It is important to recognize the remarkable leadership that was responsible for turning' Emeryville around. When the manufacturing sector was dying in the US, Emeryville's economy and communities were devastated. The injection of pro-growth and business friendly policies by the city's leaders gave Emeryville the shot in the arm it needed to compete for jobs and make it an attractive place to live again. The rapid development transformed blighted streets into communities that attracted young, working professionals, such as my wife and I, who were looking for a modem, urban location in the East Bay. This transformation was fast and incredibly successful in achieving its intent. However, to characterize this transformation as good or bad would be a gross overstatement. What is clear is that Emeryville is at a crossroads. Its planning and progrowth policies has attracted a significant bloc of residents like me - new homeowners, young professionals, and part of the city's 30% Asian American community. While this demographic contrasts sharply with the traditional residential makeup of Emeryville, it is not naturally antagonistic. What is critical to addressing Emeryville's evolving needs and identity is the incorporation and assimilation of Emeryville's new residents into its leadership. Emeryville's ability to evolve and prosper depends upon the participation of new and established residents working together. Emeryville's ability to adapt to its future challenges depends upon how well its leadership can adopt the participation of its new residents. CRTY OF EMERYVKLLE IUOORPORATEO 1000 1333 PARK AVENUE EMERYVILLE, CALIFORNIA 94608-3517 TEL: (510) 596-4300 p~: (510) 450·7831 JPlJLANNKNG COMMiSSION Af>JP>L][CATJION Please fill out and return to: Attn: City Clerk .City of Emeryville :11.333 Park Avenue Emeryville, CA 94608 7C!J2 DATE: jQJ0.~... Na~e .$C'Ci q }!I.o,;·S· Addtess II )..-1 I}-o'f'h ,gf. if ('520G' £t~t·'{(: (y Vi 'IIt l CI/:\ c; '10 0 ~( j Fax No. [5'(0) 2-3'~~-5'4(J I Occupation Employer Email: S'c">({ n In 0 s S ~i) em c{ ( J . Co i l''j ,.5(;60'1 iur /':>1(( t"I f/le (- (~i'-f l/ () -l J::; Ce(r /10 / Business Address (0 8 'It) 6() L'l /~J:j0 Ave VI Vt:.. .£1 Cern:'/v / Cfi c:;1530 .Please attach the following information on a separate sheet of paper. 1. 2. 3. A summaty of work experience and education. A summary of past involvement with Emeryville and/at planning activities or issues. A short (300 words or less) statement discussing your ideas and attitudes about planning in Emeryville, Please consider issues such as traffic, industrial and commercial development density, affordable housing, maintaining community diversity and jobs/housing balance. SEAN M. Moss, AICP , 1121 40TH STREET, #3206 • EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 (510) 393-2751 • [email protected] 1. I have worked as an urban planner for over eight years, first in the private sector designing new communities, 'and now as a Senior Planner for the City of £1 Cerrito. I am a member of the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). I am also a member of the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR). I have represented projects on both sides of the podium, presenting projects to numerous Planning Commissions and City Councils both as City Staff and as an applicant's representative. In my current position, as a staff planner, I regularly work with applicants to process entitlements and clearly represent the desires of the Planning Commission, Design Review Board, City Council and the El Cerrito community; and to implement the policies of the El Cerrito General Plan. I process environmental documents, execute public noticing requirements, manage consultants and assist the community at the public counter. I have an in-depth knowledge of the California Environmental Quality Act, the Brown Act, the Subdivision Map Act, and most other planning and urban design issues. My experience also includes my membership on the City of El Cerrito Green Team, which is partnering with Strategic Energy Innovations to implement climate change related policies for the City and which recently commenced a successful month-long car-free challenge for City employees. During my employment as a consultant, I practiced as an urban designer, designing large and small communities. I have participated in drafting specific plan documents in Stockton, Salinas, Elk Grove, Merced County, and Stanislaus County. I have been involved in general plan updates in Rancho Cordova, Sacramento, Salinas, Elk Grove, and Seaside, CA. I also participated in the Sacramento Area Council of Governments' Blueprint process, which developed a preferred growth scenario and implementation strategies for the entire Sacramento region. I posses a Bachelor of Science in City and Regional Planning from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and a minor in Economics. I have also worked for the planning departments of Seaside, CA and Monterey County. 2. Since moving to Emeryville over six years ago, I have been very active in community activities. I currently serve as the Vice Chair of the Emeryville Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Subcommittee and I have thoroughly enjoyed serving on that body. It has been a wonderful opportunity to serve the City and improve the walking and biking experience in our community. The new Pedestrian and Bike Plan, which the committee recently recommended adoption of, will provide a important blueprint for future improvements on Emeryville. I regularly attend city council meetings, and have spoken several times at City Council hearings. I recently attended a community workshop for the updated Pedestrian and Bike Plan as well as a community workshop regarding improvements to the Emeryville Greenway. I have attended community outreach meetings for the Triangle neighborhood traffic calming project as well as the proposed relocation of Habitiot to the middle school site and I also attend meetings of the Triangle neighborhood group meetings. I have also attended General Plan Update Committee meetings. I make an appoint of keeping abreast of current urban planning issues in part by attending planning-related conferences and workshops organized by organizations such as the American Planning Association, the Urban Land Institute and the League of California Cities. Last year I attended a conference on Transit Oriented Development Page 1 of2 SEAN M. Moss, AICP 1121 40TH STREET, #3206 • EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 (510) 393-2751 • [email protected] and Social Equity which was organized by the Center for Community Innovation at DC Berkeley. I am also avid reader of periodicals related to urban planning. I also make a diligent effort to keep abreast of issues affecting our local community. In addition, I serve as the elected President of the Andante Owners Association, which manages the property, affairs and budget for the Andante community. I have also served the community through my past role as a Deacon at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, where my many duties focused around visiting and supporting members of the community who are sick and/ or homebound. I served as the Treasurer of the Deacons from 2009-2010 and in that capacity I oversaw the approximately $30,000 Deacons' Fund which supports charitable efforts in the East Bay community. I also previously served as the Vice Chair of the City of El Cerrito chapter of SEIU Local 10211 also volunteer with Habitat For Humanity in the East Bay. 3. As a Senior Planner for the City of El Cerrito, I have had the privilege of working with a wonderful and knowledgeable Planning Commission. Most members of the Planning Commission work professionally in fields related to urban planning, and the Commission possesses a wide breadth of knowledge on urban planning issues. The Commissioners thoughtfully deliberate on each item, and the Chair often takes time to clarify and clearly explain matters to the public. It would be an honor to serve Emeryville in a similar capacity. As a redeveloping city which has recently updated its General Plan, EmeryviIle is poised to continue implementing successful policies, as well as adopt new policies which will implement the values of the community and improve quality of life in the City. It would be an honor to serve Emeryville as part of the body which will seek to implement the new General Plan and the community's vision for the City. SustainabiIity wiIl be key to Emeryville's future. The direction that the community takes now must sustain future success in all areas. Emeryville must promote a sustainable mix of land uses'; industries; affordable and market-rate housing; modes of transportation; and community diversity if we are to continue our success into the future and position our City to take advantage of it's unique position in the Bay Area and the State. Each project the City considers must be analyzed at both the macro and micro scales, and a successful Planning Commissioner must ask, "How will this project benefit the larger community as well as individual users of the project?" I believe that I posses the knowledge and experience necessary to evaluate proposals based upon their merits and make sound decisions that will serve to better the City for years to come. I also believe that I posses values that wiIl enhance Emeryville and improve it as a place to live, work and play. I love my community and want to give back by serving on the Planning Commission. Page2of2 SEAN M. Moss, AICP 1121 40TH STREET, #3206 • EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 (510) 393-2751 • [email protected] EDUCATION California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo College of Architecture and Environmental Design Bachelor of Science, City and Regional Planning, December 2002 Minor in Economics RELATED WORK EXPERIENCE City of El Cerrito, Planning Division, El Cerrito, CA February 2008-Present Senior Planner • Writes environmental documents and manages the CEQA process • Assists the public with planning issues • Writes staff reports and presents projects to decision making bodies • Coordinates comments and conditions of approval with other City departments and other agencies • Writes ordinances covering planning-related issues • Researches planning-related topics as necessary Wood Rodgers, Inc., Planning Division, Oakland, CA May 2003-December 2007 Planner III • Managed projects from conceptual design through implementation • Coordinated among civil engineering, transportation engineering, City staff, client and other disciplines during project design and throughout project process • Managed the preparation and processing of entitlement applications • Represented clients and project teams at agency meetings, community workshops and public hearings • Led stakeholder meetings to identify issues and establish the guiding project principles • Managed and drafted specific plans, PUD guidelines, and other planning documents City of Seaside, Community Development Department, Seaside, CA Planning Intern Conducted staff research and analysis Wrote staff reports Assisted the public with planning and zoning issues Prepared CEQA Initial Studies Assisted with a General Plan update Summer 2002 County of Monterey, Department of Planning, Salinas, CA Planning Aide Developed a GIS database for the County's archeological data Performed site analysis and field work Summer 2001 Dougherty + Dougherty Architects, Costa Mesa, CA Intern Conducted punch listing Attended construction meetings • Managed the Dougherty + Dougherty field office Summer 2000 Summer 1999 GRAPHIC AND COMPUTER SKILLS Adobe PhotoShop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3, ArcGIS, AutoCAD 2007, Microsoft Office 2007, hand graphics ACTIVITIES AND HONORS American Institute of Certified Planners Leadership and Service Award from the Central Coast APA chapter Circulation Task Force for the Cal Poly Master Plan update Mathew Hubal Memorial Scholarship for Planning San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association Andante Owners' Association, President SEIU Local 1021, El Cerrito Chapter, Vice Chair (2008-2010) First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, Deacon and Treasurer of Deacons' Fund (2009-2010) The following 'form was submitted via your website: Board/ Committee / Commission Application Selectthe Board, Commission, or Committee applying for:: Planning Commission Name:: Tol Trunks Sex:: Male Applying as resident, employed in Emeryville, business representative, or special interest group representative?: not checked Home Address:: 421 36th St. Oakland,CA 94609 Home PhoneNumber:: 510-368-8507 Business Address:: Business Phone Number:: Occupation:: N/A Email Address::[email protected] Length of Residency in City:: 5 years High School:: Graduated in 1996 College:: 2 years college Trade or Business School:: Hobbies:: Chemistry, Bowling, Video Games, Internet Are you currently serving on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees?: No Have you served on a Board, Commission, or Committee before?: No 11/29/2011 If yes, which:: (Not Applicable) Board, Commission, and/orCommittee Memberships (past/current) outside of Emeryville :: Transporation Committee Please list organizationmemberships and positions held:: Member Please List Areas of Special Interest: Medical, Chemistry, Public Safety, Industry, Defense Please Enter Basic Resume Information Below: US Air Force Sep 1998 - Oct 2005 Military discipline, high use of printers, faxes, filing, use of computer medical datebases, computer literate (Win 98/2000/XP, Power Point, Excel, Word, Access), public health training, disease montioring and treatment, patient interviews, audiology training. Mervyn's Oct 2005 - Jul 2008 Good math skills, visual planning, customer service, manual labor, long hours of work in high pressure times(Black Friday)experience. Fully computer literate (Windows VistalXP/2000/98, Mircosoft Office), and high knowledge internet operation, software, and useful sites. Medical knowledge in areas of disease is high. Personally capable of scientfic constructions. Genius level intelligence. Additional Information: Form submitted on: 7/21/2011 3:30:45 PM Submitted from IP Address: Referrer Page: No referrer - Direct link Form Address: 11129/2011