- Sandbook Net
- Sandbook Net
VOLUME 1 • ISSUE 3 JANUARY ‘11 SANDBOOK PENPALS AND SWAPPERS THE MAGAZINE FEATURES : • Hidden Treasures • Write Around the World • Creative Letters • PenPalling & Letters • Dia De Reyes Lost Penpal Goodie bags BURN PATTERNS AUTHORS EDITORIAL follow us on TWITTER Guest Authors: Erika Millares Dia de Reyes, Three Kings’ Day Recipes Interview with Julie (www.lapapierre.com) Interview with Isabelle (www.sirpriz.com) , Hello and welcome to the January issue of our digital penpal magazine. We, the Sandbook.Net Team, hope that you have had a really perfect Christmas, a wonderful New Year’s Eve and a successful start of the new 2011 Year! We also hope that we will continue meeting you on the pages of our magazine! The third issue of the magazine is the last from the three month evaluation series. We have worked hard and taken in account all the requests and suggestions that you have sent us through the months. We are happy to see that we have over 800 downloads on each of the issues so far. We have the crew, the motivation and the inspiration to continue making this magazine. So look out for the new magazines that are going to be released on the 11th of each month. Raia and the Sandbook Net Team Interview with Deirdre (www.moonwell.nl) www.sandbook.net l i k e i t ? c h e c k Dear Sandbookers So let’s sail into 2011! t h e l a t e s t n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Beatriz Floriano Holidays in Spain CONTACT US Interview with Jess (Snail Mail Aficionado) (www.postaladdict.blogspot. com) Thank you for taking part in issue 3, January 2011! Make sure that you stay informed for the latest news: Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sandbook Add us as a friend on Facebook: http://facebook.com/sandbooknet And join our Facebook Group: http://on.fb.me/SBNgroup And join our Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/SBNpage Read our blog at: sandbooknet.blogspot.com Visit us on our website: www.SandBook.Net IN THIS ISSUE Authors: Rach Gee Write around the world Goodie Bags Birthday Twins Gregory J. Lentz Christmas n e w s a t Teresa Wodehouse t h e c h e c k l i k e i t ? Melanie Anzalone PenPalling Experience PenPal Ads: Tips and Tricks Raia Alexieva Burn Patterns Cover: GAYA DESIGNS Editor: Raia Alexieva Graphic Designer: Aspeia Alexieva / GAYA DESIGNS IT administration: Jason Dimitrov Photography: Manuela Balocco Production Coordinator: Raia Alexieva Junior Associate: Milen Mangarudov Team Authors : Gregory J.Lentz / Samantha Stroy/ Raia Alexieva / Bea from PenPalling and Letters / Rae from Glass Completely Empty Productions / Teresa Wodehouse / Melanie Anzalone. Information is correct at press time. w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Prague: Hidden Treasures CULTURAL EVENTS: 62 HOLIDAYS IN SPAIN 68 CHRISTMAS 72 PENPAL AND LETTERS: GIVEAWAY 74 NEW YEAR’S EVE AND DAY 76 NEW YEAR’S DAY 80 DIA DE REYES: THREE KINGS’ DAY 82 THREE KINGS DAY (PART 2) 84 SAMANTHA’S THOUGHTS 85 RECIPES 86 WORLD TRAVELLER: PRAGUE: HIDDEN TREASURES 94 NUMEROLOGY READINGS 96 BIRTHDAY TWINS a t Creative Letters n e w s l a t e s t Samantha’s Thoughts WEBSITES PROMOTION: 52 LA PAPIERRE INTERVIEW WITH JULIE 55 PENPALLING CONNECTIONS 59 SIRPRIZ.COM INTERVIEW WITH ISABELLE 58 MOONWELL.NL INTERVIEW WITH DEIRDRE 60 SNAIL MAIL AFICIONADO INTERVIEW WITH JESS l a t e s t Samantha Stroy t h e New Year’s Eve and Day c h e c k Penpalling & Letters i t ? New Year’s Day CORRESPONDENCE: 6 WRITE AROUND THE WORLD JANUARY 2011 UPDATE 10 LETTER INSIDER: BURN PATTERNS 14 LETTER INSIDER: CREATIVE LETTERS 16 PENPALLING EXPERIENCE 18 GOODIE BAGS 20 PENPAL ADS: TIPS AND TRICKS 22 GOOD AND BAD PENPAL 26 PENPAL OF THE MONTH 28 LOST PENPAL 30 PENPAL AND SWAPPERS ADS l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Good and Bad PenPal 2 EDITORIAL 3 TWITTER 4 CONTENTS photo by Manuela Balocco AUTHORS 98 RELATIONSHIP / PHOTO SHARE 99 SUBSCRIBE 100 NEXT ISSUE 5 WRITE AROUND THE WORLD - January 2011 Update W w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t rite Around The World is one of those crazy ideas I had at about 2am. You know how it goes; you’re asleep and, all of a sudden, an idea which you think will change the world slams into your brain with the force of a runaway train. Ideas were scribbled down in a notebook and, since then, I’ve been planning and prepping (with the help of my small, but wonderful, team. You know who you are – thank you very much!). l i k e I had the idea about 18 months ago but, at the time was working on another project. That one has had to be moved to the back burner so I decided I’d give working on the penpalling film a shot. I began blogging about it back in September or October of 2010, and postcards advertising it had been going out for a couple of months prior to that. With others of interviews coming in very slowly, it was again transferred to “Pre-production” rather than “Production” stage. i t ? c h e c k a t n e w s l a t e s t n e w s l a t e s t t h e Thankfully, several websites and blogs have picked up on the film and have been very gracious in granting us space and time to speak about what we are doing and drumming up support for us. Since they have become involved, interest has grown but, unfortunately, not in the way we wanted it to. While we have a small (and slowly growing) list of participants, we still need more. And we need YOU! Yes, you! The person sitting there, reading this! If you are a pen-pal, or have ever been involved in pen-palling, or run a store selling pen-pal supplies, then we want to hear from you! We want to take your news and views and show them to the world. t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e [email protected] http://on.fb.me/WriteAroundTheWorld http://glasscompletelyempty.blogspot.com/ 6 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Contact: Glass Completely Empty Productions: a t I know that a lot of people will be sceptical and that’s fine. Besides, whenever we turn on the TV these days we are bombarded with dire and devastating news. We are told that we must look a certain way, that we must eat a certain thing and buy a certain product and that, if we don’t, we will never be “someone”. And that’s one of the points behind my production company. We don’t want sensationalist stories. We don’t want the Z-list and the hardly famous. We want to take the normal person on the street and create a fantastic and uplifting story around them. We want to put some happiness, joy and colour into this world. We want to, for a moment, get people to forget about the rat race and their diet and the car they can ill afford. We want to make people SMILE! The mission statement for Glass Completely Empty Productions reads as follows: Our Mission Statement We believe in a fair and just society where everyone, no matter what their race, gender, sexuality or religion, is treated equally. We believe in making people smile, because a happy person takes a better photograph. We believe in the power of inspirational and heart warming speeches, music and art and giving those people the platform from which to do it. We believe in fair play and not following the journalistic route of twisting whatever is put into our possession. We believe in working as a co-operative and allowing everyone a say in the finished product. 7 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t 8 l a t e s t l a t e s t But I’m not a film-maker! I don’t know what to do! Don’t panic! You’re in good hands here! What do I have to do? And part of the project is to have user Firstly, email us with your details generated content which is as diverse (name, age, location and, obviously, as the people involved. How many email address. We will not and never times have you watched something will sell your details on.) and tell us on TV and it just looks clinical, a little bit about yourself and your generic and mass produced? We pen-palling life. want something which is a little Secondly, once we have enough rough around the edges and that people involved, we will be sending looks a little different. out a list of interview questions. We’re asking you to either video your In short we are looking responses or do an audio recording for: (we’d much prefer video so we can 1. People who pen-pal, have been see what you look like!). pen-pals or run stores selling penThirdly... well that’s a secret at the palling supplies. moment but it’s going to involve an 2. People who are willing to film a exhibition. All will be revealed later short interview. on! 3. People who are just like YOU! t h e t h e If you have any more questions, or want more information, please feel free to email me. You can contact me at: rae@glasscompletelyempty. co.uk or [email protected] You can find a lot of questions and answers at the Glass Completely Empty Facebook page. Just search c h e c k c h e c k But I don’t have a video camera! Do you have a webcam? If you do, then that’s fine! Also, a lot of digital cameras now have a video function. Once we have enough people involved, I’ll be releasing a video to show you how to make yourself look good. Trust me, it’s not nearly But I don’t have a microphone! Most laptops now come with them built in but if you have a headset that also works. I film all of my videos with the headset around my neck and the microphone angled just below my chin. I’ll show you how to do it! i t ? i t ? as hard as people think it is! Unfortunately, due to the resolution still not being perfect, we won’t be accepting mobile phone footage. l i k e l i k e We believe in laughter, smiles, hugs and the power of a good cup of tea, a listening ear and a squeeze of the cat when everything seems to be going wrong. We also believe that, no matter what anyone says, the cat is always right. We believe in making the world a better place for everyone because if we don’t try and change it, who will? So, do you fancy joining us?! If so, you will be adding colour and glee to this world. Okay, I’ll answer the questions that I know are going to be asked! for “Glass Completely Empty” and look for the pink glass. Thank you to Sandbook.net, PenPalling&Letters (www.penpallingandletters.blogspot.com) and Penpal Magazine (http://penpalmagazine. blogspot.com) for their ongoing support with this project. If you would like to re-blog any of the information for the film, please feel free to send me an email as I have flyers, postcards and information ready to go. Thank you so much to all of you for your encouraging words and support! If you blog about the film or write something about it, please let us know so that we can include you on our thank you list. We wouldn’t want to miss anyone out! http://glasscompletelyempty.blogspot.com/ Author: Rach Gee 9 LETTER INSIDER n e w s a t n e w s l a t e s t a t l a t e s t t h e l i k e i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e c h e c k c h e c k i t ? burn patterns Letters always brings a smile to my face. It’s the excitement when I open the mailbox and find some letters from my pen pals. It’s also the trill to be able to share someone else’s life and experience simply through the words on a sheet of paper. The joy that a letter brings can never be replaced by the modern forms of communication: tweeting, emailing, chatting or texting. I am old fashioned. I love to be able to hold the letter in my own hands and to know that my penpal had held it too. I enjoy every last word on the letter and I get inspired to craft a really unique letter every time that I receive a crafty letter myself. It doesn’t matter if the letter is written on cute stationery, or if it is written on a blank sheet of paper and decorated afterwards, printed or handwritten – those are irrelevant to me when I know that my penpal had put some thought and made the letter feel personal. Just for my eyes only! Such letters are a real motivation to think out of the box and come up with a unique letter reply. Last month I wrote a letter to my dearest and closest friend, Erika. Since she always makes her letters so beautiful, vivid and colorful, I was up for a challenge when I started thinking about ways to decorate l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t By Raia Alexieva 10 11 a t a t n e w s l a t e s t n e w s l i k e i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e l a t e s t c h e c k t h e her the letter reply. Before I knew it I have already typed two pages. Yes, we have a lot of things to talk about and I would have gone on, if I didn’t want to send the letter before the Xmas holidays. I printed the letter and then I was ready to start burning the edges of the c h e c k And I didn’t want to accidentally burn off the whole and only copy of the letter. That is why I started typing the letter. I know that Erika wouldn’t mind receiving a typed letter from me, so I gave it a go. My fingers started moving through the keyboard as I was writing letter. I used a scented candle but you can use any type of candle at all. I really wanted to incorporate some of the scent of the candle into the paper (which later on, I found that wasn’t possible.). I started off by burning the edges of the paper. The basic I placed the sheet of paper over the candle, but far enough so that it wouldn’t catch flames (that were needed while burning down the edges of the letter). Just holding the paper over the flame will give you brown dots on the paper. If you move the paper in circular motion as you keep it over the flame you will get larger yellow-brown spots on the paper. Since my candle was a square candle and it had burned down a bit, I decided to slide the paper over the candle edge’s (not the flame, but the candle edges) and take some of the wax into the sheet of the paper. With a circular motion I was able to make some “oily” circles on the sheet of paper. And that was it. The letter was complete and I only had to fold it and send it over to Erika. i t ? her letter. In the end, I decided to use burn patterns. Writing the letter was the easiest part of the whole process. I firstly decided to handwrite the letter, but then changed my mind, since working with candles to achieve the burn patterns is unpredictable. and then write the letter. However be aware that some inks might not write over that paper. While doing the burn patterns on the edge of the paper, I realized that it is a lot easier if I tear off the edge with my hands and then use the candle flame on the torn side. The flame will follow the pattern you in the best case near made while tearing the principle is that if you a sink to put out any sheet of paper. It will also let the frame touch the possible fire incidents. save you a lot of time and sheet of paper for longer As you can see, before I effort to navigate the it will burn off more from was able to get the hang flame to burn a bigger the sheet of paper than of it and complete the chunk of the sheet of if you quickly pull off the letter, I had a fire incident paper. sheet of paper. and a page was severely I burned off the edges Caution: Using a candle burned. That’s why I was of the paper and then flame to burn away the glad that I had typed the decided that I want edges of the paper is letter. I printed it again to give the letter the dangerous. Make sure and restarted my work. A brownish look that it you do it far away from useful idea is to prepare had around the edges. flammable materials and the sheets of paper first l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t LETTER INSIDER: BURN PATTERNS 12 13 creative a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t c h e c k a t i t ? n e w s l i k e l a t e s t 2 3 t h e 1 4 to your friends – one of your an experiment pals like to cook or bake – that requires you can include the pics you to do a bit of some interesting dishes of shopping… (even with short recipes), but not in a stationary shop, but in a grocery store! Go to the pasta section, they tend to have those tiny picturepastas for kids. Just like these flowers that I found in our local one. Do not cook these tiny flowers, but paint them with some bright colored acrylics paints. Then let them dry and meanwhile create some ornaments on your letter paper. Then stick these flowers (or whatever shapes your store another one likes animals, had) to complement the another likes flowers or ornaments…and you’re butterflies… creative idea Another one of the childhood things that all of us have done…hand prints! How easy, how fun, how unique! For this, I would recommend using watercolors as they are done! Don’t forget to use more transparent and light, good glue so that the pasta so you can easily write over pieces won’t fall off. You can the handprints, once they also use the acrylics paint to get dry. Now, this is another stick them on and let them spin on the same style: if dry. Now tell me – has any you happen to have a child, of your penpals ever got a or even your friend has one, letter like that?! you can do small imprints of Enjoy yourselves and keep the kid’s hand and feet. How writing letters in the 2011! cute is that!? Your penpals Lots of love to all, Teresa will definitely like a letter (to get in touch with the written on such paper. author, please contact creative idea teresa.wodehouse@gmail. 15 And as a last one, here is com) c h e c k children have done in their art classes. And yet as adults Have you noticed the we forget the playfulness problem of getting decent of the art. Get some leaves and nice writing papers for that fall off the trees or even your letters in your local of your flowers at home. stationary shop? I am sure Apply some paint over it (I this is an issue that all of us recommend acrylic penpals are facing. Letter- pains for their full papers are not a fashionable color) and simply item to sell anymore. But stick it on the paper still, we love to receive carefully without letters that are written on smudges. The nicely decorated papers, stamp that the not just plain ones. And leaves make on although stickers are fun to a white piece of put on your writing papers, paper is a beautiful and what if they are hard to get unique image. Of course or expensive in your local there is a huge variety in shop? Or what if you just leave types and colors. Not want to make something a bit different for your penpals? Let’s see what creative ways we can use to make our letters a bit more interesting and personal for our dear penpals. For they are not “only” penpals, but real friends. Creative idea one of your letters will look This is something the same. that most of the Creative idea You get plenty of magazines in the store around you which you read at home…but instead of throwing them away, why not browsing through them, cutting nice pictures and sticking them with glue onto the white sheets? You can create interesting writing papers that are also relevant i t ? 14 ByTeresaWodehouse l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t LETTER INSIDER: CREATIVE LETTERS a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t i t ? a t l i k e n e w s 17 l a t e s t think it was because you couldn’t really choose much. Only the age, the sex and the country or continent. And when you don’t have much in common it’s hard to keep in touch for a long time. When I was 15 years old and into all those boy-groups I started t h e 16 You had to pay them and then they gave you addresses. Those were my first pen pals from other countries. Well at this time there was no internet and that was the only way for me to get pen pals from other countries. I wrote those pen pals a few times, but then they or I stopped. I c h e c k This time I want to write about my experience with pen palling. I’m a 28 years old girl from Germany and I always loved writing letters. I think I wrote my first letter when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I got the address from a magazine about horses for girls (Wendy), because I wrote them that I’m looking for pen pals. But I can’t really remember this pal and how long we wrote letters. When I was a few years older I got some addresses from this pen pal organization. i t ? by Melanie Anzalone [email protected] swapping FB’s. At this age I only signed in those fan FB’s and wrote other fans. But I never wrote those people that long. New bands - new pen pals, well I was young. I met most of my pen pals I write now on Interpals. It’s a great website with a lot of nice people. You have your profile there, you can write a lot about yourself, upload pictures, you have a wall and people can send you messages. I love this website. I mean you can also make bad experiences too. Who doesn’t?! I don’t like those people who write once and you never hear from them again. Or the ones who want your address and you also never hear from them again. I already wrote a few first letters and never got an answer. That’s sad and the reason why I don’t write first letters anymore. Did you ever get a letter from someone who saw your address in a FB? Well I did and I don’t understand why I always get the same letters. Usually they are pretty short. Sometimes only a few lines typed. Or a few lines with a terrible handwriting you can’t read. Do people really think they get an answer when they mail something like that? When I got such a letter I never replied. I mean, when I write a first letter I write about myself, use nice paper, decorate the letter and write much more than a few lines. So please, if you see an address in a FB and you want to write to that person, make it a little nice and interesting. Think about what you would like and how you would feel if you get such a letter. I’m really happy with all my pen pals I have now. Such nice girls! Most of my pen pals come from other countries. It’s so interesting to learn about other cultures and peoples life. For Christmas I also mailed some pen pals Christmas presents and cards. It’s also so much fun to swap with pen pals or to send each other little presents. I’m so excited when I can open a package from a pen pal or a swap partner. :D One of the things I really like to make at the moment and swap with pen pals are ATC (Artist Trading Cards). Those are little cards (2.5” x 3.5” or 64 mm x 89 mm) you decorate. For example you can decorate them like many Nice and Neat FB’s are decorated, you can draw something... On the back you have to write your name, the title of the ATC, the date and I always write my blog address on it too. It’s so much fun to make and swap them and it’s easy and small to send to your pen pal. :D I already met some of my pen pals in real life like including my husband. Oh I can tell so many nice stories. What I can say is that I wouldn’t be that happy now without the letters and all my friends all over the world. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PENPALLING EXPERIENCE GOODIE BAGS: w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t 3 Take out as many items as you want. Replace with the same amount of items plus 2 extra. Also put in one of your labels and sign on the back. Number 5 please send home or to any ICR. The labels enable the owner to see how far it has travelled and who has taken part. It also gives them a chance to make “Thank You” FB’s or bags. Of course, it doesn’t matter what kind of instructions are on there, you can take them and alter them as you see fit. You might have a never ending bag, one which has no owner, no number or no destination, one which keeps on going around the world and, from time to time, sees the same people. Or you might have a wishlist bag, an envelope which has a list of wishes on the front which people cross off as they place the items inside and pass it from person to person. 4 5 Like FB’s, feel free to decorate the envelope before you send it on its way. Stickers or stamps on the outside of the envelope make it look great and are guaranteed to make whoever receives it smile. Use coloured envelopes; these can be brought easily enough from most stationery and craft shops or can be found on Ebay. Cutting out pictures from magazines and decorating the envelope is good, especially if you then cover it with sticky backed plastic or sticky tape as it helps to strengthen it for its travels. Let your imagination soar and have fun! 19 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e As well as those, include the bag instructions on the front as well. This might be “Place in 1 item and pass on” or may be more in-depth instructions. An example would be: a t c h e c k 1 2 Place the address of who it’s for on the front of the envelope and add yours (the “By” address) there as well. n e w s i t ? How do I make them? Start by putting what type of bag it is at the top of the envelope. It may be a normal, anything goes, goodie bag, or it may be a postcard, memo sheet, confetti, sticker or greeting card bag. l a t e s t l i k e probably shouldn’t go into that bag. Do you swap goodie bags? And, if so, what do you put in them? Feel free to email me and tell me! Rach Gee: [email protected] t h e somewhere along the line, your boring item may be gold dust to someone else! And, as gross as it might sound to another, unused (obviously!) and wrapped condoms are bound to bring a laugh to someone! What shouldn’t go into goodie bags? Well, live animals aren’t really a good idea! And neither is a full set of encyclopedias! If an item is bulky or heavy then it’s probably not a good idea to put it into a goodie bag, unless, of course, you’re the person who is going to send the bag home. If you have an item you’re debating whether or not to put into a bag, ask yourself if you would like to receive that item. If the answer is no then don’t put it in! Dirty or used items aren’t a good idea either. I’m not joking when I’ve seen an empty condom wrapper in a goodie bag. Really now?! Did someone take it out, use the condom and decide to pass on the empty wrapper?! Would you want to receive that?! If the word “NO!” is screaming away in your brain, then whatever you hold in your hands c h e c k and sachets of coffee work just as well. If you’re planning on sending stationery and postcards, try and put something nice in, even if it’s an advertising postcard for a local shop. If it’s got a nice image on the front then it will go down just as well as any postcard of an exotic location and, if you find yourself in an exotic location, pick up a couple of handfuls of postcards just for goodie bags. Small erasers, pens, nice postit-notes and small bags of glitter or confetti also look nice in goodie bags. I remember one bag I received contained a handful of Christmas postcards from Finland. I love those Christmas postcards with a passion as they’re an item I’ve yet to see here in the UK so I was more than happy to swap those cards for some of my own. You may think it’s a boring and mundane item but, i t ? 18 shouldn’t be put into a goodie bag? It’s a conundrum for many people and one which is easily solved. The first thing you should ask yourself, before you place any items into a bag, is whether you would want to receive any of the items you’re going to pass on. Flat items are always good to put into bags. Postcards, stationery, memo sheets, greeting cards, nice envelopes and sheets of stickers go down well. Flat, wrapped candies are an idea, for example chewing gum or small squares of chocolate. Tea bags, sugar sachets l i k e Goodie bags – they’re like label bags but with a fun twist involved; envelopes which are packed with (hopefully) interesting items from around the globe. For people who already pass around goodie bags, they’re fun to receive and fun to pass on. There are various types of goodie bags, from those which contain anything from postcards to teabags, chewing fun and sachets of coffee to those which contain specific items such as postcards or memo sheets. But what is best to put into a goodie bag? And what n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal Ads: l a t e s t tips and tricks c h e c k t h e By Melanie Anzalone [email protected] l i k e i t ? Do you also have the problem that you sometimes don’t really know what you could write in a pen pal ad besides your country, age, name and email address? I want to give you some ideas how to make your pen pal ad better so that you can find the right pen pal. 1. First you should write what kinds of letters you 20 like. Snail mail or email. If long letters, normal letters, short letter or maybe only postcards. Some people like to type their letters and some really don’t like that. Maybe it’s good to mention if you write your letters by hand or if you prefer to type them. When you like to use cute paper and when you’re obsessed with stationary like I am, it’s also not bad to mention that. 2. It’s also really important to tell about your hobbies. What you like or what you don’t like. Well it always depends on how long your ad should be. If it doesn’t matter, then I would try to write as much about you as you can. A special job or hobby makes an ad interesting too. If you like to do something not everyone does, write it. 3. And you should let the others know what you’re looking for. The countries, the age, the sex, the languages you know and can speak and anything else that your new pen pal should have. If you give all those information’s I’m pretty sure you can find the perfect pen pal for you. Try it out and write a pen pal ad right now. I hope I could of helped you a little bit with my ideas how to write the perfect pen pal ad. Good luck in finding new pen pals. Good and Bad PenPal w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e a t c h e c k n e w s i t ? l a t e s t l i k e t h e 23 c h e c k 22 on a letter which says nothing. Pen-palling is a hobby, not a chore, and should never feel like a chore. If you’re busy, or have nothing to write about at that Patience Is A Virtue! moment, then don’t. Not every pen-pal is Save it for later on. And slow at replying, but if someone pesters you not everyone is quick at to as why you haven’t replying either. Unlike replied, then are they e-mail, text messaging really your friend? and Facebook, penpalling the old Pay Attention! fashioned way requires It’s easy to tell if time, dedication and, someone’s paying most importantly, attention to you or patience. There may be not, even through a number of reasons letters. No one likes to why it takes someone feel like they’re being a while to reply. If they ignored, nor do they live abroad, it may like to feel like they’re take several weeks for being spoken to. Great a letter to reach them pals take the time and for them to reply. to get to know the This was seen recently people they’re writing here in the UK when to. They spend time the snow caused a lot reading and re-reading of services, including a letter before carefully the post, to grind to a penning a reply. They halt. Another case may don’t quickly rush out be a person not having a note just so they can anything to say. Which get something in the would you prefer? A mail. A letter which quickly dashed off reads: letter saying that they Hi! have nothing to say? I went to the shop and Or one a few weeks, or brought these stickers. months, later telling Aren’t they great?! you all that’s going on in Write soon! Bye! their lives? I have times Is going to get far less where I have nothing to of a response than one say so it seems stupid which has had time to waste (ever more and effort put into it. expensive) postage If you want people to i t ? It’s All About The Friendship! There is nothing more pleasurable than receiving a lovely, chatty letter. Every pen-pal is looking for something and, most of the time, it’s friendship. The meaning of friendship differs from person to person with everyone looking for something different so a friendly and chatty penfriend is an absolute asset, someone to be treasured and loved. Are you friendly and chatty? Do you want to be friendly and chatty? Read on and learn the high and lows of being a good pen-friend! l i k e By Rae Gee Pen-palling is a hobby which is enjoyed by many. As the days and months wear on, new people discover this endearing past time. It may remind them of days gone by or it may give them a chance to connect with people in ways other than e-mail and Facebook. So what makes a good pen-pal? And what makes a bad penpal? These are the questions asked by many and, there are as many answers as there are questions. This article will try and answer some of these questions. It may succeed, it may not. It may make you think, it may not. w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t c h e c k a t i t ? n e w s l i k e SMILE! Seriously, smile! It makes the world a better place! A good pen-pal knows how to balance their letter. They know when to moan and when not to. They know when to be a support for someone and they know when it is them who needs the support. They know when someone needs help and they know when they need help. It’s a talent but it’s one that can be learned. As mentioned before read and re-read the letters you receive. This is a person you’re writing to, not just scraps of paper from around the world, but a real, living, breathing human being. If they make you feel good about yourself, return the love and make them feel good about themselves. It also takes less muscles Pen-pal Collectors to smile than it does to Don’t, just don’t, okay? It’s frown! l a t e s t day after day. Not only does it get dull but it gets frustrating for the person who is trying to be your friend. I have bipolar, and am heavily medicated because of it, but I don’t let it rule my life, nor my letters. People don’t want to hear about it and repeated complaints (or even letters that are just complaining) quickly make you a thorn in their side, dreading the t h e 24 reads “Member of the Piss and Moan about Everything Club”! Thanks to some of my posts!) But, like blog Bitch, Whine, Moan, posts, or any other messaging service for Complain, Repeat! We all like to moan, it’s that matter, people a part of being human. I don’t want to read letter go through phases of it, after letter of the same so much so that I have complaints. So what the above title set as if you don’t have any an avatar on my blog! money/a partner/new (Someone also jokingly shoes? Don’t burden sent me a t-shirt which your pen-pals with it disappear. Pen-pals can become like journals you speak to. You just need to learn to trust! c h e c k Learn To Trust! As with taking time to reply to letters, another factor is opening up. If someone trusts you with a secret, trust them and give them one of yours. It helps to build that relationship between you. Out of the people I write to (and it’s not that many to begin with), only 2 people know my deepest secret and that’s because we’ve taken the time to get to know each other. A lot of people get into pen-palling for the excitement of receiving something other than bills through the post. But if they remain behind their barriers then those they’re writing to soon not cool, it’s not clever and it really annoys people. No-one wants to be used and abused because of who they are, what they have or where they live and neither would you. If you want a pen-pal from a certain country or who does a certain job, then post up an advert. Don’t collect pals until you find that certain person. As before, people can tell when they’re being spoken to and ignored. i t ? hang around and be your friend, then take the time to get to know them. Kindness is Cool! So pass it along! A great pen-pal is kind, considerate, loving, caring and a whole lot more to boot. Such a person will know you upside down and inside out. They will know your dreams and desires and they will be there to help you up should you stumble. I’m very lucky to have such a pen-pal, a friendship which jumped from paper to real life and a bond which has become unbreakable. I love her and would never change her and am thankful every day for her. Such pen-pals are out there; they’re just hard to find and, if you find one, hold on! Love them like you would your own child and welcome them into your life with open arms. Care for them and nurture them in the same way as they do you and you’re looking at a friend for life. They are the kind of person who is definitely one in a million and loving them is an absolute must! Don’t Demand! Because demanding gets you nowhere. If you’re posting up an advert, don’t demand that your pen-pals only write on certain kinds of stationery. How do you know that someone who desperately wants to be pals with you can’t afford nice stationery? Does it make them any less of a person because they don’t write on nice stationery? Or don’t send you things with every letter? No, it doesn’t! “What goes around comes around” and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be at the end of a letter saying that, sorry, this person can’t be friends with you because you didn’t send them a million dollars. You may have loved that person but, because of something superficial, they didn’t want to know you any more. The same, unfortunately, goes for swappers. If someone has something, they’ll send it but don’t demand that they send you an item. There’s enough hostility and negativity in the world without it breeding amongst pen-pals. And if someone does demand, it soon becomes fairly common knowledge. l i k e day your letter arrives. Negativity breeds negativity and a “You don’t know what it’s like to be me!!” attitude gets no one anywhere, either in the pen-palling world or the real world. 25 PENPAL OF THE MONTH CONTEST Our PenPals of the Month December 2010 a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t l i k e a t 27 n e w s wrote me a letter in a little note book with over 100 pages. She lives not that far away from here. About a year after we met online she asked me if we should meet because she was in my town. I think she visited her other pen pals too on that day. Well I was nervous. It’s always exciting to meet new people and I was scared what I should do if I don’t know what to talk or l a t e s t And one day.... You are a Winner! about my last pen pal I met. Her name is Christine and I met her on the website Interpals about two and a half years ago. It was funny, we started talking while she was on holiday in the USA and I asked her to buy me something. When she was back in Germany we started writing really long letters. She writes the longest letter of all my pen pals and already t h e 26 I already met a few pen pals now. When I was younger I went to ski jumping events together with my pen pals or met them there. Some of them came from other parts of Germany, some from Switzerland or Austria. We all knew each other from ski jumping fan FB’s. But that was a long time ago and I’m not really in touch with those girls anymore. That’s why I want to tell c h e c k ““Dear Sandbook, I want to nominate my pen pal & best friend Christine (from Germany) as the pen pal of the month. We met about two and a half years ago on a pen pal website. We both already met each other a few times and she is a great friend and pen pal. Once she wrote me a really, really long letter in a notebook (more than 100 pages) when I went on holiday to the USA, so that I have something to read on the 11 hours flight. And one time when I didn’t feel good she was there for me and came for a visit and we had a great time. It’s always so much fun when we meet and make some FB’s together or talk about cute stationary. She is like me, crazy about cute papers and you can’t image how happy she is when you give her some FB’s to pass on. Her letters are always really long, funny and so sweat. She is a great person with a big heart and she deserves to be pen pal of the month. Her letters always put a smile on my face! Christine, I’m so happy to have you as a friend and I hope we will see each other again soone.” Meli A. i t ? It all starts with filling out an application that’s available on our website and your nomination is done in no time. something like that. When we met we decided to go to Starbucks and have a coffee. It was really nice. First we gave each other a pile of stationary and FB’s because we are both crazy about it. Then we talked and time was flying and we had a great day. It was so much fun. About two or three months later (I can’t remember) she visited me at my new place with her boyfriend. We had so much fun again. We swapped FB’s and stationary and ended up with talking about cute paper and where to order... Another 3 months later I visited her and stayed the night at her place. We started the day with buying new stationary and stickers and we decided to make FB’s. It was great. The whole floor was covered with craft supplies, paper, address labels and other stuff. We couldn’t really walk there anymore. I think that was the first time I made the real Nice and Neat FB’s. Even the next day we made more FB’s before I had to leave again. After that we met a few times again and I hope she will visit me soon because her Christmas present is still waiting under my Christmas tree. :D I’m so happy that I met her and that she doesn’t live that far away. She lives in the same state and by car it only takes her a little bit over an hour to drive to the town I live. Christine, if you read this, I hope we will be friends forever. Your the best friend someone can have and I know you are always here for me. Hugs, your friend Meli! l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Melanie Anzalone AND Christine Dreyer from Germany LOST PENPAL Have you lost a penpal? Yes?! Then this is the section for you. Place your story about your Lost penpal and we will try to help you reconnect! w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e Tammy Albertson Dupont, USA (via Facebook) I have been looking fofr a friend of mine who I lost contact with along time ago and I really miss her. Her name is Kim Bear and she lived in Texas. I would love to get back in touch with her. Her maiden name was Heiliman. Jules Muni (via Facebook) My penpal of 15 years Jacqueline Mcinnus who last known lived in Kingston, Jamaica.I hope that I will be able to get back in touch with her. 29 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t 28 Katarina Långdahl, Sweden [email protected] I’m looking for my lost pen friend Yvonne Bell in Miami, Florida. She’s born 1973. Marlene Miller, Ohio, USA [email protected] Hello, my name is Marlene Miller, 55 and I am in Ohio in United States, have a favor to ask, am looking for friend I wrote to about 8 yr s or so ago, we lost touch, when she divorced. Her name was Jennie Smith. She lived in Australia, has son and daughter ,grown now, We wrote and taped letters on regular bases. We were doing email then lost my computer( blewup) and lost contact as well as her addy as never had it when she moved. Anyone able to help, please email me at [email protected] and put in message about her,thanks for any help you can give. a t SeongMi An, South Korea [email protected] Hello! It’s SeongMi An from South Korea I lost my penpals for some reasons. I’d love to keep in touch with you again. Please e-mail me, I miss you guys! n e w s Have you lost a penpal? Tina Jacobs (Nieman) ,USA [email protected] I had a pen pal from Greece who I wrote up to 5 years ago and we just lost touch. Her name is Helene Anastasopoulou. I have wrote her old address a few times and no response. I have searched her on the internet and still no success. She is 39 and lived in Patras as her last address I had. I’m hoping we can reconnect. l a t e s t photo by Manuela Balocco Beverly Kuttler Rampero, USA (via Facebook) I’m trying to find a good friend of mine. Her name is Aimee Plunkett. We have been writing for about 17 years. She use to live in Tracy, California but then moved away to another state and I lost her new address. I havent heard from her since. t h e Nanda S. Gaikwad (born 24-02-1973) 26-A-Sarnath Anushaktinagar IND-Bombay (now Mumbai) 400094 India (address valid until 1993) Additional information: her father worked at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in Bombay (Mumbai). c h e c k Maria Nieves (or Maria Neus) Estébanez Gutiérrez (born 29-03-1974) Carrer Briquets 1, entlo primero E-Barcelona 08033 Spain (address valid until 1991) Samia Oumohand, France [email protected] Hi all! I’m looking for my former penpal Jerry Lynn Daniels. She was a huge fan of French supermodel Laetitia Casta and is from the USA (from Tennessee, if I’m not wrong). If you know her, please let me know at: [email protected] i t ? Sonia Hardoin (born 08-08-1973) 461 Rue de la Trapinière F-50000 Saint-Lô France (address valid until 1993) l i k e Theda, Germany [email protected] Katharina Nöhring (was: Melter), Germany [email protected] Actually I am looking for a couple of former pals: Nike van Heeswijk from the Netherlands, Josephine (Joyce) Camilleri from Malta (Gozo island), Vivienne Hunter from England, Zenildo Rosa Jr. from Brasil. We lost contact a LONG time ago, and I would love to get back in touch. Does anyone know about them? Any help is appreciated! PenPal & Swappers Ads How to place an ad in the magazine? Go to www.sandbook.net and click the Magazine section. Then simply select “Place an Ad” and you will have to fill out the form that loads on your computer screen. Ads placed on pages/groups/ walls on Facebook will not be printed. Please note that the ads on our website are ads for the website itself. Unless you fill out the form under Magazine --> Place an Ad, you won’t see your ad here. Who can post an Ad? Anyone can post an ad in search for swappers or penpals. Our Ad Policy: 1) We are not a dating site/community - write appropriate ads to have them published. 2) No inmates - we have kid members in our community! 3) No money requests - such ad will result in your permanent ban from our community. 4) Snail mail addresses - we are not going to publish any snail mail addresses for security reasons. So you are going to be in charge of sending your home addresses to future penpals. We will publish your email address. 5) Religious, racial or discriminative materials would not be tolerated. 6) Any form of abusive or rude language is forbidden and will result in your ban from our community. What is the policy on Commersial Ads? Commercial Ads are paid ads for products or service that is not classified as a penpal or a swapper ad or an add from a small business that provides supplies for correspondence (stationary, address labels). Such ads are going to be negotiated with the respective companies. For more information email magazine@sandbook. net SandBook.Net Team a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? Carol McNatt [email protected] Collect postcards, windchimes, magnets and stickers. Prefer pals near my age. Love the paranorma, history, reading, penpals, crafts. [email protected] also SwtBtrCup on Facebook. Swap postcards, FBs, etc. No inmates. for years and i have been penpalling long before the facebook and the internet were ever heard of i was 12 at the time and i remember sitting in my bedroom writing letters on what would be at the time the old typewritter well would love to get some new penpals love lesley and thanks for all you are doing. Suleiman, Kenya sandy martin, UK Mwatajiris@yahoo. [email protected] com I am looking for high My hobbies are (sweemquality fb and deco ing, reading novel,footba swappers worldwide. if ll,basketball,beachwalk) interested email me. no men! or time waisters Colleen, 45, USA, [email protected] please! Hi everyone!! My name Lesley Griffin, USA is Colleen. I am 45 and l jg r i ff 3 4 @ from the USA. Love readgm a i l . c o m ing, 60s and 70s music, I AM LESLEY I WAS BORN crafts, journals, mysterIN BUGBROOKE I WAS ies, cooking, old movies, A NURSE AND MAR- hiking, stationary, anyRIED TO SAMUEL I EN- thing celtic, fairies, pixJOY WRITTING LETTERS es, writing, penpalling, AND CHATTING ON swapping fb’s/stickers/ FACEBOOK AND HAVE stationary. Male/Female MET SOME GOOD AND welcome from all over WONDERFUL FRIENDS the world. Email: ON HERE. I ALSO ENJOY PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK Maria Stewart, UK AS YOU WILL SEE BY MY s t e w a r t . c l a n @ PROFILE my hobbies are y a h o o . c o . u k writing and computer FacebookID:Stewart works driving and i am Clan married -53 years of age My names Maria, I’m 46, I am looking for some married and from the UK. new penpals i have got I’m looking for female some i have written to snail mail penpals, that w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Lissa, 21, England k awa i i 1989 @ hotmail.co.uk I am 21 and female living in Brighton, England. I am looking for penpals who will stay in touch via email. I would also like penpals from Japan as I am learning Japanese and would like to make friends with some Japa- Cathy W, 24, USA nese women. I am not Cathydolphinlvr@ interested in penpalling gmail.com with men. Facebook www.faceb o o k . c o m / c a t hy d o l k e r r y b e a r 7 @ phinlvr yahoo.com Kerry I’m 24 going on 25 in Ellis-Ouimette, 34, april, Im looking for New USA penpals, No men, sorry I am married to Jason guys, in a committed resince October 29th 2005 lationship. Loves~ NKOTB~Jon & Twilights ~”Jasper” aka Rose Valencia, USA Jackson Rathbone r o s e v 4 4 8 @ gm a i l . Loves~ reading, writ- com ing, pen pal letters, My interests, love to play stories, poems, inter- on line game, I am a artnet, scrapbooking, card ist, love to write to my making, bookmark penpals love going on making, I love to play my space/facebook,love MPRPG~Runescape to chat,i have a lot of Collects~ stickers, sta- interests. Hobbies love tionery, postcards, fair- walking, bakeing, love the beach like alot lol a t Alison, 43, UK malin@malin. Sally, 59, Canada karoo.co.uk j o d y s p a l @ I am Alison, mum to 4 from xplornet.com Hull UK. Hobbies: writing My search is for specific letters travelling music pals. I am looking for reading TV computer women aged mid 60’s family, UK and abroad, to mid 70’s. If you were from 26 upwords. born on June 22, 1941, I would love to hear from Leann, 30 you. I am a counted cross P e n Pa l l i n g F o o l @ stitch addict. I always aol.com have two books on the Hello my name is Leann ies, butterflies, dragonflies, dopey, tweety bird , ty bean babies, wind chimes. I also collect celebrity autographs!! Swaps~ f.b.‘s, f.s.‘s, postcards, stickers, stationery. Favorite Authors~ R.L. Stine, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Stephenie Meyer, Kim Harrison, V.C. Andrews to name a few. I also run a facebook group for twilight fans into pen palling called “TwiPals”. Looking for pen pals in~ Europe, South America, Asia, & Hawaii. Will not respond to anyone from Africa. n e w s Heidi Weand, USA hjweand1970@ yahoo.com Find me on facebook. http://public.fotki.com/ taggergurl/for-sale items/_ My google account: _http://w w w.google. com/profiles/OneNOnlyLeeLee_ My Tagged: _http://www.tagged. com/sweet_n_sassy_ babe_ l a t e s t Lisa Oaks, Utah USA yin_stressed_out@ yahoo.com My name is Lisa Oaks. I live in Utah USA. I would love female pals from all over the world between ages of 18 and 30. I am into: paranormal, haunting, hiking, camping, writing, crafts. I am married with 3 boys and a boy due February 13, 2011. Francis and I am 30 and a married mom of 2 boys. I currently work part to full time hours and am a full time college student and would like others to talk to. I also make and sell items such as stationary address labels and more. If interested in writing to me or even in items I sell or swap please email me for my address at [email protected] I make n sell address labels stationary and more.. WANT new Pals: I have a new pen pal news letter contact me for more info... My new pen pal website: http://penpalsforeverandalways.wetpaint.com/?utm_ source=Wetpaint&utm_ medium=Email&utm_ term=Alerts&utm_ campaign=Social) Join my groups: http://groups.yahoo. com/group/FunSwapsN-Palz_ http://groups.yahoo. com/group/TaggerGurlsAlwaysList_ be sure you mention that you saw it on my email when joining hugs Leann My myspace: http://myspace.com/angelbabyann23 http://public.fotki.com/ angelbabyann23_ For sale items: t h e l i k e Tracey, Scotland t r ac e _ wat t 1 @ hotmail.com Hi Im looking for people who enjoy writing long letters and enjoy writing regular. My name is Tracey and I am 26 from Aberdeen, Scotland. I am willing to write to people from all over theworld. go and my favorite authors are Archer Mayor and Jodi Picoulet.I have been a school bus driver for 32 years, but after this school year I am being forced to retire because of my age. I am involved with the school as an in school mentor with Big Brothers and Big Sisters. I am a divorced Mother to three brilliant children, all in their 40’s, and I have 4 awesome grandchildren. If I interest you, then drop me a line. My e-mail address is [email protected] Thank you all for reading this Naoko Oishi, Japan [email protected] Hobbies and interests: Music, movies, dogs, FB swapping, foreign languages, Spain and South Korea. New Pen Pals Wanted, especially from Europe and Englishspeaking countries. Write real soon! c h e c k Norma Trevino, USA normababy.trevino1@ gmail.com Hi I am Norma Trevino from Wheeling WV. I am 43 married and mom to 3 spoiled cats and god mom to a little month and a half little boy. I enjoy reading, crafts, music, movies, thrift stores, animals, volunteer work, making labels and stationery, the outdoors, cooking, baking, the holidays, being creative, friendship, my family and just tons more. I am looking for sincere pen pals and swappers of stationery and stickers. Email me at: normababy. t re v i n o 1 @ g m a i l. c o m i t ? Donna Walk, 33, USA [email protected] I’m looking for fun long letter pals who love to swap sparkly and cute decos. I’m a 33 year old female who loves spending time with my boyfriend, my family, my job at the daycare, photography, scrapbooking, halloween, bats, owls, hair dye, hello kitty, badtz maru, japan, kawaii, gliitter, stars, the 80’s, all 80’s cartoons, horror movies, plastik/pvc, cherries, babies, facebook, domo kun, cpk, vintage, flea markets, pinkness, polkadots, festivals,concerts, and loads more. I answer most. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal and Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e the feeling of opening you mail box to find a letter from a friend Tionna Mosley, 27, USA, mzangelkiss@ y a h o o . c o m Hello everyone, I’m Tionna. I’m looking for penpals between the ages of 25-55.I am not married, no kids yet.(not expecting) I want to write someone who has things in common with me. My hobbies are writing letters, sending small gifts, swapping, reading urban fiction, video games (the sims2,and xbox), bowling, movies (Disney and any others), collecting DVDS, making address labels on my home PC, texting, facebook, cooking, shopping, dancing, and anything fun. I am open minded and sincere. I prefer to hand write my letters but sometimes I type too. I love nature, animals, art, poetry, candles, body lotions, purses/bags, and decorating my apartment. I’ll tell you more if we become friends, hope to hear from you. Amanda Ogutu, Australia, 37 [email protected] I’m a happily married Christian Mama with 4 precious children aged 18mths, 32mths, 14yrs and 18yrs. My interests include baking and cooking, creating pixel graphics, reading, music (anything other than heavy metal, and I’m not into 50 cent, 2pac, etc.), gardening, spending time with my family (they are my world), paper crafts, and writing to my penpals. I’m looking for female friends only, (no offence), someone who would like Sandra, 48, to swap recipes with me S c o t l a n d would be great :) but it’s s cot l a n d f o r m e @ not a requirement. I’m y a h o o . c o . u k really looking forward Hello. scotlandforme@yato making some new hoo.co.uk I’m in Scotland, friends, nothing beats 48 years old and like all w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Viv, 38, USA [email protected] Hello. My name is Viv and I’m a 38 year old lady living near Florida, USA. My email address is: viv_ [email protected] I love Joy wreede, 38, USA, j o y ly n n w r e e d e @ aol.com I am a 38 yr old mom/wife of over 20 years. i have a great husband, 3 kids and 3 dogs. i am fully disabled and bed ridden and on oxygen most of the time. i am not one to want sympathy just epals to help pass the time. i Amy, 41y.o., USA, s t e f a n i k . a my @ comcast.net My name is Amy Stefanik and I am 41 years old. my hobbies include : walking, pen palling, reading, scrapbooking, shopping, surfing the net, listening to music, writing poetry, watching tv and dvd’s, traveling, hanging out with friends and so much more. I love to collect : unicorns, fairies, angels, teddy bears, webkinz, pens, bookmarks, postcards, mangets, keychains and whatever else I find interesting. Feel free to ask me anything. :) jeanie schade, 31, usa, jeanieschade@ y a h o o . c o m Hobbies: music, sports, movies, concerts, scrapbooking, penpalling, internet, computers, swapping, tv, traveling, tattoos, outdoors, tanning, and lots more. Swaps: fbs, crams, slams, stationary, stickers, postcards, sticker bags, and label bags. Collects: frogs, candles and beanie babies Penpals: ages 20-40 usa and canada only, no prisoners a t Karina, 31, Canada karinafioremarcil@ hotmail.com My name is Karina, i am from Canada. IM 31 years old married with 3 kids from 9 years to 2 months. I would like to have penpal from all over the world. I like cooking, photography, penpalling, horse riding, dolphing, twilight and many more. If you are interested drop me some line in my email karinafioremarcil@hotmail. com Stefania / 30 / Italy / [email protected] My hobbies are penpalling, reading, listening to music, collecting (postcards, fridge-magnets, coins, banknotes, stamps, phonecards.), travelling, taking photos. I love stationery, stickers, gelpens, decotapes, etc. and I like swapping with my pals. I’m looking for some sincere regular snail mail pals or swappers just around my age, no men or prisoners. love to read, listening to country music, being online, alot of tv shows in the evening, and much more. I collect several things which include: angels, bookmarks, candles, dolphins, teddy bears, white tigers and wolves. I am not one to talk about politics or religion. I would prefer female epals only who are possibly married or has kids so we have something in common. I am really laid back and rather easy to get along with as most say. Feel free to ask me anything which you would like I am rather open about my health and many other issues. n e w s Estela Edo, Spain jj r o d a @ t e r r a . e s I swap labelbags and FBs. I am always searching for new swappers. I collect viewcards (postcards). You can contact me on my facebook (search for my name or email there) Sandy, Age 35 sandyxrs@talktalk. net Looking for penpals to snail mail and swap with, I enjoy gardening, Writing and Getting letters. I enjoy card making and Book mark making I am into crafts. I am disabled as I am half Blind. But I write with pen except for the bad days when I used computer. I am willing to write first letter. My email address is [email protected] music, travel, art, fashion, writing, movies, gardening, cooking, magazines, animals, and more. I swap postcards, regular and nice and neat friendship books, and occassionally stamps, stationery or stickers. I’m seeking sincere ladies to write to in postal mail who are also looking for friendship. I am a loyal friend and honest swapper. I hope to hear from you. :) l a t e s t Maddy Ray, UK m a d dya n d j ay57@ hotmail.com My hobbies and intrest are writting letters . cooking ,swapping fbs and recipes . listing to music. email maddyandjay57@ Heidi, 41, Australia heidima@optusnet. com.au Heidi Maier 14 Westcombe Place Rooty Hill NSW 2766 AUSTRALIA Have been palling for over 15 years now. I am 41 years of age. Hobbies include travelling, writing to pals, swapping FBS and Slams, collecting souvinor spoons, reading, listening to music, watching TV and Movies and lots more. Would love more pals from any state in the USA, Japan, Hong Kong, Ireland, Scotland and Moscow. Will answer all who write. Prefer snail mail. as well as via email. t h e Heather Carrabis /27/ MA, USA heather.carrabis@ gmail.com Hello, my name is Heather Carrabis. I’m 27 from Worcester, MA (USA). I enjoy reading, writing, watching TV & movies, walking and many more. I enjoy swapping, FB’s, slams, deco’s, label bags etc. E-mail is heather. [email protected] Hope to hear from you. hotmail.com Sara, 31, Italy s a r i u x @ l i b e r o. i t My name is Sara, I’ m 31, married, no children. I’ve 3 cats and 1 dog. I’m from Italy and I speak English, french, spanish and a little bit of german. I’d like new pen pals from all over the world near my age! c h e c k Dave Stewart UK s t e w a r t. c l a n @ ya h o o.co.u k Facebook ID: Stewart Clan My names Dave, I’m 46, married and from the UK. I’m looking for male snail mail penpals, that aren’t going to disappear after the first couple of letters. I should mention I have to type my correspondence, due to arthritis ~ I hope this wouldn’t be a problem :o) Some of my interests include football, miliataria, rugby, travel and loads more :o) If you feel you’d like to embark on a life long friendship, please feel free to drop me an email and/or send me a message and add me as a friend on Facebook :o) Kassy Davis, 25, USA [email protected] Wanted: Penpals and Stamp Collectors. My name is Kassy Davis. Just turned 25. Single. Look me up on Facebook. You’ll know me when you see my weird toes. I started collecting stamps a few months ago, just started making FB’s, I trade stickers and travel brochures for stamps. Looking for penpals and stamps collectors from all over the world. You may contact me through Facebook or email me at: [email protected] i t ? aren’t going to disappear after the first couple of letters. I should mention I have to type my correspondence, due to arthritis ~ I hope this wouldn’t be a problem :o) Some of my interests include animals, arts & crafts, reading, travel and loads more :o)If you feel you’d like to embark on a life long friendship, please feel free to drop me an email and/or send me a message and add me as a friend on Facebook :o) l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Mirjan Dekker, 31 (32 on november, 3 rd) The Netherlands [email protected] Hello long-letter pals! I am a 31 years old Dutch woman looking for a few new female (snailmail) penpals around my age (from 20-35 years old) from all over the world. I love to write on cute stationery as it’s great to receive cute and fat mail:-) And because I have loads of cute stationery lying here that I think I will use this collection for many Josh, 30, USA, years from now on. jcowan1023@gmail. I am looking for com someone who will try to Hello, my name is Josh write on a regular basis Cowan. I am 30 years old (around once a month Jessica L. Helms, 23, Idaho, USA, helmzie21@gmail. com Hi everyone! I am looking for pals from everywhere! I love writing and have been doing it for many years, and one to always write back. I want a pal who is looking for a long term pal. I love postcards, so if you are interested in postcards. I have been trying to get one from every country! I have many, but I am very interested in the adventure I find ahead with getting as many cards as possible. I also enjoy movies. I have many so always looking for a movie fanatic to discuss movies. Reading. I pretty much just read Nicholas Sparks. I collect coins, and bank notes, so if you are one of those I would love to help that way as well. I am getting so many countries, and I guess by writing brought the love of collecting cards and currency to my attention. I do swap friendship books. I don’t like tons at a time but enough to swap. I am a pen pal that works hard to stay in touch, and looking for people who have the same interest. I am open minded! I am just looking for fun, and learn about countries and other part of the world! I am a t c h e c k Laura, 24, UK My name is laura lou, im 24, from the uk and my email addy is [email protected]. I love writing, drawing, reading, listening to music, penpalling, Harry Potter and many more. for example) and your letters have to contain at least 5-6 (both sides) A5 pages and up. They have to be written from the heart! I have been into penpalling for a very long time now and it is really fun to do. I might be a bit picky but I have met different kinds of pals in the penpalling world. I have got such nice friends now even there’s a distance between us. I also love to exchange cute stuff like stationery or stickers and it would be great if you loved it too! But that is not a must as long your letters are long and personal. Besides penpalling, I also like travelling, going out, reading books, making cards, shopping, cute stationery, watching TV, doing fun stuff with my dear friends, listening to some great music and much more. I love my cats! I am a real cat woman, I always talk to them, hehe;) I see them as my kids. If you are a female around my age from all over the world that likes cute stationery and willing to write on a regular basis, please write me an e-mail with a long introduction of yourself! Dutchies are welcome as well :-) Can’t wait to find some new sincere penpals and start writing! Hugs Mir n e w s Elena, Romania, 31, tilli_trotter@ hotmail.com ...a friend ... half of your heart, The half who is laughing with you, who is taking you in its arms when you cry, who supports you when have problems, who is fighting with you when you’re wrong or you’re about to make a mistake. The half who is crying with you when you are in trouble ,who sais huray when you are successful. The half who is doing anything it can for you to see the right path in life. The half that although is in another body, is beating in the same rhythm with your heart! This is a friend to me! More about me ... I love writing letters , I am doing this for more than 17 years now , and even if i found over the years many types of people, I still believe in humans, and still want to know countries, customs, lives... friends! Friends have been for me like the air I breath ... and all I want from them is respect! and I have a good since of humor. I like snail mail better then email because you can send little gifts with your letters. I am looking for male or female Penpals age 18- 41 who can make me laugh or smile. My hobbies include making my own greeting cards. [email protected] l a t e s t Magalie (france), 26, miouzic_addict@ hotmail.fr I have tons of celeb/band stuff such as posters, magazine articles and even cds for some that I want to get rid of. I have stuff on Boyzone, a lot on Britney Spears, tons of stuff on Hanson (more than 100 posters, cds, video tapes, real pictures and tons other, as I used to be a huge fan of them) also on 30 Seconds to Mars, Spice Girls, Madonna and a lot of others... If you are interested, send me a message and I will tell you if I have stuff on your fave celebrity/ bands. I would like to have in exchange stuff on Nine Inch Nails, on some tennis players (especially on Richard Gasquet), Killing Joke and other post-punk bands, Emilie Autumn etc. If you have nothing on them, you can send me stationery instead. I am also willing to sell them, especially on Hanson as I have really a lot on them, including cds, real photos and tapes. Ok, I hope some people are interested and that we can do some nice swaps. :) t h e i t ? the computer; reading listing to music; doing search a words, penpaling scrapbooking and TV. I have a pet called Lou. c h e c k Anna, 26, Sweden v e g e ta r i a n n a83@ hotmail.com. Hi! My name is Anna and I’m from a city named Malmö in Sweden. I’m 26 years old and I’m still studying. My interests are: theatre, travelling, reading book, writing letters, sing and sew. As for my education, I’ve been studying a long while know and also been working. For 3 years when I was around 19 years old I started to study theatre and it has been my favorite thing for a long time and it still is, but I haven’t got enough time for it now. At the moment I’m writing my thesis in library and information science. I really enjoy travelling, I’ve been to India, Japan, Egypt, Russia and almost every country in Europe. I’ve been working at libraries, cafés and with mentally dysfunction/ disorder. I like making dresses on my sewing machine too :) I’m looking for pen pals in USA, Canada and Europe. I’m happy to receive letters Lisa Overduin, 40, from all the world, so Canada, lisaoverdon’t hesitate to write. If [email protected] you’re an interesting per- 5PrickedFinger5.etsy. son I’ll answer! com I am looking for swapGalina from Russia pers from all over the g a l p i k a - 2 0 0 7 @ world. I mostly swap cerambler.ru lebrity clippings. I have I’m searching for friends A-Z files on many of your around the world. My favourite stars. My maghobbies are collecting azine collection goes as postcards stamps and far back as 1983. Here is little souvenirs like nice a list of things I collect: greeting from friends. I 1- Stickers enjoy writing letters and 2- Stationery and Greetdoing swapping. I’m in- ing Cards terested in traditions 3- Madonna very much and I like trav- 4- Gerard Butler elling. I could write you 5- Matt Passmore (actor a lot of interesting infor- from the tv show “The mation about Russian Glades”) lifestyle and will be wait- 6- Buttons ing for your ideas about 7- Seed beads great post-crossing. Best 8- Cross-stitch patterns, wishes Galina magazines, books 9- “The Outsiders” (movLisa Porche, 40, USA ie from 1983 starring p i n k s t i t c h i n g s @ C.Thomas Howell, Matt y a h o o . c o m . Dillon and Ralph MacHi, my name is Lisa. I chio) am 40yrs. old & a SAHM 10-Jigsaw puzzles (100of 3 kids (‘90,’92,’99). I 300 pieces) have been married for 11-Pink 11 1/2 yrs. I enjoy swap- 12-Carey Mulligan ping Friendship Books, 13-Ginnifer Goodwin Label bags, postcards 14-Halle Berry (from my home state Please send me an E-mail & city), ATCs & sticker with your list and we can bags. I started swap- start swapping! ping about 2 yrs. ago but stopped last year & then Kathy Moss, 59, USA started up again about g k at hym o s s @ at t. 4 months ago. NSW, net NPW, A/M, USA Only, I am 59 and I live in USA. NO inmates/ No Men. My hobbies are of course i t ? l i k e sorts of things from reading to travelling when I can. I’d love to hear from some female email or snailmail friends from all over the world - particularly Iceland, India, Poland and Nepal. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e Paula, 37, England, pinklioness@ googlemail.com I’m Paula Milburn, 37 years old. I live with my husband in the North East of England. I like collecting postcards and thimbles. Can write in English, German or French, read lots of other languages. I’m learning Afrikaans at the moment. If you’d like to be penpals email me first on pinklioness@ googlemail.com for more information! Danny, 25, India dany_kallery@ yahoo.co.in Hi, I am Dany from India. Male 25yrs, searching for some Long time Penpals from all over the world. I don’t have any preference for your language, country, color, or age. If you interested then please give me an email. I am working as Linux Engineer at the same time student of Computer Applications, living with parents and Sister in one of the most beautiful place in India called Kerala. in map, Southern end of India covered with Arabian Sea. Kerala is one of the famous Tourist places in India Called God’s own Country because of its natural Beauty. Hobbies: Most of my free times I will watch TV or Movies. I really love Animals and I have a Dog, Cat and some birds. I like to read IT related Subjects because it’s a part of my life and profession. Other topics are History, Travelogues, Historical Incidents or about Legends. I like to watch sports in TV, especially Cricket and Soccer. I would like to be a Wildlife or nature Photographer. I love photography very much. I like to hear about other countries, culture, nature, festivals or celebrations, people and life. I would love to meet people from other countries. That will help me to learn lots of things about them or that country. Penpal Requests: Looking for only longtime friendship. I prefer Snail Mails because it gives us a real feeling of that friendship and also it would be more sincere than Emails, will be a great remembrance for us till the end of life. I am not a Penpal Collector or I don’t need many people but I only need w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Heidi Karin Søvik 33, Norway o-rensoe@online. no I’m looking for sincere female penpals worldwide from 30 years old and up to 100, who can write often and regularly. I am happily married, no kids, but we have two small dogs. I love our dogs, scrapbooking, a little gardening, camping in our caravan, Facebook, internet etc. J a i m i e / 2 5 / USA / I also love collecting and pyari1985@gmail. swapping postcards, com stationary, stickers and Hello! My name is also lot of other things. Jaimie, I am a girl, and New female regular I live in Florida, USA. I swappers worldwide am looking for some are also welcome, but International snail mail no men, i can also send pen-pals. It does not stamps back, just ask matter where you are about any kind of swapfrom. I am looking for ping. My nickname on someone around my swapbot is hkso and I age. I also like to swap use the same nick name post cards and currency for postcrossing. Email (bank notes and coins). pals and Facebook pals My hobbies besides are also welcome. pen-paling include: photography, shopping, Elizabeth Thomas, music, movies, the 31, Trinidad And beach, traveling, and Tobago, lizzyt55@ hanging out with friends. yahoo.com I am currently a student. Extroverted introvert I’m going to school who is addicted to to become a cultural cheesy romance novels anthropologist. I also and country music, with work in manufacturing. a witty sense of humour If you would like to be and a tad bit sassy. I am my pen-pal, then send looking for like-minded me an email. Hope to penpals. All are wel- comed whether snail or email pals. Trades FB’s, recipes, romance novels in e-books format, music in mp3 format, stickers, poems, short stories and coins. a t c h e c k hear from you soon! n e w s i t ? some long letter pals who enjoy writing. I have 2 children and a bunch of pets. I love animals, travelling, swimming, soap operas, country music, going for walks, spending time with my family and just having fun. I’m hoping to meet some chatty pals who always have something to write about. I don’t mind signing Fbs but please no slams. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Hugs l a t e s t year-old female from Japan. I’m looking for female snail pal from all over the world to talk about many things through letters! I like travelling, playing with cats, laughing, sleeping... I also like exchanging postcards, so please tell me if you want to talk over the cards! It would be nice if you are learning Japanese, having interests in Japan! But it’s OK if you don’t know about Japan well, you’ll Amber Hayes /19/ know about it talking USA amber1991_13@ with me!!! I’m waiting for yahoo.com your message! Hey there!! I am Amber (also know as) Kiva. I am Lisa, USA 19 years old and I would i mm o r m i n o @ at t. like to make friends with net anyone!!! I like boys, I am a married mother shopping, TV. , track, bas- to a 5 yr old daughter. I ketball, reading, com- like penpaling, reading puter , friends and fam- books, being on the ily. I live in the USA and internet. It will take me I can speak English but awhile to write back to I am learning Japanese. you but I will write you. But I will talk to anyone I am really busy with my because I love to make daughter and work. I love new friends and learn camping, scrapbooking, about new things . If you Harry Potter, Twilight want to talk to me just collecting postcards and say hi or something. I keychains. like to SWAP so if you are into that I can swap too!! Crystal, 33, Canada I also like to write poems, s m o k e y s l o v e @ stories, and things. sympatico.ca Calling all snail mail Chiaki, Japan 28, penpals. Hello there. c_crystals@yahoo. I’m a 33 year old female co.jp from Brockville Ontario Hello! I’m Chiaki, a 28- Canada. I’m looking for t h e Sunny Chauncey, 25, Florida, USA [email protected] Hello. I’m a Pisces. I’m married! I’m in my area’s orchestra, playing clarinet. I also played tenor sax. I crochet. I am learning knitting and how to spin (fiber into yarn). I got into ATCs (artist trading cards) and I ADORE making (and receiving!) them :). I am doing my first altered/ chunky book. I love animals and have owned many over the course of my life. I have a little boy, who is currently 3 and SO much fun. I love everything to do with Ireland. I love history. I love horror and comedy movies. I watch quite a bit of TV... too many shows I follow to name, but here’s a few: The Big Bang Theory, Mad Men, Family Guy, Futurama, White Collar, Psych, Burn Notice, Modern Family, The Office, and many more lol. I play games on my Playstation 3 and on the computer. I love playing games -it is just a fun thing to do. I am a book fanatic. I like Anne Rice, Phillipa Gregory, Laurell K Hamilton, Angie Sage, Rick Riordan, and Sherrilyn Kenyon.... to name a few. I am obsessed with Superman. I collect anything and everything on Superman! I love old movies. Gene Kelly, Tony Curtis, and Cary Grant would have been all over my walls. I love vintage- vintage ads, pictures, postcards, books, etc. Email me at: [email protected] c h e c k Karen MacDonald, 41, Canada, [email protected] Hi everyone! My name is Karen and I am from Canada. I have been pen-palling for many years and enjoy it very much. I am 41 years old and live on my own with my son who is 15. I am looking for somewhat long letter pals who have similar interests to mine. Some of mine include: reading, fishing, gardening, bird watching, animals, the outdoors, going shopping, crafting, (rubber stamping, scrapbooking, latch hook, plastic canvas, stamped cross stitch) to name some. I have some collections. They include postcards, rubber stamps, decorative hole punches, magazines, books, bookmarks, jewelry, and country decorating items. I am only looking to write to people in Canada and the U.S.A. due to high postage rates. Also ladies between the ages of 30 to 50. If I sound like someone you would enjoy writing...please drop me a line and start a friendship. Hope to hear from some of you soon. i t ? l i k e also looking for scouting patches from all over. Scouting Patches from the Boy Scouts of American and similar groups from all over the world. I willing to swap anything of your interest. If you can help out I would really appreciate! Ciao! l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k hotmail.com I am a mommy of a 6 yr old little girl, living on the island of Newfoundand. I am a big animal lover, especially pet rats and dogs. I currently have 11 pet rats and am an advocate for them. I promote them as the great pets they are, educate on proper care and dispel the myths. I also do rescue and foster rats in need.It is my passion. I am bisexual, vegetarian and very open minded. I have 7 tattoos & 7 piercings. I have many interests, but will save them for snail mail. I am looking for open minded and sincere penpals who won’t stop writing after 1-2 letters and who are up for discussing everything and anything... preferably with similar interests as me, but will give anyone a chance. At this point I am only looking for pals in the USA and Canada due to postage. Hope to hear from great people soon! Christine Hall, 45, Hampton, New Hampshire c a b h a l l @ hotmail.com I am a unemployed, divorced empty nester. I have cyclothymia... which is a mild type w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Valentina Pireddu (aka Tinetta) Italy - b.d. 03.03.86, age 24 turn on25!!! tinettadesign@ tiscali.it I love swapping and penpalling, especially with people that comes from outside Italy! I love foreign languages and cultures, in fact this is my 1st year at university, foreign languages (English and German!!!), so I’d like to have more friends from UK/Ireland and Germany, to improve my language I’m totally crazy for cats, manga,anime, Asia, drawing, decoupage, dancing, painting on stones. I swap fbs (of any I love to write. I still practice the art of snail mailing and I love to create my own stationary and small cards using rubber stamps. I journal on a regular basis...have never gotten into blogging though...I prefer paper. Poetry has always been a love of mine and occasionally I will write for others but usually it is just a part of my journal. I believe that the world lacks color and joy without friends to share life with...My husband and my son are my best friends but I have room Marci, 56, USA, for friends that want to d r e s d e n d o l l 54 @ maintain long-term relationships and are willing yahoo.com My name is Marci Skin- to listen to my ups and ner. I am 56 years old downs without judgwith the mind of a 30 ment. something. I live in Looking forward to Iowa, USA...the Mid- meeting a lot of terrific west. My email address people through this is dresdendoll54@ya- venture. hoo.com . I am Mom to a 22 y.o son...stepmom Alison Hepworth, to three adult children... UK malin@malin. and fur Mom to 2 cats karoo.co.uk and a Siberian Husky. I Mum to 4 from hull uk. love animals, real and Hobbies are palling ficticious...I love dragons travelling music tv comas well as tigers and po- puter family, collecting lar bears---buffalo and postcards, reading, going out for meal, drinks most wildlife. I love to read. My greatest and cinema. I am lookproblem is that I never ing for snail mail pals uk want to get rid of a good and abroad from 26. book. I am a frequent Sabo, 26, visitor at our local library Lisa so that I have to return Canada, lisa_sabo_2005@ the books. a t i t ? Wilson Kisanga kisanga9@gmail. com, 30, Zambia I am Wilson, aged 30 from Zambia(Southern Africa). I am looking for female penpals(E-pals) of any age from anywhere across the globe. I like reading, writing, listening to music and swimming. Anybody interested can contact me via email. kind), labelbags, slams, bags, postcards, stationery & sugar packets. I’m also a address labels maker. I collect full sugar packets from all over the world, postcards and stationery (letter sets, letter paper, memopads, notepads, loose sheets).I like reading books! My fave writers are Nicholas Sparks and Sophie Kinsella!I ‘ve started to read their books in English and German :-S I’m also a volounterr in a colony of stray cats in Cagliari. :)=^_^= n e w s l i k e wanna learn about the world and the humans living in it. I am hoping to have, or had, a penpal in every country of the world! Take Care everybody! l a t e s t talk about anything with. I’m interested in music, Tracey Lewis, 44, books, writing/receiving Indiana USA postcards and letters, alwaysmessinup2001@ science (though I’m not yahoo.com good at it if we’re speakMy hobbies and inter- ing about school :P), ests are snail mail scrap- psychological movies, booking and journaling middle ages, paranoras well as making hand- mal stuff, dreams, LOTS made crafts. I’ve been OF RANDOM STUFF. I’m penpaling since I was 12 this girl who’s interested and for the past 19 years in everything. XD I play it was also a way for me basketball, volleyball to tell of how I dealt with and table tennis, I write the abduction of my stories. I want a friend son who I only knew the and I don’t really care first 6 months of his life. where you are from. Also Through my journey and I think I’m quite good at writings we have now English, but it still fails found each other and sometimes, so I’m sorry he will also become one for the mistakes! whom I will write to because he’s 14 hours from Marion Norrgård, me. We haven’t met face 22years, Finland, to face yet but we are silvermarion@ working at when we hotmail.com both can. Not only can I’m born and raised in penpaling bring us close the forests of Finland. to others we don’t know My mother tongue is in person, it helps to let Swedish but I can also others know that we are speak Finnish, English all friends/family and and German. I enjoy may have what another dancing, acting, singing, may be needing. It led reading (mythology, reme to my son and even ligions, fantasy, folklore, though it took 19 years it psychology, true stories, was also the prayers and horror), writing, clubhelp of pals who kept bing, nature, animals. me from giving up. Love writing letters and exchanging postcards. I Aurelija, Lithuania, listen to all kind of mua d a m a n t i n e. g d @ sic from techno to death gmail.com metal to classical to hip I am 15y.o and quite hop. It just need a good friendly but shy. I’d like to rhythm or good lyrics. have a friend who I could I’m open-minded and t h e Donna Lueken, 49, Canada, donna.lueken@ yahoo.ca MY NAME IS DONNA, I AM 49 YEARS OLD. I WORK AT THE HOSPITAL AS an ENVIROMENTAL SERVICE WORKER, I BEEN THERE FOR 5 YEARS NOW. I HAVE ONE DAUGHTER SHE IS 29 YEARS OLD. I ALSO HAVE ONE GRANDDAUGHTER SHE IS 7 YEARS OLD AND IS IN GRADE 2. SOME OF MY INTERESTS ARE WRITING LETTERS, COOKING, WALKING, WATCHING TV,LISTENING TO MUSIC. MY HOBBIES ARE DOING CRAFTS . c h e c k Noelle, 30, SPain sanz_noelia@ hotmail.com My name is Noelle, I’m thirty years old. I’m Spanish and I want Practise with you. I can write in English for my practice and after translate to Spanish for you. I’d like to meet people from around the world and all cultures and customs. They tell me their experiences, and I mine it. I love reading, cross stitch, music, hanging out with friends and if not, stay home with my boyfriend watching a good movie. I also love to spend time learning English and share with the world through my blog. If you want to know, write me. I hope read you soon. You can practice the exchange of English / Spanish with me at: My blog: http://noelia-aprendiendoingles.blogspot.com/ Windows Live Group: http://blogaprendiendoingles.groups.live. com/ Page Facebook: http://www.facebook. com/AprendENGLISH Twitter: h t t p : / / t w i t t e r. c o m / aprendENGLISH i t ? that person who is having the same thinking or opinions of mine in Penpalling, like Longtime and Sincere Friendships. Anybody who loves to know about India or anything related to India can mail me. I will help you by giving my best. I don’t expect anything like money, marriage or any relationships so I can offer sincere longtime friendship from my side. If you found anything common in me or if you think that I will become a good friend of yours then don’t hesitate to mail me. Please add “Penpals” as Subject to your mail. I can easily find all my Personal (important) mails from SPAMS or Advertisements. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k collect postcards, salt and pepper shakers, and teddy bears. Also have a collection of frogs,some that go outside. Would love to write women of all ages all over the world. Samantha Stroy 26 California, USA xoxoxowithlove@ yahoo.com I’m looking for long Cherry, 33, UK letter pals, who won’t Silverc atbabies@ stop writing after one letter. Someone easy aol.com I am a married mum to to talkk to and share 6 Children, I love Soap our daily lives with. I Operas, Witting letters love writing, drawing, by hand, Swapping stuff vampire novels, texting, including Fb’s and Label etc. I’m a marries stay at Bags. I am looking for home mom of three. I am Snailmail Penpals from open-minded and I love UK only, Females over a good conversation. 18yrs old please. Write LOVES: Starbucks and tea. to me if interested. I swap anything and EVERYTHING that fits Nancy Lawson, in an evelope. I swap 61, USA, books, stationary, FBs, crapbookmom07@ Slams, stickers, etc. I hotmail.com Hi I am a grandmother am always looking for of 5 and have 3 adult clippings of celeberties, children, happily married words, quotes, etc. Hope ( no men to respond to meet some great Please) I am not working friends that will last for a right now. Do also have lifetime. 3 step-children. Like to Joyner, do scrapbook, crafts of Wendy all kinds, enjoy pen-pals 35, United states . Have done genealogy, c h a k l i u k @ gm a i l . like to read, listen to com music, also garden a Interests: cats, 80’s music, bit. Love animals and foreign movies, city of nature. Enjoy watching Paris, weird and unique movies and some T.V. I art, stickers, stationary, w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Samia Oumohand, 32, France samgunsjovirow@ yahoo.com. I’m a 32 y.o French woman looking for penpals and swappers worldwide! I like longletter pals, am very curious about other way of life, open-minded and I’m into music, movies, fashion, crafts, travels. I swap Fbs, decos, slams and lyrics mainly. I’m also looking for people to swap celebrity stuff with (send me your wish list Alisa, 29, The and I’ll send mine back). Netherlands [email protected] If you’re interested, My name is Alisa feel free to email me samgunsjovirow@ and Iam looking for at: penpals all over the yahoo.com. world. Let me introduce myself to you all. I am Lisa, 37, USA a 29 years old women l i s a v a n t r e s s @ and I live in village gmail.com Annerveenschekanaal, Hello my name is Lisa Van that’s in The north of The Tress, i am 37 years old from Holland Michigan. Netherlands. I’m married with I have two children and married. I am seeking penpals from all over the world. I just started to penpal couple of weeks ago. No males please as I am married. I like to swap postcards, stickers, and friendship books. I am going to make one of my own to soon. I enjoy reading, bike riding, going to the lake etc.:) a t Moses Olinga /32/ Uganda [email protected] Hi there my name is Moses Olinga, 32 yrs of age, thanks for stopping by. I am interested in finding and keeping real Pen pals / friends. I enjoy bringing a smile to peoples faces, even in this place, life can be such a rat race. I love to learn and explore and to teach. I’m a practical man and enjoy fixing things and making improvements myself. I can openly & comfortably carry on an intelligent conversation. I reside in Kampala, Uganda in the east Of Africa (Pearl of Africa). I enjoy Basketball, Swimming,Singing, D a n c i n g , Tr a v e l l i n g , Cooking,Camping, R e a d i n g, Co m p u t e r s, movies etc. Email me: [email protected] Richard and mother of 2 children. My hobbies are: writing letters, swap FB’s, playing the clarinet, music, animals, collecting everything from the animal giraffe, making jewellery’s. And much more. I’m working with mantally handicapt people. If you would like to know me better feel free to sent me a e-mail [email protected]. n e w s i t ? Virginia.USA.com l a t e s t prison mail either would love penpals in any countries especially Canada, Japan, Spain. Louise Mcevoy, I hope too hear from you 38, Scotland, Uk soon. duranduranfan1980@ hotmail.com Margo V. , 11-08-71 I would love epal or 39, United states snail pal very much. margosug@yahoo. My email address is com duranduranfan1980@ Hi everyone my name hotmail.com My hobbies is Margo I am 38 and are penpalling,i have looking for pen pals I penpalled for over 20 love snail mailing. I have odd years and still write 3 girls lots of interests. I too my very 1st penpal love shopping, Writing, who I havve know for making and collecting 7 years now she a very jewelry and much more dear friend too me.i love hope to hear from you. reading esp the twilight Margo In New York. novels I am a huge Disthedistance.com and twilight fan(GO TEAM blog.disthedistance.com EDWARD) lol. Music iam a big fans of the 80s esp Jennifer, 31, USA duran duran,i also am a e s 0 3 2 3 0 9 @ huge boyzone fan have V i r g i n i a . USA . co m seen them live about 8 Hello my name is times over the years and Jennifer, I will be 31 this have also met them few Nov 9th . I am happy times,take that,kings of married, and have four leon,alexander burke,lot children. I live in Virginia, of others i like any kind USA. I love to write and of music really,I also email. Facebook, cafe love travelling,cinema,s mom, I love true blood, hopping,collecting and twilight, soap operas. swapping stationary and I love mail that isn’t stickers.chatting on msn/ junk or bills lol. I love texting. I am engaged too postcards, I am willing to fantastic man who ive send some myself since know for nearly 2 years. I live real close to DC. were getting married We just recently moved next may(2011)really from Va beach, I love the exciting. I will reply too ocean and shells. If your any penpals worldwide. interested in emailing or Sorry no male pals or even snail mail pals send pals in Africian counties, me a email at es032309@ t h e l i k e looking for pepals! I do speak/write in English and Spanish. c h e c k But on the contrary, I hate lies and delays as they are both procrastinating, and as such, could not in any way help build up a good friendship. I also hate people who pose or pretend to be whom they’re not. I simply like simple people. Personally, I think true friends are the embodiment of our souls that Debra Tatnell, 46, gives us security, warmth UK now_what@ & comfort when we seem btinternet.com to be scared, lonely, jiltHobbies writing and ed and even Battered! receiving long letters, That we can say what reading, collecting items, we think, write what we animals, cats, spending know, but can’t do withtime with family and out real friends (even friends, old buildings, though we might have countryside, seaside, etc. some, but most seems to I live in England near the fade away. sea with my husband and two cats. I love writing to gertrude lillian people. Females only. g e r t r u d e ggg @ gmail.com, South Leo Probyns, 28, Africa Sierra Leone Hi im looking for female l e o p r o b y n s @ friends around the world a c c o u n ta n t. c o m my name is Gertrude i live I’m Leo Probyns, 28. I in South africa searching came from a small family for friends between age of two. I am a friendly guy 32 to 40. Write soon! who believes that true and real friendship has Rocio /29/ Argentina got a modest role to play d a v i d . s h a w . in our personal lives. Re- i n t e n s e . w o r l d @ ally, I must let you know gmail.com that my interests are bur- I’m Rocio, female. My ied deep down in snail hobbies are: cine, read, mailing, friendship, fam- music, origami 3d, paint ily, traveling, camping, shop pro, pepals. I love swimming, watching soc- to collect dvds, postcards cer and basketball, mov- and bookmarks. Also ies, reading and cooking. love to swap fbs. Always i t ? of bipolar. I would like penpals and postcard swappers. I also swap stickers and friendship books. I like movies, writing,photography, animals, walking, hiking, geocashing, facebook, crafts,nature, postcard, stickers, crafting supplies, day trips, traveling, friends, etc. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? Glenys Dunne / 37 / Australia m a v i k i h a @ southernphone. com.au I am interested in lots of crafts, writing letters, reading, and improving my education plus there is lots more to tell you about in my letters. Carol Johnston, 55, New Zealand mainlandlady55@ kinect.co.nz I love reading, listening to music, card making, some scrapbooking, making journals and journal writing, getting back into letter writing, like writing about topical things kind of like the prompts used in journal writing rather than the every day stuff as my life seems to be the same old same old. I am a type 1 Diabetic, I do volunteer work for Red Cross and I also do respite care work for the elderly.I have a partner Murray and his 19 year old son who live with me. I live in the central South Island of New Zealand down the road from earthquake country(Christchurch). Look forward to meet- w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t l i k e to two and I am looking for long letter or cassette tape pals. a t Jamie, 30, USA k i t t yg l i t t e r p i x @ yahoo.com Hey I’m Jamie, 30 yrs old & I live in MO. I am a photographer and would luv to hear from other artistic pals. I am obsessed with Hello Kitty too. I enjoy snail mail with Overseas pals Grandma was pen pals with my Grandpa’s sister and somehow they met and the rest is history. I currently have over 30+ pen pals and am always looking for more LONG LETTER PEN PALS. My hobbies/ interests are: writing letters,80’s music, dancing, thrift stores/garage sales, ref u n d i n g / c o u p o n i n g, ivy marie abrogena sweepstakes/contests, /31/ saudi arabia/ shopping, cake decorath e a r t b e a t i vy @ ing, making Cake Pops, yahoo.com being creative, cookI am looking for new ing (and eating), and so stamps and postcards much more. swappers... I have a pre-teen aged daughter and I am the Girl Scout Leader for her Gail Cleaver, 36, UK, troop and Ienjoy doing g a i l c l e a v e r @ that. I would love to hotmail.com hear from other mom’s My interests/hobbies who are Girl Scout Leadare penpalling, creative ers as well so we can writing, listening to mu- exchange some ideas. I sic, watching sci-fi. I have prefer to write to women two children, both girls, only who are somewhat who special needs. I’m close to my age and currently on a childcare have similar hobbies. To course. contact me you can send an email to: Sweet_CharVanessa Wong, 34, [email protected]. USA, Sweet_Charity25@ S h i r l e y yahoo.com Anderson, 44, My name is Vanessa and MartyAnderson@ I have been doing this windstream.net hobby off and on since I am Shirley Anderson I was 5 years old. Pen age 44 born 9]28]66 marpalling runs in my family ried to Marty w.a.12\5\87 as my paternal Grand- my email address is ma and Grandpa met MartyAnderson@windthrough this hobby. My stream.net oh I am mom n e w s Ayshash, 25, Kenya, s w e e t. l i t t l e 5 5 @ yahoo.com Kate Haven, 22, USA katiehaven87@aol. com I’m katie 22 loe to text, be on facebook and be a mom. My son loves to receive mail as well as me. He is 3 1/2. I love meeting new people and writing letters. If your interested write me!! only, but will exchange emails with people from the States. Any questions feel free to ask me. I also luv writing, music, reading, music and movies. contact me via: email, kittyglitterpix@ yahoo.com or @ kittyglitter98(TWITTER) I cant wait to here from you all♥ l a t e s t Makas, Alex Hügel / 39/ Germany sandbook@arcor. de My name is Alex and i´m an almost 39 years old male from germany. My Email is: sandbook@ arcor.de I´m still looking for one or more penpals keep up and maybe improve my English and also get in contact with new people from all over the world. I´m married to my wife for 4 years now and we have little son and our little daughter should come on earth during the next two weeks. Because of the coming birth of my daughter i have to keep this ad short. I would be really happy to hear from you. Natürlich bin ich auch an Brieffreundschaften in deutsch interessiert. My name is Ayshah and am from Kenya. Am 25 years year old young married lady with no kids at the moment but in future yes to the man of my life. My hobbies include chatting (So if you believe you can chat all thro am here), I love making and meeting new friends reason because I will be learning and exchanging so much with them from culture, language and many other things, traveling anywhere any place lol and sleeping lol and would really love to have new friends all over the world between the age of 23-35 year old. t h e Snjezana 26, Bosnia and Herzegovina snjezana_makas@ yahoo.com I love penpalling, photography, scrapbooking, cooking,travelling, couch-surfing, camping, trying new things.... always looking for new penpals from around the world. c h e c k Someone who will prove to me that there’s friendship and honesty in the world. Someone who is sincere and honest and would make my faith in the future of humankind grow. I am a graduate engineer, am cool, very social, outgoing…I will tell you more if you show interest. My hobbies include making friends, going places, playing basketball, music, movies etc I don’t mind letters (snail mail) my address is on the address bar above BUT I prefer email: mike_maloba@ yahoo.com It would be great being your pal and being able to see a mix of serenity and hope! For me, friendship is something I consider sacred. It makes me have faith in some simple but fundamental human values, which, sometimes, for the lack of practice, we swipe under the carpets of our memories and of our hearts… For me, friendship is precious and that’s why I intend to keep it.. Always bear in mind that my affection and true friendship will be yours forever! With best regards and I hope to hear from you soon! i t ? Please no tatty and sloppy FBs and sheets. I also have a lot of normal FBs and Sheets to pass v e r o n i c a on. In return I would cute mattlin, 42, USA stationary, Hello Kitty veronica.mattlin@ Items and DecoTapes. gmail.com A big „Thank You“ in I am a 42 year old female advance. looking for pen pals Please e-mail me from all over the world. first: VroeScraps@ I enjoy writting long googlemail.com letters, collecting on my favorite celebrites, Malisa Karn /35/ cross stitching, cats/ USA animals, collecting stuff m a l i s a . k a r n @ on: cats, crosses, winnie gm a i l . c o m the pooh, beanie babies, I am a home health aide.I scapbooking, stickers, am going to school to stationary,etc. I also get my Associate Degree enjoy swapping/trading in Medical Billing and from all over the world. Coding. My hobbies are send me your complete pen palling,chatting want/collection lists and online, reading, camping I’ll send you mine. Would and bowling. perfer long letters and long term friendship Sonali,19, Sri Lanka worldwide! No men sonalisulakshini@ please, only females gmail.com as I’m happily married. My name is w.k.sonali looking foward to 4m sri lanka.i m 19years hearing from you soon... old.still studing. My hobbies r chatting with Veronika, Germany friends,reading,playing V r o e S c r a p s @ games.etc. I am looking googlemail.com 4 a penpal 4m england. I am Veronika from same age or elder one. Germany, I´m looking for new PenPals from all Mike Maloba, 26, over the world esp. from Kenya Sweden and Germany. mike_maloba@ I take any excess of n&n/ yahoo.com HQ FBs only and Slams. Hi everyone! Am myk a I´m in need of n&n/HQ man frm Kenya searchFBs, Slams and all kind of ing for serious penpals bags! from all over the world. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t fairy tales, folk tales, anything supernatural. Write soon! a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k ask is for friendship, I will be single until the good Lord takes me home. I will be a faithful letter writer and if you would like me to give you some names of my penpals to message and ask for a reference that is fine. you Your name : Eliska can message them. I also Email : elda999@ enjoy reading, watching seznam.cz a good movie, Military Your age : 26 History, camping and country : Czech spending time with a Republic good friend. I write back Ad : Hello everyone, as soon as I can after my name is ELiska I your letter arrives. I look am 26 years old, I am forward to hearing from looking for penpals, as you. I like writting (and also receiving letters :-) ) so Your name : sheri much. I am taking care shrader of my little girl at home. Your age : 39 I will be glad to find new Your country : USA penpals! See you! Ad : Hi my name is sheri and i am 39 yrs old,And i Rory Latimer am Happily married and latimerj@ between us we have 7 telkomsa.net children and 1 grandson,I Your age : 39 love to write and meet country : South new people.looking Africa forward to meeting new Ad : Hello Everyone I am people. a 39 year old Caucasian Male in Cape Town Your name : Anita South Africa. I am hard of s c h u t z e n g e l . hearing but that doesnt [email protected] get me down. I love to Your age : 34 write snail mail letters. Your country : That is a hobby of mine Austria now after 9 years. I do Ad : Hello my name is have some wonderful Anita and im searching pen pals who have for nice female Penpals, become great friends. Yes Epals and Swapper from I am single however all I all over the world. My w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Gregory Lentz Email: gj.lentz76@ gmail.com Your age : 34 Your country : USA Ad : Hello! I’d be interested in trying out some E-Pal correspondences with folks from all over the world and all walks of life! I like to learn about other cultures, a little bit of a history buff, foodie, self taught artist and aspiring writer of many genres. I like to swap postcards, nothing in particular as long as they are stamped and written, as I relish the personal connections as much as the beauty of the cards. I enjoy all kinds of movies, tv shows I keep up with are: any Law & Order, CSI, Fringe, The Event, House, Lie To Me, Castle...I’m a huge Bon Jovi fan, I like to read Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and I’m hooked on George R.R. Martin’s A Game of Thrones. a t name : Elizabeth Rahuba Your age : 56 Your country : USA Ad : My name is Liz and I am 56 years young(Aug. 15, 1954), originally from New Jersey, now living in Chicago, Illinois. Before moving here, I lived in Salt Lake City, Utah(4/862/87), then Houston, Texas(3/87-7/99). I have one brother, aged 44, still living in New Jersey. I am divorced and never had children/grandchildren. I consider myself a positive, straightforward person, with a good sense of humor. I am honest and non-judgemental and am patient, plus I will usually give a person the benefit of the doubt. I am disabled with Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Degenerative Arthritis(back), as well as Arthritis in other joints, requiring me to use a walking cane. I have been on disability (SSDI), since the year 2000. My hobbies/interests include Pen Pals, Acting, Digital photography, the Internet, chatting on YIM/AIM, trivia, crossword, acrostic and word puzzles, Traveling, documentaries and current events(news). I am also what you would call a railfan, as I love trains and train travel. I am also into Star Trek RPGs/Simms, as I am a fan of Star Trek. I collect stickers, especially transparent ones, fridge magnets, postcards, keychains and coffee mugs. I also swap FBs Slams, SS’s, etc. I am looking for lon-term, long letter wrters, who will not stop after just a few letters. n e w s Jamie, 30, USA, kit t yglit terpix@ yahoo.com Anke, 25, Canada, Hey I’m Jamie, 30 yrs old p a r a g u aya _ 8 5 @ & I live in MO. I am a phohotmail.com tographer and would luv hi there, my name is to hear from other artisAnke, I am turning 25 tic pals. I am obsessed this week and I live in with Hello Kitty too. I Ontario-Canada. I’m enjoy snail mail with born and raised in ParOverseas pals only,but aguay-South America will exchange emails and moved to Canada with people from the a bit over 3 years ago States. Any questions together with my handfeel free to ask me. I also some husband Jeff. I do luv writing, music, readreally like it here even ing, music and movies. though its hard to concontact me via: email, nect to people and the kittyglitterpix@yahoo. Canadian culture - ev- Laura Flad /31/ Rita, 36, Lithuania, com or follow me on @ erything is still a bit new USA, earthen_ [email protected] kittyglitter98 (TWITTER) and sometimes I feel a vessels24@yahoo. I’m Rita from Vilnius, Lith- I cant wait to here from bit lost :) I want to take com uania. I’m 36 y.o. married you all. this opportunity to meet Ad: Hi, my name is Lau- woman of 3 children. new people around the ra, I am single, have no I’m looking for snail mail name : Mandi world and also Cana- kids and from Louisiana, pals around my age Moore da. I’m raised bilingual USA. I am looking for worldwide especially moore87@yahoo. (Spanish and German) new pen pals as I have in Asia, South America, com and also (obviously) started writing again. I any islands, Canada, Your age : 23 speak English. I do have would like pals from all New Zealand, Austra- Your country : USA a cute little dog I like to over especially Ireland, lia ect.. My hobbies are Ad : Seeing long letgo for walks with, I LOVE Scotland, Germany, penpalling, postcards/ ter pals worldwide, the outdoors, meeting England, and Japan. My viewcards swapping, ladies only. Hobbies: new people around the interests include Bible travelling, photography, Reading, TV & movies, globus :) , chatting on studies, writing letters, dogs, theatre, movies, music, photography, the internet, go out with making crafts, collect- TV, reading, basketball, scrapbooking, playing friends, cycling, swim- ing stickers and statio- music, drawing... I love computer games, etc. I have one son, 17 months old. Swaps: FBs, Mommy FBs, slams. Please email me for address! mandi. [email protected] l a t e s t i t ? nature, the sea, animals, castles, souvenirs and much more. I’m interested in foreign countries, lifestyle, culture, history also in psychology, parapsychology and all mysterious things;) t h e nery, Hello Kitty, Diddl, Lisa Frank, Sanrio, San-X, Anime, walking/exercising, and lots more. My hobbies include making crafts from plastic canvas. You can view my blog at http://moondustdesigns.blogspot. com/ to see pics of my crafts and/or to buy them or you can email for more info. Hope to Christine Hall, 45, hear from you soon! New Hampshire, USA, cabhall@ Tracy Bishop, 33, UK hotmail.com tracydawnbishop@ Single, mom of one hotmail.co.uk adult son, in between I like writeing and reemployment, enjoys cieveing letters reading writing,postcrossing, watching tv and films swapping, ani- cardmaking. I collect mals, facebook, mu- pocket dragons just the sic, movies, thrift right shoe postcards shopping,photography, china dolls and keyblogging, children, rings. I’m married with 2 walking, hiking, etc... daughters. c h e c k l i k e ming, reading, crafting, travelling and exercising. I also love to have visitors in my house and I also started surfing last year. Already had some people over and I really enjoyed it!! Feel free to write me wherever you live :) my email address is: [email protected] i t ? ing and writing to some new friends please. http://carolsstampingblog.blogspot.com/ http://www.spiritsparkplugs.com (editor’s note: to access the links remove the dashes that our program makes when the address is too long) l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? and geeky things like dinosaurs, sci-fi, hacking (Though I don’t know how, argh! I just think it’s great.), studying voluntarily and video/ computer games. If you’re interested in my attempt at an appealing pen pal ad, don’t be afraid to send me an e-mail! Though, I will get a tad grumpy if I receive requests for romance or money. I have a boyfriend, and I’m a poor university student. :D Your name : Gina Email : powerofthesun89@ hotmail.com age : 21 (close to 22) country : Greece Ad : Hi! My name’s Gina, I’m 21, Greek, rather humorous and a senioryear student of Ancient Greek & Latin Literature. I’m looking for fellow female penpals from any countries that speak English or French. Apart from penpalling, I love heavy metal, collecting postcards and vinyls, reading international literature, writing poetry and crime novels! Looking forward to hearing from you! name : Katarina Email : kat.sweden@ gmail.com w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Name: Radhia Age :42 (soon to be 43) in february Country: Tunisia e-mail akrimi.0208@ live.fr A warm hello to you all! Is there anyone who is interested in snail mail penpalling? I am a Tunisian woman, happily married, have only one daughter; I am stay at home mom, looking for FEMALE snail mail pals from all over the world. I like movies, reading; crocheting, cooking, listening to name : Natalie music, postcards, stickers, Email: Kawaii things, writing natkenfloppy@ letters and swapping; I hotmail.com like sending and receiving Your age : 37 little surprises in the Your country : letters. There’s nothing Canada more joyful than getting Ad : Hi my name is Natalie a letter from a friend and I’ve been paling for ;Enough of bills in about 25 years (started mailbox! So! Let’s start when I was in grade 6) penpalling!.., I like snail letters (I do still swap Fbs from time Name: Kimi to time) and emails so Age: 19 either way is perfect for Country: Australia me. I love hearing from E-mail: kimberley. new people. I am married jensen91@gmail. and have a 3.5 year old com daughter who is the apple Hello, potential future of my eye. Please email penpals! me at natkenfloppy@ I’m Kim from Australia. I’ve been pen palling since I was 9-yearsold, and I’m looking for serious pen pals of any age, sex, race, religion and species (I welcome you, extra-terrestrial friends!). Ones who won’t stop writing but who aren’t overly demanding, either - life does get in the way of things, sometimes. Intelligence and/or open-mindedness is always a plus in my pen pal searches, too! ^__^ Here’s a little bit about me. I am a female (I had to specify because I once had a penpal when I was younger, and her mother said we couldn’t write anymore because she thought I was a male due to my uni-sex name) and I’m 19-years-old. I major in Linguistics and the Indonesian language at university. I love languages. Biiiig fan. My hobbies and interests are: crafting, sewing, listening to music (indie rock, indie pop, alternative, classic rock, etc.), watching films, thrifting, kawaii, going to alternative music festivals, politics, designing my own clothing, cooking, vintage, anime, culture, travel, languages, history, science, religion (I’m an atheist, however), philosophy, kitsch a t l i k e hotmail.com and we will go from there. Hope to hear from you soon. Please no prisoners. n e w s name : Jolene Email : Whiterose232006@ yahoo.com Your age : 28 Your country : USA Ad: Hello Everyone, I’m looking for new pals & swappers. I swap anything from FBs to Stickers. I’m not accepting any new penpals from overseas at this time but I take any amount of pals & swappers. I’m always taking new pals from Canada & USA. So feel free to drop me a line & I’ll get back to as soon as I can. My email is: Whiterose232006@ yahoo.com Thanks, Jolene l a t e s t the age of 12 my hobbies are computer and internet and driving and eating out photography i live in england message Your name : Cécile me and i will write that Email: ciloune@ is 100 per cent i answer gmail.com all letters am married Your age : 27 for 30 years put images country : France or photos on all letters Ad : Hello everybody, I’m write soon and we can looking for new penpals be come good and fond from all over the world, friends. Love, Lesley no matter where you come from :) I can write in name : Martina french, english, spanish Email : Martina_J_@ or romanian so feel free gmx.at to contact me in your Your age : 25 own language if it’s one country : Austria of above. I love writing Ad : Hello! I love it to find and receiving long nice and long letters in letters. I love swapping my mailbox... you too? things (stamps, stickers, Then we should become magnets, stationery), penpals. My name is sending small gifts from Martina and I am from time to time ... I’m a Austria. I am looking for school teacher, mum to penpals around my age be (in january) and I’d from anywhere in the love to know you, you world (female penpals who are reading this ad only!). My hobbies/ :) Just contact me by mail interests include: at : [email protected] writing/reading letters and I’ll send you my snail (of course), shopping, mail address. surfing the internet, traveling (I LOVE it), Name: lesley reading, movies, PS3, Wii, griffin Nintendo DS, spending Your age : 53 time with my boyfriend, country : england going out and lots of Ad: place your ad, include other things... Interested? hobbies and interests - Please contact me at looking for penfriends [email protected] I am any country and any age looking forward to hear have been penpalling for from you! 41 years and started at t h e name : Tina Bryan tinabryan23@ yahoo.com Your age : 36 Your country: usa, San Diego, cailfornia Ad : hello all,my name is Tina looking for pen pals that will write to me more then once.my hobbies are making hats and scarfs and sell them. my intesterest,writing to pen pals,talking on the phone with pals and texting.e-mail if you want a pal tinabryan23@ yahoo.com c h e c k Your name : Josh Cowan jcowan1023@gmail. com Your age : 30 Your country : USA Ad : Hello, my name is Josh Cowan. I am 30 years old and I have a good since of humor. I like snail mail better then email because you can send little gifts with your letters. I am looking for male or female Penpals age 18- 41 who can make me laugh or smile. My hobbies include making my own greeting cards. [email protected] Your name : Irene Your age : 23 Your country : Italy Ad : Hey Everyone my name’s Irene 23 y o living in Milano, Italy. I love penpalling and meeting new friends around the world. I’m studying veterinary medicine. I love animals. I’m vegetarian. My interests are long distance running (marathons and getting statted with ultramarathons) hiking and climbing mountains, penpalling, collecting postcards (I’m also looking for postcard penpals), surfing the internet, decoupage, watching tv, traveling. I like writing to both male and female but no dating please, I have on bf and I find that enough! I hope I can find many good and long lasting friendships. i t ? name is Anita, my Nickname “Angel” im married and my sign is libra. I live with my husband in Austria. My hobbies are: reading, writting letters and emails, skype, Facebook, Internet, Photography, playing saxophone, cooking, Music, Concerts, Formula 1, Soccer, Esoterism, Religion, Gothic, Middle Age, history and more. Im a very funny and helpful person. My job is nurse for elderly and I work with Alzheimer Patients. Hope to find nice female pals between 20 to ? years. Nice to meet you send a email to schutzengel. [email protected] l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e Ad : Hello! Hobbies; reading, writing, penpalling, letters, music, films, walking, socializing, drawing. I am looking for email or snail mail. I’m looking for a penpal that will write for a long time as name : Meli i’m hoping to form a Email : long-lasting friendship. manzalone@ I’ve never swapped or hotmail.de collected anything but Your age : 28 if you want to send me country : Germany something then feel free. Ad : Hey everyone, I’m Anyways, email me and looking for pen pals from we can chat some more New York, Las Vegas and :) Everything isn’t going the Bay Area - California. to fit in here. Louise x I love long handwritten letters, swapping, horses, name : Colleen traveling, stationary, Email : contact me crafts and the USA. Feel at: Colleen Penpal free to email me. on Facebook. Add me! Your name : John Your age : 45 Ferguson Your country : USA Email : Ad : Hello Friends... jferguson92200@ Colleen from the USA yahoo.com saying hi to everyone!! Your age : 26 Love this magazine!! country : USA I am 45 and am from Ad : I like snail pen pal Wisconsin in the USA. I only in the USA, & e-mail have been penpalling pen pal from all over. My on and off since 1989. hobbies are collecting It’s an awesome hobby. postcards, collecting I love reading, 70s wrestling cards, & many and 80s rock music, more. Especially writing crafts, scrapbooking, to people. journals, history, thrift stores, travelling, the name : Louise paranormal, penpalling, Email : and swapping fb’s/ louisexmarie@ stickers/stationary. I also gmail.com swap postcards. Short or Your age : 21 long letter pals welcome. Your country : UK Hope we can meet.... w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t c h e c k theater, like to listen to music, socializing with family and friends. Quite a normal person I would think *grin*. If it did get you interested, I would love to hear from you! Have a great day! a t name : Victoria G Email : nekrobows@ yahoo.com Your age : 18 Your country : California USA Ad : Hello im from name : Yvonne Email : inkytrailers@ yahoo.com Your age : 37 Your country : Netherlands Ad : Hiya! Thought I would give this a try as I am looking for a few new pals :). I am specifically looking for long letter and somewhat regular pals from Italy, Portugal, the Middle East (Iran in particular) and Asia, Japan in particular but all countries are fine :) as long as have something in common. My only request being you can express yourself in English or Dutch well enough to have a decent conversation. I don’t want to get stuck in sole conversations about the weather. As for the meaning of regular, I don’t expect you to write every month but I do like to receive (at least) 3 to 4 letters a year so I guess I’d like you to write - and I will do the same :) once every two to three months. If you are more regular, then so am I :). Also I like you to ask and answer questions and I can tell you upfront I tend to ask many questions you’d better be prepared *LOL*. A quick word about me, I am in my late 30s, married without kids and work fulltime. When I am not working I have plenty to keep myself busy with *laugh*. I love books and would not be able to live without them. They are great way to relax as well as to learn from! I enjoy watching movies though I find that at this stage of life, I need to see them in the cinema as I am not having peace of mind watching them at home :(. Also I love cooking and like to experiment with different ingredients, I love walking, taking photos, travelling, keeping up to date with (and form an opinion about!) what is happening in this world, I enjoy going to the n e w s Your name : Petra Schmied Email : p.schmied02@gmx. at Your age : 40 country : Austria Ad : Hi, I am a 40-yearold Austrian with an 8-year-old daughter. I love snail mailing and have various interests including travelling, reading, dancing, languages (German, English, French and some Spanish), sports etc. Please send me an email if you are interested and I will send you my address. socal! I love all kinds of music im looking for all postcards and basically to start swapping picture clippings stickers surprise donated books anything really for my penpal swapper scrapbook to remember my youth when i age. Here’s my main interest: Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus Punk bands John Waters! Courtney Love Kurt Cobain & Nirvana Seria Killer(anything works) Bette Davis Ariel(the little mermaid) anything 1950s anything is welcome and appreciated email me: [email protected] l a t e s t i t ? sincere and personal. I can play stamps back, if you ask me. If you like, we can exchange postcards, photos, fbs and other small things. I would prefer, if you speak fluent English or German and won’t have troubles expressing your thoughts and feelings. So, this was my introduction and now I’m waiting for a letter from you t h e name : Anastasia Email : aja23@ yandex.ru Your age : 29 name : Angela country : Russia Benton Ad : Hello people! I’m Email : nkotbfan@ an active penpaller for live.com many years already Your age : 29 and used to have many Your country : penpals but recently United States most of them stopped Ad : I am 29 years old. writing me or writing Married and have 3 kids. too seldom because I love nkotb. Facebook. they are too busy and I Making new friends. understood that I have Hot summer days, only a few left. Thought swimming, and birds these ones are very chirping. I have 2 cats. important for me, I still I enjoy taking pictures. want to find some new I enjoy concerts. I love friends About me: My music videos. name is Anastasia, I’m 29y.o. and I come from Your name : Bev Saint-Petersburg, Russia Email : but I’d love to move to BlondieBear75@ Europe at least for some hotmail.com time soon. For sure, I Your age : 35 like my country but it country : would be exciting to Australia live in other places of Ad : Hi All.....I am a stay the world to see how at home mom of 4 people live there. At the from sunny Qld who moment I’m working as would love to write a secretary. I have lots to other Aussie’s. I of hobbies, just a few to have a wide range of mention: watch movies, tv, read books, write letters, meet my friends or chat with them online, paranormal things, etc. I’m quite open-minded and chatty girl, so I can talk about almost anything. Just give me a subject^) I’m not very much into clubbing and prefer an evening with a good book or movie but sometimes it’s a real fun to go out I’m looking for: I am looking for female penpals at any age from everywhere, with absolutely different hobbies, who write long letters (e.g 2 pages of A4 papers or 2-4 pages of B5 papers, well it depends on how your life is) at least once in 2 months and I won’t stop writing after a few letters. The way of a letter may be quite long but there’s nothing we can do With my future penpal I’d love to discuss not only life events, but also share our ideas, thoughts, dreams, feelings and everything. With whom we’d share our attitude to events, happening in the world around us. There are no forbidden topics for me and I love ask and answer tons of different questions. I love letters in a form of a conversation. I don’t mind typed letters, if they stay c h e c k l i k e interests and hobbies including reading, scrap booking, card making, pen palling, spending time with my hubby and children and heaps more. I am willing to write to both men and women. Look forward to hearing from you. i t ? Your age : 41 country : Sweden Ad : I’m looking for pen pals aged 25-55, esp. from USA, New Zealand or the Latin American countries. I love cats, writing letters and swapping. I enjoy to go shopping, watch TV, search for ancestors, read books & cartoon magazines and just have a nice time. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPal & Swappers Ads a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? You are giving a special discount to our readers. Tell us where they should input the code? That’s right, I’m happy to give everyone a 10% discount when shopping at La Papierre from now on until January 31, 2011. It’s pretty easy: just go to www. LaPapierre.com and add some items to your shopping cart. Then, when checking out, you will see a little box under “Shop Coupon Code” and that’s where you need to type SANDBOOK10PERCENTOFF (no spaces, all caps). Then just click on “apply” and ta-da, enjoy your 10% discount! You are also making a giveaway. Tell us more about how to participate in it, when is the w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t How often do you update/ work on your e-shop? As most people who start a business, I work every single day! I sometimes force myself to take a day off, but I love what I do, so I enjoy working. So far I have 15 letter sets and a few postcard packs for sale, but over the next few months I’ll have more items for my customers. Soon I’ll be listing sticker packs / envelope seals, mini letter sets, notecard sets, mail tags, envelopes packs, etc. a t just not my cup of tea. Since I like unusual / strange / sophisticated / vintage themes but can’t find that type of stationery anywhere, I decided to make my own! And so far the response has been great - a lot of people tell me that they’re happy to find alternatives to kawaii and kids stationery. But I do have a couple of cute letter sets in my shop as well, because even I can’t resist a little cuteness! n e w s When did you start with your website and why? In 2007, I tried making some letter sets and even though my first ones were terrible (yes, it’s true!), I decided to stick with it and keep trying. A few months later, We’ve Got Paper was born. I sold stationery on my own website for a while, until I moved everything over to Etsy (a huge virtual shopping mall full of handmade items). At first I was mostly selling grocery lists and address labels, but in 2009 I started designing new letter sets. Most of them were cute & colorful and my business was getting more and more successful... But after a year or so I felt like I needed a change, so I started planning the opening of my current store, La Papierre. I wanted to make different, unique letter sets. Not everyone is a fan of Hello Kitty! I don’t have anything against Sanrio, but it’s l a t e s t l i k e Envelopes are also easy to make. You can use sturdy magazine pages, old calendars and atlases or vintage children’s books and turn them into pretty packages. Boring, white envelopes can be transformed into works of art with a few additions: drawings, stickers, labels, cutouts, old tickets or receipts, wax seals, rubber stamps, deco tape, cancelled postal stamps, tags, glitter, photos, quotes, airmail labels from foreign countries, playing cards, etc. t h e Could you give our readers a couple of tips for making their letters/mail more creative and crafty? Make your penpals feel special! Your friends all have different personalities and interests... And I’m sure they’d be delighted to receive a letter from you written on beautiful, personalized stationery! For our penpals who love all things cute and kawaii, the options are literally endless... But what about those of us who prefer pretty, sophisticated, vintage or darker stationery? I suggest checking out Dark Horse Comics and La Papierre! :) But what if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on stationery? Not a problem - you can easily make your own, even if you’re not that creative! You can draw on colorful sheets of paper, decorate plain paper with rubber stamps or stickers, write on the back of scrapbooking paper... My wonderful penpal Shivanee from Trinidad & Tobago recently wrote me another one of her lovely letters on stationery that she designed herself and it made my day. She knows how much I love sushi, so she carefully decorated her letter in that theme. Why don’t you do the same and send themed letters to your penpals? c h e c k 52 Have you ever done penpalling/letterwriting? Oh yes! That was actually how I became addicted to stationery in the first place! I started writing letters at 7 years old and became quite serious about it around 9 or 10. I can’t believe that I’ve been into penpalling for over 2 decades! At first I only wrote letters in French, but I eventually learned English at school and started practicing with English speaking penpals. Now I only have a few pals who speak French, so I write most of my letters in English. At the moment, I have about 14 penpals, though not all of them write regularly. I used to have a lot more than that, but it was too much to handle after I had my son, went back to school and started working from home. My pals are very dear to me and I’m grateful to have them in my life! i t ? Tell us a bit about yourself. Hello! My name is Julie Trévily-Pigeon and I’m a 31 year old French Canadian girl living in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, the city of hot air balloons. I have a 6 year old son who’s often mistaken for a girl because of his long blond hair (his choice!) and who likes his acting classes almost as much as he loves going to Mexico. I also have 3 female cats. One of them makes a mess when she eats, another one loves to steal meat and cheese from our plates and the older, fatter one is pretty but very lazy. I’m engaged to a wonderful man who moved more than 135 kilometers away from home (85 miles) to be with me. We’re happy and very much in love! When I was young, I wanted to become a teacher. I did work as an intern with first graders for a month in 1999, does that count?! My dreams eventually changed and so did my plans. A career in teaching would have been rewarding I’m sure, but my love for paper (and freedom!) was apparently stronger than my desire to spend hours with a bunch of noisy kids 5 days a week. (I admire teachers a lot, though!) So here I am, years later, working as a stationery designer at La Papierre, my own business, my new baby. I adore paper products and it makes me smile to look at my new bright red bookshelf from IKEA filled with hundreds of my own letter sets, waiting to be sold. (Check them out at www.LaPapierre.com!) l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Interview with Julie from www.LaPapierre.com 53 PenPalling Connections: w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t l i k e a t 54 n e w s Yahoo Groups that you might want to join: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/strictlysnail http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crazy_pen_pals l a t e s t PenPal Directory and Newsletter Hi! I am Tracy. I sell stationery address and stickers. I also have a penpal Directory and a newsletter. Take a look at my links if interestered. My new thing is making a catalog of all my designs: http://tracyscreationsstationary.shutterfly.com/ http://addresslabels4sale.shutterfly.com/ For more information contact: Tracy Sanders, [email protected] My name is Maxine. I’m the owner of www.penpalmagazine.blogspot.com and www.friendshipbooks.blogspot. com As the names suggest, the former focuses its attention on penpal newsletters and magazines, and the later - on FB’s - what are they, how to make them, how to swap them, etc. Follow the blogs to learn all the cool stuff that I have prepared for you! t h e Penpals ‘nd Swappers magazine Penpals `nd Swappers is a new magazine for people who like to write letters and swapping, also for people who are looking for new penpals and swappers. In this magazine there are PenpalAdds and SwapperAdds, all around writing letters and swapping and many many more. How can I order it? Just send an e-mail to penpalsandswappers@ googlemail.com with your name and e-mail address. You get your magazine by e-mail. How to get my PenpalAdd/SwapperAdd in the magazine? Please, send your PenpalAdd or SwapperAdd via e-mail to: [email protected]. Please do not forget your address or e-mail address. c h e c k Would you like to share with us something else? Just that I’m so happy to have penpals, write and receive letters from great people through the post and share this wonderful hobby with such a fantastic community... Let’s keep snail mail alive! Pen Pal Book C/O Kimberly Garigin 3726 Green Pond Rd Gray Court, SC 29645 One issue is $12 black or $18 color. Subscription for 4 issues is $20 black or $25 color. Its like buying two and getting two FREE. Comes out Jan. Apr. Jul. & Oct. I take Cash, checks & Money orders in my name. It is non-profit!! Pen Pal ads to be put in is FREE starting with Jan 2011. Business ads r 5 cents per word/symbols & count your name & address. Add $2 more for Canada or $4 more for Over seas. I use quick print to see the darker print its $4 per issue or $16 for 4 issues. No Inmates!!! For more information contact: Kimberly at [email protected] i t ? n e w s already a subscriber, you still have a chance to win! Third, add Sandbook Net as a friend on Facebook. That’s where I’ll pick the third winner! You have until January 23 to participate. The winners will be announced on the 24th on Facebook. Just keep an eye on La Papierre! l i k e deadline, what are the awards going to be? I’ll be giving away a letterset to 3 lucky winners. For a chance to win, there are 3 things you can do: First, become a fan of La Papierre on Facebook! Just search for La Papierre (with a space between the words), click on “like” and then write a quick message on the wall, telling me about your favorite letter set. If you win, I’ll send it to you! Second, join my mailing list for another chance to win a letter set. Enter your info here ---> http://eepurl.com/blKD (the B and L are lower cases but the K and D are upper cases - very important!) and click on “subscribe”. If you’re Interview with Isabelle from www.Sirpriz.com www.sirpriz.com w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e n e w s c h e c k l a t e s t i t ? t h e l i k e c h e c k What to expect from Sirpriz? After registering on Sirpriz, you can present yourself on the forum. Then, you can join virtual or real swaps to start sending and receiving gifts and letters. By participating in those, your reputation points will increase (check your profile to track your progress). As the points increase, you will be able to enter Sirpriz lottery game: each Saturday, a winner is picked and he/ she will win lots of cool gifts. The best thing of it all, is that all of the games are for free! So go on our website and start playing. The variety of games is big – from random games (you will send a letter to a random member of our community) to games specifically for handmade items. What is your most memorable moment (regarding your hobby and/or website)? It’s pretty much into our company’s philosophy. We want to bring a gift or a letter to every mailbox of our members (Sirprizians). We enjoy getting to know stories of Sirprizians who meet in person and exchange gifts. What better way to bring a smile to someone face, but to exchange gifts? It makes the world filled with a lot more happiness! The most amazing gift that we have monitored was a live (real) bird given from one Sirprizians to another. Surprising gift, right? And it is so out of the box thinking! We have those surprise gift games too – sending a surprise gift to another person and just like any surprise – you have to keep it a secret until the surprise gift arrives! I am especially happy, when members of our community become real friends after sending and receiving letters. i t ? 56 How often do you update/work on your website? We stay 2 or 3 hours per day on Sirpriz to reply to private messages and to keep games working (technical support). start. Currently there are eight people managing the site, six of which are moderators that keep working to maintain Sirpriz. l i k e Tell us a bit about you? We are Isabelle and Anthony, from France. We Could you give our readers a couple have created Sirpriz because we wanted to create of tips for making their letters/mail a community of generosity, fun, and surprises. more creative and crafty? Sirpriz allows a person to find other person to Buy stickers, add colors and don’t forget to wrap send a real gift and / or a letter to and to receive your gift to make your penpal happy. one in exchange! It makes you happy to unwrap When did you started with your a gift just like it did, when you were a kid! website and why? Have you ever done penpalling/letter- Sirpriz was created in 2005. The idea started as writing? If yes, how did you discover it we made a trip to the Seychelles islands. We both love to travel and discover new cultures. When and how long have you been into it? When we were kids, we had penpals. It was very we landed on the islands, we discovered happy to open a letter from other country or from how wonderful and generous people our own country and read it through. But, when can truly be, and we decided to share we grew up a bit, we started receiving only that generosity on Internet. bills but no letters. The happiness On our website, can was gone, so that’s why you we created Sirpriz. With Sirpriz, it is Christmas every day! join the forum (French and English) and more than 5200 members, in 114 countries, and 5 games. You can join games to send real or virtual gifts and letters as well as to receive some. Would you like to share with us something else? Do you do your website Join us on http://www. all by yourself? sirpriz.com to have fun! It’s We have been a team from the free! 57 www.moonwell.nl Who is Deirdre Langelaar? n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t l a t e s t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e Could you give our readers a couple of tips for making Can you tell us more about their letters/mail more your Website? What can we creative and crafty? expect to find on it? You’ll find anything what you could There’s one thing I’m always need on writing. I’ll be interviewing struggling with and that’s being and introducing other great creative. But I’ve learned that you do websites, reviewing web-shops and what you want. Don’t think “He/she will not like it”, it’s your letter and it organizing contests! People can learn how to start writing represents YOU! So don’t be afraid but others who’ve been penpalling and show yourself! Everybody is for years are very welcome. unique :) Everybody will learn new things! Would you like to share with us something else? How can one be featured Come over and have a look!! in the sections of your http://www.moonwell.nl/ website? t h e c h e c k c h e c k i t ? Please feel free to contact me for new ideas, questions and comments. I’m always searching for enthusiastic people and websites/webshops to interview/review/introduce. But please note, I will not be placing penpal adds, I’ll leave that to other websites. My e-mail address is info@ moonwell.nl i t ? When is the website going to be released? How long have you been working on the idea for it? Tell us more about The website is being release on yourself My name is Deirdre, I’m 23 years old 01.01.2011 a great way to start the and from Holland. My biggest hobby new year! :) I’ve been busy for a good is Postcrossing. When I read an article 2 full weeks. about postcrossing in the “Flow” (a Dutch magazine), I was curious. How did the idea for your Immediately I visited the postcrossing website come to be? website and signed up. That was I own the domain for 3 or 4 year now, over a year ago and in 1 year I’ve I used it in the past as my personal sent 133 official postcards. I’ve met weblog but I have changed domains great new friends and participated for that. Moonwell.nl was empty for over a year and I wanted to do something with it but I didn’t know what to do. When I started penpalling I spent hours searching on the internet for good websites. Until now I only know 2 (Sandbook and Penpalling&Letters) but I still miss something. And so it came with the idea to start a website which shows you all kinds of other websites. l i k e Maybe you remember her from the PenPalling and Letters Blog, where she was talking about the customs in the Netherlands. Maybe you don’t! But you should be aware of her name as her website www. moonwell.nl was just released on January 1st, 2011 and that’s a must see site in terms of finding all the goodies that you will need to know and have in mind when you are into Penpalling and correspondence. in a meeting in Rotterdam. But I missed the friendship with foreign postcrossers. When I stumbled upon Beatriz’s website http:// penpallingandletters.blogspot. com I read all night about penpalling and found great websites which helped me to start with writing. I started penpalling two months ago. I don’t have many experience or penpals yet but I already love it. l i k e GiVEAWAY BY WWW.MOONWELL.NL What do you have to do? Go to www.moonwell.nl and leave a comment on the giveaway post. Become fan on their Facebook page, follow them on Twitter and subscribe to the mailing list. Yip, it’s that easy! What can you win? A cute stationary set sponsored by Mostcutest! 59 58 photo by Manuela Balocco Snail mail AFICIONADO a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t i t ? Would you like to share with us something else? Pleeeease write legibly and on paper your penpals can read the writing on! It makes a huge difference to the receiver of the letter and you’ll likely get a response quicker. This has been a public service announcement. a t l i k e n e w s geeky 8 bit artwork, playing video games, and general craftiness. My interests are pretty broad - I like everything from being a tea snob to playing dungeons and dragons (I really am just a complete geek - haha!) How long have l a t e s t hubby and I are both very geeky, though we geek out with different things. He likes first person shooters and I love sending people mail! I enjoy making my own envelopes, making soap, working with Perler beads to make Could you give our readers a couple of tips for making their letters/mail more creative and crafty? Make your own envelopes. Honestly - it’s the easiest thing in the world to do - you can make a bunch of them in advance andsortofpairthemupwith your pen pals personalities. If you do nothing else to the envelope due to time - then you’ve already done something creative and crafty. I store mine in red cardboard boxes I get from Ikea (the ones you put DVD’s in). You can make them out of anything - old calendars, books, even scrapbook paper. I have a how-to on my blog for making your own templates, but basically - find an envelope with a shape and size you like, carefully open it and flatten it, glue it to some cereal box card, cut away the edges and all you have to do is trace around it onto the paper you want, cut, fold, glue - you’re done. It goes by fast and your pen pals will love you for it. Aside from that - just let your imaginations go wild! Cut and paste isn’t just for elementary school students. Get a catalogue in the mail? Cut some stuff out and paste it down on your envelope. My husband and I go to a lot of conventions and end up with *A LOT* of extra paper at the end - it’s all great for making mail art - words, pictures - all of it. t h e 60 us more about yourself? My name is Jess and I’m from Ontario, Canada and I’m addicted to snail mail! I’m married to my best friend and we have four furry children (two dogs and two cats) and live in the subburbs. My Do you design the stationery on your blog? Yes, I design it all myself. How did the idea Mostly with graphics for the blog come I scrounged from the to be? Graphics Fairy or have I had seen a couple other uploaded myself via my mail art related blogs out other blog Arachneas and about on the internet Attic. I then import various and sort of said “Hey...I can things into an old clunky do that” and just sort of version of Photoshop I took the basic idea and have, play with the images went my own way with until I like them, and then it. usually post the set that day or the next. Can you tell us more about your How long have you blog? How do you been Penpalling? choose to do one I’ve been penpalling on and blog entry or the off since I was 10 or 11. other? My blog is sort of a mix How did you start of everything. I post Penpalling? some of my own mail I started penpalling art, mail art I’ve received, because as a kid I was stationery I’ve made for obsessed with horses. my readers, random Etsy There used to be a finds, etc. I’m trying right magazine about horses now to get something for kids and youth called going called New Penpal “Horse Power magazine” Mondays - it’s slow going which I dutifully bought getting people to respond, every issue. There was but hopefully next year it’ll a little section in each be in full swing. issue for finding penpals To be honest, it’s almost who also loved horses, completely random (what and I placed several ads I post). It depends on through the years and whether or not I’m in the wrote to several other mood to make stationery girls in North America or not or if I’ve found who liked horses. I something nifty on Etsy stopped for a long while, I feel I should share. As I through high school - but notice things online, I post I started up again in my early 20’s as a friend of mine told me she wrote to people worldwide. It was something in me that just sort of clicked and I was like “Oh, yeah penpalling - I remember that. It was an awesome, I think I’ll go at that again”. Of course, now my husband wishes I hadn’t because the living room is full of letters and craft supplies - but it’s only fair - he keeps Lego everywhere! c h e c k Hi, Jess and welcome to the SandbookNet Community. I am so glad that you agreed to give us and all our readers this exclusive interview. First of all, will you tell about them. i t ? Ever since, we decided to dedicate this January edition of our magazine to correspondence and of course customs from around the world, I have been anxiously trying to find new creative ways to jazz up the letter insider sections. Just like I was “cruising” on the internet and looking through some blogs, I finally landed on the “PenPal Aficionado”. It immediately caught my attention with its creativity and I contacted the owner of it, Jess from Canada, right away! I couldn’t pass an opportunity like this to share with you some creative ways to come up with a letter-shape-sampler and lots of other cool things that you can find on the blog. Jess was really friendly and agreed to give us this exclusive interview. I do hope that you will enjoy meeting Jess and visit her blog at: http://postaladdict.blogspot.com you been writing in your blog (Snail Mail Aficionado)? I think I started the blog last year. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t www.postaladdict.blogspot.com Thank you, Jess for this Interview. Visit: http://postaladdict. blogspot.com to read more about Jess and of course to learn all the creative ideas that she had posted. 61 l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t THE HOLIDAYS IN SPAIN i t ? c h e c k t h e a t l a t e s t n e w s n e w s a t l a t e s t c h e c k t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t by Beatriz Floriano l i k e i t ? happiness of these special times and to celebrate the birth of Jesus. However, there are traditions and At the end of the month of November you start to customs in Spain which only happen to be here and feel that the Christmas Season is approaching in reflect the personality of the country during the Spain. It is then when streets are decorated with season. typical ornaments, motifs and Christmas lights. In some cities a beautiful Christmas Tree is put in the Some special elements of Christmas in main square, next to the town hall or in some mall. Spain are: Also, recently, in bigger cities, an ice-ring is set up in a square or in a large area of the city during the The Nativity Scene season. Shops put decorations, too, and the shop It consists of a mini representation of the birth of windows get full of gifts and toys as well. Jesus Child. It is a strong tradition to put the Scene in all houses. Some Nativities are important and large Christmas is celebrated in many countries all around (they are set up at institutions, worship places...). the world and Spain shares many traditions with They are very carefully decorated, plenty of details all these places. Families meet to share the joy and and very artistic! You even can find the river with 62 real water and a waterwheel, shepherds taking care of the flock and herd, representations of manual jobs (potter,washerwomen...) and the Three Kings following the Star to Bethlehem... In some cities and villages, on the night of the 24th December, a live exhibit of the Nativity takes place, with animals, real people and of course, a baby! There are also contests to award the best Nativity Scene in many cities and villages. real warm feeling and meaning of Christmas as well as the Nativity does. Christmas Carols (“villancicos”) These typical songs in this time of the year are sung everywhere. Nowadays you can hear them through the loudspeakers in the street or in malls, but there was a time in which the children, with a “zambomba” (traditional drum-like instrument) and a “pandereta” (tambourine) were singing these traditional songs The Christmas Tree: As in many other countries, the Tree has become a (which are about Bethlehem, the Jesus Child or what typical element of Christmas in Spain as well. People is happening to Jesus family) along the streets asking gets an evergreen coniferous tree into their homes for the “aguinaldo” (Christmas box). The “aguinaldo” and decorate it with all kind of ornaments, Christmas consisted of a few coins or some typical sweets of this lights, garland, tinsel, glitter... Under the Tree gifts will season. be placed later so it is really important, but also gives a 63 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e a t c h e c k n e w s i t ? l a t e s t l i k e added to the log altering the more traditional and natural appearance of a dead piece of wood: it stands up on two or four little stick legs, has a broad smiling face which is painted on the higher of the two log ends, a little nose, and, on top, the typical Catalan hat called“barretina”. Around the Festivity of the Immaculate Conception (December, 8th) the Tió starts to be feeded every night and it is also covered with a blanket so he won’t be cold during the night. On Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day (depending on each family), the Tió is put partly into the fireplace and it is ordered to “poop”. To make the Tió poop, it has to be beaten with sticks, while singing various songs of “Tió de Nadal”. The Tió does not poop large presents, but Christmas sweets, candy, little gifts... Finally, the “Apalpador” or “Pandigueiro” is the mythical figure of a coal merchant, that, according to the tradition, lives in the mountains of O Courel and Os Ancares, in eastern Galicia. He goes t h e world, presents aren’t exchanged on Christmas Eve (or in Christmas Day). In the latest years Santa is more present than ever, though, and still many children get a “little” gift or sweets, either on December, 24th or 25th. However, there are three Spanish regions which have their own Santa Claus, so to say. In the Basque Country it is called “Olentzero”, “Tió de Nadal” in Catalonia and “Apalpador” or “Pandigueiro” in Galicia. The “Olentzero” is a mythological character of the Basque Christmas tradition, a chubby coal merchant, good-natured and kind, who goes down the mountains to the cities and villages on Christmas Eve and brings the children presents and sweets. “Tió de Nadal” (“Christmas Log”) is a Catalonian mythological character also known as “Tió” or “Tronca” and popularly called “Caga Tió” (pooping or giving log in English). In many Catalan homes you can find the “Tió” as a thirty centimetres long hollow log. In recent times some accesories have been c h e c k lottery Christmas Eve has a family feel and it is a time to be spent at home. Dinner is organized with care. Dishes prepared depend on each family and each Spanish region. Let’s say that in coastal areas one or several of the dishes consist of seafood: fish and shellfish (cod, hake, red bream, gilthead bream, sea bass, crayfish, different kinds of crabs, scallop shell, lobster, barnacles...) while in the rest, dishes consist mostly of meat: roasted beef, capon, turkey, lamb, suckling pig... Typical drinks are wine, cider, cava... and the typical worldwide. Pupils of the Christmas desserts are San Ildefonso School sweets like “turrón” (a draw the numbers and kind of nougat candy), corresponding prizes, “polvorones” (I heard it is singing the results aloud similar to “shortbread” in in front of the public in a New Zealand but cannot really particular way of confirm it), “marzipan” singing. December, 22th (marzipan), nuts and is the last day of school dried fruit... After the for children before the dinner, there was a time festive season starts. in which many people They will be back right were attending the after the “Three Kings “Midnight Mass” or “Misa del Gallo” in Spanish. Day”, on 6th January. On the 24th December, This tradition has been Christmas Eve, families forgotten little by little have dinner together and less people attend to celebrate the birth of this mass nowadays. Jesus (which will take On the contrary to place in a few hours). many countries in the i t ? “Aguinaldo” (Christmas box) Besides the children asking for “aguinaldo” while singing carols, it is also called “aguinaldo” a bonus or special payment received by workers (Year End Bonus). To some other workers, people give “aguinaldo” when they Navidad” and it is the most popular draw in the whole year. The first ever Christmas Lottery draw took place in 1812 and it is consider organized every they did a good day 22nd December job all year-round. It when the ever since. The can be monetary or kick-off of Christmas name “Sorteo de in kind. Some workers takes place in Spain Navidad” was used for who receive it are that is the Christmas the first time in 1892, postmen, caretakers... Lottery on 22nd though. As measured Despite the festive December! In Spanish by the total prize atmosphere might it is called “Sorteo de payout, the Christmas be felt much earlier, if Navidad” or “Lotería de Lottery is considered one has to choose a biggest l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t the 65 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e the second ones might get coal (nowadays it is candy coal) so they know that the Three Kings are not joking when it comes to reward (or not) them! On January, 5th around 18:00h the Cavalcade of Magi starts in all Spanish cities, so the children can go and see the Three Kings, who later in the night will be carrying presents to w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t With the arrival of the New Year, all Spaniards know that there is only one celebration (especially dedicated to children) left: “Día de Reyes” or “Three Kings Day”. Before January, 5th comes, children have to write a letter to the Three Kings, also known as the “Three Wise Men” or “The Magi”. In this letter they have to write about 6th. On “Día de Reyes” it is typical to eat “Roscón de Reyes” (Three Kings Bread) for breakfast and even after lunch. The Roscón is a mixture bread roll, decorated with glaced fruits (which symbolize the rubies and the emeralds of the Three Kings robes) and sugar on top. Within the dough there are two small trinkets hidden: a bean and a figurine. The one who finds the figurine will have good luck all the year long, while the one who finds the bean will have to pay the “roscón”. “Día de Reyes” is the last celebration of the Christmas Season in Spain. Children usually don’t come back to school until January, 8th as the day after “Three Kings Day” is always a holiday for them (guess to play as much as possible!). Once “Día de Reyes” is over it appears the feeling that the festive season is gone until the next year. In the following days all decorations, the Christmas Tree, the Nativity Scene... will be removed in all houses until nearly one year later when the next Christmas season comes and the same traditions and customs will be present in the lives of Spaniards one more year! a t fried in olive oil and often dusted with sugar). New Year’s is a peaceful daywherethereisafamily lunch and a long afterlunch conversation, too, although some people will be sleeping for a long time after partying the whole night. Every their homes. While riding on the streets, the Magi throw sweet and candy to all the children who crow together to see them. When the night comes, children have to go to bed early, so the Three Kings can visit them. In fact, the Magi will only visit when they know that children are sleeping, this is why they are never seen while delivering presents! It is a magical and special night during which many children are so nervous and excited that sleeping is difficult for them! Before going to bed, some people have the following traditions: some leave their cleaned shoes next to a window or under the Christmas Tree so the Magi know how many children live in that house. Other people also leave food for the Magi: milk and biscuits or some Christmas sweets as well as water for the camels! On the morning of January, 6th children get up really excited and run to the Christmas Tree to see if the Three Kings left them some presents. It is a thrilling morning for the little ones who are very happy because they got wonderful toys and gifts from the Three Kings! Also adults exchange gifts on the morning of January, n e w s their behaviour during the last year and which toys they would like to receive as a present. The Three Wise Men know very well which children are good and those who aren’t that much... so the first ones will surely get presents but l a t e s t January, 1st you can watch the New Year’s Concerto from vienna and the New Year’s Ski Jump in GarmischPartenkirchen broadcasted in TV, characteristical features of the first day of the year for many people all around the world. t h e to the tradition. The twelve grapes are related to the famous “Puerta del Sol Tower Clock” in Madrid, where the goodbye to the old year and the welcome to the new one is always broadcasted on TV. Already in the New Year, people go out to party until the early hours of the morning. Just before coming back home, it is typical to have breakfast: “chocolate con churros” (thick hot drinking chocolate with a thin cylinder of dough, deep- c h e c k tricks are played on this day on friends and family. Also the media plays tricks, jokes and absurd news which, sometimes, it is not so easy to realize! On the 31st December family have dinner together to celebrate the New Year’s Eve (again dishes are some of the explained above). The special tradition taking place in Spain is that when the clock strikes the midnight, one grape for each ring of the bell has to be eaten. If you are able to eat all the grapes, it guarantees a new year full of prosperity, according i t ? with the leftovers of Christmas Day. Spain has its particular “April Fool’s” on December, 28th, called “Día de los Inocentes” (Innocent Saints). It has its origin in the massacre of children that King Herodes committed in Judea to avoid the loss of his throne to the new-born Jesus Child. Nowadays, pranks and l i k e down the mountains to cities, towns and villages to touch the children’s belly and check if they have eaten well during the last year. He gives to the children a lot of chestnuts, some gifts, and wishes for a new year full of happiness and food. On the 25th December, Christmas Day, families gather together to have lunch. Typical dishes are among the ones I named above, as well as for drinks and desserts. Usually there is a long after-lunch conversation while children enjoy their gifts and sweets. Otherwise it is a calm day to be spent with the family. The 26th December is festiveinmanycountries, but not in Spain, except for one region: Catalonia. Catalonia’s “Boxing Day” is called “Sant Esteve” (Saint Stephen). Catalonians spend this day with the other relatives they could not have lunch with at Christmas Day or relaxing. The typical food eaten on this day are canneloni, made 66 67 Christmas eve and day CHRISTMAS Deirdre in the Netherlands Most people have family dinners on 25th, and 26th family dinners, too, or just a lazy day. The 24th is nothing, people have to work. The 25th and 26th we have the day off work. Mirjan in the Netherlands: I have to work until 69 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t PenPalling and Letters is a blog dedicated to correspondence. You can find many interesting articles there together with polls, so feel free to voice out your opinion. There is also a section with interesting links that you can follow and learn more about the wonderful hobby of penpalling! a t Teresa in Czech Republic Hi all from Prague, Czech Republic! Over here we typically gather with the family for a dinner on 24th. We eat a fish soup (carp fish) followed by a fish (the same carp :)) and potatoe salad. Then go to the Xmas tree (which Find PenPalling & Letters on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/penpallingandletters n e w s Penpalling & Letters, many people wanted to tell how they are celebrating this time of the year, and I decided to put all words together here. Renpalling & Letters: www.penpallingandletters.blogspot.com l a t e s t 68 first letter of Christ, and it, or the similar Roman letter X, have been used as an abbreviation for Christ since the mid16th century. Hence, “Xmas” is sometimes used as an abbreviation for Christmas. Christmas are celebrated in many lands all over the world, and the celebrations and traditions which take place are different from one place to another despite its original meaning. Through our Facebook group: t h e start to be sung, cards are exchanged and As many of you know, Nativity scenes are set Christmas is a holiday up in houses, churches, or festival which institutional buildings... commemorates the birth The word Christmas as a of Jesus. Preparations originated meaning start several days in compound advance, and the special “Christ’s Mass”. It is environment you can derived from the Middle feel in the air might English: “Christemasse” start several weeks in and Old English: “Cristes advance, too! In late mæsse”, a phrase first in 1038. November streets and recorded houses get decorated, “Cristes” is from Greek Christmas trees are also “Christos” and “mæsse” decorated with lights, is from Latin “missa” (the garland, tinsel, different holy mass). In Greek, ornaments... carols the letter Χ (chi), is the c h e c k by Penpalling & letters Erika in Mexico Here, in Mexico, we have a family dinner on December, 24th. The time depends of every person as for my family we have lunch with all my relatives (around fifty people... hehe! I have a BIG family!) around 3pm; and at night, a small dinner with my parents. Traditional dishes? In my family we will have: “Cod fish with olives and potatoes” (“Bacalao a la Vizcaína”), “Rosemary with some mole” (“mole” is a Mexican dish, which is a mix of about thirty ingredients and spices: chili, cinnamon, chocolate, bread, pepper, onion... etc.), sweet apple salad, some fruity salad, too, and turkey. i t ? Angie in Germany Here we give out presents already on Christmas Eve, in the evening, after having a dinner together. We do sing carols, pray in front of the tree and afterwards we do hand out presents to each other. Typical food for this day is fish, but since we don’t like fish that much in our family we usually make something different. I chose “Cordon bleu” this year. On Christmas Day we usually do gather around and often do have goose with dumplings for food. And on Boxing day we usually don’t do much so we do play games and such things. :) l i k e is, meanwhile, lit up and the presents are already placed underneath) and unwrap the presents, talk, watch Xmas movies, eat small snacks and sometimes people go to the midnight mass at the church... not so much for religious reasons, more as a tradition. :) 25th is a relatively calm day and if you have a bigger family (aunts, etc.) you visit them then for more gifts and food. :) Merry Xmas to everyone! a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t c h e c k a t i t ? n e w s l i k e l a t e s t Marie in Florida, USA We eat sausage on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day, we eat antipasto, lasagna and cannolis. on every Spanish region. Here, in Galicia, northwestern Spain, the most traditional meal is cod with cauliflower and boiled potatoes as well as shellfish (crayfish, Shiloh in Hawaii, USA different kinds of crabs, My Christmas celebration Snjezana in Bosnia- scallop shell, lobster, starts on the 24th of Herzegovina barnacles...). However, December. When I was We celebrate Christmas some people prepare living with my foster- on the 7th January - for roasted beef, capon, family we celebrated Orthodox people - We turkey, lamb, suckling Christmas on Christmas roast a pig on a stick pig, hake or octopus... Eve. My foster family did above the fire and we On Christmas Day we that so we could spend cook wheat with nuts have a family lunch, and Christmas with our and sugar. We also eat some of the dishes you own families. I still carry baked mash beans, can eat are among the that tradition today. On sarma (sauerkrat leaves ones I named before. Christmas Eve, we go filled with rice and After dinner/lunch to my in-law, or other meat, or wine leaves), typical Christmas sweets family houses, but on Greek baklava and we are eaten like “turrón” (a Christmas Day we spend drink red wine, say our kind of nougat candy it at home for some prayers and spend time typical in Spain in great quality time. with family and relatives Xmas), “polvorones” on the 1st day. There are (I heard it is similar to Aga in PolanD sweets for children in “shortbread” in New Christmas in Poland in hay under the table or Zealand), “marzipan”, some points probably in the villages they go “pasteles yema/gloria”... looks like in other outside to haunt the On the contrary to most countries, in others it treasure that adults hid countries in the world, differs. We decorate around... we don’t exchange Christmas tree, buy gifts on Christmas Eve gifts… *cough*… Santa Beatriz in Spain or Christmas Day, but brings gifts and we On the 24th December on the 6th January, the fest on Christmas Eve we are preparing for Epiphany or the “Three together with the whole a family dinner in the Kings Day”. However, in family. But of course, we evening. Before, we the latest years, Santa is can’t start eating before already have ready more present than ever, the first star shines! And Christmas ornaments, and still many children even before we sit by the Christmas tree and get something “little” the table, we share an the Nativity scene and either on the 24th or “opłatek” between us, might sing/listen to the 25th. ¡Feliz Navidad wishing each person all Christmas carols. The a todos! the best in the coming typical dishes depend t h e 70 Laurie in Illinois, USA Christmas Eve we go up to my family in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Then, Christmas morning we open our gifts to one another and the day we go to a sister in law’s home. We usually have a ham, different salads, shrimp, cheese and crackers... year... Go on reading more about Christmas in Poland by visiting Aga’s Blog: “Got that Swing” where she explains about Christmas Traditions in Poland. c h e c k Mitzi in Arkansas, USA When I was younger we would open one present on Christmas Eve and then wait til Christmas Day to open the rest... but with all the hype of PRESENTS my family opens them all at Christmas eve, Samantha in California, USA At Christmas Eve we all get to open the smallest present before bed and drink hot chocolate. We also watch Christmas movies and wake up the next morning and open presents together. Right now my 6 year old and 4 year old are making Christmas ornaments out of paper for our tree. It is so cute! Patti in Washington, USA We prepare white nut fudge (divinity) each year. Hard to make but worth it! i t ? Heather in Massachusetts, USA I usually end up wrapping all my gifts on the 24th. At night I go to a family member’s house and hang out. Typical Christmas dish here (all depends on the person): usually ham, lamb or roast beef is served for Christmas. People here tend to eat at around 1pm or 2pm. Then, have desserts about 4ish. Then, open gifts and all that happy Christmas stuff. My father’s side of the family have a cake for Jesus, so they have cake along with everything else. Then, if you are hungry later there are a bunch of leftovers. although I would rather open them in the aim of Christmas day, enjoy the day with family and friends and have a feast that day. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t 2 pm... Xmas eve some people are going to the church. We are celebrating Xmas on December, 25th and 26th. Our typical dish is turkey, beef. 71 PenPal and Letters GIVE AWAY w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t The non-profit organization Bear for an Angel was set up by Michelle Dayson, mother of two angel babies lost to miscarriage. She wants everyone to have a nice memory of their babies, sadly gone too soon. Contact us: Check our website www.bearforanangel.weebly.com You can find us also on our Facebook page: http://on.fb.me/bearforangel Our email address: [email protected] w w w . prize are the same to everyone. Taking part in this first anniversary giveaway is very easy! Everybody is welcome to enter and if you feel like it, tell your pals and friends as well. It is a good chance to get some cute papers from P&L! Deadline will be the 1st February, 2011. I will announce the winner a few days later. Good luck to all participants and let me use this first post of 2011 to wish everyone a wonderful New Year!!! a t Penpalling & Letters? - What do you like most in Penpalling & Letters? Please, notice that if you would like to participate in this contest, your reply has to be written here, in this same post (under comments). Comments in Facebook or any other place around Internet won’t be taken into account. Also, only one entry per person is allowed, so chances to get the Hi there! This is the non-profit organization Bear for an Angel! We fund personalized teddy bears for families who have had a miscarriage, still birth, neonatal death or cot death, we rely on fund raising & donations to do this. We also sell memorial items including, birth scrolls, bracelets & lots more. Bear for an Angel can also do personalized memorial bears for funeral’s or any other loss available to purchase. n e w s 72 find you anywhere, I am very sorry but cannot take you in. I don’t think I am asking too much. I simply don’t want to send a prize to a “ghost”. And this is what you have to do to participate: 1. Leave a comment in this post and tell me (remember to leave a way to contact you): - How did you discover Penpalling & Letters? - What keeps you coming back to li ta ?t ec shte cn ke wt sh ea tl a t e s t How to enter this giveaway? It is very easy! Just go on reading... The only imposition on my side is that any “anonymous” won’t be taken into account. If possible “I would like to know you”. How? Just sign with a Blogger, Twitter, Facebook... profile. Or at least, leave your name and tell me you are in Facebook, Twitter, any social network, website... If I cannot k ee c h e c k l ti h l a t e s t all the encouraging messages received in the last year, and to many lovely people I had the chance to meet through P&L! And just to celebrate Penpalling & Letters first anniversary I am giving away up to 500 grams of stationery (in the pic you can see some of it) to a lucky P&L reader! i t ? interested in letter-writing...); however, I am still surprised that P&L got visits from some unexpected places as Guam, Kiribati, Maldives, Mauritius, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines... All places and all readers mean the same to me, even if I might get more surprised to receive a visit from Bolivia rather than one from the USA. Why? I guess this is a story for a future post... But coming back to the heart of this post, I just want to thank all the readers that visited, whenever you kept visiting once and again or you just passed by, to l i k e Penpalling & Letters is one year-old! Giveaway! It is exactly one year today that I decided to start this Blog about penpalling. Penpalling & Letters is my first incursion in the Blogger-world and, after 365 days, the experience is highly positive! I could not imagine that a year later Penpalling & Letters would have received so many visits from so many different places all over the world! Even if I always think that you cannot take anything for granted, you expect visits from certain countries (large countries with a large population, lands where there are many people bear for angel 73 73 NEw Year’s EVE and DAY by Penpalling & Letters w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t c h e c k a t i t ? n e w s l i k e l a t e s t Find PenPalling & Letters on Facebook: 74http://on.fb.me/penpallingandletters PenPalling and Letters is a blog dedicated to correspondence. You can find many interesting articles there together with polls, so feel free to voice out your opinion. 75 There is also a section with interesting links that you can follow and learn more 75 about the wonderful hobby of penpalling! t h e Renpalling & Letters: www.penpallingandletters.blogspot.com c h e c k Angie in Germany Here, in Germany (although the many drunk drivers. We just have a quiet evening at home. i t ? Deirdre in the Netherlands On the 31st most people work but if you have a nice boss you’ll quit work early in the afternoon. In the afternoon we make “oliebollen” and “appelbeignets” and eat them! :) In the evening we watch TV (loads of standup comedians and special NewYear’s Eve programs on TV) and wait till it’s almost 00:00. Then, we toast with champagne and run out to light fireworks and chat with the neighbors. At home safe and warm Netherlands with my daughter! Boy, am I will go to my sister-inI getting old! LOL! law and have dinner with her and her son while my Erika in Mexico Mary in Illinois, USA Teresa in Czech boyfriend has to work till Here, in Mexico, it’s maybe We eat ham, beans, corn Republic 23:00. :( After dinner we a bit different than in other bread, fried potatoes, This year, me and my will go to a party of my countries since New Year cabbage... Me and my husband will go to our boyfriends’uncle where a is similar to Christmas. We hubby are going to watch friends’ place and celebrate lot of other family members have lunch with family and the“Ball drop”at home. - a bunch of people at a are coming, too. :D And by night, in many clubs and home-party. Nothing too as for New Year’s Day I just bars, there are parties to say Louise in Australia wild. :) We will also watch don’t know. HELLO to the New Year. As My hubby is working at New fireworks at midnight over for my family, we have lunch Year’s Eve so I will be home Prague! Aya in Japan: and by night we just have a alone. :( I celebrate it by eating small dinner and watch TV Kris in Michigan, USA noodles on New Year’s Eve while we wait for midnight Karen in UK At home relaxing! to wish for a long lasting to make our twelve wishes I was going to go to a party healthy New Year (it’s a by having twelve grapes but we are all ill, so we are Heather in Arizona, Japanese tradition) and :) This year I’m planning going to stay in. Usually, USA spend the New Year’s Day to make some Asian style people celebrate here Drunk at a house party with with my family. :) noodles for New Year’s eve partying and really drinking my boyfriend and other :) hehe I think New Year’s too much! friends! :) Darja in Germany/ dinner is more casual and from Russia: there are not very specific Ami in Thailand Misae in Japan It seems that in Germany meals, but the MUST have I usually celebrate it in the About New Year’s Eve... In people like to spend New are the GRAPES :) and some “Gurudwara” (Sikh Temple). Japan we are pounding Year’s Eve quietly at home apple cider for the toast. This year I’m travelling to steamed rice into the dough or go out to a big and Mae Sot (a town in western used for rice cakes (haha!). loud party, but the most Kristi in Washington, Thailand that shares a It’s a traditional custom... It important thing is that USA border with Myanmar to sounds funny, right!? Have a around 12:00 pm people will Here in Seattle there are the west). good New Year everyone! go out and make fireworks! many celebrations. There Russians also got to love is a very large one at the Thanaphon Ramona in the this activity... Go on reading “Space Needle” where they Bamrungkarn in Netherlands more about it by visiting have traditional New Year’s Thailand We spend it at home... Some Darja’s Blog:“Starshine whirls Eve fireworks. Thousands of I will be watching the food on the table and blow make my head spin”(http:// people gather to watch the fireworks in the sky! some fireworks in the air! puchipfote.blogspot.com/) fireworks. In my family we where she explains about stay off the streets due to Lisa in Florida, USA Anita in the New Year’s Traditions. fun. :)Well, this was a brief overview about how we celebrate here. l i k e January the 1st represents the fresh start of a New Year. This day was, traditionally, a religious feast, but since the 1900s has become an occasion to celebrate the night of December 31, called New Year’s Eve. There are fireworks at midnight at the moment the New Year arrives in many countries of the world, but there are some other traditions. Let’s see how some people are celebrating the arrival of the New Year: I can talk only for my family, of course), we do celebrate usually with family or friends. Usually we prepare “Fondue or Raclette” for food, but this year I do something which doesn’t need so much time to get prepared at all. ;) We do play games until midnight arrives and when it is 00:00 we are going to wish each other a Happy New Year. Most people do drink champagne and also we do watch the firework we bought some days before. Usually, after being stiff and frozen we eat “Goulash soup” and do lead pouring afterwards, to see what the New Year brings. :) “Lead pouring” (das Bleigießen) is an old practice using molten lead like tea leaves. A small amount of lead is melted in a tablespoon (by holding a flame under the spoon) and then poured into a bowl or bucket of water. The resulting pattern is interpreted to predict the coming year. For instance, if the lead forms a ball (der Ball), that means luck will roll your way. The shape of an anchor (der Anker) means help in need. There are of course even more meanings. It is a lot of NEw Year’s DAY By Gregory Lentz w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e a t c h e c k n e w s i t ? l a t e s t l i k e t h e 77 c h e c k 76 many use both calendars, one as a “civic” or peoples calendar for use of th general public, and Gregorian and Julian the other as a more calendars: Gregorian formal chronicle for the or Western or Christian observation of important Calendar has been days of worship. adopted by most countries, but not all In the Eastern Orthodox nations and cultures Church the civil, or use the same calendar “peoples” holiday of system. It was introduced the New Year is on the by Pope Gregory XIII Gregorian calendar of for whom it is named. January 14th, while a more The Gregorian was religous celebration of the adopted because of an New Year is celebrated accumulated difference on the 1st of January. in the seasons, by which Orthodox churches and many Roman Catholic their congregations observations or holidays that still use the Julian (Holy Days) were not Calendar include Georgia, being met consistantly in Jerusalem, Russia, the older Julian/Roman Macedonia, Serbia, and calendars. There was a the Ukraine. time when Christianity was faltering, splintering, One of the great joys and many peoples I have with swapping were reverting back to postcards is to learn their pagan beliefs. The about different cultures, Church wanted to save not just different places. Christianity and bring I like to try and honor back people to the faith, differing holidays with many facets of these those I know in diferent different beliefs were parts if the world, though very similar and falling on I might not follow their similar times of the year, belief and ways of life, I so the revision of the respect them and like to calendar was very much share with them all that about belief and not just a I may, even if only in a uniformed chronicling of small way. Here are a few time.The Julian Calendar international new years before todays Gregorian observations I have come is still used by a number to know this past year: of nations and peoples who are predominantly Tamil Nadu lies in the of the Orthodox Church, southernmost part of the i t ? Across the world the New Year may be celebrated at different times in the year, as we do not all follow the same method for the I like many of the Western calendar of months and world observe the New days. The “calendar” for YearstartingonDecember many of us is just a way 31st, New Years Eve, and of organizing the months celebrate the coming of a and day of our year, but new year with the striking it began as a way to set of midnight and the start out the observations of of January 1st, the very the seasons as agriculture first Day of the New Year. was once the most It is pretty common for important means of families to come together commerce in the “old for a meal and a late world” compared to the evening of drinks to international markets of reflect on the past year business today, as well as and be together for the a means for laying out the 1st of the year. For many observations of Holidays years here in the States for religious purposes. I the holiday is met n most will explain a little bit of that, as well as some of the differing and similar ways of celebration... l i k e It is a brand new New Year! Maybe the last according to the Mayan Calendar, as the world “might” end in 2012! But “end” is relative, I hope! I make this reference not because I am a believer of such superstition, but because I have come to know that the celebration of a new year from the old is observed in many different ways and has been carried on throughout the ages and at different times in the year. Being a person with an interest in world cultures, I have this past year come to know of some of these different days and origins through correspondences in my world of postcard swapping. towns and cities with fireworks and parties. My personal favorite is the huge and glorious fireworks displays at midnight! Many people meet the New Year with Resolutions for change in their lives, change for the better such as dieting, quitting bad habits, starting a new hobby or adopting better principals. Though the world is vast with differing political, theological and cultural beliefs, the coming of the New Year across the world has a common element of reflecting on the past for hopes and dedication for a better new year. a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t l i k e a t 79 n e w s Because of the division of the world into time zones, the new year moves progressively around the globe as the start of the day ushers in the New Year. The first time zone to usher in the New Year is just west of the International Date Line. At that time the time zone to the east of the Date Line is 23 hours behind, still in the previous day. So all over the world come the stroke of midnight the New Year is met “all day”, and according to nationality and custom, or religous belief, it is celebrated on many different days throughout the year, but with a commonality of reflection and hopes for a better year. l a t e s t The Twelve Grapes: Las doce uvas de la suerte, “the Twelve Grapes of Luck”is a Spanish tradition Rosh Hashanah, Hebrew since 1909 created by for “head of the year” is a vineyard owners to better Jewish “new year” holiday sell huge amounts of commemorating the grapes from an exellent culmination of the seven harvest. One eats a grape days of Creation, and with each of the 12 bell marking God’s renewal strikes at midnight on and the reflection of the the 31st f December world he created. for hopes of prosperity. It wa sstarted with the Nowruz or New Day is the bell tower of Puerta traditional celebration del Sol and is shared of the ancient Iranian across the world in the New Year, from the time Hispanic communities of Great Persia, and has of the Americas and spread to be observed even adopted in the in other parts of the Philippines. world, principally in Afghanistan, Albania, January 1st as the most Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, common and generally Azerbaijan, Georgia, accepted 1st day of the Kurdistan, Turkmenistan, year has taken hundreds Kosovo, Kyrgystan, and of years to be adopted parts of Central, South all over the world. Venice Asia, and Northwestern adopted and accepted China. It marks the first January 1st, the first day day of spring, which of the new year in 1522, is the first day of the Sweden in 1529, the Holy Iranian Calendar. The Roman Empire (including UN General Assembly of Germany) in 1544, Spain, 2010 recognizes Nowruz Portugal, Poland in as the Intrnational Day 1556, Prussia, Denmark, of Nowruz, and UNESCO Norway in 1559, Scotland (the United Nations in 1600 the British Empire Educational,Scientificand in 1752, and Thailand in 1941! 1st of March was the first day of the “numbered years” in the Republic of Venice until it’s destruction in 1797. September 1st was used by Russia from 1492 until the adoption of the Christian Era in 1700 by Tsar Peter I. Autumnal equinox day (commonly September 22nd) was “New Years Day” in the French Republican Calendar used from 1793 to 1805. t h e Some neo-pagans still celebrate Samhain, November 1st, as a New Year observation of the new cycle in their Wheel of the Year. Those of Wiccan worship from the Celtic cultures of ancient Europe observe Samhain, and Wicca has increasingly grown in popularity here in the States in recent years. Cultural Organization) was officialy registered within the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. c h e c k The Vietnamese New Year is the Tet Nguyen Dan which is for the most part the same day as the Chinese New Year. More commonly known as Tet, the celebration is of the start of Spring, which is a very common start of the “new year” in many cultures, as spring brings life and the end of winter. Celebrating The Balinese New Year, based on the Saka Calendar is called Nyepi, and falls on Bali’s Lunar New Year of March 26th, it is a day of silence, fasting, and meditation; it’s observed from 6am to to 6am the following morning. The Islamic New Year occurs on the 1st of Muharram, their calendar is based on 12 lunar months, the New Year ocurs about eleven days earlier each year in relation the Gregorian Calendar. i t ? The Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, occurs every year on the “new moon” of the first lunar month, about four to eight weeks before Spring. The exact date can fall anytime between January 21st and February 21st. Traditionally, years were marked by one of the twelve Earthly Branches, represented by an animal, and one of ten Heavenly Stems, which correspond to the “five elements”. This combination cycles every 60 years and it is a very important Chinese celebration for the year. for Tet is met with special dishes of food and cleaning the house (here in America we have “spring cleaning” not an observed day but part of our pop-culture). There are varying customs in the celebration of Tet like visiting a persons house on the first day of the new year, ancestral worship, wishing of greetings luck, money tochildren and elderly to start the seds of hopeful prosperity, and opening a business is thought very lucky and fruitful upon the first day of the new year. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Indian Peninsula and the region has been the home of the Tamil people since at least 500 BC, and they celebrate the start of the new year on the 14th of January. DIA DE ReYES, THree Kings’ Day by Erika Millares, [email protected] a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t n e w s w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e l a t e s t c h e c k t h e i t ? c h e c k l i k e i t ? 80 l i k e Hi from Mexico! I think winter holidays are the most popular among people, and usually after Christmas, it seems that holiday’s season is over. But in some countries, just like Mexico for example, we have other celebrations - we have the “Día de Reyes” or in English “The Three Kings day”. This celebration started in Spain and from there it got extended to Latin America during the Spanish colonization. The origin of this tradition comes from the Bible. According to the New Testament, The Magi or Three Kings (they can be also known as the Three wise men): Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar, were a group of kings who came from the East, following the star of Bethlehem to bring gifts to Jesus after his birth. Día de Reyes is celebrated every year in countries like Mexico, Spain and all Latin America, on January 6th and this is the day when children receive some toys, gifts, sweets and treats coming from the Three Kings. Everything starts on January 5th, when children in Mexico write a letter to the Three Kings asking for some toys or some goodies, and they attach the small letter with a string to a nice and colorful balloon filled up with helium. By the afternoon, children let the balloons fly up to the sky, so the Kings will catch them and know what presents the kids want to get the next day. If they have been good children during the year, they will find their presents on January 6th morning under the Christmas tree. If kids couldn’t fly a balloon, it’s also common that they put their shoes by the window before they go to sleep. On the following morning they will find their presents inside their shoes or if the presents are bigger than the shoes, they will be placed next to them. On January 6th, we eat “Rosca de Reyes” –“Three Kings Bread” in English- which is a ring shaped bread, made out of egg bread, decorated with dry fruits and sprinkled with sugar on top, and inside there are 2 or 3 small plastic dolls that represent baby Jesus. We serve some hot chocolate and a slice of this bread around 6pm in our “Merienda” which is something similar to Tea time. The fun starts here, since everyone has to cut by himself/herself a slice of this ring. The ones who find a doll inside the slice of bread will be the Godparents of baby Jesus for Día de la Candelaria (Day of the Purification) on February 2nd, and they will have to make some tamales for everybody as well (Tamales are corn bread filled with chicken or pork in a sauce or they can be sweet, with raisins or pineapple pieces, wrapped in corn husks). So, as you can see, here in Mexico holiday season is bit more longer, that’s why is common to see the Christmas tree still up in the living or dining room by mid January or even the first week of February. I truly believe that no matter what country we are from, we should keep our traditions and don’t let them to be forgotten through the years. They are part of who we are and what makes the world even richer when it comes to culture and traditions. 81 a t n e w s l i k e i t ? c h e c k t h e l a t e s t l a t e s t n e w s a t w w w . t h e c h e c k i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t l i k e a t 83 n e w s each year is magical. The children don’t sleep a wink in the whole night because they are very excited and adults feel the special atmosphere because of the children’s thrill! In some homes there are some traditions previously to the visit of the Three Kings. Children leave their cleaned shoes in a visible place (usually next to the Christmas tree or next to the windows) so the Magi can leave them the gifts. Some food is prepared for the l a t e s t also can b e seen in the parade. When the parade finishes, the Magi speak to all the children and their parents. Those children who behaved well during the last year will get presents, while those who behaved badly are in risk to received coal (candy!) so they learn the lesson for the next year! When the night comes, children have to go to bed very early, otherwise, the Magi won’t visit them! The night from the 5th to the 6th of January t h e 82 to gift to each child. They are getting old year after year but they know very well which presents correspond to every child! In the evening of January, 5th the Cavalcade of Magi takes place in every Spanish city. The Magi ride through the streets and together with their pages throw sweets and candy to all the children who are attending. In the Cavalcade the most wonderful coaches and creatures can be seen. The Magi are accompanied always by their three camels, which her mouth something a little bit hard, in the worst case it is the bean, in the best one the figure. If you have found the bean you will have to pay this cake, but if you have found the figure, you will be crowned and king.” Just as Erika described above for Mexico, the holiday season is also longer in Spain. Spaniards don’t feel that the Christmas period is over until January, 7th when getting up in the morning. This is when we realize that the holidays are gone and the daily routine is here again. In the last hours of January, 6th it is time to say goodbye to Christmas, remove the Christmas tree, the nativity scene and all the decorations and wait all the year long until the next one comes! If you would like to read more interesting stories don’t forget to check the links you can find at the following post: Travelling around the World sharing Cultural Heritage, Folklore and Background and at Sandbook.Net Penpal and Swappers Site and the Sandbook Magazine. Let’s meet again soon! ¡”Feliz Día de Reyes”! c h e c k Taking advantage of Erika’s great article, I would like to add a few lines to tell how “Día de Reyes” is celebrated in Spain as well. As Erika tells, the core of this festivity in all the countries in which this special day takes place is to celebrate the arrival of the Magi, the Three Wise Men or the Three Kings to Bethlehem in order to adore the Jesus Child and offer him their gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. However, customs, traditions and celebrations vary from one place to another. Surely people from other countries where the “Three Kings Day” is celebrated could tell, but let me explain how this journey is lived in Spain. Right after the New Year’s all children get really excited. Why? Because they know that the Three Wise Men will be visiting them very soon and they will receive the presents they have dreamt of the last months! Before the arrival of the Three Magi, the children have to write them a letter so the Magi know what there are two small trinkets: a bean and a little figure. The person who finds the figure it is said to have good luck throughout the year, while the one who finds the bean will have to pay for the “roscón”. The tradition says the following (it is written as a rhyme in Spanish): “He aquí el roscón de Reyes, tradición de un gran banquete en el cual hay dos sorpresas para los que tengan suerte. En él hay, muy bien ocultas, un haba y una figura; el que lo vaya a cortar hágalo sin travesura. Quien en la boca se encuentre una cosa un tanto dura, a lo peor es el haba o a lo mejor la figura. Si es el haba lo encontrado este postre pagarás, mas si ello es la figura, coronado y rey serás”. Translated to English: “Here it is the Three Kings Bread, tradition of a great feast in which there are two surprises for those who are lucky. There are, very well hidden, a bean and a figure; the one who is going to cut it do it without mischief. The one who finds in his/ i t ? by Penpalling & Letters Magi, camels and pages, too. The night is long and surely they need to get their strength back with so many visits in one night! The Three Kings only leave the gifts when they know the children are sleeping. On January, 6th, very early in the morning, children get up and run to the Christmas tree. They are very excited to see which presents the Magi gifted them! It is a special morning full of joy, laugh and happiness. They finally can play and enjoy the so awaited presents! Usually, the Magi also leave a little gift in the houses of other relatives: grandparents, uncles and aunts... The children have to hurry up and enjoy their presents as the school will start soon! In Spain it is also eaten the “Roscón de Reyes” or the “Three Kings Bread” or “Kings Cake”, mainly for breakfast in the morning of January, 6th. It is baked and prepared in the same way as it is in Mexico. Inside the pastry l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t THree Kings’ Day a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e The cream: We are going to mix the ingredients in a big bowl. First, we add the can of evaporated milk, and just after that, we add the sweetened condensed milk and the 2 whole eggs. With an electric mixer or a beater, we are going to mix up these ingredients and when they’re perfectly mixed, we will add the lime juice. We will keep mixing for about 3- 5 minutes, until our cream will get thick. The crust: In a glass pie plate or any pastry mold we have at home, we will spread some solid butter (just a thin layer) in all the surface, so it will be easier to cut out our pie once we have finished it. Once we have done this, we will melt the rest of butter, for that we will use a pan. Butter melts really quickly, so keep an eye on the pan since it takes less than a minute to be done. We are going to put in a blender cup about 200 grams of cookies, we should make sure that our cup is completely dry. We blend it slowly, since it’s dry and it may get stuck at times. Don’t give up, just make a stop, shake a little bit the blender cup, and blend it again. When our cookies look like a thin Procedure: powder, they will be ready. We will put the cream on the crust we We will add the melted butter to our “cookies powder” have done previously, and after this, little by little, and we will mix it all perfectly. we just have to decorate it, either with Then, we will put this mixture in our glass pie plate, a layer of cookies on top or with some and with our hands or with a spoon we will try to make cookies and lime slices. it flat. This will be our crust. We need to put the pie on the fridge for about 2 hours or until it gets hard. Enjoy!! w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t c h e c k This section will view recipes send by you, our readers. Soon we will be able to cook some really ineresting and very diverse dishes coming from all the corners of the world. a t i t ? Ingredients: 4 or 5 limes’ juices 1 can of evaporated milk 1 can of sweetened condensed milk 200grams of “Marias” cookies (those are Mexican sugar cookies, but any other flat sugar cookies will work well) Butter (100 grams approximately) 2 eggs Lime slices (optional) REcipes n e w s l i k e Mexican key lime pie Approximately 8 slices by Erika Millares l a t e s t I think we have a ghost in my house. Just some things seem to fall on their own when no one is near them. Just when I thought I got rid of the last one at our old place. Crazy! I wonder if other people believe in ghosts or faeries or anything like that. For New Year’s Eve we watched the fireworks from our home. Very pretty and too cold to take the kids out. But, they enjoyed it and we colored for awhile and then went to bed. Now, school is back in session and things are finally getting back to normal. Well, here is the end of my article. As always you can contact me for anything. Hope everyone is working on some nice and fun letters and receiving some awesome mail. xoxoxoxo, Samantha Stroy itsapenpalworld@gmail. com http://itsapenpalworld. blogspot.com t h e spent Christmas with my mom was a long time ago. Since her being sick for over 10 years, she just gave up on the holidays and just stayed in bed. So, somehow this year I convinced her to come over and exchange presents and have dinner. Even though she was here an hour and a half, it was still very nice. I also got to spend Christmas with my cousin, who has always been in prison or locked up since we were kids. In 20 years, he was finally out and it was just a nice get together. A few days before we went to my husband’s grandma’s house. They had a present exchange game and a good dinner. The kids got to take pictures with Santa and open presents. It was very nice also. But, sometimes I have to remind myself all the people I have in my life that are still here and not the ones who are gone. I am very thankful for my family. c h e c k 84 I will find my inspiration and creativity again and start my writing. Since moving into our new place, I just haven’t found my sweet spot. My old house, it took I think 6 months and rearranging the bedroom three times before I found the right writing area for me. I don’t know if it is me or other people too but I have to feel comfortable where I am writing, have what I need beside me, and the right lighting. My holidays were chaotic. As everyone’s I’m sure. LOL(editor’s note: laughing out loud). It was nice to have Christmas dinner at our new place and we had my mom, my step dad, my cousin and his girlfriend and son, and of course my husband, my kids, and me. It was nice. The last time I i t ? Happy New Year, everybody! New Year comes with new beginnings. Every year since I can remember I have always made a new years resolution list. For what? I have no idea. Things I wanted to accomplish in the year before but never did. But, somehow my list gets lost or put away and forgot about. Not this year! I am not quite sure on what everything is that I want to accomplish but by New Year’s Day I will have a list. Lately, I have lost my creative inspiration. Though I do try to do my best, but I just can’t seem to find the right spot, or the right time of day to myself to write or draw or even read. So, definitely in the New Year RECIPES l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t SAMANTHA’S THOUGHTS 85 PRague l i k e i t ? c h e c k t h e a t l a t e s t n e w s n e w s a t l a t e s t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t world traveller: Prague, Czech Republic l i k e i t ? c h e c k t h e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t hidden treasures by teresa wodehouse 87 i t ? w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t l i k e c h e c k t h e n e w s n e w s a t l a t e s t l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e blend of the traditional and the modern, the forgotten and the newly restored. Yet, apart from the breath-taking facades of old buildings, the cobblestone streets and squares, the concert halls and, of course the famous Czech beer, there is another unexplored area of Prague’s wonders that only a few get to know: its tearooms! After a tiring day of sightseeing, for a quiet talk with your date… OR…to write a letter to a dear friend, the smoky cafés or noisy pubs simply cannot give you the right atmosphere. In such moments (and not only in those), the tearooms are an invaluable solution. w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t Since freed from the past regime, Prague has become a place of an incredible travel interest. People from all over the world come to look for the magic of old times and the new air of contemporary metropolis. They find a a t Their various locations, unique styles and magical atmosphere provide a perfect place to enjoy a piece of tranquility in the bustling town. So what is so special about the tearooms? It is not just any place where tea is served. There are several unique features that can be found in most of the tearooms. Each of them adds to the final image and 89 88 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t works and a variety of corner not to ruin your different board games eyesight. or even origami. I am The tearooms are typically open during the whole day until late evening every season of the year. In winters they are searched for their warm cozy shelter and spicy hot masala chai. They are completely packed during the cold winter days. But they are open in summer as well, as they let you cool down with a cup of green tea or many cold tea drinks. Special pretty seasonal teas are always relaxation sure they available. and peace, most would give you a of the tearooms paper and pen to write, Since you have come to are equipped by in case you want to the tearoom to enjoy bookshelves full of write a letter. And you the peaceful escape interesting literary can always find a well lit from the world, the a t t h e is brought together with the menu. To enjoy your time of n e w s c h e c k l a t e s t i t ? t h e l i k e c h e c k 90 entrances are the first to attract your curiosity. Although situated in the central part of the city, some are very difficult to find, hiding themselves in the back yards, small side-streets Once you enter a and underground tearoom, the place i t ? Republic does not even produce tea! – yes, it’s a beer country). But what makes the Prague tearooms special is Atmosphere the feeling they give Good quality tea can be you once you enter. found anywhere in the Their hidden locations world (of course, Czech with unexpected People gather here in couples, small groups, and very frequently alone yearning to escape from the noise of the outer world. Some come here to read books or, like me, to write letters. To help preserve the low noiselevel of the place, there is sometimes a cute custom to order your tea by ringing a bell upon which the waiter appears. The small bell l i k e exquisite atmosphere that you come to absorb. Let’s take a look at what you can expect. spaces all of which suggests secrecy, intimacy and mystery. The architecture of the surrounding area is often old, traditional and authentic. Sometimes you can find a small sign pointing to the place; in some cases there is a handle of a bell you need to pull in order to call the waiters to let you inside. It is rather unusual to come across a tearoom unless you look for it. strikes you as incredibly peaceful, quiet and intimate. The light is dim with candles and old lamps; the music is dreamy or ethnic. The rooms are often divided into smaller compartments. The furniture varies from rattan chairs, armchairs and sofas to decks where people take their shoes off and sit or lean in heaps of cushions. Such “shoe-free areas” are to be found in most tearooms. Soft cozy cushions are mandatory as well as small tables on which your tea is served. Tearooms are strictly non-smoking places, the only exception being the shishas that are served in some of them. 91 popular honeycake), halva and endless small snacks l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t India, Nepal, Taiwan, bottle for you to prepare Ceylon, Turkey, the tea yourself, in a glass, i t ? c h e c k a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e board games and, finally, the tea itself. You can take your shoes off and close your eyes. No one will be offended by this behavior since this is indeed what people often come here for. Just be sure to wear clean socks. I have been, apart from penpalling, a big tea culture enthusiast since many years (as all of my friends know very well). Having spent more than 10 years exploring the tearoom culture in Europe, Asia and the United States, I find the Czech tearoom culture very unique. Although there are many interesting tea places in the world, Prague tearoom model is rather special and not widely spread even in Europe (there are a few such places in Slovakia or Hungary). I hope you will once come over and experience this interesting part of the Czech culture. I will be happy to answer any questions or hear your comments. All the best in 2011! Teresa Wodehouse (to get in touch with the author, please contact teresa.wodehouse@ gmail.com) 93 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t such as nuts, dried fruits, tea cookies, almonds, toffee, Japanese mixture...etc. It is up to you to try. Take your time and enjoy! I simply love visiting tearooms to meet friends or write letters. It is a great alternative to your cozy home. Plus, you can sip a healthy drink in a nice environment. It is very common to study, read, brainstorm, plan and schedule either by yourself or with your colleagues in the intimate compartments. Using a laptop should not be a problem in any tearoom (I actually wrote many of my university essays and even my thesis in tearooms). Yet, there is hardy any wireless internet connection – many are also under the ground level, so your cell phone might have problems with catching a signal. No matter what your everyday problems are, tearoom offers a space to forget, escape and recharge. When you take your time, don’t rush and plunge into the atmosphere, you might realize that the world seems brighter after your visit. Tearooms are equipped with the best items to sooth your soul and help you get in touch with yourself: decks with soft cushions, candles, nice music, books of poetry, a t in a calabas (a special cup in which mate is served)… some teas are good with milk, some with sugar or honey. In any tearoom, each tea is prepared the way it is usually drunk. You should trust your teawaiters who serve you the delicious potion and they should be always ready to answer your questions about the tea serving. As far as food goes, tearooms do not serve bigger dishes, but you will definitely find something to satisfy your hunger. Couscous is very common, pita bread filled with cheese, olives or even fruit or cinnamon. You may find toasts, cakes (especially a n e w s 92 l a t e s t England, Africa and South America. There are numerous black, green, white, oolong and herbal teas, flavored teas, nontea drinks such as rooibos, sahlep, and mate – all in several different flavors. Everyone chooses by his or her taste. Every tearoom has some specialty on their menu, may it be a seasonal tea offer, new interesting The tea menu flavor or non-tea drink After all, the tearoom’s such as kombucha or most important lassi. ingredient is, of course, You might be surprised tea. The menu in any by the various ways tea tearoom includes up can be served. In a pot to 50 different kinds already prepared for of tea from all over the consummation, with world – China, Japan, extra water in a thermos t h e waiters and waitresses fit your needs. They will not rush you or disturb. They are friendly and will make you feel welcome. In case they do not attend to you fast enough do not be offended. The tearoom rhythms are slow and calm. Settling your bill is always done at the counter where you may find tea for sale, ceramics, books, ethnic jewelry or incense. Don’t worry; the waiters are not even used to big tips. A few Czech crowns will do. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t NUMEROLOGY READINGS i t ? c h e c k n e w s l a t e s t n e w s l a t e s t a t t h e l i k e i t ? c h e c k w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e a t sandbook.net & Gaya designs present: samantha’s numerology You will be introduced to the characteristics, behavior and nature of people of the various numbers. booklet coming out January 21, 2011 95 94 CELEBERTY BIRTHDAY TWINS: By Rach Gee n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t a t n e w s l a t e s t l a t e s t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t t h e t h e c h e c k (Musician) 25th January 1759 – Robert Burns (Scottish Poet) 26th January 1961 – Wayne Gretzky (Hockey Player) 26th January 1955 – Eddie Van Halen (Musician) 27th January 1964 – Bridget Fonda 27th January 1756 – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 28th January 1981 – Elijah Wood (Actor) 28th January 1977 – Joey Faqtone, Jr (Singer) 28th January 1912 – Jackson Pollock (Artist) 29th January 1981 – Jonny Lang (Guitarist) 29th January 1954 – Oprah Winfrey (Talk show host) 29th January 1880 – WC Fields 30th January 1974 – Christian Bale (Actor) 30th January 1937 – Vanessa Redgrave (Actress) 30th January 1882 – Franklin D. Roosevelt 31st January 1981 – Justin Timberlake (Singer) 31st January 1971 – Minnie Driver (Actress) c h e c k (Musician) 18th January 1904 – Cary Grant 19th January 1946 – Dolly Parton (Musician) 19th January 1943 – Janis Joplin (Musician) 19th January 1809 – Edgar Allan Poe 20th January 1971 – Gary Barlow (Musician) 20th January 1946 – David Lynch (Filmmaker) 21st January 1976 – Emma Bunton (Singer) 21st January 1956 – Geena David (Actress) 22nd January 1965 – Steven Adler (Drummer) 22nd January 1959 – Linda Blair (Actress) 22nd January 1561 – Sir Francis Bacon 23rd January 1974 – Tiffani-Amber Thiessen (Actress) 23rd January 1957 – Princess Caroline of Monaco 24th January 1958 – Jools Holland (Musician) 24th January 1949 – John Belushi (Actor) 25th January 1981 – Alicia Keys i t ? 11th January 1952 – Ben Crenshaw (Golfer) 12th January 1966 – Rob Zombie (Musician and Film Director) 12th January 1954 – Howard Stern – (Shock Jock and TV Personality) 12th January 1628 – Charles Perrault (Author of “Cinderella” and “Sleeping Beauty) 13th January 1977 – Orlando Bloom (Actor) 13th January 1966 – Patrick Dempsey (Actor) 14th January 1982 – Caleb Followill (Musician) 14th January 1892 – Hal Roach (Filmmaker) 15th January 1979 – Drew Brees (American Football player) 15th January 1929 – Dr Martin Luther King, Jr 16th January 1979 – Aaliyah (Singer) 16th January 1874 – Kate Moss (Model) 17th January 1964 – Michelle Obama (1st Lady) 17th January 1899 – Al Capone (Gangster) 17th January 1706 – Benjamin Franklin 18th January 1971 – Jonathan Davis l i k e (Musician) 5th January 1956 – Diane Keaton It may be dull and gloomy outside (Actress) 6th January 1955 – Rowan Atkinson for some of us but, if you’re a January (Actor, Comedian) baby, it’s time to party! To find out 6th January 1412 – Joan of Arc who else is lucky enough to share a birthday with you, check out Famous 7th January 1964 – Nicholas Cage (Actor) Birthdays at: www.famousbirthdays.com 7th January 1956 – David Caruso (Actor) A very Happy Birthday to all of you! May your new year be filled with all the 7th January 1800 – Millard Fillmore (13th US president) things you wish for! 8th January 1947 – David Bowie (Musician) 1st January 1969 – Verne “Mini-Me” 8th January 1935 – Elvis Presley Troyer (Actor) 1st January 1946 – Kathleen Casey (1st 8th January 1911 – Butterfly McQueen Baby Boomer. Born just after midnight (Actress) 9th January 1982 – Kate Middleton 1946) (Fiancée of Prince William) 2nd January 1968 – Cuba Gooding, Jr 9th January 1944 – Jimmy Page (Actor) (Musician) 2nd January 1920 – Issac Asimov 9th January 1898 – Gracie Fields (Author) (Singer and Actress) 3rd January 1969 – Michael 10th January 1945 – Rod Stewart Schumacher (Formula 1 driver) (Singer) 3rd January 1956 – Mel Gibson (Actor) 3rd January 1892 – JRR Tolkien (Author) 10th January 1949 – George Foreman (Boxer) 4th January 1809 – Louis Braille 11th January 1971 – Mary J Blige (Inventor of the Braille system) (Musican) 5th January 1969 – Marilyn Manson l i k e i t ? Birthday Twins Birthday Twins! What’s more cool than findingsomeonewhosharesthesamebirthday date with you? No matter how far away you live from one another an instant connection is made. On one and the same day, you party together to celebrateYour own Special Day! The Team of Sandbook.Net would like to say a very Happy Birthday to: 16h December 1989, Sandra from Sweden1 6th December 1984, Jaswant Tan from 96 Singapore 20th December 1985, Martina from Austria 22nd December 1972, Sandi from Germany 23rd December 1968, Lillemor Nielsen from Sweden 3rd January 1980, Josh Cowan from the USA 6th January 1956, Belladonna Glaser from the USA 6th January 1970, Rhonda from VA, USA, 8th January 1960, Selina from New Zealand 15th January 1975, Biene from Germany 18th January 1959, Anne from Canada, 23th January 1979, Maren Ylinen from Finland 24th January 1979, Laura Flad from USA 24th January 1972, Marie Hunter from Wales, UK 26th January 1979, Sarah from Janesville, Wisconsin (USA), 26th January 1953, Denise from the USA May you all have a wonderful day! To join our birthday twin section, send us your birthday, name, country and email to our email: [email protected] To contact any of our Birthday Twins, log onto our website and look at the Birthday Twin Section. 97 PHOTO SHARE SUBSCRIBE Is the next issue free? Do you have a problem or need advise? Help is on the way. No problem is too big or small. You can discuss you husband/boyfriend/significant other, friend, mother, child, neighbor, or anyone else if they are a problem and you need guidance how to handle them. You can ask confidentially with confidence. Your privacy will be respected. Viv is a licensed psychologist and Davina can give a young perspective and opinion. How to become a guest writer? How does the subscribe feature on the website work? a t n e w s l a t e s t t h e c h e c k i t ? l i k e What is the policy on commercial Ads? Commercial Ads are paid ads for products or service that is not classified as a penpal or a swapper ad or an add from a small business that provides supplies for correspondence (stationary, address labels). Such ads are going to be reviewed and negotiated with the respective companies. For more information email [email protected] Make sure that you stay informed for the latest news Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sandbook Add us as a friend on Facebook http://facebook.com/sandbooknet And join our Facebook Group: http://on.fb.me/SBNgroup And join our Facebook Page: http://on.fb.me/SBNpage Read our blog at: sandbooknet.blogspot.com Visit us on our website: www.SandBook.Net 99 98 w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t I don’t see my Ad. Why? a t St. Valentine Photo Message Competition Sandbook.Net is organizing St. Valentine’s Photo-Message Competition. Send us a photo of you and your significant other by January 15th, 2011 with a small (or long) message that you want us to run for your special Valentine. Send the photos to [email protected], subject: St. Valentine. We will upload all photos and messages on our website and let you vote for your favorite. “Is there an award?”, you ask. Yes! The winner will take home a lovely scrapbooking set and of course some stationary materials. We will feature the winner in our February issue! n e w s 1) Promote us - tell your penpals and swappers about the magazine. 2) Give us feedback - either on our website www.sandbook.net or through Facebook/Twitter. 3) Become a guest writer - Contact us with your idea of an article. We need to make sure that the topic is still not taken by someone else. We don’t want to print out articles with similar content. Deadline of all The published ads are in agreement with our policy: articles is the 30th of each month. If we receive the 1) we are not a dating site/community - write article after that date - your article is going to be run in the next issue. If you decide to send any pictures appropriate ads to have them published! 2) no inmates - we have kids that are members in our with your article, you will need to have the rights to that image and the image needs to be with a minimal community! 3) money requests - such ad will result in your resolution of 800x600. permanent ban from our community. Go to www.sandbook.net and go to the Magazine section. Then simply click “Place an Ad” and you will have to fill out the form that loads on your computer screen. Please remember to give your actual/real email address, as it will be the only connect information that anyone can use to get back in touch with you. l a t e s t What can I do to help with the magazine? t h e How to place an ad in the magazine? c h e c k How to contact us? Log onto www.SandBook.net and click on the Magazine Button. The menu will drop and you will see the form to contact our column. Using the site as a medium your privacy will be protected as the mailing system and the SandbookNet team will forward your messages to us. i t ? Yes! So go ahead and tell all of your penpals and swappers about it. Promote the magazine so we can choose from various penpals and swappers ads. The Again, get in touch with us and let us know the name of the topic that you want to write about. If it is not more, the merrier! already taken, we’d give you the go ahead to write it. We are doing that simply to ensure that we don’t have one and the same stories printed under variation of names. The deadline for all articles is the end The “Subscribe” area on our website collects of the month (Nov 30th, 2010). Any articles submitinformation such as your name/nickname and an ted after the deadline with be either published in the email address. After filling out the form, we will send next issue (December one) or will be left for the one you a notification when the latest issue is released. after it (January 2011 one). It’s done simply to ensure Don’t forget to check your spam folder - our automatic we have enough time to design your pages so that system message may be stuck in there. When you they will have the look that we all will enjoy. Thank find it, just click “not spam” and your notification will you for your understanding. appear in your inbox next time. l i k e w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t RELATIONSHIP Samantha’s thoughts Lost PenPals Birthday Twins PenPal Meetings Penpals & Swappers Ads PenPal of the Month Winners After the holidays.... St.Valentine’s Contest International couples l i k e i t ? c h e c k t h e l a t e s t n e w s a t w w w . s a n d b o o k . n e t NEXT ISSUE Simplicity Embellished PenPalling and Letters Secret Messages Coming out: February 11, 2011 S U T C A T N CO ews! n t s e t la e h t rmed for Sandbook o f in y a t s u o at y om/ h .c t r e e t r it u s w t e / k :/ a p M witter: htt book: T n o s u w o Foll d on Face oknet n ie r f a s a s SBNgroup ndbo Add u / a e s / .m m b o .f .c n k o o / o :/ http://facebr Facebook Group: http /on.fb.me/SBNpage And join ou r Facebook Page: http:/ gspot.com And join ou g at: sandbooknet.blo Book.Net Read our blour website: www.Sand Visit us on o
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